umbrello 2.34.70-5524f40e1
Umbrello UML Modeller is a Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagram program based on KDE Technology
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ToolBarState Class Reference

#include <toolbarstate.h>

Inheritance diagram for ToolBarState:
Collaboration diagram for ToolBarState:

Public Slots

virtual void slotAssociationRemoved (AssociationWidget *association)
virtual void slotWidgetRemoved (UMLWidget *widget)


void finished ()

Public Member Functions

virtual ~ToolBarState ()
virtual void init ()
virtual void cleanBeforeChange ()
virtual void mousePress (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *ome)
virtual void mouseRelease (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *ome)
virtual void mouseDoubleClick (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *ome)
virtual void mouseMove (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *ome)

Protected Member Functions

 ToolBarState (UMLScene *umlScene)
virtual void setCurrentElement ()
virtual void mousePressAssociation ()
virtual void mousePressWidget ()
virtual void mousePressEmpty ()
virtual void mouseReleaseAssociation ()
virtual void mouseReleaseWidget ()
virtual void mouseReleaseEmpty ()
virtual void mouseDoubleClickAssociation ()
virtual void mouseDoubleClickWidget ()
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEmpty ()
virtual void mouseMoveAssociation ()
virtual void mouseMoveWidget ()
virtual void mouseMoveEmpty ()
virtual void changeTool ()
virtual UMLWidgetcurrentWidget () const
virtual void setCurrentWidget (UMLWidget *widget)
virtual AssociationWidgetcurrentAssociation () const
virtual void setCurrentAssociation (AssociationWidget *association)
void setMouseEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *ome, const QEvent::Type &type)
AssociationWidgetassociationAt (const QPointF &pos)
MessageWidgetmessageAt (const QPointF &pos)
FloatingDashLineWidgetfloatingLineAt (const QPointF &pos)

Protected Attributes

 The UMLScene. More...
QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * m_pMouseEvent
 The mouse event currently in use. More...

Private Attributes

 The widget currently in use, if any. More...
 The association currently in use, if any. More...

Detailed Description

Base class for toolbar states. All toolbar states inherit directly or indirectly from this class. Toolbar states represent tools that work with the diagram (for example, to create widgets, make associations...). All the mouse events received in the diagram are delivered to the toolbar state currently active. The events are handled in the tool and it executes the needed actions.

All the mouse event handlers can be overridden in subclasses. However, the behaviour of the main handlers shouldn't be modified (apart from extend it, that is, call the base implementation before any other actions in the derived method).

In order to handle the events, each main handler has three protected "sub-handlers" named like the main handler with the suffixes "Association", "Widget" and "Empty". The events received in the main handlers are delivered to the suitable handler, depending on if the event happened on an association, on a widget or on an empty space of the diagram. Those methods are the ones to override or extend to specify the behaviour of the toolbar state.

The mouse events received in main handlers are tweaked to use the inverse position. The modified event is saved in m_pMouseEvent. This is the event that must be used everywhere.

The association or widget that will receive the events is set in press event. How they are set can be tweaked in subclasses overriding setCurrentElement(). Once a press event happens, all the mouse events and the release event are sent to the same widget or association. Mouse events are delivered only when mouse tracking is enabled. It is enabled in press event, and disabled in release event. Also, it is disabled in the toolbar state initialization. Additionally, it can be enabled or disabled in other situations by subclasses if needed.

After handling a release event, the tool is changed if needed. Default implementation sets the default tool if the button released was the right button. Subclasses can override this behaviour if needed.

When a toolbar state is selected, method init is called to revert its state to the initial. Subclasses should extend that method as needed. Also, method cleanBeforeChange() is called before changing it to the new tool. Subclasses should extend that method as needed.

Handle, for example, left press, right press, left release, right release and other similar strange combinations?

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~ToolBarState()

ToolBarState::~ToolBarState ( )

Destroys this ToolBarState. Frees m_pMouseEvent.

◆ ToolBarState()

ToolBarState::ToolBarState ( UMLScene umlScene)

Creates a new ToolBarState. UMLScene is set as parent of this QObject, and name is left empty. Protected to avoid classes other than derived to create objects of this class.

umlSceneThe UMLScene to use.
Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ associationAt()

AssociationWidget * ToolBarState::associationAt ( const QPointF &  pos)

Returns the AssociationWidget at the specified position, or null if there is none. If there are more than one association at this point, it returns the first found.

posThe position to get the association.
The AssociationWidget at the specified position, or null if there is none.
Better handling for associations at the same point
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ changeTool()

void ToolBarState::changeTool ( )

Changes the current tool to the default one if the right button was released. It can be overridden in subclasses if needed.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateArrow.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cleanBeforeChange()

void ToolBarState::cleanBeforeChange ( )

Called when the current tool is changed to use another tool. Subclasses can extend, but not override, this method as needed. Default implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateAssociation, ToolBarStateMessages, and ToolBarStateOneWidget.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ currentAssociation()

AssociationWidget * ToolBarState::currentAssociation ( ) const

Returns the association currently in use.

The association currently in use.

◆ currentWidget()

UMLWidget * ToolBarState::currentWidget ( ) const

Returns the widget currently in use.

The widget currently in use.

◆ finished

void ToolBarState::finished ( )

◆ floatingLineAt()

FloatingDashLineWidget * ToolBarState::floatingLineAt ( const QPointF &  pos)

Returns the FloatingDashLineWidget at the specified position, or null if there is none. The floatingdashline is only returned if it is visible.

posThe position to get the floatingLine.
The MessageWidget at the specified position, or null if there is none.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ init()

void ToolBarState::init ( )

Goes back to the initial state. Subclasses can extend, but not override, this method as needed.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateArrow, ToolBarStateAssociation, ToolBarStateMessages, and ToolBarStateOneWidget.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ messageAt()

MessageWidget * ToolBarState::messageAt ( const QPointF &  pos)

Returns the MessageWidget at the specified position, or null if there is none. The message is only returned if it is visible. If there are more than one message at this point, it returns the first found.

posThe position to get the message.
The MessageWidget at the specified position, or null if there is none.
Better handling for messages at the same point
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mouseDoubleClick()

void ToolBarState::mouseDoubleClick ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  ome)

Handler for mouse double click events. The current association or widget is set (if any), and events are delivered to the specific methods, depending on where the cursor was pressed. After delivering the events, the current association or widget is cleaned.

omeThe received event.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mouseDoubleClickAssociation()

void ToolBarState::mouseDoubleClickAssociation ( )

Called when the double click event happened on an association. Default implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateArrow.

◆ mouseDoubleClickEmpty()

void ToolBarState::mouseDoubleClickEmpty ( )

Called when the double click event happened on an empty space. Default implementation cleans the selection.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mouseDoubleClickWidget()

void ToolBarState::mouseDoubleClickWidget ( )

Called when the double click event happened on a widget. Default implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateArrow.

◆ mouseMove()

void ToolBarState::mouseMove ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  ome)

Handler for mouse move events. Events are delivered to the specific methods, depending on where the cursor was pressed. It uses the current widget or association set in press event, if any. Then, the scene is scrolled if needed (if the cursor is moved in any of the 30 pixels width area from left, top, right or bottom sides, and there is more diagram currently not being shown in that direction). This method is only called when mouse tracking is enabled and the mouse is moved.

omeThe received event.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateAssociation, ToolBarStateMessages, and ToolBarStateOneWidget.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mouseMoveAssociation()

void ToolBarState::mouseMoveAssociation ( )

Called when the move event happened when an association is currently available. Default implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateArrow.

◆ mouseMoveEmpty()

void ToolBarState::mouseMoveEmpty ( )

Called when the move event happened when no association nor widget are currently available. Default implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateArrow.

◆ mouseMoveWidget()

void ToolBarState::mouseMoveWidget ( )

Called when the move event happened when a widget is currently available. Default implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateArrow.

◆ mousePress()

void ToolBarState::mousePress ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  ome)

Handler for mouse press events. Mouse tracking is enabled, any pop up menu removed, the position of the cursor set and paste state disabled. Then, the current association or widget are set (if any), and events are delivered to the specific methods, depending on where the cursor was pressed.

omeThe received event.
See also
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mousePressAssociation()

void ToolBarState::mousePressAssociation ( )

Called when the press event happened on an association. Default implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateArrow.

◆ mousePressEmpty()

void ToolBarState::mousePressEmpty ( )

Called when the press event happened on an empty space. Default implementation cleans the selection.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateArrow.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mousePressWidget()

void ToolBarState::mousePressWidget ( )

Called when the press event happened on a widget. Default implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateArrow.

◆ mouseRelease()

void ToolBarState::mouseRelease ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  ome)

Handler for mouse release events. Mouse tracking is disabled and the position of the cursor set. The events are delivered to the specific methods, depending on where the cursor was released, and the current association or widget cleaned. Finally, the current tool is changed if needed.

omeThe received event.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mouseReleaseAssociation()

void ToolBarState::mouseReleaseAssociation ( )

Called when the release event happened on an association. Default implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateArrow, and ToolBarStateAssociation.

◆ mouseReleaseEmpty()

void ToolBarState::mouseReleaseEmpty ( )

Called when the release event happened on an empty space. Default implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateArrow, ToolBarStateAssociation, ToolBarStateMessages, ToolBarStateOther, and ToolBarStateOneWidget.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mouseReleaseWidget()

void ToolBarState::mouseReleaseWidget ( )

Called when the release event happened on a widget. Default implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateArrow, ToolBarStateAssociation, ToolBarStateMessages, and ToolBarStateOneWidget.

◆ setCurrentAssociation()

void ToolBarState::setCurrentAssociation ( AssociationWidget association)

Sets the association currently in use. This method is called in main press events handler just before calling the press event for associations handler. Default implementation is set the specified association, although this behaviour can be overridden in subclasses if needed.

associationThe association to be set.

◆ setCurrentElement()

void ToolBarState::setCurrentElement ( )

Sets the current association or widget. It sets the current element when a press event happened. The element will be used until the next release event. Default implementation first checks for associations, then message widgets and then any other widgets. It can be overridden in subclasses if needed.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateMessages, ToolBarStateOther, and ToolBarStateOneWidget.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setCurrentWidget()

void ToolBarState::setCurrentWidget ( UMLWidget widget)

Sets the widget currently in use. This method is called in main press events handler just before calling the press event for widgets handler. Default implementation is set the specified widget, although this behaviour can be overridden in subclasses if needed.

widgetThe widget to be set.

Reimplemented in ToolBarStateArrow.

◆ setMouseEvent()

void ToolBarState::setMouseEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  ome,
const QEvent::Type &  type 

Sets m_pMouseEvent as the equivalent of the received event after transforming it using the inverse world matrix in the UMLScene. This method is called at the beginning of the main event handler methods.

omeThe mouse event to transform.
typeThe type of the event.

◆ slotAssociationRemoved

void ToolBarState::slotAssociationRemoved ( AssociationWidget association)

An association was removed from the UMLScene. If the association removed was the current association, the current association is set to 0. It can be extended in subclasses if needed.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ slotWidgetRemoved

void ToolBarState::slotWidgetRemoved ( UMLWidget widget)

A widget was removed from the UMLScene. If the widget removed was the current widget, the current widget is set to 0. It can be extended in subclasses if needed.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_currentAssociation

AssociationWidget* ToolBarState::m_currentAssociation

The association currently in use, if any.

◆ m_currentWidget

UMLWidget* ToolBarState::m_currentWidget

The widget currently in use, if any.

◆ m_pMouseEvent

QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* ToolBarState::m_pMouseEvent

The mouse event currently in use.

◆ m_pUMLScene

UMLScene* ToolBarState::m_pUMLScene

The UMLScene.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: