


I N   T H E





T I M O T H Y   H O P K I N S

Member of The New England Historic Genealogical Society

Vol. I.


D e d i c a t e d

in affectionate remembrance

to the

Misses Mary and Nancy Kellogg


Great Barrington, Massachusetts

The sweetness of their dispositions endeared them to me in my boyhood
and added years have ripened my admiration into a
deep appreciation of their many
sterling qualities




The genesis of this Genealogy may be found in the publication by Hon. Day Otis Kellogg, in 1858 and 1860, of his articles in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, and reprinted in pamphlet form. These, with an article in Volume 46 of the Register, by Mr. J. H. Perrin; a pamphlet by Mr. Abraham Lincoln Kellogg, both in the line of Samuel of Hatfield; some notes by Rev. Justin Perkins Kellogg, in the line of Stephen, and the Clarke-Kellogg-Nash Genealogy published by Albert Clark in 1877, in the line of Daniel of Norwalk, comprise the bibliography of the subject, and frequent mention of the name is also found in many genealogies.
In 1866 Hon. Day Otis Kellogg transferred his MSS. to Mr. William Wallace Kellogg, of Lynn, now of Newtonville, Mass., who added to it, and in 1873 gave, in turn, his data to Mr. Rufus Bela Kellogg, then of Oakland, Cal., and afterward of Green Bay, Wis., who made the first effort to collect the records of the family as a whole, and he devoted years of conscientious toil to the gathering of valuable and extensive records. Mr. Kellogg died suddenly in 1891, leaving his work incomplete, and shortly afterward these records came into my hands and have been of incalculable assistance to me. The family owes Mr. Kellogg a debt of gratitude for his painstaking and faithful labor, and the work would have been published by him years ago had he survived. It is perhaps a fitting coin­cidence, since Mr. Kellogg commenced his genealogical activity in California, that the finished work should, after many years, first see the light of publicity on the shores of the Golden Gate.
My presentation of the subject carries with it no claim to special qualification for the task undertaken. I have, as indicated in the title, simply attempted to give an account of the Kellogg family in America, in all of its branches, and to trace it to its transatlantic home.
A family history has been aptly described as "a special type of narrative which lies between general history, which deals with public events, and an indi­vidual biography, which gives a complete picture of a single conspicuous life." Although no effort has been spared to make this Genealogy complete, an endeavor has been made to keep within this limitation of the subject, but at best it is only an inadequate record of a sturdy race of men and women who underwent the trials and privations of the pioneer days of our country, and who have taken an intel­ligent interest in its welfare.
When a child in New England, I was blessed with the loving care of two elderly maiden Kellogg great aunts, the very "salt of the earth," who told me many tales concerning the family history ; and when I reached man's estate, dom­inated perhaps by some subtle psychological influence connected with my child­hood, none but a Kellogg descendant would suit me as a helpmate through life. This accounts for my gathering for preservation the records of the family, but I am free to confess that, had I had any conception of the magnitude of the task, I should have faltered.
It is an established principle that, to interest others, one must himself be interested, and this is true as far as my labor has been concerned, for the com­pilation of a genealogy is fascinating, as all who have been engaged in it will testify.
A few years ago I had an old man bore a well for me who would have made an excellent genealogist. He had toiled at his business for nearly fifty years, but was as much interested in each auger full of soil brought from below as if it had been his first, for, as he told me, he "never knew Just what would be found in the next spoonful of borings." The simile may be a poor one, but the spirit of ex­pectancy is the same in both pursuits.
Nevertheless, mere enthusiasm on the part of the compiler will not produce a genealogy. He needs the assistance and encouragement of the family whose rec­ord he tabulates. I have had this support, and I desire to place on record my thanks to the members of the Kellogg family, individually and collectively, for the courtesies extended to me by them in the preparation of this work.
I have essayed to give all obtainable details in the earlier generations and to condense as far as possible in the later ones, in the belief that, in the face of the imperative need of keeping the Genealogy within reasonable bounds, the living generations of the family would prefer to hear less of themselves and more of their ancestors.
There is enough in the volumes, however, to furnish ample opportunities for conversation to those of the Kellogg kin who may be good talkers on a variety of subjects, but who never really become enthusiastic until they talk of their family and their connections. Their discourse, too, may include many parts of the world for the family is widespread and there has seemingly been a tendency to keep abreast with movements of emigration.
This migratory habit has added to the labor of compilation, and has made it difficult and sometimes impossible to secure data concerning some of the families, although I had supposed until the Genealogy was nearly finished that all Kelloggs in America were of the same stock and were descendants of the three sons of Martin of Braintree. While this holds true for most of the name, I find that the past fifty years has brought other Kelloggs from the Old World whose ancestry is untraced, and in some instances the name has been assumed. I have placed the incomplete "sections" at the end of the work, in the hope that some descendant, more fortunate than I have been, will be able to supply the links which will con­nect them with their proper lines of descent.
I have often been asked as to the heraldic rights of the Kelloggs. Not all ancient highways lead to moated castles, with coats of arms emblazoned over their drawbridges, or to palaces rich in historical association. The same is doubly true of lines of genealogical descent, and it is said that only seven families in all of Great Britain can, with certainty, trace their descent back in a direct line to the time of William the Conqueror. As far as I can ascertain, the Kelloggs have no coat of arms, for, though theirs has been a well-beaten path, nearly four centuries in length, it has seemingly avoided the more pretentious thoroughfares, and sought the quieter course through green fields, and by the river side, to the door of the farmer's vine-clad cottage. Honorable as they are, heraldic devices are not the only marks of family worth, and the Kelloggs may well be proud of at least two of the family's strong characteristics which entitle it to distinction — its patriotism and its remarkable freedom from crime. There has never been a war of our country, from its infancy to the present day, in which Kelloggs have not borne an honorable part. With its men self-reliant, self-respecting and law-abiding, and its women conspicuous for all the womanly virtues, can we fail to be proud of our connection with the family ?
I must congratulate the family upon the discovery of the will of Martin Kellogg of Braintree, which proved the transatlantic line of descent. This con­nection had been vainly sought for many years previous to 1899, when Mr. Francis Henry Fuller, of Boston, Mass., visited England to continue the search. Through Mr. Fuller's assiduity and good fortune, the matter has been definitely settled, and we are enabled to follow the family tree until "its roots disappear in the depths of past centuries."
The Genealogy contains the records of nearly five thousand families with more than twenty-two thousand descendants. Persistent effort has been made to collect the facts set forth in their history. Town and church records, histories, genealogies and other sources of information have been freely consulted, and every Kellogg whose address was known, or could be obtained, was written to unless the record had already been secured. Errors will unavoidably creep into a work of this kind, but it is my hope that the Genealogy, as a whole, may favorably commend itself to the Kellogg family.

T. H.      

      San Francisco, January, 1903.





Kelloggs in the Old World 1 

Kelloggs in the New World 17 

Appendix I 1743 

Appendix II 1801 

Appendix III 1802 

Appendix IV 1811 

Appendix V 1815 

Index to Persons and Places Vol. Ill 


Facsimile of Martin Kellogg's Will Frontispiece Vol. I 

Facsimile of Nicholas Kellogg's Will Frontispiece Vol. II 

Ancient Map of Essex County, England Frontispiece Vol. Ill 

St. Mary and All Saints' Church, Debden, England. 

Interior of St. Mary and All Saints' Church, Debden, England. 

St. Mary's Church, Great Leighs, England. 

Interior of St. Mary's Church, Great Leighs, England. 

St. Michael's Church, Braintree, England. 

St. Michael's Church, Bishop's Stortford, Englant). 

Martin Kellogg's House, Hoppet Lane, Braintree, England. 

Map of Braintree, England. 

Facsimile of Letter of Martin Kellogg, of Bronson, Ohio. . . .Facing 1752 


b. born         p. page
bap. baptized         reg., reg't regiment
Co. Company, County         rem. removed
d. died         res. reside, resides, resided
dau. daughter         unm. unmarried
m. married        

Other abbreviations may be readily understood.


The superior figure following a name indicates the generation of that person.
In the family records each child is given a number. Those named Kellogg are printed in small capitals, and those of Kellogg ancestry who bear other names are printed in italics. The + preceding a number indicates that the record of that person's family may be found in the following generation with the same number preceding the name.

The Kellogg Harvester Co. 


A Great Enterprise 

C A new corporation organized to co-oper­ate
with the dealer and farmer. : : 

C A unique undertaking which promises to 
become a powerful factor in the agricul­tural
implement world. : : : : 

H Dealer and farmer to become sharehold­ers
in the stock of company and to partici­pate
in the profits in which they are so 
important a factor in producing. : : 





"Lo, these large ancestors have left a trace
 Of their strong souls in mine, defying Death and Time."
H. H. Boyesen.      


There have been numerous books written on the origin of names, and they all possess interest to those of us who like to trace things to their source. An exam­ination of almost any extensive list shows a bewildering array of surnames in use at the present time. One cannot but help sympathizing with the simple-minded old lady who was at a loss to account for the great number of Smiths in the world, until one day her mystery was solved, when she discovered an immense building almost covered with a huge sign reading "Smith Manufacturing Company." This story may be more interesting than historical, but her solution of the problem of derivation was a simple, and seemingly, the only plausible one, not only for the Smiths, but also for many of the varieties of curious nomenclature in evidence around us.
We are told that the giving of names dates from the development of civiliza­tion in the Middle Ages and the rise of the Christian religion. The zeal of the converts could not be more fully expressed than by dropping their Pagan names and substituting Scriptural ones in keeping with the new faith. These "Christian names," as they were then and are still called, were universally adopted with the spread of the new religion, and as apostates were many, and names few, confusion followed as a result of similar personal names.
Imagine the condition in Poland, where, in 1367, the King and his people were converted to Christianity. The mass of the people were formed into com­panies and baptized by the priests, "a whole company at a time," giving the same name to all the individuals composing that company. In the first company all the

2 The Kelloggs in the Old World.

men were designated Peter, and all the women Catherine; in the second all be­came Pauls and Margarets. This was indeed making names on a wholesale basis, and no wonder that there came into use distinguishing or "nick names" to segre­gate the individual from the other bearers of the same name. That some of these names should finally grow into hereditary or family names naturally follows. Thus, Peter the small, perhaps so called to distinguish him from a Peter the long, would become Peter Small and his neighbor or relative, Peter Long.
These steps in name evolution took place in Britain as well as on the Con­tinent, and the first surnames or family names in England date from about the time of the Conquest (A. D. 1086).
Since all names were originally significant, although their meaning may have been forgotten in time, it is easy to account for such names as may have been identified with trades, professions, residence, etc., and for the derivation of Kel­logg we would first look for some reason which would have caused the adoption of the name by its first bearer.
Here arises the difficulty of determining the first form of the name, and its many variations may be illustrated by the following examples from the records in Old and New England : Kellog, Kelhogge, Kyllyogge, Kellyogge, Kellogg, Kel­logge, Kelogge, Kellok, Kelhoge, Cologe, Kellhogg, Kellork, Kellodge, Cellodge, Kellogue, Kellock, Killhog, Kilhog, Collidge, Calaug, Colloge, Cellog, Keelogg.
We first find the Kelloggs in towns with Saxon names, and if they were Saxon, we have as a possible derivative, Keilhau, the German name of the miner's pickaxe, which is still in existence in Germany, Denmark and Norway.
According to family tradition, however, Great Britain was the original home of the family and there are a number of legends to that effect. The most general of these is that advanced by Hon. Day Otis Kellogg, formerly United States Con­sul at Glasgow, Scotland, one of the earliest collectors of Kellogg data ( See N. E. Hist. Gen. Keg., 1858, Genealogical Items of the Kellogg Family, 88). He re­lates the tradition that the Kelloggs were partisans of James VI, of Scotland, and came with him to England (when he ascended the throne of Great Britain as James I), and remained there until their settlement in New England. He sug­gested that the name was derived from two Gaelic words "Kill," a cemetery, and "Loch," a lake — that is, the "Family of the Lake Cemetery" ; and, as a result of his statement, the belief that the family is of Scottish origin is now widespread.
While Kellock and Kellick in England, Ceilog or Cuilog in Wales, Kello and Kellowe* in England and Scotland are not imusual, a diligent search of the pub­He records, in Great Britain, fails to reveal the name of Kellock or Kalloch as early as that of Kellogg, which appears in the Lay Subsidies** for Debden, Essex County, in 1525 (although Nicholas Keylogg was a witness to the will of William Hall, of Debden, in 1515), when Nicholas and William Kellog, of Debden, were taxed and where the name is found in the parish registers from 1558 to 1640. Keylogg, the earliest form of the name in England, is suggestive. A "log" in olden times was a kind of hobble for hindering livestock from straying, and "Key­logg" would indicate a maker of keys for "logs" or hobbles, or possibly of manacles
* There has been found in the Old Records Office in London, a deed, 9 July, 1420, of the Manor of Wygepet in Elmedon, Arkesdes and Wygepet, in which Richard Kellowe, clerk, is mentioned as one of the grantees ( Ancient Deeds C. 2222 ) . Wygepet is about five miles from Debden, which is close enough to raise the question whether Kellowe may not have been an early form of the family name.
**A tax granted to the Crown, by Parliament, for the urgent occasions of the realm, and levied on every subject of ability according to the value of his lands or goods.

The Kelloggs in the Old World. 3

for prisoners — in other words a locksmith. Thus we find a Kellogg (born before the discovery of America) living in England more than fifty years before the birth of James VI.*
The Kellogg believers in the theory of Welsh descent do not lack for a pic­turesque legend upon which to base their faith. It is said that "in ancient times, after a severe storm at sea, there was a foundling taken from the keel of a wrecked vessel off the coast of Wales. He spoke a language the Welsh people did not un­derstand, but they brought him up and named him 'Keellogg-' from the situation he was in when rescued." Curiously enough there is an old Dutch or Flemish name, Keylooghe, which signifies the eye in the keel of a boat. In this connec­tion, the eminent Dutch archivist, ilons. M. G. Wildman, considers that Kellogg has probably degenerated from Keynoughe, an ancient Flemish family whose coat of arms in 1353 shows a rooster as part of its armorial bearings. In all Celtic languages C is pronounced hard as K. In Wales, a rooster is called Ceilyog or Ceiliog, i. e. Keilog, which comes so remarkably near the present sound of the name that one of my valued correspondents wrote me some time since "that the Kelloggs are Cocks of the Walk in Wales."


Essex County, the earliest home of the Kelloggs, so far as at present traced, is tenth in size of the English counties, and its position in the southeastern comer and its nearness to London have given it no small prominence in the general his­tory of England.
Its surface is generally of a gently undulating character, and, after ages of cultivation, it still holds its ancient reputation for fertility.
Essex was rich in its monastic foundations, and was a storm center for the religious activity- of the Puritans, many of whom emigrated from within its bor­ders to the shores of the newer and broader England.
Colchester, Danbury, Hatfield, Stratford and Wethersfield are Essex towns whose names were transplanted by these colonists to their New England homes.
The Kelloggs, therefore, are first found in good Puritan surroundings. Debden, where the records first show the name, lies about forty miles north of London, sixteen miles south of Cambridge, and three miles east of Newport, its nearest railway station. Saffron Walden is about four miles from Debden, and Manuden is about the same distance from either Debden or Bishop's Stortford.
By referring to the copy of an old eighteenth century map (see insert), it will be seen that it is but a short distance from Debden and vicinity to Bocking, Great Leighs and Braintree ; in fact, a radius of less than thirty miles would in­clude all of the early Essex homes of the Kelloggs, and it would not seem improb­able that they were all of the same family.
In the Lay Subsidy Returns for Debden in the Hundred of Uttlesford, County Essex, 28 January, 1525,** Nicholas Keilog, of Debden, is taxed on movables valued at 40 shillings, and William Keilog on movables valued at 60 shillings; 1543, Nicholas Kelhogge was taxed on his goods, 6s., Sd. ; March,

*James VI, of Scotland, afterward James I, of England, was b. in 1566, and ascended the throne of Great Britain, 24 Mar., 1603.
**There are no subsidy rolls for this parish, giving names, between the close of the fourteenth century and 1525.

4 The Kelloggs in the Old World.

1545, Nicholas Kyllyogge gave 12s. as beuevoleuce ; April, 1547, Nicholas Kel­logge was taxed on his goods, 10s. ; 1 March, 1557, William Kellogg was taxed on lands valued at 40s.


Debden, in which we find these our earliest Kelloggs, must have been a beau­tiful spot, Judging from its description in an old history of Essex County.* It lies on the west side of Wimbish, and is bounded on the southwest by Widdington and Newport ; upon the north by Walden, from which town it is about four miles distant; it is about three miles wide and about four miles long. "It is named from its situation, from the two Saxon words Deop, signifying deep, and Den, a valley ; a great part of it lying very low ; notwithstanding which it is so agree­ably interspersed with rising grounds as to render it a very pleasant and healthy situation ; the inhabitants are supported by husbandry and spinning."
"The Manor of Depden Hall hath an elegant and commodious mansion a little way north of the church, about midway of a pretty large hill; upon its east side lies the village of Depden between which and the house is a small grove of stately trees. In the front is a fine piece of water and a delightful view of the country; on the other sides are a variety of prospects, plantations, gardens, etc., which conspire to add to the beauty of the situation. The church stands about a quarter of a mile from the village upon the declivity of a hill which affords a pleasing prospect; both church and chancel are partly of brick and partly of stone, leaded. The former hath two aysles, the latter of one pace only. This church was built cathedral wise with the tower in the middle; but which by length of time being decayed fell down and demolished a great part of the chancel which hath been repaired; but the tower hath not been rebuilt." This manor was seized by King Henry II in 1155 ; was granted by him to his son. King John, through whom it was granted to the Earl of Essex. It came back to the Crown as part of the dowry of Mary Bohun, wife of Henry IV, and remained its prop­erty through the reigns of Henry V, Henry VI, Edward IV and Henry VIII, who granted it to his favorite Lord Audley.


Great Leighs is one of two contiguous parishes about seven miles north north-east of Chelmsford, five miles south of Braintree, and about thirty-five miles from London. The name is from the Saxon word Leze, Leaz or Leah, a pasture or un­filled ground, a condition in which it undoubtedly was when first named. In Domesday Book, A. D. 1086, it is written Lega or Legra, and, in old deeds, Leghs, Lighs and Lees. The entries in Domesday of Leza and Legra are not distinct, from which it may be inferred that the parishes were not separated. Groat Leighs contains about two thousand acres. There are varieties of soil in this district with a very considerable portion of waste ground. The owners of those posses­sions in the Saxon times were Edric, Ansgar or Esgar, Scalpin, Godric and Ulmar, and at the time of the General Survey they belonged to Eudo Dapifer, Godfrey de Mandeville, and Eudo, Bishop of Baylux.

* New and Complete History of Essex from the Earliest Aera down to 1769. By Gentleman, Chelmsford, 1769.

The Kelloggs in the Old World. 5

The church, by its form and materials, appears as old as the Saxon era; it has a round tower, of flint and stones, at the west end, above which rises a tall octagon steeple, containing five bells. The door at the west end has a handsome semi-circular arch, with chevron mouldings. The chancel seems to have been built since the body and nave, and the walls of the whole building are of great thickness, but weak in appearance, and are supported by massive buttresses. The churchyard is very spacious.


The parish of Braintree, on the River Stour, in the County of Essex, Eng­land, one of the early homes of the Kelloggs, is about forty miles northeast from London, fifteen from Colchester, with which place it is connected by the old Roman road (built in the fifth century of the Christian era) from St. Albans to Colchester. Chelmsford, where Rev. Thomas Hooker, the first minister of Hart­ford, Conn., was assistant minister until silenced for nonconformity, is about eleven miles south, while Bocking, the home of several of the first settlers of Hart­ford as well as the parish in which Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, the first minister of Ipswich, Mass., was assistant minister, is separated from Braintree by the width of a street. The following description of Braintree is taken from a history of Essex published in Chelmsford, 1769 : "The name of this place in ancient rec­ords is variously written, as Blanketre, Brancketrew, Branketric, Braintree, etc. At the time of the General Survey, it was distinguished by the names Raines and Brancketrew ; the first of which is made up of the Saxon word Rey which signifies a river; the latter is composed of the Old English word bank which signifies a rising ground and the word tre, a town, that is a town upon a hill, which deriva­tions agree well with its situation, it being bounded on each side by a river and on rising ground. In Domesday Book, all that tract of ground of which this parish and that now called Raines, were entered under the name of Raines, but about the reign of Henry III this town was made a distinct parish and called Great Raine to distinguish it from another, which from that time took the name of Little Raine; and Branktree was then styled Hamlettum de Raines, till, in process of time, growing great and a market being kept there, the name of the whole in­sensibly stole into Braintree. It is a great thoroughfare from London into Suf­folk and Norfolk. Bury and Sudbury stage coaches pass daily through it. The principal manufacture is long baize chiefly exported to Spain and Portugal and v,-hich employs many hands. Here is a market every Wednesday well supplied with all kinds of necessaries and at which great quantities of com, malt, hops, etc., are sold by sample. The buildings are mostly old and of timber; but some­what improved of late by a few new ones of brick and plaster.
The parish of Braintree is not very large; the soil is various; a few hops are grown in it; the River Stour waters this parish over which are three brick bridges; one on the road to Witham; another on the road to Chelmsford, and a third is that to Dunmow, all of which are supported at the expense of this parish."
The following extracts from registers of Essex parishes are inserted for the purpose of showing emigration of the Kelloggs, hoping that they will be of service to some future investigator of the English branch :


1538. Augustinius Kellhogg, natus 18 Oct.
Nicholas Kellhogg, senior, sepultus 17 May.
Marie Kellhogg, senior, sepultus 23 Sept.

6 The Kelloggs in the Old World.

1559. Henricus Kellhogg, natus 1 Jan.
Nicholaus Kellogg, natus 25 Apr.
Henricus Kellhogg, sepultus 23 Jan.
Henricus Kellhogg, sepultus 23 Jan.
Willus Reeve, servant of Roberti Kellhogg, sepultus 20 July.
Nicholas Kellhogg, sepultus 30 Aug.
1560. Marie Kellhogg, natus 20 Oct.
1562. Jacohus Kellhogg (alias Balsam), natus 29 July.
1563. Robtus Kellhogg, natus 17 Jan.
1563. Johannis Kellhogg, natus 10 Oct.
Registers from 1564-70, inclusive, illegible.
1571. Thomas Kellhogg, natus 15 July.
Radalphus Kellhogg, sepultus 21 June.
Kellhogg uxor Johannis, sepultus 22 July.
Florentia Kellhogg, sepultus 8 Nov.
1573. Johannis Kellhogg and Alicia Coward, married 17 May. (Kupti.)
1574. Letticia Kellhogg filia Jacobus, natus 5 Apr.
1577. 1577. Bernaby Kellhogg, natus 25 Feb.
1578. Willus kellhogg, sepultus 2 Feb.
1587. Alicia Kellhogg, vidua sepultus 28 Oct.
1593. Dorthea Kellhogg, bap. 30 Apr.
1594. Marie Kellhogg, sepultus 2 Oct.
1605. Elizabeth Kellhogg, sepultus 3 Feb.
1606. Jacobus Kellhogg, sepultus 8 Sept.
1635. Prudentia Kellhogg, sepultus 13 Mar.
Prudentia and Augustinius Kellhogg, sepultus 14 Mar.
1640. Austin Kellhogg, sepultus 16 Nov.
       Extracts from Registers of Manuden, 1551-1730.
1598. Ralph Kellog and Mary* Rowle (?) m. 24 Sept.
1599. Ann, dau. of Ralph, bap. 29 July.
1601. Mary, dau, of Ralph Kellog, bap. 12 July.
1604. John, son of Ralph Kellog, bap. 20 Mar.
1607. Grace (?), dau. of Ralph Kellog, bap. 11 Dec.
1616. Ralph, son of Ralph Kellog, bap. 14 July.
1634. William Speriall and Mary Kellog, m. 20 June.
1629. John Kellog and Annis Koy, m. 28 Nov.
1630. John, son of John and Annis Kellog, bap. 31 Nov.
1633. John Kellog,** buried 24 Dec.
1635. Jonas Bull and Mary Kellog, widow, m. 30 Nov.
1641. Ralph Kellork*** and Anna Thurgood, m. 12 Oct.

*Mary seems to be an error, as we have name of John Kellogg's wife as Anne (Annis and Agnes same name) and in will of John Killogge, of Mallendyne (ancient name of Manuden), we find father-in-law Jonas Bull and mother Anne Bull. Will proved in P. C. C, 24 Oct., 1656, was dated 16 JIar., 1654. He was probably son of John and Annis, who was bap. 21 Nov., 1630.
** Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Probate Act Book, 1G31-33, p. 225: Administra­tion on estate of John Kellogg, late of Manuden, deceased, granted to Agnes Kellogg, his wife, at Stortford, 1 July, 1633.
*** In the Commissary Court of London, Essex and Harts, Register Fish, folio 102: Will of Arthur Kellogg, of Great Parnden, Essex (about ten miles from Maunden), April 18, 1666, gives to "Ralph Kellogg of Maunden; also to five children of Thomas, Edward, Richard, Ralph and Susapna." Prohate granted, 7 Sept., 1667. No Kelloggs are men­tioned in the Registers of Great Parnden.

The Kelloggs in the Old World. 7

1644. Ralph Kellogg's wife was buried 23 Jan.
1655. John Kellogg was buried 14 June.

Extracts from the Parish Register of Braintree, Essex. The Register com­mences in 1660; the earlier volume is lost.


14 Dec., 1669. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Kallogg.
21 June, 1670. Elizabeth, dau. of Nathaniel Kelhogg.
24 Dec, 1671. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Kelhogg.
2 Nov., 1676. Henry, son of Martin Kellog.
3 Dec, 1678. Elizabeth, dau. of Martin and Elizabeth Kellogg.
14 June, 1680. Elizabeth, dau. of Martin and Elizabeth Kellogg.
2 Nov., 1682. Lidea, Sarah, Elizabeth and Rachel, children of Nathaniel and Lidea Celog, bap.
9 Nov., 1682. Martin, son of Martin and Elizabeth Kellogg.
23 July, 1684. Joseph, son of Martin and Elizabeth Callog.
16 Apr., 1690. Hannah, dau. of Nathaniel and Lydea Keelogg.
28 Feb., 1692-93. Martha, dau. of Nathaniel and Lidea Cellogg.
10 Sept., 1704. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Mary Kellogg.
13 Mar., 1722-23. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Kellogg.
25 Nov., 1724. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Anne Kellogg.
4 Feb., 1727-28. Anne, dau. of Nathaniel Kellogg.
4 Feb., 1749-50. Anne, dau. of Nathaniel and Anne Kelhogg, b. on previous 5 Jan.
1 Sept., 1751. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Anne Kellogg, b. on the previous 3 Aug.


14 Apr., 1691. Lambard Lavey, bachelor, to Elizabeth Kellog, spinster, both of Braintree.
23 Dec, 1718. Mary Kellog, spinster, of Braintree, to William Wood, bachelor, of Hatfield.


10 Oct., 1661. Anne, dau. of John Kellog, of Black Notley. *
18 Jan., 1666-67. Robert Kelluck.
11 Aug., 1671. Martin Kellodge, the elder.
7 Sept., 1679. Elizabeth, dau. of Martin Kellog.
8 Oct., 1680. Henry, son of Martin Kellog, weaver.
7 Jan., 1682-83. Rachel, dau. of Nathaniel Collog.
29 Jan., 1685-86. Martin Collogg, "an honest man."
18 Apr., 1686. A still-born child of Widow Callog.
6 Mar., 1686-87. Elizabeth, child of Widow Kellog.
16 Mar., 1690 (probably 1691). Hannah, dau. of Nathaniel Kellog.
21 May, 1693. The child of Nathaniel Kellogg, weaver.

* Black Notley adjoins Braintree.

8 The Kelloggs in the Old World.

26 Feb., 1701-02. The wife of Nathaniel Kellog, weaver.
4 Mar., 1701-02. Nathaniel Kellog, weaver.
17 Sept., 1705. Martin Kellog, Junior, weaver.
17 Apr., 1706. Mary, wife of Nathaniel Kellog, weaver.
18 June, 1721. Nathaniel Kellog, Senior.
12 May, 1723. John Kellog.
30 Mar., 1728. Joseph Kellog.
25 Dec, 1728. Anne, dau. of Nathaniel Kellog.
31 Aug., 1729. Anne, wife of Nathaniel Kellog, Junior.
13 Dec., 1734. Nathaniel Kellog.
19 Nov., 1742. Nathaniel Keluck.
17 Feb., 1747-48. Rachel Kellock.
13 Dec, 1748. Anne Kellog.
19 Oct., 1750. Nathaniel Kellock.


NICHOLAS, the first Kellogg whose name is found in the public records of England, was born about 1488, as is shown in his deposition in 1548 ; (page 10) ; m. Florence Hall, dau. of William Hall, of Debden, Essex Co., England.
He was buried in Debden, 17 May, 1558.
She was buried there, 8 Nov., 1571.
Where he came from, or if his ancestors had lived for many generations in Essex Co., is not known. He was in Debden, and was a witness to the will of William Hall* (whose daughter he married), 4 Oct., 1515.
In 1525 he and William Kellogg were taxed in the earliest Subsidy Returns for Debden now found. From this time until his death in 1558, his name ap­pears at various times in the tax rolls. The names of all of his children are not known as he did not mention them in his will, and the earliest entries in the parish register are in the year of his death. The Manorial Court Rolls indicate that he had at least two sons, William and Thomas. From the frequency of the name in the registers of Debden, it would seem to have been the home of several Kellogg families, and the similarity of Christian names of Kelloggs in neighbor­ing parishes a generation later, indicates that all were descended from the Debden family.
The descent of property from William Hall to the son and great grandson of Nicholas Kellogg may be traced by the wills of William and Alice Kellogg and the rolls of the Manorial Court of Debden.
* Abstract of the will of William Hall, of Debden, A. D. 1515:
"Archdeaconry of Colchester, Francoys Register fo. 36.
"In the Name of God, Amen. The 4th day of October, 1515, I, William Hall of Deb­den, whole in mind etc., make my testament, in this wise. First, I bequeath my soul etc. — My body to be buried in the churchyard of All Hallowes of Debden. To the High Altar 12d; to the holy rood etc. — Item I owe to Joan Hall, 21. After the decease of Florence my wife etc. I give to John Byeston, my brother, etc. Witnesses — Sir William Mason, Thomas Hockley and Nicholas Keylogg."

9 The Kelloggs in the New World.

William, eldest son, b. ______; m. Alice _______. He was buried in Saffron Walden, 2 Feb., 1578. She was buried 25 Oct., 1587. He owned a farm in Saffron Walden called "The Roose." In the Manorial Court of Debden, 12 May, 1576, "It was presented that William Hall, many years ago, surrendered to the Queen by the hands of Thomas Borley, a tenant, in the presence of John Biston and John Salmon, a tenement called Coches, otherwise Hubberds, as appeared by the rool of the court for 7 Henry VIII (A. D. 1515), to the use of Florence, his daughter, and William Kellogge and the heirs of the same William which same William is kinsman and next heir of the said William Hall, deceased, viz. : son of Florence formerly daughter of said William Hall — William Kellogg is admitted."
His will, dated 20 Apr., 1578, proven in the Archdeaconry of Colchester, 15 May, 1578, mentions his wife, Alice, and son, John, and three children of his son Jolin, viz. : Thomas, Mary and John. He bequeathed a small sum to his son and his grandchildren, and the rest of the estate to his wife for her life and after to "John, the son of the above said John my son and to the heirs of the said John, son of the said John my son, forever." Phillip Bird, gentleman, was one of the overseers.
Her will was dated 30 Mar., 1585. The same persons were named in her will as in his. After small bequests to the others, she bequeathed all her lands, tenements, etc., to Jolm Kellogg, the son of her son John and "to the heres of his bodye lawfullye to be begotten and for defaulte of issue of the bodye of the said John lawfullye to be begotten then to remain & to be vnto Thomas Kellogge one other of the sonnes of the said John Kellogge my sonne & to the heires of his bodye lawfullye to be begotten and soe from one sonne to another son of the bodie of the said John Kellogge my sonne lawfullye to be begotten lyneallye descend­inge the one successivelye followinge the other duringe soe long as anye shal be in life."
At the Manorial Court in Debden, 9 Oct., 1594, it was presented that, "since the last Court John Kellogge had surrendered by the hands of Edmund Wright, in the presence of Thomas Sothie and Henry Hammond, meadow land called Rushmeade lying in Lyston Field; land in Shortgrave Field and a tenement called Coches otherwise Hubberds to the use etc., of Robert Greene and his heirs."
(This was part of the property which was surrendered by William Hall to his daughter, Florence Kellogg.)
Thomas, probably younger son, b. ______; m. _______; resided in Debden.
At the Manorial Court of Debden in 1571, he succeeded his mother in posses­sion of the tenement and land called Mondes as appears in the Manorial Court record as follows : "Whereas Florence Kellogge, widow, late wife of Nicholas Kel­logge, deceased, held for term of her life, a customary tenement with a house thereon and 10 acres of customary land formerly called Webbs and now called Mondes with a pightel planted with osiers etc., reversion therof after her death to Thomas Kellogge and his heirs as appears by the rool of 5 Edward VI (A. D. 1551). Now comes the said Thomas and prays to be admitted in reversion and he is so admitted." And at a like Court, 12 May, 1568, he surrendered to William Kellogg two acres of Wymonds.
In searching for Kellogg data there has been brought to light in the Court of Requests (a court of equity for poor persons), in London, a suit against our Nich­olas Kellogg, which is interesting from the picture it presents of the customs of the period and shows the first Kellogg we have record of in a not

The Kelloggs in the New World. 10

unfavorable light. In the thirty-eighth year of the reign of Henry VIII (1546), Thomas Colain, or Coleman, complains that Nicholas Kellogg, Robert Write and William Gardiner, without either right, or color of title, with force and arms, entered the church house in Debden, which he had occupied for twenty years, and expelled him therefrom, and took certain goods and chattels to the value of £20, and would not allow him to occupy the said messuage, nor deliver to him the said goods and chattels "to the utter impoverishment of said complainant forever, unless your Highness moved with pity, make some order herein." He prays process of Privy Seal against said Kellogg, Write and Gardiner, as "your orater is a very poor man, and not of “habeylyte” to pursue any suit against them, commanding them to appear in your Grace's Whythall at Westminster, there to make answer to the premises."
This is one side of the case. In their answer, the defendants say that the said bill of complaint is "most untruly fayned and imagined by the compleynaunt by sinister ayde and maintenance of certain persons" whereof defendants pray to have remedy and advantage. That the messuage mentioned in the bill is the property of the church and that they, as church wardens, did demise and lease 1 June, 38 Henry VIII (1546) for seven years to farm the said messuage to the said Nicholas Kellogg, to hold from the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, then following. They deny that they took any of the complainant's goods and chattels and say that the said Nicholas Kellogg, at the time of his entry, found divers goods of the complainant, whereof said Kellogg "in the presence of divers of his honest neighbors caused an inventory to be made," and that the said complainant might, and may take and have them without interruption of said defendants or said bill of complaint either of them.
And, as a witness that they told the truth, Thomas Nutlake, parson of the "Forasmuche as it is a dede of parish church, in his deposition, quaintly says charite to testifye the treuth in matters of variances whereby all dowghts and Ambyguytes the reyther may be removyed and the right trowth may apere and be knowen, I Thomas Nutlake, parson of the parish churche of Depden * * * rede a certen copy in wryting of the ordre or decre made in the Kings honorable Curt of his Whithall the last Trinite term in his secunde yere of his most gracious reigne which was upon a Sundaye immediately after hye masse whereas I dyd calle Wyllyam Gardraer and Nycholas Kellogge to here the said writing redde. * * * And the said partys answeryd thay would delyver the sayd goods and the twysdaye next after they desired me to go with them and to meet said Coleman and to deliver said goods, and that day said Coleman did not come while I was there."
And to completely demolish Colman's case we have the testimony of our first Kellogg— "Xvi die Novembris Anno 2 Edward VI (A. D. 1548), Nicholas Kel­hoge of the age of iii/xx (three score) saith upon his othe that he was ready at the comying of Colman and would have delyvered the goods demanded but he could get no rowme to put theym notwithstanding that he requyred the parson ther to have had a rowme to put the goodes but the parson sayd that he was a besy (mis­chief maker) he shuld have noo house ther."


1. PHILLIPPE KELLOGG,1 probably son of Thomas and grandson of Nich­olas, of Debden, was the first of the name, in England, from whom the Kelloggs of the New World can, with certainty, trace their descent. He first appears in Bocking, Essex, a parish adjoining Braintree, 15 Sept., 1583, when his son, Thomas, was baptized. Two years later he was found in Great Leighs, where his son, Robert, was baptized in 1585. That the record of baptism of all of his chil­dren has not been found, is shown by the record of the burial of his daughter, Annis, in Great Leighs, 25 May, Kill. The registers of Great Leighs extend to 1558. The record of the baptism of Robert is the first time that the name of Kel­logg appears in the registers of that parish. There is a missing link in the chain of documentary evidence connecting the families of Bocking, Great Leighs and Debden. A close study of all the records, together with the trend of emigration from Debden to Manuden, Thaxted, Bocking, Great Leighs and Braintree (in all of which parishes the principal occupation was spinning and weaving) in connec­tion with the alliances* in Great Leighs with persons of the same names as in Debden, convinces me that the line of descent from Nicholas is as given above. A search of the Court Rolls of Great Leighs fails to reveal the name of Kellogg.
No record of his death has been found, and as the records of Great Leighs are quite full, it is probable that he did not die there. He may have rem. to Brain­tree and had other children, but the records of Braintree extend no farther than 1660 and the earliest known date of a Kellogg in Braintree was in 1623, when Moses Woll mentioned Phillippe's son, Robert, in his will.

2 Thomas,2 bap. at Bocking, Essex, 15 Sept., 1583; m. (1) Annis Hare; (2) Widow Tabitha Hilles.
    3 Annis,2 (no record of baptism has been found), "Annis, daughter of Phil­lippe Kellogge," buried in Great Leighs, 25 May, 1611.
    4 Robert,2 bap. in Great Leighs, 14 Nov., 1585. In the will of Moses Woll, of Braintree, 23 Jan., 1623, he was bequeathed a small sum. He rem. to Braintree, where he bought of Mark, Mary, Edward and Thomas Stebbing all their right in the parcel of land, one and one-half acres, at Minche's Oak with a messuage, which he surrendered on the 22d day of May, 1632, to Martin Kellogg and his wife. Pru­dence. “Robert Kelluck" was buried in Braintree, 18 Jan., 1666.

* The records show that Nicholas Kellogg, of Debden, m. Florence, dau. of William Hall; the second wife of Thomas Kellogg, of Great Leighs, was the widow of Thomas Halles or Hall, of that parish; Martin Kellogg, son of Phillippe, m. Prudence, dau. of John Bird, of Bishop's Stortford. There was a John Bird in Debden, perhaps son of Phillippe Bird, who was associated with the Kelloggs as a witness to wills as well as a supervisor. One William Bird m. in Great Leighs in 1645, Amma, dau. of Thomas Kellogg.

The Kelloggs in the New World. 12

    5 Mary,2 bap. in Great Leighs, 16 Feb., 1588; m. there, 1 May, 1628, William Stotturne.
    6 Prudence,2 bap. in Great Leighs, 20 Mar., 1592; buried there, 24 Mar., 1629.
7 Martyn,2 bap. in Great Leighs, 23 Nov., 1595; m. Prudence Bird.
    8 Nathaniel,2 b. _______; m. Elizabeth ______; d. in New England. For further account
see under "Kelloggs in the New World”.
    9 John,2 b. _______.
    10 Jane,2 b. _______; m. _______ Allison.
    11 Rachel,2 b. _______; m. Samuel Cave; d. before 20 Oct., 1666, when
Samuel Cave, of Braintree, made his will, mentioning his daus., Rachel, the wife of John Parborow; Phoebe and Mary, and son, Nathaniel.

These last four are included among the children of Phillippe, because Nathaniel Kellogg in his will mentioned his brother, John, and sisters, Jane Allison and Rachel Cave, all of Old England, and Martin's son, Joseph, as his cousin, which signified that Joseph was his nephew. Allison was a Braintree name at that time. Edward Stebbing, called "my dear friend," in the will of Nathaniel, was probably the same Edward who sold land in Braintree to Robert Kellogg as appears in the Manorial Court Rolls. From the fact that Nathaniel mentioned but one brother and two sisters in his will, it may be that the other children of Phillippe were the children of another wife.

2.   THOMAS,2 son of Phillippe,1 bap. in Bocking, 15 Sept., 1583; m. in Great Leighs, 4 May, 1611, Annis Hare. In the record of his marriage his name was spelled Celoge.
She was buried 5 Sept., 1630; he m. (2) 21 July, 1633, as her third husband, Tabitha Hills. Her first husband was William Halles, who d. before 1612; her second husband was John Hills, b. 1585.
She was buried 20 Sept., 1647.
"Thomas Kelloweg, Sexton of this Church, was buried 1 Dec, 1663."

Children, bap. in Great Leighs.

    12 Amma,3 bap. 25 July, 1613; m. 5 Mar., 1645, William Byrd. Perhaps he was the brother of
Prudence Byrd, who m. Martin Kellogg.
    13 Elizabeth,3 bap. 18 Dec, 1615; buried 22 Sept., 1630.
    14 Martin,3 bap. 2 Feb., 1620.


7.   MARTIN,2 son of Phillippe,1 bap. in Great Leighs, 23 Nov., 1595; m. in St. Michael's Bishop's Stortford, County Hertford, 22 Oct., 1621. Prudence Bird, dau. of John Bird,* of Bishop's Stortford.
She d. before 20 May, 1671, as her name does not appear in his will.
He d. in Braintree, England, between 20 May, 1671, when his will was made, and 20 Sept., same year, when it was proved.
He was a weaver or cloth worker and res. in Great Leighs and Braintree. Although in the record of his marriage in 1621, he was called of Great Leighs, it may be that he did not reside in Great Leighs immediately after his marriage, as lie had a son, John (the record of baptism has not been found), who had a son who was five years old in 1648, as appears in the Manorial Court Records. The last that is positively known of his being in Great Leighs was when his son, Daniel, was bap. 6 Feb., 1630. On 22 May, 1632, he and his wife received the surrender of a tenement in Braintree, as appears in the Court Rolls of the Manor of Braintree :
"Whereas at the Court on Monday in Easter week 11 James I A. D. 1613, Joseph Mann surrendered one acre and a half of land, parcel of a croft culled Harold's Croft, lying at Minche's Oak on which same land a messuage had been lately built. To the use of Mark Stebbing and Mary his wife for their lives, and then to Edward Stebbing** their son and his heirs. Now Mark, Mary and Ed­ward are admitted.
"Afterwards the said Mark, Mary and Edward and Thomas Stebbing, an­other son, surrendered all their right in the aforesaid premises after the death of Mary Bead, formerly wife of Michael Mann, to the use of Robert Kellog and his heirs and the same Robert is admitted.
"Afterwards Robert Kellogg surrendered one tenement in the occupation of the said Thomas Stebbing and two small cottages to the same adjoining part of the property which the said Robert purchased of Edward and Thomas Stebbing, to the use and on behoof of Martin Kellogg and Prudence, his wife, and the heirs of the said Martin forever which same Martin and Prudence are admitted."

* The will of John Burde of the hamlet of Hockrell, in the Parish of Bishop's Stort­ford, County of Hertford, yeoman, dated 31 Jan., 1625, proven in the Commissary Court of London, Essex and Herts, 27 Feb., same year, directs that his body shall be buried in the churchyard of said parish; gives 20s. to the poor; "to Mr. Bendish, our minister, 10s. for his pains to make a sermon on the day of my burial"; makes his wife, Prudence, his sec­urities; and provides for her support during her lifetime ; mentions his son. John, and wife, Frances; bequeaths to son William £10 to be paid when he comes of age (a William Bird m., in Great Leighs, Amma, dau. of Thomas Kellogg) ; dau. Jane, £30 at the age of 22; dau. Susan £3 at the age of 22; £3 to dau. Mary (Thomas Waterman m. Mary Bird in 1624. In his will, 1628, he mentioned his deceased wife, Mary, and his brother-in-law, Martin Kellogg, of Much Leez, Essex, clothier, weaver), "which I give her in consideration of a gowne cloth which I promised her upon her marriage;" to dau. Prudence 20s.
**Deacon Edward Stebbins was in Cambridge, Mass., 1633; an original proprietor of Hartford in 1636.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    14

In 1637 he received the surrender of a parcel of land with a cottage called Masses as appears from the following extract from the same Court Rolls. Part of this cottage is still standing in what is "Martin's Yard."
"Whereas at the Court" held 13 April 13 Charles I A. D. 1637, Richard Skinner* was admitted on the surrender of Richard Sparhawke, amongst other things, to one parcel of land containing by estimation nine perches upon which a cottage had been lately built with part of a pond called a Fuller's Pond etc. It is now found that on the 8th of April last (i. e. A. D. 1641) the said Skinner had surrendered the premises, by the name of one customary cottage called 'Masses,' otherwise 'Masse's tenement' (then in the tenure of John Gowell or Co well) to the use and behoof of Martin Kellhogg of Braintree weaver and his heirs. The same Martin is admitted."
On 3 Apr., 1648, he surrendered a part of this tenement to his son, John, as appears from the extract of the Court Rolls, shown in the account under his name.
It is found that he appeared in the Archbishop's Court at Braintree in 1639 and '40, in company with the Vicar, and it is probable that he was one of the church wardens.
He was taxed in Braintree in 1666 for two hearths,** as is shown in the Lay Subsidy returns for Braintree.

In the Commissary of London (Essex & Herts)

IN THE NAME OFF GOD AMEN this 20ty day of May in the yeare of our Lord 1671 I, MARTIN KELLOCKE of Braintre in the county of Essex Weauer beinge sicke in bodie but of a perfecte memorie praised be god therfor doe make & ordaine this my last will & testamente in writinge in manner and forme follow­inge that is to say First & prinsepally I comend my soule into the hands of all­mighty god my maker trustinge in the allsufissiante merits of Jesus Christe my Sauiour & redemer to obtaine Eternall Life and Salluation and my bodie vnto the earth from whence it came to be decently buried by my Executor which shall be herafter nomenated & appointed Item I giue and bequeath vnto Sarah my daugh­ter the wife of William Jacob flue pounde lawfull money of England to be paide within on yeare After my deceasse Item I giue vnto my grandchild John Kellocke twenty shillings to be paid vnto him within two years after my deceasse Item I giue & bequeath unto my sone Joseph Kellocke of new England twenty shillings to be paide to him within on yeare after my deceasse Item I giue and bequeath vnto my sone Daniell Kellocke of new England fiue pound lawfull monie of Eng­land to be paid vnto him within on yeare after my deceasse Item I giue unto my sone Samuell Kellocke in new England fiue pound like lawfull money of England to be paid unto him within two years after my deceasse Item I giue & bequeath vnto my sone Nathanell Kellocke all my goods in my best chamber & my little copper and all my wearinge apparrell to be deliuered to him prsente After my deceasse Item I giue vnto my sone Martin Kellocke my coppie holld housse wherin I now dwell with the yarde and garden &

* John Skinner, an original proprietor of Hartford, was from Braintree.
** The Hearth Tax, a payment to the King of 2s. on every hearth in all houses paying to the church and poor, was first established by Statute 13 and 14 Car. II, although a sim­ilar tax under the name of fumage, or smoke farthings, was a custom of great antiquity, mention thereof being made in Domesday Book. This tax, which was especially obnoxious on account of its inquisitorial nature, was finally abolished by Statute I, William and Mary.

15    The Kelloggs in the New World.

with all and singuler the appur­tenances therunto belonginge & my coppie hold tennemente wherein John Watts now dwelleth with all the appurtenances therunto belonginge and my parler that I now holld in my own handes whome I doe nomenate & appointe make and or­daine to be my wholle and sole executor to se my will fullfilld & prformed accord­inge to the tru meaninge & intente of it and I doe make ordaine & declare this to be my very last will and testemente Revokinge all other wills formerly by me made either in worde or writinge in witness wherof I herunto set my hand & sealle the day & yeare first aboue written— The marke of MARTIN M KELLOCKE (LS) Read signed sealled published and declared to be the last will & testament of the testator in the prsence of us— Signed JOHN D. DEWDAT Senor— DANIELL CLARKE.
Proved at Braintree 20th September 1671
Fos 7 OB.— HK
I certify that this copy has been examined with the original Will deposited in this Registry and that it is a true copy thereof

    15 John,3 (no record of baptism has been found) ; m. Susan _______. The fol­lowing extracts
from the Manorial Court Rolls prove that he was m. before 29 Apr., 1648, and that both he and his wife d. before 27 Mar., 1651, leaving a son, John, aged 5: "Whereas at the Court held 29 April 1611 (recites the last mentioned admission of Martin Kelhogg to Masse's). Now the aforesaid Martin Kelhogg sur­renders part of the tenement in which he then dwelt and which was lately built at the lower of Little Masse's then in the occupation of John Kelhogg, son, and of the said Martin, namely the Hall and the Buttery within the same and the Entry next the Hall, and the Shop next the Entry and all buildings upon the same Hall, But­tery, Entry and Shop, and also the Closet at the end of the chimney adjoining the and half the stack of chimneys, viz. half those next the Hall and rooms above mentioned ; and all that little yard of the said Martin which is designed to be separated and divided from the rest of the said yard by a fence of pales, upon the north side thereof to be executed, which fence extends from the post of the garden gate as far as the post marked for the Division post, which part stands in the fence adjoining the Great Maze : and also the other side part (sic) of the same yard surrendered, adjoining the tenement of the same Martin in the occupation of Thomas Elsing** towards the south (except that the aforesaid Martin his heirs and assigns, proprietors and possessors of the said tenement now in the occupation of the aforesaid Thomas Elsing shall have liberty of there to wash, and the water to carry from thence, paying them part of the repairs of the said * * *) To the use

* Spelling as in the registers.
** Perhaps husband of Jane Allison, mentioned in will of Nathaniel Kellogg, of Farmington.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    16

of John Kelhogg and Susan, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies; and for default of such issue to the right heirs of the said John. Upon which the said John and Susan were admitted." (Manorial Court, 3 Apr., 1648.)
“Whereas at a Court held 3rd April 1648, (Recital of last men­tioned proceeding). It is now found that John and Susan are both dead and that John Kelhogg aforesaid aged five years is son and heir of John and Susan who is admitted accordingly. Guardian­ship committed to Martin Kelhog his Grandfather.” (Court Leet, held 27 Mar., 1654.)
    16 Nathaniel,3 son of Martin Cellodg, bap. in Great Leighs, 12 Mar., 1624;
m. Elizabeth _______. He d. before 6 Apr., 1702, when his death was presented to the Manorial Court, in Braintree, and his son Na­thaniel, admitted.
17 Josef,3 son of Martin Kellog, bap. in Great Leighs, 1 Apr., 1626; rem. to New England.
    18 Sarah,3 dau. of Martin Kellogue, bap. in Great Leighs, 1 Fel)., 1628; m. William Jacobs.
✛19 Daniel,3 son of Martin Kellogue, bap. in Great Leighs, 6 Feb., 1630; rem. to New England.
✛20 Samuel,3 probably b. in Braintree; rem. to New England.
    21 Martin,3 probably b. in Braintree ; m. Elizabeth _______; "Martin Callog, an honest man,"
was buried in Braintree, 29 Jan., 1685. His will dated 20 Jan., same year, proved in Aug., 1688, mentions his wife, Elizabeth, and children, Elizabeth, Martin and Joseph, all under age. At the Manorial Court, 28 Mar., 1687, Elizabeth Kellogg, widow of Martin, was admitted to the tenement in which Martin Kellogg lately dwelt with the shop, yard, garden, etc., until Martin Kellogg, her son, could attain the age of 21 years, and to another customary tenement in Braintree until Elizabeth Kellogg, her dau., should attain the age of 21 years, according to the will of Martin Kellogg, the elder, formerly husband of the said Elizabeth, dated 21 Jan., 1685. At the same court on 17 Apr., 1704, it was pre­sented that their son Martin was 21, and he was admitted to the tenement in Hoppet Lane, and on 28 Mar., 1706, it was presented that the said Martin had d. seized of the Hoppet Lane tenement, and Joseph Kellogg, his brother and heir, was admitted. On the 14th of Mar., 1722, at the same court, Joseph Kellogg surrendered the same tenement to the use of Nathaniel Kellogg and his heirs for £31 10s. Further entries in the Manorial Court as late as 1735, show that this tenement on Hoppet Lane was still in possession of the Kelloggs. No later search was made.




"As the smallest wave must go on till it crosses the ocean, so the influence of every ancestor must go on to the end of the generations of life. Each of us must feel in a degree the strength or weakness of each one of them."
   — David Starr Jordan.


The Puritans in England had, for a long period, contended for a simpler form of worship than that of the established church. The reign of Elizabeth was one of persecution, and that of James I one of struggle for the recognition of freedom of worship. The period was a stormy one, both in political and religious affairs, and the contest for church reformation and freedom of conscience soon broad­ened into one for liberty of state as well.
James, supported by the authority of the church, assumed prerogatives which had never been granted to him by the people; levied duties without the consent of Parliament, and actually suppressed that bulwark of English liberty for seven years. Prepared by the conflicts during the reign of Elizabeth and their disap­pointments during that of James, the Separatists realized that they must seek in other lands that freedom which they were denied in their own, and the great
Puritan emigration began in this reign — the first settlement being made in New England, at Plymouth, in 1620.
While many came to America in the darkest hours of the struggle,* more re­mained in England to continue it, and their efforts resulted in the overthrow of Charles I and the establishment of the Commonwealth.

* Between 1620-29 and 1640, the limits of the Puritan emigration, there was an average of about 2,000 emigrants to New England in each year, and it is said that from these 21,000 people are descended more than one-fourth of the present population of the United States.

 18 The Kelloggs in the New World.

The Commonwealth, it is true, indelibly impressed itself upon the political and religious life of England, but from the seed sown by the handful of persecuted Pilgrims to an unknown shore, there has developed a mighty nation, which bids fair to tower above all other nations, and whose freedom of thought and action has never been rivalled in the history of the world.
Arriving in New England, the settlers, the greater part of whom were farmers, became owners of land in the plantations and, being men of frugality and industry, were soon able to support themselves in comparative comfort; for, thrown upon their own resources, they developed early that spirit of self-reliance which has been the mainstay of the Republic.
The territory was divided into towns* and the inhabitants in their town meet­ings managed their local affairs, subject to such limitations as were imposed by the General Court.
"The fathers of New England evidently intended," says Sylvester Judd, "that every industrious man should have the means of obtaining a competent share of the comforts of life; and for this end, land was distributed to all, and the cultivators were also proprietors of the soil.** A distribution of land was a distribution of power. This was a wide departure from the system of Europe, where the land was owned by a few, and working men were poor, dependent and despised."
Churches*** were at once organized and provision made for the support of their ministers, who controlled both the public and private life of New England in pre-revolutionary days. It is to their credit, however, that while they preached to their flocks the harsh doctrines of Calvin and inveighed against "intolerable pride in clothes and hair," they at the same time did not lose sight of the neces­sity of their education, for as one of them said, "unless school and college flourish, church and state cannot live." Recognizing that schools came next in importance to the church, or rather as essential to its continuance and prosperity, our forbears early established free schools which were supported by a tax on every man's property.
In 1633 Rev. Thomas Hooker, with two hundred other passengers, arrived in Boston and settled in Newtowne. Mr. Hooker was a famous minister of Chelms­ford, Essex County, England, eleven miles from Braintree, who had been silenced, for non-conformity, and had fled into

* "The earlier settlers of New England for many reasons dwelt in villages. Among these reasons were the fear of wolves and Indians, and the desire to be near the meeting­house with all that this signified." — Memorial History, Hartford, 2-172.
** The General Court granted lands in townships, but seldom prescribed the manner in which they were to be apportioned among the inhabitants. In making allotments, no uni­form rule was observed; lands were variously distributed in different towns, and even in the same town. In making divisions, persons and property were considered. The head of the family and the sons, and sometimes the wife and all the children, were taken into ac­count. Ministers, and some besides them, received land from other considerations.
In many towns in Massachusetts and Connecticut, some tracts were distributed equally to all the proprietors. Home lots were nearly equal. In a few towns the least share was half as much as the greatest, or the poorest man received half as much land as the richest. In others the smallest share was only one-third, one-fourth, one-sixth or one-tenth as much as the largest. In some the inequality was much greater, a few individuals receiving very large allotments on account of large estates and disbursements. — History of Hadley.
*** Their churches were Congregational, the officers being a minister and a teacher, who were of equal authority, ruling elders and deacons. Every town had its meeting-house, and the people were summoned to public worship by the blowing of a conch shell or the beating of a drum, until later, when bells were introduced. The men and women were not seated together and the services, which consisted of singing of the Psalms, without the aid of musical instruments, prayers and sermons were held at about nine in the morning and at two in the afternoon. Children were baptized in the meeting-houses generally the first Sun­day after their birth. There were no services at the burial of the dead.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    19

Holland to escape persecution. His preach­ing had attracted people from different parts of Essex, and they desired, if accom­modations could be secured, to emigrate to the New World and secure him as their pastor.
The conditions by which they were surrounded in Newtowne were not agree­able to this party of emigrants, who, in 1634, petitioned the General Court for per­mission to remove to Connecticut, giving as their reasons the want of accommo­dation for their cattle, because the towns were set so near together, the fruitful­ness of Connecticut and the danger that it might be occupied by the Dutch.
Political reasons perhaps also had their effect. In Massachusetts only male adults, members of some church, could be admitted as freemen in the colony and be entitled to vote at its town meetings.
Mr. Hooker was opposed to a religious test as a condition for the suffrage, and wrote to Gov. Winthrop that "in all matters which concern the common good, a general council, chosen by all, to transact businesses which concern all, I con­ceive most suitable to rule, and most safe for relief of the whole."
Thus we find enunciated by this New England Puritan principles of self­-government which were proclaimed nearly a century and a half later by the Dec­laration of Independence, and, in our own time, again tersely stated by Abraham Lincoln : "That government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth."
In June, 1636, the Hooker party started for Connecticut and arrived at and settled what is now Hartford, after a two weeks' journey through the wilderness, full of danger and hardships. In 1639 the freemen of the different towns, which had been planted in Connecticut, met in Hartford, and adopted what is said to be "the earliest example of a written constitution, constituting a government and de­fining its powers."
Mr. Hooker and many of his party were Essex people,* some of them near neighbors of the Kelloggs of Braintree, who were undoubtedly of good Puritan stock, and in describing their characteristics and surroundings we shall arrive at a fair understanding of the early Kelloggs and their environment.
The three Kellogg brothers, Joseph, Daniel and Samuel, whose descendants in the New World this work is intended to trace, like their relative, Nathaniel, made their first appearance in America in the settlements of Connecticut and Massachusetts, but we have no record of their sailing from England. They were attracted perhaps by the stories of the New World which they had heard from their friends in New England, and from explorers of the new continent, who sent back enthusiastic accounts of the richness of both its land and sea.**
Large tracts of land were granted to the first settlers in new places, "that this wilderness may be populated and the majne ends of our coming into these parts may be promoted," and the longing to own land (a desire which could not be gratified in England) may have been an inducement for them to join in the settlement of the towns where they lived and died. Wherever they settled they

*Among the early settlers of Hartford. Conn., who came from the vicinity of Brain­tree, England, were Elder William Goodwin. Ozias Goodwin, Richard Lyman, William Ruscoe, John Talcott, Thomas Westwood, Rev. Thomas Hooker and probably others.
**Capt. John Smith and others sent back glowing accounts of the wealth of the fisheries of America. "His accounts and similar ones were so much read in England, that when the Puritans asked King James for permission to come to America, and the King asked what profit would be found by their emigration, he was at once answered: 'Fishing.' Whereupon he said in turn: 'In truth 'tis an honest trade; 'twas the apostles' own calling.'" — Colonial Days.

20    The Kelloggs in the New World.

not only retained their original grants, but bought other land, and the records prove that they were able to provide liberally for their children.
From their homes in the Connecticut Valley the descendants of Joseph and Samuel began their migration to that West where so many are now found. Until 1733 Westfield had been the most western town in Massachusetts. In that year Sheffield was incorporated and the first road to the west was from Westfield, fol­lowing the Indian path over the hills to Lower Housatannick, as it was then called. Soon after this time we find among the leading men of that town the name of Kellogg. Here they were met by their cousins from Connecticut, who had followed the valley of the Housatonic and Farmington rivers, after having first tried an eastern migration to Brookfield. Soon after the revolution a new West was found, and the tide of emigration from New England was directed to this new territory. Some of the Kelloggs took their way over the mountains and through the valleys to the Hudson, and then by the shores of Lake Champlain to Canada; others followed the Mohawk to the fertile fields of Central New York; and still others to the wilderness of Saratoga County. Here again there was a meeting with some of the descendants of Daniel of Norwalk, and together they have continued their westward march, until now there is not a state or territory in the West, even to and beyond the Pacific, which has not had Kelloggs among its earliest citizens. There are a few Kelloggs in Vermont, still fewer in New Hamp­shire, and a smaller number in Maine.
Among the descendants of these three brothers may be found men and women prominent in every station of life. Farming is now, as it always has been, the main occupation of the family; but the instinct to migrate has characterized the descendants of Joseph and Samuel to a greater extent than those of Daniel, more of whom remained near the homes of their forefathers. But, while we find that descendants of Daniel have more generally embraced the professions, yet there are many descendants of Joseph and Samuel who have attained eminence in all the professions, and not a few of all the branches have made their mark in the busi­ness world.
Farmington was settled in 1640 by some of the inhabitants of Hartford, and incorporated in 1645. As it was the birthplace of the first Kellogg born in New England, the following description of the manner of living of its early settlers is of especial interest to the Kellogg family.
"This town, Farmington, as its name imports, was at first, and indeed till a late period, wholly agricultural. Labor in the field was almost the only employ­ment. Industry and economy have characterized the inhabitants; labor has been held in reputation; none, however elevated by offic or profession, have consid­ered themselves above it. Magistrates and ministers, when their appropriate bus­iness would permit, have labored in the field. Indeed our magistrates have always been farmers; have been as laborious on their farms as others, and have derived their support from labor, as much, almost, as the meanest citizen. They have been content to eat their bread in the sweat of their brow; and it was honor enough to be esteemed the first among equals. But very little of the labor on farms has been performed by slaves; and if a farmer had a slave, he constantly labored with him, and taught him the habits of industry by his own example as well as by his authority. Labor having been thus reputable among all classes of citizens, industry has been almost universal; and very few through idleness have become chargeable to the public. The master of the household has gone before his sons and domestics into the field in their daily labor, and if too remote, as usually happened, to

The Kelloggs in the New World.    21

return at noon, they dined together on their plain fare, under the covert of some thick shade, where on the green grass they might enjoy the luxury of the free air, with more sincere delight than the greatest modern epicure at a civic feast. While the men have been thus employed in the field, in raising the materials for food and clothing, the women have been no less industrious in the domestic circle, in rearing the tender branches of the family, and in dressing food for the table. The careful matron has been accustomed to 'seek wool and flax work willingly with her hands; she layeth her hands to the spindle and her hands hold the distaff.' On Monday they have been employed in perfect dis­habille, in washing their linen in their houses, and when this is done, at about the middle of the afternoon, they assume their neatest appearance, and are the per­fect contrast of what they were in the morning, prepared to visit or to receive com­pany. The brothers of the family returning from their daily labors, toward even­ing, covered with sweat and dust, and finding their sisters neatly dressed, and enjoying the cool shade, are led sometimes almost to repine at their happy lot; but these feelings are corrected when they reflect that their sisters are employed more hours in the day, and that their labor when compared with their strength is, many times, more severe than their own. It is true, however, that the young daughters, who have much to expect from their appearance, find means to shift off no small proportion of the drudgery of the family on the fond mother; who submits the more readily, because she feels that there are reasons for it, that have their weight; that she herself in youth has had the same indulgence, and that they must submit to the like service in their turn.
"Our ancestors here, of both sexes, have, till of late, clad themselves in simple apparel, suited to their moderate circumstances and agricultural state. The men have been content with two suits of clothes, called the every-day clothes and the Sabbath-day clothes. The former were usually of two sorts, those for labor and those for common society. Those for labor in the summer were a check home­spun linen shirt, a pair of plain tow-cloth trousers, and a vest generally much worn, formerly with, but more modemly without sleeves; or simply a brown tow­cloth frock and trousers, and sometimes a pair of old shoes tied with leather strings, and a felt hat, or old beaver hat stiffened and worn white with age. For the winter season they wore a check blue and white woollen shirt, a pair of buck­skin breeches, a pair of white, or, if of the best kind, deep blue home-made woollen stockings, and a pair of double-soled cowhide shoes, blacked on the flesh side, tied with leather strings; and, to secure the feet and legs against snow, a pair of leggins, which, for the most part, were a pair of wornout stockings with the bot­tom and toe of the foot cut off, drawn over the stocking and shoe, and tied fast to the heel and over the vamp of the shoe; or if of the best kind, they were knit on purpose of white yarn, and they answered for boots on all occasions; an old plain cloth vest with sleeves, lined with a cloth called drugget; an old plain cloth great­coat, commonly brown, wrapped around the body, and tied with a list or belt; or as a substitute for them, a buckskin leather waistcoat and a leather apron of tanned sheepskin fastened round the waist, and the top of it supported with a loop about the neck, and a hat as above, or a woolen cap drawn over the ears.
"For ordinary society in summer they were clad in a check linen homespun shirt and trousers, or linen breeches, white homespun linen stockings, and cowhide single soled shoes, a vest with sleeves usually of brown plain cloth, a handkerchief around the neck, a check cap and a hat in part worn.

22    The Kelloggs in the New World.

"In winter they were clad as above described for winter, excepting that they assumed, if they had it, a better great coat, a neckcloth, and a hat that might be considered as second best. Their Sabbath-day suit for winter was like that last mentioned, excepting that their stockings were commonly deep blue, their leather breeches were clean and of a buff color, they added a straight-bodied plain coat and a white holland cap, and sometimes a wig with a clean beaver hat. For the summer, it was a check Holland shirt, brown linen breeches and stockings, single­-soled cowhide shoes with buckles, a plain cloth and sometimes a broadcloth and velvet vest, without sleeves; the shirtsleeves tied above the elbows with arm-strings of ferreting of various colors, a white Holland cap or wig, and beaver hat; and on Thanksgiving days and other high occasions a white Holland shirt and cambric neckcloth.
"The women have been, till within about thirty years past, clothed altogether in the same style, with a moderate allowance for the taste of the sex. A minute description will not be attempted; a few particulars will characterize the whole. They wore home-made drugget, crape, plain cloth, and camblet gowns in the win­ter, and the exterior of their underdress was a garment lined and quilted extend­ing from the waist to the feet. Their shoes were high-heeled, made of tanned calfskin, and in some instances of cloth. In the summer they wore striped linen and calico gowns, cloth shoes, and linen underdress; and every young lady when she had attained her stature was furnished with a silk gown and skirt if her parents were able, or she could purchase them by dint of labor. Their headdress has always occupied a great share of their attention while in youth; it has always been varying and every mode seems, in its day, the most becoming. Within the period just mentioned, the elderly women have worn check Holland aprons to meeting on the Sabbath, and those in early life and of the best fashion were accus­tomed to wear them in their formal visits.
"The same simplicity has been conspicuous in their diet, their houses and their furniture. Equipage they had none; pleasure carriages and sleighs were unknown. In attending the public worship or in short excursions, a man usually rode with a woman behind him, mounted on a pillion; and even to this day this practice is not wholly laid aside.
"The people of this town, as farmers, have had some advantages above most of their neighbors, but they have had their disadvantages; among which their compact settlement is one. Two things induced this mode of settlement : Fear of the Indians and a wish to place themselves in a situation convenient to improve the meadows. The inhabitants have their home-lots in the town plot; their lots, as usually happens, in various parts of the meadows, distant from a quarter of a mile to nearly three miles; and their pastures for their cattle and horses in per­haps an opposite direction, and as far or farther distant." (Hon. John Tread­well, Gov. of Connecticut, 1809-11, Memorial History of Hartford, Vol. II, pp. 183-4.)

The Kelloggs in the New World.    23

He was the son of Phillippe Kellogg, of Great Leighs, Essex Co. He is the first Kellogg whose name appears in the records of New England. He probably came from Braintree, as we find his sister, Rachel Cave (who was mentioned in his will), had a daughter, Rachel, who was married in Braintree in 1665, and a son, Nathaniel, mentioned in the will of Samuel Cave, of Braintree. Several of the early settlers of Hartford were from Braintree and its immediate vicinity. In 1637 there was a great depression in the weaving trade in Braintree, and he prob­ably left there at about that time. His name, "Natha Calaug," is the ninth name in a list of such "Inhabitants as were granted lotts to have onely at The Townes Courtesie with liberty to fetch wood & keepe swine or cowes By proportion in the common, 14 Jan., 1639.*
He also had six acres on 3 Mar., 1640, on the north side of the river, be­ginning at Windsor bounds. He removed to Farmington and with his wife was "joined to the Congregation about the 30th day of January, 1652," as stated in the records of the church there.**
He d. before 3 Mar., 1659, when his will was presented in court. It is not known when Elizabeth, his wife, d. In the inventory of the estate, his home lot with dwelling house and barn, were valued at £70, and his "meadow grounds" were valued the same. Among his personal property were fourteen head of cat­tle, one horse, one-half of a mare and one-half of a colt. His whole estate was appraised at £366, 5s.

June 4, 1657.

I Nathanll Kelog being weak in body but in good and perfect memory and undrstanding thanks be to Almighty god doe comit my spirit into the hands of god yt gave it and my body to comly and decent buriall in ye place appointed therefore in ffarmington
Item I give and bequeath my whole estate real and personal unto my deare and Loving wife Elizabeth Kelog during the time of her naturall life and at the end thereof I give all my houses and Lands in ffarmington unto my Brother John Kelog and tomy Sister Jane Aallisun and to my Sister Rachel Cave*** all dwelling

*The original proprietors had rights in the common or undivided lands, while those admitted by courtesy to the town had no legal claim to a share in them.
**The Church in Farmington was organized 13 Oct., 1652. The following reference to this old church in the Memorial History of Hartford County (in the description of Bristol, which was taken from Farmington in 1785) is of interest:
"The early families were all Congregationalists. Every Sunday a little procession went through the woods eight miles to the old church at Farmington. A few families had two-horse carts in which all rode together, but more often the father rode on horseback and the mother behind him on a pillion, while the young people walked, taking great care not to break the Sabbath by any undue levity."
***Samuel Cave, of Braintree, in his will, 20 Oct., 1666, mentions his children, Nathaniel, Phebe, Mary and Rachel, who was the wife of John Parborow; brothers, John and Andrew Cave, and sister, Sarah Hante. He did not mention a wife, she probably being dead at the time the will was made. Witnesses, Sarah Hunt and Daniel Clark. — Com. of London, Essex and Herts, Reg. Fish, fo. 66.

24    The Kelloggs in the New World.

in old England in that condition that they my houses and Lands shal be in at that time, to be Equally divided amongst the three Brothr and Sisters aforesd And my Will is that these three my Brother and Sisters shal pay unto my Cosin Joseph Kelogs three Children six pounds sterling to be devided betwixt them Equally when they shal have my houses and Lands and also at that time they shall pay ffive pounds to Mr Rodger Newton or Pastor Also I make my dear and love­ing wife my sole Executrix and my wil is that she should give unto my adopted daughters Susan Newton and Rebecka Meruel such a convenient part of my Es­tate given to my wife as she shal be wel able to spare and their obedient and dutiful cariage shal give occasion of and my said Executrix shal beare my ffuneral charges and pay my debts. And I make my dear friend Edward Stebbing* the Supervisor of this my wil and Testament.
Sign : Nathaniel Kellog

John Steel
Joseph Jo Migat

*See page 13. Note **.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    25


17.   LIEUT. JOSEPH,3 son of Martin2 (7), bap. in Great Leighs, England, 1 Apr., 1626; m. (1) probably in England, Joanna _______.
She d. in Hadley, Mass., 14 Sept., 1666. He m. (2) Abigail Terry, b. in Windsor, Conn., 21 Sept., 1646, dau. of Stephen Terry,* b. in Stockton, Wilt­shire, England, 25 Aug., 1608, and Elizabeth _______.
He d. between 27 June, 1707, when his will was dated and 4 Feb., 1708, when it was proved; she d. between 29 May, 1717, when her will was dated, and 31 Oct., 1726, when it was proved.
It is not known in what year he came to America. He was in Farmington, Conn., in 1651, where he was an early settler and served several terms as select­man. He and his wife were "joined" to the church, 9 Oct., 1653.
His home lot, consisting of four acres, was purchased from John Andrews, from whom he also bought a twelve-acre lot of plowing land curiously called "Nod Land." He sold this property in Feb., 1655, and removed, about 1657, to Boston, where "Joseph Kelog, weaver, late of Farmington, in the colony of Con­necticut, now of Boston," bought from Peter Oliver and his wife, 16 Oct., 1659, "their dwelling-house, fronting to the street leading to Roxbury, for one hun­dred and forty pounds starling." Joseph "Kelog"' and Joanna, his wife, mort­gaged the same premises, 18 Nov., 1659, to Sergt. Thomas Clarke, to secure the payment of one hundred pounds to be paid "in good wheate, pork and pease at merchants' currant price."
They sold the same premises to John Witherden, 13 June, 1661. This land (now covered, in part, by the Advertiser Building on Washington street), which Joseph bought for seven hundred dollars in 1659, is one of the most valuable parcels of land in Boston, being worth more than one hundred dollars per square foot.
He removed from Boston to Hadley and was one of the proprietors. In 1661, the town made an agreement with him to keep the ferry between Hadley and Northampton,** and he built his house on a small "home lot" which had been reserved by the town for a "Ferry lot."
In January, 1675, a committee appointed by the Court made an agreement with him. He was to have a boat for horses and a canoe for persons, and to receive for man and horse, 8d. in wheat or other pay, or 6d. in money; for single persons, 3d., and when more than one, 2d. each. On Lecture days, people passing to and from Lecture, if six or more went over together, were to pay 1d. each.

*Stephen Terry, son of John Terry and Mary White, came to America on the "Mary and John," in 1630; admitted freeman in Dorchester, Mass., 16 May, 1631; rem. to Wind­sor, Conn., in 1637, where he was a member of the first troop of cavalry organized in this country. He rem. to Hadley as early as 1663, and was its first constable. He d. there, 1668; "his wife d. 11 Aug., 1683.
**The river was formerly near the lower end of the street, and the landing was not far from his house. Aquavitae meadow, in Hadley, has received a great addition from North­ampton meadow, and the river is now forty-five or fifty rods south of the old landing place.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    27

Troopers, passing to and from trooping exercises, were to pay only 3d. for man and horse. He was also granted liberty to entertain travelers.
The Court, 1 June, 1677, ordered that "Joseph Kellogg, ferryman of Had­ley, be paid forty pounds for loss of his team impressed for the country's service and with reference to his ferriage of souldjers."
In 1687, another agreement was made with him, and he was allowed to take double price after dark until 9 o'clock. At later hours, and in storms and floods, those who would cross must agree with the ferryman. Others might not carry over persons within fifty rods of the ferry place, except men to their day-labor. He and his son, John, and grandson, James Kellogg, kept this ferry until 1758 — almost a century; and Stephen Goodman, who married a daughter of James Kellogg, kept it still later, and from him it received its last name, "Goodman's Ferry."
He was selectman in Hadley, 1665, '74, '77, '79, '81, '85, '92. In 1686, he was on the committee "to consider the method that may be best for laying out of the common lands." In the division which followed, he and his sons, John, Edward and Nathaniel, received grants of land on the "Highway which runs down to Foot's Folly from New Swamp." He was on the committee for the pur­chase, from the Indians, of Swampfield. From Swampfield (for which the Indians received £26) have been formed, in whole or in part, the towns of Sun­derland, Montague and Leverett.
He was a member of the school committee in 1686, and opposed taking the management of the Hopkins School* from the committee. After a sharp con­test, the committee succeeded in having the management of the school retained in their hands.
Early in the history of New England, Military Companies or "train bands" were formed to protect the settlers. As early as 16 May, 1661, Hadley voted there should be a training. The County Court approved the choice of Joseph Kellogg as Sergeant of the Company, Mar., 1663. The General Court of Massa­chusetts appointed him, 9 May, 1678, Ensign in the Foot Company in Hadley, and 7 Oct., of the same year. Lieutenant in the same company. He served in that office until 1692, his military service thus extending over twenty-nine con­secutive years. That he received no funher promotion may be accounted for by the fact that Aaron Cook, Jr., who was appointed Captain when Lieut. Joseph was made Ensign, held that office thirty-five years, or until 1713.
He sustained his part in the struggle of the settlers against the Indians, and was in command, as Sergeant, of the Hadley troops at the famous "Turners' Falls" fight, 18 May, 1676, which broke the power of the river tribes.
In 1661, when he settled in Hadley, his estate was assessed at £100, and at the time of his death his personal estate, alone, was inventoried at about £400, and he had previously given various sums to his children.
He was the father of twenty children (fourteen of whom reached maturity), and well exemplifies the Biblical signification of his name "He Shall Add." He seems to have been energetic, of a strong, sturdy character, an affectionate husband and father, and to have borne a creditable part in

*"Edward Hopkins, Esq., resided some years in Hartford; d. in England, 1657. In his will of that year he bequeathed a portion of his property "to give some encouragement in those foreign plantations for the breeding up of hopeful youths, in way of learning, both at the Grammar School and College, for the public service of the country in future times." Hadley received one-fourth of the bequest, or £308, and established the Hopkins Grammar School.

28    The Kelloggs in the New World.

the struggles of the early settlers. His wife, Abigail, in 1673, was among those presented by the jury at the March Court of Hampshire, as persons of small estate, who "use to wear silk con­trary to law." She was acquitted, but this attempt to enforce the sumptuary laws against her showed that her husband's estate was below the £200 needed to allow her to wear "gold or silver lace, gold or silver buttons, bone lace above 2 s. per yard, or silk hoods or scarfs," which the good men of that period looked upon as extravagance in dress. His will was proved in the Hampshire County Probate Court in Northamp­ton, 10 Feb., 1778 :
Upon the twenty-seventh day of June One Thousand Seven Hundred and seven in the sixth year of the Reign of our Lady Anne by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France & Ireland Queen, Defendr of the Faith & I Joseph Kellogg of Hadley in ye County of Hampshire within the province of the Massa­chusetts Bay in New England I hope having a suitable sence of the many infer­mities, the considerable old age that I am now come to hath exposed me to all which giving me warning that I must shortly when it pleases God to call yield to Death and Lay down this Earthly Tabernacle, Being at Present Through the Great Goodness of God of sound mind and perfect memory and accounting it my Duty to set things In order with Reference to that Portion of Estate God in Good­ness hath Given me and Therefore I do make this my Last will & Testamt as fol­loweth
Imp. I commit myself soul and body Into the hands of God who made them and my dear Redeemer The Lord Jesus Christ who hath Redeemed them and in whom I Trust & Beleive will be my advocate with the Father at the Great day of his Appearing. And in and through his Meritts & Satisfaction to obtain accepta­tion. My Body which I leave to my Executors for a Christianly, Comely Burial in hopes of a Blessed Resurrection when soule and Body Shall by the Mighty Power of God be reunited and be wth him forever in that Place of Everlasting Rest when sorrow and Sighing shall flee away and Joy and Rejoicing Shall be upon the head of the Righteous with Hallelujahs and Praises to God the Father Son and Holy Ghost forever and ever, Even to Never Ending Eternity, Amen.
It. I ordain and my will is that all my Just Debts and Funeral expences be well and truly paid by my Executors hereafter named.
It. I Give and Bequeath unto my Loving Sou John Kellogg all that piece of land on which he now lives it being bounded by the Dividing fence East on Land of Sam'll Partride West on an Highway North, and on the River south to be to him with this Proviso that either of his sons Joseph or Samuel after his decease Shall enjoy it to him that posses it to be to him and his heirs forever but in case they both Dye before Either of them Posses it then to revert to my family from whence it came. The Intent of that land that lies within the Town Ditch. Also I give to my son John Kellogg abovenamed four acres of my forty acre Alotment lying at the Fort River at the South end of s'd Lot this together with about Ten Pounds I have already given him to be to him and his heirs forever.
It. I give and bequeath to my son Martin Kellogg, four Acres of my forty acre alotment at the Fort River in Hadley next to that I have given to my son John above-said — Also besides what I have given him already which I account at Sixteen Pounds — I give him Twenty Shillings in curr't Country Pay, all which to be to him & his heirs forever.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    29

It. I give and bequeath to my loving son Edward Kellogg the full sum of five pounds in Currant Country Pay which together with what I have already given him which I esteem at Sixteen Pounds to be to him and his heirs forever.
It. I give and bequeath to my son Saml Kellogg four acres of my forty acre alotment at Fort River in Hadley next to that I have given to my son Martin Kellogg as abovesaid which together with five pounds I have already given him to be to him and his heirs forever.
It. I give and bequeath to my daughter Joanna Kellogg alias Smith and Sarah Kellogg alias Ashley together with what I have already given them which I esteem to be fifteen pounds a piece I give them forty shillings a piece to be paid them by my Executors in such pay and at such time as it can be made good to them out of my estate.
It. I give and bequeath unto my loving sons Stephen Kellogg & Nathaniel Kellogg, considering that I had a considerable estate with their mother out of Father Terry's Estate therefore I give to them all that alotment that was my Father Terry's lying in Hockanum in Hadley bounded by the land of John Smith northeast and the land of Thomas Hovey southwest abutting on the River both North & South to be equally divided to them after my wife's decease, not to have ye use or possession of said land till then and then to be to them and their heirs forever. This together with forty shillings a piece I have already given them I account a full portion for them.
It. I give and bequeath to my loving daughters Elizabeth Kellogg, alias Nash, Abigail Kellogg alias Smith, Prudence Kellogg alias Merrill, as an addi­tion to what I have already given them which I esteem fifteen pounds apiece, forty shillings apiece in such pay and at such time as my Executors can make it good to them out of my estate.
It. I give and bequeath to my loving sous Ebenezer Kellogg & Jonathan Kellogg my allotment in the Plain in the Great Meadow in Hadley, bounded by land of Nathaniel White east and land of Timothy Eastman west abutting on Highway South and the adjacent furlong North, as also I give them ten acres of my forty acre allotment at Fort River next unto my son Saml gift there, both lots to be equally divided between them to be to them and their heirs forever. Also I give unto them eight pounds a piece in such time and in such pay out of my estate as my executors hereafter named can do it.
It. I give and bequeath to my loving son Nathaniel Kellogg four acres of my forty acre allotment at Fort River at the North East end it going to the lands of Timothy Eastman to be to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my son Joseph Kellogg all that my allotment in the Plain on the East side of the Town in Hadley, containing sixteen acres or there­abouts as also I give him twenty-five pounds out of my estate to be paid to him in or as good country pay, to be paid as my executors can and at such time as they can do it. And Whereas my son Joseph approving himself a loving son in his care and helpfulness to me in my weak condition and to my wife I'll recommend it to my wife to make such further additions out of the Housing land or other estate I have reserved to her dispose as may be encouragement and recompense to him for his care and trouble as aforesaid.
It. I give and bequeath to my Dear and loving wife Abigail who hath born the burthen with me in all my long continued weakness and infirmities my house and homestead with my barn and outhousing, Orchards, Gardens, yards, situate in Hadley aforesaid as also that alotment next to Saml Smiths alotment as we go to the Fort Meadow in Hadley with all other of my lands in Hadley or elsewhere not given in this my will otherwise with all rights of out Lands or Commons or any lands

30    The Kelloggs in the New World.

that may grow to be of right to me within the bounds of the Township of Hadley or elsewhere with all moveable goods or estate within doors or without in Hadley or elsewhere to be for her comfortable livelyhood while she lives, She keeping the Housing and Barns in good repair as also I give her full liberty to remove the Houses Barns or Fences as she shall judge best and most advantagious for her and them that may enjoy it after her decease. As also I hereby give her full liberty and power provided by good advice she see cause to make sale of sd Housing and Homestead, then to do it, provided always all the said estate that she shall leave either for the aforesaid housing and lands and moveable estate when she dies it shall be by her disposed of amongst those children I had by her and to them or any of them as she shall see meet to disposit.
It. I hereby order and it is my will that as to those gifts I have given in this will in moveable goods to several of my children if my moveable goods, chat­tels, credits will not reach to the payment of my debts, funeral expenses and other charges and uses I may have for it while I yet live and for so much reserve for my wife's necessity while she lives a widow that each legatee in proportion to their gifts the sum of them all shall abate accordingly.
It. I ordain, constitute & appoint my dear & loving wife Abigail Kellogg and my loving frind Capt. Samuel Partridge to be joint executors of this my last will and testament adnulling and making void all former or other will or wills, testaments by me formerly or otherwise made, and this to be taken unproved and holden to all intents and purposes my last will and testament to which I subscribe and seal this 27th June, 1707, the day and year above written.
Nathaniel White
John Goodman
Elizabeth Lane
The will of Abigail Kellogg, dated 29 May, 1717; proved 31 Oct., 1726, mentions children Stephen, Nathaniel, Ebenezer, Jonathan, Joseph, Abigail Smith, Elizabeth Nash, and Prudence Merrill.
Children by first wife.
22 Elizabeth,4 b. in Farmington, 5 Mar., 1651; d. young.
23 Joseph,4 b. 11 Aug., 1653; d. between 1682 and 1684; in Mar., 1682, he was fined ten shillings for breach of Sabbath, "having travelled till midnight in the night before the Sabbath."
24 Nathaniel,4 bap. 29 Oct., 1651; d. young.
25 John,4 bap. 29 Dec., 1656; m. (1) Sarah Moody; (2) Ruth _______.
26 Martin,4 b. in Boston, 22 Nov., 1658; m. (1) Anna Hinsdale; (2) Mrs. Sarah (Dickinson) Lane; (3) Mrs. Sarah (Huxley) Smith.
27 Edward,4 b. in Boston, 1 Oct., 1660; m. Dorothy _______.
28 Samuel,4 b. in Hadley, 28 Sept., 1662; m. Sarah Merrill.
29 Joanna,4 b. in Hadley, 8 Dec, 1664; m. Deacon John Smith.
30 Sarah,4 b. in Hadley, 27 Aug., 1666; m. Samuel Ashley.
Children by second wife, b. in Hadley.
31 Stephen,4 b. 9 Apr., 1668; m. Lydia Belden.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    31

32 Nathaniel,4 b. 8 Oct., 1669; m. Sarah Boltwood.
33 Abigail,4 b. 9 Oct., 1671; m. Jonathan Smith.
34 Elizabeth,4 b. 9 Oct., 1673; m. Lieut. John Nash.
35 Prudence,4 b. 14 Oct., 1675; m. Deacon Abraham Merrill.
36 Ebenezer,4 b. 23 Nov., 1677; m. Mabel Butler.
37 Jonathan,4 b. 25 Dec, 1679; m. Ann Newton.
38 Daniel,4 b. 22 Mar., 1682; d. 5 July, 1684.
39 Joseph,4 b. 12 May, 1684; m. 5 July, 1710, Elizabeth Colton, b. 5 Apr., 1686, dau. of Thomas and Sarah Colton, of Springfield: lived in Hatfield; d. 9 Sept., 1724; had no children. On his gravestone, in Hatfield, he is called "A Worthy Gentleman." She m. (2) Joseph Billings, of Hatfield, b. 15 Nov., 1700, son of Samuel Bill­ings and Rebecca Miller.
40 Daniel,4 b. 10 June, 1686; d. young.
41 Ephraim,4 b. 2 Jan., 1687; d. young.

19.   DANIEL,3 son of Martin,2 (7), bap. in Great Leighs, England, 6 Feb., 1630; m. Bridget Bouton, dau. of John Bouton, Sr., and Alice _______.
He d. 1688; she d. 1689.
It is not known when he came to New England, but it is probable that he came with his brother Joseph. He was one of the early settlers of Norwalk, which was incorporated 11 Sept., 1651, and his name appears in the list of "those to appeare in Towne Meetings" 20 March, 1656. In the first book of Land Records in Norwalk, his home lot is described as four acres bounded east by Matthew Marvin, Jr.'s, Matthew Marvin Sen's, and Thomas Fitch, Sen's home lots, west by Joseph Fenn's home lot and a bank of common land, north, partly by Nathaniel Richard's home lot and by the "Coase banck," south by town highway. The records of the first grants in Norwalk are interspersed with others from 1670 to 1690. Many of these deeds are without date. Over some of the records, in another hand is the date 1652.
It is said that he was the largest man of the pioneers, being more than seven feet in height, and "of proportionate dimensions otherwise."
"He was one of Norwalk's antiquity-athletic men. He was muscular and manly. On one occasion he was visiting in his neighborhood and found that two Indians, who were callers at the same time, had so far forgotten English proprie­ties as to have engaged in an angry and violent wrangle within the white man's abode. Mr. Kellogg stepped forward and in a very business like manner rubbed the heads of the red natives vigorously together and taught them a lesson."
He was selectman of Norwalk in 1670; Representative to the General Court, 1670, '72, '74, '75, '77, '79, '80 and '83.
He was on the committee, 23 April, 1673, to carry on the work of building the meeting house. On the 8 Nov., 1681, the town ordered the committee to re­move the desk, seats and planks from the old meeting house to the new, and the town for the future to meet "in the sayd new meeting house to weight upon the Lord in his divine publique worshippe as opportunitie presents."
At a meeting, 25 Dec, 1669, the town voted that all the lands within the bounds of Norwalk, that are at present undivided, shall for future be divided only to such as are the present proper inhabitants of this town, and at a meeting 9 Feb., 1671, it was voted that "every one of our inhabitants that have not as yet had any estate for their children shall have five pounds for every child now in

The Kelloggs in the New World.    33

being; to be added to their father's estate, and this is to take place in the land that is now to be laid out in ye Indian feild and not before."
In a list of children of the town Feb., 1672, Daniel Kellogg appears to have six. He drew his share of the common lands of the town, which made him a large landed proprietor.
In 1672, his estate in Norwalk was valued at £125.
In 1685 the General Court of Connecticut made an order that every township should take a patent from the Court, "for the holding of such tracts of land as have been formerly or shall hereafter be granted to them by this Court, etc." In pursuance of this order Norwalk took out a patent, dated 8 July, 1686. In this patent "Mr. Daniel Kellogg" is named as one of the "present proprietors of the Town of Norwalk."
The inventory of his estate, made Dec, 1688, was filed 5 March, following, by Bridget Kellogg, his relict. In this, it is stated that his children were Sarah, Mary and Rachel, who were married and away; Elizabeth, about 20 years of age, Daniel, 18 next May; Samuel, 15; Lydia, 13 next April; Benjamin and Joseph, twins, 11 years old.
The eldest son, Daniel, to have a double portion "of the hole estate to be taken out of the housings and lands," the other sons to have twice as much as the daughters. The administrators are ordered to husband and take all prudent care of the estate and children; married children to be paid within one year; sons to be paid when 21; unmarried daughters when 18 or upon marriage.

Children, b. in Norwalk.
42 Sarah,4 b. Feb., 1659; m. (1) Daniel Brinsmade; (2) John Betts.
43 Mary,4 b. Feb., 1661; m. Joseph Platt.
44 Rachael,4 b. Feb., 1663; m. Abraham Nichols.
45 Elizabeth,4 b. in Aug., 1666; d. unm., about 1690. Administration was granted on her estate in 1690; the inventory was made 3 Nov., in that year.
46 Daniel,4 b. 7 May, 1671; m. ______.
47 Samuel,4 b. 19 Feb., 1673; m. (1) Sarah Platt; (2) Mrs. Sarah (Lock­wood) Hicock.
48 Lydia,4 b. Apr., 1676; m. John Clark, of Milford.
49 Benjamin,4 b. Mar., 1678; d. unm., 1702. Agreement for the division of his estate 10 Nov., 1703, was signed by Daniel, Samuel and Joseph Kellogg, Abraham Nichols, John Clark, Mary Platt, widow, and Sarah Brinsmade, widow.
50 Joseph,4 twin to Benjamin, b. Mar., 1678; m. (1) Sarah Plum; (2) Mrs. Mary Lyon.

20.   SAMUEL,3 son of Martin2 (7), b. prob. in Braintree, England, after 1630; m. (1) 24 Nov., 1664, Mrs. Sarah (Day) Gunn, dau. of Robert Day and Editha Stebbins, of Hartford, and widow of Nathaniel Gunn, of Hartford.
She was slain by the Indians, 19 Sept., 1677; he m. (2) 22 Mar., 1679, Sarah Boot, b. 1660, dau. of Thomas Boot, of Westfield.
He d. 17 Jan., 1711; she d. 15 Jan., 1718-19.
It is not known when he came to New England, nor whether he came with his brothers, Joseph and Daniel. The first record found of him in New England is that of his first marriage.

34    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He was a farmer; res. in Hadley, where he became the owner of a four-acre home lot in 1664. He, with the twenty-three other adult inhabitants on the west side of the river, petitioned the General Court in 1667 that they might call a min­ister to dispense the word of God to them. In this petition they said that for the most part they had lived about six years on the west side of the river, so that
Samuel may have been in Hadley several years before his marriage. In answer to this petition the present town of Hatfield was established in 1670. At that time Hatfield had about thirty families. The school was established about 1678, and the schoolhouse was built in 1681. Girls attended the school, or might at­tend, if they paid the same as boys. The school did not become free until 1722.
The first minister was Mr. Hope Atherton, who d. 8 June, 1677. The meet­ing-house was in the street. It had galleries, a turret and a bell.
The first planters of New England were entirely unaccustomed to clearing woodlands, and they selected places where they could immediately begin to cul­tivate the earth. They found the best lands generally divested of timber. The intervals, or rich alluvial lands upon the Connecticut and its tributary streams, were more free from trees than the adjoining uplands. The first settlers of Northampton, Hadley and Hatfield found plenty of land ready to plow, and began to raise Indian corn and other grain as soon as they had fixed themselves in these places. Nor did their home lots upon higher ground require much clear­ing. The upland woods on either side of the river, above and below these towns, were passable for men on horseback, and, with but little preparation, for carts. In King Philip's war, and in later years, companies of horsemen and larger bodies of foot soldiers seem to have penetrated the woods in every direction without difficulty.

Children, b. in Hatfield, by first wife.

51 Samuel,4 b. 11 Apr., 1669; m. Hannah Dickinson.
52 Nathaniel,4 b. 4 June, 1671; m. (1) Margaret _______; (2) Mrs. Pris­cilla Williams.
53 Ebenezer,4 b. 2 June, 1674; prob. d. young.
54 Joseph,4 b. 19 Sept., 1676; slain by the Indians, 19 Sept., 1677.

Children by second wife.

55 John,4 b. 25 Apr., 1680; res. in Hatfield; d. unm. 1755. His will, dated 13 July, 1755, proved 12 Aug., same year, bequeaths his property to the widow and children of his nephew, Ezra Kellogg (+230).
56 Thomas,4 b. 1 Oct., 1681; d. unm. in Hatfield, before 12 May, 1758, when his property was distributed to the heirs of his brothers, Samuel, John and Nathaniel. He was Non Compos, and lived with differ­ent members of his father's family during his lifetime and was well cared for by them.
57 Sarah,4 b. 14 Apr., 1684; m. Abraham Morton.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    35


25.   JOHN,4 son of Lieut. Joseph3 (17), bap. in Farmington, Conn., 29 Dec., 1656; m. (1) in Hadley, Mass., 23 Dec, 1680. Sarah Moody, b. 1660, dau. of Samuel Moody and Sarah Deming.
She d. in Farmington, 10 Sept., 1689; he m. (2) Ruth _______.
He d. between 1723 and 1728; she d. after 1732.
He resided in Farmington and Hadley; succeeded to the ferry in Hadley, which had been operated by his father. His name appears in a list of those own­ing the largest estates in Hadley, in 1720, when his estate was valued at £114, 16s.
At one time he resided in the Hopkins schoolhouse in Hadley.

Children, b. in Hadley, by first wife.
58 Sarah,5 b. 2 May, 1682; m. 8 May, 1701. Abraham, son of Richard Moody, of Hatfield.
59 John,5 b. 21 Mar., 1684; d. Mar., 1691.
60 Joseph,5 b. 6 Nov., 1685; m. Abigail Smith.
61 Samuel,5 b. 1 Apr., 1687; m. (1) Mary Ashley (109); (2) Rachel Ash­ley (110).
62 A son,5 b. and d. 9 Sept., 1689.

Children by second wife.
63 Ruth,5 b. 5 Apr., 1693; d. 15 Nov., 1705.
64 Joanna,5 b. 12 June, 1694; m. (1) Samuel Taylor; (2) James Dewey.
65 Esther,5 b. 17 Feb., 1696.
66 Abigail,5 b. 26 Sept., 1697; m. (1) Jonathan Atherton: (2) Isaac Hub­bard.
67 John,5 b. 26 Oct., 1699; d. 10 June, 1727.
68 James,5 b. 10 July, 1701; m. Experience Smith (102).

26.   MARTIN,4 son of Lieut. Joseph3 (17), b. in Boston, 22 Nov., 1658; m. (1) 10 Dec, 1684, Anna Hinsdale, b. 22 Feb., 1666, dau. of Samuel Hinsdale,* of Deerfield, and Mehitable Johnson.
She d. in Hatfield, 19 July, 1689, aged 23; he m. (2) 27 Feb., 1690-91, Mrs. Sarah (Dickinson) Lane, dau. of John Dickinson, of Hadley and Wethersfield, and Frances Foote, and widow of Samuel Lane, of Hatfield, whom she had m. 4 Dec, 1677.
She d. 11 Feb., 1732; he m. (3) 5 Oct., 1732, as her third husband, Mrs. Sarah (Huxley) Smith, of Suffield** (whose first husband was James Barlow), dau. of Thomas Huxley, of Suffield, and widow of Ebenezer Smith.
She d. ______; he d. ______, in Suffield.

*Samuel Hinsdale rem. from Hadley to Deerfield, where he was killed by the Indians, 18 Sept., 1675. His father, Robert Hinsdale, was an early settler of Dedham, Mass.; rem. to Hatfield, thence to Hadley, and later to Deerfield, where, together with his three sons, he was slain by the Indians, 18 Sept., 1675.
**Suffield was incorporated by Massachusetts, May, 1674; annexed to Connecticut. May, 1749.

36    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He rem. from Hadley to Hatfield, later to Deerfield, thence to Suffield.
When Deerfield was destroyed by the French and Indians, 29 Feb., 1704, he and four of his children, Martin, Joseph, Joanna and Rebecca, were taken pris­oners and carried to Canada. His son, Jonathan, was killed. Mrs. Kellogg escaped. There is a tradition that at the time of the attack upon the house (which was at night), Mrs. Kellogg "escaped from her bod with her infant, a few days old, to the cellar, and after secreting her infant, turned a large tub over herself; the cries of the child attracted the attention of the Indians, who immediately seized it and dashed it against the wall. They afterward feasted upon the stores which they found in the cellar, sitting upon the tub which concealed the wretched mother. On their departure, they set fire to the dwelling. She rushed from the house, almost naked and, with bare feet, fled through the deep snow for two miles to the house then used as a fort." The youngest child of Martin Kellogg was Jonathan, b. 17 Dec, 1698, and, as recorded in the Hampshire County Recorder's book at Hatfield, he "was slain in the fort," which seems to dispose of the tradi­tion of the infant, a few days old, carried to the cellar and secreted by his mother. How much truth there is in the rest of the tradition is unknown.
The father and his four children were separated, as the Indians, after their depredations, divided into as many parties, each taking a prisoner. It is not known when he returned. In Oct., 1705, eleven of the Deerfield captives came home; the names of only three are known, Stephen Williams, Samuel Williams, and Jonathan Hoyt. In 1706 forty-four English captives were returned from Canada. The names of but few of them are known. It is probable that in one of these parties Martin Kellogg, Sr., came.
The town of Colchester, Conn., granted to him, 4 Nov., 1706, a £100 right of land in that town, he paying £5 in money to the town and to come and settle there with all convenient speed. This he failed to do as appears by an agreement made in 1716, and the deed, three years later, 13 Mar., 1719, by which Ebenezer Cole­man took the land, repaying to Martin the £5.
( From manuscript in the possession of the Massachusetts Historical Society, found in papers of Fitz John Winthrop, Governor of Connecticut, 1698, 1707.)


Upon ye day of ye date above sd about 2 hourse before day ye French & Indian Enemy made an attaque upon Derefield, entering ye Fort with Little dis­covery (though it is sd ye watch shot of an gun & cryed Arm, wch verry few heard) immediately set upon breaking open doors & windows, took ye watch & others Captive & had yir men appointed to Lead yni away, others improved in Rifleing houses of provissions, money, clothing, drink, & packing up & sending away; the greatest part standing to their Arms, fireing houses, & killing all they could yt made any resistance; alsoe killing cattle, hogs, sheep & sakeing & wast­ing all that came before ym, Except some persons that Escaped in ye Crowds, some by Leaping out at windows & over ye fortifications. Some ran to Capt. Well(s) his Garrison, & some to Hatfield with Litle or no cloathing on, & bare­footed, wch with ye bitterness of ye season caused ym to come of wth frozen feete, &Lye Lame of ym. One house, viz, Benoni Stebbins, they attaqued Later than some others, yt those in it were well awakened, being 7 men, besides woemen and children, who stood stoutly to yir Armes, firing upon ye Enemy & ye Enemy upon ym, causing sevll of the Enemy to fall, of wch was one frenchman, a Gentile man to appearance. Ye Enemy gave back, they strove to fire ye house, our men killed 3 or 4 Indians in their attempt, ye Enemy being

The Kelloggs in the New World.    37

numerous about ye house, powered much shot upon the house; ye walls being filled up with brick, ye force of ye shot was repelled, yet they killed sayd Stebbins, & wounded one man & one woeman, of wch ye survives made no discovery to ye Assailants, but with more than ordinary Couridge kept fireing, haveing powder & Ball sufficient in sd house; ye Enemy took ymselves to the next house (the Old Indian House) & ye Meeting house, both of wch but about 8 rod distant, or men yet plyed their business & accepting of no qr, though offered by ye Enemy, nor Capitulate, but by guns, give­ing little or no Respite from ye time they began ( say some of ye men in ye house shot 40 tymes, & had fair shots at ye Enemy all the while) about an hour before day till ye Sun about one hour & half high, at wch tyme they were almost spent; yet at the verry pintch, ready to yield or men from Hadley & Hatfield about 30 men, rushed in upon ye Enemy & made a shot upon them, at wch they Quitted their Assaileing ye house & ye Fort alsoe; the house of Libertie, woemen & chil­dren ran to Capn Wells his fort, the men wth oars still p'rsued the Enemy, all of them vigorously, causing many of ye Enemy to fall, yet being but about 40 men p'rsued to farr, imprudently, not altogether for want of conduct, for Capt. Wells, who had led them, called for retreate, which they Litle mynded, ye Enemy discov­ering their numbes haveing ambushmts of men, caused or men to give back, though to Late, being a Mile from ye Fort; in yir drawing of & at ye Fort Lost 11 of or men, viz, Sergt Benj Waite, Sergt Samll Boltwood, & his son Robt Bolt­wood, Samll Foot, Samll Alliss, Nathl Warner, Jonth Ingram, Thomas Selding, David Hoite, Jos Ingersoll, & Jos Catlin, & after or men recovered the Fort againe, the Enemy drew of, haveing at sd house & in ye ingagmts (as is Judge by ye best calculation we can come at) Lost about 50 men, & 12 or 15 wounded (as o'ur captive says) wch they carried of, & it is thought they will not see Canada againe (& sd Captive escaped says) they, viz, the Enemy, went 6 mile that night; about midnight ye same night were gathered of or uper & Lowr Towns neer about 80 men wch had thoughts with that numb'er to have Assaulted ye Enemy that Night, but ye snow being at Least 3 foot deep & impassable without snow shoes (wch we had not a supply of) & doubtfull whether we could ataque ym before day, being in a capacitie but to follow ym but in their path, they in a Capacitie to flank us on both sides, being fitted with snow shoes, & with treble or Numbr, if not more, & some were much concerned for the Captives, Mr. Wm's famyly Especially, whome ye Enemy would kill, if we come on, & it was concluded we should too much Expose or men. The next day by two of the Clock Coniticut men began to come in, & came by p'tis till within Night at wch tyme we were Raised to 250 men in Derefd, but the aforesd Objections, & the weather verry Warme, & like to be so, (& so it was wth Raine) we judge it impossible to travill, but as aforesd to uttermost disadvantage. Especially wn we came up to ym to an attaque, (Provi­dence put a bar in or way) we Judge we should Expose o'rselves to ye Loss of men and not be able, as the case was circumstanced, to offend the Enemy or Rescue or Captives, which was ye End we aimed at in all, therefore desisted, & haveing buried the dead, saved wt we Could of Cattll, hogg, & sheep, & other Estate, out of ye spoyles of ye Remayneing Inhabitants, & some of or N. H., Hadly & Hatfid men settled a Garrison of 30 men or upwards, undr Capt Wells, & drew of to or places.

Children by first wife.
69 Martin,5 b. 26 Oct., 1686; m. Dorothy Chester.
70 Anna,5 b. 14 July, 1689; m. Joseph Severance.

38    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children by second wife.
71 Joseph,5 b. 8 Nov., 1691; m. Rachel Devotion.
72 Joanna,5 b. 8 Feb., 1693; captured 1704 by the Indians; m. an Indian Chief in Canada, and had several children. Before her death, she, together with several of her children, visited her half-brother, Mar­tin Kellogg, in Newington, but she could not be induced to take up her residence with him, the love of her wild wood being too strong, and she returned to her Indian home. Her husband was chief of the Caughnawaga Tribe (belonging to the Mohawk Tribe).
73 Rebecca,5 b. 23 Dec, 1695; m. Capt. Benjamin Ashley.
74 Jonathan,5 b. 17 Dec, 1698; killed by the Indians, 29 Feb., 1704.

27.   EDWARD,4 son of Lieut. Joseph3 (17), b. in Boston, 1 Oct., 1660; m. Dorothy _______.
He d. ______; she d. ______.
He went with his father to Hadley; rem. to Brookfield;* in 1701 had a grant of land there, which he sold to Ebenezer Howe. This lot was No. 107 near where the bay path from Hadley intersected the path to Springfield and Boston.** He signed a petition to the General Court, 13 Oct., 1706, asking them to con­tinue their "Goodness and bounty to us for the ensuing year, else we shall starve & pine away for want of that spiritual food with which through your Honor's liberality we were last year so plentifully fed with."
He rem. to Lebanon, Conn., before the 30th of Jan., 1730, when, in a deed of land in Brookfield to his son, Thomas, he was described as late of Brookfield. It is not known when he moved from Lebanon, and it may be that both he and his wife died there.
75 Joseph,5 b. in Hadley, 29 Oct., 1692; went to Brookfield with his father. To induce the sons of the first planters to remain, the town granted, at a meeting held 8 Mar., 1710, tracts of land, and among the other grants was one of "40 acres of upland and 20 acres of meadow -to Joseph Kellogg." One of the conditions of the grant was that those receiving the land should live in the town four years after they be­came of age. In the Hampshire Co. Recorder's book, in the Town Clerk's office of Hatfield, is the

* Brookfield was laid out in 1673 and invested with the privileges of a town in 1718. Its Indian name was Quabaug, signifying red pond, so called from the reddish, iron-stained gravel which forms the bottom and shores of the several ponds in the town.
** The earliest roads of travel throughout New England followed the Indian trails, or paths, and were but two or three feet wide. * * * The Old Connecticut Road or Bay Path started from Cambridge, ran to Marlboro, thence to Grafton, Oxford and Woodstock, and on to Springfield, and through Westfield and Great Barrington to the Hudson River and Albany.
The New Connecticut Road ran, as did the old road, from Boston to Albany. * * * It ran from Boston to Marlboro, thence to Worcester, Charlton and Brookfield and Spring­field.
The famous Bay Path, laid out in 1673, left the Old Connecticut Path at Happy Hol­low, now Wayland, Mass., and ran through Marlboro and Worcester, Oxford. Charlton and Brookfield, when it separated in two paths, one — the Hadley Path — running to Ware, Bel­chertown and Hadley, and the other returning to the Old Connecticut Path and on to Springfield.
For many years these paths were traveled, gradually widening from foot paths to bridle paths, to cart tracks, to carriage roads, until they became the post roads, set thick with cheerful country homes. In some portions of New England they are still traveled and form the general thoroughfares, but in many lonely townships the old paths are deserted and traffic and passage over the post, or country road, is gone forever.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    39

following record: "July 12, 1710, John Grovenor, Ebenezer Howe, John White, Benjamin and Stephen Jennings and Jos. Kellogg were slain at Brookfield. Ben Wright, wounded Aug. 22, 1711." Immediately preceding this is an account of "The Desolation of Deerfield, Feby. ye last day Anno 1703-4." It is not known when these records were made, and it is possible that the record of the death of Joseph Kellogg was an error. One Joseph Kellogg married, in 1716, in Springfield, Hannah Morgan. (See Appendix, Section 1.)
76 Joanna,5 b. 5 Oct., 1694.
77 Thomas,5 b. 17 Dec., 1696; m. Elizabeth Lee.
78 Dorothy,5 b. 6 Mar., 1700; m. Thomas Ainsworth.
79 Catherine,5 b. 1 Feb., 1702.
80 Mary,5 b. 29 Mar., 1703; admitted to the church in Goshen, Conn., from Lebanon, 7 June, 1730; rem. to Norwich.
81 Ephraim,5 b. 19 Apr., 1707; m. Lydia Sawtelle.
82 Eleanor,5 b. 20 Jan., 1710; m. Thomas Ainsworth.
83 Edward,5 b. 25 Aug., 1713; m. Jemima Bartlett.

28.   SAMUEL,4 son of Lieut. Joseph3 (17), b. in Hadley, 28 Sept., 1662; m. in Hartford, 22 Sept., 1687, Sarah Merrill, b. 19 Sept., 1664, dau. of Deacon John Merrill, of Hartford, who d. 18 July, 1712, and Sarah Watson, b. 1646.
He d. 1717; she d. 1719.
One of his descendants (George C. Kellogg, b. 1788), in a Kellogg memo­randum says: "When Samuel was two years old he was playing near the fire, while his mother was absent, the cross-bar* broke and a kettle of soap fell, which would have killed the child had not Col. Stanley snatched him up. Col. Stanley was then (1664) living in Hadley, and when he returned to Hartford, a few years later (prior to 1669), he probably took the child and reared him in his family."
He bought land in the South Meadow in Hartford in 1691, which he sold in 1705, and bought land in West Hartford, where he was deacon in the church, and where he died.
He and his wife were admitted to the Second Church in Hartford, 17 Mar., 1695.
Goods valued at one pound, 7 shillings and six pence, belonging to him, were impressed in Hartford for use in the expedition against Canada, 8 Aug., 1711.
In 1717-18, his estate was distributed to his wife and the children named be­low. Her will was probated in Hartford 3 Nov., 1719.
In Dec. 1728, all the children, except Abraham and John, who were dead, heirs of Sarah Kellogg, deceased, sold land in Hartford.
84 Samuel,5 b. 27 Aug., 1688; m. Hannah Benton.
85 Margaret,5 b. Jan., 1690; m. Benjamin Catlin.

*The inflammable chimneys of logs and clay, hurriedly and readily built by the first settlers, soon gave place in all houses to vast chimneys of stone, built with projecting inner ledges, on which rested a bar about six or seven or eight feet from the floor, called a lug­hole or a back-bar. This was made of green wood and thus charred slowly — but it charred surely in the generous flames of the great chimney heart. The destruction of a dinner sometimes was attended with the loss of a life.
Later the back-bars were made of iron.

40    The Kelloggs in the New World.

86 Abraham,5 bap. 23 Oct., 1691; m. at Northampton, Mass., 2 Apr., 1718, Miriam Cook, b. 30 Sept., 1690, dau. of Noah Cook and Sarah Nash, of Northampton. His will was probated 14 Aug., 1718. His estate was inventoried at £275, 7s., 2d. He had no children. His widow married (3) 11 Nov., 1719, Capt. Daniel Webster, of Hartford.
87 John,5 b. 16 Dec, 1695 or '96; m. Sarah Olmstead.
88 Isaac,5 b. 17 Jan., 1697; m. Mary Webster.
89 Jacob,5 b. 17 Apr., 1099; m. (1) Mary Sedgewick; (2) Mrs. Ruth (Lee) Judd.
90 Benjamin,5 b. Jan., 1701; m. (1) Abigail Sedgewick; (2) Elizabeth Brown; (3) Elizabeth Webster.
91 Joseph,5 b. 13 Apr., 1704; m. ______.
92 Daniel,5 b. Apr., 1707; m. Deborah Moore.

29.   JOANNA,4 dau. of Lieut. Joseph3 (17), b. in Hadley, 8 Dec., 1664; m. 29 Nov., 1683, Deacon John Smith, b. 18 Dec, 1661, son of Lieut. Philip Smith,* of Hadley, and Rebecca, dau. of Nathaniel Foote, of Wethersfield, Conn.
He d. in Hadley, 16 Apr., 1727; she survived him.
He was a deacon in the church in Hadley.

93 John Smith,5 b. 3 Dec, 1684; m. Esther, dau. of Ephraim Colton of Long Meadow, Mass.; d. in Hadley, 25 Dec, 1761, aged 77; she d. aged about 84; had eight children.
94 Joanna Smith,5 b. 1 Sept., 1686; m. 10 Jan., 1705, Ephraim Nash, b. about 1682, son of Timothy Nash and Rebecca Stone.
95 Rebecca Smith,5 b. 5 Aug., 1688; m. 11 Jan., 1710, Samuel Crow, b. 11 Feb., 1675, son of Samuel Crow, who was slain in Turners' Falls fight, 18 May, 1676, and Hannah Lewis; she d. 26 Feb., 1715; he d. 13 Feb., 1761; res. in Hadley; had two children.

*Philip Smith d, 10 Jan., 1685, "murdered with a hideous witchcraft," according to Cotton Mather's Magnalia, from which the following details are taken: "Mr. Philip Smith, aged about 50 years, a son of eminently virtuous parents, a deacon of a church in Hadley, a member of the General Court, a justice in the County Court, a selectman for the affairs of the town, a Lieutenant of the troop, and which crowns all, a man for devotion, sanctity, gravity, and all that was honest, exceeding exemplary. Such a man was in the winter of the year 1684, murdered with an hideous witchcraft, that filled all those parts of New Eng­land, with astonishment. He was, by his office concerned about relieving the indigences of a wretched woman in the town; who being dissatisfied at some of his just cares about her, expressed herself unto him in such a manner, that he declared himself thenceforward appre­hensive of receiving mischief at her hands. Early in January, he began to be very valetu­dinarious. He shewed such weanedness from the weariness of the world, etc. ♦ ♦ ♦ While he remained yet of a sound mind, he solemnly charged his brother to look well after him. Be sure (said he) to have a care of me. ♦ ♦ ♦ There shall be a wonder in Had­ley.
* * * In his distress he exclaimed much upon the young woman aforesaid, and others, as being seen by him in the room. Some of the young men in the town being out of their wits at the strange calamities thus upon one of their most beloved neighbors, went three or four times to give disturbance unto the woman thus complained of; and all the while they were disturbing of her, he was at case, and slept as a weary man; yea, these were the only times they perceived him to take any sleep in all his illness. Gaily pots of medicine provided for the sick man were unaccountably emptied: audible scratchings were made about the bed, when his hands and feet lay wholly still, and were held by others. They beheld fire sometimes on the bed; and when the beholders began to discourse of it, it

The Kelloggs in the New World.    41

96 Joseph Smith,5 b. 19 July, 1690; m. Feb., 1712, Rebecca Smith, dau. of Joseph Smith; rem. to Sunderland, and afterward res. in Hadley; had six children.
97 Martin Smith,5 b. 15 Apr., 1692; m. 1715, Sarah Weir. They res. in Wethersfield, Conn.
98 Eleazer Smith,5 b. 25 Sept., 1694; d. unm., 3 Oct., 1721.
99 Sarah Smith,5 b. 18 Nov., 1696; d. 28 Oct., 1697.
100 Sarah Smith,5 b. 9 Nov., 1698; m. (1) 22 May, 1724, her cousin, Samuel Kellogg (131); m. (2) 5 Jan., 1749, William Montague, of South Hadley, b. 1692, son of John Montague and Hannah Smith.
101 Prudence Smith,5 b. 15 Mar., 1701; m. (1) Mar., 1722, her cousin, Timothy Nash (151), of Long Meadow, b. 13 Nov., 1699; m. (3) Deacon Ichabod Hinckley; he d. 15 Mar., 1756; she d. 18 Apr., 1774.
102 Experience Smith,5 b. 19 Apr., 1703; m. James Kellogg (+68).
103 Elizabeth Smith,5 b. 13 Oct., 1705; m. 22 May, 1738, her cousin, Stephen Nash (153), of Westfield; he d. 1764; she d. 1790.
104 Mindwell Smith,5 b. 25 May, 1708; m. 3 May, 1732, Benoni Sacket.

30.   SARAH,4 dau. of Lieut. Joseph3 (17), b. in Hadley, 27 Aug., 1666; m. in Hadley, 27 Apr., 1686, Samuel Ashley, b. in Springfield, Mass., 26 Oct., 1664, son of David Ashley and Hannah Glover.
She d. in Westfield, Jan., 1729. Two of their daughters m. Samuel Kel­logg (+61).

Children, b. in Westfield.
105 Mary Ashley,5 b. 6 Mar., 1687; d. in infancy.
106 Samuel Ashley,5 b. 3 Nov., 1688; m. Hannah Dewey.
107 Daniel Ashley,5 b. 7 Sept., 1691; m. Mrs. Thankful Taylor, of Deerfield.
108 Sarah Ashley,5 b. 11 Sept., 1693; perhaps d. in infancy.
109 Mary Ashley,5 b. 12 Mar., 1694; m. 8 July, 1714, Samuel Kellogg (61).
110 Rachel Ashley,5 b. 14 Feb., 1695; m. 3 June, 1738, Samuel Kellogg (61).
111 Jacob Ashley,5 b. 24 Sept., 1697; d. unm. before 1727.

vanished away. Divers people actually felt something often stir in the bed, at a considerable distance from the man; it seemed as big as a cat, but they could never grasp it. Several trying to lean on the bed's head, tho' the sick man lay wholly still, the bed would shake so as to knock their heads uncomfortably. Mr. Smith dies; the jury that viewed his corpse found a swelling on one breast, his back full of bruises, and several holes that seemed made with awls. After the opinion of all had pronounced him dead, his countenance con­tinued as lively as if he had been alive: his eyes closed as in a slumber, and his nether jaw not falling down. Thus he remained from Saturday morning about sunrise, till Sabbath­day in the afternoon. When those who took him out of the bed, found him still warm, tho' the season was as cold as had almost been known in any age; and a New England winter does not want for cold. But on Monday morning they found the face extremely tumifled and discolored. It was black and blue, and fresh blood seemed running down his cheek upon the hairs. Divers noises were also heard in the room where the corpse lay; as the clattering of chairs and stools, whereof no account could be given. This was the end of so good a man."
Mary Webster, the woman who disturbed Philip Smith, was sent to Boston, tried for witchcraft, and acquitted. The young men of Hadley tried an experiment upon her. They dragged her out of the house, hung her up until she was near dead, let her down, rolled her some time in the snow, and at last buried her in it, and there left her. But she sur­vived, and died in 1696. No inhabitant of Hampshire Co. was ever executed for witchcraft. (History of Hadley, pp. 238-39.)

42    The Kelloggs in the New World.

112 Joanna Ashley,5 b. 6 Feb., 1699; m. (1) Joseph Taylor, of Westfield and Sheffield; (2) Deacon James Dewey.
113 Ezekiel Ashley,5 (Lieut.), b. 27 Apr., 1701; m. Hannah Griswold; d. in Louisburg Expedition, 1745.
114 Aaron Ashley,5 b. 1 Jan., 1702-03; m. Bethiah Dewey.
115 Abigail Ashley,5 b. 23 May, 1708; m. 8 Nov., 1732, Samuel Goodrich, of Sheffield.
116 Joseph Ashley,5 b. 11 Oct., 1709; m. Anna Dewey. She was a sister of Bethiah Dewey, who married his brother, Aaron. He was grad­uated from Yale 1730; minister in Winchester, N. H., 1736; re­mained until the settlement was broken up by the Indians; settled in Sunderland, Mass., and d. there, 8 Feb., 1797.

31.   ENSIGN STEPHEN,4 son of Lieut. Joseph3 (17), b. 9 Apr., 1668; m. 8 May, 1694, Lydia Belden, b. Mar., 1675, dau. of John and Lydia Belden, of Weth­ersfield, Conn.
He d. 5 June, 1722; his gravestone is now standing in the cemetery in West­field.
He was a weaver;* rem. to Westfield in 1697. His will was dated 2 June, 1722, and proved 5 Feb., following.
She m. (2) in Westfield, 17 Jan., 1734, as his second wife, Benjamin Lewis, of Colchester, Conn.
He d. in Colchester, 6 Sept., 1753, in his seventy-ninth year; she d. there, 6 Jan., 1759, in her eighty-fourth year.

117 Stephen,5 b. 3 Feb., 1695; m. (1) Abigail Loomis; (2) Mary Cook.
118 Lydia,5 b. 24 Jan., 1697.
119 Moses,5 b. 20 Oct., 1700; d. 15 Sept., 1704.
120 Abigail,5 b. 27 Dec, 1702; m. Christopher Jacob Lawton.
121 Daniel,5 b. 15 Dec, 1704; m. Hannah Noble.
122 Ephraim,5 b. 2 July, 1707; d. 16 Mar., 1728.
123 Mercy,5 b. 30 Oct., 1709; m. (1) Rev. Judah Lewis; (2) David Bigelow.
124 Noah,5 b. 13 Feb., 1711; m. _______.
125 Silas,5 b. 7 Apr., 1714; m. Ruth Root.
126 Amos,5 b. 30 Sept., 1716; m. (1) Mary Stebbins; (2) Prudence Sedg­wick.
127 Aaron,5 b. ______; m. Mary Lewis.

*Every farmer's daughter knew how to weave as well as to spin, yet it was not recog­nized as wholly woman's work as was spinning; for there was a trade of hand weaving for men, to which they were apprenticed. Every town had professional weavers. They were a universally respected class, and became the ancestors of many of the wealthiest and most influential citizens of today. They took inyarn and thread to weave on their looms at their own homes at so much a yard; wove their own yarn into stuffs to sell; had appren­tices to their trade, and also went out working by the day at their neighbors' houses, some­times carrying their looms many miles with them. Weavers were a universally popular element of the community. The traveling weaver was, like all other itinerant tradesmen of the day, a welcome newsmonger; and the weaver who took in weaving was often a sta­tionary gossip, and gathered inquiring groups in his looraroom; even children loved to go to his door to beg for bits of colored yarn-thrums, which they used in their play, and also tightly braided to wear as shoestrings, hairlaces, etc.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    43

32.   NATHANIEL,4 son of Lieut. Joseph3 (17), b. in Hadley, 8 Oct., 1669; m. 28 June, 1692, Sarah Boltwood, b. in Hadley, 1 Oct., 1672, dau. of Sergt. Samuel Boltwood and Sarah Lewis.*
He was in Deerfield 6 June, 1693, when the town was attacked by the In­dians; he escaped and alarmed the town. He was one of the largest taxpayers in Hadley; Lieutenant in the militia; selectman of Hadley, 1717, '21, '24, '27, '37. He rem. to the Third Precinct of Hadley (now Amherst), and was one of the original members of the church there, 7 Nov., 1739.
He d. 30 Oct., 1750.

Children, b. in Hadley.
128 Nathaniel,5 b. 22 Sept., 1693; m. (1) Sarah Preston; (2) Mrs. Martha (Allis) Hammond; (3) Mrs. Elizabeth Smith.
129 Ebenezer,5 b. 31 May, 1695; m. (1) Mrs. Elizabeth (Ingram) Panthorn; (2) Mrs. Sarah Stephens.
130 Ezekiel,5 b. 15 Apr., 1697; m. Elizabeth Partridge.
131 Samuel,5 b. 4 Apr., 1699; m. Sarah Smith (100).
132 Sarah,5 b. 12 Mar., 1701; m. Deacon Ebenezer Dickinson.
133 Abigail,5 b. 19 Mar., 1703; m. Benjamin Sheldon.
134 Mary,5 b. 9 Mar., 1706; m. Dr. Richard Crouch, 14 Nov., 1732; d. 29 Dec, 1788, aged 82; had no children. Dr. Crouch in his will, proved 13 Oct., 1761, mentions his wife Mary, his nephew Samuel Sheldon, and his niece Experience Dickinson, his nephew Richard Crouch, son of Edward Crouch, of the Isle of Wight, in Old Eng­land.
135 Ephraim,5 b. 2 Aug., 1709; m. Dorothy Hawley.
136 Experience,5 b. ______; m: Timothy Nash.

33.   ABIGAIL,4 dau. of Lieut. Joseph3 (17), b. in Hadley, 9 Oct., 1671; m. 14 Nov., 1688, Jonathan Smith, b. about 1663, son of Philip and brother of Deacon John Smith, who married her sister, Joanna (29).
He res. in Hatfield; d. Oct. or Nov., 1737; she was living in Amherst in 1742.

137 Jonathan Smith,5 b. 10 Aug., 1689; m. 6 Jan., 1722, Hannah Wright, dau. of Benoni Wright, of Hatfield, Mass. He was a potter by trade; captain; rem. to Amherst: d. about 1778, in what is now Orange, Mass.
138 Daniel Smith,5 b. 3 Mar., 1692; d. in Amherst, 16 Nov., 1760.
139 Abigail Smith,5 b. 20 Apr., 1695; m. Jonathan Parsons.
140 Stephen Smith,5 b. 5 Dec, 1697; rem. to Amherst; d. in Sunderland about 1760.
141 Prudence Smith,5 b. 16 May, 1700.
142 Moses Smith,5 b. 8 Sept., 1702; m. Mary Marsh. Perhaps he moved to Ware River and d. About 1749.

*Sarah Lewis was the dau. of William Lewis, first Recorder of Farmington, Conn., 1645, and granddaughter of William Lewis, an original settler of Hartford, 1636. Sergt. Bolt­wood was a man of remarkable strength and bravery, and was slain at Deerfield by the In­dians, 29 Feb., 1704.

44    The Kelloggs in the New World.

143 Elisha Smith,5 b. 10 July, 1705; m. Sarah, dau. of Joseph Smith and Canada Waite, b. 14 Oct., 1707; she d. 17 Oct., 1795. He rem. to Whately, 1731-33; was called "Good Man Smith;" d. in Whately, 1784.
144 Elizabeth Smith,5 b. 8 May, 1708; m. 6 Nov., 1728 or 1729, Richard Chauncey; d. in Whately, 22 May, 1790, aged 82.
145 Ephraim Smith,5 b. 24 Mar., 1711; m. Martha Scott, dau. of Joseph Scott and Lydia Leonard; res. in Athol, Mass.
146 Aaron Smith,5 b. 7 Feb., 1715; m. (1) 1739, Abigail Scott, dau. of Joseph Scott and Lydia Leonard. He was deacon of the church in Athol, where he d. 9 Mar., 1798.

34.   ELIZABETH,4 dau. of Lieut. Joseph3 (17), b. 9 Oct., 1673; m. 27 Nov. 1691, as his second wife, Lieut. John Nash, b. 21 Aug., 1667, son of Lieut. Timothy Nash, of New Haven, Hartford and Hadley, and Rebecca Stone, dau. of Rev. Samuel Stone, of Hartford.
He was a blacksmith; Representative from Hadley, 1707, '16, '19, '30, '34, '28, '31.
He d. 7 Oct., 1743, aged 76; she d. in West Hartford, 4 July, 1750, aged 76, and is buried beside her sister. Prudence Merrill (35).

147 Rebecca Nash,5 b. 27 Feb., 1693; d. 1 Nov., 1703.
148 John Nash,5 b. 2 July, 1694; m. Nov., 1716, Hannah Ingram, b. in Had­ley, 17 Oct., 1697, dau. of John Ingram and Mehitable Dickinson; rem. to Amherst, Mass., where he was deacon in the Congregational Church; d. about 1778.
149 Moses Nash,5 b. 2 July, 1696; m. (1) Rebecca Graves, b. 4 May, 1700, dau. of John Graves and Sarah White; she d. in West Hartford, 6 Oct., 1743; m. (2) 30 Oct., 1744, Mary Cook, widow of his cousin, Stephen Kellogg (117); res. in West Hartford; d. there, 26 Jan., 1760, aged 63.
150 Elizabeth Nash,5 b. 15 Dec, 1698; d. 31 Dec, same year.
151 Timothy Nash,5 b. 13 Nov., 1699; m. (1) Mar., 1723, his cousin. Pru­dence Smith (101); settled in Long Meadow, Mass.; d. 15 Mar., 1756.
152 Abigail Nash,5 b. 10 Apr., 1702; m. 1 Dec, 1725, her cousin. Deacon Abraham Merrill (159), of West Hartford; d. 3 Apr., 1782; he d. 1783; had five children.
153 Stephen Nash,5 b. 20 Sept., 1704; m. 22 May, 1728, his cousin, Elizabeth Smith (103); settled in Westfield; d. 1764; she d. about 1790.
154 Daniel Nash,5 b. 8 Dec, 1706; m. Abigail; res. in South Hadley until about the time of the American Revolution, when he rem. to Shelburne, Mass.; d. 24 Aug., 1791, aged 83; she d. in Conway, Mass., 6 Sept., 1803, aged 93; had eight children.
155 Samuel Nash,5 b. 29 July, 1709; m. (1) 24 Jan., 1734, his cousin, Mar­garet Merrill (162); he m. (3) Mrs. Dickinson; rem. to Farm­ington and Goshen, Conn.
156 Phineas Nash,5 b. 18 Jan., 1713; d. 24 Mar., same year.
157 Enos Nash,5 b. 21 Apr., 1714; m. 18 Feb., 1736, Joanna Barnard, b. 1 Oct., 1715, dau. of Dr. John Barnard, b. 19 Nov., 1676, and Bridget Cook. He was a blacksmith in Hadley, Mass.; deacon in the church; d. 28 Aug., 1768; she d. 10 Mar., 1788, aged 82; had five children.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    45

35.   PRUDENCE,4 dau. of Lieut. Joseph3 (17), b. in Hadley, 14 Oct., 1675; m. in Hartford, 16 Apr., 1699, Deacon Abraham Merrill, b. 21 Dec, 1670, son of Deacon John Merrill, of West Hartford, and Sarah Watson.
She d. 21 Sept., 1747; he d. 6 Nov., same year. Res. in West Hartford and d. there.
In his will, 11 Dec, 1735, he mentioned all of the following children, except Elizabeth :

158 Prudence Merrill,5 b. 22 Dec, 1700; m. 30 June, 1720, Ebenezer Sedg­wick.
159 Abraham Merrill,5 b. 3 Dec, 1702; m. 1 Dec, 1725, his cousin, Abigail Nash (152); d. 1783.
160 Abigail Merrill,5 b. 16 Jan., 1705.
161 Joseph Merrill,5 b. 28 Mar., 1707.
162 Margaret Merrill,5 b. 6 June, 1709; m. 24 Jan., 1734, her cousin, Samuel Nash (155).
163 Elizabeth Merrill,5 b. 2 Oct., 1711.
164 Jerusha Merrill,5 b. 19 Nov., 1713.
165 Joanna Merrill,5 bap. Apr., 1716.

36.   EBENEZER,4 son of Lieut. Joseph3 (17), b. in Hadley, 22 Nov., 1677; m. in Colchester, 6 July, 1706, Mabel Butler, b. 1682, dau. of Daniel Butler, of Hart­ford.
She d. 3 Sept., 1742; he d. 22 Aug., 1746.
He rem. to Colchester, Conn., where he had been accepted as an inhabitant of the town and received a grant of a home lot, 16 Mar., 1703-04.
His will, 19 Sept., 1745, proved 3 June, 1746, bequeaths all his real estate to his only son, Ebenezer, to whom he also bequeathed "his Negro Caesar,* only with this condition that if Caesar is a mind to choose a new master then my will is that ray son Ebenezer shall sell him to such a master as ye s'd Caesar shall choose."
Tradition says that Caesar, who d. 8 Aug., 1774, aged 55, remained with his young master, and died from drinking cold water after mowing. He also mentions in his will daughters, Mary Merrill and Prudence Roberts; also granddaughters, Abigail Gillette and Elizabeth Roberts, whose mothers were dead.
166 Abigail,5 b. 25 June, 1707; m. _______ Gillette.
167 Ebenezer,5 b. 30 Jan., 1710; m. Abigail Rowley.
168 Elizabeth,5 b. 25 Sept., 1712; m. ______ Roberts.

*Slaves were more plentiful in Connecticut and Rhode Island than in Massachusetts and, in the main. New England slaves were not unhappy, for they were treated well, and the race has the gift to be merry in the worst of circumstances. Hawthorne says of them: "They were not excluded from the domestic affections; in families of middle rank, they had their places at the board; and when the circle closed around the evening hearth its blaze glowed on their dark, shining faces, intermixed familiarly with their master's chil­dren. It must have contributed to reconcile them to their lot, that they saw white men and women imported from Europe, as they had been from Africa, and sold, though only for a term of years, yet as actual slaves to the highest bidder." Some of these black men led noble lives in service, if we can trust the records on their tombstones. This elegant epitaph is upon a gravestone in Concord, Mass.:

46    The Kelloggs in the New World.

169 Mary,5 b. 3 June, 1715; m. 9 Nov., 1738, Timothy Merrill, son of Nathaniel Merrill.
170 Prudence,5 b. 24 Dec, 1717; m. 6 May, 1736, William Roberts, Jr.

37.   JONATHAN,4 son of Lieut. Joseph3 (17) , b. in Hadley, 25 Dec., 1679; m. 3 Jan., 1711, Ann Newton, b. in Colchester, 13 Apr., 1692, dau. of James Newton, of Kingston, R. I.
She d. 11 Aug., 1769; he d. 8 Aug., 1771; both in Colchester.
His brothers, Ebenezer and Nathaniel, and others, sold to Jonathan Kellogg, of Westfield, their £100 right, granted them for the encouragement of the build­ing of a sawmill in Colchester, and it is probable that he removed to Colchester about this time. He gave to his son, Israel, 25 Apr., 1765, on account of "love and good will that I have for my well beloved and dutiful son. Israel of Colches­ter, a negro boy, about 10 years old, named Esau."
171 Jonathan,5 b. 18 Sept., 1712; m. Mary Niles.
172 Joseph,5 b. 6 June, 1714; m. Sarah Clark.
173 Margery,5 b. 10 Aug., 1716; d. 30 July, 1736.
174 Ann,5 b. about 1718; m. John Wells, Jr.
175 Israel,5 b. about 1722; m. Abigail Northam.
176 Stephen,5 b. 15 Mar., 1724; m. (1) Martha Wells; (2) Mrs. Sarah (Pool) Hart.
177 Silas,5 b. 11 Jan., 1732-33; d. 28 July, 1738.
178 Martin,5 b. 15 Feb., 1734-35; d. 26 July, 1738.
179 Unnamed Infant,5 d. 9 Mar., 1737, aged 8 weeks.

42.   SARAH,4 dau. of Daniel3 (19), b. in Norwalk, Feb., 1659; m. Daniel Brinsmade, of Stratford, son of John and Mary Brinsmade.
He d. Oct., 1702; she m. (2) John Betts, of Norwalk, b. 10 May, 1655, son of Thomas Betts, who d. 1688, and Mary, his wife.

"God wills us free; man wills us slaves,
I will as God wills, God's will be done.
Here lies the body of
John Jack,
A native of Africa, who died March, 1773, aged about sixty years.
Though born in a land of slavery
He was born free;
Though he lived in a land of liberty,
He lived a slave.
Till by his honest (though stolen) labors,
He acquired the cause of slavery,
Which gave him freedom.
Though not long before
Death, the grand tyrant,
Gave him his final emancipation.
And put him on a footing with Kings.
Though a slave to vice,
He practiced those virtues
Without which Kings are but slaves." — Customs and Fashions in Old New England.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    47

Children, b. in Stratford.
180 Mary Brinsmade,5 b. about 1684.
181 Daniel Brinsmade,5 (Lieut.), b. about 1687; m. ______. His son. Rev. Daniel Brinsmade,5 b. 31 July, 1718, was for forty-four years the pastor of the church, in what is now Washington, Conn., where he d. 23 Apr., 1795.
182 Abigail Brinsmade,5 b. about 1691.
183 Samuel Brinsmade,5 b. about 1694.
184 Ruth Brinsmade,5 b. about 1700.

43.   MARY,4 dau. of Daniel3 (19), b. Feb., 1661; m. 5 May, 1680, Joseph Platt, son of Deacon Richard Platt and Mary _______, of Milford.
At a town meeting in Norwalk, 12 Jan., 1676, it was voted "in consideration of the good service that the souldiers sent out of the towne ingaged and performed by them in the Indian warr, out of respect and thankfulness to the sayed souldiers, doe with one consent and freely, give and grant unto so many souldiers as were in the service at the direful swamp fight, twelve acors of land; and eight acors of land to so many souldiers as were in the nest considerable service; and fowre acors to those souldiers as were in the next considerable service." Feb. 21, 1698, the town granted to "Joseph Platt, as he was a souldier out in the service against the common enemy, as a gratification for his good service, do give and grant unto him ten acres of land, to take it up a mile from town, and wheare it lyes free not yet pitcht upon by any other persons."
Res. in Milford; he d. before 10 Nov., 1703.
185 Mary Platt,5 b. ____, 1681.
186 Richard Platt,5 b. 9 Aug., 1682.
187 Joseph Platt,5 b. 4 Feb., 1683.
188 Epenetus Platt,5 b. 17 May, 1696.
189 Sarah Platt,5 b. 28 Mar., 1702.
190 Mary Platt,5 b. 6 May, 1704.

44.   RACHEL,4 dau. of Daniel3 (19), b. Feb., 1663; m. Abraham Nichols, of Northern Stratford, b. Jan., 1662, son of Caleb Nichols and Annie Ward. Per­haps they resided in that part of Stratford which was incorporated as Trumbull in 1797. (Huntington and Bridgeport were also set off from Stratford.)
It is not known when either died.
191 Joseph Nichols,5 b. 21 Sept., 1685.
192 Daniel Nichols,5 b. 27 Apr., 1687; m. Hannah Peet.
193 Hester Nichols,5 b. 31 Oct., 1689; m. Elnathan Peet.
194 Rachel Nichols,5 b. 9 Nov., 1691; m. Ephraim Booth.
195 Abraham Nichols,5 b. 15 Sept., 1696; m. Abigail Walker.
196 Eunice Nichols,5 bap. 7 Dec, 1698.
197 Ruth Nichols,5 b. Mar., 1701; m. Stephen Burroughs; their son was the father of the Decimal Currency System of the United States.
198 Phebe Nichols,5 b. 22 July, 1703; m. Deacon Thomas Peet.

48    The Kelloggs in the New World.

46.   DANIEL,4 son of Daniel3 (19), b. in Norwalk, 7 May, 1671; m. _______.
He was a farmer; res. in Norwalk.
He d. there, before 28 July, 1709, when the inventory of his estate was taken. At this time, the ages of the children were stated, Daniel, about 10; John, about 8; Benjamin, about 5; Johannah, near 3 years old; Eliasaph, about one week old.
"On 18 Aug., 1709, Daniel Colloge and Joseph Colloge presented to the Pro­bate Court in Fairfield, the inventory of Daniel Colloge, late of Norwalk, de­ceased."
The estate was appraised at £504, 8s., 9d., and was distributed to his four sons and one daughter, 4 Apr., 1710.
199 Daniel,5 b. 7 May, 1698; m. Eunice Jarvis.
200 John,5 b. 1701; m. Ann Coley.
201 Benjamin,5 b. 1704; m. Elizabeth _______.
202 Joanna,5 b. 1706; d. before Mar., 1720.
203 Eliasaph,5 b. about 21 July, 1709; m. Rachel Benedict.

47.   SAMUEL,4 son of Daniel3 (19), b. in Norwalk, "the latter ende of Feb., 1673, it being ye 19 day, Saterday night just dark,"* as it is recorded in the Town Records of Norwalk; m. (1) in Norwalk, 6 Sept., 1704, Sarah Platt, b. in Nor­walk, 21 May, 1678, dau. of Deacon John Platt, and Hannah Clark.
She d. 10 Nov., 1750, aged 72; he m. (2) in Wilton, 9 Mar., 1755, Mrs. Sarah (Lockwood) Hickok, b. 1678, widow of Benjamin Hickok, dau. of Jona­than Lockwood, b. in Watertown, Mass., 10 Sept., 1634, and Mary Ferris, of Greenwich.
She had m. (1) 25 Jan., 1700, Nathaniel Selleck, who d. 14 Aug., 1712; (2) Benjamin Hickok. At the time of her marriage to Samuel Kellogg, she was in her seventy-third year, and he was in his eighty-third, and it may well be called, as it is in Selleck's Norwalk, "the most remarkable wedding that ever took place in Norwalk." (Wilton was taken from Norwalk in 1802.)
He d. 13 Oct., 1757; she d. 1765, her will being dated 10 Jan., 1765; proved 23 Feb., same year. In this instrument she mentioned children named Selleck and Hecox.
He owned considerable land in what is now New Canaan, and here many of his descendants lived. He bought the land west of Whitney's mill back almost to Ponassus Path.
He conveyed to his children homes on Marvin's Ridge, Clapboard Hill and other parts of New Canaan, but some one has said that the "Kelloggs didn't own all of Clapboard Hill." He gave to "Loving son Samuel, one-half of his home "lot," reserving improvement during his natural life, 19 Apr., 1749.
After the death of his son Samuel, he conveyed the other half of his home lot to "Loving grandchildren, daughters of my son Samuel, deceased," which was de­scribed as "seven acres with dwelling house, bounded south by country road; all other sides by highway and common land," reserving improvement of same during his natural life, 27 Sept., 1755. He was collector of Norwalk,

*"In the seventeenth century the science of medicine had not wholly cut asunder from astrology and necromancy; and the trusting Christian still believed in some occult influ­ences, chiefly planetary, which governed not only his crops but his health and life. Hence the entries of births in the Bible usually gave the hour and minute, as well as the day, month and year. Thus could be accurately calculated what favoring or mischief-bearing planets were in ascendency at the time of the child's birth; what influences he would have to encounter in life." — Child Life in Colonial Days, pp. 5-6.

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1703; selectman, 1705 and 1714; member of the Connecticut Assembly; on committee to seat the new meeting house, 3 June, 1723.*
Children, b. in Norwalk.
204 Sarah,5 b. 26 Sept., 1705; m. _______.
205 Samuel,5 b. 23 Dec, 1706; m. Ann _______.
206 Mary,5 b. 29 Jan., 1708.
207 Martin,5 b. 23 Mar., 1711; m. (1) Mary Lockwood; (2) Mercy Wood (?).
208 Abigail,5 b. 19 Jan., 1713.
209 Lydia,5 b. 30 Oct., 1715; m. Theophilus Fitch.
210 Gideon,5 b. 5 Dec., 1717; m. Hannah _______.
211 Epenetus,5 b. 26 June, 1719; m. Jemima Rogers.

50.   JOSEPH,4 son of Daniel3 (19), b. in Norwalk, Mar., 1678; m. (1) 25 Nov., 1708, Sarah Plum, dau. of John Plum, of Milford, Conn.
She d. 17 Aug., 1712; he m. (2) 10 Oct., same year, Mrs. Mary Lyon, widow of Andrew Lyon, of Norwalk.
He d. before 21 Jan., 1721, when his estate was distributed to his widow, Mary; sons, Joseph, David and Benjamin; daughters, Elizabeth, Sarah, Rachel and Hannah.
He res. in Norwalk, his homestead being described in a deed from his son, David, 17 Oct., 1738, as follows : "Seven acres more or less near the Great Bridge, bounded n. and w. by highway; e. by highway or common land; s. by home lot of Capt. Samuel Keeler."
He was the owner of considerable land as appears in the division of his estate in 1721. Some of his children, as well as those of his brother, Samuel, were among the early settlers of "Canaan Parish."
After his death she m. Benjamin Scudder, of Huntington, L. I. Mr. Scud­der d. before 11 Jan., 1736, as she was called "Widow Scudder" in a deed at that time.

212 Elizabeth,5 b. 5 Oct., 1703; m. Daniel Reed.
213 Sarah,5 b. Apr., 1706; m. Samuel Reed.
214 Joseph,5 b. 26 Sept., 1707; d. unm. about 1730-35.
215 Rachel,5 b. 15 July, 1710; m. William Reed.
216 Hannah,5 b. 1 Aug., 1712; m. Waring. David and Benjamin Kellogg, Daniel, Samuel and William Reed made a division of the lands of our father, Joseph Kellogg, deceased, and the estate "of our sister, Hannah Kellogg, alias Waring, dec'd, 15 Nov., 1737."
217 David,5 b. 28 Sept., 1715; m. Judith Raymond.
218 Benjamin,5 b. 26 Sept., 1717; m. Mrs. Lydia Whitney.

*The church expenses were then paid by general taxation, and each year a committee assigned the pews among the members of the congregation according to their wealth. In order, however, to pay proper respect to age and official rank, it was provided that every person should be allowed 50s. for each year of his age, and that a captain should be allowed in addition £20, a Lieutenant £10 and an Ensign £5). This custom was called dignifying the meeting-house.

50    The Kelloggs in the New World.

51.   SAMUEL,4 son of Samuel3 (20), b. in Hadley, 11 Apr., 1669; m. Hannah Dickinson, b. 18 Jan., 1666, dau. of Nathaniel Dickinson, of Hadley, b. Aug, 1643, and Hannah _______.
He d. in Colchester, Conn., 24 Aug., 1708; she d. there, 3 Aug., 1745.
When his mother and younger brother, Joseph, were killed by the Indians, in the attack on Hatfield,* 19 Sept., 1677, he was taken prisoner and carried to Canada. He rem. to Colchester after 1701; bought land there, from his brother, Nathaniel, 26 May, 1707.
In the inventory of his estate, dated 21 Sept., 1708, his personal property was appraised at £257, 13s. Her will, dated 18 Apr., 1745, proved 7 Jan., following, mentions all of the children named below.

Children, b. in Hatfield.
219 Samuel,5 b. 18 May, 1694; m. Abigail Sterling.
220 Joseph,5 b. 18 June, 1696; m. Abigail Miller.
221 Hannah,5 b. 11 Sept., 1699; m. Nathaniel Clark.
222 Eunice,5 b. 3 Aug., 1701; m. Benjamin Quiterfield.

52.   LIEUT. NATHANIEL,4 son of Samuel3 (20), b. in Hatfield, 4 June, 1671; m. (1) Margaret; she d. 15 Dec, 1747, aged 71; he m. (2) 29 May, 1748, Mrs. Priscilla Williams, of Colchester.
He d. 22 Aug., 1757, aged 86; the record of his death states that he had been that morning in town.

*On the 19th of Sept., 1677, the Indians attacked Hatfield, burned several houses out­side the palisades, and killed or captured most of their occupants, and hurried off in triumph. The assailants were Indians from Canada under Ashpelon, and with the captives they retreated hurriedly up the river. Among the captured were Samuel Kellogg, who was eight years old, and Martha, the wife of Benjamin Waite, with her children, Mary, Martha and Sarah. The captives were bound, and the march to far-off Canada began. This was the first party of whites ever taken on the sad journey so often traveled in after years. In scattered order they traversed the woods, the Indians imitating the voice of beasts and birds that they should not lose one another, or be discovered by the English, if followed. They halted for the night near the mouth of Hearthstone Brook, and at daybreak crossed Connecticut River at Sheldon's Rocks. From this place ten men were sent back to the town and returned with about ten horses loaded with corn and other provisions. Here they marked on trees, as was their custom, the number of killed and captured. Continuing their march, they crossed the river again at Peskeompskut and camped for the night a few miles above. Here the captives were staked down and told the Indian law was to do this for nine successive nights. They were spread out on their backs, the arms and legs stretched out and fastened to the ground with sticks, and a cord tied about the neck so that they could 'stur no ways.' About Oct. 20, the whole part moved towards Canada. Two were killed by the way, the rest straggled into French or Indian towns about the first of Jan. The people of Hadley pursued for some distance, but returned with no tidings of the cap­tives. It was generally thought that the attack was made by the Mohawks, and Benjamin Waite, whose family was swept away, determined to seek them westward. He traversed the wilderness over the Hoosac Mountain, but found no trace of the marauders. He became satisfied that the Mohawks were innocent. With Stephen Jennings, whose wife and chil­dren were also captured, he made the journey to Canada in the winter. All the prisoners were ransomed by the help of Governor Frontenac upon the payment of two hundred pounds. On the 22d of Jan., before Waite could have returned from Quebec, his wife gave birth to a child who was named Canada. (Canada Waite, born in captivity, married Joseph Smith, of Hadley, and their daughter, Sarah Smith, b. 14 Oct., 1707, m. Elisha Smith (143), b. 10 July, 1705), son of Jonathan Smith and Abigail Kelhogg). They re­mained in Albany five days. It is said they walked twenty-two miles from Kinderhook, where they met men on horses from Hatfield. They rode through the woods to Westfield, and soon reached Hatfield in safety. The day of their arrival was one of the most joyful days Hatfield ever knew. Fifty days later a girl was born to Jennings and named Cap­tivity. On the 2d of May, the whole party turned their faces homeward. The following was sent from Albany:
" 'From Albany, May 23, 1678.
" 'To My Loving Friends & Kindred at Hatfield. These few lines are to let you understand that we are arrived at Albany now

The Kelloggs in the New World.    51

The town of Colchester granted, 16 Mar., 1703-04, to "Nathaniel Kellogg and Samuel Pellet liberty to set up a sawmill on ye brook Caled ye gouvernors Brook & thay to have ye streame so long thay maintaine a sawmill there & to have it goinge at or before ye last of September next."
"Nathaniell Kalodg" was chosen Way Warden, 18 Dec, 1704. He was chosen Collector 1711; on committee to lay out convenient "Highwaise," 31 Dec, 1712.
At a meeting 1 Oct., 1711, "the town considering the great necessity of a schole howse," appointed him one of the committee to finish a frame given by Capt. Gilbert to the town, and "to hire a school master as spedy as they can con­veniently for this winter," and at the same meeting he was appointed, with Sergt. Pratt, to lay out a highway "from north end of the town unto Jeremiahs & make return to the towne."
He was made a joint proprietor of Colchester, 8 Apr., 1713.
The town granted to him and three others, 23 Sept., 1720, liberty of the stream running through Jonathan Kellogg's meadow, with ten acres of land for a sawmill or gristmill.
He was appointed 14 Sept., 1730, with Capt. Wright, a committee to arrange with Col. Isaac Lothrop, of Plymouth, Mass., for exchange of his land so as to complete agreement as to Lebanon boundary.
His will, dated 27 Apr., 1756, proved in 1757, mentions his wife Priscilla, his son John, daus. Margaret Campfield, Edith Pratt and Lydia Hopson, and grand­children, Charles Kellogg, of Bolton, Nathaniel Kellogg, Elizabeth Clark, Sarah Bingham, Delight Andrus, Margaret Webb, Ann Kellogg, David, Ezra, Abner, Rachael, Lydia, Margaret, Sarah, Oliver and Russell Kellogg, and Sarah Crocker, and his daughter-in-law, Lydia Kellogg.
Children, first two b. in Hadley, others in Colchester.
223 Margaret,5 b. 15 Feb., 1697-98; m. ______ Campfield.
224 Editha,5 b. 13 Nov., 1699; m. Joseph Pratt.
225 Nathaniel,5 b. in Colchester, 8 May, 1703; m. Elizabeth Williams.
226 Sarah,5 b. 27 Dec, 1707; m. Rev. Judah Lewis.
227 Lydia,5 b. 29 May, 1710; m. (1) John Hopson; (2) Henry Bliss.
228 Abner,5 b. about 1716; m. Lydia Otis.

with the captives, and we now stand in need of assistance, with my charges is very greate and heavy; and therefore any that hath any love to our condition, let it moove them to come and help us in this straight. There is 3 of ye captives that are murdered — old Goodman Plympton, Samuel Foot's daughter, Samuel Russell. All the rest are alive and well now with me at Albany, namely, Obadiah Dicken­son and his child, Mary Foote and her child, Hannah Gennings and her 3 children, Abigail Ellice, Abigail Bartholomew, Goodman Coleman's children, Samuel Kellogg, my wife and four children and Quintin Stockwell. I pray you hasten the matter, for it requireth greate haste. Stay not for ye Sabbath, nor shoeing of horses. We shal endeavour to meete you at Canterhook, it may be at Houseatonock. We must come very softly because of our wives and children. I pray you, hasten them, stay not night nor day, for ye matter requireth great hast. Bring provisions with you for us. Your loving kinsman,
"At Albany, written from myne owne hand. As I have been affected to yours, all that were fatherless, be affected to me now, and hasten ye matter and stay not, and ease me of my charges. You shall not need to be afraid of any enemies." (The Governor received the letter the 29th of May and the next day sent copies of Waite's letter to all the churches to be read from the pulpits on that occasion with the recommendation that a contribution for the benefit of the captives be taken up in every congregation. This touching appeal of Waite was generously responded to, and many an offering dropped on the altar of charity that day was sanctioned by tears.)
— Sheldon's History of Deerfield.

52    The Kelloggs in the New World.

229 John,5 b. about 1717; m. Mary Newton.
230 Ezra,5 b. 6 Sept., 1724; m. Ruth Wells.

57.   SARAH,4 dau. of Samuel3 (20), b. in Hatfield, 14 Apr., 1684; m. 8 Apr., 1701, by the Rev. Isaac Chauncy, Abraham Morton, of Hatfield, b. 16 May, 1676, son of Richard Morton and Ruth _______.
231 Abraham Morton,5 b. 2 May, 1703; settled in Athol.
232 Richard Morton,5 b. 1 Oct., 1704; was of Athol in 1750.
233 Sarah Morton,5 b. Apr., 1707; m. Samuel Smith.
234 Samuel Morton,5 b. 8 Sept., 1709; m. 1731, Lydia Smith; was of Athol in 1750.
235 Abigail Morton,5 b. 6 Jan., 1711; d. 1 Feb., 1715.
236 Moses Morton,5 b. ______.
237 Daniel Morton,5 b. 23 Dec, 1720.
238 Abigail Morton,5 b. 1 Feb., 1723.
239 Noah Morton,5 b. ______; m. Rhoda _______; settled in Athol.

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60.   JOSEPH,5 son of John4 (25), b. in Hadley, Mass., 6 Nov., 1685; m. 15 Mar., 1711, Abigail Smith, b. 10 Oct., 1692, dau. of Ebenezer Smith, b. 11 July, 1668, and Abigail Broughton.
He was a weaver; res. in South Hadley. In 1788, several years after his death, his son, John, was appointed administrator of his estate.

Children, b. in South Hadley.
240 Abigail,6 b. 8 Dec., 1711; m. Col. Charles Burrall.
241 Sarah,6 b. 8 Jan., 1714; m. Joseph Moody.
242 Ebenezer,6 b. 26 Dec, 1715; m. Mrs. Sarah Snow.
243 Ruth,6 b. 18 Jan., 1717; m. Benjamin Church.
244 Martha,6 b. 21 May, 1720; m. Nathaniel Ingram.
245 Esther,6 b. 19 Sept., 1722.
246 Joseph,6 b. 24 Dec, 1724; m. Dorothy Taylor.
247 John,6 b. 13 Oct., 1727.
248 Rachel,6 b. 15 Sept., 1730; m. (int. in West Springfield, 28 Mar., 1759) Ebenezer Morgan, b. 24 Apr., 1734; d. 6 Sept., 1778, aged 47.
249 Jabez,6 b. 11 Feb., 1734; m. Abigail Catlin.
250 Eunice,6 b. 4 Dec, 1736. (Intentions of marriage were entered in Springfield, 24 Sept., 1776, between Charles Chapin, b. 24 Sept., 1742, and Silence Kellogg, of South Hadley.) There being no rec­ord of any Silence Kellogg in South Hadley at this time, it is pos­sible that there was an error in the name, either in the intention of marriage or the record of birth.

61.   CAPT. SAMUEL,5 son of John4 (25), b. in Hadley, 1 Apr., 1687; m. (1) 8 July, 1714, his cousin, Mary Ashley (109), b. 12 Mar., 1694; she d. 8 Apr., 1728; he m. (2) 3 June, 1728, his cousin, Rachel Ashley (110), b. 14 Feb., 1695.
He d. 27 May, 1761; was buried in Westfield, where his gravestone is still standing.
He rem. to Westfield, where he was first mentioned in the records 10 Mar., 1712, when the town, at a meeting of its inhabitants, made him a grant of ten acres of land in "ye little plain next to Samuel Ashley's not hindring a way (road) that may be needful, on condition said Kellogg do fence and improve said land within three year's time, provided he settle in ye town."
At a town meeting, 9 Mar., 1713, it was voted to give to Samuel Kellogg £12 in money on condition that "said Kellogg build a substantial bridge over 'too' mile brook by ye middle of Apr., next, if ye water do not prevent, if he has a good bargain he is to abate, if a hard bargain, the town to alow him more." At a meeting, 14 Jan., 1714, he, with Capt. Joseph Maudsley and Samuiel Bishop, was granted "liberty to build a saw mill and grist mill at ye half mile fall and they are to have the liberty of the stream no longer than they keep a mill or mills in repair for ye use of ye town."
He, without doubt, built the second meeting-house in 1721. He was ad­mitted to the church in Westfield, in 1712, and his wife was admitted in 1716.

54    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He probably continued his residence at the Little Plain place (so called in his first grant of land), until the town granted to him, 20 Jan., 1721, "10 acres of land on the Easterly side of Mann's brook, over against David Ashley's farm between said Ashley's and ye top of ye hill." This last lot was granted in exchange for his old place, north of Great River. He took up several hundred acres of land near this brook. This new and mountainous country abounded in game, and Capt. Samuel, a fine shot, took great delight in the chase.
Children, b. in Westfield, by first wife.
251 Josiah,6 b. 11 Dec, 1715; d. 19 Dec, 1715.
252 Samuel,6 b. 9 Nov., 1717; d. in Westfield, 21 Oct., 1744.
253 David,6 b. 30 May, 1721; m. Elizabeth Jones.
254 Seth,6 b. 15 May, 1723; d. unm., 21 Nov., 1753.
255 A Daughter,6 b. 19 Jan., 1724; d. same day.
256 A Daughter,6 b. 19 Jan., 1724; d. same day.
257 A Son,6 b. 25 Jan., 1725; d. same day.
258 John,6 b. 5 July, 1727; m. (1) Anne Terry; (2) Anne Lord; (3) Mrs. Jemima Ward.
Children by second wife.
259 Justus,6 b. 17 Mar., 1729; d. unm., 6 Sept., 1747.
260 Mary,6 b. 24 Oct., 1730; m. Samuel Terry.
261 Shem,6 b. 1 Jan., 1732; d. imm., 3 July, 1757.
262 Sarah,6 b. 25 July, 1734; m. Nathan Truman.

64.   JOANNA,5 dau. of John4 (25), b. in Hadley, 12 June, 1694; m. (1) 17 Dec, 1719, Samuel Taylor, b. 3 Dec, 1688, son of John Taylor and Mary Selden.
He d. before 13 May, 1735; rem. as early as 1731, to South Hadley, where he d. ______; she m. (2) James Dewey.
263 Samuel Taylor,6 b. 30 Oct., 1721.
264 Joanna Taylor,6 b. 9 Oct., 1723.
265 Jonathan Taylor,6 b. 21 Nov., 1726.
266 Ruth Taylor,6 b. ______.
267 Paul Taylor,6 b. ______.
268 Silas Taylor,6 b. ______.

66.   ABIGAIL,5 dau. of John4 (25), b. 26 Sept., 1697; m. (1) 1729, Jonathan Atherton, of Amherst, Mass.
He d. about 1 Apr., 1744; she m. (2) as his second wife, 24 Jan., 1745, Isaac Hubbard, of Sunderland, b. 14 Jan., 1695, son of Isaac Hubbard, b. 16 Jan., 1667, and Ann Warner.
He d. 5 July, 1763; she d. 22 Apr., 1774.
269 Jonathan Atherton,6 b. ______; went with his mother to Sunderland; d. unm., 6 May, 1749. He bequeathed most of his property to his mother.

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68.   JAMES,5 son of John4 (25), b. in Hadley, 10 July, 1701: m. 11 Aug., 1727, his cousin, Experience Smith (102), b. 19 Apr., 1703, dau. of John Smith and Joanna Kellogg (+29).
He d. 15 July, 1758, after an illness of but a few days; she d. 23 Aug., 1762; their gravestones are in the Old Burying Ground in Hadley.
He res. in Hadley in the house of Lieut. Joseph Kellogg, where he d. In 1738, the General Court of Massachusetts made him innkeeper of Had­ley, in place of Stephen Kellogg, deceased.
He succeeded his father in conducting the ferry which had been his father's and his grandfathers for almost a century.
270 John,6 b. 1730; d. unm., 7 Sept., 1771.
271 Experience,6 b. 1731; m. Lieut. Eli Root.
272 Ruth,6 b. ______; m. Joshua Ballard.
273 Jemma,6 b. 1737; m. 23 Feb., 1769, Deacon Stephen Nash, Jr., of Stock­bridge, b. 22 Nov., 1739; she d. 17 Feb., 1790, aged 53; had sev­eral children who were either still born or d. in infancy. He m. (2) 13 Mar., 1791, widow Mary (Bradley) Dewey.
274 Jerusha,6 b. about 1739; m. as his second wife, 14 Nov., 1771, Eliakim Smith. He d. in the army at Watertown, Mass., 27 Aug., 1775, aged 40; she d. 22 Sept., 1823; had no children.
275 Joanna,6 b. about 1742; m. Stephen Goodman.
276 Mercy,6 b. ______; probably m. 18 Sept., 1777, Peter Strong, of Chester­field.

69.   CAPT. MARTIN,5 son of Martin4 (26), b. in Deerfield, 26 Oct., 1686; m. in Wethersfield, Conn., 13 Jan., 1716, Dorothy Chester,* b. in Wethersfield, 5 Sept., 1692, dau. of Stephen Chester, of Wethersfield, b. 26 May, 1660, and Jemima Treat, b. 15 Mar., 1668.
He d. 13 Nov., 1753; she d. 20 Sept., 1754.
They res. in Newington, where both d. He was first mentioned in Wethers­field, 10 Dec, 1716, when he was chosen packer, ganger and sealer of measures. Newington was a parish in Wethersfield until 1871, when it was incorporated as a town. Rev. Elijah Williams became its first pastor, in 1720. His will, dated 7 Oct., 1753, mentioned all his children. He bequeathed a silver-hilted sword to his son, Martin. His estate was appraised at £1,750, including one-quarter of the iron works and sawmill in Litchfield, and one-quarter of the iron works in Canaan "on Housatonic River at foot of the Great Falls, called Hartford Iron Works."
He was captured at the sack of Deerfield, and carried to Canada. In May, 1705, he and three others (Thomas Baker, John Nims and Joseph Petty), made their escape, and, after suffering incredible

*Leonard Chester, one of the first settlers of Wethersfield, b. in Blaby, England. 15 July, 1610, was son of John and Dorothy Chester. He m. Mrs. Mary Wade, dau. of Mr. Nicholas Shaqie. Their son, John, b. in Watertown, Mass., 3 Aug., 1635, m. Sarah Welles, dau. of Thomas Welles, one of the first settlers of Hartford and Wethersfield, and fourth Governor of Connecticut. Stephen, son of John and Sarah Chester, b. 26 May, 1660, m. Jemima Treat, dau. of Lieut. James Treat, of Wethersfield. Their dau. Dorothy, b. in Wethersfield. 5 Sept., 1692, m. Capt. Martin Kellogg. Mrs. Dorothy Chester, widow of John Chester, of Blaby, County Leicester, Esq., was an original proprietor at Hartford in 1639; her home lot was on the west side of Main street, near Centinel Hill. She d. 1662; inventory taken May 27, 1662, £33, 11s., 8d, Edward Stebbing appointed to administer the estate (personal) and to pay the debts, the remainder to be at his dispose. She was a dau. of Thomas Hooker, of Marfield Co., Leicester, and a sister of Rev. Thomas Hooker.

56    The Kelloggs in the New World.

hardships, arrived, more dead than alive, in Deerfield.
Joseph Petty wrote the following account of their journey through the wilderness: (Sheldon's History of Deerfield, vol. 1, p. 353.)
Revd Sr
Upon your desire, I now present you with a Narrative of my escape from Canada, tho it is now so long Since yt I may possibly forget some particulars. But the acct as near as I can remember is as follows vizt About thirteen months after I was taken from Deerfield (wc you well remember) four of us consulted methods to make our escape. Sometime in May upon yr great procession day we had Liberty to go in & about ye city of Mont Real & there we happened all to meet together & John Nyms & I informed ye other two of our design to make our es­cape. This was on a thirsday (May 10) & we agreed yt ye other three were to come down to where I lived wc was about 9 miles from ye city & wt was something remarkable ye guns & Provisions wc I had designed to bring wth us was in another room from where I Lodged we exercised my mind very much how I should come at ym since I Lodged in another room with ye people of ye house & wt still op­pressed my spirits more was, yt coming in from work at noon I found a bed & sick person placed in yt room where ye guns & Provisions were : & I thot now it was impossible to escape but upon my return at night I found ye sick person re­moved & my bed brought into yt room wc much revived me. on ye Sabbath (May 13) following I was to go to ye city again to conclude further about our escape, & having confirmed all matters I returned at night & found my Landlords son there wc was designed to Lodge with mo wc again dashed my spirits much for now I thot it impossible for me to Escape from him.
But while I sat pausing wt to do I remembered yt I was to set up a sign by ye River for ye other three to know where ye house was & I thot I would go & do yt wc wn I had done upon my return I found my Landlord's son moving off & would not stay tho much persuaded to tarry & altho it was very Dark & he did go; wc again revived me & about break of day ye other three men came & I handed ym two guns & some Provision & we took a Cannoe & passed ye River by sun ris­ing & tho ye people Lived on the other side we passed by them undiscovered. This was on monday morning (May 11) & on Wednesday about sun two hours high at night we arrived at Chamblee River about 9 miles below ye fort yre we made a raft & went over & ye next day we travelled up against ye fort and stopped to get some Provision killed a calf & dryed it, but friday & Saturday rained so hard yt we could not travel wc yn we judged made against us but in Providence we found it otherwise, for those yt pursued us were in this time returned, on ye Sabbath following we set out for ye Lake & arrived yre Wednesday about no (torn) there we found two cannoes wc we judged our pursuers (torn) ad Left one of these we took & came along with our journey, & came along yt day & all night & ye next day & at night Left our Cannoe we came along on ye east side of ye Lake untill we came to ye mouth of Misisecou River we went up this river all night for it comes along ye same course as ye east shore of ye Lake & next morning we found a small runn wather wc Led out of ye River into ye Lake wc we made use of to waft us into ye Lake again : there is extraordoary good Land on each side of this River all ye way we went as far as we could perceive, this day we travelled on ye Lake till night & Lay by ye Lake, but next morning ye wind was so high against us yt we Left our Cannoe & travelled on ye side of ye Lake yt day : & ye next day being Saturday we struck across for French river falls & arrived there on Sabbath about 9 in ye morning, this we traveled up about 2 or 3 dais et Lefr it & struck away for ye

The Kelloggs in the New World.    57

branches of white River and on ye next Sabbath about 9 in ye morning we came to White River Now our Provision was spent excepting some small mat­ters we had Left to fish withal, & yt day we spent in getting Provision & supplied ourselves for yt night & part of ye next day wc was all ye Provision we had untill we came to Deerfield excepting ye leg of a tortoise & a small hook fish wc we brought along a Little way. ye next night we came to ye mouth of white river & made a fire & designed to Lodge there & we set one to fish for us : but by reason of ye flies he was soon discouraged & as soon as he came up I was going down to ye river to drink & espied an Indian on ye East side of ye Great river coming to drink wc made me stop and hide myself untill he was gone off & for fear of dis­covery we made off yt night & ye next day our provision being spent sometime & we weak and faint we thot best to make a raft upon wc we came down yt day & ye next night on Connecticut River & ye next day also we continued our Course on ye raft & on thursday about 9 or 10 in ye morning we came to ye great falls, there we Let go our raft & went below ye falls & made another & came yt day to ye Lower end of ye great meadows of ye place now called ye Cannoe place there we Lodged yt night & ye next morning we came on our raft to ye meadows where ye fort is now there we Left our raft & came on foot yt day into Deerfield about twilight in ye evening & thus thro the good hand of divine Providence (wc watched over us all ye way) we safely arrived to our native Land again & were joyfully received & well taken care of by our friends upon wc I cannot but say yt we have reason to praise God four our deliverance, & never forget his be (torn) ts. thus Sr I have given you a brief & as exact a relation (torn) can well, since fis so Long a time passed since, & if it may be of any service I Rejoyce & sub­scribe my self yours to Command JOSEPH PETTY
(This letter was addressed to)
"The Revd
Mr. Stephen Williams

In Aug., 1708, he was again captured while on a scout about 100 miles up the River.*
These enforced associations with the Indians made him familiar with their language and, like his brother, Joseph, and his sister, Joanna, his services were often useful to the colony in its intercourse with them. In 1714 he accompanied Stoddard and Williams, commissioners, to recover captives from Canada, and proved a very useful assistant. In 1718 the General Assembly of Connecticut voted him a grant of one hundred acres of land. In 1726 he was appointed one of the committee to

*There is a tradition that he attempted to escape twice and was recaptured, provoking his captor's wrath and hastening his doom. One day while chopping wood, he was ap­proached by a friendly squaw, and asked if he knew what the wood he was cutting was to be used for. When answered in the negative, she said that it was to be used to burn him during that present moon. There was no alternative but escape, although the prospect for success was disheartening. At night he stealthily began his hopeless "flight, and started southward toward distant Deerfield. At early dawn he crawled into a hollow log for rest and concealment during the day, well knowing that he would be pursued. When he awoke after several hours' sleep, he found close to him in the log, coiled up asleep, a rattlesnake: Before he could escape, a party of his pursuers seated themselves upon the log for rest and consultation. Martin lay in breathless suspense, and soon the Indians went on their way of vengeance. He

58    The Kelloggs in the New World.

arrange the terms of Mr. Williams' removal from the Newing­ton Church to Yale College. After that event, he owned, lived and died in the mansion built by the church for Mr. Williams. He was the second captain of the Newington Training Band, having been appointed in 1735. In May, 1739, the General Assembly appointed Captain Martin one of a committee to visit the town of Harwinton and select a site for their meeting-house, and in 1740, the same authority ordered him to "Repair to the town of Coventry to divide it into two distinct societies," etc. In 1743 he was a deputy from Wethersfield. In 1746 the Assembly of Connecticut, learning that he "was acquainted with a con­siderable part of thenavigation of the St. Lawrence," engaged him to serve as pilot on board His Majesty's fleet. But the war having ended, his services were not required. In 1751, he was sent as Colonial agent with clothing to Hendrick, Chief of the Mohawks. The colony and parish records show that he was a man of affairs, whose services were often made use of.
In 1748 twelve Indian boys of the Hollis School were put into his care and were in his house at Newington, Conn., three years. Capt. Kellogg was a valu­able frontier officer; saw much service and was a man of note in his day; remark­able for strength of body and mind.
277 Dorothy,6 b. 4 Dec, 1716; m. Eliphalet Whittlesey.
278 Martin,6 b. 2 Aug., 1718; m. Mary Boardman.
279 Anna,6 b. 19 Feb., 1720; m. Rev. Roger Hooker.
280 Jemima,6 b. 24 Aug., 1723; m. Elijah Kent.
281 Mary,6 b. 19 Oct., 1725; m. (1) Ephraim Wolcott; (2) Potter.
282 Sarah,6 b. 22 Aug., 1727; m. Capt. Josiah King.
283 Stephen Chester,6 b. 24 Sept., 1729; m. Elizabeth Russell.
284 Rebecca,6 b. 11 June, 1732; m. Gamaliel Demming.
285 Joseph,6 b. 9 Oct., 1736; d. unm., 8 Oct., 1759.

70.   ANNA,5 dau. of Martin4 (26), b. in Deerfield, 14 July, 1689; m. 17 Nov., 1712, Joseph Severance, b. 26 Oct., 1682, in Suffield, Conn., son of John Sever­ance, b. 24 Nov., 1647, and Mary _______.
He d. 10 Apr., 1766; she d. 15 Mar., 1780.
He was a tailor; lived in Deerfield, on lot numbered thirty-six, which he bought from Martin Kellogg. This lot was originally granted to Samuel Hins­dale, and Martin Kellogg was living there when all of his family, save his wife, were killed or captured. Severance was living there as late as 1756. It is now owned by Geo. A. Arms.
He was in the Meadow fight in 1704; selectman, 1722; corporal under Capt. Joseph Kellogg, 1723. He petitioned the General Court, 27 Nov., 1734, asking "for some consideration on account of his wounds and disabilities," saying that

cautiously left his hiding place, and speeded way in another direction from the one they had taken. For nine days he pursued his journey, traveling mostly by night, and hiding during the day. During all this time the only food he had was a cake baked in Indian fashion, and what he could gather of roots and berries in the forests. Finally, more dead than alive, he reached home, and was welcomed by his parents as one who was lost but found again, dead, yet alive again. How much truth there is in the story of his escape, the author is unable to say. Probably he was ransomed from this captivity, as the General Court of Massachusetts on the 3d of Nov., 1712, authorized a payment to him of £25 for ransom paid to secure his liberty from the Indians during a period of cap­tivity at Quebec.

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about twenty-one years ago he was wounded by an Indian enemy, being a soldier in the service of the province, & has been a cripple ever since, & like to be till his death, & forasmuch as he has never had anything from this govt, for his support." As compensation the General Court granted him, in 1735, two hundred acres of land, east of Northfield, bounded "south on a mountain called Grace." He rem. to Montague, where both died.
286 Joseph Severance,6 b. 7 Oct., 1713; m. 31 Oct., 1732, Mary Clesson; he was a soldier in Father Rasle's war; in service under Capt. Kellogg 1730; living in Deerfield, 1766.
287 Anna Severance,6 b. 25 Dec, 1715; m. 31 Oct., 1737, Samuel Bardwell. He rem. to Montague about 1750, and helped to organize the town at the first town meeting, 1751. The chair which she occupied in the meeting-house in her old age is now in Memorial Hall, Deer­field.
288 Martin Severance,6 b. 10 Sept., 1718; m. Patience Fairfield; she d. 25 May, 1809, aged 81; he d. Apr., 1810. He was a soldier at Fort Dummer under Capt. Kellogg, 1738-9; of Hinsdale, 1739; under Capt. Clessen, 1755; under Capt. Catlin, 1756; one of Roger's Rangers, 1758; did valuable service as a scout in both French wars; was captured at Sabbathday Point, 25 June, 1758; was one of the first settlers at Shelbourne Falls; had twelve children : their sixth child, Submit, was b. in Deerfield, 28 Oct., 1768, while her father was in captivity.
289 John Severance,6 b. 20 Oct., 1720; soldier in the French wars; settled in Bernardston,* where he was a prominent man; selectman four years; living in 1785; m. 15 Mar., 1741, Esther Arms, dau. of Daniel Arms.
290 Experience Severance,6 b. 14 Mar., 1723; m. Phineas Nevers, of Stafford, Conn.
291 Jonathan Severance,6 b. 12 June, 1725; m. 30 Aug., 1749, Thankful Steb­bins, b. 1 Apr., 1729, dau. of John Stebbins; he was an Ensign, Town Clerk, settled in Greenfield; d. 2 Apr., 1822, aged 97; she d. 8 Dec, 1806, aged 76.
292 Rebecca Severance,6 b. 4 Mar., 1727-28; m. 28 Nov., 1743, Samuel Smead, b. 1719; rem. To Montague; he assisted in the organization of that town in 1751; tory in the revolution; rem. to Shelburne.
293 Moses Severance,6 b. 23 Mar., 1729-30; m. 28 Oct., 1762, Joanna French; she d., a widow, 6 Mar., 1812. He was in Capt. Burke's company of rangers, 1757; of Greenfield, 1769; of Montague, 1770; tory in 1775; Representative to General Court, 1788.

71.   CAPT. JOSEPH,5 son of Martin4 (26), b. 8 Nov., 1691; m. 10 Mar., 1720, Rachel Devotion, dau. of Rev. Ebenezer Devotion, of Suffield, Conn.
He d. 1756, in Schenectady, N. Y., while with Governor Shirley on his un­fortunate Oswego expedition.
At the sack of Deerfield, he was taken captive and carried to Canada, where he remained with

*Bernardston was incorporated 1702. It was first called Fall Town, having been granted to the soldiers who were in the famous Falls Fight.

60    The Kelloggs in the New World.

the Indians a year and was then delivered to the French with whom he spent the ten years succeeding. During this time, he traveled with traders and acquired the French language as well as that of all the tribes of In­dians with which the French were engaged in traffic. Of the dialect of the Mo­hawks his knowldge was especially thorough. In this manner, to use his own expression, he "got into a very good way of business so as to get considerable of moneys and other things, and handsomely to support himself, and was under no restraint at all." During his captivity, he made a voyage in 1710 to the Missis­sippi river, being probably the first native-born white New Englander to see that river. The following account of that voyage is taken from the register book of the Royal Society of London, 1722-24, folios, 132-136 :
"A short account of a trading Voyage performed by Joseph Kellug, an Eng­lish man of New England, in Company with six French men from Canada to Miſsisippi in the year 1710, in two Canoos made of Birch Bark, with some general Remarks made by the said Kellug. (Read May 11, 1721.)
His departure was from mon-real which is an Island in Canada River Sixty Leagues above Quebeck (it would be best to have a map of north America before you while you are reading) from thence they went not up the River Iriquois and so to the falls of Niagara, but a northwest Course up the grand River, as high as Mattawau, and then carried their canooes a short League over land to the small Lake Nippising (which should be placed nearer to Mattawan and the grand river) and from thence by a small River called the french River, they went into one of the great Lakes, viz., the Lake Huron.
The country from Mattawan to Lake Huron is as miserable as you can sup­pose. He observed no pine or spruce from Canada to Miſsisippi, but abundance of black walnut. Mr. Senexes Map of North America calls the Lake Huron by the name of Michigan, but this Mr. Kellug affirms to be a mistake, and the alias dict. of Michigan (or otherwise called Michigan) should be placed upon the Lake Hinois : for that is often call'd by the name of Michigan. Here also it may be re­mark'd once for all that these great Lakes are never frozen (unless round the Edges) but the main body of their waters are always open like the Sea, being near fifty Leagues in length.
Having enter'd the Lake Huron they coasted it along on the north side of the Island Manytavalin till they came to the northwest end of it, keeping always pretty near the Shoar : for there is no venturing far off in a Birch Canoe. They wintered in a Village of the Outawas an Indian Tribe not very numerous, settled between the three Lakes; the name of the Village was Michalmakinas, which in the language of the Outawas signifies a Turtle. Here again Mr. Kellug, having Mr. Senexes Map Upon the Table, offered another Correction as to the Situation of the Lake Superior, for he seem'd confident that the Map had placed that Lake too near the other two lakes, by at least twenty or thirty Leagues.
The Streights or Communication between the two Lakes Huron and Hinois or Michigan are about two Leagues over, and frozen every winter. Here they found vry good fishing for Trouts, and confirmed father Hennysins account of their prodigious bignefs. Mr. Kellug himself hall'd up severall of more than fifty pound weight. The Water clear, sweet and fresh forty fathom deep. Having pafs'd these Streights, they enter'd the lake Hinois or Michigan: Here again Mr. Kellug observed a mistake as to the Situation of the Lake; for whereas, ye map places the length of it north and south, he aſsures me that it lies near North North east and South South-west, or as his phrase was, the South End should be placed more to the westward. This great Lake also they coasted till they came near the south west end of it, and then carried their canoos over Land a full League to a branch of the River Hinois, and this is called Chigaquea.

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About the head of the River Hinois are fine large Savannahs or meadows of forty miles in Length some of the richest Land the world affords. This River Hinois is one of the great Rivers that falls into Miſsisippi and runs a Course of one hundred & thirty Leagues before it empties itself into Miſsisippi. Into this River Hinois comes the River Miamis or St. Joseph, as the French call it, ifsuing from the Lake Hinois.
Mr. Kellug in his return went up that river into the Lake; there they met with Sturgeon of ten foot long.
The Savvannahs before mention'd are the noble pastures of thousands of Buf­faloes and wild cattle, and which they saw in great herds, and to their surprise in some of the feeding or lodging places of these wild cattle they discover'd bunches of true Clover grafs.
As they went to the River Hinois they rais'd an infinite number of wild fowl, such as Cranes, Geese, Duck; and Swans in great abundance that feed upon wild Oats, are call'd by the Indians Mauthomine, by the French Fol-avoine, and are very good grain, and may be boild and eat as rice, and will swell from one quart to ten or twelve. They grow in such abundance by the banks of the River as it runs through Savannahs that a man may fill a Canoo with the grain in a few hours.
Upon this River Hinois they found wild Apple Trees and Plumb trees, the Apples bitter and sour, but the plumbs good : and a fruit much like Cucumber that grow upon small Trees or Shrubs. They call them Raisimins.
Before the River Hinois falls into the Miſsisippi, it is join'd by the Cura­mani, which in the Indian signifies vermillion, and so may be named upon the Map.
The next Stage down this River was the Fort Louis, alias Creve Coeur. Here again happens a considerable mistake in the map : for whereas the Fort is placed at the lower End of the little Lake Pimetawi, it really stands thirty Leagues above the Lake. Below the Lake Pimetawi, the River Hinois is joined by two considerable Rivers, and at length empties all its water into the great river.
The River Miſsisippi, where the River Hinois joins it, is more than half an English mile broad, and very deep water.
Here Mr. Kellug found himself in a new world, compard with the River Canada.
The climate Temperature, everything gay and pleasant, abundance of fine fruit Trees, stocks of small Parrots in the woods, that which he remark'd of them was that the hinder part of the head was yellow, the forepart green, and at the end of the Bill a ring as red as blood. The Winter is here so moderate, that the snow seldom lies above 24 hours, and no more than two or three inches deep.
Five Leagues from the mouth of Hinois bring you to the mouth of another great River that joins Miſsisippi from the west side, the name of it is Miſsouris, and is a very great rapid River and much bigger than Hinois. Below Miſsouris, the next place on the Map is the Village Tamaroa alias Cawhukah. The little River below Tamaroa is called Meschgamme, and deserves a name in the map; for there is a french Village settled upon it, where they raise excellent Wheat, very good Indian Com, have a windmill, and have a stock of Cattle, make a very good sort of wine.
Mr. Kellug says they had severall hogsheads of it when he was there; it is of a red colour and has a rough taste.
The land produces excellent Melons, good Beans, turneps and all sorts of Garden herbs; the woods Oak and several sorts of wallnuts.

62    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Just over the mouth of Tamaroa River on the other side of the Miſsisippi are abundance of Salt Springs, where natives are supplied with Salt. They lye just above a small River called LaSalme in the map, near to which little River it might be said Salt Springs.
The next River towards the Sea that falls into the Miſsisippi is Quebache.
This River Quebache (taking in the River Acansea which joins it near the Miſsisippi) is a great River of at least 60 Rod broad, as one of the largest that falls into the Miſsisippi. The River Acansea goes among the natives by the name of Ohiyew which with them signifies fine or beautiful River. Here also Mr. Kel­lug says it is a noble country, vast numbers of wild Cattle that make great and open roads for many miles together; & hereabouts Mr. Kellug's Company ended their trading Voyage, and so returned back to Canada."
In 1714 his brother, Martin, went to Canada to induce him to return to New England and two years later he was placed in the pay of the government. He made several journeys to Canada, Albany and other distant places. In 1723 the General Court of Massachusetts voted to build a block house above Northfield and to post in it forty able men, English and Western Indians to be employed in scouting at a good distance up Connecticut River, West River, Otter Creek, and Eastwardly, above Great Monadnock, for the discovery of the enemy coming toward any of the frontier towns, etc. A fort was built on the west bank of the Connecticut in the southeast corner of the present town of Brattleboro, Vt., and was called Fort Dummer. The fort was built of yellow pine and was about one hundred and eighty feet square. He was stationed at this fort for more than twenty years, either in command or as interpreter.
He was Lieutenant in 1722, under Samuel Barnard; acted also as interpreter. From that time until his death he was constantly occupied as a scout or interpreter. The General Court in 1727 granted him two hundred acres of the unappropriated land in the County of Hampshire.* His skill in Indian signals, modes of ambush and warfare enabled him to meet the savage foe on terms almost equal. The His­tory of Northfield says : "Capt. Kellogg was one of those brave, true natures that are not appreciated while living and receive little renown when dead. Unselfish, fearless, conscientious, always ready to go where duty called, he gave the strength of his manhood to the defense of these frontiers. He lived to see doubtful be­ginnings become sturdy growths; he lived to see the question settled that the French rule would never be dominant in the Connecticut valley. Northfield owes it to him that it was not a third time destroyed."
He was employed as interpreter in Rev. Seargent's Indian mission at Stock­bridge for nearly two years. In 1756, though broken in health, he was persuaded by Governor Shirley to accompany him to Oswego as interpreter, but his strength was not equal to the journey and he died and was buried in Schenectady. He was regarded as the best interpreter of his day in New England.
294 Jonathan,6 b. in Northfield, 23 Aug., 1721; m. Lucy Kent.
295 Rachel,6 b. 14 July, 1724; m. Lieut. Elijah Kent.
296 Joanna,6 b. 26 Dec., 1727; m. Seth Dwight.

*This land was on top of Coys Hill, where the line of the west side of Brookfield crosses the road leading from Hadley to Boston. It was surveyed by T. Dwight, and the plan is in possession of Mrs. E. P. Cutter, of Warren.

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297 Rebecca,6 b. in Fort Dummer, 8 Apr., 1729; m. Elihu Kent.
298 Martin,6 b. 26 May, 1734; m. Phylis Kent.

73.   REBECCA,5 dau. of Martin4 (26), b. 22 Dec, 1695; m. in Suffield, 13 Mar., 1744-45, as his second wife, Capt. Benjamin Ashley, b. 9 Feb., 1714-15, son of Jonathan Ashley and Abigail Stebbins.
She d. 1757 in the Indian village, Ouquaga, now Windsor, N. Y.; he d. ______.
She was the youngest of the children captured by the Indians, when Deer­field was destroyed, and res. with them in Canada until a grown woman, and be­came acquainted with their language. She returned to New England about 1728. Her brother, Joseph, presented a memorial to the General Court in that year, showing that: "With much persuasion, he has brought his sister from Canada, being obliged to take an Indian man and boy with whom she lived to make her easy, and to promise that he would use no force with her to keep her from return­ing to Canada, she being begotted to the Roman Catholic religion, praying that the said Indians may be sent away in such manner as may be for their satisfac­tion, and the Court may use their authority to prevent his sister's return."
The General Court voted 21 June, 1728, that: "His Honour, the Lieutenant Governor, be desired to employ the Indian man and boy mentioned in the memo­rial on an errand or message to the St. Francis Tribe, or to the Canawaga Tribe to whom they belong, or both these tribes, by the way of the Eastun Country and that Rebecca Kellogg be suitably provided for, and taken care of, during the said Indians' absence, and their return with an answer; and that the sum of £40 be advanced and paid out of the public treasury for this purpose, to be improved so as to make the messengers content and easy." (Col. Records of Mass., Vol. 14, p. 101.)
In 1752, she was an interpreter in the Indian School in Stockbridge where Capt. Ashley was a teacher. In the following year, they accompanied Rev. Gideon Hawley to the Indian village of Ouquaga, where they established a mission. The death of Mrs. Ashley in 1757 broke up this mission. Captain Ashley is said to have returned in 1754 to Stockbridge, but is supposed to have gone back to the Indians and died in their village.
She was buried in the cemetery near Windsor, but the exact location of her grave is unknown.

77.   THOMAS,5 son of Edward4 (27), b. in Hadley, 17 Dec., 1696; m. 17 Dec., 1720, Elizabeth Lee, b. 15 Aug., 1698, dau. of Stephen Lee* and Elizabeth Wood­ard, of Goshen Parish, Lebanon, Conn.
He bought land in Lebanon, and joined the church there and was bap. 11 Nov., 1722; rem. to Sheffield before 1735, when he deeded land to Daniel Lee, of Lebanon, giving his own residence as Sheffield. Before removing to Sheffield, he lived in Hebron, Conn., where he bought, 31 Mar., 1731, a house and orchard, for which he paid £530.
His wife was admitted to the church in Lebanon, 1725.
299 Sybil,6 b. 11 Dec, 1721.
300 Elisha,6 b. 27 Mar., 1723; m. Rebecca _______.
301 Jason,6 b. 25 Mar., 1726.

* Stephen Lee and Elizabeth Woodward were m. in Westfield, Mass., 23 Dec., 1691.

64    The Kelloggs in the New World.

302 Lemuel,6 b. 4 Nov., 1727; m. ______.
303 Rhoda,6 b. 29 Jan., 1729-30.
304 Beulah,6 b. 2 Jan., 1731-32.
305 Elizabeth,6 b. 31 Jan., 1734-35.
306 Zerniah,6 b. in Sheffield, 2 Sept., 1737.

78.   DOROTHY,5 dau. of Edward4 (27), b. 6 Mar., 1700; m. Thomas Ains­worth. (See +82 Eleanor.)

81.   EPHRAIM,5 son of Edward4 (27), b. 19 Apr., 1707; m. about 1737, Lydia Sawtelle, dau. of Josiah Sawtelle and Lydia Parker.
He d. in the army during the French and Indian war, before 14 Feb., 1758, when his son, Josiah, chose a guardian.
He res. in Northfield, Shutesbury, Sunderland and probably other towns in that vicinity He was in the garrison at Fort Dummer, under Capt. Joseph Kel­logg, from 23 Dec, 1733, to 30 Nov., 1740; also in Capt. Reed's company. Col. Ruggles' regiment, in the expedition against Crown Point, Oct., 1756; was dis­charged at Albany.
She was granted a divorce in 1756.
Her mother conveyed to her, 14 May, 1756, her home in Sunderland for £100.
307 Josiah,6 b. about 1740; killed in the army, 7 July, 1759. He enlisted in Lieut. Chadwick's Company, Col. Ruggles' Regiment, 6 Apr., 1759, for service under Gen. Amherst for the invasion of Canada; was reported apprenticed to Joseph Smith.
308 William,6 b. about 1743; bap. in Sunderland, 20 Aug., 1749; m. Bath­sheba Karley.
309 Jonathan Sawtelle,6 bap. in Sunderland, 20 Aug., 1749.
310 Preserved,6 b. ______.

82.   ELEANOR,5 dau. of Edward4 (27), b. probably in Brookfield, 20 Jan., 1710; m. as his second wife, Thomas Ainsworth, b. in Woodstock, Conn., 15 Apr., 1708. He had m. (1) her sister, Dorothy. He m. (3) Ruth Mason, who sur­vived him and administered upon his estate in 1794.
In his old age he thought that he was the last survivor of the soldiers in the famous Lovewell's fight. In this he was probably mistaken, as no Ainsworth is mentioned in the list of Lovewell's men. There is a tradition that he, at one time, lived with the Narragansett Indians. He was very strong and venturesome, and there are old anecdotes of his cunning in the hunt and Indian fighting. It is not known which of the wives were the mothers of these children, nor is the order of their birth known. Dorothy signed a deed in 1736, and it is probable that he was a widower 5 June, 1743, when he gave a deed which had no wife's signature. It is known, however, that Hannah was the dau. of Eleanor.
Children, b. in Brookfield.
311 Thomas Ainsworth,6 b. 3 Feb., 1731.
312 Smith Ainsworth,6 b. ______.
313 Ephraim Ainsworth,6 b. ______.
314 Elizabeth Ainsworth,6 b. ______; m. Nathaniel Abbott.

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315 Dolly Ainsworth,6 b. ______; m. 16 Feb., 1757, as his second wife, Joseph Wood.
316 Jacob Ainsworth,6 b. 21 Jan., 1743.
317 Daniel Ainsworth,6 b. ______.
318 Martin Ainsworth,6 b. ______.
319 Edward Ainsworth,6 b. ______; probably he was the soldier of that name in Lieut. Stephen Tucker's Co. of the Eleventh Connecticut, 1776. He possibly d. in the service.
320 Joseph Ainsworth,6 b. ______.
321 Moses Ainsworth,6 b. ______.
322 Beulah Ainsworth,6 b. ______; m. Reuben Burt.
323 Hannah Ainsworth,6 b. 11 May, 1747; probably d. unm. in Brookfield, 21 Feb., 1834.
324 Mary Ainsworth,6 b. ______.

83.   EDWARD,5 son of Edward4 (27), b. 25 Aug., 1713; m. in Lebanon, Conn., 4 Jan., 1737-38, Jemima Bartlett.
They were admitted to the church in Goshen, 8 Oct., 1738.
He d. probably before 1753; she m. (2) 18 Nov., 1767, Thomas Betts, of Colchester.
325 Joseph,6 b. 13 Aug., 1738; m. Mary Cushman.
326 Lydia,6 b. 16 Sept., 1740; m. Moses Kellogg (+1191).
327 Preserved,6 b. 25 Oct., 1742; m. Lucy Palmer.
328 Elijah,6 b. 1751; m. Tryphenia Westover.
329 Edward,6 b. ______.
330 Jemima,6 bap. 7 Jan., 1753.
331 Anna,6 bap. 7 Jan., 1753.
332 Amos,6 b. ______; res. in W. Granville, N. Y.

84.   SAMUEL,5 son of Deacon Samuel4 (28), b. in Hartford, 27 Aug., 1688; m. 11 May, 1711, Hannah Benton, b. about 1687, dau. of Samuel Benton.
He d. before 18 Jan., 1712; she m. (2), 20 Oct., 1715, Joseph Root; d. 19 Mar., 1771; had seven children by her second husband. Widow Hannah Kellogg was admitted to the Second Church, in Hartford, 18 Jan., 1712.
333 Sarah,6 b. 21 Nov., 1712; m. Moses Peck.

85.   MARGARET,5 dau. of Deacon Samuel4 (28), b. in Hartford, Jan., 1689-90; m. 6 May, 1714, Benjamin Catlin, b. in Hartford, 1 Feb., 1680, son of John Catlin, of Hartford, and Mary Marshall.
He d. in Harwinton, 1765; she d. there 1786, aged 97.
334 Jonathan Catlin,6 bap. 13 Feb., 1715.
335 Sarah Catlin,6 bap. 22 June, 1718.
336 Abraham Catlin,6 bap. 14 Aug., 1720.
337 Joel Catlin,6 bap. 18 Feb., 1722.

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338 Benjamin Catlin,6 bap. 8 Dec, 1723.
339 Jacob Catlin,6 bap. 4 June, 1727; m. Hannah Phelps.
340 Amos Catlin,6 bap. 29 June, 1729; m. Martha Davis.
341 Daniel Catlin,6 b. ______; m. Dorcas Watson.
342 George Catlin,6 b. ______; m. Mindwell Phelps.

87.   JOHN,5 son of Deacon Samuel4 (28), b. 16 Dec, 1695 or '96; m. 3 Jan., 1719, Sarah Olmstead, b. 1 Jan., 1696, dau. of Thomas Olmstead and Hannah Mix, of West Hartford.
He d. 12 July, 1725, in Hartford; she d. ______.
343 Sarah,6 b. 30 Oct., 1719; m. John Belden.
344 Hannah,6 b. 10 Feb., 1722; d. young.
345 Hannah,6 b. 30 Apr., 1723.
346 Esther,6 b. 4 July, 1725.

88.   CAPT. ISAAC,5 son of Deacon Samuel4 (28), b. in Hartford, 17 Jan., 1697; m. there, 26 Dec, 1717, Mary Webster, b. 31 May, 1697, dau. of Joseph Webster and Mary Judd, b. about 1675.
She d. 3 Jan., 1780, aged 82; he d. 3 July, 1787, aged 90.
He res. in New Hartford; was the first Representative from that town to the Connecticut Assembly; was elected to that office twenty-three times. He was a Justice of the Peace; Lieut, of the Fourth Co. of the Train Band, by order of the General Assembly, and in 1774, Capt.
He was chosen deacon of the First (Town Hill) Church in New Hartford. In the History of Litchfield County, he is described as a man of venerable appear­ance, highly respected by his colleagues, before whom he was often called to pray. He was distinguished for his piety, good judgment, firmness and ability as a mag­istrate. His descendants are now a small nation. His son. Deacon Noah, and grand­son, Michael, lived on the old homestead.
347 Samuel,6 b. Nov., 15, 1718; m. Mary Steele
348 Abraham,6 b. 17 Jan., 1720; m. Sarah Marsh.
349 Mary,6 b. 12 Mar., 1723; m. John Birge.
350 Theodocia,6 b. 7 June, 1724-25; m. Jonathan Marsh.
351 Isaac,6 b. 8 Oct., 1727; m. Martha Merrill.
352 Noah,6 b. 13 Dec, 1729; m. Clemence Merrill.
353 Joseph,6 b. 14 Oct., 1731; m. Esther Porter.
354 Ashbel,6 b. 18 Oct., 1732; m. (1) Sarah Loomis; (2) Lydia Steele; (3) Lucy Cotton.
355 Sarah,6 b. 16 Feb., 1735; m. William Merrill.
356 Margaret,6 b. 12 June, 1737; m. Joseph Moore.
357 Ann,6 b. 2 Aug., 1739; m. Roger Crow.
358 Esther,6 b. 21 Aug., 1739; m. Birge.
359 Huldah,6 b. 30 Mar., 1742; m. James Benham.

89.   LIEUT. JACOB,5 son of Deacon Samuel4 , b. 17 Apr., 1699; m. (1) Mary Sedgwick, b. 1 July, 1705,

The Kelloggs in the New World.    67

dau. of Capt. Samuel Sedgwick, of Hartford, b. 1667, and Mary Hopkins, b. about 1670. She d. 12 Aug., 1759; he m. (2) 1760, Mrs. Ruth (Lee) Judd, b. 14 June, 1703, widow of William Judd, of Farming­ton, dau. of John Lee and Elizabeth Loomis, b. 31 Jan., 1664.
He d. 31 July, 1765; she d. 26 Dec, 1794, aged 91. At the time of his sec­ond marriage he res. in Farmington, although he spent most of his life in West Hartford.
360 Timothy,6 b. 25 Nov., 1725 or '26; m. Keziah Jones.
361 Elizabeth,6 b. 28 Aug., 1727; m. Joseph Hinsdale.
362 Lydia,6 b. 22 July, 1729; m. (1) Timothy Seymour; (2) Matthew Clark; (3) Archibald McNeil.
363 Jacob,6 bap. 11 July, 1731; m. Mary Harmon.
364 Azariah,6 b. 1733; m. Hannah Catlin.
365 Ozias,6 bap. 4 Sept., 1735; d. unm., 3 June, 1759.
366 George,6 b. 7 July, 1737; m. Sarah Clark.
367 Hannah,6 bap. 13 May, 1739; m. Caleb Crosswell.

90.   DEACON BENJAMIN,5 son of Deacon Samuel4(28), b. in Hartford about Jan., 1701-02; m. (1), in Hartford, 9 Nov., 1721, Abigail Sedgwick, b. 3 Feb., 1702, dau. of Capt. Samuel Sedgwick, and sister of Mary Sedgwick, who m. Lieut. Jacob Kellogg (+89).
She d. ______; he m. (2) Elizabeth Brown; she d. ______; he m. (3)
Elizabeth Webster; d. in Canaan, Conn., 22 Aug., 1757.
He was admitted to the church in Canaan, Conn., 1742; chosen deacon there, 5 June, 1753. His wife, probably the second, was admitted in 1743.
He was a selectman in Canaan, and a prosperous farmer.
Children by first wife.
368 Margaret,6 bap. in West Hartford, 17 Feb., 1723; admitted to church in Canaan, 7 July, 1741.
369 Benjamin,6 bap. in West Hartford, 11 Oct., 1724; m. Comfort Thompson.
370 John,6 bap. in West Hartford, 4 Sept., 1726; m. Union Stoddard.
371 Abigail,6 b. Sept., 1728; m. Charles Burrall.
372 Maria,6 b. about 1731; d. 21 Aug., 1748, in Harwinton, Conn.
373 Samuel,6 b. 9 June, 1734; m. Chloe Bacon.
374 Thankful,6 b. ______; m. Daniel Hopkins.
375 Jerusha,6 b. ______; m. her cousin, Daniel Kellogg (+387).
Children by second wife, b. in Canaan.
376 Anna,6 b. ______.
377 Nehemiah,6 b. 4 Mar., 1747; res. in Poultney, Vt.
378 Mary,6 b. 17 Jan., 1749; d. ______.
379 Ebenezer,6 b. in Canaan, Conn., 25 Oct., 1750; m. Filena Fuller; she d. ______; had no children. He settled somewhere in western part of Massachusetts, but to the cast of Williamstown. After the death of his wife he came "over the mountiins" and made his home for many years with his half-brother, Samuel, at Williamstown, living to extreme old age. "He was a man of no ordinary intelligence, in height above the common size, and well reserved in body and mind. He was a great hunter and fisherman and claimed to be a skillful root doctor.

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I have known him to leave his father's house and be absent for a week at a time in the woods and mountains, hunting, fishing and searching for roots." (Recollections of Giles B. Kellogg in Perry's Origins of Williamstown : pp. 443, 446, 447 and 578.)
He was a soldier in the revolution and a pensioner. In his ap­plication for a pension in 1832 he says that he was living in Wil­liamstown, Mass., aged 81; b. in Canaan, Conn.; rem. to Wil­liamstown during the revolutionary war and continued to reside there in that vicinity; in May, 1775, he volunteered with Capt. Luske, to go to Ticonderoga and was present when the British Com­mander was surprised in the night and summoned to surrender by Ethan Allen; in Jan., 1776, he marched, under Capt. Zebediah Sabine, to Canada, and after the death of Captain S. was at Quebec, under Capt. Stephen Davis; the company was attached to the reg­iment of Col. Seth Warner, and was stationed on the historic plains of Abraham; then followed the unsuccessful siege and suffering of the troops; the arrival of enforcements to the British by way of the river, and, in May, 1776, the disastrous retreat. In June he joined the army in N. Y. City, under Capt. Oliver Foot, and after the retreat to White Plains, served until Dec, 1776. He was at the battle of Bennington, 16 Aug., 1777; was previously one of the volunteers who rushed to the front, at the call of Gen. Schuyler for more troops to oppose the advance of Gen. Burgoyne from Canada.
380 Molly,6 b. ______; m. Joel Demming.
381 Elizabeth,6 b. 15 Mar., 1753; m. (1) Ebenezer Smith; (2) David Clark.

91.   JOSEPH,5 son of Deacon Samuel4 (28), b. 13 Apr., 1704, in Hartford; m. ______
He was living in Farmington in 1730; in West Hartford, 1735-41; with his wife was admitted to the church in Canaan, 1743.
382 Sybil,6 bap. in West Hartford, 26 Jan., 1735; m. 1754, Jonathan Han­cock.
383 Elijah,6 bap. in New Hartford, 17 Apr., 1737; m. Anne Hurlburt.
384 Joseph,6 bap. in New Hartford, 15 Apr., 1739; m. Prudence Austin.
385 Aaron,6 b. 1742; m. (1) Tabitha Hancox; (2) Hannah Bobbins; (3) Mrs. Rhoda (Dean) Powers.
386 Asahel,6 b. ______; m. Naomi Gaylord.

92.   CAPT. DANIEL,5 son of Deacon Samuel4 (28), b. in Hartford, Apr., 1707; m. in Hartford, 27 Nov., 1729, Deborah Moore, b. about 1710, dau. of Capt. Thomas Moore and Deborah Griswold.
He d. 21 Sept., 1773; she d. Sept., 1801, aged 91. He res. in West Hart­ford, where he was a member of the church, 1732. In May, 1755, he was made Lieut, in the Fourth Co., in Hartford; in Oct., 1756, Capt. of the same company. His will mentions all the children named below, excepting Deborah.
In the distribution of the widow's estate, in 1803, there were mentioned:
"Heirs of Daniel, deceased, Seth, deceased, Joel, deceased, Enos, deceased, Moses and Charles."

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387 Daniel,6 b. 3 Nov., 1730; m. Jerusha Kellogg (375), his cousin.
388 Seth,6 b. 7 July, 1733; m. Lois ________.
389 Joel,6 b. 12 Oct., 1733; m. Susannah Hosmer.
390 Moses,6 b. 23 Nov., 1736; m. Jerusha Spencer.
391 Deborah,6 b. 25 June, 1740; m. 14 May, 1782, Gideon Demming, of Farmington, Conn.; had one dau., Harriet, who m. Mark Eames.
392 Charles,6 bap. 20 July, 1746; d. ______; was graduated from Yale, 1767; paymaster of the Connecticut Militia in the revolution.
393 Enos,6 bap. 29 Sept., 1751; m. 17 Dec, 1773, Keziah Belding, dau. of John Belding; he d. before 14 Apr., 1803, when his mother's estate was distributed.

117.   STEPHEN,5 son of Ensign Stephen4 (31), b. in Hadley, 3 Feb., 1695; m. (1) May, 1719, Abigail Loomis, b. 3 May, 1701, dau. of Nehemiah Loomis, b. 15 July, 1670, and Thankful Weller.
She d. 13 Jan., 1734; he m. (2) 18 June, 1734, Mary Cook, b. 20 May, 1700, dau. of Capt. Moses Cook, b. 5 May, 1675, and Mary Barnard; d. 11 Dec., 1738. He was an innkeeper and trader in Hadley. He served 7 weeks, 5 days in Capt. Dewey's Troopers, 1723. He and his wife, Abigail, were admitted to the church in Westfield, 1726. His widow, Mary, m. (2) 30 Oct., 1744, Moses Nash (149), of West Hartford, a cousin of her first husband; she joined the church in West Hartford, 1745; d. 21 Sept., 1775.

394 Moses,6 b. 1 Apr., 1720; m. Mary Sheldon.
395 Stephen,6 b. 12 Oct., 1721; m. Mindwell Belden.
396 Josiah,6 b. 15 June, 1723; d. Oct., 1749.
397 William,6 b. 22 Feb., 1724; m. Keziah Dewey.
398 Thankful,6 b. 26 Dec, 1726; m. Richard Jacobs.
399 Ephraim,6 b. 11 Oct., 1728; d. 23 June, 1731.
400 Nathaniel Loomis,6 b. 15 June, 1730; m. Diadamia Austin.
401 Mary,6 b. 3 July, 1736; m. Thomas Shopard, of West Hartford.
402 Abigail,6 b. 10 Aug., 1738; m. Ashbel Wells.

120.   ABIGAIL,5 dau. of Ensign Stephen4 (31), b. in Westfield, 27 Dec, 1703; m. 1731 (pub. 15 June, in Westfield) Christopher Jacob Lawton, of Springfield, Mass., son of John Lawton, of Suffield, Conn.
She d. 11 Jan., 1734. He res. in Suffield, Conn. (Suffield was incorporated May, 1674, by Mass.; annexed to Conn., May, 1749), until after the death of his wife, when he rem. to Leicester, Mass.; admitted to the bar of Hampshire Co., in May, 1726. "Christopher J. Lawton and John Higgins were noted lawyers and by their knowledge and worthy example gave worth and honorable character to the Provincial Bar." (History of Leicester.) He was Coroner of Hampshire Co., 1734-35, and Representative to General Court, 1736, '40 and '41.
403 Pliny Lawton,6 b. 1732; m. 18 June, 1750, Lucretia Sargent, b. 19 Oct., 1734. Their son, William, b. 9 Apr., 1759, lived to maturity and was a surgeon in the revolutionary army;

70    The Kelloggs in the New World.

in 1784 m. Abigail Farming­ton, of Flushing, L. I. Pliny was a physician and d. 1761 of small­pox, taken from a patient; after his death his widow, Lucretia, m. Rev. Benj. Conklin. She d. 3 Mar., 1793.
Pliny's descendants, even to this day, are said to have the pecu­liarity of having six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. Pliny and Lucretia lost four children in infancy and the mother thought their deaths the result of the removal of the extra fingers and toes. She refused to have the operation performed on William, and he lived.

121.   DEACON DANIEL,5 son of Ensign Stephen4 (31), b. in Westfield, 15 Dec, 1704; m. in Westfield, 13 May, 1731, Hannah Noble, b. in Westfield, 11 Oct., 1707, dau. of Matthew Noble,* the first settler of Sheffield.
He d. in Westfield, 11 Jan., 1756, and his gravestone is still standing there; he d. before 4 June, 1795.
He was one of the four Kellogg brothers, who res. between Sheffield and Great Barrington, at a place called "Kellogg's Town." He was one of the first deacons in the church in Sheffield, being chosen to that office when it was gathered in 1735. He was chosen selectman and treasurer at the first town meeting held in Sheffield.
His estate was inventoried at £1,040. In 1764 his estate was distributed to his children, Stephen, Daniel, Gideon, Mercy and Hannah.
404 Hannah,6 b. in Westfield, 15 May, 1733; d. 26 May, 1733.
405 Hannah,6 b. in Westfield, 25 June, 1734; d. 10 Sept., 1738.
406 Abigail,6 b. in Sheffield, 29 Oct., 1736; d. 8 Nov., 1736.
407 Daniel,6 b. in Sheffield, 11 Nov., 1737; d. 15 Oct., 1738.
408 Mercy,6 b. in Sheffield, 23 Apr., 1740; m. Joseph Callender.
409 Stephen,6 b. 30 June, 1743; m. Mary Austin.
410 Hannah,6 b. 10 Aug., 1744; m. Daniel Johnson; 4 June, 1795, Daniel Johnson and Hannah, his wife, of Schuylertown, Herkimer Co., N. Y., conveyed their interest in estate of father and mother, Daniel and Hannah Kellogg, deceased, of Sheffield.
411 Daniel,6 b. 5 Nov., 1746; m. Rhoda Callender.
412 Gideon,6 b. 6 July, 1751; m. Electa Wait.

123.   MERCY,5 dau. of Ensign Stephen4 (31), b. in Westfield, 30 Oct., 1709; m. as his second wife, in Westfield, 24 Dec., 1734, Rev. Judah Lewis, of Colches­ter, b. in Falmouth, Mass., 4 June, 1703, son of Benjamin Lewis, b. in Falmouth, 1675, and d. in Colchester, 6 Sept., 1753, aged 78, and

*Mr. Matthew Noble was the first white man who came to reside in Sheffield. He was from Westfield and came and spent the first winter here with no other human associates than the Indians. In the spring he went to Westfield; and in June his dau., afterward the wife of Deacon Daniel Kellogg, returned here with him. She was the first white woman that came into the town. She traveled from Westfield when about 16 years of age on horse­back, bringing a bed with her, and lodged one night in the wilderness in what is now the east part of Tyringham. This Mr. Noble commenced labor and lived upon the plain near where Samuel Sheens now lives.
The way from Hampshire Co. and Hartford to Albany, in early days, was through the villages of Westfield and Kinderhook, and the territory now in Blandford, Sheffield, etc. Almost all the travel between Hampshire Co. and Albany, for nearly a century, was through Westfield.
— History of Hadley, p. 351.

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Elizabeth Crowell, his first wife, b. 3 Aug., 1682, and d. in Falmouth, 8 Mar., 1706.
He d. 15 Apr., 1739; he had m. (1) Sarah Kellogg (+226).
Rev. Judah Lewis, first pastor of the church in Westchester Parish, was grad­uated from Yale 1726; M. A. 1729. He studied theology with Rev. Mr. Bulkley, and was ordained first pastor of the Second Church in Colchester (Westchester), at the time of its organization, 27 Dec, 1727. Those of his manuscript sermons, still extant, were written out in full on a half sheet of cap paper of small size, folded in 8vo. shape, but in so fine a hand as to be read with difficulty by modern eyes. There is evidence, however, that he was a good scholar, and a faithful minister.
She m. (2) as his second wife, 21 Jan., 1747, David Bigelow, bap. in Hart­ford, 22 Sept., 1706, son of Lieut. Bigelow and Hannah; she d. 5 Jan., 1795; he d. 2 June, 1799.

Children by first husband, b. in Westchester.
413 Ephraim Lewis,6 b. 4 Oct., 1735; graduated from Yale in 1758; M. A. 1761; m. 15 Aug., 1765, Lois Ransom, b. 16 Aug., 1748, in Col­chester, dau. of James and Sarah (Treadway) Ransom. He was a teacher and merchant; rem. to Springfield, Vt., where he d. 18 July, 1808; had two or more children.
414 Lydia Lewis,6 b. 21 Feb., 1737; d. 12 Sept., 1748.
415 Judah Lewis,6 b. 14 Mar., 1739; m. 4 Feb., 1762. Sarah Brainard, b. 30 Apr., 1744, dau. of Stephen and Susannah (Gates) Brainard, of Westchester; he d. 4 July, 1790; she m. (2) Henry, son of Col. Henry and Mehitable (Rowley) Champion, of Westchester; he d. 24 July, 1797, aged 73; she d. 19 Jan., or 17 June, 1818.
Children by second husband, probably b. in that part of Colchester which became a part of Marlboro.
416 Stephen Bigelow,6 b. 20 Oct., 1747; d. 13 Sept., 1748.
417 Stephen Bigelow,6 b. 5 June, 1749; d. 5 Aug., 1751.
418 Moses Bigelow,6 b. 4 Oct., 1750; d. 23 Dec, same year.
419 Sarah Bigelow,6 b. 20 Nov., 1753.

124.   NOAH,5 son of Ensign Stephen4 (31), b. in Westfield, 13 Feb., 1711; He rem. to Westfield, on the east side of the Housatonic. He was a private in 1734-30, under Capt. Joseph Kellogg (71), at Fort Dummer, and sentinel in Capt. Willard's Co. at the same fort 1740 to 1742. He was a Sergt. in Capt. Zenas Huggin's Co., from 19 June to 4 Nov. (year not stated, endorsed 1760), probably 1759.
420 Joseph,6 b. ______; m.______.
421 Noah,6 b. ______.
422 Charity,6 b. ______.
423 Lydia,6 b. ______; possibly m. 4 Feb., 1784, Phineas Chapin.
424 Pliny,6 b. 12 Nov., 1752; m. Mary Kellogg (901).

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125.   DEACON SILAS,5 son of Ensign Stephen4 (31), b. in Westfield, Mass., 7 Apr., 1714; m. in Westfield, 10 May, 1739, Ruth Root, b. 25 Mar., 1722, dau. of Joshua Root, b. 2 Nov., 1682, and Margaret _______.
He d. 24 Jan., 1792, in Sheffield, aged 78; she d. 24 Jan., 1817, same place, aged 96; her death was caused (as was supposed, as she was alone in her room) by her falling in a fainting fit into an open fireplace and being so badly burned that she d. in a few hours.
He was a farmer; res. in Sheffield, Mass. His homestead stood opposite where George Kellogg res. in 1874. A man of high social and religious character; a deacon in the church; a delegate to the convention in Stockbridge, 6 July, 1774, to take into consideration the right of the British Parliament to tax America. He was clerk of the land office established by the proprietors of Sheffield and Great Barrington. Ruth, his wife, is described as a dignified lady of imposing appear­ance, a godly woman, and withal possessed of great energy of character. She re­tained a clear mind and memory until the day of her death. After she was 80 years of age, she frequently visited, on horseback, her dau., Eleanor, who lived six miles away. She often related to her grandchildren how she rode through the forest from Westfield to Sheffield following "blazed" trees, when there were only two frame houses there. Their furniture was packed on horses, and her horse carried a feather bed on either side. She said she knew she was too young to be married (being only 17) but thought her husband needed her then as much as he ever would.*
Children, b. in Sheffield.
425 Ephraim,6 b. 5 Oct., 1740; m. Ruth Hosmer.
426 Enos,6 b. 24 Dec, 1742; m. Abigail Seymour.
427 Asa,6 b. 19 Feb., 1745; m. Lucy Powell.
428 Eleanor,6 b. 31 Aug., 1747; m. Joab Austin.
429 Ruth,6 b. 20 Oct., 1749; m. Solomon Kellogg (+963).
430 Rhoda,6 b. 10 Jan., 1753; m. Moses Kellogg (+964).
431 Miriam,6 b. 24 May, 1755; m. Dr. Lewis Beebe.
432 Silas,6 b. 7 Aug., 1757; m. Rhoda Root.
433 Ann,6 b. 23 June, 1760; m. James Hickok.

126.   AMOS,5 son of Ensign Stephen4 (31), b. 30 Sept., 1716; m. (1) (pub. in Springfield, Mass., 12 Feb., 1744), Mary Stebbins, dau. of Joseph Stebbins and Rebecca _______.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 27 May, 1747, Prudence Sedgwick, b. 14 Sept., 1724, dau. of Ebenezer Sedgwick, b. in Hartford, 25 Feb., 1695, and Prudence Merrill, b. 22 Dec, 1700.
He d. in Sheffield, 26 Nov., 1770. He was one of the first four settlers west of the Housatonic; she m. (2) 22 Jan., 1783, Capt. Stephen Dewey, of Sheffield; d. in Sheffield, 11 Sept., 1812, aged 77.**
Children, b. in Sheffield.
434 Ebenezer,6 b. 29 Feb., 1748; m. Sarah Austin.

*Of early marriages, Madame Knight, traveling through Connecticut in 1704, wrote thus in her diary of Connecticut youth: "They generally marry very young; the males oftener, as I am told, under twenty years than above." — Customs and Fashions in Old New England, p. 76.
These youthful marriages may in part be accounted for by the fact that up to the revolution boys reached man's estate at 16 years of age, became taxpayers and served in the militia. — Child Life in Colonial Days, p. 190.
**So says her gravestone in Sheffield, but this is probably an error; it would make her but 12 years" of age when she m. Amos Kellogg. Goodwin's Genealogical Notes, p. 181, give date of her birth 14 Sept., 1724.

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435 Josiah,6 b. 15 Apr., 1750; d. 12 Dec, same year.
436 Jesse,6 b. 28 Aug., 1751; m. Mrs. Rhoda (Callender) Kellogg (411).
437 Abigail,6 b. 23 Nov., 1752; m. about 1802, ______ Harris and went west.
438 Prudence,6 b. 23 Sept., 1754; m. Noah Ely Hubbard.
439 Mary,6 b. 2 Dec, 1756; m. Dr. William Bull.
440 Thankful,6 b. 5 Oct., 1758; m. (1) Aaron Callender; (2) Elijah Stanton.
441 Amos,6 b. 27 Sept., 1760; m. Rachel Porter.
442 Aaron,6 b. 19 July, 1762; m. Susan Huntington Branch.
443 Josiah,6 b. 12 Aug., 1764; m. Affia Holcomb.
444 Joanna,6 b. 4 July, 1766; m. Nathaniel Winslow.
445 Joseph,6 b. ______, Ebenezer Kellogg, yeoman, of Sheffield, was ap­pointed his guardian in 1782. Probably he d. young. Mrs. Rachel Strong, a dau. of Amos (441), and Rev. Hiram Huntington Kel­logg, son of Aaron (442), wrote, in 1873, that they had seen the other children of Amos (126), but had never heard of Joseph.

127.   AARON,5 son of Ensign Stephen4 (31), b. ______; m. 10 July, 1740, Mary Lewis, b. in Colchester, 17 June, 1720, dau. of Benjamin Lewis, b. 1668, and Hannah Hinckley, b. 15 May, 1675. Hannah Hinckley was dau. of Ensign John Hinckley, of Barnstable, Mass., and Bethia Lathrop.
He d. 10 May, 1772; she d. ______; res. in Westchester Parish, Colchester.
He was administrator of the estate of Benjamin Lewis, 5 Dec, 1753. In the distribution of the estate neither he nor his wife were mentioned, probably because Mr. Lewis had conveyed, 27 Sept., 1743, to "son and daughter, Aaron and Mary Kellogg, sixty acres, part of the farm on which I now dwell," but on 24 Jan., 1755, Aaron and his wife joined with the other children in a conveyance of land, in Colchester, belonging to their father, Benjamin Lewis, deceased.
His will, 13 Feb., 1762, proved 4 Aug., 1772, mentions sons, Aaron, Daniel and Solomon, and daus., Lucy, Mary, Lydia Bulkley, Hannah and Lovina, and provides that the expenses of Solomon's education shall be paid out of the estate.
Her will, dated. 14 Sept., 1773, proved 17 Dec, 1773, mentions sons Aaron and Daniel, granddaughter Sarah, the eldest child of Lucy Chamberlain, dau. Lucy Chamberlain, dau. Mary Day, daus. Hannah and Lovina Kellogg, and "I give to the children of my daughter, vist. Lydia Bulkley, Lucy Bulkley and Clarice Bulkley, one-fifth part of all my estate."
Children, b. in Westchester Parish, Colchester.
446 Lucy,6 b. 21 Mar., 1741; d. 8 Apr., same year.
447 Lucy,6 b. 19 Feb., 1742; m. Eliphalet Chamberlain.
448 Solomon,6 b. 14 July, 1744; d. 9 Aug., 1773; his will, 23 June, 1773, proved 17 Sept., same year, mentions his mother, Mary, brothers Aaron and Daniel, sister Lucy Chamberlain, and her eldest child Sarah, sisters Lydia Bulkley, Mary Day, Hannah and Lovina Kel­logg; he was an honorary graduate of Yale, 1770.
449 Aaron,6 b. 9 Aug., 1746; m. Rhoda Jones.
450 Lydia,6 b. 23 July, 1749; m. William Bulkley.

74    The Kelloggs in the New World.

451 Mary,6 b. 23 Aug., 1751; m. 7 Mar., 1772, Jesse Day.
452 Hannah,6 b. 17 Mar., 1754; administration granted on her estate, 5 May, 1787; one item in the inventory was a legacy due from the estate of her brother, Solomon.
453 Daniel,6 b. 3 Sept., 1756; m. 14 Jan., 1778, Elizabeth Wells; administration granted on his estate 2 Dec., 1788; represented insolvent; no names of heirs appear; the inventory of his estate, 23 Dec, 1788, mentions "his and Lydia Bulkeley's share in the house in town," and a farm in Westchester.
454 Lovina,6 b. 10 Mar., 1760; m. Asa Worthington.

128.   LIEUT. NATHANIEL,5 son of Nathaniel4 (32), b. in Hadley, 22 Sept., 1693; m. (1) 4 Mar., 1714, Sarah Preston, b. in Hadley, 8 Nov., 1693, dau. of John Preston and Sarah Gardner. She d. 15 Sept., 1756; he m. (2) (pub.) 1 July, 1758, Mrs. Martha (Allis) Hammond, of Hardwick, b. 19 Nov., 1703, dau. of Ichabod Allis, of Hatfield, b. 10 July, 1675, and Mary Belden, b. 27 Aug., 1679.
She d. 13 Sept., 1764; he m. (3) in Ware, 29 Oct., 1765, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, of Ware, who survived him.
He d. in Hadley, 6 Aug., 1770.
He was a surveyor of land; Lieut, in the militia; selectman of Hadley 1737, '39, '41, '44, '48, '50, '53, '57, '59, '61. In 1738 the General Court of Massa­chusetts allowed him and William Chandler two hundred and eight acres of land for a map of the Connecticut River.
In Mr. Thomas G. Ford's old house in Hadley, recently taken down (1901), an old stone that was used as a hearthstone had on it the following inscriptions : "In memory of Mrs. Sarah, the wife of Lieut. Nathaniel Kellogg, who died Sept. ye 15th ye A D 1756 in the 63d year of her age. On the left hand lies the body of their Dautr Abigail who died Sept. ye 15th ye A D 1756 in her 19th year. On the right hand side lies the body of their son Nathaniel who died Sept ye."
The stone was here broken. It is said that Josiah Kellogg built this old house.
Children, b. in Hadley.
455 Daniel,6 b. about 1717; m. (1) Esther Smith; (2) Mrs. Thankful (Al­exander) Hawley; (3) Sarah Parsons.
456 Abraham,6 b. about 1719; m. Sarah Cowles.
457 Prudence,6 b. about 1723; m. Josiah Parsons, Jr.
458 Joel,6 b. about 1724; m. Joanna Clark.
459 Gardner,6 b. about 1730; m. Thankful Chapin.
460 Moses,6 b. about 1733; m. Mary Sheldon (500).
461 Phebe,6 b. ______; m. Lieut. Eleazer Nash.
462 Sarah,6 b. ______; d. unm., aged more than 60.
463 Abigail,6 b. ______; d. 15 Sept., 1756, aged 19.
464 Nathaniel,6 b. ______; d. young.

129.   CAPT. EBENEZER,5 son of Nathaniel4 (32), b. in Hadley, 31 May, 1695; m. (1) 13 Dec, 1716, Mrs. Elizabeth (Ingram) Panthorn, b. 15 Mar., 1691, widow of Philip Panthorn and dau. of John Ingram, b. 29 June, 1661, and Mehitabel Dickinson.
She d. ______; he m. (2) (published in Stow, 18 Sept., 1756), Mrs. Sarah Stevens, of Stow, Mass.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    75

He d. at the house of his sister Mary (Mrs. Crouch), in Amherst, 17 Aug., 1766.
He res. in Hadley, Amherst, New Salem and Stow; Capt. of militia, 1731; with his first wife, was a member of the first church in Amherst at its organiza­tion, 7 Nov., 1739; in 1738 he had twice as much cleared land in Amherst as any other man; was the first innkeeper in Amherst; in 1745 one of the committee to lay out streets in Amherst.
Children by first wife.
465 Martin,6 b. 24 Sept., 1718, in Sunderland.
466 Elizabeth,6 b. 15 Dec, 1719; m. Capt. Samuel Nourse.
467 Ebenezer,6 b. about 1722; m. (1); (2) Sarah Clapp.

130.   CAPT. EZEKIEL,5 son of Nathaniel4 (32), b. in Hadley, Mass., 15 Apr., 1697; m. about 1723, Elizabeth Partridge, b. in Hadley, 22 Sept., 1701, dau. of Samuel Partridge, Jr.,* b. 21 Jan., 1672, and Mary Cotton, dau. of Rev. Seaborn Cotton and Dorothy Dudley.
He was a weaver in 1720, a trader in 1731; res. in Hadley and New Salem and became prosperous; traded with the Indians. He was a soldier in the French and Indian war in Col. Williams' Regiment; served ten days; traveled forty-four miles during the siege of Fort William Henry. In the Indian war, he com­manded a company against the Indians; had charge of the fort in New Salem, built for the protection of the families of the settlers. In these positions he showed courage and skill.
468 Elizabeth,6 b. 1724; d. 1 Sept., 1726, aged 2; gravestone in Hadley.
469 Unnamed Daughter,6 b. ______; d. 1725.
470 Maria,6 b. ______; d. 1726; gravestone in Hadley.
471 Ezekiel,6 b. 22 Sept., 1728; m. Hannah Southwick.
472 Cotton,6 b. 2 Nov., 1732; was private in Capt. Samuel Horn's Co., on expedition to Crown Point; served 13 Aug. to 12 Dec., 1755; d. unm., 1756; res. in Rutland, Mass.
473 Giles Crouch,6 b. 4 May, 1733; graduated from Harvard College, 1751; was a physician; res in Hadley; d. unm., 28 Aug., 1793; his will, dated 7 July, 1793, bequeaths his property to William Sheldon and Polly Kellogg, who were the children of his housekeeper, Mary Cat­lin, and orders that William Sheldon shall be educated at one of "our colleges." The gravestone of the dau. stands next to his and has the following inscription: "Mary, only dau. of Dr. Giles Kel­logg, d. Nov. 11, 1802, aged 18."
474 William,6 b. 1 Feb., 1739; m. Nancy Holton.
475 Samuel,6 b. 1 Feb., 1739; m. (1) Lucy Snow; (2) Mrs. Sally (Fisk) Southwick.
476 Elizabeth,6 b. 20 Dec, 1740; admitted to the church in New Salem, 13 Feb., 1762.
477 Partridge,6 bap. 29 May, 1743.

* Samuel Partridge, Jr., was the son of Col. Samuel Partridge, of Hatfield, Mass., who was Representative 1685-86; Col. of the Peg.; Judge of Probate; one of the Council; after the death of Col. Pynchon in 1703, the most important man of the western part of the province.

76    The Kelloggs in the New World.

131.   SAMUEL,5 son of Nathaniel4 (32), b. 4 Apr., 1699, in Hadley; m. 22 May, 1724, his cousin, Sarah Smith (100), b. 9 Nov., 1698, dau. of Deacon John Smith and Joanna Kellogg (29).
He d. in South Hadley, May, 1741. He rem. to South Hadley in 1727, and was on the committee to see to the building of ye meeting house in S. Hadley in 1729. He was probably the Samuel Kellogg who accompanied the Pepperel ex­pedition in 1724; in Capt. Barnard's Co., July to Nov., 1722. She m. (2) 5 Jan., 1749, William Montague, of South Hadley; he d. 22 Dec, 1767, aged 75.

478 Samuel,6 b. 17 Mar., 1725; m. Mary Nash.
479 Joanna,6 b. ______; d. 19 Dec, 1756.
480 Gad,6 b. ______; m. Lucy Sacket.
481 Daniel,6 b. ______; d. in Longmeadow, 30 Sept., 1753, aged 20.
482 Huldah,6 b. ______; d. 3 Oct., 1756.
483 Mary,6 b. ______.
484 Lucy,6 b. ______.
485 Sarah,6 b. ______; d. 12 June, 1747.

132.   SARAH,5 dau. of Nathaniel4 (32), b. in Hadley, Mass., 12 Mar., 1701; m. 26 May, 1720, Deacon Ebenezer Dickinson, son of Nehemiah and grandson of Nathaniel Dickinson, of Wethersfield, Conn., and Hadley, Mass.
She d. 23 Mar., 1743, in Amherst, Mass.; he m. (2) Widow Hamilton, of Brookfield, Mass.; he d. about 1780. He rem. about 1731 to Amherst.
486 Gideon Dickinson,6 b. 1 Dec, 1720; m. Hannah Edwards; res. in Am­herst.
487 Ebenezer Dickinson,6 b. ______; m. Chloe Holton; res. in Amherst.
488 Reuben Dickinson,6 b. ______; was Capt. in the revolutionary army; res. in Thetford, Vt.
489 Joseph Dickinson,6 b. about 1731; m. Martha Dickinson.
490 Mary Dickinson,6 b. about 1737; m. Noah Dickinson, of Amherst.
491 Abigail Dickinson,6 b. ______; m. Samuel Ingram, of Amherst.
492 Sarah Dickinson,6 b. ______; m. Asa Adams, b. in Ashford, Mass., 4 Apr., 1729, son of Thomas Adams, b. 11 Feb., 1695-96, and Abigail Fisher; she d. 23 Mar., 1770; he d. 15 Feb., 1826.
493 Jerusha Dickinson,6 b. ______; m. (1) David Blodgett, of Amherst; (2) 19 Mar., 1804, Nathan Dickinson, of Amherst; d. 27 Oct., 1818.
494 Experience Dickinson,6 bap. 28 June, 1741; d. unm., in Hadley, 7 Mar., 1770.

133.   ABIGAIL,5 dau. of Nathaniel4 (32), b. in Hadley, 19 Mar., 1703; m. 7 Sept., 1726, Benjamin Sheldon, of Deerfield, b. 26 Aug., 1705, son of Joseph Shel­don,* b. 1668, and Mary Whiting, b. 19 Aug., 1672.

*Joseph Sheldon was a son of Isaac Sheldon, of Windsor, Conn., b. about 1629. Rem. to Northampton, 1654; d. 29 July, 1708. He m. (1) 1653, Mary Woodford. She d. 17 April, 1684. He m. (2) Mehitable Ensign. He had fourteen children.
Mary Whiting was dau. of Joseph Whiting, merchant of Westfield. Mass., but returned to Hartford in 1675 or '76; He was Treasurer of Connecticut, succeeding his father, from 1678 till his death (thirty-nine years), when his son John succeeded him and continued in the office thirty-two years. He m. (1) 5 Oct., 1669, Mary, dau. of Hon. John Pynchon and

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He was a soldier in Capt. Benjamin Wright's Co., in Father Rasle's war; at the capture of Cape Breton and came home sick; d. Aug., 1753.
495 Benjamin Sheldon,6 b. 5 May, 1728.
496 Ezekiel Sheldon,6 b. 5 Dec, 1729.
497 William Sheldon,6 b. 16 July, 1731; m. Hannah Noble; d. in Sheffield.
498 Abigail Sheldon,6 b. 16 Oct., 1733.
499 Whiting Sheldon,6 b. 25 Oct., 1735.
500 Mary Sheldon,6 b. 16 Mar., 1738; m. 1758, Moses Kellogg (+460).
501 Bethia Sheldon,6 b. 7 May, 1740; m. Capt. Roswell Downing.
502 Samuel Sheldon,6 b. 15 Mar., 1742; a revolutionary soldier; was called "Nephew" in the will of Dr. Richard Crouch, who m. Mary Kellogg (134).

135.   EPHRAIM,5 son of Nathaniel4 (32), b. in Hadley, Mass., 2 Aug., 1709; m. in Amherst, Mass., 1 May, 1741, Dorothy Hawley, b. about 1723, dau. of Samuel Hawley and Mehitable Belden, of Hatfield.
He d. 16 Mar., 1777; she d. 26 July, 1812; both are buried in Amherst. He rem. to Amherst before 1745. Judge Loyal C. Kellogg wrote : "His wife b. about 1725, was first cousin of the celebrated Maj. Joseph Hawley, of North­ampton, who was one of the foremost of the patriots and public men of Massachu­setts in the era of the revolution."
503 Ephraim,6 bap. 3 Jan., 1742; m. Esther Hastings.
504 Martin,6 bap. 8 Jan., 1744; m. (1) Hannah Crocker; (2) Mrs. Lucy (Pomeroy) Hastings.
505 Dorothy,6 bap. 23 Feb., 1746; m. William Field.
506 Abigail,6 bap. 16 Oct., 1748; m. (1) Ezra Rood; (2) John Prachon.
507 John,6 bap. Apr., 1751; d. 15 May, 1753.
508 Sarah,6 b. 10 Sept., 1753; m. Jonathan Field.
509 Joseph,6 b. 28 Nov., 1758; m. Jerusha Ingram.

136.   EXPERIENCE,5 dau. of Nathaniel4 (32), b. in Hadley, ______; m. 15 Oct., 1736, Timothy Nash, of Granby (formerly a part of S. Hadley), b. 26 Jan., 1707, son of Ephraim Nash, b. about 1682, and Joanna Smith (94), b. 1 Sept., 1686.
He was an innkeeper; res. in Granby until about 1750; rem. to Shutesbury, Mass., 1760; 1767 sold out there; not known where he went from Shutesbury; where and when he or his wife d. is not known.
510 Joanna Nash,6 b. 29 Dec, 1737; m. 1768, Jacob Hastings, of Warwick, Mass.

granddaughter of Hon. William Pynchon, the founder of Springfield, Mass. Her mother was Anna, dau. of Hon. Geo. Wyllys. He m. (2) 1676, Anna, dau. of Col. John Allen, son of Matthew Allen. He d. 1717. — Gen. Notes, Goodwin, p. 344.
William Whiting, "gentleman." one of the early settlers of Hartford, mentioned in the histories of this country as early as 1632 or '33. A "man of education and wealth. He was one of the most respectable of the settlers in 1636— "one of the civil and religious Fathers Of Connecticut," etc. Treasurer of Colony, 1641, till death, 1647; magistrate. — Gen. Notes, Goodwin, p. 329.

78    The Kelloggs in the New World.

511 Samuel Nash,6 b. 29 Jan., 1739; settled in Lunenburgh, Vt.
512 Timothy Nash,6 b. 15 Oct., 1740; m. Mary Powers, and settled in Lunen­burgh, Vt.
513 Experience Nash,6 b. 14 Dec, 1743; m. 1764, George Wheeler.
514 Mary Crouch Nash,6 b. 20 May, 1747; m. 1768, James Lyman, of North­field, Mass.; d. 23 Mar., 1777.

167.   EBENEZER,5 son of Ebenezer4 (36), b. in Colchester, Conn., 30 Jan., 1710; m. 10 May, 1752, Abigail Rowley, b. 2 Oct., 1730, dau. of Elnathan Row­ley and Abigail Cone.
He d. in Colchester, 9 Feb., 1788; his will is recorded in Colchester; she d. ______.
He was added to the church in Colchester, 24 Jan., 1742.
When Abigail Rowley was a baby, Mrs. Rowley was visiting a neighbor of the Kelloggs and Ebenezer called her the handsomest baby he had ever seen. He jokingly asked Mrs. Rowley if he might marry the girl if he would wait until she was of proper age, and Mrs. Rowley gave her consent.
When Ebenezer was old and infirm his wife was in the habit of shaving him, and one day he asked to be shaved at an unusual time. She said : "Why, to-day?" He replied: "Because you can shave me better alive than dead." She asked: "What do you mean ?" "I mean that I am to die to-night." She rallied him as being superstitious and called in a neighbor to cheer him, but he died that night sitting in his chair.
Children, b. in Colchester.
515 Abigail,6 b. 27 Jan., 1754; d. 18 Dec, 1758.
516 Ebenezer,6 b. 16 Mar., 1756; m. Amy Ransom.
517 Abigail,6 b. 29 Dec, 1758; m. Elijah Fuller, Jr.
518 Mabel,6 b. 3 Aug., 1763; d. 2 May, 1779.
519 Butler,6 b. 21 July, 1766; m. 9 Jan., 1788, Sally Treadway, dau. of John Treadway; d. In Colchester, 1813; she d. 9 Jan., 1848, aged 78; had no children.
520 Elnathan,6 bap. 2 Apr., 1769; m. Sarah Fuller.
521 Charles,6 b. 23 Dec, 1773; m. Lydia Treadway.

171.   JONATHAN,5 son of Jonathan4 (37), b. in Colchester, Conn., 18 Sept., 1713; m. 5 May, 1735, Mary Niles, b. 20 June, 1716, dau. of John Niles, of Lyme, Conn.
In 1739, he and his wife gave a receipt to Deacon Richard Ely, of Lyme, who had been her guardian.
He d. 10 July, 1745.
Administration on his estate was granted to George Brown and Joseph Kel­logg, 10 Sept., 1745. Jonathan Kellogg was appointed guardian of Martin, 7 Oct., 1746, and Israel Kellogg was appointed guardian of the other two, 5 May, 1747.
She m. (3) 7 July, 1746, Reynold Marvin.
522 Unnamed Child,6 b. and d. Mar., 1737.
523 Margery,6 b. 6 Sept., 1738; m. (1) William Smith; (2) Dr. William Hooker Smith.
524 Martin,6 bap. 29 Mar., 1741; m. (1) Sarah Treadway; (3) Hannah Otis.
525 Mary,6 b. 1744; m. Isaac Foote.

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172.   JOSEPH,5 son of Jonathan4 (37), b. in Colchester, 6 June, 1714; m. 15 Jan., 1741, Sarah Clark, b. 9 Mar., 1721, dau. of Noah Clark and Sarah Taintor.
He d. 14 June, 1765; date of her death unknown; her brother, Elihu Clark, m. Elizabeth Kellogg (689).
526 Silas,6 b. 25 Aug., 1743; m. Sarah Cook.
527 Esther,6 b. 21 May, 1745.
528 Sarah,6 b. 11 Aug., 1749; m. Abner Rockwell.
529 Anna,6 b. 28 Sept., 1752.

175.   ISRAEL,5 son of Jonathan4 (37), b. about 1722; m. 31 Jan., 1754, Abi­gail Northam; she d. 9 June, 1780; he d. 12 Feb., 1784; res. in Colchester, Conn.; both d. there.
Children, b. in Colchester.
530 Jonathan,6 b. 10 Oct., 1754; m. Anna Northam.
531 Israel,6 b. 18 May, 1756; m. Dimis Loomis.
532 Amos,6 b. 5 Aug., 1758; m. Mary Pomeroy.
533 Abigail,6 b. 15 Nov., 1760; m. Alpheus Loomis.

176.   STEPHEN,5 son of Jonathan4 (37), b. in Colchester, 15 Mar., 1724; m. (1) in Colchester, 24 Apr., 1752, Martha Wells, dau. of Jonathan Wells and Mary Newton, of Colchester.
She d. 1778 or '79; he m. (2) Mrs. Sarah Hart, dau. of ______ Pool; he d. Sept., 1797, in Middlebury, N. Y.; she d. at the house of her son, Silas, in Perrys­burgh, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., Jan., 1824, aged 84.
He rem. from Colchester soon after 1764 to Massachusetts; later to Albany Co., N. Y.; to the Mohawk Valley; to Middlebury, Wyoming Co., about 1781. He was a large man, weighed about 300 pounds.
Children by first wife.
534 Mary,6 bap. 30 July, 1753; m. (1) Lieut. Jacob Pool; (2) Capt. John Fellows.
535 Martha,6 bap. 30 July, 1753; d. young.
536 Levi,6 bap. 22 July, 1758; d. 31 July, 1758.
537 Stephen,6 bap. 24 Sept., 1758; m. Comfort Fisk.
538 Joseph,6 bap. 16 Oct., 1763; m. Maraba Nichols.
539 Martha,6 bap. 16 Oct., 1763; m. John Nichols.
540 Jonathan,6 bap. 10 June, 1764; m. Anna Reynolds.
Children by second wife.
541 Silas,6 b. 2 Nov., 1781; m. Silvia Chapman.
542 Abigail,6 b. ______; m. Jared Chapman.

199.   DANIEL,5 son of Daniel4 (46), b. in Norwalk, 7 May, 1698; m. in Hunt­ington, L. I., by Rev. E. Prime, June, 1724, Eunice Jarvis, of Huntington, b. 1703, dau. of Thomas Jarvis, who d. 19 Nov., 1767.
He d. 2 Dec, 1762; she d. 19 Nov., 1767; both are buried in Town House Cemetery, Norwalk.

80    The Kelloggs in the New World.

They res. in Norwalk. His will, dated 15 Jan., 1762, proved 29 Dec, same year, in Fairfield, mentions all the children mentioned below, and bequeaths prop­erty to the heirs of his deceased dau. Eunice, and provides that his daus. Elizabeth and Abigail shall have a lower room in his house while single. His estate was ap­praised at more than £600.
543 Daniel,6 b. in Norwalk, 1727; m. (1) Hannah Fairchild; (2) Elizabeth Boalt.
544 Elizabeth,6 b. ______.
545 Jarvis,6 b. in Norwalk, 1731; m. (1) Elizabeth Smith; (2) Hannah Meeker.
546 Millicent,6 b. ______; m. (1) John Taylor, of Norwalk; after his death she m. (2) in Greenfield Hill, Oliver Whitlock, as his second wife; he d. in Norwalk in 1784. Mr. Whitlock in his will mentions a child, "Melesen Kellogg, who has been under my care for the past five years." This child was probably the dau. (571) of Eliasaph Kellogg (+203). She d., probably, without issue.
547 Ebenezer,6 b. in Norwalk, 5 Apr., 1737; m. Hannah Wright.
548 Eunice,6 b. ______; m. and had one or more children; d. before her father's will was made.
549 Sarah,6 b. ______; m. 1759, Moses Ferris, of Horse Neck.
550 Abigail,6 b. ______.

200.   DEACON JOHN,5 son of Daniel4 (46), b. 1701; m. 1 Jan., 1729-30, Ann Coley, dau. of Samuel Coley, of Fairfield.
He d. 17 Apr., 1740; she m. (2) James Hays, of Danbury.
James Hays and Ann, his wife, both of Danbury, conveyed to their "loving children, Ezra and Seth Kellogg, of Danbury, John Kellogg and Mary Smith, of Norwalk, and Ann, wife of Elnathan Knapp, of Danbury," their right of dower in the land of her late husband, John Kellogg, 4 Jan., 1760.
There was set off, 7 Sept., 1739, to John Kellogg, land at Ellis Neck, valued at £9, 4s., 6d., and on 27 Dec, 1739, "8 acres at ye upper end of Silver Mine Hill." In 1731, the Parish of Canaan in Norwalk was established, and John's house was included in this parish, but in Oct., 1738, he was allowed, by act of the General Assembly, to leave the Parish of Canaan and rejoin Norwalk. His estate, ap­praised at £1,800, was distributed in 1750.
551 Ezra,6 b. 3 Apr., 1731; m. Anne Judd.
552 Mary,6 b. 23 Jan., 1732-33; m. Robert Smith, of Norwalk, probably son of Robert Smith and Judith Fountain.
553 Ann,6 b. 16 Mar., 1734; m. Elnathan Knapp.
554 John,6 b. 25 May, 1737; m. (1) Sarah Smith; (2) Sarah Bishop.
555 Seth,6 b. 8 Feb., 1740; m. Eunice Judd.

201.   BENJAMIN,5 son of Daniel4 (46), b. 1704; m. Elizabeth _______.
He d. about 1749.
He was a farmer; rem. from Norwalk to the western part of Wallingford, Conn., in that part which was set off and incorporated as the town of Cheshire. He bought land, 7 Dec, 1724, on the west

The Kelloggs in the New World.    81

side of the river near the West Rocks. Perhaps his father, Daniel, also owned land in Wallingford, since Benjamin owned land there, jointly with his three brothers and bought them out 5 Mar., 1732. He owned a large tract of land in the eastern part of Cheshire and appears to have been prosperous, for at his death his estate inventoried, personal property, £1,517, and realty, £1,135. The only tradition that remains of him was his great dislike of the Indians. She m. (2) before 11 Jan., 1756, Thomas Andrus.
556 Daniel,6 b. 13 Aug., 1729; d. unm., about 1753, in Wallingford. His will was probated in Jan., 1754; his property was divided among his brothers and sisters.
557 Samuel,6 b. 15 Oct., 1731; was living in Wallingford as late as 1 Mar., 1757.
558 Justus,6 b. 13 Apr., 1733; d. unm. in the camp at Lake George, 17 Nov., 1755. His will, dated 11 Jan., 1755, names his mother, Elizabeth Andrus, as his sole legatee.
✛559 Benjamin,6 b. 18 Dec., 1734; d. 1 Feb., 1737.
560 Lois,6 b. 29 Oct., 1736; m. Josiah Smith.
561 Elizabeth,6 b. 31 May, 1738; m. 8 June, 1758, Elijah Hotchkiss.
562 Benjamin,6 b. 21 Dec, 1741; sold his homestead in Wallingford, 12 Jan., 1789, to Esther Beach, wife of Samuel Beach; he was then of Cheshire.
563 Sarah,6 b. 28 Jan., 1746; m. Job Winchell.

203.   ELIASAPH,5 son of Daniel4 (46), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 21 July, 1709; m. 13 June, 1734, Rachel Benedict, b. 27 Sept., 1710, dau. of Ensign Thomas Benedict* and Rachel Smith.
He d. 28 May, 1792, in New Canaan.
He res. in the Parish of Canaan, afterward the town of New Canaan. Four acres were assigned him by the town, 1 Dec, 1737; 21 Mar., 1739, he was granted twelve acres "on both sides of Five Mile River."
564 Joanna,6 b. 27 May, 1735; m. Jesse Abbott.
565 Rachel,6 b. 25 Apr., 1737; d. 30 Nov., 1738.
566 Rachel,6 b. 3 Dec, 1738.
567 Lydia,6 b. 26 Mar., 1740; m. John Hickox.
568 Esther,6 b. 22 Oct., 1741; m. Noah Foote
569 Thomas,6 b. 1 Aug., 1743.
570 Eliasaph,6 b. 8 Sept., 1745; m. Adah Benedict.
571 Milisan,6 b. 23 Mar., 1747. (See 546.)
572 Deborah,6 b. 20 Apr., 1749.

205.   SAMUEL,5 son of Samuel4 (47), b. 23 Dec, 1706; m. Ann ______, b. about 1716.
He d. 4 Oct., 1754.
He res. in the Parish of Canaan, Norwalk. Inventory of his estate shows in detail, personal effects and furniture indicating comfortable, if not luxurious, surroundings. Among other property

*Ensign Thomas Benedict was son of Thomas Benedict, of Jamaica, N. Y., and Mary Messenger. He m. 13 May, 1697, Rachel, dau. of Samuel Smith, and granddaughter of Matthew Marvin, Sr. He was a surveyor and served several terms as selectman.

82    The Kelloggs in the New World.

mentioned are "Negro boy, Jonas, value £600, and Negro boy, Nimrod, £450."* The whole estate was valued at £11,300. His widow m. (2), before 8 Mar., 1782, Jarvis, and 8 Mar., 1782, con­veyed to her children "all the right I have in the land of my late husband, Samuel Kellogg, deceased, except what was laid out to me in the home place."
573 Lois,6 b. ______; m. Benjamin Whitney.
574 Ann,6 b. 1738; m. Nathan Jarvis.
575 Ruth,6 b. ______; m. Asa Hoyt.
576 Stephen,6 b. about 1742; d. 2 Dec, 1746.
577 Elizabeth,6 b. ______; m. Matthew Reed (638).
578 Mary,6 b. ______; m. Blackleach Jesup.
579 Esther,6 b. 1748; m. Timothy Keeler.
580 Sarah,6 b. ______; m. Robert Wasson.

207.   MARTIN,5 son of Samuel4 (47), b. in Norwalk, 23 Mar., 1711; m. Mary Lockwood, dau. of Deacon Eliphalet Lockwood, b. 27 Feb., 1675-76, and Mary Gold, b. 1674, of Stamford.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Mercy (perhaps dau. of Samuel Wood, of Nor­walk, who had a dau. Mercy, b. 30 Mar., 1717).
He d. 7 July, 1756.
He and his wife joined the church in New Canaan Parish, 2 Feb., 1743. His will, dated 3 July, 1756, proved 30 July, same year, mentions his wife, Mercy, dau. Mercy, sons Eliphalet, Martin, Samuel and Nathan. His brother-in-law, Theophilus Fitch, and his brother, Epenetus Kellogg (211), were the executors. Besides one-quarter of his real estate, he gives to "Eliphalet in consideration of his being my eldest son and other considerations the following articles which were his own mother's * * also two cows and a calf, — the cows are those which his grandmother Lockwood gave to me."
She m. (2) 22 Mar., 1757, Capt. Samuel Hanford, of New Canaan; d. 28 Dec, 1783, aged 66.
581 Eliphalet,6 b. before 1740; m. Sarah Brown.
582 Martin,6 b. 10 Oct., 1740; m. (1) Mercy Benedict; (2) Abigail Knapp.
583 Samuel,6 bap. 16 Oct., 1743; d. young.
584 Mercy,6 bap. 1 Sept., 1745; m. Moses Hanford.
585 Samuel,6 b. 29 June, 1749; m. (1) Elizabeth Waring; (2) Mrs. Lydia (Smith) Crane.

Slavery was, at that period, the universal practice of all Christian nations, and although the early planters came to New England to obtain and maintain liberty, and "bond slaverie, villinage" and other feudal servitudes were prohibited, their necessities made negro slavery appear as an effectual way to solve the labor question.
Emanuel Downing, a brother-in-law of Gov. Winthrop, wrote in 1645 that he thought it "synne in us having power in our hand to suffer them (the Indiana) to mayntayne the worship of the devill," and suggests the exchange of Indians for negroes; following this suggestion the Indian war-prisoners, who proved such dangerous house-servants, seemed a convenient, cheap and God-sent means of exchange for "Moores," as they were called, who were far better servants. We find even gentle Roger Williams asking for "one of the drove of Adam's degenerate seed" as a slave. Lowell thus comments upon such ministrations: "Let any housewife of our day who does not find the Keltic element in domestic life so refreshing as to Mr. Arnold in literature, imagine a household with one wild Pequot woman, communicated with by signs, for its maid-of-all-work, and take courage. Those were serious times indeed when your cook might give warning by taking your scalp or chig­non, as the ease might be, and taking off with it into the woods."

The Kelloggs in the New World.    83

586 Nathan,6 bap. 26 Apr., 1752; m. Rachel Carter.

209.   LYDIA,5 dau. of Samuel4 (47), b. 30 Oct., 1715; m. Theophilus Fitch,* b. ______, son of John Fitch, b. 29 Sept., 1677, and Lydia Bushnell, who is said to have lived to be 103 years old.
Theophilus Fitch was a prominent and leading citizen of New Canaan.
587 Comfort Fitch,6 b. 30 Jan., 1737.
588 Ruth Fitch,6 b. 1 Apr., 1739.
589 John Fitch,6 b. 24 Aug., 1740.
590 Sarah Fitch,6 b. 10 Sept., 1742.
591 Mary Fitch,6 b. 11 July, 1744.
592 Samuel Fitch,6 b. 26 Jan., 1746-47.
593 Sarah Fitch,6 b. 9 Jan., 1748-49.
594 Theophilus Fitch,6 b. 1 Sept., 1751; m. 7 Feb., 1781, Ann Gregory; had three children.
595 Ann Fitch,6 b. 29 July, 1756.
596 Joseph Fitch,6 b. 21 Oct., 1758; m. 12 Oct., 1784, Hannah Sperry, b. in New Milford, Conn., 28 June, 1760.

210.   GIDEON,5 son of Samuel4 (47), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 5 Dec., 1717; m. Hannah; he d. 10 Sept., 1771; his will bears date 9 Sept., 1771.
597 Isaac,6 b. 14 Jan., 1745; m. (1) Hannah Fitch; (2) Mrs. Sarah (Bur­gess) Gardner.
598 Enos,6 b. ______; m. Lydia Fitch.
599 Hannah,6 b. ______; m. William Reed (636).
600 Susanna,6 b. ______, in Norwalk, Conn.; m. David Nash.
601 Rhoda,6 d. unm. ______; 21 Feb., 1772, her brothers, Isaac and Enos, as ex­ecutors of Gideon, sold her land in Norwalk.

In selling these Indian captives into slavery, the colonists were but following the ex­ample of other nations; for example, at the time of the English wars, numbers of Scots were brought to America and sold. At one time, in fact, "Scots, Indians and Negroes" were not allowed to train in the militia in Massachusetts.
Slavery lingered in New England until after revolutionary days, and it is said that its death blow was given in Worcester, Mass., in 1783, when a citizen was tried for beating his negro servant, and convicted, notwithstanding his plea that the black man was a slave.
The Declaration of Independence and the abolition of slavery did not seem to better the aspect of the servant question. The "Providence Gazette" published a notice in 1796 which opens thus and sounds quite "up to date:"
"Was mislaid or taken away by mistake, soon after the formation of the abolition society, from the servant girls in this town all inclination to do any kind of work, and left in lieu thereof an independent appearance, a strong and continued thirst for high wages, a gossiping disposition for every sort of amusement, a leering and hankering after persons of the other sex, a desire of finery and fashions, a never ceasing trot after new places more advantageous for stealing, with a number of contingent accomplishments that do not suit the wearers." — Extracted from Earle's "Customs and Fashions in Old New England."
* Thomas Fitch, of Norwalk, was son of Thomas Fitch and Anne Pue, of Bocking, Essex, a parish which adjoins Braintree, the home of the Kelloggs in England. He arrived in New England 1635-38 and was in Norwalk as early as 1652. His widowed mother came with him. John Fitch, his son, m. 3 Dec., 1664, Rebecca Lindall, dau. of Henry and Rosa­mond Lindall, of New Haven. John Fitch, son of John, b. in Norwalk, 29 Sept., 1677, m. Lydia Bushnell, dau. of Francis Bushnell and Hannah Seymour.

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211.   EPENETUS,5 son of Samuel4 (47), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 26 June, 1719; m. about 1740, Jemima Rogers, of Huntington, N. Y.
He d. 19 June, 1774; she d. 9 June, 1789; they are buried in the cemetery near the Town House, Norwalk.
He was a farmer; rem. to Long Island and afterward returned to Norwalk and lived in "White Oak Shade," New Canaan, near Ponassus Path.*

602 Sarah,6 b. about 1740 or '41; m. Ezra Reed (621).
603 Phebe,6 b. about 1743; m. Capt. Nathaniel Scribner.
604 Jemima,6 b. about 1744; m. Stephen Hanford, Jr.
605 Martha,6 b. about 1745; m. Ichabod Marvin.
606 Epenetus,6 b. in Apr., 1746; m. Rebecca Richards.
607 Deborah,6 b. ______; m. Comstock.
608 Anne,6 b. ______; m. Weed.
609 Mary (Polly),6 b. ______; probably d. unm.
610 James,6 b. 5 Apr., 1755; m. (1) Lydia Nash; (2) Mrs. Martha (Clark) Johnson.
611 Stephen,6 b. 1 July, 1757; m. Lydia Bouton.
612 Lydia,6 b. about 1763; d. unm., 7 May, 1779; buried in Norwalk, Town House Cemetery.

212.   ELIZABETH,5 dau. of Joseph4 (50), b. in Norwalk, 5 Oct., 1703; m. Daniel Reed, son of John Reed,** of Norfolk, and Elizabeth Tuttle.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Susanna _______.
He d. before 1 Jan., 1776, when his will, dated 6 Feb., 1774, was proved. In his will he mentioned wife, Susanna, daus. Elizabeth and Joanna; sons, Benja­min, Abraham, Eliakim, James, Ezra and Elijah, and grandsons Gershom and Jonathan Reed.
He owned land in Stamford and Norwalk, by "ye perambulation line." The perambulation line was the line between Norwalk and Stamford. He was ad­mitted to the Communion table, together with his wife (not named), in Middle­sex Parish, now Darien, 28 Dec, 1758. The church in Middlesex Parish was or­ganized 7 Oct., 1744, and "Elizabeth," wife of Daniel Reed, was admitted that day, thus making it certain that Daniel m. Susannah later than that time. (Darien was incorporated May, 1820; taken from Stamford, but the parish of Middlesex included a part of Norwalk.)
Children, b. in Norwalk, and all probably by first husband.
613 Daniel Reed,6 b. 28 Dec, 1721; m. 22 May, 1746, Mary, dau. of Jon­athan and Eunice (Reed) Bell, and had several children; he d. Be­fore 6 Dec, 1757, when his father was granted administration on his estate, and guardians were appointed for his children, Lydia, Phineas, Joseph, Gershom and Daniel; his widow m. (2) ______ Smith.

*An Indian trail from Norwalk to a point about two miles west of New Canaan village.
** John Reed, b. in Cornwall, England, 1633, was a soldier under Cromwell; after the restoration of Charles II he fled to New England; m. in Providence, R. I., Ann, widow of Francis Derby; rem. to Rye, N. Y., and about 1684 rem. to Norwalk, where he res. at or near Rowayton. His son John m. Elizabeth Tuttle, dau. of John Tuttle, of New Haven.

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614 Abraham Reed,6 b. 28 Nov., 1723; m. Hannah Bell, sister of Daniel's wife, and had seven children; rem. to Granville, N. Y. A son, Kitchell, m. (2) Mrs. Kellogg, of Granville.
615 Eliakim Reed,6 b. 18 Sept., 1725; m. Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Latham) Richards; had nine children.
616 Elizabeth Reed,6 b. 30 Mar., 1730; m. Joseph Ambler.
617 Benjamin Reed,6 b. 3 Feb., 1732; d. young.
618 Lydia Reed,6 b. 15 Feb., 1734; m. Davenport.
619 James Reed,6 b. 18 Mar., 1736; m. Joanna, dau. of Daniel Castle; had fourteen children; twins twice.
620 Benjamin Reed,6 b. 3 Feb., 1737; m. Bethia Weed, dau. of Charles Weed, of Stamford; had six children.
621 Ezra Reed,6 b. Mar., 1740; m. Sarah Kellogg (+602).
622 Joanna Reed,6 b. 1743; m. Stephen Warren.
623 Elijah Reed,6 bap. 25 July, 1745, in Middlesex Parish; m. Dec, 1763, Esther Bates, of Stamford.

213.   SARAH,5 dau. of Joseph4 (50), b. in Norwalk, 5 Apr., 1706; m. Samuel Reed, son of John Reed and Elizabeth Tuttle.
He d. before 5 May, 1760, when his will, dated 19 Jan., same year, was proved in Fairfield; she d. in New Canaan, 25 Dec, 1783, aged 78.
She was admitted, with her husband, to the church in New Canaan, by letter from Mr. Dickinson (pastor of Norwalk), 3 Sept., 1733.
In his will he mentioned, wife, Sarah, sons Samuel, Abijah, Timothy, Na­thaniel and Hezekiah, and daus. Hannah, Rachel, Sarah and Katherine and grand­daughter Phebe, dau. of Mary. To his son Abijah he gave a piece of land "on north side of country road, near my house, bounded west by my brother William's land; north by brother Daniel; east by Samuel Richards; south by country road."
She was admitted to the church in Middlesex Parish, at its organization, 7 Oct., 1744, but her husband's name does not appear in its records.
624 Samuel Reed,6 b. ______.
625 Abijah Reed,6 b. ______; Timothy Reed granted administration on his estate, 4 Apr., 1761.
626 Timothy Reed,6 b. ______; m. ______; she d. in New Canaan, 22 Sept., 1793, aged 50; he d. 24 Sept., 1794, aged 55.
627 Nathaniel Reed,6 b. ______.
628 Hezekiah Reed,6 b. ______.
629 Sarah Reed,6 b. ______.
630 Mary Reed,6 b. ______; m. 9 Nov., 1749, in Middlesex Parish, John More­house; she d. before herfather's will was dated, leaving a dau. Phebe.
631 Hannah Reed,6 b. ________
632 Rachel Reed,6 b. ________
633 Katherine Reed,6 bap. in Middlesex Parish, 15 Feb., 1749.

215.   RACHEL,5 dau. of Joseph4 (50), b. 15 July, 1710; m. 28 Nov., 1729, William Reed, b. 16 Nov., 1708, son of John Reed and Elizabeth Tuttle.

86    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. 2 Aug., 1793, aged 85, in New Canaan; she d. 24 Dec, 1793, aged 85. Records of deaths and ages in records of church in New Canaan. They were admitted to the church in New Canaan, 27 Jan., 1734.
634 Joseph Reed,6 b. 30 Oct., 1731.
635 David Reed,6 bap. 27 Jan., 1733-34, the day his father and mother were admitted to the church.
636 William Reed,6 b. 20 Mar., 1734; m. 29 Sept., 1762, Hannah Kellogg (+599).
637 Matthew Reed,6 bap. 4 Sept., 1736; d. young.
638 Matthew Reed,6 bap. 21 Jan., 1738-39; m. Elizabeth Kellogg (+577).
639 Eli Reed,6 bap. 3 July, 1740; m. Abigail Weed, b. 28 June, 1739, dau. of Reuben and Lydia (Holly) Weed.
640 Rachel Reed,6 bap. 4 Apr., 1743.
641 Mary Reed,6 bap. 16 Oct., 1743.
642 Isaac Reed,6 bap. 21 Dec, 1746.
643 Jacob Reed,6 bap. 21 Dec, 1746; d. 21 May, 1749.
644 Jacob Reed,6 bap. 21 May, 1749.
645 Abigail Reed,6 bap. 2 June, 1750; d. 2 June, 1751.

217.   DAVID,5 son of Joseph4 (50), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 28 Sept., 1715; m. 28 Feb., 1734, Judith Raymond, dau. of Daniel Raymond, bap. in Salem, Mass., 17 Apr., 1653, of Norwalk and Lyme, Conn., and Rebecca Sage; he d. 1745.
He res. in Norwalk. In the distribution of his father's estate, he received the homestead and several lots in New Canaan at Kellogg's East Ridge. From the deeds recorded in Norwalk, it would seem that, to protect his family, most of his property was placed in the names of friends and relatives and later reconveyed to him. The last mention of him on the land records of Norwalk is a sale of eight acres of land, 10 Mar., 1738-39. His descendants state that he went on the Cape Breton expedition, 1745-47, and d. there. In the Journal of the Chaplain of the fleet of that expedition, mention is made of the death of a man named Kellogg in Capt. Chapman's Co., which was raised in Norwalk and vicinity, but no list of members has been found. Capt. Chapman was a resident of Ridgefield. Noah Taylor, who was Lieut, in this company, res. in Norwalk.
She m. (2) as his second wife, in Middlesex Parish, now Darien, Conn., 16 Oct., 1750, Nathan Weed, of Stamford.
Perhaps they rem. to South Salem, N. Y.
In Stamford Probate, 3 Apr., 1759, her husband, Nathan Weed, gave bond as guardian to "David Kellogg, a minor, son of David Kellogg, late of Norwalk, deceased."
These facts would go toward substantiating the family tradition of his later days and death.
646 Mary,6 b. 23 Sept., 1734.
647 Rachel,6 b. 17 Apr., 1737.
648 Judith,6 b. 23 Aug., 1739.
649 Joseph,6 b. 23 Mar., 1742.
650 David,6 b. about 1744; m. Mrs. Eunice Brown.

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218.   BENJAMIN,5 son of Joseph4 (50), b. in Norwalk, 26 Sept., 1717; m. after 1757 and before 6 May, 1783, Mrs. Lydia Whitney, widow of James Whitney of Ridgefield. (James Whitney was b. at R., 6 Dec, 1725, and was son of Henry and Elizabeth (Olmstead) Whitney.
He d. as early as 1757. Settled in South East,* Dutchess Co., N. Y., but in 1793 was again in Ridgefield, Conn.
651 Benjamin,6 b. ______; m. Lois Keeler.

219.   DEACON SAMUEL,5 son of Samuel4 (51), b. in Hatfield, 18 May, 1694; m. 8 Jan., 1735-36, Abigail Sterling, b. about 1710.
He d. 31 July, 1783, aged 90; she d. 23 Aug., 1803, aged 93.
He rem. with his father to Colchester about 1707, where he was deacon in the Congregational Church, and was elected to several town offices.
Children, b. in Colchester.
653 Abigail,6 b. 29 Oct., 1736; m. Joseph Gillett.
654 Samuel,6 b. 20 Dec, 1738; m. Mary Pratt, who d. 23 Feb., 1813, aged 70; he d. 24 Nov., 1825, aged 87, leaving no children. Estate valued at about $60,000. In his will he bequeathed to the town $2,000 for the support of the poor, and to the First Society $700 for the sup­port of the Gospel Ministry.
655 Hannah,6 b. 30 Sept., 1740; m. Daniel Wood.
656 Ann,6 b. 30 Nov., 1742; d. 9 July, 1758, aged 16. Headstone reads, Mrs. Ann Kellogg. (It was a profound distance between Mr. and Good­man. Mistress and Goody named a distinction as positive if not as great as between a duchess and a milkmaid; unmarried women and girls, if deemed worthy any title at all, were not termed Miss, but were also Mrs. Rev. Mr. Thompson wrote a funeral tribute to a little girl of six, entitled : "A Neighbor's Tears dropt on ye Grave of an amiable Virgin; a pleasant Plant cut down in blooming of her Spring, viz: Mrs. Rebecka Sewall, August ye 4th 1710." Child Life Colonial Days, 223.)
657 Mary,6 b. 27 Apr., 1745; m. Nathan Goodspeed.
658 Eunice,6 b. in Colchester, 26 Feb., 1747; m. in Colchester, 16 Jan., 1777, Ebenezer Carter, b. 23 May, 1743, son of Ezra Carter of Marlboro, Conn., and Jerusha White, b. 27 July, 1703, great granddaughter of Elder John White, of Hartford, Conn., 1636; he d. 23 Dec, 1829, aged 86; she d. 11 Oct., 1834, aged 87.
659 Daniel,6 b. 1 June, 1749; m. Elizabeth Wells.

220.   DEACON JOSEPH,5 son of Samuel4 (51), b. 18 June, 1696, in Hatfield, Mass.; m. 23 Oct., 1717, Abigail Miller, of Colchester.
He d. about 1765 in Hebron, Conn., his will being dated 20 Aug., 1765.
He rem. with his father's family to Colchester about 1707, and 28 Feb., 1722, sold his rights in his father's homestead in Colchester to his brother, Samuel, for £14; rem. from Colchester to Hebron, Conn., and lived in the part now called Marlboro, where he res. until his death.

*One-half of the "Oblong," in which Southeast and Amenia were comprised, was bought and colonized by Norwalk people, but, as later surveys gave it to New York, many settlers returned to Connecticut.

88    The Kelloggs in the New World.

His homestead was about one and one­half miles southeast of Marlboro Church, north of the road, and he moved into his new house, sixty or eighty rods away from his first one, in 1736. This house is said to have been one of the principal residences in Hebron, and his son Daniel and grandson Charles are supposed to have lived there. He was deacon in Hebron and Marlboro.
660 Joseph,6 b. 8 Aug., 1718; m. Susanna King.
661 Daniel,6 b. 6 May, 1720; m. Ann Dewey.
662 Mercy,6 (called Mary in her father's will), b. 20 May, 1723, in Hebron, and joined the church there, in 1737; she m. 7 Jan., 1747, John Wright, in Hebron.
663 Moses,6 b. 10 May, 1725; m. Dinah Sears.
664 Elijah,6 b. 15 Jan., 1728; m. Hannah Adams.
665 Ezekiel,6 b. 24 Nov., 1732; m. Ann Owen.
666 Abigail,6 b. 27 Nov., 1734; unm. 1765.
667 Samuel,6 b. ______; m. Hannah Strong.
668 Benjamin,6 b. ______.

221.   HANNAH,5 dau. of Samuel4 (51), b. in Hatfield, Mass., 11 Sept., 1699; m. Nathaniel Clark, of Lebanon, Conn., b. Apr., 1693.
He d. 20 May, 1737, in Lebanon; she was living in Lebanon in 1747, when she sold land to her brother, Samuel.
Children, b. in Lebanon.
669 Nathaniel Clark,6 b. 6 Aug., 1720; m. in Lebanon, 5 Nov., 1740, Martha Witt.
670 Asahel Clark,6 b. 11 Mar., 1721-22.
671 Silas Clark,6 b. 20 June, 1724; d. 16 Apr., 1809, aged 84, in Lebanon.
672 Hannah Clark,6 b. 24 Nov., 1727; m. in Lebanon, 26 Dec, 1749, Joseph McCall.
673 Jared Clark,6 b. 15 July, 1729; m. in Lebanon, 12 Dec, 1754, Mary Abell; d. 11 Sept., 1775, in Lebanon.
674 Lois Clark,6 b. 10 Sept., 1731.
675 Ruth Clark,6 b. 8 Apr., 1734; d. 9 Mar., 1826.
676 Amos Clark,6 b. 25 Apr., 1736; d. young.

222.   EUNICE,5 dau. of Samuel4 (51), b. in Hatfield, 3 Aug., 1701; m. 11 July, 1728, Benjamin Quiterfield, of Colchester, b. 11 Apr., 1704, probably the son of Clement Quiterfield, of Colchester.
He d. 8 Aug., 1771; she d. in Colchester, 24 May, 1794.
677 Benjamin Quiterfield,6 b. 22 Apr., 1729; d. Feb., 1801.
678 Eunice Quiterfield,6 b. 26 Feb., 1730-31.
679 Asa Quiterfield,6 b. 28 June, 1733.
680 Israel Quiterfield,6 b. 28 Aug., 1735; d. 19 June, 1739.
681 Hannah Quiterfield,6 b. 3 Nov., 1737; d. 11 Dec, 1738.
682 Israel Quiterfield,6 bap. 17 Feb., 1740; d. 28 Feb., 1740.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    89

683 Jacob Quiterfield,6 b. 12 Apr., 1741; m. 25 Oct., 1759, Elizabeth Kilbom; d. 28 May, 1777; he was pastor of the churches in Colchester and Antioch.

224.   EDITHA,5 dau. of Lieut. Nathaniel4 (52), b. in Hadley, 13 Nov., 1699; m. 2 Mar., 1727, Joseph Pratt, b. 30 June, 1698, son of Sergt. Joseph Pratt and Sarah Colyer.
Children, b. in Colchester.
684 Lois Pratt,6 b. 13 Dec, 1727.
685 Lidia Pratt,6 b. 3 Mar., 1730.
686 Joseph Pratt,6 b. 2 Aug., 1732.
687 Peter Pratt,6 b. 8 Feb., 1734-35.

225.   CORP. NATHANIEL,5 son of Lieut. Nathaniel4 (52), b. in Colchester, 8 May, 1703; m. 1 July, 1725, Elizabeth Williams, b. 13 Feb., 1703, dau. of Charles Williams.
He d. about 1753 in Windsor, Conn.; she d. 1 Apr., 1762. Res. in Colchester. He was a farmer, and in 1729, a rate gatherer. He may have held other offices in the town, the records not always making distinction between his father and himself.
The town voted, 10 Dec, 1722, to pay him "12 shillings for the year ensuing (o beat the drum on Sabbath Days for Meetings * * he finding himself a drum."
He rem. in his old age to Windsor, Conn., where he d.
688 Charles,6 b. 17 Sept., 1726; m. Sarah Hitchcock.
689 Elizabeth,6 b. 8 July, 1729; m. Elihu Clark.
690 Sarah,6 b. 22 Feb., 1731-32; m. Bingham; Bingham was ap­pointed administrator of her father in 1755.
691 Delight,6 b. 5 Oct., 1734; m. Robert Andrews.
692 Margaret,6 b. 17 Jan., 1736-37; m. 20 Mar., 1755, Nathan Webb.
693 Nathaniel,6 b. 10 July, 1739; m. (1) Hannah B. Hastings; (2) Mrs. Lydia (Sargent) Watson.
694 Ann,6 b. 28 Jan., 1742; bap. 31 July, 1742; was living unm. 1757.
695 Asa,6 b. 14 May, 1746; d. 19 Dec, 1746.

226.   SARAH,5 dau. of Lieut. Nathaniel4 (52), b. in Colchester, 27 Dec, 1707; m. in Colchester, 19 Feb., 1729, Rev. Judah Lewis.
She d. 7 Apr., 1732, aged 25; he m. (2) Mercy Kellogg (+123); d. 15 Apr., 1739.
696 Sarah Lewis,6 b. 18 Jan., 1730, in Colchester; m. 10 Nov., 1748, Joseph Crocker.

227.   LYDIA,5 dau. of Lieut. Nathaniel4 (52), b. in Colchester, 29 May, 1710; m. (1) 28 May, 1730, Capt. John Hopson, b. 12 Nov., 1707, in Colchester, son of John Hopson and Sarah Northam.
He d. 6 Aug., 1751; she m. (2) Henry Bliss, of Lebanon; she d. 31 Mar., 1761.
697 John Hopson,6 b. 5 Nov., 1731; d. 14 July, 1733.

90    The Kelloggs in the New World.

698 John Hopson,6 b. 29 Jan., 1734; m. 19 Apr., 1759, Mary Worthington, bap. 24 June, 1739, dau. of Elijah and Mary (Welles) Worthing­ton, of Colchester; she d. 29 July, 1798; had five children.
699 Betty Hopson,6 b. 16 Feb., 1735; m. Johnson.
700 Sarah Hopson,6 b. 29 Jan., 1737.
701 Lydia Hopson,6 b. 20 Aug., 1739; d. 6 July, 1740.
702 Lydia Hopson,6 b. 24 Oct, 1741; d. 6 Oct., 1761.
703 Mary Hopson,6 b. 16 Apr., 1745.
704 Hannah Hopson,6 b. 29 Sept., 1747.
705 Prudence Hopson,6 b. 16 Dec, 1750.

228.   ABNER,5 son of Lieut. Nathaniel4 (52), b. in Colchester, about 1716; m. 26 June, 1740, Lydia Otis, b. 20 Jan., 1716-17, one of the eighteen children of Nathaniel Otis, of Yarmouth, Mass., who d. in Colchester, 17 Apr., 1771, aged 82 (a descendant of John Otis, b. in Barnstable, Devonshire, England, who drew lots in first division of Hingham, Mass., 1635, and gave his name to "Otis Hill"), and Hannah Thatcher, who d. in Colchester, 6 May, 1780, aged 90.
He d. 18 Nov., 1754, aged 38.
His book of accounts has been preserved and is now owned by Mrs. Caroline (Kellogg) Becker (+5281), of Vine Valley, N. Y. Among the items may be quoted: "Uncle Thomas Kellogg lived with me three weeks in the year 1751; bought for him one pint of Rughm, 5s. To Father Otis, 3 hens, 15s. 6 Feb., 1753, then uncel thomas went to Joseph Kellogg and uncel staid thare forteen weaks & one day."
From family records kept by him, many of the following dates are taken :
She m. (2) 19 Mar., 1761, Capt. Amos Thomas, of Lebanon, b. about 1696.
He d. 17 Dec, 1781, aged 85; she d. 1 Jan., 1807, aged 91.
Children, b. in Colchester.
706 Delight,6 b. 6 Apr., 1741; d. 8 Nov., 1749.
707 Lydia,6 b. 15 Jan., 1742-43; d. 14 Apr., 1759.
708 David,6 b. 26 Aug., 1744; m. (1) Elinor Williams; (2) Sarah Reding­ton Tyler.
709 Abner,6 b. 9 Nov., 1746; m. Lydia Bartlett.
710 Ezekiel,6 b. 17 Sept., 1748; m. (1) Elishaba Wells; (2) Mrs. Philotha (Clark) Tracy.
711 Margaret,6 b. 16 Jan., 1751-53; m. John Ellis.
712 Ezra,6 b. 5 Sept., 1754; m. Mary Whiting.

229.   JOHN,5 son of Lieut. Nathaniel4 (52), b. in Colchester, about 1717; m. 2 Apr., 1738, Mary Newton, b. 1 Mar., 1719, dau. of Maj. Israel Newton, of Col­chester, and Hannah Thatcher, who d. 6 May, 1780, aged 88. Maj. Israel was b. 5 Mar., 1694; d. 24 May, 1745, at siege of Cape Breton.
He d. 22 Jan., 1763; she d. 2 July, 1794, aged 70.
They res. in Colchester, where both died.
Children, b. in Colchester.
713 Jodah,6 b. 8 Mar., 1739; m. Mary Tomlinson.
714 Mercy,6 b. 11 June, 1741; m. Asa Graves.
715 John,6 b. 20 Dec, 1743; m. (1) Bethia Williams; (2) Mrs. Margaret (Foote) Bigelow.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    91

716 Israel,6 b. 31 May, 1746; m. Hannah Ingraham.
717 Mary,6 b. 19 Dec, 1749; m. Nathan Tiffany.
718 Hannah,6 b. 8 Dec, 1751; m. Beebe.
719 Elisha,6 b. 15 Nov., 1755; m. Susanna Day.

230.   EZRA,5 son of Lieut. Nathaniel4 (52), b. in Colchester, 6 Sept., 1724; m. in Amherst, 14 May, 1747, Ruth Wells, of "Wellstown."
He d. 5 Jan., 1754; his estate was appraised 13 Feb., 1754. He res. in Hatfield, Mass., and Colchester, Conn.
She m. (2) 4 Nov., 1757, Capt. Henry Stiles, of Whately, an officer in the revolutionary army, b. in Windsor, Conn., 1730.
He d. 20 Apr, 1810; she d. in Whately, 5 July, 1812, aged 86.
720 Sarah,6 b. ______; m. (1) Torry; (2) Elihu Strong; (3) Roger Clapp.
721 Russell,6 b. 16 July, 1750; m. Azubah _______.
722 Oliver,6 b. ______; enlisted in revolutionary army from Colchester; served in Peekskill, 28 Apr. to 6 June, 1777; in Col. Moseley's Reg., 1778; in Capt. Hodges' Co., Eighth Conn. Reg., 16 July to 8 Dec, 1780.

92    The Kelloggs in the New World.


240.   ABIGAIL,6 dau. of Joseph5 (60), b. in South Hadley, 8 Dec, 1711; m. as his second wife, 25 Oct., 1746, Col. Charles Burrall, b. 3 Mar., 1720, only son of William Burrall* and Joanna Westover.
She d. 28 Jan., 1739; he d. 7 Oct., 1803.
Col. Burrall, the first of the name born in America, fought all through the revolutionary war, and was appointed, in 1776, to command a regiment in the Brigade of Gen. Wadsworth; served under Washington on Long Island and New­Jersey, and was with his regiment at Ticonderoga, Crown Point and the battle of Saratoga. His children all occupied honorable positions, one dau. marrying Gov. Smith, of Vermont. The daughters were noted beauties of their time.
723 Abigail Burrall,7 b. 5 Dec, 1747.
724 William Burrall,7 b. 18 July, 1749.
725 Charles Burrall,7 b. 18 Feb., 1751.
726 Susannah Burrall,7 b. 18 May, 1753.
727 Mary Burrall,7 b. 28 June, 1755.
728 Chloe Burrall,7 b. 27 Oct., 1757.
729 Jonathan Burrall,7 b. 12 Aug., 1759.
730 Ovid Burrall,7 b. 23 July, 1761.
731 Mary Burrall,7 b. 3 Oct., 1763.

241.   SARAH,6 dau. of Joseph5 (60), b. in South Hadley, 8 Jan., 1714; m. about 1737, Joseph Moody, b. 13 Jan., 1712, son of Ebenezer Moody, b. 23 Oct., 1675, and Editha , b. 1682-83.
She d. June, 1782; he d. 15 Sept, 1803, aged 91.
Children, b. in South Hadley.
732 Joseph Moody,7 b. 2 Feb., 1738; d. 5 Jan., 1757.
733 Lois Moody,7 b. 29 Oct., 1740; d. 29 Feb., 1741.
734 Noah Moody,7 b. 29 Mar., 1742.
735 Eunice Moody,7 b. 23 Dec, 1746; d. 1746.
736 Silence Moody,7 b. May, 1748; d. 1749.
737 Seth Moody,7 b. 16 Jan., 1750; d. 1752.
738 Seth Moody,7 b. 28 Sept., 1752.
739 Daniel Moody,7 b. 17 Jan., 1755.

242.   EBENEZER,6 son of Joseph5 (60), b. in South Hadley, 26 Dec, 1715; m. 15 Dec, 1748, Mrs. Sarah Snow, widow of Josiah Snow, of Norwich, Conn., and South Hadley.
Res. in South Hadley. His name appears in Muster Roll of Col. Dwight's Reg. on the western frontier, Aug. 11 to 21, 1748. In 1859 Ebenezer's great grandson, Amos, was living on homestead.

*William Burrall, a younger son of Sir Peter Burrall, of Redruth, County Cornwall, England, came to America in 1715. He m. Joanna Westover, dau. of James Westover, of Windsor, Conn., a descendant of Jonas Westover, who settled in Windsor 1639. He was a chemist and metallurgist and was engaged in the copper mines in Simsbury, Conn., where he m. Joanna. He went to Jamaica, W. I., to open a mine and d. there.

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740 Amos,7 b. 1 Oct., 1749; m. Ruth Church (756).
741 Lois,7 b. 4 Mar., 1752.
742 Sarah,7 b. 25 Aug., 1754; m. in South Hadley, 21 July, 1791, Leonard Miller, of Ludlow.
743 Josiah,7 b. 21 Nov., 1760; m. Jerusha Taylor.
744 Ebenezer,7 b. ______; d. ______; was a blacksmith; perhaps rem. to New York.
745 Seth,7 b. 5 Sept., 1767; m. Naomi Parsons.
746 Ruth,7 b. ______; was a milliner in Lewiston, Canada.
747 Sallie,7 b. ______.
748 Rufus,7 b. ______.

243.   RUTH,6 dau. of Joseph5 (60), b. in South Hadley, 18 Jan., 1717; m. 21 Dec, 1739, Benjamin Church of same place, b. 26 Dec, 1709, son of Benjamin Church, b. 1 Sept., 1680, and Miriam Hovey, b. 27 Aug., 1689, and great grand­son of Richard Church, of Hartford, 1637.
Res. in South Hadley.
749 Joel Church,7 b. 16 Sept., 1740; m. Hannah; res. in South Had­ley.
750 Benjamin Church,7 b. 16 Apr., 1742; m. Miriam; d. in Granby, Mass., 15 Dec, 1775.
751 Josiah Church,7 b. 9 July, 1744.
752 David Church,7 b. 31 Mar., 1746.
753 John Church,7 b. 13 Jan., 1747; d. unm. in South Hadley, 1831.
754 Waitstill Church,7 b. 9 Feb., 1752.
755 Nathan Church,7 b. 27 July, 1754; graduated from Dartmouth College, 1784; settled as a minister in Bridgton, Me., 1789; d. 14 Nov., 1836.
756 Ruth Church,7 b. 15 Nov., 1757; m. her cousin Amos Kellogg (+740).
757 Dorcas Church,7 b. 7 Aug., 1763.

244.   MARTHA,6 dau. of Joseph5 (60), b. in South Hadley, 21 May, 1720; m. 11 Nov., 1742, Nathaniel Ingram, b. 18 May, 1708, son of Nathaniel Ingram, b. 8 Oct., 1674, and Esther Smith.
Res. in South Hadley.
758 Nathaniel Ingram,7 b. 23 Aug., 1743; m. Hannah; res. in South Hadley; d. 19 Aug., 1815; she d. 8 July, 1838.
759 Sarah Ingram,7 b. 18 Sept., 1745.
760 Martha Ingram,7 b. 23 Nov., 1747.

246.   JOSEPH,6 son of Joseph5 (60), b. in South Hadley, 24 Dec, 1724; m. 27 Dec, 1754, Dorothy Taylor, dau. of Joseph Taylor, of South Hadley, and Dorothy Rooker, b. 20 Apr., 1737.
She d. 26 Aug., 1803; he d. 14 Oct., 1810; lived on his father's homestead, in South Hadley.

94    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in South Hadley.
761 Eli,7 b. 3 June, 1757; m. Tryphena Smith.
762 Eliakim,7 b. 10 Sept., 1759; m. Lois Eastman.
763 Elijah,7 b. 17 Aug., 1761; m. Eunice McLellan.
764 Joseph,7 b. 1 May, 1773; m. Elizabeth Burnham.

249.   JABEZ,6 son of Joseph5 (60), b. 11 Feb., 1734; m. Abigail Catlin.
She d. 1788, in the house of her son, Jabez, in Hanover, N. H. He rem. to Hanover, 1785, and d. there 1791.
He was a private in Capt. Samuel Smith's Co.; marched from South Hadley for the relief of Fort William Henry, Aug., 1757; served thirteen days; traveled 180 miles; also in Capt. Elijah Smith's Co., Col. Israel Williams' Reg. in the ex­pedition against Canada at Crown Point, 26 Apr. to 7 Dec, 1759, and furnished himself with arms. He served in the revolutionary army as Corp. in Capt. Ken­drick's Co., Col. Lovell's Reg. in Charlestown, Mass., 1776; Sergt. in Capt. Chapin's Co., Col. Porter's Reg., 24 Sept. to 4 Oct., 1777; private in Capt. Wait's Co., Col. Woodbridge's Reg. on Bennington Alarm, Aug., 1777.
Children, b. in South Hadley.
765 Phineas,7 b. 6 Jan., 1759; m. (1) Jemima Snow; (2) Mrs. Mabel (Fox) Andrews.
766 Enos,7 b. 28 July, 1761; m. (1) Lydia Alvord; (2) Demmis Wells.
767 Jabez,7 b. 22 Apr., 1763; m. (1) Tempy Walton; (2) Ruby Utley.
768 Julie,7 b. 27 Sept., 1765; m. Molly Pool (1628).
769 Noadiah,7 b. 26 Oct., 1767; m. Pollina Stebbins.
770 Joseph,7 b. 26 Feb., 1770; m. (1) Mrs. Mercy (Davis) Bowen; (2) Mary Chase.
771 Abigail,7 b. 20 Mar., 1772; m. Hon. John Walton.
772 Erastus,7 b. 27 Oct., 1774; d. 12 May, 1775.
773 Erastus,7 b. 4 Apr., 1776; m. (1) Elizabeth Smith; (2) Judith Hall.
774 John,7 b. 17 Nov., 1778; d. unm. about 1806, in Savannah, Ga., where he was engaged in building a factory when last heard from.
775 Rachel,7 b. 23 July, 1781; d. unm. in Cambridge, Mass., about 1840.

253.   DAVID,6 son of Capt. Samuel5 (61), b. in Westfield, 30 May, 1721; m. (published 11 Apr., 1747), Elizabeth Jones, of Enfield, Conn., dau. of Lieut. Thomas Jones and Mary Meacham.
He d. 6 Mar., 1776; she d. about 1804.
Res. in Westfield, Mass; he served under Gen. Amherst in the expedition for the invasion of Canada; was impressed 6 Apr., 1759. His house stood (1873) about ten rods northeast from residence of Frederick C. Kellogg. Mrs. Kellogg is remembered as a woman of fine figure and large in form.
Children, b. in Westfield.
776 Mary,7 b. 13 June, 1748; m. Nehemiah Carter.
777 Samuel,7 b. 6 Aug., 1749; soldier in revolutionary army; d. unm. ______*
778 David,7 b. 16 Nov., 1750; d. 22 Apr., 1774, unm.
779 Elizabeth,7 b. 15 Aug., 1752; m. Pliny Sacket.

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780 Seth,7 b. 14 Mar., 1754; m. Ann Loomis.
781 Phineas,7 b. 6 Apr., 1756; m. Jediah Lord.
782 Ruth,7 b. 3 Sept., 1757; m. Roswell Brown.
783 Enoch,7 b. 12 July, 1759; d. 31 Aug., 1759.
784 Elzina,7 b. ______; m. Ensign Charles Johnson.
785 Lucretia,7 b. ______; m. Ashbel Fowler.
786 Enoch,7 b. 9 Oct., 1768; m. Eunice Viets.

258.   CAPT. JOHN,6 son of Capt. Samuel5 (61), b. 5 July, 1727; m. (1) (published 15 Sept., 1750), Anne Terry, b. 17 Aug., 1732, dau. of Ephraim I Terry, of Enfield, Conn., b. 24 Oct., 1701, and Ann Collins, b. 20 Dec., 1702.
She d. in Westfield, Mass., 5 Oct., 1764; he m. (2) (published 21 Sept., 1766) Anne Lord. b. about 1725, dau. of Rev. Benjamin Lord, D. D., of Norwich, Conn., and Anne Taylor. She d. in Westfield, 2 Sept., 1781; he m. (3) 7 July, 1791, widow Jemima Ward, of New Marlborough, Mass.; d. 27 Dec., 1806, in Sandisfield.
He res. in Westfield. In 1764 he built a house, which was the best house in Westfield. It is still occupied as a residence and appears to be good for many years to come. He cut a tomb in the solid rock, and after his removal to Sandis­field in 1783 the land was purchased and a church erected over the spot.
He was a soldier in the French and Indian war; enlisted 6 Apr., 1759, in Lieut. Chadwick's Co., Col. Roberts' Reg., under Gen. Amherst, "for the total re­duction of Canada." He served until 3 Dec. He was also a soldier in the revo­lution; served on the Lexington Alarm; also in the defense of the town and har­bor of Boston, and the capture of Dorchester Heights. In 1777 he was Capt. in Col. Leonard's Reg. "to go to Ticonderoga."
Children by first wife, b. in Westfield.
787 Ann,7 b. 18 Oct., 1751; m. Jared Hoadley.
788 Lovisa,7 b. 22 Aug., 1753; m. Samuel Noble.
789 Josiah,7 b. 31 May, 1755; m. Lois Day.
790 Bassorah,7 b. 22 Sept., 1757; m. Reuben Clapp.
791 Lucy,7 b. 26 Dec, 1759; d. 1 Oct., 1763.
792 Aaron,7 b. 5 Sept., 1762; m. Mary Wilcox.
793 Daughter,7 b. ______; d. 5 Oct., 1764; buried with her mother. In the old cemetery in Westfield is a gravestone with the following inscrip­tion : "In memory of Anne, wife of Capt. John Kellogg, daughter of Ephraim Terry, Esqr., who d. Oct. 5, 1764, in the 33d year of her age. Also her infant babe lying by her breast."

260.   MARY,6 dau. of Capt. Samuel5 (61), b. 24 Oct., 1730; m. 21 Apr., 1748, Samuel Terry, b. in Enfield, Conn., 18 Oct., 1725, son of Ephraim Terry, b. in

*On his gravestone is the following: "Dear friends, be wise, 'tis time to know, The fading state of things below.
Little Enoch V. K. whom I make my heir, Make good use of what I leave, and for death prepare."

96    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Enfield, 24 Oct., 1701, and Ann Collins, b. 20 Dec, 1702, a great granddaughter of Gov. Bradford of the "Mayflower."
He d. in Enfield, 8 May, 1798; she d. 11 Feb., 1801. Her descendants are noted for superior mechanical ingenuity, as she is said to have been.
The homestead is near the village of Thompsonville, and is owned and occu­pied by granddaughters of his dau. Alice, named Kingsbury.
794 Samuel Terry,7 b. 21 July, 1750; m. (1) 1771, Huldah Burnham, b. 30 Apr., 1752; she d. 18 May, 1809; he m. (2) Dorcas Buckland, b. 1759; she d. 1834; he res. in East Windsor, 1838; was a tanner.
795 Alice Terry,7 b. 26 June, 1752; m. 23 Dec, 1773, Lemuel Kingsbury, a farmer, in Enfield, b. about 1753; she d. 22 Mar., 1830; he d. 14 Sept., 1846.
796 Mary Terry,7 b. 7 Apr., 1754; m. 1774, David Shaw, of East Windsor; d. 1 Jan., 1808.
797 Asaph Terry,7 b. 15 Nov., 1756; m. 21 July, 1778, Penelope Griggs, b. about 1758; she d. 30 Mar., 1818; he m. (2) 25 Mar., 1822, Nancy Atwell, b. 22 May, 1793; she d. 8 June, 1875; he was a farmer; d. 10 May, 1839.
798 Rhoda Ann Terry,7 b. 11 May, 1759; m. 11 May, 1778, Thaddeus Billings, Jr., of Long Meadow, who d. 17 Apr., 1826; she d. 12 Dec, 1783.
799 Levi Terry,7 b. 30 Mar., 1761; d. unm. in the American army in New London, Conn., 2 Mar., 1777.
800 Solomon Terry,7 b. 31 Oct., 1763; m. (1) 31 Aug., 1788, Hannah Pease, b. 29 Nov., 1770; she d. 5 Mar., 1808; he m. (2) 6 Sept., 1810, Margaret Pease, b. 2 July, 1776; d. 25 May, 1839; she d. 7 Sept., 1851.
801 Sibyl Terry,7 b. 23 May, 1769; m. (1) 1785, Nathaniel Billings; (2) Simeon Pease; d. 1844.
802 Ezekiel Terry,7 b. 1 Mar., 1775; m. 1795, Mary Griswold; he was a Baptist clergyman, a poet and writer of hymns; d. in Monson Mass., 7 Apr., 1829.

262.   SARAH,6 dau. of Capt. Samuel5 (61), b. 25 July, 1734; m. 11 Apr., 1755, Nathan Truman, b. 18 Apr., 1728, son of Philip Truman and Rebecca Granger. Res. in Westfield, Mass.
803 Sarah Truman,7 b. 16 June, 1757.
804 Shem Truman,7 b. 12 Jan., 1759.
805 Lydia Truman,7 b. 5 Jan., 1761.
806 Esther Truman,7 b. 8 Aug., 1763; m. Ashbel Moses.
807 Nathan Truman,7 b. 8 Apr., 1765.
808 Elijah Truman,7 b. 1 Jan., 1767.
809 Ede Truman,7 b. 19 July, 1770.
810 Marlow Truman,7 b. 2 Feb., 1773; m. 30 Apr., 1793, Aaron Root.

271.   EXPERIENCE,6 dau. of James5 (68), b. in Hadley, Mass., 1731; m. in Pittsfield, Mass., as his second wife (pub. 24 June, 1772), Lieut. Eli Root, b. in

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Westfield, Mass., 27 Feb., 1731, son of Ensign Joseph Root, of Westfield, and Sarah _______.
He d. 28 Oct., 1804; she d. 27 Oct., 1830.
He rem. to Pittsfield, probably in 1757, with his brother Amos. He was ap­pointed highway surveyor at a town meeting, 11 May, 1761. At the first sale of pews, 4 Feb., 1765, Eli Root had No. 14. In the History of Pittsfield, he is des­ignated as one of the richer residents of Wendell Square, and after the revolution a worthy magistrate. He was a revolutionary soldier.
811 Experience Root,7 bap. 22 May, 1774; m. 20 May, 1799, Thomas H. At­will, b. 1764; rem. to Castleton, Vt., where he d., 20 Jan., 1814.

272.   RUTH,6 dau. of James5 (68), b. ______; m. (pub. 27 Dec, 1757), Joshua Ballard, son of Jeremiah Ballard.
She d. 3 May, 1776.
He was a saddler; res. in New Salem, Mass.
812 Ruth Ballard,7 b. 27 Dec, 1758; m. Waitstill Cook.
813 Louisa Ballard,7 b. 25 Feb., 1761.
814 Polly Ballard,7 b. 16 Jan., 1764.
815 Jerusha Ballard,7 b. 26 Dec, 1765.
816 William Ballard,7 b. 1 Nov., 1768.

275.   JOANNA,6 dau. of James5 (68), b. in Hadley, about 1742; m. as his sec­ond wife (pub. 28 Feb., 1765), Stephen Goodman, b. 26 Dec, 1742, son of James Goodman, b. 7 Feb., 1707, and Anna Phelps, and great grandson of Deacon Rich­ard Goodman of Cambridge 1632, Hartford 1639 and Hadley 1661, and Mary Terry, whose sister, Abigail, m. Lieut. Joseph Kellogg (17).
He d. 28 June, 1802; she d. 31 Aug., 1831, aged 89.
Lived on homestead of Lieut. Joseph in Hadley, and managed the ferry which had been conducted by Joanna's father, James, and grandfather, John, and great grandfather Joseph.
Children, b. in Hadley.
817 Joanna Goodman,7 b. 1 Dec, 1765; d. 3 Dec, 1765.
818 James Goodman,7 b. 13 May, 1767; d. in Mobile, Ala.
819 Joanna Goodman,7 b. 20 Feb., 1769; m. Perez Jones, of Windsor, Vt.
820 Stephen Goodman,7 b. 19 Nov., 1770; d. in the West.
821 Mercy Goodman,7 b. 17 Nov., 1773; d. 12 Sept., 1776.
822 John Kellogg Goodman,7 b. 18 June, 1776; rem., 1802, to Jersey City; d. 29 Oct., 1853.
823 Sylvester Goodman,7 b. 19 Nov., 1778.
824 Spencer Goodman,7 b. 5 June, 1781.
825 Mercy Goodman,7 b. 18 Aug., 1783; m. Cotton Smith.

277.   DOROTHY,6 dau. of Capt. Martin5 (69) , b. in Wethersfield, 4 Dec, 1716; m. 16 Dec, 1736, Eliphalet Whittlesey, b. 10 May, 1714, grandson of John Whit­tlesey, b. 11 Dec., 1665, of Saybrook, Conn., and Ruth Dudley.

98    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She d. 14 Apr., 1772; he m. (2) 23 June, 1774, Widow Hannah Mallory; d. 12 July, 1786.
He was a farmer in Washington, Conn.; rem. to New Preston, Conn. Sev­eral descendants were Representatives in Congress.
826 Martin Whittlesey,7 b. 3 Oct., 1737; m. 27 Nov., 1760, Sarah Deming.
827 Lemuel Whittlesey,7 b. 16 May, 1740; m. 15 Nov., 1764, Hannah Wells.
828 John Whittlesey,7 b. 23 Dec., 1741; m. 14 Nov., 1765, Mary Beale.
829 Anna Whittlesey,7 b. 27 Jan., 1744; m. William Cogswell.
830 Abner Whittlesey,7 b. 1 May, 1746; m. Ruth Wadsworth.
831 Eliphalet Whittlesey,7 b. 2 July, 1748; m. 25 Dec, 1771, Comfort Waller.
832 David Whittlesey,7 b. Aug., 1750; m. Dec, 1779, Abigail Judson.
833 Asaph Whittlesey,7 b. 12 May, 1753; m. Abigail Skiels.
834 Dorothy Whittlesey,7 b. 8 Sept., 1755; m. 21 Sept., 1774, Col. Perry Averell.
835 Elisha Whittlesey,7 b. 8 Jan., 1758; m. Mary Tucker; he was Comptroller United States Treasury.
836 Roger Whittlesey,7 b. 6 Oct., 1760; d. 23 June, 1761.

278.   MARTIN,6 son of Capt. Martin5 (69), b. in Wethersfield (Newington Parish), 2 Aug., 1718; m. 1 July, 1742, Mary Boardman, b. 19 Sept., 1719, dau. of Lieut. Richard Boardman, b. 1 Sept., 1684, and Sarah Camp, b. 1683.
He d. in the Parish of Newington, 7 Dec, 1791; she d. 8 Apr., 1803, aged 84.
At a town meeting held in Wethersfield, 29 Sept., 1777, he was chosen on the committee to procure commissary supplies to be transmitted to the commissaries of the battalions of the Continental army raised in this State; and 19 June, 1780, was on the committee to borrow money to pay the bounty offered by the town, and settle with the enlisted persons.
He served in the revolutionary war; was a Capt. of militia, and a man of wealth and influence. His estate was appraised at £5,500.
837 Mary,7 b. in Newington, 18 Apr., 1743; m. Unni Robbins.
838 Martin,7 b. 18 July, 1746; m. Hannah Robbins.
839 Anna,7 b. 16 Apr., 1749; m. Joseph Camp.
840 Eleanor,7 b. 10 Mar., 1755; m. Capt. Saul Alvord.
841 Jemima,7 b. 23 Aug., 1757; m. Gen. Roger Welles.

279.   ANNA,6 dau. of Capt. Martin5 (69), b. in Newington, Conn., 19 Feb., 1720; m. as his second wife, 30 July, 1747, Roger Hooker, b. 17 Sept., 1710, son of Hon. John Hooker, b. 10 Feb., 1664-65, and Abigail Stanley, b. in Farmington, Conn., 25 July, 1669. He was the tenth child and fifth son of Hon. John Hooker, of Farmington, Judge of the Supreme Court of Connecticut; grandson of Rev. Samuel Hooker and great grandson of Rev. Thomas Hooker, founder of Connecticut.
He had previously m. 29 Jan., 1740, Mercy Hart, dau. of Capt. Josiah and Sarah (Bull) Hart, who d. 26 Aug., 1745, aged 26.
He d. 25 May, 1774, aged 65; she d. 17 Feb., 1797, aged 77. They res. in Farmington, where all their children were born.

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842 Martin Hooker,7 b. 1748; d. 21 Aug., 1751.
843 Elnathan Hooker,7 b. 1749; m. (1) 13 Dec, 1774, Amy Newell, b. in Bristol,* 28 Aug., 1756, dau. of Rev. Samuel Newell, first minister in Bristol, and Mary (Hart) Root; she d. 23 Jan., 1797; he m. (2) Nancy Paine; had no children.
844 Roger Hooker,7 b. 19 June, 1751; m. 17 Apr., 1782, Mary Treadwell, dau. of Gov. John Treadwell, of Farmington. He commenced life at sea before the revolutionary war. On receipt of the news from Lexington, he joined the company raised by his cousin Capt. Noadiah Hooker, the first men from Farmington for the war, and the first enlisted men from Connecticut to reach the army collecting before Boston. At first a Sergt., soon promoted to Ensign, and, when Washington took command of the army, commissioned a Sec­ond Lieut, in the Continental line, and eventually became a Maj. In 1776, upon Washington's order, he fitted out the fireships with which Washington endeavored to destroy the British fleet. As a Brigade Maj., at different times, he had charge of the correspondence of that Gen. on whose staff he served. He was sent with a flag of truce to communicate to the British Gen. at New York the news of the sur­render of Gen. Burgoyne. Throughout the war he was held in high esteem and confidence by Washington. After the war Maj. Hooker was honored by his fellow citizens with many places of trust. He was a member of the Society of the Cincinnati.
845 Mary Hooker,7 b. ______; m. 15 Sept., 1772, Simeon Newell, b. 5 Feb., 1743, son of Isaac Newell and Rachel Pomeroy. They rem. to Sodus Bay (now Wolcott), N. Y. He graduated from Yale Col­lege; was a Capt. in revolutionary army; after the war, a member of the Society of the Cincinnati; had no children.
846 John Hooker,7 b. 1754; d. 14 Mar., 1758.
847 Lucina Hooker,7 b. 14 Mar., 1758; m. 1781, Isaac Cowles, of Farmington, b. 29 July, 1756; she d. 5 Apr., 1817, in Farmington; he d. 5 June, 1837, aged 81. He was a Lieut, in the revolutionary war.
848 Cynthia Hooker,7 b. 1760; m. 11 June, 1792, Rev. Allen Olcott, of East Hartford,** Conn., b. 5 Oct., 1746; he was a minister and farmer of Farmington and Manchester, Conn.; was graduated from Yale 1768; he d. 19 Apr., 1811; she m. (2) Samuel Alvord; d. June 1827, aged 67.

280.   JEMIMA,6 dau. of Capt. Martin5 (69), b. probably in Newington, Conn., 24 Aug., 1723; m. as his second wife, 26 Oct., 1748, Lieut. Elijah Kent, b. 6 Jan., 1722-23, son of Samuel Kent, of Suffield, Conn., b. 14 Dec, 1698, and Abia Dwight, b. in Northampton, 17 Feb., 1704. He had previously m. Rachel Kel­logg (295), a cousin of Jemima.
He d. 7 Mar., 1768; she d. 26 Nov., 1791.
Res. in Suffield.

*Bristol was established as a parish 1744; incorporated as a town 1785. It was formerly a part of Farmington.
**E. Hartford was taken from Hartford, established as a parish in 1699; established as a town 1783. Manchester taken from E. Hartford 1823.

100    The Kelloggs in the New World.

849 Rachel Kent,7 b. 26 July, 1750.
850 Augustus Kent,7 b. 28 May, 1754.
851 Sarah Kent,7 b. 9 May, 1756.
852 Samuel Kent,7 b. 4 Apr., 1760.

281.   MARY,6 dau. of Capt. Martin5 (69), b. 19 Oct., 1725; m. (1) 12 May, 1758, Ephraim Wolcott, b. in Windsor, Conn., 13 Mar., 1714, son of William Wol­cott, b. 6 Nov., 1676, and Abiah Hawley.
He d. 18 Dec, 1763; res. in East Windsor.
She m. (2) Potter, of East Windsor; d. 8 Jan., 1799.
Children by first husband.
853 Sarah Wolcott,7 b. 25 Feb., 1760; m. Josiah Bissell.
854 Ephraim Wolcott,7 b. 25 Feb., 1762; m. (1) Elizabeth Bissell; she d. ______; (2) Mary Bissell; they were daus. of Jerijah Bissell.

282.   SARAH,6 dau. of Capt. Martin5 (69), b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 22 Aug., 1727; m. 11 July, 1762, Capt. Josiah King, of Suffield, Conn., b. in Suffield, 5 Aug., 1731, son of Josiah King, b. Aug., 1693, and Mindwell Burt, b. about 1700.
She d. 4 Mar., 1795, in Suffield; he m. (2) 5 Apr., 1797, Margaret Kent; d. 21 July, 1815, aged 84.
He was a farmer; res. in Suffield; was a revolutionary soldier; private in Capt. Elihu Kent's Co., in the Lexington Alarm, Apr.-May, 1775, with service of nine days.
855 Seth King,7 b. 4 Mar., 1764; m. Polly Sykes, of Suffield.
856 Martin King,7 b. 5 Oct., 1765.
857 Sarah King,7 b. 26 June, 1770; m. Samuel Rising, of Suffield; he d. 8 Nov., 1819, aged 54; had seven children.

283.   STEPHEN CHESTER,6 son of Capt. Martin5 (69), b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 24 Sept., 1729; m. by Rev. James Lockwood, 9 Nov., 1749, Elizabeth Rus­sell, b. in Wethersfield, 17 Nov., 1729, dau. of John Russell, Jr., b. 8 Oct., 1698, and Elizabeth Crane, b. 23 Sept., 1704.
He d. 24 Aug., 1767, aged 38; she d. 14 Mar., 1817, aged 88; both are buried in Newington.
"Dec. 16, 1750, Stephen Kellogg and his wife owned the covenant, in New­ington."
He was probably a farmer; he is said to have been a superior natural singer; was killed by falling under the wheel of a loaded cart; was a Congregationalist.
Stephen Chester is the first instance of a middle name in the Kellogg family. With the exception of Puritanical names, double Christian names were very rare until after the revolution, as is shown by the names signed to the Declaration of Independence, and those of officers and men in the Continental army.
Children, b. in Newington, Conn.
858 Sarah,7 b. 18 Dec, 1750; m. Elijah Wells.

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859 Elizabeth,7 b. 7 July, 1752; m. John Lusk.
860 Chester,7 b. 29 Apr., 1755; was a soldier in Capt. Allen's Co., Col. Fel­lows' Reg., Lexington Alarm; served eight days; enlisted in Col. Putnam's Fifth Continental Reg. for three years, 27 Apr., 1775; had an order for a bounty coat, dated Dorchester, 22 Dec, 1775; name on the depreciation rolls; d. in the army, 4 Dec, 1779; res. in the army rolls is given as Northampton.
861 Stephen,7 b. 7 Apr., 1758; m. Mrs. Crathia (Andrus) Stephens.
862 Simeon,7 b. 21 May, 1760; d. 25 May, 1760.
863 Simeon,7 b. 16 July, 1761; m. Mehitable Andras.
864 Cynthia,7 b. 26 May, 1764; m. Daniel Warner.
865 Joseph,7 b. 23 Feb., 1767; m. Sarah Willard.

284.   REBECCA,6 dau. of Capt. Martin5 (69), b. 11 June, 1732; m. Gamaliel Demming, b. 1728.
He d. 19 Dec, 1802; she d. 27 Aug., 1816.
They res. in Wethersfield until 1774; rem. to Walpole, N. H. In 1778 rem. to Arlington, Vt., where both d.
Children, b. in Wethersfield.
866 Mary Demming,7 b. 1754; m. Timothy Kilburn; res. in Wethersfield.
867 Rebecca Demming,7 b. 1756; m. Joseph Curtis; d. 12 Mar., 1822; res. in Egremont, Mass.; had five children.
868 Sarah Demming,7 b. 28 Feb., 1758; m. Joseph Bates.
869 Martin Demming,7 b. 22 Feb., 1762; m. Rhoda Hawley, whose mother was sister of Seth Warner. When thirteen years old he entered the rev­olutionary army as Fife Maj.; served five years; was at the battles of Bunker Hill and Bennington. After the war he, with his brother, Sylvester, bought cattle and drove them from Arlington to Phila­delphia.
870 Sylvester Demming,7 b. 18 Feb., 1765; m. Chloe Hart; res. in Arlington, Vt.; was an extensive farmer, and a lender of money; Justice of the Peace; member of the Legislature; had two children.
871 Lusina Demming,7 b. July, 1767; m. Aaron Stone; res. in Chenango Co., N. Y.
872 Rhoda Demming,7 b. 25 Jan., 1770; m. Daniel Clark, b. in Colchester, Conn., 15 May, 1761, son of Dr. Alex Clark; he d. in Arlington, Vt., 7 May, 1831; she d. 16 Feb., 1853; he was Adj. Gen. of Mas­sachusetts at the time of Shay's rebellion; later a merchant in Shaftsbury, Vt.
873 Dolly Demming,7 b. 28 Feb., 1773; m. Deacon Erastus Kellogg (+1057).

294.   ENSIGN JONATHAN,6 son of Capt. Joseph5 (71), b. in Northfield, 23 Aug., 1721; m. in Suffield, 13 Jan., 1741, Lucy Kent, b. 27 Sept., 1724, dau. of Samuel Kent,* b. 14 Dec, 1698, and Abia Dwight, b. 17 Feb., 1704.

*Samuel Kent, of Suffield, Conn., was thrice m.: (1) to Abia Dwight, dau. of Nathaniel Dwight, of Northampton, Mass., 28 Feb., 1722. She d. 23 Feb., 1743, aged 45. Among the children of "the first wife were Lucy Kent, b. 27 Sept., 1724; m. Jonathan Kellogg (+294). Phillis, b. 29 July, 1729; m. Martin Kellogg (+298). Elijah Kent, m. (1) Rachel Kellogg (+295); (2) Jemima Kellogg (+280). Elihu Kent, m. Rebecca Kellogg (+297).

102    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She was appointed administratrix of his estate, Apr., 1748.
His father in his will, dated 2 Dec, 1751, gives land to "my grandson Joseph Kellogg, son of my son Jonathan Kellogg, perhaps deceased, etc."
In 1735-36, private; 1738-39 Ensign under his father at Fort Dummer; Capt. in First Massachusetts Reg. in Gen. Pepperell's expedition against Louis­burg, 1745. Date of commission, 16 Oct., 1744. She m. (2) Timothy Mather.
Children, b. in Suffield.
874 Joseph,7 b. 14 Oct., 1742; m. Lucy Warner.
875 Lucy,7 b. 28 Aug., 1744; m. Timothy Wells.

295.   RACHEL,6 dau. of Capt. Joseph5 (71), b. 14 July, 1724; m. 27 Feb., 1745, Lieut. Elijah Kent, son of Samuel Kent, and Abia Dwight. (See note un­der Jonathan (294).
She d. 17 July, 1747; he m. (2) 26 Oct., 1748, Jemima Kellogg (+280).
Child, b. in Suffield.
876 Elijah Kent,7 b. 3 July, 1747.

296.   JOANNA,6 dau. of Capt. Joseph5 (71), b. 26 Dec., 1727; m. 20 Oct., 1743, Seth Dwight, b. 24 May, 1723, of Somers, Conn., son of Samuel Dwight,* of En­field, Conn.
She d. 15 Apr., 1776; he d. 7 Nov., 1777.
He was a man of good abilities; energetic in business; was for many years Sheriff of Hartford Co., Conn.
877 Esther Dwight,7 b. 30 Sept., 1744; m. (1) 27 Dec., 1770, as his second wife, John Allis, of Somers, b. 8 Aug., 1734; he d. 14 Nov., 1774; she m. (2) 3 Jan., 1787, Deacon Aaron Horton, of Somers, who d. 13 Aug., 1800.
878 Jonathan Dwight,7 b. 7 Aug., 1746; d. (found dead in bed), in Enfield, 19 Apr., 1763, while attending school there.
879 Samuel Dwight,7 b. 1 June, 1748; d. unm. in Somers, 24 Oct., 1775.
880 Joseph Dwight,7 b. 9 Oct., 1750; m. 3 Feb., 1780, Susannah Lawrence, of Stafford, Conn.; res. in Barre, Vt., and Champlain, N. Y.
881 Joanna Dwight,7 b. 19 Dec., 1753; m. 13 June, 1782, Seth Burbank.
882 Rachel Dwight,7 b. 24 Jan., 1755; m. Dec., 1774, Daniel Burbank, b. 1745, in Suffield; a farmer in Somers; he d. 29 Dec., 1831; she d. 23 Jan., 1844, aged 88; had twelve children.
883 Seth Dwight,7 b. 8 Apr., 1757; m. (1) 9 Dec., 1777, Esther Pease, b. 6 Feb., 1758; (2) about 1797, Abigail Eastman, of Granby, Mass., b. 1766; he was a cooper in West Springfield, Mass., and Somers; d. 10 Apr., 1821; she d. 3 Nov., 1833.
884 Alpheus Dwight,7 b. 7 Apr., 1760.
885 A Child,7 b. and d. 31 Oct., 1761.
886 Charlotte Dwight,7 b. 21 Nov., 1762; m. (1) Asa Olmstead, of Enfield; he d. ______; she m. (2) as his second wife, Abel Sikes; d. 1 July, 1825.

* See note under +294.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    103

887 Lois Dwight,7 b. 9 May, 1766; m. Abel Sikes, of Somers; d. Aug., 1802.

297.   REBECCA,6 dau. of Capt. Joseph5 (71), b. in Fort Dummer, Brattleboro, Vt., 8 Apr., 1729; m. 10 Feb., 1757, Maj. Elihu Kent, b. in Suffield, 1 June, 1733, son of Samuel Kent. ( See note under +294.)
She d. 27 Aug., 1761; he m. (2) 9 Nov., 1763, Susanna Lyman; she d. 1 Feb., 1770; he m. (3) 2 Feb., 1774, Sybil Dwight; d. 12 Feb., 1814, aged 81; she d. 9 July, 1822, aged 76.
He kept the inn about half a mile south of the village of Suffield, where the widow of Hezekiah Spence res. in 1876.
He was a minute man in the revolution; he was plowing when the news of the battle at Lexington arrived in Suffield; left his team in the field and in an hour was on the way to Boston with a company of one hundred and fourteen men; his was the first company of revolutionary soldiers to pass through Springfield, Mass. The musket which he bore on that occasion is a highly prized heirloom, and is now in possession of Miss Emma C. King, of Xenia, O.
Children, b. in Suffield.
888 Elihu Kent (Capt.),7 b. 15 Dec., 1757; m. 1780 or '81, Elizabeth Fitch, of Lebanon, Conn., b. 20 Sept., 1761. She was a descendant of Rev. James Fitch (one of the religious founders of the colony of Conn.), and of Maj. John Mason (one of its civil founders). He was a revolutionary soldier; enlisted in his father's company of minute men and marched to Boston on the Lexington Alarm; served as fifer; promoted to Sergt.; taken prisoner at Horse Neck and con­fined in the "Old Sugar House" prison in New York, where he suf­fered intensely. He res. in Suffield, where he was engaged in farm­ing and kept a first-class hotel; d. in Suffield, 12 May, 1813; she d. 28 Mar., 1850, aged 88; had five children.
889 Jonathan Kellogg Kent,7 b. 24 Sept., 1759; m. 31 Oct., 1787, Anna Phelps, b. 5 Oct., 1765; she d. 22 Jan., 1836; he d. 6 Aug., 1846; was a farmer and miller in Suffield; had seven children.
890 Martin Kent,7 b. 12 July, 1761; m. 14 Apr., 1789, Abigail Hale; she d. 21 Apr., 1822; he d. 16 Nov., 1846; rem. in 1807 from Hanover, N. H., to Suffield, and d. there.

298.   MARTIN,6 son of Capt. Joseph5 (71), b. 26 May, 1734; m. 7 June, 1759, Phillis Kent, dau. of Samuel Kent. (See note under Jonathan +294.)
He d. 1 May, 1786.
Children, b. in Suffield.
891 Mollie,7 b. 8 Aug., 1760; m. Thomas Pemberton.
892 Martin,7 b. 8 Nov., 1761.
893 Jonathan,7 b. 7 Jan., 1763; m. Temperance Adams.
894 Joseph,7 b. 15 Mar., 1767; m. Mary Norton.
895 Rebecca,7 b. 21 Apr., 1769.
896 Arden,7 b. 13 Jan., 1771.
897 Sarah,7 b. 23 Oct., 1774.

300.   ELISHA,6 son of Thomas5 (77), b. in Lebanon, Conn., 27 Mar., 1723; m. Rebecca _______.

104    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He and his wife were admitted to the church in Lanesborough, Mass., 11 Apr., 1773. Four of their children, Rebecca, Jemima, John and Lucy, were bap. there, 23 May, same year. The only time that his name appears in the town rec­ords of Lanesborough is "Dec., 6, 1770. Town Debts allowed. The following accounts were allowed at this meeting : To Elisha Kellogg 0-2-0."
He rem. to Sheffield; was taxed there, 1773, being the first time that his name appeared in the tax lists of that town. (The Assessor's books in Sheffield extend to 1769 only.) He was taxed in that town every year until 1779. In the tax of 3 Mar., 1777, for that part of the town of "Sheffield and Taconnack Mountain adjoining thereto," his name appears. The name also appears in the tax list of 1789, but the Town Clerk thinks this an error for Elisha Kelsey, whose name appears in 1790.
898 Joseph,7 b. 1749; m. (1) Susanna Bailey; (2) Mrs. Elizabeth (Bould­rey) Stone.
899 Elisha,7 b. 1751; it is said that he was a revolutionary soldier, and d. in the army.
900 Jason,7 b. 11 Feb., 1754; m. (1) Miriam Dewey; (2) Mrs. Martha (Ben­edict) Sackett; (3) Mrs. Lucretia (Dart) Rockwell.
901 Mary,7 b. 10 May, 1755; m. Pliny Kellogg (+424).
902 Jemima,7 b. in Sheffield, 5 Feb., 1757; m. (1) Asa Warren; (2) Cobb.
903 Elijah,7 b. 1760; he was a soldier in the revolution, and is said to have d. in the army. On a roll dated Ticonderoga, 25 Feb., 1777, Capt. Fitch's Co., Col. Symond's Berkshire Co. Reg., in which he enlisted to serve until 15 Mar., 1777, he is reported as being sick in camp. He was a private in the same regiment; marched to Kingsbury, N. Y.; served from 7 July to 15 Aug., 1777; was a private in the same regiment 19 Sept. to 19 Oct., 1777. In a descriptive roll he is reported in Sheffield or Taconic Hills; enlisted in Capt. Wheeler's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., to serve nine months from arrival at Fish­kill, where he arrived 31 May, 1778. He was 18 years old, 5 feet, 6 inches tall, light complexioned. He was a private in Col. Ashley's Reg., Gen. Fellows' Brigade, 17 Oct., 1781, raised by Gen. Stark. On an undated roll he is reported deceased.
904 Rebecca,7 b. ______; m. James McMitchell.
905 John,7 b. 5 Aug., 1768; m. Elizabeth Doud.
906 Lucy,7 b. 11 Sept., 1771; m. Elijah Williston.
907 Stephen,7 b. about 1773-74; m. Lucy Weldon.

302.   LEMUEL,6 son of Thomas5 (77), b. 4 Nov., 1727; m. _______.
He d. ______; she m. (2) Ludington, who had a son Lemuel Lud­ington, b. in 1759.
908 Thomas,7 b. 26 Dec., 1757; m. Mrs. Esther (Higgins) Parker.

308.   WILLIAM,6 son of Ephraim5 (81), b. about 1743; m. Bathsheba Karley.
He d. in Ferrisburg, Vt., 5 May, 1802; she d. about 1816.
Res. in Hatfield, Mass., where the older children were b. ______; rem., after 1778, to Rutland, Vt., where he enlisted in Second Connecticut Reg., 5 Dec., 1780.* He bought land in Rutland, 6 Aug., 1784. William Kellogg, of Ferrisburg, sold land in Rutland, 13 July, 1790.

* Judge Frederick Kellogg, of Cornwall, Conn., has the muster roll of Gen. Swift's Reg., in which William is described: Height, 5 feet, 6 inches; hair brown, complexion dark. At the same time his children, Josiah, aged 10, enlisted as fifer, and Solomon, aged 7, as drummer.

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909 William,7 b. in Hatfield, 4 June, 1768; d. in Whately, Mass., Mar., 1774.
910 Josiah,7 in Hatfield, 7 Aug., 1770; m. (1) Clarissa Alford; (2) Sarah Fox.
911 Solomon,7 b. 1773; m. Vashti Hobbs.
912 William,7 b. in Rutland, Vt., 2 Dec., 1779; m. Sarah Cousins.
913 Lydia,7 b. in Rutland, 16 Jan., 1784; m. Samuel Gage.

325.   JOSEPH,6 son of Edward5 (83), b. 13 Aug., 1738; m. in Bozrah, Conn., 31 May, 1759, Mary Cushman, b. 9 Sept., 1740, dau. of Thomas Cushman, of Lebanon, Conn., and Mary Harvey.
She d. 13 Mar., 1828, aged 88; he d. 20 Sept., 1828, aged 90; they lived to­gether nearly seventy years.
He was in Gen. Wolfe's army when it captured Quebec.
The first seven children were bap. in Goshen Parish, Lebanon, where his wife acknowledged the covenant, 19 Apr., 1761. He rem. in 1780 to Bennington, Vt.; thence to Castleton, Weybridge and Pittsford; thence, with his son Joseph, to Henderson, N. Y., in 1818.
914 Amos,7 b. 7 July, 1760; m. Lucretia Harwood.
915 Isaac,7 b. 9 Apr., 1763; m. ______.
916 Mary,7 b. 8 May, 1765; probably d. young.
917 Joseph,7 b. 5 Apr., 1767; m. Pamelia Dunham, dau. of James Dunham, a Quaker, of Canaan, Conn.; res. in Weybridge, Vt., 1795; d. in Henderson, N. Y., about 1825; was buried on his farm; had no children.
918 Charles Cushman,7 b. 21 Aug., 1768.
919 Guy,7 b. 22 July, 1770.
920 Edward,7 b. 12 Nov., 1771; m. Susannah Gerry.
921 Elijah,7 b. 2 Mar., 1775; m. (1) Rachel Fredenburg; (2) Deborah Pringle.
922 Polly,7 b. 22 July, 1776.
923 Ira,7 b. 22 Feb., 1778.
924 Lucy,7 b. 22 Mar., 1780; m. Thomas Sanford.
925 Frederick Cushman,7 b. 16 Nov., 1781; m. Betsey Lewis.

327.   PRESERVED,6 son of Edward5 (83), b. in Lebanon, Conn., 25 Oct., 1742; m. Lucy Palmer, b. in Connecticut.
She d. 1 Mar., 1813; he d. 6 Nov., 1833, aged 93, in Castleton, Vt., where both are buried.
Rem. from Connecticut to Bennington, Vt., about 1776; from Bennington to Castleton, about 1785.

106    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He was a butcher. He was blind for many years before his death.
He served in Col. Wood's Reg. of Vermont Militia, in revolutionary war.
In his application for pension, it is stated that he was born in Lebanon, Conn.; res. in Bennington in time of revolutionary war, and four or five years thereafter; then in Castleton; enlisted under Capt. Ebenezer Ward, and went to Hubbardston in 1777, but did not arrive until after the battle. Was soon after at the battle of Bennington, 16 Aug., 1777; was in other services as guard at Manchester and Castleton, Vt.
926 Saxton,7 b. 25 Mar., 1769; m. Sarah Fuller.
927 Sherman,7 b. 25 Mar., 1775; m. Sarah Hunt.
928 Shirley,7 b. 10 June, 1777; m. Elizabeth Crandell.
929 Jacob,7 b. ______; living in Castleton, 1803.
930 Elisha,7 b. 15 Jan., 1780; m. Lydia Dikeman.
931 David,7 b. ______.
932 Lydia,7 b. ______; m. 12 Sept., 1790, Aaron Fox.
933 Jemima,7 b. ______; m. Grum.
934 Lucinda,7 b. ______; m. Tyrril.
935 Esther,7 b. ______; m. Kendall.

328.   ELIJAH,6 son of Edward5 (83), b. 1751; m. Tryphenia Westover, b. 1753, dau. of Nathaniel Westover.
She d. 29 Mar., 1815, aged 62; he d. 14 Feb., 1819, aged 68.
He res. in Sheffield; is said to have gone to Shoreham, Vt., in 1766, with twelve or fourteen others, among whom were Col. Doolittle and Paul Moore. He returned to Sheffield and lived there until after the revolutionary war; afterward returned to Shoreham, where he d. He was a soldier in the revolutionary war; served at various times in 1777, '78 and '81. He was one of Ethan Allen's party when Fort Ticonderoga was captured. The Vermont Gazette, vol. 1, p. 94, says that Elias Kellogg, of Shoreham, was the first, after Allen and Arnold, to enter the fort. (Elias is probably an error for Elijah.) During the war he was taken prisoner and confined three months in Fort Ticonderoga, from which he escaped with two men named Hall.
Children, first three b. in Sheffield; others in Shoreham.
936 Mary (Polly),7 b. 11 Oct., 1776; m. Daniel Kellogg (+1260).
937 Sylvester,7 b. in Sheffield, Mass., 26 Jan., 1780; m. Sophia Crawford.
938 Eli,7 b. ______; he went to Boston and was overseer in the erection of the State prison in Charlestown; was several years commissary of that prison; went to New Orleans and was engaged in shipping goods to Spain. The following notice of his death appeared in the Con­necticut Courant, 18 Dec., 1811: "Died in Washington Co., Missis­sippi Territory on the 18th of Oct., last, Mr. Eli Kellogg, from some part of New England. He was much esteemed, and died lamented by those who knew him. His death was occasioned by severe cold, caught in a severe storm to which he was exposed, to­gether with a fall from his horse, at the time, which wounded him internally. He survived this fall but a few days. He was interred with every mark of respect by his surrounding friends. Two or three hundred dollars, it is supposed, may be collected for his heirs,

The Kelloggs in the New World.    107

from the property he has left in that Territory, which was left in an unsettled state. The above information was received by the sub­scriber in a letter from John Culler, Esq., Chief Justice of Wash­ington County (Mississippi Territory), to be communicated to the friends of Mr. Kellogg and who being unknown to me, this method is adopted to convey to them the melancholy intelligence." "Jed'h Morse."
"Charleston, November 29, 1811."
939 Daniel Newton,7 b. 4 May, 1785; m. Sarah Newton; (2) Sarah Towner.
940 Lucretia,7 b. ______; m. Philip Leonard; rem. to Ohio; had two daus.
941 Huldah,7 b. 1791; m. Seymour Wolcott.

333.   SARAH,6 dau. of Samuel5 (84), b. in Hartford, 21 Nov., 1712; m. 14 Aug., 1732, Moses Peck, b. Apr., 1703, son of Samuel Peck and Abigail Collier.
He d. 30 Dec., 1759; she d. 12 June, 1770. Res. in Kensington, Conn.
942 Rhoda Peck,7 b. 15 Dec., 1733; d. 18 Apr., 1734.
943 Rhoda Peck,7 (twin of above Rhoda); m. Reuben Clark.
944 Moses Peck,7 b. 24 June, 1735; m. Rosanna; d. 1810.
945 Oliver Peck,7 b. 13 Mar., 1737; m. Patience Clark; d. 4 Nov., 1810.
946 Sarah Peck,7 b. 11 Apr., 1741; m. Timothy Clark.
947 Abel Peck,7 b. 5 May, 1743; m. 1768, Deborah Curtis.

343.   SARAH,6 dau. of John5 (87), b. 30 Oct., 1719; m. 1738, John Belden.
948 Sarah Belden,7 b. 2 Apr., 1739.
949 John Kellogg Belden,7 b. 17 May, 1740; m. 18 Sept., 1769, Mercy Web­ster, b. 8 Nov., 1749 (sister of Noah Webster, LL. D.), dau. of Noah Webster, of Hartford, Conn., and Mercy Steele; res. in Hart­ford, Conn.

347.   SAMUEL,6 son of Capt. Isaac5 (88), b. in New Hartford, 15 Nov., 1718; m. 8 July, 1741, Mary Steele,* of New Haven, Conn., dau. of Ebenezer Steele and Susannah Merrill.
He d. 1770 in Poultney, Vt.; she d. 13 Apr., 1813, aged 94.
He was a clothier; a man of public spirit, and of some note in Enfield, Hart­ford and Goshen. Conn., to which latter place he rem. in 1769. Three of his sons, Ebenezer, Leverett and Helmont, served in the revolutionary army. About the year 1796 she and her dau., Rhoda, visited Ruth in New Hartford, N. Y. (then Whitestown), and made the journey on horseback.
Children, all but two b. in Enfield.
950 Ruth,7 b. 20 Mar., 1742; d. 3 Sept., 1746.
951 Rhoda,7 b. 24 Feb., 1744; m. Timothy Cadwell.

*Mary Steele was fifth in descent from Gov. Bradford, of Plymouth, being grand­daughter of John Steele and Meletiah Bradford. She was fourth in descent from Hon. George Steele, who was "sent to govern the colonies of Connecticut," and came to Hartford with Thomas Hooker.

108    The Kelloggs in the New World.

952 Ruth,7 b. 13 Feb., 1747; m. Hezekiah Seymour.
953 Samuel,7 b. 3 Feb., 1748; d. about 1751.
954 Ebenezer,7 b. 6 Sept., 1751; m. Mollie Bissell.
955 Leverett,7 b. 28 June, 1753; d. in revolutionary army, in 1776, in Ticon­deroga; was captured and is said to have starved to death in prison; served in Capt. John Sedgwick's Co.; unm.
956 Samuel,7 b. 20 July, 1755; m. (1) Sarah Rogers; (2) Mrs. Ruth (Rogers) Pierce.
957 Asaph,7 b. 20 Aug., 1757; d. about 1790, unm.
958 Bradford,7 b. 24 Mar., 1759; m. Mary Thompson.
959 Rachel,7 b. 1 May, 1760, in New Hartford, Conn.
960 Helmont,7 b. 17 Mar., 1762, in New Hartford; m. Susannah Moore.

348.   ABRAHAM,6 son of Capt. Isaac5 (88), b. in Hartford, 17 Jan., 1720; m. in New Hartford, Conn., 17 June, 1747, Sarah Marsh, bap. 28 June, 1724, dau. of Jonathan Marsh, of Hartford; she was half-sister of Jonathan Marsh, who m. Abraham's sister, Theodocia (350).
She d. 1796, aged about 72; he d. 13 Jan., 1805.
He res. in New Hartford.
Charles Frazer Kellogg wrote in 1859 : "I well recollect my grandfather Abraham; in person he was about 5 feet, 8 or 9 inches high; erect, with a haughty appearance and quick in gesture. The last time I saw him was about 1796 or '97."
Rev. Frederick Marsh wrote in 1850: "I remember him (Abraham) well, a venerable old man, cheerful, pious and agreeable.
He d. Sunday, 12 o'clock, on Town Hill about one-third of a mile S. of Meeting-house."
961 Esther,7 b. 24 Mar., 1748; m. Judge Aaron Austin.
962 Abraham,7 b. 27 Jan., 1750; m. (1) Sarah Seymour; (2) Mrs. Sarah (Cowles) Merrill.
963 Solomon,7 b. 10 Dec., 1751; m. Ruth Kellogg (429).
964 Moses,7 b. 23 Feb., 1754; m. (1) Rhoda Kellogg (430); (2) Mabel Merrill.
965 Elias,7 b. 23 Feb., 1754; m. (1) Mary Merrill; (2) Betsey Dorr.
966 Phineas,7 b. 7 June, 1756; m. (1) Olive Frazer; (2) Ruth _______.
967 Martin,7 b. 16 July, 1758; m. Lucy Seymour.
968 Frederick Webster,7 b. 31 Jan., 1761; m. Margaret Moore (1033).
969 Sarah,7 b. 3 June, 1763; m. Gen. Martin Smith.
970 Truman,7 b. 6 Jan., 1766; m. Hannah Merrill.
971 Elizabeth,7 b. 17 June, 1768; m. Josiah Hatch.

349.   MARY,6 dau. of Capt. Isaac5 (88), b. 12 Mar., 1723; m. John Birge, b. 25 Apr., 1723, son of Jeremiah Birge, of Windsor, Conn., b. 22 Sept., 1682, and Mary Griswold.
He d. 23 Feb., 1776, aged 53; she d. 16 Mar., 1817, aged 94.
He lived on the farm now occupied by his grandson, Roswell Birge, in Tor­rington. Conn.
She is remembered as tall and slight in form with blue or gray eyes. She was totally blind for several years before her death. (Torringford was settled in 1737, by a colony from Windsor, Conn.)

The Kelloggs in the New World.    109

972 Mary Birge,7 b. 31 Oct., 1753; m. Silas White, a joiner of New Hartford; d. about 1800; had four sons.
973 John Birge,7 b. 15 Mar., 1754; m. Lydia Hopkins, of Canaan, Conn.; lived in Torringford; d. 26 Apr., 1834; she d. 9 Sept., 1828, aged 63; he was a revolutionary soldier; was in the battle of the Cowpens.
974 Isaac Birge,7 b. about 1755; a mute; d. 22 Feb., 1784, aged 29.
975 Simeon Birge,7 b. 26 Dec., 1756; m. Oct., 1783, Experience Hamlin, of Middletown, Conn.; res. On the old homestead in Torringford; he d. 8 Jan., 1854, aged 97; she d. 16 Mar., 1844, aged 82; had two children.
976 Anna Birge,7 b. ______; m. John Elsworth, a farmer of Torringford; d. 16 Dec., 1828, aged 64; had eight children; he m. (2) _______, and rem. to Hudson, O.
977 Boswell Birge,7 b. ______; served in revolutionary army; d. 1777, aged 17.

350.   THEODOCIA,6 dau. of Capt. Isaac5 (88), b. in Hartford, 7 June, 1724-25; m. in New Hartford, 4 Apr., 1745, Jonathan Marsh, bap. 1 May, 1715, son of Jonathan Marsh; she d. 6 Mar., 1795; he d. 12 Jan., 1802, aged 87.
They are buried in southeast part of burying ground in New Hartford.
He was a farmer and carpenter. Her chief employment for many years was weaving; they lived in patriarchal simplicity during sixty years of married life.
978 Theodocia Marsh,7 b. 13 July, 1747; m. about 1767, John Gilbert; res. in the northern part of New Hartford. The present brick meeting­house stands on what was the north end of his garden. In 1792 he rem. to Herkimer Co., N. Y., where he d. ______; she m. (2) 1796, Capt. Cook, and for many years lived in Sullivan, Madison Co., N. Y. After death of her second husband she lived with one of her sons in Cazenovia, N. Y., where she d. in the winter of 1827, aged 80.
979 Ruth Marsh,7 b. 14 July, 1749; d. unm. 7 Mar., 1813; buried in New Hartford.
980 Chloe Marsh,7 b. 12 Nov., 1751; m. Elijah Flower, son of Elijah Flower, of New Hartford; he was Capt. in revolutionary army; she d. in Whitestown, Oneida Co., N. Y., Apr., 1813.
981 Mary Marsh,7 b. 22 July, 1754; m. about 1776, Elijah Seymour; he d. 1806; after his death she res. with her youngest son Mills, and with her dau., Mrs. Edwards, on the east side of Skaneateles Lake, N. Y., one mile south of its outlet; she d. 19 June, 1839, aged about 85.
982 Jonathan Marsh,7 b. 1 Mar., 1757; m. Damaris Pitkin; d. 27 Jan., 1838, aged about 81; he was member of Constitutional Convention of 1818; farmer in New Hartford; father of Rev. Frederick Marsh, of Winchester, to whose notes the author is indebted for much ma­terial relating to the descendants of Isaac Kellogg.
983 Elizabeth Marsh,7 b. 13 Oct., 1759; m. Roger Sheldon, b. in Windsor, Conn.; d. 25 Sept., 1845, Huron, N. Y., aged about 86; he was a house carpenter in New Hartford until 1809.
984 Ashbel Marsh,7 b. 11 July, 1762; m. Abigail Ward; d. in New Hartford, 19 Nov., 1815.
985 Cynthia Marsh,7 b. 13 Apr., 1765; m. Rufus Northway; d. at Ithaca, N. Y., 3 Mar., 1840; res. in New Hartford for a time, and Trenton, N. Y.
986 Esther Marsh,7 b. 18 Aug., 1768; d. 18 Aug., 1769.

110    The Kelloggs in the New World.

351.   ISAAC,6 son of Capt. Isaac5 (88), b. in Hartford, 8 Oct., 1727; m. 26 Jan., 1748, Martha Merrill, b. 24 Jan., 1737-28, dau. of Jonathan Merrill and Mary _______.
He d. about 1800.
At the first town meeting held in Winsted (Winchester), Conn., Isaac Kel­logg, Josiah Smith and John Balcom were chosen "committee men." His father, Capt. Isaac, was one of the original proprietors of Winsted, although he never lived there. It is probable that he gave his son Isaac the land in Winsted, for which reason the latter rem. there a little later than 1758, as the birth of Daniel is recorded in New Hartford.
He res. in New Hartford, in a small house a few rods east of his brother Noah. Rem. to Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y. His will, dated 20 Aug., 1800, mentions his wife, Martha, sons Daniel and Eleazer.
987 Eleazer,7 b. 10 Apr., 1749; m. Esther Fuller.
988 Martha,7 b. 19 Sept., 1751.
989 Mary,7 b. 17 Jan., 1754; d. 23 Jan., 1754.
990 Mary,7 b. 9 May, 1756; probably m. 28 Nov., 1776, David Butler.
991 Daniel,7 b. 5 Apr., 1758; m. Abigail Crow.
992 Rachel,7 b. 1 May, 1760; m. Preserved Crissey.
993 Mela,7 b. 12 Feb., 1763.
994 Susannah,7 b. 25 Dec., 1765; m. Jonathan Dunham.

352.   CAPT. NOAH,6 son of Capt. Isaac5 (88), b. 13 Dec., 1729; m. 18 Nov., 1754, Clemence Merrill, b. 12 Sept., 1734, dau. of Joseph Merrill.
He d. ______; she d. about 1819.
He was a deacon in the church in New Hartford; Capt. in the revolutionary army.
995 Noah,7 b. 8 May, 1756; m. (1) Deborah Knowlton; (2) Lucy Crow.
996 Clemence,7 b. 18 Feb., 1758; m. Mathias Hurlburt.
997 Jesse,7 b. 25 Sept., 1759; m. (1) Susanna Griswold; (2) Mrs. Mary (Russell) Parish.
998 Sarah,7 b. 28 Sept., 1761; m. Daniel W. Sandeforth.
999 Huldah Lavina,7 b. 13 Sept., 1763; m. Samuel Norton.
1000 Miriam,7 b. 6 Sept., 1765; m. Noah Seymour.
1001 Joanna,7 b. 16 Jan., 1768; m. William Thrall.
1002 Michael,7 b. 4 Mar., 1770; m. Sarah Gillett.
1003 Clarissa,7 b. 19 May, 1777; m. (1) W. F. Wheeler; (2) Peck.

353.   JOSEPH,6 son of Capt. Isaac5 (88), b. 14 Oct., 1731; m. Esther Porter, of Farmington, Conn.
He d. 1790.
Res. in New Hartford, Conn; he sold land in New Hartford, 5 Sept., 1755.
1004 Azubah,7 b. 18 Aug., 1754.

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1005 Benjamin,7 bap. 2 May, 1756.
1006 Joseph,7 bap. 11 Nov., 1759.
1007 Esther (or Hester),7 bap. 9 Jan., 1763; m. 27 May, 1784, Amos Tyler.
1008 Margaret,7 bap. 10 Feb., 1765.

354.   ASHBEL,6 son of Capt. Isaac5 (88), b. 18 Oct., 1732; m. (1) in New Hartford, Conn., 5 Apr., 1759, Sarah Loomis, b. 5 June, 1739, dau. of Deacon Israel Loomis; she d. 22 June, 1765; gravestone in New Hartford; he m. (2) 17 July, 1766, in New Hartford, Lydia Steele; she d. 26 Nov., 1779, aged 31; he m. (3) 20 Sept., 1780, Lucy Cotton, b. 9 Sept., 1747, in Middletown, Conn., dau. of William Cotton, b. 18 Sept., 1720, and Rebecca Ware.
He d. 7 Feb., 1806; she d. 30 Oct., 1847, in Claridon, O., aged 100.
He lived in New Hartford, Conn., half a mile northwest of Riverius Douglas farm, where once stood an old gristmill.
Children by first wife.
1009 Abigail,7 b. 16 Mar., 1760; m. Elias Hopkins.
1010 Mary Ann,7 b. 9 Oct., 1761; m. Josiah Gaylord.
1011 Ashbel,7 b. 18 Oct., 1763; m. Martha Bacon Ward.
Children by second wife.
1012 Sarah,7 b. 19 May, 1767; d. 5 Oct., 1776.
1013 Lydia,7 b. 19 Dec., 1768; m. Smith.
1014 Elijah,7 b. 12 July, 1770; m. (1) Deborah Ward; (2) Mrs. Zodia Taylor.
1015 Lucy,7 b. 26 Feb., 1773; m. Silas Douglas.
1016 Chloe,7 b. 16 Mar., 1774; d. 5 Sept., 1776.
1017 Nancy,7 b. 2 Apr., 1776; m. Gamaliel Loomis.
1018 Rhoderick,7 b. 24 Dec., 1777; m. (1) Sabra Clark; (2) Mary Lang­worthy.
1019 William Cotton,7 b. ______; d. 17 Aug., 1785.
1020 Asahel,7 b. 13 Sept., 1783; m. Amanda Spencer.
1021 Cotton,7 b. 18 Aug., 1785; m. Elizabeth Moses.
1022 Sarah,7 b. 21 Feb., 1788; m. Elisha Strong.
1023 Aranda,7 b. 8 Sept., 1790; m. Laura Cowles.

355.   SARAH,6 dau. of Capt. Isaac5 (88), b. 16 Feb., 1735; m. about 1752, William Merrill, b. about 1732, eldest son of Jonathan Merrill, b. about 1698.
She d. about 1801; he d. about 1806.
Lived on the mountain one and one-half miles southwest of the meeting­house of West Simsbury (now Canton), Conn.; he was a farmer, in Canton, to which place his father rem. in 1739-40.
1024 Sarah Merrill,7 b. about 1752; m. Oliver Bronson.
1025 Elizabeth Merrill,7 b. 1754; m. Asahel Benham; d. about 1786.
1026 Rhoda Merrill,7 b. 1757; m. Pliny Case; d. 1792.

112    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1027 Daniel Merrill,7 b. 1759; m. Diettama Mills; d. 1829.
1028 William Merrill,7 b. 1761; m. (1) Elizabeth Wilcox; (2) Thete Brown; d. 1830.
1029 Sybil Merrill,7 b. 1763; m. Asa Cowles.
1030 Margaret Merrill,7 b. 1765; m. William Roberts.
1031 Isaac Merrill,7 b. 1767; m. Elizabeth Seymour; d. 1846.
1032 Candace Merrill,7 b. 1771; m. Bates Willey.

356.   MARGARET,6 dau. of Capt. Isaac5 (88), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 12 June, 1737; m. Joseph Moore, of Pittsfield, Mass.
1033 Margaret Moore,7 b. 13 July, 1760; m. Frederick Webster Kellogg (+968).

357.   ANN,6 dau. of Capt. Isaac5 (88), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 2 Aug., 1739; m. Roger Crow, of New Hartford.
He was an eccentric man, of very limited means.
She was an excellent woman; was beloved by all; labored under great dis­advantages in bringing up her children, and in other respects. She lived to be old and d. in her native place.
1034 Anna Crow,7 b. ______.
1035 Roxaline Crow,7 b. 24 Mar., 1762; m. George Flower, of New Durham, N. Y., b. 26 Apr., 1760; he d. 3 Jan., 1827; she d. 20 July, 1838; had ten children.
1036 Shubael Crow,7 b. ______.
1037 Polly Crow,7 b. ______.
1038 Asahel Crow,7 b. ______.
1039 Margaret Crow,7 b. ______; d. young.
1040 Esther Crow,7 b. ______; d. young.

359.   HULDAH,6 dau. of Capt. Isaac5 (88), b. 30 Mar., 1742; m. James Ben­ham, bap. in New Hartford, Conn., 18 Feb., 1740, son of Samuel Benham.
She d. in Bridgewater, N. Y., 31 Aug., 1809, aged 67; he d. in Bridgewater, 6 May, 1830, aged 95.
They rem. to Dutchess Co., N. Y., 1788, and to Bridgewater, Oneida Co., 1793. He was a farmer.
1041 Huldah Benham,7 b. ______; m. James Kinney, a farmer in Bridge­water, N. Y.; d. 8 Mar., 1832, aged 73.
1042 James Benham,7 b. 14 Aug., 1764; m. Sarah Sedgwick; was a farmer in Bridgewater; d. 6 Jan., 1807.
1043 Elizabeth Benham,7 b. 1776; m. Rufus Dickson; d. in Bridgewater, 8 Jan., 1816, aged 39 years and 10 months.
1044 Truman Benham,7 b. 1777; m. Ruth Clark, b. in Lebanon, Conn., 1781; d. 14 Aug., 1850; she d. 15 Nov., 1856; had seven children.
1045 Diantha Benham,7 b. ______; m. Isaac Thompson.
1046 Margaret Benham,7 b. ______.
1047 Mary Benham,7 b. ______.

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360.   DEACON TIMOTHY,6 son of Lieut. Jacob5 (89), b. in Hartford, Conn., 25 Nov., 1725 or '26; m. Keziah Jones, b. 6 Apr., 1733, dau. of Josiah Jones, of Watertown, Mass., b. 1701, and Ann Brown, b. 24 Dec., 1704.
He d. 17 Sept., 1797, aged 71; gravestone is standing in the cemetery be­tween Sheffield and Egremont.
The first church of Egremont was organized 20 Feb., 1770. In the follow­ing Jan. he and Ephraim Fitch were chosen deacons.
He res. in the eastern part of Egremont; was chosen one of the selectmen of Egremont at its first meeting; represented Egremont in the Congress of Deputies in Stockbridge, Mass., 6 July, 1774; was commissioned Lieutenant in the Berk­shire Co. Militia in Capt. John Ashley's Co., Col. William Williams' Reg., Jan., 1764; Capt. of the Egremont Co., Col. John Ashley's Reg., July, 1771.
1048 Anna,7 b. 22 Jan., 1752; m. Simeon Willard; had ten children.
1049 Israel,7 b. 30 Apr., 1754; d. 10 Sept., 1757.
1050 Mary,7 b. 22 Nov., 1755; d. 1 Sept., 1757.
1051 Timothy,7 b. 23 Aug., 1757; m. (1); (2) Eunice Cowles; (3) Mrs. Eleanor (Loomis) Cole.
1052 Mary,7 b. 11 Feb., 1759; d. unm. ______.
1053 Ozias,7 b. 17 Dec., 1760; m. Isabel Williams.
1054 Truman,7 b. 25 Oct., 1764; m. Abi Bingham.
1055 Oliver,7 b. 12 Aug., 1767; m. Abigail Benjamin.
1056 Josiah Jones,7 b. 25 July, 1768; m. Polly Taylor.
1057 Erastus,7 bap. 8 July, 1770; m. (1) Dolly Deming; (2) Mrs. Rhoda (Tuller) Van Deusen.
1058 Chloe,7 b. ______; m. Ebenezer Smith; d. aged 19.
1059 James,7 b. ______.

361.   ELIZABETH,6 dau. of Lieut. Jacob5 (89), b. 28 Aug., 1727; m. 6 Nov., 1746, Joseph Hinsdale, of Canaan, Conn.
She d. 24 Oct., 1789.
1060 Joseph Hinsdale,7 b. 14 Sept., 1747.
1061 Lydia Hinsdale,7 b. 12 Mar., 1749.
1062 Mary Hinsdale,7 b. 12 Mar., 1749.
1063 Moses Hinsdale,7 b. 22 May, 1754.
1064 Elizabeth Hinsdale,7 b. 15 Dec., 1756.
1065 Lucy Hinsdale,7 b. 2 Aug., 1759.
1066 Aaron Hinsdale,7 b. 25 Mar., 1764.
1067 Jacob Hinsdale,7 b. 23 Mar., 1766.
1068 Chloe Hinsdale,7 b. 17 Dec., 1769.

362.   LYDIA,6 dau. of Lieut. Jacob5 (89), b. 22 July, 1729; m. (1)1 Dec., 1748, Capt. Timothy Seymour, of West Hartford, Conn., b. 1 Feb., 1728, son of Ensign Timothy Seymour, b. in Hartford, 27 June, 1696, and

114    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Rachel Alleyn, b. 20 Aug., 1694.
He d. 1784; she m. (2) Matthew Clark, of Farmington, b. 19 Dec., 1719, who had previously m. Sarah Merrill; he d. 1 Nov., 1792; she m. (3) Sept., 1804, Capt. Archibald McNeil, of Litchfield, Conn., son of Archibald McNeil and Sarah _______.
She d. 6 Nov., 1810, aged 81; he d. 31 Jan., 1813.
1069 Timothy Seymour,7 (Col), bap. 7 May, 1749; m. in West Hartford, 1772 (pub. July 5), Abigail Skinner, of West Hartford, dau. of Timothy Skinner and Ruth Colton; d. in West Hartford, 6 Apr., 1812; she d. 27 May, 1819, aged 68; had eight children.
1070 Norman Seymour,7 bap. 10 Dec., 1752; m. (1) Mary McNeil, of Litch­field; she d. 16 Dec., 1776; he m. (2) 15 June, 1779; his cousin, Catherine Seymour, dau. of Moses Seymour and Rachel Goodwin; he was a hatter; learned his trade of Moses Seymour, of Litchfield; d. 1793; had six children.
1071 Roderick Seymour,7 bap. 3 Nov., 1754; d. young.
1072 Anne Seymour,7 bap. 17 Oct., 1756; m. Richard Goodman, of West Hartford; he d. May, 1834, aged 86; had seven children.
1073 Roderick Seymour,7 bap. 6 Aug., 1758; served in the revolutionary war; was a hatter; d. unm. in West Hartford, 1820.
1074 Truman Seymour,7 bap. 9 Nov., 1760; m. 1790, in Albany, N. Y., Zebiah Packard, bap. 19 Dec., 1768, in Milton, Mass; he was a soldier in Lieut. Charles Seymour's Co., Gen. Wolcott's Brigade, 1777, in Peekskill, N. Y.; settled in Albany, 1785; he d. 27 July, 1812; she d. 27 May, 1856, in Geneva, N. Y.; had five children.

363.   JACOB,6 son of Lieut. Jacob5 (89), bap. in West Hartford, Conn., 11 July, 1731; m. in Sheffield, Apr., 1758, Mary Harmon, dau. of Samuel Harmon, of Sheffield, and Hannah _______.
He d. before 1792.
His name appears among those who received bounty for service on the western frontier, and for providing their own guns, Apr., 1755; sentinel in Capt. Ezra Williams' Co., with detachment under Capt. Elijah Williams, of Stockbridge, 25 May to 8 Nov., 1757; twenty-four weeks; he was also in Capt. John Fellows' Co., which marched on the alarm for the relief of Fort William Henry, in Aug., 1757; marched from Sheffield to Fort Edward; traveled 204 miles; served eight days; allowed for horse-keeping, 4s. 8d.
1075 Nancy,7 b. 1 Oct., 1760.
1076 Hannah,7 b. 9 Aug., 1762.

364.   AZARIAH,6 son of Lieut. Jacob5 (89), b. 1733; m. 23 Dec., 1756, Han­nah Catlin, b. 12 Sept., 1738, dau. of Abijah Catlin, b. in Hartford, Conn., 6 Apr., 1715, and Hannah Cook,* b. in Hartford, 20 June, 1717.
He d. 5 Nov., 1806; she d. ______; both d. in Harwinton, Conn.
Children, b. in Harwinton.
1077 Azariah,7 b. 21 Nov., 1757; m. Roxanna Cook.
1078 Hannah,7 b. 4 Aug., 1759; m. Joseph Austin.

* When Hannah (Cook) Catlin d. she had living six children, seventy-six grandchildren and fifty-three great grandchildren.

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1079 Anka,7 b. 1 Nov., 1761.
1080 Allen,7 b. 8 Oct., 1763; m. Mindwell Catlin.
1081 Jacob,7 b. 24 Aug., 1766; m. (1) Deborah Griswold; (2) Mrs. Elizabeth (Beales) Gaylord.
1082 Abijah,7 b. 2 Oct.", 1768; d. 7 Mar., 1775.
1083 Archibald,7 b. 13 Sept., 1770; d. 19 Jan., 1780.
1084 Alexander,7 b. 13 Sept., 1770; d. 11 Oct., 1783.
1085 Chloe,7 b. 23 July, 1772.
1086 Lois,7 b. 5 Dec., 1774; m. William Benton.
1087 Abijah,7 b. 1 May, 1777; m. Pamelia Willard.

366.   GEORGE,6 son of Lieut. Jacob5 (89), b. 7 July, 1737; m. 25 Dec., 1760, Sarah Clark, b. 6 Apr., 1739.
He d. 24 Aug., 1803; she d. ______.
Res. at West Hartford. Was a Lieutenant in the revolutionary army, bore his own expenses, and never asked for pay or pension. His will was dated 1791 and mentions his wife and all the following children, except the first Lydia.
1088 Sarah,7 b. 6 Dec., 1761; m. Nathaniel Seymour.
1089 Mary,7 b. 4 June, 1764; m. (1) Aaron Steele, of West Hartford; (2) Gen. Hyde, of New York.
1090 Jacob,7 b. 16 Mar., 1766; m. Catherine Steele.
1091 Chloe,7 b. 25 Aug., 1769; m. Joseph Cadwell, Jr.
1092 Lydia,7 b. 8 June, 1773; d. 31 May, 1776.
1093 Amanda,7 b. 28 Apr., 1775; m. Jeremiah Leaming.
1094 Lydia,7 b. 29 Nov., 1778; m. Timothy Merrill.

367.   HANNAH,6 dau. of Lieut. Jacob5 (89), b. 13 May, 1739; m. 26 Feb., 1767, Caleb Crosswell, of West Hartford.
He d. 1 Oct., 1806, aged 73; she d. 9 Apr., 1829, aged nearly 90.
1095 Abigail Crosswell,7 b. 20 Jan., 1774; m. 12 Aug., 1796, William Goodwin, b. 15 Oct., 1776, son of Ebenezer Goodwin and Ame Webster, dau. of Isaac Webster, of West Hartford. He was a clothier; res. in Pine Meadow, town of North Hartford. He d. 20 Apr., 1849; she d. 16 June, 1852.
1096 Crosswell,7 b. ______; m. ______, 1856; was rector of Trinity Church, New Haven, Conn.
1097 Archibald Crosswell,7 b. ______; res. 1856, in Gilboa, N. Y.

369.   BENJAMIN,6 son of Deacon Benjamin5 (90), bap. 11 Oct., 1724; m. 20 Nov., 1754, in St. Paul's Church, Wallingford, Conn., Comfort Thompson, of Wallingford, b. ______, dau. of Abel Thompson and Comfort Porter.
He d. in a British military prison in 1779.
"After the campaign of 1759 Lord Amherst left garrisons at Ticonderoga and Crown Point and Benjamin Kellogg was among those who remained in 1760. In this manner he became acquainted with the farms, on the east shore of Lake Champlain, abandoned by the French settlers on the retreat of

116    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Montcalm. In 1768-69 he obtained three hundred acres of land in Addison and three hundred in Panton. He was the Daniel Boone of Addison County." (Vermont Gazetteer, vol. 1; chap. VI.)
The following memorandum was made by his youngest child, Mrs. Markham : "I think my father started on his last tour from Bennington, Vt., the last of Sept., 1777, for his farm in Addison, going through Rutland to Chimney Point on Lake Champlain, accompanied by Benjamin Everest, who owned a farm adjoining his and was on old hunting companion (afterward Lieut. Everest of the Continental army). They were discovered by a party of Tories, who had stripped their farms of cattle. They were reported to the British, who had possession of the Lake, and were taken prisoners the last of October. Everest made his escape by jumping overboard and swimming to shore. My father was carried prisoner to St. Johns, where he d. the first of December from severe treatment of the enemy. At the battle of Bennington he fought during all the engagement."
Children, b. in Canaan, Conn.
1098 Isaac,7 b. 21 Sept., 1755; m. Elizabeth Harwood.
1099 Samuel,7 b. 17 Nov., 1757; d. 19 Dec., 1759.
1100 Philomela,7 b. 23 Apr., 1760; m. Lieut. Lemuel Case.
1101 Pamelia,7 b. 19 Oct., 1762; m. (1) Luman Case; (2) Isaac Hamblin.
1102 Comfort,7 b. 14 Mar., 1765; m. Gen. Ezekiel Dunton.
1103 Sarah Gold,7 b. 26 Sept., 1766; m. Capt. Ebenezer Markham.

370.   JOHN,6 son of Deacon Benjamin5 (90), bap. in West Hartford, Conn., 4 Sept., 1726; m. in Newington, Conn., 11 Jan., 1753, Union Stoddard, dau. of Solomon Stoddard, of Newington, b. about 1730, and Ann Andrus.
She d. 15 May, 1774; he d. 23 Apr., 1789.
They joined the church in Great Barrington, 11 Aug., 1773. He was dis­missed from the church in Great Barrington, and, 24 Apr., 1785, joined the church in Egremont.
1104 John,7 b. 17 Apr., 1755; m. Lydia Church.
1105 Abigail,7 b. 23 Oct., 1758; m. Daniel Culver, b. 17 July, 1750; he prob­ably served in the revolutionary war; res. in Willsy, Tioga Co., N. Y.
1106 Benjamin,7 b. 18 Feb., 1761; m. Luranah Spalding.
1107 Nathan,7 b. 30 Jan., 1764; m. Clara Bryant.
1108 Union,7 b. 7 July, 1766; m. (1) Loomis; (2) Mix; (3) ______ Van Horn; (4) Henry Whitney.

371.   ABIGAIL,6 dau. of Deacon Benjamin5 (90), b. Sept., 1728; m. as his sec­ond wife. Col. Charles Burrall,* b. in England, 4 Mar., 1720.
She d. 28 Jan., 1789; he d. 7 Oct., 1803; both are buried in Canaan. He commanded a regiment in the revolutionary army. His commission was signed by John Hancock, and is now in possession of his descendants.

*He had previously m. Joanna Seger, who was b. 1722, d. 5 Oct., 1745, on giving birth to her first child, Joanna. When this child was but a few days old he took her in his arms on a two days' journey through the wilderness to friends who could properly care for her.

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1109 Abigail Burrall,7 b. in Canaan, 5 Dec., 1747; m. about 1770, Dr. Edward Sutton, of Canaan. He was a surgeon in Col. Burrall's Reg.; d. in Stillwater, N. Y., Sept., 1776, on his return from Ticonderoga. She m. (2) Oct., 1786, Capt. Nehemiah Lawrence, of Canaan, b. Mar., 1728. He d. 2 July, 1800. She had two children by her first hus­band and two by her second; d. in Colebrook, Conn., 23 Apr., 1838, aged 91.
1110 William Burrall,7 b. 18 July, 1749; m. Elizabeth Morgan, of Killing­worth, Conn., b. Mar., 1754; was a graduate of Yale; merchant; res. in Canaan; d. 8 Oct., 1825.
1111 Charles Burrall,7 b. 18 Feb., 1751; m. Anna Beebe. He was a farmer and iron manufacturer in Canaan; d. 17 Jan., 1820; she d. 3 Mar., 1821, aged 80.
1112 Susannah Burrall,7 b. 18 May, 1753; m. Cornelius Villir, a merchant of New York; d. 11 Feb., 1802, in the house of her brother Charles, in Canaan.
1113 Mary Burrall,7 b. 28 June, 1755; d. 22 June, 1759.
1114 Chloe Burrall,7 b. in Canaan, 27 Oct., 1757; m. in Canaan, 9 Nov., 1779, Noah Smith, Chief Justice of Vermont, son of Daniel Smith, of Suffield, Conn., and Rupert, Vt., and Anna Kent. He was b. 27 Jan., 1756; d. in Milton, Vt., 24 Dec., 1812. He was a graduate of Yale; a classmate of Noah Webster; practiced law in Benning­ton, Vt. She d. 1 Mar., 1810.
1115 Jonathan Burrall,7 b. 12 Aug., 1759; m. (1) Charlotte Davis, of Pough­keepsie, N. Y.; m. (2) Hester Boardman, of Milford, Conn.; d. 26 Feb., 1805; graduate of Yale.
1116 Ovid Burrall,7 b. 23 Mar., 1765; m. Lucy Wells (1238), b. 23 Mar., 1765; d. 9 Oct., 1837, and was buried in Stockbridge, Mass. She d. 13 July, 1814. He lived on the homestead of his father in Canaan, and twelve years in Milton, Vt.
1117 Mary Burrall,7 b. in Canaan, 3 Oct., 1766; m. (1) 1793, Timothy Rock­well, b. in East Windsor, Conn.,7 Apr., 1761, son of Samuel Rock­well and Hepzibah Pratt. He was a farmer and iron manufacturer in Colebrook; d. 7 Oct., 1794; she m. (2) 1796, Martin Rockwell, of Colebrook (brother of her first husband), b. in Colebrook, 23 Mar., 1772. She d. 22 May, 1818; he d. 11 Dec., 1851.

373.   CAPT. SAMUEL,6 son of Deacon Benjamin5 (90), b. 9 June, 1734; m. 4 Mar., 1764, Chloe Bacon, b. Dec., 1741, dau. of Daniel Bacon, of Middletown, Conn.
She d. 7 Oct., 1787; he d. 2 Sept., 1788; headstones at Williamstown.
He rem. to Williamstown, Mass., where, 24 Sept., 1761, he was chosen one of the committee to "Hier a good orthodox Preachor."
"From that date to this," says Dr. Perry, in Origins in Williamstown, "the name has seldom been absent from the current records of the town, the church and the college." He with other Kelloggs who have lived in Williamstown "have made this name a notable one in every generation and in many relations."
He owned several farms; was a Justice of the Peace; a soldier La the revolu­tionary army; a member of the Committee of Safety.
1118 Louisa,7 b. 30 Jan., 1765; d. 10 May, 1765.

118    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1119 Samuel,7 b. 29 Sept., 1766; m. (1) Anna Blair; (2) Isabella Blair.
1120 Lois,7 b. 26 June, 1768; m. 26 Feb., 1786, Jirab Isbam, of Shelburne, Vt.
1121 Chloe,7 b. 20 June, 1770; m. John Campbell.
1122 Olive,7 b. 4 July, 1772; d. unm. 4 May, 1789.
1123 Daniel,7 b. 19 Apr., 1780; m. Laura Hyde.
1124 Giles,7 b. 13 Mar., 1783; m. Christian Fisher; a farmer in Schoharie Co., N. Y.

381.   ELIZABETH,6 dau. of Deacon Benjamin5 (90), b. in Canaan, Conn., 15 Mar., 1753; m. (1) Ebenezer Smith, of Sheffield, Mass., b. 27 Feb., 1748, son of Ebenezer Smith and Sarah Shaylor.
He d. 3 Sept., 1779; she m. (2) David Clark, of Sheffield, who d. 12 Dec., 1824, aged 80; she d. 1 Oct., 1837, aged 84. Gravestones at Sheffield.
Children by first husband.
1125 Chileab Smith,7 b. 14 June, 1775; d. unm. at sea.
1126 Miriam Smith,7 b. 14 May, 1777; m. Nathaniel Downing, of Oneida, N. Y.
1127 Elizabeth Smith,7 b. 13 Nov., 1779; m. Enos Kellogg (+1295).
Children by second husband.
1128 Henry Clark,7 b. ______.
1129 Cynthia Clark,7 b. ______; m. Noah Hubbard.
1130 Sarah Clark,7 b. 6 Dec., 1783; m. Robert Torrence, b. 13 May, 1772, in Middlebury, Vt.; he d. 11 May, 1835; she d. 30 Aug., 1870.

383.   ELIJAH,6 son of Joseph5 (91), bap. in West Hartford, 17 Apr., 1737; m. in Canaan, Conn., 8 Aug., 1764, Anne Hurlburt, b. in Wethersfield, 4 Aug., 1732, dau. of Charles Hurlburt, b. 4 Nov., 1707, and Martha _______.
He d. 1803; she d. 7 Feb., 1815.
He res. in Canaan until 1792, when he rem. to Starksboro, Vt., where both d. In Starksboro they lived with their son Elijah, near their son David.
He was of medium height, blue eyes, fair hair, rather stout and a very pleas­ant man.
He was admitted to the church in Canaan, 16 June, 1770.
Children, b. in Canaan.
1131 Sarah,7 b. 19 Sept., 1764; probably d. young.
1132 David,7 b. 1 Jan., 1765; m. Christiana Traver.
1133 Sarah,7 b. 19 Sept., 1767; m. Cornelius Williams.
1134 Elijah,7 b. 1773; m. Phebe Mason, 20 Jan., 1800; d. 5 Sept., 1825; had no children.

384.   DEACON JOSEPH,6 son of Joseph5 (91), bap. in New Hartford, 15 Apr., 1739; m. 10 Mar., 1774, Prudence Austin, of Torringford.
He d. 9 Mar., 1809; she d. 4 Sept., 1804, aged 94. Tombstones in Canaan.
Res. in Canaan, Conn., on the side of Canaan Mountain, about a mile north of the South Congregational Church. He was admitted to the church in Canaan, 3 Sept., 1769. Prudence Kellogg from Torringford was admitted after 1770.

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Children, bap. in South Canaan Congregational Church.
1135 Elizabeth,7 b. 29 Jan., 1775; m. Jeremiah Belden.
1136 Joseph,7 b. 18 Sept., 1778; m. Martha Beebe.
1137 Prudence,7 b. 15 Aug., 1780; Elijah Hewins.

385.   COL. AARON,6 son of Joseph5 (91), b. 1742; m. (1) 22 Apr., 1762, Tabitha Hancox; she d. 30 Oct., 1763, in Canaan, Conn.; he m. (2) about 1766, Hannah Bobbins; she d. ______; he m. (3) Mrs. Rhoda (Dean) Powers, widow of Gen. Powers, of Austerlitz, Columbia Co., N. Y.
He d. 3 Apr., 1827; letters of administration were granted on his estate in Berkshire Co., thus indicating that he was a resident of that county at that time, or that he owned property there.
He res. in Canaan, Conn.; was an assessor, commissioner of highways, fence viewer, overseer of the poor, etc. He was a member of the Committee of Safety in 1778; a soldier in the revolutionary army, serving under Capt. Webb in Col. Durkee's Reg.
He was one of the grantees of Two Heroes Island, in Lake Champlain, with Ethan Allen and others, who "had hazarded their lives in time of extreme danger and diminished much of their substance in defending it against the tyrannical in­vasion of Great Britain." He rem. to Canaan, Columbia Co., N. Y.; was chosen trustee of the First Presbyterian Church there in 1784.
Child by first wife.
1138 Tabitha,7 b. in Canaan, Conn., 10 Oct., 1763; m. Belden.
Children by second wife.
1139 Sally,7 b. 15 Oct., 1769; m. Charles Whiting.
1140 Joseph,7 b. 4 Jan., 1772; went south; d. unm. in Wilmington, N. C.
1141 Aaron,7 b. 13 Aug., 1773; m. (1) Amelia Noyes; (2) Bernice Whiting Kellogg (2099); (3) Mrs. Mary (Betts) Bartlett.
1142 Martin,7 b. 20 Sept., 1775; m. Mary Lusk.
1143 Hannah,7 b. 16 Feb., 1778; m. Gen. John Whiting.
1144 Abigail,7 b. 20 Apr., 1780; m. Frederick Kingsley.
1145 Robbins,7 b. 20 June, 1782; m. Evelina Dimon.
1146 Clinton,7 b. 20 Jan., 1786; m. Anna Arnold.
1147 John Dean,7 b. 25 Oct., 1798; m. Ruth Vandorpool.

386.   ASAHEL,6 son of Joseph5 (91), b. ______; m. 10 Sept., 1778, Naomi Gaylord, a very pious woman, dau. of Deacon Nehemiah Gaylord, of Torringford, Conn., b. 15 June, 1722, and Lucy Loomis, b. 5 Aug., 1727.
He d. in Canaan, Conn., 5 Nov., 1805; she m. (2) 22 Nov., 1810, James Beckley.
Children, b. in Canaan.
1148 Anna,7 b. 1 Apr., 1779; m. Joel Miner.
1149 Naomi,7 b. 2 Nov., 1780; m. Deacon Elizur Curtis.
1150 Whiting Gaylord,7 b. 23 May, 1783; m. (1) Clarissa Belden; (2) Fanny Dean.
1151 Asahel,7 b. 3 July, 1785; d. young.

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387.   DANIEL,6 son of Capt. Daniel5 (92), b. 3 Nov., 1730; m. 20 Aug., 1758, his cousin, Jerusha Kellogg (375), of Hartford, dau. of Benjamin Kellogg (+90).
He d. 9 Aug., 1775; she d. soon after.
He lived about a mile south of the center of West Hartford on the west side of the street.
Her will, probated 16 Jan., 1776, mentions all the children named below except Abel, Lucy and the first Ezekiel, who were probably dead.
1152 Daniel,7 bap. 14 Jan., 1759; d. in South Carolina, Dec., 1783.
1153 Oliver,7 bap. 9 Mar., 1760; m. Patience Belden.
1154 Horace,7 bap. 14 Feb., 1762; m. Hannah Sedgwick.
1155 Abel,7 bap. 17 Feb., 1765; d. 30 Mar., 1766.
1156 Lucy,7 bap. 13 July, 1766.
1157 Ezekiel,7 bap. 16 Oct., 1768; d. 19 Oct., 1768.
1158 Ezekiel,7 b. 2 Apr., 1770; m. Elizabeth Stanley.
1159 Thete,7 b. 22 Aug., 1771.
1160 Bette,7 b. 1773.
1161 Charles,7 b. 1775.

388.   SETH,6 son of Capt. Daniel5 (92), b. 7 July, 1732; m. Lois ______.
He d. about 1792; his estate was distributed 1794, to the three children men­tioned below; he was called "late of Hartford."
He enlisted in Housatonic No. 1 (now Monterey), Mass., and served from 5 Apr., to 25 Oct., 1758, in Capt. Ball's Co., Col. William Williams' Reg., for the total reduction of Canada.
He was a revolutionary soldier; served three years, 1777-80, in Col. Webb's Connecticut Reg.; reenlisted and served until the end of the war.
Isaac Smith and Parmelia, his wife, and Keziah Kellogg, all of Southington, Conn., conveyed, 6 May, 1793, all their interest in a certain piece of land in Hart­ford, that descended to them from their "Honored Father, Seth Kellogg, late of said Hartford, deceased."
1162 Parmelia,7 b. in Tyringham No. 1 (now Monterey), 17 May, 1761; m. Isaac Smith.
1163 Keziah,7 bap. 25 Apr., 1762, in West Hartford.
1164 Seth,7 bap. in Hartford, 15 Nov., 1764.

389.   JOEL,6 son of Capt. Daniel5 (92), b. 13 Oct., 1733, in West Hartford, Conn.; m. Susannah Hosmer, b. 1737, dau. of Thomas Hosmer and Susannah Page.
He d. 11 Oct., 1789.
He was a weaver; res. in Monterey, Mass. He bought land in Monterey, 4 Oct., 1756, of John Kellogg and Union, his wife, and was at that time called of Hartford. He probably rem. to Sheffield about 1770; was taxed there in 1771.
He was a soldier in the revolution; served on the Lexington Alarm in Capt. Bacon's Co.; marched 21 Apr., 1775; served one month and four days; res. given as Sheffield; was a private in Spurr's Co., Col. Simond's Reg., 26 Apr. to 20 May, 1777; service at Saratoga; in Capt. Noble's Co., Col. Brown's Reg., 29 June to 21 July, 1777; ordered into service of the United States by Gen. Fellows and the

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Committee of Safety, by desire of Gen. Schuyler; in Lieut. Hickock's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 6 to 18 July, 1777; marched to Kingsbury, N. Y.; in Capt. King's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 21 July to 15 Aug., 1777; private in Capt. Noble's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 15 to 17 Oct., 1780; marched to Forts George and Ann; gave a receipt for bounty paid him for six months' service in the Continental army, 4 Aug., 1780, to 1 Jan., 1781. At this time his residence was given as Sheffield. Perhaps a part of the service stated above was performed by his son Joel (+1167), there being nothing in the records to indicate exactly which one served, although it appears that both were in the service in July, 1777.
She m. (3) 25 Apr., 1799, Richard Jacobs, whose first wife was Thankful Kellogg (398), dau. of Stephen (+117); d. 8 Mar., 1812, aged 75.
Children, first eight bap. in Tyringham, No. 1, now Monterey, Mass.
1165 Deborah,7 b. 7 Nov., 1757.
1166 Cynthia,7 b. 27 Mar., 1759.
1167 Joel,7 b. 10 Nov., 1760; m. (1) Desire Olds; (2) Mary Brown.
1168 Susannah,7 b. 10 Apr., 1762; m. (1) Levi Page; (2) as his second wife, Ephraim Towner.
1169 Welthea,7 b. 28 Nov., 1763; m. 30 Oct., 1791, _______ Hubbard, of Win­tonbury.
1170 Ann,7 b. 23 Nov., 1765.
1171 Lucy,7 b. 8 May, 1767.
1172 Candace,7 b. 25 Feb., 1769.
1173 Lydia,7 b. 17 Mar., 1771; m. (1) Stephen Winslow; (2) Amos Blood.
1174 Thomas Hosmer,7 b. 29 Apr., 1773; m. (1) Mary Bushnell; (2) Eunice Buell.
1175 William,7 b. 21 Dec., 1775; m. Ann Elizabeth Shelhearse.
1176 Amna,7 b. 16 July, 1778; m. Ephraim Towner.
1177 Simeon,7 b. 30 Oct., 1781; m. Phebe Kingsley.

390.   MOSES,6 son of Capt. Daniel5 (92), b. 23 Nov., 1736; m. 31 Dec., 1758, Jerusha Spencer.
She d. Feb., 1817, aged 75; he d. Feb., 1820, aged 83, of dropsy.
He was reared at West Hartford; was a hatter by trade. When Continental money became worthless, he lost all. He rem. about 1781 to that part of Hebron which was made a part of Marlboro in 1803; was admitted to the church in Heb­ron 1796.
He served three days in the Lexington Alarm.
1178 Grove,7 b. 9 July, 1759; was in the army of the revolution; d. unm. Due him on pay roll July, 1780, £45, 11s., 9d., and still unpaid.
1179 Jerusha,7 b. 27 Mar., 1761; d. 16 Oct., 1763.
1180 Debba,7 b. 16 Mar., 1763; d. 8 Oct., 1778.
1181 Moses,7 b. 6 July, 1765; m. Abigail Marvin.
1182 James,7 b. 29 July, 1768; m. Lydia Kellogg (2033).
1183 Jesse,7 b. 22 Apr., 1771; d. 23 May, 1773.
1184 Jesse,7 b. 1 Feb., 1774; d. 6 Oct., 1776.
1185 Jerusha,7 b. 12 Apr., 1777; m. Joseph Bumham.
1186 Jesse,7 b. 4 Feb., 1780; m. Amy Strong.
1187 Debba,7 b. 25 Aug., 1782.

122    The Kelloggs in the New World.

394.   MOSES,6 son of Stephen5 (117), b. 1 Apr., 1720; m. 30 Apr., 1740, Mary Sheldon, "both of Northfield."
She d. 14 Dec., 1766, aged 44; headstone in the cemetery on the line between Egremont and Sheffield.
He lived for a time between Sheffield and New Marlboro, near the line. His farm, at the time of the revolutionary war, was in Alford, but finally was set off to Hillsdale, N. Y. Later he rem. to Egremont. In the latter part of his life he res. in Geneva Co., N. Y.
Children, first ten b. in Westfield.
1188 Abigail,7 b. 3 Sept., 1740; m. Wright; d. 28 Feb., 1817.
1189 Lucy,7 b. 13 Apr., 1742; m. Jacob Karner.
1190 Thankful,7 b. 24 Jan., 1744; m. in Amenia, N. Y., 24 Dec., 1760, Elkanah Cook.
1191 Moses,7 b. 21 Feb., 1746; m. Lydia Kellogg (362).
1192 Abner,7 b. 9 Nov., 1747; m. Phebe Westover.
1193 Mary,7 b. 29 Nov., 1749; m. 8 Sept., 1768, Nehemiah Carter.
1194 Pliny,7 b. 10 Nov., 1751; d. 17 Oct., 1752.
1195 Eunice,7 b. 25 Sept., 1753; m. Amos Gray.
1196 Anna,7 b. 2 Dec., 1755; m. Reuben Farnsworth.
1197 Nathaniel,7 b. 24 Feb., 1758; m. (1) Palm Hawkins; (2) Annice Gray.
1198 Pliny,7 b. 7 Nov., 1759; m. (1) Phidemer Lake; (2) Mrs. Margaret Sharpe.
1199 Dolly,7 b. 6 Jan., 1762; d. unm. 18 Apr., 1788.
1200 Titus,7 b. 4 June, 1765; m. (1) Rhoda Karner; (2) Rachel Southwell; (3) Chloe Harvey.
1201 Elijah,7 b. ______; was a preacher. The last known of him he was in Northern New York.

395.   LIEUT. STEPHEN,6 son of Stephen5 (117), b. 12 Oct., 1721; m. 7 Aug., 1746, in Westfield, Mass., Mindwell Belden.
He d. 9 Aug., 1767, in Egremont, Mass.
He lived in Egremont; was admitted to the church in Westfield 1747, and dismissed to Sheffield in 1749. The town of Westfield voted, 4 May, 1748, to build a fort around "Stephen Kellogg's farmhouse." He served in the siege of Louis­burg, and was a volunteer with his brother, William, and forty others to attack the Island Battery under Capt. Daniel Bacon. He was commissioned Lieut, in the Berkshire Co. Militia, Capt. Robert Joyner's Co., Col. William Williams' Reg., Jan., 1764.
His estate was distributed in 1783 to all the children named below. In 1804 that part of his estate which had been set off to his late widow, as dower, was distributed to Nehemiah Kellogg, who received two parts; to the heirs of Reuben Kellogg, deceased; Loomis Kellogg, Stephen Kellogg, Belden Kellogg. Mindwell Kellogg, Patience, the wife of John Tremain, and to the heirs of Deidamia, late wife of Benjamin Tombs.
She m. (2) Abijah Loomis, of Egremont, and had several children.
1202 Mindwell,7 b. in Westfield, 3 Jan., 1746-47; was living in Claverack, N. Y., in 1786; was unm. 1804.

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1203 Patience,7 b. in Sheffield, 8 Oct., 1749; m. John Tremain; res. in Clav­erack.
1204 Nehemiah,7 b. in Sheffield, 14 Oct., 1752; m. ______.
1205 Reuben,7 b. 7 May, 1754; m. Mary ______.
1206 Loomis,7 b. 9 May, 1759; m. (1) Anna Truman; (2) Barbara Jerome; (3) Persis Bingham.
1207 Stephen,7 b. ______; m. Thankful Button.
1208 Diadamia,7 bap. in Great Harrington, 9 Feb., 1763; m. Benjamin Tombs; res. in Stillwater, N. Y.; d. before 1 Oct., 1804.
1209 Belden,7 b. 4 Nov., 1766; m. (1) Tabitha Karner; (2) Jemima Ben­jamin.

397.   DEACON WILLIAM,6 son of Stephen5 (117), b. in Westfield, 23 Feb., 1724; m. 11 Nov., 1747, Keziah Dewey, b. in Westfield, 20 Oct., 1726, dau. of Deacon James Dewey and Elizabeth Ashley.
He res. in Egremont and Hillsdale. At the siege of Louisburg he was one of the volunteers, with his brother, Stephen, and forty others, for the night attack upon the Island Battery. In 1765 he petitioned the General Court of Massachu­setts for a brief to collect money for support of the Gospel at Nobletown (now Hillsdale), Columbia Co., N. Y.
Previous to the revolutionary war he was appointed agent to secure a title to some lands and was on his way to England when he sickened and d. in Boston. His family subsequently rem. to Wyoming, Pa., and suffered the horror of the massacre.
1210 Josiah,7 b. 26 Oct., 1750; d. unm.
1211 Eldad,7 b. 29 Dec., 1752; m. Elizabeth Watrous.
1212 Keziah,7 b. 4 Apr., 1756; m. Reuben Farnsworth.
1213 William,7 b. 6 May, 1759; m. Urania Bishop.
1214 Elijah,7 b. 25 Feb., 1764; m. Polly Karner (3267).
1215 Abigail,7 b. 9 Feb., 1769; m. Michael Hollenbeck.
1216 Theodotia,7 b. ______; d. unm., 25 Feb., 1772.
1217 Lois,7 b. ______; was a teacher in Elizabethtown, N. Y.; d. unm.
1218 Elizabeth (Betsey),7 b. ______; m. Andrus; res. in Western New York.

398.   THANKFUL,6 dau. of Stephen5 (117), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 26 Dec., 1726; m. Richard Jacobs, b. in Vermont, 1725.
She d. 28 May, 1787, in Sheffield; he m. (2) 25 Apr., 1799, Susannah Kel­logg, widow of Joel (389); d. 14 Jan., 1809.
He was a farmer; res. in Sheffield, on the "Under Mountain Road;" was on Committee of Safety in 1777.
1219 Mary Jacobs,7 b. 24 Sept., 1747; d. 11 Nov., 1748.
1220 Joseph Jacobs,7 b. 26 Aug., 1748; d. 2 Aug., 1749.
1221 Mary Jacobs,7 b. 1 Apr., 1750; m. Jonathan Curtiss, of Wallingford, Conn.; d. 7 Aug., 1813, in Sheffield.
1222 Abigail Jacobs,7 b. 6 Feb., 1751.

Another account says he d. in Philadelphia, while a member of the Assembly.

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1223 Joseph Jacobs,7 b. 14 Feb., 1753; d. 20 Dec., 1758.
1224 Stephen Jacobs,7 b. 7 Dec., 1754-55.
1225 Nathaniel Jacobs,7 b. 6 Aug., 1758; d. 7 Sept., 1758.
1226 Kezia Jacobs,7 b. 20 Nov., 1762.
1227 Thankful Jacobs,7 b. 16 Oct., 1765.
1228 Israel Jacobs,7 b. 26 Dec., 1767.

400.   NATHANIEL LOOMIS,6 son of Stephen5 (117), b. 15 June, 1730; m. Aug., 1752, Diadamia Austin, b. 3 June, 1737, dau. of Nathaniel Austin, b. 23 May, 1704, and Agnes Adams, b. 4 Feb., 1710.
He d. in Sheffield, 30 Aug., 1757, soon after his return from the army. His estate was inventoried at £600.
He was in Capt. John Kellogg's Co.; marched from Sheffield to Fort Ed­ward; traveled 204 miles; served eight days; allowed for horse-keeping, 4s., 8d., probably in Aug., 1757.
1229 Rhoda,7 b. 10 Dec., 1753; d. 12 Sept., 1757.
1230 Nathaniel,7 b. 1 Oct., 1754; d. 3 Sept., 1757.
1231 Agnes,7 b. 30 July, 1756; d. 2 Sept., 1757.
1232 Rhoda,7 b. 2 Apr., 1758; Richard Jacobs was appointed her guardian in 1767; perhaps she m. David Crippen and had a son, who m. May Lorinda Kellogg (+7474).

402.   ABIGAIL,6 dau. of Stephen5 (117), b. in Hadley, Mass., 10 Aug., 1738; m. 21 Apr., 1757, Ashbel Wells, of West Hartford, Conn., b. 23 Aug., 1734, a de­scendant in the fifth generation of Gov. Thomas Welles, of Connecticut.
He d. 11 Dec., 1806.
Before his death he was helpless some years from paralysis.
She was distinguished for her piety and intelligence. It is said that her life was published as a Sunday School book.
1233 Ashbel Wells,7 b. ______; merchant, Hartford, Conn.
1234 James Wells,7 b. ______; merchant, Hartford, Conn.
1235 Erastus Wells,7 b. ______; sea captain; d. in Hartford.
1236 Shipley Wells,7 b. ______; Methodist clergyman.
1237 Abigail Wells,7 b. 1763; m. 8 June, 1786, Henry William Dwight, b. 15 Sept., 1757; d. in Stockbridge, Mass., 15 Sept., 1804.
1238 Lucy Wells,7 b. 23 Mar., 1765; m. Ovid Burrall (1114).
1239 Alithea Wells,7 b. ______; m. Phineas Ashmun, lawyer of Stockbridge, Mass.
1240 Rachel Wells,7 b. ______; m. Stephen Woodbridge, of Stockbridge, Mass.
1241 Mary Wells,7 b. ______; m. Henry Brown, a merchant.
1242 Hannah Wells,7 b. ______; m. Seth Pomeroy, a blacksmith, of North­ampton.

408.   MERCY,6 dau. of Deacon Daniel5 (121), b. in Sheffield, 22 Apr., 1740; m. 21 June, 1759, Joseph Callender, b. Feb., 1737, son of John Callender.
She d. 11 Oct., 1797; he d. 21 May, 1812.
Res. in Sheffield, where both d.

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1243 Mary Callender,7 b. 1 Mar., 1761; m. Abijah Bush, of Nassau, N. Y.
1244 Daniel Callender,7 b. Mar., 1764; m. Vienna Owen.
1245 Stephen Callender,7 b. 16 Sept., 1765; m. Hannah Sheldon; he was a deacon in the church in Sheffield.
1246 Vienna Callender,7 b. 24 Sept., 1768; m. Carr.
1247 Mark Callender,7 b. 22 July, 1772; m. (1) Betsey Holmes; (2) Mrs. Patty (Carey) Rood; res. In Sheffield, Mass.
1248 Archa Callender,7 b. 9 Jan., 1775; m. 1797 (pub. in June), Sally Sav­age; res. in Sheffield.
1249 Levi Callender,7 b. 2 Apr., 1777; m. Lucy Cottle; he was a Judge.
1250 Miriam Callender,7 b. 10 Feb., 1779; m. David Clark; res. in Sheffield.
1251 Hannah Callender,7 b. ______; m. Abram Dudley; res. in East Bloom­field, N. Y.
1252 Abigail Callender,7 b. ______; m. Asa Savage; res. in East Nassau and Troy, N. Y.

409.   STEPHEN,6 son of Deacon Daniel5 (121), b. in Sheffield. Mass., 26 June, 1742; m. 28 Jan., 1768, Mary Austin, b. 24 Aug., 1750, dau. of Nathaniel Aus­tin, b. 23 May, 1704, and Agnes Adams, b. 4 Feb., 1710.
He d. before 6 Mar., 1798, when his widow and Moses Stocking were ap­pointed administrators upon his estate.
In 1799, his estate was sold and distributed to his widow and the children named below, who were "all the children and heirs of the said deceased Stephen Kellogg, of Sheffield." In 1798 Moses Stocking was appointed guardian of Heman and Huldah, over fourteen, and Polly, under fourteen.
He was a soldier in the revolution in Lieut. Hickok's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 6 to 17 July, 1777; in Capt. Noble's Co., 15 to 17 Oct., 1780, and in Col. Porter's Reg., 6 Aug. to 8 Nov., 1781.
She m. (2) 9 Mar., 1805, Timothy Backus; d. before 31 Aug., 1829, when her dower in the estate of Stephen Kellogg was conveyed by some of her heirs. She returned to the old homestead, and spent her last days with her brother, Gideon Austin.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
1253 Luraney,7 b. ______; m. (1) 29 Dec., 1791, Ira Corbin; he d. before 3 July, 1799; she m. (2) after 3 July, 1799, and before 1 Oct., 1803, Bayley Hubbard. They were living in Egremont, 1 Oct., 1803, when they conveyed their interest in the estate of her father, Stephen Kellogg, deceased; in Sangerfield, N. Y., 31 Aug., 1829, when they conveyed their interest "as heirs at law unto any part of the thirds of dower set off from the estate of Stephen Kellogg, late of Sheffield, deceased, to his widow, Mary Backus, formerly the Widow Kellogg."
1254 Agnes,7 b. ______; m. Ephraim Hubbard; settled in Bridgewater, N. Y.; they conveyed their interest in the estate of Stephen Kellogg, 9 Feb., 1804.
1255 Diadamia,7 b. ______; m. 16 May, 1805, Oliver Younglove. In a deed of her interest in her father's estate, 1803, she was called "semster,", and spelled her name Deiadamie Kellogg. In 1818 she res. in Great Barrington.

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1256 Heman,7 b. about 1778; had guardian appointed 7 Nov., 1798; 19 June, 1799, Heman Kellogg, of Sheffield, yeoman, deeded his right in the estate of his father and his claim to the thirds of the Widow Mary Kellogg. No later record of him has been found. It is said that he studied medicine.
1257 Huldah,7 b. ______; had a guardian appointed 7 Nov., 1798; m. after 1802, Vestor Gillett; res. in Pownal, Vt., in 1806, when they deeded their interest in the real estate of her father.
1258 Mary (Polly),7 b. ______; had a guardian appointed 7 Nov., 1798; was unm. 1799.

411.   DANIEL,6 son of Deacon Daniel5 (121), b. in Sheffield, 5 Nov., 1746; m. Rhoda Callender, b. 23 Nov., 1751, dau. of John Callender and Mary Smith.
He accompanied Arnold to Quebec in 1775, as his orderly, and d. from ex­posure and disease on the retreat.
She m. (2) 8 Jan., 1778, Jesse Kellogg (436); d. 14 Sept., 1813, aged 62.
1259 Olive,7 b. 29 Feb., 1772; m. Nathaniel Callender.
1260 Daniel,7 b. 5 Nov., 1774; m. Mary Kellogg (936).

412.   GIDEON,6 son of Deacon Daniel5 (121), b. in Sheffield, 6 July, 1751; m. Electa Wait.
He d. about 1827.
He res. in Sheffield on his father's farm; was a deaf mute.
1261 Daniel,7 b. 28 May, 1806; was a mechanic in Brooklyn, N. Y.
1262 Charles,7 b. ______; d. young.
1263 Jane,7 b. ______; m. ______; went West.

420.   JOSEPH,6 son of Noah5 (124), b. ______; m. ______.
He d. ______, in Locke, N. Y., where he res.; had a withered hand caused by a fever sore.
1264 Aaron,7 b. 20 Mar., 1767; m. Abigail Spencer.
1265 Lovell,7 b. ______; m. Thankful Warner.
1266 Noah,7 d. unm. in Western New York; he was a painter.
1267 Joseph,7 b. 5 Apr., 1788; m. Eunice Conger.
1268 Lydia,7 b. ______; perhaps m. Phineas Chapin, in Sheffield.
1269 Charlotte,7 b. ______; d. ______.
1270 Jane,7 b. ______; m. Le Valley; res. Lockport, N. Y.
1271 Mary,7 b. ______; m. Tillottson; res. in Pittsford, N. Y.
1272 Timothy,7 b. ______; d. unm., aged 20.

424.   PLINY,6 son of Noah5 (124), b. 12 Nov., 1752; m. (pub. 24 Sept., 1782), Mary Kellogg (901), b. 10 May, 1755.
He d. 1842, in La Grange, Lorrain Co., O., aged 90; she d. later in the same year.
He rem. to Erie Co., N. Y., then called "Holland Purchase."

The Kelloggs in the New World.    127

He was a revolutionary soldier; was present at the surrender of Gen Bur­goyne; was also in the battle of Monmouth. There were two men of this name in Sheffield and to distinguish them one was called "Big Plin" and the other "Little Plin." This was "Big Plin."
In 1818 he was in Champion, Jefferson Co., N. Y. In 1832 he rem. to Lor­rain Co., O., to reside near his sons.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
1273 Henrietta,7 b. 21 July, 1783; m. ______ Bartlett.
1274 Martha,7 b. 4 Mar., 1785; m. Daniel Jackson.
1275 Amanda,7 b. 18 Dec., 1787; m. Asa Rockwood.
1276 Marquis De Lafayette,7 b. 21 May, 1789; m. Elizabeth M. Perkins.
1277 Lydia,7 b. 28 June, 1791.
1278 Noah,7 12 Nov., 1793; m. Jerusha Stoddard.
1279 Mary (Polly),7 b. 15 Feb., 1796; m. (1) Ephraim Rood; (2) Ezekiel Ballard.

425.   EPHRAIM,6 son of Deacon Silas5 (125), b. in Sheffield, 5 Oct., 1740; m. in West Hartford, Conn., 22 Oct., 1765, Ruth Hosmer, b. 20 Sept., 1744, dau. of Thomas Hosmer, of West Hartford, and Susannah Steel. She was descended from Stephen Hosmer, Valentine Prentice and Gov. William Bradford, of the Mayflower.
She d. 25 Jan., 1818, aged 74; he d. 11 Feb., 1819, aged 79; gravestones at Sheffield.
They res. on the farm in Sheffield, afterward occupied by his son, Elisha; held many public offices in Sheffield, among them that of selectman from 1776-92. He served in the army at the time of Burgoyne's surrender and left home on that occasion in harvest time. It is related that help was so scarce that out of a large crop his family secured hardly enough to live upon during the following year. His will, dated 22 Nov., 1818, mentions all the children named below.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
1280 Vina,7 b. 11 Feb., 1767; m. Sineus Dibble.
1281 Esther,7 b. 29 Oct., 1768; m. (pub. 24 Oct., 1790), Oliver Porter; res. in Paris, N. Y.; had no children.
1282 Hosmer,7 b. 25 Aug., 1770; m. Amy Cowles.
1283 Sarah,7 b. 23 July, 1772; m. Hosea Bill.
1284 Polly,7 b. 10 Aug., 1775; d. 8 Aug., 1778.
1285 Ephraim,7 b. 19 Nov., 1776; m. Jane Ashley.
1286 Mary (Polly),7 b. 20 Jan., 1779; m. Edmund B. Fellows, of West­port, N. Y.
1287 Elisha,7 b. 19 Aug., 1781; m. Jane Saxton.
1288 Urania,7 b. 19 Nov., 1783; m. Amos Bacon.
1289 Donne,7 b. 2 Jan., 1787; m. Aurora Curtis.

426.   ENOS,6 son of Deacon Silas5 (125), b. 24 Dec., 1742; m. 11 June, 1765, Abigail Seymour, bap. 19 Jan., 1746, dau. of Elisha Seymour, of West Hartford, and Abigail Sedgwick, who was a descendant in the fifth generation of Robert Sedgwick, an early settler in Charlestown, Mass.
He d. 13 Dec., 1803; she d. 18 Dec., 1812, of an epidemic that prevailed in the army and throughout the country.

128    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Rem. from Sheffield to Hubbardton, Vt.; thence to Batavia; was a farmer.
In 1803 he and his wife and son, Orsamus, and the three daus., Abigail, Hul­dah and Sophia, rem. to the Holland Purchase in New York.
He was a revolutionary soldier; served in Capt. Downing's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., July 6-27, 1777; marched to Kingsbury at request of Gen. Schuyler; also served in the same company and regiment, Oct., 1780.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
1290 Lucyna,7 b. 21 Aug., 1766; m. Jonathan Burrell.
1291 Orsamus,7 b. 12 May, 1768; m. Esther Kimberly.
1292 Eleanor,7 b. 4 Feb., 1770; d. young.
1293 Abigail,7 b. 12 June, 1774; d. unm. 3 June, 1864, aged 90. Her grave­stone says: "Sister of Mrs. Ruth Clark." Joel Clark's tombstone stands between Abigail's and Ruth's in the North Burying Ground in Sheffield.
1294 Ruth,7 b. 12 June, 1774; m. 4 June, 1796, Joel Clark, son of David Clark. He d. 25 Apr., 1824; she d. 29 Jan., 1859; had no children.
1295 Enos,7 b. 24 Apr., 1776; m. (1) Elizabeth Smith (1127); (2) Hersey Perrin.
1296 Seymour,7 b. 21 Mar., 1779; m. (1) Esther Lawrence; (2) Nancy Wil­cox.
1297 Henry,7 b. 31 Oct., 1781; d. 1 Dec., 1785.
1298 Huldah,7 b. 31 Oct., 1781; m. Amzi Wright.
1299 Elisha,7 b. 30 Nov., 1783; m. (1) Elizabeth Derrick; (2) Mrs. Mary Mills.
1300 Sophia,7 b. 18 June, 1786; m. William M. Wright.
1301 Ira,7 b. 14 Mar., 1789; m. (1) Harriet Thompson; (2) Lydia Morgan.

427.   DEACON ASA,6 son of Deacon Silas5 (125), b. 19 Feb., 1745; m. 27 Feb., 1766, Lucy Powell, of Suffield, b. 27 Feb., 1746.
She d. 9 Nov., 1816; he d. 4 June, 1820.
He settled in Galway, Saratoga Co., N. Y., about the time of the revolution; was a farmer; deacon in Presbyterian Church; Capt. of the militia; Justice of the Peace; highly respected.
He was a Sergt. in Capt. Noble's Co., Col. Brown, 29 June to 28 July, 1777; ordered into service by Brigadier Gen. Fellows and Committee of Safety, by desire of Maj.-Gen. Schuyler.
Children, all but last two b. in Sheffield.
1302 Frederick,7 b. 27 Sept., 1766; m. (1) Polly Phelps; (2) Tryphena Ely White; (3) Mrs. Catherine (Demorest) Brown.
1303 Ezra,7 b. 27 June, 1769; m. Abigail Olmstead.
1304 Martin,7 b. 22 June, 1771; m. Rhoda Smith.
1305 Charles,7 b. 3 Oct., 1773; m. Mary Ann Otis.
1306 Warren,7 b. 11 Aug., 1775; d. 24 Apr., 1782.
1307 Asa,7 b. 12 Nov., 1777; m. (1) Margaret Stewart; (2) Anna Stewart.
1308 Lucy,7 b. 11 Nov., 1779; m. (1) David Westcote; (2) Reuben Hewitt; d. 13 Apr., 1851, in Gaines, Orleans Co., N. Y.
1309 Electa,7 b. 11 Jan., 1782; d. 20 May, 1782.
1310 Warren,7 b. 2 June, 1783; m. Abigail Paine.

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1311 Alexander Cyrus,7 b. in Galway, 22 June, 1785; m. (1) Anna Sayles; (2) Mrs. Ann (Hinman) Davis.
1312 Electa,7 b. in Galway, 6 May, 1788; m. Alanson Kennedy.

428.   ELEANOR,6 dau. of Deacon Silas5 (125), b. 31 Aug., 1747; m. 24 May, 1769, as his second wife, Joab Austin, b. 29 July, 1740, son of Capt. Nathaniel Austin, b. 23 May, 1704, and Agnes Adams, b. 4 Feb., 1710.
He d. 5 Mar., 1820; she d. 3 Aug., 1835.
They res. in that part of Sheffield, Mass., called "Klonkapot"; rem. to Homer, N. Y., where he d.
He was a revolutionary soldier.
She was of full medium size and well proportioned; had dark brown hair and dark blue or blue gray eyes, as had also her brothers and sisters and mother, Ruth Root.
1313 Henry Austin,7 b. 26 Dec., 1770; m. 10 Nov., 1791, Prudence Ensign, b. 24 May, 1771; was a farmer; d. 24 Aug., 1829; she d. 31 May, 1845; had ten children.
1314 Aaron Austin,7 b. 5 Mar., 1773; m. 29 Jan., 1795, Mary (Polly) Kellogg (3269), b. 10 Dec., 1776. He was a farmer and clothier in Skanea­teles, N. Y.; d. 23 June, 1831; she d. 6 May, 1856; had ten chil­dren.
1315 Lydia Austin,7 b. 22 May, 1775; m. 9 Sept., 1794, John Day, of Sheffield, Mass., b. 3 Feb., 1774. He d. 8 Oct., 1827; she d. 9 Oct., 1854; had twelve children.
1316 Eleanor Austin,7 b. 16 July, 1777; m. 28 Jan., 1802, Abijah Otis, b. 8 June, 1776; he was a farmer in Galway, Fabius and Howard, N. Y.; she d. 2 July, 1848; he d. 6 July, 1851; had eight children.
1317 Asa Austin,7 b. 10 May, 1780; m. (1) 11 Nov., 1802, Anna Ferris, b. 23 Mar., 1782, who d. 8 July, 1819. He m. (2) 4 Feb., 1821, Susan­nah Stewart, b. 20 Aug., 1786, widow of Charles Forbes, who d. 18 May, 1849. He was a farmer in Homer, N. Y.; later in McGraw­ville, where he had a flourmill; d. 17 Mar., 1853; had eleven chil­dren.
1318 Annis Austin,7 b. 4 Aug., 1782; m. 27 Aug., 1804, Jacob Otis, b. 21 Aug., 1777, a clothier and merchant in Mayfield and Truxton, N. Y.; he d. 6 Oct., 1831; she d. 8 Aug., 1864; had seven children.
1319 Elijah Austin,7 b. 18 Mar., 1785; m. 13 Sept., 1810, Ann Allen, b. 6 Aug., 1787; was a farmer in Sempronius, N. Y.; d. 20 Apr., 1846; she d. 5 Aug., 1868; had six children.
1320 Laura Austin,7 b. 9 Apr., 1788; m. 15 Apr., 1819, Eleazor Sheldon, b. 15 May, 1792, in New Marlborough, Mass., a farmer of Perry, Wyom­ing Co., N. Y. He d. 2 Feb., 1878; she d. 21 Mar., 1884. In June, 1819, they rem. from Sheffield to Perry, in a lumber wagon. They were a week on the way. Although Laura weighed only four and one-half pounds at her birth, she attained the full size of woman­hood and inherited much of the energy of her grandmother, Ruth.
1321 James Austin,7 b. 1 Jan., 1791; m. 28 Jan., 1812, Tamar Chapin, b. 20 July, 1795; a farmer in Sheffield. Mass., Sennett, N. Y., and Shef­field, O.; d. 17 Aug., 1864; she d. 3 Dec., 1879; had ten children.

130    The Kelloggs in the New World.

431.   MIRIAM,6 dau. of Deacon Silas5 (125), b. 24 May, 1755; m. Dr. Lewis Beebe, of Pawlet, Vt.
She d. in Lansingburg, N. Y. After his first marriage he studied theology; res. in Pawlet and Lansingburg. He m. (2) , and rem. to New Jersey.
1322 Lucy Beebe,7 b. ______.
1323 Nancy Beebe,7 b. ______.
1324 Rhoda Beebe,7 b. ______.
1325 Lewis Beebe,7 b. ______.

432.   SILAS,6 son of Deacon Silas5 (125), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 7 Aug., 1757; m. 24 Apr., 1782, Rhoda Root, b. 24 July, 1758, dau. of Aaron Root, of Sheffield, and Rhoda King.
She d. 7 Mar., 1833, aged 75; he d. 28 Nov., 1838.
He was a prominent business man; was appointed administrator of many estates, and guardian of many minors.
His business papers have been preserved by his descendants, and have been of great assistance in tracing some of the scattered tribes.
He was selectman 1791; several years in the Legislature; member of Con­stitutional Convention of Massachusetts 1821; much in public life.
He was a revolutionary pensioner; was engaged in the siege of Boston, 1776; after the evacuation he marched to the city of New York, returned home, and as his father was sick, started out on the "old silver tailed" mare for Boston. They went before Gen. Washington, who said "If it were not a case of necessity, I should urge both of you to remain." He turned out in 1777 on the call of Gen. Schuyler to re-enforce the northern army in opposing Gen. Burgoyne and re­mained until the surrender.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
1326 Rhoda,7 b. 18 Jan., 1783; m. Consider Morgan.
1327 Fanny,7 b. 5 Dec., 1784; d. 21 Dec., 1785.
1328 Chauncey,7 b. 8 Nov., 1786; m. Lois Turner.
1329 Norman,7 b. 8 Apr., 1789; m. Mary Shears.
1330 Frances (Fanny),7 b. 16 Apr., 1791; m. Jonathan Church.
1331 George,7 b. 1 Dec., 1793; m. Cynthia Root Merrill.
1332 John,7 b. 20 Feb., 1796; d. unm. in New Madrid, Mo., Oct., 1818; is buried in Sheffield, Mass. He had a plantation near New Madrid.
1333 Jane Maria,7 b. 20 May, 1798; m. Jay Shears.
1334 Silas Root,7 b. 11 June, 1799; m. Mrs. Lucy C. (Hale) Churchill.
1335 Anne Root,7 b. 24 July, 1805; m. James Putnam Flint.

433.   ANN,6 dau. of Deacon Silas5 (125), b. in Sheffield, 23 June, 1760; m. 3 Jan., 1782, James Hickok, b. 1 Nov., 1757, son of Ezra Hickok, of Sheffield, Mass., and Elizabeth _______.
He d. 5 Apr., 1823; she d. in the summer of 1825.
He was an influential and wealthy citizen; a merchant in Lansingburgh; rem. to Lansingburgh from Sheffield, Mass., in 1788.

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1336 Norman Hickok,7 b. 13 Apr., 1783; d. unm. ______.
1337 Harry Hickok,7 b. 4 Apr., 1786; d. 14 June, 1787.
1338 James Hickok,7 b. 18 Mar., 1788; d. 20 Sept., 1789.
1339 Anne Hickok,7 b. 13 Feb., 1790; m. 3 Feb., 1812, John Boardman Chip­man, b. in Sunderland, Vt., 1 Apr., 1785. He rem. to Lansing­burgh, N. Y.; served as clerk for James Hickok, 1804; with his brother had a large mercantile business in Orwell, Vt., though he continued to reside in Lansingburgh. In 1865 he rem. to Clinton, N. Y. She d. 19 Dec., 1869; he d. 29 Nov., 1871.
1340 Cynthia Amanda Hickok,7 b. 27 Mar., 1792; m. 1813, Deacon William Page, banker.
1341 Elizabeth Hickok,7 b. 30 May, 1796; m. Royal Gould.
1342 James W. Hickok,7 b. 2 Dec., 1798.
1343 Henry H. Hickok,7 b. 19 Oct., 1800; d. 3 Aug., 1802.
1344 Ezra Edmond Hickok,7 b. 5 Apr., 1803; d. 10 Apr., 1877.

434.   CAPT. EBENEZER,6 son of Amos5 (126), b. in Sheffield, 29 Feb., 1748; m. 3 Dec., 1772, Sarah Austin, b. 3 Nov., 1751, dau. of Zephaniah Austin, of Shef­field, and Sarah Eggleston.
She d. 1 Mar., 1819; he d. 10 May, 1827, aged 80; both are buried in Shef­field.
He lived on the old homestead of his father. He was a selectman of Shef­field.
He served in the revolutionary army on several occasions. Was a Corp. in Capt. Noble's Co., Col. Ashley's Peg.; was called out when Fort Ann was cap­tured by the British; also served under Gen. Gates at Saratoga in 1777.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
1345 Amasa,7 b. 2 Apr., 1774; d. 4 Nov., 1775.
1346 Wealtha,7 b. 13 Dec., 1775; m. Ephraim Hart.
1347 Amasa,7 b. 5 Feb., 1777; m. Abiah Callender.
1348 Amos A.,7 b. 18 Nov., 1778; m. Lucy Williams.
1349 Ebenezer,7 b. 15 Nov., 1780; m. Eunice Callender.
1350 Sarah,7 b. 21 May, 1783; m. Milton Bissell.
1351 Henry,7 b. 6 June, 1787; d. unm., 19 Mar., 1813, aged 26.
1352 Abigail,7 b. 26 Nov., 1788; m. Calvin Julius Pope.
1353 Milo,7 b. 24 June, 1792; m. Mary Ann Jacobs.

436.   JESSE,6 son of Amos5 (126), b. in Sheffield, 28 Aug., 1751; m. 8 Jan., 1778, Mrs. Rhoda (Callender) Kellogg, widow of Daniel Kellogg (411).
She d. 14 Sept., 1813, aged 62; he d. in Albany, N. Y., 10 Jan., 1823; both were buried in Sheffield.
He was a farmer; res. in Kelloggstown, Sheffield, Mass.
He served in the revolution; marched on Lexington Alarm, 21 Apr., 1775; enlisted in the army 8 May, 1775, in Capt. Bacon's Co., Col. Fellows' Reg.; had order for a bounty coat dated Dorchester, 19 Dec., 1775.
He served as a private under Capt. Fellows, Berkshire Co. Reg., 9 to 18 July, 1777, and marched to Kingsbury, N. Y. Also marched on alarm when Forts George and Ann were taken by the enemy, 1780. He served 1781 in Col. Ash­ley's Reg.

132    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Sheffield.
1354 Pamela,7 b. 25 May, 1780; m. William B. Dimmick.
1355 Sylvester,7 b. 13 Apr., 1785; m. Celia E. Ensign.
1356 Matilda,7 b. 23 Mar., 1790; d. unm. 25 Apr., 1856, in Meadville, Pa., where she was a teacher.

438.   PRUDENCE,6 dau. of Amos5 (126), b. in Sheffield, 23 Sept., 1754; m. 1775, Noah Ely Hubbard, b. in Sheffield, 15 Feb., 1754, son of Rev. Jonathan Hubbard, first pastor of the church in Sheffield, b. in Deerfield, Mass., 29 Dec., 1703, and Rachel Ely.
She d. 6 Mar., 1810; he m. (2) Mary Bosworth, dau. of Nathaniel Bosworth and Mary Smith; d. 4 Aug., 1844, in the house in which he was born. He was a farmer; lived on the old Hubbard homestead in Sheffield.
1357 Prudence Hubbard,7 b. 1777; d. 1792.
1358 Noah Hubbard,7 b. 20 Oct., 1778; m. Cynthia Clark; d. 26 Aug., 1846, in Council Bluffs, la.
1359 Asher Hubbard,7 b. 1781; d. 20 Aug., 1796, in Woodbury, N. J.
1360 Eli Hubbard,7 b. 13 June, 1783; m. (1) 1815, Rhoda Ward, b. 6 Oct., 1796. She d. 20 Aug., 1840; he m. (2) 16 Mar., 1842, Catherine Emmons, b. 30 Jan., 1807, widow of Abram Tan Alstine; rem. from Sheffield and settled near Toledo, O., and later in Sylvania, Lucas Co., O.; was a farmer; d. 9 Mar., 1856; she d. 30 July, 1865.
1361 Lucy Hubbard,7 b. about 1785; m. 2 Apr., 1811, Jared Bosworth, who d. in Tremainsville, O., Sept., 1819. She m. (2)1 Feb., 1820, Samuel Agnew, a farmer of Monroe and Erie, Mich., who d. 22 May, 1837. She d. 8 Feb., 1869.
1362 Pamela Hubbard,7 b. 1787; d. 6 Aug., 1796.

439.   MARY,6 dau. of Amos5 (126), b. in Sheffield, 2 Dec., 1756; m. 1793, Dr. William Bull, b. 8 Sept., 1757, son of William Bull, b. 3 Dec., 1729, who m. a dau. of Gen. Ashley.
She d. 26 Sept., 1823; he d. 17 June, 1841. He was a physician in Sheffield, Mass., where both d.
1363 William Jay Bull,7 b. 8 July, 1794; m. 29 Mar., 1829, his cousin, Dia­damia Callender (1376); d. Jan., 1862; was a farmer in Sheffield.
1364 John St. Just Bull,7 b. June, 1796; d. unm.; was graduated from Wil­liams College, 1829; studied for the ministry; res. in Sheffield, 1876, with H. W. Canfield, of Sheffield; was insane; was amply provided for by his father.
1365 Albert Ebenezer Bull,7 b. 5 Mar., 1808; m. 19 Nov., 1846, Lydia Ann Shaw, of Michigan; was a farmer; res. in Irving, Mich.; went East for his health and d. in Great Barrington, 6 Mar., 1865; had no children.

440.   THANKFUL,6 dau. of Amos5 (126), b. in Sheffield, 5 Oct., 1758; m. (1) Capt. Aaron Callender, b. 28 Nov., 1755, son of Lieut. Nathaniel Callender and Mary _______.

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He d. 7 Jan., 1808; she m. (2) 1821, Col. Elijah Stanton, of Salisbury, Conn.; d. in Salisbury, 21 July, 1831; he d. 1832.
1366 Ruth Callender,7 b. 13 Feb., 1779; m. Robert Mason; d. in the West.
1367 Abigail Callender,7 b. 5 Dec., 1780; m. Silas Wright, a clothier of Canaan, Conn. He d. 1835; she d. 1853.
1368 Prudence Callender,7 b. 26 Mar., 1783; d. in infancy.
1369 Aaron Callender,7 b. 27 Oct., 1784; m. Mar., 1808, Nancy Keep; d. 15 July, 1820; was a farmer in Sheffield, Mass.
1370 Mary Callender,7 b. 19 Oct., 1786; d. in infancy.
1371 Rhoda Callender,7 b. 23 Dec., 1789; d. unm. 15 May, 1812.
1372 Prudence Callender,7 b. 2 Aug., 1791; d. unm. 17 Oct., 1833.
1373 Amos Callender,7 b. 28 June, 1793; d. in infancy.
1374 Asa Callender,7 b. 28 June, 1793; d. in infancy.
1375 Amos Callender,7 b. 13 June, 1795; d. in infancy.
1376 Diadamia Callender,7 b. 19 Oct., 1798; m. 29 Mar., 1829, her cousin, William Jay Bull (1363); d. 8 Sept., 1845; he was a farmer in Sheffield.
1377 Charles Callender,7 b. 25 Jan., 1801; d. 28 Jan., 1822, unm.

441.   AMOS,6 son of Amos5 (126), b. in Sheffield, 27 Sept., 1760; m. there, 12 Apr., 1787, Rachel Porter, b. in Lenox, Mass., 16 Oct., 1767, dau. of Amos Porter and Joanna Allen.
He d. 30 Jan., 1806, in Clinton, N. Y.; she d. Sept., 1853, at the home of her dau., Fanny, in Clinton.
They rem. to Clinton, N. Y., 1787, when the country was a wilderness; joined the church at Kirtland, 3 Jan., 1802.
Children, all, except Amy, bap. in Clinton, N. Y., 20 Jan., 1802.
1378 Fanny,7 b. 21 Feb., 1789; m. Oren Gridley.
1379 Henry,7 b. 16 June, 1790; m. Serena Beach.
1380 Amos,7 b. 13 Aug., 1792; d. unm. while traveling in the West.
1381 Rachel,7 b. 20 Aug., 1794; m. Rev. Salmon Strong.
1382 Clarissa,7 b. 30 Oct., 1797; m. Seth Saxton.
1383 Aaron,7 b. 8 Oct., 1799; m. Eliza Shaw Dodge.
1384 Amy,7 b. 19 Mar., 1801; d. 5 Sept., 1802.
1385 Eli,7 b. 19 Mar., 1801; d. unm. in Clinton, 2 Apr., 1824, aged 23.
1386 Amy,7 b. 29 Jan., 1803.

442.   CAPT. AARON,6 son of Amos5 (126), b. in Sheffield, 19 July, 1762; m. about 1786, Susan Huntington Branch, b. in Vermont, about 1765, dau. of Amaziah Branch, of Shaftsbury, Vt., b. in Preston, Conn., 14 July, 1741, and Sarah Huntington, b. in Norwich, Conn., 1733.
He d. in Clinton, 8 May, 1835; she d. Jan., 1838.
In the autumn of 1787 he rem. from Sheffield to what is now Kirtland (Clin­ton Village), N. Y., in company with his brother, Amos, where he res. until his death. He was a farmer and known as Captain from his position in the militia.
He was a revolutionary soldier, serving in Capt. Roswell Downing's Co., 29 July to 27 Aug., 1779; in Capt. John Carpenter's Co., guarding stores in Spring­field, 30 Sept. "to 30 Dec., 1779.

134    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1387 Hiram Huntington,7 b. in Clinton, N. Y., 26 Feb., 1803; m. Mary Gleason Chandler.

443.   JOSIAH,6 son of Amos5 (126), b. 13 Aug., 1764, in Sheffield, Mass.; m. 16 Sept., 1789, Affia Holcomb, dau. of Michael Holcomb, of Sheffield.
He d. 11 Mar., 1807; gravestone at Sheffield; she d. in Erie, Pa., 28 Oct., 1857.
Rem. from Sheffield to Lansingburgh before marriage, but returned to Shef­field in 1793; was a tanner and currier; a man of medium height, with blue eyes; was a subscriber for the erection of a Court House at Troy, 1792.
1388 Julius,7 b. about 1790; d. unm. 18 May, 1818.
1389 Josiah,7 b. 16 Dec., 1792; m. Catherine Ramsey.
1390 Otis,7 b. about 19 June, 1795; d. 19 Sept., 1796.
1391 Mary (Polly),7 b. about 2 Dec., 1797; d. 2 July, 1801.
1392 Affia Mary,7 b. 16 Sept., 1800; m. Myron Goodwin.
1393 George Holcomb,7 b. 5 Apr., 1804; m. Jane Hays.
1394 Catharine Asenath,7 b. 29 Apr., 1806; m. Thomas Colt.

444.   JOANNA,6 dau. of Amos5 (126), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 4 July, 1766; m. 15 Mar., 1784, Nathaniel Winslow, b. in Salisbury, Conn., 9 Apr., 1761, son of Nathaniel Winslow and Hannah Fitch.*
She d. ______; he m. (2) 1812, Anna Hannah; d. 30 Apr., 1831.
Res. Williston, Vt.
1395 Almira Winslow,7 b. 7 Mar., 1785.
1396 Miron Winslow,7 b. in Williston, Vt., 11 Dec., 1789; m. (1) Harriet Wadsworth Lathrop; (2); (3); (4); (5); was a missionary to Ceylon; d. 22 Oct., 1864, on board ship on his way home from Ceylon. His dau., Joanna, b. in Codo­ville, Ceylon, was adopted by Professor Kellogg, of Williamstown, Mass.
1397 Clarissa Winslow,7 b. 12 June, 1792; m. Deacon James B. Skinner.
1398 Lovey Elvira Winslow,7 b. 9 Dec., 1796; m. Aera Bradley.
1399 Hubbard Winslow,7 b. 30 Oct., 1799; m. Susan Ward Cutler.
1400 Gordon Winslow,7 b. 12 Sept., 1803; m. Katherine G. Fish.

447.   LUCY,6 dau. of Aaron5 (127), b. in Colchester, Conn., 19 Feb., 1742; m. in Colchester, 26 May, 1768, Eliphalet Chamberlain.
In Sept., 1785, the Second Church of Colchester recommended her to the church in Dalton, Mass.; in 1787, she and her husband, then both of Dalton, sold an interest in the estate of her father to Elihu Clark.
1401 Sarah Chamberlain,7 bap. 22 Nov., 1772.
1402 Lecta Chamberlain,7 bap. 6 June, 1773.

*Hannah Fitch was the dau. of Rev. Mr. Fitch, of Coventry, Conn. She was instantly killed in Williston, Vt., Aug., 1806, from a fall, while mounting a horse.

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1403 Solomon Chamberlain,7 b. ______.
1404 Eliphalet Chamberlain,7 b. ______.

449.   AARON,6 son of Aaron5 (127), b. in Colchester, 9 Aug., 1746; m. 3 July, 1766, Rhoda Jones, b. 4 Oct., 1750, dau. of Amasa Jones, of Colchester, Conn., and Elizabeth Chamberlain.
He d. 10 May, 1772; she m. (2) Maj. Bulkley, of Colchester.
1405 Amasa,7 b. 3 Feb., 1767; res. in Colchester, 1792.
1406 Elizabeth (Betsey),7 b. 11 Dec., 1768; m. Col. Lebbeus Loomis.
1407 Mary (Polly),7 b. ______.

450.   LYDIA,6 dau. of Aaron5 (127), b. in Colchester, 23 July, 1749; m. 28 May, 1766, William Bulkley.
1408 Lydia Bulkley,7 b. 7 Jan., 1768.
1409 Lucy Bulkley,7 b. ______.
1410 Clarice Bulkley,7 b. ______.

454.   LOVINA,6 dau. of Aaron5 (137), b. in Colchester (Westchester), Conn., 10 Mar., 1760; m. Asa Worthington, b. 11 Oct., 1755, son of Elias Worthington, b. 31 Oct., 1722, and Rhoda Chamberlain.
He d. 1822; she d. June, 1834, in Colchester.
He res. in Colchester, to which place he rem. from Montville, Conn., where he sold land, 20 June, 1789, and was called of Montville in the deed.
1411 Anthony Worthington,7 b. 11 Jan., 1784; d. Apr., same year.
1412 Laura Worthington,7 b. 28 Jan., 1786; m. Ralph Isham, b. 25 June, 1776; d. June, 1847, in Colchester.
1413 Asa Worthington,7 b. S Aug., 1788; m. Frances Meadowcroft; d. 25 Nov., 1875, in Irvington, N. Y.

455.   DANIEL,6 son of Nathaniel5 (128), b. in Hadley, about 1717; m. (1) 1751 (pub. 21 Sept.), Esther Smith, b. 27 Nov., 1726, dau. of John Smith, of South Hadley, and Esther Colton.
She d. 18 Dec., 1756; he m. (2) 1758 (pub. 15 Apr.), Mrs. Thankful (Alexander) Hawley, widow of Joseph Hawley, of Amherst, and dau. of Alex­ander; she d. ______; he m. (3) Sarah Parsons, b. 29 May, 1723, dau. of Josiah Parsons, of Northampton.
He d. 14 June, 1799, aged 87; she d. 26 Feb., 1807. He rem. to Amherst, where he d.
He was recommended to the church in Amherst, 4 July, 1755; his first wife was dismissed from the church in South Hadley to the church in Amherst, 3 Nov., 1754.
He was a selectman of Amherst. He was a Tory during the revolution, con­fined to his farm and ordered to deliver to the Committee of Safety all his fire­arms, ammunition, etc.
1414 Daniel,7 bap. 26 July, 1752; m. Mercy Eastman.
1415 Aaron,7 b. 5 May, 1754; bap. 16 Nov., 1755; d. unm., in Amherst, 11 Dec., 1830, aged 76; graduated from Yale, 1768; res. in Amherst,

136    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1818. In his application for pension he states that he went to Bos­ton, Nov., 1778; enlisted as a mariner on board the frigate Deane, Capt. Nicholson. She left port for the West Indies and touched at the Island of Martinique; sailed north, stopping two months at Philadelphia; cruised along the coast of Newfoundland; returned to Boston early in Nov., 1779, when he was discharged.
1416 David,7 b. 10 Nov., 1755; m. Sallie Bridge.
1417 Jonathan,7 b. 10 Nov., 1755; d. Young.

456.   ABRAHAM,6 son of Nathaniel5 (128), b. in Hadley, Mass., 1719; m. 7 Dec., 1758, Sarah Cowles, b. in Hatfield, Mass., 29 Dec., 1732, dau. of Jonathan Cowles, b. 30 June, 1703, and Sarah Gaylord, b. 1 Feb., 1709.
He d. ______, in a hospital in New York, while in the revolutionary army; she d. in Leverett, Mass., 26 Oct., 1819, aged 87.
He was a sentinel in Capt. Israel Williams' Co., from 17 Mar., 1756, to 23 Jan., 1757, part of the time stationed with the detachment in Charlemont, Mass., part of the time scouting westward; enlisted in the revolutionary army about 1775; res. in Amherst and Hadley. He and his wife were received into full com­munion in the church in Amherst, 6 Mar., 1760.
1418 Sybil,7 b. 24 Sept., 1761; m. Enos Graves.
1419 Diadamia,7 b. 1763; m. Thomas Clapp.
1420 Sarah,7 bap. in Amherst, 15 Apr., 1764; d. unm. ______.
1421 Eli,7 b. 18 Nov., 1768; m. Mrs. Mary (Pike) Hemenway.
1422 Samuel,7 bap. 20 May, 1770; m. Hannah Marsh.
1423 Abraham,7 bap. 13 Dec., 1772; d. Young.

457.   PRUDENCE,6 dau. of Nathaniel5 (128), b. in Hadley, 1723; m. 27 June, 1751, Josiah Parsons, Jr., of Northampton, Mass., b. 9 June, 1713, son of Josiah Parsons and Elizabeth Strong.
She d. 27 June, 1791, aged 68; he d. 23 May, 1796, Res. in Northampton, Mass.
1424 Naomi Parsons,7 b. 3 Aug., 1752; d. unm. 15 Sept., 1794.
1425 Prudence Parsons,7 b. 22 Apr., 1756; m. 19 Dec., 1790, Dr. Samuel Por­ter, of Williamstown, Mass.
1426 Abigail Parsons,7 b. 13 May, 1759; m. 1785, Elisha Graves.

458.   JOEL,6 son of Nathaniel5 (128), b. in Hadley, about 1724; m. 1748 (pub. 7 Aug.), Joanna Clark, b. in Northampton, 24 May, 1727, dau. of Samuel Clark, Jr., and Sarah Rust.
She d. 11 June, 1795; he d. 22 Oct., 1798. They res. in Whately, where they d.
He served in the French and Indian war; was in Capt. White's Co.; marched to Bridgeman's Fort, 22 Oct., 1747; sentinel in Capt. Chadwick's Co., Col. Worth­ington's Reg.; marched to Fort Edward on alarm for the relief of Fort William Henry, Aug., 1757; served twenty-five days. In 1759 enlisted in Col. Ruggle's Reg. for service under Gen. Amherst for the invasion of Canada.

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1427 Miriam,7 b. 23 Dec., 1751; m. Capt. Eleazer Frary.
1428 Seth,7 b. 1754; m. (1) Jerusha White; (2) _______.
1429 Joanna,7 b. ______; m. Jonathan Ingram.
1430 Abigail,7 b. 18 Nov., 1757; m. Moses Crafts.
1431 Levi,7 b. 3 Oct., 1760; m. Cynthia Wright.

459.   GARDNER,6 son of Nathaniel5 (128), b. in Hadley, about 1730; m. 29 Apr., 1762, Thankful Chapin, of West Springfield, b. 22 Feb., 1727, dau. of Joseph Chapin, b. 16 Mar., 1697, of Chicopee, Mass., and Thankful Dickinson, of Hatfield.
She d. 24 Feb., 1805; he d. in Hadley, 6 Oct., 1814; their gravestones are in Hadley cemetery.
Sentinel in Capt. Israel William's Co., in Colerain and Charlemont, 9 Sept., 1754, to 14 Mar., 1755; private in Capt. William's Co., in expedition against Crown Point, 1756; served forty-four weeks.
1432 Nathaniel,7 b. 1 Oct., 1763; m. (1) Chloe Drake: (2) Mrs. Betsey (Cowles) Moody.
1433 Gardiner,7 b. 22 Sept., 1765; m. Abigail White.
1434 Josiah,7 b. 15 July, 1767; m. Hannah Smith.
1435 Lucy,7 b. 2 Nov., 1769; m., as his second wife, 27 June, 1819, Henry Chapin, of Springfield, b. 23 July, 1762; d. 10 Dec., 1843; he d. in Providence, R. I., 22 Dec., 1825; had no children.

460.   CAPT. MOSES,6 son of Nathaniel5 (128), b. about 1733, in Hadley, Mass.; m. 3 Apr., 1758, Mary Sheldon, of Sheffield, Mass., b. 16 Mar., 1738, dau. of Benjamin Sheldon, b. 26 Aug., 1705, and Abigail Kellogg (+133).
She d. 22 Dec., 1812, aged 75; he d. 28 May, 1815, aged 82; both were buried in Hadley, where their gravestones are still standing.
He was a farmer in Hadley; selectman, 1775-77.
He served in Capt. Ezra Clap's Co., of Westfield, in the South Reg., of Hamp­shire Co., for the relief of Fort William Henry, 1757; served four days; traveled forty-five miles.
He was a Lieut, in Capt. Elihu Smith's Co.; marched on the Lexington Alarm and served seven days; enlisted in the army, 27 Apr., same year; commis­sioned Lieut. 25 May, 1775, Capt. Smith's Co., Col. Ward's Reg.; Lieut, in Capt. Lyman's Co., Col. Dike's Reg., 27 Nov., 1776; Capt. in Col. Porter's Reg., 23 Sept.; marched under Gen. Gates to re-enforce the northern army, 18 Oct., 1777. His name appears in "Officers of the Continental Army."
1436 Whiting,7 b. about 1758-59; m. Elizabeth Cross.
1437 Moses,7 b. 16 Feb., 1761; m. Elizabeth Newton.
1438 Benjamin,7 b. 25 Aug., 1763; m. Patty Smith.
1439 Mary (Polly),7 b. 1766; d. unm. 4 Aug., 1845, in Hadley.
1440 Abigail Sheldon,7 bap. 4 Nov., 1768; m. Elisha Belden.
1441 Experience,7 bap. 12 May, 1771; m. Aristobulus Smith.
1442 Electa,7 b. Nov., 1773; m. as his second wife, 1833, Elihu Wait, of Whately, Mass., b. 14 Aug., 1758, son of Elihu Wait, of Hatfield,

138    The Kelloggs in the New World.

and Martha Wells, of Hardwick, Mass. He d. 19 July, 1828; she d. 9 Nov., 1838; had no children.
1443 Samuel,7 b. 21 Oct., 1777; m. Mary Callender.

461.   PHEBE,6 dau. of Nathaniel5 (128), b. in Hadley; m. 9 Nov., 1749, Lieut. Eleazer Nash, of Granby, b. 10 Feb., 1720, son of Ephraim Nash, of South Hadley, and Joanna Smith (94).
He d. 19 May, 1775; she d. about 1777; both d. in Granby.
He was a surveyor and a man of considerable influence; res. in Granby.
1444 Lucy Nash,7 b. 18 Sept., 1750; m. (1) 5 Mar., 1789, Azariah Alvord; m. (2) 31 Oct., 1813, John Stickney; d. 24 Dec., 1836, aged 86.
1445 Joanna Nash,7 b. about 1752; d. unm. 16 May, 1816.
1446 Ephraim Nash,7 b. Mar., 1754; m. 2 Feb., 1786, Hannah Wells; rem. to Brattleboro, Vt.; d. 18 Dec., 1816.
1447 Eleazer Nash,7 b. Aug., 1755; res. in Granby; m. 6 Apr., 1795, Abigail Brown, of Amherst, Mass.; d. 9 June, 1836, aged 80.
1448 Nathaniel Nash,7 b. 1757; d. nam. 8 July, 1834, aged 77.
1449 Phebe Nash,7 b. 14 Jan., 1768; m. 15 July, 1789, Josiah Smith, of South Hadley; d. 11 Jan., 1847, aged 78.

466.   ELIZABETH,6 dau. of Capt. Ebenezer5 (129), b. 15 Dec., 1719; m. 25 Apr., 1740, Capt. and Deacon Samuel Nourse,* b. in Salem Village (now Dan­vers), Mass., 25 Apr., 1715, son of Samuel Nourse, b. in Salem, 7 Jan., 1678, and Dorothy Faulkner, dau. of Francis Faulkner.
She d. in Bolton, Mass., 14 Oct., 1751; he m. (2) Abigail Barnard, of Marlboro, Mass.; d. 8 May, 1790.
In 1740, the year of his father's death, he rem. to Bolton, leaving his brother, Francis, in possession of the homestead in Danvers, which had been bequeathed to the two brothers by their father. It contained three hundred acres. He was the father of sixteen children, seven by his first wife and nine by the second. Three of the children were named Abigail and two Elizabeth.
Children, b. in Bolton.
1450 John Nourse,7 b. 17 Nov., 1740.
1451 David Nourse,7 b. 19 June, 1742; d. 26 Dec., 1828.
1452 Elizabeth Nourse,7 b. 27 Jan., 1744; d. 1745.
1453 Benjamin Nourse,7 b. Feb., 1746.
1454 Elizabeth Nourse,7 b. 4 Jan., 1747.
1455 Jonathan Nourse,7 b. 18 Dec., 1748; m. Ruth Barrett.
1456 Sarah Nourse,7 b. 8 Jan., 1750.

467.   ENSIGN EBENEZER,6 son of Capt. Ebenezer5 (129), b. in Amherst, Mass., about 1722; m. (1); (2) in Amherst, 13 Jan., 1751, Sarah Clapp, b. 4 Oct., 1733, dau. of Preserved Clapp, b. 28 July, 1705, and Sarah West, b. 9 Nov., 1706.

*Capt. Nourse was a descendant in the fourth generation of Francis Nourse, of Salem, and Rebecca Towne, his wife. She and her sister were hanged as witches 19 June, 1692. Her domestic virtues as well as her religious character were admitted by her accusers, but it was claimed that they were but evidence of the power of Satan.

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He d. in the army in Ticonderoga, 23 Nov., 1776, aged 54.
He res. in Amherst, where he and his wife were admitted to the church, 13 May, 1753.
It is said that he was an Ensign in the Eighth Massachusetts, Col. Choate, in Gen. Pepperell's expedition against Louisburg, 1745.
He was a soldier in the army of the revolution, and served as a Corp. in Capt. Dickinson's Co., Col. Woodbridge's Reg., Lexington Alarm, eleven days; in the same company 1 May to Aug., 1775; received an order for a bounty coat, dated Prospect Hill,* 25 Oct., 1775; a private in Capt. Aaron Haynes' Co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's Reg., and in a roll dated Fort Ticonderoga, 1 Dec., 1776, enlisted 1 May, 1776: d. 22 Nov., 1776.
She m. (2) 23 Apr., 1778, John Nash of Amherst, son of Deacon John Nash; d. ______.
Child, b. in Amherst, by first wife.
1457 Ebenezer,7 b. about 29 May, 1749; m. (1) Elizabeth Crocker; (2) Tamer Wright.
Children by second wife.
1458 Sarah,7 bap. 13 May, 1753; m. Joseph Bolles.
1459 Elizabeth (Betsey),7 b. ______; m. 1775, Ruben Dickinson, Jr., of Amherst, who rem. to Thetford, Vt., with his father.
1460 Jonathan,7 bap. 24 Oct., 1760; m. Mary Holland.

471.   EZEKIEL,6 son of Capt. Ezekiel5 (130), b. 22 Sept., 1728; m. in New Salem, Mass., 10 May, 1750; Hannah Southwick, b. 15 Sept., 1729. She d. 7 Nov., 1807; he d. 25 Dec., 1810.
They resided in New Salem, Mass., where all their children were born. He was a soldier in the French and Indian war; served in Lieut. Amos Fos­ter's Co., Col. Israel Williams' Reg.; detached and marched into the western frontier during the siege of Fort William Henry, 1757; served ten days; trav­eled forty-four miles. (Called Ezekiel, Jr., in record of service.)
1461 Asahel,7 b. ______; d. aged 5 weeks.
1462 Ezekiel,7 b. 23 Mar., 1753; m. (1) Mrs. Eunice Foster; (2) Mrs. Juliett (Parker) Gaboon.
1463 Benjamin,7 b. 23 Dec., 1755; d. Mar., 1759.
1464 Benjamin,7 b. 28 Feb., 1759; d. 16 Feb., 1775.
1465 Hannah,7 b. 31 Jan., 1763; m. Israel Richardson.
1466 Abigail,7 b. 14 May, 1769; m. 29 Dec., 1816, David Whitacre, of Wen­dell; had no children.
1467 Elizabeth,7 b. 14 May, 1769; d. unm., after 1817, in which year her name appears in a list of communicants in the church in New Salem.

474.   WILLIAM,6 son of Capt. Ezekiel5 (130), b. 1 Feb., 1739; m. 23 Feb., 1772, Nancy Holton, dau. of James Holton, of New Salem, Mass.
She d. 22 Aug., 1806; he d. 7 Oct., 1826; both d. in Amherst, Mass.
He was a private in Capt. Goodale's Co., Col. David Wells' Reg., 24 Sept., to 18 Oct., 1777; marched to join the northern army.

*Prospect Hill was in Charlestown and was fortified after the battle of Bunker Hill.

140    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He owned a farm of seventy or eighty acres in New Salem, but exchanged it for mills in Amherst, owned by Maj. Peck, three miles north of Dr. Parson's church.
1468 Elizabeth (Betsey),7 b. ______; m., as his second wife, 5 Jan., 1797, Joseph Church, Jr., of Amherst. He d. in Amherst, 20 Sept., 1840.
1469 Nancy,7 b. ______; m. 3 Sept., 1818, Capt. Jarus Cummings.
1470 Sybil,7 b. ______; m. 16 Feb., 1806, Abraham Goddard, of Brattleboro, Vt., who, with twelve other families, moved from Amherst to Stukely, Lower Canada; he was a blacksmith, but bought a farm in Canada; she d. in Canada, leaving several children.
1471 Giles Crouch,7 b. 28 Sept., 1783; m. Eunice Palmer Cottrell.

475.   SAMUEL,6 son of Capt. Ezekiel5 (130), b. 1 Feb., 1739; m. (1) Lucy Snow, perhaps dau. of Jacob Snow and Abigail Wyman, who were m. in Woburn, Mass., 8 Apr., 1740.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 22 Apr., 1805, Mrs. Sally (Fisk) Southwick, widow of Benjamin Southwick, of New Salem.
He res. in New Salem, where his children were born. His second wife was dismissed from the church in New Salem, and recommended to the church in Sangerfield, N. Y., 20 Apr., 1816, at about which time he probably rem. to that place. He is said to have been a soldier in the revolution and was one of sixteen men who marched to re-enforce the army at Bennington, but did not arrive there until after the battle. He often told his children of the awful scenes which he witnessed on that field of blood.
Children by first wife.
1472 Benjamin,7 bap. 29 Aug., 1770; m. Permelia Trask.
1473 Samuel,7 bap. 10 July, 1771; m. Susannah Felton.
1474 Lucy,7 b. 12 July, 1773; m. Ezra Allen.
1475 Sarah,7 b. 17 June, 1775; m. Peter Sampson.
1476 Hannah Snow,7 b. 29 May, 1777; m. (1) Joseph Putnam; (2) Syl­vanus Ward.
1477 Nathaniel,7 b. 22 July, 1781; m. Sarah Stowell.
1478 Jonathan,7 bap. 1 Aug., 1784; d. unm. about 1814; he was the only Kellogg mentioned as a pew renter in the church in New Salem, 1807; he was settling the estate of his brother, Barnabas, when he was taken sick and died within a year of his brother's death.
1479 Barnabus,7 bap. 9 July, 1786; administration was granted to his brother Jonathan, in Troy, N. Y., 8 Dec., 1814. He never married. It is said that he died suddenly at the salt springs, N. Y.
1480 Experience,7 b. ______; d. in New Salem, 30 Nov., 1806.
Children by second wife.
1481 Warren,7 b. 30 Dec., 1805; m. Melissa Peck.
1482 Daniel Fisk,7 b. in New Salem, 12 Sept., 1807; m. Emily Dunham.
1483 Experience (Expeedy),7 b. 18 Apr., 1811; m. Aranas Livermore.

478.   SAMUEL,6 son of Samuel5 (131), b. in Hadley, Mass., 17 Mar., 1725; m. 22 June, 1751, Mary Nash, b. 7 July, 1731, dau. of Ensign Daniel Nash (154), of South Hadley and Shelbume, Mass., and granddaughter of John Nash and Elizabeth Kellogg (+34), b. 8 Dec., 1706.

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He d. 19 Jan., 1777.
He was a cabinet maker and joiner in Westfield, Mass.; rem. ______ to Chesterfield, Mass.
She m. (2) Lee; d. June, 1811.
1484 Sarah,7 b. 15 Aug., 1751; m. Asher Sacket.
1485 Rhoda,7 b. 23 Nov., 1753; m. Abner Sacket.
1486 Triphena,7 b. 15 Mar., 1758; m. Samuel Root.
1487 Molle,7 b. 20 Sept., 1760; m. 16 Dec., 1782, Stephen Miller, of West Springfield, Mass.; had no children.
1488 Sophia,7 b. about 1763; m. 26 May, 1790, Ebenezer Ellis, of Granville, Mass.; d. 27 Aug., 1790, in Westfield; had no children.
1489 Elizabeth,7 b. 29 July, 1768; m. (1) Israel Miller, blacksmith; (2) Eleazer Taylor, of Long Meadow; had no children.
1490 Daughter,7 b. ______; d. aged 14.
1491 Eli,7 b. 1778; m. Grace Rogers.

480.   GAD,6 son of Samuel5 (131), b. ______; m. in Westfield, 14 June, 1757, Lucy Sacket, b. 15 Nov., 1736, dau. of John Sacket, b. in Westfield, 3 Mar., 1688, and Sarah McCraney.
He d. aged about 83; she d. aged about 80. Res. in Westfield; was a car­penter; six feet high, light hair and eyes.
He was sentinel in Capt. Cotton's Co., 3 to 11 Sept., 1754, and a private in Capt. Ezra Clap's Co., of Westfield, the South Reg. of Hampshire Co., for the re­lief of Fort William Henry in 1757; served fourteen days and traveled one hun­dred miles.
He was a revolutionary soldier; private in Capt. Park's Co., Col. Danielson's Reg.; enlisted in the army for eight months, 4 May, 1775; had order for bounty coat dated Roxbury, 23 Dec., 1775.
1492 Huldah,7 b. 15 Dec., 1757; m. as his second wife, 1 Apr., 1787, Eli Par­sons, of Enfield, b. 23 Jan., 1756. He was a tanner and farmer; served in the revolutionary war; he m. (1) in Enfield, 10 Nov., 1775, Rebecca Allen, who d. 12 May, 1785; rem. in 1800 from En­field to Columbia Co., Pa., where he d. 11 Nov., 1834; was buried in Troy, Pa.; she d. 8 Jan., 1839.
1493 Cotton,7 b. 22 Dec., 1759; m. Lydia Williams.
1494 Sarah,7 b. 11 Oct., 1761; m. in Feeding Hills, Mass., 17 Dec., 1780, Peter Pitts.
1495 Daniel,7 b. 24 Dec., 1763; m. ______.
1496 Deborah,7 b. 7 June, 1766; m. 19 Sept., 1790, Levi Streeter.
1497 Gad,7 b. 17 Oct., 1770; d. unm. in army in the war of 1812.
1498 Bohan,7 b. 17 Feb., 1772; d. unm. in Westfield.
1499 Martin,7 b. 8 Mar., 1774; probably d. Young.

503.   EPHRAIM,6 son of Ephraim5 (135), bap. in Amherst, Mass., 3 Jan., 1742; m. 1761, Esther Hastings, of Hatfield, Mass., b. 1 Feb., 1743, dau. of Thomas Hastings, b. 6 Nov., 1702, and Mary Belden, dau. of Joseph Belden, of Hatfield.
He d. 29 Jan., 1815; she d. 30 Nov., 1823, aged 80; headstones in Amherst cemetery.

142    The Kelloggs in the New World.

They were members of Dr. Parsons' church, in Amherst; res. a quarter of a mile southeast of his brother, Joseph. He had sandy hair and light blue eyes, of medium size, erect, quick in his movements. She had black hair and eyes, and was a fine-looking woman.
He was a Tory during the revolution, and was confined to his own farm and ordered to surrender his firearms and ammunition, 1777.
Children, b. in Amherst.
1500 John,7 23 Sept., 1762; m. (1) Roxanna Mattoon; (2) Mrs. Martha (Belden) Ingram.
1501 Electa,7 b. 6 Aug., 1764; m. Deacon Nathaniel Bangs.
1502 Ephraim,7 b. 15 June, 1766; m. Martha Smith.
1503 Esther,7 b. 2 Mar., 1768; m. Elijah Prouty.
1504 Joanna,7 b. 1 Dec., 1769; d. young.
1505 Philana,7 b. 23 Mar., 1772; probably d. young.
1506 Abigail,7 b. 19 May, 1774; d. young.
1507 Elijah,7 b. 17 Mar., 1776; m. Hannah Herrick.
1508 Elisha,7 b. 27 Mar., 1778; m. Abigail Lawrence.
1509 Joel,7 b. 29 Jan., 1780; m. Elizabeth Alexander.
1510 Waitstill,7 b. 19 Sept., 1781; m. (1) Olive Ashley; (2) Submit Blodgett.
1511 Philomela,7 b. 15 Jan., 1784; m. in Amherst, 27 Feb., 1810, Elisha Smead, of Weybridge, Vt.; d; probably had no children.

504.   MARTIN,6 son of Ephraim5 (135), bap. 8 Jan., 1744; m. (1) Hannah Crocker, b. 1743, dau. of Zaccheus Crocker, of Shutesbury, Mass.
She d. 9 Aug., 1812, aged 69; he m. (2) Mrs. Lucy Hastings, b. 22 Jan., 1752, widow of Samuel Hastings and dau. of Simeon Pomeroy and Abigail Smith.
He d. in Hadley, Mass., 7 Nov., 1827, aged 84; headstone in Amherst cemetery; she d. 23 Dec., 1839, aged 69.
He res. in Amherst; was selectman 1780-83.
Children, b. in Amherst.
1512 Sylvanus,7 bap. 24 Sept., 1769; d. 30 Nov., 1774.
1513 Elizabeth,7 b. 1771; d. 4 Dec., 1774.
1514 Dorothy,7 b. 20 Mar., 1774; m. Chester Hubbard.
1515 Elizabeth (Betsey),7 bap. 26 May, 1776; d. 15 Feb., 1814.
1516 Martin,7 b. 27 Oct., 1778; m. Hannah Hastings.
1517 Bela,7 b. 24 Aug., 1780; m. Lydia Candee.
1518 Clarissa,7 b. 15 May, 1783; m. Otis Hastings.
1519 Hannah Crocker,7 b. 14 July, 1786; m. Amos Cady.
1520 Sarah Beals,7 bap. 23 July, 1786; m. Samuel Morgan.
1521 Achsah,7 bap. 30 May, 1790; m. Thomas Barnes.

505.   DOROTHY,6 dau. of Ephraim5 (135), bap. 23 Feb., 1746; m. William Field, of Leverett, b. 27 Aug., 1745, son of Jonathan Field, b. 1698, and Esther Smith.
She d. 1 Aug., 1773; he m. (2) 17 Feb., 1780, Editha Frary, of Hatfield, Mass., b. 27 Apr., 1756, dau. of

The Kelloggs in the New World.    143

Phincas Frary, of Whately, Mass., and Mary Bill­ings; d. 21 Jan., 1821; she d. 7 Oct., 1855.
He had nine children by his second wife, one of whom, William, m. Roxy Mattoon Kellogg (+4108).
1522 Luther Field,7 b. Sept., 1771; m. Beulah Broad.
1523 Erastus Field,7 b. 22 July, 1773; m. Salome Ashley.

506.   ABIGAIL,6 dau. of Ephraim5 (135), bap. 16 Oct., 1748; m. (1) Ezra Rood.
He d. ______; she m. (2) 12 Feb., 1801, John Pynchon, of Springfield, Mass., b. 20 Sept., 1742, son of William and Sarah Pynchon; d. 1 Mar., 1836.
1524 Esther Rood,7 b. 2 Dec., 1769; m. 20 May, 1789, Ebenezer Ingram, of Amherst.

508.   SARAH,6 dau. of Ephraim5 (135), b. 10 Sept., 1753; m. 6 Sept., 1773, Jonathan Field, b. 15 Apr., 1750, son of Jonathan Field, of Sunderland, Mass., b. 1698, and Esther Smith.
She d. 14 Jan., 1832; he d. 22 Nov., 1833. He was a farmer in Leverett, Mass.
1525 Lucius Field,7 b. 31 May, 1774; d. 8 Feb., 1775.
1526 Sylvanus Field,7 b. 26 Feb., 1776; m. his cousin, Cynthia Field, dau. of Wm. Field and Editha Frary; farmer in Leverett.
1527 Lucius Field,7 b. 6 Jan., 1778; m. Virtue Ashley, of Sunderland, dau. of Gideon Ashley; farmer in Leverett.
1528 Levi Field,7 b. 13 Feb., 1780; m. Rachel Kingsley, of Northampton; lawyer in Wilmington, Vt.; d. 12 July, 1820; graduate of Wil­liams College.
1529 Sarah Field,7 b. 23 June, 1782; m. her cousin, Rufus Field, farmer in Leverett, son of Seth Field; he d. 23 Mar., 1813; she survived him many years.
1530 Alpheus Field,7 b. 26 June, 1786; m. 18 Nov., 1811, Caroline Adams, dau. of Nathan Adams; a farmer in Leverett; d. in Bermuda, 22 May, 1836.

509.   JOSEPH,6 son of Ephraim5 (135), b. in Amherst, 28 Nov., 1758; m. in Belchertown, Mass., 16 Dec., 1781, Jerusha Ingram, b. 7 May, 1756, dau. of Elisha Ingram, of Amherst, b. 7 Sept., 1717, and Elizabeth (Smith) Lewis.
She d. 5 Dec., 1824; he d. 12 Mar., 1838; both were buried in North Am­herst.
1531 Daughter,7 b. and d. 1782.
1532 William,7 b. 12 May, 1784; m. Susannah Ingram.
1533 Mary,7 b. 25 July, 1785; m. Luke Wait.
1534 Joseph,7 b. 16 July, 1786; m. (1) Joanna Kellogg (4105); (2) Eunice H. Porter.
1535 Lucy,7 b. 25 Oct., 1788; m. Rufus Crafts (3854).

144    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1536 Rufus,7 b. 16 July, 1791; m. Nancy Stetson.
1537 Jerusha Ingram,7 b. 13 Oct., 1798; d. unm. 27 June, 1826, while visit­ing her sister, Lucy, in Whately.

516.   EBENEZER,6 son of Ebenezer5 (167), b. in Colchester, Conn., 16 Mar., 1756; m. 10 June, 1778, Amy Ransom, b. 1756.
He d. 17 Apr., 1825, in Geneseo, N. Y.; she d. 1833, aged 77.
Res. in Geneseo, N. Y.
Children, b. in Colchester.
1538 Nathaniel,7 b. ______; m. Prudence Fuller (1515).
1539 Amos,7 b. 22 Dec., 1781; m. Elizabeth Deming.
1540 Erastus,7 b. 27 Sept., 1793; m. Elizabeth Ellis.
1541 Samuel,7 b. 1797; m. Mary Ann Blossom.

517.   ABIGAIL,6 dau. of Ebenezer5 (167), b. in Colchester, 29 Dec., 1758; m. Elijah Fuller, Jr., b. in East Haddam, Conn.
Res. in Avon, N. Y.; both d. there.
1542 Jonathan Fuller,7 b. ______; d. when a young man.
1543 Joel Fuller,7 b. ______; m. Mahitabel Spynks; had two children.
1544 Mary (Molly) Fuller,7 b. ______; d. in Connecticut, aged 19 or 20.
1545 Prudence Fuller,7 b. ______; m. Nathaniel Kellogg (+1538), son of Ebenezer Kellogg (+516).

520.   ELNATHAN,6 son of Ebenezer5 (167), bap. in Colchester, Conn., 2 Apr., 1769; m. Sarah (Sally) Fuller, dau. of Jonathan Fuller and Hannah , of Colchester.
He d. Sept., 1843, sitting in his chair, after a hard day's work threshing; she d. in Avon, N. Y., June, 1861. They res. in Stafford, N. Y.
1546 Russell,7 b. Oct., 1798, in Connecticut; m. Harriet Miller.
1547 Maria,7 b. ______; m. Woodruff Mathews.
1548 Justin,7 b. ______; m. Julia Loomis.
1549 Amasa,7 b. ______; d. ______.
1550 Rhoda,7 b. ______; m. (1) Seth Miller; (2) Grant; res. In Jackson, Mich.
1551 Elizabeth (Betsey),7 b. ______; d. unm., aged about 20.
1552 George,7 b. ______; d. ______.
1553 Daniel,7 b. ______; res. in Jackson.
1554 Sophia,7 b. ______.

521.   CHARLES,6 son of Ebenezer5 (167), b. in Colchester, Conn., 23 Dec., 1772; m. June, 1791, Lydia Treadway,* dau. of John Treadway, b. July, 1773.
He d. 23 Dec., 1849, aged 77; she d. 20 Mar., 1860, aged 87.

* Lydia was a sister of Sally Treadway, who m. Charles' brother, Butler (519).

The Kelloggs in the New World.    145

Rem. from Colchester to New York in 1811. They sold land in Colchester, 1811, as heirs of John Treadway. Res. in Avon, N. Y., where he d.
1555 John,7 b. 29 Nov., 1792; m. Martha Deming.
1556 Horace,7 b. June, 1795; m. Abigail Forsyth.
1557 Mabel,7 b. June, 1797; m. Jeremiah Riggs.
1558 Mary,7 b. 12 Oct., 1799; m. (1) Samuel Barnum; (2) Edgar Paine.
1559 Harriet,7 b. 7 Oct., 1801; m. Merritt Woodruff Riggs.
1560 Griswold,7 b. ______; m. Ordelia Parks; d. in Indiana.
1561 Julius,7 b. Oct., 1806; m. Mary Ann Benchley.
1562 Titus,7 b. about 1807; d. 4 Dec., 1826.
1563 Caroline,7 b. 10 Apr., 1810; m. Benjamin Fowle.

523.   MARGERY,6 dau. of Jonathan5 (171), b. in Colchester, Conn., 6 Sept., 1738; m. (1) William Smith, son of Samuel Smith.
He was a soldier in the revolutionary army. He rem. to Wyoming Talley, and was there at the time of the massacre, July, 1778; made his escape from the Indians and d. from exposure to hardships.
At the time of the Wyoming massacre, she, then a widow, escaped down the river in a canoe, with her infant dau.; returned to the valley some months later.
She m. (2) as his second wife, 22 Nov., 1779, Dr. William Hooker Smith, the well-known physician of Wyoming, b. 23 Mar., 1725. It is not known whether he was related to her first husband.
He d. 17 July, 1815; she d. 16 Jan., 1816.
1564 William Smith,7 b. ______.
1565 Silas Smith,7 b. ______.
1566 Jonathan Smith,7 b. ______.
1567 Elizabeth (Betsey) Smith,7 b. 1 Apr., 1769; m. Jonathan Kellogg (1574).
1568 Susanna Smith,7 b. ______; m. (1) Isaac Ousterhout; (2) Gay; res. in Wyoming Valley, on the farm where the Indians massacred the whites and where the monument now stands.
1569 Newton Smith,7 b. in New London, Conn., 26 Feb., 1772; m. 15 Jan., 1795, Deborah Reeder, b. 31 Aug., 1775; d. 8 Sept., 1838, in Wyoming.
1570 Olive Smith,7 b. ______; m. Napthaly Hurlbut.
1571 Esther Smith,7 b. 1777; m. 22 Sept., 1795, Dr. Charles E. Gaylord, b. 21 Mar., 1770, in Bristol, Conn. He was the first settled physician in Huntington, Pa.; in 1832 rem. to Plymouth, Pa., where he d. 4 Feb., 1839; she d. 8 Oct., 1854.

524.   MARTIN,6 son of Jonathan5 (171), bap. 29 Mar., 1741; m. (1) 4 Feb., 1762, Sarah Treadway, b. 31 Mar., 1742, dau. of Josiah Treadway and Eunice Foote.
She d. 26 Jan., 1778; he m. (2) 5 Nov., 1778, Hannah Otis, b. 29 Feb., 1752, dau. of John Otis and Prudence Taintor, of Colchester.
He d. 28 Nov., 1789; she d. 1790.
He res. in Lyme, Conn., where his will was probated 13 Apr., 1790; his estate , was appraised a £320, 10s., 11d.

146    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1572 Bethia,7 b. 24 Oct., 1762; m. Otis Bartlett.
1573 Martin,7 b. 16 Dec., 1764; d. unm. ______; was in the revolutionary army and drove a baggage wagon from Connecticut to Virginia.
1574 Jonathan,7 b. 4 May, 1767; m. his cousin, Elizabeth (Betsey) Smith (1567).
1575 Eve,7 b. 4 Feb., 1770; m. Harvey Bartlett.
1576 James,7 bap. 19 Sept., 1773; d. unm. ______
1577 Sarah,7 b. ______; m. her cousin, Amasa Foote (1585).
1578 Fanny,7 b. ______.
1579 Asa,7 b. ______.
1580 William,7 b. ______; d. young.

525.   MARY,6 dau. of Jonathan5 (171), b. in Colchester, Conn., 1744; m. 31 May, 1768, Hon. Isaac Foote, b. in Colchester, 4 Jan., 1746, son of Daniel Foote and Margaret Parsons.
She d. 15 Nov., 1826, aged 82; he d. 27 Feb., 1842, aged 96.
He was a revolutionary soldier; was with Washington at Valley Forge; res. in Colchester until 1773; rem. to Stafford, Conn.; later to Smyrna, N. Y., where both d.
He was a member of the General Assembly of Connecticut; was a delegate to the convention which ratified the Constitution of the United States in Hartford, 1788. From Smyrna he was elected in 1798 a member of the lower house, and in 1810 a member of the Senate of the Legislature of New York. In 1810 he was appointed First Judge of Chenango Co. (which at that time included the County of Madison), and held that office until he reached the Constitutional limit.
1581 Mary Foote,7 b. 27 Feb., 1769; m. Deacon Joseph Adams, of Hamilton and Smyrna, N. Y.; had four children.
1582 Margaret Parsons Foote,7 b. 29 Dec., 1771; m. Henry G. Cady, of Mon­son, Mass.; had nine children.
1583 Isaac Foote,7 b. 22 Feb., 1774; d. in infancy.
1584 Isaac Foote,7 b. Apr., 1776; m. Harriet Hyde, of Lisle, N. Y., and Nor­wich, Conn.; had seven children.
1585 Amasa Foote,7 b. 23 Mar., 1778; m. Sarah Kellogg (+1577).
1586 Asahel Foote,7 b. 19 Aug., 1783; d. 26 Feb., 1790.
1587 John Foote,7 b. at Colchester, 30 Apr., 1786; m. 12 Jan., 1812, Mary B. Johnson; attorney and counselor; res. Hamilton, N. Y.; d. 23 July, 1884; had twelve children.
1588 Hiram Foote,7 b. 22 Aug., 1789; m. 5 June, 1817, Mary Young Strong, of Essex, N. Y., b. 22 May, 1793; had five children.

526.   SILAS,6 son of Joseph5 (172), b. in Colchester, Conn., 25 Aug., 1742; m. 21 June, 1768, Sarah Cook, b. 1751.
He d. 11 Dec., 1812; she d. 1 Sept., 1825.
He was an innkeeper in Connecticut; rem. to Colerain,* Mass., about 1774.
He was a soldier in the revolution; enlisted 5 Feb., 1778, as an artificer in

* Colerain was incorporated 30 June, 1761. In 1779 part of Bernardston was annexed to Colerain.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    147

Col. Jeduthan Baldwin's Reg.; was described as being six feet high; light complexioned, blue eyes and brown hair. He was a farmer, but could turn his hand to almost any mechanical work.
1589 Mary (Molly),7 b. 26 Aug., 1769; m. (1) Capt. John Morrison; (2) : Ebenezer Baker.
✛1590 Joseph,7 b. 2 Dec., 1770; d. 9 Mar., 1772.
1591 Sarah,7 b. 11 July, 1772; m. Samuel Newton.
1592 Esther,7 b. ______; m. Willabe Millard; d. ______; had no children; he m. (2) _______.
1593 Joseph,7 b. 12 Jan., 1778; m. Sarah Voorhies.
1594 Benjamin,7 b. 22 Nov., 1783; m. Huldah Goodrich.

528.   SARAH,6 dau. of Joseph5 (172), b. probably in Colchester, 11 Aug., 1749; m. 5 Dec., 1770, Abner Rockwell, b. 1742, son of Deacon Daniel Rockwell, of Windsor, Conn., and Margaret Loomis.
He d. 28 June, 1813; she d. 24 June, 1830.
He was a farmer; rem. from Connecticut about 1801, to Hadley, Saratoga Co., N. Y., as is shown by a lease of a farm in that town. About 1803 he res. in Day, in the same county, with a grown family; rem. about 1805 to New Lisbon, Otsego Co., N. Y., near where Garrattsville now stands and took up a farm of new land.
1595 Sarah Rockwell,7 b. 5 Aug., 1771; m. 23 Mar., 1790, Phineas Bell, a rev­olutionary soldier; had eleven children.
1596 Elihu Rockwell,7 b. 2 Feb., 1778; m. Chloe Gregory, b. 7 May, 1785; d. 29 June, 1844; she d. 16 Mar., 1870; res. in Garrattsville; had nine children.
1597 Nancy Rockwell,7 b. ______; m. (1) Sylvester Earle; m. (2) Hutchinson, of North Evans, N. Y.; had two children.
1598 Joseph Rockwell,7 b. 1780; m. (1) Olive Wilder, b. 17 June, 1776; d. 1805; he m. (2) Esther Wilder, of Guilford, Vt.; d. in Day, N. Y.; had seven children.
1599 Sophia Rockwell,7 b. 30 July, 1783; m. (1) 1805, Eliaphas Day, of Day, N. Y., b. 9 Sept., 1776; he d. 19 Apr., 1827; she m. (2) Nehemiah Wing, of Day; had seven children.
1600 Ralph Rockwell,7 b. 1785; m. Polly Mix, b. 1791; d. 1858; she d. 1858; res. in Garrattsville; had four children.
1601 Samuel Rockwell,7 b. 1786; m. ______; d. 1839; res. in Garrattsville; had seven children.

530.   JONATHAN,6 son of Israel,5 (175), b. in Colchester, 10 Oct., 1754; m. Anna Northam, b. 1761.
He d. 1 Apr., 1827; she d. Apr., 1829.
They rem. to Halifax, Vt., soon after their marriage, where all their children were born.
1602 Abigail,7 b. about 1783; d. unm. in Rochester, N. Y., July, 1820.
1603 Israel,7 b. 21 Aug., 1784; m. 13 Dec., 1820, Lydia Stephens, b. 19 Aug., 1785, dau. of Israel and Sarah Stephens; res. in Springfield, Mass.; she d. 20 Apr., 1861; he d. 18 Jan., 1863; had no children.

148    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1604 Anna,7 b. 6 Feb., 1789; d. unm. 23 Aug., 1878, in Adams, Mass.
1605 Amasa,7 b. about 1791; m. a widow, whose name is not known; d. in Rochester, 15 May, 1830; had no children.
1606 Joseph,7 b. about 1792; d. unm. in Halifax, Mar., 1825.
1607 Asa,7 b. 13 Oct., 1795; m. Sarah Haven.
1608 Sophia,7 b. 10 Mar., 1799; m. 31 Dec., 1835, Joseph Montague, of Granby, Mass., b. in Granby, 2 Oct., 1795, son of John Montague and Melinda Chapin; d. in Granby, 24 July, 1836; had no chil­dren.
1609 Joel,7 b. 1803; m. Belinda Scott.

531.   ISRAEL,6 son of Israel5 (175), b. 18 May, 1756; m. about 1796, Dimis Loomis, dau. of Israel Loorais, of Colchester, Conn., Warren, N. Y., and Hillsdale, Mich., and Irene Chamberlain.
He d. in Jefferson Co., N. Y., aged about 66; she d. about 1829. At one time they res. in Richfield, Otsego Co., N. Y.
Children, first four b. in Canaan, N. Y.
1610 Israel,7 b. 24 Feb., 1798; bap. in Richmond, Mass., 6 Nov., 1800; m. (1) Harriet Susan Elizabeth Ely; (2) Mrs. Irene (Loomis) Rowls.
1611 Chauncey,7 b. Oct., 1800; bap. in Richmond, Mass., 6 Nov., 1800; m. Ahnira Angell.
1612 Charles,7 b. 1802; m. O'Connor.
1613 Irene,7 b. 1804; m. Woodward.
1614 Laura,7 b. 1806; m. John Bishop.
1615 Edward,7 b. 1808; m. Mary West.

532.   AMOS,6 son of Israel5 (175), b. 5 Aug., 1758; m. 28 June, 1781, Mary Pomeroy, b. 15 Nov., 1760, dau. of Joshua Pomeroy, b. 19 Feb., 1737, and Mary Davis, b. 30 Apr., 1736, of Somers.
He d. Apr., 1814; she d. 28 Sept., 1841, aged 81. His headstone was the first one of white marble erected in Somers.
He rem. from Colchester to Somers, Conn., Apr., 1794, and purchased a farm of the Shakers, the house where Ann Lee first made her appearance in this region. The Shakers held their meetings in one of the front rooms, the floor of which was worn smooth by their dancing.
Children, all, except Enos, b. in Colchester.
1616 Amos,7 b. 5 June, 1782; m. Lydia Smith.
1617 Polly,7 b. 2 Feb., 1784; d. unm. 8 Dec., 1832.
1618 Elam,7 b. 30 Dec., 1786; m. Lura Hall.
1619 Charles,7 b. 14 Jan., 1789; m. Mary Ohnstead.
1620 Abigail,7 b. 26 Feb., 1791; d. unm. in the house of her brother, Enos, 23 , Aug., 1874.
1621 Israel,7 b. 14 Nov., 1792; m. Jerusha Pease.
1622 Enos,7 b. 2 Feb., 1798; m. Elizabeth Patten.

533.   ABIGAIL,6 dau. of Israel5 (175), b. 15 Nov., 1760; m. 12 June, 1781, Alpheus Loomis, b. 10 Nov., 1758, son of Daniel Loomis, Jr., and Alice Chamber­lain.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    149

He d. 1813 in Richfield, N. Y.; she d. ______.
He had previously m. Mary Kellogg, whose parentage is not known. He lived for a time in Richmond, Berkshire Co., Mass.
1623 Ira Loomis,7 b. 1783; m. Martha Prindle.
1624 Alpha Loomis,7 b. 1791; Elizabeth Tuckerman.
1625 Alice Loomis,7 b. 1798; d. 1816.
1626 Maria Loomis,7 b. Mar., 1800; m. George Farnham, of Iowa.
1627 Abigail Loomis,7 b. 1802; m. Alanson Fisk, of Chenango Co., N. Y.

534.   MARY,6 dau. of Stephen5 (176), bap. in Colchester, Conn., 30 July, 1753; m. (1) Lieut. Jacob Pool.
He d. of smallpox, in the revolutionary army in the early part of the war; she m. (2) Capt. John Fellows, b. in Harvard, Mass., 1751, son of Deacon Samuel Fellows,* and Eunice _______.
Capt. John Fellows rem. to Shelburne, Mass., about 1770; a carpenter by trade; selectman for many years, and once member of the Legislature.
He d. Sept., 1831.
Child by first husband.
1628 Mary (Molly) Pool,7 b. Feb., 1771; m. Julie Kellogg (+768).
Children by second husband.
1629 Susan Fellows,7 b. 1778; m. Zenas Bardwell, of Shelburne, Mass.
1630 John Fellows,7 b. 1780; m. Asenath Bardwell; d. in Black Rock about 1858.
1631 Eunice Fellows,7 b. 1783; m. (1) Robert Bardwell; res. in Geneva, N. Y.; (2) Nathaniel Merrill; d. about 1860.
1632 Martha Fellows,7 b. 1785; res. in Shelburne, Mass.; d. unm. 25 Oct., 1833.
1633 Joel Fellows,7 b. 1787; m. Zebina Rice; res. in Plainfield, Mass., Geneva and Riga, N. Y.; d. about 1820.
1634 Igal Fellows,7 b. 1793; m. Hannah Whitney.
1635 Stephen Fellows,7 b. 30 Dec., 1797; m. Abigail Allen; res. in 1875 in Shelburne, Mass.

537.   STEPHEN,6 son of Stephen5 (176), bap. 24 Sept., 1758; m. Comfort Fisk, b. 1758.
She d. in Windsor, Mass., 14 Mar., 1828; he d. there, 25 June, 1834, aged nearly 78.
They were admitted to the church in Windsor, 7 Dec., 1817, from Goshen. He res. in Shelburne, Goshen and Windsor; was a powerful man, weighing 225 pounds.
He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner; served under Capt. McLel­lan, in Col. William's Reg., Lexington Alarm; marched 20 Apr., 1775; served ten days and enlisted in the army for eight months, 1 May, 1775; had order for bounty coat dated Prospect Hill, 20 Nov., 1775; res. in Colerain; drummer in Capt. Wells' Co., Col. Robinson's Reg., 23 Dec., 1776 to 1 Apr., 1777, Hampshire Co. Reg.; marched to Ticonderoga; private under Col. Wells, 22 Sept., 1777; one month in Hampshire Co. Reg.; marched northward.

*At the taking of Quebec, Samuel Fellows was Master of Artificers and the second man to march into the city, with broadaxe on his shoulder.

150    The Kelloggs in the New World.

In his application for a pension he stated that he was born at Colchester, Conn., Aug., 1757. In 1786 rem. from Shelburne, Mass., to Goshen, Mass.; about 1816 to Windsor, Mass.; enlisted at Shelburne, Apr., 1775, and engaged in the siege of Boston; just before the battle of Bunker Hill he, with others, had per­mission to attend the funeral of a fellow soldier at Waltham; on their return the sound of battle reached them and they hurried forward to join their respective companies, but were unable to do so; they followed to Charlestown Neck, where they joined Col. Brewer's Reg., stationed in some works erected there; they were exposed to the cannonade of two British vessels of war which killed several soldiers. In 1776 he went to Canada, but after one month's service hired a substitute. In the latter part of 1776 he engaged as a drummer to go to New London, but was finally marched to the northern army, where he served a short time in the vicinity of Lake George and Saratoga. He also turned out at the Bennington Alarm.
Affidavit in part subscribed before Elam Kellogg, a Justice of the Peace, probably of Shelburne.
1636 David,7 b. in Shelburne, Mass., 29 Apr., 1781; m. Sophia Bassett.
1637 Sarah,7 b. 5 July, 1785, in Goshen, Mass.; m. John Eldridge.
1638 Lorinda,7 b. ______; m. Hiram Barber.
1639 Clarissa,7 b. 1788; m. Jonathan Lilly.
1640 Harvey,7 b. in Goshen, 15 Feb., 1790; m. Permelia Golding.
1641 Ruby,7 b. ______; m. Preston Taylor.
1642 Stephen,7 b. ______; went to South America.
1643 Rufus,7 b. ______; killed by a fall while young.

538.   JOSEPH,6 son of Stephen5 (176), bap. in Colchester, Conn., 16 Oct., 1763; m. Maraba Nichols.
He d. ______; she d. in Rushford, aged 95; res. in Middlebury, N. Y., the latter part of their lives, with their son-in-law, Amos Peck.
1644 Levi,7 b. ______; m. (1) Jerusha Huntley; (2) Eunice Bishop.
1645 Joseph,7 b. ______; m. Sophia Jane Storey.
1646 Mary (Polly),7 b. in Rome, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1798; m. Amos Peck.
1647 Nancy,7 b. ______; m. Seeley.
1648 Peter,7 b. 16 Dec., 1801; m. Millicent Olmstead.
1649 Silas,7 b. ______.
1650 Loomis,7 b. ______; d. unm. in Orangeville, N. Y., aged 70; res. in Wyoming.
1651 Maraba,7 b. ______; d. aged 18.

539.   MARTHA,6 dau. of Stephen5 (176), bap. 16 Oct., 1763; m. John Nichols.
1652 Silas Nichols,7 b. ______.
1653 Stephen Nichols,7 b. ______.
1654 Hiram Nichols,7 b. ______.
1655 Franklin Nichols,7 b. ______.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    151

540.   JONATHAN,6 son of Stephen5 (176), b. 10 June, 1764; m. Anna Rey­nolds, b. 1778, dau. of Benoni Rey­nolds.
She d. 11 Jan., 1855, in Gleaso's Corners, Haldimand, Canada. He was a merchant in Rome, N. Y.; in Feb., 1799, he was living in Hoosick, N. Y., where he bought land; in 1808 res. in Coulborn, Ont., Canada.
1656 James,7 b. 21 May, 1799; m. Olive Tolman.
1657 Ira,7 b. ______; m. ______.
1658 Aurelia,7 b. 21 Nov., 1803; m. Almirin Graves.
1659 Franklin,7 b. 12 June, 1808; m. (1) Mary (Polly) Galloway; (2) Hannah Richardson.
1660 Polly,7 b. ______.
1661 Esther,7 b. in Vermont or New York; m. Truman Hinman.
1662 Experience,7 b. ______.
1663 Jonathan,7 b. ______; d. young.

541.   SILAS,6 son of Stephen5 (176), b. in Middlebury, N. Y., 2 Nov., 1781; m. Jan., 1805, Silvia Chapman, b. 13 Sept., 1785, dau. of Hanes Chapman and Hannah _______.
He d. 5 Aug., 1847; she d. 11 Apr., 1850.
He res. in Auburn, N. Y.; later in Middlebury, N. Y.; 1825 in Perrysburgh, N. Y. He was a soldier in war of 1812; a very large man, weighing 300 pounds.
1664 Olive,7 b. 19 Dec., 1805; m. Horace Snyder, of New Albion, N. Y.; had four children.
1665 Stephen,7 b. 28 Feb., 1807; d. 8 Apr., 1808.
1666 Ezekiel,7 b. 19 June, 1810; m. Lydia Brooks.
1667 Ruel,7 13 Aug., 1812; m. Harriet Snyder.
1668 Salome,7 b. 20 Dec., 1815; m. Benjamin P. Snyder.
1669 Joseph,7 b. 16 May, 1818; m. Fanny Olmstead.
1670 Lyman,7 b. 20 Sept., 1820; m. (1) Mary Ann Anderson; (2) Margaret Ann Borland.
1671 Mary (Polly),7 b. 27 Nov., 1823; m. (1) Robert I. Anderson; (2) An­drew I. Fullerton.

542.   ABIGAIL ,6 dau. of Stephen5 (176), b. ______; m. Jared Chapman.
1672 Hannah Chapman,7 b. ______.
1673 Uzil Chapman,7 b. ______.
1674 Silas Chapman,7 b. ______.
1675 Mary Lovina Chapman,7 b. ______.
1676 Sarah Chapman,7 b. ______.
1677 Olive Chapman,7 b. ______.

543.   DANIEL,6 son of Daniel5 (199), b. in Norwalk about 1727; m. (1) in Fairfield, Conn., 19 Mar., 1751, Hannah Fairchild, of Fairfield.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Elizabeth Boalt, dau. of Richard Boalt, b. 30 Apr., 1696, and Hepzibah _____.

152    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She d. 19 Feb., 1809, aged 66; he d. 14 Feb., 1817, aged 90.
He was a farmer; rem. from Norwalk to Ridgefield, Conn. On 4 Jan., 1772, he bought forty acres of land with buildings near Beaver Brook, in Ridgefield, and is described as "late of Norwalk, now of Ridgefield," so that he probably rem. about that time. His farm was in the southern part of Ridgefield at New Pound Ridge.*
In his will, dated 4 June, 1810, he mentioned all his children, except Daniel and Katie, who were dead.
Children by first wife.
1678 Nathan Fairchild,7 b. about 1752; m. Mrs. Hannah (Wasson) Moor­house.
1679 Elijah,7 b. 3 June, 1754; m. Sarah Jones.
1680 Mabel,7 b. about 1758; m. Deacon Ezra Nash.
1681 Eunice,7 b. about 1760; m. Jonathan Nash.
1682 Phebe,7 b. ______; m. as his second wife, Jacob Nash, b. 30 Aug., 1731. He had previously m. Freelove Keeler. Soon after the death of his first wife he rem. to Ballston Spa, N. Y. Soon after his second marriage he returned from Ballston to Ridgefield, and, fired with the spirit of '76, asked to help protect his fathers old town (Nor­walk), when Tryon invaded it. The stranger's petition was granted and he bravely assisted the Norwalk defenders. During the fray he received a mortal wound. Capt. Betts ordered him to be at once cared for, but the hero replied, 'It is over with me, help somebody else,' and died. He is buried in his parents' adopted town, Ridge­field. She m. (2) Jesse Smith, of Ballston, N. Y.
1683 Hannah,7 b. ______; m. 21 Feb., 1788, Nathan Brundage.
Children by second wife.
1684 Elizabeth,7 b. 19 Dec., 1768; m. Benjamin Keeler.
1685 Esther,7 b. 4 Mar., 1771; m. 16 July, 1805, Jared Seymour, of Ridge­field, b. 3 Aug., 1759. He d. In Ridgefield, 10 Aug., 1833; she d. there, 21 June, 1844; had no children.
1686 Ebenezer,7 b. 27 Dec., 1772; m. (1) Martha Northrup; (2) Mrs. Bet­sey (Baldwin) Doud.
1687 Daniel,7 b. in Ridgefield, Conn., Aug., 1774; d. unm., in Ballston, 7 Dec., 1794.
1688 Samuel,7 b. 24 Nov., 1785; m. Laura Dauchy.
1689 Katie,7 b. ______; d. Young.

545.   JARVIS,6 son of Daniel5 (199), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 1731; m. (1) 10 Jan., 1760, Elizabeth Smith.
She d. 15 Nov., 1778; he m. (2) 28 Nov., 1781, Hannah Meeker, b. 1743; d. 22 Mar., 1815, aged 84; she d. 19 June, 1832, aged 89.
He served in Lieut. Carter's Co. in the revolution three months.

*The aborigines drove their game from the north to within five miles of Hayne's Ridge, and, by supplementing the natural hill and pond barriers with brush thickets, were enabled at that point to impound the prey. Hence the designation of that section, viz.: Pound Ridge. It is a highly romantic portion of the ancient Oblong. In another part of Nor­walk was an ox pound, where the white settlers impounded their cattle.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    153

He was a farmer; res. in Norwalk. His father bequeathed to him, 6 Mar., 1759, "For the consideration of Parental love about four acres with buildings and Fruit trees at the upper end of Pudding lane."
Children, b. in Norwalk.
1690 Sarah,7 b. 15 Mar., 1766; d. unm. before 30 June, 1832.
1691 Jarvis,7 b. 20 Apr., 1768; m. Mercy Selleck.
1692 Olivia,7 b. 30 Jan., 1782; m. James Mason, an officer in the navy, son of John Mason.
1693 Elizabeth,7 b. 25 Feb., 1785; m. Benjamin Lockwood.

547.   REV. EBENEZER,6 son of Daniel5 (199), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 5 Apr., 1737; m. 20 Oct., 1763, Hannah Wright, b. in Stamford, Conn., 11 Jan., 1740, dau. of Rev. Ebenezer Wright, b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 2 Oct., 1706, and Hannah Allyn, b. in Wethersfield, 17 May, 1705, dau. of Joseph and Mary Allyn.
She d. 7 June, 1807, aged 67; he d. 3 Sept., 1817, aged 80.
He graduated from Yale College, 1757; was ordained as first pastor in North Bolton, Conn, (now Vernon), 24 Nov., 1762. His homestead, about three quar­ters of a mile east of the present church in Vernon Center, was occupied by his son, Thomas W., until 1837; then by his grandson, Hubbard, until 1874.
He continued nearly fifty-five years in the work of the ministry in Vernon. His salary was fixed at £70 yearly, equivalent to $233.33, which he drew for forty-five years. In early life he was of slender constitution, but became vigorous and stoutly built; his labors suffering but little interruption from illness until a few months previous to his death. According to the custom of the times he had a farm which he successfully managed. He held a respectable position among the ministers in his vicinity, being known as a peacemaker and esteemed as "a theo­logian of sound Judgment and of a discriminating mind."
Children, b. in Vernon.
1694 Ebenezer,7 b. 21 Oct., 1764; m. (1) Abigail Olmsted; (2) Hannah Olmsted; (3) Elizabeth Sheldon.
1695 Daniel,7 b. 25 June, 1766; m. Susanna Griggs.
1696 Hannah,7 b. 24 May, 1768; m. Phineas Talcott.
1697 Thomas Wright,7 b. 24 June, 1770; m. Mary Hubbard.
1698 Eunice,7 b. 15 Nov., 1773; m. Dr. Scottoway Hinkley.
1699 Elizabeth,7 b. 9 Nov., 1781; d. 15 July, 1784.

551.   EZRA,6 son of Deacon John5 (200), b. in Norwalk, 3 Apr., 1731; m. Anne Judd, of Danbury.
He d. in Bethel Parish, Danbury, before 20 Mar., 1786, when his estate was distributed to his widow and children named below; she d. in Hope, Fulton Co., N. Y., 29 Aug., 1820.
The children, soon after his death, rem. to different parts of the country and their descendants have become widely scattered.
✛1700 Ezra,7 bap. in Bethel, 3 Sept., 1761.
1701 John,7 bap. 24 Mar., 1764; m. (1) Elizabeth Pickett; (2); (3) I; (4); (5) Esther Pixley.

154    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1702 Philip Judd,7 b. 22 Dec., 1768; m. (1) Huldah Dikeman; (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Bouton.
1703 Daniel,7 b. 27 Feb., 1770; m. (1) Abigail Pickett; (2) Rhoda Swatt; (3) _______.
1704 Joann,7 b. ______; m. Luther Holcomb, before 20 Mar., 1786.
1705 Rachel,7 b. 14 Sept., 1775; m. William Lord.
1706 Lucy,7 b. ______; m. James Thompson; res. 1805 in Washington, Ulster Co., N. Y.
1707 Anne,7 b. ______; m. Jeremiah Smith; res. 1805 in Washington, N. Y.

553.   ANN,6 dau. of Deacon John5 (200), b. 16 Mar., 1734; m. 10 Mar., 1752, Elnathan Knapp.
Res. in Danbury, Conn.
Children, b. in Danbury.
1708 Nathan Knapp,7 b. 10 Mar., 1753.
1709 Abijah Knapp,7 b. 15 Oct., 17—.

554.   JOHN,6 son of Deacon John5 (200), b. 25 May, 1737; m. (1) 29 May, 1764, Sarah Smith.
She d. 8 Sept., 1773; he m. (2) 16 Apr., 1774, Sarah Bishop; d. about 1821. He was a farmer and shoemaker; res. in Norwalk, Conn. Part of his land was occupied, in 1873, by the South Norwalk Depot and his homestead was owned by C. J. Gruman.
He was in the French war; went to Canada; suffered great privation; was a revolutionary soldier; served in Ninth Connecticut Militia, in Capt. Seymour's Co., 11 Sept., 1776; also from Nov., 1777, served three months in the same regi­ment.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
1710 Jeremiah,7 b. 30 Apr., 1765; m. Catherine Sammis.
1711 Josiah,7 b. 6 June, 1769; m. Catherine Sleight.
1712 Sarah,7 b. 27 May, 1775; m. Jonathan Johnson, a ship carpenter, of Greenwich, Conn.; had no children.
1713 Rhoda,7 b. 6 Dec., 1777; m. Joseph Hoyt.

555.   SETH,6 son of Deacon John5 (200), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 8 Feb., 1740; m. Eunice Judd.
He d. near Centerville, O., 26 June, 1819.
Res. in Winsted, Conn., 1765-78; was in Danbury, Conn., 1760. Perhaps he served in Gen. Waterbury's Connecticut Brigade in the revolu­tion.
1714 Sarah,7 b. ______; m. Dr. Jacob Hoyt.
1715 Esther,7 b. 23 Feb., 1765, in Winsted.
1716 Eunice,7 b. 13 Aug., 1767, in Winsted; m. Gen. Edmund Munger.
1717 Jemima,7 b. 6. Sept., 1769; m. Noah Tibbals.
1718 Mary,7 b. 25 June, 1771, in Winsted; m. Hoel Ives.
1719 Olive,7 b. 5 Mar., 1774, in Winsted; m. James Porter; lived in New York State; d. in Centerville; had no children.
1720 Anne,7 b. 28 June, 1776, in Winsted; m. Samuel McGahan, and lived and d. in Centerville, O.
1721 Seth,7 b. 17 Oct., 1778; d. unm.

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1722 Ethel,7 b. 27 Oct., 1781; m. Charlotte Munger.
1723 Elihu,7 b. 11 June, 1784; m. Phebe G. Grey.
1724 Ezra,7 b. 24 Nov., 1786; m. (1) Rhoda Blackford; (2) Electa Waite.

560.   LOIS,6 dau. of Benjamin5 (201), b. 29 Oct., 1736; m. 7 Sept., 1752, Josiah Smith, who had m. (1) Esther Hall. They res. in Cheshire, Conn.
1725 Lois Smith,7 b. 16 Dec., 1753.
1726 Lolee Smith,7 b. 9 Oct., 1755.
1727 Josiah Smith,7 b. 17 Dec., 1757.
1728 Justus Smith,7 b. 15 Feb., 1760.
1729 Lucy Smith,7 b. 15 Jan., 1761.
1730 Jared Smith,7 b. 1 Aug., 1763.
1731 John Smith,7 b. 23 May, 1766.
1732 Ira Smith,7 b. 6 June, 1769.

563.   SARAH,6 dau. of Benjamin5 (201), b. 28 Jan., 1746; m. 9 Jan., 1765, Job Winchell.
She d. 5 Jan., 1770; he m. (2) in Vermont and res. there.
He enlisted in the revolutionary army. Before his departure for the service he left his children in care of one Atwater, with six hundred dollars for their sup­port. The money was spent for other purposes and the children fared badly.
1733 David Winchell,7 b. 24 Oct., 1765; m. Sylvia Atwater; res. New Cheshire Parish; was mate of a vessel; lost at sea.
1734 Ezariah Winchell,7 b. 16 Aug., 1767; for a time res. with his father in Vermont; rem. to New Cheshire; d. there.
1735 James Winchell,7 b. 5 Sept., 1769; probably d. Young.

564.   JOANNA,6 dau. of Eliasaph5 (203), b. in Norwalk, 27 May, 1735; m. Jesse Abbott, son of John Abbott and Eunice Judd.
Children, b. in Pawling, N. Y.
1736 Seth Abbott,7 b. ______.
1737 Jesse Abbott,7 b. ______.
1738 Mary Abbott,7 b. ______.
1739 Eunice Abbott,7 b. ______.
1740 Olive Abbott,7 b. ______.

567.   LYDIA,6 dau. of Eliasaph5 (203), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 26 Mar., 1740; m. in Norwalk, 29 Mar., 1757, John Hickox, b. 28 Apr., 1734. Res. in Norwalk.
1741 Huldah Hickox,7 b. 1 Nov., 1757; m. (1) Eph. Waring; (2) Rev. Lewis.
1742 John Hickox,7 b. 24 Sept., 1759; d. Sept., 1776.

156    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1743 Lydia Hickox,7 b. 3 Jan., 1762; m. Jesse Richards.
1744 Seth Hickox,7 b. 6 Jan., 1764; d. 5 Mar., 1773.
1745 Eliasaph Hickox,7 b. 31 Jan., 1766; d. 11 June, 1767.
1746 Jesse Hickox,7 b. 4 Nov., 1769.
1747 Rachel B. Hickox,7 b. 31 July, 1771; m. Stephen Camp.
1748 Seth Hickox,7 b. 22 Sept., 1773.
1749 Eliasaph Hickox,7 b. 29 May, 1776; d. 7 Oct., 1777.
1750 Peninah Hickox,7 b. 15 Feb., 1778; m. Ezra Hoyt.
1751 Millicent Hickox,7 b. 14 Sept., 1780; m. Jona B. Benedict.

568.   ESTHER,6 dau. of Eliasaph5 (203), b. 22 Oct., 1741; m. 18 Apr., 1768, Noah Foote, b. 1738, in Colchester, son of Josiah Foote and Sarah Welles. She d. 18 Dec., 1771, aged 29.
1752 Sarah Foote,7 b. 1769.
1753 Unnamed Child,7 b. and d. Dec., 1771.

570.   ELIASAPH,6 son of Eliasaph5 (203), b. 8 Sept., 1745; m. 12 Dec., 1771, Adah Benedict, bap. 23 June, 1751, dau. of Caleb Benedict and Mehitable Hoyt, of Norwalk.
He d. in Danbury, 20 Sept., 1823, aged 78; she d. in Danbury, 12 Feb., 1828, aged 78. Both are buried in Miry Brook Cemetery, Danbury.
They res. in Danbury, Conn.; his will was probated in Danbury, 1 Dec., 1823. He was a soldier in the revolution; served three months in 1776-77, in Capt. Gregory's Co.
Children, b. in Danbury.
1754 Joel,7 b. 17 Oct., 1772; m. Elizabeth Fox.
1755 Esther,7 b. 4 Mar., 1777.
1756 Mehitable,7 b. 28 Mar., 1780; m. Comfort Crofoot.
1757 Rachel,7 b. 9 Oct., 1782; m. Joel Stone.
1758 Elizabeth,7 b. 13 Nov., 1785; m. as his second wife, Peter Hoyt, b. 9 Dec., 1772, son of Rice Hoyt, b. 21 Oct., 1750, and Theodosia Dib­ble. She d. 24 Oct., 1858; res. near Danbury; had no children.
1759 Melesant,7 b. 4 Mar., 1788.
1760 Ezra B.,7 b. 29 Aug., 1791; d. 3 Aug., 1829; was a musician in the war of 1812; served from 30 Oct. to 23 Nov., 1813.
1761 Ira,7 b. 12 Mar., 1795; m. (1) Sarah; (2) Rachel; (3) Sally _______.

573.   LOIS,6 dau. of Samuel5 (205), b. ______; m. 3 Jan., 1757, Benjamin Whitney.
She d. 6 Aug., 1769; he d. 17 July, 1770.
1762 Hannah Whitney,7 b. 4 June, 1757; m. Moss Krift.
1763 Martha Whitney,7 b. 5 Mar., 1759.
1764 Samuel Kellogg Whitney,7 b. 2 Feb., 1761; m. Grace Fairweather, dau. of Joseph Fairweather.
1765 Henry Whitney,7 b. 26 Mar., 1763; merchant; moved to Albany.
1766 Anne Whitney,7 b. 29 July, 1765.

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1767 Polly Whitney,7 b. 1 May, 1769; m. Scott.
1768 Benjamin Whitney,7 b. 4 Mar., 1771.

574.   ANN,6 dau. of Samuel5 (205), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 1738; m. in Nor­walk, 1 Jan., 1757, Nathan Jarvis, b. 2 Feb., 1737, son of Capt. Samuel Jarvis and Naomi Brush.
She d. 21 July, 1802, and was buried in St. Paul's churchyard. New York City; he d. 15 Apr., 1820.
He was a farmer and blacksmith.
1769 Ann Jarvis,7 b. 5 Oct., 1758; m. her cousin, Henry Jarvis, of Auburn, N. Y.
1770 Betty Jarvis,7 b. 10 Sept., 1761; m. Capt. Jesse Betts, a sea captain of South Norwalk.
1771 Mary Jarvis,7 b. 11 June, 1765; d. Oct., 1827.
1772 Samuel Jarvis,7 b. 16 Sept., 1768; m. 1798; d. 10 June, 1852; res. in Jefferson Co., N. Y.
1773 William Jarvis,7 b. 12 June, 1771; merchant tailor in New York City; d. 2 Apr., 1817.
1774 Nathan Jarvis,7 b. 19 June, 1773; m. 16 Nov., 1802, Betsey Sanford, b. 25 Nov., 1782; d. 16 Aug., 1862, in Norwalk.
1775 Esther Jarvis,7 b. 27 Aug., 1775; m. Samuel White, a silversmith; res. in New York.
1776 Hannah Jarvis,7 b. 25 Feb., 1780; d. unm. ______.

575.   RUTH,6 dau. of Samuel5 (205), b. in Norwalk, Conn., ______; m. 26 Oct., 1766, Asa Hoyt, b. 23 Aug., 1744, son of Nathan Hoyt, b. 29 Apr., 1718, and Elizabeth Lockwood, b. 23 May, 1721, a descendant in the sixth generation of Simeon Hoyt, of Charlestown, Mass., 1628.
He d. in Norwalk, 14 Apr., 1806; his wife survived him. In 1768 he was "Collector of ye church of England professors." Res. in Norwalk.
1777 Henry Hoyt,7 b. 11 May, 1767; m. 14 Nov., 1787, Mary Conklin; a farmer in Southeast, Putnam Co., N. Y.; d. 9 Apr., 1839.
1778 Esther Hoyt,7 b. 9 Nov., 1769; m. 22 Feb., 1789, Moses Gregory. Ad­miral Francis Gregory, United States navy, was their son.
1779 Asa Hoyt,7 b. 28 Feb., 1772; m. Clarissa Crane; res. in Southeast, N. Y.; d. June, 1831.
1780 Francis Hoyt,7 b. 19 July, 1774; res. in Norwalk; d. 18 Apr., 1800.
1781 Ruth Hoyt,7 b. 21 Feb., 1777; m. Stephen Bouton; d. 10 Sept., 1852.
1782 James Hoyt,7 b. 5 Dec., 1779; lost at sea, June, 1808, coming from North Carolina.
1783 Lewis Hoyt,7 b. 24 June, 1782; m. Abigail Mygatt; res. in Danbury, Conn., and Canfield, O.; d. Oct., 1828.
1784 Anna Hoyt,7 b. 26 Oct., 1784; m. Nathaniel Raymond, of South Nor­walk; d. 10 Mar., 1855.
1785 Eli Hoyt,7 b. 30 Apr., 1787; m. Mary Ann Camberlung, in North Caro­lina, 24 Dec., 1810; res. in Washington, N. C.; d. 22 Feb., 1864.

577.   ELIZABETH,6 dau. of Samuel5 (205), b. ______; m. Matthew Reed (638), son of William Reed and Rachel Kellogg (+215).
He res. in New Canaan, Conn.; was a deputy sheriff.

158    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in New Canaan.
1786 Stephen Reed,7 b. 1765; d. young.
1787 Polly Reed,7 b. 1768; m. Seth Seymour.
1788 Betsey Reed,7 b. ______; m. Olney Stone.
1789 William Feed,7 b. ______; d. young.
1790 Hannah Reed,7 b. ______; m. Asa Benedict.
1791 Stephen Reed,7 b. ______.
1792 Samuel Reed,7 b. ______.
1793 Sally Reed,7 b. ______; m. Joseph Haskett.
1794 Esther Reed,7 b. ______; m. Isaac Belden.
1795 Frederick Reed,7 b. ______; d. young.
1796 Anna Reed,7 b. ______; m. Josiah Thacker.

578.   MARY,6 dau. of Samuel5 (205), b. ______; m. in Wilton, Conn., 3 Nov., 1768, as his second wife, Blackleach Jesup, b. 11 Dec., 1735, son of Edward Jesup, b. in Fairfield, Conn., 7 Mar., 1697, and Sarah Blackleach, b. about 1699.
She d. 3 Feb., 1796; he d. 22 Mar., 1816, in Wilton, Conn.
Res. in Wilton, where she and her husband were admitted to the Congrega­tional Church in 1770. He was appointed, 5 Dec., 1774, one of a committee to approve action of the Continental Congress, and 13 Jan., 1778, was chosen to supply the families of soldiers of the Continental army with food.
He m. (1) 23 Feb., 1757, Sarah Stebbins, who d. 17 May, 1768, leaving six children; m. (3) about 1798, Mrs. Mary Sturges, of Ridgefield, Conn.
Children, b. in Wilton.
1797 Mary Jesup,7 b. 9 Dec., 1769; m. Abijah Abbott, of New York; d. 13 Apr., 1790, in New York.
1798 Samuel Jesup,7 b. 22 Apr., 1771; d. 7 July, 1771.
1799 Sarah Jesup,7 b. 22 Jan., 1773.
1800 Anne Jesup,7 b. 14 Dec., 1774; d. 22 July, 1775.
1801 Anna Jesup,7 b. 11 May, 1776; d. 22 Oct., 1790.
1802 Esther Jesup,7 b. 2 Nov., 1777; m. Delavan; d. 1839; had ten children.
1803 Samuel Jesup,7 b. 11 July, 1779.
1804 Richard Jesup,7 b. 28 Jan., 1781; d. 30 Jan., 1781.
1805 Richard Jesup,7 b. 9 Apr., 1782.
1806 Henry Jesup,7 b. 29 Feb., 1784; m. Garity Mull; had five children.
1807 Elizabeth Jesup,7 b. 15 Feb., 1786; d. 21 May, 1794.
1808 Isaac Jesup,7 b. 2 Oct., 1787; m. Albertine Schermerhorn, dau. of Cor­nelius I. Schermerhorn, of Schodack, N. Y.
1809 George Jesup,7 b. 9 Dec., 1790.

579.   ESTHER,6 dau. of Samuel5 (205), b. 1748; m. 6 Dec., 1770, Timothy Keeler, b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 10 May, 1748, son of Timothy Keeler and Mary Hoyt.
He d. 1 Feb., 1815, aged 67; she d. 4 Oct., 1818, aged 70.
He was proprietor of the Keeler Tavern in Ridgefield. A cut of the old sign board may be seen in Mrs. Alice Morse Earle's Tavern Days, p. 205. During the revolutionary war the British attacked

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Ridgefield, 27 Apr., 1777, and a cannon ball struck the house and remains imbedded in the post where it struck.
Children, b. in Ridgefield.
1810 David Keeler,7 b. ______.
1811 Walter Keeler,7 b. ______.
1812 William Keeler,7 b. ______.
1813 Mary Keeler,7 b. ______; m. Bradley.
1814 Esther Keeler,7 b. ______; m. Crawford.
1815 Anna Keeler,7 b. 9 Nov., 1787; m. 1 Feb., 1829, Abijah Resseguie, son of Jacob Resseguie, b. 5 June, 1752, and Sarah Folliott, b. 1749. She d. 23 Dec., 1862. He was a carriage maker, and succeeded her father as proprietor of the Keeler Tavern, in Ridgefield; had one dau., Anna, who is living, unm., in the old house.

580.   SARAH,6 dau. of Samuel5 (205), b. in Norwalk, Conn.; m. in Norwalk, 4 Nov., 1770, Robert Wasson, b. 1743.
She d. 27 Sept., 1828, aged 78; he d. 18 Aug., 1832, aged 89. Res. in Norwalk; chose Isaac Scudder her guardian in Sept., 1765. She and her husband were members of the Congregational Church in Norwalk.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
1816 Robert Wasson,7 b. 30 Apr., 1771; m. 30 Apr., 1797, Rebecca Raymond.
1817 Samuel Wasson,7 b. 4 Dec., 1772.
1818 Sarah Wasson,7 b. 13 July, 1775.
1819 Esther Wasson,7 b. 5 Nov., 1777.
1820 Ann Wasson,7 b. 27 Nov., 1779.
1821 Lucretia Wasson,7 b. 24 Jan., 1782.
1822 James Jackson Wasson,7 b. 15 Oct., 1784.
1823 Hanitah Wasson,7 b. 26 Feb., 1787.
1824 Anne Wasson,7 b. 12 Oct., 1789.
1825 Charles Wasson,7 b. 22 May, 1792.
1826 Charlotte Wasson,7 b. 22 May, 1792.
1827 John Wasson,7 b. 4 Jan., 1796.

581.   ENSIGN ELIPHALET,6 son of Martin5 (207), b. about 1735-40; m. Sarah Brown, of Norwalk, b. 23 Mar., 1739-40, dau. of Jonathan Brown and Mary Slason.
He d. ______; she d. ______.
He chose, 5 Oct., 1756, his uncle, Peter Lockwood, of Norwalk, as his guar­dian, and was therefore 14 years of age or over.
He rem. about 1770, from New Canaan, and settled on the east shore of Ball­ston or Long Lake in Ballston, N. Y.
He was an Ensign in Capt. Thaddeus Mead's Co., 1760; Corp. in Col. Wright's New York Reg.
1828 Eliphalet,7 b. in New Canaan, 19 May, 1763; m. Lydia Allen.
1829 Azor,7 bap. 20 May, 1765; d. young.
1830 Silas,7 b. in New Canaan, 7 Sept., 1767; m. Mary Mumford.
1831 Sarah,7 b. ______; d. young.

160    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1832 Jonathan,7 bap. in New Canaan, 25 Mar., 1770; m. ______.
1833 Martin,7 b. ______; m. Patty Gibson.
1834 Abigail,7 b. ______; m. Seth Cogswell Baldwin.

582.   MARTIN,6 son of Martin5 (207), b. 10 Oct., 1740; m. 13 May, 1762, Mercy Benedict, b. 13 Apr., 1743, dau. of James Benedict, of Danbury, Conn., and Mercy Knapp.
She d. S Apr., 1811; he m. (2) (ante-nuptial agreement filed 26 June, 1811), Abigail Knapp, of New Fairfield, Conn.; d. 1 Sept., 1824; she d. 2 July, 1829, aged 83.
He rem. from Norwalk and purchased a farm, 13 Mar., 1762, in a part of New Fairfield, called the "Apple Trees."
John Jarvis, 15 Oct., 1776, for consideration of £25, deeded to him a negro girl, Phillis, aged two and one-half years.
1835 Martin,7 b. 3 Sept., 1763; m. Rachel Stevens.
1836 Mercy,7 b. 12 Mar., 1767; m. Israel Osbom.
1837 Zadock,7 b. 25 Nov., 1768; d. 29 Dec., 1768.
1838 Zadock,7 b. 5 Sept., 1770; d. unm. 27 Feb., 1796, aged 25.
1839 Mary,7 b. 3 Nov., 1772; m. 9 Nov., 1791, Benjamin Bearse, Jr.; d. 25 Mar., 1792; had no children.

584.   MERCY,6 dau. of Martin5 (207), bap. 1 Sept., 1745; m. 1 Oct., 1761, Moses Hanford, probably son of her stepfather, Samuel Hanford, of New Canaan, Conn., who had a son, Moses, b. 10 Sept., 1737.
1840 Hannah Hanford,7 bap. 31 July, 1763.
1841 Moses Hanford,7 bap. 27 Oct., 1765; probably d. young.
1842 Moses Hanford,7 b. 1 July, 1767.
1843 Nathan Hanford,7 b. 19 July, 1770.
1844 Thaddeus Hanford,7 b. 1 Nov., 1772; m. 4 Oct., 1797, Sally St. John.
1845 Martin Hanford,7 b. 18 July, 1775.
1846 Mercy Hanford,7 b. 3 Mar., 1778.
1847 Betty Hanford,7 b. 13 Aug., 1780.
1848 Seth Hanford,7 b. 28 Mar., 1783.
1849 David Hanford,7 b. 2 Sept., 1785.

585.   SAMUEL,6 son of Martin5 (207), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 29 June, 1749; m. (1) 30 May, 1771, Elizabeth Waring, b. 25 Apr., 1751, dau. of Deacon Jonathan Waring and Mary Richards, dau. of Samuel Richards.
She d. July, 1811; he m. (2) Oct., 1812, Mrs. Lydia (Smith) Crane, of Somers, Conn., dau. of Peter Smith.
He d. 12 Oct., 1829, aged 80, in the house in which he was born; she d. 24 Apr., 1832, aged 70. He was a farmer in New Canaan, Conn.
He enlisted 1 July, 1780, in the Fifth Connecticut; discharged 4 Dec., 1780.
Children, b. in New Canaan.
1850 Samuel,7 b. 21 June, 1772; m. Patty Wilson.
1851 Seth Shove,7 b. 29 Dec., 1773; m. Matilda Lockwood.

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1852 Mary,7 b. 31 Dec., 1775; d. 2 May, 1779.
1853 Abigail,7 b. 27 Jan., 1778; m. Ezra Ayres.
1854 Jonathan Wakely,7 b. 7 Apr., 1780; m. ______.
1855 Mary,7 b. 10 Apr., 1782; m. David Lockwood.

586.   NATHAN,6 son of Martin5 (207), bap. 26 Apr., 1752; m. 23 Apr., 1774, Rachel Carter, b. 19 Nov., 1756, dau. of John Carter, of Norwalk, and Hannah Benedict.
He d. ______; she d. ______. He chose Theoph. Fitch his guardian, 7 Aug., 1766; res. in New Canaan Parish (Norwalk), Conn., where they were admitted to the church, 5 Oct., 1781; rem. from New Canaan, after 1791, to Bethany, Pa., and later to Janesville, Wis.; was a revolutionary soldier; served in Lieut. Car­ter's Co., 25 Oct., 1776, to 11 Jan., 1777; in Col. Canfield's Militia Reg., at West Point, 1781.
1856 Hannah Starr,7 bap. 23 Apr., 1775; m. Judd Raymond.
1857 John Curtis,7 bap. 23 Mar., 1777.
1858 Sarah,7 b. ______; m. Edmund Weed; went West.
1859 Deborah,7 b. ______; m. Shadrach Hayward.
1860 Nathan,7 bap. 24 Apr., 1785; m. (1) Rosalinda Woodward; (2) Sarah Quidore.
1861 Azor,7 bap. 11 Feb., 1787; d. unm. ______.
1862 Maria,7 b. 1789; m. Spangenburg.

597.   ISAAC,6 son of Gideon5 (210), b. 14 Jan., 1745; m. (1) 10 Oct., 1766, Hannah Fitch, b. 24 Aug., 1742, dau. of Matthew Fitch and Lydia Olmstead.
She d. 16 Dec., 1781; he m. (2) Mrs. Sarah (Burgess) Gardner, of Phil­lippi, N. Y., b. in Barnstable, Mass., 5 Feb., 1745; d. 5 Apr., 1829; she d. June, 1829.
He was deacon in the Presbyterian Church in New Canaan, Conn., to which he and his first wife were admitted 14 June, 1767. His second wife was admitted by "Letter from Phillippi." Res. in Cornwall, Vt., 1785-87; in Stillwater, N. Y., 1797, and later in Malta, N. Y., where he d.
A grandchild tells the following anecdote; "There was a petty lawsuit be­tween two of Isaac Kellogg's neighbors and he was called as a witness by one party. When he came forward to be sworn, the opposing party said to the Justice, 'You need not administer the oath to Mr. Kellogg; we will accept what he says as testi­mony without his taking the oath.'
He served in the revolutionary war in Lieut. Carter's Co., from 25 Oct., 1776, to 25 Dec., same year.
Children, b. in New Canaan, by first wife.
1863 Gideon,7 b. 11 Oct., 1767; m. (1) Mrs. Sarah (Hubbell) Towner; (2) Mrs. Phebe (Harrington) Brockway.
1864 Jemima,7 b. 3 July, 1769; m. Abraham Nash Middlebrook.
1865 Isaac,7 b. 13 Dec., 1770; m. in Greenfield, N. Y., 31 Dec., 1800, Sarah Weed; was a thrifty farmer in Malta; d. 31 Aug., 1831; had no children. At the time of his marriage his res. was given as Ball­ston. Her will, dated 7 Apr., 1854, gives her age as 75; she be­queathed her estate to the children of her brothers and sisters.

162    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1866 Hannah,7 b. 30 Apr., 1772; m. Andrew Seymour.
1867 Ozias,7 b. 27 Oct., 1774; d. Sept., 1776.
1868 Asenath,7 b. 27 Oct., 1774; d. Sept., 1776.
1869 Ozias,7 b. 30 July, 1778; left home about the time the Tripoli expedi­tion was fitted out and was never heard from.
1870 Matthew,7 b. 22 Sept., 1781; m. (1) Sarah Seeley; (2) Electa Crofoot.

598.   ENOS,6 son of Gideon5 (210), b. ______; m. 10 Mar., 1774, Lydia Fitch, b. in Norwalk, Conn., 4 Apr., 1746, dau. of Matthew Fitch and Lydia Olmsted.
He d. ______; she d. 14 Dec., 1832, aged 86.
He was a farmer; res. three miles west of Norwalk, in the first house south of New Canaan road.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
1871 Aaron,7 b. 10 Feb., 1775; d. 15 Sept., 1776.
1872 Esther,7 b. 12 Jan., 1778; d. 25 Apr., 1779.
1873 Esther,7 b. 30 Oct., 1779; m. Aaron Comstock.
1874 Hannah,7 b. 29 May, 1784; m. in New Canaan, Conn., 10 Apr., 1821, Minot Ayres.
1875 Rebecca,7 b. 16 Mar., 1787; m. James Evans.

599.   HANNAH,6 dau. of Gideon5 (210), b. ______; m. in New Canaan, Conn., 29 Sept., 1762, her cousin, William Reed (636), bap. 20 Mar., 1734, son of Wil­liam Reed, b. 16 Nov., 1708, and Rachel Kellogg (+215), b. 15 July, 1710.
They res. in New Canaan; owned the covenant there, 10 June, 1764.
Children b. in New Canaan.
1876 Rachel Reed,7 bap. 14 Oct., 1764.
1877 Joseph Reed,7 b. 22 Nov., 1766.

600.   SUSANNA,6 dau. of Gideon5 (210), b. in Norwalk, Conn., ______; m. in Norwalk, 23 Apr., 1767, David Nash, son of Edward Nash, b. 21 July, 1710, and Mary Warren, b. 22 Dec., 1708.
She d. 10 Dec., 1771, in Norwalk; he m. (2) 19 July, 1772, Rachel Bates. Res. in Norwalk, Conn.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
1878 Elizabeth Nash,7 b. 23 Feb., 1768; m. 21 Dec., 1788, Isaac Camp, Jr., of Norwalk; had five children.
1879 Jacob Nash,7 b. 30 June, 1770; d. unm. 19 Nov., 1791.

602.   SARAH,6 dau. of Epenetus5 (211), b. about 1740; m. 22 May, 1763, Ezra Reed (621), b. 16 Mar., 1740, son of Daniel Reed and Elizabeth Kellogg (+212).
He d. 4 Apr., 1807; she d. 15 Apr., 1818.
Children, probably all b. in New Canaan.
1880 Sarah Reed,7 b. 24 Feb., 1765; d. 3 Apr., 1765.
1881 Sarah Reed,7 b. 19 Apr., 1766; d. 27 Jan., 1834.
1882 Lois Reed,7 b. 10 Sept., 1767; d. 23 June, 1843.
1883 Roswell Reed,7 b. 9 Nov., 1769; d. 4 May, 1839.
1884 Aaron Reed,7 b. 29 Apr., 1771.
1885 Jemima Reed,7 b. 29 Aug., 1773; d. 9 Sept., 1773.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    163

1886 Epenetus Reed,7 b. 29 Aug., 1773; d. 1 Mar., 1847.
1887 Lediana Feed,7 b. 8 Oct., 1775; d. 10 Feb., 1780.
1888 Lydia Reed,7 b. 28 Sept., 1777; d. 8 July, 1838.
1889 Huldah Feed,7 b. 23 Sept., 1780; d. Jan., 1853.
1890 Ezra Reed,7 b. 20 May, 1783.

603.   PHEBE,6 dau. of Epenetus5 (211), b. in Norwalk, about 1743; m. Capt. Nathaniel Scribner, b. in Norwalk, 23 Dec., 1743, son of Mathew Scribner and Martha Smith.
He d. 4 Sept., 1799, in Louisville, Ga., where he had gone to purchase horses; she survived him.
Rem. after marriage to Putnam Co., N. Y., to a point about ten miles west of the present Brewster's Station.
In the "Calendar of Historical Manuscripts," at Albany, vol. 1, pp. 487, 488, 564, honorable mention is made of Capt. Scribner; also in Blake's History of Putnam County, pp. 94-96; he lost the use of an arm in battle; a musket ball struck his wrist and passed out at the elbow. In 1790 he rem. to Norwalk, Conn., where he built a mill. Later he built a tide mill in Compo, near Westport, Conn.
He was a revolutionary soldier. During the war he was absent so much that he was quite a stranger to the younger children. On one occasion he returned on a furlough of only twenty-four hours and reached home almost destitute of cloth­ing. His wife took in the situation at a glance. The sheep were driven into a corner of the pasture; one was caught and shorn; the wool was washed and dried by the blazing fire; then carded and spun into yarn; then (with the help of the daughters) knit into a pair of long stockings, which were washed, dried and ironed before the expiration of the twenty-four hours.
After the death of Capt. Scribner, his wife and daus. Elizabeth, Esther and Anna established a boarding school in Morristown, N. J. After the death of Anna, they were induced to join the family in going to New Albany. The emi­gration of the family was made in 1811 or '14 on horseback, and by wagons and flat boats down the Ohio.
The newly purchased town site was a dense forest, but trees were felled and log houses built, the first one being for Mrs. Scribner. In this house was organ­ized what is now the First Presbyterian Church of New Albany; the first four members were Mrs. Scribner and three of her children. Lots worth $5,000 were set aside by the sons and constitute the basis of the present Scribner High School.
Elizabeth made the journey between Philadelphia and New Albany, on horse­back, three times.
1891 James Scribner,7 b. ______; m. ______, in New Albany, Ind.; had three children.
1892 Eliphalet Scribner,7 b. ______; m. (1) Bradley. He was inter­ested with his father in the mill at Compo, but after their failure he went to Port au Prince, Hayti, and became a prosperous mer­chant. In the massacre of the French he was one of the five white men saved; food was brought to him by the blacks in his conceal­ment. He caused the failure of his brothers in New Albany by drawing on them for $25,000, which they accepted; he d. suddenly in Hayti.

164    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1893 Jemima Scribner,7 b. ______; m. Samuel Penny. He was a member of the firm of Samuel Penny & Son, merchants, New York; res. in Southeast, N. Y.; had ten children.
1894 Joel Scribner,7 b. ______; m. Mary Bull, dau. of Deacon Bull, of Mil­ford, Conn.; res. in New Albany; had eight children.
1895 Martha Scribner,7 b. ______; m. Uriah Scribner, her cousin, son of Rev. Matthew Scribner.
1896 Phebe Scribner,7 b. ______, m. William Waring.
1897 Esther Scribner,7 b. ______; m. Dr. Morey Hale.
1898 Nathaniel Scribner,7 b. ______; m. Elizabeth Edmonds, his cousin. He d. while returning from a meeting of the Legislature at Corydon, having secured the formation of the County of Floyd. She m. (2) Dr. Asabel Clapp.
1899 Elijah Scribner,7 b. ______; was a merchant in New York; a partner of Samuel Penny.
1900 Anna Scribner,7 b. ______; d. in Morristown, N. J., where she was a teacher, aged about 22.
1901 Elizabeth Scribner,7 b. ______; m. Dr. John Wood; d. in Galena, Ill., from injuries received by being thrown from a sleigh while return­ing from church at night; had two children.
1902 Abner Scribner,7 b. ______; res. in New Albany, Ind.; had two sons.
1903 Lucinda Scribner,7 b. ______; d. young; buried in Greens Farms, Conn.

604.   JEMIMA,6 dau. of Epenetus5 (211), b. in New Canaan, 1714; m. in New Canaan, 27 June, 1761, Stephen Hanford, Jr. Res. in New Canaan.
1904 Dinah Hanford,7 bap. 9 June, 1765.
1905 Ruth Hanford,7 bap. 27 Aug., 1766.

605.   MARTHA,6 dau. of Epenetus5 (211), b. in Norwalk; m. Ichabod Marvin, b. 15 Dec., 1715, son of Matthew Marvin and Elizabeth Clark, of Huntington, Conn.
He d. in Southeast, N. Y., 21 Jan., 1792, where she is buried.
1906 Epenetus Marvin,7 b. 15 Oct., 1769; m. 27 Mar., 1791, Mary Smith; had four children.
1907 Jesse Marvin,7 b. 29 Oct., 1771; m. 25 Dec., 1795, Irene Simpkins; had twelve children.
1908 Martha Marvin,7 b. 26 Sept., 1773; m. Zenas Smith; d. 1809.
1909 Lydia Marvin,7 b. 27 Apr., 1776; m. 16 Feb., 1805, Daniel McNutty, of Georgetown, S. C.
1910 Aaron Marvin,7 b. 19 Dec., 1778; m. 6 Dec., 1807, Eliza Brown Prior; res. in Georgetown, S. C.; d. in Monticello, Fla., 15 July, 1868; she d. 3 Apr., 1828; had eight children.
1911 Ichabod Marvin,7 b. 22 Sept., 1782; d. near Brewster's Station, N. Y., 14 Sept., 1865; m. 16 Feb., 1805, Elizabeth Carl, who d. 18 Apr., 1845; res. in Southeast, N. Y.; had thirteen children.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    165

1912 Stephen Marvin,7 b. 3 July, 1784; m. 1 Feb., 1816, Sarah Smith, who d. in Lockport, N. Y., 13 Apr., 1877; res. in Ogdon, N. Y.; had six children.
1913 Silas Marvin,7 b. 1 May, 1786; d. 1800.
1914 Mary Marvin,7 b. 13 June, 1789; m. 1804, Philip Padduck.
1915 Azor Smith Marvin,7 b. 7 Nov., 1791; m. 6 Jan., 1817, Delia Maria Penny; she d. 1 June, 1859, aged 61; he d. in Havana, N. Y., 1 Dec., 1870; was a merchant and manufacturer in Georgetown, S. C., and New York City; had twelve children.

606.   EPENETUS,6 son of Epenetus5 (211), b. Apr., 1746; m. 16 Sept., 1773, Rebecca Richards, b. about 1748, dau. of John Richards and Rebecca Fitch, of Middlesex (Darien), Conn.
He d. 1825, in Norwalk; she survived him and d. at the house of her dau., Anna James.
He was a farmer; res. in Norwalk.
"Hard by where serpentine-wound the Canaan Indian way, denominated from of old, 'Ponasses-path.' and some two miles northwest of the ancient Whitney Mill (corner of Main and Wall Street, 1896), stood the old-time home of Epenetus Kellogg (son of Epenetus and Jemima (Rogers) Kellogg). The domicile re­mained, browned, bent and bowed by very age." (Norwalk, p. 375.)
1916 Epenetus,7 b. 12 Apr., 1774; d. 23 Jan., 1775.
1917 Joseph,7 b. 5 Dec., 1775; d. 29 Aug., 1779.
1918 Sarah,7 b. 30 May, 1777; m. Samuel Dikeman.
1919 Anna,7 b. 28 Nov., 1778; m. Daniel James.
1920 Epenetus,7 b. 1 Oct., 1780; m. Marie Bruyn.
1921 Betsey,7 b. 26 Apr., 1782; m. Lockwood.
1922 John,7 b. 24 Apr., 1784; drowned when a young man; unm.
1923 Rhoda,7 b. 16 Jan., 1786; m. ______.
1924 Phebe,7 b. 1 Dec., 1787; m. ______.
1925 Ezra,7 b. 15 Oct., 1789; d. unm. ______; graduated from Yale College, 1807; a physician.
1926 Polly,7 b. 4 Mar., 1792; m. St. John; res. in Pennsylvania.

610.   JAMES,6 son of Epenetus5 (211), b. in Norwalk, 5 Apr., 1755; m. (1) 4 Nov., 1779, Lydia Nash, b. July, 1761, dau. of Edward Nash, b. 21 July, 1710, and Mary Warren, b. 22 Dec., 1708.
She d. 19 Aug., 1794; he m. (2) Feb., 1795, Mrs. Martha Johnson, b. 14 Apr., 1764, widow of Levi Johnson and dau. of Hezekiah Clark, of Milford, Conn.
He d. 28 Dec., 1828, in Northfield, Conn.; she d. 27 Nov., 1844.
He res. in Norwalk until 1793; rem. to Franklin and North Salem, Dutchess Co., N. Y., and in 1803 to Northfield.
His will, dated 3 Sept., 1828, mentions the seven sons and five daughters, who were then living.
Children by first wife.
1927 James,7 b. in Norwalk, Conn., 17 July, 1781; m. (1) Roxanna Turner; (2) Susannah C. K. Camp.
1928 Mary (Polly),7 b. 29 Dec., 1782; m. Peck Clark.

166    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1929 Elijah,7 b. 18 Oct., 1784; m. (1) Arm Maria Woodruff; (2) Martha B. Crane.
1930 Rufus,7 b. 13 Oct., 1786; m. Betsey Clark.
1931 Abigail,7 b. 5 Jan., 1789; m. Levi Merriam.
1932 Edward,7 b. 18 Oct., 1790; m. Esther Fenn Warner.
1933 Frederick,7 b. 11 Aug., 1792; m. Minerva Warner.
1934 Lydia,7 b. 28 Apr., 1794; m. Merritt Clark.
Children by second wife.
1935 David,7 b. in Franklin, 15 May, 1796; d. 30 Nov., 1814, in Berwick, Pa.
1936 Charles,7 b. 14 Aug., 1798; m. Hannah Drake.
1937 Clark,7 b. 14 Oct., 1800; m. Catharine Sergeant.
1938 Anna Weed,7 b. 26 Mar., 1803; m. John Yates Smith.
1939 Julia,7 b. 21 Mar., 1805; m. Ogden Smith.
1940 Merritt,7 b. 17 Dec., 1808; d. unm. 5 Apr., 1827.

611.   STEPHEN,6 son of Epenetus5 (211), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 1 July, 1757; m. 24 Nov., 1778, Lydia Bouton, b. in Norwalk, 21 Jan., 1759, dau. of Nathaniel Bouton and Lydia Penoyer.
He d. 30 July, 1842, aged 85; she d. 28 June, 1845, aged 86.
Farmer in Norwalk; member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Norwalk; rem. to Troy, N. Y., where both d.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
1941 Josiah,7 b. 20 May, 1780; m. 14 Apr., 1807, Margaret Scofield, of Darien, Conn., b. 21 Mar., 1788; she d. 23 Jan., 1846; he d. 26 May, 1862, aged 82; res. in Troy; had no children.
1942 Lydia,7 b. 19 Nov., 1782; d. unm. in Maiden, Ulster Co., N. Y., 12 May, 1866, aged 83.
1943 Andrew,7 b. 29 Sept., 1784; m. 6 Dec., 1808, Hannah Hoyt, b. 2 May, 1784, dau. of Justus Hoyt and Elizabeth Fitch; d. 14 Dec., 1815, from the effects of a fall from a loft in his store in Troy; she d. 1 May, 1858.
1944 Esek,7 b. 21 Nov., 1786; m. Maria Osbom.
1945 Maria,7 b. 21 Oct., 1788; m. Daniel Richards.
1946 Nathan,7 b. 26 Dec., 1790; d. unm. 30 Oct., 1815; res. in Troy.
1947 Jemima,7 b. 21 Mar., 1793; m. William Osborn.
1948 Elizabeth,7 b. 19 Feb., 1795; m. Rufus Richards.
1949 Stephen,7 b. 26 Apr., 1797; m. Susan Emeline Bigelow.
1950 Mary Ann,7 b. 8 June, 1799; d. unm. 11 May, 1839.
1951 Frances Bouton,7 b. 14 May, 1801; m. Stephen Field.
1952 George,7 b. 13 June, 1803; d. 5 Oct., 1814.

650.   DAVID,6 son of David5 (217), b. in Norwalk, about 1744; m. Mrs. Eunice Brown, whose first husband may have been of the Brown family, of the Oblong, where many Norwalk families had land.
He d. in the army, in Dorchester, Mass., 1776.
He was a carpenter; res. in Stonington; worked at his trade of shipbuild­ing until the commencement of the war for independence, when he enlisted and served in the siege of Boston.
She m. (3) Ebenezer Williams.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    167

Children, b. in Groton, Conn.
1953 David,7 b. about 1771; m. (1) Bridget Newton; (2) Nancy Dennison.
1954 Mary,7 b. ______; m. Oliver White, of Stonington; d. ______; had no children.

651.   BENJAMIN,6 son of Benjamin5 (218), b. probably in Southeast, N. Y.; m. Lois Keeler, bap. in Southeast, 23 Oct., 1757, dau. of Paul Keeler and Sarah Wood, dau. of Obadiah Wood.*
He d. about 1794; she d. in South Salem, N. Y., 1 June, 1829. He lived in Southeast; d. there (fell dead in his garden).
Children, b. in South Salem.
1955 Eunice,7 b. 30 June, 1789; d. unm. 30 May, 1850.
1956 Jason,7 b. 2 Dec., 1790; m. Catherine Miller.
1957 Nancy,7 b. 8 Jan., 1793; d. unm. 22 Mar., 1872.
1958 Lois,7 b. 16 Jan., 1795; m. Gilbert Jones.

652. JONATHAN,6 b. about 1730-33; m. in New Canaan, 29 Mar., 1756, Susanna Chichester, b. in Stamford, 21 Dec., 1733, dau. of Daniel Chichester and Abigail Bishop, who were m. in Stamford, 4 May, 1722.
He d. in Greenfield, N. Y., before 1813; she d. between 1813 and 1816.
He was a soldier in the revolution; served in Lieut. Carter's Co., 25 Oct. to 25 Dec., 1776.
He was a chairmaker and wheelwright; res. in New Canaan after his mar­riage. Both were admitted to the church in Canaan Parish, 27 Nov., 1756.
He bought, 27 Apr., 1763, land with dwelling-house in Canaan Parish, and in 1782 one acre adjoining the first lot. This was on the Clapboard Hill road and Mill path. He paid for this last lot £10, 9s., 6d., in Treasury notes, and six chairs. On 24 Mar., 1788, Elizabeth Wood of Norwalk conveyed to him seven acres with dwelling-house and shop on Clapboard Hill road, bounded east by Samuel Kellogg's land; south by Ephraim Lockwood's land; west by Jacob Lockwood's land; north by highway. The consideration was "Parental love I have toward my beloved son Jonathan Kellogg of said Norwalk." He sold this land 7 May, 1789. His other land, with the dwelling-house, he sold 26 Sept., 1791, and, as his name appears in the records of the church in Greenfield, N. Y., as one of those present at a meeting 20 Dec., 1792, it would appear that he rem. to that place soon after selling his homestead. The land is now included in the nurseries of Hoyt Bros., New Canaan, and the "Mill Path" has been made into a road for the convenience of their business.
Jonathan Kellogg, "late of Norwalk, but now of Stamford," chose Elijah Green, of Stamford, as his guardian, 4 Sept., 1750. He was then more than 14 years of age, as that was the age at which children could choose their own guar­dians; younger than that the Court appointed a suitable person. Elijah Green was son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Reed) Green and his mother was sister of the three Reed brothers who m. daus. of Joseph Kellogg.

*Obadiah Wood was born on Long Island. 1698-99; rem. with his parents to Pimpe­waug, now Wilton, in Norwalk, in 1706; m. before 1730. He purchased land in Ridge­field; later purchased land in South Salem, where he d. 16 Feb., 1791. He and his wife, Anne, were admitted to the church there, 7 July, 1754.

168    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in New Canaan.
1959 Abigail,7 bap. 16 Jan., 1757; m. Moses Johnson.
1960 Asahel,7 bap. 4 Feb., 1759; m. in Wilton, 30 Sept., 1778, Ann Finch, of New Canaan; revolutionary soldier; served in Col. Waterbury's Reg., 9 May, 1775; re-enlisted 17 Nov., 1775; also in Bradley's Battalion, 1 July to 16 Nov., 1776.
1961 Jonathan,7 bap. 3 Aug., 1760; served in the revolution, and is said to have died while in the service.
1962 Enoch,7 b. 2 Dec., 1761; m. Elizabeth Wood.
1963 Susanna,7 bap. 2 Oct., 1763; m. Jonathan Wood.
1964 Elizabeth,7 bap. 9 Feb., 1766; m. in Greenfield, 14 Jan., 1795, Benja­min Wood.
1965 Stephen,7 b. 16, bap. 29 Apr., 1770; m. Sarah Miller.
1966 Daniel,7 bap. 21 Feb., 1773; m. Polly Childs.
1967 Sarah,7 bap. 26 Feb., 1775; m. Mark Hopkins.

653.   ABIGAIL,6 dau. of Deacon Samuel5 (219), b. in Colchester, Conn., 29 Oct., 1736; m. 8 Dec., 1757, Joseph Gillett, b. 30 Dec., 1725, son of Jonathan Gillett and Sarah Eley.
He d. in Colchester, 4 Dec., 1814, aged 89; she d. 14 May, 1822, aged 85.
Res. in Colchester.
Children, b. in Colchester.
1968 Joseph Gillett,7 b. 29 Aug., 1758; m. 10 June, 1783, Sarah Boot, of Hebron; d. 29 Apr., 1838; res. in Colchester; had eight children.
1969 Abigail Gillett,7 b. 29 Dec., 1759; d. unm. 10 Nov., 1835; res. in Col­chester.
1970 Son,7 b. 22 Aug., 1761; d. 24 Aug., 1761.
1971 Sarah Gillett,7 b. 28 Aug., 1762.
1972 Lucy Gillett,7 b. 12 Apr., 1764; d. unm. 21 Dec., 1846; res. in Colchester.
1973 Eunice Gillett,7 b. 24 Jan., 1766; m. Gurdon Clark.
1974 Jonathan Gillett,7 b. 21 Mar., 1768; m. Betsey; she d. 12 Mar., 1810; he d. in Colchester, 23 May, 1820; was called "Captain."
1975 Ezra Gillett,7 b. 23 Aug., 1769; d. 15 Sept., 1769.
1976 Anna Gillett,7 b. 12 Nov., 1770.
1977 Ezra Gillett,7 b. 11 Dec., 1772; d. unm. 16 Jan., 1792.
1978 Sealah Gillett,7 b. 18 Mar., 1775; d. unm. 6 May, 1814; res. in Colchester.
1979 Ralph Gillett,7 b. 4 June, 1777.
1980 Samuel Gillett,7 b. 25 Aug., 1779; d. unm. 9 Aug., 1843.

655.   HANNAH,6 dau. of Deacon Samuel5 (219), b. in Colchester, 30 Sept., 1740; m. 5 Dec., 1764, Daniel Wood, of Somers, Conn. She d. Dec., 1789.
1981 Eliasaph Wood,7 b. 21 Sept., 1767.
1982 Daniel Wood,7 b. 20 Feb., 1770.
1983 Theophilus Wood,7 b. 3 Jan., 1777.

657.   MARY,6 dau. of Deacon Samuel5 (219), b. in Colchester, Conn., 27 Apr., 1745; m. 2 Jan., 1772, Nathan Goodspeed, b. 7 Mar., 1735, of East Haddam,

The Kelloggs in the New World.    169

Conn., son of Moses Goodspeed, of Barnstable, Mass., b. 24 Nov., 1704, and Hannah Allen.
She d. 16 May, 1818; he d. 26 May, 1818, aged 83.
He rem. from Barnstable, Mass., to East Haddam, Conn., between 1775 and 1780.
1984 Samuel Goodspeed,7 b. 1773; d. 1774.
1985 Nathan Goodspeed,7 b. 1774; d. 1776.
1986 Mary Goodspeed,7 b. 1776; d. young.
1987 Anna Goodspeed,7 b. 1779; m. Samuel Gilbert; d. 1860; had two chil­dren.
1988 Nathan Goodspeed,7 b. 1781; m. 1802, Judith Higgins; d. 1818.
1989 Sarah Goodspeed,7 b. 1783.
1990 Moses Goodspeed,7 b. 1786; d. same year.
1991 Joseph Goodspeed,7 b. 23 Apr., 1787; m. (1) 26 Sept., 1811, Laura Tyler, b. about 1790, dau. of Sergt. Nathaniel and Esther (Shailer) Tyler; m. (2) Mrs. Roxy (Bigelow) Robbins; d. 23 Dec., 1847; had six children.

659.   DANIEL.,6 son of Deacon Samuel5 (219), b. in Colchester, Conn., 1 June, 1749; m. 14 Jan., 1778, Elizabeth Wells, b. 1753, dau. of John Wells.
She d. 23 May, 1815, aged 62; he d. 28 Mar., 1829, aged 79. He res. in Colchester.
Children, b. in Colchester.
1992 Son,7 b. 20 Oct., 1778; d. 25 Dec., same year.
1993 Daniel,7 b. 27 Nov., 1779; d. unm. 28 May, 1822.
1994 Charles,7 b. 4 Apr., 1781; d. 6 Feb., 1786.
1995 Samuel,7 b. 10 Feb., 1783; m. 27 Mar., 1810, Elizabeth Worthington, b. 14 Apr., 1782, dau. of Dan Worthington and Lois Foote; res. in Colchester and Lenox, Mass.
1996 John,7 b. 30 Nov., 1784; m. Betsey Wright.
1997 Child,7 b. about Jan., 1786; d. 6 Feb., same year.
1998 Child,7 b. ______; d. 6 Mar., 1787.
1999 Charles,7 b. 6 Nov., 1791; d. unm. 19 Nov., 1831. He was a Corp. and Sergt. in the Connecticut Militia in the war of 1812; served 8 June, to 14 July, 1813; 11 Aug. to 16 Sept., same year; 11 Aug., 1814, to 26 Oct., same year.

660.   JOSEPH,6 son of Deacon Joseph5 (220), b. in Colchester, 8 Aug., 1718; m. 15 Nov., 1739, Susanna King.
Res. in Hebron, Conn; admitted to church there 1741. Perhaps he m. (2) in Hebron, 6 May, 1762, Jane Fuller.
Children, b. in Hebron.
2000 Susanna,7 b. 12 June, 1741.
2001 Benjamin,7 25 May, 1745; m. Phoebe Stark.
2002 Joseph,7 bap. 21 Sept., 1746; m. Mary Niles.
2003 A Child,7 bap. 7 Mar., 1756; d. same day.

661.   DANIEL,6 son of Deacon Joseph5 (220), b. in Colchester, Conn., 6 May, 1720; m. 27 May, 1745, Ann Dewey, of Hebron, b. 1726, dau. of Capt. Abijah Dewey.

170    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. Dec., 1807, aged 87; she d. 1817, aged 92, at the house of her son Daniel.
Res. in Hebron and Marlboro, Conn., on his father's homestead; rem. about 1798, with his son, Charles, to Hartford.
Children, b. in Hebron.
2004 Ann,7 b. 18 Apr., 1746; m. Solomon Perrin.
2005 Daniel,7 b. 10 Sept., 1747; m. Rachel Taylor.
2006 Mary,7 3 Sept., 1749; m. Adonijah Strong.
2007 Hannah,7 b. 16 June, 1752; d. 16 Aug., 1754.
2008 Hannah,7 b. 7 May, 1756; m. Jonathan Hall.
2009 Charles,7 bap. Sept., 1760; d. Mar., 1764.
2010 Charles,7 b. 8 Aug., 1763; d. 15 Mar., 1768.
2011 Abigail,7 b. ______; d. 29 Mar., 1775, aged 11.
✛2012 Charles,7 b. 18 July, 1772; m. Lydia Hosford.

663.   MOSES,6 son of Deacon Joseph5 (220), b. in Colchester, Conn., 10 May, 1725; m. 3 Sept., 1755, Dinah Sears.
She d. Feb., 1817, aged 75; he d. Feb., 1820, aged 94. Res. in Hebron, where both d.
Children, b. in Hebron.
2013 William,7 b. 28 Jan., 1756; m. ______.
2014 Sarah,7 b. 22 Feb., 1757.
2015 Ezekiel,7 b. 18 July, 1758.
2016 Aaron,7 b. 7 Oct., 1760; m. Phebe Butts.
2017 Olive,7 b. 12 Sept., 1762.
2018 Eunice,7 b. 28 May, 1764.
2019 Adonijah,7 b. ______.
2020 Jacob,7 b. 28 May, 1768.
2021 Joseph,7 b. ______; m. ______.
2022 John,7 b. ______.

664.   ELIJAH,6 son of Deacon Joseph5 (220), b. in Colchester, Conn., 15 Jan., 1728; m. 3 June, 1745, Hannah Adams, of Colchester, b. about 1734.
He d. before Oct., 1804; she d. 15 Oct., 1807, in Marlboro, Conn., aged 73.
Res. in Marlboro.
Children, b. in Hebron.
2023 Lucy,7 b. 1 May, 1753; m. (1) Asa Foote, Jr.; (2) Benjamin Smith.
2024 David,7 b. about 1757; m. Abigail Washburn.

665.   EZEKIEL,6 son of Deacon Joseph5 (220), b. in Hebron, Conn., 24 Nov., 1732; m. 2 July, 1758, Ann Owen.
She d. 21 June, 1773; he d. 16 June, 1785.
He was admitted to the church 14 Nov., 1773; res. in Granville, Mass., and Hartland, Conn.; was a revolutionary soldier; served as a private in Col. Mc­Clennan's Reg., one year, 1778-79.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    171

2025 Lydia,7 b. 24 Nov., 1759, in Hebron; d. unm. 4 July, 1836, in Hartland.
2026 Oliver,7 b. 30 Nov., 1761; m. Molly Webster.
2027 Rachel,7 b. 10 Jan., 1763, in East Hartland; perhaps d. young.
2028 Ann,7 b. 23 June, 1766 (bap. in East Hartland, 2 Jan., 1771); perhaps m. 1 May, 1791, Oliver Phelps.
2029 Ezekiel,7 b. 14 June, 1773; m. Lena Clark.

667.   SAMUEL,6 son of Deacon Joseph5 (220), b. in Hebron, Conn., about 1740; m. 31 May, 1759, Hannah Strong, of Colchester, Conn., dau. of Ezra and Abigail Strong.
He d. about 1780; she m. (3) in Hebron, Mann; had three children; d. in Tolland, Conn.
2030 Samuel,7 b. 6 May, 1761; m. Elizabeth Septima Lothrop.
2031 Hannah,7 b. 27 May, 1763; m. (1) _______ Blish; (2) Bowers.
2032 Jedadiah,7 b. ______; probably d. young; not mentioned in his father's will.
2033 Lydia,7 b. 1768; m. James Kellogg (+1182).
2034 Martin,7 b. 1769; m. Rachel Hosford.
2035 Joel,7 b. ______; probably d. young; not mentioned in his father's will.
2036 Elisha,7 b. 9 Nov., 1773; m. Emily Stratton.
2037 Ichabod,7 b. 1774; m. Pamelia Betts.
2038 Abigail,7 b. ______; m. Elisha Bradley, of Tolland.

688.   CHARLES,6 son of Corp. Nathaniel5 (225), b. in Colchester, 17 Sept., 1726; m. 24 Apr., 1748, Sarah Hitchcock, bap. 1735, dau. of John Hitchcock, of Colchester, b. 1 Nov., 1683, and Elizabeth Jones, b. 2 Oct., 1685.
He d. 23 Nov., 1764; his widow rem. to Williamstown, Mass.
He res. in Bolton; his father bought land valued at £500 in Bolton, and, 15 Feb., 1750, conveyed it to his "Dutiful son Charles, of Bolton, on account of affection."
Children, b. in Bolton.
2039 Asa,7 b. 21 Jan., 1749; m. Anna Webster.
2040 Charles,7 b. 10 Apr., 1751; m. Mercy Simonds.
2041 Russell,7 b. 12 Nov., 1753; m. Esther Bridges.
2042 Sarah,7 b. 19 Sept., 1760; m. Ichabod Gay.
2043 Nathaniel,7 b. 17 May, 1763; m. Mehitabel Simonds.

689.   ELIZABETH,6 dau. of Corp. Nathaniel5 (225), b. in Colchester, 8 July, 1729; m. 9 May, 1750, Elihu Clark, b. 14 Oct., 1727, son of Noah Clark and Sarah Taintor, of Colchester.
No record of their deaths has been found.
He res. in Colchester; was a descendant in the fourth generation of Daniel Clark, of Windsor, Conn. His sister, Sarah, was the wife of Joseph Kellogg (m).
Children, b. in Colchester.
2044 Ephraim Clark,7 b. 26 Oct., 1751; d. 15 Dec., 1757.
2045 Elihu Clark,7 b. 7 Sept., 1755.

172    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2046 Elizabeth Clark,7 b. 17 Mar., 1759; d. 9 Aug., same year.
2047 Violette Clark,7 b. 9 Sept., 1760.
2048 Elizabeth Clark,7 b. 10 Feb., 1763.

691.   DELIGHT,6 dau. of Corp. Nathaniel5 (225), b. in Colchester, 5 Oct., 1731; m. there, 4 Mar., 1756, Lieut. Robert Andrews, b. in East Glastonbury, Conn., 19 June, 1735, son of Elisha Andrews and Ruth _____.
He d. in Pittsford, Vt., 16 Aug., 1811; she d. 3 May, 1817.
He res. in Coventry, Conn., Brimfield, Mass., and Pittsford, Vt.; was a Lieut. of a company of Minute men which marched from Brimfield, on the Lexington Alarm, 19 Apr., 1775.
2049 Ludim Andrews,7 b. in Windsor, Conn., 17 Oct., 1756; m. Lois Davis.
2050 Robert Andrews,7 b. in Coventry, 17 Mar., 1759; m. Eunice Needham.
2051 Delight Andrews,7 b. in Coventry, 26 Feb., 1761; m. Wareham Abbott.
2052 Appleton Andrews,7 b. in Brimfield, 11 Mar., 1763; m. Rhesa Corbin.
2053 Kellogg Andrews,7 b. 19 July, 1766; m. Cynthia Houghton.
2054 Zelotes Andrews,7 b. 25 Nov., 1768; m. Betsey Wicker.
2055 Ladocia Andrews,7 b. 6 Apr., 1777.

693.   LIEUT. NATHANIEL,6 son of Corp. Nathaniel5 (225), b. in Colchester, 10 July, 1739; m. (1) 12 Jan., 1769, Hannah Barnard Hastings, b. 16 Mar., 1742, dau. of Dr. Waitstill Hastings, of Hatfield, b. 3 Jan., 1714, and Abigail Marsh, dau. of John Marsh and Hannah Barnard.
She d. 12 Dec., 1788; he m. (2) 1 July, 1795, Mrs. Lydia (Sargent) Watson, b. 22 July, 1743, widow of Johnson Watson, of Leicester, Mass., and dau. of Nathan Sargent, of Leicester, and Mary _______.
He d. in Dalton, 8 Aug., 1808; she d. 23 May, 1816.
In his will, dated 6 July, 1808, proved 6 Sept., same year, he mentioned his wife Lydia, son Charles, daus. Polly Hill, Elizabeth Sackett and Sophia Hall.
He rem. from Colchester to Dalton (Dalton was incorporated in 1784) about 1776. He held several town offices; was a surveyor of land and served as Lieut, in Capt. Strong's Co., Col. Brown's Reg., 30 June to 26 July, 1777, in the Berk­shire Co. Reg.
Children, first four b. in Colchester, others in Dalton.
2056 Hannah Barnard,7 b. 25 Aug., 1769; m. 29 Nov., 1787, Ruben Gunn; d. in Dalton, Nov., 1788; had no children.
2057 Bette,7 b. ______; d. young.
2058 Elizabeth,7 b. 9 Dec., 1772; m. 12 Jan., 1793, Solomon Sackett; d. 6 July, 1849, aged 76; had no children.
2059 Nathaniel,7 b. 19 Sept., 1774; m. Prudence Knowles.
2060 Mary (Polly) Hastings,7 b. 28 Feb., 1776; m. (1) Lemuel Baldwin Clark; (2) Ensign Hill.
2061 Sophia,7 b. 18 Jan., 1780; m. John Hall.
2062 Charles,7 b. 5 Aug., 1782; m. Martha Foote.

708.   DAVID,6 son of Abner5 (228), b. in Colchester, 26 Aug., 1711, where he was bap. 2 Sept., 1741; m. (1) Elinor Williams, b. in Lebanon, 12 Mar., 1747, dau. of Isaiah Williams, of Lebanon, and Jerusha ______.

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She d. in Essex, Vt., 10 May, 1805; he m. (2) 20 Jan., 1807, Sarah Reding­ton Tyler, of Tergennes; d. 10 Mar., 1826, aged 81; she d. 12 Apr., 1844, aged 86.
He res. in Colchester until about 1771, when he rem. to Lee,* Mass. In 1773 he lived on the Glass Works Grant, in Lee, east of Stockbridge. In 1786 he rem. to Essex, Vt., where he d.
His estate was distributed 17 May, 1828, to the following: The heirs of Ira Kellogg, Rhoda Lawrence, Russell Kellogg, Adosia Post or heirs, Nancy Thomp­son, Wealthy Aubery or heirs, and Hannah Aubery. Children.
2063 Lydia,7 b. 4 Oct., 1766; bap. in Colchester, 5 June, 1768; m. Pierce.
2064 Rhoda,7 b. 24 Sept., 1768; m. Stephen Lawrence.
2065 Russell,7 b. 1 June, 1770; m. Elizabeth Atherton.
2066 Adosia,7 b. 27 Mar., 1772; m. Ichabod Post.
2067 David,7 b. 5 Jan., 1775; m. Maria Henrietta Wells.
2068 Wealthy,7 b. 15 May, 1777; m. John F. Aubery.
2069 Hannah,7 b. 18 July, 1779; m. John F. Aubery.
2070 Ira,7 b. 10 July, 1781; m. Nancy Matthews.
2071 Otis,7 b. 23 Mar., 1783; m. (1) Mabel Thompson; (2) Almeda Butler.
2072 Laura,7 b. ______; d. unm. ______.
2073 Nancy,7 b. ______; m. Ebenezer E. Thompson.

709.   CAPT. ABNER,6 son of Abner5 (228), b. in Colchester, 9 Nov., 1746; bap. 16 Nov., same year; m. in Lebanon (Bozrahville**), 24 Nov., 1768, Lydia Bartlett, b. 6 May, 1748, dau. of Ichabod Bartlett, of Windsor, and Desire Otis,*** b. 20 May, 1723.
He d. 24 July, 1821; she d. ______.
From the family record, in his Bible, kept in his own hand, were taken the dates of his marriage and the births of his children. The first entry is : "Novem­ber the 24th day 1768. I Abner Kellogg was married to Lydia Bartlett."
He was a tanner. Lived on the homestead of his father, a short distance east of Colchester village, where Mr. William E. Gillett built his new residence in 1874. In 1823 his estate was distributed to his widow, Lydia, and the children named below.
Children, b. in Colchester.
2074 Ichabod,7 b. 21 Sept., 1769; d. 2 Mar., 1770.
2075 Daughter,7 b. 6 Jan., 1771; d. next day.
2076 Son,7 b. and d. 30 Dec., 1773.
2077 Molly,7 b. 30 Aug., 1775; m. 24 Apr., 1817, Capt. John Ackley, of Col­chester; d. in or near Colchester; had no children.
2078 Margaret,7 b. 7 Oct., 1777; m. as his second wife, 1847, Tillot­son; d. in Cazenovia.
2079 Seth Bartlett,7 b. 5 Apr., 1780; m. Fanny Wattles.
2080 Abner,7 b. 12 July, 1782; d. 1 Feb., 1787.

* Lee, Mass., was taken from Great Barrington, Washington, the Glass Works Grant and part of Williams Grant, in 1777.
** Bozrah was set off from Norwich in 1786; it adjoins Lebanon.
*** Ichabod Bartlett was a grandson of Robert Bartlett. Desire Otis was the dau. of Nathaniel and Hannah Otis, of Colchester. Her wedding shoes are in possession of her descendants.

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2081 Otis,7 b. 20 July, 1785; m. Mary Watrous.
2082 Lucy,7 b. 23 Oct., 1786; d. unm. ______.
2083 Lydia,7 b. 15 Sept., 1788; d. 2 Feb., 1789.
2084 Sophia,7 b. 19 Sept., 1790; d. unm. 8 Feb., 1818.

710.   EZEKIEL,6 son of Abner5 (228), b. in Colchester, 17 Sept., 1718; bap. 25 same month; m. (1) in Colchester, 30 May, 1771, Elishaba Wells, b. 5 Sept., 1751, dau. of Elisha Wells, who d. 31 Aug., 1751.
She d. 9 Jan., 1777; he m. (2) in Exeter Parish, Lebanon, 1 Apr., 1779, Mrs. Philotha (Clark) Tracy, b. 16 Sept., 1750, dau. of Clark.
He d. in Otsego, 7 July, 1823; she d. 13 Aug., 1838.
He was a farmer; rem. from Colchester to Great Barrington, Mass., in 1771 or 1772, and built a house there in 1772, the cellar of which was visible a few years since. He rem. in Mar., 1786 or '87, to Cooperstown, N. Y., with several other Great Barrington families, where they settled on "The Great Barrington Pur­chase," his farm being lot four. He built a log cabin, which was, in time, replaced by a frame house, the lumber of which was sawed in the old one. His descendants lived on the old homestead until 1896, when the grandsons who owned it died and the place was sold, having been for one hundred and ten years in the family. In Aug., 1886, a Centennial celebration of the settlement was held on this farm at which there were represented four generations of Ezekiel's descendants.
His grandson had in his possession an old account book of Ezekiel's which is interesting as showing the different kinds of employment the Kelloggs seemed capable of turning their hands to. It runs from 1 Jan., 1772 to 1787 (probably the entire period of his being in Great Barrington), and contains the names of Joseph, David and John Kellogg, besides that of his brother Ezra. Among the charges against David Kellogg are : "For Ezra and the mare to go to your house 2s.," and he is credited with 360 feet cheary boards, £1, 10s., 8d. There are also items for tanning leather, mending, as well as making, shoes, and for spinning.
Ezra's account was from 1775 to 1777, and was chiefly for board and work as an offset respectively. At the end of the two years the account was settled and Ezra had due him 5s., 7d.
He was a soldier in the revolutionary army and served : As a private in Capt. Spoor's (Spurr) Co., Col. Simond's Reg., 26 Apr. to 20 May, 1777, at Saratoga; private in Capt. Noble's Co., Col. Brown's Reg., 29 June to 21 July, 1777; ordered into service by Committee of Safety at desire of Gen. Schuyler. In Capt. Fitch's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 21 July to 14 Aug., 1777; private, in Capt. Goodrich's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 15 to 21 Aug., 1778, Berkshire Co. Reg.; served in action at Bennington under Gen. Stark, and discharged by him; private served twelve days at Stillwater, 1781, by order of Gen. Fellows, in Capt. Ingersoll's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg.
Children by first wife, b. in Great Barrington.
2085 Wells,7 b. 10 Mar., 1772; m. Mary Sage.
2086 Silas,7 b. 15 Feb., 1775; m. Sophia Lamb.
2087 Son,7 b. and d. 3 Jan., 1777.
Children by second wife, first four b. in Great Barrington.
2088 Elisheba,7 b. 23 Feb., 1780; m. Isaac Williams.
2089 Tracy,7 b. 31 Aug., 1782; m. Esther Brower.
2090 John,7 b. 8 Dec., 1783; d. 29 Mar., 1788.

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2091 Jared,7 b. 27 Aug., 1785; d. 23 Mar., 1788.
2092 Charles,7 b. in Otsego, 17 Jan., 1787; m. Lucy Williams, dau. of Price Williams. He was a blacksmith; d. 6 Oct., 1867, where he res. all his life; she d. 1 May, 1859, aged 70; had no children.
2093 John,7 b. in Otsego, 25 May, 1790; m. Hannah Wattles.

711.   MARGARET,6 dau. of Abner5 (228), b. in Colchester, 16 Jan., 1751-52; m. in Lebanon (Goshen Parish), 23 Jan., 1771, John Ellis, of Norwich, son of Daniel Ellis.
"Margaret Ellis departed this life December 24th A. D. 1794 in the 44th year her age," reads the record in her father's Bible.
Children, b. in Norwich.
2094 Damaras Ellis,7 b. 23 Nov., 1771.
2095 Abner Ellis,7 b. 12 Sept., 1773.

712.   LIEUT. EZRA,6 son of Abner5 (228), b. in Colchester, 5 Sept., 1754; m. in Great Barrington, Mass., 30 Apr., 1779, Mary Whiting, b. 11 Dec., 1758, dau. of Lieut. Gamaliel Whiting,* of Great Barrington, b. 17 Sept., 1727, and Anna Gillett, b. 18 Feb., 1738.
He d. in Great Barrington, 29 Sept., 1833, aged 79; she d. there 11 May, 1837, aged 78.
He rem. to Great Barrington in 1771 and became a prominent citizen; sus­tained various offices and was long the principal deputy sheriff of the town. He was an honest and straightforward man and highly respected.
During Shay's rebellion he was deputy sheriff and on one occasion the "Shay's men" attempted to capture and "Handle" him, but he escaped and they attacked his house and threatened Mrs. Kellogg. They discharged a gun through the cur­tains of a bed on which she was lying, setting them on fire, and through the walls of the house. Some of these men were arrested and at their examination Dr. Budd testified: "I went down to Mr. Kellogg's house; Dunham and others had their bayonets at Mrs. Kellogg's breast, and swore they would kill her; I thought Mrs. Kellogg would faint away."
In his application for a pension, 1832, he stated that he was 77 years of age, born in Colchester, Conn., 5 Sept., 1754; res. there and in Lebanon until 1771, when he removed to Great Barrington. Belonged to a company of Minute men and marched in Apr., 1775, to Boston under Capt. King and served in the siege until December. Early in 1776 was at Saratoga and vicinity protecting the in­habitants from the hostile Tories and Indians who were constantly infesting the Mohawk Valley; later he was in Col. Samuel Brewers Reg. at Ticonderoga dur­ing the remainder of the year. About the middle of July, Gen. Burgoyne was ad­vancing and he again volunteered under Col. John Ashley to go to Forts Ann and Edward, but the American army retreated before the enemy to Stillwater. The

*Lieut. Gamaliel Whiting, b. 17 Feb., 1727; m. 18 June., 1752, Anna Gillett, b. 18 Feb., 1738. He held a commission from Gov. John Hancock, in the revolutionary army, and had command of a company near Boston, soon after the battle of Lexington. He was the son of Charles Whiting, whose wife, Elizabeth Bradford, was the dau. of Samuel Bradford, of Duxbury, Mass., and granddaughter of Gov. William Bradford, of Plymouth. Elizabeth Bradford's mother was Hannah Rogers, dau. of John Rogers and Elizabeth Pabodie. Elizabeth Pabodie was a granddaughter of John Alden and Priscilla Mullens, "the Puritan Maiden of Plymouth."

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call for additional troops was so sudden and urgent that those of the volunteers who had horses mounted them in order to reach the front as soon as possible. He was in the rear guard and the pressure was so great that he and others lost horses, saddles and bridles, quite a privation in those days. Arriving in Stillwater the company was permitted to return home, but had scarcely arrived there when they were again ordered to march, at once, to Bennington, at which place they arrived on the evening of the 16 Aug., 1777, the day on which the battle was fought. They were detailed that night to guard the prisoners and the next day to bury the dead. In Dec., 1777, he was detailed by his Capt., Goodrich, to guard, day and night, Gideon Smith, who had been adjudged, by the Committee of Safety, an enemy to his country. Smith and some others were banished. Capt. Walter Pynchon, Deputy Quartermaster at the post of Great Barrington, who had his office in Ezra's house, appointed him, 1 Mar., 1781, an assistant in the department under him, assigning him duties as "wagon conductor" for the management of the numerous transportation trains; also superintendent of cutting, weighing, packing and re­packing vast quantities of beef which were furnished to the army. He continued in the service until the end of the war.
Children, b. in Great Barrington.
2096 Anastasia Lukens,7 b. 29 Feb., 1780; m. Mark Hopkins.
2097 Henry,7 b. 7 Feb., 1782; m. 16 Apr., 1805, Lucy Riley; went to Western New York, with his brother-in-law, Mark Hopkins, and on his re­turn d., 15 Oct., 1805, in Albany, N. Y.; had no children.
2098 Frances,7 b. 11 Apr., 1784; d. unm. 27 Apr., 1827.
2099 Bernice Whiting,7 b. 6 July, 1786; m. Aaron Kellogg (+1141), son of Col. Aaron Kellogg (+385).
2100 Mary,7 b. 12 Nov., 1789; d. unm. 26 June, 1872; admitted to Congrega­tional Church in Great Barrington, 7 Nov., 1813.
2101 Sarah,7 twin to Mary, b. 12 Nov., 1789; d. unm. 5 Sept., 1862; admitted to the church same day with her sister, Mary.
2102 Augustus,7 b. 23 Sept., 1792; d. 14 Oct., 1793.
2103 Lydia Ann,7 b. 10 Oct., 1793; m. William Sherwood.
2104 Nancy,7 b. 17 Oct., 1795; d. 13 Oct., 1796.
2105 Nancy,7 b. 21 Nov., 1798; d. unm. 2 Mar., 1877, aged 79.

713.   JUDAH,6 son of John5 (229), b. in Colchester, 8 Mar., 1739; m. about 1768, Mary Tomlinson, bap. Nov., 1744, dau. of Zachariah Tomlinson and Sarah Morse, of Stratford, Conn.
He d. in Cornwall, Conn., 20 Apr., 1819, aged 80; she d. there, 24 Aug., 1836, aged 93.
After she was ninety years old she frequently walked two miles to church, being timid about riding.
He was graduated from Yale, 1761; practiced law a few years in Stratford, Conn., but abandoned it on account of religious scruples. Her father gave them seven hundred and fifty acres of land in Litchfield Co., and they rem. to Cornwall, where they spent the rest of their lives. He was a farmer; was elected Town Clerk in 1776, and held that office until 1810; was chosen Representative to the Connecticut Assembly fifteen times, consecutively; was a Justice of the Peace; deacon in the Congregational Church forty years. Because of his liberal educa­tion his advice in legal matters was often sought.
2106 William,7 b. in Stratford, 1769; m. Demis Swift.

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2107 John,7 b. in Cornwall, 22 Sept., 1777; m. Mary Clark.
2108 Lucius,7 b. in Cornwall, 1782; m. Harriet Whitney.
2109 Mary,7 b. in Cornwall, 6 July, 1783; m. Eliphalet Hull Shepard.

714.   MERCY,6 dau. of John5 (229), b. in Colchester, 11 June, 1741; m. in Colchester, 2 Mar., 1786, Asa Graves, b. 8 May, 1747, son of Peter Graves and Sarah Wedge.
He d. 5 May, 1800; she d. 8 Oct., 1808.
He was a soldier in the war of the revolution; was on the list of members of the church in Colchester, 1787.
2110 Lucy Graves,7 b. 26 Apr., 1786; d. unm. Mar., 1814.
2111 Charles Graves,7 b. 30 June, 1788.

715.   DEACON JOHN,6 son of John5 (229), b. in Colchester, Conn., 20 Dec., 1743; m. Bethia Williams, b. 22 June, 1742, dau. of William Williams, of Col­chester, and Deborah Cone, of East Haddam.
She d. 7 Feb., 1815; he m. (2) Mrs. Margaret (Foote) Bigelow, b. about 1746, widow of Azariah Bigelow and dau. of Nathaniel Foote and Patience Gates.
He d. 15 June, 1819, aged 75; she d. 30 June, 1836, aged 90; he and both wives are buried in the Iron Works Cemetery in Colchester.
"Margaret Kellogg, wife of Deacon John," was received in the church in Westchester, 4 July, 1818, by letter from the church in Marlboro.
He res. in Hebron, where he was a deacon in 1796.
2112 John,7 b. 7 July, 1767; m. Mary Day.
2113 Theodosia,7 b. 4 Apr., 1770; d. unm. 8 Dec., 1795.
2114 Mercy,7 b. 3 Aug., 1772; m. William Oakley, of Colchester; d. 15 Mar., 1861; he d. aged 60; had no children.
2115 Titus,7 b. 26 Mar., 1779; m. Elizabeth Clark.

716.   ISRAEL,6 son of John5 (229), b. in Colchester, 31 May, 1746; m. 1 June, 1775, Hannah Ingraham, b. about 1756, dau. of Dr. Ingraham, of Enfield, Conn.
He d. 31 Aug., 1816; she d. 19 Aug., 1836, aged 80.
He was a farmer; res. in Westchester until about 1792, when he rem. to Hebron, where he was admitted to the church in 1799.
2116 Lois,7 b. in Westchester, 24 Nov., 1775; m. John Post.
2117 Dorothy,7 b. 27 Sept., 1777; m. Robert McKee.
2118 Mary,7 19 Sept., 1779; m. (1) Samuel Mann; (2) C. Van Cise.
2119 Israel,7 b. 2 Aug., 1782; m. Honor Burt.
2120 Samuel,7 b. 13 Aug., 1784; d. 23 June, 1787.
2121 Lydia,7 b. 28 Sept., 1786; m. Joseph Perry.
2122 Samuel,7 b. 30 Dec., 1788; d. unm., in Hebron, 2 Jan., 1866.
2123 Electa,7 b. 7 June, 1791; d. unm., in Hebron, 31 Dec., 1866; she and her brother Samuel lived near the old homestead until their death.

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2124 Laura,7 b. in Hebron, 23 Oct., 1793; m. Stephen Ingraham.
2125 Alfred,7 b. 21 Feb., 1796; m. (1) Cordelia Kellogg (4171); (2) Susan Brockelsby.
2126 Jirah,7 b. 10 May, 1799; m. Lydia Marcy Utley.

717.   MARY,6 dau. of John5 (229), b. in Colchester, Conn., 19 Dec., 1749; m. 12 Apr., 1770, Nathan Tiffany.
She d. 13 Apr., 1831, in East Fallowfield, Pa.; he d. and is buried in Esopus, Ulster Co., N. Y.
In 1771 she and her husband conveyed their interest in her father's estate to her mother, and rem. to Lyme, Conn., where they remained until 1814, in which year they rem. to Ovid, N. Y., and lived four years, and then went on to Craw­ford, Pa., where their son, Silas, had purchased a large tract of land in what are now Greenwood and Fallowfield townships. All of their children settled in West­ern Pennsylvania, except Nathan, who remained in Connecticut.
2127 Nathan Tiffany,7 b. ______.
2128 Silas Tiffany,7 b. ______; m. (1) Keziah Smith; (2) Susan Turner.
2129 John Tiffany,7 b. ______; m. Elizabeth Niver.
2130 Sila Tiffany,7 b. ______; m. Solomon Lord.
2131 Mary Tiffany,7 b. 23 Oct., 1784; m. 12 Feb., 1804, James Elias Miller, b. 27 Mar., 1775; he was a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in Evansburgh, O., for many years; he d. 6 Dec., 1857; she d. 8 Jan., 1862.
2132 Hannah Tiffany,7 b. 12 Mar., 1786; m. (1) Rufus Hovey; (2) Richard States, who d. 3 Aug., 1850; she d. in Atlantic, Crawford Co., Pa., at the house of R. Clinton Hazen, 12 Oct., 1873.

719.   ELISHA,6 son of John5 (229), b. in Colchester, 15 Nov., 1755; m. 9 June, 1776, Susanna Day, b. 27 Jan., 1755, dau. of Joseph Day and Susannah Brainard.*
She d. 4 Nov., 1832, aged 78; he d. 28 Feb., 1844, aged 88.
He was a farmer; res. in the house in which his grandson, Elisha Kellogg, afterward lived, in Westchester Parish.
2133 Joseph Day,7 b. 9 Aug., 1778; m. Rachel Comstock.
2134 Tabitha,7 b. 27 July, 1789; m. Jonathan Williams.
2135 Susanna,7 b. 20 Jan., 1795; m. John Smith.

720.   SARAH,6 dau. of Ezra5 (230), b. ______; m. (1) Torry.
He d. ______; she m. (2) as his second wife, Elihu Strong; he d. ______; she m. (3) Roger Clapp.
Child by second husband.
2136 Joseph Strong,7 b. 11 Oct., 1778; m. 1799, Phebe Pomeroy; rem. from Southampton, Mass., to the vicinity of New York City about 1828; d. 17 Apr., 1842; she d. 4 May, 1838; had three children.

* Joseph Day, of Westchester, b. 6 May, 1731, was son of Joseph Day and Esther Hun­gerford; Susanna Brainard was dau. of Stephen Brainard and Susanna Gates.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    179

Child by third husband.
2137 Russell Clapp,7 b. 7 Mar., 1786; m. Oct., 1811, Louisa Strong, b. 14 May, 1788, dau. of Roswell Strong and Nancy Pomeroy; d. in Liberty, O., Dec., 1854; she d. 9 Apr., 1855.

721.   CAPT. RUSSELL,6 son of Ezra5 (230), b. 16 July, 1750; m. Azubah _______.
He d. before 15 Sept., 1806; his wife survived him.
He res. in Williamsburg,* Mass.; was tithing man** there in 1771. He and his wife were admitted to the church in Williamsburg, 13 Nov., 1774.
He served in the revolutionary army, as appears in the records in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth in Boston. Sergt. in Capt. Thayer's Co., Col. Fellows' Reg., on the Lexington Alarm, marched 21 Apr., 1775; served seven days; enlisted in the army for eight months; gave his residence, Williamsburg. Commissioned Lieut, in Second Hampshire Co. Peg., 5 Apr., 1776; Capt. in Col. Woodbridge's Reg.; served five days, 17 Aug., 1777, on expedition to Bennington. Lieut, in Col. May's Reg., 20 Sept. to 14 Oct., 1777; service at Stillwater and Saratoga; was a revolutionary pensioner.
He rem. to Hudson, N. Y., where he bought a house lot, 24 Feb., 1790. He was an innkeeper and merchant in Hudson. The records in Hudson speak of him in connection with some of the early proprietors of that city, and he was evi­dently a man of considerable property. It is probable that he rem. from Hudson about 1804, when he sold all his land there. He sold land in Chesterfield, Mass., 8 Oct., 1787, which may be the time that he rem. to Hudson.
2138 John,7 bap. 13 Nov., 1774.
2139 Martha,7 bap. 13 Nov., 1774; d. young.
2140 Tirzah,7 bap. 26 Feb., 1775.
2141 Martha,7 bap. 11 Aug., 1776.
2142 Lyman,7 b. ______.

*Williamsburg was taken from Hatfield and incorporated in 1771; it adjoins Chesterfield.
**There were many public offices in colonial times which we do not have today, for we do not need them. One of these was that of tithing-man; he was a town officer, and had several neighboring families under his charge, usually ten, as the word "tithing" would signify. He enforced the learning of the church catechism in these ten homes, visited the houses, and heard the children recite their catechism. These ten families he watched specially on Sundays to see whether they attended church, and did not loiter on the way. In some Massachusetts towns he watched on week days to keep "boys and all persons from swimming in the water. Ten families with many boys must have kept him busy on hot August days. He inspected taverns, reported disorderly persons, and forbade the "sale of intoxicating liquor to them. He administered the "oath of fidelity" to new citizens, and warned undesirable visitors and wanderers to leave the town. He could arrest persons who ran or rode at too fast a pace when going to meeting on Sunday, or who took unnecessary rides on Sunday, or otherwise broke the Sunday laws.
Within the meeting-house he kept order by beating out dogs, correcting unruly and noisy boys, and waking those who slept. He sometimes walked up and down the church aisles, carrying a stick which had a knob on one end, and a dangling foxtail on the other, tapping the boys on the head with the knob end of the stick, and tickling the face of sleep­ing church attendants with the foxtail.

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740.   AMOS,7 son of Ebenezer6 (242), b. 1 Oct., 1749; m. June, 1787, his cousin, Ruth Church (756), b. 15 Nov., 1757, dau. of Benjamin Church and Ruth Kellogg (+243), of South Hadley, Mass.
He d. 20 Feb., 1834, aged 84; she d. 8 July, 1842, aged 84. Both are buried in the cemetery in South Hadley.
He was a farmer; res. in South Hadley. He was a revolutionary soldier; private in Capt. Montague's Co., Col. Woodbridge's Reg., 20 Apr., 1775, on the Lexington Alarm; served thirty-two days; in Capt. Cook's Co., Col. Woodbridge's Reg., 17 Aug. to 29 Nov., 1779.
Children, b. in South Hadley.
2143 Amos,8 b. 30 Nov., 1788; d. unm. ______.
2144 John,8 b. 29 Oct., 1791; m. Laura Chapin.

743.   JOSIAH,7 son of Ebenezer6 (242), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 21 Nov., 1760; m. 6 July, 1781, Jerusha Taylor, b. in Springfield, Mass., 27 Apr., 1763, dau. of Taylor, of Chicopee Parish.
He d. 21 Dec., 1835; she d. 20 Oct., 1846.
He was a farmer in South Hadley; rem. to Dummerston and Brattleboro, Vt., thence to Jamaica in the same State, in 1788, where both d.
He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner; enlisted for nine months in 1779 in Capt. Montague's Co., Col. Porter's Reg; later for three months in Capt. Alvord's Co., Col. Murray's Reg., and served at West Point.
He was described as 5 feet, 8 inches in height, with brown hair.
2145 Alpheus,8 b. 23 Dec., 1783; m. Augusta Dix.
2146 John,8 b. 7 Nov., 1785; m. (1) Nancy Chapin; (2) Abigail Muzzy.
2147 Jerusha,8 b. 11 Oct., 1787; m. Robert McCormick.
2148 Sarah,8 b. 21 July, 1789; m. James Miller, of Ludlow; d. 3 July, 1861; had no children.
2149 Josiah,8 b. 25 Nov., 1791; m. Parlina Thompson.
2150 Hollis,8 b. in Brattleboro, 28 Nov., 1793; m. Mrs. Parlina (Thompson) Kellogg.
2151 Lois,8 b. 20 Oct., 1795; d. 21 July, 1798.
2152 Frederick,8 b. 21 Mar., 1798; m. Sophia Ranney.
2153 Ebenezer,8 b. 10 Feb., 1803; d. 11, Dec., 1811, in Jamaica.
2154 Richard,8 b. in Jamaica, 6 Dec., 1804; m. ______; d. 26 Mar., 1839; was the publisher of the Chautauqua Republican, of Jamestown, N. Y., about 1830; had no children. She m. (2) ______.
2155 Amos Rodney,8 b. 20 Aug., 1808; m. Mary Stratton Goodale.

745.   SETH,7 son of Ebenezer6 (242), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 5 Sept., 1767; m. 3 May, 1787, Naomi Parsons, b. 21 Aug., 1768.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    181

He d. 7 Jan., 1847, in West Galway, N. Y.; she d. 1 Feb., 1852, in Spring­water, N. Y.
He was a carpenter; res. in West Galway. He is said to have been about 5 feet, 8 inches in height, with dark hair, broad forehead, black eyes, nose slightly Roman. After her husband's death she res. with her son, Joseph, in Springwater.
2156 Nancy,8 b. 19 Mar., 1788; m. John Hoagland.
2157 Supplina,8 b. 27 Nov., 1789; m. Susan A. Aldrich.
2158 Russell,8 16 Jan., 1794; m. (1) Melinda Hamilton; (2) Mary Ann Arbout.
2159 Naomi,8 b. 28 July, 1796; m. Nathan Aldrich.
2160 Joseph,8 b. 1 Jan., 1802; m. Harriet Aldrich.
2161 Silence,8 b. 7 Aug., 1804; d. from being scalded, 27 Dec., 1805.
2162 Benjamin Franklin,8 b. 14 Dec., 1806; m. Diantha Hopkins.
2163 John,8 b. 17 Mar., 1809; m. (1) Sarah Vanauker; (2) Mrs. Loana (Rice) Higgins.
2164 James Madison,8 b. 25 Sept., 1812, in Amsterdam, N. Y.; m. 4 May, 1851, Mrs. Lemira Fowler, b. 21 Feb., 1810, in Brimfield, Mass., dau. of Samuel Tarbell, b. 10 Sept., 1784, of Brimfield, and Alice Oaks, b. 16 Mar., 1787. She d. 18 Feb., 1888; he d. 3 Mar., 1899. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y., in 1839; for some fifteen years he lectured on phrenology. Tiring of constant travel, he settled, in 1877, in Woodworth, Kenosha Co., Wis.; adopted a child, Helen Mary, b. 7 Nov., 1869, who m. 9 May, 1892, William C. McVicar, and res. in Woodworth, Wis.

761.   ELI,7 son of Joseph6 (246), b. in South Hadley, 3 June, 1757; m. 21 Oct., 1782, Tryphena Smith, bap. 6 Sept., 1760, dau. of Capt. Elisha Smith and Eunice Grant.
He d. about 1805; administration was granted on his estate, 5 Feb., in that year; she survived him; he res. in South Hadley; was a revolutionary soldier; served as a private with the northern army in Lieut. Judd's Co., Col. Porter's Reg., 8 July to 12 Aug., 1777; private in Capt. Lamb's Co., Col. Nathaniel Wade's Reg.; enlisted 15 Sept., 1779, served three months and twenty-seven days.
Children, b. in South Hadley.
2165 Preserved Smith,8 b. 16 Sept., 1783; m. Sallie Davis.
2166 Dorothy,8 b. 26 Sept., 1785; m. John Sikes.
2167 William Rooker,8 b. 17 May, 1788; d. about 1820, in which year Matthew Kellogg was administrator of his estate; res. in South Hadley.
2168 Henry Augustus,8 b. 12 Dec., 1789.
2169 Valentine Matthew,8 b. ______; had a guardian in 1810.

762.   ELIAKIM,7 son of Joseph6 (246), b. in South Hadley, 10 Sept., 1759; m. 30 Dec., 1786, Lois Eastman, b. 8 July, 1761, dau. of Deacon William Eastman, of South Hadley, and Elizabeth Mosely, of Glastonbury.
He d. 25 Apr., 1826, aged 66; she d. 28 July, 1850, aged 89.
He was a farmer; res. in South Hadley; is buried in South Hadley cemetery.

182    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in South Hadley.
2170 Fanny,8 b. 8 Mar., 1788; m. (pub. 25 Mar., 1810), Alpheus Ingram, of South Hadley; d. 20 Nov., 1860; had no children.
2171 Elijah,8 b. 1 Apr., 1790; m. Ruth Church.
2172 William,8 b. 31 Mar., 1792; m. 10 Apr., 1827, Abigail Brainerd, b. in Hadden Neck, 17 Apr., 1795, dau. of Robert Brainerd and Abigail Spencer; d. 27 Sept., 1834; she d. 28 Oct., 1836; res. in South Hadley; had no children.
2173 Hawley,8 b. 2 Oct., 1794; d. unm. 8 Apr., 1821.
2174 Nabby,8 b. 5 Feb., 1797; m. Eleazar Wright.
2175 Esther,8 b. 27 June, 1799; m. 3 Apr., 1825, Obadiah Montague, of South Hadley; d. 18 Aug., 1831; had no children; he was subse­quently m. twice and had children.

763.   REV. ELIJAH,7 son of Joseph6 (246), b. in South Hadley, 17 Aug., 1761; m. in Portland, Me., 1 July, 1792, Eunice McLellan, b. in Portland, Me., 1 Jan., 1770, dau. of Joseph McLellan and Mary. Her grandparents, Hugh McLellan and wife, came in 1734, from Antrim, Ireland, and settled in Gorham, Me.
He d. in Portland, 9 Mar., 1843; she d. in Harpswell, Me., 17 Oct., 1850.
He worked on his father's farm until he was about 15 years of age; was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner; received an order for a bounty coat,* 25 Oct., 1775. After the battle of Lexington he marched to Cambridge and engaged in the siege of Boston; enlisted in Col. Francis' Reg., Massachusetts line, and was in the battle of White Plains, and other engagements. In Feb., 1777, the regiment marched for Ticonderoga. In the retreat of St. Clair his company was in the rear guard and was attacked at Readsboro by Gen Eraser. Col. Francis was killed and most of his regiment destroyed. The remnant joined Gen. Gates and were engaged at Bemis' Heights and Stillwater. Mr. Kellogg used to say he saw Sir James Clark mortally wounded, taken prisoner and carried to the rear in a hand barrow. After Burgoyne's surrender, marched south and joined Gen. Washing­ton's army and spent the winter at Valley Forge. In 1780 bis term of enlistment having expired, he was offered a commission to remain in the service, but being desirous of an education, declined, and was honorably discharged, receiving at the head of the regiment the thanks of the Colonel for his good conduct and faithful service.
He fitted for college at Moore's School in Hanover, N. H., and was graduated from Dartmouth College in 1785. To earn part of his college expenses he taught school during the vacations, also worked in the sawmill which was attached to the college to assist students.
He studied theology with Rev. Mr. Murray, of Newburyport, Mass., by whom he was recommended to the Second Congregational Church of Portland, Me., and was there settled 1 Oct., 1788. He was discharged from this church in 1811, and worked in the Chapel Church in Portland until 1821. From 1818 to 1838 he was engaged in missionary labors, the winters only being spent in Portland.

*"Bounty Coats. — In the summer of 1775, when the preparations for the war of the revolution were in a most unsettled and depressing condition, especially the supplies for the Continental army, the Provincial Congress made a demand upon the people for thir­teen thousand warm coats to be ready for the soldiers by cold weather. There were no great contractors then as now to supply the cloth and make the garments, but by hundreds of hearthstones, throughout the country wool wheels and hand looms were started eagerly at work, and the order was filled by the handiwork of patriotic American women. In the rec­ord book of some New England towns may still be found the lists of coatmakers. In the inside of each coat was sewed the name of the town and maker. Every soldier volunteering for eight months' service was given one of these homespun, home-made coats as a bounty. So highly were these 'Bounty Coats' prized, that the heirs of the soldiers who were killed at Bunker Hill before receiving their coats were given a sum of money instead. The list of names of soldiers who then enlisted is known to this day as the 'Coat Roll,' and the names of the women who made the coats might form another roll of honor."

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He or­ganized churches in Lubec, Perry, Dennysville, Calais, Robbinston, Wells and Sangersville. He was the agent of the United States in promoting civilization among the Pasamaquoddy Indians; was seven years Chaplain of the Maine Sen­ate; was active in establishing Bowdoin College, and one of its board of over­seers. In the autumn of 1837 he was attacked by a hemorrhage of the lungs, and continued to decline until he died. There is a tradition among his descendants that when he was born his grandmother took him in her arms and said, "We will have one prophet in the family."
2176 John Lucas,8 b. 22 May, 1793; d. the next day.
2177 Mary McLellan,8 b. 19 July, 1794; d. unm. 6 Dec., 1816.
2178 Joseph McLellan,8 b. 27 May, 1796; m. Sophia Brazier.
2179 Eunice McLellan,8 b. 27 Nov., 1800; d. unm. 13 May, 1828.
2180 Dorothy Dix,8 b. 25 Nov., 1803; d. 28 Nov., 1823.
2181 Julia,8 b. about 1804; d. unm. 22 July, 1871.
2182 Caroline,8 b. 9 June, 1806; d. 2 Mar., 1807.
2183 Edward Patson,8 b. 5 Mar., 1808; d. 14 Aug., the same year.
2184 Caroline,8 b. about 1809; d. unm. 4 Dec., 1883.
2185 Elijah,8 b. 20 May, 1813; m. Hannah Pearson Pomeroy.

764.   JOSEPH,7 son of Joseph6 (246), b. in South Hadley, 1 May, 1773; m. Elizabeth Burnham, b. ______, dau. of Ruben Bumham and Hannah Perley Putnam.
He was living in 1816; a dyer and fuller; res. in Bridgton, Me. He was a charter member of the Lodge of F. and A. M., organized in Bridg­ton, 26 Mar., 1804, and was its secretary from 1810 to 1813.
2186 Dorothy,8 b. 10 Aug., 1804; m. Edward Robbins Morse.
2187 Joseph,8 b. ______; went on a whaling voyage and was never heard from.
2188 Sarah,8 b. 1807; m. in Rosbury, Mass., 1 Dec., 1847, Enoch Putnam Foster, son of Enoch and Susannah Foster; res. in Lynn, Mass., where both d. He d. 11 Sept., 1897, aged 85 y., 7 m., 29 d.; she d. 8 Nov., 1885; had no children.
2189 Mary,8 b. 5 Apr., 1809; m. William Davis Adams.
2190 Eli,8 b. 30 Jan., 1813; m. Fanny Jameson.

765.   DEACON PHINEAS,7 son of Jabez6 (249), b. 6 Jan., 1759; m. about 1783, Jemima Snow, dau. of Ebenezer Snow, of South Hadley.
She d. 9 May, 1820; he m. (2) 19 Dec., 1827, Mrs. Mabel (Fox) Andrews, b. 1762, widow of Elijah Andrews, a revolutionary soldier.
He d. 12 Apr., 1840, in Brookfield, Vt.; is said to have settled in Vermont about 1784. He was 5 feet, 8 inches in height.
He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner; enlisted in South Hadley, Jan., 1777; served three years; was discharged in West Point in 1780.

184    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2191 Horace,8 b. 10 Oct., 1784; m. Martha Walbridge.
2192 Phineas,8 b. 10 Nov., 1786; m. Anna Abbott.
2193 Jemima,8 b. 16 Aug., 1789; m. Rufus Barnard.
2194 Rachel,8 b. 29 June, 1791; m. Israel Guild.
2195 Sally,8 b. 9 Aug., 1793; m. Calvin Guild.
2196 Ebenezer Snow,8 b. 1797; m. Roxanna Reed.
2197 William,8 b. ______; d. unm., aged 19.
2198 Lucinda,8 b. 7 Oct., 1799; m. Richard Stevens.
2199 Arial,8 b. 7 Apr., 1802; m. Persis Hayden Pratt.
2200 Joseph,8 b. 21 June, 1805; m. Elvira Perrin.
2201 Benjamin,8 b. 23 Feb., 1808; m. Rachel Kellogg (2243).

766.   ENOS,7 son of Jabez6 (249), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 28 July, 1761; m. (1) Lydia Alvord, b. 25 Apr., 1762.
She d. ______; he m. (2) in Shelburne, Mass., 10 Oct., 1792, Demis Wells, of Colchester, Conn.; d. in Enosburg, Vt.
He was a weaver; rem. to Hanover, N. H., 1784; 1791 returned to Shel­burne, and later rem. to Lebanon, N. H., and to Montpelier and Enosburg, Vt.
He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner. In the army rolls in 1780 he was described as 19 years old, 5 feet and 3 inches in height, light complexion. In his application for pension he stated that he was present at and witnessed the ex­ecution of Maj. Andre.
2202 Pliny,8 b. 15 Sept., 1786; m. Wealthy Smith.
2203 Lydia,8 b. about 1788; m. Abner Smead.
2204 Nancy,8 b. 26 Dec., 1789; m. Remembrance Nash.
2205 Enos,8 b. ______; m. Margaret McAllister.
2206 Jabez,8 b. ______; m. (1) Matilda McNab; (2) Mary McNab.
2207 Elias Wells,8 b. 3 Feb., 1795; m. Alzada Holbrook.
2208 Clarissa,8 b. 22 Feb., 1798; d. unm. in Montpelier, 14 Nov., 1874.
2209 Simeon,8 b. 28 Feb., 1800; m. Lorenda Whelpley.
2210 Apama,8 b. ______; m. Dr. Benjamin Walton (2247).
2211 Demis,8 b. ______; m. John Wilson.
2212 Russell Allen,8 b. 1806; m. Angeline Steadman.

767.   DEACON JABEZ,7 son of Jabez6 (249), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 22 Apr., 1763; m. (1) Jan., 1793, Tempy Walton,* of Lebanon, N. H., b. in South Hadley, Nov., 1771.
She d. in Hanover, 26 Oct., 1805; he m. (2) 10 Apr., 1806, Rubie Utley, b. in Connecticut, 24 Oct., 1778, dau. of Joseph Utley, b. 6 Mar., 1732, and Jerusha Martin, b. 8 June, 1734.
He d. in Hanover, 25 Dec., 1831; she d. in Concord, N. Y., 7 Jan., 1862.

*See note under +771 Abigail.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    185

He was a deacon in the Hanover Plain Church and held that office twenty years or more.
Child by first wife.
2213 Sarah,8 b. 25 Dec., 1794; m. Warren Day.
Children, b. in Hanover, by second wife.
2214 Leonard Martin,8 b. Feb., 1807; m. Louisa Spencer.
2215 Harriet Walton,8 b. 2 June, 1809; m. 16 Sept., 1833, Stephen Noyes Manning, of Hanover; d. 8 Nov., 1838, in Covington, Ky.; had no children.
2216 George Walton,8 b. 19 Sept., 1812; m. Eliza Jane Perkins, b. in Maine, 1843. He d. in Napa, Cal., 25 Nov., 1876; she m. (2) Mayberry; had no children.
2217 Caroline Permelia,8 b. 5 Nov., 1814; m. (1) William Ensworth; (2) William F. Hayward.
2218 Sarah Day,8 b. 22 Oct., 1824; m. Vernon Cole.

768.   JULIE,7 son of Jabez6 (249), b. in South Hadley, 27 Sept., 1765; m. 14 Feb., 1788, Molly Pool (1628), b. 1 Feb., 1771, dau. of Lieut. Jacob Pool and Mary Kellogg (+534).
He d. in Shelburne, Mass., 4 Aug., 1813; she d. in Bernardston, Mass., 7 Sept., 1833.
He was a blacksmith; rem. to Shelburne when 16 years of age, and learned his trade of Maj. Nash; was a representative to the General Court in 1808.
From the public prints of the day we read "His character was reputable and his life useful. In his death the church lost a cordial friend, and the town, a val­uable inhabitant."
Children, b. in Shelburne.
2219 Nabby (Abigail),8 b. 12 Nov., 1788; d. unm. 10 Nov., 1805.
2220 Polly,8 b. 10 Dec., 1790; d. unm. 6 Jan., 1811.
2221 Jacob Pool,8 b. 16 Feb., 1793; m. Lucy Prescott Wright.
2222 Elam,8 b. 14 July, 1795; m. Elizabeth Dole.
2223 Henry,8 b. 26 Apr., 1797; m. (1) Susan Broad; (2) Mrs. Mary (Lather) Smith.
2224 Julia,8 b. 10 Mar., 1799; m. Abner Smead.
2225 John,8 b. 10 Dec., 1800; m. Lydia Orpha Hitchcock.
2226 Rachel,8 b. 14 Apr., 1802; d. 22 Jan., 1803.
2227 Samuel Otway,8 b. 22 July, 1809; d. 12 July, 1810.
2228 Mary Abigail,8 b. 24 Aug., 1811; m. Martin Talcott.

769.   NOAHDIAH,7 son of Jabez6 (249), b. in Hadley, 26 Oct., 1767; m. in Winchester, N. H., Pollina Stebbins, b. 15 Oct., 1771, dau. of Jonah Stebbins and Mary Howe, of Northfield, Mass.
He d. in Burlington, Vt., 9 Jan., 1813; she d. in Hanover, N. H., 28 Nov., 1831.
He res. in Winchester until about 1800, when he rem. to Keene, remaining there until he went to Burlington, Vt., in 1805; was engaged in building the bar­racks for the military post in that town when he d.

186    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2229 Louisa Pollina,8 b. in Winchester, 26 Nov., 1796; m. as his third wife, Alpheus Taylor, b. 27 Aug., 1782, son of Hollis Taylor, b. 11 Feb., 1758, and Christian Field, b. 20 May, 1761; d. in Brattleboro, Vt., 31 Aug., 1856; he d. there 1 Mar., same year; had no children.
2230 Mary Howe,8 b. in Winchester, 11 Apr., 1798, at a quarter past one A. M.; m. Capt. Lemuel Stevens.
2231 Josiah Stebbins,8 b. in Winchester, 15 Dec., 1799; d. in Burlington, 1 Jan., 1813.
2232 Noahdiah,8 b. in Keene, 9 June, 1802; m. Lucelia F. Cossit.
2233 John Altard,8 b. in Keene, 11 Feb., 1804; m. Fidelia Barstow.
2234 Sophia,8 b. in Burlington, 22 Aug., 1806; d. in Burlington, 5 Sept., 1815.
2235 William Henry,8 b. in Burlington, 25 June, 1813; d. in Montpelier, Vt., 19 Mar., 1821.
2236 Josiah Stebbins,8 b. in Bradford, Vt., 25 June, 1813; d. in Hinsdale, N. H., Feb., 1814.

770.   COL. JOSEPH,7 son of Jabez6 (249), b. in South Hadley, 26 Feb., 1770; m. (1) Sept., 1799, Mrs. Mercy (Davis) Bowen, widow of David Bowen, of New­port, R. I.
She d. 6 June, 1803; he m. (2) 12 Sept., 1804, Mary Chase, b. 12 July, 1782, dau. of James Chase and Sarah Davis; she d. 30 Sept., 1819; he d. June, 1843.
He res. in Somerset, Mass.; was a merchant and shipbuilder, also Postmas­ter; was appointed Adjutant in 1799; Junior Major in 1805; Lieut. Colonel in 1808.
Children by first wife.
2237 Harriet,8 b. Sept., 1800; m. as his second wife, 17 June, 1844, Gardner Anthony, of Somerset, b. 1785; d. Dec., 1861; had no children.
2238 Eliza,8 b. 4 Mar., 1802; m. Jan., 1846, Samuel Marble, of Somerset; d. Oct., 1848; had no children.
2239 Mercy,8 b. 3 June, 1803; m. Feb., 1832, William Newhall, of Fall River; d. about June, 1847.
Children by second wife.
2240 Sarah Ann,8 b. June, 1807; m. (1) John Tasker; (2) Noah Clark.
2241 Mary,8 b. 17 Oct., 1809; m. 5 Jan., 1841, Charles V. Card, of New Bed­ford, Mass.; he d. Apr., 1856; she d. 4 Mar., 1859; had no children.
2242 Joseph,8 b. Jan., 1812; d. unm. in Somerset, 5 Sept., 1844.
2243 Rachel,8 b. 29 May, 1814; m. Benjamin Kellogg (+2201).

771.   ABIGAIL,7 dau. of Jabez6 (249), b. in Hadley, 20 Mar., 1772; m. about 1792, Hon. John Walton, b. 1766, son of John Walton,* of Lebanon, N. H., and Eliza Clark.
He d. in Montpelier, Vt., 18 June, 1843; she d. 5 Oct., 1845.

* John Walton emigrated from Yorkshire, England, in 1756, and settled at or near Con­cord, N. H. He m. Eliza Clark, and his children were George, John and Temperance. Family tradition says that George and John Walton were living in Portsmouth at the breaking out of the revolution, and that they ran away to escape being pressed into service on a British man-of-war.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    187

He rem. from Lebanon to Montpelier in 1817; was a farmer; represented the Montpelier district in Congress.
Children, b. in Lebanon.
2244 Abigail Walton,8 b. Oct., 1792; m. (1) George S. Walton, of Montpelier; he d. ______; had one child; she m. (2) Col. Joseph Wiggins, of Montpelier; rem. to Antwerp, N. Y., where both d.
2245 John Walton,8 b. ______; m. (1) Harriet Taplin; m. (2) Margaret _______; he was a farmer and shoemaker; res. in Montpelier.
2246 Maria Walton,8 b. 4 Jan., 1800; m. Dr. Zebina Knapp Pangborn, b. in Vergennes, Vt., 4 Sept., 1796, son of Samuel Beebe Pangborn and Susannah Knapp; he was a physician; res. in St. Johnsbury, Peacham and Cabot, Vt., and Norfolk and Pierrepont, N. Y.
2247 Benjamin Walton,8 b. ______; m. Apama Kellogg (+2210).
2248 Temperance Walton,8 b. 1803; d. in Montpelier, 13 Oct., 1833.
2249 Caroline Walton,8 b. 15 Nov., 1806; m. 19 Jan., 1829, Horatio Nelson Taplin; d. 25 Aug., 1831; he m. (2) Harriet Lovewell.

773.   DEACON ERASTUS,7 son of Jabez6 (249), b. in Hadley, 4 Apr., 1776; m. (1) 15 Dec., 1799, Elizabeth Smith, dau. of Aaron Smith, of Danville, Vt.
She d. 25 Feb., 1801; he m. (2) 3 Dec., 1801, Judith Hall, b. 12 Nov., 1781, dau. of Lieut. Timothy Hall, of Concord, Mass., and Peacham, Vt., and Ann Foster.
He d. 16 July, 1853; she d. 19 Dec., 1856.
He rem. to Peacham and res. there until about 1842, when he rem. to East Hard wick in the same State, where he d. He was a farmer; was chosen deacon in the Congregational Church in Peacham at its organization and served in that office in Peacham and East Hardwick until his death.
Child, b. in Peacham, by first wife.
2250 Elizabeth,8 b. 13 Feb., 1801; m. Leonard Martin.
Children by second wife.
2251 Maria,8 b. 13 Sept., 1802; m. Ralph Blanchard.
2252 John,8 b. 24 Apr., 1804; d. 6 May, same year.
2253 Judith,8 b. 2 Feb., 1806; m. Hon. Sebastian Frederick Taylor.
2254 John,8 b. 24 Mar., 1808; m. Mary Owen, of Montpelier; d. 16 Dec., 1890; she d. 19 Dec., same year; res. in Peru, Ill.; had no children.
2255 Anna,8 b. 12 Mar., 1810; d. 11 Mar., 1821.
2256 Electa,8 b. 1 June, 1812; d. unm. 2 May, 1829.
2257 Martha,8 b. 16 Aug., 1814; m. Independence Farrow.
2258 Oran,8 b. 21 Sept., 1817; m. Harriet Adams Tuttle.
2259 Caroline,8 b. 30 Nov., 1819; m. Charles William Prentice.
2260 Lucy,8 b. 25 Feb., 1822; m. Montville Warren Howe.
2261 Hiram,8 b. 31 Mar., 1824; d. unm. in California, 13 Feb., 1850.

776.   MARY,7 dau. of David6 (253), b. in Westfield, 13 June, 1748; m. Nehe­miah Carter, b. 1741.
She d. 20 June, 1810; he d. 15 Oct., same year.
Rem. to Lowville, N. Y., in their old age, and d. there, at the house of their son, Phederus. The longevity of this family was remarkable, four of the children having lived to the age of more than 90 years.

188    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Westfield.
2262 Chandler Carter,8 b. 28 Feb., 1768; d. in Springfield, aged 92.
2263 Nehemiah Carter,8 b. 8 May, 1769; d. in Westfield, aged 84.
2264 Mary Carter,8 b. 1 June, 1770; d. in Iowa, aged 94.
2265 Zeboim Carter,8 b. 13 June, 1772; d. in Iowa, aged 81; served in the war of 1812; was called Col. Zeboim Carter.
2266 Catherine Carter,8 b. 18 Aug., 1774; d. 17 Jan., 1791.
2267 David Kellogg Carter,8 b. 22 Mar., 1776; m. 1804, Elizabeth Hollister, b. 31 Oct., 1789, seventh child of Abner Hollister, b. 28 Oct., 1754, and Sarah Betty; d. in Rochester, N. Y., 27 Aug., 1828. His son, Judge D. K. Carter, of the Supreme Court of the District of Co­lumbia, administered the oath to nearly all the members of the Cabinet during his term of office.
2268 Submit Carter,8 b. 18 Aug., 1779; d. 29 Oct., same year.
2269 James Bruce Carter,8 b. 17 May, 1781; m. in Rochester, N. Y., 4 July, 1815, Mahala Doty, b. in Saratoga, N. Y., 15 Mar., 1793, dau. of Capt. Isaac Doty and Anna Parks; rem. to Rochester from Spring­field, Mass., about 1810; was a blacksmith and is said to have ironed the first wagon built in Rochester. His residence was on the corner of Main and Buffalo streets, where he owned five acres. He rem. to Riga, in the same county, in 1818; d. in Rochester, Mar., 1852; she d. there May, of the same year.
2270 Bethsheba Carter,8 b. 2 Feb., 1783; d. in Springfield, aged 90.
2271 Isaac Carter,8 b. 21 Oct., 1784; d. in Lowville, aged 88.
2272 Phederus Carter,8 b. 6 June, 1786; m. (1) 1807, Sophia Murray, b. in Pompey, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1789, dau. of Ichabod Murray; she d. 30 Jan., 1833; he m. (2) Sept., 1834, Mrs. Ruth Hendel, who d. 1878. He rem. from Westfield, Mass., to Lowville, N. Y., in 1806; was a farmer; served in the war of 1812, at Sacket Harbor; had twelve children by his first wife and one by the second; d. 19 Dec., 1874, aged 87.
2273 Samuel Carter,8 b. 9 Sept., 1788; d. in Kansas, aged 90.

779.   ELIZABETH,7 dau. of David6 (253), b. in Westfield, 15 Aug., 1752; Pliny Sacket, of Westfield.
Children, b. in Westfield.
2274 Elizabeth Sacket,8 b. ______; m. Oliver Johnson; res. New York State.
2275 Polly Sacket,8 b. ______; m. Hezekiah Wheeler.
2276 Jerusha Sacket,8 b. ______; m. Isaac Fowler, of Westfield.
2277 Electa Sacket,8 b. ______; m. Reuben Ensign.
2278 Royal Sacket,8 b. ______; m. Eunice Hastings, of Suffield.
2279 Pliny Sacket,8 b. ______; m. Nancy Bartlett.
2280 Lucretia Sacket,8 b. ______; m. James French, of Southwick.
2281 Oliver Sacket,8 b. ______; d. young.
2282 Cynthia Sacket,8 b. ______; d. young.

780.   SETH,7 son of David6 (253), b. 14 Mar., 1754; m. 29 Mar., 1786, Ann Loomis, b. 10 July, 1758, dau. of Joshua Loomis, of Westfield, Mass., b. 24 Aug., 1706, and Abigail Langdon.
He d. 20 June, 1801; she d. 24 June, 1841.

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2283 David,8 b. 11 Oct., 1786; m. Ruth Lambson.
2284 Anna,8 b. 19 Jan., 1788; m. Elisha Root.
2285 Seth,8 b. 14 Apr., 1790; m. (1) Pamelia Dewey; (2) Sarah O. Crosby.
2286 Samuel,8 b. 19 June, 1792; accidentally killed in New Marlborough, Mass.
2287 Langdon,8 b. 16 Aug., 1794; m. Wealthy Boies.
2288 Lovisa,8 b. 27 Feb., 1797; m. Apollos Lambson.
2289 Alva,8 b. 22 Aug., 1799; m. Eliza Fowler.

781.   PHINEAS,7 son of David6 (253), b. in Southwick, Mass., 6 Apr., 1756; m. 7 Apr., 1790, Jediah Lord, b. in East Haddam, Conn., 21 May, 1759.
He d. 26 July, 1806; she d. 2 Jan., 1841.
He was a farmer in Southwick and Tolland, Mass.
2290 Jediah,8 b. 20 June, 1791; m. Timothy Humphrey.
2291 Catherine,8 b. 17 Aug., 1792; d. unm. in Westfield, 24 Sept., 1860.
2292 Arpasha,8 b. 16 July, 1794; m. Calvin Fuller.
2293 Phineas S.,8 b. 22 June, 1798; was admitted to the church in South­wick, 2 May, 1841; d. unm. 30 July, 1864.
2294 John L.,8 b. 15 May, 1803; m. Electa L. Kibbe.

782.   RUTH,7 dau. of David6 (253), b. in Enfield, Conn., 3 Sept., 1757; m. 6 Jan., 1785, in Westfield, Mass., Roswell Brown, b. in Westfield, 1760, son of Nich­olas Brown and Mary Root, b. 26 Jan., 1727.
He d. 8 Apr., 1835; she d. 14 June, 1837.
He was a revolutionary soldier; enlisted in 1776, and served one month and nine days; again in 1777 and served three months and two days as a private under Capt. Kellogg; in 1777 served one month and one day as private under Capt. Moseley; in 1778 served twenty-eight days under Capt. Gray; in 1779 served one month and six days as private under Capt. Leonard.
2295 William Brown,8 b. ______; m. Elizabeth Loomis.
2296 Roswell Brown,8 b. about 1787; m. Rhoda Mather, d. 1852; she d. 1852; had four children.
2297 Ruth Brown,8 b. ______; m. Moses Sibley.
2298 Ozinia Brown,8 b. 15 Apr., 1795; m. 1818, Hiram Fox, of Westfield; d. 22 Feb., 1864.
2299 Simena Brown,8 b. ______; d. 1796.
2300 Mary Brown,8 b. 1798; m. 1834, Elisha Pomeroy; d. 1888.
2301 Enoch Brown,8 b. ______; d. 1864.
2302 Henry Brown,8 b. 1800; d. 1829.

786.   ENOCH,7 son of David6 (253), b. 9 Oct., 1768; m. 6 Dec., 1802, Eunice Viets, b. 27 Dec., 1780, dau. of Abner Viets, of Granby, Conn., and Mary _______.
He d. 29 Oct., 1847; she d. 15 Sept., 1863.
He was a farmer in Southwick, Mass., where both d.

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2303 Enoch Viets,8 b. 19 Feb., 1804, in Southwick, Mass.; m. Lucy Loomis.
2304 Annis,8 b. 2 Mar., 1806; m. Richard Hardy, of Southwick, son of Henry Hardy; d. 5 May, 1863.
2305 Eunice,8 b. 11 Oct., 1808; m. Amos J. Larnard.
2306 Mary,8 b. 22 Dec., 1811; d. 16 Aug., 1814.
2307 Lavinna,8 b. 27 Feb., 1814; m. Lathrop Viets, of Connecticut; d. in La Crosse, Wis., 1861.
2308 Samuel,8 b. 23 Aug., 1816; m. Mary A. Smith.
2309 Hiram,8 b. 9 Dec., 1819; m. Mrs. Elizabeth (Kilbourne) Hurlburt.

787.   ANN,7 dau. of Capt. John6 (258), b. in Westfield, Mass., 18 Oct., 1751; m. in Westfield, 5 May, 1774, Jared Hoadley, b. 18 Mar., 1753-54, in Branford, Conn., eldest son of Jacob Hoadley and Jemima Buell.
She d. ______; he d. ______, in Bennington, Vt.
2310 John Hoadley,8 bap. 14 Sept., 1777, in Westfield; lost at sea.
2311 William Hoadley,8 bap. 14 Sept., 1777, in Westfield; settled in High­gate, Vt.
2312 Henry Hoadley,8 b. 9 Aug., 1784, in Bennington, Vt.; m. Lavinia Searles.
2313 Jared Hoadley,8 b. 22 Sept., 1788, in Bennington.
2314 Anna Hoadley,8 b. ______.

788.   LOVISA,7 dau. of Capt. John6 (258), b. 22 Aug., 1753; m. 29 Jan., 1773, Samuel Noble, b. 27 Aug., 1753, son of Samuel Noble, b. 5 Aug., 1722, and Cath­erine Fowler.
He d. 18 June, 1819; she d. 10 Dec., 1833.
Children, b. in Westfield.
2315 Laurana Noble,8 P b. Feb., 1774; m. 26 May, 1793, Stillman Dewey, b. 1 July, 1773, in Middlebury, Vt.; d. 21 June, 1841; he d. in Middlebury, 27 Apr., 1854, aged 80.
2316 Salina Noble,8 b. 13 Nov., 1775; d. unm. 3 June, 1848, in Middlebury.
2317 Sophia Noble,8 b. 13 Oct., 1777; m. 1 Nov., 1810, Aaron King, of West­field.
2318 Lovisa Noble,8 b. 20 Sept., 1779; m. June, 1797, Norman Pettibone, of Hartford, Conn.; d. 9 Apr., 1798.
2319 Jared Noble,8 b. 11 May, 1781; d. 16 Dec., 1785.
2320 Nancy Noble,8 b. 9 Apr., 1783; m. 13 Dec., 1806, Erastus Brewer, of Chicopee, Mass.
2321 Samuel Noble,8 b. 21 Feb., 1785; m. (1) 27 Nov., 1808, Mary Smith; (2) Feb., 1822, Fanny Hubbard, of Agawam, Mass., widow of Hor­ace Norton; she d. in West Springfield, Mass., 26 June, 1847, aged 61.
2322 Jared Noble,8 b. 29 Dec., 1786; m. 26 Aug., 1809, Sally Nichols; d. in New York _______.
2323 Augustus Noble,8 b. 25 Apr., 1789; m. Nov., 1814, Helen Fralie; res. in Windsor, Ashtabula Co., O.
2324 Sir Guy Carlton Noble,8 b. 5 Apr., 1791; m. 28 Apr., 1814, Lois Phelps, who d. in Michigan.

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2325 Edmund Noble,8 b. 5 May, 1793; m. 9 June, 1822, Ann Chapin, b. 4 Feb., 1795, dau. of George Chapin, b. 20 May, 1768, and Martha Day, b. 24 June, 1768, in Westfield, Mass.; he d. in Westfield, 28 Oct., 1848; she d. 4 Apr., 1851; had eight children.
2326 Charlotte Noble,8 b. 10 Apr., 1795; m. 2 June, 1850, Deacon Martin Tinker, b. about 1777, in Westfield, Mass.; he d. 3 Jan., 1854; she d. about 1880.
2327 George Washington Noble,8 b. 6 Aug., 1798; m. 2 Dec., 1824, Mahala Loomis; d. in Westfield, 9 Nov., 1871.

789.   JOSIAH,7 son of Capt. John6 (258), b. 31 May, 1755; m. 31 May, 1780, Lois Day, b. in Springfield, Mass.
He d. 30 Jan., 1814; she d. ______.
Res. in Westfield, Mass.
Children, b. in Westfield.
2328 Lucy,8 b. 14 Mar., 1782; m. Clark Root.
✛2329 John,8 b. 4 Apr., 1784; d. 10 Aug., 1785.
2330 John,8 June, 1786; m. (1) Eleanor Faurote; (2) Mena Socorro.
2331 Pamelia,8 b. 17 Dec., 1788; m. Sylvanus Bartlett.
2332 Silas,8 b. 10 Feb., 1791; m. Julia Loomis.
2333 Polly,8 b. 28 Oct., 1792; m. Erastus Handy, of Cleveland, O.; he d. 2 Nov., 1857; she d. 9 Feb., 1872; had no children.
2334 Henry,8 b. 4 Dec., 1794; m. (1) Eliza Parker; (2) Mary J. Lincon.
2335 Arminta,8 b. 14 Oct., 1799; m. Lester Shay.
2336 Collins,8 b. 17 Feb., 1802; m. Cynthia Loomis.

790.   BASSORAH,7 dau. of Capt. John6 (258), b. in Westfield, Mass., 22 Sept., 1757; m. Reuben Clapp.
Child, b. in Westfield.
2337 Lucy Clapp,8 b. 24 Apr., 1778; d. about 1820, in Sandisfield, Mass.

792.   AARON,7 son of Capt. John6 (258), b. 5 Sept., 1762; m. 12 Nov., 1788, Mary Wilcox, of Sandisfield, Mass., dau. of Ebenezer Wilcox, of Sandisfield, and Mary _______.
He went with his father to Salisbury, Conn.; rem. to Sullivan, N. Y., in 1814.
He d. 1840; she d. the same year.
Children, last three b. in Salisbury, Conn.
2338 James,8 b. in Sandisfield, 1 Nov., 1789; m. (1) Elizabeth Thomas; (2) Elizabeth Snell; (3) Catherine Snell.
2339 Walter,8 b. in Sandisfield, 13 June, 1793; m. Delilah Schuyler.
2340 Maria,8 b. 11 Feb., 1800; m. Alex Wager; res. in Salisbury, Conn.; had one child, who d. young.
2341 Charles,8 b. 3 Aug., 1802; m. Jane Olin.
2342 Susan,8 b. in Salisbury, Conn., 4 Nov., 1805; m. Abram Ehle.

837.   MARY,7 dau. of Martin6 (278), b. in Newington, Conn., 18 Apr., 1743; m. in Newington, 14 Feb., 1765, Unni Robbins, b. in Newington, 9 Feb., 1742, son

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of Ensign Thomas Bobbins, b. 1 May, 1700, and Prudence Welles, b. 12 Feb., 1712.
He d. 17 June, 1810; she d. 22 Jan., 1816. He was a farmer; res. in New­ington, where both d.
2343 Unni Bobbins,8 b. 28 Nov., 1765; m. Lucy Cole Lowery; d. 7 July, 1818.
2344 Prudence Bobbins,8 b. 23 Jan., 1767; m. Leonard Welles; d. 1840.
2345 Martin Bobbins,8 b. 30 Dec., 1770; d. 23 Oct., 1776.
2346 Abigail Bobbins,8 b. 18 Apr., 1775; m. Timothy Stanley.
2347 Mary Bobbins,8 b. 24 Oct., 1784; m. Jacob Bates.

838.   MARTIN,7 son of Martin6 (278), b. in Newington, Conn., 18 July, 1746; m. 4 Feb., 1773, by Rev. Joshua Belden, Hannah Bobbins, b. 10 Mar., 1750, dau. of Ensign Thomas Bobbins, b. 1 May, 1706, and Prudence Welles, b. 12 Feb., 1712.
She d. 13 Nov., 1827; he d. 19 Aug., 1828.
He was a farmer; res. in Newington. He was much respected and beloved by all who knew him. He owned the covenant in Newington, 9 Jan., 1778. He served in the revolutionary war; was First Lieut, on the Lexington Alarm in Capt. John Chester's Co., Apr.-May, 1775, six days' service; Capt. in the Sixth Connecticut Reg., 1777.
2348 Hannah,8 b. 17 Jan., 1774; m. Benjamin Hart.
2349 Mary,8 b. 26 May, 1776; d. unm. 8 Apr., 1831.
2350 Jemima,8 b. 20 Dec., 1778; m. Nathan Whiting Hall.
2351 Martin,8 b. 24 July, 1781; m. Mary Welles (2371).
2352 Laura,8 b. 5 Nov., 1783; m. (1) Asaph Whittlesey; (2) Thomas Lee.
2353 Prudence,8 b. 27 Dec., 1790; m. Josiah Atwood.
2354 Electa,8 b. 24 Dec., 1793; m. Capt. Heman Whittlesey.

839.   ANNA,7 dau. of Martin6 (278), b. in Newington, Conn., 16 Apr., 1749; m. in Newington, Conn., 5 Dec., 1768, Joseph Camp, b. in Newington, 27 July, 1744, son of John Camp, Jr., b. 1701-02, and Penelope Deming, b. 17 Nov., 1717.
She d. 2 Aug., 1804; he d. 15 Apr., 1812.
He was a farmer; probably served in the revolutionary war as Sergt. in Capt. Pomeroy's Co., from 3 Aug. to 18 Sept., 1778. He was graduated from Yale Col­lege 1766; he and his wife owned the covenant in Newington, 15 Apr., 1770.
2355 Anna Camp,8 b. 8 Feb., 1770; d. 26 May, 1772.
2356 Anna Camp,8 b. 15 Apr., 1773; d. unm. 11 May, 1853.
2357 Eleanor Camp,8 b. 17 July, 1775; m. 30 Nov., 1796, James Welles; d. 3 May, 1817.
2358 Sarah Camp,8 b. 6 June, 1778; d. unm. 1 Mar., 1836.
2359 Joseph Camp,8 b. 26 Mar., 1781; m. (1) 23 Jan., 1833, Lydia Francis; (2) 11 June, 1845, Sophia Porter, of New Haven.
2360 James Kellogg Camp,8 b. 15 Mar., 1784; m. Caroline Deming, of Farm­ington, Conn.; was a merchant; d. in Farmington, 6 Apr., 1845.
2361 Alma Camp,8 b. 31 Jan., 1787; d. unm. 3 Apr., 1845.
2362 Lucy Camp,8 b. 12 May, 1790; m. 16 Mar., 1813, Edwin Gaylord, of West Hartford; d. 19 Mar., 1857.

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840.   ELEANOR,7 dau. of Martin6 (278), b. 10 Mar., 1755; m. 14 Apr., 1779, Capt. Saul Alvord, b. in Bolton, Conn., 9 July, 1753, son of Saul Alvord, of Northampton, Mass., b. 23 Apr., 1717.
She d. 21 Feb., 1812; he m. (2) Mrs. Olcott, a cousin of his first wife; d. 23 Sept., 1832.
He res. in Bolton and kept the village tavern; was also a large land owner in Ohio.
Children, b. in Bolton.
2363 Saul Alvord,8 b. 27 May, 1781; m. 11 Nov., 1806, Phebe Buell, b. 14 June, 1787, dau. of John H. Buell, b. 21 Nov., 1753, and Phebe Hubbell, b. 11 May, 1759. He was a lawyer in Bolton; d. 31 Oct., 1812; she d. 24 Feb., 1857; had four children.
2364 Eleanor Alvord,8 b. 4 Feb., 1784; d. unm. ______.
2365 Aurelia Alvord,8 b. 20 June, 1786; m. 25 Dec., 1804, Anson Brewster, of Exeter, Conn., b. in Lebanon, Conn., 26 Dec., 1779, son of Ichabod Brewster, of Lebanon, b. 6 Mar., 1753, and Lucy Clark, b. 11 June, 1755. He was a merchant and later a farmer; d. in Ravenna, O., 2 Nov., 1844; she d. in Hudson, O., 12 Nov., 1863.
2366 Martin Alvord,8 b. 10 June, 1788; m. Sophia Shepard, b. 1787; she d. 16 June, 1822; he m. (2) 1824, Martha B. Clark, b. 6 Feb., 1797. He was a farmer in Bolton; d. 7 Sept., 1850; she d. 27 Sept., 1870; had eight children.
2367 Elijah Alvord,8 b. 22 Jan., 1790; m. 31 Oct., 1811, Clarissa White, b. in Bolton, 5 Nov., 1790, dau. of Jabez L. White, of Bolton, and Eliza­beth Wales, of Hebron, Conn.; had one dau. He d. 19 Nov., 1820; she m. (2) 10 Nov., 1825, Hon. Benjamin Ruggles, who had pre­viously m. Tirzah Alvord (2368).
2368 Tirzah Alvord,8 b. 10 Nov., 1791; m. 1812, Hon. Benjamin Ruggles, b. 21 Feb., 1783, in Woodstock, Conn., son of Benjamin Ruggles and Elizabeth Durkee. He studied law with Judge Peters, of Hart­ford, Conn. In 1807 rem. to Marietta, O.; 1810 elected Judge of Third Circuit; 1812 rem. to St. Clairville, O.; 1815 elected United States Senator and was twice re-elected; was chairman of Commit­tee on Claims for several years; 1840 was urged as a candidate for Vice-President; was president of Bank of St. Clairville. She d. 8 May, 1817; he d. 3 Sept., 1857; had three children.
2369 Harriet Alvord,8 b. 29 June, 1793; m. William Deming, who, for many years, was clerk in General Postoffice, Washington, D. C.

841.   JEMIMA,7 dau. of Martin6 (278), b. in Newington, 23 Aug., 1757; m. 27 Mar., 1785, Gen. Roger Welles, b. 29 Dec., 1753, sixth of the twelve children of Solomon Welles, b. in Wethersfield, 6 Oct., 1721, and Sarah Welles, b. in Glas­tonbury, 27 Mar., 1727.
He d. 27 May, 1795; she d. 19 Apr., 1829, in Newington, where both are buried.
He was graduated from Yale in the class of 1775. He was a revolutionary soldier; served through the war; was frequently chosen a member of the Legis­lature; was a farmer and merchant; resided in Newington; was a member of the Society of the Cincinnati.

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Children, b. in Newington.
2370 Martin Welles,8 b. 7 Dec., 1787; m. Francis Norton, of Farmington; was a lawyer; filled many important offices, among them, Speaker of the Connecticut House of Representatives; d. 18 Jan., 1863.
2371 Mary Welles,8 b. 13 Feb., 1789; m. Gen. Martin Kellogg (+2351).
2372 Roger Welles,8 b. 10 Aug., 1790; m. 16 Apr., 1815, Electa Stanley, dau. of Timothy and Abigail (Robbins) Stanley; d. in Newington, 18 Nov., 1859.
2373 Charlotte Welles,8 b. 1792; m. 3 Feb., 1819, Chester Loper; d. 25 Sept., 1864.
2374 Sarah Welles,8 b. 1795; d. 29 July, 1804.

858.   SARAH,7 dau. of Stephen Chester6 (283), b. in Newington, 18 Dec., 1750; m. there 13 Jan., 1774, Elijah Wells, b. 26 Oct., 1744, son of William Wells, b. 12 Jan., 1706, and Mary Hume, b. 21 Apr., 1713.
He d. 25 May, 1811, aged 67; she d. 13 May, 1829, in Newington, where both are buried.
He was a farmer; res. in Newington, where he was admitted to the church, 1 July, 1770.
Children, b. in Newington.
2375 Chester Wells,8 b. 16 May, 1775; d. 5 Mar., 1822.
2376 Sarah Wells,8 b. 9 Sept., 1777; d. 23 Oct., 1838.
2377 Alma Wells,8 b. 29 Aug., 1780; d. 21 June, 1821.
2378 Lydia Wells,8 b. 2 May, 1783; d. 24 Feb., 1846.
2379 Rachel Wells,8 b. 12 Apr., 1787; d. 5 Jan., 1845.
2380 Anna Wells,8 b. 31 May, 1792; d. 19 Dec., 1822.
2381 Cynthia Wells,8 twin to Anna; d. 19 Dec., 1822.

859.   ELIZABETH,7 dau. of Stephen Chester6 (283), b. in Newington, 7 July, 1752; m. 27 Jan., 1774, John Lusk, b. 10 Feb., 1748, son of John Lusk, of New­ington, and Jane _______.
She d. Mar., 1793; he d. 1814. He rem. to Richmond, Berkshire Co., Mass., about 1788-89, and to New York soon after. In Turner's Phelps Purchase is an interesting account of his removal to Monroe Co., N. Y. He is called a "Pioneer." He went with his oldest son in the spring of 1789, and prepared the way for his family, raising a crop of wheat; in the spring of 1790 returned to Massachusetts, and with his family made the journey to his new home.
✛2382 Stephen Lush,8 b. about 1775.
2383 Erastus Lush,8 b. ______.
✛2384 Norman Lush,8 b. ______.
2385 John Lush,8 b. ______.
✛2386 Aaron Lush,8 b. ______.
2387 Jason Lush,8 b. ______.

861.   STEPHEN,7 son of Stephen Chester6 (283), b. in Newington, Conn., 7 Apr., 1758; m. Mrs. Cynthia (Andrus) Stephens, b. in Newington, 15 Oct., 1765, dau. of William Andrus and Lois Whapples, and widow of Darius Stephens.

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She d. ______; he m. (2) Sarah Kirkham, b. 1769 (bap. 15 Apr., 1770), dau. of Henry Kirkham.
He d. 19 Apr., 1806, in Newington; she d. 25 Nov., 1811.
He was a revolutionary soldier; enlisted in Col. Webb's Reg., 22 Apr., 1777; was discharged 5 Jan., 1783; also in the siege of Boston, 1776.
He was probably a farmer; res. in Newington, having rem. there from New Hartford. N. Y., 1791.
Children by first wife.
2388 Lucy,8 b. 5 Oct., 1786; m. Simeon Stoddard.
2389 Chester,8 b. in New Hartford, 10 July, 1788; m. Phebe Wood.
2390 Anson,8 b. 27 Dec., 1790; m. Laura Goodrich.
2391 Betsey,8 b. 7 Feb., 1793; m. Charles Stedman, of Farmington; had eight children.
2392 William,8 b. 1 Apr., 1795; m. Lydia Graham.
Children by second wife.
2393 Norman,8 b. ______.
2394 Milton,8 b. ______; d. unm., in Kensington, Conn.
2395 Franklin,8 b. ______; m. 18 Nov., 1830, Orinda Goodrich; had a family, some of whom lived in Newington.

863.   SIMEON,7 son of Stephen Chester6 (283), b. in Newington, Conn., 16 July, 1761; m. June, 1782, Mehitable Andrus.
He d. 12 Jan., 1795, in Suffield. He res. in Suffield.
2396 Sarah,8 b. 10 Nov., 1783.
2397 Cynthia,8 b. 25 June, 1787.
2398 Chester,8 b. 8 Dec., 1792; m. Eliza Davis.

864.   CYNTHIA,7 dau. of Stephen Chester6 (283), b. 26 May, 1764; m. Daniel Warner, of Berlin, Conn.
She d. 24 Oct., 1823; he d. 1836, from injuries received by a fall from his carriage house.
He was a farmer in Berlin and Newington, Conn; was a poor boy, but be­came the wealthiest man in that part of the State.
2399 Lucy Warner,8 b. about 1786; m. Stephen Crittenden, of Middletown, Conn. He ran a line of stages from Hartford to New Haven; was a farmer during the last years of his life; d. aged 77; she d. 1848, aged 62; had no children.
2400 Salmon Warner,8 b. about 1788; m. ______; d. 1841, aged 53 or 54; had several children.
2401 Norman Warner,8 b. 5 Jan., 1791; m. 16 Feb., 1819, Emma Galpin, b. in Berlin, Conn., 3 Oct., 1795. He was a carriage maker; suffered during the last fifteen years of his life from paralysis; d. in Berlin, 5 Apr., 1859.
2402 Elizabeth (Betsey) Warner,8 b. ______; d. in infancy.

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2403 Elizabeth (Betsey) Warner,8 b. ______; m. Chauncey Wright, a silver­smith, of Middletown, Conn.; d. Dec., 1871; he d. ______; had no children.
2404 Cynthia Warner,8 b. 19 May, 1801; m. 1818, Renselear Rose, of Bran­ford. He was a hatter and furrier; d. Apr., 1840; she d. 19 Feb., 1871; res. in Hartford, Conn.
2405 Cordelia Warner,8 b. ______; d. 1822, aged 11.
2406 Daniel Kellogg Warner,8 b. ______; m. in Indiana, Phillips; in­herited most of his father's property; d. from injuries received by being thrown from a carriage.

865.   JOSEPH,7 son of Stephen Chester6 (283), b. in Newington, Conn., 23 Feb., 1767; m. about 1788, Sarah Willard, b. 17 Mar., 1770, dau. of Simon Wil­lard, of Wethersfield, Conn., b. 25 Jan., 1745, and Sarah Robbins, b. 11 Mar., 1751.
He d. in Trenton, N. Y., 6 June, 1839; she d. 27 Apr., 1854.
He was a shoemaker in Newington; farmer in Trenton, 1799-1839.
2407 Russell,8 b. 10 July, 1790; d. unm. 24 Mar., 1875; was a farmer in Trenton.
2408 Julia,8 b. 2 Apr., 1792; m. John Ward.
2409 Sarah,8 b. 3 July, 1794; d. unm. 1 Apr., 1876.
2410 Emma,8 b. 7 Mar., 1797; m. Samuel Marshall; d. 10 Mar., 1876, in Jamestown, O.
2411 Laura,8 b. 1 Feb., 1801; d. unm. 22 July, 1891.
2412 Simeon,8 b. 13 Apr., 1803; d. unm. 13 July, 1897, in Trenton.
2413 Cynthia,8 b. 21 Feb., 1805; d. unm. 17 Jan., 1895, in Trenton.
2414 Alma,8 b. 13 Nov., 1807; m. Joseph Pierce.
2415 Edmond,8 b. 8 June, 1810; d. 4 Sept., 1821.
2416 Chester Wells,8 b. 17 Aug., 1813; m. Charlotte Collins.

874.   CAPT. JOSEPH,7 son of Ensign Jonathan6 (294), b. in Suffield, Conn., 14 Oct., 1742; m. in Chatham, Conn., 22 Nov., 1772, Lucy Warner, b. 17 Aug., 1750, dau. of John Warner and Mary Wilcox, of Chatham.
He d. Nov., 1795.
He was a Captain in the revolutionary army under Gen. Washington; was present at the surrender of Lord Cornwallis; turned out in 1779 to repel the enemy at New Haven; Second Lieut, in Rhode Island and Connecticut, 1776-77. He studied law and was engaged in the mercantile business, in Somers, Conn., at the time of his death.
She m. (2) Hezekiah Goodrich, of Chatham; d. 1814.
2417 Joseph,8 b. 26 Aug., 1773; d. young.
2418 Lucy,8 b. 8 Feb., 1775; d. young.
2419 Lucy,8 b. 21 Jan., 1777; m. Stephen Sexton.
2420 Joseph,8 b. 3 Apr., 1779; m. Margaret Stickler.
2421 Martin,8 b. 21 Nov., 1780; m. Willard.
2422 Horace,8 b. 31 Aug., 1783; m. ______; had no children.
2423 Jonathan Dwight,8 b. in Chatham, 11 Sept., 1785; m. Experience Day.

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2424 Daniel,8 b. 31 Oct., 1787; d. unm., 1835, in Suffield.
2425 William,8 b. Nov., 1790; d. unm. 1824, in Chatham.
2426 Samuel,8 b. Dec., 1795; d. about 1797.

875.   LUCY,7 dau. of Ensign Jonathan6 (294), b. 28 Aug., 1744; m. 9 May, 1764, Timothy Wells.
He d. 8 Sept., 1775; she d. 5 Mar., 1810.
They res. in Suffield, where all the children were born.
2427 Mary Wells,8 b. 1 Sept., 1765.
2428 Jonathan Wells,8 b. 23 Jan., 1768.
2429 Lucy Wells,8 b. 15 Mar., 1770.
2430 Sarah Wells,8 b. 29 July, 1772.
2431 Anne Wells,8 b. 25 Aug., 1775.

891.   MOLLIE (MARY),7 dau. of Martin6 (298), b. in Suffield, Conn., 8 Aug., 1760; m. Thomas Pemberton, b. in England.
He d. in Elmira, N. Y., about 1819, aged about 75; she d. in Little Valley, N. Y., 30 May, 1838.
He came to New England, an officer under Gen. Burgoyne; rem. from Suf­field, Conn., after 1789, to Sheshequin, Pa., thence to Elmira.
2432 Thomas Pemberton,8 b. 14 May, 1781; was a sea captain.
2433 Martin Pemberton,8 b. 5 July, 1783; enlisted in a cavalry regiment, com­manded by Capt. Pike, in the war of 1812, under Gov. Dearborn; d. soon after the war.
2434 Henrietta Pemberton,8 b. 8 Dec., 1785; m. in Suffield, James Dunlap, a merchant; rem. to Sheshequin, and to Paint, O., where she d. 1839; had seven children.
2435 Mary (Polly) Pemberton,8 b. 31 May, 1788; m. in Suffield, 1808, Alfred Granger; rem. to Sheshequin, thence to Elmira, N. Y.; to Dun­kirk; to Leon Center, where he d. 15 Jan., 1836; she d. in Great Valley, N. Y., 5 Nov., 1871, aged 84; had three children.
2436 Muhard Pemberton,8 b. 13 Apr., 1789.
2437 Russell Pemberton,8 b. ______; m. Huldah Carney, in Sheshequin; d. in Cincinnati, O.; had six children.
2438 Richard Pemberton,8 b. ______; m. Dashe Wattles, in Sheshequin; rem. to La Pere Co., Mich.; had three children.
2439 Elizabeth Pemberton,8 b. ______; m. James Middleton, a farmer of El­mira; rem. to Paint, O., in 1829.
2440 Isabella Pemberton,8 b. ______; m. Piddle.
2441 Ardon Pemberton,8 b. Feb., 1800; m. Clarissa Currin, in Little Valley, N. Y.; d. in Great Valley; had four children.

893.   JONATHAN,7 son of Martin6 (298), b. 7 Jan., 1763; m. 1794, Temper­ance Adams, b. 2 Apr., 1768, dau. of Freegrace Adams, b. 14 or 19 Nov., 1723, and Anna Kent, b. 2 Oct., 1730, dau. of Samuel Kent, of Suffield, and sister of Elijah, Lucy, Phillis and Elihu Kent, who m. Rachel, Jemima, Jonathan, Mar­tin and Rebecca Kellogg.
He d. 22 Sept., 1799; she d. before 16 Nov., 1812.

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2442 Sally,8 b. 4 Apr., 1795.
2443 Cynthia,8 b. 23 Aug., 1797.
2444 Temperance,8 b. 27 Feb., 1799.

894.   JOSEPH,7 son of Martin6 (298), b. 15 Mar., 1767; m. Mary Norton.
2445 Martin,8 b. ______; m. ______.

898.   LIEUT. JOSEPH,7 son of Elisha6 (300), b. 1749; m. Susanna Bailey, b. 1746.
She d. 4 Nov., 1807, in L'Original, Canada, aged 61; he m. (2) 25 Mar., 1808, Mrs. Elizabeth (Bouldrey) Stone, b. in Taunton, Mass., 8 Nov., 1763, dau. of James Bouldrey and Elizabeth _______.
He d. 31 Oct., 1836, aged 87; she d. 3 Sept., 1838.
He was a farmer of Treadwell Scenery, Canada. He was commissioned En­sign in Capt. Lemuel Hyde's Co. in the regiment of militia in Washington Co., N. Y., 30 Sept., 1786. He was on the tax list of St. Albans, Vt., in 1791; went to that place from Poultney, Vt.; rem. in 1795 to East Hawkesbury, Upper Can­ada, where he res. a year or more, then rem. and bought a farm at Treadwell Scenery. He was appointed Justice of the Peace in 1816, and held that office for twenty years. The first deed of land in L'Original was of a lot of one hundred acres conveyed to him by Nathaniel H. Treadwell, 5 July, 1799. This land formed part of the homestead.
2446 Elisha,8 b. ______; m. Mrs. Hannah (Lamb) Kellogg.
2447 Orrin,8 b. in St. Albans, Vt., 4 Sept., 1790; m. Margaret Miller.
2448 Eli,8 b. ______; m. (1) Lavina Hall; (2) Mary (Polly) Wells.
2449 Ruth,8 b. ______; m. Caleb Welden; res. in Maraposa, Canada.
2450 Amanda,8 b. ______; m. (1) Hardy; (2) Thomas Fuller.
2451 Rebecca,8 b. ______; m. Jones, in Prescott Co., Canada.
2452 Elizabeth,8 b. ______; m. Chase.
2453 Triphena,8 b. ______; d. young.
2454 Triphosia,8 b. ______; d. young.
2455 Mary,8 b. ______; m. ______ Chamberlain.

900.   JASON,7 son of Elisha6 (300), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 11 Feb., 1754; m. (1) about 1780, Miriam Dewey, dau. of Stephen Dewey and Joanna Taylor.
She d. 4 Oct., 1789; he m. (2) in Hampton, N. Y., 4 Sept., 1790, Mrs. Martha (Benedict) Sackett, widow of Richard Sackett (by whom she had five children), and dau. of Jonathan Benedict, b. 2 Feb., 1723, and Lucy Castle, of Manchester, Vt. She d. 25 Nov., 1812; he m. (3) in Hampton, 8 May, 1816, Mrs. Lucretia (Dart) Rockwell,* b. 1 Oct., 1766, in Windsor; he d. 5 July, 1821, aged 67 years, 4 months, 24 days., in Chillicothe, O., while on a visit to his chil­dren; she d. 17 Feb., 1848.
The above were the parents of twenty-one children by their respective mar­riages, and they formed a kind and loving family at Jason's house in Hampton and all called him "Father."

*She had nine children by her first husband, one of whom. Lucretia, m. Jason's son, Price French Kellogg, on the same day that she m. the father. Her father d. in Williston, Vt. Her mother. Rachel Dart, d. in Potsdam, N. Y., aged 104.

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He res. in Sheffield until after the close of the revolutionary war, when he rem. to Hampton, where he was an active and prominent citizen. He was elected Town Clerk there 1786, and held the office for more than thirty-six years; was a member of the Legislature of New York, 1802-05, 1807-10-12-13-18; was Justice of the Peace and later Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Washington Co.
In Apr., 1775, he volunteered for service under Capt. William Beacon, Col. John Fellows' Reg.; was at the siege of Boston; was discharged in Dec., 1775. He volunteered in Jan., 1776, for one year with Capt. Samuel Bartlett in Col. Jonathan Ward's Reg., and was severely wounded in the right shoulder at the bat­tle of Harlem Heights, 16 Sept., 1776; returned home in Jan., 1777, and in Feb., 1781, was mustered out for three years to join at West Point, Capt. Silas Pierce in the Eighth Massachusetts, Col. Michael Jackson, and continued with Col. Jackson until discharged from the Third Reg. at the close of the war, being appointed Sergt. of this latter regiment, 1 Apr., 1782.
He was granted a pension in 1818. In his application for a pension he stated that he removed to Hampton in June, 1784, and had a large family of children. In Apr., 1775, on receipt of the news of the fight at Lexington, he turned out at Sheffield with his company. In 1776 he was in the battles for the defense of the City of New York, receiving a wound in the right shoulder. In 1781 he served as Sergeant at West Point.
Children, all but first two b. in Hampton, by first wife.
2456 Jason,8 b. in Sheffield, 16 Oct., 1780; d. 29 Apr., 1782.
2457 Harriet,8 b. in Sheffield, 11 Oct., 1782; m. Capt. Jonathan Wheat.
2458 Diadamia,8 b. 4 Nov., 1784; m. Bela Thompson.
2459 Silas Dewey,8 b. 23 June, 1786; m. Polly E. French; d. Sept., 1823, in Hampton. He was a civil engineer and a United States Govern­ment surveyor for a number of years, and a prominent man in Hampton. He was a Justice of the Peace, 1815, '18, '21; lived in the house on the lot west of the church at Hampton; had no chil­dren; she m. (2) 1826, Reed.
2460 Jason Jr,8 b. 22 Apr., 1788; m. Rachel Warren.
Children by second wife, b. in Hampton.
2461 Zina,8 b. 17 Oct., 1792; m. (1) Amelia Warren; (2) Lucy Stevens Warren.
2462 Price French,8 b. 1 Dec., 1793; m. Lucretia Rockwell.
2463 Ezra Benedict,8 b. 24 July, 1795; m. (1) Sobrina Brush; (2) Anna Thompson; (3) Anne C. Wells.
2464 Thomas Harvey,8 b. 5 Apr., 1797; m. Judith Sawyer Smith.

902.   JEMIMA,7 dau. of Elisha6 (300), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 5 Feb., 1756; m. Asa Warren, of Hampton, N. Y., son of Col. Gideon Warren.* who was an early settler in Williamstown, Mass., and Hampton.
He d. ______; she m. (2) Cobb; d. in Boston, in the house of her son. Dr. Ira, 26 Aug., 1853, aged 87 years, 6 months, 21 days.
After her second marriage, she res. in Michigan for a time, and after the death of her second husband resumed the name of Warren and went to Boston to

*When Ethan Allen captured Fort Ticonderoga, Col. Gideon Warren accompanied him and was shot in the elbow and ever after had a stiff arm.

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live with her son, Dr. Ira Warren. During the last years of her life she was totally blind.
2465 Orson Warren,8 b. ______.
2466 Sylianus Warren,8 b. ______.
2467 Asa Warren,8 b. ______.
2468 Stephen Warren,8 b. ______.
2469 Silas Warren,8 b. ______.
2470 Ira Warren,8 b. 16 Jan., 1805; m. Ruth. S. Turner; was a physician; res. in Boston; author of The Household Physician; d. ______; she res. in New York City.
2471 Hiram Warren,8 b. ______.
2472 Diadamia Warren,8 b. ______.
2473 Lucy Warren,8 b. ______.

905.   REV. JOHN,7 son of Elisha6 (300), b. in the Oblong, N. Y., 5 Aug., 1768; m. 1 Feb., 1789, Elizabeth Doud, b. in Waterbury, Conn., 9 Nov., 1771.
She d. in Sullivan, N. Y., 1 Oct., 1815; he d. in Aurelius, N. Y., 17 Oct., 1841, while on a visit.
He was a Methodist minister; after his marriage he settled in Treadwell's Scenery, Canada; rem. in 1815 to Sullivan, N. Y., later to Royalton, Springwater and Friendship, N. Y. He took the Freeman's oath in St. Albans, Vt., 3 Sept., 1793.
2474 Orra,8 b. in St. Albans, 29 Nov., 1792; m. ______.
2475 Laura,8 b. in St. Albans, 22 Nov., 1794; m. Mylo Barber.
2476 Chloe,8 b. in Canada, 5 Nov., 1799; m. Burgess; res. in Wayne Co., N. Y.
2477 Lovina,8 b. in Canada, 11 Dec., 1801.
2478 Elizabeth,8 b. in Canada, 1 Feb., 1804.
2479 John Doud,8 b. in Chute Settlement, Canada, 8 Apr., 1812; m. Mary Dunn.

906.   LUCY,7 dau. of Elisha6 (300), b. 11 Sept., 1771; m. in 1791, Elijah Wil­liston, b. 24 Oct., 1769.
She d. 3 Oct., 1815; he d. June, 1847.
He was a blacksmith; res. in St. Andrews, Lower Canada, later in East Hawkesbury, and later in the county of Kent, Upper Canada, where he d.
2480 Elisha Kellogg Williston,8 b. 17 June, 1792; m. Eda Davis; both d. in the Province of Quebec.
2481 Rebecca Williston,8 b. 19 Nov., 1793; m. Timothy Bristol; both d. in Ontario.
2482 Eleanor Williston,8 b. 9 Apr., 1796; m. Abraham Clark.
2483 Nathaniel Leonard Williston,8 b. 28 Apr., 1798; m. (1) Mrs. Barbara (Arnold) Fox; m. (2) Mrs. Eve (Arnold) Hardy, cousin of first wife.
2484 Lucinda Williston,8 b. 1 Dec., 1800; m. Throphitus Yale; d. Near Quebec.

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2485 Lucy Williston,8 b. 15 Oct., 1803; m. (1) Joseph Cass; he m. (2) ______.
2486 Silas Williston,8 b. 28 Dec., 1805; m. Susan Arnold; res. in Louisville, Ontario.
2487 John Kellogg Williston,8 b. 28 May, 1808; m. (1) 2 Feb., 1830, Sophia Dolson; she d. 7 Feb., 1832; he m. (2) 16 Aug., 1837, Eleanor Mordon; she d. 7 Oct., 1872; he m. (3) 29 Oct., 1873, Mrs. Martha (Lenfesty) Davison. He was a clergyman; res. in Strathroy, Ontario.
2488 Elijah E. Williston,8 b. 8 Jan., 1811; d. 3 Oct., same year.

907.   STEPHEN,7 son of Elisha6 (300), b. 1773-74; m. 1793, Lucy Weldon, b. 27 Dec., 1775, dau. of Ebenezer Weldon, of Royalton, Vt., and Catherine Culver.
He d. ______.
He rem. from Argentile, Canada, to Royalton, N. Y. He took the Freeman's oath in St. Albans, Vt., 3 Sept., 1794.
He deserted his wife and six children, and m. twice afterward.
She m. (2) as his third wife, Apr., 1818, Uriah McNall; he d. 9 July, 1850, aged 84; she d. 29 Dec., 1853, aged 78.
2489 Anna,8 b. ______; m. Friend Wheeler, in Batavia, N. Y.; d. ______, in Lockport, N. Y.
2490 Phoebe,8 b. ______; m. George Payne.
2491 Cyrus Wright,8 b. ______; m. Mary Ann Sybrandt, of Royalton; he was a carpenter.
2492 Lucy,8 b. ______; m. John Laverty.
2493 Ira Wright,8 b. ______.
2494 Lura Culver,8 b. 14 Oct., 1806; m. John McNall.

908.   THOMAS,7 son of Lemuel6 (302), b. in Bennington, Vt., 26 Dec., 1757; m. in Amsterdam, N. Y., Mrs. Esther (Higgins) Parker.
He d. in Lorraine, N. Y., after 1840.
He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner; enlisted in Lieut. Hubbard's Co., which marched from Pittsfield to Ticonderoga, 16 Dec., 1776; discharged 16 Mar., 1777; in Capt. Francis' Co., which marched from Pittsfield to Still­water, 30 Sept., 1777; discharged 10 Oct., 1777; private, Capt. Rathbone, Col. Simonds, Berkshire Co. Reg., enlisted to serve until 5 Mar., 1777; reported on command as a scout, at Ticonderoga, 25 Feb., 1777. On pay roll from 9 July, 1780, to 13 Jan., 1781, in Lanesboro.
In 1840 he was residing in Herkimer Co., N. Y., with his son, Ebenezer. In his application for pension he stated that : He enlisted at Pittsfield, Mass., where he had lived for a number of years, and was stationed at Ticonderoga, N. Y. In Sept., 1777, he joined the northern army near Saratoga, and when Burgoyne sur­rendered he was stationed about a mile from the field. In 1780 he marched to West Point, thence down the river into New Jersey and was stationed nearly op­posite New York City.
He rem. to New York about the time of Shay's rebellion. On his way he visited his uncle, living near Whitehall.
2495 Ebenezer,8 b. in Amsterdam; m. Deborah Tree.
2496 A Daughter,8 b. ______; d. young.

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910.   JOSIAH,7 son of William6 (308), b. in Hatfield, Mass., 7 Aug., 1770; m. (1) 1789, Clarissa Alford, of Ferrisburgh, Vt.
She d. about 1790; he m. (2) 1792, Sarah Fox, dau. of John Fox, of Ferris­burgh, and Rachel Lovel; she d. about 1823, aged 48, having been an invalid twenty years; he d. in Middleburgh, O., in 1847 or '48.
His farm in Ferrisburgh was called the Webster farm. In 1834 he went to Ohio and lived with his daughter, Rachel.
He was a revolutionary soldier, having entered the service at the age of 9 years and 6 months; was a fifer in the Second Connecticut Reg.; was then resid­ing in Rutland, Vt.; was described in the muster roll as 4 feet 9 inches high, light hair and complexion. He was attached to Col. Seth Warner's Reg., 1 Jan., 1781; he was fifer in Capt. Morrison's Co., Col. Swift's Reg., and at that time his name appeared in the casualty list. He served in the war of 1812 for eighteen months, when he was discharged on account of lameness.
2497 Sally,8 b. 1792; d. unm. ______; was a cripple, unable to walk.
2498 Catherine Honey,8 b. 8 Nov., 1796; m. Isaac Brydia.
2499 Hiram,8 b. 5 Jan., 1798; m. Mrs. Sally (Webster) Marks.
2500 John Fox,8 b. 1800; m. (1) Elizabeth McKillips; (2) Phebe Pem­berton.
2501 Abel Thompson,8 b. 28 June, 1802; m. Sarah Maria Cobb.
2502 Rachel,8 b. 4 June, 1804; m. John Himes.
2503 Wealthy Ann,8 b. 1807; m. Daniel E. Grignor.
2504 Clarissa,8 b. ______; d. unm. ______.
2505 Edward,8 b. ______; d. aged 3.

911.   SOLOMON,7 son of William6 (308), b. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 1773; m. Vashti Hobbs, b. in Rindge, N. H., dau. of Jacob Hobbs.
He d. 27 Apr., 1828; she d. 14 Feb., 1836, aged 61.
He was a farmer in Ferrisburgh; rem. from Rindge, N. H., to Rutland, Vt., and from there to Ferrisburgh. He was a revolutionary pensioner. In Feb., 1780, when in his seventh year, he enlisted as a drummer boy in Col. Seth War­ner's Reg.; after the destruction of the regiment at Fort George he was trans­ferred to Col. Heman Swift's Connecticut Reg., and continued three years to the close of the war. In 1820 his family consisted of himself, his wife and six chil­dren living at home, and four children who were living elsewhere.
2506 James,8 b. ______; d. in Vermont _______.
2507 Ichabod,8 b. about 1797; was a cripple from his birth, unable to assist himself in any way.
2508 Nancy,8 b. ______; m. Martin Hatch.
2509 Jasper,8 b. about 1802; m. Irene Cousins; res. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., until 1833, when he rem. To Elyra, O. She d. about 1858; he d. 5 Jan., 1871; had no children.
2510 Miranda,8 b. ______; m. William Taggart.
2511 Laura Bellamy,8 b. 24 Feb., 1803; m. Samuel Spofford.
2512 Reuben Arthur,8 b. 1805; m. Elizabeth Field.
2513 Abby,8 b. ______; d. in her third year.

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2514 Jacob,8 b. 26 Dec., 1809; was a farmer and trader in Vergennes, Vt.; d. unm. 20 Feb., 1891, in West Ferrisburgh, Vt. He wrote 13 July, 1889, "I Shall be eighty years old next Christmas Eve, and write without glasses. * * * I say in conclusion that I was never married, and live entirely alone, and can say 'that my fireside is cheerless and my house is unoccupied.'
2515 Henry,8 b. 13 Apr., 1813; m. (1) Sarah Bethia Cousins; (2) Mrs. Mary (Seward) Cousins.
2516 Almon,8 b. 1814; m. ______.

912.   WILLIAM,7 son of William6 (308), b. in Rutland, Vt., 2 Dec., 1779; m. Sarah (Sally) Cousins, dau. of Jacob Cousins and Bethia Barteau.
He d. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 18 June, 1834; she d. there, 16 Oct., 1834, aged 49 years.
He was a farmer; res. in Ferrisburgh, where all of his children were born.
A soldier in war of 1812, and a pensioner; was wounded in the battle of Bridgewater, sometimes called the battle of Niagara, 25 July, 1814, by a grape shot in his left leg.
2517 William Kelly,8 b. 1 June, 1804; rem. to Iowa in 1834; d. in Wadena, 1894.
2518 Edby,8 b. 11 Oct., 1805; m. Blake.
2519 Isabella,8 b. 16 Oct., 1808; m. Chase.
2520 Almedia,8 b. 25 Dec., 1810; m. Samuel Prindle, a miller; res. in Albion, Pa.
2521 Jacob C.,8 b. 8 Feb., 1812; m. Sarah Seward.
2522 Adelia,8 b. 6 Oct., 1815; m. George Bassett.
2523 Acelia,8 twin to Adelia; m. John Barton; d. in Michigan.
2524 Roxanna,8 b. 28 July, 1819; m. David Curler; res. in Ferrisburgh; had five children; three were soldiers in the war of the rebellion.
2525 Josiah,8 b. 1 June, 1823; m. Cynthia Wilson.
2526 Maxwell Duran,8 b. 10 Dec., 1826; m. ______; d., during the rebellion, in a hospital in St. Louis; left a wife and four children in Wis­consin.

913.   LYDIA,7 dau. of William6 (308), b. 16 Jan., 1784; m. Samuel Gage, b. Feb., 1781.
She d. 1870; he d. 1872.
2527 Pamelia Gage,8 b. ______.
2528 Calvin Gage,8 b. ______.
2529 Harriet Gage,8 b. ______.
2530 Nancy Gage,8 b. ______.
2531 Sally Gage,8 b. ______.
2532 William Gage,8 b. ______.
2533 Elijah Gage,8 b. ______.
2534 Mina Gage,8 b. ______.

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914.   GEN. AMOS,7 son of Joseph6 (325), b. in Lebanon, Conn., 7 July, 1760; m. in Bennington, Vt., 7 Dec., 1783, Lucretia Harwood, b. 9 Mar., 1764, dau. of Rev. Eleazer Harwood and Elizabeth Montague.
He d. 6 Mar., 1826; she d. 16 Sept., 1850.
He was a farmer; res. in Pittsford, Vt.; was Town Clerk for more than twenty-five years. He enlisted in the revolutionary war, 19 Mar., 1777, at the age of 16, in Col. Warner's Reg. of Connecticut. He was first waiter, then private, then Sergt. in the Connecticut Reg. until 1781, when the Vermont Board of War offered him a Lieut.'s commission. He was afterward a Brigadier Gen. of Militia. On applying for discharge he was refused, but Col. Warner gave him a furlough, from which he was not recalled, but he served as a commissioned officer of Ver­mont until the close of the war. He had a leg amputated 18 May, 1820, occa­sioned by a sprain in the foot. In his application for pension his service was stated as above.
In Dec., 1782 he and his wife, then 22 and 18 years of age respectively, rem. to Pittsford, and located on the farm, then in a state of nature, where they res. until they died, and which afterward passed to their son, Samuel H. Their house­hold goods and a younger sister of Mrs. Kellogg were carried upon the backs of two horses. Their farm in Pittsford was a second division lot of the min­isterial right, and fell to his father-in-law, Rev. Eleazer Harwood, from whom he bought it, 24 Apr., 1789.
Children, b. in Pittsford.
2535 Sarah,8 b. 28 Mar., 1783; m. Noah Loomis.
2536 Clara,8 b. 2 May, 1786; m. Ruben Blodgett.
2537 Lucretia,8 b. 19 Jan., 1792; m. (1) Rev. John Denison; (2) Rev. Eben V Hills Dorman.
2538 Amos Montague,8 b. 20 Dec., 1795; d. 5 Oct., 1797.
2539 Samuel Harwood,8 b. 12 July, 1798; m. (1) Eusebia Mussey; (2) Mrs. Caroline (Murray) Cheney.
2540 Charles Harvey,8 b. 22 Feb., 1801; m. (1) Rebecca W. Boyne; (2) Jane Curtis; (3) Mrs. Elizabeth (Drury) Prentiss.
2541 Amos Cushman,8 b. 22 Nov., 1803; m. Nancy Boyne.
2542 Azubah,8 b. 23 Aug., 1806; m. Thomas Allen Hitchcock.

915.   ISAAC,7 son of Joseph6 (325), b. in Lebanon, 9 Apr., 1763; m. ______.
He probably Lived in Weybridge, Vt. He was blown from a building and killed about 1800.
2543 Isaac,8 b. 4 Aug., 1784; m. Harty Wescott.
2544 Charles,8 b. 27 July, 1788; m. Isabella Blodgett.
2545 Ann,8 b. ______; m. Cartright.

920.   EDWARD,7 son of Joseph6 (325), b. in Lebanon, Conn., 12 Nov., 1771; m. about 1792, Susannah Gerry, b. 29 Aug., 1768.
He d. 7 Mar., 1830; she m. (2); d. 3 May, 1842.
He was a hard-working man; was rendered a cripple by rheumatism from exposure while working on the Castleton turnpike. They res. in Weybridge, Cas­tleton, and Hubbardton, Vt.

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2546 Betsey,8 b. ______; m. Samuel Mott; had fourteen children.
2547 Electa,8 b. ______; m. Graham.
2548 Sarah,8 19 July, 1796; m. Joseph Caldwell.
2549 Simon Haywood,8 b. 27 Nov., 1798; m. (1) Louise Everts; (2) Mili­cent Thayer; (3) Charlotte B. Huntington.
2550 Polly,8 b. ______; d. in Orwell, aged about 12.
2551 Hiram Johnson,8 b. 5 Oct., 1803; m. Martha Harris.
2552 John Whitlock,8 b. 1 Jan., 1807; m. Abigail Holden.

921.   ELIJAH,7 son of Joseph6 (325), b. in Lebanon (Goshen Parish), Conn., 2 Mar., 1775; m. (1) about 25 Dec., 1797, in Cairo, N. Y., Rachel Fredenburgh, b. 7 Nov., 1778, dau. of Jacobus Fredenburgh and Margaret Van Etten, b. in Red Hook, N. Y.
She d. 24 Feb., 1829. He lived in Cairo until he deserted his family; m. (2) in Lenox, Upper Canada, 1811, Deborah Pringle, b. 1796, dau. of Dr. Prin­gle and Margaret Peterson. She d. near Napanee Village, Lenox Co., Canada, 23 Apr., 1851; he d. in Brighton, Ontario, 3 Apr., 1855. His first wife's children claimed that the second m. was illegal.
At the age of about 15 he was hired out to pay an old debt of his father's (with which he was not well pleased), and, with a cousin from Castleton, ran away, and was not heard from for nearly thirty years. About 1820, his brother, Joseph, accidentally learning of his residence in Canada, visited him and induced him to remove to Henderson, where he remained until after his father's death. At the close of the war of 1812 he moved to Jefferson Co., N. Y.; in 1832 returned to Canada and lived most of the time in Northumberland.
Children by first wife.
2553 James,8 b. 17 Mar., 1799; m. ______.
2554 Margaret,8 b. 27 Mar., 1801; m. Zerniah Ferry, of South Cairo, N. Y.; he d. Mar., 1870; had no children.
2555 Mary,8 b. 22 Mar., 1805; res. in East Chester, N. Y.; d. unm. 20 Jan., 1876, in South Cairo.
Children by second wife.
2556 Joseph William,8 b. 21 Apr., 1813; m. Ellenor Steele.
2557 Mary Peterson,8 b. 13 June, 1815; m. James E. Turner, of Hay Bay, Canada West.
2558 Margaret Eliza,8 b. 25 July, 1817; d. unm. 1883, in Jackson, Mich.
2559 Amos Lawrence,8 b. 29 Jan., 1820; m. (1) Mary Ann Jones; (2) Susan Catherine De Wolf.
2560 Richard Elija,8 b. 21 June, 1823; m. Matilda Lowery.
2561 Amasa Hungerford,8 b. 27 Oct., 1828; m. Phebe Philura Coon.
2562 Eleanor Ann,8 b. 14 Jan., 1833; m. John Rikely, of Brighton, Ontario; had four children.
2563 James Edmund,8 b. 11 Dec., 1841; m. ______; is said to have had three children, one of whom was named Robert.

924.   LUCY,7 dau. of Joseph6 (325), b. in Bennington, Vt., 22 Mar., 1780; m. Thomas Sanford, of Weybridge, Vt.

206    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2564 Amos Sanford,8 b. ______.
2565 Charlotte Sanford,8 b. ______.
2566 Sabrina Sanford,8 b. ______.
2567 Ethel Sanford,8 b. ______.
2568 Morris (or Morrell) Sanford,8 b. ______.
2569 Lucy Sanford,8 b. ______.

925.   FREDERICK CUSHMAN,7 son of Joseph6 (325), b. 16 Nov., 1781; m. 1802, Betsey Lewis, b. 17 Aug., 1783.
He d. about 1813-14; she d. about the same time. He was a farmer; settled in 1805, in Masco Mountain, Canada East.
2570 Juliana,8 b. 15 May, 1803.
2571 Ivan,8 b. 28 July, 1805.
2572 Eliza,8 b. ______.
2573 Elizabeth (Betsey),8 b. ______; was taken by her aunt, Prudence Ellis, to Huron Co., O., where she d. on Kelly's Island, aged 14.
2574 Salvin Frederick,8 b. in Masco Mountain, Canada East, 4 July, 1810; m. (1) Charlotte Hutchinson; (2) Elizabeth Hamill; (3) Mrs. Elizabeth A. Williams; (4) Eunice Warren Miles.

926.   SAXTON,7 son of Preserved6 (327), b. in Connecticut, 25 Mar., 1769; m. 1790, Sarah Fuller, b. 20 Aug., 1769, dau. of Josiah Fuller, of Castleton, Vt., and Mary Smith, b. in Bennington, Vt.
He d. 19 Apr., 1836; she d. 12 Dec., 1849.
He was a farmer two and one-half miles north of Castleton Village; rem. to Trivoli, Ill.; both d. there.
Children, b. in Castleton.
2575 Fuller,8 b. 19 Nov., 1792; m. Sophia Blossom.
2576 Nathan,8 b. 25 Dec., 1794; m. (1) Submit Fuller; (3) Ann Austin Huffman.
2577 Sherman,8 b. 11 Jan., 1797; m. Rebecca Eaton.
2578 Ammi,8 b. 19 Dec., 1799; m. Susannah Bosworth.
2579 Submit,8 b. 29 July, 1803; m. Joseph Lyman Hungerford.
2580 Charles Cushman,8 b. 4 Mar., 1805; m. Abigail Drake.
2581 Mary,8 b. 28 Nov., 1808; m. William Kennedy.
2582 Saxton Smith,8 b. 26 May, 1812; d. unm. in Bangor, Me., 2 Jan., 1838, while a student in the Theological Seminary, and just one week be­fore he would have been licensed to preach.

927.   SHERMAN,7 son of Preserved6 (327), b. in Hartford, Conn., 25 Mar., 1775; m. Sarah (Sally) Hunt, b. in Simsbury, Conn., dau. of John Hunt and Huldah Demming, of Connecticut.
She d. 10 Apr., 1840; he d. 4 Sept., 1848.
In 1837 he rem. from Castleton, Vt., to Oswego, Ill.
Children, b. in Castleton.
2583 Lewis,8 b. 4 Nov., 1803; m. ______.
2584 John,8 b. 23 Aug., 1805; m. Mary Smith.

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2585 Sophia,8 b. 8 Oct., 1807; m. Varanas Van Allen.
2586 Sarah,8 b. 1809; m. Samuel Fletcher.
2587 George Washington,8 b. 25 Dec., 1811; m. Sarah Gleason.
2588 Electa,8 b. 2 Apr., 1814; m. David H. Pierson.
2589 Abel Hunt,8 b. 10 Hay, 1816; served two years in Thirteenth Illinois cavalry in war for the Union; he was a Lieut. in Mexican war, Co. E, Second Illinois Volunteers; was in twenty engagements; res. in Aurora, Ill.
2590 Beulah,8 b. 24 Mar., 1824; d. unm. Nov., 1842, in Oswego, Ill.

928.   SHIRLEY,7 son of Preserved6 (327), b. in Bennington, Vt., 10 June, 1777; m. in Detroit, Mich., in 1799, Elizabeth Crandall, probably dau. of Pardon Crandall, who resided in or near Manchester, Vt.
He d. about 1840, in Kent Co., Canada West.
He was apprenticed as a blacksmith; was a cooper; res. in Detroit.
He served in the Indian war, under Gen. Anthony Wayne; was in the battle of Fort Recovery, Aug., 1794; some days after, while out foraging, he was taken prisoner by the Indians, and did not regain his liberty for eight or nine years. Was a Sergt. in Capt. Forsythe's Co. of drafts in the war of 1812; was made a prisoner when Gen. Hull surrendered Detroit. Owing to improper care when wounded, he was obliged to use crutches. He was a pensioner.
2591 David,8 b. 8 Apr., 1801; m. Mary Ann Daily.
2592 Benjamin,8 b. ______.
2593 Palmer,8 b. ______; m. Catherine _______.
2594 Henry,8 b. ______.
2595 John,8 b. ______.
2596 Elizabeth,8 b. ______.
2597 Lucy,8 b. ______.
2598 Lucinda,8 b. ______.

930.   ELISHA,7 son of Preserved6 (327), b. in Bennington, 15 Jan., 1780; m. 20 Feb., 1803, Lydia Dikeman, b. in Castleton, Vt., 20 Aug., 1787.
He d. 11 Mar., 1813; she d. Dec., 1863.
He was a farmer in Castleton, Vt. He filed a certificate with the Town Clerk in Castleton, 15 Jan., 1807, that he did not agree with the First Congregational Church in religious principles.
Children, b. in Castleton.
2599 Elmer,8 b. 18 Oct., 1804; m. Rebecca Laquear.
2600 Laura,8 b. 25 Sept., 1806.
2601 Delia,8 b. 19 May, 1808; m. Woodbury Perkins.
2602 Sealon,8 b. 20 Apr., 1810; m. Harriet Wheeler.
2603 Elisha Seldon,8 b. 2 Apr., 1812; m. (1) Orphena Robinson; (2) Mrs. Cordelia Benton (Green) Smith.

937.   SYLVESTER,7 son of Elijah6 (328), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 26 Jan., 1780; m. in Bridport, Vt., 29 Nov., 1817, Sophia Crawford, b. in Hubbardton, Vt., 27 Apr., 1788, dau. of Elijah Crawford, b. in Belchertown, Mass., 13 Mar., 1756, and Lovisa Ballard, b. in Hadley, Mass., 25 Feb., 1761.

208    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. in Crown Point, N. Y., 29 Mar., 1826; she d. 1 June, 1865, in Brid­port, Vt.
He was a carpenter and Justice of the Peace in Crown Point, N. Y.
2604 Julius Sylvester,8 b. 17 Aug., 1818; was a farmer; res. in Bridport; he d. unm. 1 Jan., 1890.
2605 Emeline Jerusha,8 b. 26 Sept., 1819; res. in Manchester, Vt.; is unm.
2606 Loyal Porter,8 b. in Crown Point, N. Y., 4 Jan., 1821; m. Augusta Adelaide Warren.
2607 Augustus Stores,8 b. 21 Sept., 1823; d. unm. 7 Sept., 1855; was a carriage maker; his health failing, he engaged in mercantile busi­ness and spent some years in the Southern States; in 1855 he re­turned to Benton, Vt., where he d.

939.   DANIEL NEWTON,7 son of Elijah6 (328), b. in Shoreham, Vt. (the first child born there after the revolutionary war), 4 May, 1785; m. (1) 1814, Sarah Newton, b. 19 Oct., 1798, dau. of Liberty Newton.
She d. 6 June, 1830; he m. (2) 1832, Mrs. Sarah (Towner) Clark, b. 30 Dec., 1798, widow of Nathan Clark, and dau. of Ephraim Towner.
He d. 3 June, 1863; she d. 19 May, 1871.
He was a mechanic in Shoreham, Vt.
2608 Franklin Eli,8 b. 14 Feb., 1816; m. Permelia Sanford.
2609 Lucy Lorane,8 b. 12 Nov., 1817; m. Royal Moseley.
2610 Jane Ann,8 b. 22 Oct., 1819; m. Elizur Peck.
2611 Cyrus,8 b. 18 Feb., 1821; m. ______; d. in Oregon several years ago; his family were in Sheboygan, Wis., when last heard from.
2612 Mary,8 b. 22 Dec., 1822; m. Charles Balcom; res. in Chicago when last heard from.
2613 Paris,8 b. 2 July, 1825; m. Larow; he was several years a sailor; served through the Mexican war; is now a saloon-keeper; res. in Cleve­land when last heard from.
2614 Daniel,8 b. 12 Dec., 1827; m. Mary _______.
2615 Clark Ely,8 b. 14 Mar., 1833; d. unm. ______; was a farmer; res. in Bridgeport, Conn.
2616 Ransom Sylvester,8 b. 25 Dec., 1834; m. Emma Louisa Myrick.
2617 Ephraim Towner,8 b. 11 May, 1836; m. (1) Florence French; (2) Mrs. Jane (French) Lee.
2618 Henry Newton,8 b. 16 July, 1838; attended Union College in the class of 1858; studied law in Moriah, N. Y.; d. in Chicago, Ill., 21 Nov., 1875.

941.   HULDAH,7 dau. of Elijah6 (328), b. 1791; m. Seymour Wolcott. She d. in 1831, aged 40; res. in Shoreham, Vt.
2619 Nelson Wolcott,8 b. ______.
2620 Levi Wolcott,8 b. ______.
2621 Seymour Wolcott,8 b. ______.

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2622 Ely Wolcott,8 b. ______.
2623 Emily Wolcott,8 b. ______.
2624 Susan Wolcott,8 b. ______.
2625 Janette Wolcott,8 b. ______.

951.   RHODA,7 dau. of Samuel6 (347), b. 24 Feb., 1744; m. 24 Oct., 1770, Timothy Cadwell, of West Hartford, Conn., b. 28 Aug., 1747.
He d. 1786; she d. 19 Feb., 1825. He was a farmer in West Hartford, Conn.
2626 Timothy Cadwell,8 b. 10 Sept., 1774; m. 8 Aug., 1791, Chloe Tuller, b. 21 Nov., 1770, dau. of Isaac and Phoebe Tuller; lived in Vienna, N. Y.; he was a clothier; d. 19 Feb., 1822; had four children.
2627 Rhoda Cadwell,8 b. 18 Nov., 1777; m. Samuel Cadwell; lived in West Hartford, Conn.; had ten children.
2628 Mary Ann Cadwell,8 b. 4 Mar., 1779; m. Uriah Cadwell; he was a farmer in West Hartford.
2629 Charles Cadwell,8 b. 3 Mar., 1782; m. Martha Hays.
2630 Austin Cadwell,8 b. 14 Sept., 1784; d. 24 Dec., 1784.
2631 Austin Cadwell,8 b. 28 May, 1787; m. (1) Annie Holcomb; (2) Mrs. Mary Green.

952.   RUTH,7 dau. of Samuel6 (347), b. in Enfield, Conn., 13 Feb., 1748; m. in New Hartford, 11 Sept., 1766, Hezekiah Seymour, bap. 13 July, 1740, in West Hartford, Conn.
He d. 28 Aug., 1815; she d. 28 Dec., 1818, at the house of her son, Bradford, in Westmoreland, N. Y.
2632 Ruth Seymour,8 b. 2 July, 1767; m. in 1784, David Chapin, b. in New Hartford, Conn., Aug., 1762; he d. Jan., 1858, aged 95; she d. 20 June, 1860, in Havana, N. Y., aged 94; they lived together seventy-four years.
2633 Mary (Mollie) Seymour,8 bap. 12 Mar., 1769; m. Nathan Gurney; res. in Trenton, N. Y., where she d. 9 Aug., 1829.
2634 Hannah Seymour,8 b. 17 June, 1771; d. 21 July, same year.
2635 Hezekiah Seymour,8 b. 28 Apr., 1772; d. 14 May, 1798.
2636 Leverett Seymour,8 b. 17 Oct., 1774; d. 10 June, 1848.
2637 Hannah Seymour,8 b. 5 Feb., 1777; m. ______; res. in Skaneateles, N. Y.
2638 Sarah Seymour,8 b. 6 June, 1779; m. Elias Merrell, of Utica, N. Y.; d. 10 Sept., 1851; had six children.
2639 Bradford Seymour,8 b. 14 July, 1781; d. 12 Aug., 1844; res. in West­moreland, N. Y.
2640 Azaph Seymour,8 b. 23 Feb., 1783; m. Abbie Webster.
2641 Isaac Seymour,8 b. 11 Aug., 1788; m. Sarah Savage; had four children.

954.   EBENEZER,7 son of Samuel6 (347), b. in Enfield, Conn., 6 Sept., 1751; m. in Litchfield, Conn., 9 Dec., 1779, Mollie Bissell, b. 1755, dau. of Joel Bissell and Mercy Bishop, b. 4 Aug., 1717.

210    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She d. 17 June, 1816, aged 61; he d. in New Hartford, 17 July, 1843, aged 92; both are buried in Pine Meadow cemetery, New Hartford, Conn.
He res. in Avon, at that time a part of Farmington; rem. to New Hartford, where he spent the rest of his life; he was a manufacturer of carding machines in company with his son, George C.
He was a soldier in the revolutionary war; served in Col. Samuel McLellan's Reg. It is said that he left the army because he had conscientious scruples against shooting to kill.
Children, first two b. in Litchfield, others in New Hartford.
2642 Laura,8 b. 25 Sept., 1780; m. William Stevens.
2643 Isaac,8 b. 6 Nov., 1782; m. Aurilla Barney.
2644 Samuel,8 b. 8 Sept., 1784; d. unm. 19 Jan., 1813.
2645 Friend Bissell,8 b. 29 Mar., 1786; d. unm. 28 May, 1813.
2646 George Comfort,8 b. 17 Mar., 1788; m. Clarissa Brown.
2647 Ebenezer,8 b. ______; d. young.
2648 Mollie,8 twin to Ebenezer; d. in infancy.
2649 Mary,8 b. 1 Oct., 1795; m. Joseph Buell.

956.   SAMUEL,7 son of Samuel6 (347), b. in Enfield, Conn., 20 July, 1755; m. (1) in Goshen, Conn., 7 Dec., 1780, Sarah Rogers, b. 22 Feb., 1763.
She d. 8 Aug., 1807, in Smithfield, Pa.; he m. (2) in Smithfield, 28 Apr., 1820, Mrs. Ruth (Rogers) Pierce, b. 1766, sister of his first wife, widow of Cooley Beebe and Phineas Pierce.
He d. 9 Mar., 1839; she d. Sept., 1849.
He was deacon in the Congregational Church in Smithfield, Pa.; he was a clothier by trade. In 1782 he rem. to Poultney, Vt.; in 1799 he was made Jus­tice of the Peace; in Feb., 1801, rem. to Smithfield. He is said to have invented and patented a shearing machine to run by water power, the principle of which is still in use. He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner; enlisted in Goshen, Conn., in May, 1775; Sept. of the same year was discharged at Ticonderoga by reason of sickness; again entered the service in 1776; provided a substitute and was discharged at Ticonderoga.
2650 Clarissa,8 b. in Goshen, 16 Nov., 1781; m. John Bassett.
2651 Susannah,8 b. 30 Sept., 1784; m. George Butson.
2652 Leverit,8 b. 24 June, 1787; d. unm., 25 May, 1833.
2653 Anna,8 b. 6 July, 1789; m. Phineas Pierce.
2654 Salle,8 b. 23 Nov., 1791; d. 25 Mar., 1792.
2655 Salle,8 b. 8 Jan., 1793; d. 8 Aug., 1793.
2656 Samuel,8 b. 8 Aug., 1794; d. 10 Aug., 1794.
2657 Samuel,8 b. 8 Jan., 1796; d. 31 July, 1797.
2658 Cynthia,8 b. 13 Dec., 1797; m. Orramel Tracy.
2659 Timothy Cadwell,8 b. 25 Mar., 1800; m. Diana Aldrich.
2660 Elvira,8 b. 15 Nov., 1803; m. Arobel Tracy.
2661 Julia Maria,8 b. in Smithfield, Pa., 3 May, 1807; d. 13 Oct., 1807.

958.   BRADFORD,7 son of Samuel6 (347), b. in Enfield, Conn., 24 Mar., 1759; m. about 1786, Mary (Polly) Thompson, of Goshen, Conn., dau. of Stephen Thompson and Mary Walters.
She d. 1826; he d. 1832.

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He was a stone cutter; settled in Hudson, O. He was a revolutionary sol­dier; in Col. Philip B. Bradley's Reg., Capt. Weed's Co.; enlisted 26 July, 1780; was discharged 15 Jan., 1781. Perhaps he was discharged on account of a wound, as his name appears in a list of casualties.
2662 Laura,8 b. in Hamden, Conn., 11 Feb., 1787; m. Jotham Atwater.
2663 Polly,8 b. 14 Feb., 1788; m. (1) Ebenezer Pease; (2) John Oviatt.
2664 Marina,8 b. 4 Oct., 1790; m. Zina Post.
2665 Rhoda,8 b. about 1792; m. Benjamin Oviatt.
2666 Luna,8 b. ______; m. Richard Cray; res. in Hudson, O.
2667 Alfred,8 b. in Goshen, 4 Sept., 1797; m. Atlanta Upson.
2668 Elvira,8 b. in Hudson, 4 Aug., 1803; m. John Ferguson Frost.
2669 Lansing,8 b. in Hudson, 24 Dec., 1806; m. Caroline Bishop.
2670 Lucinda,8 b. ______; d. aged 8.

960.   HELMONT,7 son of Samuel6 (347), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 17 Mar., 1763; m. 5 Jan., 1786, Susannah Moore, b. 1 June, 1763, dau. of Josiah Moore, of New Hartford, and Anna Gillette.
She d. 20 Feb., 1840; he d. 28 Mar., 1848, aged 86; both are buried in Syl­vania. Wis.
He was a blacksmith; res. in Goshen, Conn., until about 1837, when he rem. to Sylvania (generally known as Kellogg's corners). Wis. He was a revolutionary soldier; in his application for a pension he stated that he was born in New Hart­ford, Conn.
When he was 7 years old his father rem. to Goshen, Conn., where he con­tinued to live; 1836 to 1842 he was at a place then called Southport, Wis., having followed his children from Connecticut. In the summer of 1777, while staying in Litchfield, Conn., with Mr. Buck, he was drafted for a short time to serve at Horse Neck; next he served at White Plains, N. Y.; then he worked on the for­tifications between Fort Putnam and North River; after returning home he was soon ordered to the coast, on the Sound, at Greenwich, Conn., where some French troops were also stationed. His regiment made an unsuccessful assault on the Bridge, at King's Bridge, on the Hudson.
He and his wife and Melzar Howe and his wife were members of the First Methodist Class organized in Litchfield Co., Conn. Three of his sons m. four of Mr. Howe's daus.
Children, b. in Goshen, Conn.
2671 Chauncey,8 b. 30 Nov., 1786; d. 27 Apr., 1790.
2672 Luman,8 b. 8 Aug., 1788; m. Hannah Tuttle.
2673 Chauncey,8 b. 23 Apr., 1790; m. Helen Howe.
2674 Austin,8 b. 20 Feb., 1792; m. (1) Artemetia Howe; (2) Armenia Howe; (3) Almira Daniells.
2675 Elvira,8 b. 10 July, 1794; m. Almerin Stillman.
2676 Leverett Steele,8 b. 27 Oct., 1796; m. Angeline Howe.
2677 Thaddeus Gillett,8 b. 27 Oct., 1796; m. Melinda Stuart Washburn.
2678 Harvey,8 b. 25 Sept., 1798; m. (1) Mary Brooks; (2) Elisheba Darien.
2679 Minerva Susannah,8 b. 24 Sept., 1800; m. Rev. Julius Field.
2680 Seth Helmont,8 b. 14 Nov., 1802; m. Electa Stratton Washburn.

212    The Kelloggs in the New World.

961.   ESTHER,7 dau. of Abraham6 (348), b. in New Hartford, 24 Mar., 1748; m. Judge Aaron Austin, b. in Suffield, 25 Aug., 1745, son of Aaron Austin, b. 25 Feb., 1716.
She d. 4 Mar., 1826; he d. 15 July, 1829; both d. in New Hartford.
He was for twenty-five consecutive years one of the twelve assistants in the Connecticut Legislature, the body which corresponded to the present Senate. He was Judge of the County Court of Litchfield for many years; deacon in the Con­gregational Church, New Hartford; also a merchant. He was a man of great influence in his town and State; was elected Fellow of the Corporation of Yale College in 1803. He was a soldier in the revolutionary army in Nathaniel Wales' Co., and was present at the surrender of Burgoyne.
2681 Abigail Austin,8 b. ______; d. unm. aged 20.
2682 Esther Austin,8 b.; m. Uriel Holmes, a native of Hartland, who was graduated from Yale College in 1784, a prominent lawyer in Litchfield, one of the twelve assistants of the Connecticut Legis­lature for many years, and a member of Congress from Connecticut 1817-18. She d. of consumption.
2683 Montgomery Austin,8 b. ______; m. Betsey Griffin.
2684 Ralsamon Austin,8 b. about 1784; was graduated from Yale 1801; d. in Washington, 1840.
2685 Sarah Austin,8 b. ______.
2686 Clarissa Austin,8 b. ______; d. unm. aged 26.

962.   ABRAHAM,7 son of Abraham6 (348), b. 27 Jan., 1750; m. (1), in New Hartford, 6 Feb., 1772, Sarah Seymour, b. 12 July, 1750, dau. of John and Hannah Seymour.
She d. 4 Mar., 1802; he m. (2) 6 Jan., 1803, Mrs. Sarah (Cowles) Merrill, widow of Dr. Eldad Merrill.
He d. 29 Apr., 1812; she d., suddenly, 19 Nov., 1814, aged 61, falling by the roadside, on her way to visit her sick dau.
Children by first wife, b. in New Hartford.
2687 Hannah,8 b. 29 Oct., 1772; d. 3 May, 1774.
2688 Abram,8 b. 28 Sept., 1774; m. Jerusha Goodwin.
2689 Hannah,8 b. 18 Mar., 1776; m. Jared Andrews.
2690 Warren,8 b. 5 Jan., 1779; m. (1) Rhoda Webster; (2) Rhoda Case.
2691 Horace,8 b. 1 Oct., 1780; m. (1) Orpah Pratt; (2) Anna Steele.
2692 Sarah,8 b. 4 June, 1783; m. Norman Pringle, of Harwinton; rem. to St. Louis, Mo.
2693 Virgil,8 b. 29 June, 1785; d. 5 May, 1788.
2694 John,8 bap. 29 Sept., 1787; d. Young.

963.   SOLOMON,7 son of Abraham6 (348), b. 10 Dec., 1751; m. 16 Nov., 1773, Ruth Kellogg (429), b. 20 Oct., 1749, dau. of Deacon Silas Kellogg (+125), of Sheffield, Mass.
He d. 13 Sept., 1795; she d. 1845, aged 96; she lived on Oriskany Creek, near Oneida Castle, Oneida Co., N. Y.
He rem. from New Hartford about 1787 to Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., when the only house in Utica was a log cabin. Their nearest white neighbors were

The Kelloggs in the New World.    213

twenty-one miles distant. They crossed the Mohawk by swimming their animals which drew their wagons by a bed cord hitched at the end of the tongue. He afterward moved to the Oriskany, two miles south of Clinton, where he bought lands from the Indians. He also secured farms at Sempronius and Manlius and at Salina, N. Y. He revisited Connecticut; purchased suitable kettles, and re­turned with them to Salina, where he was the first to engage in the business of boiling salt brine. Later he located a farm in Syracuse.
Children, first seven b. in New Hartford, Conn.
2695 Ruth,8 b. 12 Aug., 1774; m. Timothy Greenly.
2696 Silas,8 b. 30 Mar., 1776; m. Elizabeth _______.
2697 Solomon,8 b. 4 Apr., 1778; m. (1) Rebecca Turner; (2) Mrs. Brown.
2698 Washington,8 b. 2 July, 1780; m. Mrs. Elizabeth Ann (Wilbur) Sim­mons.
2699 Green,8 b. 14 Sept., 1782; m. Chloe Wilcox.
2700 Harvey,8 b. 29 Sept., 1785; m. (1) Mary Butterfield; (2) Orpha D. Curtis.
2701 James,8 b. 14 Feb., 1787; m. Mary Prior.
2702 Philo,8 b. 3 Jan., 1789; m. (1) Nancy Ann Riley; (2) _______.
2703 Pearl,8 b. 3 Jan., 1789; m. Lucy Maria Northrup.
2704 Henry,8 b. 17 Apr., 1791; m. Sarah Reynolds.
2705 Abram,8 b. 12 Feb., 1793; m. (1) Maria Mickles; (2) Mrs. Catherine (Wasson) Essex; (3) Julia Wood; (4) Elizabeth Nogle.
2706 Aaron,8 twin to Abram; m. (1) Sarah Mickles; (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Coles; (3) Mrs. Rispah Cornwall; (4) Mary Panick.

964.   MOSES,7 son of Abraham6 (348), b. in New Hartford, 23 Feb., 1754; m. (1) Rhoda Kellogg (430), dau. of Deacon Silas Kellogg (+125).
She d. ______; he m. (2) in New Hartford, 19 Jan., 1786, Mabel Merrill, b. 6 Mar., 1763, dau. of Elijah Merrill and Rachel Wells.
He d. in New Hartford in 1806. He was a revolutionary soldier; served three days on the Lexington Alarm.
Children by first wife, b. in New Hartford.
2707 A Son,8 d. in infancy.
2708 A Daughter,8 d. in infancy.
2709 James,8 bap. 11 Aug., 1782; d. unm. 4 Apr., 1826.
Children by second wife.
2710 Norman,8 b. 31 Oct., 1794; m. Fannie Steele.
2711 Truman,8 b. Dec., 1800; m. Fannie Marsh.
2712 Henry,8 b. ______; d. 22 Oct., 1823; buried in Mobile, Ala.; he became exhausted in throwing over a cargo, in a gale, and d. at sea.
2713 Polly,8 b. ______; m. Benham; rem. to New York.
2714 Louisa,8 b. ______; m. Worcester Henderson.
2715 Sophia,8 b. ______; m. ______ Lovejoy.

965.   ELIAS,7 son of Abraham6 (348), b. 23 Feb., 1754; m. (1) 18 Dec., 1777, Mary Merrill.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 15 Mar., 1797, Betsey Dorr, of Wethersfield.
He d. 12 Oct., 1830; she d. 15 Dec., 1839.

214    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He was a merchant in early life, in company with his brother-in-law, Judge Austin, in the southern part of New Hartford; later he was a farmer. He repre­sented New Hartford in the Connecticut Legislature of 1811.
2716 Charles Dorr,8 b. in New Hartford, 9 Jan., 1799; m. (1) Cynthia Hill; (2) Orrell Woodruff; (3) Mrs. Susan (Hayes) Bidwell.

966.   PHINEAS,7 son of Abraham6 (348), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 7 June, 1756; m. (1) in West Hartford, 22 Jan., 1778, Olive Frazer, b. 2 Apr., 1753, dau. of Charles Frazer, of Newington, Conn.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Ruth; she d. 12 Oct., 1833; he d. in New Hartford, N. Y., 2 Dec., 1835.
He rem. from Connecticut to New Hartford, N. Y., and settled on a farm about a mile south of the village. He and his wife were admitted to the Presby­terian Church in New Hartford, N. Y., in 1803.
He was a soldier in the revolution, in Capt. Chester's Wethersfield Co. of Minute men, in the Lexington Alarm, 19 Apr., 1775; enlisted Nov., 1775, in Capt. Ebenezer Bissell's Co., Col. Huntington's Connecticut Reg.; served twelve months; engaged at the siege of Boston and battle of Long Island; was dis­charged from hospital in Newark, N. J., where he had been confined since the battle of Long Island; he is believed to have seen subsequent service and to have been in West Point in 1780; was granted a pension in 1818, at which time he was a resident of Manlius, N. Y.
2717 Keturah,8 b. 10 Nov., 1778; m. Gen. Oliver Collins.
2718 Leonard,8 b. 18 Feb., 1781; m. Sally French.
2719 Mary Ann,8 b. 5 Aug., 1783; m. Elias Hart.
2720 Nancy,8 b. in New Hartford, 18 Aug., 1787; m. Daniel Powell.
2721 Charles Fraser,8 b. in New Hartford, 22 May, 1788; m. (1) Ahnira Kilbourne Harris; (2) Elizabeth Gazlay; (3) Mrs. Eliza (Smith) Downes.
2722 Phineas,8 b. 11 Oct., 1790; m. (1) Louisa Thomas; (2) Cynthia Ann Brown; (3) Leonora Marsh.
2723 Sophia,8 b. 10 Sept., 1792; m. 19 Feb., 1817, Warren Converse, b. 19 June, 1786; he d. 3 Jan., 1866; she d. 18 Apr., 1877; had no chil­dren.
2724 Julia Ann,8 b. 2 Mar., 1796; m. 24 Feb., 1825, Dr. Isaac Teller; d. 22 Sept., 1838; he d. in Chittenango, N. Y., 30 June, 1874; had no children.

967.   MARTIN,7 son of Abraham6 (348), b. in Hartford, 16 July, 1758; m. about 1784, Lucy Seymour, b. 1758, dau. of Zebulon Seymour, b. 1708 or '09, of Hartford, and Keziah Bull.
She d. 19 Sept., 1839, aged 81; he d. 14 Apr., 1840, aged 82.
He was admitted to the church in New Hartford, Conn., 2 Oct., 1791. He purchased a tract of land, all forest, in Winfield, N. Y., which he cleared, built a two-story house, a large barn, planted two orchards and resided there until his death.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    215

He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner. In 1775, while living in New Hartford, he enlisted and went to Crown Point, N. Y. He next joined the army which was to invade Canada, but after the capture of St. Johns was ordered back to Ticonderoga. In 1776 he marched with the troops sent to re-enforce the army, besieging Quebec, which was met at Three Elvers on its retreat. As the army was threatened with smallpox, they encamped at the Elver Sorrell to be inoculated, and as soon as recovered returned to Crown Point and Fort Independence, N. Y. He turned out on the alarm occasioned by the burning of the public property at Danbury, and at the landing of the British troops at New Haven. He was also in the expedition against the Indians in the Susquehannah Valley. He was sick several years after he returned from the army. After the close of the war he rem. to Oneida Co., N. Y., and later to Winfield, Herkimer Co. He was described as a large man, 6 feet in height, broad shoulders, erect, correct and temperate in all his habits and a notable citizen.
2725 Laura,8 b. 11 Dec., 1786; m. Amos Reynolds.
2726 Ralph,8 b. 2 July, 1789; d. 8 Jan., 1792.
2727 George Washington,8 b. 17 Apr., 1791; m. Maria Sessions.
2728 Lucy,8 b. 26 Aug., 1792; m. Capt. Alvah Barber.
2729 Merron,8 b. 24 Mar., 1795; m. Daniel Leonard.
2730 Ralph Phineas,8 b. 12 July, 1796; m. Clarissa L. Gridley.
2731 Olive,8 b. 5 Apr., 1798; d. aged 6 weeks.
2732 Horace Dryden,8 b. 21 Aug., 1799; m. (1) Mrs. Mary Ann (Netter­ville) Stewart; (2) Mary B. Stone.
2733 Chauncey Seymour,8 b. 16 July, 1801; m. Rebecca _______.

968.   FREDERICK WEBSTER,7 son of Abraham6 (348), b. 31 Jan., 1761; m. Margaret Moore, b. 13 July, 1760, dau. of Joseph Moore, of Pittsfield, Mass., and Margaret Kellogg (+356).
She d. 3 Oct., 1803; he d. 7 June, 1817.
He res. in Whitestown, N. Y. His will, dated 12 Aug., 1815, mentioned his daus., Jerusha Case, Polly Leonard, Amanda Kellogg, sons, Frederick, the eldest, Hiram, Uriel and Webster.
Children, first three b. in New Hartford, N. Y., others in Whitestown.
2734 Polly,8 b. 7 Sept., 1780; m. Daniel Leonard.
2735 Frederick,8 b. ______; m. Esther Guthrie.
2736 Jerusha,8 b. 1786; m. Elisha Case.
2737 Uriel Holmes,8 b. 22 Sept., 1789; m. Mary Esther Huggins.
2738 Amanda,8 b. ______; m. Professor Seth Norton.
2739 Hiram,8 b. ______; m. (1) Lucinda Monroe; (2) Cynthia Bradner.
2740 Webster,8 b. ______; m. Marianna Nash, b. 24 Oct., 1798, dau, of Jon­athan Nash, third, of Great Barrington, Mass., and Mercy Smith. She d. 4 Feb., 1845; he d. 23 Feb., 1859; both are buried in Tal­madge, O.; had no children.

969.   SARAH,7 dau. of Abraham6 (348), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 3 June, 1763; m. 4 July, 1781, Gen. Martin Smith, b. 25 Jan., 1762.
She d. 22 July, 1834; he d. 1852.

216    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He was Capt. of the Light Horse Co., in Hartland, Conn., and Gen. of Militia in Ohio; in 1799, he rem. with his family to Vernon, O., then a wilderness. The town was named Smithfield, for him, but at his request the name was changed to Vernon. He was a useful and influential citizen.
2741 Electa Smith,8 b. in New Hartford, Conn., 30 May, 1782; d. 1876.
2742 Erastus Smith,8 b. 17 Jan., 1784; d. 16 July, 1820.
2743 Harriet Smith,8 b. Jan., 1786; d. Feb., 1787.
2744 A Daughter,8 b. and d. Dec., 1787.
2745 Harriet Smith,8 b. in Hartland, Conn., 5 Nov., 1788; d. 17 Aug., 1819.
2746 Sarah (Sally) Smith,8 b. in Hartland, Conn., 10 Mar., 1791; m. 2 Dec., 1811, Alvan Coe, b. in Granville, Mass., 1783, son of Aaron Coe. He studied law in Granville, Mass., and practiced for a time in Lee; after he rem. to the "Western Reserve" he studied theology, and became a missionary among the Western Indians; d. 5 Apr., 1854; she res. in 1878 in Kinsman, O.
2747 Henrietta Smith,8 b. 26 July, 1793.
2748 Maria Smith,8 b. 9 Oct., 1795; m. Allen Spencer; she d. June, 1818. Her dau., Matilda, b. 4 Oct., 1815, m. Abner Kellogg (+7906).
2749 Charlotte Smith,8 b. 5 Apr., 1798.
2750 Havilah Smith,8 b. in Vernon, 3 June, 1801.
2751 Eliza Smith,8 b. 26 Feb., 1803; d. 7 July, 1841.

970.   TRUMAN,7 son of Abraham6 (348), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 6 Jan., 1766; m. 3 Feb., 1788, Hannah Merrill, b. 15 Jan., 1765, dau. of Elijah Merrill and Rachel Wells, of New Hartford.
He d. 5 Nov., 1821; she d. 4 Oct., 1847, aged 84.
He was a farmer; res. in New Hartford, N. Y., where both d.
Children, all except Rachel b. in New Hartford, N. Y.
2752 Rachel,8 b. in New Hartford, Conn., 11 June, 1788; m. Eli Butler.
2753 Forris,8 b. 1791; m. Lois Estes.
2754 Truman,8 b. 15 Feb., 1795; m. Malinda Marsh.
2755 Hannah,8 b. 8 July, 1799; m. Henry Higby.
2756 Morris,8 b. 21 Apr., 1804; m. Maria Winchester.
2757 Eliza,8 b. 6 June, 1806; m. Charles Parsons Wetmore.

971.   ELIZABETH,7 dau. of Abraham6 (348), b. 17 June, 1768; m. Josiah Hatch.
They lived in Granville, Mass., and Owatonna, Minn.
2758 Josiah Harvey Hatch,8 b. 17 Mar., 1808; m. 1835, Lucelia Emilia Hayes, b. 25 Sept., 1816, dau. of Chester Hayes, b. 12 Mar., 1793, and Fidelia Holcombe, b. in Granby, Mass., 8 Aug., 1795; she d. 15 July, 1855; he was a farmer in Owatonna, Minn.

987.   ELEAZER,7 son of Isaac6 (351), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 10 Apr., 1749; m. 15 Feb., 1770, Esther Fuller.
He d. in Geneseo, N. Y., 13 May, 1813.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    217

He res. in that part of Winchester, Conn., now Barkhamsted; probably he rem. to Utica, N. Y., shortly after 1791. At the first town meeting held in Win­sted, Conn., 17 Mar., 1778, he was chosen clerk. He was appointed to read the Psalms on Sabbath day. He was a pensioner of the war of 1812; in his applica­tion for a pension he states that he was in the Thirteenth Reg. of United States Infantry; was wounded in both legs, 24 July, 1813, at Fort George (opposite Fort Niagara), in Upper Canada, while relieving a sentinel on picket guard.
2759 Isaac,8 b. 27 Sept., 1770; d. 24 June, 1772.
2760 Elijah,8 b. 29 Mar., 1772; m. Mabel Clement.
2761 Elisha,8 twin to Elijah, b. 29 Mar., 1772; m. Persis Dunham.
2762 Susannah,8 b. 10 Jan., 1774; m. Jonathan Dunham.
2763 Isaac,8 b. 28 Feb., 1776; m. Martha Dunham. They were recommended by the church in New Hartford to the church in Unadilla, N. Y.
2764 Sarah,8 b. 5 Jan., 1778; m. David Parker.
2765 Giles,8 b. 21 Sept., 1779; m. Rachel Delamater.
2766 Whiting,8 b. 19 Apr., 1781; m. Marinda Burr.
2767 Eleazer,8 b. ______; m. Mary Baxter.
2768 Charlotte,8 b. 8 Apr., 1787; m. Alpheus Press.
2769 Esther,8 b. 14 Nov., 1789, in Winsted.
2770 Solomon,8 b. ______; m. Margaret Mulholand.
2771 Crusa,8 b. 13 Aug., 1791, in Winsted.
2772 Hiram,8 b. 18 May, 1793; m. Anna Truman.
2773 Warren,8 b. ______.

991.   DANIEL,7 son of Isaac6 (351), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 5 Apr., 1758; m. Abigail Crow.
He d. in York, Washtenaw Co., Mich., about 1830.
He was a revolutionary soldier. He and his wife were in Paris, N. Y., as early as 1 Oct., 1780.
2774 William Perry,8 bap. in Paris, N. Y., 1 Oct., 1780; m. Janette Luce.
2775 Abigail,8 bap. 10 Nov., 1782; m. William F. Stevens.
2776 Daniel,8 b. 7 Mar., 1793, in Hartford; m. Demaris Baldwin.
2777 Horace,8 b. 1797; m. Deborah Dean.
2778 Samuel,8 b. ______; m. Hannah Johnson.
2779 George,8 b. 14 July, 1800; m. (1) Hearty B. King; (2) Mrs. Fanny (Tiffany) Tucker.
2780 Theodosia,8 b. ______; m. Tilness Green; res. in Geauga Co., O.

992.   RACHEL,7 dau. of Isaac6 (351), b. in New Hartford, 1 May, 1760; m. there 11 July, 1787, Preserved Crissey, son of David Crissey, of Winchester, form­erly of Woodbury, Conn., and Hannah Wibnot.
He was a farmer; Sheriff in Connecticut; rem. about 1805, to Litchfield Herkimer Co., N. Y.
2781 Electa Crissey,8 b. 14 Mar., 1788; m. Josiah Earl.
2782 Truman Crissey,8 b. 22 Feb., 1790; d. Mar., 1813, in Weston, N. Y.; was a cooper.

218    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2783 Alfred Crissey,8 b. 19 Mar., 1795; was a soldier in war of 1813; d. in the army.
2784 Phila Crissey,8 b. 10 Oct., 1791; m. Salmon Harding.
2785 William Rufus Crissey,8 b. 19 May, 1799; m. Sabra Frazier, dau. of Jabez Frazier. In 1879 he wrote: "Some twenty years ago, I re­ceived this narative from my sister. Electa, The last time I saw her. She sais to me, When your Father was Sherif thare came a man to our hous hunting for a site to put up a carding mill to card wool. His name I think, was Doolittle. He had been to Washington and got his pattent rite. He built his mil neare our dwelling, boarded with us. When he had completed his mill he came in ses to father the mil is redy to run But I have no wool, mother was carding and I was spining. She takes her lock of wool in her apron and starts for the mill. I takes up my wheel and follows on. I stood by the machine and takes the first role that comes out and spun it. This was the first role of wool carded by a machine in the United States of America."

995.   NOAH,7 son of Capt. Noah6 (352), b. in New Hanford, 8 May, 1756; m. (1) Deborah Knowlton.
She d. ______; he m. (2) about 1791, Lucy Crow, of Torringford, b. 1770, dau. of Nathaniel Crow, of Hartford.
He d. 3 Mar., 1822; she d. 13 Feb., 1823.
He was a revolutionary soldier; enlisted 1776, in his father's company and served throughout the entire war. He was in the disastrous campaign against Quebec, when Montgomery fell. He had applied for a pension, and if he had lived one hour longer his family would have received pay for his long term of service.
In 1789 he lived in Barkhamsted; 1794 rem. to Paris, N. Y., and afterward to Frankfort, N. Y.
Children by first wife.
2786 Lura,8 b. 11 Jan., 1783; m. Capt. James Fosket.
2787 Truman,8 b. ______; m. Delany Hasselkus.
2788 Theron,8 b. 24 Feb., 1788; m. Margaret Killiher.
2789 Philinda,8 b. 31 Oct., 1790; m. John Randall Stone.
Children by second wife.
2790 Edwin,8 b. in Paris Hill, 11 Sept., 1795. In 1819 he went to Mobile, Ala., to join his brother, Theron, in business, and, in about three weeks, d. of yellow fever; was unm.
2791 Nathaniel,8 b. 23 Aug., 1797; m. Sarah Sizer Fellows.
2792 Deborah,8 b. 23 July, 1799; m. John Daniel Hasselkus.
2793 Aurilla,8 b. 14 July, 1802; m. Jonas A. Odle.
2794 Almira,8 b. in Paris, 17 Sept., 1804; m. Dec., 1826, Dr. Alvin B. Main, a noted physician and surgeon in the war of 1812. He lived and d. in Cherry Creek, N. Y. After his death she res. with her sister, Deborah, in Oakfield, N. Y.

996.   CLEMENCE,7 dau. of Capt. Noah6 (352), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 18 Feb., 1758; m. 9 Nov., 1780, Mathias Hurlburt, b. 18 June, 1755, son of Dr. Josiah Hurlburt, of Berlin, Conn., b. 10 Oct., 1704, and Susannah Lee.
He d. in Catskill, N. Y., 13 Apr., 1814; she d. in Utica, N. Y., 31 July, 1842, aged 84.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    219

He res. in Hartford, Conn., Richmond, Mass., and Whitestown, N. Y. He served in the revolutionary war, and his widow received a pension.
Children, first four b. in Richmond, Mass.
2795 Titus Hurlburt,8 b. 31 Aug., 1781; d. ______, in Western New York.
2796 Kellogg Hurlburt,8 b. 26 Aug., 1783.
2797 Parnell Hurlburt,8 b. 16 Jan., 1787.
2798 Augustus Hurlburt,8 b. 4 June, 1789.
2799 Benjamin F. Hurlburt,8 b. in Whitestown, 6 Mar., 1793; m. Elizabeth Manson.
2800 Willys Hurlburt,8 b. in New Hartford, 10 Mar., 1796; d. 12 Dec., 1812.
2801 A Son,8 lived one day.
2802 Thomas J. Hurlburt,8 b. in Whitestown, 8 Nov., 1801.

997.   JESSE,7 son of Capt. Noah6 (352), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 25 Sept., 1759; m. (1) 10 May, 1781, Susanna Griswold, b. 1 June, 1761, dau. of Seth Griswold, of New Hartford, and Ann _______.
She d. in New Hartford, N. Y., 10 Nov., 1793; he m. (2) 1794, Mrs. Mary (Russell) Parish, widow of Capt. Parish, of Branford, Conn.; d. 28 Feb., 1813, aged 53; she d. aged 84.
He res. in Marcellus, N. Y.
He was in the revolutionary army, in the Eighteenth Connecticut Reg.; served from 19 Aug. to 25 Sept., 1776, in New York. He bought land in Cam­illus, N. Y., 9 Aug., 1803.
2803 Sylvia,8 b. 15 Feb., 1782; m. (1) William Machan; (2) Maj. Samuel Pierce.
2804 Frances,8 b. 13 June, 1784; m. John H. Warren.
2805 Ansel,8 b. 21 Oct., 1787; m. Lora Tyler.
2806 Ralsamon,8 b. ______; m. Olive Stevens.
2807 George,8 b. ______; m. Mrs. Thankful (Davis) Palmer.
2808 John Russell,8 b. 16 May, 1793; m. Mary Otterson.
2809 Susan Griswold,8 b. 29 Mar., 1796; m. Jacob Chase.
2810 Jesse,8 b. 1798; d. unm. aged 70, in Marcellus, N. Y.
2811 Dorastus,8 b. 10 Jan., 1807; m. (1) _______; (2) Alida Kennada; (3) Maladine Ingham.

998.   SARAH,7 dau. of Capt. Noah6 (352), b. 28 Sept., 1761; m. 10 May, 1781, Daniel W. Sandeforth.
She d. in Petersborough, N. Y., about 1814.
He was a tailor; res. in New Hartford, Conn.; rem. to New Hartford, N. Y., and thence to the Black River country.
2812 Sarah Sandeforth,8 b. Sept., 1781; m. (1) Amos Gridley, of Farming­ton; m. (2) about 1827, Capt. William Clark, of Utica, N. Y.; d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr., 1851.
2813 Mary (Polly) Sandeforth,8 b. ______.
2814 Lucy Sandeforth,8 b. ______.
2815 Minerva Sandeforth,8 b. ______.

220    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2816 Frances Sandeforth,8 b. ______.
2817 Grace Sandeforth,8 b. ______.
2818 Rupert Lewis Sandeforth,8 b. ______.
2819 Emmeline Sandeforth,8 b. ______.
2820 Harriet Sandeforth,8 b. ______.

999.   HULDAH LAVINA,7 dau. of Capt. Noah6 (352), b. 13 Sept., 1703; Samuel Norton, of New Hartford, N. Y.
She d. in New Hartford, N. Y., about 1808.
2821 Luman Norton,8 b. ______.
2822 Almena Norton,8 b. ______.
2823 Hiram Norton,8 b. ______.
2824 Andrew Norton,8 b. ______.
2825 Huldah Norton,8 b. ______.
2826 Frances Norton,8 b. ______.

1000.   MIRIAM,7 dau. of Capt. Noah6 (352), b. in New Hartford, Conn, 6 Sept., 1765; m. 17 Dec., 1784, Noah Seymour, b. 10 Nov., 1759.
He d. 26 Mar., 1832; she d. 14 Jan., 1846.
They lived in New Hartford, Conn., until 1813, then rem. to Sodus, Wayne Co., N. Y. He was a revolutionary soldier.
2827 Norman Seymour,8 b. 11 Dec., 1785; d. 30 Sept., 1802.
2828 Lott N. Seymour,8 b. 3 Mar., 1788; m. 26 Feb., 1812, Belinda Spencer, b. 4 June, 1792; d. 27 Oct., 1844 or '46; she d. Nov., 1873.
2829 Lauren Seymour,8 b. 15 June, 1790; m. Sarah Olmstead, dau. of Gam­aliel Olmstead; rem. to Wolcott, N. Y.; d. in New Hartford, N. Y.
2830 Huldah Seymour,8 b. 15 Mar., 1794; m. John Roe, of Butler, Wayne Co, N. Y.
2831 Esther Seymour,8 b. 14 Mar., 1796; m. Joshua Lyman; res. in Ashta­bula Co., O.
2832 Horace Seymour,8 b. 26 Jan., 1801.
2833 Julia Seymour,8 b. 6 Apr., 1803; m. John Love, of Wayne Co., N. Y.
2834 Norman Seymour,8 b. 16 July, 1807; res. in Wayne Co., N. Y.

1001.   JOANNA,7 dau. of Capt. Noah6 (352), b. 15 Jan., 1768; m. in New Hartford, N. Y., 5 May, 1785, William Thrall.
2835 Eleanor Thrall,8 b. ______.
2836 Hannah Thrall,8 b. ______.

1002.   MICHAEL,7 son of Capt. Noah6 (352), b. 4 Mar., 1770; m. 22 Sep. 1796, Sarah (Sally) Gillett, b. 9 Aug., 1773, dau. of Capt. Matthew Gillett and Lois Douglas, whose father, Samuel Douglas, was one of the first settlers of New Hartford, N. Y.
He d. 20 Nov., 1831; she d. 28 Apr., 1858, aged 84; both were buried in Town Hill cemetery, New Hartford, Conn.

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He was a carpenter; lived on the old homestead, three-fourths of a mile south of the meeting-house on Town Hill. He was said to have been quite in­genious, but never accumulated much property.
2837 Laura,8 b. 4 Sept., 1797; m. Ashbel Marsh, b. in New Hartford, Conn., 28 Oct., 1796, son of Asabel Marsh and Abigail Ward, b. in New Hartford; d. Apr., 1868.
2838 Lois,8 b. 2 Apr., 1800; m. Rodolphus Andrews; d. 1842.
2839 George,8 b. 20 Aug., 1802; m. (1) Caroline Boyden; (2) Mehitabel Camp; (3) Beulah Camp.
2840 Margaret,8 b. 19 Oct., 1804; m. C. Rossiter; d. Sept., 1883.
2841 Sarah,8 b. 21 Jan., 1807; m. Roswell Cook.
2842 Frances,8 b. 11 Sept., 1809; m. 1838, Henry Carder; d. 13 Dec., 1865.
2843 Edwin Michael,8 b. 8 Jan., 1812; m. 26 Oct., 1840, his cousin, Jane Caroline Rose, b. 2 Apr., 1817, dau. of Lovel Rose, b. 15 June, 1787, and Pantha Gillett, b. 19 Aug., 1793. He lived in New Hartford; was in the clock business until his health failed; returned to Conn., bought a farm and res. there until his death; d. 20 Nov., 1856; she d. 23 June, 1898.
2844 Leon,8 b. 14 Jan., 1815.

1003.   CLARISSA,7 dau. of Capt. Noah6 (352), b. 19 May, 1777; m. (1) W. F. Wheeler.
He d. ______; she returned to Connecticut and m. (2) Peck, of Providence, R. I.
Children by first husband.
2845 William Wheeler,8 b. ______.
2846 Clemence Wheeler,8 b. ______.
2847 Clarissa Wheeler,8 b. ______.
2848 David Kellogg Wheeler,8 b. 1880, Ravenna, O.
Child by second husband.
2849 Millicent Peck,8 b. ______.

1010.   MARY ANN,7 dau. of Ashbel6 (354), b. 9 Oct., 1761; m. in New Hart­ford, Conn., 2 May, 1782, Josiah Gaylord, b. Mar., 1761, son of William Gaylord, b. Nov., 1733, and Sarah Riley.
She d. Oct., 1806; had joined the church in New Hartford, 7 July, 1783.
2850 Chloe Gaylord,8 bap. 7 July, 1783, in New Hartford, Conn.
2851 Mary Ann Gaylord,8 bap. 16 Oct., 1785.
2852 Erastus Gaylord,8 b. 22 Mar., 1795; m. 1 May, 1815, Sallie Messenger; had two children.

1011.   ASHBEL,7 son of Ashbel6 (354), b. 18 Oct., 1763; m. 3 June, 1790, Martha Bacon Ward, b. 20 Mar., 1774.
He d. 24 Apr., 1835; she d. 1 July, 1845. He res. in Brookfield and Adams Center, N. Y.
He was one of the twelve men who went from Connecticut in the spring of 1790 and settled in Madison Co., N. Y., where he lived forty-five years. From 10

222    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Sept., 1832, to the time of his death he resided in Adams Center, N. Y., where the homestead is now owned by Frank Hovey, who m. a great granddaughter. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church in Bridgewater.
2853 Ashbel Loomis,8 b. 27 Oct., 1791; m. Nancy Saunders.
2854 Frances,8 b. 3 Mar., 1791; m. Benjamin Southwick.
2855 Gaylord,8 b. 31 July, 1797; m. Rosanna Warner.
2856 Luke,8 6 Apr., 1800; m. (1) Adah Maxson; (2) Mrs. Patience (Ken­yon) Pettit.
2857 Maria,8 b. 31 Jan., 1802; m. Norman Coe.
2858 Ann,8 b. 7 Feb., 1804; m. George Goodenough Bailey; res. in Castile, N. Y.; had no children.
2859 Olivia,8 b. 17 July, 1806; m. Henry Bunce.
2860 Oren,8 b. 18 Jan., 1809; m. Harriet Leonora Fuller.
2861 Montgomery Austin,8 b. 21 Aug., 1811; d. 7 Dec., 1812.
2862 Isaac,8 b. 22 Nov., 1818; m. (1) Juliette Grommon; (2) Ann Janette Maxson.

1013.   LYDIA,7 dau. of Ashbel6 (354), b. 19 Dec., 1768; m. Smith.
She d. 6 Sept., 1793.
2863 Dayton Smith,8 b.; res. with his uncle, Rhoderick (+1018), till of age, when he rem. to Philadelphia, Pa.

1014.   ELIJAH,7 son of Ashbel6 (354), b. 12 July, 1770; m. (1) in New Hart­ford, 2 Oct., 1791, Deborah Ward.
She d.; he m. (2) Mrs. Zodia Taylor; she d.; he d. 5 Dec., 1830, in Claridon, O.; he had previously lived in Tully, O.
2864 Roderick,8 b. 1796, in Claridon, O.; m. Sally Taylor.
2865 Sophronia,8 b. 1798; m. (1) Simeon Calkins; (2) Eri Hazen.
2866 Lydia,8 b.; d. unm. in Claridon, O., in 1876.
2867 Isaac,8 b. 16 Dec., 1803; m. Cynthia Talbot.
2868 Elijah,8 b. 16 Apr., 1809; m. Emmeline Alderman.

1015.   LUCY,7 dau. of Ashbel6 (354), b. 26 Feb., 1773; m. Silas Douglas, of New Hartford, Conn., son of Samuel Douglas, Jr., and Abigail Flowers, dau. of Capt. Flowers, of New Hartford.
They settled in Whitestown, N. Y.
2869 Riverius Douglas,8 b.; m.; had a large family.

1017.   NANCY,7 dau. of Ashbel6 (354), b. 2 Apr., 1776; m. Oct., 1796, Gam­aliel Loomis, b. 20 Nov., 1771, son of Daniel Loomis, of Lebanon and Coventry, Conn., and Mary Sprague.
She d. 23 Nov., 1806; he m. (2) 17 Dec., 1807, Elizabeth Root.
He d. in Raymond, Wis., 12 Dec., 1864; she d. 15 Nov., 1870.
He rem. in 1800 to Prattsburg, N. Y., and in 1846 to Wisconsin.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    223

2870 Nancy Loomis,8 b. 19 Oct., 1799; m. G. Nov., 1821, Elisha Allis; d. 3 Nov., 1828, in Cazenovia, N. Y.
2871 Polly Sprague Loomis,8 b. 16 Nov., 1801; m. 4 July, 1824, Milo Alder­man; d. 7 June, 1842, in Prattsburg.
2872 Sophronia Loomis,8 b. 7 Mar., 1805; m. 2 May, 1837, Thomas Hart; d. 25 Mar., 1852, in Belvidere, Ill.
2873 Amanda R. Loomis,8 b. 19 Nov., 1806; m. 23 Feb., 1824, Asa Hopkins; d. 18 May, 1844, in Prattsburg.

1018.   RHODERICK,7 son of Ashbel6 (354), b. 24 Dec., 1777; m. (1) 22 July, 1805, Sabra Clark, b. about 1773, in West Hartford, Conn.
She d. 25 Dec., 1809; he m. (2) 31 May, 1810, Mary Langworthy, b. in Hop­kinton, R. I., Nov., 1777, dau. of Joseph Langworthy, b. in Hopkinton, about 1750, and Lois Lewis; d. 10 Apr., 1817; she rem. with her son, Aranda, to Oglo Co., m., where she d. 1857.
He was a farmer and shoemaker, but was unable to labor on the farm on ac­count of a stiff knee, caused by a white swelling. He rem. from West Hartford, Conn., 1809, to Sangerfield, N. Y., and to Whitestown, 1812, where he d.
Children hy first wife.
2874 Louisa Marietta,8 b. 25 June, 1806; m. Christopher Langworthy.
2875 Lucy Caroline,8 b. 22 Oct., 1807; d. 4 Apr., 1808.
2876 Henry S.,8 b. 11 Oct., 1809; d. Feb., 1810.
Children by second wife.
2877 Sidney,8 b. 21 Apr., 1811; d. 6 June, 1811.
2878 A Child,8 b. 21 Jan., 1812; d. 22 Jan., 1812.
2879 Lorenzo,8 b. 20 Dec., 1812; d. 6 Mar., 1814.
2880 Arand,8 b. 5 Mar., 1814; m. (1) Arethusa Janette Davis; (2) Harriet Lucretia Mills; (3) Desdemona Pierce.

1020.   ASAHEL,7 son of Ashbel6 (354), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 13 Sept., 1783; m. 4 Jan., 1809, Amanda Spencer, b. in New Hartford, Conn., 7 Dec., 1785, dau. of Nathaniel Spencer, b. 21 Apr., 1748, and Lois Steele, b. 26 May, 1748.
He d. 17 Mar., 1843, in Claridon, O.; she d. in Ridgeville, O., 1 Dec., 1857.
He and his brother, Cotton, lived on his father's farm in New Hartford, Conn., and owned a sawmill; they also manufactured wagons, carriages, etc. They sold out in 1811, and both moved to Claridon, Geauga Co., O. The trip was made with a one-horse team and three ox teams and they were five weeks on the way.
2881 Julia Caroline,8 b. 17 Nov., 1810; m. Col. Erastus Spencer.
2882 Lucy Amanda,8 b. 7 Aug., 1813; m. Rev. James Austin Preston.
2883 Sherman Ashbel,8 b. 31 Mar., 1816; m. Nancy Taylor.
2884 Electa Louisa,8 b. 19 Sept., 1818; m. Warren K. Taylor.
2885 Sylvia Sophronia,8 b. 15 May, 1822; m. (1) 13 Apr., 1848, Rev. James A. Preston, who had previously m. her sister, Lucy. He d. 31 July, 1848; she m. (2) in the fall of 1852, Henry Lyman Talbot; d. 20 Feb., 1865; he d. 1897; had no children.

224    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1021.   COTTON,7 son of Ashbel6 (354), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 18 Aug., 1785; m. Elizabeth (Betsey) Moses, b. 22 June, 1790.
She d. in Hartford, Conn., 17 Nov., 1854; he d. in Claridon, 4 Dec., 1865.
He was a farmer; in 1815 he rem. from Connecticut with his wife and one child, and settled in Claridon, O., where he lived until his death; he established a sawmill, which was of great service to the early settlers; was a Congregationalist and a Republican.
2886 Sophia Naomi,8 b. in Connecticut, 1815; m. Asa Cowles.
2887 James Sidney,8 b. 20 Oct., 1818; m. Emma Lucy Stanhope.
2888 Cyrus Alfred,8 b. 22 Apr., 1822; m. (1) Anna E. Allgate; (2) Mary Serena Hayden.
2889 Chloe Ann,8 b. 16 Oct., 1828; m. Alonzo Simeon Watts.
2890 Chauncey,8 (adopted); m. Lydia Lorinda Strong (2894).

1022.   SARAH,7 dau. of Ashbel6 (354), b. 21 Feb., 1788; m. 30 Nov., 1808, Elisha Strong, b. 28 Dec., 1785, son of Elijah Strong and Lydia Rockwell.
She d. 3 Mar., 1860; he d. 18 Jan., 1861. He was a gunsmith in Claridon, O.
2891 William Kellogg Strong,8 b. 4 Oct., 1809; m. five times; res. in Big Rapids, Mich.; was a gunsmith.
2892 Lucy Cornelia Strong,8 b. 16 Mar., 1812; d. 2 Oct., 1812.
2893 Sarah Almira Strong,8 b. 8 Dec., 1813; m. James S. Weaver; d. 19 May, 1849.
2894 Lydia Lorinda Strong,8 b. 27 Jan., 1816; m. 6 Feb., 1839, Norman Chauncey Kellogg (2890), adopted son of Cotton Kellogg; he d. 9 Sept., 1873; she later res. in Morgan, O. He was a carpenter and joiner in Morgan.
2895 Elisha Austin Strong,8 b. 14 Aug., 1819; was a farmer in Milford, Ind.
2896 James Ashbel Strong,8 b. 3 Nov., 1821; was a gunsmith and jeweler in Brady, Mich.
2897 Elijah Rockwell Strong,8 b. 1 Apr., 1827.
2898 Julia Irene Strong,8 b. 6 May, 1829; m. Clark, of Lowell, Kent Co., Mich.

1023.   ARANDA,7 son of Ashbel6 (354), b. 8 Sept., 1790; m. Laura Cowles, dau. of Judge Asa Cowles, of New Hartford, Conn., and Claridon, O., and Sibyl Merrill, b. 4 June, 1765.
He d. 28 Mar., 1878.
He was a farmer in Claridon, O., where he settled in 1813; was a respected member of the church and society. The homestead was left to his youngest son, Carroll.
2899 Laura Cornell,8 b. 30 Oct., 1816; m. John Flavel Strong.
2900 Dwight C.,8 b.; m. Catherine Adams; res. in Claridon O., in 1900.
2901 Carroll A.,8 b.; m. Mary Dodge; had no children.

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1051.   TIMOTHY,7 son of Deacon Timothy6 (360), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 23 Aug., 1757; m. (1) _______.
She d.; he m. (2) (pub. in Sheffield, 17 Feb., 17 US), Eunice Cowles, of Torringford, Conn.; she d.; he m. (3) Mrs. Eleanor (Loomis) Cole, b. in New Hartford, Conn., 1761; d. in Pulaski, N. Y., 10 Aug., 1827; she d. in Mendon, Mich., 20 Oct., 1845, aged 84.
He rem. from Sheffield in 1806.
He was a revolutionary soldier; served in Capt. Fitch's Co., Col. Hopkin's Reg., July to 3 Aug., 1776; in Capt. King's Co., Col. Brown's Reg., 29 June to 21 July, 1777, and in Capt. Fitch's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 8 July to 4 Aug., 1777; in Capt. Loomis' Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 14 to 15 Oct., 1780.
2902 Truman,8 b. 1778; was living unm. 1838. "Uncle Trum" was a general favorite. He perished in a severe snowstorm.
2903 Mary,8 b. 8 Feb., 1780; m. (1) Josiah Curris; (2) Tullar.
2904 Electa,8 b. 1783; m. Barnett Bushnell.
2905 James,8 b. 1792; m. Bedee Jewell.
2906 Nancy,8 b. about 1795; m. Elisha Hubbell.
2907 John Jay,8 b. 11 Apr., 1801; m. Jane Maria Bull.
2908 Erastus,8 b. 11 Oct., 1804; m. (1) Lucena Ami Brace; (2) Mrs. Eliza­beth (Harrington) Homer.
2909 Ebenezer,8 b.; m. Polly Saxton.
2910 A Daughter,8 b.; m. Abner Hubbard.
2911 Martinis,8 b. ______.

1053.   OZIAS,7 son of Deacon Timothy6 (360), b. 17 Dec., 1760; m. Isabella Williams, b. 21 Dec., 1762.
He d. ______.
After the close of the revolutionary war he settled in Stillwater, N. Y. He was a revolutionary soldier; served in Capt. Wilcox's Co., Col. Brown's Reg., at Mount Independence, N. Y., 23 Feb., 8 Apr., 1777; in Col. Ashley's Reg. several times from 8 July, 1777, to 28 Oct., 1781.
Administration on his estate was granted in 1790 to Timothy and Isabella Kelogg. Ozias was then called "late of Egremont."
She m. (2) 24 Nov., 1789, Elijah King.
2912 William,8 b. 20 June, 1784; m. Mary Stadler Allison.
2913 Timothy,8 b. 20 July, 1786; m. (1) Sarah Hurlburt; (2) Elizabeth Mellen.

1054.   TRUMAN,7 son of Deacon Timothy6 (360), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 25 Oct., 1764; m. 3 Dec., 1789, Abi Bingham, b. in Salisbury, Conn., Jan., 1766, dau. of Daniel Bingham and Hannah Conant.
He d. in Pittstown, N. Y., 15 Oct., 1809.
Administration was granted on his estate, in Troy, N. Y., 11 July, 1811. He was a clothier by trade.
She m. (2) Manley; d. in Cincinnati, 13 Dec., 1838, while visiting her son, Albert.

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2914 Augustus,8 b. in Salisbury, Conn., 6 Oct., 1790; went south in 1814, and was never heard from.
2915 Orson,8 b. in Florida, N. Y., 27 Aug., 1792; m. Eleanor Clark.
2916 Truman,8 b. in Salisbury, Conn., 15 Oct., 1795; m. Anna Davis.
2917 Emily,8 in Florida, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1799; m. (1) Chester Steele; (2) Myron Hinsdale.
2918 Albert,8 b. in Pittstown, 15 Jan., 1801; m. Elizabeth Dudgeon.
2919 Caleb Bingham,8 b. in Pittstown, 27 May, 1806; d. in Cincinnati, O., of yellow fever, while returning from New Orleans; was unm.

1055.   OLIVER,7 son of Deacon Timothy6 (360), b. in Egremont, 12 Aug., 1767; m. 11 Mar., 1792, Abigail Benjamin, b. 10 Jan., 1774.
He d. 29 May, 1849; she d. 14 Jan., 1853.
He was a farmer; res. in Stillwater, Saratoga Co., N. Y.
Children, b. in Stillwater.
2920 Ozias,8 b. 20 Jan., 1793; m. ______.
2921 Sarah (Sally),8 b. 5 Nov., 1796; m. Ebenezer Gilbert.
2922 Ruth,8 b. 14 Aug., 1802; m. Henry Baldwin.
2923 Elizabeth (Betsey),8 b. 25 Nov., 1806; m. William D. Storer.
2924 Mary (Polly),8 b. 7 July, 1812; m. 10 Sept., 1835, James Simpson, of Fulton, N. Y.

1056.   DEACON JOSIAH JONES,7 son of Deacon Timothy6 (360), b. in Egremont, Mass., 25 July, 1768; m. 10 Jan., 1793, Mary (Polly) Taylor, of East Bloomfield, b. in 1772.
She d. 7 July, 1830; he d. 7 Nov., 1833.
In 1804 he rem. from East Bloomfield to Penfield, N. Y., where he was a farmer and cloth dresser. He was one of the founders of the Presbyterian Church in Penfield.
2925 Norman,8 b. 12 Jan., 1794; d. 12 Feb., 1794.
2926 Edmund,8 b. 3 May, 1795; m. Margaret Ellis.
2927 Sylvester,8 b. 27 Dec., 1797; m. Clarissa Ostrander.
2928 Chloe,8 b. 11 Mar., 1799; m. Caleb Warren.
2929 Sarah (Sally),8 b. 7 Feb., 1801; m. John Weaver.
2930 Delilah,8 b. 7 July, 1804; m. Jonathan Shepard Aver.
2931 Almira,8 b. 8 Feb., 1806; m. Harris Porter Colt.
2932 Mary,8 b. 24 Apr., 1808; d. 25 July, 1808.
2933 Daniel T.,8 b. 27 May, 1809; d. unm., 7 Mar., 1833.
2934 Josiah Jones,8 b. 1 Jan., 1812; m. Mrs. Margaret Jane (Trotter) Hen­derson.
2935 Mary (Polly),8 b. 27 Oct., 1814; m. Hiram Ross.
2936 Franklin Harrison,8 b. 14 Mar., 1817; m. Empress Paulowna Robbins.

1057.   DEACON ERASTUS,7 son of Deacon Timothy6 (360), bap. in Egre­mont, 8 July, 1770; m. (1) Dolly Demming (873), b. 28 Feb., 1773, dau. of Gamaliel Demming, bap. 1728, and Rebecca Kellogg (+284), b. 11 June, 1732.

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She d. in Pulaski, N. Y., about 1814; she taught school in Egremont before her marriage. He m. (2) 1 Mar., 1815, Mrs. Rhoda (Tuller) Van Deusen. She d. 26 June, 1845; he d. 30 Aug., 1850.
He was a blacksmith in Egremont; deacon in the Congregational Church.
Children by first wife.
2937 Alvan Hyde,8 b. in Sheffield, Mass., 9 Mar., 1795; m. Esther King.
2938 Martin Deming,8 b. 2 June, 1798; m. (1) Sally Prindle; (2) Mary Ogden.
Children by second wife.
2939 Erastus William,8 b. 1 June, 1816; m. Eliza Ann Klock.
2940 Mary Amanda,8 b. 20 Dec., 1818.

1077.   AZARIAH,7 son of Azariah6 (364), b. in Harwinton, 21 Nov., 1757; m. 1 Dec., 1784, Roxanna Cook.
He d. 28 Oct., 1810; she d. 3 Mar., 1838.
He was a farmer; res. on his father's homestead; was one of the selectmen in Harwinton from 1800 to 1804; was a Representative in the Legislature of Con­necticut, 1799, 1800, '01, '02.
Children, b. in Harwinton.
2941 Alma,8 b. 26 Oct., 1785; m. Abner Wilson.
2942 Amanda,8 b. 19 Jan., 1787; m. William S. Goodsell.
2943 Truman,8 b. 22 July, 1788; m. Cynthia Rosseter.
2944 Roxa,8 b. 4 Oct., 1790; d. 11 Mar., 1794.
2945 Huldah,8 b. 23 Aug., 1792; d. 19 Mar., 1794.
2946 Ezra,8 b. 9 Jan., 1795; d. 9 Aug., 1803.
2947 George,8 b. 8 Dec., 1796; d. 7 May, 1799.
2948 Roxa,8 b. 27 Feb., 1800; d. unm. 11 May, 1827.
2949 George,8 b. 3 Mar., 1803; m. Caroline Webster.

1078.   HANNAH,7 dau. of Azariah6 (364), b. 4 Aug., 1759; m. 18 Dec., 1782. Joseph Austin.
Children, b. in New Hanford, Conn.
2950 Archibald Austin,8 b. 29 Dec., 1783.
2951 Norman Austin,8 b. 12 Apr., 1785.
2952 Russell Austin,8 b. 17 May, 1787.

1080.   ALLEN,7 son of Azariah6 (364), b. 8 Oct., 1763; m. 23 Feb., 1785, Mindwell Catlin, b. in Harwinton, 1765 or '66, dau. of George Catlin and Mind­well Phelps.
He res. in Harwinton, Conn.
He was a revolutionary soldier; served in Col. Campfield's Connecticut Militia Reg., at West Point, 1781.
Children, b. in Harwinton.
2953 Daughter,8 b. 5 Aug., 1785; d. 10 Aug., 1785.
2954 Sabra,8 b. 24 July, 1787; d. 25 Sept., 1788.
2955 Allen,8 b. 25 Sept., 1789; d. 31 Jan., 1799.
2956 Horace,8 b. 30 Jan., 1792; d. unm. ______.

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2957 Alexander,8 b. 6 June, 1795; m. Mary Ingersoll.
2958 Sabra,8 b. 16 Nov., 1797; m. David Benton; had no children.
2959 Mindwell,8 b. 10 Aug., 1800; admitted to the church in Torrington, Conn., in 1817, and to the church in Walcotville, in 1838, where she was living unm. in 1876.
2960 Hannah,8 b. 25 May, 1817; m. as his second wife, Asahel Hooker, b. in Bristol, Conn., 15 June, 1792, son of Ira Hooker, b. 12 Mar., 1760, and Amy Barnes, b. 18 Aug., 1769; he d. 27 Apr., 1865; she d. 3 May, 1875; both d. in Bristol, Conn.
2961 Huldah,8 b.; m. Stephen Sharpless.

1081.   JACOB,7 son of Azariah6 (364), b. in Harwinton, 24 Aug., 1766; m. (1) (pub. in Sheffield, 31 Oct., 1789), Deborah Griswold, b. 1771.
She d. 9 Mar., 1813; he m. (2) 29 Aug., 1813, Mrs. Elizabeth (Beales) Gay lord, b. 29 Aug., 1784; d. 12 Apr., 1855, aged 89.
He was called Jacob Kellogg, second, when he was published in Sheffield. He rem. to Adams, Jefferson Co., N. Y., about 1800, and was Highway Commissioner in 1803.

Children by first wife.
2962 Hannah,8 b. 13 Aug., 1790; m. Stephen Billings Wright.
2963 Salmon,8 b. 31 July, 1792; d. unm. 8 May, 1813.
2964 Amney,8 b. 15 Mar., 1794; m. Calvin Fox.
2965 Harriet,8 b. 2 Mar., 1796; m. Pearley D. Stone; d. 24 July, 1864; he lived in Adams.
2966 Lewis,8 b. 19 June, 1798; m. Louisa Breed.
2967 Jacob,8 b. 31 July, 1800; m. Fanny Billings.
2968 Lois,8 b. 22 Apr., 1803; m. Nelson Seymour, of Adams, N. Y.; both d. in Adams, N. Y.; had no children.
2969 Sally,8 b. 9 Dec., 1805; d. young.
2970 Lauretta,8 b. 5 Nov., 1807; d. 22 Jan., 1810.
2971 Alex Hamilton,8 b. in Adams, 17 May, 1811; m. 15 Feb., 1855, Lovina Hall, b. in Jefferson Co., N. Y., 21 July, 1818, dau. of Daniel Hall, b. in Conn., 2 Aug., 1782, and Anna Mills, b. about 1790. He was a farmer in Adams, N. Y.; had no children; in 1858 they adopted Arabella Henrietta McClosky, b. 21 Jan., 1854.
Children by second wife.
2972 Salmon,8 b. 19 May, 1814; accidentally killed, 29 Aug., 1836.
2973 Erasmus Darwin,8 b. 14 Dec., 1815; m. Louisa M. Bliss.
2974 Elizabeth,8 b. 11 July, 1818; m. (1) William Brown Hinman; (2) Merrill ______.
2975 Ann,8 b. 25 Aug., 1820; m. John Adams; both d. in Wisconsin; had no children.
2976 Joshua B.,8 b. 17 Oct., 1824; d. 9 June, 1825.

1086.   LOIS,7 dau. of Azariah6 (364), b. 5 Dec., 1774, in Harwinton, Conn.; m. 17 Mar., 1793, William Benton, son of Barnabas Benton and Elizabeth Hins­dell.
Children, b. in Harwinton.
2977 Willis Benton,8 b. 8 Jan., 1794.
2978 Lois Benton,8 b. 9 Mar., 1796.

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2979 William Pomeroy Benton,8 b. 7 July, 1798.
2980 Maria Benton,8 b. 29 Sept., 1800.

1087.   ABIJAH,7 son of Az6 (364), b. in Harwinton, Conn., 1 May, 1777; m. in Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., 18 Oct., 1801, Pamelia Willard, b. in Stonington, Conn., 18 Sept., 1775, dau. of Rufus Willard, a farmer in Stonington, Conn., and Pamelia Belden.
She d. 3 May, 1843; he d. 25 Jan., 1844.
He was a carpenter in Adams and Rodman, N. Y.
Children, b. in Adams.
2981 George,8 b. 30 July, 1803; m. Calista Morse.
2982 Hiram,8 b. 22 Nov., 1805; m. Pamelia Ely.
2983 Chloe,8 b. 18 Sept., 1809; m. Ora Cooley.
2984 Harry Croswell,8 b. 9 May, 1811; m. Sarah Chapin.

1088.   SARAH,7 dau. of George6 (366), b. in West Hartford, 6 Dec., 1761; m. Nathaniel Seymour, b. 23 Aug., 1763.
She d. 14 June, 1834, in West Hartford, Conn.; he d. 26 Feb., 1849.
Children, b. in West Hartford.
2985 Emma Seymour,8 b. 18 Jan., 1790; res. 1879 in West Hartford.
2986 Horace Kellogg Seymour,8 b. 21 Oct., 1791; m. 27 Feb., 1816, Clarissa Seymour, bap. 15 Jan., 1793, dau. of Aaron Seymour, of West Hartford and Anna Phelps; d. 6 Apr., 1866; she d. 9 July, 1874, aged 84.
2987 Edwin Seymour,8 b. 23 June, 1793; m. 13 Nov., 1816, Fanny Merrill, of West Hartford; d. in Ravenna, O., 23 Mar., 1854.
2988 Mason Seymour,8 b. 5 Dec., 1794; m. 11 May, 1819, Lucia Hurlburt, of West Hartford; d. 31 Dec., 1864.
2989 Nathan Seymour,8 b. 8 Sept., 1798; d. unm., in Hartford, 18 Oct., 1842.

1089.   MARY,7 dau. of George6 (366), b. in West Hartford, Conn., 4 June, 1764; m. (1) 1784, Aaron Steele, of West Hartford, b. 8 Jan., 1761, son of John Steele and Christian _______.
He d.; she m. (2), as his second wife. Gen. Hyde, of Broome Co., N. Y.; he d.; she d. 19 Feb., 1822.
They res. in Hyde Settlement, N. Y. After the death of Gen. Hyde, she rem. to Owego, N. Y.
Children by first husband.
2990 Polly Steele,8 b. in Hartford, 1786; m. James Stoddard; d. in Lisle, N. Y.
2991 George Steele,8 b. 20 Nov., 1787; m. Catharine Cook, of Hadley; d. in Oswego Co., N. Y.
2992 Lucy Steele,8 b. 1788; d. in Pontiac, Mich., 1 Apr., 1835.

1090.   JACOB,7 son of George6 (366), b. in West Hartford, Conn., 16 Mar., 1766; m. 2 Feb., 1791, Catherine Steele, b. 2 Oct., 1766, dau. of Josiah Steele, b. 25 Feb., 1724, and Elizabeth Colton, b. 9 Dec., 1728.
She d. in Utica, N. Y., 6 May, 1835; he d. 16 May, 1838. He was described as being nearly 6 feet high, and well proportioned; his hair, complexion and eyes were light.

230    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in West Hartford.
2993 George,8 b. 20 June, 1792; d. 15 July, 1792.
2994 Elizabeth Colton,8 b. 22 Aug., 1793; m. Rev. John Shearer.
2995 Catherine,8 b. 1 Jan., 1795; m. William Andrus.
2996 George Steele,8 b. 26 Feb., 1797; m. Chloe Tiffany.
2997 Amanda,8 b. 15 July, 1798; m. Dr. John Alsop Paine.
2998 Cynthia,8 b. 12 Feb., 1800; m. 6 Mar., 1836, Reuben Sackett Williams, b. 14 Mar., 1804, son of Sturgis Williams and Deborah Hatch; d. 12 Nov., 1869; he d. 21 Nov., 1879; both d. in Percival, la; had no children. He engaged in the lumber business and had a ma­chine shop in Cuyahoga Falls, O.; rem. to Iowa in the spring of 1866.
2999 Josiah,8 b. 27 Jan., 1802; d. 26 Mar., same year.
3000 Josiah Steele,8 b. 26 Mar., 1803; m. in Hartford, Conn., 27 Aug., 1835, Lucy Williams Goodwin,8 b. 12 Jan., 1817, in that part of Windsor, Conn., which is now the town of Bloomfield. She was the dau. of Timothy Goodwin, b. 4 Apr., 1783, and Beulah Ely, b. 24 Aug., 1792. He d. in Washington, D. C., 1 Nov., 1882, aged 79; was buried in the old North Burying Ground, Hartford. When a young man he engaged in the publishing and book business in Mobile, Ala., in the firm of Kellogg & Co. He was widely known in the South. In 1838 he rem. to New Hartford, N. Y.; in 1861 was a member of the sanitary commission, Washington, D. C.; after the war he practiced as attorney in the departments; he was a Pres­byterian, Whig and Republican.
3001 Maria,8 b. 18 Sept., 1806; d. unm. in Brattleboro, Vt., 30 Aug., 1871.
3002 Marshfield Steele,8 b. 11 July, 1808; was killed by falling from a tree, 27 Sept., 1822.

1091.   CHLOE,7 dau. of George6 (366), b. 25 Aug., 1769; m. in West Hart­ford, Conn., 27 Oct., 1790, Joseph Cadwell, Jr., b. 7 May, 1768, son of Joseph Cadwell, of West Hartford, and Thankful _______.
She d. 23 Feb., 1847; he d. in Martinsburgh, N. Y., 17 Mar., 1847.
3003 Henry Cadwell,8 b. 25 Oct., 1791; m. 9 Oct., 1816, Maria Hurlburt, b. 17 Apr., 1796, dau. of Joseph Hurlburt, of West Hartford, and Malinda Sedgwick; he was a potter in Rome, N. Y.; d. 7 July, 1840; she d. 4 Jan., 1874.
3004 Sarah Kellogg Cadwell,8 b. 19 Nov., 1793; m. Jeremiah Seymour; res. in Leyden, N. Y.; d. in Leyden, Aug., 1865.
3005 Joseph Cadwell,8 b. in Lisle, Broome Co., N. Y., 24 Jan., 1796; m. 7 Jan., 1827, in Turin, N. Y., Julia Bush, b. 29 July, 1802, dau. of Oliver Bush, of Westfield, Mass., and Turin, and Electa Dewey; she d. in Turin, 14 Apr., 1843; he was a cabinet-maker in Turin until 1861; d. in Cape Vincent, N. Y., 2 Aug., 1865.
3006 Amanda Cadwell,8 b. 27 Dec., 1797; m. 10 Nov., 1818, Joseph House, of Houseville, N. Y., b. 4 Apr., 1796, son of Eleazer House, b. 1759, and Abigail Moseley, b. 1763; he was a farmer in Houseville; they celebrated their golden wedding; she d. 9 Dec., 1875; had eight children.

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3007 Benjamin Jones Cadwell,8 b. 9 Mar., 1800; d. in Danby, N. Y.
3008 George Clark Cadwell,8 b. 9 Sept., 1802.
3009 Chester Cadwell,8 b. 10 July, 1804.
3010 Edwin Sedgwick Cadwell,8 b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 17 Aug., 1800; m. (1) 1827, Abby Cheeny; she d. 7 Oct., 1872; he m. (2) Sept., 1874, widow of Diodade Pease. He was a merchant in Ronio, N. Y.; Justice of the Peace; elder in the Presbyterian Church; d. 31 Dec., 1875; had no children.
3011 Charles Steele Cadwell,8 b. 1 Feb., 1810; embarked on a whaling voyage in New Bedford, Mass., and was never heard from.
3012 Mary Ann Cadwell,8 b. 21 Aug., 1812; m. Ephesus Babbitt; d. in Water­loo, N. Y., 5 June, 1850.

1093.   AMANDA,7 dau. of George6 (366), b. in West Hartford, Conn., 28 Apr., 1775; m. 17 June, 1798, Jeremiah Learning.
He was a manufacturer of pottery; settled in Indiana in 1820.
3013 Jerry Kellogg Learning,8 b. in Hartford, Conn., 5 May, 1799; m. in New York, 1 July, 1818, Lydia Caswell; was one of the first commis­sioners in Hamilton Co., Ind.; was a farmer and merchant; d. in Hamilton Co., Ind., 6 Dec., 1852; had seven children.

1094.   LYDIA,7 dau. of George6 (366), b. in West Hartford, 29 Nov., 1778, m. Timothy Merrill, b. in West Hartford, Conn., 9 Apr., 1779.
She d. 10 Nov., 1831; he d. 2 Apr., 1846.
He was a potter.
3014 Harriet C. Merrill,8 b. in Hartford, Conn., 4 Sept., 1798; m. James F. Vail; d. in Norwalk, Conn., 1862.
3015 Thomas Belden Merrill,8 b. in Northampton, Conn., 21 Nov., 1803; m. 23 Dec., 1829, Ann St. John; res. in 1876 in Norwalk, Conn.; was a retired merchant; had seven children.
3016 Titus Kellogg Merrill,8 b. 11 Sept., 1805; m. (1) 15 Dec., 1825, Lydia Ann Holden; she d. 25 Mar., 1864; he m. (2) 11 Oct., 1865, Mrs. Eliza Weed; she d. 24 Apr., 1876; he res. in 1876 in Norwalk; had no children.
3017 Sabrina Merrill,8 b. in Albany, N. Y., 4 Dec., 1807; m. Capt. John B. Coyle, of Portland, Me.; had five children.
3018 George S. Merrill,8 b. in Jefferson, N. Y., 6 July, 1809; m. Mary Ann Morgan, of New York; d. in Norwalk, 21 July, 1852.
3019 Orson Merrill,8 b. in Blenheim, N. Y., 30 Nov., 1810; d. unm., in Darien, Ga., 7 Oct., 1836.
3020 Sarah Ann Merrill,8 b. 20 Mar., 1812; m. Henry Kidney, a hatter; d. in Norwalk, 27 Nov., 1867.
3021 Mary Eliza Merrill,8 b. 13 May, 1814; m. James Beard; d. in Cedar Creek, Mich., 31 Jan., 1863.
3022 Harry Merrill,8 b. 15 Dec., 1815; d. unm. in Charleston, S. C., 18 Oct., 1841; was an engineer.

232    The Kelloggs in the New World.

3023 Lucy Matilda Merrill,8 b. in Cherry Valley, N. Y., 6 Dec., 1817; lived, unm., in 1876, with her brother, Thomas.
3024 Louisa Maria Merrill,8 b. 6 Dec., 1817; m. James Merritt, a sailmaker, in Portland, Me.; had eleven children.
3025 Caroline Merrill,8 b. in Southhold, L. I., 14 Nov., 1819; m. (1) John Prince; he d.; she m. (2) Samuel Weeks, of Southhold.

1098.   JUDGE ISAAC,7 son of Benjamin6 (369), b. in Canaan, Conn., 21 Sept., 1755; m. Elizabeth Harwood, b. 3 Aug., 1762, dau. of Rev. Eleazer Harwood and Elizabeth Montague, and sister of Lucretia Harwood, who m. Amos Kellogg (+914), of Pittsford, Vt.
He d. 7 Sept., 1823, aged 68; she d. 31 Aug., 1847, aged 85.
He settled in Ticonderoga, near Upper Falls, between Lake George and Lake Champlain, where he was a prominent business man.
He was a soldier in the revolution; served in Col. Webb's Connecticut Reg., three years, 13 June, 1777, to 15 June, 1780; during his service he was made a prisoner of war at Addison, Vt., and was confined in a military prison in Quebec, from which he escaped, with several others, and made the journey to Burlington, Vt., in the dead of winter. He carried the marks of his prison irons on his wrists until the day of his death.
He was commissioned Capt. in the Militia, 7 Mar., 1788, in Lieut. Col. Melancthon Lloyd Woolsey's Reg.; was Judge of the Essex Co. Court of Common Pleas from 1802 to 1818; Senator from the Eastern District of the State, 1809, '10, '11, and a member of the Council of Appointment from this district in 1809.*
In his will which was proved in Essex Co., N. Y., 9 Oct., 1823, and in Rut­land, Vt., 1826, he mentioned his wife, Elizabeth, nephew, Jeduthan Case, orphan nieces, Pamelia and Clarinda P. Case, and Amos Kellogg (+914), of Pitts­ford, Vt.
When Gen. Washington visited Ticonderoga, at the close of his term of office, he was the guest of Isaac, and it is said there was a great resemblance between them.
Children, b. in Ticonderoga.
3026 A Child,8 b.; d. in infancy.
3027 A Child,8 b.; d. in infancy.
3028 Samuel Harwood,8 b. ______; drowned in Lake George before he was 12 years of age, while sliding on the ice on a hand sled.

1100.   PHILOMELA,7 dau. of Benjamin6 (369), b. in Canaan, Conn., 23 Apr., 1760; m. Lieut. Lemuel Case, whose brother, Luman, m. her sister, Pamelia (+1101).
She d.; he m. twice afterward.
He was a carpenter; res. in Ticonderoga, N. Y.
3029 Beulah Case,8 b. Feb., 1785; m. Haskins; lived and d. near Rochester, N. Y.

* Under the constitution of New York, until 1821, all appointments to civil and mili­tary offices were made by the Council of Appointment, which consisted of four Senators, one from each "Great District," who were annually elected by the Assembly.

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3030 Pamelia Case,8 b. 20 May, 1791; m. Edward Barney, a native of Rhode Island; he d. in Ticonderoga, 21 May, 1835.
3031 Olive Case,8 b. 15 July, 1795; d. unm. in Ticonderoga, 13 Mar., 1817.
3032 Clarinda Philomela Case,8 b. 15 June, 1796; m. 3 Aug., 1829, John Harris, of Ticonderoga, b. in Sandy Hill, N. Y., 20 May, 1792; d. in Harrodsburg, Ky., 7 Apr., 1871; he d. in Floyd C. H., Va., 14 Dec., 1876; he was a farmer in Ticonderoga, 1829 to 1870.

1101.   PAMELIA.,7 dau. of Benjamin6 (369), b. in Canaan, Conn., 19 Oct., 1762; m. (1) Luman Case.
He d.; she m. (2) as his second wife, Isaac Hamblin, b. 20 Sept., 1762, son of John Hamblin, bap. in Barnstable, Mass., 3 Sept., 1721, and Esther _______.
She d. in Bridport, Vt.; he d. in Moriah, N. Y.
With her first husband she settled in Bridport, Vt., where he bought a farm, and erected a saw and grist mill, and became a prominent citizen of the town. He was accidentally killed in his sawmill. Mr. Hamblin was also a miller. After her death he rem. to Moriah, N. Y.
Children by first husband, b. in Bridport.
3033 Jeduthan Case,8 b.; m. (1); she d.; he m. (2) Mrs. Sarah (Titus) Kellogg, widow of Rowland Kellogg (+3362).
3034 Charlotte Case,8 b. ______.
3035 Electa Case,8 b.; m. Sylvester Scott.
3036 Elizabeth Case,8 b.; d. in Bristol, Vt., unm., aged more than 80.
3037 Luman Case,8 b. ______.
Children by second husband, b. in Bridport.
3038 Samuel Hamblin,8 b. ______.
3039 Daniel Hamblin,8 b. ______.
3040 Benjamin Kellogg Hamblin,8 b. about 1798-99; m. Virtue Smith; res. in Shelburne, Vt.; he d. in Middlebury, Vt., about 1882-83; was a saddler; had five children.
3041 Azra Hamblin,8 b. 7 Apr., 1801; m.; d. in Oshkosh, Wis., 4 Feb., 1890; had seven children.

1102.   COMFORT,7 dau. of Benjamin6 (369), b. in Canaan, 14 Mar., 1765; m. 25 Feb., 1789, Gen. Ezekiel Dunton, of Bristol, Vt., b. in Dorset, Vt., 30 Apr., 1768, son of Thomas Dunton, b. 1735.
He d. 13 Feb., 1824, aged 56; she d. 6 June, 1839.
He was a member of the General Assembly from Bristol in 1806, '08, '13; one of the selectmen of Bristol eleven years; Justice of the Peace for Addison Co. fifteen years; elected in 1813 Brigadier Gen. First Brigade, Third Division, Vermont Militia; was in the battle of Plattsburgh as Capt. of Volunteers in the war of 1812.
Children, b. in Bristol, Vt.
3042 Mary (Polly) Dunton,8 b. 25 Nov., 1789; m. 22 Nov., 1810, David Landles Annon, b. in Peterborough, N. H., 15 July, 1784, son of Rev. David Annon, b. in Scotland, 1755, and Sarah Smith, b. 1761; he was a cabinet-maker in Bristol, Vt.; he d. 26 Nov., 1843; she d. 18 Apr., 1849; had five children.

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3043 Thaddeus M. Dunton,8 b. 2 July, 1791; m. in Monkton, Vt., 22 Jan., 1835, Juda Bunker, b. in Stanstead, Lower Canada, 4 Jan., 1810; d. 13 Aug., 1819, in Wisconsin; had four children; she m. (2) 1 Jan., 1853, Matthew Porter; res. 1877 in Wisconsin.
3044 Diadamia Dunton,8 b. 22 Mar., 1794; d. young.
3045 Comfort Cleora Dunton,8 b. 27 June, 1798; m. (1) Henry Carpenter; (2) Thomas Cole; d. in Bristol, 1870 or '71; had no children.
3046 Ezekiel Kellogg Dunton,8 b. 27 Aug., 1803; m. Mandana M. Holley, b. 15 May, 1802, dau. of Col. Robert Holley, of Bristol; he was a farmer in Bristol; d. 20 Sept., 1837; she d. 16 Jan., 1842. Their son, Walter C. Dunton, is one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Vermont.

1103.   SARAH GOLD,7 dau. of Benjamin6 (369), b. in Canaan, Conn., 26 Sept., 1766; m. as his second wife, in Ticonderoga, 31 Dec., 1789, Capt. Ebenezer Markham, b. 30 June, 1749, son of Rev. Isaac Markham, of Enfield, Conn., and Pease; he had previously m. 20 Feb., 1775, Catherine Lydius, of Sche­nectady, N. Y., who d. in Fort George, N. Y., 8 May, 1789.
He d. in Middlebury, Vt., 20 Feb., 1813, aged 64; she d. 15 Jan., 1850, aged 83.
He was a merchant and manufacturer in Montreal, Canada, and in Bridport and Middlebury, Vt. In early life he was a captain of a vessel in the West India trade.
3047 Catherine Lydius Markham,8 b. in Bridport, Vt., 21 Sept., 1790; m. 19 Oct., 1806, William Scott McLeod, b. 5 Mar., 1776, son of Capt. David McLeod, of Boston. He d. 1 Apr., 1833; she d. 20 Mar., 1885, aged 94 years 6 months; res. in Middlebury, Vt.
3048 David Kellogg Markham,8 b. 19 Feb., 1793; m. in Oppalousa, La., about 1826; d. of cholera, in New Orleans, 11 Jan., 1833; he was a lawyer; had no children.
3049 Isaac Ebenezer Markham,8 b. 3 May, 1795; d. unm. in Middlebury, 16 Sept., 1825; was a distinguished machinist, the inventor of the picking machine, and the method of sawing marble as now prac­ticed with toothless saws, sand and water.

1104.   JOHN,7 son of John6 (370), b. in Tyringham, 17 Apr., 1755; m. in Great Barrington, 15 Jan., 1779, Lydia Church, b. in Great Barrington, 5 Apr., 1751.
She d. 26 Feb., 1819; he d. 27 Oct., 1834; both are buried in the South cemetery, Great Barrington.
His farm was situated about a mile southwest of Great Barrington, Mass., on the Egremont road; he built the house before his marriage.
He was a revolutionary pensioner; in his application for pension in 1832 he stated that he was b. in Tyringham, 17 Apr., 1755; he rem. to Great Barrington in Mar., 1769; he enlisted at Egremont in Apr., 1775, went to Boston and en­gaged in the siege at that place until the end of the following December. In July, 1776, he was a fifer in the company, when the militia of Great Barrington and Egremont marched to the North River, where the two British frigates, Rose and Phoenix, were menacing the country. While there the Declaration of Inde-

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pendence was read to the company. He was at Bennington just after the battle, and joined the northern army, opposing Gen. Burgoyne. Although present at the surrender of Burgoyne, he was not in the principal engagement which pre­ceded it.
Ezra Kellogg was a witness for him, but states that there is not, to his knowl­edge, any relationship between them.
Children, b. in Great Barrington.
3050 Charles,8 b. 3 May, 1780; m. Lorinda Wheeler.
3051 Philander,8 b. 3 Oct., 1781; m. Fanny Sperry.
3052 John,8 b. 11 Feb., 1784; m. Hopey Stillman.
3053 Norman,8 b. 6 June, 1786; m. (1) Lydia Boyington; (2) Mary N. Hopkins.

1106.   BEN,7 son of John6 (370), b. in Tyringham, Mass., 18 Feb., 1761; m. Luranah Spalding, b. 11 Sept., 1766, dau. of John Spalding, of Canaan, Conn., b. 20 July, 1742, and Sarah Newell, b. 29 Oct., 1743.
She d. 24 Aug., 1834, in Farmersville, Mich.; he d. in Union Square, Oswego Co., N. Y., 16 Dec., 1850, aged 90.
He was a wool carder and cloth dresser, in Great Barrington, Mass., Kinder­hook and Claverack, N. Y. He was a revolutionary soldier; served from 26 Apr. to 20 May, 1777; from 11 July to 1 Jan., 1778; 12 Oct to 28 Oct., 1781. He was a revolutionary pensioner; res. in Cazenovia, N. Y., in 1832; res. in Great Barrington until about 1786, when he rem. to Kinderhook, N. Y.; in 1796 to Cataract, N. Y.; in 1816 to Cazenovia.
3054 Horace,8 b. 20 Apr., 1785; m. Mary Cada.
3055 William,8 b. 11 Mar., 1787; d. 12 Aug., 1793.
3056 John B.,8 b. 20 Mar., 1789; m. Gertrude Vosburg.
3057 Lydia,8 b. 10 Apr., 1791; m. (1) _______ Hassan; (2) Maj. Jonathan Smith; (3) Jedediah M. Holmes.
3058 Nathan Benjamin,8 b. 28 Jan., 1793; m. (1) Magdalen Esselstyne; (2) Alzina Pennover.
3059 Miles,8 b. 17 Aug., 1795; m. ______.
3060 Eliza,8 b. 22 Nov., 1797; m. _______ Church.
3061 Jeremiah,8 b. 1 Oct., 1799; m. Eunice Dodge.
3062 Rebecca Ann,8 b. 28 June, 1801; m. Babcock.
3063 Alexander Hamilton,8 b. 7 June, 1804; m.; d. in Barrington, Ill.; had three sons who d. young.
3064 Benjamin,8 b. 27 Apr., 1806; m. (1) Ann Elizabeth Stackpole; (2) _______.
3065 Charles B.,8 b. 16 Apr., 1808; res. in Philadelphia, where he d. unm. 6 Oct., 1828.
3066 Sarah Luranah,8 b. 16 July, 1811; m. Nathaniel P. Bailey, of Swart­wont, Tex.; he was a planter and merchant in Swartwont; she d. 28 Oct., 1870, in Swartwont; had no children.

1107.   NATHAN,7 son of John6 (370), b. in Tyringham, 30 Jan., 1764; m. Clara Bryant.
She d. near Seneca Lake, N. Y., 1824; he d. 4 July, 1838.

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He entered the revolutionary army when 16 years old; served from 27 June to 4 July, 1780; from 14 Oct. to 18 Oct., same year; from 6 Aug. to 8 Nov., 1781. He was a revolutionary pensioner. His service as stated above appears in the rolls of the Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution. He rem. to Auburn, N. Y., about 1800, when there were but three houses there.
3067 Chester Curtis,8 b. in Great Barrington, 1785; m. Martha Coe.
3068 George,8 b.; m. Jedidah Coffin.
3069 Ambrose Bryant,8 b. in Hillsdale. N. Y., 21 May, 1801; m. Betsey Rathbun.
3070 Nancy,8 b. ______.
3071 Laura,8 b.; m. Huggins.

1108.   UNION,7 dau. of John6 (370), b. in Great Barrington, 7 July, 1766; m. (1) _______ Loomis; (2) _______ Mix; (3) _______ Van Horn; (4) 9 May, 1824, as his second wife, Henry Whitney,* b. 9 Apr., 1767, in Stamford, Conn., son of Eliasaph Whitney and Mary Bishop.
He d. in Great Barrington, 27 Jan., 1843; she d. in Elbridge, N. Y., 21 Aug., 1850, aged 84.
"For many years she lived a humble, devoted Christian, passed through much suffering, while patiently awaiting her change, and died in great peace."
3072 Charles K. Mix,8 b.; res. in Elbridge, N. Y.

1119.   CAPT. SAMUEL,7 son of Samuel6 (373), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 29 Sept., 1766; m. (1) 29 Nov., 1787, Anna Blair, b. 1 June, 1768, dau. of Absalom Blair, b. 9 Nov., 1742, and Martha Young, b. 28 Oct., 1742.
She "fainted and died instantly," 11 Mar., 1806; he m. (2) 1807, Isabella Blair, b. 21 Feb., 1774, sister of his first wife.
He d. 25 Apr., 1829; she d. 25 Nov., 1831.
While he never enjoyed the advantages of an early education he qualified himself, by industry and study, to discharge the duties of stations above those usually occupied by farmers. For the greater part of his life he filled some pub­lic office; was Justice of the Peace; Selectman; Assessor; Representative to the Legislature for several years. He was the general counsellor and peacemaker among his neighbors, and the common umpire of disputes in that region of the country. He was Capt. of a company of cavalry in Williamstown. He prided himself on being a model farmer; was one of the founders of the Berkshire Agri­cultural Society, one of the oldest institutions of the kind in the country. The farm was well stocked and the stock well cared for.
Children by first wife, b. in Williamstown.
3073 Marcia,8 b. 9 Aug., 1789; m. Christopher Van Deventer.
3074 Samuel,8 b. 4 Jan., 1791; m. Catherine J. Day.
3075 Anna,8 b. 15 Oct., 1792; m. Samuel Northam.
3076 Julia Ann,8 b. 14 Aug., 1794; m. Gershom Taintor Bulkley.

*He had m. ( 1 ) in Middlesex, now Darien. Conn., 1789, Prudence Gray, b. 16 Dec., 1772, who d. in Great Barrington, Mass., 11 Dec., 1822.

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3077 Absalom Blair,8 b. 11 Feb., 1797; d. unm. 10 July, 1821. He pre­pared for college, but ill health prevented his entering.
3078 Martha Adeline,8 b. 6 Apr., 1800; m. George Washington Francis.
3079 Giles Bacon,8 b. 17 Nov., 1802; d. 6 Nov., 1803.
Children by second wife.
3080 Giles Bacon,8 b. 28 Mar., 1808; m. Adeline Kellogg (11248).
3081 Daniel Madison,8 b. 29 June, 1809; d. unm. in Troy, 28 Aug., 1836. He went to Boston, afterward to Parkman, O.; later to Perrys­burgh, where he was in trade until he was taken sick, when he re­turned to Troy.
3082 John Campbell,8 b. in Williamstown, 23 Dec., 1810; m. about 1836, Arietta L. Knickerbocker, dau. of Judge Haman Knickerbocker, of Schagticoke, N. Y. He was a merchant in Perrysburgh, O.; d. in Troy, N. Y., 3 Aug., 1863. He entered Williams College in 1829; his health failing, he left before the end of the year; had no chil­dren.
3083 Christopher Van Deventer,8 b. 11 Jan., 1813; m. Amelia Mott.
3084 Chloe Isabella,8 b. 11 May, 1815; d. unm. 31 Oct., 1845, at the house of her brother, Christopher, in Stephenson, Ill.

1121.   CHLOE,7 dau. of Samuel6 (373), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 20 June, 1770; m. in Williamstown, Sept., 1788, John Campbell, a merchant of Albany, N. Y., b. 1769.
He d. in Albany, 16 May, 1796; she d. in Auburn, N. Y., 3 July, 1839.
3085 Olive Campbell,8 b. in Albany, 26 Aug., 1790; m. in Albany, 16 Oct., 1809, David Hyde, b. in Sharon, Conn., 27 May, 1783. He was a lawyer; studied with his brother-in-law, Daniel Kellogg (+1123), in Skaneateles, N. Y.

1123.   DANIEL,7 son of Samuel6 (373), b. in Williamstown, 19 Apr., 1780; m. in Auburn, N. Y., Laura Hyde, b. in Sharon, Conn., 22 Mar., 1786, dau. of Simon Hyde, b. 15 Sept., 1742, and Dolly St. John, b. 14 Nov., 1742.
He d. 4 May, 1836; she d. 31 Dec., 1849.
He lived at home until about 1800; is said to have been a student in Wil­liams College three years; studied law in Albany with Abraham Vechten, Esq.; was admitted to practice in 1800. In the spring of 1801, he settled in Auburn, N. Y.; rem. in 1803 to Skaneateles, where he res. until his death. He was Dis­trict Attorney for three years; president of the Auburn Bank from 1818 until his death.
He was above the medium height; well proportioned; of a cheerful dispo­sition, and prepossessing in appearance. His hair turned white when he was about 21. His homestead in Skaneateles was a fine, square, gable-roofed house, built, during or just previous to the revolutionary war, by an army officer,8 who was unable to occupy it. When he went to Albany he had an ox team, a cart and a load of wheat; sold his team as well as the wheat and concluded he could do bet­ter than to return to the hillside farm in Williamstown.

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Children, b. in Skaneateles, N. Y.
3086 Augustus,8 b. 3 July, 1803; m. Cornelia Hart.
3087 Mary Ann,8 b. 2 May, 1805; m. Rev. Augustus Lawrence Converse.
3088 John,8 b. 12 Apr., 1807; m. (1) Lucy Coburn; (2) Paulina Wood.
3089 Sally Maria,8 b. 17 June, 1809; d. 28 Sept., 1810.
3090 Maria,8 b. 6 Sept., 1811; m. David Augustus Comstock.
3091 Catherine Hyde,8 b. 27 July, 1814; m. George Fleming Leitch.
3092 Daniel,8 b. 22 Nov., 1817; m. Ellen Maria Cole.
3093 David Hyde,8 b. 24 Sept., 1821; m. Harriet Newell Kellogg (11249).
3094 Cornelia,8 b. 12 Jan., 1825; d. 12 Oct., 1829.

1132.   DAVID,7 son of Elijah6 (383), b. in Canaan, Conn., 1 Jan., 1765; m. in Starksboro, Vt., 3 Mar., 1793, Christiana Traver (whose ancestors came from Hanover, Germany), b. in Cambridge, N. Y., 18 May, 1775.
He d. in Bristol, Vt., 24 Mar., 1850, aged 84; she d. 30 Mar., 1856. He rem. to Starksboro, Vt., in 1786; he went to live with his eldest son in Ashtabula Co., O., 1836; returned on a visit to Vermont in 1850.
Children, b. in Starksboro.
3095 Francis,8 b. 25 Feb., 1795; m. Cynthia Spaulding.
3096 Cynthia,8 b. 2 Oct., 1796; m. Horace Prime.
3097 Arza,8 b. 11 Feb., 1799; m. Mary (Polly) Marshall.
3098 David,8 b. 18 Aug., 1801; m. (1) Elvira Mason; (2) Harriet Thomp­son.
3099 Elijah,8 b. 7 May, 1804; m. Mary N. Aiken.
3100 Nelson,8 b. 2 Mar., 1806; m. Mrs. Rachel (Mann) Wiley.
3101 Louisa Maria,8 b. 12 Sept., 1815; d. unm., 14 July, 1895.

1133.   SARAH,7 dau. of Elijah6 (383), b. in Canaan, Conn., 19 Sept., 1767; m. as his third wife, 22 Feb., 1795, Cornelius Williams, b. 9 July, 1750, son of Samuel Williams and Mary Webster, of Hartford, Conn., and Starksboro, Vt. He had previously m. Anna, dau. of Daniel Kelsey, of Alford, Mass., and Mrs. Thankful (Sacket) Nash, widow of Jonathan Nash.
He d. 25 July, 1821; she d. 26 Aug., 1856. He was a farmer in Alford.
3102 Anne Williams,8 b. 26 July, 1796; m. (1) Seymour Stebbins, of Hud­son, N. Y.; (2) John Westfield, of New York City; d. in Hudson, 13 May, 1857.
3103 Thankful Williams,8 b. 10 July, 1798; m. Charles Kendall, of Harlem, N. Y.; d. 19 Nov., 1870.
3104 Sarah Williams,8 b. 5 June, 1800; res. unm., in Alford, Mass.
3105 Elijah Kellogg Williams,8 b. 26 Aug., 1803; m. 2 Dec., 1833, Orret An­toinette Wheeler; res. in 1873, in Alford, Mass., on the old home­stead.
3106 Cornelius Williams,8 b. 22 Feb., 1805; m. Mary Agnes Lowrey, of Egre­mont, Mass.
3107 Amanda P. Williams,8 b. 28 Aug., 1807; m. Lorenzo H. Rice, of Great Barrington, Mass.; d. 26 Apr., 1842.

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1135.   ELIZABETH,7 dau. of Deacon Joseph6 (384), b. in Canaan, Conn., 29 Jan., 1775; m. 18 Feb., 1796, Jeremiah Belden, b. 14 Apr., 1775, son of Charles Belden, b. 28 May, 1728, and Hannah Hockaboom, b. 7 Sept., 1730.
He was a farmer in South Canaan, Conn.
3108 Joseph H. Belden,8 b. 15 July, 1799; m. 31 Jan., 1830, Abigail C. Clem­ents; she d. 3 Dec., 1870; he d. 21 Apr., 1873; had no children.
3109 Martin Belden,8 b. 25 June, 1801; d. 4 June, 1804.
3110 Jeremiah Belden,8 b. 14 July, 1803; m. 6 Feb., 1830, Lucretia Ann Jacobs; lived in Jonesville, Mich.; had three children.
3111 Austin Belden,8 b. 1 Jan., 1806; d. 17 Mar., 1854.
3112 Elizabeth Belden,8 b. 25 July, 1808; d. 6 Apr., 1872.
3113 Hannah Belden,8 b. 1 May, 1810; m. William Chapin; d. 27 Feb., 1849; lived in Unadilla, N. Y.; had five children.
3114 Martin Kellogg Belden,8 b. 16 Sept., 1812.
3115 Prudence Ann Belden,8 b. 20 Mar., 1815.
3116 Mary Jane Belden,8 b. 15 Sept., 1819; m. June, 1851, David P. Hill; d. 13 Sept., 1854; had two children.

1136.   DEACON,7 son of Deacon Joseph6 (384), b. in Canaan, 18 Sept., 1778; m. 13 Oct., 1803, Martha Beebe, b. 14 Apr., 1778, dau. of Deacon Isaac Beebe, of Falls Village, Canaan, b. 1752, and Jettie Belden, b. 20 Apr., 1756.
She d. 18 Oct., 1856, aged 77; he d. 6 Feb., 1859. He res. in Canaan, Conn.; was a farmer.
3117 Martha,8 b. 14 Oct., 1804; d. unm. 25 Aug., 1880, in the home of her brother, Harvey, in Adams Township, O.; was dismissed from the church in South Canaan to the church in Toledo, 1861.
3118 Joseph Edward,8 b. 4 Apr., 1806; d. unm. 21 Sept., 1839, in the home of his brother, Harvey.
3119 Isaac,8 b. 16 Feb., 1809; m. Sarah Ann Belden.
3120 Charles,8 b. 17 Oct., 1810; m. 16 Jan., 1839, Adeline Peck; d. 26 May, 1865; had no children; she m. (2) 23 Jan., 1868, William Ben­nett, of Canaan.
3121 Harvey,8 19 Jan., 1813; m. Elizabeth (Betsey) Ann Kellogg (3168).

1137.   PRUDENCE,7 dau. of Deacon Joseph6 (384), b. in Canaan, Conn., 15 Aug., 1780; m. 8 Nov., 1808, Elijah Hewins.
She d.; he m. (2) _______.
3122 Joseph Kellogg Hewins,8 b. 25 Oct., 1810; m. 28 Dec., 1837, Pluma Cor­delia Wilson; he was a farmer in West Stockbridge, Mass.; d. 16 Dec., 1873; she res. in West Stockbridge.
3123 Prudence Ann Hewins,8 b. 13 Aug., 1812; d. 18 July, 1828.
3124 Harriet Hewins,8 b. 24 Apr., 1818; m. 27 Dec., 1837, Aaron Kinne; d. 2 Mar., 1861.
3125 Naomi Hewins,8 b. 6 July, 1822; m. Jan., 1845, William Barnes.

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1138.   TABITHA,7 dau. of Col. Aaron6 (385), b. 10 Oct., 1763, in Canaan, Conn.; m. _______ Belden. She was adopted by her mothers family.
They res. in Holland Purchase, N. Y. Neither she nor her dau. were men­tioned in the distribution of the estate of her brother, Robbins Kellogg (+1145).
3126 A Daughter,8 b.; m. Stillman.

1141.   AARON,7 son of Col. Aaron6 (385), b. in Canaan, Conn., 13 Aug., 1773; m. (1) Amelia Noyes, b. 1776, dau. of Nathan Noyes, of Canaan.
She d. in Malta, N. Y., 13 Dec., 1811; he m. (2) in Great Barrington, Mass., 7 June, 1818, Bernice Whiting Kellogg (2099), b. 6 July, 1786; she d. 20 Aug., 1823; he m. (3) Mrs. Mary B. Bartlett, dau. of Zebulon Betts, of Rich­mond, Mass.; she d. in Chittenango, N. Y., 1863; he d. there, 7 Nov., 1867.
He was a farmer; res. on a farm between Great Barrington and Stockbridge, afterward occupied by Levi Hyde and later by Savage. He was admitted to the Congregational Church in Great Barrington, 7 July, 1816. After the death of his second wife, he rem. to Chenango, where he bought a large farm. He was lame and was compelled to ride in a buggy over his farm while supervising his men.
Children hy first wife.
3127 Edward,8 b. 19 Aug., 1800; m. (1) Abigail Frances Warner; (2) Lucinda H. Warner.
3128 Amelia,8 b. 4 Oct., 1804; m. in Great Barrington, 2 Sept., 1824, John G. Stower; he had several children by a previous marriage; d. 20 Dec., 1851; she d. in Chittenango, 15 Nov., 1882; had one child, who d. in infancy.
3129 Charles,8 b.; m.; d.; had no children.

1142.   MARTIN,7 son of Col. Aaron6 (385), b. 20 Sept., 1775; m. 22 Apr., 1802, Mary Lusk, b. 24 May, 1779, dau. of William Lusk, of Canaan, N. Y., b. 17 Sept., 1744, in Wethersfield, Conn., and Elizabeth Gibbs, b. 14 June, 1747, in Enfield, Conn.
Children, b. in Canaan.
3130 Charlotte,8 b. 24 July, 1803; d. 10 Nov., 1817.
3131 Mary Ann,8 b. 15 Dec., 1804; m. Robbins W. Douglas.
3132 Martin Robbins,8 b. 9 July, 1806; m. Mary Melissa Osborn.
3133 Elizabeth,8 b. 12 Dec., 1808; m. as his second wife, in West Stock­bridge, 15 July, 1857, Walter Webb, b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 1 Jan., 1801, son of Ezra Webb; had no children.
3134 Joseph,8 b. 26 Dec., 1811; m.; d. _______.

1143.   HANNAH,7 dau. of Col. Aaron6 (385), b. in Canaan, Conn., 16 Feb., 1778; m. 4 Mar., 1800, Gen. John Whiting, b. 3 Jan., 1771, son of Gamaliel Whiting,* b. 17 Sept., 1727, and Anna Gillett, b. 18 Feb., 1738.
She d. 23 Mar., 1823; he m. (2) 24 May, 1831, Lucy Allen; d. in Great Barrington, 13 Jan., 1846.
He was an eminent lawyer; res. in Great Barrington; was Maj. Gen. of Militia; was admitted to the bar in 1792, and continued in practice until his

* See note following Lieut. Ezra Kellogg (+712).

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death; was a prominent citizen; Tovra Clerk 1794 to 1811; Representative and Senator in the Legislature 1815, '16, '17.
Children, b. in Great Barrington.
3135 John Charles Whiting,8 b. 4 Dec., 1800; d. 7 May, 1834.
3136 Lucy Amelia Whiting,8 b. 24 Feb., 1803; d. 17 Aug., 1824.
3137 Mary Whiting,8 b. 19 Sept., 1804; d. 12 Dec., 1804.
3138 Nancy Whiting,8 b. 29 Sept., 1805; d. unm. 4 Aug., 1827.
3139 Francis Whiting,8 b. 27 Mar., 1808; m. 4 Mar., 1841, Harriet Warner Curtis; d. in Jeffersonville, Pa., 27 Jan., 1896, aged 88; had no children.
3140 Bradford Whiting,8 b. 11 Mar., 1810; d. 23 June, 1810.
3141 Richard Whiting,8 b. 14 June, 1811; d. unm. 26 Nov., 1848.
3142 Martha Elizabeth Whiting,8 b. in Canastota, N. Y., 1 July, 1813; m. David Allen; d. 1865.
3143 Hannah Kellogg Whiting,8 b. 4 Sept., 1815; d. in Canastota, N. Y.
3144 Edward Whiting,8 b. 11 Feb., 1818; d. 29 Feb., 1844.

1144.   ABIGAIL,7 dau. of Col. Aaron6 (385), b. in Canaan, Conn., 20 Apr., 1780; m. 21 June, 1803, Frederic Kingsley, b. 18 May, 1782, son of Jeremiah Kingsley and Hannah , of Becket, Mass.
She d. 23 Sept., 1830; he d. 29 July, 1833. He was a farmer in Becket and Canaan, N. Y.
3145 Adeline Kingsley,8 b. 4 June, 1809; m. 9 Oct., 1839, Chester Brown, a farmer of Canaan, N. Y.; had two sons.
3146 Sarah W. Kingsley,8 b. 6 May, 1811; m. John Lifford, a farmer of Canaan; d. 8 Dec., 1846; had one son.
3147 Hannah R. Kingsley,8 b. 14 Jan., 1815; d. 31 Mar., 1832.
3148 Aaron Kingsley,8 twin to Hannah, b. 14 Jan., 1815; m. (1) 20 Nov., 1840, Cornelia O. Tracy; she d. 15 Aug., 1855; he m. (2) Mary Lewis; was a farmer in Leonidas, Mich.
3149 Chandler Kingsley,8 b. 11 Feb., 1818; m. Charlotte A. King, dau. of Jeremiah King, of Lebanon, N. Y., b. 27 Nov., 1791, and Char­lotte A. Stanton, b. 17 Oct., 1788; was a farmer in Leonidas, Mich.
3150 Mary Kingsley,8 b. 30 Sept., 1819; d. 29 Mar., 1837.
3151 Martha Kingsley,8 b. 8 July, 1822; m. 8 Oct., 1848, William Benjamin, of Red Rock, N. Y.; res. in Bloomington, Ill.

1145.   ROBBINS,7 son of Col. Aaron6 (385), b. 20 June, 1782; m. 24 Sept., 1819, Evelina Dimon, b. 15 Apr., 1799, dau. of Ebenezer Dimon, of Fairfield, Conn.
He d. 10 Nov., 1841, aged 60.
He res. in West Stockbridge, Mass., where he was a prominent lawyer.
His estate was distributed, 7 Dec., 1841, to his brothers, Aaron, of Madison Co.; Clinton, of Canaan, N. Y.; John, of Litchfield, O.; sister, Sally Whiting, of West Stockbridge; Martin, Elizabeth and Joseph, children of his deceased brother, Martin; Francis, Edward and Hannah Whiting, of Great Barrington,

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Martha Allen, of Cleveland, O., Richard Whiting, of Alabama, children of his deceased sister, Hannah Whiting; Adeline Brown, wife of Chester Brown, Aaron, Chandler, Sarah and Martha Kingsley, all of Canaan, children of his de­ceased sister, Abigail Kingsley; Evelina Kellogg, widow.
She m. (2) 8 Aug., 1842, George Wyllys Benedict, LL. D., professor of chem­istry at the University of Vermont. He d. in Burlington, Vt., Sept., 1871, aged 75.
3152 William Dimon,8 b. Aug., 1822; d. in Troy, N. Y., 7 May, 1840.

1146.   CLINTON,7 son of Col. Aaron6 (385), b. in Canaan, N. Y., 20 Jan., 1786; m. in Canaan, N. Y., Mar., 1814, Anna Arnold, b. 16 May, 1790, dau. of Samuel Arnold, b. in East Haddam, Conn., in 1761, and Anna Rice, of Stock­bridge, Mass., b. 1765.
She d. 26 Sept., 1853; he d. 9 Jan., 1871; both d. in Canaan.
He was a farmer; res. on the homestead of his father in Canaan; he was at one time a Congregationalist, later a Presbyterian; he was a Whig, and later a Republican.
Children, b. in Canaan.
3153 Sarah,8 b. 5 Feb., 1815; m. Dr. Elijah Kingsley White.
3154 Elizabeth (Betsey) Ann,8 b. 15 Dec., 1816; d. unm. 26 Oct., 1844.
3155 Aaron,8 b. 31 Aug., 1819; d. unm. 4 Sept., 1883; he was a farmer in Canaan Center, N. Y.
3156 Evelina,8 b. 15 Aug., 1821; d. unm. 23 Aug., 1843, in Canaan.
3157 Caroline,8 b. 30 July, 1827; d. unm. 8 Aug., 1836, in Canaan.
3158 Arthur C.,8 b. 4 June, 1830; d. unm. 6 June, 1856, in Canaan.

1147.   MAJ. JOHN DEAN,7 son of Col. Aaron6 (385), b. in Canaan, N. Y., 25 Oct., 1798; m. 10 Aug., 1825, Ruth Vanderpool, b. 18 Dec., 1804, dau. of Henry Vanderpool, b. 24 Feb., 1771, and Ruth Aylsworth, b. 22 Feb., 1777.
He d. in Grafton, O., 10 Aug., 1879; she d. in Rawsonville, O., 15 Dec., 1880. He was a farmer in Grafton; was appointed Deputy Sheriff of Berkshire Co., Mass.; in Aug., 1825, he received a commission as aid-de-camp to Gen. John Whiting; was honorably discharged as aide-de-camp, 19 May, 1828; he was after­ward commissioned Maj. by Gov. Levi Lincoln; in 1826 he was appointed Coroner of Berkshire Co.; rem. to Ohio, settling in Columbus; in 1836 rem. to Litch­field, O., where he twice held the office of Justice of the Peace; was Postmaster ­several years; rem. in 1870 to Grafton.
3159 Henry Vanderpool,8 b. in West Stockbridge, 18 July, 1826; m. Mary Ann Brooker.
3160 Ann Mary,8 b. in Litchfield, O., 20 May, 1839; m. Andrew Jackson Mennell.
3161 James Clinton,8 b. in Litchfield, O., 10 Nov., 1842; m. Reba Ann Stranahan.

1148.   ANNA,7 dau. of Asahel6 (386), b. in Canaan, Conn., 1 Apr., 1779; m. in 1802, Joel Miner, b. 6 Apr., 1779, son of Joel Miner, of Hartland, Conn., and Temperance Ackley.

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She d. 4 June, 1852, aged 73; he d. 10 Jan., 1869, aged 90.
He was a blacksmith; res. in Hartland until 1814, when he rem. to Canaan.
3162 Nancy Kellogg Miner,8 b. 4 Mar., 1804; m. 5 Nov., 1828, Rowland Nor­ton, a merchant; res. in New Marlborough, Mass., Hudson, N. Y., Brookfield and Andover, O.; he d. in Andover, 22 Feb., 1868; she d. 19 Mar., 1870.
3163 Joel Miner,8 b. 23 June, 1807; m. Mary Hart; he was a merchant; res. in Canaan, Conn., Hartford, O., and Beaver Dam, Wis.; in 1876 res. in Ann Arbor, Mich.
3164 Whiting Gaylord Miner,8 b. 29 Apr., 1810; m. 15 Oct., 1834, Anna Mor­gan Rockwell; was a farmer; rem. in 1870 from Canaan to Win­sted, Conn.
3165 Uriel Holmes Miner,8 b. 10 Feb., 1819; m. 9 Oct., 1843, Caroline Eliza Canfield; was a merchant in Canaan.

1149.   NAOMI,7 dau. of Asahel6 (386), b. in Canaan, Conn., 2 Nov., 1780; m. (1) 25 Nov., 1802, Deacon Elizur Curtis, b. in Torringford, Conn., 11 Sept., 1782, son of Deacon Job Curtis, and Eunice Cowles.
She d. 3 Feb., 1804; he m. (2) 25 Nov., 1804, Amanda Steele; d. 18 Aug., 1863; she was admitted to South Canaan Congregational Church, 16 Feb., 1806. He was b., lived and d. in Torringford, Conn.
3166 Naomi Kellogg Curtis,8 b. 22 Jan., 1804; m. 16 Nov., 1843, Eli Hayes, of Ohio; he d. 12 Mar., 1875; res. in Berlin, Wis.

1150.   WHITING GAYLORD,7 son of Asahel6 (386), b. in Canaan, Conn., 23 May, 1783; m. (1) 15 Dec., 1810, Clarissa Belden, b. 24 Nov., 1789, dau. of Charles Belden, b. 7 Sept., 1754, and Lois Bosworth, b. 7 June, 1760.
She d. 11 Feb., 1817; he m. (2) 8 Apr., 1818, Fanny Dean, b. 29 Dec., 1789, dau. of Roswell Dean, of Canaan, Conn., and Abigail Belden, b. 3 Nov., 1752.
He d. 10 Oct., 1865, aged 82; she d. 20 Dec., 1875, aged 86.
He was bap. and admitted to the South Canaan Congregational Church, 1 Sept., 1816.
3167 Asahel,8 b. 12 Sept., 1811; m. (1) Jan., 1838, Harriet Maria Beckley, b. 6 July, 1814, dau. of Luther Beckley, of Canaan, b. 31 Dec., 1779, and Jette Beebe, b. 15 Apr., 1786; she d. May, 1842; he m. (2) May, 1843, Lucy Almira Beckley, sister of his first wife, b. 5 Jan., 1817; res. in Winsted, Conn.; she d. in Canaan, 19 Oct., 1891; had no children.
3168 Elizabeth (Betsey) Ann,8 b. 13 Nov., 1813; m. 20 Oct., 1835, Har­vey Kellogg (+3121).
3169 Emmeline,8 b. 12 Sept., 1816; d. 11 May, 1817.
3170 Emmeline,8 b. 2 Feb., 1820; d. unm. in Winsted, 24 Oct., 1898; lived with her brother, Whiting Gaylord, in South Canaan, Conn.

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3171 Whiting Gaylord,8 b. 31 Aug., 1824; m. 19 Aug., 1850, Laura B. Beckley, b. 5 Sept., 1815, dau. of Samuel Beckley, b. 26 June, 1776, and Sarah Adams, b. 26 June, 1782, dau. of John Adams, b. in Taunton, Mass., 4 Mar., 1755, and Abigail Adams, b. in Canaan, 19 June, 1755. He res. in South Canaan; she d. 24 Sept., 1889; he m. (2) 23 Dec., 1890, as her second husband, Emma Lucretia Dun­ham, b. in Canaan, 8 Nov., 1843, dau. of Henry and Almira (Mun­son) Dean; d. 15 June, 1895; she res. in Falls Village, Conn.; had no children.
3172 Child,8 b.; d. young, 25 Oct., 1826.

1153.   OLIVER,7 son of Daniel6 (387), bap. in West Hartford, Conn., 9 Mar., 1760; m. Patience Belden, of Canaan, Conn., b. about 1763.
He d. in Sharon, Conn., 17 Sept., 1830; she d. in Sharon, Mich., 2 Dec., 1839.
He was a clothier; res. in Hitchcock's Corner, Sharon, Conn.; rem. to Sharon, Conn., about 1788; was Justice of the Peace; served fifteen terms in the Connecticut Legislature, the first time in 1797; bought land in Starksboro, Vt., in 1788, but it is not known that he ever lived there.
3173 Sarah (Sally),8 b. in West Hartford, 23 Aug., 1785.
3174 Patience,8 b. in West Hartford, 9 Jan., 1787.
3175 Harriet,8 b. 20 Aug., 1788.
3176 Richard,8 b. 11 Mar., 1790; m. Elizabeth Swift.
3177 Jerusha,8 b. 11 Apr., 1792.
3178 Oliver,8 b. 3 Oct., 1797; m. Almacy Rouse.
3179 Emily,8 b. 2 Apr., 1803; m. Garry Chambers.

1154.   HORACE,7 son of Daniel6 (387), bap. in West Hartford, Conn., 14 Feb., 1762; m. Hannah Sedgwick, of Massachusetts, b. about 1765.
He d. in the house of his son, Horace, in Ontario Co., N. Y., Jan., 1829. He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner; res. in Penfield, N. Y., in 1818; at that time his family consisted only of his wife, aged 53. He enlisted in Hartford, Conn., Apr., 1777, in Capt. John Barnard's Co., of the Connecticut Reg. of Col. Wyllys; was discharged in Woodbridge, N. J., in 1780. He is said to have rem. from Montreal to Ontario Co., N. Y. He was a fuller.
3180 Horace,8 b. in Salem, Conn., 16 Jan., 1783; m. Lois Bradley.
3181 David,8 b.; d. in Kentucky; left two sons.
3182 Stephen Sedgwick,8 b. 18 Mar., 1796; m. Rachel Elsteen.
3183 Charles,8 b.; m. Tinty Everett; was a moulder of pewter spoons; d. in Alabama.
3184 Cynthia,8 b.; m. (1) Myron Rundel; (2) Lewis Mulliner.
3185 Alma,8 b. ______.
3186 Beulah,8 b. ______.

1158.   EZEKIEL,7 son of Daniel6 (387), bap. in West Hartford, Conn., 29 Apr., 1770; m. in West Hartford, 21 Oct., 1788, Elizabeth Stanley, b. 10 June, 1770, dau. of Allyn Stanley, of West Hartford, and Elizabeth Webb.

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He d. in Marion, N. Y.
He probably left West Hartford in 1793; in 1793 he was in Johnstown, Ful­ton Co., N. Y. He was among the early settlers of what are now Ontario, Wal­worth and Marion, all in Wayne Co., N. Y.
3187 Abraham,8 b. 29 Jan., 1789; m. Phebe Rice.
3188 Jerusha,8 b. 18 May, 1793; m. (1) Peekham; (2) Daniel Twadell.
3189 Ezekiel,8 b. 29 Jan., 1799; m. (1) Harriet Fox; (2) Naomi Harris.
3190 Mary,8 b. 8 Aug., 1804; m. Horace Morley.
3191 Rodney,8 b. 22 Jan., 1808; m. Harriet Bailey.
3192 Norman,8 b. ______.
3193 Laura,8 b.; m. Russell Whipple; res. in Putnam Valley, N. Y.
3194 Elizabeth (Betsey),8 b. ______.
3195 Clara,8 b.; m. Durbee.
3196 Amanda,8 b. ______.
3197 Julia,8 b. ______.
3198 John,8 b. ______.

1167.   JOEL,7 son of Joel6 (389), b. in Tyringham, Mass., 10 Nov., 1760; m. (1) in Sheffield, Mass. (pub. 23 Dec., 1784), Desire Olds, b. in Sheffield, 22 Jan., 1764, dau. of Elisha and Elizabeth Olds.
She d.; he m. (2) 22 Dec., 1789, Mary (Polly) Brown; d. 1838. He rem. from Sheffield, Mass., in 1803, to West Bloomfield, Ontario Co., N. Y.
He was a soldier in the revolution. His service is given with his father's, as it cannot be determined, by the record, what part of that service he performed.
3199 Rhoda,8 b. 26 Feb., 1785; m. John Hyde.
3200 Hiram,8 b. 14 Dec., 1787; d. 22 Dec., 1787.
3201 Mary,8 (Polly) b. 17 June. 1791; d. 17 Aug., 1796.
3202 Minerva,8 b. 9 Oct., 1794; d. 9 Aug., 1796.
3203 Eliza,8 b. 9 Oct., 1797; m. ______; she d. in Wolcott, N. Y.
3204 Hiram Tyre,8 b. in Sheffield, 23 Aug., 1800; m. Emeline Fiske.
3205 Fanny,8 b. in New Marlborough, Mass., 19 Sept., 1803; m. David Fox.
3206 George,8 b. 19 June, 1804; about 1835-40, he went away and has never been heard from.
3207 Caleb,8 b. 1 Sept., 1807; d. 3 Sept., 1807.
3208 Daniel H.,8 b. in Bloomfield, N. Y., 24 Apr., 1808; m. Mary Ann Neal.
3209 Caleb Stanley,8 b. 9 Sept., 1811; m. Sophia Lamphier.

1173.   LYDIA,7 dau. of Joel6 (389), b. in Sheffield, 17 Mar., 1771; m. (pub 17 Jan., 1790), in Sheffield, Mass., Stephen Winslow, b. in Sheffield, 29 June, 1767, son of Prince Winslow and Sarah Goodrich.
He d. 2 Jan., 1812.
He rem. to Bloomfield, N. Y., in 1796; in 1810, to Lima, N. Y.; in 181 1, started for Sandusky, but decided to settle in Batavia, N. Y. She rem. to Preble, N. Y.; m. (2) Amos Blood; res. in Alexander, N. Y., until 1836, when they rem. to Scio, Mich., where she d. 1846.

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3210 Myron Winslow,8 b.; d. in Freeport, Ill., Mar., 1864.
3211 Sabra Winslow,8 b.; m. 1812, Samuel King; res. in Yorkshire, N. Y.; d. in Machias, N. Y., 1866; had eleven children.
3212 Sophronia Winslow,8 b.; m. Abial Hawkins, of Batavia, N. Y.; res. in Ypsilanti, Mich.; had three children.
3213 Clarissa Winslow,8 b. ______.
3214 Ira Winslow,8 b. ______; m.; res. in 1873, in Leslie, Mich.; had one son and three daus.
3215 Frederick Carlostine Winslow,8 b. in East Bloomfield, N. Y., 12 July, 1808; m. in Preble, 30 July, 1830, Mary Ann Forbes; she d. in Freeport, Me., 1863; he was a Methodist preacher; res. in Free­port, Ill., in 1872.
3216 Minerva Winslow,8 b. in Sheffield, 15 June, 1801; m. George Judd; res in Freeport, Ill.
3217 Sarah Winslow,8 b. ______.
3218 Charles Winslow,8 b.; d. Aug., 1862.

1174.   THOMAS HOSMER,7 son of Joel6 (389), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 29 Apr., 1773; m. (1) (pub. 22 Oct., 1797), Mary Bushnell, b. in 1778.
She d. in Sheffield, 1806; he m. (2) Eunice Buell, b. in 1780, in Goshen, Conn., dau. of Deacon Timothy Buell, b. in 1757, and Olive Norton; she d. 1855; he d. 12 Sept., 1857, aged 84. He res. in East Bloomfield, N. Y.
Children by first wife.
3219 Amelia,8 b. 3 Sept., 1798; m. (1) Edgecomb; (2) Isaac Hal­sted; res. in Mount Morris, N. Y.; had no children.
3220 Almira,8 b. 2 Feb., 1800; m. Col. Edward Sawyer.
3221 Maria,8 b. 28 Feb., 1802; m. Edwin William Fairchild.
3222 Caroline,8 b. 23 Sept., 1804; m. Marston Watson Richards.
Children by second wife.
3223 Thomas Hosmer,8 b. 20 July, 1817; m. Edna Jane Seymour.
3224 Mary B.,8 b. 6 Nov., 1818; res. in East Bloomfield, N. Y.; was unm.

1175.   WILLIAM,7 son of Joel6 (389), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 21 Dec., 1775, m. there, 12 Jan., 1805, Ann Elizabeth Shelhearse, of Sheffield, b. 16 Sept., 1782, dau. of Conrad Shelhearse and Catherine Halmood.
He d. in Jasper, N. Y., 17 Oct., 1863; she d. in Cameron, N. Y., 30 June, 1877.
He rem., 1810, to East Bloomfield, N. Y.; about 1820 to Livingston Co, N. Y.; next to Jasper.
3225 Almerin Nona,8 b. 29 Dec., 1805; m. Catherine Schenck.
3226 William Jay,8 b. 2 Mar., 1809; res. in Jasper; d. unm. in Bath, N. Y., May, 1896.
3227 Mary Louisa,8 b. 20 July, 1827; m. John Stuart Jackson.

1176.   AMNA,7 dau. of Joel6 (389), b. 16 July, 1778; m. in East Bloomfield, N. Y., May, 1798, Gen. Ephraim Towner, b. 1775.

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She d. 3 Nov., 1816; he m. (2) 10 Nov., 1817, her sister, Susannah Kellogg (1168), b. 10 Apr., 1762. She d. in the spring of 1832; he d. 1857. He was a Maj.-Gen. of cavalry.
Children by first husband.
3228 Delia Towner,8 b. 1799; d. 1801.
3229 Guy Carlton Towner,8 b. 12 Jan., 1800; d. 1834.
3230 Benjamin Franklin Towner,8 b. 20 Oct., 1801; m. Eliza Moore; d. in 1885; had five children.
3231 Delia Towner,8 b. Apr., 1803; m. Samuel Holden; d. 1867; had eight children.
3232 Louisa Towner,8 b. May, 1805; m. George W. Dole; d. 1848.
3233 Horatio Nelson Towner,8 b. May, 1810; d. 1859.
3234 Olive Susannah Towner,8 b. Mar., 1812; m. Gad B. Worthington; d. 1891.
3235 Norman Kellogg Towner,8 b. 3 Oct., 1816; m. Janette Spencer; d. 1895; res. in Ypsilanti, Mich.; had five children.

1177.   SIMEON,7 son of Joel6 (389), b. 30 Oct., 1781; m. in Batavia, N. Y., 3 Feb., 1808, Phebe Kingsley, dau. of Deacon David Kingsley, of Sudbury, Vt., and Batavia, N. Y., b. in Windham, Conn., 22 Jan., 1749, and Patience Woods, b. in Westfield, Mass., 22 Feb., 1752.
He d. 24 Oct., 1855; she d. 10 Oct., 1869, aged 81.
He was a tanner, currier and shoemaker in Batavia, N. Y.
3236 Marshall Kingsley,8 b. 23 May, 1810; was a farmer and blacksmith in Piano, Tulare Co., Cal; d. unm., 11 Mar., 1885.
3237 Stephen Melford,8 b. 16 Feb., 1813; d. 21 Sept., same year.
3238 Anna,8 b. 19 May, 1815; m. Noah B. Bushnell.
3239 Candace Amelia,8 b. 14 Aug., 1818; m. (1) Eli Todd Lewis; (2) Gideon Stoddard.
3240 Asaph Melford,8 b. 18 Aug., 1820; m. Adeline S. Conger.
3241 Lovell Milton,8 b. 28 June, 1822; m. (1) Margaret Cowan; (2) Mrs. Lucie (Fassett) Gordon.
3242 Julia Adelia,8 b. 27 July, 1824; d. 20 July. 1825.
3243 Julia Adelia,8 b. 2 Aug., 1826; m. Stephen Norwood Belts.
3244 Delia Sophia,8 b. 21 Mar., 1829; m. in Adams, Hillsdale Co., Mich., 6 Mar., 1856, Dr. John W. Falley, b. in Westfield, Mass., 25 Nov., 1814; he was a graduate of Oberlin College; he d. 10 Apr., 1889; in 1897 she res. on the old homestead in Hillsdale, Mich.

1181.   MOSES,7 son of Moses6 (390), b. in Hartford, Conn., 6 July, 1765; m. Abigail Marvin.
She d. 6 Sept., 1838, aged 71; he d. 24 July, 1844, aged 79.
He was a farmer; probably left Connecticut about 1809, and settled in Burlington, Otsego Co., N. Y. His homestead was occupied in 1881 by Hart Miller.
3245 Mary,8 b. 9 Nov., 1790; d. unm. in Burlington, 7 Feb., 1845.
3246 Reuben,8 b. 13 Mar., 1793; d. unm. in Burlington, 20 Sept., 1822.
3247 Joel,8 b. 4 Apr., 1795; m. Lauraette Miller.

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3248 Marvin,8 b. 27 July, 1797; d. unm., in Rochester, N. Y., 8 Oct., 1831; was a harness-maker.
3249 Elihu,8 b. 20 Jan., 1800; m. Ann Davis.
3250 Erastus,8 b. 20 May, 1802; m. (1) Welthy Chapman; (2) Mrs. Mariette (Merwin) Warren.
3251 Clarissa,8 b. 10 Aug., 1804; d. young.
3252 Ralph,8 b. 27 Apr., 1807; d. in Genesee, N. Y., 29 Aug., 1827.
3253 William,8 b. in Burlington, 3 Feb., 1811; m. Lucina Gould Rawson.
3254 Clarissa,8 b. 10 Nov., 1816; m. Reuben R. Chapin.

1182.   JAMES,7 son of Moses6 (390), b. in West Hartford, Conn., 29 July, 1768; m. Lydia Kellogg (2033), b. 1768, dau. of Samuel Kellogg (+667), b. about 1740, and Hannah Strong.
He d. in Ohio.
3255 James,8 b. ______.
3256 Lydia,8 b. ______.
3257 Early,8 b. ______.

1185.   JERUSHA,7 dau. of Moses6 (390), b. 12 Apr., 1777; m. Joseph Bum­ham.
3258 Griswold Burnham,8 b.; res. in Hebron, Conn.

1186.   JESSE,7 son of Moses6 (390), b. in Hartford, Conn., 4 Feb., 1780; m. 18 Dec., 1804, Amy Strong, b. 20 May, 1780, in Hebron, Conn., dau. of David Strong and Leah Bissell.
He d. 4 Aug., 1864, aged 84 years 6 months; she d. 22 Mar., 1874, aged 93 years, 10 months and 2 days.
He was a farmer in Hebron, where both d.
Children, b. in Hebron.
3259 Clarissa,8 b. 16 Sept., 1805; d. 2 June, 1884, in Hebron.
3260 Elizabeth (Betsey),8 b. 22 June, 1807; m. David Gillett.
3261 Daniel Grove,8 b. 3 June, 1809; m. Anne Eliza Hosford.
3262 Nancy,8 b. 11 July, 1811; m. Remick Knowles Arnold.
3263 Laura,8 b. 27 Mar., 1813; m. 18 June, 1863, Elijah Clark, of Marlboro, Conn., b. 15 Sept., 1815, son of Edward Clark and Alice Chapman. He was a farmer in Marlboro; she d. 11 Apr., 1884; he d. 24 Aug., 1885.
3264 Diana,8 b. 27 Apr., 1815; m. Charles Abel White.
3265 Jerusha,8 b. 23 July, 1818; m. James Alexander White.
3266 David Strong,8 b. 14 Aug., 1821; m. Mary Adeline Jones.

1189.   LUCY,7 dau. of Moses6 (394), b. 13 Apr., 1742; m. Jacob Kamer, b. about 1734.
He d. 8 Feb., 1817, aged 84; she d. 28 Feb., 1817, aged 76.
At the time of the formation of the new church in Egremont, in 1816, of the members of the former church were living in or around the town, with the following exceptions: Jacob Kamer, Lucy Kamer, his wife, widow Mary Daley

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and John Root, and these were of such age, so feeble, or otherwise prevented from appearing in the public assembly that none of them united with the new church.
3267 Mary (Polly) Karner,8 b. in Egremont, Apr., 1767; m. Elijah Kellogg (+1214).

1191.   MOSES,7 son of Moses6 (394), b. 21 Feb., 1746; m. Lydia Kellogg (326), b. in 1739, dau. of Edward (+83).
He d. 20 Sept., 1795; she d. 24 June, 1825, aged 86, and is buried in the oldest cemetery in Egremont, where her gravestone is standing.
He was a revolutionary soldier; Corp. in Capt. Wilcox's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 8 to 16 July, 1777, and from 19 Sept., to 19 Oct., the same year; served in the northern army.
His farm was in Hillsdale, now Austerlitz, N. Y., and partly in Alford, Mass.
3268 Zadock,8 b.; m. ______.
3269 Mary (Polly),8 b.; perhaps she m. Aaron Austin (1314).
3270 Solomon,8 b.; m.; rem. to Chenango Co., near Oxford; they had several children; he m. (2) Loomis, and had three or four children.
3271 David,8 b.; rem. to New Connecticut, O., before 1812.
3272 Sabea,8 b. ______.
3273 Amasa,8 b. 18 Apr., 1776; m. Eunice Chadwick.

1192.   ABNER,7 son of Moses6 (394). b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 9 Nov., 1747; m. 15 Feb., 1770, Phebe Westover, b. 18 Mar., 1746.
He d. 9 June, 1812, in Alford, Mass.; she d. 16 June, 1832.
In 1779 he rem. from Hillsdale, N. Y., across the State line into Alford, Mass. He was a Lieut, at the time of Burgoyne's surrender. At the time of Shay's rebellion, he belonged to the Government party. A marauding band, headed by one Rose, broke open his house. Rose and Bly were hanged, at Lenox, for robbing houses and other acts of outlawry.
He was Treasurer of Alford, 1795-98, and one of the selectmen, 1802, '03 and '07. His will, proved 1813, mentioned all the children named below.
Children, first four b. in Hillsdale, N. Y.; last four in Alford, Mass.
3274 Jonah,8 b. 14 Nov., 1770; m. Clarinda Hulbert.
3275 Sally,8 b. 12 Aug., 1772; m. Erastus Hills.
3276 Rowena,8 b. 27 Feb., 1775; m. (1) James Bloss; (2) Andrew Patter­son.
3277 Eunice,8 b. 21 Aug., 1777; m. Judge Lemuel Moffitt.
3278 Martin,8 b. 16 Apr., 1780; m. Anna Lester.
3279 Amos,8 b. 17 June, 1782; m. Paulina Dean.
3280 Ezra,8 b. 14 Aug., 1784; m. Esther Hewens.
3281 Phebe,8 b. 7 Jan., 1787; m. Harvey Dean.

1195.   EUNICE,7 dau. of Moses6 (394), b. 25 Sept., 1753; m. Amos Gray, b. about 1761, son of Joseph Gray.

250    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She d.; he m. (2); d. in Greene, N. Y., 1815, to which place he had rem. from Egremont, Mass., about 1794-98.
He was a stone mason; lost both eyes by a premature blast in Egremont.
Children, probably b. in Egremont.
3282 Joseph Gray,8 b. 1777; m. Miriam Hubbell; d. in Indiana, 18 Feb., 1854.
3283 Jeduthan Gray,8 b. 1780; m. in Greene, Ruth Loorais; d. in Indiana 1849.
3284 Elizabeth Betsey Gray,8 b. 13 Oct., 1782; d. unm. in Indiana.

1196.   ANNA,7 dau. of Moses6 (394), b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 2 Dec., 1755; m. in Egremont, Mass., as his second wife, Ruben Farnsworth, b. 4 June, 1751, in Cambridge, Mass., son of Ruben Farnsworth, b. 1705, and Mary Holden.
He d. in Burlington, Vt., 1813; she d. 1833. His first wife was Keziah Kellogg (1212), cousin of Anna. He was a farmer; rem. 1775 to Dorset, Vt., where nine of his children were bap. 29 June, 1794, and from there, in 1805, to Burlington, Vt.
Children, first b. in Egremont, others in Dorset.
3285 Moses Farnsworth,8 b. 28 Feb., 1774; m. 8 Jan., 1801, Eunice Mattoon; d. 1843; had six children.
3286 Phineas Farnsworth,8 b.; d. in infancy.
3287 William Farnsworth,8 b. Oct., 1777; m. in 1802, Lydia Kent, b. 9 May, 1783; d. 3 Dec., 1848.
3288 Holden Farnsworth,8 b. July, 1779; m. Susan Cobb; d. Apr., 1829
3289 Mary Farnsworth,8 b. about" 1782; m. Jolm Gray; d. aged 83.
3290 Anna Farnsworth,8 b. Sept., 1784; m. Gordon Farwell; d. 1854 55
3291 Rhoda Farnsworth,8 b. July, 1786; m. Ebenezer Cobb; d. Jan., 1845
3292 Reuben Farnsworth,8 b. 1 Apr., 1787; m. (1) Lucinda Kent; (2) Mrs. Mary Root; (3) Mary Lamon; (4) Mrs. Swarringer; (5); rem. from Dorset, Vt., to Ohio in 1814; to Indianapolis in 1830; and about 1837 to Plymouth, Ind., where he d. 30 Dec., 1847
3293 Dolly Farnsworth,8 b. Mar., 1789; d. unm., aged 63.
3294 Titus Farnsworth,8 d. in infancy.
3295 Sally Farnsworth,8 b. Dec., 1793; m. (1) Zirah Drew; (2) his brother, Elisha Drew.
3296 Jeduthan Farnsworth,8 b. Dec., 1796; m. Hannah Hough; d. Dec 1846.
3297 Phineas Titus Farnsworth,8 b. 1798; d. in infancy.

1197.   NATHANIEL,7 son of Moses6 (394), b. in Westfield, Mass., 24 Feb., 1758; m. (1) Palm Hawkins.
She d.; he m. (2) Annice Gray, dau. of Joseph Gray.
After the revolution he became a Baptist preacher of some note, mention of whom is made in the old Baptist Church in Amenia, now Millerton, N. Y., as having been present at an ordination council, 17 Dec., 1788, at which his father-in-law and his brother-in-law, Elder Jeduthan Gray, were present.
He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner; served from 8 May, 1775, eight months in the army at Boston; had an order for a bounty coat In his application for pension he stated that he was b. in Westfield, Mass., 24 Feb., 1758; lived in Alford, when called into service; soon after the war he rem. to Greene, Chenango Co., N. Y. In Apr., 1775, he went from Alford

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as a Minute man to Boston, where he served until the evacuation of the city, 17 Mar., 1776; he then marched to New York City; was with the army on the retreat from Long Island and New York City to Harlem, and to White Plains, here he was in the battle of that place, and later crossed into New Jersey. On the advance of Gen. Burgoyne and the call of Gen. Schuyler for aid, he joined the Northern army; was stationed at Forts Edward, Miller and Ann, and was present at the surrender of Saratoga. In 1840 he was living in Jasper, Steuben Co., N. Y.
Child by first wife.
3298 Tryphena,8 b. ______.
Child by second wife.
3299 Elizabeth (Betsey),8 b. ______.

1198.   PLINY,7 son of Moses6 (391), b. 7 Nov., 1759; m. (1) Phidemer Lake.
She d.; in his old age he m. (2) Mrs. Margaret Sharpe.
Res. in Austerlitz, N. Y., near Alford. He was buried on his farm, three miles above Green River.
He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner; was called "Little Plin" to distinguish him from another Pliny Kellogg, who was called "Big Plin." In his application for pension he stated that he was born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., in 1759, but res. in Austerlitz, N. Y., since about 1783. He was brought up by his uncle, Ephraim, of Sheffield, where he enlisted Jan., 1776, and marched to the siege of Boston; afterward marched to New York City and Long Island, and was in the battle of White Plains. In 1777 he joined the northern army with Gen. Schuyler and was in the battle which preceded the surrender of Burgoyne. His name was on the coat rolls, 7 Oct., 1775. He was sick and absent from his company.
3300 Lydia,8 b.; m. William Knox.
3301 Dorcas,8 b.; m. (1) Thompson; (2) Phelps.
3302 Peter,8 b.; d. young.
3303 John,8 b.; d. in the army in the war of 1812.
3304 Calvin,8 b.; m. (1) Laura Benson; (2) Polly Benson.
3305 Luther,8 b. 3 May, 1795; m. Lucy Jones.
3306 Polly,8 b.; d. young.
3307 Rhoda,8 b.; d. unm.

1200.   TITUS,7 son of Moses6 (394), b. 4 June, 1765; m. (1) 3 Mar., 1785, Rhoda Karner.
She d. 8 Dec., 1788, aged 23; he m. (2) 1 Dec., 1791, Rachel Southwell, dau. of Jacob Southwell, b. 13 May, 1771; she d. 4 May, 1814; he m. (3) 15 Dec., 1814, Chloe Harvey; she d. 5 Sept., 1816; he d. in Dorset, Vt., 28 Oct., 1832, in the house of his son, Moses.
He was a carpenter and joiner; res. in Dorset, in 1830. In his application for pension in 1818, when he was living in Bennington, Vt., he stated that he rem. in 1826 to Washington Co., N. Y., to reside with his children, living in various places.
He enlisted in Egremont in 1780 for three years, when he was described as 16 years old, 5 feet, 7 inches in height, light complexion and brown hair. Two of his sons served in the war of 1812.

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Child by first wife.
3308 Moses,8 b. 7 June, 1787; m. Huldah Mauley.
Children by second wife.
3309 Philinda,8 b. 2 July, 1792; m. Edward Wood.
3310 Philander,8 b. 15 Aug., 1794.
3311 Titus,8 b. 3 June, 1797; m. Lucy Fletcher.
3312 Marcia,8 b. 10 Dec., 1799; d. 12 Aug., 1803.
3313 Hiram,8 b. 20 Sept., 1802; m. Julia Stamford Elderkin.
3314 William F.,8 b. 3 Dec., 1807; d. 19 Feb., 1813.
3315 Marcia Cornelia,8 b. 15 Oct., 1810; m. Emmons Manley.
3316 A Child,8 b. 22 Apr., 1814; d. 24 Apr., 1814.

1204.   NEHEMIAH,7 son of Lieut. Stephen6 (395), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 14 Oct., 1752; m. ______.
He res. in Egremont; was a wagon-maker; rem. to Homer, now Solon, N. Y., where he bought land, 28 Oct., 1807.
He was a revolutionary soldier; private in Capt. Bacon's Co., Lexington Alarm; marched 21 Apr., 1775; served one month and four days; private in Capt. Fitch's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., in Berkshire Co. He is named on the pay roll, dated 27 July, 1777; served nineteen days.
3317 Aaron,8 b. in Sheffield, about 1777; m. Janette Minor.
3318 Ithamer,8 b. in Sheffield, about 1777; m. Nancy Jane Adams.
3319 Martin Marble,8 b. about 1780; m. (1) Nancy Sweet; (2) Hester Williams.
3320 Reuben,8 b.; lived twenty years with his brother, Aaron, Michigan and Pennsylvania; d. unm.
3321 James Glover,8 b. 17 May, 1792; m. Sally Cheeseman.
3322 Louis,8 b.; m. Tombs.
3323 Rhoda,8 b. ______.
3324 Annis,8 b. ______.
3325 Hannah,8 b.; m. _______ Hohnes.
3326 Mindwell,8 b.; m. Andrew Adams; res. near Batavia, N. Y.
3327 Clarissa,8 b. ______.

1205.   REUBEN,7 son of Lieut. Stephen6 (395), b. 7 May, 1754; m. Mary _______.
He d. in Philadelphia in 1792.
He was a private in the Lexington Alarm; marched 21 Apr., 1775; served one month four days; drummer in Capt. Ingersoll's Co., Col. Brewer's Reg., 24 May to 1 Aug., 1775; Sergt. in Capt. Deming's Co., Col. Ashley's Reg., 4 June to 15 July, 1778; ordered to Albany by Gen. Fellows.
In 1783 he received his share of his father's estate. In 1804 his share in his mother's dower was distributed to his heirs.
3328 Reuben,8 b. in Wilmington, Del, 20 Sept., 1780; m. Temperance Taylor.

1206.   LOOMIS,7 son of Lieut. Stephen6 (395), b. 9 May, 1759; m. (1) Anna Truman.

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She d. in Clinton, N. Y., 25 July, 1803; he m. (2) 30 Apr., 1806, Barbara Jerome, in Clinton; she d.; he m. (3) in Marshall, Oneida Co., N. Y., 22 Nov., 1813, Persis Bingham, b. in 1776; d. 6 Oct., 1849, aged 90; she d. 22 Apr., 1858.
He was a wagon-maker and farmer; rem. from Egremont, Mass., to Cambridge and Little White Creek, Washington Co., N. Y., thence to Kirkland, N. Y. In later years he lived with his son, Reuben.
He was a revolutionary pensioner. In his application for pension he stated that he was b. in Egremont; enlisted in Oct., 1775, and in 1776 at Egremont. He served on the alarm in the Highlands, 15 July to 3 Aug., 1776; enlisted 16 Dec., 1776, served until 15 Mar., 1777; 25 Feb. he was at Ticonderoga in the Berkshire Co. Reg.; served from 29 June to Aug., 1777, in Col. Ashley's Reg.; in the same Reg. from 4 June to 15 July, 1778; from 14 Oct. to 17 Oct., 1780; from 12 Oct. to 23 Oct., 1781.
Children by first wife.
3329 Horace,8 b. 4 Apr., 1781; m. Prudence Tuttle.
3330 Sally,8 b.; m. John Latham, son of John Latham, Utica, N. Y.
3331 Reuben,8 b. 18 Jan., 1783; m. (1) Rhoda Hart; (2) Eleanor Crawford.
3332 Laura,8 b. 13 Nov., 1787; m. Gurdon Barnard.
3333 Mary (Polly),8 b. 11 Dec., 1790; m. James Groves.
3334 Calvin,8 b. 14 Jan., 1794; m. Sophronia Hecox.
3335 Anna,8 b. 1 Feb., 1798; m. David Lanquin Jewett.
3336 Hiram,8 b. 9 Nov., 1800; he lived in Sauquoit, Oneida Co., N. Y.; m. (1) 15 Jan., 1827, Sally Brigham; (2) 24 June, 1869, Frances E. (Calhoun) Porter, widow of William Porter; had no children.
Children by third wife.
3337 William,8 b. 10 Nov., 1814; m. Lois Norton.
3338 Laura,8 b. 19 Jan., 1817; m. Lorenzo Jaquith.

1207.   STEPHEN,7 son of Lieut. Stephen6 (395), b. in Sheffield, Mass.; m. Thankful Button, dau. of John Button and Anna Coon. They res. in Westmoreland, N. Y.
3339 Diadamia,8 b. 15 Nov., 1795; m. Ethan Masson.
3340 Socrates Belding,8 b. ______.
3341 Stephen,8 b. ______.
3342 Henry Alonzo,8 b. 11 Oct., 1804; m. Edith Wilcox.
3343 Chauncey Parble,8 b. 1807; m. Mrs. Mary Ann (Oilman) Burdick.
3344 Hiram,8 b. about 1810; m. Amanda Seymour.

1209.   BELDEN,7 son of Lieut. Stephen6 (395), b. 4 Nov., 1766; m. (1) in 1786, Tabitha Karner.
She d. Mar., 1792; he m. (2) 3 July, 1794, Jemima Benjamin, b. 1 Nov., 1769.
He rem. from Massachusetts to Utica, N. Y.; was living in Milton, N. Y., 1 Apr., 1811.

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Children by first wife.
3345 Stephen,8 b. 3 Feb., 1787.
3346 Sylvanus,8 b. Dec., 1788; d. Mar., 1791.
3347 Karner,8 b. Sept., 1791; d. Oct., same year.
Children by second wife.
3348 Sylvanus,8 b. 18 Sept., 1801; m. (1) Isabelle Lono Stickney.
3349 Sylvester,8 b. 5 Aug., 1803; d. 13 Jan., 1805.
3350 Phineas Benjamin,8 b. 12 Jan., 1805.
3351 Belden,8 b. 7 Apr., 1807; went to Illinois.
3352 Milton,8 b. 12 Oct., 1808; went to Texas.
3353 Minerva,8 b. 31 Dec., 1809; m. Leroy Reed; he d. on his way to Cali­fornia, 1849, with his only son; had three daus.; all d. before 1900.
3354 Calista,8 b. 7 Nov., 1811; d. ______.

1211.   ELDAD,7 son of Deacon William6 (397), b. in Sheffield, Mass. 29 Dec., 1752; m. 17 Aug., 1783, Elizabeth Watrous, b. in 1761, dau. of Walter Watrous, of Seneca Co., N. Y.
He d. 1 Oct., 1838, aged 86.
He was one of the few survivors of the Wyoming massacre.
He was a revolutionary pensioner. In 1819 res. in Westport, Essex Co, N. Y.; in 1836 rem. to Ashtabula Co., O., to live with his son; in 1853 his widow; was residing in Trumbull Co., O. He enlisted Feb., 1776, in West Hartford, Conn., and was in the bloody battle of the "Cedars," in Canada, where he was taken prisoner and held twelve days. In Aug., 1777, he enlisted in Wyoming, Pa., and was in the battle of Germantown, Pa. On 3 July, 1778, he was in the fight when the Indians massacred the people of Wyoming; he suffered much loss of property when the place was destroyed, and was made a prisoner by the In­dians. He served in the Continental army from 1 July to 15 Dec., 1780, and in Col. Ashley's Reg., 12 to 23 Oct., 1781; marched on alarm to Stillwater.
3355 Sophia,8 b. 29 June, 1784; m. (1) Comfort Benedict; (2) James Donahue.
3356 Kezia,8 b. 4 Apr., 1787.
3357 Erastus,8 b. 22 Feb., 1790.
3358 Walter Watrous,8 b. 12 Sept., 1794; m. Emily Parmelee.
3359 William,8 b. ______.
3360 Ulysses Dewey,8 b. 16 Feb., 1798; m. Mary Livingston.
3361 Urania,8 b. 15 Apr., 1801.

1213.   WILLIAM,7 son of Deacon William6 (397), b. 6 May, 1759; m. in Monkton, Vt., Urania Bishop.
He d. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 20 Oct., 1824; was accidentally killed by being thrown from a wagon.
He was a revolutionary pensioner; his military record is taken from the records in the pension office in Washington.
In 1818 he lived in Elizabethtown, Essex Co., N. Y., aged 58. In 1776 he joined a company of Rangers, which was stationed in Wyoming, Pa., and in 1777 he joined the main army in New Jersey; he was employed in scouting and harass-

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ing the enemy, whose headquarters were in New Brunswick; he was one of the detachment that was thrown into Mud Fort on the Delaware to defend it, when attacked by the British vessels of war, which were supporting the British army in its advance and occupation of Philadelphia. After the massacre of Wyoming his company was sent there, and when the expedition under Gen. Sullivan ad­vanced against the Indians in the Susquehannah River Valley, and into the State of New York, he marched with them; he was in the battles of Monmouth, N. J., Fort Mifflin and Mud Island.
3362 Rowland,8 b. 26 Nov., 1786; m. Sarah Titus.
3363 Rowena,8 b.; d. young.

1214.   ELIJAH,7 son of Deacon William6 (397), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 25 Feb., 1764; m. about 1785, Mary (Polly) Karner (3367), b. Apr., 1767, dau. of Jacob Karner, of Egremont, Mass., and Lucy Kellogg (+1189).
She d. 27 Jan., 1835; he d. 26 Dec., 1839.
He was a shoemaker and farmer; res. in Wyoming, Pa., Egremont, Mass., Rupert, Vt., and Elizabethtown, N. Y.
He was a revolutionary pensioner, res. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., in 1832, aged 68. In his application for pension, he stated that he was b. in Nobletown (now Hillsdale), N. Y. While living in Ringston, Pa., he was with Col. Zebulon Butler, at the battle and massacre of Wyoming, Pa., 4 July, 1778; he was cap­tured by the Indians, but escaped at night after six days' captivity. He rem. to Sheffield, Mass., when he engaged as a substitute and went to Albany under Capt. Richmond. He lived one summer in Dorset, Vt.; rem. about 1802 to Elizabeth­town.

3364 Amelia,8 b. 8 Feb., 1786; m. Seth Lee.
3365 Lucy,8 b. 20 July, 1788; m. John Calkins.
3366 William,8 b. in Rupert, Vt., 26 Dec., 1790; m. Rhoda Farnsworth.
3367 Orson D.,8 b. May, 1794; m. (1) Sarah (Sally) Durand; (2) Maria Mattoon.
3368 Valentine,8 26 Aug., 1796; m. Huldah Phelps.
3369 Urana,8 b. 3 Mar., 1798; m. Benjamin Calkins.
3370 Theron,8 b. 12 Nov., 1801; m. Lurinda Edgerton Davenport.
3371 Sophia,8 b. 5 Jan., 1804; m. William Dayton Rowe.
3372 Elizabeth,8 b. about 1805; d. about 1806.
3373 Lorenzo,8 b. (blind), in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 5 Nov., 1807; was a preacher of the gospel in Iowa and Minnesota; in 1880, in Viola, Olmsted Co., Minn.; he d. unm., in St. Charles, Minn., 17 Jan., 1886, aged 79.

1215.   ABIGAIL,7 dau. of Deacon William6 (397), b. 9 Feb., 1769; m. Michael Hollenbeck, b. about 1766, son of Derrick Hollenbeck, b. about 1736, and Mary b. about 1739.
She d. 16 Sept., 1857, aged 88; he d. 20 Apr., 1858, aged 92. They lived in Egremont; she was received into the church there, 5 Mar., 1822, with her children, Orrin and Anna.

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3374 Derrick Hollenbeck,8 b. ______.
3375 William Kellogg Hollenbeck,8 b. 1797; lived in Egremont; was unm.; was received into the Egremont Church, 20 Sept., 1817; d. 11 May, 1823, aged 26.
3376 Orrin Hollenbeck,8 b. 1800; m. Mary Twitchell, in Egremont; he d. 21 Oct., 1830, aged 30; they were excommunicated for "Embracing the doctrine of the indiscriminate salvation of all men."
3377 Cyrus Hollenbeck,8 b. 26 June, 1807; m. Miranda Dorman; he d. 2 July, 1852, aged 44, in Egremont.
3378 Oswin Alexander Hollenbeck,8 b.; m. Lucelia Davis.
3379 Keziah Hollenbeck,8 b. ______; m. Fox.
3380 Mary Ann Hollenbeck,8 b. m. (1); (2) Erastus Willard.
3381 Anna Hollenbeck,8 b.; she was excommunicated for the same reason that her brother, Orrin Hollenbeck, was. She m. William Tobey.
3382 Tomason Louisa Hollenbeck,8 b. 13 Feb., 1815; m. 21 Jan., 1841, Ben­jamin Franklin Barber, b. 4 July, 1799; he was a farmer; in child­hood he rem. from Massachusetts to Augusta, N. Y.; res. in Mor­risville, Durhamville and Oneida, N. Y.; he d. 13 July, 1859; she d. 28 Mar., 1859; had seven children.

1259.   OLIVE,7 dau. of Daniel6 (411), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 29 Feb., 1772; m. 27 Dec., 1791, Nathaniel Callender, b. in Sheffield, 4 Sept., 1769, son of Na­thaniel Callender, b. 8 Nov., 1745, and Diadamia Dewey, dau. of Stephen Dewey.
He d. in Harrison Co., O., 30 Dec., 1822; she d. 21 Apr., 1849.
He res. in Sheffield, until 1792; in Shoreham, Vt., 1792-99; in Chazy, N. Y., 1800-01; in Shoreham, Vt., 1801-10; in Shippensburg, Pa., 1810-19; in Harrison Co., O., 1819-22. Was at different times a tanner, shoemaker, mer­chant, trader and farmer. She lived in Harrisburg, Pa., 1823-37; in Meadville, 1837-49.
3383 Norman Callender,8 b. in Shoreham, 3 Aug., 1793; m. 4 Feb., 1819, Elizabeth Weistling; he was a druggist in Harrisburg and Mead­ville, Pa.; he d. in Meadville, 22 Nov., 1863.
3384 Matilda Callender,8 b. in Shoreham, 9 July, 1795; m. in Shippensburg, Pa., 1811, Isaac Van Duson; they res. in Tuscarawas Co., O., Coshocton Co. and Defiance Co., O., where she lived in 1880.
3385 Aurora Callender,8 b. in Shoreham, 7 Mar., 1798; m. (1) 1821, in Harrisburg, Pa., Mary J. McMichael; (2) 1840, in Ashtabula, O., Catherine Rodman; d. in Pinkneyville, Ill., 23 Oct., 1871; was a Methodist minister.
3386 Nathaniel Callender,8 b. in Chazy, N. Y., 18 Sept., 1800; m. near Pitts­burg, Pa., 5 Oct., 1829, Mary C. Bonham; he was a Methodist preacher and d. in Oldham Co., Ky., 6 Feb., 1876.
3387 Diadamia Callender,8 b. in Shoreham, 28 June, 1803; m. (1) in Harris­burg, 1822, Henry Shrom; (2) in Cumberland, Pa., 1839, George Buttorff; they res. in Cumberland Co., Pa., and Meadville and Philadelphia, where she d. 1874.

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3388 Olivia Callender,8 b. in Shoreham, 29 Sept., 1805; m. 27 July, 1830, in Meadville, William McLaughlin, of Meadville.
3389 Rhoda Callender,8 b. in Shoreham, 1 Jan., 1809; m. in Pittsburg, Pa., 4 July, 1839, Thomas Moore; they res. in Pittsburg, Pa., and Champaign, Ill., where she d. 10 July, 1873.
3390 Daniel Kellogg Callender,8 b. 30 May, 1812, in Shippensburg, Pa.; m. in Harrisburg, Pa., 1838, Elizabeth Burgoyne; he was a printer; d. in Harrisburg, Dec., 1873.
3391 William Larabee Callender,8 b. in Shippensburg, 7 Dec., 1815; m. (1) in Meadville, 3 May, 1842, Ann Matilda Kellogg (+3724), b. 7 Apr., 1819; he m. (2) in Frankfort, Ky., 24 Oct., 1850, Lucy Weisiger Roper, b. in Frankfort, Ky., 6 Feb., 1828, and d. 12 Sept., 1860; he m. (3) in Victoria, Tex., 21 Oct., 1862, Alice Frances Kibbe, b. in St. Landry Parish, La., 17 Sept., 1836; he m. (4) in Dewitt Co., Tex., 22 July, 1869, Sarah E. Sangster, b. in Albemarle Co., Va., 30 Apr., 1831, dau. of Robert Sangster and Mary Irvin.

1260.   DANIEL,7 son of Daniel6 (411), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 5 Nov., 1774; m. in Shoreham. Vt., 20 Apr., 1797, Mary (Polly) Kellogg (936), b. 11 Oct., 1776, dau. of Elijah (+328).
He d. 27 Apr., 1848; she d. 11 Apr., 1851.
They settled in Champlain, N. Y., in 1797, where he was a farmer and shoe­maker.
Children, all except Lorenzo b. in Champlain.
✛3392 Lorenzo,8 b. 8 Sept., 1798; m. (1) Sarah P. Moore; (2) Roxanna Bur­dick.

3393 Daniel C.,8 b. 24 Oct., 1800; he was a sea captain on trading vessels; d. unm.
3394 Pamela,8 b. 10 Nov., 1802; d. Aug., 1804.
3395 Sylvester W.,8 b. 14 Jan., 1805; he was a sea captain on merchant marine; was lost at sea; unm.
3396 Pamela I.,8 b. 9 Aug., 1807; m. Thomas Dodds.
3397 Mary (Polly) Matilda,8 b. 2 Oct., 1809; m. Jacob Bowron.
3398 Eli C.,8 b. 4 Mar., 1812; d. unm. 1831.
3399 Jane M.,8 b. 25 July, 1814; d. 1841.
3400 Daniel Alonzo,8 b. 10 May, 1819; he was a sea captain on trading ves­sels; lost at sea; d. imm.

1264.   AARON,7 son of Joseph6 (420), b. 20 Mar., 1767; m. Abigail Spencer, b. about 1767.
He d. 3 Apr., 1838, aged 71 years and 13 days; she d. 5 June, 1838, aged 71; both are buried in Locke.
3401 Calvin,8 b.; d. unm. after reaching manhood.
3402 Fuller,8 b.; d. unm. after reaching manhood.
3403 Tryphena,8 b. in Genoa. N. Y., 22 July, 1791; m. Joseph Pixley.
3404 Hepzibah,8 b.; m. (1) Asa Arnold; (2) Jacob Erkembach.
3405 Alpheus,8 b. 19 Nov., 1797; m. Cynthia Wright.
3406 Jane,8 b. in Locke, N. Y., 26 May, 1802; m. Timothy Johnson.

258    The Kelloggs in the New World.

3407 Aaron,8 b.; d. unm. about 1879.
3408 Calvin,8 b. 19 May, 1808; m. Sally Jane Davis.

1265.   LOVELL,7 son of Joseph6 (420), b.; m. Thankful Warner, of Granville, Conn.
He d. in Orangeville, N. Y., in the winter of 1815; she d. in Illinois, aged 84. He rem. from Oneida, N. Y., to Wyoming, in 1810.
3409 Olive,8 b.; m. Marcus Winchester.
3410 Joseph,8 b. 1795; d. 1814, unm., aged 19.
3411 Antha,8 b. 25 Oct., 1796; m. John Webb Parry.
3412 Timothy,8 b.; d. young.
3413 Jane,8 b.; d. unm. 1814.
3414 Aaron,8 b. 8 Feb., 1804; m. Diantha Parker.
3415 Lydia,8 b. 7 Mar., 1807; m. Philip Parker.

1267.   JOSEPH,7 son of Joseph6 (420), b. 5 Apr., 1788; m. Eunice Conger, b. 3 Oct., 1790.
He d. Sept., 1853, in Burdett, N. Y.; she d. 3 Mar., 1869.
He res. in Locke, where he owned a forge and furnace, and in Ithaca, where he was a farmer where Cornell University now stands. He was a hotel-keeper in Havana, N. Y.
3416 Joseph,8 b. 20 Sept., 1810; m. Susan Eldred.
3417 Noah Jefferson,8 b. 24 May, 1813; m. Sarah Marshall Kensett.
3418 Arvilla,8 b. 29 Dec., 1815; d. unm., in Burdett, 23 Apr., 1839.
3419 Henry Harrison,8 b. 29 June, 1818; m. Mary Presendia Kimball.
3420 Phebe,8 b. 26 Oct., 1820; m. Harvey Mead.
3421 Zalema,8 b. 18 Nov., 1823; m. Henry Elliott Conger; d. 24 Jan., 1868; he m. (2) Elizabeth Strong.
3422 Lovell,8 b. 5 Aug., 1820; m. 2 June, 1859, Mary Whitmore, b. in Ithaca, N. Y., 9 May, 1841.
3423 Susan,8 b. 8 Apr., 1829; m. Jacob Havener.
3424 Cornelia,8 b. 2 Feb., 1831; d. unm., in Burdett, N. Y., 31 May, 1839.

1271.   MARY,7 dau. of Joseph6 (420), b.; m. _______ Tillottson.
He d. in Pittsford, N. Y.
3425 La Marin Tillottson,8 b.; went West.

1273.   HENRIETTA,7 dau. of Pliny6 (424), b. 21 July, 1783; m. _______ Bartlett.
3426 William Bartlett,8 b.; d. in Elyria, O., leaving a son, Charles, who now res. there.

1274.   MARTHA,7 dau. of Pliny6 (424), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 4 Mar., 1785; m. Daniel Jackson, b. 1 Mar., 1785.

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He d. in Champion, N. Y., Jan., 1858.
He was a farmer; res. in Elyria, Lorain Co., O.
3427 Jane Jackson,8 b.; m. Birdseye.
3428 Pliny Jackson,8 b. in Wellington, O.
3429 Sarah Jackson,8 b.; m. Gillett.
3430 Susan Jackson,8 b.; m. Chapman.
3431 Maria Jackson,8 b.; m. Turnachiff.
3432 Jason Jackson,8 b. ______.
3433 Daniel Jackson,8 b. ______.
3434 James Jackson,8 b. ______.
3435 Elisha Jackson,8 b. ______.
3436 Sherrill Jackson,8 b. ______; m. Hopkins.
3437 Jesse Jackson,8 b. ______.
3438 Bela Jackson,8 b. ______.

1275.   AMANDA,7 dau. of Pliny6 (424), b. 18 Dec., 1787; m. Asa Rockwood.
3439 Jerome Rockwood,8 b. ______.
3440 Bennett Rockwood,8 b.; lived in Pittsfield, and Wellington, O.

1276.   MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE,7 son of Pliny6 (424), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 21 May, 1789; m. in Champion, Jefferson Co., N. Y., 3 Jan., 1819, Eliza­beth Manchester Perkins, b. 19 Apr., 1802, in Madison Co., N. Y., dau. of Hosea Edson Perkins and Edith Manchester.
She d. 4 Apr., 1870, in Clintonville, Ill.; he d. 9 Aug., 1875.
He was a farmer; res. in Eldorado Township, Benton Co., la.
3441 Frederick Vincent,8 b. in Jefferson Co., N. Y., 23 Apr., 1820; m. Mary Clark.
3442 Silas Orville,8 b. 5 Jan., 1822; m. Isabel Fuller Brisbane.
3443 Cornelia,8 b. 30 June, 1824; m. William J. Gillett.
3444 Almedia Samantha,8 b. 18 June, 1826; m. William Sikes.
3445 Ambrose Harvey,8 b. 21 June, 1829, in Lagrange, O.; m. (1) in Dixon, Ill., Sarah A. Wilcox, b. 18 Oct., 1828; m. (2) Esther de Este; was a physician and surgeon; res. in Monclova, Mex.; d. in Abrasolo Nuevo, Mex., 19 July, 1899.
3446 Emily Amelia,8 b. 26 Jan., 1834; m. in Geneva, Ill., 26 Mar., 1855, Nicholas Castner, b. 11 Sept., 1829; he d. before 1893, probably in Kansas; she res. 1899 in Hutchinson, Kas.
3447 Eliza Minerva,8 b. 30 July, 1836; m. Charles Hall Taylor.
3448 Eleanor Pamelia,8 b. 11 July, 1838; m. George Washington Hall.
3449 George,8 b. 9 Nov., 1843; m. Helen L. Baird.
3450 Edith,8 b. 23 May, 1845, in Geneva, Ill.; m. Tappin Anthony Taylor.
3451 Gilbert M.,8 b. 21 Sept., 1847, in Geneva, Ill; was a farmer; d. unm. 11 May, 1879, in Lake City, Ia.

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1278.   NOAH,7 son of Pliny6 (424), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 12 Nov., 1793; m. 29 Mar., 1814, Jerusha Stoddard, b. 15 Dec., 1796.
He d. 27 June, 1866, in Lagrange, O.; she d. 27 June, 1870, in Oberlin, O., and was buried in Lagrange.
He was a farmer; res. in Lorain Co., O.; deacon in the Freewill Baptist Church; first a Democrat and then a Republican.
3452 Hugh Henderson,8 b. 14 Jan., 1815; m. Nancy Walker.
3453 Wilbur Curtis,8 b. 17 May, 1816; m. Martha Stone.
3454 Marquis De Lafayette,8 b. 17 June, 1817; d. 16 Apr., 1833, in La­grange, O.
3455 Milo Franklin,8 b. 30 Mar., 1820; m. Adeline Maria Case.
3456 Francis Nelson,8 b. 16 Dec., 1821; m. (1) Jerusha Ann Cleveland; (2) Mrs. Stoddard.
3457 Amanda Minerva,8 b. 8 Nov., 1822; m. Dr. A. Evans.
3458 Truman Gilbert,8 b. 5 Oct., 1824; d. 5 July, 1825, in Harrisville, O.
3459 Clement Augustus,8 b. 29 Nov., 1825; m. Susan Altamira Reynolds.
3460 Alice Graves,8 b. 3 Nov., 1828; m. as his second wife, in Oberlin, O., 3 Nov., 1864, Homer Whitcomb, b. 10 Nov., 1821, son of Simon Whitcomb and Abigail Grow, of Pittsfield, Loraine Co., O.; he was a farmer; a Methodist; he was first a Republican and later a Democrat.
3461 Noah Spencer,8 b. 19 Dec., 1829, in Ohio; in 1852 he began the jour­ney across the plains, reaching Council Bluffs that year, and com­ing on to Portland, Or., in 1853. He terminated his trip at the Sound the same season. The next year he engaged in lumbering at Port Gamble, and continued in that business until 1870, spend­ing one year, 1860, in the Boise basin. Since 1870 Mr. Kellogg has devoted the most of his attention to mining, traveling in British Columbia, California and Mexico, prospecting and gathering min­ing information. In 1888 he went to the Coeur d'Alene country, and became part owner of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan mines, which were sold in 1887 to Simeon G. Reed for the sum of one million, five hundred thousand dollars. He m. (1) in Stilacoom, Wash., 17 Feb., 1874, Mrs. Amanda (Mitchell) Bird, widow of Mark Bird, b. 12 Feb., 1827; she d. in Forest Grove, Or., 8 Aug., 1886; he m. (2); (3) in San Jose, Cal, 23 Dec., 1895, Narcissa J. (Fike) Ashton, b. 28 Dec., 1843, widow of John Ash­ton, of Warsaw, Ind., dau. of Abraham Fike, b. 14 Apr., 1819, and I Mary Louise Dutton, b. 1824. He is a capitalist, Ingersollian and Republican; res. in Kellogg, Idaho, a town which was named for him; has no children.
3462 Orange Stoddard,8 b. in Lagrange, 28 May, 1831; m. 8 Apr., 1882, Melissa Morgan, b. 12 Jan., 1842, in Des Moines, la., dau. of L. K. Morgan and Mason; was a farmer and a Democrat; res. in McMinnville, Or.; had no children.
3463 Jason Spencer,8 b. 14 Aug., 1834; m. (1) Lucinda Russell Gray; (2) Georgiana Banks.

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1279.   MARY ,7 dau. of Pliny6 (424), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 15 Feb., 1796; m. (1) Ephraim Rood.
He was killed soon after their marriage by a falling from a tree; she m. (2) 11 Feb., 1816, Ezekiel Ballard, b. in Champion, Jefferson Co., N. Y., 20 Dec., 1791, son of Smithfield Ballard; d. 3 May, 1853; he d. in Elgin, Ill., 1 May, 1856.
3464 Ephraim Rood Ballard,8 b. 13 Nov., 1816; m. Caroline Flint.
3465 Ruth Ballard,8 b. 8 July, 1818; d. in 1876, in Preston, la.
3466 Charill Ballard,8 b. 31 Dec., 1820; d. Oct., 1857.
3467 Mary Ballard,8 b. 23 Sept., 1822; m. Nathan G. Phillips, of Elgin, Ill.
3468 Harriet Ballard,8 b. 1 Oct., 1821; d. 31 July, 1851.
3469 Smithfield Ballard,8 b. 23 Sept., 1826; d. in Bodega, Cal, 1876.
3470 Sarah A. Ballard,8 b. 18 Oct., 1828.
3471 Charlotte J. Ballard,8 b. 1 Oct., 1830.
3472 Elizabeth C. Ballard,8 b. 29 Jan., 1833; res. in Dixon, Ill.
3473 Lydia S. Ballard,8 b. 21 July, 1835; d. 30 Dec., 1817.

1280.   VINA,7 dau. of Ephraim6 (425), b. 11 Feb., 1767; m. 31 May, 1798, Sineus Dibble, b. 31 Dec., 1763, son of Sineus Dibble, of East Hampton, L. I. He had previously m. 3 Apr., 1788, Julina Fitch, who d. in Sheffield, Mass., 26 Dec., 1793, aged 28.
She d. 14 Dec., 1838; he d. in Bergen, N. Y., 18 Dec., 1818.
He was a tailor; rem. from Sheffield, Mass., to Bergen, N. Y., about 1820.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
3474 Vina Dibble,8 b. 25 May, 1800; m. Miles T. Norton, of Bloomfield, N. Y.; they rem. to Ohio; he d. 12 Apr., 1895; had ten children.
3475 Esther Dibble,8 b. 9 Dec., 1801; m. Abel Clark Ward, of Bergen, N. Y.; had eight children.
3476 Henry Baker Dibble,8 b. 18 Oct., 1804; m. Pauline J. Pierson, of Ber­gen, N. Y.; they res. on the old homestead in Le Roy, N. Y.; had five children.
3477 Charles Kellogg Dibble,8 b. 2 May, 1807; m. 26 Apr., 1826, Eunice Ward, of Bergen; had six children.

1282.   DEACON HOSMER,7 son of Ephraim6 (125), b. 25 Aug., 1770; m. in Sheffield, Mass., 29 Aug., 1793, Amy Cowles, b. 19 Mar., 1773, dau. of Benjamin Cowles, of Sheffield, Mass., and Luna, N. Y., b. 21 May, 1743, and Hannah Boardman.
He d. 12 Feb., 1836, aged 66, and is buried in the Old Burying Ground in Sheffield; she d. in White Pigeon, Mich., 10 Oct., 1849, and is buried there.
He was a farmer and wagon-maker in Sheffield; deacon in the Congrega­tional Church.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
3478 Harriet,8 b. 27 Aug., 1794; m. Capt. Frederick Augustus Brown.
3479 Norman,8 b. about 18 Jan., 1796; d. 31 Oct., 1796.
3480 Ruth,8 b. 7 Sept., 1797; m. 29 Oct., 1850, Dr. Edward Lewis, of Jack­son, Mich.; she d. 18 Apr., 1875, in Jackson, Mich.; he d, 1 Jan., 1867; had no children.

262    The Kelloggs in the New World.

3481 Albert Benjamin,8 b. 28 Oct., 1799; m. (1) Rhoda Lawrence; (2) Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth (Loomis) Van Vleck.
3482 Norman,8 b. 4 Mar., 1801; m. 17 Oct., 1827, Caroline Mason; res. in Sheffield, Mass.; he was a Presbyterian clergyman; d. in Sheffield, 12 Jan., 1879; she d. 12 Nov., 1892, aged 85; had no children.
3483 Edwin,8 b. 17 Feb., 1803; m. (1) Eleanor Miles Lapsley; (2) Amelia Elvira Ranger.
3484 Hosmer,8 b. 14 Apr., 1805; m. Ann Eliza Clark.
3485 George,8 b. 11 Mar., 1807; m. Mary Jane Baxter.
3486 Charles,8 b. 28 May, 1810; m. (1) Rebecca Reed; (2) Jane Burnell.
3487 Cynthia Maria,8 b. 24 May, 1812; d. 27 Aug., 1815.
3488 Amy Elizabeth,8 b. 19 Jan., 1815; m. Giles Andrews Loring.
3489 Maria,8 b. 19 Jan., 1816; m. Deacon Samuel Austin Chapin.
3490 Hannah,8 b. 16 Mar., 1818; d. 25 June, 1819.

1283.   SARAH,7 dau. of Ephraim6 (425), b. in Sheffield, 23 July, 1772; m. 29 Dec., 1790, Hosea Bill, b. 22 Aug., 1760, son of Simeon Bill, of Lebanon, Conn., and Sheffield, Mass., b. 8 Nov., 1723.
He d. 4 July, 1829; she d. 28 Dec., 1847; both are buried in Sheffield, Mass.
He was a farmer in Sheffield. Their farm, near Kelloggstown, is now owned by James McGraw.
He was a revolutionary soldier; served at Saratoga, 26 Apr. to 20 May, 1777, under Gen. Gates; marched, 27 June, 1780, in Col. Ashley's Reg. to sustain the forts at West Point.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
3491 Orrin C. Bill,8 b. 8 Nov., 1791; m. 3 Nov., 1825, Sarah F. Dubois, in Sheffield, Mass.; d. Aug., 1855; was a merchant.
3492 Eveline Bill,8 b. 31 Mar., 1794; m. (1) 5 Jan., 1817, Chauncey Lathrop; (2) Jones.
3493 Norman Kellogg Bill,8 b. 25 Sept., 1796; m. 9 Nov., 1830, Huldah Clark, of Egremont, Mass.
3494 Eli Bill,8 b. 17 Dec., 1799; d. in childhood.
3495 Rana Bill,8 15 Aug., 1802; m. 2 Oct., 1821, Platt Whitney, b. in Darien, Conn., 28 Sept., 1789; he was a farmer, and was drowned 5 Mar., 1842; she res. in South Egremont, Mass., in 1873; he had previously m. Susan Parks, who d. 16 Aug., 1820.
3496 Sarah Ann Bill,8 b. 19 Mar., 1805; m. 19 Nov., 1826, John F. Curtis.
3497 Fanny E. Bill,8 b. 29 Sept., 1809; m. William Clark.

1285.   DEACON EPHRAIM,7 son of Ephraim6 (425), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 19 Nov., 1776; m. 25 Oct., 1798, Jane Ashley, b. in Sheffield, Mass., 16 Mar., 1777, dau. of William Ashley, b. about 1742, and Jane Dutcher, b. about 1743.
He d. 19 Feb., 1844, aged 67; she d. 26 Aug., 1850, aged 73.
He was a well-to-do and successful farmer; lived adjoining his father's homestead in Sheffield. He was deacon in the Congregational Church and Col. of Militia.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
3498 Edward,8 b. 23 Feb., 1799; m. Jane Hall.
3499 Adelia,8 b. 22 Nov., 1801; m. Jesse Stevens.

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3500 Nelson,8 b. 5 Sept., 1805; m. Caroline Roys.
3501 Jane,8 b. 24 Aug., 1808; m. Walter Richards.
3502 Ephraim William,8 b. 2 May, 1811; m. Lois Bennett.
3503 Eleanor,8 b. 5 Feb., 1813; m. Alvan Callender.

1287.   CAPT. ELISHA,7 son of Ephraim6 (425), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 19 Aug., 1781; m. 3 Dec., 1806, Jane Saxton, b. 28 Aug., 1783, dau. of John Sas­ton, b. 11 Mar., 1760, and Lucy Shed, b. 30 Nov., 1758.
She d. 24 Oct., 1852; he d. 6 Aug., 1857.
He was a farmer; a deacon; a selectman of Sheffield; Capt. of Militia; he lived and d. in the house in which he was born.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
3504 Mary,8 b. 17 Apr., 1808; m. 17 June, 1830, John Calvin Ward, b. in Madison, Conn., 6 Sept., 1800; he d. in Bergen, N. Y., 18 June, 1868; she d. in Galesburg, Ill, 21 Jan., 1892; had no children.
3505 Frederick Saxton,8 b. 22 Apr., 1810; m. 5 Apr., 1838, Martha Bartholomew, of Ellenwood, Ill., b. 14 Oct., 1814; d. 12 Nov., 1886.
3506 Ensign Hosmer,8 b. 6 July, 1812; m. Caroline Lavinia Campbell.
3507 James Elisha,8 b. 21 July, 1818; m. Jenette Warner.
3508 Ruth Jane,8 b. 19 Jan., 1821; m. Emmons Arnold.

1288.   URANIA,7 dau. of Ephraim6 (425), b. 19 Nov., 1783; m. 6 Nov., 1805, Amos Bacon, b. in Vermont, 21 Oct., 1777, son of Asa Bacon, of Penfield, Monroe Co., N. Y., and Sally Sly.
She d. in Albion, Mich., 1 Feb., 1844; he d. in Buffalo, N. Y., 9 Feb., 1865.
Children, b. in Bennett, Cayuga Co., N. Y.
3509 Jane Bacon,8 b. 3 June, 1807; m. Charles Parmalee, of Chicago, Ill.; had one dau.
3510 Alanson Sly Bacon,8 b. 20 Feb., 1810; m. Emma Bartlett.
3511 Sophia Bacon,8 b. 24 May, 1812; m. Orrin Jordan, of Ionia, Mich.; d. 2 Feb., 1835.
3512 Harrietta Bacon,8 b. 27 Sept., 1815; m. 1837, John J. Adams, son of Amos Bacon Adams, of Chicago, Ill.; d. in Little Falls, N. Y., 5 Feb., 1839.
3513 Juliette Bacon,8 b. 7 Apr., 1818; m. 22 Feb., 1837, Alban S. Kingsley.
3514 Marietta Bacon,8 b. 7 May, 1820; m. 5 Oct., 1841, Sylvanus O. Gould, of Buffalo, N. Y.

1289.   DONNE,7 son of Ephraim6 (425), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 2 Jan., 1787; m. in Sheffield, 8 Jan., 1807, Aurora Curtis, b. 27 Mar., 1789. dau. of Jonathan Curtis, of Sheffield, b. about 1748, and Mary Jacobs, b. about 1749.
She d. in Sheffield, 2 Jan., 1837.
He was a wagon-maker in Sheffield, from which place he rem. to Michigan at an early date.
3515 Augustus Harley,8 b. 17 Aug., 1807; d. num., in Courtland, Mich., 1 Oct., 1856.

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3516 Catherine Mary,8 b. in Sheffield, 2 Dec., 1808; m. in Courtland, 11 May, 1848, Job Whitney, of Byron, Kent Co., Mich, b. 16 June, 1805, in Romulus, N. Y.; he had previously m. Caroline Porter, who d. 26 Feb., 1848; he was a farmer; had no children; she d. 21 Jan., 1891; he d. in Byron.
3517 Caroline Paulina,8 b. 18 Nov., 1810; d. unm., in Sheffield, 9 Dec., 1830.
3518 Milton Curtis,8 b. 15 May, 1814; m. (1) Amanda Barnes; (2) Mrs. Jane (Rohr) Rhinehart.

1290.   LUCYNA,7 dau. of Enos6 (426), b. in Sheffield, 21 Aug., 1766; m. 9 June, 1796, Jonathan Burrell, b. 10 Feb., 1757, son of Abraham Burrell, of Lynn, Mass., b. 1 Apr., 1729, and Mary Spaulding, b. 23 Feb., 1734.
He d. 31 Dec., 1835; she d. 17 June, 1839.
He was a wagon-maker and farmer; rem. from Sheffield, Mass., in 1804, to Salisbury, Herkimer Co., N. Y.
3519 Harry Burrell,8 b. 28 Nov., 1797; m. (1) 5 Apr., 1820, Charlotte Water­man; she d. 10 Apr., 1821; he m. (2) 7 Apr., 1833, Amanda Carr; she d. 17 June, 1839; he m. (3) 17 Sept., 1839, Sarah Hamlin; was an extensive farmer and cheesemaker in Little Falls, N. Y.
3520 Fanny Burrell,8 b. 1 Feb., 1799; m. Seth C. Hurlburt; res. in 1877, in Chicago, Ill.
3521 Seymour Burrell,8 b. 23 Oct., 1801.
3522 Lucinda Burrell,8 b. 10 May, 1803.
3523 Sarah Burrell,8 b. 27 Jan., 1805.
3524 Catherine Burrell,8 b. 23 Oct., 1806.

1291.   ORSAMUS,7 son of Enos6 (426), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 13 May, 1768; m. in New York City, Dec., 1796, Esther Kimberly, b. in New Haven, Conn., 1770.
He d. in Townsend, Huron Co., O., 15 Oct., 1819; she d. in the same place, July, 1827.
In 1796 he was a merchant in Lansingburg, N. Y., and for some years after; he rem. to "Holland Purchase," Genesee Co., and bought a farm; in June, 1811, he started for Townsend, O., where he was a surveyor and dealer in lands; 4 July they reached Cleveland, which then consisted of three or four loghouses and a hotel. During the last two miles of their journey to Townsend, they were obliged to cut a road for their teams; they were among the early settlers, and had to en­dure all the perils of a frontier life. After Hull's surrender of Detroit, the set­tlers were obliged to flee for their lives, and Orasmus returned to New York. The following summer they returned to Townsend and found their house in ruins.
3525 Caroline,8 b. 13 Sept., 1796, in Lansingburg, N. Y.; m. Dr. Lyman Fay.
3526 William Henry,8 b. in Hubbardton, Vt., 25 Aug., 1799; m. in Windsor, Madison Co., O., Mary Griswold; they lived on the old homestead; he d. Nov., 1871.

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3527 George Kimberly,8 b. in Castleton, Vt., 5 Aug., 1801; m. Lydia Isham, of Norwalk, O.; he d. in Athens, Calhoun Co., Mich.
3528 Susan Amelia,8 b. in Batavia, N. Y., 9 Mar., 1804; m. Philander Wilbor.
3529 Minerva,8 b. 21 June, 1807; m. John Forsman Slocum.
3530 Orasmus,8 b. 11 Nov., 1810; m. Mary Ann Hunt.
3531 Kneeland Townsend,8 b. 13 Dec., 1812; m. Hutchinson, of Indiana; he was a printer in Indianapolis; he d. in Cincinnati, O.

1295.   ENOS,7 son of Enos6 (436), b. in Sheffield, 21 Apr., 1776; m. Elizabeth Smith (1127), b. 13 Nov., 1779, dau. of Ebenezer Smith, of Sheffield, Mass., and Elizabeth Kellogg (+381), b. 15 Mar., 1753.
She d. of an epidemic that prevailed throughout the country, 15 Dec., 1812; he m. (2) Hersey Perrin; d. in Baton Rouge.
He was a farmer in Sheffield; rem. with his father to Hubbardton, Vt., and Batavia, N. Y., where he was Town Clerk and Justice of the Peace. After the death of his father, in Batavia, he rem. to Illinois. He started for New Orleans on a business trip, but was taken sick and d. in Baton Rouge. He was a surveyor and surveyed most of the Holland Purchase, and part of Ohio along the Muskin­gum River. He often spoke of the beauty and fertility of the latter region.
3532 Lucinda,8 b. 5 Nov., 1801; m. Benjamin Morse Smith.
3533 Alonzo Smith,8 b. 13 Dec., 1803; m. (1) Octavia Smith; (2) Nancy Burt.
3534 Augustus,8 b.; d. young.
3535 Julia Ann,8 b. 1 Oct., 1808; m. (1) William Brown; (2) Moses Atche­son; she d. in Shelbyville, Ky; had one son and three daus.
3536 Abigail Ruth,8 b. 10 Oct., 1810; m. Richard Ensign.
3537 Elizabeth,8 b. 18 Aug., 1812; m. James Bodger.

1296.   COL. SEYMOUR,7 son of Enos6 (436), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 21 Mar., 1779; m. (1) 21 Mar., 1801, Esther Lawrence, of Sheffield.
She d. in Batavia, N. Y., 21 Apr., 1813; he m. (2) 1 Aug., 1813, Nancy Wilcox; d. 1 Apr., 1829; she d. in Waverly, Ill., 1 May, 1855.
He was a merchant in Exeter, Scott Co., Hi.; was Col. in the war of 1812.
When he and his brother, Elisha, settled in Illinois they were thirty miles distant from any white man, and one hundred miles from the nearest mill. During the first winter, they suffered from want of food, and might have perished, but for the assistance of friendly Indians.
3538 Almira,8 b. 28 May, 1802; m. Borden Wilcox.
3539 Orlando,8 b. 3 June, 1805; m. Margaret Comrad.
3540 Adeline,8 b. 5 June, 1808; m. 10 Nov., 1824, Charles Collins, of St. Louis, Mo.
3541 Asenath H.,8 b. 4 Sept., 1810; m. Rowland Mundy, of St. Louis.
3542 Esther,8 b. 20 Aug., 1814; m. Levi Church.
3543 Seymour,8 b. 12 Apr., 1816; m. Margaret Maxfield.
3544 Nancy,8 b. 15 Sept., 1817; d. in St. Louis, 10 May, 1833.
3545 Borden,8 b. 27 Mar., 1819; m. Frances Day.
3546 Homer,8 b. 24 Apr., 1823.

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1298.   HULDAH,7 dau. of Enos6 (426), b. 31 Oct., 1781; m. in Batavia, N. Y., May, 1801, Amzi Wright, b. 24 Oct., 1781, son of Asahel Wright, b. 16 Sept., 1751, of Lenox, Mass., and Hubbardton, Vt., and Rachel Rice, b. Mar., 1759.
She d. 19 Feb., 1854; he d. 30 Dec., 1873, aged 92, on the old homestead. He settled on the homestead nearly seventy years before his death. His son, Allen, lived on the homestead in Wyoming, N. Y.
3547 Enos Kellogg Wright,8 b. in Middlebury, Wyoming Co., N. Y., 1 Mar., 1805; m. 19 Feb., 1834, Louisa Newell, b. 30 Jan., 1809, in Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., dau. of Silas Newell, of Hoosick and Middlebury, N. Y., and Judith Potter, of Granville, N. Y.; he was a farmer in Wyoming, N. Y.
3548 Harry Wright,8 b. 22 Jan., 1807; m. 1836, Mary Ann Parsons; he was an elder in the Presbyterian Church; he was a farmer in Bethany, N. Y.
3549 Alvina Wright,8 b. in Middlebury, N. Y., 27 Mar., 1809; m. 2 Sept., 1835, Nelson Wolcott, b. in Sandisfield, Mass., 4 Jan., 1806, son of William Wolcott and Huldah Deming; he was a merchant; lived in Sandisfield until 1826; in Graysville, N. Y., 1828; in East Java, 1841; in Warsaw, 1844; in East Java, 1848; in Attica, 1848, where he was elder in the Presbyterian Church; in Batavia, 1848; had eight children.
3550 Allen Wright,8 b. 27 Oct., 1810; d. 1811.
3551 Sophia Wright,8 b. in Middlebury, N. Y., 14 May, 1812; m. 19 Feb., 1839, Ephraim Brainard, b. 9 Feb., 1812, in Attica, N. Y., son of Seymour Brainard and Susanna Gates; he was a farmer near Attica, N. Y., until 1866; he lived in Attica, and was Justice of the Peace; had four children.
3552 Allen Wright,8 b. 3 May, 1814; m. 15 July, 1845, Charlotte Newell; he was elder in the Presbyterian Church; he was a farmer in Wyom­ing, N. Y.
3553 Francis Rice Wright,8 b. 7 Sept., 1817; m. 1839, Charlotte Putney; he was a harness-maker; d. in Attica, 1864.
3554 Emily Wright,8 b. 29 July, 1820; m. in 1842, Patrick Hanvey; res. in Elsie, Mich.
3555 Viletta Elizabeth Wright,8 b. 4 Apr., 1824; d. 1832.
3556 Seymour Kellogg Wright,8 b. 6 Feb., 1828; m. 1856, Sarah Ellis; he was a harness-maker in Kidder, Mo.

1299.   CAPT. ELISHA,7 son of Enos6 (426), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 30 Nov., 1783; m. (1) 24 Sept., 1809, Elizabeth Derrick, b. 2 Mar., 1792.
She d. in Morgan Co., Ill., 15 May, 1832; he m. (2) in 1833, Mrs. Mary J Mills; d. in Jo Daviess Co., Ill., 24 Aug., 1842.
He was a Capt. of infantry in the war of 1812, and was in the battles of Black Rock, Fort Erie and several others; he was Sheriff of Genesee Co. He was Capt. in a company with Lieut. Worthy L. Churchill, which was ordered to march to Buffalo early in Dec., 1813; was a pensioner of the war of 1812. He and his brother, Seymour, settled in Morgan Co., Ill., in 1819, where there were not any white neighbors nearer than thirty miles. He was in the Black Hawk war.

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Children, first five b. in Batavia, N. Y.; others in Morgan Co., Ill.
3557 Philander Elisha,8 b. 17 June, 1810; m. Lucinda Jane Wilcox.
3558 Orville Enos,8 b. 22 Dec., 1811; m. Susan Jane Anderson.
3559 Abigail Elizabeth,8 b. 24 Mar., 1814; m. John Williams.
3560 Florentine Erwin,8 b. 1 Jan., 1816; m. (1) Rebecca Jane Williams; (2) Mrs. Martha Jane (Williams) Ellison; (3) Olivia M. Cramer.
3561 Sophia Emeline,8 b. 17 Jan., 1818; m. John Deeds.
3562 Angeline Eleanor,8 b. 21 Dec., 1820; d. 2 July, 1821.
3563 Benjamin Franklin Ephraim,8 b. 30 Apr., 1822; m. Mary Orilla Lillie.
3564 Sarah Angeline,8 b. 5 Jan., 1824; d. 1 Aug., 1831.

1300.   SOPHIA,7 dau. of Enos6 (426), b. 18 June, 1786; m. William M. Wright, b. 20 Nov., 1783.
They rem. from Genesee Co., N. Y., in Nov., 1827, to Naples, Ill.
3565 Adeline Rachel Wright,8 b. 20 Nov., 1812; m. 28 Jan., 1830, John Man­chester, merchant in Naples, Ill., and St. Louis; he d. 27 Dec., 1846; she d. 15 Nov., 1847, in St. Louis.
3566 Julia Sophia Wright,8 b. 21 May, 1823; m. (1) 31 Dec., 1837, John Matthews, a miller living in Perry, Pike Co., Ill.; he d. 29 June, 1847; she m. (2) 2 May, 1850, Elijah Sheff, who res. in Griggs­ville. Pike Co., Ill.

1301.   IRA,7 son of Enos6 (426), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 14 Mar., 1789; m. (1) 9 May, 1811, Harriet Thompson, b. ______, dau. of Samuel Thompson, of Tol­land, Conn.
She d. 16 June, 1822; he m. (2) Aug., 1823, Lydia Morgan, b. in Norwich, Conn., 1 Dec., 1798, dau. of Daniel Morgan and Mary Frost; d. 3 Feb., 1854.
He was a soldier in the war of 1812; was a carpenter in Perry, la.; in 1877 his wife res. in Pittsfield, Ill. He was the owner and captain of the first steam­boat on the Illinois River.
Children by first wife.
3567 Theodore,8 b. 23 Mar., 1812; d. 8 Aug., 1821.
3568 Edwin,8 b. 24 July, 1813; m. Eliza A. Mager.
3569 Ira,8 b. 23 Oct., 1817; m. Cordelia Fox; was a pilot.
3570 Harriet,8 b. 23 Oct., 1819; m. Jonathan Newman.
3571 Sophia,8 b. 7 Apr., 1821; d. Apr., 1835.
Children by second wife.
3572 Theodore,8 b. 31 May, 1824; m. (1) Sarah, dau. of William Morrison; (2) Sarah, dau. of Joseph Cockill.
3573 Delia Ann,8 b. 9 Jan., 1830; m. (1) Gideon Bill; (2) Uriah Ellidge.
3574 Charles Morgan,8 b. 11 July, 1831; m. America Hackworth.
3575 Adeline,8 b. 1 Jan., 1833; d. 14 Oct., 1833.

1302.   FREDERICK,7 son of Deacon Asa6 (427), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 27 Sept., 1766; m. (1) 20 Nov., 1788, Mary (Polly) Phelps, b. 5 Oct., 1768, dau. of Israel Phelps.

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She d. 25 Mar., 1813; he m. (2) 28 Nov., 1813, Tryphena Ely White, b. 25 Mar., 1784, dau. of Joseph White, b. 24 Dec., 1749, and Phebe Clapp, b. 26 Dec., 1752; she d. 27 Jan., 1816; he m. (3) Mrs. Catherine (Demorest) Brown; d. 16 Oct., 1832, was killed in Auburn by being thrown from a horse; she d. 6 Aug., 1838, aged 63.
He was a farmer; res. in Galway and Brutus, N. Y.
Children by first wife, first eight b. in Galway; others in Brutus.
3576 Silas,8 b. 6 June, 1789; m. Martha Simpson.
3577 Polly,8 b. 6 June, 1790; m. William Green Beach.
3578 Lucinda,8 b. 10 Aug., 1791; m. David Dixon.
3579 Alvan,8 b. 12 Jan., 1793; m. Sylvia Stow.
3580 Wealthy,8 b. 24 Oct., 1794; m. Mile Phelps.
3581 Amanda,8 b. 24 Aug., 1796; m. Henry Perine.
3582 Frederick,8 b. 26 Nov., 1797; m. Sally S. Evarts.
3583 Asa,8 b. 26 Apr., 1800; m. Sarah St. John.
3584 Lucy,8 b. 1 June, 1803; m. Amos Carter.
3585 Israel Phelps,8 b. 24 Oct., 1808; m. (1) Eliza E. Whiting; (2) Sally Stearns.
3586 Harriet,8 b. 10 Dec., 1810; m. Hicks Wheeler Phelps.
Child by second wife, b. in Brutus.
3587 Charles White,8 b. 21 May, 1815; m. Demmis Dewey Comstock.

1303.   EZRA,7 son of Deacon Asa6 (427), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 26 June, 1769; m. 21 Feb., 1793, Abigail Olmstead, b. 19 June, 1771, in New Canaan, Conn., dau. of Jonathan Olmstead and Thankful Crosby, of Canaan, N. Y.
He d. in Galway, N. Y., 13 Oct., 1836; she d. in Cleveland, O., 7 Feb., 1851, aged 79.
He was a tanner and shoemaker; bought land in Sempronius, N. Y., 1 Nov., 1800, and sold the same, 8 Feb., 1805.
3588 Ezra Powell,8 b. 18 Mar., 1795; m. Margaret Anderson.
3589 Mercy Crosby,8 b. 12 May, 1797; d. 13 Aug., 1805.
3590 Clarissa Harlow,8 b. 12 June, 1799; m. Samuel Dauchy.
3591 Jonathan Crosby,8 b. 18 Dec., 1801; d. 12 Oct., 1810.
3592 Abigail Ann,8 b. 9 Jan., 1804; m. Sears Elnathan Smith.
3593 Sylvester Truman,8 b. 22 Mar., 1806; m. Lucy Ann Lindley.
3594 Ruth Ann,8 b. 11 June, 1808; m. 16 Apr., 1832, Louis Goodrich, a goods merchant, who lived near Rochester, N. Y.; had no children; she d. in Galway, 5 Feb., 1833; he m. (2) Thankful Olmstead, , dau. of Dr. Jonathan Olmstead, of Spencertown, N. Y.
3595 Lucy,8 b. 2 May, 1811; m. (1) Robert Edwin Gillett; (2) William Austin Lathrop.
3596 Mary,8 b. 10 July, 1813; m. Rev. Charles E. Renshaw; d. 26 Sept., 1839; had no children.

1304.   MARTIN,7 son of Deacon Asa6 (427), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 22 June, 1771; m. 22 Feb., 1793, Rhoda Smith, b. 4 Nov., 1772, dau. of Polycarpus Smith, of Canaan, Columbia Co., N. Y., and Dolly Skinner, b. about 1730.
She d. 25 May, 1852; he d. in Mexico, Oswego Co., N. Y., 27 Jan., 1854.

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He was a merchant for some years in Galway, N. Y.; later a farmer in Oswego Co., N. Y. In 1825 he was living in Homer (now Solon), and later in Mexico, Oswego Co., N. Y.
3597 Cassius,8 b. 28 May, 1794; d. 8 Dec., 1860.
3598 Brutus,8 twin to Cassius, b. 28 May, 1794; d. 13 Nov., 1804.
3599 Sophronia,8 b. 28 May, 1796; m. (1) Luke Butterfield; (2) Daniel McNett.
3600 Truman,8 b. 7 July, 1798; d. 13 July, 1799.
3601 Martin Powell,8 b. 28 May, 1800; m. Malvina Potter.
3602 Justin Smith,8 b. 3 Oct., 1803; d. 17 Feb., 1804.
3603 Lewis,8 b. 20 Nov., 1805; m. Abbey Halsey Lindsley.

1305.   CHARLES,7 son of Deacon Asa6 (427), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 3 Oct., 1773; m. 21 Oct., 1794, Mary Ann Otis, b. 3 Nov., 1774, dau. of David Otis, of Colchester, Conn., a descendant of John Otis, of Hingham, Mass., 1635, and Mary Day.
He d. 11 May, 1842, in Ann Arbor, Mich.; she d. 14 Oct., 1844.
He was a farmer and merchant. At the age of 14 he rem. to Galway, Sar­atoga Co., N. Y., where his father had settled as a pioneer seven years before. Two years after his marriage, with an outfit of little more than willing hands and stout heart, he and his wife, with their eldest son, then an infant, sought a new home in Central New York. Their conveyance was a sled, drawn by oxen; their road was through the forest, and after a fatiguing journey of fifteen days, they arrived at their first home in Marcellus. They erected a log cabin, made a clear­ing in the forest, remained one year, then sold their improvements and purchased a second home in what is now Owasco. After remaining there two years they again sold out, and in the autumn of 1799 rem. to their third forest farm, in Sempronius (now Niles), where they resided forty years. Their circumstances were improved by each removal, and before the new farm was fully cleared Mr. Kellogg added trading to farming. In 1808 he was elected to the State Assembly, and received a re-election in the following year. He was a Judge of the County Court. In 1812 the village post­office was established and he was the first post­master, and his own name was given to the office, and the village since then has been called Kelloggsville. In 1821 and '22 he was elected a member of the State Assembly again. In 1825 he was elected Representative to Congress, the first Congress under John Quincy Adams' administration. Returning from Congress, he remained in Kelloggsville ten years, until he rem. to Ann Arbor, Mich., where four of his children were living. Of their family of eleven children all met 29 Sept., 1857, in Auburn, N. Y. He was a vestryman of the Episcopal Church in Ann Arbor, a man of sound judgment and sterling integrity.
3604 Day Otis,8 b. in Galway, 7 Aug., 1796; m. (1) Ann Eliza Smith; (2) Mary Ann Dimon; (3) Harriet Walter Odin.
3605 Dwight,8 b. in Marcellus, 4 Oct., 1797; m. Minerva Annable.
3606 Dor,8 b. in Aurelius, N. Y., 8 Feb., 1799; m. Lucretia Annable; had no children.
3607 Delia,8 b. in Kelloggsville, 7 Apr., 1803; m. Calvin Whitwood.
3608 Abigail Ann,8 b. 10 June, 1804; m. Ethan Allen Warden.

270    The Kelloggs in the New World.

3609 Charles Harvey,8 b. 19 Sept., 1808; m. Frances Amelia Parmelee.
3610 Electa Samantha,8 b. 28 July, 1810; m. in Ann Arbor, Mich., Col William Augustus Abel, b. 14 Feb., 1805, son of William Abel, b. in Lebanon, Conn., 12 July, 1775, and Mary (Polly) Loomis, b. 13 May, 1781, dau. of Col. Jacob Loomis; he d. 17 Sept., 1843; had no children.
3611 Dan Warren,8 b. 26 Mar., 1812; m. (1) Esther Elmira Bull; (2) Catherine Fake; (3) Emma Starr Congdon.
3612 Dorliska,8 b. 17 Jan., 1816; m. Dr. Cyrus Backus.
3613 Frances Louisa,8 b. 6 Mar., 1818; m. Seth Taylor Otis.
3614 John Quincy,8 b. 24 Mar., 1823; m. Helen Mary Dauchy (8596).

1307.   ASA,7 son of Deacon Asa6 (427), b. in Sheffield, 12 Nov., 1777; m. (1) June, 1804, Margaret Stewart, b. 18 Apr., 1786.
She d. 11 June, 1819; he m. (2) 24 Apr., 1820, her sister, Anna Stewart, b. 15 May, 1794; both his wives were b. in White Creek, Washington Co., N. Y., daus. of Joseph Stewart, of White Creek, b. 6 Apr., 1752, and Rosanna Harmon, b. 17 May, 1754; Joseph was a son of Joseph Stewart, b. about 1719; d. in White Creek, 1820.
He d. 23 Aug., 1836; she d. 17 Apr., 1843; he and both his wives are buried in the old cemetery, on Ida Hill, in Troy.
They res. in Troy, N. Y., where he was a hardware merchant for thirty years, in company with his brothers, Warren and Alexander C.
Children by first wife.
3615 Eliza,8 b. 27 July, 1805; d. 8 Sept., 1806.
3616 Warren Stewart,8 b. 1 Mar., 1807; m. Lucy Ann Rawdon.
3617 Edward Asa,8 b. 15 June, 1808; d. 20 Oct., 1809.
3618 Edward,8 b. 20 Jan., 1810; m. Sarah Maria Hastings.
3619 Asa,8 b. 2 July, 1811; d. 22 Aug., 1848, unm.; is buried in the old cem­etery in Troy, N. Y.
3620 Eliza,8 b. 5 Aug., 1813; d. 15 Sept., 1815.
Children by second wife.
3621 Margaret Ann,8 b. 1 Mar., 1821; m. Francis Newlands.
3622 Jane Eliza,8 b. 22 Apr., 1822; d. 15 July, 1822.
3623 Jane Eliza,8 b. 26 Sept., 1823; m. James Somerville Knowlson.
3624 Mary Stewart,8 b. 12 Aug., 1826; m. 26 May, 1846, George Redfield of Troy; she d. 14 Dec., 1847; he d. 24 July, 1856, aged 34. He was a merchant.
3625 William,8 b. 25 Aug., 1829; d. 15 Nov., 1830.
3626 Henry,8 twin to William, b. 25 Aug., 1829; m. Sarah Cobb May.
3627 Caroline,8 b. 6 May, 1833; d. 16 Sept., 1835.

1310.   WARREN,7 son of Deacon Asa6 (427), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 2 June, 1783; m. in Troy, 14 Apr., 1811, Abigail Taine, b. 6 Nov., 1790, dau. of Amasa Paine, of Windsor, Vt., and Elizabeth Homer.
He d. 23 Feb., 1835; is buried in Ida Hill Cemetery, Troy; she d. in New York City, 1 June, 1862.
Res. in Troy, N. Y., where he was a hardware merchant.

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3628 George William,8 b. 27 Feb., 1812; m. Charlotte Elizabeth Cobb.
3629 John Paine,8 b. 11 Oct., 1814; was a merchant in Troy, 1 Mar., 1838 to '52, and later in New York City; d. unm., 15 Aug., 1863.
3630 Henry Lyman,8 b. 28 Apr., 1817; m. Frances Jean Wilson.
3631 Mary Elizabeth,8 b. 11 Oct., 1818; d. 8 Mar., 1820.
3632 Frances Lucretia,8 b. 25 Jan., 1821; m. 17 Nov., 1852, Maj.-Gen. George H. Thomas, U. S. A.; after their marriage they res. in West Point until 1856, when she accompanied her husband to Fort Mason, Tex., commanded by Maj. Thomas; he d. in San Francisco, Cal, 28 Mar., 1870; she d. in Washington, D. C., 26 Dec., 1889; had no children.
3633 Julia Augusta,8 b. 15 Dec., 1822; res., unm., in Washington, in 1896.
3634 Charles Augustus,8 b. 26 Mar., 1825; graduated from Harvard College in 1845; studied law in Montgomery, Ala., until 1847, when he rem. to New Orleans, where he practiced law until 1851; a mer­chant there until 1854; later of the firm of John P. Kellogg & Co., of New York; d. unm., in New York, 7 Mar., 1865.
3635 Samuel Cobb,8 b. 23 Apr., 1828; d. 24 Sept., 1828.
3636 Caroline Louisa,8 b. 25 Oct., 1830; d. 3 Dec., 1830.
3637 Ellen Maria,8 b. 17 Sept., 1831; d. 27 Aug., 1832.
3638 Homee Hall,8 b. 9 Dec., 1833; d. 23 May, 1837.

1311.   ALEXANDER CYRUS,7 son of Deacon Asa6 (427), b. in Galway, Sar­atoga Co., N. Y., 22 June, 1785; m. (1) 7 Mar., 1810, Anna Sayles, b. 20 Oct., 1782.
She d. in Troy, N. Y., 31 Dec., 1823; he m. (2) 25 Dec., 1824, Mrs. Ann (Hinman) Davis, dau. of Capt. Elisha Hinman, of New London, Conn., and Abigail Dolbeare; d. in Bridgeport, 13 June, 1846; she d. in Fairfield, 23 Sept., 1878, aged 97.
He was first a country merchant, and later engaged in the wholesale grocery business in Albany, N. Y., about 1814; he later continued the same business in Troy, N. Y., with his brothers, Asa and Warren, as partners. After the great fire of 1822 they went into the iron trade, in which they prospered for years.
3639 Maria Ann,8 b. 9 Jan., 1811; m. (1) Charles Lewis Mills; (2) Dr. Joshua Bascom Grams.
3640 Eliza,8 b. 10 Aug., 1812; d. 8 Feb., 1813.
3641 Frances,8 b. 2 Oct., 1814; d. 23 Aug., 1815.
3642 Margaret,8 b. 8 May, 1816; m. Charles Edmond Osborne.
3643 John,8 b. 12 Mar., 1818; d. 22 Mar., 1818.
3644 William,8 b. 10 Sept., 1820; d. 22 Sept., 1820.
3645 Henry,8 twin to William, b. 10 Sept., 1820; d. 23 Sept., 1820.
3646 Julia Frances,8 b. 3 Apr., 1822; d. 26 June, 1822.
3647 Alexander,8 b. 23 Dec., 1823; m. Mrs. Sarah Maria (Johnson) Brown.
3648 Cyrus,8 twin to Alexander, b. 23 Dec., 1823; m. (1) Ann Cooper; (2) Martha Defriest.

272    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1312.   ELECTA,7 dau. of Deacon Asa6 (427), b. in Galway, 6 May, 1788; m. Alanson Kennedy.
She d. 5 Sept., 1839. They settled in Western New York.
3649 Powell Kennedy,8 b.; res. in Chicago.

1326.   RHODA,7 dau. of Silas6 (432), b. 18 Jan., 1783; m. in Sheffield, 9 Feb., 1803, Consider Morgan, b. about 1784, son of Dr. Consider Morgan, of Sheffield, b. about 1741, and Ruth Moseley.
He d. 8 Dec., 1858; she d" 21 Mar., 1863; both are buried in Sheffield.
He was a teacher and farmer; res. in Sheffield.
3650 Walter F. Morgan,8 b.; d. unm.; was in the Mexican war, and probably d. of yellow fever in Charleston, S. C.
3651 Charlotte A. Morgan,8 b. about 1809; d. unm. 19 May, 1863.
3652 John Consider Morgan,8 b.; was a wholesale book merchant in New Orleans, La.; d. unm.
3653 Jane Maria Morgan,8 b. 4 Nov., 1810; m. 2 Jan., 1855, Bingley Lang­don, of Great Barrington, Mass.

1328.   CHAUNCEY,7 son of Silas6 (432), b. in Sheffield, 8 Nov., 1786; m. Lois Turner, dau. of Capt. Turner, of Egremont, Mass.
She d. in Sheffield, 1 Apr., 1843; he d. on the old homestead. Mar., 1844. He was a farmer in Hillsdale, N. Y., and Sheffield, Mass.
3654 James Turner,8 b.; m. Maria Ingraham.
3655 Frances Louisa,8 b.; m. in Sheffield, 4 Nov., 1846, Nomian Savage, b. in 1842, son of Hamblin and Sophia Savage; he was a harness-maker.

1329.   NORMAN,7 son of Silas6 (432), b. in Sheffield, 8 Apr., 1789; m. 26 Nov., 1812, Mary Shears, b. 7 Mar., 1794, dau. of Jeremiah Shears, of Sheffield, b. about 1773, and Rhoda Sheldon.
He d. 1 Aug., 1860, aged 71; she d. 1 Jan., 1869.
He was a farmer and mechanic in Sheffield; his son, George, lives on the homestead.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
3656 Mary Ann,8 b. 18 Apr., 1813; m. John Reed Forbes.
3657 John Jay,8 b. 13 Aug., 1816; m. (1) Eliza; (2) Frances Cowles.
3658 Frank,8 b. 28 Nov., 1823; d. in Oshkosh, Wis.; was killed by a falling tree, 19 Nov., 1852.
3659 George,8 b. 4 Feb., 1831; m. Harriet Crippen.

1330.   FRANCES ,7 dau. of Silas6 (432), b. in Sheffield, 16 Apr.,8 1791; m. 20 May, 1812, Jonathan Church, of Wethersfield, b. in Springfield, Mass., 18 Apr., 1791, son of John Church, of Springfield, and Dotia Manley.
She d. 11 Nov., 1835; he m. (2) Sarah Ann Mason; d. 8 Jan., 1855. He was a merchant in Sheffield.

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3660 Frances Elizabeth Church,8 b. Aug., 1813; d. unm., 1 July, 1835.
3661 Mary Ann Church,8 b. 30 Sept., 1815; m. J. Homer Laugdon, of Mon­terey, Mass.; had no children.
3662 John B. Church,8 b. Sept., 1817; m. Sarah Ashley, in Sheffield, Mass.; d. 30 Aug., 1863.

1331.   DEACON GEORGE,7 son of Silas6 (432), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 1 Dec., 1793; m. 26 Oct., 1819, Cynthia Root Merrill, b. in West Hartford, 6 Sept., 1800, dau. of Thomas Merrill (d. aged 101), and Elizabeth Ensign.
She d. in Erie, Pa., 5 Oct., 1855; he d. in the same place, 13 Oct., 1871.
He was a merchant; res. in Sheffield, Mass., and Erie, Pa.; his house, in Sheffield, stood next to the Methodist Church. He was a Presbyterian and, at the time of his death, a deacon in the First Presbyterian Church in Erie. In politics, he was a Whig and Republican.
3663 Sidney Merrill,8 b. 29 July, 1820; m. Rachel McCarter.
3664 George Henry,8 b. 11 June, 1822; m. Catherine Dodge Flint.
3665 Egbert Ralph,8 b. 23 July, 1823; m. (1) Sarah Louisa Sevens; (2) Mrs. Hester C. Clinton.
3666 Ellen Bruce,8 b. 11 Sept., 1824; m. Charles Hawley De Forest.
3667 Emily Austin,8 b. 15 Mar., 1829; res., unm., in Derby, Conn., 1898.
3668 Elizabeth Ensign,8 b. 15 Sept., 1831; d. in Redwood City, Cal., 23 Oct., 1873.
3669 Silas,8 b. 17 Dec., 1835; m. in Jacksonport, Ark., 27 Sept., 1847, Mrs. Hester C. (Clinton) Kellogg, widow of his brother, Robert Ralph; d. in Jacksonport, 22 Aug., 1876; had no children.
3670 Charles Winslow,8 b. 22 Jan., 1839; m. Anita Root Flint (3683).

1333.   JANE MARIA,7 dau. of Silas6 (432), b. in Sheffield, 20 May, 1798; m. 27 Nov., 1816, Jay Shears, b. 17 Feb., 1796, son of Jeremiah Shears, b. 9 Dec., 1772, and Rhoda Sheldon, b. 4 May, 1769.
He d. 4 June, 1873; she d. 9 Jan., 1879.
He was a farmer in Sheffield, Mass., where both d.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
3671 Elizabeth Shears,8 b. 30 Sept., 1817; m. 18 Sept., 1838, Wilbur Curtis Hare, of New York City.
3672 Minerva Shears,8 b. 30 Aug., 1819; m. 20 May, 1839, William Albert Forbes, of Sheffield.
3673 Catherine Shears,8 b. 5 Nov., 1822; m. 20 Feb., 1845, William J. Crosby, of Chatham, N. Y.
3674 Frederick Shears,8 b. 30 Nov., 1824; m. 18 Nov., 1846, Susan Lovina Dailey, of New York City.
3675 Cynthia Maria Shears,8 b. 19 Sept., 1828; d. unm. 21 Mar., 1872.
3676 Norman Kellogg Shears,8 b. 15 Aug., 1830; m. 12 Oct., 1852, Sarah Alice Dunwell; res. in Sheffield.
3677 A Son,8 b. 2 Dec., 1836; d. young.
3678 William Henry Shears,8 b. 6 Jan., 1839; is a conductor on the Michigan Central Railroad; unm.

274    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1334.   DR. SILAS ROOT,7 son of Silas6 (432), b. in Sheffield, 11 June, 1799; m. 9 May, 1843, Mrs. Lucy Church (Hale) Churchill, b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 3 Aug., 1816, dau. of Joseph Hale, of Glastonbury, Conn., b. 10 Jan., 1784, and Lucy Church, of Springfield, Mass., b. 18 July, 1788.
He d. 13 Mar., 1877, after a long and painful illness; she d. 7 May, 1895; both d. in Sheffield.
He commenced the practice of medicine in Rockaway, L. I., in 1823; prac­ticed in Sheffield fourteen years; in May, 1837, he rem. to Erie, Pa., thence to South Egremont; returned to Sheffield in 1850.
3679 Egbert Hale,8 b. in Erie, Pa., 5 Mar., 1844; m. Amelia Clark Gallup.
3680 Lucy Hale,8 b. in Sheffield, 15 Jan., 1858; m. John Cooper Wheeler.

1335.   ANNE ROOT,7 dau. of Silas6 (432), b. in Sheffield, 24 July, 1805; m. 24 Nov., 1824, James Putnam Flint, of Boston, b. 12 Apr., 1802, son of Col. Daniel Flint, of North Beading, Mass., b. 1 Sept., 1761, and Priscilla Sawyer, b. 18 May, 1762.
He d. 8 Mar., 1873; she d. 26 Nov., 1884.
He was a merchant in Boston, 1824-37; in Buenos Ayres, South America, 1837-42; in Roxbury, Mass., 1842-54; in Medford, Mass., 1854-60; in San Francisco, Cal., 1860-73. After his death she res. with her sons in Oakland.
3681 Edward Putnam Flint,8 b. in Boston, 4 Sept., 1828; m. 17 Oct., 1854, Emma Patterson Du Bois, of Doylestown, Bucks Co., Pa., dau. of Charles Ewing Du Bois, an attorney at law, and Mary Latta, of Newcastle, Del.; a shipping merchant in San Francisco, of the firm of Flint, Peabody & Co. She d. 22 May, 1899.
3682 William Kellogg Flint,8 b. in Buenos Ayres, South America, 18 Apr., 1838; m. 11 Oct., 1862, Abba Mason Oliphant, b. in Boston, Mass., 31 Mar., 1843, only dau. of Duncan Oliphant, of Boston, and Hannah Call Woodman; she d. in San Francisco, 18 Feb., 1876; had six children.
3683 Anita Root Flint,8 b. in Buenos Ayres, 24 Aug., 1840; m. 19 Sept., 1863, Charles Winslow Kellogg (+3670).
3684 Elijah Train Flint,8 b. in Buenos Ayres, 4 Mar., 1842; m. 1 May, 1867, Caroline Matilda Bishop, of Knight's Ferry, Cal., b. in Zanesville, O., 21 Aug., 1848, dau. of Stephen Bishop and Sarah Laughlin; res. in Oakland, Cal.; he was a wool buyer; had four children.

1346.   WELTHA,7 dau. of Capt. Ebenezer6 (434), b. in Sheffield, 13 Dec., 1775; m. Ephraim Hart, of Farmington, Conn.
3685 Caroline Amelia Hart,8 b. ______.
3686 Weltha Velona Hart,8 b. ______.
3687 Caroline Hart,8 b. ______.
3688 Mary Hart,8 b. ______.
3689 Eliza Hart,8 b. ______.
3690 Sarah Hart,8 b. ______.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    275

3691 Ephraim Hart,8 b. ______.
3692 Henry Rempson Hart,8 b. ______.

1347.   AMASA,7 son of Capt. Ebenezer6 (434), b. in Sheffield, 5 Feb., 1777; m. 9 Jan., 1800, Abiah Callender, b. 7 July, 1780, dau. of Abner Callender, b. 1 Nov., 1751, and Lydia Goodrich, of Hartford, Conn., b. 1 Aug., 1751.
He d. 15 Apr., 1828; she d. in Sheffield, 6 Dec., 1847. He was a farmer; rem. from Sheffield to Whitesboro, N. Y., in 1831.
3693 Lorenzo,8 b. 13 Apr., 1801; m. Saboney; she d. 17 Aug., 1863; he d. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 7 Apr., 1869.
3694 Eli Callender,8 b. 19 Mar., 1803; m. (1) Lucretia Barnard; (2) Marcia Anna Bulkley (7567).
3695 Cornelia,8 b. 20 Sept., 1811; m. Milton Loomis.
3696 Levi Henry,8 b. 24 Aug., 1817; m. Helen Barnard.

1348.   AMOS A.,7 son of Capt. Ebenezer6 (434), b. in Sheffield, 18 Nov., 1778; m. in Clinton, N. Y., 6 Nov., 1805, Lucy Williams, b. 2 Sept., 1781, dau. of An­drew Williams, b. 2 Jan., 1743, and Anna Giddings, b. in 1744.
He d. in Minaville, N. Y., 12 Aug., 1819; she d. in Chazy, N. Y., 28 Mar., 1857.
He was a wagon-maker; early in the war of 1812, he was captured by the British and confined in Dartmoor Prison two or three years. Previous to the war of 1812 he had lived in Clinton, N. Y.
3697 Ephraim Hart,8 b. 18 Mar., 1807; m. Altana Davis.
3698 William,8 b. 13 Mar., 1808; m. Amanda Malvina Lovell.
3699 Sarah Annie,8 b. 4 Mar., 1817; m. 12 Dec., 1838, Miner Van Auken, b. 25 Jan., 1815; res. in Utica, N. Y.; she d. in Jan., 1891; had no children.
3700 Andrew W.,8 b. 12 June, 1818; m. Harriet Crary.

1349.   EBENEZER,7 son of Capt. Ebenezer6 (434), b. in Sheffield, 5 Nov., 1780; m. 22 Jan., 1807, Eunice Callender, b. 20 Nov., 1785, dau. of Abner Cal­lender, b. 1 Nov., 1751, and Lydia Goodrich, of Hartford, Conn., b. 1 Aug., 1751.
He d. 21 Aug., 1858; she d. 27 Feb., 1864.
He was a farmer. After their marriage they rem. from Sheffield to Westmoreland, N. Y.
Children, b. in Westmoreland.
3701 Cynthia Elvira,8 b. 15 Nov., 1807; m. Samuel S. Curtiss.
3702 Lydia Ann,8 b. 10 Mar., 1810; m. Hiram Bedortha.
3703 Henry Nelson,8 b. 25 Aug., 1814; m. Merriam Maria Moulton.
3704 Caroline Amelia,8 b. 7 Aug., 1816; m. William Bell Hays.
3705 Edwin Callender,8 b. 5 July, 1818; m. Sarah Croel Moulton.
3706 Weltha Ann,8 b. 11 Jan., 1821; m. 6 Dec., 1845, Calvin H. Draper, b. 18 Feb., 1826, son of Gordon Kellogg Draper, b. 6 July, 1853.
3707 Eunice Abiah,8 b. 23 Aug., 1823; m. Harmon L. Stevens.
3708 Sarah,8 b. 19 Jan., 1826; d. unm., 27 Jan., 1846.
3709 Abbey,8 b. 15 Jan., 1838; d. 1 Oct., 1839.

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1350.   SARAH,7 dau. of Capt. Ebenezer6 (434), b. in Sheffield, 21 May, 1783; m. 13 Nov., 1807, Milton Bissell.
She d. 5 Nov., 1812, aged 24; he m. (2) 27 Jan., 1814, Sally Birch; d. 4 Mar., 1842, aged 57; she d. 13 May, 1864.
Children, b. in Salisbury, Conn.
3710 Milton Bissell,8 b. ______.
3711 Weltha Bissell,8 b. ______.
3712 Sarah Bissell,8 b. ______.

1352.   ABIGAIL,7 dau. of Capt. Ebenezer6 (434), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 26 Nov., 1788; m. 14 Nov., 1814, Calvin Julius Pope, of Boston, b. 1 Aug., 1788, son of William Pope and Rhoda Dewey.
He d. 3 July, 1835; in 1874 she res. in Boston. Four of their six children d. in infancy.
3713 Holly Kellogg Pope,8 b. 15 July, 1818; m. (1) 26 Mar., 1845, Nancy Catherine Trescott, of Dedham, Mass.; she d. 1 Feb., 1854; he m. (2) 4 June, 1856, Josephine Lethbridge Hyde, of Roxbury; res. in Boston; had four children.
3714 Edward Eldridge Pope,8 b. 4 Aug., 1820; was a manufacturer of leather board; he res. in Boston, where he d. unm., 1893.

1353.   MILO,7 son of Capt. Ebenezer6 (434), b. in Sheffield, 24 June, 1792; m. 4 Dec., 1823, Mary Ann Jacobs, b. in Scituate, Mass., 4 June, 1800, dau. of Walter Jacobs, b. in Scituate, 27 Dec., 1774, and Betsey Turner, b. in Scituate, 22 Feb., 1780.
He d. in Boston, 1 May, 1829; she d. in Medford, Mass., 15 Mar., 1873. He was a merchant in Boston, Mass., and Bahia, Brazil.
3715 Julia Turner,8 b. in Boston, 28 June, 1825; m. Francis H. Kidder.
3716 Walter Jacobs,8 b. in Bahia, 13 Apr., 1828; m. Hannah Bradshaw Cushing.

1354.   PAMELA,7 dau. of Jesse6 (436), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 25 May, 1780; m. (1) in Sheffield, 30 Nov., 1805, William B. Dimmick, b. in Salisbury, Conn., 1 Jan., 1778.
She d. 3 Sept., 1823; he m. (2) 1825, Mrs. Mary Ayres; d. in Princeton, Ind., 10 Jan., 1837; she d. 23 Sept., 1853.
He was a farmer; res. in Sheffield, Westmoreland, N. Y., and in 1818, in Princeton.
3717 Delia Maria Dimmick,8 b. 5 Jan., 1808; m. 16 July, 1826, Holly Crawford, a carpenter and farmer in Oakland City, Ind.; had twelve children.
3718 William Beebe Dimmick,8 b. 31 May, 1813; m.; d. in Boonville, Ind.; had one child.
3719 Rhoda Pamela Dimmick,8 b. 3 May, 1815; m. in Kansas, ______ Smith; had twelve children.

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3720 James Jesse Dimmick,8 b. 13 Aug., 1817; d. in Centralia, Ill.
3721 Mary Matilda Dimmick,8 b. 22 Mar., 1819; m. Ewing; had no children.
3722 John Jay Dimmick,8 b. 15 Jan., 1821.

1355.   SYLVESTER,7 son of Jesse6 (436), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 13 Apr., 1785; m. in Great Barrington, 22 Oct., 1817, Celia E. Ensign, dau. of Elijah Ensign, of Canaan and Sheffield, and Anne _______.
He d. in Sheffield, 14 Jan., 1834; she d. in Bridgeport, Conn., 12 July, 1875; both are buried in Sheffield.
He was a farmer; lived on his father's farm in Kelloggstown.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
3723 Alfred Sylvester,8 b. 7 Apr., 1819; m. (1) Sarah Jane Southworth; (2) Adeline Augusta Burroughs.
3724 Ann Matilda,8 twin to Alfred S., b. 7 Apr., 1819; m. William Larabee Callender (3391).
3725 Robert Ensign,8 b. 2 Feb., 1822; m. Elizabeth Hoffman.

1378.   FANNY,7 dau. of Amos6 (441), b. in Clinton, N. Y., 21 Feb., 1789; m. in Clinton, 6 Jan., 1811, Orrin Gridley, b. in Hanover, N. Y., 30 Aug., 1786, son of Hezekiah Gridley, of Bristol, Conn., and Hanover, b. 17 Dec., 1765, and Ruth Green, b. 10 Dec., 1766.
He d. 3 Apr., 1847; she d. 24 Feb., 1871.
He was a merchant and banker in Clinton thirty years.
3726 Wayne Gridley,8 b. 12 Nov., 1811; m. 1 Oct., 1839, Juliet Hastings, of Clinton; he was a Congregational minister; d. 23 Nov., 1846.
3727 Albert G. Gridley,8 b. 5 Aug., 1813; m. 14 Oct., 1839, Sophia D. Hicox, of Clinton.
3728 Henry E. Gridley,8 b. 23 July, 1815; d. 24 June, 1816.
3729 Adelaide Gridley,8 b. 2 Dec., 1817; m. 8 Apr., 1840, Rev. John Finley Smith; d. 14 Dec., 1841; he d. 4 Oct., 1843.
3730 Amos Delos Gridley,8 b. 3 Nov., 1819; m. (1) 17 Apr., 1844, Ellen M. Bristol; she d. Aug., 1870; he m. (2) 25 Sept., 1872, Mary A. Twining, of New Haven, Conn.; he was a clergyman; res. in Clinton.
3731 Frederick Gridley,8 b. 18 Aug., 1821; m. 6 June, 1844, Harmony Luce; was a banker in Buffalo, N. Y.
3732 Charles Gridley,8 b. 4 Jan., 1829; d. unm. 6 Feb., 1850.

1379.   HENRY,7 son of Amos6 (441), b. 16 June, 1790; m. Serena Beach, b. 4 Nov., 1804, dau. of David Beach and Mary Haines, of Bridgeport, Conn.
3733 Henry J.,8 b. 4 Mar., 1828; is unm.
3734 Amos Markham,8 b. 4 June, 1831; m. Lavinia Livingston Steele.
3735 George Willis,8 b. 12 Jan., 1833; m. Lucy Pamelia Sawyer.

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1381.   RACHEL,7 dau. of Amos6 (441), b. 20 Aug., 1794; m. in Clinton, N. Y., 14 Apr., 1821, Rev. Salmon Strong, b. in Durham, N. Y., 23 Mar., 1790, son of Selah Strong and Anna Baldwin.
He d.; she res. in Kalamazoo, Mich.
He was a teacher in Aurora ten years; in Skaneateles two years; in Clinton, N. Y., more than fifteen years. He was graduated from Williams College, 1813; from Princeton Theological Seminary, 1818.
3736 Addison Kellogg Strong,8 b. in Aurora, N. Y., 27 Mar., 1823; m. (1) Matilda E. Clark, 11 Sept., 1846; (3) Madorah J. Elder, 10 Oct., 1852; he was a clergyman, in 1875, in Kalamazoo; was graduated from Hamilton College, 1842; Auburn Theological Seminary, 1845.
3737 Edward Kellogg Strong,8 b. in Aurora, 5 Jan., 1826; m. 8 July, 1852, Elizabeth Fine; he was in the hardware business in Milwaukee, Wis., where he d. 13 Sept., 1863; was graduated from Hamilton College, 1847.
3738 Theodore Baldwin Strong,8 b. in Skaneateles, 22 Mar., 1829; d. 4 Feb., 1832.

1382.   CLARISSA,7 dau. of Amos6 (441), b. in Clinton, N. Y., 30 Aug., 1797; m. in Clinton, 29 Nov., 1820, Seth Saxton, b. 8 Mar., 1795.
He d. in Rochester, N. Y., 21 Apr., 1835; she d. 19 May, 1870. He was a dry goods merchant in Rochester.
3739 Frances Caroline Saxton,8 b. 10 Oct., 1821; d. 23 Mar., 1825.
3740 George Frederick Saxton,8 b. 1 Feb., 1824; d. 28 Mar., 1835.
3741 Charlotte Hart Saxton,8 b. 16 Jan., 1836; m. 13 Apr., 1851, Ebenezer S. Sibley, of Detroit, Mich.; d. 14 Feb., 1857.
3742 Cornelia Kellogg Saxton,8 b. 7 May, 1839.
3743 Louisa Porter Saxton,8 b. 14 Apr., 1831; res. in Rochester.

1383.   AARON,7 son of Amos6 (441), b. in Clinton, N. Y., 8 Oct., 1799; m. 11 Feb., 1824, Eliza Shaw Dodge, b. 26 Nov., 1805, dau. of Warren Dodge, of Tren­ton, N. Y., and Elizabeth Bell.
He d. in Fredonia, N. Y., 21 Jan., 1857; she d. in the same place, 6 June, 1891.
He res. in Clinton, Utica and Fredonia, N. Y., and North Rast, Pa.
3744 Warren Dodge,8 b. in Clinton, 24 Nov., 1825; m. Mary Jane Alexander.
3745 Sarah Eliza,8 b. 13 Dec., 1828; res. unm., in Kansas City, Mo.
3746 Aaron William,8 b. 16 May, 1844; m. 9 Jan., 1885, Alice J. Jewell, dau. of William Jewell, b. 6 Nov., 1818, and Mary E. Gunn, b. 3 May, 1833; res. in Denver, Col.

1387.   REV. HIRAM HUNTINGTON,7 son of Capt. Aaron6 (442), b. in Clinton, 26 Feb., 1803; m. in Augusta, N. Y., 13 Oct., 1839, Mary Gleason Chandler, b. in Augusta, 17 Nov., 1808, dau. of Samuel Chandler, b. in Woodstock, Conn., 3 Sept., 1775, and Abigail Durkee, b. in Washington, Conn., 29 Feb., 1780.

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She d. Sept., 1879, in Mount Forest, Ill; he d. 1 Jan., 1880, in the same place.
He was a graduate of Harvard College, 1822; Auburn Theological Sem­inary, 1826; he took charge of Washington Academy, Tazewell Co., Ill., in 1861; was later a city missionary in Chicago; losing his voice, which prevented his preaching, he devoted his attention to teaching, in 1876, in Guthrie, la.; con­ducted a boarding school in Mount Forest, near Chicago; he was the first presi­dent of Knox College, Galesburg, Ill.; was a Presbyterian minister for fifty years.
3747 Susan Huntington,8 b. in Augusta, 28 Sept., 1830; m. (1) Rev. Joseph Walworth Sutphen; ( 2 ) Rev. Homer Bartlett Morgan.
3748 Charles Chandler,8 b. in Clinton, 2 Apr., 1833; d. in Galesburg, Ill., 26 June, 1845.
3749 Mary Augusta,8 b. 14 Sept., 1834; res. in Chicago; was a teacher; d. 16 Nov., 1895.
3750 Aaron Winthrop,8 b. 6 Nov., 1835; m. Sarah Emeline Allen.
3751 Hiram Winslow,8 b. 9 Sept., 1837; d. in Clinton, 9 Jan., 1838.
3752 Julia Chandler,8 b. in Clinton, 14 Aug., 1838; a teacher; res. unm., in Godfrey, Ill.
3753 Samuel Chandler,8 b. 3 Oct., 1839; d. in Marshall, N. Y., 12 Jan., 1855.
3754 Hiram Huntington,8 b. in Galesburg, 23 Jan., 1842; m. Mary Eliza­beth Jacks.
3755 Sophia Sturges,8 b. 12 June, 1845; in 1901 a teacher in Bethlehem, Pa.
3756 Henry Wayne,8 b. 8 Jan., 1847; m. Margaret Guthrie.
3757 Emily Abigail,8 b. in Clinton, 3 Sept., 1848; was principal of Mount Forest Home School, near Chicago; a graduate of the Monticello Seminary, Godfrey, Ill.; belonged to a number of Illinois women's press associations; first editor of the "Kindergarten"; was a con­tributor to various literary journals; d. in Chicago, 30 June, 1893.

1389.   JOSIAH,7 son of Josiah6 (443), b. in Troy, N. Y., 16 Dec., 1792; m. 10 May, 1830, Catharine Ramsey, b. in Carlisle, Pa., 15 Sept., 1806, dau. of Hon. William Ramsey, of Carlisle, and Clark, of Clark's Ferry, Pa.
She d. in Erie, Pa., 20 July, 1875; he d. in the same place, 26 Sept., 1886.
In May, 1815, he went to New York and was a bookkeeper until Oct., 1818, when he rem. to Erie, and was a merchant until 1833. He retired from business on account of his health, and lived in St. Joseph, Mich., until the spring of 1845, when he returned to Erie and engaged in the forwarding business, and later in the coal trade, in Chicago, from Dec., 1867, to May, 1873.
Children, b. in Erie.
3758 William Ramsey,8 b. 24 Feb., 1833; d. Oct., 1844.
3759 Josiah Holcomb,8 b. 1 Oct., 1836; m. Mary Norman.
3760 Albert Ramsey,8 b. 3 Aug., 1838; was in the coal business in Chicago, with his father, later assistant of his brother in Chicago; d. unm., in Chicago, 1 May, 1897.

280    The Kelloggs in the New World.

3761 Wainwright,8 b. 12 Jan., 1819; entered Annapolis in 1865, and graduated in 1869; promoted to Ensign in 1870; served on the European station on the Richmond; in the Lancaster on the At­lantic station; promoted to master in 1876; on the Asiatic station, 1877-79; on the Michigan, 1879-81; in the Pacific squadron, 1881-85; on special duty in Washington until the Spanish- Amer­ican war, and during that war was commander of the Maple, during a greater part of the time in Havana, where his health was im­paired. He was on his way home from Carlsbad, Germany, where he had gone for treatment, when he d. 3 June, 1899, on board the steamship, Augusta Victoria, two days out from Hamburg. In compliance with his wishes he was buried at sea.

1392.   AFFIA MARY,7 dau. of Josiah6 (443), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 16 Sept., 1800; m. 13 Nov., 1832, Myron Goodwin, b. in Goshen, Conn., 5 Aug., 1793, son of William Goodwin and Amy Stanley.
He d. in Erie, 5 Jan., 1864; she d. 28 July, 1882. He rem. from Marcellus, N. Y., to Erie, Pa., in his boyhood. He was a merchant; res. in Geneva, N. Y., and later in Erie, where he was Burgess in 1840.
3762 Josiah K. Goodwin,8 b. 3 Nov., 1833; d. in the service of his country, 5 Aug., 1863, in Vicksburg, Miss.
3763 William Goodwin,8 b. 11 Oct., 1835; d. 30 Oct., 1864.
3764 Catherine Goodwin,8 b. 17 Jan., 1838.
3765 John Stanley Goodwin,8 b. 20 Mar., 1840; res. in Erie.
3766 George Goodwin,8 b. 12 Aug., 1842; d. 26 Jan., 1858.

1393.   GEORGE HOLCOMB,7 son of Josiah6 (443), b. 5 Apr., 1804; m. Jane Hays, of Erie, Pa.
He was a resident of Erie; went to Texas in 1845; d. there shortly after­ward. She m. (2) Maj. S. A. Torbett, of Meadville, Pa.
3767 Affia,8 b.; d. in Meadville, in 1858.
3768 Catherine,8 b.; m. E. A. Reynolds.
3769 Samuel Hays,8 b. in Erie, 3 Oct., 1837; m. Margaret Lucinda Rea.
3770 Maria,8 b.; d. young, in Erie.
3771 Jane,8 b.; m. Dr. S. B. Lashells; res. in Meadville.
3772 Mary,8 b.; d. in Meadville.

1394.   CATHERINE ASENATH,7 dau. of Josiah6 (443), b. 29 Apr., 1806; m. Thomas Colt, of Erie, Pa.
He d. in Erie, 1860.
3773 George P. Colt,8 b.; was a banker in Erie.
3774 Marion Colt,8 b.; m. Amos T. Loomis.

1406.   ELIZABETH,7 dau. of Aaron6 (449), b. 11 Dec., 1768; m. 12 Feb., 1793, Col. Lebbeus Loomis, b. 23 Feb., 1757.

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He d. in Cherry Valley, N. Y., 10 Jan., 1836.
He was in the commission business in New York in 1804.
He served in the revolutionary army; private, Lexington Alarm, Apr., 1775; private in Second Connecticut Reg., 10 May to 17 Dec., 1775, at the siege of Boston; Sergt.-Maj. of the Fourth Connecticut, 1 Jan., 1777; Ensign 25 Nov., 1777; Second Lieut. 1 Mar., 1778; Adjutant 1 Aug., 1778, to Nov., 1783; transferred to First Connecticut 1 Jan., 1781; retained in Smith's Connecticut Reg., 1 June. 1783; served to 3 Nov., 1783. — Officers of the Continental Army, 1775-83, p. 269.
3775 Eliza Loomis,8 b. 1 May, 1794; d. 3 March, 1799.
3776 Edward Loomis,8 b. 20 Sept., 1797; d. 14 Oct., 1798.
3777 Mary Eliza Loomis,8 b. 25 Oct., 1803; d. 9 Mar., 1814.
3778 Eliza Catherine Loomis,8 b. 10 Dec., 1805; d. 6 July, 1806.

1414.   DANIEL,7 son of Daniel6 (455), bap. in Amherst, 26 July, 1752; m. 15 Dec., 1778, Mercy Eastman, b. 14 Oct., 1754, dau. of Joseph Eastman, of Am­herst, b. 1 Feb., 1715, and Sarah Ingram, b. 25 Sept., 1725.
She d. 12 Jan., 1823; he d. 1 Mar., 1826.
Res. in Amherst, where both d. He was a selectman of Amherst, 1792-94; a soldier in the revolution; served in Col. Porter's Reg., five months and two weeks in 1778.
Children, b. in Amherst.
3779 Sarah,8 b.; d. 25 Feb., 1780.
3780 Esther Smith,8 b. 25 Feb., 1780; m. Gen. Martin Field.
3781 Mercy,8 b. 4 Aug., 1782; m. Alden Cooley.
3782 Sarah,8 b. 6 Dec., 1787; d. 25 Feb., 1788.
3783 Rufus,8 bap. 23 Nov., 1788; m. (1) Esther Mayo; (2) Abigail Cham­berlain; (3) Mary Smith.
3784 Daniel,8 b. 10 Feb., 1791; m. (1) Jane McAffee; (2) Merab Ann Bradley; (3) Miranda Metcalf Aldis.
3785 Charles,8 bap. 9 Dec., 1792; m. (1) Tryphena Hubbard; (2) Lucre­tia Ashley.
3786 Henry,8 b. 10 Dec., 1794; m. (1) Margaret V. D. S. Hubbell; (2) Anna Maria Hubbell.

1416.   REV. DAVID,7 son of Daniel6 (455), b. in Amherst, Mass., 10 Nov., 1755; m. 27 May, 1781, Sallie Bridge, dau. of Rev. Matthew Bridge, of Framing­ham, Mass., and Anne Perkins.
She d. 14 Feb., 1826, aged 73; he d. 13 Aug., 1843, aged 87.
He was a graduate of Dartmouth, 1775; honorary graduate of Yale, 1778; studied divinity with Rev. Daniel Parsons, of Amherst. He preached, probably for the first time in Framingham, 5 Apr., 1778. On 6 Dec., 1779, the town voted to pay him four dollars a day, "To be as good as money was five years ago." The next day he received an invitation to become minister of the church, which he de­clined. Negotiations were, however, continued, the supply of the pulpit remain­ing in his hands until 3 July, 1780, when proposals satisfactory to Mr. Kellogg were made, and he consented to become their minister. He was ordained, Wednesday, 10 Jan., 1781. In 1792 the church voted by request of the pastor,

282    The Kelloggs in the New World.

"That the scriptures should be read in public on the Sabbath, and that a Bible be procured for that purpose." In Mar. following the town voted the money for a Bible.
He received his pay, the first few years of his pastorate, in corn and rye, to which was added about twenty cords of wood per annum; while his salary varied the average for the entire period was about seven hundred dollars per annum.
He was possessed of good talents, with a character marked by energy, de­cision and self-reliance, his manner ripening into mingled dignity and ease, his voice full and commanding. His unquestioned sincerity, consistency and up­rightness commanded the respect and confidence of his contemporaries.
His ministry was peaceful and harmonious. As a preacher his manner was energetic, his style and diction correct, somewhat formal, yet forcible.
As a Congregationalist of the old school, he was settled in the Christian min­istry, and to the principles, usages and habits of thought of the time he adhered to the last. On the whole it may be said of him that he was a true, upright and wise man, a worthy representative of genuine Congregationalism in the days of its union and strength. As a proof of the estimation in which he was generally held he received from the college at which he was educated the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity.
After a protracted ministry of almost half a century, he voluntarily retired from the pastoral office about Sept., 1830, after which he continued to reside upon his estate in the enjoyment of a vigorous and green old age. Many will re­call, with pleasure, his venerable form, slightly bowed, his tall and robust figure, his fresh, yet placid countenance, his dignified and courteous manners, as he moved among them, almost the sole survivor of the generation which had wel­comed him to the sacred office, as their Christian pastor and guide.
Children, b. in Framingham.
3787 Mary,8 b. 26 Feb., 1782; m. 19 July, 1801, Dr. John B. Kittridge, b. 8 Oct., 1771; d. 20 Aug., 1830; he d. 3 Mar., 1848; res. in Thom­aston. Me.
3788 Sarah,8 b. 28 Sept., 1783; m. 9 May, 1805, Deacon William Brown, Jr., of Boston; he d. 25 July, 1838; she d. 13 May, 1856.
3789 Nancy,8 b. 16 July, 1785; d. 1 Mar., 1868, in Framingham.
3790 Martha,8 b. 23 May, 1787; d. unm., 18 Nov., 1861, in Framingham.
3791 Gardner,8 b. 20 Aug., 1788; m. Mrs. Susan (Johnson) Fairbanks, of Framingham, b. 23 Dec., 1794, widow of Nathan Fairbanks; d. 29 Apr., 1842; she d. 25 Sept., 1847; had no children.
3792 David,8 b. 2 Apr., 1791; m. Sarah Prince.
3793 Charles,8 b. 29 Apr., 1793; was lost at sea; unm.

1418.   SYBIL,7 dau. of Abraham6 (450), b. in Amherst, 24 Sept., 1761; m. 6 Oct., 1785, Enos Graves, b. 20 May, 1763, son of Moses Graves, b. 10 Oct., 1736, and Sarah , b. 1740.
He d. 21 Aug., 1840; she d. 22 Mar., 1852, aged 90.
He was a farmer in Leverett,* Mass. His son, Kellogg Graves, lived on the same farm.

*Leverett was taken from Sunderland and incorporated 5 Mar., 1774.

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Children, b. in Leverett.
3794 Walter Graves,8 b. 13 June, 1786; m. Phila Montague, b. ______, in Sun­derland, dau. of David Montague; he was a harness-maker and shoemaker; d. in Leverett, 28 Jan., 1866; she d. 6 Dec., 1866; had two children.
3795 Sally Graves,8 b. 28 June, 1788; m. 26 Sept., 1815, Paul Smith, a carpenter, b. in Leverett, 24 July, 1790, son of Jonathan Smith, b. in Sunderland, 15 Mar., 1761, and Susannah Spooner, b. 3 Aug., 1763; he d. in South Amherst, 11 Mar., 1881; she d. 5 Nov., 1866.
3796 Fanny Graves,8 b. 6 Mar., 1791; d. G Aug., 1808.
3797 Kellogg Graves,8 b. 20 Aug., 1793; m. 25 Oct., 1831, Eunice Willis, b. 14 June, 1796, dau. of Samuel Willis, b. in Sudbury, Mass., 4 May, 1764, and Mary Walker, b. in Sudbury, 4 Oct., 1765. He was a farmer; res. in Leverett, where he d. 18 Nov., 1870; she d. 15 Nov., 1873.
3798 Nancy Graves,8 b. 3 June, 1796; m. 12 Apr., 1825, Enoch Burt, b. in Richmond, Mass., 11 May, 1796, son of Henry Burt, of Pittsfield, and Judith Fuller. He was a farmer; d. in Amherst, 11 Jan., 1867.
3799 Moses Graves,8 b. 21 July, 1798; m. (1) 1823, Almira Marsh, dau. of Thomas Marsh; she d. 13 Oct., 1826; he m. (2) 9 Aug., 1827, her sister, Sophia Marsh; he was a carpenter; res. in Sunderland, Greenfield and Deerfield; d. in Leverett, 11 Jan., 1855; she d. 28 Aug., 1851.
3800 Enos Graves,8 b. in Leverett, 5 Nov., 1800; m. 15 Nov., 1826, Sophia Morton, b. 26 Aug., 1806, dau. of Enos Morton, of Whately, and Lovina Smith; res. in Leverett until 1856; rem. to Fairview, Pa.; d. in Girard, 10 July, 1861; she d. 4 Feb., 1881.
3801 Sybil Graves,8 b. 8 Aug., 1803; d. unm. 27 Sept., 1834.

1419.   DIADAMIA,7 dau. of Abraham6 (456), b. in Amherst, Mass., 1763; m. 1788, Thomas Clapp, b. 1765, son of Ebenezer Clapp, of Northampton, Mass., and Catherine Catlin.
He d. in Northampton, about 1798; she d. about 1840, aged 76. He was a farmer in Northampton. She is remembered as being a small woman, with black eyes and black hair.
3802 Henry Clapp,8 b. 5 Nov., 1789; m. 17 Aug., 1815, Nancy Root, of North­ampton, b. 27 May, 1790, dau. of Simeon Root; he was a black­smith and farmer in Northampton; she d. 15 Dec., 1870.
3803 James Clapp,8 b. about 1791.
3804 Morris Clapp,8 b. about 1793; was a shoemaker; d. unm. in New York, about 1873.
3805 Diadamia Clapp,8 b. 1795; m. Samuel Davis, of West Hampton, Mass.; had seven children.
3806 Thomas Clapp,8 b. 5 Jan., 1798; m. 15 Feb., 1828, Lydia Pomeroy, of Southampton, b. 17 Jan., 1807, dau. of Stephen Pomeroy, b. in Southampton, 20 June, 1769, and Lydia Bridgman, b. in North­ampton, about 1771; he was a farmer; d. in Huntsburg, O., 14 Mar., 1859.

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1421.   ELI,7 son of Abraham6 (456), b. in Amherst, 18 Nov., 1768; m. 16 Oct., 1796, Mrs. Mary (Pike) Hemenway, of Hardwick, Vt., b. 4 Apr., 1766, dau. of Joseph Pike and Anna Hutchinson.
He d. 16 Apr., 1830; she d. 27 Nov., 1835.
He was a shoe dealer and manufacturer in Northampton, Mass.; he was crippled by rheumatism in his middle age; was reared in the family of his uncle Daniel Kellogg (455), of Amherst.
Children, b. in Northampton.
3807 Eli,8 b. 8 Aug., 1798; d. 16 Oct., 1803.
3808 George,8 b. 28 Oct., 1799; m. Sarah A. Ramsdell.
3809 Theodotia Sarah,8 b. 20 Mar., 1803; d. unm. 3 Nov., 1872.
3810 Mary Ann,8 b. 17 Dec., 1808; m. Jared Livingstone Bartlett.

1422.   SAMUEL,7 son of Abraham6 (456), bap. in Amherst, Mass., 20 May, 1770; m. Hannah Marsh, b. about May, 1774 or '77, dau. of Jonathan Marsh and Hannah Balcom, of Amherst.
He d. in Moretown, Vt., 8 Aug., 1822; she d. 17 May, 1833. He was reared by Gen. Mattoon, of Amherst; was a farmer five or six years in Ashfield, Mass.; rem. to Fairfax and Moretown, Vt.
3811 Frances,8 b. 22 July, 1800; m. in Hinsdale, Mass., 1 July, 1852, as his second wife, Alvah Cady, b. in Peru, Mass., in 1800.
3812 Sarah (Sally),8 b. 22 Feb., 1802; d. unm., 16 Sept., 1884.
3813 Harvey,8 b. 10 Dec., 1804; d. unm., in Moretown, aged 25.
3814 Hannah,8 b. 2 Apr., 1806; m. John Castle.
3815 Avery,8 b. 16 June, 1809.
3816 Mary,8 b. 10 July, 1810; m. 5 Apr., 1854, George Watkins; d. 1855.
3817 Lucretia,8 b. 11 Dec., 1813; m. Eleazer Cady, of Hinsdale, Mass.
3818 Lucy,8 b. 24 Mar., 1815; d. Mar., 1833.

1427.   MIRIAM,7 dau. of Joel6 (458), b. in Hadley, 22 Dec., 1751; m. in Had­ley, Mass., 14 May, 1772, Capt. Eleazer Frary, of Whately,* Mass., b. 2 Jan., 1752; he was a descendant in the fifth generation of John Frary, of Dedham and Medford, Mass.
She d. 2 Feb., 1824, aged 73; he d. in the southern part of Conway,** Mass., 7 Apr., 1835, aged 83.
About 1773 or '74 he built a house on Main street in Whately, near the south­ern part of the town, where he had a tannery and shoeshop. About 1780 he sold this and lived in a locality called Christian Lane. About 1800 he rem. to the southern part of Conway.
He was a revolutionary soldier; he was a famous singing master and all his children were musicians.
3819 Miriam Frary,8 b. Jan., 1773; d. 27 June, 1776.
3820 Joel Frary,8 b. 14 Oct., 1774; d. the same day.

* Whately was set off from Hatfield and incorporated 24 Apr., 1771.
** Conway, a part of Deerfield, was established as the District of Conway, 7 June, 1767, and was made a town, 23 Aug., 1775; it adjoins Whately.

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3821 Eleazer Frary,8 b. 28 Feb., 1777; probably d. before Mar., 1783.
3822 Miriam Frary,8 b. 3 Sept., 1779; m. 9 Oct., 1796, Stephen Orcutt, Jr., of Whately.
3823 Eleazer Frary,8 b. Mar., 1783; d. 27 Mar., 1784.
3824 Deborah Frary,8 b. 4 Dec., 1781; d. unm. in Conway.
3825 Fanny Frary,8 b. 22 Jan., 1787; d. unm. in Conway.
3826 Hannah Frary,8 b. 15 Aug., 1789; m. William Baker, of Conway.
3827 Eleazer Frary,8 b. Apr., 1793; was drowned 1 June, 1796.
3828 Otis Frary,8 b. 13 Apr., 1795.

1428.   REV. SETH,7 son of Joel6 (458), b. 1754; m. (1) Aug., 1781, Jerusha White, b. 5 Mar., 1762, dau. of Oliver White and Abigail Seldon.
She d.; he m. (2) _______.
He was a Methodist minister in Canandaigua, N. Y.
Seth Kellogg, of Hadley, bought one hundred acres of land in Stamford, Vt., 19 Feb., 1781, and took the freeman's oath there in 1789, at which time Levi Kel­logg took the oath. On 1 Oct., 1784, Seth, of Stamford, sold land in Stamford.
3829 Joel,8 b. 24 Jan., 1782; m. (1) Chloe Rycknian; (2) Margaret Frazer.
3830 Oliver White,8 b. in 1783; m. (1); (2); (3) Sarah Sherwood.
3831 Jerusha,8 b. near Ballston Springs, N. Y., 15 Nov., 1785; m. Charles Robinson.
3832 Orange,8 b. ______; d. 2 Apr., 1852; is buried in Dixon, Ill.
3833 Elijah Walley,8 b.; m. Margaret Murphy.
3834 Samuel,8 b.; m. Mary Lewis.
3835 Lucinda,8 b.; m. Luther Lumpkins, of West Bloomfield, N. Y., and perhaps moved West.
3836 Clarissa,8 b.; d. unm. about 1815.
3837 Joseph,8 b. in Oneida Co., N. Y., 26 Oct., 1799; m. (1) Sarah Ingalls; (2) Mrs. Sarah (Gibbs) Storer.
3838 Levi,8 b. ______.
3839 David,8 b. ______.
3840 Lucretia,8 b. ______.

1429.   JOANNA,7 dau. of Joel6 (458), b.; m. about 1778, Jonathan Ingram, b. in Hadley, Mass., 5 Jan., 1745, son of Jonathan Ingram and Mary Montague.
She d. 28 May, 1816, aged 61; he d. in Marlboro, Vt., 26 Oct., 1820.
They res. in Hadley; rem. to Marlboro, Vt., about 1790, and perhaps to Newfane, Vt.
It has been reported that Jonathan Ingram's wife was Sarah Kellogg, dau. of Joel, but the Town Clerk of Marlboro says that records in his office prove that it was Joanna.
Children, first six b. in Hadley.
3841 Jonathan Ingram,8 b. 22 May, 1779.
3842 Samuel Ingram,8 b. Mar., 1781.
3843 A Son,8 b. 20 Apr., 1783.

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3844 Joanna Ingram,8 bap. 17 Apr., 1785; m. Aaron Smith; res. in Wil­mington, Vt.
3845 Ira Ingram,8 bap. 31 Dec., 1786.
3846 Elisha Ingram,8 b. 14 Dec., 1788.
3847 Mary Ingram,8 b. in Marlboro, 2 June, 1791; m. Nathaniel Church.
3848 Abigail Ingram,8 b. in Marlboro, 5 July, 1793; m. Nathan Fisher.
3849 David Ingram,8 b. in Marlboro, 20 Sept., 1795.
3850 Sarah Ingram,8 b. in Marlboro, 10 Feb., 1798; d. 11 Feb., 1799.

1430.   ABIGAIL,7 dau. of Joel6 (458), b. 18 Nov., 1757; m. 21 May, 1778, Moses Crafts, b. in Hatfield, 6 May, 1750, son of Thomas Crafts, b. 16 Aug., 1717, and Sarah Graves, b. 13 Nov., 1717. He was a descendant in the sixth genera­tion of Griffin Crafts, of Roxbury, Mass., 1630.
He d. 8 Jan., 1826; she d. 8 Jan., 1833.
He res. in Whately from the time he was one year old until his death. He was a soldier in the revolution; was on the Lexington Alarm, the surrender of Burgoyne, and other campaigns. "They were an honest, upright and highly respected couple."
3851 Sarah Crafts,8 b. 27 Dec., 1778; m. 6 May, 1798, Jeremiah Wait, of Whately; he d. 30 June, 1855; she d. 16 Apr., 1834; had ten chil­dren.

3852 Thomas Crafts,8 b. 10 Sept., 1781; m. 5 July, 1804, Mehitable Graves, b. in Whately, 20 Mar., 1779; she d. 29 Dec., 1861; he d. 7 Oct., 1861, aged 80; had eight children.
3853 Joel Kellogg Crafts,8 b. 15 Dec., 1782; m. 1 Feb., 1809, Elizabeth Cook, b. 4 May, 1792, dau. of Solomon Cook; d. in Hadley, 7 Apr., 1823; had seven children; she m. (2) Stephen Gates, Jr., of Greenfield; d. 1 Feb., 1869.
3854 Rufus Crafts,8 b. 8 Mar., 1787; m. 26 Feb., 1810, Lucy Kellogg (+1535).
3855 Abigail Crafts,8 b. 20 Apr., 1789; m. 9 Nov., 1818, Jesse Jewett, of Whately, b. in Amherst, 2 Oct., 1773; he res. in Hatfield and Whately; was in the war of 1812; he d. 26 Jan., 1854, aged 81; she d. 12 Aug., 1850; had eight children. One of her sons, Moses W., was a soldier in the rebellion and received a back pension of $11,500.
3856 Caroline Crafts,8 b. 10 June, 1791; m. 13 July, 1816, Benjamin Lara­bee, son of Thomas Larabee, of Hatfield; d. in Whately, 18 Feb., 1822; he d. in Plainfield, Vt., 19 Apr., 1828.
3857 Sophronia Crafts,8 b. 10 July, 1793; d. 30 Dec., 1793.
3858 Caleb Crafts,8 b. 11 Apr., 1796; d. 21 Mar., 1798.
3859 Ralph Crafts,8 b. 29 May, 1798; d. 15 Oct., 1798.
3860 Caleb Crafts,8 b. 9 July, 1800; m. 18 May, 1823, Sophronia Morton, b. 18 Mar., 1806, dau. of Daniel Morton, of Whately; res. in Whately, Troy, N. Y., Portland, Me., and Nashua, N. H.; d. 1 July, 1854; she d. 18 Feb., 1866; he was Col. of Militia.
3861 Rhoda Crafts,8 b. 7 Apr., 1803; m. 26 Sept., 1826, John R. Cushman, of North Amherst, b. 6 Sept., 1803; he was a paper manufacturer; she d. 20 Aug., 1878; he d. 30 Aug., 1883.

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1431.   LEVI,7 son of Joel6 (458), b. in Hadley, Mass., 3 Oct., 1760; m. in Northampton, 30 Aug., 1782, Cynthia Wright, b. 3 Sept., 1764, dau. of Asa Wright, b. 8 Oct., 1710, and Hannah Wait.
She d. 19 Oct., 1813; he d. in Utica, N. Y., 30 Jan., 1848. He took the freeman's oath in Stamford, Vt., in 1789.
He was a farmer. He was a revolutionary soldier; served from Northampton in the siege of Boston, and in Col. Dike's Reg. in 1776; in 1777 was in Col. Wells' Reg., 10 May to 10 July, on expedition to Ticonderoga; was a Sergt. in Capt. Fairfield's Co., on duty at Rochester, 24 Sept. to 20 Dec., 1778; was in Capt. Lyman's Co., and marched to East Hoosac, and in the expedition to Still­water in 1777. He enlisted in the Continental army, 26 June, 1780, for six months, and was described as 19 years old, 5 feet, 7 inches in height, light com­plexion, residence Northampton. In his application for pension he stated that he was born in Hadley and brought up in Northampton, and that, after the war, he rem. to Vermont and res. six years, then six years in Williamstown, Mass., then for thirty-two years in Richfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., and in 1827 he rem. to Utica; was present at the surrender of Burgoyne, and one of the guards at the execution of Maj. Andre.
Children, b. in Williamstown.
3862 Sarah,8 b. 4 Dec., 1784; m. Peter Newcomb Cushman.
3863 Spencer,8 b. 19 Sept., 1786; m. Margaret Stewart Palmer.
3864 Nancy,8 b. 1788; m. Eli Wright.
3865 Lucy,8 b. Nov., 1791; m. Lodowick Brown.

1432.   NATHANIEL,7 son of Gardner6 (459), b. in Hadley, 1 Oct., 1763; m. (1) Chloe Drake, of Buckland, Mass., b. about 1763, dau. of Josiah Drake, b. 28 July, 1737.
She d.; he m. (2) about Aug., 1817, Mrs. Betsey (Cowles) Moody, of Amherst, b. 1779, widow of Josiah Moody, and dau. of Timothy Cowles, b. 1741, and Elizabeth Graves, b. 1747.
He was a revolutionary soldier; served in Capt. Coney's Co., 12 Aug. to 15 Nov., 1781, and in Capt. Alvord's Co., Col. Murray's Reg., 13 July to 10 Oct., 1780; also two years in the war of 1812. From the Pension Office it is learned that he was living in Amherst, Mass., in 1832. He enlisted in Hadley July, 1780, and joined his company at Claverack, N. Y., thence he marched to West Point and was discharged after Arnold's treason. In 1781 he marched from Hadley to Sar­atoga at the news of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis. He lived in Hadley until he was 28 years old; lived a few years in Ashford and Buckland, Mass., and Ger­man Flats, N. Y., and was two years in the war of 1812; he res. seventeen years in Amherst; rem. thence to Hammondsport, N. Y., and was in Urbana thirteen years.
3866 Nathaniel,8 b. ______.
3867 Chloe,8 b. 14 Aug., 1793; m. Thomas Wakefield.
3868 Roswell,8 b. ______.
3869 Molly,8 b. ______.
3870 Gardner,8 b. ______.
3871 Charles Austin,8 ________.

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1433.   REV. GARDNER,7 son of Gardner6 (459), b. in Hadley, 22 Sept., 1765; m. Abigail White, b. 8 May, 1781, dau. of James White, of Thetford, Vt., b. 17 May, 1754, and Eunice Kingsbury, b. June, 1759.
He d. in Windham, Me., 29 Nov., 1826; she d. in Portland, Me., 1844 He was a graduate of Yale College; in 1791, a clergyman in Bradford, Vt. and Windham, Me. He was known as "Good Old Parson Kellogg."
Children, first five b. in Bradford.
3872 Lucy,8 b. 19 June, 1799; m. Samuel I. Wells.
3873 Gardiner,8 b. 7 Jan., 1802; m. Elizabeth Green Foster.
3874 Julia,8 b. 1804; d. unm., in Portland, 1871.
3875 Henry,8 b. 1806; d. in Bradford, 1808.
3876 Caroline,8 b. 1809; in 1880 res. with her nephew, Walter Wells, in Portland.
3877 Benjamin,8 b. in Windham, 1811; contracted a cold, while in Yale Col­lege, which settled on his lungs; went to Clinton, Ga., for his health; was a successful teacher; he and his brother, Gardiner d. on Sunday; they had taught school on the previous Friday; he d. unm., in Clinton, 1835.
3878 Harriet Newell,8 b. in Windham, 1814; was for some years a Bible reader for the poor of Philadelphia; d. unm., in Philadelphia, 11 Feb., 1877.

1434.   JOSIAH,7 son of Gardner6 (459), b. in Hadley, 15 July, 1767; m. 29 Oct., 1794, Hannah Smith, b. in Ashfield, Mass., 3 Dec., 1774, dau. of Deacon Moses Smith, of Ashfield, and Diathenia Briggs.
He d. 16 Jan., 1856, aged 88 years, 6 months, 11 days; she d. 27 Apr., 1864, aged 89 years, 10 months; both d. in Hadley.
He was a farmer in Hadley.
Children, b. in Hadley.
3879 Thankful,8 b. 8 Sept., 1795; m. Sylvester Cooke.
3880 Merab,8 b. 4 July, 1797; d. 30 Sept., 1808.
3881 Lucy,8 b. 26 Apr., 1799; d. in Hadley, 7 Dec., 1816.
3882 Diathenia,8 b. 8 Feb., 1801; d. unm., in Missouri, 22 Sept., 1877.
3883 Naomi Parsons,8 b. 26 Jan., 1803; m. Thaddeus Chapin.
3884 Josiah,8 b. 17 Feb., 1805; m. Cynthia Chapin.
3885 John Preston,8 b. 14 Feb., 1807; m. (1) Mary Ann Call; (2) Ann Janette Stanley.
3886 Hannah,8 b. 17 Feb., 1809; m. Simeon Rice.
3887 Merab,8 b. 8 Mar., 1811; m. Chauncey Owen.
3888 Elvira,8 b. 15 Feb., 1813; m. Samuel Giles Perkins.
3889 Priscilla Smith,8 b. 21 Apr., 1815; m. Franklin Clark Chapin.
3890 Gardner,8 b. 12 Mar., 1817; m. (1) Harriet Bliss Call; (2) Mrs. J. Maria (Smith) Porter.
3891 Moses Smith,8 b. 2 Feb., 1820; m. Eleanor Maria Chapin.

1436.   WHITING,7 son of Capt. Moses6 (460), b. in Hadley, Mass., 1758; m. 20 Oct., 1808, Elizabeth Cross, of Ashfield, b. 19 Mar., 1785, dau. of Aaron Cross and Mary _______.

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He d. in Hadley, 16 Jan., 1838, aged 80; she d. 20 Jan., 1838. His children were all sick at one time with Typhoid fever, and he, being old and feeble, was taken to the house of his nephew, Roswell Kellogg, where he d.
3892 Spencer,8 b. 18 Feb., 1809; d. unm., in Montgomery, Mass., of typhoid fever, 2 Nov., 1837.
3893 Richard,8 b. 27 Mar., 1811; m. (1) Sophia Clark Hatch; (2) Electa Allen; (3) Marietta Perkins; (4) Mrs. Elizabeth (Fairbank) Spencer.
3894 Mary Ann,8 b. 17 June, 1813; d. unm., in Montgomery, of typhoid fever, 14 Dec., 1837.
3895 Emily,8 b. 27 Apr., 1815; d. unm., in Montgomery, of typhoid fever, 30 Nov., 1837.
3896 Elizabeth,8 b. 23 June, 1818; m. Daniel Kingsley Stearns.
3897 Alvah Whiting,8 b. 30 Oct., 1822; d. of Typhoid fever, in Montgomery, 5 Dec., 1837.

1437.   MOSES,7 son of Capt. Moses6 (460), b. in Hadley, 16 Feb., 1761; m. 6 Nov., 1783, Elizabeth Newton, dau. of Francis Newton, of Hadley.
She d. 26 Dec., 1790, aged 29; he d. 14 Jan., 1826, aged 65; both are buried in Hadley.
3898 A Child,8 b. 29 May, 1784; d. 18 Oct., same year.
3899 Dorinda,8 bap. Nov., 1785; m. as his second wife, about 1830, Levi Bart­lett, of Hadley; he kept the horse ferry at Hockanum; he d. 11 Sept., 1859; she d. 5 Dec., 1859; had no children.
3900 Richard,8 bap. 7 Oct., 1787; d. in Hadley. 19 June, 1811.
3901 Roswell,8 bap. 7 Oct., 1787; m. Nancy Houghton.

1438.   BENJAMIN,7 son of Capt. Moses6 (460), b. in Hadley, 25 Aug., 1763; m. 11 Dec., 1788, Patty Smith, b. in Hadley, 25 July, 1768, dau. of Warham Smith, b. 19 Mar., 1735, and Martha Belding, of Hadley, b. 5 Sept., 1739.
He d. in Hadley, 25 July, 1811; she d. 19 Nov., 1835.
They res. in Hadley.
Children, b. in Hadley.
3902 Marmy,8 b. 12 Sept., 1789; m. Seth M. Warner.
3903 Horace,8 b. 16 Sept., 1791; m. Alma Smith.
3904 A Child,8 b. 5 Aug., 1793; d. 5 Aug., 1793.
3905 Amelia,8 b. 25 Dec., 1795; d. unm., 18 Sept., 1828, in Hadley.
3906 Elizabeth,8 b. 11 Oct., 1798; d. unm., 6 Apr., 1861, in Hadley.
3907 Martha Belden,8 b. 7 June, 1801; d. unm., 20 Feb., 1864, in Hadley.
3908 Mary,8 b. 10 Jan., 1804; d. 18 Aug., 1805.
3909 Sarah,8 b. 25 Aug., 1806; d. 7 Apr., 1807.
3910 Charles Austin,8 b. 29 Apr., 1808; m. Maria A. Cook.
3911 Angeline,8 b. 18 Feb., 1811; m. James Cook, Jr.

1440.   ABIGAIL SHELDON.,7 dau. of Capt. Moses6 (460), bap. in Hadley, 4 Nov., 1768; m. 9 Feb., 1796, Elisha Belden, of Whately, b. 23 Mar., 1765, son of Elisha Belden, b. 28 Mar., 1736, and Ruth Dickinson.

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He d. Feb., 1838; she d. 28 Mar., 1851. They res. in Whately.
3912 Edwin Belden,8 b. 27 Dec., 1796; res. in Brattleboro, Vt.
3913 Preston Belden,8 b. 25 Aug., 1800.
3914 Allen Belden,8 b. 27 Aug., 1802; m. in Whately, 2 Dec., 1830, Aurelia Crafts.
3915 William Belden,8 b. 20 June, 1804; m. 10 Sept., 1828, Salome Cummings.

3916 Moses Kellogg Belden,8 b. 30 Dec., 1800; d. 24 May, 1867, in Rush­ville, Ill.
3917 Joseph Belden,8 b. 3 Sept., 1807.
3918 Mary Sheldon Belden,8 b. 17 Nov., 1810; m. 3 Sept., 1840, Austin Crafts.
3919 David Belden,8 b. 7 Mar., 1813; m. a dau. of Thomas Crafts6 (3852); d. 10 Sept., 1854.

1441.   EXPERIENCE,7 dau. of Capt. Moses6 (460), b. in Hadley, Mass., 12 May, 1771; m. 2 Feb., 1797, Aristobulus Smith.
He d. 28 Nov., 1841; she d. 25 Oct., 1854.
They res. in Nelson, N. Y., where both d.

3920 Mary Sheldon Smith,8 b. 1800; d. 8 Mar., 1809.
3921 Horace Kellogg Smith,8 b. in Nelson, 30 Nov., 1801; m. 26 Apr., 1843, Rhoda A. Nichols, b. 22 Feb., 1804; d. in Nelson, 21 Jan., 1853; she m. (2) 1855, Ithamar , and rem. to Troupsburg, N. Y., where she d. 29 Dec., 1897; had three children.
3922 Whiting Smith,8 b. 1803; he was Postmaster, and a well-known physi­cian in Whitesboro, N. Y.; d. unm., 3 Aug., 1866, in Whitesboro.
3923 Morilla Smith,8 b. 1805; d. unm., 1832.
3924 Emily Smith,8 b. 1806; d. unm., 12 Dec., 1838.
3925 Delia Smith,8 b. 1807; d. unm., 8 July, 1843.
3926 Samuel Allen Smith,8 b. 1808; m. 1847, Mary Ann Hotchkiss; he d. 16 Feb., 1884, aged 74; had six children.
3927 Mary Experience Smith,8 b. 19 Oct., 1812; m. 1838, George Salisbury Carpenter; d. 22 Oct., 1889; had five children.
3928 Aristobulus Smith,8 b. 1814; d. unm., 4 Jan., 1838.

1443.   SAMUEL,7 son of Capt. Moses6 (460), b. in Hadley, Mass., 21 Oct., 1777; m. 2 Nov., 1816, Mary Callender, b. 1785, dau. of Silas Callender, of Sheffield, Mass., b. 11 July, 1755, and Mary _______.
She d. in Hadley, 24 Nov., 1847, aged 62; he d. 19 June, 1856.
He was a farmer in Hadley, where both d.; he lived on his father's farm.
Children, b. in Hadley.
3929 Samuel Callender,8 b. 6 Apr., 1818; was a Union soldier; enlisted in the Fifty-fifth Illinois Volunteers, Douglas Brigade; d. in the service, 1864; was unm.

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3930 Sarah Adeline,8 b. 13 Feb., 1820; m. 19 Oct., 1869, John Clark, b. in Spencer, 1804; he was a farmer of North Hadley; he d. 14 Jan., 1884; had no children.
3931 Silas Dwight,8 b. 9 Aug., 1825; m. Mrs. Maria Louisa (Crafts) Bowers.

1457.   EBENEZER,7 son of Ensign Ebenezer6 (467), b. in Amherst, Mass., about 29 May, 1749; m. (1) Elizabeth Crocker.
She d. 24 Sept., 1777; he m. (2) in Amherst, 4 Mar., 1779, Tamer Wright, b. about 26 Nov., 1753; she d. in Craftsbury, Vt., 26 Sept., 1804, aged 50 years and 10 months; he d. in Cambridge, Mass., 29 Mar., 1807, aged 57 years and 10 months.
He was a Corp. in Capt. Dickinson's Co., Col. Woodbridge's Reg., on the Lexington Alarm and served eleven days; had an order for bounty coat, dated Prospect Hill, 26 Oct., 1775, showing that he enlisted in the army for eight months; was in Capt. Aaron Haynes' Co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's Reg., at Fort Ticonderoga, in 1776, when his father d.
Children by first wife.
3932 Charlotte,8 b. in Amherst, 24 Sept., 1773; m. Peter B. Russell.
3933 Elizabeth,8 b. in New Canaan, 7 Nov., 1776.
Children by second wife.
3934 Sarah (Sally),8 b. in Montague, Mass., 9 Mar., 1780; m. Thomas Cross.
3935 Mary,8 b. in Amherst, 27 Feb., 1782; d. 29 Feb., 1784.
3936 Grata,8 b. in Amherst, 17 Jan., 1784; m. (1) Jonathan Walton, of Hardwick; (2) Joseph Hancock; d. 22 May, 1814.
3937 Ebenezer Wright,8 b. in White Creek, N. Y., 3 May, 1786; m. Mary Lovejoy Cleveland.
3938 Tamer,8 twin to Ebenezer; m. Joseph Walton.
3939 William Wright,8 b. in Claremont, N. H., 16 Jan., 1789; m. Nancy Lamb.
3940 Mary (Polly),8 b. in Orford, Vt., 7 Aug., 1792; m. Orman Alford. The family went from Peru, N. Y., to Indiana, from whence they started for California. He was killed by a falling tree, while cross­ing the Rocky Mountains. His family settled in Green Co., Ill.
3941 Benjamin,8 b. in Orford, 25 Jan., 1794; m. (1) Rebecca Greathouse; (2) Catherine McKenzie.
3942 Jonathan Nourse,8 b. in Orford, 28 Feb., 1798; m. Martha (Patty) Randall.

1458.   SARAH,7 dau. of Ensign Ebenezer6 (467), bap. in Amherst, Mass., 13 May, 1753; m. in Amherst, 14 June, 1771, Joseph Bolles, son of Joseph Bolles and Thankful Smith.
She d. 14 May, 1813; he d. June, 1827.
He was a tanner and currier, in Washington, Vt., to which place he rem. be­fore 1795.

292    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Amherst.
3943 Sarah Bolles,8 b. 15 Aug., 1772; m. Robert Ingram; d. in Washington, 9 May, 1813; he d. in Washington, about 1803, where he was a prosperous farmer; had eight children.
3944 Thankful Bolles,8 b. 3 Oct., 1775; m. 25 Sept., 1800, Isaac Barron, b. in Brookfield, Mass., 10 Apr., 1777; he was a farmer in Washing­ton; d. 18 Dec., 1848; she d. 29 Nov., 1856; had four children.
3945 John Bolles,8 b. 23 July, 1781; m. in Sharon, Sarah Harrington; was a farmer in Washington; d. Oct., 1834; had five children.
3946 Sophia Belles,8 b. 28 Jan., 1783; m. Ananias Bohanon, of Washington; d. 1 Aug., 1809.
3947 Clapp Bolles,8 b. 23 Mar., 1785; m. Rhoda Harper, b. June, 1791; he was a shoemaker in Washington, Barre and Chelsea, Vt., Amherst and Northampton, Mass.; d. in Northampton, 8 Oct., 1837; she d. in Hammonton, N. J., 10 Dec., 1867; had twelve children.
3948 Joseph Bolles,8 b. 1 Apr., 1789; m. 19 Dec., 1813, Mary (Polly) White, b. 19 Dec., 1786; he was a farmer in Washington; d. 17 Sept., 1845; she d. 10 June, 1872; had seven children.

1460.   JONATHAN,7 son of Ensign Ebenezer6 (467), b. in Amherst, bap. 24 Oct., 1760; m. in Amherst, 5 June, 1783, Mary Holland, of Pelham, Mass.
He d. 28 Feb., 1823; she d. 5 Mar., 1823; both were buried in one grave in South Amherst.
He was a cordwainer; res. in Amherst.
He was drafted to serve nine months, in the Continental army, 1778, but fur­nished a substitute; was a private in Capt. Alvord's Co., Col. Murray's Reg., from 14 July to 10 Oct., 1780, and was described as of Amherst, 20 years of age, 5 feet, 8 inches high, light complexion.
3949 Ira,8 b. in Brattleboro, Vt., 27 Jan., 1786; m. Ruth Dickinson.
3950 Chester,8 b. in Brattleboro, 21 Jan., 1788; m. (1) Lois Dickinson; (2) Maria Bixbee.
3951 David,8 b. 8 Aug., 1792; m. (1) Almira Barton; (2) Portia Preston.

1462.   MAJ. EZEKIEL,7 son of Ezekiel6 (471), b. in New Salem, Mass., 23 Mar., 1753; m. (1) 18 Nov., 1777, Eunice Foster, b. 19 Aug., 1759.
Shed. 1 Mar., 1794; he m. (2) 27 Oct., 1795, Mrs. Juliett (Parker) Gaboon,* b. 24 Feb., 1767, dau. of Ezra Parker, of Newton, R. I., and Winchester, N. H., and widow of Daniel Gaboon.
She d. 14 Sept., 1833; he d. in Littleton, N. H., 20 Feb., 1839.
He held a commission in the Massachusetts militia twenty years, being Maj. nine years; Justice of the Peace twenty-one years, in New Salem, and represented that town in the Legislature seven years. He is described as a short, stout man.
He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner. In his application for pension he says that he rem. from New Salem to Bath, N. H., 1808, thence to Lyman,

*She was the first white woman who lived in Lyndon, Vt. After the death of her first husband she returned to Winchester, going on horseback one hundred and fifty miles through the trackless forest, and carrying her infant son.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    293

and in 1815 to Littleton. On receipt of the intelligence of the conflict at Lex­ington, the company of Minute men to which he belonged was ordered to Boston, where he remained until the eight months' enlistments were organized, when he returned home. In Aug., 1776, he was one of eight men sent from his native town to Boston to assist in building and repairing forts, batteries, etc., around the harbor, particularly on Castle Island, where the fortifications had been destroyed when the British evacuated the city, 17 Mar. In July, 1777, when Burgoyne ad­vanced from Canada, Gen. Schuyler appealed to his own State and New England for re-enforcements. About forty men enlisted under Capt. Ebenezer Goodrich to join the northern army of which company he was orderly sergeant. After reaching the field of operations they were employed in scouting around Forts Ann and Miller and the surrounding country. They were in the action of 7 Oct., 1777, after which the regiment was ordered to take possession of Fort Edward in order to cut off the retreat of Burgoyne, in which movement they had quite an engagement with a body of Indians and Canadians. After the surrender of Burgoyne he returned home.
Children by first wife, b. in New Salem.
3952 Ezekiel,8 b. 17 May, 1778; d. 22 Mar., 1780.
3953 Benjamin,8 b. 28 Jan., 1780; m. Sybil Larnard.
3954 Ezekiel,8 b. 25 Feb., 1782; m. Mary Fricket; he was a ship carpenter; had no children, but adopted Daniel Warren Kellogg (9262), son of his brother, Erastus (+3962); d. in Robbinston, Me.
3955 Daniel,8 b. 8 Feb., 1784; m.; lived several years in France and became a dancing teacher; had six children, all of whom d. of cholera; he d. in New Salem.
3956 Eunice,8 b. 1 Mar., 1786; d. 6 Dec., 1794.
3957 Amos,8 b. 13 Oct., 1788.
3958 Cotton,8 7 Apr., 1791; m. (1) Mary Rollins; (2) Anna Hall.
3959 Hannah,8 b. 27 Aug., 1793; m. 13 Dec., 1812, Paul Ellis; d. in New Salem, 1842-43; had no children.
Children by second wife, all except Charles and Juliett b. in New Salem.
3960 Eunice,8 b. 3 Aug., 1796; d. 28 Oct., 1798.
3961 Ezra,8 b. 17 Feb., 1798; m. Arathusa Allen; was an itinerant minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church; d. in Alfred, Me., 20 June, 1837; she d. in Littleton, 1839; had no children.
3962 Erastus,8 b. 15 Dec., 1799; m. Hannah Merrill Allen.
3963 John,8 21 Feb., 1801; m. (1) Clarinda Eastman; (2) Ann Manley; (3) Mary Kidder.
3964 Edward,8 b. 2 Dec., 1802; m. Betsey Wheeler Eastman.
3965 Charles,8 b. in Littleton, 6 Aug., 1804; m. Arathusa Webster.
3966 Juliett,8 b. in Lyman, N. H., 19 July, 1811; m. Damon Aldrich.

1465.   HANNAH,7 dau. of Ezekiel6 (471), b. in New Salem, Mass., 31 Jan., 1763; m. Israel Richardson, b. in New Salem, 14 Nov., 1759, son of Capt. Israel Richardson, b. in New Salem. 24 Jan., 1736, and Susanna Forbush, b. 14 Aug., 1735.
He d. 14 May, 1840; she d. 14 Apr., 1846.
He was a farmer; rem. to Woodstock, Vt., in 1781, and later to Fairfax, where both d.

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Children, all except the eldest b. in Woodstock.
3967 Seth Richardson,8 b. in New Salem; m.; rem. to Elgin, Ill; d. there, 1856.
3968 Israel P. Richardson,8 b. 6 Feb., 1785; m. Susanna Richardson, his cousin; served in the Mexican war; his son was Col. of the Sixth Michigan Reg., and was killed during the war of the Rebellion.
3969 Benjamin Richardson,8 b.; m.; was in the war of 1812; was in the battle of Tippecanoe, under Gen. William Henry Har­rison.
3970 William Richardson,8 b.; m.; was an officer in the war of 1812; was a lawyer; left Fairfax about 1827 and went to Water­bury, Vt.
3971 Ezekiel Richardson,8 b. 9 Nov., 1791; m. ______; was a farmer; res. in Fairfax.
3972 Elizabeth (Betsey) Richardson,8 b. 1794; m. in Fairfax, 1 Jan., 1811, Frederick England, b. 1789; rem. to Dunham, Canada; he d. 9 Mar., 1878; she d. 23 Feb., 1883.
3973 Stoughton Richardson,8 b.; after the war of 1812 he went to Essex, N. Y., and d. there; he was a lawyer.
3974 Hannah Richardson,8 b. 13 Apr., 1801; m. in Fairfax, 12 Mar., 1830, Harry P. Holmes; d. 23 Aug., 1872; he rem. from Fairfax to Elgin, Ill.

1471.   GILES CROUCH,7 son of William6 (474), b. in Amherst, 28 Sept., 1783; m. in Worthington, Mass., 18 Feb., 1808, Eunice Palmer Cottrell, b. in Worthington, 5 Nov., 1785, dau. of Nicholas Cottrell, a revolutionary soldier, b. in New London, Conn., and Lydia Kinnee, b. in Preston, Conn., 3 Aug., 1755.
He d. 4 Dec., 1863; she d. 12 Feb., 1864; both are buried in Brecksville, O.
He was a shoemaker in Worthington. He was reared in New Salem, Mass., by his uncle, James Holton. He afterward lived in Cummington and Worthing­ton; rem. in Sept., 1835 to Brecksville. He was a farmer in Ohio.
Children, all except Alexander H. b. in Worthington.
3975 Francis William,8 b. 30 May, 1810; m. Emeline White.
3976 Alexander Hamilton,8 b. in Cummington, 3 Sept., 1811; m. (1) Martha Ann Holmes; (2) Martha J. Orr.
3977 Giles Holton,8 b. 30 May, 1813; d. in Columbus, O., 20 June, 1833; he was remarkable for strength for one of his years.
3978 Lydia Maria,8 b. 8 July, 1815; m. Dr. Eli Boise.
3979 John Sidney,8 b. 7 Aug., 1817; m. Mary Ann Dennis.
3980 Charles Carroll,8 b. 28 Nov., 1819; m. (1) Jane E. Stephenson; (2) Maria Ferry.
3981 George Ward,8 b. 28 Mar., 1822; m. Maria Elizabeth Douglass.
3982 Helen Mary,8 b. 29 Sept., 1825; m. (1) Duranson Dart; (2) Harvey Leonard.
3983 Daniel Ward,8 b. 15 Nov., 1829; in Nov., 1849, he left New York for California on a vessel and was never heard from; he was remark­ably robust, and of a disposition that took pride in a stoical indif­ference to hardship, danger or pain; was unm.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    295

1472.   BENJAMIN,7 son of Samuel6 (475), bap. in New Salem, 29 Aug., 1770; m. Permelia Trask, of New Salem, b. 26 July, 1779.
He d. in Butler, N. Y., 16 Nov., 1829.
He was one of the early settlers of the town of Butler, and en route thither had halted at Brutus, N. Y.; was a farmer in Butler.
She m. (2) Eben Pierce; d. 15 Jan., 1862.
3984 William Snow,8 b. 3 Sept., 1800; m. Rebecca Trobridge Brewster.
3985 John,8 b. 20 Sept., 1802; m. Elizabeth (Betsey) Westcott.
3986 Hannah,8 b. 30 Apr., 1804; m. her cousin, Gamaliel Sampson (4015).
3987 Experience,8 b. July, 1806; m. (1) Samuel Brewster; (2) John Ogram.
3988 Ethan Billings,8 b. 24 Oct., 1808; m. Sarah Matilda Allen.
3989 Charles Barnabas,8 b. 3 Feb., 1813; m. Marietta Soper McKoon.
3990 Permelia,8 b. 1 Sept., 1819; m. (1) John Ervin Jones; (2) Charles Taylor.
3991 Elizabeth (Betsey),8 b. 1 May, 1821; m. Willard Peck.

1473.   SAMUEL,7 son of Samuel6 (475), bap. in New Salem, Mass., 10 July, 1771; m. 28 July, 1791, Susannah Felton, b. in New Salem, 1 Mar., 1772, dau. of James Felton, bap. 8 Oct., 1738, and Sarah Holton, b. 13 Apr., 1732.
She d. 22 Sept., 1846, aged 74; he d. 26 May, 1859, aged 88. He was a farmer; res. in New Salem, where both d.
Children, b. in New Salem.
3992 James,8 b. 13 Jan., 1792; m. Fidelia Dickinson.
3993 Lucy Snow,8 b. 1794; m. Asa Wilson.
3994 Joseph,8 b.; m. (1) Margaret Shipman; (2) Mrs. Emmeline Brooks.
3995 Samuel,8 b. 1797; m. Mary Watson.
3996 Nancy,8 b.; m. (1) Button Knowlton; (2) Charles Dodge.
3997 Hannah Putnam,8 b. 1800; m. Nathan Wyeth.
3998 Sally,8 b. 16 Aug., 1802; m. David Wyeth.
3999 Susan,8 b. 18 June, 1804; m. (1) Josiah Beaman Marks; (2) William F. Remington.
4000 Henry Partridge,8 b. June, 1806; m. Julia Wood Byrnes.
4001 Nathaniel,8 b. 1808; m. (1) Eliza Fowler; (2) _______; d. in Tus­cola, Ill., 29 June, 1865, aged 56; had no children.
4002 Roxanna,8 b. 5 Apr., 1811; m. Samuel Washburn Orcutt.
4003 Esther Putnam,8 b. 26 July, 1813; m. Abraham Knowlton Haskell.
4004 Frederick,8 b. 21 Jan., 1816; m. Elizabeth Putnam.

1474.   LUCY,7 dau. of Samuel6 (475), b. in New Salem, Mass., 12 July, 1773; m. 7 May, 1794, Ezra Allen, b. in Vermont, 1 Oct., 1767, son of Ezra Allen, b. 1 Oct., 1739, and Phebe Cary.
He d. 21 June, 1836; she d. 30 Apr., 1852. He was a carpenter and farmer in Butler, N. Y.
4005 Ethan Willard Allen,8 b. 10 Jan., 1796; m. 31 Jan., 1822, Linda Allen; d. 16 Dec., 1833; res. on his fathers homestead in Butler.

296    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4006 Phebe Allen,8 b. 10 Apr., 1798; d. 1 May, same year.
4007 Sophronia Allen,8 b. Aug., 1799; m. 1 Jan., 1817, Chester Ellenwood, a farmer in Rose, Wayne Co., N. Y.; d. 26 Aug., 1866.
4008 Mary Allen,8 b. 15 Sept., 1802; m. 1 Jan., 1819, Ralph Fuller; d. 19 Aug., 1827; he m. (2) Barbara Hendricks; he was a farmer in Rose.
4009 Lucy Snow Allen,8 b. in New Salem, 17 Sept., 1804; m. 15 Jan., 1820, Lucius Ellenwood; d. 20 Dec., 1838; he m. (2) Mahala Davis; was a farmer in Rose.
4010 Lucynia Allen,8 b. in Sangersfield, N. Y., 20 Jan., 1809; m. 4 Sept., 1823, Charles Sherman; d.; he m. (2) Charlotte Rose; he was a farmer in Rose; she d. 19 Feb., 1858.
4011 Charles Hardin Allen,8 b. in Wolcott, N. Y., 23 Nov., 1811; m. 21 Sept., 1837, Marietta Leach; was a farmer in Butler, N. Y., but later res in Lyons, N. Y.; d. 27 Sept., 1858.
4012 Cynthia Diana Allen,8 b. 18 July, 1816; d. 15 Aug., 1825.
4013 Hannah Harriet Allen,8 b. in Butler, 17 Sept., 1818; m. 23 Dec., 1838, John Calkins, a farmer in West Butler.

1475.   SARAH,7 dau. of Samuel6 (475), b. in New Salem, Mass., 17 June, 1775; m. in New Salem, 6 Aug., 1793, Peter Sampson, b. in Shutesbury Mass, 30 Dec., 1773, son of Peter Sampson, b. in Taunton, Mass., 16 Oct., 1747, and Elizabeth Perry, b. in Swansea, Mass.
He d. in Ashford, N. Y., 8 Dec., 1836; she d. there, 5 Dec., 1849.
4014 Sarah (Sally) Sampson,8 b. in New Salem, 28 Sept., 1793; d. 12 Aug 1796.
4015 Gamaliel Sampson,8 b. in Shutesbury, 4 Mar., 1795; m. 11 Oct., 1822, Hannah Kellogg (+3986).
4016 Lucy Snow Sampson,8 b. in New Salem, 14 Aug., 1796; m. 24 July, 1817, Capt. Royal McKluer, of New Salem; d. in Olean, N. Y., 28 June, 1872.
4017 Sally Sampson,8 b. in Shutesbury, 1 Mar., 1798; m. 2 July, 1818 William Schulters, of Concord, Erie Co., N. Y.; d. in Ashford 14 May, 1826; he m. (2) Minerva Cochran.
4018 Sangford Perry Sampson,8 b. in Shutesbury, 24 Apr., 1800; d. unm., in Ashford, 9 Dec., 1825.
4019 Hannah Sampson,8 b. in Shutesbury, 10 Dec., 1802; m. 6 Nov., 1822, Truman Bensley, of Ashford; d. 8 Dec., 1854.
4020 John Hudson Sampson,8 b. in Shutesbury, 14 May, 1805; m. Elizabeth (Betsey) Bond; d. in Ashford, 9 Apr., 1829; she d. in the same place.
4021 Roxanna Sampson,8 b. in Shutesbury, 10 May, 1809; m. 20 Feb., C. C. Bigelow, of Ashford.
4022 Elizabeth Perry Sampson,8 b. in Shutesbury, 20 July, 1813; m. 23 Feb., 1833, Dr. Elmadonis Chase Poole, of Ashford; he d. in Springville, N. Y.; she d. in Andover, N. Y., 23 Feb., 1843
4023 Nancy Carter Sampson,8 b. in Shutesbury, 16 Nov., 1815; m. as his second wife, Sept., 1855, Truman Bensley, of Ashford.

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4024 Joseph Putnam Sampson,8 b. in Concord, 5 Nov., 1817; m. as her second husband, 27 Jan., 1853, Mary Ann (Dygest) Hakes, b. in Frank­fort, N. Y., 18 July, 1818, dau. of Abraham Dygest, of Ashford, b. 19 Dec., 1788, and Hannah Brodock; he was a farmer in York­shire, N. Y.
4025 Peter Monroe Sampson,8 b. in Concord, 20 July, 1819; d. unm., in Ashford, 1 Mar., 1815; was a farmer.

1476.   HANNAH SNOW,7 dau. of Samuel6 (475). b. in New Salem, Mass., 29 May, 1777; m. (1) 1796, Joseph Putnam, b. 13 Oct., 1773, son of Deacon Uzziel Putnam, b. 1735, and Mary Ganson, dau. of Benjamin Ganson.
He d. in New Salem, 11 Jan., 1812; was an innkeeper in New Salem, and owned a mill and farm. She m. (2) in New Salem, 17 Apr., 1814, Sylvanus Ward, a farmer, b. in Orwell, Vt., 6 May, 1752, son of Ruggles Ward, of Athol, Mass., and Isabel Oliver.
He d. in New Salem, 19 Mar., 1838; she d. in North Orange. Mass., 29 Mar., 1868, aged 90 years and 10 months.
4026 Uzziel Putnam,8 b. 8 Sept., 1797; m. as her second husband, Mrs. Cath­erine (Lloyd) Wendell, b. in Boston, 20 May, 1810, dau. of Martin Lloyd, b. in Essex, England, 1758, and Abigail Newcomb, of Point Shirley, now Winthrop, Mass.; he went to Boston when a young man; was a musician; d. in Boston, 30 Oct., 1856; was buried on the Plains in North Orange, Mass.; she d. in Boston, 13 Dec., 1871.
4027 Mary (Polly) Putnam,8 b. 25 Mar., 1800; d. unm., 3 June, 1866.
4028 Warren Putnam,8 b. 14 Aug., 1802; was lost at sea; was unm.
4029 Hannah Putnam,8 b. 2 May, 1805; m. in New Salem, 19 May, 1825, Abiel Barney Smith, son of William Smith, of Taunton, Mass., and Abercrombie; he was a teacher, b. in Pelham, Mass., 1798; d. in Berrien Springs, Mich., 12 Dec., 1841, where he settled in 1835; had eight children; she m. (2) in Berrien Springs, 22 Jan., 1843, George Ezzick, b. in Chambersburg, Pa., 16 Nov., 1817, son of David Ezzick, b. in Adams Co., Pa., and Rachel Runyon, b. in Albany, N. Y. In 1835 he rem. from Bedford to Berrien Springs; d. 29 Mar., 1864; she m. (3) in Winchester, N. H., 19 June, 1866, Sumner Putnam, a merchant, b. in New Salem, 11 Oct., 1803, son of Daniel Putnam, b. 4 Mar., 1762, and Polly Putnam, b. in Dan­vers, Mass., 12 Aug., 1765; she d. in Claremont, N. H., 1 Apr., 1869; he had previously m. 20 Apr., 1828, Mary Elizabeth Reed; (2)5 Oct., 1835, Maria Selby Brown; he has been one of the select­men of Claremont; he was a Representative in the Legislature and Justice of the Peace.
4030 Experience Putnam,8 b. 7 July, 1807; d. aged about 2.
4031 Benjamin Ganson Putnam,8 b. 9 Feb., 1810; m. in North Orange, 28 Mar., 1830, Sylvia Smith, b. in Orange, 17 Aug., 1810, dau. of Moses Smith, b. in Warwick, 15 Aug., 1781, and Joanna Goodell, b. 12 Nov., 1787; he was a farmer and hotel-keeper in Orange, 1841-56; in Warwick until 1868; was an innkeeper, merchant and farmer there; rem. to Grand Rapids, Mich., where he did not en­gage in active business; d. 19 Jan., 1877, in Grand Rapids; had ten children.

298    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4032 Joseph Kellogg Putnam,8 b. 10 May, 1813; m. in North Orange, 30 June, 1835, Sophia Barker Bishop, b. in Troy, N. H., 29 June, 1814, dau. of Capt. Preston Bishop, b. 10 Jan., 1792, and Phebe Frost, b. 25 Jan., 1796; he d. 21 Jan., 1866; was a mechanic in North Orange.
Child by second husband.
4033 Sophronia Allen Ward,8 b. 31 Jan., 1815; m. in Orange, 19 Nov., 1833, Humphrey Smith, b. in Warwick, 21 Nov., 1811, son of Bunyan Smith, of Orange, and Hannah Albee; res. in Orange; in 1857 in Middlebury, Vt.; in 1861 Cambridge, Mass.; in 1863 Chicago; he was a cattle broker; she d. in Chicago, 23 May, 1900.

1477.   DR. NATHANIEL,7 son of Samuel6 (475), b. in New Salem, Mass., 22 July, 1781; m. in Brookfield, Mass., in 1804, Sarah Stowell, b. in Brookfield, 17 Oct., 1786, dau. of David Stowell, of Brookfield, b. 1752, and Elizabeth Thomas, b. 1760.
She d. 4 Dec., 1854; he d. 15 Jan., 1858.
He practiced medicine in New Salem until he rem. to Cayuga, N. Y , about 1813; served as a surgeon in the war of 1812.
4034 Elmira,8 b. 10 May, 1806; m. Thomas James Whiting.
4035 Ralph,8 b. 9 Nov., 1807; m. Rebecca Blake Woodward.
4036 Albert Gallatin,8 b. 12 July, 1809; went to the Republic of Texas and was killed there by the Indians in 1839; was unm.
4037 Elsie,8 b. 31 July, 1812; m. George S. Whitney, b. 25 Feb., 1810, son of Dr. Jonathan and Dolly (Smith) Whitney; d. 6 Nov 1867; had no children; he m. (2) 24 Feb., 1870, Mrs. Rhoda Bond, he d. in Corning, la., 31 Oct., 1884.
4038 Delia,8 b. 30 Sept., 1815; m. (1) David Lewis Ford; (2) Henry Wray.
4039 Ebenezer,8 b. 20 Apr., 1818; m. Maria Burdett.
4040 Elizabeth,8 b. 9 Apr., 1821; d. unm., in Jackson, Mich., 1884
4041 Cornelia,8 b. 13 Sept., 1823; m. 28 Aug., 1856, Saybrook Lee, of Cam­illus, N. Y.; d. 15 Feb., 1858; he was killed in the battle of the Wilderness, 6 May, 1864; had no children.
4042 Henry,8 b. 12 Apr., 1836; m. Maria Lucretia Sleeper.

1481.   WARREN,7 son of Samuel6 (475), b. in New Salem, Mass., 30 Dec., 1805; m. 7 Nov., 1838, Melissa Peck, b. 14 Apr., 1817, dau. of Anthony Peck, b. in Bristol, Conn., 19 Mar., 1786, and Mary Greenslit, b. in Marshfield, Conn , 1 July, 1795.
He d. 30 Dec., 1876, his seventy-first birthday.
In 1816, with his parents, he rem. to Sangerfield, N. Y.; in May, 1857, to Chittenango, N. Y. He was a farmer. He commenced his business career a poor man; he had great industry, energy and executive abilities; was interested in establishing the Union School in Chittenango.
Children, b. in Sangerfield.
4043 Sarah Melissa,8 b. 8 June, 1840; m. Peter Walwrath.
4044 Catherine Amelia,8 b. 14 Dec., 1845; d. in Sangerfield, 23 Oct., 1848.

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4045 Ella Maria,8 b. 23 Sept., 1848; m. 15 Feb., 1876, Peter Walwrath, of Chittenango, who had previously m. her sister, Sarah; had no children.
4046 Charles Warken,8 b. 28 Jan., 1852; d. in Chittenango, 2 Apr., 1868.

1482.   DANIEL FISK,7 son of Samuel6 (475), b. in New Salem, Mass., 12 Sept., 1807; m. in Nichols, N. Y., 12 Nov., 1836, Emily Dunham, b. in Madison, N. Y., 10 Jan., 1814, dau. of Isaac Dunham, of Stillwater, N. Y., b. 5 Aug., 1782, and Sarah Allerton, b. 15 Oct., 1792, a descendant in the seventh generation from Isaac Allerton, of the Mayflower.
He d. in Chittenango, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1864; she d. 3 Mar., 1882.
He was a contractor, and one of the firm that built the locks at Little Falls, N. Y. He held several local offices and in 1864 was a member of the New York Assembly. After he left Massachusetts he lived for a time in Fulton, N. Y. After his marriage he settled in Chittenango. His son, Charles, lives on the homestead.
4047 George,8 b. in Sandy Hill, N. Y., 20 Oct., 1837; m. Florence Wood.
4048 Charles,8 b. in Minden, N. Y., 4 Dec., 1839; m. Ann Elizabeth Moody.

1483.   EXPERIENCE ,7 dau. of Samuel6 (475), b. in New Salem, Mass., 18 Apr., 1811; m. 24 Sept., 1829, Aranas Livermore, b. in San­gerfield, N. Y., 30 Aug., 1803, son of Daniel Livermore, b. about 1772, and Sarah (Sally) , b. about 1776.
She d. 20 Dec., 1872; he d. in Sangerfield, 9 Mar., 1875. He was a farmer in Sangerfield.
4049 Sarah Frances Livermore,8 b. in Sangerfield, 2 July, 1830; m. 14 Oct., 1847, William Orlando Gorton; he was a farmer in Sangerfield; had two children.
4050 Ellen Amelia Livermore,8 b. 12 Feb., 1832; m. 11 Oct., 1853, Columbus Fayette Rhoades; he was a farmer in Hubbardsville, N. Y.; she d. in East Hampton, N. Y., 21 Sept., 1866.
4051 Francis Livermore,8 b. 20 Aug., 1838; d. 28 Aug., 1838.
4052 Irving Aranas Livermore,8 b. 30 May, 1842; m. 11 Oct., 1870, Ellen Rosalia Clark; was a farmer in Sangerfield.
4053 De Witt Clinton Livermore,8 b. 1 June, 1845; m. 27 Mar., 1867, Ella Baylis; was a farmer in Sangerfield.
4054 Rose Bell Livermore,8 b. 25 Aug., 1851; m. 17 Feb., 1869, Bolivar Leon­ard Webb; he was a mechanic in West Winfield, N. Y.
4055 George Kellogg Livermore,8 b. 31 July, 1854; d. 9 Aug., 1854.

1484.   SARAH,7 dau. of Samuel6 (478), b. 15 Aug., 1751; m. in Westfield, Mass., by Rev. John Ballantine, 17 Sept., 1772, Asher Sacket, b. 13 Apr., 1748, son of Daniel Sacket, b. in Westfield, 14 Aug., 1693, and Mary Weller.
She d. 14 Aug., 1841.
Children, b. in Westfield.
4056 Lovewell Sacket,8 b. 21 Dec., 1772.
4057 Sarah (Sally) Sacket,8 b. 13 Apr., 1774.

300    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4058 Mary (Peggy) Sachet,8 b. 4 May, 1775.
4059 Shubael Sacket,8 b. 4 Oct., 1778.
4060 Clymena Sacket,8 b. 10 Oct., 1781.
4061 Jerusha Sacket,8 b. 16 Oct., 1783.
4062 Henry Sacket,8 b. 4 Apr., 1785.
4063 Daniel Sacket,8 b. 8 Aug., 1786.
4064 Asher Sacket,8 b. 10 Mar., 1788.
4065 Jerusha Sacket,8 b. 1790.

1485.   RHODA,7 dau. of Samuel6 (478), b. 23 Nov., 1753; m. 10 Oct., 1771, Abner Sacket, b. 11 Oct., 1751, son of Daniel Sacket, b. in Westfield, Mass., 14 Aug., 1693, and Mary Weller.
4066 Noah Sacket,8 b. 29 Jan., 1772.
4067 Clarissa Sacket,8 b. 28 Oct., 1773.
4068 Nancy Sacket,8 b. 20 Sept., 1775.
4069 Dolly Sacket,8 b. 25 Nov., 1777.
4070 Mary (Polly) Sacket,8 b. 20 Dec., 1779.
4071 Anna Sacket,8 b. 1 Mar., 1785.
4072 Roland Sacket,8 b. 21 Mar., 1787.

1486.   TRIPHENA,7 dau. of Samuel6 (478), b. 15 Mar., 1758; m. 10 Dec., 1780, Samuel Root, b. in Westfield, Mass., 1749, son of Martin Root.
She d. 9 Oct., 1816; he m. (2) Hannah; d. 17 May, 1817.
4073 Triphena Root,8 b. 1781; m. Rufus Gillett.
4074 Samuel Root,8 b. 1782; d. 13 June, 1817.
4075 Mary (Polly) Root,8 b. 1785; m. Asa Chaffee.
4076 Wareham Root,8 b. ______.
4077 James Root,8 b. 1789; d. 12 Nov., 1808.
4078 Clarissa Root,8 b. ______.
4079 Lucinda Root,8 b. 1796; m. Alvah Atkins.
4080 Sophia Root,8 b. 1801; d. 1839.
4081 John Root,8 b. 1801.

1491.   ELI,7 son of Samuel6 (478), b. 1778; m. Nov., 1805, Grace Rogers, b. 19 July, 1789, dau. of Jonathan Rogers, of Westfield, Mass.
He d. 15 July, 1854.
He rem. in 1797 from Westfield, with the Rogers and Stephens families, to Lowville, N. Y.; res. in Adams, N. Y.
Children, first six b. in Martinsburg, N. Y.
4082 Mary,8 b. 3 Dec., 1806; m. 7 Sept., 1828, C. J. Frank, b. 21 Jan., 1800; d. 7 Dec., 1872; res. in Adams.
4083 Sylvester,8 b. 21 Jan., 1808; m. Lydia Irene Gerry.
4084 Sophia,8 b. 6 Sept., 1809; m. Silas Doud.
4085 Rowland,8 b. 1811; m. 14 Oct., 1842, Sophronia Doxtader, b. 8 Oct., 1823; d. 2 Sept., 1848; had no children.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    301

4086 Cornelia,8 b. 3 Dec., 1814; m. 22 Jan., 1839, Norman Wood, b. 21 Feb., 1808; res. in Adams; had no children.
4087 Alonzo,8 b. 11 May, 1817; m. Phebe Clark.
4088 Pamela,8 b. 28 Mar., 1822; m. S. M. Patrick.
4089 Elizabeth (Betsey),8 b. 13 Nov., 1823; m. 31 Jan., 1838, Oliver Stone, b. 6 June, 1818; d. 13 Oct., 1871; had no children.
4090 Rebecca,8 b. 1824; m. 30 Dec., 1841, Lucius Oakes; d. 25 Apr., 1849.
4091 Jeanette Anna,8 b. 14 July, 1836; m. Gustavus A. Scoville.

1493.   COTTON,7 son of Gad6 (480), b. 22 Dec., 1759; m. 3 Mar., 1791, Lydia Williams, dau. of Nathaniel Williams and Iphy Smith.
They res. in Westfield, Mass.
He was a soldier in the revolution; served as a private in Capt. Morgan's Co., 20 Jan. to 1 July. 1778; detached from Hampshire and Worcester Co. Reg. to guard stores at Brookfield and Springfield.
4092 Edward,8 b. 1791; d. unm. in Westfield.
4093 Clara,8 b. 12 Sept., 1793; m. in 1810, Ira Yeomans; res. in Westfield.
4094 Lucretia,8 b. 15 Sept., 1795; m. Guy Tinker; d. in Westfield, 1865; res. in Oquakwa, Ill.
4095 Charles,8 b. May, 1798; res. in Westfield, where he d. unm., 15 Dec., 1886.
4096 William Riley,8 b. Jan., 1801; m. Lydia Ann Northrup, of Albany, N. Y.; res. in Westfield; had no children.
4097 Charlotte,8 b. Apr., 1804; res. in Westfield; d. unm., 26 May, 1873.

1495.   DANIEL,7 son of Gad6 (480), b. 24 Dec., 1763; m. ______.
He was a revolutionary soldier; served in Capt. Samuel Thrall's Co., Col. Maren Willet's Reg. on the Mohawk River, Aug. to Nov., 1781, and was dismissed 180 miles from home. Served under Capt. Kellogg, Col. Mosely's Reg.; marched by order of Brig. Gen. Sanderson. Rem. to Pennsylvania and d.
4098 Alva,8 b. ______; m. ______.
4099 Harvey,8 b. ______; m. ______.
4100 Huldah,8 b. ______; m. Noah Spalding.
4101 Eliza,8 b. ______; m. Raton.

1500.   DEACON JOHN,7 son of Ephraim6 (503), b. in Amherst, Mass., 23 I Sept., 1762; m. (1) Sept., 1785, Roxanna Mattoon, b. 31 Aug., 1766, dau. of Ebenezer Mattoon, of Amherst, b. 21 Dec., 1720, and Sarah Alvord, b. 2 Mar., 1726.
She d. 2 Sept., 1804; he m. (2) 20 July, 1815, Mrs. Martha (Belden) In­gram, b. 21 July, 1770, dau. of Deacon Hezekiah Belden, of Amherst, b. 2 July, 1728, and Martha Field, b. 1729, and widow of Gershom Ingram, of Amherst.
She d. 10 May, 1837; he d. 6 Dec., 1841; both are buried in North Amherst.
He was a farmer. The "Sears Farm," where he lived is now owned by Joshua Reed. He is described as a tall erect man, with dark hair and black eyes, of imposing personal appearance. His wife had black eyes and hair, as had all

302    The Kelloggs in the New World.

their children, except Eleazer. He was appointed deacon in East Amherst, 5 Nov., 1824; was one of the selectmen of Amherst, 1803-08; was a revolutionary soldier.
Children, b. in Amherst.
4102 John Azok,8 b. 31 May, 1786; m. (1) Harriet Nash; (2) Julia Ann Howard; (3) Mrs. Amie Stoughton Dickinson.
4103 A Son,8 b. and d. 31 Jan., 1788.
4104 A Daughter,8 twin to son, b. and d. 31 Jan., 1788.
4105 Joanna,8 b. 4 Jan., 1789; m. Joseph Kellogg (+1534).
4106 Prudence Alvord,8 b. 7 Feb., 1791; m. Samuel James.
4107 Elizabeth Clapp,8 b. 27 Apr., 1795; m. Ithamar Conkey.
4108 Rosy Mattoon,8 b. 24 Dec., 1797; m. Capt. William Field.
4109 Eleazer,8 b. 16 Mar., 1800; m. Sally McCloud Roberts.
4110 Stillman,8 b. 31 May, 1802; m. Harriette Walker.
4111 Henry,8 b. 31 Mar., 1804; d. 1 Oct., 1804.
4112 Charles,8 twin to Henry, b. 31 Mar., 1804; d. 16 Apr., 1805.

1501.   ELECTA,7 dau. of Ephraim6 (503), b. in Amherst, 6 Aug., 1764; m. there, as his second wife, 15 Jan., 1789, Deacon Nathaniel Bangs, of Harwich, Mass, b. 2 Oct., 1760. He had m. (1) in Barre, 23 Jan., 1783, Mary Adams, who d. 29 June, 1786, aged 23 years and 5 months.
He d. in New Salem, Mass., 13 Mar., 1827; is buried in Prescott, Mass.; she d. 7 Feb., 1843; is buried in New Salem cemetery.
He was a carpenter and farmer in North Amherst; rem. to New Salem, 31 Jan., 1799; served in the revolutionary army three months in Rhode Island, in Capt. Dexter's Co., and six months in Rhode Island, under Capt. Newell. Jan., 1799.
4113 A Daughter,8 b. and d. 12 Mar., 1790.
4114 Mary Bangs,8 b. in Amherst, 21 May, 1791; m. Andrew Newell; he was a farmer in Amherst; rem. to Prescott, where he was one of the selectmen; he d. in Prescott, 11 Mar., 1872; she d. 4 Mar., 1843.
4115 Adolphus Bangs,8 b. 21 Sept., 1792; m. 24 Dec., 1817, Mary Scott; d. in Le Roy, N. Y., 11 June, 1879.
4116 Sarah (Sally) Bangs,8 b. 8 June, 1794; d. unm. in New Salem, 21 Sept., 1838; she lived with her father in New Salem.
4117 Electa Bangs,8 b. 6 Dec., 1795; m. 20 Mar., 1820, Alpheus Thomas, b. 2 Apr., 1797, son of Amos Thomas, of Hardwick, Mass., b. 6 Apr., 1746, and Eunice Bangs; he was a merchant twenty-five years; later a farmer; she d. 27 Sept., 1867, and is buried in New Salem.
4118 Nathaniel Bangs,8 b. 15 July, 1797; d. unm. 21 Nov., 1821; was a farmer; lived with his father in New Salem.
4119 Joel Bangs,8 b. in New Salem, 23 Aug., 1802; m. 30 Nov., 1824, Minerva Haskins, b. in New Salem, 5 Aug., 1804, dau. of Luke Haskins, of Prescott, b. 11 Oct., 1770, and Mary Crossett, who d. 6 May, 1813; she d. 1 July, 1864; he lived with his father in New Salem until 1827; he was a farmer in Prescott until Apr., 1858; he later res. in Athol, Mass. Luke Haskins was the son of Joseph Haskins, who d. 28 Oct., 1820, aged 80, and Mary , who d. Aug., 1841, aged 101 years and 6 months.

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1502.   EPHRAIM,7 son of Ephraim6 (503), b. in Amherst, 15 June. 1766; m. 7 Apr., 1791, Martha Smith, b. 21 Oct., 1769, dau. of David Smith, of Amherst, and Mary Warner.
He d. 28 Oct., 1847; she d. 28 Feb., 1860.
They rem. to Weybridge, Vt., in 1802; and in 1832 to Le Roy, Genesee Co., N. Y.
4120 Abigail,8 b. 23 July, 1792; m. Daniel Dewey Cooke.
4121 Sarah,8 b. 7 June, 1791; m. Chester Lyman; d. 8 Feb., 1852; had five children.
4122 Smith,8 b. 8 Aug., 1796; m. Susan Manwaring.
4123 Milo,8 b. 9 Sept., 1799; m. (1) Emily Bell; (2) Mrs. Mary (Mushatt) Castle.
4124 Electa,8 b. 7 Sept., 1801; d. young.
4125 Horace,8 b. 3 Apr., 1804; m. Electa Haskins Farnsworth.

1503.   ESTHER,7 dau. of Ephraim6 (503), b. in Amherst, 2 Mar., 1768; m. 21 Dec., 1785, Elijah Prouty, of Granville, N. Y.
She d. 24 Aug., 1799.
4126 Esther Prouty,8 b. ______.
4127 Hiram Prouty,8 b. ______.
4128 A Son,8 b. ______.

1507.   ELIJAH,7 son of Ephraim6 (503), b. 17 Mar., 1776; m. Hannah Her­rick, b. 3 Sept., 1777, dau. of Israel Herrick, of Preston, Conn., b. 3 July, 1750, and Ruth Tracy, of Norwich, Conn.
They res. in Le Roy.
4129 A Child,8 b.; d. 23 Nov., 1801.
4130 Freeman Tracy,8 bap. in Amherst, 20 Feb., 1803; m. (1) Melinda Myers; (2) Dolly O'Harro; (3) Jane B. Davis; (4) Mrs. Mary (Layton) Baker.
4131 Elijah,8 b. ______.
4132 Israel Herrick,8 b. 2 Aug., 1812; m. Julia Malvina Allen.
4133 Mary Ann,8 b. ______.
4134 Julius C.,8 b. 12 July, 1816; m. Hannah M. Widdifield.
4135 Julia M.,8 twin to Julius C., b. 12 July, 1816.
4136 Hariette,8 b. ______.

1508.   ELISHA,7 son of Ephraim6 (503), b. in Amherst, 27 Mar., 1778; m. 29 Mar., 1803, Abigail Lawrence, b. in Canaan, Conn., 13 Dec., 1779.
He d. in Malone, N. Y., in 1863.
He rem. from Amherst to Weybridge, Vt., 1802; to Malone, N. Y., 1818. He was a farmer, carpenter and joiner in Malone, about three miles west of the village, where his dau., Mrs. Leonard Bicknell, res.
4137 William Lawrence,8 b. 2 June, 1804; m. 27 Mar., 1845, Cornelia R. Wead; d. in Malone, 2 July, 1848.

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4138 Elisha,8 b. 28 Feb., 1803; m. Mrs. Cornelia K. (Wead) Kellogg.
4139 Orren Hastings,8 b. 29 Dec., 1810; was a student in Amherst College; left on account of poor health; d. unm., in Malone.
4140 Emmeline,8 b. 3 June, 1813; m. Leonard Bicknell; had seven children.

1509.   JOEL,7 son of Ephraim6 (503), b. in Amherst, 29 Jan., 1780; m. 4 Oct., 1804, Elizabeth Alexander, of Deerfield, b. 18 Mar., 1782, dau. of Joseph Alex­ander, of Whately, and Sarah _______.
She d. 5 Sept., 1803; he d. in Amherst, 27 June, 1827.
Children, b. in Amherst; first four bap. in the Second Church of Amherst, 11 July, 1813.
4141 Maria,8 b. 15 Feb., 1805; m. James Jones.
4142 Lawson,8 b. 23 Dec., 1807; m. Hubbard Griswold, of Benson, Vt.
4143 Almira,8 b. 29 Aug., 1810; m. Nathan Olney.
4144 Dexter,8 b. 10 Jan., 1813; m. Mary Towne.
4145 Esther Hastings,8 b. 22 Sept., 1815; m. Lucien Moro Ufford.
4146 Joanna,8 b. 22 Aug., 1818; m. John Pierce.
4147 Elizabeth,8 bap. 11 Nov., 1821; d. 18 Aug., 1826.

1510.   WAITSTILL,7 son of Ephraim6 (503), b. in Amherst, 19 Sept., 1781; m. (1) in New Haven, Vt., Olive Ashley.
She d.; he m. (2) 8 Feb., 1813, Submit Blodgett, of Amherst, b. 1
July, 1783, dau. of David Blodgett, b. 2 Oct., 1760, and Margaret Scott, b. 29 Aug., 1760.
She d. 19 Feb., 1845, in New Haven, Vt.; he d. 1847.
Child by first wife.
4148 Ashley R.,8 b. ______; m. Mrs. Maria (Pelton) _______.
Children by second wife.
4149 Olive Colwell,8 b. 14 Dec., 1813; m. Edward Erastus Hall.
4150 Edwin Colwell,8 b. in New Haven, 20 Jan., 1817; m. Maria A. Stet­son.
4151 A Child,8 b. 4 Aug., 1819; d. 6 Aug., same year.
4152 David Blodgett,8 b. 8 Dec., 1820; d. 20 Mar., 1823.

1514.   DOROTHY,7 dau. of Martin6 (504), b. in Amherst, Mass., 20 Mar., 1774; m. in Amherst, 1798, Chester Hubbard, b. in Amherst, Jan., 1773, son of Isaac Hubbard, b. 6 Jan., 1730, and Submit Graves, b. 7 Jan., 1731.
She d. 7 Feb., 1846; he d. in Wilmington, Vt. 27 Jan., 1850.
He was a shoemaker; rem. from Amherst to Wilmington, in the spring of 1800.
Children, all except the eldest b. in Wilmington.
4153 Harriet Hubbard,8 b. in Amherst, Jan., 1800; m. Jan., 1822, John Ran­dolph; a farmer; d. Oct., 1866.
4154 Bela Kellogg Hubbard,8 b. May, 1802; m. Susan Henley; d. 21 Feb., 1863; was a farmer and shoemaker in Brattleboro, Vt.
4155 Roxavilla Hubbard,8 b. 19 Sept., 1805; d. 15 Jan., 1852.
4156 Horace Martin Hubbard,8 b. 22 Sept., 1808; m. 30 Apr., 1832, Mary Rennard; was a shoemaker in Wilmington.

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4157 Frederick Graves Hubbard,8 b. 31 Aug., 1811; m. June, 1836, Arvilla Morgan; was a farmer in Halifax, Vt.
4158 George Crocker Hubbard,8 b. 17 Apr., 1815; m. 10 June, 1840, Salome D. Greene; was a farmer on the old homestead, in Wilmington.

1516.   MARTIN,7 son of Martin6 (504), b. in Amherst, Mass., 27 Oct., 1778; m. 31 Oct., 1799, Hannah Hastings, b. 15 Jan., 1780, dau. of Thomas Hastings, of Amherst, b. 20 May, 1746, and Hannah Billings, b. 15 Feb., 1749.
He d. 14 Apr., 1856; she d. 4 May, 1871, aged 91. He was a farmer in Hadley, where both d.
Children, b. in Hadley, bap. in Amherst.
4159 Stillman,8 b. 28 Mar., 1800; d. 30 Aug., 1801.
4160 Fanny,8 b. 24 Sept., 1801; m. Theodore Pasco.
4161 Lucy,8 b. 15 Feb., 1803; m. Bradford Bentley.
4162 Lydia,8 b. 18 May, 1805; m. 29 Oct., 1834, Franklin Rich, of New Lebanon, N. Y.; had no children.
4163 Eliza,8 b. 12 July, 1807; m. Lewis Laprelate Draper.
4164 Lorenzo,8 b. 17 July, 1809; m. Fanny Jones.
4165 Stillman,8 b. 28 Sept., 1811; m. Sybil Woodbury Hastings.
4166 Martin,8 b. 6 Dec., 1813; d. 25 Jan., 1817.
4167 Hannah Crocker,8 b. 22 Feb., 1816; d. 29 Apr., 1820.
4168 Mary,8 b. 18 Aug., 1818; m. James Coffran.
4169 Harriet Newell,8 b. 16 June, 1821; m. Jonas Humphrey Winter.
4170 Martha Crocker,8 b. 1 May, 1825; m. Charles Henry Dickinson.

1517.   REV. BELA,7 son of Martin6 (504), b. in Amherst, 24 Aug., 1780; m. 6 June, 1805, Lydia Candee, b. in New Haven, Conn., 1 Nov., 1778, dau. of Samuel Candee and Lydia Sherman.
He d. in Avon, Conn., 30 Apr., 1831; she d. in Avon, 3 Dec., 1843. He was graduated from Williams College in 1800; studied with Rev. Na­thaniel Emmons, D. D., of Franklin, Mass.; was ordained in 1813, over the Con­gregational Church in Brookfield, Conn., and dismissed in 1817; ordained in Avon, 1819; dismissed in 1830 on account of ill health.
4171 Cordelia,8 b. 17 Mar., 1806; m. Dr. Alfred Kellogg (+2125).
4172 Martin Alexis,8 b. 28 Apr., 1808; m. Marilla Cooley.
4173 Bela Crocker,8 b. 27 Apr., 1811; m. Mary Golden Bartlett.
4174 Lucius Storrs,8 b. 12 Dec., 1813; d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 21 June, 1822.
4175 Amelia Cynthia,8 b. 12 Dec., 1815; m. Rev. James Kilbourne.
4176 Mary Elizabeth,8 b. 18 Sept., 1822; m. Edgar Maurice Woodford.
4177 Martha Lydia,8 b. 9 Dec., 1823; d. in Charleston, S. C., 10 Mar., 1869, while a missionary and teacher to the freedmen.

1518.   CLARISSA,7 dau. of Martin6 (504), b. in Amherst, 15 May, 1783; m. in Amherst, 13 June, 1804, Otis Hastings, b. 15 July, 1782, son of Moses Hast­ings, b. 28 Aug., 1755, and Elizabeth Parker, of Amherst, dau. of Capt. Eli Parker.
She d. 30 Apr., 1833; he d. 11 Sept., 1846.
Res. in Wilmington and Weybridge, Vt., and Ogden, N. Y., where both d.

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4178 Olive Hastings,8 b. 22 July, 1805; d. unm. in Weybridge, 8 June, 1831.
4179 Zacheus Crocker Hastings,8 b. in Wilmington, Vt., 2 June, 1810; m. 13 Apr., 1834, Emily Huntley, of Ogden, N. Y., b. 25 Feb., 1814; was a farmer in Milford, Mich.
4180 George Kellogg Hastings,8 b. 22 Nov., 1812; m. 2 Aug., 1832, Percis Relecta Reed, of Ogden; d. 2 Sept., 1874; was a blacksmith; had three children.

1519.   HANNAH CROCKER,7 dau. of Martin6 (504), b. in Amherst, 14 July, 1786; m. in Amherst, G Aug., 1807, Amos Cady, of Bolton, Conn, b. in Vernon, Conn., 11 May, 1780.
He d. in Guilford, Conn., 3 Sept., 1826; she d. in New London, Conn., 14 Feb., 1839.
4181 Rosanna Cady,8 b. in Bolton, 27 Aug., 1809; d. unm. in New London, 4 Feb., 1839.
4182 Ansel Crocker Cady,8 b. in East Windsor, Conn., 14 Dec., 1811; m. _______; d. in New London, 26 Nov., 1845.
4183 Martin Kellogg Cady,8 b. in Bolton, 29 June, 1813; m. in New London, 5 Aug., 1841.
4184 Louisa Cady,8 b. in Andover, Conn., 19 Mar., 1818.

1520.   SARAH BEALS,7 dau. of Martin6 (504), bap. in Amherst, 23 July, 1786; m. 18 Aug., 1806, Samuel King Morgan, bap. in Northfield, Mass., 16 Dec., 1766, son of Noah Morgan, of Brimfield and Northfield, Mass., and Mary Ring.
She d. in Hadley, 8 May, 1823; he m. (2) Sarah Warner, of Hatfield, Mass., dau. of Deacon Moses Warner; d. in Hadley, 15 Nov., 1854. He was a dyer; afterward a farmer; res. in Hatfield.
4185 Stillman Morgan,8 b.; d. aged 1 year and 6 months.
4186 Samuel Morgan,8 b. 25 June, 1809; m. Charlotte Dickinson; was a farmer in Hadley.; had eight children.
4187 Sarah Morgan,8 b. 29 June, 1815; m. 2 Oct., 1844, Truman Phelps, of Nassau, N. Y.

1521.   ACHSAH,7 dau. of Martin6 (504), bap. in Amherst, Mass., 30 May, 1790; m. in Amherst, 10 Dec., 1812, Thomas Barnes.
She d. 1847.
4188 Melinda Barnes,8 b. 7 June, 1813; m. Lucius Pierce, of North Hadley, Mass.
4189 Mary Barnes,8 b.; d. aged about 2.
4190 George Barnes,8 b. 8 Jan., 1818; m. 4 July, 1843, Jane E. Allen, b. in England, 14 Oct., 1814; he was a flour manufacturer in Barnesville, Wis., of the firm of Barnes & Hudson.
4191 Mary Barnes,8 b. 16 Jan., 1820; m. Orrin Russell, of North Hadley.

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4192 Nancy Barnes,8 b. 10 May, 1825; m. James Hilliard.
4193 Sarah Barnes,8 b.; d. young.
4194 Hannah Barnes,8 b. 10 Apr., 1828.

1532.   WILLIAM,7 son of Joseph6 (509), b. 12 May, 1784; m. Susannah In­gram, b. 16 Dec., 1783, dau. of John Ingram, of Amherst, Mass., bap. 13 Apr., 1755, and Susannah Crocker.
He d. 2 June, 1854; she d. 1 June, 1858; both are buried in North Amherst cemetery.
He was a farmer; selectman of Amherst, 1830-32.
The homestead, successively owned by Joseph, William and Lyman Kellogg, is in Amherst, on the Shutesbury road, nearly a mile beyond the "city."
Children, b. in Amherst.
4195 Harriet,8 b. 11 Aug., 1805; m. Joel Baker.
4196 Lyman,8 b. 29 Apr., 1807; m. Mary Ann Porter.
4197 A Daughter,8 b. 29 July, 1809; d. 2 Aug., same year.
4198 William,8 b. 19 Aug., 1810; was a merchant in Amherst, occupying the lot where Palmer's Block now stands; d. unm. in Oshkosh, Wis., 14 Nov., 1866, leaving a large property to his brothers and sisters; was buried in Amherst.
4199 Emeline,8 b. 4 Sept., 1813; m. Ferdinand Robinson.
4200 Charles,8 b. 2 Feb., 1819; d. 19 Feb., 1819.
4201 Charles,8 b. 30 Oct., 1821; d. (scalded), 3 Feb., 1825.
4202 Sanford Wells,8 b. 14 June, 1824; m. Emily Lemira Spear.

1533.   MARY,7 dau. of Joseph6 (509), b. in Amherst, 25 July, 1785; m. in Amherst, 4 July, 1808, Luke Wait, b. 9 May, 1785, son of Deacon Joel Wait, of Whately, Mass., and Deborah Blood.
She d. 19 Feb., 1827; he d. in New Bedford, Mass., 10 Mar., 1853. He was a stoneware maker.
4203 Sophia Wait,8 b. in Enfield, Conn., 27 Mar., 1809; m. Elihu Adams, of Springfield, Mass., b. 1798, son of Freegrace Adams, b. about 1765, and Susan Holliday; he d. 2 Dec., 1878.
4204 Savilla Wait,8 b. in Whately, Mass., 22 Dec., 1810; m. George Whittle, b. in Wolfboro, N. H., Dec., 1800, son of Thomas Whittle, a revo­lutionary soldier, b. about 1760, and Lydia Parker, b. near Oil Mill Village, N. H., about 1770; she d. in Lancaster, 3 Feb., 1866; he d. in Chicago, Feb., 1875; he was a merchant and Postmaster; res. in Goffstown, N. H., Chicopee Falls, Holyoke and Lancaster, Mass., and Chicago.
4205 Sally Wait,8 b. 8 Jan., 1813; d. 28 Sept., 1855.
4206 Janette Wait,8 b. 20 Feb., 1815.
4207 William H. Wait,8 b. 26 Apr., 1818.
4208 Jerusha Kellogg Wait,8 b. 17 Nov., 1820.
4209 Mary A. Wait,8 b. 12 Mar., 1823; d. 9 Dec., 1823.
4210 Charles K. Wait,8 b. 7 May, 1825.
4211 Roderick L. Wait,8 b. 2 Feb., 1827; d. 27 Sept., 1828.

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1534.   JOSEPH,7 son of Joseph6 (509), b. 16 July, 1786; m. (1) 28 Nov., 1809, Joanna Kellogg (4105), b. 4 Jan., 1789, dau. of Deacon John Kellogg (+1500).
She d. 19 Dec., 1852; he m. (3) 26 Feb., 1856, in Springfield, Eunice H. Porter, b. in Dalton, dau. of Elijah Porter, of Granby, Mass.; he d. 19 Jan., 1869, aged 83; she d. in Amherst, 26 May, 1895, aged 85.
He was a farmer in Amherst, and highly respected for his goodness and piety. His second marriage was unfortunate, his wife being insane. He was a great but patient sufferer; is buried in North Amherst.
4212 Charles Henry,8 b. 2 Mar., 1811; m. Harriet Watson.

1535.   LUCY,7 dau. of Joseph6 (509), b. in Amherst, 25 Oct., 1788; m. in Am­herst, 26 Feb., 1810, Rufus Crafts (3854), b. 8 Mar., 1787, son of Moses Crafts, of Whately, Mass., b. 6 May, 1750, and Abigail Kellogg (+1430), b. Nov., 1757.
He d. 14 Nov., 1843; she d. 2 Sept., 1869.
He was a farmer in Whately. She was blind the last five years of her life.
4213 Ralph Erskine Crafts,8 b. 26 Jan., 1813; m. Amelia M. Cushman; res. in Whately.
4214 Chapman Crafts,8 b. 26 Mar., 1813; m. 24 Apr., 1838, Almira L. Jones, b. in North Hadley, Mass., 18 Jan., 1815, dau. of David Jones and Lucretia Smith; he was a builder and contractor, later a manufac­turer; res. in Whately, Troy and East Troy, Wis.; d. 26 July, 1872; she d. 3 Apr., 1874; had four children.
4215 George Washington Crafts,8 b. 30 Nov., 1814; m. by Right Rev. Bishop Kip, in San Francisco, 17 May, 1854, Ellen Beach, b. in Cornwall, N. Y., 1634, dau. of William Beach and Eliza Coulter; he was a merchant and quartz miner in Idaho City, Idaho; had one child, who res. in San Francisco, Cal.
4216 Myron Harwood Crafts,8 b. 11 Aug., 1816; d. 14 Sept., 1886, of pneu­monia; was a farmer in San Bernardino, Cal.
4217 Elvira Jerusha Crafts,8 b. 22 Aug., 1818; m. 28 Sept., 1843, Robert Dodd Weeks, b. in Paris, N. Y., 4 Apr., 1819, son of William Ray­mond Weeks, of Newark, N. J., b. in Brooklyn, Conn., 6 Aug., 1783, and Hannah Randel, b. in Albany, N. Y., 20 Dec., 1780; she d. in Lansing, Mich., 18 Feb., 1858, where she was buried; had six children; he m. (2) 8 Sept., 1859, Mary Ann Greene; he was a farmer and teacher in Newark, N. J., Whately, Mass., and Lansing, Mich.
4218 Joseph Kellogg Crafts,8 b. 7 June, 1821; m. 6 Mar., 1849, Maria G. Crafts, b. 17 Mar., 1832; he was a tallow merchant; res. in Al­bany, N. Y.
4219 Joel Franklin Crafts,8 b. 19 Sept., 1823; d. 25 Sept., 1825.
4220 Joel Franklin Crafts,8 b. 29 May, 1835; m. 28 Mar., 1849, Celia Stowe; he was a provision merchant in Brooklyn; d. 14 Oct., 1861.
4221 Lemuel P. Bates Crafts,8 b. 1837; d. 30 June, 1831.
4222 Rufus Wells Crafts,8 b. 7 July, 1828; m. 17 Nov., 1850, Sabra B. Vincent, of Brooklyn; he was a police captain in Brooklyn.

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1536.   RUFUS,7 son of Joseph6 (509), b. in Leverett, 16 July, 1794; m. in East Amherst, 22 June, 1820, Nancy Stetson, b. 7 Oct., 1799, dau. of Gideon Stetson,* of East Amherst, b. 18 Jan., 1762, and Nancy Thayer, b. 15 May, 1764; she was a descendant in the seventh generation of "Cornet" Robert Stetson, of Scituate, Mass.
He d. 9 Apr., 1845; she d. in Amherst Village, 24 Oct., 1850, of paralysis, the scourge of her family.
He commenced business in North Amherst and had a farm, store and tavern. The latter stood west of the large elm tree on the spot now occupied by the resi­dence of Ruben Roberts, Esq., and known formerly as the "Old Henry place." In Mar., 1836, he rein, to the "Mattoon" farm, a half mile south of North Am­herst cemetery.
Children, b. in North Amherst.
4223 Ansel Wales,8 b. 21 June, 1821; m. in Sunderland, 14 Sept., 1856, Nancy Henderson Hubbard,** b. in Sunderland, 4 Apr., 1823, dau. of Ashley Hubbard, of Sunderland, b. 28 Dec., 1792, and Betsey Dole, b. in Shelburne, Mass., 22 Feb., 1794; he was a successful banker in Oshkosh, Wis., where he commenced business in 1852; he retired on account of ill health, 1 Nov., 1865; he was sole man­aged and principal owner in the successive firms of Darling, Wright, Kellogg & Co., Kellogg, Fitsgerald & Co., Bank of Osh­kosh, First National Bank of Oshkosh; he gained public confidence in times when most Western banks were "wild cats" and, out of small beginnings, created a business-house which is likely to long survive him; in the spring of 1861 he had a stroke of paralysis, crippling his left hand and foot; d. 23 Oct., 1870; she d. of paralysis, 22 Mar., 1863; they are both buried in North Amherst; had no children.
4224 Sally Warner,8 b. 12 Aug., 1823; d. 26 Aug., 1826.
4225 Nancy Maria,8 b. 31 Mar., 1826; was graduated from Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in 1846; was several years a successful teacher in Huntsville and Montgomery, Ala.; d. in Milwaukee, Wis., 22 Oct., 1900.
4226 Albert,8 b. 6 Oct., 1828; d. 20 Jan., 1829.
4227 Amasa Stetson,8 b. 3 Dec., 1830; m. (1) Mary Charlotte Wilson; (2) Priscilla Cornelia Harris.
4228 Mary L. J.,8 b. 3 Feb., 1833; d. 7 Oct., same year.
4229 Bela,8 b. 16 May, 1835; d. 19 Nov., 1836.
4230 Rufus Bela,8 b. 15 Apr., 1837; m. Ellen Enos Bigelow.

*The records of the United States, Pension Office show that Gideon Stetson, of Amherst, enlisted 6 June, 1781; he was for three years in Abington, Plymouth Co., Mass., under Capt. Mills of the First Massachusetts Reg., Col. Joseph Vose; discharged 24 Dec., 1783. After his enlistment he was appointed Sergt.; joined the army under Gen. Washington at Phillipsburgh on the North River.
**Nancy Henderson Hubbard was a dau. of Ashley Hubbard, of Sunderland, Mass., b. 28 Dec., 1792, and Betsey Dole, b. in Shelburne, Mass., 22 Feb., 1794. Ashley was son of Caleb Hubbard, b. 23 Apr., 1754, and Lucretia Ashley, b. 15 Sept., 1767. Caleb was son of Israel Hubbard, b. 18 Jan., 1725, and Abigail Smith, dau. of Deacon Nathaniel Smith, of Sunderland. Betsey was dau. of Parker Dole, of Shelburne, and Anna Trowbridge, b. in Westford, Mass., 16 Jan., 1770. Lucretia was dau. of Stephen Ashley, b. 8 Dec., 1740, and Elizabeth Billings, b. 21 May, 1745.

310    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1538.   NATHANIEL,7 son of Ebenezer6 (516), b. in Colchester; m. Prudence Fuller (1545), his cousin, b. ______, dau. of Elijah Fuller and Abigail Kellogg (517), b. 29 Dec., 1758.
He d. 31 May, 1863, aged 74; she d. about 1873, aged 80.
4231 Norman I.,8 b.; m. Harriet Pierpont, b. ______, dau. of Rev. Pierpont, a Presbyterian clergyman; he d. ______, aged 35; had no children.

1539.   AMOS,7 son of Ebenezer6 (516), b. in Colchester, Conn., 22 Dec., 1784; m. 21 Feb., 1811, Elizabeth Deming, b. in Sandisfield, Mass., 24 Apr., 1793, dau. of Benjamin Deming, of West Avon, N. Y., and Frances Tilden.
He d. 19 Aug., 1855; she d. 31 May, 1869.
He served in the war of 1812; fought along the Niagara River between New York State and Canada; res. in Geneseo, N. Y.
Children, b. in Geneseo.
4232 Elizabeth,8 b. 4 Dec., 1811; m. John Cotton Mather.
4233 Amos Ransom,8 b. Jan., 1813; d. 18 Apr., 1813, aged 3 months.
4234 Amos Ransom,8 b. 12 Apr., 1815; m. Eliza Hoppin.
4235 Mary Ann,8 b. 18 Oct., 1817; m. Garret Price.
4236 Malvina,8 b. 13 Aug., 1820; m. Asher Williamson Heath.
4237 Amy,8 b. 14 Nov., 1825; m. William Henry Birge.
4238 Frances,8 b. 28 Apr., 1828; m. in Geneseo, 22 Oct., 1856, Dr. David M. Finley, b. in Geneseo, 10 Oct., 1830, son of William Fin­ley and Sarah Wattles; he was a physician; graduated from Hah­nemann College, Chicago; res. in Clinton, la.; had no children.

1540.   ERASTUS,7 son of Ebenezer6 (516), b. in Colchester, Conn., 27 Sept., 1793; m. 22 Apr., 1819, in Geneseo, N. Y., Elizabeth Ellis, b. 8 Jan., 1798, in Pittsfield, Mass., dau. of Jonathan Ellis and Wealthy Lawrence, of Geneseo.
He d. 10 Oct., 1866; she d. 31 Jan., 1873.
He was a soldier in the war of 1812; res. in Saline, Mich., where both d.
Children, first seven b. in Geneseo.
4239 Hiram,8 b. 28 Jan., 1820; m. (1) Eliza Cook; (2) Jane Eliza Ward; (3) Mrs. Martha Elizabeth (Shaw) Streeter.
4240 David,8 b. 31 Mar., 1821; m. Eliza Coe.
4241 Celinda,8 b. 20 June, 1823; m. Milan Glover.
4242 Ebenezer,8 b. 19 Dec., 1824; m. (1) Rachel Goewey; (2) Fannie; Bradley.
4243 Harriet,8 b. 21 Nov., 1826; d. in York, 23 July, 1837.
4244 Wealthy Ellis,8 b. 16 Aug., 1828; m. Charles Edward Pope.
4245 Elijah Ellis,8 b. 23 June, 1830; m. (1) Katharine Redner; (2) Margaret Warner.
4246 Norris,8 b. 10 Oct., 1833; d. in York, 13 Nov., 1841.
4247 Amos,8 b. in York, 31 Oct., 1836; d. in York, 28 Nov., 1841.

1541.   SAMUEL,7 son of Ebenezer6 (516), b. in Colchester, Conn., 1797; m. in Seneca, N. Y., 6 Aug., 1825, Mary Ann Blossom, b. in Bennington, Vt., 25 Mar., 1804, dau. of Joseph Blossom, b. 5 Mar., 1770, and Mary Plumb, b. 25 Dec., 1777.

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He d. 11 Nov., 1870, in Geneva, N. Y.; she d. 17 Mar., 1873, in the same place.
He was a carpenter and builder.
Children, b. in Geneva.
4248 Joseph Blossom,8 b. 3 May, 1827; d. in Seneca, 12 Aug., 1829.
4249 Augustus Wilmot,8 b. 12 Aug., 1829; d. in Seneca, 1877.
4250 Amelia Eliza,8 b. 19 Feb., 1832; m. Eli Atwater Bronson.
4251 Mary Jane,8 b. 9 July, 1834; m. in Ottawa, Ill., 12 Apr., 1868, Thomas S. Bowen; he d. in Ottawa, May, 1876; was a lawyer; res. in Ottawa; graduated from University of Michigan; served in the war of the rebellion in the Thirty-sixth Illinois Volunteers; was a Republican.
4252 Charles Henry,8 b. 7 Aug., 1836; d. 21 Jan., 1838.
4253 George Blossom,8 b. 5 Mar., 1840; m. Ella Maria Smith.
4254 Samuel,8 b. 1 Nov., 1845; d. in Seneca, 19 May, 1855.

1546.   RUSSELL,7 son of Elnathan6 (530), b. Oct., 1798; m. in Genesee Co., N. Y., Dec., 1831, Harriet Miller, b. in Massachusetts, Mar., 1803, dau. of Seth Miller and Martha Tilden, of Avon, N. Y.
He d. in Stafford, N. Y., 10 June, 1863; she d. in Ada, Minn., Sept., 1885.
Children, b. in Stafford.
4255 Hiram,8 b. Oct., 1832; m. (1) Miranda Hoyt; (2) Mrs. Maryette Clark.
4256 Seth,8 b. Nov., 1824; m. in Stafford, Dec., 1848, Maryette Prentice; d. in Stafford, 1873; she res. in Batavia, N. Y.
4257 Louisa,8 b. Mar., 1827; m. in Stafford, 1849, Cyrus Beswick; d. in Ber­gen, N. Y., Mar., 1881.
4258 Martha,8 b. July, 1839; m. Charles Potter Coy.
4259 Henry,8 b. 1832; d. in Stafford, 1834.
4260 Eliza Jane,8 b. Oct., 1835; m. Spencer Randall.
4261 Cornelia,8 b. Jan., 1839; m. James Green.
4262 Frances Maria,8 b. Jan., 1843; m. Charles Consider Warner.
4263 William,8 b. Apr., 1844; m. (1) Susan Davis; (2) Nellie Richmond.
4264 Caroline,8 b. Nov., 1845; m. Edwin Moulton.

1548.   JUSTIN,7 son of Elnathan6 (530), b.; m. Julia Loomis.
He d. in 1883.
4265 John,8 b.; res. in Richland, Mich.
4266 George,8 b. ______.
4267 Richard,8 b. ______.
4268 Mary,8 b. ______.
4269 Nancy,8 b. ______.

1555.   JOHN,7 son of Charles6 (521), b. in Colchester, Conn., 29 Nov., 1792; m. 27 Feb., 1823, Martha Deming, b. 27 Feb., 1802, dau. of Benjamin Deming, of Avon, N. Y., b. July, 1767, and Fanny Tilden, b. 30 Aug., 1770.
He d. 6 May, 1877; she d. 14 July, 1885, aged 83.
He was a carpenter; became a farmer shortly after his marriage; res. in Geneseo and Caledonia; settled in Avon, in 1811, where both d.

312    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4270 Francis,8 b. 14 May, 1824; m. Helen Melvina Hogmire.
4271 Horace,8 b. 3 Jan., 1830; d. 3 Sept., same year.
4272 Henry,8 twin to Horace, b. 3 Jan., 1830; d. 12 Jan., same year.

1556.   HORACE,7 son of Charles6 (521), b. in Colchester, Conn., June, 1795; m. in Connecticut, 1821, Abigail Forsyth, b. in Hebron, Conn., Feb., 1800.
He d. in Caledonia, N. Y., 12 Feb., 1830; he was a farmer and res. in Cale­donia; she m. (2) George W. Thompson; she d. 29 Jan., 1851.
4273 Charles,8 b. 15 Oct., 1822; m. Nancy E. Darling.
4274 Edwin,8 b. in Caledonia, 12 Nov., 1825; was a teacher; d. imm., 22 Nov., 1852.
4275 Stephen Titus,8 b. 28 Aug., 1827; m. Mary Ann Gray.

1557.   MABEL,7 dau. of Charles6 (521), b. June, 1797; m. as his third wife, 6 Jan., 1823, Jeremiah Riggs, b. in Litchfield, Conn., 2 Mar., 1778; he had pre­viously m. (1) 9 Jan., 1803, Lucy Peck, who d. 12 July, 1812; he m. (2) 31 Oct., 1813, Grace Bishop, who d. 7 Sept., 1822.
He d. in Fentonville, Mich., 22 June, 1858, aged 80.
He was apprenticed to the clothier's trade to the father of John Pierpont He emigrated from Connecticut to Western New York on foot, accompanied by one Ford, and they first stopped at Lima; at Avon he built "Riggs Mill," and was appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas by Gov. Daniel D. Tompkins; he failed in business and rem. to Detroit, Mich., in 1828. He was appointed Master in Chancery by Lewis Cass; was overseer of Indian affairs in Saginaw under Mr. Schoolcraft; a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1835.
4276 Henry Clay Riggs,8 b. 26 Aug., 1824; res. in Fentonville.
4277 Mary Louisa Riggs,8 b. 4 Feb., 1830.

1558.   MARY,7 dau. of Charles6 (521), b. 12 Oct., 1799; m. (1) 6 Feb., 1818, Samuel Barnum.
He d. 20 June, 1834; she m. (2) 23 Mar., 1839, Edgar Paine, b. 17 July, 1806; he d. 12 May, 1850; she d. 1894.
Children by first husband.
4278 Harriet Barnum,8 b. 16 May, 1819.
4279 Emily Barnum,8 b. 18 May, 1821.
4280 Julia Ann Barnum,8 b. 27 Sept., 1833.
4281 Samuel Barnum,8 b. 29 Jan., 1826; d. 28 June, 1842.
4282 Eliza Barnum,8 b. 29 Aug., 1828.
4283 Ellen M. Barnum,8 b. 27 Sept., 1834.
Children by second husband.
4284 Mary,8 D. Pained b. 26 Feb., 1840.
4285 Thomas,8 J. Pained b. 28 Feb., 1842; d. 5 Nov., 1853.

1559.   HARRIET,7 dau. of Charles6 (521), b. 7 Oct., 1801; m. May, 1825, Mer­ritt Woodruff Riggs, b. 17 Nov., 1800, son of Samuel Riggs.

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He d. (accidentally killed on the Erie Railroad), in Avon, N. Y., 26 Dec., 1870; she d. in Manchester, la., 12 July, 1891.
He was a builder; was for fifty years a resident of Avon.
Children, b. in Avon.
4286 Mortimer Nelson Riggs,8 b. 29 Mar., 1826; m. Nov., 1848, Mary Jane Akeley; he d. 7 Feb., 1850; she survived him; had one dau.
4287 James Willoughby Riggs,8 b. 16 Oct., 1827; m. in New York, 20 Oct., 1852, Mary Reid; was for twenty-one years commercial editor of the New York Courier and Enquirer and later of the New York World; was for many years prominent in New York journalism; now retired; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y.
4288 Elsie Maria Riggs,8 b. 27 Mar., 1830; m. 1858, Nelson Janes Wolcott; he d.; she res. in Manchester, la.; had three children.
4289 Samuel Riggs,8 b. 14 Dec., 1831; m. in Harris Co., Tex., 26 Feb., 1857, Sarah Jacinto Calvert Penn; d. near Lynchburg, Tex., 11 Jan., 1866; res. in Cedar Bayon, Tex.; had four children.
4290 Martha Riggs,8 b. 11 Mar., 1834; m. Matthew Noyes Mather; d. 11 Feb., 1888; had no children.
4291 Edward Livingston Riggs,8 b. 21 Mar., 1836; m. 20 Sept., 1860, Eliza­beth Wint; was a builder in Scranton, Pa., now of Spokane, Wash.; has five children.
4292 John Quincy Riggs,8 b. 27 Sept., 1837; was lost from the whaling ship Daniel Wood, off the coast of Patagonia, 22 Dec., 1856.
4293 Charles Malandon Riggs,8 b. 3 Oct., 1839; d. in New Lebanon, N. Y., 26 Apr., 1862.
4294 William De Lancy Riggs,8 b. 6 Jan., 1843; m. (1) in Brooklyn, N. Y., 11 Sept., 1867, Mary Skillman Church, dau. of Charles M. Church and Susan Skillman; (2) Margaret Ann Collinson, dau. of Joseph Collinson, b. in England, 20 Feb., 1821, and Margaret Tarn, b. in England, 1824; res. in Dubuque, la.

1561.   JULIUS,7 son of Charles6 (521), b. in Connecticut, Oct., 1806; m. in Avon, N. Y., 6 June, 1849, Mary Ann Benchley, b. 16 Apr., 1826, dau. of William Benchley, of Avon, b. 1 July, 1800, and Sylvia Jenks, b. Feb., 1798.
He d. in Avon, 18 May, 1870; she m. (2) Benjamin Magee, of Hutchinson, Kas.; d. in Kingman, Kas., 24 Aug., 1889.
4295 George William,8 b. 18 Sept., 1850; a farmer; res., unm., in Wichita, Kas.
4296 Rhoda Ann,8 b. 29 Aug., 1852; d. in Avon, 25 Dec., 1864.
4297 Charles Francis,8 b. 24 Aug., 1854; d. in Avon, unm., 24 May, 1876.
4298 Mary Jane,8 b. 4 Mar., 1859; d. in Moscow, Mich., 13 Sept., 1859.
4299 Ransome Henry,8 b. 18 Oct., 1860; m. Lottie Belle Cary.
4300 William Edwin,8 b. 17 July, 1864; m. Sary Jane Freeman.
4301 Melvin Morris,8 b. in Avon, 11 June, 1867; m. in Kingman, as her sec­ond husband, 30 Nov., 1896, Mrs. Fannie Mariah (Huyck) Carol, b. in Kankakee, Ill, 23 Oct., 1866, dau. of Washington Huyck and Cordelia Davidson, of Nickerson, Kas.; he is a farmer and a Meth­odist; res. in Sylvia, Kas.; has no children.

314    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1563.   CAROLINE,7 dau. of Charles6 (521), b. 10 Apr., 1810; m. 15 Jan., 1824, Benjamin Fowle, b. 3 Dec., 1804, son of Benjamin Fowle, b. in Cranbrook, England, 31 May, 1772, of Caledonia, N. Y., and Martha Lea, b. in Birmingham, England, 1776.
He d. in Moscow, Mich., 20 July, 1875.
He was a farmer in Caledonia and Moscow.
4302 Benjamin Fowle,8 b. 18 Jan., 1830; d. 24 Dec., 1830.
4303 Orrin Fowle,8 b. 20 Dec., 1831; m. 2 Feb., 1860, Janette McLean, of Covington, Ga.; he was a homeopathic physician; res. in Hills­dale, Mich.
4304 Lucy Fowle,8 b. 30 Oct., 1833; m. 4 Feb., 1854, Charles Hollingsworth; he was a cigar manufacturer; res. in Jackson, Mich.
4305 Lydia Fowle,8 b. 6 May, 1836; m. 27 Dec., 1854, John D. Van Dwyer; he was a hardware merchant; res. in Manchester, Mich.
4306 Frances Fowle,8 b. 6 June, 1838; d. 28 Feb., 1839.
4307 Hiram Fowle,8 b. 15 Apr., 1840; d. 24 Oct., 1842.
4308 Harmon Fowle,8 b. 15 May, 1843; m. 10 Oct., 1864, Belle Ladd, of Pitts­burg, Pa.; he was a farmer; res. in Moscow.
4309 Angers Fowle,8 b. 10 May, 1846.
4310 Caroline Agnes Fowle,8 b. 12 Mar., 1850.
4311 Mary Ellen Fowle,8 b. 30 Aug., 1855.

1574.   JONATHAN,7 son of Martin6 (524), b. in Colchester, Conn., 4 May, 1767; m. his cousin, Elizabeth (Betsey) Smith (1567), b. 1 Apr., 1769, dau. of William Smith and Margery Kellogg (523), of Wyoming Valley, Pa.
She d. in Auburn Four Corners, Pa., 24 Feb., 1836.
He res. in Auburn Township; was a Methodist Episcopalian and a Whig.
4312 Mary,8 (Polly), b. in Washington, Pa., 19 Feb., 1794; m. John Riley.
4313 William,8 b. in Luzerne Co., Pa., 7 Mar., 1795; m. Serah Vosburg.
4314 Tredway,8 b. in Luzerne Co., Pa., 4 Sept., 1801; m. Nancy Floyd.
4315 Sarah,8 ( Sally), b. in Newport, Pa., 4 Sept., 1805; m. Gersham Bun­nell.

1575.   EVE,7 dau. of Martin6 (524), b. 4 Feb., 1770; m. Harvey Bartlett.
4316 James Bartlett,8 b.; d. aged 59.
4317 Nathaniel Bartlett,8 b.; d. aged 55.
4318 Charlotte Bartlett,8 b.; d. aged 48.
4319 Newton Bartlett,8 b.; d. aged 47.
4320 Mabel Bartlett,8 b.; d. aged 24.
4321 Harvey Bartlett,8 b.; d. aged 45.
4322 Lavinia Bartlett,8 b.; d. aged 38.
4323 Clarissa Bartlett,8 b.; m. M. A. Fulton, of Amsterdam, N. Y.; d. aged 36.

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1577.   SARAH,7 dau. of Martin6 (524), b. in Colchester, Conn., ______; m. Aug., 1805, her cousin, Amasa Foote (1585), b. 23 Mar., 1778, son of Hon. Isaac Foote and Mary Kellogg (+525).
They res. in Smyrna, N. Y.; he was deacon in the Congregational Church; a Capt. of Militia.
4324 Asahel Dodridge Foote,8 b. 31 Aug., 1807; d. July, 1837; he was a clergyman.
4325 Sally Kellogg Foote,8 b. 16 Nov., 1809.
4326 Mary Parsons Foote,8 b. 15 May, 1813.
4327 Fanny Amelia Foote,8 b.; d. in infancy.
4328 Edward Warren Foote,8 b. 5 Mar., 1819; m. Oct., 1844, Phebe Stur.
4329 Betsey Newton Foote,8 b. 6 July, 1821.
4330 William Sawtre Foote,8 b. 23 Aug., 1824.

1589.   MARY (MOLLY),7 dau. of Silas6 (526), b. 26 Aug., 1769; m. (1) in Colchester, Conn., about 1788, Capt. John Morrison, of Colerain, Mass.
He d. 30 Aug., 1807, aged 42; she m. (2) Feb., 1812, Ebenezer Baker, of Pawlet, Vt.; d. 11 May, 1849.
4331 Orrille or Orbille Morrison,8 b. in Kingsbury, N. Y., 1789; d. Jan., 1862.
4332 John Thompson Morrison,8 b. 1791; m. Nancy Sargent.
4333 Mary (Polly) Morrison,8 b. 1791; m. Henry Bulckeley; d. Mar., 1868.
4334 Sarah (Sally) Morrison,8 b. 1793; m. Dr. John Sargent; res. in Roch­ester, N. Y.; d. Jan., 1856.
4335 Lyra Morrison,8 b. 1794; d. 1834.
4336 Esther Alma Morrison,8 b. Mar., 1798; m. Elijah Weeks, b. in Stur­bridge, Mass., 6 Oct., 1794, son of David Weeks, of Sturbridge and Pawlet, and Abigail Bond; he d. in Pawlet, 17 Nov., 1860; she d. in Springfield, ill., Mar., 1868.
4337 Miranda Morrison,8 b. in Kingsbury, 11 Mar., 1801; m. in Pawlet, 9 Mar., 1823, John Andrus, b. 17 Mar., 1795, son of Judge John Holms Andrus and Rachel Wiley; he was a farmer; d. in Pawlet, July, 1851.

1591.   SARAH,7 dau. of Silas6 (526), b. 11 July, 1772; m. as his third wife, Samuel Newton.
She d. Oct., 1792, in Galway, N. Y.; he m. (1) Rice; she d.; he m. (2) Alice Dean; shed.; he m. (4) Hannah Bolton; d. 1847.
He was a farmer in Pompey and Manlius, N. Y.
✛4338 Samuel Kellogg Newton,8 b. in Galway, N. Y., 17 Jan., 1792; m. 23 Sept., 1812, Annis Blanchard, b. in Shaftsbury, Vt., 23 July, 1790; she d. 7 Mar., 1872; had five children; he res. in Ludlowville, N. Y.; was a harness-maker; on the death of his mother he was reared by his grandfather Kellogg.

1593.   JOSEPH,7 son of Silas6 (526), b. in New London, N. Y., 12 Jan., 1778; m. 14 Oct., 1804, Sarah Voorhies, b. 28 Nov., 1786, dau. of James Voorhies and Rebecca _______.

316    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She d. 30 Mar., 1858; he d. 28 Sept., 1863. They settled in New Lisbon, Otsego Co., N. Y.
Children b. in New Lisbon.
4339 Rebecca,8 b. 12 Jan., 1806; m. 6 Mar., 1828, Charles Robinson, b. 5 Aug., 1804; res. in Hardwick, N. Y.
4340 Sally,8 b. 25 Mar., 1808; m. 6 Mar., 1833, Samuel Perkins; res la Hardwick.
4341 Casandra,8 b. 28 Apr., 1810; m. Edwin George Buckland.
4342 Martin Voorhies,8 b. 23 Apr., 1812; m. (1) Prudence Remington; (2) Maria E. Bradley.
4343 Silas Cook,8 b. 30 Oct., 1814; m. Ann Swift.
4344 Lucinda W.,8 b. 17 Jan., 1817; m. 23 Mar., 1843, Victor Warren.
4345 William J.,8 b. 10 Sept., 1820; d. 25 Feb., 1821.
4346 William J.,8 b. 17 Jan., 1822; m. Maria W. Head.
4347 Eliza Maria,8 b. 31 Aug., 1824; d. 20 Feb., 1826.
4348 Henry Joseph,8 b. 15 Sept., 1827; m. Emma Malvina Bower.
4349 Eliza Maria,8 b. 12 Jan., 1832; m. Salmon Johnson.

1594.   BENJAMIN,7 son of Silas6 (526), b. 22 Nov., 1783; m. in Milton, N. Y., 1803, Huldah Goodrich, b. 16 June, 1786, dau. of Allen Goodrich, b. in Conn., 8 Dec., 1751, and Elizabeth Bangs, b. in Lenox, Mass., 4 Sept., 1759.
She d. in Milton, 15 Dec., 1820.
He res. in New Lisbon and in Cooperstown, N. Y.; was a shoemaker; enlisted in the army 1814, in Capt. Pettengill's Co.; was reported "missing" and was last heard from 11 June, 1814, when he wrote a letter to his wife, from Sacket Harbor.
4350 Elizabeth,8 b. 19 Oct., 1805; d. 1807.
4351 Sarah,8 b. 16 Mar., 1807; m. 23 Feb., 1831, Stephen Tibbitts, of Ballston Spa, N. Y.
4352 Esther Amanda,8 b. 29 Jan., 1809; m. (1) Lewis Benedict; (2) Joel Gould.
4353 Allen Goodrich,8 b. 4 Mar., 1811; m. Harriet Elliott.
4354 Elizabeth Bangs,8 b. 18 Apr., 1813; m. (1) Justin Morgan Thatcher; (2) Justin Morgan.

1607.   ASA,7 son of Jonathan6 (530), b. in West Halifax, Vt., 13 Oct., 1795; m. 16 Jan., 1822, Sarah Haven, b. 13 Nov., 1795, dau. of Elijah Haven, b. 5 Dec., 1772, and Sally Johnson, b. 13 Feb., 1773.
Both d. in Greenfield, 28 Oct., 1888, and were buried together.
He was a farmer in Halifax, Vt., until 1863, on the farm where his father, had lived all his married life. They res. in Greenfield, Mass., and lived together sixty-six years.
Children, b. in Halifax.
4355 Elijah Northam,8 b. 12 Feb., 1823; m. Emily Naomi Hitchcock.
4356 Mary Flagg,8 b. 24 Dec., 1826; m. Albert Ashman Hitchcock.
4357 Clarinda Maria,8 b. 18 Apr., 1832; m. Henry Augustus Holden.
4358 George Clinton,8 b. 4 Feb., 1840; m. Jennie Philena Campbell.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    317

1609.   JOEL,7 son of Jonathan6 (530), b. in Halifax, Vt., 1803; m. 13 Dec., 1837, Belinda Scott, bap. 31 Mar., 1799, dau. of Joseph Scott and Mary Blood.
She d. in Westminster, Vt., July, 1833; he d. in Hadley, May, 1810. Res. in Westminster, Vt., and Hadley, Mass.
Children, b. in Westminster.
4359 Joseph,8 b. 6 Sept., 1828; d. unm. in the United States Hospital at Point of Rocks, Va., 27 Jan., 1865; in Apr., 1861, he enlisted for three months in Col. Wallace's Reg. of Illinois Volunteers; in 1863 in the Thirteenth New York Artillery; he served on the gunboat Foster; from exposure he lost his reason, which he never recovered.
4360 Charles,8 b. 21 Mar., 1830; m. Sophronia Amanda Ferry.
4361 Mary Ann,8 b. 21 Sept., 1832; m. Albert Morton.

1610.   ISRAEL,7 son of Israel6 (531), b. in Canaan, Conn., 24 Feb., 1798; m. (1) 1831, Harriet Susan Elizabeth Ely, dau. of Dr. Joseph Ely, of Johnstown, N. Y.
She d. 4 Feb., 1836; he m. (2) 20 Mar., 1838, Irene (Loomis) Rowls, of Little Falls, N. Y., a widow, b. 1802, dau. of Israel Loomis, b. 27 Sept., 1768, and Irene Lee, b. 21 Oct., 1770.
She d. 31 Mar., 1875; he d. 13 Sept., 1880.
They res. in Kalamazoo, Mich.
Child by first wife, b. in Clayton, N. Y.
4362 Joseph Ely,8 b. 19 July, 1833; m. Sarah Bradley Brown.
Children by second wife.
4363 Sarah Maria,8 b. 27 Mar., 1839; d. in Kalamazoo, 19 June, 1849.
4364 Harriet Irene,8 b. in Coloma, Mich., 12 Aug., 1841; is unm.
4365 Frank Israel,8 b. in Kalamazoo, 20 Aug., 1846; m. Mary Foster Underwood.
4366 Mary Dimis,8 b. in Kalamazoo, 11 July, 1851; m. George Herbert Wheelock.

1616.   AMOS,7 son of Amos6 (532), b. in Colchester, Conn., 5 June, 1782; m. 20 May, 1807, Lydia Smith, b. 26 Feb., 1786, dau. of Simon Smith, of Westfield.
He d. in Amherst, in the fall of 1820; res. in Greenwich, Mass.; she m. (2) (pub. in Westfield, 30 Dec., 1826), Spencer Smith, of South Amherst, b. 5 July, 1787; d. in Amherst, 25 Nov., 1830.
Children, b. in Greenwich.
4367 William Smith,8 b. 13 Mar., 1809; m. Margaret Bissell Barber.
4368 Charles Pomeroy,8 b. 7 May, 1812; d. unm., 31 Dec., 1846; was a jeweler; res. in Belchertown, Mass.
4369 Mary Abigail,8 b. 26 June, 1815; m. Charles Olds.
4370 George Washington,8 b. 18 Jan., 1818; m. Lucina West.

1618.   ELAM,7 son of Amos6 (532), b. in Colchester, Conn., 30 Dec., 1786; m. 6 Feb., 1817, Lura Hall, b. 6 Sept., 1789, dau. of George Hall, of Vernon, Conn., and Lura Lathrop.
She d. 29 Mar., 1864; he d. 21 Oct., 1871.

318    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He was a carpenter and farmer. Their home was a quarter of a mile north of the old homestead and was built in 1824. He res. in Somers, where all his children were b.
4371 Henry,8 b. 9 Nov., 1817; d. unm., 30 Aug., 1877, aged 58; res. on the old farm in Somers.
4372 Elam Wells,8 b. 30 Dec., 1820; d. unm., 18 Oct., 1846.
4373 Eliza,8 b. 17 Oct., 1823; d. 10 Feb., 1853.
4374 Lura Hall,8 b. 20 Nov., 1829; is unm.
4375 Amos Sterling,8 b. 9 May, 1831; m. Henrietta Matilda Pease.

1619.   CHARLES,7 son of Amos6 (532), b. in Colchester, Conn., 14 Jan., 1789; m. 28 May, 1817, Mary Olmstead, b. June, 1797, dau. of Simeon Olmstead, of Enfield, Conn., b. 23 Jan., 1774, and Abigail Collins, b. 10 Apr., 1774.
She d. 13 or 14 Feb., 1861; he d. 24 Oct., 1880, aged 91.
He res. in Berlin, O.; rem. to Berlin in the autumn of 1826. He first en­tered one hundred acres of land and later bought one hundred and twenty acres more. On these lands was located a valuable stone quarry, which he worked.
4376 Mariva,8 b. 2 Mar., 1818; d. young.
4377 Simeon,8 b. 7 Aug., 1821; d. young.
4378 Simeon Olmstead,8 b. in Greenwich, Mass., 11 Aug., 1823; m. Mrs. Mimard; res. in Berlin Heights, O.
4379 Mariva,8 b. in Berlin, 9 June, 1827; m. Nathaniel Hine.
4380 Mary L.,8 b. 31 Dec., 1829; m. Homer Brooks.
4381 Everton Judson,8 b. 19 May, 1832; m. 24 Feb., 1872, Mary Wriker, b. 7 June, 1850, dau. of Jacob A. Wriker, b. 14 Mar., 1831, and Helen R. Dalzell, b. 14 Mar., 1831; he was a farmer in Berlin Heights; had five children.
4382 Charles,8 b. 11 Dec., 1835; d. in Berlin, Mar., 1847.

1621.   ISRAEL,7 son of Amos6 (532), b. in Colchester, Conn., 14 Nov., 1792; m. 25 June, 1818, Jerusha Pease, of Somers, Conn., b. 20 July, 1796, dau. of Deacon Giles Pease, b. in Somers, 13 Apr., 1763, and Jerusha Pitkin, b. in Bolton, Conn., 27 Jan., 1766.
He d. 29 Mar., 1867; she d. 26 Aug., 1872; both are buried in Rockville He was a merchant and farmer in Rockville, Conn., West Springfield., Mass, and Ellington, Conn.; was a soldier in the war of 1812.
4383 Delia,8 b. 6 Mar., 1820; d. unm., in Rockville, 15 Nov., 1862.
4384 Martha Fuller,8 b. 8 Apr., 1822; d. unm., in Somers, 18 Feb., 1875; was a music teacher.
4385 Giles Pease,8 b. 15 Nov., 1823; m. (1) Malinda Dyer Laird, (2) Emilissa Frisbie.
4386 Theodore Pitkin,8 b. 7 Jan., 1827; m. Pamelia Dickinson Bissell.
4387 Lorenzo,8 b. 2 Jan., 1829; m. Mary Brigham Gager.
4388 Edwin Pomeroy,8 b. 24 Nov., 1830; m. (1) Ann Maria Greenleaf, (2) Emma Maston Gwillin.

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4389 Julius Augustus,8 b. 7 Oct., 1834; m. Abigail Jane Helme.
4390 William,8 b. 23 Mar., 1837; is a photographer in Boston; is unm.

1622.   ENOS,7 son of Amos6 (532), b. 2 Feb., 1798; m. in Somers, Conn., 5 Nov., 1829, Elizabeth Patten, his cousin, b. in Stafford, Conn., 1 Sept., 1806, dau. of Nathaniel Patten, of Stafford, b. 9 Apr., 1766, and Eunice Pomeroy, b. 11 Dec., 1770.
She d. in Kenwood, N. Y., 28 June, 1863; he d. in the same place, 25 Feb., 1879.
He was a farmer; lived on the old homestead in Somers until he joined the Oneida Community, Oneida, N. Y., 18 May, 1849.
Children, b. in Somers.
4391 Charles Hyde,8 b. 9 June, 1831; d. in Somers, 4 Dec., 1832.
4392 Mary Elizabeth,8 b. 5 July, 1833; she joined the Oneida Community with her parents in 1849.
4393 Charles Otis,8 b. 17 Aug., 1836; m. Olive Ann Nash.
4394 George Reynolds,8 b. 11 Oct., 1838; m. Mary Lucretia Bolles.

1636.   DAVID,7 son of Stephen6 (537), b. in Shelbume, Mass., 29 Apr., 1781; m. in Goshen, 16 Feb., 1809, Sophia Bassett, b. 4 Sept., 1783, dau. of Joseph Bassett, of Goshen, Mass.
She d. in Pittsfield, Mass., 25 Feb., 1862, aged 78; he d. in Windsor, Vt., 5 July, 1866, aged 85.
She was admitted to the church in Windsor, Mass., 7 July, 1816, from Goshen. He was admitted to the church in Windsor, Mass., 11 May, 1823; dis­missed, 12 July, 1842.
He was a farmer; rem. from Goshen to Windsor, Mass., where he lived about twenty years; thence to Cummington, Mass., where he lived about twelve years; thence to Pittsfield, Mass., where he lived with his son, Austin.
Children, last four bap. in Windsor, Mass.
4395 Jane Allen,8 b. 11 July, 1810; m. Lewis Tucker Cobb.
4396 Luther L.,8 b. in Windsor, 16 Apr., 1813; m. Minerva Burnell Wash­burn.
4397 Austin Wells,8 b. in Windsor, 15 Dec., 1815; m. Nancy Ann Cairn Cross.
4398 Ralsaman Bassett,8 b. 13 July, 1818; m. Mary Arabella Benson.
4399 Pliny Fisk,8 b. 22 Mar., 1821; d. 20 Aug., 1822.
4400 Cynthia Sophia,8 b. 18 Feb., 1825; m. Horace Hosford.

1637.   SARAH,7 dau. of Stephen6 (537), b. in Goshen, Mass., 5 July, 1785; m. in Goshen, 29 Oct., 1807, John Eldridge, a farmer, b. in Ashfield, Mass., 28 May, 1783, son of Eli Eldridge and Rebecca Howland.
She d. 21 Jan., 1838; he m. (2) 3 Jan., 1839, Mrs. Mary Belding; he m. (3) Mrs. Lucy Angel, who d. 5 July, 1851; d. in Ashfield, 17 Nov., 1863.
4401 Rufus Kellogg Eldridge,8 b. 26 Feb., 1809; m. (1) Sophia Brown; she d. Dec., 1844; he m. (2) 25 Nov., 1845, Roxy Dickinson; d. in Shelburne Falls, Mass., 20 Jan., 1877.

320    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4402 Jabez Howland Eldridge,8 b. 12 Mar., 1811; m. Feb., 1837, Julia Ann Johnson, of Hadley, Mass.; was a farmer; d. 13 Nov., 1838; had one child; she m. (2) Salem Hammond, of Amherst, Mass.
4403 Erastus Eldridge,8 b. 19 Mar., 1816; d. 4 June, 1827.
4404 John Eldridge,8 b. 31 Oct., 1818; m. 21 Dec., 1842, Anna Farley; he was a farmer in Ashfield, Mass.
4405 Orlando Eldridge,8 b. 3 May, 1822; m. about 1846, Harriet McLaugh­lin; he was a street-car conductor.
4406 Pamelia Fish Eldridge,8 b. 11 May, 1825; m. 17 Jan., 1862, Lyman Randall, of Worthington, Mass.; he d. 1 Dec., 1876; had no chil­dren.
4407 Cordelia Eldridge,8 b. 6 May, 1828; m. Nov., 1853; James D. Shipman, of Goshen; he was a farmer; had three children.

1638.   LORINDA,7 dau. of Stephen6 (537), b.; m. Hiram Barber, of Windsor, Mass.
She d. in Lee, N. Y.
4408 Zarina Barber,8 b. ______.
4409 Lorenzo Barber,8 b. ______.
4410 Nancy Barber,8 b. ______.
4411 Quincy Barber,8 b. ______.
4412 Stephen Barber,8 b. ______.
4413 Charles Barber,8 b. ______.
4414 Wesley Barber,8 b. ______.

1639.   CLARISSA,7 dau. of Stephen6 (537), b. 1788; m. in Goshen, Mass., 22 Sept., 1808, Jonathan Lilly, b. 30 July, 1785, son of Jonathan Lilly and Sarah Foster.
She d. 26 Feb., 1843; he d. 25 Aug., 1849.
He was a carpenter and builder in Ashfield, Mass.
4415 Mary Bassett Lilly,8 b. 6 Apr., 1809; d. 28 Aug., 1814.
4416 Abigail S. Lilly,8 b. 13 May, 1811; m. David S. Howes, a farmer of Ashfield; d. 25 Aug., 1863.
4417 Malinda Fisk Lilly,8 b. 4 Sept., 1814; m. (1) about 1835, Samuel Ford, a carpenter of Phelps, N. Y.; she m. (2) Abraham Crumb, of Phelps; d. 19 Dec., 1870.
4418 Mary Bassett Lilly,8 b. 4 Apr., 1816; m. 15 Dec., 1836, John Hart, a merchant of Boston, Mass.
4419 Maria Lilly,8 b. 8 May, 1819; m. 3 Oct., 1845, William B. Taylor, a laborer of Chicopee, Mass.; d. 22 Jan., 1854; he m. (2) Louisa Vining, and res. in Saratoga, N. Y.
4420 Clarissa Lilly,8 b. 17 June, 1821; m. 26 Jan., 1843, E. Benjamin Taylor, a farmer of Chesterfield, Mass.; d. 25 Sept., 1856; he d. July, 1864.
4421 Sextus Bodridge Lilly,8 b. 14 May, 1824; m. 1845, Louisa Wood, of Rome, N. Y.

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4422 Asaph Foster Lilly,8 b. 28 Sept., 1826; m. about 1849, Mary Havens; res. in New Haven, Conn.; d. Jan., 1853.
4423 Jonathan Alonzo Lilly,8 b. 24 June, 1829; m. 1 Oct., 1852, Maria E. Tilden; res. in Chesterfield; d. 1 Feb., 1873; she m. (2) Nov., 1874, Robert Damon, a farmer of Williamsburg, Mass.
4424 Erastus Vetts Lilly,8 b. 23 Apr., 1832; m. 22 July, 1862, Hannah Eliza­beth Smith, of Huntington, Mass., b. 8 Oct., 1838, dau. of Horace Smith, b. in Chester, Mass., 26 July, 1792, and Martha Perry, b. in Peru, Mass., 3 Aug., 1799. He was selectman of Huntington; Deputy Sheriff of Hampshire and Berkshire Counties; a soldier in the war of the rebellion; enlisted 6 Jan., 1862; was wounded 5 June, 1864; First Lieut, of Co. B, Thirty-fourth Massachusetts Volunteers; promoted to Capt. for meritorious conduct in the field; d. in Northampton, Mass., 13 Mar., 1878.

1640.   HARVEY,7 son of Stephen6 (537), b. in Goshen, Mass., 15 Feb., 1790; m. Permelia Golding, dau. of Jesse Golding.
He d. in French Creek, N. Y., 22 Apr., 1860; she d. 1871.
4425 Lovisa Maria,8 b. in Genesee Co., N. Y., 1822; m. 1841, James Mil­ton Reid; d. in French Creek, 12 Oct., 1846; had no children.
4426 William Hervey,8 b. 2 Feb., 1824; m. Amanda Harriet Howell.
4427 Luseba Adams,8 b. in French Creek, 30 Mar., 1826; m. Daniel Jacob Hulett.
4428 Warren De Los,8 b. 24 Nov., 1827; m. (1) Lois Knapp; (2) Jane Bonsall.
4429 Julia Ann,8 b. 19 May, 1831; m. 13 Feb., 1850, Robert Coe, b. in French Creek, 22 Jan., 1822, son of Roswell Coe and Polly Potter; he was a miner, sailor and farmer; a Republican; had no children.
4430 Charles Ozro,8 b. 13 Mar., 1834; m. Elizabeth Hall.
4431 Henry Seward,8 b. 19 Sept., 1837; d. in French Creek, 3 Nov., 1861.

1641.   RUBY,7 dau. of Stephen6 (537), b.; m. 20 Mar., 1814, Rev.
Preston Taylor, b. in Ashfield, Mass., 28 Nov., 1793, son of Stephen Taylor and Amy Maynard.
She d. 26 Feb., 1861; he d. 6 Dec., 1871; both d. in Schoolcraft, Mich.

4432 Preston P. Taylor,8 b. ______.
4433 Ruby Taylor,8 b. ______.
4434 Marshall T. M. Taylor,8 b. _______; m. (1) Elizabeth Chase; d. ­she m. (2) Paul Ackers.
4435 Walter Taylor,8 b. ______.
4436 Ellen Taylor,8 b. ______.
4437 Frank Richardson Taylor,8 b. ______.
4438 Stephen Kellogg Taylor,8 b. ______.
4439 Elizabeth Taylor,8 b. ______.
4440 Elva Louvilla Taylor,8 b. ______.

322    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1644.   LEVI,7 son of Joseph6 (538), b. ______; m. ( 1 ) Jerusha Huntley, of ­Middlebury, N. Y.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Eunice Bishop; d. in Peoria, Ill., 28 Nov., 1856; she d. ______.
He was a shoemaker; rem. from Middlebury to Illinois.
Children by first wife.
4441 Orrin,8 b. 22 May, 1816; m. (1) Henrietta Matilda Nichols; (2) Mrs. Harriet (Wing) Day.
4442 Myron,8 b.; m. Polly Butler; d. ______.
4443 Chester,8 b. 11 Aug., 1819; m. Sylvia Seekins.
4444 Calvin C.,8 b. 5 May, 1826; m. Martha Sophia Forbes.
4445 Anson,8 b.; m. Mary Wayman; both d. in Parsons, Kas.
Children by second wife.
4446 Dennis,8 b. ______.
4447 Mary Jane,8 b.; m. Lawson; res. in Brimfield, Ill.
4448 Frank,8 b. ______.
4449 Porter,8 b.; res. in Harlan, la.
4450 Nancy,8 b. ______.
4451 Lucy,8 b. ______.
4452 George,8 b. ______; res. in Denver, Col.

1645.   JOSEPH,7 son of Joseph6 (538), b.; m. Sophia Jane Storey, b. in New Grantham, N. H., 1 Nov., 1799, dau. of Rev. Cyrus Storey.
He d. 1850; she d. in Hume, N. Y., 8 Jan., 1893.
They res. in Covington and Centerville, N. Y., and Elkhorn Grove, Ill.
After his death she res. with her dau., Mary L. Babbitt, in Rushford, N. Y.
4453 Cyrus Storey,8 b. 1821; m. in Illinois, Laura Healy; she d. in 1880, in Unionville, Nev.; had no children; he emigrated to Elkhorn Grove, in 1840; in 1853 to Salt Lake; in 1854 to California; was a farmer and stock raiser; d. 1 Feb., 1898, having been frozen to death near Reno; Nev.
4454 Martha Calpurnia,8 b. 1824; m. Henry B. Bradley.
4455 Mary Louis,8 b. 1825; m. Horace Babbitt.
4456 Benjamin Franklin,8 b. 1826; studied medicine in St. Louis, Mo., with Dr. Bragg, brother of the confederate Gen.; went to California in 1858; d. unm. in Sacramento, 19 Mar., 1859.
4457 William Hoag,8 b. 15 May, 1829; m. Sarah Keziah Brooks.
4458 Lovina,8 b. 11 Jan., 1830; m. Leonard M. Healy.
4459 Cynthia Angeline,8 b. 1 Dec., 1831; m. Flasel Ruthven Palmer.
4460 George Washington,8 b. 20 May, 1837; m. Nancy Caroline Thompson.
4461 Charles Francis Asbury,8 b. 12 Sept., 1840; m. (1) Kate Coleman; (2) Mary Rosalie Beaumont.

1646.   MARY ,7 dau. of Joseph6 (538), b. in Rome, N. Y., 12 Apr­1798; m. in Middlebury, N. Y., 20 Oct., 1815, Amos Peck, b. in Cheshire, Co 7 Sept., 1790.

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She d. 20 Sept., 1863; he d. in Rushford, N. Y., 6 Nov., 1866. He was a farmer; a soldier in the war of 1812.
✛4462 Sarah Peck,8 b. 20 Sept., 1816; m. 21 Aug., 1842, Ruben Rogers; d. in Wyoming, N. Y., 11 Aug., 1862.
4463 Philena Peck,8 b. 3 Jan., 1817; m. 25 Aug., 1852, William Woods; d. in Moscow, N. Y., 13 Feb., 1877.
4464 Lorenzo Peck,8 b. 16 Sept., 1819; m. 12 Jan., 1844, Eliza Dingman.
4465 Philetus Peck,8 b. 26 Oct., 1821; m. 4 May, 1852, Nancy Lawrence.
4466 Igel Peck,8 b. 8 Dec., 1823; m. 9 June, 1853, Amelia Tarbell; d. in Rushford, 20 Apr., 1880.
4467 Mary Peck,8 b. 1 Sept., 1826; m. 24 Jan., 1843, Jason G. Miller.
4468 Armena Peck,8 b. 29 Mar., 1831; m. 12 Dec., 1850, Daniel Clark Woods; he was a farmer in Rushford.

1648.   PETER,7 son of Joseph6 (538), b. 16 Dec., 1801, in New York State; m. Millicent Olmstead, b. 5 Nov., 1796.
He d. in Alexandria, Minn.
They res. in Cattaraugus, N. Y., Erie Co., Pa., and Alexandria, Minn. He was prominent in the community; was a training master, etc.
4469 Matilda Betsey,8 b. 20 July, 1825; m. Rev. James B. Hammond, of the Methodist Episcopal Erie Conference; d. 4 Aug., 1854, in Franklin, Pa.; had children.
4470 Elias Chappel,8 b. 19 June, 1827; m.; d. Feb., 1893, in Frank­lin; his widow res. in Franklin.
4471 Almeda Meridy,8 b. 15 Aug., 1830; m. (1) Harrison Hull; (2) Wil­liam Parrish.
4472 Justus Olmstead,8 b. 27 Jan., 1835; m. Ann Eliza Hull.
4473 Joseph,8 b. 20 Dec., 1836; m. (1) Margaret Ann Goodban; (2) Mary Ann Farber.
4474 Leander,8 b. 1 Feb., 1839; m. (1) Esther Pattison; (2) Mary Eliza­beth Westerfield.

1656.   JAMES,7 son of Jonathan6 (540), b. in Vermont, 21 May, 1799; m. 1823, Olive Tolman, b. in Brighton, Canada, 14 Sept., 1803, dau. of William Tol­man.
She d. Mar., 1843; he d. 20 Sept., 1872.
He was a farmer in Northumberland, Canada; was a Baptist and a Re­former.
Children, all except John, b. in Haldimand, Canada.
4475 William Dennis,8 b. 9 Sept., 1825; m. Mary Beals.
4476 Julia Ann,8 b. 21 May, 1827; m. Seth Hubbell.
4477 David,8 b. 17 Oct., 1828; m. (1) Huldah Florena Peters; (2) Eliza Rouse.
4478 Amaziah,8 b. 15 Mar., 1831; m. Eunice Crawford.
4479 Almira,8 b. 1 Nov., 1833; m. Seth Hubbell.
4480 Experience,8 b. 4 Mar., 1836; m. Luke Frink.

324    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4481 John,8 b. in Vernonville, Canada, 10 Apr., 1838; m. Margaret Elizabeth Peters.
4482 Olive,8 b. 3 Mar., 1843; m. Israel Hulbert.

1657.   IRA,7 son of Jonathan6 (540), b. in Vermont; m. ______.
He d. in Canada; was a farmer.
4483 James Franklin,8 b.; m. ______.
4484 Almeron,8 b. ______.
4485 Ira,8 b.; m. ______.
4486 Charles Listern,8 b. in Whitby, Ont., 24 Sept., 1843; m. 24 Sept., 1863, Adelaide Theresa Kellogg (9981), b. in Ridgeway, Pa., 28 Sept., 1850; was a dentist, Congregationalist and Prohibitionist, he d. 28 June, 1892; she res. in Jamestown, N. Y.
4487 Thomas Jefferson,8 b.; m. ______.
4488 Anna,8 b. ______.
4489 Louisa,8 b. ______.
4490 Sophronia,8 b. ______.
4491 Adel,8 b. ______.

1658.   AURELIA,7 dau. of Jonathan6 (540), b. in Vermont, or New York, 21 Nov., 1803; m. 17 Dec., 1821, Almirin Graves, b. 18 Apr., 1802, son of Waters Graves.
She d. 10 June, 1880; he d. 11 Oct., 1889, in Cassadaga, N. Y. They res. in Cassadaga.
4492 Sarah (Sally) Ann Graves,8 b. 30 Aug., 1822; m. 2 May, 1840, Hiram Curtiss.
4493 James Graves,8 b. 16 Nov., 1823.
4494 Harriet M. Graves,8 b. 22 Apr., 1826; m. Henry Forde.
4495 Esther Graves,8 b. 9 Aug., 1827; m. Thomas Sanders.
4496 Caroline Graves,8 b. 27 Feb., 1829; m. Daniel Pickett.
4497 Aurelia Graves,8 b. 9 June, 1830; d. 22 Oct., 1836.
4498 Walter Graves,8 b. 7 Feb., 1832; d. young.
4499 John Lutman Graves,8 b. 23 Apr., 1833; d. young.
4500 Lorenzo Corydon Graves,8 b. 21 Aug., 1835; res. in Spokane, Wash.
4501 Jerome S. Graves,8 b. 28 Nov., 1843; res. in Spokane.

1659.   FRANKLIN,7 son of Jonathan6 (540), b. in Colborne, Ontario, 12 June, 1808; m. (1) Mary (Polly) Galloway.
She d. about 1846; he m. (2) in Tillsonburg, Ontario, 9 Feb., 1849, Hannah Richardson, b. in Roat, Yorkshire, England, 3 June, 1831; d. in Cresco, Ia., 27 Apr., 1878.
He was a soldier in Co. D, Sixth Iowa Cavalry; was disabled and drew pension.
4502 Phebe Ann,8 b. 15 July, 1834; m. (1) George Weeks; (2) Thomas Friend.

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4503 Aurelia,8 b. 14 Jan., 1837; m. Clement Flagg; res. in Bon Homme, S. D.
4504 Matthew,8 b. in Whitby, Ont., 15 Jan., 1841; m. Virginia Frances Barrick.
4505 Benoni,8 b. 8 June, 1843; he was shot through the heart by bush­whackers while on picket duty in Helena, Ark., and d. 8 Mar., 1863; he served in the Fourth Iowa Cavalry; was unm.
4506 Mary,8 b. 8 July, 1845; d. ______.
Child by second wife.
4507 George Henry,8 b. in London, Canada, 1 Dec., 1853; m. (1) Mabel McCulloch; (2) Myrtle Brooks.

1666.   EZEKIEL,7 son of Silas6 (541), b. 19 June, 1810; m. 8 Oct., 1833, Lydia Brooks, of Persia, N. Y., b. 23 Feb., 1816.
They res. in Rockdale Township, Pa.
4508 Philander,8 b. 3 Oct., 1835; d. 13 Aug., 1853.
4509 Lurinda,8 b. 17 May, 1838; m. _______, 3 June, 1854.
4510 Mary,8 b. 3 June, 1840; d. 29 June, 1859.
4511 Emeline,8 b. 8 Dec., 1842; m. _______, 19 Dec., 1858.
4512 Orvis,8 b. 26 Sept., 1845; was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion; is supposed to have been killed in the battle of Spottsylvania Court House, 8 May, 1864.
4513 Maria,8 b. 29 June, 1848; d. 9 May, 1852.
4514 Nelson H.,8 b. 7 Apr., 1850; m. _______, 2 May, 1875.
4515 Oscar H.,8 b. 4 Feb., 1854; m. _______, 8 Jan., 1876.
4516 Sarpeta,8 b. 22 Mar., 1856.
4517 William,8 b. 18 Apr., 1858.
4518 Rosaville,8 b. 21 July, 1862.

1667.   RUEL,7 son of Silas6 (541), b. 13 Aug., 1812; m. 1832, Harriet Snyder.
He d. 6 Mar., 1867; res. in Bremer Co., la.
4519 Dighton,8 b.; res. in Buckcreek, la.

1668.   SALOME,7 dau. of Silas6 (541), b. 20 Dec., 1815; m. 1832, Benjamin P. Snyder.
She d. 1857.
4520 Zalmon R. Snyder,8 b. ______.
4521 Electa Snyder,8 b. ______.
4522 Dorothea Snyder,8 b. ______.
4523 Silas O. Snyder,8 b. ______.
4524 Emery Snyder,8 b. ______.

1669.   JOSEPH,7 son of Silas6 (541), b. 16 May, 1818; m. 1841, Fanny Olm­stead.
She d. in Parkersburgh, la.; he res. in Axial, Col., in 1901.

326    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4525 Sarah,8 b. ______.
4526 John W.,8 b. ______.
4527 Melvin,8 b. ______.
4528 Melvill,8 b. ______.
4529 J. E.,8 b. 1852.
4530 R. A.,8 b. 1861.

1670.   LYMAN,7 son of Silas6 (541), b. in Middlebury, N. Y., 20 Sept., 1820; m. (1) Jan., 1844, Mary Ann Anderson, b. 3 Mar., 1825, dau. of William Ander­son, of Rockdale, Crawford Co., Pa.
She d. 5 Mar., 1854; he m. (2) 29 Mar., 1855, Margaret Ann Borland, of Rockdale.
He served as a soldier in the civil war in the One Hundred and Sixty-ninth Pennsylvania Militia. He was a farmer in Richmond, Pa.
4531 Silas,8 b. 10 Jan., 1845; d. 28 Dec., 1860.
4532 Amasa Chapman,8 b. 30 Aug., 1846; was unm. in 1878.
4533 Jefferson,8 b. 26 Mar., 1848; d. 8 Apr., 1849.
4534 James Clinton,8 b. 7 Jan., 1850; d. 30 Dec., 1860.
4535 Robert La Fayette,8 b. 19 Nov., 1851; d. 6 Feb., 1871.

1671.   MARY,7 dau. of Silas6 (541), b. 27 Nov., 1823; m. (1) 1842; Robert I. Anderson, of Rockdale, Pa.
He d.; she m. (2) 1861, Andrew I. Fullerton, of Rockdale; d. 6 June, 1877.

4536 Silas J.,8 b. ______.
4537 Cranner I.,8 b. ______.
4538 Ralph,8 b. ______.

1678.   NATHAN FAIRCHILD,7 son of Daniel6 (543), b. in Norwalk, Conn., about 1752; m. in Ridgefield, Conn., 29 Mar., 1779, Mrs. Hannah (Wasson) Moorhouse, b. 4 Mar., 1752.
He d. Mar., 1823; she d. in Davenport, N. Y., Nov., 1829.
He res. in Ridgefield, his home lying west of that of Widow Jared St. John. He was unfortunate in endorsements for a friend; lost his property and rem. to the State of New York.
He was a soldier in the revolution; enlisted in Capt. Benedict's Co., Col Bradley's Battalion, 22 June, 1776; was discharged 27 Dec., same year.
Children, b. in Ridgefield.
4539 Isa,8 b. 12 Jan., 1780; m. Eunice St. John.
4540 Shilomith,8 b. 15 Dec., 1782; m. Shubael Warren.
4541 Hannah,8 b. 3 Mar., 1785; m. Stephen Olmsted.
4542 Lewis,8 b. 21 Aug., 1787; m. Alice Salisbury.
4543 Nathan,8 b. 10 Dec., 1789; m. Lucy Sherwood.
4544 Joel,8 b. 2 July, 1792; m. Harriet Donaldson.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    327

1679.   ELIJAH,7 son of Daniel6 (543), b. near Ridgefield, Conn., 3 June, 1754; m. 4 Jan., 1781, Sarah Jones, b. 20 May, 1759.
She d. 11 Feb., 1836; he d. 27 Mar., 1845.
He was a saddler; learned the trade in Norwalk, Conn. About 1792 rem. from Ridgefield, Conn., to Milton, N. Y. In their old age they rem. to the home of their son in Castile and d. there.
He was a revolutionary soldier; served in Col. Waterbury's Reg., 10 May to 17 Sept., 1775; in the Fifth Connecticut Reg., Capt. John St. John, Col. Philip B. Bradley, from 1 July, 1780, five months and thirteen days.
Children, first seven b. in Ridgefield, others in Milton.
4545 Mary (Polly),8 b. 14 Sept., 1781; m. Eli Mattoon.
4546 Jacob,8 b. 18 Dec., 1782; m. (1) Priscilla Wood; (2) Susan Johnson; (3) Abi Wood.
4547 Jonathan,8 b. 17 Apr., 1784; m. (1) Roxanna Calkins; (2) Esther Buck.
4548 Sarah (Sally),8 b. 1 Jan., 1786; m. Ripley Calkins.
4549 Catherine,8 b. 8 Aug., 1787; m. Charles Calkins.
4550 Walter,8 b. 1 Mar., 1789; m. Anna Holmes.
4551 Mabel,8 b. 8 Sept., 1791; m. David Romer.
4552 Louden,8 b. 26 Feb., 1793; m. Emma Sprague.
4553 Daniel,8 b. 1 Nov., 1795; m. about 1823, Sarah Baker, whose father came from East Hampton, Long Island, N. Y.; d. of paralysis, 17 Jan., 1878; she d. in 1880; had no children.
4554 Elijah,8 b. 28 Sept., 1797; m. Tamar Palmer.
4555 Juliette,8 b. 29 Aug., 1799; m. David Hess.
4556 Ebenezer,8 b. 13 July, 1801; m. Lydia Moore.

1680.   MABEL,7 dau. of Daniel6 (543), b. about 1758; m. Deacon Ezra Nash, b. 25 Feb., 1758, son of Abraham Nash, b. Oct., 1718, and Rhoda Keeler.
They res. in Ballston, N. Y.
4557 John Nash,8 b. ______.
4558 Sally Nash,8 b. ______.
4559 Rhoda Nash,8 b. ______.
4560 Minerva Nash,8 b. ______.

1681.   EUNICE,7 dau. of Daniel6 (543), b. about 1760; m. 4 June, 1780, Jonathan Nash, b. 14 Apr., 1760, son of Abraham Nash, b. Oct., 1718, and Rhoda Keeler.
They res. in Ballston, N. Y.
4561 Hannah Nash,8 b. ______.
4562 Esther Nash,8 b. ______.

4563 Jonathan Nash,8 b. ______.
4564 Isaac Nash,8 b. ______.
4565 Elma Nash,8 b. ______.

1684.   ELIZABETH,7 dau. of Daniel6 (543), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 19 Dec., 1768; m. 1 Jan., 1796, Benjamin Keeler, b. in Wilton, Conn., 1 Aug., 1771, son of Timothy Keeler, and Hannah Hickok.

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He d. in Ridgefield, Conn., 17 Mar., 1812; she d. in the same place, 26 July, 1839.
4566 Daniel Kellogg Reeler,8 b. 3 Feb., 1799; m. 28 Nov., 1827, Hannah Partrick; he was a farmer in Ridgefield; had three children.
4567 Catherine Reeler,8 b. 18 July, 1802.
4568 Eliza Esther Reeler,8 b. 11 Sept., 1806; m. Daniel Patrick, of Ridge­field; d. 7 June, 1876; had three children.
4569 Clara Elma Reeler,8 b. 9 Feb., 1808; m. A. Hathaway; res. in Michigan; had three children.

1686.   EBENEZER,7 son of Daniel6 (543), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 27 Dec., 1772; m. in Ridgefield, about 1799, Martha Northrup, b. in Ridgefield, 10 Nov., 1779.
She d. 29 Dec., 1830, in Friendship, N. Y.; he m. (2) in Unadilla, N. Y., Mrs. Betsey (Baldwin) Doud, widow of Seth Doud; she d. in Bolivar, N. Y., 16 May, 1845; he d. in Niles, Alleghany Co., N. Y., at the home of his son, Edwin, 27 Apr., 1867.
He was a farmer and nailmaker; res. in Ridgefield until about 1805, when he rem. to Butternuts, N. Y., where he res. about twenty years. He then rem. to Friendship, now Bolivar, N. Y. He was a Methodist and a Democrat.
4570 Daniel,8 b. in Ridgefield, 11 Dec., 1800; m. Sophia Hitchcock.
4571 Abigail,8 b. in Ridgefield, June, 1802; m. (1) Leonard Daniels; (2) Clark Millard.
4572 William,8 b. in Ridgefield, 3 June, 1804; m. Mrs. Sarah Mead; d. in Bolivar; had no children.
4573 Esther,8 b. 9 Apr., 1806; m. Gardner Chapel.
4574 Edwin,8 b. in Butternuts, 25 Sept., 1811; m. Dilla Doud.
4575 Loring Grant,8 b. 3 May, 1814; m. (1) Huldah Penelope Root, (2) Hepsibah Lord.
4576 Elisha B.,8 twin to Loring, b. 3 May, 1814; d. in infancy.
4577 Elisha Bibbins,8 b. 7 Feb., 1819; m. Nancy Kinne.
4578 Elizabeth,8 b.; m. Wheelock; res. in Iowa; he d. in Co­lumbia City, la.; she d.; had one child.
4579 Sarah Ann,8 b. in Bolivar; m. Nelson Millard.

1688.   SAMUEL,7 son of Daniel6 (543), b. 24 Nov., 1785; m. 14 Feb., 1806, Laura Dauchy, b. 2 Dec., 1788, dau. of Samuel Dauchy and Ada Dauchy, b. 13 Mar., 1769.
He d. 8 Feb., 1864, aged 78; she d. 29 Jan., 1877, aged 88. She res. on the old homestead in Ridgefield.
Children, b. in Ridgefield.
4580 Norman,8 b. 26 Jan., 1808; m. (1) Marinda Reynolds; (2) Mrs. Susann Worden; (3) Mrs. Eliza K. (Blackman) Washburne.
4581 Alfred,8 b.; d. aged 4.
4582 Alfred,8 b.; d. aged 1.
4583 Roxanna,8 b.; d. aged 1 year and 1 month.

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4584 Ananda,8 b. about 1817; m. Alfred Stevens.
4585 Hiram,8 b. 17 July, 1822; m. Mary Gilbert.
4586 Harriet,8 b. 28 Sept., 1825; m. George Bulkley.
4587 Elizabeth,8 b. 21 Nov., 1830; m. Hiram Jesse Stevens.

1691.   DEACON JARVIS,7 son of Jarvis6 (545), b. in Norwalk, 20 Apr., 1768; m. 19 Feb., 1792, Mercy Selleck, b. 12 June, 1770, dau. of Capt. James Selleck, b. 1742, and Sarah Weed, b. probably in 1744.
He d. 18 July, 1831; she d. 23 Apr., 1850, aged 79; both are buried in the Town House Cemetery in Norwalk, Conn.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
4588 James Selleck,8 b. 19 Nov., 1792; m. Mary Ann Edmunds.
4589 Sally,8 b. 3 Dec., 1794; d. 14 Aug., 1796.
4590 Sarah,8 b. 19 July, 1796; m. Joseph Scribner.
4591 Charles,8 b. 17 June, 1800; m. (1) Frances P. Spalding; (2) Tamson Mead.
4592 Lucia,8 b. 28 May, 1803; m. Stephen Stanley.
4593 Martin,8 b. 3 July, 1808; m. (1) Jane Gray; (2) Clarissa Jane Lock­wood.
4594 Charlotte,8 b. 15 Feb., 1811; m. Linus St. John Benedict.

1693.   ELIZABETH,7 dau. of Jarvis6 (545), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 25 Feb., 1785; m. in Norwalk, 9 Feb., 1803, Benjamin Lockwood, b. 18 Sept., 1777, son of Ebenezer Lockwood, b. in Norwalk, and Mary Godfrey.
He d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1852; she d. in New York, Sept., 1853. They res. in Norwalk for about thirty years after their marriage and then rem. to New York City, where the elder sons were living.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
4595 Frederick Lockwood,8 b. 30 Nov., 1803; m. Olivia Meeker.
4596 Monson Lockwood,8 b. 13 Feb., 1806; m. 19 Aug., 1833, Charlotte Whit­ney, b. in New Haven, Conn., 12 Oct., 1810; res. in Fond du Lac, Wis., Stamford, Conn., and New York City.
4597 Benjamin Lockwood, Jr.,8 b. 10 Sept., 1808; m. Rebecca Seeley.
4598 Charles Street Lockwood,8 b. 11 June, 1812; m. Polly Ann Bradley.
4599 Le Grande Lockwood,8 b. 14 Aug., 1820; m. Anna Louise Benedict; he was a banker in New York.

1694.   EBENEZER,7 son of Rev. Ebenezer6 (547), b. in Vernon, Conn., 21 Oct., 1764; m. (1) 22 Jan., 1789, Abigail Olmsted, b. 14 Nov., 1758, dau. of Nathaniel Olmsted, of East Hartford, b. 6 June, 1714, and Sarah Pitkin.
She d. 29 Jan., 1797; he m. (2) 7 Jan., 1801, Hannah Olmsted, b. 21 Jan., 1768, dau. of Ashbel Olmsted, of East Hartford, b. 1 Feb., 1726, and Hannah Newberry; she d. 3 May, 1802; he m. (3) 14 Feb., 1804, Elizabeth Sheldon, b. in Somers, Conn., 6 Sept., 1780, dau. of Ephraim Sheldon, of Sheffield, Mass., and Miriam Warriner; d. of typhus fever, 10 May, 1812.
He was a farmer in North Bolton, now Vernon, Conn.; held the offices of Constable and Justice of the Peace; represented his town twice in the Legis­lature.

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She m. (2) 8 June, 1815; Deacon Alexander McLean, b. 12 June, 1772; he d. in Manchester, Conn., 11 Nov., 1843; she d. in Rockville, Conn., 16 Oct., 1867.
Children, b. in Vernon, by first wife.
4600 Ebenezer,8 b. 25 Oct., 1789; m. 2 June, 1826, Susan Coit, b. in New London, Conn., 28 Apr., 1798, dau. of Hon. Joshua Coit, b. 7 Oct., 1758, and Ann Borrodale Hallam, b. about 1764; was graduated from Yale College, 1810; was principal of an academy in New London two years; was graduated from Andover Theological Sem­inary, 1815; was librarian and professor of languages in Williams College, 1815-44; resigned his professorship on account of declin­ing health, 1844; d. 2 Oct., 1846; she returned to New London; d. in Williamstown, Mass., while visiting there, 8 Apr., 1847; had a son, still b., 19 Jan., 1830.
4601 Martin,8 b. 6 Nov., 1791; he was a young man of high character and promise; was drafted into the army and d. of camp fever, in New London, Conn., 1 Oct., 1814.
4602 George,8 b. 3 Mar., 1793; m. Eliza Noble.
4603 Allyn,8 b. 17 Aug., 1794; m. Eliza White.
4604 Nathaniel Olmsted,8 b. 26 Feb., 1796; m. 10 June, 1827, Eliza Nash, b. 18 Apr., 1796, dau. of Deacon Stephen Nash and Mary Bradley; d. 13 May, 1854; she d. 25 June, same year; he learned the trade of a clothier and, at the age of 20 began business as a manufacturer of woolen goods in Talcottville, Conn., where he res. through his life; he was a member of the Legislature 1841-46-48, and of the Senate in 1849, and 1848 a Presidential elector; he was from 1848 a corporate member of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions; he was Maj. of the militia and was generally known by that title; had no children.
Children by second wife.
4605 A Daughter,8 b. and d. 27 Apr., 1802.
4606 A Daughter,8 twin to preceding, b. and d. 27 Apr., 1802.
Children by third wife.
4607 Sheldon,8 b. 17 Dec., 1804; d. 10 June, 1806.
4608 Elizabeth,8 b. 31 July, 1807; m. 24 Mar., 1835, George Dunworth Mor­gan, of Plainfield, Conn., b. 14 Sept., 1802; d. 5 Apr., 1837; had no children; he m. (2) 5 Apr., 1838, Mary McLean; d. in Tolland, Conn., Oct., 1866.
4609 A Daughter,8 b. and d. 7 Jan., 1810.
4610 A Son,8 b. and d. 4 Feb., 1811.
4611 Abigail Olmsted,8 b. 22 June, 1812; m. Samuel Polydore Rose.

1695.   DANIEL,7 son of Rev. Ebenezer6 (547), b. in Vernon, Conn., 25 June, 1766; m. 31 Dec., 1794, Susanna Griggs, of Tolland, Conn., b. 3 Jan., 1771, dau. of Deacon Joshua Griggs, b. in Norwich, Conn., 8 Jan., 1743, and Joanna Chap­man, b. 16 May, 1748.
She d. 9 Sept., 1832, and is buried in the old cemetery in (Colchester, Conn.; he d. in Hartford, 20 Feb., 1855, aged 88.
He was a goldsmith and clockmaker; learned his trade of Daniel Burnap, in

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Windsor, Conn.; settled in Tolland, Conn., where he was Town Clerk, 1808 to 1810. In 1811 he rem. from Tolland to Colchester, and thence to Hartford in 1833.
4612 Ebenezer,8 b. 24 Oct., 1795; d. 27 Nov., 1795.
4613 Orinda,8 b. 3 Nov., 1796; d. unm., 20 Jan., 1816.
4614 Susanna,8 b. 19 Oct., 1798; d. 13 Dec., 1801.
4615 Elizabeth,8 b. 12 Apr., 1800; d. unm., 16 Sept., 1821.
4616 Sarah,8 b. 19 Jan., 1802; m. Deacon Chester Talcott.
4617 Maria S.,8 b. 3 Jan., 1804; m. Jonathan L. Hinkley, of Mansfield, Conn.; d. 2 Jan., 1858; had no children.
4618 Jarvis Griggs,8 b. 5 Oct., 1805; learned steel engraving in Boston, and was considered one of the best workmen of his time; he illustrated historical and other works; res. in Boston; d. unm., in Hartford, 24 July, 1873.
✛4619 Daniel Wright,8 b. 21 July, 1807; d. 28 Dec., 1874.
4620 Edmund Burke,8 b. 27 May, 1809; m. (1) Nancy Emeline Avery; (2) Isabella Mary Wells.
4621 Elijah Chapman,8 b. 13 June, 1811; m. Harriet Isham.
4622 Susan,8 b. 31 Oct., 1815; d. 20 Nov., 1815.
4623 Hannah,8 b. 22 May, 1818; d. 24 May, 1818.

1696.   HANNAH,7 dau. of Rev. Ebenezer6 (547), b. in Vernon, Conn., 24 May, 1768; m. 26 Nov., 1789, Deacon Phineas Talcott, b. 14 Dec., 1758, son of Deacon Benjamin Talcott, of Bolton, Conn., and Elizabeth Lyman, b. in Coventry, Conn.
He d. 17 Dec., 1835; she d. 5 Jan., 1836.
He was a farmer in Vernon; was active in town affairs, and represented Ver­non in the Legislature several sessions; also in the Constitutional Convention in 1818; was a Justice of the Peace and a deacon.
Children, b. in Vernon.
4624 Hannah Talcott,8 b. 27 Aug., 1791; m. 27 Apr., 1842, Russell Stone, a farmer, of Kent, Conn., which town he represented in the Legisla­ture; he d. 5 Oct., 1864, aged-85; she d. 2 Aug., 1866.
4625 Phineas Talcott,8 b. 7 Aug., 1793; m. 19 Nov., 1823, Lora McLean, of Vernon; he was a teacher; was superintendent of the public schools in Hartford, and later superintendent of the Insane Asylum; he returned to his native town, where he held numerous offices and was engaged in manufacturing; she d. 7 Jan., 1835; he d. 6 June, 1863.
4626 Ralph Talcott,8 b. 18 Sept., 1795; m. 10 June, 1830, Susan Ball, of Plymouth, Conn.; he was a clothier and manufacturer; d. 30 Apr., 1847; she d. 22 July, 1854.
4627 Joel Talcott,8 b. 12 Oct., 1797; m. (1) 5 Oct., 1829, Lois Twining, of Tolland, Mass.; she d. 16 Mar., 1836; he m. (2) 2 Nov., 1837, Sarah A. Cummings; he graduated from Yale College in 1824; was a Congregational minister in Wellington, O.; d. 28 Dec., 1871.
4628 Allyn Talcott,8 b. 23 Mar., 1800; m. 10 Apr., 1833, Martha Goodrich Robbins, of Wethersfield, Conn.; he was a school teacher and a

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farmer; was for some years agent for the Leeds Mills of Rochester Conn.
4629 Clement Talcott,8 b. 13 Aug., 1808; d. 3 Oct., 1802.
4630 Belinda Talcott,8 b. 14 Feb., 1804; d. 3 July, 1846; unm.
4631 Eunice Talcott,8 b. 5 Mar., 1807; m. 26 Oct., 1832, John B. Halsted, b. in Pittston, Pa., 7 Nov., 1798, son of John and Rachel Halsted; rem. in 1816 to Livonia, Livingston Co., N. Y., and, in 1828, to Castile, Wyoming Co., N. Y.; he was for thirty years a merchant and was State Senator two terms; in 1864 rem. to Batavia, N. Y., where he was Collector of Internal Revenue and agent for loaning money.

1697.   THOMAS WRIGHT,7 son of Rev. Ebenezer6 (547), b. in Vernon, 24 June, 1770; m. 12 Feb., 1795, Mary Hubbard, b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 1 June, 1775, dau. of Aaron Hubbard, of Glastonbury, and Dorothy Hollister.
He d. 9 Apr., 1837; she d. 13 Nov., 1871, aged 96.
He res. on the family homestead in Vernon; held various town offices; was Justice of the Peace; when he set out for his bride, he rode one horse and led an­other on which she returned. The journey of forty miles to Glastonbury was made in a single day, and they returned in the same time.
Children, b. in Vernon, Conn.
4632 Aaron,8 b. 5 Nov., 1795; m. (1) Hannah Eliza Wright; (2) Lydia Ann S. Dodge.
4633 Henry,8 b. 13 Mar., 1797; m. Elethea Birge.
4634 Hubbard,8 b. 21 July, 1800; m. June, 1835, Julia Selden, b. 20 Mar., 1809, dau. of Deacon Hezekiah Selden, b. 15 Mar., 1785, and Eunice Stanley, b. 15 Aug., 1787; res. in Vernon; d. in Norfolk, Conn., 18 Nov., 1878; she d. in Norfolk, 5 Jan., 1880; had no children.
4635 Hudson,8 twin to Hubbard, b. 21 July, 1800; m. Jane Davis.
4636 Hannah Wright,8 b. 18 July, 1807; m. Deacon Joseph E. Cove.

1698.   EUNICE,7 dau. of Rev. Ebenezer6 (547), b. in Vernon, 15 Nov., 1773; m. 4 Nov., 1798, Dr. Scottoway Hinkley, b. in Hardwick, Mass., 10 Apr., 1771.
She d. 28 Nov., 1824; he d. 21 Aug., 1849. He was a physician and manufacturer in Vernon.
Children, b. in Vernon.
4637 Lucius Hinkley,8 b. 6 Sept., 1799; m. 9 Nov., 1830, Laura Waterman, of Bolton, Conn.; res. in Wisconsin.
4638 Eunice Hinkley,8 b. 27 Feb., 1803; m. 26 Apr., 1826, Deacon Joel But­ton, of Griswold, Conn.
4639 Elizabeth Hinkley,8 b. 6 Jan., 1807; m. 5 Oct., 1830, Adna Steele; he was a farmer in Harbor Creek, Pa.; she d. 7 Dec., 1864.
4640 Barnabas Hinkley,8 b. 1 June, 1809; m. Nov., 1825, Olive Ripley; d. in Davenport, la., 14 Sept., 1858; she d. 27 Sept., 1858.
4641 Ebenezer Kellogg Hinkley,8 b. 22 Sept., 1812; m. May, 1840, Mary Gleason; she d. in Vernon, 27 May, 1842.
4642 Hannah Wright Hinkley,8 b. 4 Sept., 1815; m. 17 May, 1845, Elizur Tuttle, of North Haven, Conn.

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1701.   JOHN,7 son of Ezra6 (551), bap. in Bethel Parish, Conn, (then a part of Danbury), 24 Mar., 1764; m. (1) Elizabeth Pickett, the oldest sister of Abi­gail Pickett, who m. his brother, Daniel.
Shed.; he m. (2); (3); (4); (5) Esther Pixley.
He d. in Euclid, O., Mar., 1843. His widow sold his farm and moved west. He was living in La Fayette, N. Y., in 1830; soon after rem. to Ohio and bought a farm in Euclid, near Cleveland.
4643 Joanna,8 b.; m. ______.
4644 Sarah (Sally),8 b.; m. Sackett, who is said to have owned the site of the City of Sacket Harbor, N. Y.
4645 Rhoda,8 b.; d. unm.
4646 Ezra,8 b. 11 July, 1795; m. Catharine McKown.

1702.   PHILIP JUDD,7 son of Ezra6 (551), b. 22 Dec., 1768; m. (1) in Con­necticut, 22 Oct., 1789, Huldah Dikeman, b. 16 Aug., 1772.
She d. in Richford, N. Y., 31 Aug., 1830; he m. (2) 13 Dec., 1832, Mrs. Elizabeth Bouton; d. in Picton, Canada, 8 July, 1847.
He was a carpenter; rem. from Connecticut to Galway; was in Danbury in 1789; in Washington, Ulster Co., N. Y., in 1805; rem. to Milton, Saratoga Co., N. Y., 7 Oct., 1823; in 1829 to Richford.
Children by first wife.
4647 Benjamin Wilson,8 b. 3 Nov., 1790; d. 16 Oct., 1791.
4648 Levi,8 b. in Ballston, N. Y., 15 Sept., 1792; m. ______.
4649 Elizabeth,8 b. in Ballston, 22 Aug., 1794.
4650 Cynthia,8 b. 12 Apr., 1796; d. 16 Apr., 1798.
4651 Wilson,8 b. in Ballston, 15 Apr., 1797; went to Canada and thence West.
4652 Alpheus G.,8 b. in Ballston, 29 June, 1799; m. Huldah Rockwell.
4653 Cynthia,8 b. 18 Nov., 1802; m. Justus Jennings.
4654 Philip,8 b. 14 May, 1804; d. 20 May, 1804.
4655 Mary (Polly),8 b. 12 Feb., 1808; m. (1) John T. Lacy; (2) Hiram Hartman.
4656 Huldah,8 b. 12 Feb., 1811; m. Rufus Sawyer.
4657 Philip,8 b. 30 Dec., 1815; m. Rebecca Bean.

1703.   DANIEL,7 son of Ezra6 (551), b. 27 Feb., 1770; m. (1) 11 Feb., 1791, Abigail Pickett, b. 10 June, 1771.
She d. 22 Dec., 1809; he m. (2) 23 Sept., 1810, Rhoda Swatt, b. 11 Apr., 1784, dau. of Samuel Swatt, b. 1733 and Elizabeth Douse; she d. 13 Mar., 1828; he m. (3) 1829; d. in Hope, N. Y., 20 Jan., 1838.
He was in Hillsdale, Columbia Co., N. Y., in 1794; in Middletown, Herki­mer Co., N. Y., 30 Dec., 1795; in Washington, Ulster Co., N. Y., 17 June, 1805.
Children by first wife.
4658 Ziba,8 b. in Hope, 5 Feb., 1797; m. Margaret Arnold.
4659 Cyrus,8 b. in Wells. N. Y., 11 Jan., 1800; m. Clarissa Swatt.
4660 Elizabeth,8 b. 21 Apr., 1803; m. Fountain.
4661 Annis,8 b. 13 June, 1807.

334    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children by second wife.
4662 Abigail,8 b. in Hope, 27 July, 1811; m. Daniel Vanorman.
4663 William,8 b. 11 Mar., 1814.
4664 Daniel,8 b. 16 Sept., 1817; res. in Cambria, N. Y., 1867; d. about 1890.
4665 Anna,8 b. 2 Feb., 1821; d. 8 Aug., 1822.
Child by third wife.
4666 Mary Elizabeth,8 b. 6 Mar., 1830; d. 25 Mar., 1832.

1705.   RACHEL,7 dau. of Ezra6 (551), b. 14 Sept., 1775; m. 1797, William Lord, b. 5 Aug., 1772.
He d. 28 Mar., 1806; she d. in Parma, N. Y., 11 June, 1840.
He res. in Hillsdale, N. Y., in 1794; later was a farmer in Saratoga Co., N. Y.
Children, b. in Saratoga.
4667 Anna Lord,8 b. 25 Oct., 1798; m. William Darrah; he was a farmer in Saratoga; she d. 2 Aug., 1878; is buried in Pittsford, N. Y.
4668 Ruth Lord,8 b. 6 May, 1801; m. in Menden, N. Y., 7 Jan., 1827, Austin Lewis, b. 24 Feb., 1804; in 1845 they rem. from Parma, N. Y., to Monroe Center, Vt.; he was a farmer.
4669 Eunice Lord,8 b. 20 Jan., 1803; m. Daniel Major Lockwood, of Mich­igan; d. 12 July, 1847.
4670 Rachel Lord,8 b. 7 Dec., 1804; m. 9 Nov., 1826, Col. Johnson Servis, b. 18 Nov., 1804, son of Peter Servis, of Milton, N. Y., b. 27 Jan., 1781, and Achsah Garrison, b. 7 May, 1786; he d. 6 Oct., 1857; was a farmer in Parma; in 1836 he was appointed Maj. in the New York Infantry and in 1837 Col.

1710.   JEREMIAH,7 son of John6 (554), b. in Norwalk, 30 Apr., 1765; m. Catherine Sammis, dau. of Joseph Sammis, of Huntington, L. I., and Abigail Mott.
She d. Mar., 1806; is buried in Saugerties, N. Y.; he d. 26 Sept., 1811; is buried in Pine Island Cemetery, Norwalk.
He labored on his father's farm until of age. After that he went to Kingston, N. Y., and learned the hatter's trade of his brother, Josiah.
4671 Henry,8 b. 15 Apr., 1801; m. Currance Bundy.
4672 Sally,8 b. 30 Aug., 1802; m. John Kellogg (+4676).
4673 John,8 b.; d. aged 9 months.

1711.   JOSIAH,7 son of John6 (554), b. 6 June, 1769; m. 13 Jan., 1794, Catherine Sleight, b. in Holland, 17 May, 1776, dau. of Lewis Sleight and Rachel Delamater.
He d. in Marion Co., O., 19 Feb., 1857; she d. in the same place, 17 Feb., 1864.
He was a butcher in Norwalk, Conn., and Esopus, N. Y.; about 1830 he rem. to Caledonia, O. His son, Oliver Hazard Perry, lives on the homestead.

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4674 Rachel,8 b. 20 Oct., 1794; d. 9 Apr., 1813.
4675 Sally,8 b. 13 Aug., 1797; m. James Bridger.
4676 John,8 b. 8 Oct., 1799; m. (1) Sally Kellogg (4672); (2) Margot Decker.
4677 Abram,8 b. 1 Dec., 1801; was a tailor; d. unm., 20 Aug., 1887.
4678 Charles,8 b. 24 Jan., 1804; m. Eliza Marvin.
4679 James,8 b. 31 June, 1806; m. Mary Dewey.
4680 George Washington,8 b. 7 Jan., 1809; was a farmer in Marion Co., O.; d. unm., in Caledonia, 22 Jan., 1892.
4681 Russell,8 b. 25 June, 1812; m. Sophia H. Tewksbury.
4682 Caroline,8 twin to Russell, b. 25 June, 1812; m. Horace Allen, son of James Allen; d. 15 Aug., 1834.
4683 Oliver Hazard Perry,8 b. 28 Sept., 1817; m. Harriet Hansbraugh.

1713.   RHODA,7 dau. of John6 (554), b. 6 Dec., 1777; m. Joseph Hoyt. They res. in Norwalk, Conn.
4684 Matilda Hoyt,8 b.; m. Edgar S. Jones, of Peekskill, N. Y.

1714.   SARAH,7 dau. of Seth6 (555), b.; m. Dr. Jacob Hoyt, b. 8 Apr., 1762, in Stamford, Conn. (bap. 9 May, 1762), son of David Hoyt, Jr., b. 21 Jan., 1730-31, and Sarah Lockwood, b. in Stamford, 11 Nov., 1738.
She d.; he m. (2) 15 Feb., 1798, Nancy M. Twitchell; d. in New Haven, Vt., 10 Mar., 1832.
He was a farmer and physician. It is said that he served sixteen months in the revolutionary army; was at the burning of Horse Neck; was under Gen. Put­nam when that officer made his celebrated escape from the British down the stone steps. He afterward rem. to Vermont. After the death of his first wife, he re­turned to Connecticut with his dau.; practiced medicine for a time in Stephen­town or Nassau, N. Y., where he m. his second wife and soon returned to New Haven.
4685 Sarah Hoyt,8 b. in New Haven, Vt.; m. Azor Tuttle; res. in Fairfield Co., Conn.; d. about 1830.

1716.   EUNICE,7 dau. of Seth6 (555), b. in Winsted, Conn., 13 Aug., 1767; m. 5 Dec., 1785, Gen. Edmund Munger, b. 30 Sept., 1763, son of Reuben Munger, of Guilford and Norfolk. Conn., b. 28 Mar., 1725, and Elizabeth Dudley.
He d. near Centerville, O., 14 Apr., 1850, aged 87; she d. in Ohio, 8 Jan., 1868, aged 101.
He was a farmer; served in the war of 1812, part of the time as Brig. Gen.; rem. to Ohio in 1797; was a member of the Legislature of Ohio.
4686 Warren Hunger,8 b. 26 Feb., 1787; d. 1877.
4687 Truman Hunger,8 b. 19 Jan., 1789; d. 18 May, 1876.
4688 Edmund Kellogg Munger,8 b. in Rutland Co., Vt., 13 Sept., 1790; m. 17 Dec., 1812, Mary Cole, b. in Virginia, 15 Oct., 1794; she d. 9 Sept., 1853; he d. 10 June, 1873.

336    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4689 Minerva Munger,8 b. 5 Nov., 1793; d. 26 Apr., 1874.
4690 Reuben Munger,8 b. 30 Oct., 1794; m. 5 Oct., 1820, Laura Harris; d. 26 Mar., 1890; had three children.
4691 Elizur Munger,8 b. 8 May, 1796; d. 11 Jan., 1802.
4692 Festus Munger,8 b. 29 May, 1799; d. 23 Sept., 1800.
4693 Eunice Munger,8 b. 10 Feb., 1801; d. Oct., 1841.
4694 Sarah Munger,8 b. 15 Mar., 1803; d. 1884.
4695 Festus Elizur Munger,8 b. 11 Apr., 1805; d. 1 Feb., 1806.
4696 Milton Munger,8 b. 5 Oct., 1807; d. 28 Aug., 1874.
4697 Isaac Newton Munger,8 b. 21 Aug., 1812.

1717.   JEMIMA,7 dau. of Seth6 (555), b. in Winsted, 6 Sept., 1769; m. Noah Tibbals.
Res. near Centerville, O., where both d.
4698 Kellogg Tibbals,8 b.; m. Elizabeth Silver.
4699 Asher Tibbals,8 b. in Miamisburg, O.; m. Jane Strech.
4700 Thomas Tibbals,8 b.; m. Catherine Ann Silver.
4701 Mariah Tibbals,8 b.; m. Persinger; res. in Chicago.
4702 Rachel Tibbals,8 b.; m. Moses Irvine.
4703 Jemima Tibbals,8 b.; m. Archibald Perryhill.

1718.   MARY,7 dau. of Seth6 (555), b. in Winsted, 25 June, 1771; m, Hoel Ives.
They rem. about 1830 to or near Paris, Edgar Co., Ill.
He d.; after his death she res. in Centerville, O.
4704 Nancy Ives,8 b.; m. Samuel Lamb; lived near Lytle, Warren Co., O., where they d.

1722.   ETHEL,7 son of Seth6 (555), b. 27 Oct., 1781; m. in Centerville, , 22 Aug., 1805, Charlotte Munger, b. in Connecticut, 3 Oct., 1783, dau. of Jonathan Munger, b. in Guilford, Conn., 30. Nov., 1755, and Elizabeth Lawrence, b. in Nor­folk, Conn., 20 Apr., 1760.
She d. in Lafayette, Ind., 26 Oct., 1816; he d. there, 20 Aug., 1858.
He settled in Montgomery Co., O., in 1800; rem. to Tippecanoe Co., Ind., in 1831; was a Baptist and a Whig.
Children, b. in Montgomery Co., O.
4705 Emily Eliza,8 b. 23 Aug., 1806; d. in Centerville, 19 May, 1824.
4706 Jonathan Munger,8 b. 19 Feb., 1809; m. (1) Hannah Jennings, (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Ann (Ferguson) Martin; (3) Mrs. Susan (Shackleford) McManus.
4707 Seth Judd,8 b. 27 May, 1811; m. (1) Rebecca Blue; (2) Mrs. Susan (Graves) Ferguson.
4708 Charlotte Lorinda,8 b. 9 Aug., 1813; m. John W. Jennings.
4709 Ethel Myron,8 b. 11 Sept., 1815; m. Amanda J. Dilling.
4710 William Frederick,8 b. 1 Dec., 1817; m. Alviola Pierce.
4711 Antha Elvira,8 b. 12 Feb., 1820; m. William Granison Pierce.

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4712 Lyda Elizabeth,8 b. 8 July, 1832; m. in Lafayette, Ind., 15 Jan., 1838, James Monroe Pierce, b. in Coshocton Co., O., 1 Dec., 1818, son of William Pierce, b. 12 July, 1790, and Sarah Thompson, b. 29 Sept., 1791; he was a farmer, a Baptist and a Republican; he was in the civil war; served thirty days; was drowned in the Ohio River, 23 July, 1862; she d. in Lafayette, 31 July, 1898; had no children.
4713 Thomas Harvey,8 b. 25 Sept., 1824; d. unm., in Lafayette, 28 Aug., 1849.
4714 Jacob Mulford,8 b. 14 Sept., 1826; m. in Tippecanoe Co., Ind., 29 Mar., 1849, Margaret Graves, b. in Coshocton Co., 9 Sept., 1826, dau. of Daniel Graves, b. 20 June, 1796, and Elizabeth Pierce, b. 10 Feb., 1797; he d. in Lafayette, 3 Sept., 1849; she d. in Tippe­canoe Co., Ind., 1 Sept., 1849; had no children.
4715 Emily Eliza,8 b. 3 Feb., 1829; m. (1) John De Witt; (2) Levi Stingle.

1723.   ELIHU,7 son of Seth6 (555), b. 11 June, 1784; m. Phebe G. Grey, b. in New Jersey, 26 May, 1795, dau. of Daniel Grey, b. Mar., 1747, and Phebe Butler, of Dayton, O.
He d. in Fayette Co., Ind., 7 Feb., 1861; she d. 13 Dec., 1871.
They res. in Bentonville, Fayette Co., Ind.
4716 Burgess,8 b. in Ohio, 14 Feb., 1815; m. Sarah Ann Middleton.
4717 Julia,8 b. in Ohio, 20 Apr., 1817; m. Eleazer Carver.
4718 Amanda K.,8 b. in Ohio, 26 June, 1819; m. Barnabas C. Carver.
4719 Daniel,8 b. 15 Apr., 1821; m. Almira Longwell.
4720 Amos,8 b. 9 Apr., 1823; m. Rebecca Wilson Carver.
4721 Mary Jemima,8 b. 16 Apr., 1826; d. unm., 29 Aug., 1845.
4722 Butler,8 b. 11 Sept., 1828; m. Ruth Ann Cole.
4723 Lavina,8 b. 2 May, 1835; m. Timothy Carver.
4724 Alvin,8 b. 3 Sept., 1839; m. Elizabeth Flora.

1724.   EZRA,7 son of Seth6 (555), b. 24 Nov., 1786; m. (1) 18 Jan., 1810, Rhoda Blackford, b. 13 Dec., 1790, dau. of Ephraim Blackford and Mary Run­nels.
She d. 20 Sept., 1832; he m. (2) 5 Feb., 1837, Electa Waite, b. 14 Apr., 1813, dau. of Benjamin Waite and Lovina Raton; d. 30 Oct., 1865.
In the war of 1812 he was a Capt. under Gen. Harrison. In 1805 he settled on the Miami River, O., and in Butler Co., and in the fall of 1832, went to New­town, Ind.
Children by first wife.
4725 Esther,8 b. 14 Dec., 1810; m. James Dove.
4726 Mary (Polly),8 b. 10 Aug., 1812; m. Conrad; d. 23 Jan., 1853.
4727 Ezra Blackford,8 b. 11 Jan., 1815; m. (1) Mary Crumbly; (2) Frances Ann Posten.
4728 Harrison Madison,8 b. 6 June, 1816; m. Eliza Ann Turner.
4729 Anna,8 b. 20 May, 1818; d. 6 Dec., 1854.
4730 Nathaniel,8 b. 7 Oct., 1819; m. Caroline Turner.
4731 John,8 b. 29 Apr., 1821; m. Rachel Small.

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4732 Miles,8 b. 5 May, 1823; m. Elizabeth (Betsey) Smith.
4733 Rhoda,8 b. 30 Mar., 1825; m. Peter Coolte; he d. ______; she d. ______.
4734 Hannah Blackford,8 b. 14 Oct., 1827; d. 1 Aug., 1830.
4735 Ephraim,8 b. 16 June, 1829; m. Mary Ann Covalt.
Children by second wife.
4736 Eunice,8 b. 8 Dec., 1837; m. Riley Hawkins.
4737 Elizabeth,8 b. 6 Feb., 1840; m. Stephen John Raker.
4738 William Judd,8 b. 22 Aug., 1842; was unm. in 1901; res. in Newtown; a farmer.
4739 Ethel Benjamin,8 b. 5 Apr., 1844; was unm. 1901; res. in Newtown; a farmer.
4740 Emily,8 b. 24 Aug., 1845.
4741 Olive,8 b. 20 May, 1849; m. Jacob Whale.
4742 Thomas Jennings,8 b. 20 Mar., 1851; d. 15 Aug., 1851.
4743 Lydia Jane,8 b. 17 Mar., 1853; m. Charles W. Mesmore.

1754.   JOEL,7 son of Eliasaph6 (570), b. in Danbury, Conn., 17 Oct., 1772; m. 20 Sept., 1792, Elizabeth Fox.
She d. Mar., 1839; he d. July, 1848.
He was a farmer.
4744 Sarah,8 b. 18 Sept., 1796; d. 14 Feb., 1871.
4745 Ezra Benedict,8 b. 1 Mar., 1798; was a fifer in Capt. Nathaniel Fairand's Co., Saybrook Artillery, for the month ending 23 Nov., 1814; d. unm., 7 May, 1836.
4746 Margaret,8 b. 22 Feb., 1800; d. Mar., 1873.
4747 Asa Fox,8 b. 25 Mar., 1802; m. Mary Ann Caswell.
4748 Adah,8 b. 4 Dec., 1808; d. 1 Mar., 1868.
4749 Anson,8 b. 21 June, 1811; m. Emily Bullard.
4750 Esther Ann,8 b. 24 Nov., 1816; m. James Locklin.

1756.   MEHITABLE,7 dau. of Eliasaph6 (570), b. 28 Mar., 1780; m. Comfort Crofoot, of Canaan, N. Y.
4751 C. B. Crofoot,8 b.; m. 23 June, 1869, Eveline Theodosia Leavenworth, b. in Canaan, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1818.

1761.   IRA,7 son of Eliasaph6 (570), b. in Danbury, 12 Mar., 1795; m. (1) Sarah _______; she d. 28 Oct., 1832, aged 32 years and 6 months; he m. Rachel _______; she d. 23 May, 1838, aged 37; he m. (3) Sally _______, b. 7 Feb., 1802; she d. 22 Dec., 1860, and was buried in the Norris family lot in Mill Plain Cemetery in Danbury.
Children by first wife.
4752 Joseph A.,8 b. ______; d. 29 Oct., 1831, aged 4.
4753 Charles A.,8 b. ______; d. 31 Dec., 1833, aged 2.
4754 Elias,8 b. ______; d. 20 May, 1842, aged 6 years, 8 months and 26 days.
Child by second wife.
4755 George M.,8 b. ______; d. 28 Jan., 1838, aged 5 weeks and 1 day.

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1828.   ELIPHALET,7 son of Ensign Eliphalet6 (581), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 19 May, 1763; m. in Mount Pleasant, Pa., Lydia Allen, b. about 1780, probably in Stamford, Conn., dau. of Seymour Allen and Eunice _______.
She d. 8 July, 1827, aged 47; he d. Sept., 1844.
He was County Surveyor, Justice of the Peace and Register and Recorder of the County. In 1814 he rem. from Mount Pleasant to Bethany, Pa., where both d. He was a revolutionary pensioner. The records of the Pension Office show that he lived in Bethany in 1833, aged (59. In 1770 he rem. from New Canaan, Conn., to Ballston, N. Y.; in 1792 to Mount Pleasant, and in 1811 to Dyberry. He enlisted in Apr., 1781, at Ballston into Col. Marinus Willett's New York Reg., which was stationed in the garrison in Saratoga, N. Y., from July to Nov., 1781, and was then ordered into the picket fort at Ballston for the winter. In the fol­lowing June they were ordered up the Mohawk Talley and garrisoned at Fort Renssalear until Dec., 1782, then to Fort Herkimer, twenty-two miles farther. In Feb., 1783, the regiment left the latter fort to reduce Fort Otsego on Lake On­tario. After proceeding one hundred miles through the interior of New York and undergoing severe hardships they found the enemy had discovered their ap­proach. It was deemed prudent to abandon the expedition and they returned to Fort Herkimer. On 16 May, 1783, he was ordered to Fort Rensselear, but fur­nished a substitute and was discharged; he held the rank of Corp.
Children, all except Eunice, b. in Mount Pleasant.
4756 Mary,8 b. Dec., 1799; m. Dr. Isaac Roosa.
4757 Martin,8 b. 24 Mar., 1801; m. Elizabeth Green Stryker.
4758 Abigail Baldwin,8 b. Oct., 1804; m. Dr. Thomas J. Halsey.
4759 Sarah Brown,8 b. 8 Aug., 1806; m. 18 Aug., 1847, Reuben R. Purdy, son of Reuben Purdy; he d. 11 Dec., 1878; was a lumberman in Purdyville, Pa.; owned a sawmill and extensive tracts of land; had no children.
4760 Eunice Allen,8 b. in Bethany, 4 Aug., 1814; m. Washington Ebenezer Cook.

1830.   SILAS,7 son of Ensign Eliphalet6 (581), b. Sept., 1767; m. 1 Jan., 1795, Mary Mumford, b. 14 Jan., 1777, dau. of Jirah Mumford, of Rhode Island, b. 30 May, 1747, and Deborah Lillibridge, b. 8 July, 1756.
He d. 15 Aug., 1853; she d. 14 Oct., 1854.
Both were members of the Methodist Church.
He was a surveyor; rem. from Ballston, N. Y., in 1792, and settled in Mount Pleasant, Wayne Co., Pa., where he bought three thousand acres of timber land, cleared a small part of it and prepared a home. The marriage of Silas was the first that occurred in Mount Pleasant. The minister. Rev. Ezekiel Sampson, came on horseback, guided by "blazed" trees from Delaware Co., N. Y., and it is related that every man, woman and child in the township was present at the wedding. In 1813 he was elected Sheriff of Wayne Co., and served one term. Business reverses compelled the sale of his land at a loss, and in 1830 he rem. to Preston, Pa. He was greatly respected for his qualities of head and heart.
4761 Azor,8 b. 27 Jan., 1796; m. Nancy Maria Stevens.
4762 Mary Ann,8 b. 6 May, 1798; m. John Ramble Woodward.
4763 Sarah,8 b. 9 Mar., 1802; m. 1830, William Richards, of Mount Pleas­ant; d. in Oct., 1843; he d. 24 Jan., 1873; had no children.

340    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4764 Deborah,8 b. 21 Feb., 1804; m. Marcus D. Bostrick, of Hamden, Dela­ware Co., N. Y.
4765 Esther,8 b. 1 May, 1806; m. Alfred Stevens, of Lebanon, Wayne Co., Pa.
4766 Juliet,8 b. 6 May, 1808; m. Silas M. Stevens, of Lebanon, Pa.
4767 Jirah Mumford,8 b. 15 July, 1810; m. Eliza Headon Moore.
4768 Caroline,8 b. 30 Apr., 1812; m. William Blasdell, of Susquehanna Co., Pa.; had no children.
4769 Harriet,8 b. 16 Apr., 1814; m. Elias Lillibridge, of Abington, Pa.; had no children.

1832.   JONATHAN,7 son of Ensign Eliphalet6 (581), bap. in New Canaan, Conn., 25 Mar., 1770; m. ______.
He was the Town Clerk in Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
4770 Abel A.,8 b. 19 Feb., 1803; was a merchant in Saratoga Springs; bought laud in Saratoga in Apr., 1826.

1833.   MARTIN,7 son of Ensign Eliphalet6 (581), b.; m. Patty Gibson.
He d. in Tompkins Co., N. Y., about 1836.
He res. near Canandaigua, N. Y., also Tompkins Co., N. Y.; was of Ball­ston, N. Y., 15 Feb., 1815, when he and his wife, Patty, sold land.
4771 Martin,8 b.; m.; d. in Norwich, N. Y.; had three daus.
4772 Stephen,8 b.; m. ______.
4773 Otis,8 b.; m. ______.
4774 Abel,8 b.; d. unm. in early manhood.
4775 Daniel,8 b. in Oberlin, O., 11 Oct., 1810; m. ______.
4776 Benjamin,8 b. ______; m.; d. in Ohio, 1840; had two sons and one dau.
4777 Polly,8 b.; m. Asel Bement; lived and d. in Tompkins Co., N. Y.
4778 Malinda,8 b.; m. Samuel Cole; lived and d. in Tompkins Co., N. Y.

1834.   ABIGAIL,7 dau. of Ensign Eliphalet6 (581), b.; m. as his second wife, in Ballston, N. Y., 1808, Seth Cogswell Baldwin, b. about 1762, son of Daniel Baldwin.
She d. 24 Apr., 1818; he had m. (1) Ruth White, who d. 9 Apr., 1805.
4779 Dudley Baldwin,8 b. in Ballston, 23 Aug., 1809; m. Mary Hine, of Youngstown, O.
4780 Abigail Caroline Baldwin,8 b. 17 Sept., 1811; m. Rev. Enos Wood; d. in Hopkinton, N. Y.

1835.   MARTIN,7 son of Martin6 (582), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., 3 Sept., 1763; m. 15 Sept., 1785, Rachel Stevens, of Danbury, b. in 1766, dau. of Thomas Stevens and Abigail Gregory, dau. of Ephraim Gregory.

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He d. in New Fairfield, 3 May, 1813; she d. there, 29 Apr., 1831, aged 65. He was a farmer in New Fairfield. His will, dated 4 Apr., 1812, is on file in the Danbury Probate Office.
4781 Ira,8 b. 12 Sept., 1786; m. Flora Rogers.
4782 Hanford Martin,8 b. 2 Oct., 1788; m. (1) Sarah Bulkley; (2) Eliza Meeker.
4783 Mary (Polly),8 b. 25 Apr., 1792; m. (1) Zadoc Peck; (2) David Bearse.
4784 Rachel,8 b. Nov., 1796; m. Ezra Osborn.
4785 Abigail,8 b. 16 Aug., 1800; m. Lemuel Baldwin Northrop.
4786 Mercy Maria,8 b. 25 June, 1806; m. Dimon Bradley Barnum.

1836.   MERCY,7 dau. of Martin6 (582), b. 12 Mar., 1767; m. in New Fairfield, Conn., 13 Apr., 1788, Israel Osborn, a farmer, b. in New Milford, 6 July, 1760.
She d. in Brookfield, 15 Oct., 1795; he m. (2) Abigail Cowles; (3) Mrs. Lucinda Hoyt; d. in Brookfield, 30 Mar., 1835.
4787 Mercy Osborn,8 b. in Brookfield; m. Eliud Benedict, b. in Dan­bury, Conn., 8 May, 1790, son of Eleazer Benedict and Jerusha Crosby; settled first in Danbury; rem. to the northern part of Penfield, now Webster, N. Y., where he d. in 1821; she m. (2) Asa Cook and res. in West Webster; had four children.

1850.   SAMUEL,7 son of Samuel6 (585), b. 21 June, 1772; m. in New Canaan, 1 Mar., 1795, Patty Wilson, of Pound Ridge, Conn., b. 18 July, 1777.
He d. suddenly 13 Dec., 1833.
He served in the war of 1812 from 18 Aug. to 10 Oct., 1814.
4788 Betsey Hunt,8 b. 11 June, 1799; m. Samuel Milford Blatchford.
4789 Samuel Wilson,8 b. 11 Mar., 1809; m. Mercedes Romana Labandera.
4790 John Wilson,8 b. 3 Sept., 1811; d. unm.

1851.   SETH SHOVE,7 son of Samuel6 (585), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 29 Dec., 1773; m. 20 Jan., 1799, Matilda Lockwood, of Pound Ridge, N. Y., fourth child of Capt. Joseph Lockwood, b. in Stamford, Conn., 11 July, 1731, and Hannah Close.
He d. 15 Aug., 1832; she d. 29 Apr., 1860.
He was a farmer in New Canaan. He and his wife were admitted to the church there, 7 Nov., 1802; he rem. from New Canaan to New York City, and, with his wife, was admitted to Dr. McAuley's Church, 28 June, 1828.
4791 Caroline Matilda,8 b. 29 Nov., 1799; m. Leman Fitch.
4792 Joseph Lockwood,8 b. 20 Apr., 1802; m. Amelia Morton.
4793 Hannah Close,8 b. 9 Oct., 1804; d. 24 May, 1812.
4794 Elizabeth Waring,8 b. 18 July, 1806; d. unm., 7 July, 1881.
4795 Samuel,8 b. 30 June, 1808; m. (1) Mary Pierce Henry; (2) Elizabeth Stone Henry.

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4796 Charles Lewis,8 b. 23 Sept., 1810; m. Mary Vance; d. in San Fran­cisco, 5 May, 1888; had no children.
4797 Hannah Close,8 b. 1 Nov., 1812; d. unm., 4 Nov., 1890.
4798 Mary Ann,8 b. 23 Feb., 1815; d. unm., in Elizabeth, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1866.

1853.   ABIGAIL,7 dau. of Samuel6 (585), b. 27 Jan., 1778; m. in New Canaan, Conn., 16 Nov., 1796, Ezra Ayres, of Pound Ridge, b. in Long Ridge, near Bedford, Westchester Co., N. Y., 29 Dec., 1773, son of Reuben Ayres, b. 28 Oct., 1741, and Abigail Scofield, b. in Stamford, Conn., 29 Nov., 1745.
He d. 12 Sept., 1860; she d. 25 Jan., 1864.
They res. in Long Ridge, New Canaan, and Patterson, where both d.
4799 Elizabeth Ayres,8 b. in Long Ridge, 16 Mar., 1798; d. 23 Mar., 1801.
4800 James Seely Ayres,8 b. in Long Ridge, 24 June, 1800; m. in New Canaan, 21 Feb., 1836, Clarinda Fitch, b. 6 May, 1801; she d. in Fishkill, N. Y., Sept., 1881; he was a merchant in New York.
4801 Mary Elizabeth Ayres,8 b. in New Canaan, 11 Jan., 1803; m. 18 Apr., 1822, James Rogers Hoyt, b. in Patterson, 7 Dec., 1798; d. in Patterson, 18 June, 1875; for thirty years he was a wholesale merchant in the City of New York, and returned to Patterson, May, 1858.
4802 Abigail Julia Ayres,8 b. in Patterson, 16 Aug., 1810; m. 18 Dec., 1833, Jonathan Akin Taber; he was a farmer in Pawling, Dutchess Co., N. Y., where he d.

1854.   JONATHAN WARREN,7 son of Samuel6 (585), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 7 Apr., 1780; m. ______.
He d. 12 May, 1853, aged 73. He was a teacher; graduated from Yale in 1803.
4803 Ann,8 b. ______; m. Admiral Hiram Paulding, son of John Paulding, one of the captors of Maj. Andre; he d. ______; she d. ______.
4804 Mary,8 b.; m. Edward G. Thompson, of New York.
4805 George,8 b.; m. Van Antwerp.
4806 Warren,8 b. ______.
4807 Rebecca,8 b.; m. James McBride, of New York.
4808 Sarah,8 b.; m. Henry McBride, of New York, a brother of James.

1855.   MARY,7 dau. of Samuel6 (585), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 10 Apr., 1783; m. 21 Feb., 1810, David Lockwood, b. 31 Jan., 1783, son of James Lock­wood, b. 25 Oct., 1746, and Abigail De Forest, b. 31 May, 1753.
He d. 29 Jan., 1857; she d. 13 Dec., 1862.
He was a farmer in New Canaan, where both d.
4809 Elizabeth Richards Lockwood,8 b. 11 Oct., 1811; m. 23 Oct., 1831, Lewis Seymour Steele, of Walton, Delaware Co., N. Y., b. 19 Nov., 1807; d. 18 Feb., 1881; he was a shoe merchant in Walton.

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4810 James Wilson Lockwood,8 b. 26 Feb., 1814; m. 12 Sept., 1843, Sarah Elizabeth Hall, b. 17 July, 1817; he was a farmer in New Canaan; d. 6 Feb., 1870.
4811 Samuel Kellogg Lockwood,8 b. 11 Mar., 1820; m. 10 Oct., 1860, Mary Hoyt, b. 29 May, 1831, dau. of Stephen Hoyt, of New Canaan, b. 7 Apr., 1800, and Cila Benedict, b. 3 Oct., 1804; he was a farmer in New Canaan; d. 21 Apr., 1876; lived on his father's homestead in New Canaan.

1856.   HANNAH STARR,7 dau. of Nathan6 (586), bap. 23 Apr., 1775; m. Judd Raymond, bap. in New Canaan, Conn., 30 Dec., 1770, son of William Ray­mond, b. about 1746, and Priscilla Hayden.
He d. 1848.
4812 John Raymond,8 b. 13 June, 1795; m. 1819, Elizabeth Spangenburg, of Bethany, Pa.; he was in the war of 1812, as substitute for his father; in 1828 he built the first mile of railroad track ever laid in America for actual commercial business; it ran between Honesdale and the coal mines in Carbondale on the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.'s road; on this track, in Aug., 1829, the first locomotive ever run in America was tested.
4813 Sophia Raymond,8 b. 1797; m. about 1820, Roswell Marvin, of Green Ridge, Scranton, Pa.
4814 Amelia Raymond,8 b. 1799; m. Chauncey Hoyt, of Walton, N. Y.
4815 Hannah Raymond,8 b. 1801; m. (1) Addison Elting; (2) William Lonergu; (3) Simeon Tucker.
4816 Maria Raymond,8 b. 1803; m. Philander K. Williams, of Bethany and Nicholson, Pa.
4817 Elizabeth (Betsey) Raymond,8 b. 1805; m. Joseph Miller, of Bethany.
4818 William Newton Raymond,8 b. 16 May, 1808; m. 18 Apr., 1830, Mary Camp, of Norwalk, Conn.
4819 Emily A. Raymond,8 b. 1813; m. Walter Spry, of Devonshire, England.

1860.   NATHAN,7 son of Nathan6 (586), bap. in New Canaan, Conn., 24 Apr., 1785; m. (1) 29 Jan., 1817, Rosalinda Woodward, b. 14 Nov., 1795.
She d. in Bethany, Pa., 4 July, 1822; he m. (2) 29 Oct., 1823, Sarah Quidore, b. in New York City, about 1802; she d. in Prairie du Sac, Wis., July, 1856, aged 54; he d. 1857.
He res. in Walton, N. Y., and Bethany.
Children by first wife.
4820 Amanda,8 b. in Walton, 14 July, 1817; m. Silas Corwith; res. in Prairie du Sac.
4821 Ephraim Torrey,8 b. in Bethany, 30 Apr., 1822; m. (1) Eliza Farnum; (2) Mrs. Hettie (Baird) Hudson.
Children by second wife.
4822 Rosalinda,8 b. 30 Oct., 1824; d. next day.
4823 George,8 b. 10 May, 1826; d. 22 Sept., same year.
4824 John Azor,8 b. 16 Mar., 1828; m. Adelaide Worthington.

344    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1862.   MARIA,7 dau. of Nathan6 (586), b. 1789; m. Spangenburg, of Bethany, Pa.
4825 Ephraim Spangenburg,8 b. in Kansas City, 30 Apr., 1822.

1863.   GIDEON,7 son of Isaac6 (597), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 11 Oct., 1767; m. about 1804, Mrs. Sarah (Hubbell) Towner, widow of Towner, and dau. of Gersham Hubbell, of Wilton, Conn., and Wakeman.
She d. Feb., 1815, aged 49; he m. (2) Sept., 1820, Mrs. Phoebe (Harring­ton) Brockway, widow of Brockway; d. in Malta, N. Y., Feb., 1843.
He rem. about 1795 to Malta; was a farmer; deacon in the Baptist Church.
4826 Ozias,8 b. in Malta, G July, 1805; m. Eliza Daphny Cook.

1864.   JEMIMA,7 dau. of Isaac6 (597), b. 3 July, 1769; m. Abraham Nash Middlebrook, b. in Milton, Saratoga Co., N. Y., 6 Mar., 1767, son of Hezekiah Middlebrook, b. in 1740, and Phebe Nash, b. in Ridgefield, 19 Sept., 1742.
He d. in Malta, Saratoga Co., N. Y., 4 Aug., 1794; she d. 18 Mar., 1821.
4827 Phebe Middlebrook,8 b. in Malta, 31 Aug., 1792; m. (1) James Reming­ton; (2) 17 Feb., 1842, Ralph Middlebrook; d. in Ballston, N. Y., 30 Nov., 1857.
4828 Abraham Middlebrook,8 b. in Malta, 5 Mar., 1794; m. 27 Dec., 1818, Laura Dupee, dau. of Charles and Olive Dupee, of Milton, N. Y.; he res. in Milton until 1859; was Justice of the Peace; superin­tendent of the poor of Saratoga Co.; served in the war of 1812; rem. in 1859 to Oswego, N. Y.; d. in Binghamton, N. Y., 15 Nov., 1874; she d. in Oswego, 12 June, 1861.

1866.   HANNAH,7 dau. of Isaac6 (597), b. 30 Apr., 1772; m. 10 June, 1791, ­Andrew Seymour, b. in New Canaan, Conn., 4 Jan., 1765, son of Andrew Seymour, b. May, 1734, and Sarah Crissey, b. Oct., 1736.
He d. 24 Jan., 1844; she d. 8 Dec., 1848.
Children, b. in Malta, N. Y., except the last two, who were b. in Greenfield, N. T.
4829 Jared Seymour,8 b. 21 Sept., 1792; m. 17 Oct., 1826, Louisa Cobb; was a school teacher.
4830 Hannah Seymour,8 b. 25 Dec., 1793; d. unm., 1 Nov., 1827.
4831 Maria Seymour,8 b. 19 Feb., 1796; d. unm., 19 Feb., 1819.
4832 Sally Seymour,8 b. 28 July, 1799; d. unm., after 1878.
4833 Lewis Seymour,8 b. 12 Sept., 1801; m. 30 May, 1833, Elizabeth Hewitt; d. 5 Aug., 1841; was a farmer; res. in Greenfield.
4834 Paulina Seymour,8 b. 25 Oct., 1803; d. unm., 21 Feb., 1821.
4835 Isaac Seymour,8 b. 5 Oct., 1805; m. 2 July, 1835, Maria St. John; he was a farmer; res. in Greenfield.
4836 Hiram Seymour,8 b. 27 Jan., 1808; d. 11 June, 1812.
4837 Harmon Seymour,8 b. 9 Sept., 1809; m. (1) 28 Jan., 1832, Jerusha Morehouse; (2) 21 Apr., 1853, Malissa Holmes; (3) 19 Nov., 1861, Susan Price; (4) 27 Mar., 1873, Mary J. Ten Broeck.

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4838 Rebecca Seymour,8 b. 13 Sept., 1812; m. 22 Feb., 1838, James St. John; he was a carpenter; res. in Stillwater, Saratoga Co., N. Y.
4839 Edwin Seymour,8 b. 30 Oct., 1815; he was a farmer; res. in Greenfield; d. unm., after 1878.
4840 Mary Seymour,8 b. 1 Feb., 1818; d. unm., 22 Aug., 1872.

1870.   MATTHEW,7 son of Isaac6 (597), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 22 Sept., 1781; m. (1) 13 June, 1821, Sarah Seeley.
She d. 5 Aug., 1829, aged 40 years, 6 months, 18 days; he m. (2) 30 Nov., 1830, Electa Crofoot, b. 2 Dec., 1801, dau. of Ebenezer Crofoot and Sarah Gregory; d. in Greenwich, Conn., 23 Mar., 1872; she d. in Mount Vernon, N. Y., 11 Mar., 1886.
He was a farmer; res. in New Canaan, Conn.; was a Sergt. in the war of 1812; served in Norwalk, 9 to 14 Sept., 1813.
Children by second wife, b. in New Canaan.
4841 Hannah,8 b. 27 Sept., 1831; d. in New Canaan, 18 Oct., 1835.
4842 Enos,8 b. 21 Dec., 1832; m. Eliza Jane Hubbell.
4843 Minot Chofoot,8 b. 17 Dec., 1834; m. (1) Emily Elizabeth Disbrow; (2) Mary Louise Tallmadge.
4844 Hannah Eliza,8 b. 28 Sept., 1836; m. Leonard. Frank Lounsbury.
4845 Esther Abigail,8 b. 10 Dec., 1838; is unm.
4846 George Rex,8 b. 17 Oct., 1840; m. Polly Mills Benedict.
4847 Julia Ann,8 b. 27 July, 1844; d. in New Canaan, 30 Mar., 1847.

1875.   REBECCA,7 dau. of Enos6 (598), b. 16 Mar., 1787; m. James Evans, of Binghamton, N. Y.
4848 Edward Evans,8 b. ______.

1918.   SARAH,7 dau. of Epenetus6 (606), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 30 May, 1777; m. 19 Apr., 1798, Samuel Dikeman, b. in Reading, Conn., 2 Nov., 1775, son of Rev. Levi Dikeman, who was the pastor in Wilton, Conn., many years.
He d. in Boston, Mass., 12 Dec., 1825; she d. in South Boston, 1 Mar., 1846.
He was a boot and shoe manufacturer in New Haven.
4849 Cyrus Dikeman,8 b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 4 Feb., 1799; m. McRae, of Alabama; rem. to St. Joseph, Fla., and Montgomery, Tex., where he d. 1852.
4850 Julia Ann Dikeman,8 b. in Ridgefield, 15 Mar., 1801; m. Walton Mead, of Wilton; he was a hatter; rem. to Stamford, where she d. 4 Aug., 1823, and was buried with her only child.
4851 Sarah Dikeman,8 b. in Ridgefield, 13 Aug., 1803; m. (1) 24 June, 1821, Frederic Austin, who was drowned; she m. (2) 1 Oct., 1829, Simon Francis, a trader of Boston; he d. 4 Mar., 1852; had three children; she m. (3) 10 May, 1863, John Whitcomb, of West Townsend, Mass.
4852 Samuel Sturges Dikeman,8 b. 5 Nov., 1805; m. Mary Gorham, of New Haven; d.; had two daus.

346    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4853 Frances Rebecca Dikeman,8 b. 11 Apr., 1810; m. Lorenzo Bean, of Bos­ton; d. 8 Jan., 1839.
4854 Jane Amelia Dikeman,8 b. 29 Jan., 1816; m. Alexander McRae, of Alabama; rem. to Montgomery, where she d.

1919.   ANNA,7 dau. of Epenetus6 (606), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 28 Nov., 1778; m. 18 Jan., 1798, Daniel James, b. in Norwalk, 10 Sept., 1773, son of Peter James, b. in Wales, and Mercy Nash.
She d. 11 Jan., 1829; he d. 28 Aug., 1843. He was a sea captain; res. in Norwalk.
4855 Sally James,8 b. 27 Aug., 1798; m. 8 Feb., 1815, Daniel Williams; d. 11 Jan., 1816.
4856 William Kellogg James,8 b. 15 Sept., 1800; m. 8 Oct., 1870, Maria P. Selleck; d. 13 Sept., 1877; was a lumber merchant in Norwalk.
4857 Mary Esther James,8 b. 5 May, 1805; m. 8 Oct., 1827, Samuel Hubbell; d. 4 Dec., 1876.

1920.   EPENETUS,7 son of Epenetus6 (606), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 1 Oct., 1780; m. Marie Bruyn, b. in Warwarsing, Ulster Co., N. Y.
She d. in New York, 5 July, 1849; he d. 25 July, 1858.
He was a merchant in Warwarsing; rem. to New York City, where he was a wholesale grocer.
Children b. in Warwarsing.
4858 Epenetus Bruyn,8 b.; d. unm., in New York, 11 Jan., 1884.
4859 Antoinette,8 b.; was unm. in 1898.
4860 James Bruyn,8 b.; was unm. in 1898; d. ______.
4861 Frederick,8 b. 5 Sept., 1823; m. Anna Brown.

1927.   JAMES,7 son of James6 (610), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 17 July, 1781; m. (1) 27 Aug., 1806, Roxanna Turner, b. in Plymouth, Conn., 22 Oct., 1785.
She d. in Lewistown, Pa., 11 Oct., 1821; he m. (2) 1 Dec., 1822, Susannah Catherine Kellogg Camp, b. 28 July, 1791, dau. of Isaac Camp, b. in Norwalk, 8 Nov., 1770, and Elizabeth Nash (1878), b. 23 Feb., 1768, dau. of David Nash and Susannah Kellogg (+600); d. 5 Aug., 1856; was buried in Cleveland, O., in the Erie Street Cemetery; she d. in Cleveland, 18 Feb., 1882.
When he was about 25 years old he began selling dry goods and other articles of trade to retail merchants in the States of New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Vir­ginia. He bought his stock in New York and made regular trips over established routes. As he was successful, his brothers, Rufus, Edward and Frederick, following his example. About 1821 he settled in Lewistown, Pa., where he engaged in general mercantile business in connection with the manufacture of various kind of paper. In 1830 he rem. to Cleveland, where he carried on for many years in manufacture of paper, besides being connected with many other business enterprises.
Children by first wife.
4862 Eliza,8 b. in Northfield, Conn., 12 Aug., 1808; m. George Patton.
4863 Mary,8 b. in Northfield, 5 Mar., 1810; m. Theophilus Keckeler.
4864 James Nash,8 b. in Northfield, 12 Oct., 1820; m. Virginia Augusta Hewes.

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Children by second wife.
4865 Edward Turner,8 b. in Lewistown, 17 Nov., 1823; m. Harriet Lavinia Brainard.
4866 Charles David,8 b. 6 Feb., 1827; d. in Cleveland, 9 June, 1830.
4867 Susannah Catherine,8 b. 16 Sept., 1828; res. unm., in Cleveland.
4868 William Norman Lester,8 b. in Cleveland, 4 Jan., 1833; m. Charlotte Eliza Kelley.

1928.   MARY ,7 dau. of James6 (610), b. in Norwalk. Conn., 29 Dec., 1782; m. as his second wife, 12 May, 1805, Peck Clark, b. in Milford, Conn., 14 Dec., 1771, son of Hezekiah Clark, b. in Milford, 1723, and Mary Peck, of Bethany, Conn.
He d. in Salem, now Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., O., 2 Aug., 1854, aged 82.
In 1800 he rem. from Woodbridge to Burlington, in 1806 to Northfield, Conn., and in May, 1818, to Conneaut. After his death his widow lived with her children in Cleveland. He was a farmer and a millwright.
4869 Anna Clark,8 b. in Northfield, 22 Aug., 1806; d. 14 Nov., 1807.
4870 Julia Clark,8 b. 16 July, 1808; m. 15 Oct., 1826, Simeon Wheeler San­ford, b. in Litchfield Co., Conn., 2 Mar., 1805; d. in Conneaut, 3 Feb., 1832; had three children.
4871 Albert Clark,8 b. 8 Nov., 1809; m. 20 Sept., 1832, Elizabeth Howes Wright, b. in Conneaut, 18 June, 1814, dau. of Sherman Wright; he d. in Washington, D. C., 12 Dec., 1876; he prepared a genea­logical record of the Clark, Kellogg and Nash families, which was published in 1877; she d. 13 Sept., 1897, in Washington, D. C., aged 83; had three children.
4872 Aaron Clark,8 b. 28 May, 1811; m. (1) 30 Oct., 1838, Mary Hamlin Beardsley, b. in Cleveland, 25 Sept., 1819; she d. in Cleveland, 14 Nov., 1843; had no children; he m. (2) 21 July, 1845, Caroline Elizabeth Bingham, b. in Andover, Conn., 8 May, 1818; had six children.
4873 Alfred Clark,8 b. 20 Apr., 1813; d. unm., in Conneaut, 3 Aug., 1838.
4874 Edward Peck Clark,8 b. 16 June, 1814; m. in Conneaut, 7 Apr., 1836, Lydia Semantha Ring, b. in Massachusetts, 22 Feb., 1817; in 1845 he rem. with his family to Union, Rock Co., Wis., where he d. 1 Jan., 1851; he is buried in the cemetery in Cooktown.
4875 Frederick Kellogg Clark,8 b. 18 Sept., 1817; d. 7 Sept., 1818.
4876 Rufus Clark,8 b. in Conneaut, 23 Nov., 1819; m. 22 Mar., 1840, Celia Sanborn, b. in Monroe, Ashtabula Co., O., 9 Nov., 1821; had six children.
4877 Merritt Clark,8 b. 11 Dec., 1821; d. unm., 1 Aug., 1844.

1929.   ELIJAH,7 son of James6 (610), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 18 Oct., 1784; m. (1)9 Feb., 1813, Ann Maria Woodruff, b. 24 Dec., 1790, dau. of Ezekiel Wood­ruff, of Elizabeth, N. J., b. 30 Sept., 1744, and Sarah Donnington, b. 17 May, 1749.
She d. in Elizabeth, 24 Dec., 1831; he m. (2) in Elizabeth, 30 Jan., 1833, Martha Banks Crane, b. 27 Mar., 1810, dau. of James Crane, of Newark, N. J.,

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b. 17 Jan., 1786, and Phebe Riggs, b. 5 Feb., 1788; d. in Elizabeth, 25 Apr., 1856; is buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
He settled in Elizabeth about 1813; was a merchant; she res. in Elizabeth.
Children by first wife.
4878 James Nash,8 b. 30 Sept., 1813; d. Nov., 1814.
4879 Edward Nash,8 b. 1 Nov., 1815; was graduated from Princeton College, 1833; d. unm., in Elizabeth, 8 Jan., 1867.
4880 Robert Wade,8 b. 11 Sept., 1817; d. unm., 8 Oct., 1845.
4881 Mary Almira,8 b. 1 Sept., 1819; m. William Foster Day.
4882 Augustus Clark,8 b. 18 Dec., 1821; was graduated from Princeton College in 1840; he was in the real estate business; d. unm., in Eliza­beth, 12 Nov., 1895.
4883 Aaron Woodruff,8 b. 6 Feb., 1824; m. Clara Ailing Miller.
4884 Francis,8 b. 22 Sept., 1826; d. 12 Nov., 1826.
4885 Sarah Louise,8 b. 9 Mar., 1828; d. unm., 24 June, 1866.
4886 Julia Antoinette,8 b. 1 Oct., 1830; res. unm., in Elizabeth.
Children by second wife.
4887 Maria Woodruff,8 b. 9 Dec., 1833; d. 22 Dec., 1835.
4888 James Crane,8 b. 18 July, 1837; m. Elizabeth Langdon Woodruff.
4889 Mary Woodruff,8 b. 20 Feb., 1845; res. unm., in Elizabeth.
4890 Harriet Beverly,8 b. 17 June, 1846; res. unm., in Elizabeth.
4891 Clementine,8 b. 31 Jan., 1848; m. William Horace Corbin.

1930.   RUFUS,7 son of James6 (610), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 13 Oct., 1786; m. 20 Mar., 1811, Betsey Clark, b. in Milford, Conn., 20 July, 1789, dau. of Aaron Clark, b. 30 Sept., 1758, and Elizabeth Fowler, b. 10 Feb., 1765.
He d. in Orange, Conn., 30 Nov., 1832; she d. in Shippensburg, 24 Dec., 1856.
About 1820 he rem. his family from Northfield, Conn., to Pennsylvania, and res. near Shippensburg, where he was a merchant. Early in 1832 he was stricken with paralysis and returned to his former home in Northfield, and to the home of his father-in-law, Aaron Clark, in Orange, where, after a lingering illness, he d.
4892 Miranda Polly,8 b. 8 Aug., 1813; m. Joseph Pierce Nevin.
4893 Annie Maria,8 b. 6 Oct., 1816; m. Rev. William Humphrey Enos.

1931.   ABIGAIL,7 dau. of James6 (610), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 5 Jan., 1789; m. in Northfield, Conn., 25 Mar., 1811, Levi Merriam, b. 28 June, 1787, son of Joel Merriam, b. 1759, son of Thomas Merriam, of Watertown, Conn., and Theodotia Ferris, b. 1762, dau. of Lieut. Nathan Ferris, of Watertown.
She d. 29 Mar., 1839; he d. in Plymouth, Conn., 22 Mar., 1850.
4894 Ansel Merriam,8 b. 24 Dec., 1811; d. in Gambler, O., while a student in Kenyon College, 13 June, 1831.
4895 Betsey Merriam,8 b. 1 Oct., 1813; m. 13 May, 1834, George Buckingham, of Akron, O., b. 2 Oct., 1807; he d. in Akron, 28 June, 1861; shed, in Akron, 20 Feb., 1895; had three children.

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4896 David Kellogg Merriam,8 b. in Plymouth, 14 Nov., 1815; m. 1 Sept., 1840, Julia Ann Button,8 of Plymouth; lived on the old homestead; she d. 22 Jan., 1876; he d. 22 June, 1876; had eight children.
4897 Julia Ann Merriam,8 b. 10 Apr., 1819; d. 15 Nov., 1821.
4898 Frederick E. Merriam,8 b. 10 Apr., 1823; d. unm., 7 Feb., 1845.
4899 Lydia Nash Merriam,8 b. in Plymouth, 30 June, 1825; m. 5 Oct., 1854, Mansfield Sumner, of Akron, b. in Jamaica, Vt., 31 Dec., 1821; had three children.

1932.   EDWARD,7 son of James6 (610), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 18 Oct., 1790; m. in Northfield, Conn., 20 May, 1817, Esther Fenn Warner, b. in Plymouth, Conn., 15 Feb., 1794, dau. of Lyman Warner, of Northfield, and Annis Welton.
He d. in Brooklyn, 29 Apr., 1857; she d. 12 Aug., 1872; both are buried in Greenwood Cemetery.
He established himself in the wholesale dry goods trade in the City of New York about 1820. He was located on Pearl street, a short distance north of Han­over Square, where he transacted a large and prosperous business until 1837. He was largely interested in real estate in the City of Brooklyn, and rem. his family from New York in 1838, giving his time thereafter principally to the manage­ment of his large estate. He was the author of two valuable works on financial subjects, entitled : "Labor and Other Capital," and "A New Monetary System."
4900 Elizabeth Warner,8 b. in Plymouth, 13 Feb., 1818; m. in New York City, 20 Apr., 1836, Philip Livingston Jones, M. D., of New York, b. 24 Sept., 1811; d. in Brooklyn, 21 Apr., 1864, aged 46 years and 2 months; he d. 31 Oct., 1883; had no children.
4901 Amelia Nash,8 b. in Northfield, 25 June, 1820; m. in New York, 18 June. 1838, Maj. John C. Henshaw, b. 25 May, 1815; he d. in Elizabeth, N. J., 30 Oct., 1877; had no children.
4902 Edward Root,8 b. in New York City, 26 Jan., 1824; m. Rebecca Jennette Fuller.
4903 Mary Esther,8 b. in New York City, 22 Feb., 1826; m. 22 Feb., 1854, Samuel W. Putnam, of New York, b. 15 Mar., 1823; res. in Eliza­beth; he d. 23 Mar., 1896; had no children.
4904 Harriet Elvira,8 b. in New York City, 9 Mar., 1828; m. Dr. Carroll Dunham.

1933.   FREDERICK,7 son of James6 (610), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 11 Aug., 1792; m. 24 Mar., 1819, Minerva Warner, b. 4 Aug., 1795, dau. of Chauncey Warner, of Plymouth, Conn.
She d. 8 Jan., 1860; he d. in Baraboo, Wis., 11 May, 1860.
He settled in Reading, Pa., in 1821. In Mar., 1834, rem. from Reading and located his family in New York. He carried on an extensive trade; res. in Brooklyn, 1841-49; in 1855 rem. to Baraboo, where three of his sons were living.
Children, first two b. in Northfield, Conn., others in Reading.
4905 Elvira Warner,8 b. 4 Jan., 1820; m. George Alfred Trowbridge.
4906 Chauncey Warner,8 b. 15 Dec., 1821; m. Mary Eliza Bassett.
4907 Albert Frederick,8 b. 20 Mar., 1824; m. Sarah Jane Bassett.

350    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4908 Edwin Merritt,8 b. 20 Sept., 1826; m. 16 Apr., 1867, Louise H. Chur, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., 9 Oct., 1840; she d. 25 Mar., 1868; he m. (2) in Cambridge, Mass., 9 Oct., 1869, Fannie Ann Bowen, b. in Boston, Mass., 25 Sept., 1836, dau. of Charles Bowen, b. in 1806 and Elizabeth Williams, b. in Boston, 1809. He rem to New York City in 1834; commenced the practice of medicine in 1852; in 1871 he was the vice-president of the Homeopathic Mutual Life Insurance Company, New York. She d. 5 June, 1900; had no children.
4909 Levi Merriam,8 b. 4 Sept., 1829; m. Delight L. Wickes.
4910 Ansel Nash,8 b. 20 Mar., 1832; m. Annie E. Barnes.

1934.   LYDIA,7 dau. of James6 (610), b. in Franklin, 28 Apr., 1794; m. in Northfield, Conn., 7 May, 1817, Deacon Merritt Clark, b. in Milford, Conn., 3 Mar., 1793, son of Aaron Clark, b. 30 Sept., 1758.
She d. in Northfield, 15 Oct., 1835; he d. in Baraboo, Wis., 27 Feb., 1868.
He lived for a long time in Hammond, St. Croix Co., Wis.
4911 Elizabeth Fowler Clark,8 b. in Northfield, 8 Feb., 1818; m. Albert G. Tuttle; had four children.
4912 Louise Arm Clark,8 b. 26 Sept., 1819; m. 29 Sept., 1845, Ralph Garwood ­Camp, of Northfield; d. in Northfield, 29 June, 1848.

1936.   CHARLES,7 son of James6 (610), b. in Franklin, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1798; m. 28 Mar., 1827, Hannah Drake, b. 16 Jan., 1803, dau. of John Drake and Martha Thompson.
He d. in Hastings, Mich., 15 Oct., 1847; she d. 4 Jan., 1861; they are both buried in Lyons, Mich.
In 1828 or '29 he was a merchant on Staten Island; rem. in 1830 to Newark, N. J., and in 1833 to Ann Arbor, Mich., where he was a farmer.
4913 Martha Thompson,8 b. 7 May, 1828; m. Clark Hubbard Palmer.
4914 Mary Drake,8 b. 13 June, 1830; m. Jacob Moore Hale.
4915 Hannah Delia,8 b. 22 June, 1833; m. Edward Martin Gates.
4916 Phebe Esther,8 b. 12 Oct., 1835; m. Edwin Boyer.
4917 Charles Drake,8 b. 29 June, 1838; d. unm., 5 Nov., 1862, in the hos­pital in Danville, Va.; was a Union soldier.
4918 Julius Clark,8 b. 29 June, 1838; m. 1 Nov., 1859, Martha Gates; d. 30 Nov., 1859.

1937.   CLARK,7 son of James6 (610), b. in Franklin, N. Y., 14 Oct., 1800; m. 28 Oct., 1828, Catharine Sergeant, b. 28 Jan., 1802, dau. of David Sergeant, of Parsippany, N. J., and Margaret Emmick, b. in Germany.
He d. 3 Sept., 1870; she d. in Oshtemo, Mich., 29 Aug., 1873.
He left Litchfield about 1819 and went to Staten Island, N. Y., and Elizabeth, N. J., where he was a merchant. In June, 1835, he rem. to Oshtemo, making the journey in twenty-one days by canal, lake and with horses and oxen. He was a farmer; also Justice of the Peace.

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4919 James Merritt,8 b. in Elizabeth, 22 Sept., 1829; m. Mrs. Susan (Kemp­sey) Stafford.
4920 Anna Maria,8 b. in Elizabeth, 31 July, 1831; d. 23 Dec., 1833.
4921 Henry Clark,8 b. in Elizabeth, 16 Sept., 1833; d. 1 June, 1834.
4922 Frederick Clark,8 b. in Oshtemo, 1 Oct., 1837; d. imm., 15 June, 1867.
4923 Emily Winslow,8 b. in Oshtemo, 19 Mar., 1840; m. George Henry Snow.
4924 Albert Sergeant,8 b. in Oshtemo, 30 Nov., 1842; m. Jane Maria Balch.

1938.   ANNA WEED,7 dau. of James6 (610), b. in Northfield, Conn., 26 Mar., 1803; m. in Green Bay, Wis., 27 Sept., 1832, John Yates Smith, of Madison Wis., b. 10 Feb., 1807.
She d. in Madison, 3 Mar., 1847.
4925 Hayden Kellogg Smith,8 b. in Green Bay, 8 Feb., 1834; m. 30 Aug., 1860, Fanny Proctor. He was connected with the Milwaukee Sen­tinel and Chicago Times as editor.

1939.   JULIA,7 dau. of James6 (610), b. in Northfield, Conn., 21 Mar., 1805; m. 5 Nov., 1828, Ogden Smith, b. 26 July, 1803, son of John J. Smith, b. 27 Oct., 1772, and Phebe Jewell, b. 11 July, 1774.
He d. in Elizabeth, N. J., 8 Feb., 1851; she d. 6 Oct., 1887, aged 83. He was a merchant; res. in Elizabeth.
4926 Elijah Kellogg Smith,8 b. in Elizabeth, 3 Feb., 1831; m. 14 June, 1852, Harriet Cole Squier, b. 15 June, 1830; had two children.
4927 Mary Johnson Smith,8 b. in Elizabeth, 7 July, 1832; d. 29 Oct., 1832.
4928 John Jewell Smith,8 b. 13 July, 1834; m. (1) 28 Apr., 1855, Henrietta De Groot, of Elizabeth, b. 21 Mar., 1836; she d. 18 Jan., 1881; he m. (2) Mary Helen Hall, of New York., b. 1861; he d. 18 Jan., 1881.
4929 Martha Clark Smith,8 b. in Elizabeth, 3 Nov., 1837; m. 26 June, 1860, Joseph Alward, of Elizabeth, b. in Basking Ridge, N. J., 4 July, 1828.
4930 Elias Derby Smith,8 b. in Bound Brook, N. J., 5 Apr., 1840; m. 13 Sept., 1865, Keziah P. Martin, of Hackettstown, N. J., b. 20 Sept., 1844.
4931 Walter Ogden Smith,8 b. in Somerville, N. J., 11 June, 1843; m. 12 Sept., 1866, Harrietta Frances Wells, b. in Bloomfield, N. Y., 24 Oct., 1847; he d. 10 Dec., 1892.
4932 Julia Anna Smith,8 b. in Somerville, 11 June, 1843; d. in Somerville, 22 June, 1845.

1944.   ESEK,7 son of Stephen6 (611), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 21 Nov., 1786; m. 24 Mar., 1811, Maria Osborn, b. 26 May, 1788, dau. of Jacob Osborn, b. 20 Sept., 1757, and Betsey Jarvis, b. 10 Sept., 1761.
He d. 25 Mar., 1863; she d. 28 Mar., 1867.
He was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Norwalk, and for many years a vestryman. He was a farmer; res. in Norwalk; his son, Josiah, oc-

352    The Kelloggs in the New World.

cupied the homestead. He served in the war of 1812, 9 to 11 Sept., 1813, in Nor­walk.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
4933 Betsey Ann,8 b. 16 Dec., 1811; d. 20 Jan., 1812.
4934 Margaret Emily,8 b. 7 Nov., 1813; m. William Augustus Barlow.
4935 Harriet,8 b. 21 June, 1817; m. Horace Fitch.
4936 Mary Frances,8 b. 29 May, 1819; m. William Henry Wheeler.
4937 Caroline,8 b. 3 Aug., 1821; m. 23 Mar., 1841, Charles F. Osborn, b. 28 Sept., 1818, son of Charles Osborn, b. 17 Aug., 1792; she d. 1 Apr., 1864; had no children; he m. (2) 19 Apr., 1865, Harriet Smith.
4938 Adelia Maria,8 b. 28 Feb., 1824; m. 3 Apr., 1850, Calvin S. Wheeler; had no children.
4939 Andrew,8 b. 1 May, 1826; d. 4 Sept., same year.
4940 Josiah,8 b. 28 Mar., 1829; m. Amanda Morey.

1945.   MARIA,7 dau. of Stephen6 (611), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 21 Oct., 1788; m. 22 Mar., 1808, Daniel Richards, b. in New Canaan, Conn., 28 Aug., 1784, son of Jesse Richards, b. 24 July, 1763, and Lydia Hickok, b. 2 Jan., 1762.
He d. 12 Apr., 1826; she d. 2 May, 1874.
He was a farmer in New Canaan.
4941 Phebe Elizabeth Richards,8 b. 19 Sept., 1810; m. 20 Dec., 1838, Joseph Upham, b. in Granville, N. Y., 27 Apr., 1808, son of Joseph Up­ham, b. in Sturbridge, Mass., 13 Feb., 1764, and Huldah Smith, b. in Suffield, Conn.; he was a hardware merchant in New York City; d. in Brooklyn, 4 Dec., 1867.
4942 Sophia Frances Richards,8 b. 1 Nov., 1814; m. 15 Aug., 1838, Chester S. Kasson.
4943 Hannah Maria Richards,8 b. 17 Aug., 1817; m. 10 Apr., 1839, Myron Giddings Hoyt, b. 2 Mar., 1812, son of Timothy Hoyt; he d. 13 Oct., 1839; he was a merchant; they res. in Lansingburgh, New York City and Lockport, N. Y., where he d.
4944 Lydia Bouton Richards,8 b. 5 July, 1820; m. 23 Apr., 1840, George Trowbridge, of Lockport, N. Y.; he d.; she d. 3 Mar., 1843.
4945 Margaret Kellogg Richards,8 b. 21 Feb., 1822; d. unm., 23 Mar., 1840.

1947.   JEMIMA,7 dau. of Stephen6 (611), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 21 Mar., 1793; m. 3 Apr., 1814, William Osborn, b. in Norwalk, 9 June, 1790, son of Jacob Osborn, b. 20 Sept., 1757, and Betsey Jarvis, b. 10 Sept., 1761.
He d. 1867; she d. in Jacksonville, N. Y., 1 Feb., 1873.
He was a dealer in flour and feed in New York; he lived many years in Troy, retired from business.
4946 George Kellogg Osborn,8 b. in New York, 15 July, 1815; m. 11 June, 1838, Harriet C. Chamberlain; she res. in Bay Ridge, N. Y., after the death of her husband; he d. 8 Mar., 1843.
4947 Frances Elizabeth Osborn,8 b. 1 Mar., 1820; m. in Troy, 18 Apr., 1838, Israel Ross Catlin, b. in Waterloo, 28 Jan., 1811, son of Israel Cat­lin and Ditha Ross; he was a hardware merchant and manufacturer of edge tools; she d. 10 Aug., 1864; he d. in Troy, 10 Feb., 1876.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    353

1948.   ELIZABETH,7 dau. of Stephen6 (611), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 19 Feb., 1795; m. as his second wife, 27 Dec., 1819, Rufus Richards, b. 25 Apr., 1781, son of Capt. Gershom Richards, of Norwalk, and Elizabeth Richards.
She d. 5 Sept., 1849; he had m. (1) 1806, Rhenah Scofield.
4948 Charles Rufus Richards,8 b. 29 Oct., 1821; d. unm., 6 July, 1863.
4949 Caroline Augusta Richards,8 b. 17 Nov., 1833; m. 18 Nov., 1847, Fred­erick Leake; d. 18 Oct., 1863.

1949.   STEPHEN,7 son of Stephen6 (611), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 26 Apr., 1797; m. 1 Jan., 1823, Susan Emeline Bigelow, b. in Colebrook, Conn., 5 Dec., 1805, dau. of Asa Bigelow, b. in Marlboro, Conn., 18 Jan., 1779, and Lucy Isham, b. in Colchester, Conn., 22 Sept., 1780.
He d. 12 Nov., 1845; she d. in Maiden. N. Y., 13 Feb., 1884.
He was a merchant in Maiden from 1822 to '33. From 1833 to '36 in Troy in the firm of Kelloggs & Osborn. He then returned to Maiden, and formed the firm of Bigelow, Kellogg & Co.
4950 Nathan,8 b. in Maiden, 18 Feb., 1825; m. Helen Maria Laflin.
4951 Lucy Bigelow,8 b. in Troy, 4 Aug., 1830; m. Dietrick Amalo Wolf.
4952 Susan Lydl,8 b. in Maiden, 26 July, 1834; m. Carl William Edward Oxholm.
4953 Frances Adeline,8 b. in Maiden, 25 Sept., 1836; m. Dr. Robert Watts.
4954 Asa Bigelow,8 b. in Maiden, 20 Dec., 1839; m. Sarah Jane Akin.
4955 Stephen D.,8 b. 26 Feb., 1843; d. 4 Oct., 1848.

1951.   FRANCES BOUTON.,7 dau. of Stephen6 (611), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 14 May, 1801; m. in Troy, N. Y., 17 Sept., 1825, Stephen Field, b. in Ferris­burg, Vt., 31 Mar., 1794.
She d. 22 Mar., 1829; was buried in Montreal, Canada; he d. of isthmus fever, 14 Dec., 1850, in the house of Mr. Van Court, of Chagres, New Grenada, on his return from San Francisco.
He was a tanner; res. in Montreal.
4956 Francis Kellogg Field,8 b. in Montreal, 13 Mar., 1829; m. 14 Oct., 1854, Frances Amelia Burr, b. in Parish Rapids, La., 26 Nov., 1834; res. in New Britain, Conn.; had one child, Burr Kellogg Field, b. in Auburn, Ind., 5 May, 1856.

1953.   DAVID,7 son of David6 (650), b. in Groton, Conn., about 1771; m. (1) 29 Apr., 1798, Bridget Newton, b. about 1781, dau. of Ebenezer Newton, of Groton.
She d. 7 June, 1833; he m. (2) 1840, Nancy Dennison, b. in Stonington, Conn., 17 Aug., 1798, dau. of Beebe Dennison and Prudence Holmes, b. about 1755.
He d. 20 Aug., 1863, aged 92; she d. 17 Aug., 1865.
After the death of his father he went to live with Nathan Daboll, A. M. (author of works on mathematics). He went to Schaghticoke, N. Y., to learn the

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trade of a carpenter of his uncle, Joseph. He also assisted in the survey of Onon­daga Co. After learning his trade he returned to Stonington and bought land adjoining his mother's farm, where he built a house and spent the rest of his days. He was Justice of the Peace in Stonington; served in the war of 1812, at the bombardment of Stonington.
Children, b. in Stonington.
4957 David,8 b. 31 Mar., 1799; m. Lydia Smith Bennett.
4958 Joseph,8 b. 27 July, 1801; m. Angeline Holmes; res. in Schaghticoke N. Y., and Centerport, N. Y.; d. in Illinois in 1868, aged 67.
4959 Mary (Polly),8 b. 17 Nov., 1803; m. Thomas Jefferson Lamb.
4960 Eliza Williams,8 b. 22 Nov., 1805; m. John Hillard.
4961 Austin,8 b. 19 Oct., 1807; m. Frances M. Moore.
4962 Daniel,8 b. 15 Feb., 1809; he was lost about 1825 on a ship that left New York; was never heard from.
4963 Laura,8 b. 19 July, 1811; m. Thomas Leeds.
4964 Eunice,8 b. 1 Dec., 1815; m. Frederick Johnson.
4965 Emily,8 b. 4 July, 1818; m. Austin Flint Henshaw.
4966 Frank Norman,8 b. about 1820; d. about 1839.
4967 Cyrus L.,8 b. 18 Apr., 1821; sailed from Stonington on a whaling voy­age and fell overboard, in a gale, 8 Nov., 1843, and was drowned.
4968 Hiram,8 b.; d. in infancy.

1956.   JASON,7 son of Benjamin6 (651), b. in South Salem, N. Y., 2 Dec., 1790; m. in Bedford, N. Y., Catherine Miller, b. 4 Sept., 1798, dau. of Henry Miller, of Bedford.
She d. in South Salem, 30 Mar., 1856; he d. in Philadelphia, Pa., 9 Nov., 1860; both are buried in South Salem.
He was a farmer; res. in South Salem.
Children, b. in South Salem.
4969 Henry,8 b. 17 Aug., 1817; d. in South Salem, 7 Sept., 1838.
4970 Electa Ann,8 b. 11 Nov., 1819; d. unm., 3 Dec., 1855.
4971 Clarissa,8 b. 7 Dec., 1821; m. William Scofield.
4972 Benjamin,8 b. 1 Feb., 1824; m. Sarah Maria Packard.
4973 Cyrus,8 b. 26 Sept., 1826; m. (1) Eliza Ann Osbom; (2) Mary Rich­ards Moseley.
4974 Lois,8 b. 8 Mar., 1829; m. 25 Sept., 1850, William Chauncey Pullen, b. in Bedford, 28 Dec., 1826, son of Cornelius Pullen and Zilpah Garnsey; he was an ice dealer; res. in Pound Ridge, N. Y.; had no children.
4975 Margaret Strang,8 b. 23 June, 1831; m. Dr. William Ezra Parsons.
4976 Jason Gardiner,8 b. 25 Feb., 1834; m. Maria Raymond.
4977 Catherine Miller,8 b. 12 June, 1838; d. 5 Sept., 1840.

1958.   LOIS,7 dau. of Benjamin6 (651), b. in South Salem, N. Y., 16 Jan., 1795; m. 28 May, 1816, Gilbert Jones, b. near Newburgh, N. Y., 28 Apr., 1793, son of Gilbert Jones and Hannah Wood.
He d. in New Paltz, N. Y., Dec., 1840; she d. in South Salem, 15 May, 1850.
He was a farmer; res. in Carmel, and later in Monticello, N. Y., from which place he rem. to New Paltz.

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Children, all but last two b. in Monticello.
4978 Eunice Jones,8 b. 26 Sept., 1818; m. 24 Feb., 1850, Hayley Seymour; res. in Wilton, Conn.
4979 Betsey Elizabeth Jones,8 b. 4 Oct., 1820; d. in Danbury, 25 May, 1850; is buried in South Salem.
4980 Nancy Jones,8 b. 9 Aug., 1824; m. 11 Mar., 1846, Sanford Keeler; res. in Wilton, Conn.
4981 Mary Jane Jones,8 b. 30 Oct., 1827; m. in Cross River, N. Y., 3 Nov., 1842, William Avery; res. in South Salem.
4982 Catherine Janette Jones,8 b. 8 Jan., 1833; m. Albert Jones, of South Norwalk, Conn.; res. about ten miles from Rockford, Ill.
4983 Benjamin Franklin Jones,8 b. 6 Dec., 1836; res. in Rockford, Ill.

1959.   ABIGAIL,7 dau. of Jonathan6 (652). bap. in New Canaan, Conn., 16 Jan., 1757; m. in Wilton, Conn., 6 Oct., 1799, Moses Johnson. He probably rem. from Wilton to New Canaan.
4984 Elizabeth (Betsey) Johnson,8 b. ______.
4985 Susan Johnson,8 b. ______.
4986 Uriah Johnson,8 b. ______.

1962.   ENOCH,7 son of Jonathan6 (652), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 2 Dec., 1761; m. in Saratoga Co., N. Y., 21 Apr., 1791. Elizabeth Wood, b. about 1765.
He d. in Wales, N. Y., in 1843.
He was a revolutionary soldier and pensioner. From the records of the Pen­sion Office it is learned that he was living in Willink, N. Y.; enlisted in Norwalk, the last of May, 1777, and served six years, when he was discharged at West Point, N. Y. He was in the battles of Gennantown and Monmouth, and at the surrender of Lord Cornwallis, at Yorktown. In 1823, he lived in Wales, Erie Co., and there were living in his family at that time his wife, Elizabeth, son, James, and dau., Eliza. Mention was also made of a son, Enos, more than 21 years of age, whose residence was unknown.
4987 Patty,8 b. 25 Jan., 1792; d. 22 Oct., 1793.
4988 Mary,8 b. 21 Sept., 1793; bap. in Greenfield, 23 Oct.; m. Gilbert Holmes.
4989 Daniel,8 b. 29 Sept., 1795; d. 1 Aug., 1796.
4990 Abigail,8 b. 3 Aug., 1797; d. 21 Sept., same year.
4991 Enos,8 b. 19 Oct., 1800, bap. in Greenfield, 11 Jan., 1801; m. Lydia Car­lyle; he was a farmer; res. in Aurora, Erie Co., N. Y.; was a Whig; d. about 1840; had no children.
4992 Sarah,8 b. 23 Aug., 1802; bap. in Greenfield, 10 July, 1803; m. Chaun­cey Ira Calkins.
4993 James Wood,8 b. 25 May, 1804; bap. in Greenfield, 4 Nov., 1804; m. Mary Calkins, b. 4 Jan., 1801, dau. of Israel and Mary Calkins; he d. in Wales, N. Y., 18 Apr., 1850, where he res.; she d. in Atchi­son, Kas., about 1871; he was a farmer, a Baptist and a Whig; had no children.
4994 Eliza,8 b. 21 Feb., 1806; m. David P. George.

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1963.   SUSANNA,7 dau. of Jonathan6 (652), bap. in New Canaan, Conn., 3 Oct., 1763; m. Deacon Jonathan Wood, b. 4 Feb., 1757.
He d. 26 Oct., 1823; she d. 22 May, 1824.
They lived in Greenfield, where they probably rem. soon after their mar­riage. He was a soldier, in the revolution, from Westchester Co., N. Y., and, with several of his brothers, was among the first settlers of Greenfield. He was appointed to keep order in the galleries. He was present at a meeting in 1792, when it was voted to build a new meeting-house in Greenfield. In 1800 he was paid two dollars for sweeping the meeting-house for one year.
He was a deacon. In the records of the church at Greenfield he was some­times called deacon and sometimes captain.
Children, probably all b. in Greenfield.
4995 Asahel Wood,8 b. 3 May, 1792; m. 24 Nov., 1814, Olivia Hall, b. 24 Sept., 1794; d. 12 Apr., 1883; she d. 16 July, 1857; they res. in Dover, Ill.
4996 Joseph Selah Wood,8 bap. 1 Dec., 1793; probably d. young.
4997 Zenas Wood,8 b. bap. "1 Lord's Day, 1797."
4998 Elizabeth Wood,8 bap. 18 Feb., 1798; m. in Greenfield, 1 Feb., 1820, In­crease Hoyt, b. 7 Nov., 1797, son of Jonathan Hoyt, b. 1761, and Chloe Miller; res. in Ballston, N. Y., and Dover, Ill.; he d. 2 June, 1864; she d. 18 Aug., 1867.
4999 James Wood,8 bap. 18 Aug., 1799; m.; he was a noted clergy­man.

5000 Jeremiah Wood,8 b. 1801; bap. 3 Jan., 1802; m. in Greenfield, Sept., 1828, Thankful Bacon Hewitt, b. in Connecticut, Oct., 1801; d. 6 June, 1876; she d. 26 July, 1886; he was graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary; was settled as pastor of the First Presby­terian Church in Mayfield, N. Y., 26 Sept., 1826, and remained there until his death in 1876, a period of nearly fifty years.
5001 Elias Wood,8 bap. 11 May, 1803; d. 12 Apr., 1883, in Dover, Ill.
5002 Lewis Wood,8 bap. 14 July, 1805.

1965.   STEPHEN,7 son of Jonathan6 (653), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 16 Apr., 1770; m. 11 Aug., 1791, Sarah Miller, b. 28 Dec., 1772.
He rem. from Connecticut to Greenfield, N. Y., before 20 Dec., 1792, where he attended a church meeting on that date. He was trustee of the church in 1805. Later he rem. to Marcellus, Onondaga Co.
Children, first four bap. in Greenfield, 23 Oct., 1796.
5003 Sandusky Miller,8 b. 22 May, 1792; m. Sarah Harris.
5004 Jonathan,8 b. 23 July, 1793; m. (1) Lydia Post; (2) Alice Coville.
5005 Piozetta,8 b. 14 Nov., 1794; m. Arden Clark.
5006 Elizabeth,8 b. 30 June, 1796; m. Nathan Derrier.
5007 Enoch,8 b. 27 July, 1798; m. Olive Pratt.
5008 Hiram,8 b. 29 Apr., 1800; m. (1) Martha Marble; (2) Hannah Seabolt.
5009 Anna,8 b. 25 July, 1801; m. (1) John Marble; (3) John Emmons; (3) John Bangham.
5010 John Calvin,8 b. 1 July, 1803; d. unm., ______.
5011 Harriet,8 b. 27 Aug., 1805.

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5012 Chloe,8 b. 27 Feb., 1807; m. John Chrisler.
5013 Stephen,8 b. 27 Aug., 1810; d. unm. ______.

1966.   DANIEL,7 son of Jonathan6 (652), bap. in New Canaan, Conn., 21 Feb., 1773; m. Polly Childs.
They res. in Greenfield, N. Y., where they owned a pew in the church. He rem. from Greenfield, probably before 1818, to Gainsville, N. Y.
5014 Phebe,8 bap. 4 Apr., 1807; m. Dyer Walker, of Gainsville.
5015 Cynthia,8 bap. 4 Apr., 1807.
5016 Mary,8 b. ______.
5017 Samuel Weed,8 bap. 7 Apr., 1807; m. Dolly Emeline Jewell.
5018 Daniel,8 b. ______.

1967.   SARAH,7 dau. of Jonathan6 (652), b. in New Canaan, Conn., bap. 26 Feb., 1775; m. in South Greenfield, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1802, Mark Hopkins.
He res. in Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., and Plattsburg or Prattsburg, N. Y.
5019 Eliza Cordelia Hopkins,8 b.; m. Simeon Hayes, b. in Granby, Mass., 23 Jan., 1801.
5020 Maria Hopkins,8 b. ______; m. Dr. George Hayes, a brother of Simeon.
5021 Erastus Hopkins,8 b.; m. Climena Clark, b. 2 July, 1810, dau. of Kelaz and Abigail Clark; was a farmer in White Lake, Mich.

1996.   JOHN,7 son of Daniel6 (659), b. in Colchester, Conn., 30 Nov., 1784; m. in Colchester, 1818, Elizabeth (Betsey) Wright, b. 14 Aug., 1788, dau. of Azariah Wright, of Colchester, and Mercy Treadway.
She d. 6 July, 1856; he d. 15 Feb., 1877; both d. in Colchester. He was a farmer in Colchester. The homestead was bought by his great grandfather and has never been owned, rented or mortgaged out of the family. John gave it to his grandsons, children of Daniel.
Children, b. in Colchester.
5022 Samuel Augustus,8 b. 1 Dec., 1819; m. Jane Gray Carroll.
5023 Elizabeth Wright,8 b. 2 Nov., 1822; d. in Colchester, 15 July, 1839, aged 17.
5024 Daniel,8 b. 18 Apr., 1824; m. Jane Elizabeth Hall.
5025 John Wright,8 b. 1 Oct., 1831; d. in Colchester, 10 Mar., 1836.

2001.   BENJAMIN,7 son of Joseph6 (600), b. in Hebron, Conn., 25 May, 1744; m. 1765, Phoebe Stark, b. in Hebron, 13 Jan., 1746, dau. of Moses Stark and Elizabeth _______.
She d. 30 Sept., 1823; he d. 3 Nov., 1824, aged 80; both are buried on the old farm in Austerlitz.
His will, dated 9 Nov., 1813, gives to wife, Phoebe, use of one-third of his farm, all the furniture, etc., various small amounts to different children, and the bulk of the property to his son, Elisha, whom he made executor.
He was a farmer in Hebron; about 1775 he rem. to that part of the Green River Valley which is now Austerlitz, N. Y., with an ox team and sled. He was

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a revolutionary soldier; member of Col. Hogebaum's Reg. (which consisted of nine companies), and Capt. Spencer's Co., and belonged to that part of Albany Co. which now comprises the County of Columbia. He is supposed to have been with the Continental army when Burgoyne surrendered. In an expedition up the Mohawk River in pursuit of marauding Indians he was nearly starved. It is said that all the food he had for three days was five kernels of corn which he happened to have in his pocket. In the "hard winter," for sixty days in succession, the snow was up to the eaves of his house, and egress was made through the cham­ber windows; the family lived on pounded corn and millett, being unable to get to the mill. Stumps, where trees were cut for wood after the crust formed, were found thirty to forty feet high in hollows where the snow had drifted, and his sheep lived under the snow all winter, being found by the airholes made by their breath.
5026 Phoebe,8 b. 1770; m. William Mitchell.
5027 Elizabeth (Betsey),8 b.; m. Jabez Ohnstead.
5028 Abigail,8 b.; m. Eleazer Barrett.
5029 Lydia,8 b. 15 May, 1777; m. Joseph Gleason.
5030 Elisha,8 b. 4 Aug., 1779; m. (1) Abigail Gleason; (2) Olive Mallory; (3) Eunice Dewey.
5031 Samuel,8 b. 4 Sept., 1781; m. (1) Martha Topping; (2) Harriet Smith.
5032 Benjamin,8 b. 7 Feb., 1784; m. Sally Tarbox.
5033 Joseph,8 b. 10 Dec., 1788; m. (1) Dolly Curtis; (2) Mrs. Harriet (Kingsley) Smith.
5034 Marvin,8 b. 1792; d. 1818, aged 26.

2002.   CORP. JOSEPH,7 son of Joseph6 (660), bap. in Hebron, Conn., 21 Sept., 1746; m. 15 Dec., 1768, Mary Niles, of Colchester, Conn., b. 25 Feb., 1749, dau. of Nathan Niles and Mary Saxton.
He d. 22 Mar., 1823, aged 77; she d. 5 May, 1841, aged 92.
He rem. from Colchester to Whately, Mass., where he res. from 1770 to '77; later he rem. to Pawlet, Rutland Co., Vt., where he res. until Feb., 1813, when he and his wife rem. to Newfield, where they lived with their son, Joseph, until their death. He served in Capt. Salmon White's Co.; was discharged 19 Aug., 1777, after the Bennington Alarm. Also in Col. Ezra May's Reg., which served at Sar­atoga from 20 Sept. to 14 Oct., 1777.
Children, b. in Whately, Mass.
5035 Molly,8 b. 22 Sept., 1770; d. 21 Aug., 1771.
5036 Betty,8 b. 7 Sept., 1772; m. Hotchkiss.
5037 Joseph,8 b. 17 Sept., 1774; m. Elizabeth Pelton.
5038 Solomon,8 b. 5 May, 1777; m. Martha Mack.
Children, b. in Pawlet, Vt.
5039 Mary,8 b. 18 Feb., 1780; m. 12 May, 1796, William McAllister; d. 2 Dec., 1798.
5040 Nathan Niles,8 b. 5 Mar., 1783; m. in Pawlet, 8 Feb., 1804, Lavinia Lewis, of Wells; in Oct., 1832, he res. in Sheldon, Genesee Co., N. Y., when he and Mary, his wife, conveyed their interest in land of Jacob Lewis, late of Wells.

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5041 Susannah,8 b. 6 Aug., 1785; m. in Pawlet, 6 Aug., 1799, William Mc­Allister, who had m. (1) her sister, Mary.
5042 Sylvanus,8 b. 17 Nov., 1788; m. _______.

2004.   ANN,7 dau. of Daniel6 (661), b. in Hebron, Conn., 18 Apr., 1746; m. 17 June, 1773, Solomon Perrin, son of Thomas Perrin, Jr., and Jerusha Porter.
He d. 8 Sept., 1820; she d. 13 Mar., 1834. They res. in Vernon, Conn.
5043 Atina Perrin,8 b. 7 May, 1775; m. 2 Nov., 1794, Ruben Sumner, b. in Hebron, 19 Mar., 1764, son of Ruben and Elizabeth (Mack) Sum­ner, of Hebron; they res. in Hebron, where he d. 6 June, 1843; she d. 27 Aug., 1864; had six children.
5044 Jerusha Perrin,8 b. 22 Oct., 1778; m. 11 Oct., 1796, Rev. Henry Patter­son Sumner, b. 20 June, 1773, son of Ruben and Elizabeth (Mack) Sumner, of Hebron; d. 4 Feb., 1798; he m. (2) Mary S. Gosslee, of Glastonbury; he was a licensed Methodist preacher; d. 18 Jan., 1838.
5045 Solomon Perrin,8 b. 25 Apr., 1781; d. 23 Oct., 1823.
5046 Aaron Perrin,8 b. 29 June, 1786; d. 19 July, 1875.
5047 Asabel Perrin,8 b. 12 May, 1789; d. 31 July, 1853.

2005.   DANIEL,7 son of Daniel6 (660), b. in Hebron, Conn., 10 Sept., 1747; m. 31 May, 1770, Rachel Taylor, of Chatham, Conn., b. 12 Mar., 1747. fourth child of Elisha Taylor and Hannah Judd.
She d. 30 Mar., 1831; he d. 25 Dec., 1835, aged 88; both are buried in "Hockanum" Cemetery, South Hadley, Mass.
About 1782 he rem. to Goshen, Mass.; in 1826 to Enfield, Conn. His farm was on the east side of the Connecticut River, immediately north of the burying ground. He is described as a man above medium height, with blue eyes and light complexion; he was a cheerful man of good habits whom his granddaughter, Mrs. Wheeler, never knew to speak a cross word in his family. The last years of his life were spent in Enfield, with his dau., Demmis. After he was 80 years old he was in the habit of riding his horse to South Hadley, a distance of thirty miles, and of returning the next day. His wife is described as being a small woman with dark hair, eyes and complexion, and of a nervous temperament; she was noted for her thrift and industry.
He served in the revolutionary war and drew a pension. He enlisted in the autumn of 1775, in the company of Capt. Bulkley, of Colchester, Conn., and marched to the siege of Boston; returned home after the evacuation of the Brit­ish, 17 Mar., 1776. Subsequently he was drafted for a short service in New Lon­don, Conn., and at another time he served as a substitute for his father. Daniel, and marched to Groton, Conn.
5048 Rachel,8 b. 27 Mar., 1771; d. unm., in Kendall, O., 1 Aug., 1835.
5049 Joshua Taylor,8 b. 23 Dec., 1772; d. 10 Apr., 1776.
5050 Daniel,8 b. 21 Nov., 1774; m. Eunice Weeks.
5051 Lois,8 b. 8 Sept., 1776; m. Alpheus Darling.
5052 Joshua,8 b. 29 Oct., 1778; m. Clarissa Alvord.

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5053 Demmis,8 b. 30 Sept., 1780; m. Josiah Parsons.
5054 Sally,8 b. about 1785; m. Elisha Mather.
5055 David,8 b. 1790; m. Abigail Ward.
5056 Abigail,8 b.; m. Horace Taylor.

2006.   MARY,7 dau. of Daniel6 (660), b. in Hebron, Conn., 3 Sept., 1749; m. Adonijah Strong, b. 21 May, 1749, son of Asahel Strong and Betterus Crouch.
She d. 1822; he d. 18 May, 1824.
He was a farmer. On 22 Aug., 1866, their descendants to the number of 533, representing four generations, had a family festival in Rasthampton, Conn., at the house of Charles A. Strong, on Millais Hill. Young and old sat down at two tables, 200 feet long, under a canopy of trees. In the afterpart of the day they adjourned to a neighboring church and heard addresses from Henry Strong, of East Berlin, Gideon Welch and others. Hon. Daniel Strong, of Portland, Conn., stated that "no one of the family had ever been arraigned for any crime and that no one of them was ever an inmate of an almshouse or even dependent upon public or private charity for support."
5057 Adonijah Strong,8 b. 1773; m. 1793, Elizabeth Cook, b. in 1774, dau. of Moses and Elizabeth (Cone) Cook; he was a farmer in Rasthamp­ton; was drowned in crossing the Westfield River, 17 Apr., 1809; she d. 14 Aug., 1851; had eight children.
5058 Mary (Polly) Strong,8 b. 1777; m. 1796, Nathaniel Markham, of Rast­hampton, Conn., b. May, 1754; he was a farmer in Rasthampton; d. 21 Jan., 1829; she d. 17 Oct., 1802.
5059 Abigail Strong,8 b. 1777; m. (1) Elijah Ackley, b. about 1770; he was a farmer; d. 14 Feb., 1807, in Chatham, Conn.; she m. (2) Wil­liam Holmes, a farmer of East Glastonbury, who d. about 1843, aged about 62.
5060 Henry Strong,8 b. 1779; m. (1) 1801, Mrs. Susanna (Cook) Newton, dau. of Moses and Elizabeth (Cone) Cook, of Chatham, and widow of Daniel Butler Newton, of Rasthampton; she d. 15 Apr., 1820; he m. (2) 13 Sept., 1820, Philena Arnold.
5061 Elizabeth (Betsey) Strong,8 b. 1780; m. about 1798, Daniel Harding, of Chatham, b. in 1778, son of Nathan and Thankful Harding; he was a farmer; d. 28 July, 1816, in Richfield, N. Y.; she d. 28 July, 1816.
5062 Ashbel Strong,8 b. 1784.
5063 Anna Strong,8 b. 5 Nov., 1786; m. 3 Mar., 1805, Capt. Oliver Brainerd, a farmer of Rasthampton, son of Othniel and Jerusha (Shailer) Brainerd; she was his second wife; d. 27 June, 1857.
5064 Kellogg Strong,8 b. 1786; d. young.
5065 Lovina Strong,8 b. 1789; d. unm., 2 July, 1864; lived with her brother, Kellogg Strong, in Portland, Conn.
5066 Kellogg Strong,8 b.; d. young.

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5067 Kellogg Strong,8 b. 30 Oct., 1791; m. 30 Nov., 1814, Almira, dau. of William and Elizabeth (Risley) House, of Glastonbury, Conn., b. 30 May, 1792; he was a quarryman in Portland; d. 26 Jan., 1865; she d. 12 Mar., 1866.
5068 Daniel Strong,8 b. 1793; d. Jan., 1813.

2008.   HANNAH,7 dau. of Daniel6 (660), b. in Hebron, Conn., 7 May, 1756; m. 20 Aug., 1777, Jonathan Hall, of Hebron.
5069 Jonathan Hall,8 b. 1 Sept., 1778.
5070 Hannah Hall,8 b. 18 May, 1781.
5071 Chester Hall,8 b. 15 Aug., 1783.
5072 Abigail Hall,8 b. 1 Sept., 1787.
5073 William Hall,8 b. 1 Sept., 1791.

2011.   CHARLES,7 son of Daniel6 (660), b. in Hebron, Conn., 18 July, 1772; m. in Gilead Parish, Hebron, Feb., 1793, Lydia Hosford, b. 18 Jan., 1775, dau. of Dudley Hosford and Rachel Buell.
She d. 6 Jan., 1835; he d. 22 Mar., the same year.
They res. on the old homestead of his father and grandfather, in Hebron, until 1798, when the farm passed out of the family. He rem. to Hartford about 1798.
5074 Charles,8 b. 18 Dec., 1791; m. Amanda Giddings.
5075 Lydia Hosford,8 b. in Hebron, 15 July, 1796; m. David Shipman.
5076 Anna Dewey,8 twin to Lydia, b. 15 July, 1796; m. Eli Gorham.
5077 Lucina Talcott,8 b. in Marlboro, Conn., 30 June, 1798; m. Ira Key.
5078 Chester,8 b. 27 June, 1801; m. (1) in Catawissa, Columbia Co., Pa., Matilda Willets, dau. of Josiah Willets, a Quaker; she d. 1833; he m. (2) in Medina, O., Susan Higby, who d. in 1872; he m. (3) Lucinda Kellogg, dau. of Josiah Kellogg, of Canandaigua, N. Y.; in 1835 he rem. to Indiana and started a woolen factory near Goshen and sold out in 1815; next he entered the hardware trade in Frankfort, Ky.; he rem. in 1852 to Mt. Carroll, Ill., where he started a foundry; in 1868 he sold out and, retiring from active business, located in Kalamazoo, Mich.; he d. 23 Aug., 1891, in Ashtabula, O., aged 90.
5079 Alma Buell,8 b. 5 July, 1803; m. Asa Clisby.
5080 Harvey,8 b. 1 Aug., 1805; d. May, 1806.
5081 Harvey Daniel,8 b. 28 Aug., 1808; m. Susannah Dunn.
5082 Henry Newton,8 b. 7 Apr., 1810; m. Amanda Cooley.
5083 David A.,8 b. 27 Aug., 1813; d. Mar., 1818.
5084 David,8 b. 29 Apr., 1822; m. Maria A. Clark.

2013.   WILLIAM,7 son of Moses6 (663), b. in Colchester, Conn., 28 Jan., 1756; m. ______.
He rem. to Pawlet, Vt., and about 1784 to Cornwall, Conn., where he bought land from a Mr. Chapman, one of the original proprietors. He rem. again to Onondaga Co., N. Y., about 1809. He was on the tax rolls of Cornwall from

362    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1803 to '08. In Mar., 1783, he bought land in Pawlet, and was described as of that town; 23 Dec., 1785, he sold the same land; was then of Cornwall, Conn.
5085 Ashbel,8 b. ______; he was first clerk of the village of Salina (now Syracuse), incorporated 13 Mar., 1824; at a meeting of citizens of Onondaga Co., he was appointed one of a commission to circulate a petition favoring the construction of the Erie Canal.

2016.   AARON,7 son of Moses6 (663), b. in Hebron, Conn., 7 Oct., 1760; m. 21 Sept., 1786, Phebe Butts, b. in Canterbury, Conn., 24 July, 1766, dau. of Samuel and Phebe Butts.
He d. 1814; she d. 1835.
They rem. to Wells, Vt., about 1792, where they lived until 1803, when they rem. to Stowe, Vt. He is said to have been a revolutionary soldier at Valley Forge and to have crossed the Delaware with Washington; was a farmer.
Children, b. in Pawlet.
5086 Warner,8 b. 23 Aug., 1788; m. Janette Gregg.
5087 Elizabeth (Betsey),8 b. 4 July, 1791; m. James Hammond.
Children, b. in Stowe.
5088 William,8 b. 21 Oct., 1793; m. (1) Elizabeth (Betsey) Chubb; (2) Roxanna Chapman.
5089 Aaron,8 b. 11 Jan., 1796; d. 20 Apr., 1803.
Children, b. in Wells, Vt.
5090 John Hicks,8 b. 16 Jan., 1798; m. Lydia Pettingill.
5091 Hiram,8 b. 30 June, 1800; m. Priscilla Tinkham Benson.
5092 Phebe,8 b. 16 Sept., 1803; d. 9 May, 1805.
5093 Jesse Churchill,8 b. in Stowe, 10 Apr., 1806; m. Phebe Wood.

2021.   JOSEPH,7 son of Moses6 (663), b. in Connecticut; m. ______.
Perhaps he rem. to Wells, Vt., where his brother, Aaron, res.
5094 Joseph W.,8 b. in Bennington, Vt., 17 Feb., 1797; m. Olive Bassett.
5095 Asa,8 b.; m. ______.
5096 Lovina,8 b. in Hoosick Falls, N. Y., 26 Aug., 1800; m. Hiram Potter.
5097 Eli,8 b.; m. ______.
5098 Adeline,8 b.; d. ______.
5099 Philanda,8 b.; m. Dr. Aaron Drake Patchin.

2023.   LUCY,7 dau. of Elijah6 (664), b. in Hebron, Conn., 1 May, 1753; m. (1) Asa Foote, Jr., of Colchester, Conn., son of Asa Foote and Jerusha Carter.
He d. 8 June, 1781; she m. (2) Benjamin Smith, of Sherburne, N. Y.; he d. in Oct., 1825; she d. a few days later.
Child by first husband.
5100 Lucy Foote,8 b. June, 1780; m. Aaron Porter, of Hebron.
Children by second husband.
5101 Hannah Smith,8 b. ______.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    363

5102 Elizabeth (Betsey) Smith,8 b. ______.
5103 Sarah Smith,8 b. ______.
5104 David Smith,8 b. ______.
5105 Elijah Smith,8 b. in Marlboro, Conn., 30 July, 1798; m. 8 June, 1825, Mary Lewis, b. in Suffield, Conn., 30 Nov., 1795, dau. of John Lewis, b. 5 Sept., 1772, and Mary Gillette, b. 1768; she d. 23 Jan., 1869, in Lisle, N. Y.; he d. there, 13 Apr., 1881; res. in Sherburne and Lisle; had five children.

2024.   DAVID,7 son of Elijah6 (664), b. in Hebron, Conn., about 1757; m. 30 Nov., 1800, Abigail Washburn, b. 20 Jan., 1777, dau. of Levi Washburn, of Heb­ron, and Abigail Porter.
He d. 16 Feb., 1815; she d. 16 Oct., 1864.
He was a farmer; res. in Hebron.
Children, b. in Hebron.
5106 Abigail,8 b. 1801; m. (1) John Bigelow; (2) Orson Peckham.
5107 David,8 b. 16 May, 1803; m. 22 Jan., 1835, Eunice E. Smith, of Middle Haddam, Conn.; d. 3 Jan., 1890; both d. in Marlborough, Conn.; had no children.
5108 Lucy,8 b. 3 June, 1806; m. Elihu Porter Buell.
5109 Elijah,8 b. 12 Sept., 1809; m. (1) Maria Ruby Marsh; (2) Hannah Tyler Pratt.

2026.   DEACON OLIVER,7 son of Ezekiel6 (665), b. in Hebron, 30 Nov., 1761; m. 18 Jan., 1788, Molly Webster, b. in Lebanon, Conn., 17 Dec., 1762, dau. of Elijah Webster and Abia Metcalf.
He d. 27 Feb., 1830; she d. 14 Feb., 1833.
He was a farmer; rem. from Granby, Conn., to Lee, Mass., about 1812, where he was deacon in the Congregational Church.
5110 Ann,8 b. 25 Sept., 1789; d. 27 Sept., 1789.
5111 Ann,8 b. 14 Dec., 1790; d. 18 Jan., 1793.
5112 Jeptha,8 b. 6 Jan., 1793; m. (1) Amelia MacKnight, b. in Washington, Mass., 17 Dec., 1793; she d. 11 Mar., 1854; he m. (2) Fanny _______; she d. in 1883, in Clarendon, N. Y.; he was a farmer; rem. from Lenox, Mass., to Clarendon; twenty years before his death his eye­sight began to fail and for fifteen years he was totally blind; he d. in Clarendon, 7 June, 1881; had no children.
5113 Thalia,8 b. 21 Mar., 1795; m. Deacon Ezra Osborne.
5114 Oliver,8 b. 12 May, 1797; m. Minerva A. Sumner.
5115 Lois,8 b. 5 Jan., 1801; d. unm., 17 Sept., 1824.

2029.   EZEKIEL,7 son of Ezekiel6 (665), b. in East Hartland, Hartford Co., Conn., 14 June, 1773; m. 8 Dec., 1796, Luna Clark, b. 23 Dec., 1778, dau. of Na­thaniel Clark and Dinah Phelps, b. in Hartland, 23 Dec., 1778.
He d. in Southwick, Mass., 18 Nov., 1828; she m. (2) Claudius Collins; d. in North Granby, Conn., 23 Oct., 1842.

364    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5116 Friend,8 b. 19 June, 1797; d. unm., in Fauquier Co., Va., 2 Apr., 1839
5117 Polly,8 b. 1 Nov., 1799; d. 17 May, 1804.
5118 Harvey,8 b. 17 May, 1801; m. Sarah Murray.
5119 Eliza,8 b. 9 Aug., 1802; m. Justus Kent.
5120 William,8 b. 12 Apr., 1804; d. near Washington, Ga., 13 Oct., 1827
5121 Wilson,8 b. 12 Apr., 1804; m. Elizabeth Adair.
5122 Lewis,8 b. 4 July, 1806; d. in Southwick, Mass., 2 Aug., 1821.
5123 Anna,8 b. 18 July, 1808; m. Shepard Starling Raton.
5124 Edwin,8 b. 23 Aug., 1810; d. 30 Sept., 1828.
5125 Lyman,8 b. 5 Feb., 1813; m. Frances A. Waller.
5126 Mary Luna,8 b. 28 Feb., 1815; m. George Tod Townsend.
5127 Oliver Wolcott,8 b. 9 July, 1817; m. Eliza Smith Fletcher.

2030.   REV. SAMUEL,7 son of Samuel6 (667), b. in Gilead Parish, Hebron, Conn., 6 May, 1761; m. 25 Nov., 1787, Elizabeth Septima Lathrop, b. 9 Mar., 1764, dau. of Rev. Elijah Lathrop, b. 18 Nov., 1724, and Silence Leonard. Rev. Elijah Lathrop was a descendant in the fifth generation of Rev. John Lithrop, who arrived in Boston in 1634, and settled in Scituate and Barnstable. His wife was the fourth child of Zephaniah Leonard and Hannah King, of Taunton, Mass.
He d. 2 Mar., 1826; she d. 8 Mar., 1844.
He was graduated from Harvard College in 1787 (where he was a classmate of John Quincy Adams), but was first, two years, at Yale. In college he worked his way and was so much in advance of his class that when he went from Idle to Harvard he jumped from the sophomore to the senior class. He studied in Heb­ron with Rev. Elijah Lathrop and settled in Hebron and Wethersfield. He rem. from Wethersfield to Westfield, Mass., where he was living in 1799, and from there to Hartford, Conn., where he d.
Both reverend sir and worthy madam.
Soft wedlocks bands, first was talked in heaven;
When happy man in Eden dwelt alone,
The smiling God, a spouse did form of bone.
That friendship might their joyful souls inspire.
And knit their hearts in a seraphic fire —
With wedlock's chain I wish myself to bind.
If from your lips the answer should prove kind;
Betsey, your seventh, I wish you to impart.
That we may join our hands, as well as hearts.
And live in love and share each other's cares.
While fleety time whirls on with rolling years !
Till Grizzly Death dissolves the silken chain.
That we may rise and mingle souls again.
5128 Samuel,8 b. 26 Oct., 1788; m. Laura Pease Jones.
5129 Betsey,8 b. 2 Mar., 1790; d. 28 Sept., 1791.
5130 Leonard,8 b. 15 Nov., 1791; d. 4 Mar., 1797.
5131 William,8 b. 2 June, 1793; m. Sarah Haskins Jones.
5132 Lathrop,8 b. 20 Dec., 1796; d. 13 Mar., 1797.

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2031.   HANNAH,7 dau. of Samuel6 (667), b. in Hebron, Conn., 27 May, 1763; m. (1) Blish.
He d.; she m. (2) Bowers, of Glastonbury, Conn.
Child by second husband.
5133 Hannah Bowers,8 b. ______; res. in Rocky Hill, Conn.

2034.   MARTIN,7 son of Samuel6 (667), b. in Marlboro, Conn., 1769; m. Rachel Hosford, of Marlboro.
He d. 1825; she d. 10 Jan., 1850, aged SI.
He was a farmer in Chatham, Conn.
5134 Rachel,8 b. about 1791; m. John Cone Northam.
5135 Martin,8 b. 16 Feb., 1793; m. Laura Adams.
5136 Joel,8 b.; d. young.
5137 Alfred,8 b. 16 Feb., 1797; m. (1) Jenisha Brainerd; (2) Philena Higgins Carrier.
5138 Rachelsea,8 b. 17 Aug., 1800; m. Halsey Brainerd.
5139 Lucy,8 b. 13 Feb., 1805; m. Philo Rowley.

2036.   ELISHA,7 son of Samuel6 (667), b. in Marlboro, Conn., 9 Nov., 1773; m. 7 Feb., 1811, Emily Stratton, b. 21 Apr., 1791, dau. of William Stratton and Ruth Goodrich, of Chatham.
He d. 16 Apr., 1816; she d. 17 Apr., 1851; both are buried in the Center Cemetery, Glastonbury, Conn.
He lived on a farm near South Glastonbury. In 1838 he prepared a "Family Tree," with the assistance of his daughter, Emily Maria, which has been helpful to later genealogists.
5140 Gustavus,8 b. 14 Dec., 1811; m. Juliette Clark.
5141 Emily Maria,8 b. 4 Oct., 1813; m. Hon. Thaddeus Welles.
5142 Lucy Ann,8 b. 12 July, 1816; m. Samuel Rockwood.
5143 Ruth Goodrich,8 b. 11 Dec., 1817; m. Deacon Martin Hollister.
5144 Eliza,8 b. 1 Dec., 1819; m. Bissell Elijah Post.
5145 Elisha Strong,8 b. 27 Nov., 1824; m. Mary Granger Brown.
5146 Laura,8 b. 14 June, 1830; m. (1) Roswell Hollister Woodbridge; (2) Dr. Brown.

2037.   ICHABOD,7 son of Samuel6 (667), b. in Marlboro, Conn., 1774; m. Pamelia Betts, b. in Tolland, Conn., 1775.
He d. in Hartford, Conn., May, 1806; he was a seafaring man; res. in Glas­tonbury; she m. (2) Jonathan Hartshorn, of Hartford; d. 25 June, 1813.
5147 Pamela,8 b. 15 Aug., 1798; m. Zera Waite.
5148 Ichabod,8 b. 15 Feb., 1800; m. Malantha McIntire.
5149 Adeline,8 b. 18 May, 1802; m. Rev. Parmelee Chamberlain.
5150 Theodore,8 b. 18 May, 1804; m. Hannah Wason.
5151 Lorain,8 b. 31 July, 1805; m. Nathan F. Crocker.

366    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2039.   ASA,7 son of Charles6 (688), b. in Colchester, Conn., 21 Jan., 1749; m. in Bolton, Conn., 19 Dec., 1774, Anna Webster, b. 9 Feb., 1751, dau. of Thomas Webster, b. in Lebanon, Conn., 8 Feb., 1704, a descendant in the fourth genera­tion of Gov. John Webster, of Hartford, Conn., and Lydia Lyman, b. 23 Nov., 1709, dau. of Lieut. Jonathan Lyman and Lydia Loomis.
He d. 22 Mar., 1823, aged 75; she d. 16 Dec., 1846, aged 95 years and 10 months.
He settled in Bolton; rem. to Sandisfield, Mass., about 1790. In the will of his mother, filed 13 Oct., 1790, he is called "Yeoman."
5152 Russell,8 b. 26 Nov., 1776; d. 29 Feb., 1778.
5153 Asa,8 b. 14 Feb., 1778; d. 18 Mar., 1778.
5154 Anna,8 b. June, 1779; d. 13 Nov., 1779.
5155 Asa,8 b. 3 Feb., 1783; m. Mary Goodrich.
5156 Russell,8 b. 17 Jan., 1786; d. 29 Mar., 1787.
5157 Russell,8 b. 25 Feb., 1788; d. 9 June, 1788.
5158 Orren,8 b. Apr., 1789; d. 28 Feb., 1791.
5159 Sarah,8 b. 19 Sept., 1790; m. Ichabod Gay.
5160 Orren,8 b. in Sandisfield, 20 July, 1793; m. in Sandisfield, 28 Oct., 1848, Harriet White, dau. of Daniel and Clarissa (Cleveland) White, b. in Barkhamstead, Conn., 28 Jan., 1807; he d. in Cole­brook, Conn., 4 Nov., 1859; had no children; she m. (3) in Win­sted, Conn., 10 July, 1863, Anson Harrington, of Northampton, Mass.; he d. 6 Aug., 1878.

2040.   CHARLES,7 son of Charles6 (688), b. in Bolton, Conn., 10 Apr., 1751; m. about 1775, Marcy Simonds, b. 3 Dec., 1759, dau. of Col. Benjamin Simonds,* b. 23 Feb., 1726, son of Joseph Simonds, of Woburn, Mass., b. 1 Mar., 1683.
He d. 11 July, 1828, aged 77; she d. 15 Apr., 1834, aged 76; both are buried in Middle Granville, N. Y., Cemetery.
He rem. from Bolton, Conn., to Williamstown, Mass., about 1770, and was there an innkeeper, or "Tavernor," being the first inn holder, of record, in the old "Mansion House," which was burned in 1871. He rem. about 1797 to Middle Granville, where he kept the "Granville House," which was destroyed by fire in 1876.
His will, dated 25 Jan., 1826, proved 23 July, 1839; codicil dated 6 Mar., 1828, mentions wife, Marcy, Marcy Hawley, Clarissa Wells, Mary Raymond, Laura Day, Marcia Raymond, Lucia Averill, Electa Kellogg, granddaughters Jane and Eliza Kellogg, sons, Harry, Hiram and Justin; bequeaths Justin's portion to his daus., Adeline and Harriet Newell Kellogg, because, owing to Justin's peculiar situation, a legacy would do him no good.
Children, all but last two b. in Williamstown.
5161 Charles,8 b. 13 July, 1776; m. Rowena Miner.
5162 Marcy,8 b. 28 Feb., 1778; m. James Hawley.

*Col. Benjamin Simonds was a native of the eastern part of Hampshire Co., Mass.; one of the original proprietors of Williamstown, Mass., its first innkeeper, and one of the most wealthy and prominent citizens. He led the Berkshire militia at the battle of Ben­nington. He was m. 23 Apr., 1752, in Northampton, Mass., to Mary Davis, by the Rev. Joseph Hawley, the famous Justice of the Peace.

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5163 Justin,8 b. 17 Jan., 1781; m. Anne Stevens.
5164 Clarissa,8 b. 23 Feb., 1782; m. Walter Wells.
5165 Mary,8 b. 24 Dec., 1785; m. William Raymond.
5166 Laura,8 b. 27 Aug., 1787; m. Justin Day.
5167 Electa,8 b. 15 Sept., 1789; m. as his second wife, Luther Conner; res. in Painesville, O.; had no children.
5168 Marcia,8 b. 9 Feb., 1793; m. Nathan Hoyt Raymond.
5169 Lucia,8 b. 18 Apr., 1795; m. Mills Averill.
5170 Henry Simonds,8 b. in Granville, N. Y., 16 Aug., 1800; m. Margaret Eliza Cochran.
5171 Hiram,8 b. in Granville, 9 Apr., 1804; m. Thankful Culver.

2041.   RUSSELL,7 son of Charles6 (688), b. in Bolton, Conn., 12 Nov., 1753; m. 20 Feb., 1776, Esther Bridges, dau. of Samuel Bridges, of Colchester, Conn.
He d. before 1813.
He was a blacksmith in Colchester; was a revolutionary soldier; served in the Second Connecticut Reg., Gen. Spencer's Brigade, 7 May to 17 Dec., 1775.
Children, b. in Colchester.
5172 Esther,8 b. Aug., 1783; d. May, 1784.
5173 Russell,8 b. 27 Oct., 1786; m. (1) Eunice C. Foote; (2) Mrs. Ruth (Forsythe) Jones; (3) Mrs. Mary Richmond.
5174 Charles Worthington,8 b. 3 June, 1789; m. Betsey Shurtleff.
5175 Esther,8 b. 6 Mar., 1792; m. Salmon Whelden.
5176 Hosea,8 b. 24 Dec., 1795; m. Elizabeth Helmbold.
5177 Anna,8 b. 24 Dec., 1798; m. Lyman Sage.
5178 Sarah,8 b. 4 Feb., 1801; m. Peter Cone, of Sandisfield.

2043.   NATHANIEL,7 son of Charles6 (688), b. in Bolton, Conn., 17 May, 1763; m. 14 Dec., 1785, Mehitable Simonds, bap. in Williamstown, Mass., 1764, niece of Col. Benjamin Simonds, who commanded the Berkshire troops at the bat­tle of Bennington.
She d. about 1845, aged 81; he d. in Sodus, N. Y., in 1850, aged 87. He rem. about 1816 from Williamstown to Sodus, where he was a deacon in the Presbyterian Church; was a carpenter.
5179 Oren,8 b. in Williamstown, 16 Jan., 1787; m. Laura Bacon.
5180 Nathaniel,8 b. 3 Nov., 1789; m. Louisa Towner.
5181 Charles,8 b. in Williamstown, 1791; m. (1) Elizabeth (Betsey) Christ­mas; ( 2 ) Laura Moore.
5182 Mehitabel,8 b.; m. Stephen Taylor Fairbank.
5183 Elizabeth,8 b. 19 Aug., 1795; m. Jacob Bacon.
5184 Pamelia,8 b. in Williamstown, 25 July, 1801; m. Daniel Fisher.
5185 James Henry,8 b. in Williamstown, 6 May, 1804; m. Mary Taylor.
5186 Sarah Ann,8 b.; d. about 1833 at the house of her sister, Eliza­beth, in Ypsilanti, Mich.; she was engaged to Stephen Stone, son of Rev. William Stone, of Sodus; at the raising of the Presbyterian Meeting House in Sodus, in 1828, a large wooden mallet fell upon his head, which was the direct cause of his death eighteen months afterward.

368    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2059.   NATHANIEL,7 son of Lieut. Nathaniel6 (693), b. in Colchester, Conn 19 Sept., 1774; m. 23 Jan., 1799, Prudence Knowles, b. 28 May, 1774, dau. of Capt. James Knowles, of Wethersfield, Conn., and Prudence Benton, of Hart­ford, Conn.
He d. in Dalton, Mass., 22 Aug., 1822; she d. in Tremont, Ill., 21 Feb., 1854. He was a farmer; member of Massachusetts Legislature.
Children, b. in Dalton.
5187 James Knowles,8 b. 17 Jan., 1800; m. (1) Mary Potter Fisk; (2) her sister, Achsah Bates Fisk.
5188 Nathaniel,8 b. 1 July, 1801; m. (1) Jeannette Eliza Thompson; (2) Martha A. Foote.
5189 John,8 b. 19 Apr., 1803; m. Sarah Hubbard.
5190 Elizabeth Sackett,8 b. 17 Oct., 1806; m. Dr. Alanson Stockwell.
5191 Emily Benton,8 b. 21 Apr., 1812; m. David Kern.
5192 Francis Asbury,8 b. 26 June, 1816; d. unm., in Washington, Tazewell Co., Ill., 2 June, 1838.

2060.   MARY ,7 dau. of Lieut. Nathaniel6 (693), b. in Dalton, Mass., 28 Feb., 1776; m. (1) 1794, Lemuel Baldwin Clark, b. in Lebanon, Conn., Mar., 1775, son of Lemuel Clark and Ruth Baldwin.
In Oct., 1795, he disappeared and was lost to family and kindred for thirty years. He remarried and his first wife, believing him dead and never knowing to the contrary, also remarried. She m. (2) 29 Sept., 1801, Ensign Hill, b. 28 May, 1772, son of Asa Hill and Lucy Ensign, both of Pittsfield, Mass.
She d. 20 Dec., 1818; he d. 24 Dec., 1832.
They res. in Delphi, N. Y.
Child by first husband.
5193 Horace Clark,8 b. about Sept., 1795; m. in 1817, Melinda Candee, of Pompey, N. Y.
Children by second husband.
5194 Ensign William Hill,8 b. 20 June, 1802; m. in 1825, Elizabeth Friselle; d. 7 Sept., 1870.
5195 Orange Hill,8 b. 15 May, 1804; d. 4 July, 1805.
5196 Orange Hill,8 b. 21 Feb., 1806; m. in Delphi, 1 Jan., 1829, Jemima Friselle; d. 26 Dec., 1882.
5197 Lydia S. Hill,8 b. 26 Apr., 1808; d. 19 Mar., 1809.
5198 Charles Rodney Kellogg Hill,8 b. 10 Jan., 1810; m. in Delphi, 30 July, 1833, Martha Friselle; d. 4 Mar., 1878.
5199 William Hall Hill,8 b. 4 July, 1812; m. 4 Oct., 1838, Jane A. Worthton; d. in Lenox, Mass., 31 May, 1878.
5200 Mary Ann Hill,8 b. 7 Dec., 1814; m. 23 Apr., 1837, Roscius Mor M. D.; he d. in Elmira, N. Y., 5 Jan., 1870.
5201 Charlotte Hill,8 b. 15 Sept., 1815; d. in Delphi, 1 Aug., 1828.

2061.   SOPHIA,7 dau. of Lieut. Nathaniel6 (693). b. in Dalton, Mass., 18 Jan., 1780; m. about 1797, John Hall, of Peterboro, N. Y.
She d. 1 Apr., 1815; he m. (2) Lucretia Sayles.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    369

5202 Hannah Kellogg Hall,8 b. in Dalton, 17 Jan., 1798; m. Webb, of Concord, Wis.
5203 Benjamin Franklin Hall,8 b.; res. in Clapville, N. Y.
5204 Solon Hall,8 b.; res. in Langston, Montcalm Co., Mich.
5205 George Washington Hall,8 b.; res. in Wisconsin.
5206 Alhern Hall,8 b. ______.
5207 Lyman Hall,8 b. ______; d. young.
5208 Charles Hall,8 b. ______; d. young.
5209 Sophia Hall,8 b. ______; m. in Dalton, William Donavan.
5210 Elizabeth Sackett Hall,8 b. 31 Mar., 1815.
5211 Eliza Hall,8 twin to Elizabeth, b. 31 Mar., 1815; m. in Baraboo, Sauk Co., Wis., Charles Wing.

2062.   CHARLES,7 son of Lieut. Nathaniel6 (693), b. in Dalton, Mass., 5 Aug., 1782; m. 18 Feb., 1813, Martha (Patty) Foote, b. 25 Nov., 1788, dau. of Lieut. Daniel Foote, Jr., of Dalton, and Mrs. Prudence (Benton) Knowles, widow of Capt. James Knowles.
He d. in Pittsfield, 27 May, 1854; she d. 5 Feb., 1869, aged 81. He was a farmer.
Children, b. in Dalton.
5212 Lydia Sargeant,8 b. 8 Oct., 1813; m. James Dibgy.
5213 Lucy,8 b. 11 Feb., 1815; m. Gordon C. Merrill.
5214 Hannah Barnard Hastings,8 b. 30 Mar., 1817; m. as his third wife, 17 Sept., 1866, Col. William Ross, b. in Monson, Mass., 24 Apr., 1792, son of Micah Ross, b. 31 Dec., 1744, and Sarah Davis, b. July, 1753; he res. in Monson until 13 years of age, and then in Pitts­field until he was 20. His dau., Helen M. Ross, by a previous mar­riage, was m. to Daniel Foote Kellogg, and a son, Marcellus Ross, m. Martha Ann Kellogg, a brother and sister respectively of his third wife. He took part in the war of 1812, being an Ensign in the Twenty-first Reg., United States Infantry, commanded by Col. E. W. Ripley, and was in the battle of Sacket Harbor, where one­-third of his immediate company was killed or wounded. In 1820, in company with four brothers and others, he rem. to Illinois, going via the Allegheny and Ohio Rivers and settling on the military tract in what became Pike Co. They erected log cabins and named their Settlement "Atlas," because after many days of rough travel they had found a home "at last." He was the leader and took an active part in the affairs of the county, being one of the most prom­inent men of the State. He was County Judge, etc. He was a Col. in the Black Hawk war, and in that capacity appointed Abra­ham Lincoln Capt. of one of the Sangamon Co. companies, and they were afterward close friends. In 1833 the Illinois Legislature moved the county seat to a more central location, and he assisted in the selection of the new site, named "Pittsfield," after the Mas­sachusetts town of the same name. He d. 30 May, 1873, aged 81; she d. in San Jose, Cal., 6 Feb., 1889; had no children.
5215 Prudence,8 b. 8 Sept., 1818; d. unm., 4 May, 1838.
5216 Charles,8 b. 22 July, 1820; m. Marietta May.

370    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5217 Nathaniel,8 b. 4 June, 1824; m. Sarah N. Brown.
5218 Daniel Foote,8 b. 27 Apr., 1828; m. Helen Maria Ross.
5219 Martha Ann,8 b. 17 June, 1830; m. Marcellus Ross.

2064.   RHODA,7 dau. of David6 (708), b. in Colchester, Conn., 24 Sept., 1768; bap. 2 Oct., 1768; m. Stephen Lawrence.
5220 Russell Lawrence,8 b. 1796; d. in Burlington, Vt., 1886.

2065.   RUSSELL,7 son of David6 (708), b. in Colchester, Conn., 1 June, 1770; bap. 8 July, 1770; m. 21 Feb., 1796, Elizabeth Atherton, of Athol, Mass., b. 19 Feb., 1768, dau. of Solomon Atherton, b. 8 Sept., 1740, and Dorothy _______.
He d. 16 Apr., 1845; she d. 18 Sept., 1857.
He was a carpenter and farmer in Essex, Vt., having rem. there from Groat Barrington, Mass., about 1790.
Children, b. in Essex.
5221 David,8 b. 2 Nov., 1796; m. Tabitha H. Tyler.
5222 Dolly,8 twin to David, b. 2 Nov., 1796; m. Stephen Tubbs.
5223 Lucy,8 b. 13 Oct., 1798; m. George Whitney.
5224 Hiram,8 b. 28 Mar., 1801; d. in Essex, 25 Apr., 1801.
5225 Frances,8 b. 26 Jan., 1803; d. in Essex, 16 July, 1835.
5226 Nelson,8 b. 29 Dec., 1805; m. Evalina Charlotte Fellows.
5227 Stephen,8 b. 18 Sept., 1807; d. in Essex, 14 Mar., 1837.
5228 Nancy,8 b. 12 Mar., 1809; m. John Sibley.
5229 Eliza,8 b. 17 June, 1811; m. John Faxon.

2066.   ADOSIA,7 dau. of David6 (708), b. in Colchester, Conn, 27 Mar., 1772; m. 31 Jan., 1795, Ichabod Post, b. 31 Aug., 1768, in Hebron, Conn.; son of Thomas Post, b. 22 Jan., 1731, and Abitha Phelps, b. 19 Feb., 1740.
She d. 6 Oct., 1808; he m. (2) Elizabeth Filler; had no children; he m. (3) Anna Cheeseman; had one dau.
He settled first in Middlefield, Mass., but soon after rem. to Hinsdale,* Mass.
5230 Lydia Kellogg Post,8 b. 25 May, 1795; m. Shadrach Pierce, of Peru, ­Mass.; d. in Peru, 1 Sept., 1831.
5231 Milton Post,8 b. 14 June, 1797; d. 11 Jan., 1826.
5232 Adosia Post,8 b. 13 Dec., 1799.
5233 Otis Post,8 b. 1 Feb., 1802; d. 30 Jan., 1808.
5234 Leander Post,8 b. 30 Mar., 1804; d. 16 June, 1825.
5235 Lucy Post,8 b. 30 Mar., 1808; d. 17 Dec., same year.

2067.   DAVID,7 son of David6 (708), b. 5 Jan., 1775, in Lee, Mass.; m. 16 Feb., 1806, Maria Henrietta Wells, of Jericho, b. 17 Dec., 1778.
He d. 26 Sept., 1848; she d. Mar., 1879.

*Middlefield was incorporated 12 Mar., 1783, made up from parts of Becket, Chester, Partridgefield (now Peru), Washington and Worthington. Hinsdale was incorporated 1 June, 1804; was a part of Partridgefield.

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He rem. from Essex, Vt., to Massena, N. Y., about 1804. He bought laud in Essex, 23 Mar., 1793, and sold it to his brother Otis, 17 Apr., 1818.
5236 Alonzo,8 b. 10 Nov., 1806; d. 13 May, 1870.
5237 Laura,8 b. 29 Sept., 1808; d. 19 Sept., 1819.
5238 Albert,8 b. 26 Mar., 1811; m. Nancy McDonald.
5239 Chester,8 b. 17 Apr., 1813; m. Lucinda Matilda Seaton.
5240 Abigail Lauretta,8 b. 19 May, 1816; d. July, 1894.

2068.   WEALTHY,7 dau. of David6 (708), b. in Lee, Mass., 15 May, 1777; m. in Jericho, Vt., 26 Dec., 1799, John Frederick Aubery, of Jericho, son of Dr. John Frederick Aubery, b. in England, 1727.
She d. 14 June, 1815, aged 38, in Essex, where she is buried.
5241 Albert Aubery,8 b.; m. in Burlington, Vt., Almira Blush; he was a carpenter; they rem. to Marysville, Cal., in the early fifties, and he d. there about 1860.
5242 Harvey Frederick Aubery,8 b. 27 June, 1804; m. in 1828, Susan Dodge; she d. Dec., 1863; he d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 10 Feb., 1892.
5243 Eleanor Aubery,8 b.; m. Joshua Chamberlain.
5244 William Aubery,8 b. ______; d. unm., 18 Sept., 1832, aged 24.
5245 Wealthy Aubery,8 b.; m. Dr. Cullen Bullard, of Weybridge, Vt.
5246 John Frederick Aubery,8 b.; m. Theresa Plunkett; d. in Texas, about 1885.
5247 George Aubery,8 b. ______.

2069.   HANNAH,7 dau. of David6 (708), b. in Lee, Mass., 18 July, 1779; m. after 1815, her brother-in-law, John Frederick Aubery.
She d. 14 Oct., 1848, aged 69; is buried in Essex, Vt.; he d. in New Haven, Vt., Dec., 1852.
5248 Laura Melissa Aubery,8 b. in Burlington, Vt., 27 June, 1821; m. (1) 2 Nov., 1842, Charles Smith Carpenter; he went to Pennsylvania to teach school in Lewistown, where he d., leaving a dau., Katherine Carpenter; she m. (2) 1 Sept., 1853, George Harvey Carpenter, brother of her first husband, and rem. to Racine, Wis., where she d., 16 Sept., 1857, and where he d. 15 Sept., 1887; had two daus.

2070.   IRA,7 son of David6 (708), b. in Essex, Vt., 10 July, 1781; m. Nancy Matthews.
He d. before 24 Sept., 1828; he probably rem. to Detroit, Mich., and d. there, she m. (2) Daniel Tilden.
Otis Kellogg, agent, gave to Russell Kellogg, administrator of the estate of David Kellogg, a receipt in full for the share of Ira Kellogg in the personal prop­erty. This receipt is indorsed "Allowed in favor of Nancy Tilden, gardine of Charles W., Eleazer S., and Elizabeth Kellogg." Daniel Tilden, of Boston, gave receipt 13 July, 1836, for twenty-four dollars, "which I am to account for to George Y. Wallace, it being money belonging to the heirs of Ira Kellogg."

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5249 Irena,8 b. ______; d. 26 Mar., 1813; is buried in Essex.
5250 Charles W.,8 b. ______.
5251 Eleazer S.,8 b. ______.
5252 Elizabeth,8 b. ______; m. George Y. Wallace.

2071.   DEACON OTIS,7 son of David6 (708), b. in Lee, Mass., 23 Mar., 1783; m. (1) 4 Dec., 1806, Mabel Thompson, b. 17 Aug., 1786, dau. of Ebenezer Thomp­son and Sarah Aplin.
She d. 1830; he m. (2) 25 Jan., 1831, Almeda Butler; d. 31 July, 1833.
He was a farmer; was deacon of the Congregational Church in Essex thirty years; bought land in Essex, 17 Apr., 1818.
5253 Orlando,8 b. 11 Nov., 1807; m. Mary Ann Place.
5254 Levi,8 b. 24 Aug., 1810; d. in infancy.
5255 A Son,8 b. 31 Oct., 1812; d. in infancy.
5256 Harriet,8 b. 29 June, 1814; d. in infancy.
5257 Ebenezer Thompson,8 b. 2 July, 1816; d. in infancy.
5258 Otis,8 b. 4 May, 1822; was a Sergt. in the United States army, and d., unm., in the service in Houlton, Me., about 26 May, 1842.

2073.   NANCY,7 dau. of David6 (708), b.; m. 1812, Ebenezer E. Thompson, b. in Smithfield, R. I., 25 Nov., 1785, son of Ebenezer Thompson, of Swanzey, N. H., and Essex, Vt., and Sarah Aplin.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 7 Feb., 1834, Mercy Cole; had two children; d. in Essex, 17 July, 1862.
He was a farmer and brickmaker; res. in Essex.
Children, b. in Essex.
5259 Barling Thompson,8 b.; d. aged 19.
5260 Hannah Kellogg Thompson,8 b.; m. 1829, Orlando Bronson Griffin, b. in Essex, Mar., 1807; he d. 4 June, 1857; she d. in For­est City, Cal., 7 Feb., 1875; their son, Henry Franklin Griffin, m. Mary Elizabeth Kellogg (11424).
5261 Franklin Thompson,8 b.; d. aged 2.
5262 Dolly Thompson,8 b. about 1819; m. 13 Apr., 1839, Jabez King Potter; he was a farmer; she d. in Harts Grove, O., 1 Jan., 1891, aged 72.
5263 A Son,8 b. ______; d. young.
5264 Sarah Louisa Thompson,8 b. 26 Aug., 1822; m. 1842, John Ward Wil­liams; d. 29 Jan., 1852, aged 33; he m. (2) Nancy Thompson, a sister of Sarah Louisa; res. in Concord, Vt.
5265 Ebenezer Thompson,8 b.; d. aged 3.
5266 A Son,8 b.; d. in infancy.
5267 Alma Adosia Thompson,8 b. 22 Oct., 1825; m. Oct., 1844, Charles Williams, a machinist; res. in Norwich, Conn.
5268 Nancy Thompson,8 b. 4 Apr., 1829; m. as his second wife, John Ward Williams, who had m. (1) her sister, Sarah Louisa; she d. in Con­cord, Vt., 8 Jan., 1855, aged 26.

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2079.   SETH BARTLETT,7 son of Capt. Abner6 (709), b. in Colchester, Conn., 5 Apr., 1780; m. 31 Mar., 1803, Frances Wattles, dau. of Capt. Daniel Wattles, b. in Lebanon, Conn., and Ann Elizabeth Otis.
He d. 25 Aug., 1836, in Manlius, N. Y.; she d. ______.
He was a shoemaker; emigrated from Connecticut about 1807 to the "Wilds of the West," settling in Manlius. He visited the Wabash region, but not liking the climate, returned to Manlius.
5269 Shebael Otis,8 b. 13 Dec., 1803; m. Emily Anna Beardsley.
5270 Simon Wattles,8 b. 5 Oct., 1805; m. Caroline Tiebout.
5271 Lydia Ann,8 b. 27 July, 1807; d. 21 Jan., 1809.
5272 Henry Augustus,8 b. 25 Oct., 1809; d. 2 June, 1812.
5273 John Denison,8 b. 19 July, 1811; m. Betsey Ann Warren.
5274 Henry Augustus,8 b. 29 Nov., 1813; m. Delia Eldridge.
5275 William,8 b. 14 Feb., 1815; m. Jane Ann Fairchild, b. 22 Jan., 1829, dau. of Cyrus O. Fairchild; he was in the printing business for thirty-two years, but in 1873 and for nine years previous was in the hotel business; res. in Manlius and Syracuse, New York City and Brooklyn, N. Y., Seymour, Conn., Madison, Wis., and Newton, Conn.; had no children.
5276 Charles,8 b. 14 Apr., 1818; m. Melinda E. Gager.
5277 Samuel,8 b. 8 Sept., 1820; m. Sarah Mitchell.
5278 Bartlett,8 b. 1 Feb., 1823; res. in Nevada City, Cal.
5279 Ezra Seth,8 b. 25 May, 1826; has not been heard from since 1852, when he joined the Marine Band of the United States sloop St. Mary.

2081.   OTIS,7 son of Capt. Abner6 (709), b. in Colchester, Conn., 20 July, 1785; m. 18 Mar., 1818, Mary Watrous, b. 1795, dau. of Theodore Watrous.
She d. 28 Mar., 1855, aged 60; he d. in Syracuse, N. Y., July, 1856.
He was a farmer in Colchester; rem. in 1827 to Cazenovia, N. Y.
Children, b. in Colchester.
5280 Abner Otis,8 b. 24 Apr., 1820; m. 15 Aug., 1846, Loanica Leonora Chesebrow; he was a physician in Berkshire Co., Mass., and Utica, N. Y.; for more than fifteen years he was in charge of the female department of the State Lunatic Asylum in Utica, N. Y.; d. 12 Sept., 1888; had no children.
5281 Henry Watrous,8 b. 5 Dec., 1822; m. Elizabeth Carlisle.
5282 Lydia Bartlett,8 b. 18 Apr., 1824; m. Stephen Newton, Jr.
5283 Caroline Parsons,8 b. 31 Mar., 1826; m. Christopher Becker.
Children, b. in Cazenovia.
5284 John Milton,8 b. 9 Aug., 1829; enlisted during the civil war and never heard from.
5285 Mary Elizabeth,8 b. 8 May, 1831; m. Alvah Sweetland.
5286 Charles Dennison,8 b. 26 Apr., 1835; m. (1) Sarah Vanhooser; (2) Estelle Aurelia Crowell.

2085.   WELLS,7 son of Ezekiel6 (710), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 10 Mar., 1772; m. 12 Nov., 1794, Mary Sage, b. 13 Aug., 1775.

374    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She d. 24 Dec., 1853; he d. in Ashland, O., 28 Jan., 1862, from the effects of a fall.
He was a ship carpenter; rem. to Oswegatchie, N. Y., where he res. until 1825, when he rem. to Ashland; was Mayor of Ashland several terms, also Justice of the Peace; was a soldier in the war of 1812.
5287 Sage,8 b. 6 Apr., 1796; m. (1) Phinity Whitney; (2) Sarah Ann Bur­gett.

5288 Aura,8 b. 15 May, 1798; m. William B. Savage, a merchant in Ellisburgh, N. Y.; d. 3 Sept., 1819; had no children.
5289 Myra,8 b. 10 July, 1800; d. unm., 25 Sept., 1823; res. in Odgensburgh, N. Y.
5290 Burr,8 b. 10 Feb., 1804; m. Juliette Andrews.
5291 Tacy,8 b. 21 Nov., 1806; m. George B. Tibbetts.
5292 Jane,8 b. 4 Nov., 1809; m. William Shepard.

2086.   SILAS,7 son of Ezekiel6 (710), b. in Great Barrington, 15 Feb., 1775; m. in Wilmington, Vt., 12 Aug., 1808, Sophia Lamb, of Wilmington, b. 13 Feb., 1787, dau. of Jonathan Lamb, of Halifax, Vt., and Hannah Hamilton.
He d. in Oswegatchie, N. Y., 16 Feb., 1824, from the effects of an accidental shot, 24 Jan., of the same year; she d. in Wilmington, 13 May, 1827.
He rem. to Wilmington; after 1831 rem. to Oswegatchie, where he was a merchant. She returned with her children to her parents in Wilmington, and soon fell into a decline and d.
Children, b. in Wilmington.
5293 Julia Ann,8 b. 6 Oct., 1808; m. Charles Kellogg Field (8872).
5294 Mary,8 b. 5 May, 1810; m. Prescott Lathrop.
5295 Henry,8 b. 29 Nov., 1811; m. Hannah Reed Goddard.
Children, b. in Oswegatchie.
5296 Barbary,8 b. 24 Sept., 1813; d. about 1824.
5297 Althea Jane,8 b. 23 July, 1816; m. Nathaniel Jennison, Jr.
5298 Charles Wells,8 b. 24 Dec., 1819; m. Louisa Dudley Robinson.
5299 Silas George,8 b. 24 Mar., 1823; m. Loraon Brigham.

2088.   ELISHEBA,7 dau. of Ezekiel6 (710), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 23 Feb., 1780; m. 1 Dec., 1796, Isaac Williams, b. in Lebanon, Conn., 5 Apr., 1777; son of John Williams, bap. in Lebanon, 20 Apr., 1755, and Mercy Lee, b. 10 Jan.; 1757, dau. of Stephen Lee and Mercy Bently.
She d. 1 Mar., 1847; he d. 9 Nov., 1860.
He rem. from Lebanon to Otsego, N. Y., 1786. He was a farmer, and his homestead was a part of the Ezekiel Kellogg farm, three miles from Cooperstown. The two houses stood directly opposite. He was Deputy Sheriff and Sheriff of Otsego Co.; was a member of Congress, 1813, '17 and '23.
Children, b. in Otsego.
5300 Lucy Williams,8 b. 18 Dec., 1797; m. 13 Aug., 1815, Justin Clark, a painter; he d. 6 May, 1822; she d. Apr., 1862.

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5301 Melissa Williams,8 b. 23 Mar., 1799; m. 2 Oct., 1816, George Peir, son of Capt. Edwin Peir, of Corning, N. Y.; he was a farmer and a musician; was a soldier in the war of 1812; d. 13 July, 1831.
5302 Andrew Williams,8 b. 11 Feb., 1801; m. 25 Mar., 1823, Mariette Met­calf; she d. 15 July, 1826; he d. 22 Oct., 1838; he was a farmer and school teacher in Otsego; had no children.
5303 Olive Williams,8 b. 20 Feb., 1803; m. (1) 9 Dec., 1838; he d.; she m. (2); res. in Otsego; had no children.
5304 Eunice Williams,8 b. 7 Feb., 1805; m. 12 Nov., 1823, Elisha Doubleday, a farmer in Otsego; d. 9 June, 1826.
5305 Nancy Williams,8 b. 14 Jan., 1807; m. 24 Apr., 1827, Ezekiel Clark, a tanner in Maine and Union, N. Y.; d. 30 June, 1882.
5306 Elisheba Williams,8 b. 24 Sept., 1808; m. 24 Apr., 1827, James Alpin, a farmer and merchant; he was also Justice of the Peace in Waverly, N. Y.
5307 Mary Williams,8 b. 22 Dec., 1810; d. 18 Mar., 1811.
5308 Isaac Kellogg Williams,8 b. 7 July, 1812; m. 18 Nov., 1840, Frances Maria Kellogg (+5320), his cousin.
5309 Julia Williams,8 b. S Jan., 1816; d. unm., 8 Jan., 1851.
5310 Camilla Williams,8 b. 2 Apr., 1818; m. 23 May, 1842, Chester Hooper, a farmer in Union; had no children.
5311 Justin Clark Williams,8 b. 18 Apr., 1821; m. 22 Jan., 1846, Mary Sher­man; he was a farmer in Otsego.
5312 Cyrus Clark Williams,8 b. 6 Apr., 1823; m. 29 June, 1853, Letitia Grosh; he was confidential clerk in a milling establishment in Oswego, N. Y.
5313 Eunice Mariette Williams,8 b. 4 Sept., 1827; d. unm., 25 Aug., 1867.

2089.   TRACY,7 son of Ezekiel6 (710), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 31 Aug., 1782; m. Esther Brower.
She d. 30 Apr., 1855, aged 68; he d. 23 Apr., 1876, aged 94.
He was a carpenter and wood worker, and had a sawmill on his farm in Otsego, N. Y., where he res. ninety years. He was respected for his sterling char­acter. He was the last survivor of the original settlers of that part of Otsego called Pierstown. He was emphatically a home man, scarcely ever passing a night away from it — never saw the Erie Canal nor a railroad until the building of one to Otsego.
5314 Garrett Brower,8 b. 22 Apr., 1819; m. Amanda Kenyon.
5315 Jane M.,8 b. 1 Nov., 1820; was unm.
5316 Aura,8 b. 11 Sept., 1822; was unm.
5317 Eunice,8 b. 30 July, 1825; d. 20 Mar., 1827.
5318 Ezekiel,8 b. 1 Sept., 1828; d. 20 May, 1829.

2093.   JOHN,7 son of Ezekiel6 (710), b. in Otsego, N. Y., 25 May, 1790; m. 18 Jan., 1813, Hannah Wattles, b. 9 Sept., 1793, dau. of Charles Wattles.
He d. 15 Jan., 1862; she d. 20 Jan., 1866.
He was a farmer; was born, lived and d. upon the homestead, three miles from Cooperstown, N. Y., where his father settled in 1786.

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Children, b. on the Old Homestead in Cooperstown.
5319 Albert,8 b. 28 Sept., 1813; d. unm., 28 Sept., 1891, in Pierstown, N. Y.
5320 Frances Maria,8 b. 21 June, 1815; m. Hon. Isaac Kellogg Williams (5308).
5321 Alonzo,8 b. 23 Oct., 1817; m. Phoebe Jane Palmer.
5322 Amanda S.,8 b. 11 Sept., 1820; d. 3 Oct., 1837.
5323 Philotha,8 b. 14 Oct., 1822; m. John Rhoades Rowland.
5324 Sarah Sophia,8 b. 20 June, 1828; d. in Pierstown, N. Y., 18 Aug., 1847.
5325 George Carey,8 b. 1 Dec., 1831; m. Mary Jane Drake.
5326 Emeline,8 b. 16 Feb., 1834; m. Gideon Alonzo Russell.

2096.   ANASTASIA LUKENS,7 dau. of Lieut. Ezra6 (712), b. in Great Bar­rington, Mass., 29 Feb., 1780; m. in Great Harrington, 19 Oct., 1800, her cousin, Mark Hopkins, b. in Great Barrington. 29 June, 1779, eldest son of Moses Hop­kins,* b. 13 Mar., 1751, and Anna Whiting,** b. 8 Nov., 1754.
He d. in St. Clair, Mich., 27 Nov., 1828; she d. in Lockport, N. Y., 4 May, 1837.
He rem. from Great Barrington to Henderson, N. Y., 1805. He was a merchant; Capt. of Volunteers in the war of 1812; represented Jefferson Co. in the State Assembly. He rem. with his family in 1824 to St. Clair, Mich, (then a Territory), where he was Judge of Probate and Postmaster at the time of his death.
Children, first two b. in Great Barrington, others in Henderson.
5327 Augustus Kellogg Hopkins,8 b. 13 July, 1801; d. 30 Aug., 1817.
5328 Samuel Frederick Hopkins,8 b. 15 Sept., 1803; m. 4 July, 1831, Mary Ann Keeney, of New Britain, Conn.; d. in St. Clair, 21 June, 1884.
5329 Henry Kellogg Hopkins,8 b. 15 June, 1807; m. 20 June, 1832, Juliette E. Buell; d. in Lockport, 18 Apr., 1846; was a lawyer; had no children.
5330 William Hopkins,8 b. 18 Sept., 1811; d. 31 Jan., 1815.
5331 Mark Hopkins,8 b. 1 Sept., 1813; m. 20 Sept., 1854, his cousin, Mary Frances Sherwood (5334). He arrived in San Francisco on the ship. Pacific, 5 Aug., 1849. He was a merchant in Sacramento, of the firm of Huntington & Hopkins, and one of the originators and builders of the Pacific Railroad; rem. to San Francisco 1873; d. ______ in Yuma, Cal., where he had gone for his health, 29 Mar., 1878; had no children, but an adopted son, Timothy (the compiler of this Genealogy), b. 2 Mar., 1859, who m. Mary Kellogg Crittenden, dau. of Hiram Crittenden and Lydia Sherwood (5337).

*Moses Hopkins was the second son of Rev. Samuel Hopkins, b. 17 Sept., 1721 (the first minister of Great Barrington and afterward minister of Newport, R. I.), and Joan Ingersoll, b. 1725. Rev. Samuel Hopkins was the eldest child of Timothy Hopkins, Waterbury, Conn., b. 19 Nov., 1689. and Mary Judd, dau. of Deacon Thomas Judd, of Waterbury. Timothy Hopkins was the fifth child of John Hopkins, of Waterbury. John Hopkins was the eldest son of Stephen Hopkins, of Hartford, and Dorcas Bronson. Stephen Hopkins was the son of John Hopkins, one of the first settlers of Hartford.
**See note under Lieut. Ezra (+712).

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5332 Moses Hopkins,8 b. 19 Jan., 1817; m. in New York City, 19 Jan., 1884, Emily Benedict, b. 14 Nov., 1841; he rem. to California with his brother, Mark; was a merchant. His health failing, he became a farmer, and later a capitalist; d. in San Francisco, 2 Feb., 1892; is buried in Sacramento, Cal.
5333 Ezra Augustus Hopkins,8 b. 22 Sept., 1821; d. unm., in San Francisco, 14 Aug., 1865; rem. to California with his brother, Mark.

2103.   LYDIA ANN,7 dau. of Lieut. Ezra6 (712), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 10 Oct., 1793; m. 16 Aug., 1816, William Sherwood, of New York City, b. 27 Feb., 1786, son of Ensign Jehiel Sherwood,* of Greenfield, Conn., b. 1 Mar., 1738 or '39. and Sarah Squire.
She d. in Great Barrington, 9 Feb., 1865; he d. from the effects of a surgical operation, 22 Oct., 1871, aged 86.
He was a well-known classical teacher of New York City, and the author of a book on "Self Culture." He wrote a number of poems, and was an associate and friend of William Cullen Bryant, Professor Anthon, N. P. Willis, Washing­ton Irving, J. Fennimore Cooper and other men of letters. He had a most re­markable memory, and could even at the age of 85 repeat verbatim whole plays of Shakespeare and books by other authors. When 85 years of age he visited his dau., Mrs. Mark Hopkins, in California, enjoying the journey there and back with great zest.
Children, b. in New York City.
5334 Mary Frances Sherwood,8 b. 8 Mar., 1818; m. (1) in New York City, 20 Sept., 1854. her cousin, Mark Hopkins (5331), thus making two generations of marriages between first cousins; he d. 29 Mar., 1878; she m. (2) 7 Nov., 1887, Edward F. Searles; d. in Methuen, Mass., 25 July, 1891.
5335 William Kellogg Sherwood,8 b. 1822; d. in Great Barrington, aged 35; he was a brilliant young attorney; was graduated from Columbia College, 1844; went to California during the gold excitement with his cousin, Mark Hopkins, on the ship. Pacific, and was in the law office of Stephen J. Field (late Justice of the United States Supreme Court), in Marysville; his health failing, he returned to Great Barrington and d. there six months after his return.
5336 Sarah Sherwood,8 b. 1826; d. in Great Barrington, 17 June, 1844.
5337 Lydia Sherwood,8 b. 1829; m. 30 Sept., 1849, Hiram Crittenden, b. in Tyringham, Mass., 5 July, 1814, son of Hiram Crittenden,** b. in Otis, 12 May, 1777, and Abigail Baldwin, b. in Otis, 26 Jan., 1790,

*He was the son of Joseph Sherwood, b. 1 Dec., 1702. and Sarah Osborn, dau. of David Osborn. Joseph was the son of Benjamin Sherwood, b. about 1767, son of Thomas Sherwood, b. in England, about 1624, and Ann Turney. Thomas Sherwood, father of Thomas, came from England, Apr., 1634, aged 48, with his wife, Alice, aged 47, on the ship Francis of Ipswich, England.
**He was the son of Lieut. Ichabod Crittenden (a soldier in the revolutionary war, serving eight months around Boston in 1775 and in the Saratoga campaign in 1777), b. in Middletown, Conn., 25 Oct., 1751. and Elizabeth Cook. Lieut. Ichabod was the son of Ichabod, b. in Guilford, Conn., 11 Apr., 1721, and Sarah Sumner, b. 12 July. 1728, dau. of Wil­liam Sumner and Hannah Clark, and a descendant of William Sumner, of Dorchester, 1636, and of the Henchmans, Savages and Whitmores, of Boston. Ichabod was the son of Dr. Daniel Cruttenden, of Middletown, son of Abraham Cruttenden, Jr., son of Abraham Crut­tenden, who settled in Guilford, 1639.

378    The Kelloggs in the New World.

dau. of Rev. Benjamin Baldwin (pastor of the Baptist Church in Sandisfield twenty-six years), and Frances _______. He was a wholesale paper merchant; res. in Great Barrington and St. Louis Mo. About the close of the rebellion, they went abroad and re­mained there, educating their children, and traveling until the death of Mrs. Crittenden in Nice, France, 8 Dec., 1877. He d. in San Bernardino, Cal., 18 Feb., 1883; both are buried in Great Barring­ton. They had five children, the youngest, Mary Kellogg Critten­den, b. in St. Louis, 6 June, 1863; m. 28 Nov., 1882, Timothy Hopkins, adopted son of Mark Hopkins (5331) and Mary Frances Sherwood (5334).
5338 Ezra Kellogg Sherwood,8 b. 1830; was graduated from Columbia Col­lege, 1849; went to California and studied law in Judge Stephen J. Field's office in Marysville. He was killed at night, 4 July, 1850, on the stage road between Sacramento and Marysville. His neck was broken by a projecting tree under which the stage was driven. He is buried in Marysville.

2106.   WILLIAM,7 son of Judah6 (713), b. in Stratford, Conn., 1769; m. 11 Nov., 1790, Demis Swift, dau. of Gen. Heman Swift, a Capt. in the French war, and Col. of the Ninth Connecticut Reg., in the revolution, and a member of the staff of Gen. Washington, at Valley Forge.
He d. in Cornwall, Conn., 28 May, 1829, aged 60; she d. 1841.
They res. in Cornwall. He succeeded his father, Judah, as Town Clerk in 1810, and held the office nineteen years until his death. He was a member of the General Court sixteen years and a Justice of the Peace.

Children, b. in Cornwall.
5339 Gerrett,8 b. 1 Feb., 1792; d. 3 Dec., 1794.
5340 Philo,8 b. 1 Mar., 1794; m. Charlotte Miles.
5341 Gerrett,8 b. 30 July, 1796; m. Harriet Eliza Holabird.
5342 Charles William,8 b. 16 Dec., 1798; m. Delia Maria Clark.
5343 Frederick,8 b. 5 Sept., 1801; m. Ruth Robinson Calhoun.
5344 Mary,8 b. 10 Jan., 1804; m. Asa Everett, of Sharon, Conn., b. about 1781, son of Isaiah Everett and Elizabeth Chaffee; he had m. (1) Anna Studley; (2) Anna Hatch, of Kent, Conn.; was a farmer; d. 2 Mar., 1858, aged 77; she d. about 1884; had no children.
5345 Harriet,8 b. 12 Dec., 1808; d. unm., _____.
5346 Hannah,8 b. after 1811; m. John Reed.
5347 Janette,8 b. after 1811; m. Marshall Dibble; d. about 1850, had no children.

2107.   JOHN,7 son of Judah6 (713), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 22 Sept., 1777; m. 29 Aug., 1799, Mary (Polly) Clark, b. in Cornwall, 25 Sept., 1780, dau. of Deacon Hezekiah Clark and Sylvia Hill.
He d. in Cornwall, 15 Nov., 1853; she d. in Burnett, Wis., 6 Jan., 1856, while visiting her dau., Almira.
He was a farmer; was an old-school Democrat and a man of strong mental power.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    379

Children, b. in Cornwall.
5348 Miles Lewis,8 b. 29 Aug., 1801; m. Lavinia Maria Hill.
5349 Theodosia,8 b. 24 June, 1803; m. Rev. Simeon Hall.
5350 Hezekiah Clark,8 b. 16 May, 1805; m. Elizabeth Catlin.
5351 James Hovey,8 b. 23 July, 1807; m. (1) Emmeline Bierce; (2) Olive Chapman; (3) Jane Eliza Peep.
5352 George,8 b. 9 July, 1809; m. (1) Hannah Skellenger; (2) Elizabeth Hotchkiss; (3) Sarah P. Stone.
5353 Jabez Clark,8 b. 16 Dec., 1811; left Cornwall about 1831, and res. in the State of New York until 1852; went to California; returned in 1856, and res. in New London, Wis.; was a dentist; d. unm., 16 Oct., 1891.
5354 Almira,8 26 Mar., 1813; m. Rev. Nelson Seely Green.
5355 Hannah Emma,8 b. 15 Mar., 1815; d. unm., 1 Oct., 1879; was a school teacher in De Witt, la.
5356 John,8 b. 26 June, 1817; m. Mar., 1860, Eliza Emmons Cady, b. 8 Mar., 1833, dau. of Rev. Henry Cady, of McGrawville, N. Y., b. 21 Oct., 1801, and Olive Watkins, b. May, 1804; he was a dentist; d. 2 Oct., 1893, in Emporia, Kas.; had no children.
5357 Lucius,8 b. 16 Sept., 1819; m. Cornelia Wood, dau. of Dr. J. D. Wood, of Waveland, Kas.; he d. 7 Aug., 1866, in Lawrence, Kas.; had no children; he was a dentist in Lawrence and passed through the Quantrell Raid there in safety, although he had a pistol held to his breast and was robbed of $3,000; he had a remarkable memory and is said to have been able not only to repeat all of the New Testa­ment, but if any verse were repeated, could tell the book, chapter and verse, or if any verse were indicated by number he could repeat it. She m. (2) Plough, of Topeka, Kas.
5358 Dayton Smith,8 b. 24 July, 1821; m. Hannah Waddell.

2108.   DR. LUCIUS,7 son of Judah6 (713), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 1782; m. Dec., 1808, Harriet Whitney, bap. in Derby, Conn., Sept., 1785, dau. of William Clark Whitney, b. in Derby, about 1762, and Mary Thompson, of Huntington, L. I.
She d. in Oyster Bay, L. I., 8 Aug., 1848; he d. in South Dover, Dutchess Co., N. Y., 10 Apr., 1852, where he was buried.
He was a successful physician; pursued a regular course of physic with Nathan Sheldon, of Huntington, Conn., who certified that he was competent to practice that profession. He resided in Derby until 1810, when he rem. to the vicinity of Glen Cove, L. I., and a few years later he again rem. to Oyster Bay. "He was a man of strong intellect and good judgment and an ardent politician of the old Whig school."
5359 Mary Augusta,8 b. in Derby, 14 Oct., 1809; m. in the Church of An­nunciation, Fourteenth Street, New York, 28 Aug., 1850, Maj. Gurdon Nowlen, of Geneseo, N. Y., b. 22 Sept., 1793, son of Asa Nowlen, of Canterbury, Conn.; he was a farmer; a Maj. in the United States Army in the war of 1812; d. 10 Mar., 1870; she d. in New York, 15 Apr., 1889.

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5360 Juliet Lavinia,8 b. near Glen Cove, 1 Apr., 1812; m. Edward William Canning.
5361 Harriette Elizabeth,8 b. 15 Apr., 1823; m. Henry Augustus Wilmerding.

2109.   MARY,7 dau. of Judah6 (713), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 6 July, 1783; m. 7 July, 1813, Eliphalet Hull Shepard, b. in Newtown, Conn., 21 May, 1789, son of Allen Shepard.
She d. 19 July, 1862; he d. 12 Aug., 1865.
He was a farmer in Cornwall.
5362 Mary Ann Shepard,8 b. 1 Apr., 1814; d. 6 Oct., 1817.
5363 George Hull Shepard,8 b. 24 July, 1815; m. (1) 3 June, 1840, Hannah Woolsey, who d. 20 June, 1844; he m. (2) 30 Sept., 1847, Sarah Silliman; he was an inspector in the Custom House; res. in Brook­lyn, N. Y.; d. 30 May, 1879.
5364 Mary Ann Shepard,8 b. 23 July, 1818; d. 27 Apr., 1823.
5365 Charles Nichol Shepard,8 b. 27 Apr., 1820; d. unm., 23 July, 1876; was a commission merchant in New York.
5366 Elbert Shepard,8 b. 2 May, 1824; m. 31 May, 1846, Cynthia Wheaton; was a farmer; res. in West Cornwall, Conn.
5367 Harriet Shepard,8 b. 16 Jan., 1827; m. 14 Oct., 1867, Morris Tuttle, of West Goshen, Conn.; he was a farmer.

2112.   JOHN,7 son of Deacon John6 (715), b. in Hebron, Conn., 7 July, 1767; m. 26 Dec., 1791, Mary Day, b. 14 Oct., 1765, dau. of Joseph Day, Jr., of Col­chester, Conn., and Susanna Brainard.
He d. 22 Feb., 1826, aged 59; she d. 10 Dec., 1848, aged 83; both are buried in the Iron Works Cemetery, Colchester.
He was a farmer; res. three miles northwest of Colchester, on the Hartford turnpike.
Children, b. in Hebron.
5368 Erastus,8 b. 22 Oct., 1792; d. in Hebron, 13 May, 1863, aged 71; was unm.; was a farmer in Colchester.
5369 Mary,8 b. 5 Mar., 1794; m. David Northam.
5370 John,8 b. 28 Nov., 1796; m. Clarissa Chamberlain.
5371 Theodotia,8 b. 18 Mar., 1793; m. George Miller.
5372 Amanda,8 twin to Theodotia, b. 18 Mar., 1798; d. 23 May, 1798.

2115.   TITUS,7 son of Deacon John6 (715), b. in Hebron, Conn., 26 Mar., 1779; m. Elizabeth Clark, dau. of Gurdon Clark and Eunice Gillett (1973).
He d. by accident, 30 Aug., 1847, aged 68, and is buried in the Iron Works Cemetery, Colchester, Conn.; she d. 10 July, 1872, aged 84.
He was a farmer in Colchester.
5373 Elizabeth (Betsey),8 b. 7 Oct., 1806; d. unm., 4 July, 1887, aged 80; res. in Colchester.

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5374 Seymour,8 b. 29 Aug., 1808; m. (1) Jane E. Whitmore; she d. 26 Sept., 1865, aged 45; he m. (2) 7 Mar., 1866, Harriet Attwood Brainard, b. 23 Sept., 1819, dau. of William Brainard and Patience Foote; he d. 24 Apr., 1868; she d. 24 Oct., 1895; had no children.
5375 William,8 b. 20 Sept., 1811; d. unm., 31 May, 1867.
5376 Clarissa,8 b. 2 Oct., 1817; m. 8 Dec., 1879, James Henry Clark, her fourth cousin; res. in Colchester; he d. 20 Apr., 1885.

2116.   LOIS,7 dau. of Israel6 (716), b. in Colchester, Conn., 24 Nov., 1775; m. in Hebron, Conn., Nov., 1804, John Post, of Columbia, Conn., b. 17 Jan., 1762.
He d. 20 Nov., 1841, aged 79; she d. 4 Mar., 1861, aged 85. He was a manufacturer of saddles, boots and shoes; was afterward a farmer in Gilead, Conn.
5377 John Post,8 b. 9 June, 1806; he entered Amherst College in 1825, but left two years later on account of ill health; was a school teacher; d. unm., 28 Mar., 1836.
5378 Caroline Post,8 b. 9 July, 1810; d. unm., 19 Aug., 1859.
5379 Alfred Kellogg Post,8 b. 18 July, 1813; m. 24 May, 1848, Almira Chap­man, of Vernon, Conn.; d. 1 July, 1851; was a farmer in Hebron, Conn.; she m. (2) 21 Oct., 1858, Judge William E. Jones, of Marlboro, Conn.

2117.   DOROTHY,7 dau. of Israel6 (716), b. in Colchester, Conn., 27 Sept., 1777; m. in Hebron, Conn., 24 May, 1803, Robert McKee, b. 1 Jan., 1779, son of Robert McKee, of South Manchester, Conn., b. about 1753.
She d. 10 Apr., 1811; he m. (2) 1812, Amy Chubbuck, of Tolland, Conn.; d. in Orwell, Pa., Dec., 1849.
He was educated in Hartford; in 1799 went as Secretary of the United States Minister to France. He returned to Manchester in 1802, where he res. until his rem. to Boston, in 1813. In both places he was engaged in the manufacture of gun powder. In 1816 he rem. to Orwell and became a farmer.
Children, b. in Manchester (Cheneyville), Conn.
5380 Addison McKee,8 b. 1 Apr., 1804; m. in Hebron, Conn., Elizabeth Graves; was a jeweler in Windsor, Broome Co., N. Y., also Justice of the Peace; d. 7 Aug., 1866.
5381 Charles Kellogg McKee,8 b. 20 Oct., 1805; d. unm.; was a farmer near Columbus, O.
5382 Emmeline McKee,8 b. 19 Feb., 1807; m. in Hartford, Conn., 29 Dec., 1829, Samuel McClelland, b. in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2 Oct., 1803; he rem. in 1832 to Columbus and res. there; was a real estate dealer.
5383 Edwin McKee,8 b. 1809; m. twice; d. in Painesville, O., Nov., 1834; had no children.

2118.   MARY,7 dau. of Israel6 (716), b. in Colchester, Conn., 19 Sept., 1779; m. (1) in Hebron, Conn., 17 Jan., 1798, Samuel Mann., b. in Hebron, 18 June, 1776, son of Joel Mann., b. 1 Oct., 1743, and Mercy Mann., his cousin, b. Mar., 1749.
He d. in Saratoga Co., N. Y., 23 Mar., 1831. He was a farmer in Ballston, N. Y.; she m. (2) 8 Oct., 1835, C. Van Cise, b. 6 Feb., 1782, and rem. to Rip-

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ley, N. Y.; d. in Westfield, N. Y., 1 Nov., 1853; he d. in Ripley, 9 June, 1864; she passed her last days with her son, David, in Westfield.
5384 David Mann,8 b.; m. in Milton, N. Y., Adeline Morrison; was a lawyer; rem. about 1835 to Westfield, where he was Postmaster at the time of his death.
5385 Samuel Mann,8 b. ______; m. Hannah Tripp, of Saratoga Co., N. Y.; rem. to Chautauqua Co., N. Y.
5386 Mary Mann,8 b.; m. William Freeman; res. in Lockport, N. Y.
5387 Israel Kellogg Mann,8 bap. 4 Mar., 1805, in Ballston; res. in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., and later rem. to Ohio.
5388 Margaret Mann,8 b. 15 Mar., 1810; m. Pardon Tripp; res. in North Rast, Pa.
5389 Horace Mann,8 b. ______.
5390 Nancy Mann,8 b. ______; m. Cyrus Stafford.
5391 Joel Mann,8 b. ______.

2119.   ISRAEL,7 son of Israel6 (716), b. in the Parish of West Chester, Col­chester, Conn., 2 Aug., 1782; m. in Sacket Harbor, N. Y., 8 Jan., 1817, Honor Burt, b. in Deerfield, Mass., 16 Dec., 1788, dau. of Lieut. Ithamar Burt, b. in Deerfield about 1758, and Prudence Dickinson, b. in Deerfield, about 1758.
She d. 5 Feb., 1865, aged 75; he d. 11 May, 1875, aged 92 years, 9 months and 9 days.
He was a farmer in Hebron, Conn. In 1806 rem. to Copenhagen, N. Y.; 1863, to Holly, N. Y.; 1875 to North Towanda, N. Y.; was a Capt. of Militia during the war of 1812.
Children, b. in Copenhagen.
5392 Dickinson Burt,8 b. 30 Dec., 1818; m. Cornelia Stanley Esselstyn.
5393 Alfred Hubbard,8 b. 11 Nov., 1821; m. Mary Maria Barlett.
5394 Eliza Arabella,8 b. 5 May, 1829; m. George A. Sackett.

2121.   LYDIA,7 dau. of Israel6 (716), b. in Colchester, Conn., 28 Sept., 1786; m. 1 Apr., 1811, Joseph Perry, b. in East Hartford, Conn., 22 Apr., 1784, son of Joseph Perry, b. in Wareham, Mass., 1750, and Susan Tupper, b. in Middleboro, Mass.
He was killed in a powder mill explosion, 19 Aug., 1819; she d. in Manchester, Conn., 26 Nov., 1862.
He was a powder manufacturer. During the war of 1812 he operated a pow­der mill with his brother-in-law, Robert McKee, in Mansfield, Conn. When the war was over he returned to farming. In the spring of 1819 he was persuaded by John Mather to take charge of his mill in East Hartford.
5395 Ralph Perry,8 b. 20 Dec., 1811; m. (1) in Jacksonville, Ill., May, 1839, Abigail Graves; she d. in Canton, Ill, 1841; he m. (2) 1843, Elizabeth Tomlinson, of Huntington, Conn.; she d. in Agawaro, Mass., Mar., 1846; he m. (3) 25 May, 1848, Martha Fowler, of Agawam; was a Congregational clergyman in Agawam; had three children.

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5396 Edwin Perry,8 b. 27 Jan., 1813; m. 26 May, 1842, Fanny Wetherell, of Manchester, Conn., b. 19 Aug., 1814. dau. of James Wetherell, b. in Wareham, Mass., May, 1782; was a wagon maker; res. in South Manchester, Conn.
5397 Israel Kellogg Perry,8 b. 4 Mar., 1815; m. 10 May, 1837, Jane Walker, b. 5 Oct 1817, dau. of Frederick Walker, of Vernon and Hartford, and Ruth Carpenter, b. 23 Apr., 1796; she d. in Manhattan, Kas., 5 Jan., 1876; he was a carriage maker, farmer, merchant and capitalist; res. in Denmark, N. Y., later in Illinois; since 1857 in Kansas.
5398 Laura,8 b. 3 Feb., 1817; m. 25 May, 1842, Joseph P. Loomis, of Coventry, Conn.; had two children.
5399 Ann Perry,8 b. 30 Dec., 1818; res. unm., in South Manchester and Cov­entry.

2124.   LAURA,7 dau. of Israel6 (716), b. in Hebron, Conn., 23 Oct 1793; m. 23 Mar., 1826, Stephen Ingham, b. 9 Jan., 1787, son of Ebenezer Ingham, of Old Saybrook, b. in 1738, and Sarah Ford, b. about 1750.
He d. 2 Sept., 1840; she d. 8 Mar., 1875.
He was a farmer in Old Saybrook.
5400 Francis Edwin Ingham,8 b. 28 Mar., 1827; ml May, 1853, Mary Jane Gregory, of La Grange, Tex.; in 1877 he res. in Onawa, Ia.; he was a farmer and school teacher.
5401 Charles Newton Ingham,8 b. 5 Oct., 1828; m. 29 June, 1853, Louisa M. Wright, of Westbrook, Conn.; d. 10 Aug., 1870; was a tailor.
5402 Samuel Kellogg Ingham,8 b. 8 July, 1830; im 20 Nov., 1862, Lydia Aver of Old Saybrook; was a farmer in Old Saybrook.
5403 Stephen Alonzo Ingham,8 b. 4 Sept., 1832; m. in 1863, Mrs. Burrows, of Illinois.
5404 Laura Cordelia Ingham,8 b. 13 Nov., 1834; m. 30 Nov., 1860, _______.
5405 Frederick William Hotchkiss Ingham,8 b. 27 May, 1837; m. Harriet Kingman, of Nebraska City, Neb.; Falls City, Neb.; he was a well borer; res. in Falls City, Neb.

2125.   DR. ALFRED,7 son of Israel6 (716), b. in Hebron, Conn., 21 Feb., 1796; m. Sept., 1824, Cordelia Kellogg (4171), b. 17 Mar., 1806, dau. of Rev. Bela Kellogg (+1517), of Avon, Conn.
She d. 30 May, 1831; he m. (2) 18 Apr., 1838, Susan Brockelsby, b. 28 Jan., 1808, eldest dau. of John Brockelsby, b. in Oxford, England, Dec., 1768, and Anna Brooks, b. about 1784; she d. 6 Feb., 1866; he d. 6 July, 1870.
He was graduated from Yale College in 1818; studied medicine in Windsor Conn. After the death of his first wife, he taught school for a time in Virginia and Louisiana. In Avon, he was for some years Town Clerk and Judge of Probate. After his second marriage he res. in Albany, N. Y., later in Avon, Conn., where he d.
Children by first wife.
5406 A Son,8 b. and d. Feb., 1826.
5407 Lucius Storrs,8 b. in Avon, 10 Feb., 1831; m. Mary Elizabeth Denniss.

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Children by second wife.
5408 Alfred,8 b. 2 Jan., 1839; d. unm., 4 Feb., 1899; he was a bookkeeper in Avon; res. in Titusville, Pa.
5409 Louise Ann,8 b. 15 June, 1843; m. 10 Dec., 1874, Abram Chidsey, b. in Avon, 29 Apr., 1824, son of Anson Chidsey, and Mary Goodrich; ­he d. in New Hartford, Conn., 10 June, 1896; he was a farmer, a Congregationalist and a Democrat; res. in New Hartford.
5410 Susan Caroline,8 b. 20 Jan., 1846; m. James Eveline Lusk.

2126.   JIRAH,7 son of Israel6 (716), b. in Hebron, Conn., 10 May, 1799; m. 2 Aug., 1830, Lydia Marcy Utley, b. in Ashford, Conn., 18 Dec., 1802, only dau. of Dr. Vine Utley, of Lyme, Conn., b. in Ashford, 1768, and Rebecca Marcy, b. 1763. She d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 16 Nov., 1873; he d. in Lake Grove, N. Y., 6 Nov., 1885.
In 1818 he went to Wilmington, N. C., and assisted in erecting the State Bank of North Carolina. He worked during the winters until 1836 manufactur­ing and setting up machinery for preparing rice for market. He then returned to Lyme, where he owned a woolen factory and later a hotel. In 1852 he was a farmer in Waterford, Conn, and lived a short time in New London, Conn. In 1872 he rem. to Brooklyn and in 1877 res. with his son, William Jirah, in Lake Grove, L. I.
Children, b. in East Lyme.
5411 Samuel Vine,8 b. 17 Mar., 1832; was a clerk and railroad conductor in New York; d. unm., in Brooklyn, N. Y., 21 May, 1885.
5412 William Jirah,8 b. 22 Jan., 1841; m. Mary Margarette Tooker.
5413 Leander Utley,8 b. 19 May, 1843; m. about 1865, Mary A. Hendrick, of New Orleans, La.; was a druggist in Waco, Tex.; d. in Spring­field, Mo., 25 Nov., 1885.

2133.   JOSEPH DAY,7 son of Elisha6 (719), b. in Colchester, Conn., 9 Aug., 1778; m. 20 May, 1804, Rachel Comstock, b. 13 Aug., 1784, dau. of Jared Com­stock.
He d. 26 Apr., 1853, aged 75; she d. 4 Oct., 1871, aged 87.
Res. in Colchester, where both d.
Children, b. in Colchester.
5414 Mary Newton,8 b. 11 Sept., 1805; m. Aaron Ely Emmons.
5415 Elizabeth Comstock,8 b. 7 Sept., 1807; m. Ezra Hall.
5416 Brainard Day,8 b. 5 Jan., 1810; m. Dorothy Olmstead Day.
5417 Jared Comstock,8 b. 25 Apr., 1812; m. Frances Matilda Day.
5418 Rachel Caroline,8 b. 6 Mar., 1815; m. Rev. Hiram Smith.
5419 Emma,8 b. 6 Oct., 1817; m. as his second wife, 11 Jan., 1848, Nelson Bennet Loomis, b. in Lebanon, Conn., 9 Dec., 1813, son of Hezekiah Loomis, b. 24 Oct., 1790, and Eliza Bennet; he was a carpenter; had lived in Columbia, Colchester, Vernon, Hartford and Norwich, Conn., and Hopkinton, Mass.; in 1877 he was a farmer in Hebron, Conn.; had no children.
5420 Joseph,8 b. 28 July, 1820; m. (1) Caroline Elizabeth Annable , (2) Mrs. Eliza (Pratt) Pratt.
5421 Elisha,8 b. 4 Apr., 1823; d. unm., 12 Feb., 1890.

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5422 George Whitfield,8 b. 12 Aug., 1826; m. Lydia Maria Payne.
5423 Israel,8 b. 6 May, 1830; d. unm., in Colchester, 24 Apr., 1851.

2134.   TABITHA,7 dau. of Elisha6 (719), b. in Colchester, Conn., 27 July, 1789; m. 16 Feb., 1808, Jonathan Williams, b. in Colchester, 16 Feb., 1783, son of Daniel Williams, b. 19 Nov., 1757, and Asenath Day, b. 2 Apr., 1759.
He d. in Colchester, 1 May, 1844; she d. 7 Mar., 1868, aged 79.
He was a carpenter; lived in Colchester. Their son, Jonathan E. Williams, was living on the old homestead in 1879.
5424 Elisha Kellogg Williams,8 b. 14 Dec., 1808; m. Emily Pinney; d. in Oct., 1865; was a merchant in Bolton, Conn.
5425 Asa Lord Williams,8 b. 22 Aug., 1810.
5426 Laura Esther Williams,8 b. 23 Nov., 1812; m. William Watrous, a farmer in Hebron, Conn.
5427 Susanna Williams,8 b. 4 Dec., 1814; m. Jolm D. Watrous, a farmer in Colchester; he was a lumberman.
5428 Clarissa Williams,8 b. 5 Dec., 1816; d. young.
5429 Daniel Asa Williams,8 b. 13 Nov., 1818; m. Mary L. Gardner; he was a carpenter and farmer near Colchester; d. 25 Jan., 1858.
5430 David Brainard Williams,8 b. 14 Feb., 1821; m. Nancy Emmons; in 1880 he was a farmer in Colchester.
5431 Elizabeth Williams,8 b. 8 Mar., 1823; d. young.
5432 Chauncy Williams,8 b. 5 Apr., 1825; he enlisted 25 July, 1862, in Co. E, Eighteenth Connecticut Volunteers; was taken prisoner and d. in Andersonville, Ga.
5433 Jonathan Edwards Williams,8 b. 23 Mar., 1827; m. 24 Mar., 1853, Mary West; was a farmer; res. on the old homestead in Colchester.
5434 Justus Newton Williams,8 b. 24 Jan., 1829; m. Harriet E. Bulkley; in 1880 he was a grocer in Colchester; had no children.
5435 Jirah Weeks Williams,8 b. 1 July, 1831; d. in infancy.
5436 Jirah Emery Williams,8 b. 25 Apr., 1833; in 1879 he was a miner; res. in Denver, Col.

2135.   SUSANNA,7 dau. of Elisha6 (719), b. in Colchester, Conn., 20 Jan., 1795; m. 18 Jan., 1819, John Smith, b. in Westfield, Mass., 9 Mar., 1790, son of Simeon Smith, of Westfield, b. 17 Feb., 1759, and Abigail Fowler, b. 3 Dec., 1758.
She d. 28 Mar., 1871; he d. ______.
He was a cabinet-maker. He rem. in 1815 from Westfield to Ellington.
Children, b. in Ellington.
5437 John Smith,8 b. 14 May, 1820; m. (1) 10 May, 1843, Mary Ann Miller, of Colchester; she d. 23 Aug., 1844; he m. (2) Sarah Ann Russell Pease, of Somers, Conn.; she d. 6 Dec., 1863; he m. (3) Maria Rebecca Russell, of Ironton, Mo.; he was a farmer in Ironton.
5438 Charles Smith,8 b. 14 Sept., 1821; m. 16 May, 1850, Cornelia Arm­strong; she d. 27 Jan., 1872; he was a farmer; lived for about three years in Galesburg, Ill., and the remainder of his life in Ellington.

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5439 Elisha Smith,8 b. 2 Nov., 1834; m. 8 Sept., 1846, Elizabeth Pitkin; she d. 24 Oct., 1861; he m. (2) 10 Apr., 1862, Orpha Henrietta Pease; d. 28 Feb., 1876; was a merchant and later a farmer in Ellington, where he was deacon in the Congregational Church for thirteen years.
5440 Henry Smith,8 b. 26 Dec., 1829; d. 5 June, 1832.

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2144.   JOHN,8 son of Amos7 (740), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 29 Oct., 1791; m. in Springfield, Mass., 20 Dec., 1821, Laura Chapin, b. 26 June, 1801, dau. of Hoses Chapin, b. 11 July, 1762, and Kezia Chapin, b. 23 July, 1766, dau. of Capt. Ephraim Chapin.
He d. in South Hadley, 18 May, 1847; she d. 30 Mar., 1861.
He was a farmer in South Hadley; res. on his father's homestead.
Children, b. in South Hadley.
5441 Amos,9 b. 21 Oct., 1822; m. Lucy Maria Elliot.
5442 Keziah Chapin,9 b. 16 Aug., 1824; m. William Smith.
5443 Catherine Brown,9 b. 21 Aug., 1826; m. Harvey Judd.
5444 Ruth Cordelia,9 b. 19 Nov., 1828; m. Nelson Warner Burnett.
5445 Laura,9 b. 20 Feb., 1831; m. Elliot Montague.
5446 Julia,9 b. 15 May, 1833; m. 4 Apr., 1860, David C. Ayers, of New York City, b. in Granby, Mass., 1833, son of Edward and Mary S. Ayers; he was a druggist; she d. in South Hadley, 29 Feb., 1864; after her death he went West, and there is no further trace of him.
5447 John Edwin,9 b. 1 Dec., 1835; m. (1) Jane Rebecca Smith; (2) Mrs. Clara Louise (Smith) Judd.
5448 Lois Amelia,9 b. 27 Jan., 1840; m. Rufus Hinckley.
5449 Harriet Eliza,9 b. 20 June, 1842; m. John Albert Breckinridge.
✛5450 Mary Whitman,9 b. 20 May, 1846; m. Charles Kellogg Morton.

2145.   ALPHEUS,8 son of Josiah7 (743), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 22 Dec., 1793; m. 14 May, 1815, Augusta Dix.
He d. in Jamaica, Vt., 2 Sept., 1868; she d. in the same place, 1 Nov., 1871. He was a farmer and miller. At different times he held every town office; res. in South Hadley, Mass., Dummerston, Wardsboro and Jamaica, Vt.
Children, b. in Jamaica.
5451 Sarah Ann Augusta,9 b. 1 Apr., 1817; d. 29 Mar., 1850.
5452 Elliot Eaton,9 b. 27 Nov., 1819; m. Hannah Barrett Foster.
5453 Emmeline Maria,9 b. 19 Oct., 1821; m. (1) Franklin Newell; (2) Solomon Williams.
5454 Caroline Emily Antoinette,9 b. 18 Nov., 1823; m. Horace Williams.
5455 Mary Jerusha,9 b. 19 June, 1825; m. Lyman Fisher Wilcox.
5456 Lucy Adelia,9 b. 22 May, 1827; m. Benjamin Muzzy Livermore.
5457 Jane Eunice,9 b. 6 Dec., 1831; m. Rev. Thomas Hancock Rood.
5458 George,9 b. 19 Feb., 1833; m. (1) Mary Jane Kennedy; (2) Lucy A. Robinson.
5459 Charles,9 b. 18 Sept., 1836; d. 19 Sept., 1849.

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2146.   JOHN,8 son of Josiah7 (743), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 7 Nov., 1785; m. (1) about 1808, Nancy Chapin, b. Jan., 1789, dau. of Jesse Chapin, of Wardsboro, Vt., b. 27 Aug., 1761, and Eunice Wheelock.
She d. 3 June, 1837; he m. (2) 16 Nov., 1837, Abigail Muzzy, b. 22 May, 1802, dau. of Benjamin Muzzy, of Jamaica, Vt., b. 1764, and Elizabeth Ingall, b. 1772.
He d. in Dummerston, Vt., 28 Feb., 1872; she d. in Jamaica, 1 Jan., 1894.
Children by first wife, b. in Jamaica.
5460 Alpheus Wheelock,9 b. 26 July, 1810; d. unm., in Metuchen, N. J., 27 Oct., 1895; taught school in Metuchen over thirty years and was known as "The Old School Master."
5461 Mary Eaton,9 b. Feb., 1813; m. Samuel Torrey Read Cheney.
5462 Titus Taylor,9 b. Dec., 1817; d. 2 Sept., 1841.
5463 John Mason,9 b. 15 Aug., 1820; m. Caroline Virginia Jones.
5464 Alvin Chapin,9 b. Jan., 1822; d. 24 July, 1843.
5465 Henry Martin,9 b. 8 June, 1826; m. Elizabeth F. Greely.
5466 Henrietta,9 b. 4 June, 1827; m. Jonathan Leland Brimhall.
5467 Edward Payson,9 b. 3 Nov., 1830; m. Anna Maria Nishwitz.
Children by second wife.
5468 Philetus,9 b. 14 Apr., 1840; m. Lauretta Howard.
5469 Mary Abigail,9 b. 23 Jan., 1847; d. unm., 27 Oct., 1853.

2147.   JERUSHA,8 dau. of Josiah7 (743), b. in Windham or Jamaica, Vt., 11 Oct., 1788; m. in Windham, Vt., Robert McCormick, b. 14 Feb., 1791, son of Archibald McCormick, b. in Londonderry, N. H.
She d. in Rutland, Vt., 15 Apr., 1858; he d. 14 Apr., 1861, in the same place.
He was a farmer in Rutland.
5470 Aldis Lovell McCormick,9 b. 10 July, 1821; m. 16 Nov., 1843, Laura Underwood; res. in Lowell, Mass.; made "Pickers" for cotton mills.
5471 Sarah (Sally) Augusta McCormick,9 b. 24 July, 1823; m. James Mack; d. 28 Apr., 1839.
5472 Gilbert Dennison McCormick,9 b. 10 May, 1825; was a plumber in Providence, R. I.
5473 Phanett Cobb McCormick,9 b. 11 Aug., 1827; m. Isaac T. Gage, a ma­chinist of Lowell.
5474 Caroline Jerusha McCormick,9 b. 13 June, 1830; d. unm., in Sacra­mento, Cal., 1859.
5475 Rodney Kellogg McCormick,9 b. 24 Mar., 1834; m. 26 Apr., 1863, Sophia Grace Wilson, b. in Illinois, 26 Jan., 1846, dau. of Horace Wilson, b. in Keene, N. H., 1807; he was a contractor for railroad construc­tion; res. in Port Byron, Ill.; had three children.

2149.   JOSIAH,8 son of Josiah7 (743), b. 25 Nov., 1791; m. in Jamestown, N. Y., 25 Nov., 1819, Parlina Thompson, b. in Geneseo, N. Y., 3 June, 1803. dau. of John Thompson and Mary Ann Hulslander, of Vermont.
He d. in Kellogg Hill, Tryonville, Pa., 15 June, 1839; she m. (2) Hollis Kellogg (+2150).

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He res. in Jamaica, Vt., until about 1816, when he rem. to Jamestown; about 1827 to Steuben, Pa.; was a farmer, Methodist and Republican; res. in Tryon­ville.
5476 John Adams,9 b. in New York, 27 Oct., 1820; m. Mariah Catherine Reynolds.
5477 Mary Ann,9 b. in New York, 26 Aug., 1823; m. David Skinner Waid.
5478 Sarah,9 b. 13 Nov., 1825; m. Daniel Titus.
5479 Parlina,9 b. in Steuben, 23 July, 1828; m. David Munn, Jr.
5480 Josiah,9 b. in Kellogg Hill, 5 May, 1831; m. Mary Kurry.
5481 Jane Amanda,9 b. in Kellogg Hill, 10 July, 1833; m. there, 21 Feb., 1852, William Teel Myers, b. 14 Jan., 1827, in Delaware, N. Y., son of Samuel Myers and Rachel Austin, of West Greene, Pa.; he served in Co. P., One Hundred and Sixty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers; enlisted 16 Oct., 1862; was discharged 23 July, 1863; d. 16 Mar., 1896, in Waterford, Pa., where his widow now res.; had no chil­dren, but adopted two.
5482 Hollis,9 b. in Tryonville, 7 Feb., 1836; m. Mercy Ann Rood.
5483 Benjamin Franklin,9 b. 3 June, 1838; d. unm., 15 May, 1878; was a laborer; a Republican; res. in Titusville, Pa.

2150.   HOLLIS,8 son of Josiah7 (743), b. in Brattleboro, Vt., 28 Nov., 1793; m. Mrs. Parlina (Thompson) Kellogg, b. in Geneseo, N. Y., 3 June, 1803, widow of his brother, Josiah.
She d. in Tryonville, Pa., 1 June, 1880; he d. there, 9 Dec., 1889. He was a private in the war of 1812; was a farmer, Methodist and a Repub­lican; res. in West Greene and Tryonville, Pa.
5484 George Washington,9 b. in Tryonville, 12 Oct., 1840; m. Margaret Elizabeth Cook.
5485 David Waid,9 b. 26 Mar., 1843; m. in Diamond, Pa., Mary De Mills; res. in Glyndon, Pa.; is a lumberman; she d. 7 Oct., 1901; had no children.

2152.   FREDERICK,8 son of Josiah7 (743), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 21 Mar., 1798; m. 8 June, 1820, Sophia Ranney, b. 1 Oct., 1799, dau. of Waitstill Ranney, of Westminster, Vt., b. 3 Jan., 1762, and Abigail Harlow.
He d. in Quasqueton, Ia., 22 Mar., 1874; she d. 10 Sept., 1880.
He rem. about 1822, from Jamaica to Tinmouth, where he worked in a grist mill; kept a hotel in Middletown, Vt., and later in East Poultney, Vt., to which latter place he rem. in 1840.
5486 Anstyss Sophia,9 b. 20 Dec., 1820; m. Theodore Chapin Clark.
5487 Philetus Clark,9 b. 14 Oct., 1822; d. 22 Mar., 1826.
5488 Hymeneus Chandler,9 b. 15 Aug., 1824; m. Eusebia Elizabeth Wheeler.
5489 Lawson Frederick,9 b. 17 July, 1835; m. Mary J. Fenton.

2155.   AMOS RODNEY,8 son of Josiah7 (743), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 20 Aug., 1808; m. 1835, Mary (Polly) Stratton Goodale.
He d. in Jamaica, 2 Oct., 1870; she d. in East Hartford, Conn., Feb., 1887.

390    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5490 Mary Helen,9 b. Sept., 1837; m. Cornelius Rand.
5491 Leroy Goodale,9 b. 6 May, 1840; d. 6 May, 1864, in the battle of the Wilderness; had been in service three years and had re-enlisted for three years more; was a Sergt.; a member of Co. I, Fourth Ver­mont Reg.
5492 Persis Parker,9 b. 9 Jan., 1843; m. Daniel Webster Thomas.
5493 Josiah Taylor,9 b. 31 July, 1844; d. 30 Nov., 1845.
5494 Ellen Augusta,9 b. 5 Apr., 1846; m. William Henry Miles.
5495 George Franklin,9 b. 3 Mar., 1849; m. Emma Isabelle Perrin.
5496 Charles Henry,9 b. 29 Aug., 1850; m. Sarah Jane Strong.
5497 Sarah Lincoln,9 b. 28 June, 1852; m. Edward Southworth Towne.
5498 Fred Hollis,9 b. 16 July, 1853; d. 5 Nov., 1873.
5499 John Cornelius,9 b. 23 July, 1855; d. 11 Sept., 1855.

2156.   NANCY,8 dau. of Seth7 (745), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 19 Mar., 1788; m. (1) 1807, John Hoagland, b. in Amsterdam, N. Y., 15 Oct., 1785, son of Abraham Hoagland, of Amsterdam, b. in Holland.
She d. in Howard, N. Y., 9 Jan., 1810; he m. (2) 1 May, 1811, Rachel Campbell; d. in Cohocton, Steuben Co., N. Y., Oct., 1864; was a carpenter. Child.
5500 Abram Hoagland,9 b. 30 Sept., 1808; m. 18 Sept., 1835, Aurelia Ann Northrop, b. in Galway, N. Y., 20 Dec., 1815, dau. of De Booth Northrop and Huldah Shepard; d. 4 Jan., 1870; she d. 11 Jan., 1879; his first occupation was teaching; he was later a dry goods merchant in Medina, N. Y.; later became a farmer in Racine Co., Wis., also a merchant in Rochester, Wis.; was a lumber merchant in 1853; had two children.

2157.   SUPPLINA,8 son of Seth7 (745), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 27 Nov., 1789; m. about 1813, Susan A. Aldrich, b. 31 July, 1793, dau. of Dr. John Aldrich, b. in Hopkinton, R. I., 1 Apr., 1760, and Elizabeth Thurston, who d. in Kingston, R. I., 23 May, 1837.
He d. 8 Feb., 1845; she d, 30 Mar., 1869.
He was a wool carder, cloth dresser and manufacturer of linseed oil; res. in West Galway, N. Y.
Children, b. in West Galway.
5501 Emily,9 b. 18 Sept., 1813; d. unm., in Medina, N. Y., 30 Jan., 1836.
5502 Lauren,9 b. 28 May, 1816; d. 28 Aug., 1822.
5503 Lauren,9 b. 31 Jan., 1824; m. Elizabeth Miller.
5504 John,9 b. 17 Dec., 1826; m. Olive Davis.
5505 Harriet,9 b. 13 Oct., 1838; m. Barnard K. Lee.
5506 Jane,9 b. 1 Nov., 1830; m. John Firman Mann.

2158.   RUSSELL,8 son of Seth7 (745), b. in West Galway, N. Y., 16 Jan., 1794; m. (1) 22 July, 1819, Melinda Hamilton, b. 3 May, 1797.
She d. 28 Nov., 1821; he m. (2) 19 Jan., 1825, Mary Ann Arbout, b. 2 Dec., 1805, dau. of William Arbout, b. in Northumberland, Pa., 3 Feb., 1776, and Jane Pearsall, b. in Schoharie Co., N. Y., 1783; d. 4 Jan., 1864.
He was a clothier, miller and farmer; retired from business in 1844.

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5507 Melinda,9 b. in Howard, N. Y., 20 Sept., 1821; m. Edmund Platt Smith.
5508 Jane Eliza,9 b. 21 July, 1827; m. (1) as his second wife, 1 Nov., 1852, Dr. James Darwin Dorr, of Bath, N. Y., b. in Washington Co., N. Y., 16 June, 1803; he d. G Sept., 1854; she m. (2) Charles Griffith, of New York City, an importer; d. 17 Dec., 1869; she wrote verses, some of which were published in Frank Leslie's Mag­azine; had no children.
5509 William Pitt,9 b. 10 May, 1829; d. unm., 16 May, 1850, near Aspin­wall, on his way to California.
5510 Seth,9 b. 16 Nov., 1831; d. 9 Aug., 1837.
5511 Robert Slade,9 b. 29 Jan., 1831; m. Anna Byron Wonderly.
5512 Frances Ann,9 b. 30 Apr., 1836; m. Andrew Jackson Brundage.
5513 Marion,9 b. 13 Apr., 1810; m. Charles H. Young.
5514 Mark,9 b. 14 Aug., 1842; d. 23 June, 1843.
5515 James Herbert,9 b. 22 Nov., 1844; enlisted in Co. I, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth New York Volunteers; was killed 31 May, 1862, in the battle of Fair Oaks.
5516 Byron,9 b. 11 Mar., 1848; d. unm., 31 May, 1869, after a voyage to Aus­tralia and California for his health.
5517 William Russell,9 b. 22 May, 1850; res. four years in California; since 1892 has been in the employ of George W. Hallock, Bank of Bath; res., unm., in Bath, N. Y.

2159.   NAOMI,8 dau. of Seth7 (745), b. in West Galway, N. Y., 28 July, 1796; m. 9 Jan., 1819, Nathan Aldrich, b. in Kingston, R. I., 10 Oct., 1796, son of John Aldrich and Elizabeth Thurston.
He d. 22 Apr., 1844.
He was a farmer; rem. in 1833 from Broad Albion, N. Y., to Knowlesville, N. Y.; in 1839 to Millington, Ill.
5518 Mary Ann Aldrich,9 b. 3 Dec., 1817; m. 24 Oct., 1839, Thomas Finnie, a farmer in Millington.
5519 Caroline Aldrich,9 b. 23 Oct., 1820; m. Oct., 1848, Lindsay H. Carr, a Capt. in Co. H, Tenth Illinois; he was killed in New Madrid, 12 Mar., 1862; res. in Sandwich, Ill.
5520 Lyell Thompson Aldrich,9 b. 13 June, 1824; m. 7 Nov., 1850, Delia Augusta Southworth, b. in Camden, N. Y., 15 Jan., 1828, dau. of James Southworth, b. in Burlington, N. Y., 5 Oct., 1796, and Delia Welch Day, b. 30 June, 1800; was a farmer in Millington.
5521 Naomi Elizabeth Aldrich,9 b. 15 Aug., 1831; m. Feb., 1863, Austin T. Johnston, who served in the Eighty-eighth Illinois; d. 4 May, 1867.

2160.   JOSEPH,8 son of Seth7 (745), b. in West Galway, N. Y., 21 Jan., 1802; m. 27 Jan., 1825. Harriet Aldrich (sister of Susan, wife of Supplina (+2157), b. in Kingston, R. I., 9 Feb., 1807, dau. of Dr. John Aldrich, b. in Hopkinton, R. I., 1 Apr., 1760, and Elizabeth Thurston.

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He d. 8 Aug., 1866. After the death of her husband she res. with her son Nathan, in Springwater, N. Y., where she d.
He was a carder and clothier. From 1835 to 1838 res. in Carlton, Saratoga Co., N. Y.; until 1831 in West Galway; until 1850 in Springwater.
5522 Nathan,9 b. 20 Oct., 1825; d. 6 Sept., 1828.
5523 Nathan Aldrich,9 b. in Springwater, 10 Sept., 1829; m. 16 May, 1854, Elmina G. Curtice, b. 14 Sept., 1830, dau. of John Curtice, b. in 1804, and Lucinda Preston, b. in 1807; he was a manufacturer of agricultural implements in Springwater, in which business he en­gaged in 1850.
5524 Caroline Elizabeth,9 b. 20 Dec., 1832; m. Harvey Hollister Marvin.
5525 George Joseph,9 b. 25 Aug., 1841; d. unm., 15 Jan., 1869; was a den­tist in Springwater.

2162.   BENJAMIN FRANKLIN,8 son of Seth7 (745), b. 14 Dec., 1806; m. Diantha Hopkins, b. 14 Mar., 1814.
She d. 27 Sept., 1869; he d. 27 Aug., 1872. He res. in Springwater, Steuben Co., N. Y.
5526 Persis Angela,9 b. about 24 Apr., 1833; m. William Terwilliger.
5527 Harriet Naomi,9 b. 22 Feb., 1833; m. (1) Henry Brown; (2) William Terwilliger, who had previously m. her sister, Persis Angela.
5528 Martin Dewey,9 b. ______; m. Elizabeth Morse.

2163.   JOHN,8 son of Seth7 (745), b. 17 Mar., 1809; m. (1) 23 Feb., 1833, Sarah (Sally) Ann Vanauker, b. 23 Feb., 1814.
She d. 1 Apr., 1864; he m. (2) 8 Sept., 1864, Mrs. Loana (Price) Higgins, b. 4 Aug., 1828, widow of Charles Higgins and dau. of Seth Rice, of Barre, Mass., and Howard N. Y., b. 10 Apr., 1787, and Eliza Bradley, b. 26 Apr., 1802; d. 29 Mar., 1884, aged 75.
He was a blacksmith and farmer in Cohocton, N. Y.; was a charter member of the Masonic Lodge in Cohocton, and always took an active interest in its growth and prosperity.
Children, b. in Cohocton.
5529 Margaret,9 b. 10 May, 1834; d. 16 July, 1834.
5530 Harriet Ann,9 b. 6 June, 1835; m. Albertus Larrowe.
5531 John Murray,9 b. 31 May, 1844; m. Mahala Caroline Hammond.
5532 Alice May,9 b. 12 Feb., 1858; m. (1) William Crichton Eccles; (2) Hugh T. Green.

2165.   PRESERVED SMITH,8 son of Eli7 (761), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 16 Sept., 1784; m. Sally Davis, b. 2 June, 1789.
He d. ______, in Thompson, O.
5533 Hiram,9 b. in Northampton, Mass., 14 Sept., 1815; m. Ruth Murphy.
5534 Edwin,9 b. ______; res. near Painesville, O.
5535 Mary,9 b. ______; m. _______ Gerris; res. near Columbus, O.

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2166.   DOROTHY,8 dau. of Eli7 (761), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 26 Sept., 1785; m. John Sikes, b. 3 Nov., 1784, son of Jolin Sikes and Sarah Montague.
He d. 6 Jan., 1864; she d. 16 Feb., 1867.
5536 Sarah Sikes,9 b. 8 Nov., 1808.
5537 Caroline Cook Sikes,9 b. 20 Sept., 1810; m. Antipac Stewart Bardwell.
5538 Joseph Kellogg Sikes,9 b. 23 Apr., 1812; d. unm., 1 Feb., 1841.
5539 Triphena Smith Sikes,9 b. 27 Aug., 1813; m. Dwight Stebbins, of Three Rivers, Mass.; d. 1840.
5540 Clarissa Burr Sikes,9 b. 17 Dec., 1821; m. Arba Cleaveland.
5541 Nancy Hall Sikes,9 b. 21 Jan., 1825; m. Rev. Henry Nichols, of Bridge­port, Conn.
5542 Harriet Newell Sikes,9 b. Jan., 1829; m. John H. Mansfield, of Boston.

2171.   ELIJAH,8 son of Eliakim7 (762), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 1 Apr., 1790; m. (pub. 28 Mar., 1813), Ruth Church, b. 13 Oct., 1791, dau. of Joseph Church and Elizabeth Ingram.
He d. 29 June, 1836; she d. 27 Nov., 1840, aged 49.
He was a farmer in South Hadley. His son, Otis, res. on the homestead.
Children, b. in South Hadley.
5543 Sabea,9 b. 19 June, 1812; d. 6 June, 1837.
5544 Caroline,9 b. 20 May, 1814; m. Edward Richardson Gaylord.
5545 Harvey Stoughton,9 b. 11 May, 1816; d. unm., 9 July, 1882; res. in Enfield, Conn.; was an elder among the "Shakers," and highly esteemed by the "world's people."
5546 George Hartwell,9 b. 11 May, 1818; d. unm., in Ohio, 31 Jan., 1842; was a farmer.
5547 Austin,9 b. 24 June, 1820; d. unm., 26 Nov., 1840; was a farmer in Enfield.
5548 Hawley,9 b. 25 July, 1822; m. (1) Susan Maria Hohnan; (2) Mary Louise Tamblin.
5549 Eunice,9 b. 16 Aug., 1824; d. 19 Mar., 1826.
5550 Elijah Norris,9 b. 21 Dec., 1826; d. unm., 30 Aug., 1862; was a farmer in Enfield.
5551 William,9 b. 6 Jan., 1829; m. (1) Maria Olivia Blackman; (2) Edith Ellis.
5552 Otis,9 b. 17 Nov., 1831; m. Susan Griffiths.
5553 Charles,9 b. 3 Oct., 1832; d. unm., 27 June, 1856; was a farmer in En­field.
5554 Andrew Wright,9 b. 4 May, 1834; m. 3 Apr., 1861, Maria Jane Shum­way, of Belchertown, Mass.; he was a farmer in South Hadley; she d. 16 Mar., 1870, aged 33; he d. 15 June, 1871; had no children.

2174.   NABBY,8 dau. of Eliakim7 (762), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 5 Feb., 1797; m. 25 Feb., 1823, Eleazar Wright, b. 20 Aug., 1788, son of Lieut. Eleazar Wright, of Chicopee, Mass., b. 3 Jan., 1764, and Hannah Pendleton, b. 10 Dec., 1760.
She d. 2 Apr., 1839; he d. 11 Apr., 1858.
He inherited the homestead of his father in Chicopee; was a farmer.

394    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Chicopee.
5555 Lorenzo Wright,9 b. 10 Oct., 1854; d. unm., 16 Aug., 1847; entered the dry goods business in Syracuse with his uncle.
5556 Lyman Walters Wright,9 b. 13 Aug., 1826; d. unm., in New Orleans, 30 Dec., 1849.
5557 Harvey Wright,9 b. 2 Dec., 1828; d. unm., in Selma, Ala., 10 July, 1851; studied in Wilbraham; graduated in Suffield, Conn.; was a civil engineer.
5558 Cynthia Wright,9 b. 20 June, 1831; m. 15 May, 1854, Henry S. Herrick, b. in Montgomery, Mass., 8 Dec., 1822, son of Aaron Herrick, b. in Montgomery, and Polly Shurtlefield, b. in Montgomery; she was edu­cated at Williston Seminary, East Hampton, Wesleyan University, Wilbraham, and was graduated from Mt. Holyoke Female Sem­inary, South Hadley, in 1851; he was a pattern-maker in Chicopee; assessor of taxes and one of the selectmen several years.
5559 Samuel E. Wright,9 b. 10 Dec., 1833; d. 25 Feb., 1837.

2178.   JOSEPH McLELLAN,8 son of Rev. Elijah7 (763), b. in Portland, Me., 27 May, 1796; m. 13 Nov., 1823, Sophia Brazier, b. in Portland, 6 Oct., 1800, dau. of Harrison Brazier, b. 9 Aug., 1777, and Abigail Riggs, b. 10 Mar., 1777.
He d. in Portland, Me., 8 Sept., 1870; she d. there, 26 Mar., 1878.
From 1819 to 1840 he was in the United States Revenue Service in Eastport, Me.; afterward a merchant in Portland.
5560 Joseph Harrison,9 b. in Lubec, Me., 25 Nov., 1825; m. (pub. in Port­land, 19 Jan., 1851), Helen Bartlett, of Portland; d. in Portland, 21 Aug., 1887.
5561 Eunice McLellan,9 b. in Lubec, 6 Nov., 1829; m. William Jay Baker.
5562 Elijah Taylor,9 b. in Eastport, 28 Dec., 1833; d. 24 June, 1835.
5563 Sophia Brazier,9 b. in Eastport, 27 Jan., 1840; m. James Seymour Bedlow.

2185.   REV. ELIJAH,8 son of Rev. Elijah7 (763), b. in Boston, Mass., 20 May, 1813; m. 3 June, 1855, Hannah Pearson Pomeroy, dau. of Rev. Thaddeus Pom­eroy and Mary Pearson.
He d. in North Harpswell, Me., 17 Mar., 1901. He was a Congregational minister and a popular writer for boys. The men­tion of his name warms the heart and brings back pleasant memories of Elm Island and Pleasant Cove days. He was the author of the famous "Prize Ora­tions," "Pericles of the People," "Spartacus to the Gladiators" and "Virginius to the Roman Army," so familiar to our school­day period, which he composed for himself while at Andover with no intention to publish them. He was also the author of the Elm Island Series (1868-70); Pleasant Cove Series (1870-74); Whispering Pine Series (1871-73); Good Old Times Series (1877-82); the Forest Glen Series (1878), and other books for young people. He was graduated 1840 from Bowdoin College; 1843 from Andover Theological Seminary; was ordained, in North Harpswell, Me., 18 June, 1844, where he ministered for over fifty years with the exception of the period from 1855 to 1866, when he the pastor of the Mariners Church in Boston. A visitor, Rev. H. Martin Kellogg,

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in the Religious Herald, Hartford, 3 Dec., 1896, thus describes him in his eighty-third year : "Mr. Kellogg's appearance is that of a small, wiry, lithe frame, prob­ably not weighing over 100 pounds; smoothly shaven face, smiling and genial, placid with Christian faith; high brow, full gleaming eyes, prominent Roman nose, spare of flesh, features which are characteristic of all the Kelloggs. He has none of the infirmities of age, except deafness, and preaches twice a Sunday and hears a class in Sunday School, driving three miles each way to church."
He was a member of the Massachusetts Sons of the American Revolution.
Children, b. in Boston.
5564 Frank Gilman,9 b. 16 Oct., 1857; m. Grace Haley.
5565 Mary Catherine,9 b. 14 Jan., 1860; m. Harry A. Batchelder.

2186.   DOROTHY,8 dau. of Joseph7 (764), b. in Bridgton, Me., 10 Aug., 1804; m. 4 Sept., 1828, Edward Bobbins Morse, b. in Sharon, Mass., 14 Oct., 1802, son of Eliphalet Morse, b. 23 July, 1759, and Mercy Gilbert.
He d. in Bridgton, 15 Oct., 1864; she d. in Boston, Mass., 8 Jan., 1873.
He was a farmer and stone mason; res. in Waterford and Bridgton; was a Republican.
Children, b. in Waterford, Me.
5566 Edward Warren Morse,9 b. 9 Sept., 1829; d. in Lynn, Mass., 28 Nov., 1886.
5567 Frederick Calvin Morse,9 b. 5 Aug., 1831; d. in Denver, Col., 6 Dec., 1893.
5568 Elizabeth Sophrene Morse,9 b. 7 Jan., 1835; m. in Boston, 21 Jan., 1891, John Mead; res. in North Bridgton.
5569 Eugene Putnam Morse,9 b. 16 Dec., 1839; d. in Chicago, 31 Dec., 1871.

2189.   MARY,8 dau. of Joseph7 (764), b. in Bridgton, Me.; m. in Port­land, 22 Aug., 1832, William Davis Adams, b. in Westbrook, Me., 5 Apr., 1809, son of Cornelius Adams and Rebecca Davis.
She d. 10 May, 1868; he d. 15 Feb., 1884.
He was a builder; deacon in the Congregational Church in Roxbury; a Re­publican.

5570 Charles Augustus Adams,9 b. in Portland, 29 May, 1835; d. unm., in Roxbury, 8 Aug., 1858.
5571 Ellen Georgianna Adams,9 b. in Boston, Mass., 4 June, 1837; d. 25 Aug., 1837.
5572 Mary Amelia Fairchild Adams,9 b. in Roxbury, 8 July, 1840; res., unm., in Roxbury.
5573 Abbie Maria Adams,9 b. in Roxbury, 30 Dec., 1842; res., unm., in Rox­bury.
5574 Grace Putnam Adams,9 b. in Roxbury, 24 Oct., 1848; m. there 6 June, 1876, Henry P. Gates; res. in Roxbury; has three children.

2190.   ELI,8 son of Joseph7 (764), b. in Bridgton, Me., 30 Jan., 1813; m. in Lincoln, Me., 1835, Fanny Colburn Jameson, b. in Milford, Me., 7 Apr., 1816, dau. of Jeremiah Jameson, who d. in Lincoln, 6 Aug., 1860, aged 75 years and 8 months, and Mary Bailey, who d. in Lincoln, 21 Jan., 1876, aged 87 years, 8 months and 21 days.

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He d. in Patten, Me., 6 Aug., 1886; she d. there, 3 Jan., 1891. He was taxed in Lincoln in 1836; probably rem. to Patten soon after, as he was one of the first settlers in that town; helped build the first house, the first mill and saw the first log. For many years he was one of the most prominent lumbermen on the east branch of the Penobscot River. He was a member of Katahdin Lodge, F. and A. M., and was buried with Masonic honors.
Children, all except the eldest b. in Patten.
5575 Sarah Jane,9 b. in Lincoln, 4 Sept., 1836; d. in Patten, 23 Jan., 1845.
5576 Nathan Putnam,9 b. 18 Sept., 1837; m. Ellen Rebecca Doe.
5577 Adaline Hazen,9 b. 1 Oct., 1839; m. Ephraim Severance Bailey.
5578 Elvira Adams,9 b. 8 Oct., 1841; m. Charles Carrol Perry.
5579 Marcellus Reed,9 b. 23 June, 1843; enlisted in Co. D, First Peg., Dis­trict of Columbia Cavalry, and lost his life on the battlefield; unm.
5580 Horace,9 b. 28 Apr., 1845; m. (1) Addie F. Tupper; (2) Alice F. Cobb.
5581 Esther Leslie,9 b. 25 July, 1847; d. unm., in Patten, 25 Aug., 1900.
5582 Winfield Scott,9 b. 30 Dec., 1851; m. (1) Emma Jewell; (2) Mrs Almy Evileth (Gardner) Webster.

2191.   HORACE,8 son of Deacon Phineas7 (765), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 10 Oct., 1784; m. 1 Apr., 1823, Martha Walbridge, of Stratford, Conn., b. 5 Feb., 1786.
He d. 2 Dec., 1854; she d. 28 Oct., 1860; both d. in Randolph, Vt.
Children, b. in Randolph.
5583 William Jabez,9 b. 28 Dec., 1823; d. unm., 1850.
5584 Cornelius,9 b. 17 May, 1825; m. Jane Elizabeth Hebard.
5585 Martha Lavinia,9 b. 15 July, 1828; m. Milan Hebard.

2192.   PHINEAS,8 son of Deacon Phineas7 (765), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 10 Nov., 1786; m. 10 Nov., 1812, Anna Abbott, b. 7 Mar., 1790, dau. of Benja­min Abbott, of Brookfield, Vt., b. 2 Oct., 1764, and Lucy Flint.
He d. 4 Feb., 1871; she d. 10 Nov., the same year. He was a farmer; res. in Brookfield.
Children, b. in Brookfield.
5586 Emeline,9 b. 29 Sept., 1813; d. unm., 27 Sept., 1831.
5587 Mary Ann,9 b. 11 July, 1818; m. (1) 9 Jan., 1840, Daniel Ryan; d. 9 Mar., 1841; had no children; he m. (2) Euseba Parsons.
5588 Phineas,9 b. 14 Aug., 1822; m. Roxcena Griswold.
5589 Louisa,9 b. 18 Oct., 1826; m. Marshall Barna Gaylord.
5590 Cynthia,9 b. 4 Aug., 1830; m. 3 July, 1865, Curtiss J. Kibbee, son of Josiah Kibbee, b. 1797, and Laura Bandy, b. 1800; he d. 1886; she res. in Brookfield; had no children.

2193.   JEMIMA,8 dau. of Deacon Phineas7 (765), b. in Brookfield, Vt., 16 Aug., 1789; m. in Waitsfield, Vt., 13 Dec., 1814, Capt. Rufus Barnard, b. in Shel­burne, Mass., 3 Feb., 1791, son of Deacon John Barnard, b. in Shutesbury, 11 Nov., 1744, and Mary Rider, b. in Deerfield, Mass., 15 Aug., 1750.
She d. in the spring of 1872; he d. 1 Jan., 1874.
He was a farmer; Capt. of Militia; res. in Waitsfield.

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5591 Mary Sophronia Barnard,9 b. 12 Sept., 1815, d. unm., in Waitsfield, aged 23.
5592 John William Barnard,9 b. 10 Oct., 1816; d. aged 3.
5593 Orlow Judson Barnard,9 b. 3 Nov., 1817; m. Feb., 1865, Louisa Valew; res. in Walnut, Bureau Co., Ill.
5594 Electa Clarinda Barnard,9 b. 24 Jan., 1819; m. about 1847, Harrison G. Haven, of Massachusetts.
5595 Milo Barnard,9 b. 24 Aug., 1820; m. in New York, Mary Nourse; later res. in Bloomingdale, Ill.
5596 Lucinda Eliza Barnard,9 b. 1 Mar., 1822; m. 20 Feb., 1851, Solomon H. Burr, of Princeton, Ill., b. in Amherst, Mass., 9 Feb., 1811; res. in River Falls, Wis., where he was a farmer.
5597 Lucretia Elmira Barnard,9 b. 10 May, 1823; d. 21 Feb., 1839.
5598 Rufus Barnard,9 b. 29 Jan., 1825; m. in Vermont, Mehitable Lindfield; res. on the homestead of his grandfather, who bought it in 1794; later res. in Waitsfield.
5599 Lucius Erastus Barnard,9 b. 14 June, 1828; m. 14 May, 1861, Emma Louise Barnard, b. in Allegan, Mich, 14 Aug., 1840; graduated from the University of Vermont in the class of 1853 and from the Auburn Theological Seminary in 1858; was a Presbyterian clergy­man.

5600 Cynthia Emeline Barnard,9 b. 21 July, 1831; m. 1855, Rev. Isaac B. Smith, of Princeton, Ill.; d. in Colerain, Mass., 17 June, 1864.

2194.   RACHEL,8 dau. of Deacon Phineas7 (765), b. in Brookfield, Vt., 29 June, 1791; m. 1812, Israel Guild, b. in Halifax, Vt., 2 May, 1791, son of Jesse Guild and Zilpah Smith. His brother, Calvin Guild, m. Rachel's sister, Sarah (+2195).
He d. 22 Aug., 1863, aged 72; she d. 11 Dec., 1872, aged 81.
He was an architect and builder; res. in Montpelier, Vt., until 1820; rem. to Conway, Mass., where they res. until 1835. In June, 1839, they settled in Wayne Center, Du Page Co., Ill., where he was a farmer.
5601 Eunice Guild,9 b. in Brookfield, 12 Nov., 1814; m. in Conway, Henry P. Hemenway; settled in Wayne Center, Aug., 1837; rem. about 1865 to Sycamore, Ill., and res. there.
5602 Elijah Lyman Guild,9 b. in Brookfield, 25 Dec., 1816; m. 1840, Julia A. Tallmage; d. in Wayne Center, Aug., 1853; was a teacher and held several town and county offices.
5603 William K. Guild,9 b. in Berlin, Vt., 4 July, 1819; m. 1845, Lydia Ann Ford; he was a farmer and settled in Wayne Center; was later a lumber merchant in Wheaton, Du Page Co., Ill.
5604 Albert Guild,9 b. in Whately, Mass., 2 Nov., 1821; m. (1) 1 Oct., 1850, Sarah J. Guild, of Halifax; m. (2); rem. to Illinois in 1839; was a merchant in Wayne Center from 1857 to '77; res. in Aurora 1886.
5605 Harriet N. Guild,9 b. in Conway, 26 Nov., 1825; m. in 1846, Charles Smith; he was a farmer in Wayne Center, and later a lumber mer­chant in Wheaton, Ill., also a hardware merchant in Sycamore.

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5606 Fanny W. Guild,9 b. 23 Oct., 1839; d. 15 Jan., 1832.
5607 Elias C. Guild,9 b. 10 Apr., 1833; m. Alice D. Blair; was a physician in Bartlett, Du Page Co., Ill.

2195.   SARAH,8 dau. of Deacon Phineas7 (765), b. in Brookfield, Vt., 9 Aug., 1793; m. 15 Feb., 1816, Calvin Guild, b. in West Halifax, Vt., 14 Oct., 1789, son of Jesse Guild and Zilpah Smith. His brother, Israel Guild, m. Sarah's sister, Rachel (+2194).
He d. in Halifax, Vt., 27 July, 1869; she d. in Galva, Ill., 13 Aug., 1875, and is buried in Aurora, Ill.
He was a farmer in Halifax. The old homestead of Jesse and Calvin Guild, known as the "Guild place" for more than ninety years, was owned in 1877 by Samuel W. Potter.
5608 William Guild,9 b. 26 Oct., 1816; m. (1) 16 May, 1844, Joanna B. Hawks, of Deerfield, Mass.; he m. (3); d. in Lowell, Mass., 1863; was a farmer and dealer in trees.
5609 Asa Guild,9 b. 27 Oct., 1818; m. 12 June, 1850, Harriet E. Fuller; m. (2) 29 Sept., 1853, Amelia C. Smith, of Heath, Mass.; d. 13 Apr., 1858; he was a merchant and clerk.
5610 Spencer Guild,9 b. 23 June, 1830; m. 10 Oct., 1850, Abby T. Carlton, of Mount Vernon, N. H.; was a druggist in Milford, N. H.
5611 Julia Guild,9 b. 13 Sept., 1833; m. 4 July, 1855, Luke Kingsbury, of Halifax; he was a farmer; d. ______; she res. in St. Charles, Ill.
5612 Sarah Jemima Guild,9 b. 6 Sept., 1824; m. 1 Oct., 1849, Albert Guild, of Du Page Co., Ill.; he was a retired merchant; res. in Aurora, Ill.
5613 Phineas Kellogg Guild,9 b. 9 Mar., 1827; m. Oct., 1868, Susan Caroline Lincoln, of Charlestown, Mass.; he received the degree of M. D. from the University of New York; commenced practice in Mar., 1854, in Liberty, N. Y.; in 1855 in Plainfield, Ill.; in 1861 was assistant surgeon of the Fifty-second Illinois Reg.; in Nov., 1862, was surgeon of the One Hundred and Twentieth Illinois Reg.; in 1864 in Jamaica Plain, Mass.; in Dec., 1874, Santa Barbara, Cal.
5614 Thomas Wood Guild,9 b. 23 May, 1829; d. unm., in Chicago, Ill., 17 Feb., 1879; he was a commercial agent in the Northwestern States.
5615 Rufus Barnard Guild,9 b. 25 July, 1831; m. 27 June, 1861, Susan Ber­gen; graduated from Knox College, Ill.; was a Congregational minister in Galva, Ill., and Lucca, Kas.
5616 Harriet Maria Guild,9 b. 8 Nov., 1834; d. Jan., 1836.

2196.   EBENEZER SNOW,8 son of Deacon Phineas7 (765), b. in Brookfield, Vt., 23 Aug., 1797; m. 27 Sept., 1821, Roxanna Reed, of Williamstown, Mass., b. 15 July, 1801, dau. of Job Reed, of Taunton, Mass., and Sarah (Sally) Troupe, of Bristol, Mass.
He d. in Hanover, N. H., 20 May, 1871; she d. ______.
He was a farmer in Brookfield, Worcester and Williamstown, Vt., and Han­over, N. H. His widow was living, in 1881, in Hanover with her son, Ebenezer Reed Kellogg.

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5617 Truman Perrin,9 b. 1 Feb., 1833; m. (1) Alice Coburn Rich; (2) Mrs. Mary Grant.
5618 William Spencer,9 b. 25 Oct., 1825; d. 29 Dec., 1825.
5619 William Henry,9 b. 28 Mar., 1827; m. Julia A. Templeton.
5620 Harriet Atwood,9 b. 12 Mar., 1829; m. 11 Mar., 1847, Lorenzo Marsh Washburn; he was a painter in Craftsbury, Vt.
5621 Ebenezer Reed,9 b. in Williamstown, Vt., 31 Dec., 1830; m. Melissa Hannah Field.
5622 Charles Edmund,9 b. 26 Apr., 1833; d. 31 Sept., 1835.
5623 Roxanna Eliza,9 b. 17 Sept., 1835; d. 25 Mar., 1839.
5624 Almira Sophia,9 b. 18 Sept., 1837; m. in West Fairlee, Vt., 3 Jan., 1858, Elijah Burnham Harris, b. 8 Mar., 1828; he was a farmer in Worcester, Vt.; she d. 6 Mar., 1894; he d. 21 Nov., 1896; had no children.
5625 Ann Elizabeth,9 b. 9 June, 1840; m. 27 Nov., 1859, Ezekiel Dennis Gray, a painter in Montpelier, Vt.
5626 Mary Jane,9 b. 15 Apr., 1842; d. 25 Sept., 1853.
5627 Josephine Vienna,9 b. 15 June, 1844; m. Robert Barnes Lillie.

2198.   LUCINDA,8 dau. of Deacon Phineas7 (765), b. in Brookfield, Vt., 7 Oct., 1799; m. in Brookfield, 18 Mar., 1831, Richard Stevens, b. in Warner, N. Y., 22 Aug., 1809, son of Tristam Stevens, b. in Sutton, N. H., and Margaret Goodwin.
She d. in Wayne, Ill., 17 Jan., 1863.
He was a farmer; rem. from Brookfield, May, 1848, to Wayne. In Oct., 1863, rem. to Silver Lake, Minn.
5628 A Daughter,9 d. in infancy.
5629 A Daughter,9 d. in infancy.
5630 Sarah Ann Stevens,9 b. in Brookfield, 11 Dec., 1835; m. 23 Dec., 1858, Henry Seymour Wood; he was a farmer in Wayne until May, 1864, when he rem. to Silver Lake.
5631 Mary Ann Stevens,9 b. 11 June, 1840; m. in Wayne, 18 Oct., 1859, Al­lison Fancher; res. in Wayne until 1864, and in Silver Lake until Aug., 1871; he was later a druggist in Fairmount, Minn.
5632 Lucinda Stevens,9 b. 8 Nov., 1842; d. in Wayne, 20 Aug., 1850.

2199.   ARIAL,8 son of Deacon Phineas7 (765), b. in Brookfield, Vt., 7 Apr., 1802; m. 1 Dec., 1825, Persis Hayden Pratt, b. 18 Aug., 1807.
She d. in Princeton, Ill., 1889, aged 87. Res. in Braintree, Vt., and Dover, Ill.
5633 Marcus Emerson,9 b. in Braintree, 16 Sept., 1826; m. Mary Ellen Farrell.
5634 Sarah Clementina,9 b. in Braintree, 4 May, 1828; d. 7 July, 1828.
5635 Arial C.,9 b. in Braintree, 9 Apr., 1828; m. (1) in Wayne, Ill., Jane Chadwick; she d. in Wayne, about 1830; he m. (2) in Maiden, 10., Vina L. Vanlien, b. in Castile, N. Y., dau. of John Vanlien and Lydia Smith; d. in Dover, Ill., 29 Nov., 1897; she res. in Dover; he was a merchant of Dover, and later a mail carrier; was a Congregationalist and a Republican; had a child, who d. aged 3 months.

400    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5636 Persis,9 b. in Braintree, 4 June, 1831; m. 1857, William Stacy; d. 25 Dec., 1897, in Wheaton, Ill.; res. in Princeton, Ill.
5637 Emma,9 b. in Waterbury, Vt., 28 Oct., 1833; m. Feb., 1863, George Mor­ris, of Greenfield, Ia.
5638 John Newton,9 b. 22 Mar., 1836; m. Emma Ann Brown.
5639 John Berridge,9 b. in Eden, Vt., 29 May, 1838; m. (1) Eliza Beach; (2) Mrs. Caroline C. Clark.
5640 John Bunyan,9 b. in Eden, 18 July, 1840; m. Amy Jane Wilson.
5641 Joseph Edwin,9 b. in Eden, 28 May, 1843; a harness-maker in Rock­ford, Ill.; a Republican; was a private in the rebellion; is unm.
5642 Sheridan Romain,9 b. in Wayne, 14 Sept., 1845; m. Irene Elizabeth Wetherill.
5643 George Tileston,9 b. in Dover, 17 May, 1848; d. 1850.
5644 Cleora Lucretia,9 b. in Dover, 8 Aug., 1850; m. in Dover, 5 May, 1875, Henry Orr Morris, b. in Ames, N. Y., 11 Feb., 1847, son of Hartt Noadiah Morris, and Matilda Kimball; he is a farmer, Congrega­tionalist and Republican; res. in Tiskilwa, Ill.; had no children.

2200.   DR. JOSEPH,8 son of Deacon Phineas7 (765), b. in Brookfield, Vt., 21 June, 1805; m. 3 June, 1833, Elvira Perrin, b. in Berlin, Vt., 18 Mar., 1816, dau. of Samuel Perrin, b. in Hebron, Conn., 1776, and Sarah Reed, b. in Woodstock, Vt., 1793.
He d. in Brookfield, 10 Mar., 1837; he was a physician in Middlessex, Vt.; she m. (2) _______ Atwood.
5645 Julius Franklin,9 b. 12 Apr., 1833; d. in California, when a young man.
5646 Sarah Emeline,9 b. 20 May, 1835; d. Feb., 1836.

2201.   BENJAMIN,8 son of Deacon Phineas7 (765), b. in Brookfield, Vt., 23 Feb., 1808; m. 23 Oct., 1834, Rachel Kellogg (2243), b. in Somerset, Mass., 29 May, 1814, dau. of Col. Joseph Kellogg (+770), and Mary Chase.
She d. 10 May, 1879; he d. 9 Apr., 1888; both are buried in Rehoboth, Mass.
When a young man he rem. to Massachusetts, and engaged in the dry goods business, in which he was successful. He lost his money through the dishonesty of others, and, having some knowledge of medicine, began the manufacture of remedies and traveled in different localities, selling them, until his last illness. He was a man of unusual kindness of heart, a great reader of the Bible, and a de­voted Christian. He res. in Rehoboth.
5647 Mary Jane,9 b. 27 Dec., 1835; m. (1) Merrill Wheeler; (2) George Atwood.
5648 Ann Maria,9 b. 3 Aug., 1837; m. Horace Wheaton Barney.
5649 Sarah Clementine,9 b. 27 Apr., 1840; m. Chauncey E. Pierce.
5650 Eliza Adeline,9 b. 2 Mar., 1842; m. Henry W. Barney.
5651 Harriet Newell,9 b. 5 Feb., 1844; m. Coleman Chase.
5652 Victoria,9 b. 29 Aug., 1845.

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5653 Benjamin Franklin,9 b. in Fall River, Mass., 10 Jan., 1848; m. Elizabeth (Betsey) Smith.
5654 Elijah Lyman,9 b. in Swansea, Mass., 24 Aug., 1851; d. in Swansea, 17 May, 1870.

2202.   PLINY,8 son of Enos7 (766), b. in Hanover, N. H., 15 Sept., 1786; m. in Williston, Vt., 2 May, 1809, Wealthy Smith, b. in Montague, Mass., 19 Sept., 1786, dau. of Benjamin Smith, b. 21 Nov., 1763, and Maria , b. 3 Nov., 1767.
She d. 21 Feb., 1858; he d. 11 Sept., 1868.
He was a shoe manufacturer; res. in Orange Co., Vt.; rem. to Cleveland, O., about 1833, and, in 1837, to Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Co., O.
5655 Leonora Lorisa,9 b. in Orange, 16 Apr., 1810; m. Harmon Barrows.
5656 Lydia Alvord,9 b. 14 Sept., 1812; m. Jairus Green Ruggles.
5657 Walter Gunn,9 b. in Randolph, Vt., 17 Nov., 1814; left Cleveland, 1836, and went to Pittsburg, Pa., and sailed for New Orleans on the steamer Clyde, and since then his family has had no news from him.
5658 Stephen Bartlett,9 b. in Brookfield, 22 Dec., 1816; m. Abigail Bales Pierce.
5659 Lucy Maria,9 b. in Burlington, Vt., 5 Sept., 1820; m. Anson Welcon Gaylord.

2203.   LYDIA,8 dau. of Enos7 (766), b. in Hanover, N. H., about 1788; m. in Shelburne, Mass., Jan., 1814, Abner Smead, b. in Shelburne, 1784, son of Samuel Smead, b. 23 Mar., 1749, and Mary Hocks, b. 15 Mar., 1759.
She d. in Shelburne, 14 Sept., 1819, aged 30; he m. (2) 7 Feb., 1821, Julia Kellogg (+2224), cousin of Lydia.
5660 Lydia Smead,9 b. ______.
5661 Frederick Rollo Smead,9 b. ______.
5662 Abigail Smead,9 b. ______; m. Robertus Childs; had three children.

2204.   NANCY,8 dau. of Enos7 (766), b. in Montpelier, Vt., 26 Dec., 1789; m. in Duxbury, Vt., 10 Mar., 1811, Remembrance Nash, b. in Whitingham, Vt., 27 Aug., 1788, son of Joseph Nash, b. 28 May, 1763, and Rebecca Bascom, b. 1 June, 1764.
She d. in Duxbury, 19 Oct., 1833; he d. in North Elba, N. Y., 29 Nov., 1878.
He was a shoemaker.
5663 Lydia Abjada Nash,9 b. 18 Apr., 1821; m. Jackson Brewster, a farmer in North Elba; d. 6 July, 1868.
5664 Timothy Simeon Nash,9 b. 29 Dec., 1823; m. in Rushville, N. Y., 29 May, 1846, Julia Ann Burdick; was a carpenter; res. in Minne­sota.
5665 Joseph Veron Nash,9 b. 7 Sept., 1825; m. 15 Oct., 1851, Harriet Coolage Brewster, b. 5 Apr., 1828; res. in North Elba.
5666 Caroline Experience Nash,9 b. 20 July, 1827; m. Elijah S. Boynton, of Wellsburg, N. Y.; he was a farmer in Virginia.

402    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5667 Adeline Janette Nash,9 b. 22 Nov., 1831; m. in Wellsburg, 6 Dec., 1846, Ira M. Boynton; he was a clergyman in Massachusetts.

2205.   ENOS,8 son of Enos7 (766), b. in Vermont; m. Margaret Mc­Allister.

He d. in Harvard, Ill., 1860; she d. ______.
He rem. from Vermont in 1844; was a farmer in Harvard; was a Presby­terian.

5668 Enos Wells,9 b. 15 June, 1820; m. Abigail Hollenbeck.
5669 Rufus,9 b. ______; res. in West Enosburg, Vt.
5670 Lydia,9 b. ______; m. Morgan; res. in Waukesha, Wis.
5671 Selona,9 b. ______; m. 15 Sept., 1858; Oliver Smothers, b. 5 Mar., 1831; res. in Whitewater, Wis.
5672 Harriet N.,9 b. ______; m. Franklin Leonard.
5673 Frederick,9 b. ______; res. in Carson Valley, Cal.
5674 Paulina,9 b. ______; m. Blake; res. in Groton, Vt.

2206.   DR. JABEZ,8 son of Enos7 (766), b. ______; m. (1) Matilda McNab.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Mary McNab, sister of his first wife; d. in Ham­ilton, Ont.
He was a physician; was adopted by his uncle, Jabez Kellogg (+767); res. in Belleville and Hamilton, Ont.
Child by first wife.
5675 Mary,9 b. ______; m. Stow, a banker in Hamilton; res. in St. Thomas, Ont.
Child by second wife.
5676 S. Benson,9 b. ______; m. Clark, dau. of Hon. Nepian Clark, of Halifax, N. S.; was an Episcopal clergyman in Ontario; res. in St. Thomas.

2207.   REV. ELIAS WELLS,8 son of Enos7 (766), b. 3 Feb., 1795; m. 7 Mar., 1820, Alzada Holbrook, b. 15 Nov., 1797, dau. of Sylvanus Holbrook and Abi­gail Cheney, b. 6 Mar., 1772.
He d. 7 Oct., 1861; she d. 18 Mar., 1863. 1
He was a Congregational clergyman, preaching in Albany (being the first settled minister there), Berkshire, Jericho, Franklin, Highgate and St. Albans, Vt. He went to Illinois in 1855 and labored in Burritt and Wayne.
5677 Sylvanus Holbrook,9 b. 5 Jan., 1821; m. Sarah Loomis.
5678 Julia Sophia,9 b. in Franklin, 15 Sept., 1822; m. Daniel G. Gordon; m. (2) 15 July, 1875, Henry Clay Ring, son of Andrew Ring, of Lubec, Me., and Letta Chase; he d. in Houston, Tex., 23 Aug., 1893; she later res. in Houston; had no children.
5679 Edward Young,9 b. 3 Aug., 1827; d. 28 Sept., 1828.
5680 Calvert Spencer,9 b. 26 Feb., 1829; d. 13 Sept., 1833.
5681 Edward Payson,9 b. 17 July, 1833; d. 14 Feb., 1838.
5682 Charlotte Alzada,9 b. 10 Mar., 1836; m. John Seeley Stacy.

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5683 Sarah Eliza,9 b. 31 Aug., 1837; d. 24 July, 1845.
5684 Wealthy Ann,9 b. 20 June, 1839; d. 10 July, 1845.

2209.   SIMEON,8 son of Enos7 (766), b. in Brookfield, Vt., 28 Feb., 1800; m. in Kingston, Ontario, 5 Jan., 1829, Lorenda Whelpley, b. in Manchester, Vt., 13 Jan., 1806, dau. of Philip Whelpley, b. in Manchester, 1790, and Almira Eaton, b. in Windham, Vt., 1784.
He d. in La Crosse, Wis., 12 Jan., 1867; she d. in Oakland, Cal., 29 Oct., 1889.
He at one time was the owner of a hotel in Waukegan, Wis.
5685 Alson Whelpley,9 b. in Belleville, Canada, 15 Oct., 1829; d. in Brigh­ton, Canada, 17 Apr., 1833.
5686 Almira Ann,9 b. in Brighton, 12 Jan., 1831; m. Truman Jay Safford.
5687 Marcus Henry,9 b. in Brighton, 31 Mar., 1833; m. Martha Robinson.
5688 Mary Eliza,9 b. in Brighton, 15 Mar., 1835; m. Henry L. Edwards.
5689 Phebe Helen,9 b. in Toronto, 11 Apr., 1837; d. in Syracuse, N. Y., 10 Apr., 1843.
5690 Coralinn Maria,9 b. in Watertown, N. Y., 9 Mar., 1839; m. Sidney Cogswell Clinton.
5691 Lorenda Dorcas,9 b. in Watertown, 26 Apr., 1841; d. 20 May, 1843, in Syracuse.
5692 Ecton,9 b. in Bowmanville, Canada, 20 Feb., 1844; m. Hannah Dalby.
5693 Helen Pamela,9 b. in Marengo, Ill., 20 May, 1848; d. 21 Jan., 1850, in Waukegan, Ill.
5694 Ella May,9 b. in Waukegan, 20 Apr., 1850; m. Daniel Beeler.

2210.   APAMA,8 dau. of Enos7 (766), b. ______; m. Dr. Benjamin Walton (2247), son of John Walton and Abigail Kellogg (+771).
She d. ______; he d. in Boston, Mass.
He was a physician; was graduated from Dartmouth College, Medical De­partment; res. in Belleville, Ontario, Canada, until 1850, also Montpelier, Vt., and Boston, Mass. He was the first Mayor of Vicksburg, Miss.; left there in 1825.
5695 A Child,9 b. ______; d. in infancy.
5696 Amelious Moraney Walton,9 b. ______; was a dentist in Bombay, India.
5697 George Clement ,9 b. ______; d. aged 2 years and 6 months.
5698 Georgianna Lorinda Walton,9 b. ______; m. Zebina Kellogg Walton; he was the editor of the Evening Journal; res. in Jersey City, N. J.
5699 Cornelia Clarissa Walton,9 b. ______; d. aged 2 years and 6 months.
5700 Caroline Apama Walton,9 b. ______; m. Joseph C. Wiggins.
5701 Prentiss Benjamin Walton,9 b. ______; m. Nellie Moore; was clerk in the associated press office, Boston, Mass.; d. ______.
5702 Berton Grenleaf Walton,9 b. ______.
5703 Henry Teager Walton,9 b. ______.

2211.   DEMIS,8 dau. of Enos7 (766), b. ______; m. John Wilson, b. in Peterboro, N. H., son of Samuel Wilson and McCloud.

404    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. in Worcester, Mass., 1865; she d. in Chicago, on the night of the great fire, Oct., 1871.
He was a Congregationalist and a Republican.
5704 Edgar Clark Wilson,9 b. 13 Apr., 1832.
5705 Martha Wilson,9 b. 1 Aug., 1834; m. John Wesley Furnival.
5706 Sarah Abigail Wilson,9 b. 12 Sept., 1836; m. 31 Dec., 1852, Harold Sprague, of Chicago.
5707 Edward Wallace Wilson,9 b. 31 Mar., 1839.
5708 Mary Gridley Wilson,9 b. 29 July, 1845; m. 7 Sept., 1863, William E. Bates; res. in Cleveland, O.

2212.   DR. RUSSELL ALLEN,8 son of Enos7 (766), b. in Montpelier, Vt., 1806; m. Angeline Steadman.
He was a physician in Canada and New York.
5709 Charles Prentiss,9 b. July, 1835; d. unm., ______.
5710 Saraph Eliza,9 b. in New York, July, 1838; m. (1) in Trenton, Mich., 1858, Charles H. Phelps; he d. in the army, 1868; she m. (2) Frank Little.
5711 Edward Payson,9 b. 13 Sept., 1840; m. in Canandaigua, N. Y., 26 Dec., 1877, Mary (Mollie) E. Kelsey; was of the firm of Saxby, Pharis & Co., Detroit; later res. in Corunna, Mich.
5712 Lucia Isabell,9 b. in Pekin, N. Y., June, 1848; m. Charles R. Tillot­son; res. in Ridgewood, N. J.

2213.   SARAH,8 dau. of Deacon Jabez7 (767), b. in Hanover, N. H., 25 Dec., 1794; m. 8 Apr., 1816, Rev. Warren Day, b. in Sharon, Vt., 1 Oct., 1797, son of Orion Day, of Wrentham, Mass., and Sharon, Vt., and Joanna Everett.
She d. in Richmond, Genesee Co., N. Y., 21 Jan., 1823; he d. there, 19 May, 1864.
He was a Congregational clergyman; was educated at Dartmouth College; graduated in the class of 1814.
5713 Orin Walton Day,9 b. 5 Jan., 1817.
5714 Nancy Davis Day,9 b. 15 Jan., 1819.
5715 Mary Day,9 b. 7 Feb., 1821.
5716 Edward Parsons Day,9 b. 15 June, 1822.

2214.   DEACON LEONARD MARTIN,8 son of Deacon Jabez7 (767), b. in Hanover, N. H., 3 Feb., 1807; m. 7 Oct., 1830, Louisa Spencer, b. in Westminster, Vt., 1 Feb., 1806, dau. of Ephraim Spencer and Charlotte Coding.
He d. 9 Oct., 1884; she d. 27 Jan., 1892.
He res. in Springville, N. Y., where both d. He was a manufacturer of sash, blinds, etc., in the firm of L. M. Kellogg & Son. He was for many years deacon in the Baptist Church in Springville.
5717 George Parker,9 b. in Hanover, 31 Dec., 1832; m. Helen Amanda Pierce.

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5718 Charlotte Rubie,9 b. in Hanover, 18 Apr., 1835; d. unm., in Oakland, Cal., 1895.
5719 Esther Elizabeth,9 b. in Haverhill, N. H., 30 Aug., 1839; m. 30 Mar., 1865, George Bowen Clark, b. in Holland, Erie Co., N. Y.; res. in Springville; had no children.
5720 Lavina Jane,9 b. in Haverhill, 4 Sept., 1841; m. as his second wife, Apr., 1891, Christopher Smith Lane, b. in Prince Edwards Island, 2 July, 1838; res. in Monrovia, Cal.; had no children.

2217.   CAROLINE PERMELIA,8 dau. of Deacon Jabez7 (767), b. in Hanover, N. H., 5 Nov., 1814; m. (1) 14 Oct., 1843, William Ensworth, of Camillus, Onon­dago Co., N. Y., b. in Norwich, N. H., 13 May, 1810.
He d. in Illinois, 6 Sept., 1852; she m. (2) 9 Oct., 1853, William F. Hay­ward, b. in Steuben Co., N. Y., 21 Feb., 1822.
He d. in Blue Hill, Kas., 27 Apr., 1875; she d. in Beloit, Kas., 20 Feb., 1890.
5721 Fanny L. Ensworth,9 b. 18 Nov., 1845; d. in Camillus, 11 June, 1847.
5722 James William Ensworth,9 b. 27 Mar., 1851; m. in Blue Hill, 1 Nov., 1878, Georgie Etta Libbie; d. in Beloit, 30 Aug., 1883.

2218.   SARAH DAY,8 dau. of Deacon Jabez7 (767), b. in Hanover, N. H., 22 Oct., 1824; m. in Springville, Erie Co., N. Y., 15 June, 1851, Vernon Cole, of Ashford, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., b. in Brooklyn, Vt., 11 Apr., 1825, son of Daniel Mansfield Cole, b. 26 Feb., 1795, and Mary (Polly) Bigelow.
He was a millwright; in 1851 res. in Marion, Waukesha Co., Wis.; in 1856 in Berlin, Wis.; in 1861 in Dell Prairie, Wis.; in 1862 in Portage City, Wis.; in 1866 in Warren, Wis.; in 1880 in Little River, Wis.; in 1885 was a farmer in Maple Valley, Wis.; in 1898 in Mountain, Wis.
5723 Jabez Daniel Cole,9 b. in Marion, Wis., 21 May, 1852; m. (1) 29 Aug., 1876, Isabella Amelia Reid; res. in Wautoma, Waukesha Co., Wis.; she d. 4 Aug., 1880; he m. (2) _______.
5724 Clarence Depvister Cole,9 b. 20 Dec., 1854; res. in Howe, Wis.
5725 Mary Parizade Cole,9 b. in Berlin, 23 Oct., 1857; m. in Cicero, Wis., 7 Dec., 1878, John Hoffmann, b. 4 Feb., 1852, in Brooklyn, N. Y; he was a farmer; res. in Gillet, Oconto Co., Wis.
5726 Perviz Fielder Cole,9 b. 11 Nov., 1859; d. aged 3.
5727 Violetta Imogene Cole,9 b. 15 Nov., 1861; m. in Fort Howard, 28 Feb., 1885, James Almont Hines, b. in Homer, N. Y., 27 June, 1852; he was a farmer; res. in Howe; enlisted in the Union army, 24 Apr., 1861, as a bugler, at the age of 9 years, in Co. A, New York Volun­teers; discharged 28 May, 1863; re-enlisted 20 Aug., 1863, in Co. H, Fifteenth New York Cavalry; was discharged in Louisville, Ky., 28 Aug., 1865.
5728 Caroline Cecilia Cole,9 b. 18 Feb., 1864; m. in Peshtigo, Wis., 2 July, 1884, John Robert Fry, b. in Canada, 25 Dec., 1849; he was a farmer; was a soldier in the war of the rebellion; res. in Iron River, Mich.

406    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5729 Vernon Ernest Cole,9 b. in Portage City, 6 Sept., 1865; m. as her second husband, Mrs. Mary Estella Owens, b. 26 Jan., 1869.

2221.   JACOB POOL,8 son of Julie7 (768), b. in Shelburne, Mass., 16 Feb., 1793; m. 20 Oct., 1820, Lucy Prescott Wright, b. in Ashby, Mass., 4 Aug., 1795, dau. of Stephen Wright, b. 24 May, 1764, and Sarah Prescott, b. 31 Mar., 1765.
He d. 6 Oct., 1843; she d. 25 May, 1882, aged 87.
He was a member of the Massachusetts Legislature in 1843; was a farmer; res. in Shelburne, where both d.
5730 Stephen Wright,9 b. 5 Apr., 1822; m. Lucia Hosmer Andrews.
5731 Ai,9 b. 15 Feb., 1824; m. Adaline Louisa Clark.
5732 John,9 b. 6 Jan., 1826. He was graduated from West Point in 1849; d. in City Point, Va., 25 Apr., 1865, while Chief of Commissary on Gen. Sheridan's staff, with rank of Col.; served in a war in New Mexico against the Indians; was stationed at Portland, Me., under Gen. Anderson, afterward sent to Fort Snelling; from 1854 to '61 served, with great credit, in Oregon and Washington Territories, for a portion of the time as Capt. of a company in Indian wars; in 1861 was promoted to Captaincy in Commissary Department. After the battle of Bull Run he entered the volunteer army of the Union, in order to perform more active service, but, contrary to his wishes, he was transferred to the Commissary Department and sent to San Francisco. In 1864, on his return to Baltimore, he was placed on Gen. Sheridan's staff as Chief of Commissary, and was with him through the campaigns of 1864 and '65. His duties were severe, and thrice he narrowly escaped capture and death. His death was traceable to exposure and overwork.
5733 Sarah Prescott,9 b. 11 Sept., 1829; d. num., in Shelburne, Mass., 21 Oct., 1895; she was a writer of considerable ability; one volume of her poems was published.

2222.   DEACON ELAM,8 son of Julie7 (768), b. in Shelburne, Mass., 14 July, 1795; m. 16 Mar., 1818, Elizabeth (Betsey) Dole, b. 25 June, 1797, dau. of Josiah Dole, of Shelburne, b. 5 Apr., 1768, and Elizabeth Wilder, b. 22 Nov., 1774.
He d. in Champaign, Ill., 31 Mar., 1872, while visiting his dau.; she d. in Montague, Mass., 11 Apr., 1887; both are buried in Shelburne.
He was a blacksmith; res. in Shelburne; was Town Clerk, Justice of the Peace, for twenty years superintendent of the Sabbath School, and a deacon nearly fifty years.
5734 Elizabeth (Betsey) Aurelia,9 b. 20 June, 1819; m. Solomon Wel­lington Root.
5735 Elam Josiah Dole,9 b. 12 July, 1821; m. (1) Mahala Hosmer; (?) Olive Maria Sheldon; (3) Mrs. Francena E. (Wilson) Baldwin.
5736 Julia,9 b. 29 Dec., 1823; m. Amos Rugg.
5737 Chauncey,9 b. 11 Feb., 1826; m. Lucina Thayer.
5738 Francis,9 b. 20 May, 1828; drowned 21 June, 1849; was unm.

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5739 Philena Dole,9 b. 19 Mar., 1831; m. Daniel Rugg.
5740 Mary,9 b. 5 Jan., 1833; m. Lewis Sheldon.
5741 Henry Martin,9 b. 10 Jan., 1834; m. Sarah Amanda Whiting.
5742 Lovilla Elmina,9 b. 19 Oct., 1839; m. John Kingsley Bardwell.
5743 David Brainard,9 b. 5 Aug., 1840; d. 3 Mar., 1841.

2223.   HENRY,8 son of Julie7 (768), b. in Shelbume, Mass., 26 Apr., 1797; m. (1)7 Apr., 1822, Susan Broad, of Leverett, Mass.
She d. in Amherst, 1 Oct., 1853; he m. (2) 15 Nov., 1861, Mrs. Mary (Lather) Smith, widow of Ruggles Smith, and dau. of Jenks Lather, of Malone, N. Y.; he d. in Amherst, 9 June, 1876.
He was a blacksmith; res. in North Amherst, Mass.
5744 Olive Murilla,9 b. in Amherst, 2 July, 1824; m. Gilbert Southwick.
5745 Charles Henry,9 b. in Leverett, 16 Nov., 1826; m. 7 June, 1853, Clar­issa R. Ingram, b. 1830, dau. of John and Iceca Ingram; he was a blacksmith, of North Amherst; d. in Amherst, 11 June, 1891; had no children.

2224.   JULIA,8 dau. of Julie7 (768), b. 10 Mar., 1799; m. as his second wife, about 1821, Abner Smead, who had previously m. Lydia Kellogg (+2203), b. in Shelbume, Mass., 1784, son of Samuel Smead, b. 23 Mar., 1749, and Mary Hocks, b. 15 Mar., 1759.
She d. in Madison, O., 16 Sept., 1824; he m. (3) in Ohio, about June, 1826, Jane Sweet (by whom he had five children), b. 30 Aug., 1797; d. in Madison, 9 Oct., 1865; she d. 29 Mar., 1880.
He rem. to Madison, soon after the birth of his son, Abner, and res. there until his death.
5746 Abner Hocks Smead,9 b. in Shelburne, 6 Jan., 1823; m. 6 Jan., 1858, Isabel Bruce Dayton, b. in Montville, O., 11 Oct., 1829, dau. of Sherman Dayton and Beardsley; he went to Wisconsin in 1846, and was Register of Deeds of Columbia Co., from 1861 to '66; was later a merchant in West Salem, Wis., in the firm of Ladd & Smead; had six children.

2225.   JOHN,8 son of Julie7 (768), b. 10 Dec., 1800; m. 4 July, 1826, Lydia Orpha Hitchcock, b. 20 Nov., 1808, dau. of Dr. Seth Hitchcock, b. in Brimfield, Mass., 5 Apr., 1783, and Catherine Blair, b. in Colchester, Vt., 22 May, 1788.
He d. 16 Feb., 1884; she d. 21 Mar., 1893.
He was a blacksmith; rem. from Shelburne, Mass., to Madison, O., about 1828.
5747 Mary Orpha,9 b. 12 May, 1827; m. 8 July, 1847, Dr. Nathaniel Hol­brook; res. in Madison, O.; d. Sept., 1861.
5748 Marcus Aurelius,9 b. 11 Apr., 1829; m. Eunice Everts.
5749 Jacob Pool,9 b. 28 Jan., 1834; d. 15 Oct., 1842.
5750 Henry Elam,9 b. 11 June, 1836; m. Helen Sophia Spaulding.

408    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2228.   MARY ABIGAIL,8 dau. of Julie7 (768), b. 24 Aug., 1811; m. 3 Mar., 1830, Martin Talcott, b. in Dalton, Mass., 7 Apr., 1806, sou of Joseph Talcott and Rebecca Warren.
She d. in Madison, O., 30 May, 1839; he m. (2) 27 Aug., 1840, Sybil Cutler, b. 27 Mar., 1822; she d. in Morrison, Ill., 10 June, 1857; he m. (3) in Morrison, 23 June, 1860, Mrs. Hannah Rood; d. on his farm, near Dowville, Ia., 3 July, 1874.
He was a carpenter; rem. with his parents to Madison in 1816, and met his first wife while she was visiting her brother, John, in Madison.
5751 Mary Matima Talcott,9 b. 19 Sept., 1831; m. (1) 20 Oct., 1851, Benja­min F. Strong, b. in Leverett, Mass., 1 Jan., 1832; he was an ar­tist; res. in Wyoming, Ia., and Morrison, Ill.; had two children; she m. (2) 1 Sept., 1872; Joseph Day Seagrave, b. in Uxbridge, Mass., 26 July, 1824; he was a farmer in Denison, Ia.
5752 Melissa Aurelia Talcott,9 b. 16 June, 1833; m. 21 Feb., 1850, Benjamin Titus Wilder, of Ashtabula, O.; d. 27 Nov., 1874, near Dowville, Ia.; had four children; he m. (2) Mrs. Tillett.
5753 Valentia Orelle Talcott,9 b. 20 Sept., 1836; m. 7 Aug., 1856, D. C. Grit­tendon, a miller of Morrison, Ill.; d. in Morrison, 29 Feb., 1861.

2230.   MARY HOWE,8 dau. of Noahdiah7 (769), b. in Winchester, N. H., at 1:15 A. M., 11 Apr., 1798; m. in Montpelier, Vt., 20 Nov., 1821, Capt. Lemuel Stevens, b. in Hanover, N. H., 16 Aug., 1794, son of Lemuel Stevens, b. 7 Mar., 1759, and Mary Pike, b. 28 June, 1763.
She d. in White River Junction, Vt., 16 Feb., 1861; he d. in Chelsea, Mass., 24 Mar., 1876; both are buried in Hanover.
He was a carpenter and builder in Hanover; was a Congregationalist, a Webster Whig and a Republican; was a private in the war of 1812, and a pensioner.
Children, b. in Hanover.
5754 Francis Howe Stevens,9 b. 19 Sept., 1822; m. 28 Apr., 1850, Abigail Emery; d. 16 July, 1861.
5755 Mary Helen Stevens,9 b. 29 July, 1824; m. 28 Mar., 1850, Porter M. Hilbourn; d. 10 Feb., 1851.
5756 Catherine Hall Stevens,9 b. 26 Aug., 1826; m. as his second wife, 3 May, 1853, Porter M. Hilbourn; d. 21 Aug., 1899.
5757 William Henry Stevens,9 b. 3 June, 1829; d. 15 Nov., 1831.
5758 Sarah Jane Stevens,9 b. 31 Jan., 1831; d. 21 Nov., same year.
5759 Daniel Webster Stevens,9 b. 7 Jan., 1834; res. in Boston, Mass.; is unm.
5760 Louisa Kellogg Stevens,9 b. 15 May, 1839; m. 30 Apr., 1866, William H. H. Dammarall; d. in Chelsea, Mass., 24 Apr., 1867.
5761 Henrietta Mills Stevens,9 b. 28 Oct., 1841; m. 2 Jan., 1865, Rodney H. Powers; d. 28 May, 1898; he res. after her death in Nagasaki, Japan.

2232.   NOAHDIAH,8 son of Noahdiah7 (769), b. in Keene, N. H., 9 June, 1802; m. 12 Nov., 1829, Lucelia F. Cossit, b. in Marcellus, N. Y., 17 Mar., 1811.
He d. in Northville, N. Y., 26 June, 1865; she d. in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., N. Y., 15 Jan., 1874.

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5762 Henrietta,9 b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 3 Apr., 1833; m. John Blue.
5763 Frederick Horton,9 b. in Skaneateles, June, 1840; d. Nov., 1842.
5764 Mary Christina,9 b. in Northville, 18 May, 1843; d. 19 Sept., 1851.
5765 Sarah Cornelia,9 b. in Northville, 24 July, 1846; d. 10 Sept., 1851.
5766 Frank Cossit,9 b. in Northville, 5 Dec., 1852; m. 10 Sept., 1874, in Port Byron, N. Y., Emma Gertrude Smith; res. in Rochester, N. Y.

2233.   JOHN ALVARD,8 son of Noahdiah7 (769), b. in Keene, N. H., 11 Feb., 1804; m. 20 Nov., 1831, Fidelia Barstow, b. in Canterbury, Conn., 17 Dec., 1812, dau. of Ebenezer Barstow, b. 25 Sept., 1788, and Lucy Learned, b. in Dudley, Mass., 12 July, 1792.
He d. in Lexington, Mo., 12 Aug., 1846; she d. 14 Apr., 1883.
He was a manufacturer of woolen goods in Willington, Conn. He was also a map publisher in Louisville and Franklin Co., Ky. In Sept., 1843, he bought a large tract of land in Fayette Co., Mo.
5767 Henry Martin,9 b. 30 Sept., 1833; d. 4 Sept., 1851.
5768 John Calvin,9 b. 8 Sept., 1837; m. Anna Laurens Jewett.
5769 Joseph Alleine,9 b. 1 May, 1839; m. Martha Estelle Gillette.
5770 William Dwight,9 b. 27 Aug., 1842; d. 23 Feb., 1843.
5771 Samuel Adams,9 b. in Lexington, Mo., 23 Apr., 1844; m. Apr., 1879, Mrs. Emma M. Robinson, b. in Dean Forest, Gloucestershire, Eng­land, 28 Dec., 1844, and came to this country when 10 years old; they res. in Westfield, Mass.; had no children.
✛5772 Ebenezer Barstow,9 b. 24 Aug., 1846; m. Harriet Thompson Woodruff.

2240.   SARAH ANN,8 dau. of Col. Joseph7 (770), b. in Somerset, Mass., June 1807; m. (1) 28 Mar., 1828, John Tasker.
He d. 1830; she m. (2) Nov., 1842, Noah Clark; d. in Sidney, Me., 11 Aug., 1851.
Children by second husband.
5773 Charles Winthrop Clark,9 b. Sept., 1843.
5774 James Arthur Clark,9 b. 1845.

2250.   ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Deacon Erastus7 (773), b. in Peacham, Vt., 13 Feb., 1801; m. 10 Jan., 1827, Leonard Martin, b. in Peacham. 5 Jan., 1802, son of Ashbel Martin, b. in Woodbury, Conn., and Lydia Chamberlain, b. in Loudon, N. H.
She d. 22 June, 1851.
He was a farmer in Dixville, Province of Quebec.
5775 Lyman Martini,9 b. 10 Nov., 1827; m. Isabella Lorimer, b. in Scotland, 1 May, 1828; was a farmer in Dixville.
5776 Electa Martin,9 b. 14 May, 1829; m. 4 Jan., 1854, Addison Benjamin Gushing, a carpenter; res. in Chatfield and High Forest, Minn.; rem. to Barford, Canada; later res. in Battle Creek, Mich.
5777 Sarah Martin,9 b. 29 Dec., 1831; m. 22 Sept., 1851, William Lorimer, a farmer of Stanstead, Province of Quebec, b. 12 Jan., 1819.

410    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5778 Elizabeth Martin,9 b. 18 Aug., 1833; d. unm., in Barford, 5 Dec., 1850.
5779 Caroline Martin,9 b. 19 Mar., 1837; d. unm., at the residence of her uncle, in New Liberty, Ky., 26 July, 1860.

2251.   MARIA,8 dau. of Deacon Erastus7 (773), b. in Peacham, Vt., 13 Sep., 1802; m. Ralph Blanchard, of Peacham.
He d. in Peacham.
He was a farmer; res. in Peacham; was a Congregationalist and a Whig.
5780 Henry Blanchard,9 b. 16 Aug., 1825.
5781 Charles Blanchard,9 b. 31 Aug., 1827; m. Sarah Gudgel, dau. of Isaac Gudgel; she d. 17 Apr., 1880; in 1881 he was an attorney-at-law in Ottawa, Ill.; later Judge of the Circuit Court in La Salle Co., Ill.
5782 Albert Blanchard,9 b. Sept., 1829.
5783 Maria Blanchard,9 b. ______.
5784 Mary Ella Blanchard,9 b. 22 Feb., 1837; m. 2 Jan., 1871, Charles Hamilton Baldwin.
5785 Newell Blanchard,9 b. 7 July, 1842.

2253.   JUDITH,8 dau. of Deacon Erastus7 (773), b. in Peacham, Vt., 2 Feb., 1806; m. in Peacham, 31 Oct., 1833, Hon. Sebastian Frederick Taylor, b. 24 Dec., 1808, son of David Taylor, of South Hero, Vt., and Helen Phelps, dau. of Joseph Phelps, of South Hero, and Huldah Phinney.
She d. 17 Mar., 1885.
He was admitted to the bar, in Burlington, Vt., in 1831; practiced his pro­fession in Greensboro, Vt., until May, 1835, when he rem. to Conneaut, O.; res. until 1842, when he rem. to Milan. He was elected Judge of the Fourth Judicial District of Ohio, in 1856, and re-elected in 1861; retired from the 1 in Feb., 1867, and rem. to Sandusky, where he resumed the practice of his profession.
5786 Frederick Phelps Taylor,9 b. in Greensboro, 28 July, 1834; m. in Grinnell, Ia., 13 May, 1857, Ellen M. Day; was a hardware merchant res. in Chicago.
5787 Ellen Maria Taylor,9 b. in Conneaut, 30 Aug., 1836; m. 6 May, 1859, Joseph Edward Otis; he was a real estate dealer; res. in Chicago, Ill.
5788 Annette Taylor,9 b. in Conneaut, 14 Apr., 1840; m. 24 Nov., 1862, William E. Chamberlain; he was a real estate dealer; res. in Chicago.
5789 Mary Taylor,9 b. in Milan, 4 Apr., 1847; m. 1 June, 1870, Edward B. Rambo; he was a manufacturer of powder; res. in Chicago.
5790 Zachary Taylor,9 b. in Milan, 1 May, 1850; d. in Milan, O., 8 Oct., 1853.

2257.   MARTHA,8 dau. of Deacon Erastus7 (773) , b. in Peacham, Vt., 16 Aug., 1814; m. 11 Mar., 1841, Independence Farrow, b. in Cambridge, Mass., 4 July, 1815, son of Benjamin Farrow, b. 18 Aug., 1782, and Ruth Taft, b. in North­bridge, Mass., 5 Jan., 1784.
She d. 22 Oct., 1884.
They res. in Peacham.

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5791 Isabel Farrow,9 b. 5 July, 1843; m. 29 Nov., 1866, Charles Davis Har­ris; he was a farmer in Westfield, Vt.
5792 Harriet Farrow,9 b. 7 Sept., 1844; m. 18 Mar., 1868, Richard Wells; he was a butcher in Eldora, Ia.
5793 Ellen Farrow,9 b. 30 Sept., 1847; m. 26 Nov., 1878, Sylvanus Heming­way; he was a farmer in Waterford, Vt.
5794 Elizabeth Farrow,9 b. 14 Sept., 1849; m. 14 Sept., 1870, John Flint; he is a machinist in Lawrence, Mass.
5795 Abbie J. Farrow,9 b. 26 Apr., 1851.
5796 Elizabeth (Betsey) Bacon Farrow,9 b. 5 Sept., 1853; m. 28 Feb., 1877, John Clark Higgins; he was a farmer in St. Johnsbury, Vt.

2258.   ORAN,8 son of Deacon Erastus7 (773), b. in Peacham, Vt., 21 Sept., 1817; m. 10 Jan., 1844, Harriet Adams Tuttle, b. 18 July, 1822, dau. of Divine Tuttle, b. in Paulingtown, N. Y., 9 July, 1785, and Harriet Adams, b. in New Braintree, Mass., 14 Apr., 1788.
She d. 3 June, 1892; he d. in East Hardwick, Vt., 29 Dec., 1895.
Children, b. in East Hardwick.
5797 Charles Erastus,9 b. 22 Dec., 1849; m. Eldora Augusta Batchelder.
5798 Harriet Adams,9 b. 13 Mar., 1855; res. in East Hardwick; is unm.
5799 Amos Tuttle,9 b. 7 Apr., 1859; is unm.

2259.   CAROLINE,8 dau. of Deacon Erastus7 (773), b. in Peacham, Vt., 30 Nov., 1819; m. 2 Oct., 1838, Charles William Prentiss, b. 18 Oct., 1812, son of Samuel Prentiss, of Montpelier, Vt., b. 31 Mar., 1782, and Lucretia Houghton, b. 16 Mar., 1786.
She d. 6 Nov., 1895.
He was a lawyer; graduated from Dartmouth College; res. in Irasburg, Vt., Montpelier, Vt., Brooklyn, N. Y., and Cleveland, O.; retired from active business in 1882.
5800 Lucretia Houghton Prentiss,9 b. 5 Oct., 1839; m. 1 Feb., 1865, Guy R. Prentiss; d. 1 Jan., 1880.
5801 Caroline Sophia Prentiss,9 b. 18 Jan., 1842; m. 6 Sept., 1862, Charles Candee Baldwin; he is a lawyer in Cleveland.
5802 Charles William Prentiss,9 b. 11 Sept., 1844; m. 27 Aug., 1874, Isabel McDonald; is a commercial agent; res. in Lincoln, Neb.
5803 Mary Judith Prentiss,9 b. 4 Nov., 1849; m. 30 Sept., 1868, Samuel James Smith, Jr., of Brooklyn; was divorced in 1873; later res. in Cleve­land.
5804 Ruth Eliza Prentiss,9 b. 17 Sept., 1852; is unm.
5805 George James Prentiss,9 b. 14 Mar., 1856; d. 7 Sept., 1856.
5806 Samuel Edward Prentiss,9 b. 19 Nov., 1857; res., unm., in Cleveland.

2260.   LUCY,8 dau. of Deacon Erastus7 (773), b. in Peacham, Vt., 25 Feb., 1822; m. 18 July, 1844, Montville Warren Howe, b. 27 Jan., 1818, son of Daniel Howe.

412    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. 21 Sept., 1853, in Indianapolis, Ind.; she d. 5 Oct., 1869, in St. Charles, Minn.
They res. in Milan, O. He was secretary of the B. and I. R. R.
5807 Frederick Montville Howe,9 b. 1 July, 1846; m. 24 June, 1867, Louisa Merrill Stevenson; res. in Springfield, O.
5808 Walter Warren Howe,9 b. 6 Feb., 1848; d. 3 Oct., 1853.

2283.   DAVID,8 son of Seth7 (780), b. 11 Oct., 1786; m. Ruth Lambson. They rem. to Erie Co., Pa.
5809 David Oliver,9 b. 3 Dec., 1809; m. (1) Mary Ann Haskins; (2) Har­riet Aurelia Haskins.
5810 Eliza,9 b. ______; m. in Pennsylvania, 4 July, 1845, Wells Earned, brother of Amos J. Earned, who m. Eunice Kellogg (+2305); he 1 d. 16 Sept., 1864, in Wisconsin; was buried in Fowler, O., his place , of residence; had no children.

2284.   ANNA,8 dau. of Seth7 (780), b. 19 Jan., 1788; m. Elisha Root, son of Zur Root, of Southwick, Mass., and Mary Loomis, b. 12 Mar., 1750.
They res. in Southwick.
5811 Anna Root,9 b. ______.
5812 Elisha Root,9 b. ______; d. young.
5813 Ezra Root,9 b. ______; d. young.
5814 Elisha Root,9 b. ______; m. Cynthia Alderman; res. in Turkey Hill (Granby), Conn.

2285.   SETH,8 son of Seth7 (780), b. 14 Apr., 1790; m. (1) Pamelia Dewey.
She d. 11 May, 1818, aged 20; he m. (2) Sarah O. Crosby, b. 20 Sept., 1797, dau. of Simon Crosby and Hepzibah Gaylord; he d. 4 Mar., 1843.
He was a farmer in Southwick, Mass.
She m. (2) as his second wife, in Westfield, Mass., 6 Oct., 1845, Seth Williams, a merchant in Cummington, b. 1796, son of John Williams; d. 20 Oct 1848.
Child by first wife.
5815 Seth,9 b. 3 Dec., 1816; m. Rosamond Maria Smith.
Children by second wife.
5816 Amorette Pamelia,9 b. 9 May, 1824; m. 29 Nov., 1843, Loomis Holcomb, b. 11 Nov., 1821, son of Hiel Holcomb and Sophia Loomis.
5817 Ralph Malo,9 b. 3 Nov., 1825; d. unm., in Oakland, Cal., 28 Mar., 1879; res. in Southwick.
5818 Ransford Waldo,9 b. in Southwick, 6 Oct., 1827; d. unm., in Westfield, 5 June, 1877; was a farmer in Southwick, on part of the old home stead.
5819 Langdon Crosby,9 b. in Southwick, 20 July, 1829; m. Eliza Ann Clark.
5820 Frederick Cornelius,9 b. 22 Feb., 1833; m. Mercy Ann Nash.

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5821 George Morton,9 b. 16 Apr., 1838; m. Mary Swinehart.
5822 Maverick,9 b. 11 July, 1810; d. 31 Mar., 1811.

2287.   LANGDON,8 son of Seth7 (780), b. in Southwick, Mass., 16 Aug., 1791; m. 4 Apr., 1819, Wealthy Boies, b. 15 Mar., 1799, dau. of Samuel Boies, of Bland­ford, Mass., b. 4 Aug., 1756, and Anna Dick, b. 14 July, 1763.
He d. in Westfield, Mass., 22 Oct., 1867; she d. in the Kellogg homestead, Westfield, 16 May, 1883.
He was a farmer and tanner, and from 1823 to 1858 a manufacturer of pow­der; res. in Southwick and South Lee, Mass.
5823 Wealthy Ann,9 b. in Peru, Mass., 14 Oct., 1820; m. Abijah Merrill Squire.
5824 Samuel Boies,9 b. in Southwick, 23 May, 1823; m. Catherine Maria Bidwell.
5825 Eli De Witt,9 b. in Southwick, 23 Nov., 1826; m. Mary Maria Stevens.
5826 Levi De Loss,9 b. in Southwick, 23 Nov., 1826; is a retired miner and capitalist; is unm.; res. in Westfield.
5827 Langdon Jackson,9 b. in Westfield, 18 Dec., 1829; m. Sarah Frances Large.
5828 Le Roy Seth,9 b. in Southwick, 8 Apr., 1831; m. Julia A. Stedman.
5829 William Winnie,9 b. in South Lee, 13 Mar., 1837; m. (1) Adelia Honey­wood Mastin; (2) Sarah Louise Cotes.
5830 Maria Lucretia,9 b. in South Lee, 13 Mar., 1837; is unm.; res. in Westfield.

2288.   LOVISA,8 dau. of Seth7 (780), b. 27 Feb., 1797; m. Appollos Lambson, b. 1794.
He d. 9 Jan., 1866; she d. 13 Aug., 1876. They res. in Granville and Southwick, Mass.
5831 Pamelia Lambson,9 b. ______; m. Enoch Sackett.
5832 Lorenzo A. Lambson,9 b. in Granville, 25 Feb., 1826; m. 1 Jan., 1851, Mary S. Farnum, b. 9 Dec., 1830.
5833 Clinton Lambson,9 b. ______.
5834 Le Roy Lambson,9 b. ______.
5835 Franklin De Witt Lambson,9 b. in Southwick, 26 Aug., 1836; m. Laura V. Talmadge, b. 24 Nov., 1849.

2289.   ALVA,8 son of Seth7 (780), b. in Southwick, Mass., 22 Aug., 1799; m. 6 Apr., 1824, Eliza Fowler, b. in Trenton, N. Y., 4 May, 1806, dau. of Maj. Walter Fowler, b. in Southwick, and Lucy Campbell, b. in Southwick, 1772.
She d. in Marcy, N. Y., 11 Aug., 1871; he d. in Westfield, 30 Mar., 1873.
Children, b. in Southwick.
5836 Lorenzo Alva,9 b. 20 Sept., 1825; m. 21 Nov., 1849, Mary Ann Mosely, b. 11 Nov., 1828, dau. of Oliver Mosely and Mary Dickenson; is a farmer in Southwick; has no children.
5837 Lucy Ann,9 b. 22 Feb., 1827; m. Seth Bush.
5838 Dwight,9 b. 9 Apr., 1840; m. Julia Josephine Whipple.

414    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2290.   JEDIAH,8 dau. of Phineas7 (781), b. in Southwick, Mass., 20 June, 1791; m. 26 July, 1826, as his fourth wife, Timothy Humphrey, b. in Nor­folk. Conn., 23 Mar., 1795, son of Levi Humphrey and Abigail Chase.
She d. ______; he m. (5) Chloe McCarty; d. 4 Feb., 1865; she d. 27 Oct 1866.
He was a farmer; res. in Goshen, Mass.
5839 Samuel Levi Humphrey,9 b. ______; rem. to the West.
5840 John Lathrop Humphrey,9 b. ______; m. (1) Martha Lee; (2) Maria Grant.
5841 Lovina Humphrey,9 b. ______; m. Edward Canfield; d. in Norfolk, 5 Feb., 1859.
5842 Timothy Herman Humphrey,9 b. ______; m. Eliza Griffin.
5843 Lewis Skinner Humphrey,9 b. 10 June, 1832; m. Mary Keefe.

2292.   ARPASHA,8 dau. of Phineas7 (781), b. 16 July, 1794; m. in Tolland, Mass., 25 Oct., 1823, Calvin Fuller, b. 2 June, 1793, son of Noadiah Fuller, of Ogden, N. Y., and Dorothy Church.
He d. July, 1837; she d. in Southwick, 23 Dec., 1891, aged 97.
They res. in Tolland and West Granville, Mass.
5844 Eliza Fuller,9 b. in Tolland, 30 May, 1824; d. 8 Dec., 1838.
5845 Henry Fuller,9 b. 17 July, 1825; m. twice; is a lawyer; res. in Westfield.
5846 William Fuller,9 b. in West Granville, 4 June, 1827; m. May, 1849, Mrs. Cynthia Clark.
5847 Calvin Fuller,9 b. 18 Jan., 1829; m. 1848, Mrs. Mary Ann Cowles; he was a Union soldier in Co. B., Twenty-first Massachusetts Reg.; was shot through the arm, 19 Aug., 1864.
5848 John Fuller,9 b. 12 Sept., 1831.
5849 Harriet Fuller,9 b. 4 Aug., 1833; d. 12 Mar., 1835.
5850 Chauncey Fuller,9 b. 16 Oct., 1835; m. in Westfield, 15 Dec., 1854, Eliza Achsah Cook, b. in East Granville, 29 June, 1836.

2294.   JOHN L.,8 son of Phineas7 (781), b. 15 May, 1803; m. 22 Feb., 1834, Electa L. Kibbe.
She d. 15 Aug., 1863; he d. 23 Mar., 1894, aged 91; they res. in Southwick, Mass., where both d.
5851 Henry,9 b. in Southwick, 6 Mar., 1837; d. (accidentally killed), 6 Feb., 1855; was a mechanic.

2303.   ENOCH VIETS,8 son of Enoch7 (786), b. in Southwick, Mass., 19 Feb., 1804; m. in Southwick, by Rev. Calvin Foot, 4 Dec., 1828, Lucy Loomis, b. in Southwick, 9 May, 1810, dau. of Japhet Loomis, of Southwick, b. 1 Sept., 1780, and Mehitable Kent, b. 21 Dec., 1781, dau. of Josiah Kent and Mehitable Berry.
He d. in Fowler, Trumbull Co., O., 27 Mar., 1872; she d. at the home of her dau., Eunice, in Cortland, O., 30 Sept., 1889.
He was a farmer; res. in Westfield, Mass., until 1832, when he rem. to Foff­ler. He served as County Commissioner in Trumbull Co., nine years.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    415

Children, last five b. in Fowler.
5852 Mary,9 b. in Westfield, 2 Oct., 1830; m. David Warren.
5853 Harriet,9 b. 28 Nov., 1833; m. James E. Hallock.
5854 Samuel,9 b. 16 Oct., 1838; m. Amelia Hallock.
5855 Eunice,9 b. 18 July, 1841; m. Anthony Wayne Kennedy.
5856 Newton,9 b. 16 Sept., 1845; d. unm., in Fowler, 23 Oct., 1868.
5857 Lucy Alice,9 b. 28 Oct., 1847; m. Cassius Clay Kennedy.

2305.   EUNICE,8 dau. of Enoch7 (786), b. in Southwick, Mass., 11 Oct., 1808; m. 23 Sept., 1831, Amos J. Larnard, b. 20 Oct., 1808, in Suffield, Conn., son of Amariah Larnard, of Suffield, and Fowler, O., and Sarah Johnson. He was a farmer in Cortland, Trumbull Co., O., where both d.
5858 Lovinna Jennett Larnard,9 b. 9 Feb., 1833; d. 27 May, 1835.
5859 Mary Jane Larnard,9 b. 23 June, 1835; d. 28 June, 1865.
5860 Rowland Derwin Larnard,9 b. 26 July, 1837; m. 30 Dec., 1864, Rebecca Ada Goe, b. 19 Mar., 1837; was a stone mason in Cortland.
5861 Lucy Larnard,9 b. 26 Oct., 1839; m. 24 Dec., 1865, Horace King., b. 6 Feb., 1839; he was a farmer in Cortland.
5862 Hiram Leslie Larnard,9 b. 2 Dec., 1843; m. 3 Dec., 1873, Mary Adams, b. 3 Dec., 1839; he was a farmer in Nelson, O.
5863 Annis Larnard,9 b. 27 Feb., 1846; d. 2 Jan., 1862.
5864 Eunice Finett Larnard,9 b. 21 May, 1849; res. in Cortland.

2308.   SAMUEL,8 son of Enoch7 (786), b. in Southwick, Mass., 23 Aug., 1816; m. 2 May, 1866, Mary A. Smith, of Chester, Mass., b. in Chester, 1838, dau. of Daniel Smith.
He d. 14 Apr., 1868.
He was a farmer, and lived on the old homestead, which he left to his wife.
She bequeathed it to her second husband, Robert E. Nelson.
She m. (2) in Southwick, 26 Oct., 1871, Robert E. Nelson, of Granville, Mass., b. in Westfield, 1853, son of Aaron and Chloe Nelson.
Children, b. and d. in Southwick.
5865 Jennie J.,9 b. 17 Feb., 1867; d. 3 July, 1869.
5866 Fanny J.,9 b. 16 Aug., 1868; d. 25 June, 1869.

2309.   HIRAM,8 son of Enoch7 (786). b. in Southwick, Mass., 9 Dec., 1819; m. 9 Feb., 1862, Mrs. Elizabeth (Kilbourn) Hurlburt, b. 18 Nov., 1836, widow of Hiram Hurlburt, and dau. of Evelin Kilbourn, b. 10 Mar., 1809, and Julia Moses, b. 7 Mar., 1810. Julia Moses was the dau. of Ashbel Moses and Esther Truman (806), b. about 1764, dau. of Nathan Truman and Sarah Kellogg (+262).
He is a farmer in the western part of Southwick, Mass., on land owned in his family since 1720.
5867 Hilie Cromwell,9 b. 26 Feb., 1863; m. Celia Amelia Bennett.

2328.   LUCY,8 dau. of Josiah7 (789), b. in Westfield, Mass., 16 Mar., 1782; m. in Westfield, 5 Dec., 1798, Clark Root, b. 4 Aug., 1776, son of Zur Boot, of West­field, and Mercy Loomis, b. 12 Mar., 1750.
She d. Oct., 1812; he d. in Suffield, Conn., Aug., 1813.

416    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5868 Polly Root,9 b. in Southwick, Mass., 4 Apr., 1800.
5869 Lucilla Root,9 b. in Granby, Conn., 23 Oct., 1802; m. in Southwick, 5 Dec., 1822, Martin Barnes, of Southampton, Mass., b. in Wolcott, Conn., 19 Mar., 1799, son of William Barnes, b. in Southampton, 2 Feb., 1770, and Thede Miner, b. in Wolcott, 17 Feb., 1770; he was a cooper and farmer in Southampton; d. 16 Aug., 1878; his widow later res. in West Springfield, Mass., with her son-in-law, Ebenezer Bogg.
5870 Maryette Root,9 b. 6 May, 1804.
5871 Sheldon Root,9 b. in Southwick, 13 Dec., 1810.

2330.   JOHN,8 son of Josiah7 (789), b. in Westfield, Mass., 5 June. 1786; m. (1) 26 July, 1812, Eleanor Faurote, b. 17 May, 1793, dau. of Capt. John Faurote and Hannah Stivers, of New Jersey, b. 10 Oct., 1756.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 25 Oct., 1867, Mena Soccoro, b. 1845; she d. 13 July, 1871; he d. 2 Oct., 1871.
He rem. in 1812 from Westfield to Palmyra, N. Y., thence to Plymouth, Mich., 1836. He was stationed at Buffalo under Capt. Clark in the war of 1812.
Children by first wife.
5872 Collins Day,9 b. 30 Apr., 1813; d. unm., 3 June, 1858; was a mer­chant in Plymouth, Mich.
5873 Randall Faurote,9 b. 22 Mar., 1815; m. Olive Rowena McFarland.
5874 Lois,9 b. 14 Feb., 1817; m. John Fuller.
5875 John Josiah,9 b. 1 Jan., 1819; d. June, 1824.
5876 Joel Ransom,9 b. 18 Aug., 1820; m. Delia Betsey Northrop.
5877 Lucinda Elizabeth,9 b. 28 Oct., 1823; m. Charles Kellogg (+6278).
5878 John Stivers,9 b. 23 Oct., 1824; m. Jane A. Allen.
5879 Josiah,9 b. 8 Jan., 1827; m. Lavinia Morrow Scott.
5880 Siron Wood,9 b. 10 Aug., 1828; m. Mandane; res. in Plymouth.
5881 Cassius Robinson,9 b. 17 Nov., 1830; m. ______.
Child by second wife.
5882 Eleanor,9 b. 28 Sept., 1868; d. 31 Mar., 1871.

2331.   PAMELIA,8 dau. of Josiah7 (789), b. in Westfield, Mass., 17 Dec., 1788; m. Sylvanus Bartlett, b. 3 July, 1797.
She d. 8 Aug., 1842; he d. 20 Nov., 1843. He rem. from Sodus, N. Y., to Pennsylvania, in 1831.
5883 Sylvanus Bartlett,9 b. 7 Jan., 1808; m. Nancy Ann Van Duzen, dau. of John Van Duzen; was a farmer in Clinton, Mich.
5884 Lewis Parks Bartlett,9 b. 21 Oct., 1810; d. in infancy.
5885 Almeda Ann Bartlett,9 b. 17 Apr., 1813; m. 26 Sept., 1833, George Washington Lininger, son of John Lininger, b. in Womelsdorf, Pa., 28 Feb., 1777, and Elizabeth Moore, b. in Slippery Rock, Pa., 9 June, 1791; he was a carpenter and farmer in Summit, Pa.
5886 Handy Erastus Bartlett,9 b. 8 Aug., 1815; m. (1) 1834, Susannah Lin­inger; m. (2) _______; was a farmer.

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5887 Lewis Parks Bartlett,9 b. 19 Oct., 1817; d. unm., Mar., 1854, in Erie Co., Pa.; was a drover.
5888 Emmeline Matilda Bartlett,9 b. in Sodus, G June, 1819; m. (1) 15 Jan., 1837, Elijah Watson, b. 6 Nov., 1808, son of Uriel Watson, of Plattsburg, N. Y., and Hannah Johnson; he was a carpenter in McKean, Pa., and Chazy, N. Y.; d. 27 Feb., 1858; had five chil­dren; she m. (2) 27 Apr., 1863, Willard Alden, b. in West Salis­bury, Vt., 5 Sept., 1810, son of Nathaniel Butler Alden; he was a Methodist clergyman in Franklin, Pa.; he had previously m. Alice M. Eggleston, by whom he had sixteen children.
5889 Mary (Polly) Maranda Bartlett,9 b. 7 Apr., 1821; m. 24 May, 1837, George W. Allen, b. in Boston, Mass.; he was a farmer.
5890 Spencer Henry Bartlett,9 b. in Sodus, 30 Oct., 1833; m. in West Mill Creek, Pa., 10 July, 1851, Nancy Catherine Jackson, b. in Greene, Pa., 29 May, 1830, dau. of James Jackson, b. in Herkimer Co., N. Y., 20 Aug., 1792, and Mary Davidson, b. 22 Aug., 1800; she d. in Macoupin Co., Ill., 28 July, 1853; he m. (2) in Summit, Pa., 16 Apr., 1857, Martha Williams, b. 29 May, 1837, dau. of Ephraim Fish Williams, b. 11 Oct., 1790, and Sarah Shelman, b. 1 Jan., 1794; he was a farmer in West Greene, Pa.
5891 Hester Ann Bartlett,9 b. 14 Jan., 1825; m. 1 Jan., 1844, Benjamin Mer­ritt; he d. 3 May, 1874; he was a carpenter.
5892 Cromwell La Fayette Bartlett,9 b. 6 Aug., 1828; res. in Carlton, Carlton Co., Mo., and Macoupin Co., Ill.
5893 Pamelia Bartlett,9 b. 5 Sept., 1830; d. 25 Dec., same year.
5894 Delilah Bartlett,9 b. 15 Mar., 1836; m. Edwin Landreth; res. in Macoupin Co., Ill.

2332.   SILAS,8 son of Josiah7 (789), b. in Westfield, Mass., 10 Feb., 1791; m. 24 Oct., 1816, Julia Loomis, sister of the wife of his brother, Collins, b. 6 Aug., 1793, dau. of Joshua Loomis, of Westfield, b. 23 Sept., 1748.
He d. in Port Leyden, N. Y., 9 Apr., 1876; she d. Mar., 1878.
In 1823 he rem. to Hopewell, N. Y., thence, in May, 1825, to Port Leyden.
5895 Silas Franklin,9 b. 27 Apr., 1818; m. (1) Esther J. Benedict; (2) Albina Staplin; (3) Helen E. Overton.
5896 Julia Ann,9 b. 30 Oct., 1819; d. 9 May, 1833.
5897 Lucy,9 b. 15 Apr., 1821; d. unm., 10 Jan., 1814.
5898 Henry,9 b. 26 Mar., 1823; d. unm., 9 Sept., 1847; was a clerk in a dry goods store in Turin, N. Y.
5899 Sophia,9 b. 3 Nov., 1824; d. unm., 23 Aug., 1855.
5900 Marietta,9 b. 20 Apr., 1826; d. unm., 30 Oct., 1845.
5901 Enos Emery,9 b. in Turin, 1 Apr., 1828; m. Margaret Elizabeth Weich­ard.
5902 Hial Handy,9 b. 20 Aug., 1829; m. Mary Tyler.
5903 Clarissa,9 b. 6 July, 1832; m. 1 Feb., 1854, William Alfred Pullman, b. 12 July, 1827; d. 28 Nov., 1861; he d. 26 Feb., 1869; had no children.
5904 Amanda,9 b. 10 Aug., 1834; d. 14 June, 1837.

418    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2334.   HENRY,8 son of Josiah7 (789), b. in Westfield, Mass., 4 Dec., 1794; m. (1) 14 Feb., 1819, Eliza Ann Parker, b. in Maryland, 9 Nov., 1803, dau. of Ed­ward Parker, b. 4 Jan., 1753.
She d. 28 Nov., 1844; he m. (2) in Fort Gibson, N. Y., Mary Josephine Lin­con, b. in Canandaigua, N. Y., 23 July, 1821, dau. of Ephraim Lincon, b. in Berkshire Co., Mass., 17 May, 1786, and Sally Styles, b. in Hartford, Conn., Sept., 1787; d. July, 1856.
They res. in Manchester and Hopewell, N. Y.
5905 Edward Parker,9 b. 3 June, 1819; m. (1) Sarah Lee Stoddard; (2) Mary Havemeyer Northrop.
5906 Erastus Handy,9 b. 22 Aug., 1820; m. Elizabeth Jane Smith.
5907 James Huling,9 b. 13 Dec., 1823; m. (1) Nancy Chatterson; (2) Mrs. Jane Shaw; (3) Mrs. Mary (Judson) Giles.
5908 Henry,9 b. 23 Nov., 1827; m. Clara Philena Stoddard.
5909 Nancy Cordelia,9 b. 4 June, 1830; m. William Grain.
✛5910 Priscilla,9 b. 31 Jan., 1835; m. Edmund Phillips.
5911 Mary Pauline,9 b. in Hopewell, 31 Jan., 1837; m. John Russell Cutter. Child by second wife.
5912 Otis W.,9 b. in Manchester, 23 Feb., 1847; m. (1) in Farmington, N. Y., 20 Feb., 1877, Ella Mary Grain, b. in Farmington, 8 Sept., 1853, dau. of John Grain, b. in Eaton, N. Y., 24 Sept., 1824, and Wil­lamina Adams, b. in Phelps, N. Y.; she d. in Manchester, 25 June, 1882; he m. (2) in Shortsville, N. Y., 27 Sept., 1888, Mrs. Nettie (Garrett) Hoff, widow of Edward Hoff, and dau. of Edward Gar­rett, of Cawker City, Kas.; she d. 23 July, 1896; he is in the mer­cantile business; is a Presbyterian and a Democrat; res. in Shortsville; had no children.

2335.   Arminta,8 dau. of Josiah7 (789), b. in Westfield, Mass., 14 Oct., 1799; m. 5 Oct., 1820, Lester Shay, b. 14 Aug., 1798, youngest son of Elder Anson Shay, b. 30 Mar., 1769, and Hannah Ganfield, b. 27 Apr., 1770.
She d. 16 Aug., 1849; he d. in Cleveland, O., 8 Dec., 1860.
He res. in Hopewell, N. Y., and Wayne, Mich.
5913 Eliza Ann Shay,9 b. in Canandaigua, N. Y., 15 June, 1822; m. (1) Dec., 1840, Nathan Weston, of North Adams, Mich., and Kendallville, Ind.; he d. ______; she m. (2) 18 Aug., 1859, Josiah Chambers, b. in Honeyborn, Gloucestershire, England, 26 Nov., 1809, son of Joseph Chambers and Elizabeth Ethridge; she d. in Toledo, O., 6 Feb., 1882; he was a farmer in Washington, O.
5914 Harriet Newell Shay,9 b. 31 May, 1824; m. 25 Dec., 1841, Parker M. Withee, a merchant of Northville, Mich; she d. 2 Aug., 1844; had two children.
5915 Anson Shay,9 b. 6 Nov., 1826; d. 12 May, 1856; was a painter and car­riage maker.
5916 Henry Benson Shay,9 b. 15 Apr., 1829; d. 30 Nov., 1836.
5917 Mary Arminta Shay,9 b. 12 June, 1831; d. 16 Dec., 1838.
5918 Marshall Lester Shay,9 b. 20 May, 1834; d. 18 Mar., 1839.

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5919 Henry Benson Shay,9 b. 11 Apr., 1837; m. (1) 25 Dec., 1862, Carrie Walters; she d. 5 May, 1867, in Toledo; he m. (2) 15 Dec., 1870, Kate E. Chambers, of Toledo; he was employed by the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad.
5920 Marshall Lester Shay,9 b. 25 May, 1840; m. 1868, Emma Kellogg; he served in the navy in the Burnside expedition; was a druggist in Cleveland; she was dau. of Chase; lived in Collins Kel­logg's family and took his name.

2336.   COLLINS,8 son of Josiah7 (789), b. in Westfield, Mass., 17 Feb., 1802; m. 20 June, 1822, Cynthia Loomis (sister of the wife of his brother, Silas), b. 9 July, 1784, dau. of Joshua Loomis, of Westfield, b. 23 Sept., 1748, and Achsah Isham.
She d. in Port Leyden, N. Y., 21 Dec., 1860; he d. in Cleveland, O., 31 Mar., 1881.
He rem. in 1823 to Turin, N. Y., and later to Cleveland.
5921 Kinsley Collins,9 b. in Westfield, 26 Mar., 1823; m. 13 June, 1855, Eliza Boshart, b. 17 Aug., 1823, dau. of Gerrit Boshart, of Lowville, N. Y., b. 15 July, 1771, and Dolly Goutremont, b. 4 Jan., 1788; they res. in Lowville; he is a merchant; at one time he was a farmer on the property of the Kellogg House Block; she d. 28 Dec., 1891; had no children.
5922 Halsey Ensign,9 b. in Turin, 24 July, 1824; m. Mary Thankful Kidder.
5923 Hester Ann,9 b. in Turin, 29 July, 1825; m. 19 Jan., 1847, Sylvester W. Stimpson; he was a farmer in Port Leyden; she d. 26 Nov., 1849; he d. ______; had no children.

2338.   JAMES,8 son of Aaron7 (792), b. in Sandisfield, Mass., 1 Nov., 1789; m. (1) 1813, Elizabeth Thomas, b. about 1789.
She d. in Salisbury, Conn., in the spring of 1814; he m. (2) in Cazenovia, N. Y., 1821, Elizabeth Snell, dau. of Frederick Snell and Jane Miller; she d. July, 1822; he m. (3) 1823, Catherine Snell, sister of Elizabeth.
He d. in Cazenovia, 5 Apr., 1834; she d. 20 Oct., 1875.
He was a farmer; res. in Sullivan, N. Y.
Children by second wife.
5924 Elizabeth Jane,9 b. about 1822; m. Fordyce Cowan; he d. about 1869. After his death she res. in Utica, N. Y., with her dau., Mrs. Allen.
5925 Aaron James,9 b. 7 June, 1828; m. 1856, ______; she d. 1873; he d. 19 Feb., 1875; had no children.
5926 Maria Pearl,9 b. 12 Apr., 1831; m. William Warren Winchel.

2339.   WALTER,8 son of Aaron7 (792), b. in Sandisfield, Mass., 13 June, 1793; m. in Sullivan, N. Y., Dec., 1820, Delilah Schuyler, b. in Sullivan, 27 Jan., 1803, dau. of David Schuyler and Mary _______.
He d. 21 Sept., 1849; she d. 3 Mar., 1873.
He was a farmer; res. in Ripon, Wis., where both d.

420    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5927 Anson George,9 b. in Sullivan, 29 Apr., 1822; m. (1) Juliett Lathrop; (2) Asenath Lindsley.
5928 Newton Perry,9 b. in Sullivan, 25 Apr., 1825; m. Anna L. Owen.
5929 Orson Walter,9 b. in Chittenango, N. Y., 16 May, 1827; m. Cornelia Manville.
5930 Horace Benjamin,9 b. in Sullivan, 26 May, 1829; d. 15 June, 1849; he was a farmer.
5931 Henry Wesley,9 b. in Sullivan, 27 May, 1831; m. (1) Martha M. Le Baron; (2) Cecelia Marlin.
5932 Harley D.,9 b. in Sullivan, 24 Aug., 1833; d. in Ripon, 2 Aug., 1849.
5933 John,9 b. in Syracuse, N. Y., 19 May, 1836; m. Gertrude Cordelia Jelliff.
5934 Mary Mariah,9 b. in Sullivan, 27 July, 1838; m. Sylvester-Corbett.
5935 Helen Delilah,9 b. 17 July, 1842; m. David Adams Le Baron.

2341.   CHARLES,8 son of Aaron7 (792), b. in Salisbury, Conn., 3 Aug., 1802; m. June, 1827, Jane Olin, b. 1807, adopted dau. of Gideon Olin, of Cazenovia, N. Y.
She d. 26 Aug., 1845; he d. in Acapulco, Mex., 13 Apr., 1853. In 1849, he went to Wisconsin; 26 Nov., 1852, he started for California, and d. on the way.
5936 Susan Marion,9 b. 17 Mar., 1832; m. 11 Jan., 1864, her cousin, Charles K. Ehle (5939); he d. 22 Jan., 1871; she d. in Greenbush, Wis.

2342.   SUSAN,8 dau. of Aaron7 (792), b. in Salisbury, Conn., 4 Nov., 1805; m. 25 Feb., 1827, Abram Ehle, b. 4 July, 1805, son of John P. Ehle and Catherine Garlock, b. in Montgomery Co., N. Y., 1778.
They res. in Syracuse and Chittenango, N. Y.; rem. to Greenbush, Wis., 1849; he was a farmer.
5937 Jennette Ehle,9 b. 5 July, 1828; d. 20 July, same year.
5938 Byron Ehle,9 b. 4 Nov., 1829; d. 8 Mar., 1830.
5939 Charles Kellogg Ehle,9 b. 21 July, 1831; m. 1862, his cousin, Susan Marion Kellogg (5936); he d. 22 Jan., 1871; she res. in Green­bush, and d. there.
5940 James Cole Ehle,9 b. 3 Aug., 1833; d. 1 Feb., 1838.
5941 Abram Scott Ehle,9 b. 17 Aug., 1836; d. 22 Sept., 1867; he was gradu­ated from the Rush Medical College of Chicago; served during the rebellion as surgeon in Louisville and Munfordville, Ky., Price Bluff and Fort Smith, Ark.; returned home in broken health.
5942 James A. Ehle,9 b. 21 Mar., 1841; is a farmer in Greenbush.

2348.   HANNAH,8 dau. of Martin7 (838), b. in Newington, Conn., 17 Jan., 1774; m. 30 Jan., 1800, Benjamin Hart, of New Britain, Conn., b. 7 Feb., 1773, son of Benjamin Hart, b. 10 Oct., 1747, and Mary Fuller, bap. 2 Jan., 1757.
She d. 28 Jan., 1824; he m. (2) 15 July, 1832, Almira Carter; she d. 11 Sept., 1847; he d. 11 July, 1856, aged 83.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    421

In his early years he taught school; was later a farmer in Newington and Kensington, Conn.
5943 Benjamin Kellogg Hart,9 b. 27 Jan., 1801; m. 22 Apr., 1824, Olivia Cowles, of Kensington; was a farmer.
5944 Thomas Bobbins Hart,9 b. 27 Aug., 1803; m. 18 Dec., 1836, Cecilia Beau­mont, of Middletown, Conn.; was a farmer.
5945 Walter Ward Hart,9 b. 17 Nov., 1804; m. 28 May, 1829, Sarah Bennett, of Freehold, N. J.; he was Judge of Common Pleas, Monmouth Co., N. J.; d. 21 Apr., 1868.

2350.   JEMIMA,8 dau. of Martin7 (838), b. in Newington, Conn., 20 Dec., 1778; m. 13 Nov., 1810, Nathan Whiting Hale, b. 8 May, 1783, son of Col. Elisha Hale.
She d. 8 May, 1855; he d. 3 Jan., 1861.
5946 Mary Elizabeth Hale,9 b. 16 Mar., 1812; m. 14 June, 1838, John Mason Belden, of Newington, b. 26 Aug., 1806; he was a farmer.
5947 Cornelia Kellogg Hale,9 b. 6 Apr., 1817; d. Nov., 1820.

2351.   GEN. MARTIN,8 son of Martin7 (838), b. in Newington, Conn., 24 July, 1781; m. 26 Sept., 1808, Mary Welles (2371), b. 13 Feb., 1789, dau. of Gen. Roger Welles, of Newington, b. 29 Dec., 1753, and Jemima Kellogg (+841), b. 23 Aug., 1757. Mary Welles was a descendant in the seventh generation of Gov. Thomas Welles.
She d. 4 Apr., 1865; he d. in Newington, 23 Nov., 1868. He was a farmer and manufacturer of woolen goods. He was much in public life, being a Magistrate, County Commissioner, Maj.-Gen. of the Militia and fre­quently in the Legislature, both as Senator and Representative.
Children, b. in Newington.
5948 Martin,9 b. 4 Nov., 1810; m. Patience Branch Gordon.
5949 Roger Welles,9 b. 12 June, 1813; d. unm., 6 Mar., 1881; was a farmer in Newington.
5950 Henry Laureus,9 b. 31 Jan., 1816; m. (1) Julia Ann Gardiner; (2) Laura Kellogg Camp.
5951 Mary Welles,9 b. 11 Apr., 1819; m. Samuel Kellogg Camp.
5952 Samuel John Mills,9 b. 7 Sept., 1821; m. Harriet M. Rogers.
5953 Charles,9 b. 24 July, 1825; m. (1) Anna Margaret Davidson; (2) Ellen Prentice.
5954 Sarah Welles,9 b. 15 Oct., 1828; m. Samuel Kellogg Camp.

2352.   LAURA,8 dau. of Martin7 (838), b. in Newington, Conn., 5 Nov., 1783; m. (1) 17 Sept., 1805, Asaph Whittlesey, b. in Newington, 7 Apr., 1782, son of Lemuel Whittlesey, b. 16 May, 1740, and Hannah Welles, b. 22 Apr., 1742.
He d. 24 May, 1824; she m. (2) 2 Feb., 1831, Judge Thomas Lee, of New Britain, Conn.; d. 9 Feb., 1837.
Children by first husband.
5955 Delia Whittlesey,9 b. 5 Feb., 1807; d. 10 Feb., same year.
5956 Delia Whittlesey,9 b. 1 Aug., 1808; m. 19 Nov., 1828, Homer Camp.

422    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5957 Lemuel Whittlesey,9 b. 3 Dec., 1811; d. 26 June, 1829.
5958 Laura Kellogg Whittlesey,9 b. 14 Dec., 1815; d. 10 Feb., 1829.
5959 Hannah Whittlesey,9 b. 10 Aug., 1820.

2353.   PRUDENCE,8 dau. of Martin7 (838), b. in Newington, Conn., 27 Dec., 1790; m. in Newington, 18 Oct., 1819, Josiah Atwood, b. in Newington, 26 Apr., 1794, son of Ezekiel Atwood, b. 19 Aug., 1764, and Hannah Francis, b. 1769.
He d. in Newington, 8 Sept., 1863; she d. 24 May, 1868, in the same place He was a farmer; res. in Newington. He was a Congregationalist and a Democrat.
Children, b. in Newington.
5960 Charles E. Atwood,9 b. 24 Dec., 1820.
5961 Josiah E. Atwood,9 b. 20 Feb., 1823.
5962 Thomas R. Atwood,9 b. 20 June, 1824.
5963 John M. Atwood,9 b. 11 Feb., 1826.
5964 Harriet Prudence Atwood,9 b. 17 May, 1827; m. John S. Kirkham; their dau., Frances, m. Henry Laurens Kellogg (+12287), son of Henry Laurens Kellogg (+5950).
5965 Mary K. Atwood,9 b. 26 Feb., 1830.
5966 Julia U. Atwood,9 b. 5 Sept., 1831.

2354.   ELECTA,8 dau. of Martin7 (838), b. in Newington, Conn., 24 Dec., 1793; m. in Newington, 7 June, 1818, Capt. Heman Whittlesey, b. in Stock­bridge, Mass., 6 Dec., 1788, son of Eliphalet Whittlesey, b. 2 July, 1748, and Com­fort Waller, b. in Kent, Conn., 15 Nov., 1750.
He d. in Stockbridge, 17 Apr., 1826; she d. in Newington, 15 Dec., 1838.
He was a manufacturer of woolen clothing; res. in Stockbridge and New­ington.

He was a Corp. in Capt. Hunt's Co., in the war of 1812, and was afterward promoted to the Captaincy of the same company.
5967 Caroline Whittlesey,9 b. 23 Sept., 1819; d. 16 Apr., 1823.
5968 Martin Kellogg Whittlesey,9 b. 14 Sept., 1821; m. 5 June, 1849, Susan A. Camp.
5969 Heman Alonzo Whittlesey,9 b. 25 Oct., 1823; m. 21 Jan., 1847, Eunice C. Lattimer.
5970 Cornelia Whittlesey,9 b. 26 May, 1825.

2388.   LUCY,8 dau. of Stephen7 (861), 5 Oct., 1786; m. in Newington, Conn., 12 Sept., 1805, Simeon Stoddard, b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 12 Sept., 1782, son of Elisha Stoddard, b. in Wethersfield, 30 Aug., 1736, and Dorothy Willard.
She d. in Newington, 30 May, 1832; he d. in Wethersfield, 7 June, 1835, on the farm where he was b.
He was a farmer. The homestead is now owned by Marcus Lewis Stoddard.
Children, b. in Newington.
5971 Isaac Newton Stoddard,9 b. 27 Apr., 1806; m. Alma Louise Camp; he was a lawyer in Wellsville, N. Y.; d. in Wellsville, 13 Sept., 1871
5972 William Hershel Stoddard,9 b. 7 July, 1807; m. Abigail Stevens; he was a carriage maker; d. in Napoleon, O., Oct., 1887.

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5973 Simeon Bagration Stoddard,9 b. 2 Jan., 1813; m. 15 Feb., 1844, Elvira Malantha Daman, b. in Montgomery Co., N. Y., 15 Sept., 1815; he was a carriage maker; res. in Newington until 1837, when he went to Ohio; rem. in 1841 to Evansville, Ind., and in 1851 to Rock Island, Ill.; she d. 20 Feb., 1883.
5974 Fidelia Maria Stoddard,9 b. 29 June, 1815; m. 1 Mar., 1836, Henry Gil­man Little, b. in Goffstown, N. H., 31 Mar., 1813, son of Abner Bailey Little, b. in North Salem, N. H., 1 Feb., 1774, and Nancy Tenney, b. in Hollis, N. H., about 1782; he was a farmer and later a merchant and land broker; res. in Grinnell, Ia.
5975 Rollin Kellogg Stoddard,9 b. 13 May, 1819; m. Mary Ann Brown; he was a bookbinder in Hartford, Conn.; she d. ______; he d. 1877; had no children.
5976 Lucy Ann Stoddard,9 b. 23 Mar., 1822; m. Feb., 1842, James H. Beebe; res. in Des Moines, Ia.

2389.   CHESTER,8 son of Stephen7 (861), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 10 July, 1788; m. in Morristown, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., 18 Jan., 1819, Phebe Wood, b. in St. Albans, Vt., 21 Sept., 1802, dau. of Nathan Wood, of Bennington, Vt., and Malone, N. Y., b. 1 Aug., 1769, and Mary (Polly) Hoadley, b. 1 Feb., 1770.
He d. in Hermon, N. Y., 26 Oct., 1869, aged 80; she d. in Keene, N. H., 21 Dec., 1882, aged 80.
He was a carriage maker; res. in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y.; was a soldier in the war of 1812.
5977 Jane Elizabeth,9 b. 29 Mar., 1820; d. 22 Sept., 1828.
5978 Stephen Chester,9 b. 6 Mar., 1821; m. Eliza Walrath.
5979 Chauncey William,9 b. 4 Aug., 1828; m. Frances Elizabeth Holton.
5980 Jane Elizabeth,9 b. 19 Nov., 1830; m. John Proctor.
5981 George Henry,9 b. 15 Oct., 1838; d. 10 Aug., 1839.
5982 James Burnham,9 b. 15 Oct., 1838; m. Lydia Evelyn Martin.
5983 George Henry,9 b. 7 Mar., 1841; m. Alice Victoria Carroll.
5984 Elizabeth Ann,9 b. 16 Aug., 1844; m. William Laton Martin.
5985 Maria Louise,9 b. in Hermon, 13 Apr., 1849; m. in Boston, Mass., 11 Sept., 1878, George A. Osgood, of Boston, b. in Bedford, Mass., 1845, son of Samuel and Lydia M. Osgood; he is a milk dealer; had no children.

2390.   ANSON,8 son of Stephen7 (861), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 27 Dec., 1790; m. 8 June, 1813, Laura Goodrich, b. 8 May, 1796, dau. of Isaac Goodrich, of New Britain, Conn., Avon and Nelson, N. Y., b. 2 Feb., 1765, and Electa De Wolf Lusk.
He d. 10 Feb., 1869.
He bought land in Marcellus, N. Y., 19 July, 1808.
5986 George,9 b. 21 Mar., 1816.
5987 Isaac,9 b. 14 Oct., 1818.
5988 Stephen,9 b. 2 Nov., 1822.
5989 Horitia,9 b. 22 Feb., 1825.

424    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5990 William,9 b. 20 May, 1827.
5991 Henry,9 b. 12 Dec., 1829.
5992 John ,9 b. 8 June, 1833.
5993 Cynthia,9 b. 16 Nov., 1835; m. 29 Jan., 1854, Mensa Perry.

2392.   WILLIAM,8 son of Stephen7 (861), b. in Newington, Conn., 1 Apr., 1795; m. 16 Mar., 1819, Lydia Graham, b. 13 May, 1800, dau. of Ira Graham and Asenath Peck, b. 1741.
He d. in Los Angeles, Cal, 28 Apr., 1874. He res. in Nashville, Tenn., and Kensington, Conn.
Children, b. in Kensington.
5994 Martha Maria,9 b. 11 May, 1820; m. Calvin Lester Hubbard.
5995 Mary Asenath,9 b. 6 May, 1822; d. 8 Sept., 1823.
5996 Jane Asenath,9 b. 26 Apr., 1826; m. Curtis Roger Parsons.
5997 Stephen Milton Chester,9 b. 16 Sept., 1827; m. 12 May, 1851, Julia Elvira Peck, b. 23 July, 1828, in Farmington, Conn., dau. of Asel Peck and Abbie Catlin; he was a farmer; res. in Kensington; was a Republican; had no children.
5998 Cevincent,9 b. 8 June, 1832; m. in Durham, Conn., Emma J. Warner; d. in Kensington, 24 Apr., 1862; she res. in Meriden, Conn.; had no children.

2398.   CHESTER,8 son of Simeon7 (863), b. in Suffield, Conn., 8 Dec., 1792; m. 27 Apr., 1817, Eliza Davis, b. in West Brookfield, Mass., 1 Oct., 1796, dau. of Timothy Davis and Susan ______.
She d. in West Brookfield, 30 Sept., 1853, aged 57; he d. in Taunton, Mass., 21 Feb., 1860; both are buried in Brookfield, Mass.
He was bound out, when 8 years old, to learn a trade, to Mr. Merriam, printer and publisher, West Brookfield. The printing house is still standing and is one of New England's historic spots. He rem. to Taunton and res. with his son, Thomas, until his death.
Children, b. in West Brookfield.
5999 Susan Andrus,9 b. 29 Dec., 1818; m. Thomas Cummings Nye.
6000 James Davis,9 b. 12 Jan., 1822; m. Betsey T. Gibbs.
6001 Thomas,9 b. 1 Sept., 1823; m. Eliza Capen.
6002 Chester,9 b. 5 Sept., 1825; was last heard of in California.
6003 Mary Merriam,9 b. 4 Oct., 1827; m. in Ware, Mass., 1850, Charles E. Manley, a carpenter, b. in Enfield, Mass.; d. 18 Feb., 1853.
6004 Eliza Davis,9 b. 13 Jan., 1830; d. in West Brookfield, 2 May, 1830.
6005 Sarah Elizabeth,9 b. 4 July, 1836; m. Charles Henry Fairbanks.
6006 George,9 b. 23 Sept., 1837.

2408.   JULIA,8 dau. of Joseph7 (865), b. in Newington, Conn., 2 Apr., 1792; m. in Cobleskill, N. Y., 26 Mar., 1811, John Ward, b. 6 May, 1789, son of Elisha Ward, b. in Connecticut, 1750, and Abigail Churchill.
She d. 25 May, 1860; he d. in Rome, N. Y., 13 Oct., 1872.
He was a farmer in Trenton, N. Y., until 1851, when he rem. to Rome. He was a pensioner of the war of 1812; went to Sacket Harbor, N. Y., with the sol­diers from Oneida Co., N. Y.

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6007 Julia Maria Ward,9 b. 22 Apr., 1812; m. G Dec., 1832, David E. Briggs, a farmer in Trenton; d. 6 May, 1894.
6008 Sarah Emeline Ward,9 b. 29 Jan., 1815; m. 20 Dec., 1838, Jeremiah Bur­lingame, a farmer in Rutland, N. Y.; d. ______.
6009 John Kellogg Ward,9 b. 5 May, 1817; m. 9 May, 1843, Mary Ann Mc­Camly; he was a banker in Kalamazoo, Mich.; d. 12 June, 1874.
6010 James Garrett Ward,9 b. 5 Nov., 1819; m. 4 July, 1844, Laura F. Wins­low; he was a carpenter in Rome; d. 4 July, 1894.
6011 Joseph Marshall ,9 b. 11 Jan., 1822; m. (1) 19 Oct., 1846, Susan S. Mason; she d. 15 Nov., 1863; he m. (2) 17 June, 1868, ______; res. in Battle Creek, Mich.
6012 Pamelia Churchill Ward,9 b. ______; d. 17 Jan., 1832.
6013 Clara Almira Ward,9 b. 10 Apr., 1825; m. 1 Feb., 1846, Martin J. White; he was a farmer in Greig, N. Y.
6014 Laura Elizabeth Ward,9 b. 22 Sept., 1830; res. unm., in Rome.
6015 Judson Russell Ward,9 b. 14 Jan., 1833; res. unm., in Rome.

2414.   ALMA,8 dau. of Joseph7 (865), b. in Trenton, N. Y., 13 Nov., 1807; m. 18 Oct., 1832, Joseph Fierce, b. 13 June, 1808, son of Eliphalet Pierce, of Trenton, b. 16 Dec., 1769, and Hannah Morse, b. 24 Feb., 1771.
He d. 4 May, 1872; she d. 24 July, 1879.
He was a farmer and carpenter in Trenton.
6016 Edmond K. Pierce,9 b. 15 May, 1834; m. 25 Jan., 1859, Katie R. Denison, dau. of Alvin Denison, of Floyd, N. Y., and Rhoda Eddy; is a farmer in Floyd.
6017 Newton Pierce,9 b. 6 Nov., 1836; m. 12 Sept., 1860, Sarah E. Woodbridge, dau. of Edwin Woodbridge, of Trenton, and Sarah Tread­well; is a farmer in Trenton.
6018 Albert Pierce,9 b. 15 July, 1839; d. unm., in Andersonville Prison, 28 July, 1864.
6019 Russell Pierce,9 b. 26 May, 1841; was a farmer in Trenton; is unm.
6020 A. Rosaltha Pierce,9 b. 4 Sept., 1844; res. in Trenton.
6021 Emma R. Pierce,9 b. 13 Oct., 1847; m. 8 Dec., 1869, Henry B. Wolcott, son of Walter Wolcott, of Trenton, and Adaline Brainerd; he is a carpenter in Trenton.

2416.   CHESTER WELLS,8 son of Joseph7 (865), b. in Trenton, N. Y., 17 Aug., 1813; m. 13 Feb., 1838, Charlotte Collins, b. 2 Aug., 1819, dau. of John Collins, b. 2 Sept., 1799, and Dolly Partridge, b. 1798.
He d. in Holland Patent, N. Y., 17 Feb., 1877.
He was a farmer in Holland Patent, on the old homestead. He was for twenty years in public service in the town of Trenton. The family have in their possession an old flint lock gun (with 1741 cut in the stock), once owned by Capt. Martin Kellogg (+69).
6022 Celia Amelia,9 b. 26 Mar., 1839; m. Corydon Wheeler.
6023 Lucia Augusta,9 b. 17 Aug., 1848; m. Schuyler Van Renselaer Wheeler.

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6024 Ella Angelia,9 b. 16 Jan., 1853; m. George William Webb.
6025 Ada Almeda,9 b. 8 June, 1856; res. unm., in Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

2419.   LUCY,8 dau. of Capt. Joseph7 (874), b. in Chatham, Conn., 21 Jan., 1777; m. 2 Nov., 1794, Stephen Sexton, of Somers, Conn., b. 23 Mar., 1771, son of Stephen Sexton, of Somers, and Mehitable Kibbe.
He d. 31 Jan., 1832.
6026 Lorin Sexton,9 b. 1797; m. Mary Mallory; d. in 1864. From small be­ginnings he became a merchant in Hartford, Conn., and later was in a wholesale business in New Orleans, La., until about 1845, when he sold out to his brother, Lester, and a Mr. Seymour. About 1846 he established the well-known house of Sexton Bros. & Co., of Milwaukee, Wis., in which he retained his interest until his death. Strange as it may appear, he never visited New Orleans and was in Milwaukee but a few times.
6027 Horace Sexton,9 b. 1801; m. 25 Mar., 1824, Sophia Russell, of Somers. For thirty years he was a merchant in Hartford; later res. on a farm near Milwaukee.
6028 Fanny Sexton,9 b. 1803; d. young.
6029 Kellogg Sexton,9 b. 29 Mar., 1805; m. 23 Nov., 1830, Lucy Amelia Bil­lings; he was a merchant in Sunderland, Mass.; has res. in Mil­waukee; of the firm of K. & A. G. Sexton & Co., jobbers of hard­ware, etc.
6030 Lester Sexton,9 b. Nov., 1807; he was a merchant in New Orleans and Milwaukee; d. in Milwaukee.
6031 Stephen Sexton,9 b. about 1810; he was an Indian trader in the wilds of the Territory of Arkansas, where he d.
6032 Lucy Sexton,9 b. about 1813; m. Gen. Elijah Smith, of Tolland, Conn.; d. in Rockville, Conn., about 1863.
6033 George Sexton,9 b. about 1816; m. twice; res. in Hartford, Conn.
6034 William O. Sexton,9 b. about 1820; res. in California.

2420.   JOSEPH,8 son of Capt. Joseph7 (874), b. 3 Apr., 1779; m. in New York, Margaret Stickler.
He d. in New York City, 1810, leaving a very young widow; she m. (2) Lintz.
6035 Joseph Warner,9 b. 6 Nov., 1808; m. (1) Rachel Ann Jacques; (2) Mary Jane Worrall; (3) Anna Huyler.

2421.   MARTIN,8 son of Capt. Joseph7 (874), b. 21 Nov., 1780; m. _______ Willard, of Barre, Vt.
She d., before 1824; he d. 1824. He was a leading farmer in Barre.
6036 Martin M.,9 b. in Barre, 24 July, 1817; m. in New York City, 1849, Fanny N. Hubbard, b. in Montpelier, Vt., 9 Oct., 1819, dau. of Roger and Fanny (Burbank) Hubbard; d. in New York City, 7

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Nov., 1889; she d. in New York, 29 Jan., 1890. Before he was 8 years old both parents d., leaving him to the care of an uncle, Ebenezer Fitch Willard, of East Montpelier. His younger days were spent on his uncle's farm and in his family. He went to Montpelier, to work in the store of Baldwin & Scott, when a young man. He left them soon after he was 21 to enter a store in Boston. He began as a clerk, but in a short time was able to go into business for himself. He was successful, as a business man, and remained in the city till after the war, when he rem. to New York. They made mutual wills, Mr. Kellogg dying first, all the property passed to his wife. She also possessed a handsome estate left her by her father. It was the desire of both to have some of their property go to Montpelier, and Mrs. Kellogg bequeathed nearly the whole of it to found a public library in Montpelier. The will was successfully contested by her only heir, Mr. John E. Hubbard, of Montpelier, but he consented to a compromise and the library has been founded and bears the name of the Kellogg-Hubbard library, in memory of all three.

2423.   JONATHAN DWIGHT,8 son of Capt. Joseph7 (874), b. in Chatham, Conn., 11 Sept., 1785; m. 25 Dec., 1823, Experience Day, b. in Northampton, Mass., 1 June, 1800, dau. of Luke Day, b. in Northampton, 24 May, 1761, and Prudence Phelps, b. in Northampton, about 1765.
She d. 13 Jan., 1862; he d. in Northampton, 5 Sept., 1882, aged 97.
He res. in Chatham, Conn.; rem. in 1795, from Somers, Conn., to a place near Brattleboro and Shrewsbury, Vt.; in Chatham, 1799; in Suffield, Conn., 1807, where he learned his trade of blacksmith. He rem. to Norwich, thence to New London, Conn., where he res. until 1822, when he rem. to Northampton. He was a manufacturer of machinery, and for a time was interested with Robert Ful­ton in making boilers and steamboat machinery. He was a passenger on the first trip of Fulton's steamboat in 1807. He made a number of wool carding machines and sent them to Virginia. He also made gun barrels for the United States Gov­ernment.

Children, b. in Northampton.
6037 Lucy Ann Warner,9 b. 16 Nov., 1824; d. 18 Aug., 1837.
6038 Joseph Martin,9 b. 22 June, 1826; m. Cornelia Prindle.
6039 A Daughter,9 b. 9 Jan., 1829; d. young.
6040 Caroline Experience,9 b. 4 Feb., 1830; m. Col. Joseph B. Parsons.
6041 Jonathan Dwight,9 b. 8 Sept., 1831; m. Caroline Russell Parsons.
6042 George William,9 b. 23 Oct., 1834; he was a merchant; res. unm., in Connecticut.
6043 Lucy Warner,9 b. 24 Nov., 1838; m. 28 Jan., 1863, Jerome B. Buckbee; he was a lawyer; res. in Saratoga Springs; d. 16 Nov., 1863.
6044 Mary Josephine,9 b. 2 Apr., 1845; m. in Northampton, as his second wife, 27 Apr., 1876, Charles H. Wilcox, of Meriden, Conn., b. 1843, son of Joseph A. Wilcox and Lucy A. Bacon.

2445.   MARTIN,8 son of Joseph7 (894), b. ______; m. ______.

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6045 Edward Jerome,9 b. ______; m. Sarah A. Thomas, dau. of Rumford Thomas; d. 9 Oct., 1881, aged 42.
6046 Mary F.,9 b. ______; m. (1) about 1870, Hon. T. C. Meaker; he d. ______; she m. (2) Stanley Matthews; he was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

2446.   ELISHA,8 son of Lieut. Joseph7 (898), b. ______; m. Mrs. Hannah (Lamb) Kellogg, b. in Goffstown, N. H., widow of John Kellogg.
He d. in 1806 or '07; res. in Longueuil, Canada.
6047 John,9 b. in L'Original, Canada, 21 Dec., 1805; m. Adaline Mary John­son.

2447.   ORRIN,8 son of Lieut. Joseph7 (898), b. in St. Albans, Vt., 4 Sept., 1790; m. 19 Nov., 1811, Margaret Miller, b. in England, 12 Dec., 1792.
She d. in Milwaukee, Or., 22 Aug., 1858; he d. in Portland, Or., 14 Feb., 1872. She was returning from a visit to one of her children when she fell from her horse and d. instantly.
He was a tanner. Soon after his marriage he rem. from Vermont to Tread­well, Canada, where he owned the mineral springs, nearby, and for some time kept the hotel there. After the war of 1812 he rem. to near Lockport, N. Y., but soon rem. to Wood Co., O., and in 1848 emigrated to Oregon. He took up land be­tween Oregon City and Milwaukee, and, although advanced in years, developed one of the best farms in the Territory. He was one of the first to begin fruit cul­ture on a large scale, and built one of the first tanneries in that section. He and his son, Joseph, took a charter from the Grand Lodge of Missouri, and upon their arrival in Oregon in 1848 established Multnomah Lodge, No. 1, the first Masonic lodge in Oregon.
6048 Joseph,9 b. 24 June, 1812; m. Estella Bushnell.
6049 George,9 b. in Caledonia, Canada, 6 Apr., 1814; m. (1) Prudy Loomis; she d. before he went West; he m. (2) Jan., 1859, Elizabeth Carr, of Portland; she d. ______; he m. (3) Mary Edwards Morand; he was a physician; res. in Portland; d. 28 Apr., 1886.
6050 Phoebe,9 b. 23 Apr., 1816; m. Daniel Hathaway.
6051 Elijah,9 b. 21 Apr., 1818; d. 1820.
6052 Charlotte,9 b. 22 Dec., 1820; m. Sylvester Hathaway.
6053 Mary Ann,9 b. 10 July, 1823; d. young.
6054 Elisha,9 b. 21 Jan., 1826; m. (1) Margaret S. Lent; (2) Marvinia Ellen Moore.
6055 Orrin,9 b. 6 June, 1830; d. young.
6056 Jason,9 b. 11 Oct., 1832; m. Amanda A. Bowman.
6057 Edward,9 b. 30 Mar., 1835; m. Margaret Elisebeth Boyce.

2448.   ELIJAH,8 son of Lieut. Joseph7 (898), b. ______; m. (1) Sept., 1808, Lavinia Hall, dau. of Hall and Hannah Fairchild.
She d. 25 Sept., 1819; he m. (2) Mary (Polly) Wells, dau. of James Pen­dleton Wells, of Springfield, Mass., and Mary (Polly) Lamb, of Hadley, Mass.;

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she d. in Springfield; he d. 15 Dec., 1849, aged 63; was accidentally shot while hunting deer; is buried in L'Original, Prescott Co., Canada.
He lived for some years on his father's homestead in L'Original.
Children by first wife.
6058 Joseph,9 b. 28 Sept., 1809; m. Eliza Davis.
6059 Volney,9 b. 28 May, 1811; m. Elisabeth (Betsey) Davis.
6060 Lorania,9 b. 1813; m. Timothy Flynn; d. between 1840 and '50; had several children.
6061 Louisa,9 b. 1815; m. Thomas Hall, b. 22 Sept., 1817; d. at her brother Elijah's house, about 1874.
6062 Thomas Hall,9 b. 1817; m. Sarah Ann Brown; d. in L'Original, Canada, 29 Dec., 1841, aged 24.
6063 Elijah,9 b. 16 Sept., 1819; m. Mary White Ballard.
Children by second wife.
6064 Lavinia,9 b. ______; m. John Kellogg Barber (6130).
6065 Orythia,9 b. ______; m. Rev. Joshua Johnston; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y.; had no children.
6066 Anna,9 b. ______.
6067 James,9 b. ______.
6068 Martin Orrin,9 b. ______; m. (1) Lucy Clark; she d. ______; he m. (2) Kate Reid; she d. ______; res. in Montreal, Canada; had no children.
6069 Mary El,9 b. ______; m., late in life, J. G. Scott; res. in New York.
6070 Harvey Wells,9 b. in Knapp, Wis.; m. Celia; d. in Minnesota, about 1887; was a Union soldier; had children.

2457.   HARRIET,8 dau. of Jason7 (900), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 11 Oct., 1782; m. Capt. Jonathan Wheat.
She d. 1854; he d. ______.
He res. in Hampton; rem. to Volney, N. Y., where he was in business, 1825-28 and later. In 1836 he returned to Hampton, intending to settle in Fay­etteville. In 1840 the family were residing in Poultney, Vt., and afterward in Hampton, until his death.
6071 Harriet D. Wheat,9 b. ______; m. M. S. Woodford; res. 1836, in Fay­etteville, N. Y.; 1838 in Fredonia, N. Y.; had a daughter living in 1836, and perhaps others.
6072 Sarah Wheat,9 b. ______; attended school in 1836 in Fayetteville.
6073 De Witt Wheat,9 b. about 1818; in 1836 he attended school in Fayette­ville, aged about 18.
6074 Hierome Wheat,9 b. ______; had a farm near Fayetteville in 1836.
6075 Lucretia Wheat,9 b. ______; d. in Oswego, N. Y., Dec., 1827.
6076 Cyrus Wheat,9 b. ______.
6077 Julya Wheat,9 b. ______; m. ______; had a daughter, b. 1838.

2458.   DIADAMIA,8 dau. of Jason7 (900), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 4 Nov., 1784; m. 7 Apr., 1805, Bela Thompson, b. in Brookfield, Mass., 16 Mar., 1779, son of James Thompson, b. 11 Nov., 1739, and Abigail Allen, b. in 1743.
She d. 23 Feb., 1847; he d. 8 Mar., 1863. They res. in Hampton, and Attica Center, N. Y.

430    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6078 Harriet Thompson,9 b. in Poultney, Vt., 5 June, 1806; d. 19 July, 1811.
6079 Jason Kellogg Thompson,9 b. in Poultney, 18 Feb., 1808; m. 2 Jan., 1830, Eliza Ann Frisbie, of Poultney; she d. 23 Feb., 1875; he d. 7 July, 1885.
6080 James Allen Thompson,9 b. in Hampton, 13 Apr., 1810; m. 18 Oct., 1838, Eunice Ann Benedict; d. 30 Jan., 1866; after his death she res. in Perry, N. Y.
6081 Bela Dewey Thompson,9 b. in Hampton, 16 Mar., 1812; m. 2 Oct., 1836, Charlotte Olivia Sutton; d. 24 Nov., 1878.
6082 Loren Thompson,9 b. 1 July, 1813; m. 29 Aug., 1844, Nancy M. Griffin, of Syracuse; d. 8 June, 1864; was a missionary in Jamaica, W. I.
6083 Harriet Marian Thompson,9 b. 14 Sept., 1815; m. 18 Feb., 1836, John C. Paine, of Covington, N. Y.; he d. 3 Sept., 1888; she d. 3 July, 1890.
6084 Lucinda Thompson,9 b. 2 June, 1818; m. 26 Dec., 1837, Seth White Paine, brother of John C. Paine, who m. her sister; he d. 9 Aug., 1895.
6085 Dennis Rockwell Thompson,9 b. 24 Aug., 1820; m. 1 May, 1843, Maria H. Knight; d. 6 Jan., 1882.
6086 Martha Thompson,9 b. 22 Sept., 1823; m. Heman Dewey; d. 6 Apr., 1865.
6087 Diadamia Thompson,9 b. 23 Apr., 1826; m. (1) 23 Apr., 1846, Dexter C. Johnson, who d. 3 July, 1866; she m. (2) 6 Aug., 1870, Matthew Morehouse; d. 8 Feb., 1888.
6088 Abigail Thompson,9 b. 26 Oct., 1829; d. 18 June, 1831.

2460.   JASON,8 son of Jason7 (900), b. in Hampton, N. Y., 22 Apr., 1788; m. Rachel Warren, dau. of Caleb Warren,* of Williamstown, Mass., and Rachel Web­ster, b. 10 Mar., 1792.
He d. 10 June, 1839; she d. 9 May, 1843.
He was a shoemaker. He lived and d. in Hampton.
Children, b. in Hampton.
6089 Otis Dewey,9 b. 10 Jan., 1810; m. Lavarna Williams.
6090 Diadamia,9 b. 2 Sept., 1812; m. in Hampton, Henry Robinson; d. ______; had no children.
6091 Price F.,9 b. ______.
6092 Miriam,9 b. 27 Aug., 1817; m. (1) Smith; he d. ______; she m. (2) in Hampton, Chauncey Bingham; res. in Iowa Falls, Ia.; had children.
6093 Jason Warren,9 b. 27 Aug., 1819; m. Catherine Elizabeth Carr.
6094 Bela Thompson,9 b. 4 Apr., 1821; m. in Hampton, 28 Mar., 1841, Ase­nath Williams, sister of the wife of Otis Dewey Kellogg; he d. 26 July, 1851, by accidentally taking corrosive sublimate; he was a mechanic; had no children.
6095 Harriet Abigail,9 b. 2 July, 1823; m. Rial Dennis Vaughn; res. in Iowa Falls.

*Caleb Warren was son of Gideon Warren, of Brimfield, Mass., who was one of the first settlers of Williamstown, Mass.

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6096 Russell,9 b. 11 Aug., 1825; m. ______; he was a Methodist minister; had one dau.
6097 George William,9 b. 25 July, 1827.
6098 Caleb Joshua,9 b. 11 Nov., 1829.
6099 Hester Ann,9 b. 4 Oct., 1832; d. 1 Sept., 1843.

2461.   ZINA,8 son of Jason7 (900), b. in Hampton, N. Y., 17 Oct., 1792; m. (1) in Middlebury, Vt., 18 July, 1816, Amelia Warren, dau. of John Warren.
She d. 30 Aug., 1823; he m. (2) 14 July, 1824, Lucy Stevens Warren, b. 8 Nov., 1801, dau. of John Warren, b. in Marlboro, Mass., 2 Dec., 1774, and Eliza­beth Nixon, b. 5 Sept., 1775; he d. in Middletown, N. Y., 27 May, 1852; she d. 12 Apr., 1875.
He left his father's farm, to become a merchant, and took a clerkship with Luther Hager, either in Brattleboro, or Middlebury, Vt. While there he joined the Vermont Volunteers, and took part in the battle of Lake Champlain. He was afterward a merchant in Middlebury, Vt., Circleville, O., Troy, N. Y., Hampton and Middletown, N. Y. "Love to God and man was the controlling principle of his life, and he was respected and loved by all who knew him."
Child by first wife.
6100 Amelia Warren,9 b. 23 Aug., 1823; d. 10 Sept., same year.
Children by second wife.
6101 Maria Amelia,9 b. 20 May, 1825; d. 15 Feb., 1829.
6102 Ann Elizabeth,9 b. in West Troy, N. Y., 11 Aug., 1827; m. Addison Abraham Bensel.
6103 Albert Zina,9 b. 3 Dec., 1829; d. 25 Dec., 1832.
6104 John Nixon Warren,9 b. in West Troy, 12 Dec., 1831; m. Louisa Eliza­beth Bennett.
6105 A Daughter,9 b. 26 July, 1834; d. 17 Aug., same year.
6106 Mary Clark,9 b. 27 Aug., 1835; d. 24 Sept., same year.
6107 Charles Benjamin,9 b. 1 Aug., 1837; d. 23 Apr., 1838.
6108 Lucy Amelia,9 b. in Hampton, 21 May, 1840; m. Charles Frederick Allyn.

2462.   PRICE FRENCH,8 son of Jason7 (900), b. in Hampton, N. Y., 1 Dec., 1793; m. in Hampton, 8 May, 1816, Lucretia Rockwell, b. in Windsor, Conn., 1 June, 1791, dau. of Daniel Rockwell, b. in Durham, Conn., 11 Dec., 1765, and Lucretia Dart, the third wife of Jason Kellogg (900), b. 31 Oct., 1766.
He d. in Hampton, 7 Jan., 1834; she d. in Bloomington, Ill., 2 June, 1885, aged 94.
He volunteered in the war of 1812 as Quartermaster's Sergt. in the Twenty-ninth United States Infantry; enlisted May, 1814, from Hampton. He res. in Chillicothe, O., from 1818 to 1825; returned to Hampton, where he res. until his death.
After his death she rem., in 1835, to Circleville, O., and in 1836 to Jacksonville, Ill., with her brother, William R. Rockwell. She located 160 acres of land in McLean Co., Ill., on a bounty land warrant, as widow of a volunteer soldier. She res. for about forty years with her dau., Lucretia Maria Parke, in Bloom­ington.

432    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6109 Marcia Lavinia,9 b. in Hampton, 28 Mar., 1817; m. Edwin Goodrich Mathews.
6110 Lucretia Maria,9 b. in Madison Co., O., 9 Sept., 1819; m. Samuel Slay­maker Parke.
6111 Lucia,9 b. in Chillicothe, 9 Apr., 1823; d. in Hampton, 12 Apr., 1825.
6112 Lucia,9 b. in Hampton, 17 Aug., 1825; d. 29 Oct., 1825.
6113 Price F,9 b. in Hampton, 11 Feb., 1828; m. Martha Frances Reeder.
6114 William Rockwell,9 b. in Hampton, 1 Aug., 1831; m. Alice Adelia Mattice.

2463.   REV. EZRA BENEDICT,8 son of Jason7 (900), b. in Hampton, N. Y., 24 July, 1795; m. (1) in Chillicothe. O., 3 Feb., 1824, Sobrina Brush, dau. of Lemuel Brush and Amy Holmes.
She d. 27 Sept., 1832; he m. (2) 4 May, 1835, Anna Thompson, b. Feb., 1809, dau. of Ebenezer Thompson, of Pomfret, Conn., b. 8 Mar., 1773, and Ruth Stockbridge. She d. 27 Mar., 1850; he m. (3) in Steubenville, O., 16 Sept., 1857, Anne C. Wells, b. 1815, dau. of Bezaleel Wells;* d. in Anaheim, Cal, 7 Feb., 1878, aged 83; she d. in Oakland, Cal, 7 Sept., 1886.
He was an Episcopal clergyman for sixty years, and was one of the first four clergymen sent to Ohio, under Bishop Chase, his first parish being Chillicothe. His subsequent service was in many states and various places, among them Brook­lyn and Pomfret, Conn., St. Thomas Church, New York City, Georgia (where he went for his health), in missionary work. Flushing, N. Y., Chicago (St. James), Metamora, where he built a church and preached without charge for five years, 1848-54; Columbus and Gambler, O., which was his home for a number of years; in San Diego, Cal., 1870, and finally at Anaheim, where he ended a remarkable career. His genial disposition endeared him to all his friends, and he commanded the respect of all who knew him.
In the war of 1812 he, with his brother. Price French, both under age, vol­unteered and marched one hundred miles to Plattsburgh through the mud amid hardships and with insufficient food.** For exceptionally faithful services per­formed in this campaign. Congress awarded him 160 acres of land. He was a "Free and Accepted Mason."
Children by first wife.
6115 Edmund Brush,9 b. in Chillicothe, 7 Nov., 1824; m. Susan Jackson Morris.
6116 Julia,9 b. in New Preston, Conn., 28 Aug., 1826; m. Henry Nussbaum.

*Bezaleel Wells, in company with Baron Steuben, laid out the city of Steubenville, O. He was an intimate friend of Henry Clay, Daniel Webster and Bishop Chase. Lafayette was an honored guest at his home. Judge H. Wells, Superior Judge of the Court of "Ala­bama Claims," was his eldest son.
**The Colonel of his regiment (so states Mr. George Herbert Kellogg), knew Ezra Benedict's father very well, and, thinking to do a favor to his son (then about 18 years old), came to him and said: 'Now, Ezra, the roads are very bad, and the infantry will have to carry heavy loads on their backs all the way. I am going to give you an easy posi­tion. You can have a horse to ride, and all you will have to do will be to attend to my horse, black my boots, and look after my comfort a little.' Ezra replied: 'I did not come to black anybody's boots, I came to fight the enemy.' 'Ah,' said the Colonel, 'I see that you are a regular chip off the old block.'

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6117 Mary Dorance,9 b. in Brooklyn, Conn., 30 Mar., 1829; m. Dr. Zachariah Hoy Whitmire.
6118 Sobrina,9 b. in Brooklyn, 22 Sept., 1832; m. Benjamin T. Custer.
Children by second wife.
6119 Arthur,9 b. in Pomfret, Conn., 2 Sept., 1830; d. in Flushing, 13 Dec., 1842.
6120 Anna Georgia,9 b. in Clarksville, Ga., 24 Dec., 1838; m. Edward J. Gould.
✛6121 Theodore Harvey,9 b. in Grahamville, S. C, 23 May, 1841; he is a phy­sician and res. in New York City; he was superintendent of the New York State Hospital for the Insane; he has written volumin­ously for the medical press and publishers, and is considered an authority on mental and nervous disorders; he is unm.
6122 Eleanor,9 b. in Flushing, 31 Dec., 1842; m. Rev. Wyllys Hall, D. D.
6123 Frances Augusta,9 b. in Chicago, 30 Dec., 1844; m. in Gambler, O., 12 Aug., 1869, Rev. Edward Bentley Church; they res. in San Fran­cisco; have no children.
6124 George Herbert,9 b. 10 June, 1847; m. Fay Chase.

2464.   THOMAS HARVEY,8 son of Jason7 (900), b. in Hampton, N. Y., 5 Apr., 1797; m. 17 Aug., 1820, Judith Sawyer Smith, b. 30 June, 1801, dau. of Rev. Samuel Smith, b. 19 Mar., 1798, and Sarah (Sally) Bailey, b. 9 Apr., 1761, dau. of Joshua Bailey, Jr., and Elizabeth Chase.
He d. in Plain City, O., 22 Aug., 1829; she d. ______.
He was athletic and proud of his strength. He broke a blond vessel while lifting a great weight and d. from the effect of the injury.
6125 Martha Viana,9 b. ______; m. Stillman Emerson.
6126 Judith Sawyer,9 b. in Plain City, 1 Jan., 1825; m. Joseph Vickry Clement.

2475.   LAURA,8 dau. of Rev. John7 (905), b. in St. Albans, Vt., 22 Nov., 1794; m. 2 June, 1815, Mylo Barber, b. in Berkshire Co., Mass., 12 Sept., 1789, son of Isaac Pierce Barber, of New Marlborough, Mass., and Lois Benedict.
He d. 10 Apr., 1850. After his death she res. in Champaign, Ill., with her son, John K.
Children, b. in East Settlement, Canada.
6127 Louisa Betsey Barber,9 b. 27 Dec., 1815; m. 10 June, 1841, Stephen Bur­wash, a farmer of Champaign, Ill.
6128 Ozias Barber,9 b. 25 Dec., 1817; m. (1) 8 June, 1845, Sarah B. McIn­tyre; she d. 1 Mar., 1850; he m. (2) in Hamilton, Ont., 30 June, 1851, Fanny Barber; he is a Methodist minister; res. in Joliet, Ill.
6129 Thankful Barber,9 b. 24 July, 1819; m. (1) 12 Feb., 1852, Seth Bristol; he d. in Ingersoll, Canada, 30 Nov., 1854; she m. (2) 6 Dec., 1866, William Kneeshaw, of Rantoul, Ill.
6130 John Kellogg Barber,9 b. 23 Dec., 1821; m. 11 Feb., 1847, Lavinia Kel­logg (+6064).

434    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6131 Isaac Barber,9 b. 14 Dec., 1823; m. (1) 13 June, 1853, Ellen Murphy; she d. Feb., 1855; he m. (2) 8 Mar., 1858, Ursula Davis, of Orwell, Ont.; he is a Methodist minister; res. in Auburn, Kas.
6132 Lois Barber,9 b. 8 Jan., 1826; m. 7 Jan., 1844, Samuel Burwash; d. in Paris, Ill., 7 Dec., 1862; he is a farmer; res. in Champaign.
6133 Mylo Benedict Barber,9 b. 21 Mar., 1828; m. 18 Mar., 1863, Mary Edmonston; he is a carpenter; res. in Evanston, Ill.
6134 Laura Barber,9 b. 9 Apr., 1830; m. (1) Dec., 1853, A. D. Walker; d. in Champaign, 17 Aug., 1872; he m. (2) 14 Mar., 1874, Elizabeth Gillan; he is a farmer; res. in Champaign.
6135 Harriet Barber,9 b. 1 Nov., 1832; m. 12 Sept., 1853, William Murphy.

2479.   JOHN DOUD,8 son of Rev. John7 (905), b. in Chute Settlement, Canada, 8 Apr., 1812; m. 1 Dec., 1835, Mary Dunn, b. 4 Apr., 1815, dau. of Jacob , Dunn, b. in Sussex Co., N. J., 1779, and Hannah Fero, b. in Schoharie Co., N. Y., 1791.
He res. in Friendship, N. Y.
6136 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 18 Apr., 1843; m. Alfred Bronson Bradley.

2494.   LURA CULVER,8 dau. of Stephen7 (907), b. in Longueuil, Canada, 14 Oct., 1806; m. in Niagara Co., N. Y., 17 Apr., 1825, John McNall, b. in Argenteuil, Canada, 26 July, 1801, son of Uriah McNall.
She d. 3 Nov., 1861; he m. (2) 15 Mar., 1863, Lucy C. Starr.
He was a farmer; res. in Gasport, N. Y., living on the farm purchased by his father in 1816. He had been Capt. of Militia, Postmaster and Supervisor.
6137 Uriah Harrison McNall,9 b. 11 May, 1826; m. 8 Nov., 1848, Belva A. Bennett; d. 8 Apr., 1853.
6138 Rosaline Cordelia McNall,9 b. 9 Apr., 1828.
6139 John Quincy A. McNall,9 b. 2 Oct., 1830; m. 19 Oct., 1859, Helen M. Odell; she d. ______; he m. (2) 5 Apr., 1871, Caroline P. Morse; he is a mechanic and an engineer; res. on the St. Lawrence River, below Quebec.
6140 Noah Webster McNall,9 b. 2 Apr., 1833; m. 20 Jan., 1859, Frances J. Sheton.
6141 Emmeline Sophrona McNall,9 b. 14 Feb., 1836; m. 5 Oct., 1859, Edmond D. Robinson.
6142 James Henry S. McNall,9 b. 28 Jan., 1839; m. 10 Nov., 1864, Harriet Freeman.
6143 Watson Clark McNall,9 b. 22 Aug., 1841; m. 30 Oct., 1867, Lydia C Freeman.
6144 Wesley Fletcher McNall,9 b. 22 Aug., 1841; d. 10 Apr., 1843.
6145 Lucy Adeline McNall,9 b. 10 Nov., 1843; d. 10 Sept., 1845.
6146 Lura Jane McNall,9 b. 13 Dec., 1846; d. 13 Aug., 1854.
6147 Benjamin Franklin McNall,9 b. 23 July, 1849; m. 17 Oct., 1876, Mary C. Bissell.

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2495.   EBENEZER,8 son of Thomas7 (908), b. ______; m. Deborah Tree, b. in Amsterdam, N. Y., 13 Oct., 1781.
She d. in Coldbrook, N. Y., 19 Mar., 1814; he d. in Tehana, Tex., 1867. He was a farmer; res. in Russia, N. Y.
He was a soldier in the war of 1812; was in the battles of Lundy's Lane and Fort Chippewa.
6148 Beriah Tree,9 b. in Newport, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1800; d. in Harrisburg, N. Y., 20 Dec., 1819.
6149 William Parker,9 b. 5 Mar., 1802; m. ______.
6150 Jason J.,9 b. in Amsterdam, 27 Jan., 1804; m. ______.
6151 Alonzo Perry,9 b. in Harrisburg, 23 Apr., 1806; m. (1) Almira Peck; (2) Dolly Ann Segar.
6152 George Jackson,9 b. in Harrisburg, 12 Nov., 1809; m. (1) Permelia Ann Lawton; (2) Maria Beulah Bills.
6153 Charles Higgins Babbet,9 b. in Lowville, N. Y., 27 Mar., 1814; m. (1) Permela Louise Andros; (2) Lydia Ann Virginia Abbott.
6154 Betsey S.,9 b. 26 Dec., 1815; m. Hosea Lane; d. in Lowville, 15 July, 1843; had no children.
6155 Deborah Eliza,9 b. 26 Aug., 1817; m. Charles F. Bunker.
6156 Ebenezer,9 b. 30 May, 1827; m. 7 Feb., 1861, ______; she d. about 1876; had no children.

2498.   CATHERINE HONEY,8 dau. of Josiah7 (910), b. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 8 Nov., 1796; m. 5 Jan., 1823, Isaac Brydia, b. 17 Nov., 1793, son of David Brydia, of Glasgow, Scotland, and Olive Marks.
She d. 15 June, 1842; he d. 19 Mar., 1863.
He was a farmer in Ferrisburgh until 1842; later lived with his eldest dau. in New Haven, Vt.
Children, b. in West Ferrisburgh, Vt.
6157 Catherine Elizabeth Brydia,9 b. 29 Sept., 1823; m. 17 June, 1857, Daniel Clark Twitchell; res. in New Haven and Weybridge, Vt.
6158 Sarah Jane Brydia,9 b. 22 Apr., 1825; d. 2 Apr., 1833.
6159 Clarissa Brydia,9 b. 3 May, 1830; d. 16 Sept., 1832.
6160 Olive Brydia,9 b. 6 July, 1832; d. 8 July, 1851.
6161 Jerusha Brydia,9 b. 25 July, 1834; m. 24 Oct., 1852, Spencer Lewis; res. in Chautauqua Co., N. Y.; d. 28 June, 1895.

2499.   HIRAM,8 son of Josiah7 (910), b. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 5 Jan., 1798; m. in Panton, Vt., 12 June, 1827, Mrs. Sally (Webster) Marks, b. in Ferrisburgh, 7 May, 1803, dau. of William Wolcott Webster and Elizabeth (Betsey) Collins, of Brandon, Vt.
She d. 25 Mar., 1877; he d. 1884.
He was a farmer in Ferrisburgh until May, 1834, when he rem. to Olmsted, Cuyahoga Co., O., where he res. until his death.
6162 Rebecca,9 b. 13 Dec., 1828; d. 22 June, 1829.
6163 Elsie,9 b. 30 Nov., 1829; d. 3 Dec., 1833.
6164 Martha,9 b. 25 Dec., 1833; m. Almeron Pierce.

436    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6165 Mary,9 b. in Olmsted Falls, 30 June, 1836; m. in Erie, Pa., 14 Aug., 1879, Berlin Price, of Gardner, Ill.; he was a tailor; later a sheep raiser in Welda, Anderson Co., Kas.
6166 Elsie,9 b. 9 Aug., 1841; m. James Smith Hendrickson.

2500.   JOHN FOX,8 son of Josiah7 (910), b. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 1800; m. (1) Elizabeth McKillips, dau. of Moses McKillips, of Ferrisburgh.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Phebe Pemberton.
He was killed at Fort Gibson, Ark.; was a soldier in the war of the rebellion.
Child by first wife.
6167 George,9 b. ______.

2501.   ABEL THOMPSON,8 son of Josiah7 (910), b. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 28 June, 1802; m. 1825, Sarah (Sally) Maria Cobb, dau. of Raynus Cobb, of Fer­risburgh, and Eunice Jaquais.
She d. 8 July, 1867; he d. in Onaga, Pottawatomie Co., Kas., 14 Aug., 1882. He was a farmer.
6168 Juliette,9 b. 17 Dec., 1827; d. 24 June, 1828.
6169 George,9 b. 9 May, 1829; d. 12 May, 1829.
6170 George Washington,9 b. 7 Aug., 1830; m. Helen Rosecrans.
6171 Eunice,9 b. 23 May, 1833; m. Nathan Brown Harrington, a carpenter, of Rockport, O.
6172 Sylvester,9 b. 7 Aug., 1837; d. 29 Sept., 1839.
6173 Sarah Jane,9 b. 17 Nov., 1841; m. Dwight Bassett, a farmer, of Rockport.
6174 Catherine,9 b. 1 July, 1843; m. Jasper Cooley, of Parma, O.
6175 Frederick Hiram,9 b. G Oct., 1850; d. 17 Sept., 1853.

2502.   RACHEL,8 dau. of Josiah7 (910), b. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 4 June, 1804; m. 17 Mar., 1829, John Himes, b. in Addison, Vt., 28 Dec., 1805, son of John Himes (a revolutionary soldier of Rhode Island.), b. about 1760, and Phebe Birchard, b. about 1763.
She d. 26 Aug., 1884; he d. in Little Rock, Ark., 1888.
6176 Luther Himes,9 b. in Addison, 17 Dec., 1829.
6177 Sarah King Himes,9 b. in Addison, 20 Jan., 1832.
6178 Elizabeth Lee Himes,9 b. in Rockport, Cuyahoga Co., O.
6179 Henry Lucius Himes,9 b. in Rockport, ______; res. in Fairfield, Ia.

2503.   WEALTHY ANN,8 dau. of Josiah7 (910), b. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 1807; m. Daniel E. Grignor, of Vergennes, Vt.
She d. ______.
They rem., in 1835, to Cleveland, O.
6180 Sophronia Grignor,9 b. ______; m. John Grey; res. in Middleburgh, O.
6181 Celinda Grignor,9 b. ______.
6182 Charles Grignor,9 b. ______.

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2510.   MIRANDA.,8 dau. of Solomon7 (911), b. ______; m. William Taggart.
Res. in Vergennes, Vt., where some of their children now live.
Children, b. in Vergennes, Vt.
6183 Melora Taggart,9 b. ______.
6184 Thankful Taggart,9 b. ______.
6185 Emily Taggart,9 b. ______.
6186 Orinda Taggart,9 b. ______.
6187 Laura M. Taggart,9 b. ______.

2511.   LAURA BELLAMY,8 dau. of Solomon7 (911), b. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 24 Feb., 1803; m. 24 Sept., 1833, Samuel Spofford, b. in Weathersfield, Vt., 7 Aug., 1802, son of Eliphalet Spofford and Abigail Pearl.
He d. in Elyria. O., 9 Feb., 1871; she d. 19 Aug., 1872. He was a farmer; res. from 1818 to '34, in Ferrisburgh; from 1834 to '65 in Olmsted, O., and from 1865 to '71 in Elyria.
6188 Mary Ann Spofford,9 b. in Ferrisburgh, 24 June, 1823; m. 17 Dec., 1846, Frederick Dibble, a harness-maker, of Elyria; he was a member of the Fifteenth Ohio Battery during the civil war.
6189 Harriet Gage Spofford,9 b. 12 Mar., 1825; m. 12 Aug., 1846, Capt. Fred­erick Washburn, a carpenter, of Olmsted; res. in Olmsted until 1850, when he rem. to Waterloo, Ia.; he was Capt. of Co. G, Iowa Infantry; was killed 22 May, 1863, at the siege of Vicksburg.
6190 Alfred Spofford,9 b. 6 June, 1827; d. 6 June, 1827.
6191 Lorinda Spofford,9 b. 1 June, 1828; m. 10 Sept., 1848, Capt. Dennis Bar­dick, a shoemaker, of Olmsted; d. 17 May, 1854.
6192 Nancy Abigail Spofford,9 b. in Elyria, 25 Jan., 1833; m. 15 Aug., 1855, Capt. Dennis Bardick, a shoemaker, of Olmsted; he had previously m. her sister, Lorinda; they rem. in 1865 to Elyria; in 1880 he was a railway postal clerk; he was Capt. of the Fifteenth Ohio Bat­tery during the civil war.
6193 William H. H. Spofford,9 b. in Olmsted, 11 Apr., 1837; d. 27 Mar., 1841.
6194 Laura M. Spofford,9 b. 15 Dec., 1839; d. 22 Mar., 1841.
6195 Laura Miranda Spofford,9 b. 23 Feb., 1842; m. 3 Aug., 1861, Freeman N. Steams, a farmer, of Olmsted; in 1866 they rem. to Wakeman, Huron Co., O.; he was a member of the Fifteenth Ohio Battery dur­ing the civil war.
6196 Frances Fidelia Spofford,9 b. 2 Feb., 1844; d. unm., 26 Aug., 1865.
6197 Eveline Josephine Spofford,9 b. 20 Oct., 1848; m. 24 Mar., 1867, Harry J. Lenszler; he was a commercial traveler in the employment of John W. Masury & Son, of New York; he was a soldier in Co. E, First Wisconsin Cavalry.

2512.   REUBEN ARTHUR,8 son of Solomon7 (911), b. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 6 Apr., 1805; m. 29 Dec., 1837, Elizabeth Field, b. 18 Aug., 1798, dau. of John Field, b. 6 May, 1766, and Fanny Perry, b. 28 Apr., 1765.
He d. 6 Jan., 1884; she d. 12 Jan., 1884.
He was a farmer in Basin Harbor, Ferrisburgh.
George W. Kellogg now lives on the homestead.

438    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in West Ferrisburgh.
6198 Sarah Elizabeth,9 b. 23 Sept., 1838; m. John Forbes Peck.
6199 George Willis,9 b. 22 Nov., 1840; m. Martha Lorraine Clark.
6200 Emeline,9 b. 7 Nov., 1843; d. 26 May, 1845.

2515.   HENRY,8 son of Solomon7 (911), b. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 13 Apr., 1813; m. (1) 2 Feb., 1832, Sarah (Sally) Bethia Cousins, b. in Ohio, 11 Aug., 1815, dau. of Joshua Cousins and Martha (Patty) _______.
She d. 23 Sept., 1848; he m. (2) 28 May, 1850, Mrs. Mary (Seward) Cous­ins, b. in Lysander, N. Y., 6 Mar., 1818, widow of Charles Cousins, and dau. of Hiram Seward, b. 6 May, 1797, and Phebe Johnson, b. 21 Apr., 1798.
He was a farmer in Ferrisburgh until 1833, when he rem. to Ohio; in 1834, to Illinois; in 1853, to Albia, Ia.
6201 Jacob,9 b. 8 Oct., 1833.
6202 James,9 b. 22 Jan., 1836.
6203 Solomon,9 b. 16 Apr., 1838; d. 5 Sept., 1862; was a soldier for the Union.
6204 Ichabod,9 b. 24 July, 1840; d. 10 Feb., 1877.
6205 Chester,9 b. 8 Mar., 1843; d. 9 Mar., the same year.
6206 Gerelda,9 b. 25 Mar., 1844.
6207 Sarah (Sally) Vashti,9 b. 16 Aug., 1848; m. Frank Burdon, of Albia.
6208 Charles,9 b. 11 Aug., 1853; res. in Albia.
6209 Henry J.,9 b. 14 Aug., 1855; res. in Albia.

2516.   ALMON,8 son of Solomon7 (911), b. 1814; m. ______.
He res. in West Ferrisburgh, Vt.
6210 Wesley,9 b. ______.
6211 Julia,9 b. ______; res. in Vergennes, Vt.
6212 Herbert,9 b. ______; d. aged 12.

2521.   JACOB C.,8 son of William7 (912), b. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 8 Feb., 1812; m. in Delaware, O., 9 Jan., 1836, Sarah Seward, b. in Lysander, N. Y., 17 Apr., 1820, dau. of Hiram Seward, b. 6 May, 1797, and Phebe Johnson, b. 21 Apr., 1798.
He d. 27 Oct., 1896.
They res. in Albia, Ia.
6213 Hiram,9 b. in Delaware, 10 Nov., 1837.
6214 Sarah,9 b. in Fulton Co., Ill., 15 Sept., 1839.
6215 Lydia Rosanna,9 b. in Fulton Co., 17 Oct., 1841.
6216 Stephen,9 b. 21 Feb., 1844; d. 22 Feb., same year.
6217 Phebe Catherine,9 b. 10 May, 1847.
6218 Calvin Josiah,9 b. in Warren Co., Ill., 17 Feb., 1850.
6219 Jacob,9 b. in Fayette, Ia., 29 May, 1855.
6220 Armidda,9 b. in Missouri, 3 Sept., 1860; d. in Albia, 21 Feb., 1864.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    439

2522.   ADELIA,8 dau. of William7 (912), b. 6 Oct., 1815; m. George Bassett. He d. 1864.
6221 Ella Bassett,9 b. ______; m. Perkins; res. in Monkton, Vt.

2525.   JOSIAH,8 son of William7 (912), b. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 1 June, 1823; m. in Fitchburg, Mass., 4 July, 1847, Cynthia Wilson, b. in Swanzey, N. H., 19 June, 1823, dau. of Josiah Wilson, b. in Poultney, Vt., 1788, and Abigail Whit­comb, b. 1787.
He d. in Albia, Ia., 14 Sept., 1895.
He was a mason and builder; res. four years in Swanzey and twenty-three years in Ferrisburgh. In 1876 he rem. to Mitchellville, Ia. He was in the Forty-sixth Reg., Iowa Volunteers, Co. G.; was sunstruck while in the service. In 1879 he rem. to Albia.
6222 Abby Eldora,9 b. in Swanzey, 11 Aug., 1848; d. in Vergennes, Vt., 19 Oct., 1853.
6223 Cassius E.,9 b. in Swanzey, 30 Dec., 1850; d. unm., Dec., 1879; was a hotel clerk in Burlington, Ia.
6224 Truman Grandy,9 b. in Athol, Mass., 11 Mar., 1853; m. 25 July, 1885, Margaret M. Brown, b. 25 Apr., 1858; was a carpenter in Albia, and later in Omaha, Neb.; had no children.
6225 Emma Eldora,9 b. 9 June, 1856; m. William Watson Gregory.
6226 Ella Phidora,9 b. 9 June, 1856; m. Amos Landow Jackman.
6227 Gardner Whitford,9 b. 27 July, 1859; d. in Ferrisburgh, 25 May, 1874.
6228 Flora Ellen,9 b. in Lincoln Vt., 13 June, 1862; m. Oct., 1892, Benja­min Victor Whitley; he was a machinist; res. in Omaha; had no children.

2535.   SARAH,8 dau. of Gen. Amos7 (914), b. in Pittsford, Vt., 28 Mar., 1783; m. 27 Jan., 1807, Noah Loomis, of Georgia, Vt., b. 15 Sept., 1782, son of Noah Loomis, of Georgia, b. 13 Jan., 1745, and Dorcas _______.
He d. in Vermilion, O., 31 Mar., 1848; she d. in Tiffin, O., 29 Jan., 1859.
6229 Prentiss Kellogg Loomis,9 b. 3 Mar., 1809; m. in Stockholm, N. Y., 25 May, 1834, Sarah Laviah Royce, b. 5 Nov., 1815, dau. of Alpheus Royce, b. in Connecticut, about 1788, and Elizabeth (Betsey) Cole­man, b. about 1793; he was a blacksmith; in 1881 res. in Berlin Heights, O.; had four children.
6230 Lucius Maro Loomis,9 b. 24 Feb., 1811; d. 27 Nov., 1811.
6231 Maro Lucius Loomis,9 b. 13 Aug., 1812; m. in Pierrepont, N. Y., 9 May, 1837, Esther Ann Hicks, b. 24 Oct., 1812, dau. of John Hicks, of Rehoboth, Mass., and Sarah Rugg; in 1837 he rem. to Milan, O.; later, 1837, to Tiffin; he was a cloth dresser; d. in Tiffin, 7 Mar., 1863; she later res. in Canton, O.
6232 Harriet Loomis,9 b. 13 Nov., 1814; d. 1 July, 1827.
6233 Mary Loomis,9 b. 2 Feb., 1817; d. unm., 21 Apr., 1849.
6234 Ann Loomis,9 b. 20 Dec., 1818; m. 18 Dec., 1836, Judge Joseph Hay­ward, of Cleveland, O.

440    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6235 Leonard Loomis,9 b. 11 July, 1821; m. 17 June, 1849, Margaretta M. Brooks, b. 10 Aug., 1833, dau. of Jonathan Brooks, b. 20 Nov., 1794, and Elizabeth Sherarts, b. 29 May, 1797; res. in Cleveland, had three children.
6236 John Loomis,9 b. 10 July, 1823; d. 10 July, 1824.
6237 Bohan Shepard Loomis,9 b. 25 Mar., 1825; m. Laura Hart; res. in Preston, Minn.
6238 Martha Loomis,9 b. 14 Apr., 1828; m. Gilbert J. Griswold, of St. Paul, Minn.

2536.   CLARA,8 dau. of Gen. Amos7 (914), b. in Pittsford, Vt., 2 May, 1786; m. as his second wife, Keuben Blodgett, b. in Connecticut, 30 Nov., 1771, son of Thomas Blodgett and Margaret Webber.
He d. in Jericho, Vt., 19 Jan., 1849; she d. 28 Mar., 1860.
He was a farmer; rem. with his parents to Whitingham, Vt., about 1790.
6239 Mary Elvira Blodgett,9 b. in Jericho, June, 1818; m. Jan., 1842, Permanis Collins, b. 16 Mar., 1811, son of Archibald Collins, b. in Con­necticut, 3 Dec., 1764, and Rhoda Bates, b. in Connecticut, 23 Mar., 1769; he was a mechanic and farmer in Ferrisburgh; d. in the house where he was b., and where his son, Edwin, now res.; she was educated at the High School in Jericho Corners; d. 31 July, 1872; he d. 29 Mar., 1881.
6240 Edwin Kellogg Blodgett,9 b. 1 Aug., 1821; m. 22 Aug., 1843, Catherine Smith Stroud, b. in Jericho, 14 Mar., 1821, dau. of Billings Stroud, of Jericho, and Betsey Smith; they rem. from Jericho in 1863; in 1880 he was a farmer in Essex, Vt.; she d. 30 June, 1872.
6241 Lorain Esther Blodgett,9 b. ______; m. Wellman Hunt, of Jericho; d. 24 Jan., 1863, aged 33; he d. 30 Jan., 1863; had no children.
6242 Jane E. Blodgett,9 b. ______; m. Henry Howe, of Jericho; d. 4 Apr., 1856, aged 25; he d. 8 Sept., 1860; had one son.

2537.   LUCRETIA,8 dau. of Gen. Amos7 (914), b. in Pittsford, Vt., 19 Jan., 1792; m. (1) 1809, Rev. John Denison, of Swanton, Vt.
He d. in Swanton, about 1810; she m. (2) 16 Jan., 1816, Rev. Eben Hills; Dorman, b. in Charlotte, Vt., 23 Aug., 1790, son of Samuel Dorman and Clara­mond _______.
He d. 13 Mar., 1862; she d. 5 Nov., 1863.
He was ordained in Georgia, Vt., 15 Nov., 1815; was installed in the Con­gregational Church of Swanton in 1825, where he labored for thirty years. Child by first husband.
6243 John Newton Denison,9 b. 22 June, 1811; m. Jan., 1839, Mary F. Dean, dau. of Rev. Paul Dean, of Boston; one of his sons, Rev. John Henry Denison, m. a dau. of President Mark Hopkins, of Williams College.
Children by second husband.
6244 Denison Dorman,9 b. 8 Apr., 1818; m. Augusta S. Mason; was a farmer; d. 7 June, 1887.

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6245 Dwight Dorman,9 b. in Georgia, 24 Dec., 1819; m. in Swanton, 31 July, 1843, Lucy Fiske Bullard; in 1888 he res. in Burlington, Ia.; he was fuel and tie agent for the C. B. and Q. Railway; had four children.
6246 Samuel Worcester Dorman,9 b. 20 Nov., 1821; m. Laura Candee; was a lawyer in Montreal, Canada; d. 16 Dec., 1875.
6247 James Wilson Dorman,9 b. 10 Apr., 1824; was a merchant in Boston, and later a farmer in Swanton; d. 15 Nov., 1883.
6248 Mary Elizabeth Dorman,9 b. 2 Oct., 1826; re?, in Swanton.
6249 Orin Dorman,9 b. 23 Feb., 1829; m. Mary Samson.
6250 Charlotte Lucretia Dorman,9 b. 18 Sept., 1834; d. in Swanton, 6 Jan., 1883.
6251 Sarah Amelia Dorman,9 b. 3 July. 1837; m. Clark S. Jennison.

2539.   DEACON SAMUEL HARWOOD,8 son of Gen. Amos7 (914), b. in Pittsford, Vt., 12 July, 1798; m. (1) 17 Feb., 1819, Eusebia Mussey, b. 20 Oct., 1794, dau. of Ebenezer Mussey, of Orwell, Vt., and Temperance Clayhorn.
She d. 26 June, 1852; he m. (2) in Rutland, Vt., 3 May, 1854, Mrs. Caro­line (Murray) Cheney, b. 24 Feb., 1807, widow of James E. Cheney, and dau. of Uri Murray, of Rutland; d. in Rutland, 24 Mar., 1877; in 1880 she res. in Rut­land, with her dau., Mrs. Sarah Jane Greene.
At the time of his death he had been Town Clerk and Treasurer of Rutland more than fifty years.
In 1836, '37, '38, '39, '41, '42 and '43 he was elected Representative to the General Assembly of Vermont. In 1851 he was chosen one of the Judges of the County Court of Rutland, and held that office many years. In 1863 he was as­sistant assessor of internal revenue and held that office three years, when he re­signed on account of ill health. In 1855 he was chosen deacon of the Congrega­tional Church.
Children by first wife, b. in Pittsford, Vt.
6252 Newton,9 b. 28 Dec., 1819; m. (1) Julia Page; (2) Roxana Ives.
6253 Abigail,9 b. 30 Dec., 1821; d. 1 Jan., 1822.
6254 James,9 b. 6 Dec., 1822; m. Esther Ann Tottingham.
6255 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 18 May, 1835; m. Charles May Farrar.

2540.   CHARLES HARVEY,8 son of Gen. Amos7 (914), b. in Pittsford, Vt., 22 Feb., 1801; m. (1) 22 May, 1822, Rebecca W. Boyne, b. 1802, dau. of Rev. Aaron J. Boyne, of New Lebanon, N. Y.
She d. in Ticonderoga, N. Y., Sept., 1823; he m. (2) 15 June, 1825, Jane Curtis, b. 1808, dau. of John Curtis, of Ticonderoga; she d. 16 June, 1841; he m. (3) 30 Mar., 1842, Mrs. Elizabeth (Drury) Prentiss, b. 21 Mar., 1811, dau. of Deacon Calvin Drury, of Pittsfield, Vt., and widow of Henry Bowdoin Prentiss, of New York; she d. 23 June, 1880; he d. 3 Feb., 1883.
They res. in Ypsilanti, Mich., Pittsford, Vt., and North Brookfield, Mass.
Child by second wife.
6256 Patrick Henry,9 b. in Ypsilanti. Mich., 25 Oct., 1828; m. Elizabeth Sophia Prentiss.

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Children by third wife.
6257 Lucretia Jane,9 b. 7 Jan., 1843; m. 26 Nov., 1873, Rev. George Emory Lincoln, of Oakham, b. 11 Oct., 1849, son of Emory Lincoln, b. in Oakham, 12 Aug., 1815, and Elizabeth Frances Keep, b. in Long­meadow, Mass., 29 Oct., 1819; he was a clergyman in Michigan; d. in Avon Park, Fla., 1897.
6258 Eliza Ann,9 b. 31 Jan., 1845; d. unm., in Avon Park, 26 Aug., 1898.
6259 Charles Henry,9 b. in Pittsford, Vt., 17 Dec., 1847; d. in North Brook­field, 2 Aug., 1864.
6260 Abigail Azuba,9 b. 25 Jan., 1849; m. John Henry Lane.

2541.   AMOS CUSHMAN,8 son of Gen. Amos7 (914), b. in Pittsford, Vt., 22 Nov., 1803; m. 9 Oct., 1827, Nancy Boyne, b. 1 Feb., 1808, dau. of Jeffrey A. Boyne, b. in Farmington, Conn., 21 Aug., 1759, and Freedom Barnard, b. in Cov­entry, Conn., 21 Mar., 1773.
He d. 24 Mar., 1877; she d. 26 Aug., 1882.
They res. in Pittsford. He was a Brig.-Gen. of the Vermont Militia.
Children, b. in Pittsford.
6261 Ann Eliza,9 b. 21 Oct., 1828; m. 31 Aug., 1849, Moses Messer Cutts, of Orwell, Vt., b. 14 Aug., 1824; he d. in the army in the war of the rebellion; she later res. with her sister, Clarissa Jane; had no chil­dren.
6262 Amos Virgil,9 b. 10 Aug., 1835; m. Helen Dover.
6263 Nancy Sophia,9 b. 13 Nov., 1839; d. 16 July, 1862.
6264 Clarissa Jane,9 b. 18 Nov., 1841; m. Elijah C. Giddings.
6265 John Dennison,9 b. 18 Nov., 1847; d. 10 Oct., 1866.

2542.   AZUBAH,8 dau. of Gen. Amos7 (914), b. in Pittsford, Vt., 23 Aug., 1806; m. 12 Sept., 1827, Thomas Allen Hitchcock, b. in Pittsford, 22 Oct., 1806, son of Remembrance Hitchcock and Eunice Allen.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Almena Pennock; d. 3 Apr., 1886.
Child by first wife.
6266 Francis Allen Hitchcock,9 b. 24 June, 1828; m. 10 Feb., 1854, Harriet Fontaine, of Chicago; had no children.

2543.   DR. ISAAC,8 son of Isaac7 (915), b. 4 Aug., 1784; m. Hafty Wescott, b. in Rutland, Vt., 21 Mar., 1787.
He d. in Titusville, Pa., 4 Jan., 1841; she d. 27 Mar., 1867.
6267 Isaac,9 b. in Rutland, Vt., 15 Feb., 1814; d. in Rome, Pa., 5 Sept., 1873.
6268 Charles,9 b. in Vermont, 11 May, 1817.
6269 Maria,9 b. in New York, 11 Aug., 1819.
6270 Amos,9 b. in Titusville, 5 Feb., 1822.
6271 John,9 b. in Titusville, 19 Mar., 1824; res. in Titusville.
6272 Lovisa,9 b. in Titusville, 5 Sept., 1826.
6273 Emily,9 b. in Titusville, 5 Feb., 1829.
6274 Zara,9 b. in Titusville, 5 June, 1831.

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2544.   CHARLES,8 son of Isaac7 (915), b. in Weybridge, Vt., 27 July, 1788; m. in Georgia., Vt., 27 Jan., 1811, Isabella Blodgett, b. 29 May, 1791.
He d. in Ionia, Mich., 28 June, 1858; she d. 27 June, 1866. He was a carder, and a cloth dresser, later a farmer; res. in Lawrence, N. Y., Easton and Ionia, Mich.
6275 Louisa,9 b. in St. Albans, Vt., 31 July, 1812; m. George Calkins.
6276 Orson,9 b. in St. Albans, 31 July, 1814; m. (1) Eliza Chamberlain; (2) Sarah Cook Curry.
6277 Shiverick,9 b. in Murray, N. Y., 17 Sept., 1817; m. Maria C. Clark.
6278 Charles,9 b. in St. Albans, 19 Sept., 1819; m. Lucinda Elizabeth Kel­logg (5877).
6279 Rodney,9 b. in St. Albans, 2 July, 1822; d. in Orleans, Mich.
6280 Isabella,9 b. in Lawrence, N. Y., 27 Oct., 1824; m. Samuel Bliss.
6281 Emily Bentley,9 b. 10 Nov., 1828; m. Luther Carpenter.
6282 Almira,9 b. ______; m. Jacob Snell.

2547.   ELECTA,8 dau. of Edward7 (920), b. ______; m. Graham, of Batavia, N. Y.
Rem. to Milwaukee, Wis.
6283 Salvenice Graham,9 b. ______; m. _______, in Milwaukee, Wis., and lived on the farm.
6284 Samantha Graham,9 b. ______.
6285 Elizabeth Graham,9 b. ______.
6286 Mary Samantha Graham,9 b. ______; m. Mott, in Batavia; rem. to Mississippi.

2548.   SARAH,8 dau. of Edward7 (920), b. 19 July, 1796; m. 5 Dec., 1815, Joseph Caldwell, b. in Sutton, Mass., 7 Jan., 1792, son of Benjamin Caldwell, b. in Sutton, 24 Mar., 1764, and Sarah Bachelor, b. 26 Nov., 1766.
He d. 22 Sept., 1861; she d. 28 Sept., 1876, at the residence of her dau., Mrs. Gilfillan, in La Crosse, Wis.
He was one of the pioneers of Wisconsin, having settled on Caldwell's Prairie, Racine Co. (named for him), in 1835. He rem. to La Crosse in 1855.
6287 Harriet Cornelia Caldwell,9 b. in Sudbury, Vt., 22 Sept., 1816; m. 6 Apr., 1842, Lorenzo Ward, a farmer near Caldwell's Prairie.
6288 German Crolley Caldwell,9 b. in Sudbury, 25 Apr., 1818; m. 25 Apr., 1841, Lucretia Hubbard; was an artist in Winnebago City, Minn.
6289 Mary Cushman Caldwell,9 b. in Sudbury, 9 Feb., 1820; m. 26 Dec., 1841, Nicholas Titus Holmes; he d. 8 Dec., 1870; she res. later, in West Salem, with her dau., Mrs. Johnson.
6290 Adeline Eaton Caldwell,9 b. in Hubbardton, Vt.; m. 7 Aug., 1839, George Washington Robinson; he d. 2 Oct., 1856; she res. with her dau., Mrs. Cooper, in Iowa.
6291 Elvira Sophia Caldwell,9 b. 3 Jan., 1824; m. 11 Mar., 1847, Ira Colman, a retired farmer living in the village of West Salem, Wis.

444    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6292 Sarah Ann Caldwell,9 b. 15 Oct., 1835; m. 23 Oct., 1857, Daniel Kim­ball, a blacksmith and farmer near Winnebago City.
6293 Benjamin Franklin Caldwell,9 b. 20 Nov., 1827; m. 11 Jan., 1856, Har­riet Ward; he was a farmer in Pleasant Prairie, Minn.
6294 Eliceba Louise Caldwell,9 b. 6 June, 1829; m. (1) 2 June, 1849, Samuel D. Sheldon; he d. in California, 1850; she m. (2) 2 Nov., 1860, Reuben D. Shaw, a farmer of Humbird, Wis.
6295 Arabella Lovinda Caldwell,9 b. 13 May, 1831; m. 26 July, 1853, Simon Chase Johnson; he d. 5 Sept., 1873; she res. in West Salem.
6296 Ann Eliza Caldwell,9 b. 24 Nov., 1832; m. 9 Dec., 1853, Robert Sweet; d. 6 Apr., 1854; he was a farmer and blacksmith near Winnebago City.
6297 Joseph Edward Caldwell,9 b. in Hubbardton, 12 June, 1834; m. 1 Feb., 1857, Martha Lewis; was a farmer in Grovehill, Ia.
6298 Catherine O. Caldwell,9 b. in Racine Co., Wis., 10 Sept., 1837; m. 23 Nov., 1855, Robert Sweet; d. 18 Oct., 1869.
6299 Olive Henrietta Caldwell,9 b. 15 Jan., 1844; m. 21 Feb., 1865, James Monroe Gilfillan, a hotel-keeper in West Salem.

2549.   SIMON HAYWOOD,8 son of Edward7 (920), b. in Castleton, Vt., 27 Nov., 1798; m. (1) 27 Sept., 1823, Louise Everts, dau. of Luther Everts, of Walden, Vt.
She d. in Swanton, Vt., 16 Mar., 1828; he m. (2) 7 Sept., 1828, Milicent Thayer, b. in Swanton, 3 May, 1801, dau. of Amherst Thayer, who was from Win­sted, Conn.; she d. 20 Apr., 1849; he m. (3) 4 Feb., 1850, Charlotte B. Hunt­ington, b. in Addison, Vt., 19 Sept., 1809, dau. of Jonathan Huntington, b. 24 Aug., 1778, and Sally Hickox, b. 23 Apr., 1783; d. in St. Albans, Vt., 18 Apr., 1880.
He was a farmer in St. Albans Bay.
Children by first wife.
6300 Calvin Everts,9 b. in Ferrisburgh, 24 Sept., 1824; m. (1); she d.; he m. (2); res. in St. Albans, Vt.; d. ______.
6301 Louisa Maria,9 b. in Swanton, 25 June, 1826; m. Simon Huntington.
6302 Edward W,9 b. in Swanton, 8 Mar., 1828; m. Sarah Ann Knight.
Children by second wife.
6303 Amherst Thayer,9 b. 9 Sept., 1829; m. Harriet B. Abell.
6304 Sumner,9 b. 5 Aug., 1831; d. 12 Aug., 1831.
6305 Hiram Orrin,9 b. 3 Feb., 1833; m. (1); (2); d. 9 Oct., 1860; had a dau. by first wife.
6306 Lucy Barbara,9 b. 1 July, 1837; m. 27 Nov., 1857, William Morrell; d. 30 Aug., 1873.
6307 Samantha Susan,9 b. 31 July, 1842; m. Samuel Edwin Wilson.

2551.   HIRAM JOHNSON,8 son of Edward7 (920), b. 5 Oct., 1803; m. 29 Jan., 1830. Martha Harris, b. 29 Jan., 1814.
He was a lumberman on Grand Ottawa River; res. in Canada.
6308 Harriet,9 b. 7 Mar., 1831.
6309 Emeline,9 b. 7 June, 1833.

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6310 Martha,9 b. G Nov., 1835.
6311 Samantha,9 b. 6 Apr., 1837.
6312 Louisa,9 b. 7 Feb., 1841.
6313 Almira,9 b. 28 Feb., 1843.
6314 Albert West,9 b. 7 Feb., 1845.
6315 Lucy,9 b. 6 Aug., 1848.
6316 Simon,9 b. 21 Apr., 1850.
6317 Charles Manson,9 b. 15 Oct., 1854.
6318 Amherst Franklin,9 b. ______.

2552.   JOHN WHITLOCK,8 son of Edward7 (920), b. in Castleton, Vt., 1 Jan., 1807; m. 8 Jan., 1832, Abigail Holden, b. in Pittsfield, Rutland Co., Vt., 25 July, 1812, dau. of Josiah Holden, b. 11 Aug., 1776, and Leah Chase, b. in Massachu­setts, 23 June, 1777. The father and four brothers of Leah Chase were in the revolutionary war.
He d. from exposure on the battlefield, 6 July, 1862; she d. in Wyoming, Mich., 12 June, 1897.
He rem. from Vermont to New York in 1837, thence to Michigan in 1854; enlisted in the Fifteenth Michigan Infantry, in the war of the rebellion.
6319 Susannah Gary,9 b. in New Haven, Vt., _______.

6320 Edward John,9 b. in Rutland, Vt., 29 Jan., 1836; m. Arimathea Wal­ton.
6321 Orpha Nancy,9 b. 4 Jan., 1838; m. Elliot Yeomans.
6322 Nancy,9 b. in Alexandria, N. Y., 15 Apr., 1840; d. in Attica, N. Y., 27 Feb., 1841.

2553.   JAMES,8 son of Elijah7 (921), b. in Cairo, N. Y., 17 Mar., 1799; m. _______.
He d. 24 Apr., 1859; res. in New York City.
6323 Margaret D.,9 b. ______.
6324 Sarah E.,9 b. ______.
6325 Phebe A.,9 b. ______.

2556.   JOSEPH WILLIAM,8 son of Elijah7 (921), b. in Canada, 21 Apr., 1813; m. 20 Mar., 1837, Ellenor Steele.
6326 Eliza Jane,9 b. 26 Jan., 1840; m. Napoleon Murat, of Rochester, N. Y.
6327 Joseph W.,9 b. 23 Feb., 1842.
6328 Deborah,9 b. 2 Feb., 1843.
6329 William C,9 b. 30 Sept., 1844.
6330 John A.,9 b. 30 Apr., 1846.
6331 Mary M.,9 b. 28 Mar., 1850.
6332 Elizabeth,9 b. 14 Feb., 1855; m. Larry Hayes, of Oswego, N. Y.

2559.   AMOS LAWRENCE,8 son of Elijah7 (921), b. in Canada, 29 Jan., 1820; m. (1) 24 Mar., 1846, Mary Ann Jones, of Canada, b. 20 Jan., 1829, dau. of

446    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Thomas Jones, of Belleville, Ont., b. in Prince Edwards Co., Canada, and Lucretia Gilbert, b. near Belleville.
She d. 27 Oct., 1847; he m. (2) 7 July, 1850, Susan Catherine De Wolf, b. in Sudbury, Vt., 20 July, 1830, dau. of Rev. Harvey De Wolf, b. in Connecticut, 18 Feb., 1772, and Cornelia Caroline Wolsey, b. in Plattsburg, N. Y., 23 June, 1790, dau. of Gen. Wolsey, of Plattsburg; d. 1 Jan., 1895.
He was a carpenter and joiner; rem. to Canada, Apr., 1853, and carried on a sash factory fourteen years; rem. to Johnson Co., Mo., in 1869, and bought a farm. In 1877 he res. in Appleton City, Mo., where he d.
Child by first wife.
6333 Amos Richard,9 b. 13 Oct., 1847; m. Catherine Ferguson.
Children by second wife.
6334 Melancthon Wolsey,9 b. 27 May, 1851; d. 16 July, 1851.
6335 Charlene,9 b. 20 Nov., 1854; d. 6 Sept., 1858.
6336 Harvey Barrett,9 b. in Brighton, Canada West, 10 Apr., 1857; m. in Carthage, Mo., 6 Mar., 1882, Lucy Williams Deal, b. in Green Co., Ind., 26 Jan., 1859, dau. of Marcus Lafayette Deal, b. 14 Dec., 1810, and Mahala Morrison, b. 7 May, 1825; he res. in Carthage; , is a marble cutter; a member of the Presbyterian Church; had one child (stillb.).
6337 George Clayton,9 b. 9 Aug., 1859; m. Quindora Ferguson Wellock.
6338 Winfield Scott,9 b. 5 Dec., 1861; d. 20 Mar., 1876.
6339 Edward Ernest,9 b. 6 Dec., 1865; res. in Appleton City; is unm.
6340 Amasa Lysle,9 b. 13 Nov., 1867; m. Frances Doran.
6341 Frank Livingston,9 b. in Mayesburg, Mo., 6 Aug., 1871; m. Mollie Mitchell.

2560.   RICHARD ELIJAH,8 son of Elijah7 (921), b. 21 June, 1823; m. July, 1852, Matilda Lowery, b. 22 Feb., 1833.
He d. in Michigan.
He was a farmer in Belleville, Ont., until 1869, when he rem. to Homer and Jackson, Mich. In 1877 he rem. to Napanee, Canada.
6343 Ida Evangeline,9 b. 2 Apr., 1853.
6344 Lida Ann,9 b. 2 Feb., 1855; m. 1875; res. in Jackson, Mich.
6345 John Beverly Robinson,9 b. 23 Jan., 1857; res. in Jackson and Pentwater, Mich.
6346 Pelatiah Proctor,9 b. 22 Oct., 1861.
6347 Harriet Sophia,9 b. 18 Sept., 1868.

2561.   AMASA HUNGERFORD,8 son of Elijah7 (921), b. in Napanee, Canada West, 27 Oct., 1828; m. in Watertown, N. Y., 26 Apr., 1851, Phebe Philura Coon b. 18 Mar., 1831, dau. of Ezra Coon, of Boonsboro, Ia., and Eleanor Saulsbury.
He d. in Millikin's Bend, near Vicksburg, 27 Feb., 1863.
He was a machinist; res. in Watertown, N. Y., 1847 to '61; rem. to Maquoketa, Ia. He was First Sergt. in Co. F, Thirty-first Reg., Iowa Infantry, in rebellion. He was promoted to be Lieut., but was killed in battle before receiving his commission.

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Children, all except the youngest b. in Watertown.
6348 Alice Betheny,9 b. 9 Mar., 1853; m. John Jay Renne, of Grand Junc­tion, Green Co., Ia.; he was a farmer; d. about 1897; she m. (3) _______; res. in Michigan.
6349 Randolph Fremont,9 b. 2 Sept., 1856; m. Lovina Margaret Fowle.
6350 Leonora Bell,9 b. 30 June, 1859; res., unm., in Maquoketa.
6351 Jessa Ann,9 b. in Maquoketa, 3 Feb., 1863; d. 10 Feb., 1866.

2574.   SALVIN,8 son of Frederick Cushman7 (925), b. in Masco Mountain, Canada East, 4 July, 1810; m. (1) 10 Feb., 1831, Charlotte Hutch­inson, b. 7 Feb., 1811, dau. of Joseph Hutchinson and Mary Hodgman.
She d. in Attica, O., 23 Dec., 1852; he m. (2) 15 Apr., 1853, Elizabeth (Betsey) Hamill; she d. in Otisville, Mich., 15 Oct., 1869; he m. (3) in 1871, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Williams; she d. in Otisville, 3 Dec., 1872; he m. (4) 5 Mar., 1874, Eunice Warren Miles, b. in Carlton, N. Y., 1837, dau. of Jason Miles and Eunice Hyde Warren, b. 1799; d. in Clay Center, Kas., 27 Sept., 1889.
He was a machinist; res. in 1880, in Adrian, Mich., and later in Clay Cen­ter. She m. (2) James Harvey Simpson.
Children by first wife.
6352 Mary,9 b. 13 July, 1832; m. Edson Allen.
6353 Malissa,9 b. 13 July, 1834; d. in Cleveland, O., 8 May, 1848.
6354 Joseph Frederick,9 b. 6 Feb., 1837; m. Ellen Maria Higley.
6355 Sophronia,9 b. 26 Dec., 1839; m. Jesse Detrick.
6356 Viola,9 b. in Norwalk, O., 20 Jan., 1843; m. William Franklin Wilcox.
6357 Frank,9 b. 26 Apr., 1845; m. (1) Ellen Shuell; (2) Ida Theresa Foot.
6358 Frances Adelaide,9 b. 20 Mar., 1848; m. James Harvey Remington.
6359 Alfred Josiah,9 b. in Attica, O., 3 Sept., 1851; m. Mahala Jane Sim­mons.

2575.   FULLER,8 son of Saxton7 (926), b. in Castleton, Vt., 19 Nov., 1792; m. Sophia Blossom, b. 21 Jan., 1794, dau. of Enos Blossom and Mary _______.
He d. 28 July, 1833.
He was a school teacher and farmer.
She m. (3) Liva Peck, of Skaneateles, N. Y.; d. 1873.
Children, b. in Junius, Seneca Co., N. Y.
6360 Charlotte,9 b. 19 Aug., 1819; m. Nathan H. McCracken.
6361 Jane,9 b. 24 June, 1831; m. Erastus F. Gould.
6362 Lucy,9 b. 4 May, 1824; res. unm., in Fulton, N. Y.
6363 Enos,9 b. 21 Dec., 1836; d. 7 Nov., 1828.
6364 Mary,9 b. 6 Apr., 1830; d. 27 Apr., 1847.
6365 Fuller,9 b. 13 July, 1832; d. 1 July, 1841.

2576.   NATHAN,8 son of Saxton7 (926), b. in Castleton, Vt., 25 Dec., 1794; m. (1) in Madrid, N. Y., 1 Dec., 1816, Submit Fuller, dau. of Jonas Fuller.
They were divorced; she m. (2) _______; he m. (2) in Palmyra, N. Y., 3 Mar., 1829, Ann Austin Huffman, b. about 1798, dau. of William Huffman.
He d. in Trivoli, Ill., 28 Dec., 1877; she d. Aug., 1880, aged 82.
Children by first wife, b. in Palmyra.
6366 Louisa Rosina,9 b. 6 Apr., 1819; m. Royal Root.
6367 Julia Ann,9 b. 11 Aug., 1830; m. _______ Woniger.

448    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6368 Jonas Fuller,9 b. 6 Jan., 1824; left home after he arrived at manhood and was never heard from.
Children by second wife, b. in Palmyra.
6369 William Henry,9 b. 3 Sept., 1832; d. about Mar., 1833.
6370 Sarah Ann,9 twin to William Henry; m. Andrew Roberts.
6371 A Daughter,9 b. 1 Sept., 1836; d. same day.

2577.   REV. SHERMAN,8 son of Saxton7 (926), b. in Castleton. Vt., 11 Jan., 1797; m. 6 Sept., 1821, Rebecca Eaton, b. in Castleton, 20 Feb., 1798, dau. of Daniel Eaton, a revolutionary soldier, b. 23 Feb., 1762, and Nancy Chester, b. in Edinburgh, Scotland, 22 Aug., 1764.
He d. 8 Oct., 1848; she d. 3 Mar., 1856.
He was a Congregational clergyman in Hubbardton, Orwell and Rochester, Vt., and, in 1836, in Montpelier, Vt.; in 1846, Norwich, Vt.; in 1847, Whitehall, N. Y.; both d. in Farmington, Ill.
6372 Chloe Eaton,9 b. in Hubbardton, 24 Nov., 1822; m. William Prentiss Badger.
6373 Harriet Chester,9 b. in Hubbardton, 20 Jan., 1826; m. Albert John­son.

6374 Mary Emeline,9 b. in Orwell, 20 Mar., 1828; m. Ira Eddy Winchell.
6375 William Pitt,9 b. in Orwell, 8 Dec., 1830; m. 6 June, 1865, Mary Emily Wills, b. in Franklin Co., Pa., dau. of Andrew Wills and Eliza Bredy; he rem. to Illinois in 1848 and was admitted to the bar in 1854; he was one of the Lincoln Electors from Illinois, 1861; in 1861 he was appointed, by President Lincoln, Chief Jus­tice of Nebraska Territory; in 1865, Collector of the Port of New Orleans; (President Lincoln signed the latter commission on the afternoon of the day of his assassination); served two terms as United States Senator from Louisiana from 1868 to '71 and in 1880, and one term as Representative; also served one term as Gov­ernor of Louisiana from 1872 to '77; he was Col. of the Seventh Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, and was promoted to Brig.-Gen.
6376 Sherman,9 b. in Rochester, 5 May, 1833; m. (1) Lydia Margaret Gra­ham; (2) Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Kennedy) Nichols.
6377 Sarah Rebecca,9 b. in Montpelier, 3 May, 1837; m. Dennis Winchell.
6378 Adelia Adelaide,9 b. 7 Nov., 1843; m. Oliver Coomes.

2578.   AMMI,8 son of Saxton7 (926), b. in Castleton, Vt., 19 Dec., 1799; m. 28 Nov., 1824, Susannah Bosworth, b. in Clinton Co., N. Y., 4 Nov., 1804, dau. of., Ichabod A. Bosworth and Lydia (or Lida) Fitch.
He d. 22 July, 1854; she d. 24 Jan., 1896.
He was a farmer in Clinton Co., until 1836, when he rem. to Trivoli, Peoria Co., Ill., and in 1852 to Marshall Co., Ill. He res. also in Lawn Ridge, Ill.
6379 Lydia (or Lida),9 b. 9 Jan., 1826; d. 10 Jan., 1826.
6380 Henry Mortimer,9 b. 11 Feb., 1827; m. Elizabeth Ann Truitt.
6381 Sarah Fuller,9 b. 24 Feb., 1829; m. Julius Barnes.

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6382 Sidney Bosworth,9 b. 7 Jan., 1833; m. Henrietta Crosby Morrill.
6383 Ammi Fuller,9 b. 16 Sept., 1834; res. unm., in California.
6384 Saxton Truman,9 b. 19 Mar., 1838; m. Ann Honor Piester.
6385 Emily Orzelia,9 b. 2 Sept., 1840; m. Frank P. Barnes.
6386 Persey,9 b. 3 Dec., 1842; d. 27 Oct., 1844.

2579.   SUBMIT,8 dau. of Saxton7 (926), b. in Castleton, Vt., 29 July, 1802; m. as his second wife, 24 May, 1837, Joseph Lyman Hungerford, b. in Connec­ticut, 10 Jan., 1801, son of Joseph Hungerford and Eunice _______.
He had m. (1) Laura Huntley, who d. May, 1836.
He d. near Elmwood, Ill., 19 Apr., 1855; she d. 3 Dec., 1866.
He was a farmer.
6387 Mary Ann Hungerford,9 b. near Farmington, Ill., 10 Mar., 1838; m. in Brimfield, Ill., 30 Jan., 1861, William H. Hopkins; res. in Marsh, Louisa Co., Ia.

2580.   CHARLES CUSHMAN,8 son of Saxton7 (926), b. in Castleton, Vt., 4 Mar., 1805; m. May, 1829, Abigail Drake, b. 30 Apr., 1804, dau. of John Easton Drake and Prudence Minor, of Lebanon, Conn.
She d. in Prairie City, Ia., May, 1868; he d. in the same place, 8 Aug., 1869.
He was a farmer and school teacher; res. in Prairie City. He was a Congre­gationalist and later a Methodist; a Whig and a Republican. He was a Bible student; knew that book almost "by heart."
6388 Don Carlos,9 b. in Castleton, 28 July, 1830; m. (1) Sarah Ellen Gra­ham; (2) Susan Wymer.
6389 Suviah,9 b. in Castleton, 15 Jan., 1833; m. Fayette Cushman.
6390 Franklin,9 b. in Trivoli, Ill., 21 Apr., 1837; d. 14 Apr., 1846.
6391 Frederick Newton,9 b. in Trivoli, 24 May, 1841; m. Caroline Smith.

2581.   MARY,8 dau. of Saxton7 (926), b. in Castleton, Vt., 28 Nov., 1808; m. 6 Aug., 1831, William Kennedy, b. in Plattsburg, N. Y., 26 July, 1808.
He d. 27 Sept., 1879; she res. in Trivoli, Ill.
6392 Charles Kennedy,9 b. 24 Sept., 1832; m. 20 May, 1857, Emily Barber, b. 17 Mar., 1836, dau. of Jarvis Barber, of Wyoming Co., N. Y., and Betsey Frink, b. 8 July, 1800; was a farmer; res. in Peoria Co., Ill.; in 1865, Maco Co., Ill.; 1871, Dakota Co., Minn.; 1881, Mar­shall, Lyon Co., Minn.; had three children.
6393 Sarah Franklin Kennedy,9 b. 25 Mar., 1834; res. unm., in Trivoli, and later in Elmwood, Ill.
6394 Mary Melvina Kennedy,9 b. 15 Apr., 1836; m. 1 June, 1856, Adelpha Heaton, a jeweler, in Farmington, Ill.; she m. (2) 17 Sept., 1879, Jacob Dounine, a farmer, in Farmington.
6395 Catherine Amelia Kennedy,9 b. 14 Apr., 1839; m. 5 Oct., 1867, Samuel Rafferty; he was a farmer; d. ______.

450    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6396 Martha Kennedy,9 b. in Peoria, Ill., 13 May, 1841; m. in Peoria, 10 Apr., 1866, Rufus Atherton, a farmer, in Elmwood, b. in Sunbury, O., 8 May, 1840, son of Israel Atherton, b. July, 1818, and Ann Angel, b. Sept., 1812; he served in the civil war as Sergt. in Co. I, Seventy-seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 2 Sept., 1863; was discharged 17 June, 1868; was a Congregationalist and a Repub­lican; had two children.
6397 William Saxton Kennedy,9 b. 13 Apr., 1844; m. 28 Apr., 1876, Mary Townsend, of Mobile, Ala.; res. in Mobile.
6398 Lyman Hungerford Kennedy,9 b. 9 Nov., 1846; m. 16 Feb., 1871, Mary­ette Davis; was a farmer in Elmwood.
6399 Alice Emeline Kennedy,9 b. 24 Nov., 1848; m. (1) 12 Dec., 1871, John F. Meeker, a farmer in Trivoli; m. (2) Davison; res. in Elmwood.

2583.   LEWIS,8 son of Sherman7 (927), b. in Castleton, Vt., 4 Nov., 1803; m. _______.
He d. in Will Co., Ill., 14 Apr., 1879.
Endearing Johnson sold land, in Castleton, to Lewis Kellogg, of Castleton, Jan., 1838.
6400 Henry Clay,9 b. ______; res. in Braidwood and Joliet, Will Co., Ill.
6401 Adeline,9 b. ______; m. Barker; res. in Wilmington, Ill.

2584.   JOHN,8 son of Sherman7 (927), b. in Castleton, Vt., 23 Aug., 1805; m. in Castleton, Mary Smith, b. 3 Apr., 1808.
She d. in Joliet, Ill., 28 Mar., 1847; he d. in Prophetstown, Ill., 26 Mar., 1870.
"John Kellogg, of Benson, Vt.," sold land, in Rutland, 31 Aug., 1833. Prob­ably rem. to Illinois soon afterward.
6402 Rodney R.,9 b. in Vermont, 15 Mar., 1831.
6403 George W.,9 b. in Vermont, 3 Feb., 1833; m. ______; res. in Prophets­town.
6404 Albert William,9 b. 8 Jan., 1844; m. in York­ville, Ill., 7 Feb., 1872, Adelaide Harriet Kingsmill, b. 19 May, 1853, dau. of William Kingsmill and Sarah Smallhorn; he is a merchant and a Meth­odist; has no children; res. in Aurora, Ill.
6405 John,9 b. 1 June, 1847.
6406 Frances,9 b. ______; m. ______.

2585.   SOPHIA,8 dau. of Sherman7 (927), b. in Castleton, Vt., 8 Oct., m. in Oswego, Kendall Co., Ill., 1838, Varanas Van Allen, b. in Killingly, Conn., 31 Oct., 1799, son of Abner Allen and Martha Smith.
He d. 6 Dec., 1854; she d. in Portland, Or., 2 Jan., 1885.
He rem., about 1814, to Madison, Lake Co., O.; in 1836 to Chicago, Ill. As this place did not then seem promising, he located in Oswego; in 1843 rem. to Bristol, Ill. In 1855 his widow bought a farm in Winona Co., Minn.; rem. in 1881 to Portland, with her son, Ethan W.

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6407 Oscar Allen,9 b. in Oswego, 11 Mar., 1840; m. (1) 14 May, 1863, Melissa J. Drew; she d. 4 Jan., 1873; he m. (2) 17 Mar., 1874, Mrs. Mar­garet (Gordon) Robinson, b. in Elgin, Scotland, 1 Nov., 1839; he was a dealer in agricultural implements; res. in Des Moines, Ia.; had two children.
6408 Ethan Wheaton Allen,9 b. 24 July, 1843; m. 3 June, 1868, Josephine Jordan Blood, b. in Rochester, Racine Co., Wis., 20 Mar., 1848, dau. of Dr. Solomon Blood, b. in Hollis, N. H., 16 Feb., 1810, and Asenath Malea Jordan, b. in Chester, Vt., 18 Sept., 1819; in 1861 he enlisted in Co. B, Seventh Minnesota Infantry; was in ten en­gagements and never received a scratch; he has been engaged in business in Winona and Owatonna, Minn., also Marshalltown, Ia., and St. Paul, Minn.; in 1901 he res. in Portland, Or.; one of the firm of Frame & Allen, real estate and money brokers.
6409 Sophia Allen,9 b. 7 Mar., 1844; d. 9 July, 1845.
6410 Sarah Allen,9 b. 1 Sept., 1847; d. 19 Sept., 1849.

2586.   SARAH,8 dau. of Sherman7 (927), b. 1809; m. Samuel Fletcher. She d. Mar., 1871; he d. ______.
He was a painter. He left his wife many years ago; res. a few years in; Battle Creek, Mich; left there and went South.
6411 Augusta Fletcher,9 b. ______; m. in Omaha, Neb., Jacob S. Denman; d. in Winona, Minn.

2587.   GEORGE WASHINGTON,8 son of Sherman7 (927), b. in Castleton, Vt., 25 Dec., 1811; m. 7 June, 1843, Sarah Gleason, b. 23 Oct., 1822, dau. of Abel Gleason, of Batavia, N. Y., and Anna Hogle.
She d. 6 Nov., 1864; he d. in Kendall, Ill., 6 Nov., 1893. He was a farmer in Aurora, Ill.; Justice of the Peace from 1846 until his death.
6412 Sherman Gleason,9 b. in Oswego, Ill., 30 Sept., 1844; m. Belle Thomp­son.
6413 Ann Sarah,9 b. in Naausay, Ill., 26 Apr., 1849; m. Timothy Howell.
6414 Ellen Maria,9 b. in Naausay, 16 Oct., 1851; m. in Naausay, as his sec­ond wife, 3 Feb., 1880, Samuel S. Hawk, b. 30 Jan., 1841, son of Michael Hawk, b. 4 July, 1815; he was Corp. in Co. B., Twelfth Illinois Infantry; enlisted 1 Aug., 1861; was discharged 1 Aug., 1864; he was graduated from the Commercial Course of the Aurora Commercial School, 1867; he is a carpenter and a Republican; res. in Aurora, Ill.; has no children.
6415 Franklin Pierce,9 b. 2 Apr., 1855; m. (1) Carrie Bell Mosley; (2) Ida Templeton.
6416 Alice Eudoia,9 b. 9 Jan., 1860; m. Edwin Litsey.
✛6417 Alvin Eugene,9 b. 9 Jan., 1860; m. Myra Eva Hawk.

2588.   ELECTA,8 dau. of Sherman7 (927), b. 2 Apr., 1814; m. David H. Pier­son.

452    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. 1 June, 1887, aged 75; she survived him. Res. in Minneapolis, Minn.
6418 Douglas Pierson,9 b. ______.
6419 Winfield Scott Pierson,9 b. ______.
6420 Jane Pierson,9 b. ______.

2591.   DAVID,8 son of Shirley7 (928), b. in Kent Co., Canada West, 8 Apr., 1801; m. in Monroe, Mich., 15 Feb., 1832, Mary Ann Daily, b. in Dublin, Ire­land, 2 May, 1815, dau. of John Daily.
He d. in Kendallville, Ind., 8 Jan., 1869.
He was a cooper; res. in Kendallville; was a member of the Methodist Church; was a Republican.
6421 John Charles,9 b. ______; res. in Cincinnati, O.
6422 William Lewis,9 b. ______; res. in Indianapolis, Ind.
6423 Andrew Jackson,9 b. in Detroit, Mich; d. in Pontiac, Mich., 1843.
6424 Margaret Ann,9 b. in Detroit, 1840; d. in Charlotte, Mich., 28 June, 1869.
6425 David Henry,9 b. in Fort Maiden, Canada West, 20 Feb., 1842; m. Kellie Maria Winters.
6426 James Monroe,9 b. in Detroit, 14 Feb., 1845; m. Sarah Adeline Sul­livan.

6427 Mary Ann,9 b. in Detroit, Sept., 1847; d. in Piqua, O., 1849.
6428 George Washington,9 b. in Piqua, 7 Mar., 1849; res. in Fordyce, Ark.

2593.   PALMER,8 son of Shirley7 (928), b. ______; m. Catherine _______.
✛6429 David,9 b. in Maumee, O., 1834; m. (1) Margaret Hendry; (2) Mrs. Florence J. Chase.

2599.   ELMER,8 son of Elisha7 (930), b. in Castleton, Vt., 18 Oct., 1804; m. Rebecca Laquear, b. 5 July, 1809. They res. in Rutland, Vt.
6430 Daniel Essex,9 b. 1 July, 1829.
6431 Albert Henry,9 b. 15 Apr., 1831.
6432 Sarah Jane,9 b. 15 Apr., 1833.
6433 Elisha,9 b. 21 Mar., 1835.
6434 Orill Thompson,9 b. 10 Mar., 1837.
6435 Laura Sophia,9 b. 12 July, 1839.
✛6436 Julia Allen,9 b. 5 Apr., 1843; m. (1) Lyman S. Kellogg (+6445); (2) Charles Cook Morgan.
6437 Duette Deforrest,9 b. 28 Feb., 1845.
6438 Elmer,9 b. 5 Feb., 1848.

2601.   DELIA,8 dau. of Elisha7 (930), b. in Castleton, Vt., 19 May, 1808; m. in Castleton, 27 Sept., 1830, Woodbury Perkins, b. in Reading, Mass., 20 June, 1806, son of John Perkins, b. 29 Jan., 1769, and Nancy Merrill, b. 25 Sept., 1773.

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He d. in Castleton, 10 Jan., 1878; she d. in Hubbardton, Vt., 23 Sept., 1881. He was a farmer; res. in Castleton.
Children, b. in Castleton.
6439 Nancy Maria Perkins,9 b. 15 Apr., 1831; m. in Castleton, 29 Sept., 1860, Frank W. Smith, who was with her brothers, Stillman and James, in the civil war, in which he was killed; she d. in Fair Haven, Vt., 4 Nov., 1893.
6440 Stillman Sherwin Perkins,9 b. 14 Jan., 1836; m. in Richmond, Vt., Mary Etta Bryant; enlisted 3 Sept., 1862; was discharged 30 July, 1863; served in Co. F, Fourteenth Vermont Reg.; res. in Pitts­ford Mills, Vt.; had no children.
6441 Benjamin F. Perkins,9 b. 7 Mar., 1840; d. in Castleton, 22 Feb., 1842.
6442 James Duane Perkins,9 b. 12 Sept., 1843; m. in Pittsford, 20 Mar., 1878, Sarah Jane Lewis; served in the Fourteenth Vermont Reg., Co. F; enlisted 3 Sept., 1862; was discharged 30 July, 1863, in West Rutland, Vt.; d. 31 Jan., 1895; his family res., 1901, in Pittsford Mills; had four children.
6443 Caroline E. Perkins,9 b. 23 Mar., 1845; d. 15 Apr., 1845.

2602.   SEALON,8 son of Elisha7 (930), b. in Castleton, Vt., 20 Apr., 1810; m. in Castleton, about 1836, Harriet Wheeler, b. in Castleton, 14 Sept., 1820, dau. of Edward Wheeler and Sophia Bell, of Castleton.
He d. in Castleton, 8 May, 1876; he was a farmer; she m. (2) in Castleton, 31 Jan., 1878, Joseph Bishop; d. 25 Nov., 1894. After his death she res. with her dau., Mrs. Taylor, until she d.
Children, b. in Castleton.
6444 Frederick Orlando,9 b. 16 Oct., 1837; d. 17 Oct., 1838.
6445 Lyman S.,9 b. 13 Dec., 1838; m. Julia Allen Kellogg (6436).
6446 William Henry,9 b. 31 Aug., 1840; d. 22 Jan., 1842.
6447 Charles Henry,9 b. 26 Oct., 1842; was a soldier in the Union army; d. in White Oak Church Hospital, Va.
6448 James Pope,9 b. 11 Jan., 1846; res. in Galesburg, Ill.

2603.   DR. ELISHA SELDON,8 son of Elisha7 (930), b. in Castleton, Vt., 2 Apr., 1812; m. 18 Nov., 1833, Orphena Robinson, b. in Hubbardton, Vt., 6 May, 1813, dau. of Eli Robinson, b. in Castleton, 2 June, 1782, and Lydia Dowd, b. in Castleton, 11 Aug., 1786.
She d. 8 Feb., 1863; he m. (2) 31 Aug., 1865, Mrs. Cordelia Benton (Green) Smith, b. 30 June, 1830, dau. of Elijah Dewey Green, b. 31 Aug., 1800, and Eliza Weatherley Coplin, b. 16 Mar., 1802; he d. 7 Dec., 1884; after his death she res. in Kaukauna, Wis.
He res. until 1855 in Castleton; 1859 to '67 in Manitowoc Co.; after 1867 in Brown Co., Wis.
He was a physician; was educated at Castleton Medical College.
Children by first wife.
6449 Ellen Dorcas,9 b. 27 Oct., 1839; m. David Aaron James.
6450 Don Waldon,9 b. 13 Feb., 1841; d. 9 Mar., 1842.
6451 Don De Witt,9 b. 1 Oct., 1844; m. Sarah Ann Mathews.

454    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6452 Theodore Monroe,9 b. 18 Dec., 1846; m. Ida Elizabeth Smith.
6453 Marcus Waldo,9 b. 26 Feb., 1850; m. Ida Mary Beach.
6453a Elisha Sealon,9 b. 27 Apr., 1848; is a carpenter; res. in Lake Placid, N. Y.
6453b Mary Delia,9 b. 9 Sept., 1851; m. in Manchester Center, Vt., 16 Oct., 1886, as his second wife, Ellis Billings Taylor, b. in Jamaica Plain, Vt., 26 June, 1851, son of Joseph Taylor, b. 29 Feb., 1821; he is a farmer; res. in Manchester Center.
6453c Berlin Sylvanus,9 b. 27 Nov., 1856; m. ______; res. in Storm Lake, Ia.
Child by second wife.
6454 Elisha Du Wayne,9 b. 8 Feb., 1868; d. in Wrightstown, Wis., 29 June, 1880.

2606.   LOYAL PORTER,8 son of Sylvester7 (937), b. in Crown Point, N. Y., 4 Jan., 1821; m. 17 Nov., 1858, Augusta Adelaide Warren, b. 14 Dec., 1835, dau. of Col. David Warren, of Brandon, Vt., b. in Hardwick, Mass., 4 Oct., 1791, and Adeline Gilbert, b. in Warren, Vt., 4 Jan., 1806.
He d. in New York City, 14 Sept., 1870; after his death she res. in Boston, Mass.
He rem. from Crown Point to Benson, and later to Bridport, Vt. He was a merchant in Vicksburg, Miss.; afterward a banker in New York City.
6455 Warren Franklin,9 b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 24 Nov., 1860; is unm.; res. in Boston, Mass.; is the owner and publisher of the New Eng­land Magazine; was graduated from Harvard, 1883.

2608.   FRANKLIN ELI,8 son of Daniel Newton7 (939), b. in Shoreham, Vt., 14 Feb., 1816; m. 24 May, 1837, Permelia Sanford, b. 17 Jan., 1819, dau. of Ben­jamin Sanford, of Cornwall, Vt., and Lucy Simonds, of Pleasant Valley, N. Y.
He d. ______.
He res. in Fort Jackson, N. Y.
6456 Harrison Franklin,9 b. 13 May, 1838; m. (1) Minerva Bolton; (2) Augusta Lawrence.
6457 Lorain L.,9 b. 6 June, 1841; d. 19 July, 1844.
6458 John Sanford,9 b. 24 Feb., 1846; m. (1) Lucia Hazelton; (2) Cora L Blowe.
6459 Loretta,9 b. 19 Oct., 1847; d. 2 Nov., 1847.
6460 Fayette Newton,9 b. 11 Dec., 1848; m. Alice E. Phelps.
6461 Anetta Permelia,9 b. in Fort Jackson, N. Y., 7 Dec., 1850; m. (1) in Fort Jackson, 1 Jan., 1870, Joseph Henry Wells, a farmer, b. in Fort Jackson, 17 Sept., 1849, son of Robert Wells, b. 15 Oct., 1811, and Mary Ann Bacheldor; she m. (2) in Potsdam, N. Y., 8 Nov., 1894, George H. Pringle, a builder, b. in Canada, 7 Oct., 1845, son of James Pringle; res. in West Chazy, N. Y.; had no children.
6462 James E.,9 b. 2 Mar., 1852; d. 19 July, 1852.

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6463 Frank Wright,9 b. in Fort Jackson, 22 Aug., 1855; m. in Fort Jack­son, 23 Feb., 1881, Ella A. Moody, dau. of Francis J. Moody, b. 28 Sept., 1828, and Mary O. Gilbert, b. 10 Aug., 1834; he was a black­smith in Fort Jackson; had no children.
6464 Lillian Augusta,9 b. 22 June, 1859; m. John Radway Pert.

2609.   LUCY LORANE,8 dau. of Daniel Newton7 (939), b. in Shoreham, Vt., 12 Nov., 1817; m. 26 Feb., 1843, Royal Moseley, b. 10 Mar., 1810, son of Ros­well Moseley, of Bridport, Vt., and Hannah Coburn.
He was a farmer in Bridport.
Children, b. in Bridport.
6465 Ellen Amelia Moseley,9 b. 1 Oct., 1844; m. 18 Sept., 1865, George L. Towner; res. in Bridport.
6466 Harriet (Hattie) Sophia Moseley,9 b. 13 Aug., 1846; d. 10 Sept., 1863.
6467 Sarah Elizabeth Moseley,9 b. 23 Apr., 1849; d. 2 July, 1862.
6468 Franklin R. Moseley,9 b. 20 Feb., 1853; d. 1 Aug., 1862.
6469 Charles N. Moseley,9 b. 22 July, 1855.

2610.   JANE ANN,8 dau. of Daniel Newton7 (939), b. in Shoreham, Vt., 22 Oct., 1819; m. 15 Dec., 1844, Elizur Peck, b. in Cornwall, Vt., 27 Mar., 1817, son of Elizur Peck, of Cornwall, b. in Litchfield, Conn., and Lois Hill, b. in Litch­field.

He was a farmer and blacksmith; res. in West Cornwall, Vt.
6470 James Weed Peck,9 b. 13 July, 1845; m. 16 Jan., 1873, Ellen B. Lee, of Crown Point, N. Y.; he was a farmer in West Cornwall.
6471 Newton Daniel Peck,9 b. 1 Jan., 1848; m. in Ticonderoga, 3 Aug., 1874, Mary J. Haven; he was a homeopathic physician in Ticonderoga, N. Y.

2614.   DANIEL,8 son of Daniel Newton7 (939), b. 12 Dec., 1827; m. Mary _______.
He was a saloon-keeper in Chicago, Ill.
6472 Daniel,9 b. ______.

2616.   RANSOM SYLVESTER,8 son of Daniel Newton7 (939), b. in Shore­ham, Vt., 25 Dec., 1834; m. in Middlebury, Vt., 15 Aug., 1861, Emma Louisa Myrick, b. 14 July, 1840, dau. of Nathan Myrick, of Middlebury, b. 12 May, 1784, and Harriet Russell, b. 17 Dec., 1793.
He was a farmer; res. on the old homestead in Shoreham, Vt.; res., in 1899, in Bridport, Vt.
Children, b. in Shoreham.
6473 Harriet Sarah,9 b. 4 Sept., 1863; was unm. in 1899.
6474 Emma Frances,9 b. 1 Feb., 1866; m. William Newell Farnham.
6475 Nettie M.,9 b. 17 Nov., 1868; d. 17 Dec., 1874.
6476 Adeline Olive,9 b. 28 Sept., 1874; res. unm., in Shoreham, in 1899.

456    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2617.   EPHRAIM TOWNER,8 son of Daniel Newton7 (939), b. in Shoreham, Vt., 11 May, 1836; m. (1) in Crown Point, N. Y., 11 Jan., 1871, Florence French, b. in Crown Point, 28 Mar., 1851, dau. of Charles French, b. 19 Feb., 1810, and Philanda Bartlett, b. 19 Aug., 1813.
She d. in Burgess, Ia., 20 June, 1880; he m. (2) in Burgess, 14 Mar., 1882, Mrs. Jane (French) Lee, sister of his first wife, b. 31 May, 1848, widow of S. J. Lee, of Crown Point; d. in Massillon, Ia., 29 Apr., 1899.
He was two years in Middlebury, Vt., College; was a teacher in Illinois for three years; was principal of Moriah Academy, N. Y.; was a Methodist and a Republican; a Union soldier; enlisted 29 Aug., 1862, as Corp. in Co. D, Fourteenth Vermont Volunteers; was discharged July, 1863.
Children, b. in Crown Point.
6477 George Henry,9 b. 23 Dec., 1871; m. in Des Moines, Ia., 29 Dec., 1897, Minnie Melrose McIntire, b. in Massillon, 21 Feb., 1877, dau. of Ira McIntire, b. 2 Dec., 1855, and Emma Parker, b. 20 June, 1859; he is a school teacher; is a Republican; res. in Massillon and now res. in Bennett, Ia.; has no children.
6478 Daniel Newton,9 b. 20 Nov., 1873; is unm.

2642.   LAURA,8 dau. of Ebenezer7 (954), b. in Litchfield, Conn., 25 Sept., 1780; m. William Stevens, b. 27 Jan., 1781.
She d. 14 June, 1861, aged 80; he d. 9 July, 1863, aged 82. They res. in Burlington, Pa., where both d. Child.
6479 Hiram Stevens,9 b. in Burlington, ______; d. unm., ______.

2643.   ISAAC,8 son of Ebenezer7 (954), b. in Litchfield, Conn., 6 Nov., 1782; m. in New Marlborough, Mass., about 20 Sept., 1810, Aurilla Barney, b. in Tyringham, Mass., 7 Oct., 1792, dau. of Daniel Barney, b. 1768, and Sarah Hitch­cock, b. 1770.
She d. in San Francisco, Cal., 1861; he d. ______.
He, with his brother, George, was a manufacturer of cotton and woolen machinery, etc., and built an iron foundry; res. in New Hartford, Conn.; was a Methodist; a charter member of Wesleyan University, of which he was a trustee; represented New Hartford in the Connecticut Legislature four times, commencing with 1824; owned a large farm and store; had a partnership interest in a pistol factory; was Justice of the Peace many years. The Hartford Courant, 25 July, 1804, contained the advertisement of Isaac Kellogg & Co., of a carding machine about to be put in motion in Hartford.
Children, b. in New Hartford.
6480 George,9 b. 19 June, 1812; m. Jane Elizabeth Crosby.
6481 Albert,9 b. 6 Dec., 1813; was a botanist in San Francisco; a charter member of the California Academy of Sciences; was a physician and practiced in Georgia and Alabama; he then went to Texas, where he joined Audubon in his scientific explorations; came to California in the Connecticut Mining and Trading Company, of which his brother, Henry, was president; d. unm., in Alameda, Cal., in the home of his friend, Mr. Harford, 31 Mar., 1887.

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6482 John Barney,9 b. 1 Sept., 1815; m. 3 Oct., 1867, Abigail Ann Cowles, b. 14 Sept., 1824, dau. of Capt. Harry Cowles, of New Hartford, b. about 1786, and Abigail , of Sandisfield, Mass., b. about 1788. When m., Mrs. Kellogg was supposedly on her deathbed, but recovered under her husband's nursing; she d. 25 Dec., 1880; after her death he res. in Washington. D. C.; was employed in the Treas­ury Department; was a volunteer in the Union army; served dur­ing the civil war as hospital steward; d. in Felton, Del., 26 Nov., 1892, as the result of a fall.
6483 James,9 b. 13 Apr., 1817; m. 23 Nov., 1853, his cousin, Mrs. Mary Dor­sey (Barney) Grant, b. 28 Jan., 1823, widow of George Grant, and dau. of Milton Barney, b. 3 Feb., 1797, of New Marlborough, Mass., and Sophia Ridgley Dorsey, b. 4 June, 1800 (a descendant of Caleb Dorsey, who, in 1652, built with English brick, brought over in his own vessels, the historic house, "Belmont," near Elkridge, Md., "House of the Dorseys and Hansons.") He was a Swedenborgian minister, author, etc.; served in the Mexican war as Lieut, in Co. A, First Reg. of Volunteers, under Capt. Forsyth; after the close of the war he was United States Consul and remained for a time in Mexico; he founded the city of Trinidad, Cal; she d. in East Oak­land, Cal., 21 Feb., 1899, where he now res.; had no children, but adopted two, Mrs. Philbrook, of East Oakland, and Mrs. Page, of Sacramento, Cal.
6484 Henry,9 b. 18 Mar., 1819; m. Harriet Helen Caldwell.
6485 Aurelia Sophia,9 b. 1825; m. James Jacquay.

2646.   GEORGE COMFORT,8 son of Ebenezer7 (954), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 17 Mar., 1788; m. 3 Dec., 1818, Clarissa Brown, b. 8 Sept., 1794, dau. of Sanford Brown, of Sandisfield, Mass., and Hannah Parsons.
He d. in New Hartford, 19 Apr., 1847; she d. 1 Feb., 1867; both are buried in Pine Meadow Cemetery.
He was an inventor and manufacturer; res. in that part of New Hartford, at one time called Kelloggsville (now called Pine Meadow). He represented New Hartford in the Connecticut Legislature five terms, beginning with 1826.
Children, b. in New Hartford.
6486 Edward,9 b. 20 Sept., 1819; m. Maria Ellen Deming.
6487 Samuel Nelson,9 b. 21 Nov., 1820; m. Helen Sophia Cooley.
6488 Sanford Brown,9 b. 13 Apr., 1822; m. (1) Maria Louise Kimball; (2) Louise Parker Allen.
6489 Hiram Bissell,9 b. 18 Nov., 1824; m. 10 June, 1856, Ellen F. Caswell, dau. of Jared Caswell, of Glastonbury, Conn., and Marinda Rhodes; res. in Pine Meadow; d. 16 Oct., 1899; she res. in Pine Meadow; had no children.
6490 Eliza Ann,9 b. 8 Oct., 1827; m. George Martin Welch.
6491 Charles,9 b. 8 Jan., 1832; d. 8 May, same year.
6492 George D,9 b. 17 Sept., 1835; d. 17 Feb., 1853.

2649.   MARY,8 dau. of Ebenezer7 (954), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 1 Oct., 1795; m. in New Lebanon, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1815, Joseph Case Buell, b. 28 Mar., 1793, son of Joseph Buell, of Great Barrington, Mass., and Lucy Pickett.

458    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. in Wilbraham, Mass., 6 Nov., 1866; she d. in Woburn, Mass., 21 Sept., 1879, aged 84.
He was a hatter.
6493 Mary Buell,9 b. 22 July, 1816; m. 16 Oct., 1844, Daniel Garfield; res. in Springfield, Mass.
6494 Susan Maria Buell,9 b. 11 Apr., 1818; m. 4 June, 1844, Hiram Wells; res. in West Springfield, Mass.
6495 Julia Buell,9 b. 15 Mar., 1820; m. 31 Aug., 1842, Lysander P. Coe; d. 24 Jan., 1858.
6496 Samuel Kellogg Buell,9 b. 20 June, 1822; m. (1) 14 May, 1849, Eliza­beth Smith, of Westfield, Mass.; (2) 23 Feb., 1865, Mrs. Lura Whitney, of Worcester, Mass.; res. in Worcester.
6497 James Buell,9 b. 3 Aug., 1824; m. 1 Oct., 1848, Eliza A. Locke, of Ar­lington, then West Cambridge, Mass.; res. in Woburn.
6498 Robert Henry Buell,9 b. 2 Nov., 1827; d. in Rochester, N. Y., 21 July, 1870.
6499 Ellen Frances Buell,9 b. 27 May, 1835; res. in Springfield.
6500 George Clay Buell,9 b. 31 Jan., 1838; m. 4 Feb., 1863, Mary C. Good­man, of Chicopee, Mass.; res. in West Springfield.
6501 Charles Edward Buell,9 b. 4 May, 1841; m. 13 July, 1865, Estella Anna Whitman, of Albany, N. Y.; later res. in New Haven, Conn.

2650.   CLARISSA,8 dau. of Samuel7 (956), b. in Goshen, Conn., 16 Nov., 1781; m. in Waverly, N. Y., 14 June, 1802, John Bassett, b. in North Adams, Mass., 30 Jan., 1770, son of Samuel Bassett, of Coventry, R. I., and Burlington, N. Y., and Tabitha Wait.
He d. 23 June, 1842; she d. in Knoxville, Ill., 15 Feb., 1879, aged 97 years and 3 months.
He was a farmer, currier and shoemaker, in Smithfield, Pa.
6502 John Wait Bassett,9 b. 23 Feb., 1803; m. in Spencer, N. Y., Angeline Crocker; was a carriage maker; she d. in Chicago, Ill., 1863.
6503 Samuel Kellogg Bassett,9 b. 27 Nov., 1804; m. 1830, Jane A. Bradford; d. in Galesburg, Ill., Apr., 1878; was a carriage maker; res. in Galesburg.
6504 Charles Rogers Bassett,9 b. 3 Aug., 1808; m. Catherine Lawrence; was a carriage maker in Knoxville.
6505 Orville Pierce Bassett,9 b. 18 June, 1810; m. Celestia Thomas; was a carriage maker; d. in Knoxville, 1865.
6506 Sarah Ann Bassett,9 b. 26 July, 1812; m. 30 Mar., 1834, William Aid­rich, b. in Cooperstown, N. Y., 25 Sept., 1809, son of Rufus Aldrich and Mary Smith, b. in Rhode Island, about 1783; he was a mer­chant, tanner, currier and farmer; d. in Henderson, Knox Co., Ill., 21 Apr., 1870; she res. in Knoxville.
6507 Chauncey Bassett,9 b. 25 Oct., 1814; was an editor and, printer in Ke­wanee, Ill.
6508 Susan Bassett,9 b. 23 Dec., 1816; m. Thomas Todd, a carpenter in Lowell, Cherokee Co., Kas.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    459

6509 Norman Austin Bassett,9 b. 10 Mar., 1830; m. 17 June, 1849, Keziah Hale, b. 8 Feb., 1829; was a farmer in Glyndon, Clay Co., Minn.
6510 Julia Clarissa Bassett,9 b. 26 Nov., 1821; m. John M. Coggeshall, a Bap­tist clergyman; he was chaplain of the First Iowa Cavalry; d. in Arkansas, Apr., 1862.

2651.   SUSANNAH,8 dau. of Samuel7 (956), b. in Poultney, Vt., 30 Sept., 1784; m. 7 Nov., 1801, George Butson, b. ______.
She d. 1 June, 1813; he d. in Michigan, 1837.
6511 George Butson,9 b. ______; d. young.
6512 Ann Eliza Butson,9 b. ______; m. Ebenezer Vickery; res. near Ithaca, N. Y.
6513 Maria Butson,9 b. ______; m. (1) David Ford; (2) Col. P. P. Furber, a soldier in the war of 1812.
6514 Ruth Butson,9 b. ______.

2653.   ANNA,8 dau. of Samuel7 (956), b. in Poultney, Vt., 6 July, 1789; m. 27 Sept., 1808, Phineas Pierce, b. 16 Aug., 1781. son of Phineas Pierce and Ruth Gaines.
She d. in East Smithfield, Pa., 10 May, 1813; he d. Sept., 1815.
He was a farmer; res. in East Smithfield. He enlisted in the war of 1812; was killed in the battle of Lundy's Lane three months after entering the army. The children were reared by Oliver Hays, who rem. to Ohio.
Children, b. in Smithfield.
6515 Fanny Maria Pierce,9 b. in Jan., 1811; m. John Cummings.
6516 Samuel Ransom Pierce,9 b. 23 Jan., 1813; m. 24 Apr., 1834, Sylvia Jane Comstock; d. in Seymour, Ind., 9 Mar., 1882.

2658.   CYNTHIA,8 dau. of Samuel7 (956). b. in Poultney, Vt., 13 Dec., 1797; m. 29 Mar., 1821, Orramel Tracy, b. in East Haddam, Conn., 12 Nov., 1793, son of Nehemiah Tracy, b. 8 Nov., 1753, and Lucy Olmstead, b. 3 Jan., 1776. His brother, Arobel, m. her sister, Elvira. She d. 25 Nov., 1853.
Children, b. in Smithfield, Pa.
6517 Caroline Tracy,9 b. 20 Aug., 1822; m. Oct., 1876, Matt; res. in Waverly, N. Y.; d. about 1880.
6518 Elijah Gorham Tracy,9 b. 30 May, 1825; m. Juliette Smith; was a phy­sician; res. in Troy, Bradford Co., Pa.; had no children.
6519 Alonzo Tracy,9 b. 7 May, 1827; m. Libbie Chubbock; was a carpenter in Waverly.
6520 Ann Eliza Tracy,9 b. 14 Jan., 1830; m. Emery Wood, about 1849; he d. in the army about 1862; res. in Waverly; had one son.
6521 Alanson Tracy,9 b. 14 Oct., 1832; was killed in the battle of Gettysburg, 4 July, 1863; was unm.
6522 Clarissa Elmira Tracy,9 b. 26 May, 1835; d. 21 Aug., 1837.
6523 Charles Chapin Tracy,9 b. 30 Oct., 1838; m. 1866, Myra A. Parks; he was the founder and president of the Marsovan College, Marsovan, Turkey; they were missionaries to Turkey; later res. in Waverly.

460    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6524 Edwin Griffin Tracy,9 b. 18 May, 1841; m. Anna Claflin; was a druggist in Waverly; d. Apr., 1898.

2659.   TIMOTHY CALDWELL,8 son of Samuel7 (956), b. in Poultney, Vt., 25 Mar., 1800; m. in East Smithfield, Pa., Diana Aldrich, b. in Cooperstown, N. Y., 12 Oct., 1806, dau. of Rufus Aldrich and Mary Smith, both of East Smith­field.

He d. in East Smithfield, 16 Dec., 1883; she d. in the same place, 27 Apr., 1885.
He was a farmer and mechanic; res. in East Smithfield; was deacon in the Congregational Church; was an old-time Whig and, later, a Republican.
Children, b. in East Smithfield, Pa.
6525 Orville Bassett,9 b. 20 Nov., 1827; m. Frances Orion Wilcox.
6526 Mary Smith,9 b. 7 Aug., 1831; m. Aaron Jared Dietrick.
6527 Sarah Ann,9 b. 13 Oct., 1832; m. George Tracy Cole.
6528 Samuel,9 b. ______; d. aged 6.
6529 Cynthia Evelyn,9 b. 10 Jan., 1841; m. Edward Gilbert Wright.

2660.   ELVIRA,8 dau. of Samuel7 (956), b. in Smithfield, Pa., 15 Nov., 1803; m. in Smithfield, 21 July, 1822, Arobel Tracy, b. 21 Feb., 1796, son of Nehemiah Tracy, of East Haddam, Conn., b. 8 Nov., 1753, and Lucy Olmstead, b. 3 Jan., 1776.
He d. in Smithfield, 15 Mar., 1883; she d. in the same place, 30 Nov., 1893. He was a farmer; res. in Smithfield; was a Congregationalist; in politics a Whig and a Republican.
6530 Emmeline Lucy Tracy,9 b. 5 Sept., 1825; m. about 1850, Brainard Bowen, a farmer of Troy, Pa.; she d. 20 Feb., 1871; had no chil­dren.
6531 Selden Tracy,9 b. 13 Aug., 1829; m. (1) 16 Sept., 1858, Mary Louise Andrews; (2) 6 Feb., 1872, Mary Jane Smith; he was a farmer.
6532 Mary Ellen Tracy,9 b. 13 May, 1833; m. Lewis B. Gerould; res. in Smithfield.
6533 J. Dorrance Tracy,9 b. 21 Oct., 1835; m. 27 Dec., 1859, Victoria Phelps; he was a farmer; res. in Smithfield.
6534 Jerusha Elvira Tracy,9 b. 1 Jan., 1841; m. Levi T. Birchard, a farmer in Susquehanna Co., Pa.

2662.   LAURA,8 dau. of Bradford7 (958), b. in Hamden, Conn., 11 Feb., 1787; m. in Hudson, O., 3 Apr., 1803, Jotham Atwater, b. in Litchfield, Conn., 15 Oct., 1779, son of Enos Atwater, of Connecticut, and Lois Allen, who d. in Mantua, O. He d. 5 Nov., 1828; she d. 30 Aug., 1834.
He was a farmer in Mantua, where both d.
Children, b. in Mantua.
6535 Sylvia Atwater,9 b. 28 Dec., 1805; m. in Mantua, 5 Oct., 1826, Dr. Homer Earle; he d. in Monticello, Minn.; she d. in Elk River, Minn., 2 Oct., 1873.
6536 Hervey Atwater,9 b. 22 Mar., 1809; d. unm., in Mantua, 28 Aug., 1824.

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6537 Julia Atwater,9 b. 14 Jan., 1813; m. 19 Sept., 1833, Simon Stough, a hotel keeper; d. in Ravenna, O., 31 Dec., 1838; he m. (2) Arm Daggett.
6538 Eliza Atwater,9 b. 16 Jan., 1816; m. in Newton Falls, O., 4 Dec., 1842, Ansel Bosworth, a farmer in Braceville, O.; d. in Braceville, 24 Jan., 1844; he m. (2) Mrs. Nancy Shaler.
6539 Lucinda Atwater,9 b. 17 May, 1819; m. 7 Mar., 1841, Jacob S. Smith, a farmer; res. in Braceville.

2663.   POLLY,8 dau. of Bradford7 (958), b. 14 Feb., 1788; m. (1) 1805, Eben­ezer Pease.
He d. ______; she m. (2) 1817, John Oviatt; d. 23 Nov., 1864.
Children by first husband.
6540 George Pease,9 b. 28 Apr., 1807; m. ______; he was a farmer in Twins­burg, O.; when four years old he lost one of his eyes, and seven years later became totally blind.
6541 Mary Pease,9 b. 5 Aug., 1809; m. ______; he was a farmer; she d. 25 Nov., 1865.
6542 Luna Pease,9 b. 5 Sept., 1811; m. ______; he was a cabinet maker in Collinwood, O.
Children by second husband.
6543 Lucretia Oviatt,9 b. 14 Feb., 1818; d. young.
6544 Luman Oviatt,9 b. 14 Oct., 1820; was a farmer in Twinsburg, O.
6545 Charlotte Oviatt,9 b. 15 Dec., 1821; was a farmer in Hudson, O.
6546 Harmon Oviatt,9 b. 3 June, 1823; d. aged 2.
6547 Almond Oviatt,9 b. 22 Sept., 1826; was a farmer in Hudson; d. Jan., 1873.

2664.   MARINA,8 dau. of Bradford7 (958), b. 4 Oct., 1790; m. in Hudson, O., 1808, Zina Post, b. in Saybrook, Conn., 14 Apr., 1779, son of Joshua Post, of Saybrook, and Anna Jones.
He d. 8 Aug., 1865; she d. 12 June, 1877, aged 86.
He was a farmer in Hudson, where he res. fifty-eight years.
Children, b. in Hudson.
6548 Aurelia Post,9 b. 20 June, 1813; m. Oct., 1832, Augustus E. Foot; he was assistant cashier in the Second National Bank of Cleveland, O., where they res.; had no children.
6549 Ebenezer Post,9 b. 15 Sept., 1815; m. 31 Dec., 1839, Maria Davis, b. 20 July, 1820; was a farmer in Hudson.
6550 William Post,9 b. 28 Nov., 1817; was a farmer; res., unm., in Hudson.
6551 Anna Post,9 b. 27 Nov., 1819; m. Sept., 1837, Horace Chamberlain, a grocer in Newburg, O.
6552 Bradford Post,9 b. 19 July, 1821; m. (1) Feb., 1842, Eliza Ann Wil­liams, b. 8 Aug., 1824; she d. 3 Mar., 1856; he m. (2) 18 Sept., 1860, Martha Chittenden, b. 4 Dec., 1834, dau. of John Chittenden, of Clinton, Conn., and Boston, O.; he was a grocer in Chattanooga, Tenn.

462    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6553 Elvira Post,9 b. 24 Oct., 1824; m. 2 Jan., 1842, Chauncey Fowler, Jr., a carriage trimmer and saddler, b. 13 Feb., 1820; he d. 20 Mar., 1873; after his death she res. in Hudson.
6554 Cynthia Post,9 b. 22 Mar., 1829; m. 9 Oct., 1853, Nelson Waite, son of Benjamin Waite and Sallie Kent; he was a farmer; lived in Northfield and Hudson, O., and Centerville, Cal.; had five chil­dren.

2665.   RHODA,8 dau. of Bradford7 (958), b. about 1792; m. about 1808, Ben­jamin Oviatt.
He was a farmer.
6555 Olive Oviatt,9 b. ______; m. Tiffany; res. in Michigan, where she d.
6556 Eliza Oviatt,9 b. ______; m. Hinsdale; res. in Loraine Co., O.
6557 Julia Oviatt,9 b. ______; m. Recompense Tiffany.
6558 Martha Oviatt,9 b. ______; m. Lewis Beard; res. in Kendallville, Ind.
6559 Mary Oviatt,9 b. ______; m. Moody; res. in Kendallville; both are d.
6560 Hanford Oviatt,9 b. ______; m. Harriet Reynolds; was drowned in the Sacramento River, Cal., in 1853.
6561 Silas Oviatt,9 b. ______; m. Jemima Sapp; res. in Kendallville.
6562 Salmon Oviatt,9 b. ______; m. Margaret Cannon; res. in Twinsburg, O.

2667.   ALFRED,8 son of Bradford7 (958), b. in Goshen, Conn., 4 Sept., 1797; m. 27 Nov., 1823, Atlanta Upson, b. in Bristol, Conn., 7 Apr., 1798.
He d. in Hudson, O., 28 Jan., 1876; she d. 27 Mar., 1897. He was a stone cutter and manufacturer of millstones; res. in Hudson.
Children, six d. in infancy.
6563 George Washington,9 b. 22 Feb., 1836; m. Sarah Brooke.

2668.   ELVIRA,8 dau. of Bradford7 (958). b. in Hudson, O., 4 Aug., 1803; m. in Hudson, 7 Oct., 1824, John Ferguson Frost, son of John Frost (a revolutionary soldier), of Blandford, Mass., and Eleanor Ferguson.
He d. 24 Aug., 1860; she d. 27 July, 1871. He rem. in 1818 from Blandford to Mantua, O., where both d.
Children, b. in Mantua.
6564 Eleanor Elvira Frost,9 b. 6 Sept., 1825; res., unm., in Mantua.
6565 Zina John Frost,9 b. 15 Jan., 1828; m. Feb., 1867, Sarah Butler; was a farmer in Moultrie Co., Ill.
6566 Homer C. Frost,9 b. 30 Dec., 1829; m. May, 1852, Mary Hickox; res. in Auburn, Geauga Co., O., where he was the owner of a sawmill.
6567 Cornelia Frost,9 b. 6 Apr., 1832; d. 14 Sept., 1837.
6568 Louisa Frost,9 b. 13 Mar., 1834; m. Sept., 1851, Green Fenton, a farmer of Streetsboro, Portage Co., O.
6569 Almira Frost,9 b. 10 Dec., 1836; m. Nov., 1857, Reuben Silvemale; d. in Mantua, 6 Oct., 1860.
6570 Maria Frost,9 b. 4 Aug., 1839; m. in Mantua, 31 Dec., 1857, Reuben O. Halsted; res. on the homestead in Mantua.

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6571 George Samuel Frost,9 b. 3 Aug., 1842; m. 1871, Nancy Gammil; was a farmer in Moultrie Co., Ill.

2669.   LANSING,8 son of Bradford7 (958), b. in Hudson, O., 21 Dec., 1806; m. S Feb., 1826, Caroline Bishop, of Hudson, b. 9 Oct., 1809, dau. of David Bishop, b. in Goshen, Conn., 11 Feb., 1785, and Sarah Kennedy, b. in Blandford, Mass., 18 Mar., 1784.
He d. ______; she d. 2 Jan., 1872.
Soon after his marriage he settled in Charlestown, O. He was a stone cutter, and, with his brother, Alfred, had many large contracts in Northern Ohio. He afterward turned his attention to farming in which he was successful. Later he was in the lumber business and lived with his dau., Mrs. J. C. Harmon.
Children, b. in Charlestown.
6572 A Son,9 b. and d. 27 May, 1827.
6573 Mary Aurelia,9 b. 16 Aug., 1829; m. 15 May, 1855, John Birge Ells­worth, a farmer of Hudson.
6574 Helen Georgianna,9 b. 6 Feb., 1831; m. 27 Nov., 1849, Jonathan Chauncey Harmon, of Freedom, O.; he res. in Charlotte, Mich., where he has a flour and feed store, etc.
6575 Bradford,9 b. 13 Mar., 1833; m. Mary Tomlinson, of Charlestown; he was a farmer in Ravenna, O.; enlisted in Sept., 1863, in Battery A, First Ohio Reg.; d. in the hospital in Nashville, Tenn., 30 June, 1864.
6576 Luna Elvira,9 b. 29 May, 1835; d. June, 1836.
6577 Angeline,9 b. 2 July, 1837; m. 15 May, 1855, Albert Gallatin Buell, of Ravenna; he was a farmer; res. in Chester, Mich.
6578 Sarah Lavinna,9 b. 7 Feb., 1840; m. 11 Nov., 1856, John Elsifee Sharp; he was a station agent in Ravenna; she d. 1 Aug., 1877.
6579 Sylvia Atlanta,9 b. 12 Nov., 1842; m. (1) 25 Dec., 1867, William Allen, of Ravenna; he d. 14 Mar., 1873; she m. (3) June, 1874, Silas Allen Barnes, of Charlotte, where they res.
6580 Caroline Alice,9 b. 1 Apr., 1846; m. 25 Dec., 1867, Rodney L. Phelps; he was a lawyer, but owing to poor health he did not follow this pro­fession; he later became an assistant station agent.
6581 Alfred Lansing,9 b. 23 Dec., 1848; m. 1 Jan., 1872, May Spink, of Chardon, O.; he was engineer in a flouring mill in Ravenna.
6582 Martha Achsah,9 b. in Ravenna, 25 Sept., 1852; d. Sept., 1853.

2672.   LUMAN,8 son of Helmont7 (960), b. in West Goshen, Conn., 8 Aug., 1788; m. 20 Sept., 1810, Hannah Tuttle, b. 20 Nov., 1789, dau. of Noah Tuttle and Ruth _______.
He d. in Minnesota, aged 94; she d. ______.
He was a blacksmith, a machinist and an edge tool manufacturer; settled, after his marriage, in Goshen; rem. in 1816 to Smithfield, Pa.; later rem. to Wisconsin, then to Cameron, Mo., where, on his eighty-ninth birthday, he was given a dinner with seven other veterans, whose united ages were 555 years. At that time he was hale and hearty; walked several miles each day; was a lively con­versationalist, and is said to have been a close reasoner and well informed on cur­rent events, as well as the past history of our country.

464    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6583 A Son,9 b. July, 1811.
6584 Winsel Fenner,9 b. July, 1812; m. 1841, Prudence Arnold, dau. of David Arnold, of Smithfield; he was a blacksmith; d. about three years after his marriage; had two children, who d. young; she m. (2) in Kenosha, Wis., 1856, William Parkinson Heron; he d. 3 Mar., 1897; she later res. in Ulster, Pa.
6585 Maria Louisa,9 b. 20 Nov., 1814; m. Nathan Van Deusen; d. 8 Apr., 1873; he d. 8 Sept., 1886; res. in Horse Heads, N. Y.
6586 Elvira Minerva,9 b. ______; m. about 1844, Edwin B. Corlef, of Smithfield; d. ______.
6587 Thaddeus Luman,9 b. ______; m. (1) Elizabeth Hinman, of Kenosha; she d. ______; he m. (2) Mina Arnold; res. in Stillwater, Minn.
6588 Almerin Stillman,9 b. ______; m. 1846, Anna Hacket, of Smithfield, dau. of Asa Hacket; both d. in Wisconsin, ______.
6589 Helmont Samuel,9 b. ______; m. Fanny Arnold, sister of Prudence; res. in the Black Hills.
6590 Hannah,9 b. ______; d. aged 18 months.
6591 Findley McKean,9 b. ______; m. in Wisconsin, Susan Jones; he was a Methodist minister; d. in Wisconsin; his widow and children went to Kansas.

2673.   CHAUNCEY,8 son of Helmont7 (960), b. in Goshen, Conn., 23 Apr., 1790; m. 23 Sept., 1813, Helen Howe, b. in Canaan, Conn., 27 May, 1793, dau. of Melzar Howe, of Goshen, b. 19 Oct., 1773, and Huldah Willoughby, b. 20 Mar., 1773.
She d. 1 Feb., 1880; he d. 31 Jan., 1885.
Soon after his marriage he rem. to Bradford Co., Pa., then a wilderness. He was a carpenter; res. from 1823 to 1837 in Cortland Co., N. Y., and in 1837 set­tled in Kellogg's Corners, now Sylvania, Wis.; there, in 1839, he aided, by labor­ing at his trade, in erecting the first Protestant Church dedicated in Wisconsin. He was a farmer there for fifteen years, and then rem. to Clayton, Winnebago Co., then the frontier in that direction. From thence he rem. to Fort Atkinson, Wis., and later to Neenah, where he d.
He was seventy-nine years a member of the Methodist Church and served long terms as a class leader and steward. A pleasant vein of humour characterized his life until its close, and he was of a hearty, hopeful disposition, although old age brought deafness and blindness. He was a staunch Democrat (not a Copper­head) during the war. He often prayed that he might once again live under a Democratic administration. He lived to see President Cleveland elected, but not inaugurated.
6592 William Amil,9 b. 30 July, 1813; was a carpenter; d. unm., 31 Oct., 1839.
6593 Seth Ransom,9 b. in Smithfield, Pa., 3 Feb., 1815; m. Lucy Maria Marsh.
6594 Theresa Minerva,9 b. 12 Feb., 1817; m. as his second wife, James Ladd, of Menasha, Wis., b. 22 July, 1842, son of Jesse Ladd and Thankful Holmstead, b. 16 May, 1799; res. in Hudson, S. D.; she d. ______; had no children; he m. (3) Charity Willey, who d. 10 Dec., 1865.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    465

6595 Ophelia Matilda,9 b. 2 Aug., 1818; m. Rev. Francis Metcalf.
6596 Aurelia Matilda,9 b. in Smithfield, 14 Oct., 1820; m. Abiel Walker Lindsley.
6597 Angelica Melissa,9 b. 16 July, 1823; m. O. H. Collar.
6598 Leverett Steele,9 b. 10 Apr., 1824; m. Cornelia Wetmore Hovey.
6599 Dorleska Marinette,9 b. 29 Apr., 1826; d. 10 Apr., 1840.
6600 Julius Field,9 b. 21 Mar., 1828; d. 1 Aug., 1830.
6601 Julius Field,9 b. in McGrawville, N. Y., 4 Feb., 1830; m. Betsey (Elizabeth) Quereau.
6602 Lordeska Marian,9 b. 31 Oct., 1831; d. 28 Dec., 1846.
6603 Cyrenius B.,9 b. 20 Aug., 1833; was drowned in Kenosha, 1 July, 1850.
6604 Francena Medora,9 b. 5 July, 1836; m. Norman Buck.

2674.   AUSTIN,8 son of Helmont7 (960), b. in Goshen, Conn., 20 Feb., 1792; m. (1) 7 Dec., 1817, Artemetia Howe, b. 22 June, 1795, dau. of Melzar Howe, of Goshen, b. 19 Oct., 1772, and Huldah Willoughby, b. 20 Mar., 1773.
She, with her son, perished in a burning house, 28 Jan., 1820; he m. (2) 29 July, 1821, her sister, Armenia Howe, b. 29 Aug., 1799; she d. 23 Sept., 1841; he m. (3) 2 Oct., 1842, Almira Daniells, b. 31 Mar., 1814; d. in Jesup, Ia., 30 Jan., 1871.
They res. in Kenosha, Wis. He was a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer and miller; res. in Goshen, Conn., Springfield, Pa., Cicero and Fulton, N. Y. From 1835 to '50 he lived in Kenosha; from 1850 to '60 on Indian lands in Princeton, Wis.; from 1860 to '62 in Janesville, Wis.; in Iowa from 1862 to '71. He was a pioneer Methodist.
Child by first wife.
6605 Norman Harvey,9 b. 31 Dec., 1819; d. 28 Jan., 1820.
Children by second wife.
6606 Artemetia Howe,9 b. 6 May, 1822; m. Alonzo A. Burgess.
6607 Mary Susannah,9 b. 2 June, 1824; m. Rev. John Crummer.
6608 George Josiah,9 b. 20 Mar., 1828; m. (1) Frances Marion Platt; (2) Emily Anna Lewis; (3) Mrs. Mary Jane (English) Hassam.
6609 Maria Fidelia,9 b. 2 Sept., 1831; m. Dr. James Ozanne.
6610 Martha Ann,9 b. 25 Feb., 1834; m. (1) Hiram Gates Balcam; (2) Hiram S. Rich.
6611 Wilbur Fisk,9 b. 25 Apr., 1837; m. Julia Eliza Rhodes.
Child by third wife.
6612 Austin Genaro,9 b. 3 Apr., 1848; m. Mary E. Seeley.

2675.   ELVIRA,8 dau. of Helmont7 (960), b. in Goshen, Conn., 10 July, 1794; m. Almerin Stillman.
She d. about 1825.
He m. twice after her death and rem. to Yazoo City, Miss., and d. there of fever during an epidemic.
6613 Lucelia Minerva Stanley Stillman,9 b. ______; m. Thomas R. Blackburn, of Cincinnati, O.; she d. ______; had eleven children.
6614 George Kellogg Stillman,9 b. ______; d. ______.

466    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2676.   LEVERETT STEELE,8 son of Helmont7 (960), b. in Goshen, Conn., 27 Oct., 1796; m. in New Haven, Conn., 19 Sept., 1824, Angeline Howe, b. 30 Apr., 1801, dau. of Melzar Howe, of Goshen, b. 19 Oct., 1772, and Huldah Willoughby, b. 20 Mar., 1773.
He d. in Milwaukee, Wis., 16 Dec., 1854; she d. there, 27 Mar., 1885. He was a carpenter, builder and contractor; did much of the piling on the early harbor and railroads of Milwaukee.
6615 Romulus Oscar,9 b. 6 Jan., 1827; m. Caroline Warner.
6616 Rastmus,9 b. 27 Jan., 1828; d. 28 June, 1828.
6617 Remus,9 b. 27 Jan., 1828; d. 28 June, same year.
6618 Amherst Willoughby,9 b. 13 Nov., 1829; m. Mary Isabella Phelps.
6619 Wilhelmine Estelle,9 b. 15 Sept., 1834; d. 11 July, 1837.
6620 Charles Henry,9 b. 12 Sept., 1838; d. 27 Feb., 1839.

2677.   THADDEUS GILLETTE,8 son of Helmont7 (960), b. in Goshen, Conn., 27 Oct., 1796; m. in Goshen, 7 Sept., 1832, Melinda Stuart Washburn, b. in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., 6 May, 1800, eldest dau. of Rev. Ebenezer Washburn, b. in Worcester Co., Mass., 27 Oct., 1772, and Elizabeth Cone, b. 27 Jan., 1777.
He d. in Neenah, Wis., 11 May, 1872; she d. 2 June, 1872.
He was a blacksmith and farmer. On 1 June, 1837, he rem. from Goshen to the Territory of Wisconsin and bought a farm in Mount Pleasant. In Nov., 1861, rem. to Neenah.
6621 Edgar Washburn,9 b. 21 July, 1823; d. 10 Sept., 1824.
6622 Frederick Ferdinand,9 b. 3 Oct., 1827; m. Samantha Minerva Torrey.
6623 Margaret Clarissa,9 b. 9 Dec., 1829; m. 16 Apr., 1854, Wildes B. M. Torrey; d. in Neenah, 9 July, 1882; had no children; he m. (2); res. in Hildah, Wis.
6624 Georgianna Louisa,9 b. 12 Nov., 1834; m. Return Delos Torrey.
6625 Catharine Electa,9 b. 16 Nov., 1839; d. 16 Mar., 1841.
6626 Arthur Washburn,9 b. 26 Mar., 1842; m. Isabelle Montgomery.
6627 Hollis Wolsey,9 b. 30 May, 1844; d. unm., 22 June, 1864, in the hos­pital in Nashville, Term., from wounds received in the battle of Resaca; he was a private in Co. I, Twenty-first Reg., Wisconsin Volunteers.

2678.   HARVEY,8 son of Helmont7 (960), b. in Goshen, Conn., 25 Sept., 1798; m. (1) 30 Nov., 1825, Mary Brooks, b. 30 June, 1801, dau. of Joseph Brooks.
She d. 16 Jan., 1834; he m. (2) Apr., 1834, Elisheba Darien, of Elmira, N. Y., b. 29 Aug., 1806, dau. of Seba Darien and Catherine Smith; d. 19 Aug., 1881; she d. 24 Mar., 1887.
He was a blacksmith; res. in Smithfield, Pa., Princeton and Aurorahville, Wis., where both d.
Children by first wife.
6628 Maria Antoinette,9 b. ______; m. Edward Drake, of Myersburg, Bradford Co., Pa.; he d. 1896; she res. in Apex, Bradford, Co., Pa.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    467

6629 Susannah More,9 b. in Smithfield, 25 June, 1829; m. Rev. Thomas Orbison.
6630 Julius Field,9 b. in Smithfield, 3 Mar., 1830; m. Mary Ann Gardener.
6631 Joseph Newton,9 b. ______; m. ______.
Children by second wife.
6632 Mary Brooks,9 b. in Smithfield, 3 Mar., 1835; m. in St. Marys, Wis., 3 Apr., 1871, Joel Shumway, b. 17 Mar., 1818, son of Joel Shumway; he was a carpenter, Methodist and Republican; d. in Aurorahville, Wis., 17 Jan., 1876; res. in Oshkosh, Wis.; had no children, but adopted a nephew, Elbert Seba Kellogg, son of Seba A. Kellogg (+6635).
6633 Luman Mortimer,9 b. ______; m. ______; was a farmer near Wautoma, Wis.
6634 James Harvey,9 b. ______; m. ______; enlisted in the Twenty-first Wisconsin Reg.; was badly wounded at Shiloh and d. soon after; left a widow; had no children.
6635 Seba Almerin,9 b. in Myersburg, Pa., 25 Oct., 1846; m. Susan Emeline Bush.

2679.   MINERVA SUSANNAH,8 dau. of Helmont7 (960), b. in Goshen, Conn., 24 Sept., 1800; m. 4 May, 1834, Rev. Julius Field, b. 2 Apr., 1799, son of Ichabod Field, b. in North Madison, Conn., and Anna French, b. in North Mad­ison.

He was a clergyman in the Methodist Episcopal Church.
6636 Susan Minerva Field,9 b. in New York City, 7 May, 1827; m. 2 Jan., 1855, Rev. William H. Sampson, of Appleton, Wis.; d. 27 Aug., 1861.
6637 Julia Anna Field,9 b. in Glen's Falls, N. Y., 15 Jan., 1839; m. 30 Dec., 1858, Rev. Hiram P. Shepard, of Belleville, Canada West; d. 20 Dec., 1863.
6638 Jane Augusta Field,9 b. in Fort Ann, N. Y., 7 Jan., 1833; m. 30 Aug., 1860, S. S. Scranton, of Durham, Conn.
6639 Lucretia Elvira Field,9 b. in Salisbury, Conn., 16 Aug., 1834; d. 30 Dec., 1835.
6640 Mary Louise Field,9 b. in Sylvania, Wis., 16 Nov., 1839.
6641 Gertrude Electa Field,9 b. in Sylvania, 8 June, 1843.

2680.   SETH HELMONT,8 son of Helmont7 (960), b. in Goshen, Conn., 14 Nov., 1803; m. 13 Nov., 1835, Electa Stratton Washburn, b. in New Haven, Conn., 12 Nov., 1805; her sister m. his brother, Thaddeus.
He d. in Racine, Wis., 24 July, 1867; she d. in the same place, 17 Sept., 1868.
In 1839 he settled in Kellogg's Corners, ten miles from Racine, where he felled the trees and built his log cabin. His poems, written for periodicals, are now being collected for publication.
6642 Rodolphus Eugene,9 b. in Goshen, 20 Apr., 1837; d. in the spring of 1833.

468    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6643 Elizabeth Washburn,9 b. in Goshen, 20 Apr., 1839; m. James Harvey Fancher.
6644 Edgar Hollis,9 b. in Goshen, 11 Apr., 1831; m. Caroline Elizabeth Bailey.
6645 Ann Frances,9 b. in New Hartford, Conn., 7 Aug., 1833; m. in Janes­ville, Wis., 20 May, 1855, Rev. Ezra Luman Scofield, b. 26 Apr., 1836, son of Ezra Scofield, b. in Saratoga, N. Y., 2 Feb., 1802, and Harriet Havens, b. in Ballston Spa, N. Y., 22 Nov., 1804; he was ordained pastor of the Baptist Church in Whitewater, Wis., 1 Sept., 1864; subsequently settled in East Troy, and Mansion, Wis., and, in 1880, in Barry, Ill.; he was treasurer of Almira College in Greenville, Ill.; in 1882 he was pastor of the Carondelet Baptist Church, St. Louis, Mo.; adopted a child.
6646 Emma Clifford,9 b. in New Hartford, 5 May, 1836; m. Flavius Luman Wickham.
6647 Jane Eliza,9 b. in Kellogg's Corners, 23 Apr., 1839; m. Isaac Frink Child.
6648 Frank Eugene,9 b. b. in Kellogg's Corners, 5 Dec., 1841; m. Kate Hall.
6649 Isabel Electa,9 b. 1 June, 1844; m. Thomas Martin Towne.
6650 Seth Alzamora,9 b. in the winter of 1847; d. in early childhood.
6651 Sylvester Clark,9 b. 29 Jan., 1849; m. Mary Ann Pearson.

2688.   ABRAM,8 son of Abraham7 (962), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 28 Sept., 1774; m. 26 Apr., 1797, Jerusha Goodwin, b. in New Hartford, 22 Sept., 1776, dau. of Eleazar Goodwin, of New Hartford, b. in New Hartford, 27 June, 1741, and Mehitable Cadwell.
He d. Apr., 1812.
He was a farmer and railroad contractor in New Hartford. He lived about twenty rods north of his father's homestead.
Children, b. in New Hartford.
6652 Maria,9 b. 3 Mar., 1798; d. in New Hartford.
6653 Jerusha,9 b. 2 Dec., 1800; m. Allen Benham.
6654 Sarah,9 b. 6 Dec., 1802; m. Alpheus Bailey.
6655 Publius Virgilius,9 b. 12 Jan., 1805; d. in New Hartford, 1825.
6656 Amanda,9 b. 29 July, 1807; m. Orson Morse.
6657 Abraham Goodwin,9 b. in New Hartford, 15 June, 1812; m. 8 May, 1846, Sophia Daboll Crum, b. in Winchester, Conn., 1 Sept., 1815, dau. of William Crum, b. about 1775, and Hannah Nash, b. 23 Dec., 1787; she d. 22 June, 1881; he was a builder in West Win­sted. Conn.; d. 9 Aug., 1895; had no children.

2689.   HANNAH,8 dau. of Abraham7 (962), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 18 Mar., 1776; m. 23 Sept., 1795, Jared Andrews, b. in New Hartford, 15 June, 1769, son of Nehemiah Andrews, of New Hartford, and Huldah Benham.
He d. 20 June, 1840; she d. 11 Oct., 1861.
He was a carpenter; res. in New Windsor, N. Y.
6658 Harriet Andrews,9 b. in New Hartford, 7 Feb., 1796; m. _______, 30 Dec., 1818; d. Aug., 1835; res. in Newburgh, N. Y.

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6659 George Andrews,9 b. 8 Apr., 1798; m. _______, 1 Dec., 1819; d. 10 Oct., 1848; res. in New Windsor.
6660 Henry Andrews,9 b. 29 Oct., 1800; was a physician in New Windsor; d. unm., 19 Nov., 1829.
6661 Sarah Kellogg Andrews,9 b. 20 Sept., 1802; m. _______, 24 Feb., 1825; res. in Newburgh.
6662 Fanny Maria Andrews,9 b. in New Windsor, 4 Apr., 1804; d. in infancy.
6663 Warren Kellogg Andrews,9 b. 2 Jan., 1807; m. ______; was a mason; d. 7 Apr., 1881.
6664 Norman Andrews,9 b. 30 Apr., 1809; m. ______; was a carpenter in New York City.
6665 John Seymour Andrews,9 b. 7 Sept., 1812; d. 2 May, 1834; res. in New Windsor.
6666 Abraham Augustus Andrews,9 b. 29 Jan., 1815; m. _______, 9 Dec., 1839.
6667 Isaac Comfort Shultz Andrews,9 b. 5 Oct., 1817; m. _______, 18 Dec., 1845.
6668 Jared Evander Andrews,9 b. 25 Nov., 1820; d. 26 Feb., 1867; was a commission merchant in Goshen, N. Y.

2690.   DEACON WARREN,8 son of Abraham7 (962), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 5 Jan., 1779; m. (1) 2 Oct., 1804, Rhoda Webster, b. 27 Mar., 1783, dau. of Charles Webster, b. in Harwinton, Conn., 22 Mar., 1745, and Hannah Phelps, b. in Burlington, Conn., 25 Apr., 1753.
She was "a woman of eminent piety and loveliness of person and character;" d. in Trenton, N. Y., 29 May, 1811; he m. (2) 11 Apr., 1813, Rhoda Case, b. 21 Feb., 1791, dau. of Caleb Case, b. 24 July, 1754, and his second wife, Rhoda Mills.
She d. 11 Mar., 1861; he d. in Westmoreland, 21 May, 1869.
He was a carpenter. While in New Hartford, Conn., he lived on the "Hop­kins place," owned, in 1850, by Wyllis Marsh. He was deacon in the church. In 1805 he rem. to Trenton; res. also in Westmoreland.
Children by first wife.
6669 Julia Ann,9 b. 16 June, 1805; m. Nicholas Moran.
6670 Frances Maria,9 b. in Trenton, 24 June, 1809; m. Schuyler Wade.
6671 Joseph Warren,9 b. in Trenton, 13 May, 1811; d. in Utica, N. Y., 28 Feb., 1838; was a physician.
Children by second wife.
6672 Frederick William,9 b. 5 Mar., 1815; m. Rhoda Armenia Gates.
6673 Rhoda Webster,9 b. 13 Nov., 1816; m. Ashbel Stanley Merrell.
6674 Charles Horace,9 b. 15 Apr., 1819; m. Almira Olney.
6675 Norman Pringle,9 b. 7 Apr., 1822; m. Sept., 1850, Sarah Jane Avery; rem. to Indiana.
6676 Harriet Aurelia,9 b. 31 Jan., 1825; m. Jairus Smith Knapp.
6677 Catherine Genette,9 b. in Westmoreland, 24 Sept., 1827; m. Jacob Spencer Merrell.
6678 Mary Eliza,9 b. 28 July, 1830; m. Moses Bicknell Knapp.

2691.   HORACE,8 son of Abraham7 (962), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 1 Oct., 1780; m. (1) Oct., 1807, Orpah Pratt, of Granby, Conn., b. 1777.

470    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She d. 3 May, 1810; he m. (2) 3 Dec., 1811, Anna Steele, b. 26 Oct., 1788, dau. of Isaac Steele, of New Hartford, b. 1752, and Dorothy Pitkin, b. 28 Sept 1758; she d. 16 June, 1857; he d. 27 June, 1859.
He was a farmer on Town Hill, New Hartford, Conn.
Child by first wife, b. in New Hartford.
6679 Frederick Horace,9 b. 13 July, 1808; m. (1) Eliza Ann Smith; (2) Polly Steele; (3) Mrs. Elvira (McKee) Goodwin; (4) Mrs. Jerusha (Spencer) Kellogg (6682).
Children by second wife.
6680 John Pratt,9 b. 14 Sept., 1815; m. Achsah Amelia Merrill, b. 24 Mar., 1815, dau. of Eli Merrill and Lydia Jones; was a farmer in New Hartford; d. 12 May, 1879; had no children.
6681 Henry Augustus,9 b. 20 Mar., 1817; m. Loraine E. Butler.
6682 Virgil Warren,9 b. 20 July, 1823; m. 15 June, 1848, Jerusha Spencer, b. 2 July, 1823; he d. 15 Mar., 1870; was a farmer in New Hart­ford; had no children; she m. (2) in Connecticut, his brother, Frederick Horace.
6683 Orpah Ann,9 b. 29 Sept., 1830; m. Elijah Woodward.

2695.   RUTH,8 dau. of Solomon7 (963), b. in New Hartford, 12 Aug., 1774; m. 27 Mar., 1792, Timothy Greenly, b. 20 May, 1768.
She d. 27 Mar., 1813; he d. 19 Feb., 1852. They res. in Rodman, N. Y., where all of their children were b.
6684 Francis Greenly,9 b. 9 June, 1793; d. 24 July, 1834.
6685 James Greenly,9 b. 12 June, 1795.
6686 Orsamus Greenly,9 b. 14 Oct., 1797; d. 26 July, 1823.
6687 Kellogg Greenly,9 b. 14 Apr., 1800.
6688 Amanda Greenly,9 b. 14 Apr., 1802; d. in Rodman, 7 Mar., 1837.
6689 George Greenly,9 b. 10 Aug., 1804; d. in New York City, Mar., 1860.
6690 Lucy Ann Greenly,9 b. 10 Dec., 1806; d. 15 Nov., 1852.
6691 Albert Greenly,9 b. 8 Jan., 1809; d. 23 Mar., 1840.
6692 Robert Greenly,9 b. 8 Oct., 1810; m. in Rodman, 18 Oct., 1832, Lucelia E. Edwards; d. in Rodman, 4 Dec., 1862.

2696.   SILAS,8 son of Solomon7 (963), b. in New Hartford, 30 Mar., 1776; ­Elizabeth _______.
He d. in Clinton, N. Y., 6 Dec., 1818.
He and his wife sold land in Sempronius, N. Y., 31 Nov., 1806.
6693 Ruth,9 b. ______.
6694 Betsey,9 b. ______.

2697.   SOLOMON,8 son of Solomon7 (963), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 4 Apr., 1778; m. 30 Dec., 1799, Rebecca Turner, b. near Newport, R. I., 19 Aug., 1779, dau. of Eleazer Turner, of Rhode Island, and Nancy Ann Bannister McNamara.
She d. in Sempronius, N. Y., 14 May, 1825; he m. (2) 1828, Mrs. Brown; d. 16 Sept., 1834, near Cleveland, O.
Res. in Sempronius and Lansingburg, N. Y.

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Children by first wife.
6695 Roswell,9 b. 1800; d. aged 5 months.
6696 A Daughter,9 b. 1802; d. in infancy.
6697 Mary Ann,9 b. 26 Mar., 1803; m. George Parker.
6698 Solomon,9 b. 11 Dec., 1804; m. ______; d. in Manteno, Ill., 9 Mar., 1871.
6699 Eliza,9 b. 19 Sept., 1805; m. Prine or Pryne; d. in Cleveland, O.
6700 Asher Porter,9 b. 1 Aug., 1809; m. Polly Maria Snow.
6701 Delia,9 b. 4 Dec., 1810; m. William Concklin.
6702 A Son,9 b. 7 Nov., 1812; d. aged 9 months.
6703 A Daughter,9 twin to son, b. 7 Nov., 1812; d. aged 2 weeks.
6704 William Henry Harrison,9 b. 25 Dec., 1813; m. Catherine Graves.
6705 George William,9 b. 26 May, 1815; m. (1) _______ Tammaclost; (2) Arabella Bailey; (3) _______.
6706 Artemas Brewer,9 b. 25 Apr., 1819; m. (1) Mary M. Light; (2) Sophronia Almira Crawford.
Children by second wife.
6707 Elmer,9 b. in Yates Co., N. Y., ______; d. in California.
6708 Lockwood,9 b. in Yates Co., N. Y., ______; d. in California.

2698.   WASHINGTON,8 son of Solomon7 (963), b. in New Hartford, 2 July, 1780; m. 1820, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann (Wilbur) Simmons.
She d. 1 Jan., 1831; he d. 24 Aug., 1854.
When fifteen years old he left his father's farm and became a clerk in his uncle's store, in Lansingburg, N. Y. His health failing, he followed the sea twelve years, then went into the grocery business in New York; went to Manlius, N. Y., in 1845; was of strong religious convictions.
Children, b. in New York City.
6709 George Washington,9 b. 26 Nov., 1821; m. Elizabeth Ann Hendricks Martin.
6710 John Henry,9 b. 10 Nov., 1823; d. in New York, 5 Nov., 1844; is buried in New York City.
6711 Caroline Elizabeth,9 b. 26 Feb., 1826; d. in New York, 12 May, 1833.

2699.   GREEN,8 son of Solomon7 (963), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 14 Sept., 1782; m. 1804, in Jefferson Co., N. Y., Chloe Wilcox, b. about 1783, dau. of Capt. Joseph Wilcox, of Litchfield, Conn., and Lorraine (now Worth), Jefferson Co., N. Y., b. in 1762, and Hannah Banning, b. in 1765.
She d. 12 Mar., 1852; he d. in Morrison, Ill., 22 May, 1871.
He was a farmer and one of the earliest settlers of Rodman, Jefferson Co., N. Y., where he res. from 1804 to '40; was a merchant in Sacket Harbor from 1840 to '42; in Kingston, Canada West, from 1842 to '65; in Rodman from 1865 to '67; in Morrison, Ill., from 1867 to '71. He served in the war of 1812; was taken prisoner and forced by the British to drive a team in their service.
6712 Aurora,9 b. 15 Oct., 1806; m. 22 May, 1828, Arthur W. Craig, b. in Jef­ferson Co., N. Y., 1808; he was a farmer in Jefferson Co., and Kingston, Canada West; d. in Kingston, 8 Feb., 1885; had several children all of whom d. in infancy.

472    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6713 Eliza Ann,9 b. 12 June, 1808; d. unm., 30 Dec., 1831.
6714 Charles Grandison,9 b. 28 Jan., 1810; m. Caroline Curtiss.
6715 George Washington,9 b. 2 Jan., 1812; m. Teressa Tarble.
6716 Green,9 b. 28 Mar., 1816; m. Sabra Root.
6717 Lucy,9 b. in Rodman, N. Y., 10 Dec., 1822; m. 10 June, 1847, Benja­min S. Foreman, b. 27 Sept., 1815, son of Joab Foreman, of Ellis­burg, N. Y.; he was an architect and builder, of Sacket Harbor­in 1850 he res. in Charlotte and in 1854 in Morrison; she d. in Morrison, 24 Mar., 1896; he d. in the same place, 10 Jan., 1899.

2700.   HARVEY,8 son of Solomon7 (963), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 29 Sept., 1785; m. in Rodman, N. Y., 30 Mar., 1806, Mary (Polly) Butterfield, b. in Ben­nington, Vt., 19 Oct., 1786.
She d. 28 Nov., 1839; he m. (2) in Sterling, N. Y., Feb., 1840, Orpha D. Curtis; d. 11 Feb., 1856; she d. in Ravenna, O., 1863 or '64.
He was a farmer in Worth Center, N. Y.
Children by first wife.
6718 Orlando,9 b. 2 Feb., 1807; m. (1) Sovilla Bullock; (2) Susan B. Lamphier; (3) Mrs. Malinda (McKee) Smith.
6719 Martha,9 b. 9 Aug., 1808; m. Leonard Parker.
6720 Henry Loton,9 b. 9 Mar., 1810; d. 29 Apr., 1821.
6721 Harvey,9 b. 18 Jan., 1812; d. 18 Jan., 1822.
6722 Ruth,9 b. 19 Aug., 1813; m. Morgan Lewis Holley.
6723 Mary,9 b. 9 Nov., 1815; m. Halsey J. Monroe; d. in Hebron, Wis., 25 July, 1896; he d. there, 16 Apr., 1898; had several children.
6724 Sarah Maria,9 b. 29 Jan., 1818; m. Samuel Morgan Jones.
6725 Solomon Washington,9 b. 20 Dec., 1819; m. (1) Ruth Louisa Brown; (2) Eunice Rebecca Brown.
6726 James Gregg,9 b. 26 Dec., 1821; m. Sarah Jane Gifford.
6727 Nancy Clark,9 b. 3 Jan., 1824; m. Levi Woolson.
6728 Ann Eliza,9 b. 13 Dec., 1825; d. unm., 13 Aug., 1847.
6729 Sylvia Jane,9 b. 5 Apr., 1828; m. James Canfield Brown.

2701.   JAMES,8 son of Solomon7 (963), b. in New Hartford, 14 Feb., 1787; m. 21 Apr., 1814, Mary Prior, b. 2 Oct., 1790.
She d. 26 Feb., 1857; he d. ______.
He lived in Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y. The Franklin Iron Company pur­chased the homestead.
6730 Mary Maria,9 b. 23 May, 1815; m. Jason Reed.
6731 Emily Matilda,9 b. 3 May, 1817; m. William Pebble Slocum.
6732 Wealthy Ann,9 b. 7 Apr., 1820; m. 19 Feb., 1840, Alvin L. Stillman.
6733 Albert Arthur,9 b. 23 Jan., 1827; m. Sarah Lampman; res. in Utica, N. Y.; had three children.
6734 Susan,9 b. 10 May, 1829; d. 10 May, same year.
6735 Eliza Ann Melissa,9 b. in Oneida Co., N. Y., 9 Dec., 1830; m. Thomas Rix Maxon.

2702.   PHILO,8 son of Solomon7 (963), b. 3 Jan., 1789; m. (1) 14 Oct., 1821, Nancy Ann Riley, b. 16 Nov., 1799.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    473

She d. in Strongsville, O., 1 May, 1841; he m. (2); d. 1 Sept., 1854; she d. ______.
He was a farmer; res. in Brimfield, Ill.; joined the church in Clinton, N. Y., 3 May, 1813.
Children by first wife.
6736 Ruth Helena,9 b. in Manlius, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1823; m. Jonathan Pat­rick Sinnott.
6737 Wellington Riley,9 b. in Manlius, 24 Sept., 1824; d. in Galva, Ill., 11 Jan., 1857.
6738 Walter Raleigh,9 b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 14 Aug., 1827; m. Cecelia Porter Moore.
6739 Philander,9 b. in Wethersfield, 29 Nov., 1829; m. ______; res. in Brimfield, Ill.; had no children.
6740 William Riley,9 b. in Manlius, 2 Apr., 1832; is unm.; res. with his sister, Mrs. Eno, in Pomona, Cal.
6741 Elizabeth,9 b. in Northfield, O., 14 Aug., 1834; d. in infancy.
6742 Rolla Riley,9 b. in Northfield, 9 June, 1836; m. Juliett Moore.
6743 Eliza Pamelia,9 b. in Strongsville, 7 Aug., 1838; m. William Henry Willcox.
6744 Caroline Nancy,9 b. in Strongsville, 16 Apr., 1841; m. Harvey Eno.

2703.   PEARL,8 son of Solomon7 (963), b. 3 Jan., 1789; m. in Clinton, N. Y., 23 Feb., 1813, Lucy Maria Northrup, b. in Woodbridge, Conn., 10 Nov., 1788, dau. of Philo Northrup, b. about 1763, and Rebecca Sperry, b. 1765.
He d. 11 Sept., 1858; she d. 21 Mar., 1866.
He lived one and one-quarter miles west of Fayetteville; was a farmer and lumberman; rem. from Clinton, N. Y., to Manlius; served in the war of 1812; owned part of lot 73 in Manlius, next to the homestead of Deacon Phineas Kel­logg.

6745 Lucilla,9 b. 26 Oct., 1813; m. Isaac Gurley Hall.
6746 Jane Ette,9 b. 18 Apr., 1815; m. Dr. Charles S. Johnson.
6747 Jane Ann,9 b. 18 Apr., 1815; d. 24 Feb., 1816.
6748 Ozro Northrup,9 b. 22 Apr., 1816; m. Harriet Newell Clark.
6749 Ann Eliza,9 b. 13 Dec., 1817; m. Benjamin Porter Baker.
6750 Edward Pearl,9 b. 16 Apr., 1819; m. Elizabeth Caldwell Hazelett.
6751 Cynthia Olive,9 b. 15 Dec., 1820; m. in Fayetteville, N. Y., 15 Feb., 1849, Alexander Duff, b. in Edinburgh, Scotland, Jan., 1814; he d. in Ottawa, Ill., Feb., 1897; had no children.
6752 Charles Leicester,9 b. in Fayetteville, 18 Oct., 1822; m. Susan La­vinia Crippin.
6753 Louisa Heroine,9 b. near Fayetteville, 28 May, 1824; m. Dwight Baker.
6754 Racine Daniel,9 b. in Fayetteville, 9 Mar., 1828; m. Elizabeth Ann.
6755 Newell Albert,9 b. 14 Apr., 1834; m. Catherine Margaret Marsh.

2704.   HENRY,8 son of Solomon7 (963), b. in Clinton, N. Y., 17 Apr., 1791; m. 5 Dec., 1811, Sarah Reynolds, b. in Western Oneida Co., N. Y., 28 Oct., 1789, dau. of Daniel Reynolds, of Western Oneida Co.

474    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. in Manlius, N. Y., 31 Aug., 1825, where he was a farmer; she m. (2) 1840, Amasa Martin, of Oswego, N. Y., where she d. 25 Nov., 1843.
6756 Jefferson Daniel Reynolds,9 b. 19 Dec., 1813; m. Maria Hoffman.
6757 Elmira,9 b. 13 Jan., 1816; m. George Washington Halstead.
6758 Elnora Ann,9 b. 29 Aug., 1817; m. (1) 3 Feb., 1836, George Hunt, of Syracuse, N. Y.; he was a butcher; rem. in 1852, to Onondaga, N. Y., where he d. 9 Mar., 1876; she m. (2) 11 Dec., 1879, Lewis Everett Joy, a farmer in Syracuse; (3) William Beck.
6759 Sarah (Sally) Ann,9 b. 20 Mar., 1819; m. Alexander Duff.
6760 John Washington,9 b. in Clinton, N. Y., 16 Nov., 1821; m. (1) Eliza­beth Church; (2) Elizabeth Phillips.

2705.   ABRAM,8 son of Solomon7 (963), b. in New York, 12 Feb., 1793; m. 28 Oct., 1817, Maria Mickles, b. 10 Mar., 1797, dau. of John Mickles.
She d. 6 July, 1837; he m. (2) in Oswego, N. Y., 4 Feb., 1838, Mrs. Cath­erine (Wasson) Essex, b. 5 Dec., 1800, widow of Henry Essex and dau. of George Wasson and Hannah Wiggins; she d. 20 July, 1856; he m. (3) in Oswego, 30
Mar., 1858, Julia Wood; she d. ______; he m. (4) 1875, Elizabeth Nogle, b. in England; she d. 3 Feb., 1878; he d. in Barron Co., Wis., 18 Dec., 1877, aged 84 years, 10 months and 8 days; is buried in Sheridan, Wis.
He was a farmer; res. in Oswego until 1838; rem. in 1857 to Johnsonburg, N. Y.; in 1864 to Barron Co., Wis.
Children by first wife.
6761 Romandus,9 b. in Sempronius, N. Y., 1 Mar., 1831; m. Mary Jane Essex.
6762 Romanzon Beaumont,9 b. in Sempronius, 15 Dec., 1822; m. (1) Sa­brina Fisher; (2) Nancy Jane Hale.
6763 Amarinda,9 b. 16 Mar., 1827; m. in Oswego, about 1845, Isaac C. Tif­fany; d. in Oswego, 1846; had three children (triplets), b. and d. 1846.
6764 Vandorman,9 b. in Oswego, 1 Oct., 1829; m. in Dallas, Wis., 19 Oct., 1871, Olive Crosier, b. in Rockford, Ill., 22 July, 1851, dau. of Smith Crosier and Catherine Shoemaker; he was a farmer, a Methodist Episcopalian and a Republican; they res. in Prairie Farm, Barron Co., Wis.; had no children.
6765 Roseman,9 b. 10 May, 1832; m. Louisa Roemheldt.
Child by second wife.
6766 Morando,9 b. in Oswego, 23 Aug., 1838; m. Mary A. Kidd.

2706.   AARON,8 son of Solomon7 (963), b. 12 Feb., 1793; m. (1) Sarah Mickles, b. 17 Sept., 1800, dau. of John Mickles.
She d. in Orwell, N. Y., 25 Oct., 1825, aged 23; he m. (2) 1830, Mrs. Eliza­beth Coles, of Long Island, N. Y.; she d. 26 May, 1838; he m. (3) Mrs. Rispah Cornwall; she d. Nov., 1852; he m. (4) in the fall of 1856, Mary Panick; d. 23 Jan., 1870; she d. 31 July, 1879.
Children by first wife.
6767 Christopher Columbus,9 b. near Syracuse, N. Y., 21 Mar., 1822; m. Frances Wright.

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6768 A Son,9 b. ______; d. in infancy.
6769 A Daughter,9 b. ______; d. in infancy.
6770 A Daughter,9 b. ______; d. in infancy.

Child by second wife.
6771 Sarah Elizabeth,9 b. 26 May, 1838; m. Edward Hookway. Child by third wife.
6772 Aaron Richard,9 b. ______; d. in Andersonville Prison, 1864; en­listed in the Sixty-ninth Illinois Volunteers, when 15 years of age.

2710.   COL. NORMAN,8 son of Moses7 (964), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 31 Oct., 1794; m. 3 Jan., 1821, Fannie Steele, b. 29 Dec., 1797, dau. of Isaac Steele, of New Hartford, b. 14 Oct., 1752, and Lavinia Goodwin, b. 8 Jan., 1765. She was a descendant of John Steele, of Hartford, who was Assistant Governor 1636, and who was descended from Gov. Bradford, Gov. Webster and Richard Treat.
She d. 6 Dec., 1865; he d. in New Hartford, 17 Dec., 1872.
They res. in New Hartford; later in Nepaug, Conn. He was a farmer; was Col. of Militia; served two terms in the State Legislature; was a Free Mason for over fifty years.
Children, b. in New Hartford.
6773 Leonard Fitch,9 b. 25 Jan., 1822; m. in New Hartford, 27 May, 1847, Frances F. Merrill, b. in New Hartford, 1825, dau. of James Mer­rill, b. 20 Dec., 1792, and Julia Holcomb, b. 1795; res. in New Hartford, and Guilford, Conn., where he was a hotel proprietor; he was a Congregationalist and a Republican; she d. in New Haven, Conn., 29 Jan., 1893; had no children.
6774 Robert Dwight,9 b. 24 Feb., 1823; m. Sabra Ann Pierpont.
6775 Norman Gilbert,9 b. 20 Jan., 1825; m. (1) Rebecca Thorpe Hinckley; (2) Elizabeth Steele Castle.
6776 James Homer,9 b. 9 June, 1826; m. Harriet Merrill.
6777 Fanny,9 b. 25 Nov., 1828; d. 25 Jan., 1829.
6778 Henry Clay,9 b. 20 June, 1831; m. Mariette Sprague.
6779 Lucius,9 b. 7 Oct., 1834; d. unm., in New York City, 23 Sept., 1887.
6780 Fanny Eliza,9 b. 7 Aug., 1837; m. (1) Stephen Alanson Spencer; (2) Abner Hinckley.

2711.   TRUMAN,8 son of Moses7 (964), b. in New Hartford, Dec., 1800; m. 1826, Fannie Marsh, b. 20 May, 1803, dau. of Roswell Marsh, of New Hartford, Conn., and Anna Crow, b. 1769.
He d. 6 May, 1863; she d. 12 Apr., 1887, aged 84.
He was a resident of New Hartford.
Children, I. in New Hartford.
6781 Eleanor,9 b. Aug., 1828; m. Orvis Griggs.
6782 Candace,9 b. 14 Apr., 1833; m. Orvis Griggs.
6783 Urial,9 b. ______; m. Adeline Wilkinson.
6784 Franklin,9 b. ______; m. Celestia Beany.
6785 Howard,9 b. ______; m. Rhoda Chappel.

476    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2716.   CAPT. CHARLES DORR,8 son of Elias7 (965), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 9 Jan., 1799; m. (1) 3 Oct., 1823, Cynthia Hill, b. about 1809, dau. of Miles Hill, of Bristol, Conn., and Ada Upson.
She d. 29 June, 1840; he m. (2) 21 Sept., 1841, Orrell Woodruff, dau. of Titus Woodruff, of New Hartford, and Abigail Cowles; she d. 3 Nov., 1849; he m. (3) Mrs. Susan (Hayes) Bidwell, b. about 1796, dau. of Banning Hayes, of Granby, Conn.; she d. 1 Jan., 1870; he d. ______.
He was a farmer in New Hartford.
Children by first wife, b. in New Hartford.
6786 William Hill,9 b. 16 July, 1824; m. Jane Ann Hazen.
6787 Elizabeth Dorr,9 b. 12 Aug., 1827; m. (1) George Louis Hurlbut; (2) Thomas Arthur Waite; (3) Frederick Anson Castle; (4) Samuel Hawley Benedict; (5) William Thomas Wilcox.
6788 Walter Charles,9 b. 16 Aug., 1836; m. 4 July, 1863, Sarah Pratt, b. 3 Feb., 1844, dau. of Oscar Pratt, of Sandisfield, Mass.; d. 2 Jan., 1895; had no children.

2717.   KETURAH,8 dau. of Phineas7 (966), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 10 Nov., 1778; m. in New Hartford, 20 Jan., 1799, Gen. Oliver Collins, b. in Wal­lingford. Conn., 25 Aug., 1762, son of Jonathan Collins and Agnes Lynn.
He d. in New Hartford, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1838; she d. in Manchester, Oneida Co., N. Y., 28 Jan., 1856; both are buried in New Hartford, N. Y.
She is remembered as a smart business woman, beloved and kind, always doing good to the needy and suffering. "Her soul was made of softness and her tongue was soft and gentle as her soul."
He was a farmer in New Hartford, N. Y.; was a Gen. of Militia; was twice called out, with his brigade in the war of 1812, for the defense of Sacket Harbor and Brownsville, Mar., 1813.
6789 Sarah Collins,9 b. 20 Jan., 1800; m. 14 Apr., 1823, Gov. James Duane Doty, b. 5 Nov., 1799, son of Chillus Doty, of Martinsburgh, N. Y., b. 17 Nov., 1764, and Sarah Martin, b. 19 Apr., 1767. He selected the site of Madison; was a lawyer; was Secretary of the Legislative Council and Clerk of the Court; was Judge from 1822 to '32 of the United States District Court for Michigan, west of the lakes; was a member from 1834 to '36 of the Legislative Council; was delegate from 1837 to '41 to Congress from the Territory of Wis­consin; was Governor of Wisconsin from 1841 to '44; was Superin­tendent of Indian Affairs and Commissioner for treating with the Indian tribes of the Upper Mississippi; was a member of the Con­stitutional Convention of Wisconsin in 1846; was a member of P Congress from the Third district of Wisconsin from 1848 to '53; Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and, in 1863, Governor of Utah. In 1820 he accompanied Gov. Cass, as Secretary, on his famous tour of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi to its sources; d. 13 June, 1865; she d. in Oshkosh, 21 Feb., 1871.
6790 Eliza Boardman Collins,9 b. 11 May, 1801; m. 14 Mar., 1824, Gen. George De Rue Ruggles, b. in Boston, Mass., 11 Dec., 1795, son of Joseph Ruggles and Mary De Rue; they lived in Lowville, N. Y.,

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until 1842; in Taycheedah, Wis., until 1856; he d. in Fond du Lac, Wis., 26 May, 1866; was a farmer; was a member of the New York Legislature three or four terms; she d. 19 Oct., 1886, aged 85.
6791 Mary Collins,9 b. 5 Mar., 1803; m. 19 Aug., 1827, Dr. Seth Adams, of Lowville, b. 26 July, 1799, son of John Adams, of Nelson, N. H., and Jefferson Co., N. Y., b. 11 Mar., 1752, and Mary _______; he d. 7 Apr., 1873; she d. in Lowville, 13 Apr., 1879.
6792 Malinda Collins,9 b. 17 Sept., 1804; d. unm., in Lowville, 30 June, 1867.
6793 Charles Oliver Collins,9 b. 28 Jan., 1806; m. Mary Bailey, dau. of Com. Bailey of the United States Navy; he was graduated from West Point; served in the Black Hawk and Florida wars; d. in Fort Gibson, Ark., 17 Aug., 1846.
6794 John Wyman Collins,9 b. 28 July, 1809; res. in New Hartford until his father's death; then rem. with his mother to Kirkland, N. Y., and, after her death, to Lowville; d. unm., in Lowville, 26 Apr., 1865.
6795 Alexander Lynn Collins,9 b. 17 Mar., 1811; m. 28 Sept., 1835, Sarah H. Huggins, of New Haven, Conn.; was a lawyer in Neenah and Appleton, Wis.
6796 Catherine Frances Collins,9 b. 10 July, 1813; m. 21 Aug., 1838, Bar­low Shackelford, b. in Culpepper, Va., Oct., 1809, a lawyer, elected to the Legislature of Wisconsin in 1838, for two years; he d. in Madison, Wis., in Sept., 1846; she m. (2) 5 Sept., 1849, Gen. Julius White, b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., Sept., 1816; he was a mem­ber of the Wisconsin Legislature from 1848 to '49; was Col., Brig.-Gen. and Maj.-Gen. of Volunteers in the war for the Union; he was United States Minister to the Argentine Republic, 1873; was later a real estate dealer and capitalist in Evanston, Ill.

2718.   LEONARD,8 son of Phineas7 (966), b. 18 Feb., 1781; m. 27 Oct., 1808, Sally French, of New Hartford, N. Y., b. 19 Nov., 1789, dau. of John French, b. in Amherst, N. H., 15 Apr., 1765, and Abigail B. Gage, b. in Amherst, 20 Aug., 1764.
He d. in Manlius, N. Y., 22 May, 1817; she d. 9 Aug., 1870.
Res. in Manlius. He published the Manlius Times. After his death she re­turned to New Hartford, N. Y.
Children, b. in Manlius.
6797 Asahel Seward,9 b. 19 Aug., 1809; m. Eunice A. Heald.
6798 John Leonard,9 b. 8 Apr., 1811; m. (1) Nancy Smith Starr; (2) Harriet B. Scott.
6799 Portia,9 b. 15 Mar., 1813; m. John Gage.
6800 Sarah,9 b. 23 Feb., 1815; d. unm., in Gages Lake, Lake Co., Ill., 30 July, 1853.
6801 Leonora,9 b. 3 May, 1817; m. 20 Apr., 1856, as his second wife, Alvah Trowbridge, of Chicago, Ill., b. in Danbury, Conn., 27 Nov., 1803, son of Reuben Trowbridge, b. in New Fairfield, Conn., about 1778, and Susannah Benedict, b. in Danbury, 16 Apr., 1784; he d. in Chicago, 12 Feb., 1884; was a lumber dealer; res. in Gages Lake; had no children.

478    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2719.   MARY ANN,8 dau. of Phineas7 (966), b. 5 Aug., 1783; m. 9 Dec., Elias Hart, b. in Wilbraham, Mass., 13 July, 1776, son of Jacob Hart and Rebecca Gates, b. in Old Haddam, Conn.
He d. in New Hartford, 9 Dec., 1824; she d. 5 Sept., 1863, while visiting her dau., Cornelia.
He was a farmer. When a boy, he lived with his parents in Williamstown, Mass., and later in Greenfield Center, N. Y. About 1800 he rem. to New Hart­ford, where his father d. in 1813.
6802 Elias Kellogg Hart,9 b. 9 Dec., 1803; m. 25 Mar., 1828, Emily Hub­bard, who d. 10 Sept., 1853; he later res. in Hubbardsville, Mad­ison Co., N. Y.
6803 Mary Ann Hart,9 b. 11 Apr., 1805; m. 20 Apr., 1829, Rev. Samuel Hart Gridley; res. in Waterloo, N. Y.
6804 Cornelia Angeline Hart,9 b. 26 Nov., 1807; d. 26 Nov., 1808.
6805 Jacob Hart,9 b. 7 Aug., 1809; m. 1 Apr., 1834, Eliza Hall; res. in Marilla, N. Y.
6806 Phineas Hart,9 b. 21 Aug., 1813; d. in Eaton Rapids, Mich., 15 Apr., 1847.
6807 Nancy Angeline Hart,9 b. 15 July, 1816; d. in Eaton Rapids, 11 Nov., 1843.
6808 Cornelia Hart,9 b. 7 Apr., 1818; m. 13 Mar., 1843, Josiah D. Piersons; res. near White Pigeon, Mich.
6809 Sarah Doty Hart,9 b. 20 Apr., 1823; m. 15 Feb., 1853, L. L. Austin; d. in White Pigeon, 5 Apr., 1863.

2720.   NANCY,8 dau. of Phineas7 (996), b. in New Hartford, 18 Aug., 1787; m. 15 Sept., 1808, Daniel Powell, b. in Lanesboro, Mass., 23 Feb., 1784, son of Miles Powell, who d. in Lanesboro, June, 1835, aged 80.
He d. in Elbridge, N. Y., 12 May, 1847.
He was a clothier; res. in Elbridge. After his death she res. with her dau., Mrs. Ridgway, in Boston, Mass.
6810 Daniel Leonard Powell,9 b. 30 July, 1809; m. (1) 1 Mar., 1836, Priscilia, dau. of Stephen Herrick; she d. 18 Feb., 1851, aged 40; he m. (2) Clara Smith, of Schenectady; he was a wholesale druggist; d. in Schenectady, 23 Jan., 1865.
6811 Charles Franklin Powell,9 b. 8 Mar., 1812; d. unm., in Elbridge, 7 Jan., 1857; he was an author and editor; res. in Washington, D. C.
6812 John Eames Powell,9 b. 7 Jan., 1815; d. in Piqua, O., at the house of his uncle, Dr. Teller, 24 Oct., 1837; he was a teacher.
6813 George Converse Powell,9 b. 4 July, 1818; m. in Boonsboro, Washington Co., Ark., 6 Nov., 1845, Sarah C, dau. of M. W. McClellan, form­erly of Morgan Co., Ala.; he was a physician; d. in McLears, Ark., 22 Feb., 1849.
6814 Oliver Collins Powell,9 b. 6 Oct., 1821; m. (1) Sept., 1860, Clara Anderson, of Clinton, N. Y.; she d. 23 Jan., 1865; he m. (2) in Ovid N. Y., 11 Sept., 1866, Lucy Scott; he was a druggist in Ovid.

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6815 Nancy Julia Ann Powell,9 b. 30 Sept., 1825; m. 12 Sept., 1844, Anthony Brooks Ridgway, of Boston, Mass.; he was a dry goods merchant; d. 19 Oct., 1866.

2721.   CHARLES FRASER,8 son of Phineas7 (966), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 22 May, 1788; m. (1) in Troy, N. Y., 29 Dec., 1808, Almira Kilbourne Harris, b. in New York City, 19 Aug., 1787.
She d. in Cincinnati, 15 Dec., 1820; he m. (2) Mar., 1822, Elizabeth Gaz­lay; she d. in Cincinnati, 1825; he m. (3) 10 Feb., 1827, Mrs. Eliza (Smith) Downes, b. 1801, widow of Com. William Downes, and dau. of John Smith. Her brother, Hon. Caleb B. Smith, was a member of Congress from Indiana, and also of Lincoln's first Cabinet.
He d. in Cincinnati, Jan., 1865; is buried in Spring Grove Cemetery.
He was a farmer; settled in Cincinnati, 1818; was a Swedenborgian.
Children by first wife.
6816 Sheldon Ingalls,9 b. in Manlius, N. Y., 18 Dec., 1809; m. Catherine Rayner Edmands.
6817 Charles Henry,9 b. 28 Aug., 1812; m. (1) Mary Elizabeth Rockey; (2) Margaret Todd.
6818 Miner Kilbourne,9 b. in Manlius Square, 22 Aug., 1814; m. Celia Logan.
6819 Almira Sophia,9 b. in Cazenovia, 19 Jan., 1817; m. Dr. Henry Fox Davis.
6820 Warren Converse,9 b. 8 Dec., 1820; d. 19 Dec., same year.
6821 Horace Edmands,9 b. ______; d. young.
Children by third wife.
6822 Leonard Winthrop,9 b. 1828.
6823 Lovell Horace,9 b. in Cincinnati, 30 Nov., 1835; m. Amanda Jane Talbott.
6824 Caleb Smith Eraser,9 b. ______; d. young.
6825 John Phineas,9 b. 1840; m. ______; res. in Fostoria, O.
6826 Sarah Eliza,9 b. 1843; d. 1865.

2722.   PHINEAS,8 son of Phineas7 (966), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 11 Oct., 1790; m. (1) 18 Mar., 1818, Louisa Thomas, b. 20 Aug., 1796, dau. of Warren Thomas and Louisa Ladd.
She d. in Dayton, O., 29 Nov., 1828; he m. (2) 5 Feb., 1829, Cynthia Ann Brown, b. 4 Jan., 1806, dau. of Robert Brown, b. 1759, and Rachel Bailey, b. 1779; she d. 9 Dec., 1842; he m. (3) 17 Dec., 1843, Leonora Marsh, b. 2 Jan., 1814; she d. 17 Jan., 1874; he d. in Princeton, Ind., 23 July, 1879, aged 88.
He was a pensioner of the war of 1812. In the spring of 1819 he settled on a farm near Cincinnati; was in the livery business in Dayton, O.; in 1834 he had a farm near Lafayette, Ind.; in 1837 he rem. to Gibson Co.; in 1848 settled on a farm twenty-five miles north of Evansville, Ind. He had previously kept the Bull's Head, a hotel in Evansville. He and his father served in the same brigade in the war of 1812.
Children by first wife.
6827 Sophronia Louisa,9 b. in Oneida Co., N. Y., 17 Nov., 1818; m. Alfred Moore McGriff.

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6828 Leonard Phineas,9 b. 29 July, 1821; d. 15 Sept., 1821.
6829 Mary Ann Emeline,9 b. in Dayton, O., 12 Jan., 1823; m. William H Dill.
6830 Julia Ann,9 b. 5 Feb., 1825; m. Alexander Hudelson.
6831 Warren Stuart,9 b. in Dayton, 25 Sept., 1828; m. Frances Elizabeth Renfro.
Children by second wife.
6832 Bailey Brown,9 b. 7 May, 1830; d. 20 Aug., 1831.
6833 Susanna Brown,9 b. in Dayton, 20 Apr., 1832; m. James Baldwin Falley.
6834 George,9 b. in Indiana, 20 Sept., 1834; m. Alice Ann Gordon.
6835 Eliza,9 b. 5 Oct., 1836; m. Philander Don Viets.
6836 Charles Miner,9 b. in Princeton, 9 Jan., 1838; m. Mary E. Yantis.
6837 Ellen Jane,9 b. 20 Mar., 1841; m. Jonathan Alsop.
Children by third wife.
6838 Olive Catherine,9 b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 4 Oct., 1844; m. New­ton Weatherford.
6839 Sophia Aseneth,9 b. 5 May, 1847; d. unm., in Princeton, 10 Jan., 1874.

2725.   LAURA,8 dau. of Martin7 (967), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 11 Dec., 1786; m. in West Winfield, N. Y., 20 Mar., 1808, Amos Reynolds, b. in Shaftsbury, Vt., 17 Apr., 1786, son of Daniel Reynolds, b. 3 June, 1760, and Waite Rey­nolds, his second cousin, b. 25 Dec., 1759.
She d. in Maumee, O., 27 Sept., 1853; he m. (2) Mrs. Lavira Reed; d. in Maumee, 12 Sept., 1868.
He was a farmer; res. near Rome, N. Y.; served in the civil war as a team­ster; was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics he was a "Jackson" Democrat and a "Lincoln" Republican.
6840 George Washington Reynolds,9 b. in Western­ville, N. Y., 2 Feb., 1809; m. 22 Oct., 1833, Laura Lucy Page, b. 20 Dec., 1814, dau. of Dr. Amos and Sally (Stephens) Page; she d. in Maumee, 28 Dec., 1864; he res. in Minneapolis, Minn.
6841 Benjamin Franklin Reynolds,9 b. in Rodman, N. Y., 22 Feb., 1811; m. in St. Catherines, Ont., 10 Sept., 1843, Maria Moffatt; d. in St Catherines, 22 Sept., 1896; had five children.
6842 John Milton Reynolds,9 b. in Rodman, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1812; m. in Clay­ton, N. Y., Catherine Tobias; d. in Clayton, 27 Aug., 1888; had seven children.
6843 Lucyette Reynolds,9 b. in Rodman, 4 Mar., 1814; m. 10 Apr., 1832, Orrin Everett; he d. in Maumee, 27 Aug., 1854; she d. in St. Catherines, 13 Sept., 1857; had five children.
6844 Waite Elmira Reynolds,9 b. in Rodman, 6 Jan., 1816; m. (1) 1835, Nich­olas Hammond; he d. in Clayton, 1838; she m. (2) Amasa Benedict; she d. in Marshall, Tex., 4 Aug., 1886; had three children.
6845 Sarah Ann Reynolds,9 b. in Rodman, 27 Dec., 1817; m. in Clayton, June, 1834, James D. Tobias; he d. in Boonville, Cal, 20 Jan., 1895; d. in Boonville, 1899; had four children.

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6846 Charles Morris Reynolds,9 b. in Vienna, N. Y., 3 June, 1819; m. 8 Jan., 1843, Elizabeth Scoville; she d. in Clayton, 1895; he d. in Caze­novia, 28 Apr., 1900; had four children.
6847 Esther Reynolds,9 b. in Rodman, 1 Feb., 1822; m. Philander Carlisle; d. in Clayton, 20 Feb., 1849; had two children.
6848 Chauncey Seymour Reynolds,9 b. in Clayton, 20 July, 1824, where he d., unm., Aug., 1834.
6849 Amanda Olivia Reynolds,9 b. in Clayton, 5 May, 1826; m. (1) 19 June, 1845, James W. Gales; had two daus.; he d. in Maumee, 1862; she m. (2) S. N. Beach, of Maumee, and had one son.
6850 Horace Dryden Reynolds,9 b. in Clayton, 22 Apr., 1828; m. in Lima, O., Maud Miller, who d. in Dayton, O.; he later res. in Fresno, Cal.; had two children.
6851 Mary Reynolds,9 b. in Clayton, 8 Jan., 1833; m. 7 Mar., 1859, Stoddard Goodwin Harvey; she d. in San Francisco, Cal., 1873; he later res. in Potter Valley, Cal., with his fourth wife.

2727.   GEORGE WASHINGTON,8 son of Martin7 (967), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 17 Apr., 1791; m. in Adams Co., Miss., Maria Sessions.
He d. 19 Mar., 1840.
He was a cotton planter; res. in Adams Co., fourteen miles east of Natchez, Miss. He had a good plantation; owned twenty-one slaves; had a mill and cot­ton gin and store of goods. He was an Associate Judge; a man of pure habits; an influential and wealthy citizen.
6852 Laura,9 b. ______; m. Dr. Charles Herter.
6853 Aurelia,9 b. about 1826; d. in Akron, O., 26 July, 1838, while her uncle, Horace D., was taking her from Mississippi to Winfield, N. Y., where she is buried.

2728.   LUCY,8 dau. of Martin7 (967), b. in Hartford, Conn., 26 Aug., 1792; m. 6 Sept., 1813, Capt. Alvah Barber, b. in Hartford, 3 July, 1791.
He d. 13 Apr., 1871; she d. 1874.
He was a house carpenter and joiner; res. in West Winfield. He was a Capt. in the war of 1812. He was a Methodist and a Democrat.
6854 Olive Barber,9 b. in West Winfield, 20 Aug., 1814; m. 13 Jan., 1834, Dwight Woodruff, b. in West Winfield, 16 Jan., 1809; had two chil­dren.

6855 Leonard E. Barber,9 b. in Rodman, N. Y., 28 Apr., 1816; m. 11 Mar., 1846, Martha A. Hester, b. in Wilkinson Co., Miss., 17 June, 1818, dau. of Charles Hester and Mary Dickinson; in Oct., 1836, he rem. from West Winfield to Wilkinson Co., Miss.; in 1881 he was a law­yer in Woodville; had two children.
6856 Lucy A. Barber,9 b. in Rodman, 14 Apr., 1818; m. in West Winfield, Philo W. Boyd, b. 1812; d. in Maumee, O., ______; had seven chil­dren.

482    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2729.   MERRON,8 dau. of Martin7 (967), b. in Winfield, N. Y., 24 Mar., 1795 m. 2 Mar., 1814, Daniel Leonard, b. 16 Sept., 1791, son of Samuel Leonard ant Sarah Williams.
He d. in Maumee, O., 10 Nov., 1865; she d. in Homer, Ill., 26 Jan., 1878. He was a builder; res. in the early part of his married life in Winfield and then in Maumee.
6857 Truman Williams Leonard,9 b. 22 Nov., 1816; m. 29 June, 1882, Mrs; Jennie (Stevenson) Briggs, dau. of William Stevenson, b. 31 Aug., 1808, and Sarah A. Leonard, b. 8 Jan., 1814; he d. in Louisville, Ky., 6 Apr., 1898; she res. there after his death.
6858 Harriet Elizabeth Leonard,9 b. 15 Apr., 1819; m. 16 Jan., 1842, Hartley Holmes, b. 7 Mar., 1802; res. in Winfield, Kas.
6859 Amanda Olivia Leonard,9 b. 1 Jan., 1822; m. 13 Aug., 1839, Stephenson Waters, b. 11 Sept., 1807; d. in Louisville, Ky., 9 Feb., 1898.

2730.   RALPH PHINEAS,8 son of Martin7 (967), b. in West Winfield, N. Y., 12 July, 1796; m. Clarissa L. Gridley, b. in Clinton, N. Y., 30 Dec., 1794, of Reuben Gridley, of Clinton.
He d. 12 May, 1864; she d. 24 Mar., 1870. He served in the war of 1812; res. in Rock Co., Wis.
6860 Lucinda,9 b. 16 Feb., 1821; d. 5 Apr., 1846.
6861 Wayne Loomis,9 b. 12 Sept., 1822; is a farmer; res. in Hanover, Rock Co., Wis.; is unm.
6862 Adeline Louisa,9 b. 6 Jan., 1825; m. Pentecost; he d. ______; had three children.
6863 Sarah Jane,9 b. 26 Dec., 1827.
6864 George Washington,9 b. 24 May, 1829; d. 8 Sept., 1840.
6865 Seymour L.,9 b. 20 Feb., 1830; d. 28 Mar., 1831.
6866 Chauncey Seymour,9 b. 3 Sept., 1832; m. Harriet Byron Woods.

2732.   HORACE DRYDEN,8 son of Martin7 (967), b. in West Winfield, N. Y., 12 Aug., 1799; m. (1) Mrs. Mary Ann (Netterville) Stewart, widow of Duncan Stewart, of Woodville, Miss.
She d. 1840; he m. (2) Mary Bowen Stone (7034), of Oneida Co., N. Y., 12 Jan., 1824, dau. of John Randall Stone, b. 10 Apr., 1789, and Philinda Kellogg (+2789), b. 31 Oct., 1790; d. in Trinity, near Harrisonburg, La., 12 Aug., 1871. His widow now res. in Syracuse, N. Y.
He was a lawyer in Woodville, Miss., where he rem. in 1822, in partnership with his brother, Chauncey. He became wealthy in land and slaves, and at the close of the civil war had a trunk full of Confederate money.
6867 Chauncey Seymour,9 b. in Woodville, 12 Sept., 1837; m. in Woody 1 Sept., 1864, Amy Elizabeth Butterworth, b. 19 Aug., 1844, dau. of Henry James Butterworth, of Newburgh, N. Y., and Aliff Sophia Smith, of Port Gibson, Miss.; he was an inventor; in 1840 he rem. to the old homestead in West Winfield; in 1851, to Farm­ington, Conn.; he was graduated from Yale College in the class of

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1858, and went to Woodville; he entered the Southern army in May, 1861; was Sergt. and Lieut, in Co. A, Sixteenth Mississippi Volunteer Infantry; he resigned on account of ill health, Oct., 1862; res. until 1875 in Woodville and since then in McComb, Pike Co., Miss.; had no children.
6868 George Washington,9 b. in West Winfield, N. Y., 10 Dec., 1843; d. in Syracuse, N. Y., about 1860.
6869 James Madison,9 b. in West Winfield, 1 Jan., 1847; m. Ellen Ardrey.
6870 Ellen Marie,9 b. in West Winfield, 7 Oct., 1852; m. Dr. George Deni­son Whedon.

2733.   CHAUNCEY SEYMOUR,8 son of Martin7 (967), b. in West Winfield, N. Y., 16 July, 1801; m. Rebecca _______.
He d. in Woodville, Miss., 12 July, 1834.
He was a lawyer; rem. to Woodville in 1822, with his brother, PI. D., with whom he was in partnership. He became eminent and wealthy.
6871 Horace Dryden,9 b. 1834, soon after his father's death; he was sent North and educated mostly in the State of New York. The old Martin Kellogg farm, in Winfield, was given him as part of his in­heritance; he d. about 1886, leaving a widow; had no children.

2734.   POLLY,8 dau. of Frederick Webster7 (968), b. in Whitestown, N. Y., 7 Sept., 1780; m. 8 Sept., 1803, Daniel Leonard, b. 19 Oct., 1781, son of Josiah Leonard, b. 27 Mar., 1750, and Elizabeth Hilliard, b. 13 Oct., 1748.
She d. 21 Apr., 1808; he m. (2) 23 Apr., 1809, Mary Easton, b. 1790; she d. 1861; he d. in Gloversville, N. Y., 10 Jan., 1871, aged 90. They res. in Kingsbury and Gloversville, N. Y.
6872 Margaret Leonard,9 b. 16 Aug., 1804; d. unm., in St. Johnsville, N. Y., 1838.
6873 Horace Kellogg Leonard,9 b. 23 May, 1806; m. in Bolivar, N. Y., 14 Jan., 1829, Minerva Joslin, b. in Verona, N. Y., 11 Jan., 1809; he d. in Beloit, Wis., 9 Oct., 1877; was poisoned by applying tobacco to a cut on the finger; he was engaged in manufacturing gloves and mittens, of the firm of H. K. Leonard & Son, in which he had been engaged in Bolivar for twenty years; had three children.
6874 Frederick Webster Leonard,9 b. 4 Apr., 1808; m. 23 Oct., 1828, Emily Newton, b. 15 Dec., 1807, dau. of Elias Newton, of Massachusetts, b. 2 Sept., 1774, and Thankful Hazzard, b. 19 Sept., 1776; he was a merchant, lumberman and farmer; res. in 1828, in Johnstown, N. Y.; from 1829 to '43, in Wirt Center, N. Y., and from 1842 to '80, in Ceres, Allegany Co., N. Y.

2735.   FREDERICK,8 son of Frederick Webster7 (968), b. in New Hartford, N. Y.; m. Esther Guthrie, b. 15 Aug., 1805, dau. of Abram Guthrie and Keziah Mallory.
He d. 16 Sept., 1865; she d. 17 Mar., 1870.

484    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6875 Mary,9 b. 3 Nov., 1806; m. Ammi Nichols.
6876 Nancy,9 b. 9 June, 1808; m. Jotham Gaylord, of New Hartford, Conn , had no children.
6877 Frederick,9 b. 8 July, 1810; m. Cynthia Newell.
6878 Uriel,9 b. 2 May, 1812; m. Mary Nichols.

2736.   JERUSHA,8 dau. of Frederick Webster7 (968), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 1786; m. 8 Oct., 1805, Elisha Case, b. in Wintonbury, Conn., 21 Jan., 1783, son of Elisha Case, of Kingsbury, N. Y., b. about 1754, and Freelove Burr, b. about 1757.
She d. 29 Aug., 1811; he d. 29 Jan., 1832.
He was a farmer and manufacturer; res. in Kingsbury, where both d.
6879 Charlotte Maria Case,9 b. 7 Nov., 1806; m. 19 Aug., 1830, Daniel S. Parr, a cabinet-maker; d. in Kingsbury, 8 Nov., 1837.
6880 Sherman Wilbur Case,9 b. 11 Nov., 1808; m. 3 July, 1832, Mary Hos­mer; he was a market gardener in Gloversville, N. Y.
6881 Jerusha Case,9 b. 20 Aug., 1811; d. 12 Mar., 1830.
6882 Amanda Malvina Case,9 b. 20 Aug., 1811; d. 7 Sept., 1812.

2737.   DR. URIEL HOLMES,8 son of Frederick Webster7 (968), b. in Whites­town, N. Y., 22 Sept., 1789; m. 15 Jan., 1812, Mary Esther Huggins, b. in New Haven, Conn., 22 July, 1789, dau. of Capt. John Huggins (a naval officer), and Mary Gould, of New Haven. She was a great granddaughter of Roger Sherman (one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence), of Connecticut.
He d. 8 Feb., 1844; she d. 27 Jan., 1870.
He was the first white boy b. in Whitestown, which then covered a very large district, extending from Montgomery Co. west to Onondaga Co. He was a phy­sician, and lived and d. in New Hartford; was buried, with all of his family in the cemetery, in Utica.
Children, b. in New Hartford, N. Y.
6883 John Gould,9 b. 10 Nov., 1812; d. unm., 7 Oct., 1864; was a lawyer in Utica, N. Y.
6884 Mary Huggins,9 b. Sept., 1814; d. 6 June, 1816.
6885 Orchard Guy,9 b. 15 Apr., 1816; m. (1) Fanny Dench Shepard; (2) Frances Amanda Curtis.
6886 William,9 b. 1818; d. unm., 18 Nov., 1858; was a packer and com­mission merchant in Peoria, Ill.
6887 James,9 b. 1 Mar., 1820; was a wholesale grocer in New York City; d. 4 July, 1859.
6888 Uriel Holmes,9 b. 23 May, 1823; m. (1) Mary Elizabeth McElwaine; (2) Jennie Judson.
6889 Frederick Webster,9 b. 25 Nov., 1826; m. Maria Hannah Chamber­laine.
6890 Henry Moore,9 b. 25 Mar., 1828; m. Maria Abigail Harter.
6891 Mary Charlotte,9 b. 18 May, 1830; m. Timothy Parker.
6892 Margaret Norton,9 b. 24 Oct., 1832; d. unm., 29 Dec., 1859.

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6893 A Daughter,9 d. in infancy.
6894 A Daughter,9 d. in infancy.

2738.   AMANDA,8 dau. of Frederick Webster7 (968), b. in Whitestown, N. Y.; m. Professor Seth Norton, b. in Farmington, Conn., 12 Feb., 1780, son of Ichabod Norton and Ruth Strong.
He d. 7 Dec., 1818; she d. June, 1844.
He was graduated from Yale in 1814; was principal of the Oneida Academy in Clinton, N. Y.; first professor of languages in Hamilton College, into which the Oneida Academy was transformed.
6895 Charlotte Norton,9 b. ______; m. Kilbourne, of Paris, N. Y.

2752.   RACHEL,8 dau. of Truman7 (970), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 11 June, 1788; m. 1 Sept., 1806, Eli Butler, b. in Middletown, Conn., 28 Mar., 1779, son of Eli Butler, of Middletown, b. about 1740, and Rachel Stocking, b. 29 Jan., 1743.
He d. in New Hartford, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1832; she d. 18 Apr., 1871. He was a farmer in New Hartford, N. Y.
6896 Morgan Butler,9 b. 7 June, 1807; m. 10 Feb., 1841, Marianne Howard; he was a farmer; res. in New Hartford, N. Y.; d. 3 Aug., 1892.
6897 Francis Butler,9 b. 23 Dec., 1808; m. 12 May, 1853, Harriet Sherrell, b. 28 Sept., 1817; res. in New Hartford, N. Y.; she d. 25 Dec., 1887; he d. 21 Nov., 1889; had two children.
6898 Truman Kellogg Butler,9 b. 31 Oct., 1810; was a merchant in Utica, N. Y.; d. unm., ______.
6899 Harriet Butler,9 b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 23 Oct., 1814; m. 10 Oct., 1844, Charles Parsons Wetmore; d. 1 July, 1897.
6900 Mary Butler,9 b. in Rome, N. Y., 1 Feb., 1817; m. 1 June, 1853, George Burch; res. in West Schuyler, N. Y.; had one child, who d. in infancy.
6901 Hannah E. Butler,9 b. 14 Feb., 1820; m. in Little Falls, N. Y., 3 Aug., 1858, J. B. Brown; d. 13 Apr., 1870.
6902 Sophia Butler,9 b. 14 Oct., 1823; d. unm., 30 Sept., 1893; res. in Utica.
6903 Henry Highy Butler,9 b. 2 June, 1826; m. 12 June, 1855, Phebe Ella Farmer; d. 3 Dec., 1863; he was a merchant in Chicago, Ill.; had three children.

2753.   FORRIS,8 son of Truman7 (970), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 1791; m. in Utica, N. Y., 13 Mar., 1828, Lois Estes, b. 6 May, 1808, dau. of Nathaniel Estes, b. in Duanesburg, N. Y., 31 May, 1788, and Ruth Gaige, b. 16 Feb., 1789.
He d. in Washington Mills, N. Y., 23 Apr., 1855; she d. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 2 Apr., 1882.
They res. in New Hartford, N. Y., where he was a farmer and miller.
Children, b. in Washington Mills.
6904 Eliza,9 b. 13 Oct., 1830; m. 14 June, 1854, John Bowne, son of Samuel Bowne; he d. 1901; was a farmer, "Friend" and Democrat; had no children.

486    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6905 Mary,9 b. 30 Nov., 1832; m. Elias Thome.
6906 Sarah,9 b. 30 Sept., 1836; m. in Skaneateles, 19 Dec., 1866, Benjamin F. Briscoe; res. in Michigan; had no children.
6907 Charles,9 b. 4 Jan., 1839; d. 4 Aug., same year.
6908 Frances,9 b. 10 July, 1840; d. 21 June, 1851.
6909 Rachel Catherine,9 b. 21 Oct., 1842; m. William Penn Willetts.
6910 Emma,9 b. 30 Nov., 1844; m. Robert Barclay Thome.

2754.   TRUMAN,8 son of Truman7 (970), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 15 Feb., 1795; m. 3 Apr., 1820, Malinda Marsh, b. in Clinton, N. Y., 1 May, 1798, dau. of Nathan Marsh, b. 2 May, 1758, and Sarah Marsh, b. 3 Dec., 1774.
She d. 3 Mar., 1867; he d. 17 May, 1867.
He was a farmer in New Hartford, N. Y., where both d.
Children, b. in New Hartford, N. Y.
6911 Sarah Malinda,9 b. 25 July, 1822; m. George Thomas.
6912 Cornelia Hannah,9 b. 8 June, 1824; m. Daniel Coman Mason.
6913 Nathan Marsh,9 b. 24 June, 1829; was engaged in general stock rais­ing, with his brother, Truman Morris, in the firm of Kellogg Brothers; he was a Presbyterian and a Democrat; in 1898 he res. in New Hartford, N. Y.; now res. unm., in Pontiac, Ill.
6914 Tedman Morris,9 b. 7 Oct., 1835; he is a civil engineer; was for twenty years with the Illinois Central Railroad; he is engaged in stock raising and general farming in partnership with his brother, Nathan Marsh; he is a Presbyterian and a Democrat; res. unm., in Pontiac.

2755.   HANNAH,8 dau. of Truman7 (970), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 8 July, 1799; m. 2 Nov., 1825, Henry Higby, b. 20 Oct., 1799, son of Enoch Higby, of New Hartford, and Medina, O., b. 24 Jan., 1775, and Anna Hurlburt, b. 1 Sept., 1778.
She d. 17 Mar., 1861; he d. in Joliet, Ill., 3 Aug., 1880.
He was a merchant in Sugar Grove, Warren Co., Pa. In Aug., 1827, he rem. to Pittsburg, Pa., where he was a wholesale and retail merchant in china and crockery until 1872, when he rem. to Joliet.
6915 Harriet Highy,9 b. 22 Jan., 1836; m. 18 Jan., 1855, Robert Morrison Cust; for twenty years he was bookkeeper and assistant cashier in the Bank of Pittsburg; later manager of a clearing-house associa­tion of Pennsylvania, and later in the firm of Higby, Cust & Co., crockery merchants; he res. in Joliet.
6916 A Son,9 b. and d. 5 Nov., 1838.

2756.   MORRIS,8 son of Truman7 (970), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 21 Apr., 1804; m. 21 Mar., 1832, Maria Winchester, b. 1 Oct., 1808, dau. of James Win­chester, of New Hartford, N. Y., and Lucretia Piapond.
He d. 13 Apr., 1870; she d. 6 Aug., 1873.
He was a farmer; rem. from New Hartford, N. Y., in 1833, to West Andover, O.; in 1860 to Williamsfield, O., and, in 1866, to Andover, O., where both d.

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6917 Sophia,9 b. 2 Feb., 1833; m. (1) Lucius Whitcomb Houghton; (2) James Bean French.
6918 Morris,9 b. 10 Nov., 1834; m. Mrs. Adeline Maria (Handy) George.
6919 Maria,9 b. 15 Aug., 1836; d. 1 Aug., 1857.
6920 Lucretia,9 b. 9 Jan., 1838; m. Dr. Elizur Hitchcock.
6921 Charles Wetmore,9 b. 30 May, 1839; m. Jane Henderson.
6922 Truman,9 b. 4 Oct., 1843; m. 20 Dec., 1882, Edith Kramer, of Akron, O., b. 19 Oct., 1856, dau. of John Henry Kramer, b. 24 Jan., 1810, and Sarah Witner, b. 25 Mar., 1820; he served as private in Co. C, Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 26 Aug., 1861; discharged 13 July, 1865; he was a farmer; was a Republican; res. in Akron; had no children.
6923 Henry H.,9 b. 21 Jan., 1845; m. 28 Dec., 1870, Helen Shepard, b. 28 May, 1849, dau. of Joseph Shepard, b. 20 Oct., 1819, and Martha M. Royce, b. 2 Mar., 1823; he was a Union soldier; was Corp. in Co. E., Sixth Ohio Veteran Volunteer Cavalry; enlisted 17 Oct., 1862; discharged 27 June, 1865; res. in Andover; had no children.
6924 Sarah Eliza,9 b. 29 Mar., 1851; m. 5 Sept., 1872, Justus Remington Clifford, b. 5 July, 1850, son of Dexter Clifford, b. 18 Feb., 1818, and Louisa E. Remington, b. 17 Nov., 1826; he was a miller in West Andover; was later in the wholesale commission business; he was a Westminster Congregationalist and a Republican; had no children, but adopted a son.
6925 William B.,9 b. 3 Oct., 1854; m. Myra Phelps.

2757.   ELIZA,8 dau. of Truman7 (970), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 6 June, 1806; m. 9 Mar., 1829, Charles Parsons Wetmore, b. in Whitestown, now New Hartford, N. Y., 27 Nov., 1802, son of Amos Wetmore, b. 5 Nov., 1772, and Lucy Olmstead, b. 5 Nov., 1785.
She d. in Rome, N. Y., 2 Apr., 1842; he m. (2) 10 Oct., 1844, Harriet But­ler, dau. of Eli Butler and Rachel Kellogg (+2752), of New Hartford, N. Y.; he d. in Detroit, Mich., 8 May, 1859.
He was a merchant in Rome, N. Y., Pittsburg, Pa., Utica, N. Y., and De­troit, Mich. After his death his widow res. in Utica.
6926 Charles Hurlburt Wetmore,9 b. in Pittsburg, 13 Oct., 1830; m. 24 July, 1862, Mary T. Buel, dau. of Alexander and Miriam Buel; he was a merchant in Detroit; had seven children.
6927 Mary Lucy Wetmore,9 b. in Pittsburg, 26 Apr., 1834; m. in Detroit, 7 June, 1860, James McMillan; had seven children.
6928 Helen Eliza Wetmore,9 b. 29 Jan., 1836; m. 27 May, 1857, Cleaveland Hunt; d. in Detroit, 11 Sept., 1872; had two children.
6929 Amos Kellogg Wetmore,9 b. in Rome, 19 Apr., 1840; served in the civil war; d. in Detroit, 27 Feb., 1868.

2760.   ELIJAH,8 son of Eleazer7 (987), b. in Barkhamsted, Conn., 29 Mar., 1772; m. 23 Oct., 1794, Mabel Clement, of Litchfield, Conn., perhaps dau. of Abel Clement.

488    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. 16 Apr., 1816; she d. 9 July, 1840. He was a farmer; res. in Litchfield, N. Y., where both d.
6930 Caroline,9 b. 6 Feb., 1797; m. Augustus Carpenter.
6931 Erastus,9 b. 1 Apr., 1800; m. Delight Ludden.
6932 Philo,9 b. 30 Mar., 1804; m. Bathsheba Ludden.
6933 Elizabeth,9 b. ______; m. ______; lived in Carthage, N. Y.; d. 13 Mar., 1829.
6934 John Clement,9 b. 4 Nov., 1806; m. (1) Charlotte Esther Johnson; (2) Mrs. Lydia M. (Wilmot) Hoyt.
6935 Miles B.,9 b. in New York, 23 Mar., 1812; m. (1) Betsey Buhall; (2) Mary S. _______.
6936 Charles,9 b. ______; res. in Essex Co., N. Y.; d. 16 Aug., 1830.

2761.   ELISHA,8 son of Eleazer7 (987), b. in Barkhamsted, Conn., 29 Mar., 1772; m. in Barkhamsted, 28 June, 1792, Persis Dunham.
He d. in Geneseo, Livingston Co., N. Y., 1857.
6937 Milan,9 b. in Barkhamsted, 27 Apr., 1795; m. Irena Wentworth.
6938 Sylvester M.,9 b. in Geneseo, 4 Mar., 1800.
6939 Aaron,9 b. in Madison Co., N. Y., 18 June, 1802; m. Charlotte Webber.
6940 Nancy Loomis,9 b. about 1814; m. 24 Jan., 1836, Henry Kellogg (+6982).

2762.   SUSANNAH,8 dau. of Eleazer7 (987), b. in Barkhamsted, Conn., 10 Jan., 1774; m. 24 Nov., 1791, Jonathan Dunham.
6941 Wellington Dunham,9 b. ______.
6942 Milan Dunham,9 b. ______.
6943 Harrison Dunham,9 b. ______.
6944 Susan Dunham,9 b. ______.
6945 Lydia Dunham,9 b. ______.
6946 Achsah Dunham,9 b. ______.
6947 Persis Dunham,9 b. ______.
6948 Harriet Dunham,9 b. ______.

2764.   SARAH,8 dau. of Eleazer7 (987), b. in Barkhamsted, Conn., 5 Jan., 1778; m. David Parker.
6949 Oren Parker,9 b. ______.
6950 Harrison Parker,9 b. ______.

2765.   GILES,8 son of Eleazer7 (987), b. in Barkhamsted, Conn., 21 Sept., 1779; m. Rachel Delamater, b. 19 Oct., 1791, dau. of Cornelius Delamater.
He d. ______, in Plymouth, O.
He was a carpenter; res. in Plymouth.
6951 George Delamater,9 b. 6 Nov., 1808; m. Dina Bodley.

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6952 Harriet Esther,9 b. 24 Aug., 1811; m. John De Lamater Brink.
6953 Sarah,9 b. 12 Sept., 1813; m. Hosea Harndon.
6954 Eleazer,9 b. 20 Oct., 1815; d. unm., in Plymouth.
6955 James,9 b. 20 Dec., 1818; m. (1) Mary Handley; (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher Stone.
6956 Catherine,9 b. 19 Feb., 1823; m. Jacob McGaw.
6957 Mary Ann,9 b. 2 July, 1825; m. Judge Joseph Myers; d. in Shelby, O., ______; he m. (2) _______.
6958 Louisa,9 b. 30 May, 1827; d. unm., in Plymouth, ______.
6959 Ensign King,9 b. in Plymouth, 19 June, 1821; m. Sarah Knicely.

2766.   WHITING,8 son of Eleazer7 (987), b. in Barkhamsted, Conn., 19 Apr., 1781; m. Marinda Burr, b. 6 June, 1780.
He d. in Grove, N. Y., 9 Jan., 1852; she d. in Portageville, N. Y., 9 Mar., 1864.
6960 Harriet,9 b. in Geneseo, N. Y., 5 Nov., 1804; d. in Geneseo, 17 Oct., 1821.
6961 Almeda,9 b. 27 Jan., 1806; m. Isaac Finch.
6962 Eliza,9 b. 30 Apr., 1808; m. (1) Richard White; (2) Peter Vealy.
6963 Phila,9 b. 11 Aug., 1811; m. (1) Gaines Sawtell; (2) Elias McCall.
6964 Mary,9 b. 11 Aug., 1815; m. (1) Uriah Chappell; (2) John Moore.
6965 James Henry,9 b. in Geneseo, 25 Jan., 1822; m. Sarah S. Wilson.

2767.   ELEAZER,8 son of Eleazer7 (987), b. in Utica, N. Y.; m. Mary Baxter.
6966 James,9 b. ______.
6967 Mary,9 b. ______.

2768.   CHARLOTTE,8 dau. of Eleazer7 (987), b. 8 Apr., 1787; m. Alpheus Press, b. in Litchfield, Conn., 19 Jan., 1785.
He d. 3 Oct., 1861; she d. 1 Nov., 1864.
He was a cloth finisher; was a Democrat; res. in Mumford, N. Y.
6968 Esther Press,9 b. 6 Apr., 1809; d. in Galena, Ill., Oct., 1852.
6969 Mary (Polly) Press,9 b. 8 Feb., 1811; m. Hugh Collar; d. ______.
6970 Almede Press,9 b. ______; d. aged 7 months.
6971 George Press,9 b. ______; d. in Mumford, N. Y., aged 15.
6972 William Press,9 b. in Deruyter, N. Y., 12 June, 1817; m. in Mumford, Oct., 1844, Maria C. Merry; d. in Quincy, Mich., _______.
6973 John Press,9 b. in Avon, N. Y., 12 Mar., 1819; m. in Caledonia, N. Y., Nov. or Dec., 1870, Elizabeth Kinney; d. in Mumford, Jan., 1896.
6974 Harriet Press,9 b. in Caledonia, 1 Nov., 1821; m. in Mumford, Oct., 1845, Pizzaro Mansfield; res. in Quincy, Mich.
6975 Ruby Press,9 b. in Perry, N. Y., 9 Mar., 1824; m. in Mumford, 1 May, 1845, Lanson R. Chaffee; res. in Portageville, N. Y.
6976 Eleanor Press,9 b. in Caledonia, 14 Oct., 1826; m. in Mumford, 23 Sept., 1851, Peres Case Wolcott.

490    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6977 Adeline Press,9 b. in Mumford, 26 Dec., 1829; m. in Mumford, Duncan Albert Stewart; d. in Portageville, June, 1882.

2770.   SOLOMON,8 son of Eleazer7 (987), b. ______; m. Margaret Mulholland.
6978 Mary Ann,9 b. ______; m. Thayer.
6979 David,9 b. ______.
6980 Warren,9 b. ______.

2772.   CAPT. HIRAM,8 son of Eleazer7 (987), b. in Barkhamsted, Conn., 18 May, 1793; m. 12 Oct., 1814, Anna Truman, b. 21 Apr., 1794, dau. of Shem Tru­man, a revolutionary soldier, b. 1760, and Lucy Remington, b. 1767.
She d. 29 June, 1845; he d. in Kirtland, O., 12 Mar., 1846.
He was converted to the Mormon faith, in Kirtland, and was one of the first elders of that church. He furnished the money that started the great Mormon Bank, in Kirtland, which broke and left him bankrupt, and Joe Smith a full pocket This opened the eyes of the old gentleman, and he renounced Mormonism and joined the Universalist Church. He was a man of influence.
He was Capt. of Militia, soon after the war of 1812; res. in Sparta, N. Y., and Kirtland, O.
Children, b. in Sparta.
6981 James,9 b. 22 July, 1815; d. 14 Aug., 1816.
6982 Henry,9 b. 19 Nov., 1816; m. Nancy Loomis Kellogg (6940).
6983 Charles Warren,9 b. 5 Feb., 1820; m. Zilpha Hopkins.
6984 Cassandana,9 b. 10 Sept., 1825; d. unm., in Kirtland, 25 Aug., 1843.
6985 Martha Ann,9 b. 1 Oct., 1833; d. in Kirtland, 30 July, 1845.

2774.   WILLIAM PERRY,8 son of Daniel7 (991), bapt. in Paris, N. Y., 1 Oct., 1780; m. Janette Luce.
They res. in Paris, where they d.
6986 Walter,9 b. ______.
6987 Parma,9 b. ______.
6988 Lucy,9 b. ______.
6989 Ordway,9 b. ______.
6990 Mary,9 b. ______.

2775.   ABIGAIL,8 dau. of Daniel7 (991), bap. 10 Nov., 1782; m. William F. Stevens.
They res. in Shiawassee Co., Mich.
6991 William Stevens,9 b. ______.
6992 Henry Stevens,9 b. ______.
6993 Joanna Stevens,9 b. ______.

2776.   DANIEL,8 son of Daniel7 (991), b. in Hartford, Conn., 7 Mar., 1793; m. 25 Dec., 1814, Demares Baldwin, b. in Watertown, Conn., 3 Aug., 1797, dau. of Treat Baldwin, of Waterbury, Conn., and Hannah Page.
He d. about 1870.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    491

They res. in Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., and Genesee Co., N. Y.
Children, b. in Paris.
6994 Leander,9 b. 4 Feb., 1817; m. (1) his cousin, Malinda Deborah Kellogg (7000); (2) Melissa Conklin; (3) Mrs. Lucinda Stiles (Eich­mond) McClure.
6995 Charles Henry,9 b. 3 Nov., 1818; m. (1) Louisa Lake; (2) Emily Caroline Pritchard; (3) Isabella Jasperson.
6996 Florilla,9 b. ______; m. (1) Sylvester Stevens; he d. about 1878-80; she m. (2) Michael Jager; rem. to Los Angeles; he was killed in a railroad accident about 1892-91; she d. about 1897, in Los An­geles, where she res. with the family of David Thomas; had four children.
6997 Joseph,9 b. ______; m. Elizabeth; res. in Matherton, Ionia Co., Mich.; d. about 1863.
6998 Milton Sidney,9 b. ______; m. Hannah M. Baldwin; res. in Portland, Ionia Co., Mich.; d. about 1878.

2777.   HORACE,8 son of Daniel7 (991), b. about 1797; m. Deborah Dean, of Paris, N. Y.
They lived in Ann Arbor, Mich.
6999 Lavina,9 b. ______.
7000 Malinda Deborah,9 b. ______; m. her cousin, Leander Kellogg (+6994).
7001 Minerva,9 b. ______.
7002 Asahel,9 b. ______.
7003 Sandford,9 b. ______.
7004 Norman,9 b. ______.
7005 Leverett B.,9 b. about 1829; m. Sept., 1861, Sarah J. Stetson, dau. of Miron Stetson; she d. 1875, aged 31; he was a physician; had no children.
7006 Daniel,9 b. ______.
7007 Alonzo,9 b. ______.
7008 Luman,9 b. ______.
7009 Emily,9 b. ______.
7010 Harriet,9 b. ______.
7011 Mary,9 b. ______; m. White; res. in Ann Arbor.
7012 Lucy,9 b. ______.

2778.   SAMUEL,8 son of Daniel7 (991), b. ______; m. Hannah Johnson.
They res. in Paris, N. Y.
7013 Levi,9 b. ______.
7014 Lyman,9 b. ______; m. ______.
7015 Edward,9 b. ______.
7016 John,9 b. ______.
7017 Daughter,9 b. ______.

492    The Kelloggs in the New World.

2779.   GEORGE,8 son of Daniel7 (991), b. in Paris, N. Y., 14 July, 1800; m. (1) 15 Nov., 1822, Hearty B. King, b. in Rhode Island, 23 Sept., 1802, dau. of Joseph King and Phebe Sweet.
She d. in Brooklyn, Jackson Co., Mich., 10 July, 1843; he m. (2) 4 May, 1845, Mrs. Fanny (Tiffany) Tucker, b. in Mount Pleasant, Pa., 11 Dec., 1811, widow of David Tucker, and dau. of Chandler Tiffany and Lydia Perkins; he d. in Grand Forks, N. D., 1882; she d. in Grafton, N. D., 28 Sept., 1884.
He rem. from Paris in 1831 to Michigan; in 1880 he res. in Plainfield, Wau­shara Co., Wis.; later rem. to North Dakota.
Children by first wife.
7018 Edwin,9 b. 16 Nov., 1823; d. in Toledo, O., 1863.
7019 Edmund George,9 b. 17 Nov., 1824; m. Hannah Matilda Reynolds.
7020 Vienna,9 b. 7 May, 1827; d. 1846 or '47.
7021 Jared Augustus,9 b. in Paris, N. Y., 2 Jan., 1839; m. Almira Reynolds.
Children by second wife.
7022 Horace C,9 b. in Brooklyn, 23 June, 1846; m. Hepzibeth Ann Ingle.
7023 Henry Lee W.,9 b. in Brooklyn, 15 Apr., 1849; m. Anna S. Schenck.

2786.   LURA,8 dau. of Noah7 (995), b. in Barkhamsted, Conn., 11 Jan., 1783; m. 31 Aug., 1808, Capt. James Fosket, b. in Massachusetts, 14 Apr., 1784, son of James Fosket, who d. in Perry, N. Y.
He d. in West Winfield, N. Y., 24 May, 1850; she d. in Pontiac, Mich., 11 Sept., 1863.
He was an iron moulder; res. in New Hartford, Conn., Palmyra and Bridge­water, N. Y. In the war of 1812 he served as Quartermaster in a regiment at Sacket Harbor; was afterward Capt. of Militia.
7024 Emily Fosket,9 b. in Cassville or New Hartford, N. Y., 8 May, 1810; m. about 1826, Jacob Howell; he was a farmer; res. in Palmyra; she d. in Pontiac, 13 Oct., 1861; he d. in the same place, Aug., 1874; had nine children.
7025 Charles Fosket,9 b. 22 July, 1813; m. (1) in West Winfield, 16 Nov., 1846, Zipporah Wakelee, b. in Clinton, N. Y., 13 Dec., 1823; she d. in Mohawk, N. Y., 31 May, 1855; he m. (2) 13 July, 1865, Mrs. Roby (Howland) Peck, b. 29 Oct., 1826; res. in Grand Rapids, Mich.; he was a merchant and manufacturer; d. 15 Mar., 1883; had two children.
7026 George Whitfield Fosket,9 b. 12 Mar., 1816; d. 20 Dec., same year.
7027 Harriet Fosket,9 b. in Cassville or New Hartford, N. Y., 13 Nov., 1819; m. about 1843, Dr. Timothy George Walker; he was a physician and res. in Villenova and Cherry Creek, N. Y.; she d. in Pontiac, 15 Oct., 1863; had no children.
7028 Amanda Fosket,9 b. in Paris, N. Y., 31 Jan., 1821; d. there, unm., 15 Feb., 1841.

2787.   TRUMAN,8 son of Noah7 (995), b. in Connecticut; m. in Frank­fort, N. Y., Delany Hasselkus, half-sister of John Hasselkus, father of John Daniel Hasselkus, who m. Deborah Kellogg (+2792).
She d. 1847; he d. about 1860.

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He res. in Paris, N. Y.
7029 Harriet,9 b. in Cassville, N. Y., about 1820; m. in Cassville, James Whitehead.

2788.   THERON,8 son of Noah7 (995), b. in Barkhamsted, Conn., 24 Feb., 1788; m. 17 Feb., 1819, Margaret Killiher, b. 8 Oct., 1799.
He d. in Mobile, Ala., 24 June, 1820; she m. (2) 1 Aug., 1825, Alonzo Dickens, b. 15 Feb., 1796; d. in Mobile, 10 Oct., 1827; he d. there, 17 Oct., 1827.
7030 Mary Ellen,9 b. in Mobile, 2 Oct., 1820; m. Henry A. Crocker.

2789.   PHILINDA,8 dau. of Noah7 (995), b. in Barkhamsted, Conn., 31 Oct., 1790; m. as his second wife, 1 Aug., 1816, John Randall Stone, b. 10 Apr., 1789, son of Stone and Mary Bowen.
He d. in Cassville, N. Y., 26 Feb., 1826; she d. 2 July, 1869. He m. (1) Betsey King. He was a hotel-keeper and a farmer; a Presby­terian and a Whig.
Children, b. in Cassville.
7031 Theron Kellogg Stone,9 b. 25 Apr., 1817; m. 4 Aug., 1842, Mary Bos­worth; d. between 1887 and '90; she res. in Syracuse, N. Y.; had two children.
7032 Elizabeth (Betsey) King Stone,9 b. 26 Apr., 1819; m. June, 1847; Thomas Sears; had three children.
7033 John Marvin Stone,9 b. 24 Mar., 1821; m. 14 Feb., 1844, Lois Sears; res. for a while in Syracuse, in the hardware business with his brother; d. about 1888; had three children.
7034 Mary Bowen Stone,9 b. 12 Jan., 1824; m. 17 May, 1843, Horace Dryden Kellogg (+2732).

2791.   NATHANIEL,8 son of Noah7 (995), b. in Paris, N. Y., 23 Aug., 1797; m. 22 May, 1827, Sarah Sizer Fellows, b. 22 Nov., 1804, dau. of Jacob Fellows, of Russell, Mass., and Abigail Sizer, b. 27 June, 1788, dau. of Capt. William Sizer, private secretary of Gen. Washington during the revolutionary war.
He d. in Fort Scott, Kas., 26 Oct., 1884; she d. in Moundville, Mo., 27 Aug., 1899, aged 94 years, 9 months and 5 days.
He settled in Furnace Hollow, Litchfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., where he built a sawmill. In 1847 rem. to Madison, Wis., and bought a wild farm, three miles west of the present Capitol buildings. In 1869 he sold his valuable farm, and settled in Moundville, Mo., in 1870.
7035 Mary Abigail,9 b. in Litchfield, N. Y., 28 Apr., 1828; m. Abram Hubbs.
7036 Edwin Main,9 b. in Litchfield, 2 Feb., 1830; m. Mary Ellen Pickering.
7037 Almira Maria,9 b. in Litchfield, 29 Sept., 1832; m. 9 Aug., 1883, Henry Hobart Wilson, b. in Fredonia, N. Y., 3 Mar., 1829, son of Watts Wilson, b. 15 Oct., 1792, and Sally Barber, b. in Fredonia, 24 Nov., 1795; they res. in Moundville, but spent most of their time travel­ing; he was a Mason, an Episcopalian and a Republican; had no children.

494    The Kelloggs in the New World.

7038 Augustus Hurlburt,9 b. in Litchfield, 14 Aug., 1834; m. Mrs. Laura Matilda (Worthing) Baker.
7039 Lucy Elvira,9 b. in Cassville, N. Y., 26 June, 1836; m. Charles Draper.
7040 Charles Henry,9 b. in Litchfield, 1 Aug., 1838; m. Millie Eliza Barber.
7041 Jennie Amelia,9 b. in Litchfield, 25 Jan., 1841; m. Lorenzo Hatch.
7042 George Douglas,9 b. in Litchfield, 23 June, 1843; m. Lavinia Hughes Huntington.
7043 Ella Elizabeth,9 b. in Litchfield, 21 Dec., 1845; m. Henry Brewerton Jack.
7044 Emma Adelaide,9 b. in Madison, Wis., 23 Apr., 1849; d. in Moundville 25 Aug., 1871.
7045 Ruth Emeline,9 b. in Madison, 30 Dec., 1852; m. Charles Estabrook Cory.

2792.   DEBORAH,8 dau. of Noah7 (995), b. in Paris, N. Y., 23 July, 1799; m. 28 Dec., 1820, Rev. John Daniel Hasselkus, b. in Oneida Co., N. Y., 28 Apr., 1799, son of John Hasselkus, b. 16 Oct., 1769, and Polly Parks, b. 29 Feb., 1780.
He d. in Oakfield, N. Y., 3 Jan., 1890; she d. 20 Mar., 1892, in the same place.
He was a stone mason; was a prominent Methodist local preacher. They lived together nearly seventy years. He preached his last sermon 28 Apr., 1889, on his ninetieth birthday.
7046 Lucy Adeline Hasselkus,9 b. in Frankfort, N. Y., 21 Mar., 1823; d. in Oakfield, 3 July, 1843.
7047 Ellen Hasselkus,9 b. in Frankfort, 29 May, 1827; m. in Oakfield, 16 Sept., 1853, Isaac Bruitt, b. in La Pare, Province of Quebec, Canada, 11 June, 1827; he was a member of the Twenty-fifth New York Light Artillery, enlisting 31 Aug., 1862, serving until the close of the war; she res. with her dau., in Cleveland, O.; had three children.
7048 John Wesley Hasselkus,9 b. in Oakfield, 26 May, 1833; m. Sarah Emer­son; res. in Susanville, Cal.
7049 Hester Ann Hasselkus,9 b. in Oakfield, 18 Mar., 1837; m. in Oakfield, 22 Nov., 1860, Austin C. Dwight, b. in Belchertown, Mass., 21 Feb., 1833; she d. in Decatur, Mich., 24 Dec., 1876; he res. there; had three children.
7050 Mary Hasselkus,9 b. in Oakfield, 21 Oct., 1840; she res. in Oakfield.
7051 Wilbur Fisk Hasselkus,9 b. in Oakfield, 19 Aug., 1843.

2793.   AURILLA,8 dau. of Noah7 (995), b. in Utica, N. Y., 14 July, 1802; m. 1824, Jonas A. Odle, b. 30 Aug., 1804, son of Jonas Odle, b. 16 Feb., 1763, and Lucy Weaver, b. 27 Mar., 1766.
She d. 23 Sept., 1854; he m. (2) July, 1858, Mary Scott, of Utica, Mich.; d. in Utica, 28 Oct., 1858.
He was a carpenter and farmer; res. in Palmyra, N. Y., and Utica, Mich.
7052 Theodore Byron Odle,9 b. 12 Nov., 1824; m. 20 July, 1851, Mary Jane Gillett, b. 18 Sept., 1832; he is a cooper; res. in Lapeer, Mich.

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7053 Lucy Almira Odle,9 b. 20 Oct., 1826; m. 19 Apr., 1846, Joseph Henry Lee; he d. 16 July, 1867; he was a carpenter in Utica, Mich., where she now res.
7054 Mary Louisa Odle,9 b. 1 Aug., 1831; m. Henry Mitchell; d. ______; had no children.
7055 Jane Maria Odle,9 b. 13 Oct., 1833; m. Henry Brannack, who served through the Mexican war; she d. in Utica, Mich., 3 Apr., 1872; he d. ______; had no children.
7056 Harriet Melissa Odle,9 b. 5 Aug., 1835; m. Martin Firman; d. in Utica, Mich., 12 May, 1863; had two children.
7057 Adelbert Gilbert Odle,9 b. 6 Aug., 1837; d. 23 Oct., 1838.
7058 Emily Elizabeth Odle,9 b. in Utica, Mich., 24 June, 1839; m. 2 May, 1860, Ira Case, b. in East Bloomfield, Mich., 7 June, 1833, son of Capt. Nathaniel Case, b. in Connecticut, 18 Oct., 1792, and Diana Maxfield, b. 17 June, 1800; was a member of the Methodist Church; he was a soldier in Co. D, Fifth Michigan Volunteer In­fantry; was a painter; rem. from Utica, 1866, to Boone, Ia.; had no children.
7059 Edwin Leroy Odle,9 b. 22 May, 1841; d. 8 Feb., 1843, from scalding.
7060 Helen Matilda Odle,9 b. 4 Dec., 1843; d. in Utica, 24 Dec., 1853.
7061 Adeline Josephine Odle,9 b. 29 July, 1847; m. William Brown; res. in Pontiac, Mich.

2803.   SYLVIA,8 dau. of Jesse7 (997), b. in Barkhamsted, Conn., 15 Feb., 1782; m. (1) in Skaneateles, N. Y., about 1801, William Machan, b. near Leeds, Yorkshire, England, May, 1774.
He d. 3 Jan., 1821. He rem. from Skaneateles to Marcellus in 1805, and bought a grist mill and carried on distilling and brewing. She m. (2) as his sec­ond wife, about 1832, Maj. Samuel Pierce. He d. about 1850; she d. in Mar­cellus, 16 Oct., 1868, aged 86. He was a farmer in Skaneateles.
Children by first husband.
7062 Arthur Machan,9 b. 3 Apr., 1803; d. July, 1848; m. twice.
7063 Son,9 b. ______; d. aged 18 months.
7064 William John Machan,9 b. 26 July, 1807; m. Mar., 1835, Abigail Wilkin­son of Skaneateles; he was a wool carder and cloth dresser; res. in Marcellus.
7065 Mary Ann Machan,9 b. 28 July, 1810; m. Tuttle; d. in Michigan, 1848.
7066 Son,9 b. ______; d. aged 2.
7067 Kellogg Griswold Machan,9 b. 15 Sept., 1815; res. in Dresden, O.
7068 George Machan,9 b. about 1819; d. in Dresden, O., 1840, aged 21.

2804.   FRANCES,8 dau. of Jesse7 (997), b. in Barkhamsted, Conn., 13 June, 1784; m. John H. Warren, b. in 1786.
He d. 1823; she d. in Newburgh, N. Y., 1875. They res. in Ballston Spa, N. Y.
7069 William L. F. Warren,9 b. 3 July, 1811; m. June, 1841, Catherine Walsh; settled in Newburgh in 1825, where he was a member of

496    The Kelloggs in the New World.

the firm of B. Carpenter & Co., engaged in the freighting business; d. in Newburgh, 22 Oct., 1879; had no children.
2805.   ANSEL,8 son of Jesse7 (997), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 21 Oct., 1787; m. 13 Jan., 1808, Lora Tyler, b. 4 Jan., 1793, only dau. of Job Tyler and Char­lotte Utley.
She d. 14 Dec., 1827; he d. in Marcellus, N. Y., 6 Oct., 1831. He engaged in the wool business and, with his brother, John K., started the first factory in Marcellus.
Children, b. in Marcellus.
7070 Augustin,9 b. 9 Oct., 1810; m. (1) 6 May, 1840, Chloe B. Tefft; she d. 25 Apr., 1842; he m. (2) 17 Nov., 1845, Emeline T. Hatch; d. in California, 1853, leaving no children; he was murdered in Coloma, Cal.
7071 Charlotte,9 b. 9 Aug., 1813; m. 9 Nov., 1841, Philander K. Williams; d. in Nicholson, Pa., 4 Aug., 1876; had no children.
7072 Susanna,9 b. 4 Feb., 1817; m. 6 Apr., 1840, Benoni Lee; d. ______; he res. in Skaneateles, N. Y.; had no children.
7073 James,9 b. 1 Apr., 1819; m. Mary Frost Stoner.
7074 Mortimer,9 b. 23 Oct., 1821; m. in Key West, Fla., ______; d. in Key West, 16 Nov., 1870; he was a chief engineer in the United States Navy.
7075 Huldah,9 b. 28 Sept., 1824; d. 10 Sept., 1825.
7076 Tyler,9 b. 22 Apr., 1827; d. 29 Feb., 1828. 1

2806.   RALSAM,8 son of Jesse7 (997), b. ______; m. Olive Stevens.
He d. aged 50.
They res. in Marcellus, N. Y.
7077 George,9 b. ______.
7078 Ralsamon,9 b. ______.

2807.   GEORGE,8 son of Jesse7 (997), b. in Marcellus, N. Y.; m. Mrs. Thank­ful (Davis) Palmer, of Phelps, N. Y., widow of Friend Palmer.
He d. in Mount Clemens, Mich, 1853; she d. in Monroe, Mich, about 1863.
He was captain on a sailing vessel on the Western Lakes; was later a farmer in Mount Clemens.
7079 James K,9 b. in Mount Clemens, about 1836; m. Serena E. McBride.

2808.   JOHN RUSSELL,8 son of Jesse7 (997), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 16 May, 1793; m. in New York City, 20 Feb., 1817, Mary Otterson, b. in New York, 14 Dec., 1799, dau. of Andrew Otterson, of New York, b. in Newtowards, County of Dover, North of Ireland, 1747, who came to America in 1774, and Jemima Col­lins, b. in New York.
He d. in Allegan, Mich., 13 Mar., 1868, aged 75; she d. in Auburn, N. Y., 18 Aug., 1880, aged 81.
He rem. from New York City to New Hartford, N. Y., in 1823, and thence to Marcellus, N. Y., and in 1839 to Allegan, Mich.

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He was a merchant and land agent. They are both buried in Riverside Cem­etery, Oswego, N. Y.
7080 Amanda Norton,9 b. in New York, 10 Jan., 1818; d. in Detroit, Mich., 9 Apr., 1838; unm.
7081 Eliza Falconer,9 b. in New York, 20 Feb., 1820; m. 18 May, 1853, Horace Thomas Cook, of Auburn, b. in Cayuga, N. Y., 22 July, 1822, son of Robert Cook, who settled in Auburn, 1823, and Roxanna Foote; she d. in Auburn, 20 July, 1884; he was County Treasurer; they res. in Auburn; had no children.
7082 John Glover,9 b. in Marcellus, 3 Dec., 1823; m. Kate Tracy Lyon.
7083 Andrew James,9 b. in Marcellus, 9 Mar., 1827; m. in Allegan, 26 Jan., 1870, Laura Elizabeth Gardiner, b. in Perry, N. Y., 23 Aug., 1846, dau. of Alanson Gardiner, b. in Herkimer Co., N. Y., 30 June, 1801, and Marilla Truesdell, b. 8 Mar., 1809; he was a Presby­terian and a Republican; he was one of the Fish Commissioners in 1884; in 1897 he was a clerk in Detroit, Mich.; she d. 2 Dec., 1886, in Eureka Springs, Ark.; had no children.
7084 William Thompson,9 b. 11 Dec., 1831; d. 8 Aug., 1832.

2809.   SUSAN GRISWOLD,8 dau. of Jesse7 (997), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 29 Mar., 1796; m. Apr., 1822, Jacob Chase, b. in Keene, N. H., 17 Feb., 1799, son of Moses Chase and Lois Mann, b. Apr., 1760.
He d. in New York City, 28 Jan., 1829.
They res. in Marcellus, N. Y.; she later res. in Utica, N. Y.
7085 Henry M. Chase,9 b. in Mar., 1824; d. in Marcellus, 14 Apr., 1844.
7086 Frances S. Chase,9 b. 25 Sept., 1826; m. Samuel R. Ball; d. 22 Jan., 1850, aged 26; he d. Nov., 1856, aged 33; had no children.
7087 Son,9 b. Dec., 1827; d. June, 1828.

2811.   DORASTUS,8 son of Jesse7 (997), b. 10 Jan., 1807; m. (1); she d. ______.
He m. (2) Alida Kennada, of Lysander; she d. ______; he m. (3) as her third husband, Maladine Ingham, b. 21 Jan., 1834, dau. of William S. Ingham and Huldah Bacon; d. in Oswego Falls, N. Y., 1 Feb., 1885.
Res. in Fulton, Oswego Co., N. Y. He had a woolen factory in Skaneateles, N. Y. None of his children left issue.
Children by second wife.
7088 Alida,9 b. ______.
7089 Hiram,9 b. ______.

2839.   GEORGE,8 son of Michael7 (1002), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 20 Aug., 1802; m. (1) in Brattleboro, Vt., 15 Sept., 1834, Caroline Boyden, of Conway, Mass.
She d. in North Carolina, ______; he m. (2) Oct., 1840, Mehitabel Camp, b. 9 May, 1813; she d. in Columbus, O., 14 June, 1842; he m. (3) 29 Sept., 1845, Beulah Camp, b. 20 June, 1811. They were daus. of Samuel Camp, of Winches­ter and Barkhamsted, Conn., b. in Norfolk, 4 Mar., 1778, and Mercy Sheldon.

498    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She d. in Winsted, Conn., 7 Sept., 1889; he d. 2 Oct., 1893, aged 91.
When a lad he drove stage and worked hard. He sold clocks in Ohio, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. On one occasion he drove a bridal party from Con­necticut to Ohio. Between 1843 and 1845 he returned from Columbus and m. his third wife and settled in Barkhamsted, one-half mile over the Une from Win­sted, Conn. He attended the church, and the children went to school, in Win­sted. He was an active Abolitionist. During the civil war he was commissioned by the Government to buy horses for the artillery. He followed the tanning busi­ness and farming, leaving the farm, when nearly eighty years of age, to live the remainder of his life with his eldest dau. in Winsted. He was "a remarkably smart old man."
Child by second wife.
7090 A Child,9 b. ______; d. aged about 1 year.
Children by third wife.
7091 Harriet Miranda,9 b. 1 Oct., 1847; m. in Winsted, 4 Oct., 1870, Irving Richard Griswold, b. 22 Feb., 1845, son of Richard W. Griswold, b. 21 July, 1815, and Julia Curtis, b. 7 July, 1818; res. in Winsted; has no children.
7092 Jane Camp,9 b. in Winsted, 16 Sept., 1851; m. George Herbert Alford.

2841.   SARAH,8 dau. of Michael7 (1002), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 21 Jan., 1807; m. 9 Jan., 1830, Roswell Cook, b. 4 Aug., 1803, son of Roswell Cook, of Harwinton, Conn., b. 16 Aug., 1767, and Sarah Wilson, b. 12 Apr., 1772.
She d. 28 May, 1867, aged 60; he d. 28 Dec., 1884, aged 81.
He was a farmer; res. on the old homestead in Harwinton.
Children, b. in Harwinton.
7093 Roxanna Cook,9 b. 16 May, 1831; d. unm., 26 Dec., 1900; res. in Har­winton.
7094 David Risley Cook,9 b. in Nov., 1834; d. 7 Jan., 1835.
7095 Amoret Ursula Cook,9 b. 17 Apr., 1836; m. 30 Nov., 1859, Newton Per­kins, a book agent in Hartford, Conn.; d. 20 Oct., 1860.
7096 Mary Honor Cook,9 b. 30 Apr., 1839; res. in Harwinton.
7097 George Edwin Cook,9 b. 11 Jan., 1843; m. 17 Oct., 1865, Cornelia Amorett Scoville, b. 15 June, 1846; she d. 22 Aug., 1883; had three children; he m. (2) Mar., 1885, Marion H. Barber; he was a farmer and lumberman in Harwinton; had no children by sec­ond wife.

2853.   ASHBEL LOOMIS,8 son of Ashbel7 (1011), b. in Brookfield, N. Y., 27 Oct., 1791; m. Nancy Saunders, b. 3 Nov., 1796, dau. of Clark Saunders.
He d. in Leon, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., 9 Oct., 1862; she d. 20 Oct., 1875. He was a farmer; res. in Brookfield until 1826, when he rem. to Leon.
Children, first four b. in Brookfield, others in Leon.
7098 Edwin Ashbel,9 b. 3 May, 1820; m. (1) Adeline Amy; (2) Edna Thankful Smith.
7099 Mary Ann,9 b. 11 Apr., 1822; m. Edmund Arrigan; they had no children; both d. in Leon.
7100 Morris,9 b. 30 May, 1824; m. (1) Sarah Strong; (2) Sarah Bassett; he was a farmer in Sioux City, Ia.; they res. in Correctionville, Ia.

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7101 Emily,9 b. 9 Mar., 1826; m. Almon Le Roy Day.
7102 Henry,9 b. 18 Apr., 1828; m. Margaret Allen.
7103 Francis Isaac Granger,9 b. 27 Aug., 1830; m. Martha Ann Blodgett.
7104 Sarah,9 b. 16 Nov., 1833; m. (1) Cyrus Barton Dye; (2) John True Cram.
7105 Martha Roseline,9 b. 7 Feb., 1835; m. Edward W. Clark.
7106 Milo George,9 b. 8 May, 1837; m. Levilla Cloette Stone.
7107 Luke Loomis,9 b. 21 Sept., 1838; m. Eliza Snyder.
7108 Charles Darling,9 b. 13 July, 1840; m. Alice Steele; res. in South Dayton, N. Y.

2854.   FRANCES,8 dau. of Ashbel7 (1011), b. in Brookfield, N. Y., 3 Mar., 1794; m. in Brookfield, 1818, Benjamin Southwick.
He d. 23 Feb., 1863; she d. 20 Feb., 1875.
He was a farmer and blacksmith in Leon, N. Y., and North East, Pa., where both d.
Children, b. in Leon.
7109 Erastus Gaylord Southwick,9 b. 22 Nov., 1818; m. _______, 7 Sept., 1848; res. in North East, Pa.
7110 Luke Tracy Southwick,9 b. 15 July, 1820; m. _______, 19 June, 1842; d. 21 Oct., 1860.
7111 Lucy Ann Southwick,9 b. 23 Sept., 1822; m. _______, 17 Feb., 1843; d. 9 Sept., 1843.
7112 Elizabeth Maria Southwick,9 b. 10 Oct., 1824; d. unm., 23 Mar., 1847.
7113 Franklin Benjamin Southwick,9 b. 23 Sept., 1826; m. _______, 9 Mar., 1848; d. 15 Feb., 1860.
7114 John Copeland Southwick,9 b. 16 May, 1829; m. ______; res. in Arling­ton, S. D.
7115 Solomon Leonard Southwick,9 b. 10 Mar., 1832; m. _______, 29 Sept., 1855.
7116 James Kellogg Southwick,9 b. 10 Apr., 1834; m. _______, 29 Sept., 1855.

2855.   GAYLORD,8 son of Ashbel7 (1011), b. in Brookfield, N. Y., 31 July, 1797; m. Rosanna Warner, b. 13 Oct., 1806, dau. of Rufus Warner, of Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y., b. 25 Feb., 1775, and Hazelpony Rice, b. 28 May, 1777.
She d. 28 July, 1872; he d. 12 Mar., 1873.
He was a farmer in Leon, N. Y. The old homestead in Leon was owned in 1883 by Champion Wells.
Children, b. in Leon.
7117 Delight,9 b. 3 Oct., 1824; m. Nathaniel Fry Cooper.
7118 Richard Darling,9 b. 25 Sept., 1825; m. Mary Elizabeth Groves.
7119 Rufus Ashbel,9 b. 2 Nov., 1827; m. Alzina Eastwood.
7120 Austin Luke,9 b. 2 Feb., 1831; m. Lucina Bush Sackett.
7121 Lucy,9 b. 11 May, 1833; m. Charles Henry Evarts.

2856.   LUKE,8 son of Ashbel7 (1011), b. in Brookfield, N. Y., 6 Apr., 1800; m. 9 May, 1824, Adah Maxson, b. in Brookfield, 25 Jan., 1806, dau. of John Maxson, b. in Hopkinton, R. I., and Susan Babcock.
She d. 28 Aug., 1848; he m. (2) 25 Mar., 1849, Mrs. Patience (Kenyon)

500    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Pettit, b. 9 Dec., 1807, widow of Alanson Pettit, by whom she had three children.
He d. in Adams Center, 28 Mar., 1870; she d. in Rodman, N. Y., 8 Sept., 1882.
He settled near Adams Center, in 1824. His son, George Gaylord Kellogg, now lives on the homestead.
Children, b. in Adams Center.
7122 Elizabeth,9 b. 26 Feb., 1825; m. Albert Galiton Pool Heth.
7123 Delia Olivia,9 b. 27 Mar., 1827; m. (1) George Davis Wright; (2) Thomas Kicks Greene.
7124 George Gaylord,9 b. 10 Oct., 1828; m. 26 Dec., 1852, Mary Jane Ful­ler, of Lucas Four Comers, Jefferson Co., N. Y.; they had four children; she d. 11 May, 1871; he m. (2) 14 July, 1872, Nellie Hall; res. on the old homestead.
7125 Henry James,9 b. 30 July, 1831; m. Angela Streeter Rich.
7126 Martha Ada,9 b. 11 June, 1835; m. Galeon Hall.
7127 John Jackson,9 b. 16 Oct., 1837; m. Isabella Kerr McGaughey.
7128 Lodisa Melissa,9 b. 7 Oct., 1840; d. 13 July, 1843.
7129 Charles Giles,9 b. 26 Jan., 1843; m. Frances Celia Glass.
7130 Lorenzo Madison,9 b. 25 Apr., 1845; m. Elizabeth C. Campbell.
7131 Ada Ellen Jane,9 b. 27 Jan., 1848; m. 20 Oct., 1870, Martin Dunn Titsworth, b. 8 June, 1843, son of Jacob Titsworth, b. 3 Nov., 1808, and Susan Woodruff, b. 5 Dec., 1808; he was a Seventh-Day Bap­tist; he was Town Clerk six years and Postmaster twelve years; he was a druggist; he served in the civil war as Corp. in the Quar­termaster's office. Department of Potomac, Co. D, Eleventh Reg, New Jersey Volunteers, from July, 1862, to June, 1865; res. in Adams Center; has no children.

2857.   MARIA,8 dau. of Ashbel7 (1011), b. in Brookfield, N. Y., 31 Jan., 1802; m. in Leon, N. Y., 16 Dec., 1828, Norman Coe, b. in Lexington, Greene Co., N. Y., 6 Feb., 1804, son of James Coe, of Leon, b. in Winchester, Conn., 31 May, 1774, and Anna _______, b. in Norfolk, Conn., 6 June, 1770.
She d. in Leon, 28 Mar., 1869; he d. in Cherry Creek, N. Y.
Children, b. in Leon.
7132 Miles Coe,9 b. 8 Sept., 1829; m. 28 Mar., 1860, Ardella Davison, b. in Lafayette, Onondaga Co., N. Y., 31 Jan., 1844, dau. of Abiel Dav­ison, b. in Loudon, Berkshire Co., Mass., 18 Jan., 1796, and An­geline Messnard, his second wife, b. in Saratoga Co., N. Y., 9 Apr., 1812; he lived in Cherry Creek and Le Roy, N. Y.; later he an insurance agent in Avon.
7133 Emily Coe,9 b. 9 Apr., 1831; m. Feb., 1863, Melvin Evarts; d. 22 Jan., 1867.
7134 Newton Coe,9 b. 15 July, 1834; m. 23 Sept., 1858, Eliza Coe; he was a farmer in Leon, N. Y.

2859.   OLIVIA,8 dau. of Ashbel7 (1011), b. in Brookfield, N. Y., 17 July, 1806; m. in Brookfield, 4 Sept., 1831, Henry Bunce, b. 7 Apr., 1809, son of Theodore Bunce, of Hartford, Conn., and Adams, N. Y., b. 1767, and Jemima Barber, b. 1774.

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He d. 10 Nov., 1868; she d. 17 Mar., 1898, aged 91 years and 8 months. In liar., 1832, he rem. to Adams, where he was a farmer, and where both d.
7135 Clark William Bunce,9 b. 5 Dec., 1832; m. 27 Nov., 1861, Amelia Phelps, b. 15 July, 1837; he was a farmer in Adams Center; had no chil­dren.

7136 Leroy Bunce,9 b. 5 Mar., 1835; m. 29 Dec., 1864, Sarah Stickles, of Philadelphia, Jefferson Co., N. Y., b. 24 Apr., 1841; res. in Adams; had two children.
7137 Salina Bunce,9 b. 9 Nov., 1837; m. 25 Oct., 1865, Irving Whitford, b. in Brookfield, 24 Dec., 1835, son of Barton Whitford, b. in Berlin, N. Y., 17 June, 1793, and Lucinda Crandall, b. in Ashaway, R. I., 20 Oct., 1790; he served nearly three years in Co. B, Tenth New York Heavy Artillery; was a manufacturer of lumber and shingles in Adams; had one child.
7138 Myron Douglass Bunce,9 b. 25 Mar., 1840; m. 3 July, 1862, Sarah Glasier; he was a gardener in Adams; d. 21 Oct., 1877; had two children; she m. (2) Henry Diefendorf; res. in Adams.
7139 Monroe Henry Bunce,9 b. 16 Apr., 1845; d. in Adams, 14 Oct., 1865.

2860.   OREN,8 son of Ashbel7 (1011), b. in Brookfield, N. Y., 18 Jan., 1809; m. 27 May, 1841, Harriet Leonora Fuller, b. in Greenwich, Washington Co., N. Y., 16 Jan., 1814, dau. of Asa Fuller, of Pinckney, Lewis Co., N. Y., b. 10 Mar., 1781, and Elizabeth (Betsey) Potter, b. 9 Bee, 1792.
He d. ______, in Adams Center, N. Y.; she d. there, 6 Mar., 1883.
About 1832 he rem. from Brookfield to Adams, N. Y. He was a farmer and gardener.
7140 Abram Sheldon,9 b. 31 Mar., 1842; d. 7 Apr., 1848.
7141 Frank Sheldon,9 b. 7 Jan., 1850; m. Ida Elizabeth Green.
7142 Mary Jennet,9 b. 4 July, 1858; d. 8 Dec., 1866.

2862.   ISAAC,8 son of Ashbel7 (1011), b. in Brookfield, N. Y., 22 Nov., 1818; m. (1) 20 Feb., 1848, Juliette Grommon, b. 6 Mar., 1822, dau. of David Grom­mon, b. 17 Sept., 1795, and Roba Knight, b. 23 June, 1792.
She d. 26 July, 1862; he m. (2) 28 Aug., 1864, Angenette Maxson, b. 26 Sept., 1833, dau. of Jesse Maxson, b. 12 June, 1791, and Elizabeth (Betsey) Brown, b. 5 Sept., 1798; d. 10 Mar., 1882.
He was a farmer in Adams Center; a member of the Baptist Church. Child by first wife, b. in Adams.
7143 Martha Adell,9 b. 18 May, 1856; m. Willis Thomas Colton.

2864.   RODERICK,8 son of Elijah7 (1014), b. in Claridon, O., 1796; m. Sally Taylor.
He is said to have gone West many years ago.
7144 Olive,9 b. ______.
7145 Arvilla,9 b. ______.

502    The Kelloggs in the New World.

7146 Eliza,9 b. ______.
7147 Cornelia,9 b. ______.
7148 Armina,9 b. ______.
7149 Salina,9 b. ______.
7150 Julius,9 b. ______.
7151 Milan,9 b. ______.

2865.   SOPHRONIA,8 dau. of Elijah7 (1014), b. 1798; m. (1) Simeon Cal­kins.
He d. ______, in Huron, O.; she m. (2) in Claridon, O., 14 June, 1830, Eri Hazen; she d. 17 Feb., 1843; he d. ______; is buried in Claridon.
Children by first husband.
7152 Roderick Calkins,9 b. 4 Sept., 1817; m. 5 Apr., 1841, Eleanor De Bay; d. 30 Jan., 1877.
7153 James B. Calkins,9 b. 1 Feb., 1819; m. 1 Jan., 1843, Janette McMillan; d. in Genoa, O., 25 Jan., 1892, where his widow res; had five chil­dren.

7154 Rhoda Ann Calkins,9 b. in Auburn, N. Y., 27 Dec., 1820; m. 25 Dec., 1840, James Cannon; d. 4 Apr., 1898; had two children.
7155 Sidney Calkins,9 b. 4 May, 1823; m. 10 Oct., 1847, Mary Ribble; res. in Cleveland, O.; had seven children.
Children by second husband.
7156 Henry Hazen,9 b. ______; served in the Twenty-third Reg., Ohio Volun­teer Infantry; d. in West Virginia, in the service.
7157 Frank Hazen,9 b. ______; d. 13 July, 1864.
7158 Sophronia Hazen,9 b. ______.
7159 Ellen Hazen,9 b. ______.

2867.   ISAAC,8 son of Elijah7 (1014), b. in the State of New York, 16 Dec., 1803; m. 1827, Cynthia Talbot, b. in Connecticut, 5 Jan., 1805, dau. of John Tal­bot, b. 16 Dec., 1772, and Cynthia Moses, b. 28 June, 1779.
He d. in Dover, O., 10 Dec., 1856.
In 1827 he settled in Claridon, O., where he was a farmer and merchant. In 1848 he was a farmer in East Cleveland, O.; in 1851 he was a miller in Rock­port, O.; in 1853, he bought a sawmill in Dover.
7160 Cynthia Amelia,9 b. 26 June, 1828; m. 6 Mar., 1853, J. W. Jordan; had five children.
7161 Isaac Henry,9 b. 22 Apr., 1831; d. young.
7162 Orestes Myron,9 b. 13 May, 1834; m. 23 Mar., 1851, Julia Ingersoll; res. in Cleveland; had four children.
7163 Susan Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 21 Feb., 1840; m. 29 Oct., 1862, James E. Brown; res. in Cleveland; had four children.
7164 Henry Clinton,9 b. 21 Aug., 1843; d. young.
7165 Isaac Ernest,9 b. 21 Apr., 1845; d. young.
7166 Newton Burrett,9 b. 4 Sept., 1847; m. 22 Feb., 1872, Julia Miriam Reed; res. in Cleveland; had two children.

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2868.   ELIJAH,8 son of Elijah7 (1014), b. in Onondaga Co., N. Y., 16 Apr., 1809; m. 29 Jan., 1829, Emmeline Alderman, dau. of Timothy Alderman.
He d. about 10 Aug., 1839; she d. 13 Nov., 1886.
He sold his farm in Mayfield, O., and went to Chicago. On his return he d. on the steamer; is buried in Defiance, Canada.
7167 Catherine C,9 b. 19 May, 1830; m. 18 Nov., 1848, Albert Crane; d. 6 Mar., 1852; had one dau.
7168 Wesley Williams,9 b. in Huntsburg, O., 6 Mar., 1832; m. in Onondaga, Mich., 31 Oct., 1852, Harriet Rossman, b. in Aurelius, N. Y., 26 May, 1835, dau. of Gilbert Rossman, of Aurelius, b. 20 Sept., 1809; he is a life insurance agent; res. in Allegan, Mich.; has no children.
7169 Pamelia Cecelia,9 b. 16 Feb., 1834; m. Joseph Clark.
7170 Maryline Almira,9 b. 16 Nov., 1836; d. in Onondaga, aged 15.
7171 Isaac Elijah,9 b. 5 July, 1838; d. in Pittsfield; d. aged 8.

2874.   LOUISA MARIETTA,8 dau. of Rhoderick7 (1018), b. in West Hart­ford, Conn., 25 June, 1806; m. Christopher Langworthy, b. in Brookfield. N. Y., 17 Mar., 1808, son of Sanders Langworthy, b. in Hopkinton, R. I., 16 Dec., 1779, and Mercy Babcock, b. 24 July, 1780. He was a farmer in Brookfield.
Children, b. in Brookfield.
7172 Roderic Sherman Langworthy,9 b. 16 Sept., 1835; m. 14 Oct., 1867, Susan E. Rogers; he was a farmer in Brookfield; he enlisted in 1862 in the One Hundred and Seventeenth New York Reg.; was severely wounded in the battle of Drury's Bluff, 10 May, 1834.
7173 Lucy Caroline Langworthy,9 b. 24 Dec., 1836; m. Edgar H. Bancroft, a farmer in Camden, Kent Co., Del.
7174 Arethusa Janette Langworthy,9 b. 24 Oct., 1838.
7175 Adelia Louisa Langworthy,9 b. 17 July, 1843; d. 9 Nov., the same year.

2880.   ARANDA,8 son of Rhoderick7 (1018), b. in Waterville, N. Y., 5 Mar., 1814; m. (1) 10 Nov., 1836, Arethusa Janette Davis.
She d. 27 June, 1838; he m. (2) 3 Apr., 1840, Harriet Lucretia Mills, b. 31 Mar., 1820, dau. of Jesse C. Mills; she d. June, 1856; he m. (3) Desdemona Pierce; d. in Savanna, Ill., 9 Jan., 1879.
He was a farmer and trader; res. in Savanna. He was a Republican in politics.
Child by first wife.
7176 Oscar Davis,9 b. in Pennsylvania, 6 June, 1837; m. Theresa A. Wil­liams.

Children by second wife.
7177 Ralph De Witt,9 b. 12 Nov., 1843; enlisted 18 Oct., 1861, in Co. M, First Reg., Illinois Light Artillery; was killed in a railroad acci­dent while on duty, near La Grange, Tenn.; he was unm.
7178 Ellen Irene,9 b. in Polo, Ill., 6 Sept., 1845; m. Joseph Chapman.
7179 George Wallace,9 b. in Polo, Ill., 17 Nov., 1847; m. Jane Alsiria Willey.

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7180 Charles Watson,9 b. in Polo, 8 Feb., 1850; m. 31 July, 1888, Elizabeth Allen, b. 13 Apr., 1852, dau. of Jacob Allen and Catherine Van Sickle; he was a lawyer; a graduate of Ann Arbor; res. in Chicago Ill.; had no children.
7181 Josephine Hortense,9 b. 16 Mar., 1852; m. Orlando Page; d. in Thomson, Carroll Co., Ill, 19 Dec., 1874; had no children.
7182 Frank Eugene,9 b. in Polo, 16 Oct., 1854; m. Emily Louise Pulford.

2881.   JULIA CAROLINE,8 dau. of Asahel7 (1020), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 17 Nov., 1810; m. 25 Sept., 1834, her cousin. Col. Erastus Spencer, of Hartland, Conn., b. 30 Sept., 1805, son of Nathaniel Spencer, b. in New Hart­ford, 31 Aug., 1774, and Lydia Douglas, b. 24 Nov., 1774.
She d. 31 Aug., 1891.
He was a prosperous farmer in Chardon, O.
7183 Elnora Spencer,9 b. 9 Aug., 1835; m. 17 Oct., 1861, Rufus Waters, a farmer in Chardon.
7184 Clinton Spencer,9 b. 17 Nov., 1838; d. 23 July, 1849.
7185 Warren Spencer,9 b. 18 Oct., 1841; m. 31 Dec., 1872, Nancy Douglass; is a farmer in Claridon.
7186 Tracy A. Spencer,9 b. 10 July, 1844; d. 21 July, 1849.
7187 Lucy S. Spencer,9 b. 29 Jan., 1847; d. 14 July, 1849.
7188 Lucy M. Spencer,9 b. 20 Feb., 1853; m. 2 Sept., 1874, Rev. Charles Wil­ber Carroll; he was superintendent of schools in Garrettsville, O.; he was pastor, in 1898, of the Hough Avenue Church, Cleveland, O.

2882.   LUCY AMANDA,8 dau. of Asahel7 (1020), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 7 Aug., 1813; m. 27 Aug., 1841, Rev. James Austin Preston (who afterward m. her sister, Sylvia), b. 6 May, 1815, son of Deacon James Preston, b. in Barkham­sted. Conn., 11 Sept., 1787, and Lydia Bushnell, b. in Hartland, Conn., 5 May, 1785.
She d. in Claridon, O., 24 Oct., 1846; he d. in Oberlin, O., 31 July, 1848.
He rem. with his parents from Connecticut to Ohio when eight years old.
He studied at the Western Reserve College and Oberlin, and preached one year in Ohio. He went, with his wife, as a missionary to Jamaica, West Indies, where he remained three or four years. He returned, on account of her health, to Ohio, and labored in Troy, Geauga Co., O.
7189 Charles Morgan Preston,9 b. in Mount Hope, in the Island of Jamaica, West Indies, 22 Aug., 1842; m. 4 Sept., 1867, Mary Eliza Mosher, b. in Lenox, O., 13 May, 1841, dau. of Deacon Alfred Mosher, b. in Sharon, Vt., 17 May, 1787, and Hannah Deming, b. 27 Aug., 1801; she d. in Cleveland, 13 Oct., 1895; he res. in Cleveland.

2883.   SHERMAN ASHBEL,8 son of Asahel7 (1020), b. in Claridon, O., Mar., 1816; m. 25 Sept., 1844, Nancy Taylor, b. 11 Feb., 1823, dau. of Childs Taylor, b. 23 Apr., 1782, and Althea Beach, b. 27 Aug., 1782.
He d. in Claridon, 13 Jan., 1848; was a farmer; res. in Claridon; she m.

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(2) Lucius T. Wilmot, of Claridon; d. 14 Dec., 1892. Mr. Wilmot res. in Clar­idon, where he is a banker and capitalist. Child.
7190 Newton Sherman,9 b. in Claridon, 16 June, 1847; m. Emma Elizabeth Higley.

2884.   ELECTA LOUISA,8 dau. of Asahel7 (1020), b. in Claridon, O., 19 Sept., 1818; m. 9 Sept., 1845, Warren K. Taylor, b. 23 Jan., 1818, son of Childs Taylor and Althea Beach.
She d. 4 May, 1875.
He was a farmer in Claridon.
7191 Minnie A. Taylor,9 b. 27 Nov., 1847.
7192 Verona A. Taylor,9 b. 16 June, 1854.
7193 Hubert W. Taylor,9 b. 27 Feb., 1862.

2886.   SOPHIA NAOMI,8 dau. of Cotton7 (1021), b. in Connecticut, 1815; m. in Claridon, O., Asa Cowles, b. in Hartford, Conn., 12 Dec., 1806, son of Asa Cowles, b. 17 Dec., 1760, and Sybil Merrill, b. 4 June, 1765.
She d. in Claridon, 4 Jan., 1847; he d. in Butler, Mo., 12 Oct., 1872. He was a merchant, a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Claridon and N. Newbury, O.
Children, eldest b. in Claridon, others in N. Newbury, O.
7194 Aurelia Sophia Cowles,9 b. 19 Nov., 1835; d. unm., in Claridon, 22 Apr., 1857.
7195 Manning Shumway Cowles,9 b. 22 Dec., 1837; m. (1) in Butler, 6 Apr., 1869, Maggie Louisa McKibben; she d. ______; he m. (2) in Kan­sas City, Mo., Sept., 1884, Laura J. Cunningham; d. 24 Jan., 1900, in Kansas City, where his widow now res.
7196 Julia Edreena Cowles,9 b. 22 June, 1840; m. in Almond, Wis., 6 Apr., 1863, Alexander Steven Martin, M. D.; res. in Cleveland, O.
7197 George Asa Cowles,9 b. 10 Apr., 1844; d. unm., Apr., 1864; he was a soldier; when last heard from was in Anderson­ville Prison.

2887.   JAMES SIDNEY,8 son of Cotton7 (1021), b. in Claridon, 20 Oct., 1818; m. 6 Oct., 1842, Emma Lucy Stanhope, b. 18 Nov., 1820, dau. of Asahel Reding­ton Stanhope, of Claridon, b. 4 July, 1795, and Mary Finch, b. 21 May, 1798.
She d. in Cleveland, O., 7 Mar., 1900.
They res. in Cleveland. He is a manufacturer of gasoline laboratory burn­ers; a Congregationalist and a Republican.
Children, b. in Claridon.
7198 Erwin James,9 b. 1 Nov., 1844; m. (1) Annetta Fowler; (2) Mary De Veiling.
7199 Emma Sophia,9 b. 26 Sept., 1848; d. 13 Sept., 1850.
7200 Ellen Sophia,9 b. 6 June, 1853; m. Burrett Whately Haskins.

2888.   CYRUS ALFRED,8 son of Cotton7 (1021), b. in Claridon, O., 22 Apr., 1822; m. (1) 20 Sept., 1844, Anna E. Allgate, b. 22 July, 1823, dau. of Theo­dore Allgate, b. 18 Jan., 1799, and Abigail Watts, b. 6 Apr., 1797.

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He was divorced from his first wife, who d. 5 Apr., 1900; he m. (2) 6 Apr., 1862, Mary Serena Hayden, b. 19 June, 1836; he d. 21 Dec., 1900.
He res. in Claridon on the farm where he was b. He was a farmer and an importer and breeder of blooded stock.
Children by first wife, b. in Claridon.
7201 Eliza Annah,9 b. 30 June, 1845; m. George Washington Richardson.
7202 George Alfred,9 b. 7 July, 1848; was drowned in Little Rock, Ark., while getting a drove of cattle over the river.
7203 Frank Ernest,9 b. 20 Apr., 1851; m. Delia J. Wells.
7204 Charles Cotton,9 b. 22 Oct., 1853; m. Alice Nancy Wilmot.
Child by second wife.
7205 Milicent Adell,9 b. 29 Jan., 1865; m. Frank Murray Canfield.

2889.   CHLOE ANN,8 dau. of Cotton7 (1021), b. in Claridon, O., 16 Oct., 1828; m. in Claridon, 20 Dec., 1855, Alonzo Simeon Watts, b. in Claridon, 30 July, 1832, son of Simeon Watts and Louisa Risley.
She d. in Claridon, 21 July, 1897.
He is a farmer; served in the civil war as private in Co. E, One Hundred and Fifth Ohio Volunteers; enlisted 6 Aug., 1862; was discharged 3 June, 1865; a Republican; res. in Claridon.
Children, b. in Claridon.
7206 Harvey Alonzo Watts,9 b. 3 Nov., 1859; m. in Claridon, 3 Sept., 1880, Eliza Snow; res. in Claridon.
7207 Harry Ernest Watts,9 b. 7 Apr., 1861; m. in Claridon, 3 July, 1883, Jennie Taylor; res. in Claridon.

2899.   LAURA CORNELIA,8 dau. of Aranda7 (1023), b. in Claridon, O., 30 Oct., 1816; m. 29 June, 1837, John Flavel Strong, b. in Windham, Conn., 27 May, 1810, son of Noah R. Strong and Sylvia Strong.
He d. 19 Feb., 1862; she d. 20 Sept., 1892.
He was a farmer; res. in Claridon.
Children, b. in Claridon.
7208 Herman Rockwell Strong,9 b. 29 Mar., 1838; res. in Michigan.
7209 Dwight Fayette Strong,9 b. 17 May, 1840; res. in Claridon.
7210 Laura Cowles Strong,9 b. 6 Oct., 1842; d. 10 Feb., 1843.
7211 Lorin Aranda Strong,9 b. 11 Oct., 1844; d. 17 Nov., 1868.
7212 Edward Carroll Strong,9 b. 1846; d. 15 Aug., 1849.
7213 Julia Cornelia Strong,9 b. 11 Apr., 1850; m. Dr. Theodore Ensign, of Michigan.
7214 Newton John Strong,9 b. 10 Mar., 1853.
7215 Eugene Edward Strong,9 b. 28 Aug., 1855.
7216 Laura Eliza Strong,9 b. 23 May, 1862.

2903.   MARY,8 dau. of Timothy7 (1051), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 8 Feb., 1780; m. 23 Nov., 1800, Josiah Curtis, b. in Sheffield, Mass., 3 Nov., 1775, son of Jon­athan Curtis, of Sheffield, b. in Wallingford, Conn., 1747, and Mary Jacobs, b. 1749.

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He d. 18 Oct., 1819; he was a carpenter in Sheffield; she m. (2) Tullar; she d. in Egremont, Mass., 4 Mar., 1860, aged 80.
Children by first husband, b. in Sheffield.
7217 Harriet B. Curtis,9 b. 5 Sept., 1801; m. (1) 1 Dec., 1830, Alanson Breese, of Penfield, N. Y.; he d. ______; he was a hotel-keeper; she m. (2) Carrington Mayo, a farmer of Victor, N. Y.; d. in South Egremont, 23 Dec., 1869.
7218 James J. Curtis,9 b. 20 Mar., 1803; m. 20 Sept., 1823, Nancy M. Steele, of Westmoreland, N. Y.; he was a farmer; d. in Utica, N. Y., 17 Apr., 1849.
7219 Sarah Curtis,9 b. 1 June, 1805; m. 1 May, 1828, Philo Upson, b. in Otis, Mass., 18 June, 1803; he carried on a flouring mill and carriage manufactory, but was principally a marble dealer and contractor; from his large quarry in Sheffield was supplied much of the ma­terial for Girard College; he res. in South Egremont; he was in the disaster to the steamboat Lexington, on Long Island Sound, 13 Jan., 1840, and was frozen after reaching the shore; he was buried in South Egremont; she d. in Sheffield, 19 May, 1877.
7220 Truman Curtis,9 b. 28 Jan., 1808; m. 23 Sept., 1840, Charlotte Lom­bard, of Brimfield, Mass., dau. of Lemuel Lombard; he was a farmer; d. in Westmoreland, N. Y., 28 Mar., 1852.
7221 Fanny W. Curtis,9 b. 11 Aug., 1810; d. unm., in Penfield, 7 Aug., 1831.
7222 Mary Electa Curtis,9 b. 22 July, 1814; m. 26 Mar., 1836, Phineas Mans­field, of Canaan, Conn.; she d. in South Egremont, 25 Nov., 1841.
7223 Jonathan Curtis,9 b. 23 Oct., 1817; m. Charlotte Sophia Hall, of Egre­mont, 4 Mar., 1847; he was a dentist; d. in Jersey City, N. J., 3 Feb., 1869.

2904.   ELECTA,8 dau. of Timothy7 (1051), b. 1783; m. 1801, Barnett Bush­nell, b., perhaps in Salisbury, Conn., 1 Aug., 1773, son of Samuel Bushnell and Hester Kelsey.
He d. 20 Sept., 1835; she d. 31 July, 1846. He was a hatter; res. in Sheffield, Mass., Rome and Victor, N. Y.
7224 Jane Bushnell,9 b. 1802; m. 31 Oct., 1821, Nathan Jenks, b. 15 Mar., 1800, son of Azariah Jenks and Clarinda Watrous; he was a mer­chant in Victor until 1843, when he rem. to Ontario, Ind., where he was a farmer and miller; he d. there, 3 May, 1863; after his death she res. with her son, Dr. E. W. Jenks, president of the Detroit Medical College, and surgeon in chief of the Michigan Central Rail­road; res. in Detroit, Mich.

2905.   JAMES,8 son of Timothy7 (1051), b. in Stockbridge, Mass., 1793; m. in Vernon, N. Y., Jan., 1817, Bedee Jewell, of Vernon, b. 31) Mar.; 1798, dau. of Oliver Jewell, b. 7 July, 1766, and Clarinda Chittenden, b. 1767.
She d. in Michigan, 15 Mar., 1850; he d. in Saginaw, Mich., 1860.
He ran away from home when 16 years old, and went to Montreal, Canada. When the war with England was declared he returned to the United States and enlisted at Sacket Harbor; it is said that he was in the battle of Lundy's Lane;

508    The Kelloggs in the New World.

went to Vernon with Oliver Jewell, whose dau. he m. He was an active poli­tician; was Sheriff; rem. to Rome, later to Camillus, N. Y., where he had a con­tract on the enlargement of the Erie Canal; later res. in Michigan, where he was interested in the first telegraph lines through that State also in building the Michigan Southern Railroad; was a short time afterward in Litchfield, Ill., where he was Street Commissioner, laying out the city. He lived in Saginaw also Cazenovia, N. Y., and, in 1848, in Mottville, Mich.
Children, all except two b. in Vernon.
7225 Edmund Ray,9 b. 16 Jan., 1818; m. Mary Elizabeth Blakesley.
7226 Henry James,9 b. 14 Sept., 1820; d. unm., in Marysville, Cal., 1858.
7227 George Graham,9 b. 18 Sept., 1823; was a merchant in New York in the office of Tefft, Griswold & Co.; d. unm., in New York, 18 Apr., 1883.
7228 Timothy Norman,9 b. 12 Sept., 1826; m. in Rome, N. Y., 23 May, 1850, Apphia Louisa Mattison, b. 3 Mar., 1829, dau. of Jeptha Mat­tison, b. 30 Mar., 1800, and Minerva Webster, b. 8 May, 1803; he was a druggist and an Episcopalian; d. 1 Oct., 1892, in Waterloo, Ia., where his widow now res.; had no children.
7229 Dwight Curtis,9 b. 18 Aug., 1828; was a merchant, an Episcopalian and a Democrat; is unm.; res. in Waterloo; is almost totally blind.
7230 Arthur Breeze,9 b. 14 Sept., 1831; res. in Ann Arbor, Mich.
7231 Amelia Louise,9 b. 20 Dec., 1834; m. Jonas Fay Perry.
7232 Helen Mary,9 b. in Rome, 19 Dec., 1837; m. Edward Everett Litchfield.
7233 Frank,9 b. in Camillus, 16 Oct., 1840; m. Josephine Leonard.

2906.   NANCY,8 dau. of Timothy7 (1051), b. about 1795; m. Elisha Hubbell. She d. 1873. They res. in Canandaigua, N. Y.
7234 John Hubbell,9 b. ______; was a lawyer in Buffalo, N. Y.
7235 William Hubbell,9 b. ______.
7236 Frank Hubbell,9 b. ______.
7237 Jane Hubbell,9 b. ______.
7238 Helen Hubbell,9 b. ______.
7239 Mary Hubbell,9 b. ______.

2907.   JOHN JAY,8 son of Timothy7 (1051), b. in Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., 11 Apr., 1801; m. 25 Dec., 1823, Jane Maria Bull, b. in Floyd, Oneida Co., N. Y., 28 Apr., 1802, dau. of Benjamin Bull, of Watertown, N. Y., b. about 1760, and Sarah Ann Wilson, dau. of John Wilson.
He d. in Kellogg, Douglas Co., Or., 5 July, 1857, from a fall received while building a sawmill; she d. there, 26 Feb., 1881.
He was a wagon maker; rem. from Oswego, N. Y., to Elkhart, Ind., 1835; to Union Grove, Whiteside Co., Ill., 1842; to Oregon, 1853, crossing the plains.
7240 Adna Barnes,9 b. in Pulaski, N. Y., 19 Mar., 1826; was a farmer in Kellogg; he is a Republican; unm.

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7241 Lyman Lorenzo Erastus,9 b. in Pulaski, 24 June, 1829; m. Mary Har­ton Pinkston.
7242 James Irwin,9 b. in Richland, N. Y., 24 Mar., 1832; d. in Union Grove, 3 July, 1847.
7243 Sarah Jane Ellen,9 b. in Elkhart, 16 Nov., 1834; d. in Union Grove, 9 May, 1847.
7244 Charles Porter Barber,9 b. in Mishawaka, St. Joseph Co., Ind., 12 Apr., 1837; d. 23 June, 1854.
7245 Mary Louisa Emeline,9 b. in St. Joseph Co., Ind., 8 July, 1840; m. 12 Nov., 1857, John A. Fryer; d. 5 Feb., 1871; he later res. in Kel­logg.
7246 Harriet Lucena Ann,9 b. in Union Grove, 4 Jan., 1843; m. 14 June, 1858, Johnson B. Goff, of Douglas Co., Or.

2908.   REV. ERASTUS,8 son of Timothy7 (1051), b. in Paris, N. Y., 11 Oct., 1804; m. (1) in Pulaski, N. Y., 22 July, 1827, Lucena Ann Brace, b. in Wil­liamstown. N. Y., 4 Oct., 1807, dau. of Stephen Brace and Rebecca Jones.
She was a singing teacher; d. in New Buffalo, Mich., 10 May, 1849; he m. (2) in Marysville, Cal., 7 Feb., 1853, Mrs. Elizabeth (Harrington) Horner, b. in Virginia. 1 Jan., 1811; he d. in Yuba City, Cal., 29 Jan., 1879.
He was a Methodist minister; had a stentorian voice. He rem. to Southern Michigan in 1835; was admitted to the Indiana Conference. In 1837 he was ordained deacon, and in 1839 elder. He res., in 1842, in Northern Indiana and later rem. to California; had res. in Yuba City for fifteen years prior to his death.
7247 John J.,9 b. in Hastings, N. Y., 4 Apr., 1829; m. about 1877; went to California, 1850; res. in Sacramento.
7248 Grove Loomis,9 b. in Hastings, 18 Dec., 1831; rem. in 1853 to Oregon and later to California; was killed by the Indians in Humboldt. Flat, Nev., about 1863.
7249 Erastus Lewis,9 b. in Victory, N. Y., 12 Oct., 1833; m. Mary Alice Martin.
7250 Mary Ellen,9 b. in White Pigeon, Mich., 1 Nov., 1835; d. in Mottville, Mich., 1 Nov., 1843.
7251 Josiah Keys,9 b. 22 Oct., 1837; d. in Lima, Ind., 30 Jan., 1839.
7252 Lucena Jane,9 b. in Nottaway, Mich., 22 May, 1841; d. in Men­don, Mich.
7253 Stephen Henry,9 b. in Mottville, 18 June, 1843; d. in Mottville, 30 May, 1847.

2909.   EBENEZER,8 son of Timothy7 (1051), b. ______; m. Polly Saxton.
7254 Paulina,9 b. in Bloomfield, N. Y., 1818; m. (1) in Verona, N. Y., Francis Wright; he d. ______; she m. (2) Senator Thomas Davis, of Providence; she was a lecturer on woman's rights; d. in Prov­idence, R. I., 1876; had no children, but an adopted dau., Mrs. Theodore W. Foster.
7255 Bacon Saxton,9 b. ______; m. ______; res. in New York; had no chil­dren.

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7256 Mary,9 b. ______; m. Ramsey; res. in Illinois.
7257 Henry,9 b. ______; d. in infancy.
7258 George,9 b. ______; d. unm., in Mrs. Davis' house, in Providence, about 1859; was a very talented and accomplished young man.

2912.   WILLIAM,8 son of Ozias7 (1053), b. in Stillwater, N. Y., 20 June, 1784; m. 11 Oct., 1827, Mary Stadler Allison, b. in Stafford Co., Va., 12 July, 1790, dau. of Thomas Lausen Allison, b. 1763, and Maria Elizabeth Scarbrook, b. 16 Dec., 1764.
He d. in Stafford Co., at his home, "Egremont," 15 Oct., 1848; she d. 31 Aug., 1873, aged 83.
He was reared by his grandfather in Egremont, Mass. He was a successful merchant in Spottsylvania Co., Va., until his store and house were burned by an incendiary fire. He was turned out into a January snow, with his wife and four children, almost destitute. He later lived a few years in Richmond.
Children, b. in Fredericksburg, Va.
7259 William Allison,9 b. 29 Aug., 1828; m. Mary Louisa Kemper.
7260 Mary Isabella,9 b. 23 Dec., 1830; in 1876 she res. in Falmouth, Va.; is in the Presbyterian Rest for Convalescents, in White Plains, N. Y.; is unm.
✛7261 Timothy,9 b. 23 Dec., 1830; m. Mary Virginia McDowell.
7262 Susan Lausen,9 b. 26 Aug., 1833; m. 3 Oct., 1854, Rev. John Milton Henry, b. 22 Aug., 1817; he was a Presbyterian minister in Wash­ington, D. C, and Pittsylvania Co., Va., where he d. 12 Dec., 1856; she res. in Capon Springs, W. Va.

2913.   TIMOTHY,8 son of Ozias7 (1053), b. in Stillwater, N. Y., 20 July, 1786; m. (1) in Athens, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1808, Sarah Hurlbert, b. in Alford, Mass., 12 Mar., 1784, dau. of Dr. John Hurlbert, of Alford, and Marcia Hamlin.
She d. 16 June, 1809; he m. (2) 4 July, 1810, Elizabeth Mellen, of Pitta­field, Mass., b. 8 May, 1793, dau. of William Henry Mellen, b. 20 May, 1766, and Lucretia Marsh, b. 9 Jan., 1774.
He d. in Brooklyn, 5 Apr., 1855; she d. 6 Oct., 1873; both are buried in Greenwood Cemetery. He res. in Hudson, N. Y., until 1820, when he rem. to the City of New York. In 1829 he rem. to Brooklyn.
Children, first six b. in Hudson, others in New York.
7263 Timothy A.,9 b. 15 June, 1809; d. unm., 18 Sept., 1858.
7264 Sarah Williams,9 b. 11 Aug., 1811; d. 25 Oct., 1812.
7265 Robert Ransom,9 b. 18 May, 1813; m. Mary Elizabeth Morse.
7266 Charles,9 b. 31 Mar., 1816; m. in Walden, N. Y., 5 May, 1842, Cath­erine Ann Neafie, b. 17 May, 1821, dau. of Peter Neafie, b. 18 Feb., 1781, and Margaret McEwen, b. 4 Mar., 1800; he was graduated from the University of New York in 1839, and from the Andover Theological Seminary in 1841, and was ordained 10 Nov., 1841; he was a Congregational minister fifteen years; he was for four years Probate Judge in Lapeer Co., Mich.; a banker in Detroit, Mich., ten years; his children d. in infancy; he adopted the child

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of his deceased sister, Mary, b. 3 Feb., 1868, naming her Katie Harmon Kellogg; he res. in Richmond, Mich., from 1841 to '46 and in Almont, Mich., from 1846 to '56; he d. in Detroit, 14 Mar., 1897; she res. in Detroit.
7267 De Witt Clinton,9 b. 6 Feb., 1818; d. 6 Jan., 1824.
7268 Louisa Isabella,9 b. 31 Mar., 1820; m. Lyman Washburn Gilbert.
7269 Sarah Williams,9 b. 1 June, 1822; m. Charles Frederick Burckett.
7270 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 28 May, 1824; m. Herbert Manuel Harman.
7271 Martha Benjamin,9 b. 24 Sept., 1826; m. James Rider Van Brunt.
7272 Walter Lawrence,9 b. 6 Jan., 1829; m. Ruth Francis.
7273 Sophia Lucretia,9 b. 8 Nov., 1831; m. Edward Orr.
7274 Josephine Maria,9 b. 10 Mar., 1834; m. George Wales Harman.

2915.   ORSON,8 son of Truman7 (1054), b. in Florida, N. Y., 27 Aug., 1792; m. Eleanor Clark, dau. of John Clark.
He was a clerk in Boston with his uncle, Caleb Bingham, and later went abroad as supercargo, visiting Greece and South America. He went into busi­ness in Baltimore and was very successful; was graduated from the University of Vermont.
7275 Henry,9 b. ______; res. in Baltimore; was a bitter rebel.

2916.   TRUMAN,8 son of Truman7 (1054), b. in Salisbury, Conn., 15 Oct., 1795; m. 20 Jan., 1819, Anna Davis, b. in Pittstown, N. Y., 18 June, 1791, dau. of Daniel Davis, b. in Kingston, R. I., 18 Apr., 1765, and Mary (Polly) Jackson, b. in New York, 4 May, 1766.
He d. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 6 Aug., 1843; she d. 15 Apr., 1883.
At an early age he rem. from Salisbury, Conn., to Pittstown, N. Y.; later was a manufacturer of woolen goods in Pompey and Cazenovia, N. Y. In the fall of 1837 he rem. to Grand Rapids, Mich., and became a farmer.
7276 Abi Anna,9 b. in Pompey, 29 Oct., 1822; m. William Bemis.
7277 Marion,9 b. 19 Apr., 1824; d. 8 Sept., 1824.
7278 Orson Chester,9 b. 26 July, 1825; d. 30 Aug., the same year.
7279 Orson Chester,9 b. 2 Oct., 1826; m. Lydia Hannah McKinzie.
7280 Myron Hinsdale,9 b. 17 May, 1830; m. Mary Ann McElcheran.
7281 Truman,9 b. 17 Oct., 1836; m. Ella Louise Hyde.

2917.   EMILY,8 dau. of Truman7 (1054), b. in Florida, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1799; m. (1) in Hinesburg, Vt., Dec., 1823, Chester Steele, b. in Hinesburg, 1796, son of Josiah Steele.
He d. in Hinesburg, July, 1825; he was a merchant; she m. (2) Sept., 1828, Myron Hinsdale, a farmer, b. in Hinesburg, 4 Feb., 1799, son of Aaron Hinsdale, b. 23 Mar., 1764, and Lucinda Mitchell, b. 4 Sept., 1770.
He d. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 17 Nov., 1838; she d. in Grand Rapids, 26 May, 1852.
Child by first husband.
7282 Ellen Elizabeth Steele,9 b. in Hinesburg, 1 Nov., 1824; m. in Grand Rapids, 7 May, 1843, Peter Randolph Livingston Pierce, b. in

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Geneseo, N. Y., 25 May, 1837; he d. in Grand Rapids, where he was County Clerk and Postmaster; she d. in Grand Rapids, 27 Jan., 1858.
Children by second husband.
7283 Marion Louisa Hinsdale,9 b. 9 July, 1829; m. 24 Dec., 1845, Solomon Louis Withey, b. in St. Albans, Vt., 21 Apr., 1820, son of Solomon Withey, b. in Washington Co., N. Y., 31 Aug., 1787, and Julia Granger, b. 31 Mar., 1791; res. in Grand Rapids; in 1880 he was United States District Judge of the Western District of Michigan.
7284 Adelaide Kellogg Hinsdale,9 b. 24 Feb., 1831; d. in Cincinnati, O., 31 Aug., 1846.
7285 Caroline Ann Hinsdale,9 b. 26 Feb., 1833; d. in Richland, Mich., 11 Nov., 1833.
7286 Chester Bingham Hinsdale,9 b. 4 Sept., 1834; m. Julia Matthews; he was in the Commissary Department, Army of Tennessee, at Mem­phis and New Orleans; was clerk of the United States Court in Grand Rapids.
7287 Henry Myron Hinsdale,9 b. in Grand Rapids, 19 Mar., 1837; m. Mary Jewett; he was clerk of the United States Court; res. in Grand Rapids.

2918.   ALBERT,8 son of Truman7 (1054), b. in Pittstown, N. Y., 15 Jan., 1801; m. in Cincinnati, O., 13 Oct., 1831, Elizabeth Dudgeon, b. in Wicklow, Ire­land, 22 June, 1800.
He d. 7 Mar., 1861.
His boyhood was spent in Salisbury, Conn. He next res. in Rochester, N. Y., where he was a clerk; went, in 1829, to Cincinnati, where he was an auctioneer.
Children, b. in Cincinnati.
7288 Eliza Jane,9 b. 31 Dec., 1833; m. Albert Pyncheon Williams.
7289 Mary,9 b. 24 Sept., 1834; d. 10 Oct., same year.
7290 Emily,9 b. 4 Oct., 1835; d. near Oxford, O., 25 Sept., 1839.
7291 Laura,9 b. 21 Apr., 1837; d. 16 Aug., 1838.
7292 Eleanor Ann,9 b. 8 Oct., 1838; m. William M. Boynton.
7293 Albert Bingham,9 b. 13 Apr., 1841; d. 23 Dec., 1847.
7294 Lucinda,9 b. 16 June, 1842; m. Benjamin Moir Mirrielees.
7295 Julia Augusta,9 b. 15 Aug., 1844; m. in Chicago, 6 Apr., 1897, Samuel Aaron Stevens, son of Lemuel and Mary (Arthurs) Stevens; res. in Linwood, Cincinnati, O.; has no children.

2920.   OZIAS,8 son of Oliver7 (1055), b. in Stillwater, N. Y., 20 Jan., 1793; m. _______, Sept., 1820.
They res. in Indiana and Delhi, Delaware Co., N. Y.; he served in the war of 1812.
7296 King,9 b. ______.
7297 Reuben,9 b. ______.
7298 Charles,9 b. ______.

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2921.   SARAH,8 dau. of Oliver7 (1055), b. in Stillwater, N. Y., 5 Nov., 1796; m. 11 Apr., 1815, Ebenezer Gilbert, b. 13 July, 1789, son of Eleazer Gilbert, of Brooklyn, Conn., b. in Stoughton, Mass., 25 Mar., 1744, and Sarah Weeks, b. 18 Aug., 1755.
She d. 22 June, 1859; he d. 5 Mar., 1865.
When m. both lived in Stillwater, but soon after rem. to Richland, N. Y., where he cleared a farm. About 1839 they rem. to Volney, N. Y., thence to Granby, N. Y., where they d.
Children, b. in Richland.
7299 Mary Amanda Gilbert,9 b. 27 Sept., 1821; m. as his second wife, 25 Apr., 1866, Washington Billings Starkweather, b. in Norwich, Conn., 23 Mar., 1814, son of Henry Starkweather, b. 11 May, 1784, and Esther Hakes; he d. ______; she m. (2) 13 Jan., 1881, Peter A. Wise, of Hannibal, N. Y.; res. in South Granby, N. Y.
7300 Oliver K. Gilbert,9 b. 24 Sept., 1826; d. 12 Aug., 1827.
7301 Sarah Ann Gilbert,9 b. 22 Sept., 1829; m. (1) 24 Dec., 1845, James Lord; d. 13 Jan., 1848; he m. (2) Rachel Perry, of Granby, and moved West.
7302 Oliver Gilbert,9 b. 14 July, 1831; m. 19 Aug., 1860, Mary Graves; res. in Granby.
7303 Daniel Harry Gilbert,9 b. 27 July, 1836; m. 16 Feb., 1862, Permelia Maria Lampman, b. 26 Apr., 1840; rem. from Volney to Fulton, where they later res.; had two children.

2922.   RUTH,8 dau. of Oliver7 (1055), b. in Stillwater, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1802; m. 21 Mar., 1821, Henry Baldwin, b. in Durham, N. Y., 6 Feb., 1793, son of Noah Baldwin.
He d. in Volney, N. Y., 6 May, 1874.
Children, b. in Volney.
7304 Abigail Baldwin,9 b. 10 May, 1822; m. E. Grant.
7305 Noah Baldwin,9 b. 13 Sept., 1823; m. _______, 1847; res. in Volney.
7306 Phoebe Baldwin,9 b. 28 Feb., 1826; d. 1 Jan., 1862.
7307 Oliver Baldwin,9 b. 30 Jan., 1828; m. Rosina Rice.
7308 Truman Baldwin,9 b. 29 Jan., 1834.

2923.   ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Oliver7 (1055), b. in Stillwater, N. Y., 25 Nov., 1806; m. in Richland, N. Y., 21 May, 1831, William D. Storer, b. in Lyons, Wayne Co., N. Y., 9 May, 1807, son of Thomas Storer, b. in New Jersey, 28 June, 1770, and Elizabeth (Betsey) Hartman, b. 31 Mar., 1770.
He d. 4 Oct., 1861.
He was a farmer and cooper; res. in Lyons. After his death she res. in Camden, Mich.
7309 Cornelia Vesse Storer,9 b. 3 Dec., 1833; m. in Arcadia, Wayne Co., N. Y., 2 July, 1848, Marvin P. Losey; res. in Crookston, Polk Co., Minn.; he was a farmer and shoe dealer.
7310 George Thomas Storer,9 b. 27 July, 1834; killed in the battle of Fair Oaks, 31 May, 1862; he was in Co. C, Seventh Reg., Michigan In­fantry; res. in Hillsdale, Mich.

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7311 Truman Gilbert Storer,9 b. 12 Feb., 1836; m. ______; he was an auc­tioneer; res. in Eau Claire, Berrien Co., Wis.
7312 Charles Westfall Storer,9 b. 19 Oct., 1837; d. unm., 21 Nov., 1865; was a farmer; res. in Camden, Mich.
7313 Sarah Ann Storer,9 b. 3 Mar., 1840; m. (1) in Reading, Mich., 3 July, 1860, Willard Barnes, a farmer in Reading; he d. 18 Aug., 1864; she m. (2) 1865, Henry W. Strong, a physician; res. in Byron, Mich.
7314 William Duncan Storer,9 b. 22 Feb., 1843; d. in Nashville, Tenn., 6 Feb., 1864; enlisted in Co. H, Eighteenth Michigan Infantry.
7315 Mary Maria Storer,9 b. 27 Sept., 1846; res. in Camden.
7316 Oren Pain Storer,9 b. 3 June, 1848; d. 3 Sept., 1851.
7317 James Henry Storer,9 b. 23 Feb., 1851; is a farmer in Camden.
7318 Andrew D. Storer,9 b. in Camden, 10 Mar., 1854.

2926.   EDMUND,8 son of Deacon Josiah Jones7 (1056), b. in East Penfield, Monroe Co., N. Y., 3 May, 1785; m. 1819, Margaret Ellis, b. in Pennsylvania, 16 Apr., 1791, dau. of Henry Ellis, b. in Wales, and Margaret Mahan, b. in Armagh, Ireland.
He d. 30 June, 1863; she d. 26 Jan., 1865.
He was a farmer; res. in Mount Pleasant, Ont., where they d.
7319 Josiah Jones,9 b. 28 June, 1820; d. 28 June, 1834.
7320 Allen Ellis,9 b. 22 Apr., 1823; d. 25 Jan., 1848.
7321 David Henry,9 b. 21 July, 1827; m. 21 Dec., 1870, Jessie Duncan Wil­son, b. in Kelldrumney, Scotland, 20 June, 1834, dau. of Stephen Wilson, b. 22 Sept., 1810, and Ann Elizabeth Melvin, b. 23 Sept., 1806; he learned the trade of carriage making; he was a miner in Australia from 1853 to '63; in 1884 res. in Mount Vernon, Ont.; d. ______; she res. in Burford, Ontario; had no children.
7322 William Wallace,9 b. 25 Dec., 1831; d. 3 Jan., 1848.
7323 Juliet Ann,9 b. 31 Oct., 1834; m. 6 Sept., 1859, James Kirkwood Thompson, b. in Edinburgh, Scotland, 31 Oct., 1832, son of Robert Thompson and Mary Forbes; he was a bookkeeper; she d. ______; res. in Nashville, Tenn.; had no children.
7324 James Edmund,9 b. 2 Mar., 1837; d. unm., 1 Jan., 1867.

2927.   SYLVESTER,8 son of Deacon Josiah Jones7 (1056), b. 27 Dec., 1797; m. in Honeoye Falls, 18 Apr., 1822, Clarissa Ostrander, b. in or near New York City, 24 May, 1803, dau. of John Ostrander, b. about 1775, and Nancy Burdge, about 1779.
He d. in Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 13 Nov., 1863; she d. there, 20 Aug., 1879. He res. in Honeoye Falls; also in West Bloomfield, N. Y.; was a farmer and a cloth dresser; was a Methodist and a Democrat.
Children, b. in North Bloomfield, N. Y.
7325 Nancy,9 b. 30 Jan., 1823; m. Moses Comstock Davis.
7326 Mary Jane,9 b. 2 May, 1827; d. in North Bloomfield, 7 Mar., 1829.
7327 Andrew Jackson,9 b. 23 May, 1831; m. 7 Sept., 1853, Sarah Ann Tinker, b. 1 May, 1834; he was a farmer; res. in Honeoye Falls; had no children.

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7328 John Franklin,9 b. 16 Aug., 1833; m. Manila Elmina Burton.

2929.   SARAH,8 dau. of Deacon Josiah Jones7 (1056), b. in East Bloomfield, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1801; m. 10 Jan., 1820, John Weaver, b. in Deerfield, N. Y., 28 Jan., 1795, son of John Weaver, of Deerfield, b. 20 Dec., 1760, and Mary Meyers, b. 23 Oct., 1768.
He d. 20 Nov., 1870; she d. 4 Feb., 1877.
They res. in Penfield, N. Y. He was a tanner, but he carried on an extensive farm. The homestead is occupied as a Baptist parsonage.
Children, b. in Penfield.
7329 John Franklin Weaver,9 b. 5 Nov., 1820; d. 13 Oct., 1821.
7330 Erastus Kellogg Weaver,9 b. 19 Jan., 1822; m. 5 May, 1846, Fanny Ursula Dryer, b. 1 Aug., 1823, dau. of Dr. Newman Robbins Dryer, b. in Stockbridge, Mass., 11 Feb., 1797, and Fanny Smith Burn­ham, b. in Brookfield, Vt., 28 Mar., 1800; he was a dealer in farm products; res. in Elmira, N. Y.
7331 Mary Catherine,9 b. 31 Jan., 1824; m. 23 July, 1849, Rev. Simon Sartwell Goss, b. 22 June, 1823; he was a clergyman in Meridian, Cayuga Co., N. Y.; was chaplain of the Seventy-fifth New York Infantry from 1862 to '63.
7332 Sarah (Sally) Ann Weaver,9 b. 23 Feb., 1826; d. 11 Aug., 1827.
7333 Elizabeth Ann,9 b. 7 Dec., 1828; d. unm., 8 Sept., 1848.
7334 Helen M. Weaver,9 b. 26 Apr., 1831; d. 18 Apr., 1832.
7335 John De Witt Weaver,9 b. 16 May, 1833; m. Nancy Elizabeth Carter, b. 15 June, 1833, dau. of Phederus Carter, and granddaughter of David Kellogg Carter (2267); res. in Rochester, N. Y.
7336 Charles Franklin Weaver,9 b. 25 Aug., 1835; m. 1 Feb., 1859, Delilah Mary Upson, b. 14 Apr., 1837; he was a hardware merchant in Rochester.
7337 George Arthur Weaver,9 b. 7 July, 1838; d. 31 Oct., 1839.
7338 Henry Weaver,9 b. 8 June, 1841; d. 1 June, 1842.
7339 Robert Melancthon Weaver,9 b. 25 Apr., 1843; he was a hardware mer­chant in Rochester.

2930.   DELILAH,8 dau. of Deacon Josiah Jones7 (1056), b. in Bloomfield, N. Y., 7 July, 1804; m. in Ancaster (near Hamilton), Ontario, 28 Oct., 1821, Jonathan Shepard Ayer, b. in Chelsea, Vt., 2 Sept., 1795, son of Richard Ayer, b. 3 Apr., 1761, and Mehitable Sheperd, b. 5 June, 1764.
He d. in Tonawanda, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1856; she d. in Rochester, N. Y., 26 Feb., 1891.
He was a private in the war of 1812. He was a Democrat. He left Vermont in 1818 and was a farmer in 1820 in Ancaster, Ont. In 1828 he res. in Lewiston, N. Y.; in 1838 in Wheatville, N. Y., and in 1856 in Tonawanda, N. Y. After his death she res. in Brighton, N. Y.
7340 Mary Ayer,9 b. in Canada, 28 Aug., 1822; m. 28 Sept., 1847, Aaron Mil­ler Gould, b. in Cambria, 18 Dec., 1819, son of John Gould, b. 13 Nov., 1797, and Merinda Bridge, b. 19 Nov., 1800; he was a

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farmer in Cambria, N. Y.; he was, in 1857, in Royalton, N. Y.; in 1863 in Lockport, N. Y.; in 1865 in Wilson, N. Y., and in 1869 in Clarence, Mo.; he d. 6 Apr., 1880; she res. in Aspen, Col.; had eleven children.
7341 Emily Ayer,9 b. in Canada, 24 Nov., 1823; m. 6 Jan., 1847, Dr. Thomas Anthony Brown, b. in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., N. J., 17 Sept., 1815, son of Thomas L. Brown, of Woodbridge, and Elizabeth Payne; he was a physician from 1825 to '37 in Newark, N. J.; from 1837 to '46 in Palmyra, N. Y.; from 1846 to '61 in Manches­ter, N. Y., and from 1861 to '77 in Penfield, N. Y.; res. in Brigh­ton; had seven children.
7342 Richard Dresser Ayer,9 b. 7 Aug., 1825; d. 7 Aug., 1826.
7343 Robert Emmett Ayer,9 b. 28 Mar., 1827; d. 6 May, 1833.
7344 George Ayer,9 b. 18 Aug., 1828; d. 18 Sept., same year.
7345 Eliza Carey Ayer,9 b. in Lewiston, N. Y., 6 Sept., 1829; res., unm., in Salt Lake City, Utah.
7346 Hetty M. Ayer,9 b. in Lewiston, 6 Feb., 1831; m. in Tonawanda, 24 July, 1856, John James Critchlow, b. in Butler Co., Pa., 19 Aug., 1817, son of David Critchlow and Margaret Coe; from 1853 to '63 he was a teacher in Mississippi; in 1864 enlisted in Co. E, New York Vet­eran Cavalry; from 1866 to '67 he was in the custom service in the Buffalo district; from 1870 to '83 he was Indian agent; he d. 1884; she res. in Salt Lake City, Utah; had five children.
7347 Edward Timothy Ayer,9 b. in Lewiston, 9 Oct., 1832; m. in Somerset, ­N. Y., 4 Dec., 1855, Sarah Jane Van Wagoner, b. in Avon, N. Y., 19 Oct., 1833, dau. of Morgan Van Wagoner, b. in Dutchess Co., N. Y., 26 Mar., 1809, and Elizabeth Ann Wilbur, b. in Rhinebeck, N. Y., 23 Dec., 1812; res. in Salt Lake City.
7348 Albert Edgar Ayer,9 b. 14 Apr., 1834; d. 1 Dec., 1854; was killed by cars in Shortsville, N. Y., while boarding a moving train; was a student in Canandaigua.
7349 Franklin Charles Ayer,9 b. in Lewiston, 7 Mar., 1836; m. 4 Apr., 1859, Charlotte Lucretia Day; res. in Columbus, O.; d. in Omaha, 1898; she res. in Omaha.
7350 Almira Chamberlain Ayer,9 b. in Lewiston, 23 Mar., 1838; d. unm. in Lockport, 14 Sept., 1863.
7351 Henry Hudson Ayer,9 b. in Shawnee, N. Y., 12 Nov., 1840; m. in Ridgeway, N. Y., 12 Mar., 1862, Clara Coon, b. in Shelby, N. Y., dau. of. Stephen Potter Coon, of Middleport, N. Y., and Maryette Drake; he lived nine years in Tonawanda, five years in Alden, N. Y., and four years in Uinta, Utah; was a grocer in Wamego, Kas.; res. in Omaha; she d. 1893; he m. (2) 8 Mar., 1901, Mrs. Permelia Cleland, of Vermillion, S. D., where he now res.
7352 Arthur Josiah Ayer,9 b. in Shawnee, 14 Feb., 1842; m. (1) in Niagara Falls, 10 Jan., 1867, Susan Sophia Tompkins, b. in Niagara Falls, 26 Oct., 1844, dau. of Samuel Tompkins, b. in Belleville Bay Quinto, Canada, 9 Mar., 1808, and Cornelia Waggoner, b. in Canada, 15 Mar., 1809; she d. 2 Oct., 1876, in Centerville, S. D.; he m. (2) 5 June, 1878, Adaline Hixson, b. in Van Buren, Ia., 11 Aug., 1847, dau. of Nathan Hixson, b. in Ontario, Canada, 22 Oct.,

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1816, and Sophia Hunter, b. in Monroe Co., N. Y., 2 Feb., 1823; he served in Co. H, Forty-fourth Reg., New York State Volun­teers; enlisted Oct., 1861; was discharged Jan., 1863; res. in Cen­terville.
7353 Erastus William Ayer,9 b. in Shawnee, 9 May, 1846; m. (1) in Toronto, Ontario, 29 Oct., 1868, Mary E. Humphrey, b. 29 Oct., 1817, dau. of Simon Humphrey and Mary Jane; she d. in Tonawanda, N. Y., 17 Jan., 1870; he m. (2) in Brighton, Ont, 15 May, 1889, Elizabeth Brooks, b. 16 May, 1866; res. in Rochester, N. Y.
7354 Robert Emmett Ayer,9 b. 12 Mar., 1855; d. when one week old.

2931.   ALMIRA,8 dau. of Deacon Josiah Jones7 (1056), b. 8 Feb., 1806; m. 4 Oct., 1825, Harris Porter Colt, b. 25 Apr., 1803, son of William Colt, of Pittsford, N. Y., and Huldah Whitney.
She d. 14 Oct., 1832; he d. 3 Apr., 1863.
He res. in Westfield, N. Y., where he was a dealer in fruit trees.
7355 William Porter Colt,9 b. 15 June, 1826; m. Oct., 1815, Mary Ann Cole­man, b. in Russell, N. Y., 17 Feb., 1836; is janitor of a school building; res. in Chagrin Falls, O.
7356 Clarissa Colt,9 b. 1 June, 1828; m. 1849, Samuel Thayer Paine, b. in Penfield, N. Y., 10 Aug., 1819; res. in Hampden, Geauga Co., O.; he was a farmer; res. in Montville, O.
7357 Almina Colt,9 b. 5 Oct., 1832; d. aged 3 months.

2934.   JOSIAH JONES,8 son of Deacon Josiah Jones7 (1056), b. 1 Jan., 1812; m. Dec., 1847, Mrs. Margaret Jane (Trotter) Henderson, b. in Ireland, dau. of James Wesley Trotter and Margaret Beattie.
He d. 7 Jan., 1851; she d. in Aurora, Ontario, 24 Jan., 1896. He res., in Toronto.
7358 Sarah Delila,9 b. in Toronto, ______; m. 28 July, 1880, Thomas Henry Broad, b. in Aurora, son of Henry Broad and Maria Abbot Elliott; he was a salesman; a Methodist; a Liberal in politics; res. in Aurora; has no children.

2935.   MARY,8 dau. of Deacon Josiah Jones7 (1056), b. 27 Oct., 1814; m. Hiram Ross.
She d. 27 Apr., 1848; he m. a second time. They res. in Wayne and Monroe Counties, N. Y.
7359 Emily Ross,9 b. ______.
7360 Festus Ross,9 b. ______.
7361 Leander Ross,9 b. ______.
7362 William Ross,9 b. ______.
7363 Sarah Ross,9 b. ______; m. Sidney A. Farrington.

2936.   FRANKLIN HARRISON,8 son of Deacon Josiah Jones7 (1056), b. in Dansville, N. Y., 14 Mar., 1817; m. 14 Feb., 1844, Empress Paulowna Robbins,

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b. 20 Apr., 1823, dau. of Hiram Robbins, b. 3 Oct., 1798, and Almira Strong, b. 20 Apr., 1805.
She d. 3 July, 1878.
They res. in Penfield, N. Y.
Children, b. in Penfield.
7364 Delilah Amelia,9 b. 1 Aug., 1845; d. 31 May, 1859.
7365 Mary Almira,9 b. 12 May, 1851; m. Charles William Prong.

2937.   ALVAN HYDE,8 son of Deacon Erastus7 (1057), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 9 Mar., 1795; m. 12 July, 1812, Esther King, b. in Alstead, N. H., 4 Jan., 1786, dau. of Silas King, of Coventry, Conn., and Anna Shepard.
He d. 28 May, 1854; she d. 16 Feb., 1866.
He rem. from Massachusetts to New York, when young, and res. in Rich­land, N. Y.
7366 Rebecca Anna,9 b. 20 July, 1813; m. Garrett Clawson Wheelwright, of Decatur, Green Co., Wis.; he d. 31 Jan., 1875; she d. ______; their adopted dau., Mrs. Kidlow, res. in Brodhead, Wis.
7367 Erastus Martin,9 b. in Richmond, N. Y., 30 Oct., 1815; m. Hannah Read French.
7368 Moses King,9 b. 17 June, 1818; m. Lucinda Forman.
7369 Alvan Shepard,9 b. 21 Jan., 1822; m. (1) Charlotte Amanda Wheaton; (2) _______.
7370 Hiram Bingham,9 b. 1 Oct., 1824; d. in Decatur, 4 Nov., 1849.
7371 Esther Philena,9 b. 10 Oct., 1827; d. in Albion, N. Y., 26 Apr., 1829.

2938.   MARTIN DEMING,8 son of Deacon Erastus7 (1057), b. in Great Bar­rington, Mass., 2 June, 1798; m. in Great Barrington, 2 Nov., 1820, Sally Prin­dle, b. in Amenia, N. Y., 6 Dec., 1797, dau. of Elijah Prindle, b. in West Haven, Conn., 1 Jan., 1771, and Sally Ward, b. in New Haven, about 1776.
She d. Mar., 1858; he m. (2) 8 May, 1861, Mary Ogden, b. in Danby, N. Y., 22 Sept., 1873; d. in New Haven, Conn., 18 May, 1867. After his death she res. in Binghamton, N. Y., where she d. 20 Apr., 1895.
He settled in 1820 in Mexico, N. Y. In the spring of 1828 he rem. to Scriba, N. Y.; in 1831 rem. to Oswego. In the spring of 1840 he rem. to New Haven, on account of his health.
7372 Charles Prindle,9 b. in Union Square, N. Y., 7 July, 1821; m. Eliza­beth (Betsey) Emmeline Hemingway.
7373 Paulina,9 b. in Union Square, 20 Jan., 1833; m. Enos Edwin Heming­way.
7374 Charlotte Stebbins,9 b. in Union Square, 12 Nov., 1824; m. Anson Hemingway.
7375 Emily,9 b. in Mexico, 27 Mar., 1828; m. Reuben Moulthrop Storer.
7376 Francis Dwight,9 b. in Scriba, 26 June, 1830; m. Louie Augusta Granniss.
7377 Harriet Ellen,9 b. in Oswego, 21 June, 1834; m. Reuben Moulthrop Storer.
7378 Herbert Harmon,9 b. in Oswego, 6 Jan., 1839; d. 10 Dec., 1847.

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2939.   ERASTUS WILLIAM,8 son of Deacon Erastus7 (1057), b. in Egremont, Mass., 1 June, 1816; m. 21 Sept., 1837, Eliza Ann Klock. He res. with his son, George, in Fulton, N. Y.
7379 Albert Boardman,9 b. 6 Aug., 1838; d. young.
7380 Lucy Emmeline,9 b. 22 June, 1840; m. Gillett.
7381 George Brown,9 b. 5 Dec., 1843; m. (1) Lottie D. Hills; (2) Leonora Calkins.
7382 Lucina Taylor,9 b. 14 Nov., 1846; d. young.
7383 Elizabeth Taylor,9 b. 20 June, 1849; m. John Wesley Distin.
7384 William Martin,9 b. 13 June, 1853; res. in Minetto, Oswego Co., N. Y.

2941.   ALMA,8 dau. of Azariah7 (1077), b. in Harwinton, Conn., 26 Oct., 1785; m. in Connecticut, Abner Wilson, b. about 1779.
He d. 5 Feb., 1835; she d. 26 July, 1848. He was a farmer.
7385 Julia Wilson,9 b. 8 Nov., 1801; d. unm., 16 Apr., 1868.
7386 Catlin Wilson,9 b. 2 May, 1809; m. ______.
7387 Warren Kellogg Wilson,9 b. 27 Apr., 1818; m. 17 Oct., 1854, Adaline Eaton.
7388 William Ahner Wilson,9 b. 15 July, 1826; m. 12 Jan., 1864, Helen Eliza Arnst; he was a farmer; res. in East Onondaga, N. Y.

2942.   AMANDA,8 dau. of Azariah7 (1077), b. in Harwinton, Conn., 19 Jan., 1787; m. in 1815, William S. Goodsell.
7389 Chariot Goodsell,9 b. 31 Dec., 1817.
7390 Elvira Goodsell,9 b. 31 Jan., 1821.
7391 Huldah Goodsell,9 b. 1824.
7392 William P. Goodsell,9 b. 3 Apr., 1827.
7393 Roxanna Goodsell,9 b. 1831.

2943.   TRUMAN,8 son of Azariah7 (1077), b. in Harwinton, Conn., 22 July, 1788; m. 23 Mar., 1814, Cynthia Rosseter.
He d. 31 Dec., 1852; she d. ______.
Children, b. in Harwinton.
7394 Truman,9 b. 31 Dec., 1816; d. 7 Jan., 1817.
7395 Jane Cynthia,9 b. 31 Dec., 1816; m. Luther Hoadley.
7396 Joan R.,9 b. 14 Jan., 1823; m. Lewis Catlin, Jr.
7397 A Son,9 b. 26 Feb., 1827; d. 27 Feb., same year.

2949.   GEORGE,8 son of Azariah7 (1077), b. in Harwinton. Conn., 3 Mar., 1803; m. 13 Aug., 1826, Caroline Webster, b. 13 Nov., 1807, dau. of Abijah Web­ster, of Harwinton, b. 6 Dec., 1783, and Olive Rosseter, b. in Harwinton, 12 Sept., 1785.
He d. in Coal Mountain, Forsyth Co., Ga., 14 May, 1876.
He rem. to Georgia in the autumn of 1819, and settled in Jackson Co., from

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which place he rem. to Coal Mountain, in 1834. He was a farmer; was Repre­sentative and Senator in the State Legislature; also general ticket agent of the W. & A. E. E. He was Superintendent of the United States Mint in Dahlon­ega, Ga.
Children, last eight b. in Coal Mountain.
7398 Henry Clay,9 b. 19 May, 1828; d. 15 Feb., 1829.
7399 Henry Clay,9 b. in Jackson Co., Ga., 20 Dec., 1829; m. Ophelia Troup Anglin.
7400 Abijah Webster,9 b. 5 Jan., 1833; d. 19 Sept., same year.
7401 Jane Roxanna,9 b. 17 Dec., 1834; m. George Kellogg Sanford.
7402 Adaline Webster,9 b. 11 Nov., 1837; m. (1) Edwin S. Grimmett; (2) Joseph Waters.
7403 George,9 b. 21 June, 1840; d. 20 July, 1840.
7404 Caroline,9 twin to George, b. 21 June, 1840; d. 21 July, same year.
7405 Truman Ezra,9 b. 4 Nov., 1841; enlisted in Co. E, Fourteenth Reg., Georgia Volunteers; was killed in the battle of Manassas, 29 Aug., 1862; was unm.
7406 Cynthia Caroline,9 b. 22 May, 1844; m. William Edward Boyd.
7407 George,9 b. 14 May, 1848; d. 16 Aug., 1848.
7408 George Walter,9 b. 24 Dec., 1849; m. Amanda Lucetta Douglas.

2957.   ALEXANDER,8 son of Allen7 (1080), b. in Harwinton, Conn., 6 June, 1795; m. 3 Mar., 1825, in Bethlehem, Conn., Mary Ingersoll, b. 25 Apr., 1801, dau. of Ralph Ingersoll, of Bethlehem, and Mary Wadsworth.
He d. in Alden, N. Y., 30 June, 1876; she d. in the same place, at the house of her dau., Mrs. Mary M. Wood, 7 Dec., 1880.
Soon after marriage he settled on a farm one and one-half miles from Livo­nia, Livingston Co., N. Y.; later was in the mercantile business with Pierce Brothers in Livonia; he rem., in June, 1840, to Alden.
Children, b. in Livonia.
7409 Martha Ann,9 b. 19 Jan., 1826; m. Dr. Edward Tiffany.
7410 Elizabeth Catlin,9 b. 6 Aug., 1828; m. Josiah Emery.
7411 Mary Mindwell,9 b. 3 Feb., 1839; m. George Sewell Wood.

2961.   HULDAH,8 dau. of Allen7 (1080), b. ______; m. Stephen Sharpless.
She res. in Bristol, Conn.
7412 Huldah Sharpless,9 b. ______; m. William Dunbar.
7413 Josephine Sharpless,9 b. ______; m. William Dunbar.
7414 Louisa Sharpless,9 b. ______.

2962.   HANNAH,8 dau. of Jacob7 (1081), b. in Clinton, N. Y., 13 Aug., 1790; m. in Adams, N. Y., 2 Jan., 1814, Stephen Billings Wright, b. in Deerfield, Mass., 19 Feb., 1789, son of Westwood Wright, b. 1751, and Sarah Billings. She d. Aug., 1873; he d. 23 Dec., 1875. He was a farmer; res. in Adams, N. Y. He was a Presbyterian, a Whig and a Republican.
Children, b. in Adams.
7415 Deborah Kellogg Wright,9 b. 10 Nov., 1814; m. in Adams, 23 Feb., 1837, Leander Patrick; res. in Syracuse, N. Y.

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7416 Charles Billings Wright,9 b. 30 Oct., 1817; m. in Adams, 30 Dec., 1840, Mary Ann De Wolf; d. in Rockford, Ill., 20 Feb., 1878.
7417 Harriet Wright,9 b. 11 Feb., 1823; d. unm., in Adams, 21 June, 1880.
7418 Louisa Wright,9 b. 11 May, 1825; m. in Adams, 15 Jan., 1850, David O. De Wolf; res. in Sacket Harbor, N. Y.
7419 Edwin S. Wright,9 b. 29 Aug., 1828; m. in Adams, 20 Dec., 1855, M. Louisa Bartlett; res. in Adams.

2966.   LEWIS,8 son of Jacob7 (1081), b. 19 June, 1798; m. 27 Dec., 1826, Louisa Breed, b. 15 June, 1805, dau. of Reuben Breed, of Stonington, Conn., b. 4 July, 1783, and Martha Everett, b. 7 Jan., 1786.
He d. 24 Feb., 1880; she d. 28 Mar., 1892. He res. in Adams, N. Y., until 1851; in Lewis Co., N. Y., until 1855, when he rem. to Oshkosh, Wis.; rem. from there to Wrightstown, in Sept., 1872. He was a farmer.
Children, b. in Adams.
7420 George Chandler,9 b. 27 Dec., 1827; m. Cordelia Boynton.
7421 Julius Spencer,9 b. 24 Jan., 1830; m. (1) Hannah Lamb Freeman; (2) Mary Cornell.
7422 Arthur Tappan,9 b. 18 July, 1835; m. (1) Juliett Cornell; (2) Mrs. Ellen Ford.

2967.   JACOB,8 son of Jacob7 (1081), b. in Sheffield, 31 July, 1800; m. 6 July, 1825. Fanny Billings, b. 17 Mar., 1801, dau. of Jesse Billings, of South Deerfield, Mass., b. 8 May, 1765, and Lucy Wright.
He d. in Worthington, O., 14 Apr., 1866.
They res. in Adams, N. Y., Canastota, N. Y., and Sacket Harbor, N. Y. They rem. to Oshkosh, Wis., 1848, and later to Ohio.
7423 Edwin Billings,9 b. 19 June, 1827; m. Eliff Dopp.
7424 Susan Elizabeth,9 b. in Canastota, 29 June, 1830; m. Dubois Dopp.
7425 Lucy Ellen,9 b. in Canastota, 1 Nov., 1831; m. Don Carlos Felton.
7426 Charles Wright,9 b. 14 Feb., 1838; d. in Adams, 10 Oct., 1842.
7427 Henry Whitney,9 b. 24 Sept., 1843; d. in Kenosha, Wis., 14 July, 1845.

2973.   ERASMUS DARWIN,8 son of Jacob7 (1081), b. 14 Dec., 1815; m. in Adams, N. Y., 31 Oct., 1844, Louisa M. Bliss, b. 3 Feb., 1824, dau. of Sylvester Bliss, b. 26 Mar., 1792, and Hannah Hall, b. 26 Apr., 1791.
He was a farmer; res. twenty years on the homestead in Adams. He later purchased a farm and lived in Waupaca Co., Wis.; res. 1881, in Oshkosh, Wis.
7428 Milton Hall,9 b. in Adams, 2 Sept., 1845; d. 17 Mar., 1846.
7429 Helen Cornelia,9 b. in Adams, 20 Dec., 1846; m. 1 Oct., 1867, De El­bert Montesque Bealls, b. 7 Nov., 1840; he was a druggist; now res. in Oshkosh.
7430 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. in Adams, 8 Mar., 1851; m. in Oshkosh, Wis., 8 Sept., 1868, Darwin Cadwell Pavey, b. in Rome, N. Y., 10 Dec., 1845, son of Ammi Achish Pavey, b. in Antwerp, N. Y., 2 Jan., 1814, and Jane Cadwell, b. near Hartford, Conn., 9 Sept., 1814;

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he served in Co. L, Fifteenth New York Volunteers; was a Jour­nalist; res. in Rome, Utica; Syracuse, N. Y., and Lind, Weyau­wega, Oshkosh and Milwaukee, Wis.; had seven children.
7431 Darwin Clinton,9 b. 9 Aug., 1854; d. 6 Apr., 1856.
7432 Caroline Emma,9 b. 8 Aug., 1857; d. 18 Oct., 1878.
7433 Hannah Louisa,9 b. 1 Sept., 1859; d. 1 Nov., 1863.
7434 Willie,9 b. 4 Feb., 1864; d. 7 Feb., same year.
7435 Florence Agnes,9 b. 13 Dec., 1867.

2974.   ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Jacob7 (1081), b. in Adams, N. Y., 11 July, 1818; m. 7 Feb., 1841, William Brown Hinman, b. 10 Aug., 1815, son of John Himnan and Hannah _______.
He d. in Mannsville, Jefferson Co., N. Y., 4 Feb., 1847; he was a cabinet maker; res. in Adams, Dexter and Mannsville, Jefferson Co., N. Y.; she m. (2) _______ Merrill; d. in Adams, 20 July, 1851.
Children by first husband.
7436 Henry Wade Hinman,9 b. in Adams, 19 Sept., 1843; m. in Berlin, Wis., 10 July, 1870, Sarah Elizabeth Tuttle, b. in Utica, N. Y., 29 Aug., 1847; they res. in Kaukauna, Wis.
7437 William Brown Hinman,9 b. in Mannsville, 5 Feb., 1847; enlisted 29 Aug., 1864, in Co. C, One Hundred and Eighty-sixth New York Volunteers and was honorably discharged, 2 June, 1865; he was killed 26 Oct., 1868, while felling timber in Snydersville, Wis.; was unm.
Child by second husband.
7438 Son,9 b. ______.

2981.   GEORGE,8 son of Abijah7 (1087), b. in Adams, N. Y., 30 July, 1803; m. 17 Apr., 1839, Calista Morse, b. 26 Oct., 1811, dau. of Willard Morse, of Rod­man, N. Y., b. Dec., 1775, and Irene Needham, b. 26 Jan., 1776.
He d. 7 Nov., 1881; she d. in Minneapolis, Minn., 8 July, 1886. He was a farmer; res. in Rodman, N. Y., Adams, Ill., and Somonauk, Dekalb Co., Ill.
Children, b. in Rodman.
7439 Laura,9 b. 1 Jan., 1841; m. as his second wife, 2 Dec., 1885, Oliver Backus Fowler, b. in Lebanon, Conn., 28 July, 1836, son of Amos Fowler and Lydia Backus; he was a carpenter; res. in Minneap­olis; was a member of the Baptist Church; was a Republican.
7440 George Delavan,9 b. 26 Sept., 1845; m. Josephine Maria Cleveland.
7441 Elbert H.,9 b. 24 Apr., 1848; m. Orinda A. Potter; d. 4 Oct., 1876; had no children.
7442 Almira,9 b. 15 May, 1851; m. Rush Haven Cleveland.

2982.   HIRAM,8 son of Abijah7 (1087), b. 22 Nov., 1805; m. Apr., 1829, Pamelia Ely.
He d. Apr., 1858; she d. ______.
He was a farmer; res. in Somonauk, Ill.
7443 Adelia,9 b. ______; m. John Derick.

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7444 Louisa,9 b. ______; m. Frank Wells.
7445 Abullah,9 b. in Adams, Ill.; d. aged 21.
7446 Martha,9 b. ______; m. Frederick Chapin, of Wisconsin.
7447 De Los,9 b. ______; res. near Madison; was a soldier; d. from the effects of army life.

2983.   CHLOE,8 dau. of Abijah7 (1087), b. 18 Sept., 1809; m. 1 June, 1837, Ora Cooley, b. in Somers, Conn., 1796, son of Asa Cooley, of Somers.
He d. 9 Nov., 1858.
He was a farmer. After his death she res. in Rodman, N. Y.
7448 Julian T. Cooley,9 b. ______; was a farmer; res. in Rodman.
7449 Augusta Cornelia Cooley,9 b. 16 June, 1842; m. 13 Oct., 1870, Henry Cyrenius Rising, b. in Lorraine, Jefferson Co., N. Y., 4 Aug., 1840, son of Joseph H. Rising, of Savannah, N. Y., b. 2 Feb., 1812, and Rachel P. Wakefield, b. in Vermont, 10 Nov., 1814; they res. until 1870 in Worthville, Jefferson Co., N. Y.; in 1880 he was a farmer in South Butler, Wayne Co., N. Y.

2984.   HARRY CROSWELL,8 son of Abijah7 (1087), b. 9 May, 1811; m. 7 Oct., 1841, Sarah Chapin, b. 12 Jan., 1822, dau. of Alpheus Chapin, b. 16 Sept., 1792.
She d. 4 May, 1844; he d. 15 May, 1853. They res. in Rodman and Theresa, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Child.
7450 Sarah Marina,9 b. 3 May, 1843; m. 25 Feb., 1864, Devalva Legross, a farmer in Rodman.

2994.   ELIZABETH COLTON,8 dau. of Jacob7 (1090), b. in West Hartford, Conn., 22 Aug., 1793; m. Oct., 1824, Rev. John Shearer, b. 10 Aug., 1790.
He d. 14 Feb., 1863.
They rem. from New York to Ohio.
7451 Elizabeth Shearer,9 b. ______; m. Dillard; he d. ______; had two sons and a dau.
7452 Maria Shearer,9 b. ______; m. Delaney; had no children.
7453 Susan Shearer,9 b. ______; d. young.
7454 William Shearer,9 b. ______; d. in early manhood.

2995.   CATHERINE,8 dau. of Jacob7 (1090), b. in West Hartford, Conn., 1 Jan., 1795; m. 1824, William Andrus, b. in Harwinton, Conn., 18 Nov., 1800.
He d. in Ithaca, N. Y., 20 Dec., 1869; she d. in the same place, 31 July, 1872.
7455 Catherine Andrus,9 b. in Ithaca, 10 Apr., 1825; m. 26 Dec., 1849, Hon. Edwin F. Church; d. in Bath, N. Y., 10 Jan., 1855; had three children.
7456 Caroline Andrus,9 b. ______; m. (1) Nathan Herrick, of Ithaca; (2) 19 Jan., 1861, Frederic Hall, of Elmira, N. Y.; had no children.

524    The Kelloggs in the New World.

7457 Frederick Andrus,9 b. ______; m. 31 Dec., 1853, Mary Tillottson, of Ithaca; res. in Ithaca; had four children.
7458 Eliza Perkins Andrus,9 b. ______; m. 7 Oct., 1857, John Murdock, of Elmira; res. in Elmira; had three children.
7459 William Andrus,9 b. ______; m. 19 Oct., 1864, Anna M. Stone, of New Haven, Conn.; res. in Ithaca.

2996.   GEORGE STEELE,8 son of Jacob7 (1090), b. in West Hartford, Conn., 26 Feb., 1797; m. 8 Feb., 1818, Chloe Tiffany, b. 20 July, 1801, dau. of Hezekiah Tiffany and Martha Baker.
He d. 14 Mar., 1872; she d. in Boston, O., 24 Nov., 1874. He was a farmer; rem. from New York to Boston, O., in 1845.
Children, all except last two b. in Adams, N. Y.
✛7460 George Colton,9 b. 24 Oct., 1819; m. (1) Harriet A. Aldrich; (2) Mary Lucretia Benton; (3) Mrs. Helen M. (Tuller) Smith.
7461 Sarah Amanda,9 b. 25 Sept., 1830; d. unm., in Twinsburgh, O., 20 July, 1891.
7462 Marshfield Steele,9 b. 7 Dec., 1832; m. (1) Alfreda M. Warner; (2) Celista J. Whaley.
7463 Calista Jane,9 b. 3 May, 1837; m. Daniel Odekirk.
7464 Clarissa,9 b. 3 Sept., 1839; m. Isaac Baker Maxam.
7465 Marietta,9 b. 27 Dec., 1831; m. Alonzo Maxam.
7466 Josiah Andrus,9 b. 22 Aug., 1834; m. Emily Swyger.
7467 Martha Emeline,9 b. 1 Mar., 1837; m. Adam McLaughlin.
7468 William Henry,9 b. in Clay, N. Y., 14 Nov., 1839; d. unm., 17 Nov., 1865, in Johnsonville, Tenn.
7469 Frederick Williams,9 b. in Clay, 5 Aug., 1842; m. Sylvia Phillips, dau. of Jason Phillips and Alvira Gillett, of Everett, O.; enlisted in the Second Ohio Cavalry, Aug., 1861; was discharged Sept., 1862; he res. in Washington, D. C.; had no children.

2997.   AMANDA,8 dau. of Jacob7 (1090), b. in West Hartford, Conn., 15 July, 1798; m. in New Hartford, N. Y., 15 Jan., 1824, John Alsop Paine, M. D., b. in Marcy, N. Y., 10 July, 1795, son of Ezra Paine and Elizabeth Weekes.
He d. in Lake Forest, Ill., of heart disease, at the bedside of a patient, 16 June, 1871; she d. in the house of her son. Dr. H. M. Paine, Albany, N. Y., 6 June, 1880.
He was a physician; res. in Clinton, Volney, Paris, Utica, New Hartford and Albany, N. Y., and Newark, N. J.
7470 Horace Mansfield Paine,9 b. in Paris, 19 Nov., 1837; m. in Norfolk, Mass., 15 Apr., 1853, Charlotte Mann, b. in Norfolk, 25 June, 1828, dau. of Salmon Mann, b. in North Wrentham, now Norfolk, Mass., 3 Nov., 1781, and Phebe Howe, his second wife, b. in Marlboro, Mass., 4 Nov., 1787; he was a physician in Albany, N. Y.; he is about to publish the "Paine Family." He res. in West Newton, Mass., now in Atlanta, Ga.
7471 Cynthia Kellogg Paine,9 b. in Paris, 19 June, 1839; d. in Newark, N. J., 26 Feb., 1834.

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7472 Emily Steele Paine,9 b. in Utica, N. Y., 14 Jan., 1831; d. in Newark, N. J., 26 July, 1836.
7473 John Alsop Paine,9 b. in Newark, 14 Jan., 1840; m. 3 Oct., 1877, Emma Sophia Gillette, b. in Kingsboro (now Gloversville), N. Y., 14 Mar., 1842, widow of Dr. George Johnson Newton, b. in Worcester, Mass., 21 July, 1826; he is a clergyman and has been professor in Robert College, also in Lake Forest, Ill.; he has visited Palestine twice, the last time as Archeologist of the Palestine Exploration Society; he res. in 1880 in Tarrytown, N. Y.; he is now on the editorial staff of the Independent; has no children.

3050.   CAPT. CHARLES,8 son of John7 (1104), b. in Great Harrington, Mass., 3 May, 1780; m. 30 Mar., 1803, Lorinda Wheeler, b. 29 June, 1780, dau. of Tru­man Wheeler, of Great Barrington, and Huldah Cadwell.
He d. 17 Aug., 1813; she d. 20 July, 1853, aged 72.
He was a clothier; res. in Great Barrington. He had res. in Alford, where he was a wool carder and had a sawmill. Being burned out in 1806, he rem. to Great Barrington and built clothing works on Green River, where his grandson, Charles Kellogg, afterward had a feed mill. His brothers, Norman and John, carried on the business after him.
7474 Mary Lorinda,9 b. in Great Barrington, 27 Jan., 1804; m. Aaron Crip­pen.
7475 Charles Theodore,9 b. in Great Barrington, 7 Dec., 1812; m. Louisa Race.

3051.   PHILANDER,8 son of John7 (1104), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 3 Oct., 1781; m. 16 Mar., 1807, Fanny Sperry, b. in Alford, Mass., 25 July, 1787, dau. of Enoch Sperry.
She d. 6 Oct., 1842; he d. 13 Sept., 1851. He was a clothier in Great Barrington.
7476 John,9 b. in Alford, Mass., 12 June, 1808; m. Louisa Perry.
7477 Enoch Sperky,9 b. in Great Barrington, 15 Sept., 1810; m. Clarinda Joy.
7478 Edward Philander,9 b. in Alford, 25 Mar., 1813; m. Margaret Burns.
7479 Mary Ann,9 b. in Blenheim, N. Y., 23 June, 1816; m. George Taylor.
7480 Cynthia Cordelia,9 b. in Windham, N. Y., 28 June, 1819; m. Henry Phelps.
7481 Elizabeth (Betsey) Permelia,9 b. in Windham, 28 June, 1819; m. Daniel Hosier.
7482 Polly Ann Clarissa,9 b. in Durham, N. Y., 5 Feb., 1822; m. in Dex­ter, Mich., 6 June, 1854, as his second wife, Edward Fairbanks Gay, b. in Sharon, Conn., 30 Aug., 1800, son of Edward Gay, b. 3 Feb., 1763, and Mary White, b. 12 May, 1760; he d. in Howell, Mich., 22 Apr., 1873; she d. in Dexter, 1 Dec., 1896; had no children.
7483 William Hamlin,9 b. 17 Mar., 1824; m. Mary Stafford.
7484 Charles,9 b. in Windham, 1 June, 1829; m. Lydia Ann De Wolf.

526    The Kelloggs in the New World.

3052.   JOHN,8 son of John7 (1104), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 11 Feb., 1784; m. in Great Barrington, 6 May, 1817, Hopey Stillman, b. 23 Oct., 1791, dau. of William Stillman, of Rocky Hill, Hartford Co., Conn., and Sheffield, Mass., and Mary Goodrich, b. 1763.
She d. 16 Mar., 1861; he d. 19 June, 1869, aged 85 years, 4 months and 5 days.
He was a farmer; res. in Great Barrington, where both d.
Children, b. in Great Barrington.
7485 Norman,9 b. 1 Dec., 1817; d. 7 Jan., 1822.
7486 Fanny M.,9 b. 6 Feb., 1819; m. in Great Barrington, as his second wife, 13 Nov., 1859, Joseph Curtis Hare, b. 14 Dec., 1808, who m. (1) Mary E. Kellogg (+7493); had no children.
7487 John,9 b. 21 Oct., 1820; d. unm., in Great Barrington, 21 Nov., 1883.
7488 Frederick,9 b. 24 Oct., 1822; m. Irene A. Miller.
7489 Ralph,9 b. 6 Nov., 1824; d. unm., in New York City, 3 Jan., 1846; he was a clerk in New York City at the time of his death.
7490 Edmond,9 b. 4 Sept., 1827; d. 22 Feb., 1840.
7491 Hopy Mary,9 b. 6 June, 1832; d. 29 Feb., 1840.

3053.   NORMAN,8 son of John7 (1104), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 6 June, 1786; m. 7 Mar., 1808, Lydia Boyington, b. in West Stockbridge, Mass., 5 July, 1788.
She d. 22 Mar., 1822; he m. (2) 14 Sept., 1823, Mary N. Hopkins, dau. of Ichabod Hopkins, b. about 1745; she d. ______; he m. (3) _______.
He rem. from Great Barrington to Potsdam, N. Y.
7492 Emily Augusta,9 b. 9 June, 1809; m. Ebenezer Griffin, of Richmond; both d. ______; had two children.
7493 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 1 Dec., 1810; m. Joseph Curtis Hare.
7494 Georgianna,9 b. 21 Apr., 1824.

3054.   HORACE,8 son of Benjamin7 (1106), b. 20 Apr., 1785; m. Apr., 1812, Mary Cada, b. 16 May, 1793.
He d. in Elbridge, Onondaga Co., N. Y., 22 Mar., 1825; she d. in Nora, Jo Daviess Co., Ill., 5 May, 1862.
He was a clothier.
7495 Mary L.,9 b. in Claverack, Columbia Co., N. Y., 27 Feb., 1814; m. 25 Dec., 1832, Charles Works; d. in Rockford, Ill., 11 June, 1843.
7496 Ann E.,9 b. in Columbia Co., N. Y., 17 Apr., 1816; m. 2 Aug., 1838, Watson Y. Pomeroy.
✛7497 Cyrus W.,9 b. in Columbia Co., N. Y., 16 May, 1818; m. Leonora Stevens.
7498 Jane R.,9 b. in Columbia Co., 10 Mar., 1820; m. 12 May, 1849, John H. Champlin.
7499 Lydia C.,9 b. in Columbia Co., 16 Mar., 1822; m. June, 1844, T. L. Pomeroy.
7500 Sarah R.,9 b. in Elbridge, 31 Aug., 1825; m. Apr., 1845, John H. Logan; d. in St. Louis, Mo., 19 July, 1849.

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3056.   JOHN B.,8 son of Benjamin7 (1106), b. 20 Mar., 1789; m. in Claverack, N. Y., 2 Mar., 1816, Gertrude Vosburg, b. in Ghent, N. Y., 11 June, 1796, dau. of John I. Vosburg.
She d. 9 May, 1852; he d. 15 Sept., 1860; both d. in Albion, N. Y.
7501 Albertine Lurenah,9 b. in Claverack, 7 June, 1817; m. Daniel Richard Holmes; res. in Morris, Ill.
7502 Edmund,9 b. in Ghent, 10 Oct., 1818; m. Margaret Powers.
7503 Mahalah Jane,9 b. in Ghent, 28 July, 1821; d. 15 Dec., 1822.
7504 Richard,9 b. in Cazenovia, 27 Apr., 1823; m. Frances A. Richardson.
7505 Mary Alida,9 b. in Cazenovia, 24 July, 1825; m. Thomas E. Atwood.
7506 Sarah M.,9 b. in Cazenovia, 1 Aug., 1827; m. George B. Stevens.
7507 Jane Eliza,9 b. in Cazenovia, 14 Feb., 1830; m. Edgar F. Richardson.
7508 Catherine Gertrude,9 b. in Cazenovia, 16 May, 1835; m. Jasper B. Fitch.
7509 Frances Ellen,9 b. in Albion, 31 Oct., 1838; m. George B. Stevens.

3057.   LYDIA,8 dau. of Benjamin7 (1106), b. 10 Apr., 1791; m. (1) _______ Hassan.
He d. ______; she m. (2) about 1828, Maj. Jonathan Smith, a farmer of Madison Co., N. Y.; he d. in Pekin, Ill., June, 1831; she m. (3) about 1844, Jedediah M. Holmes, a painter, of Johnstown, N. Y.; d. 15 Feb., 1849, in the house of her son, while on a visit to Rochester; he d. 15 May, 1869.
Child by first husband.
7510 William Edward Hassan,9 b. 19 Aug., 1809; m. (1) 10 Nov., 1842, Delia Beardslee, dau. of Lester Beardslee, of Rochester; she d. 26 Sept., 1848; he m. (2) 20 Dec., 1849, Elizabeth Bascom; res. in Roch­ester; had three children.

3058.   NATHAN BENJAMIN,8 son of Benjamin7 (1106), b. in Kinderhook, N. Y., 28 Jan., 1793; m. (1) 13 Mar., 1814, Magdalen Esselstyne, b. in Claver­ack, N. Y., 22 Aug., 1792.
She d. in Truxton, N. Y., 17 Oct., 1826; he m. (2) in Oran Village, N. Y., I 26 Feb., 1828, Alzina Pennoyer, b. 16 June, 1805, dau. of James Pennoyer; d. in Pekin, Ill., 23 Feb., 1853. He was a farmer.
Children by first wife.
7511 Richard,9 b. 6 Dec., 1814; d. unm., 28 May, 1837.
7512 Justus,9 b. 9 May, 1816; d. unm., in New Woodstock, N. Y., 19 Dec., 1835.
7513 Egbert,9 b. 7 Jan., 1819; m. Ann Eliza Hawley.
7514 Mary Matilda,9 b. in Claverack, 10 Aug., 1820; m. Eli Lasher.
7515 William,9 b. in Claverack, 25 July, 1822; m. Sarah Eliza Bigsby.
Children by second wife.
7516 Catherine Ann,9 b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., 20 Nov., 1828; m. Dr. Stinson Lowry Craig.
7517 Smith,9 b. 29 Mar., 1831; d. 20 July, 1831.
7518 Ellen Reese,9 b. in Cincinnati, O., 5 Sept., 1832; m. William Woodrow.

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7519 Mary Amelia,9 b. in Sand Prairie, Ill., 11 Nov., 1834; m. William Gabby Summers.
7520 John Jay,9 b. in Pekin, 13 May, 1836; m. Sarah Jane Stewart.
7521 Henry Clay,9 b. 12 Jan., 1838; d. unm., on a hospital boat, in Milliken's Bend, 24 Apr., 1863; was a soldier in the Union army.
7522 Ann Eliza,9 b. in Pekin, 26 May, 1842; m. (1) Isaac Chambers; (2) William Harrison Doman.
7523 Nathan Benjamin,9 b. 11 Oct., 1846; enlisted in Co. F, Eighty-fifth Illinois Peg.; was mortally wounded at the battle of Atlanta, Ga.; d. a prisoner in the hospital in Griffin, Ga., 30 July, 1864.

3059.   MILES,8 son of Benjamin7 (1106), b. 17 Aug., 1795; m. ______.
He d. in Logan, Ind., 16 July, 1847.
7524 Henry Marshall,9 b. ______; d. a minor, 8 Dec., 1840.
7525 Jeremiah,9 b. ______; m. ______; was a painter; d. in Illinois; had two children.
7526 Lurenah,9 b. ______; res. in 1880 in Illinois.

3060.   ELIZA,8 dau. of Benjamin7 (1106), b. 22 Nov., 1797; m. Charles Church.
She d. 10 Feb., 1869.
7527 Miles Church,9 b. ______; res., 1880, in Barrington, Ill.
7528 Samuel Church,9 b. ______; res., 1880, in Barrington.
7529 Horace H. Church,9 b. ______; res., 1880, in Barrington.
7530 Charles Church, Jr.,9 b. _______; d. unm., Nov., 1852.
7531 Sarah Church,9 b. d. unm., 1857.

3061.   JEREMIAH,8 son of Benjamin7 (1106), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 1 Oct., 1799; m. in Cazenovia, N. Y., 25 Dec., 1825, Eunice Dodge, b. in West Winfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., 21 Jan., 1809, dau. of Amasa Dodge, b. 27 Nov., 1775. and Eunice Shepard, b. 2 May, 1777.
He d. while visiting his sister, in Polk Co., Tex., 6 Jan., 1854; he was a wool carder, cloth dresser and practical dyer of thirty years' experience; in 1844 he published a work on dyeing; he res. in Claverack, Cazenovia, Albion, Williams­town, Holmesville, Union Square and Woodstock, N. Y.; she m. (2) 25 Oct., 1857, Lester Graves; res. in Cortland, N. Y.
7532 Carolyn,9 b. in Cazenovia, 21 Dec., 1837; m. Sylvester Watson.
7533 Horace Willard,9 b. in New Woodstock, 21 Aug., 1839; d. in Dallas, Tex., July, 1874; he was a naval officer during the civil war, 1861 to '65, and served on Farragut's flagship.
7534 William Leon,9 b. in New Woodstock, 15 Apr., 1833; m. Rose Flan­nigan.
7535 Sarah Lorenah,9 b. in Belmont, N. Y., 23 Jan., 1835; m. (1) 3 May, 1860, William W. Naylor; he d. in Tiffin, 4 Mar., 1866; was a hard­ware merchant; she m. (3) 5 Aug., 1885, Rev. Henry Bradley Cas­savant, b. in Hinesburg, Vt., 13 July, 1838, son of John Cassavant,

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b. 1818, and Hannah Lavigne, b. 19 Mar., 1818; he is a Methodist minister; was a private in the civil war in Co. C, Eleventh Vermont Volunteers; enlisted 11 Aug., 1862; was discharged 7 Apr., 1863; res. in Ridley, Pa.; had no children.
7536 Henry Marshall,9 b. in Williamstown, 16 Aug., 1841; m. Elleanor E. Quantock.

3062.   REBECCA ANN,8 dau. of Benjamin7 (1106), b. 28 June, 1801; m. _______ Babcock.
She d. in Palatine, Ill., 19 Mar., 1864.
7537 Charles Babcock,9 b. ______; went to Iowa.
7538 William Babcock,9 b. ______; res. in Palatine.
7539 Benjamin Babcock,9 b. ______; d. in a hospital, in St. Louis, Mo., dur­ing the rebellion.

3064.   BENJAMIN,8 son of Benjamin7 (1106), b. in Kinderhook, N. Y., 27 Apr., 1806; m. (1) 30 Dec., 1840, Ann Elizabeth Stackpole, b. 3 Sept., 1822, dau. of William Stackpole, of Rockland and Thomaston, Me., and Nancy Snow. She d. about 1844; he m. (2); d. in Pekin, Ill., 22 Dec., 1855.
7540 William Stackpole,9 b. in Pekin, 24 June, 1842; m. Sarah Jane Allen.
7541 Benjamin,9 b. 17 Jan., 1844; d. in infancy.
7542 Sarah Elizabeth,9 b. 14 May, 1847; m. John N. Barber; d. 24 Dec., 1892; res. in Greenwood, Ill.; had two children.

3067.   CHESTER CURTIS,8 son of Nathan7 (1107), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 1785; m. 22 Jan., 1820, Martha Coe, of Connecticut, b. 1796, dau. of John Coe and Sarah Beardsley, of Seneca, N. Y.
She d. 12 Oct., 1857; he d. 16 July, 1859.
He rem. from Cayuga Co., N. Y., about 1815, to Starkey, Yates Co., N. Y., where he learned the trade of wool carder and clothier. In 1835 he rem. to Ber­lin, O., where both d.
Children, b. in Starkey.
7543 John Coe,9 b. 11 Oct., 1820; m. Caroline Phebe Terry.
7544 Nathan Alonzo,9 b. 11 Oct., 1826; m. Hannah D. Martin.
7545 George Albert,9 b. 8 Nov., 1828; m. (1) Elizabeth E. Smith; (2) Mary Euphous Diffenbacher.

3068.   GEORGE,8 son of Nathan7 (1107), b. 10 Aug., 1798; m. in Little Utica, N. Y., 28 Apr., 1822, Jedidah Coffin, b. in Easton, N. Y., 12 Oct., 1800, dau. of Jacob Coffin and Elizabeth Ripley, of Little Utica.
He d. ______, in Little Utica, where he res.; was a Methodist; a Whig, later a Republican.
Children, b. in Little Utica.
7546 Ambrose,9 b. 5 Dec., 1824; m. (1) Hannah Eliza Slingerland; (2) Mrs. Esther Maria (Bradley) Suttle.
7547 Luther,9 b. 5 Feb., 1826; d. ______.

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7548 Charles,9 b. 13 Feb., 1828; m. Arminda Forncrook.
7549 Eveline,9 b. 30 Dec., 1830; res., mim., in Little Utica.
7550 Henrietta,9 b. 18 Aug., 1833; m. Nelson Clark Cooper.
7551 Laura Ann,9 b. 23 Feb., 1837; m. Day; res. in Hope, N. D.; has no children.
7552 George,9 b. 22 Apr., 1841; d. unm.

3069.   AMBROSE BRYANT,8 son of Nathan7 (1107), b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 24 May, 1801; m. Betsey Rathbun, b. 26 June, 1806, dau. of Benjamin Rathbun and Anna Robinson, of Lysander, N. Y.
7553 Ambrose Bryant,9 b. in Granby, N. Y., 29 Apr., 1834; m. Adelia Electa Wright.

3071.   LAURA,8 dau. of Nathan7 (1107), b. ______; m. Huggins.
7554 George Huggins,9 b. ______; res. in Little Utica, N. Y.

3073.   MARCIA,8 dau. of Capt. Samuel7 (1119), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 9 Aug., 1789; m. Maj. Christopher Van Deventer.
She d. in the City of New York, 24 Jan., 1813; he m. (2) , and set­tled on a farm near Buffalo, where he d. ______.
During the war of 1813 he was on the staff of some General and ranked as Major and later was chief clerk in the War Department in Washington under Sec­retary Calhoun. He entered Williams College in the class of 1829, but did not graduate.
7555 Marcia Van Deventer,9 b. ______; m. Stevens; res. in Pontiac, Mich.

3074.   SAMUEL,8 son of Capt. Samuel7 (1119), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 4 Jan., 1791; m. in Pownal, Vt., 15 Feb., 1814, Catherine J. Day, b. 5 Feb., 1796, dau. of John Day, of Williamstown, b. 6 May, 1762, and Catherine Jones.
He d. 7 Feb., 1841; she d. 28 Oct., 1858. Res. in Williamstown, where both d.
7556 Catherine M.,9 b. ______; d. 26 Oct., 1824.
7557 Maria D.,9 b. 15 Nov., 1817.
7558 Clarissa J.,9 b. 29 Oct., 1818; m. ______ Ellis.
7559 Samuel Blair,9 b. 13 Feb., 1821; m. Mary Abby Hosford.

3075.   ANNA,8 dau. of Capt. Samuel7 (1119), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 15 Oct., 1792; m. Samuel Northam.
He was a tanner in Williamstown; carried on that business several years; afterward moved to Dexter, Mich., where both d.

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7560 Elizabeth Northam,9 b. 1815.
7561 Adeline Northam,9 b. 1817; m. Wadsworth.
7562 Rebecca Northam,9 b. 1819.
7563 Julia Northam,9 b. 1822.
7564 Samuel Northam,9 b. 1824.
7565 James Northam,9 b. 1826.
7566 Alfred Northam,9 b. 1828.

3076.   JULIA ANN,8 dau. of Capt. Samuel7 (1119), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 14 Aug., 1794; m. 14 Nov., 1814, Gershom Taintor Bulkley, b. in Colchester, Conn., 8 Mar., 1781, son of Charles Bulkley and Betsey Taintor, of Williamstown.
He d. 16 Oct., 1862; she d. 29 Apr., 1884.
He was a dry goods merchant and res. in Williamstown until the summer of 1833, when he rem. to Monroe, Mich., where both d.
While he lived in Williamstown he owned and occupied the first frame house built in that town, and which is still standing and occupied as a dwelling. They had a large number of college students as boarders.
7567 Marcia Anna Bulkley,9 b. 22 Dec., 1816; m. 9 Apr., 1844, Eli Callender Kellogg (+3694).
7568 Eliza Bulkley,9 b. 12 Dec., 1818; res. in Monroe; unm.
7569 Henry Chester Bulkley,9 b. 10 Apr., 1820; was a miller in Paris, Ill.; unm.
7570 Gershom Bulkley,9 b. 9 Aug., 1822; m. 25 May, 1853, Fidelia Groendyke, of Coldwater, Mich.; was a farmer in Monroe.
7571 Caroline Abbey Bulkley,9 b. 5 Mar., 1824; m. (1) 1 Nov., 1845, Henry L. Whipple; he d. Nov., 1845; she m. (2) 1 June, 1864, Harvey M. Mixer, of Buffalo, N. Y.; he was a retired lumber merchant in Monroe.
7572 Juliette Baker Bulkley,9 b. 18 Aug., 1826; m. 20 Sept., 1852, Dr. Chas. L. Hubbell, of Troy, N. Y.; d. 16 June, 1876.
7573 Edward Bulkley,9 b. 6 Oct., 1829; m. 7 Nov., 1864, Helen Dill, of Paris, Ill.; he was one of the proprietors of the Edgar Company Flouring Mills in Paris.
7574 Charles Sabin Bulkley,9 b. 17 Apr., 1832; m. 24 Dec., 1872, Ella Wood, of Chicago; was a grocer in Ovid, Mich.
7575 George Francis Bulkley,9 b. 15 Nov., 1835; he was a forwarding mer­chant in Dallas, Tex.; unm.
7576 John McLelland Bulkley,9 b. 23 June, 1840; m. 21 June, 1867, Mary L. Cole, of Monroe; is a dry goods merchant in Monroe.

3078.   MARTHA ADELINE,8 dau. of Capt. Samuel7 (1119), b. in Williams­town, Mass., 6 Apr., 1800; m. 25 May, 1829, George Washington Francis, b. in Pittsfield, 20 Sept., 1799, son of Luke Francis and Mehitable Sackett.
She d. 5 Apr., 1883; he d. ______.
He was graduated from Williams College in 1826; was admitted to legal practice in 1829; devoted his life to teaching; in Troy from 1830 to '45; in

532    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Yonkers, N. Y., from 1845 to '58; after 1858 was engaged in Yonkers in mercantile affairs.
7577 Mary Adele Francis,9 b. 4 Jan., 1832; res. in Yonkers.
7578 Kellogg Francis,9 b. 8 Mar., 1833; res. in Yonkers.

3080.   GILES BACON,8 son of Capt. Samuel7 (1119), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 28 Mar., 1808; m. 30 May, 1836, Adeline Kellogg (11248), b. 9 Feb., 1816, dau. of Justin Kellogg (+5163).
She d. 27 Mar., 1882; he d. 6 Feb., 1901; both d. in Bennington, Vt.
He was graduated from Williams College in 1829; studied law and settled in Troy, N. Y. He was trustee of Williams College and of many other institutions, financial, educational and religious. He prepared a sketch of his ancestors which was of much assistance to the Williamstown branch of the family.
7579 Daniel Alanson,9 b. 21 July, 1837; d. 13 Apr., 1851.
7580 Anna,9 b. 1 Jan., 1840; res., unm., in Bennington.
7581 Isabella,9 b. 14 Apr., 1841; m. in Troy, N. Y., 20 Apr., 1864, Dr. Josiah Stickney Lombard, of Boston, b. 24 Mar., 1842, son of Israel Lom­bard and Susan Stickney; res. in Bennington; had no children.
7582 Justin,9 b. 18 Apr., 1844; m. Mary Bryan Leake.
7583 Julia,9 b. 3 Aug., 1849; d. 15 Aug., 1850.
7584 Giles,9 b. in Troy, N. Y., 22 Dec., 1854; m. Annabella Bush.

3083.   CHRISTOPHER VAN DEVENTER,8 son of Capt. Samuel7 (1119), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 11 Jan., 1813; m. Amelia Mott, of Batavia, N. Y., b. 5 Aug., 1819.
She d. in Winslow, Ill., 6 Mar., 1857.
Soon after his father's death he went West; spent some time in Michigan and Minnesota, and settled in Stephenson Co., Ill. After the California gold fever broke out, he went to California and engaged in the transportation business; until he returned to Illinois. He was a soldier in the civil war; was stationed near Albany, N. Y., and visited his brother, Giles B., in Troy. He said that he and two of his sons were in the battle of Shiloh, Apr., 1862; one son was killed, there and another son in another battle the same year. After the war was over he rem. with his family to the neighborhood of McGregor, Ia., where he d.
7585 Valeda Isabella,9 b. in Stephenson Co., Ill., 20 Oct., 1836; m. Dorr D. Hoxsie.
7586 Arietta Lansing,9 b. 10 Apr., 1838; m. Robert Simonton Galloway.
7587 Eugene Van Deventer,9 b. 8 Jan., 1840; was a private in the army in the civil war; d. in the battle of Shiloh; res. in Winslow, Ill.
7588 William Henry,9 b. 21 Nov., 1841; was a private in the army in the civil war, enlisting for three months; was killed on the Plains; res. in Winslow.
7589 Erskine Emmerson,9 b. 9 Aug., 1843; was a private in the army in the civil war, enlisting for three months; died on the Plains; res. in Winslow.

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7590 Marcia Zeruiah,9 b. 7 Jan., 1848; m. (1) in McGregor, 30 Dec., 1867, Fayette Duncan Lewis, b. in Stockton, N. Y., son of George Wash­ington Lewis; he d. in Spring Valley, Minn., 1 Aug., 1875; she m. (2) in Mishawaka, Inch, as his second wife, 8 Mar., 1881, George E. Stevens, b. in Connecticut, May, 1820; he d. in Oakland, Cal., 4 Feb., 1893; both husbands were railroad employees; she had no children; res. in Oakland, Cal.
7591 Emily Aurelia,9 b. 5 Aug., 1850; m. George Masterman.

3086.   AUGUSTUS,8 son of Daniel7 (1123), b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 3 July, 1803; m. in Ithaca, N. Y., June, 1827, Cornelia Hart, of Utica, dau. of Ephraim Hart and Martha Seymour.
She d. 5 Nov., 1831; he d. 30 Oct., 1871.
He was graduated from Hamilton College in 1823, and from Chancellor Kent's Law School, N. Y., in 1826; studied law in John Anthen's office. New York; practiced law in Skaneateles, in the firm of Kellogg, Sandford & Kellogg, his partners being his father and Lewis H. Sandford, of New York City, who was afterward lost on the steamship Arctic. After the death of his father he prac­ticed four or five years in Syracuse, then returned to Skaneateles, abandoned his profession and devoted himself to literature.
Children, b. in Skaneateles.
7592 Louise Emily,9 b. 27 July, 1828; d. 12 Jan., 1830.
7593 Augustus Converse,9 b. 2 Nov., 1830; m. Mary L. Woodworth; he was a graduate of Williams College; was a journalist; d. in New York City in Mar., 1860; is buried in Buffalo, N. Y.; had no children.

3087.   MARY ANN,8 dau. of Daniel7 (1123), b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 2 May, 1805; m. in Skaneateles, 26 May, 1825, Rev. Augustus Lawrence Converse, b. in Norwich, Conn., 21 Nov., 1798, son of John Converse, of Troy, N. Y., b. in Bloomfield, Conn., 7 Aug., 1774, and Elizabeth Backus, b. in Norwich, 26 Apr., 1780.
She d. in Statesburg, S. C, 9 Jan., 1848; he m. (2) in Statesburg, Marrion Videau Singleton; d. in Statesburg, 21 Mar., 1860.
He was graduated from Union College in 1819; settled in Statesburg, S. C, 1827; he was a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church.
7594 Mary Elizabeth Converse,9 b. in Skaneateles, 26 Nov., 1825; d. in Syra­cuse, N. Y., 14 Dec., 1826.
7595 Catherine Kellogg Converse,9 b. in Statesburg, 3 July, 1827; m. in Statesburg, 2 May, 1844, John Napoleon Frierson, b. in Statesburg, 21 Feb., 1818, son of John James Frierson and Julia Finetta Vaughn; he was graduated from the South Carolina College; was a member of the House of Representatives, and Senate of South Carolina; he persistently opposed the secession of his State; he was a conservative candidate for Congress in the First Congressional district of South Carolina, but was defeated; in 1880 he was a planter in Statesburg; she d. 7 Oct., 1899.

3088.   JOHN,8 son of Daniel7 (1123), b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1807;

534    The Kelloggs in the New World.

m. (1) in Ithaca, N. Y., 24 Oct., 1837, Lucy Coburn, b. 12 Apr., 1816, dau. of John Coburn and Mary Platt.
She d. in Skaneateles, 15 Sept., 1845; he m. (2) in Aurora, N. Y., 14 June, 1848, Paulina Wood, b. in Hector, N. Y., 28 Nov., 1826, dau. of Leddra Wood, of Aurora, and Caroline Seely.
He was a merchant in Skaneateles.
Children by first wife, b. in Skaneateles.
7596 Mary Emma,9 b. 5 Sept., 1838; d. 29 Apr., 1844.
7597 Daniel Wood,9 b. 12 June, 1840; m. (1) Mary Talcott Shotwell; (2) Lydia Ellen Maulsly.
Children by second wife.
7598 Caroline Wood,9 b. 2 June, 1849.
7599 John L.,9 b. 2 Aug., 1853; m. Alice Bowen.
7600 Mary Helen,9 b. 14 Jan., 1856.
7601 William Wood,9 b. 9 Sept., 1858.
7602 Jennie Louise,9 b. 19 Sept., 1864; m. Walter Hamilton Kellogg (+7615).
7603 Augustus,9 b. 22 May, 1869; d. aged 3 months.
7604 Joseph,9 twin to Augustus, b. 22 May, 1869; d. aged 3 months.

3090.   MARIA,8 dau. of Daniel7 (1123), b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 6 Sept., 1811; m. 18 Nov., 1834, David Augustus Comstock, b. in Woodstock, Conn.
She d. in New York City, 4 Dec., 1839; he m. (2) 1842, Frances Stiles, of New Haven, Conn.; d. in Woodstock, Conn., 1855.
He was a merchant and importer in New York; was burned out in the great fire in 1835. In 1842 he was a broker in Wall street. His health failed in the winter of 1854-55, and he returned to Woodstock.
7605 Daniel Kellogg Comstock,9 b. in New York City, 23 May, 1836; was a banker; d. unm., in New York City, 25 Sept., 1879.

3091.   CATHERINE HYDE,8 dau. of Daniel7 (1123), b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 27 July, 1814; m. by Rev. Samuel W. Brace, 16 Sept., 1833, Geforge Fleming Leitch, b. in Auburn, N. Y., 11 July, 1811, son of George Leitch, b. in Kilwin­ning. Scotland, 4 Oct., 1778, and Phebe Moffat, b. 25 Jan., 1780.
He d. 28 Feb., 1855; she d. 3 Oct., 1862.
He was a banker, lawyer and manufacturer in Skaneateles. He was grad­uated from Union College in the class of 1829.
Children, b. in Skaneateles.
7606 Daniel Kellogg Leitch,9 b. 28 Sept., 1834; m. 31 Jan., 1867, Lavinia Isbell, b. in Skaneateles, 17 Jan., 1838, dau. of Charles Beler Isbell and Harriet Belden Woodruff; he was graduated from Union Col­lege in 1858; from the Albany Law School in 1860; was a lawyer in Skaneateles.
7607 Laura Kellogg Leitch,9 b. 21 Jan., 1837; d. 24 July, 1851.
7608 George Fleming Leitch,9 b. 25 Apr., 1843; he was a machinist; rem. to New York City, 1865; d. unm., in Skaneateles, 21 Feb., 1877
7609 Catherine Williams Leitch,9 b. 10 Nov., 1845; d. 12 Nov., 1861.

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7610 David Hyde Leitch,9 b. 21 Apr., 1848; in 1880 he was an accountant in Chicago; he was First Lieut, in Co. K, One Hundred and Ninety-second New York Infantry, during the war for the Union.
7611 Lawrence Leitch,9 b. 8 Nov., 1851; d. 17 Feb., 1862.

3092.   DANIEL,8 son of Daniel7 (1123), b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 22 Nov., 1817; m. in Skaneateles, 29 June, 1848, Ellen Maria Cole, b. in West Randolph, Mass., 28 Nov., 1822, dau. of Thomas Cole, of New Bedford, Mass., b. 1784, and Henrietta Maria French, b. 13 Mar., 1796.
They res. in Skaneateles, N. Y.
Children, b. in Skaneateles.
7612 Laura Maria,9 b. 26 Sept., 1853; res. unm., in Skaneateles.
7613 Andrew Hyde,9 b. 16 Aug., 1855; m. Helen Margaret Albro.
7614 Thomas Cole,9 b. 8 Apr., 1858; m. in Skaneateles, 3 Aug., 1897, Anna Belle Marshall, b. in Skaneateles, 15 July, 1863, dau. of John B. Marshall and Caroline Cook; he is an Episcopalian and a Repub­lican; is an importer and exporter of teazles; res. in Skaneateles; had no children.
7615 Walter Hamilton,9 b. 28 Apr., 1860; m. Jennie Louise Kellogg (7602).

3093.   DAVID HYDE,8 son of Daniel7 (1123), b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 24 Sept., 1821; m. in Troy, N. Y., 24 July, 1851, Harriet Newell Kellogg (11249), b. 18 Nov., 1818, dau. of Justin Kellogg (+5163).
He d. 20 Aug., 1880; she res. in Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y.
He commenced the study of law in the office of Seth Staples, Esq., but was soon obliged to give it up on account of his health; prepared for college, in Lee, Mass., under Rev. Dr. Hyde; was graduated from Williams College in 1844. After his marriage he lived in Tarrytown, Spuyten Duyvil, New York City and Skaneateles, N. Y. He had suffered for some time from cataracts on his eyes; in 1868 an operation was performed and he became totally blind soon after; in 1871 he had an attack of paralysis.
7616 David Hyde,9 b. 3 Oct., 1853, in Tarrytown, N. Y., in the house occupied by Gen. Washington during the revolution; he was graduated from Yale College in 1876; studied law from 1876 to '77, in the Colum­bia Law School, and in the office of Lord, Day & Lord, New York. He was one of the Yale Navy, and a member of the crew which de­feated Cambridge College, England, in Philadelphia; with a splen­did physique, he overtaxed his energies and d. in New London, Conn., 21 Oct., 1887.
7617 Ann Grace,9 b. 1 June, 1856.

3095.   FRANCIS,8 son of David7 (1132), b. in Starksboro, Vt., 25 Feb., 1795; m. 16 Jan., 1826, Cynthia Spaulding, b. in Chelsea, Vt., 9 Jan., 1797, dau. of Elisha Spaulding, b. 28 Feb., 1763, and Trania Woodward, b. 17 Aug., 1766.
He d. in Monroe, Ashtabula Co., O., 5 Aug., 1852; she d. 8 Nov., 1862. About 1816 he rem. from Starksboro to Monroe; was a farmer.
Children, b. in Monroe.
7618 Pliny Fisk,9 b. 30 June, 1834; m. (1) Marcie E. Hatch; (2) Eliza­beth Hatch; (3) Sarah Comings.

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7619 Arza Spaulding,9 b. 25 Aug., 1838; d. unm., in Monroe Township, Ashtabula Co., O., 27 Mar., 1897.

3096.   CYNTHIA,8 dau. of David7 (1132), b. in Starksboro, Vt., 2 Oct., 1796; m. 8 Dec., 1830, Horace Prime, b. in New Haven, Vt., 16 Feb., 1795, son of Moses Prime, b. in Woodbury, Conn., June, 1769, and Mary Chilson.
He was a farmer; res. in Bristol, Vt.
Children, b. in Bristol.
7620 Horace Nelson Prime,9 b. 25 July, 1831; d. 25 July, same year.
7621 A. Jennet Prime,9 b. 25 Sept., 1833; d. 21 Jan., 1837.
7622 George Kellogg Prime,9 b. 29 Feb., 1835; m. 20 Sept., 1861, Beulah Var­ney; d. 2 June, 1862; res. in Bristol.

3097.   ARZA,8 son of David7 (1132), b. in Starksboro, Vt., 11 Feb., 1799; m. 21 Mar., 1825, Mary (Polly) Marshall, b. in Huntington, Chittenden Co., Vt., 23 Mar., 1806, dau. of Joseph and Mary (Polly) Marshall, of Connecticut.
He was a farmer in Akron, O.; rem. from Starksboro about 1834.
7623 Julia,9 b. 27 Apr., 1827; d. 24 Mar., 1846.

3098.   DAVID,8 son of David7 (1132), b. in Starksboro, Vt., 18 Aug., 1801; m. (1) in Starksboro, Elvira Mason.
She d. ______; he m. (2) in Starksboro, 1830, Harriet Thompson, b. in Keene, N. Y., 9 May, 1812, dau. of David Thompson, b. Jan., 1765, and Mary Bliss, b. May, 1780; d. in Caledonia, Minn., Aug., 1875.
He was a farmer; served in Co. B, Thirty-seventh Iowa Infantry; res. in Caledonia. After his death she res. in St. Louis, Mo.
Children, first seven b. in Starksboro.
7624 Frank Monroe,9 b. 19 Sept., 1833; was a farmer; was a Union soldier; enlisted in 1861, as Sergt. of Co. A, Eleventh Iowa Vol­unteers; served four years; res., unm., in Davenport, Fla.
7625 Cornelia A.,9 b. 11 Jan., 1835; m. (1) in St. Louis, Sept., 1862, Nelson Hayne; (2) 1877, in St. Louis, William Bright, b. 2 May, 1830, in Hazel Grove, England; he had an electrotype foundry; is a Uni­tarian and a Democrat; res. in St. Louis; had no children.
7626 David Thompson,9 b. 5 Oct., 1837; is a farmer; res. in Davenport; is unm.
7627 Harriet Louise,9 b. 19 Aug., 1839; m. Lemuel Burns.
7628 Amanda Varnet,9 b. 7 June, 1841; m. Henry Bolivar Hawley.
7629 Henry Clay,9 b. 16 May, 1843; m. Mary Elizabeth Curry.
7630 Nelson,9 b. May, 1845; m. ______.
7631 William Pitt,9 b. in Ashtabula, O., 10 Oct., 1848; d. Oct., 1866.
7632 Clinton De Witt,9 b. in Spring Corners, Crawford Co., Pa., 21 Feb., 1853; m. Mary Elizabeth Raymond.
7633 Emma Eunice,9 b. in Fairport, Ia., 10 Oct., 1854; m. as his second wife, in 1875, Charles Wheaton; he was a farmer and a Union soldier; a Universalist and a Republican; res. in Caledonia, Minn.; had six children.

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3099.   ELIJAH,8 son of David7 (1132), b. in Starksboro, Vt., 7 May, 1804; m. 18 Feb., 1827, Mary N. Aiken, b. in Dracut, Mass., 8 Aug., 1803, dau. of Rev. Solomon Aiken, b. about 1758, and Mary Warner, b. about 1768.
She d. 24 Mar., 1873; he d. 28 Oct., 1876.
He was a farmer; res. in Starksboro from 1827 to '35; afterward in Hard­wick, Vt., where both d.
7634 Selina,9 b. 20 Nov., 1827; d. 30 Nov., the same year.
7635 Sophia,9 b. 12 May, 1830; d. unm., 4 Apr., 1849.
7636 Adams,9 b. 4 Nov., 1832; lived on a cotton plantation in Madison Parish, La.; had several large stores, one of them at Kellogg's Landing on the Mississippi River, below Vicksburg, where he d. unm., 14 June, 1898; was buried in Hardwick.
7637 Edward,9 b. 14 Jan., 1843; d. 14 Oct., 1850.

3100.   NELSON,8 son of David7 (1132), b. in Starksboro, Vt., 2 Mar., 1806; m. Jan., 1838, Mrs. Rachel (Mann) Wiley, b. in Bedford Co., Pa., 20 Apr., 1803, widow of David Wiley and dau. of David Mann, b. 20 Apr., 1804.
She d. 23 Nov., 1882; he d. 21 Feb., 1891.
He was a plasterer and stone mason; taught school; published a newspaper; filled the positions of Town Clerk, Mayor, Postmaster and Justice of the Peace; res. until 1834 in Starksboro; from 1834 to '37 in Ashtabula, O.; from 1837 to '39 in Greenville, O., and from 1839 to '77 in Bluffton, Ind.
Children, b. in Bluffton.
7638 Cecelia,9 b. Feb., 1839; d. 10 Aug., 1849.
7639 Martha Ellen,9 b. 10 Apr., 1841; m. James Baskerville Plessinger.
7640 Francis Nelson,9 b. 2 Feb., 1843; m. Rosanna Muth.
7641 Rachel Jane,9 b. 10 Mar., 1845; m. (1) J. J. Todd; (2) A. N. Martin.

3119.   ISAAC,8 son of Deacon Joseph7 (1136), b. in Canaan. Conn., 16 Feb., 1809; m. 6 Feb., 1833, Sarah Ann Belden, b. 3 Jan., 1809, dau. of Jonathan Bel­den, of Canaan, b. 14 June, 1778, and Love Dean, b. 10 Oct., 1783.
She d. 13 Oct., 1871; he d. in Canaan, 10 Oct., 1882.
He was a farmer and carpenter in Canaan.
Children, b. in Canaan.
7642 Emeline Elizabeth,9 b. 20 May, 1837; d. 4 July, 1853.
7643 Philo Edward,9 b. 16 Feb., 1840; m. May Lydia Nichols.
7644 Walter Isaac,9 b. 29 June, 1847; m. (1) Cora Estella Wetherell; (2) Genevieve Gillett.
7645 Sarah Adeline,9 b. 22 Nov., 1855; res., unm., in Winsted, Conn.

3121.   HARVEY,8 son of Deacon Joseph7 (1136), b. in Canaan, Conn., 19 Jan., 1813; m. in Canaan, 20 Oct., 1835, Elizabeth (Betsey) Ann Kellogg (3168), b. 13 Nov., 1813.
He d. near Toledo, O., 20 Jan., 1898.
He was a farmer in Hickory, near Toledo, O., to which place he rem. from Canaan in 1837. He was a Congregationalist.

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Children, b. in Adams, O.
7646 Joseph Gaylord,9 b. 2 May, 1839; m. Sarah Norton.
7647 Charles Whiting,9 b. 26 Oct., 1844; d. 7 July, 1845.
7648 Isaac Beebe,9 b. 26 July, 1846; m. Lucy Adelma Hill.
7649 Asahel Harvey,9 b. 28 Feb., 1854; d. 16 Mar., same year.

3127.   EDWARD,8 son of Aaron7 (1141), b. 19 Aug., 1800; m. (1) 8 Aug., 1827, Abigail Francis Wamer, b. 4 Dec., 1805, dau. of James Warner, of Canaan, N. Y., b. 4 Mar., 1768, and Rebecca Hatch, b. 21 Aug., 1783.
She d. 19 Nov., 1833; he m. (2) 1836, Lucinda H. Warner, b. in 1804, sis­ter of his first wife; she d. in Canaan Center, N. Y., 8 Apr., 1878; he d. 13 June, 1881, in the same place.
He read law in the office of Robbins Kellogg (+1145), of West Stockbridge, Mass.; from 1823 to '24 attended a law school in Litchfield, Conn. In 1832 he engaged in the iron foundry business in Binghamton, N. Y., but failed in 1837, and returned to Canaan, in 1838, where he res. until he d. He was Justice of the Peace twenty-three years.
7650 George Warner,9 b. 19 May, 1828; m. Ellen Kent.
7651 John Stower,9 b. 12 June, 1830; m. Jane Isabella Osborne.
7652 Mary Ann,9 b. 19 Feb., 1832; m. Hon. George Grenville Benedict.

3131.   MARY ANN,8 dau. of Martin7 (1142), b. in Canaan, N. Y., 15 Dec., 1804; m. in Canaan, 21 Sept., 1829, Robbins W. Douglas, b. in Canaan, 1805, son; of Asa Douglas, b. 18 Mar., 1766, and Jane Vanderpool, b. about 1787.
She d. in Canaan, 27 May, 1831; he m. (2) Loraine Carpenter.
He was a farmer; res. in Canaan.
7653 Robbins Douglas,9 b. ______; d. young.

3132.   MARTIN ROBBINS,8 son of Martin7 (1142), b. in Canaan, N. Y., 9 July, 1806; m. 31 Aug., 1842, Mary Melissa Osbom, of Waterville, Oneida Co., N. Y., b. 5 Feb., 1818, dau. of William Osbom, b. 2 Nov., 1779, and Betsey French, b. 19 Aug., 1786.
He d. 15 Feb., 1878.
He was for sixteen years a merchant in West Stockbridge; later res. in St. Joseph, Mo., also Avon and Buffalo, N. Y. He represented West Stockbridge in the Constitutional Convention in 1842.
Children, all except last b. in West Stockbridge.
7654 Evalina,9 b. 24 Oct., 1843; a music teacher in New York City and Buf­falo.
7655 Charlotte Elizabeth,9 b. 9 Dec., 1845; m. Samuel James Fields.
7656 Martin Robbins,9 b. 7 July, 1848; res. in Golden, Col.; a railroad man; d. in St. Joseph, Mo., 15 Apr., 1875.
7657 William Osborn,9 b. 20 Nov., 1851; is a merchant in Elk Knob, W. Va.; is unm.
7658 Jenny,9 b. 24 May, 1853; d. Aug., 1858 or '59.
7659 Charles French,9 b. 2 May, 1855; m. in Missoula, Mont., Annie Marie McNulty, b. in Pittsburg, Pa., 2 Apr., 1875, dau. of Michael Henry

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McNulty and Katherine Comfort; res. in Missoula; he is a den­tist; graduated in 1881 from the Dental Department of the Uni­versity of Michigan; is an Episcopalian.
7660 Edward Lincoln,9 b. in Buffalo, 17 Nov., 1859; res., unm., in Atchison, Kas.

3153.   SARAH,8 dau. of Clinton7 (1146), b. in Canaan, N. Y., 5 Feb., 1815; m. 24 June, 1839, Dr. Elijah Kingsley White, b. in Becket, Mass., 21 Aug., 1811, son of Vassel White, b. 7 June, 1761, and Mary Kingsley, b. 20 Mar., 1776.
He d. in Sherburne, N. Y., 6 June, 1843; she d. in St. Joseph, Mo., 27 Jan., 1890.
He was a physician in Jacksonville and Newnansville, Fla.; graduated from the Berkshire Medical School; was a Congregationalist and a Democrat. After his death she res. with her son in St. Joseph. Child.
7661 Henry Kirke White,9 b. in Newnansville, 16 July, 1840; m. in St. Joseph, 20 Dec., 1882, Emily Gertrude Blanchard; he is a lawyer; res. in St. Joseph; has six children.

3159.   HENRY VANDERPOOL,8 son of Maj. John Dean7 (1147), b. in West Stockbridge, Mass., 18 July, 1826; m. in Litchfield, O., 4 Oct., 1849, Mary Ann Brooker, b. in Litchfield, Conn., 24 Aug., 1827, dau. of Warren Brooker, b. 27 July, 1799, and Mary Ann Keyes, b. in Litchfield, Conn., 24 June, 1806.
She d. in Grafton, O., 14 July, 1897. He is a Republican; res. in Grafton.
7662 Charles Martin,9 b. in Litchfield, O., 12 Aug., 1850; m. Sarah Eveline Rising.
7663 Ella Augusta,9 b. in Litchfield, O., 6 July, 1852; m. Burton Smith.
7664 Mamie Emeline,9 b. in Wauseon, O., 16 May, 1865; she was partially paralyzed when three years old and has never fully recovered.

3160.   ANN MARY,8 dau. of Maj. John Dean7 (1147), b. in Litchfield, O., 20 May, 1839; m. 22 Feb., 1860, Andrew Jackson Mennell, b. in Grafton, O., 29 Dec., 1837, son of Duke Mennell, of Finsboro, England, b. 10 May, 1810, and Rachel Curtis, of New York City, b. in Brunswick, Me., 25 Apr., 1812.
He was a farmer and dealer in wood and coal; res. in Grafton until 1869, and in Faribault in 1872; was Township Trustee, Assessor and member of the City Council; res. in Minneapolis, Minn.
7665 Ida Estelle Mennell,9 b. 9 May, 1861; is unm.
7666 Alfred Mennell,9 b. 20 Sept., 1863; m. ______; res. in Springfield, Minn.; has two children.

3161.   JAMES CLINTON,8 son of Maj. John Dean7 (1147), b. in Litchfield, O., 10 Nov., 1842; m. 13 Feb., 1865, Reba Ann Stranahan, b. in Litchfield, O., 16 Oct., 1846, dau. of Samuel Richardson Stranahan, b. in Plainfield, Conn., 14 Sept., 1815, and Mary McKenzie, b. in Plymouth, Conn., 15 July, 1819.

540    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He was a farmer in Litchfield, Royalton, O., and Fairfield, Mich; served as Corp. in the civil war, in Co. B, Forty-second Ohio Reg.; enlisted 22 Sept., 1861; was discharged 24 Mar., 1864. He was a Republican; later a Populist.
7667 Edward Clinton,9 b. in Litchfield, 29 June, 1866; m. Alice Taylor.
7668 John Dean,9 b. in Litchfield, 25 Feb., 1868; d. in Fairfield, 13 Sept., 1870.
7669 Frederick Albert,9 b. in Fairfield, 17 Oct., 1870; m. in Weston, Mich., 10 Mar., 1895, Addie Forster, b. in Seneca, Mich., 12 July, 1874, dau. of Simon Ernest Forster, b. 15 Nov., 1842, and Mary Ann Krais, b. 19 Nov., 1848; he is a farmer; res. in Royalton; has no children.
7670 Mary Rugine,9 b. in Fairfield, 30 Aug., 1873; m. William J. Walker.
7671 Reba Caroline,9 b. in Fairfield, 30 Apr., 1875; m. in Adrian, Mich., 1; 23 Dec., 1896, Stephen W. Hayward, b. in Seneca, Mich., 10 Mar., 1875, dau. of Henry Hayward, b. 24 Mar., 1840, and Helen Whaley, b. 15 Mar., 1841; he is a farmer in Lyons, Mich.
7672 Harvey Stranahan,9 b. in Fairfield, 8 Apr., 1879; is unm.

3176.   RICHARD,8 son of Oliver7 (1153), b. 11 Mar., 1790; m. Elizabeth Swift, of Amenia, N. Y.
He was a farmer. On 14 July, 1823, he, with his brother, Oliver, bought land in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N. Y., which they mortgaged the next day. On 30 Apr., 1831, he bought land in Dover, in the same county, and sold it 20 May, 1831; in both deeds he was described as of Dover, N. Y. As his brother, Oliver, rem. to Michigan in 1832, Richard probably rem. to White Pigeon, Mich., in the same year. He left White Pigeon many years ago.
7673 Harriet,9 b. ______.
7674 Maria,9 b. ______; m. 11 Apr., 1831, James Benedict, b. in Sharon, Conn., May, 1805, son of Nathaniel and Jerusha (Ferry) Benedict; he d. 15 Sept., 1863; he had res. in Wellington, O.; had no chil­dren.
7675 Emily,9 b. ______.
7676 Hannah,9 b. 10 Mar., 1822; m. Lorenzo D. De La Mater.
7677 Elizabeth,9 b. ______.
7678 Sally,9 b. ______.
7679 Abbia,9 b. ______.

3178.   OLIVER,8 son of Oliver7 (1153), b. in Sharon, Conn., 3 Oct., 1797; m. 18 Sept., 1819, Almacy Rouse, b. in Athens, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1798, dau. of Nich­olas Rouse, b. 30 July, 1763, and Olive Austin, b. 6 Aug., 1770.
He d. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 24 Feb., 1859; she d. in Waukesha, Wis., 19 Dec., 1878.
On July, 14, 1823, he and his brother, Richard, bought land in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N, Y. He sold his land, 1 Apr., 1831, and, in the deed, is described as of Sharon, Conn. In 1832 he rem. to Sharonville, Washtenaw Co., Mich., and bought several hundred acres of land. In 1856 he rem. to Ann Arbor, Mich. He was one of the commission to appraise the right of way of the Mich-

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igan Central Railroad; served two terms in the Legislature and held other places of trust.
7680 Rebecca Patience,9 b. in Sharon, Conn., 25 May, 1820; m. Hiram High.
7681 Charlotte Olive,9 b. 27 Aug., 1821; d. unm., in Sharon, Mich., 11 Nov., 1839.
7682 Oliver Belden,9 b. 13 Apr., 1823; m. 3 Oct., 1843, Mary Lowry, of Lodi, Mich.; d. in Sharon, Mich., 27 Oct., 1845; was a farmer.
7683 Caroline,9 b. 6 May, 1825; m. Stephen Deming Whitaker.
7684 Adeline,9 b. 6 May, 1825; m. 4 Jan., 1842, James Davis, of Lima, Mich., b. in Newark, N. J., 29 Aug., 1818, son of John Davis and Mary Horton Brown; he was a farmer in Waukesha; while living there he was several years Assessor of Taxes, and was on the staff of Gens. Sprague and Phelps, when in Lima; had no children.
7685 Almacy Permelia,9 b. 10 Nov., 1828; m. De Witt Curtis Hurd.
7686 Sarah Jane,9 b. in Sharon, Conn., 5 Apr., 1830; m. 18 Jan., 1853, David Rowe, a farmer of Sharon, Mich.; she d. in Grass Lake, Mich., 1 Nov., 1871; had no children.
7687 Mary Louisa,9 b. in Sharon, Mich., 11 May, 1836; m. Benjamin Trum­bull.

7688 Harriet Ann,9 b. 16 Sept., 1837; m. Herman Joseph Bradley.
7689 George Benjamin,9 b. 6 June, 1839; m. Frances Evalyn Smith.

3179.   EMILY,8 dau. of Oliver7 (1153), b. 2 Apr., 1803; m. 3 Jan., 1830, Garry Chambers, b. 27 May, 1803, son of George Chambers, of Sharon, Conn., b. about 1779, and Carrence Johnson, b. about 1777.
She d. 2 Aug., 1879.
He was a school teacher, merchant, farmer and country broker in Sennett, Cayuga Co., N. Y., and Groton and McLean, Tompkins Co., N. Y.
7690 Julia Jane Chambers,9 b. 29 Sept., 1831; m. 25 Sept., 1851, John Owen Marsh, of Ithaca, N. Y.; he was a merchant in the firm of Marsh & Hall.
7691 Garry Eugene Chambers,9 b. 16 Jan., 1839; is unm.; res. in McLean, N. Y.

3180.   HORACE,8 son of Horace7 (1154), b. in Salem, Conn., 16 Jan., 1783; m. Lois Bradley, b. in Salem, 12 Apr., 1789.
He d. in Penfield, N. Y., 16 Jan., 1828, aged 44. He res. in Penfield about ten years. After his death his widow and five of the children rem. to Michigan.
Children, b. in Penfield.
7692 Harriet,9 b. 12 July, 1808; m. Alpheus Webster Smith.
7693 Leonard Bradley,9 b. 1 July, 1810; m. (1) Alzora Griswold; (2) Delora Griswold.
7694 George Andrew,9 b. 17 Sept., 1812; d. in Coldwater, Mich., 1864.
7695 William Henry,9 b. 27 Sept., 1814; he was a Union soldier; enlisted

542    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1862, in Co. D, First Michigan Volunteers; was discharged 1865; d. unm., 1 Apr., 1890.
7696 Elizabeth (Betsey) Adelia,9 b. 29 Mar., 1816; m. William Riley Woolsey.
7697 Daniel Washington,9 b. 28 July, 1818; d. 28 July, 1820.
7698 Laura,9 b. 15 Dec., 1820; d. unm., 8 Aug., 1840.
7699 Rhoda,9 b. 9 June, 1822; m. William Henry Soper; res. in Quincy, Mich.; had no children.
7700 Mabel Amanda,9 b. 11 Sept., 1826; m. Ezra Berry.

3182.   STEPHEN SEDGWICK,8 son of Horace7 (1154), b. in Ontario Co., N. Y., 18 Mar., 1796; m. in Miamiville, Clermont Co., O., 11 Feb., 1825, Rachel Elsteen, b. in Miamiville, 2 Jan., 1808, dau. of Isaac Elsteen, of Mulberry, Cler­mont Co., O., b. in New Jersey, 12 June, 1786, and Hannah Arthur, b. 27 Aug., 1785.
He d. in Miami, O., 17 Oct., 1838; she d. 6 Jan., 1884, in the house of her son, Joseph A., in Nashville, Tenn.
While in Ontario Co. he was a private soldier, in Capt. Markham's Co. of New York Militia, during the war of 1812. He was a distiller; rem. from New York to Miami, O.
7701 Hannah,9 b. 22 Oct., 1825; m. (1) Henry Napoleon Fritts; (2) Henry Goodwin.
7702 Mary,9 b. 6 Oct., 1827; d. 21 May, 1846.
7703 Cynthia Ann,9 b. in Mulberry, 28 June, 1830; m. (1) Washington Needham; (2) James Fell Chapman.
7704 Ruth,9 b. 20 Dec., 1832; d. 18 Oct., 1836.
7705 Elias,9 b. 3 June, 1835; m. Sally Rebecca Delks.
7706 Joseph Arthur,9 b. in Mulberry, 3 Mar., 1839; m. Mary Tennessee Overstreet.

3184.   CYNTHIA,8 dau. of Horace7 (1154), b. ______; m. (1) in Penfield, N. Y., Myron Rundel.
He d. ______; he was farmer in Penfield; she m. (2) in Penfield, Lewis Mulliner, b. in Dutchess Co., N. Y.; he d. Mar., 1879.
He was a tanner; enlisted 1862 in the Thirteenth New York Volunteers; served two years. She rem. from Penfield with her brother, Horace.
Children by first husband.
7707 Caroline Rundel,9 b. 1822; m. Sept., 1843, Miner Crippen; d. 1851.
7708 Lucy P. Rundel,9 b. 5 May, 1824; m. 21 Feb., 1844, Alanson Higbie; d. 25 Nov., 1867.
7709 Truman Rundel,9 m. 1850, Jane Crippen; res. in Michigan.
7710 Elizabeth A. Rundel,9 b. 23 Apr., 1828; m. Apr., 1851, Ira O. Austin; res. in St. Charles, Ill.
Children by second husband.
7711 George Mulliner,9 b. 17 Aug., 1835; m. Nov., 1861, Ellen A. Crippen; d. Apr., 1869.
7712 Mary L. Mulliner,9 b. 25 Nov., 1837; m. 10 June, 1874, Alanson Higbie; res. in Fairport, N. Y.

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7713 Helen A. Mulliner,9 b. 11 Feb., 1839; m. William Cricter; res. in St. Charles, Ill.

3187.   ABRAHAM,8 son of Ezekiel7 (1153), b. in Palmyra, N. Y., 29 Jan., 1789; m. Phebe Rice, b. 13 Jan., 1801.
They res. in Waterford and Pontiac, Mich.
7714 Charles Peckham,9 b. in Marion, N. Y., 3 Nov., 1816; m. Hannah Lovel Covert.
7715 Laura Whipple,9 b. in Palmyra, 30 Nov., 1818; m. James Crissy.
7716 Lovisa A.,9 b. 8 Apr., 1821; m. (1) Henry Todd; (2) Calvin Hotch­kiss.
7717 Mary Ann,9 b. 21 Sept., 1823; m. 14 Jan., 1847, Paschel Spreg; d. in Ionia, Mich., 13 Aug., 1847.
7718 Daniel Twadell,9 b. 8 Feb., 1826; d. in Waterford, 9 Sept., 1841.
7719 Manning Bibins,9 b. 23 Apr., 1828.
7720 Phebe Jane,9 b. 23 Aug., 1830; m. 6 May, 1853, Norman Mills; d. in Groveland, 14 Feb., 1882; he res. in Clarkston, Mich.; had no chil­dren.
7721 Nancy Maria,9 b. 8 Aug., 1833; m. 12 Dec., 1871, Henry Grinnell; res. in Franklin, Mich.; had no children.
7722 Sarah Sylvina,9 b. 18 Oct., 1835; m. (1) 6 Nov., 1872, Edward Adams; (2) 20 Mar., 1878, Nathaniel Higby, who d. ______; res. in Franklin; she had no children.
7723 Horace Abraham,9 b. 15 Oct., 1838; m. ______.
7724 Webster Smith,9 b. 2 Aug., 1843.
7725 Marcia Helen,9 b. 25 Sept., 1846; d. in Waterford, 7 Nov., 1863.

3188.   JERUSHA,8 dau. of Ezekiel7 (1158), b. in Johnstown, N. Y., 18 May, 1793; m. (1) Peckham, b. ______.
He d. ______; she m. (2) in Marion or Palmyra, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1818, Daniel Twadell, b. 29 Sept., 1786; he d. in Marion, 27 Oct., 1849; she d. in Quincy, Mich., 27 Oct., 1870.
Mr. Peckham was a merchant and Mr. Twadell a farmer.
Children by first husband, b. in Marion.
7726 Erasmus D. Peckham,9 b. 20 Oct., 1814; d. 27 Dec., 1816.
7727 Harriet D. Peckham,9 b. 12 Nov., 1816; m. 24 May, 1833, Daniel Cur­tis; res. in Marion.
Children by second husband.
7728 Alma Twadell,9 b. 15 Sept., 1819; m. 1 Jan., 1837, Hiram Howell; res. in Marion.
7729 Laura Twadell,9 b. 18 Dec., 1821; d. unm., 9 Dec., 1843; res. in Marion.
7730 Mary Jane Twadell,9 b. 24 May, 1825; d. num., 1 Mar., 1842.
7731 Rodney Kellogg Twadell,9 b. 7 Nov., 1827; m. (1) 5 Aug., 1849, Mary Culver; (2) Ladonia Gulp; res. in Quincy.
7732 Charles Jefferson Twadell,9 b. 12 Mar., 1833; m. (1) Julia Evaline Reed; (2) Mary Ettie Tailing; res. in Quincy.
7733 Helen Elizabeth Twadell,9 b. 17 Nov., 1839; m. 29 Sept., 1861, Levi Cul­ver.; res. in Quincy.

544    The Kelloggs in the New World.

3189.   EZEKIEL,8 son of Ezekiel7 (1158), b. 29 Jan., 1799; m. 1818, Barnet Fox.
She d. 1825; he m. (2) 1826, Naomi Harris, b. 5 May, 1800, dau. of Nathan Harris, of Palmyra, N. Y., and Rhoda Lapham.
After his death she m. Mr. Bent, and res. in Fairfield, Utah.
Children by first wife.
7734 Truman,9 b. 26 Oct., 1820; d. 1845.
7735 Mary,9 b. 1823.
7736 Amanda Ann,9 b. in Palmyra, 5 May, 1824; m. Edward William Starr.
7737 Ambrose,9 b. Mar., 1825; d. 1849.
Children by second wife.
7738 Sophia,9 b. 28 July, 1828; m. (1) Spicer Wells Crandall; (2) _______ Cook.
7739 Emer,9 b. 25 Aug., 1831; d. 4 Sept., 1833.
7740 Rhoda Elizabeth,9 b. 8 Apr., 1837; d. 5 Mar., 1866.

3190.   MARY,8 dau. of Ezekiel7 (1158), b. in Marion, N. Y., 8 Aug., 1804, m. in Pultneyville, N. Y., Horace Morley.
He d. 26 May, 1868; she d. 26 Mar., 1889.
They res. in Pultneyville and Sodus Point, N. Y.
Children, b. in Pultneyville.
7741 John Jefferson Morley,9 b. ______; m. Georgianna Hornby; had two children.
7742 Henrietta Maria Morley,9 b. ______.
7743 Minerva Isabella Morley,9 b. ______; m. William Hunter; had one child.
7744 Mary Elizabeth Morley,9 b. ______; d. aged 6 months.
7745 William Bissel Morley,9 b. ______; m. (1) Abbie Payne; (2) Eliza­beth Preston; had five children.
7746 Franklin A. Morley,9 b. ______.
7747 Julia Anna Morley,9 b. ______; m. Augustus Gale; res. in Albion, Mich; had five children.
7748 Elizabeth Ellen Morley,9 b. ______; m. (1) Wallace Brown; (2) Eu­gene C. Bartholomew; had two children.
Children, b. in Sodus Point.
7749 Charles Tyler Morley,9 b. ______; m. Alice Pettie; had two children.
7750 Martin Hay ward Morley,9 b. ______; m. Mary Adele Tinklepaugh.
7751 Theresa Matilda Morley,9 b. ______; m. Walter Adelbert Nimocks of Minneapolis, Minn.

3191.   RODNEY,8 son of Ezekiel7 (1158), b. 22 Jan., 1808; m. Harriet Bailey, b. Apr., 1815, dau. of Joseph Bailey.
He d. in Plainwell, Mich., 8 Mar., 1873.
He was a farmer; res. in Marion, N. Y., until 1872, when he rem. to Plain­well.

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Children, b. in Marion.
7752 Laura Ann,9 b. 2 Feb., 1839; m. John Eddy Kirby.
7753 Milo Bailey,9 b. 16 Sept., 1843; m. Vira Miranda Church.
7754 Mary J.,9 b. 14 Feb., 1849; m. Mark B. Allen.
7755 Norton P.,9 b. ______; m. ______.

3199.   RHODA,8 dau. of Joel7 (1167), b. in New Marlborough, Mass., 26 Feb., 1785; m. 18 Sept., 1804, John Hyde, son of John Hyde.
She d. 7 Mar., 1831; he d. in the summer of 1860.
He was a shoemaker in Wolcott, Sodus, Rose and Huron, Wayne Co., N. Y.
7756 Luton Kellogg Hyde,9 b. 4 Jan., 1805; m. 1831, Lovina Cromer; was a shoemaker in St. Joseph, Berrien Co., Mich.
7757 Camille Thatcher Hyde,9 b. 31 Oct., 1808; m. 24 June, 1829, Samuel Cantrell, b. 12 Dec., 1806; he was a farmer in North Huron, Wayne Co., N. Y.
7758 Lois Wheeler Hyde,9 b. 13 Dec., 1810; m. 24 June, 1829, Barnabas J. Knapp, a farmer in Leslie, Ingham Co., Mich.
7759 Lorinda Oles Hyde,9 b. 14 Oct., 1812; d. 12 Oct., 1837.
7760 Emily Osmer Hyde,9 b. 24 Feb., 1816; m. 27 Apr., 1837, Edward Y. Knapp, b. in Hartland, Conn., 4 July, 1814, son of Abijah Knapp and Ruby Phelps; in 1822 he rem. to Sodus; in June, 1826. rem. to Dansville, N. Y., and, in 1859, to Naples, Ontario Co., N. Y., where he was a physician; she d. 17 Dec., 1880.
7761 Mary Lucy Hyde,9 b. 1819; m. Van Renssalaer Cromer.
7762 George Salem Hyde,9 b. ______; m. Harriet Abbott; was a clothier in Leslie, Mich.
7763 Eliza Hyde,9 b. 7 Apr., 1826; m. Oct., 1847, Henry Little, a farmer in Huron, N. Y.

3204.   HIRAM TYRE,8 son of Joel7 (1167), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 23 Aug., 1800; m. 12 Dec., 1822, Emeline Fiske, b. 5 Dec., 1805, dau. of Henry Fiske, of Connecticut, and Mary Slater.
He d. in Montgomery, Mich., 15 Nov., 1874.
He was a farmer and potter; served in the war of 1812; res. in New London, O., Camden, Mich., Sheffield, Mass., and Penn Yan, N. Y.
7764 Adelia Jane,9 b. ______; m. Enos Smith Taylor.
7765 Edson,9 b. in Penn Yan, 28 Sept., 1829; m. Susan Marsh.
7766 George W.,9 b. ______; m. ______.
7767 Samuel E.,9 b. in Camden, Mich., ______; m. Harriet Webster.
7768 Henry,9 b. ______; d. in Niles, Mich.
7769 Catherine,9 b. ______.
7770 Clara,9 b. ______.
7771 James Alfred,9 b. in New London, 12 Dec., 1849; m. (1) Frances Vir­ginia Ball; (2) Alice C. Cooper; (3) Jennie L. Heath.

3205.   FANNY,8 dau. of Joel7 (1167), b. in New Marlborough, Mass., 19 Sept., 1802; m. in Wolcott, Wayne Co., N. Y., David Fox, b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 30 June, 1798.

546    The Kelloggs in the New World.

7772 George David Fox,9 b. in Augusta, Oneida Co., N. Y., Aug., 1826; in 1880 he was a farmer in Mendon, Monroe Co., N. Y.
7773 Andrew Jackson Fox,9 b. in Huron, N. Y., Dec., 1832; was a teacher in Butler, Wayne Co., N. Y.

3208.   DANIEL H.,8 son of Joel7 (1167), b. in Bloomfield, N. Y., 24 Apr., 1808; m. Mary Ann Neal, b. 1810, dau. of William Neal, of Ireland.
They res. in Southern Michigan and Elkhart, Ind.
Children, b. in Canandaigua, N. Y.
7774 Joel W.,9 b. 2 Feb., 1841; m. Mary Jacobus.
7775 Eliza A.,9 b. 13 Feb., 1842; m. Benjamin S. Bement.
7776 Nelson T.,9 b. 16 Aug., 1847; res. in Lafayette, Ind.

3209.   CALEB STANLEY,8 son of Joel7 (1167), b. in West Bloomfield, N. Y., 9 Sept., 1811; m. in West Bloomfield, 21 Jan., 1835, Sophia Lamphier, b. in Goshen, N. H., 30 Oct., 1815, dau. of Gurden Lamphier, b. in Goshen, N. H., 1 Sept., 1774, a farmer in Mendon, N. Y., and Susannah Peck, b. in Goshen, 22 June, 1770.
He was killed while crossing the New York Central Railroad, 16 May, 1877, at Gates Crossing, in West Bloomfield.
He was a farmer and drover. After his death his widow res. in West Bloom­field.

7777 Gurden Clark,9 b. 7 Oct., 1838; m. Maria Fisherel.
7778 Mary Louisa,9 b. 16 Dec., 1846; m. 29 May, 1868, George Irving Rose, b. in Bethany, N. Y., 1 Mar., 1841; he was a soldier in the civil war; served in the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth New York Vol­unteers and Fourteenth Reg., V. R. C; res. in Bloomfield; had four children.

3220.   ALMIRA,8 dau. of Thomas Hosmer7 (1174), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 3 Feb., 1800; m. in Flint, Mich., 1 Jan., 1818, Col. Edward Sawyer, of Canan­daigua, N. Y., b. in Piermont, N. H., 12 Aug., 1788.
He d. 2 Feb., 1855; she d. Apr., 1855.
He carried on an extensive harness shop in Canandaigua, N. Y.; rem. in 1836 to Grand Blanc, Genesee Co., Mich., where both d.
7779 Elizabeth Sawyer,9 b. 24 Mar., 1819; d. unm., in Grand Blanc.
7780 Mary B. Sawyer,9 b. 11 Oct., 1821; d. unm., in Grand Blanc.
7781 Edward A. Sawyer,9 b. 16 Aug., 1823; res. in Grand Blanc.
7782 Joseph Sawyer,9 b. 16 Aug., 1823; d. young.
7783 Caroline Sawyer,9 b. in Canandaigua, 30 June, 1826; m. in Flint, Mich., 31 Jan., 1855, Benjamin Franklin Bush, b. 21 Jan., 1821, in Brigh­ton, N. Y., son of David Bush, of revolutionary fame, b. 7 Apr., 1784, and Laura Adeline Peck, b. in Lenox, Mass., 1786, dau. of Israel Peck; he was a civil engineer, a Presbyterian and Repub­lican; res. in Grand Blanc; he d. ______; had four children.

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7784 Joseph Sawyer,9 b. July, 1828; d. young.
7785 Joseph Sawyer,9 b. 12 Apr., 1829.
7786 Maria Sawyer,9 b. 12 Sept., 1831; m. S. M. Tyler; res. in Grand Blanc; he d. ______.

3221.   MARIA,8 dau. of Thomas Hosmer7 (1171), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 28 Feb., 1802; m. Edwin William Fairchild, b. in Alford, Mass., son of Hezekiah and Hannah Fairchild, of Alford.
She d. 18 Oct., 1873; he d. 15 Apr., 1875.
He was a dealer in lumber; res. in Rochester, N. Y.; an Episcopalian, a Whig and later a Republican.
Children, b. in East Bloomfield, N. Y.
7787 John Henry Fairchild,9 b. 7 Feb., 1835; m. in Boston, Mass., Lizzie Rexford; d. in St. Louis, Mo., 18 Aug., 1873.
7788 Edwin William Fairchild,9 b. 5 Dec., 1836; m. 4 June, 1862, Lucy Vilas, b. in Ogdensburg, N. Y., 23 Sept., 1841, dau. of Erastus Vilas and Cornelia Bowen; res. in Ogdensburg; d. 19 Jan., 1876, in Ogdens­burg, where she now res.
7789 Helen Maria Fairchild,9 b. 6 Oct., 1838; m. in Ogdensburg. 25 July, 1863, Charles Henry Hickmott; res. in South Haven, Mich.
7790 Frances Amelia Fairchild,9 b. 24 Aug., 1840; m. in Great Barrington, Mass., 12 Nov., 1865, Merrick Rice; res. in South Haven.

3222.   CAROLINE,8 dau. of Thomas Hosmer7 (1174), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 23 Sept., 1804; m. 1830, Marston Watson Richards, b. in Geneva, N. Y., 31 Mar., 1800, son of Richards and Gifford, of Geneva.
He d. in Albion, Mich., in the spring of 1863; she d. in Detroit, Mich, in the winter of 1863.
He was a pioneer of Michigan; res. in Grand Blanc and Detroit; was in the mercantile business; Postmaster; a Whig.
Children, b. in Grand Blanc.
7791 Jerry Richards,9 b. 3 Aug., 1831; m. in Kalamazoo, Mich., 1854, Clarissa Louise Loring; had one child.
7792 Almira Richards,9 b. 19 Feb., 1833; m. in Detroit, 1854, William Lytle Graham, son of James Lyle Graham, b. 8 Oct., 1807, and Eliza­beth Paul, b. 2 May, 1805; he is in the mercantile business; a Re­publican; res. in Grand Rapids, Mich.; has five children.
7793 Watson Richards,9 b. 14 Feb., 1835; m. in Flint, Mich., Harriet Hoyes Stewart; res. in Flint; d. there, 23 Jan., 1862.
7794 Mary Caroline Richards,9 b. June, 1846; d. in Grand Blanc, May, 1848.

3223.   THOMAS HOSMER,8 son of Thomas Hosmer7 (1174), b. 20 July, 1817; m. 27 Sept., 1865, Edna Jane Seymour, b. in Victor, N. Y., Jan., 1828, dau. of Pierpont Seymour, of East Bloomfield, N. Y., b. 20 Feb., 1803, and Eunice Gillis, b. 7 Mar., 1807. She d. 11 Apr., 1892. He is a retired merchant; res. in East Bloomfield, N. Y.; is a Congregationalist; in politics a Jeffersonian Democrat.

548    The Kelloggs in the New World.

7795 Eunice Louise,9 b. in East Bloomfield, 5 Aug., 1867; m. in Batavia, N. Y., 7 Nov., 1894, Lyman Nelson Graves, b. in Genoa, Wis., 4 July, 1857, son of Nelson R. Graves, b. 16 Aug., 1827, and Ellen Elizabeth Wilson, b. 23 Oct., 1831; he is a stenographer; res. in Washington, D. C; has no children.

3225.   ALMERIN NONA,8 son of William7 (1175), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 29 Dec., 1805; m. in Canisteo, N. Y., 22 May, 1841, Catherine Schenck, b. 22 Sept., 1812, dau. of William P. Schenck, of Greenwood and Canisteo, b. 11 May, 1776, and Sophia Selover, b. 27 Jan., 1781.
She d. 5 Aug., 1860; he d. 6 Apr., 1889; both d. in Canisteo.
He was a farmer; res. in Canisteo.
Children, b. in Canisteo.
7796 Amanda,9 b. 16 Nov., 1843; m. Edward Russell Gay.
7797 William Schenck,9 b. Nov., 1847; m. in Jasper, N. Y., 28 Nov., 1875, Demaris Van Orman, b. in Jasper, 3 May, 1856, dau. of Oliver Van Orman, b. 10 Dec., 1827, and Elizabeth Hadley, b. 3 Mar., 1830; is a farmer in Canisteo; has no children.

3227.   MARY LOUISA,8 dau. of William7 (1175), b. in Livingston Co., N. Y., 20 July, 1827; m. 24 Sept., 1848, John Stuart Jackson, b. 15 Jan., 1829, son of William Jackson and Lydia Stuart.
He d. 5 Nov., 1900.
He was a farmer and carpenter in Cameron, Steuben Co., N. Y., where his widow now res.
7798 Edna Ann Jackson,9 b. 3 July, 1850; m. 17 Apr., 1877, Franklin Mc­Kenzie; he is a blacksmith in Cameron.
7799 Francis Eugene Jackson,9 b. 26 Nov., 1851; m. 5 Nov., 1871, Sarah Elizabeth Ashbaugh; is a farmer in Cameron.
7800 Cynthia Marie Jackson,9 b. 11 July, 1853; m. 30 Oct., 1875, George Wilder; he is a farmer in Cameron.
7801 George Washington Jackson,9 b. 30 Mar., 1855; m. 28 Jan., 1875, Frances Winship; he is a farmer in South Canisteo, N. Y.
7802 John Halmode Jackson,9 b. 30 Oct., 1856; m. Sarah Ann Brown; is a farmer in Cameron.
7803 William Kellogg Jackson,9 b. 14 Feb., 1859; m. Eliza Lyons; graduated in 1885 in Hillsdale, Mich.; was a Baptist clergyman; res. in Markesan, Wis.; d. in Michigan.
7804 Estelle Bernette Jackson,9 b. 4 Apr., 1861; m. 25 Feb., 1886, Frank Smith; res. in Cameron.
7805 Charles Oliver Jackson,9 b. 28 May, 1863; is a physician; graduated from Baltimore, Md., 1887; res. in Cameron.

3238.   ANNA,8 dau. of Simeon7 (1177), b. in Batavia, N. Y., 19 May, 1815; m. 18 May, 1845, Noah B. Bushnell, b. 8 Aug., 1817.
He d. ______; she res., in 1897, in Burlington, Mich.
He was a farmer in Litchfield, Hillsdale Co., Mich.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    549

7806 Emma Bushnell,9 b. 12 Sept., 1848; d. 31 Jan., 1855.
7807 Henry Dwight Bushnell,9 b. 11 Apr., 1850.
7808 Delia L. Bushnell,9 b. 19 Sept., 1853; d. 23 Mar., 1859.
7809 M. Ada Bushnell,9 b. 12 Sept., 1856; m. Selden Pratt; res. in Litch­field, Mich.

3239.   CANDACE AMELIA,8 dau. of Simeon7 (1177), b. in Batavia, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1818; m. (1) in Batavia, 21 Mar., 1839, Eli Todd Lewis.
He d. 3 Jan., 1843; was a bookbinder; she m. (2) in Litchfield, Mich., 15 July, 1847, Gideon Stoddard, a farmer in Litchfield; she res., in 1897, in Kala­mazoo, Mich.
Children by first husband.
7810 Esther Mary Lewis,9 b. 18 May, 1841.
7811 Sarah Lewis,9 b. 16 Apr., 1843; m. Smith Worthington; res. in Pleas­ant Prairie, Wis.; has nine children.
Child by second husband.
7812 Willis Jesse Stoddard,9 b. 13 Feb., 1854; m. ______; res. in Pleasant Prairie, Wis.; has two children.

3240.   ASAPH MELFORD,8 son of Simeon7 (1177), b. in Batavia, N. Y., 18 Aug., 1820; m. in Penn Yan, N. Y., 22 May, 1849, Adeline S. Conger, b. 26 Feb., 1828, dau. of Jacob Conger, of Penn Yan, b. in Binghamton, N. Y., 27 Sept., 1798, and Maria Johnson, b. 12 Mar., 1804.
He d. 5 Apr., 1885; she d. 1 Jan., 1891.
He was a farmer and school teacher in Litchfield, Hillsdale Co., Mich.
Children, b. in Litchfield.
7813 Lovell J.,9 b. 18 Nov., 1850; d. 11 Nov., 1851.
7814 Edward Lovell,9 b. 12 July, 1853; m. Mrs. Deestie Eleanor (Shapley) Yarger.
7815 George Worthy,9 b. 11 Aug., 1856; m. 27 Nov., 1877, Leila J. Pom­eroy; res. in Le Roy, Mich.
7816 Myrta M.,9 b. 1 June, 1861; d. 20 Oct., 1865.
7817 Henry Morseman,9 b. 28 Mar., 1864; d. 20 Sept., 1865.
7818 Henry,9 b. 23 Feb., 1867; d. 21 July, 1869.
7819 Minnie Mabel,9 b. 2 Mar., 1871; m. Pay Eben Ayers.

3241.   LOVELL MILTON,8 son of Simeon7 (1177), b. in Batavia, N. Y., 28 June, 1822; m. in Janesville, Wis., 18 Oct., 1849, Margaret Cowan, only child of Robert Cowan, of Auburn, N. Y.
She d. 21 Mar., 1898, in Edgerton, Wis; they were divorced; he m. (2) 5 Dec., 1883, Mrs. Lucie (Fassett) Gordon, b. 12 Dec., 1832, dau. of Truman Newell Fassett, b. 1 Sept., 1807, and Lydia Hillyer, b. 9 Feb., 1812; d. in Tulare, Cal., 12 Mar., 1897.
He was a merchant and produce dealer; res. in Tulare. He went to Cali­fornia, and settled in Marysville, 1849; returned to the Eastern States a few years later, and again to California, settling with his brother, Marshall, on his ranch near Porterville, Cal.

550    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children by first wife.
7820 Frances (Fanny) Adelia,9 b. in Janesville, 16 Mar., 1851; m. _______ Mabbitt; res. in Edgerton.
7821 Frederick Robert,9 b. in Marysville, 19 July, 1852; d. unm., in Tulare, 12 July, 1883.
7822 Frank Lovell,9 b. 3 Oct., 1869; m. ______; res. in Edgerton.

3243.   JULIA ADELIA,8 dau. of Simeon7 (1177), b. in Batavia, N. Y., 2 Aug., 1826; m. in Litchfield, Mich., 12 June, 1850, Stephen Norwood Betts, b. 30 Apr., 1821, son of James Betts, b. 7 Aug., 1796, and Katherine Case, b. 13 June, 1799, both of Montgomery Co., N. Y.
He was a farmer and school teacher in Litchfield; res. in 1897 in Hillsdale, Mich.
7823 Walter Betts,9 b. 17 Mar., 1853; d. 17 Mar., 1853.
7824 Carlton Miner Betts,9 b. 26 June, 1854.
7825 Edwin Sumner Betts,9 b. 1 Mar., 1857; res., 1897, in Denver, Col.
7826 Fred Lewis Betts,9 b. 16 Oct., 1858; res., in 1897, in Pueblo, Col.
7827 Kate Betts,9 b. 4 July, 1861.

3247.   JOEL,8 son of Moses7 (1181), b. in Connecticut, 4 Apr., 1795; m. 2 Jan., 1831, Lauraette Miller, b. 12 Oct., 1809, dau. of John Miller and Lydia Camp­bell.

She d. 26 Oct., 1855; he d. 15 Sept., 1880, aged 85.
7828 William Marvin,9 b. in Pittsfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., 11 Dec., 1831; m. Mar., 1852, Mary Ann McIntyre; was a Union soldier in Co. G, Second New York Heavy Artillery; d. in a hospital in New York, while in the service.
7829 Ellen Jane,9 b. in Burlington, N. Y., 19 Aug., 1836; m. 26 Aug., 1855, Uries Cristman; res. in Morris, Otsego Co., N. Y.
7830 Wheeler D.,9 b. in Burlington, 24 July, 1840; m. 25 Dec., 1863, Pa­melia Cristman; was a stone mason; d. in Morris, 22 Sept., 1876.
7831 Mary Louise,9 b. in Elba, Genesee Co., N. Y., 15 Sept., 1845; m. 1 Jan., 1867, Judson K. Davis; he was a Union soldier in the One Hun­dred and Fifty-second New York Infantry, and served to the end of the war.
7832 Clarence Alberto,9 b. in Pittsfield, 28 Aug., 1853; a farmer in Morris.

3249.   ELIHU,8 son of Moses7 (1181), b. in Connecticut, 20 Jan., 1800; m. 20 Feb., 1839, Ann Davis, b. in Cherry Valley, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1817, dau. of Jona­than Davis, of Schoharie, N. Y., and Susan Corzort.
He d. 30 Aug., 1844; was a farmer in Burlington Flats, Otsego Co., N. Y.; she m. (2) 20 Feb., 1854, Hart Millis.
Children, b. in Burlington Flats.
7833 Reuben,9 b. 19 Feb., 1840; d. 7 Dec., 1858.
7834 Eliza Ann,9 b. 20 Feb., 1842; d. 26 Nov., 1854.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    551

3250.   ERASTUS,8 son of Moses7 (1181), b. in Connecticut, 20 May, 1802; m. (1) 5 Apr., 1826, Welthy Chapman, of Burlington Flats, N. Y., b. in Hudson, N. Y., 5 Aug., 1801.
She d. in Wesleyville, Pa., 13 Feb., 1846, where she is buried; he m. (2) in Fairview, Erie Co., Pa., 3 July, 1849, Mrs. Mariette (Merwin) Warren, b. in Onondaga, N. Y., 6 June, 1820, dau. of Joseph Merwin, b. in Connecticut, and Amity Ball, b. in Massachusetts, and widow of Alexander Blair Warren; he d. in Saybrook, O., 2 May, 1862; she d. in Cottonwood Falls, Kas., 19 May, 1899.
He learned the carpenter's trade near Utica, N. Y. After his second mar­riage he lived in Mill Creek, Pa., Springfield, Erie Co., Pa., and Saybrook, O. He was a manufacturer of lumber. He left Connecticut with his parents about 1809. After his death she res. in Cottonwood Falls.
Children by first wife.
7835 Ralph Chapman,9 b. in Burlington, N. Y., 11 Mar., 1828; m. Rozinda Jane Carter.
7836 Harriet Augusta,9 b. in Burlington, 13 Feb., 1830; m. 31 May, 1864, William Penn Walker, b. in Saybrook, 11 Apr., 1833, son of Smith Walker, b. in North Adams, Mass., 6 Aug., 1809, and Susan Mc­Bain, b. in Aberdeen, Scotland, 12 Sept., 1812; he was a manufac­turer of black walnut lumber; was a civil engineer and general Southern manager of a dredging company; d. in Jacksonville, Fla., 29 Jan., 1899; she res. in Minneapolis, Minn.; had no children.
7837 Mary Sophia,9 b. in Burlington, 25 Feb., 1832; d. in the summer of 1845.
7838 Wealthy Malvina,9 b. in Arkwright, N. Y., 20 Aug., 1834; m. Philo S. Calkins, a dentist in Minneapolis, Minn.; has a dau., who m. Mr. Burt.
7839 Erastus Darias,9 b. in Mina, N. Y., 1 Mar., 1840; d. unm., 10 Aug., 1868; was a druggist.; res. in Saybrook, Pa.
7840 Julia Ann,9 b. in Mina, 12 Sept., 1841; d. in infancy.
Children by second wife.
7841 William Moses,9 b. in West Springfield, Pa., 26 May, 1850; m. Sarah Ann Upton.
7842 Marvin Erford,9 b. in Springfield, Pa., 10 Dec., 1852; m. Agnes Eu­phemia Greenly.
7843 Lorinda Arathusa,9 b. 26 Nov., 1854; m. William Pinckney Martin.
7844 Smith Walker,9 b. in Cottonwood Falls, 7 Sept., 1859; m. A. D. Mof­fatt.
7845 Jesse Lincoln,9 b. 15 Jan., 1861; m. Merttil Lizzie Hadley.

3253.   WILLIAM,8 son of Moses7 (1181), b. in Burlington, Otsego Co., N. Y., 3 Feb., 1811; m. in Randolph, N. Y., 22 Sept., 1836, Lucina Gould Rawson, b. in Dover, Windham Co., Vt., 9 Aug., 1814, dau. of William Rawson, b. in Mendon, Mass., 18 Dec., 1786, and Mary (Polly) Harvey, b. in Wardsboro, Vt., 5 Apr., 1793.
He d. 26 Aug., 1845; was a farmer in Randolph; rem. in 1844 to Oregon, Wis.; she m. (2) in Dane Co., Wis., 27 Sept., 1848, Rev. Philo Ferris, by whom she had three children; d. in Princeton, Wis., 22 Sept., 1878.

552    The Kelloggs in the New World.

7846 Abigail Adelaide,9 b. in Randolph, 23 Jan., 1837; m. Nathan Bowen.
7847 Rufus Frank,9 b. in Otsego Co., N. Y., 5 July, 1839.
7848 Harvey Moses,9 b. in Mina, N. Y., 28 Oct., 1841.

3260.   ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Jesse7 (1186), b. in Hebron, Conn., 22 June, 1807; m. 26 Nov., 1826, David Gillett, b. 10 Feb., 1799, son of Joel and Clarissa Gillett, of Franklin, Delaware Co., N. Y.
He d. 15 Feb., 1848; was killed by a falling limb; she d. ______.
7849 Laura Gillett,9 b. 26 Feb., 1828; m. Daniel H. Eldridge, of Manchester, Conn.
7850 Lydia Emmeline Gillett,9 b. 16 Sept., 1830; m. James Henry Jaggers.
7851 Adeline Gillett,9 b. Oct., 1833; d. 18 Jan., 1849.
7852 George Gillett,9 b. 25 Oct., 1838.

3261.   DANIEL GROVE,8 son of Jesse7 (1186), b. in Hebron, Conn., 3 June, 1809; m. 18 Dec., 1833, Anne Eliza Hosford, b. 16 Dec., 1804, dau. of Talcott Hosford, b. 18 June, 1761, and Martha Fuller, b. 7 June, 1768.
He d. in Vernon, Conn., 15 Apr., 1850; she d. in Manchester, Conn., 19 Aug., 1899.
He was a farmer in Vernon. He was dismissed to the church in Hebron, 4 Sept., 1831.
Children, b. in Hebron.
7853 Daniel,9 b. 26 Feb., 1836; d. unm., in Minnesota, 30 June, 1855.
7854 Martha Eliza,9 b. 20 Nov., 1838; m. Wilbur Fisk Hill.
7855 Emma Louisa,9 b. 3 Feb., 1841; m. Newell Samuel Brown.

3262.   NANCY,8 dau. of Jesse7 (1186), b. in Hebron, Conn., 11 July, 1811; m. in Hebron, 29 Apr., 1838, Remick Knowles Arnold, b. in Chatham, Conn., 6 Dec., 1814, son of John Arnold, b. in Haddam, Conn., and Sarah Bailey, b. in Port­land, Conn.
She d. ______.
He was a toolmaker and gunsmith in New Haven, Conn. Child.
7856 Lucien Henry Arnold,9 b. in Windham, Conn., 20 July, 1839; m. in New Haven, 17 July, 1872, Elizabeth Hollister Smith, of Clinton, Conn.; served two years in Co. B, First Connecticut Heavy Artil­lery; was a carpenter and joiner; res. in New Haven; had two children.

3264.   DIANA,8 dau. of Jesse7 (1186), b. in Hebron, Conn., 27 Apr., 1815; m. 4 Sept., 1838, Charles Abel White, b. in Lebanon, Conn., 17 July, 1812, son of William White, b. Aug., 1775, and Ann Eliza Abel. He was a farmer; res. in Hebron.
7857 Jennie Elizabeth White,9 b. 23 Oct., 1844; m. 3 Jan., 1872, James Nel­son Brainerd, b. in Westchester, 9 Oct., 1847; he was a farmer in

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Hebron; she m. (2) Edmond B. Bassett; res. in North West­chester, Conn.
3265.   JERUSHA,8 dau. of Jesse7 (1186), b. in Hebron, Conn., 23 July, 1818; m. 13 May, 1845, James Alexander White, b. 20 Sept., 1817, son of William White and Abigail Mann.
She d. 13 Aug., 1855; he d. 29 Jan., 1901. He was a farmer; res. in Hebron.
7858 Edward James White,9 b. 24 Feb., 1846.
7859 Amanda White,9 b. 26 Nov., 1847.
7860 Emina White,9 b. 2 Apr., 1850.
7861 Frederick Kellogg White,9 b. 15 Aug., 1853.

3266.   DAVID STRONG,8 son of Jesse7 (1186), b. in Hebron, Conn., 14 Aug., 1821; m. 28 Dec., 1844, Mary Adeline Jones, dau. of Henry Jones and Mary Jones, who were cousins.
He d. ______.
He was a farmer; res. in Hebron.
Children, b. in Hebron.
7862 Frances (Fanny) Maria,9 b. 17 Dec., 1846; m. 1 May, 1863, William Henry Keeney, of Lawrence, Mass.
7863 Mary Ellen,9 b. 27 Feb., 1849; res. in Massachusetts.
7864 Churchill Hammond,9 b. 5 Sept., 1862; d. ______.

3268.   ZADOCK,8 son of Hoses7 (1191), b. ______; m. ______.
He d. before 6 Mar., 1799, when his uncle, Pliny, was appointed adminis­trator of his estate by the Surrogate of Columbia Co., N. Y. He res. in Hills­dale, N. Y.
7865 Noah,9 b. ______; went to Michigan about 1815; thence to Ohio.
7866 Antha,9 b. ______.

3273.   AMASA,8 son of Moses7 (1191), b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 18 Apr., 1776; m. 1798, Eunice Chadwick, of Lyme, Conn., b. 9 May, 1777, dau. of Ezra Chad­wick.
She d. 12 Apr., 1844; he d. in Monroeton, Pa., 30 Nov., 1851.
He rem. from Hillsdale, N. Y., to Bradford Co., Pa., in Oct., 1831, upon the solicitation of his friend, Abner C. Rockwell, who had preceded him, and who, as the first Sheriff, made him his deputy upon his arrival in his new home. His was the eleventh family to settle in the Township of Albany, and his wagon was the first one to pass up the south branch of Towanda creek. His house, a double log cabin, stood near where his grandson, W. A. Kellogg, has his garden.
He served a short time in the army in 1814.
Children, b. in Hillsdale.
7867 Almira,9 b. 21 Aug., 1799; m. John Heverly.
7868 Moses,9 b. 23 Mar., 1801; m. Mehitable Mason.

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7869 Daniel,9 b. 20 Feb., 1803; d. 12 Mar., 1803.
7870 Lawson,9 b. 30 Jan., 1804; d. 17 Jan., 1806.
7871 Ezra Chadwick,9 b. 14 Aug., 1806; m. Lovina Sweet.
7872 Oliver,9 b. 29 July, 1810; m. Judith Scratch.
7873 Anna Maria,9 b. 28 Aug., 1811; m. Hiram Baker.
7874 Daniel,9 b. 14 Feb., 1813; m. Eliza McMickin.

3274.   JONAH,8 son of Abner7 (1192), b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 14 Nov., 1770; m. in Alford, Mass., 29 June, 1797, Clarinda Hulbert, b. 29 Dec., 1773, dau. of Dr. John Hulbert, of Alford, b. 29 Jan., 1735, and Mercy Hamlin.
He d. in Erie, Pa., 19 Nov., 1837; she d. in Iowa City, Feb., 1862. He res. in Alford, where he was Town Clerk, in 1799, and in Sheffield; rem. to Hudson, N. Y., where he res. in 1810, and, in 1815, to Ashtabula Co., O.
7875 Mason Cogswell,9 b. in Alford, 29 July, 1798; m. Mary Ann Laird.
7876 Miranda,9 b. 21 Sept., 1800; m. Dr. Jacob Vosburgh.
7877 John Hulbert,9 b. 10 Jan., 1803; d. in Bloomfield, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1813.
7878 Theodore Junius,9 b. in Sheffield, Mass., 7 Aug., 1805; m. Phoebe Woodruff.
7879 Augustus,9 b. 29 Sept., 1808; d. unm., in Green River, Ill., 11 Sept., 1838.
7880 Philander William,9 b. 23 May, 1812; m. Jessie Henderson Liddell.

3275.   SARAH,8 dau. of Abner7 (1192), b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 12 Aug., 1772; m. 13 Nov., 1791, Erastus Hills, b. 25 May, 1761.
He d. in South Bristol, N. Y., 27 May, 1840; she d. 8 Mar., 1841. He was a revolutionary soldier; res. in Rutland, Vt., and South Bristol.
7881 Erastus Hills,9 b. 25 Sept., 1792; m. Rosina Short; had two sons.
7882 Abner Hills,9 b. 25 May, 1794; d. in Rutland, 15 Aug., 1803.
7883 Cyrus Hills,9 b. 20 July, 1795; m. 28 Jan., 1823, Sarah Nichols, b. in Connecticut about 1802; was a farmer in South Bristol; he d. in South Bristol, 10 June, 1852; she d. in Moscow, Livingston Co., N. Y., Aug., 1867.
7884 Sophia Hills,9 b. in Clarendon, Vt., 9 Oct., 1797; m. 3 July, 1814, Eli Allen, b. 8 Dec., 1791, in Bristol, where he d. 17 Feb., 1867; was a farmer; she d. in Bristol, 7 Aug., 1871.
7885 Marcia Hills,9 b. 21 Nov., 1799; m. (1) 6 Sept., 1817, Asa Wilder; he d. ______; she m. (2) Miles Allen.
7886 Rowena Hills,9 b. 9 Feb., 1803; m. 10 Dec., 1822, Benjamin Franklin Pierce, of Yorkville, Racine Co., Wis.

3276.   ROWENA,8 dau. of Abner7 (1192), b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 27 Feb., 1775; m. (1) 27 July, 1797, James Bloss, b. 27 Mar., 1765, son of Bloss, of Al­ford, Mass., and Elizabeth Clough.
He d. 26 Mar., 1812; was a farmer and teacher; she m. (2) 23 Sept., 1814, Andrew Patterson, a farmer; he d. 2 June, 1824; she d. 9 Sept., 1849; is buried in Kelloggsville, O.

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Children by first husband.
7887 James Marcus Bloss,9 b. 22 May, 1798; m. 23 June, 1832, his cousin, Mrs. Louisa (Kellogg) McClung (+7904).
7888 Grotius Bloss,9 b. 16 Apr., 1800; d. unm., 5 Apr., 1833.
7889 Eliza Rowena Bloss,9 b. 3 Sept., 1803; m. ______; they separated; she d. 21 Dec., 1854.
7890 A Son,9 b. 9 Feb., 1805; d. 13 Feb., 1805.
7891 Alexander Hamilton Bloss,9 b. 18 Jan., 1807; d. ______.
7892 Timothy Kellogg Bloss,9 b. 17 Dec., 1809; d. unm., 25 Mar., 1870.
7893 Clarissa Euphelia Bloss,9 b. 14 June, 1812; m. 11 Nov., 1835, Heman Ticknor; d. in Williamsfield, O., 20 July, 1842; had three children. Child by second husband.
7894 Martin Luther Patterson,9 b. 1 May, 1816; d. unm., 5 June, 1845.

3277.   EUNICE,8 dau. of Abner7 (1192), b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 21 Aug., 1777; m. 20 Sept., 1800, Judge Lemuel Moffitt, b. 10 May, 1777, son of Lemuel Moffitt, of Durham, Conn., and West Stockbridge, Mass., b. about 1735, and Anna Torrey, b. about 1735.
He d. 12 Sept., 1861; she d. 22 Sept., 1868.
He was a farmer and surveyor in West Stockbridge. In 1825 he rem. to Monroe, O., where he was a merchant. He was twice elected Associate Judge of Ashtabula Co.; served eight or nine years.
7895 Emmeline Moffitt,9 b. 21 June, 1801; m. 21 Sept., 1820, Melancton Lewis.
7896 Harriet Moffitt,9 b. 21 Jan., 1808; m. 9 Oct., 1831, Heman Ticknor; who m. (2) Clarissa Euphelia Bloss (7893); d. 18 Nov., 1832.
7897 Almira Moffitt,9 b. 3 Dec., 1810; m. 21 Aug., 1833, Rev. Elijah S. Scott.
7898 Laura Anne Moffitt,9 b. 20 June, 1815; m. 21 Aug., 1833, Sidney Swain Bushnell.

3278.   MARTIN,8 son of Abner7 (1192), b. in Alford, Mass., 16 Apr., 1780; m. 15 Sept., 1803, Anna Lester, b. 7 Sept., 1779.
He d. in Kelloggsville, O., 25 Dec., 1862.
He was, in 1811, a farmer and surveyor; res. in Alford, where he was a selectman in 1808, until June, 1811, when he and his brother, Amos, exchanged their farms for uncultivated land in Ohio. In Dec., 1812, he returned to Alford, and, in the spring of 1813, returned to Ohio, with his family, and built a log house about a mile north of Kelloggsville. He and his brother, Amos, cleared about two hundred acres of land in the six years that they were together.
7899 Charlotte,9 b. in Alford, 20 July, 1804; m. Dr. Stephen Griggs Hol­brook.
7900 Albert Lester,9 b. in Alford, 20 Sept., 1808; m. Maria Clarissa Spencer.
7901 Henry Norman,9 b. S Feb., 1817; m. Mary Brown.
7902 A Daughter,9 b. 15 July, 1823; d. 25 July, same year.

556    The Kelloggs in the New World.

3279.   JUDGE AMOS,8 son of Abner7 (1192), b. in Alford, Mass., 17 June, 1782; m. in New Marlborough, Mass., 30 July, 1805, Paulina Dean, b. in New Marlborough, 21 May, 1783, dau. of Walter Dean and Abigail Adams.
He d. in Monroe, O., 27 Apr., 1830; she d. in Conneaut, O., 21 June, 1875, aged 93.
He was a farmer; res. in Alford until 1814, when he rem. to the Western Reserve, then a wilderness, with his wife and small children, and settled in Mon­roe. In 1815 he made the trip on foot to and from the old homestead in Massa­chusetts. He was the first Postmaster in Monroe, and gave the name to Kel­loggsville, which is in Monroe township. In 1824 he was elected Associate Judge for the County of Ashtabula. He was 6 feet, 1 inch in height, in weight 190 to 200 pounds, had dark blue eyes, brown hair, sandy beard and complexion.
Children, first four b. in Alford.
7903 Laura,9 b. 4 Aug., 1806; m. Dr. Greenleaf Fifield.
7904 Louisa,9 b. 22 Jan., 1808; m. (1) Sidney Brissot McClung; (2) her cousin, James Marcus Bloss (7887).
7905 Walter Dean,9 b. 23 Nov., 1809; d. 14 Aug., 1811.
7906 Abner,9 b. 1 Jan., 1812; m. Matilda Spencer.
7907 William,9 b. 8 July, 1814; m. Lucinda Catherine Ross.
7908 Lucius Dean,9 b. 9 June, 1816; m. Emily R. Castle.
7909 Clarissa,9 b. 12 Oct., 1819; m. Robert Lyon.
7910 Amos,9 b. 29 Apr., 1822; d. 1 Aug., 1823.
7911 Paulina,9 b. 13 Jan., 1824; m. 3 Jan., 1844, W. B. Denison; d. 10 Sept., 1844; had no children.

3280.   EZRA,8 son of Abner7 (1192), b. in Alford, Mass., 14 Aug., 1784; m. about 1808, Esther Hewens, b. about 1780, dau. of Hewens and Esther Bryant.
He d. in Ashtabula, O., 1 Sept., 1818; was a lawyer; res. in Ashtabula; rem. from West Stockbridge, Mass., to Ohio in 1811; was a graduate of Yale College, class of 1807; she m. (2) Peleg Sweet, whom she survived; she d. 9 Dec., 1860, aged 80.
7912 Phebe Augusta,9 b. in Easton, Pa., 4 Aug., 1809; m. Elbridge Leonard.
7913 Lucien Hewens,9 b. 1 June, 1811; m. Amanda Harmon.
7914 Caroline Abia,9 b. 4 Sept., 1813; d. 18 Dec., same year.
7915 William Watson,9 b. in Ashtabula, 4 May, 1815; d. there, 3 Feb., 1845; unm.
7916 Samuel Ezra,9 b. in Ashtabula, 10 Jan., 1818; m. (1) Margaret E Titus; (2) Clara Wellington Blake.

3281.   PHEBE,8 dau. of Abner7 (1192), b. in Alford, Mass., 7 Jan., 1787; m. about 1804, Harvey Dean, b. in New Marlborough, Mass., Aug., 1779, son of Wal­ter Dean (a Brevet Maj. in the revolutionary war and a member of the Society of the Cincinnati), and Abigail Adams.
He d. in Monroe, O., 1839; she d. in Galena, Ill., 19 Jan., 1852.
He was a farmer; settled in Monroe, 1814.

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Children, first three b. in Vermont or Massachusetts, others in Ohio.
7917 Maria Dean,9 b. Nov., 1805; m. Kent; res. in Lima, N. Y.
7918 John Dean,9 b. 12 Sept., 1807.
7919 Paulina Dean,9 b. 6 July, 1813.
7920 Walter Dean,9 b. Nov., 1815.
7921 Collingswood Dean,9 b. Oct., 1817.
7922 Sarah Rowena Dean,9 b. 7 July, 1820.
7923 Eunice Armena Dean,9 b. 7 July, 1820.
7924 Chauncey Dean,9 b. 13 July, 1822.
7925 Eanah Dean,9 b. 18 Aug., 1825.

3300.   LYDIA,8 dau. of Pliny7 (1198), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., ______; m. Wil­liam Knox.
7926 Eleanor Knox,9 b. ______; m. Charles Armstrong; Charles Armstrong was appointed guardian of Charles C. Kellogg (7928). They rem. to Wisconsin.
7927 A Daughter,9 b. ______.

3304.   CALVIN,8 son of Pliny7 (1198), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., ______; m. (1) Laura Benson.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Polly Benson, sister of his first wife.
He lived on the homestead in Austerlitz.
7928 Charles C.,9 b. ______. In 1844 Charles Armstrong, who had m. Eleanor Knox (7926), was appointed his guardian; soon after the Armstrongs rem. to Wisconsin and took the child with them.

3305.   LUTHER,8 son of Pliny7 (1198), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 2 May, 1795; m. 10 June, 1819, Lucy Jones, b. 12 Mar., 1792, dau. of Jasper Jones, of Strat­ford, Conn., and Lucy Clark.
He d. 4 Apr., 1831; res. in Austerlitz; she m. (2) 1 June, 1833, Samuel Bundle, b. 20 Apr., 1766; he d. 22 Sept., 1850; she d. 27 Jan., 1876.
Children, b. in Austerlitz.
7929 John,9 b. 30 July, 1820; d. unm., in Canaan, N. Y., 14 June, 1848.
7930 Clark,9 b. 7 Dec., 1823; m. (1) Caroline Diantha Bliss; (2) Maria Simpson.
7931 Mary Marilla,9 b. 31 Aug., 1827; m. Rev. Rufus Darius Howes.

3308.   MOSES,8 son of Titus7 (1200), b. in Dorset, Vt., 7 June, 1787; m. 14 Jan., 1807, Huldah Manley, b. in Dorset, 14 Mar., 1788, dau. of William Manley, b. 19 Feb., 1758, and Elizabeth Morse, b. 4 July, 1764.
She d. 20 May, 1867; he d. 4 Jan., 1868.
He was a farmer; res. in Dorset.
Children, b. in Dorset.
7932 William Manley,9 b. 10 July, 1810; m. Dolly Farwell.
7933 Rosetta Carver,9 b. 21 Sept., 1813; m. Alanson Gray.

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7934 Moses,9 b. 9 Nov., 1817; m. (1) Harriet Keith Nichols; (3) Martha Eliza Hiatt.
7935 Alfred Augustus,9 b. 8 Nov., 1831; m. (1) Marcia Louisa Kellogg (7940), his cousin; (3) Mrs. Anne Ackerman.

3309.   PHILANDA,8 dau. of Titus7 (1300), b. in Dorset, Vt., 3 July, 1792; m. Edward Wood.
She d. in Hartford, N. Y., 28 Jan., 1838. Child.
7936 Charles Wood,9 b. ______.

3311.   TITUS,8 son of Titus7 (1200), b. in Dorset, Vt., 3 June, 1797; m. in Ashville, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1819, Lucy Fletcher, b. in Sutton, Mass., 28 Oct., 1793, dau. of Ebenezer Fletcher, b. 11 Mar., 1765, and Mary Goldthwaite, b. 10 May, 1764.
He d. in Bossier Parish, La., 29 Aug., 1848; she d. in Keokuk, Ia., 2 Oct., 1891, lacking less than a month of being 98 years of age.
He res. in Cliautauqua Co., N. Y., from 1816 to '37. He rem. to Bossier Parish, where he was a cotton planter. After his death his family returned north and his widow res. with her dau., Mrs. Birge, in Keokuk.
Children, b. in Chautauqua Co., N. Y.
7937 Mary Fletcher,9 b. 22 Nov., 1819; m. Rev. James Harris Fairchild.
7938 Charles Augustus,9 b. 7 Sept., 1821; res. in Louisiana from 1838 to '55; from 1855 to '57 in Cincinnati, O.; from 1857, until his death, in Keokuk, where he was a merchant; he founded the firm of Kel­logg & Birge, of Keokuk, grocers, from which he retired; d. unm., in Keokuk, 1897.
7939 William Edwin,9 b. 30 May, 1833; m. June, 1853, Julia Birge, b. 31
Mar., 1830, dau. of Dr. Simeon and Electa (Pitkin) Birge; he was, a merchant; County Treasurer; res. in Oberlin, O., from which place he rem. in 1875, to Keokuk; d. 29 Nov., 1894; after his death she res. in Keokuk; had no children.
7940 Marcia Louisa,9 b. 13 Nov., 1825; m. Alfred Augustus Kellogg (+7935), her cousin.
7941 George Martin,9 b. 20 June, 1827; m. Mrs. Sarah Winter (Brown) Barker.
7942 Lucy Philanda,9 b. 2 Mar., 1832; m. Charles P. Birge.

3313.   HIRAM,8 son of Titus7 (1200), b. in Dorset, Vt., 30 Sept., 1802; m. May, 1835, Julia Staniford Elderkin, b. 17 June, 1805, dau. of Bela Elderkin, of Hartford, Conn., b. 8 Feb., 1770, and Susan Bates, b. 19 Mar., 1782.
He d. 27 Dec., 1878; she d. 10 Apr., 1881.
Res. in Watts Flat, Chautauqua Co., N. Y.
7943 Marcia Cornelia,9 b. 2 Feb., 1826; d. 26 Nov., 1841.
7944 Henry Ulysses,9 b. 20 May, 1828; m. Eliza Wilson.
7945 Albert Tracy,9 b. 7 June, 1830; m. (1) Phebe Shaver; (2) Anna Lind.
7946 Julia Frances,9 b. 11 July, 1832; m. Edward Avery Morey.

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7947 Hiram C,9 b. 21 May, 1834; m. ______; res. in Forest, O.; had no children.
7948 John Titus,9 b. 12 Aug., 1836; m. (1) Lucy E. North; (2) Jane M. Lackerby.
7949 Susan E.,9 b. 24 July, 1838; m. Richard Comstock.
7950 William E.,9 b. 5 May, 1841; d. in camp, in Westfield, N. Y., 27 Oct., 1861.
7951 Daniel D.,9 b. 9 July, 1843; d. on Staten Island, N. Y., 31 May, 1863, while returning from the army; was a soldier during the civil war in Co. F, One Hundred and Twelfth New York Volunteers.
7952 Lorinda E.,9 b. 18 May, 1846; m. Eugene Post; d. 21 Dec., 1867.

3315.   MARCIA CORNELIA,8 dau. of Titus7 (1200), b. in Burlington, Vt., 15 Oct., 1810; m. in Dorset, Vt., 15 Oct., 1838, Emmons Manley, b. in Dorset, 28 Sept., 1811, son of Isaac Manley and Lucy Huggins.
She d. 1 June, 1887; he d. 21 Sept., 1891.
He was a hardware merchant; res. in Marion, N. Y., where both d. He was deacon in the Congregational Church.
7953 A Daughter,9 b. 27 Sept., 1839; d. 9 Oct., same year.
7954 A Son,9 b. 30 Aug., 1841; d. 31 Aug., 1841.
7955 Marcia Almira Manley,9 b. 1 Aug., 1845; she was an artist; res. unm., in Brooklyn, N. Y.

3317.   AARON,8 son of Nehemiah7 (1204), b. in Sheffield, Mass., about 1777; m. Janette Minor, b. in Connecticut.
She d. 1 Feb., 1851, aged 68; he d. 2 Sept., 1856, aged 80. He was a wagon-maker and farmer; res. in West Bloomfield, Ontario Co., N. Y.
Children, b. in West Bloomfield.
7956 Elizabeth,9 b. ______.
7957 William,9 b. ______; res. in East Bloomfield, N. Y.
7958 Myrtillon,9 b. ______.
7959 Janette,9 b. ______.
7960 Amanda,9 b. ______.

3318.   ITHAMER,8 son of Nehemiah7 (1204), b. in Sheffield, Mass., about 1777; m. Nancy Jane Adams, b. in Sheffield, 1791-95, dau. of Samuel Adams and Eunice Cook.
He d. in Rochester, N. Y., May, 1847.
7961 Eunice,9 b. ______.
7962 Ithamer,9 b. ______.
7963 Emily,9 b. ______; m. in Sheffield, 5 Oct., 1831, Joseph Langworthy.
7964 Nancy Jane,9 b. ______.
7965 George Washington,9 b. 30 Sept., 1812; m. Eva Vernon Kimball.
7966 Chester Adams,9 b. in Bristol, Conn., 27 Nov., 1820; m. M. Lavina Jackson.
7967 Electa Rebecca,9 b. 30 Oct., 1823; m. Michael Gumey.

560    The Kelloggs in the New World.

7968 Samuel Burt,9 b. ______; was superintendent of Adams Express Com­pany's stables in Rochester.
7969 Charles Gardner,9 b. ______; d. in Cleveland, O.
7970 Frances Fidelia,9 b. in Rochester, 1836; res. in New York.

3319.   MARTIN MARBLE,8 son of Nehemiah7 (1204), b. about 1780; m. (1) Nancy Sweet.
She d. in Crown Point, Ind.; he m. (2) Hester Williams; d. in Humboldt Co., Cal., where he res., Apr., 1861.
He was a soldier in the war of 1812; was a farmer; res. in Plymouth, O., 1831; rem. to California, 1850-55.
7971 Parmelia,9 b. in Massachusetts, 2 Sept., 1810; m. Peter Miller.
7972 Charles Noble,9 b. 14 Oct., 1817; m. (1) Amanda Streeter; (2) Har­riet Smith Poston.
7973 George,9 b. ______; d. in Kansas; lost his life in the John Brown troubles.
7974 Benjamin Williams,9 b. in Mansfield, O., 27 Apr., 1822; m. Mary ­McKean Clark.
7975 Cordelia,9 b. ______.
7976 Jennie,9 b. ______; m. _______ Barber; res. in Indianapolis, Ind.; had two sons.
7977 John J.,9 b. ______; m. in Douglas City, Cal., Sarah; d. in Idaho, 1884.
7978 Phoebe,9 b. ______; d. unm., in Crown Point, aged 22.
7979 Lovisa,9 b. ______; m. Dr. Pettibone Moore; d. in Crown Point, before 1857.
7980 Albert,9 b. ______; went to California with his father in the fifties.
7981 Martin Van Buren,9 b. ______; left home in 1861 or '62 for British Columbia, where he was massacred by the Indians; was unm.

3321.   JAMES GLOVER,8 son of Nehemiah7 (1204), b. 17 May, 1792; m. in New York, 12 May, 1816, Sally Cheeseman, b. 25 Jan., 1796, dau. of Cheeseman and Silcox, of New Jersey.
She d. in Penfield, Mich., 13 June, 1851; he d. in Penfield, 20 Feb., 1872.
He res. in Pennsylvania and Penfield.
Children, first six b. in Cayuga Co., N. Y., others in Bradford Co., Pa.
7982 Rhoda,9 b. 5 May, 1817; d. in Bradford Co., Pa., 17 Feb., 1834.
7983 David Cheeseman,9 b. 23 Feb., 1819; m. Rhoda Etta Bell.
7984 James Henry,9 b. 30 May, 1821; m. Mary Jane Clark.
7985 Nancy,9 b. 24 Sept., 1823; m. (1) William Harry Pratt; (2) George S. Bell.
7986 Phidelia Athaliah,9 b. 18 Mar., 1827; m. Norman Metcalf.
7987 Sarah Jane,9 b. 17 Dec., 1828; m. William Nickerson.
7988 Sybil Helen,9 b. 4 July, 1831; m. (1) Norman Metcalf; (2) Barlow Worthing.
7989 Lorenzo Dow,9 b. 25 Jan., 1834; m. Catherine Ann Mapes.
7990 Alonzo,9 b. 25 Jan., 1834; d. same day.
7991 Nelson L.,9 b. 22 July, 1836; d. same day.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    561

7992 John Wesley,9 b. 23 Apr., 1838; was killed in the array, in Berryville, Va., 7 June, 1863.

3322.   LOUISA,8 dau. of Nehemiah7 (1204), b. ______; m. Tombs.
Res. in Michigan.
7993 Justus Tombs,9 b. ______.

3328.   REUBEN,8 son of Reuben7 (1205), b. in Wilmington, Del., 20 Sept., 1780; m. 23 Sept., 1804, Temperance Taylor, b. 20 Mar., 1785.
He d. in Philadelphia, 10 Aug., 1843; she d. there, 5 June, 1854. In early life he was a farmer in Greenwich, N. J.; later rem. to Philadel­phia, where he was engaged in the confectionery business.
7994 Stephen,9 b. 20 Sept., 1805; studied medicine; graduated; went to Illinois with his brother, Charles, and all trace of both has been lost; when last heard from was in Iowa.
7995 Charles,9 b. 23 Nov., 1807; was a school teacher.
7996 Reuben,9 b. 1 Nov., 1809; m. Eliza Ewing Hunt.
7997 Mary,9 b. 11 Apr., 1812; was employed in Stoddart's dry good store in Philadelphia for more than thirty years; d. in Philadelphia, Mar., 1886.
7998 Ebenezer Hall,9 b. 11 Jan., 1814; m. Eliza Street.
7999 James Bartram,9 b. 6 Mar., 1817; d. young.
8000 Joseph Daniel,9 b. 12 Aug., 1818; res. 1902, in Philadelphia, where he is engaged in the confectionery business; unm.
8001 Sarah,9 b. 19 Mar., 1821; res. in Philadelphia, where she d. 6 Oct., 1885.

3329.   HORACE,8 son of Loomis7 (1206), b. in Cambridge, N. Y., 4 Apr., 1781; m. in Clinton, N. Y., 8 Jan., 1802, Prudence Tuttle, b. 8 Sept., 1785, dau. of Oliver Tuttle, of Claremont, N. H.
He d. in Taylor, Cortland Co., N. Y., 22 Apr., 1854; she d. 7 May, 1871. They res. in Watertown and Rutland, Jefferson Co., N. Y. He was a shoe­maker, wagon-maker and farmer.
8002 Stephen,9 b. 18 June, 1804; m. (1) Prudence Rockwell; (2) Nancy Dillenbeck.
8003 Reuben Riley,9 b. 9 Feb., 1806; m. Clarissa Ann Knowlton.
8004 Hiram,9 b. in Cortland Co., N. Y., 9 Feb., 1808; m. Delia Beecher.
8005 Wilbur,9 b. 1 Feb., 1810; m. (1) 1 Jan., 1837, Caroline Smith; (2) Cynthia Cole; d. 1895; had no children.
8006 Horace,9 b. 15 Mar., 1813; m. Huldah Stetson.
8007 Nancy M.,9 b. 27 Sept., 1815; m. (1) Volkert Vedder; (2) Stephen Pedford.
8008 Angeline,9 b. 29 Jan., 1818; m. John Haven.
8009 Mary Ann,9 b. 29 Feb., 1820; m. Nicholas Bigarel.
8010 John G.,9 b. 27 Mar., 1822; m. Allicia A. Sprague.
✛8011 Prudence,9 b. 20 May, 1824; m. Charles Ellis; had five children.

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8012 Laura,9 b. 12 May, 1826; m. (1) William L. Clark; (2) William B. Stetson.
8013 Julia Eliza,9 b. 26 Mar., 1828; m. William B. Stetson.

3331.   REUBEN,8 son of Loomis7 (1206), b. 18 Jan., 1783; m. (1) 1805, Rhoda Hart.
She d. 1810; he m. (2) Eleanor Crawford, b. 17 Aug., 1791; d. 7 Aug., 1843; she d. 6 May, 1859.
Child by first wife.
8014 Hannah Marilla,9 b. in Whitestown, 3 Nov., 1807; m. Franklin Cate.
Children by second wife.
8015 Elizabeth Ann,9 b. 30 Dec., 1820; m. in Springfield, Pa., 12 Oct., 1845, George Dennison Pease, b. 2 Aug., 1818, son of Eliphalet Pease, b. 14 Nov., 1785, and Elizabeth Ann Lee, b. 16 Dec., 1784; d. 15 Feb., 1892; had no children.
8016 Mary Groves,9 b. 7 Dec., 1822; m. Edwin A. Bingham.
8017 Joseph Ruben,9 b. 23 Sept., 1825; m. Eliza Ann Morris.
8018 Rhoda Jane,9 b. 23 Jan., 1828; m. Smith Church.
8019 Olive Rebecca,9 b. 1 Feb., 1831; m. David Higby.
8020 Samuel Crawford,9 b. 15 May, 1834; m. Amanda Mantor.
8021 William Loomis,9 b. 1 May, 1837; m. Alzina Cordelia Cummings.

3332.   LAURA,8 dau. of Loomis7 (1206), b. 13 Nov., 1787; m. 1 Jan., 1803, Gurdon Barnard, b. in Hartford, Conn., 11 Sept., 1781, son of Ashbel Barnard, of Hartford, Conn., and Paris, N. Y., and Dorothy Wygatt.
She d. in Paris, N. Y., 8 July, 1817; he d. in Hartford, Pa., 19 Aug., 1858.
He was a farmer in Rodman, Paris and Sangerfield, N. Y., and Hartford, Pa.
8022 Henry Barnard,9 b. 20 Oct., 1803; m. 25 Dec., 1822, Rebecca Maria Mon­roe; was a farmer in Fremont, Neb.
8023 Elizabeth Maria Barnard,9 b. 21 May, 1805; m. 7 Dec., 1830, Samuel Rugg, a carpenter of Sangerfield; d. 9 Sept., 1873.
8024 Ann Kellogg Barnard,9 b. 29 May, 1807; m. 28 Feb., 1857, John Haven, a farmer in Sangerfield.
8025 Emily Barnard,9 b. 6 May, 1809; m. Dr. Charles Rudd, of Cherry Val­ley, N. Y.
8026 Juliet Barnard,9 b. 19 Jan., 1811; m. 20 June, 1863, Moses Mills; d. in Leon, N. Y., 8 Sept., 1868.
8027 Caroline Cecilia Barnard,9 b. 17 Aug., 1812; m. William Winchell, a farmer; he d. 13 Sept., 1869; res. in Sangerfield.

3333.   MARY,8 dau. of Loomis7 (1206), b. 11 Dec., 1790; m. July, 1812, James Groves, b. 8 July, 1783.
She d. 25 Nov., 1851; he d. 15 Aug., 1862.
8028 James Eaton Groves,9 b. 20 Mar., 1817.
8029 Henry Huntington Groves,9 b. 24 Dec., 1820; d. 29 Sept., 1829.
8030 Mary H. Groves,9 b. 14 Dec., 1829.

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3334.   CALVIN,8 son of Loomis7 (1206), b. 14 Jan., 1794; m. 20 Sept., 1815, Sophronia Hecox, b. 1 Sept., 1799, dau. of Salmon Hecox, b. 1763, and Elizabeth Hart, b. 1765.
She d. 15 June, 1879; he d. in New Hartford, N. Y., 30 Apr., 1880, aged 86. He was a farmer; res. in Madison and Oneida Counties, N. Y.
8031 Lucia Harriet,9 b. 13 Dec., 1816; m. Enos Potter.
8032 Charles Leander,9 b. in Annsville, Oneida Co., N. Y., 16 Nov., 1818; m. in Morrisville, N. Y., 12 Sept., 1844, Julia Melissa Avery, b. 1 Mar., 1819, dau. of John W. Avery, b. 15 Apr., 1794, and Julia Crane, b. 29 Aug., 1799; he d. 2 Nov., 1893, in Clinton, Ia.; res. in Clinton; was a commercial agent; had no children.
8033 Ruth Eda,9 b. 4 Sept., 1821; m. Clark John Comstock.
8034 Henry,9 b. 11 July, 1823; m. Jane Porter Clark.
8035 William B.,9 b. 29 May, 1825; m. 9 Sept., 1847, Louisa Gurley; was a tailor; d. in Clinton, 22 Oct., 1872; she d. about 1884.
8036 George,9 b. 1 June, 1827; m. Harriet M. Eastman.
8037 Seth,9 b. 24 Mar., 1830; d. 4 June, 1833.
8038 Julia Ann,9 b. 17 July, 1832; m. James Lord.
8039 Lovina,9 b. 10 Feb., 1836; m. John Edward Elliott.
8040 Joseph Martin,9 b. in Morrisville, 12 Feb., 1839; m. (1) 18 Mar., 1863, Charlotte Elizabeth Wescott, b. 17 Feb., 1844; m. (2) 30 May, 1881, Caroline Baker, b. 4 Feb., 1844; was an insurance agent in Boston, Mass.; was later a machinist; was a Republican; res. in Buffalo, N. Y.
8041 Francis Wells,9 b. 23 Sept., 1844; d. unm., 27 May, 1868.

3335.   ANNA,8 dau. of Loomis7 (1206), b. 1 Feb., 1798; m. 21 Jan., 1821, David Lanquin Jewett, b. 3 Oct., 1799.
She d. 1 Aug., 1855.
8042 Sarah Jane Jewett,9 b. 27 Oct., 1821.
8043 Mary Elizabeth Jewett,9 b. 3 Aug., 1824; m. 9 Sept., 1851, Amos F. Gal­lup; he d. 14 Dec., 1864.
8044 Abigail Ann Jewett,9 b. 18 Dec., 1826; m. 8 Mar., 1855, Alexander H. Hurd.
8045 James Grove Jewett,9 b. 29 Jan., 1829; m. 31 Aug., 1854, Maria H. Stillman.

3338.   LAURA,8 dau. of Loomis7 (1206), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 19 Jan., 1817; m. 1 Jan., 1840, Lorenzo Jaquith, b. in Burlington, N. Y., 21 Apr., 1817, son of Levi Jaquith, b. 1783, and Eunice Babcock, b. in Burlington. He was a farmer and stock dealer in New Berlin, N. Y.
8046 Hiram K. Jaquith,9 b. in Waterville, N. Y., 23 Apr., 1841; m. 20 Nov., 1868, Esther A. Daggett.
8047 Sarah B. Jaquith,9 b. in Columbus, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1847; m. 1 Jan., 1870, Charles E. Aylesworth.
8048 Henry Jaquith,9 b. in Columbus, 27 June, 1858; d. 28 June, same year.

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3339.   DIADAMIA,8 dau. of Stephen7 (1207), b. 15 Nov., 1795; m. in Brook­field, N. Y., 8 Aug., 1815, Ethan Maxson, b. in Brookfield, 27 Apr., 1795. She d. in Unadilla Forks, N. Y., 24 Sept., 1859.
8049 Harvey Kellogg Maxson,9 b. about 1821; served in the civil war.
8050 Eliza Thankful Maxson,9 b. 6 Nov., 1823; m. in Brookfield, 3 Dec., 1843, John Martin Hayes; he d. 19 June, 1879; she res. with her son, Willis Martin Hayes, in Unadilla Forks; had two children.
8051 Ethan Albert Maxson,9 b. ______; served in the civil war.

3342.   HENRY ALONZO,8 son of Stephen7 (1207), b. in Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y., 11 Oct., 1804; m. 10 Feb., 1826, Edith Wilcox, b. in Stonington, Conn., 1 Jan., 1801, dau. of Amos Wilcox and Edith Cottrell.
He d. in Brookfield, N. Y., 10 May, 1855; she d. in Holyoke, Mass., 14 Oct., 1878.
He was a machinist; res. in Brookfield.
8052 Angeline,9 b. in Brookfield, 22 Nov., 1826; d. in Brookfield, 19 May, 1856.
8053 Lovina,9 b. in Sauquoit, Oneida Co., N. Y., 25 Dec., 1828; m. Leonard J. Worden.
8054 Caroline Thankful,9 b. in Clayville, N. Y., 12 Aug., 1833; d. June, 1834.
8055 Charles Henry,9 b. in Clayville, 10 Feb., 1836; d. July, 1837.
8056 William Henry,9 b. 4 Feb., 1838; m. Sabrina Coman.
8057 Edith Ann,9 b. in Brookfield, 22 Jan., 1844; m. Herbert Sanburn Dunklee.

3343.   CHAUNCEY P.,8 son of Stephen7 (1207), b. about 1807; m. Mrs. Mary Ann (Oilman) Burdick, b. in Warren, Vt.
She d. in Cambridge, Mass., 2 Mar., 1880; he d. in the Massachusetts Gen­eral Hospital, Boston, 1880, aged 73.
8058 Frances J.,9 b. ______; m. Max Bachert, a manager; she was a member of the Mendelssohn Club of Boston; res. in New York.

3344.   HIRAM,8 son of Stephen7 (1207), b. about 1810; m. Amanda Seymour, b. about 1812, in Lexington, Greene Co., N. Y., dau. of Stephen Augustus Sey­mour, b. in Connecticut, about 1783, and Eunice Peck, b. in Connecticut, about 1783.
He d. in Madison Co., N. Y., about Sept., 1832; she d. 2 Oct., 1848.
He was a small, active man, with black hair and eyes; res. in Madison Co., N. Y.
8059 John Hiram,9 b. 19 Mar., 1831; m. Margaret Palmer.
8060 George,9 b. ______; d. about 1846.
8061 Maria Amanda,9 b. ______; d. about 1846.

3348.   SYLVANUS,8 son of Belden7 (1209), b. 18 Sept., 1801; m. (1) 12 Oct.,

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1833, Isabel Long, b. about 1803, dau. of John Long, of Richland Co., O., and Catherine _______.
She d. in Flint, Ind., 29 June, 1848; he m. (2) 13 July, 1849, Melissa Stickney; d. 26 Feb., 1851.
He was a tanner; res. in Flint, Steuben Co., and in Indiana.
8062 Catherine,9 b. 23 Oct., 1823; d. in infancy.
8063 Nancy Maria,9 b. 12 Oct., 1824; m. George Emerson.
8064 Elizabeth Minerva,9 b. 8 Sept., 1827; m. Peter Kenwood.
8065 John Belding,9 b. 27 Oct., 1829; m. Jane Davies.
8066 Sylvester,9 b. 13 June, 1832; d. 21 June, 1851.
8067 Margaret Ann,9 b. 14 June, 1836; res. unm., in Toledo, O.
8068 Mary Jane,9 b. 14 June, 1836; m. Frederick Clark Chapin.

3355.   SOPHIA,8 dau. of Eldad7 (1211), b. in Pennsylvania, 29 June, 1784; m. (1) Comfort Benedict, b. in Panton, Vt.
He d. in Panton, ______; served in the war of 1812; was a shoemaker; she m. (2) James Donahue, a teamster in Port Henry, N. Y.; he d. in Port Henry; she d. in Crown Point Center, N. Y.
Children by first husband.
8069 Esther Benedict,9 b. in Westport, N. Y., 18 Feb., 1807; m. James S. Wells; res. in Crown Point Center.
8070 Eliza Benedict,9 b. in Westport, 13 Aug., 1814; m. in Port Henry, Clark Butterfield; d. in Port Henry, 17 Sept., 1880; he d. ______.
8071 Sophronia Benedict,9 b. in Westport, 1817; m. (1) John Dowd; (2) M. Booll; d. in Whitewater, Wis., 1899.
8072 Mary Benedict,9 b. in Panton, 6 Dec., 1820; m. 11 Oct., 1846, Henry D. Wells; he d. ______; she res. in Crown Point Center.
8073 Sarah Benedict,9 b. in Westport, ______; m. Joshua Slaughter; d. in Iowa.
8074 Norman Benedict,9 b. ______; d. ______.
Child by second husband.
8075 James Donahue,9 b. ______.

3358.   WALTER WATROUS,8 son of Eldad7 (1211), b. in Pennsylvania, 12 Sept., 1794; m. 24 May, 1832, Emily Parmelee, b. 19 Feb., 1806, dau. of Eliel Parmelee, of Claremont, N. H., and Sarah Hall.
She d. in Traverse City, Mich., 8 Nov., 1880.
He was Judge of Probate; Justice of the Peace; Register of Deeds, etc.; was a lawyer in Milwaukee, and Sheboygan, Wis.; was in the New York State Militia at the battle of Plattsburgh, in the war of 1812.
8076 Walter Parmelee,9 b. in Burdett, N. Y., 11 Mar., 1833; m. Isabella Chapin.
8077 Charles,9 b. in Ovid, N. Y., Dec., 1838; res. unm., in Antigo, Wis.
8078 Caroline Maria,9 b. in Milwaidvee, 1843; m. 1867, John W. Hilton; res. in Traverse City.

566    The Kelloggs in the New World.

8079 Eliza,9 b. in Sheboygan, 1848; res. in Traverse City; later res. in Hiram, O.; is unm.

3360.   ULYSSES DEWEY,8 son of Eldad7 (1211), b. 16 Feb., 1798; m. in Hector, N. Y., 17 Oct., 1827, Mary Livingston, b. in Tompkins Co., N. Y., 10 Nov., 1810, dau. of John H. Livingston, b. 14 Feb., 1784, and Eleanor Cole, b. 11 Aug., 1786.
She d. 1875; he d. at the residence of his son, Charles, in Andover, O.
He res. in East Trumbull, O.; was for over thirty years Justice of the Peace in Trumbull and Ashtabula Counties, O.
8080 Adeline,9 b. 23 Aug., 1828; m. Daniel Earle.
8081 Emily,9 b. 17 Apr., 1831; m. Capt. H. L. Williams, of Nelson, Portage Co., O.; he served in the army; res. in Twinsburg, Summit Co., O.
8082 Oliver Perry,9 b. 20 Sept., 1833; m. Zillah Cole, of East Trumbull, O.; is a lecturer on temperance, geology, etc.; res. in Sundance, Wyo.
8083 Henry Harrison,9 b. 6 May, 1836; m. Adeline Churchill, of East Trum­bull; res. in East Trumbull.
8084 Edward,9 b. 14 Feb., 1839.
8085 Celeste,9 b. 16 Oct., 1841; m. William Mead, a dairyman in Harts­Grove, O.; res. in Twinsburg.
8086 Mary,9 b. 16 May, 1844.
8087 Lorain,9 b. 6 July, 1846; m. 11 Mar., 1866, Harvey Bartram, b. in Trumbull, 11 Sept., 1833; he is a farmer in East Trumbull.
8088 Charles Fremont,9 b. 6 Feb., 1851; m. Jessie Morley; is a merchant in Andover, Ashtabula Co., O.

3362.   ROWLAND,8 son of William7 (1213), b. in Monkton, Vt., 26 Nov., 1786; m. 20 Aug., 1804, Sarah Titus, b. 6 Apr., 1787, dau. of John Titus, b. in Rehoboth, Mass., 28 Oct., 1761, and Mehitable Fuller, b. in Rehoboth, 28 Sept., 1764.
He d. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 17 July, 1826; she m. (2) 8 Aug., 1832, Col. Jeduthan Case (3033), son of Luman Case and Pamelia Kellogg (+1101); he d. 6 Dec., 1867; she d. 30 June, 1868.
8089 Henry,9 b. in Lewis, N. Y., 5 July, 1805; d. 12 July, same year.
8090 Orlando,9 b. in Elizabethtown, 18 June, 1809; m. Polly Woodruff.
8091 Eliza,9 b. in Panton, Vt., 30 July, 1811; m. Abijah Perry.
8092 Alonzo,9 b. in Middlebury, Vt., 29 Apr., 1815; d. unm., 29 Apr., 1837.
8093 Edwin,9 b. in Elizabethtown, 23 Jan., 1817; d. 1 Oct., 1818.
8094 La Fayette,9 b. 1 Feb., 1819; m. (1) Rosa Ormsby Catlin; (2) Helen Rosamond Adams.
8095 Edwin,9 b. in Elizabethtown, 1 Mar., 1821; d. 18 Sept., 1823.
8096 Edwin,9 b. in Elizabethtown, 3 Aug., 1823; d. 23 Nov., 1827.

3364.   AMELIA,8 dau. of Elijah7 (1214), b. in South Egremont, Mass., 8 Feb., 1786; m. Mar., 1805, Seth Lee, b. in Farmington, Conn., 26 Jan., 1780, son of Rev. Seth Lee, b. 1732, and Joanna Johnson.

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He d. in Lewis, N. Y., 13 Apr., 1846; she d. 2 May, 1848. When 16 years old he rem. with his father's family to Ludlow, Vt. In 1801 he rem. to Lewis, N. Y.
8097 Emily Lee,9 b. 2 May, 1808; m. 13 Oct., 1842, Deacon John C. McCol­lom, of Plymouth, Vt.; he was a shoemaker; she d. 15 Apr., 1850; had no children.
8098 Eliza Lee,9 b. 27 Nov., 1810; m. 20 June, 1850, Horatio Hinckley, a farmer; res. in North Elba, N. Y., twenty years; later in Knox­ville, Tenn., until his death in Dec., 1874; after his death she res. in Bridgeville, Humboldt Co., Cal.
8099 Mary Lee,9 b. 25 Nov., 1812; m. 20 Feb., 1840, Cyrus Comstock Ware, a tailor in Keene, N. Y.; d. 7 Mar., 1854.
8100 Harriet Amanda Lee,9 b. 3 Nov., 1815; res. in Lewis.
8101 Sylvia Southwell Lee,9 b. 5 July, 1818; res. in Lewis, where she was Postmistress many years.
8102 Edward Johnson Lee,9 b. 21 Oct., 1821; d. unm., 31 Oct., 1842; was a farmer in Lewis.

3365.   LUCY,8 dau. of Elijah7 (1214), b. in South Egremont, Mass., 20 July, 1788; m. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 11 May, 1806, John Calkins, b. in South East, Dutchess Co., N. Y., 15 July, 1785, son of Elijah Calkins and Keziah Rogers.
She d. in Johnson Co., Ia., 3 Nov., 1847; he d. in Muscatine Co., Ia., 18 June, 1874.
He was a farmer.
Children, b. in Elizabethtown.
8103 Amy Calkins,9 b. 20 June, 1807; m. in Elizabethtown, 27 Oct., 1829, Russell Jones; d. in Vinton, Benton Co., Ia., 10 Feb., 1860; he d. ______.
8104 Asa Calkins,9 b. 5 July, 1809; m. in Whitehall, N. Y., 26 Feb., 1832, Marietta S. Barney; d. in Utah Territory, 16 Feb., 1873; she m. (2) West; he d. ______.
8105 Norman Calkins,9 b. 28 Nov., 1811; m. in Elizabethtown, 12 Dec., 1832, Mary Thompson; d. in Big Grove, Ia., 10 Dec., 1859; she d. ______.
8106 Charles McNeil Calkins,9 b. 27 Mar., 1814; m. in Lower Sandusky, O., 29 June, 1845. Sarah Whitman, b. 1 Oct., 1814, dau. of Freedom Whitman and Sarah Ford, b. 15 Oct., 1788; she d. 25 Mar., 1852; he m. (2) 20 Mar., 1854, Orinda Elmira Cowles, b. 29 May, 1834, dau. of Alexander H. Cowles, b. 26 May, 1807, and Laura Ward, b. 27 Apr., 1811; she d. 29 July, 1863; he was a farmer in Iowa City, Ia.
8107 Angeline Calkins,9 b. 4 May, 1817; m. in Washington Co., Ia., 20 May, 1850, Winthrop Farley; he was a blacksmith in Ogden, Utah.
8108 Elvira Esterbrook Calkins,9 b. 30 July, 1819; m. in Iowa City, Ia., 17 Feb., 1842, Timothy Bronson Clark; d. near Newtonia, Newton Co., Mo., 14 Aug., 1876; he m. (2) Mrs. Ludd; he was a farmer in Newtonia.
8109 Harriet Elizabeth Calkins,9 b. 12 Mar., 1822; m. in Iowa City, Ia., 27 June, 1842, Columbus C. Catlett.

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8110 John Towner Calkins,9 b. 23 Mar., 1825; m. in Big Grove, 11 Jan., 1846, Susan Amanda Pratt; was a photographer in Chicago, Ill.
8111 Charlotte Jane Calkins,9 b. 30 June, 1828; m. in Big Grove, 25 Dec., 1841, Jesse B. McGren.

3366.   WILLIAM,8 son of Elijah7 (1214), b. in Rupert, Vt., 26 Dec., 1790; m. 1814, Rhoda Farnsworth.
She d. 2 June, 1823; he m. (2) Sept., 1823, Ruby Phelps, b. 15 Oct., 1799, dau. of Ira Phelps and Leefy Judd; he d. 10 Apr., 1868; she d. 19 Oct., 1875.
He was a farmer; Baptist; Republican; res. in Elizabethtown, and after 1845 in Long Lake, N. Y.
Children by first wife, b. in Elizabethtown.
8112 Harriet,9 b. 21 Aug., 1815; m. Ezekiel Palmer.
8113 Cyrus Hale,9 b. 13 Feb., 1819; m. Jane Ann Williams; (2) Christina Damburg.
8114 Philander,9 b. 8 Sept., 1821; m. (1) Elizabeth (Betsey) Keller; (2) Sarah Miles.
8115 Asa Farnsworth,9 b. 4 May, 1823; m. (1) Hannah West; (2) Abigail Billings.
Children by second wife.
8116 Ira Phelps,9 b. 23 June, 1824; m. (1) Lydia Cordelia West; (2) Mercy Hannah Bostwick.
8117 Orson,9 b. 30 Aug., 1827; m. Eunice West.
8118 Rhoda,9 b. 8 Oct., 1829; m. 29 May, 1849, Alanson Lamb; res. in Viola, Olmsted Co., Minn.
8119 Sabra,9 b. 27 Feb., 1832; m. 4 July, 1856, John Cassay; res. in Long Lake.

3367.   REV. ORSON D.,8 son of Elijah7 (1214), b. May, 1794; m. (1) 1830, Sarah (Sally) Durand.
She d. in Moriah, N. Y., Nov., 1844; he m. (2) Maria Mattoon, b. in North­field, Mass., 1813, dau. of Elihu Mattoon; d. Mar., 1853; she d. in Northfield, 22 July, 1881.
He was a clergyman; was principal of the Essex Co. (N. Y.) Academy.
Children by first wife, b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y.
8120 Frank,9 b. ______; d. in Oakland, Cal., 1869; was a member of the hardware firm of Linforth, Kellogg & Rail.
8121 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. ______; m. in Oakland, 22 Feb., 1870, Francis Stoddard Page, b. in Lewis, N. Y., 15 Sept., 1842, son of John Burnell Stoddard, b. 10 June, 1816, and Maria F. Parkhill; he was adopted by Francis Wyman Page and Jane Stoddard; she d. in Oakland, 15 Feb., 1872; had no children; he m. (2) in Oak­land, 9 Sept., 1874, Emily Morrell Arms, b. in Johnstown, N. Y., dau. of Charles Arms, b. 27 Feb., 1807, and Harriette Morrell, b. 5 Dec., 1816; he is in the lumber business; a Presbyterian; res. in Berkeley, Cal.
8122 Kasper Karner,9 b. ______; d. aged 12 or 15.

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3368.   VALENTINE,8 son of Elijah7 (1214), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 26 Aug., 1796; m. Apr., 1822, Huldah Phelps, b. in Elizabethtown, 4 Jan., 1800, dau. of Elijah Phelps.
He d. in Minerva, N. Y., 28 Oct., 1868; she d. in Saint Charles, Minn., 18 Oct., 1873.
He was a farmer in Elizabethtown, and Minerva.
Children, b. in Elizabethtown.
8123 Mary,9 b. 4 Jan., 1823; d. 5 Mar., 1842.
8124 Jane A.,9 b. 10 July, 1827; m. William E. Codman.
8125 Leoline Valentine,9 b. 7 Oct., 1829; m. Mary Riley West.
8126 Luena Rebekah,9 b. 26 Jan., 1833; m. John Townsend Miller.
8127 Eliza Lee,9 b. 27 Dec., 1836; m. Richard Norman Miller.
8128 Clara Waldron,9 b. 24 Aug., 1839; m. John Ashley Tupper.
8129 Mary,9 b. 21 Feb., 1844; res., unm., in Saint Charles.
8130 Eva,9 b. 25 Aug., 1845; m. Samuel A. Longnecker.

3369.   URANA,8 dau. of Elijah7 (1214), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 3 Mar., 1798; m. 1816, Benjamin Calkins, b. 29 Sept., 1795, son of Elijah Calkins, b. 9 Apr., 1764, and Keziah Rogers, of Elizabethtown.
She d. 31 Mar., 1842; he d. 12 Jan., 1887.
He was a farmer; res. in Elizabethtown, where both d. He served in the war of 1812. He was a Baptist and a Republican.
Children, b. in Elizabethtown.
8131 Rebekah Calkins,9 b. 25 Jan., 1823; m. (1) in Elizabethtown, Albin Blood; (2) Flower; had four children.
8132 Rosamond Calkins,9 b. 2 May, 1826; d. unm., in Elizabethtown, 18 Mar., 1895.
8133 Henry Calkins,9 b. ______; m. ______; when last heard of he was in Newberry, Lycoming Co., Pa.
8134 Phoebe Ann Calkins,9 b. 4 Mar., 1828; m. in Elizabethtown, 18 Feb., 1846, Cyril Wakefield; d. in North Hudson, N. Y., 7 June, 1865; had two children.
8135 Juliette Calkins,9 b. 2 July, 1834; m. in Elizabethtown, George H. Glidden; d. in Elizabethtown, 6 Aug., 1889.
8136 Theodore Calkins,9 b. 8 Sept., 1839; m. (1) Anis Hanchet; (2) Mary E. Furguson; d. in Willard, N. Y., 13 Jan., 1890.

3370.   THERON,8 son of Elijah7 (1214), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 12 Nov., 1801; m. in Moriah, 22 Jan., 1829, Lurinda Edgerton Davenport, b. in Granville, N. Y., 23 Dec., 1808, dau. of Benjamin Davenport and Sarah Cotton.
He d. Sept., 1879; she d. 4 Sept., 1888.
He was a farmer in Elizabethtown until 1837, when he rem. to Geauga Co., O.; in 1856 to Hardin Co., Ia.; later res. in Alden, Ia., and, up to the time of his death, in Buckeye, Ia.
Children, first three b. in Elizabethtown.
8137 Sarah Cotton,9 b. 29 Nov., 1829; m. Nicholas O. Silvernail.
8138 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 10 Oct., 1831; m. Stephen Lewis Loveland.

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8139 Maria Jane,9 b. 5 Dec., 1833; m. as his second wife, 29 Nov., 1865, Stephen Lewis Loveland, of Marshalltown, Ia. (who had previously m. her sister, Mary Elizabeth), b. in Wolcott, Conn., 2 Apr., 1827, son of Miles Loveland, b. 3 Oct., 1795, and Susan Pierson, b. 1768; he was a mechanic; a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Cedar Rapids, Ia.; had no children.
8140 Franklin Edgerton,9 b. 7 Mar., 1837; d. in Madison, O., 20 Apr., 1840.
8141 Theron Augustus,9 b. 22 Apr., 1839; d. unm., in Buckeye, Ia., 23 Feb., 1871.
8142 Ryerson Edgerton,9 b. in Troy, O., 8 June, 1841; m. (1) Mary Amelia Smith; (2) Josephine Arrilla Borland.
8143 Arza Phelps,9 b. in Parkman, O., 2 Nov., 1843; m. Harriet Maria Smith.
8144 Harriet Lucinda,9 b. 8 Dec., 1846; d. in Troy, O., 30 Aug., 1848.
8145 Henrietta Lorinda,9 b. in Parkman, O., 16 Dec., 1849; d. unm., in Buckeye, Ia., 5 Apr., 1871.

3371.   SOPHIA,8 dau. of Elijah7 (1214), b. 5 Jan., 1804; m. 23 Mar., 1826, William Dayton Rowe, b. in Chesterfield, Mass., 10 Nov., 1804, son of Luther Rowe, b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 15 Dec., 1781, and Sally Bennette, b. in Stockbridge, Mass., 16 Feb., 1782.
She d. 29 Apr., 1861.
He was a farmer in Chesterfield, Mass; in 1865, in Horicon, Wis., and in 1866 in Fox Lake, Wis.
8146 Silas Bennette Rowe,9 b. 22 May, 1827; m. 11 Mar., 1851, Emily Mehit­able Deyo, of Elizabethtown; was a wheelwright; res. in Keese­ville and Chesterfield, N. Y.
8147 Lucy Rowe,9 b. 20 Aug., 1829; d. 24 July, 1851.
8148 Edwin Conant Rowe,9 b. 5 Aug., 1831; res. in Lewis, N. Y.
8149 Albert Rowe,9 b. 18 Apr., 1833; m. 8 Apr., 1858, Jane Pelling, of Clin­ton Co., N. Y.; res. in Stockton, Cal.
8150 Carlos Walden Rowe,9 b. 3 May, 1835; m. 11 Sept., 1866, Lydia Ann Andrews, of Chesterfield; was a Union soldier; served in Co. I, Seventy-seventh New York Volunteers; was engaged in about thirty battles and was made prisoner, 10 May, 1864, in Spottsyl­vania, Va.; escaped while marching south, May 15, and reached the Union lines in Fredericksburgh, May 23; res., in 1880, in Keese­ville; now res. in Chesterfield, N. Y.
8151 Charlotte Rowe,9 b. 1 Oct., 1837.
8152 Angelina Rowe,9 b. 9 Aug., 1840; d. 21 Mar., 1841.
8153 Anette Rowe,9 b. 20 Mar., 1842; res. in 1900, in Lewis, and later in Bouquet, N. Y.
8154 Fidelia Rowe,9 b. 7 July, 1843; d. 17 Sept., 1847.
8155 Judson Worden Rowe,9 b. 20 Feb., 1845; res. in Stockton, Cal.
8156 Emily Rowe,9 b. 27 Feb., 1847; d. 23 Apr., same year.
8157 Angelette Rowe,9 b. 5 May, 1849; m. Atherton; res. in Bouquet.

LORENZO,8 son of Daniel7 (1260), b. in Shoreham, Vt., 8 Sept., 1798;

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m. (1) May, 1824, Sarah P. Moore, b. Aug., 1805, dau. of Asa Moore, of Cham­plain, N. Y., and Rebecca _______.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 3 Sept., 1829, Roxanna Burdick, b. 1800; d. in Champlain, 4 July, 1881.
He was a farmer; rem. to Champlain in 1800, where he res. until his death. He was a staunch member of the Congregational Church.
Children by first wife, b. in Champlain.
8158 Sarah Rebecca,9 b. 4 Mar., 1825; m. William T. Crook.
8159 Olinda Clementine,9 b. 5 Oct., 1827; m. Judge George Rice Willett.
8160 Norman Augustine Moore,9 b. 13 Feb., 1829; m. (1) Octavia Yale; (2) Louisa Augusta Dunning.
Children by second wife.
8161 Henry Martyn,9 b. 21 Apr., 1832; m. in Beaver Dam, Wis., 29 Oct., 1857, Elizabeth Smith, b. in Burlington, Vt., 14 Jan., 1830, dau. of Reuben Smith, b. 21 Sept., 1789, and Elizabeth Porter, b. 2 Jan., 1793; is in the hotel business in Los Angeles, Cal.; has no chil­dren.
8162 Brainard,9 b. 15 Aug., 1834; m. Julia Rogers Cutler.
8163 Sylvester Alonzo,9 b. 15 May, 1838; m. Susan Elizabeth Averill.
8164 Theodore Burdick,9 b. 12 Dec., 1839; m. Mary J. Bradley.
8165 Cyrus Henderson,9 b. 11 Mar., 1843; m. Julia Caroline Olds.

3396.   PAMELA I.,8 dau. of Daniel7 (1260), b. in Champlain, N. Y., 9 Aug., 1807; m. Thomas Dodds, b. in England.
She d. 1878.
8166 Cyrus Dodds,9 b. ______.
8167 James Dodds,9 b. ______.

3397.   MARY,8 dau. of Daniel7 (1260), b. in Cham­plain, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1809; m. in Champlain, 8 June, 1848, Jacob Bowron, b. 14 Aug., 1803, son of Joseph Bowron, b. in England, 1775, and Mary Fox, b. in Cathermoorside, England, 1778.
She d. 5 May, 1854; he d. 16 Feb., 1883. He was a farmer; res. in Champlain, where both d.
8168 Helen Jane Bowron,9 b. 7 June, 1849; m. 6 July, 1876, Benjamin Wood­ward; res. in Champlain.
8169 Sarah Permelia Bowron,9 b. 13 June, 1851; d. 4 Nov., 1861.
8170 Mary (Polly) Matilda Bowron,9 b. 3 May, 1854; d. 1 Aug., same year.

3403.   TRYPHENA,8 dau. of Aaron7 (1264), b. in Genoa, N. Y., 23 July, 1791; m. 1813, Joseph Pixley, b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 1772.
He d. 17 Sept., 1839; she d. 15 Oct., 1862.
He was a farmer; res. in Wright, Mich., where both d.
8171 Aaron Pixley,9 b. 12 May, 1814; d. July, 1862.
8172 Amy Pixley,9 b. 1 Feb., 1816.
8173 Abigail Pixley,9 b. 3 Apr., 1818.

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8174 Martha Pixley,9 b. 3 Nov., 1823.
8175 Walter Pixley,9 b. 25 Feb., 1824.
8176 Samson Pixley,9 b. 3 Aug., 1826.
8177 Diana Pixley,9 b. 19 May, 1839.
8178 Ulysses Pixley,9 b. 1 Nov., 1831.
8179 Flora Pixley,9 b. 11 Dec., 1834.

3405.   ALPHEUS,8 son of Aaron7 (1264), b. in Westfield, N. Y., 19 Nov., 1797; m. 21 May, 1819, Cynthia Wright, b. in Moravia, N. Y., 19 Nov., 1799, dau. of David Wright and Jerusha Gibbs.
He d. in Lockport, N. Y., 5 Aug., 1834, on his journey from the West.
He was a miller; res. in Locke, Moravia and Genoa, N. Y.
8180 Dwight,9 b. in Moravia, 25 Mar., 1830; m. Edna Shorey.
8181 Calista,9 b. in Moravia, 21 Mar., 1831; m. 8 June, 1857, John Mc­Crillas.
8182 Dorwin,9 b. in Moravia, 11 June, 1832; m. (1) Harriet McLean; (2) Eliza Ann Dutcher.
8183 Eliza Colney,9 b. 10 Oct., 1833; m. 27 Aug., 1849, Montgomery Miller.
8184 David Wright,9 b. 15 Dec., 1834; m. 13 Mar., 1845, Ann Eliza Sher­man.
8185 Caroline,9 b. 31 Apr., 1836; d. in Moravia, 15 Nov., 1849.

3406.   JANE,8 dau. of Aaron7 (1364), b. in Locke, N. Y., 26 May, 1803; m. 22 Feb., 1818, Timothy Johnson, b. in Phelps, N. Y., 7 Sept., 1793, son of Moses Johnson, b. in Morris Co., N. J., 1763, and Huldah Kinney, b. in Essex Co., N. J., 31 Mar., 1760.
He d. 22 Mar., 1858; she d. 27 Oct., 1860.
They were m. in Locke; rem. 25 Sept., 1837, to Wright, Hillsdale Co., Mich., where they purchased a farm and where both d.
8186 Sophia Johnson,9 b. 25 Sept., 1819; m. 16 Aug., 1837, William Wattles Bennett; he was a farmer; res. in Wright and Hudson, Mich.; had six children.
8187 Franklin Johnson,9 b. 23 Dec., 1831; m. 11 Mar., 1846, Sally Sophia Bennett; d. in Wright, 31 Apr., 1856; was a farmer; had two children.
8188 Edwin Johnson,9 b. 28 Mar., 1834; m. (1) 28 Feb., 1849, Frances Har­riet Brewster; she d. in Wright, 28 Apr., 1863; he m. (2) 14 May, 1868, Elizabeth Ten; res. in Hudson; had no children.
8189 Hiel Johnson,9 b. 2 June, 1826; m. 4 Sept., 1851, Wealthy Mason; was a farmer in Wright; had three children.
8190 Andrew Jackson Johnson,9 b. 5 July, 1828; m. 3 Feb., 1858, Anna Mary, Camp; res. in Hudson, where he was in the livery business; had one child.
8191 Charlotte Johnson,9 b. 1 July, 1831; m. 8 Oct., 1857, William Mortimer Blythe; he was a mechanic; res. in Hudson; had two children.

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8192 Sarah Kinsley Johnson,9 b. 17 Sept., 1832; m. 7 May, 1854, Justin Cam­ser; he was a farmer; res. in Medina, Mich.; had one child.
8193 Jonathan Johnson,9 b. 14 Nov., 1834; m. 26 Dec., 1860, Mary Elizabeth Blazier; res. in Union City, Mich.; had one child.
8194 Ray N. Johnson,9 b. in Wright, 21 Nov., 1839; m. 10 Nov., 1858, Rachel Blunt; res. in Detroit, Mich.; was general agent for the American Sewing Machine Company for Northern Michigan; had one child.

3408.   CALVIN,8 son of Aaron7 (1264), b. in Locke, N. Y., 19 May, 1808; m. Sally Jane Davis, b. 26 May, 1812, dau. of William Davis, b. 5 May, 1777, and Alice Bartoo, b. 14 Dec., 1783, who celebrated her one hundredth birthday in 1883, at which time, of her one hundred and thirty-three descendants, there were present, representatives of five generations.
He d. in Rashford, N. Y., 30 Sept., 1883; she d. there, 12 Mar., 1891. He had a saw and shingle mill; res. in Locke, Freedom, Eden, Caneadea and Rushford, N. Y., from 1861 until his death. He was a Baptist, a Republican and later a Prohibitionist.
8195 Alfred Riley,9 b. in Freedom, 14 Sept., 1831; m. Mariette Bannister.
8196 Cornelius L.,9 b. in Freedom, 26 Mar., 1834; m. Betsey B. Bacon.
8197 Hiram,9 b. in Sandusky, N. Y., 8 Apr., 1836; m. Sophia Clarissa Chaffee.
8198 Aaron Demery,9 b. in Eden, 26 Aug., 1838; m. Loduyska Dutton.
8199 Philander,9 b. in Eden, 8 Aug., 1841; d. unm., 3 May, 1863, in Chan­cellorsville, Va.; was a private in the Sixty-fourth Volunteer Reg., in the civil war; was a lumberman and a farmer of Rushford.
8200 Orlena Leoline,9 b. in Eden, 23 Aug., 1843; m. Wilber S. Chamberlain.

3409.   OLIVE,8 dau. of Lovell7 (1265), b. ______; m. Marcus Winchester.
They res. in Madison, O.
8201 Alzena Winchester,9 b. 1815.
8202 Samuel Winchester,9 b. 1818.
8203 Timothy Winchester,9 b. 1821.
8204 Thankful Winchester,9 b. 1824.
8205 Franklin Winchester,9 b. ______.
8206 Rebecca Winchester,9 b. ______.
8207 Steadman Winchester,9 b. ______.

3411.   ANTHA,8 dau. of Lovell7 (1265), b. in Floyd, N. Y., 25 Oct., 1796; m. 29 Nov., 1812, John Webb Parry, b. in Hartland, Conn., 2 Nov., 1786, son of John Parry, b. in Kidderminster, England, 23 Oct., 1750, and Olive Swetman, b. in Litchfield Co., Conn., 2 Aug., 1762.
He d. in 1878.
He was a farmer in Wethersfield, N. Y., and Three Oaks, Mich.
8208 Porter Brown Parry,9 b. 22 July, 1815; m. (1) 25 Aug., 1846, Nancy Jane Sheldon, of Fleming, N. Y.; she d. in Buchanan, Mich., 1 Nov., 1848; he m. (2) 4 Nov., 1850, Cornelia Upson, of Green­field, Ind.; he was a Congregational minister in Three Oaks.

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8209 Sybil Parry,9 b. 25 Nov., 1816; d. unm., in Janesville, Wis., 27 Oct., 1848.
8210 John Miles Parry,9 b. 21 Nov., 1818; m. Julia Tyler; was a mason in Marshalltown, Ia.
8211 Cornelia Ann Parry,9 b. 26 July, 1820; d. 19 May, 1824.
8212 George Sanford Parry,9 b. 9 Jan., 1823; m. Eliza Lewis; d. in Chicago, Ill., 27 Apr., 1874.
8213 Harriet Lydia Parry,9 b. 7 Mar., 1825; m. 19 Mar., 1850, Joshua Tay­lor; he was a farmer in Central City, Ia.; she d. in Central City, 15 June, 1875.
8214 Caroline Parry,9 b. 10 Jan., 1828; m. Kendrick A. Doolittle, a farmer in Webster City, Ia.
8215 Eliza Parry,9 b. 19 Feb., 1830; m. July, 1849, Joseph P. York; he was a farmer in Magnolia, Wis.
8216 Thankful Janette Parry,9 b. 16 Jan., 1833; m. 11 Apr., 1863, Malcomb Tewksbury; he was general agent for school books in Massachu­setts; she d. in Boston, Mass., 9 June, 1864; he m. ______.
8217 Antha Maria Parry,9 b. 13 Jan., 1835; m. 11 Apr., 1874, James F. Mer­riam, a Baptist minister; res. in Santa Ana, Cal.
8218 Mary Elizabeth Parry,9 b. 3 Nov., 1839; m. 11 Feb., 1857, Malancthon McWethy, a mechanic in Three Oaks.

3414.   AARON,8 son of Lovell7 (1265), b. in Rome, N. Y., 8 Feb., 1804; m. in Ellery, N. Y., about 1824, Diantha Parker, b. 4 July, 1806, dau. of Benjamin Parker, b. in Rhode Island, 1766, and Mary Davis.
He d. in Albany, Wis., 2 Jan., 1892.
He was a farmer; rem. from Rome, with his parents, to Orangeville, thence to Luzerne Co., Ill., in 1836; to Michigan in 1839; thence to Janesville, Wis., and Dayton, Wis., in 1842; in 1846 to Albany, where he res. until his death.
8219 Mary,9 b. ______; d. aged 12 years.
8220 Amy,9 b. ______.
8221 Olive,9 b. ______.
8222 Ann,9 b. in Ellery, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1830; m. Luther Fairbank Green.
8223 Permelia,9 b. ______; m. Samuel Smith; d. in Pennsylvania; had no children.
8224 Timothy,9 b. in Ellery, 2 Oct., 1833; m. Lydia Lucina Hulburt.
8225 Almira,9 b. 7 Sept., 1837; m. Charles Edwin Parker (8234).
8226 Elizabeth,9 b. ______; m. Edwin B. Noble; res. in Medicine Lodge, Kas.; had two children.
8227 Martha Alvira,9 b. 21 Jan., 1841; m. Corydon M. Perry.
8228 Marshall Aaron,9 b. in Albany, 25 Mar., 1846; m. Ella Janette Hoit.

3415.   LYDIA,8 dau. of Lovell7 (1265), b. in Rome, N. Y., 7 Mar., 1807; m. in Ellery, N. Y., 8 Feb., 1823, Philip Parker, b. in Burlington, N. Y., 12 Nov., 1795, son of Benjamin Parker.
He d. 21 May, 1852; she d. 7 Nov., 1858.
He was a farmer; res. in Ellery. He was a Whig in politics.

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Children, b. in Ellery.
8229 Elizabeth Parker,9 b. 2 Apr., 1825; m. 1843, James Hale; res. in Ellery.
8230 Clark Parker,9 b. S Feb., 1827; d. unm., 21 May, 1849.
8231 Jane Ann Parker,9 b. 17 Jan., 1829; m. 1847, Russell B. Shaw; d. in Jamestown, N. Y., 25 Apr., 1845.
8232 Aaron H. Parker,9 b. 26 June, 1831; m. 25 May, 1853, Sarah Ann Mil­ler; res. in Ellery.
8233 Ormus Parker,9 b. 1 Sept., 1834; d. in Albany, Wis., 21 Oct., 1854.
8234 Charles Edwin Parker,9 b. 16 Sept., 1837; m. in Albany, about 1863, his cousin, Almira Kellogg (+8225).

3416.   JOSEPH,8 son of Joseph7 (1367), b. 20 Sept., 1810; m. Susan Eldred, b. in Vermont, 27 Oct., 1809, dau. of Joseph Eldredge and Martha Brown, of Hec­tor, N. Y.
He d. 20 Aug., 1865; she d. in Ithaca, N. Y., 29 Apr., 1870. He was a tobacconist; res. in Ithaca.
Children, b. in Ithaca.
8235 Oscar Fitzland,9 b. 15 Jan., 1834; m. Susan Stewart.
8236 William Henry Harrison,9 b. 5 June, 1840; was for some years a sailor; is a farmer; res., unm., in Blackland, Tex.; a Republican.
8237 Arvilla,9 b. 26 Apr., 1843; m. Franklin Augustus Warner.
8238 Marion Augusta,9 b. 18 Apr., 1846; d. 27 Aug., 1847.
8239 Augusta,9 b. 20 Sept., 1848; m. James R. Bowen.

3417.   NOAH JEFFERSON,8 son of Joseph7 (1267), b. 24 May, 1813; m. 6 May, 1840, Sarah Marshall Kensett, b. in the City of New York, Dec., 1822, dau. of Thomas Kensett, b. in Hampton Court, Middlesex Co., England, 16 Aug., 1786, and Elizabeth Atwater Daggett.
He d. 5 May, 1860.
He was an artist in Ithaca, N. Y., and New York City. After his death she res. in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Children, b. in Ithaca.
8240 Elizabeth Nelson,9 b. 16 Feb., 1843; m. _______, 15 Oct., 1863.
8241 Frederick Kensett,9 b. 9 Nov., 1845; d. in Brooklyn, 13 Jan., 1880.
8242 John Kensett,9 b. 11 Apr., 1851.

3419.   HENRY HARRISON,8 son of Joseph7 (1267), b. in Locke, N. Y., 29 June, 1818; m. 12 Sept., 1848, Mary Presendia Kimball, b. in Sacket Harbor, N. Y., 19 Nov., 1826, dau. of Joseph Kimball, b. in West Greenwich, R. I., 25 Aug., 1788, and Presendia Huntington, b. in New Grantham, N. H., 8 May, 1794.
He d. in Evanston, Ill., 4 Apr., 1899.
He was an elder in the First Presbyterian Church in Watertown. He was a druggist; res. in Ithaca, Havana, Jefferson, Elmira and Watertown, N. Y., at which place he was for five years in partnership with Henry Scribner, a brother of the founder of the Scribner Publishing Company. He later res. in Evanston. After his death she res. in Evanston.
Children, b. in Watertown.
8243 George Frederick,9 b. 16 June, 1852; d. 19 June, same year.

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8244 Mary Josephine,9 b. 4 Oct., 1856; m. Charles Beach Atwell.
8245 Sarah Elizabeth,9 b. 10 Jan., 1865; d. unm., 12 June, 1887.

3420.   PHEBE,8 dau. of Joseph7 (1267), b. 26 Oct., 1820; m. 19 Aug., 1843, Harvey Mead, b. 24 Apr., 1817, son of William Mead, b. in Chenango Co., N. Y., 1792, and Ruth Almy, b. in Tompkins Co., N. Y., 1798. He was a shoemaker and farmer in Valparaiso, Ind.
8246 Helen Mead,9 b. 4 Sept., 1844; m. Mar., 1867, Sylvester L. Miller, of Bradford Co., Pa.; he was a farmer.
8247 Lovell Mead,9 b. 20 Aug., 1846; d. 12 Nov., 1874; res. in Elmira, N. Y.
8248 Franklin Mead,9 b. 21 May, 1848; d. 10 Feb., 1853.
8249 Henry Elliott Mead,9 b. 6 May, 1850; d. 18 Sept., 1865.
8250 Sarah Marcella Mead,9 b. 8 Dec., 1852.
8251 Franklin Mead,9 b. 30 Apr., 1854.
8252 Mary Zulema Mead,9 b. 8 Mar., 1857.
8253 Joseph Herbert Mead,9 b. 15 Feb., 1860.
8254 William Mead,9 b. 3 Mar., 1864; d. 18 Sept., 1867.

3423.   SUSAN,8 dau. of Joseph7 (1267), b. in Ithaca, N. Y., 8 Apr., 1829; m. in Burdett, N. Y., 7 Dec., 1854, Jacob Havener, b. in Paterson, N. J., 2 Sept., 1827, son of William M. Havener, b. in Asbury, N. J., 10 Feb., 1808.
She d. in Elmira, N. Y., 23 May, 1879.
From 1854 to 1860 he was a farmer in Darlington, Wis.; from 1886 to 1899 a merchant in Elmira, N. Y. He was a Congregationalist and a Republican. Child.
8255 Carlton Kellogg Havener,9 b. in Centre, Wis., 6 Jan., 1860; m. 12 Sep., 1893, Elizabeth D. Fenner; res. in Elmira.

3441.   FREDERICK VINCENT,8 son of Marquis De Lafayette7 (1276), b. Champion, N. Y., 23 Apr., 1820; m. in Somonauk, Ill., 5 Feb., 1852, Mary Clark, b. in Haddam, Conn., 5 Aug., 1829, dau. of George Clark, b. in Haddam, 29 May, 1792, and Emily Smith, b. in Haddam, 17 June, 1795.
He d. in Yreka, Cal., 3 Jan., 1854, where he had gone for his health; she d. 12 Dec., 1895.
He was a farmer in Geneva, Ill., and Van Buren, Jackson Co., Ia. Child.
8256 Helen Amelia,9 b. in Somonauk, 6 July, 1853; m. 16 July, 1896, Fred L. Bryant, b. in Hermon, Me., 23 June, 1855, son of Robert D. Bryant, b. 12 July, 1822, and Elizabeth D. Baker, b. 15 July, 1824; she was graduated, in 1873, from the Illinois State Normal School; was for a time a teacher in the Chicago public schools; res. in Chicago, Ill.

3442.   SILAS ORVILLE,8 son of Marquis De Lafayette7 (1276), b. in Cham­pion, N. Y., 5 Jan., 1822; m. in Fond du Lac, Wis., 8 Nov., 1850, Isabel Fuller Brisbane, b. in Scotland, 6 Jan., 1833, dau. of William Brisbane, b. 1812, and Janet Scott, b. 1813.

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He d. in Gilmore City, Ia., 30 Apr., 1893.
He was a farmer in Preston, Ia. After his death she res. in Gilmore City.
Children, b. in Preston.
8257 Emma Janet,9 b. 4 Dec., 1851; m. Willard Van Steenburg.
8258 Arthur William,9 b. 27 Nov., 1853; m. Sarah Belle Viall.
8259 Eliza Betsey,9 b. 18 Apr., 1856; m. Edwin Sherman Weed.
8260 Elva Cora,9 b. 8 Sept., 1858; m. Justus Orlando Legg.
8261 Edgar Marquis,9 b. 24 Aug., 1861; m. Emma Winnegar.
8262 Owen Harvey,9 b. 23 Mar., 1865; m. Grace Brown.

3443.   CORNELIA,8 dau. of Marquis De Lafayette7 (1276), b. in Champion, N. Y., 30 June, 1824; m. in Geneva, Ill., 13 Oct., 1845, William J. Gillett, b. in New Hartford, Conn., 29 July, 1812, son of Matthew Gillett.
She d. 29 Oct., 1860; he d. in Preston, Ia., 20 Nov., 1895. He was a farmer; res. in Preston.
8263 Elizabeth Georgiana Gillett,9 b. 19 Mar., 1847; d. 20 June, 1852.
8264 Cora Eliza Gillett,9 b. 13 Sept., 1849; d. 20 Aug., 1850.
8265 Ada Irene Gillett,9 b. 21 May, 1852; m. Cyrus E. Wilson; res. in Hum­boldt, Ia.
8266 Ira Matthew Gillett,9 b. 10 Apr., 1857.

3444.   ALMEDIA SAMANTHA,8 dau. of Marquis De Lafayette7 (1276), b. in Champion, N. Y., 18 June, 1826; m. in Waupun, Fond du Lac Co., Wis., 11 Apr., 1849, William Sikes, b. in Roxbury, Mass., 18 Nov., 1814, son of Increase Sikes, b. 5 Sept., 1761, and Lucy Wright, b. 14 Nov., 1785.
He d. in Geneva, Ill., 10 Oct., 1870; she d. in Spragueville, Ia., 23 Nov., 1871.
He was a farmer; res. in Spragueville. He was a Congregationalist and a Republican.
8267 Albert Arthur Sikes,9 b. 20 Mar., 1850; d. 6 June, 1853.
8268 Ella Adele Sikes,9 b. 15 May, 1852; d. 26 July, 1867.
8269 Clara Gertrude Sikes,9 b. 16 Apr., 1854; m. 3 Mar., 1875, Warren Jared Burtis; res. in Cedar Rapids, Ia.; had four children.
8270 Ida Ione Sikes,9 b. 29 Nov., 1855; m. 21 Sept., 1892, Byron David Holt; res. in Jewell Junction, Ia.; had three children.
8271 Mary Edith Sikes,9 b. 1 Dec., 1857; m. 11 Sept., 1878. Emanuel Wash­ington Detwiler; res. in Vinton, Ia.; had two children.
8272 Effie Capitola Sikes,9 b. 25 Sept., 1859; m. 25 Sept., 1877, William Ben­jamin Woodward; res. in Fruitvale, Ala.; had eight children.
8273 Lillian Almedia Sikes,9 b. 10 Nov., 1864; m. 21 Feb., 1884, John Bower; res. in Correctionville, Ala.; d. 14 Sept., 1887.
8274 Florence Cornelia Sikes,9 b. 30 Aug., 1865; d. 16 Apr., 1866.
8275 Herbert Alva Sikes,9 b. 15 Dec., 1868; d. 11 Apr., 1869.

3447.   ELIZA MINERVA,8 dau. of Marquis De Lafayette7 (1276), b. in Elyria, O., 20 July, 1836; m. in Geneva, Ill., 18 May, 1854, Charles Hall Taylor, b. in

578    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Owego, N. Y., Apr., 1834, son of David Taylor, b. Aug., 1802, and Helena Tappin.
He d. ______; she d. 8 Aug., 1866.
Res. in Squaw Grove, Ill.
Children, b. in Squaw Grove.
8276 C. Frederick Taylor,9 b. 23 Sept., 1855; d. there, 1872.
8277 Sarah Delphine Taylor,9 b. 14 Jan., 1858; m. in Squaw Grove.
8278 Wilton Carlos Taylor,9 b. 22 Feb., 1860.
8279 Anna Taylor,9 b. 14 Feb., 1862; m. _______, in Squaw Grove.
8280 Jack Taylor,9 b. 6 May, 1864; res. in Aurora, Ill.

3448.   ELEANOR PAMELIA,8 dau. of Marquis De Lafayette7 (1276), b. in La Grange, O., 11 July, 1838; m. in Aurora, Ill., 26 Feb., 1862, George Washing­ton Hale, b. in Stockton, N. Y., 29 Apr., 1833, son of Isaac Hale and Charity Day­mond.
She d. in South Elgin, Ill., 21 Nov., 1874. He is a moulder and a Republican; res. in South Elgin.
Children, b. in South Elgin.
8281 Lora Edith Hale,9 b. 3 Mar., 1863; res., unm., in South Elgin.
8282 Frederick Charles Hale,9 b. 4 July, 1871; is unm.

3449.   GEORGE,8 son of Marquis De Lafayette7 (1376), b. in La Grange, O., 9
Nov., 1843; m. in Vinton, Ia., 19 Oct., 1872, Helen L. Baird, b. 18 Oct., 1856, dau. of Franklin M. Baird and Jeanette Bonesteel.
He is a farmer; res. in Vinton; is a Republican.
Children, b. in Vinton.
8283 Guy,9 b. 7 May, 1875; m. in Vinton, 16 Dec., 1896, Cora J. Whipple, b. 27 Mar., 1874, dau. of Cyranius T. Whipple, b. 11 Oct., 1827, and Nancy J. Cline, b. 2 Jan., 1838; was a soldier in the Spanish war; enlisted as First Lieut, in Co. G, Forty-ninth Iowa Volunteer In­fantry, 3 June, 1898; d. in Jackson wife, Fla., 21 Aug., 1898; had no children.
8284 Bertha,9 b. 7 Mar., 1878; d. May, 1879.
8285 Hollie,9 b. 9 Apr., 1881.
8286 Ora,9 b. 28 Sept., 1887.
8287 Eva,9 b. 24 Dec., 1890.

3450.   EDITH,8 dau. of Marquis De Lafayette7 (1276), b. in Geneva, Ill., May, 1845; m. in Aurora, Ill., 16 Aug., 1864, Tappin Anthony Taylor, b. in Owego, N. Y., 16 Dec., 1836, son of David Taylor, b. Aug., 1803, and Helena Tappin.
He is a farmer; res. in Hope, Dickinson Co., Kas.
8288 May Helena Taylor,9 b. in Squaw Grove, Ill., 10 Sept., 1867; m. 6 Jan., 1885, in Junction City, Kas., John H. Pratt; res. in Hope; had two children.
8289 Ella Betsey Taylor,9 b. in Fremont, Ia., 21 Oct., 1869; m. in Dillon,

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Kas., 6 Dec., 1891, Walter J. Whitehead; res. in Hope; had one child.
8290 Jessie Edith Taylor,9 b. in Detroit, Kas., 8 Dec., 1878; m. in Hope, 29 June, 1898, Jerome S. Loy; res. in Council Grove, Kas.

3452.   HUGH HENDERSON,8 son of Noah7 (1278), b. 14 Jan., 1815; m. Nancy Walker.
He d. ______, in Michigan.
They separated and she m. again, but he did not. When the war broke out he and his only son went into the army together.
8291 Albert,9 b. ______; d. in the army in Tennessee, during the rebellion.

3453.   WILBUR CURTIS,8 son of Noah7 (1278), b. 17 May, 1816; m. Martha Stone.
His residence is not known, but he is supposed to have been in Wyandotte, Hot Spring Co., Ark.
Children, b. in La Grange, O.
8292 Marquis De Lafayette,9 b. 22 Sept., 1850; m. Sarah Elizabeth Huck­elby.
8293 Mary Ophelia,9 b. 26 Nov., 1854; m. John Francis Reinke.

3455.   MILO FRANKLIN,8 son of Noah7 (1278), b. in Harrisville, O., 30 Nov., 1820; m. in Delaware Co., N. Y., 22 Feb., 1849, Adeline Maria Case, b. in Frank­lin, N. Y., 16 Sept., 1825, dau. of Dewey Case and Cynthia Howell.
He d. in Skidmore, Mo., 26 Apr., 1900.
He res. near Fairbury, Neb.; was a farmer; a Free Will Baptist and a Re­publican.
Children, b. in Pittsfield, O.
8294 James Fred,9 b. 6 Jan., 1856; m. Minnie Botz Chadduck.
8295 Hattie Cynthia,9 b. 19 Apr., 1857; m. Levi Earner.
8296 A Daughter,9 b. ______; d. unm., ______.

3456.   FRANCIS NELSON,8 son of Noah7 (1278), b. in La Grange, O., 16 Dec., 1821; m. in Sullivan, O., 9 June, 1846, Jenisha Ann Cleveland, b. in Caze­novia, N. Y., 13 Aug., 1820, dau. of Isaac Cleveland, of Sullivan, and Anna Drake, b. 25 May, 1782 or '83.
She d. in La Grange, 27 Sept., 1854; he m. (2) Mrs. Stoddard; was drowned in Le Roy, Mich., 16 Nov., 1873. He res. near Cedar Springs, Mich.
8297 Franklin Brainard,9 b. 7 July, 1847; m. 7 Oct., 1874, Car line Hill; res. in Cedar Springs and Cortland, Mich.; had no children.
8298 Sophia Eliza,9 b. in Pittsfield, O., 28 July, 1849; m. Marvin L Pren­tice.
8299 Orrin,9 b. 12 Aug., 1854; d. 8 Sept., same year.

580    The Kelloggs in the New World.

3457.   AMANDA MINERVA,8 dau. of Noah7 (1278), b. in Harrisville, O., 8 Nov., 1822; m. Dr. A. Evans.
She d. in La Grange, O., 12 June, 1866.
He was a graduate of a medical college in Cleveland, O.; was a Methodist and a Republican.
8300 Vita Viola Evans,9 b. 13 Oct., 1855; m. 25 Oct., 1874, _______ Lewis; res. in Fremont, Neb.; had two children.
8301 Mary Evans,9 b. ______.
8302 James Evans,9 b. ______.

3459.   CLEMENT AUGUSTUS,8 son of Noah7 (1378), b. in Harrisville, O., 29 Nov., 1835; m. in La Grange, O., 27 Feb., 1849, Susan Altamira Reynolds, b. 27 Apr., 1832, dau. of Joseph Reynolds and Charity Austin.
He is a farmer and inventor; invented the first hand corn planter, also the pruning shears that are now sold in all hardware stores, an 1 the mowing machine knife grinder, that grinds the knives without removing them from the cutter bar; res. in East Carmel, O.; is a Disciple and a Democrat.
8303 Pluma Ella,9 b. in La Grange, 17 Mar., 1850; d. in Carlisle, O., 10 May, 1862.
8304 Estella Marilla,9 b. in Russia, O., 28 July, 1852; m. 15 Feb., 1883, Abner Marshall Leslie, son of Ira Leslie and Juliette Barnes; he was a farmer and a Republican; served in the One Hundred and Twenty-eighth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; d. in North Amherst, O., 5 May, 1893; she res. in Elyria, O.; had no children.
8305 Irwin Melville,9 b. in Amherst, O., 18 Feb., 1854; m. 18 Feb., 1875, Lillie Arnold; had no children.
8306 Boyd Arnold,9 b. in Crawford. O., 25 Oct., 1857; m. Rose Ann Ward.
8307 Weldone Eddie,9 b. _______, in Elyria, where he d. ______.
8308 Delavox Delona,9 b. _______, in Elyria, O., where he d. ______.

3463.   JASON SPENCER,8 son of Noah7 (1378), b. in La Grange, O., 14 Aug., 1834; m. (1) in Seville, O., 8 July, 1863, Lucinda Russell Gray, b. 2 Nov., 1842.
When last heard of she was living in Seville.
He m. (2) in Pine Valley, N. Y., 13 Oct., 1881, Georgiana Banks, b. 3 Aug., 1846, dau. of Alonzo Banks, b. 1 Dec., 1823, and Mary Elizabeth Sawyer, b. 11 July, 1822.
He was a Union soldier; enlisted as Corp. in Co. C, Seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry; res., in 1900, in Elmira, N. Y.; in 1901, in Auburndale, Fla.
Child by first wife.
8309 Judd Dwight,9 b. 6 Oct., 1866; when last heard of he was in Akron, O.; his family has lost track of him.
Child by second wife.
8310 Joy Banks,9 b. 2 Oct., 1884; res. in Auburndale.

3478.   HARRIET,8 dau. of Deacon Hosmer7 (1282), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 21 Aug., 1794; m. 9 Oct., 1814, Capt. Frederick Augustus Brown, b. 24 Sept., 1789,

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son of Richard Brown, of Chatham, Conn., and Sheffield, Mass., and Anne Pen­field.
He d. in Sheffield, 26 Apr., 1866; she d. 8 Feb., 1875. He was a far­mer in Sheffield.
8311 Augustus F. Brown,9 b. 15 Mar., 1815; m. Caroline Sparks; d. 13 Feb., 1871; res. in Boston, Mass.
8312 Ann Maria Brown,9 b. 23 May, 1819; m. 27 Dec., 1838, Horace B. Candee; res. in Sheffield.
8313 Leonard Brown,9 b. 25 Jan., 1821; m. Mary Ann Chapin; d. 22 Feb., 1873; res. in Amenia, N. Y.
8314 George Brown,9 b. 10 July, 1823; m. Anna M. Bush; d. 8 Oct., 1854; res. ill White Pigeon, Mich.
8315 Charles Kellogg Brown,9 b. 17 Nov., 1826; res., unm., in Sheffield.
8316 Caroline Elizabeth Brown,9 b. 28 Apr., 1830; m. 28 Mar., 1850, L. W. Cutler; res. in Denver, Col.
8317 Charlotte Augusta Brown,9 b. 16 Oct., 1834; m. 20 Sept., 1870, Zadock Earner; res. in Santa Cruz, Cal.
8318 Harriet Lucinda Brown,9 b. 4 Dec., 1837; m. Joseph A. Kline; res. in Egremont, Mass.

3481.   ALBERT BENJAMIN,8 son of Deacon Hosmer7 (1282), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 28 Oct., 1799; m. (1) in Canaan, Conn., 22 Nov., 1830, Rhoda Lawrence, b. 30 Apr., 1801, dau. of Anson Lawrence, of North Canaan, Conn., and Elizabeth Rockwell.
She d. 8 Sept., 1843; he m. (2) 31 Dec., 1844, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth (Loomis) Van Vleck, b. 13 June, 1813, dau. of Deacon Selah Loomis, b. 13 Apr., 1785, of Coventry, Conn., and Esther Howard, b. in North Coventry, 2 Nov., 1786; d. in Wethersfield, Ill., 23 July, 1887.
He was admitted to the church in East Canaan, Conn., 25 June, 1822. He was a farmer in North Canaan; rem., Sept., 1843, to White Pigeon, Mich., later to Kewanee, Ill., and in Mar., 1850, to Wethersfield.
Children by first wife, b. in Canaan.
8319 Amy Elizabeth,9 b. 3 Dec., 1821; m. Wesley Trescott.
8320 Ann,9 b. 25 July, 1823; m. (1) Albert H. Wetherell; (2) Joseph W. Daniel.
8321 Ruth Jane,9 b. 5 July, 1836; m. George M. Clark.
8322 Ellen Catherine,9 b. 30 June, 1830; m. Stephen Bull.
8323 Hosmer Lawrence,9 b. 30 Nov., 1833; m. Emily Platt.
8324 Anson Lawrence,9 b. 23 June, 1836; m. Amanda Fish.
Children by second wife.
8325 Henry Lyman,9 b. in White Pigeon, 7 Nov., 1845; m. Nora Emily Blanchard.
8326 Charles Albert,9 b. in White Pigeon, 14 Apr., 1848; m. Catherine Smedes Weeks.
8327 George Clark,9 b. in Wethersfield, 13 Nov., 1850; m. Florence Sawyer.
8328 Cynthia Maria,9 b. in Wethersfield, 22 June, 1853; m. Edward James Ray.

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3483.   EDWIN,8 son of Deacon Hosmer7 (1282), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 17 Feb., 1803; m. (1) 25 Sept., 1832, Eleanor Miles Lapsley, b. 15 Feb., 1809, dau. of John E. Lapsley, of Erie, Pa.
She d. 21 Dec., 1836; he m. (2) 24 July, 1839, Amelia Elvira Ranger, b. 23 Mar., 1818, in Colerain, Mass.; she d. 6 June, 1862; he d. 6 July, 1876.
He was a farmer; res. in White Pigeon, Mich., from 1850 to '56; rem. to Toronto, Kas., in 1857.
Child by first wife, b. in White Pigeon.
8329 Elizabeth Lapsley,9 b. 7 Sept., 1833; d. unm., in Toronto, 1881.
Children by second wife.
8330 Seth Ranger,9 b. 30 Aug., 1845; m. Catherine M. Rowe.
8331 Arabella Smith,9 b. 23 May, 1848; m. William Henry Shane.

3484.   HOSMER,8 son of Deacon Hosmer7 (1282), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 14 Apr., 1805; m. 29 Jan., 1835, Ann Eliza Clark, b. 2 Feb., 1816, dau. of Dr. Rob­ert Clark, of Stamford, N. Y., b. 12 June, 1777, and Catherine Ried, of Scottish parentage, b. in Montreal, Canada, 1 May, 1784.
He d. 26 Oct., 1854; she d. in Denver, Col., 24 Dec., 1895.
They res. in Floyd, Ia. She rem. with her children to Ann Arbor, Mich., 1859. One by one they afterward all rem. to Denver.
Children, b. in White Pigeon, Mich.
8332 Ellen Elizabeth,9 b. 25 Dec., 1835; m. Albert Cameron Hunt.
8333 Edwin Hosmer,9 b. 7 Sept., 1844; m. May Ayres.
8334 Arthur Clark,9 b. 3 Nov., 1848; m. Elizabeth Edwards.
8335 Kate Louisa,9 b. 18 Mar., 1852; m. Charles Y. McClure.

3485.   GEORGE,8 son of Deacon Hosmer7 (1282), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 11 Mar., 1807; m. 6 Feb., 1839, Mary Jane Baxter, b. in Sidney Plains, Delaware Co., N. Y., 2 Apr., 1818, dau. of Levi Baxter, Jr., b. in East Windsor, Conn., 5 Oct., 1788, and Lois Johnstone, b. in Sidney Plains, 14 Jan., 1792.
He d. in Jackson, Mich., 30 Apr., 1888; she d. in Tecumseh, Mich., 19 Feb., 1896.
He res. from 1830 to '32, in Troy, N. Y.; from 1832 to '54, in White Pigeon, Mich., and from 1854 to '73 in Jackson, Mich. He was a merchant and manu­facturer.

Children, b. in White Pigeon.
8336 Mary Jane,9 b. 4 Nov., 1839; m. Judson Clark Lowell.
8337 Caroline,9 b. 17 Sept., 1844; d. 20 Sept., 1857.
8338 George Benjamin,9 b. 15 Aug., 1846; m. Lizzie B. Rich.
8339 Frances Maria,9 b. 30 Nov., 1848; m. Egbert Starr Newbury.
8340 Helen Alice,9 b. 24 May, 1854; d. 8 Oct., same year.

3486.   CHARLES,8 son of Deacon Hosmer7 (1282), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 28 May, 1810; m. (1) 15 Oct., 1831, Rebecca Reed, b. 23 Mar., 1810, dau. of Epene­tus Reed, of Coxsackie, N. Y.
She d. in White Pigeon, Mich., 24 June, 1837; he m. (2) 21 Mar., 1839, Jane Burnell, b. in Melbourne, East Riding, Yorkshire, England, 15 May, 1817, dau. of William Burnell, b. in the City of York, England, 1764, and Ann Halley,

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b. in Walburt, Yorkshire, England; he d. 12 Apr., 1847; was drowned in the St. Joseph River, in Mishawaka, Ind., by the wrecking of one of his steamers. The Pilot, on her trial trip; she d. in Constantine, Mich, 5 Feb., 1892.
He was a cabinet-maker in Coxsackie from 1828 to '31; a merchant and mer­chant miller in White Pigeon from 1831 to '47.
Children by second wife, b. in White Pigeon.
8341 Charles Burnel,9 b. 6 Feb., 1840; m. Anna Dickinson.
8342 George Hosmer,9 b. 8 Oct., 1841; d. 6 Sept., 1842.
8343 Norman Benjamin,9 b. 28 Oct., 1843; was graduated in civil engineer­ing from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y, in the class of 1875; 1873-74 was in the civil engineering department of the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad, in Meadville, Pa.; rem. to California, 1874; 1876-91 was employed by the Southern Pacific Co. as civil engineer; res., unm., in San Francisco; a Republican; a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
8344 Marmaduke Burrell,9 b. 30 Aug., 1847; m. Mary Louise Adams.

3488.   AMY ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Deacon Hosmer7 (1282), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 19 Jan., 1815; m. in Sheffield, 15 Mar., 1832, Giles Andrews Loring, b. in Sheffield, 4 Feb., 1805, son of Isaac Loring and Cornelia Owen.
She d. in Sheffield, 29 Jan., 1837; he m. (2) 7 Feb., 1841, Demmis M. War­riner; d. 1874.
He was a farmer; res. in Sheffield, Mass., Genoa, O., and White Pigeon, Mich.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
8345 George Kellogg Loring,9 b. 6 Apr., 1833; m. 21 Oct., 1858, Hattie Hach­enberg; res. in White Pigeon from 1857 to '82; in North Dakota from 1882 to '94; in Boston, Mass., since 1895; had eight children.
8346 Maria Reed Loring,9 b. 12 Dec., 1834; m. 20 May, 1859, William Monroe Clark; res. in Mishawaka, Ind.; had children.

3489.   MARIA,8 dau. of Deacon Hosmer7 (1282), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 19 Jan., 1816; m. 16 Mar., 1835, Deacon Samuel Austin Chapin, b. 2 Sept., 1811, son of Henry Chapin, of Northbridge, Mass., b. 4 May, 1765, and Abigail Baylies, b. 21 June, 1772.
He d. in San Bernardino, Cal, 17 Apr., 1890; he d. in Norton, Mass., 13 Nov., 1892.
He was engaged in mining in California, res. in San Francisco, where he was a deacon in Rev. Dr. A. L. Stone's Congregational Church, of which he was one of the original members.
8347 Elizabeth Kellogg Chapin,9 b. 2 Jan., 1836; m. 25 Dec., 1854, Alfred L. Tubbs, of San Francisco.
8348 Laban Wheaton Chapin,9 b. 2 July, 1838; d. 27 July, same year.
8349 Mary Judson Chapin,9 b. 1 Jan., 1844; d. 31 July, same year.
8350 Anette Maria Chapin,9 b. 9 Dec., 1845; d. 5 Aug., 1856.
8351 Ella Austin Chapin,9 b. 1 Feb., 1850; d. 7 Sept., same year.
8352 Samuel Austin Chapin,9 b. 24 July, 1858; res., unm., in New York City.

3498.   EDWARD,8 son of Deacon Ephraim7 (1285), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 23

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Feb., 1799; m. in Sheffield, 14 May, 1823, Jane Hal 1, b. in Wallingford, Conn., 20 Jan., 1804, dau. of Hezekiah Hall and Esther Lewis.
She d. in Elmwood, Ill., 27 Sept., 1848; he d. in Marysville, Cal., 12 Oct., 1851.
He was a wool carder and cloth dresser.
8353 Ashley Lewis,9 b. in Claverack, N. Y., 31 July, 1824; m. Susan Eliza­beth Andrews.
8354 Esther Jane,9 b. in Egremont, Mass., 1 Jan., 1826; m. 1 Jan., 1845, Henry J. Ward; he went to California, in 1849; not heard from since; she d. Feb., 1847.
8355 William Hall,9 b. in Egremont, 20 July, 1827; m. Lavinia Thompson Bartholomew.
8356 Cornelia,9 b. in Egremont, 26 Apr., 1829; m. Noyes Elsworth Barthol­omew.
8357 Cordelia,9 b. in Egremont, 26 Apr., 1829; m. Edward Franklin Bar­tholomew.
8358 Edward Nelson,9 b. in Elmwood, 15 Mar., 1839; d. in Elmwood, 7 Jan., 1856.
8359 Ralph Henry,9 b. in Elmwood, 27 Dec., 1847; d. unm., in Mound City, Kas., 8 Mar., 1876.

3499.   ADELIA,8 dau. of Deacon Ephraim7 (1385), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 22 Nov., 1801; m. in Sheffield, 1820 or '22, Jesse Stevens, b. in Fitchburg, Mass., 23 Jan., 1796, son of Jesse Stevens.
She d. in Honeoye, N. Y., 1 Mar., 1876; he d. there several years later. He was a farmer; a Congregationalist and a Democrat.
Children, b. in Richmond, N. Y.
8360 Mary Ann Stevens,9 b. 14 Sept., 1828; m. Alanson W. Austin; res. in Battle Creek, Mich.
8361 Jane Ashley Stevens,9 b. 19 July, 1832; d. in Richmond, 13 Mar., 1837.
8362 Henry Clay Stevens,9 b. 21 Jan., 1834; m. Mary Crooks; res. in Honeoye.
8363 Adelia Maria Stevens,9 b. 5 Aug., 1835; m. Seneca Truman Short; res. in Hemlock, N. Y.
8364 Edward Kellogg Stevens,9 b. 20 Dec., 1838; m. Louisa Reed; res. in Honeoye.

3500.   NELSON,8 son of Deacon Ephraim7 (1285), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 5 Sept., 1805; m. in Sheffield, 11 Apr., 1848, Caroline Roys, b. 12 June, 1819, dau. of Lieut. Roys, b. 14 Dec., 1775, and Mary Holmes, b. 10 Apr., 1782, both of Sheffield.
She d. 9 Nov., 1877; he d. 13 June, 1882.
He was a farmer; res. in Sheffield and later in Port Jervis, N. Y., where both d.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
8365 William,9 b. 10 Mar., 1849; m. in Port Jervis, N. Y., 16 Oct., 1884, Arseneth Strack, b. in Port Jervis, 18 Nov., 1850, dau. of Phillip Strack, b. in Amt Dritz, Germany, 25 Nov., 1813, and Catherine Biermas, b. in Germany, 6 Sept., 1826; d. in Fort Worth, Tex., 1 Mar., 1893, where his widow later res.; had no children.

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8366 Elizabeth Roys,9 b. 3 Aug., 1850; res., unm., in Stockbridge, Mass.
8367 Frederick,9 b. 18 Feb., 1852; went West in 1870-73; never heard from.
8368 Albertus,9 b. 4 Jan., 1854; d. in Sheffield, 5 Sept., 1854.
8369 Arthur Nelson,9 b. 6 July, 1856; m. Nora M. Lynch.
8370 Caroline Louise,9 b. 17 Nov., 1858; res., unm., in Lansingburg, N. Y.
8371 Frances,9 b. 23 Apr., 1860; m. Charles Crossett Spring.
8372 Edward Ashley,9 b. 5 June, 1862; m. in Palestine, Tex., 27 Nov., 1895, Samanthia Ray; is Southwestern Passenger Agent of the C. and E. 1. Railway; res. in Dallas, Tex.; has no children.

3501.   JANE,8 dau. of Deacon Ephraim7 (1285), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 24 Aug., 1808; m. in Sheffield, 19 Feb., 1833, Walter Richards, b. in Hinsdale, Mass., 2 Sept., 1803, son of Col. William Richards, b. 17 Jan., 1756, and Monica Friszell, b. 1774.
He d. in Lenox, Mass., 14 Sept., 1865; she d. in Sheffield, 15 Apr., 1886. They res. in Vergennes, Vt.; rem. in 1836 to Lenox.
8373 Albertus Kellogg Richards,9 b. 2 Dec., 1833; m. Algeninah Chase; res. in Albany, N. Y.
8374 Monica Jane Richards,9 b. 6 May, 1835; m. 20 Mar., 1853, James F. Mattoon; res. in Lenox; had two children.
8375 Eleanor Victoria Richards,9 b. 25 Sept., 1838; m. W. A. Stevens; res. in Chicago, Ill.
8376 Stella Delphine Richards,9 b. 29 Dec., 1839; m. Hon. Dwight Boardman, of Sheffield, ex-member of the Massachusetts Legislature; res. in Sheffield.
8377 Adelaide Adelia Richards,9 b. 23 Jan., 1842; m. Thomas J. Atwood; res. in Chicago.
8378 Ephraim William Richards,9 b. 7 Aug., 1848; m. Kate E. Vance; res. in San Francisco.

3502.   REV. EPHRAIM WILLIAM,8 son of Deacon Ephraim7 (1285), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 2 May, 1811; m. in Auburn, N. Y., 3 May, 1841, Lois Bennett, b. in Ballston, N. Y., 11 July, 1807, dau. of Joseph Bennett, b. 28 May, 1768, and Orilla Sexton, b. 8 June, 1786.
He d. in Heuvelton, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1887; she d. in Newman, Ill., 5 Nov., 1893.
He was a Presbyterian minister; res. in Heuvelton; was graduated from Williams College in 1836, and from the Auburn Theological Seminary in 1840; preached in Western New York, Lockport, Tonawanda and Bethany until the last five years of his life, which he spent in Heuvelton.
8379 Mary Jane,9 b. in Sheffield, 6 Mar., 1842; m. John Ransom Page.
8380 William Bennett,9 b. in Avon, N. Y., 27 Mar., 1844; d. in Millville, N. Y., 27 Oct., 1850.
8381 Ephraim Selden,9 b. in Churchville, N. Y., 22 May, 1846; m. Elsie Shurtleff.
8382 Clara Louise,9 b. in Millville, 4 Feb., 1849; d. unm., in Heuvelton, 17 Oct., 1887.

586    The Kelloggs in the New World.

3503.   ELEANOR,8 dau. of Deacon Ephraim7 (1285), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 5 Feb., 1813; m. 25 Aug., 1842, Alvan Callender, of Nashville, Tenn., b. 27 Oct., 1808, son of Mark Callender (1247), of Sheffield, b. 22 July, 1772, and Betsey Holmes. Mark Callender was the son of Joseph Callender, of Sheffield, and Mercy Kellogg (+408).
He d. in Sheffield, Sept., 1883; she d. in Stockbridge, Mass., 1898.
He was a farmer in Sheffield.
8383 George Ephraim Callender,9 b. 14 Dec., 1844; was a druggist in Cin­cinnati, O.; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y.
8384 Charles Edward Callender,9 b. 26 Mar., 1847; a paper manufacturer in Glendale, Berkshire Co., Mass.; res. in Philadelphia.

3506.   ENSIGN HOSMER,8 son of Captain Elisha7 (1287), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 6 July, 1812; m. 10 June, 1841, Caroline Lavinia Campbell, b. in Pitts­field, Mass., 13 Nov., 1814, dau. of David Campbell, Jr., b. in Suffield, Conn., 12 Dec., 1782, and Nancy Pepoon, b. in Hebron, Conn., 9 Aug., 1783.
He d. in Pittsfield, 23 Jan., 1882; she now res. there.
He was a lawyer; a woolen manufacturer and prominent resident of Pitts­field; a graduate of Amherst College in 1836. He was fifteen times a member of the Massachusetts Legislature; twice Senator and thirteen times member of the House, of which he was twice Speaker; was at one time President of the Agricultural Bank of Pittsfield; held many town offices.
Children, b. in Pittsfield.
8385 Elizabeth Campbell,9 b. 20 Mar., 1842; m. 21 Dec., 1869, William Robinson Plunkett, b. in Chester, Mass., 1831, son of Thomas F. and Hannah S. Plunkett; d. May, 1876; had no children; he m. (2) her sister. May.
8386 May,9 b. 20 May, 1848; m. William Robinson Plunkett.
8387 Caroline Jane,9 b. 18 Dec., 1852; m. 4 June, 1884, William Erastus Cushing, b. 23 Sept., 1853, son of Henry Kirke Cushing, b. 29 July, 1827, and Elizabeth Maria Williams, b. 3 Mar., 1828; he was a lawyer; graduated from Harvard Law School in 1878; res. in Cleveland, O.; had no children.

3507.   JAMES ELISHA,8 son of Capt. Elisha7 (1287), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 21 July, 1818; m. in Salisbury, Conn., 28 Oct., 1846, Jennette Warner, b. in Salis­bury, 15 July, 1817, dau. of Harvey D. Warner, b. 1 Aug., 1769, and Elizabeth Clark, b. 4 Sept., 1778, both of Salisbury.
He d. in Galesburg, Ill., 9 July, 1899.
He was a farmer; res. upon the old homestead, in Sheffield, until 1864, when he rem. to Illinois, res. in Woodhull until 1890, when he rem. to Galesburg, where he spent the remainder of his life with his son and dau. He was a Methodist; was superintendent of the Sunday School, in Sheffield, and leader of the choir.
Children, b. in Sheffield.
8388 Jennie Elizabeth,9 b. 8 Nov., 1847; d. 27 Apr., 1849.
8389 Harvey Elisha,9 b. 6 Feb., 1849; a dry goods and carpet merchant in Galesburg, in the firm of Kellogg, Drake & Co.

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8390 Alice Jennette,9 b. 10 Feb., 1851; m. Oscar Booth Chamberlain.
8391 Mary Jane,9 b. 26 Mar., 1854; d. 8 Sept., 1856.

3508.   RUTH JANE,8 dau. of Capt. Elisha7 (1287), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 19 Jan., 1821; m. 23 Sept., 1841, Emmons Arnold, b. in New Marlborough, Mass., 2 Dec., 1815, son of Jonathan Arnold (a fifer in the war of 1812), of Sheffield, b. in Sandisfield, Mass., 9 Oct., 1792, and Maria Emmons, b. in Cornwall, Conn., 1 Apr., 1794.
He d. in Portland, Or., 11 Feb., 1878; she d. 27 June, 1889.
He was a farmer and merchant; res. for many years in Sheffield. He was Town Clerk, Selectman and a member of the Massachusetts Legislature.
8392 Frederick Kellogg Arnold,9 b. 10 July, 1844; m. 15 Sept., 1869, Mary Nichols Tower, b. in Springfield, Vt., 7 Apr., 1847; they have res. in Portland, Or., since 1866; he is a wholesale druggist; served as private in Co. E, Forty-ninth Reg., Massachusetts Volunteer In­fantry, in the war of the rebellion; had two children.
8393 Frank Emmons Arnold,9 b. 30 Mar., 1853.

3518.   MILTON CURTIS,8 son of Donne7 (1289), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 15 May, 1814; m. (1) in Grand Rapids, Mich., 12 Jan., 1848, Amanda Barnes, b. 10 Sept., 1815.
She d. in Cortland, Mich., 23 Apr., 1851; he m. (2) in Colon, St. Joseph Co., Mich., as her second husband, Feb., 1854, Mrs. Jane (Rohr) Rhinehart, b. in Switzerland, 6 Dec., 1825, dau. of John Rohr and Anna Mary; d. in Cortland, 26 Aug., 1864; he was a farmer; a Congregationalist and a Republican; she m. (1) John Rhinehart; (3) Peter Anderson; res. in Cortland.
Children by second wife, b. in Cortland.
8394 Caroline,9 b. 9 Dec., 1854; m. (1) Charles Wilson; (2) Martin De Glopper.
8395 John Augustus,9 b. 20 Mar., 1858; m. Mary Bowers.
8396 Catherine Ellen,9 b. 7 Jan., 1859; m. Charles Squires.

3525.   CAROLINE,8 dau. of Orsamus7 (1291), b. in Lansingburg, N. Y., 12 Sept., 1796; m. 21 July, 1816, Dr. Lyman Fay, b. in Barnard, Vt., 3 May, 1791, son of Aaron Fay, b. in Hardwick, Mass., 1 Aug., 1759, and Rebecca Winslow, b. in Hardwick, 11 May, 1759.
He d. in Milan, O., 2 Sept., 1854; she d. 3 Dec., 1862.
He rem. to Milan in 1814, where he was a physician, farmer and merchant.
Children, b. in Milan.
8397 Winslow Fay,9 b. 21 Apr., 1817; m. 9 Jan., 1839, Mary Ann Brooks; res. in Florence, O.
8398 Caroline Fay,9 b. 25 May, 1818; m. 21 Mar., 1841, William B. Dimon; res. in Milan.
8399 Lyman Fay,9 b. 15 Jan., 1820; m. 24 Aug., 1853, Mary J. Ladd; was engaged in mining in Colorado; later res. in New London, Huron Co., O.
8400 Harriet Fay,9 b. 14 Feb., 1822; d. 6 Apr., 1823.

588    The Kelloggs in the New World.

8401 Darwin Fay,9 b. 1 Feb., 1824; m. 29 June, 1869, Mrs. Elizabeth Mont­gomery; res. in Milan.
8402 Edwin Fay,9 b. 15 Mar., 1826; d. 10 Dec., 1828.
8403 Harriet Fay,9 b. 8 May, 1828 m. 31 May, 1849, John W. Pickett; d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 16 Oct., 1861.
8404 Edwin Fay,9 b. 15 Dec., 1830; m. 18 Aug., 1858, Rhoda E. Putman; res. in Davenport, Ia.
8405 Evaline Fay,9 b. 18 Aug., 1833; d. 10 July, 1834.
8406 Evaline Fay,9 b. 14 May, 1835; d. unm., 5 July, 1859.

3528.   SUSAN AMELIA,8 dau. of Orsamus7 (1291), b. in Batavia, N. Y., 9 Mar., 1804; m. in Milan, O., 2 Nov., 1830, Philander Wilbor, b. 7 Sept., 1802, son of Charles Wilbor, of Le Roy, N. Y., and Milan, O., b. in Little Compton, R. I., 22 Aug., 1768, and Sarah Handy, b. 13 Aug., 1775.
He d. in Milan, 25 Jan., 1874; she d. 26 May, 1875.
He rem. to Ohio in 1827; was a farmer in Milan.
Children, b. in Milan.
8407 Sarah Wilbor,9 b. 1 Apr., 1832; m. 18 Feb., 1862, Asa S. Hardy, of Shel­bume, Mass., where she d. 31 Dec., 1862.
8408 Philander H. Wilbor,9 b. 30 June, 1837; was a banker in Cheyenne, Wyo.
8409 Emily S. Wilbor,9 b. 20 Feb., 1841; m. 31 Mar., 1859, H. N. Shipman, of Warren, Pa.; res. in Milan.
8410 Eliza T. Wilbor,9 b. 27 Aug., 1842.
8411 Mary N. Wilbor,9 b. 18 Oct., 1845.

3529.   MINERVA,8 dau. of Orsamus7 (1291), b. 21 June, 1807; m. in Milan, O., 4 Apr., 1830, John Forsman Slocum, b. in Tunkhannock, Pa., 13 Dec., 1803, son of Maj. Isaac Slocum and Elizabeth Patrick, b. ______.
She d. in Mount Vernon, O., Aug., 1875; he d. in Cannon Falls, Minn., 27 June, 1878 or '79.
He was a lumberman; res. in York, O.
8412 Merritt Slocum,9 b. ______.
8413 Sarah Slocum,9 b. ______.
8414 Mary Slocum,9 b. ______.

3530.   ORSAMUS,8 son of Orsamus7 (1291), b. 14 Nov., 1810; m. 1837, Mary Ann Hunt.
He was a manufacturer of sash, doors and blinds; res. in Milan, O.
8415 Theresa Melissa,9 b. 6 July, 1839; m. Everett E. Allen.
8416 Euphemia Anna,9 b. in Canada, 23 July, 1841.
8417 Emmeline,9 b. 23 May, 1844; m. Isaac Elliott; res. in Milan.

3532.   LUCINDA,8 dau. of Enos7 (1295), b. 5 Nov., 1801; m. 25 Sept., 1818, Benjamin Morse Smith, of Sandisfield, Mass., b. 25 June, 1794, son of Comfort Smith, b. 22 Nov., 1766, and Sarah Dodge, b. in Tyringham, Mass., 26 June, 1773.

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He d. in Galena, Ill., 19 May, 1854.
He was a miller and a successful inventor. After his death she res. in Rochester, N. Y.
8418 Daphna Almira Smith,9 b. 31 Aug., 1819; m. 5 Sept., 1838, Thomas Hanvey, a cooper; res. in Rochester; had eight children.
8419 Affia Julian Smith,9 b. 11 Mar., 1821; d. 13 Dec., 1834.
8420 Helen Elizabeth Smith,9 b. in Rochester, 13 Apr., 1823.
8421 Alonzo Kellogg Smith,9 b. 31 Mar., 1825; m. 27 Nov., 1850, Susan A. Marshall; owned a flouring mill in Jeddo, Orleans Co., N. Y.; had one child.
8422 Sarah Arasteen Smith,9 b. 28 Aug., 1827; d. 20 Sept., 1836.
8423 Charles Seymour Smith,9 b. 21 Jan., 1831; m. Lovina S. Keele; was First Lieut, in the Eighth New York Cavalry; was killed in the battle of Oak Ridge, near Brentville, Va., 15 Oct., 1863; is buried in Hartland, N. Y., where she res. after his death; had two chil­dren.
8424 Augustus Garland Smith,9 b. 22 Dec., 1833; d. 31 Aug., 1852.
8425 Henry Coleman Smith,9 b. 25 May, 1837; he is an engineer in Rochester, N. Y., water works.

3533.   DR. ALONZO SMITH,8 son of Enos7 (1295), b. 13 Dec., 1803; m. 29 Jan., 1825, Octavia Smith, b. 14 May, 1807.
She d. 1847; he m. (2) 8 June, 1848, Nancy Burt; d. in Marion, Ia., 14 July, 1854.
He was a physician and farmer; res. from 1825 to '35 in New Albany, Ind.; in Clark Co., Ind., until 1851; later in Marion, Ia.
Children by first wife.
8426 Lucinda S.,9 b. 9 Jan., 1826; d. about 1834.
8427 William Enos,9 b. 20 Dec., 1827; was a carpenter, miner and lumber­man; res. in Jackson, Amador Co., Cal.
8428 Almira,9 b. 1 Feb., 1830; m. in Santa Cruz, Cal., Farnsworth; they later res. in Los Angeles.
8429 Alonzo Smith,9 b. 3 Apr., 1832; m. Huldah Ann Duncklee.
8430 Ira,9 b. in Clark Co., Ind., 4 Dec., 1835; m. 15 June, 1871, Mary Ann Totterdale, b. in Bridgewater, Somersetshire, England, 3 Oct., 1851, dau. of George Totterdale, b. in Spaxton, England, 22 Dec., 1825, and Anne Hurford, b. in Emmore, England, 15 Feb., 1824; he was a carpenter and joiner; rem. in 1851 to Linn Co., Ia., and in 1857 to Maryville, Mo.; had no children.
8431 Orison,9 b. 6 Feb., 1838; m. 14 June, 1870, Sarah Ann Wilcox, b. 18 Dec., 1849, dau. of H. J. Wilcox and Fannie Bortnet, of Shellsburg, Ia.; was a mason in partnership with his brother, Alonzo S.; d. 24 Nov., 1868.
8432 Anna Maria,9 b. 12 Oct., 1842; m. Frederick Diveley Snyder.
8433 Asa,9 b. 1844; d. aged 2.
8434 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 28 Feb., 1845; d. 13 July, 1868.

590    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children by second wife.
8435 John,9 b. ______.
8436 Edgar,9 b. ______.
8437 Orman,9 b. ______.
8438 Alice,9 b. ______.

3536.   ABIGAIL RUTH,8 dau. of Enos7 (1295), b. 10 Oct., 1810; m. 8 May, 1830, Richard Ensign, b. 20 Dec., 1808, son of Eli Ensign, of Sheffield, Mass., and Lucina Austin.
He d. 6 Feb., 1865; she d. in Philadelphia, Pa., ______.
Her early life was spent in Sheffield, with her two aunts, Abigail Kellogg and Ruth Church. He was a merchant in Sheffield.
8439 Huldah Elizabeth Ensign,9 b. 3 Mar., 1832; m. 20 May, 1853, Edward Peet, of New York City; d. 12 Mar., 1865.
8440 Josephine Lucina Ensign,9 b. in New York City, 9 Apr., 1834.
8441 Julia Kellogg Ensign,9 b. 20 Feb., 1836; m. 4 Mar., 1863, William Ver­ner; res. in Philadelphia.
8442 Cynthia Ellen Ensign,9 b. 24 Mar., 1841; m. 9 Oct., 1866, James N. Dixon, of Middlefield, Mass.

3537.   ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Enos7 (1295), b. in Genesee Co., N. Y., 18 Aug., 1812; m. in New Albany, Ind., as his second wife, 12 Dec., 1844, James Bodger, b. in Cambridgeshire, England, 3 Nov., 1798.
He d. in New Albany, 27 Apr., 1881.
After her mother's death, her father was obliged to divide his family. A family that had just lost an infant took Elizabeth, then 4 months old, until such time as her father could care for her. The family moved West, without his knowl­edge, and she was lost to her own family eighteen years.
He was a merchant and tailor in England; rem. to New Albany in 1840, where he had a provision store until 1866, when he retired from business. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Children, b. in New Albany.
8443 Alice Bodger,9 b. 21 Oct., 1845.
8444 John Needham Bodger,9 b. 12 Dec., 1847; m. 1 Nov., 1875, Annie Jane Watt; res. in Muncie, Ind.
8445 Ann Bodger,9 b. 14 June, 1849; d. 3 Aug., 1850.
8446 Annie F. Bodger,9 b. 2 Jan., 1856; m. 18 Apr., 1878, Charles Henry Ravenscroft; res. in Rockport, Ind.

3538.   ALMIRA,8 dau. of Col. Seymour7 (1296), b. in Batavia, N. Y., 28 May, 1802; m. 14 Jan., 1822, Borden Wilcox.
They res. in Naples, Scott Co., Ill.
8447 Lucinda Jane,9 b. ______; m. Philander Elisha Kellog (+3557).

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3539.   ORLANDO,8 son of Col. Seymour7 (1296), b. 3 June, 1805; m. 1825, Margaret Comrad, of Exeter, Ill.
He d. in Naples, Ill., 9 Apr., 1845.
8448 Orlando,9 b. ______.

3542.   ESTHER,8 dau. of Col. Seymour7 (1296), b. in Batavia, N. Y., 20 Aug., 1814; m. in Jacksonville, Ill., 1 Sept., 1831, Levi Church, b. in Lexington, Ky., 28 Apr., 1808.
She d. in Waverly, Ill., 13 June, 1855.
He learned the tailor's trade in Lexington; rem. to Jacksonville, with his father in 1827; later res. in Waverly.
8449 Esther Jane Church,9 b. in Jacksonville, 11 Oct., 1832; m. Tracy; res. in Waverly.
8450 Julia Ellen Church,9 b. in Whitehall, Ill., 16 Sept., 1834.
8451 Homer Kellogg Church,9 b. in Greenfield, Ill., 10 Apr., 1840.
8452 Benjamin Franklin Church,9 b. in Whitehall, 11 Mar., 1844.
8453 Charles Edwin Church,9 b. in Waverly, 25 May, 1849.

3543.   SEYMOUR,8 son of Col. Seymour7 (1296), b. in Elmira, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1816; m. in Jacksonville, Ill., Margaret Maxfield.
He d. in Clarksville, Tenn., 1885; she d. there, 1886.
Res. in Jacksonville, Ill., St. Louis, Mo., and Clarksville, Tenn.
8454 William,9 b. in Jacksonville, 1838; d. in St. Louis, 1840.
8455 Mary,9 b. in St. Louis, 1840; d. there same year.
8456 Sarah,9 b. in St. Louis, 1843; d. unm., in Clarksville, 1870.
8457 Margaret,9 b. in St. Louis, 1847; m. James Beverly.
8458 Adeline,9 b. in Clarksville, 1850; m. D. L. Cook.
8459 Horatio Seymour,9 b. in Clarksville, 1852; m. Ella Hall.
8460 Charles,9 b. in Clarksville, 1854; d. there, unm., 1879.

3557.   PHILANDER ELISHA,8 son of Capt. Elisha7 (1299), b. in Batavia, N. Y., 17 June, 1810; m. 1837, his cousin, Lucinda Jane Wilcox (8447), dau. of Borden Wilcox and Almira Kellogg (+3538), b. 28 May, 1802.
In 1848 he went West to find gold; was killed the same year by the Indians in the Rocky Mountains.
8461 Jane,9 b. ______.

3558.   ORVILLE ENOS,8 son of Capt. Elisha7 (1299), b. in Batavia. N. Y., 22 Dec., 1811; m. 12 Oct., 1831, Susan Jane Anderson, b. 22 Jan., 1809, dau. of William Saul Anderson and Sarah Caruthers.
He d. in Kansas, 20 Sept., 1886.
He was of an adventurous disposition. He spent several years with the American Fur Company in the Rocky Mountains; went to California, in 1849, with his brother, Florentine; later returned East.

592    The Kelloggs in the New World.

8462 Sarah Elizabeth,9 b. in Jo Daviess Co., Ill.; m. Asa West.
8463 William Elisha,9 b. in Jo Daviess Co., 9 Aug., 1834; m. Jane Ander­son.
8464 Susan Jane,9 b. in Stevenson Co., Ill.
8465 Thomas Edwin,9 b. in Stevenson Co., ______; m. 11 Oct., 1864, Mrs. Laura Cox; res. in Walla Walla, Wash.
8466 Samuel Erwin,9 b. in Stevenson Co., _______.
8467 Mason Enos,9 b. in Stevenson Co., _______.
8468 Sophia Marian,9 b. in Stevenson Co., m. (1) _______ Lindsey; (2) Stephen Coffin; res. in Tekoa, Wash.
8469 Arminda Melissa,9 b. in Jo Daviess Co., _______.
8470 Philander Elijah,9 b. in Stevenson Co., m. Sept., 1872, Corria Lemmons.

3559.   ABIGAIL ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Capt. Elisha7 (1299), b. in Batavia, N. Y., 24 Mar., 1814; m. 26 Feb., 1829, John Williams, b. in Knoxville, Tenn., 7 Sept., 1803, son of Elias Williams, b. 8 Oct., 1781, and Frances Jennings, b. 11 June, 1778.
He d. in Nevada City, Cal., 8 Feb., 1871; she res. in Pomona, Cal., in 1899.
He was a miner. He left White Oak Springs, Wis., Apr., 1849, arriving in Napa Valley, 28 Nov., 1849; rem. to Nevada City, 2 Oct., 1850.
8471 Julia Ann Williams,9 b. in Morgan Co., Ill., 6 Dec., 1830; d. in White Oak Springs, 4 Dec., 1836.
8472 Loring Wallace Williams,9 b. in Geneva, Ill., 2 Oct., 1832; m. in Nevada City, Cal., 4 July, 1855, Caroline Elizabeth Humes; d. in Nevada City, 10 Feb., 1874; had four children.

3560.   FLORENTINE ERWIN,8 son of Capt. Elisha7 (1299), b. in Batavia, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1816; m. (1) 1 June, 1837, Rebecca Jane Williams, b. 1 June, 1821, dau. of Elias Williams, b. 8 Oct., 1781, and Frances Jennings, b. 11 June, 1778.
She d. 16 June, 1861; he m. (2) Mrs. Martha Jane (Williams) Ellison, b. 19 Nov., 1829, dau. of Josiah Williams and Sarah Dixon; she d. in Goleta, Cal., 21 Aug., 1879; he m. (3) 1 July, 1880, Olivia M. Cramer, b. 28 Aug., 1840, dau. of Eldred and Mary L. Cramer; d. in Goleta, 1 Oct., 1889.
He res. in Jo Daviess Co., Ill., from 1833 to '46, and then crossed the plains to Napa Co., Cal. In 1873 he rem. to Goleta.
Children by first wife, first three b. in Illinois, others b. in California.
8473 Angeline Elizabeth,9 b. 1 Oct., 1838; m. George Washington Tucker.
8474 Philander Elisha,9 b. 23 Nov., 1841; m. (1) Hester Jane Spires; (2) Sarah Jane Montgomery.
8475 Rebecca Jane,9 b. 8 May, 1845; d. 15 Mar., 1859.
8476 Frances Louisa,9 b. 9 Apr., 1849; m. George Tucker.
8477 Franklin Erwin,9 b. in St. Helena, Cal., 22 Sept., 1851; m. Sarah Frances Foster.
8478 Florentine Leslie,9 b. 7 Oct., 1853; m. 1 Oct., 1873, Mary A. Cham-

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berlain, dau. of Timothy and Amanda Chamberlain; is a lawyer; res. in Santa Barbara, Cal.; had one child, who d. in infancy.
8479 Mary Ellen,9 b. 15 June, 1857; drowned 14 May, 1859.
Child by third wife.
8480 Frederick Cramer,9 b. 29 Apr., 1885; d. 3 Dec., 1886.

3561.   SOPHIA EMELINE,8 dau. of Capt. Elisha7 (1299), b. in Batavia, N. Y., 17 Jan., 1818; m. in Pleasant Valley, Ill., 2 Feb., 1886, John Deeds, b. 11 July, 1815, son of Jacob Deeds, b. 20 Feb., 1783, and Sinai Wiatt.
He d. 2 Aug., 1864.
He was a farmer; res. in Carroll Co., Ill. He was a Democrat. She res., in 1899, in Sabula, Ia.
8481 James Harvey Deeds,9 b. 10 July, 1837; res., unm., in Elgrin, Ill.
8482 John Henry Deeds,9 b. 17 Aug., 1839; m. 9 Feb., 1865, Lucy Forbes; res. in Mt. Carroll, Ill.
8483 Thomas Moran Deeds,9 b. 25 June, 1841; res., unm., in Harwood, Tex.
8484 Mary Elizabeth Deeds,9 b. 31 Mar., 1843; m., 25 Jan., 1863, Norman C. White, a farmer in Jackson Co., Ia.
8485 Sinai Amelia Beeds,9 b. 5 Mar., 1845; d. 11 May, the same year.
8486 Martha Jane Deeds,9 b. 17 May, 1846; m. 27 Dec., 1870, Andrew Jerome Brown; he is a lawyer in Newton, Kas.
8487 Adeline Lemira Deeds,9 b. 29 June, 1848; m. 29 Dec., 1867, Franklin Fitzsimmons; he was a soldier in the war for the Union; is a farmer; res. in Jo Daviess Co., Ill.
8488 Eveline Lozina Deeds,9 b. 14 May, 1850; is a dressmaker; res., unm., in Sabula, Ia.
8489 Angeline Rosalia Deeds,9 b. 8 Mar., 1852; m. 4 July, 1874, William May.
8490 Jacob Logan Deeds,9 b. 20 Mar., 1854; d. 16 Mar., 1855.
8491 Cornelia Alvina Deeds,9 b. 26 Mar., 1856; d. 21 Jan., 1858.
8492 Walter Scott Deeds,9 b. 16 Apr., 1860.

3563.   BENJAMIN FRANKLIN EPHRAIM,8 son of Capt. Elisha7 (1299), b. in Morgan Co., Ill., 30 Apr., 1822; m. 5 Sept., 1854, Mary Orilla Lillie, b. in Fulton Co., Ill., 15 July, 1833, dau. of Luther Lillie, b. 14 Feb., 1789, and Orilla Morgan, b. Sept., 1789.
He d. in South Anaheim, Cal., 16 Dec., 1890; was buried in Pasadena, Cal.
In 1844 he engaged in mining in the Rocky Mountains, and, with others, built Fort Laramie, at which place he had many narrow escapes from the Indians. He went to California, 6 May, 1846; settled in St. Helena, Napa Co., and later, 21 May, 1869, rem. to Anaheim, where he was a farmer. He was with Fremont during the Mexican war; was discharged at the Mission San Gabriel at the close of hostilities.
Children, all except Caroline A., b. in St. Helena.
8493 Hiram Clay,9 b. 9 Sept., 1855; m. (1) Victoria Charlotte Schultz; (2) Helen Vianna Kellogg (13621).
8494 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 6 Apr., 1857; m. Byron Orlando Clark.
8495 Erwin Franklin,9 b. 31 Dec., 1858; is unm.

594    The Kelloggs in the New World.

8496 Louisa Jane,9 b. 11 June, 1860; m. 13 Dec., 1880, Lumia Almerrin Evans.
8497 Leonard Grant,9 b. 1 July, 1863; m. Allie Sedalia White.
8498 Edward Lawley,9 b. 29 Dec., 1864; m. Gertrude Etna Snyder.
8499 Lillie May,9 b. 13 Jan., 1867; m. William L. Dunlap.
8500 Effie Clara,9 b. 3 Jan., 1869.
8501 Caroline Abigail,9 b. in Anaheim, 29 Mar., 1873; m. 1 June, 1895, Richard Neil Bird.

3568.   CAPT. EDWIN,8 son of Ira7 (1301), b. 24 July, 1813; m. Eliza A. Mager, dau. of Robert Mager.
He d. Feb., 1843.
He was captain of a steamboat plying between St. Louis and Naples, Ill. Child.
8502 Sophia E.,9 b. in St. Louis, 1843; m. Donaldson; res. in King­wood, W. Va.

3574.   CHARLES MORGAN,8 son of Ira7 (1301), b. 11 July, 1831; m. ______ America Hackworth, dau. of George Davis Hackworth.
She d. July, 1875; he d. 14 Aug., 1875.
Children, b. in Ottumwa, Ia.
8503 Ira Davis,9 b. 3 Aug., 1853; m. Alcinda Ellen Kenworthy.
8504 Orville Newton,9 b. 25 Apr., 1855; d. in Gunnison City, Col., 23 Jan., 1884.
8505 Theodore Feed,9 b. 8 Sept., 1857; d. in Clayton, Ill., 30 June, 1864.

3576.   SILAS,8 son of Frederick7 (1303), b. in Galway. N. Y., 6 June, 1789; m. 26 Feb., 1813, Martha Simpson, b. in Salem, N. Y., 3 Nov., 1793, dau. of Capt. James Simpson, b. in Philadelphia, 19 Nov., 1766, and Nancy Fowler, b. 3 Feb., 1770.
He d. in Ira, N. Y., 18 Aug., 1863; she d. 3 May, 1873.
He remained on his father's farm in Brutus, N. Y., until 31 years of age, when he rem. with his inheritance (a yoke of steers) to Victory, N. Y., then a dense forest. His cousin, Philander Pinney, joined him and they entered Government land and built their log houses. After about a year's labor he returned to Brutus to be married and bring his wife. A little later he sold his farm and bought another in Ira, N. Y. He was several times Supervisor of the town and often declined office. He was frequently made referee in cases of dispute between neighbors.
8506 David Simpson,9 b. 27 Jan., 1813; m. Mary Jane Noble.
8507 Nancy Fowler,9 b. 7 Jan., 1815; m. Amos C. Bartlett.
8508 Asa Day,9 b. in Ira, 5 July, 1818; m. Araminta Vilati Curtis.
8509 James Hervey,9 b. in Ira, 30 Mar., 1831; m. Susan Gay Allen.
8510 Mary Jane,9 b. in Ira, 23 Mar., 1834; d. unm., 9 Jan., 1849.
8511 Edward Henry,9 b. in Ira, 1 Sept., 1838; m. 4 Dec., 1860, Charlotte Fickett, b. 4 Jan., 1831, dau. of Francis Fickett, b. in Westbrook, Me., now Stroudwater, 8 Oct., 1798, and Mary Augusta Sears, b. in Hudson, N. Y., 27 Feb., 1803; was a clerk in Auburn, Rochester

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and New York City until 1854, when he commenced business for himself; was a merchant and manufacturer of oils in New York; d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 17 Nov., 1900; had no children.
3577.   POLLY,8 dau. of Frederick7 (1302), b. in Galway, N. Y., G June, 1790; m. 14 Feb., 1811, William Green Beach, b. 16 Apr., 1783.
He d. 24 Nov., 1862; she d. 29 Jan., 1876.
He was a farmer; rem. in Mar., 1838, to Lima, Minn.
8512 Harriet Ann Beach,9 b. 14 Dec., 1811; m. 22 Mar., 1834, William Beach Curtis, a farmer; res. in Prattsburg, N. Y.; had four children.
8513 Joseph H. Beach,9 b. 6 Apr., 1813.
8514 Edward Beach,9 b. 1 Sept., 1814; m. 25 Sept., 1836, Catherine M. Win­egar; was a farmer in South Butler, N. Y.; had one child.
8515 Zipporah Ruth Beach,9 b. 2 Oct., 1816; m. 23 Dec., 1838, John L. Clem­ents; he was a farmer in Ada, Mich.; had one child.
8516 William Beach,9 b. 9 Sept., 1818.
8517 Mary (Polly) Beach,9 b. 25 Aug., 1820; m. 31 Aug., 1836, Calvin Phelps; he was an insurance agent in Fond du Lac, Wis.; had six children.
8518 Lucy Beach,9 b. 19 Nov., 1822; m. 20 Oct., 1840, Allen Hedden; he was a farmer in Parksburg, Ia.; had eight children.
8519 Laura Beach,9 b. 12 Mar., 1824; m. 20 Dec., 1843, Charles Whitaker; he was a farmer in Lima; had six children.
8520 Frederick E. Beach,9 b. 19 Dec., 1825.
8521 Martha Jane Beach,9 b. 26 July, 1827; m. 11 Apr., 1861, Linval Ward; he was a farmer in Lima.
8522 Fidelia Beach,9 b. 30 June, 1830; m. 17 Oct., 1849, George S. Wood; res. in Lodi, Mich.; had five children.
8523 Ahner Beach,9 b. 16 Mar., 1832; m. 6 Oct., 1861, Cynthia L. Dixon; was a farmer in Lima; had one child.

3578.   LUCINDA,8 dau. of Frederick7 (1302), b. 10 Aug., 1791; m. 15 Aug., 1809, David Dixon.
He d. 3 June, 1843; she d. 26 Dec., 1863.
8524 David K. Dixon,9 b. 12 Dec., 1810; m. 17 Oct., 1839, Zillah P. Tyler; had six children.
8525 Angelina Dixon,9 b. 28 Sept., 1812; m. 19 Oct., 1831, Chester B. Lewis; had six children.
8526 Frederick Dixon,9 b. 27 Aug., 1814; m. 14 June, 1837, Harriet Burden; d. in California, 13 June, 1852; had four children.
8527 Abigail Dixon,9 b. 3 Feb., 1816; d. 31 July, 1827.
8528 Lucy Dixon,9 b. 24 Mar., 1818; m. 18 Mar., 1836, Jesse Smith; had five children.
8529 Mary Dixon,9 b. 5 Sept., 1819; m. 13 Feb., 1838, Jacob Gardanier; he d. in Marengo, Mich., 6 May, 1879; had six children.
8530 Alanson Smith Dixon,9 b. 13 June, 1824; d. 1 Sept., 1862.

596    The Kelloggs in the New World.

8531 Harriet Maria Dixon,9 b. 10 Sept., 1828.
8532 Jane Elizabeth Dixon,9 b. 21 Aug., 1831; m. 9 Feb., 1859, William Hos­kins; had two children.

3579.   ALVAN,8 son of Frederick7 (1302), b. in Galway, N. Y., 12 Jan., 1793; m. 15 Jan., 1818, Sylvia Stow, b. in Croydon, N. H., 1797, dau. of Asaph Stow, of Sempronius, N. Y., b. 1773, and Chloe Wakefield.
He d. 31 Mar., 1864; she d. in Friendship, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1865. He was a cloth dresser and farmer; res. in Brutus, Sempronius and East Scott, N. Y. He was a member of the New York Assembly in 1851, and filled several other places of trust. Millard Fillmore, afterward President, learned his trade with him.
8533 Celia,9 b. in Sempronius, 12 Nov., 1819; m. Simon M. Babcock.
8534 Cyrus Stow,9 b. in Niles, N. Y., 7 Sept., 1821; m. (1) Emmeline A. Eldridge; (2) Amanda Adeline Salisbury.
8535 Theron,9 b. in Niles, 29 Jan., 1824; m. (1) Martha Emily Osborne; (2) Frances Amanda Anthony.
8536 Clarine,9 b. in East Scott, 30 Oct., 1827; m. Benjamin E. Osborne.

3580.   WEALTHY,8 dau. of Frederick7 (1302), b. 24 Oct., 1794; m. 3 Aug., 1811, Milo Phelps, b. 22 June, 1789.
He d. in Painesville, O., 24 June, 1830; she d. in Rio, Wis., 21 Jan., 1885.
Children, first four b. in Brutus, N. Y., others b. in Painesville.
8537 Orson Phelps,9 b. 12 Jan., 1813; m. 11 Oct., 1842, Miriam Bingham Hosmore, who d. in the fall of 1843; he d. 9 Jan., 1899, in Racine, Wis.; rem. to Painesville, when he was 6 years old; went West in 1841.
8538 Mary Phelps,9 b. 9 Sept., 1814; m. 7 June, 1835, Horace A. Castle; he was a carpenter in Painesville; d. 21 June, 1860; she d. in Spring Valley, Minn., 5 May, 1870.
8539 Henrietta Phelps,9 b. 29 May, 1816; m. 7 Dec., 1843, James Morehead Jacks, a blacksmith in Painesville; d. in Brandon, Wis., 30 Sept., 1881; he d. 28 Jan., 1882; had four children.
8540 Jane Celestine Phelps,9 b. 3 Feb., 1818; d. 20 Dec., 1833.
8541 George Washington Phelps,9 b. 2 July, 1820; m. in Conneaut, O., 7 Sept., 1842, Sarah Bachelor; d. in Conneaut, 3 Jan., 1895; had six chil­dren.
8542 Emory Phelps,9 b. 4 Nov., 1821; d. 1 Mar., 1822.
8543 Charlotte Phelps,9 b. 8 Nov., 1822; d. 1 Dec., same year.
8544 Lucy Phelps,9 b. 16 Nov., 1823; m. in Painesville, 18 Nov., 1841, Lewis Perkins; d. in Menasha, Wis., 30 May, 1883; had three children.
8545 Adeline Minerva Phelps,9 b. 25 Sept., 1825; m. 14 Apr., 1850, George Gates, of Farmington, Ill.; was a farmer; res. in West Sioux Falls, S. D.; had three children.
8546 Fanny Maria Phelps,9 b. 25 Mar., 1827; m. in Painesville, 2 Feb., 1845, Hiram Newell; had one child; she m. (2) Sept., 1859, Chauncey Holden; d. in Waupan, Wis., 15 Apr., 1880.
8547 Harriet Phelps,9 b. 25 July, 1829; m. in Racine, Wis., 30 Mar., 1848,

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George Washington Gregory, b. 6 Mar., 1822; he was a carpenter and architect; res. in Aberdeen, S. D.; has two children.
8548 Milo Phelps,9 b. 17 Feb., 1831; m. in Racine, 21 Aug., 1855, Eliza B. Culver; was a blacksmith in Rio, Wis.; m. (2) 16 Oct., 1895, Martha L. Monester, b. in 1858, in Waukesha Co., Wis.; had six children.

3581.   AMANDA,8 dau. of Frederick7 (1302), b. 24 Aug., 1796; m. as his sec­ond wife, 1 Dec., 1820, Henry Perine, b. 16 Feb., 1786, son of Peter Perine, of Jackson, N. Y.
He d. 12 Aug., 1869; she d. 4 Dec., 1877.
He was a farmer; was a Jackson Democrat until the organization of the Re­publican party; was a Presbyterian; res. in Ira, N. Y., where both d.
Children, b. in Ira.
8549 Aaron Melick Perine,9 b. 26 Sept., 1821; m. 24 Sept., 1851, Mary Har­vey; res. in Nashville, Tenn; d. in Detroit, Mich., 28 Oct., 1896.
8550 Delana Carter Perine,9 b. 12 Feb., 1823; d. 17 May, 1827.
8551 Julia Ann Perine,9 b. 29 Mar., 1824; m. 11 July, 1868, Jared Whiting Tyler; res. in Jordan, N. Y.
8552 Lewis Billings Perine,9 b. 24 Oct., 1825; m. ______; res. in Prairie City, Or.; d. in Idaho, Apr., 1888.
8553 Mary Perine,9 b. 28 Mar., 1827; unm.
8554 Peter Lawrence Perine,9 b. 24 Feb., 1829; m. 11 Oct., 1854, Gertrude Parker Digolia, of Omaha, Neb.
8555 Reuben Norton Perine,9 b. 22 Oct., 1830; m. 23 Jan., 1861, Caroline Elizabeth Benedict; was a farmer in Lysander, N. Y.
8556 Sarah Maria Perine,9 b. 2 Dec., 1831; m. Rufus Daboll; res. in Jordan, N. Y.
8557 Francis Henry Perine,9 b. 25 Feb., 1833; m. Mary Emeline Lockwood; was a miller in Lysander; res. in Los Angeles, Cal.
8558 William Mix Perine,9 b. 25 Dec., 1834; res. in Sparta, Wis.; d. 20 Mar., 1878.
8559 Caroline Amanda Perine,9 b. 13 May, 1836; m. 22 Nov., 1855, John Pardee, a farmer in Lysander.
8560 Charles White Kellogg Perine,9 b. 21 June, 1838; m. 13 Mar., 1862, Sarah Maria Ells; was a wagon-maker in McPherson Co., Kas.; later res. in Lawton, Mich.
8561 Dewitt McLean Perine,9 b. 28 Aug., 1840; m. 26 Sept., 1866, Jennie W. Smith; res. in Fulton, N. Y.

3582.   FREDERICK,8 son of Frederick7 (1302), b. 26 Nov., 1797; m. in Brutus, N. Y., 3 Dec., 1819, Sally S. Evarts, b. in Vermont, 13 Apr., 1800, dau. of John Evarts and Lucy Ann , both of Brutus.
She d. in Scott, N. Y., 2 Mar., 1840; he d. in Friendship, N. Y., 28 Dec., 1857.
He was a clothier in Scott.
Children, b. in Scott.
8562 Mary Tryphena,9 b. 19 Jan., 1821; m. Lauren Chester Underwood.
8563 Lucy Ann,9 b. 20 Oct., 1822; m. Calvin Williamson.

598    The Kelloggs in the New World.

8564 Almira,9 b. 8 Aug., 1824; m. Rev. William Henry Harrison.
8565 Emily,9 b. 10 July, 1826; d. in Scott, 26 July, same year.
8566 Dan,9 b. 4 Sept., 1827; m. Phebe Ostrander.
8567 Emily,9 b. 11 Apr., 1830; m. Alonzo Gaboon.
8568 Warren,9 b. 6 May, 1832; m. Lucy Maria Houghton.
8569 Albert Thereon,9 b. 11 July, 1834; m. (1) Mary Jane Thompson; (2) Sarah Melissa Kidder.
8570 John Evarts,9 b. 5 Feb., 1838; m. Frances Isadore Hickcox.
8571 William Silas,9 b. 29 Dec., 1839; m. (1) Olive Clarinda Churchill; (2) Rachael Louise Heberd.

3583.   ASA,8 son of Frederick7 (1302), b. in Galway, N. Y., 26 Apr., 1800; m. 26 Mar., 1822, Sarah St. John, b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., 13 May, 1804, dau. of Thomas St. John, b. in Vermont, and Nancy Peck, b. in Connecticut.
He d. in Calhoun Co., Mich., 7 May, 1854; she d. 10 Aug., 1874. He was a farmer in Cayuga Co., N. Y.; res. in Munson, O., 1830; in Cal­houn Co., Mich., 1840.
8572 Benjamin St. John,9 b. 16 Dec., 1822; d. unm., in Missouri, 20 Mar., 1855.
8573 Mary,9 b. 9 Aug., 1824; d. 13 Oct., 1826.
8574 Ozro,9 b. 1 May, 1826; m. Sarah Jane Kritzer.
8575 Allen,9 b. 14 Apr., 1828; m. Mary Augusta Oakley.
8576 Charles White,9 b. 9 June, 1830; m. (1) Rachel S. Palmer; (2) Ellen Matilda Lampman.
8577 Nancy,9 b. 13 Oct., 1832; m. 7 Dec., 1850, Kent Cooley; d. 10 Oct., 1851; had no children.
8578 Emeline,9 b. 10 Apr., 1834; d. 12 Sept., same year.
8579 Dell,9 b. in Painesville, O., 6 Apr., 1836; m. Wet William Albertus Emmons.
8580 William Hickford,9 b. 22 Apr., 1850; d. 13 May, 1850.

3584.   LUCY,8 dau. of Frederick7 (1302), b. in Brutus, N. Y., 1 June, 1803; m. 16 Jan., 1823, Amos Carter, b. 21 Aug., 1798, son of Enoch Carter, b. in Heb­ron, Conn., 1757, and Olive Woodward.
He d. 11 June, 1880; she d. 16 Sept., 1887. He was a farmer in Ira, N. Y.
8581 William Henry Carter,9 b. 7 Jan., 1824; m. 27 June, 1855, Elizabeth M. Fort; res. in Ira.
8582 Randolph W. Carter,9 b. 16 Apr., 1828; m. 11 Mar., 1852, Lovina Halsted; res. in Ira.

3585.   ISRAEL PHELPS,8 son of Frederick7 (1302), b. in Brutus, N. Y., 24 Oct., 1808; m. (1) in Spafford, N. Y., Nov., 1832, Eliza E. Whiting, b. in Spafford.
She d. 1 Sept., 1835; he m. (2) in Chardon, O., 3 Jan., 1839, Sally Stearns, b. in New Philadelphia, O., 22 Nov., 1816, dau. of David Steams and Lena Hollace; d. 29 Feb., 1888; she d. 12 Mar., 1889.

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Children by first wife.
8583 A Son,9 b. 10 Feb., 1834; d. 20 Feb., same year.
8584 Jackson A.,9 b. 1 May, 1835; d. 14 Sept., same year.
Children by second wife.
8585 Flora,9 b. in Burton, O., 5 Mar., 1840; m. Junior A. Jennings.
8586 Oscar Alonzo,9 b. in Munson, O., 21 Sept., 1843; m. Louise De Puy.
8587 Jane Celestine,9 b. in Munson, 24 Oct., 1844; m. Albert Melanchton Cummings.

3586.   HARRIET,8 dau. of Frederick7 (1302), b. in Brutus, N. Y., 10 Dec., 1810; m. in Brutus, 15 Feb., 1830, Hicks Wheeler Phelps, b. 14 Apr., 1809, son of Israel Phelps.
She d. 8 Nov., 1861; he m. (2) 16 Nov., 1862, Mrs. Nancy Ann (Dunham) Bloom, dau. of William Dunham. They res. in Wyocena, Wis.
8588 Cornelia Ophelia Phelps,9 b. 3 Apr., 1833; m. 1852, Volney Davis, a car­penter; he enlisted in Co. D, Nineteenth Wisconsin Volunteers; was color bearer; was killed near Richmond, about 1865; she m. (2) William Farmer Remin.
8589 Roldon Francis Phelps,9 b. in Racine, Wis., 22 May, 1845; m. 25 Dec., 1865, Phebe Louise Smith; enlisted in Co. H, Twenty-seventh Wis­consin Volunteers; res. in Wyocena.

3587.   CHARLES WHITE,8 son of Frederick7 (1302), b. in Brutus (now Sen­ate), N. Y., 21 May, 1815; m. 9 Jan., 1840, Demmis Dewey Comstock, b. in Comstock's Landing, Washington Co., N. Y., 3 Dec., 1821, dau. of Peter Com­stock, b. in Egremont, Mass., 11 Feb., 1796, and Lucy Jackson, b. in Wallingford, Vt., 9 Mar., 1791.
He d. in Port Kent, N. Y., 25 July, 1896; she d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 11 Jan., 1900.
He res. in Brooklyn for the last forty years of his life. In the early part of his life he was a clerk in Auburn; from 1835 to '42 a member of the hardware firm of Kellogg & Co., in Troy, N. Y.; from 1842 to '49 in the transportation business with his father-in-law, on Lake Champlain, and in farming and general business in Comstock's Landing; from 1849 to '51 in the brewing business in Buf­falo, N. Y.; from 1851 to '61 engaged in general commission business in the City of New York, being a member of the old Com Exchange; from 1861 until his death he was associated with his son in the machinery oil business and auction sales of fancy live stock, the firm name being Peter C. Kellogg & Co. He was an investigator of modern spiritualism, as early as 1850, and became a life long con­vert to the truth of its teachings.
8590 Peter Comstock,9 b. in Troy, 26 Apr., 1841; m. Julia Burwell Snow.
8591 Gertrude,9 b. 29 Dec., 1843; she was an elocutionist and actress; played leading parts with Edwin Forrest, Booth, Barrett and others; she was the Queen in the star cast of "Hamlet," in New York, 21 May, 1888, for the benefit of Lester Wallack, in which the leading actors and actresses took part; she is unm.

600    The Kelloggs in the New World.

8592 Fanny,9 b. 30 Apr., 1848; res., unm., in Brooklyn.

3588.   EZRA POWELL,8 son of Ezra7 (1303), b. in Galway, N. Y., 18 Mar., 1795; m. in Galway, 20 Aug., 1823, Margaret Anderson, b. in Galway, 8 Sept., 1796, dau. of Henry Anderson, of Galway, b. 22 Apr., 1764, in the Parish of Kil­kam, near Sterling, Scotland, and Elizabeth Heggie, b. 15 Sept., 1770, in the Parish of Sterling, Perth, Scotland.
He d. in Galway, 11 Apr., 1867; she d. in New York City, 20 May, 1869.
8593 Montgomery Alexander,9 b. in Galway, 21 Feb., 1830; m. (1) Harriet Huyck; (2) Susannah Schermerhorn.

3590.   CLARISSA HARLOW,8 dau. of Ezra7 (1303), b. 12 June, 1799; m. Apr., 1822, Samuel Dauchy, b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 11 Jan., 1800, son of Dr. Samuel Dauchy, b. in Ridgefield, 1 July, 1769, and Mary Bradley, b. 3 Sept., 1766.
He d. 12 June, 1859; she d. 9 June, 1873.
In 1816 he rem. from Ridgefield to Galway, where he was a merchant; in 1834 to Le Roy, N. Y., where he was a wholesale grocer.
8594 George Burr Dauchy,9 b. 26 Mar., 1823; d. 14 Mar., 1825.
8595 Son,9 b. 2 Jan., 1825; d. 24 Jan., same year.
8596 Helen Mary Vauchy,9 b. 13 Mar., 1826; m. 8 Feb., 1849, John Quiney Kellogg (+3614), b. 24 Mar., 1823.
8597 George Kellogg Dauchy,9 b. 13 Jan., 1829; m. 8 Dec., 1864, Lavinia Otis; is a manufacturer of vault lights, in Chicago; had four chil­dren.
8598 Delia Dauchy,9 b. 21 Oct., 1831; res. with her brother, S. Theodore, Brooklyn.
8599 Samuel Theodore Dauchy,9 b. 25 Nov., 1833; m. 2 June, 1857, Margaret Baker; res. in Brooklyn; has an advertising agency in New York; had three children.
8600 Burr Dauchy,9 b. 17 Mar., 1837; res. in New York.
8601 Emma Irene Dauchy,9 b. 13 Apr., 1840; res. with her brother, S. Theo­dore, in Brooklyn.

3592.   ABIGAIL ANN,8 dau. of Ezra7 (1303), b. in Galway, N. Y., 9 Jan., 1804; m. 10 Feb., 1825, Sears Elnathan Smith, b. in Galway, 14 Feb., 1798, son of Elnathan Smith, of Galway, b. 2 Apr., 1766, and Dolly Smith, b. 21 Sept., 1769.
They res. in Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
8602 Ellen Augusta Smith,9 b. in Galway, 14 Aug., 1827; m. 25 Apr., 1855, Theodore Russell Chase; res. in Detroit, Mich.
8603 Mary Clarissa Smith,9 b. in Nelson, N. Y., 6 Feb., 1829; m. 9 Oct., 1850, James Edward Stacey; res. in Saratoga Springs.
8604 Emma Amelia Smith,9 b. in Oberlin, O., 24 Apr., 1840; d. 14 Nov., same year.

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8605 Emma Rosaline Smith,9 b. in Oberlin, 26 Nov., 1841; d. in Cleveland 12 Dec., 1848.

3593.   SYLVESTER TRUMAN,8 son of Ezra7 (1303), b. 22 Mar., 1806; m. 20 Sept., 1832, Lucy Ann Lindley, b. in New York City, 14 May, 1808, dau. of Silas Halsey Lindley, b. in New Jersey, 27 Dec., 1777, and Abigail _______, b. in New Jersey, 17 Dec., 1778.
He d. in Yonkers, N. Y., 4 Dec., 1871; she d. in Peekskill, N. Y., 7 Sept., 1881.
He was a merchant in New York City.
8606 Julia Elizabeth,9 b. ______; m. (1) Dr. Charles Baldwin Lombard; he was Capt. of a company in the Third Georgia Reg.; d. in Athens, Ga., 13 Nov., 1862; she m. (2) Augustus Dennis Fitch; he d. 10 Feb., 1869; was an Episcopalian; she res. in Peekskill.
8607 John Olmsted,9 b. in Milton, N. Y., ______; m. Elizabeth Jennings Baird.
8608 Mary Renshaw,9 b. in New York City, ______; m. William Henry King.
8609 Caroline Augusta,9 b. in New York City, 10 Jan., 1841; m. Thomas Gray.
8610 William Lindley,9 b. ______; d. unm., in Yonkers, 17 Mar., 1896; en­listed in the Twenty-second New York Reg.; went to Norfolk, Va., 1862.
8611 Lucy Anne,9 b. ______; res., unm., with her sister, Julia Elizabeth, in Peekskill.

3595.   LUCY,8 dau. of Ezra7 (1303), b. 2 May, 1811; m. (1) 2 May, 1838, Rob­ert Edwin Gillette, b. 1809.
He d. Sept., 1861; was editor and publisher of the Oberlin (O.), Evan­gelist; later engaged in the real estate business and founded and named the vil­lage of Tomah, Wis; she m. (2) William Austin Lathrop; res. in Cleveland, O.
Children by first husband.
8612 Ruth Kellogg Gillette,9 b. 24 Feb., 1839; is a teacher in Green Bay, Wis.
8613 Theodore Weld Gillette,9 b. 23 Oct., 1840; m. 2 May, 1864, Laetitia Sophronia Powers, of Sparta, Wis., dau. of S. D. Powers, b. in Fer­risburg, Vt.; was a sheep raiser in San Diego, Tex.
8614 Julia King Gillette,9 b. 22 Nov., 1842; m. 24 Feb., 1875, Dr. Anson James Adams, of Flint, Mich., b. Nov., 1842, son of Oliver R. Adams, b. in Homer, N. Y., 12 July, 1815, and Harriet James, b. 29 July, 1818; he was graduated from Williams College, and from the Homeopathic College of Cleveland, O.
8615 Frederick Kellogg Gillette,9 b. 17 Sept., 1844; is a telegraph operator; res. in Garrettsville, O.

3599.   SOPHRONIA,8 dau. of Martin7 (1304), b. 28 May, 1796; m. (1) in Mexico, N. Y., 28 May, 1796, Luke Butterfield, b. in Dummerston, Vt., 10 Aug., 1795, son of Franklin Butterfield.

602    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. in Mexico, Sept., 1825; she m. (2) Mar., 1828, Daniel McNett; d. 22 Aug., 1836.
Children by first husband.
8616 Franklin P. Butterfield,9 b. May, 1820; d. Aug., 1822.
8617 Rhoda Ann Butterfield,9 b. 28 Feb., 1821; m. 1845, Samuel H. Stone, of Mexico; had three sons and one dau.
8618 Harriet Butterfield,9 b. 4 Jan., 1823; d. young.
8619 Abby Ann Butterfield,9 b. 23 June, 1824; m. 1848, Sidney I. Stone; res. in Glen's Falls, N. Y.; had one son and a dau.
Children by second husband.
8621 Charles Luke McNett,9 b. 13 June, 1831.
8622 Mary E. McNett,9 b. 1 June, 1833; d. about 1851.
8623 Sophronia M. McNett,9 b. Nov., 1835.

3601.   REV. MARTIN POWELL,8 son of Martin7 (1304), b. in Mexico, N. Y., 28 May, 1800; m. in Sterling Pa., 20 Apr., 1820, Malvina Potter, b. in Glaston­bury, Conn., 28 Feb., 1802, dau. of William Potter and Anna Ackley.
He d. in Corydon, Ia., 4 Sept., 1858.
He rem. from Mexico, in 1833, to Danville, O., and in 1855 to Wayne Co., Ia. For some years he was a Methodist minister in the Southern Conference of Ohio. She res. in Cambria, Ia., after his death.
8624 Newton,9 b. 26 Feb., 1823; m. Mary A. Cox.
8625 Miranda,9 b. 12 Aug., 1825; m. Ralph Granger.
8626 Maj. John E.,9 b. 20 July, 1830; m. Roosa Ann Hill; res., in 1873, in Washington Territory, where he was a farmer; later res. in La Grande, Union Co., Or.; was a soldier in the civil war; was Fife Maj.; was one of the first to introduce fruit culture in Eastern Oregon.
8627 Lewis,9 b. 20 Sept., 1833; m. Mary Jane Hart.
8628 Bishop Egberts,9 b. 28 Sept., 1841; was a farmer; res. in Hugo, Minn.
8629 Martin Powell,9 b. 13 Aug., 1844; is a farmer; res. in Cambria, Ia.

3603.   REV. LEWIS,8 son of Martin7 (1304), b. in Mexico, N. Y., 20 Nov., 1805; m. in Troy, N. Y., 24 Nov., 1836, Abbey Halsey Lindsley, b. in Amsterdam, N. Y., 4 Jan., 1811, dau. of Aaron Ladner Lindsley, b. in Elizabeth, N. J., and Dorcas Taylor, b. in Ireland, 10 May, 1789.
He d. in Whitehall, N. Y., 11 Feb., 1882; she d. in Fort Wrangel, Alaska, , where she had gone in 1883, with her dau., Frances; is buried in Los An­geles, Cal.
He preached about twenty-three years in Whitehall; was later the pastor of the Presbyterian Church in North Granville, N. Y.
Children, b. in Whitehall.
8630 Lewis,9 b. 11 Aug., 1837; d. 22 Aug., same year.
8631 Lewis,9 b. 26 Sept., 1838; joined the Union army in Apr., 1861; was in the battle of West Point, Va.; was hospital warden one year in Chesapeake and was in the Red River expedition; d. in Natchez, Miss., July, 1864, while in the Quartermaster's Department; was unm.

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8632 Aaron Lindsley,9 b. 22 Dec., 1839; m. (1) Catherine Ann Jones; (2) Isabel Morgan.
8633 Mary,9 b. 10 Mar., 1842; m. Adelia Goodale.
8634 Michael Myers,9 b. 15 Oct., 1843; m. Jane; was clerk in a bank in Bloomington, Ill.; d. 11 Mar., 1874.
8635 Frances Eddy,9 b. 9 Dec., 1845; m. Rev. Samuel Hall Young.
8636 Charles Ladner,9 b. 22 Sept., 1847; d. Mar., 1848.
8637 Mary Williams,9 b. 7 Sept., 1851; d. Aug., 1852.

3604.   DAY,8 son of Charles7 (1305), b. in Galway, N. Y., 7 Aug., 1796; m. (1) 27 Oct., 1825, Anna Eliza Smith, b. 26 Feb., 1797, dau. of David Smith and Ann Dikeman, of Lansingburg, N. Y.
She d. 3 Aug., 1829; he m. (2) 24 Nov., 1831, Mary Ann Dimon, b. 31 Dec., 1804, dau. of Ebenezer Dimon* and Mary Sherwood Hinman, of Fairfield, Conn.; she d. 17 May, 1840; he m. (3) 16 Sept., 1841, Harriet Walter Odin, b. 27 Oct., 1804, dau. of John Odin, a merchant of Boston, and Harriet Tyng Wal­ter, dau. of Rev. William Walter,** D. D., rector of Christ Church, Boston, and Lydia Lynde, dau. of Judge Lynde, of Salem, Mass.; d. in Fairfield, Conn., 9 Aug., 1874; she d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 15 Sept., 1877.
He was a merchant, first, in Owasco, N. Y., and then, twenty-three years, until 1850, in Troy, and in New York from 1853 until his death. He res. in Brooklyn. He served in public life, being Paymaster-Gen. of the State of New York, on the staff of Gov. W. H. Seward, and held that office six years. He was in the Legislature from 1838 to '39; Mayor of Troy in 1850; and United States Consul in Glasgow, Scotland, from 1850 to '53. While a member of the Legis­lature he was chairman of the Committee on Banks and Insurance Companies. He contributed the Kellogg Genealogy to the N. E. Hist.-Gen. Register, 1858.
Children by first wife.
8638 Burr Smith,9 b. in Owasco, 8 Aug., 1826; m. Kate Curtiss.
8639 Charles Day,9 b. in Troy, 4 June, 1828; m. Mary Elizabeth Cobb.
Children by second wife.
8640 George Dimon,9 b. in Troy, 13 July, 1833; m. Harriet Amelia Sanborn.
8641 Theodore Dwight,9 b. 17 Apr., 1835; graduated from Union College in 1856; res. unm., in New York.
8642 Day Otis,9 b. in Troy, 31 Mar., 1837; m. Sarah Cornelia Hall.

3605.   DWIGHT,8 son of Charles7 (1305), b. in Marcellus, N. Y., 4 Oct., 1797; m. in Sempronius, N. Y., about 1820; Minerva Annable, b. in Sempronius, 13 Nov., 1801, dau. of Dr. David Annable, b. 23 Feb., 1771, and Lucy Whiting, b. 25 May, 1774.

*Ebenezer Dimon was son of Col. Dimon, of the revolutionary army. Thomas Sher­wood came from Ipswich, England, in 1634; first settled in Massachusetts; rem. to Fair­field, Conn., about 1650. Matthew, his second son, had a son, Samuel, who m. Rebecca Burr, of Fairfield, and their dau. m. George Dolbeare, of Montville, Conn., whose dau., Abi­gail Dolbeare, m. Capt. Elisha Hinman, of New London, and their dau., Mary Sherwood Hinman, m. Ebenezer Dimon, of Fairfield. Their dau., Mary Ann Dimon, m. Day Otis Kellogg.
** William Walter was the son of Rev. Nathaniel Walter and Rebecca Abbot, of Rox­bury, Mass., and grandson of Rev. Nehemiah Walter, of Roxbury, and Sarah Mather, of Boston, dau. of Rev. Increase Mather, the historian.

604    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She d. in Ann Arbor, Mich., Mar., 1849; he d. 19 Aug., 1861, in the house of his brother, John Quincy, in Yonkers, N. Y.
He was a wholesale miller; res. in Ann Arbor from 1832 until 1848; was a Universalist until 1840; then a Spiritualist; was a Whig in politics.
8643 Charles Annable,9 b. in Sempronius, 15 May, 1821; m. Catherine Weed Hickcox.
8644 Calvin Whitwood,9 b. 9 Apr., 1823; m. ______; had two or three chil­dren; was an incorporator and prominent financier of a new national telegraph company in San Francisco several years ago; d. in San Francisco, about 1896.
8645 Julia Ann,9 b. in Ann Arbor, 25 Sept., 1825; d. young.
8646 William Henry,9 b. in Ann Arbor, 1 Dec., 1832; m. Melissa Congdon; was an iron moulder; res. in Aurora, Ill.; entered the army dur­ing the civil war as a private, serving with Sherman in his march through Georgia; came out of the army as a Maj.; was killed by boiler explosion, 13 Apr., 1875; had four children.
8647 Dan Whiting,9 b. in Ann Arbor, 20 Feb., 1835; m. (1) Grace Anna Hope; (2) Elizabeth Rockfeller.
8648 Julia Frances,9 b. in Ann Arbor, 24 Oct., 1837; m. Richard Barnes Merritt.
8649 George Dwight,9 b. in Ann Arbor, 14 Jan., 1841; m. 23 Aug., 1866, Emma Maryetta Gould, of Buffalo, N. Y., b. 7 Dec., 1844, dau. of Sylvanus Owen Gould, b. 12 Aug., 1812, and Marietta Bacon (3514), b. 7 May, 1820, dau. of Amos Bacon, b. 21 Oct., 1777, and Urania Kellogg (+1288), b. 20 Nov., 1785; was a telegraph oper­ator; res. in Buffalo; she d. 28 Sept., 1890; had no children.

3607.   DELIA,8 dau. of Charles7 (1305), b. in Kelloggsville, N. Y., 7 Apr., 1803; m. 20 Feb., 1823, Calvin Whitwood, b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 28 Mar., 1794.
He d. in Hornellsville, N. Y., 22 Dec., 1868; she d. 31 May, 1872.
He was a merchant and manufacturer; res. in Kelloggsville, Howard, Waterloo, Moravia and Hornellsville, N. Y.
8650 Charles E. Whitwood,9 b. in Kelloggsville, 28 Feb., 1825; d. in Water­loo, 23 Jan., 1847.
8651 Calvin C. Whitwood,9 b. 23 May, 1826; d. young.
8652 Mary Ann Eliza Whitwood,9 b. 11 Oct., 1830; d. young.
8653 George Dwight Whitwood,9 b. 26 May, 1841; d. 30 Aug., 1870.

3608.   ABIGAIL ANN,8 dau. of Charles7 (1305), b. in Sempronius, N. Y., 10 June, 1804; m. 26 Jan., 1831, Ethan Allen Warden, b. in Brutus, N. Y., 21 Oct., 1803, son of Allen Warden, b. in Shaftsbury, Vt., 26 Feb., 1781.
He d. in Auburn, N. Y., 22 Mar., 1861.
He learned the tanner's and currier's trade in Moravia, N. Y. In 1832 he was a merchant in Auburn; in Ann Arbor, Mich., from 1836 to '40, when he re­turned to Auburn. He was Postmaster in Auburn under Presidents Taylor and Fillmore. After his death she res. in Ann Arbor.

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8654 Eliza Caroline Warden,9 b. 13 Dec., 1831; d. 31 May, 1832.
8655 Charles Allen Warden,9 b. in Auburn, 10 July, 1833; m. 1 Oct., 1857, Camelia Rockefeller; res. in Auburn; d. 30 Aug., 1883.
8656 Ajulia Leonard,9 b. 3 Apr., 1839; d. in Oshkosh, Wis., 11 July, 1866.
8657 James Kellogg,9 b. 24 Aug., 1842; m. Annie McCauley, of Jef­fersonville, Ind.; was Lieut, in the United States army; was trans­ferred from the volunteer to the regular army for his meritorious service; drowned 15 Dec., 1869.

3609.   CHARLES HARVEY,8 son of Charles7 (1305), b. in Kelloggsville, N. Y., 19 Sept., 1808; m. 1 Nov., 1832, Frances Amelia Parmelee, b. in Lansingburg, N. Y., 14 Mar., 1811, dau. of Elias Parmelee, b. in New Haven, Conn., 22 Jan., 1774, and Fanny Fitch, b. in Windham, Conn., 11 Jan., 1776; she was a descend­ant of John Bradley, of Kent, England, b. 1580, and of Rev. Henry Whitfield, of Guilford, Conn., and of Gov. William Bradford, of Plymouth.
He d. in Lansingburg, N. Y., 19 Jan., 1862; she d. 19 Mar., 1875.
He was a merchant and manufacturer in Troy; res. in Lansingburg.
8658 Mary Frances,9 b. in Lansingburg. 26 Nov., 1833; m. 13 Oct., 1864, Peter A. Burdan; he d. 16 Feb., 1866; had no children.
8659 Amelia L.,9 b. in Lansingburg, 19 Jan., 1836; m. 26 Aug., 1858, John Morris Van Buskirk; had no children.
8660 William Parmelee,9 b. in Troy, N. Y., 22 Aug., 1837; m. Frances Par­melee.
8661 Charles Harvey, Jr.,9 b. 24 Aug., 1839; d. 8 Sept., 1840.
8662 Warren Todd,9 b. 1 Dec., 1841; m. Mary Alice Eddy.
8663 Harriet Odin,9 b. 7 Dec., 1843; m. Charles Rowland Walsh.
8664 Alice,9 b. 1 Dec., 1845; d. 1 Apr., 1847.
8665 Francis Pelatiah,9 b. in Lansingburg, 20 June, 1850; is a commercial traveler; is a Presbyterian and a Republican; is unm.
8666 Henry Parmelee,9 b. 14 Apr., 1856; d. 27 Mar., 1860.

3611.   DAN WARREN,8 son of Charles7 (1305), b. in Galway, N. Y., 26 Mar., 1812; m. (1) in Troy, N. Y., 11 Feb., 1835, Esther Almira Bull, dau. of Judge Archibald Bull, of Rensselaer Co., N. Y.
She d. 10 Aug., 1842; he m. (2) in Lansingburg, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1851, Cath­erine Fake, dau. of George Fake, b. 6 Feb., 1799, and Ann Quackenbush; she d. ______; he m. (3) in Syracuse, N. Y., 17 Sept., 1856, Emma Starr Congdon, b. ______.
7 Nov., 1835, dau. of Albert Bainbridge Congdon, b. 13 Sept., 1805, and Arde­mena Blakesley, b. 21 Feb., 1811; she d. 24 Aug., 1883; he d. 24 Aug., 1885, aged 73. He is buried in Union Cemetery, Sandy Hill, N. Y.
He was a hardware merchant and banker; was a member of the Episcopal Church; res. in Troy, New York City and Brooklyn, N. Y.; was for two years Secretary of the Senate of the State of Michigan.
Child by first wife.
8667 Charles Dor,9 b. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 3 July, 1842; m. Mary Jane Bancus.

606    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Child by second wife.
8668 Emma Louise,9 b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1858; m. Leon Henry Ballard.

3612.   DORLISKA,8 dau. of Charles7 (1305), b. in Kelloggsville, N. Y., 17 Jan., 1816; m. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 19 Dec., 1839, Dr. Cyrus Backus, b. 16 Aug., 1812, son of Job Backus, of Lee, Mass., and Groton, N. Y., and Celia Brad­ley, b. 16 Sept., 1785.
She d. in Ann Arbor, 1 Feb., 1870; he d. there, 1 Feb., 1886.
He was a physician and surgeon, in Groton, Troy, Brooklyn and Peekskill, N. Y., Detroit and Ann Arbor, Mich. He was an Episcopalian; was graduated from the University of the City of New York, and a medical institution in Geneva, N. Y., 1836.
Children, b. in Troy.
8669 Charles Kellogg Backus,9 b. 10 Sept., 1843; m. 5 Feb., 1874, Evelyn Standish, b. in Lyme, Conn., 28 July, 1847, dau. of John Standish and Emma L. Darrow; res. in Detroit, where he was editor of the Detroit Tribune; d. 23 July, 1894; after his death she res. in Detroit; had one child.
8670 Mary E. Backus,9 b. 11 Nov., 1845; res. in Ann Arbor, where she d. 10 Feb., 1887.

3613.   FRANCES LOUISA,8 dau. of Charles7 (1305), b. in Kelloggsville, N. Y., 6 Mar., 1818; m. in Troy, N. Y., 18 Sept., 1838, Seth Taylor Otis, b. 21 Dec., 1811, son of Seth Otis, of Watertown, N. Y., b. in Colchester, Conn., 24 June, 1777, and Lucy Chandler.
He d. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 23 Jan., 1882; she d. in Chicago, 28 July, 1893.
He was collector for large commercial houses in New York. He was Maj. of Militia in 1840; United States Consul to Basle, Switzerland, in 1844; was a War Democrat and a Universalist.
8671 Charles Day Otis,9 b. in Chicago, 26 Dec., 1839; m. 25 Dec., 1867, Lucy C. Bailey, dau. of John Bailey, of West Parsonsfield, Me.; was a merchant in Fond du Lac, Wis.; d. in Chicago, 9 May, 1898.
8672 Basle Kellogg Otis,9 b. in Basle, Switzerland, 12 Feb., 1845; m. ______; he was a merchant and bank cashier in Peoria, Ill.; d. in Peoria, 4 Sept., 1896; had one child.
8673 William Augustus Otis,9 b. in Almond, N. Y., 15 Aug., 1855; m. 11 Sept., 1888, Elizabeth Lincoln Shackleford; is an architect; res. in Chicago.

3614.   JOHN QUINCY,8 son of Charles7 (1305), b. in Kelloggsville, N. Y., 24 Mar., 1823; m. 8 Feb., 1849, Helen Mary Dauchy (8596), of Troy, b. 13 Mar., 1826, dau. of Samuel Dauchy, b. 11 Jan., 1800, and Clarissa Harlow Kellogg (+3590), b. 12 June, 1799.
He d. in Montclair, N. J., 16 Feb., 1896; she d. ______.
He was a merchant in New York; res. in Yonkers, N. Y.
8674 George Abell,9 b. in Troy, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1849; m. Harriet M. Dominy.

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8675 Fanny Louise,9 b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1855; m. James Stephens Oakley.
8676 Clara Dauchy,9 b. in Yonkers, N. Y., 23 Jan., 1857; m. Edward Eton Bowns, Jr.
8677 Henry Niles,9 b. in Yonkers, 6 Nov., 1859; m. Florence Adele Bowns.

3616.   WARREN STEWART,8 son of Asa7 (1307), b. in Albany, N. Y., 1 Mar., 1807; m. 10 Sept., 1835, Lucy Ann Rawdon, b. 14 Feb., 1817, dau. of Ralph Raw­don (founder of the American Bank Note Company of New York), of Tolland, Conn., b. 1793, and Susan Arnold, of Haddam, Conn., b. 1794.
He d. ______, in Queens, Long Island; she res. in Mollis, Long Island.
He was an author and poet; res. in New York City.
Children, all except Leverett and Susan, b. in New York.
8678 Ralph Rawdon,9 b. 21 June, 1836; d. 3 Aug., 1838.
8679 Edward Hastings,9 b. 57 Feb., 1838; m. Maria Curtin.
8680 Lucy Ann,9 b. 15 June. 1840; res. in Hollis, 1899; is unm.
8681 Margaret Anne,9 b. 21 Aug., 1843; m. Thomas Tilly Hazard.
8682 Leverett Rawdon,9 b. in Rouse Point. N. Y., 6 Oct., 1845; m. in New York City, 5 June, 1872, Anna McGowan, b. in Washington, D. C, 20 Dec., 1844, dau. of Charles McGowan, b. 28 July, 1808, and Elizabeth Crawford, b. in Paisley, Scotland, Nov., 1813; is a mer­chant in New York, with H. B. Claflin & Co.; res. in Hollis; is a Presbyterian and a Republican; has no children.
8683 Warren Stewart,9 b. 17 July, 1847; for some years he was with H. B. Claflin & Co., New York; is now a gentleman farmer in Hollis; is an Episcopalian and a Republican; is unm.
8684 Isaac Merritt,9 b. 23 Sept., 1849; m. Emma Wood.
8685 Susan Arnold,9 b. in Queens, 21 July, 1852; d. unm., in Queens, Apr., 1872.
8686 Isaac Newton Phelps,9 b. 12 May, 1854; is a dealer in sporting goods in New York City; is an Episcopalian and a Republican; is unm.
8687 Abigail Wright,9 b. 6 Apr., 1865; m. in Hollis, 29 Apr., 1899, Adolph Van Rein, b. in New York City, 22 Sept., 1856, son of Christopher Van Rein, b. 1828, and Sybilla Kern, b. 1834; she is an artist; he is a lawyer; was graduated from Columbia College; Columbia Law School, 1870; is a Presbyterian and a Republican; has no children.

3618.   EDWARD,8 son of Asa7 (1307), b. 20 Jan., 1810; m. 5 Dec., 1837, Sarah Maria Hastings, b. 24 Sept., 1815, dau. of Seth Hastings, a merchant of Albany, N. Y., b. in Brookfield, Mass., and Mary Herring, b. in Massachusetts.
She d. 19 May, 1849; he d. in Independence, Mo., 15 Dec., 1862.
He was a merchant and, later, a stock broker, in New York. In 1847 he was a cotton and woolen manufacturer in Brainard, N. Y. He rem. in 1858 to Inde­pendence, Mo., where he engaged in the manufacture of brick.
8688 Hastings,9 b. in Albany, N. Y., 21 Sept., 1839; m. Augusta Victoria Hopkins.
8689 Jane Eliza,9 b. 12 May, 1841; d. unm., in Troy, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1863.
8690 Sarah Maria,9 b. 27 May, 1843; d. 20 Aug., 1849.

608    The Kelloggs in the New World.

8691 Asa,9 b. 27 Mar., 1849; from 1870 to '72 he was in Hannibal, Mo., as a dry goods clerk; in 1874 he entered the railway service as clerk in the general offices of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway in Sedalia, Mo.; was later general agent of the St. Louis, Keokuk and Northwestern Railway; in 1882 he was appointed to a similar posi­tion on the Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railway; at the time of his death he was general Western agent for that com­pany in Cincinnati, O.; d. unm., in St. Louis, Mo., 30 Mar., 1889.

3621.   MARGARET ANN,8 dau. of Asa7 (1307), b. 1 Mar., 1821; m. Francis Newlands, b. in Glasgow, Scotland, 24 Nov., 1814.
She d. 20 Feb., 1855; is buried in the Old Cemetery, Troy, N. Y.; he d. in West Point, N. Y., 23 Apr., 1892.
They res. in West Point.
8692 Mary Redfield Newlands,9 b. 23 Feb., 1848.

3623.   JANE ELIZA,8 dau. of Asa7 (1307), b. in Troy, N. Y., 26 Sept., 1823; m. in the Second Street Presbyterian Church, Troy, 30 Apr., 1846, James Somer­ville Knowlson, b. in Albany, N. Y., 1 May, 1823, son of Col. Richard John Knowlson, of Sand Lake, N. Y., b. in Howden, Yorkshire, England, 2 June, 1797, and Margaret Brown, b. 13 Feb., 1803, dau. of Andrew Brown, of Edinburgh, Scotland.
She d. 24 Jan., 1873.
He was graduated from Williams College in the class of 1843; res. in Troy, N. Y., and, in 1897, in Rutland, Vt. He was a merchant and manufacturer; was an elder in the Presbyterian Church.
8693 James Somerville Knowlson,9 b. 5 Mar., 1847; m. 19 Sept., 1883, Lula S. Howard, of Aurora, Ill.; res. in Aurora, where he is in the office of the C. B. and Q. Railroad; had one son.
8694 Richard John Knowlson,9 b. 1 Oct., 1848; d. 19 Nov., same year.
8695 Anna Stewart Knowlson,9 b. 1 Nov., 1849.
8696 Jessie Somerville Knowlson,9 b. 25 Oct., 1851; d. 20 Sept., 1852.
8697 William Henry Knowlson,9 b. 17 May, 1853; m. 9 Nov., 1890, Emilie R. Southard, of Peekskill, N. Y.; is in the book and stationery busi­ness in Troy; res. in Peekskill; has two children.
8698 Jane Eliza Knowlson,9 b. 4 July, 1854.
8699 John Kerr Knowlson,9 b. 1 May, 1857; d. 8 Aug., same year.
8700 Margaret Somerville Knowlson,9 b. 5 Feb., 1859.
8701 Richard John Knowlson,9 b. 19 Sept., 1860; m. 19 May, 1888, Anna Savage; has two children.
8702 Samuel Bigelow I,9 b. 14 May, 1867.

3626.   HENRY,8 son of Asa7 (1307), b. in Troy, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1829; m. in Westminster, Vt., 9 Jan., 1850, Sarah Cobb May, b. in Westminster, 20 Sept., 1830, dau. of John May, b. in Westminster, 28 Aug., 1804, and Catherine Vose, b. in Boston, Mass., 12 June, 1808.
He d. in Cripple Creek, Col., 30 Dec., 1900.
He res. in Troy, N. Y., Westminster, Vt., Waukesha, Wis., Chicago, Ill., Kan-

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sas City, Mo., and Weston, Col; was later a cattle and sheep grower in Cripple Creek, Col.
8703 Francis Newlands,9 b. in Westminster, 20 Feb., 1851; m. Lavonia D. Peck.
8704 Catherine May,9 b. in Westminster, 20 July, 1852; m. in Kansas City, 16 Jan., 1873, Richard James Haus, of Kansas City; he is a com­mercial agent; has no children.
8705 John May,9 b. in Waukesha, 20 Sept., 1859; m. Lucy B. Hickman.

3628.   GEORGE WILLIAM,8 son of Warren7 (1310), b. in Troy, N. Y., 27 Feb., 1812; m. in Albany, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1840, Charlotte Elizabeth Cobb, b. in Albany, 22 May, 1816, dau. of Sanford Cobb, b. in Stonington, Conn., 28 Apr., 1785, and Phebe Ann Gibbons, b. in London, England, 15 Mar., 1794.
He d. in Troy, 15 Apr., 1849; she d. in Lyons, N. Y., 4 Dec., 1881.
He was a merchant, in New York from 1831 to '39, and, later, in Troy, until his death.
Children, b. in Troy.
8706 Sanford Cobb,9 b. 10 May, 1842; m. Frances Breckinridge Steele.
8707 Frances Southwick,9 b. 15 Nov., 1846; m. Poland Asher Hubbard.

3630.   HENRY LYMAN,8 son of Warren7 (1310), b. in Troy, N. Y., 28 Apr., 1817; m. in Troy, 26 May, 1840, Frances Jean Wilson, b. in Troy, 11 Jan., 1822, dau. of Ebenezer Wilson, Jr., b. 23 Nov., 1776, and Mary White Moulton, b. 5 July, 1782.
He d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 26 Oct., 1866; she res. in Hoboken, N. J. He was graduated from Washington College and Trinity College; was a mer­chant in Troy; rem. to New York City in Apr., 1852, and res. there, a merchant, until 1856, when he rem. to Cleveland. He was an Episcopalian.
Children, all except last two, b. in Troy.
8708 Elizabeth Homer,9 b. 12 Oct., 1843.
8709 Mary Lyman,9 b. 30 July, 1845; d. unm., in Hoboken, 19 Jan., 1896.
8710 Lewis Southwick,9 b. 6 Jan., 1847; m. in Brooklyn, 25 Feb., 1884, Mrs. Mary Fowle (Cummings) Schooley, b. 25 Mar., 1846, widow of John C. Schooley, Jr., and dau. of William Brakenridge Cummings, b. 4 Sept., 1822, and Mary Parker Clark, b. 23 Dec., 1827; is an accountant; res. in Bayonne, N. J.; is an Episcopalian and a Dem­ocrat; has no children.
8711 William Cooper,9 b. 30 May, 1850; d. in Hoboken, 23 Apr., 1894.
8712 Ellen Wheeler,9 b. in New York, 11 Oct., 1853; m. Francis Shippen.
8713 Harriet Baylies,9 b. in Brooklyn, 1864; d. there, 16 Mar., 1866.

3639.   MARIA ANN,8 dau. of Alexander Cyrus7 (1311), b. in Troy, N. Y., 9 Jan., 1811; m. (1) Charles Lewis Mills, b. in Huntington, Conn., 1802, son of Elisha Mills and Catherine Lewis.
He d. in Coming, N. Y., 26 May, 1845; was a merchant; was graduated from Yale in 1824; she m. (2) Dr. Joshua Bascom Grams, a physician in Corn­ing; d. in Corning, 19 June, 1872.

610    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children by first husband.
8714 Anna Kellogg Mills,9 b. in Fairfield, Conn., 25 June, 1831; m. Elbert Lewis Burr Curtis, of Danby, N. Y.; had six children.
8715 George Alexander Mills,9 b. in Fairfield, 20 Dec., 1833; d. in Corning, 22 Dec., 1853.
8716 Ellsworth Daggett Mills,9 b. in Fairfield, 8 May, 1836; m. 21 May, 1860, Eliza Anne Wellington, b. 22 Apr., 1839; she d. 19 Jan., 1869; he was a lawyer in Coming; served two terms as District Attorney; d. 26 Apr., 1896; had two children.
8717 Catherine Lewis Mills,9 b. in Corning, 29 Apr., 1839; res. in Coming.
8718 Augustus Talbot Mills,9 b. in Corning, 9 Sept., 1843; m. Sarah B. Crocker, of Fairfield; was a physician in Coming; d. 15 Oct., 1891; had two children.
Child by second husband.
8719 Margaret Grams,9 b. 26 June, 1850; m. William Sheldon Green, of Corn­ing; he was general manager of a railway.

3642.   MARGARET,8 dau. of Alexander Cyrus7 (1311), b. in Troy, N. Y., 8 May, 1816; m. in Fairfield, Conn., 24 Sept., 1839, Charles Edmond Osborne, b. in East Hampton, L. I., 14 Nov., 1803, son of Jacob Hedges Osborne, b. 26 Mar., 1774, and Charity Hedges.
She d. in Corning, N. Y., 10 Jan., 1865; he d. in Seneca Falls, N. Y., 7 May, 1897.
Children, b. in Corning.
8720 Maria Kellogg Osborne,9 b. 9 Aug., 1840; d. unm., 2 Aug., 1869.
8721 Alexander Cyrus Osborne,9 b. 3 July, 1842; d. 17 July, 1844.
8722 Ann Kellogg Osborne,9 b. 23 Dec., 1844; m. in Seneca Falls, 22 Dec., 1874, Edward Montgomery Rumsey; res. in Seneca Falls; had one child.
8723 Charles Mills Osborne,9 b. 18 July, 1847; d. unm., in Chicago, Ill., 30 May, 1872.
8724 Elbert Curtis Osborne,9 b. 8 Feb., 1850.
8725 Mary Willson Osborne,9 b. 10 June, 1856; m. in Seneca Falls, 4 Mar., 1885, Stephen Theodore Day; res. in Pearsall, Tex.; has two chil­dren.

3647.   ALEXANDER,8 son of Alexander Cyrus7 (1311), b. in Troy, N. Y., 23 Dec., 1823; m. in Troy, 12 Nov., 1859, as her second husband, Mrs. Sarah Maria (Johnson) Brown, b. in Troy, dau. of John Johnson and Elizabeth Clickner, and widow of Michael T. Brown, who d. 27 Apr., 1857.
He d. in Lebanon Centre, N. Y., 4 Oct., 1884; she d. in Stephentown, N. Y., aged 63.
He res. in Lebanon Centre, N. Y.; was a bookkeeper. He was a private Co. F, Sixty-third New York Volunteers, and Sergt. in Co. E, Sixth New York Zouaves; enlisted 25 May, 1861; was discharged 30 June, 1865. He was a sailor thirteen years; a soldier four years and seven months.
8726 Thomas Brown,9 b. in Troy, 25 Oct., 1860; m. Jessie May Hayes.

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3648.   CYRUS,8 son of Alexander Cyrus7 (1311), b. 23 Dec., 1823; m. (1) 14 July, 1849, Ann Cooper, b. in Big Stream, N. Y., dau. of James Cooper and Ruth Clark.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 4 Apr., 1866, Martha Defriest, b. 12 Dec., 1845, dau. of Sylvester Defriest and Elizabeth; d. in Lansingburg, N. Y., 1 Aug., 1879; she res. in Troy, N. Y.
Child by first wife.
8727 Anna Marie,9 b. in Corning, N. Y., 23 Apr., 1850; m. Albert James Halford.
Children by second wife.
8728 Anne Alice,9 b. in Troy, 19 Mar., 1867; m. in West Poultney, Vt., Howe; res. in East Poultney.
8729 Ellsworth Dagget Mills,9 b. in Troy, io July, 1870; m. Ella Clark.
8730 Sylvester Alexander,9 b. in Troy, 7 Mar., 1876; m. Cora Bristol.

3654.   JAMES TURNER,8 son of Chauncey7 (1328), b. ______; m. (pub. in Sheffield, Mass., 12 May, 1841), Maria Ingraham. He rem. to Davenport, Ia., many years ago.
8731 Emma,9 b. ______.
8732 Putman Flint,9 b. in Sheffield, 25 Jan., 1852.

3656.   MARY ANN,8 dau. of Norman7 (1329), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 18 Apr., 1813; m. in Sheffield, 13 Dec., 1836, John Reed Forbes, b. in Brookfield, Mass., 19 Aug., 1814, son of Moses Forbes, b. June, 1791, and Eliza Taylor, b. 8 May, 1789.
She d. 7 Oct., 1863; he d. 5 Feb., 1888.
He was a druggist and a hotel-keeper; res. in Oshkosh, Wis., where both d. He was an Episcopalian and a Republican.
8733 Daniel Henry Forbes,9 b. in Sheffield, 6 Sept., 1838; m. in Oshkosh, 14 July, 1865, Lucy Ann Tolman; res. in Oshkosh; had one dau.

3657.   JOHN JAY,8 son of Norman7 (1329), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 13 Aug., 1816; m. (1) in New Orleans, La., Eliza _______.
She d. ______; he m. (2) in Sheffield, 24 Nov., 1852, Frances Cowles, dau. of Philo Cowles, b. in Sheffield, 31 Oct., 1786, and Elizabeth Smith, b. in Nor­folk, Conn., 15 Mar., 1788.
She d. 4 Dec., 1877; he d. 21 Apr., 1881; both are buried in Sheffield.
He went to New Orleans, where all of his children were b. After the death of his first wife, he returned to Sheffield, where he res. until his death.
8734 Eliza Ann,9 b. 20 Dec., 1839.
8735 John Jay,9 b. 16 Mar., 1841; d. 3 Feb., 1842.
8736 Norman,9 b. ______; d. 3 Oct., 1842.

3659.   GEORGE,8 son of Norman7 (1329), b. 4 Feb., 1831; m. in Sheffield, 18 Feb., 1851, Harriet Crippen, b. 9 Oct., 1827, dau. of Francis B. Crippen, of Pitts-

612    The Kelloggs in the New World.

field, and Sheffield, Mass., and Prudence Stillman, b. in Sheffield, 22 Sept., 1800.
He d. 30 Apr., 1890; she d. 22 Dec., 1897.
He was a farmer; res. in Sheffield, on the homestead of his father; was a member of the Board of Selectmen for many years; was president of the Housa­tonic Agricultural Society; in 1883 he was a member of the Massachusetts Leg­islature.

Children, b. in Sheffield.
8737 Nellie Almira,9 b. 27 Mar., 1853; m. Levi H. Boardman.
8738 Frank Norman,9 b. 28 Oct., 1857; m. (1) Lillian A. Dailey; (2) Grace Lee.
8739 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 9 Aug., 1861; m. 8 Oct., 1891, Henry M. Brown, of Egremont, Mass., b. 1862, son of Martin Brown and Mary; he is a farmer; res. in Egremont.
8740 Hattie Augusta,9 b. 2 June, 1867; d. 7 Apr., 1878.
8741 Rhoda,9 b. 20 Dec., 1868; d. 12 Feb., 1869.
8742 Georgia Crippen,9 b. 2 June, 1871.

3663.   SIDNEY MEERILL,8 son of George7 (1331), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 29 July, 1820; m. in Erie, Pa., 31 Oct., 1850, Rachel McCarter.
She d. 9 Sept., 1871; he d. 25 Jan., 1895. They res. in Erie, where both d.
Children, b. in Erie.
8743 Nellie Isabella,9 b. 29 Sept., 1851; m. David P. Jones.
8744 Sidney Jay,9 b. 26 Mar., 1853; m. 1886, _______; res. in Fort Scott Kas.; had no children.
8745 Harry Flint,9 b. 16 Feb., 1856.

3664.   GEORGE HENRY,8 son of George7 (1331), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 11 June, 1822; m. in North Reading, Mass., 8 Dec., 1853, Catherine Dodge Flint, 31 May, 1831, dau. of Daniel Flint, b. in North Reading, 22 Mar., 1795, and Sarah Eaton, b. in Boxford, Mass., 24 July, 1794.
She d. in Charlestown, Mass., 1 Dec., 1872; he d. in San Francisco, Cal., 19 Nov., 1893.
He was a merchant, of the firm of Flint, Peabody & Co.; res. in San Francisco.
8746 Kate,9 b. in San Francisco, 16 Apr., 1855; m. Joseph Hutchinson.
8747 George Flint,9 b. in San Francisco, 13 Jan., 1857; m. Henrietta Eliza­beth Thompson.
8748 Frank Putnam,9 b. in San Francisco, 9 Feb., 1859; d. 24 Sept., same year, in San Francisco.
8749 Laura,9 b. in San Francisco, 22 July, 1861; m. George Edward Wilson.
8750 Emma,9 b. in Oakland, Cal., 3 Feb., 1863; res., unm., in Palo Alto, Cal.
8751 Gertrude,9 b. 10 Mar., 1867; m. Ernest Norwood Jones.
8752 Walter Yale,9 b. near Redwood City, Cal., 10 May, 1868; m. Mrs. Mal­vina Chase (Pelton) Wilson.

3665.   ROBERT RALPH,8 son of George7 (1331), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 23 July, 1823; m. (1) in Batesville, Ark., 31 Dec., 1850, Sarah Louise Bevens, b. 13

The Kelloggs in the New World.    613

Nov., 1834, dau. of Dr. Alfred Bevens, of Batesville, and Jane Louise McGuire. She d. 22 Sept., 1868; he m. (2) in Elgin, Ark., 24 May, 1870, Mrs. Hester C. Clinton; d. in Jacksonport, Ark., 25 Oct., 1872; res. in Jacksonport, and for many years filled, with honor, the office of Circuit Clerk; she m. (2) 27 Sept., 1874, his brother, Silas.
Children by first wife.
8753 Eva Louise,9 b. in Batesville, 6 Sept., 1853; m. James Curry, of Es­panola, N. M.; res. in Clyde, N. Y.
8754 Nellie Cynthia,9 b. in Batesville, 24 Jan., 1855; m. (1) in Jackson­port, 10 Oct., 1872, James F. Horton; he d. ______; she m. (2)28 Feb., 1886, S. T. Redman; d. 4 Sept., 1886; had no children.
8755 Mary Emma,9 b. in Batesville, 20 Oct., 1858; m. F. S. Stevens.
8756 Ralph Wycough,9 b. in Jacksonport, 30 Mar., 1868.

3666.   ELLEN BRUCE,8 dau. of George7 (1331), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 11 Sept., 1824; m. in Erie, Pa., 5 Aug., 1852, Charles Hawley De Forest, b. 26 Mar., 1821, son of Linson De Forest and Jane Hawley, b. 22 Aug., 1797.
He d. in Birmingham, Conn., 1 Mar., 1892; she d. in Derby, Conn., 14 Sept., 1901.
He was a manufacturer; res. in Birmingham, where he was one of the best known citizens. He was a Congregationalist and a Republican.
8757 George Linson De Forest,9 b. 6 Mar., 1855.
8758 Charles Shelton De Forest,9 b. 30 June, 1859; m. in Chicago, Ill., 24 Dec., 1890, Mrs. Anna B. Killen; d. in St. Louis, Mo., 22 Dec., 1892; was buried in Derby, Conn.

3670.   CHARLES WINSLOW,8 son of George7 (1331) , b. in Erie, Pa., 22 Jan., 1839; m. in Oakland, Cal, 19 Sept., 1863, his cousin, Anita Root Flint (3683), b. 24 Aug., 1840, dau. of James Putnam Flint, b. 12 Apr., 1802, and Anne Root Kellogg (+1335), b. 24 July, 1805.
Res. in Oakland. He has been with the Tubbs Cordage Company, of San Francisco, many years, in a position of confidence and trust.
Children, b. in Oakland.
8759 Fanny Root,9 b. 17 Nov., 1864; m. Cary Howard.
8760 Herbert Flint,9 b. 19 July, 1870; m. Maria Miller Jackson.
8761 Anita Meerill,9 b. 4 Sept., 1872; m. as his second wife, 17 Apr., 1895, Thomas Lavender Cornell, b. 15 Dec., 1839, son of Sidney Cornell, b. 30 Apr., 1815, and Sarah Ann Nostrand, b. 11 July, 1814; he is vice-president and secretary of a manufacturing company; res. in Derby, Conn.; had no children.
8762 Abba Oliphant,9 b. 23 Aug., 1874; is unm.
8763 Louise,9 b. 27 Aug., 1879; res., unm., in Oakland.

3679.   CAPT. ROBERT HALE,8 son of Dr. Silas Root7 (1334), b. in Erie, Pa., 5 Mar., 1844; m. 6 Oct., 1868, Amelia Clark Gallup, b. 27 June, 1845, dau. of Elihu Gallup, b. 12 Dec., 1803, and Emily Clark, b. 11 June, 1811, both of Nor­wich, Conn.

614    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He res. in Cincinnati, O.; is a life insurance agent. He was reared in New England and educated in the public schools; served in the civil war, as Sergt.­Maj., in the Sixteenth Connecticut Volunteers, and later as Capt. on the staff of the First Brigade of New York; enlisted 11 Aug., 1862; was discharged 1 June, 1865. He was a prisoner of war in Andersonville; was the author of "Life and 4; Death in Rebel Prisons." He was a member of the Connecticut Legislature in 1870; rem. to Ohio in 1883; is a Presbyterian and a Republican.
Children, last three b. in Manchester, Conn.
8764 Florence Amelia,9 b. in Concord, N. H., 3 Dec., 1871; is unm.
8765 Emily Clark,9 b. 23 July, 1874; is unm.
8766 Anna Flint,9 b. 6 Jan., 1878; is unm.
8767 Rossiter Henry,9 b. 9 Apr., 1879; is unm.

3680.   LUCY HALE,8 dau. of Dr. Silas Root7 (1334), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 15 Jan., 1858; m. in Sheffield, 5 June, 1888, John Cooper Wheeler, b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 6 Nov., 1860, son of Merritt Ives Wheeler, b. 9 Aug., 1826, and Sarah Cooper, b. 4 Mar., 1829.
He d. in Tryon, N. C, 9 Mar., 1897.
He was in the insurance business; res. in Great Barrington; was a Communicant of the Episcopal Church.
8768 John Howard Wheeler,9 b. 25 May, 1889.
8769 Robert Kellogg Wheeler,9 b. 9 Dec., 1892.
8770 Merritt Ives Wheeler,9 b. 30 Aug., 1894.

3694.   ELI CALLENDER,8 son of Amasa7 (1347), b. 19 Mar., 1803; m. (1) in New Hartford, N. Y., 2 Nov., 1824, Lucretia Barnard, dau. of Truman Barnard and Lucretia Pease.
She d. 13 Oct., 1839; he m. (2) 9 Apr., 1844, Marcia Anna Bulkley, b. 22 Dec., 1816, dau. of Gershom T. Bulkley and Julia Ann Kellogg (+3076); d. Milwaukee, 27 Jan., 1855; after his death she res. in Monroe.
He rem, from Monroe, Mich., to Milwaukee, Wis., in Apr., 1845, and was proprietor of the City Mills (flouring), and was in the foundry and commission business.
Children by first wife.
8771 James Bradford,9 b. 9 Sept., 1825; m. (1) Harriet Jane Diefendorf; (2) Sarah Annie Duryea.
8772 Horace,9 b. in Whitestown, N. Y., 7 Jan., 1827; m. Amanda Catherine Evans.
8773 Marcus Amasa,9 b. 15 Mar., 1828; m. Frances E. Sentenn.
8774 Henry Martin,9 b. 6 Dec., 1830; m. Elsie Henderson.
8775 Hannah Moyston,9 b. 24 Dec., 1831; m. John L. Hathaway.
8776 Eli Edgar,9 b. in Whitestown, 17 May, 1834; m. Margaret Ellen Hopkins.
Child by second wife.
8777 Eugene Bulkley,9 b. in Milwaukee, 13 May, 1848; d. in Monroe, 13 Dec., 1867.

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3695.   CORNELIA,8 dau. of Amasa7 (1347), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 20 Sept., 1811; m. in Sheffield, 17 June, 1834, Milton Loomis, b. 1805, son of William Loomis, of Otego, N. Y., and Mary Race.
He d. in Sheffield, 29 Sept., 1859; she d. there, 5 July, 1878.
8778 Albert Kellogg Loomis,9 b. 21 Mar., 1836; res. in Sheffield.
8779 Frederick Eli Loomis,9 b. 1 Mar., 1837; d. 26 Oct., 1861.

3696.   LEVI HENRYS,8 son of Amasa7 (1347), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 24 Aug., 1817; m. in Monroe, Mich., 25 Dec., 1839, Helen Barnard, b. Apr., 1818, dau. of Truman Barnard and Lucretia Pease.
He d. in Milwaukee, Wis., 13 Dec., 1873; she d. there, 8 Sept., 1897.
At an early age he lived in Whitesboro, N. Y.; about 1833 rem. to Monroe, Mich.; undertook the trip alone with his team and was three weeks on the way. He rem. thence, in 1846, to Milwaukee. He was an extensive operator as a for­warding and commission merchant. In 1848 he was in the firm of Kellogg & Strong, then Kellogg & Mann, and later L. H. Kellogg & Co. (H. B., his son, being partner). In the spring of 1873 he was elected Mayor of Milwaukee, but he refused to qualify. When elected he was an Alderman, and there was a ques­tion whether holding the one office he was eligible to the other.
8780 Henry Barnard,9 b. in Monroe, 13 May, 1846; m. Eunice Elizabeth Langworthy.
8781 Helen Lilla,9 b. in Milwaukee, 29 May, 1853; d. there, 11 Jan., 1871.
8782 Joseph Bradford,9 b. in Milwaukee, 25 May, 1858; d. 10 Jan., 1883.

3697.   EPHRAIM HART,8 son of Amos A.7 (1348), b. in Clinton, N. Y., 18 Mar., 1807; m. 4 Mar., 1836, Altana Davis, b. 14 May, 1808, dau. of Roswell B. Davis and Betsey Cady.
He d. in Schenectady, N. Y., 14 Dec., 1877; she d. there, 19 May, 1891. He was a laborer; res. in Amsterdam and Schenectady, N. Y.
8783 Edwin Miner,9 b. 12 July, 1838; m. 21 Oct., 1885, Helen Hayes, of Amsterdam, N. Y.; res. in Amsterdam; had no children.
8784 Amanda Elizabeth,9 b. 2 May, 1840; m. in Burtonsville, N. Y., 2 July, 1862, William Birch, b. Feb., 1830, son of Alfred Birch and Mar­garet , b. 11 Oct., 1807; he was a carpenter; Methodist Episcopalian and a Republican; d. in Amsterdam, 9 May, 1900; she res. in Amsterdam; had no children.
8785 Sarah Davis,9 b. 8 Mar., 1843; m. Myron White Reid.
8786 Mary Helen,9 b. June, 1845; d. 30 Aug., 1846.
8787 Mary Lucy,9 b. 30 Nov., 1848; res., unm., in Amsterdam.
8788 Prudence Davis,9 b. 20 Nov., 1851; res., unm., in Amsterdam.

3698.   WILLIAM,8 son of Amos A.7 (1348), b. in Clinton. N. Y., 13 Mar., 1808; m. 9 Feb., 1831, Amanda Malvina Lovell, b. in Dutchess Co., N. Y., 12

616    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Mar., 1813, dau. of Henry Lovell, of Charleston, N. Y., b. about 1794, and Mary Duel, b. about 1796.
She d. in Easton, Pa., 1877; he d. there, 1884.
He res. in Albany and later in Easton, Pa. He was superintendent of bridges on the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
8789 William Henry,9 b. 22 Mar., 1834; m. (1) Elizabeth Lanning; (2) Annie Elizabeth Crater.
8790 Charles Nelson,9 b. 12 July, 1836; m. Annie Augusta Pike.
8791 Sarah Jolia,9 b. 2 Aug., 1839; d. in Albany, about 1850.
8792 Erastus Williams,9 b. in Burtonsville, N. Y., 8 May, 1842; m. in Horse Heads, N. Y., 10 June, 1875, Fanny Susan Carle, b. 12 Feb., 1852, dau. of Ira S. Carle, b. 1812; is a machinist; was First Lieut, in Co. D, Twelfth Reg., Pennsylvania Cavalry; enlisted 19 Oct., 1861; was discharged 16 Jan., 1865; is a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Athens, Pa.; has no children.

3700.   ANDREW W.,8 son of Amos A.7 (1348), b. 12 June, 1818; m. Harriet Crary.
He d. in the army, in 1863.
He res. in Montgomery Co., N. Y.; was a soldier in the war of the rebellion.
8793 Edward C,9 b. ______.
8794 Lucretia,9 b. ______; m. T. M. Van Trees; rem. in 1880, from Dysart, Ia., to Laporte City, Ia.

3701.   CYNTHIA ELVIRA,8 dau. of Ebenezer7 (1349), b. in Westmoreland, N. Y., 15 Nov., 1807; m. 12 Oct., 1830, Samuel S. Curtiss, b. 6 May, 1807.
He d. 15 Jan., 1862. They res. in Westmoreland.
8795 Charles S. Curtiss,9 b. 15 Mar., 1833; d. 2 June, 1859.
8796 Cynthia L. Curtiss,9 b. 1 Feb., 1835.
8797 Samuel E. Curtiss,9 b. 19 Jan., 1844; d. 30 July, same year.
8798 Samuel J. Curtiss,9 b. 9 June, 1845.
8799 Lewis F. Curtis,9 b. 15 Dec., 1854.

3702.   LYDIA ANN,8 dau. of Ebenezer7 (1349), b. in Westmoreland, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1810; m. 8 June, 1834, Hiram Bedortha, b. in Sheffield, Mass., 25 Aug., 1809, son of Luther Bedortha, b. 14 Apr., 1765, and Thirza Kent, b. in Suffield, Conn.
He d. in Oberlin, O., 17 Sept., 1872; she d. in Akron, O., 23 Dec., 1886. He was a farmer; res. in Sheffield, Mass., and Oberlin O. He was a Con­gregationalist and a Republican.
8800 Mary Velona Bedortha,9 b. 5 May, 1835; d. 25 July, same year.
8801 Henry Luther Bedortha,9 b. 8 May, 1837; d. 2 Jan., 1855.
8802 Mary Velona Bedortha,9 b. 7 Oct., 1838; m. 15 Sept., 1853, Dr. John Wesley Lyder; res. in Akron; had two children.

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8803 Abbie Amelia Bedortha,9 b. 19 Dec., 1841; m. 11 June, 1866, John Lewis Van Tine, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., 27 Nov., 1835, son of John Lou­don Van Tine, b. 8 June, 1804, and Margaret Ingles, b. 4 July, 1808; he was a salesman; was elder and superintendent of the Second Dutch Reformed Church; d. in Philadelphia, 16 Nov., 1894; res. in Philadelphia; had seven children.
8804 Hiram Kellogg Bedortha,9 b. 29 Apr., 1844; was a Union soldier; d. in the army, 22 Oct., 1864.
8805 Sarah Damask Bedortha,9 b. 20 Mar., 1846; m. 26 Nov., 1872, Hervey B. Hyde; res. in Norwalk, O.; had one child.
8806 Kellogg Edwin Bedortha,9 b. 17 Oct., 1849; d. 30 July, 1851.
8807 Edwin Kellogg Bedortha,9 b. 28 Mar., 1853; m. 14 Apr., 1874, Margaret Leiper; res. in Bowerston, O.; had six children.

3703.   HENRY NELSON,8 son of Ebenezer7 (1349), b. in Westmoreland, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1814; m. 1 Sept., 1842, Miriam Maria Moulton, b. 8 May, 1819, dau. of David Moulton, b. 24 Nov., 1797, of Stafford, Conn., and Floyd, N. Y., and Prudence Maria Sizer, of Floyd, b. 7 May, 1796.
He d. in New York City, 25 Feb., 1892.
He was a merchant; res. in Rome, N. Y., and New York City.
8808 David Moulton,9 b. in Rome, 1 Jan., 1844; m. Amy H. Freeman.
8809 Fred Henry,9 b. in Hampton, N. Y., 24 Sept., 1846; m. in New York, 28 May, 1886, Eva B. Holbert, b. in Honesdale, Pa., 30 June, 1856, dau. of Warren William Holbert, b. 1 Jan., 1832, and Theodosia, of New York City, b. 31 Mar., 1839; was graduated from Hamilton College, 1867; New York University Law School, 1868; is a lawyer; a Democrat; res. in New York City; has no children.
8810 Warren Converse,9 b. in Rome, 22 July, 1856; m. Colinetta C. Muir.

3704.   CAROLINE AMELIA,8 dau. of Ebenezer7 (1349), b. in Westmoreland, N. Y., 7 Aug., 1816; m. 16 May, 1841, William Bell Hays, b. in Erie, Pa., 6 June, 1816, son of Samuel Hays and Dorcas Bell.
He d. in 1900 or '01.
Res. in Erie; engaged, with his brother, in the tanning business; was later president of extensive brass works in Erie; was an Episcopalian.
Children, b. in Erie.
8811 Mary E. Hays,9 b. 15 May, 1842; m. 19 May, 1867, Edwin Sumner For­ster, b. 9 Apr., 1833; res. in Erie.
8812 Ann C. Hays,9 b. 20 July, 1850; m. Rinaldo E. Clemens; res. in Erie.
8813 William Henry Hays,9 b. 15 Sept., 1854; d. 27 Sept., 1857.
8814 Samuel K. Hays,9 b. 5 Dec., 1855; d. 26 Apr., 1870.

3705.   EDWIN CALLENDER,8 son of Ebenezer7 (1349), b. in Westmoreland, N. Y., 5 July, 1818; m. 12 Sept., 1847, Sarah Croel Moulton, b. 26 July, 1822, dau. of David Moulton, of Stafford, Conn., and Floyd, N. Y., b. 24 Nov., 1797, and Prudence Maria Sizer, of Floyd, b. 7 May, 1796.

618    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He was a merchant in Westmoreland and Rome, N. Y.; was a banker in Berlin and Ripon, Wis.; later a farmer in Floyd, N. Y.; res. in New York City.
8815 Sarah Ella,9 b. in Westmoreland, 9 July, 1850; m. Philip Fitzsimons.
8816 Carrie Hart,9 b. 27 Sept., 1853; d. 30 Nov., 1854.
8817 Clara Moulton,9 b. in Rome, 25 Mar., 1856; res. in New York City; is unm.
8818 Miriam Louise,9 b. in Berlin, Wis., 19 Aug., 1861; m. (1) Feb., 1890, Lincoln Myres, b. in Richmond, Va., 25 Nov., 1846; he was a real estate broker; d. 1 Jan., 1894; she m. (2) 28 Aug., 1896, Dr. Fair­field Mortimer, b. in New York, 17 June, 1853; res. in New York; had no children.

3707.   EUNICE ABIAH,8 dau. of Ebenezer7 (1349), b. in Westmoreland, N. Y., 23 Aug., 1823; m. 5 Oct., 1847, Harmon L. Stevens, b. 12 Oct., 1821. Res. in Hillsdale, Mich.
8819 Abbey V. Stevens,9 b. 13 Sept., 1849.
8820 Mary E. Stevens,9 b. 29 Apr., 1858.
8821 Harmon N. Stevens,9 b. 20 Apr., 1862.

3715.   JULIA TURNER,8 dau. of Milo7 (1353), b. in Boston, Mass., 28 June, 1825; m. 8 May, 1850, Francis H. Kidder, of Medford, Mass., b. 23 June, 1826, son of Francis Kidder, b. in Medford, 16 July, 1798, and Emily Blanchard.
He is a bookkeeper; res. in Medford.
8822 Florence Kidder,9 b. 7 May, 1851; d. 26 Aug., same year.
8823 Frederic Henry Kidder,9 b. 5 May, 1853; was a member of the class of 1876, of Harvard University; res. in Medford.

3716.   WALTER JACOBS,8 son of Milo7 (1353), b. in Bahia, Brazil, South America, 13 Apr., 1828; m. in Medford, Mass., 17 Sept., 1855, Hannah Brad­shaw Cushing, b. in Medford, 29 Jan., 1830, dau. of Bela Cushing and Hannah Bradshaw.
He d. in Medford, 28 May, 1869; she d. there, 26 Apr., 1902. He was a shoe and leather merchant; res. in Boston and Medford, Mass.
8824 Mary Alice,9 b. in Medford, 13 May, 1856; res., unm., in Medford.
8825 Walter Milo,9 b. 28 Sept., 1859; d. 28 Feb., 1862.
8826 Susan M.,9 b. 16 Nov., 1862; d. 16 Dec., 1863.
8827 Willie Lincoln,9 b. 8 Feb., 1866; d. 23 Apr., 1867.

3723.   ALFRED SYLVESTER,8 son of Sylvester7 (1355), b. in Sheffield, 7 Apr., 1819; m. 6 May, 1846, Sarah Jane Southworth, b. 5 Apr., 1827, dau. of Constant Southworth, b. 12 Sept., 1802, and Julia Maria Yale, b. 20 Sept., 1807. She d. in Great Barrington, Mass., 6 July, 1857; he m. (2) 17 July, 1860, Adeline Augusta Burroughs, of Danbury, Conn., b. in Cambridge, Mass., 16 Apr., 1832, dau. of William Oaks Burroughs, b. 20 Feb., 1804, and Adeline Augusta Hastings, b. 9 Feb., 1805; he d. 19 June, 1891.

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He was a tailor; res. in Great Barrington, Mass., Bridgeport, Conn., and New York.
Children, b. in Great Barrington.
8828 Robert Frederick,9 b. 5 June, 1849; m. in Stockbridge, Mass., 14 Oct., 1873, Jeanette Howieson, b. 21 May, 1858, dau. of John Hamilton Howieson, b. in Scotland, Oct., 1820, and Ann Eliza Ballon, b. in Great Barrington, 19 May, 1830; he is an engineer; res. in New York City; has no children.
8829 Julia Ella,9 b. 13 Dec., 1851; m. Frank Chester Bennett.
8830 Alice Southworth,9 b. 14 May, 1853; d. 31 Oct., 1854.
8831 Willis Sylvester,9 b. 22 Oct., 1854; m. 5 Apr., 1894, Caroline Bragg, b. in Devonshire, England, 28 Apr., 1857, dau. of John Bragg and Eliza Jane Stone; is in the express business; res. in Boston, Mass.; has no children.

3724.   ANN MATILDA,8 dau. of Sylvester7 (1355), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 7 Apr., 1819; m. in Meadville, Pa., 3 May, 1842, William Larabee Callender (3391), b. in Shippensburg, Pa., 7 Dec., 1815, son of Nathaniel Callender and Olive Kellogg (+1259), b. 29 Feb., 1772.
She d. in Cincinnati, 13 July, 1847.
He was a graduate of Allegheny College, Pennsylvania, in 1839; studied law in Meadville; was admitted to the bar in 1841. He has been a lawyer, editor and teacher. Res. in Meadville, Pa., 1835-45; Lawrenceburg, Ind., 1845-47; Cincin­nati, O., 1847-48; Frankfort, Ky., 1848-57. Since then in Victoria Co., Tex.
8832 Ann Adeline Callender,9 b. 24 Apr., 1844; d. unm., in Meadville, 3 Feb., 1867.

3725.   ROBERT ENSIGN,8 son of Sylvester7 (1355), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 2 Feb., 1822; m. 2 May, 1846, Elizabeth Hoffman, of Racine, Wis., b. 11 Jan., 1824, dau. of Jacob Daniel Hoffman, of Columbia Co., N. Y., b. 4 Jan., 1795, and Marie Harder, b. 21 May, 1796.
He d. in Randolph, Wis., 27 Oct., 1863; was a farmer.
8833 Alfred Hoffman,9 b. 27 Nov., 1847; m. Melzina Mihlusier.
8834 Sylvester,9 b. 9 Jan., 1850; d. in East Randolph, 27 Oct., 1853.
8835 Charles,9 b. 24 Feb., 1860; d. 10 June, 1861.
8836 Anna Adelaide,9 b. 5 Nov., 1863; res. in Randolph; is unm.

3734.   AMOS MARKHAM,8 son of Henry7 (1379), b. in Clinton, N. Y., 4 June, 1831; m. in Farmington, Conn., 6 July, 1857, Lavinia Livingston Steele, b. in Albany, N. Y., 15 Dec., 1832, dau. of Oliver Steele, of Albany, b. 16 Aug., 1800, and Mary Augusta Livingston, b. 1800.
He res. in Kirkland, later in New York City. He was graduated from the New York State Normal School, 1851; received the honorary degree of A. M. from Hamilton College, 1857. He has been an instructor in the New York State Normal School; principal of the New Jersey Preparatory Normal School, Union School, Monroe, Mich., and the Bergen Institute; became editor of the School Journal in 1874; contributed to educational journals and has published several textbooks.

620    The Kelloggs in the New World.

8837 Edward Livingston,9 b. in Owosso, Mich., 17 Aug., 1858; m. Lydia Drowne Chace.
8838 William Farnham,9 b. in Monroe, 18 Jan., 1861; m. in North Andover, Mass., 19 Sept., 1888, Josephine Clements Tanner, b. in Greenwich, N. Y., 19 June, 1868, dau. of John Francis Tanner, b. 29 Mar., 1837, and Josephine Clements, of Saratoga Springs, N. Y., b. 13 Oct., 1841; was educated at a private school, also at Has­brooke School, Jersey City; is in the firm of E. L. Kellogg & Co., educational publishers; is an Episcopalian and Republican; res. in New York City; has no children.
8839 Alice Maud,9 b. in Monroe, 31 May, 1862; res. unm., in New York City.
8840 Herbert Steele,9 b. in Monroe, 4 Feb., 1864; m. in Pittsburg, Pa., 2 Oct., 1889, Louise Livingston Farley, b. in Allegheny, Pa., 27 Sept., 1864, dau. of William T. Farley and Frances , of Pittsburg; was graduated from Packard's Business College, New York City, 1882; from Chicago Normal College, 1887; is manager of Kel­logg's Teachers' Agency; a Republican and Presbyterian; res. in New York City; has no children.
8841 Florence,9 b. 5 July, 1865; d. 30 Mar., 1866.
8842 Amy Livingston,9 b. in Bergen, N. J., 4 Feb., 1867; m. Robert Walker Barrington.

3735.   GEORGE WILLIS,8 son of Henry7 (1379), b. 12 Jan., 1833; m. in Whitesboro, N. Y., Lucy Pamelia Sawyer, b. in New Haven, Conn., 7 Feb., 1836, dau. of Leicester Ambrose Sawyer, of Whitesboro, b. 1807, and Pamelia Bosworth, b. 1814.
She d. in New York City, 9 Apr., 1899.
He was graduated from Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., 1859; enlisted in the army as a private, 24 Dec., 1861; served in the Twenty-fourth Independent Battery and Third Independent Battery, New York Volunteers; was promoted to Second Lieut., 8 Jan., 1864, and to First Lieut., 31 Oct., 1864; was honorably discharged 24 Jan., 1865. He is custodian of the Metropolitan Museum of Art; is a member of the Presbyterian Church; res. in New York City.
8843 George Sawyer,9 b. in Jersey City, N. J., 4 Apr., 1866; m. Susanna Mead Bumham.
8844 Helen Louise,9 b. in New York City, 20 Mar., 1877; res. unm., in New , York City.

3744.   WARREN DODGE,8 son of Aaron7 (1383), b. in Clinton, N. Y., 24 Nov., 1825; m. in North East, Pa., 2 June, 1852, Mary Jane Alexander, b. in North East, 21 Nov., 1827, dau. of Jacob Alexander, b. Apr., 1792, and Laura Belnap, b. Apr., 1799.
He d. in Ophir, Cal., 23 Nov., 1901.
He res. in Fredonia, N. Y.; was in the firm of Kellogg & McCluer, manu­facturers; was later a rancher in Ophir, Cal.
8845 Charles Warren,9 b. in Fredonia, 8 Dec., 1856; m. Ida A. Jones.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    621

3747.   SUSAN HUNTINGTON,8 dau. of Rev. Hiram Huntington7 (1387), b. in Augusta, N. Y., 28 Sept., 1830; m. (1) 24 Nov., 1851, Rev. Joseph Walworth Sutphen, b. in Sweden, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1825.
He d. in Marrovan, Turkey, 9 Oct., 1852; she m. (2) 9 Nov., 1853, Rev. Homer Bartlett Morgan, b. in Watertown, N. Y., 31 May, 1827; he d. in Smyrna, Syria, 25 Aug., 1865; she d. in Chicago, Ill., 1 May, 1878.
She returned to the United States with her children, after the death of her second husband. Both husbands were missionaries of the A. B. C. F. M.
Children by second husband.
8846 Harriet Sutphen Morgan,9 b. in Antioch, 23 Oct., 1856; d. 12 June, 1863.
8847 Henry Homer Morgan,9 b. 21 June, 1859; m. 1885, Anna N. Templeton; res. in Chicago, Ill., and later in Grand Rapids, Mich.
8848 Charles Kellogg Morgan,9 b. 25 Oct., 1860; d. 19 July, 1861.
8849 Mary Almena Morgan,9 b. 30 Nov., 1861; d. 1881.
8850 Winthrop Chandler Morgan,9 b. 13 June, 1863; d. 31 July, 1865.
8851 Homer Bartlett Morgan,9 b. 22 Dec., 1864; d. unm., 1886.

3750.   AARON WINTHROP,8 son of Rev. Hiram Huntington7 (1387), b. in Oneida Co., N. Y., 6 Nov., 1835; m. 16 Dec., 1861, Sarah Emeline Allen, b. in Syracuse, N. Y., 6 Sept., 1845, dau. of Egbert Allen and Emeline Mallary.
He d. in Pontiac, Ill., 22 Jan., 1901.
He rem. to Galesburg, with his father, in 1836; received a collegiate educa­tion in Knox College, of which his father was president; was graduated from Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., in 1857. He was a member of the law class of Professor Dwight, but engaged in the business of lumbering, etc., in Oneida Co. He enlisted during the civil war, but was rejected on account of physical disability. He went to Livingston Co., Ill., in 1866, and was appointed Assistant Assessor of Internal Revenue for that county in 1869; resigned that office in 1871. He was engaged in newspaper work, his favorite occupation, for more than forty years. In 1879 he assisted in the work of publishing the history of four counties of Illinois. He took a leading part in politics, as an active Repub­lican. He was much in public life, and for eight years was connected with the Legislative and State Departments of Illinois.
He was Assistant Postmaster of the United States Senate, 1882 to '93. In 1897 he was appointed Librarian of the State Reformatory of Illinois; was editor of The Pioneer, the official publication of that institution, until ill health caused his retirement from active occupation.
8852 Othniel Samuel Williams,9 b. in Elpis, N. Y., 21 Aug., 1863; m. Lena Gasser.
8853 Mary Emeline,9 b. in Elpis, 25 May, 1865; res., unm., in Chicago.
8854 Gertrude Winnefred,9 b. in Pontiac, 24 Jan., 1867; m. Frank Elmer Magill.
8855 Winthrop Chandler,9 b. in Des Moines, Ia., 11 Feb., 1869; is a mining engineer; was graduated from the M. E. department, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa.; is a Baptist and a Republican; enlisted in 1898 in the Spanish war in the Fourth United States Infantry, in Fort Sheridan, Ill., and served in Co. C and Engineer Corps, Co.

622    The Kelloggs in the New World.

8856 William Seward,9 b. in Pontiac, 10 Oct., 1872; m. Sarah Elizabeth Hartshorn.
8857 Hiram Harlow,9 b. in Pontiac, 27 June, 1876; enlisted in 1898 in the Spanish war; was private in Co. D, Second Illinois Volunteers; is a Republican and a Presbyterian; res. in Chicago; is unm.
8858 Harriet Helen,9 b. in Pontiac, 27 June, 1876; res. in Rollins, Ill.; is unm.
8859 Homer Gleason,9 b. in Rollins, 7 Apr., 1879; is a machinist; a Presby­terian; res., unm., in Chicago.
8860 Caroline Emily,9 b. 6 Nov., 1883; d. in Pontiac, unm., 23 Sept., 1899.

3754.   REV. HIRAM HUNTINGTON,8 son of Rev. Hiram Huntington7 (1387), b. in Galesburg, Ill., 23 Jan., 1842; m. 20 Aug., 1874, Mary Elizabeth Jacks, b. 21 June, 1850, dau. of James E. Jacks, of Batavia, N. Y., and Josephine Wilford, of Elba, N. Y.
He is a Presbyterian minister; was ordained in 1869; res. in 1888 in Seneca Castle, Ontario Co., N. Y.; 1896, Havana, N. Y.; 1897, Lakeville, Livingston Co., N. Y. Graduate of Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., 1864; also Auburn, N. Y., Theological Seminary. He served in the civil war as Third Sergt. in Co. G, Eighty-sixth Illinois Volunteers.
Children, b. in Seneca Castle.
8861 James Wilford,9 b. 5 Aug., 1883.
8862 Winthrop Huntington,9 b. 9 Apr., 1889.

3756.   HENRY WAYNE,8 son of Rev. Hiram Huntington7 (1387), b. 8 Jan., 1847; m. 25 Feb., 1869, Margaret Guthrie, b. 28 Mar., 1848, dau. of George W. Guthrie, of Pontiac, Ill., b. 1818, and Sarah Duncan, b. 1822.
He res. in 1896, in Guthrie Center, Ia.
He joined, when but 16, a Wisconsin Reg., and served in the war of the re­bellion.
8863 Louise Augusta,9 b. in Menlo, Ia., 17 Nov., 1869; m. Frank Hutt Allan.
8864 Sarah Chandler,9 b. in Menlo, 15 Aug., 1871; m. Morris Porter.
8865 Charles Henry,9 b. in Brighton, Ia., 15 Jan., 1875; is unm.
8866 Emily Abigail,9 b. in Menlo, 22 Dec., 1877; d. in Menlo, 5 May, 1884.
8867 Henry Wayne,9 b. in Menlo, 1 Mar., 1884.

3759.   MAJ. JOSIAH HOLCOMB,8 son of Josiah7 (1389), b. in Erie, Pa., 1 Oct., 1836; m. 21 Dec., 1862, Mary Norman, dau. of Michel Sanderson Norman, of Baltimore, Md., b. 1807, and Anne T. Sprigg, b. 1820.
She d. in Mount Vernon, Ia., 12 Dec., 1883.
He was graduated from West Point in 1860; was made Capt. of the United States Cavalry, 20 May, 1862; Brevet Maj., 3 July, 1863; Col. of the Seventeenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, which he organized. He retired as Capt. of the United ­States Army. He was two years professor of United States Army tactics in New Brunswick College, N. J. He was actuary of the Insurance Bureau of the State of Illinois; res. in Chicago.

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8868 Norman,9 b. 22 May, 1867, in New Brunswick, N. J.; m. in New York, 1 Jan., 1890, Louise Lent; res. in New York City.

3769.   SAMUEL HAYS,8 son of George Holeomb7 (1393), b. in Erie, Pa., 3 Oct., 1837; m. in Carrizo Springs, Tex., 11 June, 1877, Margaret Lucinda Rea, b. in Pulaski Co., Ark., 26 Oct., 1855, dau. of John Rea, b. 14 July, 1833, and Elizabeth Hopkins, b. in Pulaski Co., Ark., 11 May, 1832.
He d. in Carrizo Springs, 10 Jan., 1885; after his death she res. there.
He was a merchant. He was a Confederate Volunteer; served as a private in Second Texas Cavalry, Col. John S. Ford.
Children, b. in Carrizo Springs.
8869 Frank Rea,9 b. 17 June, 1878; m. Florence Fisher.
8870 Samuel Lamaksh,9 b. 27 Feb., 1880; d. 5 Mar., same year.
8871 Lela Bell,9 b. 11 June, 1882; m. in Carrizo Springs, 11 Apr., 1901, Alonzo; res. in Twohig, Tex.

3780.   ESTHER SMITH,8 dau. of Daniel7 (1414), b. in Amherst, Mass., 25 Feb., 1780; m. 22 Feb., 1802, Gen. Martin Field, of Newfane, Vt., b. in Amherst, 12 Jan., 1773, son of Seth Field, of Leverett, Mass., b. 1741, and Mary Hubbard, b. 1747.
He d. 3 Oct., 1833; she d. 6 June, 1867.
He was graduated from Williams College, 1798; studied law in Chester, Vt.; commenced practice in Newfane, Jan., 1800. He represented his town, many times, in the General Assembly, and was a long time attorney of Windham Co. She was an accomplished lady, of fine personal appearance and unusual ability. Two of her brothers, Daniel and Henry, studied law with Gen. Field.
8872 Charles Kellogg Field,9 b. 24 Apr., 1803; m. 29 June, 1833. Julia Ann Kellogg (+5293).
8873 Mary Hubbard Field,9 b. 13 Sept., 1804; m. 27 July, 1824, Theodore Francis French, of Troy, N. Y.; he d. 11 Sept., 1838; she m. (2) 24 Dec., 1835, Thomas Jones, of Enfield and Amherst, Mass.; he d. in Amherst, 21 Oct., 1853; she d. 9 Jan., 1879; her dau., Mary Field French, had charge, while living in Amherst, of her cousins, Eugene Field, the poet, and Roswell Field.
8874 Roswell Martin Field,9 b. 22 Feb., 1807; m. 30 May, 1848, Francis Reed, of St. Louis. Mo.; d. there, 12 July, 1869; she d. 18 Nov., 1856. He was graduated from Middlebury College, 1822; in 1839 rem. from Windham Co., Vt., to St. Louis; was a finished scholar, reading Greek and Latin, and speaking, with facility, French, German and Spanish. It was as a lawyer that he won distinction and gained a national reputation in the famous Dred Scott case.
8875 John Fisher Field,9 b. 25 Sept., 1808; d. 25 Aug., 1847.

3781.   MERCY,8 dau. of Daniel7 (1414), b. in Amherst, Mass., 4 Aug., 1782; m. 3 June, 1803, Alden Cooley, b. 12 June, 1782, son of Daniel Cooley, of South Amherst, and Mary Boltwood.

624    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. in Elk Grove, Ill., 10 Dec., 1857; she d. 3 Jan., 1875, aged 92 years and 6 months.
He was a farmer in Guildhall, Vt., from 1804 to '10; in Amherst, Mass., from 1810 to '43; in Newfane, Vt., from 1842 to '45; in Elk Grove, Ill., from 1845 to '57.
8876 Mary Bollwood Cooley,9 b. 28 May, 1805; m. 11 May, 1834, Clement Godfrey, b. in Walpole, N. H., 14 Nov., 1803; he was a button manufacturer in Waterbury, Conn.; she d. in Waterbury, 23 July, 1865.
8877 William Henry Kellogg Cooley,9 b. ______; m. 29 Oct., 1866, Adelaide Eliza Coe, b. in Wolcott, Conn., 29 Oct., 1845.
8878 Sophia Sheldon Cooley,9 b. 22 Sept., 1806; m. Robert Barclay Peebles, of Morrisville, Ala.
8879 George S. Cooley,9 b. 13 Apr., 1810; m. Clarissa West; d. in Newfane, 5 Sept., 1845.
8880 Catherine V. Cooley,9 b. 16 Oct., 1813; m. (1) Ichabod Draper, Jr.; (2) Timothy Hubbard.
8881 Margaret Cobb Cooley,9 b. 16 Oct., 1815; m. George Hapgood Pratt.
8882 Sarah Parsons Cooley,9 b. 13 July, 1817; m. Joel Draper.
8883 David G. Cooley,9 b. 9 June, 1819; m. 1 Jan., 1854, Adeline Maria Fos­ter, b. in Sandwich, Mass., 10 July, 1828, dau. of Thomas Foster and Patience Cole; was a machine sewer in Boston.
8884 Charles Cooley,9 b. 18 July, 1821.
8885 Ann Mercy Cooley,9 b. 9 Sept., 1823; m. 16 Feb., 1842, William Ober, b. 7 May, 1808, son of Benjamin Ober and Fanny , of Beverly, Mass.; he was a mason; res. in Hopkinton, Mass.
8886 Esther Maria Cooley,9 b. 23 Mar., 1826; m. Frederick William Minor.

3783.   RUFUS,8 son of Daniel7 (1414), bap. in Amherst, Mass., 23 Nov., 1788; m. (1) (pub. in Amherst, 27 Jan., 1809), Esther Mayo, of Orange, Mass.
She d. 18 Apr., 1813, aged 27; he m. (2) 26 Oct., 1815, Abigail Chamber­lain, dau. of Capt, Chamberlain, of South Amherst; she d. 8 May, 1824, aged 33; he m. (3) 25 May, 1826, Mary Smith, b. 15 Nov., 1793, dau. of Enos Smith, b. 28 June, 1745, and Mary Dickinson, b. 20 Jan., 1751; d. 2 Dec., 1833; is buried in Amherst Cemetery; she d. in Hadley, 23 Aug., 1861.
He served as selectman of Amherst in 1823. He was commissioned Post­master in 1809, which office he held until 1824; was the first Postmaster of Am­herst, holding that office at the time mails were carried on horseback.
Children, b. in Amherst.
8887 Willard Mayo,9 b. 29 Dec., 1810; m. Elvira Minerva Marsh.
8888 James,9 b. ______; d. young, 3 Feb., 1819.
8889 Esther,9 b. 1817; d. 1 Feb., 1835, aged 18.
8890 Daniel,9 b. 9 Aug., 1820; m. Martha Hunt Kellogg.
8891 Henry,9 b. ______; d. unm., in New York, Oct., 1850; was buried in Waterbury, Conn.
8892 Mary Dickerson,9 b. 30 Apr., 1837; m. George E. Smith.
8893 Abigail Chamberlain,9 b. 28 Feb., 1829; d. unm., 25 June, 1871, in Hadley, where she is buried.
8894 Child,9 b. ______; d. 5 Oct., 1833.

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3784.   JUDGE DANIEL,8 son of Daniel7 (1414), b. in Amherst. Mass., 10 Feb., 1791; m. (1) in Saxtons River, Vt., 23 May, 1820, Jane McAffee, of Rock­ingham, Vt.
She d. in Saxtons River, 13 Sept., 1827; was buried there; he m. (2) in Westminster, Vt., 2 Feb., 1830, Merab Ann Bradley, b. in Westminster, 4 Feb., 1806, dau. of Hon. William Czar Bradley, b. 23 Mar., 1783, and Sarah Richards, b. 9 Mar., 1783, of Boston; she d. in Saxtons River, 27 Mar., 1845; was buried in the tomb of her father in Westminster; he m. (3) in St. Albans, Vt., 30 June, 1847, Miranda Metcalf Aldis, b. 20 June, 1803, dau. of Hon. Asa Aldis, of St. Albans, b. in Franklin, Mass., about 1770, and Amy Owen, of Rhode Island; he d. in St. Louis, 10 Nov., 1875, aged 84; after his death she res. in the homestead of her late husband in Brattleboro, Vt.
He was graduated from Williams College in 1810; studied law with his brother-in-law. Gen. Martin Field, and commenced practice in Rockingham, in the village of Saxtons River; continued to reside there until 1854, when he rem. to Brattleboro. He was for a few years Attorney for Windham Co., and Judge of Probate of Westminster, 1819-20; was Secretary of the Governor and Council of Vermont during the administrations of Gov. Butler and Gov. Van Ness, from 1823 to '28; was United States District Attorney for the State of Vermont twelve years, during the administrations of Gen. Jackson and Martin Van Buren. He was Adjutant and Inspector-Gen. of the State Militia; a Representative, in 1845, of the town of Rockingham in the General Assembly, and State Senator from Windham Co. In 1843 he was president of the State Constitutional Convention, and from 1845 to '52 was Judge of the Supreme Court of Vermont. In 1853 he received the degree of LL. D. from the University of Vermont. He was many times the Democratic candidate for Governor of Vermont. In 1853 he was can­didate for United States Senator and lacked only two votes of an election.
When Lafayette visited the State in 1825, Gov. Van Ness was ill, and on Judge Kellogg devolved the duty of welcoming him to the State, and extending its hospitalities. During the sixty years of his public life he maintained a repu­tation of rare thoroughness, fidelity and integrity. In manners he was a gentle­man of the old school, erect, dignified and urbane.
Children by first wife, b. in Rodingham (Bellows Falls).
8895 Henry,9 b. ______; d. in infancy.
8896 Henry,9 b. 23 Aug., 1823; was graduated from Williams College in 1843; studied law with Hon. William C. Bradley, of Westminster, Vt.; was drowned, 18 June, 1844, while bathing in the Connecticut River, at that place.
8897 George Bradley,9 b. 6 Nov., 1826; m. Mary Lee Sikes.
Children by second wife.
8898 Sarah Bradley,9 b. 17 Aug., 1831; m. Henry Augustus Willard.
8899 Daniel,9 b. in 1833; d. 1834; was buried in Westminster.
8900 Daniel,9 b. 9 Apr., 1835; m. Margaret White May.

3785.   CHARLES,8 son of Daniel7 (1414), bap. in Amherst, Mass., 9 Dec., 1792; m. 29 Oct., 1812, Tryphena Hubbard, b. in Sunderland, Mass., 31 Mar., 1794, dau. of Maj. Caleb Hubbard, of Sunderland, b. 23 Apr., 1754, who m. (1) Abigail Montague, and (2) Lucretia Ashley, of Leverett, Mass., b. 15 Sept., 1767.

626    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. in Amherst, 20 June, 1834; was a farmer in Amherst; res. immedi­ately southeast of Mt. Pleasant School; she m. (2) June, 1846, Timothy Hender­son, of Amherst; he d. in Amherst, 1861; she d. in Townsend, Mass., 27 May, 1876.
Children, b. in Amherst.
8901 Chester,9 b. May, 1813; d. 11 Oct., 1817.
8902 Daniel,9 b. July, 1814; d. 18 Sept., 1817.
8903 Charles Field,9 b. 23 June, 1817; m. (1) Mary Ann Ingram; (2) Mary E. Park.
8904 Elizabeth Billings,9 b. 28 July, 1819; m. Moses W. Campbell.
8905 Edward Henry,9 b. June, 1823; d. 14 Oct., 1828.
8906 Frances Lucretia,9 b. 4 Oct., 1825; m. George Bullard Felt.
8907 George Hubbard,9 b. Aug., 1827; d. 19 Apr., 1829.
8908 George Hubbard,9 b. 27 Feb., 1830; m. Charlotte Augusta Leighton.
8909 Jane McAfeee,9 b. 28 Aug., 1832; m. Frederick Augustus Worcester.

3786.   HENRY,8 son of Daniel7 (1414), b. in Amherst, Mass., 10 Dec., 1794; m. (1) in Bennington, Vt., 26 Jan., 1825, Margaret V. D. S. Hubbell, b. 2 Aug., 1804, dau. of James Hubbell, b. 17 Oct., 1775, and Margaret Schenck, b. 9 Aug., 1776.
She d. 28 Oct., 1829; he m. (2) in Bennington, 16 Oct., 1831, Anna Maria Hubbell, b. 11 June, 1807, sister of his first wife; d. in Troy, N. Y., 1873.
He was graduated from Yale College, 1815; studied law with Gen. Martin Field; was a lawyer in Bennington, where he was Postmaster, 1832-50; clerk of courts of Bennington, several years; for many years was an attorney, with an ex­tensive practice there; rem. to Troy, Mar., 1868.
Child by first wife, b. in Bennington.
8910 Margaret Ann Vanderspeigel,9 b. 22 Nov., 1825; d. unm., 28 July, 1845.
Children by second wife, b. in Bennington.
8911 Maria Schenck,9 b. 6 Sept., 1832; d. 27 Dec., 1847.
8912 John Dickinson,9 b. 4 May, 1835; d. 11 Aug., 1843.
8913 James Hubbell,9 b. 6 May, 1837; res. in Troy, where he was employed at the Troy Malleable Iron Works of Harrison & Kellogg.
8914 Henry Eastman,9 b. 9 Jan., 1840; d. 16 Dec., 1864, in the battle of Franklin, Tenn.
8915 George Summer,9 b. 11 Apr., 1842; res., unm., in California.
8916 Theodore Preston,9 b. 7 Dec., 1844; m. Sarah Eastman Draper.
8917 Sarah Parsons,9 b. 22 Apr., 1846; d. 15 July, same year.
8918 William Amherst,9 b. 6 Feb., 1849; is unm.

3792.   DR. DAVID,8 son of Rev. David7 (1416), b. in Framingham, Mass., 2 Apr., 1791; m. 19 Jan., 1823, Sarah Prince, b. 20 July, 1802, dau. of Hezekiah Prince, a noted mathematician, b. in Massachusetts, 7 Feb., 1771 (a descendant of Gov. Prince of Plymouth Colony), and Isabella Combs, b. 9 Apr., 1781, both of Thomaston, Me.
She d. 4 May, 1857; he d. in Waukegan, Ill., 6 Oct., 1869.
He studied medicine with his brother-in-law, Dr. Kittredge, of Framingham, and about 1818 rem. to Thomaston, and, after consulting with Dr. Dodge, among

The Kelloggs in the New World.    627

others, agreed to commence practice in partnership with him, but the two dis­agreeing, at the very outset, on the first case that presented itself, they parted in ill humor and had no further intercourse with each other. He then commenced on his own account at Mill River village, and had a successful run of practice till his removal, about 1846, to Waukegan.
Children, b. in Thomaston, Me.
8919 Frederick Hoffman,9 b. 20 Aug., 1834; m. Catherine Woodcock.
8920 Sarah Brown,9 b. 18 Jan., 1827; m. Elisha Frontis Pierre Ferry.
8921 Eliza Pope,9 b. 27 Feb., 1839; m. James Young Cory.
8922 Charles,9 b. 14 July, 1831; was a pioneer in California in 1849; d. unm., 27 Sept., 1850.
8923 David,9 b. 23 Feb., 1834; m. Anna Lloyd Tull.
8924 George Prince,9 b. 22 June, 1836; m. Phebe Janette Landon.
8925 Gardner,9 b. 26 Feb., 1839; m. Sarah Ameha Bonney.
8926 Edward Nealley,9 b. 8 Dec., 1841; m. Jane H. Pollock.
8927 Ellen Hooper,9 b. 16 June, 1845; m. Capt. George Dana Hill.

3808.   GEORGE,8 son of Eli7 (1421), b. in Northampton, Mass., 28 Oct., 1799; m. 13 Dec., 1833, Sarah A. Ramsdell, b. 24 Sept., 1801, dau. of Jesse Ramsdell, of Lynn, Mass., and Deborah Day.
He d. 9 Sept., 1867; she d. 11 Dec., 1874.
He was a shoemaker and farmer; res. in Northampton, where both d.
Children, b. in Northampton.
8928 Charlotte Augusta,9 b. 20 Sept., 1823; d. unm., in Northampton, 1 Oct., 1859.
8929 Sarah Ann,9 b. 27 Oct., 1824; d. 13 Aug., 1826.
8930 Henry Eli,9 b. 26 Feb., 1826; d. unm., in Worcester, 29 Oct., 1855; was a carpenter.
8931 David,9 b. 21 July, 1829; m. Emeline Adams.
8932 Harriet Louisa,9 b. ______; m. Spencer C. Wood.
8933 Edward George,9 b. 4 Feb., 1831; m. Fanny Gray.
8934 Levi Ramsdell,9 b. 11 Nov., 1832; m. Mary Keough.
8935 Albert,9 b. 20 Sept., 1834; d. 20 May, 1835.
8936 Chauncey Albert,9 b. 17 Apr., 1836; d. 16 Nov., 1846.
8937 Emma Caroline,9 b. 1 Dec., 1838; a teacher in Seattle, Wash., in 1896.
8938 Mary Hunt,9 b. 23 Oct., 1840; d. in Northampton, 14 Aug., 1861.
8939 Charles Augustus,9 b. 11 May, 1842; m. (1) in Northampton, 9 Mar., 1869, Rosa Stewart, b. in Shelburne Falls, Mass., 1850; she d. ______; he m. (2) in Northampton, 1878, Mrs. Sarah Frost, b. in Northampton, 1848, dau. of Elias Braman and Mary Palmer; was a farmer and teamster; res. in Northampton.

3810.   MARY ANN,8 dau. of Eli7 (1421), b. in Northampton, Mass., 17 Dec., 1808; m. 24 Apr., 1828, Jared Livingstone Bartlett, b. 10 Apr., 1797, son of Moses Bartlett, of Northampton, b. 10 Jan., 1763, and Elizabeth Stockwell, b. 18 Apr., 1770.
He d. 3 Mar., 1883; she d. 28 Apr., 1889.
He was a teacher of penmanship; res. in Northampton, Mass.

628    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Northampton.
8940 Edward Kellogg Bartlett,9 b. 21 Oct., 1828; d. 10 Jan., 1830.
8941 Frances Augusta Bartlett,9 b. 16 Oct., 1830; res., unm., in Northampton.
8942 Arthur Kellogg Bartlett,9 b. 8 Mar., 1851; is unm.

3814.   HANNAH,8 dau. of Samuel7 (1422), b. in Fairfax, Vt., 2 Apr., 1806; m. 1834, John Castle, b. in Essex, Vt., 14 June, 1798, son of David Castle, b. in Woodbury, Conn., 20 July, 1758, and Sarah Vickery, b. 26 Mar., 1764.
She d. 17 Aug., 1856; he d. 19 June, 1879.
In 1854 he rem. from Westford, Vt., to Lapeer, Mich., where his son, Syl­vester, now lives on the homestead.
8943 Ozro John Castle,9 b. 25 Nov., 1836; m. 1 Oct., 1867, Lorinda Vanatten; res. in North Branch, Lapeer Co., Mich.
8944 Sylvester Truman Castle,9 b. 29 June, 1838; m. 6 Oct., 1865, Mary Car­penter; is a farmer in Lapeer.
8945 Harrison Samuel Castle,9 b. 28 Oct., 1840; m. 25 Sept., 1874, Joanna McKellop; was a soldier; enlisted in Co. K, First Reg., Berdan Sharp Shooters; res., in 1881, in North Branch.
8946 Levi Kellogg Castle,9 b. 14 July, 1848; m. 22 Feb., 1875, Frances Ken­nedy; res. in North Branch.

3829.   JOEL,8 son of Rev. Seth7 (1428), b. in New York, 24 Jan., 1782; m. (1) 24 Aug., 1800, Chloe Eyckman, b. 11 Sept., 1774.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 6 Jan., 1818, Margaret Frazer, b. 6 Oct., 1800, dau. of William Frazer and Ann McDougal, both of Scotland; d. in Ancaster, Ont., 24 Jan., 1845; she d. 3 Sept., 1859.
He was a carpenter.
Children by first wife.
8947 Eunice,9 b. 25 Feb., 1801; d. in Barton, Ont., 27 Dec., same year.
8948 Samuel,9 b. 12 Feb., 1803; d. in Barton, 30 Nov., 1805.
8949 Silas,9 b. 15 July, 1805; d. in Cornwall, Ont., 19 Dec., 1822.
8950 Joel,9 b. 12 Mar., 1809; d. in Barton, 18 Apr., same year.
8951 Lucy,9 b. 26 Sept., 1811; d. in Barton, 28 Dec., 1813.
Children by second wife.
8952 Joel Elijah,9 b. 19 Nov., 1818; m. Fanny Lewis.
8953 Seth William,9 b. in Cornwall, 5 Aug., 1822; m. (1) Eliza Ellen War­ner; (2) Mrs. Sarah (Slaughter) Kellogg.
8954 Ann Jerdsha,9 b. 23 Aug., 1824; m. Samuel Lewis.
8955 Clarissa Elizabeth,9 b. 16 Nov., 1826; m. John Archibald Currie.
8956 Lucinda Rachel,9 b. in Ancaster, 20 May, 1833; m. John Stevens Wilson.
8957 George Silas,9 b. 1 Jan., 1835; m. his niece, Anna Isabel Madora Kel­logg, dau. of Samuel White Kellogg (+8959).
8958 Sarah Margaret,9 b. 18 June, 1837; m. William Oberlin.
8959 Samuel White,9 b. in Cornwall, 26 Sept., 1839; m. Sarah Slaughter.
8960 Allen Alexander,9 b. 2 May, 1842; m. in Ancaster, 11 Sept., 1887, Mrs. Annie (Ronald) Marr, b. ______, widow of Thomas Marr, of Ancaster; res. in Stanton, Mich.; served in Co. A, Tenth Mich-

The Kelloggs in the New World.    629

igan Cavalry; enlisted 24 Sept., 1863; was discharged 11 Feb., 1864; was a Meththodist reformer; d. in Stanton, 17 Apr., 1895; she d. 28 Mar., 1896; had no children.
3830.   OLIVER WHITE,8 son of Rev. Seth7 (1428), b. in New York, 1783; m. (1) _______, in New York.
She d. ______; he m. (2) in New York; she d. ______; he m. (3) in Springfield Ill., 24 Feb., 1821, Sarah Sherwood, b. in New York City, 25 Apr., 1787, dau. of Isreal Sherwood, of New York, and Mary Lockwood, b. in Crawford, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1767; he d. in Dixon, Ill., 28 Dec 1849.
He was a pensioner of the war of 1812; volunteered from Cohocton, Steuben Co., N. Y., under Capt. John Kennedy and Col. Caleb Hopkins. In the battle of Fort Erie, 17 Sept., 1814, he received a bayonet wound in his left side near his lungs, also in the back near his kidneys, also an injury in his hip from a fall. He was assisted off the field by a friend, John C. Smith; was discharged in Sept., 1815. In the Black Hawk war he acted as guide for the army.
He went to Illinois in 1820, and in 1829 rem. from Springfield, Ill., to Kel­logg's Grove (near Freeport), and, in 1831, to Buffalo Grove, Ogle Co., Ill. In both places he kept a hotel; res. in 1832, in Galena, Ill.
8961 Clarence Harvey,9 b. 29 June, 1815; m. twice; d. 6 Dec., 1862; was buried in Temperance Hill, Lee Co., Ill.; had no children.
Children by third wife.
8962 Spencer C.,9 b. 4 Sept., 1824; m. in Buffalo Grove, 24 Mar., 1845, Caro­line Gibbs; she was insane; he d. in Chicago, 21 May, 1848; had no children.
8963 Ann Elizabeth,9 b. near Springfield, 3 Mar., 1827; m. Eli Bradford Baker.

3831.   JERUSHA,8 dau. of Rev. Seth7 (1428), b. near Ballston Springs, N. Y., 15 Nov., 1785; m. 22 June, 1804, Charles Robinson, b. in Oneida Co., N. Y., 5 June, 1785, son of Charles Robinson and Sarah Knapp.
She d. in Nauvoo, Ill., 23 Aug., 1836; he d. in Mt. Pleasant, Ia., 4 Oct 1840.
He was a clergyman; res. in Cincinnati; rem. to Oxford, O., later to Nauvoo.
8964 Chauncey Robinson,9 b. in Augusta, N. Y., 27 Mar., 1805; m. in Carthage, Mo., 5 Sept., 1841, Hannah Dillon Hughes, dau. of Gideon Hughes, of Zanesville, O., and Rebecca Dillon; was a clerk in the store of Robert Telson, in Quincy, Ill., and in a land office in Quincy. In 1837 he was a clerk in Carthage; 1839 and '43 was elected Recorder; was a School Commissioner and Postmaster in Carthage, Probate Judge, etc.; in 1881 he was engaged in horticulture in Nauvoo; she d. 27 Mar., 1861; had one child.
8965 Malinda Robinson,9 b. 11 Nov., 1806; m. 22 Nov., 1831, John Tipton Barnett, b. in Sullivan Co., Tenn., 20 Oct., 1809, son of James H Barnett, b. in Green Co Ga., 22 Sept., 1788, and Mary I. Tipton, b. in Shenandoah Co., Va., 3 Mar., 1793; he was a farmer; lived three miles west of Galesburg, Ill.; had seven children.

630    The Kelloggs in the New World.

8966 John Knapp Robinson,9 b. 2 Oct., 1808; m. 10 Sept., 1835, Mary Melu­gin, b. 20 Oct., 1810, dau. of Jonathan Melugin, b. in Tennessee, and Sarah; was a farmer in Mendota, Ill.; was a Sergt. in the Black Hawk war; had five children.
8967 James Robinson,9 b. 11 Sept., 1810; m. 24 Nov., 1835, Charlotte Ann Holden, or Golden; was a soldier in the Black Hawk war; res. in Hancock Co., Ill.; d. 20 Apr., 1841; had two children.
8968 William Robinson,9 b. 4 Oct., 1812; d. 10 Sept., 1813.
8969 Lucinda Robinson,9 b. 20 July, 1814; m. 8 Aug., 1843, John De La Plains; he was a soldier in the war of 1812; a farmer in Huron, Ia.
8970 Lewis Robinson,9 b. 28 Oct., 1816; m. 25 Dec., 1839, Clarissa Duzette; was a farmer in Pleasant Grove, Utah.
8971 Sarah Maria Robinson,9 b. 10 Jan., 1819; m. 14 Feb., 1856, Joseph Far­ley; he was a miner in Tombstone, Ariz.; had four children.
8972 Eliza Rebecca Robinson,9 b. in Oxford, O., 4 Jan., 1820; m. 9 Mar., 1837, Daniel H. Wells, a Mormon elder; res. in Central City, Neb.; had one child.
8973 Julia Ann Robinson,9 b. in Oxford, 14 Feb., 1822; m. 1 Dec., 1847, J. Wilson Williams; he was a surveyor in Huron.
8974 Charles Robinson,9 b. 15 Feb., 1824; m. 1840, Mary A. Peck; was a sol­dier in the war for the Union; was a mechanic; res. in Burlington, Ia.; had four children.
8975 Seth Kellogg Robinson,9 b. 7 Dec., 1827; m. 8 June, 1858, Sarah Dewey; was a farmer in Topoka, Kas.

3833.   ELIJAH WALLEY,8 son of Rev. Seth7 (1428), b. ______; m. Margaret Murphy, b. ______, dau. of Jeremiah Murphy and Sarah White.
He d. about 1836, aged 40 to 44; she m. (2) Zachariah Adams; d. ______.
He went from New Jersey to Illinois. He was a cripple, his arms being very short. He was for nine years Sheriff of Crawford Co., Ill.
8976 Isaac,9 b. ______; m. Malinda Fesler.
8977 Oliver,9 b. ______; m. ______.
8978 Mary,9 b. 29 June, 1822; m. Isaac Martin.
8979 Rachel,9 b. 3 Aug., 1824; m. (1) Andrew Jackson Irwin; (2) William Markee.
8980 Sarah Jane,9 b. ______; m. _______ Adams; d. 10 Feb., 1901; had no children.

3834.   SAMUEL,8 son of Rev. Seth7 (1428), b. ______; m. Mary Lewis, b. about 1801.
He d. in Charleston, Ill., about 1840-42.
He was in the Black Hawk war with Abraham Lincoln. His wife was at Fort La Motte during that war. They res. in Charleston and Palestine, Ill.
8981 Andrew Jackson,9 b. ______; m. Mary Ann McCord.
8982 George W,9 b. in Charleston, 1837; m. Eliza Ann Fulford.
8983 Frank M.,9 b. in Charleston, about 1840-41; enlisted in the army 1861, in the Eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; served five years and nineteen days; d. in Jackson, Cal., about 1893, aged about 52.

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3837.   JOSEPH,8 son of Rev. Seth7 (1428), b. in Oneida Co., N. Y., 26 Oct., 1799; m. (1) 3 Oct., 1832, Sarah Ingalls, b. in Otsego Co., N. Y., 14 May, 1798.
She d. Mar., 1839; he m. (2) in Hastings, N. Y., 17 Nov., 1839, Mrs. Sarah (Gibbs) Storer, b. in Albany Co., N. Y., 31 Aug., 1812, eldest of the thirteen children of James and Clarissa Gibbs, and widow of Smith Chapman Storer; d. in the home of his dau., in Parsons, Kas., 9 May, 1876; she d. in Polo, Ill., 8 Aug., 1886.
Soon after his second marriage he went West and settled, in 1841 , in Buffalo Grove, Ill., where he was at one time a hotel-keeper and Postmaster. He was a soldier in the Mexican war. In 1848 he rem. to Chicago, where he lived more than twenty-five years.
Children by first wife.
8984 Oliver,9 b. ______; d. in the Mexican war, leaving no children.
8985 Clarissa Ursula,9 b. in Jefferson Co., N. Y., 15 Aug., 1824, Isaiah Wilcoxson.
Children by second wife.
8986 Mary Lucinda,9 b. 18 June. 1841; m. (1) Albert Macomber; (2) Ed­ward Clark Ward.
8987 James,9 b. ______; d. in infancy.
8988 Sarah,9 b. ______; d. in infancy.
8989 Joseph Henry,9 b. in Chicago, 19 Oct., 1853; m. Celinda McAtee.

3862.   SARAH,8 dau. of Levi7 (1431), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 4 Dec., 1784; m. in Plainfield, N. Y., 29 Jan., 1804, Peter Newcomb Cushman, b. in Stafford, Conn., 30 June, 1780, son of Nathaniel Cushman (a revolutionary soldier), b. 9 Oct., 1761, and Sarah Bennett.
She d. in Waukesha, 20 Sept., 1844; he d. in the same place, 9 June, 1848 He settled in Henderson, N. Y., about 1807; rem. about 1837 to Waukesha, Wis. He was a man ot great industry and enterprise. When he arrived in Hen­derson he had but a single York shilling, and his other property consisted of a pair of horses and a sleigh. In Wisconsin he was a large farmer, having one hundred and sixty acres of cultivated land in one field, and was reputed to be the best farmer in that state. He was President of the Board of Trustees of Carroll College, Wis.
8990 Levi Kellogg Cushman,9 b. in Plainfield, 1 May, 1805; d. unm., in Henderson, 3 Apr., 1826.
8991 Cynthia Maria Cushman,9 b. in Plainfield, 26 July, 1807; m. 8 Oct 1833, Danford Newton Barney, of New York City, b. 29 June, 1808; d. in Cleveland, O., 5 Aug., 1843; he d. in New York City, 8 Mar., 1874.
8992 Peter Newcomb Cushman,9 b. in Henderson, 3 Dec., 1809; m. 31 Mar., 1841, Harriet B. Hollister; res. in Waukesha.
8993 Sally Cusliman,9 b. 13 Jan., 1812; d. 1 Oct., 1816
8994 A Daughter,9 b. 9 July, 1814; d. 12 Aug., same year.
8995 Clarissa Fanette Cushman,9 b. 10 Nov., 1815; m. 28 Aug., 1837, Horatio Nelson Davis, of Henderson, b. 17 June, 1812, son of Roswell Davis and Clarissa Bishop; he rem. in 1838 to Waukesha; had eight chil­dren; he was a merchant and Treasurer of Waukesha Co. from

632    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1850 to '51; he was Maj. in the Reg. of Wisconsin Volunteers­rem. to Beloit, Wis., and twice represented Rock Co. in the Wis­consin Senate. Cushman K. Davis, son of Clarissa Fanette Cush­man and Horatio Nelson Davis, was graduated from the University of Michigan in 1857; he was Lieut, and Assistant. Adj.-Gen. After the war he settled in St. Paul, Minn.; he was a member of the Min­nesota Legislature of 1867; United States District Attorney, 1868 to '73; Governor of Minnesota, 1874 and '75; United States Sen­ator from 1888 until his death; one of the Commissioners to nego­tiate the treaty of peace between the United States and Spain.
8996 Isaac Chauncey Cushman,9 b. 12 Mar., 1819; d. unm., in Henderson, 27 Feb., 1810.
8997 Nathaniel Gustavus Cushman,9 b. in Henderson, 1 Sept., 1821; d. unm., ______.
8998 Sarah Sophia Cushman,9 b. 11 Sept., 1824; d. 20 Aug., 1826.

3863.   SPENCER,8 son of Levi7 (1431), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 19 Sept., 1786; m. 7 Oct., 1810, Margaret Stewart Palmer, b. in Plainfield, Conn., 18 June, 1791, dau. of Vose Palmer, of Plainfield, b. 9 July, 1764, and Selinda Stewart, of Glasgow, Scotland, and Plainfield, Conn., b. 12 June, 1761.
He d. 31 Dec., 1870; she d. 29 May, 1876.
When a young man, he rem. to Plainfield, Conn., and, in 1826, to Utica, N. Y. He was a wholesale dry goods merchant in Utica; was Supervisor of the county, and Mayor of the city several years.
8999 Palmer Vose,9 b. 12 Dec., 1811; m. (1) Rachel Anne Shankland; (2) Mrs. Martha Lucretia (Nichols) Smith.
9000 Levi Wright,9 b. 14 May, 1815; d. 15 Apr., 1819.
9001 Cynthia Stewart,9 b. 27 July, 1817; m. James Rockwell.
9002 Levi Spencer,9 b. 29 Feb., 1820; d. unm., 26 Oct., 1840.
9003 Mary Artemesia,9 b. 11 Dec., 1821; m. James Kent Hitchcock.
9004 Gustavus Adolphus,9 b. 1 Apr., 1824; m. Anna Maria Van Eps.
9005 Charles Cushman,9 b. 2 Sept., 1828; m. Mrs. Anna Maria (Van Eps) Kellogg.
9006 Sarah Sophia,9 b. 13 May, 1832; m. Frederick William Hotchkiss Sheffield.

3864.   NANCY,8 dau. of Levi7 (1431), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 1788; m. Eli Wright, b. 10 Nov., 1787.
She d. in West Depere, Wis., 10 Dec., 1865; he d. 11 Jan., 1866.
9007 Martha (Patty) Wright,9 b. 3 Sept., 1810; d. 7 July, 1813.
9008 Orange Wright,9 b. 29 Dec., 1813.
9009 Hannah Wright,9 b. 16 Jan., 1815; m. Orville C. Sprague.
9010 Sarah (Sally) Wright,9 b. 12 Jan., 1817; m. Norris Bishop; d. 18 Apr., 1877.
9011 George Whitfield Wright,9 b. 20 Sept., 1821; m. 9 Sept., 1847, Mahala Sprague, b. in Henderson, N. Y., 10 July, 1826, dau. of David Sprague, b. in Spencer, Mass., 11 Oct., 1790, and Sarah Butter­field, b. in Peru, Vt., 25 Oct., 1792; rem., in 1840, from Jefferson

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Co., N. Y., to Michigan, and in 1842 to Waukesha Co., Wis., sub­sequently to Green Bay, Wis.; later res. in West Depere.
9012 Martha Sophia Wright,9 b. 15 Feb., 1834; m. 1 Jan., 1844, Henry Phelps, a carpenter, b. 9 June, 1820, son of Jeremiah Phelps, b. 12 Mar., 1789, and Lydia Parker, b. 23 July, 1789; res. in Milwaukee, Janesville and later in Depere, Wis.
9013 Nancy Wright,9 b. 15 Dec., 1825; d. 14 Aug., 1830.

3865.   LUCY,8 dau. of Levi7 (1431), b. in Williamstown, Mass., Nov., 1791; m. Lodowick Brown.
She d. ______, in Unadilla Forks, N. Y.
9014 Lodowick Brown,9 b. ______.
9015 Lucy Brown,9 b. ______; m. Petersilia.
9016 Cynthia Brown,9 b. ______.
9017 De Witt Brown,9 b. ______; m. Lawrence.
9018 Hamilton Brown,9 b. ______.

3867.   CHLOE,8 dau. of Nathaniel7 (1432), b. 14 Aug., 1793; m. Thomas Wakefield, b. in Windsor, Vt., 19 Aug., 1788, son of Joseph Wakefield, b. in Head­ing, Mass., 9 May, 1753, and Belief Kendall, b. in Dunstable, Mass., 9 May, 1753. She d. in Philadelphia, N. Y., 31 May, 1840; he m. (2) 1843, Laura (Thatcher) Wakefield, widow of his brother; d. in Philadelphia, N. Y., G July, 1858.
9019 Caroline Walefield,9 b. 30 Mar., 1820; m. Sept., 1838, O. C. Ackert; d. in Grattan, Mich., July, 1880.
9020 George Wakefield,9 b. 3 Sept., 1822; m. 1848, Minerva Smith; d. 22 Feb., 1876.
9021 Jane Annette Wakefield,9 b. in Rutland, N. Y., 18 Oct., 1827; m. in Theresa, N. Y., 16 Nov., 1859, Madison Rappole, b. in Oneida Co., N. Y., 17 Feb., 1828, son of Daniel Rappole and Mary Rillington, of Alexandria, N. Y.; he is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Kendall, N. Y.

3872.   LUCY,8 dau. of Rev. Gardiner7 (1433), b. in Bradford, Vt., 19 June, 1799; m. in Windliam, Me., 30 Jan., 1824, Samuel I. Wells, b. 17 May, 1792. She d. in Portland, Me., 16 Oct., 1844.
He res. in Salisbury, Mass., Saco and Portland. She was author of "A Mother's Plea for the Sabbath," and other works. He was a brilliant lawyer, of a high order of intellect, but over­fondness of the wine glass led him to leave his wife and children, and they soon lost track of him. There is no record within the knowledge of his children of his parentage, time or place of death.
Children, b. in Salisbury.
9022 Jackson Wells,9 b. 10 July, 1825; m. in Lafayette, La., Kate Bruckner; was a druggist; d. 30 Nov., 1865, in Atlanta, Ga.; she d. ______; had two children.

634    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9023 Spencer Wells,9 b. 17 Feb., 1827; was graduated from Bowdoin College and ranked very high, but became insane from over study shortly after graduating; d. in Portland, 25 May, 1881.
9024 Lucy May Wells,9 b. 3 June, 1839; d. in Portland, 28 Mar., 1863.
9025 Walter Wells,9 b. 17 Nov., 1830; m. in Portland, 25 Dec., 1876, Mary Sturdivant; d. in Portland, 21 Apr., 1881; was graduated from Bowdoin College; she res. in Portland.
9026 James Wells,9 b. 2 Sept., 1832; d. in Salisbury, 28 Jan., 1835.
9027 Samuel I. Wells,9 b. 16 Sept., 1833; d. in Franklin, Mass., 30 Jan., 1838.

3873.   GARDINER,8 son of Rev. Gardiner7 (1433), b. in Bradford, Vt., 7 Jan., 1802; m. in Gorham, Me., 9 Nov., 1828, Elizabeth Green Foster, b. in Gorham, 14 Oct., 1805, dau. of William Hart Foster, of Gorham, b. in Boston, Mass., 20 Jan., 1780, and Betsey Harding, b. 14 Nov., 1786.
He d. in Clinton, Ga., 3 Oct., 1841; she d. in Gorham, 26 Feb., 1870.
He was graduated from Bowdoin College, 1827, and from the Medical De­partment of Yale College, 1836. He had a flourishing school in Penn Yan, N. Y., but having pulmonary trouble, rem. to Clinton, where he was at the head of an academy; taught until two days before his death.
9028 Gardiner,9 b. in Penn Yan, 21 Aug., 1829; was a farmer in Gorham; an invalid from childhood; d. unm., 19 Aug., 1900.
9029 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. in Penn Yan, 21 Mar., 1831; d. July, 1831.
9030 John William,9 b. in Gorham, 13 May, 1832; m. Lucy Maria Caldwell.
9031 Louisa Terrell,9 b. in Sparta, Ga., 5 Nov., 1834; d. unm., 20 Aug., 1893, in Gorham, where she res.
9032 Lucy Elizabeth,9 b. in Sparta, 6 Mar., 1837; res. unm., in Portland, Me.
9033 Mary Foster,9 b. in Clinton, 13 Oct., 1839; res., unm., in Gorham.
9034 Charles Foster,9 b. in Clinton, 17 July, 1841; was a civil engineer; enlisted in the war of the rebellion, mounted orderly; d. unm., 4 Aug., 1885, in Gorham, where he res.

3879.   THANKFUL,8 dau. of Josiah7 (1434), b. in Hadley, Mass., 8 Sept., 1795; m. in Hadley, 4 Dec., 1819, Sylvester Cooke, b. 16 Feb., 1795, son of Solo­mon Cooke, b. 11 Feb., 1764, and Tryphena Newton.
She d. 13 July, 1851; he d. 3 Apr., 1868.
He was a farmer; res. in Hadley and Chicopee Falls, Mass., and Barring­ton, R. I.
9035 Sylvester Cooke,9 b. 5 Nov., 1830; d. unm. (drowned), 11 July, 1842; worked on a canal boat between Albany and Buffalo.
9036 Lucy Kellogg Cooke,9 b. 15 Sept., 1822; d. unm., in Hadley, 1 Nov., 1854.
9037 Kezia Cooke,9 b. 4 July, 1824; m. 23 Nov., 1850, Orrin Ealy Bardwell, b. 16 Oct., 1805; he was a farmer; res. in Auburn, N. Y.; she d. 24 Oct., 1892.
9038 Henry Chapin Cooke,9 b. 16 Aug., 1826; m. 4 July, 1851, Eliza B. Howe; was overseer in the cotton mills in South Hadley and Granby, Mass.; d. 25 June, 1856.

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9039 Noah Parsons Cooke,9 b. 30 Oct., 1828; d. in Hadley, 30 July, 1829.
9040 Silas Wheeler Cooke,9 b. 24 Sept., 1830; d. in Hadley, 2 July, 1831.
9041 Lois Smith Cooke,9 b. 12 Sept., 1832; m. 12 Sept., 1883, Lucian Bona­part Kendall, b. in Woodstock, Conn., 6 Apr., 1815; res. in En­field, R. I.
9042 Solomon Cook,9 b. 16 Mar., 1835; m. (1) in Barrington, R. I., 8 Sept., 1859, Lydia Peck Barnes, b. 25 Jan., 1833; she d. 21 Mar., 1808; he m. (2) in Providence, R. I., 13 June, 1869, Sarah Elizabeth Burdakin; d. 12 Aug., 1882; was a farmer in East Providence, R. I.
9043 Hannah Smith Cooke,9 b. 11 Mar., 1838; m. in Barrington, 13 May, 1862, Samuel Swift, b. 14 Aug., 1834; he was a carpenter and farmer in Jamestown, R. I.; res. in Paonia, Col.

3883.   NAOMI PARSONS,8 dau. of Josiah7 (1434), b. in Hadley, Mass., 26 Jan., 1803; m. 20 June, 1822, Thaddeus Chapin, b. 22 Aug., 1794, son of Henry Chapin and Abigail Colton.
She d. in Chicopee, Mass., 6 Jan., 1873.
He was a farmer in Chicopee; res. on the homestead of his father.
9044 Naomi Chapin,9 b. 27 Apr., 1823; m. 20 Mar., 1861, Avery A. Ward; d. Mar., 1861; res. in Chicopee; had one child.
9045 Martha Chapin,9 b. 1 Oct., 1824; d. 22 Sept., 1839.
9046 Cynthia Chapin,9 b. 10 June, 1827; d. 26 Feb., 1847.
9047 Henry Gardiner Chapin,9 b. 15 July, 1829; d. 8 Nov., 1858.
9048 Elsfy Elmira Chapin,9 b. 27 Sept., 1831; m. 9 Mar., 1859, Milton Town, of Hadley; d. 24 Sept., 1872; had seven children.
9049 Edirin Chapin,9 b. 6 Nov., 1833; m. 11 June, 1863, Emma L. Chapin; res. in New Haven, Conn.; had five children.
9050 Priscilla Chapin,9 b. 10 May, 1835; d. 18 Aug., 1838.
9051 Josiah Chapin,9 b. 5 Mar., 1839; d. 26 Feb., 1840.
9052 Rosina Chapin,9 b. 9 May, 1844; d. 5 June, 1858.

3884.   JOSIAH,8 son of Josiah7 (1434), b. in Hadley, Mass., 17 Feb., 1805; m. 27 Sept., 1827, Cynthia Chapin, b. 13 July, 1798, dau. of Henry Chapin, of Chicopee, b. 22 July, 1762, and Abigail Colton, b. 27 June, 1767.
He d. in Providence, R. I., 22 Jan., 1854; she d. 24 Feb., 1883. They res. in Hadley until 1834; in Ida, Mich., until 1840; in Chicopee, Mass., in 1844; later in Providence.
9053 Abigail,9 b. in Hadley, 21 Sept., 1828; d. 31 Aug., 1829.
9054 Sarah,9 b. in Hadley, 30 Jan., 1830; d. unm., in Providence, 13 Oct., 1863.
9055 Hannah,9 b. in Hadley, 10 Jan., 1832; m. Moses Towne.
9056 George,9 b. in Hadley, 28 Oct., 1833; m. Emaretta Rebecca Chapin.
9057 Lucy,9 b. in Ida, Mich., 17 July, 1836; m. in Providence, as his second wife, 4 Nov., 1884, Moses Towne, who had previously m. her sister, Hannah; he is a farmer and Presbyterian; res. in Nettleton, Mo.; had no children.

636    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9058 Marietta,9 b. in Ida, 8 Dec., 1838; d. 4 Jan., 1888; res. in Providence, where she d.
9059 Martha Ann,9 b. in Chicopee, 30 May, 1842; d. in Providence, 26 Oct., 1845.

3885.   JOHN PRESTON,8 son of Josiah7 (1434), b. in Hadley, Mass., 14 Feb., 1807; m. (1) May, 1831, Mary Ann Call, b. 1 Oct., 1811, dau. of Josiah Call, of Springfield, Mass.
She d. 27 Sept., 1841; he m. (2) 29 Mar., 1842, Ann Janette Stanley, b. 20 Mar., 1824; d. in Battle Creek, Mich., 10 May, 1881; she d. there, 30 Mar., 1893.
He was a broom manufacturer; res. in Tyrone, Flint, Jackson and Battle Creek, Mich.; a Seventh-Day Adventist and a Republican.
Children by first wife.
9060 Merritt Gardner,9 b. 28 Mar., 1832; m. (1) Mrs. Louisa (Rawson) Whitmore; (2) Eleanor Kathleen Georgiana Nolan.
9061 Smith Moses,9 b. 16 Mar., 1834; m. Maria Susan Dickinson.
9062 Albert,9 b. in Flint, 7 Apr., 1836; m. Lucinia Ashley.
9063 Julia Elvira,9 b. in Flint, 3 Feb., 1838; m. Thomas McDowell.
9064 Martha P.,9 b. 18 Feb., 1840; d. 14 July, 1852.
Children by second wife.
9065 Mary A.,9 b. 31 Mar., 1843; d. 14 Mar., 1858.
9066 Laura Evelyn,9 b. 29 Aug., 1845; m. Charles Henry Brackett.
9067 Emma Frances,9 b. 13 Sept., 1847; d. 29 Aug., 1849.
9068 Emma,9 b. 7 Feb., 1850; m. Charles Leonidas Sobeski Kellogg (+9278).
9069 John Harvey,9 b. 26 Feb., 1852; m. Ella Ervilla Eaton.
9070 Preston,9 b. 24 Feb., 1854; d. 7 Apr., 1855.
9071 Ella,9 b. 23 Feb., 1856; d. 29 July, 1858.
9072 Preston Stanley,9 b. 5 Apr., 1858; m. Florence Agnes Nye.
9073 Will Keith,9 b. 7 Apr., 1860; m. Ella O. Davis.
9074 Clara Belle,9 b. 11 Sept., 1863; m. Hiland George Butler.
9075 Hester Ann,9 b. 6 Nov., 1866; m. Frank W. Howe.

3886.   HANNAH,8 dau. of Josiah7 (1434), b. in Hadley, Mass., 17 Feb., 1809; m. in Hadley, 7 Sept., 1831, Simeon Rice, b. in Montague, Mass., 18 Jan., 1805, son of Jeduthan Rice, b. 1759, and Joanna Semple, b. 1761.
He d. 9 Jan., 1884; she d. 1 Nov., 1888.
He was a mechanic; rem. in 1849, from Hadley to New Bedford, where both d.
9076 Ann Haseltine Rice,9 b. in Chicopee, Mass., 18 Jan., 1833; d. unm., in New Bedford, 4 Dec., 1853.
9077 Adoniram Judson Rice,9 b. in Hadley, 17 Apr., 1835; m. 21 May, 1862, Kate Briggs Warren, b. in New Bedford, 25 Jan., 1839; was a , Union soldier in Co. E, Third Massachusetts Reg.; was a baker in New Bedford.
9078 Elvira Sophia Rice,9 b. 7 Apr., 1838.
9079 Priscilla Maria Rice,9 b. in Chicopee, 5 Sept., 1840; d. unm., 28 Sept., 1858.

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9080 Emily Lavina Rice,9 b. 12 Dec., 1842; d. in Hadley, 2 Dec., 1845.
9081 Emeline Gertrude Rice,9 b. 10 Jan., 1847.

3887.   MERAB,8 dau. of Josiah7 (1434), b. in Hadley, Mass., 8 Mar., 1811; m. in Ida, Mich., 27 June, 1837, Chauncey Owen, b. 6 Nov., 1804, sou of Daniel Owen and Elizabeth Tracy.
He d. in Hastings, Mich., 28 Jan., 1871; she d. there, 5 May, 1877. He was a farmer; res. in Ida, Mich.; rem. to Hastings, in 1865.
9082 Gardiner Kellogg Owen,9 b. 19 Sept., 1838; m. 31 Oct., 1870, Julia A. Griggs, b. 1840; both were teachers of elocution in Battle Creek, Mich.; she d. in Santa Cruz, Cal., 15 Dec., 1898.
9083 Dudley Asbury Owen,9 b. 8 Mar., 1840; m. 29 Aug., 1868, Sarah Ann St. John, b. 22 Apr., 1845; was a grower of small fruits and vege­tables in Battle Creek; she d. in Apia, Samoa Islands, 10 July, 1895.
9084 Harriet Elvira Owen,9 b. 26 June, 1842; m. 23 Mar., 1869, John Wesley Holmes, a merchant in Woodland Center, Mich., b. 30 Sept., 1838; he d. 9 June, 1888; she res. in Battle Creek, Mich.
9085 Richard Baxter Owen,9 b. 19 Apr., 1845; m. 23 Dec., 1873, Elenora Marosia Gorton, b. 10 May, 1845; was a farmer in Vicksburg, Mich.
9086 Alfred Jesse Owen,9 b. 14 June, 1847; d. in Hastings, 1 Sept., 1870.
9087 Rodney Spencer Owen,9 b. 27 Jan., 1851; m. in Burke, Vt., 4 Aug., 1875, Sarah Augusta Bordeau, b. in West Enosburg, Vt., 18 May, 1856; was a clergyman in Burke; had three children.
9088 Alice Priscilla Owen,9 b. 6 Oct., 1856; d. in Hastings, 19 Feb., 1874.

3888.   ELVIRA,8 dau. of Josiah7 (1434), b. in Hadley, 15 Feb., 1813; m. 23 Oct., 1839, Samuel Giles Perkins, of Belchertown, Mass., b. 28 June, 1811, son of Giles Perkins, of Ludlow, Mass., b. 30 Nov., 1789, and Electa Sikes, b. 30 July, 1793.
She d. 7 Jan., 1881; he d. Mar., 1885.
He was a farmer, teacher and engraver in Belchertown, where both d.
9089 Olive Sophia Perkins,9 b. 21 Apr., 1841; m. 23 Dec., 1864, Alonzo Beebe Kimball, b. in Pelham, Mass., 9 Dec., 1841; d. 11 May, 1889.
9090 Elihu Laroy Perkins,9 b. 6 Sept., 1844; m. 13 May, 1871, Emily Lucretia Carter, b. in Warren, Conn., 14 Apr., 1852; res. in Terryville, Conn.
9091 Mugulas Elva Perkins,9 b. 20 Feb., 1847; d. unm., 23 Mar., 1864.
9092 Cyrus Williams Perkins,9 b. 17 Nov., 1854; res. unm., in Tampa, Fla.

3889.   PRISCILLA SMITH,8 dau. of Josiah7 (1434), b. in Hadley, Mass., 21 Apr., 1815; m. in Springfield, Mass., 20 May, 1847, Franklin Clark Chapin, b. 11 Feb., 1817, son of Henry Chapin, Jr., b. in Springfield, 4 Jan., 1792, and Ex­perience Clark, b. in Northampton, Mass., 3 Nov., 1792.
He d. 24 July, 1873; she d. in Chicopee, Mass., 8 Nov., 1873. He was a farmer; res. in Otisco, N. Y.

638    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9093 Emma Priscilla Chapin,9 b. 30 Aug., 1848; d. unm., 3 June, 1896.
9094 Etta Adelaide Chapin,9 b. 9 Sept., 1851; res. unm., in Paonia, Col., and Chicopee Falls, Mass.
9095 Charles H. Chapin,9 b. 28 Jan., 1853; m. in Otisco, 24 Jan., 1878, Mary C. Clark, b. in Otisco, 6 Apr., 1853; res. in Paonia.
9096 Ellis Warren Chapin,9 b. 16 Sept., 1855; m. (1) 11 Sept., 1884, Jennie Belcher Loomis, b. 5 Aug., 1861; she d. 18 Nov., 1887; he m. (2) in Newfane, Vt., 26 Apr., 1893, Grace Winnifred Carpenter, b. in Chicopee Falls, 15 Sept., 1870; had two children.
9097 Cyrus Franklin Chapin,9 b. 14 Oct., 1858; is unm.

3890.   GARDNER,8 son of Josiah7 (1431), b. in Hadley, Mass., 12 Mar., 1817; m. (1) 23 Oct., 1838, Harriet Bliss Call, b. in Stafford, Conn., 16 May, 1819, dau. of Isaiah Call, of Springfield, Mass., b. 6 May, 1786, and Cynthia Bliss, b. 5 Aug., 1791.
She d. in South Hadley, 23 Oct., 1880; he m. (2) in Brimfield, Mass., where he res., 3 Jan., 1882, Mrs. J. Maria (Smith) Porter, b. in East Haddam, Conn., 1826, dau. of Halsey Smith and Lovica Holden, of Middle Haddam, Conn.
He d. in Becket, Mass., 19 May, 1887.
He was a farmer; rem. in May, 1841, to Genesee, Mich.; in 1856, to Chicopee, Mass.; in 1854, to Stafford, Conn.; in 1859, to Springfield, Mass.; in 1865, to Ludlow, Mass., and in 1876, to Southampton, Mass. She m. (3) 4 Dec., 1893, Elial A. Dickinson, of South Hadley, where she now res.
Children by first wife.
9098 Nelson Owen,9 b. 10 Dec., 1840; m. Jennie Margaret Vaughn.
9099 Newton Elbridge,9 b. 20 Jan., 1843; m. Clara Jane Field.
9100 Nathan Bliss,9 b. 14 July, 1845; d. 6 Oct., 1846.
9101 Eliza Ann,9 b. in Genesee, 18 July, 1848; m. Harlem Erastus Nash.
9102 James Gardner,9 b. in Chicopee, 20 Jan., 1852; was a mechanic; d. unm., 6 Aug., 1876.
9103 Richard Gardner,9 b. 25 Sept., 1855; m. his cousin, Emma Amelia Kellogg, adopted dau. of George Kellogg (+9056).
9104 Harriet Marie,9 b. in Stafford, 14 Mar., 1858; m. George Henry Fretts.

3891.   MOSES SMITH,8 son of Josiah7 (1434), b. in Hadley, Mass., 2 Feb., 1820; m. 2 Nov., 1842, Eleanor Maria Chapin, b. in Hartford, 10 Aug., 1823, dau. of Henry Chapin, Jr., b. in Springfield, Mass., 4 Jan., 1792, and Experience Clark, b. in Northampton, Mass., 3 Nov., 1792.
She d. in Gomez Township, Mo., 1 Jan., 1888.
He was a farmer in Breckenridge, Mo.; later in Hamilton, Mo., and now in Nettleton, Mo.
9105 Ellen,9 b. in Genesee, Mich., 23 Aug., 1844; m. William Crowning­shield.
9106 Ellis Chapin,9 b. in Hadley, 9 Feb., 1846; m. Sarah Ellen Crowther.
9107 Josiah Henry,9 b. in Chicopee, 19 June, 1853; m. Katherine May Korn.
9108 Olive Maria,9 b. 25 Sept., 1856; d. 27 June, 1857.

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9109 Arthur Smith,9 b. in Chicopee, 2. Nov., 1858; m. in Flint, Mich., 25 Sept., 1883, Sarah Ellen Taliaferro, of Fredericksburg, Va., b. 21 June, 1854, dau. of William Taliaferro, b. 19 Mar., 1811, and Maria MaGee West, b. 1 Jan., 1825; res. in Battle Creek, Mich.; had no children.
9110 Henry Chapin,9 b. in Chicopee Falls, Mass., 22 Jan., 1865; m. in Hope­well, Mo., 10 Nov., 1885, Sultana Taylor, b. 30 Jan., 1866, in Knox­ville. Mo., dau. of Jonathan Taylor, b. 10 Oct., 1826, and Barbara Richardson, b. 10 June, 1839; is a farmer and Baptist; res. in Hamilton, Mo., later in Llano, Cal.; has no children.

3893.   RICHARD,8 son of Whiting7 (1436), b. in Ashfield, Mass., 27 Mar., 1811; m. (1) 8 Mar., 1836, Sophia Clark Hatch, of Southampton, Mass., b. 24 June, 1811, dau. of Eliphalet Hatch and Sophia O. Bates.
She d. in West Springfield, 6 Sept., 1848; he m. (2) 5 Oct., 1849, Electa Allen, of Northampton, Mass., b. 26 Apr., 1819, dau. of Elijah Allen, b. July, 1783, and Electa Warner, b. 1783; she d. in Agawam, Mass., 23 Oct., 1865; he m. (3) in Agawam,3 Sept., 1866, Marietta Perkins, of Monson, Mass., b. 25 June, 1817; she d. 17 June, 1871; he m. (4) 2 Jan., 1873, Mrs. Elizabeth (Fairbank) Spencer, b. 19 Feb., 1802, dau. of Zenas Fairbank, b. 5 Feb., 1792, and Belief Platt, b. 15 Aug., 1793, and widow of Samuel G. Spencer, b. 1816; d. in Agawam, 18 May, 1892.
He was a farmer; res. in Feeding Hills, Mass.
Children by first wife.
9111 Spencer Eliphalet,9 b. 10 July, 1838; d. 27 July, same year.
9112 Charles Richards,9 b. 5 Aug., 1839; d. unm., in Agawam, 3 Sept., 1860.
9113 Mary Sophia,9 b. 26 Feb., 1843; m. Frank Preston Whipple.
9114 Emily Louisa,9 b. 28 Aug., 1845; d. imm., 9 Apr., 1866.
Children by second wife.
9115 Edward Allen,9 b. 22 Sept., 1851; m. Alice Martha Rising.
9116 George Warner,9 b. 2 Nov., 1857; d. 4 Nov., same year.

3896.   ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Whiting7 (1436), b. in Ashfield, Mass., 23 June, 1818; m. in Southampton, 2 May, 1844, Daniel Kingsley Stearns, b. in South­ampton, 7 Dec., 1815, son of Theodore Stearns, b. in Northampton, Mass., and Charlotte Root, b. in Montgomery, Mass.
He d. in Lafayette, Wis., 30 Oct., 1857; she d. there, 7 Oct., 1889.
They res. in Lafayette. He was a farmer, Congregationalist and a Repub­lican.
9117 Emily Elizabeth Stearns,9 b. in Lafayette, 8 Mar., 1845; is a dress­maker, and res. in Elkhorn, Wis.; is unm.
9118 Mary Augusta Stearns,9 b. in Lafayette, 2 June, 1846; d. in Lafayette, 1 Mar., 1849. Lafayette; is unm.
9119 Daniel Spencer Stearns,9 b. in Lafayette, 26 Sept., 1848; a farmer in _______.

640    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9120 Theodore Henry Stearns,9 b. in Southampton, 13 Feb., 1850; m. in Elk­horn, Wis., Nov., 1877, Harriet Farrar, of Lafayette; worked a reaping, mowing and threshing machine; res. in Elkhorn.
9121 Mary Electa Stearns,9 b. in Lafayette, 1 Jan., 1852; is unm.
9122 Martha Adeline Stearns,9 b. in Lafayette, 8 Aug., 1854; is unm.
9123 Charles Sumner Stearns,9 b. in Lafayette, 19 Dec., 1856; m. in Elkhorn, 26 Sept., 1879, Clara Emma Doane; was a farmer in Lafayette; now res. in East Delavan, Wis.

3901.   ROSWELL,8 son of Moses7 (1437), bap. 7 Oct., 1787; m. Nancy Hough­ton, of Dummerston, Vt., b. 1797.
He d. 14 Feb., 1847, aged 60; she d. in Hadley, Mass., 7 Oct., 1874.
9124 Richard,9 b. 1817; served in the United States Cavalry in the Mexican war; became dissipated and committed suicide about 1850.
9125 Henry,9 b. 19 Sept., 1819; m. (1) Mary Axtell Lewis; (2) Danis R. Clapp.
9126 Alonzo,9 b. 20 July, 1821; m. Cassandra _______.
9127 Fannie M.,9 b. ______; m. Andrew Leffingwell, of Huntington, Mass.; rem. to Iowa.
9128 Elizabeth,9 b. 1833; res. unm., in Hadley; is feeble minded.
9129 Clarissa,9 b. ______; m. Daniel Downing, of Northampton; he d. about 1866; she disappeared and is supposed to be dead.
9130 Harriet Emily,9 b. ______; m. Edward A. Fitzgerald; he is an elec­trical inspector; res. in Syracuse, N. Y.

3902.   MARMY,8 dau. of Benjamin7 (1438), b. in Hadley, Mass., 12 Dec., 1789; m. there, 10 Sept., 1812, Seth M. Warner, of Sunderland, Mass., b. 30 Dec., 1787, son of Deacon Eleazer Warner, b. 20 Sept., 1755, and Elizabeth Belden, b. 1757.
She d. in Sunderland, 26 Sept., 1855; he m. (3) 19 Feb., 1857, Mrs. Fannie (Abbey) Goodale, dau. of Mason Abbey, and widow of Theodore Goodale; d. in Wisconsin, 25 Oct., 1862.
Children, b. in Sunderland.
9131 Alba Warner,9 b. 16 Nov., 1813; d. 16 Feb., 1814.
9132 Sidney Smith Warner,9 b. 11 Jan., 1815; m. 30 June, 1852, Harriot O. Divis, dau. of Jacob Davis and Mary Stratton; res. in Sunderland; d. 6 Jan., 1898; had two sons.
9133 Elizabeth Warner,9 b. 31 Jan., 1817; d. unm., in Raleigh, Tenn., 2 June, 1853.
9134 Seth Warner,9 b. 11 Feb., 1819; d. unm., in Portland, Or., 25 July, 1853.
9135 Henry Martyn Warner,9 b. 17 Mar., 1821; was a Presbyterian minister; d. unm., in Henderson, N. Y., 14 Sept., 1850.
9136 Harriet Marmy Warner,9 b. 17 Mar., 1821; m. 26 May, 1845, Rev. Nathan Fellows Tuck; d. in Los Angeles, Cal., 22 May, 1900; res. in Colorado Springs; had one dau.
9137 James Richards Warner,9 b. 13 Dec., 1823; m. (1) 9 June, 1852, Cyn­thia Clark, who d. 1882; (2) Susan L. Henderson, widow of Henderson; was Corp. in Co. G, Fifty-second Massachusetts Vol­unteers; was a Union soldier; res. in The Dalles, Or.; d. 15 Jan., 1901; had no children.

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9138 Mary Lavinia Warner,9 b. 12 Dec., 1825; m. 10 May, 1848, Erastus Smith Joslyn; res. in Colorado Springs; had no children.
9139 Frances Amelia Warner,9 b. 11 Dec., 1837; m. 2 Oct., 1851, Alonzo Marsh Morrison; res. in Denver, Col.; had two children.
9140 Martha Angeline Warner,9 b. 3 Mar., 1830; d. 8 Sept., 1840.

3903.   HORACE,8 son of Benjamin7 (1438), b. in Hadley, Mass., 16 Sept., 1791; m. in Amherst, Mass., 12 Aug., 1813, Alma Smith, of Hadley, b. in Lev­erett, 20 Feb., 1796, dau. of Joel Smith, of Leverett, Amherst and South Deer­field, b. about 1757.
He d. in Amherst, 4 Oct., 1858; she d. in Oconomowoc, Wis., 18 Apr., 1866; both are buried in Amherst Cemetery.
Children, b. in Hadley.
9141 Lyman Smith,9 b. 1 Dec., 1814; m. Emeline Leonard.
9142 Electa,9 b. 31 Dec., 1816; m. in Amherst, 3 June, 1846, William Berk­ley Smith, b. 19 July, 1812, son of Perez Smith, of South Hadley, and Hannah Lyman; he d. 25 May, 1882; she res. in Amherst; had no children.
9143 Benjamin,9 b. 5 Dec., 1818; m. Mrs. Margaret (Foley) James.
9144 Amelia,9 b. 15 Sept., 1820; d. 18 Feb., 1821.
9145 Wakeham Smith,9 b. 1 Mar., 1822; d. 28 Mar., same year.
9146 Wareham Smith,9 b. 13 May, 1823; d. unm., in Savannah, Ga., 13 Oct., 1854.
9147 Harriet Amelia,9 b. 12 Mar., 1825; d. in Hadley, 3 Jan., 1826
Children, b. in Amherst.
9148 Harihet,9 b. 1 June, 1827; m. Rufus Gunn.
9149 Horace,9 b. 3 Apr., 1829; m. Lucy Ann Carpenter.
9150 Moses,9 b. 12 Mar., 1831; d. 28 Mar., 1833.
9151 Sarah,9 b. 6 Feb., 1833; d. 6 May, same year.
9152 A Son,9 b. 20 Feb., 1834; d. same day.
9153 A Daughter,9 b. 10 Feb., 1835; d. same day.
9154 Justin Perkins,9 b. 8 Oct., 1836; m. Mrs. Annie (Brunton) Eckley.
9155 A Son,9 b. 2 Oct., 1842; d. same day.

3910.   CHARLES AUSTIN,8 son of Benjamin7 (1438), b. in Hadley, Mass., 29 Apr., 1808; m. 10 Jan., 1831, Maria A. Cook, b. 30 July, 1809, dau. of James Cook, b. 15 Sept., 1777, and Ruhama Doane, b. 1 July, 1776.
She d. 9 Dec., 1860; he d. 3 Apr., 1875. He was a farmer in Hadley, where both d.
Children, b. in Hadley.
9156 Benjamin Austin,9 b. 13 Jan., 1832; m. Sarah Emetine Moody.
9157 Elizabeth,9 b. ______; d. 12 Sept., 1844, aged 9 months.
9158 Charles A.,9 b. 19 June, 1846.

3911.   ANGELINE,8 dau. of Benjamin7 (1438). b. in Hadley, 18 Feb., 1811; m. 26 Sept., 1831, James Cook, Jr., of Hadley, b. 5 Dec., 1807, brother of Maria A. Cook, who m. Angeline's brother, Charles A.
She d. in Hadley, 26 Sept., 1881; he d. there 9 Jan., 1892. He was a blacksmith, manufacturer and farmer; res. in Hadley.

642    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Hadley.
9159 Mary Jane Cook,9 b. 10 Oct., 1832; d. 7 Oct., 1833.
9160 George Eldridge Cook,9 b. 1 Dec., 1834; m. (1) 25 July, 1860, Julia E. Burditt; she d. 5 Mar., 1863; he m. (2) 26 Apr., 1886, Mary Emma Crafts; res. in Oconomowoc, Wis.
9161 Mary Jane Cook,9 b. 5 Jan., 1837; d. 8 June, 1837.
9162 James Francis Cook,9 b. 5 Nov., 1844; d. 29 Mar., 1848.
9163 Juliette Montague Cook,9 b. 15 Oct., 1847; m. 25 Jan., 1865, Bela Kel­logg Crafts, b. 19 Oct., 1841, grandson of Lucy Kellogg (+1535); d. in Whately, Mass., 29 Mar., 1900.
9164 Maria Cook,9 b. July, 1852; d. Aug., same year.
9165 James Francis Cook,9 b. 15 Jan., 1855; res. unm., in Hadley.

3931.   SILAS DWIGHT,8 son of Samuel7 (1443), b. in Hadley, Mass., 9 Aug., 1825; m. in Greenfield, Mass., 28 May, 1851, Mrs. Maria Louisa (Crafts) Bowers, b. 3 July, 1825, widow of Thomas Gayton Bowers, and dau. of Caleb Crafts, of Whately, Mass., b. 28 July, 1800, and Sophronia Morton, b. 18 Mar., 1806.
He res. in Hadley until 1864. They celebrated their golden wedding in Amherst, Mass., 28 May, 1901. He is a farmer in North Amherst; was a Union soldier; Sergt. in Co. H, Fifty-second Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862 to '63.
Children, b. in Hadley.
9166 Frederick Dwight,9 b. 28 Feb., 1852; m. Bertha Rosella Leonard.
9167 May Louisa,9 b. 19 June, 1862; m. in Leverett, Mass., 12 Nov., 1884, Rector O. Morton, b. July, 1858, son of Marcus Morton, of Lev­erett, and Sarah Osgood; he was a farmer; had no children.
9168 Samuel Edward,9 b. 13 Feb., 1866; m. Jennie Cresset Hastings.

3932.   CHARLOTTE,8 dau. of Ebenezer7 (1457), b. in Amherst, Mass., 24 Sept., 1773; m. 1 Mar., 1797, Peter B. Russell, b. 8 Jan., 1774, son of Moses Russell and Hannah Kendall.
He d. 5 July, 1851; she d. 20 Mar., 1853.
He was a farmer; res. in Cabot, Vt., where both d.
9169 Dalinda Russell,9 b. 5 Dec., 1799; m. 15 May, 1823, Simeon Hovey Webster, b. 5 Apr., 1799; res. in Cabot; had ten children.
9170 Lucia Russell,9 b. ______; m. William Hoyt; res. near Chicago; both d. in Rochester, Wis.; had one dau.
9171 Charlotte Russell,9 b. 11 Sept., 1813; m. 2 Sept., 1834, Rufus Adams, b. 15 Mar., 1811; he d. 10 Sept., 1867; she d. 2 Dec., 1875; had one son.
9172 Abigail Russell,9 b. ______; m. Joseph Graffam; d. in Rochester, ______.
9173 Henry Russell,9 b. ______; m. ______; res. in Rochester, where he d. ______; had one son.
9174 Lucius Russell,9 b. ______; m. ______; res. in Bethlehem, N. H.; d. in Littleton, N. H.; had two children.

3934.   SARAH,8 dau. of Ebenezer7 (1457), b. in Montague, Mass., 9 Mar., 1780; m. Thomas Cross.
She d. in Hardwick, Vt., 9 Oct., 1851.

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9175 Ebenezer K. Cross,9 b. 9 Mar., 1806; m. Mary G. Dow, b. in Cabot, Vt., 19 Sept., 1808; their dau., Laura Ann Cross, m. Orman Alford Kellogg, Jr. (+16018), son of Orman Alford Kellogg (+9213).

3937.   EBENEZER WRIGHT,8 son of Ebenezer7 (1457), b. in White Creek, N. Y., 3 May, 1786; m. in Plainfield or Lebanon, N. H., 7 Nov., 1811, Mary Lovejoy Cleveland, b. in Hanover, N. H., 7 Nov., 1792, dau. of Samuel Cleveland, b. in Stafford, Conn., 2 Nov., 1772, and Sarah Gould, b. in Hanover, N. H., about 24 Feb., 1775, dau. of Maj. James Gould.
She d. 15 Dec., 1862; he d. in Constable, N. Y., 12 May, 1865. He was a farmer and manufacturer of pumps; res. in Marshfield, Mont­pelier and Calais, Vt., and later in Constable, N. Y.
9176 Sarah Marinda,9 b. in Marshfield, Vt., 12 Sept., 1812; d. unm., in Con­stable, 18 Apr., 1835 or '36.
9177 Mary Adeline,9 b. 15 Dec., 1813; m. Dr. Edward Homer Carter.
9178 Fidelia Maria,9 b. in Plainfield, Vt., 5 Sept., 1815; m. Edward Martin.
9179 Benjamin Franklin,9 b. in Montpelier, Vt., 29 May, 1817; m. Mary Palmer Sherman.
9180 Lovel Cleveland,9 b. in Montpelier, 5 Dec., 1818; d. 12 Mar., 1819.
9181 Laura Ann,9 b. in Montpelier, 8 Feb., 1820; m. Andrew Jackson Allen.
9182 Harvey Ebenezer,9 b. in Montpelier, 28 Oct., 1821; m. Laura Abiah Austin.
9183 Horace Delany,9 b. 10 Oct., 1823; d. 14 Feb., 1824.
9184 Lucia Caroline,9 b. in Calais, Vt., 14 Jan., 1825; m. Elvy Ingalls Stickney.
9185 Samuel Cleveland,9 b. in Calais, 13 Mar., 1827; m. Elmira Sophronia Trideau.
9186 Eliza Jane,9 b. in Calais, 22 May, 1829; m. Fletcher Stewart.
9187 Shubel Wheeler,9 b. in Constable, 20 May, 1831; d. there, 1 Nov., 1835.
9188 Peter Russell,9 b. in Constable, 25 June, 1834; was a sailor; d. 2 Oct., 1853, in Gloucester, Mass.

3938.   TAMER,8 dau. of Ebenezer7 (1457), b. in White Creek, N. Y., 3 May, 1786; m. Joseph Walton.
She d. in Hardwick, Vt., 30 July, 1852.
Children, b. in Hardwick.
9189 Joshua Walton,9 b. 1809; m. Sarah Judavine, b. 1814; she d. 25 Feb., 1882; he d. 3 Apr., 1882.
9190 Tamer Walton,9 b. 1815; m. Ira Wheeler; d. 24 Aug., 1875; had no children.
9190a Bathsheba Walton,9 b. 1818; d. unm., 14 Feb., 1862.
9190b Alma A. Wallon,9 b. 3 Feb., 1821; m. her cousin, Orman Alford Kel­logg (+9213).

3939.   WILLIAM WRIGHT,8 son of Ebenezer7 (1457), b. in Claremont, N. H.,

644    The Kelloggs in the New World.

16 Jan., 1789; m. 1 Dec., 1811, Nancy Lamb, b. in Charlton, Mass., 2 Mar., 1789, dau. of Capt. Reuben Lamb and Persis Hooker.
He d. 16 June, 1844; she d. 1 Dec., 1876.
He was a farmer; res. in Haverhill, O., where both d.
Children, b. in Scioto Co., O.
9191 Selenda,9 b. 16 Aug., 1812; d. unm., ______.
9192 Sylvia,9 b. 17 Mar., 1814; m. Terry Blackburn, of North Carolina; d. ______; he d. ______.
9193 Hiram,9 b. 28 July, 1816; m. Luna Jones.
9194 Mary,9 b. 28 Oct., 1818; m. Dr. John Loudon Churchill.
9195 Alfred,9 b. 10 Dec., 1821; m. (1) Cynthia L. Hard; (2) Louisa Cumbis.
9196 Charity,9 b. 15 Jan., 1826; m. John Sprague Wells.
9197 William,9 b. 17 Jan., 1828; m. Thurza Story.
9198 William,9 b. 28 Oct., 1831; m. Abigail Whitmore.
9199 Reuben Lamb,9 b. 15 Mar., 1835; m. (1) Rachel Cottingham; (2) Elvira Cunningham.

3941.   BENJAMIN,8 son of Ebenezer7 (1457), b. in Orford, Vt., 25 Jan., 1794; m. (1) 5 Jan., 1826, Rebecca Greathouse.
She d. about 1835; he m. (2) about 1836, Catherine McKenzie, b. near Fayetteville, N. C, 24 Nov., 1818, dau. of John McKenzie, b. 1785, and Christian McKennon; d. near Little Rock, Ark., 11 July, 1848.
He settled in Little Rock about 1815. He was a blacksmith and farmer and owned, in Pulaski Co., twelve hundred acres of land, which included the silver and lead mines known as "Kellogg mines." He made the broad axe which was used in hewing the logs from which was built the first hewed log house (round poles having been used previously) where now stands the capitol of Arkansas.
She m. (2) in 1857 or '58, James L. Duff.
Children by first wife, b. near Little Rock.
9200 Eliza,9 b. 29 Jan., 1830; m. Jesse Witt.
9201 Marian,9 b. 25 Dec., 1831; d. in infancy.
9202 Mary,9 b. 5 Mar., 1833; m. Calvin Howell Overton.
9203 Benjamin,9 b. 29 Mar., 1835; d. unm., in Camden, Ark., 2 Dec., 1859; was a Methodist clergyman.
Children by second wife.
9204 William,9 b. 9 Mar., 1837; d. in infancy.
9205 Jonathan,9 b. 9 Sept., 1840; m. (1) Sally Williams Sparks; (2) Mrs. Mary (Howe) Sanford.
9206 Harrison,9 b. 9 Feb., 1842; d. 25 Nov., 1856.
9207 Henry,9 b. 23 Mar., 1844; d. 25 Dec., 1856.
9208 Daniel Webster,9 b. 12 July, 1846; d. 1848.
9209 Sophronia Seeing,9 b. 27 May, 1848; d. unm., 13 Apr., 1897.

3942.   JONATHAN NOURSE,8 son of Ebenezer7 (1457), b. in Orford, Vt., 28 Feb., 1798; m. in Luzerne, N. Y., 11 May, 1817, Martha Randall, b. 25 Jan., 1801, dau. of Jacob Randall, b. 27 July, 1760, and Elizabeth McCall, b. in Water­town, Mass., 29 Sept., 1763.
She d. in Luzerne, 8 Jan., 1849; he d. in Randolph, N. Y., 2 Feb., 1884.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    645

Children, b. in Luzerne.
9210 Polly,9 b. 1 May, 1818; d. unm., 21 Aug., 1839.
9211 Jacob Wright,9 b. 19 Aug., 1819; m. in Luzerne, 24 Mar., 1844, Emme­Ime Murray, b. in Warren Co., N. Y., dau. of George Murray and Pitcher; was a carpenter, also a raftsman on the Hudson River; a Republican; res. in Glen's Falls, N. Y.; d. 1 Apr., 1874; had no children; she m. (2) Bentley.
9212 Grata Amelia,9 b. 24 Apr., 1821; m. James Selleck Crannell.
9213 Orman Alford,9 b. 29 May, 1823; m. Alma Ann Walton (91906).
9214 Freelove Adeline,9 b. 9 May, 1825; m. 22 Oct., 1854, Richard Henry Heath, b. 11 Oct., 1822, son of Arden and Ellen Heath; d. in Corinth, N. Y., 15 Mar., 1897; he was a farmer; a Republican; they had an adopted dau., Ellen Catherine Heath, b. 4 Nov., 1859, who m., as his second wife, Orman Alford Kellogg, Jr. (+16018).
9215 Benjamin Franklin,9 b. 7 Apr., 1827; d. 1 Sept., 1847.
9216 Lorenzo,9 b. 15 Mar., 1829; m. in East Randolph, 20 Aug., 1865, Mary Alice Hall, b. in East Randolph, 19 Mar., 1828, dau. of Joel Hall, b. 27 Aug., 1792, and Lydia Evetts, b. 6 Apr., 1797; was a retired carpenter and joiner; a Republican; res. in East Randolph; d. 18 July, 1901; had no children.
9217 Oliver H.,9 b. 7 Feb., 1831; d. unm., 18 Sept., 1853.
9218 Earl Douglas,9 b. 22 May, 1833; m. Elizabeth Crowell.
9219 Henry Dighton,9 b. 9 Sept., 1834; m. (1) Caroline Murray; (2) Izora D. De Garmo.
9220 William Oscar,9 b. 2 Oct., 1836; d. 13 June, 1837.
9221 Nancy Maria,9 b. 28 Mar., 1838; m. Charles Henry Robinson.
✛9222 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 3 Mar., 1840; m. William Seward Stone.
9223 Edwin Fernando,9 b. 15 Nov., 1841; m. Mary Brower Cornwall.

3949.   IRA,8 son of Jonathan7 (1460), b. in Brattleboro, Vt., 27 Jan., 1786; m. 25 Jan., 1808, Ruth Dickinson, b. 18 June, 1790, dau. of William Dickinson, of Amherst, b. 6 Feb., 1767, and Thurza Warner, b. 24 Jan., 1771.
He d. in Montague, 16 Nov., 1843; she d. in Springfield, Mass., 18 Sept., 1875, aged 85 years and 3 months.
They res. in Amherst and Montague, Mass. He was a shoemaker and saddler.
9224 Wright Dickinson,9 b. in Amherst, 12 Jan., 1809; m. Mrs. Roxanna (Goodell) Dickinson.
9225 Bela,9 b. in Amherst, 1 Aug., 1810; m. Mary Hosmer.
9226 Porter,9 b. in Montague, 18 Apr., 1812; m. Cemantha Pratt.
9227 Charles Carroll,9 b. in Montague, 23 Jan., 1814; m. Sophia Wealthy Carll.
9228 Horace Hancock,9 b. in Montague, 4 Aug., 1816; m. Jerusha Ashley Leonard.
9229 Maria,9 b. 17 July, 1818; m. Timothy Morton Dewey.
9230 Levi,9 b. 25 July, 1820; d. 21 July, 1822.
9231 Minerva,9 b. 28 July, 1822; d. (fell in the fire), 10 July, 1856; unm.
9232 Susan Malona,9 b. 29 May, 1824; m. Solomon Wilson Gleason.

646    The Kelloggs in the New World.

3950.   CHESTER,8 son of Jonathan7 (1460), b. in Brattleboro, Vt., 21 Jan., 1788; m. (1) 1 June, 1808, Lois Dickinson, b. 6 Feb., 1790, dau. of Silas Dick­inson and Eunice Graves, b. in Amherst, Mass., 19 Nov., 1769.
She d. 13 Dec., 1809; he m. (2) Maria Bixbee, b. in Hinsdale, Mass., 27 Apr., 1796, dau. of Rufus Bixbee, b. in Barre, Mass., 1768, and Lois Woodward b. in Orange, Mass., 1775; d. in Amherst, 7 Feb., 1849; she d. 4 May, 1881.
He was a cordwainer and a shoe manufacturer; rem. to Pelham, Mass., in 1790; to Amherst, 1801.
Child by first wife, b. in Amherst.
9233 Clarissa Dickinson,9 b. 7 Jan., 1809; d. in Granby, 24 Oct., 1860.
Children by second wife, b. in Amherst.
9234 Dwight Holland,9 b. 10 Aug., 1817; m. (1) Margaret Lucena Kel­ton; (2) Mrs. Sarah Louisa (Puffer) Bigelow.
9235 Henry Chester,9 b. 29 June, 1819; m. Minerva Park.
9236 Eliza Maria,9 b. 19 May, 1822; m. Hanson Leland Read.
9237 William Wallace,9 b. 6 Apr., 1824; m. Sarah Basset.

3951.   DAVID,8 son of Jonathan7 (1460), b. in Amherst, Mass., 8 Aug., 1792; m. (1) 23 Mar., 1812, Almira Barton, b. 16 Apr., 1791, dau. of Ezekiel Barton, of Granby, b. 24 Dec., 1766, and Lucinda Parsons, b. 29 Jan., 1766.
She d. 3 Aug., 1819; he m. (2) 31 May, 1826, Portia Preston, b. 24 Feb., 1801, dau. of Capt. John Preston, of Granby, Mass., b. 25 Oct., 1767, and Eunice Moody, b. 6 Apr., 1769; she d. 10 June, 1849; he d. in Granby, 5 Sept., 1864.
He rem. from Pelham, Mass., to Granby, about 1811; was a shoemaker and harness-maker, also a farmer and hotel-keeper.
Children by first wife, b. in Granby.
9238 Mary Cooley,9 b. 27 June, 1812; m. Rufus Church.
9239 Walter Barton,9 b. 28 Aug., 1814; m. Harriet Lorain Morgan.
9240 David Holland,9 b. 5 Feb., 1817; d. unm., in New York, 22 Aug., 1858; in 1849 he became blind from acute inflammation of the eyes, but gradually recovered his sight; was a hotel clerk.
9241 Almira Margaret,9 b. 27 June, 1819; m. Alvin Ferry.
Children by second wife, b. in Granby.
9242 Norris Preston,9 b. 13 Mar., 1827; d. in Granby, 22 Dec., 1874; in 1849 he became blind; being well acquainted with the surrounding country he could go about with ears and cane to guide him; he sold books, stationery, etc., and rendered valuable assistance about the old homestead.
9243 Ellen Clarissa,9 b. 7 Feb., 1829; m. George Henry Brown.
9244 Chester,9 b. 27 Dec., 1830; m. (1) 22 Nov., 1864, Marie A. Mailler; she d. 12 Feb., 1873; he m. (2) in Granby, 25 Dec., 1877, Angelina, Clark, b. in Granby, 1825, dau. of Israel and Sybil Clark; she d. in Granby, 2 June, 1888; he m. (3) in Granby, 31 Jan., 1889, Mary A. Warner, b. in Granby, 15 July, 1833, dau. of Alonzo Warner, b. 3 July, 1796, and Anna Cutler, b. 7 Aug., 1797; was in the hotel business in New York City; d. in Springfield, 2 Mar., 1893, and is buried in New York; had no children.
9245 Simeon,9 b. 13 Dec., 1832; m. Harriet Pease.
9246 Henry,9 b. 22 Nov., 1834; m. Caroline M. Bates.

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9247 Mary Church,9 b. 5 Nov., 1836; m. 16 May, 1876, Dwight Preston, of Granby, b. in Northampton, Mass., 4 Apr., 1833, son of Joel Lan­son Preston, b. in Granby, 4 Aug., 1804, and Esther Kust, b. in Northampton, 29 Jan., 1806; he served in the Federal army; en­listed 16 May, 1862, as First Corp. in Co. H, Fifty-second Peg.; is a merchant; res. in Elkhorn, Wis.
9248 Eliza Orelia,9 b. 5 Nov., 1838; res. unm., in Detroit, Mich.
9249 Jane Maria,9 b. 22 Dec., 1840; d. 31 July, 1842.
9250 Jane Maria,9 b. 17 Aug., 1844; m. Dexter Pandall Barnes.

3953.   BENJAMIN,8 son of Maj. Ezekiel7 (1462), b. in New Salem. Mass., 28 Jan., 1780; m. 5 Mar., 1800, Sybil Larnard, b. in New Salem, 1780.
She d. 19 Mar., 1859; he d. 4 Sept., 1863.
They res. in Concord, Vt., where both d. He was a carpenter and a farmer.
9251 Louisa,9 b. in New Salem, 27 Oct., 1801; m. Andrew Scott.
9252 Marina,9 b. in Concord, 28 Jan., 1803; m. Nathaniel Balch.
9253 Benjamin Pond,9 b. in Concord, Jan., 1806; m. Arethusa Priscilla Metcalf.

3958.   COTTON,8 son of Maj. Ezekiel7 (1462), b. in New Salem, Mass., 7 Apr., 1791; m. (1) 29 Jan., 1811, Mary Rollins, b. in Londonderry, N. H., 10 Feb., 1788, dau. of Robert Rollins, b. 25 May, 1756, and Mary Greely, b. 21 July, 1758.
She d. in Richford, Vt., 20 Mar., 1841; he m. (2) 1843, Anna Hall; d. 20. Dec., 1843; she d. June, 1844.
He was a farmer; res. in Richford, where both d.
Children, b. in Richford.
9254 Nancy Rollins,9 b. 28 Oct., 1811; m. 5 Apr., 1835, John Sanders; d. 10 Sept., 1838; had no children.
9255 George Washington,9 b. 9 June, 1814; m. (1) Abial Caroline John­son; (2) Lydia Ferry.
9256 Malvina,9 b. 22 Mar., 1816; m. 7 Sept., 1834, Samuel Heath; d. in Richford, 12 Oct., 1892; had no children.
9257 James C.,9 b. 20 Apr., 1819; m. Emily Bickford.
9258 Mary,9 b. 20 Apr., 1819; d. 2 Sept., same year.
9259 Hannah G.,9 b. 14 Mar., 1821; d. 21 Feb., 1824.
9260 Moses Payson,9 b. 19 May, 1823; m. Harriet Baker.
9261 Sally Alvira,9 b. 17 Nov., 1825; d. 29 Dec., 1828.

3962.   ERASTUS,8 son of Maj. Ezekiel7 (1462), b. in New Salem, Mass., 15 Dec., 1799; m. Hannah Merrill Allen, b. in Robbinston, Me., 4 Feb., 1807.
He d. 1 Mar., 1830, aged about 30.
He was frozen to death while boating wood on the St. Croix River, Robbin­ston, Me.
9262 Daniel Warren,9 b. 13 Mar., 1829; m. ______; was adopted by his uncle, Ezekiel Kellogg (3954); d. 20 July, 1895; adopted a son, Everett, who res. in Robbinston.

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3963.   JOHN,8 son of Maj. Ezekiel7 (1462), b. in New Salem, Mass., 21 Feb., 1801; m. (1) in Lyman, N. H., 29 July, 1824, Clarinda Eastman, b. in Lyman, 28 May, 1798, dau. of Steven Eastman, b. 15 Sept., 1768, and Lydia Ford, b. 8 Feb., 1778.
She d. in Danville, Vt., 18 May, 1835; he m. (2) 29 June, 1837, Ann Man­ley, b. 9 Feb., 1807; she d. 3 May, 1840; he m. (3) 4 Jan., 1844, Mary Kidder, b. in Woodstock, Vt., 31 Aug., 1806, dau. of Luther Kidder and Phebe Church, b. 1768; d. in Owego, N. Y., 21 June. 1864; she d. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 29 July, 1877.
He res. in Orange, Athol and Winchendon, Mass., and Owego, N. Y.; was a farmer.
Children by first wife.
9263 Adaline Carron,9 b. 18 Feb., 1826; d. in Athol, Mass., 20 May, 1839.
9264 Emerewyer Carlton,9 b. in Danville, 8 Mar., 1828; d. 2 Aug., 1834.
9265 Abbie Eastman,9 b. in Concord, Vt., 1 Oct., 1830; m. (1) Adams Everett French; (2) Adams Emory Stanley; (3) George Edwin Smith.
9266 Charles Carroll,9 b. in Danville, 26 May, 1834; m. in Middletown, N. Y., 8 Nov., 1862, Eva D. Bates, dau. of William Bates and De­linda Grow; was a carpenter; enlisted in Aug., 1862, as a private, in the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh New York State Volun­teers; was promoted to Second Lieut. at the battle of Gettysburg, for gallant conduct; resigned in 1864, on account of ill health; res. in Boston, Mass.; d. 3 May, 1872, in Winchendon, Mass.; she res. in Evanston, Ill.; was editor of Primary Education; had no chil­dren.

Children by second wife.
9267 Juliette Parker,9 b. in Athol, Mass., 26 Mar., 1838; d. 29 July, 1839.
9268 Edward Everett,9 b. in Athol, 24 May, 1839; d. 31 Aug., same year.
Child by third wife.
9269 Luther Alonzo,9 b. in Orange, 28 Jan., 1846; m. Mary Elizabeth Potter.

3964.   REV. EDWARD,8 son of Maj. Ezekiel7 (1462), b. in New Salem, Mass., 2 Dec., 1802; m. 29 Nov., 1827, Betsey Wheeler Eastman, b. in Bethlehem, N. H., 11 Mar., 1808, dau. of Moses Eastman, b. 13 Dec., 1755, and Lois Martin, b. in Lisbon, N. H., 13 May, 1782.
He d. 13 July, 1891; she d. in Battle Creek, Mich., 16 Nov., 1900.
He joined the New Hampshire and Vermont Conference of the M. E. Church in May, 1832, and was ordained by Robert R. Roberts. He and his wife em­braced the doctrines of the Seventh-Day Adventists in 1856 and remained in that faith until their death. They rem. to Richford, Vt., in 1845, clearing the land of timber and making there a homestead; rem. to Battle Creek.
9270 Persis Parker,9 b. 8 Nov., 1829, in Littleton, N. H.; res. unm., in Bat­tle Creek, Mich.
9271 Betsey Berkeley,9 b. in Lyman, N. H., 4 Aug., 1831; d. 20 Aug., 1833, in Danville, Vt.
9272 Juliett,9 b. 27 July, 1833; m. Dennis Allen Goff.

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9273 Elizabeth,9 b. 1 Mar., 1836; m. 17 Apr., 1856, Morris Delevan Ed­monds, b. in Exeter, N. H., 9 Oct., 1830, son of John Edmonds, b. 26 May, 1798, and Laura Allen, b. 21 June, 1807; he is a musician; res. in Rochester, N. Y.; had no children.
9274 Abbina Frances,9 b. in Littleton, 8 Jan., 1838; d. in Richford, 2 Aug., 1856.
9275 Edward Bukge,9 b. in Stanbridge, Quebec, Canada, 11 Aug., 1840; m. Nancy Jane Chappell.
9276 Emma Leora,9 b. in East Richford, 25 Mar., 1843; is a teacher; res., unm., in Glen wood, Ia.
9277 Susan Mary,9 b. in Sutton, Quebec, Canada, 14 June, 1845; m. Jared Lemuel Trvon.
9278 Charles Leonidas Sobeski,9 b. in Richford, 14 June, 1847; m. Emma Kellogg (9068).
9279 Moses Eastman,9 b. in East Richford, 25 Mar., 1850; m. Orabel Regina Austin.

3965.   CAPT. CHARLES,8 son of Maj. Ezekiel7 (1462), b. in Littleton, N. H., 6 Aug., 1804; m. 14 Jan., 1835, Arathusa Webster, of Irasburg, Vt., b. in Little­ton, 25 Feb., 1811, dau. of David Webster, b. in Dracut, Mass., 8 May, 1786, and Anna Albee, b. in Westmoreland, N. H., 27 May, 1786.
He d. in Littleton, 22 Nov., 1853; she d. 3 Dec., 1868. He was a farmer and Capt. of Militia; res. in Littleton.
9280 Ezra Parker,9 b. 15 Mar., 1839; d. 3 Jan., 1852.
9281 Charles Nelson,9 b. 14 May, 1841; d. 26 Feb., 1855.
9282 Anna,9 b. 19 Oct., 1844; d. 21 Dec., 1851.
9283 Harriet,9 b. 14 Aug., 1846; d. 16 Dec., 1851.
9284 Ellen Arathusa,9 b. 28 July, 1849; is unm.
9285 George Frank,9 b. in Littleton, 25 July, 1851; m. 4 May, 1886, in Bos­ton, Carrie Kendig, b. 7 Apr., 1858, in Marion, Ia., dau. of Amos B. Kendig, b. 19 Sept., 1831, and Mary Bancroft, b. 5 Jan., 1836; is a wholesale druggist in Boston; is a Methodist; res. in Brook­line, Mass.; has no children.

3966.   JULIETT,8 dau. of Maj. Ezekiel7 (1462), b. in Lyman, N. H., 19 July, 1811; m. in Littleton, N. H., 8 Jan., 1839, Damon Aldrich, b. in Lisbon, N. H., 24 Mar., 1816, son of Jared Aldrich, b. 1776, and Sophia Young, b. about 1776.
He d. in Lisbon, 27 Oct., 1874; she d. in Battle Creek, Mich., 21 Oct., 1893. He was a farmer and Democrat; res. in Lisbon and Littleton, N. H., and after 1872, in St. Johnsbury, Vt.
9286 Mary Caroline Herrick Aldrich,9 b. in Littleton, 21 Nov., 1839; d. 27 Mar., 1841.
9287 Caroline Adelia Aldrich,9 b. 12 Sept., 1841; m. 24 Sept., 1861, Henry Skeeles Goodwin, b. in Newbury, Vt., 24 July, 1836; he d. 26 Feb., 1894, in St. Johnsbury; she res. in Chicago, Ill.; had two children.
9288 Charles Edward Aldrich,9 b. in Littleton, 10 Apr., 1843; m. 7 Oct., 1871, Persis Hall; d. in New York City, 1 July, 1872; she res. in Lis­bon, N. H.

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9289 Mary Elmira Aldrich,9 b. in Concord, Vt., 1 Dec., 1846; m. 5 Aug., 1868, George G. Wright; d. in Warren, Mass., 5 Oct., 1868; he res. in Spencer, Mass.
9290 Abbie Julia Aldrich,9 b. in Lisbon, N. H., 30 Sept., 1852; res. unm., in Battle Creek; is matron of the Kellogg Sanitarium.

3975.   FRANCIS WILLIAM,8 son of Giles Crouch7 (1471), b. in Worthing­ton, Mass., 30 May, 1810; m. 14 Apr., 1833, Emeline White, of South Hadley, Mass., b. 2 Mar., 1811, dau. of Quartus White and Persis _______.
He d. in Alliance, O., 13 Jan., 1879; is buried in the Fulton-street Ceme­tery, Grand Rapids, Mich.; she res. in 1880, in Jonesville, Mich.
He rem. from Worthington, Mass., to Columbus, O., in 1833, and in 1855 he engaged in lumbering in Kelloggsville, Mich.
He first attracted public attention by his earnest appeals in the temperance cause. In later life he carried his labors into Canada. In 1852 he made a tour of England, lecturing in one place thirty successive nights, and receiving several hundred dollars for each lecture. In the Fremont campaign of 1856 he took the stump in behalf of the Republican party and was chosen a member of the Leg­islature. In 1858 he was elected to Congress from Western Michigan and was re-elected in 1860 and '62. It was largely through his influence that the United States District Court was organized in Grand Rapids. After the close of the war he was appointed Collector of Internal Revenue for the District of Alabama; represented the Mobile District in the Fortieth Congress. From Mobile he rem. to New York City, and, in 1876, to Alliance, O.
9291 A Daughter,9 b. 24 Feb., 1834; d. 1 Aug., same year.
9292 Francis Henry,9 b. 28 Sept., 1837; d. 30 June, 1843.

3976.   DR. ALEXANDER HAMILTON,8 son of Giles Crouch7 (1471), b. in Cummington, Mass., 3 Sept., 1811; m. (1) in Bloomfield, O., 20 Aug., 1839, Martha Ann Holmes, b. 10 Sept., 1818, dau. of John Holmes.
She d. in Ashley, Mo., 1 May, 1861; he m. (2) 4 Sept., 1862, Martha J. Orr, b. 25 June, 1829, dau. of Philip Orr and Lucy Draper; d. in Jacksonville, Ill., 13 July, 1898; she res. there.
He was a physician; res. in Jacksonville. During the civil war he was an array surgeon, stationed at Cairo, Ill. He was graduated from Western Reserve College, Cleveland, O., in the class of 1842; was a Presbyterian and a Republican.
9293 James Holmes,9 b. in Cuyahoga, O., 18 Aug., 1840; m. Laura A. Smith.
9294 Virginia Ellen,9 b. 16 Dec., 1842; m. in Oberlin, O., 22 Aug., 1861, James G. Bailey; d. in Ashley, 2 Oct., 1863; he d. ______.
9295 Mary Emma,9 b. in Tarlton, O., 30 Sept., 1845; m. Seymour Bennet Stilson.

3978.   LYDIA MARIA,8 dau. of Giles Crouch7 (1471), b. in Worthington, Mass., 8 July, 1815; m. 20 May, 1838, Dr. Eli Boise, b. in Blandford, Mass., 12 Jan., 1800, son of David Boise.
He d. 26 June, 1863; she d. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 28 Oct., 1898, aged 84.
He received his medical diploma in Pittsfield, Mass.; res. in Chesterfield, Mass., Willoughby, Huntington, Wellington, Collamer and Oberlin, O. He was

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a Congregationalist and a Republican. She was prominent in Christian temper­ance work for many years, was a logical, clear and forcible public speaker, and led a useful and unselfish life.
9296 Mary Boise,9 b. 23 Sept., 1840; d. in Wellington, O., Dec., 1850.
9297 David Boise,9 b. 30 Jan., 1843; d. in Wellington, Jan., 1851.
9298 Eugene Boise,9 b. 29 Nov., 1846; m. 30 Nov., 1875, Eva A. Chubb; was graduated from Oberlin College, 1867; received a medical diploma, 1869, from the University of Michigan; in 1870 from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; was resident physician of the Charity Hospital, New York, from 1870 to '71; studied a year in London and Vienna; res. in Grand Rapids.
9299 Helen Boise,9 b. in July, 1848; d. in Wellington, Apr., 1850.
9300 Helen Mary Boise,9 b. 23 Nov., 1852.

3979.   JOHN SIDNEY,8 son of Giles Crouch7 (1471), b. in Worthington, Mass., 7 Aug., 1817; m. in Bloomfield, O., 26 June, 1840, Mary Ann Dennis, b. in Shrewsbury, N. J., 15 Apr., 1820, dau. of Joshua Dennis, b. in Shrewsbury, 24 Dec., 1786, and Jemima Boyce, b. in June, 1786.
He d. in Elyria, 27 Apr., 1864; she d. 15 Dec., 1896.
He res. in Bloomfield and Elyria, O.; had a large shoe store, but was in the lumber business in Michigan when he d.
Children, b. in Bloomfield.
9301 George Edward,9 b. 31 May, 1841; d. 15 July, same year.
9302 Mary Isabel,9 b. 11 Jan., 1845; d. 25 Aug., same year.
9303 Julia Florence,9 b. 18 Mar., 1848; m. Henry Biermann Read.

3980.   COL. CHARLES CARROLL,8 son of Giles Crouch7 (1471), b. in Worthington, Mass., 28 Nov., 1819; m. (1) 5 June, 1844, Jane E. Stephenson.
She d. in Brecksville, O., 12 July, 1847; he m. (2) 25 Dec., 1848, Maria Ferry, b. in Wilbraham, Mass., 19 Sept., 1827, dau. of Noah Ferry, b. in Palmer, Mass., 1785, and Rebecca Ward, b. in Ware, 1793; she d. in Denver, Col., 20 Jan., 1891; he d. in Leadville, Col., 5 Aug., 1894.
He res. from 1835 to '60 in Brecksville; until 1867 in Oberlin, O., and until 1876 in Princeton, Ill.; later in Alliance, O., and Leadville, Col. He was a farmer and later a railroad contractor.
During the war for the Union he entered the army as Capt. and Commissary, afterward made Maj. and Brevet Lieut.-Col. He was posted at Corinth, Miss.; was assigned to the Fourth Division of the Sixteenth Army Corps in the raid to Meridian, and in the Georgia campaign, and then in the First Division, Seven­teenth Army Corps, through to the sea, then to Washington.
Children, b. in Brecksville.
9304 Charles S.,9 b. 22 June, 1845; d. Feb., 1864.
9305 John S.,9 b. 1 May, 1847; d. 20 June, same year.
9306 Edward Ward,9 b. 29 Sept., 1850; m. Julia S. Coit.
9307 George Ward,9 b. 6 Oct., 1853; m. 10 July, 1892, Rose Rebecca Mc­Keon; res. in Leadville; had no children.
9308 John S.,9 b. 13 Jan., 1856; d. in Brecksville, 8 Apr., 1863.

652    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9309 Harry Giles,9 b. 6 Oct., 1858; d. in Breckenridge, Col., 1 Aug., 1880.
9310 Elizabeth Maria,9 b. 13 Aug., 1863; d. unm., in Leadville, 10 Aug 1882.

3981.   GEORGE WARD,8 son of Giles Crouch7 (1471), b. in Worthington, Mass., 28 Mar., 1822; m. in Saratoga, 18 Oct., 1854, Maria Elizabeth Douglass, b. in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 4 July, 1830, dau. of Daniel Douglass, b. 1797, and Elizabeth Carpenter, b. in Saratoga Springs, 2 May, 1801.
He d. in Laurel, Md., 30 Dec., 1898; she res. in Laurel. He rem. with his parents to Cleveland, O.; returned to Massachusetts and was graduated from Marlboro Academy, 1841. When gold was discovered he went to California; had a trading post in the mountains at Cold Spring, El; Dorado Co., 1850; was later engaged in business in Sacramento, where his prop­erty was destroyed by fire and flood. He became a ranchman. In 1853 he set­tled in Grand Rapids, Mich., where he established the lumber firm of Kellogg, White & Co., in connection with his brother, Francis W. In Apr., 1861, he rem. to Washington, D. C, and entered the Pension Department, in which office he remained thirty-eight years, and was a member of the Board of Review. He was a Washington correspondent for Michigan newspapers and for the New York Tribune. His leisure time was devoted to landscape painting and journalism.
9311 Herbert Douglass,9 b. in Kelloggsville, Mich., 10 June, 1858; m. Annie Milstead.
9312 Robert Anderson,9 b. in Kelloggsville, 28 Aug., 1860; d. in Brecksville, O., 9 May, 1863.
9313 Thomas Moore,9 b. in Washington, 24 June, 1862; m. Antoinette Reed Gardner.
9314 Marion Amanda,9 b. 6 Apr., 1865; d. 21 Dec., same year.

3982.   HELEN MARY,8 dau. of Giles Crouch7 (1471), b. in Worthington, Mass., 29 Sept., 1825; m. (1) in Brecksville, O., 31 July, 1844, Duranson Dart, b. in Springfield, Mass., Mar., 1821.
He d. in Kansas, 1868; was a machinist; she m. (2) 23 Nov., 1870, Harvey Leonard, of Oberlin, O., b. 4 Mar., 1823; she res. in Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
Children by first husband.
9315 Francis Henry Dart,9 b. in Brecksville, 1 Aug., 1845; m. in Oberlin, 7 Oct., 1880, Mary Tryphena Leonard, b. 10 Sept., 1856; is an ar­tist; res. in Elmore, O.; has two children.
9316 Eugene Dart,9 b. in Ilion, N. Y., 10 Aug., 1849; d. 13 Nov., same year.
9317 Benjamin West Dart,9 b. 19 Feb., 1854; d. in Oberlin, 1877.
9318 Sidney Kellogg Dart,9 b. in East Cleveland, O., 29 Mar., 1857; d. 7 Oct., 1877.

3984.   WILLIAM SNOW,8 son of Benjamin7 (1472), b. 3 Sept., 1800; m. Dec., 1826, Rebecca Trobridge Brewster, b. 12 June, 1806, dau. of William Brewster, b. about 1766, and Persia Hodge.
She d. 24 Aug., 1890; he d. 30 Mar., 1891.
He was a ship carpenter in Springville, N. Y.; later res. in Ashford, Catta­raugus Co., N. Y., where both d.

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9319 Polly Maria,9 b. 2 Oct., 1827; m. (1) Samuel Holman; (2) Colonel Fuller.
9320 Harriet Belinda,9 b. 30 Apr., 1832; m. Jeremiah Wilcox.
9321 Charles Barnabas,9 b. 20 Sept., 1837; was a soldier in Co. A, One Hundredth New York Volunteers; was wounded in Yorktown, Va., in Sept., 1864, and had an arm amputated; d. in Hampton Hospital, Va., Feb., 1865.

3985.   JOHN,8 son of Benjamin7 (1472). b. in Butler, N. Y., 20 Sept., 1802; m. 29 Dec., 1825, Elizabeth (Betsey) Westcott, b. in Richfield, N. Y., 14 Oct., 1807, dau. of Stephen Westcott, of South Scituate, R. I., and Elizabeth Carver, b. 1775.
He d. 25 May, 1876; she d. 11 Aug., 1886.
He was one of the first settlers of Butler. When he bought his farm in But­ler it was a dense wilderness. He gave seven dollars an acre for it. Clearing up the land, he built a log house and in it all of his children, except Almira, were b.
9322 Almira,9 b. 24 Oct., 1828; m. 11 Nov., 1847, Alonzo Hubbard, son of Erastus Hubbard, of Butler, N. Y.; d. 31 Jan., 1856; had no chil­dren.
9323 William Barton,9 b. 3 Apr., 1831; m. Louisa Britaina Tyler.
9324 Stephen Benjamin,9 b. 14 Feb., 1833; m. Harriet Levina Collins.
9325 Paulina,9 b. 3 Feb., 1835; d. 23 Aug., 1851.
9326 Pamelia,9 b. 18 Dec., 1836; m. (1) Ethan Willard Sherman; (2) Alex­ander Graham.
9327 Alice Ann,9 b. 22 Feb., 1849; m. Duane La Due.

3986.   HANNAH,8 dau. of Benjamin7 (1472), b. in Butler, N. Y., 30 Apr., 1804; m. 11 Oct., 1822, her cousin, Gamaliel Sampson (4015), b. 4 Mar., 1795, son of Peter Sampson, of Ashford, N. Y., b. 30 Dec., 1773, and Sarah Kellogg (+1475), b. 17 June, 1775.
He d. 4 Mar., 1870; she d. 25 Apr., 1891.
He was a farmer; a pensioner of the war of 1812. Res. in West Butler, N. Y., where both d.
Children, all except last two, b. in Ashford.
9328 Permelia Kellogg Sampson,9 b. 5 Apr., 1824; m. 25 Dec., 1842, Joseph Demmon; d. Jan., 1899; he was a farmer; res. in East Ashford, N. Y.
9329 Sally Salfino Sampson,9 b. 23 Jan., 1827; m. 27 Jan., 1846, Darius Lovejoy, of Rose, N. Y.; he is a farmer in Rose; had one child.
9330 Elizaleth (Betsey) Sampson,9 b. 30 May, 1829; m. 11 Feb., 1845, Har­low Peck, b. in West Butler, 17 Nov., 1824, son of Horace Peck, b. in Shelbume, Mass., 24 May, 1789, and Anna Burch, b. in Easton, N. Y., 2 Apr., 1793; he is a shoemaker; res. in Lyons, N. Y.
9331 Ethan Warren Sampson,9 b. 12 Nov., 1833; d. 1 Jan., 1833.
9332 John Warren Sampson,9 b. 5 July, 1833; m. 7 Oct., 1856, Rhoda Jane Myers, of Clyde; was a member of Co. B, One Hundred and Eleventh New York Reg.; was a prisoner at Andersonville; is a carpenter; res. in Lyons, N. Y.

654    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9333 Hannah Alsophine Sampson,9 b. 10 Mar., 1837; m. 26 Mar., 1853, Wil­liam Wallace Calkins, of Savannah, N. Y.; he is a farmer in Sa­vannah; had eight children.
9334 Adison Putnam Sampson,9 b. 24 Jan., 1841; m. July, 1861, Lucy Sher­man, dau. of Charles Sherman; is a farmer in Clyde, N. Y.; had three children.
9335 Charles Benjamin Sampson,9 b. in Rose, 27 Oct., 1845; d. 10 Mar., 1846.
9336 Ethan Billings Sampson,9 b. in Rose, 1 May, 1848; m. July, 1872, Har­riet Edna Burch; is a farmer in Sodus, N. Y.; had three children.

3987.   EXPERIENCE,8 dau. of Benjamin7 (1472), b. in Rose, N. Y., July, 1806; m. (1) Samuel Brewster, son of William Brewster.
He d. ______; she m. (2) John Ogram; she d. many years ago; he d. ______.
Children by first husband.
9337 Samuel Brewster,9 b. ______; res. in Savannah, N. Y.
9338 Charles Brewster,9 b. ______; d. ______.
9339 Decatur Brewster,9 b. ______; res. in Rose.
9340 Polly Brewster,9 b. ______; d. ______.
Children by second husband.
9341 James Ogram,9 b. ______; res. in Hannibal, N. Y.
9342 Permelia Ogram,9 b. ______; m. William Westcott; res. in Syracuse, N. Y.

3988.   ETHAN BILLINGS,8 son of Benjamin7 (1472), b. in Galen, N. Y., 24 Oct., 1808; m. 17 Oct., 1832, Sarah Matilda Allen, b. 19 Oct., 1813, dau. of Lewis Benjamin Allen, of Montezuma, N. Y., b. 1789, and Cynthia Harmon.
He d. Nov., 1880; she d. 16 Apr., 1888. He was a farmer in Galen.
9343 Rebecca,9 b. in Butler, N. Y., 14 Sept., 1833; m. Henry Orlando Ketchum.
9344 Lewis Benjamin,9 b. 28 Oct., 1835; m. 16 Jan., 1869, Emma Caroline Livermore; she d. 3 Dec., 1875.
9345 Mary Alathea,9 b. 7 Nov., 1838; d. 9 June, 1843.
9346 Maria,9 b. in Butler, 1 Dec., 1842; m. William Harrison Peckham.
9347 Henry,9 b. in Clyde, N. Y., 20 July, 1847; m. Jennie M. Pomeroy.

3989.   CHARLES BARNABAS,8 son of Benjamin7 (1472), b. in Butler, N. Y., 3 Feb., 1813; m. 30 Jan., 1840, Marietta Soper McKoon, b. 7 July, 1819, dau. of William McKoon, b. in Rhode Island, and Lucy Ann Cole.
He d. 11 Feb., 1854; she d. 23 Dec., 1879.
Res. in Rose and Butler, N. Y.; rem. to Wolcott, N. Y., where he d.
With the aid of her sons she conducted the farm for many years after his death. She was a most industrious woman and in her lifetime made many pairs of binders' mittens, a pursuit in which she had no rival in the vicinity.
9348 A Son,9 b. ______.
9349 Ethan Benjamin,9 b. in Butler, 16 Oct., 1843; m. Harriet Josephine Rice.

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9350 John Carmie,9 b. 13 May, 1848; m. (1) Mary Jane Fisher; (2) Effie Terbush.
9351 Lucy,9 b. 22 Aug., 1851; m. (1) John G. Reynolds; (2) J. Byron Smith.

3990.   PERMELIA,8 dau. of Benjamin7 (1472), b. in Huron, N. Y., 1 Sept., 1819; m. (1) Jan., 1837, John Ervin Jones, of Saratoga Co., N. Y.
He d. 1877; she m. (2) Charles Taylor; he d. ______; she d. ______.
Children by first husband.
9352 Harriet Jones,9 b. 16 Dec., 1837; m. 25 Feb., 1864, George Voorhies; d. ______.
9353 Henry B. Jones,9 b. 8 Apr., 1840; m. 25 Dec., 1862, Julia Toles; res. in Wolcott, N. Y.; had one child.
9354 Mary Alletha Jones,9 b. 5 Sept., 1845; m. 24 Jan., 1869, George Dowd; d. ______; had three children.
9355 Isaac Benfort Jones,9 b. 1 Nov., 1849; m. 3 Nov., 1870, Eliza Lovejoy; res. on the Lime Kiln farm, Butler, N. Y.; later in Rose.
9356 Adelbert Jones,9 b. 2 Dec., 1859; m. Lillian Weller; res. in Huron.
9357 Adella Jones,9 b. ______; d. ______.

3991.   ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Benjamin7 (1472), b. 1 May, 1821; m. in Butler, N. Y., 13 Feb., 1845, Willard Peck, b. in Butler, 20 Sept., 1820, son of Horace Peck, b. 24 May, 1789, and Anna Burch, b. 16 Mar., 1792.
He d. in Lovcell, Mich., 2 Dec., 1855; she d. in Clyde, N. Y., 21 Dec., 1855. Res. in Rose and Clyde, N. Y.; he was a farmer. Democrat and Universalist.
9358 Charles Willard Peck,9 b. in Clyde, 31 July, 1854; m. 30 Aug., 1895, Emma Louise Ernst; res. in Clyde.
9359 Lillian Caroline Peck,9 b. ______, in Rose, N. Y.; m. in Rochester, N. Y., 19 Oct., 1889, George Llewellin; res. in Rose.

3992.   JAMES,8 son of Samuel7 (1473), b. in New Salem, Mass., 13 Jan., 1792; m. in Hatfield, 29 June, 1817, Fidelia Dickinson, b. 17 May, 1796, dau. of Elihu Dickinson, of Amherst, b. 14 Oct., 1753, and Susanna Lewis, b. about 1762.
She d. 29 Jan., 1866; he d. 23 Mar., 1868. He was a merchant and manufacturer in Amherst, where both d.
Children, b. in Amherst.
9360 Harriet,9 b. 24 July, 1818; d. 4 Apr., 1819.
9361 William,9 b. 28 May, 1820; m. Harriet Strickland Fitch.
9362 Sarah Dickinson,9 b. 16 Sept., 1822; d. unm., in Amherst, 31 Mar., 1854.
9363 James,9 b. 8 Dec., 1825; d. 8 Oct., 1826.
9364 Emeline,9 b. 6 Dec., 1827; m. Henry Clark Nash.

3993.   LUCY SNOW,8 dau. of Samuel7 (1473), b. in New Salem, 1794; m. 29 Jan., 1821, Asa Wilson, b. 1799, son of Asa Wilson.
She d. 4 Mar., 1828; he d. 14 May, 1868. He was a farmer; res. in Belchertown, Mass.

656    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9365 Samuel Kellogg Wilson,9 b. 23 Sept., 1822; m. 2 Mar., 1852, Eliza R. Aldrich, b. 1835; d. 12 June, 1881; had five children.
9366 Daniel Knowlton Wilson,9 b. 1 Aug., 1825; m. (1) 20 Dec., 1849, Susan E. Thayer, b. 15 Feb., 1834; she d. 12 Nov., 1852; he m. (2) 14 June, 1874, Mrs. Martha Witt, b. 24 Nov., 1836; res. in Belcher­town; had one child by first wife.

3994.   JOSEPH,8 son of Samuel7 (1473), b. ______, in New Salem, Mass.; m. (1) Margaret Shipman, of Hadley, Mass.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Mrs. Emmeline Brooks, of Fredonia, N. Y.; d. in Marysville, O., 1876.
He studied medicine; practiced in Utica and Turin, N. Y., and in Ohio; was blind.
Child by first wife.
9367 Margaret,9 b. ______; m. John Felton, b. ______; res. in Shutesbury, Mass.; had several children.

3995.   SAMUEL,8 son of Samuel7 (1473), b. in New Salem, Mass., 1797; m. 13 Nov., 1820, Mary Watson, b. 27 Feb., 1804, dau. of David Watson, b. 16 Mar., 1766, and Lucinda Dickinson, b. 17 Nov., 1769. (See Charles Henry +4212.)
He d. 3 June, 1834; she d. 9 Mar., 1840. They are buried in the Old Cem­etery in Amherst.
He was a harness-maker and saddler; res. in East Amherst.
9368 Sophia Eastman Dickinson Watson,9 b. 21 Dec., 1821; m. (1) Varian Tompkins; (2) Joseph Seymour Stebbins.
9369 David Watson,9 b. 23 Sept., 1824; d. 29 Sept., 1824.
9370 Lucinda Dickinson,9 b. 23 Sept., 1824; d. 30 Sept., same year.
9371 Mary Felton,9 b. 21 Nov., 1827; m. Joseph Day Andrews.
9372 Oliver Watson,9 b. Feb., 1834; d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 22 June, 1856.

3996.   NANCY,8 dau. of Samuel7 (1473), b. ______, in New Salem, Mass.; m. (1) Dutton Knowlton, of Belchertown, Mass.
He d. ______; she m. (2) Charles Dodge, of Belchertown; res. in New Salem.
Children by first husband.
9373 Julia Knowlton,9 b. ______; m. Annable; d. ______; had two children.
9374 Henry Knowlton,9 b. ______; res. in Belchertown.

3997.   HANNAH PUTNAM,8 dau. of Samuel7 (1473), b. in New Salem, Mass., 1800; m. 15 Nov., 1821, Nathan Wyeth, b. in Wendell, Mass., 16 May, 1801, son of Gad Wyeth, b. in Cambridge, Mass., 27 July, 1768, and Mary Ken­dall, b. 3 Dec., 177.
He d. 11 Aug., 1864; she d. in Coles Co., Ill., 6 Feb., 1866. He was a farmer; res. in Wendell, Mass., and New Way, O.

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9375 Nancy E. Wyeth,9 b. in Wendell, 7 Nov., 1825; d. 20 June, 1831.
9376 Leonard Jackson Wyeih,9 b. in Wendell, 13 Jan., 1827; m. Melinda Northway; was a farmer.
9377 Joseph Sawing Wyeth,9 b. in Franklin Co., Mass., 15 Apr., 1828; m. Joanna Hunt; d. 14 June, 1898; she res. in Garret, Ill.
9378 Albert Wyeth,9 b. 22 Dec., 1829; m. Angeline Cams, b. 21 Oct., 1839; res. in Charleston, Ill.
9379 Samuel Kellogg Wyeth,9 b. 20 Nov., 1832; m. 21 Oct., 1857, Lamira Catherine Combs, b. 29 Aug., 1838; res. in Charleston.
9380 Thomas Evans Wyeth,9 b. 21 June, 1833; m. (1) Nancy Combs, b. 26 Jan., 1835; she d. 22 Sept., 1873; he m. (2) May, 1875, Julia Price; res. in Hindsboro, Ill.
9381 Ellen Roxiana Wyeth,9 b. 28 Jan., 1835; m. 14 Mar., 1854, Oliver Crom­well Hacket; d. in Tuscola, Ill., 5 Mar., 1875.
9382 Mary Kendall Wyeth,9 b. in Licking Co., O., 28 Dec., 1838; m. 21 Oct., 1857, John Stith Cofer, b. June, 1834; he d. 10 Feb., 1886; she res. in Areola, Ill.
9383 Delila J.,9 b. 7 June, 1841; d. 8 Aug., 1842.

3998.   SALLY,8 dau. of Samuel7 (1473), b. in New Salem, Mass., 16 Aug., 1802; m. 2 Jan., 1826, David Wyeth, b. 3 Oct., 1802, son of Gad Wyeth, b. in Cambridge, Mass., 27 July, 1768, and Mary Kendall, b. 3 Dec., 1770.
He d. 19 Feb., 1881; she d. ______.
He was a farmer; rem. from Wendell, Mass., to McKean, O., in 1838; thence to Liberty, O., in Apr., 1851.
9384 Parker Judson Wyeth,9 b. 29 Nov., 1826; m. 18 Sept., 1850, Amy Nash; is a farmer and a carpenter; res. in Broadway, O.
9385 Henry Marble Wyeth,9 b. 13 Dec., 1827; m. 7 Sept., 1854, Rachel Mar­gery Avery, b. in Woodland, N. Y., 1 Apr., 1833; is a dealer in pumps and a general broker; res. in Newark, O., and later in Salt Lake City, Utah.
9386 Samuel Stillman Wyeth,9 b. 12 Nov., 1829; m. 1 Dec., 1853, Elizabeth Wright; d. 1 Apr., 1891; was a farmer; res. in Liberty.
9387 Lucy Snow Wyeth,9 b. 13 Dec., 1830; m. 25 Jan., 1853, Benjamin F. Runnels; d. 30 Dec., 1878; he res. in Oak, Ia.
9388 Gad Kellogg Wyeth,9 b. 20 Mar., 1832; m. 9 May, 1859, Amanda C. Smith; she d. 22 July, 1861; he m. (2) 7 Aug., 1862, Loretta S. Wood; d. 17 Sept., 1871; she d. 18 Apr., 1890.
9389 Walter Newton Wyeth,9 b. 17 May, 1833; m. 9 May, 1859, Isabella Waite; she d. 4 May, 1863; he m. (2) 29 May, 1866, Climera Munson; she d. 10 Sept., 1871; he d. Oct., 1899; was a Baptist minister; an editor; res. in Indianapolis, Ind., and Philadel­phia, Pa.
9390 William Mason Wyeth,9 b. 22 Aug., 1834; d. 26 Oct., 1836.
9391 David Goddard Wyeth,9 b. 12 June, 1837; m. 3 Apr., 1862, Jennie Naomi Wright; was a farmer and mechanic; res. in Newark, O.

658    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9392 Eunice Kendall Wyeth,9 b. 9 Jan., 1839; m. 13 Mar., 1864, Charlea Byron Lewis, b. in Delaware, O., 18 Oct., 1839; he was a Meth­odist minister; res. in Oldtown, O.; d. 3 Feb., 1892, in Newark; had four children.
9393 William M. Wyeth,9 b. 19 June, 1840; d. 26 June, same year.
9394 Augustus Greenleaf Wyeth,9 b. 12 Oct., 1841; m. 30 May, 1876, Emma P. Straughn; was cashier of the Wool Growers' Bank, Newark, O.; she d. 25 Mar., 1900.

3999.   SUSAN,8 dau. of Samuel7 (1473), b. in New Salem, Mass., 18 June, 1804; m. (1) Josiah Beaman Marks; he d. ______; he was a blacksmith.
She m. (2) 2 July, 1840, William F. Kemington, b. in Philadelphia, 20 Sept., 1801; she d. in New Salem, 9 Apr., 1854; accidentally burned to death; he d. in Dayton, O., in the Soldiers' Home, 18 Sept., 1886.
He was a sailor; served in the civil war in the Thirty-seventh Iowa Volun­teers, Co. G.
Children by first husband.
9395 George H. Marks,9 b. ______; d. in Ware, Mass., 9 June, 1861.
9396 Susan Marks,9 b. ______; d. ______.
9397 Laura Jane Marks,9 b. ______; d. ______.
9398 Elizabeth Marks,9 b. ______; d. 26 Oct., 1870.
Children by second husband, b. in New Salem.
9399 William Francis Remington,9 b. 14 Aug., 1841; m. in Provincetown, Mass., 5 Dec., 1865, Oriana Myrick Small; d. in Chelsea, Mass., 9 Apr., 1885; she res. in Chelsea; had two children.
9400 Samuel Kellogg Remington,9 b. 21 Mar., 1843; m. in Cambridgeport, Mass., Mar., 1870, Ella Maria Warren, b. 30 July, 1854; res. in Woburn and Medford, Mass.
9401 James Kellogg Remington,9 b. Dec., 1843; m. in Chelsea, Lucy Thomp­son; went to California when a boy; res. in Benicia.
9402 Joseph Locke Remington,9 b. Oct., 1845; m. in Boston, Mass., 23 Aug., 1875, Addie Regina Celley, b. 13 Sept., 1847; res. in Chelsea.
9403 Jane Malvina Remington,9 b. 6 Jan., 1847; m. (1) in Athol, Mass., 9 July, 1865, Daniel Bruce, b. about 1837; he d. 1868; she m. (2) 18 Oct., 1874, Edward B. Thompson, b. 25 Feb., 1852; res. in Athol.
9404 Charles Nickerson Remington,9 b. ______; d. young in New Salem.

4000.   HENRY PARTRIDGE,8 son of Samuel7 (1473), b. in New Salem, Mass., June, 1806; m. in New Rochelle, N. Y., 12 Oct., 1841, Julia Wood Byrnes, dau. of Thomas Shipley Byrnes and Lydia Anne Loines.
He d. 27 Mar., 1875; she d. 10 May, 1876.
He went when quite young to New York as a clerk, and from there to China in the tea trade, and was there during the opium war between China and Eng­land. He remained there between eight and ten years, and returned to New York City. He was a man much respected by his townspeople; res. in New Rochelle, N. Y.
9405 Julia D.,9 b. ______; res., unm., in Mount Vernon, N. Y.
9406 Henrietta,9 b. ______; m. Rev. William S. Coffey.

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9407 Josephine,9 b. ______; m. John Campbell, of New Rochelle; d. in Staten Island, 1 Dec., 1891; had no children.
9408 Shipley Byrnes,9 b. ______; d. in New Rochelle, 26 Feb., 1862.
9409 Henry Partridge,9 b. ______; res., unm., in Mount Vernon.

4002.   ROXANNA,8 dau. of Samuel7 (1473), b. in New Salem, Mass., 5 Apr., 1811; m. 18 May, 1836, Samuel Washburn Orcutt, b. in Wendell, Mass., 6 Dec., 1811, son of Samuel Orcutt, of Wendell, b. 13 Aug., 1865, and Mary Gray, b. in Pelham, Mass., July, 1777.
He d. 30 Septal 1889; she d. 15 Jan., 1893.
He was a wood turner. Shortly after his marriage he left Massachusetts and went to Licking Co., O., where he lived for sixteen years. In Oct., 1854, he rem. to Humboldt, Ill., and res. there until his death.
Children, b. in Licking Co., O.
9410 Susan Kellogg Orcutt,9 b. 27 Mar., 1837; m. 10 Nov., 1864, William A. Combs, b. 3 July, 1837; res. in Coles Co., Ill.
9411 Samuel Henry Orcutt,9 b. 12 Nov., 1839; m. 23 Dec., 1869, Cordelia Jane Chapman, b. 9 June, 1850; was a farmer; res. in Humboldt.
9412 Mary Gray Orcutt,9 b. 1 June, 1841; m. 10 May, 1871, Isaac Welty Moler, b. 5 June, 1845; he was a farmer; res. in Charleston, Ill.
9413 Esther Ann Orcutt,9 b. 23 Apr., 1844; m. 6 May, 1877, John Jefferson Archer, b. 31 July, 1846.
9414 Nathaniel Dwight Orcutt,9 b. 17 May, 1848; m. 8 Sept., 1885, Emma Louisa Nott, b. 20 Dec., 1857; is a farmer; res. in Charleston.
9415 Sarah Ellen Orcutt,9 b. 27 Oct., 1853; m. 9 Mar., 1887, Nelson Moon, b. 5 Dec., 1857.

4003.   ESTHER PUTNAM,8 dau. of Samuel7 (1473), b. in New Salem, Mass., 26 July, 1813; m. in New Salem, 1 Oct., 1837, Abraham Knowlton Haskell, b. in New Salem, 25 Mar., 1814, son of Charles Haskell, b. about 1784, and De­maris Flagg.
He d. in Locks Village, Mass., 21 June, 1888; she d. in Shutesbury, Mass., 12 Dec., 1898.
He was a farmer; res. in Locks Village and Bernardston, Mass.
9416 Lucy Aurelia Hashell,9 b. in Montague, 21 Feb., 1838; m. 2 Jan., 1867, Josiah Pomeroy Day, b. 4 Aug., 1837; res. in Bernardston.
9417 Esther Elizabeth Haskell,9 b. in Conway, Mass., 27 Nov., 1850; m. in New Salem, 24 June, 1875, Warren Ames, b. in Locks Village, 25 Aug., 1847, son of Eli Ames, b. 1810, and Ann Allen, b. Nov., 1812; he is a lumber dealer; res. in Locks Village.
9418 Harriet Beecher Haskell,9 b. in Amherst, Mass., 27 Mar., 1854; m. 1 Jan., 1877, Hartley Hale, of Bernardston, b. in Bernardston, 27 May, 1845; he d. 17 Feb., 1897; she res. in Montague, Mass.
9419 Susan Demaris Haskell,9 b. ______; m. Timothy Martin Starkey; res. in Amherst.
9420 Ellen Roxie Haskell,9 b. ______; m. Oscar H. Shaw; he d. ______; she res. in Montague; had one child.

660    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4004.   FREDERICK,8 son of Samuel7 (1473), b. in New Salem, Mass., 21 Jan., 1816; m. 1 Oct., 1837, Elizabeth Putnam, of New Salem, b. 7 Dec., 1810, dau. of Amos Putnam and Lydia Pierce.
He res. in Orange, Mass.
Children, b. in New Salem.
9421 Frederick D.,9 b. 29 Nov., 1840; m. Cynthia R. Bragg.
9422 Edwin Nathaniel,9 b. 18 May, 1843; m. Eliza Abba Moore.
9423 Susan E.,9 b. 16 Jan., 1846; m. William A. Orcutt.

4034.   ELMIRA,8 dau. of Dr. Nathaniel7 (1477), b. in New Salem, Mass., 10 May, 1806; m. in Cayuga Bridge, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1828, Thomas James Whiting, of Clyde, N. Y., b. 10 Apr., 1801.
She d. 12 Oct., 1866; he d. 22 Feb., 1881.
He was a shoemaker; res. in Springfield, Mass., Cayuga Bridge and Clyde.
Children, b. in Clyde.
9424 Irene Jewitt Whiting,9 b. 12 May, 1830; m. Cornelius Miller, Jr.; res. in Rochester, N. Y.; d. 11 Nov., 1895; had four children.
9425 Enjuane Cady Whiting,9 b. 25 Oct., 1831; d. 8 Apr., 1871.
9426 Theodore Jerome Whiting,9 b. 22 May, 1833; served in Duryea's Zouaves during the civil war; d. 25 Feb., 1875.
9427 Herman Gray Whiting,9 b. 8 May, 1835; went South before the war and m. a Southern planter's dau.; served in Clinch's Rifles, Georgia, on the Confederate side in the civil war; had four children.

4035.   RALPH,8 son of Dr. Nathaniel7 (1477), b. in New Salem, Mass., 9 Nov., 1807; m. about 1830, Rebecca Blake Woodward, b. in Boston, 7 June, 1801, dau. of Nathaniel Woodward and Mary ______.
He d. in New Orleans, La., 2 Mar., 1854; she d. in Cambridgeport, Mass., 6 Feb., 1877, aged 76 years and 1 month.
He was a dry goods merchant in New York City.
9428 Nathaniel Woodward,9 b. May, 1832; d. unm., about 1858; was a sailor.
9429 Albert Henry,9 b. 26 July, 1834; d. unm., 11 May, 1860; was a clerk with Vanderpoole & Co., varnish dealers in New York City.
9430 Anne Elizabeth,9 b. ______; d. young.
9431 Louise Whiting,9 b. 10 Mar., 1845; m. 20 Apr., 1870, Edgar Lyman Ivingsley; he is in the railroad business; res. in Cambridgeport.

4038.   DELIA,8 dau. of Dr. Nathaniel7 (1477), b. in Cayuga, N. Y., 30 Sept., 1815; m. (1) in Cayuga, 8 Sept., 1833, David Lewis Ford, son of David Ford.
He d. 5 Nov., 1836; was drowned while crossing the river in Brazos, Tex.; was a miller; res. in Benchville, Canada West; she m. (2) in Mount Morris, N. Y., 14 Mar., 1865, Henry Wray, b. in Derby, England, 28 Dec., 1805, son of Christopher Wray, b. 24 July, 1774, and Elizabeth Bowman, b. 30 June, 1783; d. in Rochester, N. Y., 1878; he d. there, 22 Apr., 1884; he res. in Rochester, where he had a brass foundry.

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9432 Albert Lewis Ford,9 b. in Brookville, Canada, 9 Feb., 1835; m. 9 June, 1868, Laura Hamilton Bond; served in the war for the Union in the Eighth New York Cavalry; d. in Jackson, Mich., 23 June, 1889, where he res. and where his widow now res.
9433 Sarah Delia Ford,9 b. 24 Feb., 1836; d. 22 May, 1852.

4039.   EBENEZER,8 son of Dr. Nathaniel7 (1477), b. in Cayuga, N. Y., 20 Apr., 1818; m. in San Augustine, Tex., 4 Oct., 1839, Maria Burdett, b. in Shelby Co., Tenn., 27 Aug., 1831.
He was a merchant in San Augustine, where he d. 19 July, 1840; she m. (2) about 1842, Rev. L. A. Williams; res. in Upshur Co., Tex.
9434 Ebenezer Albert,9 b. in San Augustine, 8 Aug., 1840; m. Rose C. Payne.

4042.   HENRY,8 son of Dr. Nathaniel7 (1477), b. in Cayuga, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1826; m. in Mount Morris, N. Y., 25 Apr., 1854, Maria Lucretia Sleeper, b. 6 Mar., 1832, dau. of Reuben Sleeper, b. 22 Feb., 1798, and Lucretia Caroline Lyman, b. 1 July, 1806.
He lived in Clyde, Seneca Falls and Auburn, N. Y., New York City, Ham­ilton, Canada; Buffalo, Dunkirk, Mount Morris, Corning and Fredonia, N. Y., and Titusville, Pa., and after Mar., 1867, in Jackson, Mich., where he was a grocer.
9435 Akthur Lee,9 b. in Jersey City, N. J., 28 Nov., 1859; m. 5 Oct., 1883, Harriet Marcelline Armington, b. 17 Dec., 1859, dau. of George V. Armington, b. in Malta, N. Y., 4 Apr., 1818, and Emily D. Holmes, b. in Manchester, N. Y., 30 May, 1815; res. in Pueblo, Col.; had no children.
9436 Henry Ralph,9 b. in Danville, N. Y., 7 July, 1872; res. unm., in Lafayette, Ind., 1897; later in Detroit, Mich.; is a journalist.

4043.   SARAH MELISSA,8 dau. of Warren7 (1481), b. in Sangerfield, N. Y., 8 June, 1840; m. 30 Apr., 1862, Peter Walwrath, b. in Chittenango, N. Y., 12 Nov., 1833, son of Daniel Walwrath, of Chittenango, b. 26 Sept., 1794, and Jane Van Valkenburgh, b. 23 Jan., 1802, dau. of Richard Van Valkenburgh, b. 27 July, 1778, and Lucretia Wessel, b. 20 Oct., 1782.
She d. 23 Nov., 1869; he m. (2) 15 Feb., 1876, her sister, Ella Maria Kel­logg (4045).
They res. in Chittenango, where he is president of the First National Bank.
9437 Beatrice Kellogg Walwrath,9 b. in Chittenango, 5 Sept., 1866; m. 26 Oct., 1886, Alfred Edward Root; had one child.

4047.   GEORGE,8 son of Daniel Fisk7 (1482), b. in Sandy Hill, N. Y., 20 Oct., 1837; m. in Adrian, Mich., 11 June, 1867, Florence Wood, b. in Chittenango, N. Y., 6 Aug., 1845, dau. of Abel Wood, b. in Richfield, N. Y., 28 Sept., 1811, and Caroline Roach, b. in Canastota, 16 Apr., 1820.

662    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He is cashier of the Citizens' National Bank of Fulton, N. Y.; is prominent in the Democratic politics of Oswego Co.
9438 Clara Louise,9 b. in Fulton, 13 Nov., 1868; d. aged about 16.

4048.   CHARLES,8 son of Daniel Fisk7 (1482), b. in Minden, N. Y., 4 Dec., 1839; m. in Fulton, N. Y., 14 May, 1863, Ann Elizabeth Moody, b. in Fulton, 11 Jan., 1841, dau. of Henry C. Moody, a prominent anti-slavery orator, b. in Still­water, N. Y., 3 Feb., 1813, and Memory Case, of Dutch ancestry, b. in Frank­fort, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1816.
He is a lawyer; prominent in Republican politics. In 1874 and '75 he was State Senator from the Twenty-first district. He lives on the homestead of his father, in Chittenango, where he was Postmaster.
9439 Daniel Fisk,9 b. 19 Mar., 1865; m. Maud Isabelle Forbes.
9440 Betsey Case,9 b. 17 Aug., 1874; res., unm., in Chittenango.

4083.   SYLVESTER,8 son of Eli7 (1491), b. in Martinsburg, N. Y., 21 Jan., 1808; m. 19 Mar., 1840, Lydia Irene Gerry, b. 3 June, 1816, dau. of Walter Har­ris Gerry, of Copenhagen, N. Y., b. 1795, and Octavia Throop Kenyon, b. 1795.
He d. in Adams Center, N. Y., 30 May, 1888.
He was a hotel-keeper and farmer; res. in Tylerville (South Rutland), N. Y.
Children, b. in Tylerville.
9441 Charles Sylvester,9 b. 19 Mar., 1841; m. Addie Hecox.
9442 George Byron,9 b. 7 Dec., 1843; m. Ella Frances Woodsum.
9443 Ilona Annette,9 b. 6 Nov., 1847; m. Alfred Hubbard Bristol.
9444 Eli,9 b. 3 May, 1850; m. Mary Utter.
9445 Kate Irene,9 b. 7 Feb., 1853; m. Charles Henry Visscher.
9446 Virgil Kenyon,9 b. 17 Mar., 1854; m. (1) 25 Feb., 1885, Caroline P. Overton; she d. 4 Nov., 1886; he m. (2) 28 Aug., 1888, Minnie L. Nord; was graduated from the Michigan State University, in 1883; practiced law in Carthage and Watertown, N. Y.; was elected District Attorney for Jefferson Co., N. Y., 1892; re-elected 1895; an Episcopalian and a Republican; has no children.

4084.   SOPHIA,8 dau. of Eli7 (1491), b. in Martinsburg, N. Y., 6 Sept., 1809; m. 11 Oct., 1831, Silas Doud, b. 6 Jan., 1800, son of Giles Doud.
She d. 16 Feb., 1875; he d. 28 June, 1889.
He was a farmer and cooper; res. in Martinsburg, N. Y.; was a Republican. Child.
9447 Helen Amelia Doud,9 b. in South Rutland, N. Y., 28 June, 1847; m. 13 Mar., 1868, Allen Waldo; res. in Martinsburg.

4087.   ALONZO,8 son of Eli7 (1491), b. in Martinsburg, N. Y., 11 May, 1817; m. 30 Dec., 1841, Phebe Clark, of Denmark, N. Y., b. 26 Nov., 1818, dau. of John Clark, b. 7 June, 1794, and Phebe Keene, b. 28 Aug., 1793.
He d. in Adams, N. Y., 9 Apr., 1888.
He was a malster; res. in Adams.

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9448 John Alonzo Clark,9 b. 18 Feb., 1843; m. Julia Elizabeth Wardwell.

4088.   PAMELA,8 dau. of Eli7 (1491), b. 28 Mar., 1822; m. 10 Feb., 1844. S. M. Patrick, b. 28 Aug., 1821. They res. in Adams, N. Y.
9449 Hart Patrick,9 b. ______; d. ______.

4091.   JEANETTE ANNA,8 dau. of Eli7 (1491), b. in South Rutland, N. Y., 14 July, 1836; m. in Adams, N. Y., 1865, Gustavus A. Scoville, b. in West Turin. N. Y., 1830, son of Hezekiah Scoville.
They res. in Durango, Col. He is a banker; an Episcopalian and a Repub­lican; a graduate of Turin Academy. He served as War Commissioner.
9450 Grace Kellogg Rogers Scoville,9 b. in Copenhagen, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1869; m. in Durango, 1 Mar., 1892, Bennett Bishop; res. in Durango.

4098.   ALVA,8 son of Daniel7 (1495), b. ______; m. ______.

9451 Alonzo,9 b.; d. ______.
9452 Harvey,9 b. ______; d. ______.
9453 John,9 b. ______; res. in Athens, Pa.
9454 Angeline,9 b. ______; m. Goff; d. ______.
9455 Matilda,9 b. ______; m. Dumond; d. ______.
9456 Mary,9 b. 22 Dec., 1829; m. (1) Arad Wilson; (2) Eli Parsons Rock­well.
9457 Emma,9 b. ______; m. Montgomery; res. in Hornellsville, N. Y.

4099.   HARVEY,8 son of Daniel7 (1495), b. ______; m. ______.
9458 Daniel,9 b. ______; d. in the war of 1861-65.
9459 Hiram,9 b. ______; d. in the war of 1861-65.
9460 Gut,9 b. ______; res. in Le Roy, Pa.
9461 Alva,9 b. ______; d. in the war of 1861-65.
9462 Scott,9 b. ______; d. ______.
9463 Marian,9 b. ______; m. Kelly; res. in Le Roy.
9464 Myrtie,9 b. ______; m. Rockwell.

4100.   HULDAH,8 dau. of Daniel7 (1495), b. ______; m. 24 Aug., 1812, Noah Spalding, b. in Sheshequin, Pa., 28 June, 1788, son of John and Welthy Ann (Gore) Spalding.
He d. in Towanda, Pa., 6 Feb., 1836.
9465 Henry Darwin Spalding,9 b. 8 Oct., 1813; m. Clymena Root; d. 7 July, 1891.
9466 Simon Spalding,9 b. 26 Apr., 1815; d. 10 Aug., 1840.
9467 Mary Lebanon Spalding,9 b. 30 May, 1817; m. 1 July, 1840, Gilbert Sea­man.

664    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9468 Amanda Spalding,9 b. 3 Apr., 1819; m. Zerviah Cross; he d. 17 May, 1851; she m. (2) 9 Aug., 1853, Maj. John Horton; he d. 21 Feb., 1867.
9469 George Addison Spalding,9 b. 50 Feb., 1821; m. Irene Whitney.
9470 Elizabeth Lemira Spalding,9 b. 17 Apr., 1823; m. 22 June, 1847, John Moore.
9471 Richard Rush Spalding,9 b. 3 Nov., 1825; m. (1) Aroline Melissa De Land, b. in Batavia, N. Y., 14 Oct., 1825; she d. in Whiteford, Mich., 24 Aug., 1863; he m. (2) 27 Dec., 1863, Hattie Adaline Pomeroy, b. 18 July, 1841.
9472 Warren Brown Spalding,9 b. 27 Jan., 1829; d. 6 Aug., 1848.
9473 Emily Matilda Spalding,9 b. 26 Feb., 1831; d. 21 June, 1836.
9474 Noah Martin Spalding,9 b. 23 Apr., 1833; m. Mary A. Carey.

4101.   ELIZA,8 dau. of Daniel7 (1495), b. ______; m. _______ Eaton.
9475 Frank Eaton,9 b. ______; d. in the war of 1861-65.
9476 Mary Eaton,9 b. ______; m. Newman; res. in Plainsville, N. J.

4102.   GEN. JOHN AZOR,8 son of Deacon John7 (1500), b. in Amherst, Mass., 31 May, 1786; m. (1) 27 Sept., 1812, Harriet Nash, of Benson, Vt., b. 19 Nov., IJ 1794, dau. of Ruben Nash, b. in Norwalk, 12 Mar., 1768, and Abigail Woodward, b. 1765.
She d. 25 Mar., 1825; he m. (2) 31 May, 1826, Julia Ann Howard, b. 16 June, 1804, dau. of Samuel Howard, b. 20 Oct., 1760, and Janette Currie, b. 11 Mar., 1761; she d. 13 Dec., 1845; he m. (3) in Amherst, 6 May, 1847, Amie Stoughton Dickinson, of Amherst, b. 16 Apr., 1796, dau. of John Dickinson, of Amherst, b. 27 Oct., 1757, and Lydia Eastman, b. 3 Jan., 1758, and widow of Jonathan Dickinson; d. in Benson, 22 Dec., 1852; she d. 11 Aug., 1860.
In Apr., 1805, he went to Vermonr and on the suggestion and advice of Capt. Silas Wright, of Weybridge, he determined to study law, and, accordingly, on 23 Apr., 1805, he commenced to study in the office and under the instruction of Loyal Case. He commenced the practice of law in Benson, 24 May, 1810, which he fol­lowed thirty years with success.
At his death he had been a resident of Benson forty-two years, and during the entire period was one of its most prominent and honored citizens. He was Town Clerk twelve years; Town Representative, 1822, '24, '25, '27 and '31; in 1838 a candidate for United States Senator.
Children by first wife, b. in Benson.
9477 John Curran,9 b. 7 Aug., 1813; d. 6 Apr., 1814.
9478 John Curran,9 b. 28 Aug., 1814; d. 22 Apr., 1815.
9479 Loyal Case,9 b. in Benson, 13 Feb., 1816; d. unm., 26 Nov., 1871; was graduated from Amherst College in 1836; was admitted to Rutland Co. bar in 1839; commenced practice in Benson; was Town Clerk from 1844 to '56; Representative 1847, '50, '51, '59 and '71; in 1859 was elected Judge of the Supreme Court and was annually re­elected until 1867, but declined to accept the last election on ac­count of his health; in 1869 he received the degree of LL. D. from Amherst College; was an Episcopalian and a Republican.

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9480 Betsey,9 b. 12 Jan., 1818; m. 10 Oct., 1841, William Brownson; d. 10 July, 1842; had no children.
9481 Harriet,9 b. 14 Dec., 1819; d. 6 Oct., 1824.
9482 John,9 b. 2 Nov., 1821; m. 3 Jan., 1847, Emeline Jane Gibbs, b. 22 Oct 1822, dau. of Solomon Gibbs, b. 13 Dec., 1792, and Tabitha Porter, b. 13 Dec., 1795; was a farmer in Benson; d. 14 Jan., 1854; she m. (2) 3 Jan., 1861, Mosely F. King, of Benson; had no children.
9483 Charles Mattoon,9 b. 24 Feb., 1824; d. 23 June, same year.
Children by second wife, b. in Benson.
9484 Julia Harriet,9 b. 28 Dec., 1827; d. 25 Apr., 1846.
9485 A Daughter,9 b. and d. 23 Sept., 1829.
9486 Joanna,9 b. 10 Feb., 1831; d. 21 Aug., 1832.
9487 Leicester Howard,9 b. 23 July, 1833; m. Ellen Rebecca Cowee.
9488 Harlan P.,9 b. 30 Mar., 1836; m. 10 Oct., 1860, Sarah Henrietta Aiken, b. 17 May, 1836, dau. of Daniel Aiken, of Aurora, Ill., b. 18 July, 1806, and Ruth Morse, b. 31 Mar., 1811; rem. to Chicago, in 1855, and engaged in the hardware business; in the great fire in 1871 he lost every dollar he had accumulated, and was heavily in debt; money was freely offered to him to pay his indebtedness and help him start again, but he refused, and by his indomitable will and persevering industry he not only paid his debts, principal and interest, but was able to retire in 1885 with an abundant com­petency; res. in Downer's Grove, Ill.; d. G Jan., 1900, while on a visit, in Benson; had no children.
9489 Martha Joanna,9 b. 28 Dec., 1838; d. unm., in Benson, 22 Sept 1899
9490 Wilbur Fisk,9 b. 20 June, 1841; m. Mary Adelaide Dickinson.
9491 Elizabeth Conkey,9 b. 15 Jan., 1844; d. 1 Mar., same year.
9492 Julia Elizabeth,9 b. 26 Nov., 1845; d. 18 June, 1846.

4106.   PRUDENCE ALTORD,8 dau. of Deacon John7 (1500), b. in Amherst Mass., 7 Feb., 1791; m. in Amherst, 27 Oct., 1814, Samuel James, b. 14 Aug., 1791. son of Daniel James, b. in Bristol, R. I., 29 Sept., 1746, and Mary Emmes, b. in Boston, Mass., 13 Oct., 1753.
He d. 5 Dec., 1869; she d. 26 Mar., 1873.
He was a soldier in the war of 1812. He was deacon in the Congregational Church; was a farmer in Weybridge, and was well known for his fine sheep and horses.
9493 Mary Emmes James,9 b. 18 July, 1815; m. 20 Jan., 1835, Enoch Mead, b. in Greenwich, Conn., 2 Sept., 1809, son of Col. Ebenezer Mead (and grandson of Col. Ebenezer Mead, of the revolution), and Elizabeth Holmes; he d. in the winter of 1892-93; she res. in Davenport, Ia.; had two children.
9494 John Kellogg James,9 b. 14 Apr., 1817; m. in Rockingham, Ia., 30 Nov., 1843, Harriet E. Picker, dau. of Rufus Picker, b. 3 Apr., 1791. and Lydia Chipman, b. 17 Oct., 1794; d. 18 Jan., 1899; res. in Grin­nell, Ia.; had eight children.
9495 Daniel James,9 b. 2 Feb., 1819; d. 4 Jan., 1838.
9496 Roxey Mattoon James,9 b. 18 Dec., 1820; res. in Weybridge; was unm.

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9497 Samuel James,9 b. 13 Aug., 1822; m. (1) 24 Feb., 1846, Salome Rhoda Kurd, b. 16 Oct., 1825, dau. of Curtis Hurd, b. 28 June, 1796, and Polly P. Williamson, b. 11 Oct., 1798; she d. 29 June, 1848; he m. (2) in Bridport, Vt., 16 June, 1852, Susan Caroline Payne, b. 7 Sept., 1829, dau. of Horace Payne, b. 6 Aug., 1806, and Sarah Blood, b. 11 June, 1809; res. in Weybridge; she res. in Middle­bury, Vt.; had ten children.
9498 Edwin James,9 b. 27 Oct., 1824; d. in Brattleboro, Vt., 28 Aug., 1860.
9499 Martha James,9 b. 15 Sept., 1827; d. 17 June, 1829.
9500 Henry James,9 b. 21 Feb., 1830; was graduated from Middlebury Col­lege in the class of 1853; was a lawyer; d. unm., in Bahia, Brazil, 17 Feb., 1860.

4107.   ELIZABETH CLAPP,8 dau. of Deacon John7 (1500), b. in Amherst, Mass., 27 Apr., 1795; m. in Amherst, 26 Jan., 1820, Ithamar Conkey, b. in Pel­ham, Mass., 7 May, 1788, seventh son of John Conkey, b. 10 Nov., 1746, and Mar­garet Abercrombie, b. 18 June, 1747.
He d. 30 Oct., 1862; she d. 18 May, 1883; both d. in Amherst.
He was admitted to the bar in Hampshire Co. in 1814; practiced in Pelhara until 1817, when he rem. to Amherst. He was County Commissioner in 1830; Probate Judge in 1834, which office he held until 1858, when the courts of Pro­bate and Insolvency were united.
Children, b. in Amherst.
9501 Dorothy Smith Mattoon Gridley Conkey,9 b. 16 Nov., 1820; d. 16 Jan., 1840.
9502 Ithamar Francis Conkey,9 b. 30 Mar., 1823; m. 15 June, 1847, Luthera Cutler, b. in Hardwick, Mass., 15 Jan., 1826, dau. of Samuel Fisk Cutler, b. in Hardwick, 16 Apr., 1792, and Irene Cowles, b. 5 May, 1805, dau. of Rufus Cowles, of Amherst; was a lawyer in Amherst. Representative in the Legislature; District Attorney; member of Gov. Gardner's staff; Register in Bankruptcy, and a leading man in town affairs; d. 8 Aug., 1875; she d. 11 Mar., 1885; had five children.
9503 Edward Conkey,9 b. 14 Jan., 1835; d. 24 Jan., 1838.

4108.   ROXY MATTOON,8 dau. of Deacon John7 (1500), b. in Amherst, Mass., 24 Dec., 1797; m. 30 Dec., 1818, Capt. William Field, b. in Leverett, Mass., 4 Sept., 1796, son of William Field, b. 27 Aug., 1745, and Editha Frary, b. 27 Apr., 1756.
He d. in Amherst, Mass., 3 July, 1843; she d. in Leverett, 10 Sept., 1867.
He was Capt. of cavalry in Leverett until his rem. to Benson.
In 1825 he rem. to Benson, Vt., where he was for some years successfully engaged in farming and wool growing; was prominent in town affairs; in 1837 and '38 represented his town in the Legislature. In the spring of 1840 he re­turned to his native town.
9504 Harriet Field,9 b. 1 May, 1821; d. in Benson, 13 May, 1839; is buried in Leverett.

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9505 William Dwight Field,9 b. 22 July, 1823; m. in Ware, Mass., 2 May, 1849, Carra French, of Ware, dau. of Cyrus V. French; was for many years a hotel-keeper, having been connected with the Massa­soit House, Springfield, Mass.; in 1847 Willard's Hotel, Washing­ton, D. C, and the United States Hotel, Saratoga Springs; 1862 to '73, Delavan House, Albany, N. Y.; in 1874, New United States Hotel, Saratoga Springs; they res. in Boston, Mass.; had four children.
9506 Charles Henry Field,9 b. 20 Jan., 1827; m. 2 May, 1848, Nancy S. Hobart, b. 29 June, 1826, dau. of Deacon Richard Hobart; was a farmer; res. in Leverett; had four children.
9507 Elvira Field,9 b. 27 Oct., 1829; d. in Benson, 3 Apr., 1839; is buried in Leverett.
9508 Stillman Kellogg Field,9 b. 6 Dec., 1834; m. G Jan., 1864, Mary Eliza Moore, dau. of Dexter Moore, of Leverett; is a farmer in Leverett.
9509 Edward Payson Field,9 b. 9 July, 1837; m. 17 Jan., 1866, Martha L. Wood, b. 9 Sept., 1841, dau. of Seth Wood, of Leverett; is a mer­chant and railroad agent in Leverett; had one child.

4109.   ELEAZER,8 son of Deacon John7 (1500), b. in Amherst, Mass., 16 Mar., 1800; m. 30 Dec., 1824, Sally McCloud Roberts, b. in Northampton, Mass., 8 Dec., 1802, dau. of Reuben Roberts, b. in East Hartford, Conn., 27 Dec., 1774, and Esther Risley, b. in East Hartford, 22 Oct., 1774.
She d. 27 Dec., 1871; he d. 7 June, 1885, aged 85 years, 2 months and 21 days.
He was a member of the Legislature in 1836; was eleven years selectman of Amherst; three years overseer of the poor, and many years trustee of the Min­isterial Fund of the North Congregational Church.
Children, b. in Amherst.
9510 Julia Ann,9 b. 9 June, 1828; m. Albert Wellington Ball.
9511 Albert,9 b. 11 June, 1830; d. in Amherst, 25 Oct., 1856; was a teacher.
9512 Roxey Mattoon,9 b. 31 Aug., 1834; d. 6 Oct., 1849.
9513 Esther Roberts,9 b. 5 May, 1837; d. 10 Sept., 1849.
9514 Elizabeth Conkey,9 b. 7 Mar., 1841; d. 11 Oct., 1849.
9515 Charles Henry,9 b. 7 May, 1842; m. (1) Mary Wheeler Adams; (2) Ellen S. Richards.
9516 Sally McCloud,9 b. 13 June, 1843; d. 24 Feb., 1844.
9517 John Edward,9 b. 2 July, 1845; res. in Fitchburg, Mass.; was graduated from Amherst College in the class of 1869; editor and proprietor of the Fitchburg Sentinel; res. unm., in Fitchburg.

4110.   STILLMAN,8 son of Deacon John7 (1500), b. in Amherst, Mass., 31 May, 1802; m. in Benson, Vt., 8 July, 1824, Harriette Walker, b. in Sudbury, Vt., 26 Feb., 1808, dau. of Rufus Walker, of Petersham, Mass., Sudbury and Ben­son, Vt., b. 18 Mar., 1770, and Susannah Raymond, b. 26 Nov., 1774.
He d. in Rutland, Vt., 14 Apr., 1832; she d. 22 Nov., 1883.
9518 Raymond Mattoon,9 b. in Benson, 15 July, 1825; m. Maria Phebe Parks.
9519 Ithamar Conkey,9 b. in Benson, 22 July, 1827; m. Martha Ann Stockwell.

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9520 Chauncey Rockwell,9 b. 5 Aug., 1830; d. 3 Feb., 1831.
9521 Harriet Stillman,9 b. in Rutland, 22 Dec., 1831; m. (1) George Glynn Foster; (2) Stephen Decatur Smith.

4120.   ABIGAIL,8 dau. of Ephraim7 (1502), b. in Amherst, Mass., 23 July, 1792; m. 6 Feb., 1812, Daniel Dewey Cooke, b. 18 Jan., 1792, son of Gen. Joseph Cooke, b. in Goshen, Conn., 13 July, 1750, and Ruth Dewey, b. in Sheffield, Mass 28 Feb., 1760.
He was a farmer; res. in Le Roy, Ogden and Spencerport, N. Y.
9522 Caroline Maria Coole,9 b. in Cornwall, Vt., 21 Mar., 1813; m. 15 Feb., 1844, James Lyon, b. 23 Feb., 1810; he was a farmer in Spencerport; had one child.

4122.   SMITH,8 son of Ephraim7 (1503), b. in Amherst, Mass., 8 Aug., 1796; m. 13 Oct., 1829, Susan Manwaring, b. in New London, Conn., 23 Mar., 1809, dau. of Jabez Manwaring, b. 21 Oct., 1775, and Susan Wait, b. 29 Apr., 1775, dau. of Richard Wait. She d. 25 Sept., 1871.
He was a carpenter and joiner; res. in Middlebury, Vt., and Le Roy, N. Y.
9523 Henry Smith,9 b. 7 Nov., 1831; d. 21 June, 1835.
9524 Charles Henry,9 b. 18 Aug., 1836; d. 6 Apr., 1853.
9525 Mary Susan,9 b. 30 May, 1839; m. John B. Candy.
9526 Richard Manwaring,9 b. 28 Dec., 1842; m. Frances Alice Parks.

4123.   MILO,8 son of Ephraim7 (1502), b. in Amherst, Mass., 9 Sept., 1799; m. (1) 8 Jan., 1824, Emily Bell, of Weybridge, Vt.
She d. 28 Jan., 1846; he m. (2) 8 Dec., 1846, Mrs. Mary (Mushatt) Castle, of Ogden, N. Y., dau. of Peter and Cynthia Mushatt; d. 5 Oct., 1885, aged 86; she d. in Greece, N. Y., 7 Mar., 1895, aged 74; he was a farmer.
9527 Elizabeth,9 b. 18 Oct., 1824; m. Eli Webster.
9528 James Augustus,9 b. 16 Feb., 1829; m. in Parma, N. Y., 27 Jan., 1864, Mary Anna Clark, b. in Parma, 8 Aug., 1838, dau. of William Hutchinson Clark, b. 6 Aug., 1806, and Orpha Amelia Pearl, b. 6 Sept., 1810; d. in Green, N. Y., 31 May, 1894; was a farmer and Presbyterian; she res. in Barnard, N. Y.; had twins, b. and d. same day.
9529 Orrin Bell,9 b. 7 Dec., 1838; d. unm., in the army, 3 Dec., 1863.
9530 Laura S.,9 b. 6 Oct., 1841; m. Ira Day Harroun.

4125.   HORACE,8 son of Ephraim7 (1502), b. in Weybridge, Vt., 3 Apr., 1804; m. 1826, Electa Haskins Farnsworth, b. 9 July, 1808, dau. of Silas Farnsworth, of Middlebury, Vt., and Amelia Haskins.
He d. Oct., 1854; she d. 3 May, 1864.
They res. in Le Roy and Middlebury, N. Y.
9531 Silas Farnsworth,9 b. ______; m. India Maria Marsh.
9532 Rollin Augusta,9 b. 8 Dec., 1831; d. unm., 27 Nov., 1858.
9533 Harriet Amelia,9 b. 10 July, 1840; m. 18 Jan., 1859, James H. Van Slyke; res. in Morrice, Mich.

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4130.   FREEMAN TRACY,8 son of Elijah7 (1507), bap. in Amherst, Mass., 20 Feb., 1803; m. (1) Melinda Myers, b. 4 Jan., 1807.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Dolly O'Harro, b. 8 Oct., 1803; she d. ______; he m. (3) 23 Dec., 1844, Jane B. Davis; she d. ______; he m. (4) 17 Dec., 1848, Mrs. Mary (Layton) Baker, b. in Water Valley, N. Y., May, 1812, widow of Leander Baker, and dau. of John Layton.
Children by first wife.
9534 Lucy Maria,9 b. 19 Aug., 1828; d. 25 Dec., same year.
9535 Sarah Electa,9 b. 13 Apr., 1831; d. 23 Dec., 1833.
9536 Moses Emery,9 b. 8 July, 1836; m. (1) Elizabeth Frances Dillon; (2) Anna F. Kottmeier.
9537 Elijah Bean,9 b. 23 June, 1837.
Children by second wife.
9538 Harriet,9 b. 12 Mar., 1840; d. 21 Sept., 1846.
9539 Minna,9 b. 2 May, 1842; m. Charles Parish, d. about 1890; res. in Can­andaigua, N. Y.
Children by fourth wife.
9540 Charles Hawks,9 b. 9 Oct., 1849; d. 14 May, 1851.
9541 Hester Ann Rogers,9 b. 12 Sept., 1854; m. William Daniels.

4132.   REV. ISRAEL HERRICK,8 son of Elijah7 (1507), b. in Rutland, Vt., 2 Aug., 1812; m. in Buffalo, N. Y., 6 Sept., 1836, Julia Malvina Allen, b. 9 Apr., 1816, dau. of Stephen Allen.
She d. 27 Feb., 1890, in Macedon Center, N. Y.
He was a Methodist minister for more than fifty years, and held prominent charges until his retirement, in 1899; is a Republican; res. in Macedon Center.
9542 Josephine,9 b. in Lancaster, N. Y., 1 Aug., 1838; d. 3 Oct., 1844, in Perry, N. Y.
9543 Julia Frances,9 b. in Perry, 3 July, 1845; m. John Henry Mandeville.

4134.   JULIUS C.,8 son of Elijah7 (1507), b. in New Haven, Vt., 12 July, 1816; m. in Buffalo, N. Y., 18 Jan., 1837, Hannah M. Widdifield, b. in Whit Church, Canada West, 18 Oct., 1819.
She d. in Le Roy, N. Y., about 1894.
9544 Emmeline Julia M.,9 b. in Buffalo, 16 Apr., 1838; d. about a week be­fore her mother.
9545 Julius Franklin,9 b. in Buffalo, 1 July, 1850; m. Libbie King.
9546 Caroline E.,9 b. in Le Roy, 28 June, 1852; d. there, 13 Nov., 1854.

4138.   ELISHA,8 son of Elisha7 (1508), b. in Weybridge, Vt., 28 Feb., 1808; m. July, 1849, Mrs. Cornelia R. (Wead) Kellogg, b. 26 Dec., 1819, widow of his brother, William Lawrence, and dau. of Ezbon Wead, of Bangor, N. Y.
He d. ______; she res. in Grand Rapids, Mich.
He was a nurseryman; res. in Grand Rapids.
9547 William Lawrence,9 b. 24 July, 1850; m. 23 Oct., 1871, Florence Pratt, dau. of Rockwell Pratt, of Alamo, Mich.

670    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9548 Adalaide Wead,9 b. 10 July, 1852; m. Emil August Dapper, son of Martin G. Dapper, of New York.
9549 De Forest Clark,9 b. 28 May, 1854.
9550 Harriet Emmoks,9 b. 2 June, 1856.
9551 Albert Hastings,9 b. 18 Oct., 1858; d. ______.
9552 Frederick Wead,9 b. 9 Oct., 1861.
9553 George Albert,9 b. 10 Apr., 1864.

4141.   MARIA,8 dau. of Joel7 (1509), b. in Amherst, Mass., 15 Feb., 1805; m. 13 Jan., 1829, James Jones, b. 15 Sept., 1805, son of James Jones, b. in Tisbury, Mass., 14 June, 1775, and Esther Hunt, b. in Williamsburg, Mass., 6 Apr., 1774, dau. of Abijah Hunt.
She d. 11 June, 1873; he m. (2) ______; she d. ______; he m. (3) ______.
He learned the trade of clothier in Leverett, Mass. In 1830 he established a woolen mill in Shelburne, Mass., which was burned 14 Feb., 1850. In 1853 he purchased a farm in Huntington, Mass., where he was deacon in the Congrega­tional Church and held several town offices. In 1862 he rem. to North Amherst and, in 1874, res. in East Hampton, Mass.; in 1897 res. in Chesterfield, Mass.
9554 Alfred Dexter Jones,9 b. in Amherst, 24 Nov., 1829; m. 7 Mar., 1860, Julina Lyman; is a farmer; res. in Adams, O.
9555 Maria Elizabeth Jones,9 b. in Shelburne, 20 June, 1832; m. 20 June, 1851, John Byron Peck; he d. in Adams, O., 7 Nov., 1865; she m. (2) 1 Jan., 1867, Asher P. Freeman, of Huntington; d. 9 Jan., 1877.
9556 Sarah. Cordelia Jones,9 b. in Shelburne, 3 Feb., 1839; m. 9 Mar., 1863, George Clark, of Lee, Mass.; he was a farmer in Southampton, Mass.
9557 Ellen Francelia Jones,9 b. in Shelburne, 17 Mar., 1841; m. 29 Jan., 1862, James Knight Porter, of Huntington.

4143.   ALMIRA,8 dau. of Joel7 (1509), b. in Amherst, Mass., 29 Aug., 1810; m. 29 Sept., 1829, Nathan Olney, b. in Scituate, R. I., 27 June, 1804, son of Nathan Olney and Sarah Taylor.
She d. in Amherst, 6 June, 1885; he was run over by the cars and killed, 17 Sept., 1887.
He was a skilled machinist; after his marriage he lived several years in Am­herst. In 1839 he rem. to Holyoke, Mass., next to Northampton (Florence), and returned in 1847, to Amherst, where he res. at the time of his death.
9558 William Henry Olney,9 b. 29 Aug., 1831; m. 10 Oct., 1863, Clara Ingra­ham, b. 26 Nov., 1832, dau. of Titus Ingraham and Abbie Street; was a manufacturer of lamp black, in Lowell, Mass.; res. in Chel­sea, Mass., where he was a butcher; d. 19 Mar., 1901; had three children.
9559 Sarah Elizabeth Olney,9 b. 3 May, 1834; m. 13 Apr., 1865, Harvey Clark Piper, b. 4 Oct., 1825, son of Thomas Piper and Betsey Austin; he is a dealer in dry goods and groceries in Amherst; res. in North Hadley, Mass.; has three daus.
9560 Charles Adams Olney,9 b. 26 Mar., 1837; d. 2 Feb., 1844.

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9561 Villeroy Olney,9 b. 9 July, 1839; d. 11 July, 1841.
9562 Almira Olney,9 b. 5 Nov., 1842; d. 28 May, 1844.
9563 Mary Louisa Olney,9 b. 11 July, 1846; m. 1 Jan., 1867, George Nelson Howard, b. 3 Feb., 1845, son of Edward Howard, b. 3 Oct., 1807, and Huldah Pierce, b. 30 Apr., 1809; he was a farmer in North Amherst; had three children.

4144.   DEXTER,8 son of Joel7 (1509), b. in Amherst, Mass., 10 Jan., 1813; m. 7 Mar., 1839, Mary Towne, b. 29 Nov., 1813, dau. of Ichabod Towne and Lydia Whipple, of Dana, afterward of Amherst.
He d. 27 Jan., 1862; was drowned in Miller's River, near Orange; she d. in Amherst, 23 Sept., 1886.
9564 Benjamin Franklin,9 b. 18 Aug., 1840; m. Hattie Grossman; had no children.
9565 Elizabeth Marsh,9 b. 25 Sept., 1842; d. 20 Apr., 1844.
9566 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. in Montague, Mass., 14 Mar., 1844; m. Dwight Graves.
9567 Lucy Ellen,9 b. in Montague, 1 Aug., 1846; d. in Amherst, 8 Aug., 1852.
9568 Child,9 b. 28 Mar., 1852; d. in Amherst, 1 May, 1852.
9569 William Henry,9 b. 2 Nov., 1855; d. 12 July, 1857.

4145.   ESTHER HASTINGS,8 dau. of Joel7 (1509), b. 22 Sept., 1815, in Am­herst, Mass.; m. 13 Mar., 1834, Lucien Moro Ufford, b. 9 Aug., 1816, in Hamp­den, Mass., son of Daniel Ufford, b. in Chatham, Conn., 5 Apr., 1786, and Lucy Morris, b. in Hampden, 23 Feb., 1792.
He d. 3 Apr., 1878; after his death she res. in North Amherst. He was a broom manufacturer.
9570 Amasa Ainsworth Ufford,9 b. 30 Sept., 1834; m. 13 Oct., 1857, Mary Jane Kandall, b. 3 Mar., 1832, dau. of Benjamin Randall, b. 19 Oct., 1790, and Lucy Davison, b. 4 Apr., 1790; d. 25 June, 1870; was a broommaker; res. in Pelham, Mass.
9571 Mary Josephine Ufford,9 b. 15 July, 1836; d. 23 Sept., 1850.
9572 Isaac Morris Ufford,9 b. 30 Oct., 1839; res. on a sugar plantation in Louisiana.
9573 Lucy Morris Ufford,9 b. 26 Jan., 1846; m. 13 May, 1868, James Bailey Roberts, b. 8 Oct., 1843, son of Reuben Roberts, b. in North Am­herst, Mass., 26 July, 1805, and Hannah Goddard, b. in Athol, Mass., 30 June, 1812; he was a mechanic in the United States armory in Springfield, Mass.
9574 Andrew Jackson Afford,9 b. 20 Oct., 1848; a butcher.
9575 Henry Lucien Ufford,9 b. 17 Dec., 1855; a straw hat manufacturer; res. in North Amherst.

4146.   JOANNA,8 dau. of Joel7 (1509), b. in Amherst, Mass., 22 Aug., 1818; m. John Pierce, of Amherst, b. 4 Nov., 1812, son of Thomas Pierce, b. 9 May, 1784, and Jemima Paul.

672    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9576 James Pierce,9 b. ______; res. in Amherst.

4148.   ASHLEY R.,8 son of Waitstill7 (1510), b. ______; m. in Niks, Mich., 1 May, 1844, as her second husband, Mrs. Maria (Pelton) , b. 26 Nov., 1812, dau. of Phineas G. Pelton and Martha Ferris.
He d. in Valparaiso, Ind., 9 Jan., 1859; res. in Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana, and after his death she res. in Kalamazoo, Mich.
9577 Maria Louisa,9 b. ______.

4149.   OLIVE COLWELL,8 dau. of Waitstill7 (1510), b. in New Haven, Vt., 1 14 Dec., 1813; m. 1 June, 1835, Edward Erastus Hall, of New Haven, b. 10 Jan., 1812, son of Dr. Adin Hall.
She d. in Burke, N. Y., 4 Jan., 1857.
He was a farmer; res. in New Haven, Vt., Constable, N. Y., and Chester, Mass. He was a Methodist and a Democrat.
Children, all except the eldest, b. in Constable.
9578 Adelaide Hall,9 b. in New Haven, July, 1836; res., unm., in Chester.
9579 Eleanor Hall,9 b. 1838.
9580 Lucy Mall,9 b. July, 1840; res. in Texas.
9581 Evelyn Hall,9 b. Oct., 1842; m. William Day; he was a hotel-keeper in Chester; had two children.
9582 Adin Miflin Hall,9 b. 4 Dec., 1844.
9583 Darwin Hall,9 b. 4 Dec., 1846; is a merchant; res. in Villisca, Ia.
9584 Edward G. Hall,9 b. 24 Dec., 1848; d. same day.
9585 Frederick Hall,9 b. 1853.
9586 Willis L. Hall,9 b. 8 May, 1855; d. in Rochester, Minn., 5 Dec., 1879.

4150.   EDWIN COLWELL,8 son of Waitstill7 (1510), b. in New Haven, Vt., 20 Jan., 1817; m. in Shutesbury, Mass., 27 June, 1849, Maria A. Stetson, b. 15 Oct., 1827, dau. of Gideon Stetson,* b. 22 May, 1790, son of Gideon Stetson, Sr., of Amherst, Mass., and Clarissa Henry, of Shutesbury, b. 20 Dec., 1794.
He d. in Colorado, Tex., 19 July, 1890; was buried in Shutesbury. He res. in Shutesbury; in 1855 he rem. to Oshkosh, Wis., where he was en­gaged in the lumbering business for twenty-five years; she now res. in Kansas City, Mo.
9587 George Edwin,9 b. in Shutesbury, 6 Mar., 1850; m. Louisa Babbatz.
9588 Clara Mahia,9 b. in Shutesbury, 14 Feb., 1852; res., unm., in Oslikosh.
9589 Olive Colwell,9 b. in Shutesbury, 23 Jan., 1855; m. Arthur Welling­ton Hudson.
9590 Nannie Maria,9 b. in Oshkosh, 5 Dec., 1866; m. Arthur Hugh Richards.

*Gideon Stetson was a descendant of Cornet Robert Stetson, Cornet of the first horse company raised in Plymouth Colony, Mass., in 1658. Robert settled, 1634, in Scituate, and was granted a considerable portion of land, which became the homestead and re­mained in possession of the family for two hundred years. Gideon Stetson, Sr., was a revolutionary soldier, son of John Stetson and Nancy Thayer. Clarissa Henry's mother was Mehitable Peck, dau. of Maj. Nathaniel Peck, of Amherst. Maj. Nathaniel was a revolutionary soldier, holding a Major's commission. See note p. 309.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    673

4160.   FANNY,8 dau. of Martin7 (1516), b. in Hadley, Mass., 24 Sept., 1801; m. 30 Jan., 1828, Theodore Pasco, b. in East Windsor, Conn., 13 Dec., 1800.
He d. 12 Oct., 1873; she d. in Hadley, 25 Mar., 1885. He was a farmer; res. in Hadley.
Children, b. in Hadley.
9591 Eliza Collins Pasco,9 b. 1 Oct., 1828; d. unm., 30 Aug., 1893.
9592 Cornelia Asenath Pasco,9 b. 22 Oct., 1831; m. 19 Dec., 1851, Horace Cooke; had one son and a dau.
9593 Maria Lucretia Pasco,9 b. 23 July, 1835; res., unm., in Hadley.
9594 Martin Kellogg Pasco,9 b. 15 Dec., 1841; m. 21 May, 1872, Nellie P. Guthrie; had five children.
9595 Albert Hastings Pasco,9 b. 5 Jan., 1847; d. Aug., 1848.

4161.   LUCY,8 dau. of Martin7 (1516), b. in Hadley, Mass., 15 Feb., 1803; m. 25 Aug., 1821, Bradford Bentley, b. 15 Mar., 1799.
He d. 20 Oct., 1842; she d. 2 Dec., 1889. He was a mechanic; res. in Amherst.
Children, b. in Amherst.
9596 Mary Eliza Bentley,9 b. 9 Nov., 1822; m. in Amherst, 17 July, 1844, Baxter Eastman, of North Amherst; d. Apr., 1890; he was a farmer; had two children.
9597 Lucy Amelia Bentley,9 b. 9 Aug., 1824; m. 21 Oct., 1847, Henry Greene, of Hadley, a farmer; had two children.
9598 Henry Martin,9 b. 23 Oct., 1826; d. 1 Jan., 1836.
9599 James Dwight Bentley,9 b. 22 Feb., 1829; d. 3 Nov., 1858.
9600 Julia Minerva Bentley,9 b. 14 Aug., 1831; d. 4 Mar., 1855.
9601 Almena Rich Bentley,9 b. 8 Sept., 1834; m. 16 Aug., 1859, Rev. Justin E. Twitchell, of New Haven, Conn.; res. in Northampton, Mass.; had two children.
9602 Henry Bradford Bentley,9 b. 13 July, 1837; d. 16 Mar., 1838.
9603 Frances Jane Bentley,9 b. 28 Oct., 1839; m. Sept., 1869, Rev. David O. Mears, of Essex, Mass.; d. 26 Mar., 1879; he res. in Worcester, Mass.; had two children.

4163.   ELIZA,8 dau. of Martin7 (1516), b. in Hadley, Mass., 12 July, 1807; m. 28 Nov., 1831, Lewis Laprelate Draper, b. in Attleboro, Mass., 28 Mar., 1801, son of Lewis Draper, b. 3 May, 1767, and Lucy Orme, b. 1762.
She d. 20 May, 1872; he d. 15 Sept., 1890; both d. in Northampton, Mass. They res. in Pelham, Shutesbury, Amherst and Northampton, Mass. He was a merchant and capitalist.
9604 Antoinette Orme Draper,9 b. 20 Sept., 1840; m. 1859, Rev. John Peter­son; d. 13 Nov., 1861; had one child, who d., aged 8 months.

4164.   LORENZO,8 son of Martin7 (1516), b. in Hadley, Mass., 17 July, 1809; bap. in Amherst, 3 Sept., same year; m. Apr., 1829, Fanny Jones, b. in Hadley, 1 Mar., 1811.
He d. 25 July, 1829; she d. in Cortland, N. Y., 4 May, 1879.

674    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9605 Lorenzo Martin,9 b. in Hadley, 17 Feb., 1830; m. (1) Mary McKive­gan; (2) Joanna Airis.

4165.   STILLMAN,8 son of Martin7 (1516), b. in Hadley, Mass., 28 Sept., 1811; m. in South Deerfield, 13 Sept., 1837, his cousin, Sybil Woodbury Hast­ings, b. in Amherst, Mass., 19 Nov., 1816, dau. of Lucius Hastings, b. 13 Oct., 1791, and Olive Smith, b. 19 Feb., 1792.
She d. in Hadley, 30 Aug., 1880; he d. there, 30 Dec., 1887.
He was a farmer in Amherst.
Children, b. in Hadley.
9606 Martha Louisa,9 b. 18 Aug., 1838; m. 9 Dec., 1868, Edwin Warren Clark, of Amherst, b. 2 Dec., 1842, son of Simeon Clark and Myra Cowles; d. 18 July, 1869; had no children.
9607 Henry Martin,9 b. 6 July, 1840; d. 29 June, 1849.
9608 Sarah Jane,9 b. 3 Feb., 1842; m. Clover George Irvine.
9609 Ann Eliza,9 b. 14 Feb., 1845; d. unm., in Hadley, 10 Sept., 1870.
9610 Edward Patson,9 b. 29 Jan., 1848; m. Mary Louisa Fales.
9611 Martin Cady,9 b. 19 Oct., 1851; d. 11 Feb., 1854
9612 Harriet Dickinson,9 b. 3 Aug., 1853; res. in Amherst.
9613 Frederick Dwight,9 b. 20 July, 1855; m. Harriet Whipple Phillips.
9614 Fanny Isabelle,9 b. 22 June, 1858; d. 21 Feb., 1859.

4168.   MARY,8 dau. of Martin7 (1516), b. in Hadley, Mass., 18 Aug., 1818; m. 3 Oct., 1838, James Coffran, b. in Goshen, K H., son of Benjamin Coffran and Miriam Stevens.
He d. in Agawam, Mass., 3 Mar., 1881; she res. in Springfield, Mass., with her son, Henry.
He res. in Amherst, Mass., New York City and Springfield. He was a butcher and hotel steward.
9615 Mary Ellen Coffran,9 b. 7 Feb., 1841; m. 6 May, 1863, William K. Rich­ards; res. in St. Louis, Mo.
9616 Frank E. Coffran,9 b. 14 Apr., 1855; m. Sarah Martha Hill, of Auburn, N. Y.; res. in Springfield; has two children.
9617 Henry K. Coffran,9 b. 26 Dec., 1857; m. Mary Emily Watrous, of Ken­sington, Conn.; had no children.

4169.   HARRIET NEWELL,8 dau. of Martin7 (1516), b. in Hadley, Mass., 16 June, 1821; m. there, as his second wife, 20 Jan., 1857, Jonas Humphrey Winter, b. in Shutesbury, Mass., 29 Nov., 1813, son of Jonas Winter, of Shelburne, Mass., b. in Shelburne, 1789, and Melinda Haskins, b. in New Salem, Mass.
He d. in Faribault, Minn., 30 July, 1887.
He was a merchant; rem. from North Amherst to Faribault, June, 1857, where he res. until his death.
9618 Hattie Kellogg Winter,9 b. 29 Jan., 1860; m. 11 June, 1884, Kendall Greene, b. in Washington, D. C, son of Joseph D. Greene, of Dela­ware, and Kendall, dau. of Amos Kendall, who was Post­master-General during the administration of Andrew Jackson; d­8 Jan., 1892; had two children.
9619 Henry Martin Winter,9 b. 20 July, 1863; d. 17 Aug., 1864.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    675

4170.   MARTHA CROCKER,8 dau. of Martin7 (1516), b. in Hadley, Mass., 1 May, 1825; m. 2 Sept., 1846, Charles Henry Dickinson, b. in Windsor, Conn., 5 Jan., 1821, son of Moses B. Dickinson, b. in Amherst, Mass., and Ruth Bissell Osborne, b. 31 May, 1799.
She d. 1 Apr., 1893.
They res. in Northampton, Mass.
Children, b. in Northampton.
9620 Louisa Hubbard Dickinson,9 b. 17 Mar., 1848; d. 4 Oct., 1849.
9621 Hattie Theresa Dickinson,9 b. 15 July, 1850; d. 31 Oct., 1853.
9622 Charles Henry Dickinson,9 b. 28 May, 1855; m. 16 Feb., 1881, Clara C. Maynard; had two children.

4172.   MARTIN ALEXIS,8 son of Rev. Bela7 (1517), b. in West Haven, Conn., 28 Apr., 1808; m. 28 Mar., 1829, Marilla Cooley, b. 30 July, 1806, dau. of Daniel K. Cooley, of Hartford, Conn., b. 7 Oct., 1781, and Lavinia Church, b. 25 June, 1786.
He d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 19 Feb., 1871; she d. in New York City, 31 Dec., 1876.
He was a merchant; res. in Hartford.
Children, b. in Hartford.
9623 Jane Marilla,9 b. 28 Apr., 1830; m. (1) Alexander Osbourn; (2) Matthew Wilson.
9624 Lavinia Margaret,9 b. 24 June, 1833; m. (1) Norman Lee Hart; (2) Samuel Winchester.
9625 Charles Alexis,9 b. 4 July, 1838; d. 15 Oct., same year.
9626 Eliza Walton,9 b. in Hartford, 26 June, 1835; m. as his second wife, 23 June, 1876, Robert Dale Owen; he dedicated, before his mar­riage, his autobiography to her; she was a cultivated artist; he d. 24 June, 1877; she m. (2) 8 July, 1878, Dr. William Andrew Browne, of Boston, b. 1840, son of Charles Allen Browne; he d. 28 Mar., 1897, aged 57; she d. in Lake George, N. Y., 14 Sept., 1899; had no children.
9627 Christine Louise,9 b. 4 Dec., 1842; m. (1) Joseph Gibbs Jones; (2) Henry Lewis Gregg.

4173.   BELA CROCKER,8 son of Rev. Bela7 (1517), b. in West Haven, Conn., 27 Apr., 1811; m. 15 Oct., 1839, Mary Golden Bartlett,* b. in Bloomfield, Conn., 29 Apr., 1818, dau. of Rev. John Bartlett, b. in Lebanon, Conn., 11 Aug., 1784, and Jane Golden, b. in Columbia, N. Y., dau. of David Van Waters Golden.
He d. in Avon, Conn., 30 Sept., 1892; she is living in Avon. He was a country merchant; was Postmaster, Town Clerk, Justice of the Peace and Judge of Probate; res. in West Avon, Conn.
Children, b. in Avon.
9628 Edward Wilberforce,9 b. 29 Nov., 1840; m. Hilah Ann Dart.
9629 John Bartlett,9 b. 3 July, 1842; d. 20 June, 1854.

*Through her father, Mary Golden Bartlett is a descendant of twelve of the "May­flower" company, Dec. 1620. viz: John and Priscilla Alden, Elder William and Mary Brewster, John and Elizabeth Howland, John Tilly and wife, William Mullins and wife, Love Brewster and Richard Warren.

676    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9630 Charles Alexis,9 b. 10 Mar., 1844; m. Minerva Humphrey.
9631 Wallace Bela,9 b. 12 June, 1847; d. 9 Jan., 1858.
9632 Jane Bartlett,9 b. 21 Sept., 1849; res., unm., in St. Johnsbury, Vt.
9633 Mary Louisa,9 b. 26 July, 1851; m. Yung Wing.
9634 William Henry,9 b. 28 July, 1853; m. Isabel Chapman.
9635 Francis Bartlett,9 b. 20 Sept., 1855; m. Elizabeth Brockett.

4175.   AMELIA CYNTHIA,8 dau. of Rev. Bela7 (1517), b. in Brookfield, Conn., 12 Dec., 1815; m. 12 Dec., 1838, Rev. James Kilbourn, b. in Litchfield, Conn., 29 May, 1816.
She d. in Sandwich, Ill., 5 May, 1862.
He was graduated in 1843 from the Theological Department of Yale Col­lege; res. in Bridgewater, Colebrook, Frospect and Middle Haddam, Conn., and in Racine, Wis.
9636 Henrietta Cordelia Kilbourn,9 b. in Litchfield, 4 Sept., 1841; d. in Sandwich, 17 Jan., 1859.
9637 James Kellogg Kilbourn,9 b. in Bridgewater, 3 Apr., 1845; was grad­uated from Beloit College, in 1868, and from Andover Theological Seminary, in 1872; in 1874 he was sent by the American Board as, missionary to Monterey, Mex.
9638 Edward Osborn Kilbourn,9 b. 4 May, 1848; d. 20 June, 1849.
9639 Edward Bela Kilbourn,9 b. in Litchfield, 3 Aug., 1851; was graduated from Amherst College in the class of 1874.

4176.   MARY ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Rev. Bela7 (1517), b. in Avon, Conn., 18 Sept., 1822; m. 7 Sept., 1843, Edgar Maurice Woodford, b. 15 Apr., 1824, sou of Zerah Woodford, of West Avon, Conn., and Minerva Potter.
He d. in the Union service; she res. in 1876 in Millbury, Mass. He was a farmer and land surveyor in Avon, Conn.
Children, b. in Avon.
9640 Mary Emma Woodford,9 b. 16 June, 1847; m. 2 Nov., 1870, Henry War­ren Sweetser, a merchant of Millbury.
9641 Edgar Kellogg Woodford,9 b. 27 Sept., 1848; is a railroad engineer; res., in Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
9642 Anna Lydia Woodford,9 b. 18 May, 1851; m. 16 Oct., 1874, Henry Augustus Minor, a bookkeeper in New Haven, Conn.

4195.   HARRIET,8 dau. of William7 (1532), b. in Amherst, Mass., 11 Aug., 1805; m. 11 Apr., 1826, Joel Baker, b. 15 June, 1800, son of Martin Baker, of Amherst, bap. 7 Oct., 1770, and Polly Smith, b. 17 Apr., 1776.
She d. 25 Dec., 1882; he d. 30 Sept., 1890.
He was a farmer in Amherst.
Children, b. in Amherst.
9643 Charles Kellogg Baker,9 b. 12 Oct., 1827; m. 1853, Achsah Dodge; served in Co. D, Twenty-seventh Massachusetts Reg., Col. Horace C. Lee; d. in Amherst, 7 Apr., 1862, from wounds received in the battle of Newbern, N. C.; had no children.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    677

9644 Mary Antoinette Baker,9 b. 7 Nov., 1829; m. 1 May, 1855. Dr. William Schuyler Aumock, of Malone, N. Y., b. 19 May, 1851; res. in Rochester, N. Y.
9645 Harriet Henrietta Baker,9 b. 26 June, 1840; m. 13 Nov., 1868, Dr. Wil­liam George Stevenson, of Cambridge, N. Y., b. 6 Feb., 1842.

4196.   LYMAN,8 son of William7 (1535), b. in Amherst, Mass., 29 Apr., 1807; m. 27 Dec., 1832, Mary Ann Porter, b. 10 Feb., 1814, dau. of Elijah Porter, of Granby, and Anna Abbott, of Bolton, Conn.
She d. 18 Sept., 1885; he d. in Amherst, Mass., 19 Oct., 1885.
He was a capitalist; res. in North Amherst.
Children, b. in North Amherst.
9646 Ellen Eliza,9 b. 25 Sept., 1833; m. Rev. George Elisha Fisher.
9647 Henry Porter,9 b. 14 June, 1835; d. in Shelburne, Mass., 2 Mar., 1856, while preparing for college; was a young man of great promise.
9648 Lucia,9 b. 1 Oct., 1839; m. as his second wife, 13 June, 1877, Arthur Frederick Cowles, of Amherst; d. 21 Sept., 1882; had no children.
9649 Nancy Isabel,9 b. 19 Jan., 1842; m. 21 Oct., 1863, Arthur Frederick Cowles, son of James Cowles and Nancy Henderson, of Amherst; d. in Faribault, Minn., 6 Aug., 1868; is buried in North Amherst; he res. in Waterbury, Conn.; had no children.

4199.   EMELINE,8 dau. of William7 (1532), b. in Amherst, Mass., 4 Sept., 1813; m. Ferdinand Robinson, b. in South Brimfield, now Wales, Mass., 23 July, 1808, son of Amariah Robinson, b. in Attleboro, Mass., 22 Apr., 1766, and Rebecca Whitney Wetherell, b. in Wrentham, Mass., 14 Feb., 1773.
She d. 25 May, 1882; he d. 7 Aug., 1886.
He rem. from Wales to Amherst, in 1832; to Lowell, in 1866, and to Wor­cester, in 1870, where he res. until his death.
9650 William Harrison Robinson,9 b. 19 Oct., 1835; m. 11 Jan., 1860, Jane Beers Ingram, b. 2 May, 1843, dau. of William Ingram, b. 12 May, 1817, and Betsey Sanford Parker, b. in Hadley, Mass., 22 Aug., 1816; res. in Boston and Amherst; from 1854 to '57 in Knoxville, Tenn., and, in 1899, in Worcester, Mass.; was a jeweler; had four children.
9651 Susan Rebecca Robinson,9 b. 3 Feb., 1840; m. 28 July, 1862, Rev. Jonas Oramel Peck, b. in Groton, Vt., 4 Sept., 1836, son of Jonathan Jones Peck, b. 29 Aug., 1808, and Myra Jane Tucker, b. 1812; he was graduated from Amherst College, in 1862; received the degree of D. D. in 1874 from. Lawrence University, of Wisconsin; he was a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church; res. from 1862 to '64 in Chelsea, Mass.; 1864-67 in Lowell; 1867-70 in Worcester; 1870-73 in Springfield, Mass.; 1873-75 in Chicago; 1875-78 in Baltimore; 1878-81 in Brooklyn; had two children.
9652 Hattic May Robinson,9 b. 21 Jan., 1858.

4202.   SANFORD WELLS,8 son of William7 (1532), b. in Amherst, Mass., 14 June, 1824; m. 25 Nov., 1847, Emily Lemira Spear, b. in Goshen, Vt., 17 Dec.,

678    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1825, dau. of Lyscum Spear, of Amherst, b. in Shutesbury, 7 Mar., 1798, and Lydia Studley Carlisle, b. in Plymouth, Vt., 3 June, 1801.
She d. ______; he d. in Waukegan, Ill., 8 Oct., 1882.
He res. in Amherst, Mass., Lake Forest and Waukegan, Ill., where he was a photographer; was engaged in mercantile business in Sauk Center and Hart­ford, Minn.
Children, b. in Amherst.
9653 Mary Janette,9 b. 23 Oct., 1851; m. Thomas Henry Lindsay.
9654 William Edward,9 b. 1 June, 1855; m. Gertrude May Hutchinson.

4212.   CHARLES HENRY,8 son of Joseph7 (1534), b. in Amherst, Mass., 2 Mar., 1811; m. 13 May, 1830, Harriet Watson, b. in Amherst, 20 Dec., 1811, dau. of David Watson, b. 15 Mar., 1766, and Lucinda Dickinson, b. 17 Nov., 1769. (See Samuel +3995.)
He d. 24 Aug., 1849; she d. in Amherst, 10 Apr., 1891; both are buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, N. Y.
He was a leather merchant in New York City. After his death she returned to Amherst, where she res. until her death.
Children, b. in Brooklyn.
9655 Edwin Field,9 b. 15 Dec., 1835; d. unm., in Amherst, 18 Aug., 1861.
9656 Josephine Watson,9 b. 25 July, 1843; d. 22 Mar., 1848.
9657 Harriet Henry,9 b. 13 Jan., 1846; m. in Amherst, 18 May, 1893, Reu­ben John Davis Westcott, b. in Pelham, Mass., 16 Sept., 1841, son of Jared T. Westcott, b. 9 Oct., 1805, and Ann Baker, b. 26 June, 1807; he was cashier of the First National Bank of Amherst, 1864-87, resigning for a rest and change; they res. in Ware, Mass.; had no children.
9658 Charles Oliver,9 b. 21 Feb., 1848; d. 23 Apr., same year.
9659 Josephine Watson,9 b. 5 Feb., 1849; d. 4 Aug., 1851.

4227.   AMASA STETSON,8 son of Rufus7 (1536), b. in North Amherst, Mass., 3 Dec., 1830; m. (1) 5 June, 1865, Mary Charlotte Wilson, dau. of Robertus Wil­son, b. 25 Feb., 1810.
She d. 25 Feb., 1866; he m. (2) 5 Mar., 1868, Priscilla Cornelia Harris, dau. of Lorenzo Greene Harris, b. in Washington, N. C, 4 Feb., 1809, and Elizabeth C. Pitchlynn, b. in Mississippi, 1820; d. 23 Aug., 1882, at the house of his brother, in Green Bay, Wis.; is buried on his plantation, six miles west of McAllister, In­dian Territory.
He was a planter near Rocky Comfort, Ark., and later near McAllister's Sta­tion, Indian Territory. He was a member of the class of 1853, Union College.
Children by second wife.
9660 Rufus Ansel,9 b. 31 Dec., 1869; d. on the evening of 5 Aug., 1876; is buried in McAllister's Station.
9661 Carlton Burton,9 b. 7 Sept., 1879.

4230.   RUFUS BELA,8 son of Rufus7 (1536), b. in North Amherst, Mass., 15 Apr., 1837; m. in Milwaukee, 21 Apr., 1874, Ellen Enos Bigelow, b. in Hartford,

The Kelloggs in the New World.    679

N. Y., 12 Dec., 1849, dau. of Dr. Thomas Bigelow,* b. in Whitehall, N. Y., 13 Oct., 1801, and Janet Catherine Gordon, b. in Hartford, 7 Nov., 1811.
He d. in Ridgefield, Conn., 21 Sept., 1891, where he and his wife had gone for his health; she d. in London, England, 2 Aug., 1897.
He was prepared for college at Mount Pleasant Institution in Amherst, and was graduated from Amherst College in the class of 1858. He immediately went into his brothers bank in Oshkosh, Wis., and became cashier, in 1865, of the First National Bank of Oshkosh. After the death of his brother, in 1870, he was in poor health and went out of active business. Jan. 1, 1874, he established the Kel­logg National Bank of Green Bay; was elected trustee of Amherst College, in 1875, and was re-elected in 1880. He was one of the most prominent citizens of Green Bay.
He was gathering material for a history of the Kelloggs when taken hence, and for many years had spent his leisure time corresponding with Kellogg de­scendants, visiting the early homes and searching public records for data relating to it. The whole Kellogg family, in general, and the compiler of this Genealogy, in particular, owe him a debt of gratitude for his intelligent and invaluable efforts to preserve records which were fast disappearing.
9662 Ansel Marshall,9 b. in Milwaukee, 6 June, 1880; res. in Pasadena, Cal.
9663 Janet,9 b. in Green Bay, 21 July, 1882; d. 22 July, same year.

4232.   ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Amos7 (1539), b. in Geneseo, N. Y., 4 Dec., 1811; m. in Geneseo, 9 Mar., 1831, John Cotton Mather, b. in Saratoga, N. Y., 9 Apr., 1807, son of Eusebius Mather and Susan Wells.
He d. 1 Dec., 1877; she d. 9 Aug., 1892.
He was a farmer; a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; a Whig, then a Republican; res. in Geneseo.
Children, b. in Geneseo.
9664 Mary Mather,9 b. 13 Apr., 1832; m. in Geneseo, 16 Jan., 1856, Horace Armstrong; res. in Geneseo.
9665 Julia Mather,9 b. 28 Jan., 1836; m. in Geneseo, 14 June, 1860, Orleans W. Day; res. in Rochester, N. Y.; d. in Rochester, Oct., 1899.
9666 Eliza Mather,9 b. 28 Jan., 1836; m. in Geneseo, 14 June, 1860, Dennis H. Burns; res. in Geneseo.
9667 Ransom Mather,9 b. 27 July, 1838; m. in Three Rivers, Mich., 24 June, 1863, Emma Jane Macomber; res. in Grand Rapids, Mich.
9668 Norman Wells Mather,9 b. 30 Oct., 1840; m. in New Buffalo, Mich., 4 Sept., 1878, Mary E. Swem; res. in Grand Rapids.
9669 Sarah Mather,9 b. 24 Feb., 1846; m. in Geneseo, 1 May, 1866, Edward Hawley; res. in Geneseo.
9670 Frances Mather,9 b. 7 Feb., 1850; m. in Geneseo, 12 Sept., 1878, Archie H. Ayers; res. in Grand Rapids.

*Thomas Bigelow was son of Thomas Bigelow, of Whitehall, b. June, 1709, and Mary Griffith, b. Aug., 1771. Thomas was son of Rev. Hopestill Bigelow, of Watertown and Sandisfield, Mass., Danbury, Conn., and Whitehall, N. Y., b. 1734, and Esther Benedict, of Danbury, b. 1732. Mary was dau. of Micah Griffith, of Whitehall, and Diadamia Kennedy. Janet was dau. of Samuel Gordon, of Hartford, b. 2 May, 1776, and Jane Gardner, b. 7 Feb., 1783. Samuel was son of Daniel Gordon, of Nomich. Conn., and Janet Hinman. Jane was dau. of George Gardner (of Stockbridge, Mass., and Troy, N. Y.), b. in Newport, R. I., about 1747, and Catherine Donnelly.

680    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4234.   AMOS RANSOM,8 son of Amos7 (1539), b. in Genesee, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1815; m. in Park, Mich., 4 Nov., 1846, Eliza Hoppin, b. in Hanover, N. Y., 4 Dec., 1825, dau. of Samuel Hoppin, b. 6 Nov., 1786, and Rebocca Hunt, b. 15 Mar., 1792.
He was a farmer; res. in Park; was a Presbyterian; in politics, a Whig and a Republican.
9671 Ada Frances,9 b. in Arlington, Mich., 25 Sept., 1847; m. Dr. Flavius Josephus Groner.
9672 Emma Lavina,9 b. in Parkville, 31 Oct., 1852; res., unm., in Grand Rapids, Mich.
9673 Amos Ransom,9 b. in Parkville, 22 Mar., 1863; m. Isadora Inez Deats.
9674 Orson Hoppin,9 b. in Parkville, 18 Mar., 1867; m. Verna Embley.

4235.   MARY ANN,8 dau. of Amos7 (1539) , b. in Geneseo, N. Y., 18 Oct., 1817; m. in Geneseo, 30 Oct., 1838, Garret Price, b. in Chemocomb, Northumberland Co., Pa., 15 Oct., 1805, son of Noah Price and Elenor Sutphen.
She d. 7 Jan., 1852; he d. 1 June, 1870.
He was a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Livonia, N. Y., where both d.
Children, b. in Livonia.
9675 Mary Elizabeth Price,9 b. 10 Aug., 1839; m. in Livonia, 30 May, 1860, Almon A. Hoyt; res. in Livonia.
9676 Amelia Ann Price,9 b. 26 Feb., 1841; m. in Livonia, 1880, Joshua Charles Powell; d. in Livonia, 7 Mar., 1901; he d. ______.
9677 Melvina Kellogg Price,9 b. 31 Jan., 1843; res., unm., in Livonia.
9678 Wilbur W. Price,9 b. 8 June, 1846; d. 31 Aug., 1863.
9679 Ernest Price,9 b. 5 Nov., 1847; d. in Livonia, 18 July, 1851.
9680 Adelbert Lee Price,9 b. 21 Jan., 1850; is unm.
9681 Frank Watson Price,9 b. 4 Jan., 1852; m. in Livonia, 1878, Lois Ripley; res. in Livonia.

4236.   MALVINA,8 dau. of Amos7 (1539), b. in Geneseo, N. Y., 13 Aug., 1820; m. 23 June, 1842, Asher Williamson Heath, of Ohio, b. 9 Dec., 1812, son of Rich­ard Heath and Susanna Rittenhouse.
She d. 6 Oct., 1880; he d. 8 Oct., 1886.
He was a farmer and a Republican; res. in Florence, O., where both d.
Children, b. in Florence.
9682 Eugenia A. Heath,9 b. 6 Apr., 1843; res., unm., in Florence.
9683 Clayton R. Heath,9 b. 27 Dec., 1844; d. unm., in Florence, 31 Aug., 1889.
9684 Courtney E. Heath,9 b. 31 Jan., 1848; d. unm., in Florence, 18 Sept., 1901.
9685 Richard Hartley Heath,9 b. 8 Dec., 1852; d. in Florence, 24 Mar., 1854.
9686 Flora E. Heath,9 b. 15 Aug., 1856; m. in Florence, 15 Oct., 1878, John Reding Peck; res. in Toledo, O.

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4237.   AMY,8 dau. of Amos7 (1539), b. in Genesee, N. Y., 14 Nov., 1825; m. in Geneseo, 21 Jan., 1819, William Henry Birge, b. in Geneseo, 1 Jan., 1820, son of Alfred Birge, b. 4 Jan., 1792, and Anna Bridges, of Geneseo.
He d. in Geneseo, 2 Mar., 1875; she res. in Geneseo.
He was a farmer.
9687 Anna Elizabeth Birge,9 b. 29 Jan., 1850; m. in Geneseo, 9 Oct., 1878, Theodore Henry Riley; d. in Mayville, Dak., 8 Sept., 1885; res. in Davenport, Wash.
9688 George Kellogg Birge,9 b. 22 Aug., 1862; m. in Davenport, 14 Oct., 1892, Minnie Bonnewell; res. in Davenport.
9689 Frances Mather Birge,9 b. 20 May, 1865; m. in Geneseo, 14 Nov., 1889, Willard A. Trimble; res. in Conesus, N. Y.
9690 Edward William Birge,9 b. 15 Jan., 1868; m. in New York City, 12 Oct., 1893, Eva Augusta Nicols; res. in Cincinnati, O.

4239.   HIRAM,8 son of Erastus7 (1540), b. in Geneseo, N. Y., 28 Jan., 1820; m. (1) in York, Mich., 10 Sept., 1840, Eliza Cook, b. in Newark, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1821, dau. of Jacob Cook and Eve Drum.
She d. in York, 18 Jan., 1842; he m. (2) in Saline, Mich., 9 Apr., 1843, Jane Eliza Ward, b. in Syracuse, N. Y., 2 June, 1824, dau. of Owen I. Ward, b. 21 Dec., 1796, and Harriet Pinkney, b. in Lodi, Mich., 28 Mar., 1802; she d. in Saline, 24 Mar., 1852; he m. (3) in Saline, 21 Oct., 1855, Mrs. Martha Elizabeth (Shaw) Streeter, b. in Cayuga, N. Y., 11 Sept., 1824, dau. of Adna Shaw, b. 10 Feb., 1795, and Sarah Osbum, b. 9 Apr., 1797, and widow of Uriah Arnold Streeter, of Dexter, Mich.; d. in Genoa, Mich., 1 Apr., 1892.
He was a Presbyterian; res. in Genoa; she res. in Howell.
Child by first wife.
9691 Thomas Spencer,9 b. in York, 7 Sept., 1841; d. 2 Dec., 1851.
Children by second wife.
9692 Eliza,9 b. in York, 24 Apr., 1845; m. Maj. Seymour Howell.
9693 Remina,9 b. in Saline, 29 July, 1846; m. Dr. Giles B. Allen.
9694 Owen Waed,9 b. in Genoa, 8 Dec., 1849; m. in Green Oak, Mich., 24 Feb., 1875, Sarah Holden; res. in Three Rivers, Mich. Child by third wife.
9695 Willard Shaw,9 b. in Genoa, 19 July, 1856; m. Flora Maria Legg.

4240.   DAVID,8 son of Erastus7 (1540), b. in Geneseo, N. Y., 31 Mar., 1821; m. in York, Mich., 22 Feb., 1844, Eliza Coe, b. 27 May, 1820, dau. of William Coe and Mary Parker, of Rockland, N. Y.
He d. in Oceola, Mich., 15 Aug., 1897; she d. there, 21 Jan., 1898. He was a farmer and a Methodist; res. in Oceola and Genoa, Mich.
Children, except the first, b. in Genoa.
9696 Mary Eliza,9 b. in Oceola, 26 Nov., 1844; m. William Bradley White­head.
9697 Harriet,9 b. 9 Mar., 1847; m. Gilbert Bradley.
9698 Erastus David,9 b. 1 Oct., 1849; m. in Howell, Mich., 31 Oct., 1879, Harriet Grace Brainerd; res. in Genoa and Oceola.

682    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9699 Martha,9 b. 14 Mar., 1856; m. Eugene B. Furman.
9700 George Amons,9 b. 7 June, 1858; m. Emma Brainerd.
9701 Emma,9 b. 14 Feb., 1862; m. Charles H. Newman.

4241.   CELINDA,8 dau. of Erastus7 (1540), b. in Geneseo, N. Y., 20 June, 1823; m. in York, Mich., 22 Dec., 1858, Milan Glover, b. in Newark, N. Y., 11 Aug., 1809, son of Wilmington Glover.
He d. in Lodi, Mich., 20 Apr., 1868.
He was a farmer and a Presbyterian; res. in Saline, Mich.
Children, b. in York.
9702 Edward Livingston Glover,9 b. 7 Oct., 1859; is unm.
9703 Frank Ernest Glover,9 b. 19 Apr., 1861; m. in Howell, Mich., 20 Dec., 1894, Jennie May Ross; res. in Webberville, Mich.
9704 Archie Milan Glover,9 b. 4 Dec., 1863; m. in Howell, 16 Nov., 1890, Bar­bara Bayha; res, in Webberville.
9705 Elizabeth Emma Glover,9 b. 19 June, 1865; is unm.

4242.   EBENEZER,8 son of Erastus7 (1540), b. in Geneseo, N. Y., 19 Dec., 1824; m. in Genoa, Mich., 18 Jan., 1849, Rachel Goewey, b. in Lansingburg, N. Y., 25 July, 1823, dau. of Solomon P. Goewey, of Genoa.
She d. in Genoa, 10 Dec., 1853; he m. (2) 4 May, 1854, Fannie Bradley, b. in Barry, N. Y., 11 Sept., 1832, dau. of Orlando Bradley and Prudence Hath­away, of Hartland, Mich.
He is a farmer; a Methodist; res. in Oceola, Mich.
Children by first wife, b. in Oceola.
9706 Wealthy Alida,9 b. 23 Oct., 1849; m. John Amos Browning.
9707 Spencer Amos,9 b. 2 Dec., 1851; d. in Oceola, 23 Oct., 1859.
9708 Rachel Frances,9 b. 8 Nov., 1853; m. in Oceola, 4 Nov., 1875, Charles E. Hardy; res. in Howell.
Children by second wife, b. in Oceola.
9709 Celinda,9 b. 25 Jan., 1855; d. in Oceola, 6 Apr., 1859.
9710 Charles Edward,9 b. 4 Sept., 1858; m. Julia Adelle Beebe.
9711 Celinda,9 b. 26 Jan., 1861; d. in Oceola, 17 Mar., 1872.
9712 Iea,9 b. 4 Feb., 1864; d. in Oceola, 24 July, 1866.
9713 Prudence Elizabeth,9 b. 11 Feb., 1866; d. unm., in Oceola, 4 Apr., 1889.
9714 Cora M.,9 b. 15 Apr., 1870; m. in Oceola, 28 Dec., 1892, Arthur Bruce Nichols; res. in Brighton, Mich.
9715 Elijah Ellis,9 b. 9 Dec., 1871; is a farmer; res. in Oceola.
9716 Lorena,9 b. 28 July, 1874; m. in Hartland, 30 Nov., 1899, Clara Lola Meabon; res. in Oceola.
9717 Baldwin Hathaway,9 b. 14 July, 1877; m. in Howell, 1 Jan., 1901, Alice Ethel Garland, b. in Howell, 9 Apr., 1878, dau. of Arthur Garland and Ethel Bryan, of Howell; was graduated from Howell High School; is a traveling salesman; Baptist and a Republican; res. in Fort Dodge, Ia.

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4244.   WEALTHY ELLIS,8 dau. of Erastus7 (1540), b. in Geneseo N. Y., 16 Aug 1828; m. in York, Mich., 19 Apr., 1849, Charles Edward Pope, b. in New Bedford Mass., 25 Dec., 1827, son of Thomas Pope, b. 1789, and Emily Brown, b. 20 July, 1793.
He is a farmer; a member of the First Baptist Church in Saline, Mich where they res.
9718 Emily Brown Pope,9 b. in Saline, 7 Feb., 1853; m. in Saline, 8 Oct., 1873, Beverly Parsons Davenport; res. in Saline.

4245.   ELIJAH ELLIS,8 son of Erastus7 (1540), b. in Geneseo, N. Y., 23 June, 1830; m. (1) in Ypsilanti, Mich., 3 June, 1852, Katharine Redner, b. in Augusta, Mich., 1 Apr., 1832, dau. of Conrad Redner and Eve Miller.
She d. in Augusta, 20 Jan., 1856; he m. (2) in Ypsilanti, 3 June, 1858 Margaret Warner, b. in York, Mich., 11 Aug., 1837, dau. of Jesse Warner, b. 23 Dec., 1785, and Margaret Hutchinson, b. 15 Dec., 1792; d. ______, in Clint, Tex.
He was a Presbyterian; res. in Ann Arbor, Mich., and later in Clint.
Child by first wife.
9719 Spencer Eddy,9 b. in Augusta, 16 Jan., 1854; d. 13 Jan., 1855.
Children by second wife.
9720 Ada Louise,9 b. in Ypsilanti, 31 May, 1860; m. James Clyde Critchett.
9721 Courtland Ellis,9 b. in Augusta, 13 Feb., 1863; m. in Lima, O., 9 Nov., 1897, Laura Finck, b. in Wilmington, O., 21 Mar., 1864, dau. of Jacob Howard Finck, b. 24 Oct., 1830, and Mary Louisa James, b. 14 Mar., 1834; res. in Clint, Tex.; is a Presbyterian; a Repub­lican and an alfalfa grower; had no children.
9722 Jessie,9 b. in Ann Arbor, 1872; m. William H. Kinnon.

4250.   AMELIA ELIZA,8 dau. of Samuel7 (1541), b. in Geneva, N. Y., 19 Feb., 1832; m. in Geneva, 18 Oct., 1855, Eli Atwater Bronson, b. in Middlebury Conn., 1827, son of Philo Bronson, b. 15 May, 1782. and Chloe Bronson, b. 3 Aug., 1781.
He is a nurseryman; res. in Geneva; a Presbyterian.
9723 Frederic Spencer Bronson,9 b. 23 July, 1856.
9724 Charles Eli Bronson,9 b. 6 Dec., 1857; m. in Stratford, Conn., 23 Nov., 1898, Amy Talbot Taintor; res. in Saginaw, Mich.
9725 Samuel Bronson,9 b. 1 July, 1859.
9726 Jane Louise Branson,9 b. 21 June, 1860.
9727 Mary Amelia Bronson,9 b. 13 Mar., 1864; m. in Geneva, 21 Sept., 1887, John Dunlap Buckley; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y.
9728 Susan Jessie Bronson,9 b. 15 Dec., 1865; m. in Geneva, 19 Feb., 1896, John Lansing Bennett; res. in Philadelphia, Pa.
9729 Clara Agnes Branson,9 b. 21 Nov., 1871; m. in Geneva, 11 June, 1896, Charles Ramsey Buckley; res. in Brooklyn.

4253.   GEORGE BLOSSOM,8 son of Samuel7 (1541), b. in Geneva N. Y., 5 Mar., 1840; m. in South Hadley, 27 Feb., 1867, Ella Maria Smith, b. in South

684    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Hadley, 4 Aug., 1846, dau. of Edmund Smith, b. 13 Jan., 1811, and Emiline Moody, b. 29 Oct., 1808.
He d. in Geneva, 23 Sept., 1898; she res. in Hadley.
Children, b. in Geneva.
9730 Thomas Brown,9 b. 6 Feb., 1871; drowned 25 Aug., 1885.
9731 Louise Clara,9 b. 1 Jan., 1873; d. 28 Dec., 1878.
9732 Lillian Smith,9 b. 30 May, 1875; d. 23 Dec., 1878.

4255.   HIRAM,8 son of Russell7 (1546), b. in Stafford, N. Y., Oct., 1822; m. (1) in Elba, N. Y., Oct., 1845, Miranda Hoyt, dau. of Levi Hoyt.
She d. in Barry Co., Mich., 1864; he m. (2) Mrs. Maryette Clark, widow of Jack Clark; d. in Battle Creek, Mich., Oct., 1899; she d. 1899.
Children by second wife.
9733 Marion,9 b. in Barry Co., Mich., 1866; m. Jacob Stanley; res. in Bat­tle Creek.
9734 John,9 b. ______; res. in Battle Creek.
9735 Harriet,9 b. ______; res. in Battle Creek.

4258.   MARTHA,8 dau. of Russell7 (1546), b. in Stafford, N. Y., July, 1829; m. in Stafford, 11 Jan., 1849, Charles Potter Coy, b. in Byron, N. Y., 17 Mar., 1824, son of David Potter Coy, b. 1791, and Hannah Sprague, of Rhode Island, b. Apr., 1790.
He d. in Kalamazoo, Mich., 26 Feb., 1899, where she now res.
He was a farmer; a Presbyterian; a Republican.
9736 Marion Coy,9 b. in Stafford, Nov., 1849; m. in Kalamazoo, Apr., 1879, Charles F. Davis; res. in Kalamazoo.

4260.   ELIZA JANE,8 dau. of Russell7 (1546), b. in Stafford, N. Y., Oct., 1835; m. in Stafford, 25 June, 1862, Spencer Randall, b. in Stafford, 31 Mar., 1837, son of Israel Randall, b. 1806, and Celia Watson, of Fall River, Wis., b. in 1811.
He is a farmer, Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Ada, Minn.
9737 Charles Francis Randall,9 b. in Fall River, 26 Mar., 1865; m. in Ada, 1 Feb., 1895, Myra Fracelia Campbell; has one dau.

4261.   CORNELIA,9 dau. of Russell7 (1546), b. in Stafford, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1839; m. in Richland, Mich., 26 Feb., 1870, James Green, b. in Littleport, England, Sept., 1838, son of Thomas Green, of Littleport.
She d. Mar., 1898; he d. 27 July, 1900.
Res. in Battle Creek, Mich., where both d. He was general manager of the Advance Thresher Co., of Battle Creek; was an independent Congregationalist; a Republican.
9738 Charles Coy Green,9 b. in Battle Creek, 15 Jan., 1876; is a graduate of the University of Michigan; a lawyer; res. in Battle Creek.

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4262.   FRANCES MARIA,8 dau. of Russell7 (1546), b. in Stafford, N. Y., Jan., 1842; m. in Stafford, 1870, Charles Consider Warner, b. 30 Apr., 1839, son of Consider Warner, b. in Chesterfield, Mass., 14 Feb., 1791, and Mary Jane Jame­son, b. in East Bloomfield, N. Y., 25 Jan., 1812.
She d. in Le Roy, N. Y., Apr., 1880.
9739 Harriet Warner,9 b. ______; res. in Ann Arbor, Mich.

4263.   WILLIAM,8 son of Russell7 (1546), b. in Stafford, N. Y., Apr., 1844; m. (1) in Stafford, 1864, Susan Davis, b. in Utica, N. Y., Jan., 1846.
She d. in Stafford, Aug., 1877; he m. (2) Nellie Richmond, b. in Bergen, N. Y., dau. of John Richmond.
He is a Republican; res. in Batavia, N. Y.
Children by first wife, b. in Stafford.
9740 Fredeiuck,9 b. ______; m. in Stafford, Belle Waterman.
9741 Georgianna,9 b. ______; d. in Stafford.
9742 Harriet,9 b. ______; d. in Stafford.
9743 Arthur,9 b. ______.

4264.   CAROLINE,8 dau. of Russell7 (1546), b. in Stafford, N. Y., Nov., 1845; m. in Staflord, 1865, Edwin Moulton, b. in Tonawanda, N. Y., Oct., 1843, son ol Warren Moulton.
He d. ______, in Alexander, N. Y.
He was a merchant and a Republican; res. in Battle Creek, Mich. Child.
9744 Edwin Warren Moulton,9 b. in Stafford, Apr., 1866; m. in Clinton, Ia., May, 1887, Clara Blinn; res. in Clinton; has two children.

4270.   FRANCIS,8 son of John7 (1555), b. in Caledonia, N. Y., 14 May, 1824; m. 28 Sept., 1853, Helen Melvina Hogmire, b. 19 Aug., 1835, dau. of Conrad Hogmire, b. in Hagerstown, Md., 22 Oct., 1792, and Lucy Miller, b. in Sanger­field, N. Y., 24 Nov., 1797.
He d. in Avon, N. Y., 26 Aug., 1899.
He was a farmer; a lawyer; Justice of the Peace for twelve years; res. in South Avon, N. Y.
Children, b. in South Avon.
9745 Ida Bell,9 b. 18 Feb., 1855; m. (1) Walter Thomas Howard; (2) Hiram Wilfred Pardee.
9746 Edna Viola,9 b. 10 Oct., 1860; m. Charles Marvin Church.
9747 Minnie Emogene,9 b. 13 Dec., 1862; m. Frederick Harvey Rose.
9748 John Francis,9 b. 4 June, 1871; m. Katherine Benjamin Washburn.
9749 Charles Howard,9 b. 2 Sept., 1878; res., unm., in Rochester, N. Y.

4273.   CHARLES,8 son of Horace7 (1556), b. in Caledonia, N. Y., 15 Oct., 1822; m. in Paris, Mich., 15 May, 1854, Nancy E. Darling, b. in Frankfort Hill, N. Y., 3 Aug., 1834, dau. of Silas Darling, b. 27 Apr., 1789, and Rhoda Cady, b. 3 Feb., 1794.
He is a farmer; res. in Grand Rapids, Mich., going there in 1844, from Cale­donia; a Republican.

686    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9750 Mary,9 b. in Grand Rapids, 4 Oct., 1858; m. William Henry Andrews.

4275.   STEPHEN,8 son of Horace7 (1556), b. in Caledonia, N. Y., 28 Aug., 1827; m. in Caledonia, 1855, Mary Ann Gray, b. 1829. She d. 26 Nov., 1864.
He is a farmer; after her death res. in Lowell, Mich.
Children, b. in Vergennes, Mich.
9751 George,9 b. 24 Sept., 1857; m. in Grattan, Mich., 24 Sept., 1887, Jessie Smith, b. 1867, dau. of Dewitt Smith and Mary Nute; is a farmer; res. in Grattan; has no children.
9752 John,9 b. 24 Sept., 1860; m. Mrs. Delia Sayles.
9753 Elizabeth,9 b. 17 May, 1863; d. unm., 24 Dec., 1884.

4299.   RANSOME HENRY,8 son of Jalius7 (1561), b. in Moscow, Mich., 18 Oct., 1860; m. in Cairo, Kas., 25 Dec., 1886, Lottie Belle Gary, b. in Michigan, 1 Aug., 1869, dau. of Robert Gary, b. 13 June, 1842, and Mary E. Jenkins, b. 15 July, 1845, of Logansport, Ind.
He d. in Iola, Kas., 21 Feb., 1900.
He was a breeder of Poland China swine; a Baptist; res. in Iola.
9754 Loren Beryl,9 b. in Cunningham, Kas., 8 Nov., 1889; d. 24 Nov., 1891.
9755 Ida Belle,9 b. in Cunningham, 18 Mar., 1892; d. 12 Aug., 1893.
9756 Lois May,9 b. in Cairo, Kas., 23 Feb., 1896.

4300.   WILLIAM EDWIN,8 son of Julius7 (1561), b. in New York, 17 July, 1864; m. in Kingman, Kas., 8 Sept., 1889, Sary Jane Freeman, b. in Brookline, Mo., 15 July, 1871, dau. of W. C. Freeman and Sary Jane Graham.
He is a laborer and poultry dealer; res. in Hutchinson, Kas.
9757 Wilburn Milton,9 b. in Cunningham, Kas., 19 May, 1892.
9758 Lola May,9 b. in Udall, Kas., 11 Dec., 1893.
9759 Eva Floa,9 b. in Pretty Prairie, Kas., 3 Nov., 1895.
9760 Oma Alta,9 b. in Hutchinson, 10 Apr., 1900.

4312.   MARY,8 dau. of Jonathan7 (1574), b. in Washington, Pa., 19 Feb., 1794; m. in Washington, Mar., 1812, John Riley, b. in Connecticut, 30 Oct., 1788, son of Minert Riley, of Springville. Pa.
He d. 11 Mar., 1879; she d. 22 Dec., 1884.
Res. in Auburn, Pa., where both d. ______; he was a farmer and a Republican.
Children, b. in Auburn.
9761 Kellogg Riley,9 b. 1813; d. unm., in Tunkhannock, 1840.
9762 Minert Riley,9 b. 15 Nov., 1818; m. in Tunkhannock, Pa., Oct., 1842, Emily Baldwin; d. in Springville, where she res.
9763 Eliza Riley,9 b. 4 Aug., 1823; m. in Auburn, 18 Jan., 1843, John Mer­win Bushnell; d. in Auburn, 3 Oct., 1872; he res. in Auburn.
9764 Harriet Riley,9 b. 11 Feb., 1827; m. in Auburn, 1839, Dr. John Prall Lambert; res. in Chicago.

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4313.   WILLIAM,8 son of Jonathan7 (1574), b. in Luzeme Co., Pa., 1 Mar., 1795; m. Serah Vosburg, b. 10 May, 1796, dau. of Abraham Vosburg, of Russell Hill, Pa.
She d. in Binghamton, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1872; he d. in Ohio. They res. in Russell Hill and Binghampton.
9765 Emily,9 b. in Auburn, Pa., 25 Sept., 1817; m. Orrin Frink Fargo.
9766 Jonathan,9 b. in Russell Hill, 1 Jan., 1820; m. Lorinda Lathrop.
9767 Ziba Smith,9 b. 27 Apr., 1823; m. Rosanna Lott.
9768 William Alden,9 b. 23 Aug., 1827; m. Sarah Jane Wells.
9769 Frank James,9 b. in Luzerne Co., Pa., 18 Sept., 1830; m. Catherine Mather.
9770 Polly,9 b. ______; d. aged 3.

4314.   TREDWAY,8 son of Jonathan7 (1574). b. in Luzeme Co., Pa., 4 Sept., 1801; m. in Chemung, N. Y., 1821, Nancy Floyd, b. in Chemung, 6 July, 1801, dau. of Thomas Floyd, of Chemung.
She d. in Auburn, Pa., 7 Sept., 1867; he d. in Meshoppen, Pa., 18 May, 1887. He was a farmer; res. in Auburn; was a Methodist Episcopalian, and a Whig; later a Republican.
Children, b. in Washington, Pa.
9771 Thomas Floyd,9 b. 2 Sept., 1822; m. (1) Rhoena Bushnell; (2) Alma Loomis.
9772 Zoroaster,9 b. 8 Apr., 1824; d. in Auburn, 9 July, 1836.
9773 Harry N.,9 b. 14 Jan., 1826; m. Rebekah Gregory.
9774 Porter Horatio,9 b. 20 Apr., 1830; d. in Auburn, 18 Aug., 1832.
9775 Casandana,9 b. 7 May, 1832; m. Norman Passmore Loomis.

4315.   SARAH,8 dau. of Jonathan7 (1574), b. in Newport, Pa., 4 Sept., 1805; m. in Washington, Pa., 1 Jan., 1823, Gersham Bunnell, b. in Pike Co., Pa., 15 Dec., 1803, son of Benjamin Bunnell, of Pike Co., Pa., b. 10 Nov., 1742, and Catherine Barry, b. 26 Nov., 1759.
He d. in Auburn, Pa., 8 June, 1855; she d. in Elk Lake, Pa., 19 Dec., 1881.
He was a farmer from 1817 to '32 in Wyoming Co., Pa., and from 1832 to '55 in Susquehanna Co., Pa.; was a member of the M. E. Church from about 1830; was a Whig.
9776 Jonathan Bunnell,9 b. in Washington, 19 Apr., 1825; m. 8 Oct., 1851, Charlotte Fargo, b. in Susquehanna Co., 9 Aug., 1828; is a farmer in Auburn Four Corners, Pa., on the homestead.
9777 Nancy Bunnell,9 b. in Washington, 7 Sept., 1828; m. 4 Sept., 1850, Frederick Fargo, b. 12 Nov., 1824; he enlisted 4 Aug., 1862, in the One Hundred and Forty-first Reg. of Pennsylvania Volunteers and served during the war; he was a miller in Elk Lake; she d. 20 Apr., 1884.

4341.   CASANDRA,8 dau. of Joseph7 (1593), b. in New Lisbon, N. Y., 28 Apr., 1810; m. as his second wife, 13 Apr., 1846, Edwin George Buckland, b. in Poult­ney, Vt., 29 June, 1779, son of Ebenezer Buckland and Lovisa McArthur.
He d. in Garrattsville, N. Y., 23 Aug., 1874.

688    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He was a woolen manufacturer; res. in Poultney, Vt., Oriskany Falls, New Hartford and Garrattsville, N. Y., where she res. after his death. Child.
9778 Emily Arabella Buckland,9 b. 26 May, 1850; d. 29 Dec., 1852.

4342.   MARTIN VOORHIES,8 son of Joseph7 (1593), b. in New Lisbon, N. Y., 23 Apr., 1812; m. (1) 11 Sept., 1834, Prudence Remington.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 4 July, 1844, Maria E. Bradley, b. 2 Dec., 1822.
Child by first wife.
9779 Charles H.,9 b. 26 June, 1835; m. Elizabeth S. Bailey.
Children by second wife.
9780 Melville N.,9 b. 5 Jan., 1845; d. 17 May, 1864.
9781 Wilfred M.,9 b. 9 Mar., 1847; a Methodist minister; res in Albion, Mich.
9782 Albert Melville,9 b. 5 Apr., 1849; res. in Oakfield, N. Y.
9783 Martin V.,9 b. 1 May, 1851; m. ______; res. in Vassar, Mich.

4343.   SILAS COOK,8 son of Joseph7 (1593), b. in New Lisbon, N. Y., 30 Oct., 1814; m. 30 Apr., 1840, Ann Swift, b. in Warren, Conn., 14 Feb., 1817.
9784 Edwin S.,9 b. 16 Apr., 1844; m. Kate L. Taylor.
9785 Cornelia F.,9 b. 19 Aug., 1848; m. John C. Kirtland, Apr., 1867; res. in Trumansburg, N. Y.
9786 Sarah S.,9 b. 13 Nov., 1850.
9787 Joseph J.,9 b. 19 Jan., 1855.
9788 Clarence M.,9 b. 31 May, 1858.
9789 William Elmont,9 b. 3 Dec., 1861.

4346.   WILLIAM J.,8 son of Joseph7 (1593), b. in New Lisbon, N. Y., 17 Jan., 1822; m. 20 Sept., 1857, Maria W. Head.
They res. in Hardwick, N. Y., and Marcellus, Mich.
9790 William E. C.,9 b. 1859; res. in Oneonta, N. Y.
9791 Mabel,9 b. 1862; m. Morning; res. in Lincoln, Neb.

4348.   HENRY JOSEPH,8 son of Joseph7 (1593), b. in New Lisbon, N. Y., 15 Sept., 1827; m. in Ludlowville, N. Y., Emma Malvina Bower, b. in Cayuga Co., N. Y., 12 Sept., 1826.
They res. in Marcellus, Mich.
9792 Ella Elgene,9 b. 18 June, 1855.
9793 Cora Casandra,9 b. 13 Apr., 1863.

4349.   ELIZA MARIA,8 dau. of Joseph7 (1593), b. in New Lisbon, N. Y., 12 Jan., 1832; m. 5 Oct., 1854, Salmon Johnson, b. in New Lisbon, 9 Nov., 1833, son of Meric Johnson, b. 25 May, 1805, and Amy Wood.
He was killed in the battle of Cedar Run, Va., 19 Oct., 1864. He was a farmer; res. in New Lisbon; served in the civil war in Co. I, Ninetieth New York Volunteers. After his death she res. in New Lisbon.

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9794 Irving Henry Johnson,9 b. 19 Jan., 1858.
9795 Arietta Rebecca Johnson,9 b. 9 Jan., 1861.
9796 Emma Adelle Johnson,9 b. 26 May, 1863.
9797 Ella Estelle Johnson,9 b. 26 May, 1863.

4352.   ESTHER AMANDA,8 dau. of Benjamin7 (1594), b. 29 Jan., 1809; m. (1) 28 Apr., 1828, Lewis Benedict, b. in Ballston, N. Y., 16 Mar., 1804, son of Bushnell Benedict, of Ballston, and Cynthia Landon.
He d. in St. Johnsville, N. Y., io Feb., 1844; he was a woolen manufac­turer; she m. (2) 16 Dec., 1852, Joel Gould, b. in Malta, N. Y., 27 Nov., 1803.
He was, until 1863, a carriage maker; after that time he was engaged in the livery business; res. in Detroit, Mich.
Children by first husband.
9798 Alonzo Benedict,9 b. 30 Apr., 1830; m. 10 Jan., 1856, Sarah Ann, dau. of Rev. James Parks, of Ballston; res. in Greenbush, N. Y.; had no children.
9799 Horace Benedict,9 b. 3 June, 1832; d. 7 Dec., 1833.
9800 Allen Goodrich Benedict,9 b. 8 May, 1834; m. Dec., 1858, Clara Miller, of Little Falls, N. Y.; enlisted Nov., 1861, in the Ninety-seventh New York Volunteers; d. 14 Aug., 1862, from sickness contracted in the service; had two children.
9801 Luther Landon Benedict,9 b. 17 June, 1836; m. ______; enlisted Apr., 1861, in the Thirty-fourth New York Volunteers; re-enlisted Dec., 1863, in the One Hundred and Fifty-eighth New York Volunteers; was killed 7 Oct., 1864, in Fort Burnham, near Petersburg, by the bursting of a shell; had two daus.
9802 Martha Ann Benedict,9 b. 6 Jan., 1839; d. 6 Aug., 1860.
9803 Emily Garnsay Benedict,9 b. 25 Jan., 1841; m. 26 Aug., 1863, George I. Major; he was a commission merchant and dealer in tallow in De­troit, Mich.

4353.   ALLEN GOODRICH,8 son of Benjamin7 (1594), b. 4 Mar., 1811; m. 21 June, 1834, Harriet Elliott.
He d. in the army, in the war of the rebellion. Child.
9804 Caroline Elliott,9 b. ______; m. Thomas Dawson, of Michigan City, Ind., where they res.

4354.   ELIZABETH BANGS,8 dau. of Benjamin7 (1594), b. in New Lisbon, N. Y., 18 Apr., 1813; m. (1) in Milton, N. Y., 12 Sept., 1833, Justin Morgan Thatcher, b. in Chazy, N. Y., 25 Apr., 1806, son of Bliss Thatcher and Martha Morgan.
He d. 7 Nov., 1850.
He was a school teacher, having relinquished the study of medicine on ac­count of failing health; taught school in Milton several years, also taught vocal music for church choirs. In 1835 he rem. to Toledo, O., and taught the first reg­ularly established school in that town; rem. thence, in 1836, to Mishawaka, Ind., and, in 1838, to Cincinnati, O., where he taught in the public schools. She m. (2) Justin Morgan, cousin of her first husband, b. in Stockbridge, Vt., 8 Jan., 1815,

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son of Justin Morgan, b. in Springfield, Mass., 15 Mar., 1786; he d. in Pittsburg, Pa., 20 June, 1872; was an accountant in the P. C. and St. L. E. R. office. After his death she res. in Fort Wayne, Ind., and later in Adrian, Mich.
Children by first husband.
9805 Justin Morgan Thatcher,9 b. in Milton, 20 June, 1834; m. in Lock­land O., 11 Oct., 1858, Frances Jane Critchfield, b. in England; in the war for the Union he was Capt. of Co. K, Sixth Ohio Volun­teer Infantry; in 1881 he was general agent of the Adams Express Company, Western Division, with headquarters in Emporia, Kas.; res. in Nashville, Tenn.; d. in Nashville, 10 Dec., 1885; had four children.
9806 Horace Kellogg Thatcher,9 b. in Mishawaka, Ind., 7 Sept., 1836; m. in Columbus, O., 9 Feb., 1863, Ellen E. Edwards; was a soldier from 1854 to '59; in 1861 was made Capt. in the Fourteenth Infantry; served in the Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac; breveted Maj. for "gallant service before Richmond"; res. in Columbus; had two children.
9807 Edwin Goodrich Thatcher,9 b. in Mishawaka, 19 Aug., 1838; d. in infancy.
9808 Emma Elizabeth Thatcher,9 b. 19 Jan., 1841; d. in infancy.
9809 Albert Edgerton Thatcher,9 b. in Cincinnati, O., 16 Jan., 1843; m. in Utica, O., 21 Sept., 1870, Amelia Stevens, b. 26 Aug., 1847, dau. of Samuel B. Stevens, of Utica; was Corp. in Co. D, Second Ohio Volunteer Infantry; was taken prisoner at the battle of Chica­mauga, and spent the remainder of the time of his enlistment in six different rebel prisons ( Andersonville included), much to the detri­ment of his health; in 1881 he was a locomotive engineer on the Wabash, St. L. and Pacific Railroad; res. in Fort Wayne.
9810 Alpheus Goodrich Thatcher,9 b. in Monroe, O., 12 July, 1850; d. in infancy.

4355.   ELIJAH NORTHAM,8 son of Asa7 (1607), b. in Halifax, Vt., 12 Feb., 1823; m. 15 Sept., 1846, Emily Naomi Hitchcock, b. in Hawley, Mass., 8 July, 1824, dau. of Erastus Hitchcock, b. in Hawley, 18 Oct., 1789, and Naomi Jones, b. in Dover, Vt., 26 July, 1793.
He was a carpenter and joiner; res. in Halifax until 1857, then in Oberlin, O., and later in Tabor, Ia.
9811 Adelbert Everton,9 b. in West Halifax, 15 July, 1848; m. (1) Mary A. Haskins; (2) Amelia Rose Vorrath.
9812 Ida Naomi,9 b. in Oberlin, 6 June, 1858; m. Charles Edward Simonton.
9813 Helent Amelia,9 b. in Tabor, 30 Oct., 1860; d. 30 Sept., 1862.

4356.   MARY FLAGG,8 dau. of Asa7 (1607), b. in Halifax, Vt., 24 Dec., 1826; m. 24 June, 1851, Albert Ashman Hitchcock, b. in Hawley, Mass., 8 June, 1827, son of Erastus Hitchcock and Naomi Jones.
They res. in Greenfield, Mass.
9814 Harlan Webster Hitchcock,9 b. in Plaistow, N. H., 31 Oct., 1852; m. 28 Oct., 1879, Ida Flora Clark, of Greenfield.

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9815 Sarah Almorette Hitchcock,9 b. in West Halifax, Vt., 26 Dec., 1859; m. (1) Samuel G. Russell, of Shelbume, Mass.; he d. ______; she m. (2) John Trusdell; d. 19 Feb., 1898.

4357.   CLARINDA MARIA,8 dau. of Asa7 (1607), b. in Halifax, Vt., 18 Apr., 1832; m. in Halifax, 5 May, 1853, Henry Augustus Holden, b. in Hawley, Mass., 30 June, 1827, son of Ira Holden, b. 7 Dec., 1797, and Olive Langley, b. 20 June, 1803.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Hawley.
Children, b. in Hawley.
9816 Clarence Henry Holden,9 b. 24 July, 1858; m. (1) in Ashfield, Mass., 15 Mar., 1882, Hattie Maria Vincent; res. in Ashfield; m. (2) in Cheshire, Mass., 27 July, 1898, Carrie Nancy Mason.
9817 Flora Maria Holden,9 b. 26 Mar., 1860; m. in Hawley, 18 Dec., 1890, Elmer Francis Spafford, b. in Berlin, Mass., 6 Jan., 1855, son of James Richard Spafford, of Berlin, and Olive B. Woodbury, of Bos­ton; res. in Easthampton, Mass.
9818 Adelbert Lamunt Holden,9 b. 27 Feb., 1863; m. 12 June, 1890, in Flor­ence, Mass., Eva Chace; res. in Hawley.

4358.   GEORGE CLINTON,8 son of Asa7 (1607), b. in Halifax, Vt., 4 Feb., 1840; m. 31 Oct., 1866, Jennie Philena Campbell, b. 20 Jan., 1842, dau. of Ben­jamin Campbell, b. 18 Mar., 1808, and Elizabeth Seary, b. 21 May, 1812.
He is foreman in a brush factory; res. in Florence, Mass.
9819 Emery Campbell,9 b. 20 June, 1879; res. in Florence.

4360.   CHARLES,8 son of Joel7 (1609), b. in Westminster, Vt., 21 Mar., 1830; m. in South Hadley, 31 Oct., 1853, Sophronia Amanda Ferry, b. in Granby, Mass., 1 Dec., 1823, dau. of Medad Ferry, of Granby, b. 22 Nov., 1791, and Martha S. Taylor, b. 9 Oct., 1792.
He res. in Granby, where he is a farmer; he res. in Halifax, Vt., until 1847, when he rem. to Granby.
Children, b. in Granby.
9820 Charles Medad,9 b. 1 May, 1855; m. Anna Jane Bartlett.
9821 Cornelia Maria,9 b. 24 Apr., 1857; d. 6 Aug., 1859.
9822 Homer Franklin,9 b. 13 Sept., 1860; is a printer; a Congregationalist and a Republican; res., unm., in New York.
9823 Nelson Scott,9 b. 4 Mar., 1863; m. in Granby, 10 Oct., 1900, Delia Eliza Taylor, b. in Granby, 20 June, 1877, dau. of Charles M. Tay­lor, b. 18 Jan., 1851, and Charlotte A. Ferry, b. in Granby, 24 Mar., 1850; is a farmer; a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Granby; has no children.
9824 Flora Arvilla,9 b. 19 Mar., 1868; m. in Granby, 23 May, 1894, William Russell Jones, D. M. D., b. in Northampton, Mass., 30 May, 1866, son of William Howard Jones, b. 12 Aug., 1830, and Martha Dusser, b. 28 Nov., 1839; he was graduated from Harvard Dental School, 1889; is a dentist; a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Wakefield, Mass.; has no children.

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4361.   MARY ANN,8 dau. of Joel7 (1609), b. in Westminster, Vt., 21 Sept., 1832; m. in South Hadley, 18 Oct., 1851, Albert Morton, b. in Sullivan Co., N. Y., 16 Apr., 1830, son of Lewis Morton, b. 26 Dec., 1792, and Delphine Evans, They res. in Liberty, N. Y.; rem. in 1849 to South Hadley Falls, Mass., and, in 1853, to Springfield, Mass., where he now res.
9825 Clarence Herbert Morton,9 b. 16 Sept., 1855.
9826 Henry Willis Morton,9 b. 5 July, 1858.
9827 Minnie Estella Morton,9 b. 12 Nov., 1860; d. 3 Sept., 1861.
9828 May Etta Morton,9 b. 26 May, 1867.
9829 Nye Forrester Morton,9 b. 22 July, 1869.

4362.   JOSEPH ELY,8 son of Israel7 (1610), b. in Clayton, N. Y., 19 July, 1833; m. in Toledo, O., 13 Dec., 1865, Sarah Bradley Brown, b. 1837, dau. of John Edmund Brown, of Brownville, N. Y., b. 1807, and Elizabeth Ann Cath­cart, b. 1815.
He d. 19 Jan., 1899.
They res. in Kalamazoo, Mich., and Chicago. Child.
9830 Louis Israel,9 b. in Kalamazoo, 8 Sept., 1876; res., unm., in Buffalo, N. Y.

4365.   FRANK ISRAEL,8 son of Israel7 (1610), b. in Kalamazoo, Mich., 20 Aug., 1846; m. in Kalamazoo, 22 Sept., 1870, Mary Foster Underwood, of Kala­mazoo, b. 16 Aug., 1848.
9831 Aether Piper,9 b. 18 Mar., 1878.
9832 Paul Underwood,9 b. 30 Sept., 1879.

4366.   MARY DIMIS,8 dau. of Israel7 (1610), b. in Kalamazoo, Mich., 11 July, 1851; m. 7 Dec., 1876, George Herbert Wheelock, b. in Boston, 18 Sept., 1850, son of George Hall Wheelock, b. 17 July, 1826, and Catherine Elizabeth Digby, b. in Boston, 10 Feb., 1834.
He is an electrician; a member of the Iowa Society Sons of American Revo­lution; served as drummer boy in the civil war in Co. D, Sixth Michigan In­fantry, from 21 Sept., 1861, to 12 Feb., 1865. He was appointed in 1890, United States Internal Revenue Agent. He is an Episcopalian, and a Republican; res. in Ottumwa, Ia.
Children, b. in Ottumwa.
9833 Herbert Kellogg Wheelock,9 b. 21 Sept., 1878; served in the Spanish­American war; enlisted 21 Apr., 1898, in the Fiftieth Iowa Vol­unteer Infantry; was discharged 30 Nov., 1898, when the regiment was mustered out; is unm.
9834 Helen Irene Wheelock,9 b. 24 Mar., 1883; d. in Ottumwa, 7 Nov., 1885.
9835 Irene Elizabeth Wheelock,9 b. 11 July, 1885.
9836 Olivia Wheelock,9 b. 5 Aug., 1893; d. in Ottumwa, 5 Nov., 1893.

4367.   WILLIAM SMITH,8 son of Amos7 (1616), b. in Greenwich, Mass., 13 Mar., 1809; m. 8 Oct., 1833, Margaret Bissell Barber, b. in South Windsor, Conn., dau. of Eldad Barber.
He d. 5 Apr., 1860; she d. 8 Feb., 1868.
He was a cabinet maker and machinist; res. in South Windsor, where both d.

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9837 William Emory,9 b. 8 May, 1835; d. 28 Mar., 1836.
9838 Mary Louisa,9 b. 19 July, 1837; res. in Greenwich, Conn.
9839 Ellen Lucinda,9 b. 2 Oct., 1839; m. Samuel Smith.
9840 Jane Eliza,9 b. 27 Mar., 1843; m. William A. Howe.
9841 William Eldad,9 b. 17 Sept., 1845; m. Josephine Electa Strong.
9842 Charles Dwight,9 b. 1 Apr., 1850; d. 3 Sept., 1853.

4369.   MARY ABIGAIL,8 dau. of Amos7 (1616), b. in Greenwich, Mass., 26 June, 1815; m. Charles Olds, b. in Brookfield, Mass., 23 May, 1815, son of Seth Banester Olds and Relief Drury.
He was a farmer and carriage maker; res. in Warren and Springfield, Mass., and Dummerston and Rockingham, Vt., also in Belchertown, Mass.; he rem., 16 Dec., 1848, to the Oneida Community, N. Y., where he engaged in carriage making and repairing; was also traveling agent for the community.
9843 Harriet Noyes Olds,9 b. 16 July, 1849; res., unm., in the Oneida Com­munity.

4370.   GEORGE WASHINGTON,8 son of Amos7 (1616), b. in Greenwich, Mass., 18 Jan., 1818; m. 1 Dec., 1845, Lucina West, b. 22 Apr., 1822, dau. of Warren West, of Chatham and Colchester, Conn., b. 23 May, 1789, and Talitha Day, of Colchester, b. 21 June, 1796.
He d. 26 Nov., 1847; was a farmer in Belchertown, Mass.; she m. (2) 29 May, 1866, Edmund Smith, a farmer of East Haddam, Conn., b. 4 Aug., 1807.
9844 Marion Elizabeth,9 b. 23 Jan., 1847; m. Lyman Payne.
9845 George Washington,9 b. 12 Feb., 1848; d. 13 Apr., same year.

4375.   AMOS STERLINGS,8 son of Elam7 (1618), b. in Somers, Conn., 9 May, 1831; m. 18 July, 1860, Henrietta Matilda Pease, b. 31 Dec., 1835, dau. of Daniel Cone Pease, b. 24 Feb., 1806, and Matilda Collins, b. 12 Mar., 1808. Ma­tilda Collins and the mother of Hon. Wm. C. Whitney, former Secretary of the Navy, were sisters.
They res. in Mt. Holly, N. J.
Children, b. in Philadelphia.
9846 Gertrude Eliza,9 b. 4 Feb., 1864; m. Hans Krog Juel Beck.
9847 Maude Emma,9 b. 3 Sept., 1874; res., unm., in Mt. Holly, N. J.

4379.   MARIVA,8 dau. of Charles7 (1619), b. in Berlin, O., 9 June, 1827; m. 16 Nov., 1847, Nathaniel Hine, b. in Birmingham, O., 10 Oct., 1828, son of Na­thaniel Hine, b. in Bethlehem, Conn., 1797, and Ruth Sherman, b. in Woodbury, Conn., 1798.
She d. in Absecon, N. J., 25 Jan., 1865.
They rem. from Birmingham to Berlin, O., in 1848, and in 1860 to Absecon, N. J. He is a farmer; after her death he res. in Berlin. Child.
9848 Mary Statira Hine,9 b. in Berlin, 15 Dec., 1852; m. in Brownhelm, O., Eugene M. Famsworth, 5 Sept., 1875; he is a farmer.

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4380.   MARY L.,8 dau. of Charles7 (1619), b. in Berlin, O., 31 Dec., 1829; m. 26 Oct., 1853, Homer Brooks, b. in Florence, O., 26 Oct., 1830, son of John Brooks, b. about 1792, and Adeline Squire, b. in Southport, Conn., 16 Nov., 1802.
He was a farmer and school teacher; res. in Cleona and Greenfield, Ia.
9849 John Everton Brooks,9 b. S Aug., 1855.
9850 Alvin Brooks,9 b. 12 Feb., 1858.
9851 Charles Edward Brools,9 b. 1 Oct., 1860; d. 18 May, 1863.
9852 Mariva Brooks,9 b. 23 Oct., 1862.
9853 Willis Elton Brooks,9 b. 8 Feb., 1866.
9854 Adeline Brooks,9 b. 20 Jan., 1871.
9855 George Brooks,9 b. 15 Nov., 1872.

4385.   GILES PEASE,8 son of Israel7 (1621), b. in Feeding Hills, Mass., 15 Nov., 1823; m. (1) in Petaluma, Cal., 26 Aug., 1858, Malinda Dyer Laird, b. in Vernon, N. Y., Jan., 1837, dau. of Morris S. Laird, b. in Westmoreland, N. Y., 1805, and Elizabeth Spencer, b. in Vernon.
She d. in Petaluma, 26 June, 1863; he m. (2) in San Francisco, 11 Aug., 1865, Emilissa Frisbie, b. in Vernon, 27 Sept., 1835, dau. of Medad Hills Frisbie, b. in Vernon, 2 Apr., 1801, and Elizabeth Van Sice, b. in Johnstown, N. Y., 3 Oct., 1812; d. in Salinas, Cal, 28 May, 1892.
In 1841 he rem. from West Springfield to Ellington, Conn. He sailed from New York, 18 Feb., 1849, in the ship Henry Lee, and reached San Francisco, via Cape Horn, 9 Sept., 1849. He was a farmer and dairyman in Chualar, Monterey Co., Cal.
Children by first wife, b. in Petaluma.
9856 Edwin Delos,9 b. 20 Apr., 1860; m. Mae Elizabeth Laird.
9857 Libbie May,9 b. 26 Aug., 1861; d. in Gold Hill, Nev., 26 Oct., 1863.
9858 William,9 b. 21 June, 1863; d. in Petaluma, 26 Nov., 1863.
Children by second wife.
9859 Frank Frisbie,9 b. in Petaluma, 31 Aug., 1866; m. Hannah Catherine Anderson.
9860 Caroline Jerusha,9 b. in Vernon, 28 Nov., 1868; m. Frank M. Dunshee.

4386.   THEODORE PITKIN,8 son of Israel7 (1621), b. in West Springfield, Mass., 7 Jan., 1827; m. 21 Mar., 1853, Pamelia Dickinson Bissell, b. in Scho­harie, N. Y., 24 Nov., 1828, dau. of George Cone Bissell, b. in Manchester, Conn., 20 July, 1792, and Elizabeth White, b. in Granby, Mass., 27 Jan., 1800.
He is a carpenter; res. in Willoughby, O., Chicago, Ill., and, since 1858, in Dunlap, Ia. In the war for the Union he was a member of Co. C, Twenty-ninth Iowa Volunteers; enlisted 4 Jan., 1864; was mustered out 10 Aug., 1865. He saw service in Arkansas under Gen. Steel; was at the siege of Mobile, Ala, and under Gen. Sheridan, on the Rio Grande, to intercept Maximillian's Mexican army.
Children, last four b. in Dunlap.
9861 George Edwin,9 b. in Willoughby, 4 Sept., 1854; m. Lena Marqueson.
9862 Theodore Pitkin,9 b. 28 Apr., 1856; d. 8 Aug., 1857.
9863 Walter Erwin,9 b. 23 Apr., 1861; m. Lillie May Musgrove.
9864 Clarence William,9 b. 22 Nov., 1862; m. Harriet Belle Christman.
9865 Grace Una,9 b. 12 Mar., 1869; m. Arthur Egbert De Cou.

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4387.   LORENZO,8 son of Israel7 (1621), b. in Feeding Hills, West Spring­field, Mass., 3 Jan., 1829; m. 4 Apr., 1854, Mary Brighara Gager, b. 25 Aug., 1833, dau. of John Webb Gager, b. in Tolland, Conn., 5 Sept., 1802, and Susan Anne Brigham, b. in Coventry, Conn., 31 Dec., 1807.
He rem. from West Springfield to Rockville, Conn., and thence, in Apr., 1857, to Harrison, Ia.; was later a farmer and president of the Dunlap Bank of Dunlap, Ia.
Children, last two b. in Dunlap.
9866 Helen Eliza,9 b. in Rockville, 15 Oct., 1855; m. Benjamin Junkin Moore.
9867 Clara Webb,9 b. in Harrison, 19 June, 1859; m. Oscar W. Tavlor.
9868 Martha Pease,9 b. 2 Aug., 1861; d. 5 Jan., 1881.
9869 Lillian Brigham,9 b. 18 Mar., 1864; d. 15 Apr., same year.

4388.   EDWIN POMEROY,8 son of Israel7 (1621), b. in West Springfield, Mass., 24 Nov., 1830; m. (1) 7 Sept., 1852, Ann Maria Greenleaf, of Rockville, Conn., b. in Shutesbury, Mass., 12 Jan., 1832, dau. of George Sullivan Greenleaf, of Springfield, b. in Warren, Mass., 19 Apr., 1808, and Emmeline Chase, b. in Belchertown, Mass., Nov., 1810.
She d. 23 Jan., 1864; he m. (2) 5 Oct., 1865, Emma Maston Gwillin, b. in Hartford, 25 May, 1842, dau. of William Gwillin, b. in Newtown, North Wales, 1805, and Elizabeth Griffith, b. 31 Oct., 1803; she d. in Hartford, 18 Feb., 1875.
In Mar., 1860, he rem. to Hartford, Conn., where he was a photographer and dealer in art materials, in partnership with his brother, William; res. in Missouri Valley, Ia.
Child by first wife.
9870 William Edwin,9 b. in Hartford, 12 Jan., 1864; d. in Springfield, 12 July, same year.
Children by second wife.
9871 Robert Pease,9 b. in Hartford, 13 Dec., 1868; d. 17 Jan., 1886.
9872 Mary,9 b. 15 May, 1871; d. 3 Mar., 1872.
9873 Elizabeth (Bessie) Emma,9 b. 3 Dec., 1872; d. 27 Apr., 1874.

4389.   JULIUS AUGUSTUS,8 son of Israel7 (1621), b. in West Springfield, Mass., 7 Oct., 1834; m. 19 Dec., 1865, Abigail Jane Helme, b. in Providence, R. I., 15 Dec., 1842.
He d. in Hartford, 11 Dec., 1901; she res. in Hartford.
He was a furniture dealer; res. in Hartford, Conn.; a member of Hartford City Council, 1880; a Republican and a Congregationalist.
9874 Harry Giles,9 b. in Hartford, 31 Aug., 1868; m. Georgia Ethlyn Brown.
9875 Lellie Edith,9 b. in Rockville, Conn., 28 June, 1872; res., unm., in Hartford.
9876 Franklin Helme,9 b. in Rockville, 29 Dec., 1873; m. in Hartford, 11 Mar., 1902, Helen Maud Williams, b. in Elmwood, Conn., 31 Aug., 1879, dau. of Frederick H. Williams; res. in Hartford; was in the furniture business with his father several years; now in the supply department of the Hartford Electric Light Company.

4393.   CHARLES OTIS,8 son of Enos7 (1622), b. in Somers, Conn., 17 Aug., 1836; m. in Kenwood, N. Y., 15 June, 1869, Olive Ann Nash, b. in South Or-

696    The Kelloggs in the New World.

ange, N. J., 23 Mar., 1839, dau. of Daniel Poole Nash, b. 14 July, 1809, and Sophia Church, b. 23 May, 1814.
He was a farmer and Republican; res. in Kenwood.
9877 Eleanor Nash,9 b. in Kenwood, 1 Jan., 1871; m. Paul Bernard Herrick.

4394.   GEORGE REYNOLDS,8 son of Enos7 (1622), b. in Somers, Conn., 11 Oct., 1838; m. in Hamilton, N. Y., 1 June, 1875, Mary Lucretia Bolles, b. in Milford, Mass., 1 Dec., 1850, dau. of Lorenzo Bolles, b. 14 Oct., 1832, and Ann A. Ellsworth, b. 1825.
He is general business agent of the Oneida Community; res. in Kenwood, N. Y.
9878 Bertha Elizabeth Ellsworth,9 b. in Kenwood, 3 Aug., 1877; is unm.

4395.   JANE ALLEN,8 dau. of David7 (1636), b. in Goshen, Mass., 11 July, 1810; m. in Cummington, Mass., 23 Oct., 1839, Lewis Tucker Cobb, son of Elias Cobb, b. in Abington, Mass., 7 Nov., 1777, and Susan Tucker, b. in Salem, Mass., 22 Sept., 1780.
She d. in Wyanet, Ill., 23 Aug., 1874.
He res. in Cummington and Sutton, Mass., Wyanet, Ill., and later in Carle­ton, Neb.
9879 Ellen Frances Cobb,9 b. in Sutton, 20 Aug., 1840; m. Newell Kinsman; res. in Adair Co., Ia.
9880 Edward Kellogg Cobb,9 b. in Sutton, 12 Oct., 1843; is a farmer in Carleton.
9881 Francis Elias Cobb,9 b. in Cummington, 17 July, 1852; is a merchant in Carleton.

4396.   LUTHER L.,8 son of David7 (1636), b. in Windsor, Mass., 16 Apr., 1813; m. 11 Apr., 1835, Minerva Burnell Washburn, b. 30 Apr., 1816, dau. of Hattel Washburn and Martha Putney, of Goshen, Mass.
He d. in Canajoharie, N. Y., 21 June, 1841; was a blacksmith; res. in Cummington, Mass., and Canajoharie; she m. (2) in Goshen, 1856, Rodney Hawks, b. 1818, son of Eleazer Hawks; he was a farmer; res. in Goshen.
Children, b. in Canajoharie.
9882 George Luther,9 b. 4 Dec., 1839; m. Isabell Celestia Damon.
9883 Marion Ophelia,9 b. 21 Jan., 1841; d. in Goshen, 3 July, 1848.

4397.   AUSTIN WELLS,8 son of David7 (1636), b. in Windsor, Mass., 15 Dec., 1815; m. 27 Mar., 1838, Nancy Ann Cairn Cross, of Lee, Mass., b. 24 Mar., 1820, dau. of William Cairn Cross and Samantha Dibble, of Westfield, Mass.
He d. in Pittsfield, 14 Oct., 1885.
He was for twenty-eight years Deputy Sheriff in Berkshire Co.; res. in Pittsfield, Mass.

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9884 Maria Frances,9 b. in Lee, 4 Sept., 1839; m. Robert E. Willard.
9885 Edward L.,9 b. in Lee, 21 Aug., 1842; m. 23 Dec., 1874, Mary E. Wheeler; enlisted in the army; served in Harris Light Cavalry, under Gen. Kilpatrick; was a prisoner in Belle Isle and Anderson­ville; returned home safely; res. in Fonda, N. Y.
9886 Byron Wells,9 b. in Lee, 10 Nov., 1844; enlisted in 1862, in the war for the Union; was Lieut, in the One Hundred and Seventy-second New York Infantry; was wounded in Port Hudson, 14 June, 1863; d. in the hospital in Baton Rouge, La., 30 June, 1863; is buried in Pittsfield.
9887 Inez Virginia,9 b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 31 Dec., 1849; res. in Pittsfield.

4398.   RALSAMAN BASSETT,8 son of David7 (1636), b. in Windsor, Mass., 13 July, 1818; m. in Cummington, Mass., 9 May, 1847, Mary Arabella Benson, b. in Sullivan, Madison Co., N. Y., dau. of Harry Benson, b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., 30 May, 1795, and Chastina Perry, b. in Greene, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1801.
He rem. in June, 1849, to Windsor, Vt., and in 1867, to Red Wing, Minn.; was a traveling agent.
9888 Charles Luther,9 b. in Cummington, 15 Feb., 1848; m. Sarah Elva Holden.

4400.   CYNTHIA SOPHIA,8 dau. of David7 (1636), b. in Windsor, Mass., 18 Feb., 1825; m. in Brattleboro, Vt., 13 May, 1850, Horace Hosford, b. in Plain­field, Mass., 9 Feb., 1819, son of Moses H. Hosford, b. in Plainfield, about 1787, and Lovina Chamberlain, b. about 1793.
He d. 9 Sept., 1892.
He was a manufacturer of woolen cloths; res. in North and South Adams, Conway, Mass., and Hinsdale, N. H.; she res. in Everett, Mass.
Children, b. in Conway, Mass.
9889 Frank Hosford,9 b. 20 Feb., 1853.
9890 Hattie Hosford,9 b. 30 June, 1857.

4426.   WILLIAM HERVEY,8 son of Harvey7 (1640), b. 2 Feb., 1824; m. 12 Feb., 1850, Amanda Harriet Howell, b. 15 Dec., 1830.
They res. in Clarksville, Ia.
Children, b. in French Creek, N. Y.
9891 Charles William,9 b. 15 Nov., 1850; m. in Waverly, Ia., Lucina Kel­ley; res. in Clarksville.
9892 Mary Amanda,9 b. 3 Dec., 1853; m. in Waverly, Edgar Huff.
9893 Minnie Ann Eliza,9 b. 10 Nov., 1865; m. Sumner Stewart Renfrew.

4427.   LUSEBA ADAMS,8 dau. of Harvey7 (1640), b. in French Creek, N. Y., 30 Mar., 1826; m. in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., 9 Sept., 1845, Daniel Jacob Hulett, b. in Genesee Co., N. Y., 14 Sept., 1817, son of Josiah Hulett, b. 7 Sept., 1792, and Rhoda Young, b. in Rhode Island.

698    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. in French Creek, 27 Apr., 1885; she d. in Kipley, N. Y., 8 Apr., 1900. He was a farmer.
Children, b. in French Creek, N. Y.
9894 Amy Luseba Hulett,9 b. 6 Oct., 1847; m. in French Creek, 23 Sept., 1869, Almon Lane Adams; he d. ______; res. in Ripley.
9895 Robert Harvey Hulett,9 b. 22 July, 1850; m. in Harmony, N. Y., 28 Mar., 1876, Mary Barter; she d. ______; res. in Bradford, Pa.
9896 Edith Permelia Hulett,9 b. 28 July, 1852; m. in French Creek, 30 Dec., 1874, Rolland J. Wadsworth; res. in Lancaster, O.
9897 William Baker Hulett,9 b. 12 Sept., 1856; m. in Butler, Pa., 7 May, 1878, Naomi Stevenson; d. 10 July, 1899, in Corydon, Pa., where his widow now res.
9898 Henry Frank Hulett,9 b. 22 Mar., 1862; m. in Altoona, Pa., 8 June, 1887, Edith Amelia Cutler; res. French Creek.

4428.   WARREN DE LOS,8 son of Harvey7 (1640), b. in New York, 24 Nov., 1827; m. (1) in Ripley, N. Y., about 1851, Lois Knapp, b. in 1828 or '29, dau. of Levi Knapp and Samantha Haynes.
She d. in Ogle Co., Ill., Aug., 1864; he m. (2) in Rockford, Ill., 23 May, 1866, Jane Bonsall, b. 23 May, 1846, dau. of Jesse Bonsall and Margaret Smith; d. in Verndale, Minn., 10 Feb., 1884.
He was a Republican and a Methodist Episcopalian; she m. (2) E. M. Clark, of Greeley, Mo.
Children by first wife.
9899 Thaddeus,9 b. ______; d. young, near Rockford.
9900 Frank Genoe,9 b. in Clinton Junction, Wis., 18 Sept., 1856; m. Jose­phine C. Guyon.
9901 Ella Lois,9 b. near Rockford, 1 Oct., 1859; m. William T. McMeekin.
9902 George Harvey,9 b. ______; d. in French Creek, 1862 or '63.
Children by second wife.
9903 Anna Marguerite,9 b. near Manchester, Ia., 18 Jan., 1867; m. Charles Levi Knapp.
9904 Thaddeus Henry,9 b. in Plainfield, Ia.; res. in Tacoma, Wash.
9905 Harry De Los,9 b. in Plainfield; res. in Greeley.
9906 Bertha Adelle,9 b. in Plainfield; res. in Tacoma, Wash.
9907 Cecile Clementine,9 b. in Plainfield; res. in Greeley.
9908 Floyd Warren,9 b. in Verndale, Minn.; res. in Greeley.

4430.   CHARLES OZRO,8 son of Harvey7 (1640), b. 13 Mar., 1834; m. in Ridott, Ill., 18 Dec., 1856, Elizabeth Hall, b. in North East, Pa., 18 Jan., 1835, dau. of Silas Foster Hall, of Ridott, b. 29 July, 1800, and Laura Cooledge, b. 3 Jan., 1805.
He d. in Wessington Springs, S. D., 19 Sept., 1894; she res. in Ada, S. D.
He was a farmer; a Congregationalist and a Republican.

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9909 Ebert Henry,9 b. in Ridott, 4 Dec., 1857; m. Ida May Prince.
9910 Erie Hall,9 b. in Ridott, 11 Dec., 1858; res. in Ada.
9911 George Harden,9 b. in Rockford, Ill., 29 Dec., 1863; m. Elva E. Crippen.
9912 Mary Annette,9 b. in Rockford, 1 Dec., 1864; d. in Charles City, Ia., 27 Nov., 1866.
9913 Asa Warren,9 b. in Rockford, 15 Aug., 1866; res. in Ada.
9914 Dwight,9 b. in Charles City, 23 Nov., 1868; res. in Ada.
9915 Luseba Elizabeth,9 b. in Plainfield, Ia., 17 June, 1871; m. in Wessing­ton Springs, 30 Nov., 1896, William Herbert Knapp, b. in Elk Point, S. D., 1870, son of Cyrus Knapp, b. 1834, and Harriet Palmer, of New York, b. 1842; he is a farmer; a Republican and a member of the Union Church; res. in Jefferson, S. D.

4441.   ORRIN,8 son of Levi7 (1644), b. in Middlebury, N. Y., 22 May, 1816; m. (1) in Leon, N. Y., 19 Mar., 1835, Henrietta Matilda Nichols, b. in Lake Pleasant, N. Y., 3 Apr., 1820, dau. of Caleb Nichols, b. 8 Feb., 1792, and Hen­rietta Matilda Rich, b. 16 Nov., 1799.
She d. in Napoli, N. Y., 2 July, 1882; he m. (2) 15 Mar., 1883, Mrs. Har­riet (Wing) Day, b. 18 Mar., 1834, dau. of Joseph Wing, b. 22 Apr., 1808, and Lydia Brown, b. 2 July, 1813; d. in New Albion, N. Y., 4 July, 1889; was a car­penter; res. in Napoli; was a Free Will Baptist and a Republican; she m. (3) King and res. in New Albion.
Children, all except Lurinda Ruth, b. in New Albion.
9916 Cyrus,9 b. 25 Oct., 1840; m. Mary Jane Smith.
9917 William Harrison,9 b. 14 Apr., 1844; d. in Middlebury, 16 Dec., 1845.
9918 William Harvey,9 b. 9 Aug., 1848; d. in Davton, N. Y.; 11 July, 1849.
9919 Lurinda Ruth,9 b. in Dayton, 1 Feb., 1850; m. William Irvin Phillips.

4443.   CHESTER,8 son of Levi7 (1644), b. in Genesee Co., N. Y., 11 Aug., 1819; m. in Dayton, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1839, Sylvia Seekins, b. 12 June, 1822, dau. of John Seekins, b. 15 Jan., 1794, and Bashaby Judd, b. in Vermont, Dec., 1795.
He d. in Montour, Ia., 24 Mar., 1882; she res. in Albion, Ia.
He was a farmer; res. in Montour.
9920 Amos Henry,9 b. 14 Nov., 1839; m. (1) Martha Fox; (2) Elizabeth Taylor.
✛9921 Idf,9 b. 8 Sept., 1841; m. Franklin Hubbart.
9922 John Chester,9 b. 22 Jan., 1844; d. in the army, 30 Oct., 1862; was a soldier in Co. F, Tenth Iowa Volunteers.
9923 Sarah Sophia,9 b. in Carroll Co., Ill., 18 Feb., 1846; m. (1) David Childs; (2) John Beale.
9924 Nancy Maria,9 b. in Carroll Co., Ill., 12 May, 1848; d. 3 Apr., 1850.
9925 Norman Tyler,9 b. 23 July, 1850; res. in Birch Tree, Mo.
9926 Harmon Horatio,9 b. 28 Oct., 1852; m. Susan Albertha Kite.
9927 Nettie,9 b. in Montour, 27 Dec., 1856; d. unm., 12 Dec., 1875.
9928 Emma Jane,9 b. 19 Oct., 1858; m. John Akins Harvey.
9929 Sina Lucinda,9 b. 15 June, 1864; m. Elmer Ellsworth Lowell.

700    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4444.   CALVIN C.,8 son of Levi7 (1644), b. in Genesee Co., N. Y., 5 May, 1826; m. in Dayton, N. Y., 12 Mar., 1846, Martha Sophia Forbes, b. in Madison Co., N. Y., 9 Oct., 1826, dau. of David Forbes and Martha Sheridan.
He d. in Montour, Ia., 13 Apr., 1886.
He was a farmer; Methodist and Republican; res. in Montour. After his death she res. in Montour.
9930 Dexter Lawrence,9 b. in Dayton, 2 Feb., 1847; m. in Montour, 26 Feb., 1873, Harriet Doty; res. in Montour.
9931 Clarinda Augusta,9 b. in Dayton, 2 Mar., 1849; m. Thomas Patterson Craig.
9932 Chauncey Walker,9 b. in Westfield, Ind., 11 May, 1858; m. Etta Caro­line Inman.

4454.   MARTHA CALPURNIA,8 dau. of Joseph7 (1645), b. 1824; m. Henry B. Bradley, son of Abijah Bradley, of Middlebury, N. Y., and Catherine Beach.
He d. 1888; she d. 1896.
He was a farmer; res. in Wyoming, N. Y., where both d. ______; was a Baptist.
9933 Mary Bradley,9 b. 1843; m. George M. Miller; res. in Wyoming.
9934 Joseph Story Bradley,9 b. 1848; m. Martha Dodson; d. 1888.

4455.   MARY LOUISA,8 dau. of Joseph7 (1645), b. in Middlebury, N. Y., 1825; m. in Wyoming, N. Y., 21 Oct., 1852, Horace Babbitt, b. in Cooperstown, N. Y., 1824, son of David Babbitt, b. 1796, and Lucy Shipman, b. 1798.
He d. in Rushford, N. Y., 6 July, 1876; she d. in Hume, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1895, aged 71.
He was a teacher, farmer and lumber dealer; res. in Rushford. He was a Freethinker; held several offices in connection with the Republican organization.
Children, b. in Rushford.
9935 Benjamin Franklin Babbitt,9 b. 27 Sept., 1854; m. 19 Oct., 1882, Mary Fairola Stephens; res. in Houghton, N. Y.; had seven children.
9936 Martha Isabel Babbitt,9 b. Nov., 1856; m. Milo Thayer; res. in Houghton.
9937 Lovinia Josephine Babbitt,9 b. 5 Dec., 1860; m. James Taylor; res. in Turtle Point, Pa.

4457.   REV. WILLIAM HOAG,8 son of Joseph7 (1645), b. in Wyoming Co., N. Y., 15 May, 1829; m. in Clean, N. Y., 1 Sept., 1853, Sarah Keziah Brooks, b. in Olean, 22 Oct., 1833, dau. of Judge James Brooks, b. 28 Oct., 1784, and Eliza­beth (Betsey) Canfield, b. 25 Sept., 1793.
He d. in Clifton Springs, N. Y., 17 Nov., 1898.
He was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church; belonged to the Genesee Conference and to the West Wisconsin Conference.
9938 Delta B.,9 b. in Porter, N. Y., 15 June, 1857; m. Henry Webster Follett.
9939 Mary Ellen,9 b. in Black Earth, Wis., 14 Sept., 1865; m. in Lincoln,

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Neb., 1 Sept., 1898, Joseph Weaver, b. near Ickesburg, Pa., 17 Nov., 1862, son of Isaac H. Weaver, b. 25 Jan., 1825, and Sarah Ellen Wilvert, b. 22 Nov., 1830; he is a chef; res. in Lincoln, Neb.
9940 Julia Bertha,9 b. in Monroe, Wis., 20 Feb., 1871.

4458.   LOVINA,8 dau. of Joseph7 (1645), b. in Covington, N. Y., 11 Jan., 1830; m. 9 Nov., 1849, Leonard M. Healy, b. in Middlebury, N. Y., 12 May, 1822, son of Horace Healy, b. in Middlebury, Vt., 21 Dec., 1790, and Pamelia Wales, b. in Armond, Lower Canada, 17 Feb., 1798.
She d. 12 Feb., 1881.
He was a merchant; res. in Elkhorn Grove, Spring Valley, Mt. Morris and Polo, Ill., Ely, Ia., and later in Cedar Rapids, Ia.
9941 Mary Laura Healy,9 b. 15 June, 1851; d. in Spring Talley, 22 Mar., 1866.
9942 Lillian Sophia Healy,9 b. 16 Dec., 1853.
9943 George Washington Healy,9 b. 15 June, 1858.
9944 Frank William Healy,9 b. 20 Sept., 1862; res. in Pasadena, Cal.
9945 Charles Cyrus Healy,9 b. 22 Nov., 1864.
9946 Leonard Grant Healy,9 b. 18 Apr., 1868.

4459.   CYNTHIA ANGELINE,8 dau. of Joseph7 (1645), b. in Covington, N. Y., 1 Dec., 1831; m. 5 Aug., 1854, Flasel Ruthven Palmer, b. in Centerville, N. Y., 15 Dec., 1831, son of William Palmer, b. in East Guilford, Vt., 1 Nov., 1786, and Eleanor Knickerbocker, b. in Salisbury, Conn., 10 July, 1792.
She d. 30 Mar., 1893.
He was a student at the Leland Seminary, Townshend, Vt., two years; a teacher four years. He served in the war for the Union, as private in Co. C, One Hundred and Fourth New York Volunteer Infantry; was disabled at the battle of Warrenton Junction; was discharged Sept., 1862. He later became a farmer in Centerville, N. Y.
9947 Florence Ellen Palmer,9 b. 29 Aug., 1863.
9948 Cyrus Story Palmer,9 b. 17 June, 1865; res. in Angola, N. Y.

4460.   GEORGE WASHINGTON,8 son of Joseph7 (1645), b. 20 May, 1837; m. 1 Mar., 1860, Nancy Caroline Thompson, b. 13 Aug., 1843, dau. of William Thompson, b. 26 May, 1805, and Lucinda Raily Wootan, b. 18 July, 1810, of Chico, Cal.
He d. in Plumas Co., Cal., 14 Aug., 1863; res. in Chico; she m. (2) 6 May, 1865, Benjamin Franklin Parrish.
Children, b. in Nord, Cal.
9949 Mary Sophia,9 b. 4 Dec., 1860; m. Joseph Servine Osborn.
9950 Lucinda Frances,9 b. 4 Nov., 1862; m. (1) Hugh Brevord Stevenson; (2) Nicholas Hawker Wilson.

4461.   CHARLES FRANCIS ASBURY,8 son of Joseph7 (1645), b. in Rush­ford, N. Y., 12 Sept., 1840; m. (1) in Natchez, Miss., 9 Jan., 1868, Kate Cole­man, b. in Natchez, 28 Feb., 1847, dau. of Dan Coleman.

702    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She d. in Woodville, Miss., 2 July, 1869; he m. (2) 25 Dec., 1870, Mary Rosalie Beaumont, b. in Woodville, 2 Jan., 1855, dau. of Edward Beaumont and Elizabeth (Betty) Bentley, b. 9 Aug., 1838; she d. in Woodville, 16 Mar., 1889.
He res. in Nevada eight years prior to 1888, and in Hiram, Miss., in 1898.
He was a farmer; was Corp. and color guard in Co. H, Fifteenth Reg., Illinoi Volunteers, in the civil war; enlisted 24 May, 1861; was discharged 4 June, 1864.
"Voted for Old Abe," since then a Democrat "every time."
Child by first wife, b. in Woodville.
9951 Mary,9 b. 17 May, 1869; d. 13 July, same year.
Children by second wife.
9952 Lillian May,9 b. 26 Nov., 1873; m. 4 Feb., 1889, Frank Gibby; res. in Centerville and Hume, N. Y.; had no children.
9953 Mary Delta,9 b. 25 Sept., 1874; d. 23 Dec., 1880.
9954 Cyrus William,9 b. 1 Nov., 1876.
9955 Elizabeth,9 b. 24 June, 1878; m. Joseph Stratton Burns.
9956 Charles Bentley,9 b. 9 Aug., 1880; res. in Hiram, Miss.
9957 Sophia Edna,9 b. 25 Oct., 1882; res. in Hume.
9958 Mary Alma,9 b. 21 Aug., 1884; res. in Jonesville, Miss.
9959 Joseph Bentley,9 b. 9 Oct., 1887; res. in Natchez.

4471.   ALMEDA MERIDY,8 dau. of Peter7 (1648), b. 15 Aug., 1830; m. (1) Harrison Hull.
He d. ______; she m. (2) William Parrish.
Res. in Stoughton, Wis.
Child by first husband.
9960 Charles Hull,9 b. ______; res. in Stoughton, Wis.

4472.   JUSTUS OLMSTEAD,8 son of Peter7 (1648), b. in Cattaraugus, N. Y., 27 Jan., 1835; m. in Franklin, Pa., 19 July, 1855, Ann Eliza Hull, b. in Erie I Co., Pa., 23 Sept., 1830, dau. of Eliphalet Hull.
She d. in Alexandria, Minn., 15 Oct., 1893.
He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Children, all except the youngest, b. in Illinois.
9961 Huldah Almeda,9 b. 6 Nov., 1857; m. Frederick Henry Prodger.
9962 Minnie Bell,9 b. 5 Feb., 1860; m. Nov., 1882, in Alexandria, Henry James Prodger; res. in Mandan, N. D.
9963 Willie Elsworth,9 b. in Erie Co., Pa., 11 Sept., 1863; m. in Lake Mary, Minn., 1887, Estella Robinson; res. in Mandan.

4473.   JOSEPH,8 son of Peter7 (1648), b. in Cattaraugus, N. Y., 20 Dec., 1836; m. (1) 6 Aug., 1857, Margaret Ann Goodban, b. in Franklin, Pa., 15 Sept., 1837, dau. of William Goodban, b. 22 Feb., 1804, and Margaret Longley, b. 5 Mar., 1813.
She d. in New Amsterdam, Wis., 14 Apr., 1866; he m. (2) 14 Apr., 1868, Mary Ann Farber; d. in Fairfield, Ia., 8 Dec., 1893; was a farmer; res. in Erie Co., Pa.; in Tama Co., Ia. La Crosse and Trempealeau Counties, Wis.; also in Fairfield, Ia. He was a Union soldier; enlisted as Corp. in Co. C, Tenth Reg.,

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Iowa Volunteers, 31 July, 1861; served until 17 Sept., 1862. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; in politics a Republican; was Sheriff of Jefferson Co., Ia.
9964 Clarence Melville,9 b. in Mt. Carroll, Ill., 25 Mar., 1859; m. Flor­ence May Clark.
9965 Orrin Joseph,9 b. in Arcadia, Wis., 20 Oct., 1878; m. in Fairfield, 13 Feb., 1900, Grace McLain; res. in Fairfield.

4474.   LEANDER,8 son of Peter7 (1648), b. in Cattaraugus, N. Y., 1 Feb., 1839; m. (1) in Franklintown, Pa., 10 Sept., 1858, Esther Fattison, b. in Ire­land, 1 Jan., 1840, dau. of Robert Pattison.
She d. in Douglas Co., Minn., 30 Aug., 1881; he m. (2) in Stoughton, Wis., 25 Dec., 1882, Mary Elizabeth Westerfield, b. 23 Aug., 1855.
He was a Sergt. in Co. C, Sixteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry; enlisted 10 Aug., 1862. He is a retired farmer; a Methodist Episcopalian and a Populist; res. in Alexandria, Minn.
Children by first wife, b. in Hudson, Minn.
9966 Mary Matilda,9 b. 23 Oct., 1870; m. Charles R. Klatt.
9967 Alice May,9 b. 3 May, 1873; m. Henry Albert LeRoy.
9968 Florence,9 b. 23 Mar., 1876.
9969 Orin Peter,9 b. 25 Mar., 1878; m. in Hudson, 18 Dec., 1900, Berta Hawley; res. in Hudson.
Children, by second wife.
9970 Laura Agnes,9 b. 25 Jan., 1884.
9971 John Herman,9 b. 20 June, 1886.
9972 Joseph Leander,9 b. 3 Apr., 1889.
9973 Helen Elizabeth,9 b. 18 May, 1893.

4475.   WILLIAM DENNIS,8 son of James7 (1656), b. in Haldimand, Canada, 9 Sept., 1825; m. Mary Seals.
They res. in 1877, in Waukon, Ia., and later in Perry, Ia.
9974 Charles,9 b. ______.
9975 Ann,9 b. ______.
9976 Amaziah,9 b. ______; m. ______; is a dentist; res. in Waukon; his eldest dau. was graduated from Kirksville College, Mo., and is an elocutionist.
9977 William,9 b. 1859; m. in Boston, Mass., 7 Oct., 1891, Anna R. Rollins; is a dentist; res. in Decorah, Ia.
9978 Harriet,9 b. ______.
9979 Moses,9 b. ______.

4476.   JULIA ANN,8 dau. of James7 (1656), b. in Haldimand, Canada, 21 May, 1827; m. Seth Hubbell.
She d. in Whitby, Canada, 27 Feb., 1851; he m. (2) Almira Kellogg (+4479).
9980 Pamelia Hubbell,9 b. ______.

704    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4477.   DAVID,8 son of James7 (1656), b. in Haldimand, Canada, 17 Oct., 1828; m. (1) 1848, Huldah Florena Peters, b. 17 Aug., 1828, dau. of David McGregor Rogers Peters, b. 4 Mar., 1800, and Elizabeth Batridge Morrison, b. 1 Oct., 1800, of Haldimand.
She d. 21 June, 1868; he m. (2) in Haldimand, 1869, Eliza Rouse, dau. of Sylvester Rouse; d. in Haldimand, 18 Dec., 1883; she res. near Rochester. He res. in Vernonville, Ontario, and Haldimand.
Children by first wife.
9981 Adelaide Theresa,9 b. 28 Sept., 1850; m. Charles Listem Kellogg (4486).
9982 James Ruthbern,9 b. 3 Apr., 1852; m. Harriet Eliza Packard, dau. of Galen Packard; d. in Haldimand, Apr., 1877; she d. in Haldi­mand, 1899.
9983 David Wakeman,9 b. in Haldimand, 9 Nov., 1854; m. Emily Adelaide Sawyer.
9984 John Milton,9 b. in Vernonville, Canada, 24 Sept., 1857; m. Lydia Ann Sawyer.
9985 Charles Newton,9 b. 1860; d. ______, aged 3 months.
9986 Byron Wallace,9 b. 1863; res., unm., in Vernonville; is a mechanic.
9987 Huldah Florena,9 b. in Vernonville, 14 May, 1869; m. John Kellie.
Child by second wife.
9988 Frank Sylvester,9 b. in Haldimand, 1870; m. ______; res. near Roch­ester, N. Y.

4478.   AMARIAH,8 son of James7 (1656), b. in Haldimand, Canada, 15 Mar., 1831; m. 11 Nov., 1855, Eunice Crawford.
They res. in Webster City, Ia.
9989 Chloe Ann,9 b. ______.
9990 Mira,9 b. ______; d. in Allison, Butler Co., Ia., 22 May, 1839.
9991 Albert,9 b. ______.
9992 Leonard,9 b. ______.
9993 Nettie,9 b. in Freeport, Ia.
9994 Grace,9 b. in Waukon, Ia.
9995 Howard,9 b. in Waukon.
9996 Ray,9 b. in Waukon.

4479.   ALMIRA,8 dau. of James7 (1656), b. in Haldimand, Canada, 1 No 1833; m. Seth Hubbell, who had previously m. her sister, Julia Ann (+4476).
9997 Julia Hubbell,9 b. ______.
9998 Sylvester Hubbell,9 b. ______.
9999 Demis Hubbell,9 b. ______.

4480.   EXPERIENCE,8 dau. of James7 (1656), b. in Haldimand, Canada, 4 Mar., 1836; m. Luke Frink.
She d. 28 Nov., 1859.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    705

10000 Julia Frink,9 b. ______.

4481.   JOHN,8 son of James7 (1656), b. in Vernonville, Canada, 10 Apr., 1838; m. in Port Hope, 3 Nov., 1859, Margaret Elizabeth Peters, b. in Haldimand, Can­ada, 18 Mar., 1835, dau. of David McGregor Rogers Peters, b. 4 Mar., 1800, and Elizabeth B. Morrison, b. 1 Oct., 1800.
He was a farmer; res. in Vernonville, Ontario, Canada.
10001 Elizabeth F.,9 b. 27 Nov., 1860; d. in Vernonville, 3 Aug., 1861.
10002 Arthur Everett,9 b. in Vernonville, 15 Sept., 1863; m. Effie Magnolia Tinker.
10003 James Platt,9 b. 16 Feb., 1866; m. Ida Clarinda McColl.
10004 Theresa Florence,9 b. 13 Aug., 1868; m. in Haldimand, 13 Aug., 1890, Charles Herbert Winten, b. in Haldimand, 13 Aug., 1866; he was a laborer. Baptist and Reformer; had no children.

4482.   OLIVE,8 dau. of James7 (1656), b. in Haldimand, Canada, 3 Mar., 1843; m. Israel Hulbert.
She d. 5 Nov., 1895.
10005 Julia Hulbert,9 b. ______.
10006 James Hulbert,9 b. ______.
10007 Henry Hulbert,9 b. ______.

4483.   JAMES FRANKLIN,8 son of Ira7 (1657), b. ______; m. ______.
He was in the patent rights business; res. in Oneida, N. Y.
10008 Caroline,9 b. ______.
10009 Alice,9 b. ______.
10010 Franklin,9 b. ______.

4485.   IRA,8 son of Ira7 (1657), b. Res. in Brushy Creek, Ia.
10011 George Henry,9 b. ______.
10012 James Monroe,9 b. ______.
10013 Benjamin Franklin,9 b. ______.
10014 Evaline Louise,9 b. _______.
10015 Matilda,9 b. ______.

4487.   THOMAS JEFFERSON,8 son of Ira7 (1657), b. He was a farmer; res. in Whitehall, Wis.
10016 Jessie,9 b. ______.
10017 John,9 b. ______.
10018 Edith,9 b. ______.

706    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4502.   PHOEBE ANN,8 dau. of Franklin7 (1659), b. 15 July, 1834; m. (1) George Weeks.
He d. ______; she m. (2) Thomas Friend, of Cresco, Ia.; she d. 10 Apr., 1877, in Cresco.
Children by first husband.
10019 Aurilla Weeks,9 b. ______.
10020 Mary Weeks,9 b. ______.
10021 James Weeks,9 b. ______.
Children by second husband.
10022 Catherine Friend,9 b. ______.
10023 Harriet Friend,9 b. ______.
10024 John Friend,9 b. ______.
10025 George Friend,9 b. ______.

4504.   MATTHEW,8 son of Franklin7 (1659), b. in Whitby, Canada West, 15 Jan., 1841; m. in Keokuk, Ia., 10 Nov., 1862, Virginia Frances Barrick.
He was a stone mason; res. in Leadville, Col. He was a soldier for the Union; a private in Co. D, Third Reg., Iowa Infantry. In the battle of Pitts­burg Landing he was wounded in his left arm, but he refused to have it ampu­tated. He is a pensioner.
10026 Jane,9 b. ______.
10027 Clarinel,9 b. _______.
10028 Ire,9 b. ______.
10029 Luther,9 b. ______.
10030 Maud,9 b. ______.

4507.   GEORGE HENRY,8 son of Franklin7 (1659), b. in London, Ont., 1 Dec., 5 1852; m. (1) 25 Nov., 1877, Mabel McCulloch.
She d. 13 Mar., 1881; he m. (2) 15 Feb., 1882, Myrtle Brooks.
He was formerly a dentist; in 1897 was a dealer in musical supplies, and sewing machines; res. in Cresco, Ia. He res. with his parents in Canada until 6 years of age, and then rem. to the United States.
Child by first wife.
10031 Ora,9 b. 22 May, 1880; d. 6 Feb., 1882.
Children by second wife.
10032 Georgia,9 b. 11 June, 1885.
10033 William D.,9 b. 27 Mar., 1888.

4539.   ISAAC,8 son of Nathan Fairchild7 (1678), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 12 Jan., 1780; m. 15 May, 1807, Eunice St. John, b. in Wilton, Conn., 11 Dec., 1787, dau. of John St. John, of Milton, Conn.
He d. in Vineland, N. J., 29 Mar., 1867; she d. in Rochester, N. Y., 17 Apr., 1869.
They res. in Ridgefield, Conn., and Troy, N. Y.

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10034 Elvira,9 b. in Ridgefield, 20 Sept., 1808; m. Alvin Wilkinson.
10035 George,9 b. in Ridgefield, 23 July, 1810; m. Leah Newkirk Frear.
10036 John,9 b. in Ridgefield, 3 Oct., 1812; d. Feb., 1815.
10037 Charles,9 b. in Troy, 12 Sept., 1814; d. there, 27 Dec., 1814.
10038 Emily,9 b. 5 Aug., 1816; d. 30 June, 1821.
10039 Carolin,9 b. 23 Oct., 1818; d. 18 Sept., 1819.
10040 Caroline Elizabeth,9 b. 5 Jan., 1821; d. in early childhood.
10041 Lorenzo Dow,9 b. 28 Sept., 1823; m. (1) Mary Coles Wakelee; (2) Antoinette Wakelee.
10042 Erie,9 b. 27 Oct., 1825; d. young.
10043 Edmund,9 b. 1 May, 1828; d. 10 Sept., 1829.
10044 Elizabeth Ann,9 b. 31 Oct., 1832; d. unm., in Vineland, 16 Mar., 1867; was a teacher in the public schools of Rochester.

4540.   SHILOMITH,8 dau. of Nathan Fairchild7 (1678), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 15 Dec., 1782; m. Oct., 1804, Shubael Warren, b. in Norwalk, 1780, son of Daniel Warren and Hannah Raymond.
She d. 20 Apr., 1860; he d. 25 July, 1863.
He was a carpenter; res. in Norwalk, Conn., South Salem, N. Y., and Ridge­field.

10045 Esther Warren,9 b. in Norwalk, 1805; m. Oct., 1846, Stephen Jones, a farmer; d. in Ridgefield, 20 Dec., 1871.
10046 Anna Warren,9 b. 6 Aug., 1807; m. 10 Dec., 1832, Abijah Adams; d. in Wilton, Conn., May, 1873.
10047 George,9 b. ______; m. 1832, Susan Starr; was a carpenter; d. in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Mar., 1843.
10048 Edmund Warren,9 b. in South Salem, 20 Sept., 1811; m. 10 Nov., 1839, Mary Jane Weed; d. in New Haven, Conn., 4 July, 1871.
10049 Rufus Warren,9 b. ______; m. 1838, Delia Lockwood; d. in New York, Apr., 1878.
10050 Harriet Warren,9 b. 1814; m. 1838, Joseph Lambert, a shoemaker; d. in New Canaan, Conn., June, 1860.
10051 Hannah Warren,9 b. in Ridgefield, 25 Apr., 1817; m. (1) 16 May, 1841, Morris Quintard, a tailor; m. (2) Ira Hoyt, of Patterson, N. Y.
10052 Roxanna Warren,9 b. 22 Mar., 1819; m. 29 Oct., 1842, John E. Sher­wood, a mason; res. in Ridgefield.
10053 Mary Warren,9 b. 11 Feb., 1824; d. in Ridgefield, 20 Dec., 1833.

4541.   HANNAH,8 dau. of Nathan Fairchild7 (1678), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 3 Mar., 1785; m. 14 Feb., 1802, Stephen Olmsted, b. 12 May, 1783, son of Daniel Olmsted and Joanna _______.
She d. 2 Feb., 1870; he d. 2 Jan., 1876.
He was a farmer; rem. in 1806 from Connecticut to Davenport, N. Y., and res. there until his death.

708    The Kelloggs in the New World.

10054 Wileman Olmsted,9 b. 23 June, 1803; m. Sarah Chase; was a farmer; rem. to Cayuga Co., 1826.
10055 Roswell Olmsted,9 b. 30 Jan., 1805; m. Lucy Merrill.
10056 John Olmsted,9 b. 2 Sept., 1807; d. unm.
10057 Hannah Olmsted,9 b. 26 Dec., 1809; m. Apr., 1839, George Sanbonger.
10058 Nathan Olmsted,9 b. 17 Oct., 1812; m. Magdalene Ten Eyck; res. in Belmont, Wis.; was a lawyer.
10059 George Olmsted,9 b. Feb., 1815; m. Nancy Chase; d. in Wisconsin, 8 Feb., 1852.
10060 Stephen Olmsted,9 b. 3 Jan., 1817; m. Eliza Wilcox, of Harpersfield, N. Y.; was a farmer in Davenport.
10061 Laura Olmsted,9 b. 18 Apr., 1819; m. Richard Pierce, of Davenport.
10062 Daniel Olmsted,9 b. 22 July, 1821; m. Almira Gaines; res. in Cam­bridge, Ill.; d. Sept., 1866.
10063 Delia Olmsted,9 b. 23 Aug., 1823; d. unm.
10064 Esther Ann Olmsted,9 b. 29 Oct., 1825; d. unm.
10065 Chauncey Olmsted,9 b. 6 July, 1828; m. Harriet Wilcox; res. on the old homestead in Davenport.

4542.   LEWIS,8 son of Nathan Fairchild7 (1678), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 21 Aug., 1787; m. 12 Apr., 1819, Alice Salisbury, b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 15 Sept., 1797, dau. of Henry Salisbury, of Davenport, N. Y., and Amy Cleveland.
He d. 2 June, 1865; she d. 24 Apr., 1878.
He was a farmer; res. in Ridgefield, also in Davenport, N. Y., to which place he rem. about 1808.
Children, b. in Davenport.
10066 Mary (Polly),9 b. 11 Apr., 1820; m. (1) as his second wife, 11 Mar., 1840, James E. Burnside, b. in Maryland, N. Y., 22 Feb., 1806, son of Evert Burnside, b. in Albany Co., N. Y., 4 July, 1772, and Catherine Higsbee, b. 15 Dec., 1777; he was a farmer and car­penter; res. in Albany until 1849; in Maryland until 1857; Me­Henry Co., Ill., until 1865; d. in Prairieburg, Ia., 11 Sept., 1871; she m. (2) 22 Oct., 1877, William Nelson Elwell, b. in New Haven Co., Conn., 6 Apr., 1804, son of Samuel Elwell, b. in Stonington, Conn., 16 Nov., 1779, and Jerusha Smith, b. in Branford, Conn., 21 Aug., 1785; he was a miller and millwright; res. in Davenport.
10067 George Orsemas,9 b. 1 May, 1823; d. 6 Aug., 1829.
10068 Nathan Henry,9 b. 24 Mar., 1825; d. unm., 2 Aug., 1853.
10069 Nelson Haemon,9 b. 18 Oct., 1826; m. Mary E. Roe.
10070 Amy Ann,9 b. 12 Dec., 1828; m. Jeremiah Evans.
10071 Alice Hannah,9 b. 28 Sept., 1834; d. unm., in Davenport, 1881.
10072 Lewis Orsemas,9 b. 1 Nov., 1836; d. 1 Dec., same year.
10073 Wileman Lewis,9 b. 8 May, 1839; is a Methodist and a Democrat; lives on the old homestead in Davenport; is a farmer.

4543.   NATHAN,8 son of Nathan Fairchild7 (1678), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 10­Dec., 1789; m. Lucy Sherwood, b. 3 Feb., 1793, dau. of Benjamin Sherwood.
She d. 4 Sept., 1859; he d. in Swanton. O., 4 Apr., 1875.
They res. in Salem, Ill., and Plymouth, O.

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10074 Pamelia,9 b. 23 Oct., 1814; d. unm., 1 Feb., 1836.
10075 Clark Sherwood,9 b. 5 May, 1817; m. Hannah Bertha Knott.
10076 Amos,9 b. 3 Jan., 1819; d. unm., 8 June, 1845.
10077 Harriet,9 b. 6 Mar., 1821; m. Allen Kimball.
10078 Hiram,9 b. 25 May, 1823; m. Caroline Whittlesey.
10079 Darwin,9 b. 14 May, 1825; m. (1) Mary Eliza Abrams; (2) Abbie Teachworth.
10080 Nathan Sherwood,9 b. in New York, 20 Aug., 1827; m. Elizabeth Olcott.
10081 Sophia,9 b. 24 July, 1831; d. unm., 23 Aug., 1854.

4544.   JOEL,8 son of Nathan Fairchild7 (1678), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 2 July, 1792; m. in Gilbertsville, N. Y., 15 Apr., 1824, Harriet Donaldson, b. in Gil­bertsville, 27 Jan., 1796, dau. of Nathaniel Donaldson, b. in Brimfield, Mass., 8 Sept., 1769, and Candace Sykes, b. in Monson, Mass., 31 Dec., 1772.
He d. in Gilbertsville, 22 July, 1870; she d. 15 Apr., 1876.
He was an apprentice to John Brewer, a cabinet maker, of Danbury, Conn.; rem. with him to Butternuts, N. Y., where he afterward opened a shop for himself.
10082 Nathan,9 b. 10 May, 1825; m. Sarah Ann Bishop.
10083 Edson,9 b. 15 July, 1827; d. unm., in Painesville, O., 9 Nov., 1891.
10084 Lucretia,9 b. in Gilbertsville, 21 May, 1829; m. in Painesville, 24 Apr., 1888, as his second wife, James Teachout, b. in Somerset, N. Y., 13 Aug., 1832, son of Abraham Teachout and Sally Merritt, of Royal­ton, O.; res. in Painesville; he is a Methodist and a Republican; retired from business; had no children.
10085 John Sykes,9 b. 28 May, 1831; m. Augusta Theresa Baumgardt.
10086 Eliza Watson,9 b. 18 Feb., 1835; d. 16 Nov., 1846.

4545.   MARY,8 dau. of Elijah7 (1679), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 14 Sept., 1781; m. Eli Mattoon.
He d. in Milton, N. Y., about 1825; she d. in Avoca, N. Y., 11 June, 1860. He was a mason.
Children, b. in Milton.
10087 Maria Mattoon,9 b. 1805; d. unm., 27 June, 1864.
10088 Henry Mattoon,9 b. 3 May, 1807; res., unm., on the old homestead near Avoca.
10089 Elias Mattoon,9 b. 16 Nov., 1810; m. 3 July, 1841, Hannah Perry, dau. of Michael Perry, of Avoca; she d. in Avoca, 8 Jan., 1853; had four children.
10090 Eliza Mattoon,9 b. 16 Nov., 1810; m. 1837, Silas B. Broekway, an artist; res. in Winneconne, Wis.; had no children.
10091 Willis Mattoon,9 b. 11 July, 1811; m. 14 Jan., 1864, Mrs. Sarah Ann (Dunton) Mattoon, widow of his brother; d. 28 Aug., 1881; had two children.
10092 Ebenezer Jones Mattoon,9 b. 12 Jan., 1814; m. 16 Sept., 1840, Sarah Maria Hoagland, dau. of George Hoagland, of Avoca; was a farmer; d. 9 Feb., 1879; had three children.

710    The Kelloggs in the New World.

10093 William Kellogg Mattoon,9 b. 25 June, 1815; m. 27 Dec., 1849, Sarah Ann Dunton, b. 1 Aug., 1825, dau. of Joshua Dunton, of Howard; d. 23 Dec., 1861; had six children; she m. (2) Willis Mattoon.

4546.   JACOB,8 son of Elijah7 (1679), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 18 Dec., 1782; m. (1) in Greenfield, N. Y., 1 Mar., 1806, Priscilla Wood, b. 21 May, 1754, dau. of Joseph Wood, brother of Jonathan Wood, who m. Susanna Kellogg (+1963).
She d. 7 Oct., 1810; he m. (2) 17 Aug., 1812, Susan Johnson, b. 11 Nov., 1787; she d. 11 Nov., 1824; he m. (3) Abi Wood (sister of Priscilla), b. 20 Aug., 1798; d. 1 Dec., 1871; she d. 17 May, 1880.
He rem. from Milton, N. Y., Sept., 1817, to Castile, N. Y., where he bought a farm.
Children by first wife.
10094 Nancy,9 b. 16 Sept., 1807; m. Ezra Brewster Smith.
10095 William,9 b. 31 Jan., 1810; m. (1) Elizabeth Wood; (2) Olive Re­becca Smith.
Children by second wife.
10096 Asahel,9 b. 5 Sept., 1813; m. Susan Smith.
10097 Priscilla,9 b. 18 Nov., 1815; d. 11 Apr., 1833.
10098 Eliza Emmeline,9 b. 7 May, 1817; m. Thomas Henry.
10099 Elizabeth Briggs,9 b. 27 May, 1819; m. Henry Hyatt Buckhout.
10100 Sarah Jones,9 b. 29 Aug., 1821; m. Alonzo Overacker.
10101 Uriah,9 b. 8 June, 1824; m. Mary Pennock. Child by third wife.
10102 Samuel,9 b. 14 Jan., 1842; d. 31 Jan., same year.

4547.   JONATHAN,8 son of Elijah7 (1679), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 17 Apr., 1784; m. (1) 19 Apr., 1804, Roxanna Calkins, b. 15 Sept., 1783.
She d. 16 Oct., 1807; he m. (2) 7 June, 1810, Esther Buck, b. 28 June, 1787, dau. of John Buck, b. in Wrentham, Mass., 17 Mar., 1746, and Esther Clark, b. 29 Aug., 1752; d. in Linden, N. Y., 23 Mar., 1857; she d. 25 Apr., 1873.
When 14 years old he was apprenticed as a blacksmith. He lived in Sara­toga Co., Pulteney, Benton, Castile, Eagle and Linden, N. Y. He worked as a smith until 1828, when he became a farmer.
10103 Hiram,9 b. in Saratoga Co., N. Y., 13 Feb., 1805; m. Fanny Morton.
10104 Sarah,9 b. in Saratoga Co., 2 Apr., 1807; m. Richard Hewitt, of Saratoga, N. Y.; d. 10 Sept., 1835.
10105 Aaron Clark,9 b. in Saratoga Co., 30 Apr., 1811; m. Aurilla Sophronia Nash.
10106 John Warren,9 b. in Pulteney, 7 Dec., 1812; m. Sarah Lucretia Nash.
10107 William Albert,9 b. in Benton, 21 June, 1818; m. (1) Abi Emeline Whipple; (2) Mrs. Maria (Bradley) Chase.
10108 Roxanna,9 b. in Pulteney, 4 Aug., 1826; m. Oliver Sever Drake.

4548.   SARAH,8 dau. of Elijah7 (1679), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 11 Jan., 1786; m. 1 Jan., 1807, Ripley Calkins, b. 25 Mar., 1785, son of John Calkins and Rebecca Jewett.

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She d. 7 Mar., 1811; he m. (2) Sarah Barrows, b. 2 Apr., 1792; d. 22 Dec., 1838; had seven children.
Res. in Ballston and Howard, N. Y.
10109 Mary Delia Calkins,9 b. 16 Jan., 1808; m. 5 Apr., 1827, Sidney Mer­rill, b. 27 Dec., 1807; d. 16 Apr., 1871; he res. in Blood's Depot, N. Y.; had eight children.

4549.   CATHERINE,8 dau. of Elijah7 (1679), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 8 Aug., 1787; m. in Greenfield, N. Y., 11 Mar., 1811, Charles Calkins, of Milton, N. Y.
She d. 27 Mar., 1834; he m. (2) _______.
He was a laborer in Milton, N. Y.
10110 Louden Calkins,9 b. ______; d. young.
10111 Charles Calkins,9 b. ______.
10112 Sarah Calkins,9 b. in Saratoga Co., N. Y.; m. 12 Apr., 1849, Thomas Thompson, b. in Long Hill, N. J., 24 Nov., 1805, son of Moses Thompson and Hannah Potter; he was a mason in New York City until 1842; from 1842 to '72 he was a farmer in Trivoli, Ill.; res. in Table Rock, Neb.; had three children.
10113 Esther Calkins,9 b. 13 Sept., 1817; m. 12 Sept., 1839, Gilbert B. Tay­lor; he was a carpenter; res. in Ballston, N. Y.; d. 7 Feb., 1874.
10114 Emma Calkins,9 b. ______.
10115 Isaac Calkins,9 b. ______.
10116 Calvin Pardy Calkins,9 b. 5 Nov., 1824; m. 1 Mar., 1848, Amanda Hubbs, b. 21 May, 1826, dau. of Isaac Hubbs, b. 3 July, 1790, and Anna Gould, b. 3 June, 1794; was a blacksmith in Jonesville, N. Y.; also res. in Clifton Park, N. Y.

4550.   WALTER,8 son of Elijah7 (1679), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 1 Mar., 1789; m. 30 Nov., 1816, Anna Holmes, b. 13 June, 1797, dau. of John Holmes and Hannah _______.
He d. 4 June, 1866; she d. 27 June, 1873. He was a farmer; res. in Elba, N. Y.
10117 Silas,9 b. 11 Nov., 1817; m. ______.
10118 Caroline Amelia,9 b. 17 Aug., 1820; m. Benjamin Rosencrans.
10119 Sarah Ann,9 b. 2 May, 1825.
10120 George March,9 b. 18 Mar., 1828; m. Eliza Josephine Knickerbocker.
10121 John Holmes,9 b. 20 Jan., 1831; d. young.
10122 John Holmes,9 b. in Elba, 20 Jan., 1833; m. ______; enlisted 22 July, 1862, in Co. C, Eighth New York Heavy Artillery, and served three years; was a farmer; res. in Batavia, N. Y.

4551.   MABEL,8 dau. of Elijah7 (1679), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 8 Sept., 1791; m. David Romer.
She d. in Castile, N. Y., 7 Mar., 1864.
10123 Sarah Romer,9 b. ______; m. John Noble, of Westfield, Ia.
10124 David Romer,9 b. ______; d. 7 Feb., 1851, aged 28.

712    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4552.   LOUDEN,8 son of Elijah7 (1679), b. in Milton, N. Y., 26 Feb., 1793; m. 4 Feb., 1818, Emma Spragne, b. in Milton, 27 Sept., 1795, dau. of Elijah Sprague and Eunice Haskins.
He d. 19 Apr., 1871.
After their marriage they rem. from Milton to Castile, N. Y., and in Apr., 1856, to Poygan, Winnebago Co., Wis. In 1881 his widow res. with their son-in-law, Horace Scofield, in Omro, Wis.
10125 Lydia Wood,9 b. 18 Sept., 1819; m. (1) Rufus G. Bowman; (2) Arthur B. Blackburn.
10126 Adaline,9 b. in Castile, 23 May, 1821; m. Horace Scofield.

4554.   ELIJAH,8 son of Elijah7 (1679), b. in Milton, N. Y., 29 Sept., 1797; m. 12 Mar., 1819, Tamar Palmer, b. in Clifton Park, N. Y., 17 Mar., 1802, dau. of Joshua Palmer and Rosanna Barton.
He d. in Antwerp, N. Y., 1885, to which place he rem. in 1829.
10127 Rufus,9 b. 25 Feb., 1821; m. (1) Jane Tryphena Sraedley; (2) Mrs. Eliza Ann (Jackson) Smith.
10128 William Riley,9 b. in Milton, 20 June, 1824; m. (1) Nancy Carpen­ter; (2) Mrs. Mary (Demarest) Smith.
10129 Adeline,9 b. Apr., 1826; d. 1834.
10130 Caroline,9 b. 1834; d. same year.
10131 Lewis,9 b. Oct., 1837; m. 25 Dec., 1859, Ann Ryder; was a farmer in Antwerp, N. Y.
10132 Angeline,9 b. in Antwerp, 10 Apr., 1840; m. George P. Coolidge.

4555.   JULIETTE,8 dau. of Elijah7 (1679), b. in Milton, N. Y., 29 Aug., 1799; m. 2 Jan., 1822, David Hess, b. in Milton, 25 Dec., 1797, son of Peter Hess, b. in Rensselaerville, N. Y., about 1759, and Sarah Barrass, who d. in Michigan.
She d. 7 Jan., 1876; he d. ______.
He was a farmer; rem. in 1833, from Milton to Castile, N. Y., where both d.
10133 George Hess,9 b. in Milton, 10 Dec., 1822; m. 7 Mar., 1849, Salona Townsend, b. in Pike. N. Y., 25 June, 1822, dau. of Abel Town­send, b. in Bolton, Mass., 10 Feb., 1783, and Beulah Abell, b. in Granville, N. Y., 22 Apr., 1787; was a farmer in Castile.
10134 Mary Jane Hess,9 b. in Milton, 29 Nov., 1824; m. 20 June, 1841, Joseph Laird, b. in Chili, N. Y., 15 Mar., 1822, son of James Laird, b. in Vermont, and Anna Billings; he d. in Michigan, Aug., 1876; she d. in Castile; had three children.
10135 Harriet Newell Hess,9 b. in Milton, 22 Aug., 1830; d. unm., 18 Mar., 1875.

4556.   EBENEZER,8 son of Elijah7 (1679), b. in Milton, N. Y., 12 July, 1801; m. 17 Oct., 1822, Lydia Moore, b. 21 Jan., 1800, dau. of Deacon Alpheus Moore, of Saratoga Springs, b. 16 Oct., 1750, and Mabel Chatfield, b. 12 Aug., 1757.
He d. 14 Mar., 1873; she d. 26 June, 1876.

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He lived in Saratoga Co. until 1828, then moved to Steuben Co., and res. there until 1831, then moved to Castile, N. Y., where he lived until his death.
10136 Mabel,9 b. G Jan., 1824; res., num., in Castile, N. Y.
10137 Susan Maria,9 b. in Milton, 20 July, 1828; m. (1) Warner Webster Wood; (2) Samuel Dexter Hinsdale; (3) George Newton.
10138 Sarah Ann,9 b. 12 Sept., 1831; m. William James Davis.
10139 George W.,9 b. in Howard, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1834; m. in Pike, N. Y., 13 Nov., 1857, Emily Lucy Loper, b. in Castile, 23 Feb., 1836; they adopted a child, Frederick La Rue Atkinson, whose father was drowned near Green Bay, Wis.
10140 Lucia Abigail,9 b. in Bath, N. Y., 9 Apr., 1836; m. (1) Rasselas Alva David; (2) William Luther Raymond.

4570.   DANIEL,8 son of Ebenezer7 (1686), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 11 Dec., 1800; m. 2 Dec., 1824, Sophia Hitchcock, b. in Bolivar, N. Y., dau. of Jonathan Hitchcock and Polly _______.
He was a farmer; res. in Charles City, Ia.; both d. in Bolivar.
10141 Melissa,9 b. 9 Aug., 1825; m. Edward H. Ballard.
10142 Theresa Malvina,9 b. in West, N. Y., 19 July, 1827; m. Ephraim Sherwood.
10143 Calista,9 b. 14 Aug., 1829; m. Abel Skinner.
10144 Permelia,9 b. 27 May, 1833; m. 12 Sept., 1852, Lyman L. Trask; d. 21 Oct., 1853.
10145 Harriet,9 b. 30 Aug., 1835; d. unm., 11 July, 1868.
10146 Mary Fletcher,9 b. 4 July, 1839; m. 18 Oct., 1874, Eli C. Fox; rem. to Iowa before her marriage.

4571.   ABIGAIL,8 dau. of Ebenezer7 (1686), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., June, 1802; m. (1) 1820, Leonard Daniels, b. 14 June, 1793, son of Nehemiah Daniels, of Morris, N. Y.
He d. in Bolivar, N. Y., 21 Apr., 1834; was a farmer and lumberman; a Methodist and a Democrat; she m. (2) Clark Millard; d. in Bolivar, 13 Sept., 1855.
Children by first husband.
10147 Lucius Daniels,9 b. 6 July, 1822; m. June, 1842, Sarah Lescur; is a tanner, currier and shoemaker; res. in Bolivar.
10148 Edwin Daniels,9 b. 10 Feb., 1824; m. Aug., 1847, Abigail Williams; res. in Nile, N. Y.; now res. in Friendship, N. Y.
10149 Alexander Daniels,9 b. 28 Mar., 1826; d. 21 Apr., 1834.
10150 Martha Clarinda Daniels,9 b. 9 Jan., 1828; m. 5 Oct., 1844, Gilbert Chapel, b. in New London, Conn., 14 June, 1813, son of Stephen Chapel, b. 30 Aug., 1765, and Sarah , b. 12 Mar., 1770, of Butternuts, N. Y.; he was a lumberman and farmer; a Methodist Episcopalian; d. in Bolivar, 12 May, 1894; had four children.
10151 Russell Daniels,9 b. 10 Apr., 1830; m. Philura Scott; res. in Rock­ford, Ill.
10152 Elizabeth Ann Daniels,9 b. 13 Sept., 1832; m. 10 Nov., 1850, Jolin Sylvester Halbert; d. in Bolivar, 5 Jan., 1875.

714    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4573.   ESTHER,8 dau. of Ebenezer7 (1686), b. in Butternuts, N. Y., 9 Apr., 1806; m. there, 6 Jan., 1825, Gardner Chapel, b. 24 Oct., 1801, son of Stephen Chapel, b. 30 Aug., 1765, and Sarah Chapel (no relation), b. 12 Mar., 1770.
He d. in McKean Co., Pa., 24 Dec., 1889; she d. in Shinglehouse, Pa., about 1893.
He was a farmer and lumberman; was a member of the Methodist Church; in politics a Prohibitionist.
10153 Julia Ann Chapel,9 b. in Butternuts, 3 Dec., 1825; m. in Gilbertsville, N. Y., 3 Dec., 1845, Charles Hickok, b. 15 Sept., 1826, son of Har­vey Hickok, b. 30 June, 1799, and Fanny Hurlbut, b. 28 Feb., 1799; had four children.
10154 Susan Chapel,9 b. in Bolivar, 26 Aug., 1829; d. in Sharon, Pa., 30 Jan., 1835.
10155 Almira Chapel,9 b. in Bolivar, 1 Nov., 1831; d. in Sharon, 27 Oct., 1836.

4574.   EDWIN,8 son of Ebenezer7 (1686), b. in Butternuts, N. Y., 25 Sept., 1811; m. in Bolivar, N. Y., 16 July, 1835, Dilla Doud, b. in Pabius, N. Y., 4 Feb., 1819, dau. of Seth Doud and Elizabeth Baldwin.
She d. 17 Feb., 1887; he d. 6 Nov., 1888.
He was a farmer; res. in Nile, N. Y., where both d. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; in politics a Democrat.
Children, b. in Bolivar.
10156 Lucy Jane,9 b. 7 Nov., 1838; m. Charles Smith.
10157 Fanny Elmina,9 b. 31 Mar., 1841; d. in Nile, 23 Dec., 1889.

4575.   LORING GRANT,8 son of Ebenezer7 (1686), b. in Bolivar, N. Y., 3 May, 1814; m. (1) 12 Nov., 1836, Huldah Penelope Root, b. 11 Feb., 1812, dau. of Albert Root, of Bolivar, and Huldah Cartwright.
She d. in Bolivar, 1849; he m. (2) 4 Apr., 1852, Hepsibah Lord; d. 16 Apr., 1858; she d. Nov., 1897.
He was a lumberman and farmer; res. in Bolivar; was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; in politics a Whig.
Children by first wife, b. in Bolivar.
10158 Ebenezer Abel,9 b. 23 Sept., 1837; d. there, unm., Apr., 1861.
10159 Orlando Ives,9 b. 12 May, 1839; m. in Clinton, Ia., ______; disap­peared forty years ago.
10160 Francis Albertus,9 b. 19 Apr., 1841; m. Abigail Paulina Peterson.
10161 James Fayette,9 b. 12 Aug., 1843; was a Union soldier; enlisted in 1861 in the Fifth Iowa Volunteers; was in the battles of Pea Ridge, Fort Donelson and Vicksburg; after the fall of Vicksburg he was wounded in the right knee, in the battle at the junction of the Yazoo and Iuka Railroad, Mississippi, but continued firing; a Confederate Capt rushed at him with drawn sword; he rose on his sound leg, bayoneted his enemy and secured his belt and sword before becoming insensible; he was taken from the field to the hos­pital in Jackson, Miss., where he d. 20 Sept., 1863.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    715

10162 Elmer D. Cass,9 b. 2 Sept., 1845; was a Union soldier, private and Corp. in the Eighty-fifth New York Volunteers; was captured; d. in Andersonville Prison, 8 Dec., 1864.
10163 Royal Jasper,9 b. 15 Oct., 1846; m. Lucy Ellen Beardsley.
10164 Huldah Francelia,9 b. 9 Nov., 1847; d. in Bolivar, 15 Sept., 1850
Children by second wife.
10165 Loring Wallace,9 b. in Wirt, N. Y., 10 July, 1853; res., unm., in Wirt.
10166 Abram,9 b. in Wirt, 30 Nov., 1854.

4577.   ELISHA BIBBINS,8 son of Ebenezer7 (1686), b. in Nile, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1819; m. in Gilbertsville, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1844, Nancy Kinne, b. 16 Feb., 1805, dau. of Daniel Kinne, b. 11 Apr., 1769, and Nancy McCollouch, b. 25 Aug., 1776.
He d. ______; she d. 21 Feb., 1888.
He res. in Gilbertsville; was a member of the Methodist Church.
10167 Martha,9 b. in Gilbertsville, 9 Feb., 1846; m. William Henry Beards­ley.

4579.   SARAH ANN,8 dau. of Ebenezer7 (1686), b. in Bolivar, N. Y., ______; m. Nelson Millard, son of Clark Millard.
She d. in Bolivar, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1882; he d. 25 Feb., 1888.
10168 Emory J. Millard,9 b. 21 Jan., 1841; m. in Portville, N. Y., 13 July, 1862, Louisa M. Chaple; was a private in Co. A, One Hundred and Seventy-ninth New York Reg.; enlisted Nov., 1863; was dis­charged June, 1865; is a member of the Methodist Church; res. in Manhattan, Kas.; had four children.
10169 Martha S. Millard,9 b. 4 Jan., 1847; d. in Bolivar, 9 July, 1859.
10170 George W. Millard,9 b. 15 Sept., 1852; d. in Bolivar, 25 Dec., 1864.

4580.   NORMAN,8 son of Samuel7 (1688), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 26 Jan., 1808; m. (1) 25 Nov., 1829, Marinda Reynolds, of Bedford, N. Y., b. 20 Feb., 1813.
She d. 27 July, 1856; he m. (2) 19 July, 1857, Mrs. Susan Worden; she d. ______; he m. (3) 22 Sept., 1867, Mrs. Eliza K. (Blackman) Washburne, b. 5 Nov., 1825, widow of William H. Washburn, and dau. of Dr. J. Blackman; d. in Danbury, Conn., about 1883.
He was a mason; res. in Ridgefield; served three years in the Union army in Co. C, Seventeenth Connecticut Infantry.
Children by first wife, b. in Ridgefield.
10171 Alfred,9 b. 26 Jan., 1831; m. Ann Eliza Craw; d. 17 Oct., 1859; had no children.
10172 Mary Amanda,9 b. 11 June, 1833; d. 9 June, 1834.
10173 Charles Todd,9 b. 27 Apr., 1835; m. Harriet Amelia Lounsbury.
10174 Laura Esther,9 b. 28 Mar., 1837; m. Charles Gregory Short.
10175 Norman St. John,9 b. 13 Apr., 1839; m. Elizabeth Foote Bull.

716    The Kelloggs in the New World.

10176 Harriet Francelia,9 b. 6 Mar., 1843; m. 6 May, 1861, John Mc­Quhae, b. in Glasgow, Scotland, 9 Apr., 1837, son of John Mc­Quhae, b. in Haut, Scotland, 9 May, 1806, and Margaret Lans­borough, b. in Edinburgh, Scotland, 28 Feb., 1811; he is a black­smith; res. in Bridgeport; had no children.
10177 Elizabeth P.,9 b. 15 Dec., 1845; m. Allan B. Look; res. in Middle­town, Conn.; had no children.

4584.   AMANDA,8 dau. of Samuel7 (1688), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., about 1817; m. Alfred Stevens.
She d. 30 Mar., 1875.
10178 Samuel W. Stevens,9 b. in Ridgefield, Conn.
10179 Hiram Sylvester Stevens,9 b. in Ridgefield, 16 June, 1847; m. in North Wilton, Conn., 16 June, 1869, Lucy Jane Webb, b. 16 June, 1851; res. in Ridgefield.
10180 Elbert Stevens,9 b. ______; res. in Hillsdale, Mich.

4585.   HIRAM,8 son of Samuel7 (1688), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 17 July, 1822; m. 23 Feb., 1847, Mary Gilbert, b. 11 Feb., 1820, dau. of Harvey Gilbert and Sally Hall.
He d. in Ridgefield, Conn., 14 May, 1898. He was a farmer; res. in Ridgefield.
10181 Hiram Jay,9 b. in Ridgefield, 14 June, 1850; m. Lura Mead.

4586.   HARRIET,8 dau. of Samuel7 (1688), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 28 Sept., 1825; m. 29 Mar., 1850, George Bulkley, b. 19 July, 1815, son of Ward Bulkley, of Fairfield, and Mary Beers.
He d. in Ridgefield, Conn., 21 Mar., 1864.
He was a tailor; res. in Southport and Ridgefield; after his death she res. in Southport, Conn.
10182 Inez Kellogg Bulkley,9 b. 24 Oct., 1852; m. 13 Dec., 1872, Milan Hoyt Mead, a farmer in Ridgefield.
10183 Florine Olivia Bulkley,9 b. 29 Oct., 1857.

4587.   ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Samuel7 (1688), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 21 Nov., 1830; m. 12 Sept., 1852, Hiram Jesse Stevens, b. in Litchfield, Conn., 14 Jan., 1831, son of Amos Russell Stevens and Lavinia Scudder.
His parents moved from Litchfield to New Fairfield, Conn., in 1833; in 1848 he moved to Ridgefield, and, in 1867, to Bethel, Conn.; in 1877, to Brook­lyn, N. Y., where he is a wholesale merchant in gold and plated jewelry. Child.
10184 Estella Wilmot Stevens,9 b. 15 Aug., 1854; m. 22 May, 1878, Charles Drew Morgan, b. in Bethel, 7 Sept., 1849; he was a Jewelry sales­man; res. in Brooklyn.

4588.   JAMES SELLECK,8 son of Deacon Jarvis7 (1691), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 19 Nov., 1792; m. Mary Ann Edmunds.
He d. in Norwalk, 10 Nov., 1857.

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He served in the war of 1812; in Norwalk from 9 to 13 Sept., 1813. Owing to the advanced age of the only living dau., the records of this family have been lost.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
10185 Mary Ann,9 b. 1803; d. unm., 3 May, 1839, aged 36.
10186 J. Edward,9 b. ______; res. in New York City.
10187 Elizabeth,9 b. ______; m. ______; res. in Norwalk.

4590.   SARAH,8 dau. of Deacon Jarvis7 (1691). b. in Norwalk, Conn., 19 July, 1796; m. in Norwalk, 13 Apr., 1815, Joseph Scribner, b. 30 Oct., 1796, son of Enoch Scribner, of Norwalk, b. 29 Aug., 1750, and Elizabeth (Betty) Benedict, b. 1761.
He d. 9 Oct., 1868; she d. in Rosendale, Wis., 8 Jan., 1882. He was a farmer in Norwalk; lived in that part of East Norwalk which was afterward set off as the town of Westport. In 1851 they rem. to Rosendale with their children.
Children, b. in Westport.
10188 William Scribner,9 b. 2 Dec., 1815; m. in Westport, 25 Sept., 1839, Mary E. Hill; was a farmer in Rosendale; had seven children.
10189 Martha Elizabeth Scribner,9 b. 1 May, 1817; m. in Westport, 30 Sept., 1840, Dr. Storrs Hall; he has been a trustee of Ripon College nearly forty-two years; secretary of the Board of Trustees thirty-four years; res. in Ripon, Wis.; had six children.
10190 Enoch Scribner,9 b. 2 Mar., 1819; m. in Eldorado, Wis., 21 Mar., 1848, Kate B. Hall; was a merchant in Eldorado Mills, Wis.; d. ______.
10191 Joseph Scribner,9 b. 13 Dec., 1824; m. 26 Feb., 1851, Olive White; was a farmer in Rosendale; thirteen years treasurer of Ripon College; res. with a dau., in Washington, D. C.
10192 James Kellogg Scribner,9 b. 13 June, 1828; m. 7 Jan., 1857, Laura M. Wheeler; was a miller in Rosendale.
10193 Lucia Scribner,9 b. 1 June, 1832; m. 1 June, 1853, H. M. Hill; d. 8 Aug., 1858.
10194 Harriet Scribner,9 b. 7 Dec., 1837; m. 18 Jan., 1857, J. C. Cooley; d. in Rosendale.

4591.   CHARLES,8 son of Deacon Jarvis7 (1691), b. in Berkshire, Conn., 17 June, 1800; m. (1) 10 Oct., 1825, Frances P. Spalding, of New Haven, Conn.
She d. 1 Apr., 1833, aged 26; he m. (2) 23 Aug., 1834, Tamson Mead, of Somers, N. Y., dau. of Benjamin Mead and Sarah; she d. ______; he d. in Norwalk, Conn., July, 1888.
He was a farmer in Norwalk; a member of the Congregational Church. After the death of his wife he lived, until his death, with his son, Ralph.
Children by first wife.
10195 John S.,9 b. 13 June, 1827; res. in Weston, Conn.
10196 George,9 b. 30 Apr., 1830; res. in Norwalk.
10197 Frances,9 b. 27 Aug., 1832; m. Horace F. Fanton.
Children by second wife, b. in Norwalk.
10198 Sarah Mead,9 b. 11 June, 1836; m. Julian Rivers.
10199 Theodosia,9 b. 3 Aug., 1838; m. Somers Sherwood.

718    The Kelloggs in the New World.

10200 Benjamin M.,9 b. 22 Dec., 1840.
10201 Charles,9 b. 13 June, 1843; res. in Norwalk.
10202 Annie Elizabeth,9 b. 4 Sept., 1845; m. as his third wife, 31 Mar., 1870, William Edmond Starr, of New York City.
10203 Edwin M.,9 b. 28 Jan., 1850; res., unm., in Ripon, Wis.
10204 Lucia,9 b. 24 July, 1852; res. in Norwalk.
10205 Ralph Mead,9 b. 10 Oct., 1855; m. Fannie Simpson.

4592.   LUCIA,8 dau. of Deacon Jarvis7 (1691), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 28 May, 1803; m. 13 June, 1838, Stephen Stanley, b. in Fabius, N. Y., 29 Mar., 1803, son of Asbel Stanley and Mary (Polly) Treat, both natives of East Hartford, Conn. He res. in East Hartford, Windsor, Hartford, Conn., and Troy, N. Y., St. Louis, Mo., and Norwalk, Conn.
10206 Stephen Kellogg Stanley,9 b. in Norwalk, 10 Oct., 1843; m. 20 Feb., 1867, Mary B. Clark; res. in Norwalk; had four children.

4593.   MARTIN,8 son of Deacon Jarvis7 (1691), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 3 July, 1808; m. (1) 15 Oct., 1828, Jane Gray, b. 26 Sept., 1809, dau. of Stiles Gray and Helena _______.
She d. 13 Feb., 1840; he m. (2) 1 Feb., 1843, Clarissa Jane Lockwood, b. 29 June, 1826, dau. of Peleg Lockwood, b. 10 May, 1789, and Clarissa Dann, b. 18 Oct., 1789; d. in New Canaan, Conn., 14 May, 1867; was a shoemaker; res. in Norwalk and New Canaan and Bedford, N. Y.; she m. (2) Charles Munson; d. in Derby, Conn., 1900.
Children by first wife.
10207 Sarah Jane,9 b. 25 Feb., 1830; m. George Talbot Holly.
10208 Jarvis,9 b. 18 Oct., 1835; m. Minnie Stuart Bunting.
10209 Mary Selleck,9 b. 22 Oct., 1839; m. Samuel Frodshem.
Children by second wife.
10210 Alfred,9 b. 24 Dec., 1844; d. unm., 24 May, 1864, in the army.
10211 Martin,9 b. 19 Oct., 1846; m. Jennie Pooley.
10212 William Selleck,9 b. 10 Jan., 1848; m. Martha D. Powell.
10213 Frederick Lockwood,9 b. 4 Oct., 1850; m. (1) Lizzie Oakey; (2) Addie Louise Hyer.
10214 Charles Nelson,9 b. 30 Mar., 1854; d. 14 Aug., 1857.
10215 Angelina,9 b. 12 Aug., 1856; m. George W. Tuttle.
10216 Harriet S.,9 b. 31 Aug., 1859; d. ______.
10217 Charles Nelson,9 b. 30 Apr., 1861; d. 2 Mar., 1873.
10218 Fanny Bates,9 b. 9 Nov., 1863; m. (1) Dr. Karl Keppeler; (2) Bowns.
10219 Emma or Gracie,9 b. 24 July, 1865; m. Terence Hunt; res. in Bridge­port, Conn.

4594.   CHARLOTTE,8 dau. of Deacon Jarvis7 (1691), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 15 Feb., 1811; m. 4 July, 1837, Linus St. John Benedict, b. probably in New Canaan, Conn., 17 June, 1813, son of Nehemiah Benedict and Mary St. John. They res. in New Canaan, and in 1900 in Norwalk.

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10220 Susan S. Benedict,9 b. 9 Mar., 1838; m. 1 June, 1851, James B. Ogden, of New Canaan.
10221 Charlotte K. Benedict,9 b. 17 July, 1810; m. 6 June, 1858, Isaac Bowe; res. in Rosendale, Wis.
10222 George St. John Benedict,9 b. 5 Mar., 1842; m. 28 Oct., 1866, Carrie Burt, of Ridgefield, Conn.

4602.   DEACON GEORGE,8 son of Ebenezer7 (1694), b. in Vernon, Conn., 3 Mar., 1793; m. in Glastonbury, Conn., 1 Jan., 1817, Eliza Noble, b. in Middle­town, Conn., 7 Mar., 1799, dau. of Dr. Gideon Noble, b. 3 Aug., 1763, and Lucy Wells, b. 16 Sept., 1768.
He d. 8 Aug., 1870; she d. 21 Sept., 1892.
In 1821 he united with Col. Francis McLean, of Vernon, and others in building a woolen mill, chartered in 1828, as the "Rock Manufacturing Com­pany"; until 1837, and again from 1846 till his death, he was the agent of the company. In 1837 he assisted in establishing the mill of the "New England Company" in Rockville, and was its agent until 1846. In 1857 and '65 he repre­sented Vernon in the Legislature, and in 1866 was a member of the State Senate. He assisted in establishing the first and second churches in Rockville, in both of which he was deacon. In 1855 he was elected a corporate member of the Amer­ican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, which position he held till the close of his life.
10223 Ebenezer Noble,9 b. in Vernon, 2 Nov., 1817; m. Lydia Maria Bill­ings.
10224 Eliza,9 b. 5 Oct., 1821; d. 15 Apr., 1837.
10225 Harriet,9 b. in Rockville, 2 May, 1821; m. George Maxwell.
10226 George,9 b. 7 Apr., 1828; m. 22 Nov., 1854, Sarah Elizabeth Colton, of Hartford, b. 15 Oct., 1831, dau. of Nathan Colton, of Hartford, b. 27 May, 1799, and Sarah Chauncey Baker, of Wallingford, Conn., b. 15 Nov., 1805; was a woolen manufacturer; res. in Ver­non until 1872, and since that time in Hartford; has no children.
10227 Edward,9 b. 15 Sept., 1838; m. Emily Kingsbury.

4603.   DEACON ALLYN,8 son of Ebenezer7 (1694), b. in Vernon, 17 Aug., 1794; m. 9 Jan., 1822, Eliza White, b. in Andover, 10 June, 1801, dau. of Daniel White, b. in Andover, Conn., 14 July, 1773, and Eunice Stanley, b. 25 Apr., 1773.
He d. in Vernon, 11 Sept., 1873; she d. in Hartford, 24 Jan., 1878.
He was a farmer; res. on his father's homestead; was for nearly fifty years a deacon in the First Congregational Church in Vernon, and represented that town in the Legislature, 1862. He was a Christian gentleman with all the dignity and courtly manner of a gentleman of the eighteenth century.
Children, b. in Vernon.
10228 Allyn Stanley,9 b. 15 Oct., 1824; m. Maria Lauriana Avery.
10229 Martin,9 b. 15 Mar., 1828; m. Louisa Wells Brockway.
10230 Daughter,9 b. 27 June, 1832; d. same day.
10231 Daughter,9 b. 27 June, 1832; d. 4 July, same year.

720    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4611.   ABIGAIL OLMSTED,8 dau. of Ebenezer7 (1694), b. 22 June, 1818; m. in Manchester, Conn., Samuel Polydore Rose, b. 28 Feb., 1807, son of Nathan Hale Rose and Lydia Fish.
He d. 13 Oct., 1850; she d. 20 Jan., 1885.
He was a merchant in Coventry, Conn., and afterward in Rockville, where both d.
10232 Ebenezer Kellogg Rose,9 b. 13 Sept., 1835; m. 12 June, 1862, Julia A. Kingsbury, of Dedham, Mass.; res. in Paterson, N. J.
10233 Elizabeth Rose,9 b. 9 Sept., 1837.
10234 Abby Ann Rose,9 b. in Rockville, 20 Oct., 1840; m. 21 May, 1868, George M. Spencer, a lawyer in Hartford, Conn.; she d. 3 May, 1873.
10235 A Son,9 b. 19 Mar., 1848.
10236 A Daughter,9 b. 23 Oct., 1849.

4616.   SARAH,8 dau. of Daniel7 (1695), b. in Colchester, Conn., 19 Jan., 1802; m. 17 Apr., 1822, Deacon Chester Talcott, b. 29 Apr., 1799, son of Deacon Joseph Talcott, of Coventry, Conn., b. 6 Aug., 1755, and Rebecca Porter, b. 30 Oct., 1758.
In 1875 they res. with their dau., Mrs. Beach, in Norfolk, Conn.
10237 Elizabeth Kellogg Talcott,9 b. 10 Dec., 1823; is unm.
10238 Mary Jane Talcott,9 b. 3 May, 1826; m. 22 Nov., 1848, Mervin T. Land­fear, son of Harry Landfear, of Manchester, Conn.; they res. in New Haven, Conn.; had three children.
10239 Joseph Talcott,9 b. 28 Sept., 1833; m. 2 Oct., 1860, Marie Antoinette Gleason, of Manchester; d. 16 Mar., 1875; was a farmer in Coventry, South Windsor and Bloomfield, Conn.; had two children.
10240 Maria Talcott,9 b. 2 Apr., 1838; m. 24 Aug., 1869, Rev. John Wickliffe Beach, son of Rev. Aaron C. Beach; he was graduated from Yale College in 1864; from Yale Divinity School in 1869; settled over the Congregational Church in Windsor Locks, Conn.; rem. Dec., 1874, to Norfolk, Conn.

4620.   EDMUND BURKE,8 son of Daniel7 (1695), b. in Tolland, Conn., 27 May, 1809; m. (1) 11 Sept., 1838, Nancy Emeline Avery, b. in Groton, Conn., 7 Aug., 1813, dau. of Elisha Avery, b. 11 Dec., 1780, of Colchester, Conn., and Nancy Angeline Miner, b. 15 Oct., 1793.
She d. in Hartford, Conn., 7 July, 1853; he m. (2) in Westfield, Mass., 18 May, 1859, Isabella Mary Wells, b. in West Hartford, Conn., 12 Sept., 1832, dau. of Russell Wells, b. in West Hartford, Conn., 27 July, 1789, and Roxe Emeline Marshall, b. in Bloomfield, Conn., 27 Apr., 1805; d. 26 Mar., 1872, after an illness of four days; she res. in Hartford.
About 1810 his parents moved to Colchester. About 1818 he went to live with his uncle, Deacon Talcott, in Vernon, Conn. He learned the trade of print­ing, with Col. Green, in New London; was a short time in Toronto, Canada, and New York City; published a paper in Stonington, Conn., and finally joined his, brothers in Hartford Conn., in the lithographing business under the firm name of D. W. & E. C. Kellogg.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    721

Children by first wife.
10241 Charles Edmund,9 b. in Colchester, 5 Dec., 1839; m. Alice Albania Park.
10242 Angelina,9 b. in Hartford, 17 Aug., 1844; m. Chester George Munyon.
10243 Franklin Stoddard,9 b. in Hartford, 28 Jan., 1850; d. 26 Sept., 1850.
10244 A Child,9 b. 25 Apr., 1853; d. 8 May, 1853.
Children by second wife.
10245 Mary Isabel,9 b. in Hartford, 9 Sept., 1860; m. 5 Sept., 1890, Andrew L. Parker, of Omaha, Neb.; d. in Seattle, Wash., 24 May, 1892; he res. in Boston.
10246 Clara May,9 b. in Hartford, 15 May, 1871; d. unm., 1897; res. in Rus­sell, Mass.

4621.   ELIJAH CHAPMAN,8 son of Daniel7 (1695), b. in Tolland. Conn., 13 June, 1811; m. 5 May, 1846, Harriet Isham, b. 2 Apr., 1820. dau. of Col. John Isham, of Colchester, Conn., b. 24 Feb., 1774, and Elizabeth Gilbert, b. in Hebron, Conn., 31 July, 1779.
He d. in Hartford, Conn., 14 Dec., 1881.
He went to Colchester when 2 years old. At the age of 17 he left Colchester and went to Hartford, to learn the art of engraving, with his brother, Jarvis. When he reached his majority he started in the business of lithographing in Hart­ford and followed it until 1867. He was among the first in the United States to breed trout artificially, experimenting with success as early as 1855. In 1860 he visited various piscicultural establishments in Europe. He published articles on fish culture.
10247 Agnes Farwell,9 b. 18 Jan., 1847; m. John Hall Sage.

4632.   AARON,8 son of Thomas Wright7 (1697), b. in Vernon, Conn., 5 Nov., 1795; m. (1) 14 Feb., 1831, Hannah Eliza Wright, b. 15 Mar., 1804, dau. of Ebenezer Wright, of Rome, N. Y., b. 2 July, 1769, and Beulah Harrison, b. 18 Nov., 1772.
She d. in Conway, Mass., 11 Nov., 1862; he m. (2) Lydia Anna S. Dodge, of Hopkinton, N. H.; d. in Vernon, 30 July, 1882.
He was a farmer in Vernon, where his widow now res.
Children, by first wife, b. in Vernon.
10248 Julia Wright,9 b. 25 June, 1832; m. Oliver Porter Edgerton.
10249 Frances Mary,9 b. 19 Sept., 1833; m. Charles Washburn Lee.
10250 Charles Wright,9 b. 7 Sept., 1835; d. 21 Sept., 1836.
Children by second wife.
10251 Florence,9 b. 15 Mar., 1865; d. in Vernon, 18 Mar., 1865.
10252 George Aaron,9 b. 10 Apr., 1866; is a lawyer of Hartford; was grad­uated from Amherst College, 1889; from Yale Law School, 1891; d., unm., in Vernon.

4633.   HENRY,8 son of Thomas Wright7 (1697), b. in Vernon, Conn., 13 Mar., 1797; m. 30 May, 1821, Elethea Birge, b. 5 Nov., 1800, dau. of Isaac Birge, of Bolton, Conn., b. 1 Mar., 1764, and Parmelia Warner, b. 26 Feb., 1768.

722    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. in Freedom, O., 25 July, 1879; she d. there, 24 Apr., 1892. He was a farmer; res. in Vernon and Hartford, Conn. In 1840 he rem. to Freedom.
10253 Alfred Henry,9 b. in Vernon, 29 Oct., 1826; d. unm., in Freedom, 12 Feb., 1888.
10254 Thomas Cornelius,9 b. in Vernon, 23 Oct., 1828; m. (1) Jane Sin­gletary; (2) Maria Sackett.
10255 James Birge,9 b. in Rockville, Conn., 8 Sept., 1834; m. in Freedom, 16 Nov., 1871, Sophia Graves Robinson, b. in Worcester, Mass., 16 Mar., 1840, dau. of Hiram Robinson, b. 8 June, 1801, and Sophia Graves, b. 2 Apr., 1802; was a farmer in Freedom; d. ______; she res. in Garrettsville, O.

4635.   HUDSON,8 son of Thomas Wright7 (1697), b. in Vernon, Conn., 21 July, 1800; m. 2 July, 1829, Jane Davis, b. 16 July, 1808, dau. of Thaddeus Davis, of Thorold, Canada, and Sarah Clark, of Lewiston, N. Y.
He d. 21 May, 1885; she d. 21 July, 1888.
He was a dealer in lumber; res. in Canada; later in Antigo, Wis., where both d.
10256 Mary Hubbard,9 b. in St. Johns, Canada, 7 Apr., 1830; m. Cornelius Alfred Roberts.
10257 Sarah Clark,9 b. in St. Johns, Canada, 24 July, 1831; m. in Dunville, Canada, 8 June, 1848, Joseph Raymond Brown; he d. in Buffalo, N. Y., 13 Sept., 1893; had two children.
10258 Thomas Davis,9 b. in St. Johns, Canada, 17 Feb., 1833; m. in Rock­ford, Ill., 9 Dec., 1856, Harriet Buffam; is a lumberman in Antigo, Wis.; had five children.
10259 Hudson Wright,9 b. in St. Johns, Canada, 29 Aug., 1834; d. 1 Oct., 1840, in Manhattan, O.
10260 Thaddeus Hudson,9 b. 28 Jan., 1837; d. in Manhattan, 13 Apr., 1837.
10261 Julia Ann,9 b. 31 Mar., 1838; d. in Manhattan, 17 June, 1838.
10262 Julia Selden,9 b. 29 Aug., 1839; d. in Manhattan, 4 Oct., 1839.
10263 Phoebe Catherine,9 b. 22 Oct., 1841; d. in Manhattan, 15 Jan., 1843.
10264 Hudson Hiram,9 b. 15 Nov., 1842; m. in Quincy, Ill., 6 May, 1869, Mattie Ann Fox; res. in Rockville, Conn.; is a dealer in wool; had no children.
10265 Aaron Hubbard,9 b. in Vernon, 1 Sept., 1844; m. Mary Frances Stan­ford.
10266 Helen Cornells,9 b. in Dunville, 24 Nov., 1846; d. there, 9 June, 1857.

4636.   HANNAH WRIGHT,8 dau. of Thomas Wright7 (1697), b. in Vernon, Conn., 18 July, 1807; m. 18 Apr., 1827, Deacon Joseph E. Cove, of Hartford, b. in East Haddam, Conn., 24 Oct., 1803.
She d. 26 Feb., 1876; he d. 16 Apr., 1883.
10267 Laura W. Cove,9 b. Mar., 1832; m. 28 May, 1862, George Talcott, of Hartford; d. 1 May, 1863.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    723

4646.   EZRA,8 son of John7 (1701), b. 11 July, 1795; m. Catharine McKown.
She d. 1847.
He lived on a farm adjoining that of his father, in Euclid, O.; moved from the State of New York to Ohio in 1831.
10268 Rhoda,9 b. 1 Feb., 1818; d. 5 July, 1820.
10269 Elizabeth,9 b. 10 July, 1820; m. Alvin Owens.
10270 Maria,9 b. 7 Aug., 1822; m. (1) John Wesley Corbett; (2) Chauncey Edwin Ingraham.
10271 John,9 b. in Farmersville, N. Y., 28 Sept., 1824; m. Matilda Hooper.
10272 Rachel Lord,9 b. in New York, 13 Oct., 1827; m. Samuel Shintly Holmes.
10273 Reuben,9 b. ______; d. in infancy.
10274 Ezra,9 b. in Cleveland, O., 1 Nov., 1833; m. Esther Waite.
10275 Edwin,9 b. 19 Apr., 1838; served three years in the Thirteenth Ohio Volunteers; then enlisted in the Fourth Wisconsin Cavalry; is supposed to have d. in the hospital at Baton Rouge, La.

4648.   LEVI,8 son of Phillip Judd7 (1702), b. in Ballston, N. Y., 15 Sept., 1792; m. ______.
10276 Volda,9 b. ______; res. in Kansas.
10277 Emma,9 b. ______; m. Alford Dewell; res. in Skaneateles, N. Y.

4653.   CYNTHIA,8 dau. of Philip Judd7 (1702), b. 18 Nov., 1802; m. 23 Jan., 1823, Justus Jennings, b. 6 June, 1800.
They res. in Richford, N. Y.
10278 William Henry Jennings,9 b. 5 May, 1824; res. in Richford.
10279 George G. Jennings,9 b. 17 Mar., 1827; res. in Cortland Co., N. Y.
10280 Alonzo French Jennings,9 b. 8 July, 1831; d. 29 Oct., 1872.
10281 Cynthia E. Jennings,9 b. 5 May, 1835; res. in Groton, N. Y.

4655.   MARY,8 dau. of Philip Judd7 (1702), b. 12 Feb., 1808; m. (1) Jolin T. Lacy, b. 11 June, 1805; he d. 28 May, 1852; she m. (2) Hiram Hartman; d. Sept., 1877.
Eight of her children were in the civil war, one dying in Libby Prison. Mr. Hartman was in the Mexican war.
Children by first husband.
10282 William Josiah Lacy,9 b. ______.
10283 Thomas Lacy,9 b. ______; res. in Berkshire, N. Y.
10284 James Lacy,9 b. ______; res. in Richford, N. Y.
10285 Eliza Lacy,9 b. ______; m. Hartman; res. in Syracuse, N. Y.
10286 Philip Judd Lacy,9 b. 1838; m. Delphine Augusta Farnham; res. in Richford.
10287 Charles Lacy,9 b. ______; res. in Richford.
10288 Rufus Lacy,9 b. ______; d. ______.
10289 Alfred Lacy,9 b. ______; res. in Richford.
10290 Sanford Lacy,9 b. ______; res. in Syracuse, N. Y.
10291 John Lacy,9 b. ______; res. in Syracuse.

724    The Kelloggs in the New World.

4656.   HULDAH,8 dau. of Philip Judd7 (1702), b. 12 Feb., 1811; m. in Au­burn, N. Y., 28 Aug., 1832, Rufus Sawyer, b. 5 Feb., 1806, son of Caleb Sawyer, b. 30 Jan., 1764, and Relief Fairbank.
She d. 13 Feb., 1850; he m. (2) Sabra Elizabeth Wood; d. 1888. He was a cabinet maker; res. in Picton, Canada.
10292 Sarah Elizabeth Sawyer,9 b. 21 Sept., 1833; m. 7 Dec., 1852, Amos Garrett; had three children.
10293 Sylvester Phineas Sawyer,9 b. 25 Aug., 1835; m. 7 June, 1859, Sarah Elizabeth Pulver; was a mechanic in Picton.
10294 Rufus Monroe Sawyer,9 b. 30 Aug., 1837; m. in Watertown, 26 Oct., 1866, Elizabeth Herrick; d. in Picton, 24 May, 1876.
10295 Cynthia Emily Sawyer,9 b. 24 Jan., 1841; m. 18 Sept., 1866, Foster Rhines; res. in Watertown, N. Y.; had four children.
10296 Lillian Lydia Leonora Sawyer,9 b. 8 Oct., 1843; res. in Adams Center.
10297 Huldah Ann Sawyer,9 b. in Adams Center, N. Y., 6 Feb., 1846; m. in Watertown, 1879, John Armes; res. in Adams Center.
10298 William Henry Jennings Sawyer,9 b. Feb., 1850; is a traveling agent; res. in Chicago.

4657.   PHILIP,8 son of Philip Judd7 (1702), b. 30 Dec., 1815; m. Rebecca Bean, b. 2 Oct., 1822, dau. of William Bean, b. 1789.
They res. in Wellington, Canaan and Dryden, N. Y.; she is insane; res. in Ovid, N. Y.
10299 Lida Ann,9 b. in Niles, N. Y., 4 Aug., 1849; m. Abbot Nicholson Olney.
10300 Cynthia Emily,9 b. in Dryden, N. Y., 24 Feb., 1852; d. in Richford, N. Y., 20 Dec., 1864.
10301 Frank Philip,9 b. in Dryden, 30 Sept., 1857; m. Henrietta Bowles.

4658.   ZIBA,8 son of Daniel7 (1703), b. in Hope, N. Y., 5 Feb., 1797; m. Mar­garet Arnold, b. in Wells, N. Y., , dau. of John Arnold.
She d. 17 Sept., 1869, in Wells; he d. ______.
He was a farmer; res. in Wells.
Children, b. in Hope.
10302 John,9 b. 8 Oct., 1825; d. unm., in Wells, 15 Oct., 1852.
10303 Daniel,9 b. 2 Sept., 1828; m. Anna Mariva Crawford.
10304 Luther,9 b. ______; m. Mrs. Eliza (Weaver) Fisher.
10305 Elias,9 b. ______; m. Julia Ann Weaver.
10306 Sally,9 b. ______; d. num., in Hope.

4659.   CYRUS,8 son of Daniel7 (1703), b. in Wells, N. Y., 11 Jan., 1800; m. 5 Oct., 1825, Clarissa Swatt, b. 2 Aug., 1804, dau. of Joel J. Swatt, b. 1777, and Minerva Spaulding, b. about 1784.
He d. 15 May, 1864; she d. 27 Feb., 1881. Res. in Vesper, N. Y., where both d.
10307 Charity,9 b. in Wells, 3 Apr., 1832; d. 7 Sept., 1852.
10308 Minerva,9 b. in Tully, N. Y., 22 Aug., 1835; m. Robert Mooney.

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4660.   ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Daniel7 (1703), b. 21 Apr., 1803; m. ______ Fountain.
10309 David C. Fountain,9 b. ______; was a clerk in the Stamp Division, Postoffice Department, Washington.

4662.   ABIGAIL,8 dau. of Daniel7 (1703), b. in Hope, N. Y., 27 July, 1811; m. there, 27 Dec., 1833, as his second wife, Daniel Vanorman, b. 15 Sept., 1800, son of Isaac Vanorman and Hannah Brown.
He d. 5 Nov., 1893; she d. 15 Feb., 1899.
He was a farmer; was a member of the Baptist Church; in politics a Demo­crat. In 1879 they res. in Palmyra, Mich.; rem. to Adrian, Mich., where both d.
10310 Jane Vanorman,9 b. in Edenburg, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1834; m. 10 Oct., 1851, Aaron Hall; he was a soldier in the war for the Union; d. 18 Sept., 1875, from sickness contracted while in the army.
10311 Philip Philander Vanorman,9 b. in Somerset, N. Y., 1 July, 1837; m. 25 Mar., 1861, Margaret lone Cleveland; was a soldier in the war for the Union; enlisted in the Nineteenth New York Battery, 14 Aug., 1862; was wounded twice; was in all the battles along the Potomac, until the surrender of Gen. Lee; was discharged 6 June, 1865; a blacksmith in Whiteford, Mich.; res. in Wheeler, Mich.
10312 Henry Lonson Vanorman,9 b. in Royalton, N. Y., 11 Feb., 1840; m. in Hartland, N. Y., 2 Mar., 1861, Mary Louise Starr; was a black­smith in Bedford, Mich.; res. in Lambertville, Mich.
10313 Stephen Frankford Vanorman,9 b. in Loyalton, 27 Mar., 1842; m. in Palmyra, 10 Mar., 1861, Ruth Hall; d. in Maumee City, O., June, 1863.
10314 Drusilla Elizabeth Vanorman,9 b. in Hartford, N. Y., 2 Apr., 1845; m. in Palmyra, 10 Oct., 1863, John Gibson Easlick; he was a farmer; res. in Adrian, and, in 1900, in Breckenridge, Mich.
10315 Anna Philena Vanorman,9 b. in Newfane, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1848; m. in Palmyra, 6 June, 1868, Lyman Champanois; res. in Adrian.
10316 Caroline Matilda Vanorman,9 b. in Newfane, 15 Sept., 1850; m. in Ridgeway, Mich., 17 Nov., 1867, Charles Lamb; he was a farmer in Kearney and Adrian, Mich.
10317 Daniel Bradford Vanorman,9 b. in Raisinville, Mich., 12 July, 1853; m. in Dundee, Mich., 12 July, 1879, Marzetta Parmenter; is a paper-maker; res. in Detroit, Mich.

4671.   HENRY,8 son of Jeremiah7 (1710), b. 15 Apr., 1801; m. 22 Apr., 1827, Currance Bundy, b. 17 Dec., 1804, dau. of Eleazar Bundy, of Newton, Conn., and Mary Terrell, dau. of John Terrell, of Huntington, L. I., and Deborah Middle­brook.
Res. in Norwalk, Conn.; was a carpenter.
10318 Henry,9 b. 8 Dec., 1827; d. unm., 1 May, 1870.
10319 Mary Catherine,9 b. 21 Mar., 1830; d. 18 July, 1831.
10320 Ann Elizabeth,9 b. in Norwalk, Conn., 9 Feb., 1832; m. Jasper Pryer.

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10321 Mary Josephine,9 b. 15 Mar., 1834; m. Seth Newman Finch.
10322 William Augustus,9 b. 11 Oct., 1836; m. Mary Ann Scott.

4675.   SALLY,8 dau. of Josiah7 (1711), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 13 Aug., 1797; m. 1817, James Bridger, of Rondout, N. Y., b. in Kent, England. 3
She d. 29 Mar., 1824; is buried in Norwalk; he d. 28 Sept., 1817; is buried in Rondout.
He was a ship carpenter; lived in New York City and Rondout.
10323 William Henry Bridger,9 b. 18 Dec., 1818; m. June, 1839; was a ship carpenter; d. 12 Aug., 1880, and is buried in Rondout; had three children.
10324 Mary Frances Bridger,9 b. 17 May, 1820; m. 5 Sept., 1839, James Freer; res. in Ashland, O.

4676.   JOHN,8 son of Josiah7 (1711), b. in Kingston, N. Y., 8 Oct., 1799; m. (1) in Norwalk, Conn., 20 Oct., 1823, his cousin, Sally Kellogg (4672), b. 30 Aug., 1802, dau. of Jeremiah Kellogg (+1710), and Catherine Sammis.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 9 Nov., 1862, Margot Decker; d. in Caledonia, O., 24 May, 1891.
He was a hatter; res. in Norwalk, Conn., and Caledonia.
Children by first wife.
10325 Catherine Emily,9 b. in Norwalk, 24 Jan., 1825; m. William Au­gustus Lockwood.
10326 Eliza Ann,9 b. 17 Mar., 1827; m. John Nelson Selleck.
10327 Harriet Frances,9 b. in Norwalk, 27 Apr., 1830; m. Isaac Quacken­bush.
10328 William Jackson,9 b. in Norwalk, 17 Oct., 1832; m. (1) Harriet Re­becca Fitch; (2) Fanny Capstick.
10329 Henry,9 b. 22 Dec., 1836; d. before 1838.
10330 Edgar Augustus,9 b. in Caledonia, 12 July, 1838; m. Jane Eliza Lock­wood.
10331 George Russell,9 b. in Norwalk, 3 Mar., 1840; m. (1) Maria Morgan; (2) Ellen Baxter.
10332 Lucinda,9 b. 25 Nov., 1846; d. 1851.
Children by second wife.
10333 Martha Ann,9 b. 20 Mar., 1863; res. in Caledonia.
10334 Jane Adelia,9 b. 27 July, 1869; res. in Caledonia.

4678.   CHARLES,8 son of Josiah7 (1711), b. 24 Jan., 1804; m. Eliza Marvin, b. 14 Apr., 1812, dau. of Ira Marvin.
She d. Feb., 1867; he d. in Ohio, Apr., 1893. They res. in Climax and Caledonia, O.
10335 George,9 b. in Connecticut, 31 June, 1831; m. Fatten.
10336 Charles Burr,9 b. in Richfield, O., 4 Oct., 1835; m. Matilda Elizabeth Place.

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4679.   JAMES,8 son of Josiah7 (1711), b. 21 June, 1806; m. 1844, Mary Dewey, b. 22 Apr., 1826, dau. of Moses Dewey, b. 29 Apr., 1789, and Electa Fowler.
He d. in Medina Co., O., 20 Jan., 1863; she d. ______, in Caledonia, O.
He was a machinist and engineer.
10337 Caroline Abigail,9 b. ______; res. in Chicago, Ill.
10338 A Son,9 b. ______; d. ______.
10339 Jane,9 b. about 1846; d. young, in Detroit, Mich.
10340 Elton James,9 b. in Orange Co., O., 22 Apr., 1848; res. in Tren­ton, Mo.
10341 Ellen,9 b. about 1850; d. young, in Detroit.

4681.   RUSSELL,8 son of Josiah7 (1711), b. in Esopus, N. Y., 25 June, 1812; m. 5 Aug., 1840, Sophia H. Tewksbury, b. in Sandwich, N. H., 21 June, 1821, dau. of Daniel Tewksbury, b. in Sandwich, 4 May, 1783, and Mary (Polly) Brown, b. in New Hampshire, 9 Jan., 1781.
He d. in Battle Creek, Mich., 18 Oct., 1891. He was an edge tool maker; res. in Battle Creek.
10342 James Daniel,9 b. in Boston, O., 22 Aug., 1841; m. Margaret Tewks­bury.
10343 Russell Marion,9 b. in Boston, 19 May, 1843; m. Orilla C. Richards.
10344 Frank Jonas,9 b. 4 Aug., 1845; m. (1) 7 June, 1874, Martha Kinnie, dau. of Timothy Kinnie; (2); (3) Minnie Hebb; is a commercial traveler; res. in Battle Creek; has no children.
10345 Henrietta Sophia,9 b. in Montpelier, Ind., 8 July, 1847; m. Ira Reid.
10346 Lyman Madison,9 b. in Metamora, Ind., 30 Jan., 1851; m. 31 Aug., 1882, Zida Mary Toms, b. in Castile, N. Y., 22 Sept., 1862, dau. of Egbert Toms, b. in Castile, 31 Mar., 1826, and Sophrona Kennedy, b. in Pike, N. Y., 23 July, 1833; res. in Tecumseh and later in Brighton, Mich.; has no children.
10347 Mary Ellen,9 b. 22 Oct., 1855; d. unm., 11 Jan., 1886.

4683.   OLIVER HAZARD PERRY,8 son of Josiah7 (1711), b. in Esopus, N. Y., 28 Sept., 1817; m. 2 Apr., 1845, Harriet Hansbraugh, b. 1825, dau. of William H. Hansbraugh, b. in Hampshire Co., Va., and Margaret Brewer.
She d. 24 Oct., 1853; he m. (2) 2 Apr., 1854, Sarah Myers, b. 22 June, 1837, dau. of Peter Myers, b. 18 Nov., 1801, and Catherine Bittinger, b. 7 Jan., 1808. He is a farmer in Caledonia, O.
Children by first wife.
10348 William Henry,9 b. 2 Mar., 1846; m. Emma Earl Humphrey.
10349 Francis,9 b. 28 Oct., 1849; is a farmer; res., unm., in Caledonia. Child by second wife.
10350 Warren B.,9 b. in Caledonia, 18 July, 1864; m. Cora Lazella Rice.

4706.   JONATHAN MUNGER,8 son of Ethel7 (1722), b. in Montgomery Co., O., 19 Feb., 1809; m. (1) in Lafayette, Ind., 23 Feb., 1835, Hannah Jennings, b. ______.

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8 June, 1810, in Montgomery Co., O., dau. of Levi Jennings, b. 1 Jan., 1771, and Elizabeth Bell, b. 19 Jan., 1774.
She d. in Lafayette, 12 Aug., 1848; he m. (2) in Lafayette, 17 Mar., 1850, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann (Ferguson) Martin, b. 12 Apr., 1826, dau. of Price Ferguson, b. 25 Mar., 1802, and Mary Shants, of Waynetown, Ind.; she d. in Waynetown; he m. (3) in Monon, Ind., 19 May, 1868, Mrs. Susan (Shackleford) McManus, b. 24 Nov., 1834, in Miami Co., O., dau. of William and Margaret Shackleford, who were cousins; d. in Monon, 19 Feb., 1897, where she res. after his death.
He was a farmer; a Whig and a Republican.
Children by first wife, b. in Lafayette.
10351 Ethel,9 b. 27 Jan., 1836; d. unm., in Memphis, Tenn., 19 Mar., 1863, in the army.
10352 Levi,9 b. 7 Oct., 1837; d. in Clarence, Ia., 12 July, 1856.
10353 Elizabeth,9 b. 9 Dec., 1839; m. in Clarence, 25 Dec., 1860, William Merritt, son of William Merritt, of Olin, Ia.; d. in Neihart, Mont., 20 Apr., 1897; he is a Republican; res. in Olin; had no children.
10354 Henry Clay,9 b. 11 June, 1842; was a private in Co. L, Sixteenth Illi­nois Infantry; enlisted 24 May, 1861; was discharged about 18 June, 1864; is a traveling salesman; res., unm., in Lafayette.
10355 Charlotte,9 b. 27 Jan., 1845; m. Juniper Slater.
10356 John Quincy,9 b. 7 Jan., 1848; d. 2 July, same year.
10357 Abigail Martha,9 b. 7 Jan., 1848; d. 23 July, same year.
Children by second wife.
10358 Mary Ellen,9 b. in Lafayette, 9 Feb., 1851; m. James Thomas Newton.
10359 Joseph Price,9 b. in Lafayette, 27 Nov., 1852; m. Ida Amelia Hel­frich.
10360 Persis Mina,9 b. in Clarence, 16 Apr., 1861; d. unm., in Monon.
10361 Malinda,9 b. in Clarence, 30 Oct., 1864; d. unm., in Monon.

4707.   SETH JUDD,8 son of Ethel7 (1722), b. in Montgomery Co., O., 27 May, 1811; m. (1) in Tippecanoe Co., Ind., 10 Mar., 1836, Rebecca Blue, b. in Vir­ginia, 6 May, 1818, dau. of Isaac Blue, and his cousin, Jane Blue.
She d. in Tippecanoe Co., Ind., 19 May, 1847; he m. (2) in Tippecanoe Co., Ind., 28 May, 1850, Mrs. Susan (Graves) Ferguson, b. in Coshocton Co., O., 29 May, 1818, dau. of Daniel Graves and Elizabeth Pierce, of Tippecanoe Co., Ind., and widow of Elijah Ferguson, of Tippecanoe Co.; she d. in Chalmers, Ind., 15 Mar., 1895.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Brookston, Ind.
Children by first wife, b. in Tippecanoe Co.
10362 Mary Jane,9 b. 17 Feb., 1837; m. Joseph William Henderson.
10363 Jonathan Munger,9 b. 30 Nov., 1838; d. 14 June, 1855.
10364 Isaac Blue,9 b. 25 Apr., 1840; d. 1 Nov., same year.
10365 Emma Charlotte,9 b. 23 July, 1842; m. (1) George Washington May; (2) William Hayes.
10366 Ethel,9 b. 13 Apr., 1845; d. 6 May, same year.
10367 Antha Matilda,9 b. 27 Oct., 1846; m. Asa Templin Ridgely.
Children by second wife.
10368 Mulford Jacob,9 b. 29 Jan., 1851; m. in Battle Ground, 15 Mar., 1870, Henrietta Bivens; res. in Reynolds, Ind.

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10369 Thomas Harvey,9 b. 29 Jan., 1851; res. unm., in Brookston, Ind.
10370 Alonzo Cyrus,9 b. 4 Dec., 1853; res., unm., in Chalmers.
10371 Florence Lorinda,9 b. 19 Dec., 1854.
10372 Seth Judd,9 b. 7 Feb., 1856; res. in Brookston.
10373 Alben Luther,9 b. 6 Apr., 1857.
10374 Alton Oliver,9 b. 30 June, 1860; d. 9 Mar., 1876.
10375 Benjamin Ulysses,9 b. 1 Apr., 1862; m. in Brookston, Lillie Brown; res. in Francesville, Ind.

4708.   CHARLOTTE LORINDA,8 dau. of Ethel7 (1722), b. in Montgomery Co., O., 9 Aug., 1813; m. in Lafayette, Ind., 2 May, 1833, John W. Jennings, b. 3 May, 1812, son of Levi Jennings, b. 17 Jan., 1771, and Elizabeth Bell, b. 19 Jan., 1774.
She d. in Rossville, Ind., 24 Nov., 1873; he d. in Iowa, Aug., 1899. He was in the mercantile business; was a Republican and a Baptist; res. in Rossville.
10376 Charlotte Jennings,9 b. in Indiana, ______; m. in Milton, Ia., 1858, George Heckenlively; res. in Stanberry, Mo.
10377 Levi B. Jennings,9 b. in Indiana, ______; m. in Cedar Co., Ia., 1857, Margaret Serritt; res. in Tipton, Ia.; d. in Cedar Co., Ia., in the fall of 1872.
10378 Perry L. Jennings,9 b. in Indiana, ______; m. in Tippecanoe Co., Ind., Martha J. Brown; res. in Kansas City, Mo.; later in Chapman, Kas.
10379 John W. Jennings,9 b. in Williamsport, Ind., 1838; m. in Shelby Co., Ind., 17 Feb., 1863, Mary J. McPherson, b. in Carlisle, O., 10 Oct., 1843, dau. of Adam McPherson and Elizabeth Cory, both b. in Ohio; res. in Thornburg, Ia.; has three children.
10380 Elizabeth Jennings,9 b. in Indiana, ______; d. in Lafayette, Ind., ______.
10381 Charles Jennings,9 b. in Indiana, ______; d. young, in Lafayette.
10382 Louise M. Jennings,9 b. in Indiana, 1843; m. in Tippecanoe Co., 1864, Perry Stevenson; res. in La Grande, Or.; d. 2 Oct., 1874, in La­fayette; had one child.
10383 Ethel K. Jennings,9 b. in Wisconsin, 25 Apr., 1849; m. in Rossville, 1872, Emma Bronson; res. in Lafayette; d. in Lafayette, 25 Apr., 1901; had three children.
10384 Lydia Victoria Jennings,9 b. in Wisconsin, 13 Aug., 1852; m. in Ross­ville, 20 Jan., 1875, Samuel Moore, b. 25 Dec., 1850; res. in Ross­ville; has four children.

4709.   ETHEL MYRON,8 son of Ethel7 (1722), b. in Montgomery Co., O., 11 Sept., 1815; m. in Lafayette, Ind., 4 Aug., 1843, Amanda J. Dilling.
He d. in Lagro, Ind., ______.
Children, b. in Tippecanoe Co.
10385 Eli,9 b. about 1844; killed in the battle of Chattanooga, 1863; unm.
10386 George,9 b. ______; d. unm.

4710.   WILLIAM FREDERICK,8 son of Ethel7 (1722), b. in Montgomery Co., O., 1 Dec., 1817; m. in Lafayette Ind., 6 Feb., 1840, Alviola Pierce, b. near Zanes-

730    The Kelloggs in the New World.

ville, O., 27 Nov., 1820, dau. of James Pierce, b. in Hampshire Co., Va., 7 Oct., 1792, and Elizabeth Carter, b. near Dresden, O., 22 May, 1799.
He d. in Battle Ground, Ind., G Sept., 1866; she d. in Lafayette. 31 Oct., 1899.
He was a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican.
Children, b. in Tippecanoe Co.
10387 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 7 Aug., 1842; m. Edward Payne.
10388 Perry Ethel,9 b. 26 Jan., 1846; m. Virginia Payne.

4711.   ANTHA ELYIRA,8 dau. of Ethel7 (1722), b. in Montgomery Co., O., 12 Feb., 1820; m. in Lafayette, Ind., 15 Mar., 1835, William Granison Pierce, b. near Zanesville, O., 9 June, 1814, son of James Pierce, b. 2 Oct., 1792, and Cath­erine Thompson, b. 20 Mar., 1793.
He d. near Lafayette, 27 Aug., 1849; she d. near Lafayette, 29 Aug., 1849.
He was a farmer; a Wesleyan Methodist; a Baptist, and a Whig.
Children, b. near Lafayette.
10389 Catherine Pierce,9 b. 26 June, 1836; d. near Lafayette, 6 Sept., 1837.
10390 Ethel Kellogg Pierce,9 b. 13 June, 1838; d. near Lafayette, 26 July, 1862.
10391 Thomas Pierce,9 b. 3 Sept., 1840; m. in Butler, Mo., 9 Dec., 1866, Mary Jones Marsteller; res. near Lafayette, Ind.
10392 Albert Pierce,9 b. 6 Sept., 1842; d. near Lafayette, 6 Feb., 1843.
10393 George Hunger Pierce,9 b. 21 Dec., 1844; m. in Battle Ground, Ind., 1 Apr., 1864, Hester Hawkins; res. in Topeka, Kas.
10394 James Pierce,9 b. 17 Apr., 1846; m. near Lafayette, 16 Nov., 1869, Margaret Elizabeth Wiggins; d. near Lafayette, 24 Mar., 1884; she d. ______.
10395 Lyda Elizabeth Pierce,9 b. 18 Mar., 1848; m. near Lafayette, 15 May, 1865, John Worall; res. in Diehlstadt (now Holmes), Mo.

4715.   EMILY ELIZA,8 dau. of Ethel7 (1722), b. in Montgomery Co., O., 3 Feb., 1829; m. (1) John De Witt.
He d. ______; she m. (2) in Lafayette, Ind., as his second wife, 4 Feb., 1855, Levi Stingle, b. 11 Mar., 1827; d. in Lafayette, 13 Oct., 1889; he d. 7 Mar., 1899.
He was a farmer, a Baptist and a Republican.
Children by second husband, b. in Lafayette.
10396 Eva Alcista Stingle,9 b. 28 Aug., 1856; m. in Lafayette, 27 Sept., 1877, James Andrew Bell; res. in Lafayette.
10397 Lyda Alvira Stingle,9 b. 9 Apr., 1858; m. in Lafayette, 24 Dec., 1879, M. P. Myres; res. in Lafayette.
10398 James Morton Stingle,9 b. 28 Aug., 1862; m. in Lafayette, 20 Mar., 1886, Drusilla Belle Hoffman; res. in Lafayette.
10399 Charles Edgar Stingle,9 b. 14 Sept., 1865; d. in Lafayette, 26 Sept., same year.
10400 Cary Francis Stingle,9 b. 17 Apr., 1868; d. in Lafayette, 31 July, same year.
10401 Harry Elmer Stingle,9 b. 1 May, 1872; res., unm., in Chicago.

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4716.   BURGESS,8 son of Elihu7 (1723), b. in Ohio, 14 Feb., 1815; m. Sarah Ann Middleton.
He d. in Rush Co., Ind., 31 Mar., 1842. Child.
10402 Marmaduke,9 b. ______; res. in Frankfort, Ind., 1900.

4717.   JULIA,8 dau. of Elihu7 (1723), b. in Ridgeville, O., 20 Apr., 1817; m. in Bentonville, Ind., 30 Nov., 1837, Eleazer Carver, b. in Penn Yan, N. Y., 10 June, 1814, son of Elijah Carver, b. 18 Jan., 1783, and Susan Longwell, b. 9 May, 1784.
She d. in Logan, Ia., 9 Aug., 1900.
He is a carpenter; a Baptist, and a Republican. After her death he res. in Logan.
Children, b. in Wabash, Ind.
10403 Washington Dale Carver,9 b. 25 Oct., 1838; m. (1) in Lafontaine, Ind., Feb., 1859, Mary Elizabeth Sutton; she d. ______; he m. (2) in Logan, Aug., 1880, Mary Elizabeth McCoy; res. in Logan.
10404 Cyrus Carver,9 b. 10 Oct., 1841; m. (1) in Wabash, 23 Dec., 1868, Martha Ellen Jones; she d. ______; he m. (2) in Madrid, Neb., 11 Aug., 1889, Margaret E. Wetherwax; they res. in Grant, Neb.
10405 Ursula Carver,9 b. 30 Dec., 1843; m. (1) in Wabash, 3 Jan., 1869, James McKinney, who d. ______; she m. (2) in Logan, 20 June, 1891, Jacob Black; res. in Logan.
10406 Phebe Louise Carver,9 b. 1 Dec., 1846; d. in Wabash, Nov., 1861.
10407 Elijah Carver,9 b. Nov., 1850; d. in Wabash, Sept., 1855.

4718.   AMANDA K.,8 dau. of Elihu7 (1723), b. in Ohio, 26 June, 1819; m. in Fayette Co., Ind., Barnabas C. Carver.
10408 A. Daughter,9 b. ______; m. John Thomas; d. 21 Aug., 1845; res. in Summitville, Ind.

4719.   DANIEL,8 son of Elihu7 (1723). b. in Preble Co., O., 15 Apr., 1821; m. in Bentonville, Ind., 5 May, 1842, Almira Longwell, b. in Penn Yan, N. Y., 24 May, 1819, dau. of Ira Longwell, b. 11 Jan., 1793, and Zella Carver, b. 13 Dec., 1795.
He d. in Bentonville, 18 Nov., 1866; she d. in Fowler, Ind., 28 Sept., 1895. He was a farmer; res. in Bentonville; a Baptist and a Republican.
Children b. in Bentonville.
10409 Ira Longwell,9 b. 3 Oct., 1843; m. Myra E. Harlan.
10410 Amanda J.,9 b. 29 May, 1846; m. in Bentonville, 9 Sept., 1870, Thomas H. Kemmer; d. in Bentonville, 1 Sept., 1879; he res. in Dublin, Ind.
10411 Marilda Carver,9 b. 29 Oct., 1859; m. Roscoe Brant Curtis.

4720.   AMOS,8 son of Elihu7 (1723), b. 9 Apr., 1823; m. in Fayette Co., Ind., 15 Feb., 1844, Rebecca Wilson Carver, b. in New York, 3 Sept., 1824, dau. of John Carver, b. 25 Oct., 1792, and Mary Wilson, b. 25 June, 1792.
In the war for the Union he served in the Thirty-third Indiana Reg.; res. in Logan, Ia.

732    The Kelloggs in the New World.

10412 John Elihu,9 b. in Fayette Co., Ind., 8 Mar., 1845; m. Nancy C. Del­inger.
10413 Emeline,9 b. 18 May, 1847; m. Marshall Carson.
10414 Alice,9 b. 6 Sept., 1852; m. Constantine Hughes.
10415 Ethel E.,9 b. in Madison Co., Ind., 15 Oct., 1857; res. in Logan.
10416 Phebe,9 b. in Madison Co., 8 Aug., 1861.
10417 Garrett Earle,9 b. in Madison Co., 21 Apr., 1866.

4722.   BUTLER,8 son of Elihu7 (1723), b. in Bentonville, Ind., 11 Sept., 1828; m. in Bentonville, 23 May, 1858, Ruth Ann Cole, b. in Alexander, Ind., 29 Apr., 1835, dau. of Jacob Cole and Mary Ann Miller, of Hillisburg, Ind., b. about 25 Mar., 1807.
She d. 18 Dec., 1894.
He was a farmer and stock raiser; a member of the Church of Christ; a Re­publican; res. in Logan, Ia.
10418 Elmer E.,9 b. in Bentonville, 3 Mar., 1859; m. 18 Dec., 1884, Susan A. L. Reedy.
10419 Edgar Burgess,9 b. in Bentonville, 7 Jan., 1862; m. 11 Dec., 1889, Matilda Fischer.
10420 Oliver Martin,9 b. in Tarapico, Ind., 27 July, 1865; d. in Michigantown, Ind., 24 Aug., 1866.
10421 Ulysses Samuel,9 b. in San Jose, Ill., 28 Apr., 1869.
10422 Mary Ida,9 b. in Logan, 12 Feb., 1874.

4723.   LAVINA,8 dau. of Elihu7 (1723), b. in Bentonville, Ind., 2 May, 1835; m. 28 Mar., 1855, Timothy Carver.
She d. in Bentonville, 7 May, 1862; he d. ______, near Wabash, Ind.
He was a Baptist and a Republican.
10423 Mary Elizabeth Carver,9 b. 9 Dec., 1856; m. John C. Pyle; d. 24 Oct., 1892; he res. in Wabash; had two children.
10424 Hester Ellen Carver,9 b. 10 Aug., 1860; d. 29 Mar., 1865.

4724.   ALVIN,8 son of Elihu7 (1723), b. 3 Sept., 1839; m. in Fayette Co., Ind., Elizabeth Flora.
She d. ______; he res. in Dundee, Ind.
10425 Nora,9 b. ______; m. _______ Patterson; res. in Connersville, Ind.

4725.   ESTHER,8 dau. of Ezra7 (1724), b. 14 Dec., 1810; m. in Fountain Co., Ind., 20 Dec., 1836, James Dove, b. in Cincinnati, O., 11 Mar., 1812, son of John Dove, b. 1773, and Lucy Covolt, of Covolt Station, O.
She d. 3 Jan., 1849; he m. (2) 13 Apr., 1852, Maria McKinney; d. 15 Sept., 1866.
10426 Christopher Dove,9 b. 22 Sept., 1837; m. 24 Mar., 1859, Mary Ann McKinney, of Montgomery Co., Ind.; was a Corp. in Co. F, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Indiana Reg.; a farmer in Newtown, Ind.

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10427 Ezra Dove,9 b. 9 Mar., 1839; m. 13 Nov., 1863, Sarah Smith, of Foun­tain Co., Ind.; d. in Illinois, 23 Feb., 1872.
10428 Elizabeth Dove,9 b. 1 Nov., 1846; m. William F. Moore, of Ohio; d. in Kansas, 1867; she m. (2) 1870, Lewis Dodge.
10429 James Dove,9 b. 25 Nov., 1848; farmer in Newtown, Ind.; is unm.
10430 Rhoda Dove,9 b. 24 Dec., 1840; m. 9 Sept., 1860, Michael Demic; he is a farmer in Newtown, Ind.
10431 John Dove,9 b. 9 Mar., 1844; m. 3 July, 1866, Eliza Ann Smith.

4727.   EZRA BLACKFORD,8 son of Ezra7 (1724), b. 11 Jan., 1815; m. (1) May, 1837, Mary Crumbly, dau. of Nathan Crumbly.
She d. Nov., 1838; he m. (2) Mar., 1854, Frances Ann Posten, b. 20 Oct., 1838, dau. of Sanford Posten, b. 11 July, 1797, and Martha Ann Frances Rey­nolds; d. in Rosendale, Mo., 12 Apr., 1898.
He was a farmer; res. in Rosendale; was a member of the Christian Church; in politics he was a Prohibitionist.
Children, b. in Rosendale.
10432 Martha Ann,9 b. 22 Nov., 1855; res., unm., in Rosendale.
10433 Mary Frances,9 b. 19 Aug., 1857; m. 26 Nov., 1885, John Henry Snider; res. in Rosendale.
10434 Rhoda Elizabeth,9 b. 8 July, 1859; m. Thomas Harding.
10435 Charles Franklin,9 b. 4 Aug., 1861; m. 30 Jan., 1834, Ella Colburn, b. in Savannah, Mo., 28 Dec., 1863, dau. of Thomas S. Colburn, b. 24 June, 1841, and Celia A. Smith, b. 18 Nov., 1844, of Andrew Co., Mo.; is a merchant; a Republican; res. in Buckhart, Mo.; has no children.

4728.   HARRISON MADISON,8 son of Ezra7 (1724), b. in Butler Co., O., 6 June, 1816; m. 13 May, 1841, Eliza Ann Turner, b. 28 Apr., 1826, dau. of Silas Turner, b. 28 Aug., 1801, and Lydia Guffin, b. 3 Mar., 1804.
She d. 15 Apr., 1862; he d. in Savannah, Mo., 20 Apr., 1863.
In 1840 he moved from Indiana to Andrew Co., Mo.; was a farmer.
Children, b. in Savannah.
10436 Miles Jefferson,9 b. 7 May, 1843; m. in Savannah, 14 Sept., 1862, Nancy Stoner; d. 19 Oct., 1897, in Bolckow, Mo.
10437 Sarah Matilda,9 b. 14 Sept., 1845; m. 26 Jan., 1868, Samuel F. Jen­kins; res. in Luray, Kas.
10438 Mary Ellen,9 b. 25 Dec., 1847; m. John Bunyan Lamaster.
10439 Cyrus Madison,9 b. 30 Sept., 1849; m. 24 Apr., 1873, Lucinda Hale; res. in Keokuk Falls, Okla.
10440 Ezra Hamilton,9 b. 25 May, 1853; d. 13 Apr., 1855.
10441 Emily Jane,9 b. 14 July, 1855; m. in Rosendale, Mo., 11 Feb., 1875, William Gilmour.
10442 John Harrison,9 b. in Rosendale, 11 Dec., 1857; m. Emma Adkins.
10443 Lydia Margaret,9 b. 11 Feb., 1860; m. Joseph William Muir.

4730.   DEACON NATHANIEL,8 son of Ezra7 (1724), b. in Butler Co., O., 7 Oct., 1819; m. 5 Aug., 1841, Caroline Turner, of Clark Co., Ind., b. 9 Oct., 1824,

734    The Kelloggs in the New World.

dau. of Silas Turner, b. 28 Aug., 1801, of Andrew Co., Mo., and Lydia Guffin, b. 3 Mar., 1804.
He d. 30 Mar., 1898.
In 1833 they moved to Indiana; in 1839 to Rosendale, Mo., where he d. ______; was a deacon in the Christian Church.
10444 Anderson,9 b. 9 May, 1842; m. Dolly McBrien.
10445 Seth Judd,9 b. 14 Aug., 1844; m. (1) Mary Ellen Bales; (2) Rebecca Stoner.
10446 George Milton,9 b. in Clark Co., Ind., 24 Mar., 1847; m. Mary Bell Doolittle.
10447 Nancy Jane,9 b. 17 Dec., 1849; m. Ephraim Rhodes.
10448 Thomas Riley,9 b. in Rosendale, 5 Apr., 1852; m. Martha Adkins.
10449 Elihu,9 b. in Rosendale, 8 Feb., 1855; m. Samantha Williamson.
10450 Truman,9 b. 10 May, 1858; res. in Rosendale.
10451 Milly Ann,9 b. in Andrew Co., Mo., 6 Nov., 1860; m. Howard S. Heaverlo.
10452 Levi,9 b. 12 Apr., 1863; res. in Rosendale.
10453 Mary Adeline,9 b. in Rosendale, 15 May, 1868; m. Henry Halleck Adkins.

4731.   JOHN,8 son of Ezra7 (1724), b. in Butler Co., O., 29 Apr., 1821; m. 11 Apr., 1844, Rachel Small, b. in Wayne Co., Ind., 13 Apr., 1838, dau. of _______ Small and Mary Black.
She d. 5 Jan., 1865; he d. 17 Nov., 1899.
He was a farmer. In 1836 he rem. to Fountain Co., Ind.; in 1840 to Rosen­dale, Mo., where both d.
10454 William Henry,9 b. 7 Jan., 1846; d. in the army, 8 Nov., 1864; was a Union soldier; enlisted in Savannah, Mo., in the spring of 1864.
10455 Charles Wesley,9 b. in Rosendale, 16 Jan., 1848; m. Laura Isabel Edds.
10456 Rhoda Mary,9 b. 14 Dec., 1850; m. Henry Dorst.
10457 Emily Matilda,9 b. 7 Dec., 1851; d. next day.
10458 Malissa Ann,9 b. 21 Nov., 1852; m. (1) George Washington Durrett; (2) John Delancy Riley Brown; (3) Joseph Washington Vaughn.
10459 Hannah Eliza,9 b. in Rosendale, 10 Jan., 1855; m. James Buchanan Wiggs.
10460 John Riley,9 b. 19 Mar., 1857; m. Eliza Gore.
10461 James Franklin,9 b. 9 Aug., 1859; m. Rilly Fritzman.
10462 Andrew Jackson,9 b. in Andrew Co., Mo., 8 Nov., 1861; m. Minnie Colburn.

4732.   MILES,8 son of Ezra7 (1724), b. in Butler Co., O., 5 May, 1823; m. in Newtown, Ind., 3 July, 1845, Elizabeth (Betsey) Smith, b. in Butler Co., 20 Jan., 1822, dau. of William H. Smith, b. 4 Sept., 1791, and Mary Stout, b. 24 Mar., 1795, of Newtown.
She d. 10 Mar., 1892; he d. 1 July, 1897.
He was a farmer; a Methodist Episcopalian and a Democrat; res. in Win­terset, Ia., where both d.

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Children, b. in Oskaloosa, Ia.
10463 William Harrison,9 b. 16 Mar., 1846; d. 17 May, same year.
10464 Luzetta,9 b. 6 Nov., 1846; d. same day.
10465 Elihu,9 b. 4 June, 1848; d. 2 July, same year.
10466 Mary Jane,9 b. 16 Aug., 1849; m. Jonathan Allen Gordon.
10467 James Madison,9 b. 24 Jan., 1852; m. Ellen James.
Children, b. in Winterset.
10468 Sylvester Buchanan,9 b. 11 Nov., 1857; d. in Winterset, 23 Jan., 1876.
10469 Monroe,9 b. 27 June, 1859; d. same day.

4735.   EPHRAIM,8 son of Ezra7 (1724), b. in Butler Co., O., 16 June, 1829; m. 25 Mar., 1852, Mary Ann Covalt, b. 1 June, 1826, dau. of Ephraim Covalt and Eleanor Shaks.
He is a farmer; res. in Stone Bluff, Fountain Co., Ind.
10470 Sarah Elizabeth,9 b. 28 Feb., 1853; m. 16 Oct., 1879, Abraham Col­ton.
10471 Ezra John,9 b. 16 Dec., 1854; res. in Stone Bluff.
10472 Nancy Jane,9 b. 30 Jan., 1857.
10473 Harrison Madison,9 b. 24 Feb., 1859.
10474 Jonathan Garot,9 b. 20 Mar., 1861; res. in Stone Bluff.
10475 Rhoda Ann,9 b. 14 Feb., 1863.
10476 Mary Ellen,9 b. 27 Aug., 1868.

4737.   ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Ezra7 (1724), b. in Newtown, Ind., 6 Feb., 1840; m. in Newtown, 14 Sept., 1859, Stephen John Raker, b. in Pennsylvania, 29 Aug., 1836, son of Jacob Raker and Miller.
He d. in the army, at Chattanooga, Tenn., 8 June, 1864; she res. in New­town.

He was a farmer; res. in Newtown; was a Union soldier; enlisted as a pri­vate in Co. C, One Hundred and Twentieth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Feb., 1864; in politics he was a Republican.
10477 Mary Rater,9 b. 28 Oct., 1860; m. 7 Jan., 1886, Charles J. Stambaugh; res. in Newtown.
10478 Ethel Benjamin Raker,9 b. 25 Mar., 1863.

4747.   ASA FOX,8 son of Joel7 (1754), b. in Ballston Spa, N. Y., 25 Mar., 1802; m. 24 Dec., 1824, Mary Ann Caswell, b. in Troy, N. Y., 5 June, 1806, dau. of Ezra H. Caswell, b. ______, and Elizabeth McGunegal, b. ______.
He d. 15 Apr., 1868; she d. 11 Feb., 1897.
He was a scythe and bolt maker.
10479 William H.,9 b. 23 May, 1827; d. unm., _______.
10480 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 21 Mar., 1829; m. Foster Henry Curtis.
10481 Olive Permelia,9 b. 25 Nov., 1831; m. Foster Henry Curtis, who had previously m. her sister, Mary Elizabeth; had no children.

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10482 Laura Ann,9 b. 22 Aug., 1835; is unm.
10483 Emily C. M.,9 b. 8 Dec., 1840; m. William H. Ostrander.
10484 George B.,9 b. 5 Dec., 1847; is unm.

4749.   ANSON,8 son of Joel7 (1754), b. 21 June, 1811; m. 28 Oct., 1835, Emily Bullard.
He res. in Ballston Spa, N. Y., where his first two children d.
10485 James Harvet,9 b. 6 Dec., 1836; d. 8 Feb., 1838.
10486 William,9 b. Mar., 1839; d. 14 Feb., 1842.
10487 Mary E.,9 b. 15 Jan., 1843; res., unm., in Newburgh, N. Y.
10488 James Ezra,9 b. 10 Nov., 1846.

4750.   ESTHER ANN,8 dau. of Joel7 (1754), b. 24 Nov., 1816; m. 25 Aug., 1839, James Locklin.
They res. in Ballston Spa, N. Y.
10489 Mary Louisa Locklin,9 b. ______.
10490 William Locklin,9 b. ______.
10491 James Stillman Locklin,9 b. ______.
10492 Helen Locklin,9 b. ______.
10493 Frances Locklin,9 b. ______.

4756.   MARY,8 dau. of Eliphalet7 (1838), b. in Mount Pleasant, Pa., Dec., 1799; m. 7 June, 1821, Dr. Isaac Roosa, b. in Orange Co., N. Y., 4 Feb., 1801, son of John Roosa and Dolly Duryea.
He d. 31 July, 1837; she d. 2 Oct., 1876.
He was a physician; res. in Bethany, Pa., where both d. ______; was a Democrat.
10494 John P. Roosa,9 b. in Bethany, 8 Nov., 1823; m. 17 Mar., 1847, Hannah J. Calkins; res. in Monticello, N. Y.

4757.   MARTIN,8 son of Eliphalet7 (1828), b. in Mount Pleasant, Pa., 24 Mar., 1801; m. 9 Oct., 1823, Elizabeth Green Stryker, b. 22 May, 1800, dau. of Abra­ham I. Stryker, b. 25 Mar., 1772, and Margaret Waterhouse, b. 1 May, 1779.
He d. in Illinois, 29 Mar., 1877; is buried in Kalamazoo, Mich.; she d. ______.
He was a farmer in Wayne Co., Pa., and in Sherwood, Mich., from 1836 to '53, when he rem. to Illinois, where he was a dealer in lands.
10495 Amelia Stryker,9 b. in Bethany, Pa., 22 Aug., 1825; m. Dwight May.

4758.   ABIGAIL BALDWIN,8 dau. of Eliphalet7 (1828), b. in Mount Pleas­ant, Pa., Oct., 1804; m. 16 Feb., 1832, Dr. Thomas J. Halsey, b. 22 Apr., 1814, son of Rufus Halsey, of Howard, N. Y., and Lydia _______.
She d. 18 Aug., 1847; he m. (2); d. near Sedalia, Mo., 10 Jan., 1881.
He was a physician; res. in Wyoming, Mauch Chunk, White Haven and Wilkesbarre, Pa., and later sis miles east of Brownsville, Mo., where he d.

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10496 William Kellogg Halley,9 b. 16 Dec., 1833; m. 19 Feb., 1857, _______; res. in Brownsville.
10497 Helen Maria Halsey,9 b. 2 Mar., 1835; m. Ammi Gilchrist, b. 2 July, 1827, son of John I. and Betsey (Dows) Gilchrist; res. in Wilkes­barre.
10498 Mary U. Halsey,9 b. 30 Sept., 1837; d. unm., 23 Mar., 1863.
10499 Victoria Halsey,9 b. 3 July, 1841; res., unm., in Wilkesbarre.

4760.   EUNICE ALLEN,8 dau. of Eliphalet7 (1828), b. in Bethany, Pa., 4 Aug., 1814; m. 30 May, 1832, Washington Ebenezer Cook, b. in Cook's Corners, N. Y., 29 Dec., 1808, son of Ebenezer Cook and Leonora Combs.
He d. at the Matteson House, Chicago, 7 Jan., 1879; after his death she res. in Lacon.
He was apprenticed to a hatter in Clinton, N. Y.; was a clerk in New York City in 1830; a hotel keeper in Bethany; ten years a merchant in Birmingham, O.; in 1846 was a farmer near Henry, Ill.; settled in Lacon, Ill., in 1849. He was County Clerk three terms; was a Democrat and prominent in local politics.
10500 George Washington Ebenezer Cook,9 b. in Bethany, 23 June, 1834; res. in Lacon; was the business manager of his father's estate.
10501 Helen Josephine Cook,9 b. in Dunkirk, N. Y.; m. in Lacon, 4 Sept., 1855, Doric Gillespie Warner, b. in Pitcher, N. Y., 29 Apr., 1828, son of Adna and Lucia Warner; he was a clerk in the railroad office in Henry until 1863, when he became a merchant; in 1868 he sold out and was later a stock raiser in Montana; had seven children.
10502 Isabel Virginia Cook,9 b. in Birmingham, 23 Mar., 1839; m. in Lacon, 16 Apr., 1862, Smith Monroe Garratt, b. in West Candor, N. Y., 17 Aug., 1838, son of Corinth and Harriet Garratt; he was graduated from Albany Law School, 1860; was later a lawyer in Lacon; had three children.
10503 Martin Kellogg Cook,9 b. in Birmingham, 20 Sept., 1840; m. in Mem­phis, Tenn., 14 Apr., 1864, Margaret Anna Buchanan, of Batavia, O.; was a clerk in the Postoffice in Lacon and assistant cashier in the bank; enlisted in the Fourth Illinois Cavalry; was secretary of Col. Dickey; was a clerk in Gen. Grant's office; after the battle of Fort Donelson was Second Lieut, and on Gen. Hurlburt's staff; was promoted First Lieut, and Capt. and Aide to Gen. Hurlburt; A. D. C. to Gen. Canby in Mobile; was in thirty-five engagements and escaped without a wound; at Lacon he accidentally shot him­self, 14 Aug., 1866; d. 31 Mar., 1867.

4761.   AZ,8 son of Silas7 (1830), b. in Wayne Co., Pa., 27 Jan., 1796; m. 30 Mar., 1820, Nancy Maria Stevens, of Lebanon, Pa., b. 13 June, 1799, dau. of Silas Stevens and Esther _______.
He d. 14 Oct., 1855; she d. 17 Jan., 1879.
He was a farmer; res. in Mt. Pleasant, Pa., Ringwood, Ill., and Valpa­raiso, Ind.
10504 Louisa,9 b. 22 Jan., 1821; m. Daniel Sprague White.

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10505 Alfred Washington,9 b. in Mt. Pleasant, 30 Jan., 1833; m. (1) Martha Wright Norton; (3) Isadore Brown Chase.
10506 John Woodard,9 b. in Mt. Pleasant, 13 Apr., 1825; m. Abigail Jane Hull.
10507 Dennis Azor,9 b. in Mt. Pleasant, 20 May, 1830; m. Lucelia Norton.
10508 Silas Asher,9 b. 5 Mar., 1837; d. 11 Sept., 1842.

4762.   MARY ANN,8 dau. of Silas7 (1830), b. in Mount Pleasant, Pa., 6 May, 1798; m. 1 Dec., 1816, John Kimble Woodward, b. 11 Oct., 1792, in North­ampton Co., Pa., son of Abisha Woodward, b. 10 Jan., 1768, and Lucretia Kimble, b. 11 Jan., 1774.
He d. 13 Apr., 1835.
He was a surgeon; res. in Bethany, Pa.; was Prothonotary of Wayne Co.; after his death she res. in Reading, Pa.
10509 Warren Jay Woodward,9 b. near Bethany, 24 Sept., 1819; m. 23 May, 1847, Catherine Scott, dau. of Hon. David Scott, of Wilkes­barre. Pa.; res. in Reading, Pa.
10510 Jackson Woodward,9 b. in Bethany, 1 Sept., 1821; m. 13 June, 1854, Augusta Manning, dau. of James Manning, of Bethany; d. 11 Mar., 1806.
10511 Deney Caroline Woodward,9 b. 14 Oct., 1823; m. 30 Sept., 1846, Dr. Johnson C. Olmstead; d. in Dundaff, Pa., 11 Dec., 1864.

4767.   JIRAH MUMFORD,8 son of Silas7 (1830), b. in Mount Pleasant, Pa., 15 July, 1810; m. 18 Mar., 1838, Eliza Headon Moore, b. 29 May, 1818, dau. of James Moore, b. 1780, and Mary Headon, b. 1787. She d. 12 Apr., 1866; he d. 9 Feb., 1885.
He res. in Preston, Pa. He was 21 when his father and family moved to Preston; he soon assumed full charge of affairs and continued the work of clear­ing up the farm. In 1870 he, in company with his eldest son, went West, and after traveling through several states, located in Kirksville, Mo., but after two years' residence returned to Preston on account of failing health, and res. there until the time of his death. He was a man of broad and liberal views.
Children, b. in Preston.
10512 Mary Eliza Ann,9 b. 25 Nov., 1838; m. Abner Palmer.
10513 Warren Jirah,9 b. 2 Mar., 1840; m. Susan Kellam.
10514 James Silas,9 b. 16 Sept., 1841; m. 18 Sept., 1895, Cynthia Spencer, of Scranton, Pa., b. in Mt. Pleasant, Pa., 19 Jan., 1848, dau. of Orson Spencer, b. in Pleasant Mount, 26 Nov., 1823, and Susanna Squire, b. 20 Aug., 1825; res. in Preston until 1873, when he rem. to Kirksville; res. there until 1897; was a farmer; had no chil­dren.
10515 Adaline Matilda,9 b. 8 Dec., 1842; m. Isaac Davisson Pearce.
10516 Jonathan Moore,9 b. 25 May, 1845; m. Jane Elizabeth Chamberlain.
10517 Esther Julia,9 b. 5 Feb., 1847; m. 25 Aug., 1885, John Rogers Peir­son, b. 10 Feb., 1837, son of John Peirson, b. 9 Mar., 1789, and Betsey Elizabeth Talmage, b. 24 Jan., 1789; res. in Montrose, Pa.; had no children.

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10518 Azor Edgar,9 b. 12 Jan., 1849; m. in Waymart, Pa., 28 May, 1890, Addie Moore Carpenter, b. in Carbondale, Pa., 14 Apr., 1861, dau. of Simon Marion Carpenter, b. 31 May, 1839, and Catherine Ma­rinda Buckland, b. 17 Dec., 1839; res. in Winwood, Pa.; a farmer; Methodist, and a Democrat.
10519 Edward Headon,9 b. 26 June, 1851; m. in Ottumwa, Ia., 25 Dec., 1895, Lettie Attlebury, b. 14 May, 1854, dau. of Isaac Attlebury, b. 27 Dec., 1805, and Elizabeth Dawdy, b. 10 Mar., 1810; was a farmer and stock raiser; res. in Kirksville.
10520 Sarah Caroline,9 b. in Preston, 16 Apr., 1855; m. in Kirksville, as his second wife, 16 Sept., 1896, Thomas Paper Clarkson, b. 18 Sept., 1853, son of Thomas Clarkson, b. 28 May, 1821, and Fannie Paper, b. Oct., 1813; he was a farmer; res. in Kirksville; in poli­tics he was a Republican; had no children.
10521 Deborah Caroline,9 b. in Preston, 7 July, 1856; d. 4 Mar., 1857.
10522 Dency Helen,9 b. in Wayne Co., Pa., 8 Dec., 1858; m. in Kirksville, Mo., 12 Mar., 1889, Ira W. Collins, b. in Davis Co., Ia., 11 July, 1860, son of Robert J. Collins, b. 1833, and Rebecca Penney, b. in Greencastle, Ind., 1837; he was a lumberman in Blockton, Ia.; she d. in St. Joseph, Mo., 9 May, 1900; had no children.
10523 Harriet Eva,9 b. 13 Apr., 1861; m. Daniel Labarr.

4772.   STEPHEN,8 son of Martin7 (1833), b. ______; m. ______.
He res. in Tompkins Co., N. Y.
10524 Riley,9 b. ______.
10525 Otis,9 b. ______.
10526 Adolphus,9 b. ______.
10527 Charles,9 b. ______.
10528 Theodore,9 b. ______.
10529 Daughter,9 b. ______.

4773.   OTIS,8 son of Martin7 (1833), b. ______; m. ______.
He rem. to Ohio about 1836; went West; d. in Dakota.
10530 George Washington,9 b. ______; is a noted criminal lawyer; res. in Sioux City, Ia.
10531 Martin,9 b. ______.
10532 Timothy,9 b. ______.
10533 Asher,9 b. ______.
10534 Jayson,9 b. ______.
10535 Daughter,9 b. ______.
10536 Daughter,9 b. ______.

4775.   DANIEL,8 son of Martin7 (1833), b. in Oberlin, O., 11 Oct., 1810; m. ________.
He was a blacksmith.
10537 Abel Gibson,9 b. in Brownholm, O., 15 May, 1837; m. Almira Sidney Gibson.

740    The Kelloggs in the New World.

10538 Stephen Martin,9 b. in Amherst, O., 1 Nov., 1841; is unm.; a retired farmer; a Democrat; res. in Oberlin.

4781.   IRA,8 son of Martin7 (1835), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., 12 Sept., 1786; m. 29 Jan., 1812, Flora Rogers, b. 25 July, 1790, dau. of Rev. Medad Rogers, b. 17 Aug., 1750, and Rachel Baldwin, b. 29 Sept., 1755, dau. of Gamaliel Baldwin.
He d. 5 Aug., 1845; she d. 10 Sept., 1857.
He always lived on the farm purchased by his father, 13 Mar., 1773; the farm is now occupied by his son, Seelye Barnum Kellogg. He was a prominent citizen; res. in New Fairfield.
Children, b. in New Fairfield.
10539 Edwin M.,9 b. 4 July, 1813; m. Lucella Brown.
10540 Medad Rogers,9 b. 15 Mar., 1815; m. Amarylis Evaline Peck.
10541 Carlos Baldwin,9 b. 9 May, 1826; m. 1 Jan., 1868, Lucy Ann Wanzer, of Reading, Pa., b. 11 Dec., 1827, dau. of Jacob Wanzer, b. 3 Apr., 1798, and Phebe Leach, b. 13 June, 1805; was a farmer; res. in Sherman, Conn.; had no children.
10542 Seelye Barnum,9 b. 26 Aug., 1832; m. Elizabeth Hathaway.

4782.   HANFORD MARTIN,8 son of Martin7 (1835), b. 2 Oct., 1788; m. 29 May, 1816, Sarah Bulkley, b. 27 Nov., 1792, dau. of Jonathan Bulkley, of New Fairfield, Conn., b. 15 Nov., 1751, and Lydia Bulkley, b. 13 Mar., 1753.
She d. 5 Feb., 1851; he m. (2) in Danbury, Conn., 14 Apr., 1852, Eliza Meeker; d. 11 June, 1870.
10543 Sophia Elizabeth,9 b. 2 Mar., 1817; m. Peter Booth Jackson.
10544 Barzillai Bulkley,9 b. 25 Dec., 1818; m. Emeline Johnson.
10545 Sarah Ann,9 b. 14 Aug., 1825; m. Willis Haviland Wanzer.
10546 Rachel Maria,9 b. 24 July, 1827; m. Horace G. Betts.

4783.   MARY,8 dau. of Martin7 (1835), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., 25 Apr., 1792; m. (1) in Danbury, Conn., Mar., 1812, Zadoc Peck, b. in Pem­broke District, Danbury, 1787, son of Ezra Peck, b. 1746, and Rachel Stevens, b. 1747.
He was a farmer; a Sandemanian.
He d. in Danbury, 25 Apr., 1813; she m. (2) in Pembroke District, June, 1815, David Bearse, b. 17 Oct., 1780; d. in New Fairfield, 27 Aug., 1856.
Child by first husband.
10547 Catherine Peck,9 b. in Danbury, 13 Mar., 1813; m. in New Fairfield, 21 Nov., 1833, William Leech; res. in Danbury; had three children.
Children by second husband.
10548 Mary Ann Bearse,9 b. in New Fairfield, 7 June, 1816; d. in Brookfield, Conn., 14 Jan., 1841.
10549 Phebe Eliza Bearse,9 b. in New Fairfield, 26 Dec., 1822; m. (1) Philan­der Stevens; had three children; she m. (2) Horace J. Betts; had one son; res. in Brookfield.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    741

4784.   RACHEL,8 dau. of Martin7 (1835), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., Nov., 1796; m. Ezra Osborn, b. in Brookfield, Conn., July, 1790, son of David Osborn and Matilda Northrop.
He d. in Brookfield, 7 May, 1859; she d. there, 24 June, 1867; they are both buried in Prickback Cemetery, in Danbury.
He was a farmer; res. in Bound Swamp, Brookfield.
10550 Martin Kellogg Osborn,9 b. ______; m. Lois Vaill; res. in Danbury.
10551 Henry Bottsford Osborn,9 b. 4 Apr., 1820; m. (1) Harriet Pierce; (2) Harriet Ann Hubbell; he was a Union soldier; res. in Danbury.
10552 Ezra Burton Osborn,9 b. 9 Dec., 1822; m. ______; res. in Brookfield.
10553 Orrin H. Osborn,9 bap. 8 July, 1832; is a trader; res. in Bethel, Conn.

4785.   ABIGAIL,8 dau. of Martin7 (1835), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., 16 Aug., 1800; m. 19 Dec., 1824, Lemuel Baldwin Northrop, b. 17 Feb., 1799, son of John Northrop, b. 14 Jan., 1772, and Sarah Baldwin, b. 30 Mar., 1777.
She d. 22 Oct., 1871; he d. 14 June, 1872. He was a farmer; res. in Brookfield, Conn., where both d.
10554 Flora Emily Northrop,9 b. 17 July, 1826; d. 23 Mar., 1836.
10555 Sarah Elizabeth Northrop,9 b. 6 Sept., 1830; d. 31 Mar., 1836.
10556 Mary Sophia Northrop,9 b. 14 Mar., 1834; m. 1 Sept., 1858, George Hal lock; had three children.
10557 Sarah Caroline Northrop,9 b. 27 Sept., 1837; m. 15 Mar., 1858, William Thomas Leach; res. in Danbury, Conn.; had three children.

4786.   MERCY MARIA,8 dau. of Martin7 (1835), b. 25 June, 1806; m. 14 Oct., 1824, Dimon Bradley Barnum, b. 14 Nov., 1799, son of Thaddeus Barnum, b. in Connecticut, 6 Feb., 1788, and Anna Bradley, b. 20 Dec., 1779.
He d. 5 Nov., 1865; she d. 13 Feb., 1874.
He learned the trade of a tanner, and in 1847 bought a farm near Canas­eraga, N. Y., where both d.
10558 Abiram Vinton Barnum,9 b. in New Fairfield, Conn., 7 Oct., 1825; m. Sophia Hamilton; was a farmer and stock dealer near Danbury, Conn.; had three children.
10559 Ira Kellogg Barnum,9 b. in New Fairfield, 28 Nov., 1833; m. 8 Jan., 1863, Helen Augusta Coray, b. 6 Nov., 1838, dau. of John Coray, b. in Providence, Pa., 1796, and Cynthia Webb, b. in Hornellsville, N. Y., 1802; was for ten years a merchant in Canaseraga, and five years Postmaster there; was later a farmer in Burns, N. Y.; had one child.
10560 Willis Hanford Barnum,9 b. in New Fairfield, 1 Apr., 1843; m. Alice Vernette Rathbun, b. in Almond, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1850, dau. of Al­bert Rathbun, b. in Almond, 7 Oct., 1825, and Ann Fuller, b. in Granville, N. Y., 25 June, 1830; served twenty months in Co. I, First New York Dragoons; was later editor and publisher of the Canaseraga Times; she had previously m. 15 Sept., 1869, James W. Dyer, who d. 26 Sept., 1872.

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4788.   BETSEY HUNT,8 dau. of Samuel7 (1850), b. 11 June, 1799; m. Samuel Milford Blatchford, b. 5 Jan., 1797.
10561 Alice Harriet Blatchford,9 b. ______; m. Hopkins.
10562 Henry Samuel Blatchford,9 b. ______.
10563 James Wilson Blatchford,9 b. ______.
10564 Samuel Milford Blatchford,9 b. ______.

4789.   DR. SAMUEL WILSON,8 son of Samuel7 (1850), b. 11 Mar., 1809; m. in Montevideo, Buenos Ayres, 15 Feb., 1851, Mercedes Romana Labandera, dau. of John Atanasio Labandera, b. in Montevideo, and Frances Aceena, b. in Buenos Ayres, of Portuguese parentage.
He d. in Montevideo, 7 Jan., 1867, while on duty as fleet surgeon on the United States frigate Brooklyn. In 1881 his widow res. in Montevideo, S. A.
10565 Samuel John Wilson,9 b. in Portsmouth, N. H., 20 Nov., 1855; res. in Montevideo.
10566 Elizabeth Harriet,9 b. in the United States Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va., 9 Dec., 1858.
10567 James B.,9 b. 26 Mar., 1863; d. 25 Aug., 1867.
10568 Mercedes,9 b. 15 July, 1866.

4791.   CAROLINE MATILDA,8 dau. of Seth Shove7 (1851), b. 29 Nov., 1799; m. in New Canaan, Conn., 13 Dec., 1820, Leman Fitch, b. in Norwalk, Conn., 10 Dec., 1798, son of Joseph Fitch (596), b. in Norwalk, 21 Oct., 1758, and Hannah Sperry, b. in New Milford, Conn., 28 June, 1760.
He d. 19 Sept., 1824; she d. _______.
He was a merchant in New York; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y.
10569 Frances C. Fitch,9 b. 15 Apr., 1822; res., unm., in Hempstead, N. Y.
10570 Worthington Leman Fitch,9 b. 17 Nov., 1823; d. unm., in Woods Dig­gings, Cal., 1850.

4792.   JOSEPH LOCKWOOD,8 son of Seth Shove7 (1851), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 20 Apr., 1802; m. 26 June, 1827, Amelia Morton, b. 27 Mar., 1808, dau. of Elim Morton, b. in Hatfield, Mass., 13 Nov., 1775, and Amelia Ballard, b. in Hatfield, 5 Aug., 1780.
She d. 24 Nov., 1849; he d. 15 Aug., 1877; both d. in New York City.
After leaving the homestead in New Canaan he was a clerk in New York City; was in the dry goods business; later connected with the New York and Harlem Railroad.
10571 Lewis Morton,9 b. 20 Sept., 1834; m. June, 1871, Maria Hart; d. in Menasha, Wis., 12 Apr., 1872; at the outbreak of the war he en­listed in the Fourteenth Reg., New York National Guard; served three years; was mustered out; re-enlisted in "Duryea's Zouaves," Fifth New York Reg.; was wounded at Laurel Hill, Va., and again at Cold Harbor, Va.; during Grant's campaign he was breveted First Lieut.; received his commission in the One Hundred and Fifth New York Reg., and continued in active service until the close of the war; had no children.

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10572 Elvira Matilda,9 b. in Richmond, O., 17 Aug., 1837; m. Samuel Stuart Ferris.
10573 Frances Caroline,9 b. 4 Mar., 1840; m. Charles Frederick Lipman.
10574 Rebecca Morton,9 b. in New York, 2 Nov., 1843; m. 9 June, 1870, Edwin Henry Holmes, b. in Grafton, Mass., 5 Aug., 1839, son of Jeremiah Holmes, b. about 1805, and Harriet Henry, b. 26 Mar., 1809; during the war of the rebellion he enlisted in Co. A, Fifty-first Reg., Massachusetts, and, from 3 Sept., 1863, to 24 July, 1864, served with credit to himself; he res. in Plainfield, N. J.; a coal dealer; a Presbyterian; has no children; adopted a dau., Louise, who res., unm., in Plainfield.
10575 Charles Wesley Wallace,9 b. in New York City, 29 Jan., 1846; m. Caroline L. Searing.
10576 Florence Amelia,9 b. 21 Aug., 1849; d. unm., 29 July, 1880; res. in Stapleton, Staten Island.

4795.   REV. SAMUEL,8 son of Seth Shove7 (1851), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 30 June, 1808; m. (1) 2 Aug., 1838, Mary Pierce Henry, of Rutland, Mass., b. 1 Apr., 1811, dau. of Johnson Henry, b. 29 Feb., 1776, and Sybil Wheeler, b. 30 Nov., 1775.
She d. 14 July, 1861; he m. (2) in Rutland, Mass., 1 May, 1863, Elizabeth Stone Henry, sister of his first wife, b. 24 Aug., 1806; d. in Plainfield, N. J., in consequence of a fall, 14 Jan., 1896; she d. 18 Apr., 1899, aged 92.
He was graduated from the University of New York in 1834; from Prince­ton Theological Seminary in 1838. He was for three years pastor of the Pres­byterian Church in West Hampton, L. I.; twelve years in Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.; eleven years in Ramapo, N. Y., and retired from active service in 1864. He is described by the New York Observer as a quiet, unassuming, Christian gentleman, respected and beloved by all who knew him for his kindly and most lovable nature and high qualities, both of heart and mind. He res. from 1877 until his death in Plainfield.
10577 Samuel Henry,9 b. in Quogue, N. Y., 6 Sept., 1839; m. (1) Antoinette Whiting Hartwell; (2) Sara Constance Macrura.
10578 Howland Melancthon,9 b. 17 Oct., 1842; d. 5 Nov., 1847.
10579 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 12 Aug., 1844; d. 13 Oct., same year.
10580 Edward Payson,9 b. in Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1846; m. (1) Margaret Deane Gordon; (2) Henrietta Stryker.
10581 Caroline Matilda,9 b. in Dobbs Ferry, 23 Mar., 1849; m. Henry Lemuel Coolidge.

4805.   GEORGE,8 son of Jonathan Warren7 (1854), b. ______; m. Tan Antwerp, dau. of John E. Van Antwerp, of New York.
10582 Elizabeth,9 b. ______; m. Dr. Benjamin F. Gibbs, medical inspector of the Ignited States Navy; he res. in Louisiana many years before the war; in the war for the Union he served as surgeon in the Nineteenth Army Corps; he was acting as medical director on Gen. C. C. Augur's staff at the battles of Plum's Store and Port Hud-

744    The Kelloggs in the New World.

son; for thirteen years he was in the United States Pension De­partment; has been connected with the Board of Health; he was secretary of the Board of Examining Surgeons of the Pension Bureau; he d. in Trieste, Austria, 9 Sept., 1882.
4821.   EPHRAIM TORREY,8 son of Nathan7 (1828), b. in Bethany, Pa., 30 Apr., 1822; m. (1) Eliza Farnum, b. 1824, dau. of William Farnum and Ann Randall, of Wisconsin.
She d. in Madison, Wis., 1863; he m. (2) in 1865, Mrs. Hettie (Baird) Hud­son, b. in Pennsylvania, 28 May, 1836, dau. of Robert Baird, b. 1798, and Sabra Bower, b. about 1808, and widow of Dr. Henry Hudson; d. in San Diego, Cal., 17 Mar., 1892, where he res.; she res. in Los Angeles, Cal.
He established a large institution for Turkish baths in Kansas City, Mo.; was a Methodist and a Republican.
Children by first wife.
10583 William,9 b. near Madison, Wis., ______; d. in Sauk, Wis., aged 1.
10584 Amanda Jane,9 b. in Sauk, 28 Aug., 1847; m. Dr. Thomas Cummings Baird.
10585 Lydia Ann,9 b. near Madison, 13 June, 1849; m. Dr. Thomas Albert Smith.
10586 Rosalinda,9 b. near Madison, Aug., 1851; m. Maj. Henry Falls.
10587 Sarah Emma,9 b. near Madison, 16 Mar., 1854; m. Goyne Gordon Moore.
10588 George Woodward,9 b. near Madison, 5 July, 1856; m. in Kansas City, 5 Dec., 1887, Mattie M. Trigg; res. in Salt Lake City, Utah; is engaged in mining; a Republican; has no children.
10589 Ida,9 b. 1858; d. in Sauk, July, 1869.
Children by second wife.
✛10590 Jessie Baird,9 b. in Madison, 15 Aug., 1864; m. William Alfred Rugg.
10591 Nellie May,9 b. in Oshkosh, Wis., 1 May, 1872; m. John Harry Gushing.
10592 Edward,9 b. in Kansas City, 11 Aug., 1874; d. May, 1876.

4824.   GEN. JOHN AZOR,8 son of Nathan7 (1860), b. in Honesdale, Pa., 16 Mar., 1828; m. in Prairie du Sac. Wis., Oct., 1851, Adelaide Worthington, b. in Plymouth, Pa., 2 Sept., 1833, dau. of Thomas B. Worthington, b. 16 Apr., 1810, and Hannah R. Lewis.
He d. in Wausau, Wis., 10 Feb., 1883; she res. in St. Louis, Mo.
He was a lawyer; res. in Prairie du Sac; rem. to Mauston in 1857, to La Crosse in 1857, and to Wausau in 1876. He was District Attorney before the war, and later was United States Pension Agent; served in the Wisconsin Senate from 1879 to 1881. He was a Presbyterian and a Republican. He was Commander of the Iron Brigade in the civil war. He began his military life in Apr., 1861, as First Lieut., Co. K, Fifth Wisconsin Infantry, and in the following December was promoted to the Captaincy of Co. I, of the same regiment, with which he served until Jan., 1863. He was then on duty as Adjutant-Gen. of Brigade until December, when he returned to his regiment. On 5 May, 1864, he was wounded and captured at the battle of the Wilderness, and sent through the Confederacy from point to point, and finally to Charleston, S. C, where, with other officers, he

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was placed under the fire of the besieging Federals. While on the way to Charles­ton he escaped by jumping from the cars, but was hunted down with bloodhounds, and caught when within four miles of the Union lines. Again, on 5 Oct., he made his escape, while being moved to Columbia, S. C, and after traveling three hundred and fifty miles, mostly at night, he reached the Federal lines at Cal­houn, Ga., on the 27th of that month. He was promoted while in prison to Maj., Lieut-Col. and Col., respectively, and upon his escape took command of his regi­ment in Nov., 1864. He was assigned to the command of "Iron Brigade" in Feb., 1865, and led it during the last campaign ending with Lee's surrender at Appo­mattox, 9 Apr., 1805. He was promoted to Brig.-Gen. by brevet with rank from 9 Apr., 1865, and was mustered out 1 Aug., 1865.
10593 Edgar,9 b. 18 Aug., 1852; d. July, 1854.
10594 Ida Dele,9 b. in Prairie du Sac, 11 Apr., 1854; m. Edward Luman Frink.
10595 Elsie Worthington,9 b. in Prairie du Sac, 28 July, 1856; m. Fred­erick Augustus Sheldon.
10596 Stella Louise,9 b. in Mauston, 9 Dec., 1859; m. Allan Haines.
10597 Chester,9 b. May, 1864; d. aged 2 weeks.

4826.   OZIAS,8 son of Gideon7 (1863), b. in Malta, N. Y., 6 July, 1805; m. 6 Sept., 1826, Eliza Daphny Cook, b. 26 June, 1806, dau. of Stephen Cook, of Day, N. Y., b. in Rhode Island, 1773, and Thankful Creal, dau. of Samuel Creal, a native of Portugal, who was captured in his boyhood by Barbary pirates, and held some time in slavery, but escaped on an American vessel and lived in Con­necticut and New York.
She d. 15 July, 1878; he d. 31 Jan., 1887.
He was a farmer; twenty winters a school teacher. He rem. from Malta in May, 1845, to Chatham, O.; rem. 30 Oct., 1853, to West Barre, O.; on 27 Aug., 1865. to Trowbridge, Mich., where he and his wife res. until their death. He was twelve years deacon in the Baptist Church.
Children, all except youngest, b. in Malta.
10598 Sarah Jane,9 b. 7 Aug., 1827; m. James Monroe Armstrong.
10599 Amelia,9 b. 15 May, 1829; m. James Harvey Guthrie.
10600 Isaac,9 b. 26 Jan., 1831; d. 19 Sept., same year.
10601 Alexis,9 b. 5 Feb., 1833; m. Mary Augusta Buchanan.
10602 Levi Hubbell,9 b. 26 Feb., 1835; d. 25 Aug., 1836, the day his brother was b.
10603 Benjamin,9 b. 25 Aug., 1836; m. Caroline Larina Andrews.
10604 Walter Hubbell,9 b. 8 Nov., 1838; m. (1) Lucinda Boley; (2) Mrs. Susan (Frost) Knapp.
10605 Mary,9 b. 26 Oct., 1840; d. 17 May, 1852.
10606 Stephen,9 b. 20 Oct., 1842; when the war for the Union commenced he was a student in Oberlin College; enlisted in Co. C, Seventh Ohio Reg., mostly composed of Oberlin students; served principally in Virginia and West Virginia; was severely wounded in the thigh in the battle of Winchester, 23 Mar., 1862; returned home in Apr., 1862. and lingered until 25 Mar., 1863, when he d.
10607 Gideon,9 b. in Chatham, 19 Apr., 1847; m. (1) Emily Euphemia Don­aldson; (2) Mary Elizabeth Hankins.

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4842.   CAPT. ENOS,8 son of Matthew7 (1870), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 21 Dec., 1832; m. in Georgetown, Conn., 25 Aug., 1861, Eliza Jane Hubbell, b. 6 Mar., 1831, dau. of Moses Hubbell, of Reading, Conn., b. 27 July, 1797, and Elizabeth Perry, b. 13 May, 1801.
He d. in Norwalk, Conn., 18 May, 1897.
They res. in Norwalk. He was superintendent of Riverside Cemetery. He was a Union soldier; Capt. of Co. H, Seventeenth Connecticut Volunteers; a Methodist.
10608 Hattie Lavina,9 b. in Georgetown, 24 Aug., 1865; res., unm., in Nor­walk, Conn.

4843.   MINOT CROFOOT,8 son of Matthew7 (1870), b. in New Canaan. Conn., 17 Dec., 1834; m. (1) in Norwalk, Conn., 24 Sept., 1863, Emily Elizabeth Dis­brow, b. in New Haven, Conn., 28 July, 1836, dau. of Charles Edwin Disbrow, b. in Westport, Conn., 5 Sept., 1812, and Abigail Ann Knight, b. 24 July, 1806.
She d. in Mount Vernon, N. Y., 8 Feb., 1889; he m. (2) in New Canaan, 7 Jan., 1891, Mary Louise Tallmadge, b. in Darien, Conn., 12 Aug., 1853, dau. of William Henry Tallmadge, b. in New Canaan, 12 May, 1810, and Nancy Weed, b. in Darien, 1 July, 1825.
He is president of Co-Operative Building Bank, and vice-president of Bank of Mount Vernon, also president of Patterson Brothers, New York City; res. in Mount Vernon.
10609 Edwin Disbrow,9 b. in New Canaan, 10 Nov., 1866; d. in Red Bank, N. J., 2 Jan., 1886.
10610 Mildred Cleeton,9 b. in Greenwich, Conn., 6 Sept., 1871; m. Samuel Wilbur Bertine.
10611 Charles Knight,9 b. in New Canaan, 29 May, 1874; d. in Mount Ver­non, 21 Nov., 1876.
10612 Cora Louise,9 b. in Mount Vernon, 26 July, 1878.

4844.   HANNAH ELIZA,8 dau. of Matthew7 (1870), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 28 Sept., 1836; m. in New Canaan, 1 May, 1867, Leonard Frank Lounsbury, b. in Stamford, Conn., 3 Sept., 1837, son of Ezra Lounsbury and Phebe Scofield.
She d. in Norwalk, Conn., 13 Feb., 1881. He was a mason; a Methodist; Republican.
Children, b. in New Canaan.
10613 Alice Eliza Lounsbury,9 b. 30 May, 1869; res. in Cedar Rapids.
10614 Frank Leonard Lounsbury,9 b. 18 Sept., 1871; m. in Cedar Rapids, Ia., 28 June, 1900, Byrda Beck; res. in Cedar Rapids.

4846.   GEORGE REX,8 son of Matthew7 (1870), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 17 Oct., 1840; m. in New Canaan, 19 Nov., 1863, Polly Mills Benedict, b. 24 Mar., 1841, dau. of Caleb St. John Benedict, b. 28 Oct., 1803, and Hannah Elizabeth Crissey, b. 4 Dec., 1807.
They res. in Greenwich, Conn., and Ocean Grove, N. J., from 1876 to '8 and Mount Vernon, N. Y., from 1887 to '90. He has been engaged in the coal and lumber business, in New Canaan, since 1892.

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10615 William Crissey,9 b. in Greenwich, Conn., 6 Apr., 1874.
10616 Ida Estelle,9 b. in Ocean Grove, 1 Dec., 1878.
10617 George Edwin,9 b. in Ocean Grove, 11 Apr., 1884.

4861.   FREDERICK,8 son of Epenetus7 (1879), b. in Wawarsing, N. Y., 5 Sept., 1823; m. in New York City, N. Y., 3 Mar., 1852, Anna Brown, b. in New York City, 18 Feb., 1831, only dau. of George Brown and Elizabeth Wade.
He d. in Downers' Grove, Ill., 19 Dec., 1884.
He res. in Chicago, Ill.; was a Midshipman on the United States steamship Warren in the war with Mexico; served in the war of the rebellion as Quarter­master Sergt., Thirty-seventh Illinois Volunteers.
10618 Marie Antoinette,9 b. in New Rochelle, N. Y., 19 Feb., 1854; m. Richard Melburn Oglesby.
10619 Charles Ellet,9 b. in New Rochelle, 12 Dec., 1855; m. (1) Charlotte Lake; (3) Mrs. Mary (Griswold) Albert.
10620 De Witt Clinton,9 b. in Chicago, 21 Oct., 1858; d. 18 July, 1859.
10621 Milton,9 b. in Chicago, 19 Sept., 1860; m. Alice Erby.
10622 Edith Agnes,9 b. in Chicago, 9 July, 1863; m. Frank Eugene Bartlett.
10623 King Goshen,9 b. in Chicago, 30 Dec., 1865; m. (1) Emma M. Roser; (2) Louise M. Roser.
10624 Kenneth Ainsley,9 b. 2 July, 1870; res. in Chicago; was gunner's mate in the United States Navy.

4862.   ELIZA,8 dau. of James7 (1927), b. in Northfield, Conn., 12 Aug., 1808; m. 31 Dec., 1828, George Patton, b. in Lewistown, Pa., 24 Aug., 1803, son of George Patton, b. in Strabane, Ireland, 8 Aug., 1770, and Margaret Nelson, b. in Strabane, 11 Sept., 1773.
He d. 2 Nov., 1885; she d. 28 Nov., 1897.
He was a merchant; res. from the time of his marriage until 1846 in Mif­flin Co., Pa., and in Cincinnati from 1846 to '55, and after that time in Lake City, Mich., where both d.
10625 Eliza Jane Patton,9 b. in Birmingham, Pa., 31 Oct., 1829; m. 14 Jan., 1851, Rev. Silas Hazlett; d. 3 Mar., 1865; had one child.
10626 James Edward Patton,9 b. in Allentown, Pa., 14 Aug., 1832; m. 2 Apr., 1861, Sarah E. Ludington; res. in Milwaukee, Wis.; had five chil­dren.
10627 George Randolph Patton,9 b. in Allensville, Pa., 16 Aug., 1834; m. 26 Mar., 1857, Fanny Mary Patterson; was a physician in Lake City; had two children.
10628 Hiram Turner Patton,9 b. 16 Feb., 1837; m. 25 Aug., 1873, Mary E. Hughes; had one child.
10629 Augustus Merriam Patton,9 b. in Whitehall, Pa., 22 Sept., 1839; m. 8 May, 1863, Julia O. Cooper; d. in Lake City, 12 Feb., 1869; had two children.
10630 William Humphreys Patton,9 b. 7 May, 1843; d. 5 Jan., 1848.
10631 Nathan Patton,9 b. 22 Apr., 1850; res. in Cincinnati, O.

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4863.   MARY,8 dau. of James7 (1927), b. in Northfield, Conn., 5 Mar., 1810; m. in Lewistown, Pa., 28 Apr., 1828, Theophilus Keckeler, b. in Stuttgart, Ger­many, 10 Feb., 1800.
He d. 20 July, 1854; she d. 4 Dec., 1860.
Res. in Cincinnati, O., where both d.
10632 Theophilus Turner Keckeler,9 b. in Bellefonte, Pa., 7 Feb., 1829; m. in Cincinnati, 13 July, 1852, Mary Adela Mauser, b. in Cincinnati, 26 Nov., 1832; res. in Cincinnati; had four children.
10633 Theodore Kellogg Keckeler,9 b. in Bellefonte, 1 Feb., 1829; m. in Cincinnati, 27 Mar., 1850, Elizabeth Jane McLaughlin, b. in Cincinnati, 21 Sept., 1829; d. in Cincinnati, 25 Apr., 1864; had two children.
10634 Adolphus Turner Keckeler,9 b. in Bellefonte, 29 Mar., 1831; m. (1) in Cincinnati, 21 July, 1853, Louisa Eyland, b. 14 Mar., 1833; she d. 28 Dec., 1863; he m. (2) in Cincinnati, 7 June, 1866, Temper­ance Hartman Kinsey, b. in Indiana; had two children.
10635 Mary Roxana Keckeler,9 b. in Lewistown, 13 Mar., 1834; m. in Cincin­nati, 25 Aug., 1859, Francis G. Cleneay, b. in Augusta, Ky., 5 Mar., 1831; had two children.
10636 Catherine Kellogg Keckeler,9 b. in Cincinnati, 14 Feb., 1845; m. there, 7 May, 1868, L. P. Meredith, b. in Xenia, O., 18 Mar., 1841; had two children.

4864.   JAMES NASH,8 son of James7 (1927), b. in Northfield, Conn., 12 Oct., 1820; m. in Louisville, Ky., 11 Feb., 1845, Virginia Augusta Hewes, b. 2 Mar., 1827, dau. of Capt. Aaron Hewes, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., and Adeline A. Watts, b. in Baltimore, Md.
He d. in Leadville, Col., 23 Aug., 1887.
Children, b. in Louisville.
10637 James Hewes,9 b. 7 June, 1846; d. unm., in Leadville, 5 Oct., 1880.
10638 Adeline Virginia,9 b. 10 Feb., 1851; m. 21 Nov., 1872, Albert Jones Shouse, b. in Versailles, Ky., 18 July, 1851, son of James Shouse and Abigail Carter; he d. 23 Dec., 1883, in Leadville; she m. (2) in Leadville, 18 Mar., 1895, Joseph Thomas White, b. in Dublin, Ireland, 10 Feb., 1843, son of Thomas Houghton White, b. 6 Jan., 1813, and Ann Hebden, b. 1819; he was engaged in mining; he was formerly rector in the Church of England; received degrees of B. A., Trinity College, Dublin University, 1864; L. L. B., Divinity School, Dublin University, 1865; res. in San Francisco; had no children.
10639 Charles Cromey,9 b. 16 Mar., 1853; drowned 19 June, 1865.
10640 Francina Pearce,9 b. 4 Apr., 1857; m. in Louisville, 4 Dec., 1879, John Clifton Collins, b. in Louisville, 26 June, 1853, son of Jona than Collins, b. Feb., 1809, and Mary Harris, b. 1819; he was a rancher; res. in Sanborn, Col.; had an adopted dau., Elizabeth Virginia, b. 12 Dec., 1879, who m. 22 Sept., 1898, Edwin James Denning, and res. in Sanborn.
10641 John Rodman,9 b. 10 Aug., 1861; d. unm., in Leadville, 2 July, 1880.

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4865.   EDWARD TURNER,8 son of James7 (1927), b. in Lewistown, Pa., 17 Nov., 1823; m. in New Albany, Ind., 25 Nov., 1844, Harriet Lavinia Brainard, dau. of Asahel Brainard, of Hartford, O., who is said to have been the first man who wintered in Hartford, and Abigail or May Matilda Jones.
He d. in Knights Ferry, Cal., 26 Jan., 1850; she m. (2) Buller, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; d. in New Albany, 1864, aged 40.
10642 Charles Edward,9 b. 10 Aug., 1846; res. in Cleveland until about 1864; disappeared during the civil war.

4868.   WILLIAM NORMAN LESTER,8 son of James7 (1927), b. in Cleve­land, O., 4 Jan., 1833; m. 13 Jan., 1859, Charlotte Eliza Kelley, b. 10 Oct., 1838, dau. of James Howe Kelley, of Cleveland, O., and Racine, Wis., b. in Avon, N. Y., 7 Sept., 1815, and Emily Chase Hussey, b. in Nantucket, Mass., 11 Sept., 1819, dau. of Richard Hussey.
He d. in Faribault, Minn., 3 Mar., 1868; he was a dry goods merchant in Cleveland; she m. (2) William G. Gummaer, of Weyauwega, Wis.; res. in An­gelica, Wis.
10643 William James,9 b. 24 Nov., 1859; d. in Angelica, 19 Oct., 1876.
10644 Catherine,9 b. 14 Jan., 1861; d. in infancy.

4881.   MARY ALMIRA,8 dau. of Elijah7 (1929), b. in Elizabeth, N. J., 1 Sept., 1819; m. in Elizabeth, 8 June, 1841, William Foster Day, b. 27 Aug., 1816, son of Foster Day, b. 6 Mar., 1781, and Susan Richards Smith, b. 21 Apr., 1781.
He d. 6 Apr., 1870; she d. 11 Aug., 1879.
He was an attorney at law; res. in Union and Fort Wayne, Ind., and Eliza­beth, N. J. He served several terms in the New Jersey Legislature; was a director and vice-president of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of New Jersey.
Children, b. in Elizabeth.
10645 Annie Maria Day,9 b. 9 July, 1842; m. 6 Oct., 1863, Thomas Sexton Crane, of Newark, N. J.; he is an expert mechanical engineer; res. in Orange, N. J.; she d. there, 9 Nov., 1897.
10646 William Foster Day,9 b. 21 Nov., 1843; d. 5 May, 1845.
10647 Frederick Kellogg Day,9 b. 4 June, 1848; is in the life insurance busi­ness; res., unm., in Elizabeth.
10648 Edward Augustus Day,9 b. 20 Aug., 1852; m. 27 Oct., 1881, Elizabeth H. Hoyt, of Stamford, Conn.; a lawyer; res. in Morristown, N. J.
10649 William Truesdell Day,9 b. 26 Jan., 1854; m. 13 Dec., 1881, Fanny Winchester Green, of Elizabeth; is a lawyer; res. in Elizabeth.
10650 Louisa Kellogg Day,9 b. 22 July, 1855; m. 15 Nov., 1883, Henry Rice Putnam, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; he is in the life insurance business; res. in Pasadena, Cal.

4883.   AARON WOODRUFF,8 son of Elijah7 (1929), b. in Elizabeth, N. J., 6 Feb., 1824; m. 13 Oct., 1869, Clara Ailing Miller, b. in Newark, N. J., 21 Jan., 1837, dau. of former Mayor James Miller, of Newark, b. 2 Aug., 1793, and Julia Baldwin, b. 19 Sept., 1802.

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Children, b. in Elizabeth, where they now res.
10651 Augustus Clark,9 b. 24 Aug., 1870; in 1893 he relinquished the prac­tice of law and entered the ministry; was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Elizabeth.
10652 William Day,9 b. 26 Apr., 1873; is a lawyer; is unm.
10653 Robert Miller,9 b. 24 June, 1876; is superintendent of the Middlesex Water Company; is unm.

4888.   JAMES CRANE,8 son of Elijah7 (1929), b. in Hartford, Conn., 18 July, 1837; m. 3 June, 1868, Elizabeth Langdon Woodruff, b. in Elizabeth, N. J., 16 June, 1843, dau. of James Catlin Woodruff, of New York City, b. in Litchfield, Conn., 27 Aug., 1815, and Elizabeth Otis Langdon, b. in Hartford, 11 Feb., 1818. He res. in Elizabeth; is engaged in the wholesale blueing works.
Children, b. in Elizabeth.
10654 James Crane,9 b. 11 Feb., 1872.
10655 Morris Woodruff,9 b. 16 Jan., 1873.
10656 Clementine,9 b. 4 Nov., 1874.
10657 Bertha Woodruff,9 b. 27 Jan., 1878.
10658 Frederick Day,9 b. 29 July, 1879; d. 24 Feb., 1883.

4891.   CLEMENTINE,8 dau. of Elijah7 (1929), b. in Elizabeth, N. J., 31 Jan., 1848; m. 12 June, 1878, William Horace Corbin, b. in McDonough, N. Y., 13 July, 1851, son of Eli Lyon Corbin, b. 7 Feb., 1813, and Abigail Taintor, b. 20 Mar., 1820.
He is a lawyer; a graduate of Cornell University; res. in Elizabeth.
Children, b. in Elizabeth.
10659 Clement Kellogg Corbin,9 b. 3 Oct., 1879.
10660 Horace Kellogg Corbin,9 b. 25 Apr., 1887.
10661 Augustus Kellogg Corbin,9 b. 25 Oct., 1888; d. 8 Aug., 1889.

4892.   MIRANDA POLLY,8 dau. of Rufus7 (1930), b. in Milford, Conn., 8 Aug., 1813; m. 29 Sept., 1837, Joseph Pierce Nevin, of Shippensburg, Pa., b. 31 Mar., 1811, son of David Nevin, b. 23 Feb., 1782, and Mary Pierce, b. 25 June, 1791.
She d. 6 Jan., 1843; he d. in Shippensburg, 6 Oct., 1855.
Children, b. in Shippensburg.
10662 Josephine Elizabeth Nevin,9 b. 29 Sept., 1837; res., unm., in Shippens­burg.
10663 Mary Louise Nevin,9 b. 4 Jan., 1841; d. 24 Aug., same year.
10664 Samuel Nevin,9 b. 4 Jan., 1844; d. 29 Jan., same year.

4893.   ANNIE MARIA,8 dau. of Rufus7 (1930), b. in Northfield, Conn., 6 Oct., 1816; m. 17 Dec., 1838, Rev. William Humphrey Enos, b. 14 Feb., 1800, son of Levi Enos, of Salem, Mass., and Azuba Pierce.
He d. in Hagerstown, Md., 6 Oct., 1855; she d. in Broadway, Va., 25 Mar., 1895.
10665 Trovillo Hynams Kellogg Enos,9 b. in Rockbridge Co., Va., 6 Nov., 1840; m. 30 Oct., 1865, Ella M. Kerper; res. in Indianapolis, Ind.; had three children.

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10666 Elizabeth Miranda Ortelia Enos,9 b. in Bath, Va., 25 Jan., 1843; m. 29 Nov., 1865, John Wesley Basore; res. in Broadway; had three children.
10667 Willannie Romelia Fosette Enos,9 b. in St. Mary's Co., Md., 26 Dec., 1845; d. in Hagerstown, 27 Dec., 1857.
10668 William Trovando Vascoy Enos,9 b. in Martinsburg, W. Va., 11 Mar., 1854; m. 8 June, 1879, Emma V. Banner; res. in Indianapolis.

4902.   EDWARD ROOT,8 son of Edward7 (1932), b. in New York, 26 Jan., 1834; m. 23 June, 1850, Rebecca Jennette Fuller, b. 9 June, 1832, dau. of Wil­liam Fuller and Eunice Minerva Wilcox.
She d. 9 Nov., 1871; he d. in Elizabeth, N. J., 1 Oct., 1883.
He was graduated from Rensselaer College, Troy, N. Y., as a civil engineer; was an Episcopalian and a Republican.
10669 Edward,9 b. in Trumansburg, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1852; m. 15 Jan., 1874, Henrietta Magdelena Wilson, b. 28 Oct., 1853, dau. of Joseph Pur­vis Wilson, b. in Edinburgh, Scotland, 12 Nov., 1836, and Harriet Ann McDonell, b. 5 Aug., 1828; d. in Savanilla, United States of Colombia, S. A., 4 Jan., 1875, having gone there on business.
10670 Helen Elizabeth,9 b. 5 Sept., 1854; d. in Trumansburg, 29 Aug., 1857.
10671 Samuel Putnam,9 b. in Trumansburg, 28 Mar., 1856; m. Almira Fel­lows Knowles.
✛10672 Amelia Nash,9 b. in Ithaca, N. Y., 20 Mar., 1858; m. James MacMas­ter.
10673 Esther Fenn,9 b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 19 May, 1860; res., num., in Yonkers; has traveled extensively, both in this country and Europe.
10674 Charles Baldwin,9 b. in Brooklyn, 29 June, 1861; d. in Chicago, 13 Oct., 1890.
10675 Lyman Warner,9 b. in Brooklyn, 8 Nov., 1863; d. in Lanesborough, Mass., 6 Aug., 1864.

4904.   HARRIET ELVIRA,8 dau. of Edward7 (1932), b. in New York City, 9 Mar., 1828; m. 22 Feb., 1854, Dr. Carroll Dunham, b. 1835 or '36.
He d. in Irvington, N. Y., 18 Feb., 1877; she d. in New York, 22 Jan., 1878.
10676 Carroll Dunham,9 b. in Newburgh, N. Y., 25 June, 1858; m. 22 Apr., 1884, Margaret Worcester Dows.
10677 Edward Kellogg Dunham,9 b. in Newburgh, N. Y., 8 Sept., 1860; m. in New York, 1893, Mary Dows, b. in Tarrytown, N. Y., 1865. dau. of David Dows, b. 1820, and Margaret Esther Worcester, b. 1835; is a physician; was graduated from Columbia College, 1831; res. in Seal Harbor, Me.; had one child.
10678 Theodore Dunham,9 b. in Irvington, N. Y., 9 Nov., 1862; m. 18 Feb., 1897, Josephine Ballastier, of New York.
10679 Herbert Dunham,9 b. in Irvington, June, 1865; d. 9 Mar., 1868.
10680 Constantine Dunham,9 b. in New York, June, 1867; d. Mar., 1868.
10681 Beatrice Dunham,9 b. in New York, 2 Mar., 1870.

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4905.   ELVIRA WARNER,8 dau. of Frederick7 (1933), b. in Northfield, Conn., 4 Jan., 1820; m. 27 Aug., 1840, George Alfred Trowbridge, b. in New Haven, Conn., 28 June, 1818, son of Amos Trowbridge and Catherine Atwater.
She d. in Brooklyn, 2 May, 1843; he m. twice after her death; d. in New York City, 28 Apr., 1891.
He was a merchant; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y.
10682 Henrietta Kellogg Trowbridge,9 b. 8 Apr., 1812; m. 7 Dec., 1864, Samuel Whiting Hollister, of New York City; d. 16 Sept., 1897; had five children.
10683 Frederick Kellogg Trowbridge,9 b. 28 Apr., 1843; m. 7 Dec., 1871, his cousin, Elvira Kellogg Trowbridge; had one child.

4906.   CHAUNCEY WARNER,8 son of Frederick7 (1933), b. in Northfield, Conn., 15 Dec., 1831; m. 4 Oct., 1846, Mary Eliza Bassett, b. in Derby, Conn., 3 Mar., 1826, dau. of George Bassett, b. 1804, and Sarah Russell, b. in Derby, Conn., 1808.
He d. 2 Apr., 1889.
He res. in Northfield until 1851, when he rem. to Baraboo, Wis., where he d.
Children, first b. in Northfield, others in Baraboo.
10684 George Trowbridge,9 b. 23 July, 1848; res., unm., in Baraboo.
10685 Mary Anna,9 b. 24 Jan., 1855; res., unm., in Baraboo.
10686 Kate,9 b. 23 Apr., 1857; res., unm., in Baraboo.
10687 Frederick,9 b. 1 Oct., 1860; d. 13 Nov., 1865.
10688 Currie,9 b. 1 Nov., 1862; d. 17 July, 1865.
10689 Archibald,9 b. 19 Apr., 1865; res., unm., in Baraboo.

4907.   ALBERT FREDERICK,8 son of Frederick7 (1933), b. in Reading, Pa., 20 Mar., 1824; m. 26 Aug., 1850, Sarah Jane Bassett, b. in Northfield, Conn., 14 May, 1828, dau. of George Bassett, b. 1804, and Sarah Russell, b. in Derby, Conn., 1808.
He d. in Baraboo, Wis., 16 Oct., 1886.
Children, b. in Baraboo.
10690 Alice Minerva,9 b. 20 Feb., 1854; m. 2 Oct., 1878, Charles Buer Mat­toon, of Watertown. Conn.; had no children.
10691 Arthur Albert,9 b. 27 Mar., 1858; m. Mary Ellen Wilson.

4909.   LEVI MERRIAM,8 son of Frederick7 (1933). b. in Reading, Pa., 4 Sept., 1829, m. 1 May, 1859, Delight L. Wickes, b. in Rensselaerville, N. Y., 26 Apr., 1826, dau. of Platt Wickes, b. 1797, and Frances Carter, b. 1797.
She d. in San Francisco, Cal, 23 June, 1869.
He was an iron merchant, dealing in sheet iron and metals; res. in San Francisco. He was graduated from Columbia College, class of 1848; was Deputy Collector of Customs in San Francisco eighteen years. He is an Episcopalian and a Republican.
10692 Minerva Delight,9 b. in Nevada, Cal., 10 May, 1860; is unm.

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4910.   ANSEL NASH,8 son of Frederick7 (1933), b. in Reading, Pa., 20 Mar., 1832; m. 31 Aug., 1859, Annie E. Barnes, b. in Plymouth, Pa., 31 Mar., 1842.
He d. in Thomasville, Ga., 23 Mar., 1886.
He was graduated from Columbia College, 1852. He was a publisher of "patent outsides" in Chicago, with branch houses in St. Louis and Cleveland. His leisure was devoted to the higher mathematics, and at the time of his death, he was preparing a work on approximations. In July, 1861, he, then the proprietor of the Baraboo, Wis., Republic, finding that in consequence of his compositors having joined the army, he would be unable to issue a full sheet on the regular day, ordered of a newspaper in Madison, Wis., half sheet supplements with the war news printed on both sides, to fold with his own half sheets. While mailing his edition, it occurred to him, that if the awkward fact of his paper being in two pieces could be obviated an excellent paper could be regularly issued with a de­cided saving of labor and expense. His next supply of two printed pages was ac­cordingly ordered to be struck off on one side of a full sheet, instead of both sides of a half sheet, and on 10 July, 1861, he issued the first sheet of the style, which has since be­come so popular, and which many regard as the greatest of all modem improvements in country newspaper printing.
Children, b. in Baraboo.
10693 Amelia Worthington,9 b. 10 Dec., 1860; m. 29 Apr., 1891, Dr. Eugene Hodenpyl, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; d. 11 June, 1892; had no children.
10694 Josephine Warner,9 b. 30 June, 1862; res., unm., in New York City.

4913.   MARTHA THOMPSON,8 dau. of Charles7 (1936), b. in Tompkinsville, N. Y., 7 May, 1828; m. in Hastings, Mich., 4 June, 1849, as his second wife, Clark Hubbard Palmer, b. 28 May, 1816, son of Peleg Palmer, b. 22 Mar., 1788, and Lucy Tanner, b. 19 Mar., 1792.
She d. in Winfield, 30 June, 1884; he d. in Canby, Or., 24 Mar., 1895.
He was a farmer; res. in Lake View, Castleton and Winfield, Mich.; was a Seventh Day Adventist and a Republican.
Children, first four b. in Castleton, others in Assyria, Mich.
10695 Martha Alice Palmer,9 b. 2 May, 1850; d. 4 Sept., same year.
10696 Marion Delia Palmer,9 b. 31 Mar., 1852; m. 2 May, 1875, Robert Cole­man Hunter, b. in Reach, Canada, 6 July, 1847, son of Matthew Hunter, b. in Cottonworth, near York, England, 8 Mar., 1821, and Mary Farmer, b. in Coburg, Ont., 7 Mar., 1829; he is a stock farmer and apiarist; a Republican and a Seventh-Day Adventist; res. in Colton, Or.; had five children.
10697 Martha Helen Palmer,9 b. 29 Nov., 1854; d. 1 Aug., 1856.
10698 Ellen Esther Palmer,9 b. 7 Sept., 1857; d. 29 Oct., 1861.
10699 Anna May Palmer,9 b. 5 Sept., 1859; d. 14 Feb., 1869.
10700 Daughter,9 b. 23 Nov., 1862; d. next day.
10701 Charles Clark Palmer,9 b. 11 June, 1864; d. 19 June, 1865.
10702 Lewis Clark Palmer,9 b. 28 July, 1866; d. 14 Nov., 1867.
10703 Willis Kellogg Palmer,9 b. 26 Mar., 1869; m. (1) 25 Feb., 1890, Dora Callard, b. in Lake View, 8 Nov., 1868, dau. of Elijah Abram Cal­lard, b. 14 Aug., 1823, and Eliza Martin, b. 12 Nov., 1823, of Lake View; is a school teacher; a Republican; res. in Lake View; had two children.

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10704 Claude Irwin Palmer,9 b. 31 May, 1871; m. 31 Aug., 1897, May Bell Hill, b. in Marlette, Mich., 27 Feb., 1871, dau. of Francis A. Hill, b. 30 Jan., 1830, and Mary J. McRay, b. 15 Feb., 1835; he is a teacher; a Republican; res. in Ann Arbor, Mich.; has one child.
10705 Burt Clark Palmer,9 b. 8 Aug., 1875; a farmer; res., unm., near Col­ton; a Republican.

4914.   MARY DRAKE,8 dau. of Charles7 (1936), b. in Newark, N. J., 13 June, 1830; m. Nov., 1848, Jacob Moore Hale, b. in Ridgeway, N. Y., 30 Jan., 1820, son of Israel Hale, of Vergennes, Vt., b. about 1785, and Esther Taylor, b. in Ver­gennes, about 1788.
He d. June, 1880; she d. in Lake View, Mich., 12 Sept., 1896. He was a farmer. After his death, she res. in Howard City, Mich.
10706 Julius Clark Hale,9 b. 10 Dec., 1851; m. 19 Nov., 1874, Nettie Myrtella Parker; is a farmer; res. near Coral, Mich.; she d. ______.
10707 Harlan Page Hale,9 b. 11 Aug., 1853; m. 13 Oct., 1875, Jennet Estella Smith; is a farmer; res. near Lake View.
10708 Sheppard Preston Hale,9 b. 15 Dec., 1855; m. 4 Aug., 1877, Lillie Har­riett Vaughan; is a farmer; res. near Lowell, Mich.
10709 Lilla Mary Hale,9 b. 2 Oct., 1858; m. 25 Dec., 1876, Benjamin Franklin Keyes, a merchant; res. in Kansas City, Mo.

4915.   HANNAH DELIA,8 dau. of Charles7 (1936), b. in Johnstown, O., 22 June, 1833; m. 22 June, 1853, Edward Martin Gates, b. in Brandon, Vt., 21 Sept., 1830, son of Jesse Gates and Pamelia Rich.
She d. 18 Nov., 1892; he d. 11 Mar., 1894.
He was a teacher, mechanic and farmer; res. in Collins, Mich., where both d. He was a Justice of the Peace, Republican and Episcopalian.
10710 Bird Elbert Gates,9 b. in Vermontville. Mich., 10 June, 1854; d. in Cas­tleton, Mich., 26 Jan., 1869.
10711 Charles Edward Gates,9 b. in Vermontville, 20 Dec., 1860; d. in As­syria, Mich., 17 Apr., 1863.
10712 Archie Day Gates,9 b. in Assyria, 19 July, 1865; m. 22 June, 1891, Minnie Eudora Huston; res. in Sheridan, Mich.; served in the Spanish-American war.
10713 Otto Bey Gates,9 b. in Maple Grove, Mich., 15 July, 1866; m. 30 Aug., 1894, Pauline Newcomer; res. in Fort Scott, Kas.
10714 Roy May Gates,9 b. in Collins, 15 May, 1878; m. 20 May, 1899, Dora Dell Williams; res. in Grand Lodge, Mich.; served in the Spanish­American war.

4916.   PHEBE ESTHER,8 dau. of Charles7 (1936), b. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 12 Oct., 1835; m. 23 Apr., 1860, Edwin Boyer, b. in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., 10 Mar., 1825, son of Leonard H. Boyer, b. in Herkimer Co., N. Y., 25 Nov., 1797, and Margaret Lepper, b. in Montgomery Co., N. Y., 22 Feb., 1794.
She d. in Roxana, Mich., 26 Jan., 1890.
He rem. with his father from New York to Michigan, 1837; settled in Ches­ter; he joined the Free Will Baptist Church, and has been a devout Christian

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ever since; is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Roxana with his dau., Loa Euphemia.
10715 Araminta Harrietta Boyer,9 b. 5 Mar., 1862; m. 7 Feb., 1889, J. Bryan Turner; res. in Roxana.
10716 Alma Roena Boyer,9 b. 24 May, 1864; m. 1 Jan., 1892, Will M. Santee; he is a farmer; res. in Chester; has three children.
10717 Loa Euphemia Boyer,9 b. 17 Jan., 1866; m. 29 Jan., 1896, William John Fetterman, b. in Sunfield, Mich., Sept., 1874, son of John Fetter­man, b. in Ohio, 19 Nov., 1839, and Hepsibah , b. in In­diana, 14 Aug., 1845; he is a farmer; a Republican; res. in Roxana; has one child.
10718 Delia Margerette Boyer,9 b. 20 Oct., 1874; d. 28 Mar., 1885.

4919.   JAMES MERRITT,8 son of Clark7 (1937), b. in Elizabeth. N. J., 22 Sept., 1829; m. 8 Dec., 1867, Mrs. Susan (Kempsey) Stafford, b. in Colrain, County Derry, Ireland, 2 Feb., 1834, widow of Wilson Stafford, and dau. of John Kempsey and Mary Patterson.
He is a carpenter and joiner; res. in Oshtemo, Mich., and later in Wickes, Mont.; is an Independent in politics; was a Union soldier; enlisted 6 Sept., 1862, as Corp. in Co. M, First New Mexico Volunteer Cavalry, and was mustered out 14 Oct., 1865.
Children, b. in Oshtemo.
10719 Kate,9 b. 20 Nov., 1868; m. in Wickes, Mar., 1892, Edward Emil Wheil; res. in Helena, Mont.
10720 Mary Eliza,9 b. 3 Feb., 1875; res., unm., in Wickes.

4923.   EMILY WINSLOW,8 dau. of Clark7 (1937), b. in Oshtemo, Mich., 19 Mar., 1840; m. 18 Aug., 1874, George Henry Snow, b. in Newark, O., 23 July, 1838, son of William Henry Snow, b. 7 May, 1814, and Esther Frances Denslow, b. 6 Mar., 1819.
He d. in Kalamazoo, Mich., 23 Jan., 1883; she res. in Kalamazoo. He was a machinist; res. in Kalamazoo; was private in Co. C, Twenty-fifth Reg., Connecticut Volunteers, in the war of the rebellion; a Republican.
10721 George Kellogg Snow,9 b. in West Meriden, Conn., 4 Sept., 1878.

4924.   ALBERT SERGEANT,8 son of Clark7 (1937), b. in Oshtemo, Mich., 30 Nov., 1842; m. 4 May, 1870, Jane Maria Balch, b. 18 Sept., 1845, dau. of Royal Tyler Balch, b. in Athens, Vt., 17 Dec., 1818, and Ruthanna Grimes Davis, b. in Athens, 28 Oct., 1827.
He d. in Whitehall, Mont., 11 Aug., 1897.
He was a Presbyterian; res. in Oshtemo, Mich., Boulder Valley and Helena, Mont.
10722 Julia Clark,9 b. in Oshtemo, 5 Apr., 1871; m. William Michael Fergus.
10723 Ruth Elsie,9 b. 31 Jan., 1875; is unm.
10724 Frederick William,9 b. 13 Jan., 1877; d. June, 1880.

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10725 Daisy,9 b. in Meriden, Conn., 5 Mar., 1886.
10726 Ernest Wicks,9 b. 19 Apr., 1889; d. 19 Sept., 1889.

4934.   MARGARET EMILY,8 dau. of Esek7 (1944), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 7 Nov., 1813; m. 6 Oct., 1836, William Augustus Barlow.
He d. in Troy, N. Y., 16 July, 1867; she d. in Ballston Spa, N. Y., 3 June, 1883.
10727 Augusta Louisa Barlow,9 b. in Norwalk, 6 Aug., 1840; m. 28 Apr., 1863, William Samuel Wheeler; res. in Ballston Spa.
10728 William Kellogg Barlow,9 b. in Norwalk, 2 Oct., 1842; m. 15 Oct., 1867, Arabella Thayer; res. in Rochester, N. Y.
10729 George Henry Barlow,9 b. in New York City, 13 Sept., 1846; m. 17 Oct., 1872, Mary Callen; res. in Utica, N. Y.

4935.   HARRIET,8 dau. of Esek7 (1944), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 21 June, 1817; m. Aug., 1837, Horace Fitch, son of Josiah Hanford Fitch, b. Apr., 1770, and Ann Platt, b. Feb., 1772.
He d. in New Haven, Conn., Sept., 1884; she d. June, 1890. He was a merchant; res. in Macon, Ga., and New Haven, Conn.
10730 Horace Kellogg Fitch,9 b. in Macon, Aug., 1839; d. Feb., 1840.
10731 Emma Frances Fitch,9 b. in Macon; is unm.
10732 Hattie Louisa Fitch,9 b. in Macon; is unm.
10733 Annie Maria Fitch,9 b. in New Haven; is unm.
10734 Charles Howard Fitch,9 b. in New Haven; m. July, 1891, Victoria Iddings, of Indiana; was graduated from Yale University.
10735 Caroline Blanche Fitch,9 b. in New Haven.
10736 Frederick Osborn Fitch,9 b. in New Haven; d. young.

4936.   MARY FRANCES,8 dau. of Esek7 (1944), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 29 May, 1819; m. 11 Sept., 1845, William Henry Wheeler, b. in Ballston, N. Y., 26 Jan., 1819, son of William Wheeler, of Ballston, b. 7 July, 1791, and Sibyl Sey­mour.
He d. ______.
He was a farmer in New Canaan, Conn.; later in Burnt Hills, N. Y.
10737 Edward Kellogg Wheeler,9 b. 29 July, 1846; m. 29 July, 1873, Char­lotte Van Vorst; a farmer; res. in Burnt Hills.
10738 Francis Henry Wheeler,9 b. 26 July, 1848; m. 17 Oct., 1872, Georgia Callen; a farmer; res. in Burnt Hills.
10739 Caroline Maria Wheeler,9 b. 17 Aug., 1855; m. 16 Oct., 1877, Edward Judson Callen; he is a farmer; res. in East Glenville, N. Y.
10740 Mary Elizabeth Wheeler,9 b. 15 Feb., 1857; m. 17 Dec., 1879, George Clark Valentine; he is a farmer; res. in Charlton, N. Y.

4940.   JOSIAH,8 son of Esek7 (1944), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 28 Mar., 1829; m. 8 May, 1855, Amanda Morey, b. in Ballston, N. Y., 1 Mar., 1835, dau. of

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Jesse Morey, b. in Lake George, N. Y., 2 July, 1800, and Ann Pawling, b. in Ball­ston, 2 Oct., 1799.
He is a farmer in Norwalk, and lived on the farm inherited from his father until 15 Apr., 1879, when he sold out and bought the adjoining house to the north.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
10741 William Morey,9 b. 23 Apr., 1858; m. Cathleen Bradley.
10742 Frank Pawling,9 b. 17 Oct., 1871; is a jeweler; res., unm., with his parents.
10743 Stephen Osborn,9 b. 20 Sept., 1877; is a farmer; res., unm., with his parents.

4950.   NATHAN,8 son of Stephen7 (1949), b. in Maiden, N. Y., 18 Feb., 1825; m. in Saugerties, N. Y., 16 June, 1847, Helen Maria Laflin, b. in Blandford, Mass., 6 Apr., 1826, dau. of Luther Laflin, of Saugerties, N. Y., b. 27 Dec., 1789. and Almira Sylvester, b. 20 Oct., 1801.
He was graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic College, 16 Mar., 1841, with the degree of civil engineer; served two terms as Supervisor of Ulster Co., is a Presbyterian and a Democrat.
Children, b. in Maiden.
10744 Luther Laflin,9 b. 1 July, 1849; m. Eliza Stout Mcintosh.
10745 Nathan,9 b. 9 Aug., 1853; d. 23 Jan., 1857.
10746 Fordyce Laflin,9 b. 26 Dec., 1857; m. (1) in Brooklyn, N. Y., 16 Apr., 1885, Florence Arthur; (2) 4 May, 1898, Isabel Burrill; she d. 21 Dec., 1898; he is a broker in New York; res. in Montclair, N. J.; has no children.
10747 Susan Emeline,9 b. 23 Jan., 1861; m. Maj. Solomon William Roessler.
10748 Jennie Hall,9 b. 4 Jan., 1865; d. unm., in New York City, 5 Jan., 1889.

4951.   LUCY BIGELOW,8 dau. of Stephen7 (1949), b. in Troy, N. Y., 4 Aug., 1830; m. in Maiden, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1855, Dietrick Amalo Wolf, b. in Copen­hagen, Denmark, 4 Jan., 1824, son of Niels Gessing Wolf, b. 10 May, 1773, and Augusta Marguerite Didrichsen, b. 12 Feb., 1785.
He d. in New York City, 16 Aug., 1880; she d. in Morristown, N. J., 1899. He was a teacher; was graduated from the Copenhagen University, 1842; res. in New York City; was a Presbyterian and a Republican.
10749 Emeline Augusta Wolf,9 b. in Maiden, 31 July, 1856; m. 25 June, 1879, Frank Marsh; res. in Morristown.
10750 Stephen David Wolf,9 b. 10 Jan., 1859; d. 5 Feb., 1859.
10751 Fannie Adeline Wolf,9 b. 5 Aug., 1861; m. 2 June, 1879, John W. Sny­der; res. in Maiden.
10752 Wilfred Leopold Wolf,9 b. 1 May, 1866; d. 2 July. 1876.
10753 Maria Bigelow Wolf,9 b. 3 June, 1870; d. 7 July, 1876.

4952.   SUSAN LYDIA,8 dau. of Stephen7 (1949), b. in Maiden, N. Y., 26 July, 1834; m. in Maiden, 21 Sept., 1864, Carl William Edward Oxholm, b. in Sou-

758    The Kelloggs in the New World.

derup on Zeiland, Denmark, 19 July, 1824, son of Jorgen Nicolai Oxholm, of Copenhagen, b. 30 Sept., 1784, and Sophie Christine Smidt, b. 20 Mar., 1797.
He d. in Morristown, N. J., 8 Jan., 1888. In 1899 she res. in Livingston, Staten Island.
He was a civil engineer; was graduated from the University of Copenhagen, 1810; was a Presbyterian; res. in Livingston.
Children, b. in Willets Point, N. Y.
10754 Theodore Smith Oxholm,9 b. 29 June, 1866; m. 3 Oct., 1891, Louise Bervier Deys; res. in Livingston, Staten Island.
10755 Harnit Duane Oxholm,9 b. 22 June, 1868; m. 30 Sept., 1896, Wells Olmsted; res. in Yonkers, N. Y.

4953.   FRANCES ADELINE,8 dau. of Stephen7 (1949), b. in Maiden, N. Y., 25 Sept., 1836; m. in Malden, 3 Mar., 1864, Dr. Robert Watts, b. in Woodstock, Vt., 6 May, 1837, son of Robert Watts, b. 30 Aug., 1812, and Charlotte Deas.
He was surgeon in the One Hundred and Thirty-third New York Volun­teers from 28 Aug., 1862, to 5 Aug., 1865; a graduate of the College of Physi­cians and Surgeons of New York; he is an Episcopalian; res. in New York City.
Children, b. in New York.
10756 Charlotte Watts,9 b. 14 Dec., 1864.
10757 Robert Watts,9 b. 11 Feb., 1867.
10758 Stephen Kellogg Watts,9 b. 17 June, 1869; m. 12 Dec., 1895, Nellie Mott; res. in New York City; had one dau.
10759 Delancy Watts,9 b. 18 Dec., 1871.
10760 Fanny Kellogg Watts,9 b. 29 Jan., 1873.

4954.   ASA BIGELOW,8 son of Stephen7 (1949), b. in Malden, N. Y., 20 Dec., 1839; m. 5 June, 1867, Sarah Jane Akin, b. in Greenbush, N. Y., 17 Mar., 1844, dau. of Benjamin Akin, b. in Dutchess Co., N. Y., 19 Apr., 1805, and Maria Pal­matier Ackerman, b. about 1811.
He d. in Greenbush, N. Y., 18 Apr., 1892.
He was the general agent of John Maxwell and the Bigelow Blue Stone Company; res. in New York City.
10761 Benjamin Akin,9 b. 28 Jan., 1868; is Equity Clerk in the United States Court; a member of the West Presbyterian Church in New York.
10762 Sarah,9 b. 17 Sept., 1870.
10763 Alleta,9 b. 5 Aug., 1872.
10764 Lucy Bigelow,9 b. 12 Aug., 1874.
10765 Susan Emeline,9 b. 17 Sept., 1877.
10766 Theodore,9 b. 8 Sept., 1879.
10767 Frances Adaline,9 b. 31 Aug., 1881.
10768 Asa Bigelow,9 b. 5 Sept., 1888.

4957.   CAPT. DAVID,8 son of David7 (1953), b. in Stonington, Conn., 31 Mar., 1799; m. 17 July, 1825, Lydia Smith Bennett, b. 24 Dec., 1805, dau. of Elisha Bennett, of Stonington, b. 11 Sept., 1775, and Eunice Smith, b. 20 May, 1778.

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He d. in Old Mystic, Conn., 7 Aug., 1876; she d. in New London, 17 Apr., 1898; they celebrated their golden wedding in Mystic Bridge, Conn.
He was a man of great physical strength. He followed the sea for many years, and was among the earliest sealmen from Connecticut. In 1851 he sailed in the brig Hersilia, Capt. James P. Sheffield, from Stonington, having charge of the ship. The brig was captured by pirates at St. Mary's Island, off the coast of Chili, where the officers and crew were made prisoners, and put to menial service, by the Spaniards and their chief, named Beneiades. Capt. Sheffield, Capt. Kel­logg and W. E. Hoxin, by strategy and daring, escaped with part of the crew, and with the assistance of a vessel, put at their service by the British Admiral Hardy, rescued their comrades, and most of them eventually reached home safely. In all their vicissitudes the courage of Capt. Kellogg was greatly relied on by his companions.
10769 Lydia Esther,9 b. in Stonington, 16 Nov., 1826; m. Francis Moore.
10770 William Williams,9 b. in Mystic Bridge, S Mar., 1829; m. Lucy Ann Stanton.
10771 Henry Bennett,9 b. 26 Oct., 1830; went to California in the spring of 1849; was first engaged in gold mining and afterward in other bus­iness; was at one time in the law office of J. C. McQuaid, of Marys­ville; member of California Legislature; Sheriff of Yuba Co.; served in the civil war; d. about 1870-75.
10772 Lucy Ann,9 b. in Stonington, 15 Jan., 1841; res., num., in New Lon­don, Conn.
10773 Mary Ellen,9 b. in Stonington, 22 Oct., 1843; res., unm., in New Lon­don.
10774 Cyrus,9 b. in Stonington, 1 Feb., 1846; m. Abby Ella Dewey.

4959.   MARY,8 dau. of David7 (1953). b. in Stonington, Conn., 17 Nov., 1803; m. Thomas Jefferson Lamb, of New York.
He d. June, 1878; she d. ______.
He was a farmer, a Baptist and a Republican; res. in Jerseyville, Ill., where both d.
Children, b. in Fort Ann, N. Y.
10775 John Hillard Lamb,9 b. 31 Dec., 1834; m. in Alton, Ill., 25 Oct., 1859, Mary Elizabeth Gilliam; d. in Jerseyville, 12 Nov., 1900, where his widow now res.; had seven children.
10776 David Kellogg Lamb,9 b. 4 Mar., 1840; m. (1) in Jerseyville, 8 Oct., 1859, Lucy Ann Fowler; she d. 12 Nov., 1895; had three children; he m. (2) 12 Nov., 1896, Grace Edsall; d. 2 Nov., 1900.
10777 Daughter,9 b. ______; d. young in Fort Ann.

4960.   ELIZA WILLIAMS,8 dau. of David7 (1953), b. in Stonington, Conn., 22 Nov., 1805; m. in South Framingham, Mass., 18 May, 1831, John Hillard, b. in Preston, Conn., 18 Dec., 1807, son of Capt. Moses Hillard, b. in Preston, 28 Sept., 1780, and Sarah (Sally) Pride, b. in Preston, Mar., 1711.
He d. in Worcester, Mass., 29 Mar., 1890; she d. there, 16 Oct., 1900, aged 95; she retained her faculties, in a remarkable degree, until her death.
He was a manufacturer of woolen goods and carpets; res. in Fort Ann, N. Y., Framingham, Mass., Waterbury and Wallingford, Conn., Wrentham and Worcester, Mass.

760    The Kelloggs in the New World.

10778 Eliza Jane Hillard,9 b. in Fort Ann, 11 Apr., 1832; m. in Wrentham 5 May, 1851, George Griswold Hammond, of Vernon, Conn.; d. in Worcester, 9 Sept., 1894; had five children.
10779 Sarah Ann Hillard,9 b. in Framingham, 20 Oct., 1833; m. in Wren­tham, 15 Nov., 1853, Joseph Chandler Barrett, of Wilton, N. H. had five children.

4961.   AUSTIN,8 son of David7 (1953), b. in Stonington, Conn., 19 Oct., 1807; m. in Preston, Conn., Frances M. Moore, b. in Preston, Conn., 12 May, 1817, dau, of George Moore and Bridget Wells.
He d. 2 July, 1864; she d. 27 Sept., 1889.
He moved from Connecticut to Lamson, N. Y., in 1835, where both d.
Children, b. in Lamson.
10780 Edmund,9 b. 28 July, 1837; m. Mary Ann Riley.
10781 Helen Augusta,9 b. 1839; m. William H. Reed.
10782 Laura Josephine,9 b. 9 Dec., 1846; m. 21 Dec., 1899, Maryatt M. Wright, b. 30 Jan., 1841, son of Lewis Wright and Ruby Gifford, of Lamson; res. in Lamson.

4963.   LAUREA,8 dau. of David7 (1953), b. in Stonington, Conn., 19 July, 1811; m. there, Thomas Leeds, b. 26 June, 1810, son of Joshua Leeds, of Mystic, Conn.
He d. 30 Sept., 1874; she d. 18 Aug., 1880. He was a machinist; res. in Stonington and Yalesville, Conn.
10783 Thomas Jefferson Leeds,9 b. in Stonington, 24 July, 1833; m. Mary Lanine; she d. ______; he is a spoonmaker, with the Meriden Brit­tania Company; res. in Yalesville.
10784 Lyman Dudley Leeds,9 b. in Middletown, Conn., 18 Oct., 1845; m. Cor­delia Maxfield; is a spoonmaker in Yalesville; she d. ______.
10785 Emily Leeds,9 b. 10 Mar., 1848; d. 10 May, 1849, in Yalesville.

4964.   EUNICE,8 dau. of David7 (1953), b. in Stonington, Conn., 1 Dec., 1815; m. in Stonington, Frederick Johnson, b. in Leicester, Mass., 1809, son of Thomas Johnson and Sarah Eaton.
He d. in Worcester, Mass., 13 May, 1858; she d. in Old Ladies' Home, Wor­cester, Mass., 25 Mar., 1898, aged 81 years, 4 months and 24 days.
Children, b. in Worcester.
10786 Emily Louise Johnson,9 b. 24 May, 1841; m. (1) Samuel L. Breckin­ridge; (2) Abraham Mazeen; res. in Farmington, N. H.
10787 Mary Ellen Johnson,9 b. 7 June, 1844; m. 24 July, 1861, James A. Lazell; res. in Worcester, Mass.

4965.   EMILY,8 dau. of David7 (1953), b. in Stonington, Conn., 4 July, 1818; m. 4 Oct., 1841, Austin Flint Henshaw, b. in Auburn, Mass., 22 Mar., 1818, son of Joseph Henshaw and Belief Goodwin, b. in Auburn, 9 May, 1781.
He d. in West Boylston, Mass., 1 Oct., 1877; she d. in Sterling, Mass., 23 July, 1898, aged 80.

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10788 Laura Henshaw,9 b. in Worcester, Mass., 7 Dec., 1842; m. 21 Sept., 1864, Lucien M. Stayner, of Providence, R. I.; had one child.

4971.   CLARISSA,8 dau. of Jason7 (1956), b. in South Salem. N. Y., 7 Dec., 1821; m. 11 Nov., 1841, William Scofield, b. in Pound Ridge, N. Y., 7 July, 1811, son of Jacob Scofield and Hannah Finch.
He was a farmer; res. in Pound Ridge until 1846; in Shrewsbury, Pa., until 1855; then returned to Pound Ridge, where both d.
10789 Catherine Mary Scofield,9 b. in Pound Ridge, 25 Sept., 1842; d. 19 Jan., 1852.
10790 Margaretta Scofield,9 b. in Shrewsbury, Pa., 8 Aug., 1849; m. George Thatcher, 25 Dec., 1866; both are teachers; res. in Pound Ridge.
10791 Adeline Scofield,9 b. in Shrewsbury, 27 Aug., 1851; m. 29 Apr., 1872, George Henry Haight.
10792 Mary Catherine Scofield,9 b. in Pound Ridge, 13 June, 1859; res., unm., in Pound Ridge.

4972.   BENJAMIN,8 son of Jason7 (1956), b. in South Salem, N. Y., 1 Feb., 1824; m. in Sing Sing, N. Y., Sarah Maria Packard, b. in Sing Sing, 1840, dau. of Adoniram Judson Packard and Sarah Maria Hayden.
He d. in Philadelphia, 9 Feb., 1897.
He was a real estate broker in Philadelphia; a Baptist and a Republican.
10793 Benjamin Franklin,9 b. in Camden, N. J., 4 Jan., 1857; m. Mrs. Katherine (O'Neill) Bradley.

4973.   CYRUS,8 son of Jason7 (1956), b. in South Salem, N. Y., 26 Sept., 1826; m. (1) in New York City, Eliza Ann Osborn, of Pound Ridge, N. Y.
She d. ______, in Philadelphia; he m. (2) Mary Richards Moseley, b. in Springfield, Mass., 9 Jan., 1828, dau. of Nathaniel B. Moseley and Mary Fuller; d. in Bloomfield, N. J., 10 June, 1883.
He was a dealer in millinery; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y.
10794 Emma Lewis,9 b. in Pound Ridge, 26 Mar., 1849; m. Lewis Hanford Benedict.
10795 Nathaniel Buckland,9 b. in Camden, N. J., 26 June, 1857; d. 6 Aug., 1858.
10796 Maria Roberta,9 b. 22 May, 1859; d. 1 Dec., 1862.
10797 William Park,9 b. 27 May, 1862; d. 21 Mar., 1866.
10798 Florence Moseley,9 b. 19 Apr., 1866; res. in Philadelphia.

4975.   MARGARET STRANG,8 dau. of Jason7 (1956), b. in South Salem, N. Y., 23 June, 1831; m. in New York City, 28 Nov., 1865, Dr. William Ezra Parsons, b. in Ludlow, Mass., 8 Apr., 1815, son of Ezra William Parsons and Nancy Carter.
He was a dentist; res. in Pound Ridge, N. Y., where both d.

762    The Kelloggs in the New World.

10799 Jessie Kellogg Parsons,9 b. in South Salem, 12 Apr., 1872; d. ______.

4976.   JASON GARDINER,8 son of Jason7 (1956), b. in South Salem, N. Y., 25 Feb., 1831; m. in Lewisboro, N. Y., 19 Mar., 1856, Maria Raymond, b. 27 Jan., 1839, dau. of Amos Northrop Raymond, b. in Lewisboro, 31 May, 1801, and Lucy Ann Olmstead, b. in Pound Ridge, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1807.
He is a farmer; res. in South Salem; now res. in Stamford, Conn.
10800 Henry,9 b. 27 Feb., 1858; m. Cordelia Ann Elliott.
10801 Sophia,9 b. 14 May, 1862; m. Silas Dean Gregory.
10802 Edward Clinton,9 b. 2 Feb., 1861; m. Alice Irene Gaynan.
10803 Augusta Beatrice,9 b. 2 Apr., 1878; res., unm., in Stamford.

4988.   MARY,8 dau. of Enoch7 (1962), b. in Wales, N. Y., 21 Sept., 1793; m. Gilbert Holmes. She d. 1873.
10804 Cynthia Holmes,9 b. ______; m. Palomas Hamilton; d. ______.
10805 Morgan Lewis Holmes,9 b. ______.

4992.   SARAH,8 dau. of Enoch7 (1962), b. in Saratoga. N. Y., 23 Aug., 1802; m. in Wales, N. Y., 28 Feb., 1822, Chauncey Ira Calkins, b. in Washington Co., N. Y., 2 Jan., 1799, son of Israel Calkins and Mary _______.
She d. 30 Aug., 1879; he d. ______.
He was a farmer in Hamburg, Ia.
10806 Sylvanus Calkins,9 b. in Erie Co., N. Y., 30 Dec., 1822; m. 22 Jan., 1851, Hannah Elizabeth Kilbourn, b. in Bradford Co., Pa., 8 Sept., 1833, dau. of Ozias Kilbourn, of Centerville, Utah, and Electa Granteer; in 1846 he enlisted as a United States soldier and, as such, went to California; after his term expired, in 1847, he be­came a miner on the American river; from 1854 to '64 he was a farmer in Fremont Co., Ia.; in 1864 he went to Oregon, by team, and later res. in Middleton, Or.; had three children.
10807 Alvah Chauncey Calkins,9 b. 30 Sept., 1825; m. 2 Apr.; 1854, Martha M. Skidmore; was a farmer; res. in Hamburg.
10808 James Wood Calkins,9 b. 22 Nov., 1827; m. 13 May, 1852, Eliza Jane Gilmore; res. in Hamburg; had nine children.
10809 Mary Elizabeth Calkins,9 b. 30 Oct., 1830; m. Holmes; d. 1864; had ten children.
10810 Ann Eliza Calkins,9 b. 6 Apr., 1833; d. 1835.
10811 Eliza Jane Calkins,9 b. 14 Aug., 1835; d. 1838.
10812 Sarah Almira Calkins,9 b. 12 Jan., 1839; d. 1840.
10813 William Ransom Calkins,9 b. 24 Dec., 1840; m. 7 Mar., 1868, Olive Taylor; was a grocer; res. in Neskowin, Or.; had eleven children.
10814 Miron Rowley Calkins,9 b. 26 Sept., 1845; m. 28 Jan., 1869, Nancy Jane Fletcher; res. in Hamburg; had eight children.

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4994.   ELIZA,8 dau. of Enoch7 (1902), b. in Saratoga, N. Y., 21 Feb., 1806; m. in Wales, N. Y., June, 1834, David P. George, b. in Washington, Vt., 9 Sept., 1801, sou of Asa George and Elizabeth Wortley.
She d. in Arcadia, Mich., 26 Sept., 1864; he d. there, 16 Nov., 1807.
He was a clothier and farmer; res. in Arcadia; in politics he was a Whig and a Republican.
10815 Jonathan Kellogg George,9 b. in Wales, Mich., 5 Apr., 1835; d. 1863.
10816 Lyndon Asa George,9 b. in Moscow, Mich., 15 Nov., 1839; m. 13 Nov., 1864, Helen Workman Blackwood; res. in College View, Neb.
10817 Mary Matilda George,9 b. 24 Mar., 1842; m. William B. Sherwood; res. in St. Louis, Mich.
10818 William Henry George,9 b. 28 Sept., 1845; m. (1) Elizabeth Parker; (2) Julia Oldfield; res. in Canton, Kas.
10819 Hannah Lucelia George,9 b. 7 Jan., 1849.

5003.   SANDUSKY MILLER,8 son of Stephen7 (1965), b. in Greenfield, N. Y., 22 May, 1792; m. Sarah Harris, b. in Greenfield, 13 Feb., 1794, dau. of Stephen Harris and Sarah Cummons.
He d. in Marcellus, N. Y., 10 June, 1818; he res. on his father's homestead in Marcellus; she m. (2) Sanford H. Rogers and rem. to Greenfield; d. 8 Sept., 1858; he d. 8 Apr., 1859.
Children, b. in Marcellus.
10820 John Calvin,9 b. 11 Sept., 1815; m. Hannah Sweet.
10821 Osborn Harris,9 b. 12 June, 1818; m. Emeline Trumble.

5004.   JONATHAN,8 son of Stephen7 (1965), b. 23 July, 1793; m. (1) 15 Apr., 1817, Lydia Post.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Alice Coville; d. 10 Mar., 1871.
He res. in Northville, Mich.
10822 Hannah,9 b. 8 Apr., 1821; m. William Emerick, of Ypsilanti, Mich.; had five children.
10823 Sandusky,9 b. in Marcellus, N. Y., 28 Dec., 1825; m. (1) Sarah Tousey; (2) Harriet E. Skinner.
10824 Sarah E.,9 b. 19 June, 1829; m. L. J. Mosher, of Woods Corners, Mich.

5007.   ENOCH,8 son of Stephen7 (1965), b. in Marcellus, N. Y., 27 July, 1798; m. 26 May, 1831, Olive Pratt, dau. of Pratt and Elizabeth Flint.
He d. in San Francisco, Cal., 1887.
He was a farmer; res. in Michigan; rem. to Nevada with his sons, and res. on the Pacific Slope until his death.
10825 William Pratt,9 b. 11 Mar., 1832; d. in Gold Hill, Nev., 3 Oct., 1874.
10826 Gorham Flint,9 b. in New York City, 20 Mar., 1834; m. Hannah Ken­nedy.

764    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5008.   HIRAM,8 son of Stephen7 (1965), b. 29 Apr., 1800; m. (1) 14 Sept., 1820, Martha Marble, b. Mar., 1801, dau. of Ephraim Marble and Hannah Davis.
She d. 23 Apr., 1841; he m. (2) 20 Apr., 1844, Hannah Seabolt, b. 13 Jan., 1813; she d. 27 Jan., 1889.
He was a farmer; res. in Greenfield and Somerset, N. Y., also York, Macon and Milan, Mich.
Children by first wife.
10827 Sarah,9 b. in Somerset, N. Y.; d. in New York, about 1828, aged 7.
10828 Esther Jane,9 b. in Somerset, 28 May, 1823; m. Martin Gray.
10829 Julia Ann,9 b. in Somerset, 4 Sept., 1826; m. (1) David Brown; (2) Joseph E. Boyce.
10830 John Calvin,9 b. in Somerset, 2 Dec., 1828; m. Minerva C. Davis.
10831 Lewis Caleb,9 b. in Somerset, 7 Mar., 1830; m. Martha Ann Fuller.
10832 Elsie Melvina,9 b. in Somerset, 10 Oct., 1833; m. Laban Sargent.
10833 Jonas L.,9 b. in Somerset; was a Union soldier; enlisted in the war of the rebellion, 1860; served in Co. F, Sixth Michigan Infantry; d. ______ in Baton Rouge, La., 15 Aug., 1862, of a disease contracted in the army.
10834 Edwin,9 b. in Milan, 19 Feb., 1841; m. Caroline Duncan.
Children by second wife.
10835 Hiram,9 b. ______.
10836 Lydia Ann,9 b. ______; m. ______ Vandercar; res. in Milan, Mich.
10837 Louise,9 b. in Macon, 25 Feb., 1847; m. James Chambers.
10838 Enoch,9 b. in Michigan, 29 Sept., 1855; m. ______.
10839 Gilbert,9 b. in Milan, 15 Mar., 1856; m. Cora May Hanson.
10840 Fremont,9 b. ______; d. aged 4.
10841 Nathan,9 b. ______; m. ______; res. in Cone, Mich.; had one dau., b. about 1895.
10842 Clarence,9 b. ______; m. ______; res. in Cone.

5009.   ANNA,8 dau. of Stephen7 (1965), b. in Onondaga Co., N. Y., 25 July, 1801; m. (1) in Onondaga Co., 9 Apr., 1817, John Marble, b. 9 June, 1794, son of Ephraim Marble and Hannah Davis.
He d. in Niagara Co., N. Y., 28 July, 1826; was a farmer; she m. (2) John Emmons, a farmer and Methodist; he d. in Niagara Co., 10 Feb., 1829; she m. (3) in Somerset, N. Y., 1832, as his second wife, John Bangham, a tanner, Meth­odist and Abolitionist, b. in New Jersey; he d. in Clarence, Mich., 1859.
Children by first husband.
10843 Betsey Marble,9 b. in Onondaga Co., 23 June, 1818; m. in York, Mich., G. N. Brown; d. in Clarence, 1859.
10844 Stephen K. Marble,9 b. in Onondaga Co., 28 Dec., 1819; m. ______; d. in Bremer Co., Ia., 1867.
10845 Elisha Marble,9 b. in Somerset, 25 May, 1821; m. in Gobleville, Mich., Olive Korah; d. in Harbor Springs, Mich., 1896.
10846 Polly Marble,9 b. in Somerset, 12 Apr., 1823; m. in Gobleville, Levi Thayer; d. in Gobleville, 1890.
10847 Ephraim Marble,9 b. in Somerset, 12 Feb., 1826; m. in Clarence, 16 Dec., 1849, Laurenda M. Hatch; res. in Marshall, Mich.

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Child by second husband.
10848 John Emmons,9 b. in Somerset, 1828; d. 4 Aug., 1844.
Children by third husband.
10849 Eber Gaston Bangham,9 b. in Somerset, Jan., 1833; m. Susan Hatch; res. in Susanville, Cal.
10850 Harriet Bangham,9 b. in Somerset, Dec., 1833; m. William Hammond; d. in Springport, Mich., 1888.
10851 Sandusky Bangham,9 b. in York, Mich.; m. Minerva Hanchett; d. in Pace Creek, Mich., 1868.
10852 Chloe Bangham,9 b. in York; d. there, 1844.
10853 Chloe Bangham,9 b. in York; m. Cyrus Carver; d. in Lee, Mich.; res. in Olivet, Mich.
10854 Hiram Bangham,9 b. in York; m. Mary Carver; res. in Marshall.
10855 George Kelsey Bangham,9 b. in York; m. Mary Richards; res. in Marseilles, Mich.
10856 Amanda Bangham,9 b. in York; m. Byron A. Roath; res. in Marseilles.

5012.   CHLOE,8 dau. of Stephen7 (1965), b. 27 Feb., 1807; m. in Marcellus, N. Y., 29 Oct., 1830, John Chrisler, b. 14 Sept., 1806, son of George Chrisler and Rebecca _______.
He d. 7 Oct., 1845; after his death she res. in Marietta, N. Y.
He was a farmer; res. in Marcellus.
10857 Mary J. Chrisler,9 b. in Marcellus, 14 May, 1832; m. in Navarino, N. Y., 20 Oct., 1851, Ahneron T). Belknap.
10858 Jonathan E. Chrisler,9 b. 12 Sept., 1835; m. (1) in Navarino, 29 Sept., 1858, Helen Wyckoff; (2) in Marcellus, 22 May, 1861, Myra Amidon.
10859 Wesley Chrisler,9 b. in Marcellus, 14 Sept., 1837; m. _______, in Onon­daga Hill, June, 1867; was a farmer in Onondaga; d. 29 July, 1875.

5017.   SAMUEL WEED,8 son of Daniel7 (1966), bap. 7 Apr., 1807; m. 26 Jan., 1826, Dolly Emeline Jewell, b. 13 Dec., 1807, dau. of Joshua Jewell and Abigail Gilbert.
He res. in Sycamore, Ill.
10860 Juliett,9 b. 30 Jan., 1827; m. 8 Nov., 1843, Perry Lamphere; d. in Wauconda, Ill., 26 July, 1849.
10861 Samuel W.,9 b. 10 Apr., 1829; res. in Sycamore.

5022.   SAMUEL AUGUSTUS,8 son of John7 (1996), b. in Colchester, Conn., 1 Dec., 1819; m. in Colchester, 18 May, 1845, Jane Gray Carroll, b. 31 Mar., 1827, dau. of David Bates Carroll, of Colchester, b. 4 June, 1793, and Eliza Dexter, b. 18 May, 1799.
He d. in Jamaica, W. L, 4 Jan., 1862; she m. (2) 12 Apr., 1868, Charles H. Rogers, a druggist of Colchester; d. in Colchester, 9 Feb., 1896.
10862 John Samuel,9 b. in Colchester, 19 Sept., 1846; m. Emma Cornelia Capwell.

766    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5024.   DANIEL,8 son of John7 (1996), b. in Colchester, Conn., 18 Apr., 1824; m. 28 May, 1850, Jane Elizabeth Hall, b. 28 Jan., 1830, dau. of Pomery Hall, b. 18 May, 1796, and Emeline W. Bulkley, b. 12 Sept., 1806.
He d. 27 Dec., 1874; she d. 30 May, 1877.
10863 Charles Edward,9 b. 14 Dec., 1851; d. 17 June, 1852.
10864 Edward Browning,9 b. 4 Dec., 1856; m. twice; d. at his home in Washington, D. C, after a long illness; was interred in Linwood Cemetery; had for years been in charge of a division in the Post­office Department in Washington; after going to Washington he entered the Columbia Law School; was graduated and admitted to the bar, while still continuing his work in the Postoffice Depart­ment.
10865 Samuel Herbert,9 b. in Colchester, 30 Apr., 1861; m. (1) Alice Stan­dish Kelsey; (2) Helen Elizabeth Williams.
10866 Annis E.,9 b. 7 Oct., 1854; dau. of William J. Wheeler and Ellen Hotchkiss, of Green Port, L. I.; d. 25 Sept., 1874.

5026.   PHOEBE,8 dau. of Benjamin7 (2001), b. in Hebron, Conn., 1770; m. 1788, William Mitchell, b. 1763.
He d. 10 Dec., 1841; she d. 27 Mar., 1861, aged 90.
He was a farmer; res. in Franklin, N. Y., where both d.
10867 Rueben Mitchell,9 b. ______.
10868 Samuel Mitchell,9 b. ______.
10869 Chauncy Mitchell,9 b. ______.
10870 Ansel Mitchell,9 b. ______.
10871 Miranda Mitchell,9 b. ______; m. Daniel Chamberlin.
10872 William Mitchell,9 b. ______.
10873 Betsey Mitchell,9 b. ______; m. David Chamberlin.

5027.   ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Benjamin7 (2001), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., ______; m. Jabez Olmstead, a farmer, of Sidney, N. Y.
10874 Jabez Olmstead,9 b. ______.
10875 Harriet Olmstead,9 b. ______.

5028.   ABIGAIL,8 dau. of Benjamin7 (2001), b. ______, in Austerlitz, N. Y; m. Eleazer Barrett, of Canaan and Austerlitz, N. Y.
He d. 1830-40; she d. 1850-60.
He was a carpenter.
10876 Julia Barrett,9 b. ______.
10877 Phebe Barrett,9 b. ______.
10878 Elisha Barrett,9 b. ______.
10879 Emeline Barrett,9 b. ______.
10880 Joseph Barrett,9 b. ______.
10881 Leander Barrett,9 b. ______.

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5029.   LYDIA,8 dau. of Benjamin7 (2001), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 15 May, 1777; m. 28 Oct., 1804, Joseph Gleason, b. in Norfolk, Conn., 16 Feb., 1781, son of Ephraim Gleason, b. in Enfield, Conn., 7 June, 1733, and Abigail Kent, of Suffield, Conn.
She d. 24 Sept., 1862; he d. 15 May, 1864.
He was a farmer; res. in Sharon, until 1819, when he rem. to Austerlitz.
10882 Ephraim Gleason,9 b. 9 Aug., 1806; m. (1) 25 Apr., 1833, Deborah Minerva Crofut, of Canaan, Conn.; she d. Aug., 1858, aged 52; he m. (2) 1862, Catherine Fitch, of Alford, Mass., who was living in 1880; d. in Austerlitz, 12 Apr., 1869.
10883 Abigail Gleason,9 b. 11 Aug., 1808; m. Mar., 1845, John Neil, a farmer, of Stockbridge, Mass.; d. in Stockbridge, 10 Sept., 1868.
10884 Lyman Clement Gleason,9 b. 7 Dec., 1811; m. 22 May, 1837, Harriet Tyler, of Austerlitz; was a tailor; d. in Austerlitz, 9 Mar., 1871.
10885 Phebe Sophronia Gleason,9 b. 30 Aug., 1817; m. Oct., 1850, Cyrus Church, of Becket, Mass.; d. in Becket, 12 Apr., 1858.
10886 Martin Luther Gleason,9 b. 12 Oct., 1819; m. in Canaan, Conn., 18 Jan., 1849, Wealthy Ann Stevens; was a farmer; rem. to Alford, Mass., Apr., 1850.

5030.   ELISHA,8 son of Benjamin7 (2001). b. 4 Aug., 1779; m. (1) about 1804, Abigail Gleason, b. about 1783, sister of Joseph Gleason, who m. Lydia Kel­logg (+5029).
She d. about six months after marriage; he m. (2) 7 Sept., 1808, Olive Mal­lory, b. 23 Jan., 1789, dau. of Deacon Eliakim Mallory and Olive Douglas, of Cornwall, Conn.; she d. 26 June, 1824; he m. (3) 6 Sept., 1826, Eunice Dewey; she d. 8 May, 1855; he d. in Croton, N. Y., 27 Oct., 1870, aged 91.
He was a farmer; settled on the old homestead, where he supported and cared for his parents in their declining years. He was an industrious and trust­worthy man. His neighbors had such confidence in his integrity that when he went to Hudson, twenty miles distant from Austerlitz, to market his produce they would entrust him with large sums of money to deposit for them. For more than fifty years he was an active member of the Congregational Church in Austerlitz. In Nov., 1856, he rem. to Croton, where his last days were quietly passed with his son, Eliakim.
Children by second wife, b. in Austerlitz.
10887 Dennis,9 b. 26 Feb., 1810; m. Emeline Son.
10888 James Douglas,9 b. 28 Nov., 1812; m. Mercy Underwood.
10889 Olive Mallory,9 b. 24 Jan., 1814; m. Alanson Osborn.
10890 Benjamin,9 b. 27 Jan., 1816; m. Caroline Harvey.
10891 Elisha Bradley,9 b. 24 May, 1818; m. Bernice Camilla Underwood.
10892 Lucy Ann,9 b. 11 Mar., 1820; d. unm., in Franklin, N. Y., 4 Dec., 1859.
10893 Eliakim Mallory,9 b. 15 Feb., 1822; m. Lucy Ann Gay.
10894 Harriet Newell,9 b. 11 June, 1824; m. 12 Jan., 1851, Elias Worden Kellogg, her cousin (10903), son of Samuel Kellogg (+5031), of Austerlitz, N. Y.; had no children.

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5031.   SAMUEL,8 son of Benjamin7 (2001), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 4 Sept., 1781; m. (1) 15 Oct., 1807, Martha Topping, b. 30 July, 1786, dau. of Charles Topping, of Long Island.
She d. 18 Feb., 1841; he m. (2) 3 Sept., 1843, Harriet Smith; d. 20 May, 1873, aged 92; she d. 25 Dec., 1877.
He was a farmer in Franklin, N. Y., to which place he and his brother, Ben­jamin, Jr., rem. on foot, in its early settlement. It is said that together they cleared over one thousand acres of heavily timbered land. His first house in North Franklin was built of logs; in 1810 he purchased one hundred and ten acres of the farm where his son, Marvin Sanford Kellogg, res., about two miles below Croton. He was vigorous in mind and body, and could endure great hard­ships. He was musical and a fine singer. He and his family belonged to the Congregational Church in Franklin. Mr. A. L. Kellogg describes him as being, in his old age, a handsome man, whose face reflected his splendid Christian char­acter.

Children, b. in Franklin.
10895 A Son,9 b. 13 July, 1808; d. same day.
10896 Jane Ann,9 b. 16 Oct., 1809; m. (1) Oliver Mann; (2) Chauncey Smith.
10897 Ulysses Parsons,9 b. 6 Aug., 1811; m. Emeline Stilson.
10898 Samuel,9 b. 19 Aug., 1813; m. (1) Julia Seeley; (2) Susan Azubah Lewis.
10899 Charles Benjamin,9 b. 7 July, 1815; m. (1) Rebecca Foote; (2) Mehitable Maples; (3) Julia T. Ferren.
10900 Marvin Sanford,9 b. 12 Jan., 1818; m. (1) Nancy Foote; (2) Mrs. Josephine E. (Merrill) Prime.
10901 Austin Jabez,9 b. 16 May, 1821; m. (1) Nancy Cronkhite; (2) Ma­rilla C. Barnett; (3) Mrs. Hester Ann (Hart) Main.
10902 Martha,9 b. 8 Jan., 1825; m. Isaac Leggett.
10903 Elias Worden,9 b. 23 Oct., 1829; m. 12 Jan., 1851, Harriet Newell Kellogg, his cousin (10894); was a carpenter in Franklin; was killed in Croton by a falling scaffold, 30 Aug., 1866; had no chil­dren.

5032.   BENJAMIN,8 son of Benjamin7 (2001), b. 7 Feb., 1784; m. 1808, Sally Tarbox, b. in Hebron, Conn., 5 Nov., 1790.
He d. 7 June, 1864, aged 80; she d. 5 June, 1878. aged 89.
With his brother he made a business of clearing land of timber; also made and sold ox yokes. He was a man of sound mind, excellent judgment and strict honesty. By his great industry and economy he accumulated means sufficient to make the last days of himself and wife comfortable. He was a fine tenor singer and snare drummer. He and his wife were devout members of the Congrega­tional Church in Franklin, N. Y. They settled in North Franklin, the nearest points of civilization, Catskill and Albany, being eighty miles distant, and in Apr., 1837, rem. to a farm of one hundred acres a few miles from Croton, N. Y., where they passed the remainder of their lives. "She was a woman of splendid educa­tion, much ability and wonderful vigor."
Children, b. in North Franklin.
10904 Phebe Ann,9 b. 18 Dec., 1809; m. (1) Williams Kneeland; (2) Slu­man Follett.

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10905 Cynthia,9 b. 4 July, 1813; m. Albert Stilson.
10906 Emeline,9 b. 9 Feb., 1816; m. Milton Metcalf Taft.
10907 John,9 b. 1818; m. Jan., 1839, Eliza Barnett, of Otego, N. Y.; was a farmer in Franklin; d. 1845 or '46; had no children; she m. (2) Charles Wheaton, of Franklin, and res. there.
10908 Marvin Douglas,9 b. 18 Sept., 1833: m. Hannah Schemmerhorn.
10909 Sally M.,9 b. 1825; d. unm., in Croton, 1844.

5033.   JOSEPH,8 son of Benjamin7 (2001), b. in Canaan, N. Y., 10 Dec., 1788; m. (1) Dolly Curtis, of Columbia Co., N. Y.
She d. ______; he m. (2) about 1819-20, Mrs. Harriet (Kingsley) Smith, b. in Sidney, N. Y., 28 Jan., 1795, widow of Ira Smith, and dau. of Bradford Kings­ley and Patty; she d. in East Franklin. N. Y., 17 May, 1865; he d. in Croton, N. Y., 14 Mar., 1866, aged 76. He was a harness maker and farmer.
Children by second wife, b. in Franklin.
10910 Mary Bethune,9 b. 28 Jan., 1820; d. unm., in Unadilla, N. Y., 22 June, 1844.
10911 Martin Newton,9 b. 29 June, 1822; m. Frances Isabella Esson.
10912 Marcus Spencer,9 b. 13 Aug., 1823; m. 1874, Florence W. Gholy, b. ______; in Berlin, Germany; she d. in Red Wing, Minn., 1890, aged 40; he is a carpenter, builder and musician; res. in Red Wing; had no children.
10913 Luke Smith,9 b. 7 May, 1825; m. (1) Elizabeth McNelly; (2) Mrs. Mary Jane (Dunlavey) Johnson.
10914 Ira Smith,9 b. 23 Oct., 1830; m. Florence Chandler.
10915 Harriet Ann,9 b. 30 Apr., 1832; m. Jesse Monroe Hodgman.

5037.   JOSEPH,8 son of Corp. Joseph7 (2002), b. in Colchester, Conn., 17 Sept., 1774; m. 1 Jan., 1799, Elizabeth Pelton, b. 1 Apr., 1777, dau. of John Pel­ton, of Colchester.
He d. 30 Mar., 1842; she d. 8 Oct., 1846. He rem. from Pawlet, Vt., to Newfield, N. Y., 1812, and bought a farm of two hundred and thirty-seven acres on which he res. until his death. He was an active and public-spirited man; kept a public house two miles south of Newfield; was proprietor of the "Columbian Inn," a popular resort in Ithaca, N. Y., be­tween 1822 and '25.
Children, first seven b. in Vermont, others in Newfield.
10916 David,9 b. 1 Oct., 1799; m. (1) Sarah Ann Colgrove; (2) Polly Ann Pew.
10917 Polly,9 b. 1 June, 1801; d. 11 July, 1804.
10918 Jerusha,9 b. 1 Apr., 1803; m. Daniel Landon.
10919 Joseph,9 b. 9 Dec., 1805; m. (1) Annie Ennis; (2) Catherine McEwen.
10920 Betsey,9 b. 6 Jan., 1808; m. Anthony Waldroff.
10921 Mary,9 b. 28 Oct., 1809; m. 21 Sept., 1843, Ranson McDaniel; both d. ______; had no children.
10922 Benjamin Jasper,9 b. 2 Oct., 1811; m. Sarah Sophrona Jennings.
10923 Melzar,9 b. 14 Nov., 1813; m. Mary Cowell.

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10924 Jasper,9 b. 25 Feb., 1816; m. 6 June, 1834, Catherine Chatman; d. 16 Nov., 1844; had two children.
10925 Amanda,9 b. 7 Nov., 1819; d. unm., 8 Mar., 1847.

5038.   SOLOMON,8 son of Corp. Joseph7 (2002), b. 5 May, 1777; bap. in Whately, Mass., 19 June, 1777; m. in Genoa, N. Y., 18 Sept., 1800, Martha Mack, b. 8 Nov., 1782.
She d. 12 Apr., 1857; he d. about 1873, aged 96. He was a farmer; res. in Newfield, Tompkins Co., N. Y.
10926 Moses Curtis,9 b. in Newfield, 14 Nov., 1801; m. Elizabeth Swartwout.
10927 Nancy,9 b. 3 Dec., 1803; was a teacher in Rochester, N. Y., where she d. unm., 22 Mar., 1832.
10928 Mary,9 b. 20 Mar., 1806; m. John Gillett.
10929 Armena,9 b. in Lansing, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1808; m. Charles Todd.
10930 Jane Eliza,9 b. in Newfield, 8 May, 1810; m. Edwin Curtis.
10931 Daniel M.,9 b. 18 June, 1812; d. 6 June, 1828.
10932 Samuel Allen,9 b. 19 July, 1814; m. Demma Ann Todd.
10933 Nathaniel Holmes,9 b. in Newfield, 29 May, 1816; m. Hannah Jane Murray.
10934 Lydia Ann,9 b. in Newfield, 11 May, 1818; m. James Kirk Todd.
10935 Hannah Alvia,9 b. 23 Feb., 1820; m. James Kirk Todd.
10936 Solomon Niles,9 b. in Newfield, 16 Dec., 1824; m. Sarah Starr.

5042.   SYLYANUS,8 son of Corp. Joseph7 (2002), b. in Pawlet, Vt., 17 Nov., 1788; m. ______.
Res. in Pawlet; in 1812 was a resident of Salem, N. Y.
10937 Niles,9 b. ______.
10938 Nancy,9 b. ______; m. Asa Hilderbrant; had children.
10939 Mary,9 b. in Newfield, N. Y., 16 July, 1828; m. Theodore Hilderbrant.

5050.   DANIEL,8 son of Daniel7 (2005), b. 21 Nov., 1774; m. 22 Jan., 1797, Eunice Weeks, dau. of David Weeks, of Goshen, Mass., b. in Marlboro, Mass., 1 Jan., 1740, and Eunice Richmond.
In Aug., 1802, the Congregational Church in Marlboro recommended him to the church in Hadley, Mass.
Children, all rem. to Illinois and d. there.
10940 Luther,9 b. ______.
10941 Cynthia,9 b. ______.
10942 Marietta,9 b. ______.
10943 Rowena,9 b. ______
10944 Alfred,9 b. ______.
10945 Ezra,9 b. ______.

5051.   LOIS,8 dau. of Daniel7 (2005), b. 8 Sept., 1776; m. in Goshen, 22 Dec., 1795, Alpheus Darling, of Goshen, Conn.
They settled in Eaton, Chenango Co., N. Y., and d. there.

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10946 Seth Darling,9 b. 5 May, 1796.
10947 Alpheus Darling,9 b. 1798.
10948 Lois Darling,9 b. 13 Mar., 1805.
10949 Miranda Darling,9 b. 17 July, 1807.
10950 Marietta Darling,9 b. 17 Aug., 1810.
10951 Daniel Darling,9 b. 24 May, 1820.

5052.   JOSHUA,8 son of Daniel7 (2005), b. probably in Marlboro, Conn., 29 Oct., 1778; m. 30 Apr., 1807, Clarissa Alvord, b. in Massachusetts, 11 Jan., 1785, dau. of Timothy Alvord, of Northampton, Mass., and Keziah French.
He d. 30 June, 1847; she d. 1 June, 1874.
He owned a small farm in Northampton; rem. in the autumn of 1825 to Painesville, O., and in 1826 to Hinckley, O., where he was one of the earliest set­tlers, and where both d.
10952 Hiram,9 b. in Northampton, 9 May, 1808; d. 12 Dec., 1822.
10953 Victoria Clarissa,9 b. in Hadley, Mass., 3 Sept., 1809; m. Aaron Lyon Conant.
10954 Timothy,9 b. in Northampton, Mass., 19 June, 1811; m. Anna Eliza Searles.
10955 John,9 b. in Northampton, 6 June, 1813; m. Caroline Pierce.
10956 Velina,9 b. 24 Feb., 1815; m. Huron Searles.
10957 Perus Alvord,9 b. 13 Apr., 1819; d. 5 July, 1833.
10958 William,9 b. in Northampton, 17 Apr., 1821; m. Rachel Mary Keeley.
10959 Caroline Amanda,9 b. 23 Nov., 1826; m. (1) Horace Smith, b. in Hadley, 15 Oct., 1798, son of Windsor Smith, b. 22 Dec., 1758, and Elizabeth Roberts; he was a Congregational clergyman; a graduate of Yale and of Andover Theological Seminary; labored in several towns in Massachusetts, Vermont, Missouri and Illinois; he was pastor of the church in Richfield, O., for twenty-one years; d. there, 20 Nov., 1868; had no children; she m. (2) 9 May, 1872, Marcus Newton, b. in Goshen, Conn.; he was a farmer; d. 17 Dec., 1874; she d. in Elsie, Mich., 23 May, 1900.
10960 Emeline,9 b. in Ohio, 1 Nov., 1829; d. 22 Sept., 1831.

5053.   DEMMIS,8 dau. of Daniel7 (2005), b. in Hebron, Conn., 30 Sept., 1780; m. in Hadley, Mass., 26 Feb., 1801, Josiah Parsons, b. in Enfield, Conn., 15 June, 1776, son of Nathan and Desire (Pease) Parsons, of Enfield.
He d. 19 May, 1857; she d. 31 May, 1866.
He was a shoemaker and farmer in Enfield; she inherited her mother's in­dustry and resembled her in appearance.
10961 Josiah Parsons,9 b. 12 Aug., 1804; m. 28 Jan., 1830, Lucy Markham; d. 9 Aug., 1840.
10962 Seth Parsons,9 b. 2 May, 1807; d. same day.
10963 Daniel Kellogg Parsons,9 b. 24 June, 1808; d. 28 Sept., 1824.
10964 Demmis Almira Parsons,9 b. 16 Apr., 1812; m. 23 June, 1833, Joseph Brooks Wheeler, b. in Keene, N. H., 17 Apr., 1808, son of Jonas

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and Elizabeth (Brooks) Wheeler; he was a farmer in Enfield, Conn.; d. 11 June, 1872; in 1877 she was living in Hartford; had five children.
10965 Elmina Parsons,9 b. in Enfield, 9 Sept., 1817; m. in Hartford, 13 Oct., 1839, Constant Webb Watrous, b. in Chester, Conn., 3 Aug., 1813; he was an undertaker and furniture dealer in Windsor Locks, Conn.; she d. 10 Feb., 1875; had four children.
10966 Russell Parsons,9 b. 23 Aug., 1820; d. 23 Sept., 1824.

5054.   SALLY,8 dau. of Daniel7 (3005), b. in Goshen, Conn., about 1785; m. in Hadley, Mass., 3 Nov., 1803, Elisha Mather, of Northampton, Mass., b. about 1769.
He d. 28 Feb., 1841; she d. 14 Mar., 1865.
10967 Mary Ann Mather,9 b. 24 Oct., 1807; d. 24 Dec., 1839.
10968 Sarah Clarissa Mather,9 b. 20 Dec., 1810; d. 2 Oct., 1840.
10969 Samuel Mather,9 b. 8 Nov., 1812; m. (1) 21 Aug., 1841, Rosannah Hall; she d. 19 Oct., 1863; he m. (2) 10 Apr., 1863, Phebe Tem­pleman; res. in Northampton; had eleven children.
10970 Harriet Mather,9 b. 9 Feb., 1816; d. 29 June, 1826.
10971 Allen Colton Mather,9 b. 28 Nov., 1817; d. in Ohio, 9 July, 1854.
10972 Harriet Mather,9 b. 20 Feb., 1830; d. in New York, 28 Apr., 1846.
10973 Eliza Mather,9 b. 26 Aug., 1825; d. 4 Oct., 1843.
10974 Julia Mather,9 b. 24 Dec., 1828; d. 20 May, 1862.

5055.   DAVID,8 son of Daniel7 (2005), b. 1790; m. 9 Feb., 1814, Abigail Ward, b. near Springfield, Mass., 1791, dau. of Elijah and Abigail Ward.
She d. 23 Mar., 1854; he d. 1 Aug., 1863. Both were buried in the cemetery one-half mile east of Kenton, Hardin Co., O. He was a farmer; res. in Hadley, Mass.; he rem. 23 May, 1835, to Hardin Co., with his son, Daniel.
Children, b. in Hadley, Mass.
10975 Daniel,9 b. 11 Nov., 1814; m. Caroline Eaton.
10976 David Sumner,9 b. 18 Dec., 1816; m. Isabella Huey; d. about 1890; had four children.
10977 Rachel,9 b. 15 Nov., 1818; m. James Madison Eaton.
10978 Zebina,9 b. 15 Dec., 1831; d. imm., in Kenton, O., 21 Apr., 1845.
10979 Abigail Jane,9 b. 18 Apr., 1823; m. Dudley Philips Patterson; d. 12 Dec., 1892.
10980 Luther,9 b. 25 June, 1825; m. Deborah Shearer.
10981 Eunice,9 b. 25 June, 1827; m. Samuel McKain; res. in Kenton.
10982 Martin,9 b. 17 Mar., 1830; d. in Kenton, 16 May, 1853.

5056.   ABIGAIL,8 dau. of Daniel7 (3005), b. ______; m. Horace Taylor, of Hadley, Mass.
He d. about 1849; she d. in Rushsylvania, Logan Co., O., about 1849.
10983 Elisha Taylor,9 b. ______.
10984 David Taylor,9 b. ______.
10985 Abigail Taylor,9 b. ______.

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5074.   CHARLES,8 son of Charles7 (2012), b. in Marlboro, Conn., 18 Dec., 1794; m. 8 Feb., 1825, Amanda Giddings, b. 2 Sept., 1801, dau. of Capt. John Giddings, of Hartland, Conn., b. about 1755, and Achsah Palmer, b. about 1769.
He rem. to Ohio in Jan., 1833; res. in Gustavus and Youngstown. He was blind from 1874 until his death.
Children, b. in Hartland.
10986 Amanda Malvina,9 b. 23 Apr., 1826; m. Josiah Soule.
10987 Le Roy,9 b. 2 Oct., 1828; d. 1854, of cholera, after an illness of but a few hours; was a successful hardware merchant in Murfreesbor­ough, Tenn.
10988 Jane,9 b. 22 Jan., 1829; m. Morey; res. in Gustavus.
10989 Anna,9 b. 1 July, 1831; m. John Gilbert Decker.
10990 Henry,9 b. 5 July, 1835; m. Lorena Morey.
Children, b. in Gustavus.
10991 Lydia,9 b. 14 Aug., 1838; m. Samuel Naylor, a druggist in New Phila­delphia, O.
10992 Caroline,9 b. 14 Oct., 1839; m. George Humphrey.
10993 Charles,9 b. 10 Oct., 1840; m. Urola Kiel; is a farmer; res. in Kins­man, O.
10994 John,9 b. 1 Aug., 1843; d. unm., in Gustavus, 29 Mar., 1886.

5075.   LYDIA HOSFORD,8 dau. of Charles7 (2012), b. in Hebron, Conn., 15 July, 1796; m. in Rutland, Vt., 25 Sept., 1817, David Shipman, b. in Hartland, Conn., 27 Aug., 1792, son of David Shipman, b. in Hartland, 26 Dec., 1762, and Tabitha Meacham, b. in Enfield, Conn., about 1765.
He d. 15 Aug., 1875, aged 83; she d. in Gustavus, O., 6 Jan., 1878, aged 82.
He was a farmer. Her description of early pioneer days in Ohio is typical of that of many other early settlers from New England.
Mr. Shipman came to Ohio, which was then almost an unbroken wilderness, in the winter of 1814. He continued to assist his employers to clear their land until he had paid for a wilderness home for himself and erected a log cabin 16x18 feet, with no windows save where a piece of glass was set in to admit the light, and with rough boards, placed loosely, for floors. In Aug., 1817, he started for New England with his own team and just money enough to reach the paternal home in Connecticut, whence he traveled to Rutland, Vt., where we were mar­ried. We returned to Connecticut and commenced our journey to 'New Con­necticut,' our western home, where we arrived 8 Nov., 1817.
10995 Charles Lewis Shipman,9 b. 17 Sept., 1818; m. 12 Dec., 1841, Luna Medbury, dau. of Isaac Medbury, of Nelson, N. Y.; a Universalist clergyman, ordained in Hamilton, N. Y.; res. in Girard, Pa., 1877.
10996 Priscilla Ann Shipman,9 b. 18 July, 1820; m. 14 Oct., 1842, George Montgomery, b. 16 June, 1818, son of Andrew Montgomery, of Armagh, Ireland; he was a farmer in Gustavus; d. 19 Mar., 1856.
10997 Frederick De Grass Shipman,9 b. 16 Jan., 1822; m. 3 May, 1852, Wealthy Wakefield, dau. of Elijah and Sally Wakefield; was a farmer in Beaver, Pa.
10998 Helen Adelaide Shipman,9 b. 6 Dec., 1827; m. 15 Oct., 1849, Festus Sawdy, a farmer and cooper, of Concordia, Kas.

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10999 Rosa Gertrude Shipman,9 b. 16 May, 1831; m. 13 Feb., 1853, Levi Wakefield, son of Elijah and Sally Wakefield, of Kinsman, O.; he was a farmer in Triumph, O.
11000 Chester Kellogg Shipman,9 b. 6 July, 1833; m. (1) 15 Jan., 1860, Cor­delia Antoinette Case, dau. of Orsinius and Sophronia Case, of Gustavus; she d. 12 Nov., 1870, aged 38; he m. (2) 1 Dec., 1873, Mary Abigail Christie, dau. of Alexander Christie; he is a farmer in Gustavus.

5076.   ANNA DEWEY,8 dau. of Charles7 (2012), b. in Hebron, Conn., 15 July, 1796; m. 1 Jan., 1816, Eli Gorham, b. in Poultney, Vt., 8 Sept., 1792, son of Seth Gorham, b. 18 Jan., 1762, and Amelia Dunks, b. 29 Mar., 1763, of Danbury, Conn.
She d. 15 Jan., 1829; he m. (2) 26 Nov., 1829, Elizabeth Spencer; she d. 8 Apr., 1838, leaving one son, William Spencer Gorham, b. 3 Sept., 1831; he m. (3) 22 May, 1839, Hannah Humphrey; d. 6 Oct., 1870.
He was a cooper and farmer; was a plain man, honest and respected; a sol­dier of the war of 1812.
11001 Daniel Dunks Gorham,9 b. 8 Sept., 1817; m. 24 July, 1848, Hannah Mary Stetson; was graduated from Middlebury College, Vt.; was a successful teacher for over forty years; d. in Northampton, Mass., 26 Oct., 1891; had nine children.
11002 Lydia Ann Gorham,9 b. 4 Feb., 1819; m. Rosewell E. Mead; d. 11 Aug., 1841.
11003 Jeptha Moses Gorham,9 b. 11 Nov., 1826; m. in Green, O., 5 July, 1845, Ruth Ann Bascom; res. in Clio, Mich.

5077.   LUCINA TALCOTT,8 dau. of Charles7 (2012). b. in Marlboro, Conn., 30 June, 1798; m. in Gustavus, O., 28 Feb., 1823, Ira Key, b. in Ware, Mass., 14 Mar., 1798, son of Stewart Key, of Ware, and Sarah Bradford.
He d. 27 May, 1871; was a farmer; res. in Ware, Mass., Brampton, Canada, Green and Colebrook, O., where he d.
11004 Dwight Key,9 b. 28 Feb., 1824; d. 20 June, 1826.
11005 Daniel Key,9 b. 28 Feb., 1825; d. 25 June, 1825.
11006 Sarah Ann Key,9 b. 2 July, 1826; m. 20 Nov., 1859, Charles Merrill.
11007 Leander Dwight Rey,9 b. 28 Feb., 1828; member of the Union army; killed in Perrysville, Ky., 8 Oct., 1862.
11008 Lydia Key,9 b. 27 June, 1831; m. 30 June. 1863, John Wousetler; was living in 1877.
11009 Henry Newton Key,9 b. 13 Feb., 1834; m. in Plymouth, O., 28 Feb., 1877, Ann Freeman.
11010 Mary Jane Key,9 b. 15 Nov., 1835; d. 30 June. 1840.

5079.   ALMA BUELL,8 dau. of Charles7 (2012), b. 5 July, 1806; m. 1829, Asa Clisby, b. in Bellows Falls, Vt., 10 Mar., 1806, son of Joseph C. Clisby, b. 1771, and Miriam Howe.
She d. in Gustavus, O., 30 Nov., 1861; he m. (2) 1866, Mrs. Amanda

The Kelloggs in the New World.    775

(Cooley) Kellogg, widow of Henry Newton Kellogg (+5082); she d. 1892; he d. in Gustavus, 1898.
He was a farmer; res. in Gustavus.
11011 Helen M. Clisby,9 b. 31 Oct., 1830; res., unm., in Geneva, O.
11012 Alma Kellogg Clisby,9 b. about Aug., 1831; d. 28 Apr., 1833.
11013 Alma Matilda Clisby,9 b. 21 Mar., 1834; m. Stoddard Banning; res. in Geneva, O.; d. in Gustavus, 16 Jan., 1867.
11014 Amelia Eliza Clisby,9 b. 1836; m. Daniel W. Hayford; d. in Gustavus, 21 June, 1866; he d. ______.
11015 Frank Asa Clisby,9 b. 10 Sept., 1837; m. in Greene, O., 21 Sept., 1864, Charlotte Harrison; d. 20 Apr., 1899; she res. in Gustavus.
11016 Harvey Kellogg Clisby,9 b. 19 Feb., 1841; m. in Greene, O., 14 May, 1865, Jerusha Williams; d. 5 Aug., 1893; she res. in Gustavus.
11017 George Bruce Clisby,9 b. 8 Aug., 1845; m. in Akron, O., 30 Dec., 1867, Mary A. Post; d. 31 Oct., 1875; she res. in Farmdale, O.

5081.   HARVEY DANIEL,8 son of Charles7 (2012), b. in Hartford, Conn., 28 Aug., 1808; m. in Mayville, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., 7 May, 1835, Susannah Dunn, dau. of William Dunn, b. 8 Feb., 1792, and Ann Smith, b. in East Wind­sor, Conn., 22 Oct., 1797.
He d. in East Oakland, Cal., 13 Apr., 1879; she d. 3 Jan., 1886. He was a broker in San Francisco.
11018 Ella,9 b. in Sheakleyville, Pa., 16 Apr., 1836; m. Hon. Henry Danforth Barron.
11018a William Charles,9 b. 23 Feb., 1838; d. 18 Nov., 1838.
11019 Maria,9 b. in Georgetown, Pa., 15 July, 1840; m. Capt. George Atkin­son.
11020 Frank Harvey,9 b. in Cincinnati, O., 14 Apr., 1844; m. Julia Frances Crane.

5082.   HENRY NEWTON,8 son of Charles7 (2012), b. 7 Apr., 1810; m. in Prescott, Mass., 5 Nov., 1834, Amanda Cooley, b. 1810.
He d. in Iowa City, Ia., 21 June, 1855; he rem. from Ottawa, Ill., to Iowa City, to educate his son, Chester; she m. (2) Asa Clisby, whose first wife was Alma Buell Kellogg (+5079).
11021 Frances L.,9 b. 29 May, 1836; d. 26 Aug., 1836.
11022 Marie L.,9 b. 1 Mar., 1838; d. 2 Mar., 1848.
11023 Chester Hosford,9 b. in Ottawa, 18 Dec., 1840; m. Alice Witham.
11024 Henry N. E.,9 b. 8 June, 1843; d. 21 Feb., 1848.

5084.   DAVID,8 son of Charles7 (2012), b. in Hartland, Conn., 29 Apr., 1822; m. 25 July, 1845, Maria A. Clark, of East Granville, Mass., b. in Granville, 31 Mar., 1822, dau. of Henry Clark and Irene Strong.
She d. in Granville, 12 Apr., 1891.
He is a merchant, farmer and blacksmith; res. in East Granville.

776    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Granville.
11025 Celia Irene,9 b. 18 Oct., 1845; m. in Granville, 2 Aug., 1868, George E. Beardsley, b. in Milford, Conn., 1836, son of John Beardsley and Eliza; he is a hat presser.
11026 Clara Maria,9 b. 10 Aug., 1851; m. in Granville, 30 Apr., 1871, Her­bert D. Vaille, b. in Tolland, Conn., 1849, son of Hiram and Beda Vaille.
11027 Rachel Hannah,9 b. 18 June, 1852.
11028 Rachel Hosford,9 b. 18 July, 1856; m. in Westfield, Mass., 16 Nov., 1881, Phillip Case Smith, b. in Providence, R. I., 1846, son of Edwin and Cornelia B. Smith; he is a manufacturer; res. in West­field.
11029 Hosford David,9 b. 27 Oct., 1859; m. in Westfield, 3 June, 1891, Imogine F. Daniels, b. about 1871, dau. of Wolcott E. Daniels and Anna F. Phelps.

5086.   WARNER,8 son of Aaron7 (2016), b. in Pawlet, Vt., 23 Aug., 1788; m. in Waterbury, Vt., 29 Nov., 1813, Janette Gregg, b. in Waterbury, 14 June, 1792, dau. of John Gregg.
She d. in Stowe, Vt., 9 Aug., 1852; he d. 16 Oct., 1853. Previous to her death he res. on the old homestead in Stowe; rem. to Meta­mora, Ill., where he d.
Children, b. in Stowe.
11030 Aaron,9 b. 4 Sept., 1814; d. unm., in Stowe, 6 Mar., 1837.
11031 Phebe Butts,9 b. 10 Aug., 1815; m. Myron Giles Kelsey Smith.
11032 John,9 b. 20 Nov., 1816; m. (1) Laura Melissa Darling; (2) Dorothy Warren Boynton.
11033 Lorenzo Dow,9 b. 13 June, 1818; d. unm., in Stowe, 24 Sept., 1841; was a teacher.
11034 George Washington,9 b. 4 Dec., 1819; d. unm., in Fort Ball, O., 15 May, 1845; was a school teacher.
11035 Jennette Gregg,9 b. 5 Mar., 1822; d. 4 Sept., 1823.
11036 Harriet,9 b. 23 July, 1824; d. unm., in Stowe, 16 May, 1843.
11037 Eliza,9 b. 28 Jan., 1827; d. in Stowe, 12 Mar., 1843.
11038 Sarah Ann,9 b. 30 July, 1828; m. Horace Hazen.
11039 Jennette,9 b. 19 Aug., 1830; m. 13 Mar., 1853, George Robinson, b. 18 July, 1818, son of Elias Robinson, b. 14 Apr., 1757, and Fanny Francis, b. 12 Sept., 1777; he was a farmer; res. in Metamora; d. 11 Mar., 1883.
11040 Verona,9 b. 25 Nov., 1834; m. John Chapman.

5087.   ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Aaron7 (2016), b. in Pawlet, Vt., 4 July, 1791; m. 6 Sept., 1810, James Hammond, b. in Tolland, Conn., 12 Oct., 1782, son of Hammond and Jemima Soule.
He d. 2 Jan., 1857; she d. 23 Mar., 1874. He was a farmer in Stowe, Vt.
Children, b. in Stowe.
11041 William M. Hammond,9 b. 13 May, 1811; d. 17 Mar., 1815.
11042 Louisa Moulton Hammond,9 b. 7 Dec., 1812; m. Gallup; d. in Iowa, _______.

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11043 Laura Strong Hammond,9 b. 27 Dec., 1815; d. unm., 10 Jan., 1880; res. in Stowe.
11044 Florilla Miner Hammond,9 b. 18 Dec., 1817; m. Gates; had one child.
11045 William Wesley Hammond,9 b. 28 Mar., 1821.
11046 Azro Ames Hammond,9 b. 28 Nov., 1824; m. (1) 5 Sept., 1855, Sarah Jane Enslow, b. 30 Dec., 1828; she d. 18 July, 1860; he m. (2) 5 May, 1861, Mary Colby Mathews; was a farmer; res. in Stowe.
11047 Emily Albina Hammond,9 b. 14 Nov., 1828; m. 17 Sept., 1861, Seth Rolen Loomis, b. in Waterbury, Vt., 4 May, 1833, son of Reuel Loomis, b. in Waterbury, 29 Sept., 1812, and Palaca Davis Lam­phier, b. in Monson, Mass., 12 Nov., 1807; he was a farmer in Stowe; had four children.
11048 Alonzo Milton Hammond,9 b. 10 Apr., 1833; d. unm., in Athol, Mass., 27 Aug., 1855; was a carpenter.

5088.   WILLIAM,8 son of Aaron7 (2016), b. in Stowe, Vt., 21 Oct., 1793; m. (1) 10 June, 1820, Elizabeth (Betsey) Chubb, b. in Rutland Co., Vt., 5 Mar., 1794, dau. of Samuel Chubb, b. in Sturbridge, Mass., about 1761, and Relief Frisbie, b. 5 Nov., 1769.
She d. 9 Feb., 1843; he m. (2) 1845, Rosanna Chapman; d. in Stowe, 4 Apr., 1855.
He was a farmer in Gaines, N. Y.; in 1833 he rem. to Wayne Co., Mich.; returned, in 1854, to Stowe for his health. He was a soldier in the war of 1812.
Children by first wife.
11049 Helen Emeline,9 b. in Lysander, N. Y., 11 July, 1821; m. (1) Abra­ham Speer; (2) Richard Meggeson.
11050 Harriet Emily,9 b. in Gaines, 26 Sept., 1823; m. Isaac Dudley Thompson.
11051 Henrietta,9 b. in Gaines, 8 May, 1826; m. Ransom Wilkinson.
11052 Elizabeth (Betsey) Ann,9 b. in Gaines, 27 Dec., 1829; m. John Lee.
11053 Jesse,9 b. 27 June, 1831; m. Sarah Ruth Elliott.
11054 Lucy Ann,9 b. 10 Feb., 1833; d. unm., in Canton, Mich., 14 Mar., 1854.
11055 William Harrison,9 b. 27 Nov., 1834; served three years in Co. K, Second Colorado Cavalry; was clerk at headquarters of Depart­ment of Missouri in St. Louis; in 1881 he engaged in lumbering in Rock Creek, Pine Co., Minn.; res. unm., in St. Louis.
11056 Harrison,9 b. 27 Dec., 1829; drowned in Apple River, Ill., 19 June, 1858.
Child by second wife.
11057 Mary Louisa,9 b. 3 Dec., 1847; d. unm., in Nashua, N. H.

5090.   JOHN HICKS,8 son of Aaron7 (2016), b. in Wells, Vt., 16 Jan., 1798; m. in Stowe, Vt., 3 Feb., 1822, Lydia Pettingill, dau. of William Ripley Pettin­gill, b. in Connecticut, about 1765, and Mehitable Burgess, b. in Tolland, Conn., about 1769.
She d. 3 Oct., 1865; he d. 14 June, 1875.
He was a prosperous farmer in Stowe, where both d.

778    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Stowe.
11058 Helen Manion,9 b. 17 Nov., 1822; m. 24 Dec., 1845, Richard, Sibley Smith, a farmer, of Woodstock, O., and Clinton, Ill.; had no chil­dren.
11059 William Wallace,9 b. 30 Jan., 1824; rem. in 1852, to Clinton, Ill.; d. unm., in Clinton, about 1899.
11060 Osmond Jesse,9 b. about 1829; d. 1844.
11061 Allen Stevens,9 b. 2 May, 1833; m. Malysa Buzzell.
11062 Charles Carroll,9 b. 23 Feb., 1835; m. 1 Jan., 1874, Orlantha J. Adams; res. near Rutland, Ia.; in 1901, in Clinton, Ill.
11063 Melissa Jane,9 b. 16 Oct., 1836; m. Levi Hodge.

5091.   HIRAM,8 son of Aaron7 (2016), b. in Stowe, Vt., 30 June, 1800; m. 1828, Priscilla Tinkham Benson, b. in Massachusetts, 16 Jan., 1807, dau. of Samuel Benson and Mercy Carver, of Stowe, b. about 1774, said to be a descend­ant of John Carver, of the Mayflower.
He d. Apr., 1858, from exposure on the Prairie.
He was a farmer; in 1857 rem. from Stowe to Illinois.
She m. (2) May, 1870, James Campbell, of Jackson, Ill.; d. 14 Dec., 1874.
11064 Alvaro Victor,9 b. in Stowe, 28 May, 1829; m. (1) Flavilla Almira Sloody; ( 2 ) Fanny Jane Marsh.

5093.   JESSE CHURCHILL,8 son of Aaron7 (2016), b. in Stowe, Vt., 10 Apr., 1806; m. in Tunbridge, Vt., 5 Feb., 1834, Phebe Wood, b. in Randolph, Vt., 29 Feb., 1812, dau. of Zachariah Wood, of Middleborough, Mass., b. 20 Dec., 1779, and Sarah Bacon, b. in Pomfret, Vt., 20 Jan., 1783.
She d. 14 Feb., 1873; he d. 6 Mar., 1874.
He was one of the earliest settlers of DeKalb Co., Ill., emigrating from Ver­mont and arriving in Chicago, 1 July, 1834, and in Plainfield, 9 July, 1834. He settled in Sycamore, May, 1836, where he res. until his death. He was Town Clerk and held other official positions for thirty-five years; was deacon in the Con­gregational Church for forty years; an active Abolitionist.
Children, b. in Sycamore.
11065 Emily Jane,9 b. 28 Jan., 1837; m. Charles T. Pierce.
11066 Hiram Jesse,9 b. 18 July, 1838; res. unm., in Sycamore.
11067 Henry Warner,9 b. 14 Jan., 1840; m. (1) Margaret E. Countryman; (2) Samantha Salome Kingsley.
11068 Heman Allen,9 b. 19 Jan., 1841; m. Margaret Moore.
11069 Homer William,9 b. 12 Aug., 1845; m. in Ackley, Ia., 11 Aug., 1874, Eliza J. Pfeifer, b. in Dixon, Ill., 27 Sept., 1856, dau. of John Pfeifer and Caroline Haupt, both b. in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany; d. 5 July, 1882; she m. (2) 20 Mar., 1890, Thomas A. Smith; res. in Azusa, Cal.; had no children.

5094.   JOSEPH W.,8 son of Joseph7 (2021), b. in Bennington, Vt., 17 Feb., 1797; m. Olive Bassett, dau. of James Bassett.
He d. in Belvidere, Ill., Nov., 1860; she d. ______. They res. in Rensselaer Co., N. Y., and Belvidere.

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11070 James E.,9 b. ______; d. in Illinois.
11071 Henry H.,9 b. ______; d. in Illinois.
11072 Eli Davenport,9 b. in Hoosick, N. Y., 26 Sept., 1826; m. Margaret Jane Passage.
11073 David S.,9 b. ______.
11074 Joseph P.,9 b. ______.
11075 George A.,9 b. ______; d. ______.
11076 Lucinda,9 b. ______.
11077 Matilda E.,9 b. ______.

5095.   ASA,8 son of Joseph7 (2021), b. ______.
11078 Austin,9 b. ______; crossed the plains with Eli D. Kellogg; went to Klamath Co., Cal.; settled near Sissons.
11079 Adeline,9 b. ______; m. Tracy; res. in Apalachin, N. Y.

5096.   LOVICA,8 dau. of Joseph7 (2021), b. in Hoosick Falls, N. Y., 26 Aug., 1800; m. 1822, Hiram Potter, of Bennington, Vt.
She d. in Springfield, Pa., 28 Mar., 1864.
In 1825 rem. to Springfield.
11080 Daughter,9 b. ______; m. Henry Feenaty; res. in Hydesville, Cal.

5097.   ELI,8 son of Joseph7 (2021), b. ______.
11081 Wesley W.,9 b. ______; res. in Elmira, N. Y.
11082 Eli Algernon,9 b. ______; m. Susan M. Jones, dau. of Leonard Jones and Eliza McMaster; res. in Elmira.

5099.   PHILANDA,8 dau. of Joseph7 (2021), b. ______; m. in Hoosick Falls, N. Y., Dr. Aaron Drake Patchin, b. in New Lebanon, N. Y., 1777, son of Thad­deus Patchin, b. 13 Sept., 1852, and Chloe , of Wilton, Conn.
He d. in Hoosick Falls, 1820; she d. 30 Jan., 1883, aged 88 years and 10 months.
11083 Evelyn Patching,9 b. in Hoosick Falls, 4 Jan., 1819; m. Jan., 1847, Rob­ert Newland; had two children.

5106.   ABIGAIL,8 dau. of David7 (2024), b. in Marlboro, Conn., 1801; m. (1) 21 Nov., 1827, John Bigelow, b. 1802, son of John Day Bigelow, who d. aged 100 years and 6 months, and Sarah Buell, dau. of Capt. William Buell.
He d. 13 Mar., 1847; was a farmer in Marlboro, until 1839, when he rem. to Scriba, N. Y.; she m. (2) 14 June, 1868, Orson Peckham, a farmer, of Scriba, where he d. ______; she d. 18 Apr., 1896, aged 96.

780    The Kelloggs in the New World.

11084 Amanda Bigelow,9 b. 10 Aug., 1829; d. 20 May, 1860.
11085 Daniel Bigelow,9 b. 3 Dec., 1831; m. 1 Jan., 1861, Hattie Faville; was a sailor; res. in Oswego, N. Y.

5108.   LUCY,8 dau. of David7 (2024), b. in Marlboro, Conn., 3 June, 1806; m. in Hebron, Conn., 20 Feb., 1833, Elihu Porter Buell, b. 23 Dec., 1807, son of John Buell, b. in Marlboro, June, 1783, and Mary Porter, b. in Hebron, Conn., 21 Jan., 1784.
He d. 30 May, 1868; she d. 10 May, 1887. He was a paper manufacturer; res. in Hebron, where both d.
11086 Ellen Frances Buell,9 b. in Hebron, 7 May, 1835; res. in Hebron.

5109.   ELIJAH,8 son of David7 (2024), b. in Marlboro, Conn., 12 Sept., 1809; m. (1) Nov., 1833, Maria Ruby Marsh, b. in Colchester, Conn., 1810, dau. of Earl Marsh and Ruby Abel.
She d. ______; he m. (2) in Deep River, Conn., 1847, Hannah Tyler Pratt; d. 1864; she res. in Deep River.
Children by first wife, b. in Marlboro.
11087 Eliza,9 b. ______; d. aged about 1.
11088 Eliza Maria,9 b. 7 July, 1837; m. George Boardman Holmes.
11089 Charles,9 b. ______; d. aged 8 months.

5113.   THALIA,8 dau. of Oliver7 (2026), b. in Granby, Conn., 21 Mar., 1795; m. 22 Feb., 1821, Deacon Ezra Osborne, b. 22 Sept., 1789, son of Josiah Osborne, b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 20 Feb., 1745, and Hepzabeth Olmstead, b. 7 Feb., 1773.
She d. 12 May, 1863; he d. in Lenox, Mass., 19 Mar., 1871. He was a farmer; for many years a deacon in the Congregational Church in Lenox.
11090 A Daughter,9 b. 12 Jan., 1822; d. same day.
11091 Oliver W. Osborne,9 b. 18 June, 1823; m. (1) 18 Nov., 1846, Mar., C. Crosby, of Ohio; she d. 25 Apr., 1859; he m. (2) 17 June, 1863, Elsie M. Bourne; d. 7 Aug., 1895; res. in Lenox; had three chil­dren by first wife, one by the second.
11092 Charles Sabin Osborne,9 b. 28 Feb., 1827.

5114.   OLIVER,8 son of Deacon Oliver7 (2026), b. in Granby, Conn., 12 May, 1797; m. 23 May, 1833, Minerva A. Sumner, b. 22 Jan., 1808, dau. of Hezekiah Sumner, of Otis, Mass., and Lucy Baird.
He d. 22 May, 1856; she d. 5 Jan., 1895.
He was a farmer and mechanic; res. in South Adams, Mass., Greenwich, N. Y., Chester and Lee, Mass.; both d. in Lee.
11093 Lucien Foster,9 b. in Lee, Mass., 16 Feb., 1834; m. in Cedar Rapids, Ia., 21 Sept., 1873, Melissa E. Clough, b. in Bow, N. H., 26 Feb., 1838, dau. of Emery Clough, b. 13 May, 1812, and Phebe Clough, b. ______.

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20 Jan., 1808, of Bow; was a carpenter and joiner; res. in Cedar Rapids; served as private in Co. F, Forty-ninth Massachusetts Reg.; enlisted 21 Aug., 1862, and was discharged 1 Sept., 1863; had no children.
11094 Katharine Minerva,9 b. in Lenox, Mass., 11 Nov., 1836; m. Lucius Francis Hurd.
11095 Mary E,9 b. in Stockbridge, Mass., 15 June, 1839; m. Charles Ashabel Childs.
11096 Susan F,9 b. in Lee, 12 Aug., 1842; d. unm., in Northampton, Mass., 22 Apr., 1875.
11097 Lucy Eldora,9 b. in Lee, 21 July, 1845; m. Henry Rufus Rowley.
11098 A Son,9 b. and d. 22 May, 1848.
11099 Albert Oliver,9 b. in Lee, 1 Nov., 1850; m. (1) Adell Olney; (2) Florence Short.

5118.   HARVEY,8 son of Ezekiel7 (2029), b. in Hartland, Conn., 17 May, 1801; m. in Concord, O., 30 Mar., 1837, Sarah Murray, b. 27 Nov., 1812, dau. of Robert Murray and Nancy Van Zandt, of Concord, O.
He d. 22 July, 1876; she d. 9 Oct., 1878.
He was a successful farmer; learned the cooper's trade, but never followed it; res. in Concord, where both d.
Children, b. in Concord.
11100 Edward Payson,9 b. 19 Dec., 1837; m. (1) Caroline Carroll; (2) Mrs. Lucenia (Fletcher) Gillette.
11101 Mary Louise,9 b. 3 Oct., 1847; m. 11 June, 1871; James Frank Pamon; res. in Winnebago City, Minn.; has no children.

5119.   ELIZA,8 dau. of Ezekiel7 (2029), b. 9 Aug., 1802; m. in Southwick, Mass., 23 Dec., 1824, Justus Kent, b. in Southwick, Mass., 30 Nov., 1803, son of David Kent, b. 25 Mar., 1774, and Lavinia Carrington.
She d. in Southwick, 5 July, 1830; he d. in Suffield, Conn., 15 Apr., 1864.
11102 Eveline Eliza Kent,9 b. in Southwick, 23 Sept., 1825; d. there, 8 Jan., 1837.

5121.   WILSON,8 son of Ezekiel7 (2029), b. 12 Apr., 1804; m. 8 Sept., 1830, Elizabeth Adair, of North Granby, Conn., b. 30 May, 1816, dau. of James Lewis Adair, of Montgomery, Mass., b. in Fairfield, Conn., and Bethsheba Griffin, b. in Granby, Mass.
He d. in West Suffield, Conn., 24 May, 1871; she res. in Windsor, Conn., with her son, Lewis A. He was a farmer; res. in West Suffield.
11103 William,9 b. Jan., 1831; d. 14 Mar., 1833.
11104 Emeline,9 b. 1834; d. Feb., 1839.
11105 Nelson H.,9 b. 1836; d. 24 Feb., 1839.
11106 Son,9 b. ______; d. 24 Feb., 1839.
11107 Mary Ann,9 b. 12 Mar., 1840; m. Jonah Stiles.
11108 Henry Nelson,9 b. 10 Mar., 1842; m. Clarissa Maria White.

782    The Kelloggs in the New World.

11109 Lewis Adair,9 b. in Suffield, 29 Aug., 1814; m. in Springfield, Mass., 5 Dec., 1871, Mrs. Ellen (Clark) Drake, b. in Ludlow, Mass., 1844, dau. of Sumner Clark and Prudence _______.
11110 Emily Eliza,9 b. 28 Mar., 1847; m. Albert Moses Marshall.

5123.   ANNA,8 dau. of Ezekiel7 (2029), b. 18 July, 1808; m. in Granby, Conn., 11 Sept., 1831, Shepard Starling Eaton, of Painesville, O., b. 10 Jan., 1801, son of Eaton, b. 14 Feb., 1778, and Rachel Starling, b. 25 May, 1781, both of Farmington, Me.
She d. 21 Nov., 1836; he d. 21 Sept., 1860.
Children, b. in Painesville, O.
11111 Luna Rachel Eaton,9 b. 20 May, 1834; m. 18 Apr., 1854, George Strong; res. in Windsor, O.; had five children.
11112 Mary Ann Eaton,9 b. 5 Sept., 1836; m. 9 Dec., 1860, Chandler Sever­ance; res. in Jefferson, O.; had one dau.

5125.   LYMAN,8 son of Ezekiel7 (2029), b. 5 Feb., 1813; m. in Fauquier Co., Va., 5 Feb., 1850, Frances A. Waller, dau. of Sylvanus Waller, of Fauquier Co.
She d. Dec., 1880; he d. 18 Jan., 1897.
He rem. from Southwick, Mass., to Crest, Va., in 1838 or '39. He was a farmer; res. about eight miles from Fredericksburg. During the civil war he was unable to cultivate his farm, as his cattle and crops were taken by soldiers. At the close of the war he had $20,000 in Confederate currency, which was a total loss.
Children, b. in Crest.
11113 A Daughter,9 b. and d. 29 Jan., 1852.
11114 William H.,9 b. 7 Aug., 1854; d. 30 Sept., 1856.

5126.   MARY LUNA,8 dau. of Ezekiel7 (2029), b. 28 Feb., 1815; m. in Painesville, O., 20 Apr., 1836, George Tod Townsend, of Girard, O., b. in Youngstown, O., 13 Jan., 1813, son of John Ferriss Townsend, b. in Wilmington, Del., 1784, and Anna Watson, b. in Redstone (now Brownsville), Pa., 1781.
She d. in Warren, O., 11 Dec., 1874; he d. in Cleveland, O., 24 Feb., 1901. He was a prominent furniture manufacturer in Warren, O., to which place he rem. from Girard, in 1859.
11115 Ivan Kellogg Townsend,9 b. in Niles, O., 19 Jan., 1837; d. there, 26 Nov., 1839.
11116 Henry Harris Townsend,9 b. in Poland, O., 16 Sept., 1840; d. 15 Mar., 1872; volunteered in 1861; enlisted in the Nineteenth Ohio Reg., and was Lieut, in Ninth Kentucky Reg.; served on the staffs of Gen. Beaty and of Gen. Wood, of Ohio; was in the battles of Look­out Mountain and Missionary Ridge and marched from Atlanta to the sea.
11117 Florence Townsend,9 b. in Girard, O., 16 Oct., 1845; m. May, 1878, Benjamin F. Coale, of New Brighton, Pa.; res. in Warren, O.; has two children.
11118 Harvey Wolcott Townsend,9 b. in Girard, 26 Oct., 1852; d. there, 16 Feb., 1854.

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5127.   DR. OLIVER WOLCOTT,8 son of Ezekiel7 (2029), b. 9 July, 1817; m. in Southwick, Mass., 8 May, 1843, Eliza Smith Fletcher, b. in New Ipswich, N. H., 13 Aug., 1816, dau. of Rev. Thomas Fletcher, b. 3 Feb., 1789, and Elizabeth Pratt, b. 17 Apr., 1791.
He d. in Suffield, 13 Dec., 1891; she res. in Suffield.
He was graduated from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1842, and practiced his profession in Suffield, Conn., with the exception of a two years' res. in Ellington.
Children, b. in Suffield.
11119 Mary Eveline,9 b. 8 Oct., 1843; d. 10 June, 1852.
11120 Thomas Fletcher,9 b. 10 Sept., 1847; d. 16 June, 1852.
11121 Eliza Harriet,9 b. 19 Nov., 1850; d. 13 Mar., 1853.
11122 Harriet Maria,9 b. 23 June, 1853; d. 9 June, 1858.
11123 Oliver Wolcott,9 b. 8 Apr., 1855; m. Libbie Chapel.
11124 Eliza Fletcher,9 b. 26 Apr., 1860; res., unm., in Suffield.

5128.   SAMUEL,8 son of Rev. Samuel7 (2030), b. in Hebron, Conn., 26 Oct., 1788; m. in East Hartford, Conn., 15 Aug., 1816, Laura Pease Jones, b. 20 Oct., 1798, dau. of John Pantry Jones, b. about 1750, and Rachel Crosby, b. in East Hartford, 16 May, 1779.
He d. in East Hartford, 23 May, 1862; she d. 16 Apr., 1883. He was a merchant in the West Indies trade. During the war of 1813 he was supercargo on a vessel belonging to a Mr. Alsop and was captured, as a prize, and taken to the Bermudas. The prisoners were hospitably treated by the people of St. George, and after four months were paroled and returned to the United States. He succeeded in hiding, during his captivity, and bringing to Mr. Alsop, $6000, less $500, which he buried at a spot near which a sentry was soon afterward placed.
11125 John,9 b. 24 Mar., 1817; m. Maria Louise Wadsworth.
11126 William,9 b. 4 Dec., 1813; d. unm., in Demerara, British Guiana. S. A., 5 Feb., 1841.
11127 Henry,9 b. 9 Sept., 1830; m. Caroline Frisbie.
11128 Leonard,9 b. 12 Oct., 1822; m. as her third husband, in Edgartown, Mass., 27 Sept., 1877, Mrs. Seraphine Augusta Pierce, b. in Han­cock, Vt., dau. of Watson M. and Relief Walker, and widow of Wil­lard Pierce, of Cumberland, R. I.; was an iron merchant in Sac­ramento, Cal.; d. there, 23 Mar., 1884; had no children.
11129 Lauretta,9 b. 16 Aug., 1834; d. 9 Apr., 1826.
11130 Lauretta,9 b. 18 Mar., 1827; m. (1) 21 Feb., 1849, John Gay Young­love, of Bruynswick, N. Y., son of Rev. John Younglove and Lucy Gay; he d. in East Granby, Conn.; she m. (3) 28 Mar., 1864, Daniel S. Dewey, b. 26 Oct., 1813, son of Daniel S. Dewey, b. in New Britain, 9 Dec., 1787, and Frances Shepard, b. 8 July, 1794; d. 26 July, 1893; had no children.
11131 Maria Antoinette,9 b. 4 Nov., 1828; m. Henry Wolsey Johnson.
11132 Charles,9 b. 25 Oct., 1830; d. 24 Mar., 1894; enlisted 21 Aug., 1862, as a private, in Co. H, Twenty-fourth Connecticut Reg.; was dis­charged 30 Sept., 1863; re-enlisted 18 Dec., 1863, in Co. K, First Connecticut Artillery, Capt. John M. Twiss; was mustered out with the regiment, 25 Dec., 1865, in Fort Lyon, Va.

784    The Kelloggs in the New World.

11133 Samuel,9 b. in East Hartford, Conn., 28 Sept., 1832; m. in Sacra­mento, Cal, 26 Dec., 1866, Josephine Wattman, of Sacramento, b. in Cincinnati, 10 Oct., 1849; they were divorced; he d. in Sacra­mento, 11 Feb., 1901; she res. in Sacramento; he had been for years with Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, of San Francisco, one of; the prominent hardware firms in that city; had no children.
11134 Mary Bertha,9 b. 11 Nov., 1834; res., unm., in Hartford.
11135 Franklin,9 b. in East Hartford, 23 Oct., 1836; m. 1 Sept., 1869, Mary Williamson, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 6 Mar., 1842, dau. of John Wil­liamson, of Brooklyn, b. in Belfast, Ireland, 1819, and Mary John­son, b. 1821; at the age of 14 he went around Capo Horn on the ship Trade Winds, and spent four years on the Pacific Coast and in China; returned home in 1854 on the ship Eagle; between 1854-69 he res. in various parts of the world; served in the Quartermaster's Department of the Navy of the civil war; enlisted Feb., 1864; was discharged May, 1864; res. in Brooklyn; is a Baptist.
11136 Cornelius Vanderbilt,9 b. 14 Dec., 1840; m. Alice Mariah Vorrey.

5131.   WILLIAM,8 son of Samuel7 (2030), b. in Hebron, Conn., 2 June, 1793; m. 10 Feb., 1820, Sarah Haskins Jones, b. in East Hartford, Conn., 15 June, 1800, dau. of John Jones and Rachel Crosby, of East Hartford.
He d. in East Hartford, 18 Nov., 1861; she d. there, 20 Aug., 1873. The brothers, S. and W. Kellogg, were shipping and importing merchants in the West Indies and South American trade.
Children, b. in East Hartford.
11137 Elizabeth Lothrop,9 b. 21 July, 1821; d. there, unm., 15 Mar., 1887.
11138 Sarah Ann,9 b. 20 May, 1823; m. Nathan Emmet Lyman.
11139 Lucy Jane,9 b. 1 Feb., 1825; d. 14 Apr., 1829.
11140 William,9 b. 5 Apr., 1829; d. 14 Apr., 1829.
11141 Sidney,9 b. 17 July, 1830; m. Martha Jane Camp.
11142 Emma Eudora,9 b. 31 Mar., 1832; m. Nathaniel Saxton Morgan.
11143 Ellen,9 b. 13 Dec., 1833; d. 20 Sept., 1835.
11144 Rodney,9 b. 26 Nov., 1835; m. Mary Elizabeth Hawks.
11145 Ellen,9 b. 26 June, 1837; d. 28 July, 1840.
11146 Alice Gray,9 b. 24 Sept., 1839; m. Stephen Goodrich.
11147 George Collinwood,9 b. 4 June, 1841; was somewhere in California in 1896.
11148 Mary,9 b. 1 Feb., 1844; d. 8 Feb., 1844.

5134.   RACHEL,8 dau. of Martin7 (2034), b. about 1791; m. about 1815, John Cone Northam, b. 16 Oct., 1790, son of Jonathan Northam and Cone, of East Haddam, Conn.
She d. 6 June, 1833; he m. (2) Anna Brainerd, of Haddam, Conn.; d. 11 Mar., 1855.
He was a farmer and stone cutter; res. in Chatham, Conn.
11149 John M. Northam,9 b. 25 Feb., 1816; m. ______.
11150 Martin Kellogg Northam,9 b. 16 Oct., 1818; m. ______.
11151 Lucy Ann Northam,9 b. 28 Aug., 1820; m. (1) Hubbard Fuller; (2) Garrison M. Gates.

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11152 Joel Kellogg Northam,9 b. 25 Apr., 1833; m. _______, 4 July, 1866; d. 10 Jan., 1867.
11153 William Buell Northam,9 b. 1 Mar., 1825.

5135.   MARTIN,8 son of Martin7 (2034), b. in East Hampton Parish, Chatham, Conn., 16 Feb., 1793; m. 2 June, 1818, Laura Adams, dau. of Benjamin Adams, of West Chester, Conn.
He d. in Cleveland, O., 25 Aug., 1863.
He was among the earliest settlers of Cleveland, going there in 1818; res. there until his death.
Children, b. in Cleveland.
11154 Alfred,9 b. 13 Nov., 1820; m. Louisa E. Ackley.
11155 Horace,9 b. 22 Dec., 1822; m. Caroline Clark; d. 28 Aug., 1849; was a miller; had no children.
11156 Charles Martin,9 b. 1825; d. 26 Aug., 1856.
11157 Sanford Benjamin,9 b. 29 Jan., 1830; d. 18 Apr., 1831.

5137.   ALFRED,8 son of Martin7 (2034), b. in Chatham, Conn., 16 Feb., 1797; m. (1) 6 May, 1823, Jerusha Brainerd, b. 31 Aug., 1800, dau. of William Brain­erd, b. 23 Oct., 1773, and Patience Foote, of Colchester, b. 1 Feb., 1783.
She d. in Chatham, 6 Nov., 1828; he m. (2) 29 Apr., 1830, Philena Higgins Carrier, b. in Marlboro, Conn., 14 Mar., 1806, dau. of Isaac Carrier, b. in Marl­boro, 16 Jan., 1773, and Mercy Caswell, b. 16 Jan., 1776; d. 7 Mar., 1859; she d. 22 Dec., 1864.
He was a farmer in Chatham. He was a sturdy and industrious man; im­proved the farm formerly owned by his father; was of fine mental ability, and one whose counsel was sought.
Children by second wife, b. in Chatham.
11158 Jane Jerusha,9 b. 4 Mar., 1831; m. Asa Calvin Shaylor.
11159 Irenus,9 b. 7 Oct., 1832; d. 18 Feb., 1850.
11160 Martin David,9 b. 17 Feb., 1834; m. (1) Anna Melissa Fowler; (2) Florence Lovell Dunk.
11161 Lucretia Amelia,9 b. 28 Dec., 1839; m. John Sweet.
11162 Alfred Irenus,9 b. 27 Jan., 1847; m. Gertrude Abigail Smith.

5138.   RACHELSEA,8 dau. of Martin7 (2034), b. in Chatham, Conn., 17 Aug., 1800; m. 25 Nov., 1820, Halsey Brainard, b. in East Haddam, Conn., 21 Sept., 1791, son of Joshua Brainard, of East Haddam, and Hannah Fuller.
She d. in Cleveland, O., 3 Mar., 1858; he d. in Appleton, Wis., 25 Nov., 1867.
He was a shoe manufacturer; res. in East Haddam until 1857, when they rem. with their son to Cleveland, O.
Children, b. in East Haddam.
11163 Lucretia Amelia Brainard,9 b. 12 May, 1823; d. 15 Dec., 1838.
11164 Alfred Kellogg Brainard,9 b. 31 Oct., 1828; m. 20 Feb., 1853, Hannah Merrill Small, b. 3 June, 1833; d. 28 Dec., 1858; was a shoe man­ufacturer and a stationary engineer; had eight children.

5139.   LUCY,8 dau. of Martin7 (2034), b. in Chatham, Conn., 13 Feb., 1805; m. Philo Rowley, b. 27 Feb., 1796.
He d. 30 Jan., 1860; she d. 23 Apr., 1892.

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11165 Martin K. Rowley,9 b. 10 Sept., 1831; m. 14 July, 1852, Mary S. Brain­ard.

5140.   GUSTAVUS,8 son of Elisha7 (2036), b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 14 Dec., 1811; m. 2 Dec., 1845, Juliette Clark, b. 7 May, 1818, dau. of Jason Lee Clark, of East Haddam, b. 2 May, 1792, and Julia Cone, b. 2 Apr., 1800.
He d. in Glastonbury, 7 Dec., 1887; she res. there.
He was a farmer.
Children, b. in Glastonbury.
11166 Elisha,9 b. 1 Jan., 1849; d. 14 Jan., 1850.
11167 George Brainerd,9 b. 8 Nov., 1850; d. 11 Jan., 1851.
11168 Emily Julia,9 b. 6 Aug., 1853; m. 6 Jan., 1885, George LeRoy El­dredge, b. 4 Sept., 1855, son of Joseph Eldredge and Ellen Walker Meek; res. in Hartford; he is a member of the Eldredge Manufac­turing Company; has no children.
11169 Helen Wells,9 b. 2 Mar., 1859; m. Rev. John Richards Lambert.
11170 Huburt Gustavus,9 b. 20 Dec., 1861; a farmer in Glastonbury; res. unm., on the old homestead.

5141.   EMILY MARIA,8 dau. of Elisha7 (2036), b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 4 Oct., 1813; m. 8 Sept., 1834, Hon. Thaddeus Welles, b. 23 Feb., 1806 (brother of Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy from 1861 to '69), son of Samuel Welles and Ann Hale, of Glastonbury.
She d. 4 Aug., 1872; he d. 27 Sept., 1876.
He was repeatedly a member of the Connecticut Senate and of the House of Representatives.
Children, b. in Glastonbury.
11171 Anna Maria Welles,9 b. 27 June, 1835; m. William Henry Hoyt; res. in Boston, Mass.
11172 Helen Elizabeth Welles,9 b. 15 May, 1837; m. Rev. Edward Goodridge, of Hartford.
11173 Emily Sophia Welles,9 b. 31 Aug., 1839.
11174 Samuel Welles,9 b. 15 Dec., 1840; d. 10 July, 1866.
11175 Robert Gideon Welles,9 b. 3 Dec., 1842; d. 28 Dec., 1866.
11176 Edward Thaddeus Welles,9 b. 2 Jan., 1847.
11177 Mary Jane Welles,9 b. 16 Apr., 1851.
11178 James Howard Welles,9 b. 28 June, 1853.

5142.   LUCY ANN,8 dau. of Elisha7 (2036), b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 12 July, 1816; m. 28 Dec., 1841, Samuel Rockwood, b. in Peru, Mass., 3 Sept., 1804, son of Daniel Rockwood, b. in Bellingham, Mass., 24 Feb., 1768, and Lovica Pond, b. in Franklin, Mass., 25 Sept., 1771.
She d. 14 Oct., 1850; he d. 27 May, 1881.
They res. in Oswego, N. Y., and Lexington, Neb., where both d.
11179 Samuel Kellogg Rockwood,9 b. Feb., 1841; d. 7 Oct., 1855.
11180 Fanny Augusta Rockwood,9 b. 20 Dec., 1842; m. 30 Dec., 1862, Thomas J. Hewitt; res. in Lexington.

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5143.   RUTH GOODRICH,8 dau. of Elisha7 (2036), b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 11 Dec., 1817; m. 8 Sept., 1835, Deacon Martin Hollister, b. 13 May, 1812, son of Horatio Hollister, b. 24 Jan., 1786, and Polly Tullar, b. in Royalton, Vt., 9 Nov., 1786.
He d. 8 Apr., 1878; in 1897 she res. with her dau., Mrs. Kingsley, in Syra­cuse, N. Y. He was a director in the Hartford and New York Transportation Company; selectman of Glastonbury; Representative in the Connecticut Legis­lature; Justice of the Peace; a deacon in the Congregational Church. Res., in Glastonbury, on the homestead which has been in the family nearly one hundred years.
Children, b. in Glastonbury.
11181 Eliza Jane Hollister,9 b. 29 May, 1837; d. unm., 5 Oct., 1857.
11182 William Henry Hollister,9 b. 21 Mar., 1840; m. 14 Aug., 1860, Hester A. Brainerd; res. in Glastonbury; is a manufacturer.
11183 Arthur Kellogg Hollister,9 b. 14 Mar., 1842; m. Dec., 1871, Louise Palmer; res. in Glastonbury; is a mariner.
11184 Emily Maria Hollister,9 b. 9 Nov., 1843; m. 6 June, 1866, Elisha Kings­ley; res. in Syracuse, N. Y.
11185 Andrew Hollister,9 b. 24 Sept., 1845; d. 8 July, 1863, in the service of the United States, near New Orleans, La.; was a member of Co. H, Twenty-fifth Reg., Connecticut Volunteers; d. after eleven months' service.
11186 Martin Tullar Hollister,9 b. 28 Nov., 1847; m. May, 1871, Lillian Louise Ebell; was a member of the Eleventh Reg., Connecticut Vol­unteers; served two years; res. in Glastonbury; is a ferryman.
11187 Julia Ann Hollister,9 b. 26 Nov., 1849; m. 4 Apr., 1878, Henry B. Kingsley, of Hartford, Conn.
11188 George Frederic Hollister,9 b. 8 Sept., 1851; res. in Glastonbury; is a mariner.
11189 Jennie Eliza Hollister,9 b. 15 Nov., 1857; res. in Glastonbury; is a teacher.
11190 Hugh Lincoln Hollister,9 b. 14 Oct., 1860; d. 19 Jan., 1883; res. in Glastonbury.

5144.   ELIZA,8 dau. of Elisha7 (2036), b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 1 Dec., 1819; m. in Glastonbury, 28 Apr., 1841, Bissell Elijah Post, b. in Hebron, Conn., 13 Nov., 1817, son of Elijah Post, b. 31 July, 1792, and Anna Porter, b. 30 Apr., 1795, both of Hebron.
They have res. in Andover, Conn., since 1855.
11191 Anna Eliza Post,9 b. in Hebron, 6 June, 1842; m. 24 Dec., 1862, James Henry Marsh, b. 24 Apr., 1836; res. in Andover; has one child.
11192 Thaddeus Welles Post,9 b. in Hebron, 9 Mar., 1844; d. in Annapolis, Md., 29 Nov., 1864, from the effects of eleven months' confinement in Southern prisons; served in the rebellion in Co. B, Tenth Reg., Connecticut Volunteers.
11193 John Henry Post,9 b. 28 Sept., 1847; m. 9 Nov., 1878, Elizabeth Davis, of Trenton, Tenn.; served three years in Co. E, Eighteenth Con­necticut Volunteers, in the war of the rebellion.

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11194 Edward Kellogg Post,9 b. 25 May, 1853; m. 16 June, 1875, Adelaide Martha Burnap, of Andover; res. in Andover; had four children.
11195 George Decatur Post,9 b. 28 Jan., 1855; m. 5 Sept., 1876, Isadore Jor­dan; was a member of the staff of Gov. Waller, of Connecticut, with rank of Col.; has two children.
11196 Robert Woodbridge Post,9 b. in Andover, 19 Nov., 1861; m. 20 Aug., 1884, Lisetta Hale, of South Manchester; had no children.

5145.   COL. ELISHA STRONG,8 son of Elisha7 (2036), b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 27 Nov., 1824; m. 23 Oct., 1853, Mary Granger Brown, b. in Winsted, Conn., 14 Dec., 1828, dau. of Orrin Brown, of Plymouth, Conn., b. 27 July, 1790, and Nancy Bishop, b. 9 Jan., 1796.
He was killed in the battle of Cold Harbor, Va., 3 June, 1864. In 1897 his widow res. in Windsor, Conn.
Early in life he was a sailor; afterward went to California. He had lived five years in Derby, Conn., when the war for the Union commenced. He enlisted in Co. B, Fourth Connecticut Reg., of which he became Capt.; in Mar., 1862, he became Maj.; at the siege of Yorktown he commanded Battery No. 1, consisting of five one-hundred-pound and two two-hundred-pound Parrot guns, the only bat­tery that opened on the works. At Gaines' Mills, Chickahominy and Malvern Hill, he commanded three batteries of four and one-half inch Rodman and four thirty-pound Parrots. A few weeks later he was promoted to be Lieut.-Col. of the Nine­teenth Connecticut Reg., which was a new regiment from Litchfield Co., and at­tached to the Sixth Corps, Gen. Upton's Brigade. At Cold Harbor he was wounded in the face, on charging the first line, but continued in command and carried the second line, taking over two hundred prisoners. His dead body, pierced by three bullets, was found on top of the abattis of the third line.
Child, b. in Winsted.
11197 Edwin Wesson,9 b. 9 Nov., 1856; m. Jane Edwina Pinney.

5146.   LAURA,8 dau. of Elisha7 (2036), b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 14 June, 1830; m. (1) 23 Mar., 1848, Roswell Hollister Woodbridge, b. 16 Oct., 1819, son of Ebenezer Woodbridge and Electa Hollister.
He d. 12 Sept., 1864; she m. (2) Dr. Brown; res. in Chicago.
Children by first husband.
11198 Emily Louise Woodbridge,9 b. 17 Aug., 1849; m. 22 Mar., 1872, R. J. Percy, of Holley, N. Y.
11199 Sarah Electa Woodbridge,9 b. 1 Apr., 1851; d. 22 Dec., 1857.
11200 William Kellogg Woodbridge,9 b. 29 Nov., 1862; d. 12 May, 1865.

5147.   PAMELA,8 dau. of Ichabod7 (2037), b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 15 Aug., 1798; m. 4 Feb., 1824, Zera Waite, b. 6 Sept., 1796, son of Zera Waite and Eliza­beth Dewey.
He d. 6 June, 1866; she d. 24 July, 1866.
Children, b. in Springfield.
11201 A Daughter,9 b. ______; d. young.
11202 A Daughter,9 b. ______; d. young.
11203 A Daughter,9 b. ______; d. young.

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11204 Edward M. Waite,9 b. 27 June, 1829.
11205 Erskine Hoyt Waite,9 b. 23 Jan., 1832.
11206 Leonidas Rosser Waite,9 b. 3 July, 1840.

5148.   ICHABOD,8 son of Ichabod7 (2037), b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 15 Feb., 1800; m. 22 Oct., 1822, Malantha McIntire, b. 22 Oct., 1802, dau. of Ely McIntire, of Delhi, N. Y., b. 1 Jan., 1761, and Diana Robinson, b. 1762. Ely McIntire was the son of Maj. Jesse McIntire, a revolutionary soldier, b. in West Springfield, Mass., 1739.
He d. in Ellisville, Ill., 8 Feb., 1872; she d. in Lyme, Conn., 2 Dec., 1884.
Children, all except the first, b. in Lyme.
11207 Lucius,9 b. in West Springfield, Mass., 19 July, 1823; m. Betsey Sophia Parmelee.
11208 Ann,9 b. 23 Apr., 1825; m. John Pratt Rowland.
11209 Theodore,9 b. 2 May, 1827; d. 23 Sept., 1828.
11210 Theodore Waite,9 b. 8 July, 1829; m. Helen Maria McGenness.
11211 Sarah Pamela,9 b. 15 Nov., 1835; d. unm., in McKean, Pa., 14 Mar., 1868; was a school teacher in McKean.
11212 Samuel Hill,9 b. 29 Jan., 1838; d. unm., 22 Nov., 1864; was a farmer in Ellisville, Ill.; enlisted in Co. D, One Hundred and Third Reg., Illinois Volunteers; was with Gen. Sherman's command; was killed in Griswoldville, Ga., 22 Nov., 1864, and buried near where he d. ______; was a Corp. at the time of his death; belonged to Gen. Logan's famous Fifteenth Corps; was in the siege of Atlanta; was a faithful soldier.
11213 Mary Eliza,9 b. 27 Sept., 1841; m. Reuben Edmonson.
11214 Louisa Jane,9 b. 5 Feb., 1844; m. in Strawberry Point, Ia., 2 Nov., 1892, Henry Ely Flower, b. in Feeding Hills, Mass., 16 Nov., 1822, son of Spencer Lee Flower and Rosamond McIntire; res. in Arling­ton, Ia.; had no children.

5149.   ADELINE,8 dau. of Ichabod7 (2037), b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 18 May, 1802; m. in West Springfield, Mass., 1826, Rev. Parmelee Chamberlain, b. in Dalton, Mass.
She d. in Tarrytown, N. Y., 1846; was insane; he m. (2) Mrs. Carrie Cole, widow of Edward Cole, a lawyer of New York City.
He was a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church; a member of the New York Conference; res. in St. Albans, Vt., Keeseville, N. Y., Bristol and Ridgefield, Conn., and New Rochelle, Tarrytown and New York City. He became insane and d. in some retreat near New York.
11215 Martin Palmer Chamberlain,9 b. ______; d. in St. Albans.
11216 Benjamin Beach Chamberlain,9 b. ______; d. insane, 13 Oct., 1888; was an engraver.
11217 Richard Watson Chamberlain,9 b. ______; d. in New Rochelle, aged 3.
11218 Stephen Olin Chamberlain,9 b. ______; was killed by street cars in New York City in 1856.
11219 Eliza Bower Chamberlain,9 b. ______; d. in Meriden.
11220 Adeline Chamberlain,9 b. about 1841; d. unm., in 1889; was insane.

790    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5150.   THEODORE,8 son of Ichabod7 (2037), b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 18 May, 1804; m. 2 Oct., 1833, Hannah Wason, b. in Hancock, N. H., 2 May, 1810; dau. of Reuben Wason.*
He d. 30 Apr., 1890; she d. 2 May, 1890.
They were both buried in one grave, in Springfield, Mass. He was a harnessmaker; res. in Boston, Quincy and Lawrence, Mass., and Providence, R. I., where both d.
His parents d. when he was 9 years old, and he went to live with Eliza Griswold, in Suffield, Conn. He experienced religion when he was 12 years of age.
Children, b. in Boston.
11221 Theodore,9 b. 16 Jan., 1835; m. Josephine Russell.
11222 Harriet Adeline,9 b. 22 Sept., 1837; m. Norman B. Pratt.

5151.   LORAIN,8 dau. of Ichabod7 (2037), b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 31 July, 1805; m. 26 Sept., 1833, Nathan F. Crocker, b. in Springfield, Mass., 25 Nov., 1806, son of Nathan Crocker, b. in Keene, N. H., and Lucy Rogers, b. in Ashford, Conn.
He d. ______, in Orange, N. J.; she d. ______, in Springfield.
He was a paper maker; res. in Springfield.
11223 William H. Crocker,9 b. in Union, Me., 10 Jan., 1835; d. 30 May, 1835.
11224 Amelia A. Crocker,9 b. 20 Aug., 1836; m. 1 Oct., 1863, E. H. Waite; d. 26 Sept., 1865.
11225 Eliza Stebbins Crocker,9 b. in Hampden, Me., 28 Nov., 1839; m. 6 Mar. 1863, Melville G. C. Quinby, of Maine; res. in Liverpool, England.
11226 Adaline Chamberlain Crocker,9 b. 20 July, 1842; m. 22 July, 1862, Edward A. Pearson, of Boston; d. 12 July, 1865.
11227 Lewellyn M. Crocker,9 b. in Springfield, 14 Jan., 1846; d. 24 June, 1866; was a Union soldier.

5155.   ASA,8 son of Asa7 (2039), b. in Bolton, Conn., 3 Feb., 1782; m. 15 Oct., 1812, Mary Goodrich, b. in South Sandisfield, Mass., Feb., 1788, dau. of Michael Goodrich and Elizabeth Hill.
He d. 12 Nov., 1864, aged 82; she d. 20 July, 1873. aged 85.
They res. in Sandisfield, Mass.
Children, b. in Sandisfield.
11228 Jared,9 b. 27 Sept., 1813; d. unm., 15 Feb., 1891; was a lawyer and farmer; res. in Sandisfield.
11229 Jemima Emily,9 b. 10 Nov., 1816; m. John Peck.
11230 George,9 b. 10 July, 1819; m. Marion Rogers; rem. to Rockford, Ill.
11231 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 15 Aug., 1821; res., unm., in South Sandisfield.
11232 Ruth Anna,9 b. 26 Mar., 1823; m. George Morse Seward.
11233 Hartey,9 b. 7 Aug., 1825; d. num., in Sandisfield, 1 Jan., 1895; was farmer.
11234 Irene Amelia,9 b. 23 Nov., 1827; m. 16 July, 1854, Henry Shepard; d. 29 July, 1856; had no children.
11235 David,9 b. 4 Feb., 1830; m. (1) Susan Nodine; (2) Elizabeth Morey.

*There were fourteen daus. and three sons in the Wason family, two of the latter being Thomas and Charles Wason, the celebrated railway car builders, of Springfield, Mass.

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11236 Harriet Estelle,9 b. 9 June. 1833; m. in Derby, Conn., 6 July, 1868, Solomon Russell Towne, of Birmingham, Conn., b. in Albany, Me., 1830, son of Samuel Towne, b. 1790, and Susanna Crosby, b. 1790; he was a blacksmith; d. 3 July, 1893; after his death she res. in Shelton, Conn.; had no children.
11237 James Nathaniel,9 b. 3 Feb., 1836; d. 2 Feb., 1843.

5161.   DR. CHARLES,8 son of Charles7 (2040), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 12 July, 1776; m. 9 Sept., 1812. Rowena Miner, b. in Middletown, Vt., 28 Apr., 1790, dau. of Capt. Samuel Lewis Miner, b. in Woodbury, Conn., 9 Apr., 1767, and Elizabeth Buckingham, b. in Columbia, Conn., 1 Apr., 1762.
He d. in Brutus, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1819; she d. in Marietta, Ga., 24 Dec., 1852, while res. with her dau., Elizabeth. He was graduated from the Medical College of Philadelphia; practiced medicine in Middletown, Vt., Marcellus and Brutus, N. Y.
11238 Jane,9 b. in Middletown, 25 Sept., 1813; d. same day.
11239 Jane Cogswell,9 b. in Marcellus, 7 May, 1815; d. unm., in Fort Val­ley, Ga., 1 Aug., 1887; was a popular teacher in Marietta, Mon­roe and Covington, Ga., and Little Rock, Ark., and Fort Valley.
11240 Elizabeth Mixer,9 b. 30 Apr., 1817; m. Judge Posey Maddox.
11241 Charles Lewis,9 b. in Brutus, 26 July, 1819; d. in Castleton, Vt., 6 May, 1820.

5162.   MARCY,8 dau. of Charles7 (2040), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 28 Feb., 1778; m. 5 Sept., 1798, James Hawley, b. 24 Dec., 1739, eldest child of Wolcott Hawley and Ellen Osborne.
He d. 12 June, 1848; she d. 4 May, 1868.
He was a merchant, or merchant's clerk, in Granville, N. Y.; was a merchant in Salem, N. Y., Arlington, Vt., and Troy, N. Y.
11242 Maria Hawley,9 b. 18 July, 1801; d. unm., 10 Sept., 1838.
11243 Charlotte Hawley,9 b. 12 Aug., 1803; m. 17 Jan., 1850, David Gray, of Salem, b. 2 Nov., 1790, son of David and Sarah Gray; d. 9 Apr., 1853; had no children.
11244 James Simonds Hawley,9 b. 30 Jan., 1805; m. (1) 27 Mar., 1828, Cor­delia Curtis; she d. 23 Aug., 1839; he m. (2) 29 Jan., 1841, Ade­line Ann Cook; res. in Troy; had seven children.
11245 Harry Hawley,9 b. 13 Mar., 1811; m. (1) 1 Nov., 1836, Laura Ann An­drews, b. 4 Mar., 1815; she d. 6 Apr., 1844; he m. (2) Frances N. Severance, b. 18 Mar., 1822; she d. 13 Apr., 1848; he m. (3) 14 Oct., 1851, Harriet Ann Lewis, b. 9 Sept., 1816; she d. 12 Oct., 1871; he was a grocery merchant; res. in Troy.

5163.   JUSTIN,8 son of Charles7 (2040), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 17 Jan., 17 SI; m. 29 Aug., 1804, Anne Stevens, of Glastonbury, Conn., b. 14 Nov., 1781, dau. of William Stevens and Ann Hollister.
He was killed by the overturning of a stage coach, 14 May, 1839; she d. 1868, aged 87.
He engaged in the carding and clothing business in Granville, N. Y.; rem.

792    The Kelloggs in the New World.

to Troy, from Granville, and was elected Sheriff; was for many years Justice of the Peace, and a prominent member of the Presbyterian Church. On returning from a visit to Granville, the stage was overturned on Oak Hill, a short distance north of Troy, and he was killed. He was highly esteemed and prosperous.
11246 Alanson,9 b. ______; d. aged 3 years and 6 months; fell from a tree into the water and was drowned.
11247 Mercy Anne,9 b. ______; d. aged 2 years and 6 months.
11248 Adeline,9 b. 9 Feb., 1816; m. Giles Bacon Kellogg (+3080).
11249 Harriet Newell,9 b. 18 Nov., 1818; m. Daniel Hyde Kellogg (+3093).

5164.   CLARISSA,8 dau. of Charles7 (2040), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 23 Feb., 1782; m. about 1810, Walter Wells, b. in Colchester, Conn., 16 Apr., 1780, son of John Wells, b. 1747, and Sarah Chamberlain, b. 1748.
She d. 12 Apr., 1866; he d. 15 Apr., 1871, aged 91.
He was a harness maker; was later in the marble business. From 1833 to '37 he res. in Bethany, N. Y.; rem. to Madison, Ind., where both d.
Children, b. in Manchester, Vt.
11250 Benjamin Wells,9 b. 5 Jan., 1811; d. unm., 11 Nov., 1833.
11251 Hiram Kellogg Wells,9 b. 11 Oct., 1812; m. in Cincinnati, O., 16 Sept., 1840, Emily Whipple Sanxay, b. in Cincinnati, 5 Oct., 1820, dau. of Frederick Sanxay, b. in Hudson, N. Y., 5 Feb., 1790, and Mary Whipple; was a merchant in Cincinnati, Madison and Cleveland, O., and Evansville, Ind.; she d. 2 Mar., 1893; he d. in Elmira, N. Y., 1 Sept., 1896; had four children.
11252 William Wells,9 b. 22 Nov., 1814; m. (1) about 1837, Amanda Button; she d. ______; he m. (2) Mary Wetherell; d. 12 Feb., 1875; had four children.
11253 Laura Mills Wells,9 b. 23 Nov., 1817; m. about 1845, Frederick Krach; d. ______; had four children.
11254 Charles Simonds Wells,9 b. 3 Oct., 1824; m. Eliza Juliette McIntire, b. 28 Apr., 1827, dau. of Edward Hall McIntire, b. in Baltimore, Md., 5 Aug., 1801, and Rachel Antoinette Bright, b. in Plattsburg, N. Y., 24 July, 1801; rem. to Madison, Ind., in 1840, and, in 1853. to Evansville, where he d. 8 Jan., 1863; was a hardware merchant; had three children.
11255 Harry Morton Wells,9 b. 26 Apr., 1827; m. Sarah Ann McIntire, b. 15 Aug., 1830, sister of Eliza Juliette McIntire; d. 18 July, 1864; had five children.

5165.   MARY,8 dau. of Charles7 (2040), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 24 Dec., 1785; m. in Granville, N. Y., 20 June, 1805, William Raymond, b. in Norwalk, Conn., 10 Aug., 1777, son of William Raymond, b. 11 Jan., 1747, and Ruth Huyt, b. 17 Jan., 1748.
He d. 15 May, 1847, aged 70; she d. 28 Feb., 1870, aged 84.
He was a merchant; rem. in 1824 from Granville to Bethany, N. Y., and in 1826 to Wausau, Wis., thence 15 Apr., 1839, to Elba, N. Y., where both d.

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11256 Mary Raymond,9 b. 19 May, 1806; m. Jefferson Henshaw; d. in Aurora, N. Y., 1855.
11257 William Charles Raymond.,9 b. 7 Mar., 1808; m. 11 July, 1837, Sarah A. Southworth; d. 7 June, 1873.
11258 Julia Ann Raymond,9 b. 23 Nov., 1809; m. 12 Apr., 1832, Caleb T. Gif­ford, a farmer, of Bethany.
11259 Cornelia Raymond,9 b. 26 Sept., 1811; m. as his second wife, James M. Darling; res. in Wansau until 1863; d. in Washington, D. C, 4 Jan., 1873; she d. in Wausau, _______.
11260 Henry Kellogg Raymond,9 b. 7 May, 1813; res., unm., in Nebraska City, Neb.
11261 Lucia Raymond,9 b. 18 Mar., 1815; m. Apr., 1836, James M. Darling; d. 23 Mar., 1843; he m. (2) her sister, Cornelia.
11262 James Harvey Raymond,9 b. 30 June, 1817; m. in Washington, Tex., 7 Mar., 1843, Margaret Johnson; since 1845 he has been a banker in Austin, Tex.
11263 Alanson Newell Raymond,9 b. in Granville, 20 May, 1819; m. in Ba­tavia, N. Y., 9 June, 1851, Emily Wilson; was a merchant; rem. in May, 1850, to Oshkosh, Wis.; in 1863 to Washington, D. C, and in Mar., 1866, to Chicago.
11264 Samuel Hills Raymond,9 b. in Granville, 3 May, 1821; m. 1 Jan., 1851, Mary A. Porter; d. 7 Apr., 1857; was a printer; res. in Rochester and Lima, N. Y., where he published the Genesee Valley Gazette.
11265 John Coe Raymond,9 b. 28 Sept., 1823; m. in Batavia, 20 Oct., 1851, Frances Amelia Wilson; res. in Oshkosh until June, 1866, and then rem. to Austin, Tex.; was a druggist.
11266 Augustus Henshaw Raymond,9 b. 16 Nov., 1827; m. 23 Aug., 1853, Helen E. Chandler, b. in Fort Brady, Mich., 4 Dec., 1837, dau. of Rev. Daniel M. Chandler; rem. 23 May, 1845, to Rochester, where he learned the tinner's trade; Oct., 1848, rem. to Milwaukee, Wis.; Apr., 1850, started a stove and tin business in Oshkosh; 1863 rem. to Washington, D. C, where he was Second Assistant Examiner in the Patent Office.

5166.   LAURA,8 dau. of Charles7 (2040), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 27 Aug., 1787; m. Nov., 1819, Justin Day, b. in Winhall, Vt., 1 Jan., 1790, son of Oliver Day, of Winhall and Holly, N. Y., b. 12 Sept., 1776, and Deidamia Beebe.
He d. 26 Aug., 1873; she d. 22 Oct., 1874.
He was a farmer and shoemaker; he res. in 1819 in Manchester, Vt.; in 1821, in Middle Granville, N. Y.; in 1839, in Holly, N. Y.; in 1871 and until his death, in Albion, N. Y.
11267 Charles Kellogg Day,9 b. in Manchester, 19 Sept., 1820; m. 18 Mar., 1845, Eveline Spicer; was a farmer; res. in Albion.
11268 Minerva S. Day,9 b. 29 July, 1822; m. 21 June, 1840, Ferdinand A. Day; res. in Lockport, N. Y.
11269 Edward Raymond Day,9 b. 8 June, 1824; m. 1 Oct., 1848, Susan Ferry; was a farmer; res. in Holly.

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5168.   MARCIA,8 dau. of Charles7 (2040), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 9 Feb., 1793; m. 7 May, 1812, Nathan Hoyt Raymond, b. in Norwalk, Conn., 10 Oct., 1791, son of William Raymond, b. 11 Jan., 1747, and Ruth Hoyt, b. 17 Jan., 1748.
She d. 11 Aug., 1849; he m. (2) 9 May, 1850, Mrs. Elvira Lawrence; he d. 6 Aug., 1874.
He was a merchant; was Postmaster and Justice of the Peace; res. in Sandy Hill, Granville and Bethany until about 1824; Strykersville, about 1833; War­saw, N. Y., about 1842; Girard, Pa., and the last thirty years of his life in Cam­bridge City, Ind.
Children, first seven b. in Granville, N. Y., others in Bethany, Pa.
11270 Marciaetta Raymond,9 b. 21 Feb., 1813; d. 1 June, same year.
11271 Nathan Harvey Raymond,9 b. 19 May, 1814; d. 13 Apr., 1815.
11272 Edward Raymond,9 b. 5 Feb., 1816; m. Mary P. Hamilton; was a bookkeeper; res. in Chicago.
11273 Nathan Raymond,9 b. 24 Mar., 1817; m. Margaret Southworth; was a druggist in Indianapolis.
11274 Charles Harvey Raymond,9 b. 10 Nov., 1818; m. Mary J. Underwood; was a Presbyterian minister of Indianapolis.
11275 Helen Electa Raymond,9 b. 22 Sept., 1820; m. Dr. Joseph N. Cowdin, a physician in Cambridge, Ind.; d. 3 Aug., 1849.
11276 Ravaud Rogers Raymond,9 b. 26 Feb., 1823; m. Eliza Brashear; d. 10 Aug., 1856; was a physician in Centerville, Tenn.
11277 Henry Rodney Raymond,9 b. 4 June, 1825; m. 9 Nov., 1848, Elizabeth Ware, of Fairfield Co., S. C; was a Presbyterian clergyman of Marion, Ala.
11278 Marcia Raymond,9 b. 29 Jan., 1827; m. Dr. John P. Sebastian, a physi­cian in Santa Fe, Tenn.
11279 William Raymond,9 b. 3 Jan., 1829; d. 21 Aug., 1830.
11280 Sarah Raymond,9 b. 25 Aug., 1830; m. Elias Sheppard; d. 28 Apr., 1873; he was a farmer in Remington, Ind.
11281 Mary Raymond,9 b. 4 Aug., 1832; d. 27 Mar., 1836.

5169.   LUCIA,8 dau. of Charles7 (2040), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 18 Apr., 1795; m. 12 Oct., 1815, Mills Averill, b. 6 June, 1792, son of Nobles Averill.
She d. 14 May, 1848; he d. 31 Mar., 1864.
He was a farmer; rem. about 1835 from Bethany, N. Y., to Lima, Ind., where both d.
11282 Lucia Kellogg Averill,9 b. 1 Feb., 1817; m. 1 Jan., 1838, Hiram L. Johnson, a farmer, of Grand Rapids, Mich.; had six children.
11283 Anne Maria Averill,9 b. 3 Jan., 1819; d. 23 Jan., same year.
11284 George Mills Averill,9 b. 25 Oct., 1820; m. 30 Dec., 1845, Jane Butts; was a farmer in Lima and in Minnesota.
11285 Cornelia Raymond Averill,9 b. 18 Nov., 1822; m. 24 Dec., 1841, Dr. William Heremon Fox, b. in Moat a Granough, West Meath Co., Ireland, 12 Sept., 1814, son of Rev. William Fox of Suntown, West Meath Co., Ireland, and Eleanor Lynn, of Dungulf, Wexford Co., Ireland; she d. 14 Apr., 1864; he d. 15 Oct., 1883; he was a physi­cian; rem. about 1844 from Lima to a farm near Madison, Wis.

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they had one dau., who m. Hon. William F. Vilas, of Madison, Gov­ernor of Wisconsin, United States Senator and Postmaster-General of the United States.
11286 Charles Noble Averill,9 b. 1 Nov., 1825; m. 1 Nov., 1848, Fanny Kee­nan; was a farmer in Durand, Wis.; had five children.
11287 Harvey Putnam Averill,9 b. 23 Dec., 1827; m. Oct., 1860, Frances Kee­nan; d. ______; she d. ______; had five children.
11288 Adeline Amelia Averill,9 b. 1 Nov., 1830; m. 25 Sept., 1849, Rev. Charles Merritt Morehouse, b. in Charlton, N. Y., 28 Oct., 1824, son of Abillia B. Morehouse, b. in Danbury, Conn., 26 Apr., 1773, and Ruth Northrop, b. in Charlton, 1776; he was a Congregational clergyman and a graduate of Union College and Auburn Theolog­ical Seminary; he rem. in 1850 from Ontario, Ind., to Allegan, Mich.; in 1853 to Evansville, Wis.; had four children.
11289 Norman Simonds Averill,9 b. in Bethany, 14 May, 1833; m. in Fair­field, Ia., Anna Sophia Wells, b. in Tecumseh, Mich., 31 May, 1833, dau. of Rev. Ashbel Wells and Sophia Hastings, dau. of Seth Hast­ings, of Clinton, N. Y.; was a dry goods merchant; res. in 1857, in Madison, Wis.; in 1862, in Fairfield, Ia., and in 1878 rem. to California; she was graduated from a seminary in Monroe, Mich., and in 1884 was a teacher in the high school in Los Angeles, Cal.; had four children.
11290 Mary Jane Averill,9 b. 15 Sept., 1835; d. in Lima, 2 Mar., 1849.

5170.   HENRY SIMONDS,8 son of Charles7 (2040), b. in Granville, N. Y., 16 Aug., 1800; m. in Wood Park, Ind., 29 Dec., 1830, Margaret Eliza Cochran, b. in Armagh, Ireland, 14 Dec., 1813, dau. of Robert Cochran and Eliza _______.
He d. 27 June, 1860; was drowned while bathing in Fall Creek, near Indi­anapolis, Ind.; she d. in Evansville, Ind., 20 Oct., 1876, and is buried in Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis.
He was a hardware merchant; rem. to Indianapolis about 1848; was an elder in the Second Presbyterian Church, and afterward in the Fourth Presby­terian Church, Indianapolis.
11291 Adeline,9 b. in Cincinnati, 9 Mar., 1832; d. 19 July, 1833.
11292 Charles Harvey,9 b. in Cincinnati, 25 June, 1835; m. Susan Hicks Oakley, ______.
11293 Margaret Adeline,9 b. in Cincinnati, 12 Aug., 1837; m. Alonzo Henry Webb.
11294 Justin Alanson,9 b. in Cincinnati, 25 Dec., 1839; is an attorney-at-­law and res., unm., in Indianapolis; served as Capt. in the civil war in Co. A, One Hundred and Forty-third Indiana Volunteer In­fantry; was ordnance officer at Fort Donelson and Clarksville. Tenn.; is a pensioner; thirty-eight years after he was discharged he applied for a pension, his number on the pension roll being 1,279,043.
11295 Henry Simonds,9 b. in Cincinnati, 8 Jan., 1844; d. unm., 1867.
11296 Robert Hugh,9 b. in Cambridge City, Ind., 23 Sept., 1846; m. Mary Frances Knight.
11297 Eliza Simonds,9 b. in Indianapolis, 2 July, 1849; d. 20 Aug., 1850.

796    The Kelloggs in the New World.

11298 Harriet Newell,9 b. in Indianapolis, 15 Sept., 1851; m. William Car­vosso Lynn.

5171.   HIRAM,8 son of Charles7 (2040), b. in Granville, N. Y., 9 Apr., 1804; m. in Wells, Vt., 26 Apr., 1837, Thankful Culver, b. in Wells, 24 Apr., 1811, dau. of Roger Culver and Mehitable _______.
She d. in Whitefield, Ill., Oct., 1866; he d. in Janesville, Kas., Oct., 1883; res. in Henry, Ill.
11299 Aminda Melvina,9 b. in Granville, 1 Apr., 1830; m. Harrison Upde­graff.
11300 Frances Caroline,9 b. in Washington Co., N. Y., 25 Aug., 1832; m. Jeremiah C. Green.
11301 William Benjamin,9 b. in Bethany, N. Y., 1 Sept., 1834; m. Mary Coburn Heylman.
11302 Ellen Mehitable,9 b. in Whitefield, 10 Nov., 1840; m. Isaac Walter Camery.
11303 Helen Mercy,9 b. in Whitefield, 10 Nov., 1840; d. 27 Apr., 1842.
11304 Charles Henry,9 b. in Whitefield, 19 May, 1844; m. Sarah Whitwell.
11305 Hiram Justin,9 b. in Marshall Co., Ill., 24 Dec., 1847; m. in Sutter Co., Cal, 11 May, 1874, Ella Thompson, b. in New Haven, O., 9 Mar., 1853, dau. of C. M. Thompson, b. 24 June, 1829, and Rosa Deaver, b. Sept., 1830, of Sutter Co., Cal.; was an orchardist; a Methodist; d. in Thermalito, Cal., 23 Dec., 1901; she res. in Thermalito; had no children.
11306 Alberteen Thankful,9 b. 22 Mar., 1852; d. 10 Nov., 1855.
11307 Harrison Updegraff,9 b. in Whitefield, 1 June, 1855; m. Lucinda May Cotes.

5173.   RUSSELL,8 son of Russell7 (2041), b. in Colchester, Conn., 27 Oct., 1786; m. (1) 1813, Eunice C. Foote, b. ______, dau. of Ambrose Foote, b. ______, and Anna _______.
She d. about 1823; he m. (2) in Hebron, Conn., 1 Oct., 1823, Mrs. Ruth (Forsythe) Jones; she d. ______; he m. (3) 17 May, 1835, Mrs. Mary Richmond, of Guilford; he d. 17 Jan., 1860.
Children by first wife.
11308 Lucina,9 b. 1814; m. William Alexander Foskett.
11309 Lucretia,9 b. 29 June, 1816; m. Daniel T. Foote.
11310 Henry,9 b. ______; m. ______.
11311 Samuel,9 b. ______; d. aged about 4.
Child by second wife.
11312 Philo Pratt,9 b. in Hebron, 22 May, 1828; m. Seraph Caroline Henshaw.

5174.   CHARLES WORTHINGTON,8 son of Russell7 (2041), b. in Colchester, Conn., 3 June, 1789; m. Betsey Shurtleff, b. 1796, dau. of John Shurtleff and Jane Taylor, of Colchester.
He d. in South Duxbury, Vt., 1873; was a farmer.
Res. in Montpelier, Berlin and Duxbury, Vt.

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Children, twelve in all, eight d. young.
11312a Charles Worthington,9 b. in East Montpelier, 7 Mar., 1819; m. Mary Wheeler.
11312b Mary Jane,9 b. about 1821; m. Alhanan Andrews.
11312c Sarah Foote,9 b. 4 June, 1827; m. (1) Artemas Hoadley; (2) David Griffith.
11312d Emeline Augusta,9 b. 31 Mar., 1836; m. in South Duxbury, Samuel Somerville, of Duxbury; d. June, 1875; res. in Moretown, Vt.; had no children.

5175.   ESTHER,8 dau. of Paissell7 (2041), b. in Colchester, Conn., 6 Mar., 1792; m. in Pownal, Vt., 23 May, 1816, Salmon Whelden, b. in Colchester, 15 Feb., 1792, son of Jonathan Whelden, b. 1763, and Anna Lyman.
She d., sitting in her chair, 21 Feb., 1863; he d. 20 Jan., 1874.
For twenty years before her death she was demented — a harmless mania or melancholia. They res. in Williamstown, on the old Whelden homestead, where their son, Samuel Gridley, now res.
11313 Laura Esther Whelden,9 b. 6 May, 1817; d. 19 Sept., 1825.
11314 Salmon Lyman Whelden,9 b. 23 Jan., 1823; d. 28 Feb., 1825.
11315 Sarah Cornelia Whelden,9 b. 29 Feb., 1826; d. 17 Oct., 1867.
11316 Jonathan Lyman Whelden,9 b. 25 Mar., 1832; d. 21 Feb., 1834.
11317 Samuel Gridley,9 b. 28 Aug., 1834; m. (1) 1859, Celia Cope; she d. 1862; had one son; he m. (2) 3 May, 1864, Mary Sophia Beverley; had three children.

5176.   HOSEA,8 son of Russell7 (2041), b. in Colchester, Conn., 24 Dec., 1795; m. 21 Mar., 1821, Elizabeth Helmbold, b. in Spring Mill, Pa., May, 1796, dau. of George Helmbold and Elizabeth Scheetz.
He d. 17 Mar., 1868, aged 73; she d. 12 Sept., 1879, aged 83.
He was a wholesale grocer and commission merchant in Philadelphia, and is said to have been the first to introduce the New England cranberry into Phila­delphia and the Middle States. He left Colchester when about 21, intending to join his cousin, Henry Kellogg, in Cincinnati. He stopped in Philadelphia and remained there the balance of his life.
Children, b. in Philadelphia.
11318 George Russell,9 b. 31 Jan., 1822; m. 18 Sept., 1872, Jessie Smith, of Philadelphia; when 21 years of age he was associated with his father in business; later with his two brothers, under the firm name of H. Kellogg & Sons, of which firm he was a member at the time of his death; d. in Bryn Mawr, Pa., 17 June, 1897, where he res.; had no children.
11319 Henry Clay,9 b. 29 May, 1824; m. Amanda Elizabeth Knipe.
11320 Edward,9 b. 22 Aug., 1827; m. Elizabeth Rebecca Earley.
11321 Robert Wilson,9 b. 20 July, 1831; d. 19 Jan., 1832.
11322 Elizabeth Helmbold,9 b. 22 June, 1833; res., unm., in Bryn Mawr.
11323 Alfred Hosea,9 b. 10 Sept., 1837; was graduated from the Col­lege of New Jersey, 1859; studied theology in Princeton; ordained over Brainerd Presbyterian Church, Easton, Pa., 23 Oct., 1862;

798    The Kelloggs in the New World.

has also had settlements in New York City, Philadelphia and De­troit, Mich; retired in 1897 and res. in Bryn Mawr; now res. in The Blenheim, Philadelphia; in 1887 he delivered a course of lec­tures before the Theological Seminary, Princeton, N. J., on Abra­ham, Joseph and Moses in Egypt and published them in the same year.

5177.   ANNA,8 dau. of Russell7 (2041), b. in Colchester, Conn., 24 Dec., 1798; m. 9 Sept., 1816, Lyman Sage, b. 1794, son of Capt. Abiel Sage, of Colchester, b. 1758.
He d. 1839; she d. 16 Jan., 1888.
He was a farmer; res. in Sandisfield, Mass.
11324 Caroline Amelia Sage,9 b. 15 Sept., 1817.
11325 Esther Kellogg Sage,9 b. 22 Oct., 1819; m. Huggins.
11326 Emeline Bridges Sage,9 b. 17 Sept., 1821.
11327 Lewis Goodwin Sage,9 b. 9 Aug., 1823; m. ______; had two sons and five daus.
11328 Edwin Augustine Sage,9 b. 7 July, 1825.
11329 Sarah Maria Sage,9 b. 7 May, 1827.
11330 Emily Ann Sage,9 b. 8 June, 1829.
11331 Henry Howard Sage,9 b. 16 Mar., 1831.
11332 Lyman Burton Sage,9 b. 20 Mar., 1833.
11333 Mary Jane Sage,9 b. 6 Mar., 1835.
11334 Tryphena Lucy Sage,9 b. 22 Oct., 1839.

5179.   OREN,8 son of Nathaniel7 (2043), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 16 Jan., 1787; m. in Pownal, Vt., 1811, Laura Bacon, b. 10 May, 1790, dau. of Jacob Bacon, b. in Middletown, Conn., and Parker.
She d. 23 Feb., 1865; he d. 21 Feb., 1872.
He was a farmer in Williamstown from 1817 to '30. He was a merchant in Williamstown, Troy and Cambridge, N. Y., until 1843, when he became President of Cambridge Valley Bank, and discharged the duties of that position for eighteen years, when he resigned the office on account of his advanced age. He was an enlightened, public-spirited man and was much respected.
11335 Louise Bacon,9 b. 7 Oct., 1812; m. Martin Ingham Townsend.
11336 Electa,9 b. Sept., 1817; m. Aug., 1856, James Buell, son of Judge Horatio Buell; he was formerly cashier of the Central Bank of Troy; rem. to New York City, 1857, and was President of the Im­porters' and Traders' National Bank of New York, and an active director of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Com­pany; she d. 8 Jan., 1884; had no children.
11337 John Boyd,9 b. 16 June, 1825; m. Anna Shankland Kellogg, dau. of Palmer Vose Kellogg (+8999).

5180.   DR. NATHANIEL,8 son of Nathaniel7 (2043), b. 3 Nov., 1789; m. in Pownal, Vt., 24 Jan., 1812, Louisa Towner, dau. of Dr. William Towner, a promi-

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nent man of Williamstown, who was State Senator, Gen. of Militia, etc., and Elizabeth (Betsey) Ramsdell.
He was a physician; left Williamstown about 1810, and settled in Sodus, N. Y.
Children, b. in Sodus.
11338 William Towner,9 b. ______; d. aged 6.
11339 Orren,9 b. 1816; was a farmer near Lowell, Mich.; was killed 26 Sept., 1870, by a team running away; was unm.
11340 Louisa Mahitable,9 b. 10 July, 1817; m. Feb., 1840, Miles Hinman, of Lyons, N. Y.; d. 11 Nov., 1840; had no children.
11341 Sarah Elizabeth,9 b. ______; d. in infancy.
11342 Elizabeth Frances,9 b. 1823; res., unm., in Lowell, and later in Ada, Mich.
11343 George,9 b. 28 Jan., 1828; m. Elizabeth D. Vanduzer.
11344 Samuel Smith,9 b. 25 Feb., 1830; m. Sarah E. Spooner.

5181.   CHARLES,8 son of Nathaniel7 (2043), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 1791; m. (1) Elizabeth (Betsey) Christmas.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Laura Moore, b. in Vermont, 29 Dec., 1800, dau. of Josephus Moore and Elizabeth (Betsey) Fitch; d. in Akron, N. Y., Aug., 1832; she d. Sept., 1884.
He was a farmer and stone cutter. After his death she res. in Lockport, Ill.
11345 Charles,9 b. ______; d. imm.
11346 Mary Ann,9 b. ______; m. Seacoy; res. in Syracuse, N. Y.
11347 Jacob Brown,9 b. in Rochester, N. Y., 3 Feb., 1822; enlisted in Water­loo, Ia., 9 Aug., 1862, in Co. C, Thirty-second Reg., Iowa Volun­teers; was discharged in Memphis, Tenn., 18 May, 1865, at the close of the war; served thirty-three months; d. 10 Jan., 1893, in the Iowa Soldiers' Home, Marshalltown, Ia., and is buried in Lock­port; was a farmer and res., unm., in Waterloo.
11348 James Simons,9 b. 27 Aug., 1825; m. Mary Ann Martin.
11349 Calista Jane,9 b. in Sodus, N. Y., 8 Nov., 1827; m. John Forbes.
11350 Elizabeth Mehitabel,9 b. in Galen, 20 July, 1830; m. Hezekiah Wills.

5182.   MEHITABEL,8 dau. of Nathaniel7 (2043), b. ______; m. in Pownal, Vt., 17 Feb., 1818, Stephen Taylor Fairbank, b. in Tyringham, Mass., 14 June, 1795, son of Manassah Fairbank, b. in Sterling, Mass., 20 Aug., 1765, and Octava Taylor, b. in Coventry, Conn., 29 July, 1771. She d. 2 Oct., 1837; he d. 22 Mar., 1850.
11351 Cordelia T. Fairbank,9 b. ______; m. Henry Vanderbilt, of Lyons, N. Y., who was killed accidentally while out gunning; d. in 1851; had no children.
11352 Nathaniel Kellogg Fairbank,9 b. 20 Oct., 1829; m. 24 Apr., 1860, Helen A. Graham, dau. of John A. Graham; res. in Chicago; is the well-known packer; had six children.
11353 Sarah Ann Maria Fairbank,9 b. Sept., 1832; d. 10 Feb., 1833.

800    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5183.   ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Nathaniel7 (2043), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 19 1 Aug., 1795; m. in Pownal, Vt., 11 Jan., 1816, Jacob Bacon.
He d. in Superior, Mich., 24 May, 1863; she d. 22 May, 1866.
After his marriage he rem. to Sodus, N. Y.; in 1832 to Superior. He was a farmer.
11354 Sarah Elizabeth Bacon,9 b. 5 Jan., 1817; m. Albert Carr; he was a cabinet maker; res. in Owosso, Mich.; had seven children.
11355 Louis Amanda Bacon,9 b. 4 May, 1819; m. Hiram St. John; he was a wheelwright; had six children.
11356 Hiram Augustus Bacon,9 b. 14 Feb., 1821; m. Eleanor Vought; was a farmer; d. 10 Mar., 1851; had two children.
11357 James Henry Bacon,9 b. 20 Feb., 1824; m. Caroline Farrand; was a farmer; res. in Pontiac, Mich.; had seven children.
11358 Julia Maria Bacon,9 b. 16 Aug., 1826; was a missionary under the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions; res. in Eascowlie Hills, India; went to India Oct., 1872.
11359 Harriet Permelia Bacon,9 b. 24 Apr., 1828; m. Hiram Farrand; he was a teacher until he went into the army; was Lieut.-Col. in the war for the Union and was disabled; res. in Vineland, N. J.; had six children.
11360 Frances Kellogg Bacon,9 b. 27 Nov., 1832; m. Hiram Camp, of Super­ior; he was later a farmer in Ypsilanti; had six children.
11361 Jacob Nathaniel Bacon,9 b. 26 Apr., 1835; m. 17 Mar., 1863, Ann Maria Phillips, of Ypsilanti, dau. of Jeremiah Hart Phillips, b. 7 Oct., 1807, and Sarah Leach, b. in Torrington, Conn., 22 Sept., 1808; was a mechanic.
11362 Delia Augusta Bacon,9 b. 13 Jan., 1837; d. 3 Dec., same year.
11363 Mary Adeline Bacon,9 b. 29 Aug., 1840; d. unm., 8 May, 1866.

5184.   PAMELIA,8 dau. of Nathaniel7 (2043), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 25 July, 1801; m. 14 Apr., 1824, Daniel Fisher, b. Aug., 1789, son of Peter Fisher, of Johnstown, N. Y., b. in Perthshire, Scotland.
She d. 29 Aug., 1849.
He was a millwright; res. in Black Rock, Washington and Newstead, N. Y., and later with his son, in Sturgis, Mich.
11364 Charles Fisher,9 b. 19 May, 1826; d. about Jan., 1827.
11365 Daniel Fisher,9 b. 30 Nov., 1829; m. 16 Dec., 1857, Emma L. Lovejoy, of Boston; she d. ______; he m. (2) 19 Aug., 1869, Martha Watts, of Ypsilanti, Mich.; was in the milling business in Sturgis.
11366 Catherine Fisher,9 b. 3 Apr., 1837; m. 26 Oct., 1859, Andrew Camp­bell; res. in Ypsilanti.
11367 Anna Louise Fisher,9 b. 15 Jan., 1843; m. Henry Hamlin; res. in Toledo, O.

5185.   JAMES HENRY,8 son of Nathaniel7 (2043), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 6 May, 1804; m. in Sodus, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1830, Mary Taylor, b. in Sodus, 5 Nov., 1810, dau. of John Taylor and Anna Andros.

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In the spring of 1853 the family was removing to Minnesota, when the father, mother and three children were killed, 22 Apr., 1853, in a railroad collision, on the Lake Shore Railroad, eight miles from Chicago.
11368 John Taylor,9 b. in Clyde, N. Y., 15 June, 1831; m. Almira Farmin.
11369 James Nathaniel,9 b. in Sodus, 22 Dec., 1832; d. 27 Mar., 1846.
11370 Sarah Ann Miranda,9 b. 9 July, 1834; m. (1) in Hamburg, N. Y., 14 Oct., 1854, Stephen Jennings, b. in North Collins, N. Y., 18 July, 1829, son of John Jennings, b. in Rhode Island, and Mary Sher­man; they rem. to Hokah, Minn., where he d. 6 Jan., 1877; he was a farmer; she m. (2) 11 Nov., 1878, Dr. Samuel Galbraith Miller, b. in Beaver, Pa., 27 July, 1809; he d. 23 July, 1895; after his death she res. in Madison, Minn.; had no children.
11371 James Hayward,9 b. in Collins, 11 Feb., 1836; was killed 22 Apr., 1853, in a railroad collision, near Chicago.
11372 William Charles,9 b. in Lodi, N. Y., 2 Dec., 1837; m. Mary Ann Williams.
11373 Okrin Benjamin Southwick,9 b. in Wheatland, N. Y., 18 June, 1842; was killed, 22 Apr., 1853, in a railroad collision, near Chicago.
11374 Philander Augustus Haynes,9 b. in South Canada West, 6 July, 1846; was killed, 22 Apr., 1853, in the collision near Chicago.
11375 Augustus Philander Harmon,9 b. in South Canada West, 6 July, 1846; d. in Moulton, Canada West, 12 Oct., 1850.
11376 Mary Adelia Honora,9 b. in Wainflat, Canada West, 2 Mar., 1853; m. Plosea Allen Wightman.

5187.   JAMES KNOWLES,8 son of Nathaniel7 (2059), b. in Dalton, Mass., 17 Jan., 1800; m. (1) 9 Oct., 1834, Mary Potter Fisk, b. 1810, eldest dau. of Gen. Francis Fisk, of Cheshire, Mass., and Lydia Potter, of Schenectady, N. Y.
She d. in Pleasant Grove, Ill., 16 July, 1835; he m. (2) in Schenectady, 23 Oct., 1836, her sister, Achsah Bates Fisk, b. 13 Jan., 1815; d. in Tremont, Ill., 8 June, 1888.
He was a teacher; was graduated with honor from Union College in the class of 1827; was principal of Pittsfield Academy; rem. to Tazewell Co., Ill.
Children by second wife.
11377 Francis Fisk,9 b. 12 Nov., 1840; d. 27 Apr., 1843.
11378 Mary Fisk,9 b. in Tremont, 12 Feb., 1845; is a landscape painter, and has studied in foreign lands; res., unm., in Tremont.

5188.   REV. NATHANIEL,8 son of Nathaniel7 (2059), b. in Dalton, Mass., 1 July, 1801; m. (1) 24 Mar., 1831, Jeannette Eliza Thompson, b. in Westville, Conn., 6 Aug., 1803, dau. of Charles Thompson, of Westville, and Anna Gilbert, of Orange, Conn.
She d. in Minneapolis, 18 May, 1865; he m. (2) 28 Dec., 1873, Martha A. Foote, b. in Dalton, 25 Sept., 1825, dau. of James and Roxanna Foote; d. in Pittsfield, Mass., 26 July, 1885.
He was a Methodist Episcopal traveling minister fifty years. More than half of this period was passed in active service. She m. (2) in Pittsfield, Mass., 15 June, 1896, as his second wife, George Wells, b. in Lenox, Mass., 1825, son of Ira and Hannah Wells.

802    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children by first wife.
11379 Charles Thompson,9 b. in Haddam, Conn., 20 Nov., 1832; m. Mar­garet Stewart Kennedy.
11380 James Marshall,9 b. in Windsor, Conn., 5 June, 1835; d. in Sag Harbor, N. Y., 13 May, 1837.
11381 Nathaniel Briggs,9 b. in Sag Harbor, 21 Apr., 1838; is a miner; res. in Bishop, Cal.; is unm.
11382 John Marshall,9 b. in Wilbraham, Mass., 27 Sept., 1840; m. there, 6 Aug., 1863, Louise Antoinette Wright, of West Point, N. Y., b. in Wilbraham, dau. of Robert Russell Wright, of Wilbraham, and , Louisa Waitstill; was graduated from the Medical Department of Columbia University, New York City, 20 Feb., 1868; was prin­cipal of Athon's Greek School, New York; during the civil war he was professor in the West Point Military Academy; received hon­orary A. M. from Columbia College, 1876, and was later a prac­ticing physician in New York City; has retired from practice and res. in East Orange, N. J.; Episcopalian; Republican; has no chil­dren.

5189.   JOHN,8 son of Nathaniel7 (2059), b. in Dalton, Mass., 19 Apr., 1803; m. 15 Oct., 1828, Sarah Hubbard, b. 1805.
He d. 1 June, 1889; she d. 26 Feb., 1891. He res. in McLean, Ill.; was Justice of the Peace.
11383 Nathaniel Selleck,9 b. in Dalton, 17 July, 1829; m. Alma Lucinda Baird.
11384 John Jarvis,9 b. in Dalton, 6 Mar., 1833; d. unm., in Illinois, 31 Oct., 1854.

5190.   ELIZABETH SACKETT,8 dau. of Nathaniel7 (2059), b. in Dalton, Mass., 17 Oct., 1806; m. 3 Apr., 1839, Dr. Alanson Stockwell, b. in Rochester, Vt., 23 Dec., 1804, son of Jeremiah Stockwell, b. 25 Sept., 1765, and Chloe Chan­dler, b. 2 May, 1767.
He d. 8 Dec., 1879; she d. 9 Aug., 1884.
He was a physician and surgeon; res. in El Paso, Ill.
11385 Emily Kellogg Stockwell,9 b. 22 Oct., 1840; d. 3 July, 1841.
11386 Mary Elizabeth Stockwell,9 b. 17 Jan., 1843; m. 8 Jan., 1873, James Brooks Cooper; he is a commercial agent; res. in Waterville, O., and later in Minneapolis.
11387 Francis Kellogg Stockwell,9 b. 19 Oct., 1844; d. 27 Aug., 1846.
11388 Lucy Jeannet Stockwell,9 b. 13 Sept., 1850; m. 28 June, 1893, John C. Lewis; res. in Dwight, Ill.; had no children.

5191.   EMILY BENTON,8 dau. of Nathaniel7 (2059), b. in Dalton, Mass., 21 Apr., 1812; m. in Washington, Ill., 8 Aug., 1839, David Kern, son of Jacob Kern and Christianne Whitmer.
She d. in Bloomington, Ill., 30 Jan., 1894; he d. ______.

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Immediately after marriage they res. in Washington, where he was a mer­chant; rem. to Pekin, later to Atlanta, and in 1868 to Bloomington, Ill., in each of which places he was engaged in the banking business.
11389 Elizabeth Ann Kern,9 b. 7 June, 1840; m. 21 Dec., 1861, John Leonard Beath, of Atlanta; res. in Bloomington.
11390 Sarah Jennette Kern,9 b. 29 Sept., 1813; m. Professor Harvey C. De Morte, of the Wesleyan University, Bloomington, where they res.
11391 Harriet Emily Kern,9 b. 23 Dec., 1851; m. 30 May, 1877, Theodore Mortimer Walker; he rem. from Bloomington to Des Moines, Ia., and is in the real estate business; had three children.

5212.   LYDIA SARGEANT,8 dau. of Charles7 (2062), b. in Dalton, Mass., 8 Oct., 1813; m. as his second wife, 14 May, 1851, James Digby, b. in Stewarts, Great Stambridge, Essex, England, 30 Aug., 1810, son of James Digby, b. 24 Dec., 1779, and Rachel Wyatt, dau. of George Wyatt and Mary Bell, of Fambridge, England.
She d. 8 July, 1852; he d. 4 Apr., 1880.
He came to America in 1832. In 1833 he rem. to Pike Co., Ill., where he was a miller for a short time; became a farmer and finally a merchant in Barry, Ill. He had one child by his first wife.
Child, b. in Pittsfield, Ill.
11392 Martha L. Digby,9 b. July, 1852; d. Aug., same year.

5213.   LUCY,8 dau. of Charles7 (2062), b. in Dalton, Mass., 11 Feb., 1815; m. 13 Sept., 1836, Gordon C. Merrill, of Hinsdale, Mass., son of John Merrill, b. in Greenfield, Mass., and Tryphenia Chapin, b. in South Hadley, Mass.
He d. ______; she d. in Pittsfield, Ill., 11 Mar., 1888.
He was a cutler; res. in Hinsdale, Buffalo, New York City, Cleveland, O., and Boston.
11393 Prudence Emily Merrill,9 b. ______; d. aged about 18.
11394 Martha Ann Merrill,9 b. about 1847.
11395 John Chapin Merrill,9 b. about 1854; m. Phoebe McCord; res. in Pittsfield; had two children.
11396 Sarah Francis Merrill,9 b. ______; m. 21 May, 1867, William T. Brown; res. in Kansas City, Kas.; had four children.
11397 Lucy Merrill,9 b. ______.
11398 Gordon Merrill,9 b. ______.

5216.   CHARLES,8 son of Charles7 (2063), b. in Dalton, Mass., 23 July, 1830; m. in Pittsfield, Mass., 11 Nov., 1846, Marietta May, b. in Pittsfield, 4 Jan., 1827, dau. of Grove Pomeroy May, b. in Simsbury, Conn., 26 July, 1800, and Sibil H. Eells, b. 23 Sept., 1802.
He d. 17 Nov., 1854; she d. 23 Feb., 1882.
He was a farmer; res. in Pittsfield, where both d.
Children, b. in Pittsfield.
11399 Charles Webster,9 b. 8 Oct., 1847; m. Martha Anna Noble.
11400 Grove Pomeroy May,9 b. 20 Aug., 1849; m. Alice Helena Crane.
11401 Frank Herbert,9 b. 9 Aug., 1852; m. Sarah E. Hand.

804    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5217.   NATHANIEL,8 son of Charles7 (2062), b. in Dalton, Mass., 4 June, 1824; m. 15 Aug., 1854, Sarah N. Brown, b. 1825, dau. of Oliver and Louisa Brown.
He d. in Pittsfield, Ill., 5 Feb., 1894; she res. in Hutchinson, Kas.
He was a farmer; rem. to Illinois in 1855, and settled in Pittsfield, where he lived until his death, a kindly, industrious and respected member of the community.
11402 Charles,9 b. ______; res. in Newkirk, Oklahoma Territory.
11403 Lillie L.,9 b. ______; m. Noble Preble; res. in Omaha, Neb.; later in Hutchinson.
11404 Fred,9 b. ______; is a successful Klondike miner.

5218.   DANIEL FOOTE,8 son of Charles7 (2062), b. in Dalton, Mass., 27 Apr., 1828; m. 12 Sept., 1855, Helen Maria Ross, of Pittsfield, Ill., dau. of Col. Wil­liam Ross,* b. 24 Apr., 1792, and his second wife, Edna Adams, b. in Stephen­town, N. Y., 12 Nov., 1800.
They res. in Chicago.
Children, b. in Pittsfield.
11405 William Ross,9 b. 26 Oct., 1857; was graduated from Illinois College, Jacksonville, 1897; is a journalist; res., unm., in Jamestown, N. D.
11406 Anna Maria,9 b. 10 Oct., 1861; m. E. V. Quinley, of Madison, Wis.; he is in the Wisconsin Savings and Loan Society.
11407 Edna Patty,9 b. 21 Feb., 1873; she is a teacher.

5219.   MARTHA ANN,8 dau. of Charles7 (2062), b. in Dalton, Mass., 17 June. 4 1830; m. 10 Aug., 1848, Marcellus Ross, b. in Atlas, Ill., 11 Nov., 1824, the first male child b. in Pike Co., son of Col. William Ross,* b. 24 Apr., 1792.
For several years he was editor and one-half owner of the Pike County Free Press in Pittsfield, Ill.; was afterward engaged in woolen manufacturing. He enlisted in 1862, in the Ninety-ninth Illinois Infantry, of which he was commissioned Adjutant, by Gov. Richard Yates. He rem. to San Jose, Cal., in 1881, where the family still res.
Children, b. in Pittsfield.
11408 Henry Jay Ross,9 b. 3 June, 1850.
11409 Charles Kellogg Ross,9 b. 28 Feb., 1852.
11410 William Gay Ross,9 b. 9 July, 1854.
11411 Lillie Maria Ross,9 b. 3 May, 1856.
11412 Frank Carter Ross,9 b. 20 Mar., 1858.
11413 Martha Hannah Ross,9 b. 4 Aug., 1860.

5221.   DAVID,8 son of Russell7 (2065), b. in Essex, Vt., 2 Nov., 1796; m. 1 Jan., 1824, Tabitha H. Tyler.
He d. 26 Apr., 1844; is buried in Essex; she d. in Oberlin, O., about 1870.
He was a farmer in Essex. He was a Constable for many years; was a lead­ing man; a singer, and, it is said, played the bass viol in the Congregational Meeting House in Essex. After his death she lived in Oberlin.

*See 5214.

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11414 A Son,9 b. 24 Oct., 1824; d. same day.
11415 George Wheeler,9 b. about 1827; d. unm., in Essex, 3 Dec., 1853.
11416 A Son,9 b. 1 Mar., 1830; d. same day.
11417 Alvah,9 b. ______; m. ______; d. about 1870; had one son; she m. (2) and moved to Illinois or Indiana, and further record is lost.

5222.   DOLLY,8 dau. of Russell7 (2065), b. in Essex, Vt., 2 Nov., 1796; m. 24 July, 1817, Stephen Tubbs.
Children, b. in Essex.
11418 Cordelia Tubbs,9 b. ______; m. Carlos Tichout; had three children.
11419 Russell Tubbs,9 b. Oct., 1825; m. Susan Henry, of Westford, Vt.; had four children.
11420 Rufus Tubbs,9 b. ______.
11421 David Rising Tubbs,9 b. 2 Sept., 1827; m. (1) 9 Mar., 1854, Sarah Sophronia Goodrich; (2) Miss Stoddard; d. ______.

5223.   LUCY,8 dau. of Russell7 (2065), b. in Essex, Vt., 13 Oct., 1798; m. 21 May, 1823, George Whitney, b. in Petersham, Mass., 12 Feb., 1800, son of Simon Whitney and Lucy Hammond.
She d. 10 Sept., 1851; he m. (2) 12 Mar., 1852, Mrs. Emeline Tyler; d. 24 Nov., 1882; res. in Shelbume, Vt.
11422 Julia Anne Whitney,9 b. 29 Feb., 1824; d. unm., Nov., 1843.
11423 Charles Kellogg Whitney,9 b. 4 June, 1828; m. (1) Hannah P. Hasel­ton; (2) Chastina Hodge.

5226.   NELSON,8 son of Russell7 (2065), b. in Essex, Vt., 29 Dec., 1805; m. 29 Dec., 1835, Evalina Charlotte Fellows, b. in Sandy Hill, N. Y., 24 Jan., 1808, dau. of Silas Fellows and Mary Sherwood.
He d. in Essex, 18 May, 1880. After his death she res. in Whittier, Cal.
Children, b. in Essex.
11424 Mary Elizabeth,9 b. 13 Nov., 1836; m. in Essex, 19 Apr., 1860, Henry Franklin Griffin, her second cousin, b. 17 Sept., 1832, son of Or­lando Bronson Griffin and Hannah Kellogg Thompson (5260); he was in the battle of Gettysburg, in Co. C, Twelfth Vermont Volun­teers; res. in Whittier; had no children.
11425 Fanny Cornelia,9 b. 4 Feb., 1839; m. Osceola Hardy Kyle.
✛11426 Louise Gertrude,9 b. 2 May, 1841; d. in Essex, 18 Feb., 1854.
✛11427 Abiel Faxon,9 b. 15 June, 1846; d. unm., in Essex, 5 May, 1870.
11428 David Sherwood,9 b. 21 Oct., 1847; m. Elizabeth Stafford Smith.

5228.   NANCY,8 dau. of Russell7 (2065), b. in Essex, Vt., 12 Mar., 1809; m. 12 Mar., 1839, John Sibley, of Westford, Vt. She d. in Winooski, Vt., 13 June, 1885.
11429 Huldah Ann Sibley,9 b. ______; m. in 1865, Carlos C. Martin, of West Ferrisburg, Vt.; had three children.

806    The Kelloggs in the New World.

11430 Ebenezer Kellogg Sibley,9 b. ______; m. ______; d. 1890; enlisted in Co. G, Second Vermont Volunteers; was in the first battle of Bull Run; was discharged for disability; recovered and again enlisted in Co. M, First Vermont Cavalry; was captured and confined in Libby Prison; at the close of the war he was Capt. and Brevet Maj.
11431 George Whitney Sibley,9 b. ______; m. (1) Woodward; (2) T. Sanders; enlisted in the civil war; was Orderly Sergt. of Co. M First Vermont Cavalry and served till the end of the war; res. in Los Angeles, Cal.
11432 John Nelson Sibley,9 b. ______; d. unm., ______; enlisted in the war and served in Co. G, Ninth Vermont Volunteers; was taken pris­oner at Harpers Ferry; d. from exposure and hardship in the war.
11433 Benjamin Franklin Sibley,9 b. ______; m. Lucia Hill; res. in Williams­town, Vt.
11434 Hiram Beach Sibley,9 b. ______; m. Mary Wheeler, of Burlington, Vt.; d. in Winooski, 1876; received the degree of A. B. from the University of Vermont, in 1873, and of M. D. in 1875, but was unable to enter active practice, owing to ill health; had no children.

5229.   ELIZA,8 dau. of Russell7 (2065), b. in Essex, Vt., 17 June, 1811; m. 28 Sept., 1842, John Faxon, b. in Washington, N. H., 23 Feb., 1808, son of Francis Faxon and Dorcas Wild.
She d. 17 Feb., 1860; he m. (2) 17 Dec., 1863, Sarah Fulham; d. 23 May, 1873.
He was a farmer; was brought up by an uncle in Boston; rem. to Burlington, where he remained a few years, and then rem. to Essex, where he res. twenty-five years; rem. from there to Milton, Vt.
Children, b. in Essex.
11435 Charlotte Eveline Faxon,9 b. 2 Dec., 1843; m. in Oscaloosa, Ia., 29 Dec., 1868, Jeremiah Francis Everett; res. in Oscaloosa; had five chil­dren.
11436 George Kellogg Faxon,9 b. 1 Oct., 1846; d. 1848.
11437 Jeanette Eliza Faxon,9 b. 3 Nov., 1850; d. unm., in Oscaloosa, 12 Oct., 1895.
11438 Laura Wild Faxon,9 b. 4 July, 1853; d. unm., in Rock Island, Ill., 3 May, 1875.

5238.   ALBERT,8 son of David7 (2067), b. in Massena, N. Y. 26 Mar., 1811; m. Nancy McDonald.
11439 Laura Adosia,9 b. 22 Aug., 1833; m. Rev. M. Martin; d. 28 Aug., 1870.
11440 Elizabeth,9 b. 2 July, 1834; m. Royal Hance; res. in Pecatonica, Ill.; had three children.
11441 Susan Ann,9 b. 5 Mar., 1835; m. Pond; res. in Massachusetts.
11442 Nancy M.,9 b. 14 Apr., 1837; m. Cyrus B. Judd.
11443 Albert,9 b. ______; d. aged 18 months.
11444 John B.,9 b. ______.

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11445 Albert,9 b. ______.
11446 Madison,9 b. ______; d. ______.
11447 Wealthy,9 b. ______; m. Locke; res. in Brasher Falls, N. Y.

5239.   CHESTER,8 son of David7 (2067), b. in Massena, N. Y., 17 Apr., 1813; m. 11 Apr., 1844, Lucinda Matilda Seaton, dau. of Willard Seaton and Susan Young.
He d. in the house of his eldest dau., in Massena, Ia., 6 Feb., 1886. He was a farmer; res. in Massena, N. Y.
Children, b. in Massena.
11448 Elvira Lucretia,9 b. 29 May, 1846; m. Oren Stone.
11449 Mary Henrietta,9 b. 2 Jan., 1848; m. Martin Smith.
11450 Alice Lauretta,9 b. 26 Oct., 1849; m. Adolphus McGraw.
11451 Charles Alonzo,9 b. 30 Nov., 1850; m. Florilla Barnes.
11452 Ada Susan,9 b. 27 Oct., 1857; m. 18 Jan., 1888, Ira Shoudy, b. 12 Nov., 1847, son of Hiram Shoudy and Catherine Wideman; had no children.

5253.   ORLANDO,8 son of Deacon Otis7 (2071), b. in Essex, Vt., 11 Nov., 1807; m. 24 Nov., 1825, Mary Ann Place, b. 15 Aug., 1807, in New York, but reared in Vermont.
He d. in Butler Co., Ia., 3 Aug., 1886; she d. in Earlville, Ill., 19 May, 1889.
He was a farmer; rem. from Essex to Geneva, Ill., 1840; in 1867, to Butler Co., Ia., where he d.
Children, first seven b. in Essex.
11453 Leander Post,9 b. 4 Aug., 1826; m. Harriet Melissa Hutchinson.
11454 Jerusha,9 b. 1 Feb., 1828; m. (1) Asa Stevens; (2) William J. Mc­Inroy; (3) Swain Monson.
11455 Lucius,9 b. 26 Dec., 1829; m. Emily Marie Manning.
11456 Harlow,9 b. 7 Mar., 1832; d. 5 Mar., 1835.
11457 Mabel Maria,9 b. 17 Feb., 1834; m. Benjamin Nichols.
11458 Nancy Electa,9 b. 15 May, 1836; m. William Waite.
11459 John Wesley,9 b. 7 Sept., 1838; m. Caroline E. Taylor.
11460 Lucy Whitney,9 b. 25 Mar., 1841; m. 9 Mar., 1865, Harrison Thomp­son; d. in Shell Rock, Ia., 26 Apr., 1884; had no children.
11461 Mary Ann,9 b. 7 July, 1846; d. in Sycamore, Ill., 28 July, 1851.

5269.   SHUBAEL OTIS,8 son of Seth Bartlett7 (2079), b. 13 Dec., 1803; m. 30 Dec., 1827, Emily Anna Beardsley, b. 12 May, 1809, dau. of John Wells Beardsley, b. 3 July, 1776, of Goshen, N. Y., and Elizabeth Bull Tuthill, b. 19 Nov., 1784.
He d. 1 Oct., 1878.
He was the author of two pamphlets on his branch of the family in 1869, and '70; was a banker, connected with the Mechanics' National Bank, of New York.
11462 Richard Henry,9 b. in New York City, 29 Oct., 1829; m. Adeline Josephine Coon.
11463 Frances Victoria,9 b. in Orange, N. J., 4 May, 1831; m. Charles Johannes Walker.

808    The Kelloggs in the New World.

11464 Eusebius Allan,9 b. 2 Feb., 1833; m. Ophelia Lockwood.
11465 John Wells,9 b. 10 June, 1835; d. 17 Oct., 1847.
11466 Emily Adelaide,9 b. 2 July, 1846; d. 15 Nov., 1849.

5270.   SIMON WATTLES,8 son of Seth Bartlett7 (2079), b. 5 Oct., 1805; m. about 1833, Caroline Tiebout.
He d. Feb., 1856.
He was a merchant in New Harmony, Ind.; rem. to Texas in 1845. His sons were pressed into the Confederate army and d. or were killed.
11467 Frank,9 b. May, 1834; d. in the Confederate army.
11468 Carrie,9 b. May, 1836; d. in infancy.
11469 Charles,9 b. 22 Feb., 1840; m. Thompson; d. soon after.
11470 Emily Cornelia,9 b. ______; d. young.
11471 Henry,9 b. ______; d. in the Confederate army.

5273.   JOHN DENIS,8 son of Seth Bartlett7 (2079), b. 19 July, 1811; m. 13 Sept., 1837, Betsey Ann Warren.
11472 Frances Ann,9 b. 24 Sept., 1838.
11473 Sarah Warren,9 b. 10 Apr., 1841; d. young.
11474 John D.,9 b. 23 Aug., 1843; d. young.
11475 Jane Maria,9 b. 8 Feb., 1846; d. young.
11476 Jane Maria,9 b. 8 Feb., 1847; m. _______ Van Alstine; had two sons and a dau.
11477 John D.,9 b. 9 Sept., 1853.

5274.   HENRY AUGUSTUS,8 son of Seth Bartlett7 (2079), b. in Hebron, in Conn., 29 Nov., 1813; m. 31 Aug., 1837, Delia Eldridge.
She res. in Baltimore, Md.
11478 James Henry,9 b. 25 May, 1838; m. Oct., 1868, Ursula Ballard; d. 1890.
11479 Josephine Augusta,9 b. 11 Jan., 1841; m. (1) _______ Furzman; had one son; m. (2) Gilbert Eraser, a British officer; had one dau.
11480 Jane May,9 b. 21 Sept., 1850; d. ______.

5276.   CHARLES,8 son of Seth Bartlett7 (2079), b. 14 Apr., 1818; m. 18 Oct., 1849, Malinda E. Gager.
Res. in Syracuse, N. Y.
11481 Ernest C.,9 b. 24 Feb., 1852.
11482 May H.,9 b. 22 May, 1855; d. 16 May, 1863.
11483 Alice E.,9 b. 30 May, 1858; m. Webb; went to Cincinnati; they were divorced; she res. in Syracuse.

5277.   SAMUEL,8 son of Seth Bartlett7 (2079), b. 8 Sept., 1820; m. 4 Jan., 1842, Sarah Mitchell, b. 14 June, 1825, dau. of James Mitchell and Lucinda Markham.

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He d. in Syracuse, N. Y., 5 May, 1890; they res. in Fayetteville and Syracuse.
Children, first four b. in Fayetteville, others in Manlius, N. Y.
11484 Frances Sarah,9 b. 16 Nov., 1843; m. 12 Jan., 1874, Truman G. Grif­fith; was a hop merchant; d. 19 Oct., 1878; res. in Syracuse; had 1 no children.
11485 Seth Bartlett,9 b. 29 Oct., 1847; served in the civil war; enlisted in Feb., 1865, in Co. B, Sixteenth Reg., New York Volunteer Infantry; was discharged Feb., 1868; served in the United States Army from 1868 to '69; re-enlisted 1869 and went to Montana; I served five years in Co. D, Seventh Infantry; was discharged 1874; was an upholsterer; res. in Lakeview, Or., where he was a sheep-shearer and miner; is an undertaker; a Republican; is unm., and res. with his mother in Syracuse.
11486 Mary Angeline,9 b. 31 Jan., 1850; m. Eben Lee Applegate.
11487 Charles Henry,9 b. 2 Oct., 1851; m. Domitilo Santoyo.
11488 Wattles Mitchell,9 b. 19 Nov., 1854; d. 14 June, 1873.
11489 William David,9 b. 17 Nov., 1859; res. in Fayetteville; d. 9 Mar., 1879.

5281.   HENRY WATROUS,8 son of Otis7 (2081), b. in Colchester, Conn., 5 Dec., 1822; m. May, 1861, Elizabeth Carlisle.
He was in the blacksmith and hardware business. He spent his boyhood in Cazenovia, N. Y.; went to California Jan., 1850; res. in Spanish Ranch; is divorced.
11490 Genevieve,9 b. ______.
11491 John Watrous,9 b. 3 May, 1866; m. Julia Belle Chaffee.
11492 Charles Dennison,9 b. 7 Oct., 1868; m. 28 Dec., 1892, Emily Good­win Stuart, b. 21 Apr., 1867, dau. of Professor George Stuart, b. 14 Oct., 1831, and Emily Spilsbury Barclay, b. 1 Feb., 1835. (Pro­fessor Stuart was for forty years professor of Latin in the Philadel­phia High School; was of Scotch descent.) He rem. to Syracuse, N. Y., in early youth and attended Syracuse University; is a re­markable "bird warbler," and, with his wife, an accomplished singer, is engaged in giving concerts; res. in Philadelphia.

5282.   LYDIA BARTLETT,8 dau. of Otis7 (2081), b. in Colchester, Conn., 18 Apr., 1834; m. 25 Sept., 1844, Stephen Newton, Jr., b. 2 Dec., 1820, son of Stephen Newton, b. 13 June, 1782, and Achsah Smith, b. 23 July, 1786.
He is a farmer; res. in Cazenovia, N. Y., upon a farm of two hundred acres, which he has owned for fifty years.
11493 Mary Emma Newton,9 b. 17 Oct., 1855; m. 12 June, 1877, Edgar J. Perkins; res. in Cazenovia.
11494 Warren Kellogg Newton,9 b. 17 Feb., 1857; res. on the farm with his parents.

5283.   CAROLINE PARSONS,8 dau. of Otis7 (2081), b. in Colchester, Conn.,

810    The Kelloggs in the New World.

31 Mar., 1826; m. 11 Mar., 1855, Christopher Becker, b. in Hanover, Germany, 2 Feb., 1832.
He d. in Vine Valley, N. Y., 18 Aug., 1896.
He came to the United States in 1849; res. in Syracuse until 1884, when he rem. to Vine Valley. He was a die sinker and engraver.
11495 Frederick Becker,9 (adopted 14 Aug., 1869), b. 4 Aug., 1863.

5285.   MARY ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Otis7 (2081), b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., 8 May, 1831; m. 13 May, 1849, Alvah Sweetland, b. 26 Jan., 1826, son of Jamin Sweetland,* b. 31 Mar., 1791, and Eunice Phillipps, b. 16 Aug., 1793.
He is a carpenter; res. in Memphis and later in Marcellus Falls, N. Y.
11496 Henry Jamin Sweetland,9 b. 11 Nov., 1852; m. 12 May, 1881, Diana Morey; d. 15 June, 1894; had three children.
11497 John Osborn Sweetland,9 b. 8 Dec., 1862; is a railroad conductor; is unm.
11498 Benjamin Sweetland,9 b. 9 Apr., 1866; d. 19 Aug., same year.

5286.   CHARLES DENNISON,8 son of Otis7 (2081), b. in Colchester, Conn., 26 Apr., 1835; m. (1) in Auburn, N. Y., 2 July, 1861, Sarah Vanhooser, b. Apr., 1840.
He was divorced in 1875; m. (2) 24 May, 1881, Estelle Aurelia Crowell, b. 14 Mar., 1857, dau. of Charles Henry Crowell, b. 18 Jan., 1830, and Aurelia Ann Taylor, b. 18 Apr., 1834.
He is a tinsmith; rem. to California, 1874; res. in Spanish Ranch. Child by first wife.
11499 William Henry,9 b. 11 Nov., 1867; d. 7 Nov., 1869.
Child by second wife.
11500 Adele Edna,9 b. 20 May, 1885.

5287.   SAGE,8 son of Wells7 (2085), b. in Oswegatchie, N. Y., 6 Apr., 1796; m. (1) in Rochester, N. Y., 24 Aug., 1824, Phinity Whitney, b. 11 Dec., 1806.
She d. 9 Sept., 1846; he m. (2) 14 Feb., 1854, Sarah Ann Burgett, b. 8 Jan., 1818; d. 2 Jan., 1867; she d. 1 Sept., 1872.
He was a lawyer in Ashland, O., where he went, with his father, in 1818, and where he remained until his death.
Child by first wife, b. in Ashland.
11501 Bolivar Wells,9 b. 23 May, 1825; m. Caroline C. Jackson.
✛11502 Flora Whitney,9 b. 15 Apr., 1827; m. Gen. Orlow Smith.
11503 Elizabeth,9 b. 7 Mar., 1829; d. 29 Jan., 1839.
11504 Aura,9 b. 15 Nov., 1831; m. 17 Feb., 1851, Dr. James S. Boise; d. 16 July, 1853; he d. Apr., 1888; had no children.
11505 Tacy,9 b. 21 Apr., 1834; res. in Cleveland, O.; d. there, 10 Apr., 1897; was an invalid for thirty-three years.
11506 George Altaro,9 b. 15 Oct., 1836; m. Maria Rebecca Goss.

*Jamin was son of Benjamin Sweetland, and was named by simply using the last syllables of his father's name.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    811

11507 Myra,9 b. 11 June, 1839; m. Henry Abiel Canfield.
11508 Charles Burr,9 b. 7 Dec., 1841; m. Mary Sophia Hill.
Children by second wife, b. in Ashland.
11509 I,9 b. 11 Sept., 1855; m. 14 Oct., 1886, Joseph Patterson, b. in Sa­vannah, O., 18 Oct., 1843, son of John Patterson, b. 18 Jan., 1810, in the Parish of Midmar, Aberdeen, Scotland, and Christian Law­son, b. 22 Nov., 1820, in the Parish of Tough, Aberdeen, Scotland; he is a banker in Ashland; had no children.
11510 Willis Sage,9 b. 24 Mar., 1857; m. Elizabeth Lillian McMonigal.

5290.   DR. BURR,8 son of Wells7 (2085), b. in Oswegatchie, N. Y., 10 Feb., 1804; m. 27 July, 1834, Juliette Andrews, b. 13 Oct., 1810, dau. of Noah An­drews, b. 19 Mar., 1782, of Worthington, O., and Ruth Griswold, b. 23 Aug., 1790, niece of Bishop Griswold.
He d. 17 July, 1863; she d. 17 Dec., 1873.
He was a respected physician of Cleveland, and later of Ashland, where he practiced about thirty years.
11511 Wells,9 b. 11 Aug., 1835; m. Matilda Ann Sutton.
11512 Charles,9 b. Apr., 1838; d. 13 Aug., 1839.
11513 Hiram,9 b. Jan., 1840; d. 10 Aug., 1841.
11514 Jane,9 b. 9 Oct., 1842; m. as his second wife, 28 Oct., 1884, Thomas William Jefferson Long, b. 12 Oct., 1826; he d. 9 Nov., 1891, at a Masonic banquet in Chicago; she had no children.
11515 Hiram Andrews,9 b. in Ashland. 11 Feb., 1844; m. Elsie Cevilla Wil­lard.
11516 Augustus Burr,9 b. 9 Feb., 1846; m. (1) Jennie Martha Hershey; (2) Anna Carpenter Grove.
11517 Frank Rollin,9 b. 12 June, 1848; m. (1) in Goliad, Tex., 5 Jan., 1882, Julia Ellen Dill; she d. in Woodville, Tex., 22 Apr., 1882; he m. (2) 25 Mar., 1887, Mrs. Jane Miller; served in the civil war in the Second Ohio Cavalry; was a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute of Troy, N. Y.; was a lawyer of Salem, Or.; had no chil­dren.
11518 Mary Sophia,9 b. in Ashland, 15 May, 1854; m. George Henry Picard.

5291.   TACY,8 dau. of Wells7 (2085), b. in Redfield, N. Y., 21 Nov., 1806; m. in Buffalo, N. Y., 30 Aug., 1824, George B. Tibbetts, b. in Schenectady, N. Y., 9 July, 1795, son of John Tibbetts, b. about 1773, and Elizabeth Van Vorce.
She d. 14 July, 1850; he d. in Cleveland, O., 23 June, 1866. He was Justice of the Peace in Cleveland for more than eighteen years.
11519 George W. Tibbetts,9 b. in Troy, N. Y., 2 Jan., 1830; m. 6 Dec., 1855, Elizabeth A. Rudman; was a patent attorney and an engraver in Cleveland.
11520 Elizabeth Tibbetts,9 b. in Cleveland, 19 May, 1833; m. 23 Apr., 1857, Horace Edward Dakin; he was a tinner in Cleveland.
11521 Mary K. Tibbetts,9 b. in Cleveland, 30 Mar., 1835.
11522 Henry B. Tibbetts,9 b. in Cleveland, 21 June, 1838; m. 1865, Fanny Castella; was a wood engraver in Cleveland.

812    The Kelloggs in the New World.

11523 Ellen Tibbetts,9 b. 10 July, 1844; m. 28 Apr., 1863, Charles E. Sawyer; he was a carpenter in Los Angeles, Cal.
11524 Tacy K. Tibbetts,9 b. 13 July, 1850; d. 17 Sept., same year.

5292.   JANE,8 dau. of Wells7 (2085), b. 4 Nov., 1809; m. William Shepard, of Cleveland, O.
She d. 30 June, 1842.
11525 Ellen Mary Shepard,9 b. 6 Mar., 1834; d. 10 Aug., 1839.

5293.   JULIA ANN,8 dau. of Silas7 (2086), b. in Wilmington, Vt., 6 Oct., 1808; m. 29 June, 1828, Charles Kellogg Field (8872), b. in Newfane, Vt., 24 Apr., 1803, son of Hon. Martin Field and Esther Smith Kellogg (+3780), b. 25 Feb., 1780.
He d. in Brattleboro, Vt., 16 Sept., 1880; she d. in Montpelier, Vt., 9 Apr., 1886.
He fitted for college in Amherst, Mass., and was graduated from Middlebury College in 1822. After studying law three years in his father's office in Newfane, he was admitted to the bar in 1825. He rem. to Wilmington in 1828; to New­fane, in 1829; to Brattleboro, in 1861. He served several terms in the Legis­lature of Vermont, and occupied several other public offices. He was a kind­hearted and generous man, full of ready wit, of broad information and highly esteemed.
Children, first three b. in Wilmington, last two in Newfane.
11526 Julia Kellogg Field,9 b. 14 Oct., 1829; m. 15 Jan., 1861, Col. Elisha Payne Jewett, of Montpelier, b. in Lebanon, N. H., 1801; he was a banker; she d. 30 Dec., 1890; had one dau.
11527 Martin Fidd,9 b. 24 Sept., 1831; d. in Missouri, 3 Sept., 1861.
11528 Esther Sophia Field,9 b. 5 Jan., 1834; d. 17 Apr., 1837.
11529 Mary Hubbard Field,9 b. 5 Aug., 1839; m. 1 June, 1868, Henry C. Willard, of Brattleboro; res. in Greenfield, Mass.; had one son.
11530 Henry Kellogg Field,9 b. 8 June, 1848; m. 25 Nov., 1872, Kate L. Daniels, of Hartford, Conn., dau. of Lorenzo Daniels and Elizabeth Amelia Case; was graduated from Amherst College, 1869; prac­ticed law in Montpelier; is now in the insurance business in San Francisco; has six children.

