umbrello 2.34.70-5524f40e1
Umbrello UML Modeller is a Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagram program based on KDE Technology
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DocWindow Class Reference

#include <docwindow.h>

Inheritance diagram for DocWindow:
Collaboration diagram for DocWindow:

Public Slots

void slotAssociationRemoved (AssociationWidget *association)
void slotWidgetRemoved (UMLWidget *widget)

Public Member Functions

 DocWindow (UMLDoc *doc, QWidget *parent=0)
 ~DocWindow ()
void showDocumentation (UMLObject *object, bool overwrite=false)
void showDocumentation (UMLScene *scene, bool overwrite=false)
void showDocumentation (UMLWidget *widget, bool overwrite=false)
void showDocumentation (AssociationWidget *widget, bool overwrite=false)
void updateDocumentation (bool clear=false, bool startup=false)
void reset ()
bool isTyping () const
void setFocus ()

Private Types

enum  ShowingType {
  st_Project , st_UMLScene , st_UMLObject , st_UMLWidget ,

Private Slots

void slotTextChanged ()
void slotFocusEnabledChanged (int state)

Private Member Functions

bool isModified () const
QLabel * createPixmapLabel ()
void updateLabel (const QString &name=QString())
void toForeground ()

Private Attributes

 The UMLObject we are going to show documentation. More...
 The UMLScene we are going to show documentation. More...
 The Project we are going to show documentation. More...
 The UMLWidget we are going to show documentation. More...
 The association we are going to show documentation. More...
ShowingType m_Showing
 Which type of documentation we are showing. More...
QLabel * m_typeLabel
 label for type icon More...
QLabel * m_nameLabel
 label for name text More...
 label for modified flag icon More...
KTextEdit * m_docTE
 documentation widget More...
bool m_focusEnabled

Detailed Description

Paul Hensgen Bugs and comments to or

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ShowingType

enum DocWindow::ShowingType

Used internally to know which type of object we are showing documentation for.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DocWindow()

DocWindow::DocWindow ( UMLDoc doc,
QWidget *  parent = 0 


Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~DocWindow()

DocWindow::~DocWindow ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ createPixmapLabel()

QLabel * DocWindow::createPixmapLabel ( )

Creates a QLabel used with a pixmap.

the just created QLabel

◆ isModified()

bool DocWindow::isModified ( ) const

Checks if the user is typing in the documentation edit window.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isTyping()

bool DocWindow::isTyping ( ) const

Checks if the user is typing in the documentation edit window.

◆ reset()

void DocWindow::reset ( )

Re-initializes the class for a new document.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setFocus()

void DocWindow::setFocus ( )

◆ showDocumentation() [1/4]

void DocWindow::showDocumentation ( AssociationWidget widget,
bool  overwrite = false 

This method is the same as the one for UMLObjects except it displays documentation for an association instance (AssociationWidget).

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ showDocumentation() [2/4]

void DocWindow::showDocumentation ( UMLObject object,
bool  overwrite = false 

Called when a widget wishes to display its documentation in the doc window. If there was already documentation there, that will be updated before being removed from the view.

Also call this function if you update the documentation in another place, such as a properties dialog. Just set overwrite to true.

Overwrite is used when you believe that the documentation window is already displaying documentation for the widget you wish to display. Overwrite just determines whose version is more up to date.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ showDocumentation() [3/4]

void DocWindow::showDocumentation ( UMLScene scene,
bool  overwrite = false 

This method is the same as the one for UMLObjects except it displays documentation for a diagram.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ showDocumentation() [4/4]

void DocWindow::showDocumentation ( UMLWidget widget,
bool  overwrite = false 

This method is the same as the one for UMLObjects except it displays documentation for an object instance (StateWidget/ ObjectWidget).

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ slotAssociationRemoved

void DocWindow::slotAssociationRemoved ( AssociationWidget association)

An association was removed from the UMLScene. If the association removed was the association whose documentation is being shown, m_pAssocWidget is set to 0.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ slotFocusEnabledChanged

void DocWindow::slotFocusEnabledChanged ( int  status)

Set state of focus enabled support.

◆ slotTextChanged

void DocWindow::slotTextChanged ( )

text from the edit field has been changed

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ slotWidgetRemoved

void DocWindow::slotWidgetRemoved ( UMLWidget widget)

A widget was removed from the UMLScene. If the association removed was the association which documentation is being shown, m_pUMLWidget is set to 0.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toForeground()

void DocWindow::toForeground ( )

Bring doc window to foreground if it is tabbed with other dock widgets.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ updateDocumentation()

void DocWindow::updateDocumentation ( bool  clear = false,
bool  startup = false 

Call when you wish move changes in the doc window back into the members documentation.

If clear is true the doc window will display the documentation for the current project instead of the widget documentation.

This is usually called before displaying a properties dialog.

clearIf true, show the documentation of current project
startupIf true, no setModified(true) calls will be done and nothing is pushed to the undo stack
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ updateLabel()

void DocWindow::updateLabel ( const QString &  name = QString())

Updates the info label with the current state. If the given name is empty only the modified icon is set.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_docTE

KTextEdit* DocWindow::m_docTE

documentation widget

◆ m_focusEnabled

bool DocWindow::m_focusEnabled

◆ m_modifiedWidget

ModifiedWidget* DocWindow::m_modifiedWidget

label for modified flag icon

◆ m_nameLabel

QLabel* DocWindow::m_nameLabel

label for name text

◆ m_pAssocWidget

AssociationWidget* DocWindow::m_pAssocWidget

The association we are going to show documentation.

◆ m_pUMLDoc

UMLDoc* DocWindow::m_pUMLDoc

The Project we are going to show documentation.

◆ m_pUMLObject

UMLObject* DocWindow::m_pUMLObject

The UMLObject we are going to show documentation.

◆ m_pUMLScene

UMLScene* DocWindow::m_pUMLScene

The UMLScene we are going to show documentation.

◆ m_pUMLWidget

UMLWidget* DocWindow::m_pUMLWidget

The UMLWidget we are going to show documentation.

◆ m_Showing

ShowingType DocWindow::m_Showing

Which type of documentation we are showing.

◆ m_typeLabel

QLabel* DocWindow::m_typeLabel

label for type icon

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: