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Umbrello UML Modeller is a Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagram program based on KDE Technology
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UMLViewImageExporter Class Reference

#include <umlviewimageexporter.h>

Collaboration diagram for UMLViewImageExporter:

Public Member Functions

 UMLViewImageExporter (UMLScene *scene)
virtual ~UMLViewImageExporter ()
void exportView ()
KUrl getImageURL () const
QString getImageMimeType () const

Private Member Functions

bool getParametersFromUser ()
bool prepareExport ()
void prepareFileDialog (UMLFileDialog *fileDialog)

Private Attributes

 The scene to export. More...
KUrl m_imageURL
 The URL used to save the image. More...
QString m_imageMimeType
 The mime type used to save the image. More...

Detailed Description

Exports the scene as an image. This class takes care of asking the user the needed parameters and then exports the scene.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ UMLViewImageExporter()

UMLViewImageExporter::UMLViewImageExporter ( UMLScene scene)

Constructor for UMLViewImageExporter.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~UMLViewImageExporter()

UMLViewImageExporter::~UMLViewImageExporter ( )

Destructor for UMLViewImageExporter

Member Function Documentation

◆ exportView()

void UMLViewImageExporter::exportView ( )

Shows a save dialog to the user to get the needed parameters and then exports the view. If the selected file already exists, an overwrite confirmation dialog is shown. If the user doesn't want to overwrite the file, the save dialog is shown again. The dialog remembers values between calls (in the same application instance, although it's not persistent between Umbrello executions).

The status bar shows an information message until the export finishes.

If something went wrong while exporting, an error dialog is shown to the user with the error message explaining the problem that happened.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getImageMimeType()

QString UMLViewImageExporter::getImageMimeType ( ) const

◆ getImageURL()

KUrl UMLViewImageExporter::getImageURL ( ) const

◆ getParametersFromUser()

bool UMLViewImageExporter::getParametersFromUser ( )

Shows a save file dialog to the user to get the parameters used to export the view and updates the attributes with the parameters got.

True if the user wants to save the image, false if the operation is cancelled.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ prepareExport()

bool UMLViewImageExporter::prepareExport ( )

Shows a save file dialog to the user to get the parameters used to export the scene. If the selected file already exists, an overwrite confirmation dialog is shown. If the user doesn't want to overwrite the file, the save dialog is shown again.

True if the user wants to save the image, false if the operation is cancelled.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ prepareFileDialog()

void UMLViewImageExporter::prepareFileDialog ( UMLFileDialog fileDialog)

Prepares the save file dialog. Sets the mime type filter, sensible default values...

fileDialogThe dialog to prepare.
Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_imageMimeType

QString UMLViewImageExporter::m_imageMimeType

The mime type used to save the image.

◆ m_imageURL

KUrl UMLViewImageExporter::m_imageURL

The URL used to save the image.

◆ m_scene

UMLScene* UMLViewImageExporter::m_scene

The scene to export.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: