Member of The New England Historic Genealogical Society
Vol. I.
D e d i c a t e d
in affectionate remembrance
to the
Misses Mary and Nancy Kellogg
Great Barrington, Massachusetts
The sweetness of their dispositions endeared them to me in my boyhood
and added years have ripened my admiration into a
deep appreciation of their many
sterling qualities
The genesis of this Genealogy may be found in the publication by Hon. Day
Otis Kellogg, in 1858 and 1860, of his articles in the New England Historical and
Genealogical Register, and reprinted in pamphlet form. These, with an article
in Volume 46 of the Register, by Mr. J. H. Perrin; a pamphlet by Mr. Abraham
Lincoln Kellogg, both in the line of Samuel of Hatfield; some notes by Rev.
Justin Perkins Kellogg, in the line of Stephen, and the Clarke-Kellogg-Nash
Genealogy published by Albert Clark in 1877, in the line of Daniel of Norwalk,
comprise the bibliography of the subject, and frequent mention of the name is also
found in many genealogies.
In 1866 Hon. Day Otis Kellogg transferred his MSS. to Mr. William Wallace
Kellogg, of Lynn, now of Newtonville, Mass., who added to it, and in 1873 gave,
in turn, his data to Mr. Rufus Bela Kellogg, then of Oakland, Cal., and afterward
of Green Bay, Wis., who made the first effort to collect the records of the family
as a whole, and he devoted years of conscientious toil to the gathering of valuable
and extensive records. Mr. Kellogg died suddenly in 1891, leaving his work
incomplete, and shortly afterward these records came into my hands and
have been of incalculable assistance to me. The family owes Mr. Kellogg a debt
of gratitude for his painstaking and faithful labor, and the work would have
been published by him years ago had he survived. It is perhaps a fitting coincidence,
since Mr. Kellogg commenced his genealogical activity in California, that
the finished work should, after many years, first see the light of publicity on the
shores of the Golden Gate.
My presentation of the subject carries with it no claim to special qualification
for the task undertaken. I have, as indicated in the title, simply attempted to
give an account of the Kellogg family in America, in all of its branches, and to
trace it to its transatlantic home.
A family history has been aptly described as "a special type of narrative
which lies between general history, which deals with public events, and an individual
biography, which gives a complete picture of a single conspicuous life."
Although no effort has been spared to make this Genealogy complete, an endeavor
has been made to keep within this limitation of the subject, but at best it is only
an inadequate record of a sturdy race of men and women who underwent the trials
and privations of the pioneer days of our country, and who have taken an intelligent
interest in its welfare.
When a child in New England, I was blessed with the loving care of two
elderly maiden Kellogg great aunts, the very "salt of the earth," who told me
many tales concerning the family history ; and when I reached man's estate, dominated
perhaps by some subtle psychological influence connected with my childhood,
none but a Kellogg descendant would suit me as a helpmate through life.
This accounts for my gathering for preservation the records of the family, but I
am free to confess that, had I had any conception of the magnitude of the task, I
should have faltered.
It is an established principle that, to interest others, one must himself be
interested, and this is true as far as my labor has been concerned, for the compilation
of a genealogy is fascinating, as all who have been engaged in it will
A few years ago I had an old man bore a well for me who would have made
an excellent genealogist. He had toiled at his business for nearly fifty years, but
was as much interested in each auger full of soil brought from below as if it had
been his first, for, as he told me, he "never knew Just what would be found in the
next spoonful of borings." The simile may be a poor one, but the spirit of expectancy
is the same in both pursuits.
Nevertheless, mere enthusiasm on the part of the compiler will not produce a
genealogy. He needs the assistance and encouragement of the family whose record
he tabulates. I have had this support, and I desire to place on record my
thanks to the members of the Kellogg family, individually and collectively, for
the courtesies extended to me by them in the preparation of this work.
I have essayed to give all obtainable details in the earlier generations and to
condense as far as possible in the later ones, in the belief that, in the face of the
imperative need of keeping the Genealogy within reasonable bounds, the living
generations of the family would prefer to hear less of themselves and more of their
There is enough in the volumes, however, to furnish ample opportunities for
conversation to those of the Kellogg kin who may be good talkers on a variety of
subjects, but who never really become enthusiastic until they talk of their family
and their connections. Their discourse, too, may include many parts of the world
for the family is widespread and there has seemingly been a tendency to keep
abreast with movements of emigration.
This migratory habit has added to the labor of compilation, and has made it
difficult and sometimes impossible to secure data concerning some of the families,
although I had supposed until the Genealogy was nearly finished that all Kelloggs
in America were of the same stock and were descendants of the three sons of
Martin of Braintree. While this holds true for most of the name, I find that the
past fifty years has brought other Kelloggs from the Old World whose ancestry is
untraced, and in some instances the name has been assumed. I have placed the
incomplete "sections" at the end of the work, in the hope that some descendant,
more fortunate than I have been, will be able to supply the links which will connect
them with their proper lines of descent.
I have often been asked as to the heraldic rights of the Kelloggs. Not all
ancient highways lead to moated castles, with coats of arms emblazoned over their
drawbridges, or to palaces rich in historical association. The same is doubly true
of lines of genealogical descent, and it is said that only seven families in all of
Great Britain can, with certainty, trace their descent back in a direct line to the
time of William the Conqueror. As far as I can ascertain, the Kelloggs have no
coat of arms, for, though theirs has been a well-beaten path, nearly four centuries
in length, it has seemingly avoided the more pretentious thoroughfares, and sought
the quieter course through green fields, and by the river side, to the door of the
farmer's vine-clad cottage. Honorable as they are, heraldic devices are not the
only marks of family worth, and the Kelloggs may well be proud of at least two
of the family's strong characteristics which entitle it to distinction — its patriotism
and its remarkable freedom from crime. There has never been a war of our
country, from its infancy to the present day, in which Kelloggs have not borne an
honorable part. With its men self-reliant, self-respecting and law-abiding, and
its women conspicuous for all the womanly virtues, can we fail to be proud of our
connection with the family ?
I must congratulate the family upon the discovery of the will of Martin
Kellogg of Braintree, which proved the transatlantic line of descent. This connection
had been vainly sought for many years previous to 1899, when Mr. Francis
Henry Fuller, of Boston, Mass., visited England to continue the search. Through
Mr. Fuller's assiduity and good fortune, the matter has been definitely settled,
and we are enabled to follow the family tree until "its roots disappear in the
depths of past centuries."
The Genealogy contains the records of nearly five thousand families with
more than twenty-two thousand descendants. Persistent effort has been made
to collect the facts set forth in their history. Town and church records, histories,
genealogies and other sources of information have been freely consulted, and
every Kellogg whose address was known, or could be obtained, was written to
unless the record had already been secured. Errors will unavoidably creep into a
work of this kind, but it is my hope that the Genealogy, as a whole, may favorably
commend itself to the Kellogg family.
T. H.
San Francisco, January, 1903.
Kelloggs in the Old World 1
Kelloggs in the New World 17
Appendix I 1743
Appendix II 1801
Appendix III 1802
Appendix IV 1811
Appendix V 1815
Index to Persons and Places Vol. Ill
Facsimile of Martin Kellogg's Will Frontispiece Vol. I
Facsimile of Nicholas Kellogg's Will Frontispiece Vol. II
Ancient Map of Essex County, England Frontispiece Vol. Ill
St. Mary and All Saints' Church, Debden, England.
Interior of St. Mary and All Saints' Church, Debden, England.
St. Mary's Church, Great Leighs, England.
Interior of St. Mary's Church, Great Leighs, England.
St. Michael's Church, Braintree, England.
St. Michael's Church, Bishop's Stortford, Englant).
Martin Kellogg's House, Hoppet Lane, Braintree, England.
Map of Braintree, England.
Facsimile of Letter of Martin Kellogg, of Bronson, Ohio. . . .Facing 1752
b. |
born |
p. |
page |
bap. |
baptized |
reg., reg't |
regiment |
Co. |
Company, County |
rem. |
removed |
d. |
died |
res. |
reside, resides, resided |
dau. |
daughter |
unm. |
unmarried |
m. |
married |
Other abbreviations may be readily understood.
The superior figure following a name indicates the generation of that person.
In the family records each child is given a number. Those named Kellogg
are printed in small capitals, and those of Kellogg ancestry who bear other
names are printed in italics. The + preceding a number indicates that the record
of that person's family may be found in the following generation with the same
number preceding the name.
The Kellogg Harvester Co.
A Great Enterprise
C A new corporation organized to co-operate
with the dealer and farmer. : :
C A unique undertaking which promises to
become a powerful factor in the agricultural
implement world. : : : :
H Dealer and farmer to become shareholders
in the stock of company and to participate
in the profits in which they are so
important a factor in producing. : :
"Lo, these large ancestors have left a trace
Of their strong souls in mine, defying Death and Time."
H. H. Boyesen.
There have been numerous books written on the origin of names, and they all
possess interest to those of us who like to trace things to their source. An examination
of almost any extensive list shows a bewildering array of surnames in use
at the present time. One cannot but help sympathizing with the simple-minded
old lady who was at a loss to account for the great number of Smiths in the world,
until one day her mystery was solved, when she discovered an immense building
almost covered with a huge sign reading "Smith Manufacturing Company." This
story may be more interesting than historical, but her solution of the problem of
derivation was a simple, and seemingly, the only plausible one, not only for the
Smiths, but also for many of the varieties of curious nomenclature in evidence
around us.
We are told that the giving of names dates from the development of civilization
in the Middle Ages and the rise of the Christian religion. The zeal of the
converts could not be more fully expressed than by dropping their Pagan names
and substituting Scriptural ones in keeping with the new faith. These "Christian
names," as they were then and are still called, were universally adopted with the
spread of the new religion, and as apostates were many, and names few, confusion
followed as a result of similar personal names.
Imagine the condition in Poland, where, in 1367, the King and his people
were converted to Christianity. The mass of the people were formed into companies
and baptized by the priests, "a whole company at a time," giving the same
name to all the individuals composing that company. In the first company all the
2 The Kelloggs in the Old World.
men were designated Peter, and all the women Catherine; in the second all became
Pauls and Margarets. This was indeed making names on a wholesale basis,
and no wonder that there came into use distinguishing or "nick names" to segregate
the individual from the other bearers of the same name. That some of these
names should finally grow into hereditary or family names naturally follows.
Thus, Peter the small, perhaps so called to distinguish him from a Peter the long,
would become Peter Small and his neighbor or relative, Peter Long.
These steps in name evolution took place in Britain as well as on the Continent,
and the first surnames or family names in England date from about the
time of the Conquest (A. D. 1086).
Since all names were originally significant, although their meaning may have
been forgotten in time, it is easy to account for such names as may have been
identified with trades, professions, residence, etc., and for the derivation of Kellogg
we would first look for some reason which would have caused the adoption
of the name by its first bearer.
Here arises the difficulty of determining the first form of the name, and its
many variations may be illustrated by the following examples from the records in
Old and New England : Kellog, Kelhogge, Kyllyogge, Kellyogge, Kellogg, Kellogge,
Kelogge, Kellok, Kelhoge, Cologe, Kellhogg, Kellork, Kellodge, Cellodge,
Kellogue, Kellock, Killhog, Kilhog, Collidge, Calaug, Colloge, Cellog, Keelogg.
We first find the Kelloggs in towns with Saxon names, and if they were
Saxon, we have as a possible derivative, Keilhau, the German name of the miner's
pickaxe, which is still in existence in Germany, Denmark and Norway.
According to family tradition, however, Great Britain was the original home
of the family and there are a number of legends to that effect. The most general
of these is that advanced by Hon. Day Otis Kellogg, formerly United States Consul
at Glasgow, Scotland, one of the earliest collectors of Kellogg data ( See N. E.
Hist. Gen. Keg., 1858, Genealogical Items of the Kellogg Family, 88). He relates
the tradition that the Kelloggs were partisans of James VI, of Scotland, and
came with him to England (when he ascended the throne of Great Britain as
James I), and remained there until their settlement in New England. He suggested
that the name was derived from two Gaelic words "Kill," a cemetery, and
"Loch," a lake — that is, the "Family of the Lake Cemetery" ; and, as a result of
his statement, the belief that the family is of Scottish origin is now widespread.
While Kellock and Kellick in England, Ceilog or Cuilog in Wales, Kello and
Kellowe* in England and Scotland are not imusual, a diligent search of the pubHe
records, in Great Britain, fails to reveal the name of Kellock or Kalloch as
early as that of Kellogg, which appears in the Lay Subsidies** for Debden, Essex
County, in 1525 (although Nicholas Keylogg was a witness to the will of William
Hall, of Debden, in 1515), when Nicholas and William Kellog, of Debden, were
taxed and where the name is found in the parish registers from 1558 to 1640.
Keylogg, the earliest form of the name in England, is suggestive. A "log" in
olden times was a kind of hobble for hindering livestock from straying, and "Keylogg"
would indicate a maker of keys for "logs" or hobbles, or possibly of manacles
The Kelloggs in the Old World. 3
for prisoners — in other words a locksmith. Thus we find a Kellogg (born before
the discovery of America) living in England more than fifty years before the
birth of James VI.*
The Kellogg believers in the theory of Welsh descent do not lack for a picturesque
legend upon which to base their faith. It is said that "in ancient times,
after a severe storm at sea, there was a foundling taken from the keel of a wrecked
vessel off the coast of Wales. He spoke a language the Welsh people did not understand,
but they brought him up and named him 'Keellogg-' from the situation
he was in when rescued." Curiously enough there is an old Dutch or Flemish
name, Keylooghe, which signifies the eye in the keel of a boat. In this connection,
the eminent Dutch archivist, ilons. M. G. Wildman, considers that Kellogg
has probably degenerated from Keynoughe, an ancient Flemish family whose coat
of arms in 1353 shows a rooster as part of its armorial bearings. In all Celtic
languages C is pronounced hard as K. In Wales, a rooster is called Ceilyog or
Ceiliog, i. e. Keilog, which comes so remarkably near the present sound of the
name that one of my valued correspondents wrote me some time since "that the
Kelloggs are Cocks of the Walk in Wales."
Essex County, the earliest home of the Kelloggs, so far as at present traced,
is tenth in size of the English counties, and its position in the southeastern comer
and its nearness to London have given it no small prominence in the general history
of England.
Its surface is generally of a gently undulating character, and, after ages of
cultivation, it still holds its ancient reputation for fertility.
Essex was rich in its monastic foundations, and was a storm center for the
religious activity- of the Puritans, many of whom emigrated from within its borders
to the shores of the newer and broader England.
Colchester, Danbury, Hatfield, Stratford and Wethersfield are Essex towns
whose names were transplanted by these colonists to their New England homes.
The Kelloggs, therefore, are first found in good Puritan surroundings.
Debden, where the records first show the name, lies about forty miles north of
London, sixteen miles south of Cambridge, and three miles east of Newport, its
nearest railway station. Saffron Walden is about four miles from Debden, and
Manuden is about the same distance from either Debden or Bishop's Stortford.
By referring to the copy of an old eighteenth century map (see insert), it
will be seen that it is but a short distance from Debden and vicinity to Bocking,
Great Leighs and Braintree ; in fact, a radius of less than thirty miles would include
all of the early Essex homes of the Kelloggs, and it would not seem improbable
that they were all of the same family.
In the Lay Subsidy Returns for Debden in the Hundred of Uttlesford,
County Essex, 28 January, 1525,** Nicholas Keilog, of Debden, is taxed on
movables valued at 40 shillings, and William Keilog on movables valued at 60
shillings; 1543, Nicholas Kelhogge was taxed on his goods, 6s., Sd. ; March,
4 The Kelloggs in the Old World.
1545, Nicholas Kyllyogge gave 12s. as beuevoleuce ; April, 1547, Nicholas Kellogge
was taxed on his goods, 10s. ; 1 March, 1557, William Kellogg was taxed
on lands valued at 40s.
Debden, in which we find these our earliest Kelloggs, must have been a beautiful
spot, Judging from its description in an old history of Essex County.* It
lies on the west side of Wimbish, and is bounded on the southwest by Widdington
and Newport ; upon the north by Walden, from which town it is about four miles
distant; it is about three miles wide and about four miles long. "It is named
from its situation, from the two Saxon words Deop, signifying deep, and Den, a
valley ; a great part of it lying very low ; notwithstanding which it is so agreeably
interspersed with rising grounds as to render it a very pleasant and healthy
situation ; the inhabitants are supported by husbandry and spinning."
"The Manor of Depden Hall hath an elegant and commodious mansion a
little way north of the church, about midway of a pretty large hill; upon its east
side lies the village of Depden between which and the house is a small grove of
stately trees. In the front is a fine piece of water and a delightful view of the
country; on the other sides are a variety of prospects, plantations, gardens, etc.,
which conspire to add to the beauty of the situation. The church stands about a
quarter of a mile from the village upon the declivity of a hill which affords a
pleasing prospect; both church and chancel are partly of brick and partly of
stone, leaded. The former hath two aysles, the latter of one pace only. This
church was built cathedral wise with the tower in the middle; but which by
length of time being decayed fell down and demolished a great part of the chancel
which hath been repaired; but the tower hath not been rebuilt." This manor
was seized by King Henry II in 1155 ; was granted by him to his son. King John,
through whom it was granted to the Earl of Essex. It came back to the Crown
as part of the dowry of Mary Bohun, wife of Henry IV, and remained its property
through the reigns of Henry V, Henry VI, Edward IV and Henry VIII, who
granted it to his favorite Lord Audley.
Great Leighs is one of two contiguous parishes about seven miles north north-east
of Chelmsford, five miles south of Braintree, and about thirty-five miles from
London. The name is from the Saxon word Leze, Leaz or Leah, a pasture or unfilled
ground, a condition in which it undoubtedly was when first named. In
Domesday Book, A. D. 1086, it is written Lega or Legra, and, in old deeds, Leghs,
Lighs and Lees. The entries in Domesday of Leza and Legra are not distinct,
from which it may be inferred that the parishes were not separated. Groat Leighs
contains about two thousand acres. There are varieties of soil in this district
with a very considerable portion of waste ground. The owners of those possessions
in the Saxon times were Edric, Ansgar or Esgar, Scalpin, Godric and Ulmar,
and at the time of the General Survey they belonged to Eudo Dapifer, Godfrey de
Mandeville, and Eudo, Bishop of Baylux.
The Kelloggs in the Old World. 5
The church, by its form and materials, appears as old as the Saxon era; it
has a round tower, of flint and stones, at the west end, above which rises a tall
octagon steeple, containing five bells. The door at the west end has a handsome
semi-circular arch, with chevron mouldings. The chancel seems to have been
built since the body and nave, and the walls of the whole building are of great
thickness, but weak in appearance, and are supported by massive buttresses. The
churchyard is very spacious.
The parish of Braintree, on the River Stour, in the County of Essex, England,
one of the early homes of the Kelloggs, is about forty miles northeast from
London, fifteen from Colchester, with which place it is connected by the old
Roman road (built in the fifth century of the Christian era) from St. Albans to
Colchester. Chelmsford, where Rev. Thomas Hooker, the first minister of Hartford,
Conn., was assistant minister until silenced for nonconformity, is about
eleven miles south, while Bocking, the home of several of the first settlers of Hartford
as well as the parish in which Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, the first minister of
Ipswich, Mass., was assistant minister, is separated from Braintree by the width
of a street. The following description of Braintree is taken from a history of
Essex published in Chelmsford, 1769 : "The name of this place in ancient records
is variously written, as Blanketre, Brancketrew, Branketric, Braintree, etc.
At the time of the General Survey, it was distinguished by the names Raines and
Brancketrew ; the first of which is made up of the Saxon word Rey which signifies
a river; the latter is composed of the Old English word bank which signifies a
rising ground and the word tre, a town, that is a town upon a hill, which derivations
agree well with its situation, it being bounded on each side by a river and on
rising ground. In Domesday Book, all that tract of ground of which this parish
and that now called Raines, were entered under the name of Raines, but about the
reign of Henry III this town was made a distinct parish and called Great Raine
to distinguish it from another, which from that time took the name of Little
Raine; and Branktree was then styled Hamlettum de Raines, till, in process of
time, growing great and a market being kept there, the name of the whole insensibly
stole into Braintree. It is a great thoroughfare from London into Suffolk
and Norfolk. Bury and Sudbury stage coaches pass daily through it. The
principal manufacture is long baize chiefly exported to Spain and Portugal and
v,-hich employs many hands. Here is a market every Wednesday well supplied
with all kinds of necessaries and at which great quantities of com, malt, hops,
etc., are sold by sample. The buildings are mostly old and of timber; but somewhat
improved of late by a few new ones of brick and plaster.
The parish of Braintree is not very large; the soil is various; a few hops
are grown in it; the River Stour waters this parish over which are three brick
bridges; one on the road to Witham; another on the road to Chelmsford, and a
third is that to Dunmow, all of which are supported at the expense of this parish."
The following extracts from registers of Essex parishes are inserted for the
purpose of showing emigration of the Kelloggs, hoping that they will be of service
to some future investigator of the English branch :
1538. |
Augustinius Kellhogg, natus 18 Oct. |
Nicholas Kellhogg, senior, sepultus 17 May. |
Marie Kellhogg, senior, sepultus 23 Sept. |
6 The Kelloggs in the Old World.
1559. |
Henricus Kellhogg, natus 1 Jan. |
Nicholaus Kellogg, natus 25 Apr. |
Henricus Kellhogg, sepultus 23 Jan. |
Henricus Kellhogg, sepultus 23 Jan. |
Willus Reeve, servant of Roberti Kellhogg, sepultus 20 July. |
Nicholas Kellhogg, sepultus 30 Aug. |
1560. |
Marie Kellhogg, natus 20 Oct. |
1562. |
Jacohus Kellhogg (alias Balsam), natus 29 July. |
1563. |
Robtus Kellhogg, natus 17 Jan. |
1563. |
Johannis Kellhogg, natus 10 Oct. |
Registers from 1564-70, inclusive, illegible. |
1571. |
Thomas Kellhogg, natus 15 July. |
Radalphus Kellhogg, sepultus 21 June. |
Kellhogg uxor Johannis, sepultus 22 July. |
Florentia Kellhogg, sepultus 8 Nov. |
1573. |
Johannis Kellhogg and Alicia Coward, married 17 May. (Kupti.) |
1574. |
Letticia Kellhogg filia Jacobus, natus 5 Apr. |
1577. |
1577. Bernaby Kellhogg, natus 25 Feb. |
1578. |
Willus kellhogg, sepultus 2 Feb. |
1587. |
Alicia Kellhogg, vidua sepultus 28 Oct. |
1593. |
Dorthea Kellhogg, bap. 30 Apr. |
1594. |
Marie Kellhogg, sepultus 2 Oct. |
1605. |
Elizabeth Kellhogg, sepultus 3 Feb. |
1606. |
Jacobus Kellhogg, sepultus 8 Sept. |
1635. |
Prudentia Kellhogg, sepultus 13 Mar. |
Prudentia and Augustinius Kellhogg, sepultus 14 Mar. |
1640. |
Austin Kellhogg, sepultus 16 Nov. |
Extracts from Registers of Manuden, 1551-1730. |
1598. |
Ralph Kellog and Mary* Rowle (?) m. 24 Sept. |
1599. |
Ann, dau. of Ralph, bap. 29 July. |
1601. |
Mary, dau, of Ralph Kellog, bap. 12 July. |
1604. |
John, son of Ralph Kellog, bap. 20 Mar. |
1607. |
Grace (?), dau. of Ralph Kellog, bap. 11 Dec. |
1616. |
Ralph, son of Ralph Kellog, bap. 14 July. |
1634. |
William Speriall and Mary Kellog, m. 20 June. |
1629. |
John Kellog and Annis Koy, m. 28 Nov. |
1630. |
John, son of John and Annis Kellog, bap. 31 Nov. |
1633. |
John Kellog,** buried 24 Dec. |
1635. |
Jonas Bull and Mary Kellog, widow, m. 30 Nov. |
1641. |
Ralph Kellork*** and Anna Thurgood, m. 12 Oct. |
The Kelloggs in the Old World. 7
1644. |
Ralph Kellogg's wife was buried 23 Jan. |
1655. |
John Kellogg was buried 14 June. |
Extracts from the Parish Register of Braintree, Essex. The Register commences
in 1660; the earlier volume is lost.
14 Dec., 1669. |
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Kallogg. |
21 June, 1670. |
Elizabeth, dau. of Nathaniel Kelhogg. |
24 Dec, 1671. |
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Kelhogg. |
2 Nov., 1676. |
Henry, son of Martin Kellog. |
3 Dec, 1678. |
Elizabeth, dau. of Martin and Elizabeth Kellogg. |
14 June, 1680. |
Elizabeth, dau. of Martin and Elizabeth Kellogg. |
2 Nov., 1682. |
Lidea, Sarah, Elizabeth and Rachel, children of Nathaniel and Lidea Celog, bap. |
9 Nov., 1682. |
Martin, son of Martin and Elizabeth Kellogg. |
23 July, 1684. |
Joseph, son of Martin and Elizabeth Callog. |
16 Apr., 1690. |
Hannah, dau. of Nathaniel and Lydea Keelogg. |
28 Feb., 1692-93. |
Martha, dau. of Nathaniel and Lidea Cellogg. |
10 Sept., 1704. |
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Mary Kellogg. |
13 Mar., 1722-23. |
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Kellogg. |
25 Nov., 1724. |
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Anne Kellogg. |
4 Feb., 1727-28. |
Anne, dau. of Nathaniel Kellogg. |
4 Feb., 1749-50. |
Anne, dau. of Nathaniel and Anne Kelhogg, b. on previous 5 Jan. |
1 Sept., 1751. |
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Anne Kellogg, b. on the previous 3 Aug. |
14 Apr., 1691. |
Lambard Lavey, bachelor, to Elizabeth Kellog, spinster, both of Braintree. |
23 Dec, 1718. |
Mary Kellog, spinster, of Braintree, to William Wood, bachelor, of Hatfield. |
10 Oct., 1661. |
Anne, dau. of John Kellog, of Black Notley. * |
18 Jan., 1666-67. |
Robert Kelluck. |
11 Aug., 1671. |
Martin Kellodge, the elder. |
7 Sept., 1679. |
Elizabeth, dau. of Martin Kellog. |
8 Oct., 1680. |
Henry, son of Martin Kellog, weaver. |
7 Jan., 1682-83. |
Rachel, dau. of Nathaniel Collog. |
29 Jan., 1685-86. |
Martin Collogg, "an honest man." |
18 Apr., 1686. |
A still-born child of Widow Callog. |
6 Mar., 1686-87. |
Elizabeth, child of Widow Kellog. |
16 Mar., 1690 (probably 1691). |
Hannah, dau. of Nathaniel Kellog. |
21 May, 1693. |
The child of Nathaniel Kellogg, weaver. |
8 The Kelloggs in the Old World.
26 Feb., 1701-02. |
The wife of Nathaniel Kellog, weaver. |
4 Mar., 1701-02. |
Nathaniel Kellog, weaver. |
17 Sept., 1705. |
Martin Kellog, Junior, weaver. |
17 Apr., 1706. |
Mary, wife of Nathaniel Kellog, weaver. |
18 June, 1721. |
Nathaniel Kellog, Senior. |
12 May, 1723. |
John Kellog. |
30 Mar., 1728. |
Joseph Kellog. |
25 Dec, 1728. |
Anne, dau. of Nathaniel Kellog. |
31 Aug., 1729. |
Anne, wife of Nathaniel Kellog, Junior. |
13 Dec., 1734. |
Nathaniel Kellog. |
19 Nov., 1742. |
Nathaniel Keluck. |
17 Feb., 1747-48. |
Rachel Kellock. |
13 Dec, 1748. |
Anne Kellog. |
19 Oct., 1750. |
Nathaniel Kellock. |
NICHOLAS, the first Kellogg whose name is found in the public records of England, was born about 1488, as is shown in his deposition in 1548 ; (page 10) ; m. Florence Hall, dau. of William Hall, of Debden, Essex Co., England.
He was buried in Debden, 17 May, 1558.
She was buried there, 8 Nov., 1571.
Where he came from, or if his ancestors had lived for many generations in Essex Co., is not known. He was in Debden, and was a witness to the will of William Hall* (whose daughter he married), 4 Oct., 1515.
In 1525 he and William Kellogg were taxed in the earliest Subsidy Returns for Debden now found. From this time until his death in 1558, his name appears at various times in the tax rolls. The names of all of his children are not known as he did not mention them in his will, and the earliest entries in the parish register are in the year of his death. The Manorial Court Rolls indicate that he had at least two sons, William and Thomas. From the frequency of the name in the registers of Debden, it would seem to have been the home of several Kellogg families, and the similarity of Christian names of Kelloggs in neighboring parishes a generation later, indicates that all were descended from the Debden family.
The descent of property from William Hall to the son and great grandson of Nicholas Kellogg may be traced by the wills of William and Alice Kellogg and the rolls of the Manorial Court of Debden.
9 The Kelloggs in the New World.
William, eldest son, b. ______; m. Alice _______. He was buried in Saffron Walden, 2 Feb., 1578. She was buried 25 Oct., 1587. He owned a farm in Saffron Walden called "The Roose." In the Manorial Court of Debden, 12 May, 1576, "It was presented that William Hall, many years ago, surrendered to the Queen by the hands of Thomas Borley, a tenant, in the presence of John Biston and John Salmon, a tenement called Coches, otherwise Hubberds, as appeared by the rool of the court for 7 Henry VIII (A. D. 1515), to the use of Florence, his daughter, and William Kellogge and the heirs of the same William which same William is kinsman and next heir of the said William Hall, deceased, viz. : son of Florence formerly daughter of said William Hall — William Kellogg is admitted."
His will, dated 20 Apr., 1578, proven in the Archdeaconry of Colchester, 15 May, 1578, mentions his wife, Alice, and son, John, and three children of his son Jolin, viz. : Thomas, Mary and John. He bequeathed a small sum to his son and his grandchildren, and the rest of the estate to his wife for her life and after to "John, the son of the above said John my son and to the heirs of the said John, son of the said John my son, forever." Phillip Bird, gentleman, was one of the overseers.
Her will was dated 30 Mar., 1585. The same persons were named in her will as in his. After small bequests to the others, she bequeathed all her lands, tenements, etc., to Jolm Kellogg, the son of her son John and "to the heres of his bodye lawfullye to be begotten and for defaulte of issue of the bodye of the said John lawfullye to be begotten then to remain & to be vnto Thomas Kellogge one other of the sonnes of the said John Kellogge my sonne & to the heires of his bodye lawfullye to be begotten and soe from one sonne to another son of the bodie of the said John Kellogge my sonne lawfullye to be begotten lyneallye descendinge the one successivelye followinge the other duringe soe long as anye shal be in life."
At the Manorial Court in Debden, 9 Oct., 1594, it was presented that, "since the last Court John Kellogge had surrendered by the hands of Edmund Wright, in the presence of Thomas Sothie and Henry Hammond, meadow land called Rushmeade lying in Lyston Field; land in Shortgrave Field and a tenement called Coches otherwise Hubberds to the use etc., of Robert Greene and his heirs."
(This was part of the property which was surrendered by William Hall to his daughter, Florence Kellogg.)
Thomas, probably younger son, b. ______; m. _______; resided in Debden.
At the Manorial Court of Debden in 1571, he succeeded his mother in possession of the tenement and land called Mondes as appears in the Manorial Court record as follows : "Whereas Florence Kellogge, widow, late wife of Nicholas Kellogge, deceased, held for term of her life, a customary tenement with a house thereon and 10 acres of customary land formerly called Webbs and now called Mondes with a pightel planted with osiers etc., reversion therof after her death to Thomas Kellogge and his heirs as appears by the rool of 5 Edward VI (A. D. 1551). Now comes the said Thomas and prays to be admitted in reversion and he is so admitted." And at a like Court, 12 May, 1568, he surrendered to William Kellogg two acres of Wymonds.
In searching for Kellogg data there has been brought to light in the Court of Requests (a court of equity for poor persons), in London, a suit against our Nicholas Kellogg, which is interesting from the picture it presents of the customs of the period and shows the first Kellogg we have record of in a not
The Kelloggs in the New World. 10
unfavorable light. In the thirty-eighth year of the reign of Henry VIII (1546), Thomas Colain, or Coleman, complains that Nicholas Kellogg, Robert Write and William Gardiner, without either right, or color of title, with force and arms, entered the church house in Debden, which he had occupied for twenty years, and expelled him therefrom, and took certain goods and chattels to the value of £20, and would not allow him to occupy the said messuage, nor deliver to him the said goods and chattels "to the utter impoverishment of said complainant forever, unless your Highness moved with pity, make some order herein." He prays process of Privy Seal against said Kellogg, Write and Gardiner, as "your orater is a very poor man, and not of “habeylyte” to pursue any suit against them, commanding them to appear in your Grace's Whythall at Westminster, there to make answer to the premises."
This is one side of the case. In their answer, the defendants say that the said bill of complaint is "most untruly fayned and imagined by the compleynaunt by sinister ayde and maintenance of certain persons" whereof defendants pray to have remedy and advantage. That the messuage mentioned in the bill is the property of the church and that they, as church wardens, did demise and lease 1 June, 38 Henry VIII (1546) for seven years to farm the said messuage to the said Nicholas Kellogg, to hold from the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, then following. They deny that they took any of the complainant's goods and chattels and say that the said Nicholas Kellogg, at the time of his entry, found divers goods of the complainant, whereof said Kellogg "in the presence of divers of his honest neighbors caused an inventory to be made," and that the said complainant might, and may take and have them without interruption of said defendants or said bill of complaint either of them.
And, as a witness that they told the truth, Thomas Nutlake, parson of the "Forasmuche as it is a dede of parish church, in his deposition, quaintly says charite to testifye the treuth in matters of variances whereby all dowghts and Ambyguytes the reyther may be removyed and the right trowth may apere and be knowen, I Thomas Nutlake, parson of the parish churche of Depden * * * rede a certen copy in wryting of the ordre or decre made in the Kings honorable Curt of his Whithall the last Trinite term in his secunde yere of his most gracious reigne which was upon a Sundaye immediately after hye masse whereas I dyd calle Wyllyam Gardraer and Nycholas Kellogge to here the said writing redde. * * * And the said partys answeryd thay would delyver the sayd goods and the twysdaye next after they desired me to go with them and to meet said Coleman and to deliver said goods, and that day said Coleman did not come while I was there."
And to completely demolish Colman's case we have the testimony of our first Kellogg— "Xvi die Novembris Anno 2 Edward VI (A. D. 1548), Nicholas Kelhoge of the age of iii/xx (three score) saith upon his othe that he was ready at the comying of Colman and would have delyvered the goods demanded but he could get no rowme to put theym notwithstanding that he requyred the parson ther to have had a rowme to put the goodes but the parson sayd that he was a besy (mischief maker) he shuld have noo house ther."
1. PHILLIPPE KELLOGG,1 probably son of Thomas and grandson of Nicholas, of Debden, was the first of the name, in England, from whom the Kelloggs of the New World can, with certainty, trace their descent. He first appears in Bocking, Essex, a parish adjoining Braintree, 15 Sept., 1583, when his son, Thomas, was baptized. Two years later he was found in Great Leighs, where his son, Robert, was baptized in 1585. That the record of baptism of all of his children has not been found, is shown by the record of the burial of his daughter, Annis, in Great Leighs, 25 May, Kill. The registers of Great Leighs extend to 1558. The record of the baptism of Robert is the first time that the name of Kellogg appears in the registers of that parish. There is a missing link in the chain of documentary evidence connecting the families of Bocking, Great Leighs and Debden. A close study of all the records, together with the trend of emigration from Debden to Manuden, Thaxted, Bocking, Great Leighs and Braintree (in all of which parishes the principal occupation was spinning and weaving) in connection with the alliances* in Great Leighs with persons of the same names as in Debden, convinces me that the line of descent from Nicholas is as given above. A search of the Court Rolls of Great Leighs fails to reveal the name of Kellogg.
No record of his death has been found, and as the records of Great Leighs are quite full, it is probable that he did not die there. He may have rem. to Braintree and had other children, but the records of Braintree extend no farther than 1660 and the earliest known date of a Kellogg in Braintree was in 1623, when Moses Woll mentioned Phillippe's son, Robert, in his will.
2 Thomas,
2 bap. at Bocking, Essex, 15 Sept., 1583; m. (1) Annis Hare; (2) Widow Tabitha Hilles.
3 Annis,2 (no record of baptism has been found), "Annis, daughter of Phillippe Kellogge," buried in Great Leighs, 25 May, 1611.
4 Robert,2 bap. in Great Leighs, 14 Nov., 1585. In the will of Moses Woll, of Braintree, 23 Jan., 1623, he was bequeathed a small sum. He rem. to Braintree, where he bought of Mark, Mary, Edward and Thomas Stebbing all their right in the parcel of land, one and one-half acres, at Minche's Oak with a messuage, which he surrendered on the 22d day of May, 1632, to Martin Kellogg and his wife. Prudence. “Robert Kelluck" was buried in Braintree, 18 Jan., 1666.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 12
5 Mary,2 bap. in Great Leighs, 16 Feb., 1588; m. there, 1 May, 1628, William Stotturne.
6 Prudence,2 bap. in Great Leighs, 20 Mar., 1592; buried there, 24 Mar., 1629.
7 Martyn,
2 bap. in Great Leighs, 23 Nov., 1595; m. Prudence Bird.
8 Nathaniel,2 b. _______; m. Elizabeth ______; d. in New England. For further account
see under "Kelloggs in the New World”.
9 John,2 b. _______.
10 Jane,2 b. _______; m. _______ Allison.
11 Rachel,2 b. _______; m. Samuel Cave; d. before 20 Oct., 1666, when
Samuel Cave, of Braintree, made his will, mentioning his daus., Rachel, the wife of John Parborow; Phoebe and Mary, and son, Nathaniel.
These last four are included among the children of Phillippe, because Nathaniel Kellogg in his will mentioned his brother, John, and sisters, Jane Allison and Rachel Cave, all of Old England, and Martin's son, Joseph, as his cousin, which signified that Joseph was his nephew. Allison was a Braintree name at that time. Edward Stebbing, called "my dear friend," in the will of Nathaniel, was probably the same Edward who sold land in Braintree to Robert Kellogg as appears in the Manorial Court Rolls. From the fact that Nathaniel mentioned but one brother and two sisters in his will, it may be that the other children of Phillippe were the children of another wife.
2. THOMAS,2 son of Phillippe,1 bap. in Bocking, 15 Sept., 1583; m. in Great Leighs, 4 May, 1611, Annis Hare. In the record of his marriage his name was spelled Celoge.
She was buried 5 Sept., 1630; he m. (2) 21 July, 1633, as her third husband, Tabitha Hills. Her first husband was William Halles, who d. before 1612; her second husband was John Hills, b. 1585.
She was buried 20 Sept., 1647.
"Thomas Kelloweg, Sexton of this Church, was buried 1 Dec, 1663."
Children, bap. in Great Leighs.
12 Amma,3 bap. 25 July, 1613; m. 5 Mar., 1645, William Byrd. Perhaps he was the brother of
Prudence Byrd, who m. Martin Kellogg.
13 Elizabeth,3 bap. 18 Dec, 1615; buried 22 Sept., 1630.
14 Martin,3 bap. 2 Feb., 1620.
7. MARTIN,2 son of Phillippe,1 bap. in Great Leighs, 23 Nov., 1595; m. in St. Michael's Bishop's Stortford, County Hertford, 22 Oct., 1621. Prudence Bird, dau. of John Bird,* of Bishop's Stortford.
She d. before 20 May, 1671, as her name does not appear in his will.
He d. in Braintree, England, between 20 May, 1671, when his will was made, and 20 Sept., same year, when it was proved.
He was a weaver or cloth worker and res. in Great Leighs and Braintree. Although in the record of his marriage in 1621, he was called of Great Leighs, it may be that he did not reside in Great Leighs immediately after his marriage, as lie had a son, John (the record of baptism has not been found), who had a son who was five years old in 1648, as appears in the Manorial Court Records. The last that is positively known of his being in Great Leighs was when his son, Daniel, was bap. 6 Feb., 1630. On 22 May, 1632, he and his wife received the surrender of a tenement in Braintree, as appears in the Court Rolls of the Manor of Braintree :
"Whereas at the Court on Monday in Easter week 11 James I A. D. 1613, Joseph Mann surrendered one acre and a half of land, parcel of a croft culled Harold's Croft, lying at Minche's Oak on which same land a messuage had been lately built. To the use of Mark Stebbing and Mary his wife for their lives, and then to Edward Stebbing** their son and his heirs. Now Mark, Mary and Edward are admitted.
"Afterwards the said Mark, Mary and Edward and Thomas Stebbing, another son, surrendered all their right in the aforesaid premises after the death of Mary Bead, formerly wife of Michael Mann, to the use of Robert Kellog and his heirs and the same Robert is admitted.
"Afterwards Robert Kellogg surrendered one tenement in the occupation of the said Thomas Stebbing and two small cottages to the same adjoining part of the property which the said Robert purchased of Edward and Thomas Stebbing, to the use and on behoof of Martin Kellogg and Prudence, his wife, and the heirs of the said Martin forever which same Martin and Prudence are admitted."
The Kelloggs in the New World. 14
In 1637 he received the surrender of a parcel of land with a cottage called Masses as appears from the following extract from the same Court Rolls. Part of this cottage is still standing in what is "Martin's Yard."
"Whereas at the Court" held 13 April 13 Charles I A. D. 1637, Richard Skinner* was admitted on the surrender of Richard Sparhawke, amongst other things, to one parcel of land containing by estimation nine perches upon which a cottage had been lately built with part of a pond called a Fuller's Pond etc. It is now found that on the 8th of April last (i. e. A. D. 1641) the said Skinner had surrendered the premises, by the name of one customary cottage called 'Masses,' otherwise 'Masse's tenement' (then in the tenure of John Gowell or Co well) to the use and behoof of Martin Kellhogg of Braintree weaver and his heirs. The same Martin is admitted."
On 3 Apr., 1648, he surrendered a part of this tenement to his son, John, as appears from the extract of the Court Rolls, shown in the account under his name.
It is found that he appeared in the Archbishop's Court at Braintree in 1639 and '40, in company with the Vicar, and it is probable that he was one of the church wardens.
He was taxed in Braintree in 1666 for two hearths,** as is shown in the Lay Subsidy returns for Braintree.
In the Commissary of London (Essex & Herts)
IN THE NAME OFF GOD AMEN this 20ty day of May in the yeare of our Lord 1671 I, MARTIN KELLOCKE of Braintre in the county of Essex Weauer beinge sicke in bodie but of a perfecte memorie praised be god therfor doe make & ordaine this my last will & testamente in writinge in manner and forme followinge that is to say First & prinsepally I comend my soule into the hands of allmighty god my maker trustinge in the allsufissiante merits of Jesus Christe my Sauiour & redemer to obtaine Eternall Life and Salluation and my bodie vnto the earth from whence it came to be decently buried by my Executor which shall be herafter nomenated & appointed Item I giue and bequeath vnto Sarah my daughter the wife of William Jacob flue pounde lawfull money of England to be paide within on yeare After my deceasse Item I giue vnto my grandchild John Kellocke twenty shillings to be paid vnto him within two years after my deceasse Item I giue & bequeath unto my sone Joseph Kellocke of new England twenty shillings to be paide to him within on yeare after my deceasse Item I giue and bequeath vnto my sone Daniell Kellocke of new England fiue pound lawfull monie of England to be paid vnto him within on yeare after my deceasse Item I giue unto my sone Samuell Kellocke in new England fiue pound like lawfull money of England to be paid unto him within two years after my deceasse Item I giue & bequeath vnto my sone Nathanell Kellocke all my goods in my best chamber & my little copper and all my wearinge apparrell to be deliuered to him prsente After my deceasse Item I giue vnto my sone Martin Kellocke my coppie holld housse wherin I now dwell with the yarde and garden &
15 The Kelloggs in the New World.
with all and singuler the appurtenances therunto belonginge & my coppie hold tennemente wherein John Watts now dwelleth with all the appurtenances therunto belonginge and my parler that I now holld in my own handes whome I doe nomenate & appointe make and ordaine to be my wholle and sole executor to se my will fullfilld & prformed accordinge to the tru meaninge & intente of it and I doe make ordaine & declare this to be my very last will and testemente Revokinge all other wills formerly by me made either in worde or writinge in witness wherof I herunto set my hand & sealle the day & yeare first aboue written— The marke of MARTIN M KELLOCKE (LS) Read signed sealled published and declared to be the last will & testament of the testator in the prsence of us— Signed JOHN D. DEWDAT Senor— DANIELL CLARKE.
Proved at Braintree 20th September 1671
Fos 7 OB.— HK
I certify that this copy has been examined with the original Will deposited in this Registry and that it is a true copy thereof
15 John,3 (no record of baptism has been found) ; m. Susan _______. The following extracts
from the Manorial Court Rolls prove that he was m. before 29 Apr., 1648, and that both he and his wife d. before 27 Mar., 1651, leaving a son, John, aged 5: "Whereas at the Court held 29 April 1611 (recites the last mentioned admission of Martin Kelhogg to Masse's). Now the aforesaid Martin Kelhogg surrenders part of the tenement in which he then dwelt and which was lately built at the lower of Little Masse's then in the occupation of John Kelhogg, son, and of the said Martin, namely the Hall and the Buttery within the same and the Entry next the Hall, and the Shop next the Entry and all buildings upon the same Hall, Buttery, Entry and Shop, and also the Closet at the end of the chimney adjoining the and half the stack of chimneys, viz. half those next the Hall and rooms above mentioned ; and all that little yard of the said Martin which is designed to be separated and divided from the rest of the said yard by a fence of pales, upon the north side thereof to be executed, which fence extends from the post of the garden gate as far as the post marked for the Division post, which part stands in the fence adjoining the Great Maze : and also the other side part (sic) of the same yard surrendered, adjoining the tenement of the same Martin in the occupation of Thomas Elsing** towards the south (except that the aforesaid Martin his heirs and assigns, proprietors and possessors of the said tenement now in the occupation of the aforesaid Thomas Elsing shall have liberty of there to wash, and the water to carry from thence, paying them part of the repairs of the said * * *) To the use
The Kelloggs in the New World. 16
of John Kelhogg and Susan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies; and for default of such issue to the right heirs of the said John. Upon which the said John and Susan were admitted." (Manorial Court, 3 Apr., 1648.)
“Whereas at a Court held 3rd April 1648, (Recital of last mentioned proceeding). It is now found that John and Susan are both dead and that John Kelhogg aforesaid aged five years is son and heir of John and Susan who is admitted accordingly. Guardianship committed to Martin Kelhog his Grandfather.” (Court Leet, held 27 Mar., 1654.)
16 Nathaniel,3 son of Martin Cellodg, bap. in Great Leighs, 12 Mar., 1624;
m. Elizabeth _______. He d. before 6 Apr., 1702, when his death was presented to the Manorial Court, in Braintree, and his son Nathaniel, admitted.
17 Josef,
3 son of Martin Kellog, bap. in Great Leighs, 1 Apr., 1626; rem. to New England.
18 Sarah,3 dau. of Martin Kellogue, bap. in Great Leighs, 1 Fel)., 1628; m. William Jacobs.
✛19 Daniel,3 son of Martin Kellogue, bap. in Great Leighs, 6 Feb., 1630; rem. to New England.
✛20 Samuel,3 probably b. in Braintree; rem. to New England.
21 Martin,3 probably b. in Braintree ; m. Elizabeth _______; "Martin Callog, an honest man,"
was buried in Braintree, 29 Jan., 1685. His will dated 20 Jan., same year, proved in Aug., 1688, mentions his wife, Elizabeth, and children, Elizabeth, Martin and Joseph, all under age. At the Manorial Court, 28 Mar., 1687, Elizabeth Kellogg, widow of Martin, was admitted to the tenement in which Martin Kellogg lately dwelt with the shop, yard, garden, etc., until Martin Kellogg, her son, could attain the age of 21 years, and to another customary tenement in Braintree until Elizabeth Kellogg, her dau., should attain the age of 21 years, according to the will of Martin Kellogg, the elder, formerly husband of the said Elizabeth, dated 21 Jan., 1685. At the same court on 17 Apr., 1704, it was presented that their son Martin was 21, and he was admitted to the tenement in Hoppet Lane, and on 28 Mar., 1706, it was presented that the said Martin had d. seized of the Hoppet Lane tenement, and Joseph Kellogg, his brother and heir, was admitted. On the 14th of Mar., 1722, at the same court, Joseph Kellogg surrendered the same tenement to the use of Nathaniel Kellogg and his heirs for £31 10s. Further entries in the Manorial Court as late as 1735, show that this tenement on Hoppet Lane was still in possession of the Kelloggs. No later search was made.
"As the smallest wave must go on till it crosses the ocean, so the influence of every ancestor must go on to the end of the generations of life. Each of us must feel in a degree the strength or weakness of each one of them."
— David Starr Jordan.
The Puritans in England had, for a long period, contended for a simpler form of worship than that of the established church. The reign of Elizabeth was one of persecution, and that of James I one of struggle for the recognition of freedom of worship. The period was a stormy one, both in political and religious affairs, and the contest for church reformation and freedom of conscience soon broadened into one for liberty of state as well.
James, supported by the authority of the church, assumed prerogatives which had never been granted to him by the people; levied duties without the consent of Parliament, and actually suppressed that bulwark of English liberty for seven years. Prepared by the conflicts during the reign of Elizabeth and their disappointments during that of James, the Separatists realized that they must seek in other lands that freedom which they were denied in their own, and the great
Puritan emigration began in this reign — the first settlement being made in New England, at Plymouth, in 1620.
While many came to America in the darkest hours of the struggle,* more remained in England to continue it, and their efforts resulted in the overthrow of Charles I and the establishment of the Commonwealth.
18 The Kelloggs in the New World.
The Commonwealth, it is true, indelibly impressed itself upon the political and religious life of England, but from the seed sown by the handful of persecuted Pilgrims to an unknown shore, there has developed a mighty nation, which bids fair to tower above all other nations, and whose freedom of thought and action has never been rivalled in the history of the world.
Arriving in New England, the settlers, the greater part of whom were farmers, became owners of land in the plantations and, being men of frugality and industry, were soon able to support themselves in comparative comfort; for, thrown upon their own resources, they developed early that spirit of self-reliance which has been the mainstay of the Republic.
The territory was divided into towns* and the inhabitants in their town meetings managed their local affairs, subject to such limitations as were imposed by the General Court.
"The fathers of New England evidently intended," says Sylvester Judd, "that every industrious man should have the means of obtaining a competent share of the comforts of life; and for this end, land was distributed to all, and the cultivators were also proprietors of the soil.** A distribution of land was a distribution of power. This was a wide departure from the system of Europe, where the land was owned by a few, and working men were poor, dependent and despised."
Churches*** were at once organized and provision made for the support of their ministers, who controlled both the public and private life of New England in pre-revolutionary days. It is to their credit, however, that while they preached to their flocks the harsh doctrines of Calvin and inveighed against "intolerable pride in clothes and hair," they at the same time did not lose sight of the necessity of their education, for as one of them said, "unless school and college flourish, church and state cannot live." Recognizing that schools came next in importance to the church, or rather as essential to its continuance and prosperity, our forbears early established free schools which were supported by a tax on every man's property.
In 1633 Rev. Thomas Hooker, with two hundred other passengers, arrived in Boston and settled in Newtowne. Mr. Hooker was a famous minister of Chelmsford, Essex County, England, eleven miles from Braintree, who had been silenced, for non-conformity, and had fled into
The Kelloggs in the New World. 19
Holland to escape persecution. His preaching had attracted people from different parts of Essex, and they desired, if accommodations could be secured, to emigrate to the New World and secure him as their pastor.
The conditions by which they were surrounded in Newtowne were not agreeable to this party of emigrants, who, in 1634, petitioned the General Court for permission to remove to Connecticut, giving as their reasons the want of accommodation for their cattle, because the towns were set so near together, the fruitfulness of Connecticut and the danger that it might be occupied by the Dutch.
Political reasons perhaps also had their effect. In Massachusetts only male adults, members of some church, could be admitted as freemen in the colony and be entitled to vote at its town meetings.
Mr. Hooker was opposed to a religious test as a condition for the suffrage, and wrote to Gov. Winthrop that "in all matters which concern the common good, a general council, chosen by all, to transact businesses which concern all, I conceive most suitable to rule, and most safe for relief of the whole."
Thus we find enunciated by this New England Puritan principles of self-government which were proclaimed nearly a century and a half later by the Declaration of Independence, and, in our own time, again tersely stated by Abraham Lincoln : "That government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth."
In June, 1636, the Hooker party started for Connecticut and arrived at and settled what is now Hartford, after a two weeks' journey through the wilderness, full of danger and hardships. In 1639 the freemen of the different towns, which had been planted in Connecticut, met in Hartford, and adopted what is said to be "the earliest example of a written constitution, constituting a government and defining its powers."
Mr. Hooker and many of his party were Essex people,* some of them near neighbors of the Kelloggs of Braintree, who were undoubtedly of good Puritan stock, and in describing their characteristics and surroundings we shall arrive at a fair understanding of the early Kelloggs and their environment.
The three Kellogg brothers, Joseph, Daniel and Samuel, whose descendants in the New World this work is intended to trace, like their relative, Nathaniel, made their first appearance in America in the settlements of Connecticut and Massachusetts, but we have no record of their sailing from England. They were attracted perhaps by the stories of the New World which they had heard from their friends in New England, and from explorers of the new continent, who sent back enthusiastic accounts of the richness of both its land and sea.**
Large tracts of land were granted to the first settlers in new places, "that this wilderness may be populated and the majne ends of our coming into these parts may be promoted," and the longing to own land (a desire which could not be gratified in England) may have been an inducement for them to join in the settlement of the towns where they lived and died. Wherever they settled they
20 The Kelloggs in the New World.
not only retained their original grants, but bought other land, and the records prove that they were able to provide liberally for their children.
From their homes in the Connecticut Valley the descendants of Joseph and Samuel began their migration to that West where so many are now found. Until 1733 Westfield had been the most western town in Massachusetts. In that year Sheffield was incorporated and the first road to the west was from Westfield, following the Indian path over the hills to Lower Housatannick, as it was then called. Soon after this time we find among the leading men of that town the name of Kellogg. Here they were met by their cousins from Connecticut, who had followed the valley of the Housatonic and Farmington rivers, after having first tried an eastern migration to Brookfield. Soon after the revolution a new West was found, and the tide of emigration from New England was directed to this new territory. Some of the Kelloggs took their way over the mountains and through the valleys to the Hudson, and then by the shores of Lake Champlain to Canada; others followed the Mohawk to the fertile fields of Central New York; and still others to the wilderness of Saratoga County. Here again there was a meeting with some of the descendants of Daniel of Norwalk, and together they have continued their westward march, until now there is not a state or territory in the West, even to and beyond the Pacific, which has not had Kelloggs among its earliest citizens. There are a few Kelloggs in Vermont, still fewer in New Hampshire, and a smaller number in Maine.
Among the descendants of these three brothers may be found men and women prominent in every station of life. Farming is now, as it always has been, the main occupation of the family; but the instinct to migrate has characterized the descendants of Joseph and Samuel to a greater extent than those of Daniel, more of whom remained near the homes of their forefathers. But, while we find that descendants of Daniel have more generally embraced the professions, yet there are many descendants of Joseph and Samuel who have attained eminence in all the professions, and not a few of all the branches have made their mark in the business world.
Farmington was settled in 1640 by some of the inhabitants of Hartford, and incorporated in 1645. As it was the birthplace of the first Kellogg born in New England, the following description of the manner of living of its early settlers is of especial interest to the Kellogg family.
"This town, Farmington, as its name imports, was at first, and indeed till a late period, wholly agricultural. Labor in the field was almost the only employment. Industry and economy have characterized the inhabitants; labor has been held in reputation; none, however elevated by offic or profession, have considered themselves above it. Magistrates and ministers, when their appropriate business would permit, have labored in the field. Indeed our magistrates have always been farmers; have been as laborious on their farms as others, and have derived their support from labor, as much, almost, as the meanest citizen. They have been content to eat their bread in the sweat of their brow; and it was honor enough to be esteemed the first among equals. But very little of the labor on farms has been performed by slaves; and if a farmer had a slave, he constantly labored with him, and taught him the habits of industry by his own example as well as by his authority. Labor having been thus reputable among all classes of citizens, industry has been almost universal; and very few through idleness have become chargeable to the public. The master of the household has gone before his sons and domestics into the field in their daily labor, and if too remote, as usually happened, to
The Kelloggs in the New World. 21
return at noon, they dined together on their plain fare, under the covert of some thick shade, where on the green grass they might enjoy the luxury of the free air, with more sincere delight than the greatest modern epicure at a civic feast. While the men have been thus employed in the field, in raising the materials for food and clothing, the women have been no less industrious in the domestic circle, in rearing the tender branches of the family, and in dressing food for the table. The careful matron has been accustomed to 'seek wool and flax work willingly with her hands; she layeth her hands to the spindle and her hands hold the distaff.' On Monday they have been employed in perfect dishabille, in washing their linen in their houses, and when this is done, at about the middle of the afternoon, they assume their neatest appearance, and are the perfect contrast of what they were in the morning, prepared to visit or to receive company. The brothers of the family returning from their daily labors, toward evening, covered with sweat and dust, and finding their sisters neatly dressed, and enjoying the cool shade, are led sometimes almost to repine at their happy lot; but these feelings are corrected when they reflect that their sisters are employed more hours in the day, and that their labor when compared with their strength is, many times, more severe than their own. It is true, however, that the young daughters, who have much to expect from their appearance, find means to shift off no small proportion of the drudgery of the family on the fond mother; who submits the more readily, because she feels that there are reasons for it, that have their weight; that she herself in youth has had the same indulgence, and that they must submit to the like service in their turn.
"Our ancestors here, of both sexes, have, till of late, clad themselves in simple apparel, suited to their moderate circumstances and agricultural state. The men have been content with two suits of clothes, called the every-day clothes and the Sabbath-day clothes. The former were usually of two sorts, those for labor and those for common society. Those for labor in the summer were a check homespun linen shirt, a pair of plain tow-cloth trousers, and a vest generally much worn, formerly with, but more modemly without sleeves; or simply a brown towcloth frock and trousers, and sometimes a pair of old shoes tied with leather strings, and a felt hat, or old beaver hat stiffened and worn white with age. For the winter season they wore a check blue and white woollen shirt, a pair of buckskin breeches, a pair of white, or, if of the best kind, deep blue home-made woollen stockings, and a pair of double-soled cowhide shoes, blacked on the flesh side, tied with leather strings; and, to secure the feet and legs against snow, a pair of leggins, which, for the most part, were a pair of wornout stockings with the bottom and toe of the foot cut off, drawn over the stocking and shoe, and tied fast to the heel and over the vamp of the shoe; or if of the best kind, they were knit on purpose of white yarn, and they answered for boots on all occasions; an old plain cloth vest with sleeves, lined with a cloth called drugget; an old plain cloth greatcoat, commonly brown, wrapped around the body, and tied with a list or belt; or as a substitute for them, a buckskin leather waistcoat and a leather apron of tanned sheepskin fastened round the waist, and the top of it supported with a loop about the neck, and a hat as above, or a woolen cap drawn over the ears.
"For ordinary society in summer they were clad in a check linen homespun shirt and trousers, or linen breeches, white homespun linen stockings, and cowhide single soled shoes, a vest with sleeves usually of brown plain cloth, a handkerchief around the neck, a check cap and a hat in part worn.
22 The Kelloggs in the New World.
"In winter they were clad as above described for winter, excepting that they assumed, if they had it, a better great coat, a neckcloth, and a hat that might be considered as second best. Their Sabbath-day suit for winter was like that last mentioned, excepting that their stockings were commonly deep blue, their leather breeches were clean and of a buff color, they added a straight-bodied plain coat and a white holland cap, and sometimes a wig with a clean beaver hat. For the summer, it was a check Holland shirt, brown linen breeches and stockings, single-soled cowhide shoes with buckles, a plain cloth and sometimes a broadcloth and velvet vest, without sleeves; the shirtsleeves tied above the elbows with arm-strings of ferreting of various colors, a white Holland cap or wig, and beaver hat; and on Thanksgiving days and other high occasions a white Holland shirt and cambric neckcloth.
"The women have been, till within about thirty years past, clothed altogether in the same style, with a moderate allowance for the taste of the sex. A minute description will not be attempted; a few particulars will characterize the whole. They wore home-made drugget, crape, plain cloth, and camblet gowns in the winter, and the exterior of their underdress was a garment lined and quilted extending from the waist to the feet. Their shoes were high-heeled, made of tanned calfskin, and in some instances of cloth. In the summer they wore striped linen and calico gowns, cloth shoes, and linen underdress; and every young lady when she had attained her stature was furnished with a silk gown and skirt if her parents were able, or she could purchase them by dint of labor. Their headdress has always occupied a great share of their attention while in youth; it has always been varying and every mode seems, in its day, the most becoming. Within the period just mentioned, the elderly women have worn check Holland aprons to meeting on the Sabbath, and those in early life and of the best fashion were accustomed to wear them in their formal visits.
"The same simplicity has been conspicuous in their diet, their houses and their furniture. Equipage they had none; pleasure carriages and sleighs were unknown. In attending the public worship or in short excursions, a man usually rode with a woman behind him, mounted on a pillion; and even to this day this practice is not wholly laid aside.
"The people of this town, as farmers, have had some advantages above most of their neighbors, but they have had their disadvantages; among which their compact settlement is one. Two things induced this mode of settlement : Fear of the Indians and a wish to place themselves in a situation convenient to improve the meadows. The inhabitants have their home-lots in the town plot; their lots, as usually happens, in various parts of the meadows, distant from a quarter of a mile to nearly three miles; and their pastures for their cattle and horses in perhaps an opposite direction, and as far or farther distant." (Hon. John Treadwell, Gov. of Connecticut, 1809-11, Memorial History of Hartford, Vol. II, pp. 183-4.)
The Kelloggs in the New World. 23
He was the son of Phillippe Kellogg, of Great Leighs, Essex Co. He is the first Kellogg whose name appears in the records of New England. He probably came from Braintree, as we find his sister, Rachel Cave (who was mentioned in his will), had a daughter, Rachel, who was married in Braintree in 1665, and a son, Nathaniel, mentioned in the will of Samuel Cave, of Braintree. Several of the early settlers of Hartford were from Braintree and its immediate vicinity. In 1637 there was a great depression in the weaving trade in Braintree, and he probably left there at about that time. His name, "Natha Calaug," is the ninth name in a list of such "Inhabitants as were granted lotts to have onely at The Townes Courtesie with liberty to fetch wood & keepe swine or cowes By proportion in the common, 14 Jan., 1639.*
He also had six acres on 3 Mar., 1640, on the north side of the river, beginning at Windsor bounds. He removed to Farmington and with his wife was "joined to the Congregation about the 30th day of January, 1652," as stated in the records of the church there.**
He d. before 3 Mar., 1659, when his will was presented in court. It is not known when Elizabeth, his wife, d. In the inventory of the estate, his home lot with dwelling house and barn, were valued at £70, and his "meadow grounds" were valued the same. Among his personal property were fourteen head of cattle, one horse, one-half of a mare and one-half of a colt. His whole estate was appraised at £366, 5s.
June 4, 1657.
I Nathanll Kelog being weak in body but in good and perfect memory and undrstanding thanks be to Almighty god doe comit my spirit into the hands of god yt gave it and my body to comly and decent buriall in ye place appointed therefore in ffarmington
Item I give and bequeath my whole estate real and personal unto my deare and Loving wife Elizabeth Kelog during the time of her naturall life and at the end thereof I give all my houses and Lands in ffarmington unto my Brother John Kelog and tomy Sister Jane Aallisun and to my Sister Rachel Cave*** all dwelling
24 The Kelloggs in the New World.
in old England in that condition that they my houses and Lands shal be in at that time, to be Equally divided amongst the three Brothr and Sisters aforesd And my Will is that these three my Brother and Sisters shal pay unto my Cosin Joseph Kelogs three Children six pounds sterling to be devided betwixt them Equally when they shal have my houses and Lands and also at that time they shall pay ffive pounds to Mr Rodger Newton or Pastor Also I make my dear and loveing wife my sole Executrix and my wil is that she should give unto my adopted daughters Susan Newton and Rebecka Meruel such a convenient part of my Estate given to my wife as she shal be wel able to spare and their obedient and dutiful cariage shal give occasion of and my said Executrix shal beare my ffuneral charges and pay my debts. And I make my dear friend Edward Stebbing* the Supervisor of this my wil and Testament.
Sign : Nathaniel Kellog
John Steel
Joseph Jo Migat
The Kelloggs in the New World. 25
3 son of Martin
2 (
7), bap. in Great Leighs, England, 1 Apr., 1626; m. (1) probably in England, Joanna _______.
She d. in Hadley, Mass., 14 Sept., 1666. He m. (2) Abigail Terry, b. in Windsor, Conn., 21 Sept., 1646, dau. of Stephen Terry,* b. in Stockton, Wiltshire, England, 25 Aug., 1608, and Elizabeth _______.
He d. between 27 June, 1707, when his will was dated and 4 Feb., 1708, when it was proved; she d. between 29 May, 1717, when her will was dated, and 31 Oct., 1726, when it was proved.
It is not known in what year he came to America. He was in Farmington, Conn., in 1651, where he was an early settler and served several terms as selectman. He and his wife were "joined" to the church, 9 Oct., 1653.
His home lot, consisting of four acres, was purchased from John Andrews, from whom he also bought a twelve-acre lot of plowing land curiously called "Nod Land." He sold this property in Feb., 1655, and removed, about 1657, to Boston, where "Joseph Kelog, weaver, late of Farmington, in the colony of Connecticut, now of Boston," bought from Peter Oliver and his wife, 16 Oct., 1659, "their dwelling-house, fronting to the street leading to Roxbury, for one hundred and forty pounds starling." Joseph "Kelog"' and Joanna, his wife, mortgaged the same premises, 18 Nov., 1659, to Sergt. Thomas Clarke, to secure the payment of one hundred pounds to be paid "in good wheate, pork and pease at merchants' currant price."
They sold the same premises to John Witherden, 13 June, 1661. This land (now covered, in part, by the Advertiser Building on Washington street), which Joseph bought for seven hundred dollars in 1659, is one of the most valuable parcels of land in Boston, being worth more than one hundred dollars per square foot.
He removed from Boston to Hadley and was one of the proprietors. In 1661, the town made an agreement with him to keep the ferry between Hadley and Northampton,** and he built his house on a small "home lot" which had been reserved by the town for a "Ferry lot."
In January, 1675, a committee appointed by the Court made an agreement with him. He was to have a boat for horses and a canoe for persons, and to receive for man and horse, 8d. in wheat or other pay, or 6d. in money; for single persons, 3d., and when more than one, 2d. each. On Lecture days, people passing to and from Lecture, if six or more went over together, were to pay 1d. each.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 27
Troopers, passing to and from trooping exercises, were to pay only 3d. for man and horse. He was also granted liberty to entertain travelers.
The Court, 1 June, 1677, ordered that "Joseph Kellogg, ferryman of Hadley, be paid forty pounds for loss of his team impressed for the country's service and with reference to his ferriage of souldjers."
In 1687, another agreement was made with him, and he was allowed to take double price after dark until 9 o'clock. At later hours, and in storms and floods, those who would cross must agree with the ferryman. Others might not carry over persons within fifty rods of the ferry place, except men to their day-labor. He and his son, John, and grandson, James Kellogg, kept this ferry until 1758 — almost a century; and Stephen Goodman, who married a daughter of James Kellogg, kept it still later, and from him it received its last name, "Goodman's Ferry."
He was selectman in Hadley, 1665, '74, '77, '79, '81, '85, '92. In 1686, he was on the committee "to consider the method that may be best for laying out of the common lands." In the division which followed, he and his sons, John, Edward and Nathaniel, received grants of land on the "Highway which runs down to Foot's Folly from New Swamp." He was on the committee for the purchase, from the Indians, of Swampfield. From Swampfield (for which the Indians received £26) have been formed, in whole or in part, the towns of Sunderland, Montague and Leverett.
He was a member of the school committee in 1686, and opposed taking the management of the Hopkins School* from the committee. After a sharp contest, the committee succeeded in having the management of the school retained in their hands.
Early in the history of New England, Military Companies or "train bands" were formed to protect the settlers. As early as 16 May, 1661, Hadley voted there should be a training. The County Court approved the choice of Joseph Kellogg as Sergeant of the Company, Mar., 1663. The General Court of Massachusetts appointed him, 9 May, 1678, Ensign in the Foot Company in Hadley, and 7 Oct., of the same year. Lieutenant in the same company. He served in that office until 1692, his military service thus extending over twenty-nine consecutive years. That he received no funher promotion may be accounted for by the fact that Aaron Cook, Jr., who was appointed Captain when Lieut. Joseph was made Ensign, held that office thirty-five years, or until 1713.
He sustained his part in the struggle of the settlers against the Indians, and was in command, as Sergeant, of the Hadley troops at the famous "Turners' Falls" fight, 18 May, 1676, which broke the power of the river tribes.
In 1661, when he settled in Hadley, his estate was assessed at £100, and at the time of his death his personal estate, alone, was inventoried at about £400, and he had previously given various sums to his children.
He was the father of twenty children (fourteen of whom reached maturity), and well exemplifies the Biblical signification of his name "He Shall Add." He seems to have been energetic, of a strong, sturdy character, an affectionate husband and father, and to have borne a creditable part in
28 The Kelloggs in the New World.
the struggles of the early settlers. His wife, Abigail, in 1673, was among those presented by the jury at the March Court of Hampshire, as persons of small estate, who "use to wear silk contrary to law." She was acquitted, but this attempt to enforce the sumptuary laws against her showed that her husband's estate was below the £200 needed to allow her to wear "gold or silver lace, gold or silver buttons, bone lace above 2 s. per yard, or silk hoods or scarfs," which the good men of that period looked upon as extravagance in dress. His will was proved in the Hampshire County Probate Court in Northampton, 10 Feb., 1778 :
Upon the twenty-seventh day of June One Thousand Seven Hundred and seven in the sixth year of the Reign of our Lady Anne by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France & Ireland Queen, Defendr of the Faith & I Joseph Kellogg of Hadley in ye County of Hampshire within the province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England I hope having a suitable sence of the many infermities, the considerable old age that I am now come to hath exposed me to all which giving me warning that I must shortly when it pleases God to call yield to Death and Lay down this Earthly Tabernacle, Being at Present Through the Great Goodness of God of sound mind and perfect memory and accounting it my Duty to set things In order with Reference to that Portion of Estate God in Goodness hath Given me and Therefore I do make this my Last will & Testamt as followeth
Imp. I commit myself soul and body Into the hands of God who made them and my dear Redeemer The Lord Jesus Christ who hath Redeemed them and in whom I Trust & Beleive will be my advocate with the Father at the Great day of his Appearing. And in and through his Meritts & Satisfaction to obtain acceptation. My Body which I leave to my Executors for a Christianly, Comely Burial in hopes of a Blessed Resurrection when soule and Body Shall by the Mighty Power of God be reunited and be wth him forever in that Place of Everlasting Rest when sorrow and Sighing shall flee away and Joy and Rejoicing Shall be upon the head of the Righteous with Hallelujahs and Praises to God the Father Son and Holy Ghost forever and ever, Even to Never Ending Eternity, Amen.
It. I ordain and my will is that all my Just Debts and Funeral expences be well and truly paid by my Executors hereafter named.
It. I Give and Bequeath unto my Loving Sou John Kellogg all that piece of land on which he now lives it being bounded by the Dividing fence East on Land of Sam'll Partride West on an Highway North, and on the River south to be to him with this Proviso that either of his sons Joseph or Samuel after his decease Shall enjoy it to him that posses it to be to him and his heirs forever but in case they both Dye before Either of them Posses it then to revert to my family from whence it came. The Intent of that land that lies within the Town Ditch. Also I give to my son John Kellogg abovenamed four acres of my forty acre Alotment lying at the Fort River at the South end of s'd Lot this together with about Ten Pounds I have already given him to be to him and his heirs forever.
It. I give and bequeath to my son Martin Kellogg, four Acres of my forty acre alotment at the Fort River in Hadley next to that I have given to my son John above-said — Also besides what I have given him already which I account at Sixteen Pounds — I give him Twenty Shillings in curr't Country Pay, all which to be to him & his heirs forever.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 29
It. I give and bequeath to my loving son Edward Kellogg the full sum of five pounds in Currant Country Pay which together with what I have already given him which I esteem at Sixteen Pounds to be to him and his heirs forever.
It. I give and bequeath to my son Saml Kellogg four acres of my forty acre alotment at Fort River in Hadley next to that I have given to my son Martin Kellogg as abovesaid which together with five pounds I have already given him to be to him and his heirs forever.
It. I give and bequeath to my daughter Joanna Kellogg alias Smith and Sarah Kellogg alias Ashley together with what I have already given them which I esteem to be fifteen pounds a piece I give them forty shillings a piece to be paid them by my Executors in such pay and at such time as it can be made good to them out of my estate.
It. I give and bequeath unto my loving sons Stephen Kellogg & Nathaniel Kellogg, considering that I had a considerable estate with their mother out of Father Terry's Estate therefore I give to them all that alotment that was my Father Terry's lying in Hockanum in Hadley bounded by the land of John Smith northeast and the land of Thomas Hovey southwest abutting on the River both North & South to be equally divided to them after my wife's decease, not to have ye use or possession of said land till then and then to be to them and their heirs forever. This together with forty shillings a piece I have already given them I account a full portion for them.
It. I give and bequeath to my loving daughters Elizabeth Kellogg, alias Nash, Abigail Kellogg alias Smith, Prudence Kellogg alias Merrill, as an addition to what I have already given them which I esteem fifteen pounds apiece, forty shillings apiece in such pay and at such time as my Executors can make it good to them out of my estate.
It. I give and bequeath to my loving sous Ebenezer Kellogg & Jonathan Kellogg my allotment in the Plain in the Great Meadow in Hadley, bounded by land of Nathaniel White east and land of Timothy Eastman west abutting on Highway South and the adjacent furlong North, as also I give them ten acres of my forty acre allotment at Fort River next unto my son Saml gift there, both lots to be equally divided between them to be to them and their heirs forever. Also I give unto them eight pounds a piece in such time and in such pay out of my estate as my executors hereafter named can do it.
It. I give and bequeath to my loving son Nathaniel Kellogg four acres of my forty acre allotment at Fort River at the North East end it going to the lands of Timothy Eastman to be to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my son Joseph Kellogg all that my allotment in the Plain on the East side of the Town in Hadley, containing sixteen acres or thereabouts as also I give him twenty-five pounds out of my estate to be paid to him in or as good country pay, to be paid as my executors can and at such time as they can do it. And Whereas my son Joseph approving himself a loving son in his care and helpfulness to me in my weak condition and to my wife I'll recommend it to my wife to make such further additions out of the Housing land or other estate I have reserved to her dispose as may be encouragement and recompense to him for his care and trouble as aforesaid.
It. I give and bequeath to my Dear and loving wife Abigail who hath born the burthen with me in all my long continued weakness and infirmities my house and homestead with my barn and outhousing, Orchards, Gardens, yards, situate in Hadley aforesaid as also that alotment next to Saml Smiths alotment as we go to the Fort Meadow in Hadley with all other of my lands in Hadley or elsewhere not given in this my will otherwise with all rights of out Lands or Commons or any lands
30 The Kelloggs in the New World.
that may grow to be of right to me within the bounds of the Township of Hadley or elsewhere with all moveable goods or estate within doors or without in Hadley or elsewhere to be for her comfortable livelyhood while she lives, She keeping the Housing and Barns in good repair as also I give her full liberty to remove the Houses Barns or Fences as she shall judge best and most advantagious for her and them that may enjoy it after her decease. As also I hereby give her full liberty and power provided by good advice she see cause to make sale of sd Housing and Homestead, then to do it, provided always all the said estate that she shall leave either for the aforesaid housing and lands and moveable estate when she dies it shall be by her disposed of amongst those children I had by her and to them or any of them as she shall see meet to disposit.
It. I hereby order and it is my will that as to those gifts I have given in this will in moveable goods to several of my children if my moveable goods, chattels, credits will not reach to the payment of my debts, funeral expenses and other charges and uses I may have for it while I yet live and for so much reserve for my wife's necessity while she lives a widow that each legatee in proportion to their gifts the sum of them all shall abate accordingly.
It. I ordain, constitute & appoint my dear & loving wife Abigail Kellogg and my loving frind Capt. Samuel Partridge to be joint executors of this my last will and testament adnulling and making void all former or other will or wills, testaments by me formerly or otherwise made, and this to be taken unproved and holden to all intents and purposes my last will and testament to which I subscribe and seal this 27th June, 1707, the day and year above written.
Nathaniel White
John Goodman
Elizabeth Lane
The will of Abigail Kellogg, dated 29 May, 1717; proved 31 Oct., 1726, mentions children Stephen, Nathaniel, Ebenezer, Jonathan, Joseph, Abigail Smith, Elizabeth Nash, and Prudence Merrill.
Children by first wife.
22 Elizabeth,4 b. in Farmington, 5 Mar., 1651; d. young.
23 Joseph,4 b. 11 Aug., 1653; d. between 1682 and 1684; in Mar., 1682, he was fined ten shillings for breach of Sabbath, "having travelled till midnight in the night before the Sabbath."
24 Nathaniel,4 bap. 29 Oct., 1651; d. young.
25 John,
4 bap. 29 Dec., 1656; m. (1) Sarah Moody; (2) Ruth _______.
26 Martin,
4 b. in Boston, 22 Nov., 1658; m. (1) Anna Hinsdale; (2) Mrs. Sarah (Dickinson) Lane; (3) Mrs. Sarah (Huxley) Smith.
27 Edward,
4 b. in Boston, 1 Oct., 1660; m. Dorothy _______.
28 Samuel,
4 b. in Hadley, 28 Sept., 1662; m. Sarah Merrill.
29 Joanna,
4 b. in Hadley, 8 Dec, 1664; m. Deacon John Smith.
30 Sarah,
4 b. in Hadley, 27 Aug., 1666; m. Samuel Ashley.
Children by second wife, b. in Hadley.
31 Stephen,
4 b. 9 Apr., 1668; m. Lydia Belden.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 31
32 Nathaniel,
4 b. 8 Oct., 1669; m. Sarah Boltwood.
33 Abigail,
4 b. 9 Oct., 1671; m. Jonathan Smith.
34 Elizabeth,
4 b. 9 Oct., 1673; m. Lieut. John Nash.
35 Prudence,
4 b. 14 Oct., 1675; m. Deacon Abraham Merrill.
36 Ebenezer,
4 b. 23 Nov., 1677; m. Mabel Butler.
37 Jonathan,
4 b. 25 Dec, 1679; m. Ann Newton.
38 Daniel,4 b. 22 Mar., 1682; d. 5 July, 1684.
39 Joseph,4 b. 12 May, 1684; m. 5 July, 1710, Elizabeth Colton, b. 5 Apr., 1686, dau. of Thomas and Sarah Colton, of Springfield: lived in Hatfield; d. 9 Sept., 1724; had no children. On his gravestone, in Hatfield, he is called "A Worthy Gentleman." She m. (2) Joseph Billings, of Hatfield, b. 15 Nov., 1700, son of Samuel Billings and Rebecca Miller.
40 Daniel,4 b. 10 June, 1686; d. young.
41 Ephraim,4 b. 2 Jan., 1687; d. young.
3 son of Martin,
2 (
7), bap. in Great Leighs, England, 6 Feb., 1630; m. Bridget Bouton, dau. of John Bouton, Sr., and Alice _______.
He d. 1688; she d. 1689.
It is not known when he came to New England, but it is probable that he came with his brother Joseph. He was one of the early settlers of Norwalk, which was incorporated 11 Sept., 1651, and his name appears in the list of "those to appeare in Towne Meetings" 20 March, 1656. In the first book of Land Records in Norwalk, his home lot is described as four acres bounded east by Matthew Marvin, Jr.'s, Matthew Marvin Sen's, and Thomas Fitch, Sen's home lots, west by Joseph Fenn's home lot and a bank of common land, north, partly by Nathaniel Richard's home lot and by the "Coase banck," south by town highway. The records of the first grants in Norwalk are interspersed with others from 1670 to 1690. Many of these deeds are without date. Over some of the records, in another hand is the date 1652.
It is said that he was the largest man of the pioneers, being more than seven feet in height, and "of proportionate dimensions otherwise."
"He was one of Norwalk's antiquity-athletic men. He was muscular and manly. On one occasion he was visiting in his neighborhood and found that two Indians, who were callers at the same time, had so far forgotten English proprieties as to have engaged in an angry and violent wrangle within the white man's abode. Mr. Kellogg stepped forward and in a very business like manner rubbed the heads of the red natives vigorously together and taught them a lesson."
He was selectman of Norwalk in 1670; Representative to the General Court, 1670, '72, '74, '75, '77, '79, '80 and '83.
He was on the committee, 23 April, 1673, to carry on the work of building the meeting house. On the 8 Nov., 1681, the town ordered the committee to remove the desk, seats and planks from the old meeting house to the new, and the town for the future to meet "in the sayd new meeting house to weight upon the Lord in his divine publique worshippe as opportunitie presents."
At a meeting, 25 Dec, 1669, the town voted that all the lands within the bounds of Norwalk, that are at present undivided, shall for future be divided only to such as are the present proper inhabitants of this town, and at a meeting 9 Feb., 1671, it was voted that "every one of our inhabitants that have not as yet had any estate for their children shall have five pounds for every child now in
The Kelloggs in the New World. 33
being; to be added to their father's estate, and this is to take place in the land that is now to be laid out in ye Indian feild and not before."
In a list of children of the town Feb., 1672, Daniel Kellogg appears to have six. He drew his share of the common lands of the town, which made him a large landed proprietor.
In 1672, his estate in Norwalk was valued at £125.
In 1685 the General Court of Connecticut made an order that every township should take a patent from the Court, "for the holding of such tracts of land as have been formerly or shall hereafter be granted to them by this Court, etc." In pursuance of this order Norwalk took out a patent, dated 8 July, 1686. In this patent "Mr. Daniel Kellogg" is named as one of the "present proprietors of the Town of Norwalk."
The inventory of his estate, made Dec, 1688, was filed 5 March, following, by Bridget Kellogg, his relict. In this, it is stated that his children were Sarah, Mary and Rachel, who were married and away; Elizabeth, about 20 years of age, Daniel, 18 next May; Samuel, 15; Lydia, 13 next April; Benjamin and Joseph, twins, 11 years old.
The eldest son, Daniel, to have a double portion "of the hole estate to be taken out of the housings and lands," the other sons to have twice as much as the daughters. The administrators are ordered to husband and take all prudent care of the estate and children; married children to be paid within one year; sons to be paid when 21; unmarried daughters when 18 or upon marriage.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
42 Sarah,
4 b. Feb., 1659; m. (1) Daniel Brinsmade; (2) John Betts.
43 Mary,
4 b. Feb., 1661; m. Joseph Platt.
44 Rachael,
4 b. Feb., 1663; m. Abraham Nichols.
45 Elizabeth,4 b. in Aug., 1666; d. unm., about 1690. Administration was granted on her estate in 1690; the inventory was made 3 Nov., in that year.
46 Daniel,
4 b. 7 May, 1671; m. ______.
47 Samuel,
4 b. 19 Feb., 1673; m. (1) Sarah Platt; (2) Mrs. Sarah (Lockwood) Hicock.
48 Lydia,4 b. Apr., 1676; m. John Clark, of Milford.
49 Benjamin,4 b. Mar., 1678; d. unm., 1702. Agreement for the division of his estate 10 Nov., 1703, was signed by Daniel, Samuel and Joseph Kellogg, Abraham Nichols, John Clark, Mary Platt, widow, and Sarah Brinsmade, widow.
50 Joseph,
4 twin to Benjamin, b. Mar., 1678; m. (1) Sarah Plum; (2) Mrs. Mary Lyon.
3 son of Martin
2 (
7), b. prob. in Braintree, England, after 1630; m. (1) 24 Nov., 1664, Mrs. Sarah (Day) Gunn, dau. of Robert Day and Editha Stebbins, of Hartford, and widow of Nathaniel Gunn, of Hartford.
She was slain by the Indians, 19 Sept., 1677; he m. (2) 22 Mar., 1679, Sarah Boot, b. 1660, dau. of Thomas Boot, of Westfield.
He d. 17 Jan., 1711; she d. 15 Jan., 1718-19.
It is not known when he came to New England, nor whether he came with his brothers, Joseph and Daniel. The first record found of him in New England is that of his first marriage.
34 The Kelloggs in the New World.
He was a farmer; res. in Hadley, where he became the owner of a four-acre home lot in 1664. He, with the twenty-three other adult inhabitants on the west side of the river, petitioned the General Court in 1667 that they might call a minister to dispense the word of God to them. In this petition they said that for the most part they had lived about six years on the west side of the river, so that
Samuel may have been in Hadley several years before his marriage. In answer to this petition the present town of Hatfield was established in 1670. At that time Hatfield had about thirty families. The school was established about 1678, and the schoolhouse was built in 1681. Girls attended the school, or might attend, if they paid the same as boys. The school did not become free until 1722.
The first minister was Mr. Hope Atherton, who d. 8 June, 1677. The meeting-house was in the street. It had galleries, a turret and a bell.
The first planters of New England were entirely unaccustomed to clearing woodlands, and they selected places where they could immediately begin to cultivate the earth. They found the best lands generally divested of timber. The intervals, or rich alluvial lands upon the Connecticut and its tributary streams, were more free from trees than the adjoining uplands. The first settlers of Northampton, Hadley and Hatfield found plenty of land ready to plow, and began to raise Indian corn and other grain as soon as they had fixed themselves in these places. Nor did their home lots upon higher ground require much clearing. The upland woods on either side of the river, above and below these towns, were passable for men on horseback, and, with but little preparation, for carts. In King Philip's war, and in later years, companies of horsemen and larger bodies of foot soldiers seem to have penetrated the woods in every direction without difficulty.
Children, b. in Hatfield, by first wife.
51 Samuel,
4 b. 11 Apr., 1669; m. Hannah Dickinson.
52 Nathaniel,
4 b. 4 June, 1671; m. (1) Margaret _______; (2) Mrs. Priscilla Williams.
53 Ebenezer,4 b. 2 June, 1674; prob. d. young.
54 Joseph,4 b. 19 Sept., 1676; slain by the Indians, 19 Sept., 1677.
Children by second wife.
4 b. 25 Apr., 1680; res. in Hatfield; d. unm. 1755. His will, dated 13 July, 1755, proved 12 Aug., same year, bequeaths his property to the widow and children of his nephew, Ezra Kellogg (+
56 Thomas,4 b. 1 Oct., 1681; d. unm. in Hatfield, before 12 May, 1758, when his property was distributed to the heirs of his brothers, Samuel, John and Nathaniel. He was Non Compos, and lived with different members of his father's family during his lifetime and was well cared for by them.
57 Sarah,
4 b. 14 Apr., 1684; m. Abraham Morton.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 35
4 son of Lieut. Joseph
3 (
17), bap. in Farmington, Conn., 29 Dec., 1656; m. (1) in Hadley, Mass., 23 Dec, 1680. Sarah Moody, b. 1660, dau. of Samuel Moody and Sarah Deming.
She d. in Farmington, 10 Sept., 1689; he m. (2) Ruth _______.
He d. between 1723 and 1728; she d. after 1732.
He resided in Farmington and Hadley; succeeded to the ferry in Hadley, which had been operated by his father. His name appears in a list of those owning the largest estates in Hadley, in 1720, when his estate was valued at £114, 16s.
At one time he resided in the Hopkins schoolhouse in Hadley.
Children, b. in Hadley, by first wife.
58 Sarah,5 b. 2 May, 1682; m. 8 May, 1701. Abraham, son of Richard Moody, of Hatfield.
59 John,5 b. 21 Mar., 1684; d. Mar., 1691.
60 Joseph,
5 b. 6 Nov., 1685; m. Abigail Smith.
61 Samuel,
5 b. 1 Apr., 1687; m. (1) Mary Ashley (109); (2) Rachel Ashley (110).
62 A son,5 b. and d. 9 Sept., 1689.
Children by second wife.
63 Ruth,5 b. 5 Apr., 1693; d. 15 Nov., 1705.
64 Joanna,
5 b. 12 June, 1694; m. (1) Samuel Taylor; (2) James Dewey.
65 Esther,5 b. 17 Feb., 1696.
66 Abigail,
5 b. 26 Sept., 1697; m. (1) Jonathan Atherton: (2) Isaac Hubbard.
67 John,5 b. 26 Oct., 1699; d. 10 June, 1727.
68 James,
5 b. 10 July, 1701; m. Experience Smith (102).
4 son of Lieut. Joseph
3 (
17), b. in Boston, 22 Nov., 1658; m. (1) 10 Dec, 1684, Anna Hinsdale, b. 22 Feb., 1666, dau. of Samuel Hinsdale,* of Deerfield, and Mehitable Johnson.
She d. in Hatfield, 19 July, 1689, aged 23; he m. (2) 27 Feb., 1690-91, Mrs. Sarah (Dickinson) Lane, dau. of John Dickinson, of Hadley and Wethersfield, and Frances Foote, and widow of Samuel Lane, of Hatfield, whom she had m. 4 Dec, 1677.
She d. 11 Feb., 1732; he m. (3) 5 Oct., 1732, as her third husband, Mrs. Sarah (Huxley) Smith, of Suffield** (whose first husband was James Barlow), dau. of Thomas Huxley, of Suffield, and widow of Ebenezer Smith.
She d. ______; he d. ______, in Suffield.
36 The Kelloggs in the New World.
He rem. from Hadley to Hatfield, later to Deerfield, thence to Suffield.
When Deerfield was destroyed by the French and Indians, 29 Feb., 1704, he and four of his children, Martin, Joseph, Joanna and Rebecca, were taken prisoners and carried to Canada. His son, Jonathan, was killed. Mrs. Kellogg escaped. There is a tradition that at the time of the attack upon the house (which was at night), Mrs. Kellogg "escaped from her bod with her infant, a few days old, to the cellar, and after secreting her infant, turned a large tub over herself; the cries of the child attracted the attention of the Indians, who immediately seized it and dashed it against the wall. They afterward feasted upon the stores which they found in the cellar, sitting upon the tub which concealed the wretched mother. On their departure, they set fire to the dwelling. She rushed from the house, almost naked and, with bare feet, fled through the deep snow for two miles to the house then used as a fort." The youngest child of Martin Kellogg was Jonathan, b. 17 Dec, 1698, and, as recorded in the Hampshire County Recorder's book at Hatfield, he "was slain in the fort," which seems to dispose of the tradition of the infant, a few days old, carried to the cellar and secreted by his mother. How much truth there is in the rest of the tradition is unknown.
The father and his four children were separated, as the Indians, after their depredations, divided into as many parties, each taking a prisoner. It is not known when he returned. In Oct., 1705, eleven of the Deerfield captives came home; the names of only three are known, Stephen Williams, Samuel Williams, and Jonathan Hoyt. In 1706 forty-four English captives were returned from Canada. The names of but few of them are known. It is probable that in one of these parties Martin Kellogg, Sr., came.
The town of Colchester, Conn., granted to him, 4 Nov., 1706, a £100 right of land in that town, he paying £5 in money to the town and to come and settle there with all convenient speed. This he failed to do as appears by an agreement made in 1716, and the deed, three years later, 13 Mar., 1719, by which Ebenezer Coleman took the land, repaying to Martin the £5.
( From manuscript in the possession of the Massachusetts Historical Society, found in papers of Fitz John Winthrop, Governor of Connecticut, 1698, 1707.)
Upon ye day of ye date above sd about 2 hourse before day ye French & Indian Enemy made an attaque upon Derefield, entering ye Fort with Little discovery (though it is sd ye watch shot of an gun & cryed Arm, wch verry few heard) immediately set upon breaking open doors & windows, took ye watch & others Captive & had yir men appointed to Lead yni away, others improved in Rifleing houses of provissions, money, clothing, drink, & packing up & sending away; the greatest part standing to their Arms, fireing houses, & killing all they could yt made any resistance; alsoe killing cattle, hogs, sheep & sakeing & wasting all that came before ym, Except some persons that Escaped in ye Crowds, some by Leaping out at windows & over ye fortifications. Some ran to Capt. Well(s) his Garrison, & some to Hatfield with Litle or no cloathing on, & barefooted, wch with ye bitterness of ye season caused ym to come of wth frozen feete, &Lye Lame of ym. One house, viz, Benoni Stebbins, they attaqued Later than some others, yt those in it were well awakened, being 7 men, besides woemen and children, who stood stoutly to yir Armes, firing upon ye Enemy & ye Enemy upon ym, causing sevll of the Enemy to fall, of wch was one frenchman, a Gentile man to appearance. Ye Enemy gave back, they strove to fire ye house, our men killed 3 or 4 Indians in their attempt, ye Enemy being
The Kelloggs in the New World. 37
numerous about ye house, powered much shot upon the house; ye walls being filled up with brick, ye force of ye shot was repelled, yet they killed sayd Stebbins, & wounded one man & one woeman, of wch ye survives made no discovery to ye Assailants, but with more than ordinary Couridge kept fireing, haveing powder & Ball sufficient in sd house; ye Enemy took ymselves to the next house (the Old Indian House) & ye Meeting house, both of wch but about 8 rod distant, or men yet plyed their business & accepting of no qr, though offered by ye Enemy, nor Capitulate, but by guns, giveing little or no Respite from ye time they began ( say some of ye men in ye house shot 40 tymes, & had fair shots at ye Enemy all the while) about an hour before day till ye Sun about one hour & half high, at wch tyme they were almost spent; yet at the verry pintch, ready to yield or men from Hadley & Hatfield about 30 men, rushed in upon ye Enemy & made a shot upon them, at wch they Quitted their Assaileing ye house & ye Fort alsoe; the house of Libertie, woemen & children ran to Capn Wells his fort, the men wth oars still p'rsued the Enemy, all of them vigorously, causing many of ye Enemy to fall, yet being but about 40 men p'rsued to farr, imprudently, not altogether for want of conduct, for Capt. Wells, who had led them, called for retreate, which they Litle mynded, ye Enemy discovering their numbes haveing ambushmts of men, caused or men to give back, though to Late, being a Mile from ye Fort; in yir drawing of & at ye Fort Lost 11 of or men, viz, Sergt Benj Waite, Sergt Samll Boltwood, & his son Robt Boltwood, Samll Foot, Samll Alliss, Nathl Warner, Jonth Ingram, Thomas Selding, David Hoite, Jos Ingersoll, & Jos Catlin, & after or men recovered the Fort againe, the Enemy drew of, haveing at sd house & in ye ingagmts (as is Judge by ye best calculation we can come at) Lost about 50 men, & 12 or 15 wounded (as o'ur captive says) wch they carried of, & it is thought they will not see Canada againe (& sd Captive escaped says) they, viz, the Enemy, went 6 mile that night; about midnight ye same night were gathered of or uper & Lowr Towns neer about 80 men wch had thoughts with that numb'er to have Assaulted ye Enemy that Night, but ye snow being at Least 3 foot deep & impassable without snow shoes (wch we had not a supply of) & doubtfull whether we could ataque ym before day, being in a capacitie but to follow ym but in their path, they in a Capacitie to flank us on both sides, being fitted with snow shoes, & with treble or Numbr, if not more, & some were much concerned for the Captives, Mr. Wm's famyly Especially, whome ye Enemy would kill, if we come on, & it was concluded we should too much Expose or men. The next day by two of the Clock Coniticut men began to come in, & came by p'tis till within Night at wch tyme we were Raised to 250 men in Derefd, but the aforesd Objections, & the weather verry Warme, & like to be so, (& so it was wth Raine) we judge it impossible to travill, but as aforesd to uttermost disadvantage. Especially wn we came up to ym to an attaque, (Providence put a bar in or way) we Judge we should Expose o'rselves to ye Loss of men and not be able, as the case was circumstanced, to offend the Enemy or Rescue or Captives, which was ye End we aimed at in all, therefore desisted, & haveing buried the dead, saved wt we Could of Cattll, hogg, & sheep, & other Estate, out of ye spoyles of ye Remayneing Inhabitants, & some of or N. H., Hadly & Hatfid men settled a Garrison of 30 men or upwards, undr Capt Wells, & drew of to or places.
Children by first wife.
69 Martin,
5 b. 26 Oct., 1686; m. Dorothy Chester.
70 Anna,
5 b. 14 July, 1689; m. Joseph Severance.
38 The Kelloggs in the New World.
Children by second wife.
71 Joseph,
5 b. 8 Nov., 1691; m. Rachel Devotion.
72 Joanna,5 b. 8 Feb., 1693; captured 1704 by the Indians; m. an Indian Chief in Canada, and had several children. Before her death, she, together with several of her children, visited her half-brother, Martin Kellogg, in Newington, but she could not be induced to take up her residence with him, the love of her wild wood being too strong, and she returned to her Indian home. Her husband was chief of the Caughnawaga Tribe (belonging to the Mohawk Tribe).
73 Rebecca,
5 b. 23 Dec, 1695; m. Capt. Benjamin Ashley.
74 Jonathan,5 b. 17 Dec, 1698; killed by the Indians, 29 Feb., 1704.
4 son of Lieut. Joseph
3 (
17), b. in Boston, 1 Oct., 1660; m. Dorothy _______.
He d. ______; she d. ______.
He went with his father to Hadley; rem. to Brookfield;* in 1701 had a grant of land there, which he sold to Ebenezer Howe. This lot was No. 107 near where the bay path from Hadley intersected the path to Springfield and Boston.** He signed a petition to the General Court, 13 Oct., 1706, asking them to continue their "Goodness and bounty to us for the ensuing year, else we shall starve & pine away for want of that spiritual food with which through your Honor's liberality we were last year so plentifully fed with."
He rem. to Lebanon, Conn., before the 30th of Jan., 1730, when, in a deed of land in Brookfield to his son, Thomas, he was described as late of Brookfield. It is not known when he moved from Lebanon, and it may be that both he and his wife died there.
75 Joseph,5 b. in Hadley, 29 Oct., 1692; went to Brookfield with his father. To induce the sons of the first planters to remain, the town granted, at a meeting held 8 Mar., 1710, tracts of land, and among the other grants was one of "40 acres of upland and 20 acres of meadow -to Joseph Kellogg." One of the conditions of the grant was that those receiving the land should live in the town four years after they became of age. In the Hampshire Co. Recorder's book, in the Town Clerk's office of Hatfield, is the
The Kelloggs in the New World. 39
following record: "July 12, 1710, John Grovenor, Ebenezer Howe, John White, Benjamin and Stephen Jennings and Jos. Kellogg were slain at Brookfield. Ben Wright, wounded Aug. 22, 1711." Immediately preceding this is an account of "The Desolation of Deerfield, Feby. ye last day Anno 1703-4." It is not known when these records were made, and it is possible that the record of the death of Joseph Kellogg was an error. One Joseph Kellogg married, in 1716, in Springfield, Hannah Morgan. (See Appendix, Section 1.)
76 Joanna,5 b. 5 Oct., 1694.
77 Thomas,
5 b. 17 Dec., 1696; m. Elizabeth Lee.
78 Dorothy,
5 b. 6 Mar., 1700; m. Thomas Ainsworth.
79 Catherine,5 b. 1 Feb., 1702.
80 Mary,5 b. 29 Mar., 1703; admitted to the church in Goshen, Conn., from Lebanon, 7 June, 1730; rem. to Norwich.
81 Ephraim,
5 b. 19 Apr., 1707; m. Lydia Sawtelle.
82 Eleanor,
5 b. 20 Jan., 1710; m. Thomas Ainsworth.
83 Edward,
5 b. 25 Aug., 1713; m. Jemima Bartlett.
4 son of Lieut. Joseph
3 (
17), b. in Hadley, 28 Sept., 1662; m. in Hartford, 22 Sept., 1687, Sarah Merrill, b. 19 Sept., 1664, dau. of Deacon John Merrill, of Hartford, who d. 18 July, 1712, and Sarah Watson, b. 1646.
He d. 1717; she d. 1719.
One of his descendants (George C. Kellogg, b. 1788), in a Kellogg memorandum says: "When Samuel was two years old he was playing near the fire, while his mother was absent, the cross-bar* broke and a kettle of soap fell, which would have killed the child had not Col. Stanley snatched him up. Col. Stanley was then (1664) living in Hadley, and when he returned to Hartford, a few years later (prior to 1669), he probably took the child and reared him in his family."
He bought land in the South Meadow in Hartford in 1691, which he sold in 1705, and bought land in West Hartford, where he was deacon in the church, and where he died.
He and his wife were admitted to the Second Church in Hartford, 17 Mar., 1695.
Goods valued at one pound, 7 shillings and six pence, belonging to him, were impressed in Hartford for use in the expedition against Canada, 8 Aug., 1711.
In 1717-18, his estate was distributed to his wife and the children named below. Her will was probated in Hartford 3 Nov., 1719.
In Dec. 1728, all the children, except Abraham and John, who were dead, heirs of Sarah Kellogg, deceased, sold land in Hartford.
84 Samuel,
5 b. 27 Aug., 1688; m. Hannah Benton.
85 Margaret,
5 b. Jan., 1690; m. Benjamin Catlin.
40 The Kelloggs in the New World.
86 Abraham,5 bap. 23 Oct., 1691; m. at Northampton, Mass., 2 Apr., 1718, Miriam Cook, b. 30 Sept., 1690, dau. of Noah Cook and Sarah Nash, of Northampton. His will was probated 14 Aug., 1718. His estate was inventoried at £275, 7s., 2d. He had no children. His widow married (3) 11 Nov., 1719, Capt. Daniel Webster, of Hartford.
87 John,
5 b. 16 Dec, 1695 or '96; m. Sarah Olmstead.
88 Isaac,
5 b. 17 Jan., 1697; m. Mary Webster.
89 Jacob,
5 b. 17 Apr., 1099; m. (1) Mary Sedgewick; (2) Mrs. Ruth (Lee) Judd.
90 Benjamin,
5 b. Jan., 1701; m. (1) Abigail Sedgewick; (2) Elizabeth Brown; (3) Elizabeth Webster.
91 Joseph,
5 b. 13 Apr., 1704; m. ______.
92 Daniel,
5 b. Apr., 1707; m. Deborah Moore.
4 dau. of Lieut. Joseph
3 (
17), b. in Hadley, 8 Dec., 1664; m. 29 Nov., 1683, Deacon John Smith, b. 18 Dec, 1661, son of Lieut. Philip Smith,* of Hadley, and Rebecca, dau. of Nathaniel Foote, of Wethersfield, Conn.
He d. in Hadley, 16 Apr., 1727; she survived him.
He was a deacon in the church in Hadley.
93 John Smith,5 b. 3 Dec, 1684; m. Esther, dau. of Ephraim Colton of Long Meadow, Mass.; d. in Hadley, 25 Dec, 1761, aged 77; she d. aged about 84; had eight children.
94 Joanna Smith,5 b. 1 Sept., 1686; m. 10 Jan., 1705, Ephraim Nash, b. about 1682, son of Timothy Nash and Rebecca Stone.
95 Rebecca Smith,5 b. 5 Aug., 1688; m. 11 Jan., 1710, Samuel Crow, b. 11 Feb., 1675, son of Samuel Crow, who was slain in Turners' Falls fight, 18 May, 1676, and Hannah Lewis; she d. 26 Feb., 1715; he d. 13 Feb., 1761; res. in Hadley; had two children.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 41
96 Joseph Smith,5 b. 19 July, 1690; m. Feb., 1712, Rebecca Smith, dau. of Joseph Smith; rem. to Sunderland, and afterward res. in Hadley; had six children.
97 Martin Smith,5 b. 15 Apr., 1692; m. 1715, Sarah Weir. They res. in Wethersfield, Conn.
98 Eleazer Smith,5 b. 25 Sept., 1694; d. unm., 3 Oct., 1721.
99 Sarah Smith,5 b. 18 Nov., 1696; d. 28 Oct., 1697.
Sarah Smith,
5 b. 9 Nov., 1698; m. (1) 22 May, 1724, her cousin, Samuel Kellogg (
131); m. (2) 5 Jan., 1749, William Montague, of South Hadley, b. 1692, son of John Montague and Hannah Smith.
101 Prudence Smith,5 b. 15 Mar., 1701; m. (1) Mar., 1722, her cousin, Timothy Nash (151), of Long Meadow, b. 13 Nov., 1699; m. (3) Deacon Ichabod Hinckley; he d. 15 Mar., 1756; she d. 18 Apr., 1774.
Experience Smith,
5 b. 19 Apr., 1703; m. James Kellogg (+
103 Elizabeth Smith,5 b. 13 Oct., 1705; m. 22 May, 1738, her cousin, Stephen Nash (153), of Westfield; he d. 1764; she d. 1790.
104 Mindwell Smith,5 b. 25 May, 1708; m. 3 May, 1732, Benoni Sacket.
4 dau. of Lieut. Joseph
3 (
17), b. in Hadley, 27 Aug., 1666; m. in Hadley, 27 Apr., 1686, Samuel Ashley, b. in Springfield, Mass., 26 Oct., 1664, son of David Ashley and Hannah Glover.
She d. in Westfield, Jan., 1729. Two of their daughters m. Samuel Kellogg (+
Children, b. in Westfield.
105 Mary Ashley,5 b. 6 Mar., 1687; d. in infancy.
106 Samuel Ashley,5 b. 3 Nov., 1688; m. Hannah Dewey.
107 Daniel Ashley,5 b. 7 Sept., 1691; m. Mrs. Thankful Taylor, of Deerfield.
108 Sarah Ashley,5 b. 11 Sept., 1693; perhaps d. in infancy.
Mary Ashley,
5 b. 12 Mar., 1694; m. 8 July, 1714, Samuel Kellogg (
Rachel Ashley,
5 b. 14 Feb., 1695; m. 3 June, 1738, Samuel Kellogg (
111 Jacob Ashley,5 b. 24 Sept., 1697; d. unm. before 1727.
42 The Kelloggs in the New World.
112 Joanna Ashley,5 b. 6 Feb., 1699; m. (1) Joseph Taylor, of Westfield and Sheffield; (2) Deacon James Dewey.
113 Ezekiel Ashley,5 (Lieut.), b. 27 Apr., 1701; m. Hannah Griswold; d. in Louisburg Expedition, 1745.
114 Aaron Ashley,5 b. 1 Jan., 1702-03; m. Bethiah Dewey.
115 Abigail Ashley,5 b. 23 May, 1708; m. 8 Nov., 1732, Samuel Goodrich, of Sheffield.
116 Joseph Ashley,5 b. 11 Oct., 1709; m. Anna Dewey. She was a sister of Bethiah Dewey, who married his brother, Aaron. He was graduated from Yale 1730; minister in Winchester, N. H., 1736; remained until the settlement was broken up by the Indians; settled in Sunderland, Mass., and d. there, 8 Feb., 1797.
4 son of Lieut. Joseph
3 (
17), b. 9 Apr., 1668; m. 8 May, 1694, Lydia Belden, b. Mar., 1675, dau. of John and Lydia Belden, of Wethersfield, Conn.
He d. 5 June, 1722; his gravestone is now standing in the cemetery in Westfield.
He was a weaver;* rem. to Westfield in 1697. His will was dated 2 June, 1722, and proved 5 Feb., following.
She m. (2) in Westfield, 17 Jan., 1734, as his second wife, Benjamin Lewis, of Colchester, Conn.
He d. in Colchester, 6 Sept., 1753, in his seventy-ninth year; she d. there, 6 Jan., 1759, in her eighty-fourth year.
117 Stephen,
5 b. 3 Feb., 1695; m. (1) Abigail Loomis; (2) Mary Cook.
118 Lydia,5 b. 24 Jan., 1697.
119 Moses,5 b. 20 Oct., 1700; d. 15 Sept., 1704.
120 Abigail,
5 b. 27 Dec, 1702; m. Christopher Jacob Lawton.
121 Daniel,
5 b. 15 Dec, 1704; m. Hannah Noble.
122 Ephraim,5 b. 2 July, 1707; d. 16 Mar., 1728.
123 Mercy,
5 b. 30 Oct., 1709; m. (1) Rev. Judah Lewis; (2) David Bigelow.
124 Noah,
5 b. 13 Feb., 1711; m. _______.
125 Silas,
5 b. 7 Apr., 1714; m. Ruth Root.
126 Amos,
5 b. 30 Sept., 1716; m. (1) Mary Stebbins; (2) Prudence Sedgwick.
127 Aaron,
5 b. ______; m. Mary Lewis.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 43
32. NATHANIEL,4 son of Lieut. Joseph3 (17), b. in Hadley, 8 Oct., 1669; m. 28 June, 1692, Sarah Boltwood, b. in Hadley, 1 Oct., 1672, dau. of Sergt. Samuel Boltwood and Sarah Lewis.*
He was in Deerfield 6 June, 1693, when the town was attacked by the Indians; he escaped and alarmed the town. He was one of the largest taxpayers in Hadley; Lieutenant in the militia; selectman of Hadley, 1717, '21, '24, '27, '37. He rem. to the Third Precinct of Hadley (now Amherst), and was one of the original members of the church there, 7 Nov., 1739.
He d. 30 Oct., 1750.
Children, b. in Hadley.
128 Nathaniel,
5 b. 22 Sept., 1693; m. (1) Sarah Preston; (2) Mrs. Martha (Allis) Hammond; (3) Mrs. Elizabeth Smith.
129 Ebenezer,
5 b. 31 May, 1695; m. (1) Mrs. Elizabeth (Ingram) Panthorn; (2) Mrs. Sarah Stephens.
130 Ezekiel,
5 b. 15 Apr., 1697; m. Elizabeth Partridge.
131 Samuel,
5 b. 4 Apr., 1699; m. Sarah Smith (100).
132 Sarah,
5 b. 12 Mar., 1701; m. Deacon Ebenezer Dickinson.
133 Abigail,
5 b. 19 Mar., 1703; m. Benjamin Sheldon.
134 Mary,5 b. 9 Mar., 1706; m. Dr. Richard Crouch, 14 Nov., 1732; d. 29 Dec, 1788, aged 82; had no children. Dr. Crouch in his will, proved 13 Oct., 1761, mentions his wife Mary, his nephew Samuel Sheldon, and his niece Experience Dickinson, his nephew Richard Crouch, son of Edward Crouch, of the Isle of Wight, in Old England.
135 Ephraim,
5 b. 2 Aug., 1709; m. Dorothy Hawley.
136 Experience,
5 b. ______; m: Timothy Nash.
4 dau. of Lieut. Joseph
3 (
17), b. in Hadley, 9 Oct., 1671; m. 14 Nov., 1688, Jonathan Smith, b. about 1663, son of Philip and brother of Deacon John Smith, who married her sister, Joanna (
He res. in Hatfield; d. Oct. or Nov., 1737; she was living in Amherst in 1742.
137 Jonathan Smith,5 b. 10 Aug., 1689; m. 6 Jan., 1722, Hannah Wright, dau. of Benoni Wright, of Hatfield, Mass. He was a potter by trade; captain; rem. to Amherst: d. about 1778, in what is now Orange, Mass.
138 Daniel Smith,5 b. 3 Mar., 1692; d. in Amherst, 16 Nov., 1760.
139 Abigail Smith,5 b. 20 Apr., 1695; m. Jonathan Parsons.
140 Stephen Smith,5 b. 5 Dec, 1697; rem. to Amherst; d. in Sunderland about 1760.
141 Prudence Smith,5 b. 16 May, 1700.
142 Moses Smith,5 b. 8 Sept., 1702; m. Mary Marsh. Perhaps he moved to Ware River and d. About 1749.
44 The Kelloggs in the New World.
143 Elisha Smith,5 b. 10 July, 1705; m. Sarah, dau. of Joseph Smith and Canada Waite, b. 14 Oct., 1707; she d. 17 Oct., 1795. He rem. to Whately, 1731-33; was called "Good Man Smith;" d. in Whately, 1784.
144 Elizabeth Smith,5 b. 8 May, 1708; m. 6 Nov., 1728 or 1729, Richard Chauncey; d. in Whately, 22 May, 1790, aged 82.
145 Ephraim Smith,5 b. 24 Mar., 1711; m. Martha Scott, dau. of Joseph Scott and Lydia Leonard; res. in Athol, Mass.
146 Aaron Smith,5 b. 7 Feb., 1715; m. (1) 1739, Abigail Scott, dau. of Joseph Scott and Lydia Leonard. He was deacon of the church in Athol, where he d. 9 Mar., 1798.
4 dau. of Lieut. Joseph
3 (
17), b. 9 Oct., 1673; m. 27 Nov. 1691, as his second wife, Lieut. John Nash, b. 21 Aug., 1667, son of Lieut. Timothy Nash, of New Haven, Hartford and Hadley, and Rebecca Stone, dau. of Rev. Samuel Stone, of Hartford.
He was a blacksmith; Representative from Hadley, 1707, '16, '19, '30, '34, '28, '31.
He d. 7 Oct., 1743, aged 76; she d. in West Hartford, 4 July, 1750, aged 76, and is buried beside her sister. Prudence Merrill (
147 Rebecca Nash,5 b. 27 Feb., 1693; d. 1 Nov., 1703.
148 John Nash,5 b. 2 July, 1694; m. Nov., 1716, Hannah Ingram, b. in Hadley, 17 Oct., 1697, dau. of John Ingram and Mehitable Dickinson; rem. to Amherst, Mass., where he was deacon in the Congregational Church; d. about 1778.
Moses Nash,
5 b. 2 July, 1696; m. (1) Rebecca Graves, b. 4 May, 1700, dau. of John Graves and Sarah White; she d. in West Hartford, 6 Oct., 1743; m. (2) 30 Oct., 1744, Mary Cook, widow of his cousin, Stephen Kellogg (
117); res. in West Hartford; d. there, 26 Jan., 1760, aged 63.
150 Elizabeth Nash,5 b. 15 Dec, 1698; d. 31 Dec, same year.
151 Timothy Nash,5 b. 13 Nov., 1699; m. (1) Mar., 1723, his cousin. Prudence Smith (101); settled in Long Meadow, Mass.; d. 15 Mar., 1756.
152 Abigail Nash,5 b. 10 Apr., 1702; m. 1 Dec, 1725, her cousin. Deacon Abraham Merrill (159), of West Hartford; d. 3 Apr., 1782; he d. 1783; had five children.
153 Stephen Nash,5 b. 20 Sept., 1704; m. 22 May, 1728, his cousin, Elizabeth Smith (103); settled in Westfield; d. 1764; she d. about 1790.
154 Daniel Nash,5 b. 8 Dec, 1706; m. Abigail; res. in South Hadley until about the time of the American Revolution, when he rem. to Shelburne, Mass.; d. 24 Aug., 1791, aged 83; she d. in Conway, Mass., 6 Sept., 1803, aged 93; had eight children.
155 Samuel Nash,5 b. 29 July, 1709; m. (1) 24 Jan., 1734, his cousin, Margaret Merrill (162); he m. (3) Mrs. Dickinson; rem. to Farmington and Goshen, Conn.
156 Phineas Nash,5 b. 18 Jan., 1713; d. 24 Mar., same year.
157 Enos Nash,5 b. 21 Apr., 1714; m. 18 Feb., 1736, Joanna Barnard, b. 1 Oct., 1715, dau. of Dr. John Barnard, b. 19 Nov., 1676, and Bridget Cook. He was a blacksmith in Hadley, Mass.; deacon in the church; d. 28 Aug., 1768; she d. 10 Mar., 1788, aged 82; had five children.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 45
4 dau. of Lieut. Joseph
3 (
17), b. in Hadley, 14 Oct., 1675; m. in Hartford, 16 Apr., 1699, Deacon Abraham Merrill, b. 21 Dec, 1670, son of Deacon John Merrill, of West Hartford, and Sarah Watson.
She d. 21 Sept., 1747; he d. 6 Nov., same year. Res. in West Hartford and d. there.
In his will, 11 Dec, 1735, he mentioned all of the following children, except Elizabeth :
158 Prudence Merrill,5 b. 22 Dec, 1700; m. 30 June, 1720, Ebenezer Sedgwick.
159 Abraham Merrill,5 b. 3 Dec, 1702; m. 1 Dec, 1725, his cousin, Abigail Nash (152); d. 1783.
160 Abigail Merrill,5 b. 16 Jan., 1705.
161 Joseph Merrill,5 b. 28 Mar., 1707.
162 Margaret Merrill,5 b. 6 June, 1709; m. 24 Jan., 1734, her cousin, Samuel Nash (155).
163 Elizabeth Merrill,5 b. 2 Oct., 1711.
164 Jerusha Merrill,5 b. 19 Nov., 1713.
165 Joanna Merrill,5 bap. Apr., 1716.
4 son of Lieut. Joseph
3 (
17), b. in Hadley, 22 Nov., 1677; m. in Colchester, 6 July, 1706, Mabel Butler, b. 1682, dau. of Daniel Butler, of Hartford.
She d. 3 Sept., 1742; he d. 22 Aug., 1746.
He rem. to Colchester, Conn., where he had been accepted as an inhabitant of the town and received a grant of a home lot, 16 Mar., 1703-04.
His will, 19 Sept., 1745, proved 3 June, 1746, bequeaths all his real estate to his only son, Ebenezer, to whom he also bequeathed "his Negro Caesar,* only with this condition that if Caesar is a mind to choose a new master then my will is that ray son Ebenezer shall sell him to such a master as ye s'd Caesar shall choose."
Tradition says that Caesar, who d. 8 Aug., 1774, aged 55, remained with his young master, and died from drinking cold water after mowing. He also mentions in his will daughters, Mary Merrill and Prudence Roberts; also granddaughters, Abigail Gillette and Elizabeth Roberts, whose mothers were dead.
166 Abigail,5 b. 25 June, 1707; m. _______ Gillette.
167 Ebenezer,
5 b. 30 Jan., 1710; m. Abigail Rowley.
168 Elizabeth,5 b. 25 Sept., 1712; m. ______ Roberts.
46 The Kelloggs in the New World.
169 Mary,5 b. 3 June, 1715; m. 9 Nov., 1738, Timothy Merrill, son of Nathaniel Merrill.
170 Prudence,5 b. 24 Dec, 1717; m. 6 May, 1736, William Roberts, Jr.
4 son of Lieut. Joseph
3 (
17) , b. in Hadley, 25 Dec., 1679; m. 3 Jan., 1711, Ann Newton, b. in Colchester, 13 Apr., 1692, dau. of James Newton, of Kingston, R. I.
She d. 11 Aug., 1769; he d. 8 Aug., 1771; both in Colchester.
His brothers, Ebenezer and Nathaniel, and others, sold to Jonathan Kellogg, of Westfield, their £100 right, granted them for the encouragement of the building of a sawmill in Colchester, and it is probable that he removed to Colchester about this time. He gave to his son, Israel, 25 Apr., 1765, on account of "love and good will that I have for my well beloved and dutiful son. Israel of Colchester, a negro boy, about 10 years old, named Esau."
171 Jonathan,
5 b. 18 Sept., 1712; m. Mary Niles.
172 Joseph,
5 b. 6 June, 1714; m. Sarah Clark.
173 Margery,5 b. 10 Aug., 1716; d. 30 July, 1736.
174 Ann,5 b. about 1718; m. John Wells, Jr.
175 Israel,
5 b. about 1722; m. Abigail Northam.
176 Stephen,
5 b. 15 Mar., 1724; m. (1) Martha Wells; (2) Mrs. Sarah (Pool) Hart.
177 Silas,5 b. 11 Jan., 1732-33; d. 28 July, 1738.
178 Martin,5 b. 15 Feb., 1734-35; d. 26 July, 1738.
179 Unnamed Infant,5 d. 9 Mar., 1737, aged 8 weeks.
4 dau. of Daniel
3 (
19), b. in Norwalk, Feb., 1659; m. Daniel Brinsmade, of Stratford, son of John and Mary Brinsmade.
He d. Oct., 1702; she m. (2) John Betts, of Norwalk, b. 10 May, 1655, son of Thomas Betts, who d. 1688, and Mary, his wife.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 47
Children, b. in Stratford.
180 Mary Brinsmade,5 b. about 1684.
181 Daniel Brinsmade,5 (Lieut.), b. about 1687; m. ______. His son. Rev. Daniel Brinsmade,5 b. 31 July, 1718, was for forty-four years the pastor of the church, in what is now Washington, Conn., where he d. 23 Apr., 1795.
182 Abigail Brinsmade,5 b. about 1691.
183 Samuel Brinsmade,5 b. about 1694.
184 Ruth Brinsmade,5 b. about 1700.
4 dau. of Daniel
3 (
19), b. Feb., 1661; m. 5 May, 1680, Joseph Platt, son of Deacon Richard Platt and Mary _______, of Milford.
At a town meeting in Norwalk, 12 Jan., 1676, it was voted "in consideration of the good service that the souldiers sent out of the towne ingaged and performed by them in the Indian warr, out of respect and thankfulness to the sayed souldiers, doe with one consent and freely, give and grant unto so many souldiers as were in the service at the direful swamp fight, twelve acors of land; and eight acors of land to so many souldiers as were in the nest considerable service; and fowre acors to those souldiers as were in the next considerable service." Feb. 21, 1698, the town granted to "Joseph Platt, as he was a souldier out in the service against the common enemy, as a gratification for his good service, do give and grant unto him ten acres of land, to take it up a mile from town, and wheare it lyes free not yet pitcht upon by any other persons."
Res. in Milford; he d. before 10 Nov., 1703.
185 Mary Platt,5 b. ____, 1681.
186 Richard Platt,5 b. 9 Aug., 1682.
187 Joseph Platt,5 b. 4 Feb., 1683.
188 Epenetus Platt,5 b. 17 May, 1696.
189 Sarah Platt,5 b. 28 Mar., 1702.
190 Mary Platt,5 b. 6 May, 1704.
4 dau. of Daniel
3 (
19), b. Feb., 1663; m. Abraham Nichols, of Northern Stratford, b. Jan., 1662, son of Caleb Nichols and Annie Ward. Perhaps they resided in that part of Stratford which was incorporated as Trumbull in 1797. (Huntington and Bridgeport were also set off from Stratford.)
It is not known when either died.
191 Joseph Nichols,5 b. 21 Sept., 1685.
192 Daniel Nichols,5 b. 27 Apr., 1687; m. Hannah Peet.
193 Hester Nichols,5 b. 31 Oct., 1689; m. Elnathan Peet.
194 Rachel Nichols,5 b. 9 Nov., 1691; m. Ephraim Booth.
195 Abraham Nichols,5 b. 15 Sept., 1696; m. Abigail Walker.
196 Eunice Nichols,5 bap. 7 Dec, 1698.
197 Ruth Nichols,5 b. Mar., 1701; m. Stephen Burroughs; their son was the father of the Decimal Currency System of the United States.
198 Phebe Nichols,5 b. 22 July, 1703; m. Deacon Thomas Peet.
48 The Kelloggs in the New World.
4 son of Daniel
3 (
19), b. in Norwalk, 7 May, 1671; m. _______.
He was a farmer; res. in Norwalk.
He d. there, before 28 July, 1709, when the inventory of his estate was taken. At this time, the ages of the children were stated, Daniel, about 10; John, about 8; Benjamin, about 5; Johannah, near 3 years old; Eliasaph, about one week old.
"On 18 Aug., 1709, Daniel Colloge and Joseph Colloge presented to the Probate Court in Fairfield, the inventory of Daniel Colloge, late of Norwalk, deceased."
The estate was appraised at £504, 8s., 9d., and was distributed to his four sons and one daughter, 4 Apr., 1710.
199 Daniel,
5 b. 7 May, 1698; m. Eunice Jarvis.
200 John,
5 b. 1701; m. Ann Coley.
201 Benjamin,
5 b. 1704; m. Elizabeth _______.
202 Joanna,5 b. 1706; d. before Mar., 1720.
203 Eliasaph,
5 b. about 21 July, 1709; m. Rachel Benedict.
4 son of Daniel
3 (
19), b. in Norwalk, "the latter ende of Feb., 1673, it being ye 19 day, Saterday night just dark,"* as it is recorded in the Town Records of Norwalk; m. (1) in Norwalk, 6 Sept., 1704, Sarah Platt, b. in Norwalk, 21 May, 1678, dau. of Deacon John Platt, and Hannah Clark.
She d. 10 Nov., 1750, aged 72; he m. (2) in Wilton, 9 Mar., 1755, Mrs. Sarah (Lockwood) Hickok, b. 1678, widow of Benjamin Hickok, dau. of Jonathan Lockwood, b. in Watertown, Mass., 10 Sept., 1634, and Mary Ferris, of Greenwich.
She had m. (1) 25 Jan., 1700, Nathaniel Selleck, who d. 14 Aug., 1712; (2) Benjamin Hickok. At the time of her marriage to Samuel Kellogg, she was in her seventy-third year, and he was in his eighty-third, and it may well be called, as it is in Selleck's Norwalk, "the most remarkable wedding that ever took place in Norwalk." (Wilton was taken from Norwalk in 1802.)
He d. 13 Oct., 1757; she d. 1765, her will being dated 10 Jan., 1765; proved 23 Feb., same year. In this instrument she mentioned children named Selleck and Hecox.
He owned considerable land in what is now New Canaan, and here many of his descendants lived. He bought the land west of Whitney's mill back almost to Ponassus Path.
He conveyed to his children homes on Marvin's Ridge, Clapboard Hill and other parts of New Canaan, but some one has said that the "Kelloggs didn't own all of Clapboard Hill." He gave to "Loving son Samuel, one-half of his home "lot," reserving improvement during his natural life, 19 Apr., 1749.
After the death of his son Samuel, he conveyed the other half of his home lot to "Loving grandchildren, daughters of my son Samuel, deceased," which was described as "seven acres with dwelling house, bounded south by country road; all other sides by highway and common land," reserving improvement of same during his natural life, 27 Sept., 1755. He was collector of Norwalk,
The Kelloggs in the New World. 49
1703; selectman, 1705 and 1714; member of the Connecticut Assembly; on committee to seat the new meeting house, 3 June, 1723.*
Children, b. in Norwalk.
204 Sarah,5 b. 26 Sept., 1705; m. _______.
205 Samuel,
5 b. 23 Dec, 1706; m. Ann _______.
206 Mary,5 b. 29 Jan., 1708.
207 Martin,
5 b. 23 Mar., 1711; m. (1) Mary Lockwood; (2) Mercy Wood (?).
208 Abigail,5 b. 19 Jan., 1713.
209 Lydia,
5 b. 30 Oct., 1715; m. Theophilus Fitch.
210 Gideon,
5 b. 5 Dec., 1717; m. Hannah _______.
211 Epenetus,
5 b. 26 June, 1719; m. Jemima Rogers.
4 son of Daniel
3 (
19), b. in Norwalk, Mar., 1678; m. (1) 25 Nov., 1708, Sarah Plum, dau. of John Plum, of Milford, Conn.
She d. 17 Aug., 1712; he m. (2) 10 Oct., same year, Mrs. Mary Lyon, widow of Andrew Lyon, of Norwalk.
He d. before 21 Jan., 1721, when his estate was distributed to his widow, Mary; sons, Joseph, David and Benjamin; daughters, Elizabeth, Sarah, Rachel and Hannah.
He res. in Norwalk, his homestead being described in a deed from his son, David, 17 Oct., 1738, as follows : "Seven acres more or less near the Great Bridge, bounded n. and w. by highway; e. by highway or common land; s. by home lot of Capt. Samuel Keeler."
He was the owner of considerable land as appears in the division of his estate in 1721. Some of his children, as well as those of his brother, Samuel, were among the early settlers of "Canaan Parish."
After his death she m. Benjamin Scudder, of Huntington, L. I. Mr. Scudder d. before 11 Jan., 1736, as she was called "Widow Scudder" in a deed at that time.
212 Elizabeth,
5 b. 5 Oct., 1703; m. Daniel Reed.
213 Sarah,
5 b. Apr., 1706; m. Samuel Reed.
214 Joseph,5 b. 26 Sept., 1707; d. unm. about 1730-35.
215 Rachel,
5 b. 15 July, 1710; m. William Reed.
216 Hannah,5 b. 1 Aug., 1712; m. Waring. David and Benjamin Kellogg, Daniel, Samuel and William Reed made a division of the lands of our father, Joseph Kellogg, deceased, and the estate "of our sister, Hannah Kellogg, alias Waring, dec'd, 15 Nov., 1737."
217 David,
5 b. 28 Sept., 1715; m. Judith Raymond.
218 Benjamin,
5 b. 26 Sept., 1717; m. Mrs. Lydia Whitney.
50 The Kelloggs in the New World.
4 son of Samuel
3 (
20), b. in Hadley, 11 Apr., 1669; m. Hannah Dickinson, b. 18 Jan., 1666, dau. of Nathaniel Dickinson, of Hadley, b. Aug, 1643, and Hannah _______.
He d. in Colchester, Conn., 24 Aug., 1708; she d. there, 3 Aug., 1745.
When his mother and younger brother, Joseph, were killed by the Indians, in the attack on Hatfield,* 19 Sept., 1677, he was taken prisoner and carried to Canada. He rem. to Colchester after 1701; bought land there, from his brother, Nathaniel, 26 May, 1707.
In the inventory of his estate, dated 21 Sept., 1708, his personal property was appraised at £257, 13s. Her will, dated 18 Apr., 1745, proved 7 Jan., following, mentions all of the children named below.
Children, b. in Hatfield.
219 Samuel,
5 b. 18 May, 1694; m. Abigail Sterling.
220 Joseph,
5 b. 18 June, 1696; m. Abigail Miller.
221 Hannah,
5 b. 11 Sept., 1699; m. Nathaniel Clark.
222 Eunice,
5 b. 3 Aug., 1701; m. Benjamin Quiterfield.
4 son of Samuel
3 (
20), b. in Hatfield, 4 June, 1671; m. (1) Margaret; she d. 15 Dec, 1747, aged 71; he m. (2) 29 May, 1748, Mrs. Priscilla Williams, of Colchester.
He d. 22 Aug., 1757, aged 86; the record of his death states that he had been that morning in town.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 51
The town of Colchester granted, 16 Mar., 1703-04, to "Nathaniel Kellogg and Samuel Pellet liberty to set up a sawmill on ye brook Caled ye gouvernors Brook & thay to have ye streame so long thay maintaine a sawmill there & to have it goinge at or before ye last of September next."
"Nathaniell Kalodg" was chosen Way Warden, 18 Dec, 1704. He was chosen Collector 1711; on committee to lay out convenient "Highwaise," 31 Dec, 1712.
At a meeting 1 Oct., 1711, "the town considering the great necessity of a schole howse," appointed him one of the committee to finish a frame given by Capt. Gilbert to the town, and "to hire a school master as spedy as they can conveniently for this winter," and at the same meeting he was appointed, with Sergt. Pratt, to lay out a highway "from north end of the town unto Jeremiahs & make return to the towne."
He was made a joint proprietor of Colchester, 8 Apr., 1713.
The town granted to him and three others, 23 Sept., 1720, liberty of the stream running through Jonathan Kellogg's meadow, with ten acres of land for a sawmill or gristmill.
He was appointed 14 Sept., 1730, with Capt. Wright, a committee to arrange with Col. Isaac Lothrop, of Plymouth, Mass., for exchange of his land so as to complete agreement as to Lebanon boundary.
His will, dated 27 Apr., 1756, proved in 1757, mentions his wife Priscilla, his son John, daus. Margaret Campfield, Edith Pratt and Lydia Hopson, and grandchildren, Charles Kellogg, of Bolton, Nathaniel Kellogg, Elizabeth Clark, Sarah Bingham, Delight Andrus, Margaret Webb, Ann Kellogg, David, Ezra, Abner, Rachael, Lydia, Margaret, Sarah, Oliver and Russell Kellogg, and Sarah Crocker, and his daughter-in-law, Lydia Kellogg.
Children, first two b. in Hadley, others in Colchester.
223 Margaret,5 b. 15 Feb., 1697-98; m. ______ Campfield.
224 Editha,
5 b. 13 Nov., 1699; m. Joseph Pratt.
225 Nathaniel,
5 b. in Colchester, 8 May, 1703; m. Elizabeth Williams.
226 Sarah,
5 b. 27 Dec, 1707; m. Rev. Judah Lewis.
227 Lydia,
5 b. 29 May, 1710; m. (1) John Hopson; (2) Henry Bliss.
228 Abner,
5 b. about 1716; m. Lydia Otis.
52 The Kelloggs in the New World.
229 John,
5 b. about 1717; m. Mary Newton.
230 Ezra,
5 b. 6 Sept., 1724; m. Ruth Wells.
4 dau. of Samuel
3 (
20), b. in Hatfield, 14 Apr., 1684; m. 8 Apr., 1701, by the Rev. Isaac Chauncy, Abraham Morton, of Hatfield, b. 16 May, 1676, son of Richard Morton and Ruth _______.
231 Abraham Morton,5 b. 2 May, 1703; settled in Athol.
232 Richard Morton,5 b. 1 Oct., 1704; was of Athol in 1750.
233 Sarah Morton,5 b. Apr., 1707; m. Samuel Smith.
234 Samuel Morton,5 b. 8 Sept., 1709; m. 1731, Lydia Smith; was of Athol in 1750.
235 Abigail Morton,5 b. 6 Jan., 1711; d. 1 Feb., 1715.
236 Moses Morton,5 b. ______.
237 Daniel Morton,5 b. 23 Dec, 1720.
238 Abigail Morton,5 b. 1 Feb., 1723.
239 Noah Morton,5 b. ______; m. Rhoda _______; settled in Athol.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 53
5 son of John
4 (
25), b. in Hadley, Mass., 6 Nov., 1685; m. 15 Mar., 1711, Abigail Smith, b. 10 Oct., 1692, dau. of Ebenezer Smith, b. 11 July, 1668, and Abigail Broughton.
He was a weaver; res. in South Hadley. In 1788, several years after his death, his son, John, was appointed administrator of his estate.
Children, b. in South Hadley.
240 Abigail,
6 b. 8 Dec., 1711; m. Col. Charles Burrall.
241 Sarah,
6 b. 8 Jan., 1714; m. Joseph Moody.
242 Ebenezer,
6 b. 26 Dec, 1715; m. Mrs. Sarah Snow.
243 Ruth,
6 b. 18 Jan., 1717; m. Benjamin Church.
244 Martha,
6 b. 21 May, 1720; m. Nathaniel Ingram.
245 Esther,6 b. 19 Sept., 1722.
246 Joseph,
6 b. 24 Dec, 1724; m. Dorothy Taylor.
247 John,6 b. 13 Oct., 1727.
248 Rachel,6 b. 15 Sept., 1730; m. (int. in West Springfield, 28 Mar., 1759) Ebenezer Morgan, b. 24 Apr., 1734; d. 6 Sept., 1778, aged 47.
249 Jabez,
6 b. 11 Feb., 1734; m. Abigail Catlin.
250 Eunice,6 b. 4 Dec, 1736. (Intentions of marriage were entered in Springfield, 24 Sept., 1776, between Charles Chapin, b. 24 Sept., 1742, and Silence Kellogg, of South Hadley.) There being no record of any Silence Kellogg in South Hadley at this time, it is possible that there was an error in the name, either in the intention of marriage or the record of birth.
5 son of John
4 (
25), b. in Hadley, 1 Apr., 1687; m. (1) 8 July, 1714, his cousin, Mary Ashley (109), b. 12 Mar., 1694; she d. 8 Apr., 1728; he m. (2) 3 June, 1728, his cousin, Rachel Ashley (110), b. 14 Feb., 1695.
He d. 27 May, 1761; was buried in Westfield, where his gravestone is still standing.
He rem. to Westfield, where he was first mentioned in the records 10 Mar., 1712, when the town, at a meeting of its inhabitants, made him a grant of ten acres of land in "ye little plain next to Samuel Ashley's not hindring a way (road) that may be needful, on condition said Kellogg do fence and improve said land within three year's time, provided he settle in ye town."
At a town meeting, 9 Mar., 1713, it was voted to give to Samuel Kellogg £12 in money on condition that "said Kellogg build a substantial bridge over 'too' mile brook by ye middle of Apr., next, if ye water do not prevent, if he has a good bargain he is to abate, if a hard bargain, the town to alow him more." At a meeting, 14 Jan., 1714, he, with Capt. Joseph Maudsley and Samuiel Bishop, was granted "liberty to build a saw mill and grist mill at ye half mile fall and they are to have the liberty of the stream no longer than they keep a mill or mills in repair for ye use of ye town."
He, without doubt, built the second meeting-house in 1721. He was admitted to the church in Westfield, in 1712, and his wife was admitted in 1716.
54 The Kelloggs in the New World.
He probably continued his residence at the Little Plain place (so called in his first grant of land), until the town granted to him, 20 Jan., 1721, "10 acres of land on the Easterly side of Mann's brook, over against David Ashley's farm between said Ashley's and ye top of ye hill." This last lot was granted in exchange for his old place, north of Great River. He took up several hundred acres of land near this brook. This new and mountainous country abounded in game, and Capt. Samuel, a fine shot, took great delight in the chase.
Children, b. in Westfield, by first wife.
251 Josiah,6 b. 11 Dec, 1715; d. 19 Dec, 1715.
252 Samuel,6 b. 9 Nov., 1717; d. in Westfield, 21 Oct., 1744.
253 David,
6 b. 30 May, 1721; m. Elizabeth Jones.
254 Seth,6 b. 15 May, 1723; d. unm., 21 Nov., 1753.
255 A Daughter,6 b. 19 Jan., 1724; d. same day.
256 A Daughter,6 b. 19 Jan., 1724; d. same day.
257 A Son,6 b. 25 Jan., 1725; d. same day.
258 John,
6 b. 5 July, 1727; m. (1) Anne Terry; (2) Anne Lord; (3) Mrs. Jemima Ward.
Children by second wife.
259 Justus,6 b. 17 Mar., 1729; d. unm., 6 Sept., 1747.
260 Mary,
6 b. 24 Oct., 1730; m. Samuel Terry.
261 Shem,6 b. 1 Jan., 1732; d. imm., 3 July, 1757.
262 Sarah,
6 b. 25 July, 1734; m. Nathan Truman.
5 dau. of John
4 (
25), b. in Hadley, 12 June, 1694; m. (1) 17 Dec, 1719, Samuel Taylor, b. 3 Dec, 1688, son of John Taylor and Mary Selden.
He d. before 13 May, 1735; rem. as early as 1731, to South Hadley, where he d. ______; she m. (2) James Dewey.
263 Samuel Taylor,6 b. 30 Oct., 1721.
264 Joanna Taylor,6 b. 9 Oct., 1723.
265 Jonathan Taylor,6 b. 21 Nov., 1726.
266 Ruth Taylor,6 b. ______.
267 Paul Taylor,6 b. ______.
268 Silas Taylor,6 b. ______.
5 dau. of John
4 (
25), b. 26 Sept., 1697; m. (1) 1729, Jonathan Atherton, of Amherst, Mass.
He d. about 1 Apr., 1744; she m. (2) as his second wife, 24 Jan., 1745, Isaac Hubbard, of Sunderland, b. 14 Jan., 1695, son of Isaac Hubbard, b. 16 Jan., 1667, and Ann Warner.
He d. 5 July, 1763; she d. 22 Apr., 1774.
269 Jonathan Atherton,6 b. ______; went with his mother to Sunderland; d. unm., 6 May, 1749. He bequeathed most of his property to his mother.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 55
5 son of John
4 (
25), b. in Hadley, 10 July, 1701: m. 11 Aug., 1727, his cousin, Experience Smith (102), b. 19 Apr., 1703, dau. of John Smith and Joanna Kellogg (+
He d. 15 July, 1758, after an illness of but a few days; she d. 23 Aug., 1762; their gravestones are in the Old Burying Ground in Hadley.
He res. in Hadley in the house of Lieut. Joseph Kellogg, where he d. In 1738, the General Court of Massachusetts made him innkeeper of Hadley, in place of Stephen Kellogg, deceased.
He succeeded his father in conducting the ferry which had been his father's and his grandfathers for almost a century.
270 John,6 b. 1730; d. unm., 7 Sept., 1771.
271 Experience,
6 b. 1731; m. Lieut. Eli Root.
272 Ruth,
6 b. ______; m. Joshua Ballard.
273 Jemma,6 b. 1737; m. 23 Feb., 1769, Deacon Stephen Nash, Jr., of Stockbridge, b. 22 Nov., 1739; she d. 17 Feb., 1790, aged 53; had several children who were either still born or d. in infancy. He m. (2) 13 Mar., 1791, widow Mary (Bradley) Dewey.
274 Jerusha,6 b. about 1739; m. as his second wife, 14 Nov., 1771, Eliakim Smith. He d. in the army at Watertown, Mass., 27 Aug., 1775, aged 40; she d. 22 Sept., 1823; had no children.
275 Joanna,
6 b. about 1742; m. Stephen Goodman.
276 Mercy,6 b. ______; probably m. 18 Sept., 1777, Peter Strong, of Chesterfield.
5 son of Martin
4 (
26), b. in Deerfield, 26 Oct., 1686; m. in Wethersfield, Conn., 13 Jan., 1716, Dorothy Chester,* b. in Wethersfield, 5 Sept., 1692, dau. of Stephen Chester, of Wethersfield, b. 26 May, 1660, and Jemima Treat, b. 15 Mar., 1668.
He d. 13 Nov., 1753; she d. 20 Sept., 1754.
They res. in Newington, where both d. He was first mentioned in Wethersfield, 10 Dec, 1716, when he was chosen packer, ganger and sealer of measures. Newington was a parish in Wethersfield until 1871, when it was incorporated as a town. Rev. Elijah Williams became its first pastor, in 1720. His will, dated 7 Oct., 1753, mentioned all his children. He bequeathed a silver-hilted sword to his son, Martin. His estate was appraised at £1,750, including one-quarter of the iron works and sawmill in Litchfield, and one-quarter of the iron works in Canaan "on Housatonic River at foot of the Great Falls, called Hartford Iron Works."
He was captured at the sack of Deerfield, and carried to Canada. In May, 1705, he and three others (Thomas Baker, John Nims and Joseph Petty), made their escape, and, after suffering incredible
56 The Kelloggs in the New World.
hardships, arrived, more dead than alive, in Deerfield.
Joseph Petty wrote the following account of their journey through the wilderness: (Sheldon's History of Deerfield, vol. 1, p. 353.)
Revd Sr
Upon your desire, I now present you with a Narrative of my escape from Canada, tho it is now so long Since yt I may possibly forget some particulars. But the acct as near as I can remember is as follows vizt About thirteen months after I was taken from Deerfield (wc you well remember) four of us consulted methods to make our escape. Sometime in May upon yr great procession day we had Liberty to go in & about ye city of Mont Real & there we happened all to meet together & John Nyms & I informed ye other two of our design to make our escape. This was on a thirsday (May 10) & we agreed yt ye other three were to come down to where I lived wc was about 9 miles from ye city & wt was something remarkable ye guns & Provisions wc I had designed to bring wth us was in another room from where I Lodged we exercised my mind very much how I should come at ym since I Lodged in another room with ye people of ye house & wt still oppressed my spirits more was, yt coming in from work at noon I found a bed & sick person placed in yt room where ye guns & Provisions were : & I thot now it was impossible to escape but upon my return at night I found ye sick person removed & my bed brought into yt room wc much revived me. on ye Sabbath (May 13) following I was to go to ye city again to conclude further about our escape, & having confirmed all matters I returned at night & found my Landlords son there wc was designed to Lodge with mo wc again dashed my spirits much for now I thot it impossible for me to Escape from him.
But while I sat pausing wt to do I remembered yt I was to set up a sign by ye River for ye other three to know where ye house was & I thot I would go & do yt wc wn I had done upon my return I found my Landlord's son moving off & would not stay tho much persuaded to tarry & altho it was very Dark & he did go; wc again revived me & about break of day ye other three men came & I handed ym two guns & some Provision & we took a Cannoe & passed ye River by sun rising & tho ye people Lived on the other side we passed by them undiscovered. This was on monday morning (May 11) & on Wednesday about sun two hours high at night we arrived at Chamblee River about 9 miles below ye fort yre we made a raft & went over & ye next day we travelled up against ye fort and stopped to get some Provision killed a calf & dryed it, but friday & Saturday rained so hard yt we could not travel wc yn we judged made against us but in Providence we found it otherwise, for those yt pursued us were in this time returned, on ye Sabbath following we set out for ye Lake & arrived yre Wednesday about no (torn) there we found two cannoes wc we judged our pursuers (torn) ad Left one of these we took & came along with our journey, & came along yt day & all night & ye next day & at night Left our Cannoe we came along on ye east side of ye Lake untill we came to ye mouth of Misisecou River we went up this river all night for it comes along ye same course as ye east shore of ye Lake & next morning we found a small runn wather wc Led out of ye River into ye Lake wc we made use of to waft us into ye Lake again : there is extraordoary good Land on each side of this River all ye way we went as far as we could perceive, this day we travelled on ye Lake till night & Lay by ye Lake, but next morning ye wind was so high against us yt we Left our Cannoe & travelled on ye side of ye Lake yt day : & ye next day being Saturday we struck across for French river falls & arrived there on Sabbath about 9 in ye morning, this we traveled up about 2 or 3 dais et Lefr it & struck away for ye
The Kelloggs in the New World. 57
branches of white River and on ye next Sabbath about 9 in ye morning we came to White River Now our Provision was spent excepting some small matters we had Left to fish withal, & yt day we spent in getting Provision & supplied ourselves for yt night & part of ye next day wc was all ye Provision we had untill we came to Deerfield excepting ye leg of a tortoise & a small hook fish wc we brought along a Little way. ye next night we came to ye mouth of white river & made a fire & designed to Lodge there & we set one to fish for us : but by reason of ye flies he was soon discouraged & as soon as he came up I was going down to ye river to drink & espied an Indian on ye East side of ye Great river coming to drink wc made me stop and hide myself untill he was gone off & for fear of discovery we made off yt night & ye next day our provision being spent sometime & we weak and faint we thot best to make a raft upon wc we came down yt day & ye next night on Connecticut River & ye next day also we continued our Course on ye raft & on thursday about 9 or 10 in ye morning we came to ye great falls, there we Let go our raft & went below ye falls & made another & came yt day to ye Lower end of ye great meadows of ye place now called ye Cannoe place there we Lodged yt night & ye next morning we came on our raft to ye meadows where ye fort is now there we Left our raft & came on foot yt day into Deerfield about twilight in ye evening & thus thro the good hand of divine Providence (wc watched over us all ye way) we safely arrived to our native Land again & were joyfully received & well taken care of by our friends upon wc I cannot but say yt we have reason to praise God four our deliverance, & never forget his be (torn) ts. thus Sr I have given you a brief & as exact a relation (torn) can well, since fis so Long a time passed since, & if it may be of any service I Rejoyce & subscribe my self yours to Command JOSEPH PETTY
(This letter was addressed to)
"The Revd
Mr. Stephen Williams
In Aug., 1708, he was again captured while on a scout about 100 miles up the River.*
These enforced associations with the Indians made him familiar with their language and, like his brother, Joseph, and his sister, Joanna, his services were often useful to the colony in its intercourse with them. In 1714 he accompanied Stoddard and Williams, commissioners, to recover captives from Canada, and proved a very useful assistant. In 1718 the General Assembly of Connecticut voted him a grant of one hundred acres of land. In 1726 he was appointed one of the committee to
58 The Kelloggs in the New World.
arrange the terms of Mr. Williams' removal from the Newington Church to Yale College. After that event, he owned, lived and died in the mansion built by the church for Mr. Williams. He was the second captain of the Newington Training Band, having been appointed in 1735. In May, 1739, the General Assembly appointed Captain Martin one of a committee to visit the town of Harwinton and select a site for their meeting-house, and in 1740, the same authority ordered him to "Repair to the town of Coventry to divide it into two distinct societies," etc. In 1743 he was a deputy from Wethersfield. In 1746 the Assembly of Connecticut, learning that he "was acquainted with a considerable part of thenavigation of the St. Lawrence," engaged him to serve as pilot on board His Majesty's fleet. But the war having ended, his services were not required. In 1751, he was sent as Colonial agent with clothing to Hendrick, Chief of the Mohawks. The colony and parish records show that he was a man of affairs, whose services were often made use of.
In 1748 twelve Indian boys of the Hollis School were put into his care and were in his house at Newington, Conn., three years. Capt. Kellogg was a valuable frontier officer; saw much service and was a man of note in his day; remarkable for strength of body and mind.
277 Dorothy,
6 b. 4 Dec, 1716; m. Eliphalet Whittlesey.
278 Martin,
6 b. 2 Aug., 1718; m. Mary Boardman.
279 Anna,
6 b. 19 Feb., 1720; m. Rev. Roger Hooker.
280 Jemima,
6 b. 24 Aug., 1723; m. Elijah Kent.
281 Mary,
6 b. 19 Oct., 1725; m. (1) Ephraim Wolcott; (2) Potter.
282 Sarah,
6 b. 22 Aug., 1727; m. Capt. Josiah King.
283 Stephen Chester,
6 b. 24 Sept., 1729; m. Elizabeth Russell.
284 Rebecca,
6 b. 11 June, 1732; m. Gamaliel Demming.
285 Joseph,6 b. 9 Oct., 1736; d. unm., 8 Oct., 1759.
5 dau. of Martin
4 (
26), b. in Deerfield, 14 July, 1689; m. 17 Nov., 1712, Joseph Severance, b. 26 Oct., 1682, in Suffield, Conn., son of John Severance, b. 24 Nov., 1647, and Mary _______.
He d. 10 Apr., 1766; she d. 15 Mar., 1780.
He was a tailor; lived in Deerfield, on lot numbered thirty-six, which he bought from Martin Kellogg. This lot was originally granted to Samuel Hinsdale, and Martin Kellogg was living there when all of his family, save his wife, were killed or captured. Severance was living there as late as 1756. It is now owned by Geo. A. Arms.
He was in the Meadow fight in 1704; selectman, 1722; corporal under Capt. Joseph Kellogg, 1723. He petitioned the General Court, 27 Nov., 1734, asking "for some consideration on account of his wounds and disabilities," saying that
The Kelloggs in the New World. 59
about twenty-one years ago he was wounded by an Indian enemy, being a soldier in the service of the province, & has been a cripple ever since, & like to be till his death, & forasmuch as he has never had anything from this govt, for his support." As compensation the General Court granted him, in 1735, two hundred acres of land, east of Northfield, bounded "south on a mountain called Grace." He rem. to Montague, where both died.
286 Joseph Severance,6 b. 7 Oct., 1713; m. 31 Oct., 1732, Mary Clesson; he was a soldier in Father Rasle's war; in service under Capt. Kellogg 1730; living in Deerfield, 1766.
287 Anna Severance,6 b. 25 Dec, 1715; m. 31 Oct., 1737, Samuel Bardwell. He rem. to Montague about 1750, and helped to organize the town at the first town meeting, 1751. The chair which she occupied in the meeting-house in her old age is now in Memorial Hall, Deerfield.
288 Martin Severance,6 b. 10 Sept., 1718; m. Patience Fairfield; she d. 25 May, 1809, aged 81; he d. Apr., 1810. He was a soldier at Fort Dummer under Capt. Kellogg, 1738-9; of Hinsdale, 1739; under Capt. Clessen, 1755; under Capt. Catlin, 1756; one of Roger's Rangers, 1758; did valuable service as a scout in both French wars; was captured at Sabbathday Point, 25 June, 1758; was one of the first settlers at Shelbourne Falls; had twelve children : their sixth child, Submit, was b. in Deerfield, 28 Oct., 1768, while her father was in captivity.
289 John Severance,6 b. 20 Oct., 1720; soldier in the French wars; settled in Bernardston,* where he was a prominent man; selectman four years; living in 1785; m. 15 Mar., 1741, Esther Arms, dau. of Daniel Arms.
290 Experience Severance,6 b. 14 Mar., 1723; m. Phineas Nevers, of Stafford, Conn.
291 Jonathan Severance,6 b. 12 June, 1725; m. 30 Aug., 1749, Thankful Stebbins, b. 1 Apr., 1729, dau. of John Stebbins; he was an Ensign, Town Clerk, settled in Greenfield; d. 2 Apr., 1822, aged 97; she d. 8 Dec, 1806, aged 76.
292 Rebecca Severance,6 b. 4 Mar., 1727-28; m. 28 Nov., 1743, Samuel Smead, b. 1719; rem. To Montague; he assisted in the organization of that town in 1751; tory in the revolution; rem. to Shelburne.
293 Moses Severance,6 b. 23 Mar., 1729-30; m. 28 Oct., 1762, Joanna French; she d., a widow, 6 Mar., 1812. He was in Capt. Burke's company of rangers, 1757; of Greenfield, 1769; of Montague, 1770; tory in 1775; Representative to General Court, 1788.
5 son of Martin
4 (
26), b. 8 Nov., 1691; m. 10 Mar., 1720, Rachel Devotion, dau. of Rev. Ebenezer Devotion, of Suffield, Conn.
He d. 1756, in Schenectady, N. Y., while with Governor Shirley on his unfortunate Oswego expedition.
At the sack of Deerfield, he was taken captive and carried to Canada, where he remained with
60 The Kelloggs in the New World.
the Indians a year and was then delivered to the French with whom he spent the ten years succeeding. During this time, he traveled with traders and acquired the French language as well as that of all the tribes of Indians with which the French were engaged in traffic. Of the dialect of the Mohawks his knowldge was especially thorough. In this manner, to use his own expression, he "got into a very good way of business so as to get considerable of moneys and other things, and handsomely to support himself, and was under no restraint at all." During his captivity, he made a voyage in 1710 to the Mississippi river, being probably the first native-born white New Englander to see that river. The following account of that voyage is taken from the register book of the Royal Society of London, 1722-24, folios, 132-136 :
"A short account of a trading Voyage performed by Joseph Kellug, an English man of New England, in Company with six French men from Canada to Miſsisippi in the year 1710, in two Canoos made of Birch Bark, with some general Remarks made by the said Kellug. (Read May 11, 1721.)
His departure was from mon-real which is an Island in Canada River Sixty Leagues above Quebeck (it would be best to have a map of north America before you while you are reading) from thence they went not up the River Iriquois and so to the falls of Niagara, but a northwest Course up the grand River, as high as Mattawau, and then carried their canooes a short League over land to the small Lake Nippising (which should be placed nearer to Mattawan and the grand river) and from thence by a small River called the french River, they went into one of the great Lakes, viz., the Lake Huron.
The country from Mattawan to Lake Huron is as miserable as you can suppose. He observed no pine or spruce from Canada to Miſsisippi, but abundance of black walnut. Mr. Senexes Map of North America calls the Lake Huron by the name of Michigan, but this Mr. Kellug affirms to be a mistake, and the alias dict. of Michigan (or otherwise called Michigan) should be placed upon the Lake Hinois : for that is often call'd by the name of Michigan. Here also it may be remark'd once for all that these great Lakes are never frozen (unless round the Edges) but the main body of their waters are always open like the Sea, being near fifty Leagues in length.
Having enter'd the Lake Huron they coasted it along on the north side of the Island Manytavalin till they came to the northwest end of it, keeping always pretty near the Shoar : for there is no venturing far off in a Birch Canoe. They wintered in a Village of the Outawas an Indian Tribe not very numerous, settled between the three Lakes; the name of the Village was Michalmakinas, which in the language of the Outawas signifies a Turtle. Here again Mr. Kellug, having Mr. Senexes Map Upon the Table, offered another Correction as to the Situation of the Lake Superior, for he seem'd confident that the Map had placed that Lake too near the other two lakes, by at least twenty or thirty Leagues.
The Streights or Communication between the two Lakes Huron and Hinois or Michigan are about two Leagues over, and frozen every winter. Here they found vry good fishing for Trouts, and confirmed father Hennysins account of their prodigious bignefs. Mr. Kellug himself hall'd up severall of more than fifty pound weight. The Water clear, sweet and fresh forty fathom deep. Having pafs'd these Streights, they enter'd the lake Hinois or Michigan: Here again Mr. Kellug observed a mistake as to the Situation of the Lake; for whereas, ye map places the length of it north and south, he aſsures me that it lies near North North east and South South-west, or as his phrase was, the South End should be placed more to the westward. This great Lake also they coasted till they came near the south west end of it, and then carried their canoos over Land a full League to a branch of the River Hinois, and this is called Chigaquea.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 61
About the head of the River Hinois are fine large Savannahs or meadows of forty miles in Length some of the richest Land the world affords. This River Hinois is one of the great Rivers that falls into Miſsisippi and runs a Course of one hundred & thirty Leagues before it empties itself into Miſsisippi. Into this River Hinois comes the River Miamis or St. Joseph, as the French call it, ifsuing from the Lake Hinois.
Mr. Kellug in his return went up that river into the Lake; there they met with Sturgeon of ten foot long.
The Savvannahs before mention'd are the noble pastures of thousands of Buffaloes and wild cattle, and which they saw in great herds, and to their surprise in some of the feeding or lodging places of these wild cattle they discover'd bunches of true Clover grafs.
As they went to the River Hinois they rais'd an infinite number of wild fowl, such as Cranes, Geese, Duck; and Swans in great abundance that feed upon wild Oats, are call'd by the Indians Mauthomine, by the French Fol-avoine, and are very good grain, and may be boild and eat as rice, and will swell from one quart to ten or twelve. They grow in such abundance by the banks of the River as it runs through Savannahs that a man may fill a Canoo with the grain in a few hours.
Upon this River Hinois they found wild Apple Trees and Plumb trees, the Apples bitter and sour, but the plumbs good : and a fruit much like Cucumber that grow upon small Trees or Shrubs. They call them Raisimins.
Before the River Hinois falls into the Miſsisippi, it is join'd by the Curamani, which in the Indian signifies vermillion, and so may be named upon the Map.
The next Stage down this River was the Fort Louis, alias Creve Coeur. Here again happens a considerable mistake in the map : for whereas the Fort is placed at the lower End of the little Lake Pimetawi, it really stands thirty Leagues above the Lake. Below the Lake Pimetawi, the River Hinois is joined by two considerable Rivers, and at length empties all its water into the great river.
The River Miſsisippi, where the River Hinois joins it, is more than half an English mile broad, and very deep water.
Here Mr. Kellug found himself in a new world, compard with the River Canada.
The climate Temperature, everything gay and pleasant, abundance of fine fruit Trees, stocks of small Parrots in the woods, that which he remark'd of them was that the hinder part of the head was yellow, the forepart green, and at the end of the Bill a ring as red as blood. The Winter is here so moderate, that the snow seldom lies above 24 hours, and no more than two or three inches deep.
Five Leagues from the mouth of Hinois bring you to the mouth of another great River that joins Miſsisippi from the west side, the name of it is Miſsouris, and is a very great rapid River and much bigger than Hinois. Below Miſsouris, the next place on the Map is the Village Tamaroa alias Cawhukah. The little River below Tamaroa is called Meschgamme, and deserves a name in the map; for there is a french Village settled upon it, where they raise excellent Wheat, very good Indian Com, have a windmill, and have a stock of Cattle, make a very good sort of wine.
Mr. Kellug says they had severall hogsheads of it when he was there; it is of a red colour and has a rough taste.
The land produces excellent Melons, good Beans, turneps and all sorts of Garden herbs; the woods Oak and several sorts of wallnuts.
62 The Kelloggs in the New World.
Just over the mouth of Tamaroa River on the other side of the Miſsisippi are abundance of Salt Springs, where natives are supplied with Salt. They lye just above a small River called LaSalme in the map, near to which little River it might be said Salt Springs.
The next River towards the Sea that falls into the Miſsisippi is Quebache.
This River Quebache (taking in the River Acansea which joins it near the Miſsisippi) is a great River of at least 60 Rod broad, as one of the largest that falls into the Miſsisippi. The River Acansea goes among the natives by the name of Ohiyew which with them signifies fine or beautiful River. Here also Mr. Kellug says it is a noble country, vast numbers of wild Cattle that make great and open roads for many miles together; & hereabouts Mr. Kellug's Company ended their trading Voyage, and so returned back to Canada."
In 1714 his brother, Martin, went to Canada to induce him to return to New England and two years later he was placed in the pay of the government. He made several journeys to Canada, Albany and other distant places. In 1723 the General Court of Massachusetts voted to build a block house above Northfield and to post in it forty able men, English and Western Indians to be employed in scouting at a good distance up Connecticut River, West River, Otter Creek, and Eastwardly, above Great Monadnock, for the discovery of the enemy coming toward any of the frontier towns, etc. A fort was built on the west bank of the Connecticut in the southeast corner of the present town of Brattleboro, Vt., and was called Fort Dummer. The fort was built of yellow pine and was about one hundred and eighty feet square. He was stationed at this fort for more than twenty years, either in command or as interpreter.
He was Lieutenant in 1722, under Samuel Barnard; acted also as interpreter. From that time until his death he was constantly occupied as a scout or interpreter. The General Court in 1727 granted him two hundred acres of the unappropriated land in the County of Hampshire.* His skill in Indian signals, modes of ambush and warfare enabled him to meet the savage foe on terms almost equal. The History of Northfield says : "Capt. Kellogg was one of those brave, true natures that are not appreciated while living and receive little renown when dead. Unselfish, fearless, conscientious, always ready to go where duty called, he gave the strength of his manhood to the defense of these frontiers. He lived to see doubtful beginnings become sturdy growths; he lived to see the question settled that the French rule would never be dominant in the Connecticut valley. Northfield owes it to him that it was not a third time destroyed."
He was employed as interpreter in Rev. Seargent's Indian mission at Stockbridge for nearly two years. In 1756, though broken in health, he was persuaded by Governor Shirley to accompany him to Oswego as interpreter, but his strength was not equal to the journey and he died and was buried in Schenectady. He was regarded as the best interpreter of his day in New England.
294 Jonathan,
6 b. in Northfield, 23 Aug., 1721; m. Lucy Kent.
295 Rachel,
6 b. 14 July, 1724; m. Lieut. Elijah Kent.
296 Joanna,
6 b. 26 Dec., 1727; m. Seth Dwight.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 63
297 Rebecca,
6 b. in Fort Dummer, 8 Apr., 1729; m. Elihu Kent.
298 Martin,
6 b. 26 May, 1734; m. Phylis Kent.
5 dau. of Martin
4 (
26), b. 22 Dec, 1695; m. in Suffield, 13 Mar., 1744-45, as his second wife, Capt. Benjamin Ashley, b. 9 Feb., 1714-15, son of Jonathan Ashley and Abigail Stebbins.
She d. 1757 in the Indian village, Ouquaga, now Windsor, N. Y.; he d. ______.
She was the youngest of the children captured by the Indians, when Deerfield was destroyed, and res. with them in Canada until a grown woman, and became acquainted with their language. She returned to New England about 1728. Her brother, Joseph, presented a memorial to the General Court in that year, showing that: "With much persuasion, he has brought his sister from Canada, being obliged to take an Indian man and boy with whom she lived to make her easy, and to promise that he would use no force with her to keep her from returning to Canada, she being begotted to the Roman Catholic religion, praying that the said Indians may be sent away in such manner as may be for their satisfaction, and the Court may use their authority to prevent his sister's return."
The General Court voted 21 June, 1728, that: "His Honour, the Lieutenant Governor, be desired to employ the Indian man and boy mentioned in the memorial on an errand or message to the St. Francis Tribe, or to the Canawaga Tribe to whom they belong, or both these tribes, by the way of the Eastun Country and that Rebecca Kellogg be suitably provided for, and taken care of, during the said Indians' absence, and their return with an answer; and that the sum of £40 be advanced and paid out of the public treasury for this purpose, to be improved so as to make the messengers content and easy." (Col. Records of Mass., Vol. 14, p. 101.)
In 1752, she was an interpreter in the Indian School in Stockbridge where Capt. Ashley was a teacher. In the following year, they accompanied Rev. Gideon Hawley to the Indian village of Ouquaga, where they established a mission. The death of Mrs. Ashley in 1757 broke up this mission. Captain Ashley is said to have returned in 1754 to Stockbridge, but is supposed to have gone back to the Indians and died in their village.
She was buried in the cemetery near Windsor, but the exact location of her grave is unknown.
5 son of Edward
4 (
27), b. in Hadley, 17 Dec., 1696; m. 17 Dec., 1720, Elizabeth Lee, b. 15 Aug., 1698, dau. of Stephen Lee* and Elizabeth Woodard, of Goshen Parish, Lebanon, Conn.
He bought land in Lebanon, and joined the church there and was bap. 11 Nov., 1722; rem. to Sheffield before 1735, when he deeded land to Daniel Lee, of Lebanon, giving his own residence as Sheffield. Before removing to Sheffield, he lived in Hebron, Conn., where he bought, 31 Mar., 1731, a house and orchard, for which he paid £530.
His wife was admitted to the church in Lebanon, 1725.
299 Sybil,6 b. 11 Dec, 1721.
300 Elisha,
6 b. 27 Mar., 1723; m. Rebecca _______.
301 Jason,6 b. 25 Mar., 1726.
64 The Kelloggs in the New World.
302 Lemuel,
6 b. 4 Nov., 1727; m. ______.
303 Rhoda,6 b. 29 Jan., 1729-30.
304 Beulah,6 b. 2 Jan., 1731-32.
305 Elizabeth,6 b. 31 Jan., 1734-35.
306 Zerniah,6 b. in Sheffield, 2 Sept., 1737.
5 dau. of Edward
4 (
27), b. 6 Mar., 1700; m. Thomas Ainsworth. (See +
82 Eleanor.)
5 son of Edward
4 (
27), b. 19 Apr., 1707; m. about 1737, Lydia Sawtelle, dau. of Josiah Sawtelle and Lydia Parker.
He d. in the army during the French and Indian war, before 14 Feb., 1758, when his son, Josiah, chose a guardian.
He res. in Northfield, Shutesbury, Sunderland and probably other towns in that vicinity He was in the garrison at Fort Dummer, under Capt. Joseph Kellogg, from 23 Dec, 1733, to 30 Nov., 1740; also in Capt. Reed's company. Col. Ruggles' regiment, in the expedition against Crown Point, Oct., 1756; was discharged at Albany.
She was granted a divorce in 1756.
Her mother conveyed to her, 14 May, 1756, her home in Sunderland for £100.
307 Josiah,6 b. about 1740; killed in the army, 7 July, 1759. He enlisted in Lieut. Chadwick's Company, Col. Ruggles' Regiment, 6 Apr., 1759, for service under Gen. Amherst for the invasion of Canada; was reported apprenticed to Joseph Smith.
308 William,
6 b. about 1743; bap. in Sunderland, 20 Aug., 1749; m. Bathsheba Karley.
309 Jonathan Sawtelle,6 bap. in Sunderland, 20 Aug., 1749.
310 Preserved,6 b. ______.
5 dau. of Edward
4 (
27), b. probably in Brookfield, 20 Jan., 1710; m. as his second wife, Thomas Ainsworth, b. in Woodstock, Conn., 15 Apr., 1708. He had m. (1) her sister, Dorothy. He m. (3) Ruth Mason, who survived him and administered upon his estate in 1794.
In his old age he thought that he was the last survivor of the soldiers in the famous Lovewell's fight. In this he was probably mistaken, as no Ainsworth is mentioned in the list of Lovewell's men. There is a tradition that he, at one time, lived with the Narragansett Indians. He was very strong and venturesome, and there are old anecdotes of his cunning in the hunt and Indian fighting. It is not known which of the wives were the mothers of these children, nor is the order of their birth known. Dorothy signed a deed in 1736, and it is probable that he was a widower 5 June, 1743, when he gave a deed which had no wife's signature. It is known, however, that Hannah was the dau. of Eleanor.
Children, b. in Brookfield.
311 Thomas Ainsworth,6 b. 3 Feb., 1731.
312 Smith Ainsworth,6 b. ______.
313 Ephraim Ainsworth,6 b. ______.
314 Elizabeth Ainsworth,6 b. ______; m. Nathaniel Abbott.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 65
315 Dolly Ainsworth,6 b. ______; m. 16 Feb., 1757, as his second wife, Joseph Wood.
316 Jacob Ainsworth,6 b. 21 Jan., 1743.
317 Daniel Ainsworth,6 b. ______.
318 Martin Ainsworth,6 b. ______.
319 Edward Ainsworth,6 b. ______; probably he was the soldier of that name in Lieut. Stephen Tucker's Co. of the Eleventh Connecticut, 1776. He possibly d. in the service.
320 Joseph Ainsworth,6 b. ______.
321 Moses Ainsworth,6 b. ______.
322 Beulah Ainsworth,6 b. ______; m. Reuben Burt.
323 Hannah Ainsworth,6 b. 11 May, 1747; probably d. unm. in Brookfield, 21 Feb., 1834.
324 Mary Ainsworth,6 b. ______.
5 son of Edward
4 (
27), b. 25 Aug., 1713; m. in Lebanon, Conn., 4 Jan., 1737-38, Jemima Bartlett.
They were admitted to the church in Goshen, 8 Oct., 1738.
He d. probably before 1753; she m. (2) 18 Nov., 1767, Thomas Betts, of Colchester.
325 Joseph,
6 b. 13 Aug., 1738; m. Mary Cushman.
6 b. 16 Sept., 1740; m. Moses Kellogg (+
327 Preserved,
6 b. 25 Oct., 1742; m. Lucy Palmer.
328 Elijah,
6 b. 1751; m. Tryphenia Westover.
329 Edward,6 b. ______.
330 Jemima,6 bap. 7 Jan., 1753.
331 Anna,6 bap. 7 Jan., 1753.
332 Amos,6 b. ______; res. in W. Granville, N. Y.
5 son of Deacon Samuel
4 (
28), b. in Hartford, 27 Aug., 1688; m. 11 May, 1711, Hannah Benton, b. about 1687, dau. of Samuel Benton.
He d. before 18 Jan., 1712; she m. (2), 20 Oct., 1715, Joseph Root; d. 19 Mar., 1771; had seven children by her second husband. Widow Hannah Kellogg was admitted to the Second Church, in Hartford, 18 Jan., 1712.
333 Sarah,
6 b. 21 Nov., 1712; m. Moses Peck.
5 dau. of Deacon Samuel
4 (
28), b. in Hartford, Jan., 1689-90; m. 6 May, 1714, Benjamin Catlin, b. in Hartford, 1 Feb., 1680, son of John Catlin, of Hartford, and Mary Marshall.
He d. in Harwinton, 1765; she d. there 1786, aged 97.
334 Jonathan Catlin,6 bap. 13 Feb., 1715.
335 Sarah Catlin,6 bap. 22 June, 1718.
336 Abraham Catlin,6 bap. 14 Aug., 1720.
337 Joel Catlin,6 bap. 18 Feb., 1722.
66 The Kelloggs in the New World.
338 Benjamin Catlin,6 bap. 8 Dec, 1723.
339 Jacob Catlin,6 bap. 4 June, 1727; m. Hannah Phelps.
340 Amos Catlin,6 bap. 29 June, 1729; m. Martha Davis.
341 Daniel Catlin,6 b. ______; m. Dorcas Watson.
342 George Catlin,6 b. ______; m. Mindwell Phelps.
5 son of Deacon Samuel
4 (
28), b. 16 Dec, 1695 or '96; m. 3 Jan., 1719, Sarah Olmstead, b. 1 Jan., 1696, dau. of Thomas Olmstead and Hannah Mix, of West Hartford.
He d. 12 July, 1725, in Hartford; she d. ______.
343 Sarah,
6 b. 30 Oct., 1719; m. John Belden.
344 Hannah,6 b. 10 Feb., 1722; d. young.
345 Hannah,6 b. 30 Apr., 1723.
346 Esther,6 b. 4 July, 1725.
5 son of Deacon Samuel
4 (
28), b. in Hartford, 17 Jan., 1697; m. there, 26 Dec, 1717, Mary Webster, b. 31 May, 1697, dau. of Joseph Webster and Mary Judd, b. about 1675.
She d. 3 Jan., 1780, aged 82; he d. 3 July, 1787, aged 90.
He res. in New Hartford; was the first Representative from that town to the Connecticut Assembly; was elected to that office twenty-three times. He was a Justice of the Peace; Lieut, of the Fourth Co. of the Train Band, by order of the General Assembly, and in 1774, Capt.
He was chosen deacon of the First (Town Hill) Church in New Hartford. In the History of Litchfield County, he is described as a man of venerable appearance, highly respected by his colleagues, before whom he was often called to pray. He was distinguished for his piety, good judgment, firmness and ability as a magistrate. His descendants are now a small nation. His son. Deacon Noah, and grandson, Michael, lived on the old homestead.
347 Samuel,
6 b. Nov., 15, 1718; m. Mary Steele
348 Abraham,
6 b. 17 Jan., 1720; m. Sarah Marsh.
349 Mary,
6 b. 12 Mar., 1723; m. John Birge.
350 Theodocia,
6 b. 7 June, 1724-25; m. Jonathan Marsh.
351 Isaac,
6 b. 8 Oct., 1727; m. Martha Merrill.
352 Noah,
6 b. 13 Dec, 1729; m. Clemence Merrill.
353 Joseph,
6 b. 14 Oct., 1731; m. Esther Porter.
354 Ashbel,
6 b. 18 Oct., 1732; m. (1) Sarah Loomis; (2) Lydia Steele; (3) Lucy Cotton.
355 Sarah,
6 b. 16 Feb., 1735; m. William Merrill.
356 Margaret,
6 b. 12 June, 1737; m. Joseph Moore.
357 Ann,
6 b. 2 Aug., 1739; m. Roger Crow.
358 Esther,6 b. 21 Aug., 1739; m. Birge.
359 Huldah,
6 b. 30 Mar., 1742; m. James Benham.
89. LIEUT. JACOB,5 son of Deacon Samuel4 , b. 17 Apr., 1699; m. (1) Mary Sedgwick, b. 1 July, 1705,
The Kelloggs in the New World. 67
dau. of Capt. Samuel Sedgwick, of Hartford, b. 1667, and Mary Hopkins, b. about 1670. She d. 12 Aug., 1759; he m. (2) 1760, Mrs. Ruth (Lee) Judd, b. 14 June, 1703, widow of William Judd, of Farmington, dau. of John Lee and Elizabeth Loomis, b. 31 Jan., 1664.
He d. 31 July, 1765; she d. 26 Dec, 1794, aged 91. At the time of his second marriage he res. in Farmington, although he spent most of his life in West Hartford.
360 Timothy,
6 b. 25 Nov., 1725 or '26; m. Keziah Jones.
361 Elizabeth,
6 b. 28 Aug., 1727; m. Joseph Hinsdale.
362 Lydia,
6 b. 22 July, 1729; m. (1) Timothy Seymour; (2) Matthew Clark; (3) Archibald McNeil.
363 Jacob,
6 bap. 11 July, 1731; m. Mary Harmon.
364 Azariah,
6 b. 1733; m. Hannah Catlin.
365 Ozias,6 bap. 4 Sept., 1735; d. unm., 3 June, 1759.
366 George,
6 b. 7 July, 1737; m. Sarah Clark.
367 Hannah,
6 bap. 13 May, 1739; m. Caleb Crosswell.
90. DEACON BENJAMIN,5 son of Deacon Samuel4(28), b. in Hartford about Jan., 1701-02; m. (1), in Hartford, 9 Nov., 1721, Abigail Sedgwick, b. 3 Feb., 1702, dau. of Capt. Samuel Sedgwick, and sister of Mary Sedgwick, who m. Lieut. Jacob Kellogg (+89).
She d. ______; he m. (2) Elizabeth Brown; she d. ______; he m. (3)
Elizabeth Webster; d. in Canaan, Conn., 22 Aug., 1757.
He was admitted to the church in Canaan, Conn., 1742; chosen deacon there, 5 June, 1753. His wife, probably the second, was admitted in 1743.
He was a selectman in Canaan, and a prosperous farmer.
Children by first wife.
368 Margaret,6 bap. in West Hartford, 17 Feb., 1723; admitted to church in Canaan, 7 July, 1741.
369 Benjamin,
6 bap. in West Hartford, 11 Oct., 1724; m. Comfort Thompson.
370 John,
6 bap. in West Hartford, 4 Sept., 1726; m. Union Stoddard.
371 Abigail,
6 b. Sept., 1728; m. Charles Burrall.
372 Maria,6 b. about 1731; d. 21 Aug., 1748, in Harwinton, Conn.
373 Samuel,
6 b. 9 June, 1734; m. Chloe Bacon.
374 Thankful,6 b. ______; m. Daniel Hopkins.
6 b. ______; m. her cousin, Daniel Kellogg (+
Children by second wife, b. in Canaan.
376 Anna,6 b. ______.
377 Nehemiah,6 b. 4 Mar., 1747; res. in Poultney, Vt.
378 Mary,6 b. 17 Jan., 1749; d. ______.
379 Ebenezer,6 b. in Canaan, Conn., 25 Oct., 1750; m. Filena Fuller; she d. ______; had no children. He settled somewhere in western part of Massachusetts, but to the cast of Williamstown. After the death of his wife he came "over the mountiins" and made his home for many years with his half-brother, Samuel, at Williamstown, living to extreme old age. "He was a man of no ordinary intelligence, in height above the common size, and well reserved in body and mind. He was a great hunter and fisherman and claimed to be a skillful root doctor.
68 The Kelloggs in the New World.
I have known him to leave his father's house and be absent for a week at a time in the woods and mountains, hunting, fishing and searching for roots." (Recollections of Giles B. Kellogg in Perry's Origins of Williamstown : pp. 443, 446, 447 and 578.)
He was a soldier in the revolution and a pensioner. In his application for a pension in 1832 he says that he was living in Williamstown, Mass., aged 81; b. in Canaan, Conn.; rem. to Williamstown during the revolutionary war and continued to reside there in that vicinity; in May, 1775, he volunteered with Capt. Luske, to go to Ticonderoga and was present when the British Commander was surprised in the night and summoned to surrender by Ethan Allen; in Jan., 1776, he marched, under Capt. Zebediah Sabine, to Canada, and after the death of Captain S. was at Quebec, under Capt. Stephen Davis; the company was attached to the regiment of Col. Seth Warner, and was stationed on the historic plains of Abraham; then followed the unsuccessful siege and suffering of the troops; the arrival of enforcements to the British by way of the river, and, in May, 1776, the disastrous retreat. In June he joined the army in N. Y. City, under Capt. Oliver Foot, and after the retreat to White Plains, served until Dec, 1776. He was at the battle of Bennington, 16 Aug., 1777; was previously one of the volunteers who rushed to the front, at the call of Gen. Schuyler for more troops to oppose the advance of Gen. Burgoyne from Canada.
380 Molly,6 b. ______; m. Joel Demming.
381 Elizabeth,
6 b. 15 Mar., 1753; m. (1) Ebenezer Smith; (2) David Clark.
5 son of Deacon Samuel
4 (
28), b. 13 Apr., 1704, in Hartford; m. ______
He was living in Farmington in 1730; in West Hartford, 1735-41; with his wife was admitted to the church in Canaan, 1743.
382 Sybil,6 bap. in West Hartford, 26 Jan., 1735; m. 1754, Jonathan Hancock.
383 Elijah,
6 bap. in New Hartford, 17 Apr., 1737; m. Anne Hurlburt.
384 Joseph,
6 bap. in New Hartford, 15 Apr., 1739; m. Prudence Austin.
385 Aaron,
6 b. 1742; m. (1) Tabitha Hancox; (2) Hannah Bobbins; (3) Mrs. Rhoda (Dean) Powers.
386 Asahel,
6 b. ______; m. Naomi Gaylord.
5 son of Deacon Samuel
4 (
28), b. in Hartford, Apr., 1707; m. in Hartford, 27 Nov., 1729, Deborah Moore, b. about 1710, dau. of Capt. Thomas Moore and Deborah Griswold.
He d. 21 Sept., 1773; she d. Sept., 1801, aged 91. He res. in West Hartford, where he was a member of the church, 1732. In May, 1755, he was made Lieut, in the Fourth Co., in Hartford; in Oct., 1756, Capt. of the same company. His will mentions all the children named below, excepting Deborah.
In the distribution of the widow's estate, in 1803, there were mentioned:
"Heirs of Daniel, deceased, Seth, deceased, Joel, deceased, Enos, deceased, Moses and Charles."
The Kelloggs in the New World. 69
387 Daniel,
6 b. 3 Nov., 1730; m. Jerusha Kellogg (375), his cousin.
388 Seth,
6 b. 7 July, 1733; m. Lois ________.
389 Joel,
6 b. 12 Oct., 1733; m. Susannah Hosmer.
390 Moses,
6 b. 23 Nov., 1736; m. Jerusha Spencer.
391 Deborah,6 b. 25 June, 1740; m. 14 May, 1782, Gideon Demming, of Farmington, Conn.; had one dau., Harriet, who m. Mark Eames.
392 Charles,6 bap. 20 July, 1746; d. ______; was graduated from Yale, 1767; paymaster of the Connecticut Militia in the revolution.
393 Enos,6 bap. 29 Sept., 1751; m. 17 Dec, 1773, Keziah Belding, dau. of John Belding; he d. before 14 Apr., 1803, when his mother's estate was distributed.
5 son of Ensign Stephen
4 (
31), b. in Hadley, 3 Feb., 1695; m. (1) May, 1719, Abigail Loomis, b. 3 May, 1701, dau. of Nehemiah Loomis, b. 15 July, 1670, and Thankful Weller.
She d. 13 Jan., 1734; he m. (2) 18 June, 1734, Mary Cook, b. 20 May, 1700, dau. of Capt. Moses Cook, b. 5 May, 1675, and Mary Barnard; d. 11 Dec., 1738. He was an innkeeper and trader in Hadley. He served 7 weeks, 5 days in Capt. Dewey's Troopers, 1723. He and his wife, Abigail, were admitted to the church in Westfield, 1726. His widow, Mary, m. (2) 30 Oct., 1744, Moses Nash (149), of West Hartford, a cousin of her first husband; she joined the church in West Hartford, 1745; d. 21 Sept., 1775.
394 Moses,
6 b. 1 Apr., 1720; m. Mary Sheldon.
395 Stephen,
6 b. 12 Oct., 1721; m. Mindwell Belden.
396 Josiah,6 b. 15 June, 1723; d. Oct., 1749.
397 William,
6 b. 22 Feb., 1724; m. Keziah Dewey.
398 Thankful,
6 b. 26 Dec, 1726; m. Richard Jacobs.
399 Ephraim,6 b. 11 Oct., 1728; d. 23 June, 1731.
400 Nathaniel Loomis,
6 b. 15 June, 1730; m. Diadamia Austin.
401 Mary,6 b. 3 July, 1736; m. Thomas Shopard, of West Hartford.
402 Abigail,
6 b. 10 Aug., 1738; m. Ashbel Wells.
5 dau. of Ensign Stephen
4 (
31), b. in Westfield, 27 Dec, 1703; m. 1731 (pub. 15 June, in Westfield) Christopher Jacob Lawton, of Springfield, Mass., son of John Lawton, of Suffield, Conn.
She d. 11 Jan., 1734. He res. in Suffield, Conn. (Suffield was incorporated May, 1674, by Mass.; annexed to Conn., May, 1749), until after the death of his wife, when he rem. to Leicester, Mass.; admitted to the bar of Hampshire Co., in May, 1726. "Christopher J. Lawton and John Higgins were noted lawyers and by their knowledge and worthy example gave worth and honorable character to the Provincial Bar." (History of Leicester.) He was Coroner of Hampshire Co., 1734-35, and Representative to General Court, 1736, '40 and '41.
403 Pliny Lawton,6 b. 1732; m. 18 June, 1750, Lucretia Sargent, b. 19 Oct., 1734. Their son, William, b. 9 Apr., 1759, lived to maturity and was a surgeon in the revolutionary army;
70 The Kelloggs in the New World.
in 1784 m. Abigail Farmington, of Flushing, L. I. Pliny was a physician and d. 1761 of smallpox, taken from a patient; after his death his widow, Lucretia, m. Rev. Benj. Conklin. She d. 3 Mar., 1793.
Pliny's descendants, even to this day, are said to have the peculiarity of having six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. Pliny and Lucretia lost four children in infancy and the mother thought their deaths the result of the removal of the extra fingers and toes. She refused to have the operation performed on William, and he lived.
5 son of Ensign Stephen
4 (
31), b. in Westfield, 15 Dec, 1704; m. in Westfield, 13 May, 1731, Hannah Noble, b. in Westfield, 11 Oct., 1707, dau. of Matthew Noble,* the first settler of Sheffield.
He d. in Westfield, 11 Jan., 1756, and his gravestone is still standing there; he d. before 4 June, 1795.
He was one of the four Kellogg brothers, who res. between Sheffield and Great Barrington, at a place called "Kellogg's Town." He was one of the first deacons in the church in Sheffield, being chosen to that office when it was gathered in 1735. He was chosen selectman and treasurer at the first town meeting held in Sheffield.
His estate was inventoried at £1,040. In 1764 his estate was distributed to his children, Stephen, Daniel, Gideon, Mercy and Hannah.
404 Hannah,6 b. in Westfield, 15 May, 1733; d. 26 May, 1733.
405 Hannah,6 b. in Westfield, 25 June, 1734; d. 10 Sept., 1738.
406 Abigail,6 b. in Sheffield, 29 Oct., 1736; d. 8 Nov., 1736.
407 Daniel,6 b. in Sheffield, 11 Nov., 1737; d. 15 Oct., 1738.
408 Mercy,
6 b. in Sheffield, 23 Apr., 1740; m. Joseph Callender.
409 Stephen,
6 b. 30 June, 1743; m. Mary Austin.
410 Hannah,6 b. 10 Aug., 1744; m. Daniel Johnson; 4 June, 1795, Daniel Johnson and Hannah, his wife, of Schuylertown, Herkimer Co., N. Y., conveyed their interest in estate of father and mother, Daniel and Hannah Kellogg, deceased, of Sheffield.
411 Daniel,
6 b. 5 Nov., 1746; m. Rhoda Callender.
412 Gideon,
6 b. 6 July, 1751; m. Electa Wait.
5 dau. of Ensign Stephen
4 (
31), b. in Westfield, 30 Oct., 1709; m. as his second wife, in Westfield, 24 Dec., 1734, Rev. Judah Lewis, of Colchester, b. in Falmouth, Mass., 4 June, 1703, son of Benjamin Lewis, b. in Falmouth, 1675, and d. in Colchester, 6 Sept., 1753, aged 78, and
The Kelloggs in the New World. 71
Elizabeth Crowell, his first wife, b. 3 Aug., 1682, and d. in Falmouth, 8 Mar., 1706.
He d. 15 Apr., 1739; he had m. (1) Sarah Kellogg (+
Rev. Judah Lewis, first pastor of the church in Westchester Parish, was graduated from Yale 1726; M. A. 1729. He studied theology with Rev. Mr. Bulkley, and was ordained first pastor of the Second Church in Colchester (Westchester), at the time of its organization, 27 Dec, 1727. Those of his manuscript sermons, still extant, were written out in full on a half sheet of cap paper of small size, folded in 8vo. shape, but in so fine a hand as to be read with difficulty by modern eyes. There is evidence, however, that he was a good scholar, and a faithful minister.
She m. (2) as his second wife, 21 Jan., 1747, David Bigelow, bap. in Hartford, 22 Sept., 1706, son of Lieut. Bigelow and Hannah; she d. 5 Jan., 1795; he d. 2 June, 1799.
Children by first husband, b. in Westchester.
413 Ephraim Lewis,6 b. 4 Oct., 1735; graduated from Yale in 1758; M. A. 1761; m. 15 Aug., 1765, Lois Ransom, b. 16 Aug., 1748, in Colchester, dau. of James and Sarah (Treadway) Ransom. He was a teacher and merchant; rem. to Springfield, Vt., where he d. 18 July, 1808; had two or more children.
414 Lydia Lewis,6 b. 21 Feb., 1737; d. 12 Sept., 1748.
415 Judah Lewis,6 b. 14 Mar., 1739; m. 4 Feb., 1762. Sarah Brainard, b. 30 Apr., 1744, dau. of Stephen and Susannah (Gates) Brainard, of Westchester; he d. 4 July, 1790; she m. (2) Henry, son of Col. Henry and Mehitable (Rowley) Champion, of Westchester; he d. 24 July, 1797, aged 73; she d. 19 Jan., or 17 June, 1818.
Children by second husband, probably b. in that part of Colchester which became a part of Marlboro.
416 Stephen Bigelow,6 b. 20 Oct., 1747; d. 13 Sept., 1748.
417 Stephen Bigelow,6 b. 5 June, 1749; d. 5 Aug., 1751.
418 Moses Bigelow,6 b. 4 Oct., 1750; d. 23 Dec, same year.
419 Sarah Bigelow,6 b. 20 Nov., 1753.
5 son of Ensign Stephen
4 (
31), b. in Westfield, 13 Feb., 1711; He rem. to Westfield, on the east side of the Housatonic. He was a private in 1734-30, under Capt. Joseph Kellogg (
71), at Fort Dummer, and sentinel in Capt. Willard's Co. at the same fort 1740 to 1742. He was a Sergt. in Capt. Zenas Huggin's Co., from 19 June to 4 Nov. (year not stated, endorsed 1760), probably 1759.
420 Joseph,
6 b. ______; m.______.
421 Noah,6 b. ______.
422 Charity,6 b. ______.
423 Lydia,6 b. ______; possibly m. 4 Feb., 1784, Phineas Chapin.
424 Pliny,
6 b. 12 Nov., 1752; m. Mary Kellogg (901).
72 The Kelloggs in the New World.
5 son of Ensign Stephen
4 (
31), b. in Westfield, Mass., 7 Apr., 1714; m. in Westfield, 10 May, 1739, Ruth Root, b. 25 Mar., 1722, dau. of Joshua Root, b. 2 Nov., 1682, and Margaret _______.
He d. 24 Jan., 1792, in Sheffield, aged 78; she d. 24 Jan., 1817, same place, aged 96; her death was caused (as was supposed, as she was alone in her room) by her falling in a fainting fit into an open fireplace and being so badly burned that she d. in a few hours.
He was a farmer; res. in Sheffield, Mass. His homestead stood opposite where George Kellogg res. in 1874. A man of high social and religious character; a deacon in the church; a delegate to the convention in Stockbridge, 6 July, 1774, to take into consideration the right of the British Parliament to tax America. He was clerk of the land office established by the proprietors of Sheffield and Great Barrington. Ruth, his wife, is described as a dignified lady of imposing appearance, a godly woman, and withal possessed of great energy of character. She retained a clear mind and memory until the day of her death. After she was 80 years of age, she frequently visited, on horseback, her dau., Eleanor, who lived six miles away. She often related to her grandchildren how she rode through the forest from Westfield to Sheffield following "blazed" trees, when there were only two frame houses there. Their furniture was packed on horses, and her horse carried a feather bed on either side. She said she knew she was too young to be married (being only 17) but thought her husband needed her then as much as he ever would.*
Children, b. in Sheffield.
425 Ephraim,
6 b. 5 Oct., 1740; m. Ruth Hosmer.
426 Enos,
6 b. 24 Dec, 1742; m. Abigail Seymour.
427 Asa,
6 b. 19 Feb., 1745; m. Lucy Powell.
428 Eleanor,
6 b. 31 Aug., 1747; m. Joab Austin.
6 b. 20 Oct., 1749; m. Solomon Kellogg (+
6 b. 10 Jan., 1753; m. Moses Kellogg (+
431 Miriam,
6 b. 24 May, 1755; m. Dr. Lewis Beebe.
432 Silas,
6 b. 7 Aug., 1757; m. Rhoda Root.
433 Ann,
6 b. 23 June, 1760; m. James Hickok.
5 son of Ensign Stephen
4 (
31), b. 30 Sept., 1716; m. (1) (pub. in Springfield, Mass., 12 Feb., 1744), Mary Stebbins, dau. of Joseph Stebbins and Rebecca _______.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 27 May, 1747, Prudence Sedgwick, b. 14 Sept., 1724, dau. of Ebenezer Sedgwick, b. in Hartford, 25 Feb., 1695, and Prudence Merrill, b. 22 Dec, 1700.
He d. in Sheffield, 26 Nov., 1770. He was one of the first four settlers west of the Housatonic; she m. (2) 22 Jan., 1783, Capt. Stephen Dewey, of Sheffield; d. in Sheffield, 11 Sept., 1812, aged 77.**
Children, b. in Sheffield.
434 Ebenezer,
6 b. 29 Feb., 1748; m. Sarah Austin.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 73
435 Josiah,6 b. 15 Apr., 1750; d. 12 Dec, same year.
436 Jesse,
6 b. 28 Aug., 1751; m. Mrs. Rhoda (Callender) Kellogg (
437 Abigail,6 b. 23 Nov., 1752; m. about 1802, ______ Harris and went west.
438 Prudence,
6 b. 23 Sept., 1754; m. Noah Ely Hubbard.
439 Mary,
6 b. 2 Dec, 1756; m. Dr. William Bull.
440 Thankful,
6 b. 5 Oct., 1758; m. (1) Aaron Callender; (2) Elijah Stanton.
441 Amos,
6 b. 27 Sept., 1760; m. Rachel Porter.
442 Aaron,
6 b. 19 July, 1762; m. Susan Huntington Branch.
443 Josiah,
6 b. 12 Aug., 1764; m. Affia Holcomb.
444 Joanna,
6 b. 4 July, 1766; m. Nathaniel Winslow.
6 b. ______, Ebenezer Kellogg, yeoman, of Sheffield, was appointed his guardian in 1782. Probably he d. young. Mrs. Rachel Strong, a dau. of Amos (
441), and Rev. Hiram Huntington Kellogg, son of Aaron (
442), wrote, in 1873, that they had seen the other children of Amos (
126), but had never heard of Joseph.
5 son of Ensign Stephen
4 (
31), b. ______; m. 10 July, 1740, Mary Lewis, b. in Colchester, 17 June, 1720, dau. of Benjamin Lewis, b. 1668, and Hannah Hinckley, b. 15 May, 1675. Hannah Hinckley was dau. of Ensign John Hinckley, of Barnstable, Mass., and Bethia Lathrop.
He d. 10 May, 1772; she d. ______; res. in Westchester Parish, Colchester.
He was administrator of the estate of Benjamin Lewis, 5 Dec, 1753. In the distribution of the estate neither he nor his wife were mentioned, probably because Mr. Lewis had conveyed, 27 Sept., 1743, to "son and daughter, Aaron and Mary Kellogg, sixty acres, part of the farm on which I now dwell," but on 24 Jan., 1755, Aaron and his wife joined with the other children in a conveyance of land, in Colchester, belonging to their father, Benjamin Lewis, deceased.
His will, 13 Feb., 1762, proved 4 Aug., 1772, mentions sons, Aaron, Daniel and Solomon, and daus., Lucy, Mary, Lydia Bulkley, Hannah and Lovina, and provides that the expenses of Solomon's education shall be paid out of the estate.
Her will, dated. 14 Sept., 1773, proved 17 Dec, 1773, mentions sons Aaron and Daniel, granddaughter Sarah, the eldest child of Lucy Chamberlain, dau. Lucy Chamberlain, dau. Mary Day, daus. Hannah and Lovina Kellogg, and "I give to the children of my daughter, vist. Lydia Bulkley, Lucy Bulkley and Clarice Bulkley, one-fifth part of all my estate."
Children, b. in Westchester Parish, Colchester.
446 Lucy,6 b. 21 Mar., 1741; d. 8 Apr., same year.
447 Lucy,
6 b. 19 Feb., 1742; m. Eliphalet Chamberlain.
448 Solomon,6 b. 14 July, 1744; d. 9 Aug., 1773; his will, 23 June, 1773, proved 17 Sept., same year, mentions his mother, Mary, brothers Aaron and Daniel, sister Lucy Chamberlain, and her eldest child Sarah, sisters Lydia Bulkley, Mary Day, Hannah and Lovina Kellogg; he was an honorary graduate of Yale, 1770.
449 Aaron,
6 b. 9 Aug., 1746; m. Rhoda Jones.
450 Lydia,
6 b. 23 July, 1749; m. William Bulkley.
74 The Kelloggs in the New World.
451 Mary,6 b. 23 Aug., 1751; m. 7 Mar., 1772, Jesse Day.
452 Hannah,6 b. 17 Mar., 1754; administration granted on her estate, 5 May, 1787; one item in the inventory was a legacy due from the estate of her brother, Solomon.
453 Daniel,6 b. 3 Sept., 1756; m. 14 Jan., 1778, Elizabeth Wells; administration granted on his estate 2 Dec., 1788; represented insolvent; no names of heirs appear; the inventory of his estate, 23 Dec, 1788, mentions "his and Lydia Bulkeley's share in the house in town," and a farm in Westchester.
454 Lovina,
6 b. 10 Mar., 1760; m. Asa Worthington.
5 son of Nathaniel
4 (
32), b. in Hadley, 22 Sept., 1693; m. (1) 4 Mar., 1714, Sarah Preston, b. in Hadley, 8 Nov., 1693, dau. of John Preston and Sarah Gardner. She d. 15 Sept., 1756; he m. (2) (pub.) 1 July, 1758, Mrs. Martha (Allis) Hammond, of Hardwick, b. 19 Nov., 1703, dau. of Ichabod Allis, of Hatfield, b. 10 July, 1675, and Mary Belden, b. 27 Aug., 1679.
She d. 13 Sept., 1764; he m. (3) in Ware, 29 Oct., 1765, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, of Ware, who survived him.
He d. in Hadley, 6 Aug., 1770.
He was a surveyor of land; Lieut, in the militia; selectman of Hadley 1737, '39, '41, '44, '48, '50, '53, '57, '59, '61. In 1738 the General Court of Massachusetts allowed him and William Chandler two hundred and eight acres of land for a map of the Connecticut River.
In Mr. Thomas G. Ford's old house in Hadley, recently taken down (1901), an old stone that was used as a hearthstone had on it the following inscriptions : "In memory of Mrs. Sarah, the wife of Lieut. Nathaniel Kellogg, who died Sept. ye 15th ye A D 1756 in the 63d year of her age. On the left hand lies the body of their Dautr Abigail who died Sept. ye 15th ye A D 1756 in her 19th year. On the right hand side lies the body of their son Nathaniel who died Sept ye."
The stone was here broken. It is said that Josiah Kellogg built this old house.
Children, b. in Hadley.
455 Daniel,
6 b. about 1717; m. (1) Esther Smith; (2) Mrs. Thankful (Alexander) Hawley; (3) Sarah Parsons.
456 Abraham,
6 b. about 1719; m. Sarah Cowles.
457 Prudence,
6 b. about 1723; m. Josiah Parsons, Jr.
458 Joel,
6 b. about 1724; m. Joanna Clark.
459 Gardner,
6 b. about 1730; m. Thankful Chapin.
460 Moses,
6 b. about 1733; m. Mary Sheldon (500).
461 Phebe,
6 b. ______; m. Lieut. Eleazer Nash.
462 Sarah,6 b. ______; d. unm., aged more than 60.
463 Abigail,6 b. ______; d. 15 Sept., 1756, aged 19.
464 Nathaniel,6 b. ______; d. young.
5 son of Nathaniel
4 (
32), b. in Hadley, 31 May, 1695; m. (1) 13 Dec, 1716, Mrs. Elizabeth (Ingram) Panthorn, b. 15 Mar., 1691, widow of Philip Panthorn and dau. of John Ingram, b. 29 June, 1661, and Mehitabel Dickinson.
She d. ______; he m. (2) (published in Stow, 18 Sept., 1756), Mrs. Sarah Stevens, of Stow, Mass.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 75
He d. at the house of his sister Mary (Mrs. Crouch), in Amherst, 17 Aug., 1766.
He res. in Hadley, Amherst, New Salem and Stow; Capt. of militia, 1731; with his first wife, was a member of the first church in Amherst at its organization, 7 Nov., 1739; in 1738 he had twice as much cleared land in Amherst as any other man; was the first innkeeper in Amherst; in 1745 one of the committee to lay out streets in Amherst.
Children by first wife.
465 Martin,6 b. 24 Sept., 1718, in Sunderland.
466 Elizabeth,
6 b. 15 Dec, 1719; m. Capt. Samuel Nourse.
467 Ebenezer,
6 b. about 1722; m. (1); (2) Sarah Clapp.
5 son of Nathaniel
4 (
32), b. in Hadley, Mass., 15 Apr., 1697; m. about 1723, Elizabeth Partridge, b. in Hadley, 22 Sept., 1701, dau. of Samuel Partridge, Jr.,* b. 21 Jan., 1672, and Mary Cotton, dau. of Rev. Seaborn Cotton and Dorothy Dudley.
He was a weaver in 1720, a trader in 1731; res. in Hadley and New Salem and became prosperous; traded with the Indians. He was a soldier in the French and Indian war in Col. Williams' Regiment; served ten days; traveled forty-four miles during the siege of Fort William Henry. In the Indian war, he commanded a company against the Indians; had charge of the fort in New Salem, built for the protection of the families of the settlers. In these positions he showed courage and skill.
468 Elizabeth,6 b. 1724; d. 1 Sept., 1726, aged 2; gravestone in Hadley.
469 Unnamed Daughter,6 b. ______; d. 1725.
470 Maria,6 b. ______; d. 1726; gravestone in Hadley.
471 Ezekiel,
6 b. 22 Sept., 1728; m. Hannah Southwick.
472 Cotton,6 b. 2 Nov., 1732; was private in Capt. Samuel Horn's Co., on expedition to Crown Point; served 13 Aug. to 12 Dec., 1755; d. unm., 1756; res. in Rutland, Mass.
473 Giles Crouch,6 b. 4 May, 1733; graduated from Harvard College, 1751; was a physician; res in Hadley; d. unm., 28 Aug., 1793; his will, dated 7 July, 1793, bequeaths his property to William Sheldon and Polly Kellogg, who were the children of his housekeeper, Mary Catlin, and orders that William Sheldon shall be educated at one of "our colleges." The gravestone of the dau. stands next to his and has the following inscription: "Mary, only dau. of Dr. Giles Kellogg, d. Nov. 11, 1802, aged 18."
474 William,
6 b. 1 Feb., 1739; m. Nancy Holton.
475 Samuel,
6 b. 1 Feb., 1739; m. (1) Lucy Snow; (2) Mrs. Sally (Fisk) Southwick.
476 Elizabeth,6 b. 20 Dec, 1740; admitted to the church in New Salem, 13 Feb., 1762.
477 Partridge,6 bap. 29 May, 1743.
76 The Kelloggs in the New World.
5 son of Nathaniel
4 (
32), b. 4 Apr., 1699, in Hadley; m. 22 May, 1724, his cousin, Sarah Smith (100), b. 9 Nov., 1698, dau. of Deacon John Smith and Joanna Kellogg (
He d. in South Hadley, May, 1741. He rem. to South Hadley in 1727, and was on the committee to see to the building of ye meeting house in S. Hadley in 1729. He was probably the Samuel Kellogg who accompanied the Pepperel expedition in 1724; in Capt. Barnard's Co., July to Nov., 1722. She m. (2) 5 Jan., 1749, William Montague, of South Hadley; he d. 22 Dec, 1767, aged 75.
478 Samuel,
6 b. 17 Mar., 1725; m. Mary Nash.
479 Joanna,6 b. ______; d. 19 Dec, 1756.
480 Gad,
6 b. ______; m. Lucy Sacket.
481 Daniel,6 b. ______; d. in Longmeadow, 30 Sept., 1753, aged 20.
482 Huldah,6 b. ______; d. 3 Oct., 1756.
483 Mary,6 b. ______.
484 Lucy,6 b. ______.
485 Sarah,6 b. ______; d. 12 June, 1747.
5 dau. of Nathaniel
4 (
32), b. in Hadley, Mass., 12 Mar., 1701; m. 26 May, 1720, Deacon Ebenezer Dickinson, son of Nehemiah and grandson of Nathaniel Dickinson, of Wethersfield, Conn., and Hadley, Mass.
She d. 23 Mar., 1743, in Amherst, Mass.; he m. (2) Widow Hamilton, of Brookfield, Mass.; he d. about 1780. He rem. about 1731 to Amherst.
486 Gideon Dickinson,6 b. 1 Dec, 1720; m. Hannah Edwards; res. in Amherst.
487 Ebenezer Dickinson,6 b. ______; m. Chloe Holton; res. in Amherst.
488 Reuben Dickinson,6 b. ______; was Capt. in the revolutionary army; res. in Thetford, Vt.
489 Joseph Dickinson,6 b. about 1731; m. Martha Dickinson.
490 Mary Dickinson,6 b. about 1737; m. Noah Dickinson, of Amherst.
491 Abigail Dickinson,6 b. ______; m. Samuel Ingram, of Amherst.
492 Sarah Dickinson,6 b. ______; m. Asa Adams, b. in Ashford, Mass., 4 Apr., 1729, son of Thomas Adams, b. 11 Feb., 1695-96, and Abigail Fisher; she d. 23 Mar., 1770; he d. 15 Feb., 1826.
493 Jerusha Dickinson,6 b. ______; m. (1) David Blodgett, of Amherst; (2) 19 Mar., 1804, Nathan Dickinson, of Amherst; d. 27 Oct., 1818.
494 Experience Dickinson,6 bap. 28 June, 1741; d. unm., in Hadley, 7 Mar., 1770.
5 dau. of Nathaniel
4 (
32), b. in Hadley, 19 Mar., 1703; m. 7 Sept., 1726, Benjamin Sheldon, of Deerfield, b. 26 Aug., 1705, son of Joseph Sheldon,* b. 1668, and Mary Whiting, b. 19 Aug., 1672.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 77
He was a soldier in Capt. Benjamin Wright's Co., in Father Rasle's war; at the capture of Cape Breton and came home sick; d. Aug., 1753.
495 Benjamin Sheldon,6 b. 5 May, 1728.
496 Ezekiel Sheldon,6 b. 5 Dec, 1729.
497 William Sheldon,6 b. 16 July, 1731; m. Hannah Noble; d. in Sheffield.
498 Abigail Sheldon,6 b. 16 Oct., 1733.
499 Whiting Sheldon,6 b. 25 Oct., 1735.
Mary Sheldon,
6 b. 16 Mar., 1738; m. 1758, Moses Kellogg (+
501 Bethia Sheldon,6 b. 7 May, 1740; m. Capt. Roswell Downing.
502 Samuel Sheldon,6 b. 15 Mar., 1742; a revolutionary soldier; was called "Nephew" in the will of Dr. Richard Crouch, who m. Mary Kellogg (134).
5 son of Nathaniel
4 (
32), b. in Hadley, Mass., 2 Aug., 1709; m. in Amherst, Mass., 1 May, 1741, Dorothy Hawley, b. about 1723, dau. of Samuel Hawley and Mehitable Belden, of Hatfield.
He d. 16 Mar., 1777; she d. 26 July, 1812; both are buried in Amherst. He rem. to Amherst before 1745. Judge Loyal C. Kellogg wrote : "His wife b. about 1725, was first cousin of the celebrated Maj. Joseph Hawley, of Northampton, who was one of the foremost of the patriots and public men of Massachusetts in the era of the revolution."
503 Ephraim,
6 bap. 3 Jan., 1742; m. Esther Hastings.
504 Martin,
6 bap. 8 Jan., 1744; m. (1) Hannah Crocker; (2) Mrs. Lucy (Pomeroy) Hastings.
505 Dorothy,
6 bap. 23 Feb., 1746; m. William Field.
506 Abigail,
6 bap. 16 Oct., 1748; m. (1) Ezra Rood; (2) John Prachon.
507 John,6 bap. Apr., 1751; d. 15 May, 1753.
508 Sarah,
6 b. 10 Sept., 1753; m. Jonathan Field.
509 Joseph,
6 b. 28 Nov., 1758; m. Jerusha Ingram.
5 dau. of Nathaniel
4 (
32), b. in Hadley, ______; m. 15 Oct., 1736, Timothy Nash, of Granby (formerly a part of S. Hadley), b. 26 Jan., 1707, son of Ephraim Nash, b. about 1682, and Joanna Smith (94), b. 1 Sept., 1686.
He was an innkeeper; res. in Granby until about 1750; rem. to Shutesbury, Mass., 1760; 1767 sold out there; not known where he went from Shutesbury; where and when he or his wife d. is not known.
510 Joanna Nash,6 b. 29 Dec, 1737; m. 1768, Jacob Hastings, of Warwick, Mass.
78 The Kelloggs in the New World.
511 Samuel Nash,6 b. 29 Jan., 1739; settled in Lunenburgh, Vt.
512 Timothy Nash,6 b. 15 Oct., 1740; m. Mary Powers, and settled in Lunenburgh, Vt.
513 Experience Nash,6 b. 14 Dec, 1743; m. 1764, George Wheeler.
514 Mary Crouch Nash,6 b. 20 May, 1747; m. 1768, James Lyman, of Northfield, Mass.; d. 23 Mar., 1777.
5 son of Ebenezer
4 (
36), b. in Colchester, Conn., 30 Jan., 1710; m. 10 May, 1752, Abigail Rowley, b. 2 Oct., 1730, dau. of Elnathan Rowley and Abigail Cone.
He d. in Colchester, 9 Feb., 1788; his will is recorded in Colchester; she d. ______.
He was added to the church in Colchester, 24 Jan., 1742.
When Abigail Rowley was a baby, Mrs. Rowley was visiting a neighbor of the Kelloggs and Ebenezer called her the handsomest baby he had ever seen. He jokingly asked Mrs. Rowley if he might marry the girl if he would wait until she was of proper age, and Mrs. Rowley gave her consent.
When Ebenezer was old and infirm his wife was in the habit of shaving him, and one day he asked to be shaved at an unusual time. She said : "Why, to-day?" He replied: "Because you can shave me better alive than dead." She asked: "What do you mean ?" "I mean that I am to die to-night." She rallied him as being superstitious and called in a neighbor to cheer him, but he died that night sitting in his chair.
Children, b. in Colchester.
515 Abigail,6 b. 27 Jan., 1754; d. 18 Dec, 1758.
516 Ebenezer,
6 b. 16 Mar., 1756; m. Amy Ransom.
517 Abigail,
6 b. 29 Dec, 1758; m. Elijah Fuller, Jr.
518 Mabel,6 b. 3 Aug., 1763; d. 2 May, 1779.
519 Butler,6 b. 21 July, 1766; m. 9 Jan., 1788, Sally Treadway, dau. of John Treadway; d. In Colchester, 1813; she d. 9 Jan., 1848, aged 78; had no children.
520 Elnathan,
6 bap. 2 Apr., 1769; m. Sarah Fuller.
521 Charles,
6 b. 23 Dec, 1773; m. Lydia Treadway.
5 son of Jonathan
4 (
37), b. in Colchester, Conn., 18 Sept., 1713; m. 5 May, 1735, Mary Niles, b. 20 June, 1716, dau. of John Niles, of Lyme, Conn.
In 1739, he and his wife gave a receipt to Deacon Richard Ely, of Lyme, who had been her guardian.
He d. 10 July, 1745.
Administration on his estate was granted to George Brown and Joseph Kellogg, 10 Sept., 1745. Jonathan Kellogg was appointed guardian of Martin, 7 Oct., 1746, and Israel Kellogg was appointed guardian of the other two, 5 May, 1747.
She m. (3) 7 July, 1746, Reynold Marvin.
522 Unnamed Child,6 b. and d. Mar., 1737.
523 Margery,
6 b. 6 Sept., 1738; m. (1) William Smith; (2) Dr. William Hooker Smith.
524 Martin,
6 bap. 29 Mar., 1741; m. (1) Sarah Treadway; (3) Hannah Otis.
525 Mary,
6 b. 1744; m. Isaac Foote.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 79
5 son of Jonathan
4 (
37), b. in Colchester, 6 June, 1714; m. 15 Jan., 1741, Sarah Clark, b. 9 Mar., 1721, dau. of Noah Clark and Sarah Taintor.
He d. 14 June, 1765; date of her death unknown; her brother, Elihu Clark, m. Elizabeth Kellogg (
526 Silas,
6 b. 25 Aug., 1743; m. Sarah Cook.
527 Esther,6 b. 21 May, 1745.
528 Sarah,
6 b. 11 Aug., 1749; m. Abner Rockwell.
529 Anna,6 b. 28 Sept., 1752.
5 son of Jonathan
4 (
37), b. about 1722; m. 31 Jan., 1754, Abigail Northam; she d. 9 June, 1780; he d. 12 Feb., 1784; res. in Colchester, Conn.; both d. there.
Children, b. in Colchester.
530 Jonathan,
6 b. 10 Oct., 1754; m. Anna Northam.
531 Israel,
6 b. 18 May, 1756; m. Dimis Loomis.
532 Amos,
6 b. 5 Aug., 1758; m. Mary Pomeroy.
533 Abigail,
6 b. 15 Nov., 1760; m. Alpheus Loomis.
5 son of Jonathan
4 (
37), b. in Colchester, 15 Mar., 1724; m. (1) in Colchester, 24 Apr., 1752, Martha Wells, dau. of Jonathan Wells and Mary Newton, of Colchester.
She d. 1778 or '79; he m. (2) Mrs. Sarah Hart, dau. of ______ Pool; he d. Sept., 1797, in Middlebury, N. Y.; she d. at the house of her son, Silas, in Perrysburgh, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., Jan., 1824, aged 84.
He rem. from Colchester soon after 1764 to Massachusetts; later to Albany Co., N. Y.; to the Mohawk Valley; to Middlebury, Wyoming Co., about 1781. He was a large man, weighed about 300 pounds.
Children by first wife.
534 Mary,
6 bap. 30 July, 1753; m. (1) Lieut. Jacob Pool; (2) Capt. John Fellows.
535 Martha,6 bap. 30 July, 1753; d. young.
536 Levi,6 bap. 22 July, 1758; d. 31 July, 1758.
537 Stephen,
6 bap. 24 Sept., 1758; m. Comfort Fisk.
538 Joseph,
6 bap. 16 Oct., 1763; m. Maraba Nichols.
539 Martha,
6 bap. 16 Oct., 1763; m. John Nichols.
540 Jonathan,
6 bap. 10 June, 1764; m. Anna Reynolds.
Children by second wife.
541 Silas,
6 b. 2 Nov., 1781; m. Silvia Chapman.
542 Abigail,
6 b. ______; m. Jared Chapman.
5 son of Daniel
4 (
46), b. in Norwalk, 7 May, 1698; m. in Huntington, L. I., by Rev. E. Prime, June, 1724, Eunice Jarvis, of Huntington, b. 1703, dau. of Thomas Jarvis, who d. 19 Nov., 1767.
He d. 2 Dec, 1762; she d. 19 Nov., 1767; both are buried in Town House Cemetery, Norwalk.
80 The Kelloggs in the New World.
They res. in Norwalk. His will, dated 15 Jan., 1762, proved 29 Dec, same year, in Fairfield, mentions all the children mentioned below, and bequeaths property to the heirs of his deceased dau. Eunice, and provides that his daus. Elizabeth and Abigail shall have a lower room in his house while single. His estate was appraised at more than £600.
543 Daniel,
6 b. in Norwalk, 1727; m. (1) Hannah Fairchild; (2) Elizabeth Boalt.
544 Elizabeth,6 b. ______.
545 Jarvis,
6 b. in Norwalk, 1731; m. (1) Elizabeth Smith; (2) Hannah Meeker.
6 b. ______; m. (1) John Taylor, of Norwalk; after his death she m. (2) in Greenfield Hill, Oliver Whitlock, as his second wife; he d. in Norwalk in 1784. Mr. Whitlock in his will mentions a child, "Melesen Kellogg, who has been under my care for the past five years." This child was probably the dau. (571) of Eliasaph Kellogg (+
203). She d., probably, without issue.
547 Ebenezer,
6 b. in Norwalk, 5 Apr., 1737; m. Hannah Wright.
548 Eunice,6 b. ______; m. and had one or more children; d. before her father's will was made.
549 Sarah,6 b. ______; m. 1759, Moses Ferris, of Horse Neck.
550 Abigail,6 b. ______.
5 son of Daniel
4 (
46), b. 1701; m. 1 Jan., 1729-30, Ann Coley, dau. of Samuel Coley, of Fairfield.
He d. 17 Apr., 1740; she m. (2) James Hays, of Danbury.
James Hays and Ann, his wife, both of Danbury, conveyed to their "loving children, Ezra and Seth Kellogg, of Danbury, John Kellogg and Mary Smith, of Norwalk, and Ann, wife of Elnathan Knapp, of Danbury," their right of dower in the land of her late husband, John Kellogg, 4 Jan., 1760.
There was set off, 7 Sept., 1739, to John Kellogg, land at Ellis Neck, valued at £9, 4s., 6d., and on 27 Dec, 1739, "8 acres at ye upper end of Silver Mine Hill." In 1731, the Parish of Canaan in Norwalk was established, and John's house was included in this parish, but in Oct., 1738, he was allowed, by act of the General Assembly, to leave the Parish of Canaan and rejoin Norwalk. His estate, appraised at £1,800, was distributed in 1750.
551 Ezra,
6 b. 3 Apr., 1731; m. Anne Judd.
552 Mary,6 b. 23 Jan., 1732-33; m. Robert Smith, of Norwalk, probably son of Robert Smith and Judith Fountain.
553 Ann,
6 b. 16 Mar., 1734; m. Elnathan Knapp.
554 John,
6 b. 25 May, 1737; m. (1) Sarah Smith; (2) Sarah Bishop.
555 Seth,
6 b. 8 Feb., 1740; m. Eunice Judd.
5 son of Daniel
4 (
46), b. 1704; m. Elizabeth _______.
He d. about 1749.
He was a farmer; rem. from Norwalk to the western part of Wallingford, Conn., in that part which was set off and incorporated as the town of Cheshire. He bought land, 7 Dec, 1724, on the west
The Kelloggs in the New World. 81
side of the river near the West Rocks. Perhaps his father, Daniel, also owned land in Wallingford, since Benjamin owned land there, jointly with his three brothers and bought them out 5 Mar., 1732. He owned a large tract of land in the eastern part of Cheshire and appears to have been prosperous, for at his death his estate inventoried, personal property, £1,517, and realty, £1,135. The only tradition that remains of him was his great dislike of the Indians. She m. (2) before 11 Jan., 1756, Thomas Andrus.
556 Daniel,6 b. 13 Aug., 1729; d. unm., about 1753, in Wallingford. His will was probated in Jan., 1754; his property was divided among his brothers and sisters.
557 Samuel,6 b. 15 Oct., 1731; was living in Wallingford as late as 1 Mar., 1757.
558 Justus,6 b. 13 Apr., 1733; d. unm. in the camp at Lake George, 17 Nov., 1755. His will, dated 11 Jan., 1755, names his mother, Elizabeth Andrus, as his sole legatee.
✛559 Benjamin,6 b. 18 Dec., 1734; d. 1 Feb., 1737.
560 Lois,
6 b. 29 Oct., 1736; m. Josiah Smith.
561 Elizabeth,6 b. 31 May, 1738; m. 8 June, 1758, Elijah Hotchkiss.
562 Benjamin,6 b. 21 Dec, 1741; sold his homestead in Wallingford, 12 Jan., 1789, to Esther Beach, wife of Samuel Beach; he was then of Cheshire.
563 Sarah,
6 b. 28 Jan., 1746; m. Job Winchell.
5 son of Daniel
4 (
46), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 21 July, 1709; m. 13 June, 1734, Rachel Benedict, b. 27 Sept., 1710, dau. of Ensign Thomas Benedict* and Rachel Smith.
He d. 28 May, 1792, in New Canaan.
He res. in the Parish of Canaan, afterward the town of New Canaan. Four acres were assigned him by the town, 1 Dec, 1737; 21 Mar., 1739, he was granted twelve acres "on both sides of Five Mile River."
564 Joanna,
6 b. 27 May, 1735; m. Jesse Abbott.
565 Rachel,6 b. 25 Apr., 1737; d. 30 Nov., 1738.
566 Rachel,6 b. 3 Dec, 1738.
567 Lydia,
6 b. 26 Mar., 1740; m. John Hickox.
568 Esther,
6 b. 22 Oct., 1741; m. Noah Foote
569 Thomas,6 b. 1 Aug., 1743.
570 Eliasaph,
6 b. 8 Sept., 1745; m. Adah Benedict.
571 Milisan,6 b. 23 Mar., 1747. (See 546.)
572 Deborah,6 b. 20 Apr., 1749.
5 son of Samuel
4 (
47), b. 23 Dec, 1706; m. Ann ______, b. about 1716.
He d. 4 Oct., 1754.
He res. in the Parish of Canaan, Norwalk. Inventory of his estate shows in detail, personal effects and furniture indicating comfortable, if not luxurious, surroundings. Among other property
82 The Kelloggs in the New World.
mentioned are "Negro boy, Jonas, value £600, and Negro boy, Nimrod, £450."* The whole estate was valued at £11,300. His widow m. (2), before 8 Mar., 1782, Jarvis, and 8 Mar., 1782, conveyed to her children "all the right I have in the land of my late husband, Samuel Kellogg, deceased, except what was laid out to me in the home place."
573 Lois,
6 b. ______; m. Benjamin Whitney.
574 Ann,
6 b. 1738; m. Nathan Jarvis.
575 Ruth,
6 b. ______; m. Asa Hoyt.
576 Stephen,6 b. about 1742; d. 2 Dec, 1746.
577 Elizabeth,
6 b. ______; m. Matthew Reed (638).
578 Mary,
6 b. ______; m. Blackleach Jesup.
579 Esther,
6 b. 1748; m. Timothy Keeler.
580 Sarah,
6 b. ______; m. Robert Wasson.
5 son of Samuel
4 (
47), b. in Norwalk, 23 Mar., 1711; m. Mary Lockwood, dau. of Deacon Eliphalet Lockwood, b. 27 Feb., 1675-76, and Mary Gold, b. 1674, of Stamford.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Mercy (perhaps dau. of Samuel Wood, of Norwalk, who had a dau. Mercy, b. 30 Mar., 1717).
He d. 7 July, 1756.
He and his wife joined the church in New Canaan Parish, 2 Feb., 1743. His will, dated 3 July, 1756, proved 30 July, same year, mentions his wife, Mercy, dau. Mercy, sons Eliphalet, Martin, Samuel and Nathan. His brother-in-law, Theophilus Fitch, and his brother, Epenetus Kellogg (
211), were the executors. Besides one-quarter of his real estate, he gives to "Eliphalet in consideration of his being my eldest son and other considerations the following articles which were his own mother's * * also two cows and a calf, — the cows are those which his grandmother Lockwood gave to me."
She m. (2) 22 Mar., 1757, Capt. Samuel Hanford, of New Canaan; d. 28 Dec, 1783, aged 66.
581 Eliphalet,
6 b. before 1740; m. Sarah Brown.
582 Martin,
6 b. 10 Oct., 1740; m. (1) Mercy Benedict; (2) Abigail Knapp.
583 Samuel,6 bap. 16 Oct., 1743; d. young.
584 Mercy,
6 bap. 1 Sept., 1745; m. Moses Hanford.
585 Samuel,
6 b. 29 June, 1749; m. (1) Elizabeth Waring; (2) Mrs. Lydia (Smith) Crane.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 83
586 Nathan,
6 bap. 26 Apr., 1752; m. Rachel Carter.
5 dau. of Samuel
4 (
47), b. 30 Oct., 1715; m. Theophilus Fitch,* b. ______, son of John Fitch, b. 29 Sept., 1677, and Lydia Bushnell, who is said to have lived to be 103 years old.
Theophilus Fitch was a prominent and leading citizen of New Canaan.
587 Comfort Fitch,6 b. 30 Jan., 1737.
588 Ruth Fitch,6 b. 1 Apr., 1739.
589 John Fitch,6 b. 24 Aug., 1740.
590 Sarah Fitch,6 b. 10 Sept., 1742.
591 Mary Fitch,6 b. 11 July, 1744.
592 Samuel Fitch,6 b. 26 Jan., 1746-47.
593 Sarah Fitch,6 b. 9 Jan., 1748-49.
594 Theophilus Fitch,6 b. 1 Sept., 1751; m. 7 Feb., 1781, Ann Gregory; had three children.
595 Ann Fitch,6 b. 29 July, 1756.
596 Joseph Fitch,6 b. 21 Oct., 1758; m. 12 Oct., 1784, Hannah Sperry, b. in New Milford, Conn., 28 June, 1760.
5 son of Samuel
4 (
47), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 5 Dec., 1717; m. Hannah; he d. 10 Sept., 1771; his will bears date 9 Sept., 1771.
597 Isaac,
6 b. 14 Jan., 1745; m. (1) Hannah Fitch; (2) Mrs. Sarah (Burgess) Gardner.
598 Enos,
6 b. ______; m. Lydia Fitch.
599 Hannah,
6 b. ______; m. William Reed (636).
600 Susanna,
6 b. ______, in Norwalk, Conn.; m. David Nash.
601 Rhoda,6 d. unm. ______; 21 Feb., 1772, her brothers, Isaac and Enos, as executors of Gideon, sold her land in Norwalk.
84 The Kelloggs in the New World.
5 son of Samuel
4 (
47), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 26 June, 1719; m. about 1740, Jemima Rogers, of Huntington, N. Y.
He d. 19 June, 1774; she d. 9 June, 1789; they are buried in the cemetery near the Town House, Norwalk.
He was a farmer; rem. to Long Island and afterward returned to Norwalk and lived in "White Oak Shade," New Canaan, near Ponassus Path.*
602 Sarah,
6 b. about 1740 or '41; m. Ezra Reed (621).
603 Phebe,
6 b. about 1743; m. Capt. Nathaniel Scribner.
604 Jemima,
6 b. about 1744; m. Stephen Hanford, Jr.
605 Martha,
6 b. about 1745; m. Ichabod Marvin.
606 Epenetus,
6 b. in Apr., 1746; m. Rebecca Richards.
607 Deborah,6 b. ______; m. Comstock.
608 Anne,6 b. ______; m. Weed.
609 Mary (Polly),6 b. ______; probably d. unm.
610 James,
6 b. 5 Apr., 1755; m. (1) Lydia Nash; (2) Mrs. Martha (Clark) Johnson.
611 Stephen,
6 b. 1 July, 1757; m. Lydia Bouton.
612 Lydia,6 b. about 1763; d. unm., 7 May, 1779; buried in Norwalk, Town House Cemetery.
5 dau. of Joseph
4 (
50), b. in Norwalk, 5 Oct., 1703; m. Daniel Reed, son of John Reed,** of Norfolk, and Elizabeth Tuttle.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Susanna _______.
He d. before 1 Jan., 1776, when his will, dated 6 Feb., 1774, was proved. In his will he mentioned wife, Susanna, daus. Elizabeth and Joanna; sons, Benjamin, Abraham, Eliakim, James, Ezra and Elijah, and grandsons Gershom and Jonathan Reed.
He owned land in Stamford and Norwalk, by "ye perambulation line." The perambulation line was the line between Norwalk and Stamford. He was admitted to the Communion table, together with his wife (not named), in Middlesex Parish, now Darien, 28 Dec, 1758. The church in Middlesex Parish was organized 7 Oct., 1744, and "Elizabeth," wife of Daniel Reed, was admitted that day, thus making it certain that Daniel m. Susannah later than that time. (Darien was incorporated May, 1820; taken from Stamford, but the parish of Middlesex included a part of Norwalk.)
Children, b. in Norwalk, and all probably by first husband.
613 Daniel Reed,6 b. 28 Dec, 1721; m. 22 May, 1746, Mary, dau. of Jonathan and Eunice (Reed) Bell, and had several children; he d. Before 6 Dec, 1757, when his father was granted administration on his estate, and guardians were appointed for his children, Lydia, Phineas, Joseph, Gershom and Daniel; his widow m. (2) ______ Smith.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 85
614 Abraham Reed,6 b. 28 Nov., 1723; m. Hannah Bell, sister of Daniel's wife, and had seven children; rem. to Granville, N. Y. A son, Kitchell, m. (2) Mrs. Kellogg, of Granville.
615 Eliakim Reed,6 b. 18 Sept., 1725; m. Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Latham) Richards; had nine children.
616 Elizabeth Reed,6 b. 30 Mar., 1730; m. Joseph Ambler.
617 Benjamin Reed,6 b. 3 Feb., 1732; d. young.
618 Lydia Reed,6 b. 15 Feb., 1734; m. Davenport.
619 James Reed,6 b. 18 Mar., 1736; m. Joanna, dau. of Daniel Castle; had fourteen children; twins twice.
620 Benjamin Reed,6 b. 3 Feb., 1737; m. Bethia Weed, dau. of Charles Weed, of Stamford; had six children.
Ezra Reed,
6 b. Mar., 1740; m. Sarah Kellogg (+
622 Joanna Reed,6 b. 1743; m. Stephen Warren.
623 Elijah Reed,6 bap. 25 July, 1745, in Middlesex Parish; m. Dec, 1763, Esther Bates, of Stamford.
5 dau. of Joseph
4 (
50), b. in Norwalk, 5 Apr., 1706; m. Samuel Reed, son of John Reed and Elizabeth Tuttle.
He d. before 5 May, 1760, when his will, dated 19 Jan., same year, was proved in Fairfield; she d. in New Canaan, 25 Dec, 1783, aged 78.
She was admitted, with her husband, to the church in New Canaan, by letter from Mr. Dickinson (pastor of Norwalk), 3 Sept., 1733.
In his will he mentioned, wife, Sarah, sons Samuel, Abijah, Timothy, Nathaniel and Hezekiah, and daus. Hannah, Rachel, Sarah and Katherine and granddaughter Phebe, dau. of Mary. To his son Abijah he gave a piece of land "on north side of country road, near my house, bounded west by my brother William's land; north by brother Daniel; east by Samuel Richards; south by country road."
She was admitted to the church in Middlesex Parish, at its organization, 7 Oct., 1744, but her husband's name does not appear in its records.
624 Samuel Reed,6 b. ______.
625 Abijah Reed,6 b. ______; Timothy Reed granted administration on his estate, 4 Apr., 1761.
626 Timothy Reed,6 b. ______; m. ______; she d. in New Canaan, 22 Sept., 1793, aged 50; he d. 24 Sept., 1794, aged 55.
627 Nathaniel Reed,6 b. ______.
628 Hezekiah Reed,6 b. ______.
629 Sarah Reed,6 b. ______.
630 Mary Reed,6 b. ______; m. 9 Nov., 1749, in Middlesex Parish, John Morehouse; she d. before herfather's will was dated, leaving a dau. Phebe.
631 Hannah Reed,6 b. ________
632 Rachel Reed,6 b. ________
633 Katherine Reed,6 bap. in Middlesex Parish, 15 Feb., 1749.
5 dau. of Joseph
4 (
50), b. 15 July, 1710; m. 28 Nov., 1729, William Reed, b. 16 Nov., 1708, son of John Reed and Elizabeth Tuttle.
86 The Kelloggs in the New World.
He d. 2 Aug., 1793, aged 85, in New Canaan; she d. 24 Dec, 1793, aged 85. Records of deaths and ages in records of church in New Canaan. They were admitted to the church in New Canaan, 27 Jan., 1734.
634 Joseph Reed,6 b. 30 Oct., 1731.
635 David Reed,6 bap. 27 Jan., 1733-34, the day his father and mother were admitted to the church.
William Reed,
6 b. 20 Mar., 1734; m. 29 Sept., 1762, Hannah Kellogg (+
637 Matthew Reed,6 bap. 4 Sept., 1736; d. young.
Matthew Reed,
6 bap. 21 Jan., 1738-39; m. Elizabeth Kellogg (+
639 Eli Reed,6 bap. 3 July, 1740; m. Abigail Weed, b. 28 June, 1739, dau. of Reuben and Lydia (Holly) Weed.
640 Rachel Reed,6 bap. 4 Apr., 1743.
641 Mary Reed,6 bap. 16 Oct., 1743.
642 Isaac Reed,6 bap. 21 Dec, 1746.
643 Jacob Reed,6 bap. 21 Dec, 1746; d. 21 May, 1749.
644 Jacob Reed,6 bap. 21 May, 1749.
645 Abigail Reed,6 bap. 2 June, 1750; d. 2 June, 1751.
5 son of Joseph
4 (
50), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 28 Sept., 1715; m. 28 Feb., 1734, Judith Raymond, dau. of Daniel Raymond, bap. in Salem, Mass., 17 Apr., 1653, of Norwalk and Lyme, Conn., and Rebecca Sage; he d. 1745.
He res. in Norwalk. In the distribution of his father's estate, he received the homestead and several lots in New Canaan at Kellogg's East Ridge. From the deeds recorded in Norwalk, it would seem that, to protect his family, most of his property was placed in the names of friends and relatives and later reconveyed to him. The last mention of him on the land records of Norwalk is a sale of eight acres of land, 10 Mar., 1738-39. His descendants state that he went on the Cape Breton expedition, 1745-47, and d. there. In the Journal of the Chaplain of the fleet of that expedition, mention is made of the death of a man named Kellogg in Capt. Chapman's Co., which was raised in Norwalk and vicinity, but no list of members has been found. Capt. Chapman was a resident of Ridgefield. Noah Taylor, who was Lieut, in this company, res. in Norwalk.
She m. (2) as his second wife, in Middlesex Parish, now Darien, Conn., 16 Oct., 1750, Nathan Weed, of Stamford.
Perhaps they rem. to South Salem, N. Y.
In Stamford Probate, 3 Apr., 1759, her husband, Nathan Weed, gave bond as guardian to "David Kellogg, a minor, son of David Kellogg, late of Norwalk, deceased."
These facts would go toward substantiating the family tradition of his later days and death.
646 Mary,6 b. 23 Sept., 1734.
647 Rachel,6 b. 17 Apr., 1737.
648 Judith,6 b. 23 Aug., 1739.
649 Joseph,6 b. 23 Mar., 1742.
650 David,
6 b. about 1744; m. Mrs. Eunice Brown.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 87
5 son of Joseph
4 (
50), b. in Norwalk, 26 Sept., 1717; m. after 1757 and before 6 May, 1783, Mrs. Lydia Whitney, widow of James Whitney of Ridgefield. (James Whitney was b. at R., 6 Dec, 1725, and was son of Henry and Elizabeth (Olmstead) Whitney.
He d. as early as 1757. Settled in South East,* Dutchess Co., N. Y., but in 1793 was again in Ridgefield, Conn.
651 Benjamin,
6 b. ______; m. Lois Keeler.
5 son of Samuel
4 (
51), b. in Hatfield, 18 May, 1694; m. 8 Jan., 1735-36, Abigail Sterling, b. about 1710.
He d. 31 July, 1783, aged 90; she d. 23 Aug., 1803, aged 93.
He rem. with his father to Colchester about 1707, where he was deacon in the Congregational Church, and was elected to several town offices.
Children, b. in Colchester.
653 Abigail,
6 b. 29 Oct., 1736; m. Joseph Gillett.
654 Samuel,6 b. 20 Dec, 1738; m. Mary Pratt, who d. 23 Feb., 1813, aged 70; he d. 24 Nov., 1825, aged 87, leaving no children. Estate valued at about $60,000. In his will he bequeathed to the town $2,000 for the support of the poor, and to the First Society $700 for the support of the Gospel Ministry.
655 Hannah,
6 b. 30 Sept., 1740; m. Daniel Wood.
656 Ann,6 b. 30 Nov., 1742; d. 9 July, 1758, aged 16. Headstone reads, Mrs. Ann Kellogg. (It was a profound distance between Mr. and Goodman. Mistress and Goody named a distinction as positive if not as great as between a duchess and a milkmaid; unmarried women and girls, if deemed worthy any title at all, were not termed Miss, but were also Mrs. Rev. Mr. Thompson wrote a funeral tribute to a little girl of six, entitled : "A Neighbor's Tears dropt on ye Grave of an amiable Virgin; a pleasant Plant cut down in blooming of her Spring, viz: Mrs. Rebecka Sewall, August ye 4th 1710." Child Life Colonial Days, 223.)
657 Mary,
6 b. 27 Apr., 1745; m. Nathan Goodspeed.
658 Eunice,6 b. in Colchester, 26 Feb., 1747; m. in Colchester, 16 Jan., 1777, Ebenezer Carter, b. 23 May, 1743, son of Ezra Carter of Marlboro, Conn., and Jerusha White, b. 27 July, 1703, great granddaughter of Elder John White, of Hartford, Conn., 1636; he d. 23 Dec, 1829, aged 86; she d. 11 Oct., 1834, aged 87.
659 Daniel,
6 b. 1 June, 1749; m. Elizabeth Wells.
5 son of Samuel
4 (
51), b. 18 June, 1696, in Hatfield, Mass.; m. 23 Oct., 1717, Abigail Miller, of Colchester.
He d. about 1765 in Hebron, Conn., his will being dated 20 Aug., 1765.
He rem. with his father's family to Colchester about 1707, and 28 Feb., 1722, sold his rights in his father's homestead in Colchester to his brother, Samuel, for £14; rem. from Colchester to Hebron, Conn., and lived in the part now called Marlboro, where he res. until his death.
88 The Kelloggs in the New World.
His homestead was about one and onehalf miles southeast of Marlboro Church, north of the road, and he moved into his new house, sixty or eighty rods away from his first one, in 1736. This house is said to have been one of the principal residences in Hebron, and his son Daniel and grandson Charles are supposed to have lived there. He was deacon in Hebron and Marlboro.
660 Joseph,
6 b. 8 Aug., 1718; m. Susanna King.
661 Daniel,
6 b. 6 May, 1720; m. Ann Dewey.
662 Mercy,6 (called Mary in her father's will), b. 20 May, 1723, in Hebron, and joined the church there, in 1737; she m. 7 Jan., 1747, John Wright, in Hebron.
663 Moses,
6 b. 10 May, 1725; m. Dinah Sears.
664 Elijah,
6 b. 15 Jan., 1728; m. Hannah Adams.
665 Ezekiel,
6 b. 24 Nov., 1732; m. Ann Owen.
666 Abigail,6 b. 27 Nov., 1734; unm. 1765.
667 Samuel,
6 b. ______; m. Hannah Strong.
668 Benjamin,6 b. ______.
5 dau. of Samuel
4 (
51), b. in Hatfield, Mass., 11 Sept., 1699; m. Nathaniel Clark, of Lebanon, Conn., b. Apr., 1693.
He d. 20 May, 1737, in Lebanon; she was living in Lebanon in 1747, when she sold land to her brother, Samuel.
Children, b. in Lebanon.
669 Nathaniel Clark,6 b. 6 Aug., 1720; m. in Lebanon, 5 Nov., 1740, Martha Witt.
670 Asahel Clark,6 b. 11 Mar., 1721-22.
671 Silas Clark,6 b. 20 June, 1724; d. 16 Apr., 1809, aged 84, in Lebanon.
672 Hannah Clark,6 b. 24 Nov., 1727; m. in Lebanon, 26 Dec, 1749, Joseph McCall.
673 Jared Clark,6 b. 15 July, 1729; m. in Lebanon, 12 Dec, 1754, Mary Abell; d. 11 Sept., 1775, in Lebanon.
674 Lois Clark,6 b. 10 Sept., 1731.
675 Ruth Clark,6 b. 8 Apr., 1734; d. 9 Mar., 1826.
676 Amos Clark,6 b. 25 Apr., 1736; d. young.
5 dau. of Samuel
4 (
51), b. in Hatfield, 3 Aug., 1701; m. 11 July, 1728, Benjamin Quiterfield, of Colchester, b. 11 Apr., 1704, probably the son of Clement Quiterfield, of Colchester.
He d. 8 Aug., 1771; she d. in Colchester, 24 May, 1794.
677 Benjamin Quiterfield,6 b. 22 Apr., 1729; d. Feb., 1801.
678 Eunice Quiterfield,6 b. 26 Feb., 1730-31.
679 Asa Quiterfield,6 b. 28 June, 1733.
680 Israel Quiterfield,6 b. 28 Aug., 1735; d. 19 June, 1739.
681 Hannah Quiterfield,6 b. 3 Nov., 1737; d. 11 Dec, 1738.
682 Israel Quiterfield,6 bap. 17 Feb., 1740; d. 28 Feb., 1740.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 89
683 Jacob Quiterfield,6 b. 12 Apr., 1741; m. 25 Oct., 1759, Elizabeth Kilbom; d. 28 May, 1777; he was pastor of the churches in Colchester and Antioch.
5 dau. of Lieut. Nathaniel
4 (
52), b. in Hadley, 13 Nov., 1699; m. 2 Mar., 1727, Joseph Pratt, b. 30 June, 1698, son of Sergt. Joseph Pratt and Sarah Colyer.
Children, b. in Colchester.
684 Lois Pratt,6 b. 13 Dec, 1727.
685 Lidia Pratt,6 b. 3 Mar., 1730.
686 Joseph Pratt,6 b. 2 Aug., 1732.
687 Peter Pratt,6 b. 8 Feb., 1734-35.
5 son of Lieut. Nathaniel
4 (
52), b. in Colchester, 8 May, 1703; m. 1 July, 1725, Elizabeth Williams, b. 13 Feb., 1703, dau. of Charles Williams.
He d. about 1753 in Windsor, Conn.; she d. 1 Apr., 1762. Res. in Colchester. He was a farmer, and in 1729, a rate gatherer. He may have held other offices in the town, the records not always making distinction between his father and himself.
The town voted, 10 Dec, 1722, to pay him "12 shillings for the year ensuing (o beat the drum on Sabbath Days for Meetings * * he finding himself a drum."
He rem. in his old age to Windsor, Conn., where he d.
688 Charles,
6 b. 17 Sept., 1726; m. Sarah Hitchcock.
689 Elizabeth,
6 b. 8 July, 1729; m. Elihu Clark.
690 Sarah,6 b. 22 Feb., 1731-32; m. Bingham; Bingham was appointed administrator of her father in 1755.
691 Delight,
6 b. 5 Oct., 1734; m. Robert Andrews.
692 Margaret,6 b. 17 Jan., 1736-37; m. 20 Mar., 1755, Nathan Webb.
693 Nathaniel,
6 b. 10 July, 1739; m. (1) Hannah B. Hastings; (2) Mrs. Lydia (Sargent) Watson.
694 Ann,6 b. 28 Jan., 1742; bap. 31 July, 1742; was living unm. 1757.
695 Asa,6 b. 14 May, 1746; d. 19 Dec, 1746.
5 dau. of Lieut. Nathaniel
4 (
52), b. in Colchester, 27 Dec, 1707; m. in Colchester, 19 Feb., 1729, Rev. Judah Lewis.
She d. 7 Apr., 1732, aged 25; he m. (2) Mercy Kellogg (+
123); d. 15 Apr., 1739.
696 Sarah Lewis,6 b. 18 Jan., 1730, in Colchester; m. 10 Nov., 1748, Joseph Crocker.
5 dau. of Lieut. Nathaniel
4 (
52), b. in Colchester, 29 May, 1710; m. (1) 28 May, 1730, Capt. John Hopson, b. 12 Nov., 1707, in Colchester, son of John Hopson and Sarah Northam.
He d. 6 Aug., 1751; she m. (2) Henry Bliss, of Lebanon; she d. 31 Mar., 1761.
697 John Hopson,6 b. 5 Nov., 1731; d. 14 July, 1733.
90 The Kelloggs in the New World.
698 John Hopson,6 b. 29 Jan., 1734; m. 19 Apr., 1759, Mary Worthington, bap. 24 June, 1739, dau. of Elijah and Mary (Welles) Worthington, of Colchester; she d. 29 July, 1798; had five children.
699 Betty Hopson,6 b. 16 Feb., 1735; m. Johnson.
700 Sarah Hopson,6 b. 29 Jan., 1737.
701 Lydia Hopson,6 b. 20 Aug., 1739; d. 6 July, 1740.
702 Lydia Hopson,6 b. 24 Oct, 1741; d. 6 Oct., 1761.
703 Mary Hopson,6 b. 16 Apr., 1745.
704 Hannah Hopson,6 b. 29 Sept., 1747.
705 Prudence Hopson,6 b. 16 Dec, 1750.
5 son of Lieut. Nathaniel
4 (
52), b. in Colchester, about 1716; m. 26 June, 1740, Lydia Otis, b. 20 Jan., 1716-17, one of the eighteen children of Nathaniel Otis, of Yarmouth, Mass., who d. in Colchester, 17 Apr., 1771, aged 82 (a descendant of John Otis, b. in Barnstable, Devonshire, England, who drew lots in first division of Hingham, Mass., 1635, and gave his name to "Otis Hill"), and Hannah Thatcher, who d. in Colchester, 6 May, 1780, aged 90.
He d. 18 Nov., 1754, aged 38.
His book of accounts has been preserved and is now owned by Mrs. Caroline (Kellogg) Becker (+
5281), of Vine Valley, N. Y. Among the items may be quoted: "Uncle Thomas Kellogg lived with me three weeks in the year 1751; bought for him one pint of Rughm, 5s. To Father Otis, 3 hens, 15s. 6 Feb., 1753, then uncel thomas went to Joseph Kellogg and uncel staid thare forteen weaks & one day."
From family records kept by him, many of the following dates are taken :
She m. (2) 19 Mar., 1761, Capt. Amos Thomas, of Lebanon, b. about 1696.
He d. 17 Dec, 1781, aged 85; she d. 1 Jan., 1807, aged 91.
Children, b. in Colchester.
706 Delight,6 b. 6 Apr., 1741; d. 8 Nov., 1749.
707 Lydia,6 b. 15 Jan., 1742-43; d. 14 Apr., 1759.
708 David,
6 b. 26 Aug., 1744; m. (1) Elinor Williams; (2) Sarah Redington Tyler.
709 Abner,
6 b. 9 Nov., 1746; m. Lydia Bartlett.
710 Ezekiel,
6 b. 17 Sept., 1748; m. (1) Elishaba Wells; (2) Mrs. Philotha (Clark) Tracy.
711 Margaret,
6 b. 16 Jan., 1751-53; m. John Ellis.
712 Ezra,
6 b. 5 Sept., 1754; m. Mary Whiting.
5 son of Lieut. Nathaniel
4 (
52), b. in Colchester, about 1717; m. 2 Apr., 1738, Mary Newton, b. 1 Mar., 1719, dau. of Maj. Israel Newton, of Colchester, and Hannah Thatcher, who d. 6 May, 1780, aged 88. Maj. Israel was b. 5 Mar., 1694; d. 24 May, 1745, at siege of Cape Breton.
He d. 22 Jan., 1763; she d. 2 July, 1794, aged 70.
They res. in Colchester, where both died.
Children, b. in Colchester.
713 Jodah,
6 b. 8 Mar., 1739; m. Mary Tomlinson.
714 Mercy,
6 b. 11 June, 1741; m. Asa Graves.
715 John,
6 b. 20 Dec, 1743; m. (1) Bethia Williams; (2) Mrs. Margaret (Foote) Bigelow.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 91
716 Israel,
6 b. 31 May, 1746; m. Hannah Ingraham.
717 Mary,
6 b. 19 Dec, 1749; m. Nathan Tiffany.
718 Hannah,6 b. 8 Dec, 1751; m. Beebe.
719 Elisha,
6 b. 15 Nov., 1755; m. Susanna Day.
5 son of Lieut. Nathaniel
4 (
52), b. in Colchester, 6 Sept., 1724; m. in Amherst, 14 May, 1747, Ruth Wells, of "Wellstown."
He d. 5 Jan., 1754; his estate was appraised 13 Feb., 1754. He res. in Hatfield, Mass., and Colchester, Conn.
She m. (2) 4 Nov., 1757, Capt. Henry Stiles, of Whately, an officer in the revolutionary army, b. in Windsor, Conn., 1730.
He d. 20 Apr, 1810; she d. in Whately, 5 July, 1812, aged 86.
720 Sarah,
6 b. ______; m. (1) Torry; (2) Elihu Strong; (3) Roger Clapp.
721 Russell,
6 b. 16 July, 1750; m. Azubah _______.
722 Oliver,6 b. ______; enlisted in revolutionary army from Colchester; served in Peekskill, 28 Apr. to 6 June, 1777; in Col. Moseley's Reg., 1778; in Capt. Hodges' Co., Eighth Conn. Reg., 16 July to 8 Dec, 1780.
92 The Kelloggs in the New World.
6 dau. of Joseph
5 (
60), b. in South Hadley, 8 Dec, 1711; m. as his second wife, 25 Oct., 1746, Col. Charles Burrall, b. 3 Mar., 1720, only son of William Burrall* and Joanna Westover.
She d. 28 Jan., 1739; he d. 7 Oct., 1803.
Col. Burrall, the first of the name born in America, fought all through the revolutionary war, and was appointed, in 1776, to command a regiment in the Brigade of Gen. Wadsworth; served under Washington on Long Island and NewJersey, and was with his regiment at Ticonderoga, Crown Point and the battle of Saratoga. His children all occupied honorable positions, one dau. marrying Gov. Smith, of Vermont. The daughters were noted beauties of their time.
723 Abigail Burrall,7 b. 5 Dec, 1747.
724 William Burrall,7 b. 18 July, 1749.
725 Charles Burrall,7 b. 18 Feb., 1751.
726 Susannah Burrall,7 b. 18 May, 1753.
727 Mary Burrall,7 b. 28 June, 1755.
728 Chloe Burrall,7 b. 27 Oct., 1757.
729 Jonathan Burrall,7 b. 12 Aug., 1759.
730 Ovid Burrall,7 b. 23 July, 1761.
731 Mary Burrall,7 b. 3 Oct., 1763.
6 dau. of Joseph
5 (
60), b. in South Hadley, 8 Jan., 1714; m. about 1737, Joseph Moody, b. 13 Jan., 1712, son of Ebenezer Moody, b. 23 Oct., 1675, and Editha , b. 1682-83.
She d. June, 1782; he d. 15 Sept, 1803, aged 91.
Children, b. in South Hadley.
732 Joseph Moody,7 b. 2 Feb., 1738; d. 5 Jan., 1757.
733 Lois Moody,7 b. 29 Oct., 1740; d. 29 Feb., 1741.
734 Noah Moody,7 b. 29 Mar., 1742.
735 Eunice Moody,7 b. 23 Dec, 1746; d. 1746.
736 Silence Moody,7 b. May, 1748; d. 1749.
737 Seth Moody,7 b. 16 Jan., 1750; d. 1752.
738 Seth Moody,7 b. 28 Sept., 1752.
739 Daniel Moody,7 b. 17 Jan., 1755.
6 son of Joseph
5 (
60), b. in South Hadley, 26 Dec, 1715; m. 15 Dec, 1748, Mrs. Sarah Snow, widow of Josiah Snow, of Norwich, Conn., and South Hadley.
Res. in South Hadley. His name appears in Muster Roll of Col. Dwight's Reg. on the western frontier, Aug. 11 to 21, 1748. In 1859 Ebenezer's great grandson, Amos, was living on homestead.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 93
740 Amos,
7 b. 1 Oct., 1749; m. Ruth Church (756).
741 Lois,7 b. 4 Mar., 1752.
742 Sarah,7 b. 25 Aug., 1754; m. in South Hadley, 21 July, 1791, Leonard Miller, of Ludlow.
743 Josiah,
7 b. 21 Nov., 1760; m. Jerusha Taylor.
744 Ebenezer,7 b. ______; d. ______; was a blacksmith; perhaps rem. to New York.
745 Seth,
7 b. 5 Sept., 1767; m. Naomi Parsons.
746 Ruth,7 b. ______; was a milliner in Lewiston, Canada.
747 Sallie,7 b. ______.
748 Rufus,7 b. ______.
6 dau. of Joseph
5 (
60), b. in South Hadley, 18 Jan., 1717; m. 21 Dec, 1739, Benjamin Church of same place, b. 26 Dec, 1709, son of Benjamin Church, b. 1 Sept., 1680, and Miriam Hovey, b. 27 Aug., 1689, and great grandson of Richard Church, of Hartford, 1637.
Res. in South Hadley.
749 Joel Church,7 b. 16 Sept., 1740; m. Hannah; res. in South Hadley.
750 Benjamin Church,7 b. 16 Apr., 1742; m. Miriam; d. in Granby, Mass., 15 Dec, 1775.
751 Josiah Church,7 b. 9 July, 1744.
752 David Church,7 b. 31 Mar., 1746.
753 John Church,7 b. 13 Jan., 1747; d. unm. in South Hadley, 1831.
754 Waitstill Church,7 b. 9 Feb., 1752.
755 Nathan Church,7 b. 27 July, 1754; graduated from Dartmouth College, 1784; settled as a minister in Bridgton, Me., 1789; d. 14 Nov., 1836.
Ruth Church,
7 b. 15 Nov., 1757; m. her cousin Amos Kellogg (+
757 Dorcas Church,7 b. 7 Aug., 1763.
6 dau. of Joseph
5 (
60), b. in South Hadley, 21 May, 1720; m. 11 Nov., 1742, Nathaniel Ingram, b. 18 May, 1708, son of Nathaniel Ingram, b. 8 Oct., 1674, and Esther Smith.
Res. in South Hadley.
758 Nathaniel Ingram,7 b. 23 Aug., 1743; m. Hannah; res. in South Hadley; d. 19 Aug., 1815; she d. 8 July, 1838.
759 Sarah Ingram,7 b. 18 Sept., 1745.
760 Martha Ingram,7 b. 23 Nov., 1747.
6 son of Joseph
5 (
60), b. in South Hadley, 24 Dec, 1724; m. 27 Dec, 1754, Dorothy Taylor, dau. of Joseph Taylor, of South Hadley, and Dorothy Rooker, b. 20 Apr., 1737.
She d. 26 Aug., 1803; he d. 14 Oct., 1810; lived on his father's homestead, in South Hadley.
94 The Kelloggs in the New World.
Children, b. in South Hadley.
761 Eli,
7 b. 3 June, 1757; m. Tryphena Smith.
762 Eliakim,
7 b. 10 Sept., 1759; m. Lois Eastman.
763 Elijah,
7 b. 17 Aug., 1761; m. Eunice McLellan.
764 Joseph,
7 b. 1 May, 1773; m. Elizabeth Burnham.
6 son of Joseph
5 (
60), b. 11 Feb., 1734; m. Abigail Catlin.
She d. 1788, in the house of her son, Jabez, in Hanover, N. H. He rem. to Hanover, 1785, and d. there 1791.
He was a private in Capt. Samuel Smith's Co.; marched from South Hadley for the relief of Fort William Henry, Aug., 1757; served thirteen days; traveled 180 miles; also in Capt. Elijah Smith's Co., Col. Israel Williams' Reg. in the expedition against Canada at Crown Point, 26 Apr. to 7 Dec, 1759, and furnished himself with arms. He served in the revolutionary army as Corp. in Capt. Kendrick's Co., Col. Lovell's Reg. in Charlestown, Mass., 1776; Sergt. in Capt. Chapin's Co., Col. Porter's Reg., 24 Sept. to 4 Oct., 1777; private in Capt. Wait's Co., Col. Woodbridge's Reg. on Bennington Alarm, Aug., 1777.
Children, b. in South Hadley.
765 Phineas,
7 b. 6 Jan., 1759; m. (1) Jemima Snow; (2) Mrs. Mabel (Fox) Andrews.
766 Enos,
7 b. 28 July, 1761; m. (1) Lydia Alvord; (2) Demmis Wells.
767 Jabez,
7 b. 22 Apr., 1763; m. (1) Tempy Walton; (2) Ruby Utley.
768 Julie,
7 b. 27 Sept., 1765; m. Molly Pool (1628).
769 Noadiah,
7 b. 26 Oct., 1767; m. Pollina Stebbins.
770 Joseph,
7 b. 26 Feb., 1770; m. (1) Mrs. Mercy (Davis) Bowen; (2) Mary Chase.
771 Abigail,
7 b. 20 Mar., 1772; m. Hon. John Walton.
772 Erastus,7 b. 27 Oct., 1774; d. 12 May, 1775.
773 Erastus,
7 b. 4 Apr., 1776; m. (1) Elizabeth Smith; (2) Judith Hall.
774 John,7 b. 17 Nov., 1778; d. unm. about 1806, in Savannah, Ga., where he was engaged in building a factory when last heard from.
775 Rachel,7 b. 23 July, 1781; d. unm. in Cambridge, Mass., about 1840.
6 son of Capt. Samuel
5 (
61), b. in Westfield, 30 May, 1721; m. (published 11 Apr., 1747), Elizabeth Jones, of Enfield, Conn., dau. of Lieut. Thomas Jones and Mary Meacham.
He d. 6 Mar., 1776; she d. about 1804.
Res. in Westfield, Mass; he served under Gen. Amherst in the expedition for the invasion of Canada; was impressed 6 Apr., 1759. His house stood (1873) about ten rods northeast from residence of Frederick C. Kellogg. Mrs. Kellogg is remembered as a woman of fine figure and large in form.
Children, b. in Westfield.
776 Mary,
7 b. 13 June, 1748; m. Nehemiah Carter.
777 Samuel,7 b. 6 Aug., 1749; soldier in revolutionary army; d. unm. ______*
778 David,7 b. 16 Nov., 1750; d. 22 Apr., 1774, unm.
779 Elizabeth,
7 b. 15 Aug., 1752; m. Pliny Sacket.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 95
780 Seth,
7 b. 14 Mar., 1754; m. Ann Loomis.
781 Phineas,
7 b. 6 Apr., 1756; m. Jediah Lord.
782 Ruth,
7 b. 3 Sept., 1757; m. Roswell Brown.
783 Enoch,7 b. 12 July, 1759; d. 31 Aug., 1759.
784 Elzina,7 b. ______; m. Ensign Charles Johnson.
785 Lucretia,7 b. ______; m. Ashbel Fowler.
786 Enoch,
7 b. 9 Oct., 1768; m. Eunice Viets.
6 son of Capt. Samuel
5 (
61), b. 5 July, 1727; m. (1) (published 15 Sept., 1750), Anne Terry, b. 17 Aug., 1732, dau. of Ephraim I Terry, of Enfield, Conn., b. 24 Oct., 1701, and Ann Collins, b. 20 Dec., 1702.
She d. in Westfield, Mass., 5 Oct., 1764; he m. (2) (published 21 Sept., 1766) Anne Lord. b. about 1725, dau. of Rev. Benjamin Lord, D. D., of Norwich, Conn., and Anne Taylor. She d. in Westfield, 2 Sept., 1781; he m. (3) 7 July, 1791, widow Jemima Ward, of New Marlborough, Mass.; d. 27 Dec., 1806, in Sandisfield.
He res. in Westfield. In 1764 he built a house, which was the best house in Westfield. It is still occupied as a residence and appears to be good for many years to come. He cut a tomb in the solid rock, and after his removal to Sandisfield in 1783 the land was purchased and a church erected over the spot.
He was a soldier in the French and Indian war; enlisted 6 Apr., 1759, in Lieut. Chadwick's Co., Col. Roberts' Reg., under Gen. Amherst, "for the total reduction of Canada." He served until 3 Dec. He was also a soldier in the revolution; served on the Lexington Alarm; also in the defense of the town and harbor of Boston, and the capture of Dorchester Heights. In 1777 he was Capt. in Col. Leonard's Reg. "to go to Ticonderoga."
Children by first wife, b. in Westfield.
787 Ann,
7 b. 18 Oct., 1751; m. Jared Hoadley.
788 Lovisa,
7 b. 22 Aug., 1753; m. Samuel Noble.
789 Josiah,
7 b. 31 May, 1755; m. Lois Day.
790 Bassorah,
7 b. 22 Sept., 1757; m. Reuben Clapp.
791 Lucy,7 b. 26 Dec, 1759; d. 1 Oct., 1763.
792 Aaron,
7 b. 5 Sept., 1762; m. Mary Wilcox.
793 Daughter,7 b. ______; d. 5 Oct., 1764; buried with her mother. In the old cemetery in Westfield is a gravestone with the following inscription : "In memory of Anne, wife of Capt. John Kellogg, daughter of Ephraim Terry, Esqr., who d. Oct. 5, 1764, in the 33d year of her age. Also her infant babe lying by her breast."
6 dau. of Capt. Samuel
5 (
61), b. 24 Oct., 1730; m. 21 Apr., 1748, Samuel Terry, b. in Enfield, Conn., 18 Oct., 1725, son of Ephraim Terry, b. in
96 The Kelloggs in the New World.
Enfield, 24 Oct., 1701, and Ann Collins, b. 20 Dec, 1702, a great granddaughter of Gov. Bradford of the "Mayflower."
He d. in Enfield, 8 May, 1798; she d. 11 Feb., 1801. Her descendants are noted for superior mechanical ingenuity, as she is said to have been.
The homestead is near the village of Thompsonville, and is owned and occupied by granddaughters of his dau. Alice, named Kingsbury.
794 Samuel Terry,7 b. 21 July, 1750; m. (1) 1771, Huldah Burnham, b. 30 Apr., 1752; she d. 18 May, 1809; he m. (2) Dorcas Buckland, b. 1759; she d. 1834; he res. in East Windsor, 1838; was a tanner.
795 Alice Terry,7 b. 26 June, 1752; m. 23 Dec, 1773, Lemuel Kingsbury, a farmer, in Enfield, b. about 1753; she d. 22 Mar., 1830; he d. 14 Sept., 1846.
796 Mary Terry,7 b. 7 Apr., 1754; m. 1774, David Shaw, of East Windsor; d. 1 Jan., 1808.
797 Asaph Terry,7 b. 15 Nov., 1756; m. 21 July, 1778, Penelope Griggs, b. about 1758; she d. 30 Mar., 1818; he m. (2) 25 Mar., 1822, Nancy Atwell, b. 22 May, 1793; she d. 8 June, 1875; he was a farmer; d. 10 May, 1839.
798 Rhoda Ann Terry,7 b. 11 May, 1759; m. 11 May, 1778, Thaddeus Billings, Jr., of Long Meadow, who d. 17 Apr., 1826; she d. 12 Dec, 1783.
799 Levi Terry,7 b. 30 Mar., 1761; d. unm. in the American army in New London, Conn., 2 Mar., 1777.
800 Solomon Terry,7 b. 31 Oct., 1763; m. (1) 31 Aug., 1788, Hannah Pease, b. 29 Nov., 1770; she d. 5 Mar., 1808; he m. (2) 6 Sept., 1810, Margaret Pease, b. 2 July, 1776; d. 25 May, 1839; she d. 7 Sept., 1851.
801 Sibyl Terry,7 b. 23 May, 1769; m. (1) 1785, Nathaniel Billings; (2) Simeon Pease; d. 1844.
802 Ezekiel Terry,7 b. 1 Mar., 1775; m. 1795, Mary Griswold; he was a Baptist clergyman, a poet and writer of hymns; d. in Monson Mass., 7 Apr., 1829.
6 dau. of Capt. Samuel
5 (
61), b. 25 July, 1734; m. 11 Apr., 1755, Nathan Truman, b. 18 Apr., 1728, son of Philip Truman and Rebecca Granger. Res. in Westfield, Mass.
803 Sarah Truman,7 b. 16 June, 1757.
804 Shem Truman,7 b. 12 Jan., 1759.
805 Lydia Truman,7 b. 5 Jan., 1761.
806 Esther Truman,7 b. 8 Aug., 1763; m. Ashbel Moses.
807 Nathan Truman,7 b. 8 Apr., 1765.
808 Elijah Truman,7 b. 1 Jan., 1767.
809 Ede Truman,7 b. 19 July, 1770.
810 Marlow Truman,7 b. 2 Feb., 1773; m. 30 Apr., 1793, Aaron Root.
6 dau. of James
5 (
68), b. in Hadley, Mass., 1731; m. in Pittsfield, Mass., as his second wife (pub. 24 June, 1772), Lieut. Eli Root, b. in
The Kelloggs in the New World. 97
Westfield, Mass., 27 Feb., 1731, son of Ensign Joseph Root, of Westfield, and Sarah _______.
He d. 28 Oct., 1804; she d. 27 Oct., 1830.
He rem. to Pittsfield, probably in 1757, with his brother Amos. He was appointed highway surveyor at a town meeting, 11 May, 1761. At the first sale of pews, 4 Feb., 1765, Eli Root had No. 14. In the History of Pittsfield, he is designated as one of the richer residents of Wendell Square, and after the revolution a worthy magistrate. He was a revolutionary soldier.
811 Experience Root,7 bap. 22 May, 1774; m. 20 May, 1799, Thomas H. Atwill, b. 1764; rem. to Castleton, Vt., where he d., 20 Jan., 1814.
6 dau. of James
5 (
68), b. ______; m. (pub. 27 Dec, 1757), Joshua Ballard, son of Jeremiah Ballard.
She d. 3 May, 1776.
He was a saddler; res. in New Salem, Mass.
812 Ruth Ballard,7 b. 27 Dec, 1758; m. Waitstill Cook.
813 Louisa Ballard,7 b. 25 Feb., 1761.
814 Polly Ballard,7 b. 16 Jan., 1764.
815 Jerusha Ballard,7 b. 26 Dec, 1765.
816 William Ballard,7 b. 1 Nov., 1768.
6 dau. of James
5 (
68), b. in Hadley, about 1742; m. as his second wife (pub. 28 Feb., 1765), Stephen Goodman, b. 26 Dec, 1742, son of James Goodman, b. 7 Feb., 1707, and Anna Phelps, and great grandson of Deacon Richard Goodman of Cambridge 1632, Hartford 1639 and Hadley 1661, and Mary Terry, whose sister, Abigail, m. Lieut. Joseph Kellogg (
He d. 28 June, 1802; she d. 31 Aug., 1831, aged 89.
Lived on homestead of Lieut. Joseph in Hadley, and managed the ferry which had been conducted by Joanna's father, James, and grandfather, John, and great grandfather Joseph.
Children, b. in Hadley.
817 Joanna Goodman,7 b. 1 Dec, 1765; d. 3 Dec, 1765.
818 James Goodman,7 b. 13 May, 1767; d. in Mobile, Ala.
819 Joanna Goodman,7 b. 20 Feb., 1769; m. Perez Jones, of Windsor, Vt.
820 Stephen Goodman,7 b. 19 Nov., 1770; d. in the West.
821 Mercy Goodman,7 b. 17 Nov., 1773; d. 12 Sept., 1776.
822 John Kellogg Goodman,7 b. 18 June, 1776; rem., 1802, to Jersey City; d. 29 Oct., 1853.
823 Sylvester Goodman,7 b. 19 Nov., 1778.
824 Spencer Goodman,7 b. 5 June, 1781.
825 Mercy Goodman,7 b. 18 Aug., 1783; m. Cotton Smith.
6 dau. of Capt. Martin
5 (
69) , b. in Wethersfield, 4 Dec, 1716; m. 16 Dec, 1736, Eliphalet Whittlesey, b. 10 May, 1714, grandson of John Whittlesey, b. 11 Dec., 1665, of Saybrook, Conn., and Ruth Dudley.
98 The Kelloggs in the New World.
She d. 14 Apr., 1772; he m. (2) 23 June, 1774, Widow Hannah Mallory; d. 12 July, 1786.
He was a farmer in Washington, Conn.; rem. to New Preston, Conn. Several descendants were Representatives in Congress.
826 Martin Whittlesey,7 b. 3 Oct., 1737; m. 27 Nov., 1760, Sarah Deming.
827 Lemuel Whittlesey,7 b. 16 May, 1740; m. 15 Nov., 1764, Hannah Wells.
828 John Whittlesey,7 b. 23 Dec., 1741; m. 14 Nov., 1765, Mary Beale.
829 Anna Whittlesey,7 b. 27 Jan., 1744; m. William Cogswell.
830 Abner Whittlesey,7 b. 1 May, 1746; m. Ruth Wadsworth.
831 Eliphalet Whittlesey,7 b. 2 July, 1748; m. 25 Dec, 1771, Comfort Waller.
832 David Whittlesey,7 b. Aug., 1750; m. Dec, 1779, Abigail Judson.
833 Asaph Whittlesey,7 b. 12 May, 1753; m. Abigail Skiels.
834 Dorothy Whittlesey,7 b. 8 Sept., 1755; m. 21 Sept., 1774, Col. Perry Averell.
835 Elisha Whittlesey,7 b. 8 Jan., 1758; m. Mary Tucker; he was Comptroller United States Treasury.
836 Roger Whittlesey,7 b. 6 Oct., 1760; d. 23 June, 1761.
6 son of Capt. Martin
5 (
69), b. in Wethersfield (Newington Parish), 2 Aug., 1718; m. 1 July, 1742, Mary Boardman, b. 19 Sept., 1719, dau. of Lieut. Richard Boardman, b. 1 Sept., 1684, and Sarah Camp, b. 1683.
He d. in the Parish of Newington, 7 Dec, 1791; she d. 8 Apr., 1803, aged 84.
At a town meeting held in Wethersfield, 29 Sept., 1777, he was chosen on the committee to procure commissary supplies to be transmitted to the commissaries of the battalions of the Continental army raised in this State; and 19 June, 1780, was on the committee to borrow money to pay the bounty offered by the town, and settle with the enlisted persons.
He served in the revolutionary war; was a Capt. of militia, and a man of wealth and influence. His estate was appraised at £5,500.
837 Mary,
7 b. in Newington, 18 Apr., 1743; m. Unni Robbins.
838 Martin,
7 b. 18 July, 1746; m. Hannah Robbins.
839 Anna,
7 b. 16 Apr., 1749; m. Joseph Camp.
840 Eleanor,
7 b. 10 Mar., 1755; m. Capt. Saul Alvord.
841 Jemima,
7 b. 23 Aug., 1757; m. Gen. Roger Welles.
6 dau. of Capt. Martin
5 (
69), b. in Newington, Conn., 19 Feb., 1720; m. as his second wife, 30 July, 1747, Roger Hooker, b. 17 Sept., 1710, son of Hon. John Hooker, b. 10 Feb., 1664-65, and Abigail Stanley, b. in Farmington, Conn., 25 July, 1669. He was the tenth child and fifth son of Hon. John Hooker, of Farmington, Judge of the Supreme Court of Connecticut; grandson of Rev. Samuel Hooker and great grandson of Rev. Thomas Hooker, founder of Connecticut.
He had previously m. 29 Jan., 1740, Mercy Hart, dau. of Capt. Josiah and Sarah (Bull) Hart, who d. 26 Aug., 1745, aged 26.
He d. 25 May, 1774, aged 65; she d. 17 Feb., 1797, aged 77. They res. in Farmington, where all their children were born.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 99
842 Martin Hooker,7 b. 1748; d. 21 Aug., 1751.
843 Elnathan Hooker,7 b. 1749; m. (1) 13 Dec, 1774, Amy Newell, b. in Bristol,* 28 Aug., 1756, dau. of Rev. Samuel Newell, first minister in Bristol, and Mary (Hart) Root; she d. 23 Jan., 1797; he m. (2) Nancy Paine; had no children.
844 Roger Hooker,7 b. 19 June, 1751; m. 17 Apr., 1782, Mary Treadwell, dau. of Gov. John Treadwell, of Farmington. He commenced life at sea before the revolutionary war. On receipt of the news from Lexington, he joined the company raised by his cousin Capt. Noadiah Hooker, the first men from Farmington for the war, and the first enlisted men from Connecticut to reach the army collecting before Boston. At first a Sergt., soon promoted to Ensign, and, when Washington took command of the army, commissioned a Second Lieut, in the Continental line, and eventually became a Maj. In 1776, upon Washington's order, he fitted out the fireships with which Washington endeavored to destroy the British fleet. As a Brigade Maj., at different times, he had charge of the correspondence of that Gen. on whose staff he served. He was sent with a flag of truce to communicate to the British Gen. at New York the news of the surrender of Gen. Burgoyne. Throughout the war he was held in high esteem and confidence by Washington. After the war Maj. Hooker was honored by his fellow citizens with many places of trust. He was a member of the Society of the Cincinnati.
845 Mary Hooker,7 b. ______; m. 15 Sept., 1772, Simeon Newell, b. 5 Feb., 1743, son of Isaac Newell and Rachel Pomeroy. They rem. to Sodus Bay (now Wolcott), N. Y. He graduated from Yale College; was a Capt. in revolutionary army; after the war, a member of the Society of the Cincinnati; had no children.
846 John Hooker,7 b. 1754; d. 14 Mar., 1758.
847 Lucina Hooker,7 b. 14 Mar., 1758; m. 1781, Isaac Cowles, of Farmington, b. 29 July, 1756; she d. 5 Apr., 1817, in Farmington; he d. 5 June, 1837, aged 81. He was a Lieut, in the revolutionary war.
848 Cynthia Hooker,7 b. 1760; m. 11 June, 1792, Rev. Allen Olcott, of East Hartford,** Conn., b. 5 Oct., 1746; he was a minister and farmer of Farmington and Manchester, Conn.; was graduated from Yale 1768; he d. 19 Apr., 1811; she m. (2) Samuel Alvord; d. June 1827, aged 67.
6 dau. of Capt. Martin
5 (
69), b. probably in Newington, Conn., 24 Aug., 1723; m. as his second wife, 26 Oct., 1748, Lieut. Elijah Kent, b. 6 Jan., 1722-23, son of Samuel Kent, of Suffield, Conn., b. 14 Dec, 1698, and Abia Dwight, b. in Northampton, 17 Feb., 1704. He had previously m. Rachel Kellogg (
295), a cousin of Jemima.
He d. 7 Mar., 1768; she d. 26 Nov., 1791.
Res. in Suffield.
100 The Kelloggs in the New World.
849 Rachel Kent,7 b. 26 July, 1750.
850 Augustus Kent,7 b. 28 May, 1754.
851 Sarah Kent,7 b. 9 May, 1756.
852 Samuel Kent,7 b. 4 Apr., 1760.
6 dau. of Capt. Martin
5 (
69), b. 19 Oct., 1725; m. (1) 12 May, 1758, Ephraim Wolcott, b. in Windsor, Conn., 13 Mar., 1714, son of William Wolcott, b. 6 Nov., 1676, and Abiah Hawley.
He d. 18 Dec, 1763; res. in East Windsor.
She m. (2) Potter, of East Windsor; d. 8 Jan., 1799.
Children by first husband.
853 Sarah Wolcott,7 b. 25 Feb., 1760; m. Josiah Bissell.
854 Ephraim Wolcott,7 b. 25 Feb., 1762; m. (1) Elizabeth Bissell; she d. ______; (2) Mary Bissell; they were daus. of Jerijah Bissell.
6 dau. of Capt. Martin
5 (
69), b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 22 Aug., 1727; m. 11 July, 1762, Capt. Josiah King, of Suffield, Conn., b. in Suffield, 5 Aug., 1731, son of Josiah King, b. Aug., 1693, and Mindwell Burt, b. about 1700.
She d. 4 Mar., 1795, in Suffield; he m. (2) 5 Apr., 1797, Margaret Kent; d. 21 July, 1815, aged 84.
He was a farmer; res. in Suffield; was a revolutionary soldier; private in Capt. Elihu Kent's Co., in the Lexington Alarm, Apr.-May, 1775, with service of nine days.
855 Seth King,7 b. 4 Mar., 1764; m. Polly Sykes, of Suffield.
856 Martin King,7 b. 5 Oct., 1765.
857 Sarah King,7 b. 26 June, 1770; m. Samuel Rising, of Suffield; he d. 8 Nov., 1819, aged 54; had seven children.
6 son of Capt. Martin
5 (
69), b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 24 Sept., 1729; m. by Rev. James Lockwood, 9 Nov., 1749, Elizabeth Russell, b. in Wethersfield, 17 Nov., 1729, dau. of John Russell, Jr., b. 8 Oct., 1698, and Elizabeth Crane, b. 23 Sept., 1704.
He d. 24 Aug., 1767, aged 38; she d. 14 Mar., 1817, aged 88; both are buried in Newington.
"Dec. 16, 1750, Stephen Kellogg and his wife owned the covenant, in Newington."
He was probably a farmer; he is said to have been a superior natural singer; was killed by falling under the wheel of a loaded cart; was a Congregationalist.
Stephen Chester is the first instance of a middle name in the Kellogg family. With the exception of Puritanical names, double Christian names were very rare until after the revolution, as is shown by the names signed to the Declaration of Independence, and those of officers and men in the Continental army.
Children, b. in Newington, Conn.
858 Sarah,
7 b. 18 Dec, 1750; m. Elijah Wells.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 101
859 Elizabeth,
7 b. 7 July, 1752; m. John Lusk.
860 Chester,7 b. 29 Apr., 1755; was a soldier in Capt. Allen's Co., Col. Fellows' Reg., Lexington Alarm; served eight days; enlisted in Col. Putnam's Fifth Continental Reg. for three years, 27 Apr., 1775; had an order for a bounty coat, dated Dorchester, 22 Dec, 1775; name on the depreciation rolls; d. in the army, 4 Dec, 1779; res. in the army rolls is given as Northampton.
861 Stephen,
7 b. 7 Apr., 1758; m. Mrs. Crathia (Andrus) Stephens.
862 Simeon,7 b. 21 May, 1760; d. 25 May, 1760.
863 Simeon,
7 b. 16 July, 1761; m. Mehitable Andras.
864 Cynthia,
7 b. 26 May, 1764; m. Daniel Warner.
865 Joseph,
7 b. 23 Feb., 1767; m. Sarah Willard.
6 dau. of Capt. Martin
5 (
69), b. 11 June, 1732; m. Gamaliel Demming, b. 1728.
He d. 19 Dec, 1802; she d. 27 Aug., 1816.
They res. in Wethersfield until 1774; rem. to Walpole, N. H. In 1778 rem. to Arlington, Vt., where both d.
Children, b. in Wethersfield.
866 Mary Demming,7 b. 1754; m. Timothy Kilburn; res. in Wethersfield.
867 Rebecca Demming,7 b. 1756; m. Joseph Curtis; d. 12 Mar., 1822; res. in Egremont, Mass.; had five children.
868 Sarah Demming,7 b. 28 Feb., 1758; m. Joseph Bates.
869 Martin Demming,7 b. 22 Feb., 1762; m. Rhoda Hawley, whose mother was sister of Seth Warner. When thirteen years old he entered the revolutionary army as Fife Maj.; served five years; was at the battles of Bunker Hill and Bennington. After the war he, with his brother, Sylvester, bought cattle and drove them from Arlington to Philadelphia.
870 Sylvester Demming,7 b. 18 Feb., 1765; m. Chloe Hart; res. in Arlington, Vt.; was an extensive farmer, and a lender of money; Justice of the Peace; member of the Legislature; had two children.
871 Lusina Demming,7 b. July, 1767; m. Aaron Stone; res. in Chenango Co., N. Y.
872 Rhoda Demming,7 b. 25 Jan., 1770; m. Daniel Clark, b. in Colchester, Conn., 15 May, 1761, son of Dr. Alex Clark; he d. in Arlington, Vt., 7 May, 1831; she d. 16 Feb., 1853; he was Adj. Gen. of Massachusetts at the time of Shay's rebellion; later a merchant in Shaftsbury, Vt.
Dolly Demming,
7 b. 28 Feb., 1773; m. Deacon Erastus Kellogg (+
6 son of Capt. Joseph
5 (
71), b. in Northfield, 23 Aug., 1721; m. in Suffield, 13 Jan., 1741, Lucy Kent, b. 27 Sept., 1724, dau. of Samuel Kent,* b. 14 Dec, 1698, and Abia Dwight, b. 17 Feb., 1704.
102 The Kelloggs in the New World.
She was appointed administratrix of his estate, Apr., 1748.
His father in his will, dated 2 Dec, 1751, gives land to "my grandson Joseph Kellogg, son of my son Jonathan Kellogg, perhaps deceased, etc."
In 1735-36, private; 1738-39 Ensign under his father at Fort Dummer; Capt. in First Massachusetts Reg. in Gen. Pepperell's expedition against Louisburg, 1745. Date of commission, 16 Oct., 1744. She m. (2) Timothy Mather.
Children, b. in Suffield.
874 Joseph,
7 b. 14 Oct., 1742; m. Lucy Warner.
875 Lucy,
7 b. 28 Aug., 1744; m. Timothy Wells.
6 dau. of Capt. Joseph
5 (
71), b. 14 July, 1724; m. 27 Feb., 1745, Lieut. Elijah Kent, son of Samuel Kent, and Abia Dwight. (See note under Jonathan (
She d. 17 July, 1747; he m. (2) 26 Oct., 1748, Jemima Kellogg (+
Child, b. in Suffield.
876 Elijah Kent,7 b. 3 July, 1747.
6 dau. of Capt. Joseph
5 (
71), b. 26 Dec., 1727; m. 20 Oct., 1743, Seth Dwight, b. 24 May, 1723, of Somers, Conn., son of Samuel Dwight,* of Enfield, Conn.
She d. 15 Apr., 1776; he d. 7 Nov., 1777.
He was a man of good abilities; energetic in business; was for many years Sheriff of Hartford Co., Conn.
877 Esther Dwight,7 b. 30 Sept., 1744; m. (1) 27 Dec., 1770, as his second wife, John Allis, of Somers, b. 8 Aug., 1734; he d. 14 Nov., 1774; she m. (2) 3 Jan., 1787, Deacon Aaron Horton, of Somers, who d. 13 Aug., 1800.
878 Jonathan Dwight,7 b. 7 Aug., 1746; d. (found dead in bed), in Enfield, 19 Apr., 1763, while attending school there.
879 Samuel Dwight,7 b. 1 June, 1748; d. unm. in Somers, 24 Oct., 1775.
880 Joseph Dwight,7 b. 9 Oct., 1750; m. 3 Feb., 1780, Susannah Lawrence, of Stafford, Conn.; res. in Barre, Vt., and Champlain, N. Y.
881 Joanna Dwight,7 b. 19 Dec., 1753; m. 13 June, 1782, Seth Burbank.
882 Rachel Dwight,7 b. 24 Jan., 1755; m. Dec., 1774, Daniel Burbank, b. 1745, in Suffield; a farmer in Somers; he d. 29 Dec., 1831; she d. 23 Jan., 1844, aged 88; had twelve children.
883 Seth Dwight,7 b. 8 Apr., 1757; m. (1) 9 Dec., 1777, Esther Pease, b. 6 Feb., 1758; (2) about 1797, Abigail Eastman, of Granby, Mass., b. 1766; he was a cooper in West Springfield, Mass., and Somers; d. 10 Apr., 1821; she d. 3 Nov., 1833.
884 Alpheus Dwight,7 b. 7 Apr., 1760.
885 A Child,7 b. and d. 31 Oct., 1761.
886 Charlotte Dwight,7 b. 21 Nov., 1762; m. (1) Asa Olmstead, of Enfield; he d. ______; she m. (2) as his second wife, Abel Sikes; d. 1 July, 1825.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 103
887 Lois Dwight,7 b. 9 May, 1766; m. Abel Sikes, of Somers; d. Aug., 1802.
6 dau. of Capt. Joseph
5 (
71), b. in Fort Dummer, Brattleboro, Vt., 8 Apr., 1729; m. 10 Feb., 1757, Maj. Elihu Kent, b. in Suffield, 1 June, 1733, son of Samuel Kent. ( See note under +
She d. 27 Aug., 1761; he m. (2) 9 Nov., 1763, Susanna Lyman; she d. 1 Feb., 1770; he m. (3) 2 Feb., 1774, Sybil Dwight; d. 12 Feb., 1814, aged 81; she d. 9 July, 1822, aged 76.
He kept the inn about half a mile south of the village of Suffield, where the widow of Hezekiah Spence res. in 1876.
He was a minute man in the revolution; he was plowing when the news of the battle at Lexington arrived in Suffield; left his team in the field and in an hour was on the way to Boston with a company of one hundred and fourteen men; his was the first company of revolutionary soldiers to pass through Springfield, Mass. The musket which he bore on that occasion is a highly prized heirloom, and is now in possession of Miss Emma C. King, of Xenia, O.
Children, b. in Suffield.
888 Elihu Kent (Capt.),7 b. 15 Dec., 1757; m. 1780 or '81, Elizabeth Fitch, of Lebanon, Conn., b. 20 Sept., 1761. She was a descendant of Rev. James Fitch (one of the religious founders of the colony of Conn.), and of Maj. John Mason (one of its civil founders). He was a revolutionary soldier; enlisted in his father's company of minute men and marched to Boston on the Lexington Alarm; served as fifer; promoted to Sergt.; taken prisoner at Horse Neck and confined in the "Old Sugar House" prison in New York, where he suffered intensely. He res. in Suffield, where he was engaged in farming and kept a first-class hotel; d. in Suffield, 12 May, 1813; she d. 28 Mar., 1850, aged 88; had five children.
889 Jonathan Kellogg Kent,7 b. 24 Sept., 1759; m. 31 Oct., 1787, Anna Phelps, b. 5 Oct., 1765; she d. 22 Jan., 1836; he d. 6 Aug., 1846; was a farmer and miller in Suffield; had seven children.
890 Martin Kent,7 b. 12 July, 1761; m. 14 Apr., 1789, Abigail Hale; she d. 21 Apr., 1822; he d. 16 Nov., 1846; rem. in 1807 from Hanover, N. H., to Suffield, and d. there.
6 son of Capt. Joseph
5 (
71), b. 26 May, 1734; m. 7 June, 1759, Phillis Kent, dau. of Samuel Kent. (See note under Jonathan +
He d. 1 May, 1786.
Children, b. in Suffield.
891 Mollie,
7 b. 8 Aug., 1760; m. Thomas Pemberton.
892 Martin,7 b. 8 Nov., 1761.
893 Jonathan,
7 b. 7 Jan., 1763; m. Temperance Adams.
894 Joseph,
7 b. 15 Mar., 1767; m. Mary Norton.
895 Rebecca,7 b. 21 Apr., 1769.
896 Arden,7 b. 13 Jan., 1771.
897 Sarah,7 b. 23 Oct., 1774.
6 son of Thomas
5 (
77), b. in Lebanon, Conn., 27 Mar., 1723; m. Rebecca _______.
104 The Kelloggs in the New World.
He and his wife were admitted to the church in Lanesborough, Mass., 11 Apr., 1773. Four of their children, Rebecca, Jemima, John and Lucy, were bap. there, 23 May, same year. The only time that his name appears in the town records of Lanesborough is "Dec., 6, 1770. Town Debts allowed. The following accounts were allowed at this meeting : To Elisha Kellogg 0-2-0."
He rem. to Sheffield; was taxed there, 1773, being the first time that his name appeared in the tax lists of that town. (The Assessor's books in Sheffield extend to 1769 only.) He was taxed in that town every year until 1779. In the tax of 3 Mar., 1777, for that part of the town of "Sheffield and Taconnack Mountain adjoining thereto," his name appears. The name also appears in the tax list of 1789, but the Town Clerk thinks this an error for Elisha Kelsey, whose name appears in 1790.
898 Joseph,
7 b. 1749; m. (1) Susanna Bailey; (2) Mrs. Elizabeth (Bouldrey) Stone.
899 Elisha,7 b. 1751; it is said that he was a revolutionary soldier, and d. in the army.
900 Jason,
7 b. 11 Feb., 1754; m. (1) Miriam Dewey; (2) Mrs. Martha (Benedict) Sackett; (3) Mrs. Lucretia (Dart) Rockwell.
7 b. 10 May, 1755; m. Pliny Kellogg (+
902 Jemima,
7 b. in Sheffield, 5 Feb., 1757; m. (1) Asa Warren; (2) Cobb.
903 Elijah,7 b. 1760; he was a soldier in the revolution, and is said to have d. in the army. On a roll dated Ticonderoga, 25 Feb., 1777, Capt. Fitch's Co., Col. Symond's Berkshire Co. Reg., in which he enlisted to serve until 15 Mar., 1777, he is reported as being sick in camp. He was a private in the same regiment; marched to Kingsbury, N. Y.; served from 7 July to 15 Aug., 1777; was a private in the same regiment 19 Sept. to 19 Oct., 1777. In a descriptive roll he is reported in Sheffield or Taconic Hills; enlisted in Capt. Wheeler's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., to serve nine months from arrival at Fishkill, where he arrived 31 May, 1778. He was 18 years old, 5 feet, 6 inches tall, light complexioned. He was a private in Col. Ashley's Reg., Gen. Fellows' Brigade, 17 Oct., 1781, raised by Gen. Stark. On an undated roll he is reported deceased.
904 Rebecca,7 b. ______; m. James McMitchell.
905 John,
7 b. 5 Aug., 1768; m. Elizabeth Doud.
906 Lucy,
7 b. 11 Sept., 1771; m. Elijah Williston.
907 Stephen,
7 b. about 1773-74; m. Lucy Weldon.
6 son of Thomas
5 (
77), b. 4 Nov., 1727; m. _______.
He d. ______; she m. (2) Ludington, who had a son Lemuel Ludington, b. in 1759.
908 Thomas,
7 b. 26 Dec., 1757; m. Mrs. Esther (Higgins) Parker.
6 son of Ephraim
5 (
81), b. about 1743; m. Bathsheba Karley.
He d. in Ferrisburg, Vt., 5 May, 1802; she d. about 1816.
Res. in Hatfield, Mass., where the older children were b. ______; rem., after 1778, to Rutland, Vt., where he enlisted in Second Connecticut Reg., 5 Dec., 1780.* He bought land in Rutland, 6 Aug., 1784. William Kellogg, of Ferrisburg, sold land in Rutland, 13 July, 1790.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 105
909 William,7 b. in Hatfield, 4 June, 1768; d. in Whately, Mass., Mar., 1774.
910 Josiah,
7 in Hatfield, 7 Aug., 1770; m. (1) Clarissa Alford; (2) Sarah Fox.
911 Solomon,
7 b. 1773; m. Vashti Hobbs.
912 William,
7 b. in Rutland, Vt., 2 Dec., 1779; m. Sarah Cousins.
913 Lydia,
7 b. in Rutland, 16 Jan., 1784; m. Samuel Gage.
6 son of Edward
5 (
83), b. 13 Aug., 1738; m. in Bozrah, Conn., 31 May, 1759, Mary Cushman, b. 9 Sept., 1740, dau. of Thomas Cushman, of Lebanon, Conn., and Mary Harvey.
She d. 13 Mar., 1828, aged 88; he d. 20 Sept., 1828, aged 90; they lived together nearly seventy years.
He was in Gen. Wolfe's army when it captured Quebec.
The first seven children were bap. in Goshen Parish, Lebanon, where his wife acknowledged the covenant, 19 Apr., 1761. He rem. in 1780 to Bennington, Vt.; thence to Castleton, Weybridge and Pittsford; thence, with his son Joseph, to Henderson, N. Y., in 1818.
914 Amos,
7 b. 7 July, 1760; m. Lucretia Harwood.
915 Isaac,
7 b. 9 Apr., 1763; m. ______.
916 Mary,7 b. 8 May, 1765; probably d. young.
917 Joseph,7 b. 5 Apr., 1767; m. Pamelia Dunham, dau. of James Dunham, a Quaker, of Canaan, Conn.; res. in Weybridge, Vt., 1795; d. in Henderson, N. Y., about 1825; was buried on his farm; had no children.
918 Charles Cushman,7 b. 21 Aug., 1768.
919 Guy,7 b. 22 July, 1770.
920 Edward,
7 b. 12 Nov., 1771; m. Susannah Gerry.
921 Elijah,
7 b. 2 Mar., 1775; m. (1) Rachel Fredenburg; (2) Deborah Pringle.
922 Polly,7 b. 22 July, 1776.
923 Ira,7 b. 22 Feb., 1778.
924 Lucy,
7 b. 22 Mar., 1780; m. Thomas Sanford.
925 Frederick Cushman,
7 b. 16 Nov., 1781; m. Betsey Lewis.
6 son of Edward
5 (
83), b. in Lebanon, Conn., 25 Oct., 1742; m. Lucy Palmer, b. in Connecticut.
She d. 1 Mar., 1813; he d. 6 Nov., 1833, aged 93, in Castleton, Vt., where both are buried.
Rem. from Connecticut to Bennington, Vt., about 1776; from Bennington to Castleton, about 1785.
106 The Kelloggs in the New World.
He was a butcher. He was blind for many years before his death.
He served in Col. Wood's Reg. of Vermont Militia, in revolutionary war.
In his application for pension, it is stated that he was born in Lebanon, Conn.; res. in Bennington in time of revolutionary war, and four or five years thereafter; then in Castleton; enlisted under Capt. Ebenezer Ward, and went to Hubbardston in 1777, but did not arrive until after the battle. Was soon after at the battle of Bennington, 16 Aug., 1777; was in other services as guard at Manchester and Castleton, Vt.
926 Saxton,
7 b. 25 Mar., 1769; m. Sarah Fuller.
927 Sherman,
7 b. 25 Mar., 1775; m. Sarah Hunt.
928 Shirley,
7 b. 10 June, 1777; m. Elizabeth Crandell.
929 Jacob,7 b. ______; living in Castleton, 1803.
930 Elisha,
7 b. 15 Jan., 1780; m. Lydia Dikeman.
931 David,7 b. ______.
932 Lydia,7 b. ______; m. 12 Sept., 1790, Aaron Fox.
933 Jemima,7 b. ______; m. Grum.
934 Lucinda,7 b. ______; m. Tyrril.
935 Esther,7 b. ______; m. Kendall.
6 son of Edward
5 (
83), b. 1751; m. Tryphenia Westover, b. 1753, dau. of Nathaniel Westover.
She d. 29 Mar., 1815, aged 62; he d. 14 Feb., 1819, aged 68.
He res. in Sheffield; is said to have gone to Shoreham, Vt., in 1766, with twelve or fourteen others, among whom were Col. Doolittle and Paul Moore. He returned to Sheffield and lived there until after the revolutionary war; afterward returned to Shoreham, where he d. He was a soldier in the revolutionary war; served at various times in 1777, '78 and '81. He was one of Ethan Allen's party when Fort Ticonderoga was captured. The Vermont Gazette, vol. 1, p. 94, says that Elias Kellogg, of Shoreham, was the first, after Allen and Arnold, to enter the fort. (Elias is probably an error for Elijah.) During the war he was taken prisoner and confined three months in Fort Ticonderoga, from which he escaped with two men named Hall.
Children, first three b. in Sheffield; others in Shoreham.
Mary (Polly),
7 b. 11 Oct., 1776; m. Daniel Kellogg (+
937 Sylvester,
7 b. in Sheffield, Mass., 26 Jan., 1780; m. Sophia Crawford.
938 Eli,7 b. ______; he went to Boston and was overseer in the erection of the State prison in Charlestown; was several years commissary of that prison; went to New Orleans and was engaged in shipping goods to Spain. The following notice of his death appeared in the Connecticut Courant, 18 Dec., 1811: "Died in Washington Co., Mississippi Territory on the 18th of Oct., last, Mr. Eli Kellogg, from some part of New England. He was much esteemed, and died lamented by those who knew him. His death was occasioned by severe cold, caught in a severe storm to which he was exposed, together with a fall from his horse, at the time, which wounded him internally. He survived this fall but a few days. He was interred with every mark of respect by his surrounding friends. Two or three hundred dollars, it is supposed, may be collected for his heirs,
The Kelloggs in the New World. 107
from the property he has left in that Territory, which was left in an unsettled state. The above information was received by the subscriber in a letter from John Culler, Esq., Chief Justice of Washington County (Mississippi Territory), to be communicated to the friends of Mr. Kellogg and who being unknown to me, this method is adopted to convey to them the melancholy intelligence." "Jed'h Morse."
"Charleston, November 29, 1811."
939 Daniel Newton,
7 b. 4 May, 1785; m. Sarah Newton; (2) Sarah Towner.
940 Lucretia,7 b. ______; m. Philip Leonard; rem. to Ohio; had two daus.
941 Huldah,
7 b. 1791; m. Seymour Wolcott.
6 dau. of Samuel
5 (
84), b. in Hartford, 21 Nov., 1712; m. 14 Aug., 1732, Moses Peck, b. Apr., 1703, son of Samuel Peck and Abigail Collier.
He d. 30 Dec., 1759; she d. 12 June, 1770. Res. in Kensington, Conn.
942 Rhoda Peck,7 b. 15 Dec., 1733; d. 18 Apr., 1734.
943 Rhoda Peck,7 (twin of above Rhoda); m. Reuben Clark.
944 Moses Peck,7 b. 24 June, 1735; m. Rosanna; d. 1810.
945 Oliver Peck,7 b. 13 Mar., 1737; m. Patience Clark; d. 4 Nov., 1810.
946 Sarah Peck,7 b. 11 Apr., 1741; m. Timothy Clark.
947 Abel Peck,7 b. 5 May, 1743; m. 1768, Deborah Curtis.
6 dau. of John
5 (
87), b. 30 Oct., 1719; m. 1738, John Belden.
948 Sarah Belden,7 b. 2 Apr., 1739.
949 John Kellogg Belden,7 b. 17 May, 1740; m. 18 Sept., 1769, Mercy Webster, b. 8 Nov., 1749 (sister of Noah Webster, LL. D.), dau. of Noah Webster, of Hartford, Conn., and Mercy Steele; res. in Hartford, Conn.
6 son of Capt. Isaac
5 (
88), b. in New Hartford, 15 Nov., 1718; m. 8 July, 1741, Mary Steele,* of New Haven, Conn., dau. of Ebenezer Steele and Susannah Merrill.
He d. 1770 in Poultney, Vt.; she d. 13 Apr., 1813, aged 94.
He was a clothier; a man of public spirit, and of some note in Enfield, Hartford and Goshen. Conn., to which latter place he rem. in 1769. Three of his sons, Ebenezer, Leverett and Helmont, served in the revolutionary army. About the year 1796 she and her dau., Rhoda, visited Ruth in New Hartford, N. Y. (then Whitestown), and made the journey on horseback.
Children, all but two b. in Enfield.
950 Ruth,7 b. 20 Mar., 1742; d. 3 Sept., 1746.
951 Rhoda,
7 b. 24 Feb., 1744; m. Timothy Cadwell.
108 The Kelloggs in the New World.
952 Ruth,
7 b. 13 Feb., 1747; m. Hezekiah Seymour.
953 Samuel,7 b. 3 Feb., 1748; d. about 1751.
954 Ebenezer,
7 b. 6 Sept., 1751; m. Mollie Bissell.
955 Leverett,7 b. 28 June, 1753; d. in revolutionary army, in 1776, in Ticonderoga; was captured and is said to have starved to death in prison; served in Capt. John Sedgwick's Co.; unm.
956 Samuel,
7 b. 20 July, 1755; m. (1) Sarah Rogers; (2) Mrs. Ruth (Rogers) Pierce.
957 Asaph,7 b. 20 Aug., 1757; d. about 1790, unm.
958 Bradford,
7 b. 24 Mar., 1759; m. Mary Thompson.
959 Rachel,7 b. 1 May, 1760, in New Hartford, Conn.
960 Helmont,
7 b. 17 Mar., 1762, in New Hartford; m. Susannah Moore.
6 son of Capt. Isaac
5 (
88), b. in Hartford, 17 Jan., 1720; m. in New Hartford, Conn., 17 June, 1747, Sarah Marsh, bap. 28 June, 1724, dau. of Jonathan Marsh, of Hartford; she was half-sister of Jonathan Marsh, who m. Abraham's sister, Theodocia (
She d. 1796, aged about 72; he d. 13 Jan., 1805.
He res. in New Hartford.
Charles Frazer Kellogg wrote in 1859 : "I well recollect my grandfather Abraham; in person he was about 5 feet, 8 or 9 inches high; erect, with a haughty appearance and quick in gesture. The last time I saw him was about 1796 or '97."
Rev. Frederick Marsh wrote in 1850: "I remember him (Abraham) well, a venerable old man, cheerful, pious and agreeable.
He d. Sunday, 12 o'clock, on Town Hill about one-third of a mile S. of Meeting-house."
961 Esther,
7 b. 24 Mar., 1748; m. Judge Aaron Austin.
962 Abraham,
7 b. 27 Jan., 1750; m. (1) Sarah Seymour; (2) Mrs. Sarah (Cowles) Merrill.
963 Solomon,
7 b. 10 Dec., 1751; m. Ruth Kellogg (429).
964 Moses,
7 b. 23 Feb., 1754; m. (1) Rhoda Kellogg (430); (2) Mabel Merrill.
965 Elias,
7 b. 23 Feb., 1754; m. (1) Mary Merrill; (2) Betsey Dorr.
966 Phineas,
7 b. 7 June, 1756; m. (1) Olive Frazer; (2) Ruth _______.
967 Martin,
7 b. 16 July, 1758; m. Lucy Seymour.
968 Frederick Webster,
7 b. 31 Jan., 1761; m. Margaret Moore (1033).
969 Sarah,
7 b. 3 June, 1763; m. Gen. Martin Smith.
970 Truman,
7 b. 6 Jan., 1766; m. Hannah Merrill.
971 Elizabeth,
7 b. 17 June, 1768; m. Josiah Hatch.
6 dau. of Capt. Isaac
5 (
88), b. 12 Mar., 1723; m. John Birge, b. 25 Apr., 1723, son of Jeremiah Birge, of Windsor, Conn., b. 22 Sept., 1682, and Mary Griswold.
He d. 23 Feb., 1776, aged 53; she d. 16 Mar., 1817, aged 94.
He lived on the farm now occupied by his grandson, Roswell Birge, in Torrington. Conn.
She is remembered as tall and slight in form with blue or gray eyes. She was totally blind for several years before her death. (Torringford was settled in 1737, by a colony from Windsor, Conn.)
The Kelloggs in the New World. 109
972 Mary Birge,7 b. 31 Oct., 1753; m. Silas White, a joiner of New Hartford; d. about 1800; had four sons.
973 John Birge,7 b. 15 Mar., 1754; m. Lydia Hopkins, of Canaan, Conn.; lived in Torringford; d. 26 Apr., 1834; she d. 9 Sept., 1828, aged 63; he was a revolutionary soldier; was in the battle of the Cowpens.
974 Isaac Birge,7 b. about 1755; a mute; d. 22 Feb., 1784, aged 29.
975 Simeon Birge,7 b. 26 Dec., 1756; m. Oct., 1783, Experience Hamlin, of Middletown, Conn.; res. On the old homestead in Torringford; he d. 8 Jan., 1854, aged 97; she d. 16 Mar., 1844, aged 82; had two children.
976 Anna Birge,7 b. ______; m. John Elsworth, a farmer of Torringford; d. 16 Dec., 1828, aged 64; had eight children; he m. (2) _______, and rem. to Hudson, O.
977 Boswell Birge,7 b. ______; served in revolutionary army; d. 1777, aged 17.
6 dau. of Capt. Isaac
5 (
88), b. in Hartford, 7 June, 1724-25; m. in New Hartford, 4 Apr., 1745, Jonathan Marsh, bap. 1 May, 1715, son of Jonathan Marsh; she d. 6 Mar., 1795; he d. 12 Jan., 1802, aged 87.
They are buried in southeast part of burying ground in New Hartford.
He was a farmer and carpenter. Her chief employment for many years was weaving; they lived in patriarchal simplicity during sixty years of married life.
978 Theodocia Marsh,7 b. 13 July, 1747; m. about 1767, John Gilbert; res. in the northern part of New Hartford. The present brick meetinghouse stands on what was the north end of his garden. In 1792 he rem. to Herkimer Co., N. Y., where he d. ______; she m. (2) 1796, Capt. Cook, and for many years lived in Sullivan, Madison Co., N. Y. After death of her second husband she lived with one of her sons in Cazenovia, N. Y., where she d. in the winter of 1827, aged 80.
979 Ruth Marsh,7 b. 14 July, 1749; d. unm. 7 Mar., 1813; buried in New Hartford.
980 Chloe Marsh,7 b. 12 Nov., 1751; m. Elijah Flower, son of Elijah Flower, of New Hartford; he was Capt. in revolutionary army; she d. in Whitestown, Oneida Co., N. Y., Apr., 1813.
981 Mary Marsh,7 b. 22 July, 1754; m. about 1776, Elijah Seymour; he d. 1806; after his death she res. with her youngest son Mills, and with her dau., Mrs. Edwards, on the east side of Skaneateles Lake, N. Y., one mile south of its outlet; she d. 19 June, 1839, aged about 85.
982 Jonathan Marsh,7 b. 1 Mar., 1757; m. Damaris Pitkin; d. 27 Jan., 1838, aged about 81; he was member of Constitutional Convention of 1818; farmer in New Hartford; father of Rev. Frederick Marsh, of Winchester, to whose notes the author is indebted for much material relating to the descendants of Isaac Kellogg.
983 Elizabeth Marsh,7 b. 13 Oct., 1759; m. Roger Sheldon, b. in Windsor, Conn.; d. 25 Sept., 1845, Huron, N. Y., aged about 86; he was a house carpenter in New Hartford until 1809.
984 Ashbel Marsh,7 b. 11 July, 1762; m. Abigail Ward; d. in New Hartford, 19 Nov., 1815.
985 Cynthia Marsh,7 b. 13 Apr., 1765; m. Rufus Northway; d. at Ithaca, N. Y., 3 Mar., 1840; res. in New Hartford for a time, and Trenton, N. Y.
986 Esther Marsh,7 b. 18 Aug., 1768; d. 18 Aug., 1769.
110 The Kelloggs in the New World.
6 son of Capt. Isaac
5 (
88), b. in Hartford, 8 Oct., 1727; m. 26 Jan., 1748, Martha Merrill, b. 24 Jan., 1737-28, dau. of Jonathan Merrill and Mary _______.
He d. about 1800.
At the first town meeting held in Winsted (Winchester), Conn., Isaac Kellogg, Josiah Smith and John Balcom were chosen "committee men." His father, Capt. Isaac, was one of the original proprietors of Winsted, although he never lived there. It is probable that he gave his son Isaac the land in Winsted, for which reason the latter rem. there a little later than 1758, as the birth of Daniel is recorded in New Hartford.
He res. in New Hartford, in a small house a few rods east of his brother Noah. Rem. to Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y. His will, dated 20 Aug., 1800, mentions his wife, Martha, sons Daniel and Eleazer.
987 Eleazer,
7 b. 10 Apr., 1749; m. Esther Fuller.
988 Martha,7 b. 19 Sept., 1751.
989 Mary,7 b. 17 Jan., 1754; d. 23 Jan., 1754.
990 Mary,7 b. 9 May, 1756; probably m. 28 Nov., 1776, David Butler.
991 Daniel,
7 b. 5 Apr., 1758; m. Abigail Crow.
992 Rachel,
7 b. 1 May, 1760; m. Preserved Crissey.
993 Mela,7 b. 12 Feb., 1763.
994 Susannah,7 b. 25 Dec., 1765; m. Jonathan Dunham.
6 son of Capt. Isaac
5 (
88), b. 13 Dec., 1729; m. 18 Nov., 1754, Clemence Merrill, b. 12 Sept., 1734, dau. of Joseph Merrill.
He d. ______; she d. about 1819.
He was a deacon in the church in New Hartford; Capt. in the revolutionary army.
995 Noah,
7 b. 8 May, 1756; m. (1) Deborah Knowlton; (2) Lucy Crow.
996 Clemence,
7 b. 18 Feb., 1758; m. Mathias Hurlburt.
997 Jesse,
7 b. 25 Sept., 1759; m. (1) Susanna Griswold; (2) Mrs. Mary (Russell) Parish.
998 Sarah,
7 b. 28 Sept., 1761; m. Daniel W. Sandeforth.
999 Huldah Lavina,
7 b. 13 Sept., 1763; m. Samuel Norton.
1000 Miriam,
7 b. 6 Sept., 1765; m. Noah Seymour.
1001 Joanna,
7 b. 16 Jan., 1768; m. William Thrall.
1002 Michael,
7 b. 4 Mar., 1770; m. Sarah Gillett.
1003 Clarissa,
7 b. 19 May, 1777; m. (1) W. F. Wheeler; (2) Peck.
6 son of Capt. Isaac
5 (
88), b. 14 Oct., 1731; m. Esther Porter, of Farmington, Conn.
He d. 1790.
Res. in New Hartford, Conn; he sold land in New Hartford, 5 Sept., 1755.
1004 Azubah,7 b. 18 Aug., 1754.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 111
1005 Benjamin,7 bap. 2 May, 1756.
1006 Joseph,7 bap. 11 Nov., 1759.
1007 Esther (or Hester),7 bap. 9 Jan., 1763; m. 27 May, 1784, Amos Tyler.
1008 Margaret,7 bap. 10 Feb., 1765.
6 son of Capt. Isaac
5 (
88), b. 18 Oct., 1732; m. (1) in New Hartford, Conn., 5 Apr., 1759, Sarah Loomis, b. 5 June, 1739, dau. of Deacon Israel Loomis; she d. 22 June, 1765; gravestone in New Hartford; he m. (2) 17 July, 1766, in New Hartford, Lydia Steele; she d. 26 Nov., 1779, aged 31; he m. (3) 20 Sept., 1780, Lucy Cotton, b. 9 Sept., 1747, in Middletown, Conn., dau. of William Cotton, b. 18 Sept., 1720, and Rebecca Ware.
He d. 7 Feb., 1806; she d. 30 Oct., 1847, in Claridon, O., aged 100.
He lived in New Hartford, Conn., half a mile northwest of Riverius Douglas farm, where once stood an old gristmill.
Children by first wife.
1009 Abigail,7 b. 16 Mar., 1760; m. Elias Hopkins.
1010 Mary Ann,
7 b. 9 Oct., 1761; m. Josiah Gaylord.
1011 Ashbel,
7 b. 18 Oct., 1763; m. Martha Bacon Ward.
Children by second wife.
1012 Sarah,7 b. 19 May, 1767; d. 5 Oct., 1776.
1013 Lydia,
7 b. 19 Dec., 1768; m. Smith.
1014 Elijah,
7 b. 12 July, 1770; m. (1) Deborah Ward; (2) Mrs. Zodia Taylor.
1015 Lucy,
7 b. 26 Feb., 1773; m. Silas Douglas.
1016 Chloe,7 b. 16 Mar., 1774; d. 5 Sept., 1776.
1017 Nancy,
7 b. 2 Apr., 1776; m. Gamaliel Loomis.
1018 Rhoderick,
7 b. 24 Dec., 1777; m. (1) Sabra Clark; (2) Mary Langworthy.
1019 William Cotton,7 b. ______; d. 17 Aug., 1785.
1020 Asahel,
7 b. 13 Sept., 1783; m. Amanda Spencer.
1021 Cotton,
7 b. 18 Aug., 1785; m. Elizabeth Moses.
1022 Sarah,
7 b. 21 Feb., 1788; m. Elisha Strong.
1023 Aranda,
7 b. 8 Sept., 1790; m. Laura Cowles.
6 dau. of Capt. Isaac
5 (
88), b. 16 Feb., 1735; m. about 1752, William Merrill, b. about 1732, eldest son of Jonathan Merrill, b. about 1698.
She d. about 1801; he d. about 1806.
Lived on the mountain one and one-half miles southwest of the meetinghouse of West Simsbury (now Canton), Conn.; he was a farmer, in Canton, to which place his father rem. in 1739-40.
1024 Sarah Merrill,7 b. about 1752; m. Oliver Bronson.
1025 Elizabeth Merrill,7 b. 1754; m. Asahel Benham; d. about 1786.
1026 Rhoda Merrill,7 b. 1757; m. Pliny Case; d. 1792.
112 The Kelloggs in the New World.
1027 Daniel Merrill,7 b. 1759; m. Diettama Mills; d. 1829.
1028 William Merrill,7 b. 1761; m. (1) Elizabeth Wilcox; (2) Thete Brown; d. 1830.
1029 Sybil Merrill,7 b. 1763; m. Asa Cowles.
1030 Margaret Merrill,7 b. 1765; m. William Roberts.
1031 Isaac Merrill,7 b. 1767; m. Elizabeth Seymour; d. 1846.
1032 Candace Merrill,7 b. 1771; m. Bates Willey.
6 dau. of Capt. Isaac
5 (
88), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 12 June, 1737; m. Joseph Moore, of Pittsfield, Mass.
Margaret Moore,
7 b. 13 July, 1760; m. Frederick Webster Kellogg (+
6 dau. of Capt. Isaac
5 (
88), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 2 Aug., 1739; m. Roger Crow, of New Hartford.
He was an eccentric man, of very limited means.
She was an excellent woman; was beloved by all; labored under great disadvantages in bringing up her children, and in other respects. She lived to be old and d. in her native place.
1034 Anna Crow,7 b. ______.
1035 Roxaline Crow,7 b. 24 Mar., 1762; m. George Flower, of New Durham, N. Y., b. 26 Apr., 1760; he d. 3 Jan., 1827; she d. 20 July, 1838; had ten children.
1036 Shubael Crow,7 b. ______.
1037 Polly Crow,7 b. ______.
1038 Asahel Crow,7 b. ______.
1039 Margaret Crow,7 b. ______; d. young.
1040 Esther Crow,7 b. ______; d. young.
6 dau. of Capt. Isaac
5 (
88), b. 30 Mar., 1742; m. James Benham, bap. in New Hartford, Conn., 18 Feb., 1740, son of Samuel Benham.
She d. in Bridgewater, N. Y., 31 Aug., 1809, aged 67; he d. in Bridgewater, 6 May, 1830, aged 95.
They rem. to Dutchess Co., N. Y., 1788, and to Bridgewater, Oneida Co., 1793. He was a farmer.
1041 Huldah Benham,7 b. ______; m. James Kinney, a farmer in Bridgewater, N. Y.; d. 8 Mar., 1832, aged 73.
1042 James Benham,7 b. 14 Aug., 1764; m. Sarah Sedgwick; was a farmer in Bridgewater; d. 6 Jan., 1807.
1043 Elizabeth Benham,7 b. 1776; m. Rufus Dickson; d. in Bridgewater, 8 Jan., 1816, aged 39 years and 10 months.
1044 Truman Benham,7 b. 1777; m. Ruth Clark, b. in Lebanon, Conn., 1781; d. 14 Aug., 1850; she d. 15 Nov., 1856; had seven children.
1045 Diantha Benham,7 b. ______; m. Isaac Thompson.
1046 Margaret Benham,7 b. ______.
1047 Mary Benham,7 b. ______.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 113
6 son of Lieut. Jacob
5 (
89), b. in Hartford, Conn., 25 Nov., 1725 or '26; m. Keziah Jones, b. 6 Apr., 1733, dau. of Josiah Jones, of Watertown, Mass., b. 1701, and Ann Brown, b. 24 Dec., 1704.
He d. 17 Sept., 1797, aged 71; gravestone is standing in the cemetery between Sheffield and Egremont.
The first church of Egremont was organized 20 Feb., 1770. In the following Jan. he and Ephraim Fitch were chosen deacons.
He res. in the eastern part of Egremont; was chosen one of the selectmen of Egremont at its first meeting; represented Egremont in the Congress of Deputies in Stockbridge, Mass., 6 July, 1774; was commissioned Lieutenant in the Berkshire Co. Militia in Capt. John Ashley's Co., Col. William Williams' Reg., Jan., 1764; Capt. of the Egremont Co., Col. John Ashley's Reg., July, 1771.
1048 Anna,7 b. 22 Jan., 1752; m. Simeon Willard; had ten children.
1049 Israel,7 b. 30 Apr., 1754; d. 10 Sept., 1757.
1050 Mary,7 b. 22 Nov., 1755; d. 1 Sept., 1757.
1051 Timothy,
7 b. 23 Aug., 1757; m. (1); (2) Eunice Cowles; (3) Mrs. Eleanor (Loomis) Cole.
1052 Mary,7 b. 11 Feb., 1759; d. unm. ______.
1053 Ozias,
7 b. 17 Dec., 1760; m. Isabel Williams.
1054 Truman,
7 b. 25 Oct., 1764; m. Abi Bingham.
1055 Oliver,
7 b. 12 Aug., 1767; m. Abigail Benjamin.
1056 Josiah Jones,
7 b. 25 July, 1768; m. Polly Taylor.
1057 Erastus,
7 bap. 8 July, 1770; m. (1) Dolly Deming; (2) Mrs. Rhoda (Tuller) Van Deusen.
1058 Chloe,7 b. ______; m. Ebenezer Smith; d. aged 19.
1059 James,7 b. ______.
6 dau. of Lieut. Jacob
5 (
89), b. 28 Aug., 1727; m. 6 Nov., 1746, Joseph Hinsdale, of Canaan, Conn.
She d. 24 Oct., 1789.
1060 Joseph Hinsdale,7 b. 14 Sept., 1747.
1061 Lydia Hinsdale,7 b. 12 Mar., 1749.
1062 Mary Hinsdale,7 b. 12 Mar., 1749.
1063 Moses Hinsdale,7 b. 22 May, 1754.
1064 Elizabeth Hinsdale,7 b. 15 Dec., 1756.
1065 Lucy Hinsdale,7 b. 2 Aug., 1759.
1066 Aaron Hinsdale,7 b. 25 Mar., 1764.
1067 Jacob Hinsdale,7 b. 23 Mar., 1766.
1068 Chloe Hinsdale,7 b. 17 Dec., 1769.
6 dau. of Lieut. Jacob
5 (
89), b. 22 July, 1729; m. (1)1 Dec., 1748, Capt. Timothy Seymour, of West Hartford, Conn., b. 1 Feb., 1728, son of Ensign Timothy Seymour, b. in Hartford, 27 June, 1696, and
114 The Kelloggs in the New World.
Rachel Alleyn, b. 20 Aug., 1694.
He d. 1784; she m. (2) Matthew Clark, of Farmington, b. 19 Dec., 1719, who had previously m. Sarah Merrill; he d. 1 Nov., 1792; she m. (3) Sept., 1804, Capt. Archibald McNeil, of Litchfield, Conn., son of Archibald McNeil and Sarah _______.
She d. 6 Nov., 1810, aged 81; he d. 31 Jan., 1813.
1069 Timothy Seymour,7 (Col), bap. 7 May, 1749; m. in West Hartford, 1772 (pub. July 5), Abigail Skinner, of West Hartford, dau. of Timothy Skinner and Ruth Colton; d. in West Hartford, 6 Apr., 1812; she d. 27 May, 1819, aged 68; had eight children.
1070 Norman Seymour,7 bap. 10 Dec., 1752; m. (1) Mary McNeil, of Litchfield; she d. 16 Dec., 1776; he m. (2) 15 June, 1779; his cousin, Catherine Seymour, dau. of Moses Seymour and Rachel Goodwin; he was a hatter; learned his trade of Moses Seymour, of Litchfield; d. 1793; had six children.
1071 Roderick Seymour,7 bap. 3 Nov., 1754; d. young.
1072 Anne Seymour,7 bap. 17 Oct., 1756; m. Richard Goodman, of West Hartford; he d. May, 1834, aged 86; had seven children.
1073 Roderick Seymour,7 bap. 6 Aug., 1758; served in the revolutionary war; was a hatter; d. unm. in West Hartford, 1820.
1074 Truman Seymour,7 bap. 9 Nov., 1760; m. 1790, in Albany, N. Y., Zebiah Packard, bap. 19 Dec., 1768, in Milton, Mass; he was a soldier in Lieut. Charles Seymour's Co., Gen. Wolcott's Brigade, 1777, in Peekskill, N. Y.; settled in Albany, 1785; he d. 27 July, 1812; she d. 27 May, 1856, in Geneva, N. Y.; had five children.
6 son of Lieut. Jacob
5 (
89), bap. in West Hartford, Conn., 11 July, 1731; m. in Sheffield, Apr., 1758, Mary Harmon, dau. of Samuel Harmon, of Sheffield, and Hannah _______.
He d. before 1792.
His name appears among those who received bounty for service on the western frontier, and for providing their own guns, Apr., 1755; sentinel in Capt. Ezra Williams' Co., with detachment under Capt. Elijah Williams, of Stockbridge, 25 May to 8 Nov., 1757; twenty-four weeks; he was also in Capt. John Fellows' Co., which marched on the alarm for the relief of Fort William Henry, in Aug., 1757; marched from Sheffield to Fort Edward; traveled 204 miles; served eight days; allowed for horse-keeping, 4s. 8d.
1075 Nancy,7 b. 1 Oct., 1760.
1076 Hannah,7 b. 9 Aug., 1762.
6 son of Lieut. Jacob
5 (
89), b. 1733; m. 23 Dec., 1756, Hannah Catlin, b. 12 Sept., 1738, dau. of Abijah Catlin, b. in Hartford, Conn., 6 Apr., 1715, and Hannah Cook,* b. in Hartford, 20 June, 1717.
He d. 5 Nov., 1806; she d. ______; both d. in Harwinton, Conn.
Children, b. in Harwinton.
1077 Azariah,
7 b. 21 Nov., 1757; m. Roxanna Cook.
1078 Hannah,
7 b. 4 Aug., 1759; m. Joseph Austin.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 115
1079 Anka,7 b. 1 Nov., 1761.
1080 Allen,
7 b. 8 Oct., 1763; m. Mindwell Catlin.
1081 Jacob,
7 b. 24 Aug., 1766; m. (1) Deborah Griswold; (2) Mrs. Elizabeth (Beales) Gaylord.
1082 Abijah,7 b. 2 Oct.", 1768; d. 7 Mar., 1775.
1083 Archibald,7 b. 13 Sept., 1770; d. 19 Jan., 1780.
1084 Alexander,7 b. 13 Sept., 1770; d. 11 Oct., 1783.
1085 Chloe,7 b. 23 July, 1772.
1086 Lois,
7 b. 5 Dec., 1774; m. William Benton.
1087 Abijah,
7 b. 1 May, 1777; m. Pamelia Willard.
6 son of Lieut. Jacob
5 (
89), b. 7 July, 1737; m. 25 Dec., 1760, Sarah Clark, b. 6 Apr., 1739.
He d. 24 Aug., 1803; she d. ______.
Res. at West Hartford. Was a Lieutenant in the revolutionary army, bore his own expenses, and never asked for pay or pension. His will was dated 1791 and mentions his wife and all the following children, except the first Lydia.
1088 Sarah,
7 b. 6 Dec., 1761; m. Nathaniel Seymour.
1089 Mary,
7 b. 4 June, 1764; m. (1) Aaron Steele, of West Hartford; (2) Gen. Hyde, of New York.
1090 Jacob,
7 b. 16 Mar., 1766; m. Catherine Steele.
1091 Chloe,
7 b. 25 Aug., 1769; m. Joseph Cadwell, Jr.
1092 Lydia,7 b. 8 June, 1773; d. 31 May, 1776.
1093 Amanda,
7 b. 28 Apr., 1775; m. Jeremiah Leaming.
1094 Lydia,
7 b. 29 Nov., 1778; m. Timothy Merrill.
6 dau. of Lieut. Jacob
5 (
89), b. 13 May, 1739; m. 26 Feb., 1767, Caleb Crosswell, of West Hartford.
He d. 1 Oct., 1806, aged 73; she d. 9 Apr., 1829, aged nearly 90.
1095 Abigail Crosswell,7 b. 20 Jan., 1774; m. 12 Aug., 1796, William Goodwin, b. 15 Oct., 1776, son of Ebenezer Goodwin and Ame Webster, dau. of Isaac Webster, of West Hartford. He was a clothier; res. in Pine Meadow, town of North Hartford. He d. 20 Apr., 1849; she d. 16 June, 1852.
1096 Crosswell,7 b. ______; m. ______, 1856; was rector of Trinity Church, New Haven, Conn.
1097 Archibald Crosswell,7 b. ______; res. 1856, in Gilboa, N. Y.
6 son of Deacon Benjamin
5 (
90), bap. 11 Oct., 1724; m. 20 Nov., 1754, in St. Paul's Church, Wallingford, Conn., Comfort Thompson, of Wallingford, b. ______, dau. of Abel Thompson and Comfort Porter.
He d. in a British military prison in 1779.
"After the campaign of 1759 Lord Amherst left garrisons at Ticonderoga and Crown Point and Benjamin Kellogg was among those who remained in 1760. In this manner he became acquainted with the farms, on the east shore of Lake Champlain, abandoned by the French settlers on the retreat of
116 The Kelloggs in the New World.
Montcalm. In 1768-69 he obtained three hundred acres of land in Addison and three hundred in Panton. He was the Daniel Boone of Addison County." (Vermont Gazetteer, vol. 1; chap. VI.)
The following memorandum was made by his youngest child, Mrs. Markham : "I think my father started on his last tour from Bennington, Vt., the last of Sept., 1777, for his farm in Addison, going through Rutland to Chimney Point on Lake Champlain, accompanied by Benjamin Everest, who owned a farm adjoining his and was on old hunting companion (afterward Lieut. Everest of the Continental army). They were discovered by a party of Tories, who had stripped their farms of cattle. They were reported to the British, who had possession of the Lake, and were taken prisoners the last of October. Everest made his escape by jumping overboard and swimming to shore. My father was carried prisoner to St. Johns, where he d. the first of December from severe treatment of the enemy. At the battle of Bennington he fought during all the engagement."
Children, b. in Canaan, Conn.
1098 Isaac,
7 b. 21 Sept., 1755; m. Elizabeth Harwood.
1099 Samuel,7 b. 17 Nov., 1757; d. 19 Dec., 1759.
1100 Philomela,
7 b. 23 Apr., 1760; m. Lieut. Lemuel Case.
1101 Pamelia,
7 b. 19 Oct., 1762; m. (1) Luman Case; (2) Isaac Hamblin.
1102 Comfort,
7 b. 14 Mar., 1765; m. Gen. Ezekiel Dunton.
1103 Sarah Gold,
7 b. 26 Sept., 1766; m. Capt. Ebenezer Markham.
6 son of Deacon Benjamin
5 (
90), bap. in West Hartford, Conn., 4 Sept., 1726; m. in Newington, Conn., 11 Jan., 1753, Union Stoddard, dau. of Solomon Stoddard, of Newington, b. about 1730, and Ann Andrus.
She d. 15 May, 1774; he d. 23 Apr., 1789.
They joined the church in Great Barrington, 11 Aug., 1773. He was dismissed from the church in Great Barrington, and, 24 Apr., 1785, joined the church in Egremont.
1104 John,
7 b. 17 Apr., 1755; m. Lydia Church.
1105 Abigail,7 b. 23 Oct., 1758; m. Daniel Culver, b. 17 July, 1750; he probably served in the revolutionary war; res. in Willsy, Tioga Co., N. Y.
1106 Benjamin,
7 b. 18 Feb., 1761; m. Luranah Spalding.
1107 Nathan,
7 b. 30 Jan., 1764; m. Clara Bryant.
1108 Union,
7 b. 7 July, 1766; m. (1) Loomis; (2) Mix; (3) ______ Van Horn; (4) Henry Whitney.
6 dau. of Deacon Benjamin
5 (
90), b. Sept., 1728; m. as his second wife. Col. Charles Burrall,* b. in England, 4 Mar., 1720.
She d. 28 Jan., 1789; he d. 7 Oct., 1803; both are buried in Canaan. He commanded a regiment in the revolutionary army. His commission was signed by John Hancock, and is now in possession of his descendants.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 117
1109 Abigail Burrall,7 b. in Canaan, 5 Dec., 1747; m. about 1770, Dr. Edward Sutton, of Canaan. He was a surgeon in Col. Burrall's Reg.; d. in Stillwater, N. Y., Sept., 1776, on his return from Ticonderoga. She m. (2) Oct., 1786, Capt. Nehemiah Lawrence, of Canaan, b. Mar., 1728. He d. 2 July, 1800. She had two children by her first husband and two by her second; d. in Colebrook, Conn., 23 Apr., 1838, aged 91.
1110 William Burrall,7 b. 18 July, 1749; m. Elizabeth Morgan, of Killingworth, Conn., b. Mar., 1754; was a graduate of Yale; merchant; res. in Canaan; d. 8 Oct., 1825.
1111 Charles Burrall,7 b. 18 Feb., 1751; m. Anna Beebe. He was a farmer and iron manufacturer in Canaan; d. 17 Jan., 1820; she d. 3 Mar., 1821, aged 80.
1112 Susannah Burrall,7 b. 18 May, 1753; m. Cornelius Villir, a merchant of New York; d. 11 Feb., 1802, in the house of her brother Charles, in Canaan.
1113 Mary Burrall,7 b. 28 June, 1755; d. 22 June, 1759.
1114 Chloe Burrall,7 b. in Canaan, 27 Oct., 1757; m. in Canaan, 9 Nov., 1779, Noah Smith, Chief Justice of Vermont, son of Daniel Smith, of Suffield, Conn., and Rupert, Vt., and Anna Kent. He was b. 27 Jan., 1756; d. in Milton, Vt., 24 Dec., 1812. He was a graduate of Yale; a classmate of Noah Webster; practiced law in Bennington, Vt. She d. 1 Mar., 1810.
1115 Jonathan Burrall,7 b. 12 Aug., 1759; m. (1) Charlotte Davis, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; m. (2) Hester Boardman, of Milford, Conn.; d. 26 Feb., 1805; graduate of Yale.
1116 Ovid Burrall,7 b. 23 Mar., 1765; m. Lucy Wells (1238), b. 23 Mar., 1765; d. 9 Oct., 1837, and was buried in Stockbridge, Mass. She d. 13 July, 1814. He lived on the homestead of his father in Canaan, and twelve years in Milton, Vt.
1117 Mary Burrall,7 b. in Canaan, 3 Oct., 1766; m. (1) 1793, Timothy Rockwell, b. in East Windsor, Conn.,7 Apr., 1761, son of Samuel Rockwell and Hepzibah Pratt. He was a farmer and iron manufacturer in Colebrook; d. 7 Oct., 1794; she m. (2) 1796, Martin Rockwell, of Colebrook (brother of her first husband), b. in Colebrook, 23 Mar., 1772. She d. 22 May, 1818; he d. 11 Dec., 1851.
6 son of Deacon Benjamin
5 (
90), b. 9 June, 1734; m. 4 Mar., 1764, Chloe Bacon, b. Dec., 1741, dau. of Daniel Bacon, of Middletown, Conn.
She d. 7 Oct., 1787; he d. 2 Sept., 1788; headstones at Williamstown.
He rem. to Williamstown, Mass., where, 24 Sept., 1761, he was chosen one of the committee to "Hier a good orthodox Preachor."
"From that date to this," says Dr. Perry, in Origins in Williamstown, "the name has seldom been absent from the current records of the town, the church and the college." He with other Kelloggs who have lived in Williamstown "have made this name a notable one in every generation and in many relations."
He owned several farms; was a Justice of the Peace; a soldier La the revolutionary army; a member of the Committee of Safety.
1118 Louisa,7 b. 30 Jan., 1765; d. 10 May, 1765.
118 The Kelloggs in the New World.
1119 Samuel,
7 b. 29 Sept., 1766; m. (1) Anna Blair; (2) Isabella Blair.
1120 Lois,7 b. 26 June, 1768; m. 26 Feb., 1786, Jirab Isbam, of Shelburne, Vt.
1121 Chloe,
7 b. 20 June, 1770; m. John Campbell.
1122 Olive,7 b. 4 July, 1772; d. unm. 4 May, 1789.
1123 Daniel,
7 b. 19 Apr., 1780; m. Laura Hyde.
1124 Giles,7 b. 13 Mar., 1783; m. Christian Fisher; a farmer in Schoharie Co., N. Y.
6 dau. of Deacon Benjamin
5 (
90), b. in Canaan, Conn., 15 Mar., 1753; m. (1) Ebenezer Smith, of Sheffield, Mass., b. 27 Feb., 1748, son of Ebenezer Smith and Sarah Shaylor.
He d. 3 Sept., 1779; she m. (2) David Clark, of Sheffield, who d. 12 Dec., 1824, aged 80; she d. 1 Oct., 1837, aged 84. Gravestones at Sheffield.
Children by first husband.
1125 Chileab Smith,7 b. 14 June, 1775; d. unm. at sea.
1126 Miriam Smith,7 b. 14 May, 1777; m. Nathaniel Downing, of Oneida, N. Y.
Elizabeth Smith,
7 b. 13 Nov., 1779; m. Enos Kellogg (+
Children by second husband.
1128 Henry Clark,7 b. ______.
1129 Cynthia Clark,7 b. ______; m. Noah Hubbard.
1130 Sarah Clark,7 b. 6 Dec., 1783; m. Robert Torrence, b. 13 May, 1772, in Middlebury, Vt.; he d. 11 May, 1835; she d. 30 Aug., 1870.
6 son of Joseph
5 (
91), bap. in West Hartford, 17 Apr., 1737; m. in Canaan, Conn., 8 Aug., 1764, Anne Hurlburt, b. in Wethersfield, 4 Aug., 1732, dau. of Charles Hurlburt, b. 4 Nov., 1707, and Martha _______.
He d. 1803; she d. 7 Feb., 1815.
He res. in Canaan until 1792, when he rem. to Starksboro, Vt., where both d. In Starksboro they lived with their son Elijah, near their son David.
He was of medium height, blue eyes, fair hair, rather stout and a very pleasant man.
He was admitted to the church in Canaan, 16 June, 1770.
Children, b. in Canaan.
1131 Sarah,7 b. 19 Sept., 1764; probably d. young.
1132 David,
7 b. 1 Jan., 1765; m. Christiana Traver.
1133 Sarah,
7 b. 19 Sept., 1767; m. Cornelius Williams.
1134 Elijah,7 b. 1773; m. Phebe Mason, 20 Jan., 1800; d. 5 Sept., 1825; had no children.
6 son of Joseph
5 (
91), bap. in New Hartford, 15 Apr., 1739; m. 10 Mar., 1774, Prudence Austin, of Torringford.
He d. 9 Mar., 1809; she d. 4 Sept., 1804, aged 94. Tombstones in Canaan.
Res. in Canaan, Conn., on the side of Canaan Mountain, about a mile north of the South Congregational Church. He was admitted to the church in Canaan, 3 Sept., 1769. Prudence Kellogg from Torringford was admitted after 1770.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 119
Children, bap. in South Canaan Congregational Church.
1135 Elizabeth,
7 b. 29 Jan., 1775; m. Jeremiah Belden.
1136 Joseph,
7 b. 18 Sept., 1778; m. Martha Beebe.
1137 Prudence,
7 b. 15 Aug., 1780; Elijah Hewins.
6 son of Joseph
5 (
91), b. 1742; m. (1) 22 Apr., 1762, Tabitha Hancox; she d. 30 Oct., 1763, in Canaan, Conn.; he m. (2) about 1766, Hannah Bobbins; she d. ______; he m. (3) Mrs. Rhoda (Dean) Powers, widow of Gen. Powers, of Austerlitz, Columbia Co., N. Y.
He d. 3 Apr., 1827; letters of administration were granted on his estate in Berkshire Co., thus indicating that he was a resident of that county at that time, or that he owned property there.
He res. in Canaan, Conn.; was an assessor, commissioner of highways, fence viewer, overseer of the poor, etc. He was a member of the Committee of Safety in 1778; a soldier in the revolutionary army, serving under Capt. Webb in Col. Durkee's Reg.
He was one of the grantees of Two Heroes Island, in Lake Champlain, with Ethan Allen and others, who "had hazarded their lives in time of extreme danger and diminished much of their substance in defending it against the tyrannical invasion of Great Britain." He rem. to Canaan, Columbia Co., N. Y.; was chosen trustee of the First Presbyterian Church there in 1784.
Child by first wife.
1138 Tabitha,
7 b. in Canaan, Conn., 10 Oct., 1763; m. Belden.
Children by second wife.
1139 Sally,7 b. 15 Oct., 1769; m. Charles Whiting.
1140 Joseph,7 b. 4 Jan., 1772; went south; d. unm. in Wilmington, N. C.
1141 Aaron,
7 b. 13 Aug., 1773; m. (1) Amelia Noyes; (2) Bernice Whiting Kellogg (2099); (3) Mrs. Mary (Betts) Bartlett.
1142 Martin,
7 b. 20 Sept., 1775; m. Mary Lusk.
1143 Hannah,
7 b. 16 Feb., 1778; m. Gen. John Whiting.
1144 Abigail,
7 b. 20 Apr., 1780; m. Frederick Kingsley.
1145 Robbins,
7 b. 20 June, 1782; m. Evelina Dimon.
1146 Clinton,
7 b. 20 Jan., 1786; m. Anna Arnold.
1147 John Dean,
7 b. 25 Oct., 1798; m. Ruth Vandorpool.
6 son of Joseph
5 (
91), b. ______; m. 10 Sept., 1778, Naomi Gaylord, a very pious woman, dau. of Deacon Nehemiah Gaylord, of Torringford, Conn., b. 15 June, 1722, and Lucy Loomis, b. 5 Aug., 1727.
He d. in Canaan, Conn., 5 Nov., 1805; she m. (2) 22 Nov., 1810, James Beckley.
Children, b. in Canaan.
1148 Anna,
7 b. 1 Apr., 1779; m. Joel Miner.
1149 Naomi,
7 b. 2 Nov., 1780; m. Deacon Elizur Curtis.
1150 Whiting Gaylord,
7 b. 23 May, 1783; m. (1) Clarissa Belden; (2) Fanny Dean.
1151 Asahel,7 b. 3 July, 1785; d. young.
120 The Kelloggs in the New World.
6 son of Capt. Daniel
5 (
92), b. 3 Nov., 1730; m. 20 Aug., 1758, his cousin, Jerusha Kellogg (375), of Hartford, dau. of Benjamin Kellogg (+
He d. 9 Aug., 1775; she d. soon after.
He lived about a mile south of the center of West Hartford on the west side of the street.
Her will, probated 16 Jan., 1776, mentions all the children named below except Abel, Lucy and the first Ezekiel, who were probably dead.
1152 Daniel,7 bap. 14 Jan., 1759; d. in South Carolina, Dec., 1783.
1153 Oliver,
7 bap. 9 Mar., 1760; m. Patience Belden.
1154 Horace,
7 bap. 14 Feb., 1762; m. Hannah Sedgwick.
1155 Abel,7 bap. 17 Feb., 1765; d. 30 Mar., 1766.
1156 Lucy,7 bap. 13 July, 1766.
1157 Ezekiel,7 bap. 16 Oct., 1768; d. 19 Oct., 1768.
1158 Ezekiel,
7 b. 2 Apr., 1770; m. Elizabeth Stanley.
1159 Thete,7 b. 22 Aug., 1771.
1160 Bette,7 b. 1773.
1161 Charles,7 b. 1775.
6 son of Capt. Daniel
5 (
92), b. 7 July, 1732; m. Lois ______.
He d. about 1792; his estate was distributed 1794, to the three children mentioned below; he was called "late of Hartford."
He enlisted in Housatonic No. 1 (now Monterey), Mass., and served from 5 Apr., to 25 Oct., 1758, in Capt. Ball's Co., Col. William Williams' Reg., for the total reduction of Canada.
He was a revolutionary soldier; served three years, 1777-80, in Col. Webb's Connecticut Reg.; reenlisted and served until the end of the war.
Isaac Smith and Parmelia, his wife, and Keziah Kellogg, all of Southington, Conn., conveyed, 6 May, 1793, all their interest in a certain piece of land in Hartford, that descended to them from their "Honored Father, Seth Kellogg, late of said Hartford, deceased."
1162 Parmelia,7 b. in Tyringham No. 1 (now Monterey), 17 May, 1761; m. Isaac Smith.
1163 Keziah,7 bap. 25 Apr., 1762, in West Hartford.
1164 Seth,7 bap. in Hartford, 15 Nov., 1764.
6 son of Capt. Daniel
5 (
92), b. 13 Oct., 1733, in West Hartford, Conn.; m. Susannah Hosmer, b. 1737, dau. of Thomas Hosmer and Susannah Page.
He d. 11 Oct., 1789.
He was a weaver; res. in Monterey, Mass. He bought land in Monterey, 4 Oct., 1756, of John Kellogg and Union, his wife, and was at that time called of Hartford. He probably rem. to Sheffield about 1770; was taxed there in 1771.
He was a soldier in the revolution; served on the Lexington Alarm in Capt. Bacon's Co.; marched 21 Apr., 1775; served one month and four days; res. given as Sheffield; was a private in Spurr's Co., Col. Simond's Reg., 26 Apr. to 20 May, 1777; service at Saratoga; in Capt. Noble's Co., Col. Brown's Reg., 29 June to 21 July, 1777; ordered into service of the United States by Gen. Fellows and the
The Kelloggs in the New World. 121
Committee of Safety, by desire of Gen. Schuyler; in Lieut. Hickock's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 6 to 18 July, 1777; marched to Kingsbury, N. Y.; in Capt. King's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 21 July to 15 Aug., 1777; private in Capt. Noble's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 15 to 17 Oct., 1780; marched to Forts George and Ann; gave a receipt for bounty paid him for six months' service in the Continental army, 4 Aug., 1780, to 1 Jan., 1781. At this time his residence was given as Sheffield. Perhaps a part of the service stated above was performed by his son Joel (+1167), there being nothing in the records to indicate exactly which one served, although it appears that both were in the service in July, 1777.
She m. (3) 25 Apr., 1799, Richard Jacobs, whose first wife was Thankful Kellogg (
398), dau. of Stephen (+
117); d. 8 Mar., 1812, aged 75.
Children, first eight bap. in Tyringham, No. 1, now Monterey, Mass.
1165 Deborah,7 b. 7 Nov., 1757.
1166 Cynthia,7 b. 27 Mar., 1759.
1167 Joel,
7 b. 10 Nov., 1760; m. (1) Desire Olds; (2) Mary Brown.
1168 Susannah,7 b. 10 Apr., 1762; m. (1) Levi Page; (2) as his second wife, Ephraim Towner.
1169 Welthea,7 b. 28 Nov., 1763; m. 30 Oct., 1791, _______ Hubbard, of Wintonbury.
1170 Ann,7 b. 23 Nov., 1765.
1171 Lucy,7 b. 8 May, 1767.
1172 Candace,7 b. 25 Feb., 1769.
1173 Lydia,
7 b. 17 Mar., 1771; m. (1) Stephen Winslow; (2) Amos Blood.
1174 Thomas Hosmer,
7 b. 29 Apr., 1773; m. (1) Mary Bushnell; (2) Eunice Buell.
1175 William,
7 b. 21 Dec., 1775; m. Ann Elizabeth Shelhearse.
1176 Amna,
7 b. 16 July, 1778; m. Ephraim Towner.
1177 Simeon,
7 b. 30 Oct., 1781; m. Phebe Kingsley.
6 son of Capt. Daniel
5 (
92), b. 23 Nov., 1736; m. 31 Dec., 1758, Jerusha Spencer.
She d. Feb., 1817, aged 75; he d. Feb., 1820, aged 83, of dropsy.
He was reared at West Hartford; was a hatter by trade. When Continental money became worthless, he lost all. He rem. about 1781 to that part of Hebron which was made a part of Marlboro in 1803; was admitted to the church in Hebron 1796.
He served three days in the Lexington Alarm.
1178 Grove,7 b. 9 July, 1759; was in the army of the revolution; d. unm. Due him on pay roll July, 1780, £45, 11s., 9d., and still unpaid.
1179 Jerusha,7 b. 27 Mar., 1761; d. 16 Oct., 1763.
1180 Debba,7 b. 16 Mar., 1763; d. 8 Oct., 1778.
1181 Moses,
7 b. 6 July, 1765; m. Abigail Marvin.
1182 James,
7 b. 29 July, 1768; m. Lydia Kellogg (2033).
1183 Jesse,7 b. 22 Apr., 1771; d. 23 May, 1773.
1184 Jesse,7 b. 1 Feb., 1774; d. 6 Oct., 1776.
1185 Jerusha,
7 b. 12 Apr., 1777; m. Joseph Bumham.
1186 Jesse,
7 b. 4 Feb., 1780; m. Amy Strong.
1187 Debba,7 b. 25 Aug., 1782.
122 The Kelloggs in the New World.
6 son of Stephen
5 (
117), b. 1 Apr., 1720; m. 30 Apr., 1740, Mary Sheldon, "both of Northfield."
She d. 14 Dec., 1766, aged 44; headstone in the cemetery on the line between Egremont and Sheffield.
He lived for a time between Sheffield and New Marlboro, near the line. His farm, at the time of the revolutionary war, was in Alford, but finally was set off to Hillsdale, N. Y. Later he rem. to Egremont. In the latter part of his life he res. in Geneva Co., N. Y.
Children, first ten b. in Westfield.
1188 Abigail,7 b. 3 Sept., 1740; m. Wright; d. 28 Feb., 1817.
1189 Lucy,
7 b. 13 Apr., 1742; m. Jacob Karner.
1190 Thankful,7 b. 24 Jan., 1744; m. in Amenia, N. Y., 24 Dec., 1760, Elkanah Cook.
1191 Moses,
7 b. 21 Feb., 1746; m. Lydia Kellogg (
1192 Abner,
7 b. 9 Nov., 1747; m. Phebe Westover.
1193 Mary,7 b. 29 Nov., 1749; m. 8 Sept., 1768, Nehemiah Carter.
1194 Pliny,7 b. 10 Nov., 1751; d. 17 Oct., 1752.
1195 Eunice,
7 b. 25 Sept., 1753; m. Amos Gray.
1196 Anna,
7 b. 2 Dec., 1755; m. Reuben Farnsworth.
1197 Nathaniel,
7 b. 24 Feb., 1758; m. (1) Palm Hawkins; (2) Annice Gray.
1198 Pliny,
7 b. 7 Nov., 1759; m. (1) Phidemer Lake; (2) Mrs. Margaret Sharpe.
1199 Dolly,7 b. 6 Jan., 1762; d. unm. 18 Apr., 1788.
1200 Titus,
7 b. 4 June, 1765; m. (1) Rhoda Karner; (2) Rachel Southwell; (3) Chloe Harvey.
1201 Elijah,7 b. ______; was a preacher. The last known of him he was in Northern New York.
6 son of Stephen
5 (
117), b. 12 Oct., 1721; m. 7 Aug., 1746, in Westfield, Mass., Mindwell Belden.
He d. 9 Aug., 1767, in Egremont, Mass.
He lived in Egremont; was admitted to the church in Westfield 1747, and dismissed to Sheffield in 1749. The town of Westfield voted, 4 May, 1748, to build a fort around "Stephen Kellogg's farmhouse." He served in the siege of Louisburg, and was a volunteer with his brother, William, and forty others to attack the Island Battery under Capt. Daniel Bacon. He was commissioned Lieut, in the Berkshire Co. Militia, Capt. Robert Joyner's Co., Col. William Williams' Reg., Jan., 1764.
His estate was distributed in 1783 to all the children named below. In 1804 that part of his estate which had been set off to his late widow, as dower, was distributed to Nehemiah Kellogg, who received two parts; to the heirs of Reuben Kellogg, deceased; Loomis Kellogg, Stephen Kellogg, Belden Kellogg. Mindwell Kellogg, Patience, the wife of John Tremain, and to the heirs of Deidamia, late wife of Benjamin Tombs.
She m. (2) Abijah Loomis, of Egremont, and had several children.
1202 Mindwell,7 b. in Westfield, 3 Jan., 1746-47; was living in Claverack, N. Y., in 1786; was unm. 1804.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 123
1203 Patience,7 b. in Sheffield, 8 Oct., 1749; m. John Tremain; res. in Claverack.
1204 Nehemiah,
7 b. in Sheffield, 14 Oct., 1752; m. ______.
1205 Reuben,
7 b. 7 May, 1754; m. Mary ______.
1206 Loomis,
7 b. 9 May, 1759; m. (1) Anna Truman; (2) Barbara Jerome; (3) Persis Bingham.
1207 Stephen,
7 b. ______; m. Thankful Button.
1208 Diadamia,7 bap. in Great Harrington, 9 Feb., 1763; m. Benjamin Tombs; res. in Stillwater, N. Y.; d. before 1 Oct., 1804.
1209 Belden,
7 b. 4 Nov., 1766; m. (1) Tabitha Karner; (2) Jemima Benjamin.
6 son of Stephen
5 (
117), b. in Westfield, 23 Feb., 1724; m. 11 Nov., 1747, Keziah Dewey, b. in Westfield, 20 Oct., 1726, dau. of Deacon James Dewey and Elizabeth Ashley.
He res. in Egremont and Hillsdale. At the siege of Louisburg he was one of the volunteers, with his brother, Stephen, and forty others, for the night attack upon the Island Battery. In 1765 he petitioned the General Court of Massachusetts for a brief to collect money for support of the Gospel at Nobletown (now Hillsdale), Columbia Co., N. Y.
Previous to the revolutionary war he was appointed agent to secure a title to some lands and was on his way to England when he sickened and d. in Boston. His family subsequently rem. to Wyoming, Pa., and suffered the horror of the massacre.
1210 Josiah,7 b. 26 Oct., 1750; d. unm.
1211 Eldad,
7 b. 29 Dec., 1752; m. Elizabeth Watrous.
1212 Keziah,7 b. 4 Apr., 1756; m. Reuben Farnsworth.
1213 William,
7 b. 6 May, 1759; m. Urania Bishop.
1214 Elijah,
7 b. 25 Feb., 1764; m. Polly Karner (3267).
1215 Abigail,
7 b. 9 Feb., 1769; m. Michael Hollenbeck.
1216 Theodotia,7 b. ______; d. unm., 25 Feb., 1772.
1217 Lois,7 b. ______; was a teacher in Elizabethtown, N. Y.; d. unm.
1218 Elizabeth (Betsey),7 b. ______; m. Andrus; res. in Western New York.
6 dau. of Stephen
5 (
117), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 26 Dec., 1726; m. Richard Jacobs, b. in Vermont, 1725.
She d. 28 May, 1787, in Sheffield; he m. (2) 25 Apr., 1799, Susannah Kellogg, widow of Joel (
389); d. 14 Jan., 1809.
He was a farmer; res. in Sheffield, on the "Under Mountain Road;" was on Committee of Safety in 1777.
1219 Mary Jacobs,7 b. 24 Sept., 1747; d. 11 Nov., 1748.
1220 Joseph Jacobs,7 b. 26 Aug., 1748; d. 2 Aug., 1749.
1221 Mary Jacobs,7 b. 1 Apr., 1750; m. Jonathan Curtiss, of Wallingford, Conn.; d. 7 Aug., 1813, in Sheffield.
1222 Abigail Jacobs,7 b. 6 Feb., 1751.
124 The Kelloggs in the New World.
1223 Joseph Jacobs,7 b. 14 Feb., 1753; d. 20 Dec., 1758.
1224 Stephen Jacobs,7 b. 7 Dec., 1754-55.
1225 Nathaniel Jacobs,7 b. 6 Aug., 1758; d. 7 Sept., 1758.
1226 Kezia Jacobs,7 b. 20 Nov., 1762.
1227 Thankful Jacobs,7 b. 16 Oct., 1765.
1228 Israel Jacobs,7 b. 26 Dec., 1767.
6 son of Stephen
5 (
117), b. 15 June, 1730; m. Aug., 1752, Diadamia Austin, b. 3 June, 1737, dau. of Nathaniel Austin, b. 23 May, 1704, and Agnes Adams, b. 4 Feb., 1710.
He d. in Sheffield, 30 Aug., 1757, soon after his return from the army. His estate was inventoried at £600.
He was in Capt. John Kellogg's Co.; marched from Sheffield to Fort Edward; traveled 204 miles; served eight days; allowed for horse-keeping, 4s., 8d., probably in Aug., 1757.
1229 Rhoda,7 b. 10 Dec., 1753; d. 12 Sept., 1757.
1230 Nathaniel,7 b. 1 Oct., 1754; d. 3 Sept., 1757.
1231 Agnes,7 b. 30 July, 1756; d. 2 Sept., 1757.
7 b. 2 Apr., 1758; Richard Jacobs was appointed her guardian in 1767; perhaps she m. David Crippen and had a son, who m. May Lorinda Kellogg (+
6 dau. of Stephen
5 (
117), b. in Hadley, Mass., 10 Aug., 1738; m. 21 Apr., 1757, Ashbel Wells, of West Hartford, Conn., b. 23 Aug., 1734, a descendant in the fifth generation of Gov. Thomas Welles, of Connecticut.
He d. 11 Dec., 1806.
Before his death he was helpless some years from paralysis.
She was distinguished for her piety and intelligence. It is said that her life was published as a Sunday School book.
1233 Ashbel Wells,7 b. ______; merchant, Hartford, Conn.
1234 James Wells,7 b. ______; merchant, Hartford, Conn.
1235 Erastus Wells,7 b. ______; sea captain; d. in Hartford.
1236 Shipley Wells,7 b. ______; Methodist clergyman.
1237 Abigail Wells,7 b. 1763; m. 8 June, 1786, Henry William Dwight, b. 15 Sept., 1757; d. in Stockbridge, Mass., 15 Sept., 1804.
1238 Lucy Wells,7 b. 23 Mar., 1765; m. Ovid Burrall (1114).
1239 Alithea Wells,7 b. ______; m. Phineas Ashmun, lawyer of Stockbridge, Mass.
1240 Rachel Wells,7 b. ______; m. Stephen Woodbridge, of Stockbridge, Mass.
1241 Mary Wells,7 b. ______; m. Henry Brown, a merchant.
1242 Hannah Wells,7 b. ______; m. Seth Pomeroy, a blacksmith, of Northampton.
6 dau. of Deacon Daniel
5 (
121), b. in Sheffield, 22 Apr., 1740; m. 21 June, 1759, Joseph Callender, b. Feb., 1737, son of John Callender.
She d. 11 Oct., 1797; he d. 21 May, 1812.
Res. in Sheffield, where both d.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 125
1243 Mary Callender,7 b. 1 Mar., 1761; m. Abijah Bush, of Nassau, N. Y.
1244 Daniel Callender,7 b. Mar., 1764; m. Vienna Owen.
1245 Stephen Callender,7 b. 16 Sept., 1765; m. Hannah Sheldon; he was a deacon in the church in Sheffield.
1246 Vienna Callender,7 b. 24 Sept., 1768; m. Carr.
1247 Mark Callender,7 b. 22 July, 1772; m. (1) Betsey Holmes; (2) Mrs. Patty (Carey) Rood; res. In Sheffield, Mass.
1248 Archa Callender,7 b. 9 Jan., 1775; m. 1797 (pub. in June), Sally Savage; res. in Sheffield.
1249 Levi Callender,7 b. 2 Apr., 1777; m. Lucy Cottle; he was a Judge.
1250 Miriam Callender,7 b. 10 Feb., 1779; m. David Clark; res. in Sheffield.
1251 Hannah Callender,7 b. ______; m. Abram Dudley; res. in East Bloomfield, N. Y.
1252 Abigail Callender,7 b. ______; m. Asa Savage; res. in East Nassau and Troy, N. Y.
6 son of Deacon Daniel
5 (
121), b. in Sheffield. Mass., 26 June, 1742; m. 28 Jan., 1768, Mary Austin, b. 24 Aug., 1750, dau. of Nathaniel Austin, b. 23 May, 1704, and Agnes Adams, b. 4 Feb., 1710.
He d. before 6 Mar., 1798, when his widow and Moses Stocking were appointed administrators upon his estate.
In 1799, his estate was sold and distributed to his widow and the children named below, who were "all the children and heirs of the said deceased Stephen Kellogg, of Sheffield." In 1798 Moses Stocking was appointed guardian of Heman and Huldah, over fourteen, and Polly, under fourteen.
He was a soldier in the revolution in Lieut. Hickok's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 6 to 17 July, 1777; in Capt. Noble's Co., 15 to 17 Oct., 1780, and in Col. Porter's Reg., 6 Aug. to 8 Nov., 1781.
She m. (2) 9 Mar., 1805, Timothy Backus; d. before 31 Aug., 1829, when her dower in the estate of Stephen Kellogg was conveyed by some of her heirs. She returned to the old homestead, and spent her last days with her brother, Gideon Austin.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
1253 Luraney,7 b. ______; m. (1) 29 Dec., 1791, Ira Corbin; he d. before 3 July, 1799; she m. (2) after 3 July, 1799, and before 1 Oct., 1803, Bayley Hubbard. They were living in Egremont, 1 Oct., 1803, when they conveyed their interest in the estate of her father, Stephen Kellogg, deceased; in Sangerfield, N. Y., 31 Aug., 1829, when they conveyed their interest "as heirs at law unto any part of the thirds of dower set off from the estate of Stephen Kellogg, late of Sheffield, deceased, to his widow, Mary Backus, formerly the Widow Kellogg."
1254 Agnes,7 b. ______; m. Ephraim Hubbard; settled in Bridgewater, N. Y.; they conveyed their interest in the estate of Stephen Kellogg, 9 Feb., 1804.
1255 Diadamia,7 b. ______; m. 16 May, 1805, Oliver Younglove. In a deed of her interest in her father's estate, 1803, she was called "semster,", and spelled her name Deiadamie Kellogg. In 1818 she res. in Great Barrington.
126 The Kelloggs in the New World.
1256 Heman,7 b. about 1778; had guardian appointed 7 Nov., 1798; 19 June, 1799, Heman Kellogg, of Sheffield, yeoman, deeded his right in the estate of his father and his claim to the thirds of the Widow Mary Kellogg. No later record of him has been found. It is said that he studied medicine.
1257 Huldah,7 b. ______; had a guardian appointed 7 Nov., 1798; m. after 1802, Vestor Gillett; res. in Pownal, Vt., in 1806, when they deeded their interest in the real estate of her father.
1258 Mary (Polly),7 b. ______; had a guardian appointed 7 Nov., 1798; was unm. 1799.
6 son of Deacon Daniel
5 (
121), b. in Sheffield, 5 Nov., 1746; m. Rhoda Callender, b. 23 Nov., 1751, dau. of John Callender and Mary Smith.
He accompanied Arnold to Quebec in 1775, as his orderly, and d. from exposure and disease on the retreat.
She m. (2) 8 Jan., 1778, Jesse Kellogg (
436); d. 14 Sept., 1813, aged 62.
1259 Olive,
7 b. 29 Feb., 1772; m. Nathaniel Callender.
1260 Daniel,
7 b. 5 Nov., 1774; m. Mary Kellogg (936).
6 son of Deacon Daniel
5 (
121), b. in Sheffield, 6 July, 1751; m. Electa Wait.
He d. about 1827.
He res. in Sheffield on his father's farm; was a deaf mute.
1261 Daniel,7 b. 28 May, 1806; was a mechanic in Brooklyn, N. Y.
1262 Charles,7 b. ______; d. young.
1263 Jane,7 b. ______; m. ______; went West.
6 son of Noah
5 (
124), b. ______; m. ______.
He d. ______, in Locke, N. Y., where he res.; had a withered hand caused by a fever sore.
1264 Aaron,
7 b. 20 Mar., 1767; m. Abigail Spencer.
1265 Lovell,
7 b. ______; m. Thankful Warner.
1266 Noah,7 d. unm. in Western New York; he was a painter.
1267 Joseph,
7 b. 5 Apr., 1788; m. Eunice Conger.
1268 Lydia,7 b. ______; perhaps m. Phineas Chapin, in Sheffield.
1269 Charlotte,7 b. ______; d. ______.
1270 Jane,7 b. ______; m. Le Valley; res. Lockport, N. Y.
1271 Mary,
7 b. ______; m. Tillottson; res. in Pittsford, N. Y.
1272 Timothy,7 b. ______; d. unm., aged 20.
6 son of Noah
5 (
124), b. 12 Nov., 1752; m. (pub. 24 Sept., 1782), Mary Kellogg (901), b. 10 May, 1755.
He d. 1842, in La Grange, Lorrain Co., O., aged 90; she d. later in the same year.
He rem. to Erie Co., N. Y., then called "Holland Purchase."
The Kelloggs in the New World. 127
He was a revolutionary soldier; was present at the surrender of Gen Burgoyne; was also in the battle of Monmouth. There were two men of this name in Sheffield and to distinguish them one was called "Big Plin" and the other "Little Plin." This was "Big Plin."
In 1818 he was in Champion, Jefferson Co., N. Y. In 1832 he rem. to Lorrain Co., O., to reside near his sons.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
1273 Henrietta,
7 b. 21 July, 1783; m. ______ Bartlett.
1274 Martha,
7 b. 4 Mar., 1785; m. Daniel Jackson.
1275 Amanda,
7 b. 18 Dec., 1787; m. Asa Rockwood.
1276 Marquis De Lafayette,
7 b. 21 May, 1789; m. Elizabeth M. Perkins.
1277 Lydia,7 b. 28 June, 1791.
1278 Noah,
7 12 Nov., 1793; m. Jerusha Stoddard.
1279 Mary (Polly),
7 b. 15 Feb., 1796; m. (1) Ephraim Rood; (2) Ezekiel Ballard.
6 son of Deacon Silas
5 (
125), b. in Sheffield, 5 Oct., 1740; m. in West Hartford, Conn., 22 Oct., 1765, Ruth Hosmer, b. 20 Sept., 1744, dau. of Thomas Hosmer, of West Hartford, and Susannah Steel. She was descended from Stephen Hosmer, Valentine Prentice and Gov. William Bradford, of the Mayflower.
She d. 25 Jan., 1818, aged 74; he d. 11 Feb., 1819, aged 79; gravestones at Sheffield.
They res. on the farm in Sheffield, afterward occupied by his son, Elisha; held many public offices in Sheffield, among them that of selectman from 1776-92. He served in the army at the time of Burgoyne's surrender and left home on that occasion in harvest time. It is related that help was so scarce that out of a large crop his family secured hardly enough to live upon during the following year. His will, dated 22 Nov., 1818, mentions all the children named below.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
1280 Vina,
7 b. 11 Feb., 1767; m. Sineus Dibble.
1281 Esther,7 b. 29 Oct., 1768; m. (pub. 24 Oct., 1790), Oliver Porter; res. in Paris, N. Y.; had no children.
1282 Hosmer,
7 b. 25 Aug., 1770; m. Amy Cowles.
1283 Sarah,
7 b. 23 July, 1772; m. Hosea Bill.
1284 Polly,7 b. 10 Aug., 1775; d. 8 Aug., 1778.
1285 Ephraim,
7 b. 19 Nov., 1776; m. Jane Ashley.
1286 Mary (Polly),7 b. 20 Jan., 1779; m. Edmund B. Fellows, of Westport, N. Y.
1287 Elisha,
7 b. 19 Aug., 1781; m. Jane Saxton.
1288 Urania,
7 b. 19 Nov., 1783; m. Amos Bacon.
1289 Donne,
7 b. 2 Jan., 1787; m. Aurora Curtis.
6 son of Deacon Silas
5 (
125), b. 24 Dec., 1742; m. 11 June, 1765, Abigail Seymour, bap. 19 Jan., 1746, dau. of Elisha Seymour, of West Hartford, and Abigail Sedgwick, who was a descendant in the fifth generation of Robert Sedgwick, an early settler in Charlestown, Mass.
He d. 13 Dec., 1803; she d. 18 Dec., 1812, of an epidemic that prevailed in the army and throughout the country.
128 The Kelloggs in the New World.
Rem. from Sheffield to Hubbardton, Vt.; thence to Batavia; was a farmer.
In 1803 he and his wife and son, Orsamus, and the three daus., Abigail, Huldah and Sophia, rem. to the Holland Purchase in New York.
He was a revolutionary soldier; served in Capt. Downing's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., July 6-27, 1777; marched to Kingsbury at request of Gen. Schuyler; also served in the same company and regiment, Oct., 1780.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
1290 Lucyna,
7 b. 21 Aug., 1766; m. Jonathan Burrell.
1291 Orsamus,
7 b. 12 May, 1768; m. Esther Kimberly.
1292 Eleanor,7 b. 4 Feb., 1770; d. young.
1293 Abigail,7 b. 12 June, 1774; d. unm. 3 June, 1864, aged 90. Her gravestone says: "Sister of Mrs. Ruth Clark." Joel Clark's tombstone stands between Abigail's and Ruth's in the North Burying Ground in Sheffield.
1294 Ruth,7 b. 12 June, 1774; m. 4 June, 1796, Joel Clark, son of David Clark. He d. 25 Apr., 1824; she d. 29 Jan., 1859; had no children.
1295 Enos,
7 b. 24 Apr., 1776; m. (1) Elizabeth Smith (1127); (2) Hersey Perrin.
1296 Seymour,
7 b. 21 Mar., 1779; m. (1) Esther Lawrence; (2) Nancy Wilcox.
1297 Henry,7 b. 31 Oct., 1781; d. 1 Dec., 1785.
1298 Huldah,
7 b. 31 Oct., 1781; m. Amzi Wright.
1299 Elisha,
7 b. 30 Nov., 1783; m. (1) Elizabeth Derrick; (2) Mrs. Mary Mills.
1300 Sophia,
7 b. 18 June, 1786; m. William M. Wright.
1301 Ira,
7 b. 14 Mar., 1789; m. (1) Harriet Thompson; (2) Lydia Morgan.
6 son of Deacon Silas
5 (
125), b. 19 Feb., 1745; m. 27 Feb., 1766, Lucy Powell, of Suffield, b. 27 Feb., 1746.
She d. 9 Nov., 1816; he d. 4 June, 1820.
He settled in Galway, Saratoga Co., N. Y., about the time of the revolution; was a farmer; deacon in Presbyterian Church; Capt. of the militia; Justice of the Peace; highly respected.
He was a Sergt. in Capt. Noble's Co., Col. Brown, 29 June to 28 July, 1777; ordered into service by Brigadier Gen. Fellows and Committee of Safety, by desire of Maj.-Gen. Schuyler.
Children, all but last two b. in Sheffield.
1302 Frederick,
7 b. 27 Sept., 1766; m. (1) Polly Phelps; (2) Tryphena Ely White; (3) Mrs. Catherine (Demorest) Brown.
1303 Ezra,
7 b. 27 June, 1769; m. Abigail Olmstead.
1304 Martin,
7 b. 22 June, 1771; m. Rhoda Smith.
1305 Charles,
7 b. 3 Oct., 1773; m. Mary Ann Otis.
1306 Warren,7 b. 11 Aug., 1775; d. 24 Apr., 1782.
1307 Asa,
7 b. 12 Nov., 1777; m. (1) Margaret Stewart; (2) Anna Stewart.
1308 Lucy,7 b. 11 Nov., 1779; m. (1) David Westcote; (2) Reuben Hewitt; d. 13 Apr., 1851, in Gaines, Orleans Co., N. Y.
1309 Electa,7 b. 11 Jan., 1782; d. 20 May, 1782.
1310 Warren,
7 b. 2 June, 1783; m. Abigail Paine.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 129
1311 Alexander Cyrus,
7 b. in Galway, 22 June, 1785; m. (1) Anna Sayles; (2) Mrs. Ann (Hinman) Davis.
1312 Electa,
7 b. in Galway, 6 May, 1788; m. Alanson Kennedy.
6 dau. of Deacon Silas
5 (
125), b. 31 Aug., 1747; m. 24 May, 1769, as his second wife, Joab Austin, b. 29 July, 1740, son of Capt. Nathaniel Austin, b. 23 May, 1704, and Agnes Adams, b. 4 Feb., 1710.
He d. 5 Mar., 1820; she d. 3 Aug., 1835.
They res. in that part of Sheffield, Mass., called "Klonkapot"; rem. to Homer, N. Y., where he d.
He was a revolutionary soldier.
She was of full medium size and well proportioned; had dark brown hair and dark blue or blue gray eyes, as had also her brothers and sisters and mother, Ruth Root.
1313 Henry Austin,7 b. 26 Dec., 1770; m. 10 Nov., 1791, Prudence Ensign, b. 24 May, 1771; was a farmer; d. 24 Aug., 1829; she d. 31 May, 1845; had ten children.
1314 Aaron Austin,7 b. 5 Mar., 1773; m. 29 Jan., 1795, Mary (Polly) Kellogg (3269), b. 10 Dec., 1776. He was a farmer and clothier in Skaneateles, N. Y.; d. 23 June, 1831; she d. 6 May, 1856; had ten children.
1315 Lydia Austin,7 b. 22 May, 1775; m. 9 Sept., 1794, John Day, of Sheffield, Mass., b. 3 Feb., 1774. He d. 8 Oct., 1827; she d. 9 Oct., 1854; had twelve children.
1316 Eleanor Austin,7 b. 16 July, 1777; m. 28 Jan., 1802, Abijah Otis, b. 8 June, 1776; he was a farmer in Galway, Fabius and Howard, N. Y.; she d. 2 July, 1848; he d. 6 July, 1851; had eight children.
1317 Asa Austin,7 b. 10 May, 1780; m. (1) 11 Nov., 1802, Anna Ferris, b. 23 Mar., 1782, who d. 8 July, 1819. He m. (2) 4 Feb., 1821, Susannah Stewart, b. 20 Aug., 1786, widow of Charles Forbes, who d. 18 May, 1849. He was a farmer in Homer, N. Y.; later in McGrawville, where he had a flourmill; d. 17 Mar., 1853; had eleven children.
1318 Annis Austin,7 b. 4 Aug., 1782; m. 27 Aug., 1804, Jacob Otis, b. 21 Aug., 1777, a clothier and merchant in Mayfield and Truxton, N. Y.; he d. 6 Oct., 1831; she d. 8 Aug., 1864; had seven children.
1319 Elijah Austin,7 b. 18 Mar., 1785; m. 13 Sept., 1810, Ann Allen, b. 6 Aug., 1787; was a farmer in Sempronius, N. Y.; d. 20 Apr., 1846; she d. 5 Aug., 1868; had six children.
1320 Laura Austin,7 b. 9 Apr., 1788; m. 15 Apr., 1819, Eleazor Sheldon, b. 15 May, 1792, in New Marlborough, Mass., a farmer of Perry, Wyoming Co., N. Y. He d. 2 Feb., 1878; she d. 21 Mar., 1884. In June, 1819, they rem. from Sheffield to Perry, in a lumber wagon. They were a week on the way. Although Laura weighed only four and one-half pounds at her birth, she attained the full size of womanhood and inherited much of the energy of her grandmother, Ruth.
1321 James Austin,7 b. 1 Jan., 1791; m. 28 Jan., 1812, Tamar Chapin, b. 20 July, 1795; a farmer in Sheffield. Mass., Sennett, N. Y., and Sheffield, O.; d. 17 Aug., 1864; she d. 3 Dec., 1879; had ten children.
130 The Kelloggs in the New World.
6 dau. of Deacon Silas
5 (
125), b. 24 May, 1755; m. Dr. Lewis Beebe, of Pawlet, Vt.
She d. in Lansingburg, N. Y. After his first marriage he studied theology; res. in Pawlet and Lansingburg. He m. (2) , and rem. to New Jersey.
1322 Lucy Beebe,7 b. ______.
1323 Nancy Beebe,7 b. ______.
1324 Rhoda Beebe,7 b. ______.
1325 Lewis Beebe,7 b. ______.
6 son of Deacon Silas
5 (
125), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 7 Aug., 1757; m. 24 Apr., 1782, Rhoda Root, b. 24 July, 1758, dau. of Aaron Root, of Sheffield, and Rhoda King.
She d. 7 Mar., 1833, aged 75; he d. 28 Nov., 1838.
He was a prominent business man; was appointed administrator of many estates, and guardian of many minors.
His business papers have been preserved by his descendants, and have been of great assistance in tracing some of the scattered tribes.
He was selectman 1791; several years in the Legislature; member of Constitutional Convention of Massachusetts 1821; much in public life.
He was a revolutionary pensioner; was engaged in the siege of Boston, 1776; after the evacuation he marched to the city of New York, returned home, and as his father was sick, started out on the "old silver tailed" mare for Boston. They went before Gen. Washington, who said "If it were not a case of necessity, I should urge both of you to remain." He turned out in 1777 on the call of Gen. Schuyler to re-enforce the northern army in opposing Gen. Burgoyne and remained until the surrender.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
1326 Rhoda,
7 b. 18 Jan., 1783; m. Consider Morgan.
1327 Fanny,7 b. 5 Dec., 1784; d. 21 Dec., 1785.
1328 Chauncey,
7 b. 8 Nov., 1786; m. Lois Turner.
1329 Norman,
7 b. 8 Apr., 1789; m. Mary Shears.
1330 Frances (Fanny),
7 b. 16 Apr., 1791; m. Jonathan Church.
1331 George,
7 b. 1 Dec., 1793; m. Cynthia Root Merrill.
1332 John,7 b. 20 Feb., 1796; d. unm. in New Madrid, Mo., Oct., 1818; is buried in Sheffield, Mass. He had a plantation near New Madrid.
1333 Jane Maria,
7 b. 20 May, 1798; m. Jay Shears.
1334 Silas Root,
7 b. 11 June, 1799; m. Mrs. Lucy C. (Hale) Churchill.
1335 Anne Root,
7 b. 24 July, 1805; m. James Putnam Flint.
6 dau. of Deacon Silas
5 (
125), b. in Sheffield, 23 June, 1760; m. 3 Jan., 1782, James Hickok, b. 1 Nov., 1757, son of Ezra Hickok, of Sheffield, Mass., and Elizabeth _______.
He d. 5 Apr., 1823; she d. in the summer of 1825.
He was an influential and wealthy citizen; a merchant in Lansingburgh; rem. to Lansingburgh from Sheffield, Mass., in 1788.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 131
1336 Norman Hickok,7 b. 13 Apr., 1783; d. unm. ______.
1337 Harry Hickok,7 b. 4 Apr., 1786; d. 14 June, 1787.
1338 James Hickok,7 b. 18 Mar., 1788; d. 20 Sept., 1789.
1339 Anne Hickok,7 b. 13 Feb., 1790; m. 3 Feb., 1812, John Boardman Chipman, b. in Sunderland, Vt., 1 Apr., 1785. He rem. to Lansingburgh, N. Y.; served as clerk for James Hickok, 1804; with his brother had a large mercantile business in Orwell, Vt., though he continued to reside in Lansingburgh. In 1865 he rem. to Clinton, N. Y. She d. 19 Dec., 1869; he d. 29 Nov., 1871.
1340 Cynthia Amanda Hickok,7 b. 27 Mar., 1792; m. 1813, Deacon William Page, banker.
1341 Elizabeth Hickok,7 b. 30 May, 1796; m. Royal Gould.
1342 James W. Hickok,7 b. 2 Dec., 1798.
1343 Henry H. Hickok,7 b. 19 Oct., 1800; d. 3 Aug., 1802.
1344 Ezra Edmond Hickok,7 b. 5 Apr., 1803; d. 10 Apr., 1877.
6 son of Amos
5 (
126), b. in Sheffield, 29 Feb., 1748; m. 3 Dec., 1772, Sarah Austin, b. 3 Nov., 1751, dau. of Zephaniah Austin, of Sheffield, and Sarah Eggleston.
She d. 1 Mar., 1819; he d. 10 May, 1827, aged 80; both are buried in Sheffield.
He lived on the old homestead of his father. He was a selectman of Sheffield.
He served in the revolutionary army on several occasions. Was a Corp. in Capt. Noble's Co., Col. Ashley's Peg.; was called out when Fort Ann was captured by the British; also served under Gen. Gates at Saratoga in 1777.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
1345 Amasa,7 b. 2 Apr., 1774; d. 4 Nov., 1775.
1346 Wealtha,
7 b. 13 Dec., 1775; m. Ephraim Hart.
1347 Amasa,
7 b. 5 Feb., 1777; m. Abiah Callender.
1348 Amos A.,
7 b. 18 Nov., 1778; m. Lucy Williams.
1349 Ebenezer,
7 b. 15 Nov., 1780; m. Eunice Callender.
1350 Sarah,
7 b. 21 May, 1783; m. Milton Bissell.
1351 Henry,7 b. 6 June, 1787; d. unm., 19 Mar., 1813, aged 26.
1352 Abigail,
7 b. 26 Nov., 1788; m. Calvin Julius Pope.
1353 Milo,
7 b. 24 June, 1792; m. Mary Ann Jacobs.
6 son of Amos
5 (
126), b. in Sheffield, 28 Aug., 1751; m. 8 Jan., 1778, Mrs. Rhoda (Callender) Kellogg, widow of Daniel Kellogg (
She d. 14 Sept., 1813, aged 62; he d. in Albany, N. Y., 10 Jan., 1823; both were buried in Sheffield.
He was a farmer; res. in Kelloggstown, Sheffield, Mass.
He served in the revolution; marched on Lexington Alarm, 21 Apr., 1775; enlisted in the army 8 May, 1775, in Capt. Bacon's Co., Col. Fellows' Reg.; had order for a bounty coat dated Dorchester, 19 Dec., 1775.
He served as a private under Capt. Fellows, Berkshire Co. Reg., 9 to 18 July, 1777, and marched to Kingsbury, N. Y. Also marched on alarm when Forts George and Ann were taken by the enemy, 1780. He served 1781 in Col. Ashley's Reg.
132 The Kelloggs in the New World.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
1354 Pamela,
7 b. 25 May, 1780; m. William B. Dimmick.
1355 Sylvester,
7 b. 13 Apr., 1785; m. Celia E. Ensign.
1356 Matilda,7 b. 23 Mar., 1790; d. unm. 25 Apr., 1856, in Meadville, Pa., where she was a teacher.
6 dau. of Amos
5 (
126), b. in Sheffield, 23 Sept., 1754; m. 1775, Noah Ely Hubbard, b. in Sheffield, 15 Feb., 1754, son of Rev. Jonathan Hubbard, first pastor of the church in Sheffield, b. in Deerfield, Mass., 29 Dec., 1703, and Rachel Ely.
She d. 6 Mar., 1810; he m. (2) Mary Bosworth, dau. of Nathaniel Bosworth and Mary Smith; d. 4 Aug., 1844, in the house in which he was born. He was a farmer; lived on the old Hubbard homestead in Sheffield.
1357 Prudence Hubbard,7 b. 1777; d. 1792.
1358 Noah Hubbard,7 b. 20 Oct., 1778; m. Cynthia Clark; d. 26 Aug., 1846, in Council Bluffs, la.
1359 Asher Hubbard,7 b. 1781; d. 20 Aug., 1796, in Woodbury, N. J.
1360 Eli Hubbard,7 b. 13 June, 1783; m. (1) 1815, Rhoda Ward, b. 6 Oct., 1796. She d. 20 Aug., 1840; he m. (2) 16 Mar., 1842, Catherine Emmons, b. 30 Jan., 1807, widow of Abram Tan Alstine; rem. from Sheffield and settled near Toledo, O., and later in Sylvania, Lucas Co., O.; was a farmer; d. 9 Mar., 1856; she d. 30 July, 1865.
1361 Lucy Hubbard,7 b. about 1785; m. 2 Apr., 1811, Jared Bosworth, who d. in Tremainsville, O., Sept., 1819. She m. (2)1 Feb., 1820, Samuel Agnew, a farmer of Monroe and Erie, Mich., who d. 22 May, 1837. She d. 8 Feb., 1869.
1362 Pamela Hubbard,7 b. 1787; d. 6 Aug., 1796.
6 dau. of Amos
5 (
126), b. in Sheffield, 2 Dec., 1756; m. 1793, Dr. William Bull, b. 8 Sept., 1757, son of William Bull, b. 3 Dec., 1729, who m. a dau. of Gen. Ashley.
She d. 26 Sept., 1823; he d. 17 June, 1841. He was a physician in Sheffield, Mass., where both d.
1363 William Jay Bull,7 b. 8 July, 1794; m. 29 Mar., 1829, his cousin, Diadamia Callender (1376); d. Jan., 1862; was a farmer in Sheffield.
1364 John St. Just Bull,7 b. June, 1796; d. unm.; was graduated from Williams College, 1829; studied for the ministry; res. in Sheffield, 1876, with H. W. Canfield, of Sheffield; was insane; was amply provided for by his father.
1365 Albert Ebenezer Bull,7 b. 5 Mar., 1808; m. 19 Nov., 1846, Lydia Ann Shaw, of Michigan; was a farmer; res. in Irving, Mich.; went East for his health and d. in Great Barrington, 6 Mar., 1865; had no children.
6 dau. of Amos
5 (
126), b. in Sheffield, 5 Oct., 1758; m. (1) Capt. Aaron Callender, b. 28 Nov., 1755, son of Lieut. Nathaniel Callender and Mary _______.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 133
He d. 7 Jan., 1808; she m. (2) 1821, Col. Elijah Stanton, of Salisbury, Conn.; d. in Salisbury, 21 July, 1831; he d. 1832.
1366 Ruth Callender,7 b. 13 Feb., 1779; m. Robert Mason; d. in the West.
1367 Abigail Callender,7 b. 5 Dec., 1780; m. Silas Wright, a clothier of Canaan, Conn. He d. 1835; she d. 1853.
1368 Prudence Callender,7 b. 26 Mar., 1783; d. in infancy.
1369 Aaron Callender,7 b. 27 Oct., 1784; m. Mar., 1808, Nancy Keep; d. 15 July, 1820; was a farmer in Sheffield, Mass.
1370 Mary Callender,7 b. 19 Oct., 1786; d. in infancy.
1371 Rhoda Callender,7 b. 23 Dec., 1789; d. unm. 15 May, 1812.
1372 Prudence Callender,7 b. 2 Aug., 1791; d. unm. 17 Oct., 1833.
1373 Amos Callender,7 b. 28 June, 1793; d. in infancy.
1374 Asa Callender,7 b. 28 June, 1793; d. in infancy.
1375 Amos Callender,7 b. 13 June, 1795; d. in infancy.
1376 Diadamia Callender,7 b. 19 Oct., 1798; m. 29 Mar., 1829, her cousin, William Jay Bull (1363); d. 8 Sept., 1845; he was a farmer in Sheffield.
1377 Charles Callender,7 b. 25 Jan., 1801; d. 28 Jan., 1822, unm.
6 son of Amos
5 (
126), b. in Sheffield, 27 Sept., 1760; m. there, 12 Apr., 1787, Rachel Porter, b. in Lenox, Mass., 16 Oct., 1767, dau. of Amos Porter and Joanna Allen.
He d. 30 Jan., 1806, in Clinton, N. Y.; she d. Sept., 1853, at the home of her dau., Fanny, in Clinton.
They rem. to Clinton, N. Y., 1787, when the country was a wilderness; joined the church at Kirtland, 3 Jan., 1802.
Children, all, except Amy, bap. in Clinton, N. Y., 20 Jan., 1802.
1378 Fanny,
7 b. 21 Feb., 1789; m. Oren Gridley.
1379 Henry,
7 b. 16 June, 1790; m. Serena Beach.
1380 Amos,7 b. 13 Aug., 1792; d. unm. while traveling in the West.
1381 Rachel,
7 b. 20 Aug., 1794; m. Rev. Salmon Strong.
1382 Clarissa,
7 b. 30 Oct., 1797; m. Seth Saxton.
1383 Aaron,
7 b. 8 Oct., 1799; m. Eliza Shaw Dodge.
1384 Amy,7 b. 19 Mar., 1801; d. 5 Sept., 1802.
1385 Eli,7 b. 19 Mar., 1801; d. unm. in Clinton, 2 Apr., 1824, aged 23.
1386 Amy,7 b. 29 Jan., 1803.
6 son of Amos
5 (
126), b. in Sheffield, 19 July, 1762; m. about 1786, Susan Huntington Branch, b. in Vermont, about 1765, dau. of Amaziah Branch, of Shaftsbury, Vt., b. in Preston, Conn., 14 July, 1741, and Sarah Huntington, b. in Norwich, Conn., 1733.
He d. in Clinton, 8 May, 1835; she d. Jan., 1838.
In the autumn of 1787 he rem. from Sheffield to what is now Kirtland (Clinton Village), N. Y., in company with his brother, Amos, where he res. until his death. He was a farmer and known as Captain from his position in the militia.
He was a revolutionary soldier, serving in Capt. Roswell Downing's Co., 29 July to 27 Aug., 1779; in Capt. John Carpenter's Co., guarding stores in Springfield, 30 Sept. "to 30 Dec., 1779.
134 The Kelloggs in the New World.
1387 Hiram Huntington,
7 b. in Clinton, N. Y., 26 Feb., 1803; m. Mary Gleason Chandler.
6 son of Amos
5 (
126), b. 13 Aug., 1764, in Sheffield, Mass.; m. 16 Sept., 1789, Affia Holcomb, dau. of Michael Holcomb, of Sheffield.
He d. 11 Mar., 1807; gravestone at Sheffield; she d. in Erie, Pa., 28 Oct., 1857.
Rem. from Sheffield to Lansingburgh before marriage, but returned to Sheffield in 1793; was a tanner and currier; a man of medium height, with blue eyes; was a subscriber for the erection of a Court House at Troy, 1792.
1388 Julius,7 b. about 1790; d. unm. 18 May, 1818.
1389 Josiah,
7 b. 16 Dec., 1792; m. Catherine Ramsey.
1390 Otis,7 b. about 19 June, 1795; d. 19 Sept., 1796.
1391 Mary (Polly),7 b. about 2 Dec., 1797; d. 2 July, 1801.
1392 Affia Mary,
7 b. 16 Sept., 1800; m. Myron Goodwin.
1393 George Holcomb,
7 b. 5 Apr., 1804; m. Jane Hays.
1394 Catharine Asenath,
7 b. 29 Apr., 1806; m. Thomas Colt.
6 dau. of Amos
5 (
126), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 4 July, 1766; m. 15 Mar., 1784, Nathaniel Winslow, b. in Salisbury, Conn., 9 Apr., 1761, son of Nathaniel Winslow and Hannah Fitch.*
She d. ______; he m. (2) 1812, Anna Hannah; d. 30 Apr., 1831.
Res. Williston, Vt.
1395 Almira Winslow,7 b. 7 Mar., 1785.
1396 Miron Winslow,7 b. in Williston, Vt., 11 Dec., 1789; m. (1) Harriet Wadsworth Lathrop; (2); (3); (4); (5); was a missionary to Ceylon; d. 22 Oct., 1864, on board ship on his way home from Ceylon. His dau., Joanna, b. in Codoville, Ceylon, was adopted by Professor Kellogg, of Williamstown, Mass.
1397 Clarissa Winslow,7 b. 12 June, 1792; m. Deacon James B. Skinner.
1398 Lovey Elvira Winslow,7 b. 9 Dec., 1796; m. Aera Bradley.
1399 Hubbard Winslow,7 b. 30 Oct., 1799; m. Susan Ward Cutler.
1400 Gordon Winslow,7 b. 12 Sept., 1803; m. Katherine G. Fish.
6 dau. of Aaron
5 (
127), b. in Colchester, Conn., 19 Feb., 1742; m. in Colchester, 26 May, 1768, Eliphalet Chamberlain.
In Sept., 1785, the Second Church of Colchester recommended her to the church in Dalton, Mass.; in 1787, she and her husband, then both of Dalton, sold an interest in the estate of her father to Elihu Clark.
1401 Sarah Chamberlain,7 bap. 22 Nov., 1772.
1402 Lecta Chamberlain,7 bap. 6 June, 1773.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 135
1403 Solomon Chamberlain,7 b. ______.
1404 Eliphalet Chamberlain,7 b. ______.
6 son of Aaron
5 (
127), b. in Colchester, 9 Aug., 1746; m. 3 July, 1766, Rhoda Jones, b. 4 Oct., 1750, dau. of Amasa Jones, of Colchester, Conn., and Elizabeth Chamberlain.
He d. 10 May, 1772; she m. (2) Maj. Bulkley, of Colchester.
1405 Amasa,7 b. 3 Feb., 1767; res. in Colchester, 1792.
1406 Elizabeth (Betsey),
7 b. 11 Dec., 1768; m. Col. Lebbeus Loomis.
1407 Mary (Polly),7 b. ______.
6 dau. of Aaron
5 (
127), b. in Colchester, 23 July, 1749; m. 28 May, 1766, William Bulkley.
1408 Lydia Bulkley,7 b. 7 Jan., 1768.
1409 Lucy Bulkley,7 b. ______.
1410 Clarice Bulkley,7 b. ______.
6 dau. of Aaron
5 (
137), b. in Colchester (Westchester), Conn., 10 Mar., 1760; m. Asa Worthington, b. 11 Oct., 1755, son of Elias Worthington, b. 31 Oct., 1722, and Rhoda Chamberlain.
He d. 1822; she d. June, 1834, in Colchester.
He res. in Colchester, to which place he rem. from Montville, Conn., where he sold land, 20 June, 1789, and was called of Montville in the deed.
1411 Anthony Worthington,7 b. 11 Jan., 1784; d. Apr., same year.
1412 Laura Worthington,7 b. 28 Jan., 1786; m. Ralph Isham, b. 25 June, 1776; d. June, 1847, in Colchester.
1413 Asa Worthington,7 b. S Aug., 1788; m. Frances Meadowcroft; d. 25 Nov., 1875, in Irvington, N. Y.
6 son of Nathaniel
5 (
128), b. in Hadley, about 1717; m. (1) 1751 (pub. 21 Sept.), Esther Smith, b. 27 Nov., 1726, dau. of John Smith, of South Hadley, and Esther Colton.
She d. 18 Dec., 1756; he m. (2) 1758 (pub. 15 Apr.), Mrs. Thankful (Alexander) Hawley, widow of Joseph Hawley, of Amherst, and dau. of Alexander; she d. ______; he m. (3) Sarah Parsons, b. 29 May, 1723, dau. of Josiah Parsons, of Northampton.
He d. 14 June, 1799, aged 87; she d. 26 Feb., 1807. He rem. to Amherst, where he d.
He was recommended to the church in Amherst, 4 July, 1755; his first wife was dismissed from the church in South Hadley to the church in Amherst, 3 Nov., 1754.
He was a selectman of Amherst. He was a Tory during the revolution, confined to his farm and ordered to deliver to the Committee of Safety all his firearms, ammunition, etc.
1414 Daniel,
7 bap. 26 July, 1752; m. Mercy Eastman.
1415 Aaron,7 b. 5 May, 1754; bap. 16 Nov., 1755; d. unm., in Amherst, 11 Dec., 1830, aged 76; graduated from Yale, 1768; res. in Amherst,
136 The Kelloggs in the New World.
1818. In his application for pension he states that he went to Boston, Nov., 1778; enlisted as a mariner on board the frigate Deane, Capt. Nicholson. She left port for the West Indies and touched at the Island of Martinique; sailed north, stopping two months at Philadelphia; cruised along the coast of Newfoundland; returned to Boston early in Nov., 1779, when he was discharged.
1416 David,
7 b. 10 Nov., 1755; m. Sallie Bridge.
1417 Jonathan,7 b. 10 Nov., 1755; d. Young.
6 son of Nathaniel
5 (
128), b. in Hadley, Mass., 1719; m. 7 Dec., 1758, Sarah Cowles, b. in Hatfield, Mass., 29 Dec., 1732, dau. of Jonathan Cowles, b. 30 June, 1703, and Sarah Gaylord, b. 1 Feb., 1709.
He d. ______, in a hospital in New York, while in the revolutionary army; she d. in Leverett, Mass., 26 Oct., 1819, aged 87.
He was a sentinel in Capt. Israel Williams' Co., from 17 Mar., 1756, to 23 Jan., 1757, part of the time stationed with the detachment in Charlemont, Mass., part of the time scouting westward; enlisted in the revolutionary army about 1775; res. in Amherst and Hadley. He and his wife were received into full communion in the church in Amherst, 6 Mar., 1760.
1418 Sybil,
7 b. 24 Sept., 1761; m. Enos Graves.
1419 Diadamia,
7 b. 1763; m. Thomas Clapp.
1420 Sarah,7 bap. in Amherst, 15 Apr., 1764; d. unm. ______.
1421 Eli,
7 b. 18 Nov., 1768; m. Mrs. Mary (Pike) Hemenway.
1422 Samuel,
7 bap. 20 May, 1770; m. Hannah Marsh.
1423 Abraham,7 bap. 13 Dec., 1772; d. Young.
6 dau. of Nathaniel
5 (
128), b. in Hadley, 1723; m. 27 June, 1751, Josiah Parsons, Jr., of Northampton, Mass., b. 9 June, 1713, son of Josiah Parsons and Elizabeth Strong.
She d. 27 June, 1791, aged 68; he d. 23 May, 1796, Res. in Northampton, Mass.
1424 Naomi Parsons,7 b. 3 Aug., 1752; d. unm. 15 Sept., 1794.
1425 Prudence Parsons,7 b. 22 Apr., 1756; m. 19 Dec., 1790, Dr. Samuel Porter, of Williamstown, Mass.
1426 Abigail Parsons,7 b. 13 May, 1759; m. 1785, Elisha Graves.
6 son of Nathaniel
5 (
128), b. in Hadley, about 1724; m. 1748 (pub. 7 Aug.), Joanna Clark, b. in Northampton, 24 May, 1727, dau. of Samuel Clark, Jr., and Sarah Rust.
She d. 11 June, 1795; he d. 22 Oct., 1798. They res. in Whately, where they d.
He served in the French and Indian war; was in Capt. White's Co.; marched to Bridgeman's Fort, 22 Oct., 1747; sentinel in Capt. Chadwick's Co., Col. Worthington's Reg.; marched to Fort Edward on alarm for the relief of Fort William Henry, Aug., 1757; served twenty-five days. In 1759 enlisted in Col. Ruggle's Reg. for service under Gen. Amherst for the invasion of Canada.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 137
1427 Miriam,
7 b. 23 Dec., 1751; m. Capt. Eleazer Frary.
1428 Seth,
7 b. 1754; m. (1) Jerusha White; (2) _______.
1429 Joanna,
7 b. ______; m. Jonathan Ingram.
1430 Abigail,
7 b. 18 Nov., 1757; m. Moses Crafts.
1431 Levi,
7 b. 3 Oct., 1760; m. Cynthia Wright.
6 son of Nathaniel
5 (
128), b. in Hadley, about 1730; m. 29 Apr., 1762, Thankful Chapin, of West Springfield, b. 22 Feb., 1727, dau. of Joseph Chapin, b. 16 Mar., 1697, of Chicopee, Mass., and Thankful Dickinson, of Hatfield.
She d. 24 Feb., 1805; he d. in Hadley, 6 Oct., 1814; their gravestones are in Hadley cemetery.
Sentinel in Capt. Israel William's Co., in Colerain and Charlemont, 9 Sept., 1754, to 14 Mar., 1755; private in Capt. William's Co., in expedition against Crown Point, 1756; served forty-four weeks.
1432 Nathaniel,
7 b. 1 Oct., 1763; m. (1) Chloe Drake: (2) Mrs. Betsey (Cowles) Moody.
1433 Gardiner,
7 b. 22 Sept., 1765; m. Abigail White.
1434 Josiah,
7 b. 15 July, 1767; m. Hannah Smith.
1435 Lucy,7 b. 2 Nov., 1769; m., as his second wife, 27 June, 1819, Henry Chapin, of Springfield, b. 23 July, 1762; d. 10 Dec., 1843; he d. in Providence, R. I., 22 Dec., 1825; had no children.
6 son of Nathaniel
5 (
128), b. about 1733, in Hadley, Mass.; m. 3 Apr., 1758, Mary Sheldon, of Sheffield, Mass., b. 16 Mar., 1738, dau. of Benjamin Sheldon, b. 26 Aug., 1705, and Abigail Kellogg (+
She d. 22 Dec., 1812, aged 75; he d. 28 May, 1815, aged 82; both were buried in Hadley, where their gravestones are still standing.
He was a farmer in Hadley; selectman, 1775-77.
He served in Capt. Ezra Clap's Co., of Westfield, in the South Reg., of Hampshire Co., for the relief of Fort William Henry, 1757; served four days; traveled forty-five miles.
He was a Lieut, in Capt. Elihu Smith's Co.; marched on the Lexington Alarm and served seven days; enlisted in the army, 27 Apr., same year; commissioned Lieut. 25 May, 1775, Capt. Smith's Co., Col. Ward's Reg.; Lieut, in Capt. Lyman's Co., Col. Dike's Reg., 27 Nov., 1776; Capt. in Col. Porter's Reg., 23 Sept.; marched under Gen. Gates to re-enforce the northern army, 18 Oct., 1777. His name appears in "Officers of the Continental Army."
1436 Whiting,
7 b. about 1758-59; m. Elizabeth Cross.
1437 Moses,
7 b. 16 Feb., 1761; m. Elizabeth Newton.
1438 Benjamin,
7 b. 25 Aug., 1763; m. Patty Smith.
1439 Mary (Polly),7 b. 1766; d. unm. 4 Aug., 1845, in Hadley.
1440 Abigail Sheldon,
7 bap. 4 Nov., 1768; m. Elisha Belden.
1441 Experience,
7 bap. 12 May, 1771; m. Aristobulus Smith.
1442 Electa,7 b. Nov., 1773; m. as his second wife, 1833, Elihu Wait, of Whately, Mass., b. 14 Aug., 1758, son of Elihu Wait, of Hatfield,
138 The Kelloggs in the New World.
and Martha Wells, of Hardwick, Mass. He d. 19 July, 1828; she d. 9 Nov., 1838; had no children.
1443 Samuel,
7 b. 21 Oct., 1777; m. Mary Callender.
6 dau. of Nathaniel
5 (
128), b. in Hadley; m. 9 Nov., 1749, Lieut. Eleazer Nash, of Granby, b. 10 Feb., 1720, son of Ephraim Nash, of South Hadley, and Joanna Smith (94).
He d. 19 May, 1775; she d. about 1777; both d. in Granby.
He was a surveyor and a man of considerable influence; res. in Granby.
1444 Lucy Nash,7 b. 18 Sept., 1750; m. (1) 5 Mar., 1789, Azariah Alvord; m. (2) 31 Oct., 1813, John Stickney; d. 24 Dec., 1836, aged 86.
1445 Joanna Nash,7 b. about 1752; d. unm. 16 May, 1816.
1446 Ephraim Nash,7 b. Mar., 1754; m. 2 Feb., 1786, Hannah Wells; rem. to Brattleboro, Vt.; d. 18 Dec., 1816.
1447 Eleazer Nash,7 b. Aug., 1755; res. in Granby; m. 6 Apr., 1795, Abigail Brown, of Amherst, Mass.; d. 9 June, 1836, aged 80.
1448 Nathaniel Nash,7 b. 1757; d. nam. 8 July, 1834, aged 77.
1449 Phebe Nash,7 b. 14 Jan., 1768; m. 15 July, 1789, Josiah Smith, of South Hadley; d. 11 Jan., 1847, aged 78.
6 dau. of Capt. Ebenezer
5 (
129), b. 15 Dec., 1719; m. 25 Apr., 1740, Capt. and Deacon Samuel Nourse,* b. in Salem Village (now Danvers), Mass., 25 Apr., 1715, son of Samuel Nourse, b. in Salem, 7 Jan., 1678, and Dorothy Faulkner, dau. of Francis Faulkner.
She d. in Bolton, Mass., 14 Oct., 1751; he m. (2) Abigail Barnard, of Marlboro, Mass.; d. 8 May, 1790.
In 1740, the year of his father's death, he rem. to Bolton, leaving his brother, Francis, in possession of the homestead in Danvers, which had been bequeathed to the two brothers by their father. It contained three hundred acres. He was the father of sixteen children, seven by his first wife and nine by the second. Three of the children were named Abigail and two Elizabeth.
Children, b. in Bolton.
1450 John Nourse,7 b. 17 Nov., 1740.
1451 David Nourse,7 b. 19 June, 1742; d. 26 Dec., 1828.
1452 Elizabeth Nourse,7 b. 27 Jan., 1744; d. 1745.
1453 Benjamin Nourse,7 b. Feb., 1746.
1454 Elizabeth Nourse,7 b. 4 Jan., 1747.
1455 Jonathan Nourse,7 b. 18 Dec., 1748; m. Ruth Barrett.
1456 Sarah Nourse,7 b. 8 Jan., 1750.
6 son of Capt. Ebenezer
5 (
129), b. in Amherst, Mass., about 1722; m. (1); (2) in Amherst, 13 Jan., 1751, Sarah Clapp, b. 4 Oct., 1733, dau. of Preserved Clapp, b. 28 July, 1705, and Sarah West, b. 9 Nov., 1706.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 139
He d. in the army in Ticonderoga, 23 Nov., 1776, aged 54.
He res. in Amherst, where he and his wife were admitted to the church, 13 May, 1753.
It is said that he was an Ensign in the Eighth Massachusetts, Col. Choate, in Gen. Pepperell's expedition against Louisburg, 1745.
He was a soldier in the army of the revolution, and served as a Corp. in Capt. Dickinson's Co., Col. Woodbridge's Reg., Lexington Alarm, eleven days; in the same company 1 May to Aug., 1775; received an order for a bounty coat, dated Prospect Hill,* 25 Oct., 1775; a private in Capt. Aaron Haynes' Co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's Reg., and in a roll dated Fort Ticonderoga, 1 Dec., 1776, enlisted 1 May, 1776: d. 22 Nov., 1776.
She m. (2) 23 Apr., 1778, John Nash of Amherst, son of Deacon John Nash; d. ______.
Child, b. in Amherst, by first wife.
1457 Ebenezer,
7 b. about 29 May, 1749; m. (1) Elizabeth Crocker; (2) Tamer Wright.
Children by second wife.
1458 Sarah,
7 bap. 13 May, 1753; m. Joseph Bolles.
1459 Elizabeth (Betsey),7 b. ______; m. 1775, Ruben Dickinson, Jr., of Amherst, who rem. to Thetford, Vt., with his father.
1460 Jonathan,
7 bap. 24 Oct., 1760; m. Mary Holland.
6 son of Capt. Ezekiel
5 (
130), b. 22 Sept., 1728; m. in New Salem, Mass., 10 May, 1750; Hannah Southwick, b. 15 Sept., 1729. She d. 7 Nov., 1807; he d. 25 Dec., 1810.
They resided in New Salem, Mass., where all their children were born. He was a soldier in the French and Indian war; served in Lieut. Amos Foster's Co., Col. Israel Williams' Reg.; detached and marched into the western frontier during the siege of Fort William Henry, 1757; served ten days; traveled forty-four miles. (Called Ezekiel, Jr., in record of service.)
1461 Asahel,7 b. ______; d. aged 5 weeks.
1462 Ezekiel,
7 b. 23 Mar., 1753; m. (1) Mrs. Eunice Foster; (2) Mrs. Juliett (Parker) Gaboon.
1463 Benjamin,7 b. 23 Dec., 1755; d. Mar., 1759.
1464 Benjamin,7 b. 28 Feb., 1759; d. 16 Feb., 1775.
1465 Hannah,
7 b. 31 Jan., 1763; m. Israel Richardson.
1466 Abigail,7 b. 14 May, 1769; m. 29 Dec., 1816, David Whitacre, of Wendell; had no children.
1467 Elizabeth,7 b. 14 May, 1769; d. unm., after 1817, in which year her name appears in a list of communicants in the church in New Salem.
6 son of Capt. Ezekiel
5 (
130), b. 1 Feb., 1739; m. 23 Feb., 1772, Nancy Holton, dau. of James Holton, of New Salem, Mass.
She d. 22 Aug., 1806; he d. 7 Oct., 1826; both d. in Amherst, Mass.
He was a private in Capt. Goodale's Co., Col. David Wells' Reg., 24 Sept., to 18 Oct., 1777; marched to join the northern army.
140 The Kelloggs in the New World.
He owned a farm of seventy or eighty acres in New Salem, but exchanged it for mills in Amherst, owned by Maj. Peck, three miles north of Dr. Parson's church.
1468 Elizabeth (Betsey),7 b. ______; m., as his second wife, 5 Jan., 1797, Joseph Church, Jr., of Amherst. He d. in Amherst, 20 Sept., 1840.
1469 Nancy,7 b. ______; m. 3 Sept., 1818, Capt. Jarus Cummings.
1470 Sybil,7 b. ______; m. 16 Feb., 1806, Abraham Goddard, of Brattleboro, Vt., who, with twelve other families, moved from Amherst to Stukely, Lower Canada; he was a blacksmith, but bought a farm in Canada; she d. in Canada, leaving several children.
1471 Giles Crouch,
7 b. 28 Sept., 1783; m. Eunice Palmer Cottrell.
6 son of Capt. Ezekiel
5 (
130), b. 1 Feb., 1739; m. (1) Lucy Snow, perhaps dau. of Jacob Snow and Abigail Wyman, who were m. in Woburn, Mass., 8 Apr., 1740.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 22 Apr., 1805, Mrs. Sally (Fisk) Southwick, widow of Benjamin Southwick, of New Salem.
He res. in New Salem, where his children were born. His second wife was dismissed from the church in New Salem, and recommended to the church in Sangerfield, N. Y., 20 Apr., 1816, at about which time he probably rem. to that place. He is said to have been a soldier in the revolution and was one of sixteen men who marched to re-enforce the army at Bennington, but did not arrive there until after the battle. He often told his children of the awful scenes which he witnessed on that field of blood.
Children by first wife.
1472 Benjamin,
7 bap. 29 Aug., 1770; m. Permelia Trask.
1473 Samuel,
7 bap. 10 July, 1771; m. Susannah Felton.
1474 Lucy,
7 b. 12 July, 1773; m. Ezra Allen.
1475 Sarah,
7 b. 17 June, 1775; m. Peter Sampson.
1476 Hannah Snow,
7 b. 29 May, 1777; m. (1) Joseph Putnam; (2) Sylvanus Ward.
1477 Nathaniel,
7 b. 22 July, 1781; m. Sarah Stowell.
1478 Jonathan,7 bap. 1 Aug., 1784; d. unm. about 1814; he was the only Kellogg mentioned as a pew renter in the church in New Salem, 1807; he was settling the estate of his brother, Barnabas, when he was taken sick and died within a year of his brother's death.
1479 Barnabus,7 bap. 9 July, 1786; administration was granted to his brother Jonathan, in Troy, N. Y., 8 Dec., 1814. He never married. It is said that he died suddenly at the salt springs, N. Y.
1480 Experience,7 b. ______; d. in New Salem, 30 Nov., 1806.
Children by second wife.
1481 Warren,
7 b. 30 Dec., 1805; m. Melissa Peck.
1482 Daniel Fisk,
7 b. in New Salem, 12 Sept., 1807; m. Emily Dunham.
1483 Experience (Expeedy),
7 b. 18 Apr., 1811; m. Aranas Livermore.
6 son of Samuel
5 (
131), b. in Hadley, Mass., 17 Mar., 1725; m. 22 June, 1751, Mary Nash, b. 7 July, 1731, dau. of Ensign Daniel Nash (154), of South Hadley and Shelbume, Mass., and granddaughter of John Nash and Elizabeth Kellogg (+
34), b. 8 Dec., 1706.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 141
He d. 19 Jan., 1777.
He was a cabinet maker and joiner in Westfield, Mass.; rem. ______ to Chesterfield, Mass.
She m. (2) Lee; d. June, 1811.
1484 Sarah,
7 b. 15 Aug., 1751; m. Asher Sacket.
1485 Rhoda,
7 b. 23 Nov., 1753; m. Abner Sacket.
1486 Triphena,
7 b. 15 Mar., 1758; m. Samuel Root.
1487 Molle,7 b. 20 Sept., 1760; m. 16 Dec., 1782, Stephen Miller, of West Springfield, Mass.; had no children.
1488 Sophia,7 b. about 1763; m. 26 May, 1790, Ebenezer Ellis, of Granville, Mass.; d. 27 Aug., 1790, in Westfield; had no children.
1489 Elizabeth,7 b. 29 July, 1768; m. (1) Israel Miller, blacksmith; (2) Eleazer Taylor, of Long Meadow; had no children.
1490 Daughter,7 b. ______; d. aged 14.
1491 Eli,
7 b. 1778; m. Grace Rogers.
6 son of Samuel
5 (
131), b. ______; m. in Westfield, 14 June, 1757, Lucy Sacket, b. 15 Nov., 1736, dau. of John Sacket, b. in Westfield, 3 Mar., 1688, and Sarah McCraney.
He d. aged about 83; she d. aged about 80. Res. in Westfield; was a carpenter; six feet high, light hair and eyes.
He was sentinel in Capt. Cotton's Co., 3 to 11 Sept., 1754, and a private in Capt. Ezra Clap's Co., of Westfield, the South Reg. of Hampshire Co., for the relief of Fort William Henry in 1757; served fourteen days and traveled one hundred miles.
He was a revolutionary soldier; private in Capt. Park's Co., Col. Danielson's Reg.; enlisted in the army for eight months, 4 May, 1775; had order for bounty coat dated Roxbury, 23 Dec., 1775.
1492 Huldah,7 b. 15 Dec., 1757; m. as his second wife, 1 Apr., 1787, Eli Parsons, of Enfield, b. 23 Jan., 1756. He was a tanner and farmer; served in the revolutionary war; he m. (1) in Enfield, 10 Nov., 1775, Rebecca Allen, who d. 12 May, 1785; rem. in 1800 from Enfield to Columbia Co., Pa., where he d. 11 Nov., 1834; was buried in Troy, Pa.; she d. 8 Jan., 1839.
1493 Cotton,
7 b. 22 Dec., 1759; m. Lydia Williams.
1494 Sarah,7 b. 11 Oct., 1761; m. in Feeding Hills, Mass., 17 Dec., 1780, Peter Pitts.
1495 Daniel,
7 b. 24 Dec., 1763; m. ______.
1496 Deborah,7 b. 7 June, 1766; m. 19 Sept., 1790, Levi Streeter.
1497 Gad,7 b. 17 Oct., 1770; d. unm. in army in the war of 1812.
1498 Bohan,7 b. 17 Feb., 1772; d. unm. in Westfield.
1499 Martin,7 b. 8 Mar., 1774; probably d. Young.
6 son of Ephraim
5 (
135), bap. in Amherst, Mass., 3 Jan., 1742; m. 1761, Esther Hastings, of Hatfield, Mass., b. 1 Feb., 1743, dau. of Thomas Hastings, b. 6 Nov., 1702, and Mary Belden, dau. of Joseph Belden, of Hatfield.
He d. 29 Jan., 1815; she d. 30 Nov., 1823, aged 80; headstones in Amherst cemetery.
142 The Kelloggs in the New World.
They were members of Dr. Parsons' church, in Amherst; res. a quarter of a mile southeast of his brother, Joseph. He had sandy hair and light blue eyes, of medium size, erect, quick in his movements. She had black hair and eyes, and was a fine-looking woman.
He was a Tory during the revolution, and was confined to his own farm and ordered to surrender his firearms and ammunition, 1777.
Children, b. in Amherst.
1500 John,
7 23 Sept., 1762; m. (1) Roxanna Mattoon; (2) Mrs. Martha (Belden) Ingram.
1501 Electa,
7 b. 6 Aug., 1764; m. Deacon Nathaniel Bangs.
1502 Ephraim,
7 b. 15 June, 1766; m. Martha Smith.
1503 Esther,
7 b. 2 Mar., 1768; m. Elijah Prouty.
1504 Joanna,7 b. 1 Dec., 1769; d. young.
1505 Philana,7 b. 23 Mar., 1772; probably d. young.
1506 Abigail,7 b. 19 May, 1774; d. young.
1507 Elijah,
7 b. 17 Mar., 1776; m. Hannah Herrick.
1508 Elisha,
7 b. 27 Mar., 1778; m. Abigail Lawrence.
1509 Joel,
7 b. 29 Jan., 1780; m. Elizabeth Alexander.
1510 Waitstill,
7 b. 19 Sept., 1781; m. (1) Olive Ashley; (2) Submit Blodgett.
1511 Philomela,7 b. 15 Jan., 1784; m. in Amherst, 27 Feb., 1810, Elisha Smead, of Weybridge, Vt.; d; probably had no children.
6 son of Ephraim
5 (
135), bap. 8 Jan., 1744; m. (1) Hannah Crocker, b. 1743, dau. of Zaccheus Crocker, of Shutesbury, Mass.
She d. 9 Aug., 1812, aged 69; he m. (2) Mrs. Lucy Hastings, b. 22 Jan., 1752, widow of Samuel Hastings and dau. of Simeon Pomeroy and Abigail Smith.
He d. in Hadley, Mass., 7 Nov., 1827, aged 84; headstone in Amherst cemetery; she d. 23 Dec., 1839, aged 69.
He res. in Amherst; was selectman 1780-83.
Children, b. in Amherst.
1512 Sylvanus,7 bap. 24 Sept., 1769; d. 30 Nov., 1774.
1513 Elizabeth,7 b. 1771; d. 4 Dec., 1774.
1514 Dorothy,
7 b. 20 Mar., 1774; m. Chester Hubbard.
1515 Elizabeth (Betsey),7 bap. 26 May, 1776; d. 15 Feb., 1814.
1516 Martin,
7 b. 27 Oct., 1778; m. Hannah Hastings.
1517 Bela,
7 b. 24 Aug., 1780; m. Lydia Candee.
1518 Clarissa,
7 b. 15 May, 1783; m. Otis Hastings.
1519 Hannah Crocker,
7 b. 14 July, 1786; m. Amos Cady.
1520 Sarah Beals,
7 bap. 23 July, 1786; m. Samuel Morgan.
1521 Achsah,
7 bap. 30 May, 1790; m. Thomas Barnes.
6 dau. of Ephraim
5 (
135), bap. 23 Feb., 1746; m. William Field, of Leverett, b. 27 Aug., 1745, son of Jonathan Field, b. 1698, and Esther Smith.
She d. 1 Aug., 1773; he m. (2) 17 Feb., 1780, Editha Frary, of Hatfield, Mass., b. 27 Apr., 1756, dau. of
The Kelloggs in the New World. 143
Phincas Frary, of Whately, Mass., and Mary Billings; d. 21 Jan., 1821; she d. 7 Oct., 1855.
He had nine children by his second wife, one of whom, William, m. Roxy Mattoon Kellogg (+
1522 Luther Field,7 b. Sept., 1771; m. Beulah Broad.
1523 Erastus Field,7 b. 22 July, 1773; m. Salome Ashley.
6 dau. of Ephraim
5 (
135), bap. 16 Oct., 1748; m. (1) Ezra Rood.
He d. ______; she m. (2) 12 Feb., 1801, John Pynchon, of Springfield, Mass., b. 20 Sept., 1742, son of William and Sarah Pynchon; d. 1 Mar., 1836.
1524 Esther Rood,7 b. 2 Dec., 1769; m. 20 May, 1789, Ebenezer Ingram, of Amherst.
6 dau. of Ephraim
5 (
135), b. 10 Sept., 1753; m. 6 Sept., 1773, Jonathan Field, b. 15 Apr., 1750, son of Jonathan Field, of Sunderland, Mass., b. 1698, and Esther Smith.
She d. 14 Jan., 1832; he d. 22 Nov., 1833. He was a farmer in Leverett, Mass.
1525 Lucius Field,7 b. 31 May, 1774; d. 8 Feb., 1775.
1526 Sylvanus Field,7 b. 26 Feb., 1776; m. his cousin, Cynthia Field, dau. of Wm. Field and Editha Frary; farmer in Leverett.
1527 Lucius Field,7 b. 6 Jan., 1778; m. Virtue Ashley, of Sunderland, dau. of Gideon Ashley; farmer in Leverett.
1528 Levi Field,7 b. 13 Feb., 1780; m. Rachel Kingsley, of Northampton; lawyer in Wilmington, Vt.; d. 12 July, 1820; graduate of Williams College.
1529 Sarah Field,7 b. 23 June, 1782; m. her cousin, Rufus Field, farmer in Leverett, son of Seth Field; he d. 23 Mar., 1813; she survived him many years.
1530 Alpheus Field,7 b. 26 June, 1786; m. 18 Nov., 1811, Caroline Adams, dau. of Nathan Adams; a farmer in Leverett; d. in Bermuda, 22 May, 1836.
6 son of Ephraim
5 (
135), b. in Amherst, 28 Nov., 1758; m. in Belchertown, Mass., 16 Dec., 1781, Jerusha Ingram, b. 7 May, 1756, dau. of Elisha Ingram, of Amherst, b. 7 Sept., 1717, and Elizabeth (Smith) Lewis.
She d. 5 Dec., 1824; he d. 12 Mar., 1838; both were buried in North Amherst.
1531 Daughter,7 b. and d. 1782.
1532 William,
7 b. 12 May, 1784; m. Susannah Ingram.
1533 Mary,
7 b. 25 July, 1785; m. Luke Wait.
1534 Joseph,
7 b. 16 July, 1786; m. (1) Joanna Kellogg (4105); (2) Eunice H. Porter.
1535 Lucy,
7 b. 25 Oct., 1788; m. Rufus Crafts (3854).
144 The Kelloggs in the New World.
1536 Rufus,
7 b. 16 July, 1791; m. Nancy Stetson.
1537 Jerusha Ingram,7 b. 13 Oct., 1798; d. unm. 27 June, 1826, while visiting her sister, Lucy, in Whately.
6 son of Ebenezer
5 (
167), b. in Colchester, Conn., 16 Mar., 1756; m. 10 June, 1778, Amy Ransom, b. 1756.
He d. 17 Apr., 1825, in Geneseo, N. Y.; she d. 1833, aged 77.
Res. in Geneseo, N. Y.
Children, b. in Colchester.
1538 Nathaniel,
7 b. ______; m. Prudence Fuller (1515).
1539 Amos,
7 b. 22 Dec., 1781; m. Elizabeth Deming.
1540 Erastus,
7 b. 27 Sept., 1793; m. Elizabeth Ellis.
1541 Samuel,
7 b. 1797; m. Mary Ann Blossom.
6 dau. of Ebenezer
5 (
167), b. in Colchester, 29 Dec., 1758; m. Elijah Fuller, Jr., b. in East Haddam, Conn.
Res. in Avon, N. Y.; both d. there.
1542 Jonathan Fuller,7 b. ______; d. when a young man.
1543 Joel Fuller,7 b. ______; m. Mahitabel Spynks; had two children.
1544 Mary (Molly) Fuller,7 b. ______; d. in Connecticut, aged 19 or 20.
Prudence Fuller,
7 b. ______; m. Nathaniel Kellogg (+
1538), son of Ebenezer Kellogg (+
6 son of Ebenezer
5 (
167), bap. in Colchester, Conn., 2 Apr., 1769; m. Sarah (Sally) Fuller, dau. of Jonathan Fuller and Hannah , of Colchester.
He d. Sept., 1843, sitting in his chair, after a hard day's work threshing; she d. in Avon, N. Y., June, 1861. They res. in Stafford, N. Y.
1546 Russell,
7 b. Oct., 1798, in Connecticut; m. Harriet Miller.
1547 Maria,7 b. ______; m. Woodruff Mathews.
1548 Justin,
7 b. ______; m. Julia Loomis.
1549 Amasa,7 b. ______; d. ______.
1550 Rhoda,7 b. ______; m. (1) Seth Miller; (2) Grant; res. In Jackson, Mich.
1551 Elizabeth (Betsey),7 b. ______; d. unm., aged about 20.
1552 George,7 b. ______; d. ______.
1553 Daniel,7 b. ______; res. in Jackson.
1554 Sophia,7 b. ______.
6 son of Ebenezer
5 (
167), b. in Colchester, Conn., 23 Dec., 1772; m. June, 1791, Lydia Treadway,* dau. of John Treadway, b. July, 1773.
He d. 23 Dec., 1849, aged 77; she d. 20 Mar., 1860, aged 87.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 145
Rem. from Colchester to New York in 1811. They sold land in Colchester, 1811, as heirs of John Treadway. Res. in Avon, N. Y., where he d.
1555 John,
7 b. 29 Nov., 1792; m. Martha Deming.
1556 Horace,
7 b. June, 1795; m. Abigail Forsyth.
1557 Mabel,
7 b. June, 1797; m. Jeremiah Riggs.
1558 Mary,
7 b. 12 Oct., 1799; m. (1) Samuel Barnum; (2) Edgar Paine.
1559 Harriet,
7 b. 7 Oct., 1801; m. Merritt Woodruff Riggs.
1560 Griswold,7 b. ______; m. Ordelia Parks; d. in Indiana.
1561 Julius,
7 b. Oct., 1806; m. Mary Ann Benchley.
1562 Titus,7 b. about 1807; d. 4 Dec., 1826.
1563 Caroline,
7 b. 10 Apr., 1810; m. Benjamin Fowle.
6 dau. of Jonathan
5 (
171), b. in Colchester, Conn., 6 Sept., 1738; m. (1) William Smith, son of Samuel Smith.
He was a soldier in the revolutionary army. He rem. to Wyoming Talley, and was there at the time of the massacre, July, 1778; made his escape from the Indians and d. from exposure to hardships.
At the time of the Wyoming massacre, she, then a widow, escaped down the river in a canoe, with her infant dau.; returned to the valley some months later.
She m. (2) as his second wife, 22 Nov., 1779, Dr. William Hooker Smith, the well-known physician of Wyoming, b. 23 Mar., 1725. It is not known whether he was related to her first husband.
He d. 17 July, 1815; she d. 16 Jan., 1816.
1564 William Smith,7 b. ______.
1565 Silas Smith,7 b. ______.
1566 Jonathan Smith,7 b. ______.
Elizabeth (Betsey) Smith,
7 b. 1 Apr., 1769; m. Jonathan Kellogg (
1568 Susanna Smith,7 b. ______; m. (1) Isaac Ousterhout; (2) Gay; res. in Wyoming Valley, on the farm where the Indians massacred the whites and where the monument now stands.
1569 Newton Smith,7 b. in New London, Conn., 26 Feb., 1772; m. 15 Jan., 1795, Deborah Reeder, b. 31 Aug., 1775; d. 8 Sept., 1838, in Wyoming.
1570 Olive Smith,7 b. ______; m. Napthaly Hurlbut.
1571 Esther Smith,7 b. 1777; m. 22 Sept., 1795, Dr. Charles E. Gaylord, b. 21 Mar., 1770, in Bristol, Conn. He was the first settled physician in Huntington, Pa.; in 1832 rem. to Plymouth, Pa., where he d. 4 Feb., 1839; she d. 8 Oct., 1854.
6 son of Jonathan
5 (
171), bap. 29 Mar., 1741; m. (1) 4 Feb., 1762, Sarah Treadway, b. 31 Mar., 1742, dau. of Josiah Treadway and Eunice Foote.
She d. 26 Jan., 1778; he m. (2) 5 Nov., 1778, Hannah Otis, b. 29 Feb., 1752, dau. of John Otis and Prudence Taintor, of Colchester.
He d. 28 Nov., 1789; she d. 1790.
He res. in Lyme, Conn., where his will was probated 13 Apr., 1790; his estate , was appraised a £320, 10s., 11d.
146 The Kelloggs in the New World.
1572 Bethia,7 b. 24 Oct., 1762; m. Otis Bartlett.
1573 Martin,7 b. 16 Dec., 1764; d. unm. ______; was in the revolutionary army and drove a baggage wagon from Connecticut to Virginia.
1574 Jonathan,
7 b. 4 May, 1767; m. his cousin, Elizabeth (Betsey) Smith (1567).
1575 Eve,
7 b. 4 Feb., 1770; m. Harvey Bartlett.
1576 James,7 bap. 19 Sept., 1773; d. unm. ______
1577 Sarah,
7 b. ______; m. her cousin, Amasa Foote (1585).
1578 Fanny,7 b. ______.
1579 Asa,7 b. ______.
1580 William,7 b. ______; d. young.
6 dau. of Jonathan
5 (
171), b. in Colchester, Conn., 1744; m. 31 May, 1768, Hon. Isaac Foote, b. in Colchester, 4 Jan., 1746, son of Daniel Foote and Margaret Parsons.
She d. 15 Nov., 1826, aged 82; he d. 27 Feb., 1842, aged 96.
He was a revolutionary soldier; was with Washington at Valley Forge; res. in Colchester until 1773; rem. to Stafford, Conn.; later to Smyrna, N. Y., where both d.
He was a member of the General Assembly of Connecticut; was a delegate to the convention which ratified the Constitution of the United States in Hartford, 1788. From Smyrna he was elected in 1798 a member of the lower house, and in 1810 a member of the Senate of the Legislature of New York. In 1810 he was appointed First Judge of Chenango Co. (which at that time included the County of Madison), and held that office until he reached the Constitutional limit.
1581 Mary Foote,7 b. 27 Feb., 1769; m. Deacon Joseph Adams, of Hamilton and Smyrna, N. Y.; had four children.
1582 Margaret Parsons Foote,7 b. 29 Dec., 1771; m. Henry G. Cady, of Monson, Mass.; had nine children.
1583 Isaac Foote,7 b. 22 Feb., 1774; d. in infancy.
1584 Isaac Foote,7 b. Apr., 1776; m. Harriet Hyde, of Lisle, N. Y., and Norwich, Conn.; had seven children.
Amasa Foote,
7 b. 23 Mar., 1778; m. Sarah Kellogg (+
1586 Asahel Foote,7 b. 19 Aug., 1783; d. 26 Feb., 1790.
1587 John Foote,7 b. at Colchester, 30 Apr., 1786; m. 12 Jan., 1812, Mary B. Johnson; attorney and counselor; res. Hamilton, N. Y.; d. 23 July, 1884; had twelve children.
1588 Hiram Foote,7 b. 22 Aug., 1789; m. 5 June, 1817, Mary Young Strong, of Essex, N. Y., b. 22 May, 1793; had five children.
6 son of Joseph
5 (
172), b. in Colchester, Conn., 25 Aug., 1742; m. 21 June, 1768, Sarah Cook, b. 1751.
He d. 11 Dec., 1812; she d. 1 Sept., 1825.
He was an innkeeper in Connecticut; rem. to Colerain,* Mass., about 1774.
He was a soldier in the revolution; enlisted 5 Feb., 1778, as an artificer in
The Kelloggs in the New World. 147
Col. Jeduthan Baldwin's Reg.; was described as being six feet high; light complexioned, blue eyes and brown hair. He was a farmer, but could turn his hand to almost any mechanical work.
1589 Mary (Molly),
7 b. 26 Aug., 1769; m. (1) Capt. John Morrison; (2) : Ebenezer Baker.
✛1590 Joseph,7 b. 2 Dec., 1770; d. 9 Mar., 1772.
1591 Sarah,
7 b. 11 July, 1772; m. Samuel Newton.
1592 Esther,7 b. ______; m. Willabe Millard; d. ______; had no children; he m. (2) _______.
1593 Joseph,
7 b. 12 Jan., 1778; m. Sarah Voorhies.
1594 Benjamin,
7 b. 22 Nov., 1783; m. Huldah Goodrich.
6 dau. of Joseph
5 (
172), b. probably in Colchester, 11 Aug., 1749; m. 5 Dec., 1770, Abner Rockwell, b. 1742, son of Deacon Daniel Rockwell, of Windsor, Conn., and Margaret Loomis.
He d. 28 June, 1813; she d. 24 June, 1830.
He was a farmer; rem. from Connecticut about 1801, to Hadley, Saratoga Co., N. Y., as is shown by a lease of a farm in that town. About 1803 he res. in Day, in the same county, with a grown family; rem. about 1805 to New Lisbon, Otsego Co., N. Y., near where Garrattsville now stands and took up a farm of new land.
1595 Sarah Rockwell,7 b. 5 Aug., 1771; m. 23 Mar., 1790, Phineas Bell, a revolutionary soldier; had eleven children.
1596 Elihu Rockwell,7 b. 2 Feb., 1778; m. Chloe Gregory, b. 7 May, 1785; d. 29 June, 1844; she d. 16 Mar., 1870; res. in Garrattsville; had nine children.
1597 Nancy Rockwell,7 b. ______; m. (1) Sylvester Earle; m. (2) Hutchinson, of North Evans, N. Y.; had two children.
1598 Joseph Rockwell,7 b. 1780; m. (1) Olive Wilder, b. 17 June, 1776; d. 1805; he m. (2) Esther Wilder, of Guilford, Vt.; d. in Day, N. Y.; had seven children.
1599 Sophia Rockwell,7 b. 30 July, 1783; m. (1) 1805, Eliaphas Day, of Day, N. Y., b. 9 Sept., 1776; he d. 19 Apr., 1827; she m. (2) Nehemiah Wing, of Day; had seven children.
1600 Ralph Rockwell,7 b. 1785; m. Polly Mix, b. 1791; d. 1858; she d. 1858; res. in Garrattsville; had four children.
1601 Samuel Rockwell,7 b. 1786; m. ______; d. 1839; res. in Garrattsville; had seven children.
6 son of Israel,
5 (
175), b. in Colchester, 10 Oct., 1754; m. Anna Northam, b. 1761.
He d. 1 Apr., 1827; she d. Apr., 1829.
They rem. to Halifax, Vt., soon after their marriage, where all their children were born.
1602 Abigail,7 b. about 1783; d. unm. in Rochester, N. Y., July, 1820.
1603 Israel,7 b. 21 Aug., 1784; m. 13 Dec., 1820, Lydia Stephens, b. 19 Aug., 1785, dau. of Israel and Sarah Stephens; res. in Springfield, Mass.; she d. 20 Apr., 1861; he d. 18 Jan., 1863; had no children.
148 The Kelloggs in the New World.
1604 Anna,7 b. 6 Feb., 1789; d. unm. 23 Aug., 1878, in Adams, Mass.
1605 Amasa,7 b. about 1791; m. a widow, whose name is not known; d. in Rochester, 15 May, 1830; had no children.
1606 Joseph,7 b. about 1792; d. unm. in Halifax, Mar., 1825.
1607 Asa,
7 b. 13 Oct., 1795; m. Sarah Haven.
1608 Sophia,7 b. 10 Mar., 1799; m. 31 Dec., 1835, Joseph Montague, of Granby, Mass., b. in Granby, 2 Oct., 1795, son of John Montague and Melinda Chapin; d. in Granby, 24 July, 1836; had no children.
1609 Joel,
7 b. 1803; m. Belinda Scott.
6 son of Israel
5 (
175), b. 18 May, 1756; m. about 1796, Dimis Loomis, dau. of Israel Loorais, of Colchester, Conn., Warren, N. Y., and Hillsdale, Mich., and Irene Chamberlain.
He d. in Jefferson Co., N. Y., aged about 66; she d. about 1829. At one time they res. in Richfield, Otsego Co., N. Y.
Children, first four b. in Canaan, N. Y.
1610 Israel,
7 b. 24 Feb., 1798; bap. in Richmond, Mass., 6 Nov., 1800; m. (1) Harriet Susan Elizabeth Ely; (2) Mrs. Irene (Loomis) Rowls.
1611 Chauncey,7 b. Oct., 1800; bap. in Richmond, Mass., 6 Nov., 1800; m. Ahnira Angell.
1612 Charles,7 b. 1802; m. O'Connor.
1613 Irene,7 b. 1804; m. Woodward.
1614 Laura,7 b. 1806; m. John Bishop.
1615 Edward,7 b. 1808; m. Mary West.
6 son of Israel
5 (
175), b. 5 Aug., 1758; m. 28 June, 1781, Mary Pomeroy, b. 15 Nov., 1760, dau. of Joshua Pomeroy, b. 19 Feb., 1737, and Mary Davis, b. 30 Apr., 1736, of Somers.
He d. Apr., 1814; she d. 28 Sept., 1841, aged 81. His headstone was the first one of white marble erected in Somers.
He rem. from Colchester to Somers, Conn., Apr., 1794, and purchased a farm of the Shakers, the house where Ann Lee first made her appearance in this region. The Shakers held their meetings in one of the front rooms, the floor of which was worn smooth by their dancing.
Children, all, except Enos, b. in Colchester.
1616 Amos,
7 b. 5 June, 1782; m. Lydia Smith.
1617 Polly,7 b. 2 Feb., 1784; d. unm. 8 Dec., 1832.
1618 Elam,
7 b. 30 Dec., 1786; m. Lura Hall.
1619 Charles,
7 b. 14 Jan., 1789; m. Mary Ohnstead.
1620 Abigail,7 b. 26 Feb., 1791; d. unm. in the house of her brother, Enos, 23 , Aug., 1874.
1621 Israel,
7 b. 14 Nov., 1792; m. Jerusha Pease.
1622 Enos,
7 b. 2 Feb., 1798; m. Elizabeth Patten.
6 dau. of Israel
5 (
175), b. 15 Nov., 1760; m. 12 June, 1781, Alpheus Loomis, b. 10 Nov., 1758, son of Daniel Loomis, Jr., and Alice Chamberlain.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 149
He d. 1813 in Richfield, N. Y.; she d. ______.
He had previously m. Mary Kellogg, whose parentage is not known. He lived for a time in Richmond, Berkshire Co., Mass.
1623 Ira Loomis,7 b. 1783; m. Martha Prindle.
1624 Alpha Loomis,7 b. 1791; Elizabeth Tuckerman.
1625 Alice Loomis,7 b. 1798; d. 1816.
1626 Maria Loomis,7 b. Mar., 1800; m. George Farnham, of Iowa.
1627 Abigail Loomis,7 b. 1802; m. Alanson Fisk, of Chenango Co., N. Y.
6 dau. of Stephen
5 (
176), bap. in Colchester, Conn., 30 July, 1753; m. (1) Lieut. Jacob Pool.
He d. of smallpox, in the revolutionary army in the early part of the war; she m. (2) Capt. John Fellows, b. in Harvard, Mass., 1751, son of Deacon Samuel Fellows,* and Eunice _______.
Capt. John Fellows rem. to Shelburne, Mass., about 1770; a carpenter by trade; selectman for many years, and once member of the Legislature.
He d. Sept., 1831.
Child by first husband.
Mary (Molly) Pool,
7 b. Feb., 1771; m. Julie Kellogg (+
Children by second husband.
1629 Susan Fellows,7 b. 1778; m. Zenas Bardwell, of Shelburne, Mass.
1630 John Fellows,7 b. 1780; m. Asenath Bardwell; d. in Black Rock about 1858.
1631 Eunice Fellows,7 b. 1783; m. (1) Robert Bardwell; res. in Geneva, N. Y.; (2) Nathaniel Merrill; d. about 1860.
1632 Martha Fellows,7 b. 1785; res. in Shelburne, Mass.; d. unm. 25 Oct., 1833.
1633 Joel Fellows,7 b. 1787; m. Zebina Rice; res. in Plainfield, Mass., Geneva and Riga, N. Y.; d. about 1820.
1634 Igal Fellows,7 b. 1793; m. Hannah Whitney.
1635 Stephen Fellows,7 b. 30 Dec., 1797; m. Abigail Allen; res. in 1875 in Shelburne, Mass.
6 son of Stephen
5 (
176), bap. 24 Sept., 1758; m. Comfort Fisk, b. 1758.
She d. in Windsor, Mass., 14 Mar., 1828; he d. there, 25 June, 1834, aged nearly 78.
They were admitted to the church in Windsor, 7 Dec., 1817, from Goshen. He res. in Shelburne, Goshen and Windsor; was a powerful man, weighing 225 pounds.
He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner; served under Capt. McLellan, in Col. William's Reg., Lexington Alarm; marched 20 Apr., 1775; served ten days and enlisted in the army for eight months, 1 May, 1775; had order for bounty coat dated Prospect Hill, 20 Nov., 1775; res. in Colerain; drummer in Capt. Wells' Co., Col. Robinson's Reg., 23 Dec., 1776 to 1 Apr., 1777, Hampshire Co. Reg.; marched to Ticonderoga; private under Col. Wells, 22 Sept., 1777; one month in Hampshire Co. Reg.; marched northward.
150 The Kelloggs in the New World.
In his application for a pension he stated that he was born at Colchester, Conn., Aug., 1757. In 1786 rem. from Shelburne, Mass., to Goshen, Mass.; about 1816 to Windsor, Mass.; enlisted at Shelburne, Apr., 1775, and engaged in the siege of Boston; just before the battle of Bunker Hill he, with others, had permission to attend the funeral of a fellow soldier at Waltham; on their return the sound of battle reached them and they hurried forward to join their respective companies, but were unable to do so; they followed to Charlestown Neck, where they joined Col. Brewer's Reg., stationed in some works erected there; they were exposed to the cannonade of two British vessels of war which killed several soldiers. In 1776 he went to Canada, but after one month's service hired a substitute. In the latter part of 1776 he engaged as a drummer to go to New London, but was finally marched to the northern army, where he served a short time in the vicinity of Lake George and Saratoga. He also turned out at the Bennington Alarm.
Affidavit in part subscribed before Elam Kellogg, a Justice of the Peace, probably of Shelburne.
1636 David,
7 b. in Shelburne, Mass., 29 Apr., 1781; m. Sophia Bassett.
1637 Sarah,
7 b. 5 July, 1785, in Goshen, Mass.; m. John Eldridge.
1638 Lorinda,
7 b. ______; m. Hiram Barber.
1639 Clarissa,
7 b. 1788; m. Jonathan Lilly.
1640 Harvey,
7 b. in Goshen, 15 Feb., 1790; m. Permelia Golding.
1641 Ruby,
7 b. ______; m. Preston Taylor.
1642 Stephen,7 b. ______; went to South America.
1643 Rufus,7 b. ______; killed by a fall while young.
6 son of Stephen
5 (
176), bap. in Colchester, Conn., 16 Oct., 1763; m. Maraba Nichols.
He d. ______; she d. in Rushford, aged 95; res. in Middlebury, N. Y., the latter part of their lives, with their son-in-law, Amos Peck.
1644 Levi,
7 b. ______; m. (1) Jerusha Huntley; (2) Eunice Bishop.
1645 Joseph,
7 b. ______; m. Sophia Jane Storey.
1646 Mary (Polly),
7 b. in Rome, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1798; m. Amos Peck.
1647 Nancy,7 b. ______; m. Seeley.
1648 Peter,
7 b. 16 Dec., 1801; m. Millicent Olmstead.
1649 Silas,7 b. ______.
1650 Loomis,7 b. ______; d. unm. in Orangeville, N. Y., aged 70; res. in Wyoming.
1651 Maraba,7 b. ______; d. aged 18.
6 dau. of Stephen
5 (
176), bap. 16 Oct., 1763; m. John Nichols.
1652 Silas Nichols,7 b. ______.
1653 Stephen Nichols,7 b. ______.
1654 Hiram Nichols,7 b. ______.
1655 Franklin Nichols,7 b. ______.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 151
6 son of Stephen
5 (
176), b. 10 June, 1764; m. Anna Reynolds, b. 1778, dau. of Benoni Reynolds.
She d. 11 Jan., 1855, in Gleaso's Corners, Haldimand, Canada. He was a merchant in Rome, N. Y.; in Feb., 1799, he was living in Hoosick, N. Y., where he bought land; in 1808 res. in Coulborn, Ont., Canada.
1656 James,
7 b. 21 May, 1799; m. Olive Tolman.
1657 Ira,
7 b. ______; m. ______.
1658 Aurelia,
7 b. 21 Nov., 1803; m. Almirin Graves.
1659 Franklin,
7 b. 12 June, 1808; m. (1) Mary (Polly) Galloway; (2) Hannah Richardson.
1660 Polly,7 b. ______.
1661 Esther,7 b. in Vermont or New York; m. Truman Hinman.
1662 Experience,7 b. ______.
1663 Jonathan,7 b. ______; d. young.
6 son of Stephen
5 (
176), b. in Middlebury, N. Y., 2 Nov., 1781; m. Jan., 1805, Silvia Chapman, b. 13 Sept., 1785, dau. of Hanes Chapman and Hannah _______.
He d. 5 Aug., 1847; she d. 11 Apr., 1850.
He res. in Auburn, N. Y.; later in Middlebury, N. Y.; 1825 in Perrysburgh, N. Y. He was a soldier in war of 1812; a very large man, weighing 300 pounds.
1664 Olive,7 b. 19 Dec., 1805; m. Horace Snyder, of New Albion, N. Y.; had four children.
1665 Stephen,7 b. 28 Feb., 1807; d. 8 Apr., 1808.
1666 Ezekiel,
7 b. 19 June, 1810; m. Lydia Brooks.
1667 Ruel,
7 13 Aug., 1812; m. Harriet Snyder.
1668 Salome,
7 b. 20 Dec., 1815; m. Benjamin P. Snyder.
1669 Joseph,
7 b. 16 May, 1818; m. Fanny Olmstead.
1670 Lyman,
7 b. 20 Sept., 1820; m. (1) Mary Ann Anderson; (2) Margaret Ann Borland.
1671 Mary (Polly),
7 b. 27 Nov., 1823; m. (1) Robert I. Anderson; (2) Andrew I. Fullerton.
6 dau. of Stephen
5 (
176), b. ______; m. Jared Chapman.
1672 Hannah Chapman,7 b. ______.
1673 Uzil Chapman,7 b. ______.
1674 Silas Chapman,7 b. ______.
1675 Mary Lovina Chapman,7 b. ______.
1676 Sarah Chapman,7 b. ______.
1677 Olive Chapman,7 b. ______.
6 son of Daniel
5 (
199), b. in Norwalk about 1727; m. (1) in Fairfield, Conn., 19 Mar., 1751, Hannah Fairchild, of Fairfield.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Elizabeth Boalt, dau. of Richard Boalt, b. 30 Apr., 1696, and Hepzibah _____.
152 The Kelloggs in the New World.
She d. 19 Feb., 1809, aged 66; he d. 14 Feb., 1817, aged 90.
He was a farmer; rem. from Norwalk to Ridgefield, Conn. On 4 Jan., 1772, he bought forty acres of land with buildings near Beaver Brook, in Ridgefield, and is described as "late of Norwalk, now of Ridgefield," so that he probably rem. about that time. His farm was in the southern part of Ridgefield at New Pound Ridge.*
In his will, dated 4 June, 1810, he mentioned all his children, except Daniel and Katie, who were dead.
Children by first wife.
1678 Nathan Fairchild,
7 b. about 1752; m. Mrs. Hannah (Wasson) Moorhouse.
1679 Elijah,
7 b. 3 June, 1754; m. Sarah Jones.
1680 Mabel,
7 b. about 1758; m. Deacon Ezra Nash.
1681 Eunice,
7 b. about 1760; m. Jonathan Nash.
1682 Phebe,7 b. ______; m. as his second wife, Jacob Nash, b. 30 Aug., 1731. He had previously m. Freelove Keeler. Soon after the death of his first wife he rem. to Ballston Spa, N. Y. Soon after his second marriage he returned from Ballston to Ridgefield, and, fired with the spirit of '76, asked to help protect his fathers old town (Norwalk), when Tryon invaded it. The stranger's petition was granted and he bravely assisted the Norwalk defenders. During the fray he received a mortal wound. Capt. Betts ordered him to be at once cared for, but the hero replied, 'It is over with me, help somebody else,' and died. He is buried in his parents' adopted town, Ridgefield. She m. (2) Jesse Smith, of Ballston, N. Y.
1683 Hannah,7 b. ______; m. 21 Feb., 1788, Nathan Brundage.
Children by second wife.
1684 Elizabeth,
7 b. 19 Dec., 1768; m. Benjamin Keeler.
1685 Esther,7 b. 4 Mar., 1771; m. 16 July, 1805, Jared Seymour, of Ridgefield, b. 3 Aug., 1759. He d. In Ridgefield, 10 Aug., 1833; she d. there, 21 June, 1844; had no children.
1686 Ebenezer,
7 b. 27 Dec., 1772; m. (1) Martha Northrup; (2) Mrs. Betsey (Baldwin) Doud.
1687 Daniel,7 b. in Ridgefield, Conn., Aug., 1774; d. unm., in Ballston, 7 Dec., 1794.
1688 Samuel,
7 b. 24 Nov., 1785; m. Laura Dauchy.
1689 Katie,7 b. ______; d. Young.
6 son of Daniel
5 (
199), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 1731; m. (1) 10 Jan., 1760, Elizabeth Smith.
She d. 15 Nov., 1778; he m. (2) 28 Nov., 1781, Hannah Meeker, b. 1743; d. 22 Mar., 1815, aged 84; she d. 19 June, 1832, aged 89.
He served in Lieut. Carter's Co. in the revolution three months.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 153
He was a farmer; res. in Norwalk. His father bequeathed to him, 6 Mar., 1759, "For the consideration of Parental love about four acres with buildings and Fruit trees at the upper end of Pudding lane."
Children, b. in Norwalk.
1690 Sarah,7 b. 15 Mar., 1766; d. unm. before 30 June, 1832.
1691 Jarvis,
7 b. 20 Apr., 1768; m. Mercy Selleck.
1692 Olivia,7 b. 30 Jan., 1782; m. James Mason, an officer in the navy, son of John Mason.
1693 Elizabeth,
7 b. 25 Feb., 1785; m. Benjamin Lockwood.
6 son of Daniel
5 (
199), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 5 Apr., 1737; m. 20 Oct., 1763, Hannah Wright, b. in Stamford, Conn., 11 Jan., 1740, dau. of Rev. Ebenezer Wright, b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 2 Oct., 1706, and Hannah Allyn, b. in Wethersfield, 17 May, 1705, dau. of Joseph and Mary Allyn.
She d. 7 June, 1807, aged 67; he d. 3 Sept., 1817, aged 80.
He graduated from Yale College, 1757; was ordained as first pastor in North Bolton, Conn, (now Vernon), 24 Nov., 1762. His homestead, about three quarters of a mile east of the present church in Vernon Center, was occupied by his son, Thomas W., until 1837; then by his grandson, Hubbard, until 1874.
He continued nearly fifty-five years in the work of the ministry in Vernon. His salary was fixed at £70 yearly, equivalent to $233.33, which he drew for forty-five years. In early life he was of slender constitution, but became vigorous and stoutly built; his labors suffering but little interruption from illness until a few months previous to his death. According to the custom of the times he had a farm which he successfully managed. He held a respectable position among the ministers in his vicinity, being known as a peacemaker and esteemed as "a theologian of sound Judgment and of a discriminating mind."
Children, b. in Vernon.
1694 Ebenezer,
7 b. 21 Oct., 1764; m. (1) Abigail Olmsted; (2) Hannah Olmsted; (3) Elizabeth Sheldon.
1695 Daniel,
7 b. 25 June, 1766; m. Susanna Griggs.
1696 Hannah,
7 b. 24 May, 1768; m. Phineas Talcott.
1697 Thomas Wright,
7 b. 24 June, 1770; m. Mary Hubbard.
1698 Eunice,
7 b. 15 Nov., 1773; m. Dr. Scottoway Hinkley.
1699 Elizabeth,7 b. 9 Nov., 1781; d. 15 July, 1784.
6 son of Deacon John
5 (
200), b. in Norwalk, 3 Apr., 1731; m. Anne Judd, of Danbury.
He d. in Bethel Parish, Danbury, before 20 Mar., 1786, when his estate was distributed to his widow and children named below; she d. in Hope, Fulton Co., N. Y., 29 Aug., 1820.
The children, soon after his death, rem. to different parts of the country and their descendants have become widely scattered.
✛1700 Ezra,7 bap. in Bethel, 3 Sept., 1761.
1701 John,
7 bap. 24 Mar., 1764; m. (1) Elizabeth Pickett; (2); (3) I; (4); (5) Esther Pixley.
154 The Kelloggs in the New World.
1702 Philip Judd,
7 b. 22 Dec., 1768; m. (1) Huldah Dikeman; (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Bouton.
1703 Daniel,
7 b. 27 Feb., 1770; m. (1) Abigail Pickett; (2) Rhoda Swatt; (3) _______.
1704 Joann,7 b. ______; m. Luther Holcomb, before 20 Mar., 1786.
1705 Rachel,
7 b. 14 Sept., 1775; m. William Lord.
1706 Lucy,7 b. ______; m. James Thompson; res. 1805 in Washington, Ulster Co., N. Y.
1707 Anne,7 b. ______; m. Jeremiah Smith; res. 1805 in Washington, N. Y.
6 dau. of Deacon John
5 (
200), b. 16 Mar., 1734; m. 10 Mar., 1752, Elnathan Knapp.
Res. in Danbury, Conn.
Children, b. in Danbury.
1708 Nathan Knapp,7 b. 10 Mar., 1753.
1709 Abijah Knapp,7 b. 15 Oct., 17—.
6 son of Deacon John
5 (
200), b. 25 May, 1737; m. (1) 29 May, 1764, Sarah Smith.
She d. 8 Sept., 1773; he m. (2) 16 Apr., 1774, Sarah Bishop; d. about 1821. He was a farmer and shoemaker; res. in Norwalk, Conn. Part of his land was occupied, in 1873, by the South Norwalk Depot and his homestead was owned by C. J. Gruman.
He was in the French war; went to Canada; suffered great privation; was a revolutionary soldier; served in Ninth Connecticut Militia, in Capt. Seymour's Co., 11 Sept., 1776; also from Nov., 1777, served three months in the same regiment.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
1710 Jeremiah,
7 b. 30 Apr., 1765; m. Catherine Sammis.
1711 Josiah,
7 b. 6 June, 1769; m. Catherine Sleight.
1712 Sarah,7 b. 27 May, 1775; m. Jonathan Johnson, a ship carpenter, of Greenwich, Conn.; had no children.
1713 Rhoda,
7 b. 6 Dec., 1777; m. Joseph Hoyt.
6 son of Deacon John
5 (
200), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 8 Feb., 1740; m. Eunice Judd.
He d. near Centerville, O., 26 June, 1819.
Res. in Winsted, Conn., 1765-78; was in Danbury, Conn., 1760. Perhaps he served in Gen. Waterbury's Connecticut Brigade in the revolution.
1714 Sarah,
7 b. ______; m. Dr. Jacob Hoyt.
1715 Esther,7 b. 23 Feb., 1765, in Winsted.
1716 Eunice,
7 b. 13 Aug., 1767, in Winsted; m. Gen. Edmund Munger.
1717 Jemima,
7 b. 6. Sept., 1769; m. Noah Tibbals.
1718 Mary,
7 b. 25 June, 1771, in Winsted; m. Hoel Ives.
1719 Olive,7 b. 5 Mar., 1774, in Winsted; m. James Porter; lived in New York State; d. in Centerville; had no children.
1720 Anne,7 b. 28 June, 1776, in Winsted; m. Samuel McGahan, and lived and d. in Centerville, O.
1721 Seth,7 b. 17 Oct., 1778; d. unm.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 155
1722 Ethel,
7 b. 27 Oct., 1781; m. Charlotte Munger.
1723 Elihu,
7 b. 11 June, 1784; m. Phebe G. Grey.
1724 Ezra,
7 b. 24 Nov., 1786; m. (1) Rhoda Blackford; (2) Electa Waite.
6 dau. of Benjamin
5 (
201), b. 29 Oct., 1736; m. 7 Sept., 1752, Josiah Smith, who had m. (1) Esther Hall. They res. in Cheshire, Conn.
1725 Lois Smith,7 b. 16 Dec., 1753.
1726 Lolee Smith,7 b. 9 Oct., 1755.
1727 Josiah Smith,7 b. 17 Dec., 1757.
1728 Justus Smith,7 b. 15 Feb., 1760.
1729 Lucy Smith,7 b. 15 Jan., 1761.
1730 Jared Smith,7 b. 1 Aug., 1763.
1731 John Smith,7 b. 23 May, 1766.
1732 Ira Smith,7 b. 6 June, 1769.
6 dau. of Benjamin
5 (
201), b. 28 Jan., 1746; m. 9 Jan., 1765, Job Winchell.
She d. 5 Jan., 1770; he m. (2) in Vermont and res. there.
He enlisted in the revolutionary army. Before his departure for the service he left his children in care of one Atwater, with six hundred dollars for their support. The money was spent for other purposes and the children fared badly.
1733 David Winchell,7 b. 24 Oct., 1765; m. Sylvia Atwater; res. New Cheshire Parish; was mate of a vessel; lost at sea.
1734 Ezariah Winchell,7 b. 16 Aug., 1767; for a time res. with his father in Vermont; rem. to New Cheshire; d. there.
1735 James Winchell,7 b. 5 Sept., 1769; probably d. Young.
6 dau. of Eliasaph
5 (
203), b. in Norwalk, 27 May, 1735; m. Jesse Abbott, son of John Abbott and Eunice Judd.
Children, b. in Pawling, N. Y.
1736 Seth Abbott,7 b. ______.
1737 Jesse Abbott,7 b. ______.
1738 Mary Abbott,7 b. ______.
1739 Eunice Abbott,7 b. ______.
1740 Olive Abbott,7 b. ______.
6 dau. of Eliasaph
5 (
203), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 26 Mar., 1740; m. in Norwalk, 29 Mar., 1757, John Hickox, b. 28 Apr., 1734. Res. in Norwalk.
1741 Huldah Hickox,7 b. 1 Nov., 1757; m. (1) Eph. Waring; (2) Rev. Lewis.
1742 John Hickox,7 b. 24 Sept., 1759; d. Sept., 1776.
156 The Kelloggs in the New World.
1743 Lydia Hickox,7 b. 3 Jan., 1762; m. Jesse Richards.
1744 Seth Hickox,7 b. 6 Jan., 1764; d. 5 Mar., 1773.
1745 Eliasaph Hickox,7 b. 31 Jan., 1766; d. 11 June, 1767.
1746 Jesse Hickox,7 b. 4 Nov., 1769.
1747 Rachel B. Hickox,7 b. 31 July, 1771; m. Stephen Camp.
1748 Seth Hickox,7 b. 22 Sept., 1773.
1749 Eliasaph Hickox,7 b. 29 May, 1776; d. 7 Oct., 1777.
1750 Peninah Hickox,7 b. 15 Feb., 1778; m. Ezra Hoyt.
1751 Millicent Hickox,7 b. 14 Sept., 1780; m. Jona B. Benedict.
6 dau. of Eliasaph
5 (
203), b. 22 Oct., 1741; m. 18 Apr., 1768, Noah Foote, b. 1738, in Colchester, son of Josiah Foote and Sarah Welles. She d. 18 Dec., 1771, aged 29.
1752 Sarah Foote,7 b. 1769.
1753 Unnamed Child,7 b. and d. Dec., 1771.
6 son of Eliasaph
5 (
203), b. 8 Sept., 1745; m. 12 Dec., 1771, Adah Benedict, bap. 23 June, 1751, dau. of Caleb Benedict and Mehitable Hoyt, of Norwalk.
He d. in Danbury, 20 Sept., 1823, aged 78; she d. in Danbury, 12 Feb., 1828, aged 78. Both are buried in Miry Brook Cemetery, Danbury.
They res. in Danbury, Conn.; his will was probated in Danbury, 1 Dec., 1823. He was a soldier in the revolution; served three months in 1776-77, in Capt. Gregory's Co.
Children, b. in Danbury.
1754 Joel,
7 b. 17 Oct., 1772; m. Elizabeth Fox.
1755 Esther,7 b. 4 Mar., 1777.
1756 Mehitable,
7 b. 28 Mar., 1780; m. Comfort Crofoot.
1757 Rachel,7 b. 9 Oct., 1782; m. Joel Stone.
1758 Elizabeth,7 b. 13 Nov., 1785; m. as his second wife, Peter Hoyt, b. 9 Dec., 1772, son of Rice Hoyt, b. 21 Oct., 1750, and Theodosia Dibble. She d. 24 Oct., 1858; res. near Danbury; had no children.
1759 Melesant,7 b. 4 Mar., 1788.
1760 Ezra B.,7 b. 29 Aug., 1791; d. 3 Aug., 1829; was a musician in the war of 1812; served from 30 Oct. to 23 Nov., 1813.
1761 Ira,
7 b. 12 Mar., 1795; m. (1) Sarah; (2) Rachel; (3) Sally _______.
6 dau. of Samuel
5 (
205), b. ______; m. 3 Jan., 1757, Benjamin Whitney.
She d. 6 Aug., 1769; he d. 17 July, 1770.
1762 Hannah Whitney,7 b. 4 June, 1757; m. Moss Krift.
1763 Martha Whitney,7 b. 5 Mar., 1759.
1764 Samuel Kellogg Whitney,7 b. 2 Feb., 1761; m. Grace Fairweather, dau. of Joseph Fairweather.
1765 Henry Whitney,7 b. 26 Mar., 1763; merchant; moved to Albany.
1766 Anne Whitney,7 b. 29 July, 1765.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 157
1767 Polly Whitney,7 b. 1 May, 1769; m. Scott.
1768 Benjamin Whitney,7 b. 4 Mar., 1771.
6 dau. of Samuel
5 (
205), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 1738; m. in Norwalk, 1 Jan., 1757, Nathan Jarvis, b. 2 Feb., 1737, son of Capt. Samuel Jarvis and Naomi Brush.
She d. 21 July, 1802, and was buried in St. Paul's churchyard. New York City; he d. 15 Apr., 1820.
He was a farmer and blacksmith.
1769 Ann Jarvis,7 b. 5 Oct., 1758; m. her cousin, Henry Jarvis, of Auburn, N. Y.
1770 Betty Jarvis,7 b. 10 Sept., 1761; m. Capt. Jesse Betts, a sea captain of South Norwalk.
1771 Mary Jarvis,7 b. 11 June, 1765; d. Oct., 1827.
1772 Samuel Jarvis,7 b. 16 Sept., 1768; m. 1798; d. 10 June, 1852; res. in Jefferson Co., N. Y.
1773 William Jarvis,7 b. 12 June, 1771; merchant tailor in New York City; d. 2 Apr., 1817.
1774 Nathan Jarvis,7 b. 19 June, 1773; m. 16 Nov., 1802, Betsey Sanford, b. 25 Nov., 1782; d. 16 Aug., 1862, in Norwalk.
1775 Esther Jarvis,7 b. 27 Aug., 1775; m. Samuel White, a silversmith; res. in New York.
1776 Hannah Jarvis,7 b. 25 Feb., 1780; d. unm. ______.
6 dau. of Samuel
5 (
205), b. in Norwalk, Conn., ______; m. 26 Oct., 1766, Asa Hoyt, b. 23 Aug., 1744, son of Nathan Hoyt, b. 29 Apr., 1718, and Elizabeth Lockwood, b. 23 May, 1721, a descendant in the sixth generation of Simeon Hoyt, of Charlestown, Mass., 1628.
He d. in Norwalk, 14 Apr., 1806; his wife survived him. In 1768 he was "Collector of ye church of England professors." Res. in Norwalk.
1777 Henry Hoyt,7 b. 11 May, 1767; m. 14 Nov., 1787, Mary Conklin; a farmer in Southeast, Putnam Co., N. Y.; d. 9 Apr., 1839.
1778 Esther Hoyt,7 b. 9 Nov., 1769; m. 22 Feb., 1789, Moses Gregory. Admiral Francis Gregory, United States navy, was their son.
1779 Asa Hoyt,7 b. 28 Feb., 1772; m. Clarissa Crane; res. in Southeast, N. Y.; d. June, 1831.
1780 Francis Hoyt,7 b. 19 July, 1774; res. in Norwalk; d. 18 Apr., 1800.
1781 Ruth Hoyt,7 b. 21 Feb., 1777; m. Stephen Bouton; d. 10 Sept., 1852.
1782 James Hoyt,7 b. 5 Dec., 1779; lost at sea, June, 1808, coming from North Carolina.
1783 Lewis Hoyt,7 b. 24 June, 1782; m. Abigail Mygatt; res. in Danbury, Conn., and Canfield, O.; d. Oct., 1828.
1784 Anna Hoyt,7 b. 26 Oct., 1784; m. Nathaniel Raymond, of South Norwalk; d. 10 Mar., 1855.
1785 Eli Hoyt,7 b. 30 Apr., 1787; m. Mary Ann Camberlung, in North Carolina, 24 Dec., 1810; res. in Washington, N. C.; d. 22 Feb., 1864.
6 dau. of Samuel
5 (
205), b. ______; m. Matthew Reed (638), son of William Reed and Rachel Kellogg (+
He res. in New Canaan, Conn.; was a deputy sheriff.
158 The Kelloggs in the New World.
Children, b. in New Canaan.
1786 Stephen Reed,7 b. 1765; d. young.
1787 Polly Reed,7 b. 1768; m. Seth Seymour.
1788 Betsey Reed,7 b. ______; m. Olney Stone.
1789 William Feed,7 b. ______; d. young.
1790 Hannah Reed,7 b. ______; m. Asa Benedict.
1791 Stephen Reed,7 b. ______.
1792 Samuel Reed,7 b. ______.
1793 Sally Reed,7 b. ______; m. Joseph Haskett.
1794 Esther Reed,7 b. ______; m. Isaac Belden.
1795 Frederick Reed,7 b. ______; d. young.
1796 Anna Reed,7 b. ______; m. Josiah Thacker.
6 dau. of Samuel
5 (
205), b. ______; m. in Wilton, Conn., 3 Nov., 1768, as his second wife, Blackleach Jesup, b. 11 Dec., 1735, son of Edward Jesup, b. in Fairfield, Conn., 7 Mar., 1697, and Sarah Blackleach, b. about 1699.
She d. 3 Feb., 1796; he d. 22 Mar., 1816, in Wilton, Conn.
Res. in Wilton, where she and her husband were admitted to the Congregational Church in 1770. He was appointed, 5 Dec., 1774, one of a committee to approve action of the Continental Congress, and 13 Jan., 1778, was chosen to supply the families of soldiers of the Continental army with food.
He m. (1) 23 Feb., 1757, Sarah Stebbins, who d. 17 May, 1768, leaving six children; m. (3) about 1798, Mrs. Mary Sturges, of Ridgefield, Conn.
Children, b. in Wilton.
1797 Mary Jesup,7 b. 9 Dec., 1769; m. Abijah Abbott, of New York; d. 13 Apr., 1790, in New York.
1798 Samuel Jesup,7 b. 22 Apr., 1771; d. 7 July, 1771.
1799 Sarah Jesup,7 b. 22 Jan., 1773.
1800 Anne Jesup,7 b. 14 Dec., 1774; d. 22 July, 1775.
1801 Anna Jesup,7 b. 11 May, 1776; d. 22 Oct., 1790.
1802 Esther Jesup,7 b. 2 Nov., 1777; m. Delavan; d. 1839; had ten children.
1803 Samuel Jesup,7 b. 11 July, 1779.
1804 Richard Jesup,7 b. 28 Jan., 1781; d. 30 Jan., 1781.
1805 Richard Jesup,7 b. 9 Apr., 1782.
1806 Henry Jesup,7 b. 29 Feb., 1784; m. Garity Mull; had five children.
1807 Elizabeth Jesup,7 b. 15 Feb., 1786; d. 21 May, 1794.
1808 Isaac Jesup,7 b. 2 Oct., 1787; m. Albertine Schermerhorn, dau. of Cornelius I. Schermerhorn, of Schodack, N. Y.
1809 George Jesup,7 b. 9 Dec., 1790.
6 dau. of Samuel
5 (
205), b. 1748; m. 6 Dec., 1770, Timothy Keeler, b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 10 May, 1748, son of Timothy Keeler and Mary Hoyt.
He d. 1 Feb., 1815, aged 67; she d. 4 Oct., 1818, aged 70.
He was proprietor of the Keeler Tavern in Ridgefield. A cut of the old sign board may be seen in Mrs. Alice Morse Earle's Tavern Days, p. 205. During the revolutionary war the British attacked
The Kelloggs in the New World. 159
Ridgefield, 27 Apr., 1777, and a cannon ball struck the house and remains imbedded in the post where it struck.
Children, b. in Ridgefield.
1810 David Keeler,7 b. ______.
1811 Walter Keeler,7 b. ______.
1812 William Keeler,7 b. ______.
1813 Mary Keeler,7 b. ______; m. Bradley.
1814 Esther Keeler,7 b. ______; m. Crawford.
1815 Anna Keeler,7 b. 9 Nov., 1787; m. 1 Feb., 1829, Abijah Resseguie, son of Jacob Resseguie, b. 5 June, 1752, and Sarah Folliott, b. 1749. She d. 23 Dec., 1862. He was a carriage maker, and succeeded her father as proprietor of the Keeler Tavern, in Ridgefield; had one dau., Anna, who is living, unm., in the old house.
6 dau. of Samuel
5 (
205), b. in Norwalk, Conn.; m. in Norwalk, 4 Nov., 1770, Robert Wasson, b. 1743.
She d. 27 Sept., 1828, aged 78; he d. 18 Aug., 1832, aged 89. Res. in Norwalk; chose Isaac Scudder her guardian in Sept., 1765. She and her husband were members of the Congregational Church in Norwalk.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
1816 Robert Wasson,7 b. 30 Apr., 1771; m. 30 Apr., 1797, Rebecca Raymond.
1817 Samuel Wasson,7 b. 4 Dec., 1772.
1818 Sarah Wasson,7 b. 13 July, 1775.
1819 Esther Wasson,7 b. 5 Nov., 1777.
1820 Ann Wasson,7 b. 27 Nov., 1779.
1821 Lucretia Wasson,7 b. 24 Jan., 1782.
1822 James Jackson Wasson,7 b. 15 Oct., 1784.
1823 Hanitah Wasson,7 b. 26 Feb., 1787.
1824 Anne Wasson,7 b. 12 Oct., 1789.
1825 Charles Wasson,7 b. 22 May, 1792.
1826 Charlotte Wasson,7 b. 22 May, 1792.
1827 John Wasson,7 b. 4 Jan., 1796.
6 son of Martin
5 (
207), b. about 1735-40; m. Sarah Brown, of Norwalk, b. 23 Mar., 1739-40, dau. of Jonathan Brown and Mary Slason.
He d. ______; she d. ______.
He chose, 5 Oct., 1756, his uncle, Peter Lockwood, of Norwalk, as his guardian, and was therefore 14 years of age or over.
He rem. about 1770, from New Canaan, and settled on the east shore of Ballston or Long Lake in Ballston, N. Y.
He was an Ensign in Capt. Thaddeus Mead's Co., 1760; Corp. in Col. Wright's New York Reg.
1828 Eliphalet,
7 b. in New Canaan, 19 May, 1763; m. Lydia Allen.
1829 Azor,7 bap. 20 May, 1765; d. young.
1830 Silas,
7 b. in New Canaan, 7 Sept., 1767; m. Mary Mumford.
1831 Sarah,7 b. ______; d. young.
160 The Kelloggs in the New World.
1832 Jonathan,
7 bap. in New Canaan, 25 Mar., 1770; m. ______.
1833 Martin,
7 b. ______; m. Patty Gibson.
1834 Abigail,
7 b. ______; m. Seth Cogswell Baldwin.
6 son of Martin
5 (
207), b. 10 Oct., 1740; m. 13 May, 1762, Mercy Benedict, b. 13 Apr., 1743, dau. of James Benedict, of Danbury, Conn., and Mercy Knapp.
She d. S Apr., 1811; he m. (2) (ante-nuptial agreement filed 26 June, 1811), Abigail Knapp, of New Fairfield, Conn.; d. 1 Sept., 1824; she d. 2 July, 1829, aged 83.
He rem. from Norwalk and purchased a farm, 13 Mar., 1762, in a part of New Fairfield, called the "Apple Trees."
John Jarvis, 15 Oct., 1776, for consideration of £25, deeded to him a negro girl, Phillis, aged two and one-half years.
1835 Martin,
7 b. 3 Sept., 1763; m. Rachel Stevens.
1836 Mercy,
7 b. 12 Mar., 1767; m. Israel Osbom.
1837 Zadock,7 b. 25 Nov., 1768; d. 29 Dec., 1768.
1838 Zadock,7 b. 5 Sept., 1770; d. unm. 27 Feb., 1796, aged 25.
1839 Mary,7 b. 3 Nov., 1772; m. 9 Nov., 1791, Benjamin Bearse, Jr.; d. 25 Mar., 1792; had no children.
6 dau. of Martin
5 (
207), bap. 1 Sept., 1745; m. 1 Oct., 1761, Moses Hanford, probably son of her stepfather, Samuel Hanford, of New Canaan, Conn., who had a son, Moses, b. 10 Sept., 1737.
1840 Hannah Hanford,7 bap. 31 July, 1763.
1841 Moses Hanford,7 bap. 27 Oct., 1765; probably d. young.
1842 Moses Hanford,7 b. 1 July, 1767.
1843 Nathan Hanford,7 b. 19 July, 1770.
1844 Thaddeus Hanford,7 b. 1 Nov., 1772; m. 4 Oct., 1797, Sally St. John.
1845 Martin Hanford,7 b. 18 July, 1775.
1846 Mercy Hanford,7 b. 3 Mar., 1778.
1847 Betty Hanford,7 b. 13 Aug., 1780.
1848 Seth Hanford,7 b. 28 Mar., 1783.
1849 David Hanford,7 b. 2 Sept., 1785.
6 son of Martin
5 (
207), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 29 June, 1749; m. (1) 30 May, 1771, Elizabeth Waring, b. 25 Apr., 1751, dau. of Deacon Jonathan Waring and Mary Richards, dau. of Samuel Richards.
She d. July, 1811; he m. (2) Oct., 1812, Mrs. Lydia (Smith) Crane, of Somers, Conn., dau. of Peter Smith.
He d. 12 Oct., 1829, aged 80, in the house in which he was born; she d. 24 Apr., 1832, aged 70. He was a farmer in New Canaan, Conn.
He enlisted 1 July, 1780, in the Fifth Connecticut; discharged 4 Dec., 1780.
Children, b. in New Canaan.
1850 Samuel,
7 b. 21 June, 1772; m. Patty Wilson.
1851 Seth Shove,
7 b. 29 Dec., 1773; m. Matilda Lockwood.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 161
1852 Mary,7 b. 31 Dec., 1775; d. 2 May, 1779.
1853 Abigail,
7 b. 27 Jan., 1778; m. Ezra Ayres.
1854 Jonathan Wakely,
7 b. 7 Apr., 1780; m. ______.
1855 Mary,
7 b. 10 Apr., 1782; m. David Lockwood.
6 son of Martin
5 (
207), bap. 26 Apr., 1752; m. 23 Apr., 1774, Rachel Carter, b. 19 Nov., 1756, dau. of John Carter, of Norwalk, and Hannah Benedict.
He d. ______; she d. ______. He chose Theoph. Fitch his guardian, 7 Aug., 1766; res. in New Canaan Parish (Norwalk), Conn., where they were admitted to the church, 5 Oct., 1781; rem. from New Canaan, after 1791, to Bethany, Pa., and later to Janesville, Wis.; was a revolutionary soldier; served in Lieut. Carter's Co., 25 Oct., 1776, to 11 Jan., 1777; in Col. Canfield's Militia Reg., at West Point, 1781.
1856 Hannah Starr,
7 bap. 23 Apr., 1775; m. Judd Raymond.
1857 John Curtis,7 bap. 23 Mar., 1777.
1858 Sarah,7 b. ______; m. Edmund Weed; went West.
1859 Deborah,7 b. ______; m. Shadrach Hayward.
1860 Nathan,
7 bap. 24 Apr., 1785; m. (1) Rosalinda Woodward; (2) Sarah Quidore.
1861 Azor,7 bap. 11 Feb., 1787; d. unm. ______.
1862 Maria,
7 b. 1789; m. Spangenburg.
6 son of Gideon
5 (
210), b. 14 Jan., 1745; m. (1) 10 Oct., 1766, Hannah Fitch, b. 24 Aug., 1742, dau. of Matthew Fitch and Lydia Olmstead.
She d. 16 Dec., 1781; he m. (2) Mrs. Sarah (Burgess) Gardner, of Phillippi, N. Y., b. in Barnstable, Mass., 5 Feb., 1745; d. 5 Apr., 1829; she d. June, 1829.
He was deacon in the Presbyterian Church in New Canaan, Conn., to which he and his first wife were admitted 14 June, 1767. His second wife was admitted by "Letter from Phillippi." Res. in Cornwall, Vt., 1785-87; in Stillwater, N. Y., 1797, and later in Malta, N. Y., where he d.
A grandchild tells the following anecdote; "There was a petty lawsuit between two of Isaac Kellogg's neighbors and he was called as a witness by one party. When he came forward to be sworn, the opposing party said to the Justice, 'You need not administer the oath to Mr. Kellogg; we will accept what he says as testimony without his taking the oath.'
He served in the revolutionary war in Lieut. Carter's Co., from 25 Oct., 1776, to 25 Dec., same year.
Children, b. in New Canaan, by first wife.
1863 Gideon,
7 b. 11 Oct., 1767; m. (1) Mrs. Sarah (Hubbell) Towner; (2) Mrs. Phebe (Harrington) Brockway.
1864 Jemima,
7 b. 3 July, 1769; m. Abraham Nash Middlebrook.
1865 Isaac,7 b. 13 Dec., 1770; m. in Greenfield, N. Y., 31 Dec., 1800, Sarah Weed; was a thrifty farmer in Malta; d. 31 Aug., 1831; had no children. At the time of his marriage his res. was given as Ballston. Her will, dated 7 Apr., 1854, gives her age as 75; she bequeathed her estate to the children of her brothers and sisters.
162 The Kelloggs in the New World.
1866 Hannah,
7 b. 30 Apr., 1772; m. Andrew Seymour.
1867 Ozias,7 b. 27 Oct., 1774; d. Sept., 1776.
1868 Asenath,7 b. 27 Oct., 1774; d. Sept., 1776.
1869 Ozias,7 b. 30 July, 1778; left home about the time the Tripoli expedition was fitted out and was never heard from.
1870 Matthew,
7 b. 22 Sept., 1781; m. (1) Sarah Seeley; (2) Electa Crofoot.
6 son of Gideon
5 (
210), b. ______; m. 10 Mar., 1774, Lydia Fitch, b. in Norwalk, Conn., 4 Apr., 1746, dau. of Matthew Fitch and Lydia Olmsted.
He d. ______; she d. 14 Dec., 1832, aged 86.
He was a farmer; res. three miles west of Norwalk, in the first house south of New Canaan road.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
1871 Aaron,7 b. 10 Feb., 1775; d. 15 Sept., 1776.
1872 Esther,7 b. 12 Jan., 1778; d. 25 Apr., 1779.
1873 Esther,7 b. 30 Oct., 1779; m. Aaron Comstock.
1874 Hannah,7 b. 29 May, 1784; m. in New Canaan, Conn., 10 Apr., 1821, Minot Ayres.
1875 Rebecca,
7 b. 16 Mar., 1787; m. James Evans.
6 dau. of Gideon
5 (
210), b. ______; m. in New Canaan, Conn., 29 Sept., 1762, her cousin, William Reed (636), bap. 20 Mar., 1734, son of William Reed, b. 16 Nov., 1708, and Rachel Kellogg (+
215), b. 15 July, 1710.
They res. in New Canaan; owned the covenant there, 10 June, 1764.
Children b. in New Canaan.
1876 Rachel Reed,7 bap. 14 Oct., 1764.
1877 Joseph Reed,7 b. 22 Nov., 1766.
6 dau. of Gideon
5 (
210), b. in Norwalk, Conn., ______; m. in Norwalk, 23 Apr., 1767, David Nash, son of Edward Nash, b. 21 July, 1710, and Mary Warren, b. 22 Dec., 1708.
She d. 10 Dec., 1771, in Norwalk; he m. (2) 19 July, 1772, Rachel Bates. Res. in Norwalk, Conn.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
1878 Elizabeth Nash,7 b. 23 Feb., 1768; m. 21 Dec., 1788, Isaac Camp, Jr., of Norwalk; had five children.
1879 Jacob Nash,7 b. 30 June, 1770; d. unm. 19 Nov., 1791.
6 dau. of Epenetus
5 (
211), b. about 1740; m. 22 May, 1763, Ezra Reed (621), b. 16 Mar., 1740, son of Daniel Reed and Elizabeth Kellogg (+
He d. 4 Apr., 1807; she d. 15 Apr., 1818.
Children, probably all b. in New Canaan.
1880 Sarah Reed,7 b. 24 Feb., 1765; d. 3 Apr., 1765.
1881 Sarah Reed,7 b. 19 Apr., 1766; d. 27 Jan., 1834.
1882 Lois Reed,7 b. 10 Sept., 1767; d. 23 June, 1843.
1883 Roswell Reed,7 b. 9 Nov., 1769; d. 4 May, 1839.
1884 Aaron Reed,7 b. 29 Apr., 1771.
1885 Jemima Reed,7 b. 29 Aug., 1773; d. 9 Sept., 1773.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 163
1886 Epenetus Reed,7 b. 29 Aug., 1773; d. 1 Mar., 1847.
1887 Lediana Feed,7 b. 8 Oct., 1775; d. 10 Feb., 1780.
1888 Lydia Reed,7 b. 28 Sept., 1777; d. 8 July, 1838.
1889 Huldah Feed,7 b. 23 Sept., 1780; d. Jan., 1853.
1890 Ezra Reed,7 b. 20 May, 1783.
6 dau. of Epenetus
5 (
211), b. in Norwalk, about 1743; m. Capt. Nathaniel Scribner, b. in Norwalk, 23 Dec., 1743, son of Mathew Scribner and Martha Smith.
He d. 4 Sept., 1799, in Louisville, Ga., where he had gone to purchase horses; she survived him.
Rem. after marriage to Putnam Co., N. Y., to a point about ten miles west of the present Brewster's Station.
In the "Calendar of Historical Manuscripts," at Albany, vol. 1, pp. 487, 488, 564, honorable mention is made of Capt. Scribner; also in Blake's History of Putnam County, pp. 94-96; he lost the use of an arm in battle; a musket ball struck his wrist and passed out at the elbow. In 1790 he rem. to Norwalk, Conn., where he built a mill. Later he built a tide mill in Compo, near Westport, Conn.
He was a revolutionary soldier. During the war he was absent so much that he was quite a stranger to the younger children. On one occasion he returned on a furlough of only twenty-four hours and reached home almost destitute of clothing. His wife took in the situation at a glance. The sheep were driven into a corner of the pasture; one was caught and shorn; the wool was washed and dried by the blazing fire; then carded and spun into yarn; then (with the help of the daughters) knit into a pair of long stockings, which were washed, dried and ironed before the expiration of the twenty-four hours.
After the death of Capt. Scribner, his wife and daus. Elizabeth, Esther and Anna established a boarding school in Morristown, N. J. After the death of Anna, they were induced to join the family in going to New Albany. The emigration of the family was made in 1811 or '14 on horseback, and by wagons and flat boats down the Ohio.
The newly purchased town site was a dense forest, but trees were felled and log houses built, the first one being for Mrs. Scribner. In this house was organized what is now the First Presbyterian Church of New Albany; the first four members were Mrs. Scribner and three of her children. Lots worth $5,000 were set aside by the sons and constitute the basis of the present Scribner High School.
Elizabeth made the journey between Philadelphia and New Albany, on horseback, three times.
1891 James Scribner,7 b. ______; m. ______, in New Albany, Ind.; had three children.
1892 Eliphalet Scribner,7 b. ______; m. (1) Bradley. He was interested with his father in the mill at Compo, but after their failure he went to Port au Prince, Hayti, and became a prosperous merchant. In the massacre of the French he was one of the five white men saved; food was brought to him by the blacks in his concealment. He caused the failure of his brothers in New Albany by drawing on them for $25,000, which they accepted; he d. suddenly in Hayti.
164 The Kelloggs in the New World.
1893 Jemima Scribner,7 b. ______; m. Samuel Penny. He was a member of the firm of Samuel Penny & Son, merchants, New York; res. in Southeast, N. Y.; had ten children.
1894 Joel Scribner,7 b. ______; m. Mary Bull, dau. of Deacon Bull, of Milford, Conn.; res. in New Albany; had eight children.
1895 Martha Scribner,7 b. ______; m. Uriah Scribner, her cousin, son of Rev. Matthew Scribner.
1896 Phebe Scribner,7 b. ______, m. William Waring.
1897 Esther Scribner,7 b. ______; m. Dr. Morey Hale.
1898 Nathaniel Scribner,7 b. ______; m. Elizabeth Edmonds, his cousin. He d. while returning from a meeting of the Legislature at Corydon, having secured the formation of the County of Floyd. She m. (2) Dr. Asabel Clapp.
1899 Elijah Scribner,7 b. ______; was a merchant in New York; a partner of Samuel Penny.
1900 Anna Scribner,7 b. ______; d. in Morristown, N. J., where she was a teacher, aged about 22.
1901 Elizabeth Scribner,7 b. ______; m. Dr. John Wood; d. in Galena, Ill., from injuries received by being thrown from a sleigh while returning from church at night; had two children.
1902 Abner Scribner,7 b. ______; res. in New Albany, Ind.; had two sons.
1903 Lucinda Scribner,7 b. ______; d. young; buried in Greens Farms, Conn.
6 dau. of Epenetus
5 (
211), b. in New Canaan, 1714; m. in New Canaan, 27 June, 1761, Stephen Hanford, Jr. Res. in New Canaan.
1904 Dinah Hanford,7 bap. 9 June, 1765.
1905 Ruth Hanford,7 bap. 27 Aug., 1766.
6 dau. of Epenetus
5 (
211), b. in Norwalk; m. Ichabod Marvin, b. 15 Dec., 1715, son of Matthew Marvin and Elizabeth Clark, of Huntington, Conn.
He d. in Southeast, N. Y., 21 Jan., 1792, where she is buried.
1906 Epenetus Marvin,7 b. 15 Oct., 1769; m. 27 Mar., 1791, Mary Smith; had four children.
1907 Jesse Marvin,7 b. 29 Oct., 1771; m. 25 Dec., 1795, Irene Simpkins; had twelve children.
1908 Martha Marvin,7 b. 26 Sept., 1773; m. Zenas Smith; d. 1809.
1909 Lydia Marvin,7 b. 27 Apr., 1776; m. 16 Feb., 1805, Daniel McNutty, of Georgetown, S. C.
1910 Aaron Marvin,7 b. 19 Dec., 1778; m. 6 Dec., 1807, Eliza Brown Prior; res. in Georgetown, S. C.; d. in Monticello, Fla., 15 July, 1868; she d. 3 Apr., 1828; had eight children.
1911 Ichabod Marvin,7 b. 22 Sept., 1782; d. near Brewster's Station, N. Y., 14 Sept., 1865; m. 16 Feb., 1805, Elizabeth Carl, who d. 18 Apr., 1845; res. in Southeast, N. Y.; had thirteen children.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 165
1912 Stephen Marvin,7 b. 3 July, 1784; m. 1 Feb., 1816, Sarah Smith, who d. in Lockport, N. Y., 13 Apr., 1877; res. in Ogdon, N. Y.; had six children.
1913 Silas Marvin,7 b. 1 May, 1786; d. 1800.
1914 Mary Marvin,7 b. 13 June, 1789; m. 1804, Philip Padduck.
1915 Azor Smith Marvin,7 b. 7 Nov., 1791; m. 6 Jan., 1817, Delia Maria Penny; she d. 1 June, 1859, aged 61; he d. in Havana, N. Y., 1 Dec., 1870; was a merchant and manufacturer in Georgetown, S. C., and New York City; had twelve children.
6 son of Epenetus
5 (
211), b. Apr., 1746; m. 16 Sept., 1773, Rebecca Richards, b. about 1748, dau. of John Richards and Rebecca Fitch, of Middlesex (Darien), Conn.
He d. 1825, in Norwalk; she survived him and d. at the house of her dau., Anna James.
He was a farmer; res. in Norwalk.
"Hard by where serpentine-wound the Canaan Indian way, denominated from of old, 'Ponasses-path.' and some two miles northwest of the ancient Whitney Mill (corner of Main and Wall Street, 1896), stood the old-time home of Epenetus Kellogg (son of Epenetus and Jemima (Rogers) Kellogg). The domicile remained, browned, bent and bowed by very age." (Norwalk, p. 375.)
1916 Epenetus,7 b. 12 Apr., 1774; d. 23 Jan., 1775.
1917 Joseph,7 b. 5 Dec., 1775; d. 29 Aug., 1779.
1918 Sarah,
7 b. 30 May, 1777; m. Samuel Dikeman.
1919 Anna,
7 b. 28 Nov., 1778; m. Daniel James.
1920 Epenetus,
7 b. 1 Oct., 1780; m. Marie Bruyn.
1921 Betsey,7 b. 26 Apr., 1782; m. Lockwood.
1922 John,7 b. 24 Apr., 1784; drowned when a young man; unm.
1923 Rhoda,7 b. 16 Jan., 1786; m. ______.
1924 Phebe,7 b. 1 Dec., 1787; m. ______.
1925 Ezra,7 b. 15 Oct., 1789; d. unm. ______; graduated from Yale College, 1807; a physician.
1926 Polly,7 b. 4 Mar., 1792; m. St. John; res. in Pennsylvania.
6 son of Epenetus
5 (
211), b. in Norwalk, 5 Apr., 1755; m. (1) 4 Nov., 1779, Lydia Nash, b. July, 1761, dau. of Edward Nash, b. 21 July, 1710, and Mary Warren, b. 22 Dec., 1708.
She d. 19 Aug., 1794; he m. (2) Feb., 1795, Mrs. Martha Johnson, b. 14 Apr., 1764, widow of Levi Johnson and dau. of Hezekiah Clark, of Milford, Conn.
He d. 28 Dec., 1828, in Northfield, Conn.; she d. 27 Nov., 1844.
He res. in Norwalk until 1793; rem. to Franklin and North Salem, Dutchess Co., N. Y., and in 1803 to Northfield.
His will, dated 3 Sept., 1828, mentions the seven sons and five daughters, who were then living.
Children by first wife.
1927 James,
7 b. in Norwalk, Conn., 17 July, 1781; m. (1) Roxanna Turner; (2) Susannah C. K. Camp.
1928 Mary (Polly),
7 b. 29 Dec., 1782; m. Peck Clark.
166 The Kelloggs in the New World.
1929 Elijah,
7 b. 18 Oct., 1784; m. (1) Arm Maria Woodruff; (2) Martha B. Crane.
1930 Rufus,
7 b. 13 Oct., 1786; m. Betsey Clark.
1931 Abigail,
7 b. 5 Jan., 1789; m. Levi Merriam.
1932 Edward,
7 b. 18 Oct., 1790; m. Esther Fenn Warner.
1933 Frederick,
7 b. 11 Aug., 1792; m. Minerva Warner.
1934 Lydia,
7 b. 28 Apr., 1794; m. Merritt Clark.
Children by second wife.
1935 David,7 b. in Franklin, 15 May, 1796; d. 30 Nov., 1814, in Berwick, Pa.
1936 Charles,
7 b. 14 Aug., 1798; m. Hannah Drake.
1937 Clark,
7 b. 14 Oct., 1800; m. Catharine Sergeant.
1938 Anna Weed,
7 b. 26 Mar., 1803; m. John Yates Smith.
1939 Julia,
7 b. 21 Mar., 1805; m. Ogden Smith.
1940 Merritt,7 b. 17 Dec., 1808; d. unm. 5 Apr., 1827.
6 son of Epenetus
5 (
211), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 1 July, 1757; m. 24 Nov., 1778, Lydia Bouton, b. in Norwalk, 21 Jan., 1759, dau. of Nathaniel Bouton and Lydia Penoyer.
He d. 30 July, 1842, aged 85; she d. 28 June, 1845, aged 86.
Farmer in Norwalk; member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Norwalk; rem. to Troy, N. Y., where both d.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
1941 Josiah,7 b. 20 May, 1780; m. 14 Apr., 1807, Margaret Scofield, of Darien, Conn., b. 21 Mar., 1788; she d. 23 Jan., 1846; he d. 26 May, 1862, aged 82; res. in Troy; had no children.
1942 Lydia,7 b. 19 Nov., 1782; d. unm. in Maiden, Ulster Co., N. Y., 12 May, 1866, aged 83.
1943 Andrew,7 b. 29 Sept., 1784; m. 6 Dec., 1808, Hannah Hoyt, b. 2 May, 1784, dau. of Justus Hoyt and Elizabeth Fitch; d. 14 Dec., 1815, from the effects of a fall from a loft in his store in Troy; she d. 1 May, 1858.
1944 Esek,
7 b. 21 Nov., 1786; m. Maria Osbom.
1945 Maria,
7 b. 21 Oct., 1788; m. Daniel Richards.
1946 Nathan,7 b. 26 Dec., 1790; d. unm. 30 Oct., 1815; res. in Troy.
1947 Jemima,
7 b. 21 Mar., 1793; m. William Osborn.
1948 Elizabeth,
7 b. 19 Feb., 1795; m. Rufus Richards.
1949 Stephen,
7 b. 26 Apr., 1797; m. Susan Emeline Bigelow.
1950 Mary Ann,7 b. 8 June, 1799; d. unm. 11 May, 1839.
1951 Frances Bouton,
7 b. 14 May, 1801; m. Stephen Field.
1952 George,7 b. 13 June, 1803; d. 5 Oct., 1814.
6 son of David
5 (
217), b. in Norwalk, about 1744; m. Mrs. Eunice Brown, whose first husband may have been of the Brown family, of the Oblong, where many Norwalk families had land.
He d. in the army, in Dorchester, Mass., 1776.
He was a carpenter; res. in Stonington; worked at his trade of shipbuilding until the commencement of the war for independence, when he enlisted and served in the siege of Boston.
She m. (3) Ebenezer Williams.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 167
Children, b. in Groton, Conn.
1953 David,
7 b. about 1771; m. (1) Bridget Newton; (2) Nancy Dennison.
1954 Mary,7 b. ______; m. Oliver White, of Stonington; d. ______; had no children.
6 son of Benjamin
5 (
218), b. probably in Southeast, N. Y.; m. Lois Keeler, bap. in Southeast, 23 Oct., 1757, dau. of Paul Keeler and Sarah Wood, dau. of Obadiah Wood.*
He d. about 1794; she d. in South Salem, N. Y., 1 June, 1829. He lived in Southeast; d. there (fell dead in his garden).
Children, b. in South Salem.
1955 Eunice,7 b. 30 June, 1789; d. unm. 30 May, 1850.
1956 Jason,
7 b. 2 Dec., 1790; m. Catherine Miller.
1957 Nancy,7 b. 8 Jan., 1793; d. unm. 22 Mar., 1872.
1958 Lois,
7 b. 16 Jan., 1795; m. Gilbert Jones.
652. JONATHAN,6 b. about 1730-33; m. in New Canaan, 29 Mar., 1756, Susanna Chichester, b. in Stamford, 21 Dec., 1733, dau. of Daniel Chichester and Abigail Bishop, who were m. in Stamford, 4 May, 1722.
He d. in Greenfield, N. Y., before 1813; she d. between 1813 and 1816.
He was a soldier in the revolution; served in Lieut. Carter's Co., 25 Oct. to 25 Dec., 1776.
He was a chairmaker and wheelwright; res. in New Canaan after his marriage. Both were admitted to the church in Canaan Parish, 27 Nov., 1756.
He bought, 27 Apr., 1763, land with dwelling-house in Canaan Parish, and in 1782 one acre adjoining the first lot. This was on the Clapboard Hill road and Mill path. He paid for this last lot £10, 9s., 6d., in Treasury notes, and six chairs. On 24 Mar., 1788, Elizabeth Wood of Norwalk conveyed to him seven acres with dwelling-house and shop on Clapboard Hill road, bounded east by Samuel Kellogg's land; south by Ephraim Lockwood's land; west by Jacob Lockwood's land; north by highway. The consideration was "Parental love I have toward my beloved son Jonathan Kellogg of said Norwalk." He sold this land 7 May, 1789. His other land, with the dwelling-house, he sold 26 Sept., 1791, and, as his name appears in the records of the church in Greenfield, N. Y., as one of those present at a meeting 20 Dec., 1792, it would appear that he rem. to that place soon after selling his homestead. The land is now included in the nurseries of Hoyt Bros., New Canaan, and the "Mill Path" has been made into a road for the convenience of their business.
Jonathan Kellogg, "late of Norwalk, but now of Stamford," chose Elijah Green, of Stamford, as his guardian, 4 Sept., 1750. He was then more than 14 years of age, as that was the age at which children could choose their own guardians; younger than that the Court appointed a suitable person. Elijah Green was son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Reed) Green and his mother was sister of the three Reed brothers who m. daus. of Joseph Kellogg.
168 The Kelloggs in the New World.
Children, b. in New Canaan.
1959 Abigail,
7 bap. 16 Jan., 1757; m. Moses Johnson.
1960 Asahel,7 bap. 4 Feb., 1759; m. in Wilton, 30 Sept., 1778, Ann Finch, of New Canaan; revolutionary soldier; served in Col. Waterbury's Reg., 9 May, 1775; re-enlisted 17 Nov., 1775; also in Bradley's Battalion, 1 July to 16 Nov., 1776.
1961 Jonathan,7 bap. 3 Aug., 1760; served in the revolution, and is said to have died while in the service.
1962 Enoch,
7 b. 2 Dec., 1761; m. Elizabeth Wood.
1963 Susanna,
7 bap. 2 Oct., 1763; m. Jonathan Wood.
1964 Elizabeth,7 bap. 9 Feb., 1766; m. in Greenfield, 14 Jan., 1795, Benjamin Wood.
1965 Stephen,
7 b. 16, bap. 29 Apr., 1770; m. Sarah Miller.
1966 Daniel,
7 bap. 21 Feb., 1773; m. Polly Childs.
1967 Sarah,
7 bap. 26 Feb., 1775; m. Mark Hopkins.
6 dau. of Deacon Samuel
5 (
219), b. in Colchester, Conn., 29 Oct., 1736; m. 8 Dec., 1757, Joseph Gillett, b. 30 Dec., 1725, son of Jonathan Gillett and Sarah Eley.
He d. in Colchester, 4 Dec., 1814, aged 89; she d. 14 May, 1822, aged 85.
Res. in Colchester.
Children, b. in Colchester.
1968 Joseph Gillett,7 b. 29 Aug., 1758; m. 10 June, 1783, Sarah Boot, of Hebron; d. 29 Apr., 1838; res. in Colchester; had eight children.
1969 Abigail Gillett,7 b. 29 Dec., 1759; d. unm. 10 Nov., 1835; res. in Colchester.
1970 Son,7 b. 22 Aug., 1761; d. 24 Aug., 1761.
1971 Sarah Gillett,7 b. 28 Aug., 1762.
1972 Lucy Gillett,7 b. 12 Apr., 1764; d. unm. 21 Dec., 1846; res. in Colchester.
1973 Eunice Gillett,7 b. 24 Jan., 1766; m. Gurdon Clark.
1974 Jonathan Gillett,7 b. 21 Mar., 1768; m. Betsey; she d. 12 Mar., 1810; he d. in Colchester, 23 May, 1820; was called "Captain."
1975 Ezra Gillett,7 b. 23 Aug., 1769; d. 15 Sept., 1769.
1976 Anna Gillett,7 b. 12 Nov., 1770.
1977 Ezra Gillett,7 b. 11 Dec., 1772; d. unm. 16 Jan., 1792.
1978 Sealah Gillett,7 b. 18 Mar., 1775; d. unm. 6 May, 1814; res. in Colchester.
1979 Ralph Gillett,7 b. 4 June, 1777.
1980 Samuel Gillett,7 b. 25 Aug., 1779; d. unm. 9 Aug., 1843.
6 dau. of Deacon Samuel
5 (
219), b. in Colchester, 30 Sept., 1740; m. 5 Dec., 1764, Daniel Wood, of Somers, Conn. She d. Dec., 1789.
1981 Eliasaph Wood,7 b. 21 Sept., 1767.
1982 Daniel Wood,7 b. 20 Feb., 1770.
1983 Theophilus Wood,7 b. 3 Jan., 1777.
6 dau. of Deacon Samuel
5 (
219), b. in Colchester, Conn., 27 Apr., 1745; m. 2 Jan., 1772, Nathan Goodspeed, b. 7 Mar., 1735, of East Haddam,
The Kelloggs in the New World. 169
Conn., son of Moses Goodspeed, of Barnstable, Mass., b. 24 Nov., 1704, and Hannah Allen.
She d. 16 May, 1818; he d. 26 May, 1818, aged 83.
He rem. from Barnstable, Mass., to East Haddam, Conn., between 1775 and 1780.
1984 Samuel Goodspeed,7 b. 1773; d. 1774.
1985 Nathan Goodspeed,7 b. 1774; d. 1776.
1986 Mary Goodspeed,7 b. 1776; d. young.
1987 Anna Goodspeed,7 b. 1779; m. Samuel Gilbert; d. 1860; had two children.
1988 Nathan Goodspeed,7 b. 1781; m. 1802, Judith Higgins; d. 1818.
1989 Sarah Goodspeed,7 b. 1783.
1990 Moses Goodspeed,7 b. 1786; d. same year.
1991 Joseph Goodspeed,7 b. 23 Apr., 1787; m. (1) 26 Sept., 1811, Laura Tyler, b. about 1790, dau. of Sergt. Nathaniel and Esther (Shailer) Tyler; m. (2) Mrs. Roxy (Bigelow) Robbins; d. 23 Dec., 1847; had six children.
6 son of Deacon Samuel
5 (
219), b. in Colchester, Conn., 1 June, 1749; m. 14 Jan., 1778, Elizabeth Wells, b. 1753, dau. of John Wells.
She d. 23 May, 1815, aged 62; he d. 28 Mar., 1829, aged 79. He res. in Colchester.
Children, b. in Colchester.
1992 Son,7 b. 20 Oct., 1778; d. 25 Dec., same year.
1993 Daniel,7 b. 27 Nov., 1779; d. unm. 28 May, 1822.
1994 Charles,7 b. 4 Apr., 1781; d. 6 Feb., 1786.
1995 Samuel,7 b. 10 Feb., 1783; m. 27 Mar., 1810, Elizabeth Worthington, b. 14 Apr., 1782, dau. of Dan Worthington and Lois Foote; res. in Colchester and Lenox, Mass.
1996 John,
7 b. 30 Nov., 1784; m. Betsey Wright.
1997 Child,7 b. about Jan., 1786; d. 6 Feb., same year.
1998 Child,7 b. ______; d. 6 Mar., 1787.
1999 Charles,7 b. 6 Nov., 1791; d. unm. 19 Nov., 1831. He was a Corp. and Sergt. in the Connecticut Militia in the war of 1812; served 8 June, to 14 July, 1813; 11 Aug. to 16 Sept., same year; 11 Aug., 1814, to 26 Oct., same year.
6 son of Deacon Joseph
5 (
220), b. in Colchester, 8 Aug., 1718; m. 15 Nov., 1739, Susanna King.
Res. in Hebron, Conn; admitted to church there 1741. Perhaps he m. (2) in Hebron, 6 May, 1762, Jane Fuller.
Children, b. in Hebron.
2000 Susanna,7 b. 12 June, 1741.
2001 Benjamin,
7 25 May, 1745; m. Phoebe Stark.
2002 Joseph,
7 bap. 21 Sept., 1746; m. Mary Niles.
2003 A Child,7 bap. 7 Mar., 1756; d. same day.
6 son of Deacon Joseph
5 (
220), b. in Colchester, Conn., 6 May, 1720; m. 27 May, 1745, Ann Dewey, of Hebron, b. 1726, dau. of Capt. Abijah Dewey.
170 The Kelloggs in the New World.
He d. Dec., 1807, aged 87; she d. 1817, aged 92, at the house of her son Daniel.
Res. in Hebron and Marlboro, Conn., on his father's homestead; rem. about 1798, with his son, Charles, to Hartford.
Children, b. in Hebron.
2004 Ann,
7 b. 18 Apr., 1746; m. Solomon Perrin.
2005 Daniel,
7 b. 10 Sept., 1747; m. Rachel Taylor.
2006 Mary,
7 3 Sept., 1749; m. Adonijah Strong.
2007 Hannah,7 b. 16 June, 1752; d. 16 Aug., 1754.
2008 Hannah,
7 b. 7 May, 1756; m. Jonathan Hall.
2009 Charles,7 bap. Sept., 1760; d. Mar., 1764.
2010 Charles,7 b. 8 Aug., 1763; d. 15 Mar., 1768.
2011 Abigail,
7 b. ______; d. 29 Mar., 1775, aged 11.
✛2012 Charles,7 b. 18 July, 1772; m. Lydia Hosford.
6 son of Deacon Joseph
5 (
220), b. in Colchester, Conn., 10 May, 1725; m. 3 Sept., 1755, Dinah Sears.
She d. Feb., 1817, aged 75; he d. Feb., 1820, aged 94. Res. in Hebron, where both d.
Children, b. in Hebron.
2013 William,
7 b. 28 Jan., 1756; m. ______.
2014 Sarah,7 b. 22 Feb., 1757.
2015 Ezekiel,7 b. 18 July, 1758.
2016 Aaron,
7 b. 7 Oct., 1760; m. Phebe Butts.
2017 Olive,7 b. 12 Sept., 1762.
2018 Eunice,7 b. 28 May, 1764.
2019 Adonijah,7 b. ______.
2020 Jacob,7 b. 28 May, 1768.
2021 Joseph,
7 b. ______; m. ______.
2022 John,7 b. ______.
6 son of Deacon Joseph
5 (
220), b. in Colchester, Conn., 15 Jan., 1728; m. 3 June, 1745, Hannah Adams, of Colchester, b. about 1734.
He d. before Oct., 1804; she d. 15 Oct., 1807, in Marlboro, Conn., aged 73.
Res. in Marlboro.
Children, b. in Hebron.
2023 Lucy,
7 b. 1 May, 1753; m. (1) Asa Foote, Jr.; (2) Benjamin Smith.
2024 David,
7 b. about 1757; m. Abigail Washburn.
6 son of Deacon Joseph
5 (
220), b. in Hebron, Conn., 24 Nov., 1732; m. 2 July, 1758, Ann Owen.
She d. 21 June, 1773; he d. 16 June, 1785.
He was admitted to the church 14 Nov., 1773; res. in Granville, Mass., and Hartland, Conn.; was a revolutionary soldier; served as a private in Col. McClennan's Reg., one year, 1778-79.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 171
2025 Lydia,7 b. 24 Nov., 1759, in Hebron; d. unm. 4 July, 1836, in Hartland.
2026 Oliver,
7 b. 30 Nov., 1761; m. Molly Webster.
2027 Rachel,7 b. 10 Jan., 1763, in East Hartland; perhaps d. young.
2028 Ann,7 b. 23 June, 1766 (bap. in East Hartland, 2 Jan., 1771); perhaps m. 1 May, 1791, Oliver Phelps.
2029 Ezekiel,
7 b. 14 June, 1773; m. Lena Clark.
6 son of Deacon Joseph
5 (
220), b. in Hebron, Conn., about 1740; m. 31 May, 1759, Hannah Strong, of Colchester, Conn., dau. of Ezra and Abigail Strong.
He d. about 1780; she m. (3) in Hebron, Mann; had three children; d. in Tolland, Conn.
2030 Samuel,
7 b. 6 May, 1761; m. Elizabeth Septima Lothrop.
2031 Hannah,
7 b. 27 May, 1763; m. (1) _______ Blish; (2) Bowers.
2032 Jedadiah,7 b. ______; probably d. young; not mentioned in his father's will.
7 b. 1768; m. James Kellogg (+
2034 Martin,
7 b. 1769; m. Rachel Hosford.
2035 Joel,7 b. ______; probably d. young; not mentioned in his father's will.
2036 Elisha,
7 b. 9 Nov., 1773; m. Emily Stratton.
2037 Ichabod,
7 b. 1774; m. Pamelia Betts.
2038 Abigail,7 b. ______; m. Elisha Bradley, of Tolland.
6 son of Corp. Nathaniel
5 (
225), b. in Colchester, 17 Sept., 1726; m. 24 Apr., 1748, Sarah Hitchcock, bap. 1735, dau. of John Hitchcock, of Colchester, b. 1 Nov., 1683, and Elizabeth Jones, b. 2 Oct., 1685.
He d. 23 Nov., 1764; his widow rem. to Williamstown, Mass.
He res. in Bolton; his father bought land valued at £500 in Bolton, and, 15 Feb., 1750, conveyed it to his "Dutiful son Charles, of Bolton, on account of affection."
Children, b. in Bolton.
2039 Asa,
7 b. 21 Jan., 1749; m. Anna Webster.
2040 Charles,
7 b. 10 Apr., 1751; m. Mercy Simonds.
2041 Russell,
7 b. 12 Nov., 1753; m. Esther Bridges.
2042 Sarah,7 b. 19 Sept., 1760; m. Ichabod Gay.
2043 Nathaniel,
7 b. 17 May, 1763; m. Mehitabel Simonds.
6 dau. of Corp. Nathaniel
5 (
225), b. in Colchester, 8 July, 1729; m. 9 May, 1750, Elihu Clark, b. 14 Oct., 1727, son of Noah Clark and Sarah Taintor, of Colchester.
No record of their deaths has been found.
He res. in Colchester; was a descendant in the fourth generation of Daniel Clark, of Windsor, Conn. His sister, Sarah, was the wife of Joseph Kellogg (m).
Children, b. in Colchester.
2044 Ephraim Clark,7 b. 26 Oct., 1751; d. 15 Dec., 1757.
2045 Elihu Clark,7 b. 7 Sept., 1755.
172 The Kelloggs in the New World.
2046 Elizabeth Clark,7 b. 17 Mar., 1759; d. 9 Aug., same year.
2047 Violette Clark,7 b. 9 Sept., 1760.
2048 Elizabeth Clark,7 b. 10 Feb., 1763.
6 dau. of Corp. Nathaniel
5 (
225), b. in Colchester, 5 Oct., 1731; m. there, 4 Mar., 1756, Lieut. Robert Andrews, b. in East Glastonbury, Conn., 19 June, 1735, son of Elisha Andrews and Ruth _____.
He d. in Pittsford, Vt., 16 Aug., 1811; she d. 3 May, 1817.
He res. in Coventry, Conn., Brimfield, Mass., and Pittsford, Vt.; was a Lieut. of a company of Minute men which marched from Brimfield, on the Lexington Alarm, 19 Apr., 1775.
2049 Ludim Andrews,7 b. in Windsor, Conn., 17 Oct., 1756; m. Lois Davis.
2050 Robert Andrews,7 b. in Coventry, 17 Mar., 1759; m. Eunice Needham.
2051 Delight Andrews,7 b. in Coventry, 26 Feb., 1761; m. Wareham Abbott.
2052 Appleton Andrews,7 b. in Brimfield, 11 Mar., 1763; m. Rhesa Corbin.
2053 Kellogg Andrews,7 b. 19 July, 1766; m. Cynthia Houghton.
2054 Zelotes Andrews,7 b. 25 Nov., 1768; m. Betsey Wicker.
2055 Ladocia Andrews,7 b. 6 Apr., 1777.
6 son of Corp. Nathaniel
5 (
225), b. in Colchester, 10 July, 1739; m. (1) 12 Jan., 1769, Hannah Barnard Hastings, b. 16 Mar., 1742, dau. of Dr. Waitstill Hastings, of Hatfield, b. 3 Jan., 1714, and Abigail Marsh, dau. of John Marsh and Hannah Barnard.
She d. 12 Dec., 1788; he m. (2) 1 July, 1795, Mrs. Lydia (Sargent) Watson, b. 22 July, 1743, widow of Johnson Watson, of Leicester, Mass., and dau. of Nathan Sargent, of Leicester, and Mary _______.
He d. in Dalton, 8 Aug., 1808; she d. 23 May, 1816.
In his will, dated 6 July, 1808, proved 6 Sept., same year, he mentioned his wife Lydia, son Charles, daus. Polly Hill, Elizabeth Sackett and Sophia Hall.
He rem. from Colchester to Dalton (Dalton was incorporated in 1784) about 1776. He held several town offices; was a surveyor of land and served as Lieut, in Capt. Strong's Co., Col. Brown's Reg., 30 June to 26 July, 1777, in the Berkshire Co. Reg.
Children, first four b. in Colchester, others in Dalton.
2056 Hannah Barnard,7 b. 25 Aug., 1769; m. 29 Nov., 1787, Ruben Gunn; d. in Dalton, Nov., 1788; had no children.
2057 Bette,7 b. ______; d. young.
2058 Elizabeth,7 b. 9 Dec., 1772; m. 12 Jan., 1793, Solomon Sackett; d. 6 July, 1849, aged 76; had no children.
2059 Nathaniel,
7 b. 19 Sept., 1774; m. Prudence Knowles.
2060 Mary (Polly) Hastings,
7 b. 28 Feb., 1776; m. (1) Lemuel Baldwin Clark; (2) Ensign Hill.
2061 Sophia,
7 b. 18 Jan., 1780; m. John Hall.
2062 Charles,
7 b. 5 Aug., 1782; m. Martha Foote.
6 son of Abner
5 (
228), b. in Colchester, 26 Aug., 1711, where he was bap. 2 Sept., 1741; m. (1) Elinor Williams, b. in Lebanon, 12 Mar., 1747, dau. of Isaiah Williams, of Lebanon, and Jerusha ______.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 173
She d. in Essex, Vt., 10 May, 1805; he m. (2) 20 Jan., 1807, Sarah Redington Tyler, of Tergennes; d. 10 Mar., 1826, aged 81; she d. 12 Apr., 1844, aged 86.
He res. in Colchester until about 1771, when he rem. to Lee,* Mass. In 1773 he lived on the Glass Works Grant, in Lee, east of Stockbridge. In 1786 he rem. to Essex, Vt., where he d.
His estate was distributed 17 May, 1828, to the following: The heirs of Ira Kellogg, Rhoda Lawrence, Russell Kellogg, Adosia Post or heirs, Nancy Thompson, Wealthy Aubery or heirs, and Hannah Aubery. Children.
2063 Lydia,7 b. 4 Oct., 1766; bap. in Colchester, 5 June, 1768; m. Pierce.
2064 Rhoda,
7 b. 24 Sept., 1768; m. Stephen Lawrence.
2065 Russell,
7 b. 1 June, 1770; m. Elizabeth Atherton.
2066 Adosia,
7 b. 27 Mar., 1772; m. Ichabod Post.
2067 David,
7 b. 5 Jan., 1775; m. Maria Henrietta Wells.
2068 Wealthy,
7 b. 15 May, 1777; m. John F. Aubery.
2069 Hannah,
7 b. 18 July, 1779; m. John F. Aubery.
2070 Ira,
7 b. 10 July, 1781; m. Nancy Matthews.
2071 Otis,
7 b. 23 Mar., 1783; m. (1) Mabel Thompson; (2) Almeda Butler.
2072 Laura,7 b. ______; d. unm. ______.
2073 Nancy,
7 b. ______; m. Ebenezer E. Thompson.
6 son of Abner
5 (
228), b. in Colchester, 9 Nov., 1746; bap. 16 Nov., same year; m. in Lebanon (Bozrahville**), 24 Nov., 1768, Lydia Bartlett, b. 6 May, 1748, dau. of Ichabod Bartlett, of Windsor, and Desire Otis,*** b. 20 May, 1723.
He d. 24 July, 1821; she d. ______.
From the family record, in his Bible, kept in his own hand, were taken the dates of his marriage and the births of his children. The first entry is : "November the 24th day 1768. I Abner Kellogg was married to Lydia Bartlett."
He was a tanner. Lived on the homestead of his father, a short distance east of Colchester village, where Mr. William E. Gillett built his new residence in 1874. In 1823 his estate was distributed to his widow, Lydia, and the children named below.
Children, b. in Colchester.
2074 Ichabod,7 b. 21 Sept., 1769; d. 2 Mar., 1770.
2075 Daughter,7 b. 6 Jan., 1771; d. next day.
2076 Son,7 b. and d. 30 Dec., 1773.
2077 Molly,7 b. 30 Aug., 1775; m. 24 Apr., 1817, Capt. John Ackley, of Colchester; d. in or near Colchester; had no children.
2078 Margaret,7 b. 7 Oct., 1777; m. as his second wife, 1847, Tillotson; d. in Cazenovia.
2079 Seth Bartlett,
7 b. 5 Apr., 1780; m. Fanny Wattles.
2080 Abner,7 b. 12 July, 1782; d. 1 Feb., 1787.
174 The Kelloggs in the New World.
2081 Otis,
7 b. 20 July, 1785; m. Mary Watrous.
2082 Lucy,7 b. 23 Oct., 1786; d. unm. ______.
2083 Lydia,7 b. 15 Sept., 1788; d. 2 Feb., 1789.
2084 Sophia,7 b. 19 Sept., 1790; d. unm. 8 Feb., 1818.
6 son of Abner
5 (
228), b. in Colchester, 17 Sept., 1718; bap. 25 same month; m. (1) in Colchester, 30 May, 1771, Elishaba Wells, b. 5 Sept., 1751, dau. of Elisha Wells, who d. 31 Aug., 1751.
She d. 9 Jan., 1777; he m. (2) in Exeter Parish, Lebanon, 1 Apr., 1779, Mrs. Philotha (Clark) Tracy, b. 16 Sept., 1750, dau. of Clark.
He d. in Otsego, 7 July, 1823; she d. 13 Aug., 1838.
He was a farmer; rem. from Colchester to Great Barrington, Mass., in 1771 or 1772, and built a house there in 1772, the cellar of which was visible a few years since. He rem. in Mar., 1786 or '87, to Cooperstown, N. Y., with several other Great Barrington families, where they settled on "The Great Barrington Purchase," his farm being lot four. He built a log cabin, which was, in time, replaced by a frame house, the lumber of which was sawed in the old one. His descendants lived on the old homestead until 1896, when the grandsons who owned it died and the place was sold, having been for one hundred and ten years in the family. In Aug., 1886, a Centennial celebration of the settlement was held on this farm at which there were represented four generations of Ezekiel's descendants.
His grandson had in his possession an old account book of Ezekiel's which is interesting as showing the different kinds of employment the Kelloggs seemed capable of turning their hands to. It runs from 1 Jan., 1772 to 1787 (probably the entire period of his being in Great Barrington), and contains the names of Joseph, David and John Kellogg, besides that of his brother Ezra. Among the charges against David Kellogg are : "For Ezra and the mare to go to your house 2s.," and he is credited with 360 feet cheary boards, £1, 10s., 8d. There are also items for tanning leather, mending, as well as making, shoes, and for spinning.
Ezra's account was from 1775 to 1777, and was chiefly for board and work as an offset respectively. At the end of the two years the account was settled and Ezra had due him 5s., 7d.
He was a soldier in the revolutionary army and served : As a private in Capt. Spoor's (Spurr) Co., Col. Simond's Reg., 26 Apr. to 20 May, 1777, at Saratoga; private in Capt. Noble's Co., Col. Brown's Reg., 29 June to 21 July, 1777; ordered into service by Committee of Safety at desire of Gen. Schuyler. In Capt. Fitch's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 21 July to 14 Aug., 1777; private, in Capt. Goodrich's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 15 to 21 Aug., 1778, Berkshire Co. Reg.; served in action at Bennington under Gen. Stark, and discharged by him; private served twelve days at Stillwater, 1781, by order of Gen. Fellows, in Capt. Ingersoll's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg.
Children by first wife, b. in Great Barrington.
2085 Wells,
7 b. 10 Mar., 1772; m. Mary Sage.
2086 Silas,
7 b. 15 Feb., 1775; m. Sophia Lamb.
2087 Son,7 b. and d. 3 Jan., 1777.
Children by second wife, first four b. in Great Barrington.
2088 Elisheba,
7 b. 23 Feb., 1780; m. Isaac Williams.
2089 Tracy,
7 b. 31 Aug., 1782; m. Esther Brower.
2090 John,7 b. 8 Dec., 1783; d. 29 Mar., 1788.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 175
2091 Jared,7 b. 27 Aug., 1785; d. 23 Mar., 1788.
2092 Charles,7 b. in Otsego, 17 Jan., 1787; m. Lucy Williams, dau. of Price Williams. He was a blacksmith; d. 6 Oct., 1867, where he res. all his life; she d. 1 May, 1859, aged 70; had no children.
2093 John,
7 b. in Otsego, 25 May, 1790; m. Hannah Wattles.
6 dau. of Abner
5 (
228), b. in Colchester, 16 Jan., 1751-52; m. in Lebanon (Goshen Parish), 23 Jan., 1771, John Ellis, of Norwich, son of Daniel Ellis.
"Margaret Ellis departed this life December 24th A. D. 1794 in the 44th year her age," reads the record in her father's Bible.
Children, b. in Norwich.
2094 Damaras Ellis,7 b. 23 Nov., 1771.
2095 Abner Ellis,7 b. 12 Sept., 1773.
6 son of Abner
5 (
228), b. in Colchester, 5 Sept., 1754; m. in Great Barrington, Mass., 30 Apr., 1779, Mary Whiting, b. 11 Dec., 1758, dau. of Lieut. Gamaliel Whiting,* of Great Barrington, b. 17 Sept., 1727, and Anna Gillett, b. 18 Feb., 1738.
He d. in Great Barrington, 29 Sept., 1833, aged 79; she d. there 11 May, 1837, aged 78.
He rem. to Great Barrington in 1771 and became a prominent citizen; sustained various offices and was long the principal deputy sheriff of the town. He was an honest and straightforward man and highly respected.
During Shay's rebellion he was deputy sheriff and on one occasion the "Shay's men" attempted to capture and "Handle" him, but he escaped and they attacked his house and threatened Mrs. Kellogg. They discharged a gun through the curtains of a bed on which she was lying, setting them on fire, and through the walls of the house. Some of these men were arrested and at their examination Dr. Budd testified: "I went down to Mr. Kellogg's house; Dunham and others had their bayonets at Mrs. Kellogg's breast, and swore they would kill her; I thought Mrs. Kellogg would faint away."
In his application for a pension, 1832, he stated that he was 77 years of age, born in Colchester, Conn., 5 Sept., 1754; res. there and in Lebanon until 1771, when he removed to Great Barrington. Belonged to a company of Minute men and marched in Apr., 1775, to Boston under Capt. King and served in the siege until December. Early in 1776 was at Saratoga and vicinity protecting the inhabitants from the hostile Tories and Indians who were constantly infesting the Mohawk Valley; later he was in Col. Samuel Brewers Reg. at Ticonderoga during the remainder of the year. About the middle of July, Gen. Burgoyne was advancing and he again volunteered under Col. John Ashley to go to Forts Ann and Edward, but the American army retreated before the enemy to Stillwater. The
176 The Kelloggs in the New World.
call for additional troops was so sudden and urgent that those of the volunteers who had horses mounted them in order to reach the front as soon as possible. He was in the rear guard and the pressure was so great that he and others lost horses, saddles and bridles, quite a privation in those days. Arriving in Stillwater the company was permitted to return home, but had scarcely arrived there when they were again ordered to march, at once, to Bennington, at which place they arrived on the evening of the 16 Aug., 1777, the day on which the battle was fought. They were detailed that night to guard the prisoners and the next day to bury the dead. In Dec., 1777, he was detailed by his Capt., Goodrich, to guard, day and night, Gideon Smith, who had been adjudged, by the Committee of Safety, an enemy to his country. Smith and some others were banished. Capt. Walter Pynchon, Deputy Quartermaster at the post of Great Barrington, who had his office in Ezra's house, appointed him, 1 Mar., 1781, an assistant in the department under him, assigning him duties as "wagon conductor" for the management of the numerous transportation trains; also superintendent of cutting, weighing, packing and repacking vast quantities of beef which were furnished to the army. He continued in the service until the end of the war.
Children, b. in Great Barrington.
2096 Anastasia Lukens,
7 b. 29 Feb., 1780; m. Mark Hopkins.
2097 Henry,7 b. 7 Feb., 1782; m. 16 Apr., 1805, Lucy Riley; went to Western New York, with his brother-in-law, Mark Hopkins, and on his return d., 15 Oct., 1805, in Albany, N. Y.; had no children.
2098 Frances,7 b. 11 Apr., 1784; d. unm. 27 Apr., 1827.
Bernice Whiting,
7 b. 6 July, 1786; m. Aaron Kellogg (+
1141), son of Col. Aaron Kellogg (+
2100 Mary,7 b. 12 Nov., 1789; d. unm. 26 June, 1872; admitted to Congregational Church in Great Barrington, 7 Nov., 1813.
2101 Sarah,7 twin to Mary, b. 12 Nov., 1789; d. unm. 5 Sept., 1862; admitted to the church same day with her sister, Mary.
2102 Augustus,7 b. 23 Sept., 1792; d. 14 Oct., 1793.
2103 Lydia Ann,
7 b. 10 Oct., 1793; m. William Sherwood.
2104 Nancy,7 b. 17 Oct., 1795; d. 13 Oct., 1796.
2105 Nancy,7 b. 21 Nov., 1798; d. unm. 2 Mar., 1877, aged 79.
6 son of John
5 (
229), b. in Colchester, 8 Mar., 1739; m. about 1768, Mary Tomlinson, bap. Nov., 1744, dau. of Zachariah Tomlinson and Sarah Morse, of Stratford, Conn.
He d. in Cornwall, Conn., 20 Apr., 1819, aged 80; she d. there, 24 Aug., 1836, aged 93.
After she was ninety years old she frequently walked two miles to church, being timid about riding.
He was graduated from Yale, 1761; practiced law a few years in Stratford, Conn., but abandoned it on account of religious scruples. Her father gave them seven hundred and fifty acres of land in Litchfield Co., and they rem. to Cornwall, where they spent the rest of their lives. He was a farmer; was elected Town Clerk in 1776, and held that office until 1810; was chosen Representative to the Connecticut Assembly fifteen times, consecutively; was a Justice of the Peace; deacon in the Congregational Church forty years. Because of his liberal education his advice in legal matters was often sought.
2106 William,
7 b. in Stratford, 1769; m. Demis Swift.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 177
2107 John,
7 b. in Cornwall, 22 Sept., 1777; m. Mary Clark.
2108 Lucius,
7 b. in Cornwall, 1782; m. Harriet Whitney.
2109 Mary,
7 b. in Cornwall, 6 July, 1783; m. Eliphalet Hull Shepard.
6 dau. of John
5 (
229), b. in Colchester, 11 June, 1741; m. in Colchester, 2 Mar., 1786, Asa Graves, b. 8 May, 1747, son of Peter Graves and Sarah Wedge.
He d. 5 May, 1800; she d. 8 Oct., 1808.
He was a soldier in the war of the revolution; was on the list of members of the church in Colchester, 1787.
2110 Lucy Graves,7 b. 26 Apr., 1786; d. unm. Mar., 1814.
2111 Charles Graves,7 b. 30 June, 1788.
6 son of John
5 (
229), b. in Colchester, Conn., 20 Dec., 1743; m. Bethia Williams, b. 22 June, 1742, dau. of William Williams, of Colchester, and Deborah Cone, of East Haddam.
She d. 7 Feb., 1815; he m. (2) Mrs. Margaret (Foote) Bigelow, b. about 1746, widow of Azariah Bigelow and dau. of Nathaniel Foote and Patience Gates.
He d. 15 June, 1819, aged 75; she d. 30 June, 1836, aged 90; he and both wives are buried in the Iron Works Cemetery in Colchester.
"Margaret Kellogg, wife of Deacon John," was received in the church in Westchester, 4 July, 1818, by letter from the church in Marlboro.
He res. in Hebron, where he was a deacon in 1796.
2112 John,
7 b. 7 July, 1767; m. Mary Day.
2113 Theodosia,7 b. 4 Apr., 1770; d. unm. 8 Dec., 1795.
2114 Mercy,7 b. 3 Aug., 1772; m. William Oakley, of Colchester; d. 15 Mar., 1861; he d. aged 60; had no children.
2115 Titus,
7 b. 26 Mar., 1779; m. Elizabeth Clark.
6 son of John
5 (
229), b. in Colchester, 31 May, 1746; m. 1 June, 1775, Hannah Ingraham, b. about 1756, dau. of Dr. Ingraham, of Enfield, Conn.
He d. 31 Aug., 1816; she d. 19 Aug., 1836, aged 80.
He was a farmer; res. in Westchester until about 1792, when he rem. to Hebron, where he was admitted to the church in 1799.
2116 Lois,
7 b. in Westchester, 24 Nov., 1775; m. John Post.
2117 Dorothy,
7 b. 27 Sept., 1777; m. Robert McKee.
2118 Mary,
7 19 Sept., 1779; m. (1) Samuel Mann; (2) C. Van Cise.
2119 Israel,
7 b. 2 Aug., 1782; m. Honor Burt.
2120 Samuel,7 b. 13 Aug., 1784; d. 23 June, 1787.
2121 Lydia,
7 b. 28 Sept., 1786; m. Joseph Perry.
2122 Samuel,7 b. 30 Dec., 1788; d. unm., in Hebron, 2 Jan., 1866.
2123 Electa,7 b. 7 June, 1791; d. unm., in Hebron, 31 Dec., 1866; she and her brother Samuel lived near the old homestead until their death.
178 The Kelloggs in the New World.
2124 Laura,
7 b. in Hebron, 23 Oct., 1793; m. Stephen Ingraham.
2125 Alfred,
7 b. 21 Feb., 1796; m. (1) Cordelia Kellogg (4171); (2) Susan Brockelsby.
2126 Jirah,
7 b. 10 May, 1799; m. Lydia Marcy Utley.
6 dau. of John
5 (
229), b. in Colchester, Conn., 19 Dec., 1749; m. 12 Apr., 1770, Nathan Tiffany.
She d. 13 Apr., 1831, in East Fallowfield, Pa.; he d. and is buried in Esopus, Ulster Co., N. Y.
In 1771 she and her husband conveyed their interest in her father's estate to her mother, and rem. to Lyme, Conn., where they remained until 1814, in which year they rem. to Ovid, N. Y., and lived four years, and then went on to Crawford, Pa., where their son, Silas, had purchased a large tract of land in what are now Greenwood and Fallowfield townships. All of their children settled in Western Pennsylvania, except Nathan, who remained in Connecticut.
2127 Nathan Tiffany,7 b. ______.
2128 Silas Tiffany,7 b. ______; m. (1) Keziah Smith; (2) Susan Turner.
2129 John Tiffany,7 b. ______; m. Elizabeth Niver.
2130 Sila Tiffany,7 b. ______; m. Solomon Lord.
2131 Mary Tiffany,7 b. 23 Oct., 1784; m. 12 Feb., 1804, James Elias Miller, b. 27 Mar., 1775; he was a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in Evansburgh, O., for many years; he d. 6 Dec., 1857; she d. 8 Jan., 1862.
2132 Hannah Tiffany,7 b. 12 Mar., 1786; m. (1) Rufus Hovey; (2) Richard States, who d. 3 Aug., 1850; she d. in Atlantic, Crawford Co., Pa., at the house of R. Clinton Hazen, 12 Oct., 1873.
6 son of John
5 (
229), b. in Colchester, 15 Nov., 1755; m. 9 June, 1776, Susanna Day, b. 27 Jan., 1755, dau. of Joseph Day and Susannah Brainard.*
She d. 4 Nov., 1832, aged 78; he d. 28 Feb., 1844, aged 88.
He was a farmer; res. in the house in which his grandson, Elisha Kellogg, afterward lived, in Westchester Parish.
2133 Joseph Day,
7 b. 9 Aug., 1778; m. Rachel Comstock.
2134 Tabitha,
7 b. 27 July, 1789; m. Jonathan Williams.
2135 Susanna,
7 b. 20 Jan., 1795; m. John Smith.
6 dau. of Ezra
5 (
230), b. ______; m. (1) Torry.
He d. ______; she m. (2) as his second wife, Elihu Strong; he d. ______; she m. (3) Roger Clapp.
Child by second husband.
2136 Joseph Strong,7 b. 11 Oct., 1778; m. 1799, Phebe Pomeroy; rem. from Southampton, Mass., to the vicinity of New York City about 1828; d. 17 Apr., 1842; she d. 4 May, 1838; had three children.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 179
Child by third husband.
2137 Russell Clapp,7 b. 7 Mar., 1786; m. Oct., 1811, Louisa Strong, b. 14 May, 1788, dau. of Roswell Strong and Nancy Pomeroy; d. in Liberty, O., Dec., 1854; she d. 9 Apr., 1855.
6 son of Ezra
5 (
230), b. 16 July, 1750; m. Azubah _______.
He d. before 15 Sept., 1806; his wife survived him.
He res. in Williamsburg,* Mass.; was tithing man** there in 1771. He and his wife were admitted to the church in Williamsburg, 13 Nov., 1774.
He served in the revolutionary army, as appears in the records in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth in Boston. Sergt. in Capt. Thayer's Co., Col. Fellows' Reg., on the Lexington Alarm, marched 21 Apr., 1775; served seven days; enlisted in the army for eight months; gave his residence, Williamsburg. Commissioned Lieut, in Second Hampshire Co. Peg., 5 Apr., 1776; Capt. in Col. Woodbridge's Reg.; served five days, 17 Aug., 1777, on expedition to Bennington. Lieut, in Col. May's Reg., 20 Sept. to 14 Oct., 1777; service at Stillwater and Saratoga; was a revolutionary pensioner.
He rem. to Hudson, N. Y., where he bought a house lot, 24 Feb., 1790. He was an innkeeper and merchant in Hudson. The records in Hudson speak of him in connection with some of the early proprietors of that city, and he was evidently a man of considerable property. It is probable that he rem. from Hudson about 1804, when he sold all his land there. He sold land in Chesterfield, Mass., 8 Oct., 1787, which may be the time that he rem. to Hudson.
2138 John,7 bap. 13 Nov., 1774.
2139 Martha,7 bap. 13 Nov., 1774; d. young.
2140 Tirzah,7 bap. 26 Feb., 1775.
2141 Martha,7 bap. 11 Aug., 1776.
2142 Lyman,7 b. ______.
180 The Kelloggs in the New World.
7 son of Ebenezer
6 (
242), b. 1 Oct., 1749; m. June, 1787, his cousin, Ruth Church (756), b. 15 Nov., 1757, dau. of Benjamin Church and Ruth Kellogg (+
243), of South Hadley, Mass.
He d. 20 Feb., 1834, aged 84; she d. 8 July, 1842, aged 84. Both are buried in the cemetery in South Hadley.
He was a farmer; res. in South Hadley. He was a revolutionary soldier; private in Capt. Montague's Co., Col. Woodbridge's Reg., 20 Apr., 1775, on the Lexington Alarm; served thirty-two days; in Capt. Cook's Co., Col. Woodbridge's Reg., 17 Aug. to 29 Nov., 1779.
Children, b. in South Hadley.
2143 Amos,8 b. 30 Nov., 1788; d. unm. ______.
2144 John,
8 b. 29 Oct., 1791; m. Laura Chapin.
7 son of Ebenezer
6 (
242), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 21 Nov., 1760; m. 6 July, 1781, Jerusha Taylor, b. in Springfield, Mass., 27 Apr., 1763, dau. of Taylor, of Chicopee Parish.
He d. 21 Dec., 1835; she d. 20 Oct., 1846.
He was a farmer in South Hadley; rem. to Dummerston and Brattleboro, Vt., thence to Jamaica in the same State, in 1788, where both d.
He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner; enlisted for nine months in 1779 in Capt. Montague's Co., Col. Porter's Reg; later for three months in Capt. Alvord's Co., Col. Murray's Reg., and served at West Point.
He was described as 5 feet, 8 inches in height, with brown hair.
2145 Alpheus,
8 b. 23 Dec., 1783; m. Augusta Dix.
2146 John,
8 b. 7 Nov., 1785; m. (1) Nancy Chapin; (2) Abigail Muzzy.
2147 Jerusha,
8 b. 11 Oct., 1787; m. Robert McCormick.
2148 Sarah,8 b. 21 July, 1789; m. James Miller, of Ludlow; d. 3 July, 1861; had no children.
2149 Josiah,
8 b. 25 Nov., 1791; m. Parlina Thompson.
2150 Hollis,
8 b. in Brattleboro, 28 Nov., 1793; m. Mrs. Parlina (Thompson) Kellogg.
2151 Lois,8 b. 20 Oct., 1795; d. 21 July, 1798.
2152 Frederick,
8 b. 21 Mar., 1798; m. Sophia Ranney.
2153 Ebenezer,8 b. 10 Feb., 1803; d. 11, Dec., 1811, in Jamaica.
2154 Richard,8 b. in Jamaica, 6 Dec., 1804; m. ______; d. 26 Mar., 1839; was the publisher of the Chautauqua Republican, of Jamestown, N. Y., about 1830; had no children. She m. (2) ______.
2155 Amos Rodney,
8 b. 20 Aug., 1808; m. Mary Stratton Goodale.
7 son of Ebenezer
6 (
242), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 5 Sept., 1767; m. 3 May, 1787, Naomi Parsons, b. 21 Aug., 1768.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 181
He d. 7 Jan., 1847, in West Galway, N. Y.; she d. 1 Feb., 1852, in Springwater, N. Y.
He was a carpenter; res. in West Galway. He is said to have been about 5 feet, 8 inches in height, with dark hair, broad forehead, black eyes, nose slightly Roman. After her husband's death she res. with her son, Joseph, in Springwater.
2156 Nancy,
8 b. 19 Mar., 1788; m. John Hoagland.
2157 Supplina,
8 b. 27 Nov., 1789; m. Susan A. Aldrich.
2158 Russell,
8 16 Jan., 1794; m. (1) Melinda Hamilton; (2) Mary Ann Arbout.
2159 Naomi,
8 b. 28 July, 1796; m. Nathan Aldrich.
2160 Joseph,
8 b. 1 Jan., 1802; m. Harriet Aldrich.
2161 Silence,8 b. 7 Aug., 1804; d. from being scalded, 27 Dec., 1805.
2162 Benjamin Franklin,
8 b. 14 Dec., 1806; m. Diantha Hopkins.
2163 John,
8 b. 17 Mar., 1809; m. (1) Sarah Vanauker; (2) Mrs. Loana (Rice) Higgins.
2164 James Madison,8 b. 25 Sept., 1812, in Amsterdam, N. Y.; m. 4 May, 1851, Mrs. Lemira Fowler, b. 21 Feb., 1810, in Brimfield, Mass., dau. of Samuel Tarbell, b. 10 Sept., 1784, of Brimfield, and Alice Oaks, b. 16 Mar., 1787. She d. 18 Feb., 1888; he d. 3 Mar., 1899. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y., in 1839; for some fifteen years he lectured on phrenology. Tiring of constant travel, he settled, in 1877, in Woodworth, Kenosha Co., Wis.; adopted a child, Helen Mary, b. 7 Nov., 1869, who m. 9 May, 1892, William C. McVicar, and res. in Woodworth, Wis.
7 son of Joseph
6 (
246), b. in South Hadley, 3 June, 1757; m. 21 Oct., 1782, Tryphena Smith, bap. 6 Sept., 1760, dau. of Capt. Elisha Smith and Eunice Grant.
He d. about 1805; administration was granted on his estate, 5 Feb., in that year; she survived him; he res. in South Hadley; was a revolutionary soldier; served as a private with the northern army in Lieut. Judd's Co., Col. Porter's Reg., 8 July to 12 Aug., 1777; private in Capt. Lamb's Co., Col. Nathaniel Wade's Reg.; enlisted 15 Sept., 1779, served three months and twenty-seven days.
Children, b. in South Hadley.
2165 Preserved Smith,
8 b. 16 Sept., 1783; m. Sallie Davis.
2166 Dorothy,
8 b. 26 Sept., 1785; m. John Sikes.
2167 William Rooker,8 b. 17 May, 1788; d. about 1820, in which year Matthew Kellogg was administrator of his estate; res. in South Hadley.
2168 Henry Augustus,8 b. 12 Dec., 1789.
2169 Valentine Matthew,8 b. ______; had a guardian in 1810.
7 son of Joseph
6 (
246), b. in South Hadley, 10 Sept., 1759; m. 30 Dec., 1786, Lois Eastman, b. 8 July, 1761, dau. of Deacon William Eastman, of South Hadley, and Elizabeth Mosely, of Glastonbury.
He d. 25 Apr., 1826, aged 66; she d. 28 July, 1850, aged 89.
He was a farmer; res. in South Hadley; is buried in South Hadley cemetery.
182 The Kelloggs in the New World.
Children, b. in South Hadley.
2170 Fanny,8 b. 8 Mar., 1788; m. (pub. 25 Mar., 1810), Alpheus Ingram, of South Hadley; d. 20 Nov., 1860; had no children.
2171 Elijah,
8 b. 1 Apr., 1790; m. Ruth Church.
2172 William,8 b. 31 Mar., 1792; m. 10 Apr., 1827, Abigail Brainerd, b. in Hadden Neck, 17 Apr., 1795, dau. of Robert Brainerd and Abigail Spencer; d. 27 Sept., 1834; she d. 28 Oct., 1836; res. in South Hadley; had no children.
2173 Hawley,8 b. 2 Oct., 1794; d. unm. 8 Apr., 1821.
2174 Nabby,
8 b. 5 Feb., 1797; m. Eleazar Wright.
2175 Esther,8 b. 27 June, 1799; m. 3 Apr., 1825, Obadiah Montague, of South Hadley; d. 18 Aug., 1831; had no children; he was subsequently m. twice and had children.
7 son of Joseph
6 (
246), b. in South Hadley, 17 Aug., 1761; m. in Portland, Me., 1 July, 1792, Eunice McLellan, b. in Portland, Me., 1 Jan., 1770, dau. of Joseph McLellan and Mary. Her grandparents, Hugh McLellan and wife, came in 1734, from Antrim, Ireland, and settled in Gorham, Me.
He d. in Portland, 9 Mar., 1843; she d. in Harpswell, Me., 17 Oct., 1850.
He worked on his father's farm until he was about 15 years of age; was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner; received an order for a bounty coat,* 25 Oct., 1775. After the battle of Lexington he marched to Cambridge and engaged in the siege of Boston; enlisted in Col. Francis' Reg., Massachusetts line, and was in the battle of White Plains, and other engagements. In Feb., 1777, the regiment marched for Ticonderoga. In the retreat of St. Clair his company was in the rear guard and was attacked at Readsboro by Gen Eraser. Col. Francis was killed and most of his regiment destroyed. The remnant joined Gen. Gates and were engaged at Bemis' Heights and Stillwater. Mr. Kellogg used to say he saw Sir James Clark mortally wounded, taken prisoner and carried to the rear in a hand barrow. After Burgoyne's surrender, marched south and joined Gen. Washington's army and spent the winter at Valley Forge. In 1780 bis term of enlistment having expired, he was offered a commission to remain in the service, but being desirous of an education, declined, and was honorably discharged, receiving at the head of the regiment the thanks of the Colonel for his good conduct and faithful service.
He fitted for college at Moore's School in Hanover, N. H., and was graduated from Dartmouth College in 1785. To earn part of his college expenses he taught school during the vacations, also worked in the sawmill which was attached to the college to assist students.
He studied theology with Rev. Mr. Murray, of Newburyport, Mass., by whom he was recommended to the Second Congregational Church of Portland, Me., and was there settled 1 Oct., 1788. He was discharged from this church in 1811, and worked in the Chapel Church in Portland until 1821. From 1818 to 1838 he was engaged in missionary labors, the winters only being spent in Portland.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 183
He organized churches in Lubec, Perry, Dennysville, Calais, Robbinston, Wells and Sangersville. He was the agent of the United States in promoting civilization among the Pasamaquoddy Indians; was seven years Chaplain of the Maine Senate; was active in establishing Bowdoin College, and one of its board of overseers. In the autumn of 1837 he was attacked by a hemorrhage of the lungs, and continued to decline until he died. There is a tradition among his descendants that when he was born his grandmother took him in her arms and said, "We will have one prophet in the family."
2176 John Lucas,8 b. 22 May, 1793; d. the next day.
2177 Mary McLellan,8 b. 19 July, 1794; d. unm. 6 Dec., 1816.
2178 Joseph McLellan,
8 b. 27 May, 1796; m. Sophia Brazier.
2179 Eunice McLellan,8 b. 27 Nov., 1800; d. unm. 13 May, 1828.
2180 Dorothy Dix,8 b. 25 Nov., 1803; d. 28 Nov., 1823.
2181 Julia,8 b. about 1804; d. unm. 22 July, 1871.
2182 Caroline,8 b. 9 June, 1806; d. 2 Mar., 1807.
2183 Edward Patson,8 b. 5 Mar., 1808; d. 14 Aug., the same year.
2184 Caroline,8 b. about 1809; d. unm. 4 Dec., 1883.
2185 Elijah,
8 b. 20 May, 1813; m. Hannah Pearson Pomeroy.
7 son of Joseph
6 (
246), b. in South Hadley, 1 May, 1773; m. Elizabeth Burnham, b. ______, dau. of Ruben Bumham and Hannah Perley Putnam.
He was living in 1816; a dyer and fuller; res. in Bridgton, Me. He was a charter member of the Lodge of F. and A. M., organized in Bridgton, 26 Mar., 1804, and was its secretary from 1810 to 1813.
2186 Dorothy,
8 b. 10 Aug., 1804; m. Edward Robbins Morse.
2187 Joseph,8 b. ______; went on a whaling voyage and was never heard from.
2188 Sarah,8 b. 1807; m. in Rosbury, Mass., 1 Dec., 1847, Enoch Putnam Foster, son of Enoch and Susannah Foster; res. in Lynn, Mass., where both d. He d. 11 Sept., 1897, aged 85 y., 7 m., 29 d.; she d. 8 Nov., 1885; had no children.
2189 Mary,
8 b. 5 Apr., 1809; m. William Davis Adams.
2190 Eli,
8 b. 30 Jan., 1813; m. Fanny Jameson.
7 son of Jabez
6 (
249), b. 6 Jan., 1759; m. about 1783, Jemima Snow, dau. of Ebenezer Snow, of South Hadley.
She d. 9 May, 1820; he m. (2) 19 Dec., 1827, Mrs. Mabel (Fox) Andrews, b. 1762, widow of Elijah Andrews, a revolutionary soldier.
He d. 12 Apr., 1840, in Brookfield, Vt.; is said to have settled in Vermont about 1784. He was 5 feet, 8 inches in height.
He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner; enlisted in South Hadley, Jan., 1777; served three years; was discharged in West Point in 1780.
184 The Kelloggs in the New World.
2191 Horace,
8 b. 10 Oct., 1784; m. Martha Walbridge.
2192 Phineas,
8 b. 10 Nov., 1786; m. Anna Abbott.
2193 Jemima,
8 b. 16 Aug., 1789; m. Rufus Barnard.
2194 Rachel,
8 b. 29 June, 1791; m. Israel Guild.
2195 Sally,
8 b. 9 Aug., 1793; m. Calvin Guild.
2196 Ebenezer Snow,
8 b. 1797; m. Roxanna Reed.
2197 William,8 b. ______; d. unm., aged 19.
2198 Lucinda,
8 b. 7 Oct., 1799; m. Richard Stevens.
2199 Arial,
8 b. 7 Apr., 1802; m. Persis Hayden Pratt.
2200 Joseph,
8 b. 21 June, 1805; m. Elvira Perrin.
2201 Benjamin,
8 b. 23 Feb., 1808; m. Rachel Kellogg (2243).
7 son of Jabez
6 (
249), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 28 July, 1761; m. (1) Lydia Alvord, b. 25 Apr., 1762.
She d. ______; he m. (2) in Shelburne, Mass., 10 Oct., 1792, Demis Wells, of Colchester, Conn.; d. in Enosburg, Vt.
He was a weaver; rem. to Hanover, N. H., 1784; 1791 returned to Shelburne, and later rem. to Lebanon, N. H., and to Montpelier and Enosburg, Vt.
He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner. In the army rolls in 1780 he was described as 19 years old, 5 feet and 3 inches in height, light complexion. In his application for pension he stated that he was present at and witnessed the execution of Maj. Andre.
2202 Pliny,
8 b. 15 Sept., 1786; m. Wealthy Smith.
2203 Lydia,
8 b. about 1788; m. Abner Smead.
2204 Nancy,
8 b. 26 Dec., 1789; m. Remembrance Nash.
2205 Enos,
8 b. ______; m. Margaret McAllister.
2206 Jabez,
8 b. ______; m. (1) Matilda McNab; (2) Mary McNab.
2207 Elias Wells,
8 b. 3 Feb., 1795; m. Alzada Holbrook.
2208 Clarissa,8 b. 22 Feb., 1798; d. unm. in Montpelier, 14 Nov., 1874.
2209 Simeon,
8 b. 28 Feb., 1800; m. Lorenda Whelpley.
2210 Apama,
8 b. ______; m. Dr. Benjamin Walton (2247).
2211 Demis,
8 b. ______; m. John Wilson.
2212 Russell Allen,
8 b. 1806; m. Angeline Steadman.
7 son of Jabez
6 (
249), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 22 Apr., 1763; m. (1) Jan., 1793, Tempy Walton,* of Lebanon, N. H., b. in South Hadley, Nov., 1771.
She d. in Hanover, 26 Oct., 1805; he m. (2) 10 Apr., 1806, Rubie Utley, b. in Connecticut, 24 Oct., 1778, dau. of Joseph Utley, b. 6 Mar., 1732, and Jerusha Martin, b. 8 June, 1734.
He d. in Hanover, 25 Dec., 1831; she d. in Concord, N. Y., 7 Jan., 1862.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 185
He was a deacon in the Hanover Plain Church and held that office twenty years or more.
Child by first wife.
2213 Sarah,
8 b. 25 Dec., 1794; m. Warren Day.
Children, b. in Hanover, by second wife.
2214 Leonard Martin,
8 b. Feb., 1807; m. Louisa Spencer.
2215 Harriet Walton,8 b. 2 June, 1809; m. 16 Sept., 1833, Stephen Noyes Manning, of Hanover; d. 8 Nov., 1838, in Covington, Ky.; had no children.
2216 George Walton,8 b. 19 Sept., 1812; m. Eliza Jane Perkins, b. in Maine, 1843. He d. in Napa, Cal., 25 Nov., 1876; she m. (2) Mayberry; had no children.
2217 Caroline Permelia,
8 b. 5 Nov., 1814; m. (1) William Ensworth; (2) William F. Hayward.
2218 Sarah Day,
8 b. 22 Oct., 1824; m. Vernon Cole.
7 son of Jabez
6 (
249), b. in South Hadley, 27 Sept., 1765; m. 14 Feb., 1788, Molly Pool (1628), b. 1 Feb., 1771, dau. of Lieut. Jacob Pool and Mary Kellogg (+
He d. in Shelburne, Mass., 4 Aug., 1813; she d. in Bernardston, Mass., 7 Sept., 1833.
He was a blacksmith; rem. to Shelburne when 16 years of age, and learned his trade of Maj. Nash; was a representative to the General Court in 1808.
From the public prints of the day we read "His character was reputable and his life useful. In his death the church lost a cordial friend, and the town, a valuable inhabitant."
Children, b. in Shelburne.
2219 Nabby (Abigail),8 b. 12 Nov., 1788; d. unm. 10 Nov., 1805.
2220 Polly,8 b. 10 Dec., 1790; d. unm. 6 Jan., 1811.
2221 Jacob Pool,
8 b. 16 Feb., 1793; m. Lucy Prescott Wright.
2222 Elam,
8 b. 14 July, 1795; m. Elizabeth Dole.
2223 Henry,
8 b. 26 Apr., 1797; m. (1) Susan Broad; (2) Mrs. Mary (Lather) Smith.
2224 Julia,
8 b. 10 Mar., 1799; m. Abner Smead.
2225 John,
8 b. 10 Dec., 1800; m. Lydia Orpha Hitchcock.
2226 Rachel,8 b. 14 Apr., 1802; d. 22 Jan., 1803.
2227 Samuel Otway,8 b. 22 July, 1809; d. 12 July, 1810.
2228 Mary Abigail,
8 b. 24 Aug., 1811; m. Martin Talcott.
7 son of Jabez
6 (
249), b. in Hadley, 26 Oct., 1767; m. in Winchester, N. H., Pollina Stebbins, b. 15 Oct., 1771, dau. of Jonah Stebbins and Mary Howe, of Northfield, Mass.
He d. in Burlington, Vt., 9 Jan., 1813; she d. in Hanover, N. H., 28 Nov., 1831.
He res. in Winchester until about 1800, when he rem. to Keene, remaining there until he went to Burlington, Vt., in 1805; was engaged in building the barracks for the military post in that town when he d.
186 The Kelloggs in the New World.
2229 Louisa Pollina,8 b. in Winchester, 26 Nov., 1796; m. as his third wife, Alpheus Taylor, b. 27 Aug., 1782, son of Hollis Taylor, b. 11 Feb., 1758, and Christian Field, b. 20 May, 1761; d. in Brattleboro, Vt., 31 Aug., 1856; he d. there 1 Mar., same year; had no children.
2230 Mary Howe,
8 b. in Winchester, 11 Apr., 1798, at a quarter past one A. M.; m. Capt. Lemuel Stevens.
2231 Josiah Stebbins,8 b. in Winchester, 15 Dec., 1799; d. in Burlington, 1 Jan., 1813.
2232 Noahdiah,
8 b. in Keene, 9 June, 1802; m. Lucelia F. Cossit.
2233 John Altard,
8 b. in Keene, 11 Feb., 1804; m. Fidelia Barstow.
2234 Sophia,8 b. in Burlington, 22 Aug., 1806; d. in Burlington, 5 Sept., 1815.
2235 William Henry,8 b. in Burlington, 25 June, 1813; d. in Montpelier, Vt., 19 Mar., 1821.
2236 Josiah Stebbins,8 b. in Bradford, Vt., 25 June, 1813; d. in Hinsdale, N. H., Feb., 1814.
7 son of Jabez
6 (
249), b. in South Hadley, 26 Feb., 1770; m. (1) Sept., 1799, Mrs. Mercy (Davis) Bowen, widow of David Bowen, of Newport, R. I.
She d. 6 June, 1803; he m. (2) 12 Sept., 1804, Mary Chase, b. 12 July, 1782, dau. of James Chase and Sarah Davis; she d. 30 Sept., 1819; he d. June, 1843.
He res. in Somerset, Mass.; was a merchant and shipbuilder, also Postmaster; was appointed Adjutant in 1799; Junior Major in 1805; Lieut. Colonel in 1808.
Children by first wife.
2237 Harriet,8 b. Sept., 1800; m. as his second wife, 17 June, 1844, Gardner Anthony, of Somerset, b. 1785; d. Dec., 1861; had no children.
2238 Eliza,8 b. 4 Mar., 1802; m. Jan., 1846, Samuel Marble, of Somerset; d. Oct., 1848; had no children.
2239 Mercy,8 b. 3 June, 1803; m. Feb., 1832, William Newhall, of Fall River; d. about June, 1847.
Children by second wife.
2240 Sarah Ann,
8 b. June, 1807; m. (1) John Tasker; (2) Noah Clark.
2241 Mary,8 b. 17 Oct., 1809; m. 5 Jan., 1841, Charles V. Card, of New Bedford, Mass.; he d. Apr., 1856; she d. 4 Mar., 1859; had no children.
2242 Joseph,8 b. Jan., 1812; d. unm. in Somerset, 5 Sept., 1844.
8 b. 29 May, 1814; m. Benjamin Kellogg (+
7 dau. of Jabez
6 (
249), b. in Hadley, 20 Mar., 1772; m. about 1792, Hon. John Walton, b. 1766, son of John Walton,* of Lebanon, N. H., and Eliza Clark.
He d. in Montpelier, Vt., 18 June, 1843; she d. 5 Oct., 1845.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 187
He rem. from Lebanon to Montpelier in 1817; was a farmer; represented the Montpelier district in Congress.
Children, b. in Lebanon.
2244 Abigail Walton,8 b. Oct., 1792; m. (1) George S. Walton, of Montpelier; he d. ______; had one child; she m. (2) Col. Joseph Wiggins, of Montpelier; rem. to Antwerp, N. Y., where both d.
2245 John Walton,8 b. ______; m. (1) Harriet Taplin; m. (2) Margaret _______; he was a farmer and shoemaker; res. in Montpelier.
2246 Maria Walton,8 b. 4 Jan., 1800; m. Dr. Zebina Knapp Pangborn, b. in Vergennes, Vt., 4 Sept., 1796, son of Samuel Beebe Pangborn and Susannah Knapp; he was a physician; res. in St. Johnsbury, Peacham and Cabot, Vt., and Norfolk and Pierrepont, N. Y.
Benjamin Walton,
8 b. ______; m. Apama Kellogg (+
2248 Temperance Walton,8 b. 1803; d. in Montpelier, 13 Oct., 1833.
2249 Caroline Walton,8 b. 15 Nov., 1806; m. 19 Jan., 1829, Horatio Nelson Taplin; d. 25 Aug., 1831; he m. (2) Harriet Lovewell.
7 son of Jabez
6 (
249), b. in Hadley, 4 Apr., 1776; m. (1) 15 Dec., 1799, Elizabeth Smith, dau. of Aaron Smith, of Danville, Vt.
She d. 25 Feb., 1801; he m. (2) 3 Dec., 1801, Judith Hall, b. 12 Nov., 1781, dau. of Lieut. Timothy Hall, of Concord, Mass., and Peacham, Vt., and Ann Foster.
He d. 16 July, 1853; she d. 19 Dec., 1856.
He rem. to Peacham and res. there until about 1842, when he rem. to East Hard wick in the same State, where he d. He was a farmer; was chosen deacon in the Congregational Church in Peacham at its organization and served in that office in Peacham and East Hardwick until his death.
Child, b. in Peacham, by first wife.
2250 Elizabeth,
8 b. 13 Feb., 1801; m. Leonard Martin.
Children by second wife.
2251 Maria,
8 b. 13 Sept., 1802; m. Ralph Blanchard.
2252 John,8 b. 24 Apr., 1804; d. 6 May, same year.
2253 Judith,
8 b. 2 Feb., 1806; m. Hon. Sebastian Frederick Taylor.
2254 John,8 b. 24 Mar., 1808; m. Mary Owen, of Montpelier; d. 16 Dec., 1890; she d. 19 Dec., same year; res. in Peru, Ill.; had no children.
2255 Anna,8 b. 12 Mar., 1810; d. 11 Mar., 1821.
2256 Electa,8 b. 1 June, 1812; d. unm. 2 May, 1829.
2257 Martha,
8 b. 16 Aug., 1814; m. Independence Farrow.
2258 Oran,
8 b. 21 Sept., 1817; m. Harriet Adams Tuttle.
2259 Caroline,
8 b. 30 Nov., 1819; m. Charles William Prentice.
2260 Lucy,
8 b. 25 Feb., 1822; m. Montville Warren Howe.
2261 Hiram,8 b. 31 Mar., 1824; d. unm. in California, 13 Feb., 1850.
7 dau. of David
6 (
253), b. in Westfield, 13 June, 1748; m. Nehemiah Carter, b. 1741.
She d. 20 June, 1810; he d. 15 Oct., same year.
Rem. to Lowville, N. Y., in their old age, and d. there, at the house of their son, Phederus. The longevity of this family was remarkable, four of the children having lived to the age of more than 90 years.
188 The Kelloggs in the New World.
Children, b. in Westfield.
2262 Chandler Carter,8 b. 28 Feb., 1768; d. in Springfield, aged 92.
2263 Nehemiah Carter,8 b. 8 May, 1769; d. in Westfield, aged 84.
2264 Mary Carter,8 b. 1 June, 1770; d. in Iowa, aged 94.
2265 Zeboim Carter,8 b. 13 June, 1772; d. in Iowa, aged 81; served in the war of 1812; was called Col. Zeboim Carter.
2266 Catherine Carter,8 b. 18 Aug., 1774; d. 17 Jan., 1791.
2267 David Kellogg Carter,8 b. 22 Mar., 1776; m. 1804, Elizabeth Hollister, b. 31 Oct., 1789, seventh child of Abner Hollister, b. 28 Oct., 1754, and Sarah Betty; d. in Rochester, N. Y., 27 Aug., 1828. His son, Judge D. K. Carter, of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, administered the oath to nearly all the members of the Cabinet during his term of office.
2268 Submit Carter,8 b. 18 Aug., 1779; d. 29 Oct., same year.
2269 James Bruce Carter,8 b. 17 May, 1781; m. in Rochester, N. Y., 4 July, 1815, Mahala Doty, b. in Saratoga, N. Y., 15 Mar., 1793, dau. of Capt. Isaac Doty and Anna Parks; rem. to Rochester from Springfield, Mass., about 1810; was a blacksmith and is said to have ironed the first wagon built in Rochester. His residence was on the corner of Main and Buffalo streets, where he owned five acres. He rem. to Riga, in the same county, in 1818; d. in Rochester, Mar., 1852; she d. there May, of the same year.
2270 Bethsheba Carter,8 b. 2 Feb., 1783; d. in Springfield, aged 90.
2271 Isaac Carter,8 b. 21 Oct., 1784; d. in Lowville, aged 88.
2272 Phederus Carter,8 b. 6 June, 1786; m. (1) 1807, Sophia Murray, b. in Pompey, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1789, dau. of Ichabod Murray; she d. 30 Jan., 1833; he m. (2) Sept., 1834, Mrs. Ruth Hendel, who d. 1878. He rem. from Westfield, Mass., to Lowville, N. Y., in 1806; was a farmer; served in the war of 1812, at Sacket Harbor; had twelve children by his first wife and one by the second; d. 19 Dec., 1874, aged 87.
2273 Samuel Carter,8 b. 9 Sept., 1788; d. in Kansas, aged 90.
7 dau. of David
6 (
253), b. in Westfield, 15 Aug., 1752; Pliny Sacket, of Westfield.
Children, b. in Westfield.
2274 Elizabeth Sacket,8 b. ______; m. Oliver Johnson; res. New York State.
2275 Polly Sacket,8 b. ______; m. Hezekiah Wheeler.
2276 Jerusha Sacket,8 b. ______; m. Isaac Fowler, of Westfield.
2277 Electa Sacket,8 b. ______; m. Reuben Ensign.
2278 Royal Sacket,8 b. ______; m. Eunice Hastings, of Suffield.
2279 Pliny Sacket,8 b. ______; m. Nancy Bartlett.
2280 Lucretia Sacket,8 b. ______; m. James French, of Southwick.
2281 Oliver Sacket,8 b. ______; d. young.
2282 Cynthia Sacket,8 b. ______; d. young.
7 son of David
6 (
253), b. 14 Mar., 1754; m. 29 Mar., 1786, Ann Loomis, b. 10 July, 1758, dau. of Joshua Loomis, of Westfield, Mass., b. 24 Aug., 1706, and Abigail Langdon.
He d. 20 June, 1801; she d. 24 June, 1841.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 189
2283 David,
8 b. 11 Oct., 1786; m. Ruth Lambson.
2284 Anna,
8 b. 19 Jan., 1788; m. Elisha Root.
2285 Seth,
8 b. 14 Apr., 1790; m. (1) Pamelia Dewey; (2) Sarah O. Crosby.
2286 Samuel,8 b. 19 June, 1792; accidentally killed in New Marlborough, Mass.
2287 Langdon,
8 b. 16 Aug., 1794; m. Wealthy Boies.
2288 Lovisa,
8 b. 27 Feb., 1797; m. Apollos Lambson.
2289 Alva,
8 b. 22 Aug., 1799; m. Eliza Fowler.
7 son of David
6 (
253), b. in Southwick, Mass., 6 Apr., 1756; m. 7 Apr., 1790, Jediah Lord, b. in East Haddam, Conn., 21 May, 1759.
He d. 26 July, 1806; she d. 2 Jan., 1841.
He was a farmer in Southwick and Tolland, Mass.
2290 Jediah,
8 b. 20 June, 1791; m. Timothy Humphrey.
2291 Catherine,8 b. 17 Aug., 1792; d. unm. in Westfield, 24 Sept., 1860.
2292 Arpasha,
8 b. 16 July, 1794; m. Calvin Fuller.
2293 Phineas S.,8 b. 22 June, 1798; was admitted to the church in Southwick, 2 May, 1841; d. unm. 30 July, 1864.
2294 John L.,
8 b. 15 May, 1803; m. Electa L. Kibbe.
7 dau. of David
6 (
253), b. in Enfield, Conn., 3 Sept., 1757; m. 6 Jan., 1785, in Westfield, Mass., Roswell Brown, b. in Westfield, 1760, son of Nicholas Brown and Mary Root, b. 26 Jan., 1727.
He d. 8 Apr., 1835; she d. 14 June, 1837.
He was a revolutionary soldier; enlisted in 1776, and served one month and nine days; again in 1777 and served three months and two days as a private under Capt. Kellogg; in 1777 served one month and one day as private under Capt. Moseley; in 1778 served twenty-eight days under Capt. Gray; in 1779 served one month and six days as private under Capt. Leonard.
2295 William Brown,8 b. ______; m. Elizabeth Loomis.
2296 Roswell Brown,8 b. about 1787; m. Rhoda Mather, d. 1852; she d. 1852; had four children.
2297 Ruth Brown,8 b. ______; m. Moses Sibley.
2298 Ozinia Brown,8 b. 15 Apr., 1795; m. 1818, Hiram Fox, of Westfield; d. 22 Feb., 1864.
2299 Simena Brown,8 b. ______; d. 1796.
2300 Mary Brown,8 b. 1798; m. 1834, Elisha Pomeroy; d. 1888.
2301 Enoch Brown,8 b. ______; d. 1864.
2302 Henry Brown,8 b. 1800; d. 1829.
7 son of David
6 (
253), b. 9 Oct., 1768; m. 6 Dec., 1802, Eunice Viets, b. 27 Dec., 1780, dau. of Abner Viets, of Granby, Conn., and Mary _______.
He d. 29 Oct., 1847; she d. 15 Sept., 1863.
He was a farmer in Southwick, Mass., where both d.
190 The Kelloggs in the New World.
2303 Enoch Viets,
8 b. 19 Feb., 1804, in Southwick, Mass.; m. Lucy Loomis.
2304 Annis,8 b. 2 Mar., 1806; m. Richard Hardy, of Southwick, son of Henry Hardy; d. 5 May, 1863.
2305 Eunice,
8 b. 11 Oct., 1808; m. Amos J. Larnard.
2306 Mary,8 b. 22 Dec., 1811; d. 16 Aug., 1814.
2307 Lavinna,8 b. 27 Feb., 1814; m. Lathrop Viets, of Connecticut; d. in La Crosse, Wis., 1861.
2308 Samuel,
8 b. 23 Aug., 1816; m. Mary A. Smith.
2309 Hiram,
8 b. 9 Dec., 1819; m. Mrs. Elizabeth (Kilbourne) Hurlburt.
7 dau. of Capt. John
6 (
258), b. in Westfield, Mass., 18 Oct., 1751; m. in Westfield, 5 May, 1774, Jared Hoadley, b. 18 Mar., 1753-54, in Branford, Conn., eldest son of Jacob Hoadley and Jemima Buell.
She d. ______; he d. ______, in Bennington, Vt.
2310 John Hoadley,8 bap. 14 Sept., 1777, in Westfield; lost at sea.
2311 William Hoadley,8 bap. 14 Sept., 1777, in Westfield; settled in Highgate, Vt.
2312 Henry Hoadley,8 b. 9 Aug., 1784, in Bennington, Vt.; m. Lavinia Searles.
2313 Jared Hoadley,8 b. 22 Sept., 1788, in Bennington.
2314 Anna Hoadley,8 b. ______.
7 dau. of Capt. John
6 (
258), b. 22 Aug., 1753; m. 29 Jan., 1773, Samuel Noble, b. 27 Aug., 1753, son of Samuel Noble, b. 5 Aug., 1722, and Catherine Fowler.
He d. 18 June, 1819; she d. 10 Dec., 1833.
Children, b. in Westfield.
2315 Laurana Noble,8 P b. Feb., 1774; m. 26 May, 1793, Stillman Dewey, b. 1 July, 1773, in Middlebury, Vt.; d. 21 June, 1841; he d. in Middlebury, 27 Apr., 1854, aged 80.
2316 Salina Noble,8 b. 13 Nov., 1775; d. unm. 3 June, 1848, in Middlebury.
2317 Sophia Noble,8 b. 13 Oct., 1777; m. 1 Nov., 1810, Aaron King, of Westfield.
2318 Lovisa Noble,8 b. 20 Sept., 1779; m. June, 1797, Norman Pettibone, of Hartford, Conn.; d. 9 Apr., 1798.
2319 Jared Noble,8 b. 11 May, 1781; d. 16 Dec., 1785.
2320 Nancy Noble,8 b. 9 Apr., 1783; m. 13 Dec., 1806, Erastus Brewer, of Chicopee, Mass.
2321 Samuel Noble,8 b. 21 Feb., 1785; m. (1) 27 Nov., 1808, Mary Smith; (2) Feb., 1822, Fanny Hubbard, of Agawam, Mass., widow of Horace Norton; she d. in West Springfield, Mass., 26 June, 1847, aged 61.
2322 Jared Noble,8 b. 29 Dec., 1786; m. 26 Aug., 1809, Sally Nichols; d. in New York _______.
2323 Augustus Noble,8 b. 25 Apr., 1789; m. Nov., 1814, Helen Fralie; res. in Windsor, Ashtabula Co., O.
2324 Sir Guy Carlton Noble,8 b. 5 Apr., 1791; m. 28 Apr., 1814, Lois Phelps, who d. in Michigan.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 191
2325 Edmund Noble,8 b. 5 May, 1793; m. 9 June, 1822, Ann Chapin, b. 4 Feb., 1795, dau. of George Chapin, b. 20 May, 1768, and Martha Day, b. 24 June, 1768, in Westfield, Mass.; he d. in Westfield, 28 Oct., 1848; she d. 4 Apr., 1851; had eight children.
2326 Charlotte Noble,8 b. 10 Apr., 1795; m. 2 June, 1850, Deacon Martin Tinker, b. about 1777, in Westfield, Mass.; he d. 3 Jan., 1854; she d. about 1880.
2327 George Washington Noble,8 b. 6 Aug., 1798; m. 2 Dec., 1824, Mahala Loomis; d. in Westfield, 9 Nov., 1871.
7 son of Capt. John
6 (
258), b. 31 May, 1755; m. 31 May, 1780, Lois Day, b. in Springfield, Mass.
He d. 30 Jan., 1814; she d. ______.
Res. in Westfield, Mass.
Children, b. in Westfield.
2328 Lucy,
8 b. 14 Mar., 1782; m. Clark Root.
✛2329 John,8 b. 4 Apr., 1784; d. 10 Aug., 1785.
2330 John,
8 June, 1786; m. (1) Eleanor Faurote; (2) Mena Socorro.
2331 Pamelia,
8 b. 17 Dec., 1788; m. Sylvanus Bartlett.
2332 Silas,
8 b. 10 Feb., 1791; m. Julia Loomis.
2333 Polly,8 b. 28 Oct., 1792; m. Erastus Handy, of Cleveland, O.; he d. 2 Nov., 1857; she d. 9 Feb., 1872; had no children.
2334 Henry,
8 b. 4 Dec., 1794; m. (1) Eliza Parker; (2) Mary J. Lincon.
2335 Arminta,
8 b. 14 Oct., 1799; m. Lester Shay.
2336 Collins,
8 b. 17 Feb., 1802; m. Cynthia Loomis.
7 dau. of Capt. John
6 (
258), b. in Westfield, Mass., 22 Sept., 1757; m. Reuben Clapp.
Child, b. in Westfield.
2337 Lucy Clapp,8 b. 24 Apr., 1778; d. about 1820, in Sandisfield, Mass.
7 son of Capt. John
6 (
258), b. 5 Sept., 1762; m. 12 Nov., 1788, Mary Wilcox, of Sandisfield, Mass., dau. of Ebenezer Wilcox, of Sandisfield, and Mary _______.
He went with his father to Salisbury, Conn.; rem. to Sullivan, N. Y., in 1814.
He d. 1840; she d. the same year.
Children, last three b. in Salisbury, Conn.
2338 James,
8 b. in Sandisfield, 1 Nov., 1789; m. (1) Elizabeth Thomas; (2) Elizabeth Snell; (3) Catherine Snell.
2339 Walter,
8 b. in Sandisfield, 13 June, 1793; m. Delilah Schuyler.
2340 Maria,8 b. 11 Feb., 1800; m. Alex Wager; res. in Salisbury, Conn.; had one child, who d. young.
2341 Charles,
8 b. 3 Aug., 1802; m. Jane Olin.
2342 Susan,
8 b. in Salisbury, Conn., 4 Nov., 1805; m. Abram Ehle.
7 dau. of Martin
6 (
278), b. in Newington, Conn., 18 Apr., 1743; m. in Newington, 14 Feb., 1765, Unni Robbins, b. in Newington, 9 Feb., 1742, son
192 The Kelloggs in the New World.
of Ensign Thomas Bobbins, b. 1 May, 1700, and Prudence Welles, b. 12 Feb., 1712.
He d. 17 June, 1810; she d. 22 Jan., 1816. He was a farmer; res. in Newington, where both d.
2343 Unni Bobbins,8 b. 28 Nov., 1765; m. Lucy Cole Lowery; d. 7 July, 1818.
2344 Prudence Bobbins,8 b. 23 Jan., 1767; m. Leonard Welles; d. 1840.
2345 Martin Bobbins,8 b. 30 Dec., 1770; d. 23 Oct., 1776.
2346 Abigail Bobbins,8 b. 18 Apr., 1775; m. Timothy Stanley.
2347 Mary Bobbins,8 b. 24 Oct., 1784; m. Jacob Bates.
7 son of Martin
6 (
278), b. in Newington, Conn., 18 July, 1746; m. 4 Feb., 1773, by Rev. Joshua Belden, Hannah Bobbins, b. 10 Mar., 1750, dau. of Ensign Thomas Bobbins, b. 1 May, 1706, and Prudence Welles, b. 12 Feb., 1712.
She d. 13 Nov., 1827; he d. 19 Aug., 1828.
He was a farmer; res. in Newington. He was much respected and beloved by all who knew him. He owned the covenant in Newington, 9 Jan., 1778. He served in the revolutionary war; was First Lieut, on the Lexington Alarm in Capt. John Chester's Co., Apr.-May, 1775, six days' service; Capt. in the Sixth Connecticut Reg., 1777.
2348 Hannah,
8 b. 17 Jan., 1774; m. Benjamin Hart.
2349 Mary,8 b. 26 May, 1776; d. unm. 8 Apr., 1831.
2350 Jemima,
8 b. 20 Dec., 1778; m. Nathan Whiting Hall.
2351 Martin,
8 b. 24 July, 1781; m. Mary Welles (2371).
2352 Laura,
8 b. 5 Nov., 1783; m. (1) Asaph Whittlesey; (2) Thomas Lee.
2353 Prudence,
8 b. 27 Dec., 1790; m. Josiah Atwood.
2354 Electa,
8 b. 24 Dec., 1793; m. Capt. Heman Whittlesey.
7 dau. of Martin
6 (
278), b. in Newington, Conn., 16 Apr., 1749; m. in Newington, Conn., 5 Dec., 1768, Joseph Camp, b. in Newington, 27 July, 1744, son of John Camp, Jr., b. 1701-02, and Penelope Deming, b. 17 Nov., 1717.
She d. 2 Aug., 1804; he d. 15 Apr., 1812.
He was a farmer; probably served in the revolutionary war as Sergt. in Capt. Pomeroy's Co., from 3 Aug. to 18 Sept., 1778. He was graduated from Yale College 1766; he and his wife owned the covenant in Newington, 15 Apr., 1770.
2355 Anna Camp,8 b. 8 Feb., 1770; d. 26 May, 1772.
2356 Anna Camp,8 b. 15 Apr., 1773; d. unm. 11 May, 1853.
2357 Eleanor Camp,8 b. 17 July, 1775; m. 30 Nov., 1796, James Welles; d. 3 May, 1817.
2358 Sarah Camp,8 b. 6 June, 1778; d. unm. 1 Mar., 1836.
2359 Joseph Camp,8 b. 26 Mar., 1781; m. (1) 23 Jan., 1833, Lydia Francis; (2) 11 June, 1845, Sophia Porter, of New Haven.
2360 James Kellogg Camp,8 b. 15 Mar., 1784; m. Caroline Deming, of Farmington, Conn.; was a merchant; d. in Farmington, 6 Apr., 1845.
2361 Alma Camp,8 b. 31 Jan., 1787; d. unm. 3 Apr., 1845.
2362 Lucy Camp,8 b. 12 May, 1790; m. 16 Mar., 1813, Edwin Gaylord, of West Hartford; d. 19 Mar., 1857.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 193
7 dau. of Martin
6 (
278), b. 10 Mar., 1755; m. 14 Apr., 1779, Capt. Saul Alvord, b. in Bolton, Conn., 9 July, 1753, son of Saul Alvord, of Northampton, Mass., b. 23 Apr., 1717.
She d. 21 Feb., 1812; he m. (2) Mrs. Olcott, a cousin of his first wife; d. 23 Sept., 1832.
He res. in Bolton and kept the village tavern; was also a large land owner in Ohio.
Children, b. in Bolton.
2363 Saul Alvord,8 b. 27 May, 1781; m. 11 Nov., 1806, Phebe Buell, b. 14 June, 1787, dau. of John H. Buell, b. 21 Nov., 1753, and Phebe Hubbell, b. 11 May, 1759. He was a lawyer in Bolton; d. 31 Oct., 1812; she d. 24 Feb., 1857; had four children.
2364 Eleanor Alvord,8 b. 4 Feb., 1784; d. unm. ______.
2365 Aurelia Alvord,8 b. 20 June, 1786; m. 25 Dec., 1804, Anson Brewster, of Exeter, Conn., b. in Lebanon, Conn., 26 Dec., 1779, son of Ichabod Brewster, of Lebanon, b. 6 Mar., 1753, and Lucy Clark, b. 11 June, 1755. He was a merchant and later a farmer; d. in Ravenna, O., 2 Nov., 1844; she d. in Hudson, O., 12 Nov., 1863.
2366 Martin Alvord,8 b. 10 June, 1788; m. Sophia Shepard, b. 1787; she d. 16 June, 1822; he m. (2) 1824, Martha B. Clark, b. 6 Feb., 1797. He was a farmer in Bolton; d. 7 Sept., 1850; she d. 27 Sept., 1870; had eight children.
2367 Elijah Alvord,8 b. 22 Jan., 1790; m. 31 Oct., 1811, Clarissa White, b. in Bolton, 5 Nov., 1790, dau. of Jabez L. White, of Bolton, and Elizabeth Wales, of Hebron, Conn.; had one dau. He d. 19 Nov., 1820; she m. (2) 10 Nov., 1825, Hon. Benjamin Ruggles, who had previously m. Tirzah Alvord (2368).
2368 Tirzah Alvord,8 b. 10 Nov., 1791; m. 1812, Hon. Benjamin Ruggles, b. 21 Feb., 1783, in Woodstock, Conn., son of Benjamin Ruggles and Elizabeth Durkee. He studied law with Judge Peters, of Hartford, Conn. In 1807 rem. to Marietta, O.; 1810 elected Judge of Third Circuit; 1812 rem. to St. Clairville, O.; 1815 elected United States Senator and was twice re-elected; was chairman of Committee on Claims for several years; 1840 was urged as a candidate for Vice-President; was president of Bank of St. Clairville. She d. 8 May, 1817; he d. 3 Sept., 1857; had three children.
2369 Harriet Alvord,8 b. 29 June, 1793; m. William Deming, who, for many years, was clerk in General Postoffice, Washington, D. C.
7 dau. of Martin
6 (
278), b. in Newington, 23 Aug., 1757; m. 27 Mar., 1785, Gen. Roger Welles, b. 29 Dec., 1753, sixth of the twelve children of Solomon Welles, b. in Wethersfield, 6 Oct., 1721, and Sarah Welles, b. in Glastonbury, 27 Mar., 1727.
He d. 27 May, 1795; she d. 19 Apr., 1829, in Newington, where both are buried.
He was graduated from Yale in the class of 1775. He was a revolutionary soldier; served through the war; was frequently chosen a member of the Legislature; was a farmer and merchant; resided in Newington; was a member of the Society of the Cincinnati.
194 The Kelloggs in the New World.
Children, b. in Newington.
2370 Martin Welles,8 b. 7 Dec., 1787; m. Francis Norton, of Farmington; was a lawyer; filled many important offices, among them, Speaker of the Connecticut House of Representatives; d. 18 Jan., 1863.
Mary Welles,
8 b. 13 Feb., 1789; m. Gen. Martin Kellogg (+
2372 Roger Welles,8 b. 10 Aug., 1790; m. 16 Apr., 1815, Electa Stanley, dau. of Timothy and Abigail (Robbins) Stanley; d. in Newington, 18 Nov., 1859.
2373 Charlotte Welles,8 b. 1792; m. 3 Feb., 1819, Chester Loper; d. 25 Sept., 1864.
2374 Sarah Welles,8 b. 1795; d. 29 July, 1804.
7 dau. of Stephen Chester
6 (
283), b. in Newington, 18 Dec., 1750; m. there 13 Jan., 1774, Elijah Wells, b. 26 Oct., 1744, son of William Wells, b. 12 Jan., 1706, and Mary Hume, b. 21 Apr., 1713.
He d. 25 May, 1811, aged 67; she d. 13 May, 1829, in Newington, where both are buried.
He was a farmer; res. in Newington, where he was admitted to the church, 1 July, 1770.
Children, b. in Newington.
2375 Chester Wells,8 b. 16 May, 1775; d. 5 Mar., 1822.
2376 Sarah Wells,8 b. 9 Sept., 1777; d. 23 Oct., 1838.
2377 Alma Wells,8 b. 29 Aug., 1780; d. 21 June, 1821.
2378 Lydia Wells,8 b. 2 May, 1783; d. 24 Feb., 1846.
2379 Rachel Wells,8 b. 12 Apr., 1787; d. 5 Jan., 1845.
2380 Anna Wells,8 b. 31 May, 1792; d. 19 Dec., 1822.
2381 Cynthia Wells,8 twin to Anna; d. 19 Dec., 1822.
7 dau. of Stephen Chester
6 (
283), b. in Newington, 7 July, 1752; m. 27 Jan., 1774, John Lusk, b. 10 Feb., 1748, son of John Lusk, of Newington, and Jane _______.
She d. Mar., 1793; he d. 1814. He rem. to Richmond, Berkshire Co., Mass., about 1788-89, and to New York soon after. In Turner's Phelps Purchase is an interesting account of his removal to Monroe Co., N. Y. He is called a "Pioneer." He went with his oldest son in the spring of 1789, and prepared the way for his family, raising a crop of wheat; in the spring of 1790 returned to Massachusetts, and with his family made the journey to his new home.
✛2382 Stephen Lush,8 b. about 1775.
2383 Erastus Lush,8 b. ______.
✛2384 Norman Lush,8 b. ______.
2385 John Lush,8 b. ______.
✛2386 Aaron Lush,8 b. ______.
2387 Jason Lush,8 b. ______.
7 son of Stephen Chester
6 (
283), b. in Newington, Conn., 7 Apr., 1758; m. Mrs. Cynthia (Andrus) Stephens, b. in Newington, 15 Oct., 1765, dau. of William Andrus and Lois Whapples, and widow of Darius Stephens.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 195
She d. ______; he m. (2) Sarah Kirkham, b. 1769 (bap. 15 Apr., 1770), dau. of Henry Kirkham.
He d. 19 Apr., 1806, in Newington; she d. 25 Nov., 1811.
He was a revolutionary soldier; enlisted in Col. Webb's Reg., 22 Apr., 1777; was discharged 5 Jan., 1783; also in the siege of Boston, 1776.
He was probably a farmer; res. in Newington, having rem. there from New Hartford. N. Y., 1791.
Children by first wife.
2388 Lucy,
8 b. 5 Oct., 1786; m. Simeon Stoddard.
2389 Chester,
8 b. in New Hartford, 10 July, 1788; m. Phebe Wood.
2390 Anson,
8 b. 27 Dec., 1790; m. Laura Goodrich.
2391 Betsey,8 b. 7 Feb., 1793; m. Charles Stedman, of Farmington; had eight children.
2392 William,
8 b. 1 Apr., 1795; m. Lydia Graham.
Children by second wife.
2393 Norman,8 b. ______.
2394 Milton,8 b. ______; d. unm., in Kensington, Conn.
2395 Franklin,8 b. ______; m. 18 Nov., 1830, Orinda Goodrich; had a family, some of whom lived in Newington.
7 son of Stephen Chester
6 (
283), b. in Newington, Conn., 16 July, 1761; m. June, 1782, Mehitable Andrus.
He d. 12 Jan., 1795, in Suffield. He res. in Suffield.
2396 Sarah,8 b. 10 Nov., 1783.
2397 Cynthia,8 b. 25 June, 1787.
2398 Chester,
8 b. 8 Dec., 1792; m. Eliza Davis.
7 dau. of Stephen Chester
6 (
283), b. 26 May, 1764; m. Daniel Warner, of Berlin, Conn.
She d. 24 Oct., 1823; he d. 1836, from injuries received by a fall from his carriage house.
He was a farmer in Berlin and Newington, Conn; was a poor boy, but became the wealthiest man in that part of the State.
2399 Lucy Warner,8 b. about 1786; m. Stephen Crittenden, of Middletown, Conn. He ran a line of stages from Hartford to New Haven; was a farmer during the last years of his life; d. aged 77; she d. 1848, aged 62; had no children.
2400 Salmon Warner,8 b. about 1788; m. ______; d. 1841, aged 53 or 54; had several children.
2401 Norman Warner,8 b. 5 Jan., 1791; m. 16 Feb., 1819, Emma Galpin, b. in Berlin, Conn., 3 Oct., 1795. He was a carriage maker; suffered during the last fifteen years of his life from paralysis; d. in Berlin, 5 Apr., 1859.
2402 Elizabeth (Betsey) Warner,8 b. ______; d. in infancy.
196 The Kelloggs in the New World.
2403 Elizabeth (Betsey) Warner,8 b. ______; m. Chauncey Wright, a silversmith, of Middletown, Conn.; d. Dec., 1871; he d. ______; had no children.
2404 Cynthia Warner,8 b. 19 May, 1801; m. 1818, Renselear Rose, of Branford. He was a hatter and furrier; d. Apr., 1840; she d. 19 Feb., 1871; res. in Hartford, Conn.
2405 Cordelia Warner,8 b. ______; d. 1822, aged 11.
2406 Daniel Kellogg Warner,8 b. ______; m. in Indiana, Phillips; inherited most of his father's property; d. from injuries received by being thrown from a carriage.
7 son of Stephen Chester
6 (
283), b. in Newington, Conn., 23 Feb., 1767; m. about 1788, Sarah Willard, b. 17 Mar., 1770, dau. of Simon Willard, of Wethersfield, Conn., b. 25 Jan., 1745, and Sarah Robbins, b. 11 Mar., 1751.
He d. in Trenton, N. Y., 6 June, 1839; she d. 27 Apr., 1854.
He was a shoemaker in Newington; farmer in Trenton, 1799-1839.
2407 Russell,8 b. 10 July, 1790; d. unm. 24 Mar., 1875; was a farmer in Trenton.
2408 Julia,
8 b. 2 Apr., 1792; m. John Ward.
2409 Sarah,8 b. 3 July, 1794; d. unm. 1 Apr., 1876.
2410 Emma,8 b. 7 Mar., 1797; m. Samuel Marshall; d. 10 Mar., 1876, in Jamestown, O.
2411 Laura,8 b. 1 Feb., 1801; d. unm. 22 July, 1891.
2412 Simeon,8 b. 13 Apr., 1803; d. unm. 13 July, 1897, in Trenton.
2413 Cynthia,8 b. 21 Feb., 1805; d. unm. 17 Jan., 1895, in Trenton.
2414 Alma,
8 b. 13 Nov., 1807; m. Joseph Pierce.
2415 Edmond,8 b. 8 June, 1810; d. 4 Sept., 1821.
2416 Chester Wells,
8 b. 17 Aug., 1813; m. Charlotte Collins.
7 son of Ensign Jonathan
6 (
294), b. in Suffield, Conn., 14 Oct., 1742; m. in Chatham, Conn., 22 Nov., 1772, Lucy Warner, b. 17 Aug., 1750, dau. of John Warner and Mary Wilcox, of Chatham.
He d. Nov., 1795.
He was a Captain in the revolutionary army under Gen. Washington; was present at the surrender of Lord Cornwallis; turned out in 1779 to repel the enemy at New Haven; Second Lieut, in Rhode Island and Connecticut, 1776-77. He studied law and was engaged in the mercantile business, in Somers, Conn., at the time of his death.
She m. (2) Hezekiah Goodrich, of Chatham; d. 1814.
2417 Joseph,8 b. 26 Aug., 1773; d. young.
2418 Lucy,8 b. 8 Feb., 1775; d. young.
2419 Lucy,
8 b. 21 Jan., 1777; m. Stephen Sexton.
2420 Joseph,
8 b. 3 Apr., 1779; m. Margaret Stickler.
2421 Martin,
8 b. 21 Nov., 1780; m. Willard.
2422 Horace,8 b. 31 Aug., 1783; m. ______; had no children.
2423 Jonathan Dwight,
8 b. in Chatham, 11 Sept., 1785; m. Experience Day.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 197
2424 Daniel,8 b. 31 Oct., 1787; d. unm., 1835, in Suffield.
2425 William,8 b. Nov., 1790; d. unm. 1824, in Chatham.
2426 Samuel,8 b. Dec., 1795; d. about 1797.
7 dau. of Ensign Jonathan
6 (
294), b. 28 Aug., 1744; m. 9 May, 1764, Timothy Wells.
He d. 8 Sept., 1775; she d. 5 Mar., 1810.
They res. in Suffield, where all the children were born.
2427 Mary Wells,8 b. 1 Sept., 1765.
2428 Jonathan Wells,8 b. 23 Jan., 1768.
2429 Lucy Wells,8 b. 15 Mar., 1770.
2430 Sarah Wells,8 b. 29 July, 1772.
2431 Anne Wells,8 b. 25 Aug., 1775.
7 dau. of Martin
6 (
298), b. in Suffield, Conn., 8 Aug., 1760; m. Thomas Pemberton, b. in England.
He d. in Elmira, N. Y., about 1819, aged about 75; she d. in Little Valley, N. Y., 30 May, 1838.
He came to New England, an officer under Gen. Burgoyne; rem. from Suffield, Conn., after 1789, to Sheshequin, Pa., thence to Elmira.
2432 Thomas Pemberton,8 b. 14 May, 1781; was a sea captain.
2433 Martin Pemberton,8 b. 5 July, 1783; enlisted in a cavalry regiment, commanded by Capt. Pike, in the war of 1812, under Gov. Dearborn; d. soon after the war.
2434 Henrietta Pemberton,8 b. 8 Dec., 1785; m. in Suffield, James Dunlap, a merchant; rem. to Sheshequin, and to Paint, O., where she d. 1839; had seven children.
2435 Mary (Polly) Pemberton,8 b. 31 May, 1788; m. in Suffield, 1808, Alfred Granger; rem. to Sheshequin, thence to Elmira, N. Y.; to Dunkirk; to Leon Center, where he d. 15 Jan., 1836; she d. in Great Valley, N. Y., 5 Nov., 1871, aged 84; had three children.
2436 Muhard Pemberton,8 b. 13 Apr., 1789.
2437 Russell Pemberton,8 b. ______; m. Huldah Carney, in Sheshequin; d. in Cincinnati, O.; had six children.
2438 Richard Pemberton,8 b. ______; m. Dashe Wattles, in Sheshequin; rem. to La Pere Co., Mich.; had three children.
2439 Elizabeth Pemberton,8 b. ______; m. James Middleton, a farmer of Elmira; rem. to Paint, O., in 1829.
2440 Isabella Pemberton,8 b. ______; m. Piddle.
2441 Ardon Pemberton,8 b. Feb., 1800; m. Clarissa Currin, in Little Valley, N. Y.; d. in Great Valley; had four children.
7 son of Martin
6 (
298), b. 7 Jan., 1763; m. 1794, Temperance Adams, b. 2 Apr., 1768, dau. of Freegrace Adams, b. 14 or 19 Nov., 1723, and Anna Kent, b. 2 Oct., 1730, dau. of Samuel Kent, of Suffield, and sister of Elijah, Lucy, Phillis and Elihu Kent, who m. Rachel, Jemima, Jonathan, Martin and Rebecca Kellogg.
He d. 22 Sept., 1799; she d. before 16 Nov., 1812.
198 The Kelloggs in the New World.
2442 Sally,8 b. 4 Apr., 1795.
2443 Cynthia,8 b. 23 Aug., 1797.
2444 Temperance,8 b. 27 Feb., 1799.
7 son of Martin
6 (
298), b. 15 Mar., 1767; m. Mary Norton.
2445 Martin,
8 b. ______; m. ______.
7 son of Elisha
6 (
300), b. 1749; m. Susanna Bailey, b. 1746.
She d. 4 Nov., 1807, in L'Original, Canada, aged 61; he m. (2) 25 Mar., 1808, Mrs. Elizabeth (Bouldrey) Stone, b. in Taunton, Mass., 8 Nov., 1763, dau. of James Bouldrey and Elizabeth _______.
He d. 31 Oct., 1836, aged 87; she d. 3 Sept., 1838.
He was a farmer of Treadwell Scenery, Canada. He was commissioned Ensign in Capt. Lemuel Hyde's Co. in the regiment of militia in Washington Co., N. Y., 30 Sept., 1786. He was on the tax list of St. Albans, Vt., in 1791; went to that place from Poultney, Vt.; rem. in 1795 to East Hawkesbury, Upper Canada, where he res. a year or more, then rem. and bought a farm at Treadwell Scenery. He was appointed Justice of the Peace in 1816, and held that office for twenty years. The first deed of land in L'Original was of a lot of one hundred acres conveyed to him by Nathaniel H. Treadwell, 5 July, 1799. This land formed part of the homestead.
2446 Elisha,
8 b. ______; m. Mrs. Hannah (Lamb) Kellogg.
2447 Orrin,
8 b. in St. Albans, Vt., 4 Sept., 1790; m. Margaret Miller.
2448 Eli,
8 b. ______; m. (1) Lavina Hall; (2) Mary (Polly) Wells.
2449 Ruth,8 b. ______; m. Caleb Welden; res. in Maraposa, Canada.
2450 Amanda,8 b. ______; m. (1) Hardy; (2) Thomas Fuller.
2451 Rebecca,8 b. ______; m. Jones, in Prescott Co., Canada.
2452 Elizabeth,8 b. ______; m. Chase.
2453 Triphena,8 b. ______; d. young.
2454 Triphosia,8 b. ______; d. young.
2455 Mary,8 b. ______; m. ______ Chamberlain.
7 son of Elisha
6 (
300), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 11 Feb., 1754; m. (1) about 1780, Miriam Dewey, dau. of Stephen Dewey and Joanna Taylor.
She d. 4 Oct., 1789; he m. (2) in Hampton, N. Y., 4 Sept., 1790, Mrs. Martha (Benedict) Sackett, widow of Richard Sackett (by whom she had five children), and dau. of Jonathan Benedict, b. 2 Feb., 1723, and Lucy Castle, of Manchester, Vt. She d. 25 Nov., 1812; he m. (3) in Hampton, 8 May, 1816, Mrs. Lucretia (Dart) Rockwell,* b. 1 Oct., 1766, in Windsor; he d. 5 July, 1821, aged 67 years, 4 months, 24 days., in Chillicothe, O., while on a visit to his children; she d. 17 Feb., 1848.
The above were the parents of twenty-one children by their respective marriages, and they formed a kind and loving family at Jason's house in Hampton and all called him "Father."
The Kelloggs in the New World. 199
He res. in Sheffield until after the close of the revolutionary war, when he rem. to Hampton, where he was an active and prominent citizen. He was elected Town Clerk there 1786, and held the office for more than thirty-six years; was a member of the Legislature of New York, 1802-05, 1807-10-12-13-18; was Justice of the Peace and later Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Washington Co.
In Apr., 1775, he volunteered for service under Capt. William Beacon, Col. John Fellows' Reg.; was at the siege of Boston; was discharged in Dec., 1775. He volunteered in Jan., 1776, for one year with Capt. Samuel Bartlett in Col. Jonathan Ward's Reg., and was severely wounded in the right shoulder at the battle of Harlem Heights, 16 Sept., 1776; returned home in Jan., 1777, and in Feb., 1781, was mustered out for three years to join at West Point, Capt. Silas Pierce in the Eighth Massachusetts, Col. Michael Jackson, and continued with Col. Jackson until discharged from the Third Reg. at the close of the war, being appointed Sergt. of this latter regiment, 1 Apr., 1782.
He was granted a pension in 1818. In his application for a pension he stated that he removed to Hampton in June, 1784, and had a large family of children. In Apr., 1775, on receipt of the news of the fight at Lexington, he turned out at Sheffield with his company. In 1776 he was in the battles for the defense of the City of New York, receiving a wound in the right shoulder. In 1781 he served as Sergeant at West Point.
Children, all but first two b. in Hampton, by first wife.
2456 Jason,8 b. in Sheffield, 16 Oct., 1780; d. 29 Apr., 1782.
2457 Harriet,
8 b. in Sheffield, 11 Oct., 1782; m. Capt. Jonathan Wheat.
2458 Diadamia,
8 b. 4 Nov., 1784; m. Bela Thompson.
2459 Silas Dewey,8 b. 23 June, 1786; m. Polly E. French; d. Sept., 1823, in Hampton. He was a civil engineer and a United States Government surveyor for a number of years, and a prominent man in Hampton. He was a Justice of the Peace, 1815, '18, '21; lived in the house on the lot west of the church at Hampton; had no children; she m. (2) 1826, Reed.
2460 Jason Jr,
8 b. 22 Apr., 1788; m. Rachel Warren.
Children by second wife, b. in Hampton.
2461 Zina,
8 b. 17 Oct., 1792; m. (1) Amelia Warren; (2) Lucy Stevens Warren.
2462 Price French,
8 b. 1 Dec., 1793; m. Lucretia Rockwell.
2463 Ezra Benedict,
8 b. 24 July, 1795; m. (1) Sobrina Brush; (2) Anna Thompson; (3) Anne C. Wells.
2464 Thomas Harvey,
8 b. 5 Apr., 1797; m. Judith Sawyer Smith.
7 dau. of Elisha
6 (
300), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 5 Feb., 1756; m. Asa Warren, of Hampton, N. Y., son of Col. Gideon Warren.* who was an early settler in Williamstown, Mass., and Hampton.
He d. ______; she m. (2) Cobb; d. in Boston, in the house of her son. Dr. Ira, 26 Aug., 1853, aged 87 years, 6 months, 21 days.
After her second marriage, she res. in Michigan for a time, and after the death of her second husband resumed the name of Warren and went to Boston to
200 The Kelloggs in the New World.
live with her son, Dr. Ira Warren. During the last years of her life she was totally blind.
2465 Orson Warren,8 b. ______.
2466 Sylianus Warren,8 b. ______.
2467 Asa Warren,8 b. ______.
2468 Stephen Warren,8 b. ______.
2469 Silas Warren,8 b. ______.
2470 Ira Warren,8 b. 16 Jan., 1805; m. Ruth. S. Turner; was a physician; res. in Boston; author of The Household Physician; d. ______; she res. in New York City.
2471 Hiram Warren,8 b. ______.
2472 Diadamia Warren,8 b. ______.
2473 Lucy Warren,8 b. ______.
7 son of Elisha
6 (
300), b. in the Oblong, N. Y., 5 Aug., 1768; m. 1 Feb., 1789, Elizabeth Doud, b. in Waterbury, Conn., 9 Nov., 1771.
She d. in Sullivan, N. Y., 1 Oct., 1815; he d. in Aurelius, N. Y., 17 Oct., 1841, while on a visit.
He was a Methodist minister; after his marriage he settled in Treadwell's Scenery, Canada; rem. in 1815 to Sullivan, N. Y., later to Royalton, Springwater and Friendship, N. Y. He took the Freeman's oath in St. Albans, Vt., 3 Sept., 1793.
2474 Orra,8 b. in St. Albans, 29 Nov., 1792; m. ______.
2475 Laura,
8 b. in St. Albans, 22 Nov., 1794; m. Mylo Barber.
2476 Chloe,8 b. in Canada, 5 Nov., 1799; m. Burgess; res. in Wayne Co., N. Y.
2477 Lovina,8 b. in Canada, 11 Dec., 1801.
2478 Elizabeth,8 b. in Canada, 1 Feb., 1804.
2479 John Doud,
8 b. in Chute Settlement, Canada, 8 Apr., 1812; m. Mary Dunn.
7 dau. of Elisha
6 (
300), b. 11 Sept., 1771; m. in 1791, Elijah Williston, b. 24 Oct., 1769.
She d. 3 Oct., 1815; he d. June, 1847.
He was a blacksmith; res. in St. Andrews, Lower Canada, later in East Hawkesbury, and later in the county of Kent, Upper Canada, where he d.
2480 Elisha Kellogg Williston,8 b. 17 June, 1792; m. Eda Davis; both d. in the Province of Quebec.
2481 Rebecca Williston,8 b. 19 Nov., 1793; m. Timothy Bristol; both d. in Ontario.
2482 Eleanor Williston,8 b. 9 Apr., 1796; m. Abraham Clark.
2483 Nathaniel Leonard Williston,8 b. 28 Apr., 1798; m. (1) Mrs. Barbara (Arnold) Fox; m. (2) Mrs. Eve (Arnold) Hardy, cousin of first wife.
2484 Lucinda Williston,8 b. 1 Dec., 1800; m. Throphitus Yale; d. Near Quebec.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 201
2485 Lucy Williston,8 b. 15 Oct., 1803; m. (1) Joseph Cass; he m. (2) ______.
2486 Silas Williston,8 b. 28 Dec., 1805; m. Susan Arnold; res. in Louisville, Ontario.
2487 John Kellogg Williston,8 b. 28 May, 1808; m. (1) 2 Feb., 1830, Sophia Dolson; she d. 7 Feb., 1832; he m. (2) 16 Aug., 1837, Eleanor Mordon; she d. 7 Oct., 1872; he m. (3) 29 Oct., 1873, Mrs. Martha (Lenfesty) Davison. He was a clergyman; res. in Strathroy, Ontario.
2488 Elijah E. Williston,8 b. 8 Jan., 1811; d. 3 Oct., same year.
7 son of Elisha
6 (
300), b. 1773-74; m. 1793, Lucy Weldon, b. 27 Dec., 1775, dau. of Ebenezer Weldon, of Royalton, Vt., and Catherine Culver.
He d. ______.
He rem. from Argentile, Canada, to Royalton, N. Y. He took the Freeman's oath in St. Albans, Vt., 3 Sept., 1794.
He deserted his wife and six children, and m. twice afterward.
She m. (2) as his third wife, Apr., 1818, Uriah McNall; he d. 9 July, 1850, aged 84; she d. 29 Dec., 1853, aged 78.
2489 Anna,8 b. ______; m. Friend Wheeler, in Batavia, N. Y.; d. ______, in Lockport, N. Y.
2490 Phoebe,8 b. ______; m. George Payne.
2491 Cyrus Wright,8 b. ______; m. Mary Ann Sybrandt, of Royalton; he was a carpenter.
2492 Lucy,8 b. ______; m. John Laverty.
2493 Ira Wright,8 b. ______.
2494 Lura Culver,
8 b. 14 Oct., 1806; m. John McNall.
7 son of Lemuel
6 (
302), b. in Bennington, Vt., 26 Dec., 1757; m. in Amsterdam, N. Y., Mrs. Esther (Higgins) Parker.
He d. in Lorraine, N. Y., after 1840.
He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner; enlisted in Lieut. Hubbard's Co., which marched from Pittsfield to Ticonderoga, 16 Dec., 1776; discharged 16 Mar., 1777; in Capt. Francis' Co., which marched from Pittsfield to Stillwater, 30 Sept., 1777; discharged 10 Oct., 1777; private, Capt. Rathbone, Col. Simonds, Berkshire Co. Reg., enlisted to serve until 5 Mar., 1777; reported on command as a scout, at Ticonderoga, 25 Feb., 1777. On pay roll from 9 July, 1780, to 13 Jan., 1781, in Lanesboro.
In 1840 he was residing in Herkimer Co., N. Y., with his son, Ebenezer. In his application for pension he stated that : He enlisted at Pittsfield, Mass., where he had lived for a number of years, and was stationed at Ticonderoga, N. Y. In Sept., 1777, he joined the northern army near Saratoga, and when Burgoyne surrendered he was stationed about a mile from the field. In 1780 he marched to West Point, thence down the river into New Jersey and was stationed nearly opposite New York City.
He rem. to New York about the time of Shay's rebellion. On his way he visited his uncle, living near Whitehall.
2495 Ebenezer,
8 b. in Amsterdam; m. Deborah Tree.
2496 A Daughter,8 b. ______; d. young.
202 The Kelloggs in the New World.
7 son of William
6 (
308), b. in Hatfield, Mass., 7 Aug., 1770; m. (1) 1789, Clarissa Alford, of Ferrisburgh, Vt.
She d. about 1790; he m. (2) 1792, Sarah Fox, dau. of John Fox, of Ferrisburgh, and Rachel Lovel; she d. about 1823, aged 48, having been an invalid twenty years; he d. in Middleburgh, O., in 1847 or '48.
His farm in Ferrisburgh was called the Webster farm. In 1834 he went to Ohio and lived with his daughter, Rachel.
He was a revolutionary soldier, having entered the service at the age of 9 years and 6 months; was a fifer in the Second Connecticut Reg.; was then residing in Rutland, Vt.; was described in the muster roll as 4 feet 9 inches high, light hair and complexion. He was attached to Col. Seth Warner's Reg., 1 Jan., 1781; he was fifer in Capt. Morrison's Co., Col. Swift's Reg., and at that time his name appeared in the casualty list. He served in the war of 1812 for eighteen months, when he was discharged on account of lameness.
2497 Sally,8 b. 1792; d. unm. ______; was a cripple, unable to walk.
2498 Catherine Honey,
8 b. 8 Nov., 1796; m. Isaac Brydia.
2499 Hiram,
8 b. 5 Jan., 1798; m. Mrs. Sally (Webster) Marks.
2500 John Fox,
8 b. 1800; m. (1) Elizabeth McKillips; (2) Phebe Pemberton.
2501 Abel Thompson,
8 b. 28 June, 1802; m. Sarah Maria Cobb.
2502 Rachel,
8 b. 4 June, 1804; m. John Himes.
2503 Wealthy Ann,
8 b. 1807; m. Daniel E. Grignor.
2504 Clarissa,8 b. ______; d. unm. ______.
2505 Edward,8 b. ______; d. aged 3.
7 son of William
6 (
308), b. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 1773; m. Vashti Hobbs, b. in Rindge, N. H., dau. of Jacob Hobbs.
He d. 27 Apr., 1828; she d. 14 Feb., 1836, aged 61.
He was a farmer in Ferrisburgh; rem. from Rindge, N. H., to Rutland, Vt., and from there to Ferrisburgh. He was a revolutionary pensioner. In Feb., 1780, when in his seventh year, he enlisted as a drummer boy in Col. Seth Warner's Reg.; after the destruction of the regiment at Fort George he was transferred to Col. Heman Swift's Connecticut Reg., and continued three years to the close of the war. In 1820 his family consisted of himself, his wife and six children living at home, and four children who were living elsewhere.
2506 James,8 b. ______; d. in Vermont _______.
2507 Ichabod,8 b. about 1797; was a cripple from his birth, unable to assist himself in any way.
2508 Nancy,8 b. ______; m. Martin Hatch.
2509 Jasper,8 b. about 1802; m. Irene Cousins; res. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., until 1833, when he rem. To Elyra, O. She d. about 1858; he d. 5 Jan., 1871; had no children.
2510 Miranda,
8 b. ______; m. William Taggart.
2511 Laura Bellamy,
8 b. 24 Feb., 1803; m. Samuel Spofford.
2512 Reuben Arthur,
8 b. 1805; m. Elizabeth Field.
2513 Abby,8 b. ______; d. in her third year.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 203
2514 Jacob,8 b. 26 Dec., 1809; was a farmer and trader in Vergennes, Vt.; d. unm. 20 Feb., 1891, in West Ferrisburgh, Vt. He wrote 13 July, 1889, "I Shall be eighty years old next Christmas Eve, and write without glasses. * * * I say in conclusion that I was never married, and live entirely alone, and can say 'that my fireside is cheerless and my house is unoccupied.'
2515 Henry,
8 b. 13 Apr., 1813; m. (1) Sarah Bethia Cousins; (2) Mrs. Mary (Seward) Cousins.
2516 Almon,
8 b. 1814; m. ______.
7 son of William
6 (
308), b. in Rutland, Vt., 2 Dec., 1779; m. Sarah (Sally) Cousins, dau. of Jacob Cousins and Bethia Barteau.
He d. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 18 June, 1834; she d. there, 16 Oct., 1834, aged 49 years.
He was a farmer; res. in Ferrisburgh, where all of his children were born.
A soldier in war of 1812, and a pensioner; was wounded in the battle of Bridgewater, sometimes called the battle of Niagara, 25 July, 1814, by a grape shot in his left leg.
2517 William Kelly,8 b. 1 June, 1804; rem. to Iowa in 1834; d. in Wadena, 1894.
2518 Edby,8 b. 11 Oct., 1805; m. Blake.
2519 Isabella,8 b. 16 Oct., 1808; m. Chase.
2520 Almedia,8 b. 25 Dec., 1810; m. Samuel Prindle, a miller; res. in Albion, Pa.
2521 Jacob C.,
8 b. 8 Feb., 1812; m. Sarah Seward.
2522 Adelia,
8 b. 6 Oct., 1815; m. George Bassett.
2523 Acelia,8 twin to Adelia; m. John Barton; d. in Michigan.
2524 Roxanna,8 b. 28 July, 1819; m. David Curler; res. in Ferrisburgh; had five children; three were soldiers in the war of the rebellion.
2525 Josiah,
8 b. 1 June, 1823; m. Cynthia Wilson.
2526 Maxwell Duran,8 b. 10 Dec., 1826; m. ______; d., during the rebellion, in a hospital in St. Louis; left a wife and four children in Wisconsin.
7 dau. of William
6 (
308), b. 16 Jan., 1784; m. Samuel Gage, b. Feb., 1781.
She d. 1870; he d. 1872.
2527 Pamelia Gage,8 b. ______.
2528 Calvin Gage,8 b. ______.
2529 Harriet Gage,8 b. ______.
2530 Nancy Gage,8 b. ______.
2531 Sally Gage,8 b. ______.
2532 William Gage,8 b. ______.
2533 Elijah Gage,8 b. ______.
2534 Mina Gage,8 b. ______.
204 The Kelloggs in the New World.
7 son of Joseph
6 (
325), b. in Lebanon, Conn., 7 July, 1760; m. in Bennington, Vt., 7 Dec., 1783, Lucretia Harwood, b. 9 Mar., 1764, dau. of Rev. Eleazer Harwood and Elizabeth Montague.
He d. 6 Mar., 1826; she d. 16 Sept., 1850.
He was a farmer; res. in Pittsford, Vt.; was Town Clerk for more than twenty-five years. He enlisted in the revolutionary war, 19 Mar., 1777, at the age of 16, in Col. Warner's Reg. of Connecticut. He was first waiter, then private, then Sergt. in the Connecticut Reg. until 1781, when the Vermont Board of War offered him a Lieut.'s commission. He was afterward a Brigadier Gen. of Militia. On applying for discharge he was refused, but Col. Warner gave him a furlough, from which he was not recalled, but he served as a commissioned officer of Vermont until the close of the war. He had a leg amputated 18 May, 1820, occasioned by a sprain in the foot. In his application for pension his service was stated as above.
In Dec., 1782 he and his wife, then 22 and 18 years of age respectively, rem. to Pittsford, and located on the farm, then in a state of nature, where they res. until they died, and which afterward passed to their son, Samuel H. Their household goods and a younger sister of Mrs. Kellogg were carried upon the backs of two horses. Their farm in Pittsford was a second division lot of the ministerial right, and fell to his father-in-law, Rev. Eleazer Harwood, from whom he bought it, 24 Apr., 1789.
Children, b. in Pittsford.
2535 Sarah,
8 b. 28 Mar., 1783; m. Noah Loomis.
2536 Clara,
8 b. 2 May, 1786; m. Ruben Blodgett.
2537 Lucretia,
8 b. 19 Jan., 1792; m. (1) Rev. John Denison; (2) Rev. Eben V Hills Dorman.
2538 Amos Montague,8 b. 20 Dec., 1795; d. 5 Oct., 1797.
2539 Samuel Harwood,
8 b. 12 July, 1798; m. (1) Eusebia Mussey; (2) Mrs. Caroline (Murray) Cheney.
2540 Charles Harvey,
8 b. 22 Feb., 1801; m. (1) Rebecca W. Boyne; (2) Jane Curtis; (3) Mrs. Elizabeth (Drury) Prentiss.
2541 Amos Cushman,
8 b. 22 Nov., 1803; m. Nancy Boyne.
2542 Azubah,
8 b. 23 Aug., 1806; m. Thomas Allen Hitchcock.
7 son of Joseph
6 (
325), b. in Lebanon, 9 Apr., 1763; m. ______.
He probably Lived in Weybridge, Vt. He was blown from a building and killed about 1800.
2543 Isaac,
8 b. 4 Aug., 1784; m. Harty Wescott.
2544 Charles,
8 b. 27 July, 1788; m. Isabella Blodgett.
2545 Ann,8 b. ______; m. Cartright.
7 son of Joseph
6 (
325), b. in Lebanon, Conn., 12 Nov., 1771; m. about 1792, Susannah Gerry, b. 29 Aug., 1768.
He d. 7 Mar., 1830; she m. (2); d. 3 May, 1842.
He was a hard-working man; was rendered a cripple by rheumatism from exposure while working on the Castleton turnpike. They res. in Weybridge, Castleton, and Hubbardton, Vt.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 205
2546 Betsey,8 b. ______; m. Samuel Mott; had fourteen children.
2547 Electa,
8 b. ______; m. Graham.
2548 Sarah,
8 19 July, 1796; m. Joseph Caldwell.
2549 Simon Haywood,
8 b. 27 Nov., 1798; m. (1) Louise Everts; (2) Milicent Thayer; (3) Charlotte B. Huntington.
2550 Polly,8 b. ______; d. in Orwell, aged about 12.
2551 Hiram Johnson,
8 b. 5 Oct., 1803; m. Martha Harris.
2552 John Whitlock,
8 b. 1 Jan., 1807; m. Abigail Holden.
7 son of Joseph
6 (
325), b. in Lebanon (Goshen Parish), Conn., 2 Mar., 1775; m. (1) about 25 Dec., 1797, in Cairo, N. Y., Rachel Fredenburgh, b. 7 Nov., 1778, dau. of Jacobus Fredenburgh and Margaret Van Etten, b. in Red Hook, N. Y.
She d. 24 Feb., 1829. He lived in Cairo until he deserted his family; m. (2) in Lenox, Upper Canada, 1811, Deborah Pringle, b. 1796, dau. of Dr. Pringle and Margaret Peterson. She d. near Napanee Village, Lenox Co., Canada, 23 Apr., 1851; he d. in Brighton, Ontario, 3 Apr., 1855. His first wife's children claimed that the second m. was illegal.
At the age of about 15 he was hired out to pay an old debt of his father's (with which he was not well pleased), and, with a cousin from Castleton, ran away, and was not heard from for nearly thirty years. About 1820, his brother, Joseph, accidentally learning of his residence in Canada, visited him and induced him to remove to Henderson, where he remained until after his father's death. At the close of the war of 1812 he moved to Jefferson Co., N. Y.; in 1832 returned to Canada and lived most of the time in Northumberland.
Children by first wife.
2553 James,
8 b. 17 Mar., 1799; m. ______.
2554 Margaret,8 b. 27 Mar., 1801; m. Zerniah Ferry, of South Cairo, N. Y.; he d. Mar., 1870; had no children.
2555 Mary,8 b. 22 Mar., 1805; res. in East Chester, N. Y.; d. unm. 20 Jan., 1876, in South Cairo.
Children by second wife.
2556 Joseph William,
8 b. 21 Apr., 1813; m. Ellenor Steele.
2557 Mary Peterson,8 b. 13 June, 1815; m. James E. Turner, of Hay Bay, Canada West.
2558 Margaret Eliza,8 b. 25 July, 1817; d. unm. 1883, in Jackson, Mich.
2559 Amos Lawrence,
8 b. 29 Jan., 1820; m. (1) Mary Ann Jones; (2) Susan Catherine De Wolf.
2560 Richard Elija,
8 b. 21 June, 1823; m. Matilda Lowery.
2561 Amasa Hungerford,
8 b. 27 Oct., 1828; m. Phebe Philura Coon.
2562 Eleanor Ann,8 b. 14 Jan., 1833; m. John Rikely, of Brighton, Ontario; had four children.
2563 James Edmund,8 b. 11 Dec., 1841; m. ______; is said to have had three children, one of whom was named Robert.
7 dau. of Joseph
6 (
325), b. in Bennington, Vt., 22 Mar., 1780; m. Thomas Sanford, of Weybridge, Vt.
206 The Kelloggs in the New World.
2564 Amos Sanford,8 b. ______.
2565 Charlotte Sanford,8 b. ______.
2566 Sabrina Sanford,8 b. ______.
2567 Ethel Sanford,8 b. ______.
2568 Morris (or Morrell) Sanford,8 b. ______.
2569 Lucy Sanford,8 b. ______.
7 son of Joseph
6 (
325), b. 16 Nov., 1781; m. 1802, Betsey Lewis, b. 17 Aug., 1783.
He d. about 1813-14; she d. about the same time. He was a farmer; settled in 1805, in Masco Mountain, Canada East.
2570 Juliana,8 b. 15 May, 1803.
2571 Ivan,8 b. 28 July, 1805.
2572 Eliza,8 b. ______.
2573 Elizabeth (Betsey),8 b. ______; was taken by her aunt, Prudence Ellis, to Huron Co., O., where she d. on Kelly's Island, aged 14.
2574 Salvin Frederick,
8 b. in Masco Mountain, Canada East, 4 July, 1810; m. (1) Charlotte Hutchinson; (2) Elizabeth Hamill; (3) Mrs. Elizabeth A. Williams; (4) Eunice Warren Miles.
7 son of Preserved
6 (
327), b. in Connecticut, 25 Mar., 1769; m. 1790, Sarah Fuller, b. 20 Aug., 1769, dau. of Josiah Fuller, of Castleton, Vt., and Mary Smith, b. in Bennington, Vt.
He d. 19 Apr., 1836; she d. 12 Dec., 1849.
He was a farmer two and one-half miles north of Castleton Village; rem. to Trivoli, Ill.; both d. there.
Children, b. in Castleton.
2575 Fuller,
8 b. 19 Nov., 1792; m. Sophia Blossom.
2576 Nathan,
8 b. 25 Dec., 1794; m. (1) Submit Fuller; (3) Ann Austin Huffman.
2577 Sherman,
8 b. 11 Jan., 1797; m. Rebecca Eaton.
2578 Ammi,
8 b. 19 Dec., 1799; m. Susannah Bosworth.
2579 Submit,
8 b. 29 July, 1803; m. Joseph Lyman Hungerford.
2580 Charles Cushman,
8 b. 4 Mar., 1805; m. Abigail Drake.
2581 Mary,
8 b. 28 Nov., 1808; m. William Kennedy.
2582 Saxton Smith,8 b. 26 May, 1812; d. unm. in Bangor, Me., 2 Jan., 1838, while a student in the Theological Seminary, and just one week before he would have been licensed to preach.
7 son of Preserved
6 (
327), b. in Hartford, Conn., 25 Mar., 1775; m. Sarah (Sally) Hunt, b. in Simsbury, Conn., dau. of John Hunt and Huldah Demming, of Connecticut.
She d. 10 Apr., 1840; he d. 4 Sept., 1848.
In 1837 he rem. from Castleton, Vt., to Oswego, Ill.
Children, b. in Castleton.
2583 Lewis,
8 b. 4 Nov., 1803; m. ______.
2584 John,
8 b. 23 Aug., 1805; m. Mary Smith.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 207
2585 Sophia,
8 b. 8 Oct., 1807; m. Varanas Van Allen.
2586 Sarah,
8 b. 1809; m. Samuel Fletcher.
2587 George Washington,
8 b. 25 Dec., 1811; m. Sarah Gleason.
2588 Electa,
8 b. 2 Apr., 1814; m. David H. Pierson.
2589 Abel Hunt,8 b. 10 Hay, 1816; served two years in Thirteenth Illinois cavalry in war for the Union; he was a Lieut. in Mexican war, Co. E, Second Illinois Volunteers; was in twenty engagements; res. in Aurora, Ill.
2590 Beulah,8 b. 24 Mar., 1824; d. unm. Nov., 1842, in Oswego, Ill.
7 son of Preserved
6 (
327), b. in Bennington, Vt., 10 June, 1777; m. in Detroit, Mich., in 1799, Elizabeth Crandall, probably dau. of Pardon Crandall, who resided in or near Manchester, Vt.
He d. about 1840, in Kent Co., Canada West.
He was apprenticed as a blacksmith; was a cooper; res. in Detroit.
He served in the Indian war, under Gen. Anthony Wayne; was in the battle of Fort Recovery, Aug., 1794; some days after, while out foraging, he was taken prisoner by the Indians, and did not regain his liberty for eight or nine years. Was a Sergt. in Capt. Forsythe's Co. of drafts in the war of 1812; was made a prisoner when Gen. Hull surrendered Detroit. Owing to improper care when wounded, he was obliged to use crutches. He was a pensioner.
2591 David,
8 b. 8 Apr., 1801; m. Mary Ann Daily.
2592 Benjamin,8 b. ______.
2593 Palmer,
8 b. ______; m. Catherine _______.
2594 Henry,8 b. ______.
2595 John,8 b. ______.
2596 Elizabeth,8 b. ______.
2597 Lucy,8 b. ______.
2598 Lucinda,8 b. ______.
7 son of Preserved
6 (
327), b. in Bennington, 15 Jan., 1780; m. 20 Feb., 1803, Lydia Dikeman, b. in Castleton, Vt., 20 Aug., 1787.
He d. 11 Mar., 1813; she d. Dec., 1863.
He was a farmer in Castleton, Vt. He filed a certificate with the Town Clerk in Castleton, 15 Jan., 1807, that he did not agree with the First Congregational Church in religious principles.
Children, b. in Castleton.
2599 Elmer,
8 b. 18 Oct., 1804; m. Rebecca Laquear.
2600 Laura,8 b. 25 Sept., 1806.
2601 Delia,
8 b. 19 May, 1808; m. Woodbury Perkins.
2602 Sealon,
8 b. 20 Apr., 1810; m. Harriet Wheeler.
2603 Elisha Seldon,
8 b. 2 Apr., 1812; m. (1) Orphena Robinson; (2) Mrs. Cordelia Benton (Green) Smith.
7 son of Elijah
6 (
328), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 26 Jan., 1780; m. in Bridport, Vt., 29 Nov., 1817, Sophia Crawford, b. in Hubbardton, Vt., 27 Apr., 1788, dau. of Elijah Crawford, b. in Belchertown, Mass., 13 Mar., 1756, and Lovisa Ballard, b. in Hadley, Mass., 25 Feb., 1761.
208 The Kelloggs in the New World.
He d. in Crown Point, N. Y., 29 Mar., 1826; she d. 1 June, 1865, in Bridport, Vt.
He was a carpenter and Justice of the Peace in Crown Point, N. Y.
2604 Julius Sylvester,8 b. 17 Aug., 1818; was a farmer; res. in Bridport; he d. unm. 1 Jan., 1890.
2605 Emeline Jerusha,8 b. 26 Sept., 1819; res. in Manchester, Vt.; is unm.
2606 Loyal Porter,
8 b. in Crown Point, N. Y., 4 Jan., 1821; m. Augusta Adelaide Warren.
2607 Augustus Stores,8 b. 21 Sept., 1823; d. unm. 7 Sept., 1855; was a carriage maker; his health failing, he engaged in mercantile business and spent some years in the Southern States; in 1855 he returned to Benton, Vt., where he d.
7 son of Elijah
6 (
328), b. in Shoreham, Vt. (the first child born there after the revolutionary war), 4 May, 1785; m. (1) 1814, Sarah Newton, b. 19 Oct., 1798, dau. of Liberty Newton.
She d. 6 June, 1830; he m. (2) 1832, Mrs. Sarah (Towner) Clark, b. 30 Dec., 1798, widow of Nathan Clark, and dau. of Ephraim Towner.
He d. 3 June, 1863; she d. 19 May, 1871.
He was a mechanic in Shoreham, Vt.
2608 Franklin Eli,
8 b. 14 Feb., 1816; m. Permelia Sanford.
2609 Lucy Lorane,
8 b. 12 Nov., 1817; m. Royal Moseley.
2610 Jane Ann,
8 b. 22 Oct., 1819; m. Elizur Peck.
2611 Cyrus,8 b. 18 Feb., 1821; m. ______; d. in Oregon several years ago; his family were in Sheboygan, Wis., when last heard from.
2612 Mary,8 b. 22 Dec., 1822; m. Charles Balcom; res. in Chicago when last heard from.
2613 Paris,8 b. 2 July, 1825; m. Larow; he was several years a sailor; served through the Mexican war; is now a saloon-keeper; res. in Cleveland when last heard from.
2614 Daniel,
8 b. 12 Dec., 1827; m. Mary _______.
2615 Clark Ely,8 b. 14 Mar., 1833; d. unm. ______; was a farmer; res. in Bridgeport, Conn.
2616 Ransom Sylvester,
8 b. 25 Dec., 1834; m. Emma Louisa Myrick.
2617 Ephraim Towner,
8 b. 11 May, 1836; m. (1) Florence French; (2) Mrs. Jane (French) Lee.
2618 Henry Newton,8 b. 16 July, 1838; attended Union College in the class of 1858; studied law in Moriah, N. Y.; d. in Chicago, Ill., 21 Nov., 1875.
7 dau. of Elijah
6 (
328), b. 1791; m. Seymour Wolcott. She d. in 1831, aged 40; res. in Shoreham, Vt.
2619 Nelson Wolcott,8 b. ______.
2620 Levi Wolcott,8 b. ______.
2621 Seymour Wolcott,8 b. ______.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 209
2622 Ely Wolcott,8 b. ______.
2623 Emily Wolcott,8 b. ______.
2624 Susan Wolcott,8 b. ______.
2625 Janette Wolcott,8 b. ______.
7 dau. of Samuel
6 (
347), b. 24 Feb., 1744; m. 24 Oct., 1770, Timothy Cadwell, of West Hartford, Conn., b. 28 Aug., 1747.
He d. 1786; she d. 19 Feb., 1825. He was a farmer in West Hartford, Conn.
2626 Timothy Cadwell,8 b. 10 Sept., 1774; m. 8 Aug., 1791, Chloe Tuller, b. 21 Nov., 1770, dau. of Isaac and Phoebe Tuller; lived in Vienna, N. Y.; he was a clothier; d. 19 Feb., 1822; had four children.
2627 Rhoda Cadwell,8 b. 18 Nov., 1777; m. Samuel Cadwell; lived in West Hartford, Conn.; had ten children.
2628 Mary Ann Cadwell,8 b. 4 Mar., 1779; m. Uriah Cadwell; he was a farmer in West Hartford.
2629 Charles Cadwell,8 b. 3 Mar., 1782; m. Martha Hays.
2630 Austin Cadwell,8 b. 14 Sept., 1784; d. 24 Dec., 1784.
2631 Austin Cadwell,8 b. 28 May, 1787; m. (1) Annie Holcomb; (2) Mrs. Mary Green.
7 dau. of Samuel
6 (
347), b. in Enfield, Conn., 13 Feb., 1748; m. in New Hartford, 11 Sept., 1766, Hezekiah Seymour, bap. 13 July, 1740, in West Hartford, Conn.
He d. 28 Aug., 1815; she d. 28 Dec., 1818, at the house of her son, Bradford, in Westmoreland, N. Y.
2632 Ruth Seymour,8 b. 2 July, 1767; m. in 1784, David Chapin, b. in New Hartford, Conn., Aug., 1762; he d. Jan., 1858, aged 95; she d. 20 June, 1860, in Havana, N. Y., aged 94; they lived together seventy-four years.
2633 Mary (Mollie) Seymour,8 bap. 12 Mar., 1769; m. Nathan Gurney; res. in Trenton, N. Y., where she d. 9 Aug., 1829.
2634 Hannah Seymour,8 b. 17 June, 1771; d. 21 July, same year.
2635 Hezekiah Seymour,8 b. 28 Apr., 1772; d. 14 May, 1798.
2636 Leverett Seymour,8 b. 17 Oct., 1774; d. 10 June, 1848.
2637 Hannah Seymour,8 b. 5 Feb., 1777; m. ______; res. in Skaneateles, N. Y.
2638 Sarah Seymour,8 b. 6 June, 1779; m. Elias Merrell, of Utica, N. Y.; d. 10 Sept., 1851; had six children.
2639 Bradford Seymour,8 b. 14 July, 1781; d. 12 Aug., 1844; res. in Westmoreland, N. Y.
2640 Azaph Seymour,8 b. 23 Feb., 1783; m. Abbie Webster.
2641 Isaac Seymour,8 b. 11 Aug., 1788; m. Sarah Savage; had four children.
7 son of Samuel
6 (
347), b. in Enfield, Conn., 6 Sept., 1751; m. in Litchfield, Conn., 9 Dec., 1779, Mollie Bissell, b. 1755, dau. of Joel Bissell and Mercy Bishop, b. 4 Aug., 1717.
210 The Kelloggs in the New World.
She d. 17 June, 1816, aged 61; he d. in New Hartford, 17 July, 1843, aged 92; both are buried in Pine Meadow cemetery, New Hartford, Conn.
He res. in Avon, at that time a part of Farmington; rem. to New Hartford, where he spent the rest of his life; he was a manufacturer of carding machines in company with his son, George C.
He was a soldier in the revolutionary war; served in Col. Samuel McLellan's Reg. It is said that he left the army because he had conscientious scruples against shooting to kill.
Children, first two b. in Litchfield, others in New Hartford.
2642 Laura,
8 b. 25 Sept., 1780; m. William Stevens.
2643 Isaac,
8 b. 6 Nov., 1782; m. Aurilla Barney.
2644 Samuel,8 b. 8 Sept., 1784; d. unm. 19 Jan., 1813.
2645 Friend Bissell,8 b. 29 Mar., 1786; d. unm. 28 May, 1813.
2646 George Comfort,
8 b. 17 Mar., 1788; m. Clarissa Brown.
2647 Ebenezer,8 b. ______; d. young.
2648 Mollie,8 twin to Ebenezer; d. in infancy.
2649 Mary,
8 b. 1 Oct., 1795; m. Joseph Buell.
7 son of Samuel
6 (
347), b. in Enfield, Conn., 20 July, 1755; m. (1) in Goshen, Conn., 7 Dec., 1780, Sarah Rogers, b. 22 Feb., 1763.
She d. 8 Aug., 1807, in Smithfield, Pa.; he m. (2) in Smithfield, 28 Apr., 1820, Mrs. Ruth (Rogers) Pierce, b. 1766, sister of his first wife, widow of Cooley Beebe and Phineas Pierce.
He d. 9 Mar., 1839; she d. Sept., 1849.
He was deacon in the Congregational Church in Smithfield, Pa.; he was a clothier by trade. In 1782 he rem. to Poultney, Vt.; in 1799 he was made Justice of the Peace; in Feb., 1801, rem. to Smithfield. He is said to have invented and patented a shearing machine to run by water power, the principle of which is still in use. He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner; enlisted in Goshen, Conn., in May, 1775; Sept. of the same year was discharged at Ticonderoga by reason of sickness; again entered the service in 1776; provided a substitute and was discharged at Ticonderoga.
2650 Clarissa,
8 b. in Goshen, 16 Nov., 1781; m. John Bassett.
2651 Susannah,
8 b. 30 Sept., 1784; m. George Butson.
2652 Leverit,8 b. 24 June, 1787; d. unm., 25 May, 1833.
2653 Anna,
8 b. 6 July, 1789; m. Phineas Pierce.
2654 Salle,8 b. 23 Nov., 1791; d. 25 Mar., 1792.
2655 Salle,8 b. 8 Jan., 1793; d. 8 Aug., 1793.
2656 Samuel,8 b. 8 Aug., 1794; d. 10 Aug., 1794.
2657 Samuel,8 b. 8 Jan., 1796; d. 31 July, 1797.
2658 Cynthia,
8 b. 13 Dec., 1797; m. Orramel Tracy.
2659 Timothy Cadwell,
8 b. 25 Mar., 1800; m. Diana Aldrich.
2660 Elvira,
8 b. 15 Nov., 1803; m. Arobel Tracy.
2661 Julia Maria,8 b. in Smithfield, Pa., 3 May, 1807; d. 13 Oct., 1807.
7 son of Samuel
6 (
347), b. in Enfield, Conn., 24 Mar., 1759; m. about 1786, Mary (Polly) Thompson, of Goshen, Conn., dau. of Stephen Thompson and Mary Walters.
She d. 1826; he d. 1832.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 211
He was a stone cutter; settled in Hudson, O. He was a revolutionary soldier; in Col. Philip B. Bradley's Reg., Capt. Weed's Co.; enlisted 26 July, 1780; was discharged 15 Jan., 1781. Perhaps he was discharged on account of a wound, as his name appears in a list of casualties.
2662 Laura,
8 b. in Hamden, Conn., 11 Feb., 1787; m. Jotham Atwater.
2663 Polly,
8 b. 14 Feb., 1788; m. (1) Ebenezer Pease; (2) John Oviatt.
2664 Marina,
8 b. 4 Oct., 1790; m. Zina Post.
2665 Rhoda,
8 b. about 1792; m. Benjamin Oviatt.
2666 Luna,8 b. ______; m. Richard Cray; res. in Hudson, O.
2667 Alfred,
8 b. in Goshen, 4 Sept., 1797; m. Atlanta Upson.
2668 Elvira,
8 b. in Hudson, 4 Aug., 1803; m. John Ferguson Frost.
2669 Lansing,
8 b. in Hudson, 24 Dec., 1806; m. Caroline Bishop.
2670 Lucinda,8 b. ______; d. aged 8.
7 son of Samuel
6 (
347), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 17 Mar., 1763; m. 5 Jan., 1786, Susannah Moore, b. 1 June, 1763, dau. of Josiah Moore, of New Hartford, and Anna Gillette.
She d. 20 Feb., 1840; he d. 28 Mar., 1848, aged 86; both are buried in Sylvania. Wis.
He was a blacksmith; res. in Goshen, Conn., until about 1837, when he rem. to Sylvania (generally known as Kellogg's corners). Wis. He was a revolutionary soldier; in his application for a pension he stated that he was born in New Hartford, Conn.
When he was 7 years old his father rem. to Goshen, Conn., where he continued to live; 1836 to 1842 he was at a place then called Southport, Wis., having followed his children from Connecticut. In the summer of 1777, while staying in Litchfield, Conn., with Mr. Buck, he was drafted for a short time to serve at Horse Neck; next he served at White Plains, N. Y.; then he worked on the fortifications between Fort Putnam and North River; after returning home he was soon ordered to the coast, on the Sound, at Greenwich, Conn., where some French troops were also stationed. His regiment made an unsuccessful assault on the Bridge, at King's Bridge, on the Hudson.
He and his wife and Melzar Howe and his wife were members of the First Methodist Class organized in Litchfield Co., Conn. Three of his sons m. four of Mr. Howe's daus.
Children, b. in Goshen, Conn.
2671 Chauncey,8 b. 30 Nov., 1786; d. 27 Apr., 1790.
2672 Luman,
8 b. 8 Aug., 1788; m. Hannah Tuttle.
2673 Chauncey,
8 b. 23 Apr., 1790; m. Helen Howe.
2674 Austin,
8 b. 20 Feb., 1792; m. (1) Artemetia Howe; (2) Armenia Howe; (3) Almira Daniells.
2675 Elvira,
8 b. 10 July, 1794; m. Almerin Stillman.
2676 Leverett Steele,
8 b. 27 Oct., 1796; m. Angeline Howe.
2677 Thaddeus Gillett,
8 b. 27 Oct., 1796; m. Melinda Stuart Washburn.
2678 Harvey,
8 b. 25 Sept., 1798; m. (1) Mary Brooks; (2) Elisheba Darien.
2679 Minerva Susannah,
8 b. 24 Sept., 1800; m. Rev. Julius Field.
2680 Seth Helmont,
8 b. 14 Nov., 1802; m. Electa Stratton Washburn.
212 The Kelloggs in the New World.
7 dau. of Abraham
6 (
348), b. in New Hartford, 24 Mar., 1748; m. Judge Aaron Austin, b. in Suffield, 25 Aug., 1745, son of Aaron Austin, b. 25 Feb., 1716.
She d. 4 Mar., 1826; he d. 15 July, 1829; both d. in New Hartford.
He was for twenty-five consecutive years one of the twelve assistants in the Connecticut Legislature, the body which corresponded to the present Senate. He was Judge of the County Court of Litchfield for many years; deacon in the Congregational Church, New Hartford; also a merchant. He was a man of great influence in his town and State; was elected Fellow of the Corporation of Yale College in 1803. He was a soldier in the revolutionary army in Nathaniel Wales' Co., and was present at the surrender of Burgoyne.
2681 Abigail Austin,8 b. ______; d. unm. aged 20.
2682 Esther Austin,8 b.; m. Uriel Holmes, a native of Hartland, who was graduated from Yale College in 1784, a prominent lawyer in Litchfield, one of the twelve assistants of the Connecticut Legislature for many years, and a member of Congress from Connecticut 1817-18. She d. of consumption.
2683 Montgomery Austin,8 b. ______; m. Betsey Griffin.
2684 Ralsamon Austin,8 b. about 1784; was graduated from Yale 1801; d. in Washington, 1840.
2685 Sarah Austin,8 b. ______.
2686 Clarissa Austin,8 b. ______; d. unm. aged 26.
7 son of Abraham
6 (
348), b. 27 Jan., 1750; m. (1), in New Hartford, 6 Feb., 1772, Sarah Seymour, b. 12 July, 1750, dau. of John and Hannah Seymour.
She d. 4 Mar., 1802; he m. (2) 6 Jan., 1803, Mrs. Sarah (Cowles) Merrill, widow of Dr. Eldad Merrill.
He d. 29 Apr., 1812; she d., suddenly, 19 Nov., 1814, aged 61, falling by the roadside, on her way to visit her sick dau.
Children by first wife, b. in New Hartford.
2687 Hannah,8 b. 29 Oct., 1772; d. 3 May, 1774.
2688 Abram,
8 b. 28 Sept., 1774; m. Jerusha Goodwin.
2689 Hannah,
8 b. 18 Mar., 1776; m. Jared Andrews.
2690 Warren,
8 b. 5 Jan., 1779; m. (1) Rhoda Webster; (2) Rhoda Case.
2691 Horace,
8 b. 1 Oct., 1780; m. (1) Orpah Pratt; (2) Anna Steele.
2692 Sarah,8 b. 4 June, 1783; m. Norman Pringle, of Harwinton; rem. to St. Louis, Mo.
2693 Virgil,8 b. 29 June, 1785; d. 5 May, 1788.
2694 John,8 bap. 29 Sept., 1787; d. Young.
7 son of Abraham
6 (
348), b. 10 Dec., 1751; m. 16 Nov., 1773, Ruth Kellogg (429), b. 20 Oct., 1749, dau. of Deacon Silas Kellogg (+
125), of Sheffield, Mass.
He d. 13 Sept., 1795; she d. 1845, aged 96; she lived on Oriskany Creek, near Oneida Castle, Oneida Co., N. Y.
He rem. from New Hartford about 1787 to Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., when the only house in Utica was a log cabin. Their nearest white neighbors were
The Kelloggs in the New World. 213
twenty-one miles distant. They crossed the Mohawk by swimming their animals which drew their wagons by a bed cord hitched at the end of the tongue. He afterward moved to the Oriskany, two miles south of Clinton, where he bought lands from the Indians. He also secured farms at Sempronius and Manlius and at Salina, N. Y. He revisited Connecticut; purchased suitable kettles, and returned with them to Salina, where he was the first to engage in the business of boiling salt brine. Later he located a farm in Syracuse.
Children, first seven b. in New Hartford, Conn.
2695 Ruth,
8 b. 12 Aug., 1774; m. Timothy Greenly.
2696 Silas,
8 b. 30 Mar., 1776; m. Elizabeth _______.
2697 Solomon,
8 b. 4 Apr., 1778; m. (1) Rebecca Turner; (2) Mrs. Brown.
2698 Washington,
8 b. 2 July, 1780; m. Mrs. Elizabeth Ann (Wilbur) Simmons.
2699 Green,
8 b. 14 Sept., 1782; m. Chloe Wilcox.
2700 Harvey,
8 b. 29 Sept., 1785; m. (1) Mary Butterfield; (2) Orpha D. Curtis.
2701 James,
8 b. 14 Feb., 1787; m. Mary Prior.
2702 Philo,
8 b. 3 Jan., 1789; m. (1) Nancy Ann Riley; (2) _______.
2703 Pearl,
8 b. 3 Jan., 1789; m. Lucy Maria Northrup.
2704 Henry,
8 b. 17 Apr., 1791; m. Sarah Reynolds.
2705 Abram,
8 b. 12 Feb., 1793; m. (1) Maria Mickles; (2) Mrs. Catherine (Wasson) Essex; (3) Julia Wood; (4) Elizabeth Nogle.
2706 Aaron,
8 twin to Abram; m. (1) Sarah Mickles; (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Coles; (3) Mrs. Rispah Cornwall; (4) Mary Panick.
7 son of Abraham
6 (
348), b. in New Hartford, 23 Feb., 1754; m. (1) Rhoda Kellogg (430), dau. of Deacon Silas Kellogg (+
She d. ______; he m. (2) in New Hartford, 19 Jan., 1786, Mabel Merrill, b. 6 Mar., 1763, dau. of Elijah Merrill and Rachel Wells.
He d. in New Hartford in 1806. He was a revolutionary soldier; served three days on the Lexington Alarm.
Children by first wife, b. in New Hartford.
2707 A Son,8 d. in infancy.
2708 A Daughter,8 d. in infancy.
2709 James,8 bap. 11 Aug., 1782; d. unm. 4 Apr., 1826.
Children by second wife.
2710 Norman,
8 b. 31 Oct., 1794; m. Fannie Steele.
2711 Truman,
8 b. Dec., 1800; m. Fannie Marsh.
2712 Henry,8 b. ______; d. 22 Oct., 1823; buried in Mobile, Ala.; he became exhausted in throwing over a cargo, in a gale, and d. at sea.
2713 Polly,8 b. ______; m. Benham; rem. to New York.
2714 Louisa,8 b. ______; m. Worcester Henderson.
2715 Sophia,8 b. ______; m. ______ Lovejoy.
7 son of Abraham
6 (
348), b. 23 Feb., 1754; m. (1) 18 Dec., 1777, Mary Merrill.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 15 Mar., 1797, Betsey Dorr, of Wethersfield.
He d. 12 Oct., 1830; she d. 15 Dec., 1839.
214 The Kelloggs in the New World.
He was a merchant in early life, in company with his brother-in-law, Judge Austin, in the southern part of New Hartford; later he was a farmer. He represented New Hartford in the Connecticut Legislature of 1811.
2716 Charles Dorr,
8 b. in New Hartford, 9 Jan., 1799; m. (1) Cynthia Hill; (2) Orrell Woodruff; (3) Mrs. Susan (Hayes) Bidwell.
7 son of Abraham
6 (
348), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 7 June, 1756; m. (1) in West Hartford, 22 Jan., 1778, Olive Frazer, b. 2 Apr., 1753, dau. of Charles Frazer, of Newington, Conn.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Ruth; she d. 12 Oct., 1833; he d. in New Hartford, N. Y., 2 Dec., 1835.
He rem. from Connecticut to New Hartford, N. Y., and settled on a farm about a mile south of the village. He and his wife were admitted to the Presbyterian Church in New Hartford, N. Y., in 1803.
He was a soldier in the revolution, in Capt. Chester's Wethersfield Co. of Minute men, in the Lexington Alarm, 19 Apr., 1775; enlisted Nov., 1775, in Capt. Ebenezer Bissell's Co., Col. Huntington's Connecticut Reg.; served twelve months; engaged at the siege of Boston and battle of Long Island; was discharged from hospital in Newark, N. J., where he had been confined since the battle of Long Island; he is believed to have seen subsequent service and to have been in West Point in 1780; was granted a pension in 1818, at which time he was a resident of Manlius, N. Y.
2717 Keturah,
8 b. 10 Nov., 1778; m. Gen. Oliver Collins.
2718 Leonard,
8 b. 18 Feb., 1781; m. Sally French.
2719 Mary Ann,
8 b. 5 Aug., 1783; m. Elias Hart.
2720 Nancy,
8 b. in New Hartford, 18 Aug., 1787; m. Daniel Powell.
2721 Charles Fraser,
8 b. in New Hartford, 22 May, 1788; m. (1) Ahnira Kilbourne Harris; (2) Elizabeth Gazlay; (3) Mrs. Eliza (Smith) Downes.
2722 Phineas,
8 b. 11 Oct., 1790; m. (1) Louisa Thomas; (2) Cynthia Ann Brown; (3) Leonora Marsh.
2723 Sophia,8 b. 10 Sept., 1792; m. 19 Feb., 1817, Warren Converse, b. 19 June, 1786; he d. 3 Jan., 1866; she d. 18 Apr., 1877; had no children.
2724 Julia Ann,8 b. 2 Mar., 1796; m. 24 Feb., 1825, Dr. Isaac Teller; d. 22 Sept., 1838; he d. in Chittenango, N. Y., 30 June, 1874; had no children.
7 son of Abraham
6 (
348), b. in Hartford, 16 July, 1758; m. about 1784, Lucy Seymour, b. 1758, dau. of Zebulon Seymour, b. 1708 or '09, of Hartford, and Keziah Bull.
She d. 19 Sept., 1839, aged 81; he d. 14 Apr., 1840, aged 82.
He was admitted to the church in New Hartford, Conn., 2 Oct., 1791. He purchased a tract of land, all forest, in Winfield, N. Y., which he cleared, built a two-story house, a large barn, planted two orchards and resided there until his death.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 215
He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner. In 1775, while living in New Hartford, he enlisted and went to Crown Point, N. Y. He next joined the army which was to invade Canada, but after the capture of St. Johns was ordered back to Ticonderoga. In 1776 he marched with the troops sent to re-enforce the army, besieging Quebec, which was met at Three Elvers on its retreat. As the army was threatened with smallpox, they encamped at the Elver Sorrell to be inoculated, and as soon as recovered returned to Crown Point and Fort Independence, N. Y. He turned out on the alarm occasioned by the burning of the public property at Danbury, and at the landing of the British troops at New Haven. He was also in the expedition against the Indians in the Susquehannah Valley. He was sick several years after he returned from the army. After the close of the war he rem. to Oneida Co., N. Y., and later to Winfield, Herkimer Co. He was described as a large man, 6 feet in height, broad shoulders, erect, correct and temperate in all his habits and a notable citizen.
2725 Laura,
8 b. 11 Dec., 1786; m. Amos Reynolds.
2726 Ralph,8 b. 2 July, 1789; d. 8 Jan., 1792.
2727 George Washington,
8 b. 17 Apr., 1791; m. Maria Sessions.
2728 Lucy,
8 b. 26 Aug., 1792; m. Capt. Alvah Barber.
2729 Merron,
8 b. 24 Mar., 1795; m. Daniel Leonard.
2730 Ralph Phineas,
8 b. 12 July, 1796; m. Clarissa L. Gridley.
2731 Olive,8 b. 5 Apr., 1798; d. aged 6 weeks.
2732 Horace Dryden,
8 b. 21 Aug., 1799; m. (1) Mrs. Mary Ann (Netterville) Stewart; (2) Mary B. Stone.
2733 Chauncey Seymour,
8 b. 16 July, 1801; m. Rebecca _______.
7 son of Abraham
6 (
348), b. 31 Jan., 1761; m. Margaret Moore, b. 13 July, 1760, dau. of Joseph Moore, of Pittsfield, Mass., and Margaret Kellogg (+
She d. 3 Oct., 1803; he d. 7 June, 1817.
He res. in Whitestown, N. Y. His will, dated 12 Aug., 1815, mentioned his daus., Jerusha Case, Polly Leonard, Amanda Kellogg, sons, Frederick, the eldest, Hiram, Uriel and Webster.
Children, first three b. in New Hartford, N. Y., others in Whitestown.
2734 Polly,
8 b. 7 Sept., 1780; m. Daniel Leonard.
2735 Frederick,
8 b. ______; m. Esther Guthrie.
2736 Jerusha,
8 b. 1786; m. Elisha Case.
2737 Uriel Holmes,
8 b. 22 Sept., 1789; m. Mary Esther Huggins.
2738 Amanda,
8 b. ______; m. Professor Seth Norton.
2739 Hiram,8 b. ______; m. (1) Lucinda Monroe; (2) Cynthia Bradner.
2740 Webster,8 b. ______; m. Marianna Nash, b. 24 Oct., 1798, dau, of Jonathan Nash, third, of Great Barrington, Mass., and Mercy Smith. She d. 4 Feb., 1845; he d. 23 Feb., 1859; both are buried in Talmadge, O.; had no children.
7 dau. of Abraham
6 (
348), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 3 June, 1763; m. 4 July, 1781, Gen. Martin Smith, b. 25 Jan., 1762.
She d. 22 July, 1834; he d. 1852.
216 The Kelloggs in the New World.
He was Capt. of the Light Horse Co., in Hartland, Conn., and Gen. of Militia in Ohio; in 1799, he rem. with his family to Vernon, O., then a wilderness. The town was named Smithfield, for him, but at his request the name was changed to Vernon. He was a useful and influential citizen.
2741 Electa Smith,8 b. in New Hartford, Conn., 30 May, 1782; d. 1876.
2742 Erastus Smith,8 b. 17 Jan., 1784; d. 16 July, 1820.
2743 Harriet Smith,8 b. Jan., 1786; d. Feb., 1787.
2744 A Daughter,8 b. and d. Dec., 1787.
2745 Harriet Smith,8 b. in Hartland, Conn., 5 Nov., 1788; d. 17 Aug., 1819.
2746 Sarah (Sally) Smith,8 b. in Hartland, Conn., 10 Mar., 1791; m. 2 Dec., 1811, Alvan Coe, b. in Granville, Mass., 1783, son of Aaron Coe. He studied law in Granville, Mass., and practiced for a time in Lee; after he rem. to the "Western Reserve" he studied theology, and became a missionary among the Western Indians; d. 5 Apr., 1854; she res. in 1878 in Kinsman, O.
2747 Henrietta Smith,8 b. 26 July, 1793.
Maria Smith,
8 b. 9 Oct., 1795; m. Allen Spencer; she d. June, 1818. Her dau., Matilda, b. 4 Oct., 1815, m. Abner Kellogg (+
2749 Charlotte Smith,8 b. 5 Apr., 1798.
2750 Havilah Smith,8 b. in Vernon, 3 June, 1801.
2751 Eliza Smith,8 b. 26 Feb., 1803; d. 7 July, 1841.
7 son of Abraham
6 (
348), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 6 Jan., 1766; m. 3 Feb., 1788, Hannah Merrill, b. 15 Jan., 1765, dau. of Elijah Merrill and Rachel Wells, of New Hartford.
He d. 5 Nov., 1821; she d. 4 Oct., 1847, aged 84.
He was a farmer; res. in New Hartford, N. Y., where both d.
Children, all except Rachel b. in New Hartford, N. Y.
2752 Rachel,
8 b. in New Hartford, Conn., 11 June, 1788; m. Eli Butler.
2753 Forris,
8 b. 1791; m. Lois Estes.
2754 Truman,
8 b. 15 Feb., 1795; m. Malinda Marsh.
2755 Hannah,
8 b. 8 July, 1799; m. Henry Higby.
2756 Morris,
8 b. 21 Apr., 1804; m. Maria Winchester.
2757 Eliza,
8 b. 6 June, 1806; m. Charles Parsons Wetmore.
7 dau. of Abraham
6 (
348), b. 17 June, 1768; m. Josiah Hatch.
They lived in Granville, Mass., and Owatonna, Minn.
2758 Josiah Harvey Hatch,8 b. 17 Mar., 1808; m. 1835, Lucelia Emilia Hayes, b. 25 Sept., 1816, dau. of Chester Hayes, b. 12 Mar., 1793, and Fidelia Holcombe, b. in Granby, Mass., 8 Aug., 1795; she d. 15 July, 1855; he was a farmer in Owatonna, Minn.
7 son of Isaac
6 (
351), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 10 Apr., 1749; m. 15 Feb., 1770, Esther Fuller.
He d. in Geneseo, N. Y., 13 May, 1813.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 217
He res. in that part of Winchester, Conn., now Barkhamsted; probably he rem. to Utica, N. Y., shortly after 1791. At the first town meeting held in Winsted, Conn., 17 Mar., 1778, he was chosen clerk. He was appointed to read the Psalms on Sabbath day. He was a pensioner of the war of 1812; in his application for a pension he states that he was in the Thirteenth Reg. of United States Infantry; was wounded in both legs, 24 July, 1813, at Fort George (opposite Fort Niagara), in Upper Canada, while relieving a sentinel on picket guard.
2759 Isaac,8 b. 27 Sept., 1770; d. 24 June, 1772.
2760 Elijah,
8 b. 29 Mar., 1772; m. Mabel Clement.
2761 Elisha,
8 twin to Elijah, b. 29 Mar., 1772; m. Persis Dunham.
2762 Susannah,
8 b. 10 Jan., 1774; m. Jonathan Dunham.
2763 Isaac,8 b. 28 Feb., 1776; m. Martha Dunham. They were recommended by the church in New Hartford to the church in Unadilla, N. Y.
2764 Sarah,
8 b. 5 Jan., 1778; m. David Parker.
2765 Giles,
8 b. 21 Sept., 1779; m. Rachel Delamater.
2766 Whiting,
8 b. 19 Apr., 1781; m. Marinda Burr.
2767 Eleazer,
8 b. ______; m. Mary Baxter.
2768 Charlotte,
8 b. 8 Apr., 1787; m. Alpheus Press.
2769 Esther,8 b. 14 Nov., 1789, in Winsted.
2770 Solomon,
8 b. ______; m. Margaret Mulholand.
2771 Crusa,8 b. 13 Aug., 1791, in Winsted.
2772 Hiram,
8 b. 18 May, 1793; m. Anna Truman.
2773 Warren,8 b. ______.
7 son of Isaac
6 (
351), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 5 Apr., 1758; m. Abigail Crow.
He d. in York, Washtenaw Co., Mich., about 1830.
He was a revolutionary soldier. He and his wife were in Paris, N. Y., as early as 1 Oct., 1780.
2774 William Perry,
8 bap. in Paris, N. Y., 1 Oct., 1780; m. Janette Luce.
2775 Abigail,
8 bap. 10 Nov., 1782; m. William F. Stevens.
2776 Daniel,
8 b. 7 Mar., 1793, in Hartford; m. Demaris Baldwin.
2777 Horace,
8 b. 1797; m. Deborah Dean.
2778 Samuel,
8 b. ______; m. Hannah Johnson.
2779 George,
8 b. 14 July, 1800; m. (1) Hearty B. King; (2) Mrs. Fanny (Tiffany) Tucker.
2780 Theodosia,8 b. ______; m. Tilness Green; res. in Geauga Co., O.
7 dau. of Isaac
6 (
351), b. in New Hartford, 1 May, 1760; m. there 11 July, 1787, Preserved Crissey, son of David Crissey, of Winchester, formerly of Woodbury, Conn., and Hannah Wibnot.
He was a farmer; Sheriff in Connecticut; rem. about 1805, to Litchfield Herkimer Co., N. Y.
2781 Electa Crissey,8 b. 14 Mar., 1788; m. Josiah Earl.
2782 Truman Crissey,8 b. 22 Feb., 1790; d. Mar., 1813, in Weston, N. Y.; was a cooper.
218 The Kelloggs in the New World.
2783 Alfred Crissey,8 b. 19 Mar., 1795; was a soldier in war of 1813; d. in the army.
2784 Phila Crissey,8 b. 10 Oct., 1791; m. Salmon Harding.
2785 William Rufus Crissey,8 b. 19 May, 1799; m. Sabra Frazier, dau. of Jabez Frazier. In 1879 he wrote: "Some twenty years ago, I received this narative from my sister. Electa, The last time I saw her. She sais to me, When your Father was Sherif thare came a man to our hous hunting for a site to put up a carding mill to card wool. His name I think, was Doolittle. He had been to Washington and got his pattent rite. He built his mil neare our dwelling, boarded with us. When he had completed his mill he came in ses to father the mil is redy to run But I have no wool, mother was carding and I was spining. She takes her lock of wool in her apron and starts for the mill. I takes up my wheel and follows on. I stood by the machine and takes the first role that comes out and spun it. This was the first role of wool carded by a machine in the United States of America."
7 son of Capt. Noah
6 (
352), b. in New Hanford, 8 May, 1756; m. (1) Deborah Knowlton.
She d. ______; he m. (2) about 1791, Lucy Crow, of Torringford, b. 1770, dau. of Nathaniel Crow, of Hartford.
He d. 3 Mar., 1822; she d. 13 Feb., 1823.
He was a revolutionary soldier; enlisted 1776, in his father's company and served throughout the entire war. He was in the disastrous campaign against Quebec, when Montgomery fell. He had applied for a pension, and if he had lived one hour longer his family would have received pay for his long term of service.
In 1789 he lived in Barkhamsted; 1794 rem. to Paris, N. Y., and afterward to Frankfort, N. Y.
Children by first wife.
2786 Lura,
8 b. 11 Jan., 1783; m. Capt. James Fosket.
2787 Truman,
8 b. ______; m. Delany Hasselkus.
2788 Theron,
8 b. 24 Feb., 1788; m. Margaret Killiher.
2789 Philinda,
8 b. 31 Oct., 1790; m. John Randall Stone.
Children by second wife.
2790 Edwin,8 b. in Paris Hill, 11 Sept., 1795. In 1819 he went to Mobile, Ala., to join his brother, Theron, in business, and, in about three weeks, d. of yellow fever; was unm.
2791 Nathaniel,
8 b. 23 Aug., 1797; m. Sarah Sizer Fellows.
2792 Deborah,
8 b. 23 July, 1799; m. John Daniel Hasselkus.
2793 Aurilla,
8 b. 14 July, 1802; m. Jonas A. Odle.
2794 Almira,8 b. in Paris, 17 Sept., 1804; m. Dec., 1826, Dr. Alvin B. Main, a noted physician and surgeon in the war of 1812. He lived and d. in Cherry Creek, N. Y. After his death she res. with her sister, Deborah, in Oakfield, N. Y.
7 dau. of Capt. Noah
6 (
352), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 18 Feb., 1758; m. 9 Nov., 1780, Mathias Hurlburt, b. 18 June, 1755, son of Dr. Josiah Hurlburt, of Berlin, Conn., b. 10 Oct., 1704, and Susannah Lee.
He d. in Catskill, N. Y., 13 Apr., 1814; she d. in Utica, N. Y., 31 July, 1842, aged 84.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 219
He res. in Hartford, Conn., Richmond, Mass., and Whitestown, N. Y. He served in the revolutionary war, and his widow received a pension.
Children, first four b. in Richmond, Mass.
2795 Titus Hurlburt,8 b. 31 Aug., 1781; d. ______, in Western New York.
2796 Kellogg Hurlburt,8 b. 26 Aug., 1783.
2797 Parnell Hurlburt,8 b. 16 Jan., 1787.
2798 Augustus Hurlburt,8 b. 4 June, 1789.
2799 Benjamin F. Hurlburt,8 b. in Whitestown, 6 Mar., 1793; m. Elizabeth Manson.
2800 Willys Hurlburt,8 b. in New Hartford, 10 Mar., 1796; d. 12 Dec., 1812.
2801 A Son,8 lived one day.
2802 Thomas J. Hurlburt,8 b. in Whitestown, 8 Nov., 1801.
7 son of Capt. Noah
6 (
352), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 25 Sept., 1759; m. (1) 10 May, 1781, Susanna Griswold, b. 1 June, 1761, dau. of Seth Griswold, of New Hartford, and Ann _______.
She d. in New Hartford, N. Y., 10 Nov., 1793; he m. (2) 1794, Mrs. Mary (Russell) Parish, widow of Capt. Parish, of Branford, Conn.; d. 28 Feb., 1813, aged 53; she d. aged 84.
He res. in Marcellus, N. Y.
He was in the revolutionary army, in the Eighteenth Connecticut Reg.; served from 19 Aug. to 25 Sept., 1776, in New York. He bought land in Camillus, N. Y., 9 Aug., 1803.
2803 Sylvia,
8 b. 15 Feb., 1782; m. (1) William Machan; (2) Maj. Samuel Pierce.
2804 Frances,
8 b. 13 June, 1784; m. John H. Warren.
2805 Ansel,
8 b. 21 Oct., 1787; m. Lora Tyler.
2806 Ralsamon,
8 b. ______; m. Olive Stevens.
2807 George,
8 b. ______; m. Mrs. Thankful (Davis) Palmer.
2808 John Russell,
8 b. 16 May, 1793; m. Mary Otterson.
2809 Susan Griswold,
8 b. 29 Mar., 1796; m. Jacob Chase.
2810 Jesse,8 b. 1798; d. unm. aged 70, in Marcellus, N. Y.
2811 Dorastus,
8 b. 10 Jan., 1807; m. (1) _______; (2) Alida Kennada; (3) Maladine Ingham.
7 dau. of Capt. Noah
6 (
352), b. 28 Sept., 1761; m. 10 May, 1781, Daniel W. Sandeforth.
She d. in Petersborough, N. Y., about 1814.
He was a tailor; res. in New Hartford, Conn.; rem. to New Hartford, N. Y., and thence to the Black River country.
2812 Sarah Sandeforth,8 b. Sept., 1781; m. (1) Amos Gridley, of Farmington; m. (2) about 1827, Capt. William Clark, of Utica, N. Y.; d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr., 1851.
2813 Mary (Polly) Sandeforth,8 b. ______.
2814 Lucy Sandeforth,8 b. ______.
2815 Minerva Sandeforth,8 b. ______.
220 The Kelloggs in the New World.
2816 Frances Sandeforth,8 b. ______.
2817 Grace Sandeforth,8 b. ______.
2818 Rupert Lewis Sandeforth,8 b. ______.
2819 Emmeline Sandeforth,8 b. ______.
2820 Harriet Sandeforth,8 b. ______.
7 dau. of Capt. Noah
6 (
352), b. 13 Sept., 1703; Samuel Norton, of New Hartford, N. Y.
She d. in New Hartford, N. Y., about 1808.
2821 Luman Norton,8 b. ______.
2822 Almena Norton,8 b. ______.
2823 Hiram Norton,8 b. ______.
2824 Andrew Norton,8 b. ______.
2825 Huldah Norton,8 b. ______.
2826 Frances Norton,8 b. ______.
7 dau. of Capt. Noah
6 (
352), b. in New Hartford, Conn, 6 Sept., 1765; m. 17 Dec., 1784, Noah Seymour, b. 10 Nov., 1759.
He d. 26 Mar., 1832; she d. 14 Jan., 1846.
They lived in New Hartford, Conn., until 1813, then rem. to Sodus, Wayne Co., N. Y. He was a revolutionary soldier.
2827 Norman Seymour,8 b. 11 Dec., 1785; d. 30 Sept., 1802.
2828 Lott N. Seymour,8 b. 3 Mar., 1788; m. 26 Feb., 1812, Belinda Spencer, b. 4 June, 1792; d. 27 Oct., 1844 or '46; she d. Nov., 1873.
2829 Lauren Seymour,8 b. 15 June, 1790; m. Sarah Olmstead, dau. of Gamaliel Olmstead; rem. to Wolcott, N. Y.; d. in New Hartford, N. Y.
2830 Huldah Seymour,8 b. 15 Mar., 1794; m. John Roe, of Butler, Wayne Co, N. Y.
2831 Esther Seymour,8 b. 14 Mar., 1796; m. Joshua Lyman; res. in Ashtabula Co., O.
2832 Horace Seymour,8 b. 26 Jan., 1801.
2833 Julia Seymour,8 b. 6 Apr., 1803; m. John Love, of Wayne Co., N. Y.
2834 Norman Seymour,8 b. 16 July, 1807; res. in Wayne Co., N. Y.
7 dau. of Capt. Noah
6 (
352), b. 15 Jan., 1768; m. in New Hartford, N. Y., 5 May, 1785, William Thrall.
2835 Eleanor Thrall,8 b. ______.
2836 Hannah Thrall,8 b. ______.
7 son of Capt. Noah
6 (
352), b. 4 Mar., 1770; m. 22 Sep. 1796, Sarah (Sally) Gillett, b. 9 Aug., 1773, dau. of Capt. Matthew Gillett and Lois Douglas, whose father, Samuel Douglas, was one of the first settlers of New Hartford, N. Y.
He d. 20 Nov., 1831; she d. 28 Apr., 1858, aged 84; both were buried in Town Hill cemetery, New Hartford, Conn.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 221
He was a carpenter; lived on the old homestead, three-fourths of a mile south of the meeting-house on Town Hill. He was said to have been quite ingenious, but never accumulated much property.
2837 Laura,8 b. 4 Sept., 1797; m. Ashbel Marsh, b. in New Hartford, Conn., 28 Oct., 1796, son of Asabel Marsh and Abigail Ward, b. in New Hartford; d. Apr., 1868.
2838 Lois,8 b. 2 Apr., 1800; m. Rodolphus Andrews; d. 1842.
2839 George,
8 b. 20 Aug., 1802; m. (1) Caroline Boyden; (2) Mehitabel Camp; (3) Beulah Camp.
2840 Margaret,8 b. 19 Oct., 1804; m. C. Rossiter; d. Sept., 1883.
2841 Sarah,
8 b. 21 Jan., 1807; m. Roswell Cook.
2842 Frances,8 b. 11 Sept., 1809; m. 1838, Henry Carder; d. 13 Dec., 1865.
2843 Edwin Michael,8 b. 8 Jan., 1812; m. 26 Oct., 1840, his cousin, Jane Caroline Rose, b. 2 Apr., 1817, dau. of Lovel Rose, b. 15 June, 1787, and Pantha Gillett, b. 19 Aug., 1793. He lived in New Hartford; was in the clock business until his health failed; returned to Conn., bought a farm and res. there until his death; d. 20 Nov., 1856; she d. 23 June, 1898.
2844 Leon,8 b. 14 Jan., 1815.
7 dau. of Capt. Noah
6 (
352), b. 19 May, 1777; m. (1) W. F. Wheeler.
He d. ______; she returned to Connecticut and m. (2) Peck, of Providence, R. I.
Children by first husband.
2845 William Wheeler,8 b. ______.
2846 Clemence Wheeler,8 b. ______.
2847 Clarissa Wheeler,8 b. ______.
2848 David Kellogg Wheeler,8 b. 1880, Ravenna, O.
Child by second husband.
2849 Millicent Peck,8 b. ______.
7 dau. of Ashbel
6 (
354), b. 9 Oct., 1761; m. in New Hartford, Conn., 2 May, 1782, Josiah Gaylord, b. Mar., 1761, son of William Gaylord, b. Nov., 1733, and Sarah Riley.
She d. Oct., 1806; had joined the church in New Hartford, 7 July, 1783.
2850 Chloe Gaylord,8 bap. 7 July, 1783, in New Hartford, Conn.
2851 Mary Ann Gaylord,8 bap. 16 Oct., 1785.
2852 Erastus Gaylord,8 b. 22 Mar., 1795; m. 1 May, 1815, Sallie Messenger; had two children.
7 son of Ashbel
6 (
354), b. 18 Oct., 1763; m. 3 June, 1790, Martha Bacon Ward, b. 20 Mar., 1774.
He d. 24 Apr., 1835; she d. 1 July, 1845. He res. in Brookfield and Adams Center, N. Y.
He was one of the twelve men who went from Connecticut in the spring of 1790 and settled in Madison Co., N. Y., where he lived forty-five years. From 10
222 The Kelloggs in the New World.
Sept., 1832, to the time of his death he resided in Adams Center, N. Y., where the homestead is now owned by Frank Hovey, who m. a great granddaughter. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church in Bridgewater.
2853 Ashbel Loomis,
8 b. 27 Oct., 1791; m. Nancy Saunders.
2854 Frances,
8 b. 3 Mar., 1791; m. Benjamin Southwick.
2855 Gaylord,
8 b. 31 July, 1797; m. Rosanna Warner.
2856 Luke,
8 6 Apr., 1800; m. (1) Adah Maxson; (2) Mrs. Patience (Kenyon) Pettit.
2857 Maria,
8 b. 31 Jan., 1802; m. Norman Coe.
2858 Ann,8 b. 7 Feb., 1804; m. George Goodenough Bailey; res. in Castile, N. Y.; had no children.
2859 Olivia,
8 b. 17 July, 1806; m. Henry Bunce.
2860 Oren,
8 b. 18 Jan., 1809; m. Harriet Leonora Fuller.
2861 Montgomery Austin,8 b. 21 Aug., 1811; d. 7 Dec., 1812.
2862 Isaac,
8 b. 22 Nov., 1818; m. (1) Juliette Grommon; (2) Ann Janette Maxson.
7 dau. of Ashbel
6 (
354), b. 19 Dec., 1768; m. Smith.
She d. 6 Sept., 1793.
Dayton Smith,
8 b.; res. with his uncle, Rhoderick (+
1018), till of age, when he rem. to Philadelphia, Pa.
7 son of Ashbel
6 (
354), b. 12 July, 1770; m. (1) in New Hartford, 2 Oct., 1791, Deborah Ward.
She d.; he m. (2) Mrs. Zodia Taylor; she d.; he d. 5 Dec., 1830, in Claridon, O.; he had previously lived in Tully, O.
2864 Roderick,
8 b. 1796, in Claridon, O.; m. Sally Taylor.
2865 Sophronia,
8 b. 1798; m. (1) Simeon Calkins; (2) Eri Hazen.
2866 Lydia,8 b.; d. unm. in Claridon, O., in 1876.
2867 Isaac,
8 b. 16 Dec., 1803; m. Cynthia Talbot.
2868 Elijah,
8 b. 16 Apr., 1809; m. Emmeline Alderman.
7 dau. of Ashbel
6 (
354), b. 26 Feb., 1773; m. Silas Douglas, of New Hartford, Conn., son of Samuel Douglas, Jr., and Abigail Flowers, dau. of Capt. Flowers, of New Hartford.
They settled in Whitestown, N. Y.
2869 Riverius Douglas,8 b.; m.; had a large family.
7 dau. of Ashbel
6 (
354), b. 2 Apr., 1776; m. Oct., 1796, Gamaliel Loomis, b. 20 Nov., 1771, son of Daniel Loomis, of Lebanon and Coventry, Conn., and Mary Sprague.
She d. 23 Nov., 1806; he m. (2) 17 Dec., 1807, Elizabeth Root.
He d. in Raymond, Wis., 12 Dec., 1864; she d. 15 Nov., 1870.
He rem. in 1800 to Prattsburg, N. Y., and in 1846 to Wisconsin.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 223
2870 Nancy Loomis,8 b. 19 Oct., 1799; m. G. Nov., 1821, Elisha Allis; d. 3 Nov., 1828, in Cazenovia, N. Y.
2871 Polly Sprague Loomis,8 b. 16 Nov., 1801; m. 4 July, 1824, Milo Alderman; d. 7 June, 1842, in Prattsburg.
2872 Sophronia Loomis,8 b. 7 Mar., 1805; m. 2 May, 1837, Thomas Hart; d. 25 Mar., 1852, in Belvidere, Ill.
2873 Amanda R. Loomis,8 b. 19 Nov., 1806; m. 23 Feb., 1824, Asa Hopkins; d. 18 May, 1844, in Prattsburg.
7 son of Ashbel
6 (
354), b. 24 Dec., 1777; m. (1) 22 July, 1805, Sabra Clark, b. about 1773, in West Hartford, Conn.
She d. 25 Dec., 1809; he m. (2) 31 May, 1810, Mary Langworthy, b. in Hopkinton, R. I., Nov., 1777, dau. of Joseph Langworthy, b. in Hopkinton, about 1750, and Lois Lewis; d. 10 Apr., 1817; she rem. with her son, Aranda, to Oglo Co., m., where she d. 1857.
He was a farmer and shoemaker, but was unable to labor on the farm on account of a stiff knee, caused by a white swelling. He rem. from West Hartford, Conn., 1809, to Sangerfield, N. Y., and to Whitestown, 1812, where he d.
Children hy first wife.
2874 Louisa Marietta,
8 b. 25 June, 1806; m. Christopher Langworthy.
2875 Lucy Caroline,8 b. 22 Oct., 1807; d. 4 Apr., 1808.
2876 Henry S.,8 b. 11 Oct., 1809; d. Feb., 1810.
Children by second wife.
2877 Sidney,8 b. 21 Apr., 1811; d. 6 June, 1811.
2878 A Child,8 b. 21 Jan., 1812; d. 22 Jan., 1812.
2879 Lorenzo,8 b. 20 Dec., 1812; d. 6 Mar., 1814.
2880 Arand,
8 b. 5 Mar., 1814; m. (1) Arethusa Janette Davis; (2) Harriet Lucretia Mills; (3) Desdemona Pierce.
7 son of Ashbel
6 (
354), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 13 Sept., 1783; m. 4 Jan., 1809, Amanda Spencer, b. in New Hartford, Conn., 7 Dec., 1785, dau. of Nathaniel Spencer, b. 21 Apr., 1748, and Lois Steele, b. 26 May, 1748.
He d. 17 Mar., 1843, in Claridon, O.; she d. in Ridgeville, O., 1 Dec., 1857.
He and his brother, Cotton, lived on his father's farm in New Hartford, Conn., and owned a sawmill; they also manufactured wagons, carriages, etc. They sold out in 1811, and both moved to Claridon, Geauga Co., O. The trip was made with a one-horse team and three ox teams and they were five weeks on the way.
2881 Julia Caroline,
8 b. 17 Nov., 1810; m. Col. Erastus Spencer.
2882 Lucy Amanda,
8 b. 7 Aug., 1813; m. Rev. James Austin Preston.
2883 Sherman Ashbel,
8 b. 31 Mar., 1816; m. Nancy Taylor.
2884 Electa Louisa,
8 b. 19 Sept., 1818; m. Warren K. Taylor.
2885 Sylvia Sophronia,8 b. 15 May, 1822; m. (1) 13 Apr., 1848, Rev. James A. Preston, who had previously m. her sister, Lucy. He d. 31 July, 1848; she m. (2) in the fall of 1852, Henry Lyman Talbot; d. 20 Feb., 1865; he d. 1897; had no children.
224 The Kelloggs in the New World.
7 son of Ashbel
6 (
354), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 18 Aug., 1785; m. Elizabeth (Betsey) Moses, b. 22 June, 1790.
She d. in Hartford, Conn., 17 Nov., 1854; he d. in Claridon, 4 Dec., 1865.
He was a farmer; in 1815 he rem. from Connecticut with his wife and one child, and settled in Claridon, O., where he lived until his death; he established a sawmill, which was of great service to the early settlers; was a Congregationalist and a Republican.
2886 Sophia Naomi,
8 b. in Connecticut, 1815; m. Asa Cowles.
2887 James Sidney,
8 b. 20 Oct., 1818; m. Emma Lucy Stanhope.
2888 Cyrus Alfred,
8 b. 22 Apr., 1822; m. (1) Anna E. Allgate; (2) Mary Serena Hayden.
2889 Chloe Ann,
8 b. 16 Oct., 1828; m. Alonzo Simeon Watts.
2890 Chauncey,8 (adopted); m. Lydia Lorinda Strong (2894).
7 dau. of Ashbel
6 (
354), b. 21 Feb., 1788; m. 30 Nov., 1808, Elisha Strong, b. 28 Dec., 1785, son of Elijah Strong and Lydia Rockwell.
She d. 3 Mar., 1860; he d. 18 Jan., 1861. He was a gunsmith in Claridon, O.
2891 William Kellogg Strong,8 b. 4 Oct., 1809; m. five times; res. in Big Rapids, Mich.; was a gunsmith.
2892 Lucy Cornelia Strong,8 b. 16 Mar., 1812; d. 2 Oct., 1812.
2893 Sarah Almira Strong,8 b. 8 Dec., 1813; m. James S. Weaver; d. 19 May, 1849.
2894 Lydia Lorinda Strong,8 b. 27 Jan., 1816; m. 6 Feb., 1839, Norman Chauncey Kellogg (2890), adopted son of Cotton Kellogg; he d. 9 Sept., 1873; she later res. in Morgan, O. He was a carpenter and joiner in Morgan.
2895 Elisha Austin Strong,8 b. 14 Aug., 1819; was a farmer in Milford, Ind.
2896 James Ashbel Strong,8 b. 3 Nov., 1821; was a gunsmith and jeweler in Brady, Mich.
2897 Elijah Rockwell Strong,8 b. 1 Apr., 1827.
2898 Julia Irene Strong,8 b. 6 May, 1829; m. Clark, of Lowell, Kent Co., Mich.
7 son of Ashbel
6 (
354), b. 8 Sept., 1790; m. Laura Cowles, dau. of Judge Asa Cowles, of New Hartford, Conn., and Claridon, O., and Sibyl Merrill, b. 4 June, 1765.
He d. 28 Mar., 1878.
He was a farmer in Claridon, O., where he settled in 1813; was a respected member of the church and society. The homestead was left to his youngest son, Carroll.
2899 Laura Cornell,
8 b. 30 Oct., 1816; m. John Flavel Strong.
2900 Dwight C.,8 b.; m. Catherine Adams; res. in Claridon O., in 1900.
2901 Carroll A.,8 b.; m. Mary Dodge; had no children.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 225
7 son of Deacon Timothy
6 (
360), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 23 Aug., 1757; m. (1) _______.
She d.; he m. (2) (pub. in Sheffield, 17 Feb., 17 US), Eunice Cowles, of Torringford, Conn.; she d.; he m. (3) Mrs. Eleanor (Loomis) Cole, b. in New Hartford, Conn., 1761; d. in Pulaski, N. Y., 10 Aug., 1827; she d. in Mendon, Mich., 20 Oct., 1845, aged 84.
He rem. from Sheffield in 1806.
He was a revolutionary soldier; served in Capt. Fitch's Co., Col. Hopkin's Reg., July to 3 Aug., 1776; in Capt. King's Co., Col. Brown's Reg., 29 June to 21 July, 1777, and in Capt. Fitch's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 8 July to 4 Aug., 1777; in Capt. Loomis' Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 14 to 15 Oct., 1780.
2902 Truman,8 b. 1778; was living unm. 1838. "Uncle Trum" was a general favorite. He perished in a severe snowstorm.
2903 Mary,
8 b. 8 Feb., 1780; m. (1) Josiah Curris; (2) Tullar.
2904 Electa,
8 b. 1783; m. Barnett Bushnell.
2905 James,
8 b. 1792; m. Bedee Jewell.
2906 Nancy,
8 b. about 1795; m. Elisha Hubbell.
2907 John Jay,
8 b. 11 Apr., 1801; m. Jane Maria Bull.
2908 Erastus,
8 b. 11 Oct., 1804; m. (1) Lucena Ami Brace; (2) Mrs. Elizabeth (Harrington) Homer.
2909 Ebenezer,
8 b.; m. Polly Saxton.
2910 A Daughter,8 b.; m. Abner Hubbard.
2911 Martinis,8 b. ______.
7 son of Deacon Timothy
6 (
360), b. 17 Dec., 1760; m. Isabella Williams, b. 21 Dec., 1762.
He d. ______.
After the close of the revolutionary war he settled in Stillwater, N. Y. He was a revolutionary soldier; served in Capt. Wilcox's Co., Col. Brown's Reg., at Mount Independence, N. Y., 23 Feb., 8 Apr., 1777; in Col. Ashley's Reg. several times from 8 July, 1777, to 28 Oct., 1781.
Administration on his estate was granted in 1790 to Timothy and Isabella Kelogg. Ozias was then called "late of Egremont."
She m. (2) 24 Nov., 1789, Elijah King.
2912 William,
8 b. 20 June, 1784; m. Mary Stadler Allison.
2913 Timothy,
8 b. 20 July, 1786; m. (1) Sarah Hurlburt; (2) Elizabeth Mellen.
7 son of Deacon Timothy
6 (
360), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 25 Oct., 1764; m. 3 Dec., 1789, Abi Bingham, b. in Salisbury, Conn., Jan., 1766, dau. of Daniel Bingham and Hannah Conant.
He d. in Pittstown, N. Y., 15 Oct., 1809.
Administration was granted on his estate, in Troy, N. Y., 11 July, 1811. He was a clothier by trade.
She m. (2) Manley; d. in Cincinnati, 13 Dec., 1838, while visiting her son, Albert.
226 The Kelloggs in the New World.
2914 Augustus,8 b. in Salisbury, Conn., 6 Oct., 1790; went south in 1814, and was never heard from.
2915 Orson,
8 b. in Florida, N. Y., 27 Aug., 1792; m. Eleanor Clark.
2916 Truman,
8 b. in Salisbury, Conn., 15 Oct., 1795; m. Anna Davis.
2917 Emily,
8 in Florida, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1799; m. (1) Chester Steele; (2) Myron Hinsdale.
2918 Albert,
8 b. in Pittstown, 15 Jan., 1801; m. Elizabeth Dudgeon.
2919 Caleb Bingham,8 b. in Pittstown, 27 May, 1806; d. in Cincinnati, O., of yellow fever, while returning from New Orleans; was unm.
7 son of Deacon Timothy
6 (
360), b. in Egremont, 12 Aug., 1767; m. 11 Mar., 1792, Abigail Benjamin, b. 10 Jan., 1774.
He d. 29 May, 1849; she d. 14 Jan., 1853.
He was a farmer; res. in Stillwater, Saratoga Co., N. Y.
Children, b. in Stillwater.
2920 Ozias,
8 b. 20 Jan., 1793; m. ______.
2921 Sarah (Sally),
8 b. 5 Nov., 1796; m. Ebenezer Gilbert.
2922 Ruth,
8 b. 14 Aug., 1802; m. Henry Baldwin.
2923 Elizabeth (Betsey),
8 b. 25 Nov., 1806; m. William D. Storer.
2924 Mary (Polly),8 b. 7 July, 1812; m. 10 Sept., 1835, James Simpson, of Fulton, N. Y.
7 son of Deacon Timothy
6 (
360), b. in Egremont, Mass., 25 July, 1768; m. 10 Jan., 1793, Mary (Polly) Taylor, of East Bloomfield, b. in 1772.
She d. 7 July, 1830; he d. 7 Nov., 1833.
In 1804 he rem. from East Bloomfield to Penfield, N. Y., where he was a farmer and cloth dresser. He was one of the founders of the Presbyterian Church in Penfield.
2925 Norman,8 b. 12 Jan., 1794; d. 12 Feb., 1794.
2926 Edmund,
8 b. 3 May, 1795; m. Margaret Ellis.
2927 Sylvester,
8 b. 27 Dec., 1797; m. Clarissa Ostrander.
2928 Chloe,8 b. 11 Mar., 1799; m. Caleb Warren.
2929 Sarah (Sally),
8 b. 7 Feb., 1801; m. John Weaver.
2930 Delilah,
8 b. 7 July, 1804; m. Jonathan Shepard Aver.
2931 Almira,
8 b. 8 Feb., 1806; m. Harris Porter Colt.
2932 Mary,8 b. 24 Apr., 1808; d. 25 July, 1808.
2933 Daniel T.,8 b. 27 May, 1809; d. unm., 7 Mar., 1833.
2934 Josiah Jones,
8 b. 1 Jan., 1812; m. Mrs. Margaret Jane (Trotter) Henderson.
2935 Mary (Polly),
8 b. 27 Oct., 1814; m. Hiram Ross.
2936 Franklin Harrison,
8 b. 14 Mar., 1817; m. Empress Paulowna Robbins.
7 son of Deacon Timothy
6 (
360), bap. in Egremont, 8 July, 1770; m. (1) Dolly Demming (873), b. 28 Feb., 1773, dau. of Gamaliel Demming, bap. 1728, and Rebecca Kellogg (+
284), b. 11 June, 1732.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 227
She d. in Pulaski, N. Y., about 1814; she taught school in Egremont before her marriage. He m. (2) 1 Mar., 1815, Mrs. Rhoda (Tuller) Van Deusen. She d. 26 June, 1845; he d. 30 Aug., 1850.
He was a blacksmith in Egremont; deacon in the Congregational Church.
Children by first wife.
2937 Alvan Hyde,
8 b. in Sheffield, Mass., 9 Mar., 1795; m. Esther King.
2938 Martin Deming,
8 b. 2 June, 1798; m. (1) Sally Prindle; (2) Mary Ogden.
Children by second wife.
2939 Erastus William,
8 b. 1 June, 1816; m. Eliza Ann Klock.
2940 Mary Amanda,8 b. 20 Dec., 1818.
7 son of Azariah
6 (
364), b. in Harwinton, 21 Nov., 1757; m. 1 Dec., 1784, Roxanna Cook.
He d. 28 Oct., 1810; she d. 3 Mar., 1838.
He was a farmer; res. on his father's homestead; was one of the selectmen in Harwinton from 1800 to 1804; was a Representative in the Legislature of Connecticut, 1799, 1800, '01, '02.
Children, b. in Harwinton.
2941 Alma,
8 b. 26 Oct., 1785; m. Abner Wilson.
2942 Amanda,
8 b. 19 Jan., 1787; m. William S. Goodsell.
2943 Truman,
8 b. 22 July, 1788; m. Cynthia Rosseter.
2944 Roxa,8 b. 4 Oct., 1790; d. 11 Mar., 1794.
2945 Huldah,8 b. 23 Aug., 1792; d. 19 Mar., 1794.
2946 Ezra,8 b. 9 Jan., 1795; d. 9 Aug., 1803.
2947 George,8 b. 8 Dec., 1796; d. 7 May, 1799.
2948 Roxa,8 b. 27 Feb., 1800; d. unm. 11 May, 1827.
2949 George,
8 b. 3 Mar., 1803; m. Caroline Webster.
7 dau. of Azariah
6 (
364), b. 4 Aug., 1759; m. 18 Dec., 1782. Joseph Austin.
Children, b. in New Hanford, Conn.
2950 Archibald Austin,8 b. 29 Dec., 1783.
2951 Norman Austin,8 b. 12 Apr., 1785.
2952 Russell Austin,8 b. 17 May, 1787.
7 son of Azariah
6 (
364), b. 8 Oct., 1763; m. 23 Feb., 1785, Mindwell Catlin, b. in Harwinton, 1765 or '66, dau. of George Catlin and Mindwell Phelps.
He res. in Harwinton, Conn.
He was a revolutionary soldier; served in Col. Campfield's Connecticut Militia Reg., at West Point, 1781.
Children, b. in Harwinton.
2953 Daughter,8 b. 5 Aug., 1785; d. 10 Aug., 1785.
2954 Sabra,8 b. 24 July, 1787; d. 25 Sept., 1788.
2955 Allen,8 b. 25 Sept., 1789; d. 31 Jan., 1799.
2956 Horace,8 b. 30 Jan., 1792; d. unm. ______.
228 The Kelloggs in the New World.
2957 Alexander,
8 b. 6 June, 1795; m. Mary Ingersoll.
2958 Sabra,8 b. 16 Nov., 1797; m. David Benton; had no children.
2959 Mindwell,8 b. 10 Aug., 1800; admitted to the church in Torrington, Conn., in 1817, and to the church in Walcotville, in 1838, where she was living unm. in 1876.
2960 Hannah,8 b. 25 May, 1817; m. as his second wife, Asahel Hooker, b. in Bristol, Conn., 15 June, 1792, son of Ira Hooker, b. 12 Mar., 1760, and Amy Barnes, b. 18 Aug., 1769; he d. 27 Apr., 1865; she d. 3 May, 1875; both d. in Bristol, Conn.
2961 Huldah,
8 b.; m. Stephen Sharpless.
7 son of Azariah
6 (
364), b. in Harwinton, 24 Aug., 1766; m. (1) (pub. in Sheffield, 31 Oct., 1789), Deborah Griswold, b. 1771.
She d. 9 Mar., 1813; he m. (2) 29 Aug., 1813, Mrs. Elizabeth (Beales) Gay lord, b. 29 Aug., 1784; d. 12 Apr., 1855, aged 89.
He was called Jacob Kellogg, second, when he was published in Sheffield. He rem. to Adams, Jefferson Co., N. Y., about 1800, and was Highway Commissioner in 1803.
Children by first wife.
2962 Hannah,
8 b. 13 Aug., 1790; m. Stephen Billings Wright.
2963 Salmon,8 b. 31 July, 1792; d. unm. 8 May, 1813.
2964 Amney,8 b. 15 Mar., 1794; m. Calvin Fox.
2965 Harriet,8 b. 2 Mar., 1796; m. Pearley D. Stone; d. 24 July, 1864; he lived in Adams.
2966 Lewis,
8 b. 19 June, 1798; m. Louisa Breed.
2967 Jacob,
8 b. 31 July, 1800; m. Fanny Billings.
2968 Lois,8 b. 22 Apr., 1803; m. Nelson Seymour, of Adams, N. Y.; both d. in Adams, N. Y.; had no children.
2969 Sally,8 b. 9 Dec., 1805; d. young.
2970 Lauretta,8 b. 5 Nov., 1807; d. 22 Jan., 1810.
2971 Alex Hamilton,8 b. in Adams, 17 May, 1811; m. 15 Feb., 1855, Lovina Hall, b. in Jefferson Co., N. Y., 21 July, 1818, dau. of Daniel Hall, b. in Conn., 2 Aug., 1782, and Anna Mills, b. about 1790. He was a farmer in Adams, N. Y.; had no children; in 1858 they adopted Arabella Henrietta McClosky, b. 21 Jan., 1854.
Children by second wife.
2972 Salmon,8 b. 19 May, 1814; accidentally killed, 29 Aug., 1836.
2973 Erasmus Darwin,
8 b. 14 Dec., 1815; m. Louisa M. Bliss.
2974 Elizabeth,
8 b. 11 July, 1818; m. (1) William Brown Hinman; (2) Merrill ______.
2975 Ann,8 b. 25 Aug., 1820; m. John Adams; both d. in Wisconsin; had no children.
2976 Joshua B.,8 b. 17 Oct., 1824; d. 9 June, 1825.
7 dau. of Azariah
6 (
364), b. 5 Dec., 1774, in Harwinton, Conn.; m. 17 Mar., 1793, William Benton, son of Barnabas Benton and Elizabeth Hinsdell.
Children, b. in Harwinton.
2977 Willis Benton,8 b. 8 Jan., 1794.
2978 Lois Benton,8 b. 9 Mar., 1796.
The Kelloggs in the New World. 229
2979 William Pomeroy Benton,8 b. 7 July, 1798.
2980 Maria Benton,8 b. 29 Sept., 1800.
7 son of Az
6 (
364), b. in Harwinton, Conn., 1 May, 1777; m. in Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., 18 Oct., 1801, Pamelia Willard, b. in Stonington, Conn., 18 Sept., 1775, dau. of Rufus Willard, a farmer in Stonington, Conn., and Pamelia Belden.
She d. 3 May, 1843; he d. 25 Jan., 1844.
He was a carpenter in Adams and Rodman, N. Y.
Children, b. in Adams.
2981 George,
8 b. 30 July, 1803; m. Calista Morse.
2982 Hiram,
8 b. 22 Nov., 1805; m. Pamelia Ely.
2983 Chloe,
8 b. 18 Sept., 1809; m. Ora Cooley.
2984 Harry Croswell,
8 b. 9 May, 1811; m. Sarah Chapin.
7 dau. of George
6 (
366), b. in West