5294.   MARY,8 dau. of Silas7 (2086), b. in Wilmington, Vt., 5 May, 1810; m. 31 July, 1831, Prescott Lathrop, b. 31 Jan., 1810, son of Luther Lathrop, b. in Tolland, Conn., 5 Oct., 1766, and Lucy Heartwell, b. 6 June, 1776. She d. 28 June, 1843; he d. 4 Sept., 1859. He was a cabinet maker; res. in Wilmington.
11531 Luther H. Lathrop,9 b. 20 July, 1832; res. in New York City; was clerk of the Western Union Telegraph Company; d. in Brooklyn.
11532 Lucy Sophia Lathrop,9 b. 24 Oct., 1835; d. 16 Aug., 1842.
11533 Mary Jane Lathrop,9 b. 24 Nov., 1838; m. 28 Oct., 1861, Erastus T. Myers, of New York City; d. 10 Aug., 1867; had one child.

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5295.   HENRY,8 son of Silas7 (2086), b. in Wilmington, Vt., 29 Nov., 1811; m. 29 Nov., 1840, Hannah Reed Goddard, b. 23 Oct., 1815, dau. of Ebenezer God­dard, of Roxbury, Mass., and Susanna, dau. of Louis and Susanna Channell, of Boston.
She d. 19 May, 1860; he d. 19 Apr., 1899.
He res. in Rosbury, where he was for twenty-two years, a dry goods mer­chant; was collection clerk in the Washington National Bank, Boston, from 1851 to 31 Dec., 1895, when he was retired by the directors, after a service of forty-four years.
Children, b. in Boxbury.
11534 Henry,9 b. 22 May, 1843; m. Lottie Margaret Pratt.
11535 Wells Goddard,9 b. 30 Apr., 1845; m. 15 Feb., 1878, Nellie W. Rey­nolds, of Phoenix, Mich.; enlisted in the "one hundred day men," in Co. H, of the Sixth Reg., Massachusetts Infantry, 16 July, 1864; was mustered out 27 Oct., 1864; this regiment was famous for its march through Baltimore in 1861; at the time of his death he was in the employ of the Calumet and Hecla Mining Company, of Calumet, Mich., and visited Honduras, C. A., in the copper in­terest; was drowned by the upsetting of a boat in the Chinta River, two days previous to his contemplated return home; d. 9 Aug., 1884; had no children.
11536 Charles Field,9 b. 27 Sept., 1847; m. Carrie Isabelle Masury.
11537 Ebenezer Goddard,9 b. 17 Sept., 1850; d. 12 June, 1852.
11538 George Gilbert,9 b. 4 Sept., 1853; m. Nellie Mary Johonnott.
11539 Annah Reed,9 b. 7 Jan., 1858; m. Dr. Charles Wayland Drew.

5297.   ALTHEA JANE,8 dau. of Silas7 (2086), b. in Oswegatchie, N. Y., 23 July, 1816; m. 11 Oct., 1840, Nathaniel Jennison, Jr., of Orange, Mass., b. 19 June, 1819, son of Nathaniel Jennison, b. in Sutton, Mass., 7 Dec., 1778, and Catherine Sibley, b. in Oxford, Mass., 24 July, 1780.
He is a farmer; res. in South Orange, Mass. The old homestead was, in 1897, owned by John W. Wheeler, the sewing machine manufacturer.
11540 Sophia A. Jennison,9 b. 27 Sept., 1841; m. in Athol, Mass., 17 June, 1863, Franklin Augustus Brazer, a mechanic; res. in Orange.
11541 Francis Marcellus Jennison,9 b. 21 Sept., 1842; m. in Athol, 14 Dec., 1872, Alice Jane Battle, b. 24 June, 1847; enlisted 28 Dec., 1864, in Co. C, Twenty-sixth Reg., New York Volunteer Cavalry; was discharged 30 June, 1865; res. in Orange.
11542 Marshall Newell Jennison,9 b. 8 Sept., 1844; d. unm., 14 Mar., 1874.
11543 Ellen Maria Jennison,9 b. 26 June, 1846; m. in Orange, 29 Sept., 1875, William Henry Lee, b. 25 June, 1850; he is a mechanic.
11544 Charles Henry Jennison,9 b. 30 Apr.; 1848; d. 16 Mar., 1861.
11545 Caroline Jane Jennison,9 b. 16 Feb., 1857; m. in Hinsdale, N. H., 11 Jan., 1877, Walter Royal Phinney, b. 10 Oct., 1852; he is a me­chanic.

5298.   CHARLES WELLS,8 son of Silas7 (2086), b. in Oswegatchie, N. Y., 24 Dec., 1819; m. 2 May, 1843, Louisa Dudley Robinson, b. 3 Nov., 1820, dau. of Sanford Mason Robinson, b. 7 Mar., 1790, and Polly Steton, b. 11 July, 1796.

814    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. in Tomah, Wis., 25 Oct., 1876.
He entered the itinerant ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in June, 1845, but gave up preaching on account of failing health. He later res. in Tomah.
11546 Mary Louisa,9 b. in Wilmington, Vt., 4 Mar., 1844; m. William Hubert Wright.
11547 Charles Henry,9 b. in North Wardsboro, Vt., 19 May, 1847; m. Kate Reikie.
11548 Francis Asbury,9 b. in Chelsea, Vt., 31 July, 1853; is unm.
11549 Martha Robinson,9 b. in Waitsfield, Vt., 10 Sept., 1854; d. in Tomah, 14 Feb., 1865.
11550 Frederick Eugene,9 b. in Tomah, 15 Feb., 1859; d. there, 7 Nov., 1865.

5299.   REV. SILAS GEORGE,8 son of Silas7 (2086), b. in Oswegatchie, N. Y., 24 Mar., 1823; m. 14 Mar., 1847, Loraou Brigham, of Wardsboro, Vt., b. 16 Feb., 1828, dau. of William C. Brigham, b. in Marlboro, Mass., 7 Aug., 1795, and Lydia B. Rice, b. in Northboro, Mass., 12 Apr., 1796.
He d. in Hudson, N. H., 21 Dec., 1891; after his death she res. in Hudson. He was a Methodist minister for over forty years. His field of work was in Vermont and New Hampshire. He held many important pastorates and posi­tions in the New Hampshire Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church and d. suddenly while pastor in Hudson. He was a member of the Christian Com­mission during the civil war; saw several months' service under that body, and was in the Wilderness campaign.
11551 George Newell,9 b. in Wardsboro, Vt., 2 July, 1848; m. Alice An­thony.
11552 William Channing,9 b. in Norwich, Vt., 11 July, 1850; m. Emma Jane Lewis.
11553 Charles Prescott Forbush,9 b. in New Ipswich, N. H., 24 Oct., 1856; m. Nellie Frances Burnham.
11554 Frederick Brigham,9 b. in Claremont, N. H., 9 July, 1866; m. Mary Kyle.
11555 Florence Sophia,9 b. ______; m. in Lawrence, Mass., 26 June, 1898, Howard N. Abbott, b. in Concord, N. H., 1870, son of John F. Abbott and Arvilla Elliott; res. in Hudson, N. H.

5314.   GARRETT BROWER,8 son of Tracy7 (2089), b. in Otsego, N. Y., 22 Apr., 1819; m. about 1841, Amanda Kenyon, b. in Otsego Co., N. Y., 27 Feb., 1820.
He d. 31 Aug., 1887; she was living in 1897.
11556 Tracy A.,9 b. 3 Sept., 1842; d. 24 July, 1863; he entered the Four­teenth United States Infantry, 4 Mar., 1862, and was engaged in all of the important actions of the Army of the Potomac from that period; he was known and esteemed by the entire regiment, bear­ing the same unblemished character he had sustained at home; he laid upon the field of Gettysburg two days with a fractured ankle before receiving attention; his leg was amputated; he survived the operation three weeks.

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5320.   FRANCES MARIA,8 dau. of John7 (2093), b. in Otsego, N. Y., 21 June, 1815; m. 18 Nov., 1810, her cousin, Isaac Kellogg Williams (5308), son of Hon. Isaac Williams and Elisheba Kellogg (2088), dau. of Ezekiel Kellogg.
He d. in Cooperstown, N. Y., 23 June, 1897, aged 85.
He was a printer. He was, at one time, one of the editors and proprietors of the Otsego Republican. Since 1842 he had been connected with the office of Freeman's Journal of Cooperstown.
They celebrated their golden wedding, in Cooperstown, 18 Nov., 1890, amid the congratulations of their friends and relatives, he receiving in the dress coat and ruffles which he had worn, fifty years before, upon the occasion of his mar­riage. He celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday by setting and distributing 5000 ems of type in a trifle over nine hours.
They res. in Cooperstown; were highly esteemed by their fellow townspeople.
11557 Mary Amanda Williams,9 b. ______.

5321.   ALONZO,8 son of John7 (2093), b. on the Kellogg homestead, in Coop­erstown, N. Y., 22 Oct., 1817; m. 1 Jan., 1852, Phoebe Jane Palmer, b. 14 Apr., 1831, dau. of Ransaler Palmer, b. 10 Nov., 1801, and Olive Green, b. 8 Feb., 1802, of Roseboom, N. Y.
She d. in Bainbridge, N. Y., 6 Nov., 1874.
He was a farmer and hotel proprietor; res. on the Kellogg homestead, near Cooperstown until about 1852, when he rem. to Westford, N. Y., and became pro­prietor of a hotel. He subsequently res. in Cooperstown and Cobleskill, N. Y., until 1868, when he rem. to Blandinsville, Ill., and in Jan., 1897, to La Harpe, Ill.
Children, b. in Westford, N. Y.
11558 Frank Palmer,9 b. 22 Nov., 1852; m. (1) Margaret Emma Keithley; (2) Ruby Ann Hickman.
11559 Frances Angelica,9 b. 6 May, 1858; m. Reuben Earle Spangler.

5323.   PHILOTHA,8 dau. of John7 (2093), b. on the Kellogg homestead, Coop­erstown, N. Y., 14 Oct., 1822; m. 11 Apr., 1855, John Rhoades Rowland, b. in Cherry Valley, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1829, son of Joel Rowland, b. 4 Aug., 1798, and Clarissa Masters, b. 2 Jan., 1803, both of Middlefield, N. Y.
He was a carriage and sign painter for over thirty years; has been in the wholesale liquor business in Waverly, N. Y., since 1879.
11560 Albert Kellogg Bowland,9 b. 4 Feb., 1864; is unm.

5325.   GEORGE CAREY,8 son of John7 (2093), b. on the Kellogg homestead, near Cooperstown, N. Y., 1 Dec., 1831; m. Mary Jane Drake.
He d. 15 Apr., 1895.
Children, b. in New York State.
11561 Josephine,9 b. ______.
11562 John,9 b. ______.

5326.   EMELINE,8 dau. of John7 (2093), b. on the Kellogg homestead, in Coop­erstown, N. Y., 16 Feb., 1834; m. in Cooperstown, 21 Jan., 1874, Gideon Alonzo Russell, b. 25 Jan., 1828, son of Gideon H. Russell.
They res. in Lyons, Ia.

816    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Lyons.
11563 Lynn Kellogg Russell,9 b. 22 Feb., 1876.
11564 Emma Gertrude Russell,9 b. 29 Aug., 1878.

5340.   PHILO,8 son of William7 (2106), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 1 Mar., 1794; m. Charlotte Miles, b. 1796, dau. of Capt. John Miles and Eunice Woodruff, of Cornwall.
He d. 1862; she d. 1862, surviving her husband only two weeks.
He was a member of the Connecticut House of Representatives, 1834-35; a member of the Connecticut State Senate, 1844-45.
11565 Martha Adeline,9 b. in Cornwall, 15 July, 1820; m. Ezekiel Hayes.
11566 Frederick,9 b. ______; m. Jane Amanda Gildersleeve, of Long Island; d. on Long Island; had no children.
11567 James Edward,9 b. in Cornwall, 31 May, 1822; m. (1) Julia Dean Butler; (2) Lillian Adell Swift.
11568 Theodore,9 b. in Cornwall, 5 Sept., 1824; m. Maria C. Sturges.
11569 Henry,9 b. 8 Apr., 1826; d. unm., in Cornwall, 13 Sept., 1854.
11570 Elizabeth,9 b. 31 Aug., 1828; m. John Smith Wheeler, of Salisbury, Conn.; had no children.
11571 Catherine M.,9 b. 15 Oct., 1832; is unm.
11572 John,9 b. 6 Mar., 1834; d. unm., in Waterbury, Conn., Dec., 1895.

5341.   GERRETT,8 son of William7 (2106), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 30 July, 1796; m. in Canaan, Conn., 10 Dec., 1828, Harriet Eliza Holabird, b. in South Canaan, Conn., 10 July, 1804, dau. of William Holabird and Dorcas Swift, of South Canaan.
He d. in Huntsville, Conn., 12 Nov., 1836; she d. in South Canaan, ______.
He was a merchant; was a Congregationalist and a Democrat.
Children, b. in Huntsville.
11573 William Gerrett,9 b. 8 Nov., 1829; d. unm., in South Canaan, 17 Aug., 1893.
11574 George Holabird,9 b. 19 Sept., 1835; m. Della Anetta Gillette.

5342.   CHARLES WILLIAM,8 son of William7 (2106), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 16 Dec., 1798; m. Delia Maria Clark, of New Lebanon, N. Y.
He d. in Ohio, ______.
He was a merchant and manufacturer.
11575 Lucretia Janette,9 b. in Stockbridge, Mass., 1820; d. unm., in Ells­worth, Conn, Aug., 1878.

5343.   FREDERICK,8 son of William7 (2106), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 5 Sept., 1801; m. in Cornwall, 16 Sept., 1829, Ruth Robinson Calhoun, b. in Cornwall, Oct., 1805, dau. of Dr. John Calhoun, of Cornwall, Vt., and Sarah Fay, of Ben­nington, Vt., dau. of Capt. John Fay, who was killed at the battle of Bennington.
She d. 11 Dec., 1869; he d. 10 Aug., 1891.
He res. in Cornwall; succeeded his father as Town Clerk and Justice of the Peace, and held the offices for eighteen years; his term of office as clerk rounded

The Kelloggs in the New World.    817

out a period of sixty-nine consecutive years the office was occupied by this family. He was County Commissioner three terms; a member of the State Legislature from 1830 to '42; and Judge of Probate for twenty-one years, until he was 70, and disqualified by law from further incumbency.
Children, b. in Cornwall.
11576 William Frederick,9 b. 17 Nov., 1830; m. (1) Mary Ann Jackson; (2) Mrs. Charlotte Hurlbut (Stone) Phelps.
11577 Charles Calhoun,9 b. 27 Jan., 1833; m. (1) Mary Elizabeth Stone; (2) Eliza Ann (Lida) Ives.
11578 Sarah Fay,9 b. 1835; res. in Cornwall.
11579 Mary Jane,9 b. 1838; res. in Cornwall.

5346.   HANNAH,8 dau. of William7 (2106), b. in Cornwall, Conn., after 1811; m. John Reed.
11580 Burr Reed,9 b. ______.
11581 William Reed,9 b. ______; res. in Thomaston, Conn.

5348.   MILES LEWIS,8 son of John7 (2107), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 29 Aug., 1801; m. 24 Nov., 1830, Lavinia Maria Hill, b. in Tompkins Co., N. Y., 18 June, 1804, dau. of Uri Hill, of Danby, N. Y., and Eliza Sackett, of Stephentown, N. Y.
She d. in Whitewater, Wis., 2 Feb., 1847; he d. near Kellerton, Dak., 21 Mar., 1886.
After her death he res. in Omro, and later in River Falls, Wis. At the time of his death he was living with his son, Edgar Sackett.
11582 Edgar Sackett,9 b. in Steuben Co., N. Y., 16 Sept., 1831; m. Helen Risden.
11583 Frederick,9 b. 13 May, 1833; d. in White­water, 26 Oct., 1849.
11584 Wilbur Fiske,9 b. 3 Sept., 1835; m. Mary Ann Wright.
11585 Harriett Eliza,9 b. 21 Apr., 1837; m. Thomas Jefferson Clark, of Red Wing, Minn., b. in Riga, N. Y., 2 July, 1831, son of Thomas Jefferson Clark and Eliza Hubbell; he was a hardware merchant; for twenty-five years she was a member of the Presbyterian Church choir; d. 13 June, 1897.
11586 John Dempster,9 b. 20 July, 1838; m. Sylvia Grant; was a photog­rapher; was a prominent member in fraternal societies, being a member of F. and A. M., K. P., A. O. U. W., I. O. O. F. lodges; res. in Red Wing; d. 11 Aug., 1899; she d. 7 Jan., 1875; had a son, b. 1863.
11587 Alfred,9 b. 4 Aug., 1839; d. 11 Aug., same year.
11588 Douglas Wright,9 b. 5 Dec., 1840; m. Lucy Kellogg (11616).
11589 Lavinia Maria,9 b. 16 May, 1842; m. Malone; res. in Ithaca, N. Y.; later in Rockton, Ill.
11590 Josiah,9 b. 18 Dec., 1844; m. Sarah Page; was a farmer in Winne­bago, Wis.; later in Rowland, Ala.; had three daus.
11591 Ava Esther,9 b. in Whitewater, 31 Jan., 1847; m. (1) Jerome Page; (2) Henry Francis Hoyle.

818    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5349.   THEODOSIA,8 dau. of John7 (2107), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 24 June, 1803; m. 3 Apr., 1827, Rev. Simeon Hall, b. in Dutchess Co., N. Y., 8 Apr., 1807, son of William Hall and Graham.
She d. in Whitesville, N. Y., 2 Apr., 1851; he d. 21 Mar., 1875. He was a clergyman in the Methodist Episcopal Church. They res. in Great Falls, N. H., Dix, Campbell and Whitesville, N. Y.
11592 Bartlett Graham Hall,9 b. 13 Mar., 1828; a dealer in lumber, etc., in Toulon, Ill.; later res. in De Witt, Ia.
11593 Elbert Storrs Hall,9 b. S June, 1831; d. 22 Mar., 1832.

5350.   HEZEKIAH CLARK,8 son of John7 (2107), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 16 May, 1805; m. 4 Sept., 1825, Elizabeth Catlin, b. 25 Aug., 1808, dau. of Roger Catlin and Sarah Clark.
He d. in Boscobel, Wis., 1886.
He was a carpenter; lived in Danby, N. Y., Chester, O., Whitewater and later in Boscobel, Wis.
11594 Marcus Catlin,9 b. 20 July, 1827; d. 19 June, 1845.
11595 Maynard,9 b. 11 Aug., 1832; d. 10 July, 1833.
11596 Marcia,9 b. 28 Apr., 1834; m. Dr. David West Carley.
11597 Edward Payson,9 b. 11 Mar., 1841; d. unm., in Boscobel, 9 Oct., 1862; was editor of a paper at West Bend, Wis.; joined the Second Wis­consin Reg.; was clerk for Gen. McDowell, became Second Lieut.; was mortally wounded at the battle of Bull Run.

5351.   DR. JAMES HOVEY,8 son of John7 (2107), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 22 July, 1807; m. (1) in Cornwall, 12 Oct., 1829, Emmeline Bierce, b. 14 Nov., 1809.
She d. in Sharon, Conn., 5 Aug., 1835; he m. (2) in Cornwall, 1 Nov., 1835, Olive Chapman, of Sharon, b. 1816; she d. in Brothertown, Wis., 1 Aug., 1860; he m. (3) in Stockbridge, Wis., 12 Apr., 1861, Jane Eliza Peep, b. 28 Dec., 1834, dau. of George Peep and Jane Lloyd, of Worcestershire, England and Depere, Wis.; d. in Brothertown, 18 Dec., 1885; she res. in Antigo, Wis., with her daus.
He was a physician in Steuben Co., N. Y., from 1838 to '49; in Brothertown from 1849 to '73.
Children by first wife.
11598 Nancy Mary,9 b. in Cornwall, 13 Mar., 1831; m. Dr. Andrew Jackson Patchen.
11599 James Watson,9 b. 9 Jan., 1833; m. Almina Lora Ferguson.
11600 Catherine Emeline,9 b. 2 June, 1834; d. 26 May, 1892; she was struck by lightning during a heavy snowstorm in Mar., 1835, and became a cripple from paralysis; res. with her father in Brother­town.

Children by second wife.
11601 Charles Washburn,9 b. 31 Mar., 1837; d. 5 Mar., 1838.
11602 Harriet Matilda,9 b. 22 May, 1838; m. Franklin George Kingsley.
11603 Elizabeth Lucelia,9 b. 6 Oct., 1844; m. Henry Sitts.
11604 Edward Dayton,9 b. 21 Apr., 1847; d. in Brothertown, 14 Nov., 1849.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    819

11605 Ellen Almena,9 b. 30 July, 1850; d. in Brothertown, 27 June, 1853.
11606 Edward,9 b. 22 Aug., 1853; d. in Brothertown, 4 Oct., same year.
11607 Elbert Dayton,9 b. in Brothertown, 27 Sept., 1854; m. ______.
Children by third wife.
11608 George Wallace,9 b. 12 Sept., 1862; m. in Salt Lake City, Feb., 1893, Nellie Fleming; res. in Pueblo, Col.
11609 Alice Jane,9 b. 23 Dec., 1864; m. Dr. James Francis Doyle.
11610 Iscah Belle,9 b. 14 Feb., 1868; m. Dr. Fenton Eneria Judson.
11611 Nellie Leonora,9 b. 20 Jan., 1871; m. Hiram Frederick Morson.

5352.   GEORGE,8 son of John7 (2107), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 9 July, 1809; m. (1) in Dix, N. Y., 12 Feb., 1832, Hannah Skellenger, b. in Genoa, N. Y., 8 June, 1812.
She d. in Dellona, Wis., 6 Oct., 1854; he m. (2) 11 Jan., 1855, Elizabeth Hotchkiss, b. 1817, dau. of Stiles Hotchkiss and Polly; she d. 18 June, 1856; he m. (3) 19 Jan., 1860, Sarah P. Stone, b. in Waterford, Me., 30 Mar., 1816; she d. 24 July, 1888; he d. 5 Jan., 1899.
He was a farmer; res. in Sumpter, Wis., where he d.
Children by first wife.
✛11612 Benjamin Close,9 b. in Dix, 15 Nov., 1832; d. there, 16 Aug., 1834.
11613 John,9 b. in Dix, 11 Dec., 1833; m. Sarah Jane Chandler.
11614 Lavina Maria,9 b. in Dix, 30 May, 1835; m. William Henry Marcher.
✛11615 Sarah Close,9 b. in Dix, 3 Aug., 1836; d. in Catlin, N. Y., 18 Oct., 1838.
✛11616 Lucy,9 b. in Catlin, 28 Mar., 1839; m. Douglas Wright Kellogg (+11588).
11617 Imla,9 b. in Orange, N. Y., 22 Jan., 1841; m. (1) Elizabeth (Betsey) Angelina Stone; (2) Mary Celeste Premo.
11618 Olive,9 b. in Orange, 5 May, 1843; m. John Edgar Pelton.
11619 George,9 b. in Orange, 4 July, 1847; m. Matilda Ann Peep; was a farmer; res. in Reedsburg, Wis.; she d. 5 June, 1895; he m. (2) as her second husband, her sister, Anna (Peep); had no children.
11620 Hannah Emma,9 b. in Orange, 23 May, 1849; m. (1) Amasa Louner; (2) Gilbert Baxter.
11621 Silas Anson,9 b. in Dellona, 17 Oct., 1852; d. unm., in Reedsburg, 19 Feb., 1893.
11622 Clara Frances,9 b. 29 Sept., 1854; d. in Sumpter, 19 May, 1865.
Child by second wife.
11623 Elizabeth,9 b. in Reedsburg, 18 June, 1856; m. Marshall Hotchkiss.

5354.   ALMIRA,8 dau. of John7 (2107), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 26 Mar., 1813; m. in Steuben Co., N. Y., 24 Mar., 1841, Rev. Nelson Seely Green, b. in Butter­nuts, N. Y., 22 Dec., 1815, son of David Green and Elizabeth A. Bartow.
He d. in De Witt, Ia., 20 Aug., 1877; she d. 22 Aug., 1895, aged 83; he was an itinerant minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church; res. in New York, Wis­consin, Illinois and Iowa.
11624 Emma Adelia Green,9 b. 5 Mar., 1842; d. 12 Oct., 1846.

820    The Kelloggs in the New World.

11625 Mary Eliza Green,9 b. 12 May, 1844; m. 14 Oct., 1861, John Byron Gil­bert; res. in Morrison, Ill.
11626 George Green,9 b. 4 July, 1847; d. Apr., 1852.
11627 Emma Adelia Green,9 b. 10 Sept., 1850; m. 11 Sept., 1872, L. H. Mar­shall; res. in Milan, Tenn.
11628 Lavinia Maria Green,9 b. 8 Nov., 1851; m. 21 Oct., 1875, George W. Young; d. in the Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, 14 Oct., 1897.
11629 Gertrude Frances Green,9 b. 8 Apr., 1853; m. 30 Oct., 1872, Dr. J. H. Jones; res. in Chicago.

5358.   DR. DAYTON SMITH,8 son of John7 (2107), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 24 July, 1821; m. 6 Jan., 1858, Hannah Waddell, dau. of David Waddell and Mary _______, of Mariaville, N. Y.
She d. 7 Aug., 1890; he d. in Fort Plain, N. Y., 6 Sept., 1901.
He was editor of the Mohawk Valley Register; practiced dentistry in Fort Plain fifty-one years. She was a prominent teacher; was preceptress of the Fort Plain Seminary; was a woman of fine literary mind and rare character.
11630 William Waddell,9 b. 11 Apr., 1866; d. 2 Nov., 1867.

5360.   JULIET LAVINIA,8 dau. of Dr. Lucius7 (3108), b. near Glen Cove, N. Y., 1 Apr., 1812; m. in St. Thomas Church, N. Y., 10 May, 1838, Edward William Canning, b. 9 Nov., 1802, son of Edward Canning, Esq., of Stratford on Avon, England.
He d. 24 Jan., 1881; she d. 11 July, 1901.
He was a broker; res. in New York City, where both d.
11631 Theodora Elizabeth Canning,9 b. 24 Nov., 1839; d. unm., 24 May, 1875.
11632 Edward Lowe Canning,9 b. in Stratford on Avon, 22 Feb., 1842; d. in Oyster Bay, N. Y., July, 1845. 1
11633 John Warrin Canning,9 b. 14 May, 1844; m. 23 Feb., 1878, Frances Rigby; served ninety days in the Twenty-second Reg., New York Volunteers, in 1863, and afterward entered the United States Army.

5361.   HARRIETTE ELIZABETH,8 dau. of Dr. Lucius7 (2108), b. in Oyster Bay, N. Y., 15 Apr., 1823; m. as his second wife, in St. Thomas Church, N. Y., 11 May, 1847, Henry Augustus Wilmerding, b. in New York City, 27 June, 1802, son of Christian William Wilmerding, b. 22 Jan., 1762, and Catherine Falkenhan.
He d. in New York, 3 Feb., 1870; she d. there, 4 Apr., 1901. He was a member of the firm of Wilmerding, Hoquet & Co. After his death she res. in New York with her unmarried children.
11634 Lucius Kellogg,9 b. in Moscow, N. Y., 19 Mar., 1848; m. 6 Dec., 1876, Caroline Maria Murray, dau. of Bronson Murray and Ann Peyton, of New York; they res. in New York; he was gradu­ated from Columbia College, 1868; is a member of the firm of Wil­merding & Bisset, wholesale dealers in linens. New York; had three children.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    821

11635 Harriet Whitney Wilmerding,9 b. in Moscow, 11 Feb., 1850; m. 21 Nov., 1871, Edward Robert Biddle, b. in Mt. Hope, N. J., 14 Jan., 1850, son of Edward Biddle and Catherine Leadbetter, and a grand­son of Edward Robert Biddle and Eliza Terry Davis, all of Phila­delphia; he was a member of the firm of Wilmerding, Biddle & Bisset, New York.
11636 John Currie Wilmerding,9 b. in New York, 22 Oct., 1851; m. in Phila­delphia, 11 June, 1874, Mary Beck Elbert, b. 6 Jan., 1852, dau. of William Tighlman Elbert and Janet Goddard; is a commission merchant in New York.
11637 Mary Nowlen Wilmerding,9 b. in New York, 15 June, 1853; res., unm., in New York.
11638 Louise Canning Wilmerding,9 b. in New York, 31 Jan., 1855; res. there unm.
11639 Helen Augusta Wilmerding,9 b. 23 Sept., 1856; m. 1 Mar., 1881, Ed­ward Bell.

5369.   MARY,8 dau. of John7 (2112), b. in Hebron, Conn., 5 Mar., 1794; m. about 1814, David Northam, b. 6 Oct., 1780, son of John Northam and Elizabeth White.
He d. 7 Dec., 1848; she d. 5 Dec., 1883. He was a farmer in Hebron, where both d.
11640 Mary Northam,9 b. 13 Feb., 1815; m. William T. Jones, a mason, of Hebron.
11641 John Northam,9 b. 8 Sept., 1817; m. 24 Nov., 1844, Harriet G. Biggs, of Colchester; was a farmer in Hebron; d. 24 Dec., 1894.

5370.   JOHN,8 son of John7 (2112), b. in Hebron, Conn., 28 Nov., 1796; m. 18 Feb., 1823, Clarissa Chamberlain, b. in Colchester, 6 Aug., 1805, dau. of Roswell Chamberlain and Talitha C. Foote.
She d. 29 May, 1864; he d. ______.
He res. on the Hebron road, one and one-half miles north of Colchester, where he had lived since 1830.
He served in the war of 1812, in New London, from 8 June to 14 July, 1813, when he was called John Kellogg 3rd.
11642 Edward,9 b. 25 Nov., 1824; m. Elizabeth Skinner.

5371.   THEODOTIA,8 dau. of John7 (2112), b. in Hebron, Conn., 18 Mar., 1798; m. 23 June, 1819, George Miller, b. in East Hartford, Conn., 30 June, 1796, son of Amariah Miller.
He d. 25 Sept., 1854; she d. 15 Aug., 1859.
He was a cabinet maker in Colchester, living one and a half miles north of Colchester, on the Old Hebron road.
11643 Mary Ann Miller,9 b. 29 Mar., 1820; m. 10 May, 1843, John Smith, Jr., of Somers, Conn.; d. 23 Aug., 1844; had no children.

822    The Kelloggs in the New World.

11644 George Miller,9 b. 7 Mar., 1827; m. 24 Mar., 1858, Abby Bulckley, dau. of James Bulckley, of Salem, Conn., and Sarah Ann Abell; is a farmer in Colchester.
11645 Henry Miller,9 b. 16 Dec., 1831; m. (1) 18 Mar., 1857, Eunice E. Bulckley; (2) Mary P. Standish; is a blacksmith in Colchester.

5392.   DICKINSON BURT,8 son of Israel7 (2119), b. in Copenhagen, N. Y., 30 Dec., 1818; m. 1 Sept., 1841, Cornelia Stanley Esselstyn, b. in Cape Vincent, N. Y., 31 May, 1819, dau. of Col. John Broadhead Esselstyn and Clarissa Stanley.
He d. in English Lake, Ind., 8 Oct., 1890; she d. there 9 July, 1894.
He res. in Copenhagen until 1838; in Jefferson Co., until 1857; in Orleans Co., until 1869; was a railroad agent in Tonawanda, N. Y.
11646 Jane Esselstyn,9 b. 15 Aug., 1842; m. George Willoughby Greene.
11647 Helen Eliza,9 b. in Copenhagen, 6 June, 1845; res., unm., in English Lake.

5393.   ALFRED HUBBARD,8 son of Israel7 (2119), b. in Copenhagen, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1821; m. 24 Dec., 1846, Mary Maria Barlett, b. 10 May, 1819, dau. of George Adam D. Barlett, of Copenhagen, b. in Root, N. Y., 8 Mar., 1789, and Clarissa Ward, b. 11 Feb., 1789.
He d. in Copenhagen, Apr., 1892; she res. in Watertown, N. Y.
He was a lawyer in Copenhagen.
Children, b. in Copenhagen.
11648 Marie Atoinette,9 b. 11 Jan., 1847; m. Henry Patrick Burns.
11649 Mary Eliza,9 b. 26 Sept., 1849; m. (1) Eugene McConnell Wood; (2) William Lockwood Boshart.
11650 Israel Alfred,9 b. 11 Dec., 1852; m. Mabel Amelia Overton.

5394.   ELIZA ARABELLA,8 dau. of Israel7 (2119), b. in Copenhagen, N. Y., 5 May, 1829; m. George A. Sackett, of Sacket Harbor, N. Y.
She d. in Chicago, 16 Apr., 1862; he d. ______.
11651 Lillian Sackett,9 b. ______; d. aged about 4.
11652 Charles Kellogg Sackett,9 b. ______; res. in Chicago.

5407.   LUCIUS STORRS,8 son of Dr. Alfred7 (2125), b. in Avon, Conn., 10 Feb., 1831; m. 31 Mar., 1857, Mary Elizabeth Denniss, b. 16 Mar., 1836, dau. of Maj. Henry Denniss, of New London, Conn., b. 9 Oct., 1786, and Sarah Briggs, b. 19 Apr., 1790.
He d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 5 Apr., 1869.
After his death she res. in New London, on the old homestead of her family, which has been in their possession for one hundred and fifteen years. He was a wholesale dealer in dry goods in New York, in the firm of Harris, Hartley & Co.; res. in Brooklyn.
11653 Lucius Denniss,9 b. 20 May, 1859; res., unm., in New London; is a dry goods merchant.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    823

5410.   SUSAN CAROLINE,8 dau. of Dr. Alfred7 (2125), b. in Avon, Conn., 20 Jan., 1846; m. there, 3 Sept., 1868, James Eveline Lusk, b. in Avon, 10 June, 1840, son of Lucius Lusk, b. 8 Feb., 1812, and Sarah Hawley, b. 3 Nov., 1815.
He is a farmer in Avon; was a Corp. in Co. K, Twenty-sixth Reg., Connecti­cut Volunteers; enlisted 8 Sept., 1862; was discharged 26 Aug., 1863; a Con­gregationalist and Republican.
Children, b. in Avon.
11654 Mary Emma Lusk,9 b. 31 Jan., 1872; m. in Hartford, Conn., 19 May, 1896, Arthur Clayton Woodford; res. in Avon.
11655 Fayette Alfred Lusk,9 b. 15 Jan., 1874.

5412.   WILLIAM JIRAH,8 son of Jirah7 (2126), b. in East Lyme, Conn., 23 Jan., 1841; m. in Lake Grove, N. Y., 31 Aug., 1874, Mary Margarette Tooker, of Lake Grove, b. in Kommock, N. Y., 8 Jan., 1837, dau. of Thomas Tooker and Lavinia Olmstead, b. 10 Nov., 1818, of Lake Grove.
He was in the dry goods business, but has now retired; served in the civil war as private in Co. C, Fifty-sixth Reg., N. G. S. N. Y.; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y.
11656 Henry Murison,9 b. in Lake Grove, 7 Oct., 1875; m. Emery.
11657 Lydia U.,9 b. ______; m. Clarence Hawkins; res. in Stony Brook, N. Y.; has several children.

5414.   MARY NEWTON,8 dau. of Joseph Day7 (2133), b. in Colchester, Conn., 11 Sept., 1805; m. 26 Dec., 1825, Aaron Ely Emmons, b. in East Haddam, Conn., 3 Dec., 1800, son of Dyar Emmons, of East Haddam, b. 8 Aug., 1769, and Phoebe Ely, b. in Lyme, Conn., 30 Nov., 1775.
She d. 30 July, 1851; he m. (2) 29 Mar., 1853, Mrs. Eunice (Avery) Huntington; d. 11 Aug., 1878.
He was a manufacturer; res. in Colchester more than seventy years.
Children, b. in Colchester.
11658 Henry Emmons,9 b. 13 Apr., 1827; m. 6 May, 1856, Olive Elizabeth Page, of Hebron, Conn.; is a merchant in Boston, Mass.
11659 Emily Emmons,9 b. 1 Feb., 1829; m. 23 Aug., 1852, Rev. Samuel R. Adams, who graduated from Middletown, Conn., and d. while chap­lain in the army; she d. 4 Apr., 1853.
11660 Elizabeth Emmons,9 b. 21 Apr., 1831; m. 24 Dec., 1850, William Phelps, a farmer and trader, of Marlboro, Conn.; d. 9 May, 1855.
11661 Horace Emmons,9 b. 4 Jan., 1833; d. unm., 22 July, 1856.
11662 Ellen Emmons,9 b. 1 Dec., 1834; d. 18 Dec., 1852.
11663 Julius Emmons,9 b. 3 Feb., 1837; d. 16 Aug., same year.
11664 Caroline Emmons,9 b. 1 Sept., 1838; d. in Ellington, Conn., 27 July, 1854, while attending school.
11665 Julius Emmons,9 b. 8 Dec., 1840; d. unm., 4 Dec., 1871.
11666 Nelson Emmons,9 b. 13 Apr., 1842; m. 10 Sept., 1869, Jeanette B. Chamberlain, of Boston, Mass.; is a merchant in Dayton, O.
11667 John Emmons,9 b. 6 Apr., 1846; m. 10 June, 1873, Sarah Jane Griffin, of Hartford, Conn.; is a merchant.

824    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5415.   ELIZABETH COMSTOCK,8 dau. of Joseph Day7 (2133), b. in Col­chester, Conn., 7 Sept., 1807; m. 16 Feb., 1831, Ezra Hall, b. 6 Jan., 1803, son of Jonathan Hall, of Lyme, Conn., b. 16 Apr., 1775, and Elizabeth (Betsey) Lord, b. 2 Jan., 1779.
He d. 8 Feb., 1859; she d. 17 June, 1878.
He was a farmer; res. in Lyme, where both d.
11668 Sarah Elizabeth Hall,9 b. 30 Apr., 1833; m. 4 Jan., 1853, Frederick William Marvin, a farmer of Lyme; d. 17 Sept., 1873; had seven children.
11669 Judah Selden Hall,9 b. 9 Sept., 1835; m. 27 Nov., 1862, Hannah Hunt Miller, dau. of Rev. Alpha Miller, of Lyme; was a farmer of Lyme; had four children.
11670 Frances Caroline Hall,9 b. 16 Nov., 1837; m. 17 Apr., 1859, Henry Mar­vin, formerly a merchant in New London, Conn.; he is a farmer in Colchester, where he is deacon in the Congregational Church; had four children.
11671 Joseph Ely Hall,9 b. 20 Feb., 1840; m. 15 Jan., 1867, Maria W. S. Hough, dau. of Rev. L. S. Hough, of East Lyme; was a farmer in Colchester; had three children.
11672 Helena Emma Hall,9 b. 5 Apr., 1842; d. 22 Apr., 1845.
11673 Emma Helena Hall,9 b. 22 Apr., 1845; m. 4 Feb., 1867, Augustus D. Marvin, a farmer of Lyme; had two children.
11674 Edwin Stanton Hall,9 b. 30 July, 1849; d. 3 Jan., 1859.
11675 Celia Selina Hall,9 b. 24 Nov., 1851; d. 20 Dec., 1858.
11676 Celine Velina Hall,9 b. 24 Nov., 1851; d. 1 Jan., 1859.

5416.   BRAINARD DAY,8 son of Joseph Day7 (2133), b. in Colchester, Conn., 5 Jan., 1810; m. 13 Mar., 1834, Dorothy Olmstead Day, b. 16 Sept., 1813, dau. of Justin Day, b. 2 Apr., 1781, and Matilda , b. 12 May, 1782. Her sister, Frances Matilda Day, m. Jared C. Kellogg, brother of Brainard.
He d. 10 Nov., 1862; she d. 16 Jan., 1892.
He was a farmer in Hebron. His son, Justin Ansel, res. on the old home­stead.
Children, b. in Hebron.
11677 Amasa Day,9 b. 20 Mar., 1837; m. 17 Apr., 1860, Mary Elizabeth Jacobs; she d. 25 Apr., 1879; he m. (2) 20 July, 1880, Mrs. Jen­nie Harding Andrews, b. 5 Mar., 1840; res. in Hebron, Colchester, East Hampton and Cobalt, Conn.; had no children.
11678 Ansel Hungerford,9 b. 16 Mar., 1840; d. 23 Mar., 1843.
11679 Justin Ansel,9 b. 15 July, 1850; m. Jane Emily Standish.
11680 Emma Jane,9 b. 12 Dec., 1852; m. Charles Andrew Clark.

5417.   JARED COMSTOCK,8 son of Joseph Day7 (2133), b. in Colchester, Conn., 25 Apr., 1812; m. 7 Oct., 1839, Frances Matilda Day, b. 16 Apr., 1820, dau. of Justin Day, b. 2 Apr., 1781, and Matilda _______, b. 12 May, 1782, both of Westchester. She was sister of Mrs. Brainard D. Kellogg.
He d. in East Hampton, Conn., 4 Nov., 1891; she d. there, 25 Dec., 1891.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    825

He was a merchant and res. in Ellington, Hebron and East Hampton (town of Chatham), Conn. He and his wife were admitted to the church in Hebron, 1759.
11681 Albert Olmstead,9 b. in Ellington, 4 Sept., 1840; m. in East Hamp­ton, 20 June, 1863, Ann Eulalie Ackley; d. in East Hampton, 17 Mar., 1864; had no children; sham. (2) Henry Strong.
11682 Helen Maria,9 b. in Hebron, 8 Sept., 1843; m. Elijah Clark Barton.
11683 Laura Louisa,9 b. in Hebron, 26 July, 1851; m. Frederick Abbe Lillie.

5418.   RACHEL CAROLINE,8 dau. of Joseph Day7 (2133), b. in Colchester, Conn., 6 Mar., 1815; m. 18 Oct., 1838, Rev. Hiram Smith, b. in Westfield, Mass., 21 Sept., 1800, son of Simon Smith, of Westfield, b. in Montville, Conn., 17 Feb., 1842.
He d. 28 July, 1887, aged 87; she d. 2 May, 1888.
He was a Presbyterian clergyman in Marcellus, N. Y., Castalia, O., Almont and Hillsdale, Mich. He fitted for college in Phillip's Academy, Exeter, N. H.; was two years in Williams College, but graduated from Amherst College in 1823. He studied theology in Auburn, N. Y., Seminary.
11684 Dwight Smith,9 b. 27 Mar., 1840; was accidentally drowned while bath­ing in Bawbeese Lake, near Hillsdale, 10 Aug., 1867; was unm.
11685 Mary Smith,9 b. 23 Apr., 1843; res., unm., in Hillsdale.

5420.   JOSEPH,8 son of Joseph Day7 (2133), b. in Colchester, Conn., 28 July, 1820; m. (1) in Hebron, Conn., 2 June, 1847, Caroline Elizabeth Annable, b. in East Haddam, Conn., 8 Sept., 1820, dau. of Jehiel Annable, b. 1787, and Abigail Arnold.
She d. in Hartford, Conn., 12 Aug., 1869; he m. (2) in Old Saybrook, Conn., 5 May, 1880, Mrs. Eliza Pratt, b. 7 Jan., 1822, widow of Gilbert Pratt and dau. of William Augustus Pratt, b. about 1792, and Sarah Lynde, b. about 1795; she d. in Old Saybrook, 17 Jan., 1883; he d. in Saybrook Point, 23 Dec., 1900.
He was a merchant, in Colchester, until about 1857; in Hartford until 1869; from that time until his death in Saybrook Point.
Children, b. in Colchester.
11686 Dan Arnold,9 b. 3 Apr., 1848; m. in Old Saybrook, 15 Oct., 1892, Katherine Bushnell, b. in Old Saybrook, 15 Mar., 1863, dau. of Richard Montgomery Bushnell, b. 16 Oct., 1825, and Sarah Letitia Overman, b. 18 Dec., 1834; is a merchant in Old Saybrook, where he is also Postmaster; a Congregationalist and Republican; has no children.
11687 Caroline Elizabeth,9 b. 2 Sept., 1854; res., unm., in Hebron.

826    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5422.   GEORGE WHITFIELD,8 son of Joseph Day7 (2133), b. in Colchester, Conn., 12 Aug., 1826; m. 7 Feb., 1853, Lydia Maria Payne, b. 28 Oct., 1829, dau. of Henry Payne, b. in Lebanon, Conn., 1 Mar., 1799, and Cynthia Goodale, b. in Ashford, Conn., 7 June, 1800.
He d. 28 Aug., 1864; she d. 27 Dec., 1893. He was a farmer in Colchester, where both d.
Child, b. in Colchester.
11688 Ellen Miria,9 b. 23 Nov., 1853; m. 16 Feb., 1876, Carroll Eugene Staples, b. in Colchester, 22 Apr., 1852, son of William O. Staples, b. 1821, and Abby Jane Carrier, b. 22 Nov., 1826; res. on the old homestead in Colchester; had no children.




5441.   AMOS,9 son of John8 (2144), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 21 Oct., 1822; m. in South Hadley, 29 May, 1867, Lucy Maria Elliott, b. in Belchertown, Mass., 18 July, 1841, only child of George Elliott, b. in Belchertown, 29 Mar., 1813, and Lucy Hinsdale Munn, b. in Shelburne, Mass., 14 Apr., 1808.
He d. 5 June, 1882; she d. 22 Feb., 1895.
He was a farmer; res. in South Hadley, where both d.
Child, b. in South Hadley.
11689 Laura Maria,10 b. 11 Oct., 1869; was educated in Mount Holyoke Seminary; res., unm., in South Hadley.

5442.   KEZIAH CHAPIN,9 dau. of John8 (2144), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 16 Aug., 1824; m. in South Hadley, 1 Jan., 1852, William Smith, b. 20 June, 1830, son of Nelson Smith, b. 18 May, 1801, and Rebecca Smith, b. 15 Aug., 1803, both of South Hadley. His sister m. John Edwin Kellogg (+5447).
She d. in South Hadley, 1 June, 1888; after her death he res. in South Hadley.
He is an expressman; res. in South Hadley. He enlisted Oct., 1861, in the band of the Seventh Maine Reg. The band was mustered out of service, Feb., 1862, as only one band could be retained for a brigade.
11690 Julia Rebecca Smith,10 b. 1 Nov., 1852; was graduated from Mount Holyoke Seminary; m. 25 Dec., 1877, John A. Bennett, of Boston; d. 4 Jan., 1886; had one son.
11691 Clara Nellie Smith,10 b. 11 July, 1856; was graduated from Mount Holyoke Seminary, 1878; m. 26 Aug., 1885, Rev. Frederick A. Gay­lord, who d. 12 Mar., 1887; res. in South Hadley; had one dau.

5443.   CATHERINE BROWN,9 dau. of John8 (2144), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 21 Aug., 1826; m. there, 1 Dec., 1847, Harvey Judd, b. in Chester, Mass., 7 Oct., 1822, son of Salathiel Judd, b. 3 May, 1795, and Laura Taylor, b. 1797.
She d. 28 Oct., 1891; he d. 14 June, 1901.
He was a paper manufacturer; res. in Holyoke, Mass.
11692 John Kellogg Judd,10 b. 27 Jan., 1851; m. 5 July, 1876, Cleora Fowler Munson; is a paper manufacturer; res. in Holyoke; has three children.
11693 Mary Laura Judd,10 b. 31 Mar., 1855; is unm.
11694 Eliza Chapin Judd,10 b. 22 May, 1863; m. 14 Oct., 1891, Edwin Josiah Church; had three children.
11695 Alfred Taylor Judd,10 b. 28 July, 1865; m. June, 1891, Clara Maria Brainard Thorpe; had one child, a dau.
11696 A Child,10 b. May, 1867; d. aged 2 days.

1002    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5444.   RUTH CORDELIA,9 dau. of John8 (2144), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 19 Nov., 1828; m. 18 Jan., 1853, Nelson Warner Burnett, b. in South Hadley, 1 Jan., 1832, son of Stoughton Warner Burnett, b. 12 Aug., 1808, and Flora Dennison, b. 1813.
He is a carpenter; res. in Amherst, Mass.; is a member of the First Church.
11697 Julia Anna Burnett,10 b. 10 Dec., 1853; m. 16 Dec., 1874, William Austin Warner; res. in Northampton, Mass; had three children.
11698 Catherine Isabel Burnett,10 b. 27 Sept., 1855; m. 16 Oct., 1878, Alvin Robert Wilson; res. in South Hadley; had three children.

5445.   LAURA,9 dau. of John8 (2144), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 20 Feb., 1831; m. 12 July, 1855, Elliot Montague, b. 25 July, 1831, son of Deacon Moses Montague and Harriet Smith.
She d. Apr., 1881; he d. 1 Sept., 1882.
He was educated in Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., and was prin­cipal of the High School in the first parish of South Hadley for several years; was afterward a member of the Massachusetts Legislature for two terms.
11699 Clara Montague,10 b. 11 July, 1856; d. next day.
11700 George Elliot Montague,10 b. 11 July, 1857; is unm.
11701 Samuel Edwin Montague,10 b. 27 Mar., 1859; res., unm., in Holyoke, Mass.
11702 Herbert Lowell Montague,10 b. 11 Dec., 1862; res. in Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
11703 Jennie Laura Montague,10 b. Nov., 1864; m. Frank Theodore Terry; she is a Daughter of the American Revolution.

5447.   JOHN EDWIN,9 son of John8 (2144), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 1 Dec., 1835; m. there (1) 20 Mar., 1861, Jane Rebecca Smith, b. 10 July, 1836, dau. of Nelson Smith, of South Hadley, b. 18 May, 1801, and Rebecca Smith, b. 15 Aug., 1803.
She d. 28 Jan., 1864; he m. (2) in South Hadley, 10 Nov., 1868, Mrs. Clara Louise (Smith) Judd, b. 30 Mar., 1834, widow of Samuel A. Judd, and sister of his first Wife; d. in Holyoke, Mass., 27 Sept., 1887.
He was a furniture merchant; res. in Holyoke, where his Widownow res.
Child by first wife, b. in South Hadley.
11704 John Edwin Smith,10 b. 8 Sept., 1863; m. Mabelle Evelyn South­worth Bottomly.
Children by second wife.
11705 Clara Luella,10 b. in Palmer, Mass., 16 Sept., 1870; m. Garry Whitney Munson.
11706 Raymond Nelson,10 b. in Holyoke, 4 Aug., 1875; m. Evelyn Haigh.

5448.   LOIS AMELIA,9 dau. of John8 (2444), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 27 Jan., 1840; m. in Granby, 22 Nov., 1858, Rufus Hinckley, b. in Belchertown, 16 Dec., 1838, son of Mark Hinckley and Dimis Stacy.
He is a mason and a Congregationalist; res. in Amherst, Mass.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1003

11707 Louis Dwight Hinckley,10 b. 28 Feb., 1859; m. 1890, Myrtie Twigg.
11708 Laura Chapin Hinckley,10 b. 1 Feb., 1862; m. 22 July, 1887, Herbert White.
11709 Nellie Ida Hinckley,10 b. 16 Dec., 1863; m. Aug., 1891, E. E. Perry.
11710 Henry Harvey Hinckley,10 b. 17 Mar., 1866; d. 22 Aug., 1877.
11711 Harriet Amelia Hinckley,10 b. 16 May, 1868; m. 13 June, 1891, John Livingston; d. 19 Nov., 1896.
11712 Myron Rufus Hinckley,10 b. 10 Feb., 1874; m. Aug., 1895, Grace Parker.
11713 Grace Marion Hinckley,10 b. 22 Jan., 1880; is unm.

5449.   HARRIET ELIZA,9 dau. of John8 (2144), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 20 June, 1842; m. there, 10 Nov., 1868, John Albert Breckenridge, b. in Palmer, Mass, 19 Feb., 1842, son of Azel Breckenridge, b. 28 Dec., 1804, and Eliza Wat­son Smith, b. 15 Feb., 1810.
She d. in Palmer, 6 June, 1900.
He is a house painter; res. in Palmer.
11714 William Edwin Breckenridge,10 b. 28 Sept., 1869; Wasgraduated from Yale College, 1893; is a teacher; res. in Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
11715 John Elliott Breckenridge,10 b. 4 May, 1873; m. in Woodbridge, N. J., 26 Oct., 1898, Amanda Edgar; was graduated from Yale College in 1896; is a chemist; res. in Woodbridge.

5450. MARY WHITMAN,9 (bap. Idella), dau. of John8 (2144), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 20 May, 1846; m. in South Hadley, 17 Jan., 1872, Charles Kel­logg Morton, b. 9 May, 1842, son of Rodolphus Morton, of Hatfield, Mass., b. 20 Jan., 1794, and Elizabeth Woodbridge Dickinson, b. 5 May, 1808.
He is a farmer; res. in Hatfield. For the last ten years he has been em­ployed by the Massachusetts State Board of Lunacy and Charity as visitor or agent. He served in the civil war as Corp. in Co. K, Fifty-second Massachusetts Reg.; enlisted 27 Aug., 1862; was discharged 14 Aug., 1863.
Children, b. in Hatfield.
11716 Robert Kellogg Morton,10 b. 18 Apr., 1876.
11717 Charles Dickinson Morton,10 b. 11 May, 1882.

5452.   ELLIOT EATON,9 son of Alpheus8 (2145), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 27 Nov., 1819; m. in Roxbury, Mass., 7 Nov., 1849, Hannah Barrett Foster, b. in Boston, Mass., 14 Dec., 1825, dau. of John Standish Foster, b. in Brighton, Mass., 1788, and Theoda Williams Bartlett, b. in Roxbury, 16 Feb., 1790.
He d. in Dedham, Mass., 21 July, 1875; she was drowned in the wreck of the steamer City of Columbus, off Gay Head, Mass., 18 Jan., 1884. After his death she res. in Boston.
He was a lawyer; Waseducated at the University of Vermont; rem., 1849, to Sheboygan, Wis.; 1852, to Boston; 1856, to Jamaica; 1868, to Dedham.
11718 Edward Brinley,10 b. in Sheboygan, 21 Aug., 1850; m. Clymenia Wadleigh Bradbury.

1004    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5453.   EMMELINE MARIA,9 dau. of Alpheus8 (2145), b. in Jamaica, Vt, 19 Oct., 1821; m. (1) Franklin Newell, b. in Colerain, Mass., 12 Jan., 1803, son of Solomon Newell, b. 25 July, 1755, and Martha , b. 29 Aug., 1764.
He d. in Colerain, 9 Apr., 1859; he was a farmer; she m. (2) Solomon Wil­liams, b. in Conway, Mass., 14 Dec., 1809; she d. in Greenfield, Mass., 25 Nov., 1866; he d. 7 Dec., 1866; she res. in Colerain until 1861, and in Greenfield until her death.
Children by first husband.
11719 Augusta Newell,10 b. 29 Nov., 1842; d. 11 Sept., 1849.
11720 Emma M. Newell,10 b. June, 1846; d. Aug., 1849.
11721 George F. Newell,10 b. 4 July, 1850; m. in Newton, Mass., 16 Oct., 1883, Clara E. Plympton.

5454.   CAROLINE EMILY ANTOINETTE,9 dau. of Alpheus8 (2145), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 18 Nov., 1823; m. in Jamaica, 21 July, 1849, Horace Williams, b. in Rutland Co., Vt, son of John and Julia Williams.
He d. ______, in Centerville, N. Y.; she d. in Dallas, Tex., 2 Dec., 1898.
They res. in Dallas. He was a raiser of fine stock; was a Presbyterian and a Republican.
11722 Alpheus Kellogg Williams,10 b. ______; m. in New York City, Eliza Pendleton; d. in Syracuse, N. Y.
11723 Sarah Williams,10 b. ______; d. in New York.
11724 Franklin Williams,10 b. ______; d. in New York.

5455.   MARY JERUSHA,9 dau. of Alpheus8 (2145), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 19
June, 1825; m. 28 Nov., 1849, Lyman Fisher Wilcox, b. in Brattleboro, Vt., 14
Nov., 1816, son of Fisher Wilcox.
He d. in Dallas, Tex., 4 Dec., 1875; she d. there, 4 Sept., 1893.
He was a lawyer and teacher and res. in Dallas. He was a graduate of Wil­liams College; was a Presbyterian and a Democrat.
11725 Charles Kellogg Wilcox,10 b. 20 Apr., 1851; m. May, 1880, Rosa Eliza­beth McDonald; d. in Hico, La., 2 Dec., 1894; she res. in Roch­ester, La.
11726 Mary Matilda Wilcox,10 b. 19 Sept., 1852.

5456.   LUCY ADELIA,9 dau. of Alpheus8 (2145), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 22 May, 1827; m. in Jamaica, 4 Apr., 1850, Benjamin Muzzy Livermore, b. in Jamaica, 27 Feb., 1825, son of Hammond Livermore, b. 11 June, 1802, and Frances How­ard, b. 22 June, 1803.
He d. in West Morrisania, New York City, 7 Feb., 1878; she d. in Chicago, 13 July, 1889.
He was a merchant; res. in Vermont until 1860; in New York City, from 1860 to 80; from 1880 until his death in Chicago; was a Methodist, but attended the Presbyterian Church with his family. He was a Republican.
11727 Caroline Henrietta Livermore,10 b. 13 Feb., 1853; m. (1) in New York City, 12 Jan., 1880, William Glendinning, of Philadelphia; had one child; m. (2) 19 July, 1894, James Cameron Pancoast; res. in Chicago.

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11728 Fanny Adella Livermore,10 b. 28 Jan., 1865; d. in Chicago, 13 Nov., 1885.
11729 Charles Frederic Livermore,10 b. 25 Sept., 1868; m. 1 June, 1896, Irma Evelyn Harrison; res. in Chicago.

5457.   JANE EUNICE,9 dau. of Alpheus8 (2145), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 6 Dec., 1831; m. in Jamaica, 5 Mar., 1849, Rev. Thomas Hancock Rood, b. in London, England, 5 Mar., 1823.
She d. in Groshen, Mass., 6 Oct., 1857; /he d. in Westfield, Mass., 29 Sept., 1870.
He was a Congregational clergyman.
11730 Mary Elizabeth Rood,10 b. in Sheboygan, Wis., 28 Sept., 1853; m. in Westfield, 5 Feb., 1889, Frank Bennett; res. in Hydetown, Pa.
11731 Martha Augusta Rood,10 b. in Goshen, 5 Feb., 1854; m. in Westfield, 11 Oct., 1882, Rev. Dwight Mallory Pratt; res. in Auburndale, Mass.

5458.   DEACON GEORGE,9 son of Alpheus8 (2145), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 19 Feb., 1833; m. in Washington, D. C., 14 Apr., 1863, Mary Jane Kennedy, b. in Independence, N. J., 27 Apr., 1839.
He m. (2) in Newfane, Vt., 30 July, 1878, Lucy A. Robinson, b. in Jamaica, 6 Feb., 1847, dau. of John P. Robinson, b. 27 June, 1814, and Mary R. Cheney, b. 3 July, 1803; d. in Jamaica, 31 Dec., 1880.
For a number of years, he was employed in an insane asylum in Washington.
He was later a farmer in Jamaica, and during the last years of his life owned a grist mill there; was deacon in the Congregational Church and a Republican.
Children, b. in Jamaica.
11732 Jennie Augusta,10 b. 7 Mar., 1864; d. 17 Oct., 1871.
11733 Charles Dix,10 b. 27 July, 1866; m. Mollie Wolfendale.

5461.   MARY EATON,9 dau. of John8 (2146), b. in Jamaica, Vt., Feb., 1813; m. 1 Nov., 1830, Samuel Torrey Read Cheney, b. in Wardsboro, Vt., 29 June, 1805, son of Nathaniel Cheney, b. 1 Oct., 1758, and Hannah Read, b. 1 May, 1764.
She d. 22 June, 1836; he m. (2) in Jamaica, 25 Feb., 1837, Martha Ann Brown, b. in Jamaica, 9 Sept., 1818, dau. of James Brown, b. in Lynn, Mass., 3 Nov., 1794, and Ann Gregg Warner, b. in Derry, N. H., 12 Dec., 1793; d. in Brattleboro, Vt., 25 Feb., 1899, aged 94; she res. in Brattleboro.
11734 William Cheney,10 b. 8 Sept., 1833; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 7 Apr., 1865, Addie Norton; d. the next day.
11735 Wales Cheney,10 b. 11 Nov., 1835; m. in Northampton, Mass., 27 Oct., 1863, Jeraldah Howard, b. 27 Oct., 1843; is a cabinet maker; res. in Jamaica.

5463.   JOHN MASON,9 son of John8 (2146), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 15 Aug., 1820; m. Caroline Virginia Jones, b. 20 Mar., 1827, dau. of William Jones and Catherine Graves, of Baltimore, Md.
He d. in Baltimore, 9 Jan., 1864; she d. 14 Nov., 1880.
He was in the confectionery business; res. in Baltimore.

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Children, b. in Baltimore.
11736 Jennette Mason,10 b. 31 Jan., 1853; d. there, 24 Aug., 1886.
11737 Alice,10 b. 15 June, 1856; d. there, 10 May, 1857.
11738 Theodore Boutz,10 b. 24 Oct., 1859; m. Laura Virginia Neal.

5465.   HENRY MARTIN,9 son of John8 (2146), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 8 June, 1826; m. in Nashua, N. H., Elizabeth F. Greeley, b. in Manchester, N. H., 11 Dec., 1819, dau. of Gilbert Greeley and Lucy Sawyer.
He d. in Nashua, 9 Apr., 1891; she d. in Manchester, 28 June, 1897.
He was overseer of the Nashua Manufacturing Company; one year Council­man; two years Alderman of Nashua, and two years Representative in the Legis­lature; was a Congregationalist.
11739 Charles Henry,10 b. 31 Aug., 1853; d. 15 Aug., 1882.
11740 Frederick Clarence,10 b. 8 Sept., 1855; d. 5 May, 1861.
11741 Frank Carroll,10 b. 8 Sept., 1855; m. in Nashua, 30 June, 1875, Abigail Leonora Lovejoy, b. in Amherst, N. H., 28 July, 1854, dau. of John Lovejoy, b. 16 Mar., 1812, and Eliza Wheeler Nichols, of Amherst, b. 17 Aug., 1808; res. in Manchester.

5466.   HENRIETTA,9 dau. of John8 (2146), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 4 June, 1827; m. in Jamaica, 28 Jan., 1846, Jonathan Leland Brimhall, b. in Wardsboro, Vt., 30 July, 1818, son of Gideon Brimhall, of Wardsboro and Elizabeth (Betsey) Hastings.
He d. in North Adams, Mass., 2 Oct., 1885; after his death she res. in Warren, Mass.
He was a manufacturer; res. in Jamaica, Vt., Nashua, N. H., and Brattle­boro, Vt.; was a Republican.
Children, b. in Winhall, Vt.
11742 Adelaide Adelia Brimhall,10 b. 27 June, 1847; d. in Jamaica, 25 Sept., 1853.
11743 Frederick Leland Brimhall,10 b. 12 Oct., 1849; d. in Jamaica, 20 Sept., 1853.

5467.   EDWARD PAYSON,9 son of John8 (2146), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 3 Nov., 1830; m. 25 Oct., 1854, Anna Maria Nishwitz, b. 21 Oct., 1836, dau. of George Nishwitz, of Milton, O., b. 5 June, 1808, and Catherine Ann Maria Brandenburg, b. 27 Aug., 1817.
He res. in Jamaica until 2 Dec., 1852, when he rem. to Covington, O., and later to Milton. He was a civil engineer on the Louisville and Sandusky Rail­road. In 1880, he was an attorney-at-law in West Milton, and later res. in Co­lumbus, O. He was a Union soldier; was Third Sergt. in Co. D, One Hundred and Forty-seventh Reg, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; is a Republican.
Children, all except Mary Emma, b. in West Milton.
11744 Frederick Albertus,10 b. 12 Nov., 1855; d. 1 Apr., 1860.
11745 Mary Emma,10 b. in Newport, O., 30 Mar., 1858; m. Samuel Coate Jones.
11746 Frances Hennrietta,10 b. 20 May, 1860; m. Rollin Lewis Whitson.
11747 Clara Elvena,10 b. 6 Nov., 1862; m. Rolla Yelbert Sharpe.

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11748 George Nishwitz,10 b. 21 Dec., 1864; m. in Troy, O., 30 June, 1868, Flora May Boller, b. in Dayton, O., 30 June, 1868, dau. of Benja­min J. Boller, b. 2 May, 1836, and Anna E. Creager, b. 6 Dec., 1832; was secretary of paint, glass and basket companies; res. in Atlanta, Ga.; is a Democrat; has no children.
11749 Charles White,10 b. 23 Sept., 1867; m. Margaret Almira Twitchell.
11750 Willis Arthur,10 b. 3 Nov., 1869; m. Malinda Alice Warner.
11751 Merton Estee,10 b. 6 July, 1877; m. in Delaware, O., 24 July, 1901, Nelle Vought, b. in Delaware, 6 Dec., 1881, dau. of G. G. Vought, b. 2 Oct., 1851, and Ella A. Wilson, b. 21 Dec., 1853, of Delaware; is a Methodist; a Republican; has no children.

5468.   PHILETUS,9 son of John8 (2146), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 14 Apr., 1840; m. in Brattleboro, Vt., 1 Sept., 1864, Lauretta Howard, b. in Jamaica, 10 July, 1845, dau. of Willard Howard, b. 1797, and Abigail Chase, b. 1804.
He d. in Jamaica, 9 Mar., 1896.
He was a farmer; res. in Jamaica; was a Congregationalist and a Repub­lican. After his death she res. in Jamaica.
Children, b. in Jamaica.
11752 Myrtie Abby,10 b. 12 Nov., 1865; m. Wales Hiland Sanders.
11753 John Willard,10 b. 7 May, 1867; m. Annie L. Hawthorne.
11754 Zippie Laurette,10 b. 11 Oct., 1875; m. in Westfield, Mass., 25 Apr., 1901, Albert Joseph Hildreth, b. in Brattleboro, Vt., 2 July, 1878, son of Joseph S. Hildreth, b. 26 May, 1847, and Emma K. Rock­well, b. 16 Feb., 1850; he is a farmer; res. in Brattleboro; is a graduate of the North St. School.

5476.   JOHN ADAMS,9 son of Josiah8 (2149), b. in New York, 27 Oct., 1820; m. in Clarington, Pa., 29 Dec., 1847, Mariah Catherine Reynolds, b. in Venango Co., Pa., 17 Oct., 1824, dau. of John and Nancy Reynolds, of Venango Co.
He d. in Clarington, 10 July, 1899.
He was a farmer; Methodist; Republican; res. on a farm near Barnett township.
Children, b. in Clarington.
11755 Alpheus,10 b. 26 June, 1850; m. Isa Wise; res. in Dempseytown, Pa.
11756 Samantha,10 b. 29 Apr., 1854; m. Martin Brant.
11757 Clareene,10 b. 9 May, 1856; m. James Louis Maze.
11758 Fillmore,10 b. 19 Feb., 1858; m. Anna L. Mercilott.
11759 Joanna Lucretia,10 b. 19 July, 1860; m. James Ard Frampton.
11760 Desdemonia,10 b. 4 Dec., 1862; m. James Buchanan Kifer.
11761 Sarah Ann,10 b. 19 Aug., 1864; res., unm., in Marienville.
11762 John Adams,10 b. 13 June, 1867; m. Elizabeth Moore.
11763 William,10 b. 9 June, 1872; d. in Clarington, 5 Mar., 1873.

5477.   MARY ANN,9 dau. of Josiah8 (2149), b. in Jamestown, N. Y., 26 Aug., 1823; m. in Steuben Township, Pa., 2 May, 1844, David Skinner Waid, b. in Randolph, Pa., 8 Jan., 1821, son of Warner Waid, of Randolph, and Hannah Skinner.
He d. in Steuben, 30 Nov., 1890; she d. in Steuben Corners, 7 Oct., 1901.
They res. in Steuben and Townville, Pa. He was a farmer, Justice of the Peace, a Methodist and a Democrat.

1008    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Steuben.
11764 Sarah Ellen Waid,10 b. 29 July, 1845; m. in Steuben, 8 June, 1870, James Franklin Stevens; res. in Townville.
11765 Martha Hellen Waid,10 b. 7 Nov., 1846; m. in Steuben, 26 Sept., 1866, Henry Harrison Locke; res. in Bradford, Pa.
11766 Edwin Arnold Waid,10 b. 27 Oct., 1849; m. in Titusville, Pa., 7 Dec., 1874, Lucy A. Bly; res. in Bismarck, N. D.
11767 David Almon Waid,10 b. 9 Jan., 1852; m. in Titusville, 17 Nov., 1875, Chloe Paulina Winston, b. in Richmond, Pa., 31 May, 1851, dau. of Horatio Winston, b. 14 Jan., 1813, and Minerva Carpenter, of Richmond, b. 10 Mar., 1811; is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Townville; has seven children.
11768 Mary Ettie Waid,10 b. 25 Apr., 1860; m. in Steuben, Apr., 1885, Otis Orlando Squier; res. in Townville; d. in Steuben, 27 June, 1887.

5478.   SARAH,9 dau. of Josiah8 (2149) b. 13 Nov., 1825; m. in Tryonville, Pa., Daniel Titus.
He d. ______; she d. in Bradford, Pa., 23 Jan., 1889.
11769 Isabell Titus,10 b. ______; d. in Titusville, Pa.
11770 Myers Titus,10 b. 6 Mar., 1850; m. 23 Aug., 1881, _______; res. in Bradford.
11771 Dolphus Titus,10 b. ______; res. in Warren, Pa.

5479.   PARLINA,9 dau. of Josiah8 (2149), b. in Steuben, Pa., 23 July, 1828; m. in Armstrong, Pa., 11 July, 1849, David Munn, Jr., b. in Munn Town, Pa., 19 May, 1828, son of David Munn, of Washington Co., Pa., b. 11 Nov., 1800.
She d. in Tryonville, 9 Mar., 1887.
They res. in Tryonville. He was a gardener, a Methodist and a Republican.
After her death he res. in Spartansburg, Pa.
11772 Zenobia Munn,10 b. in Armstrong, 5 Dec., 1852; m. in Sherman, N. Y., 7 June, 1888, Charles Henry Lillie; res. in Spartansburg.
11773 David Elmore Munn,10 b. in Armstrong, 11 Sept., 1853; d. in Clarion, Pa., 29 Aug., 1855.
11774 Leverton Thomas Munn,10 b. in Munn Town, 11 July, 1857; d. in Tryonville, 14 June, 1876.
11775 John Albert Munn,10 b. in Munn Town, 19 Nov., 1859; m. in Town­ville, Pa., June, 1883, Margaret R. Kohman; res. in Tryonville.
11776 Anna Lyda Munn,10 b. in Tryonville, 7 Aug., 1860; m. in Spartans­burg, James M. Read; res. in Johnsonburg, Pa.
11777 George Britton Munn,10 b. in Tryonville, 3 June, 1862; m. in Hyde­town, Pa., 2 Feb., 1883, Evie Geraldine Beeman, b. 14 July, 1862, dau. of William Wallace Beeman, b. 19 May, 1837, and Angeline T. Castle, b. 2 Apr., 1842, of Tryonville; was graduated from the Titusville Business College in 1882; from the College of Com­merce, Buffalo, N. Y., 1890; is a Republican; was elected District Attorney of Warren Co., Pa., Nov., 1900; when 17 years old he commenced teaching school; 1899 rem. to Buffalo; 1893, was 9.

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candidate for nomination in the Fourth Assembly District in Buf­falo; 1894, was one of the clerks for the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York; later he was a bond and insurance clerk in the office of the Comptroller of the City of Buffalo; 1896, re­signed that position and rem. to Warren, where he resumed his law studies and was admitted to practice, 1897; is secretary of the Re­publican organization, and has always been very active in Repub­lican politics; res. in Warren, Pa.; has five children.
5480.   JOSIAH,9 son of Josiah8 (2149), b. in Kellogg Hill, near Tryonville, Pa., 5 May, 1831; m. in Titusville, Pa., Mary Kurry.
He d. in Marshburg, Pa., 14 Apr., 1900.
They res. in Marshburg; he was a painter; served in the civil war in Co. B, Twelfth Reg., Pennsylvania Cavalry; was a Republican.
11778 Albert,10 b. _______; m. _______.
11779 William,10 b. _______; m. _______

5482.   HOLLIS,9 son of Josiah8 (2149), b. in Kellogg Hill, near Tryonville, Pa., 7 Feb., 1836; m. in Titusville, Pa., 14 Mar., 1871, Mercy Ann Rood, b. 22 Aug., 1845. dau. of Moses Rood, b. 12 June, 1782, and Elizabeth Rahnhouser, b. 11 Apr., 1811, of Titusville.
He d. in Tryonville, 9 Feb., 1901, where she res.
He was a butcher; a Methodist Episcopalian, and a Republican.
Children, b. in Tryorwllle.
11780 Leona,10 b. 6 Mar., 1872; m. James Robert Thompson.
11781 Mead David,10 b. 6 Nov., 1873.
11782 Charles,10 b. 19 Feb., 1876; d. 25 Feb., same year, in Tryonville.
11783 Bertha Amelia,10 b. 23 Mar., 1877; d. in Tryonville, 23 Dec., 1880.
11784 Frederick William,10 b. 13 July, 1880.
11785 Anna May,10 b. 14 Mar., 1882.
11786 Sarah Catharine,10 b. 26 May, 1884.
11787 Hollis,10 b. 15 Jan., 1887.

5484.   GEORGE WASHINGTON,9 son of Hollis8 (2150), b. in Tryonville, Pa., 12 Oct., 1840; m. in Union City, Pa., 14 Aug., 1865, Margaret Elizabeth Cook, b. in Centerville, Pa., 21 Aug., 1846, dau. of William Cook, of Centerville, b. 1 Feb., 1814, and Margarret Scott, b. 1 Jan., 1824.
He is a farmer; res. in Tryonville; served in the civil war as Corp., first in the Twelfth Pennsylvania Cavalry, second in Co. E, Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania Infantry; served from 1861 to '65; is a member of the Church of United Breth­ren in Christ; is a Republican.
11788 Galusha Grow,10 b. in West Greene, Pa., 1 June, 1867; m. Adda Kamerer.
11789 John Clinton,10 b. in Centerville, 2 July, 1869; d. in Spartansburg, Pa., 4 Aug., 1886.
11790 Edith Permelia,10 b. in Tryonville, 21 July, 1871; m. Aruna Shep­ard Mattison.

1010    The Kelloggs in the New World.

11791 William Hollis,10 b. in Centerville, 21 Apr., 1874; m. Ethel Carrie Lamphier.
11792 Erma Susie,10 b. in West Greene, 30 July, 1884.

5486.   ANSTYSS SOPHIA,9 dau. of Frederick8 (2152), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 20 Dec., 1820; m. in East Poultney, Vt., 22 Nov., 1842, Theodore Chapin Clark, b. in Poultney, 17 Apr., 1817, son of Warren Clark, b. about 1782, in East Haddam, Conn.
He d. 2 Apr., 1854; she d. 28 Jan., 1891.
He was a farmer in East Poultney.
11793 Frederick Theodore Cloris,10 b. 24 Aug., 1843; m. 1 Jan., 1865, Jane Grinter, dau. of John Ginter, b. 5 July, 1806, and Lydia Bollman, b. 16 Sept., 1811; they res. in Quasqueton, Ia.

5488.   HYMENEUS CHANDLER,9 son of Frederick8 (2152), b. in Tinmouth, Vt., 15 Aug., 1824; m. 26 Oct., 1846, Eusebia Elizabeth Wheeler, b. in Poultney, Vt., 23 Mar., 1827, dau. of Jonathan R. Wheeler, b. in Littleton, Mass, 14 Jan., 1792, and Eusebia Hoar, b. in Littleton, 15 Nov., 1792.
She d. in Quasqueton, Ia., 26 June, 1878; he d. 11 Apr., 1901.
He was a lawyer in Cherokee, Ia., in the firm of Kellogg & Herrick.
11794 Emma Eusebia,10 b. 31 Mar., 1848; m. Charles Henry Lewis.
11795 Lawson Wilson,10 b. 1 Feb., 1850; m. Frances Eugenia Weller.
11796 Ida Sophia,10 b. 29 Aug., 1856; m. John Opdale.
11797 Mary Elizabeth,10 b. 8 Aug., 1860; m. Henry Achenbach.
11798 Florence Gertrude,10 b. 16 Aug., 1862; d. 9 Feb., 1864.
11799 Frederick Ranney,10 b. 22 Feb., 1865; m. Leota Smith.
11800 Darwin Hymeneus,10 b. 16 Jan., 1868; m. in San Antonio, Tex., 15 Aug., 1893, Theresa Black, b. 6 May, 1873, dau. of Sloan Black, b. 11 Apr., 1845, and Susan Seringer, b. 20 Mar., 1847; is an artist; res. in Lake Charles, La.; has no children.

5489.   LAWSON FREDERICK,9 son of Frederick8 (2152), b. in Middletown, Vt., 17 July, 1835; m. in Stony Creek, N. Y., 3 June, 1862, Mary J. Fenton, b. 3 May, 1836, in Luzerne, N. Y., dau. of Luke Fenton, of Corinth, N. Y., b. 23 Aug., 1794, and Anna Church, b. 2 Oct., 1800.
He was a farmer and res. in Meriden, Ia., and later in Armour, S. D; he is a Baptist and a Republican.
11801 Frank Leroy,10 b. in West Farnham, Canada, 17 May, 1863; m. Emma Jane Russell.
11802 William Henry,10 b. in East Poultney, 5 Aug., 1867; m. Margaret S. Breen.
11803 Frederick Lawson,10 b. in East Poultney, 4 Oct., 1870; m. cog. Adell Robinson.

5490.   MARY HELEN,9 dau. of Amos Rodney8 (2155), b. in Jamaica, Vt, Sept., 1837; m. in Jamaica, Cornelius Rand, son of Josiah Rand and Oril Kelly.
They res. in Hartford, Conn.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1011

Children, all except youngest, b. in Jamaica.
11804 Frederick Kellogg Rand,10 b. ______.
11805 Frank Kelley Rand,10 b. ______.
11806 Henry Edward Rand,10 b. ______.
11807 Charles Rand,10 b. in Hartford, Conn.; d. there, in 1876.

5492.   PERSIS PARKER,9 dau. of Amos Rodney8 (2155), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 9 Jan., 1842; m. Daniel Webster Thomas, b. in Chesterfield, N. H.
They res. in East Hartford, Conn.
Children, b. in Hartford.
11808 Albert Leroy Thomas,10 b. 1867.
11809 Ada Kellogg Thomas,10 b. 1871; m. in 1898, John Havens, of Hartford.

5494.   ELLEN AUGUSTA,9 dau. of Amos Rodney8 (2155), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 5 Apr., 1846; m., in Rutland, Vt., 26 Jan., 1866, William Henry Miles, b. in Townshend, Vt., 5 Mar., 1842, son of W. R. Miles, of Townshend, and Diana A. Lewis, b. 15 Dec., 1808.
He was a private in Co. I, Fourth Vermont Reg.; enlisted 21 Aug., 1861; was discharged 13 July, 1865; is a commercial traveler, a Baptist and a Repub­lican; res. in Townshend.
11810 Child,10 b. and d. in Jamaica, Vt., 3 July, 1867.
11811 George Henry Miles,10 b. in Townshend, 24 Nov., 1871; d. there, 24 Sept., 1888.
11812 Edith Nellie Miles,10 b. in Townshend, 23 Nov., 1874; m. there, 21 Feb., 1893, Fred Clark Cutter; res. in Brookline, Vt.; had two children.

5495.   GEORGE FRANKLIN,9 son of Amos Rodney8 (2155), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 3 Mar., 1849; m. in Vernon, Conn., 1 May, 1871, Emma Isabelle Perrin, b. in Wilbraham, Mass., 31 May, 1850, dau. of John Gladding Perrin, b. in Holland, Mass., Oct., 1806, and Eliza Childs, b. 1806.
They res. in Hartford, Conn. He was a prominent man among the State butchers, and also a grocer.
Children, b. in Hartford.
11813 Edith Belle,10 b. 15 May, 1872; unm.
11814 Florence Hill,10 b. 21 July, 1877; unm.
11815 Richard Webster,10 b. 13 May, 1880; unm.

5496.   CHARLES HENRY,9 son of Amos Rodney8 (2155), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 29 Aug., 1850; m. in Springfield, Mass., 10 Dec., 1873, Sarah Jane Strong, b. in Haysville, Canada, 3 Oct., 1850, dau. of James Strong, of Canada and Ver­mont, and Amy Chandler Bolster.
He is a hardware dealer, a Baptist and a Republican; res. in Sioux City, Ia.
Children, all except the third, b. in Cherokee, Ia.
11816 Earle Eugene,10 b. 30 Apr., 1876; d. in Cherokee, 24 Sept., 1880.
11817 Clara Louise,10 b. 22 June, 1881.

1012    The Kelloggs in the New World.

11818 Leroy Webster,10 b. in Landgrove, Vt., 11 Apr., 1883.
11819 Alfred Kenneth,10 b. 24 Dec., 1884.

5497.   SARAH LINCOLN,9 dau. of Amos Rodney8 (2155), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 28 June, 1852; m. in Hartford, Conn., Apr., 1872, Edward Southworth Towne, b. in Chicopee, Mass.
He d. in Anacostia, D. O., 1 Aug., 1893; she m. (2) _______ Williams.
11820 Lewis Towne,10 b. in South Windsor, Conn., ______.
11821 Leroy Merritt Towne,10 b. in Plainville, Conn., ______.
11822 Charles William Towne,10 b. in Vineland, N. J., ______.

5503.   LAUREN,9 son of Supplina8 (2157), b. in West Galway, N. Y., 21 Jan., 1824; m. in West Galway, 8 June, 1848, Elizabeth Miller, b. in Glasgow, Scot­land, 30 June, 1823, dau. of Robert Miller and Janet Anderson.
He d. in Amsterdam, N. Y., 1 Oct., 1853; after his death she res. there.
In Oct., 1851, he rem. from West Galway to Amsterdam.
Children, b. in West Galway.
11823 Marion,10 b. 24 July, 1849; m. Middleton Warwick.
11824 Spencer,10 b. 16 June, 1851; m. Jane Morris.

5504.   JOHN,9 son of Supplina8 (2157), b. in West Galway, N. Y., 17 Dec., 1826; m. in Galway, 11 Sept., 1850, Olive Davis, b. in Burtonsville, N. Y., 15 May, 1825, dau. of Benjamin Davis, b. in New Bedford, Mass., 19 Apr., 1794, and Ann Grinnell, b. in Galway, 16 Oct., 1798.
He was a manufacturer of linseed oil; res. in Amsterdam, N. Y.
Children, b. in Amsterdam.
11825 George,10 b. 6 Aug., 1851; m. Susan Cora Chase.
11826 Jane (Jennie),10 b. 10 July, 1854; m. Howland Fish.
11827 Lauren,10 b. 4 Aug., 1858; m. Elizabeth Fish.
11828 Anna Louise,10 b. 4 Dec., 1863; res., unm., in Amsterdam.

5505.   HARRIET,9 dau. of Supplina8 (2157), b. in West Galway, N. Y., 13 Oct., 1828; m. 15 Oct., 1850, Barnard K. Lee, b. 13 July, 1827, son of Barnard Keeler Lee, of Vermont and West Galway, and Abigail _______.
She d. 19 Mar., 1859; he m. (2) 6 Dec., 1864, Helen Amelia Dyer, of Boston, Mass.
He was a manufacturer of gloves and mittens in West Galway. After 1859 he rem. to Hilton Head, S. C., where he was Postmaster. Afterward, during the war, he established a supply depot and school for freedmen. In returning from Boston after his marriage he and his wife were lost at sea, 8 Jan., 1865. The Melville, with two hundred passengers, foundered of Cape Hatteras and only four were saved.
11829 Willard Lee,10 b. 11 June, 1851; d. 17 Sept., 1854.
11830 Lauren Kellogg Lee,10 b. 26 Nov., 1854; m. in Island Pond, Vt., 4 Sept., 1876, Anna Bell Foster, b. 4 May, 1858; res. in St. Paul, Minn.; had three children.

5506.   JANE,9 dau. of Supplina8 (2157), b. in West Galway, N. Y., 1 Nov.,

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1830; m. 3 Sept., 1851, John Firman Mann, b. 1828, son of Stephen Mann, b. 1791, and Margaret Quackenbush, b. 1800.
She d. in Amsterdam, N. Y., 15 Nov., 1874; after her death he res. in West Galway.
11831 Stephen B. Mann,10 b. 15 May, 1852; m. 27 Sept., 1876, Martha E. Hoes; d. 16 Jan., 1883; had one child.
11832 Harriet Kellogg Mann,10 b. 16 Apr., 1857; d. in Amsterdam, 3 May, 1875.

5507.   MELINDA,9 dau. of Russell8 (2158), b. in Howard, N. Y., 20 Sept., 1821; m. in Havana, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1842, Edmund Platt Smith, b. in Carmel, N. Y., 14 Dec., 1819, son of Platt Perlee Smith, b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 24 July, 1792, and Keziah Knox, b. in White Plains, N. Y., 25 Jan., 1789.
She d. in Orange, N. Y., 2 Dec., 1871; he m. (2) in Nov., 1873, Mrs. Mary Anna (Wagener) Laman.
He was a farmer in Wheeler, N. Y., until 1856; was a fruit grower and foundryman in Hammondsport, N. Y., until 1870; since that time a farmer in Monterey, N. Y., and in Mays Mill, N. Y.
Children, first five b. in Wheeler.
11833 Kezia Smith,10 b. 16 Sept., 1843; m. in Orange, 26 Sept., 1872, George Romain Horton, son of James Horton and Herring; he was a farmer; d. Jan., 1877; after his death she res. in Monterey; had no children.
11834 Jay Kellogg Smith,10 b. 8 Feb., 1846; m. 2 Aug., 1879, Una Marie Saunders, b. 29 June, 1854; was a lawyer; res. in Penn Yan, N. Y.
11835 Perlee Smith,10 b. Dec., 1847; d. Dec., 1851.
11836 Gertrude Smith,10 b. 20 Dec., 1851; unm.
11837 Frank Eugene Smith,10 b. 21 Dec., 1853; was a farmer; res., unm., in Orange.
11838 Carrie Bell Smith,10 b. Sept., 1857; d. Aug., 1861; is buried in Ham­mondsport.

5511.   ROBERT SLADE,9 son of Russell8 (2158), b. in Springwater, N. Y., 29 Jan., 1834; m. 10 Oct., 1856, Ada Byron Wonderly, b. June, 1840, dau. of Wil­liam Kamer Wonderly, of Philadelphia.
He d. 28 Mar., 1875; res. in Bath, N. Y., Hatfield, Pa., and Philadelphia, where he was a hotel keeper; she m. (2) 25 Oct., 1881, William H. Jones; res. in Philadelphia.
11839 Josephine Elizabeth,10 b. 14 June, 1858; d. 14 Aug., 1859.
11840 Mabel Marion,10 b. 30 Nov., 1859; is a clerk in Philadelphia.
11841 Russell Herbert,10 b. 18 Jan., 1862; d. 27 July, 1879; was killed in a railroad accident.
11842 Marianne Gertrude,10 b. 28 Feb., 1867; m. Benjamin Franklin Jones.
11843 Genevieve Eliza,10 b. 7 Apr., 1869; d. 1 Nov., 1870.
11844 William Boslier Schleigh,10 b. 21 May, 1871; res., unm., in Phila­delphia.
11845 Ada Estelle,10 b. 2 Mar., 1873.
11846 Marguerite Bell,10 b. 2 Mar., 1875; d. 1 May, 1877.

1014    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5512.   FRANCES ANN,9 dau. of Russell8 (2158), b. 30 Apr., 1836; m. 20 Feb., 1855, Andrew Jackson Brundage, b. in Bath, N. Y., 16 July, 1830, son of Benjamin S. Brundage, of Greenwood, N. Y., b. 18 Sept., 1793, and Charity Lan­ning, b. 22 Jan., 1788.
He d. on his way to California, 20 June, 1861, in camp, thirteen miles West of Fort Bridger, Wyo.; she d. in Andover, N. Y., 4 Apr., 1875.
He was a lawyer in Kauona, N. Y., and Monroe, Wis.
Children, b. in Monroe.
11847 John Maynard Brundage,10 b. 2 Jan., 1856; m. 2 Jan., 1877, Carrie L. Phinney; res. in Andover; was a bank cashier; had one child.
11848 Marion Kellogg Brundage,10 b. 1 Mar., 1859; m. 22 Oct., 1881, Jessie G. Fay; was a bank clerk in Russell, Kas.; had one child.

5513.   MARION,9 dau. of Russell8 (2158), b. 13 Apr., 1840; m. 5 June, 1861, Charles H. Young, b. in Benton Center, N. Y., 7 May, 1837, son of Josiah Young and _______ Mather.
She d. in Bath, N. Y., 3 June, 1879.
He is a commission merchant; res. in Bath, and later in Naples, N. Y. He is an Episcopalian and a Democrat.
11849 Marianna Young,10 b. 21 Nov., 1863; m. 13 May, 1893, Isaac Henry Quinby; res. in Buffalo, N. Y.
11850 Charles Griffith Young,10 b. 1 Nov., 1866; res. in Baltimore, Md.

5524.   CAROLINE ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Joseph8 (2160), b. in Springwater, N. Y., 20 Dec., 1832; m. 14 Apr., 1853, Harvey Hollister Marvin, b. 15 Sept., 1828, son of George O. Marvin, b. in 1800, and Sally Densmore Hyde, b. about 1802.
He d. 4 Mar., 1892.
He was a farmer in Springwater; was a Republican; was a Supervisor.
11851 George Joseph Marvin,10 b. 16 Feb., 1854; m. in Millington, Ill., 5 Dec., 1878, Elizabeth Aldrich; res. in Springwater.
11852 Charles Harvey Marvin,10 b. 10 July, 1860; m. in Springwater, 10 May, 1884, Anna Hart; res. in Springwater.

5526.   PERSIS ANGELA,9 dau. of Benjamin Franklin8 (2162), b. in Spring­Water, N. Y., 24 Apr., 1832; m. 5 Nov., 1848, William Terwilliger.
She d. 24 Jan., 1850; he m. (2) 26 Mar., 1853, Harriet Naomi Kellogg (+5527), sister of his first Wife.
11853 Ada Josephine Terwilliger,10 b. ______; d. 29 Jan., 1851.

5527.   HARRIET NAOMI,9 dau. of Benjamin Franklin8 (2162), b. 22 Feb., 1833; m. (1) 22 Apr., 1848, Henry Brown.
He d. 30 Nov., 1849, aged 27; she m. (2) 26 Mar., 1853, William Terwil­liger, who had previously married her sister, Persis Angela (+5526); he d. ______; she res. in Ridgefield, Ill.

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Child by first husband.
11854 Alice Emogene Brown,10 b. ______.
Children by second husband.
11855 William Henry Terwilliger,10 b. 26 Mar., 1855.
11856 Franklin Samuel Terwilliger,10 b. 17 Feb., 1861.

5528.   MARTIN DEWEY,9 son of Benjamin Franklin8 (2162), b. in Spring­water, N. Y., ______; m. Elizabeth Morse.
11857 Franklin,10 b. ______.
11858 Isadora,10 b. ______.
11859 Benjamin,10 b. ______.
11860 Lial,10 b. ______.

5530.   HARRIET ANN,9 dau. of John8 (2163), b. in Cohocton, N. Y., 6 June, 1835; m. 23 Feb., 1854, Albertus Larrowe.
She d. 17 Dec., 1860; he m. (2) Julia Draper; she d. ______; he m. (3) Catherine Morgan.
They res. in Cohocton.
11861 John Larrowe,10 b. _______; res. in Cohocton.
11862 Charles Larrowe,10 b. _______; res. in Cohocton.

5531.   JOHN MURRAY,9 son of John8 (2163), b. in Cohocton, N. Y., 31 May, 1844; m. 9 Oct., 1864, Mahala Caroline Hammond, dau. of William Hammond and Elizabeth Vanauker.
He was drowned in Chicago, 17 June, 1866; he was a blacksmith; she m. (2) 8 Jan., 1873, Wesley Rice, who d. 1 Mar., 1893, leaving one dau.; after his death she res. in Neil's Creek, N. Y.
✛11863 Hendrick Murray,10 b. in Howard, N. Y., 6 July, 1865; m. Pearl Doud.

5532.   ALICE MAY,9 dau. of John8 (2163), b. in Cohocton, N. Y., 12 Feb., 1858; m. 24 Dec., 1879, William Crichton Eccles, b. in Ayr, Scotland, 1 June, 1837, son of Elizabeth Crichton.
He was a bookkeeper.
He d. in Bradford, Pa., 12 Feb., 1888; she m. (2) 3 Oct., 1895, Hugh T. Green, b. in Stewartstown, Pa., 8 June, 1855.
He is a paper hanger and res. in Bradford.
Children by first husband.
11864 Margaret Louise Eccles,10 b. 2 Nov., 1881; d. 27 Aug., 1882.
11865 John Albert Eccles,10 b. 26 Jan., 1885.
11866 Edward William Eccles,10 b. 24 Dec., 1886.

5533.   REV. HIRAM,9 son of Preserved Smith8 (2165), b. in Northampton, Mass., 14 Sept., 1815; m. in Ellsworth, O., 11 Sept., 1845, Ruth Murphy, b. 19 July, 1821, dau. of Thomas Murphy.
She d. in Troy, O., Mar., 1878.

1016    The Kelloggs in the New World.

When he was three years old, his father rem. from Northampton to Thomp­son, O. He was a clergyman in the Methodist Episcopal Church for more than fifty years. He spent his life on the Western Reserve. He res. in Welshfield, O., and was a Republican from the beginning of the party.
11867 Helen Josephine,10 b. in Wayne, O., 23 Aug., 1846; d. unm., in Troy, O., 1852.
11868 Frances Augusta,10 b. in Orangeville, O., 16 Feb., 1848; d. unm., in Trow, 1854.
11869 Carvasso Hughes,10 b. in Berlin, O., 19 Apr., 1850; m. Alice Caroline Crafts.
11870 Stearns Wesley,10 b. in Rootstown, O., 20 Feb., 1852; m. Josephine Lucinda Whitney.
11871 Asbury Crawford,10 b. in Harts Grove, O.; res., unm., in Cleveland, O.
11872 Hiram Watson,10 b. in Thompson, O., 19 Mar., m. Josephine 1854; res. unm., 27 Apr., 1857; m. Cora May Brown.
11873 Jane Eliza,10 b. in Jackson, O., 9 Aug., 1858; d. unm., in Troy, Mar., 1877.
11874 Francis Cornelius,10 b. in Mantua, O., 3 Dec., 1861.
11875 Flora Sanborn,10 b. in Troy, 18 Feb., 1864.

5544.   CAROLINE,9 dau. of Elijah8 (2171), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 20 May, 1814; m. in Hadley, 7 June, 1843, as his second wife, Edward Richardson Gaylord, b. 21 June, 1813, son of Israel Gaylord, b. 4 Aug., 1788, of Hadley, and Susan Smith, b. 16 Oct., 1791.
She d. 5 Nov., 1844; he m. (3) 29 Jan., 1845, Jane Adelaide Miller.
He was a farmer in Hadley.
11875a George Edward Gaylord,10 b. 19 July, 1844; m. 21 Oct., 1868, Sarah L. Weir, of Newington, Conn.

5548.   HAWLEY,9 son of Elijah8 (2171), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 25 July, 1822; m. 26 Nov., 1851, Susan Maria Holman, b. in Tolland, Conn., 14 Sept., 1835, dau. of Justin Holman, b. in Union, Conn., 17 May, 1808, and Maria Til­den, b. in Coventry, Conn., 4 Mar., 1809.
She d. 28 Dec., 1877; he m. (2) 16 Dec., 1880, Mary Louise Tamblin, b. in Ottawa, Ill., 1 Dec., 1845; d. 9 July, 1882; rem. in 1859 from South Hadley to Hartford, Conn., where he was a member of the City Government; was a grocer; she m. (2) 7 Nov., 1883, E. L. Kenyon; res. in Batavia, N. Y.
11876 Dana William,10 b. in Hartford, 7 Dec., 1857; d. in Hartford, 11 Sept., 1880; was graduated from Yale in the class of 1880; was about entering upon the study of medicine in New York City when he d.
11877 Anna Ruth,10 b. 30 Dec., 1859; d. 18 Jan., 1877; was graduated from Hartford High School.

5551.   WILLIAM,9 son of Elijah8 (2171), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 6 Jan., 1829; m. (1) 9 May, 1861, Maria Oliva Blackman, b. in Florence, O., 24 Nov.,

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1837, dau. of Joel Blackman, of Norwalk, O., b. in Columbus, N. Y., 13 Mar., 1801, and Wealthy Tilden, b. in Coventry, Conn., 4 May, 1798.
She d. 28 July, 1871; he m. (2) 26 Mar., 1872, Edith Ellis, of Wakeman, O., b. 12 Aug., 1847, dau. of Freeman Ellis, b. in Berlin, O., 30 Nov., 1822, and Miranda Denman, b. in Neversink, N. Y., 20 May, 1825.
He res. in Enfield, Conn., among the Shakers; next in Springfield, Mass.; was in trade with his brother, Hawley, in Hartford; was clerk in a furniture store on Canal street, New York; was later a farmer in Wakeman, O.; now res. in Wheeler, Ill.; held the office of Supervisor for two years; has held several small offices in town; is one of the members of the Town Board of Corporation.
Children by first wife.
11878 Charles Church,10 b. in Wakeman, 15 Feb., 1862; m. (1) in Clarks­field, O., May, 1886, Rose Twaddle, dau. of William Twaddle and Sabria Pixley; m. (2) in Colorado Springs, Col., Apr., 1891, Mary McEldowney, of Salem, O.; d. in Colorado Springs, 19 Oct., 1893; was a printer; had no children.
11879 Frederick Blackman,10 b. 29 Dec., 1863; m. Dora May Zimmerman.
11880 William Grant,10 b. in Wakeman, 19 Nov., 1865; m. 5 Feb., 1891, Isadora Eugenia Wiggins, b. 29 Sept., 1870, dau. of Henry Fessen­den Wiggins, b. 12 July, 1838, and Electa Jane Luce, b. 4 May, 1847; was a farmer and res. in Berlin Heights, O.; had no children.
11881 Florence Wealthy,10 b. in Wakeman, 27 Dec., 1867; is a teacher in Norwalk; unm.
Children by second wife.
11882 George Owen,10 b. in Wakeman, 26 June, 1874; m. in Ashland, O., 14 Apr., 1900, Celia Snader, b. in Ashland, 8 June, 1878, dau. of Lemon Snader, b. 27 Jan., 1845, and Malinda Morr, b. 22 Feb., 1851; is a clerk and a Methodist; res. in Ashland; has no children.
11883 Bertha Mary,10 b. in Wakeman, 23 Apr., 1877; is a teacher; res., unm., in Wheeler.
11884 Fanny Ruth,10 b. in Wakeman, 26 July, 1879; res., unm., in Wheeler.

5552.   OTIS,9 son of Elijah8 (2171), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 17 Nov., 1831; m. in Springfield, Mass., 3 Sept., 1856, Susan Griffiths, b. in Foster, R. I., 31 July, 1825, dau. of James Griffiths, of Providence, R. I., b. 12 Mar., 1793, and Clarissa Ide, b. in Rhode Island, 24 Mar., 1796.
He left South Hadley when a child, and did not return to live until 41 years of age; was a farmer and machinist; res. in Springfield; also on his father's and grandfather's homestead in South Hadley. During the civil war he was em­ployed in the United States Armory in Springfield.
Children, b. in Springfield.
11885 James Henry,10 b. ______ d. in Long Meadow, Mass., 28 May, 1857.
11886 Charles Stoughton,10 b. 24 Feb., 1860; m. (1) Mary Tucker Aldrich; (2) Mattie Basford Larock.
11887 George Otis,10 b. 18 Sept., 1863; m. Lulu Ardelle Calkins.

5561.   EUNICE McLELLAN,9 dau. of Joseph McLellan8 (2178), b. in Lubec, Me., 6 Nov., 1829; m. in Portland, Me., 15 Oct., 1851, William Jay Baker, b. 1

1018    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Mar., 1829, son of Horace Baker, b. 27 Mar., 1792, and Thirza Bouton, b. 1 Apr., 1796.
He d. in Central America, 20 Aug., 1855.
He was a wood engraver; after his death she res. in Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
11888 Ida Sophia Baker,10 b. in Boston, Mass., 26 Sept., 1852; m. in Port­land, 23 Apr., 1879, Charles Haskell Hemingway; res. in Mt. Vernon.

5563.   SOPHIA BRAZIER,9 dau. of Joseph McLellan8 (2178), b. in Eastport, Me., 27 Jan., 1840; m. in Portland, Me., 14 June, 1860, James Seymour Bedlow, b. in Portland, 8 Jan., 1823, son of Cornelius Bedlow, b. 9 Apr., 1787, and Mary Beaman, b. 10 May, 1789.
He d. in Pine Point Beach, Me., 2 July, 1878.
He was superintendent of the Western Union Telegraph Company; after his death she res. in Portland.
Children, b. in Portland.
11889 Lucy Crosby Bedlow,10 b. 29 Mar., 1861; is unm.
11890 Mary Seymour Bedlow,10 b. 24 Oct., 1863; d. 24 Apr., 1869.
11891 Horace Day Bedlow,10 b. 22 Sept., 1865; is unm.
11892 Joseph James Bedlow,10 b. 24 Nov., 1866; is unm.
11893 Sophia Kellogg Bedlow,10 b. 22 Feb., 1869; m. in Portland, 19 June, 1894, Edward Bradford Litchener; he is professor of psychology in Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.; res. in Ithaca.

5564.   FRANK GILMAN,9 son of Rev. Elijah8 (2185), b. in Boston, Mass., 16 Oct., 1857; m. in Boston, 17 Feb., 1881, Grace Haley, b. in Boston, 17 Feb., 1859, dau. of George W. Haley, b. 5 Apr., 1830, and Belle , b. 18 June, 1835.
He is a merchant; res. in Melrose, Mass.; is a Congregationalist and a Re­publican.
Children, b. in Melrose.
11894 Frank Coburn,10 b. 25 Nov., 1881.
11895 Chester Elliah,10 b. 11 Nov., 1888.

5565.   MARY CATHERINE,9 dau. of Rev. Elijah8 (2185), b. in Boston, Mass, 14 Jan., 1860; m. in Boston, 20 Mar., 1883, Harry A. Batchelder, b. in Boston, 8 Jan., 1858, son of Hiram Batchelder, b. 5 Mar., 1822, and Clara L. Lougee, b. 1 July, 1829.
They res. in Melrose Highlands, Mass.
Children, b. in Melrose Highlands.
11896 Laurence Kellogg Batchelder,10 b. 12 Aug., 1886.
11897 Alice Elizabeth Batchelder,10 b. 19 Dec., 1888.
11898 Eleanor Batchelder,10 b. 23 Aug., 1897.
11899 Hugh McClellan Batchelder,10 b. 28 Jan., 1899.

5576.   NATHAN PUTMAN,9 son of Eli8 (2190), b. in Patten, Me., 18 Sept., 1837, m. in Bangor, Me., 6 Oct., 1870, Ellen Rebecca Doe, b. in Boston, Mass., 3
une, 1842, dau. of William H. Doe and Eliza Ann Dale, of Wakefield, Mass.
He d. in Bangor, 17 May, 1893.
He was a merchant; a member of the Unitarian Church, res in Bangor.

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11900 William Dale,10 b. in Bangor, 8 Sept., 1874; m. Florence Lowe.

5577.   ADALINE HAZEN,9 dau. of Eli8 (2190), b. in Patten, Me., 1 Oct., 1839; m. in Patten, 23 Apr., 1868, Ephraim Severance Bailey, b. in Bangor, Me., 10 Jan., 1821, son of David Bailey and Mary Blaisdell, of Bangor.
He is a harness maker; served in the civil war as private in Co. B, Eighth Maine Reg.; enlisted 4 Aug., 1862; was discharged 7 June, 1865; is a Meth­odist and a Republican; res. in Patten.
Children, b. in Patten.
11901 Eleanor Bird Bailey,10 b. 19 Nov., 1869; d. in Patten, 19 July, 1889.
11902 Freclerick Robie Bailey,10 b. 9 Dec., 1882.

5578.   ELVIRA ADAMS,9 dau. of Eli8 (2190), b. in Patten, Me., 8 Oct., 1841; m. in West Cambridge (now Arlington), Mass, 6 June, 1864, Capt. Charles Car­rol Perry, b. in Worcester, Mass, son of Emery Perry and Arabella Wheeler.
She d. in Crystal, Me., 13 Jan., 1895.
They res. in Crystal, Me., and Cambridge, Mass. He served as Capt. in the civil Warin Co. B, Eighth Maine Reg.; enlisted 7 Sept., 1861; was discharged 19 Oct., 1864; is a Unitarian and a Republican.
Children, b. in Cambridge.
11903 Emery Perry,10 b. 8 Oct., 1865; m. in Boston, Mass., 20 Feb., 1896, Sarah Elizabeth Bateman.
11904 Fanny Jameson Perry,10 b. 22 Oct., 1867; m. in Crystal, 17 June, 1891, Edwin Denniston Bell.

5580.   HORACE,9 son of Elli8 (2190), b. in Patten, Me., 28 Apr., 1845; m. (1) Addie F. Tupper, of Topsfield, Me.
She d. _______; he m. (2) Alice F. Cobb, of Vanceboro, Me., b. in Australia.
He is a merchant; res. in Vanceboro.
Children by first wife.
11905 Carl,10 b. _______; d. young.
11906 Guy,10 b. ______.
11907 Horace Eli,10 b. ______.
Children by second wife.
11908 Harold,10 b. ______.
11909 Thelma,10 b. ______.

5582.   WINFIELD SCOTT,9 son of Eli8 (2190), b. in Patten, Me., 30 Dec., 1851; m. (1) in Winn, Me., 2 June, 1877, Emma Jewell, b. in Monticello, Me.
She d. in Minneapolis, Minn., 3 May, 1884; he m. in Sherman Mills, Me., 7 Apr., 1886, Mrs. Almy Evelith (Gardner) Webster, b. in Patten, 14 Oct., 1852, dau. of John Gardner, b. 14 Dec., 1812, and Mary Ann Coburn, b. 3 Apr., 1818; she had previously m. A. D. Webster, of Patten.
He is a lumberman and farmer; res. in Patten.
Child, b. and d. in Patten.
11910 Gemma,10 b. 30 July, 1892; d. 3 Aug., same year.

1020    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5584.   CORNELIUS,9 son of Horace8 (2191), b. in Randolph, Vt., 17 May, 1825; m. 29 May, 1850, Jane Elizabeth Hebard, b. in Randolph, 29 May, 1826, dau. of Lucius Hebard, b. 29 Nov., 1797, and Irene Butts, b. 8 Dec., 1797.
She d. 31 Dec., 1895.
He res. on his father's homestead in Randolph; was for eighteen months a soldier in Co. G, Tenth Vermont Volunteer Infantry.
Children, b. in Randolph.
11911 Laura Jane,10 b. 22 May, 1857; m. Waldo E. Butterfield.
11912 Martha Irene,10 b. 2 Nov., 1859; m. 5 Oct., 1886, Norman B. York, b. in South Royalton, Vt., 26 May, 1859, son of Nathan N. York and Sophronia Noyes; was educated at the State Normal School in Randolph; d. in Barre, Vt., 15 July, 1888.
11913 Alice Mabel,10 b. 4 Feb., 1862; was educated at the State Normal School in Randolph; d. unm., in Braintree, Vt., 14 Jan., 1890.

5585.   MARTHA LAVINIA,9 dau. of Horace8 (2191), b. in Randolph, Vt., 15 July, 1828; m. in Randolph, 26 July, 1852, Milan Hebard, b. in Randolph, 11 Oct., 1829, son of Lucius Hebard, of Randolph, b. 29 Nov., 1797, and Irene Butts, b. 8 Dec., 1797.
He d. ______
He was a farmer; was a soldier in Co. G, Tenth Vermont Infantry; res. two years in Waupaca, Wis., and from 1881 until his death in Randolph; was a Meth­odist and a Republican.
11914 Lucius Kellogg Hebard,10 b. in Waupaca, 14 Jan., 1854; d. 15 July, 1897.
11915 William Horace Hebard,10 b. 14 Oct., 1857; m. 22 Jan., 1881, Alma Olive Goodrich; is a farmer in Williamstown, Vt.
11916 Minnie Elizabeth Hebard,10 b. 20 Sept., 1865; d. 17 July, 1881.

5588.   DR. PHINEAS,9 son of Phineas8 (2192), b. in Brookfield, Vt., 14 Aug., 1822; m. 26 Oct., 1852, Roxcena Griswold, b. 11 Feb., 1825, dau. of John Gris­wold, b. 29 Dec., 1797, and Celia Erskine, b. 6 Aug., 1800.
He d. 10 Oct., 1862.
He was a physician and res. in Plainfield, Vt.; after his death she res. in Randolph, Vt.
Children, b. in Plainfield.
11917 Clarence Griswold,10 b. Sept., 1854; m. Annie F. Keith.
11918 Clement Phineas,10 b. 12 May, 1859; m. Augusta L. Bartlett.
11919 Clyde Erskine,10 b. in Dec., 1861; res., unm., in Kansas City, Mo.

5589.   LOUISA,9 dau. of Phineas8 (2192), b. in Brookfield, Vt., 18 Oct., 1826; m. 7 May, 1848, Marshall Barna Gaylord, b. in Randolph, Vt., 25 Aug., 1824, son of Barna Gaylord, b. in 1795, and Martha Blodgett.
He d. 4 May, 1891.
He was a farmer; rem. in 1847, from Randolph to Brookfield, where he res.
Children, b. in Brookfield.
11920 Ann Louise Gaylord,10 b. 18 Nov., 1850; d. 11 Mar., 1852.
11921 Marshall Hayden Gaylord,10 b. 4 Jan., 1853; is a teacher.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1021

11922 Martha Alice Gaylord,10 b. 15 Aug., 1855; is a teacher.
11923 Emma Cynthia Gaylord,10 b. 22 Apr., 1859; is a teacher.
11924 Mary Anna Gaylord,10 b. 2 June, 1861.
11925 Pearl Blodgett Gaylord,10 b. 5 Apr., 1864.
11926 Earl Abbott Gaylord,10 b. 5 Apr., 1864.
11927 Laura Louisa Gaylord,10 b. 5 Oct., 1865.

5617.   TRUMAN PERRIN,9 son of Ebenezer Snow8 (2196), b. in Worcester, Vt., 1 Feb., 1823; m. (1) 1 Jan., 1843, Alice Coborn Rich, b. 2 Dec., 1818, dau. of Elias Rich and Elizabeth Coborn.
She d. in Worcester, Feb., 1858; he m. (2) Mrs. Mary Grant, Widow of Joseph Grant; d. in the service, in Algiers, La., 23 July, 1862.
He was a farmer. He was Second Lieut. in Co. E, Eighth Vermont Volun­teer Infantry. He was for several years a very successful teacher, and was for seven years a Justice of the Peace in Worcester. He was a Congregationalist, a Whig and later a Republican. She m. (3) _______ Smalley.
Children by first wife, b. in Northfield, Vt., others in Worcester.
11928 Olivia Almira,10 b. 27 Nov., 1844; m. (1) Albert Murdock Taylor; (2) Caleb Curtis Bachelder.
11929 Julius,10 b. 18 Oct., 1846; m. Harriet Champine.
11930 Charles Clarence,10 b. 29 Sept., 1849; m. Mary Elizabeth McElhany.
11931 Truman Sylvanus,10 b. 7 July, 1852; d. in Worcester, Nov., 1858.
Child by second wife.
11932 Edith Gertrude,10 b. ______; res. in Northfield.

5619.   WILLIAM HENRY,9 son of Ebenezer Snow8 (2196), b. in Worcester, Vt., 28 Mar., 1827; m. 26 Sept., 1847, Julia A. Templeton, dau. of Joel Temple­ton and Abigail Austin.
Children, b. in Worcester.
11933 William H.,10 b. 9 June, 1849.
11934 Roxanna C.,10 b. 1 June, 1851.
11935 Edward E.,10 b. 27 Oct., 1854.
11936 Effie M.,10 b. 25 Sept., 1856.
11937 Horatio Templeton,10 b. 27 June, 1858; m. Hannah Edna Safford.
11938 Nellie,10 b. Feb., 1860; d. ______.
11939 Nettie,10 b. Feb., 1860; d. ______.
11940 Truman Perrin,10 b. 27 Oct., 1862; was a lawyer; was graduated from Dartmouth College.
11941 Horace,10 b. 9 June, 1865.
11942 Kate J.,10 b. 22 Oct., 1867.

5621.   EBENEZER REED,9 son of Ebenezer Snow8 (2196), b. in Williams­town, Vt., 31 Dec., 1830; m. in Montpelier, Vt., 11 Apr., 1854, Melissa Hannah Field, b. in Northfield, Vt., 5 Apr., 1834, dau. of Seth Price Field, of North­field, b. 9 Mar., 1791, and Sarah Clossan, b. 24 June, 1794.
He d. in Hanover, N. H., 4 Jan., 1892.
He was a farmer, Congregationalist and Republican; rem. from Worcester, Vt., about 1863; she res. in Council Bluffs, Ia.

1022    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Worcester.
11943 Ida Jane,10 b. 30 Nov., 1855; m. Alvin Livingston Frost.
11944 Carrieline Elides,10 b. 29 Jan., 1858; d. unm., in Hanover, 18 June, 1883.
11945 Levi Percy Eben Ellsworth,10 b. 11 Jan., 1872; m. in Hanover, 23 Dec., 1899, Mrs. Rosa Russell; res. in Hanover.
11946 Charlotte Melissa,10 b. 12 Apr., 1874; m. Harry Ashbel Brown.

5627.   JOSEPHINE VIENNA,9 dau. of Ebenezer Snow8 (2196), b. in Wor­cester, Vt., 15 June, 1844; m. in Worcester, 9 Sept., 1868, Robert Barnes Lillie, b. in Bethel, Vt., 18 Oct., 1839, son of Obadiah Lillie, of Bethel, b. 27 Apr., 1801, and. Philena Wallace, b. 9 Nov., 1803.
He is a farmer; res. in Montpelier; Wasgraduated from the University of Vermont, 1873. He was a Union soldier; enlisted as private in Co. E, Fourth Vermont Volunteer Infantry, 2 Sept., 1861; was discharged 30 Sept., 1864.
11947 Edith Josephine Lillie,10 b. in Yellow Springs, O., 21 Oct., 1871; m. in Montpelier, 1 Sept., 1892, John B. Paddleford; res. in Bristol, N. H.
11948 Dean Kellogg Lillie,10 b. in Colchester, Vt., 15 Apr., 1876; m. in Mont­pelier, 7 Aug., 1895, Elizabeth F. Belknap; res. in Montpelier.

5633.   MARCUS EMERSON,9 son of Arial8 (2199) , b. in Braintree, Vt., 16 Sept., 1826; m. 1 Feb., 1865, Mary Ellen Farrell, b. _______, dau. of Jonathan Farrell and _______ Conlogue.
He is a music teacher; res. in Chicago.
11949 Charles Frederick,10 b. 18 June, 1867.
11950 William Hewitt,10 b. in Valley Falls, Kas., 14 Mar., 1871; m. in Chicago, 1 Oct., 1896, Mary Virginia Bartels, b. in Canton, Ill., 12 Jan., 1867, dau. of Adolph J. Bartels and Eva Garvig; is a mem­ber of the “New Church,” a Republican in 1892, Populist in 1894, Free Silver Democrat in 1898; res. in Chicago; has no children.
11951 Dauphin Henry,10 b. 14 Oct., 1880.

5638.   JOHN NEWTON,9 son of Arial8 (2199), b. 22 Mar., 1836; m. in Marys­ville, Cal., 18 July, 1862, Emma Ann Brown, b. in Hillsdale, Mich., 22 Aug., 1842, dau. of Lucien Meigs Brown, b. 25 May, 1812, and Clarissa Emmeline Fow­ler, b. 24 Jan., 1813.
He is a broom manufacturer; res. in Clarks, Neb. In religion he is a Meth­odist Episcopalian; in politics a Republican until 1890, since then a Populist.
11952 Arthur Lucien,10 b. in Virginia City, Nev., 21 Apr., 1865; m. in Cushing, Neb., 6 June, 1895, Kittie May Williams; res. in Beemer, Neb.
11953 Minnie Aletta,10 b. in Walnut Grove, Ill., 24 Mar., 1867.
11954 Ira Ariel,10 b. in Clarke, 31 Jan., 1874.
11955 Albert Newton,10 b. in Clarks, 31 Jan., 1874; m. in Wolbach, Neb., 20 Mar., 1901, Myrtle E. Terry; res. in Wolbach.
11956 Emma Persis,10 b. in Clarke, 3 Jan., 1882; m. Oscar Lavern Bergen.

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5639.   DR. JOHN BERRIDGE,9 son of Arial8 (2199), b. in Eden, Vt., 29 May, 1838; m. (1) in Princeton, Ill., Eliza Beach, dau. of Dr. J. M. Beach, of Princeton.
She d. ______, in Rockford, Ill.; he m. (2) in Cherry Valley, Ill., 5 Feb., 1890, Mrs. Caroline C. Clark; d. 12 Feb., 1901.
He was a dentist, a Congregationalist, a Republican and later a Prohibi­tionist.
Children by first wife, b. in Rockford.
11957 Nira Anna,10 b. 16 Nov., 1867; m. in Rockford, William Rufus Pot­ter; d. ______, in Storm Lake, Ia.; res. in Storm Lake.
11958 Charles Beacil,10 b. 14 Nov., 1877.

5640.   JOHN BUNYAN,9 son of Arial8 (2199), b. in Eden, Vt., 18 July, 1840; m. in Dover, Ill., 22 Oct., 1863, Amy Jane Wilson.
He d. in Greenfield, Ia., 8 Mar., 1896.
11959 Edward A.,10 b. 10 Oct., 1866.
11960 Roy,10 b. 18 May, 1872.

5642.   SHERIDAN ROMAIN,9 son of Arial8 (2199), b. in Wayne, Ill., 14 Sept., 1845; m. in Berlin Center, Ill., 18 Nov., 1869, Irene Elizabeth Wetherill, b. in Moodus, Conn., 22 Nov., 1849, dau. of Ralph Tudor Wetherill, b. 8 Nov., 1825, and Clarissa Meech, b. 26 Nov., 1825.
He is a manufacturer of brooms; res. in Fullerton, Neb. In religion he is undenominational; in politics independent.
Children, all but first two b. in Clarles, Neb.
11961 Henry Milroy,10 b. in Dover, Ill., 19 Dec., 1870; m. May R. Mason.
11962 Jane May,10 b. in Berlin Center, Ill., 13 Feb., 1872; m. in Fullerton, 27 July, 1892, Thomas Harris Hempstone; res. in Luella, Okla.
11963 George Ralph,10 b. 27 May, 1875; d. Nov., 1877.
11964 Ernest Ray,10 b. 18 May, 1878.
11965 Lucien Morris,10 b. 26 Dec., 1881.
11966 Nellie Alleta,10 b. 28 May, 1884.
11967 Mark Emerson,10 b. 27 Mar., 1887.
11968 Wilbur Eno,10 b. 2 Oct., 1893.

5647.   MARY JANE,9 dau. of Benjamin8 (2201), b. in Brookfield, Vt., 27 Dec., 1835; m. (1) in Swansea, Mass., 5 Oct., 1851, Merrill Wheeler, b. in Pawtucket, R. 1., 1830.
He was drowned in Mount Hope Bay shortly after their marriage. He was a painter. She m. (2) 13 Sept., 1856, George Atwood; d. 4 Nov., 1864; he is a moulder; res. in Taunton, Mass.
Children by second husband.
11969 Charles Atwood,10 b. ______; m. ______; is a moulder; res. in Taun­ton; has four children.
11970 George N. Atwood,10 b. ______; m. ______; is a furniture dealer in the firm of Frost & Atwood, Fall River, Mass.; has two children.
11971 Walter Atwood,10 b. ______; is a broker in Providence, R. I.
11972 Emma M. Atwood,10 b. ______; res. in New York City.

1024    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5648.   ANN MARIA,9 dau. of Benjamin8 (2201), b. in Somerset, Mass, 3 Aug., 1837; m. in Rehoboth, Mass., 28 Nov., 1860, Horace Wheaten Barney, b. in Re­hoboth, 3 Feb., 1831, son of Willard Barney, b. in Jan., 1792, and Polly Luther, b. 17 Apr., 1794.
She d. 24 Nov., 1879; he d. 10 Sept., 1897.
He was a farmer and carpenter; res. in South Rehoboth, Mass.; was a Republican.
11973 Anna Willard Barney,10 b. in Rehoboth, 28 Sept., 1861; res., unm., in South Rehoboth.
11974 Horace Waller Barney,10 b. 31 May, 1867; m. 29 Sept., 1889, Catherine Helen Callahan; d. in Boston, Mass., 12 Mar., 1898; was a mason; had four children.
11975 Frank Wheaten Barney,10 b. 3 Nov., 1870; m. 7 Dec., 1892, Edith Wini­fred Waterman; res. in East Providence, R. I.

5649.   SARAH CLEMENTINE,9 dau. of Benjamin8 (2201), b. 27 Apr., 1840; m. in Fall River, Mass., 20 Mar., 1867, Chauncey E. Pierce, b. in Swansea, Mass., 1845, son of Ezra and Jemima Pierce.
He is a farmer.
11976 Rebecca G. Pierce,10 b. ______.
11977 Charles Pierce,10 b. in Swansea, 12 Apr., 1870; was adopted by Stephen Chace; changed his name to Charles Stephen Chace; m. in Swan­sea, 4 Nov., 1889, Sarah Elizabeth Short; res. in Swansea; has six children.

5650.   ELIZA ADELINE,9 dau. of Benjamin8 (2201), b. in Vermont, 2 Mar., 1842; m. in Somerset, Mass, 3 Mar., 1861, Henry W. Barney, b. in South Reho­both, Mass., 3 Feb., 1861, son of Willard Barney, b. Jan., 1792, and Polly Luther, b. 17 Apr., 1794.
He is a carpenter and farmer; res. in South Rehoboth.
11978 Henrietta Evelyn Barney,10 b. 23 Apr., 1864.

5651.   HARRIET NEWELL,9 dau. of Benjamin8 (2201), b. 5 Feb., 1844; m. in Dighton, Mass., 13 Aug., 1875, Coleman Chase.
They res. in Rehoboth, Mass.
11979 Lydia Emma Chase,10 b. in Fall River, Mass., Aug., 1877.

5653.   BENJAMIN FRANKLIN,9 son of Benjamin8 (2201), b. in Fall River, Mass., 10 Jan., 1848; m. there, 4 Aug., 1872, Elizabeth (Betsey) Smith, b. in Scotland, 31 Oct., 1851, dau. of William and Letitia Smith.
He was a carpenter, contractor and lumber dealer in Fall River. In 1897 he retired on account of ill health. He rem., when quite young, to Dighton, Mass., but after the War returned to Fall River; was a Union soldier.
Children, b. in Fall River.
11980 Emma Louise,10 b. 21 July, 1873; is unm.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1025

11981 Clara Frances,10 b. 14 Nov., 1876; is unm.
11982 William Lyman,10 b. 1 Mar., 1879; was Quartermaster, United States Signal Service in the Spanish War.
11983 George Forrester,10 b. 11 Aug., 1883.

5655.   LEONORA LOUISA,9 dau. of Pliny8 (2202), b. in Orange, Vt., 16 Apr., 1810; m. 22 Nov., 1831, Harmon Barrows, b. in Williston, Vt., 13 Nov., 1808, son of Josiah N. Barrows, of Williston, and Rosalina Murray.
He was a manufacturer of harness and saddles; rem. in 1835 from Williston to Newburg, O., thence, in 1840, to Chagrin Falls, O., where he later res.
11984 Hiram B. Barrows,10 b. in Troy, N. Y., 19 Oct., 1832; d. 13 Aug., 1834.
11985 Charles Walter Barrows,10 b. in Newburg, 27 May, 1835; d. 25 July, 1836.
11986 Ermina Wealthy Barrows,10 b. in Newburg, 27 Sept., 1837; m. 8 Feb., 1860, James Milton Jones, b. in Herefordshire, England, 28 Apr., 1827, son of Thomas Jones, who emigrated to Cleveland, O., in 1831, and d. there, 15 May, 1871, and Mary Ann _______; he was admitted to the bar in 1855; elected Prosecuting Attorney for Cuyahoga Co., 1867; in 1872 was Judge of the Superior Court; in 1874 and for fourteen years was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas; res. in Cleveland; had three children.
11987 Lydia Maria Barrows,10 b. in Chagrin Falls, 4 Apr., 1841; m. (1) Oct., 1862, James Oliver Davis, son of Dennis Davis, of Hagerstown, Md., and Emily _______; he was a paper manufacturer in Chagrin Falls; d. 26 Apr., 1870; had three children; she m. (2) 29 Oct., 1874, William Harrison Caley, b. in the Isle of Man, in 1835; he served four years in the One Hundred and Third Reg, Co. D, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; he was later a dealer in shoes in Chagrin Falls.
11988 Mary Louisa Barrows,10 b. in Chagrin Falls, 11 June, 1843; d. 13 May, 1844.
11989 Walter Harmon Barrows,10 b. in Chagrin Falls, 21 June, 1845; m. 18 Nov., 1875, Vine Woolley; was a manufacturer of harness and sad­dles; served three years in Co. A, First Ohio Artillery; res. in Chagrin Falls; had three children.

5656.   LYDIA ALVORD,9 dau. of Pliny8 (2202), b. in Burlington, Vt., 14 Sept., 1812; m. 13 Jan., 1841, Jairus Green Ruggles, b. 6 Aug., 1813, son of Cyrenieus Ruggles, b. 13 Mar., 1777, and Anah Stilson, b. 20 May, 1781, both of New Milford, Conn.
She d. 17 July, 1891; he d. 14 Aug., 1896; both d. in Newburg, O.
He was a farmer; later a lawyer and Justice of the Peace in Newburg for twenty-one consecutive years.
11990 Leonora Anah Ruggles,10 b. 12 May, 1843; d. 10 Apr., 1866.
11991 Seymour Bennett Raggles,10 b. 14 Jan., 1845; d. 14 Jan., 1847.
11992 Florence Emma Ruggles,10 b. 28 Sept., 1857; m. 27 May, 1874, Wil­liam Price Williams; he was an oil dealer in Cleveland, O.

1026    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5658.   STEPHEN BARTLETT,9 son of Pliny8 (2202), b. in Brookfield, Vt., 22 Dec., 1816; m. 18 Oct., 1841, Abigail Eales Pierce, b. 18 July, 1823, dau. of John Pierce and Elizabeth Smith.
She d. 7 Aug., 1895.
He rem. in 1846 from Cleveland, O., to Milwaukee, Wis.; was, from 1850 to '53, in California; Went to Denver, 10 May, 1859; was a Justice of the Peace, a miner and prospector.
11993 Walter Henry,10 b. in Cleveland, 30 Sept., 1843; rem. to Colorado, 1860; was Deputy County Clerk of Lake and Chaffee counties, Col.; d. unm., in Denver, 11 June, 1888.
11994 Juliette Estelle,10 b. in Milwaukee, 27 Aug., 1847; m. Philip S. Moffett.

5659.   LUCY MARIA,9 dau. of Pliny8 (2202), b. in Burlington, Vt., 5 Sept., 1820; m. 3 Oct., 1842, Anson Welcon Gaylord, b. in Newburg, O. (now part of Cleveland), 27 Feb., 1816, son of Allen Gaylord, b. in Connecticut, 4 Oct., 1777, and Philena Gunn, b. in Massachusetts, 23 Oct., 1782.
He d. 18 Nov., 1856; she d. 16 Nov., 1888.
They res. in Newburg. He was a "mechanic. The old homestead, in New­burg, where Allen Gaylord settled at an early day, was owned in 1881 by Mrs. Lucy Maria Gaylord.
11995 Evelyn Verona Gaylord,10 b. in Newburg, 14 Apr., 1845; m. 3 Sept., 1868, Franklin Wallace Bell, b. in Troy, O., 6 Mar., 1843, son of James Bell, b. in Becket, Mass., 22 Feb., 1821, and Matilda Curtis, b. in Euclid, O., 31 July, 1824; he is a lumber dealer in Cleveland.
11996 Clarence Delmont Gaylord,10 b. 14 Oct., 1847; m. 3 Aug., 1876, Frances Gillett, b. in Mexico, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1852, dau. of George Gillett; d. in Nov., 1879; was a carriage maker in Newburg.

5668.   ENOS WELLS,9 son of Enos8 (2205), b. in Enosburg, Vt., 15 June, 1820; m. 4 July, 1852, Abigail Hollenbeck, b. in New York, 17 May, 1832, dau. of Robert Hollenbeck and Sarah Lampman.
He d. in Santa Rita, Cal., 9 Apr., 1897.
He was a wheelwright; res. in Vermont until 24 years of age; rem. overland to California in 1864; res. for a number of years in Monterey Co., then in Look­ford, San Joaquin Co., and later in Pittville, Cal.
11997 George Wells,10 b. in Wisconsin, 10 Apr., 1853; m. Mary Grigsby.
11998 Sarah Caroline,10 b. in Harvard, Ill., 7 Jan., 1859; m. (1) Joseph Jasper Grissom; (2) Jesse Alexander Grigsby.
11999 Albert,10 b. in May, 1867.
12000 Charles William,10 b. ______; res. in Acampo, Cal.

5672.   HARRIET N.,9 dau. of Enos8 (2205), b. ______; m. as his second wife, 22 Sept., 1852, Franklin Leonard, b. in Pottertown, N. Y., 5 June, 1825, son of Truman Leonard and Roxanna Allis.
He d. in Buda, Ill., 8 Oct., 1884; after his death she res. there.

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12001 Alfred Eugene Leonard,10 b. 26 Jan., 1855; m. Susan E. Weable.
12002 Herbert De Witt Leonard,10 b. 12 Sept., 1859; m. Alice Weable, sister of Susan E.
12003 Clara Adell Leonard,10 b. 20 Aug., 1861; m. John Hanson.
12004 Frank Adelbert Leonard,10 b. 6 Sept., 1863; m. Lucy Reynolds.
12005 Harriet Elmina Leonard,10 b. 4 May, 1866; m. George Braby.
12006 Ella May Leonard,10 b. 12 May, 1868.
12007 Ida Lavinia Leonard,10 b. 2 Feb., 1871; m. Edward B. Bartlett.
12008 Frederick Elbert Leonard,10 b. 1 May, 1873.
12009 Edward A. Leonard,10 b. 5 Aug., 1876.

5677.   REV. SYLVANUS HOLBROOK,9 son of Rev. Elias Wells8 (2207), b. 5 Jan., 1821; m. Sarah Loomis, b. 26 Dec., 1831, dau. of James Loomis, of Ypsi­lanti, Mich., b. 20 May, 1793, and Sarah Williams, b. 27 Aug., 1796.
She d. in Vineland, Cal., 14 June, 1896; he d. in Hoquiam, Wash., 8 May, 1900.
He was educated at Vermont University and Bangor Theological Seminary.
He was a Congregational clergyman; was ordained in Illinois, 10 Nov., 1857; res. in Grand Detour, Roscoe, Wayne and Buda, Ill., and Preston Lake, Minn.
She was educated in Ypsilanti Seminary. They res. in Claremont, and after her death he res. in Los Angeles, Cal.
12010 Mary Alza,10 b. in Grand Detour, 5 May, 1858; m. Lewis Elwin Porter.
12011 Elias Wells,10 b. in Roscoe, 9 Oct., 1859; m. Mary Estelle Westcott.
12012 James Loomis,10 b. in Buda, 12 Apr., 1861; is a musician and com­poser; res., unm., in New York City.
12013 Charlotte Catherine,10 b. in Buda, 29 Sept., 1863; m. Norbett J. Depew.
12014 Winny,10 b. 26 Dec., 1864; d. in infancy.
12015 Sylvanus Holbrook,10 b. in Wayne, 25 Feb., 1866; m. in Los An­geles, 17 Feb., 1900, Cornelia Baker Pierce, b. in New Bedford, Mass., 19 Aug., 1864, dau. of Thomas R. Pierce, of New Bedford, b. 1809, and Mary Elizabeth Tuell, b. 1 Apr., 1821; is a carpenter and a Methodist; res. in Los Angeles; has no children.
12016 Sarah Louise,10 b. in Wayne, 2 Dec., 1867; m. Dr. Edward Lycan.
12017 Abigail Cornelia R.,10 b. 24 July, 1869; res., unm., in Los Angeles.
12018 John Stacy,10 b. 15 Apr., 1873; served in the Spanish-American war as private in Co. C, Third United States Infantry; is a mechanic; unm.
12019 Clair Hinsdale,10 b. 14 Aug., 1874.

5682.   CHARLOTTE ALZADA,9 dau. of Rev. Elias Wells8 (2207), b. in East Berkshire, Vt., 10 Mar., 1836; m. 16 Nov., 1862, John Seeley Stacy, b. in De Kalb, N. Y., 14 May, 1833, son of Pelatiah Stacy, b. in Belchertown, Mass., 28 May, 1792, and Jerusha Tanner, b. in Cooperstown, N. Y., Dec., 1800.
He is a lawyer; res. in De Kalb and later in Anamosa, Ia. She, on the ma­ternal side, is in the eighth generation of descent from Gov. William Bradford, of Plymouth and the “Mayflower,” through his son, Samuel.

1028    The Kelloggs in the New World.

12020 Marian Luella Stacy,10 b. 10 Apr., 1864; m. 24 Aug., 1890, W. B. Shinn.
12021 Eddon Eugene Stacy,10 b. 10 July, 1866; m. 25 Feb., 1891, Martha Frisbee.
12022 Bertha Sybil Stacy,10 b. 3 Feb., 1870; is unm.
12023 William Kellogg Stacy,10 b. 30 May, 1880; is unm.

5686.   ALMIRA ANN,9 dau. of Simeon8 (2209), b. in Brighton, Canada, 12 Jan., 1831; m. in La Crosse, Wis., 14 Nov., 1852, Truman Jay Safford, b. in Portland, N. Y., 14 Jan., 1825, son of Jonas G. Safford, b. 14 Mar., 1785, and Martha Sage, b. in Bennington, Vt., 29 May, 1792.
She d. in Santa Barbara, Cal., 28 Aug., 1890; he d. in Los Banos, Cal., 29 Jan., 1897.
He was a farmer.
12024 Frances Isabella Safford,10 b. in McGregor, Ia., 12 July, 1854.
12025 Charles Kellogg Safford,10 b. in Chatfield, Minn., 14 Dec., 1859; m. 3 July, 1890, Susan Rose Robinson.
12026 Kate Lorenda Safford,10 b. in Cedar Falls, Ia., 20 Feb., 1862; res. in Berkeley, Cal.
12027 Frank Safford,10 b. in Cedar Rapids, 4 Jan., 1868.

5687.   MARCUS HENRY,9 son of Simeon8 (2209), b. in Brighton, Upper Canada, 31 Mar., 1833; m. Martha Robinson, b. ______, dau. of Charles Robin­son, b. ______, and Hannah Paine Wilder.
He was killed in Custer's last fight, 25 June, 1876.
He was a telegraph operator and correspondent for several Eastern papers, and was connected with several papers in Western States, among them being the La Crosse Democrat, Greeley Wave and Bismarck Tribune.
Col. C. A. Loundsbury, a correspondent of the New York Herald, had every­thing in readiness to accompany Gen. Custer on his fatal expedition against the Indians in 1876, on the Little Big Horn. His wife, being taken ill at the last moment, Mark Kellogg took his place and outfit, and was killed in the massacre which took place, 25 June, 1876. His notes were gathered up by Gen. Brisbin, and they were telegraphed with other matter to the New York Herald, which was the only newspaper that had a full account of the battle. The Herald gave his children $2000 in recognition of his services. Col. Loundsbury says of him: “Mr. Kellogg was about 5 feet, 7 inches in height, weighing about 140, a bright, active man. He was in his earlier days a telegraph operator, being one of the first to take messages by sound.”
12028 Cora Sue,10 b. in La Crosse, Wis., 5 Feb., 1862; res. in Denver, Col., and later in Kansas City, Mo.; is unm.
12029 Mattie Grace,10 b. 20 Aug., 1863; m. Dr. Franklin Stuart Temple.

5688.   MARY ELIZA,9 dau. of Simeon8 (2209), b. in Brighton, Canada, 15 Mar., 1835; m. in La Crosse, Wis., 25 May, 1857, Henry L. Edwards, b. in Rome, O., 25 May, 1832, son of James Edwards, of Chatfield, Minn., b. 1800, and Mary Cordelia Miller, b. 2 Mar., 1812.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1029

He disappeared; probably d. in Texas; she res. in Berkeley, Cal.
He was a civil engineer; served in the war for the Union as Capt. in Co. D, Second Nebraska Cavalry; was discharged 18 Sept., 1863.
12030 Minnie Miller Edwards,10 b. in Chatfield, 20 Mar., 1858; m. 20 Mar., 1879, James William Erwin, b. 1856, son of James Erwin, b. 1812, and Sarah Jackson; res. in Berkeley.

5690.   CORALINN MARIA,9 dau. of Simeon8 (2209), b. in Watertown, N. Y., 9 Mar., 1839; m. 24 Dec., 1857, Sidney Cogswell Clinton, of La Crosse, Wis., b. in Potsdam, N. Y., 10 Sept., 1834, son of Allen Clinton, of Waukesha, Wis., b. ______, and Adeline Goodman.
He d. in Hot Springs, Ark., 25 Dec., 1892.
He was a grocer, bookkeeper and Republican; res. in La Crosse, Denver, Col., and later in Los Angeles, Cal.
12031 Carrie May Clinton,10 b. in La Crosse, 14 Apr., 1859.
12032 Charles Marlo Clinton,10 b. in Jefferson Co., Col., 24 Nov., 1861; m. 28 Nov., 1889, Julia Belle Osgood; res. in Denver.
12033 Minnie Elizabeth Clinton,10 b. in Jefferson Co., Col., 9 May, 1863; m. 26 Dec., 1887, Frank E. Minty, son of Gen. Robert G. E. Minty and Grace Abbott, b. in Scotland; he d. in Butte, Mont., 26 Feb., 1888; was killed in a railroad accident; after his death she res. in Denver.
12034 Jessie Fremont Clinton,10 b. in Fremont, Neb., 4 Nov., 1865; is unm.
12035 Myra Adeline Clinton,10 b. in Denver, 23 Feb., 1867; m. there, 6 Sept., 1880, Frederick George Higgin, of Toronto, Canada; d. 23 Feb., 1891; res. in Denver; had one child.
12036 Herbert Sidney Clinton,10 b. in Denver, 8 Mar., 1871; d. there, 2 Mar., 1872.
12037 Gertrude Cora Clinton,10 b. in Denver, 27 Oct., 1872; is unm.
12038 Ruth Edward Clinton,10 b. in Denver, 13 Sept., 1879; is unm.

5692.   ECTON,9 son of Simeon8 (2209), b. in Bowmanville, Canada, 20 Feb., 1844; m. Hannah Dalby.
He d. in an asylum near Chicago, Oct., 1889.
He served as drummer boy in the civil war.
12039 Mamie,10 b. ______.

5694.   Ella May,9 dau. of Simeon8 (2209), b. in Waukegan, Ill., 20 Apr., 1850; m. Daniel Beeler.
She d. in Magdelena, N. M., 1890.
12040 Daniel Beeler,10 b. ______.
12041 Shirley Beeler,10 b. ______.
12042 Leslie Beeler,10 b. ______; res. in Denver, Col.

5717.   GEORGE PARKER,9 son of Deacon Leonard Martin8 (2114), b. in Hanover, N. H., 31 Dec., 1832; m. in Springville, N. Y., 18 Oct., 1860, Helen

1030    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Amanda Pierce, b. in Frankfort, N. Y., 2 Nov., 1834, dau. of Gifford Pierce, b. 2 Feb., 1805, and Henrietta Mills, b. 8 Feb., 1810.
When a young man he was a teacher. Since 1860 he has been engaged in manufacturing and milling. From 1874 to 1880 he lived in East Pike, N. Y., having charge of the Wyoming Co. Mills. In 1881 he res. in Springville; in 1898 in Lamont, N. Y. He was Justice of the Peace and deacon of the Baptist Church.
Children, b. in Springville.
12043 Mary Louisa,10 b. 22 Sept., 1863; m. Frank Horace Roberts.
12044 Roy Pierce,10 b. 26 Dec., 1872; m. Lillian Adelle Curtis.

5730.   GEN. STEPHEN WRIGHT,9 son of Jacob Pool8 (2221), b. in Shel­burne, Mass., 5 Apr., 1822; m. 10 Sept., 1851, Lucia Hosmer Andrews, b. in Buf­falo, N. Y., 11 Mar., 1829, dau. of Maj. Andre Andrews, b. 8 July, 1792, and Sarah Mehitable Hosmer, b. 4 Aug., 1794.
He was graduated from Yale College in 1846; from Yale Law School in 1848; practiced law for forty-eight years; res. in Waterbury, Conn. He was a man prominent in public affairs; was Judge of Probate seven consecutive years; a member of Congress three terms, 1869-75; was a member of the State Senate and House; was Brig.-Gen. of the Connecticut National Guard; was City Attor­ney, etc. In 1901 he was elected elector-at-large from Connecticut.
Children, b. in Waterbury.
12045 Sarah Andrews,10 b. 11 Sept., 1852; m. Frank Cameron Plume.
12046 Lucy Wright,10 b. 14 Jan., 1855; m. Edwin Holt English.
12047 Frank Woodruff,10 b. 26 July, 1857; m. 1 June, 1901, Mary S. Mc­Conchie, of Troy, N. Y.; was graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1881; his first service was on the Portsmouth in Jan., 1882, and in Aug. of that year was attached to the Coast Survey on the steamer Drift; Ensign junior grade, 1883, and full grade 1884; in 1885 he was attached to the Yantic; 1889 in Wash­ington for service at the Naval Observatory; after a few months in the Bureau of Equipment, he was ordered to the Richmond, and then to the Monongahela; Lieut. junior grade, 5 May, 1892, and went to the Pacific Coast in 1893, serving a year on the San Fran­cisco; in 1894 he went to Washington, and was on duty at the Naval Observatory and Navy Yard; took a course in the War Col­lege in 1895; 3 Apr., 1896, was full Lieut., and was attached to the Marion, in June; was ordered to the Baltimore, 11 Feb., 1897, and was serving under that order, in Dewey's fleet, during the de­struction of the Spanish ships at Manila; was one of the six men of the squadron wounded in the engagement.
12048 John Prescott,10 b. 31 Mar., 1860; m. Clara Mason.
12049 Elizabeth Hosner,10 b. 14 Mar., 1864; m. Irving Hall Chase.
12050 Stephen Wright,10 b. 8 Mar., 1866; d. 13 Aug., 1868.
12051 Charles Poole,10 b. 27 Apr., 1868; was graduated from Yale College in 1890; from Yale Law School in 1893; is Secretary of the Con­necticut State Board of Charities; is unm.

5731.   AI,9 son of Jacob Pool8 (2221), b. in Shelburne, Mass., 15 Feb., 1824;

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m. in Shelburne, 29 May, 1862, Adaline Louisa Clark, of Worcester, Vt., b. in Gardner, Mass., 8 Jan., 1833, dau. of Hiram Clark and Louisa Wright.
She d. 19 Apr., 1864.
He was a farmer; res. in Shelburne.
Child, b. and d. in Shelburne.
12052 Emma Eliza,10 b. 15 Apr., 1863; d. 24 Feb., 1864.

5734.   ELIZABETH (BETSEY) AURELIA,9 dau. of Deacon Elam,8 (2222), b. in Shelburne, Mass., 20 June, 1819; m. 25 Feb., 1841, Solomon Wellington Root, of Montague, b. 10 Mar., 1815, son of Solomon Root, b. 15 Mar., 1777, and Nancy Kingsley, b. 25 Jan., 1779.
She d. 2 Apr., 1885.
They res. in Montague, Mass., later with his son, Herbert W., in Greenfield.
12053 Edward Payson Root,10 b. 4 Aug., 1844.
12054 William Francis Root,10 b. 19 June, 1846.
12055 Ellen Aurelia Root,10 b. 21 Dec., 1849.
12056 Henry Elam Root,10 b. 17 July, 1855.
12057 Herbert Wellington Root,10 b. 26 Nov., 1859.

5735.   ELAM JOSIAH DOLE,9 son of Deacon Elam8 (2222), b. in Shelburne, Mass., 12 July, 1821; m. (1) 31 Aug., 1848, Mahala Hosmer, of Montague, Mass., b. 1832, dau. of Nathan Hosmer, b. 19 Aug., 1795, and Elizabeth Moore, b. 22 Feb., 1795.
She d. in Shelburne, 24 Oct., 1855; he m. (2) in Leyden, Mass., 11 Aug., 1861, Olive Maria Sheldon, b. 1835, dau. of Col. Salmon Sheldon and Rebecca Bigelow; she d. in Shelburne, 9 Dec., 1873; he m. (3) in Greenfield, Mass., 21 Feb., 1886, Mrs. Francena E. (Wilson) Baldwin, b. in Lancaster, Mass., 1834, dau. of John and Eliza Wilson; d. in Shelburne, 7 Apr., 1896.
He was a farmer and a blacksmith; was a Congregationalist.
Children, b. in Shelburne.
12058 Francis Josiah,10 b. 25 June, 1852; m. in Leyden, 5 Sept., 1877, Mary Brown Mowry, b. 9 Dec., 1846, dau. of David Mowry, Esq., of Ley­den, and Sarah Angeline Carpenter; is a commercial traveler; is a Congregationalist; res. in Greenfield, Mass.; has no children.
12059 Mahala Hosmer,10 b. 13 Sept., 1855; m. Maxwell Sheldon.

5736.   JULIA,9 dau. of Deacon Elam8 (2222), b. in Shelburne, Mass., 29 Dec., 1823; m. there, 29 June, 1843, Amos Rugg, of Montague, b. in Rindge, N. H., 24 Sept., 1816, son of William Rugg, of Winchendon, Mass., b. 9 Jan., 1781, and Sarah Buswell, b. in Rindge, 6 Dec., 1779.
She d. 11 Oct., 1884.
He was a manufacturer of rakes; res. in Montague, Mass.
12060 Amelia Melvina Rugg,10 b. 27 Nov., 1846.
12061 Clarence A. Rugg,10 b. 12 Feb., 1848; d. ______.
12062 Julia Ella Rugg,10 b. 30 June, 1850; m. 3 Oct., 1869, Thomas Joel Campbell, b. in Suffield, Colin, 7 Apr., 1841; in the War for the Union he served in Co. O, Forty-sixth Massachusetts Reg.

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12063 Francis Amos Rugg,10 b. 28 Jan., 1856; was a student at Amherst Col­lege.
12064 Walter Augustus Ragg,10 b. 4 Dec., 1862.

5737.   CHAUNCEY,9 son of Deacon Elam8 (2222), b. in Shelburne, Mass., 11 Feb., 1826; m. 17 July, 1856, Lucina Thayer, b. in Winchester, N. H., 25 Aug., 1827, dau. of Ellis Thayer, b. in Bellingham, Mass., 31 July, 1795, and Julia Cur­tis, b. in Swanzey, N. H.
He was a blacksmith and farmer; res. in Hinsdale, N. H., Shelburne, Royal­ston and later in Athol, Mass.
12065 Hattie Minette,10 b. 13 Jan., 1859; d. in Shelburne, 9 Sept., 1864.
12066 Fanny Evelyn,10 b. 11 Aug., 1860; is unm.

5739.   PHILENA DOLE,9 dau. of Deacon Elam8 (2222), b. in Shelburne, Mass., 19 Mar., 1831; m. in Shelburne, 8 Mar., 1855, Daniel Rugg, b. in Heath, Mass., 30 May, 1830, son of Reuben Rugg, b. 25 July, 1789, and Sarah Nims, b. 17 Oct., 1790.
She d. in Champaign, Ill., 7 Oct., 1877; he d. 28 July, 1888.
They res. in Champaign, where he was a dealer in boots and shoes.
12067 Stella Philena Rugg,10 b. in Heath, 9 Feb., 1856; d. 19 Aug., same year.
12068 Herbert Daniel Rugg,10 b. in Bloomington, Ill., 14 Apr., 1858; d. 12 Sept., 1858.
12069 Frederick Daniel Rugg,10 b. in Champaign, 22 Dec., 1860; m. 15 Apr., 1884, Cora Maltbury.
12070 Henry Kellogg Rugg,10 b. 12 May, 1863; d. 19 Aug., same year.
12071 Mary Ellen Rugg,10 b. 4 Sept., 1864; m. 3 July, 1884, C. F. Hamilton.
12072 Carrie Aurelia Rugg,10 b. 25 May, 1870; m. 7 Sept., 1894, James P. Hubbell.

5740.   MARY,9 dau. of Deacon Elam8 (2222), b. in Shelburne, Mass., 5 Jan., 1833; m. there, 24 Nov., 1859, Lewis Sheldon, of Leyden, Mass., b. 4 Oct., 1822, son of Col. Salmon Sheldon, b. 20 Sept., 1781, and Rebecca Bigelow, b. 1778.
He was a farmer; res. in Leyden and Montague, Mass. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; was an Abolitionist and Free Soiler; Repub­lican until 1884, and is now a Prohibitionist.
12073 Frederick Lewis Sheldon,10 b. 12 Oct., 1860; is unm.
12074 Elam Kellogg Sheldon,10 b. 17 Nov., 1864; is unm.
12075 Elizabeth Emmaline Sheldon,10 b. 7 May, 1867; is unm.
12076 Philena Rebecca Sheldon,10 b. 14 Nov., 1871; is unm.

5741.   CAPT. HENRY MARTIN,9 son of Deacon Elam8 (2222), b. in Shel­burne, Mass, 10 Jan., 1834; m. in Buckland, 26 Aug., 1858, Sarah Amanda Whit­ing, b. 17 Oct., 1834, dau. of Welcome Whiting, of Buckland, Mass., b. 16 Oct., 1799, and Sugan Wight, b. in Norwich, Mass, 15 Sept., 1798. Sarah Amanda­Whiting was descended, on her father's side, from Rev. Samuel Whiting, of Lynn, Mass., 1636, and on her mother's side, from Israel Putnam, of revolutionary fame.

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He entered Amherst College in Aug., 1854, and was a classmate of Mr. Rufus B. Kellogg. He was honorably dismissed in the spring of 1857 on account of ill health. In the following autumn he rem. to Illinois, and was for two years prin­cipal of the High School in Bloomington. He enlisted as a private in Co. C, Thirty-third Illinois Infantry, soon became Lieut., and subsequently Capt. He fell in charging the works at Vicksburg, 20 May, 1863. He rests in a soldier's grave on the field of battle.
Said the Lieut.-Col. of his regiment: “I saw him as he marched to his death with a clear presentiment of his fate, calm and resolute. When upon the ground he pointed to a little eminence in front saying, 'I shall fall near that spot.' Then, as they went forward to the attack, he, being in advance of his com­pany, waved his sword above his head, calling out to his men, 'Follow me to vic­tory or death.' He fell within ten feet of the spot he had pointed out, and, when removed a few moments after, his sword was held so firmly that it required some force in unclasping his hand from the hilt.”
She m. (2) 10 Nov., 1875, Oscar Bardwell, of Shelburne, b. 6 June, 1821; res. in Greenfield, Mass.
12077 Harry Whiting,10 b. in Bloomington, 25 Jan., 1861; m. Lucy Jane Sawin Cutler.

5742.   LOVILLA ELMINA,9 dau. of Deacon Elam8 (2222), b. in Shelburne, Mass., 19 Oct., 1839; m. there, 16 Aug., 1860, John Kingsley Bardwell, b. in Shelburne, 9 Mar., 1835, son of Ebenezer Bardwell, b. 1799, and Clarinda Rice.
He was a farmer; res. in Champaign, Ill.; is a Republican and a Prohibi­tionist.
12078 Lillian Maria Bardwell,10 b. 28 Mar., 1862; d. 2 Sept., 1863.
12079 Ellen Maria Bardwell,10 b. 27 Sept., 1865; m. 22 June, 1892, Luther Sherman Ross; res. in Des Moines, Ia.
12080 Lester Kellogg Bardwell,10 b. 3 Aug., 1867; d. 10 Oct., same year.
12081 Clarinda Rice Bardwell,10 b. 30 July, 1870; d. 20 July, 1872.
12082 Julia Kellogg Bardwell,10 b. 30 July, 1870; m. 14 May, 1896, John N. Connett; res. in Seneca, Kas.
12083 A Son,10 b. 13 Oct., 1871; d. 20 July, 1872.
12084 Faith Leland Bardwell,10 b. 16 Apr., 1877.

5744.   OLIVE MURILLA,9 dau. of Henry8, b. in Amherst, Mass., 2 July, 1824; m. in Amherst, 31 Oct., 1849, Gilbert Southwick, b. 24 May, 1822, son of Amasa Southwick, of Uxbridge and Pelham, Mass., and Alice Chace, of Newport, R. I., b. 19 May, 1781.
He is a blacksmith; res. in Pelham and Shutesbury, Mass.
12085 Henry Gilbert Southwick,10 b. 1 Aug., 1851.
12086 Susan Alice Southwick,10 b. 7 June, 1856; d. 5 Oct., 1861.

5748.   MARCUS AURELIUS,9 son of John8 (2225), b. in Madison, O., 11 Aug., 1829; m. in Painesville, O., 12 June, 1870, Eunice Everts, b. in Mexico, N. Y., 29 Dec., 1845, dau. of Philo Everts, of Madison.
He was a mechanic; is a Socialist; res. in Madison.

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Children, b. in Madison.
12087 Sherman Pool,10 b. 2 Oct., 1870; res. in Bellevue, O.
12088 Merton,10 b. 1 Oct., 1873; res. in Madison.

5750.   HENRY ELAM,9 son of John8 (2225), b. in Madison, O., 11 June, 1836; m. 16 Sept., 1863, Helen Sophia Spalding, b. in Perry, O., 9 June, 1842, dau. of Charles Spalding and Sophia P. Willard.
He d. in Detroit, Mich., 7 Jan., 1886.
He was a druggist in Detroit; was a Democrat.
12089 John Roswell,10 b. in Madison, 1 July, 1865; m. Charlotte Ann Hall.
12090 Helen G.,10 b. 14 Feb., 1872; res., unm., in Madison.

5762.   HENRIETTA,9 dau. of Noahdiah,8 (2232), b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 3 Apr., 1833; m. 20 June, 1861, John Blue.
They res. in Trumansburg, N. Y.
12091 Frederick Kellogg Blue,10 b. 11 May, 1866.

5768.   JOHN CALVIN,9 son of John Alvard8 (2233), b. in Willington, Conn., 8 Sept., 1837; m. 2 July, 1868, Anna Laurens Jewett, b. in Norwich, Conn., 17 Oct., 1846, dau. of Henry Laurens Jewett, b. 2 Apr., 1801, and Eliza Chapman, b. 12 Mar., 1808.
He d. 29 Sept., 1893; she res. in Norwich.
Children, b. in Norwich.
12092 John Alvard,10 b. 5 Oct., 1869; m. 29 Apr., 1897, Mabel Ross, b. 2 Apr., 1875, dau. of David Lancaster Ross, b. 27 May, 1845, and Helen Underwood, b. 26 Jan., 1849.
12093 Walter Jewett,10 b. 13 Dec., 1871; is a lawyer in Norwich.

5769.   REV. JOSEPH ALLEINE,9 son of John Alvard,8 (2233), b. in Louis­ville, Ky., 1 May, 1839; m. 20 Dec., 1868, Martha Estelle Gillette, of Meriden, Conn., b. 17 July, 1848, dau. of Lorenzo D. Gillette and Mary Palmer Hovey, of Meriden.
He d. in Meriden, 7 Sept., 1894.
He was ordained a minister in the Congregational Church in Newfield, Me.
12094 Anna Josephine,10 b. in Boston, Mass., 8 Nov., 1870; m. _______ Smith. Was graduated from Wesleyan University with the degree of B. S.; res. in Canada.
12095 Joseph Alleine,10 b. in Binghamton, N. Y., 6 June, 1874; d. there, 10 June, 1878.
12096 Charles Sumner,10 b. in Duke Center, Pa., 18 Nov., 1879; is a gas fitter, Congregationalist and a Republican; res., unm., in Meriden.
12097 Mary Fidelia,10 b. in Nichols, N. Y., 6 Nov., 1883; res., unm., in Southington, Conn.

5779.   EBENEZER BARSTOW,9 son of John Alvard8 (2233), b. in Lexington,

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Mo., 24 Aug., 1846; m. in Litchfield, Conn., 23 June, 1880, Harriette Thompson Woodruff, b. in Litchfield, 6 Aug., 1846, dau. of Reuben Morris Woodruff and Eliza Reeves Thompson.
She d. in Denver, Col., 17 Oct., 1889.
He is a lawyer and res. in Denver; is a Congregationalist; in politics an In­dependent.
12098 Mabel Fidelia,10 b. in Denver, 29 Aug., 1883.

5797.   CHARLES ERASTUS,9 son of Oran8 (2258), b. in East Hardwick, Vt., 22 Dec., 1849; m. 12 Jan., 1870, Eldora Augusta Batchelder, of St. Johnsbury, Vt, b. in Peacham, Vt., 1 Oct., 1852, dau. of Jedkins Randall Batchelder, b. 13 Sept., 1826, and Martha Washington Root, b. 23 Feb., 1826.
She d. in St. Johnsbury, 12 Nov., 1884.
He is a painter and paper hanger; res. in Boston, Mass.
12099 Frederic Charles,10 b. in St. Johnsbury, 19 Sept., 1872; m. in Lowell, Mass., 16 Jan., 1894, Ada Winnie Smith, b. in St. John, New Brunswick, 25 Mar., 1865, dau. of Francis Smith, b. 1808, and Hannah M. McCormick, b. 1821; is in the express business; res. in Boston; had no children.

5809.   DAVID OLIVER,9 son of David8 (2283), b. 2 Dec., 1809; m. (1) 16 May, 1837, Mary Ann Haskins, b. in Frederick, O., 15 June, 1818.
She d. 29 May, 1840; he m. (2) 9 Dec., 1840, Harriet Aurelia Haskins, of Shalersville, O., b. 8 Apr., 1818.
12100 Mary Ann,10 b. 13 Jan., 1840; m. 1 Jan., 1858, H. R. Brown, of Sar­anac, Mich.
12101 Harriet Lovisa,10 b. 26 Apr., 1843; d. 22 Nov., 1851.

5815.   SETH,9 son of Seth8 (2285), b. in Southwick, Mass., 3 Dec., 1816; m. 26 Mar., 1840, Rosamond Maria Smith, b. in Suffield, Conn., 13 Apr., 1817, dau. of Enoch Smith, of Suffield, b. 2 Feb., 1761, and Merab Morley, b. 2 Nov., 1780.
He d. in Westfield, Mass., 9 July, 1886; she d. in Springfield, Mass., 8 Dec., 1889.
He was a farmer in Southwick, Granville and Westfield, Mass.
Children, all except the oldest, b. in Westfield.
12104 Fanny Maria,10 b. 5 Nov., 1844; m. 30 Sept., 1873, Joseph Holbrook Damon, of Springfield, b. in Northampton, Mass, 1824, son of Isaac Damon, b. in Weymouth, Mass, 16 July, 1782, and Sophia Strong, b. in Northampton, 22 July, 1791; he d. in Springfield, 2 Nov., 1895; he was a hardware merchant; was a Unitarian and a Demo­crat; after his death she res. in Springfield; had no children.
12105 Winfield Seth,10 b. 18 Mar., 1848; d. 3 Oct., 1849.

1036    The Kelloggs in the New World.

12106 Mary Jane,10 b. 12 Aug., 1851; d. 4 Oct., 1851.
12107 Willis Smith,10 b. 21 Dec., 1856; m. Clara Louise Hayes.

5819.   LANGDON CROSBY,9 son of Seth8 (2285), b. in Southwick, Mass., 20 July, 1829; m. there, 29 Dec., 1850, Eliza Ann Clark, b. 25 Dec., 1828, dau. of Pliny Clark, b. in East Granby, Conn., 8 Sept., 1783, and Ann Pelton, b. in East Otis, Mass., 9 Sept., 1792.
He d. in an insane retreat in Northampton, Mass., 7 May, 1901; is buried in Westfield.
12108 Nellie Eliza,10 b. in Westfield, 6 Aug., 1853; m. 22 Oct., 1873, Charles Noble, of Westfield, b. 1849, son of James Noble and Jane _______; has no children.
12109 Frankie Langdon,10 b. 1 Jan., 1856; d. 19 Jan., 1864.
12110 Archie Clarke,10 b. in Westfield, 10 June, 1862; d. 16 Jan., 1864.
12111 Mattie Celenda,10 b. 15 Aug., 1865; d. 27 Aug., same year.
12112 Child,10 b. and d. 23 May, 1868.

5820.   FREDERICK CORNELIUS,9 son of Seth8 (2285), b. in Southwick, Mass., 22 Feb., 1832; m. in Westfield, Mass., 14 Dec., 1854, Mercy Ann Nash, b. in Plainfield, Mass., 12 Jan., 1834, dau. of Abijah Nash, of Plainfield, and Harriet Joy.
She d. in Southwick, 12 Aug., 1895.
He is a farmer; res. on the old homestead in Southwick.
Children, b. in Southwick.
12113 Herbert F.,10 b. 23 Feb., 1856; d. 22 Mar., 1859.
12114 Emma Cora,10 b. 14 Jan., 1860; m. Edward H. Smith.
12115 Clifford Elliot,10 b. 7 Dec., 1861; m. Elizabeth Jane Montgomery.

5821.   DEACON GEORGE MORTON,9 son of Seth8 (2285), b. in Westfield, Mass., 16 Apr., 1838; m. 24 Aug., 1859, Mary Swinehart, b. 20 Oct., 1837, dau. of Moses Swinehart, b. in Pickaway Co., O., about 1804, and Lydia Brower, b. about 1805.
He is deacon in the Congregational Church; is a horticulturist and dealer in ice. “In April, 1901, he gave $5000 to found a school in Porto Rico, to be called the Blanche Kellogg Institute,” in memory of his deceased dau., and “expects to father all it needs in the way of money.” He res. in Pleasant Hill, Mo., where he has extensive hothouses.
12116 Clara Elizabeth,10 b. in Hiawatha, Kas., 14 Aug., 1860; m. Frank Abraham Beeler.
12117 Zaidee Katherine,10 b. in Hiawatha, 26 Oct., 1861; m. Millard Fill­more Parker.
12118 Georgia Amorett,10 b. in Hiawatha, 3 May, 1863; m. George Augustus Cook.
12119 Grace Winnifred,10 b. in Hiawatha, 14 Nov., 1864; m. Dr. George T. 1 Rowe.
12120 Ralph Morton,10 b. in Independence, Mo. 30 June, 1866; m. Flor­ence James.

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12121 Emeline Jessie,10 b. in Pleasant Hill, 11 Sept., 1868; m. 15 Dec., 1892, Harvey Wilson Lamb, b. 3 Nov., 1870, son of Alexander Hamilton Lamb, b. in Ohio, 4 Nov., 1836, and Martha Pauline Ledyard, b. in Fort Smith, Ark., 15 Apr., 1848; he is a carriage and sign painter; res. in Pleasant Hill; has no children.
12122 Ella Spencer,10 b. in Pleasant Hill, 8 Nov., 1874; m. 10 Apr., 1895, Charles Fauntleroy Wherritt, son of Thomas Wherritt and Eliza­beth Russell; he is a clerk; res. in Pleasant Hill; has no children.
12123 Blanche Gertrude,10 b. in Pleasant Hill, 11 July, 1877; d. unm., in Pleasant Hill, 12 May, 1899.

5823.   WEALTHY ANN ,9 dau. of Langdon8 (2287), b. in Peru, Mass., 14 Oct., 1820; m. in South Lee, Mass., 16 Feb., 1842, Abijah Merrill Squire, b. _______, son of Daniel Squire and Lydia Merrill.
He d. in South Lee, 1 Aug., 1856; she d. in Westfield, Mass., 28 Aug., 1885.
He was a hotel proprietor and later a paper manufacturer; res. in South Lee.
Children, all but youngest, b. in South Lee.
12124 Sarah Maria Squire,10 b. 5 Mar., 1843; m. 18 Aug., 1862, Eugene Bou­ton Hovey; d. Sept., 1872.
12125 Kate Lydia Squire,10 b. 27 Jan., 1846; m. Frank Williams; d. 17 Apr., 1878.
12126 Anna Squire,10 b. 19 May, 1849; m. William McCormick and res. in Springfield, Mass.; had two children.
12127 Le Roy Abijah Squire,10 b. 19 May, 1852.
12128 Daniel Phineas Squire,10 b. in Springfield, Vt, 26 Sept., 1855; d. in Portland, Or., 11 June, 1892.

5824.   SAMUEL BOIES,9 son of Langdon8 (2287), b. in Southwick, Mass., 23 May, 1823; m. 18 Sept., 1844, Catherine Maria Bidwell, b. in Tyringham, Mass., 12 Apr., 1822, dau. of Lawson Dench Bidwell, b. 21 Mar., 1791, and Emeline Maria Bennett, b. 23 Oct., 1798.
He d. in Horicon, Wis., 3 Jan., 1900, aged 76; she d. 11 Feb., 1901, aged 78.
He was a capitalist and dealer in real estate.
12129 Ella Louisa,10 b. in Clyman, Wis., 12 Apr., 1846; m. James Judson Hall.

5825.   ELI DE WITT,9 son of Langdon8 (2287), b. in Southwick, Mass., 23 Nov., 1826; m. 7 Mar., 1851, Mary Maria Stevens, b. in Southwick, 21 Nov., 1825, dau. of James Stevens, b. in Suffield, Conn., and Almira Parker, b. in Southwick, 1883. He d. in San Francisco, 28 Feb., 1878; she d. in Westfield, Mass., 23 Aug., 1883.
He left Massachusetts, 1 Jan., 1849; reached California, 19 May, 1849. He settled in Indian Hill, and engaged in mining, being a mine owner with flume and ditch property; in 1867 rem. to San Francisco.
12130 Langdon De Witt,10 b. in Rich Bar, Cal., 24 Mar., 1853; m. Eleanor Wood.

1038    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5827.   LANGDON JACKSON,9 son of Langdon8 (2287), b. in Westfield, Mass., 18 Dec., 1829; m. 25 Dec., 1866, Sarah Frances Large, b. 30 June, 1849, dau. of Benjamin Large, b. in Chester Co., Pa., 20 May, 1815, and Sabrina Stover, b. in Hebersham Co., Ga.
He d. in Hayfork, Cal., 21 Mar., 1899, aged 70; she res. in Hayfork.
He was a hotel proprietor and quartz miner; res. in Hayfork.
Children, b. in Hayfork.
12131 Alice Sabrina,10 b. 3 Sept., 1867; m. Adrian Judson Van Matre.
12132 Albert Langdon,10 b. 18 Apr., 1869; m. 3 Nov., 1893, Ella Victoria McDonald, b. 15 Sept., 1871, dau. of Duncan McDonald, b. in Glen­garry, Canada, 7 Nov., 1839, and Josephine Walsh, b. in Dundas, Canada; is a musician; has an extensive quartz mine in Hayfork; res. in Hayfork; later in Bakersfield, Cal.; has no children.
12133 Ernest Austin,10 b. 25 Nov., 1874; d. 25 June, 1877.
12134 Maude May,10 b. 13 May, 1878; m. John Preston Dobbyn.

5828.   LE ROY SETH,9 son of Langdon8 (2287), b. in Southwick, Mass., 8 Apr., 1831; m. in Lee, Mass., 14 June, 1854, Julia A. Stedman, of Blandford, Mass., b. 16 Mar., 1836, dau. of Robert Stedman, b. in Lenox, Mass., 19 Feb., 1809, and Elvira Dorman, b. in Colebrook, Conn., 13 July, 1813. Through her mother, Julia A., was a descendant, in the ninth generation, of Ralph Smith, who came from Hingham, England, 1633, and of his son, Samuel Smith, who m. Mary Hopkins, dau. of Giles Hopkins, of the Mayflower.
She d. in Castleton, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1899.
From 1851 to '53 he was a miner in California, and later a manufacturer of powder. From 1862 to '63 he was First Lieut. in the Forty-ninth Massachusetts Volunteers, and after that a merchant. He was President of the First National Bank of Castleton, where he resides.
Children, all except eldest, b. in South Lee, Mass.
12135 Le Roy Langdon,10 b. in Lenox, Mass., 31 May, 1855; d. in South Lee, 16 Dec., 1860.
12136 A Daughter,10 b. 28 Feb., 1857; d. same day.
12137 William De Witt,10 b. 4 Apr., 1858; m. in Beloit, Wis., 14 June, 1887, Phoebe Aiken Rood, dau. of J. Farmer Rood, of Johnstown, N. Y., and Susan Cunningham, of Utica, N. Y.; is a lawyer; received the degrees of B. L. and M. L., Yale College; res. in Beloit, later in Chicago, and now in New York City; is general agent for the Thur­ingia Insurance Company.
12138 Isabelle,10 b. 2 Sept., 1861; m. 2 Dec., 1897, Rev. Eugene Ellis Thomas, son of Philip H. Thomas and Mary Ellis, of Attleboro, Mass; she was educated at Miss Brewer's School, Stockbridge, Mass.; for two years she was assistant secretary and treasurer of the New York School of Applied Design for Women in New York City; he is pastor of the Reformed Church; res. in Castleton-on-Hudson.

5829.   William Winnie,9 son of Langdon8 (2287), b. in South Lee, Mass., 13 Mar., 1837; m. 20 Mar., 1864, Adelia Honeywood Mastin, b. in Aberdeen,

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Miss., 1 Jan., 1846, dau. of Reuben Fraser Mastin, of Saticoy, Cal., b. in South Carolina, and Lucretia Minerva Brown, b. in Mississippi.
They were divorced; he m. (2) 15 Sept., 1878, Sarah Louise Cotes, b. in Bangor, Me., 21 May, 1856.
He is an attorney-at-law; res. in Middletown, Conn., and now res. in Quincy, Cal. His first wife m. (2) Dr. Smith; res. in San Francisco.
Children by first wife.
12139 Clara Bell,10 b. 10 Jan., 1865; d. 15 Nov., same year.
12140 Clarence William,10 b. in Quincy, 25 Oct., 1866; m. Minna Rudolph.
12141 Lottie Dee,10 in Quincy, 1 Sept., 1869; m. Benjamin Risdon Martin.
12142 Maud May,10 b. in Quincy, 29 Nov., 1874; m. in Woodland, Cal., 18 Feb., 1897, Frank Lewis Gayton, b. in Kemptville, Nova Scotia, 22 Oct., 1871, son of Albert Gayton, b. 30 Dec., 1840, and Helen Ham­ilton, b. 21 Jan., 1844; he is in the employ of the Electric Railroad in Oakland; is a member of the Free Baptist Church; res. in Oak­land; has no children.
Child by second wife.
12143 Boise Bell,10 b. in Quincy, 6 May, 1888.

5837.   LUCY ANN ,9 dau. of Alva8 (2289), b. in Southwick, Mass., 22 Feb., 1827; m. in Westfield, Mass., 21 Jan., 1847, Seth Bush, son of Ashbel Bush.
She d. in Westfield, 11 Mar., 1895.
He was a farmer; res. in Westfield.
Children, b. in Westfield.
12144 Homer Dwight Bush,10 b. 7 Jan., 1848; m. (1) 16 Dec., 1880, Christin Loomis; had three children; he m. (2) 18 Jan., 1888, Maria Pease Ely.
12145 Lucy Amelia Bush,10 b. 24 July, 1849.
12146 Mary Kneil Bush,10 b. 30 July, 1851; m. in Westfield, 2 Sept., 1886, Ezekiel Chipley.
12147 Emma Eliza Bush,10 b. 5 Sept., 1853; m. in Westfield, 23 Nov., 1883, James O. Haskins.
12148 William Seth Bush,10 b. 8 Jan., 1856; m. in Westfield, 18 Dec., 1883, Fannie E. Noble; had three children.

5838.   DWIGHT,9 son of Alva8 (2289), b. in Southwick, Mass., 9 Apr., 1840; m. 7 Nov., 1867, Julia Josephine Whipple, b. in Westfield, Mass., 26 May, 1836, dau. of Capt. George Whipple, b. in Westfield, 10 Sept., 1803, and Henrietta Sackett, b. in Chester, Mass., 26 Apr., 1806.
He d. in Westfield, 16 Dec., 1874.
He was a farmer and raiser of tobacco , res. in Westfield, was an energetic and highly respected man.
Child, b. in Westfield.
12149 Eliza Eugenia,10 b. 11 Nov., 1872; res., unm., in Westfield.

5852.   MARY,9 dau. of Enoch Viets8 (2303), b. in Westfield, Mass., 2 Oct., 1830; m. 8 Feb., 1855, David Warren, b. in Brookfield, O., 16 Mar., 1832, son of Edward Warren and Nancy Brannon, b. in Nottingham, Pa.

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She d. 13 Mar., 1867; he m. (2) 10 Apr., 1868, Susan Devine; d. in Hunts­burg, O., Dec., 1884.
He was a farmer in Fowler; later res. in Johnson, O.
12150 Estelle H. Warren,10 b. in Fowler, 21 Dec., 1855; m. in Cortland, O., 7 Nov., 1875, Kline Weldon Craft, of Pueblo, Col.; he d. in Marlin, Tex, 8 May, 1901; res. in Pueblo; had seven children.
12151 Viets Delos Warren,10 b. 2 Apr., 1857; m. Lydia Green.

5853.   HARRIET,9 dau. of Enoch Viets8 (2303), b. in Fowler, O., 28 Nov., 1833; m. 17 Apr., 1861, James R. Hallock, b. in Brookfield, O., 22 Feb., 1833, son of George Hallock, b. 23 Nov., 1798, and Phoebe Borden, b. 6 Feb., 1809.
He is a farmer in Fowler; is a Republican.
12152 Mabel E. Hallock,10 b. 18 Mar., 1868; d. in Fowler, 18 Sept., 1892.
12153 George G. Hallock,10 b. 23 Oct., 1869; m. 28 Feb., 1893, Belle Frues­dale; res. in Ashtabula, O.
12154 Claude C. Hallock,10 b. 15 Aug., 1873; m. 25 Sept., 1898, Ethel Card; res. in Nutwood, O.

5854.   SAMUEL,9 son of Enoch Viets8 (2303), b. in Fowler, O., 16 Oct., 1838; m. in Fowler, 1 Jan., 1861, Amelia Hallock, b. in Fowler, 19 Mar., 1837, dau. of George Hallock, b. 23 Nov., 1798, and Phoebe Borden, b. 6 Feb., 1809.
He is a farmer; res. in Fowlerland later in Cortland, O.; is a Democrat.
Children, b. in Fowler.
12155 Adella,10 b. 13 Dec., 1861; m. Carl C. Ingman.
12156 Carrie,10 b. 5 May, 1863; m. in Fowler, 15 Aug., 1885, Jay C. Hayden; d. in Mecca, O., 5 Aug., 1886.
12157 Rodney,10 b. 7 Feb., 1865; m. Clara Morrison.
12158 Nellie,10 b. 12 Sept., 1867; m. Henry J. Alderman.

5855.   EUNICE,9 dau. of Enoch Viets8 (2303), b. in Fowler, O., 18 July, 1841; m. 22 Apr., 1868, Anthony Wayne Kennedy, b. 17 Feb., 1841, son of William B. Kennedy, b. in Derry, Pa., 21 Sept., 1812, and Eliza Davis, b. 13 June, 1818.
In 1897 he had been Superintendent of Public Schools in Girard, O., for twenty-six years. Is President of the First National Bank of Girard.
Child, b. in Girard.
12159 Mary Blanche Kennedy,10 b. 7 Aug., 1873; m. 28 Dec., 1892, Grant S. Jones; res. in Youngstown, O.; had two children.

5857.   LUCY ALICE,9 dau. of Enoch Viets8 (2303), b. in Fowler, O., 28 Oct., 1847; m. there, 25 Feb., 1869, Cassius Clay Kennedy, b. 12 Sept., 1845, son of William Kennedy, b. 21 Sept., 1812, and Eliza Davis, b. 13 June, 1818.
He is a farmer; res. in Cortland, O.; is a member of the Episcopal Church and a Republican.
Children, b. in Fowler.
12160 Lloyd Barber Kennedy,10 b. 7 Dec., 1869.
12161 Carl Wade Kennedy,10 b. 20 Apr., 1874.
12162 Elizabeth Lucile Kennedy,10 b. 5 Oct., 1888.

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5867.   HILIE CROMWELL,9 son of Hiram8 (2309), b. in Southwick, Mass., 26 Feb., 1863; m. in Westfield, 9 Dec., 1886, Celia Amelia Bennett, b. in Granby, Conn., 23 Jan., 1869, dau. of Everett Sprague Bennett, b. 6 June, 1834, and Elizabeth Livona Randall, b. 15 Aug., 1840.
He is a whipmaker; res. in Westfield.
12163 Clara May,10 b. in Westfield, 1 Feb., 1889.
12164 Walter,10 b. in Westfield, 22 July, 1890.
12165 Warren,10 b. in Southwick, 18 June, 1892.
12166 Emma,10 b. 24 Oct., 1893.
12167 Edith,10 b. in Westfield, 22 June, 1896.

5873.   RANDALL FAUROTE,9 son of John8 (2330), b. in Hopewell, N. Y., 22 Mar., 1815; m. 3 July, 1848, Olive Rowena McFarland, b. in Burlington, Vt., 8 Feb., 1828, dau. of Benjamin McFarland, of Plymouth, Mich.
She d. in Kansas City, Mo., 3 June, 1896; he d. there, 13 May, 1898.
He was a banker in Kalamazoo, Mich.
Children, all except eldest, b. in Kalamazoo, Mich.
12168 Festus,10 b. in Otsego, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1850; d. 27 Aug., 1854.
12169 John,10 b. 3 July, 1852; d. 6 Sept., 1854.
12170 Charles,10 b. 27 Apr., 1854; d. same day.
12171 Randall Faurote,10 b. 3 Aug., 1855; d. 29 May, 1858.
12172 Collins Day,10 b. 21 Jan., 1859; m. Louise Avery.
12173 Ada,10 b. 19 May, 1862; m. James Francis Snow.
12174 Grant,10 b. 21 July, 1864; d. 25 Dec., 1865.
12175 Katy,10 b. 15 Oct., 1870; d. same day.

5874.   LOIS,9 dau. of John8 (2330), b. 14 Feb., 1817; m. in Plymouth, Mich., 4 July, 1834, John Fuller, b. in Upper Lisle, N. Y., 7 Jan., 1812, son of Benjamin Fuller and Mary Chamberlain, of Upper Lisle.
She d. in Detroit, Mich., 23 Feb., 1898; he d. in Chicago, 23 June, 1899.
He was an attorney-at-law; a Presbyterian; res. in Detroit.
Children, b. in Plymouth.
12176 Eleanor Fuller,10 b. June, 1838; m. Anson Waring; res. in Detroit, where she d. 23 Dec., 1885.
12177 Mary Fuller,10 b. 17 Dec., 1839; m. in Detroit, Oct., 1865, Jacob Faurot; res. in Chicago.
12178 Idella Fuller,10 b. 30 Jan., 1841; m. in Detroit, Dec., 1864, Edmund P. Edsall; res. in Chicago.
12179 Lucinda Fuller,10 b. 31 Jan., 1843; m. William Johnston; res. in De­troit, where she d. 23 Feb., 1901.
12180 Ada Belle Fuller,10 b. 9 May, 1849.
12181 Harriett Louise Fuller,10 b. 5 Jan., 1863; m. in Plymouth, William T. McGraw; res. in Detroit.

5876.   JOEL RANSOM,9 son of John8 (2330), b. in Palmyra, N. Y., 18 Aug., 1820; m. in Plymouth, Mich., 27 Apr., 1844, Delia Betsey Northrop, b. in Per-

1042    The Kelloggs in the New World.

ington, N. Y., 20 Oct., 1825, dau. of Elijah Northrop, b. 20 Aug., 1793, and Rhoda Betsey Bennett, b. 20 Nov., 1793, of Bridgeport, Conn.
He is a farmer; res. in Plymouth; is a Presbyterian and a Republican.
Children, all except the third, b. in Plymouth.
12182 Mary Francelia,10 b. 28 Aug., 1846; m. Col. Charles Augustus Zollinger.
12183 George,10 b. 3 July, 1848; d. unm., in Wayne, Mich., 16 Nov., 1887.
12184 Douglas E.,10 b. in Lyons, Mich., 11 Oct., 1849; res., unm., in Detroit, Mich.
✛12185 Lucius J.,10 b. 5 Jan., 1851; m. 21 Dec., 1876, Marion Dobbins.
12186 Ida Bell,10 b. 1 Nov., 1855; m. in Plymouth, 22 Mar., 1882, Alston Adelbert Tafft, b. in Plymouth, 15 Apr., 1853, son of Hiram Tafft, b. 10 Jan., 1825, and Savannah _______, of New York; he is a mer­chant, Presbyterian and Republican; res. in Plymouth; has no children.
12187 Alice,10 b. 14 Oct., 1856; d. in Plymouth, 14 Jan., 1861.
12188 Della Agnes,10 b. 28 Feb., 1861; m. John Bennett Sumner.

5878.   JOHN STIVERS,9 son of John8 (2330), b. 23 Oct., 1824; m. 21 Nov., 1856, Jane A. Allen, b. 12 Aug., 1828.
He was a farmer; res. in Plymouth, Mich.
12189 Henry B.,10 b. 24 Oct., 1857.
12190 Nettie,10 b. 25 Aug., 1863; m. _______ Rivera; res. in Plymouth.
12191 Mintie,10 b. 24 Aug., 1865; m. _______ Burlingham; res. in Chi­cago, Ill.

5879.   JOSIAH,9 son of John,8 (2330), b. 8 Jan., 1827; m. in Neosho, Mo., 1 June, 1879, Lavinia Morrow Scott, b. in Joplin, Mo., 15 Oct., 1857, dau. of Per­rigrene Scott, b. in Md., 1814, and Mary Morrow, b. in Tenn., 1827.
He d. in Leavenworth, Kas., 1 Jan., 1890.
He was graduated from Ann Arbor University, 1851; began the study of law in the firm of Clark & Edwards, of Kalamazoo, Mich.; was admitted to the bar and rem. to De Kalb, Mich, 1855; rem. to Leavenworth, 11 Oct., 1855, and was an honored citizen there. He was a Republican; was elected to represent the Third Ward in Leavenworth, Nov., 1862, in the State Legislature; was unani­mously chosen Speaker of the House; was a Representative in the Legislature, 1863, and was made presiding officer of the lower house; was again a Representa­tive, 1865, was chosen Judge of the Recorder's Court of Leavenworth, 1866, which position he filled for one year; returned to the House, 1868 and '69; was elected to the Senate, being the Only Republican, out of three, elected from the district, 1870; again returned to the House, and was unanimously elected Speaker, 1872; was delegate to the Republican National Convention 1872; again a Representative, 1876; was a Presbyterian.
Children, b. in Leavenworth.
12192 Scott Perrigrene,10 b. 10 Apr., 1880; a Presbyterian; res., unm., in Leavenworth.

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12193 Josiah,10 b. 7 Jan., 1882; was cavalryman in the African Light Horse Volunteers; served six months; is a Presbyterian; res., unm., in Leavenworth.
12194 Mary Maud,10 b. 15 Dec., 1883.
12195 Grace Eleanor,10 b. 15 Mar., 1886.
12196 Gladstone,10 b. 8 Nov., 1889.

5881.   CASSIUS ROBINSON,9 son of John8 (2330), b. 17 Nov., 1830; m. _______.
He d. 22 May, 1878.
He was a druggist in Plymouth, Mich.; res. in Detroit, Mich.
12197 George,10 b. ______.
12198 Lena,10 b. ______, d. ______.

5895.   SILAS FRANKLIN,9 son of Silas8 (2332), b. 27 Apr., 1818; m. (1) in Copenhagen, N. Y., 1 Oct., 1844, Esther J. Benedict, b. in Turin, N. Y., 1 May, 1825, dau. of Levi Benedict, b. 5 Apr., 1771, and Clarissa Carter, b. 25 Apr., 1789.
She d. in Turin, 8 Mar., 1852; he m. (2) in Rutland, N. Y., 28 Mar., 1854, Albina Staplin, b. in Rutland, dau. of Jess Staplin and Sarah Crandall; she d. in Watertown, N. Y., 1866; he m. (3) in Adams, N. Y., 1867, Helen Elizabeth Overton, b. on Long Island, N. Y., 10 Sept., 1830, dau. of Elisha Overton, b. 18 Jan., 1800, and Ruth Carter, b. 4 Mar., 1800; d. in Rutland, 5 Oct., 1875; she res. in Adams, N. Y.
He was a farmer, Methodist and Republican; res. in Black River and Rut­land, N. Y.
Children by first wife.
12199 John Benedict,10 b. in Turin, 28 June, 1846; m. Delia Doner.
12200 Esther Frances,10 b. in Turin, 5 Sept., 1851; m. 30 June, 1874, Clay­ton L. Dennison, of Rome, N. Y.; d. in Syracuse, N. Y., 23 Sept., 1880; had one son.
Children by second wife.
12201 Ida Jane,10 b. in Turin, 18 Jan., 1855; m. Jeremiah W. Crandall.
12202 Ella,10 b. in Turin, 22 Sept., 1856; m. in Watertown, Amada Doner; res. in Watertown; d. there, Dec., 1888.
12203 Clara,10 b. in Turin, 8 Mar., 1858; m. in Watertown, Floyd Greene; res. in Watertown.
12204 Franklin Delos,10 b. in Watertown, June, 1860; d. there, 16 Sept., 1862.
12205 C. Spencer,10 b. in Watertown, 20 Man, 1864; d. 21 Aug., 1865.
Children by third wife.
12206 Stella Amelia,10 b. in Rutland, 14 Jan., 1868; m. Carl Hardy Frink.
12207 Florence Julia,10 b. in Rutland, 28 Sept., 1870; is unm.
12208 George Overton,10 b. in Rutland, 19 Sept., 1873; is unm.

5901.   REV. ENOS EMERY,9 son of Silas8 (2332), b. in Turin, N. Y., 1 Apr., 1828; m. 31 Mar., 1857, Margaret Elizabeth Weichard, b. in Le Ely, N. Y., 2 Nov., 1836, dau. of John Gustavus Weichard, b. June, 1809, and Hannah Wood­ward, b. 7 Apr., 1811.
He d. in Mannsville, N. Y., 12 Sept., 1883.

1044    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He was graduated from the Concord Biblical Institute; was a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Turin and other places; she res. in Carthage, N. Y.
12209 Frederick Emory,10 b. in Gouverneur, N. Y., 29 Oct., 1859; m. Har­riet McElhinney.
12210 Flora Edna,10 b. in Madrid, N. Y., 15 Aug., 1861.
12211 Margaret Eugenia,10 b. in Black River, N. Y., 25 Oct., 1864.
12212 Henry Enos,10 b. in Madrid, 30 Apr., 1868; d. in Carthage, 30 Apr., 1877.
12213 Curtis E.,10 b. in Antwerp, N. Y., 9 Feb., 1871.
12214 Lulu Mertie,10 b. in Antwerp, 20 Aug., 1873; d. in Fort Covington, N. Y., 20 Aug., 1875.

5902.   HIAL HANDY,9 son of Silas8 (2332), b. in Lewis Co., N. Y., 20 Aug., 1829; m. 17 Oct., 1850, Mary Tyler, b. 7 Oct., 1833, dau. of Solomon Tyler, b. in Leyden, N. Y., 10 Apr., 1808, and Harriet Pinney, b. in Westerlo, N. Y., 4 Mar., 1811.
He is a farmer; res. in Port Leyden; is President of the Christian Tem­perance Union.
Children, b. in Port Leyden.
12215 Harriet Amelia,10 b. 20 Aug., 1851; m. Orry Husted Holdridge.
12216 Henry Franklin,10 b. 13 Apr., 1855; d. 21 Dec., 1860.
12217 Elmer Erwin,10 b. 31 Oct., 1862; m. Elizabeth (Libbie) Jordan.
12218 Lillian May,10 b. 26 Jan., 1871.
12219 Herbert L.,10 b. ______; res. in Ilion, N. Y.

5905.   EDWARD PARKER,9 son of Henry8 (2334), b. in New York, 3 June, 1819; m. in Manchester, N. Y., 31 Dec., 1840, Sarah Lee Stoddard, b. in Man­chester, 17 June, 1821, dau. of Russell Stoddard, of Palmyra, N. Y.
She d. in Ypsilanti, Mich., 20 May, 1861; he m. in Northville, Mich., 22 May, 1865, Mary Havemeyer Northrop, b. in Plymouth, Mich., 27 Nov., 1844, dau. of Starr Northrop and Freelove Davis, of Plymouth; she d. in Lansing, Mich., Nov., 1885; the d. in Northville, 4 Mar., 1898.
He was a retired farmer and a Democrat; res. in Northville.
Children, all except eldest, b. in Northvtlle.
12220 Helen Marr,10 b. in Manchester, 6 May, 1843; m. Redmond N. Smith.
12221 Russell Edward,10 b. 21 Nov., 1851; d. 1 Apr., 1852.
12222 Flora Eliza,10 b. 13 Feb., 1855; m. in Northville, 31 Dec., 1872, Mil­ton William Sackett, b. in Redford, Mich., 12 Feb., 1850, son of Daniel Sackett, b. 1820, and Emeline Prindle, of Plymouth, Mich., b. 1825; he d. in Missoula, Mont., 26 Dec., 1899; was a Democrat; had no children.
12223 Henry Stoddard,10 b. 21 May, 1858; d. 17 June, same year.

5906.   ERASTUS HANDY,9 son of Henry8 (2334), b. in Manchester, N. Y., 22 Aug., 1820; m. 4 July, 1843, Elizabeth Jane Smith, b. 11 Aug., 1820 dau. of Shubael Smith, of Manchester, b. 1770, and Ann Culver b. 1780.
He d. in Mukwonago, Wis., 17 Apr., 1876; after his death she res. in Muk­wonago.

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12224 Ann Eliza,10 b. in Coonville, N. Y., 24 Apr., 1844; m. 29 Oct., 1863, Artemas Hubbell Munson, b. in Mt. Morris, N. Y., 23 Sept., 1842, son of Edwin H. Munson and Mary Bishop; d. in Mukwonago, 24 Aug., 1865; had no children; he m. (2) Catherine Stickles.
12225 Erastus Shubael,10 b. in Vernon, Wis., 29 Oct., 1845; m. in Muk­wonago, 6 Nov., 1867, Caroline D. Platner, dau. of John Platner and Joanna Miller; she d. in Mukwonago, 2 May, 1870; he is a farmer, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Mukwonago.
12226 Augusta Priscilla,10 b. 29 Sept., 1848; m. Rufus George Barber.
12227 Frances Georgianna,10 b. 6 Sept., 1850; m. Henry Mott Youmans.

5907.   JAMES HULING,9 son of Henry8 (2334), b. in Greenfield, N. Y., 13 Dec., 1823; m. (1) 20 Oct., 1849, Nancy Chatterson, b. 17 Dec., 1826.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 24 Dec., 1860, Mrs. Jane Shaw, b. 4 Feb., 1834; she d. 9 May, 1873; he m. (3) 8 Sept., 1875, Mrs. Mary (Judson) Giles, b. in England, 1830, dau. of William Judson and Eleanor _______; she d. 12 June, 1900; he d. in Oriskany, N. Y., 31 July, 1900.
He was a cabinet and pattern maker in Oriskany; was a vestryman of the Episcopal Church.
Children, all but last two, b. in Utica, N. Y.
12228 Huldah,10 b. 7 Dec., 1850; m. John Wagoner.
12229 Nancy Jane,10 b. 1 Mar., 1852; m. Charles Smith; d. 29 Apr., 1868; res. in Milwaukee, Wis.; had one son.
12230 Margaret,10 b. 1 Nov., 1853; m. _______; rem. to the West.
12231 Mary F.,10 b. 15 Mar., 1855; m. _______; rem. to the West.
12232 Emma Alena,10 b. 19 June, 1858; d. 29 Apr., 1859.
12233 James Forest,10 b. 8 Aug., 1860; was in the regular army; has not been heard from since the Spanish War.
12234 Frederick,10 b. 2 Feb., 1863; m. (1) Estella May Andrews; (2) Effie May Guino.
12235 Augusta May,10 b. 11 Mar., 1867; m. George Talmadge Judd.
12236 William Martin,10 b. in Oriskany, 5 Apr., 1870; m. Anna Nutt.
12237 Horace,10 b. in Oriskany, 6 Mar., 1872; d. there, 15 Feb., 1873.

5908.   HENRY,9 son of Henry8 (2334), b. in Manchester, N. Y., 23 Nov., 1827; m. in Manchester, 13 Nov., 1856, Clara Philena Stoddard, b. in Manchester, 1 May, 1829, dau. of Russell Stoddard, b. 1 Feb., 1789, and Clarissa Elliott, b. 16 July, 1799.
He d. in Fleming, N. Y., 17 Apr., 1898.
Res. in Clifton Springs, N. Y.; was a Democrat.
Children, b. in Manchester.
12238 Alta Elliott,10 b. 23 Aug., 1857; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 23 Apr., 1889, Hattie A. Cook; is a Democrat; is in the livery business; res. in Clifton Springs.
12239 Sarah Adella,10 b. 9 Feb., 1861; d. in Manchester, 5 Sept., 1872.
12240 Julia Lena,10 b. 23 Jan., 1863; d. in Manchester, 12 Sept., 1872.

1046    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5909.   NANCY CORDELIA,9 dau. of Henry8 (2334), b. in Manchester, N. Y., 4 June, 1830; m. in Rochester, N. Y., 24 Nov., 1853, William Cram, b. in Hope­well, N. Y., 9 July, 1830, son of Chester Crain, b. 6 Dec., 1786, and Abigail Thompson, of Hopewell, b. 14 Aug., 1788.
She d. in Clifton Springs, N. Y., 30 July, 1871.
He is a farmer; served in the civil war as Corp. in Co. G, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Reg., New York Volunteers; enlisted 14 Aug., 1862; res. in Clif­ton Springs; is a Democrat.
12242 Eliza Antoinette Crain,10 b. in Quincy, Mich., 29 Aug., 1855; m. in Clifton Springs, 27 Mar., 1893, Westfall; res. in Ypsilanti, Mich.
12243 Mary Inger Crain,10 b. in Clifton Springs, 11 Oct., 1864; d. there, 11 Feb., 1872.

5910. PRISCILLA,9 dau. o8 Henry8 (2334), b. 31 Jan., 1835; m. Edmund Phillips.
He d. in Clifton Springs, N. Y., 8 Jan., 1889.
They res. in Clifton Springs, N. Y.; he was a merchant; a soldier in the civil war.
12244 Harry E. Phillips,10 b. 4 Feb., 1865; res. in St. Paul, Minn.
12245 Pierre D. Phillips,10 b. 4 Dec., 1868; res. in Clifton Springs, N. Y.; is a hotel keeper.

5911.   MARY PAULINE,9 dau. of Henry8 (2334), b. in Hopewell, N. Y., 31 Jan., 1837; m. in Clifton Springs, N. Y., John Russell Cutler, b. in Canandaigua, N. Y., 1827, son of John and Louise Cutler, of Hopewell.
He d. in Thorold, Canada, 20 May, 1880; she d. in Clifton Springs, 3 June, 1880.
They res. in Toronto, Canada. He served in the army of the civil war as Capt.
Children, first three b. in Canandaigua, last in Toronto.
12246 Mary Louise Cutler,10 b. 1852; d. 1854.
12247 Franky Cutler,10 b. 1854; d. 1859.
12248 Harriet Capitola Cutler,10 b. 1856; d. 1873.
12249 Ada Maud Pauline Cutler,10 b. 6 Dec., 1864; m. in New York City, 26 May, 1883, John Eliott Allen; he was a broker; d. ______; she res. in New York City.

5922.   HALSEY ENSIGN,9 son of Collins8 (2336), b. in Turin, N. Y., 24 July, 1824; m. 18 Dec., 1849, Mary Thankful Kidder, b. in Rome, N. Y., 4 Mar., 1830, dau. of Albert Chadwick Kidder, b. in Foxboro, Mass, 29 Sept., 1803, and Laura Edwards, b. in Verona, N. Y., 5 Nov., 1811.
He d. 28 July, 1896, aged 72.
He was a farmer; res. in Lowville, N. Y.
Children, b. in Lowyille.
12250 Kinsley Collins,10 b. 20 Oct., 1851; m. Susan Morse.
12251 Albert Halsey,10 b. 16 Nov., 1853; d. 10 Aug., 1874.

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12252 Jesse James,10 b. 9 Apr., 1856; m. Minnie Pfister.
12253 Hettie May,10 b. 9 Nov., 1868; m. Fay E. Snyder.

5926.   MARIA PEARL,9 dau. of James8 (2338), b. in Sullivan, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1831; m. 30 Dec., 1850, William Warren Winchel, b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., 24 Nov., 1828, son of Luman Winchel, b. 24 Feb., 1801, and Mary Wood, b. 21 Man, 1802.
They rem. from Cazenovia to Bassett, Wis., in Dec., 1867. He was a farmer.
12254 George Winchel,10 b. 22 Oct., 1854; is a farmer in Bassett.
12255 Addie Winchel,10 b. 28 Sept., 1856; m. 9 Sept., 1880, Hiram Patrick; res. in Salem, Wis.

5927.   ANSON GEORGE,9 son of Walter8 (2339), b. in Sullivan, N. Y., 29 Apr., 1822; m. (1) in Ripon, Wis., 17 Nov., 1847, Juliett Lathrop, b. 21 July, 1830.
She d. 14 Sept., 1849; he m. (2) in Greenbush, Wis., 24 Dec., 1849, Asenath Lindsley, b. in Sullivan, 25 Jan., 1830.
He is a farmer; res. in Ripon.
Child by first wife.
12256 A Daughter,10 b. and d. 1849.
Children by second wife.
12257 Ella,10 b. 12 Feb., 1853; d. 14. Oct., 1857.
12258 Louis G.,10 b. 17 May, 1856; res. in Ripon.
12259 Judson,10 b. 23 Man, 1860; res. in Ripon.
12260 Florence O.,10 b. 13 Jan., 1865; m. _______ Simmons; he d. ______; she res. in Ripon.

5928.   NEWTON PERRY,9 son of Walter8 (2339), b. in Sullivan, N. Y., 25 Apr., 1825; m. in Forest, Wis., 16 Jan., 1854, Anna L. Owen, b. in Dublin, Ire­land, 25 Dec., 1837, dau. of Francis Owen, b. 1793, and Catherine McDonald.
He was a farmer; res. in Eden, Wis.; in politics he was an Independent Democrat.
Children, b. in Forest.
12261 Walter Newton,10 b. 6 Nov., 1854; m. Charlotte Doolittle.
12262 Charles Henry,10 b. 29 Mar., 1857; m. Clara Bayer.
12263 John Frank,10 b. 17 Nov., 1859; m. Grace Smith.
12264 Adella May,10 b. 30 Jan., 1863; d. 12 Mar., 1866.

5929.   ORSON WALTER,9 son of Walter8 (2339), b. in Chittenango, N. Y., 16 May, 1827; m. 22 Mar., 1852, Cornelia Manville, b. 15 May, 1834, dau. of Addi­son Manville, b. 1794, and Salome Calkins, of Jefferson Co., N. Y., b. 1797.
He is a farmer; res. in Eden, Wis.; is a Democrat.
Children, all except youngest, b. in Ripon, Wis.
12266 Ida Cornelia,10 b. 22 Nov., 1854; m. Frank Eugene Smith.
12267 George Walter,10 b. 4 Aug., 1857; m. Belle Schuyler.
12268 Carrie Delilah,10 b. 19 Aug., 1861; m. John S. Dewar.

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12269 Benjamin Schuyler,10 b. 27 July, 1868; is a vocal instructor and res., unm., in Chicago.
12270 Walter Orson,10 b. in Fond du Lac, Wis., 13 Apr., 1874; m. Jeannette G. Pilgrim.

5931.   HENRY WESLEY,9 son of Walter8 (2339), b. in Sullivan, N. Y., 27 May, 1831; m. (1) in Benson, Vt, 31 Oct., 1855, Martha M. Le Barron, b. in Ver­mont, 21 July, 1834, dau. of James Le Barron and Louisa Adams, b. 30 Sept., 1805.
She d. in Ripon, Wis, 7 Dec., 1858; he m. (2) in Rochester, N. Y., 27 Dec., 1859, Cecelia Marlin, b. in Rochester, 2 Oct., 1834, dau. of John Marlin, b. 25 Dec., 1799, and Marie Light, b. in Rochester, 18 June, 1810; d. in Ripon, 23 Oct., 1895; after his death she res. in Ripon.
Child by first wife, b. in Ripon.
12271 James Morley,10 b. 23 Jan., 1857; res., unm., in Bozeman, Mont.
Children by second wife, b. in Ripon.
12272 Eleanor Josephine,10 b. 13 Aug., 1861; m. in Ripon, 23 Sept., 1891, Orville Frank Burlingame, b. 14 Aug., 1861, son of Oliver Franklin Burlingame, b. 14 Aug., 1840, and Elizabeth Cornelia Atherton; he is an opera-house manager; res. in Winona, Minn.; has no children.
12273 Mabel Blanche,10 b. 16 Feb., 1864; m. in Eau Claire, Wis., 23 Sept., 1896, Frederick Wilber Richardson, b. in Hudson, Wis., 17 Jan., 1859, son of John Richardson, of Templeton, Mass, b. 13 Aug., 1817, and Florella Evelina Wilber, b. 25 July, 1822; he is a physi­cian; was graduated from Long Island Medical College in 1885; res. in Merriam Park, Minn.; has no children.
12274 Grace Madeline,10 b. 1 Apr., 1869; is unm.
12275 Clara Louise,10 b. 23 Aug., 1878; is unm.

5933.   JOHN,9 son of Walter8 (2339), b. in Syracuse, N. Y., 19 May, 1836; m. in Berlin, Wis., 22 Sept., 1861, Gertrude Cordelia Jelliff, b. 26 Feb., 1841, dau. of Alonzo Smith Jelliff, b. 22 Sept., 1804, and Betsey Elizabeth Utter, b. 21 July, He d. in Ripon, Wis., 21 Jan., 1894.
He was a farmer.
12276 Ernest Jay,10 b. in Ripon, 11 Aug., 1863; m. in St. Hilaire, Minn., 26 Nov., 1889, Lizzie Frances Stranahan, b. 10 Mar., 1870, dau. of Pembrook Somerset Stranahan, b. 15 Apr., 1841, and Jennie Au­gusta Stranahan, b. 1 Jan., 1841; is a railroad agent and operator; res. in Stephen, Minn.; has no children.
12277 Beatrice,10 b. in Ripon, 15 June, 1870; m. Boy Lewis Morse.

5934.   MARY MARIAH,9 dau. of Walter8 (2339), b. in Sullivan, N. Y., 27 July, 1838; m. 1 HForest, Wis., 21 Aug., 1854, Sylvester Corbett, b. in Putnam, N. Y., 28 Aug., 1824, son of Peter Corbett, b. 8 Mar., 1798, and Malinda Adams, b. 4 July, 1802.
He res. in Ripon, Wis., Waterloo, Ia., and later in Park City, Mont.; is a farmer; was formerly a teacher, being at one time Superintendent of Schools in

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1049

Wisconsin. He was graduated from Hubbardton Seminary, Vermont, in 1846.
He is a Republican.
12278 Alice Buella Corbett,10 b. in Forest, 18 Aug., 1855; m. in Ripon, 8 May, 1875, Daniel Allen Benedict.
12279 Erminie Petronella Corbett,10 b. in Ripon, 5 Sept., 1862; m. (1) 30 Dec., 1879, Levi Meredith Owens; he d. 12 Sept., 1887; she m. (2) 17 Dec., 1889, Ward Henry Cramer.
12280 Walter Sylvester Corbett,10 b. in Ripon, 12 Aug., 1866.

5935.   HELEN DELILAH,9 dau. of Walter8 (2339), b. 17 July, 1842; m. 2 Mar., 1864, David Adams Le Barron, b. in Benson, Vt., 1 Mar., 1836, son of James Le Barron and Louisa Adams, b. 30 Sept., 1805.
He d. in Ripon, Wis., 14 Nov., 1864.
She res. in Ripon, with her son.
12281 Earl Le Barron,10 b. ______; m. _______, 1900; is a farmer in Ripon.

5948.   MARTIN,9 son of Gen. Martin8 (2351), b. in Newington, Conn., 4 Nov., 1810; m. 22 Mar., 1848, Patience Branch Gordon, b. 23 Dec., 1817, dau. of John Copeland Gordon, of North Carolina, b. Aug., 1783, and Mary Wooten.
She d. in Hartford, 11 Sept., 1869; he d. in Hartford, 9 Sept., 1879.
He was graduated from Yale with the class of 1832; rem. to Sunbury, N. C., where he was a planter.
12282 Mary Susan,10 b. in Newington, 8 May, 1849; m. William Beaman.
12283 Sarah Frances,10 b. in Sunbury, 4 Oct., 1850; m. 19 May, 1875, Henry M. Robbins, of Newington.
12284 Martin,10 b. 23 Sept., 1853; m. Elizabeth (Bessie) Wootten Lassiter.
12285 Julia,10 b. 4 July, 1856; m. Claude Costen.
12286 John Gordon,10 b. in North Carolina, 25 Dec., 1857; d. suddenly in Astoria, N. Y., 12 Sept., 1901; was unm.; was graduated from the Hartford High School in 1876, and from Amherst College in 1880; taught school a year in Westchester, N. Y., and then commenced the study of law; on account of his health he was obliged to give up the law, and go to Florida; afterward he was for a number of years on a ranch in Texas; in July, 1899, he came north for medical treatment, and never returned to his business in Texas; was a mem­ber of the Congregational Church in Newington.

5950.   HENRY LAURENS,9 son of Gen. Martin8 (2351), b. in Newington, Conn., 31 Jan., 1816; m. (1) 24 Apr., 1849, Julia Ann Gardiner, b. 1819, dau. of Lebbeus William Gardiner and Eunice Latimer.
She d. 18 Feb., 1864; he m. (2) in Newington, 6 Feb., 1866, Laura Kellogg Camp, b. 7 Feb., 1831, dau. of Homer Camp, of Newington; d. 3 June, 1895.
He was a farmer and manufacturer in Newington; was a Congregationalist.
12287 Henry Laurens,10 b. in Newington, 14 Jan., 1859; m. his second cousin, Frances Harriet Kirkham.

1050    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5951.   MARY WELLES,9 dau. of Gen. Martin8 (2351), b. in Newington, Conn, 11 Apr., 1819; m. 20 Apr., 1847, Samuel Kellogg Camp, b. in Farming­ton, Conn., 21 Apr., 1820, son of James Kellogg Camp, of Newington, b. 15 Mar., 1784, and Caroline Deming, of Farmington, b. 27 May, 1789, and grandson of Joseph Camp, b. 27 July, 1744, and Anna Kellogg (+839).
She d. 14 May, 1852; he m. (2) her sister, Sarah Welles Kellogg (+5954).
12288 Theodore Henry Camp,10 b. 8 May, 1848; m. in Nov., 1874, Ella Cow­perthwaite.
12289 Mary Kellogg Camp,10 b. 29 July, 1850; d. 14 Oct., 1859.

5952.   SAMUEL JOHN MILLS,9 son of Gen. Martin8 (2351), b. in Newing­ton, Conn., 7 Sept., 1821; m. 23 Mar., 1858, Harriet M. Rogers, b. 5 Aug., 1836, dau. of Dr. James Rogers, of New London, Conn., b. 10 Jan., 1788, and Eliza­beth Lucius Latimer, b. 14 Feb., 1798.
He d. Mar., 1883.
He was a farmer in Percival, Ia.
12290 Samuel Gardiner,10 b. in Nebraska City, Neb., 5 Oct., 1862; Louise Larsh.
12291 Roger Wells,10 b. in Percival, 15 Feb., 1868; is a farmer; m. Ella res., unm., in McPaul, Ia.; is a Republican.

5953.   CHARLES,9 son of Gen. Martin8 (2351), b. in Newington, Conn., 24 July, 1825; m. (1) in New York City, 19 Sept., 1860, Anna Margaret Davidson, b. 14 Nov., 1837, dau. of Rev. Robert Davidson, D. D., of Philadelphia.
She d. in Florence, Italy, 7 May, 1870; he m. (2) in Brooklyn, N. Y., 9 June, 1874, Ellen Prentice, b. 17 Oct., 1844, dau. of John Prentice, of Brooklyn, b. in 1803, and Sarah Nichols Davis, b. in 1809; d. in New York City, 24 Oct., 1892; she res. in New York.
At the age of 20 he left school to enter a commission house in Philadelphia.
Later he, with James L. Brumley, founded, in New York, the dry goods commis­sion house of Brumley & Kellogg. Failing health compelled him to retire from active labor in 1870. He was a director in the Broadway Savings Bank, and in several insurance companies; a member of the Union League Club, the Genealog­ical Society, and the Sons of the American Revolution. He was a Presbyterian.
Children by second wife.
12292 Charles Prentice,10 b. in Brooklyn, 15 Sept., 1875; d. suddenly, in the Adirondacks, 28 July, 1895; at the time of his death he was a junior in Yale College.
12293 Armide,10 b. in New York, 27 Nov., 1876; d. in Huntington, N. Y., 25 July, 1877.
12294 John Prentice,10 b. 29 Jan., 1878; m. in Long Branch, N. J., 16 Sept., 1901, Ethel M. Thornell; was graduated from Princeton, class of 1900; immediately after his graduation he started on a trip around the world; is now in the office of Strong, Sturges & Co., bankers, in New York.
12295 Martin Wells,10 b. in New York, 13 Nov., 1880; d. there, 19 Dec., 1897.

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5954.   SARAH WELLES,9 dau. of Gen. Martin8 (2351), b. 15 Oct., 1828; m. as his second wife, 18 Sept., 1854, Samuel Kellogg Camp, of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. 21 Apr., 1820; he had m. (1) her sister, Mary Welles Kellogg (+5951).
12296 Laura Hale Camp,10 b. 19 Jan., 1856; d. 6 Apr., 1864.
12297 Anna Kellogg Camp,10 b. 8 Jan., 1861; d. 15 Feb., 1862.
12298 Caroline Deming Camp,10 b. 4 Jan., 1863.
12299 Charles Martin Camp,10 b. 8 Oct., 1867.
12300 Sarah Kellogg Camp,10 b. 14 Jan., 1872; d. 24 Dec., same year.

5978.   STEPHEN CHESTER,9 son of Chester8 (2389), b. 6 Mar., 1821; m. Eliza Walrath, b. in Ogdensburg, N. Y., 9 May, 1830, dau. of Daniel Walrath, b. 23 Jan., 1796, and Mary House, who d. in 1898, aged 100.
He d. in Hermon, N. Y., 26 Mar., 1886; she d. in Hermon, 10 Sept., 1886.
He was a farmer; res. in Hermon.
12301 Mary Eliza,10 b. 13 Jan., 1860; m. in Gouverneur, N. Y., 22 Feb., 1898, James Joseph Shortt, b. 22 Dec., 1856, son of John Doran Shortt, b. May, 1822, and Esther Yooman, b. 1840.
12302 Almeda,10 b. in Hermon, 27 Apr., 1861; m. Jerome Bonaparte Gates.
12303 Horcenia Ada,10 b. in Hermon, 8 Apr., 1864; m. Aldis Orin Morgan.
12304 Daniel H.,10 b. 6 Mar., 1878; d. 19 Sept., 1887.

5979.   CHAUNCEY WILLIAM,9 son of Chester8 (2389), b. in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., 4 Aug., 1828; m. 24 June, 1852, Frances Elizabeth Holton, b. in Northfield, Mass., 16 Apr., 1827, dau. of Elias Holton, b. 16 Dec., 1790, of North­field, and Fanny Mattoon.
He was an architect and builder; res. in Flushing, N. Y.; rem. from Her­monto Greenfield in the spring of 1849; thence to Keene, N. H., in 1858; thence to Fond du Lac, Minn., in 1865; settled in Green Bay, Wis., in 1869.
12305 William Clarence,10 b. in Northfield, Mass, 8 Apr., 1858; m. May Owens.
12306 Ella Frances,10 b. in Keene, N. H., 6 Aug., 1862; m. Isaac Newton Stage.

5980.   JANE ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Chester8 (2389), b. 19 Nov., 1830; m. in Keene, N. H., 11 Jan., 1860, John Proctor, b. 29 May, 1823, son of John Proctor, of Sullivan, N. H., and Ruth Spaulding.
He was a carpenter; res. in Keene, N. H.
Children, b. in Keene.
12307 Nellie Elizabeth Proctor,10 b. 22 Nov., 1860; d. 2 Dec., 1860.
12308 Clara Frances Proctor,10 b. 27 Oct., 1862; m. Thomas Nelson Wood­Ward; res. in Keene.
12309 Lillia May Proctor,10 b. 1 Jan., 1864; m. Charles Harrington; res. in Concord, N. H.
12310 Frederick William Proctor,10 b. 4 May, 1868.
12311 Frank Leslie Proctor,10 b. 25 Aug., 1872; d. 29 Sept., 1872.
12312 George Burnham Proctor,10 b. 8 Nov., 1874.

1052    The Kelloggs in the New World.

5982.   JAMES BURNHAM,9 son of Chester8 (2389), b. in Morristown, N. Y., 15 Oct., 1838; m. in Keene, N. H., 1 Dec., 1864, Lydia Evelyn Martin, b. 20 Nov., 1841, dau. of Laton Martin, of Keene, b. 31 Jan., 1809, and Lydia Starkey, b. 26 July, 1807.
He is a locomotive engineer; res. in Keene; enlisted in the United States Navy, 23 Aug., 1862; was discharged 11 May, 1864; served as landsman on United States steamship Mohican; is a Baptist and a Republican.
12313 Henry Laton,10 b. 4 June, 1866; m. in Keene, 15 Dec., 1891, Cora N. Burbee, b. in Swanzey, N. H., 27 Nov., 1869, dau. of Dexter Bur­bee, b. 3 Oct., 1843, and Imogene P. Moore, b. 28 Oct., 1846; is a stenographer and typewriter; res. in Bellows Falls, Vt.
12314 Grace Evelyn,10 b. 5 July, 1881.

5983.   GEORGE HENRY,9 son of Chester8 (2389), b. in Russell, N. Y., 7 Mar., 1841; m. in Bellows Falls, Vt., 23 Dec., 1869, Alice Victoria Carroll, b. in Keene, N. H., 15 Nov., 1848, dau. of Thomas Carroll and Victoria Crownenshield.
He is a special officer for the Southern Pacific Railroad Company; res. in West Oakland, Cal.; is an Episcopalian and a Republican. He was a private in the civil war; enlisted in Co. A, Sixtieth Reg., New York Infantry, 31 Aug., 1861; was discharged 29 Oct., 1864.
12315 Hortense Carroll,10 b. in Keene, 1 July, 1873.

5984.   ELIZABETH ANN,9 dau. of Chester8 (2389), b. in Hermon, N. Y., 16 Aug., 1844; m. in Keene, N. H., 1 Mar., 1862, William Laton Martin, b. in Keene, 10 Nov., 1844, son of Laton Martin, b. 31 Jan., 1809, and Lydia Starkey, b. 26 July, 1807.
He d. in Keene, 28 Mar., 1890; she res. in Somerville, Mass.
He was in the livery business; res. in Keene; was a Baptist and a Democrat.
12316 Don Chester Martin,10 b. 31 Mar., 1870.
12317 Laton Kellogg Martin,10 b. 25 Dec., 1873.
12318 Guy Leslie Martin,10 b. Feb., 1875.
12319 Florence May Martin,10 b. 3 May, 1879.
12320 William Sali Martin,10 b. 30 Sept., 1882.

5994.   MARTHA MARIA,9 dau. of William8 (2392), b. in Kensington, Conn., 11 May, 1820; m. in Kensington, 11 Apr., 1841, Calvin Lester Hubbard, b. in Laurens, N. Y., 4 Mar., 1817, son of Henry Hubbard, b. 20 Feb., 1791, and Cynthia Sleeper, b. 6 Jan., 1791.
He d. in Kensington, 7 Oct., 1880; she d. in Kensington, 14 Aug., 1894.
He was a druggist; was a graduate from Albany College; was a Republican.
12321 William Henry Hubbard,10 b. in Hartford, Conn, 10 Oct., 1844; m. 27 May, 1867, in New Haven, Conn., Catherine Cordelia Galpin; d. in Kensington, 27 May, 1867; had two children; she m. _______ Plimpton; res. in 1898, in Kensington.

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12322 Sarah Delphine Hubbard,10 b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 23 Feb., 1847; d. in Kensington, 9 Sept., 1847.
12323 Ella Maria Hubbard,10 b. in New Britain, Conn., 10 Sept., 1851; d. there, 22 Mar., 1852.

5996.   JANE ASENATH,9 dau. of William8 (2392), b. in Kensington, Conn., 26 Apr., 1826; m. Curtis Roger Parsons, b. 4 July, 1815, son of Curtis Parsons, b. 23 Apr., 1783, and Orpha Loveland, b. 24 Sept., 1786.
She d. in Los Angeles, Cal., 28 Apr., 1874; he d. in Denver, Col., 10 Nov., 1880.
He was a commission merchant; res. in Durham, Conn., Macon, Ga., North­ampton, Mass., and from 1859 until his death in Nashville, Tenn.
Children, b. in Macon.
12324 Albro Le Fils Parsons,10 b. 1 Mar., 1844; m. 25 June, 1873, Julia Eliza­beth Mayes, b. 30 Oct., 1852; res. in Louisville, Ky.; has four children.
12325 Eugene Curtis Parsons,10 b. 3 Aug., 1846; d. 5 July, 1872.
12326 Leophric Loveland Parsons,10 b. 3 Feb., 1848; d. 22 Aug., 1849.
12327 Leonora Lillian Parsons,10 b. 12 Feb., 1850; res. in Nashville, Tenn.

5999.   SUSAN ANDRUS,9 dau. of Chester8 (2398), b. in West Brookfield, Mass, 29 Dec., 1818; m. in Warren, Mass., 12 Feb., 1839, Thomas Cummings Nye, b. 14 May, 1808, son of George Nye, b. 3 Oct., 1784, and Sarah McClintock, b. 18 Dec., 1785.
He d. in New Haven, Minn., 4 June, 1862.
He was a farmer.
Children, b. in Warren.
12328 Charles Daniels Nye,10 b. 27 Sept., 1841; res. in Douglas, Minn.
12329 George Chester Nye,10 b. 23 May, 1846; res. in Douglas.
12330 Mary Eliza Nye,10 b. 9 Nov., 1853; m. in Rochester, Minn., 27 Mar., 1893, Owen H. Campbell; res. in Douglas.

6000.   JAMES DAVIS,9 son of Chester,8 (2398), b. in West Brookfield, Mass., 12 Jan., 1822; m. in Greenwich, Mass., 7 Apr., 1846, Betsey T. Gibbs, b. in Greenwich, 14 July, 1816, dau. of Thomas and Polly Gibbs, of Greenwich.
She d. 16 Feb., 1880; he d. 29 Aug., 1895.
He was a farmer.
12331 William,10 b. in Ware, Mass., ______; d. 1 Sept., 1847.
12332 John F.,10 b. in Ware, 8 Nov., 1848; d. there, 12 Apr., 1849.
12333 William Franklin,10 b. in New Braintree, 9 Dec., 1849; m. in Barre, Mass., 8 June, 1874, Cora L. King, b. 1852, dau. of William P. King and Caroline Morgan, of Barre; was a jeweler; res. in Wor­cester, Mass., where he d. 10 Dec., 1874.
12334 Mary E.,10 b. 17 May, 1851; d. in Athol, Mass., 10 Nov., 1858.
12335 James T.,10 b. in Greenwich, 27 July, 1853; m. Jennie M. Thayer.
12336 Idonella,10 b. in Athol, 13 Sept., 1855; d. there, 23 May, 1856.
12337 A Son,10 b. in Athol, 20 Feb., 1858; d. same month.
12338 Mary Ella,10 b. in Hardwick, Mass, 15 Oct., 1860; m. Ellsworth S. Grazier.

1054    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6001.   THOMAS,9 son of Chester8 (2398), b. in West Brookfield, Mass., 1 Sept., 1823; m. in Stoughton, Mass, 1 Nov., 1851, Eliza Capen,* b. in Stoughton, 10 June, 1827, dau. of Asa Capen, b. in Stoughton, 8 Nov., 1785, and Mary Dicker­man, b. in Easton, Mass, 29 Sept., 1788.
He d. in Quincy, Mass, 2 May, 1876; she d. in Stoughton, 8 Dec., 1880; both are buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Stoughton.
He settled in Taunton, Mass.; rem. to Quincy; was a carriage trimmer and harness manufacturer and a Republican.
Children, b. in Taunton.
12339 Henry Francis,10 b. 25 Mar., 1852; d. 27 July, same year.
12340 Arthur Thomas,10 b. 29 June, 1855; m. Clara Mae Moore.
12341 Mary Eliza,10 b. 12 June, 1857; m. George Albert Wales.
12342 Alice Brownwell,10 b. 26 May, 1865; d. 29 July, same year.
12343 Ella Emogene,10 b. 9 July, 1866; d. in Stoughton, 20 Aug., same year.

6005.   SARAH ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Chester8 (2398), b. in West Brookfield, Mass, 4 July, 1836; m. in Taunton, Mass, 18 Feb., 1858, Charles Henry Fair­banks, b. in Brimfield, Mass., 27 Jan., 1831, son of Ebenezer Fairbanks, b. in Brimfield, 3 June, 1799, and Margaret Gleason, of West Brookfield, b. in Warren, Mass., 10 Aug., 1805.
They rem. from Taunton to Springfield, to Brookfield and to West Brook­field, where they now res. He was connected with the provision business; later rem. to West Brookfield, where he now manages the Fairbanks homestead, a model Worcester county farm.
12344 Mary Emily Fairbanks,10 b. in Springfield, 3 Feb., 1859; m. as his third Wife,9 Apr., 1895, Philander Helms, of West Brookfield, b. in Staf­ford, Conn., 17 Jan., 1843; he is a farmer and manufacturer of boot and shoe heels; res. in West Brookfield, has no children.
12345 Charles Lewis Fairbanks,10 b. in Brookfield, 29 Nov., 1860; m. 5 June, 1890, Frances Louise Lombard, of North Brookfield, b. 26 Aug., 1866; is a farmer; res. on the Fairbanks homestead, West Brook­field; has no children.
12346 Alice Margaret Fairbanks,10 b. 24 Jan., 1862; d. 2 Aug., same year.

6022.   CELIA AMELIA,9 dau. of Chester Welles8 (2416), b. in Holland Patent, N. Y., 26 Mar., 1839; m. 8 Oct., 1861, Corydon Wheeler, b. 21 Dec., 1837, son of Albert Wheeler, of Boonville, N. Y., b. 8 Jan., 1803, and Mary Hitchcock, b. 3 Oct., 1812.
He is an architect; res. in Boonville, from 1861 to '72; now res. in Pough­keepsie, N. Y.; is a Methodist and a Prohibitionist.
Children, b. in Boonville.
12347 Jessie Lauretta Wheeler,10 b. 19 Dec., 1862; m. 11 Apr., 1883, William Petitt McNeill; res. in Poughkeepsie.
12348 Chester Albert Wheeler,10 b. 5 Sept., 1865; d. 7 Jan., 1869.
12349 Estella Wheeler,10 b. 1 Aug., 1867; d. 12 Mar., 1868.

* A descendant of Bernard Capen, who, in 1635, built the Capen house in Dorchester, Mass., probably the oldest house now standing in New England.

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12350 Winthrop Ray Wheeler,10 b. 1 Oct., 1871; m. 15 June, 1895, Jane Duel; res. in Poughkeepsie.

6023.   LUCIA AUGUSTA,9 dau. of Chester Welles8 (2416), b. in Holland Pat­ent, N. Y., 17 Aug., 1848; m. in Trenton, N. Y., 3 Nov., 1880, Schuyler Van Rensselaer Wheeler, b. in Russia, N. Y., 31 Jan., 1846, son of Ephraim E. Wheeler, b. 14 Nov., 1811, and Almira Harris, b. 14 Nov., 1826.
He is a druggist; res. in Wisconsin City, Wis., and Utica, N. Y.; is a Re­publican.
Children, b. in Russia.
12351 Claribel Augusta Wheeler,10 b. 13 Aug., 1881.
12352 Charlotte Kellogg Wheeler,10 b. 18 Apr., 1884.

6024.   ELLA ANGELIA,9 dau. of Chester Welles8 (2416), b. in Holland Pat­ent, N. Y., 16 Jan., 1853; m. in Holland Patent, 10 June, 1880, George William Webb, b. in Wethersfield, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1853, son of William Webb, of Trenton, N. Y., and Mary Cole.
He is a farmer; res. in Holland Patent; is a member of the Baptist Church.
12353 Edith Almeda Webb,10 b. 16 May, 1881.
12354 Cora Angelica Webb,10 b. 8 June, 1884.
12355 Earl Kellogg Webb,10 b. 1 Jan., 1887.
12356 Le Roy Charles Webb,10 b. 5 Jan., 1889.
12357 Chester William Webb,10 b. 28 June, 1891.

6035.   JOSEPH WARNER,9 son of Joseph8 (2420), b. in New York City, 6 Nov., 1808; m. (1) Rachel Ann Jacques, b. 6 Feb., 1810.
He m. (2) Mary Jane Worrall, b. 15 Feb., 1812, dau. of Henry Worrall, of New York, and Dorethea Wade; she d. 30 Dec., 1854; he m. (3) 24 Mar., 1856, Anna Huyler, b. ______, dau. of John Cornelius Huyler, b. ______, and Huldah Requa, b. in Tarrytown, N. Y., of Huguenot grandparents; he d. 3 Dec., 1862, aged 55; she res. in New Rochelle, N. Y.
Children by first wife.
12358 Mary Eliza,10 b. 12 Dec., 1831; m. Josiah Seymour Ferris.
12359 Emma Jane,10 b. 25 June, 1834; m. Ira Perego.
12360 Joseph,10 b. 28 Aug., 1836; d. 2 May, 1837.
12361 Anna Margaret,10 b. 28 Mar., 1838; d. 30 Aug., 1841.
12362 Joseph,10 b. 27 Mar., 1840; d. 19 Jan., 1859.
12363 William Lintz,10 b. 9 May, 1842; d. Sept., 1862.
Children by second wife.
12364 Sarah Lankford,10 b. 6 Aug., 1844; m. (1) Charles Clayton Bourne; (2) William James Kirkpatrick.
12365 Henry Worrall,10 b. 25 May, 1846; d. 1863; was killed in the battle at Fort Wagner.
12366 Walter Palmer,10 b. New York City, 18 Sept., 1848, m. Helen Elizabeth Grow.
12367 Edmund Janes,10 b. 21 July, 1849; m. Sophia Whipfall.
12368 Charlotte Stocking,10 b. 24 Feb., 1852; m. Foster Keeping.
12369 Phoebe Palmer,10 b. 3 Dec., 1854; d. 1855.

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Children by third wife.
12370 Fannie Herriot,10 b. in New York City, 10 Mar., 1857.
12371 Cecilia Angeline,10 b. in Rutherford, N. J., 3 Oct., 1858; is unm.
12372 Anna,10 14 Sept., 1860; d. Aug., 1861.

6038.   JOSEPH MARTIN,9 son of Jonathan Dwight8 (2423), b. in Northamp­ton Mass., 22 June, 1826; m. 14 Nov., 1850, Cornelia Prindle, b. in Derby, Conn., 12 Apr., 1825, dau. of William N. Prindle, of Derby, Conn., and Elizabeth Hol­brook, b. 31 Oct., 1799.
He d. in Northampton, Mass., 22 Aug., 1894; she res. in Northampton.
He was a dry goods merchant and a real estate agent.
Children, b. in Northampton.
12373 Cornelia Elizabeth,10 b. 24 May, 1852; d. 12 Mar., 1876.
12374 Charles William,10 b. 23 May, 1854; d. 31 Aug., 1854.
12375 Jennie May,10 b. 31 May, 1856; m. in Northampton, 4 Oct., 1882, Edward Dickinson, b. in West Springfield, Mass., 10 Oct., 1853, son of Henry Kirk White Dickinson, b. June, 1819, and Angeline Dun­ham, b. June, 1825; he is a graduate of Amherst; a Congrega­tionalist and a musician; res. in Oberlin, O.
12376 Annie Prindle,10 b. 26 Oct., 1865.
12377 Elizabeth Holbrook,10 b. 29 Sept., 1868; m. Charles Burton Howe.

6040.   CAROLINE EXPERIENCE,9 dau. of Jonathan Dwight8 (2423), b. in Northampton, Mass, 4 Feb., 1830; m. in Northampton, 20 Nov., 1848, Col. Joseph B. Parsons, b. in Northampton, 1827, son of Samuel Parsons, b. 17 Sept., 1793, and Caroline Russell, b. 22 Mar., 1798.
He was a Colonel in the Union army; was wounded in the battle of the Wil­derness. He is State pension agent; res. in Boston.
Children, b. in Northampton.
12378 Carrie Emerson Parsons,10 b. 23 Aug., 1850; d. 13 May, 1868.
12379 Joseph Dwight Parsons,10 b. 17 Mar., 1854.
12380 Ida Josephine Parsons,10 b. 30 Nov., 1855.
12381 Frank Bailey Parsons,10 b. 29 Mar., 1858.

6041.   JONATHAN DWIGHT,9 son of Jonathan Dwight,8 (2423), b. in 1 Northampton, Mass, 8 Sept., 1831; m. 7 Dec., 1854, Caroline Russell Parsons, b. 2 Apr., 1832, dau. of Samuel Parsons, b. 17 Sept., 1793, and Caroline Russell, b. 22 Mar., 1798.
He is a dry goods merchant; res. in Northampton.
Children, b. in Northampton.
12382 Sallie Dwight,10 b. 13 July, 1856; d. Dec., 1858.
12383 Sarah Delano,10 b. 23 Feb., 1859; was graduated from Smith College 2 in 1881; res., unm., in Northampton.
12384 Louise Russell,10 b. in Northampton, 30 Jan., 1861; m. in Northamp­ton, as his second wife, 16 Aug., 1884, Dr. Charles Shepard Rod­man, b. in Waterbury, Conn., 24 Aug., 1845, son of William W. Rodman, b. 1 Apr., 1817, and Jerusha Pomeroy, b. 24 May, 1820.

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12385 William Stoddard,10 b. 9 Apr., 1868; res., unm., in Waterbury.
12386 Isaac Parsons,10 b. 30 Oct., 1871; res., unm., in Waterbury.

6047.   JOHN,9 son of Elisha8 (2446), b. in L'Original, Canada, 21 Dec., 1805; m. in Brasher Falls, N. Y., 4 June, 1835, Adaline Mary Johnson, b. in Lyman, N. H., 12 Aug., 1816.
He d. 1 July, 1867.
He was a salesman, and was in the insurance business. He taught school in Ohio in 1834, and after his marriage res. for several years in Brasher Falls. He rem. to Montreal, Canada, and res. there for three years before he returned to Brasher, where he res. at the time of his death.
12387 A Son,10 b. ______; d. when a few days old.
12388 A Daughter,10 b. ______; m. Joseph Petty; had four children.
12389 Harriete,10 (adopted), b. ______; m. ______ Minkler; res. in Brasher Falls.

6048.   CAPT. JOSEPH,9 son of Orrin8 (2447), b. in Canada, 24 June, 1812; m. in Wood Co., O., 23 Sept., 1844, Estella Bushnell, b. 22 Feb., 1818, dau. of Truman Bushnell, of Litchfield, N. Y., b. 8 Dec., 1780, and Hepsy Bond Bovel.
She d. in Portland, Or., 15 Jan., 1902.
He was a millwright. He went to Oregon with his father in 1858 and located near Milwaukee (Which town he laid out in connection with Lot Whitcomb and William Torrence), built a sawmill and later the Standard Flour Mills, which were for many years the most extensive in Oregon. He was among the first pilots on the Willamette, and built several fine river steamboats, among them the Lot Whitcomb, the first large steamcraft constructed in Oregon, and the ill-fated Senator, blown up 5 May, 1875. In connection with his sons he incorporated the Joseph Kellogg Transportation Company, which navigated the Columbia and Cowlitz Rivers. He became one of the prominent business men of Oregon and was active in developing its resources. In 1877 he was captain of the steamer Dayton.
12390 Orrin,10 b. in Wood Co., O., 16 Oct., 1845; m. Margaret Ellen West­fall.
12391 Charles Henry,10 b. in Wood Co., O., 1 Oct., 1846; m. (1) Emma Eliza Goode; (2) Mary Ellen Copreland.
12392 William Harvey,10 b. in Milwaukee, 22 June, 1859; d. 9 Sept., 1859.

6050.   PHOEBE,9 dau. of Orrin8 (2447), b. 23 Apr., 1816; m. 1841, Daniel Hathaway.
She d. 12 Mar., 1851.
He was a farmer; res. in Rock Creek, Or.
12393 Huldah Hathaway,10 b. ______.
12394 Warren Hathaway,10 b. ______.
12395 Freeborn Hathaway,10 b. ______.
12396 Phoebe Hathaway,10 b. ______.

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6052.   CHARLOTTE,9 dau. of Orrin8 (2447), b. 22 Dec., 1820; m. 1842, Syl­vester Hathaway, of Wood Co., O.
She d. 29 Apr., 1867.
He was a farmer near Milwaukee, Or.
12397 Helen Hathaway,10 b. ______.
12398 Margaret Hathaway,10 b. ______.
12399 George Hathaway,10 b. ______.

6054.   ELISHA,9 son of Orrin8 (2447), b. 21 Jan., 1826; m. (1) Margaret S. Lent, of Clackamas Co., Or.
She d. in Milwaukee, Or., 1857; he m. (2) 28 Nov., 1860, Marvinia Ellen Moore.
Children by second wife, b. in Olackamas Co.
12400 Sarah Margaret,10 b. 9 Nov., 1861.
12401 Elisha D.,10 b. 21 Aug., 1867.
12402 Della Commodore,10 b. 3 Dec., 1873.

6056.   JASON,9 son of Orrin8 (2447), b. 11 Oct., 1832; m. 4 July, 1868, Amanda A. Bowman, b. in Iowa, 10 May, 1847, dau. of William Bowman, of White Co., Tenn., b. 29 Mar., 1814, and Mary Shelby, of Oregon, b. in Kentucky, 23 Apr., 1828.
He was a steamboat engineer; res. in Portland, Or.
12403 Clarence D.,10 b. in Portland, 16 Aug., 1870; m. Emma C. Cooper.

6057.   EDWARD,9 son of Orrin8 (2447), b. in the Dominion of Canada, 30 Mar., 1835; m. in Hillsboro, Or., 5 Sept., 1867, Margaret Elisebeth Boyce, b. in Columbus Co., O., 20 Nov., 1847, dau. of Dr. Joseph Boyce, b. 24 June, 1803, and Alice Nessly, of Hillsboro, b. 14 Jan., 1811.
He was a steamboat captain, but on account of ill health went on a stock ranch; res. in Goldendale, Wash.; now res. in Grant's Pass, Or.
Children, first three b. in Hillsboro.
12404 Alva Helmer,10 b. 5 June, 1868; m. (1) Anna May Green; (2) Kathren Josephine Parker.
12405 Nellie Alice,10 b. 28 Nov., 1870; m. Charles Dean Stacey.
12406 Joseph Boyce,10 b. 6 Oct., 1873; d. in Goldendale, 21 Oct., 1876.
Children, b. in Goldendale.
12407 Nettie Alberta,10 b. 25 Dec., 1875; m. in Jacksonville, Or., 4 June; 1892, John Barneburg, b. in Medford, Or., 16 Dec., 1871, son of Fred Barneburg, b. 17 Jan., 1836, and Electa Nortan, b. 12 Nov.; 1832; he is a butcher; a Presbyterian; res. in Medford; has 110 children.
12408 Bessie May,10 b. 6 May, 1877.
12409 Elbert Volner,10 b. 1 Aug., 1882.
Children, b. in Portland, Or.
12410 Edward Jayson,10 b. 24. Nov., 1885.
12411 Basil Boyce,10 b. 31 Mar., 1889.

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6058.   JOSEPH,9 son of Elijah8 (2448), b. in L'Original, Canada, 28 Sept., 1809; m. in St. Andrews, Canada, 24 May, 1832, Eliza Davis, b. in St. Andrews, 18 Feb., 1813, dau. of Moses Davis, b. in Chesterfield, N. H., 23 Oct., 1779, and Lurena McArthur, b. 15 June, 1789.
He d. in Elida, Ill., 3 Feb., 1859.
He was in the mercantile business in Canada; in later years was a farmer in St. Andrews.
12412 Elizabeth,10 b. 23 Mar., 1833; m. Ira Bixby.
12413 Moses Elijah,10 b. 28 Aug., 1836; m. Olive Melissa Bixby.
12414 George Thomas,10 b. 20 June, 1839; d. in Caledonia, Canada, Mar., 1841.
12415 Nelson,10 b. 20 Jan., 1842; was a private in Co. H, Thirty-fourth Illi­nois Reg., Volunteers; res. in Butler, Mo., in 1898.
12416 Theodore Demont,10 b. in Caledonia, 5 Mar., 1845; m. in Douds, Ia., 20 May, 1875, Melissa Whitten; res. in Chino, Cal., in 1897.
12417 Joseph,10 b. 29 Nov., 1847; m. Jennie Eliza Waterman.
12418 Georgianna E. E.,10 b. 14 July, 1850; d. in Elida, 28 Sept., 1864.
12419 Maria Lorania Louisa,10 b. in St. Andrews, 4 Sept., 1853; m. Lewis Cass Elerick.
12420 Julia Ellen,10 b. in Byron, Ill., 4 Oct., 1856; m. Burt Horace Lyman.

6059.   VOLNEY,9 son of Elijah8 (2448), b. in L'Original, Canada, 28 May, 1811; m. 7 Feb., 1832, Elizabeth (Betsey) Davis, b. 28 Jan., 1812, dau. of Samuel Davis, b. about 1770, and Abigail Clark, b. about 1777.
He d. in Franklin Co., Ia., 27 Nov., 1891; she d. there 31 July, 1896.
He was a farmer; res. in L'Original until 1845, when he rem. to Winnebago, Ill., and in 1865 to Coldwater, Ia.
Children, first five b. in L'Original.
12421 Lydia Ann,10 b. 12 Aug., 1834; m. Rev. Leonard Holt.
12422 Lovina Maria,10 b. 11 Jan., 1836; m. Theophilus Hudson.
12423 Maria,10 b. 9 June, 1838; d. 18 July, same year.
12424 Mary Henrietta,10 b. 1 July, 1839; m. Thomas Perly Treadwell.
12425 Abigail,10 b. 28 Oct., 1841; m. Thomas E. B. Hudson.
12426 Elijah,10 b. 25 Jan., 1844; m. (1) 28 Oct., 1865, Emma Treadwell; (2) 1884, Mrs. Barrett; was a Union soldier; was Sergt in Co. C, Seventy-fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 4 Sept., 1862; was discharged 10 June, 1865; is a farmer; res. in Whittier, Cal.; had no children.
12427 Clarissa Jane,10 b. in Winnebago, Ill., 19 Apr., 1846; m. Charles Austin Lockwood.
12429 Emma Lucinda,10 b. in Winnebago, 3 Nov., 1850; m. in West Fork, Ia., 22 Feb., 1871, George Simpson Stickney; he was a farmer in West Fork; she d. 3 Oct., 1884; he d. 21 May, 1896; had no child­ren.
12430 Alice,10 b. in Winnebago, 2 Sept., 1853; res., unm., in Coldwater, Ia.

6063.   ELIJAH,9 son of Elijah8 (2448), b. in L'Original, Canada, 16 Sept.,

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1819; m. in Troy, O., 8 Oct., 1842, Mary White Ballard, b. in Georgia, Vt, 3 Sept., 1819, dau. of James Ballard, b. 21 July, 1770, and Mary (Polly) White.
He d. 21 Sept., 1892; she d. 2 Jan., 1894.
He was a farmer. He went to Ohio in 1839, and for a long time worked on the public works in summer and taught school in winter.
12431 Thomas Hall,10 b. 29 July, 1843; served as Sergt. in Co. I, Sixty-eighth Ohio Infantry; d. at his father's house, 4 Oct., 1864, from disease contracted in the service.
12432 Collin Allison,10 b. in Paradise, O., 30 Apr., 1845; served in Co. I, Sixty-eighth Ohio Infantry; was discharged on account of sick­ness; is a farmer; res., unm., in Woodville, O.
12433 Edna Theresa,10 b. 8 Oct., 1847; res., unm., in Woodville.
12434 Flora Lorania,10 b. in Woodville, 16 Feb., 1850; m. Harrison Erwin Hudson.
12435 Mary Lavinia,10 b. 6 Aug., 1851; d. unm., 22 Sept., 1896.
12436 Charles Sumner,10 b. in Woodville, 23 Sept., 1858; m. Alice Pauline Riley.

6064.   LAVINIA,9 dau. of Elijah8 (2448), b. ______; m. in L'Original, Canada, 11 Feb., 1847, John Kellogg Barber (6130), b. in East Settlement, Canada, 23 Dec., 1821, son of Mylo Barber, b. 12 Sept., 1789, and Laura Kellogg (+2475), b. 22 Nov., 1794.
She d. in Holdrege, Neb., 23 May, 1897; he res. there after her death.
He is a farmer; is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a Re­publican.
12437 Herbert Ozias Barber,10 b. in East Settlement, 5 Apr., 1848; m. 8 Dec., 1869, Sarah Smith Kemshaw; res. in Lincoln, Neb.; had five child­ren.
12438 Elijah Mylo Barber,10 b. in East Settlement, 10 Aug., 1851; d. in Champaign, Ill., 25 Apr., 1864.
12439 Orythia Maria Barber,10 b. in East Settlement, 27 July, 1853; res. in Holdrege.
12440 Emma Kellogg Barber,10 b. in Ingersoll, Ontario, 15 Feb., 1857; d. there, 25 Aug., 1858.
12441 Harriet Louisa Barber,10 b. in Ingersoll, 14 Apr., 1859; res. in Spear­fish, S.D.
12442 Mary Wells Barber,10 b. in Dover, Ontario, 2 Nov., 1861; d. in Hol­drege, 19 Aug., 1894.
12443 Elberta Laura Barber,10 b. in Champaign, 2 Sept., 1864; m. 28 Apr., 1887, Hugh H. Carroll; res. in Holdrege.
12444 Leonard Waldon Barber,10 b. in Rantoul, Ill., 15 Dec., 1868; d. 1 June, 1869.

6089.   OTIS DEWEY,9 son of Jason8 (2460), b. 10 Jan., 1810; m. in Poultney, Vt., 18 Dec., 1835, Lavarna Williams, b. 12 Sept., 1810, dau. of Ambrose Wil­liams, b. in Belfast, Conn., 10 Dec., 1780, and Martha (Patty) Ford, b. in Peru, Mass., 9 Mar., 1781.

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He d. 20 June, 1856; after his death she res. with her eldest dau., in West Windsor, Mich.
He was a tailor.
12445 Silas D.,10 b. 6 Feb., 1839; d. 7 Jan., 1841.
12446 Melissa Emerette,10 b. 21 Sept., 1841; m. Gordon Treat.
12447 Mary Asenath,10 b. 20 Dec., 1843; m. David Treat.
12448 Lucretia Jane,10 b. 11 Dec., 1847; d. 24 Mar., 1852.
12449 Ella W.,10 b. 24 Mar., 1849; she is a teacher.

6093.   JASON WARREN,9 son of Jason8 (2460), b. 27 Aug., 1819; m. in Pa­vilion, N. Y., 24 Mar., 1841, Catherine Elizabeth Carr, b. 18 May, 1823, dau. of Eli Carr, of Genesee Co., N. Y., and Rebecca Crowfoot.
He d. 3 Apr., 1886.
He was a lawyer in Iowa.
12450 Francis Eli Dewey,10 b. 18 Feb., 1844; m. Lucinda Melissa Morris.
12451 William Adelbert,10 b. 26 Apr., 1846; d. 4 Sept., 1850.
12452 Mary Belle,10 b. 8 Mar., 1853; d. 26 Mar., same year.
12453 Charles Collins,10 b. 25 Dec., 1858; m. _______; was Deputy County Clerk in Detroit, Mich.

6102.   ANN ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Zina8 (2461), b. in West Troy, N. Y., 11 Aug., 1827; m. in Middletown, N. Y., 22 Sept., 1845, Addison Abraham Bensel, b. 22 Sept., 1818, son of Jacob Bensel, b. 1793, and Sally Milliken, b. 1801.
He was an editor; res. in Newburgh, N. Y.
12454 Arthur Zina Bensel,10 b. 3 Aug., 1846; d. in infancy.
12455 Albert Addison Bensel,10 b. 26 May, 1849; m. Oct., 1876, Josephine Ward Lomas, b. 19 Mar., 1858.

6104.   JOHN NIXON WARREN,9 son of Zina8 (2461), b. in West Troy, N. Y., 12 Dec., 1831; m. in Middletown, N. Y., 22 Nov., 1864, Louisa Elizabeth Ben­nett, b. 9 July, 1843, dau. of Benjamin Bennett, of Middletown, b. 13 Aug., 1796, and Susan Middlebrook, b. 4 Mar., 1811.
He is a grocer; res. in Middletown; is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a Republican.
12456 William Ezra,10 b. in Middletown, 14 Dec., 1865; m. Emma Irene Thayer.

6108.   LUCY AMELIA,9 dau. of Zina8 (2461), b. in Hampton, N. Y., 21 May, 1840; m. 22 Nov., 1864, Charles Frederick Allyn, b. 16 Dec., 1834.
He d. in Pleasanton, Kas., 22 July, 1870.
He was a dealer in marble and brownstone and res. in Newburgh, N. Y.; was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a Republican; was a Union soldier; enlisted, as First Lieut., in the First Mounted Rifles of New York.
12457 Mary Allyn,10 b. 23 Sept., 1866; d. July, 1867.
12458 Elizabeth Gertrude Allyn,10 b. 9 Dec., 1867; res. in Newburgh.

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6109.   MARCIA LAVINIA,9 dau. of Price French8 (2462), b. in Hampton, N. Y., 28 Mar., 1817; m. in Metamora, Ill., 24 May, 1838, Edwin Goodrich Mathews, b. in Cooperstown, N. Y., 23 Aug., 1816, son of Asahel Mathews, b. 3 June, 1792, and Hope Hollister, b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 10 Sept., 1791.
She d. in La Porte, Ind., 15 June, 1842, aged 25; he m. 23 Aug., 1843, Martha Amelia Bigelow; she d. 12 Jan., 1845, aged 19; had no children; he m. (3) in Granville, Wis., 8 Sept., 1847, Mary Reed Palmer, who survives him with one son, William Arrington Mathews; d. in East Oakland, Cal., 29 Sept., 1893, aged 77; she res. in Oakland, and is a member of the Episcopal Church.
He was a merchant in Indiana and Wisconsin, going to California in 1852; he was a commission merchant, and was afterward in the real estate business in San Francisco and Oakland; was a prominent Mason and Odd Fellow; was a warden and vestryman of the Protestant Episcopal Church many years, of which his first wife was also an active member.
12459 Henry Edward Mathews,10 b. near Metamora, Ill., 26 Feb., 1840; m. (1) in San Francisco, 6 Sept., 1865, Minnie Amelia Scott, b. in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, 27 June, 1843, dau. of Capt. Caleb C. Scott and Mary Gould; she d. in Oakland, Cal., 11 Apr., 1882; had three children; he m. (2) as her third husband, Mrs. Fannie Bill­ings (Higgins) Carter, b. in Eastport, Me., 6 Apr., 1843, dau. of Simeon Higgins and Margaret Billings; (she had m. (1) Capt. Reuel W. Furlong, of the Sixth Maine Infantry, in the civil war; he was killed in the battle at Rappahannock Station, Va., 7 Nov., 1863; she m. (2) in San Francisco, 22 Apr., 1869, John Warren Carter, who d. 1873;) he res. in Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin; since 1855 in California; was actively engaged in the commercial business in San Francisco, occupying positions of trust, being secre­tary of the James Lick Trust during the erection of Lick Observa­tory; is now in the real estate business; is a prominent Mason and Knight Templar; res. in San Francisco.
12460 Marcia Lucretia Mathews,10 b. in La Porte, 14 Jan., 1842; d. there, 21 Aug., same year.

6110.   LUCRETIA MARIA,9 dau. of Price French8 (2462), b. in Madison Co., O., 9 Sept., 1819; m. in Sylvan Retreat, near Metamora, Ill., 20 Nov., 1839, Samuel Slaymaker Parke, b. in Sudbury, Pa., 6 Oct., 1812, son of George Wash­ington Parke, b. 18 Oct., 1780, and Mary Fleming, b. 11 June, 1785.
He d. in Bloomington, Ill., Jan., 1884; she d. there, 20 Dec., 1885.
He was an active business man; rem. to Bloomington in 1855 and published newspapers there for many years.
12461 Mary Lucretia Parke,10 b. near Metamora, 28 Sept., 1840; m. 10 May, 1870, Maj. Rowland Nathaniel Evans; res. in Bloomington; has one dau.
12462 Caroline Marcia Parke,10 b. near Metamora, 30 Aug., 1842; d. 26 Nov., 1843.
12463 George Winfield Parke,10 b. near Metamora, 16 Apr., 1844; m. in Pekin, Ill., 29 Jan., 1873, Georgiannai Ingersoll; res. in Phoenix, Ariz.; had one child.

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12464 Charles Samuel Parke,10 b. in Woodford Co., Ill., 21 Apr., 1846; d. in Metamora, 10 July, 1848.
12465 Charles William Parke,10 b. in Woodford Co., Ill., 9 Feb., 1848; m. (1) 26 Feb., 1873, Ella" Sherwood, of Bloomington; had one son; m. (2) 30 Apr., 1883, Dora Kaufmann, of Norwalk, Neb.; had three children.
12466 Helen Maria Parke,10 b. in Tazewell Co., Ill., 20 Nov., 1849; m. in Bloomington, 22 May, 1872, Louis L. Burr; res. in Chicago; had one son.
12467 Frank Fleming Parke,10 b. in Tazewell Co., Ill., 17 Mar., 1852; d. in Bloomington, 13 Jan., 1859.
12468 Caroline Parlee,10 b. in Tazewell Co., 30 July, 1854; d. in Bloomington, 7 Sept., 1855.
12469 Edmund Kellogg Parke,10 b. in Bloomington, 4 Sept., 1856; d. there, 21 Feb., 1857.
12470 Clara Parke,10 b. in Bloomington, 1 June, 1858; m. there, 3 Nov., 1885, James Henry Price; res. in Bloomihgton; had one son.
12471 John Fred Parke,10 b. in Bloomington, 8 Feb., 1862; m. in Chicago, 3 July, 1886, Eva L. Downey; res. in Chicago; had three children.

6113.   PRICE F,9 son of Price French8 (2462), b. in Hampton, N. Y., 11 Feb., 1828; m. 13 May, 1858, Martha Frances Reeder, b. in Montgomery, O., 16 May, 1834, dau. of Jacob Reeder and Frances Crane, who were early settlers of Meta­mora, Ill.
She d. in Henry, Ill., 1 May, 1895, where he res. after her death.
He was a carriage maker. Like his father and grandfather, he was a volun­teer soldier; enlisted in Peoria, Ill., 28 Aug., 1862, in Co. E, Capt. Bullock, One Hundred and Eighth Illinois Infantry, Col. Warner; served three years, and was mustered out at Chicago, 28 Aug., 1865; was disabled by exposure during the service; res. for a short time after the war in Oberon, Kas.
Children, b. in Metamora.
12472 Arthur Lee,10 b. 20 May, 1859; d. 4 Apr., 1872.
12473 William Herbert,10 b. 25 Dec., 1866; res., unm., in Henry, 1896.
12474 Zella Frances,10 b. 12 July, 1874; res., unm., in Henry, 1896.

6114.   WILLIAM ROCKWELL,9 son of Price French8 (2462), b. in Hampton, N. Y., 1 Aug., 1831; m. in Delavan, Ill., 27 Oct., 1868, Alice Adelia Mattice, b. 13 Oct., 1848, dau. of Joseph Chatterson Mattice, b. in Spencer, N. Y., 13 Mar., 1821, and Dorcas Colter Taylor, b. in Troy, N. Y., 13 Oct., 1848, both of Troy.
She d. ______ in Chicago; after her death he res. in Chicago.
He was a civil engineer of public repute for eighteen years, fifteen of Which he was Chief Engineer on the St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad (now Part of the Chicago and Alton Railroad). For the past ten years he has been in the employ of the city of Chicago in charge of bridge and viaduct work.
12475 Edith Lucretia,10 b. in Chicago, 28 May, 1879; is unm.

6115.   EDMUND BRUSH,9 son of Rev. Ezra Benedict8 (2463), b. in Chilli­cothe, O., 7 Nov., 1824; m. in Norwich, Vt., 13 July, 1847, Susan Jackson

1064    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Morris, b. in Randolph, Vt., 23 July, 1825, dau. of Sylvester Morris, b. 23 Sept., and Susan Jackson Weston, b. 27 Nov., 1801.
He d. in Knoxville, Ill., 24 Jan., 1855; she d. 4 Nov., 1900.
He was a civil engineer; was graduated from Norwich University, 1845; rem. to California, and was a member of its first Legislature. She returned to Norwich and cared for her aged father until his death, and later res. in Hanover, with her dau., Mrs. Smith, where she d.
12476 Arthur Morris,10 b. in Norwich, 24 May, 1848; 1859; d. there, 11 May, 1859.
12477 Susan Weston,10 b. in Monmouth, Ill., 11 July, 1852; m. Dr. William Thayer Smith.
12478 Edmund Brush,10 b. in Knoxville, Ill., 10 June, 1854; m. in New York City, 11 May, 1881, Marion Josephine Diamond Martin, b. in Her­kimer, N. Y., 15 July, 1857, dau. of Erastus Franklin Martin and Harriet Elizabeth Morse; res. in New York City; had no children.

6116.   JULIA,9 dau. of Rev. Ezra Benedict8 (2463), b. in New Preston, Conn., 28 Aug., 1826; m. 22 May, 1855, Henry Nussbaum, son of N. J. Nussbaum, who was professor of modern languages in Yuerdon, Switzerland.
He d. 24 June, 1888; after his death she res. in Gruetli, Tenn.
12479 Edmund Brush Nussbaum,10 b. 24 Mar., 1856.
12480 Sabrina Nussbaum,10 b. 6 Nov., 1858.
12481 Francis F. Nussbaum,10 b. 29 Dec., 1861.

6117.   MARY DORANCE,9 dau. of Rev. Ezra Benedict8 (2463), b. in Brook­lyn, Conn., 30 Mar., 1839; m. in Metamora, Ill., 26 Feb., 1854, Dr. Zachariah Hoy Whitmire, b. 25 June, 1823, son of John Whitmire, b. 22 Feb., 1793, and Elizabeth Robinson, b. 1792.
She d. in Metamora, 17 Oct., 1857.
He is a physician; res. in Metamora.
12483 A Son,10 b. Sept., 1857; d. Oct., same year.
12483 Edmund Brush Whitmire,10 b. 2 May, 1858; m. 3 May, 1879, Ger­trude Meyer; had two children.

6118.   SOBRINA,9 dau. of Rev. Ezra Benedict8 (2463), b. in Brooklyn, Conn., 22 Sept., 1832; m. 20 Oct., 1858, Benjamin T. Custer, of Ohio.
She d. in London, O., 13 Mar., 1894.
12484 Effie Dorance Custer,10 b. in London, 30 Apr., 1861; m. 14 June, 1883; Harford T. Rankin; res. in London; had one child.

6120.   ANNA GEORGIA,9 dau. of Rev. Ezra Benedict8 (2463), b. in Clarke­ville, Ga., 24 Dec., 1838; m. in Gambier, O., 5 Oct., 1864, Edward J. Gould.
They res. in Gambier.
Children, b. in London.
12485 Theodore Herbert Gould,10 b. 17 Aug., 1865.
12486 Florence Gould,10 b. 12 Mar., 1868.

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12487 Anna Thompson Gould,10 b. 7 May, 1870.
12488 Edward J. Gould,10 b. 8 May, 1872.
12489 Donald Gould,10 b. 20 Nov., 1879.
12490 Cecil Harvey Gould,10 b. 10 Nov., 1881.

6122.   ELEANOR,9 dau. of Rev. Ezra Benedict8 (2463), b. in Flushing, N. Y., 31 Dec., 1842; m. in Grambier, O., 24 May, 1866, Rev. Wyllys Hall, D. D., son of William Hall, b. in Colchester, Conn., 7 July, 1800, and Margaret Kinney, b. in Portsmouth, O., 18 Feb., 1808.
She d. in Pasadena, Cal., 30 Apr., 1896, where he res. after her death.
He is a Protestant Episcopal clergyman; was rector of parishes in Piqua, O., Ann Arbor, Mich., and St. Paul's Church, Marquette, Mich. Her failing health induced him to accept a call to Pasadena in 1891, where they res. at the time of her death. He is now rector of St. Paul's Church, San Rafael, Cal.
Children, b. in Piqua.
12491 Lois Hall,10 b. 9 Mar., 1867.
12492 Edna Hall,10 b. 9 Feb., 1869.
12493 Gordon Hall,10 b. 18 Dec., 1870.
12494 Eleanor Hall,10 b. 24 Nov., 1873; m. A. S. Halsted; res. in Los An­geles, Cal.
Children, b. in Ann Arbor.
12495 Miriam Hall,10 b. 16 Nov., 1876.
12496 Wyllys Hall,10 b. 5 Feb., 1881.

6124.   GEORGE HERBERT,9 son of Rev. Ezra Benedict8 (2463), b. 10 June, 1847; m. in Crescent City, Cal., 29 July, 1873, Fay Chase, b. 27 May, 1846, dau. of Rev. Dudley Chase, b. Mar., 1815 (son of Rt. Rev. Philander Chase, Bishop of Ohio and Illinois), and Sarah Griffith Wells, b. 10 June, 1818.
He res. in San Francisco; received the degree of A. B. from Kenyon College, 1868; was a teacher in St. Matthews Hall, San Mateo, Cal., 1869-71, and in Crescent City, 1871-75; in Anaheim, Cal., 1875-80, since which time he has been in business in San Francisco as an advertising agent.
12497 Grace Wells,10 b. in Crescent City, 30 Oct., 1874.
12498 Neil Benedict,10 b. in Crescent City, 1 Aug., 1876.
12499 Frances Bentley,10 b. in Anaheim, 28 Aug., 1878.

6125.   MARTHA VIANA,9 dau. of Thomas Harvey8 (2464), b. ______; m. 10 Oct., 1849, Stillman Emerson, b. 29 Apr., 1819, son of David Emerson and Eliza­beth Webster Smith.
She d. near Ottawa, Kas., 2 Feb., 1874.
They res. in Ottawa.
12500 Clara Emerson,10 b. 27 June, 1851; m. (1) 14 Apr., 1869, James Allen Brooks; he d. 15 July, 1880; she m. (2) 31 May, 1883, Edward H. Turner; d. in Chicago, 25 Aug., 1896; had one child.
12501 Viana Emerson,10 b. 15 July, 1853.
12502 Dean Kellogg Emerson,10 b. Jan., 1856.
12503 Wilbur Chase Emerson,10 b. 13 Mar., 1858; d. 12 Sept., 1886.
12504 Dora Ernerson,10 b. 15 Sept., 1866.

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6126.   JUDITH SAWYER,9 dau. of Thomas Harvey8 (2464), b. in Plain City, O., 1 Jan., 1825; m. in Plain City, 1 Jan., 1845, Joseph Vickry Clement, b. in Plain City, 13 May, 1819, son of David Clement and Priscilla Smith.
They res. in Los Angeles, Cal.
Children, b. in Plain City.
12505 Ira Smith Clement,10 b. 23 Dec., 1846, m. in Ottawa, Kas, 26 Sept., 1872, Minerva Elizabeth Roberts; d. ______, in Ottawa; res. in Nicasio, Cal.; had two children.
12506 Harvey Kellogg Clement,10 b. 15 Jan., 1848; m. in Lyndon, Kas., 11 Sept., 1871, Arabell Augusta Russell; res. in Los Angeles; had five children.
12507 Joseph Vickry Clement,10 b. 8 Sept., 1850; m. in Independence, Kas., 30 Mar., 1871, Letitia Rearick; res. in Toledo, O.; had four chil­dren.
12508 Hylas Sabine Clement,10 b. 10 May, 1853; m. in San Francisco, Mar., 1894, Margaret Gilligan; res. in Los Angeles; had two children.
12509 Adelle Antoinette Clement,10 b. 21 Oct., 1859; m. in Colorado Springs, Col., 25 Dec., 1879, Harry Iles; he is publisher of the Builder and Contractor; res. in Los Angeles; had two children.

6136.   MARY ELIZABETH,9 dau. of John Doud8 (2479), b. 18 Apr., 1843; m. 23 Dec., 1865, Alfred Bronson Bradley, b. 7 Sept., 1837.
He is a dry goods merchant; res. in Friendship, N. Y.
12510 Laura Belle Bradley,10 b. 14 Oct., 1866.
12511 Helena Bradley,10 b. 19 Mar., 1868; d. 25 Sept., same year.

6149.   WILLIAM PARKER,9 son of Ebenezer8 (2495), b. 5 Mar., 1802; m. _______.
He d. in Elmira, N. Y., about 1875.
12512 George,10 b. ______.
12513 Maria,10 b. ______.

6150.   JASON J.,9 son of Ebenezer8 (2495), b. in Amsterdam, N. Y., 27 Jan., 1804; m. _______.
He d. in the hospital of the Soldiers' Home in Milwaukee, Wis., 6 Jan., 1889; was buried in the Home Cemetery.
He was a carpenter; res. in Michigan.
He served as a private in Co. K, New York Infantry; enlisted in Auburn, N. Y., 24 Feb., 1862; was discharged in Brashear City, La., 6 Apr., 1863, on ac­count of disability; was admitted to the Northwestern Branch of National Homes for D. V. S., in Milwaukee, 25 Mar., 1881.
12514 Jason W.,10 b. ______.
12515 Mary,10 b. ______.
12516 John T.,10 b. ______; settled in Texas after leaving the army.
12517 Jackson F.,10 b. ______.
12518 Judson V. S.,10 b. ______; settled in Texas after leaving the army.

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6151.   ALONZO PERRY,9 son of Ebenezer8 (2495), b. in Harrisburg, N. Y., 23 Apr., 1806; m. (1) in Pennsylvania, Almira Peck, b. in Erie Co., Pa., 17 Dec., 1800.
She d. ______; he m. (2) in New York, Dolly Ann Segar; d. in Missouri, ______; she res. with her dau, Mrs. Henry Allen, in Kellogg, Mo.
He was a carriage maker and a carpenter; res. in Chicago for several years.
Children by first wife.
12519 Delany Ann,10 b. in New York, 14 Jan., 1825.
12520 Alonzo Beriah,10 b. in New York, 21 Mar., 1826.
12521 Lucinda Jane,10 b. in Erie Co., Pa., '7 Dec., 1827; m. in Yreka, Cal., Nov., 1856, Isaac Green Messec, b. in Macon, Ga., 18 Oct., 1823; he was a stock raiser; was Capt. of the Second Texas Rangers in the Mexican war; was Sheriff of Trinity Co. two terms; Sergeant-at-Arms in the State Senate; a politician; d. in Santa Cruz, Cal., 9 Feb., 1901; she res. in Gilroy, Cal.; had no children.
12522 James J.,10 b. in New York, 12 Aug., 1829; was a painter; d. in Pal­myra, N. Y., about 1850.
12523 Daniel Mills,10 b. in New York, 10 Dec., 1830; m. in Weaverville, Cal., Mary E. Wood, b. in Illinois, 6 July, 1841; was Sheriff of Trinity Co., Cal.; d. ______, in Gilroy; she d. in San Francisco, 23 July, 1901; had no children.
12524 Jason Rozell,10 b. in New York, 20 Apr., 1831; m. (1) Adelia French; (2) Sarah Smith.
12525 John W.,10 b. 19 Feb., 1833.
12526 Mary H.,10 b. 17 May, 1836.
Children by second wife.
12527 Mary Elizabeth,10 b. 24 Sept., 1837.
12528 John Wesley,10 b. 24 Mar., 1840.
12529 Moses Washington,10 b. 27 Aug., 1842.
12530 Charles M,10 b. 5 Dec., 1844.
12531 Charles B.,10 b. 22 June, 1847.
12532 Deborah Ann,10 b. 14 July, 1849.

6152.   REV. GEORGE JACKSON,9 son of Ebenezer8 (2495) , b. in Harrisburg, N. Y., 12 Nov., 1809; m. (1) 2 Jan., 1839, Permelia Ann Lawton, b. 6 Mar., 1819, dau. of James Lawton, of Russia, N. Y.
She d. in Russia, 29 Mar., 1842; he m. (2) 16 Nov., 1845, Maria Beulah Bills, b. 10 Mar., 1826, dau. of Jeremiah Bills, of Russia; d. in Mancelona, Mich., 5 Apr., 1896.
He was a mason; was a Free-will Baptist minister; res. in Mancelona.
12533 Charles J.,10 b. 4 Jan., 1840; d. 22 Apr., 1841.
12534 Ann Elizabeth,10 b. in Denmark, N. Y., 17 Sept., 1850; m. Simeon Watson, an expressman; res. in Constableville, N. Y.
12535 Mary Jane,10 b. 6 Feb., 1862; m. 10 Aug., 1879, John Gillespy, a farmer; res. in Mancelona.

6153.   DR. CHARLES HIGGINS BABBET,9 son of Ebenezer8 (2495), b. in Lowville, Herkimer Co., N. Y., 27 Mar., 1814; m. (1) 1837, Permela Louise

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Andros, b. in Cherry Valley, N. Y., dau. of Russell Andros and Elizabeth De Bell. The family of Permela L. Andros suffered in the massacre by the Indians, in Cherry Valley; her grandfather served in the war of the revolution.
She d. in Beachville, Oxford Co., Ontario, in 1865; he m. (2) in Detroit, Mich., 24 Aug., 1870, Lydia Ann Virginia Abbott, b. in Avon, N. Y., 24 Feb., 1830, dau. of Flavel Abbott, b. 12 Nov., 1804, and Julia Ann Harden, b. 20 June, 1809; d. in Ada, Minn., 14 Dec., 1884.
He was graduated from the Fairfield University of New York; was a physi­cian in Detroit, Mich., and Toledo, O.; she res. in Detroit.
12536 Elizabeth,10 b. in Woodstock, Canada, 1840; m. Rodman McNames.
12537 Debora,10 b. in Woodstock, 13 Jan., 1842; m. Angus Sutherland McLeod.
12538 Matilda Beatrice,10 b. in Woodstock, 22 July, 1844; m. Galvin Barry.
12539 George W.,10 b. in Lowville, N. Y., 1845; m. Mary Sawyer.
12540 Charles David,10 b. 1847; enlisted in the Sixth Michigan Cavalry dur­ing the civil war, and was never heard from.
12541 William Alexander,10 b. in Woodstock, 22 July, 1850; m. Mary Fal­cone.
12542 Stephen R. L.,10 b. in Woodstock, 25 Mar., 1852; m. Lucy Moyer.

6155.   DEBORAH ELIZA,9 dau. of Ebenezer8 (2495), b. 26 Aug., 1817; m. Charles F. Bunker, of Nantucket, Mass.
He d. in Morales de la Vaeca, Tex., in 1866.
They moved to Texas in 1841.
12543 Thaddeus Bunker,10 b. ______.
12544 Josephine Bunker,10 b. ______.
12545 Nora Bunker,10 b. ______.

6164.   MARTHA,9 dau. of Hiram8 (2499), b. 25 Dec., 1833; m. in Hunting­ton, O., 29 Dec., 1855, Almeron Pierce, b. in Williston, Vt., 16 May, 1833, son of Reuben Pierce.
He is a carpenter; res. in Lansing, Mich.
12546 Alonzo Pierce,10 b. 20 Nov., 1855.
12547 Lottie Pierce,10 b. 17 Dec., 1860.

6166.   ELSIE,9 dau. of Hiram8 (2499), b. 9 Aug., 1841; m. in Olmsted Falls; O., 15 Apr., 1868, James Smith Hendrickson, of Olmsted, b. 4 Feb., 1844.
He is a blacksmith; was a private in Co. B, One Hundred and Third Reg. Ohio Infantry.
12548 Nellie Edna Hendricks,10 b. 10 Sept., 1869.
12549 Ella M. Hendrichson,10 b. 7 Jan., 1871.

6170.   GEORGE WASHINGTON,9 son of Abel Thompson8 (2501), b. 7 Aug., 1830; m. Helen Rosecrans, of Cleveland, O.
Hei is a veterinary surgeon; res. in Cleveland.

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12550 Frederick,10 b. 13 Apr., 1856; was a private in Co. K, Eighth United States Cavalry.
12551 Frank B.,10 b. 17 Mar., 1861.
12552 Alma Jane,10 b. 6 Jan., 1863.

6198.   SARAH ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Reuben Arthur8 (2512), b. in West Ferrisburgh, Vt., 23 Sept., 1838; m. in Panton, Vt., 23 Dec., 1858, John Forbes Peck, b. in Panton, 24 Sept., 1836, son of Aldrich Forbes Peck, b. in Waltham, Vt., and Marinda Hawkins, b. 17 Nov., 1803.
She d. in Gardner, Ill., 5 Jan., 1888.
He is a carpenter. They left Vermont in 1862; settled in Troy, N. Y.; in 1864 he enlisted in the Engineers' Department, United States Army, with head­quarters in Chattanooga, Tenn.; in 1865 rem. to Gardner.
12553 Frederick Charles Peck,10 b. in Ferrisburgh, 13 Sept., 1859; m. (1) Sept., 1891, Fanny Bush, of Chicago; (2) Dec., 1895, Mrs. Jennie Palmer, of Batavia, Ill.; (3) in Chicago, Feb., 1901, Mary Allison; res. in Chicago.
12554 Flora Elizabeth Peck,10 b. in Addison, Vt., 16 May, 1861; res. unm., in Gardner.
12555 Edward John Peck,10 b. in Troy, N. Y., 17 Nov., 1863; m. 7 Oct., 1891, Adele J. Lane, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; res. in Joliet, Ill.
12556 Walter Field Peck,10 b. in Gardner, 25 Nov., 1865; res., unm., in Gardner.

6199.   GEORGE WILLIS,9 son of Reuben Arthur8 (2512), b. in West Ferris­burgh, Vt., 22 Nov., 1840; m. in Addison, Vt., 18 Jan., 1864, Martha Lorraine Clark, b. 17 June, 1841, dau. of Asahel Clark and Mary (Polly) Warren.
He is a farmer; occupies the homestead of his grandfather, John Field; res.
in Basin Harbor, Ferrisburgh.
Children, b. in West Ferrisburgh.
12557 Clayton Clark,10 b. 19 Feb., 1865; d. in Ferrisburgh, 11 Mar., 1872.
12558 Arthur Reuben,10 b. 1 Nov., 1867; d. unm., in Ferrisburgh, 14 June, 1894; was a farmer and a Methodist; res. in Ferrisburgh.
12559 Warren Clark,10 b. 29 Oct., 1871; d. unm., in Ferrisburgh, 16 May, 1890; was a farmer and a Methodist; res. in Ferrisburgh.
12560 Frank Miles Strong,10 b. 14 Nov., 1876; d. aged 18 months.
12561 Elvira Balch,10 b. 9 Dec., 1879; m. _______ Sprague; res. in Pan­ton, Vt.
12562 Walter Field,10 b. 8 July, 1882.

6225.   EMMA ELDORA,9 dau. of Josiah8 (2525), b. in Ferrisburgh, Vt., 9 June; 1856; m. in Ferrisburgh, 5 July, 1875, William Watson Gregory, b. in Ferrisburgh; 2 Jan., 1856, son of William Gregory and Helen Porter.
She d. in Mitchellville, Ia., 28 Feb., 1878; he m. (2) in 1880, Adaline Por­ter, of Grinnell, Ia.
He is a railroad brakeman; is a Republican.

1070    The Kelloggs in the New World.

12563 Emma Helen Gregory,10 b. in Mitchellville, 30 Jan., 1878; m. 2 Oct., 1895, William Henry Brewer; res. in Albia, Ia.; had two children.

6226.   ELLA PHIDORA,9 dau. of Josiah8 (2525), b. in Ferrisburgh, Vt, 9 June, 1856; m. in Ferrisburgh, 6 Oct., 1875, Amos Landow Jackman, b. in Wey­bridge, Vt, 6 Oct., 1849, son of Samuel Jackman and Mary Ann Stedman.
He is a carpenter and a police officer; res. in Omaha, Neb.
12564 Cynthia Luella Jackman,10 b. in Ferrisburgh, 11 Sept., 1876.
12565 Mary Adell Jackman,10 b. in Weybridge, 5 May, 1878.
12566 Birdie Grace Jackman,10 b. in Cornwall, Vt, 28 Jan., 1880; d. in Albia, Ia., 31 Jan., 1885.

6252.   NEWTON,9 son of Deacon Samuel Harwood8 (2539), b. in Pittsford, Vt., 28 Dec., 1819; m. (1) 30 May, 1855, Julia Page, b. in Rutland, Vt., 7 July, 1824, dau. of Deacon William Page, of Rutland, b. in Charlestown, N. H., 2 Sept., 1779, and Cynthia Amanda Hickok.
She d. 17 Oct., 1890; he m. (2) Mar., 1894, Roxana Ives.
At the age of 18 he Went to Middlebury to learn the carpenter's trade, but was compelled to give it up on account of his health; was in a country store in Pittsford until he was about 23, after which he Went to La Fayette, Ind. In the fall of 1844 he Went to Rutland, and in 1849 was appointed teller in the Bank of Rutland; in 1854 he was cashier of the Bank of Royalton, but resigned that office in a short time, and was appointed assistant cashier in the Bank of Rutland, and elected cashier in 1861, but on account of his health was compelled to decline the office and leave the bank. Later he was United States Pension Agent in Rutland; afterward was assistant treasurer in the Rutland Savings Bank.
Children, b. in Rutland.
12567 Samuel Hickok,10 b. 4 Aug., 1856; m. Mary Frances Kellogg (12578).
12568 John Newton,10 b. 27 July, 1860; m. Harriet Perry Foy.
12569 Louise Chapman,10 b. 25 Oct., 1864; d. 27 Sept., 1865.

6254.   JAMES,9 son of Deacon Samuel Harwood8 (2539), b. in Pittsford, Vt., 6 Dec., 1822; m. in Pittsford, 22 Apr., 1846, Esther Ann Tottingham, b. in Pitts­ford, 3 Feb., 1827, dau. of Joseph Tottingham, b. 1783, and Nancy Wood, b. 16 Feb., 1786.
He d. in Pittsford, 2 July, 1850; was a farmer; a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Pittsford; she m. (2) 18 Feb., 1857, James A. Cheney.
12570 Joseph Torringham,10 b. in Pittsford, 3 Feb., 1848; m. Robie M. Nichols.

6255.   MARY ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Deacon Samuel Harwood8 (2539), b. in Pittsford, Vt., 18 May, 1835; m. in Pittsford, 22 Apr., 1861, Charles May Far­rar, b. in Swanton, Vt., 15 Oct., 1831, son of Arnold Smith Farrar, b. 13 Feb., 1805, and Louisa Robinson, b. 7 Aug., 1808.
She d. in Denver, Col., 21 Feb., 1890.

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He was a grocer; res. in Iowa Falls, Ia., and in Denver; is a Republican and a Congregationalist.
12571 Julia Louise Farrar,10 b. in Iowa Falls, 11 Mar., 1863; m. 13 Feb., 1890, George Rippard Small; res. in Denver.
12572 James Kellogg Farrar,10 b. in Pittsford, 1865; d. there, 1865.
12573 Elizabeth Messer Farrar,10 b. in Dubuque, Ia., 13 Aug., 1869; m. 20 June, 1895, Aaron Morrill Gove; res. in Denver.
12574 Henry Robinson Farrar,10 b. in Boulder, Col., 23 Feb., 1875; d. in Den­ver, 9 July, 1890.

6256.   PATRICK HENRY,9 son of Charles Harvey8 (2540), b. in Ypsilanti, Mich., 25 Oct., 1828; m. in Pittsford, Vt., 4 Mar., 1851, Elizabeth Sophia Pren­tiss, b. 4 Mar., 1833, dau. of Henry Bowdoin Prentiss and Elizabeth Drury, third wife of Charles Harvey Kellogg.
He d. in Avon Park, Fla., 17 Dec., 1898; she res. in Avon Park.
He was a farmer in North Brookfield, Mass., and Avon Park; was a Congre­gationalist and a Republican.
12575 Julia De Veuve,10 b. in Pittsford, 16 Jan., 1852; d. 5 Feb., 1852.
✛12576 George Franklin,10 b. in North Brookfield, 24 Dec., 1853; m. Jessie Elizabeth Tiffany.
12577 Charles Henry,10 b. in North Brookfield, 18 May, 1856; d. 20 May, 1856.
12578 Mary Frances,10 b. in North Brookfield, 27 Mar., 1860; m. Samuel Hickok Kellogg (+12567).
12579 Nellie Maud,10 b. 26 Oct., 1871; d. in Rutland, Vt., Sept., 1899.

6260.   ABIGAIL AZUBA,9 dau. of Charles Harvey8 (2540), b. in Pittsford, Vt., 25 Jan., 1849; m. in North Brookfield, Mass., 4 Sept., 1867, John Henry Lane, of North Brookfield, b. 4 Sept., 1846, son of David Woodward Lane, b. 28 Oct., 1801, and Eliza Swan Witt, b. 14 Aug., 1801.
He is a farmer and Congregationalist; res. in North Brookfield.
Children, b. in North. Brookfield.
12580 Eliza Abbie Lane,10 b. 13 Oct., 1868; m. 29 July, 1889, Samuel Kenley Kidstone; had three children.
12581 Frederick Henry Lane,10 b. 19 Aug., 1870; m. 2 June, 1898, Lizzie Hannah Amidon.
12582 Charles Sumner Lane,10 b. 10 Aug., 1872.
12583 Nellie May Lane,10 b. 9 June, 1875; m. 6 Oct., 1896, Frederick Grant Smith.
12584 David C. Lane,10 b. 3 July, 1877.
12585 Emma Florence Lane,10 b. 27 Jan., 1882.
12586 John Jones Lane,10 b. 26 May, 1883.
12587 Edward Alaric Lane,10 b. 14 Aug., 1885; d. there, Oct., 1886.
12588 Harold Alburtus Lane,10 b. 5 Mar., 1888; d. the same year.

6262.   AMOS VIRGIL,9 son of Gen. Amos Cushman8 (2541), b. in Pittsford, Vt., 10 Aug., 1835; m. 29 Jan., 1860, Helen Dover, b. in Dayton, O., 23 Dec.,

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1837, dau. of Thomas Dover, b. 18 Oct., 1801, and Mary S. Brecount, b. 11 Oct., 1812.
He rem. from Pittsford to Dayton, O., about 1856, and was an engineer on the Panhandle Railroad. In 1873 he res. in Indianapolis, Ind.; since 1896 in Pueblo, Col.
12589 John De Camp,10 b. in Dayton, 14 Nov., 1861; m. 20 June, 1889, Maggie Gordon; is a dry goods merchant in Pueblo; had no chil­dren.
12590 Mary Sophia,10 b. in Richmond, Ind., 5 Feb., 1866; m. David Shaw.

6264.   CLARISSA JANE,9 dau. of Gen. Amos Cushman8 (2541), b. in Pitts­ford, Vt., 18 Nov., 1841; m. 16 Aug., 1864, Elijah C. Giddings, b. in West Rut­land, Vt., 28 Oct., 1841, son of Elijah S. Giddings, b. 28 Dec., 1799, and Lydia H. Powers, b. 3 July, 1801.
He is a farmer in Whitehall, N. Y., owns the farm which once belonged to Amos Cushman Kellogg.
12591 John Kellogg Giddings,10 b. 9 Oct., 1867; m. 18 Nov., 1891, Bertha Thomas; had three children.
12592 Jennie Clara, Giddings,10 b. 10 Oct., 1871.

6275.   LOUISA,9 dau. of Charles8 (2544), b. in St. Albans, Vt., 31 July, 1812; m. in Ogdensburg, N. Y., 5 Feb., 1834, George Calkins, b. in St. Albans, 8 Jan., 1799.
He d. in Easton, Mich., 29 Mar., 1875; she d. in Easton, 16 Sept., 1882.
He was a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican.
12593 Frances Calkins,10 b. in Oneida, N. Y., 30 Jan., 1835; m. in Ionia, Mich., 1 Jan., 1854, Orin York; d. in Orleans, Mich., 17 Jan., 1892; res. in Adrian, Mich.
12594 Charles Calkins,10 b. in Lawrenceville, N. Y., 1 Oct., 1842; m. in Or­leans, 25 July, 1875, Lottie Austin; res. in Ionia.
12595 George Calkins,10 b. in Lawrenceville, 2 Jan., 1851; m. in Greenville, Mich., 20 Jan., 1879, Carrie Saunders; res. in Ionia.

6276.   DR. ORSON,9 son of Charles8 (2544), b. in St. Albans, Vt., 31 July, 1814; m. (1) Eliza Chamberlain.
He m. (2) in Titusville, Pa., 19 Sept., 1843, Sarah Cook Curry, b. in Titus­ville, 17 Jan., 1819, dau. of William Curry, b. 9 Jan., 1784, and Elizabeth Cook.
b. 12 Apr., 1791; d. in Hernando, Miss., 20 June, 1874; she d. 23 Jan., 1900.
He was a physician and a Methodist preacher; res. in Hernando.
Children by first wife.
12596 Victoria,10 b. ______; m. _______ Bellemy; had children.
12597 Isaac,10 b. ______; was killed by an Indian in Walla Walla, Wash.
Children by second wife.
12598 Charles Chester,10 b. in Titusville, 4 Aug., 1844; d. in Columbus, O., 14 Mar., 1846.

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12599 Emily Louise,10 b. in Columbus, 3 Sept., 1845; m. (1) in Cairo, Ill., 10 Aug., 1865, Frank Pierce Walker; he d. in Monticello, Ark., in 1880; was a contractor and builder; she m. (2) in Hernando, Sept., 1881, William Ira Pond; he was a merchant; res. in St. Louis, Mo.; had no children.
12600 Isabelle,10 b. in Columbus, 24 Feb., 1847; d. 1 July, 1847.
12601 Selina Priscilla,10 b. in Columbus, 4 Mar., 1848; m. John Click Acree.
12602 Orson Milo,10 b. in Fairview, Ill., 13 Apr., 1849; m. Margaret Jane Lutz.
12603 Sarah Abigail,10 b. in Olney, Ill., 22 Nov., 1850; m. Nehemiah John Harness.
12604 Jane Almira,10 b. in Xenia, Ill., 19 Sept., 1852; d. in Richview, Ill., 20 Jan., 1859.
12605 Charles William,10 b. in Jonesborough, Ill., 22 Apr., 1854; d. there, 15 Nov., same year.
12606 Leonora Talbot,10 b. in Marion, Ill., 10 Jan., 1856; m. William Mal­colm Earp.
12607 Viola Belle,10 b. in Richview, 2 Oct., 1857; res., unm., in Hernando.
12608 Maria May,10 b. in Ashley, Ill., 23 Aug., 1859; m. Charles Tait Wilson.
12609 Ella,10 b. in Ashley, 21 June, 1861; d. there, 25 July, same year.

6277.   SHIVERICK,9 son of Charles8 (2544), b. in Murray, N. Y., 17 Sept., 1817; m. 14 Feb., 1844, Maria C. Clark, b. in New Hampshire, 25 July, 1821, dau. of Harding Clark and Olive Tucker.
He d. in Strickland, Mich., 14 Nov., 1881; she d. in Easton, Mich., 15 Apr., 1884.
He was a carder and cloth dresser; afterward a farmer; res. in Strickland.
12610 Harding,10 b. in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., 17 May, 1846; m. Eliza Conner.
12611 Olive Louisa,10 b. in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., 15 Dec., 1847; m. Bur­dette E. Goodwin.
12612 Charles M.,10 b. 14 Sept., 1851; m. Becca M. Hudson, b. 25 June, 1857, dau. of Charles Hudson; she d. 20 Feb., 1898; he is a lum­ber and shingle merchant in Mecosta, Mich.; is a Republican; had no children.
12613 Isabella,10 b. 20 Jan., 1854; d. unm., in Easton, 11 Jan., 1870.
12614 Shiverick,10 b. in Ionia Co., Mich., 5 Jan., 1857; m. Nettie Scott.
12615 Maria,10 b. in Easton, 15 Aug., 1859; m. in Easton, Mar., 1880, Louis L. Holmes, b. in Norfolk Co., Ontario, 27 Sept., 1856, son of Fred­erick Holmes, b. 1 Aug., 1830, and Lodema Smith, b. 27 Dec., 1829; d. in Easton, 8 Jan., 1884; he m. (2) and res. in Belding, Mich.; was a clothing merchant, a Congregationalist and a Demo­crat; had no children.

6278.   CHARLES,9 son of Charles8 (2544), b. in St. Albans, Vt., 19 Sept.,

1074    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1819; m. 13 Oct., 1851, Lucinda Elizabeth Kellogg (5877), dau. of John Kel­logg (2330).
He d. in Niles, Mich., 6 Feb., 1865; she d. 25 Nov., 1890.
He was a druggist; res. in Niles.
12616 Helen Louise,10 b. in Dexter, Mich., 25 Jan., 1854; m. in Lowville, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1882, George Lansing Mills, b. in Lowville, son of Augustus M. Mills and Mary Lansing, of Lowville; he is manager of the Syndicate Loan Company of Los Angeles; res. in Los An­geles; has no children.

6280.   ISABELLA,9 dau. of Charles8 (2544), b. in Lawrence, N. Y., 27 Oct., 1824; m. in Albion, Mich., 5 June, 1849, Samuel Bliss, b. 28 Mar., 1812, in West Winfield, N. Y., son of Bliss and Elizabeth (Betsey) Lynde.
She d. 19 Nov., 1874; he d. 1 Oct., 1893.
He was a carpenter and builder; a capitalist and a Methodist; res. in Al­bion, where both d.
Children, b. in Albion.
12617 Jerome Bliss,10 b. 10 Aug., 1851; m. in Chicago, 27 July, 1876, Delia Connolly.
12618 Viola Bliss,10 b. 6 Mar., 1853.
12619 Charles Kellogg Bliss,10 b. 27 Apr., 1856; res. in Albion.
12620 Kitrenah Bliss,10 b. 9 Dec., 1858; m. in Ionia, Mich., Watson C. Snell; res. in Ionia.

6281.   EMILY BENTLEY,9 dau. of Charles8 (2544), b. in Lawrenceville, N. Y., 10 Nov., 1828; m. in Potsdam, N. Y., Luther Carpenter, b. 4 May, 1829, son of Willard Carpenter and Lucy Gaumer.
She d. in Easton, Mich., 19 Apr., 1882; he d. in Ionia, Mich., 3 Feb., 1899.
12621 Viola Lucy Carpenter,10 b. in Ionia, 16 Dec., 1851; m. in Orleans, Mich., as his second wife, 1 Jan., 1873, George Randall Leach, b. in Alleghany Co., N. Y., 21 Nov., 1849, son of Calvin P. Leach, b. 23 Sept., 1816, and Maria Gaumer, b. 17 Mar., 1833; he is a carpen­ter and a Prohibitionist; res. in Ionia and later in Dildine, Mich.; had five children.

6282.   ALMIRA,9 dau. of Charles8 (2544), b. ______; m. in Ionia, Mich., 1 Jan., 1852, Jacob Snell, b. in Steuben Co., N. Y., 7 Apr., 1831, son of Silvenus Snell, of Ionia, b. 24 Nov., 1801, and Susan Tunison, b. 23 Sept., 1806.
She d. in Easton, Mich., 5 Nov., 1890.
He was a farmer, Methodist and a Democrat; res. in Easton.
Children, b. in Ionia.
12622 Victoria Snell,10 b. 22 Oct., 1852; m. in Ionia, 3 Mar., 1880, William N. Moore; d. in Eastfordon, Mich., 1 Dec., 1886.
12623 Orson T. Snell,10 b. 6 Sept., 1856; m. in Ionia, 2 July, 1888, Ada Con­ner; res. in Bolster, Mich.
12624 Watson Snell,10 b. 3 June, 1858; m. in Albion, Mich., 15, Nov., 1887, Kittie Bliss; res. in Ionia.

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6301.   LOUISA MARIA,9 dau. of Simon Haywood8 (2549) , b. in Swanton, Vt., 25 June, 1826; m. in St. Albans, Vt., 30 Jan., 1849, Simon Huntington, b. in Vergennes, Vt., 19 Dec., 1825, son of Jonathan Huntington, b. in Worthington, Mass, 24 Aug., 1778, and Sarah Hickox, b. 23 Apr., 1783.
He was a dairy farmer at Huntington, Minn.
12625 Ebenezer Cutler Huntington,10 b. in St. Albans, 7 Feb., 1850; m. 30 July, 1872, Julia Thurston Knowlton; in 1882 he was the editor of the Windom, Minn., Reporter.
12626 Eliza Caroline Huntington,10 b. 21 Mar., 1852.
12627 Louisa Sarah Huntington,10 b. in Burritt, Ill., 1 Mar., 1856; d. 25 Mar., same year.
12628 Charles Kellogg Huntington,10 b. in Iowa, 15 Dec., 1859.
12629 Nellie Samantha. Huntington,10 b. 25 Oct., 1861; d. 30 Mar., 1863.

6302.   EDWARD W,9 son of Simon Haywood8 (2549), b. in Swanton, Vt., 8 Mar., 1828; m. 2 Apr., 1855, Sarah Ann Knight, of North Hero, Vt., dau. of Augustus Knight, b. in North Hero, and Wealthy _______.
She d. 23 June, 1881; he d. in St. Albans, Vt., 26 Apr., 1892.
He was a traveling salesman in the early part of his life; was later a farmer; res. in St. Albans.
12630 Fleda Louise,10 b. in St. Albans Bay, 8 May, 1857; m. William White Loomis.
12631 Edward Augustus,10 b. in St. Albans, 21 July, 1861; m. Bessie Lyster Austin.

6303.   AMHERST THAYER,9 son of Simon Haywood8 (2549), b. in Swanton, Vt., 9 Sept., 1829; m. 3 Oct., 1851, Harriet B. Abell, of Swanton, b. 25 Nov., 1833, dau. of Orange Abell and Eudotia Blake.
He was a farmer in St. Albans until 1877, when he rem. to Swanton and was proprietor of the American Hotel four years; since then has res. in the same town.
12632 Alice Millicent,10 b. 15 Dec., 1852; d. 19 June, 1866.
12633 Simon P.,10 b. 15 Oct., 1855; d. 9 Apr., 1873.
12634 Hubert Orange,10 b. in St. Albans, 8 Jan., 1858; Mont., Laura Cellars.
12635 Amherst Thayer,10 b. 20 June, 1866; m. in Big Timber, m. _______; res. in Big Tim­ber; had children.
12636 Hattie E.,10 b. 29 May, 1870; res. in Swanton.
12637 Dorman A.,10 b. 22 Jan., 1878; d. 17 Nov., 1880.

6307.   SAMANTHA SUSAN,9 dau. of Simon Haywood8 (2549), b. in Swan­ton, Vt., 31 July, 1842; m. 6 Nov., 1867, Samuel Edwin Wilson, b. in Fairfax, Vt., 23 July, 1838, son of Ami Wilson, b. in Windsor, Vt., 30 Apr., 1798, and Lucy Perkins, b. in Chelsea, Vt., 17 Oct., 1805.
She d. in Fairfax, 24 Apr., 1876.
He was a merchant in Fairfax.
12638 Alice Lucy Wilson,10 b. 26 May, 1869.

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6320.   EDWARD JOHN,9 son of John Whitlock8 (2552), b. in Rutland, Vt., 29 Jan., 1836; m. in Tyrone, Mich., 23 Nov., 1857, Arimathea Walton, b. in Spring Arbor, Mich., 1 Apr., 1836, dau. of Robert Proctor Walton, b. 8 Aug., 1814, and Lucy Carnahan, b. 13 Feb., 1814.
He d. in Jamestown, Mich., 9 Mar., 1896; she d. in Jamestown, 5 Feb., 1897.
12639 Simon John,10 b. in Tyrone, 22 Aug., 1855; m. Lethie Hannah Hark­ness.
12640 Charles Henry,10 b. in Belvidere, Ill., 7 Feb., 1858; d. in Tyrone, 22 Aug., 1859.
12641 Edward Josiah,10 b. in Tyrone, 10 Aug., 1860; m. (1) Anna B. Kline; (2) Mrs. Lucia Jane (Brainard) Tombs.
12642 Amelia Arimathea,10 b. in Hartland, Mich., 12 June, 1862; m. Wil­liam Louis Spitzer.
12643 Augusta Shannon,10 b. in Tallmadge, Mich., 3 Sept., 1865; m. John Ralzsy Brainard.
12644 Emma Leah,10 b. in Jamestown, Mich., 10 July, 1868; m. Della Van Cook.
12645 Maria Hannah,10 b. in Jamestown, 30 Jan., 1872; m. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 25 May, 1894, Charles Wallace Prett; d. 15 Oct., 1894, in Fort Wayne Ind.
12646 Charles Hiram,10 b. in Jamestown, 6 Mar., 1874; m. Minna Adella Morse.

6321.   ORPHA NANCY,9 dau. of John Whitlock8 (2552), b. in Bethany, N. Y., 4 Jan., 1838; m. 24 Apr., 1867, Elliot Yeomans, b. in Byron, Mich., 11 Jan., 1841, son of Eli Yeomans, b. 18 Sept., 1811, and Laura McArthur, b. 15 Mar., 1812.
He was a farmer; res. in Hanley, Mich.; is a member of the Church of United Brethren of Christ; in politics is a Republican.
12647 Edward Franklin Yeomans,10 b. 24 May, 1872; d. 13 Nov., 1873.
12648 Laura Abigail Yeomans,10 b. 18 Apr., 1874.
12649 Hannah Maria Yeomans,10 b. 21 Mar., 1878; d. 24 Jan., 1880.

6333.   AMOS RICHARD,9 son of Amos Lawrence8 (2559), b. 13 Oct., 1847; m. in May, 1874, Catherine Ferguson.
He was educated in Belleville, Canada, and taught school for some years. He later res. in Waitsburg, Walla Walla Co., Wash.; now res. in Idaho.
12650 Susan Frances,10 b. ______; m. _______; had three children.

6337.   GEORGE CLAYTON,9 son of Amos Lawrence8 (2559), b. in Brighton, Canada, 9 Aug., 1859; m. 22 Dec., 1881, Quindora Ferguson Wellock, b. near Prairie City, Ia., 7 Jan., 1862, dau. of John W. Wellock and Olive Banks Car­rick, b. 8 Mar., 1842.
She d. in St. Louis, Mo., 28 Feb., 1899.
He is a commercial traveler; has been with the Detroit Implement Company eleven years. He rem. to Holden, Mo., when he was 7 years old; to Bates Co., Mo., when 11 years old, and to Appleton City, Mo., when 17 years old. When 19

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years of age he Went to Colorado, where he spent two years in different mining towns. In 1901 he res. in Carthage, Mo.; is a Republican.
12651 Jeanette Charlienne,10 b. 21 Oct., 1882.
12652 George Blaine,10 b. 16 June, 1884; d. 18 July, 1884.
12653 Dwight Clayton,10 b. 25 Feb., 1886.

6340.   AMASA LYSLE,9 son of Amos Lawrence8 (2559), b. in Brighton, Can­ada, 13 Nov., 1867; m. in Savannah, Tenn., 31 Oct., 1894, Frances Doran, b. in Savannah, 25 Aug., 1874, dau. of William P. Doran, b. 1824, and Isabella T. Clark, b. 1839.
He is a commercial traveler; res. in Savannah.
12654 Geneva Maie,10 b. 19 Aug., 1896.
12655 William Paul,10 b. 2 Oct., 1898.

6341.   FRANK LIVINGSTON,9 son of Amos Lawrence8 (2559), b. in Mayes­burg, Mo., 6 Aug., 1871; m. in Appleton City, Mo., 7 Mar., 1890, Mollie Mitchell, dau. of James B. Mitchell, b. 17 July, 1830, and Nancy J. Mitchell, b. 12 Jan., 1834.
He res. in Carthage; later in Appleton City.
12656 Loyce Cecil,10 b. in Appleton City, 1 Oct., 1894.

6349.   RANDOLPH FREMONT,9 son of Amasa Hungerford8 (2561), b. in Watertown, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1856; m. Lovina Margaret Fowle, b. 25 Nov., 1858, dau. of Jacob Fowle, b. 15 Dec., 1822, and Lovina Bump, b. 20 Nov., 1830, of Rock Co., Wis.
He d. in Oshkosh, Wis., 9 Jan., 1895; res. in Maquoketa, Ia.
12656a Bessie Alice,10 b. in Dowagiac, Mich., 9 Dec., 1880; m. in Oshkosh, 16 Oct., 1901, Guy Bevier Williams, b. in Beaver Dam, Wis., 7 Sept., 1872; he is a musician; res. in Milwaukee, Wis.

6352.   Mary,9 dau. of Salvin Frederick8 (2574), b. in Huron Co., O., 13 July, 1832; m. in Huron Co., 4 Apr., 1850, Edson Allen, b. 27 Sept., 1830, son of Frederick J. Irish Allen, of Seneca Co., O., b. 22 Feb., 1807, and Samantha Lamp­kin, b. 1812.
He is a farmer; res. in Morrowville, Kas.
12657 Hubert Allen,10 b. 5 May, 1851; res. in Webster City, Ia.
12658 Emma Allen,10 b. 8 June, 1853.
12659 Salvin Frederick Allen,10 b. 4 July, 1855.
12660 Harriet (Hattie) Allen,10 b. 20 Sept., 1857.
12661 Charles Allen,10 b. 18 Mar., 1859.
12662 Newton Allen,10 b. 12 May, 1861.
12663 Jesse Allen,10 b. 25 Dec., 1863.
12664 John L. Allen,10 b. 9 Aug., 1865.

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12665 Celam Roy Allen,10 b. 6 July, 1867.
12666 Laura M. Allen,10 b. 3 Oct., 1872.
12667 William Allen,10 b. 1874.

6354.   REV. JOSEPH FREDERICK,9 son of Salvin Frederick8 (2574), b. 6 Feb., 1837; m. in Lapeer, Mich., 26 Aug., 1860, Ellen Maria Higley, b. in Shore­ham, Vt., 15 July, 1832, dau. of William Simpson Higley, b. 16 Aug., 1788, and Lois Turrill, b. 1795.
He d. in Petosky, Mich., 14 Aug., 1892.
He was a Congregational minister; res. in Adrian, Muskegon and other places in Michigan. He was a Prohibitionist.
12668 Minnie Ellen,10 b. in Otisville, Mich., 20 Oct., 1861; m. (1) Frank German Segar; (2) Abner Elisha Larned.
12669 Mary Alice,10 b. in Fremont, Mich., 17 Aug., 1868; m. Gustavus Adol­phus King.
12670 William Higley,10 b. in Armanda, Mich., 19 Sept., 1865; m. in De­troit, Mich., 25 Nov., 1897, Nora Pearson, b. in White Lake, Mich., 15 Nov., 1867, dau. of Alfred Benjamin Pearson, b. 21 Nov., 1846, and Nettie Toms, b. 2 Apr., 1845, of Detroit; is in the cleaning and dyeing business; res. in Detroit; has no children.
12671 George Frederick,10 b. in Franklin, Mich., 13 Nov., 1870; d. Dec., same year.

6355.   SOPHRONIA,9 dau. of Salvin Frederick8 (2574), b. 26 Dec., 1839; m. 5 Jan., 1855, Jesse Detrick, b. in Huron Co., O., 8 Oct., 1833, son of Abraham Detrick and Rebecca _______.
He was in the restaurant business; res. in Conrad, Ia. He was a soldier in the War for the Union; enlisted Jan., 1864, as private in Co. H, Thirteenth Iowa Volunteers; was discharged July, 1865; is a Republican; now res. in Storm Lake, Ia.
12672 Harriet Jane Detrick,10 b. 6 Feb., 1856.
12673 Franklin Detrick,10 b. 4 May, 1857; d. 5 Dec., 1861.
12674 Mary Lucinda Detrick,10 b. 20 Aug., 1859; m. Frank Elmer Barber.
12675 George Washington Detrick,10 b. 10 Mar., 1862; d. 12 Aug., 1863.
12676 Jesse Edson Detrick,10 b. 6 June, 1864; d. 20 Aug., 1865.
12677 Sylvan Earl Detrick,10 b. 29 June, 1866; m. Lydia Stevens; res. in Storm Lake.
12678 Leon Otis Detrick,10 b. 9 Aug., 1869; m. Alwild Kauffman; res. in Fort Dodge, Ia.
12679 Minnie Ellen Detrick,10 b. 6 Feb., 1872; m. Marion Baker; res. in Wichita, Kas.
12680 Viola Detrick,10 b. 6 Nov., 1875.
12681 Grace Detrick,10 b. 14 June, 1880.

6356.   VIOLA,9 dau. of Salvin Frederick8 (2574), b. in Norwalk, O., 20 Jan., 1843; m. in Midland, Mich., 16 Feb., 1875, William Franklin Wilcox, b. in Mad­ison, O., 24 Jan., 1845, son of Richard Seldon Wilcox, b. 14 May, 1802, and Mary Elizabeth Boynton, b. 18 May, 1801.

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He is a farmer; at one time was a dealer in lumber; res. in Flint and Mid­land City, Mich., Cleveland, Maysville and Mt. Vernon, O., and in 1899 was farm­ing in Benson, Minn. He is a Congregationalist and a Republican.
Children, b. in Maysville.
12682 Estelle Wilcox,10 b. 16 Feb., 1877.
12683 Anna Mabel Wilcox,10 b. 29 Dec., 1878.
12684 Mary Erlynne Wilcox,10 b. 7 Feb., 1881.
12685 Alice Kellogg Wilcox,10 b. 8 May, 1883.

6357.   DR. FRANK,9 son of Salvin Frederick8 (2574), b. 26 Apr., 1845; m. (1) in Detroit, Mich., 12 July, 1866, Ellen Shuell, b. in Detroit, 1848, dau. of Edward Shuell.
She d. in Otisville, Mich., 18 Apr., 1867; he m. in Detroit, 10 June, 1871, Ida Theresa Foot, b. 5 Nov., 1855, in Macomb, Mich., dau. of Jerome Foot, b. 3 Aug., 1836, and Phebe G. Goff, b. 27 July, 1832.
He was a Corp. in Co. K, Twenty-fourth Michigan Infantry; enlisted Aug., 1862; was discharged July, 1865; is a dentist, a Christian Scientist; res. in Utica, Mich.
12686 Salvin Frederick,10 b. in Otisville, 12 Apr., 1867; d. 15 Apr., 1867.
12687 Charlotte Viola,10 b. in Utica, 10 Aug., 1872; m. Chelson Ackley Gibson.

6358.   FRANCES ADELAIDE,9 dau. of Salvin Frederick8 (2574), b. in Nor­Walk Co., O., 20 Mar., 1848; m. in Marshalltown, Ia., 2 Oct., 1864, James Har­vey Remington, b. 6 Oct., 1841, son of Seneca Remington, b. 10 Dec., 1800, and Hannah Bicknell, b. 2 Feb., 1803.
He is a farmer and a Baptist; res. in Clay Center, Kas.; now res. in San Bernardino, Cal.
12688 Charles Maharba Remington,10 b. in Marshalltown, 20 Oct., 1865; res. in Uncompahgre, Col.
12689 Jennie Viola Remington,10 b. in Marshalltown, 22 Jan., 1867; m. Fred Yarrow; res. in Clay Center.
12690 Frederick Otis Remington,10 b. in Ames, Ia., 6 Mar., 1869.
12691 Alma Dell Remington,10 b. in Clay Center, 4 Nov., 1870; m. Peter Wil­liam Yarrow; res. in Sheridan, Or.
12692 Alice Carrie Remington,10 b. 4 Nov., 1870.
12693 Arthur Orvilla Remington,10 b. in Clay Center, 25 Sept., 1873.
12694 Seneca Hastings Remington,10 b. in Clay Center, 31 Oct., 1877.
12695 James Herbert Remington,10 b. in Clay Center, 25 Oct., 1882.

6359.   ALFRED JOSIAH,9 son of Salvin Frederick8 (2574), b. in Attica, O., 2 Sept., 1851; m. 8 Mar., 1870, Mahala Jane Simmons, b. in Sterling, Canada, 23 Dec., 1849, dau. of Timothy Porter Simmons and Maria Jane Goodrich, b. 2 Feb., 1822.
He is a machinist and engineer; res. several years in Otisville, Mich.; in Kansas nine years, and, in 1895, rem. to Oregon City, Or., where he res. until 1898, when he rem. to Monkland, Or., and was engaged in fruit farming; in 1900 rem. to Burley, Wash., with the colony of the Brotherhood of the Co-operative Commonwealth, where he now res.; in politics is a Reformer.

1080    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, all except the youngest, b. in Otisville, Mich.
12696 Charlotte,10 b. 9 Oct., 1870; d. 23 Oct., 1870.
12697 Grant Eugene,10 b. 12 Oct., 1871; m. Amy Irene Howes.
12698 Mahala Viola,10 b. 9 Nov., 1873; m. Cary Edwin Tate.
12699 John Hubert,10 b. 22 May, 1876; d. 1 Sept., 1878.
12700 Nellie Pearl,10 b. 19 June, 1878; m. Ross Exzefor Spencer.
12701 Clara Louise,10 b. in Adrian, Mich., 11 Nov., 1880; m. in Oregon City, 21 Nov., 1900, Elvin Eusephus May, b. in Caneman, Or., 23 July, 1880, son of Harvey Burgess May, b. 4 Sept., 1833, and Narcissa Amelia Morris, b. 21 Nov., 1855; res. in Caneman; has no children.

6360.   CHARLOTTE,9 dau. of Fuller8 (2575), b. in Junius, N. Y., 19 Aug., 1819; m. 4 May, 1835, Nathan H. McCracken, b. 1 Apr., 1816, son of William T. McCracken, b. in Hebron, Washington Co., N. Y., 1 Apr., 1794, and Mary Hubbard, b. in Onondaga, N. Y., 1797.
He was a dry goods merchant in Syracuse, N. Y.; res. in Fulton, N. Y.
12702 James B. McCracken,10 b. 27 Oct., 1837; m. 1856, Ida Thompson; is a farmer.
12703 William F. McCracken,10 b. 16 Dec., 1843; m. 1 Sept., 1864, Jane A. DeGofi; is a commercial traveler; res. in Philadelphia, Pa.
12704 Nathan E. McCracken,10 b. 29 Dec., 1857.
12705 Lottie J. McCracken,10 b. 15 Jan., 1864.

6361.   JANE,9 dau. of Fuller8 (2575), b. in Junius, N. Y., 24 June, 1821; m. 20 June, 1848, Erastus F. Gould, b. in Clay, N. Y., 1 July, 1823, son of John Gould, b. in Tolland, Conn., about 1796, and Permelia Holden, Who d. in Clay, about 1829.
She d. 21 Dec., 1855; he m. (2) 26 Nov., 1856, Helen H. Carter, b. in Onon­daga Hollow, N. Y., 21 June, 1835.
He is a manufacturer of lumber and salt; res. in Saginaw City, Mich.
12706 Lillian Jane Gould,10 b. in Phoenix, Oswego Co., N. Y., 13 Aug., 1855; m. in Saginaw, 26 Dec., 1879, Elmer C. Chapman, of Phoenix.

6366.   LOUISA ROSINA,9 dau. of Nathan8 (2576), b. in Palmyra, N. Y., 6 Apr., 1819; m. in Peoria Co., Ill., 10 Nov., 1836, as his second wife, Royal Root, b. in Vermont, 20 Nov., 1805, son of Thomas Root.
He d. in Peoria Co., Ill., 8 Nov., 1856; she d. in Bates Co., Mo., 9 Apr., 1880.
He was a farmer, and a Republican.
Children, b. in Trivoli, Ill.
12707 Mary Jane Root,10 b. 10 Dec., 1837; m. James Nelson; d. in Peoria Co., 9 Oct., 1891.
12708 Altha Fuller Root,10 b. 7 Feb., 1839; m. Levi Carry Ten Eyck; res. in Grand Junction, Col.; has seven children.
12709 Ann Huffman Root,10 b. 24 Sept., 1840; m. 12 Mar., 1888, Edgar Rob­inson Bates; res. in Adrian, Bates Co., Mo.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1081

12710 Royal Meret Root,10 b. 12 May, 1842; m. (1) in Maquon, Ill., 25 Dec., 1867, Emeline Burckhalter; she d. 15 June, 1870; had one child; he m. (2) 25 Dec., 1871, Mary Ellen Horner; res. in Eldorado Springs, Mo.; had eight children.
12711 Elizabeth Wilkison Root,10 b. 17 Dec., 1843; m. in Peoria, 14 Oct., 1863, Edgar Robinson Bates, b. 24 July, 1843 , d. 30 Jan., 1886, in Bates Co., Mo.; had ten children.
12712 Nathan Thomas Root,10 b. 10 Oct., 1846; m. Mary Ann Page; res. in Woodburn, Ia.; had two children.
12713 Louisa Rosana Root,10 b. 8 Aug., 1850; m. George Graham; d. in Bates Co., Mo., 13 Feb., 1885; res. in Elmwood, Ill.

6367.   JULIA ANN,9 dau. of Nathan8 (2576), b. 11 Aug., 1820; m. _______ Woniger.
She d. near Memphis, Tenn., 11 Dec., 1856; he m. (2) _______.
12714 Joseph Woniger,10 b. 9 Nov., 1841.

6370.   SARAH ANN,9 dau. of Nathan8 (2576), b. 3 Sept., 1832, in Palmyra, N. Y.; m. in Trivoli, Ill., 4 Mar., 1854, Andrew Roberts, b. 11 May, 1828, in New Canaan, Conn., son of Ira Roberts, b. 2 Feb., 1797, and Lydia Knapp, b. 5 Apr., 1794.
He d. in Trivoli, 11 May, 1867; she d. there, 1 June, 1867.
He was a farmer; a Baptist; a Republican; res. in Trivoli.
Children, b. in Triooli.
12715 Elmer Morris Roberts,10 b. 6 Mar., 1856; m. in Elmwood, Ill., 20 June, 1878, Martha Wiley; d. 13 Apr., 1886; res. in Elmwood; had one child.
12716 Frank Roberts,10 b. 4 Oct., 1857; d. 30 Apr., 1867.
12717 William Pitt Roberts,10 b. 15 June, 1862; m. in Trivoli, 6 Apr., 1886, Susan Sophia Tuttle; res. in Peoria, Ill.; had three children.

6372.   CHLOE EATON,9 dau. of Rev. Sherman8 (2577), b. in Hubbardton, Vt, 24 Nov., 1822; m. in Montpelier, Vt., 2 Dec., 1841, William Prentiss Bad­ger, b. in Sanbornton, N. H., son of John Emerson Badger, b. in New Market, N. H., 24 May, 1794, and Irene Gilman Carter, b. in Portsmouth, N. H., 20 Dec., 1792.
She d. 1 Feb., 1897.
When 12 years old Mr. Badger was apprenticed to a hatter, and studied med­icine while pursuing his trade. In 1857 he rem. to Kansas and laid out the town of Muscotah, and became a farmer. In 1857-58 he was a member of the Terri­torial Legislature, taking a prominent part as a Free State Democrat. In 1858-61 he was agent of the Kickapoo Tribe of Indians. In 1862-64 he was Adjutant of the Thirteenth Kansas Volunteer Infantry, and was in the battles of Cave Hill, Prairie Grove, Boston Mt., Van Buren and others. In 1881 he was Mayor of Muscotah, and served for a second term.
12718 William Sherman Badger,10 b. in Montpelier, 24 Jan., 1843; was killed 22 Nov., 1865, in Mill City, Col., in a mining camp, a log having rolled over him.

1082    The Kelloggs in the New World.

12719 Clara Rebecca Badger,10 b. 22 Aug., 1847.
12720 Sarah Carter Badger,10 b. 31 Oct., 1854; d. in Muscotah, 24 Aug., 1870.
12721 Mary Louise Badger,10 b. in Muscotah, 9 Mar., 1866; d. 18 Apr., 1868.
12721a Frederick William Badger,10 (adopted), b. in Stanley, Kas., 15 Dec., 1879, son of Sherman Kellogg (+6372).

6373.   HARRIET CHESTER,9 dau. of Rev. Sherman8 (2577 ), b. in Hubbard­ton, Vt., 20 Jan., 1826; m. 18 Oct., 1849, Albert Johnson, b. in Bath, N. H., 16 Dec., 1822, son of Thomas Johnson and Lucy Bailey, b. in Bath.
He is a farmer; res. in Knox Co., Ill.; rem. to Lytle City, Ia., where he has been Justice of the Peace and County Supervisor; res. in Parnell, Ia.
12722 Richard Johnson,10 b. 14 Feb., 1851; d. aged 10 months.
12723 Emma Johnson,10 b. 21 July, 1852; m. 19 Feb., 1873, Oliver Moore; he is a merchant in Greene, Ia.
12724 Eva Johnson,10 b. 1 Mar., 1854; m. 10 Mar., 1879, George Hevern.
12725 Elizabeth Jolmsori,10 b. 25 Dec., 1855; is a teacher in Lytle City.
12726 Rebecca Lucy Johnson,10 b. 12 Oct., 1858.
12727 Thomas Johnsori,10 b. 2 Sept., 1859.
12728 Sherman Johnson,10 b. 16 Dec., 1861.
12729 Ada Johnson,10 b. 12 Nov., 1865.
12730 William Pitt Johnson,10 b. 21 Jan., 1867.
12731 Charles Johnson,10 b. 13 May, 1869.

6374.   MARY EMELINE,9 dau. of Rev. Sherman8 (2577), b. in Orwell, Vt., 20 Mar., 1828; m. 28 Nov., 1854, Ira Eddy Winchell, b. in Concord, O., 18 May, 1827.
He d. in Prairie City, Ia., 21 July, 1892; she d. there 1 Mar., 1895.
He was a farmer; res. in Prairie City; was a Methodist.
12732 Sherman Simeon Winchell,10 b. in Farmington, Ill., 12 Nov., 1855; m. 1 Jan., 1885, Jane T. Green; res. in Anita, Ia.
12733 Frederick Arthur Winchell,10 b. in Prairie City, 10 Sept., 1860; m. 10 Sept., 1895, Della Rule; res. in Waco, Tex.
12734 Edgar Kellogg Winchell,10 b. in Prairie City, 12 July, 1867; m. 31 Dec., 1891, Zula Duncan; res. in Prairie City.

6376.   SHERMAN,9 son of Rev. Sherman8 (2577), b. in Rochester, Vt., 5 Mar., 1833; m. (1) in Prairie City, Ia., 27 Dec., 1858, Lydia Margaret Graham.
She d. in Stanley, Kas., 6 Jan., 1871; he m. (2) 25 Mar., 1877, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Kennedy) Nichols, b. in Montgomery Co., Ind., 6 Jan., 1842, widow of James Harvey Nichols and dau. of Edward Kennedy, b. 6 June, 1818, and Caroline Patten, b. 12 May, 1822.
After the death of his parents, he commenced farming in Jasper Co., Ia.; rem., in Apr., 1865, to Atchison, Kas.; in Sept., 1867, to Johnston, Co., Kas., where he res. for some time. He was a stock raiser; later he res. in, Stanley; has been Justice of the Peace thirty-three consecutive years and Notary Public twenty-two consecutive years.

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12735 Horace Morell,10 b. in Prairie City, 31 July, 1860; m. Dora Bell Brackenredge.
12736 William Pitt,10 b. in Prairie City, 13 Apr., 1862; d. in Prairie City, 16 Apr., 1862.
12737 Earnest Atherton,10 b. in Prairie City, Ia., 10 Mar., 1863; m. Ella M. Porter.
12738 Clarence Herbert,10 b. in Muscotah, Kas., 15 Jan., 1866; m. in New­ton, Ia., 26 Nov., 1891, Minnie Orlena Perrin, b. in Berlin, Vt., 5 June, 1866, dau. of Cornelius Perrin, b. 10 May, 1824, and Orlena Strong, b. 8 Oct., 1830; was in the life insurance business; is a Republican; res. in Greene, Ia.; has no children.
12739 Charles Cushman,10 b. in Stanley, Kas., 11 Nov., 1868; m. in Kan­sas City, Mo., Effie Graham; res. in Kansas City; is a gradu­ate of Spalding's Business College; a commercial traveler; a Meth­odist Episcopalian and a Republican.
12740 Frederick William,10 b. in Stanley, 15 Dec., 1870; was adopted by his aunt, Mrs. Chloe Badger (+6372).
12741 Maude Elizabeth,10 b. in Stanley, 1 Mar., 1879.
12742 Claude Sherman,10 b. in Stanley, 3 May, 1881.

6377.   SARAH REBECCA,9 dau. of Rev. Sherman8 (2577), b. in Montpelier, Vt., 3 May, 1837; m. in Prairie City, Ia., 15 July, 1860, Dennis G. Winchell, b. in Concord, O., 30 Sept., 1832, son of Simeon Winchell, b. in Sirnsbury, Conn., 5 Jan., 1795, and Rachel Elizabeth Brinden, b. in Blandford, Mass., 5 June, 1800.
In 1881 he was a grain dealer in Newton, and Treasurer of Jasper Co., Ia.
12743 Emma Elizabeth Winchell,10 b. 23 Jan., 1863; d. 3 Mar., 1864.
12744 Edgar Kellogg Winchell,10 b. 10 Apr., 1865; d. Sept., same year.
12745 Eda Winchell,10 b. Sept., 1866; d. Oct., 1867.
12746 Bessie Winchell,10 b. 12 Aug., 1877.

6378.   ADELIA ADELAIDE,9 dau. of Rev. Sherman8 (2577), b. in Montpelier, Vt., 7 Nov., 1843; m. in Jasper Co., Ia., 10 Oct., 1867, Oliver Coomes, b. in Lick­ing Co., O., 26 Aug., 1845, son of Isaiah Coomes, b. 12 Feb., 1821, and Mary Ann Slaughter, b. 5 May, 1822.
He is a story writer and a farmer; res. in Wiota, Ia.
He was a member of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth General Assemblies of Iowa; is a Methodist Epis­copalian.
12747 Royston Oliver Coomes,10 b. 29 Oct., 1870; d. 25 Aug., 1892.
12748 Arthur Kellogg Coomes,10 b. 25 Dec., 1873.
12749 Isaiah Sherman Coomes,10 b. 12 July, 1878.

6380.   HENRY MORTIMER,9 son of Ammi8 (2578), b. 11 Feb., 1827; m. 26 Dec., 1847, Elizabeth Ann Truitt.
He d. 6 May, 1900; she res. in Braddyville, Ia.
12750. James Ammi,10 b. 10 Feb., 1849; m. 9 Feb., 1873, Harriet A. Shu­maker; res. in Stark Co., Ill.

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12751 Charles Augustus,10 b. 11 June, 1851; d. 4 July, 1851.
12752 John Alva,10 b. 15 Aug., 1852; m. 29 June, 1879, Mary Ann Bragg; res. in Richardson Co., N eb.
12753 Susannah,10 b. 28 Oct., 1854; m. 9 Feb., 1874, David Townsend; res, in Stark Co., Ill.
12754 William Henry,10 b. 15 Aug., 1856.
12755 Rosalvo A.,10 b. 15 Nov., 1858.
12756 Emma Elizabeth,10 b. 10 Apr., 1862.
12757 Ella Estella,10 b. 1 Sept., 1864.
12758 Charles,10 b. 30 Nov., 1866; res. in Braddyville.
12759 Isaac,10 b. 25 July, 1869; d. 10 Sept., 1869.
12760 Olive,10 b. 18 Sept., 1872.

6381.   SARAH FULLER,9 dau. of Ammi8 (2578), b. in Castleton, Vt., 24 Feb., 1829; m. in Peoria, Ill., 30 Jan., 1853, Julius Barnes, b. in Oneida Co., N. Y., 27 Aug., 1826, son of Martin Barnes, b. 1797, and Ruth Dart, b. 31 Jan., 1794.
She d. in Wyoming, Ill., 12 Aug., 1889.
He is a farmer, a Congregationalist and a Republican.
12761 Martin Julius Barnes,10 b. in Peoria Co., Ill., 4 Dec., 1853; m. in Pulaski, Ia., 21 Dec., 1882, Josie V. Taylor; res. in Pulaski; has three children.
12762 Mary Annette Barnes,10 b. in Peoria Co., 22 Nov., 1855; m. in Bloom­field, Ia., 7 Oct., 1883, Oscar A. Tilton; res. in Smith Center, Kas.
12763 Rufus Augustus Barnes,10 b. in Stark Co., Ill., 29 Oct., 1857; m. in Bloomfield, Ia., 15 Aug., 1885, Mrs. Margery L. Barnett; res. in Pulaski.
12764 Franklin Ammi Barnes,10 b. in Stark Co., 14 Mar., 1860; m. 30 Dec., 1885, in Lawn Ridge, Ill., Mary E. Russell; res. in Princeton, Ill.
12765 Alvin Saxton Barnes,10 b. in Stark Co., 23 Nov., 1863; m. in Lacon, Ill., 16 Sept., 1885; res. in Wyoming.
12766 Edson Sidney Barnes,10 b. in Stark Co., 2 July, 1865; d. 11 Mar., 1870, in Stark Co.
12767 Frederick Henry Barnes,10 b. in Stark Co., 18 Jan., 1868; m. in Lawn Ridge, Ill., 7 May, 1892; res. in Wyoming, Ill.
12768 Emily Lavina Barnes,10 b. in Stark Co., 20 Aug., 1871; res., unm., in Wyoming.

6382.   SIDNEY BOSWORTH,9 son of Ammi8 (2578), b. 7 Jan., 1833; m. in La Prairie Center, Ill., 28 Mar., 1858, Henrietta Crosby Morrill, b. 14 Apr., 1841, in Dexter, Me., dau. of Levi Morrill and Dorcas Mason.
He was a farmer; a Methodist and a Republican.
He d. in La Prairie Center, 11 Mar., 1885; she m. _______ Barnes; res. in Wyoming, Ill.
Children, b. in La Prairie Center.
12769 Annie May,10 b. 20 Sept., 1860; d. 21 Oct., 1861.
12770 Ada Ellen,10 b. 4 Feb., 1862; m. Frederick Howard Hunt.

6384.   SAXTON TRUMAN,9 son of Ammi8 (2578), b. in Trivoli, Ill., 19 Mar., 1838; m. 2 Sept., 1866, Ann Honor Piester, b. in Westerlo, N. Y., 15 Jan., 1848,

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dau. of Tobolster Piester, b. 16 Mar., 1816, and Betsey Willsey, b. 26 Feb., 1826.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Lawn Ridge, Ill.; served as a pri­vate in Co. A, One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Reg., Illinois Volunteers; enlisted 16 May, 1864; was discharged 28 Oct., 1864.
Children, b. in Lawn Ridge.
12771 Sidney Fitch,10 b. 5 Oct., 1867; d. 26 Oct., 1868.
12772 Lucy Betsey,10 b. 28 Nov., 1868; m. Alexander Russell.
12773 Shirley David,10 b. 10 July, 1870; m. Hattie Eliza Wilson.
12774 Sarah Ann,10 b. 1 Feb., 1873; d. 22 Feb., 1873.
12775 Charles Julius,10 b. 19 Apr., 1875; is unm.

6385.   EMILY ORZELIA,9 dau. of Ammi8 (2578), b. in Trivoli, Ill., 2 Sept., 1840; m. in La Prairie Center, Ill., 16 Mar., 1878, Frank P. Barnes, b. in Elm­wood, Ill., 28 Dec., 1840, son of Martin Barnes and Ruth Dart, b. 30 Dec., 1794.
He is a real estate agent; res. in Princeton, Ill.; is a member of the Meth­odist Episcopal Church; is a Prohibitionist.
12776 Ella Barnes,10 b. in Wyoming, Ill., 31 July, 1875; m. 24 Nov., 1897, W. S. Hamilton; res. in Princeton, Ill.

6388.   DON CARLOS,9 son of Charles Cushman8 (2580), b. in Castleton, Vt., 28 July, 1830; m. (1) in Trivoli, Ill., 4 Mar., 1851, Sarah Ellen Graham, b. in Posey Co., Ind., 15 Aug., 1831, dau. of James Graham, b. 20 June, 1809, and Henrietta Eli, b. Mar., 1808.
She d. 6 Nov., 1894; he m. (2) 9 Mar., 1896, Susan Wymer, b. 7 May, 1835, dau. of Mathias Wymer, b. 30 July, 1804, and Hannah Baughman, b. 31 Mar., 1801.
He is a carpet weaver, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Anita, Ia.
Children, all except oldest, b. in Prairie City, Ia.
12777 Henrietta Blanch,10 b. in Trivoli, 11 Feb., 1853; m. William James Romick.
12778 Mary Isabell,10 b. 20 Jan., 1855; m. Levi Young.
12779 Charles William,10 b. 15 June, 1857; d. 22 Aug., 1866.
12780 Frank Monroe,10 b. 28 May, 1859; d. in Prairie City, 18 Oct., 1866.
12781 George Newton,10 b. 28 Mar., 1861; d. 18 Oct., 1866.
12782 Ella Abigail,10 b. 31 May, 1863; d. 3 Oct., 1864.
12784 Ora Cushman,10 b. 19 June, 1868; d. 3 Aug., 1873.
12785 John Lewis,10 b. 12 Nov., 1871; d. in Anita, 5 Nov., 1879.

6389.   SUVIAH,9 dau. of Charles Cushman8 (2580), b. in Castleton, Vt., 15 Jan., 1833; m. in Elmwood, Ill., Oct., 1851, Fayette Cushman, b. in New Bed­ford, Mass.
She d. in Prairie City, Ia., 30 Aug., 1876; he d. 28 May, 1880.
He was a farmer.
Children, b. in Prairie City.
12786 Gustavus Cushman,10 b. 1855; m. in Anita, Ia., Jennie Holton; d. in Anita, 26 Mar., 1882.
12787 Clara Cushman,10 b. 1859; m. in Prairie City, Apr., 1886, Fred De Reus; res. in Pella, Ia.

1086    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6391.   FREDERICK NEWTON,9 son of Charles Cushman8 (2580), b. in Trivoli, Ill., 24 May, 1841; m. in Greencastle, Ia., 12 June, 1865, Caroline Smith, b. in Trivoli, 4 Sept., 1846, dau. of Cary Smith, b. 23 Jan., 1820, and Joanna Johnson, b. 19 July, 1819.
He is a farmer; res. in Prairie City; now res. in Des Moines, Ia.; is a Meth­odist Episcopalian and a Republican; was a Union soldier; enlisted as a private in Co. B, Thirteenth Iowa Infantry Veteran Volunteers; was mustered out, 12 Aug., 1865.
Children, b. in Prairie City.
12788 Rena Viola,10 b. 8 Aug., 1866; m. Josiah Frank Lemon.
12789 Frederick Leonard,10 b. 21 Oct., 1867; d. 18 Nov., same year.
12790 Abigail Joan,10 b. 5 Sept., 1869; m. Oran Grant Dawson.
12791 Rosa Berenice,10 b. 29 Oct., 1871; m. Edgar Davis.
12792 Lulu Ione,10 b. 20 Jan., 1874; is unm.
12793 Una Maude,10 b. 5 Jan., 1878; is unm.
12794 Charles Cary,10 b. 11 July, 1880; is unm.
12795 Estella May,10 b. 16 Aug., 1883; is unm.
12796 Minnie Hazel Agnes,10 b. 21 Jan., 1890; d. in Prairie City, 13 Oct., 1900.

6412.   SHERMAN GLEASON,9 son of George Washington8 (2587), b. in Oswego, Ill., 30 Sept., 1844; m. 23 Oct., 1877, Belle Thompson, b. 22 Oct., 1858, dau. of Walter Thompson and Mary Furney.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Kendall, Ill.
Children, b. in Naausay, Ill.
12797 Myrtle Susan,10 b. 4 Nov., 1882.
12798 Clara Hulda,10 b. 18 May, 1886.

6413.   ANN SARAH,9 dau. of George Washington8 (2587), b. in Naausay, Kendall Co., Ill., 26 Apr., 1849; m. in Naausay, 26 Apr., 1876, Timothy Howell, b. 1 May, 1848, in Elmira, N. Y., son of Andrew Thompson Howell, b. 27 Mar., 1816, and Mary Hurd Tuthill, b. 7 Oct., 1814.
He is a farmer; a Republican; res. in Plattville, Kendall Co., Ill.
Children, b. in Kendall, Ill.
12799 Charles Edwin Howell,10 b. 11 Mar., 1877; d. next day.
12800 Nellie Elizabeth Howell,10 b. 8 Mar., 1879.
12801 Mary Tattle Howell,10 b. 3 Oct., 1883.
12802 Charles Gleason Howell,10 b. 12 Sept., 1885.

6415.   FRANKLIN PIERCE,9 son of George Washington8 (2587), b. in Naan­say, Kendall Co., Ill., 2 Apr., 1855; m. (1) in Aurora, Ill., 4 July, 1876, Carrie Bell Mosley, b. in Naperville, Ill., 18 Mar., 1859, dau. of Shubel Mosley, b. 1832; and Phebe Hinchman, b. 1834.
She d. in Naperville, 20 Apr., 1878; he m. (2) in Aurora, 15 Mar., 1879; Ida Templeton, b. 10 Oct., 1857, dau. of Oris Templeton, b. 6 Dec., 1821, and Electa Maria Kelsey, b. 31 May, 1830.
He is a carpenter and a Republican; res. in Fort Dodge, Ia.
Child by first wife.
12803 Alvin Eugene,10 b. in Naperville, 28 Oct., 1877; m. Dora Etta Adam­son.

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Children by second wife, b. in Aurora.
12804 George Harold,10 b. 13 Jan., 1880; m. Mabel Alberta Hill.
12805 Nellie May,10 b. 26 Feb., 1881.
12806 Hattie Marie,10 b. 29 Oct., 1882; m. Harry Joseph Laybourn.
12807 Frank Templeton,10 b. 17 June, 1884.
12808 Frederick Gleason,10 b. 26 Jan., 1886.

6416.   ALICE EUDOIA,9 dau. of George Washington8 (2587), b. in Naausay, Kendall Co., Ill.,9 Jan., 1860; m. in Naausay, 3 Feb., 1880, Edwin Litsey, b. 15
Oct., 1858, in Lisbon, Ill., son of John Litsey, b. 10 Feb., 1813, and _______ Clag­gitt, b. 24 July, 1820.
He is a veterinary dentist; a Methodist and in politics a Prohibitionist; res. in Aurora, Ill.
12809 Edna Litsey,10 b. in Lisbon, 11 July, 1881.
12810 Charles Litsey,10 b. in Lisbon, 20 Mar., 1884.
12811 John Litsey,10 b. in Aurora, 10 June, 1899.

6417. ALVIN EUGENE,9 son of. George Washington8 (2587), b. in Naausay, Ill.,9 Jan., 1860; m. in Aurora, Ill., 19 Apr., 1886, Myra Eva Hawk, b. in Men­dota, Ill., 13 Mar., 1868, dau. of Samuel Shafer Hawk, b. 30 Jan., 1841, and Eva May Templeton, b. 28 Jan., 1851.
He is a farmer; res. in Oswego, Ill.
Children, b. in Naausay, Ill.
12812 Robert Harry,10 b. 13 Feb., 1888.
12813 Howard Eugene,10 b. 28 May, 1890.
12814 Herbert Templeton,10 b. 19 Sept., 1893.
12815 Ethan Allen,10 b. 6 Oct., 1899.

6425.   DAVID HENRY,9 son of David8 (2591), b. in Fort Malden, Canada, 20 Feb., 1842; m. in St. Louis, Mo., 8 Aug., 1870, Nellie Maria Winters, b. in Mar­tinsville, O., 10 June, 1854, dau. of John Winters and Mary McMahan.
He is a cooper and a machinist, a member of the Christian Church and a Re­publican. He was a soldier for the Union; enlisted as a private in Co. B, Seven­teenth Indiana Veteran Volunteers, mounted infantry, 17 May, 1861; was dis­charged 8 Aug., 1865.
Children, all but two b. in St. Louis.
12816 James Monroe,10 b. 9 Feb., 1874; is a cooper 3 res., unm., in Memphis, Tenn.
12817 Margaret Ann,10 b. in Indianapolis, Ind., 13 Apr., 1876; m. Edward William Schleuter.
12818 Louis David,10 b. 19 Aug., 1878.
12819 Minnie Jane,10 b. 10 Apr., 1883.
12820 William Louis,10 b. 20 Feb., 1886.
12821 Mary Marcella,10 b. 22 Oct., 1888; d. in St. Louis, 14 May, 1899.
12822 David Henry,10 b. 6 Oct., 1890; d. in Kansas City, Kas., 2 Jan., 1897.
12823 Alice Belle,10 b. 3 Aug., 1893.
12824 Ruth Emma,10 b. in Kansas City, 18 Nov., 1896.

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6426.   JAMES MONROE,9 son of David8 (2591), b. in Detroit, Mich., 14 Feb., 1845; m. in Medora, Ind., 16 June, 1876, Sarah Adeline Sullivan, b. 19 July, 1861.
He d. in Poplar Bluff, Mo., 9 Nov., 1896.
He was an engineer; a Union soldier; enlisted in the latter part of 1862, as a private in Co. E, Eighth Indiana Cavalry; was discharged Aug., 1865.
12825 Harry,10 b. in Medora, 15 Mar., 1878; d. in Washington, Ind., Jan., 1883.
12826 Charles Monroe,10 b. in Cincinnati, O., 20 Mar., 1880.
12827 Mabel Alice,10 b. in Medora, 1 Dec., 1882.
12828 Eugene,10 b. in Vincennes, Ind., 25 Mar., 1884.

6427.   DAVID,9 son of Palmer8 (2593), b. in Maumee, O., 1834; m. (1) Mar­garet Hendry, b. in England, 1840.
She d. in Malden, Mass., 23 Nov., 1883; he m. (2) 1 Dec., 1886, as her sec­ond husband, Mrs. Florence J. Chase, b. 1853; she was a saleswoman; res. in Malden.
He is a stevedore; res. in Boston, Chelsea and Malden.
12829 Mary Catherine,10 b. in East Boston, 29 Sept., 1856; m. in Malden, 26 May, 1887, Julius C. Boehme, b. in Germany, 1851; he is a die maker; res. in Malden.
12830 John Joseph,10 b. in Chelsea, Mass., 10 Jan., 1858.
12831 John Joseph,10 b. in Boston, 10 Jan., 1859.

6445.   LYMAN S.,9 son of Sealon8 (2602), b. in Castleton, Vt., 13 Dec., 1838; m. in Rutland, Vt., 2 May, 1862, Julia Allen Kellogg (6436).
He d. in West Rutland Vt., 4 Dec., 1868; was an engineer; served in the civil war in the First United States Sharpshooters; was a Republican; she m. (2) as his second Wife, Charles Cook Morgan, son of Ezra Morgan and Rindo Honey, of Hampton, N. Y.; he d. in Pittsford, Vt., 13 Dec., 1888; she res. in Florence, Vt.; he was a gardener, a Methodist and a Republican.
Children, b. in Rutland.
12832 William Wallace,10 b. 13 July, 1863; d. in Florence, 11 Sept., 1863.
12833 Ivan Ulysses,10 b. 27 Jan., 1865; m. Nora Lapoint.
12834 Olie Orange,10 b. 11 May, 1867; res. in Florence.

6449.   ELLEN DORCAS,9 dau. of Dr. Elisha Seldon8 (2603), b. in Castleton, Vt., 27 Oct., 1839; m. 26 Nov., 1859, David Aaron James, b. in Richland, N. Y., 13 Jan., 1836, son of Jeremiah James, b. 15 Dec., 1802, and Jane H. Wedeman, b. 1 Oct., 1811.
He is a farmer; a Republican; was a private in Co. K, First Wisconsin Cav­alry; enlisted Sept., 1862; was discharged Apr., 1864; res. in Boyden, Mich.
Children, all except Howard and Hubert, b. in Ozaukee, Wis.
12835 Adelaide Isora James,10 b. 22 Nov., 1860; m. in Pierport, Mich., 15 Sept., 1884, James Maxwell Hayden; res. in Manistee, Mich.
12836 Albert James,10 b. 2 Apr., 1862; d. in Ozaukee, 19 June, 1863.

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12837 Inez Mabel James,10 b. 13 May, 1867.
12838 Ella May James,10 b. 27 Nov., 1868; m. in Deerfield, Mich., 26 Nov., 1890, Warren Wilson Colby; res. in Fremont, Wash.
12839 Henry David James,10 b. 8 July, 1870; m. in Mt. Pleasant, Mich., 16 July, 1893, Alma Moore; res. in Caldwell, Mich.
12840 Don Waldo James,10 b. 13 Aug., 1872; m. in Chicago, 4 May, 1894, Maude I. Dell; res. in Salem, O.
12841 Alice O. James,10 b. 4 Mar., 1874; d. in Ozaukee, 8 Apr., 1874.
12842 Howard Monroe James,10 b. in Arcadia, Mich., 6 Nov., 1876.
12843 Hubert Earl James,10 b. in Arcadia, 29 Aug., 1879; d. in Arcadia, 21 Nov., 1881.

6451.   DON DE WITT,9 son of Dr. Elisha Seldon8 (2603), b. in Rutland, Vt., 1 Oct., 1844; m. in De Pere, Wis., 9 Dec., 1870, Sarah Ann Mathews, b. in Green Bay, Wis., 9 Sept., 1845, dau. of Wyman Westman Mathews, b. 22 Apr., 1810, and Elizabeth Rachel Stewart, b. 14 Jan., 1815.
He was a soldier in the war for the Union; enlisted the first time in the Fifty-sixth Illinois Infantry, in which he served three months; enlisted, second, in Co. K, First Wisconsin Cavalry, 4 Sept., 1862; was discharged 19 July, 1865; was graduated from Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Milwaukee; is a Pres­byterian and a Republican; res. in Pasadena, Cal.
12844 Leda Fay,10 b. in De Pere, Wis., 30 Aug., 1879.

6452.   THEODORE MONROE,9 son of Dr. Elisha Seldon8 (2603), b. in Poult­ney, Vt., 18 Dec., 1846; m. in Fond du Lac, Wis., 25 Aug., 1874, Ida Elizabeth Smith, b. in Gouverneur, N. Y., 7 Apr., 1857, dau. of Elias Le Roy Smith, b. 18 Sept., 1828, and Cordelia Benton Green, b. 30 June, 1830.
He was a Corp. in Co. G, Thirty-ninth Wisconsin Infantry, and Co. L, First Wisconsin Cavalry Volunteers; enlisted 3 May, 1864; was discharged 19 July, 1865. He was graduated from the Speneerian Business College, Milwaukee, in 1867; is a druggist and a real estate agent; res. in Kaukauna, Wis.
Children, b. in Kaukauna.
12845 Theodore Archibald,10 b. 22 May, 1877; is unm.
12846 Ella Dorcas,10 b. 26 Sept., 1878; is unm.
12847 George Ernest,10 b. 3 Oct., 1883
12848 Elmer Smith,10 b. 9 Sept., 1885.

6453.   MARCUS WALDO,9 son of Dr. Elisha Seldon8 (2603), b. 26 Feb., 1850; m. in Dundas, Wis., 20 Dec., 1879, Ida Mary Beach, b. in Dundas, 6 Oct., 1851, dau. of Elias Beach, b. 7 Feb., 1802, and Margaret Morrow, b. 14 Feb., 1807.
He res. in Pasadena, Cal.
12849 Ruth Emeline,10 b. in Dundas, 30 July, 1881.
12850 Roy Seldon,10 b. in Kaukauna, Wis., 10 Mar., 1884.
12851 Barry Beach,10 b. in Brillion, Wis, 7 Oct., 1892.

6456.   HARRISON FRANKLIN,9 son of Franklin Eli,8 (2608), b. in Shore­ham, Vt., 13 May, 1838; m. (1) in Hopkinton, N. Y., 1858, Minerva Bolton, b. 1840, dau. of Amos Bolton, of Stockholm, N. Y.

1090    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She d. in Fort Jackson, N. Y., 18 June, 1881; he m. (2), in West Chazy, N. Y., 19 Apr., 1882, Augusta Lawrence, b. in West Chazy, 1 Sept., 1840, dau. of Putman Lawrence.
He is a blacksmith; res. in Fort Jackson; later in West Chazy.
12852 Charles,10 b. in Hopkinton, 24 Apr., 1859; m. Jane Aliss Lang.
12853 Adeline,10 b. in Fort Jackson, 11 Sept., 1864; m. Merton Wesley Day.

6458.   JOHN SANFORD,9 son of Franklin Eli8 (2608), b. in Fort Jackson, N. Y., 24 Feb., 1846; m. (1) Lucia Hazelton, b. 11 Mar., 1843, dau. of Albarnas Hazelton and Charlotte Merchant.
She d. in Fort Jackson, 5 Oct., 1886; he m. (2) 30 Sept., 1887, Cora I. Blowe, b. in Ellenburg, N. Y., 19 Apr., 1869.
He is a farmer in Jackson, N. Y.; has res. in Potsdam, Massena and Nor­folk, N. Y.
Children by first wife.
12854 Guy Robert,10 b. ______.
12855 Cora Bell,10 b. ______; m. A. McGowan; res. in Carthage, N. Y.
12856 Geneva Lucia,10 b. in Fort Jackson, 23 Jan., 1872; m. in Norfolk, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1898, Charles Jason Fiske, b. in Nicholville, N. Y., 10 Nov., 1870, son of Robert Fulton Fiske, b. 22 May, 1841, and Sarah Maria Freeman, b. 17 Sept., 1841; he is a farmer, a Meth­odist and a Republican; res. in Nicholville.
12857 John Sanford,10 b. ______; m. ______; res. in Potsdam.
12858 Lulu Mae,10 b. ______; m. George Sanford; res. in Dannemora, N. Y.
12859 Nettie Permelia,10 b. ______.
Children by second wife.
12860 Roy Harrison,10 b. 13 Sept., 1888.
12861 Ruth Beatrice,10 b. 15 Aug., 1896.

6460.   FAYETTE NEWTON,9 son of Franklin Eli8 (2608), b. in Fort Jack­son, N. Y., 11 Dec., 1848; m. in Stockholm, N. Y., 28 Mar., 1878, Alice E. Phelps, b. 23 Aug., 1851, dau. of Edwin O. Phelps, b. 23 Apr., 1813, and Priscilla L. Dwinell, b. 19 Apr., 1818.
He is a farmer and a Republican; was graduated from Fort Edward Colle­giate Institute, 1866; res. in Fort Jackson.
12862 Pearle Ethel,10 b. in Stockholm, 20 Oct., 1883.
12863 Gladys Genevieve,10 b. in Hopkinton, N. Y., 30 Oct., 1889.

6464.   LILLIAN AUGUSTA,9 dau. of Franklin Eli8 (2608), b. in Fort Jack­son, N. Y., 22 June, 1859; m. in Fort Jackson, 28 June, 1886, John Radway Pert, b. in Potsdam, N. Y., 23 Nov., 1861, son of George Pert and Lucina Matthews.
He is a carriage dealer; res. in Potsdam.
12864 Marion Annett Pert,10 b. in Norwood, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1891.

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6474.   EMMA FRANCES,9 dau. of Ransom Sylvester8 (2616), b. in Shoreham, Vt., 1 Feb., 1866; m. in Plattsburg, N. Y., 30 Oct., 1895, William Newell Farn­ham.
Children, b. in Rickwille, Vt.
12865 Margaret Elizabeth Farnham,10 b. 23 Aug., 1896.
12866 Raymond Kellogg Farnham,10 b. 5 Oct., 1897.
12867 William Ralph Farnham,10 b. 14 Apr., 1899.

6480.   GEORGE,9 son of Isaac8 (2643), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 19 June, 1812; m. 4 Aug., 1837, Jane Elizabeth Crosby, of Middletown, Conn., b. in Sims­bury, Conn., 27 Oct., 1816, dau. of Orrin Crosby and Elizabeth Hotchkiss.
She d. in New York City, 2 Nov., 1892; he d. in New Hartford, 19 Mar., 1901.
He was graduated from Wesleyan University, 1837; was principal of the Sumter Academy, Sumterville, S. C., 1838-42. He was the inventor of the jack­chain machine (which was capable of making a yard of chain per minute), a dove­tailing machine, improved surgical instruments, type distributing machine (which distributed 120 types per minute), etc.; was a manufacturer of pins in Birming­ham, Conn., 1842-44; went to England with the jack-chain, hook and eye and pin machines, 1844, and established a manufactory of hooks and eyes with American machinery in Redditch, England; engaged in the manufacture of surgical in­struments in Birmingham, 1846-55. In 1855 he rem. to New York City to edu­cate his dau. in music, and was from 1856 to '62 a manufacturer of dental sup­plies; 1863-66 an officer of customs; 1881-83 engaged in photographical and astronomical experiments in New York City. After the death of his wife he res. in New Hartford.
12868 Clara Jane,10 b. ______; d. young.
12869 Albert Henry,10 b. ______; d. young.
12870 Clara Louise,10 b. in Sumterville, 9 July, 1842; m. in Elkhart, Ind., 6 Nov., 1886, Carl Strakosch, b. in Vienna, Austria, 16 Apr., 1860, A son of John Strakosch and Baroness Isabella Von Sacher Kronen­thal, of Vienna. She is the noted American prima donna. At the age of 7 she was able to read difficult music at sight; attended Ash­land Seminary, New York, and received her musical education un­der French and Italian masters in New York City, and later in Europe under Meizer and Arditi. She made her first appearance in Italian opera in Boston, Mass., in “Linda di Chamouni” and “La Sonnambula”; then assumed the part of Gilda, in “Rigoletta,” at the Academy of Music, New York City, 1861, but made her greatest successes as Mar­guerite in Gounod's “Faust,” a art never before played in the United States. After a successful tour of the United States she appeared in Her Majesty's Theater, London, 1867, making her debut in “Faust,” followed by “Traviata,” “Linda” and other operas; sang at the Handel Festival at the Crystal Palace, 1867; in 1868 returned to the United States and made concert tours under the management of Carl Strakosch until 1872, when she returned to England and sang at the Drury Lane Theater, London, with Christine Nilsson; next appeared in Italian opera at the Academy of Music, New York City; 1874 organized

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an English opera company, and in 1876 an Italian opera company, appearing in “Aida” and “Carmen.” Soon after she retired from the operatic stage, but appeared in concerts in all parts of the United States; sang in Italian opera in Austria, 1879-80, and in St. Petersburg, 1883, and again made a tour of the United States with her company. She was the first American singer to win ap­probation in Europe. He is an operatic director; graduated from the University of Vienna, 1879; res. in New Hartford; has no chil­dren.
6484.   HENRY,9 son of Isaac,8 (2643), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 18 Mar., 1819; m. 14 Oct., 1845, Harriet Helen Caldwell, of Rutland, Mass., b. 18 May, 1823, dau. of Joseph Caldwell, b. 3 Sept., 1795, and Sarah Stone Howe, b. 28 Apr., 1802.
He d. in New Haven, Conn., 19 Dec., 1894.
At the time of his death he was one of the most prominent inventors in Con­necticut. His inventions ranged from machinery of various kinds to devices for setting broken limbs; while on a sickbed he made an invention which he sold for $16,000. He went to California in 1849, as president of a mining and trading company; two years later returned to Connecticut; bought into a carpet manu­facturing company; sold out, and engaged in various enterprises. He was a large and powerful man, on one occasion lifting a driving wheel weighing 500 pounds, and on another is said to have lifted an 800-pound weight. He was a genial man and had many warm friends; res. in New Haven.
12871 George Caldwell,10 b. 14 Sept., 1847; d. in Barre, Mass., 17 Aug., 1850.
12872 Harriet Elizabeth,10 b. 3 Sept., 1849; m. Charles Manson.
12873 Henry Jarvis,10 b. in Hartford, 25 June, 1853; m. Sarah Hughes Rowe.
12874 Frank Albert,10 b. in Hartford, 26 Mar., 1859; m. in New York City, 4 June, 1900, Caroline Foote Kilbourne, b. in Keokuk, Ia., 23 May, 1862, dau. of Edward Kilbourne, b. 22 Jan., 1814, and Caroline Amelia Foote, b. 12 Oct., 1823; was graduated from Yale College, 1882; Yale Law School, 1885; is an Anglican Catholic; res. in New York City.
12875 Sarah Caldwell,10 b. in Hartford, 18 July, 1860; m. in Philadelphia, 7 July, 1900, Samuel Goodman, b. in New York City, 1 Jan., 1837, son of John Goodman and Henrietta _______; he was graduated from Strassburgh College; is an Episcopalian; a railroad officer; res. in Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y.

6485.   AURELIA SOPHIA,9 dau. of Isaac8 (2643), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 1825; m. in New Hartford, James Jacquay.
She d. in San Francisco, about 1855.
He rem. to California about 1855 or '56; had a livery stable in San Fran­cisco; went to the mines, where he kept a hotel.
12876 George Jacquay,10 b. ______; m. ______; went West.
12877 Georgianna Jacquay,10 b. ______; m. ______; went West.

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6486.   EDWARD,9 son of George Comfort8 (2646), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 20 Sept., 1819; m. in Sandisfield, Mass., 30 Apr., 1850, Maria Ellen Deming, b. 1 Nov., 1826, dau. of Elizur Deming, of Sandisfield, b. 13 June, 1790, and Rhoda Chamberlain, b. 15 July, 1793.
He d. 18 Jan., 1867; is buried in Pine Meadow Cemetery; after his death she res. in Pine Meadow Conn.
In 1844 he was associated with his father in the manufacture of carding ma­chinery, and, while a member of the firm, secured patents for improvements. He retired from the firm in 1865, the business being continued by his brother, Hiram B. Kellogg.
12878 Edward Elizur,10 b. 30 Jan., 1851; is a bookkeeper; res., unm., in Pine Meadow.
12879 Mary Louise,10 b. 27 Mar., 1855; m. William Hezekiah Spencer.
12880 Eliza Maria,10 b. 21 Mar., 1859; res., unm., in Pine Meadow.
12881 Fanny Brown,10 b. 15 July, 1861; m. Thaddeus Henry Spencer.
12882 Clara Amelia,10 b. 18 Nov., 1864; d. in Hartford, Conn., 22 Mar., 1895.

6487.   SAMUEL NELSON,9 son of George Comfort8 (2646), b. in New Hart­ford, Conn., 21 Nov., 1820; m. in Granville, Mass., 4 Sept., 1850, Helen Sophia Cooley, of East Granville, b. 10 June, 1828, dau. of Noah Cooley, b. 2 Apr., 1792, and Sophronia Parsons, b. 20 Oct., 1795.
He rem. to Hartford in 1837, and in 1841 to St. Louis, Mo., where he was a member of the firm of Collins & Kellogg, wholesale dry goods merchants. He returned to Hartford in 1876, where he and his wife now res.
12883 Charles Cooley,10 b. 5 July, 1852; res., unm., in Hartford.
12884 Helen Elizabeth,10 b. in St. Louis, 8 May, 1858; m. in Hartford, 21 Jan., 1902, Albert Schumaker Ludlam, of New York City, b. 21 Oct., 1857; res. in New York City.

6488.   SANFORD BROWN,9 son of George Comfort8 (2646), b. in New Hart­ford, Conn., 13 Apr., 1822; m. (1) in Oakham, Mass, 2 Aug., 1855, Maria Louise Kimball, b. in Dunbarton, N. H., 2 Aug., 1830, only dau. of Rev. James Kimball, of Boston and Oakham, Mass., b. 3 Oct., 1797, and Emily Parker, b. 5 Sept., 1800.
She d. in St. Louis, Mo., 11 Nov., 1869; he m. (2) 14 Dec., 1870, Louise Parker Allen, b. 12 July, 1843, dau. of Hon. James Allen, of Oakham, b. 2 July, 1792, and Hannah Parker, b. 2 Aug., 1808; d. in St. Louis, 14 Apr., 1893; after his death she res. in Cambridge, Mass.
He was graduated from Yale College, 1843; was a patent lawyer in St. Louis, where he went in 1846; was a member of the Missouri State Senate, 1862 and '63; was an active member of the Congregational Church.
Children by first wife.
12885 Emily Louise,10 b. in Oakham, 22 June, 1856; m. Rev. Marcus Lorenzo Taft.
12886 Maria,10 b. 7 Nov., 1869; d. 8 Nov., same year.

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Children by second wife.
12887 Alice Welch,10 b. in St. Louis, 14 Nov., 1871; was graduated from Wellesley, 1894; is a teacher in the Huguenot Seminary, Welling­ton, Cape Colony, South Africa.
12888 George Dwight,10 b. in St. Louis, 28 June, 1873; was graduated from Yale. College, 1895, at the head of his class; 1898, Ph. D.; is in­structor in Latin in Yale University.

6490.   ELIZA ANN,9 dau. of George Comfort8 (2646), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 8 Oct., 1827; m. 5 Oct., 1853, George Martin Welch, of Hartford, b. 4 July, 1820, son of George Welch, of Windham, Conn., b. 23 Oct., 1794, and Sarah Martin, b. 9 Jan., 1797.
He d. in Hartford, 20 Feb., 1890; she d. in Hartford, 9 Jan., 1899.
He was a wholesale druggist in Hartford, where he res.; was deacon in the Congregational Church; was a Republican in politics.
Children, b. in Hartford.
12889 George Kellogg Welch,10 b. 6 Oct., 1856; m. 20 Sept., 1880, Catherine Kissam Humphrey, b. 5 Apr., 1861; had two children.
12890 Edward Martin Welch,10 b. 5 Feb., 1861; res., unm., in New York City.

6525.   ORVILLE BASSETT,9 son of Timothy Cadwell8 (2659), b. in East Smithfield, Pa., 20 Nov., 1827; m. 24 Nov., 1853, Frances Orion Wilcox, b. 12 Dec., 1826, dau. of Gordon Wilcox, b. 10 Mar., 1798, and Wealtha Phelps, b. 10 Oct., 1801.
He was a farmer; res. in East Smithfield; was deacon in the Congregational Church; a Republican since the organization of that party.
12891 Ellen Augusta,10 b. in East Smithfield, 11 Sept., 1854; m. 6 Dec., 1892, Hiram Turrell Kinsman, b. in Southport, N. Y., 6 Apr., 1841, son of George Kinsman, b. Sept., 1790, and Mary Eaton, b. June, 1796; he is a physician; served in the civil war in the One Hundred and Forty-first New York Reg., Co. D; enlisted 16 Feb., 1864; was discharged 24 June, 1865; was graduated from Bennett College, 1887; is a Congregationalist; res. in Bentley Creek, Pa.; had no children.
12892 Mary Estella,10 b. 10 July, 1862; d. 8 Oct., 1865.
12893 Lizzie Child,10 b. 26 June, 1868; m. Howard Bertram Harris.

6526.   MARY SMITH,9 dau. of Timothy Cadwell8 (2659), b. in East Smith­field, Pa., 7 Aug., 1831; m. as his second wife, 1853, Aaron Jared Dietrick, b. in Briar Creek, Ia., 6 Apr., 1822.
He d. in Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1883; she res. in Wyncote, Pa.
He was a lawyer; a Congregationalist and a Republican.
12894 Flora Estella Dietrick,10 b. in Laporte, Pa., 21 May, 1854; d. in Wil­liamsport, Pa., 7 May, 1860.
12895 Caroline May Dietrick,10 b. in Williamsport, 17 Dec., 1858; m. 8 Sept., 1892, C. A. Benedict; res. in Wyncote.
12896 Edward Holden Dietrick,10 b. 1 July, 1860; m. in Philadelphia, Oct., 1882, Lavinia Delacoy.

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6527.   SARAH ANN ,9 dau. of Timothy Cadwell8 (2659), b. in East Smithfield, Pa., 13 Oct., 1832; m. there, 16 Aug., 1848, George Tracy Cole, b. in Durell, Pa., 13 Sept., 1827, son of Daniel Cole and Rosina _______.
He d. in Wilkesbarre, Pa., 8 June, 1874; she d. in Towanda, Pa., 23 July, 1877.
He was a music teacher and dealer; res. in Towanda; was a Republican.
12897 Flora Martha Cole,10 b. in East Smithfield, 19 Dec., 1849; m. 15 Feb., 1867, Reverdy Benson Stewart, M. D.; d. ______.
12898 Charles Edward Cole,10 b. in East Smithfield, 27 Feb., 1852; m. 25 Jan., 1879, Olive A. Knickerbocker.
12899 Emma Rosina Cole,10 b. in Williamsport, Pa., 3 Dec., 1854; m. 10 Jan., 1873, Charles Willard Tidd; res. in Athens, Pa.
12900 George Daniel Cole,10 b. 16 Sept., 1856; m. (1) 16 June, 1874, Ida S. Morgan; she d. ______; he m. 20 Jan., 1879, Eva Jennette Simpson.
12901 Frederick Kellogg Cole,10 b. 16 Feb., 1863; was killed in Philadelphia, 18 May, 1868, by a falling wall.
12902 Frank Kellogg Cole,10 b. in Towanda, 16 Sept., 1865; is unm.

6529.   CYNTHIA EVELYN,9 dau. of Timothy Cadwell8 (2659), b. in East Smithfield, Pa., 10 Jan., 1841; m. there, 3 Sept., 1860, Edward Gilbert Wright, b. in Athens, Pa., 14 Oct., 1836, son of Jason Kingsley Wright.
He is a Methodist and a Republican; res. in East Smithfield.
Children, first two b. in Athens, others in East Smithfield.
12903 Mary Ella Wright,10 b. 26 May, 1862; m. 14 Mar., 1889, John Jacob Atkinson; res. in New York City.
12904 Clara Evelyn. Wright,10 b. 16 July, 1864; m. 18 Oct., 1882, Norman T. Case; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y.
12905 Jason Kellogg Wright,10 b. 8 Apr., 1866; res., unm., in Brooklyn.
12906 Jessie Lulu Wright,10 b. 11 Dec., 1872; m. 27 Sept., 1892, Edward A. Gerould; res. in Brooklyn.
12907 Flora Emma Wright,10 b. 24 Aug., 1875; m. 10 Oct., 1894, Earnest Miller; res. in Brooklyn.

6563.   GEORGE WASHINGTON,9 son of Alfred8 (2667), b. in Akron, O., 22 Feb., 1836; m. 22 Nov., 1860, Sarah Brooke, b. in Sheffield, England, 8 Nov., 1837, dau. of William Brooke and Elizabeth Melbourne.
She d. 16 Mar., 1887.
He is a stone cutter; res. in Kansas City, Mo.
12908 William Alfred,10 b. in Ravenna, O., 29 May, 1863; m. Georgianna Burton.
12909 Hettie Irene,10 b. 26 Oct., 1865; m. in Ottawa, Kas., 2 Oct., 1890, Edward Huntington Heath, b. in Homer, Mich., 4 Nov., 1866, son of Cyrus V. Heath, b. 26 Apr., 1834, and Mary Eliza Janes, b. 24 Apr., 1841; he is an electrician; is a Baptist; res. in Kansas City; had no children.

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12910 Duane Irving,10 b. in Ravenna, 27 Feb., 1867; m. in Coffeyville, Kas., 28 Dec., 1893, Nellie Casper Russell, b. 20 Dec., 1876, dau. of George Washington Russell, b. 4 Sept., 1828; he is a car builder; res. in Salt Lake City, Utah; had no children.
12911 Aurilla Lucinda,10 b. in Glen Arbor, Mich., 29 Jan., 1869; m. Charles Edward Sutherland.
12912 Helen Ann,10 b. in Glen Arbor, 2 Apr., 1871; is unm.
12913 Ida May,10 b. 21 May, 1873; m. in Kansas City, Kas., 16 July, 1895, Charles Frederick Kramer, b. 19 Apr., 1867, son of Sebastian Kramer and Elizabeth Singer, b. 1830; res. in Kansas City.
12914 Albert Henry,10 b. 20 Aug., 1875; m. in Ottawa, Kas., 23 June, 1897, Lillian Davis, b. 29 Oct., 1873, dau. of Charles Davis, b. 1842, and Camelia Caldwell, b. 3 Mar., 1832; is an electrician and Baptist; res. in Kansas City, Mo.; has no children.

6593.   SETH RANSOM,9 son of Chauncey8 (2673), b. in Smithfield, Pa., 3 Feb., 1815; m. 24 Feb., 1842, Lucy Maria Marsh, b. in Delphi, N. Y., 28 June, 1822, dau. of Canfield Marsh, b. 19 Mar., 1792, and Sophronia Pettit, b. 27 May, 1800.
He d. in Neenah, Wis., 29 May, 1879; she res. in Neenah.
He was a farmer in Clayton and Neenah, Wis; was a Methodist; a Demo­crat; later a Republican.
12915 Agnes Jane,10 b. in Southport, Wis., 1 Mar., 1843; m. Jacob Gore.
12916 Helen Sophronia,10 b. in Pike, Wis., 8 Nov., 1845; m. 30 Oct., 1867, Thompson McKane Wylie, b. 29 June, 1837, son of Joseph L. Wylie and Jane McKane; d. in Tiskilwa, Ill., 4 Mar., 1869; had no children.
12917 Mary Theresa,10 b. in Neenah, 10 Sept., 1848; m. William Brace Munson.
12918 Minerva Eleanor,10 b. in Neenah, 5 May, 1851; m. 13 Apr., 1868, Benjamin Franklin Parker, of Neenah; d. 12 June, 1885; had no children.
12919 Lucy Ada,10 b. in Clayton, 14 May, 1859; d. in Macon, Ill., 22 Mar., 1876.

6595.   OPHELIA MATILDA,9 dau. of Chauncey8 (2673), b. in Smithfield, Pa., 2 Aug., 1818; m. in Milwaukee, Wis., 9 June, 1839, Rev. Francis Metcalf, b. in Knarsborough, Yorkshire, England, 29 Apr., 1818, son of Francis Metcalf and Isabella Craw.
He d. in Appleton, Wis., 30 Nov., 1863; she d. 22 Dec., 1898.
He res. in Milwaukee and Kenosha, Wis., and Boston, Mass.; after his death she res. in Lincoln, Neb.
12920 Ellen Isabel Metcalf,10 b. in Sylvania, Wis., 15 May, 1840; m. 12 May, 1864, Walter J. Lamb, b. in Cicero, N. Y., 4 May, 1838; he is a lawyer in Lincoln.
12921 Emma Arabella Metcalf,10 b. in Winnebago Co., Ill., 23 June, 1842; m. 25 Jan., 1866, Merritt Adams Lathrop, of Omaha, b. in Illinois, 14 Aug., 1843, son of Curtis Green Lathrop, b. in Onondaga, N. Y., 29 Nov., 1816, and Paulina Berry, b. in Limington, Me., 3 Aug., 1817.

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12922 William Ansel Metcalf,10 b. in Sylvania, 24 June, 1844; m. Harriet Alida Wilcox, b. m. Detroit, Mich., 12 Sept., 1849, dau. of Samuel Pratt Wilcox, b. in Sheffield, Mass., 31 Aug., 1814, and Louisa Wheaton, b. in Canada, 22 Mar., 1820; res. in Omaha; had one son.
12923 George Chauncey Metcalf,10 b. 5 Oct., 1846; m. 23 Sept., 1869, Rose­zealia Lucinda Seymore, b. in Geneva, O., 26 Mar., 1848, dau. of Junia Seymore, b. in Union, Pa., 18 Aug., 1813, and Hettie A. Douglas, b. in North East, Pa., 26 Jan., 1818; res. in Omaha.
12924 Henry Kanaga Metcalf,10 b. in Kenosha, Wis., 5 June, 1852; m. (1) in Munson, Ill., 17 Oct., 1878, Ella L. Robinson, b. in Brimfield, Ill., 25 Mar., 1855, dau. of William L. Robinson and Catherine Jame­son; had four children; he m. (2) 27 June, 1894, Olive B. Ray, b. in Oregon, Ill., 4 Sept., 1865, dau. of Hugh Ray and Mary A. Keenan.
12925 Frances Ophelia Metcalf,10 b. in Roxbury, Mass., 15 June, 1856; m. Edward Barton Green, b. in Freeport, Ill.,8 Jan., 1860; res. in Lincoln.

6596.   AURELIA MATILDA,9 dau. of Chauncey8 (2673), b. in Smithfield, Pa., 14 Oct., 1820; m. 4 Aug., 1847, Abiel Walker Lindsley, b. in Cornwall, Vt., 10 Mar., 1820, son of Lindsley, b. in Litchfield, Conn., Mar., 1780, and Sallie P. Chandler, b. in Abington, Conn.
She d. in Balaton, Minn., 12 Oct., 1887; after her death he res. in Marshall, Minn.
He rem., in 1844, from Vermont to Milwaukee, Wis.; in 1846, to Sylvania, Wis.; in 1849, to Neenah, Wis., and later to Clayton, Wis., and Garden City, Minn. He was a farmer and cooper; was a Republican and a Methodist.
12926 William Walker Lindsley,10 b. in Sylvania, 15 May, 1848; m. (1) 28 Nov., 1867, Rosanna Penn; (2) Ellen Williams; res. in Dodge City, Minn.
12927 Cyrenus Kellogg Lindsley,10 b. in Neenah, 28 Jan., 1850.
12928 Frank Roscoe Lindsley,10 b. in Clayton, 10 Apr., 1852; m. 7 June, 1883, Mary Elizabeth Williams; res. in Marshall.
12929 Sarah Aurelia Lindsley,10 b. in Clayton, 2 Oct., 1853; d. there, 4 Nov., 1859.
12930 Herbert Samuel Lindsley,10 b. in Clayton, 5 Jan., 1856; m. 19 Jan., 1885, Cornelia Elizabeth Palmer; res. in Appleton, Wis.
12931 Wilber Irving Lindsley,10 b. in Clayton, 17 Oct., 1860; d. there, 9 Sept., 1862.
12932 Edward Warren Lindsley,10 b. in Garden City, 23 Nov., 1864; res. in Idaho.

6597.   ANGELINA MELISSA,9 dau. of Chauncey8 (2673), b. 16 July, 1822; m. O. H. Collar.
She d. 16 Sept., 1846.
12933 Etta Collar,10 b. ______.

1098    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6598.   LEVERETT STEELE,9 son of Chauncey8 (2673) , b. in McGrawville, N. Y., 10 Apr., 1824; m. in Waterford, Wis., 30 May, 1850, Cornelia Wetmore Hovey, b. in Walesville, N. Y., 23 Nov., 1825, dau. of William Gross Hovey, b. 24 Sept., 1785, and Amy Peck, b. 13 Mar., 1791.
She d. in Tomah, Wis., 28 Mar., 1896; he res. in Arkansas and Louisiana from 1846-49; from 1849-62, he was a merchant in Kenosha, Wis., and Lake Mills, Wis.; in 1862, in Fort Atkinson in the life insurance business, and later res. in Racine, Wis.; is a traveling salesman; is a Congregationalist; joined the Republican party at its birth; was later a Prohibitionist.
12934 Amy Cornelia,10 b. in Jefferson, Wis., 18 Mar., 1853; m. Rev. Edgar Leander Morse.

6601.   PROF. JULIUS FIELD,9 son of Chauncey8 (2673), b. in McGrawville, N. Y., 4 Feb., 1830; m. 9 Apr., 1855, Betsey (Elizabeth) Quereau, b. in Red Creek, N. Y., 23 Sept., 1829, dau. of John Quereau, b. in Fredericktown, N. Y., 8 June, 1787, and Phebe Ryder, b. 27 Jan., 1793.
He d. 23 June, 1894; they res. for the greater portion of their lives in Ster­ling, N. Y., and in Evanston, Ill., he was professor of mathematics in North­western University, Evanston, for twenty-five years.
✛12935 William Worthy,10 b. in Sterling, 24 Jan., 1857; m. Alta Emily Mc­Garvey.
12936 Howard Chauncey,10 b. in Providence, R. I., 27 Jan., 1859; m. in Chicago, 11 Jan., 1890, Alice Brown Whicher, b. in Muscatine, Ia., 12 Dec., 1862, dau. of Stephen Emerson Whicher, b. 8 May, 1836, and Anna Houston Meason, b. 2 Aug., 1837; res. in Muscatine; later in Omaha, Neb.; had no children.
12937 Albert Victor,10 b. in Aurora, Ill., 4 Aug., 1862; res. in Houston, Tex.; was a civil engineer; in 1898 he was engineer of right of way department of the Houston and Texas Central Railroad; is an associate member of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

6604.   FRANCENA MEDORA,9 dau. of Chauncey8 (2673), b. in Cortlandville, N. Y., 5 July, 1836; m. in Galena, Ill., 20 Sept., 1863, Norman Buck, b. in Lan­caster, N. Y., 13 Apr., 1833, son of Isaac Fellows Buck and Eliza Kimball.
He served in the Union army; enlisted Aug., 1862, as First Lieut.; was pro­moted to Capt. of Co. D, Seventh Minnesota Volunteers; was discharged Aug., 1865; was graduated from Lawrence University, 1859, and from the Albany Law School, 1860; is a lawyer; res. in Spokane, Wash.
12938 Benny Howe Buck,10 b. 13 Mar., 1867; d. same day.
12939 William Storey Buck,10 b. 27 May, 1868.
12940 Norman Berdett Buck,10 b. 28 June, 1869; d. 6 Sept., same year.
12941 Albert Willoughby Buck,10 b. 28 Mar., 1871; d. 26 Nov., 1888.
12942 Fritz Julius Buck,10 b. 16 Apr., 1872.
12943 Nathan Kimball Buck,10 b. 15 Apr., 1875.
12944 Walter Kellogg Buck,10 b. 8 Dec., 1877.

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6606.   ARTEMETIA HOWE,9 dau. of Austin8 (2674), b. in Goshen, Conn., 6 May, 1822; m. Alonzo A. Burgess, b. 27 Aug., 1820, son of Benjamin Burgess and Rebecca _______.
She d. 3 May, 1864.
He was a farmer; res. in Kenosha and Racine counties, Wis.
12945 Mary Armenia Burgess,10 b. 23 June, 1845; d. 18 July, 1846.
12946 Adelia Ann Burgess,10 b. 5 Jan., 1847; m. 5 Jan., 1880, Richard Wag­ner, b. 17 July, 1849, son of John Wagner, b. 27 Mar., 1819, and Elenor Fane, b. 22 June, 1821; res. in Beatrice, Neb.; had no children.
12947 Emeretta Angeline Burgess,10 b. 11 May, 1848; m. 1 Jan., 1867, M. D. La Fayette Cook; res. in Kenosha, Wis.; had four children.
12948 Frederick Alonzo Burgess,10 b. 20 Sept., 1850; m.; res. in Sylvania, Wis.
12949 Caroline Amelia Burgess,10 b. 2 Sept., 1852; m. Elliot Utley Cook; res. in Somers, Wis.; had two daus.
12950 Martha Artemetia Burgess,10 b. 13 Oct., 1854; d. 13 Feb., 1873.

6607.   MARY SUSANNAH,9 dau. of Austin8 (2674), b. 2 June, 1824; m. 17 Aug., 1841, Rev. John Crummer, b. in Ireland, 25 Mar., 1815, son of Thomas Crummer and Margaret _______.
He d. in Mt. Carroll, Ill., 10 Sept., 1890; after his death she res. there.
He was a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church in Wisconsin and Illi­nois; res., in 1873, in Mt. Carroll.
12951 Wilbur Fisk Crummer,10 b. in Sycamore, Ill., 23 July, 1843; m. 6 July, 1868, Martha Minerva Olney; enlisted in Co. A, Forty-fifth Reg., Illinois Infantry Volunteers, July, 1861; took part in nine differ­ent battles and, near the close of the siege of Vicksburg, held the position of Orderly Sergt.; was shot through the right lung, and for years his life was despaired of; was discharged Sept., 1864; was Past of Commander, G. A. R., a Knight Templar, a member the S. A. R., and a lecturer upon war topics; was County Clerk of Jo Daviess Co.; she d. 11 Mar., 1898; he res. in Oak Park, Ill.
12952 Wellington Weigley Crummer,10 b. in Caldwell, Wis., 29 Sept., 1845; enlisted in the civil war, June, 1864; was discharged 1865, in de­tached service; was drowned in Elizabeth, Ill., 30 May, 1866.
12953 John Austin Crummer,10 b. 25 Aug., 1848; m. 10 May, 1869, Mary Catherine Pully; res. in Pocahontas, Ia.
12954 Fidelia Ann Crummer,10 b. 29 Jan., 1852; m. 27 Sept., 1870, George Washington Thomas; res. in Iowa.
12955 Mary Eliza Crummer,10 b. 26 July, 1854; m. 27 Dec., 1875, Nathaniel Herbert Haldeman, b. 21 Feb., 1853, son of Nathaniel Haldeman, b. 1 May, 1811, and Elizabeth McCoy, b. 2 Sept., 1825; res. in Mt. Carroll; had two children.
12956 Ada Armena Crummer,10 b. 24 Feb., 1857; m. 30 Sept., 1884, George Crawford Mastin; res. in Oak Park; had no children.
12957 Hattie Hosmer Crummer,10 b. 22 Feb., 1864; m. 30 Mar., 1887, Deni­son Orange Blake; res. in Mt. Carroll; had one child.

1100    The Kelloggs in the New World.

6608.   George Josiah,9 son of Austin8 (2674), b. in Cicero, N. Y., 20 Mar., 1828; m. (1) 7 Sept., 1854, Frances Marion Platt, b. 31 Oct., 1828, dau. of David M. Platt, b. 12 May, 1802, and Ann Chittenden, b. 3 Dec., 1805.
She d. 17 Nov., 1859; he m. (2) 5 Nov., 1861, Emily Anna Lewis, b. 8 Oct., 1834, dau. of Samuel Lewis, of Lake Mills, Wis., b. 2 June, 1803, and Mary Ann Leonard, b. 23 Aug., 1808; she d. in Janesville, Wis., 18 Apr., 1897, aged 63; he m. (3) in Lake Mills, 5 Apr., 1899, Mrs. Mary Jane (English) Hassam, b. 1 Oct., 1835, dau. of James English, b. 5 May, 1811, and Mary Darby, b. 11 Aug., 1820, and widow of Royal Hassam.
He was a nurseryman; rem., 1835, with his father's family, to Kenosha, Wis.; in 1849 he went overland to California by ox team; returned in 1852; known as a lecturer before farmers' institutes and agricultural societies; res. in Lake Mills.
Child by first wife, b. in Janesville.
12958 Oro George,10 b. 6 Aug., 1855; m. Anna Dobson.
Children by second wife, b. in Janesville.
12959 Gertrude Ann,10 b. 21 Dec., 1862; m. in Janesville, 12 Aug., 1890, Henry Clay McPherson, b. in Shippensburg, Pa., 1 Apr., 1860, son of Daniel H. McPherson, b. 27 Nov., 1824, and Elizabeth Hender­son, b. 1802; he is a commercial stationer; res. in Minneapolis; has no children.
12960 Leonard Lewis,10 b. 8 Nov., 1868; is unm.
12961 Edith Armenia,10 b. 1 June, 1870; is unm.
12962 Marcus Samuel,10 b. 20 Apr., 1873; m. in Waterford, Wis., 25 May, 1898, Ellen Lucy Moyle, b. 15 Aug., 1876, dau. of Thomas Foxwell Moyle, b. 4 Sept., 1848, and Mary Ann Foxwell, b. 7 May, 1849; has no children.

6609.   MARIA FIDELIA,9 dau. of Austin8 (2674), b. in Cicero, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1831; m. in Princeton, Wis., 21 Sept., 1851, Dr. James Ozanne, b. in the Isle of Guernsey, British Channel, 21 May, 1825, son of James Ozanne and Rachel Thomne.
He d. in Somers, Wis., 24 July, 1891.
He was a physician; was graduated from Hahnemann Medical College, Chi­cago, 1862; res. in Somers, Wis; was an Episcopalian and a Republican. After his death she res. in Oshkosh, Wis., with her eldest son.
12963 James Thomne Ozanne,10 b. 13 Aug., 1853; m. there, 8 June, 1881, Carrie Jane Barnes; res. in Oshkosh.
12964 Rachel Amelia. Ozanne,10 b. 26 June, 1858; m. in Somers, 25 June, 1884, Rev. M. L. Harris; res. in Rockford, Ill.
12965 Walter Henry Ozanne,10 b. 9 Oct., 1861; d. 1 May, 1888.
12966 Gail Austin Ozanne,10 b. 31 May, 1863; d. 21 Mar., 1883.
12967 Irvine Eugene Ozanne,10 b. 28 July, 1865; is unm.
12968 Herbert Giles Ozanne,10 b. 13 July, 1869; is unm.

6610.   MARTHA ANN,9 dau. of Austin8 (2674), b. in Fulton, N. Y., 25 Feb., 1834; m. (1) 24 Oct., 1852, Hiram Gates Balcam, b. in Burlington, N. Y., 15 Aug., 1825, son of Balcam and Maria Grates.

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He d. in Little Rock, Ark., 9 June, 1864.
He was a mechanic; was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a Republican, also a member of Co. II, First Iowa Cavalry; enlisted 10 Jan., 1864; was discharged 9 June, 1864; she in (2) 12 Sept., 1869, Hiram S. Rich, b. in Fort Covington, N. Y., 26 Feb., 1833; res. in Lone Rock, Ark.
12969 Sarah Eugenia Balcam,10 b. in Sand Bank, N. Y., 31 Jan., 1854; m. 14 May, 1873, in Jesup, Ia., Henry Varomen Moore; res. in Dow City, Ia.
12970 Charles Hiram Balcam,10 b. in Princeton, Wis., 12 May, 1856; m. thrice.
12971 Nettie Maria Balcam,10 b. in Firebank, Ia., 9 May, 1861; m. in Jesup, 5 Jan., 1882, Nelson Randell; res. in Jesup.

6611.   WILBUR FISK,9 son of Austin8 (2674), b. in Kenosha, Wis., 25 Apr., 1837; m. 13 Aug., 1865, Julia Eliza Rhodes, b. in Weedsport, N. Y., 15 Dec., 1840, dau. of James T. Rhodes, b. 1801, and Wealtha Bennett, b. 1800.
He was a farmer; a clerk in county offices, and is now a sewing machine agent; res. in Red Cloud, Neb.; enlisted for three years, 15 July, 1861, in Co. E, Fifth Reg., Iowa Volunteer Infantry; was discharged 30 July, 1864.
12972 Lewis Ellwood,10 b. in Independence, Ia., 18 May, 1866; m. in Web­ster, Neb., 3 Aug., 1898, Lulu Belle Holmes; res. in Red Cloud.
12973 A Son,10 b. and d. 24 May, 1868.
12974 Clara Jannette,10 b. 7 Jan., 1870.
12975 Ollie Grace,10 b. in Lincoln, Neb., 7 Oct., 1882.

6612.   AUSTIN GENARO,9 son of Austin8 (2674), b. in Kenosha, Wis., 3 Apr., 1848; m. in Lee Township, Franklin Co., Ia., 1 Jan., 1876, Mary E. Seeley, b. 21 Jan., 1856, dau. of William R. Seeley, b. 15 Nov., 1825, and Sarah A. Robin­son, b. 7 Aug., 1832.
He is a grower of small fruits; res. in Webster City, Ia.; is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a Prohibitionist.
Children, b. in Chapin, Ia.
12976 A Child,10 b. 2 Feb., 1877; d. 1 Apr., 1877.
12977 Mabel Clare,10 b. 11 Dec., 1878; d. in Alden, Ia., 21 July, 1883.

6615.   REV. ROMULUS OSCAR,9 son of Leverett Steele8 (2676), b. in Goshen, Conn, 6 Jan., 1827; m. 18 Dec., 1855, Caroline Warner, b. in Middletown, Conn., 31 July, 1831, dau. of Isaac Warner, b. 12 Aug., 1792, and Diana Crosby, b. 10 Oct., 1793.
He d. in Madison, Wis., 27 Jan., 1865; after his death she res. in Milwaukee.
He was graduated from Wesleyan University, Middletown; was a clergyman and preached in Fort Atkinson, Wis.; was also professor in Lawrence University in Appleton.
12978 Willoughby Shaffer,10 b. 22 Sept., 1856; d. 18 Oct., 1857.
12979 Walter Bertrand,10 b. in Milwaukee, 16 May, 1859; m. Venetta White.

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12980 Harry Clifford,10 b. 20 Nov., 1862; d. 28 May, 1863.
12981 Howard Warner,10 b. in Fort Atkinson, 13 Apr., 1864; rem. when 10 years old to Appleton; res., unm., in Milwaukee; was Assistant State Secretary of the Y. M. C. A.; graduated in 1884 from Law­rence University; taught Ryan High School, Appleton, from 1885 to '87; was made General Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., June, 1888; was made State Secretary in 1891, at which time he rem. to Mil­waukee.

6618.   AMHERST WILLOUGHBY,9 son of Leverett Steele8 (2676), b. in Goshen, Conn., 13 Nov., 1829; m. in New York, 19 Aug., 1858, Mary Isabella Phelps, b. in Granby, Conn., 11 Oct., 1831, dau. of Erastus Phelps, b. 7 Aug., 1801, and Juliett Maria Jewett, b. 10 Oct., 1793.
He res. in Goshen until the fall of 1836; in Milwaukee until the spring of 1870, and since that time in Chicago. He was three years at college in Middle­town, Conn.; was eleven years secretary of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insur­ance Company; three years vice-president of the Republic Life Insurance Com­pany, and is at present a banker in Chicago in the firm of Kellogg, Voswinkel & Co.
He served in the civil war for six weeks as Christian Commission delegate.
He was a graduate of Wesleyan University. He held all offices in the Methodist Church up to lay delegate to the General Conference. He is a Republican and res. in Milwaukee.
12982 Eva Louise Phelps,10 b. in Milwaukee, 12 May, 1862; is a grad­uate of Milwaukee College and Wisconsin State University; was awarded the Allen scholarship in history, and spent a year in post graduate work; then won from competitors from all the colleges in the country the Foreign scholarship offered by the Woman's Edu­cational Association to the student showing the best credentials, in 1899 she was temporarily taking up the work of a professor in history of Wisconsin University.
12983 Clara Belle,10 b. in Chicago, 31 July, 1873; d. 1 Mar., 1877.

6622.   FREDERICK FERDINAND,9 son of Thaddeus Gillette8 (2677), b. in Goshen, Conn., 3 Oct., 1827; m. in Fall River, Wis., 14 Apr., 1851, Samantha Minerva Torrey, b. in China, N. Y., 9 Jan., 1824, dau. of Ira Allen Torrey, b. 14 May, 1795, and Mary Wallace, b. 20 Nov., 1799.
He d. in Centralia, Wis., 2 July, 1896; after his death she res. with her son.
He was a bookkeeper; rem. with his parents to Wisconsin in 1837. For eighteen years he was confidential agent for one of the largest dealers in lumber and pine lands in Wisconsin. He was a Methodist. Until 1880 he was a Demo­crat and since that time a Prohibitionist.
12984 Kate Adelaide,10 b. in Fall River, 19 Jan., 1852; m. Joseph Henry Price.
12985 Charles Frederick,10 b. near Racine, Wis., 18 Apr., 1855; m. Jane Elizabeth Cutting.

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6624.   GEORGIANNA LOUISA,9 dau. of Thaddeus Gillette8 (2677), b. in Goshen, Conn., 12 Nov., 1834; m. in Sylvania, Wis., 16 Oct., 1855, Return Delos Torrey, b. in Columbus, O., 24 Mar., 1835, son of Ira Allen Torrey, b. 14 May, 1795, and Mary Wallace, b. 20 Nov., 1799.
He d. in Chicago, 2 Nov., 1893; after his death she res. there.
He was engaged in clerical work; was a Methodist; a Republican.
12986 Gertrude Louise Torrey,10 b. in Dover, Wis., 28 Sept., 1857; m. 8 Dec., 1880, Albert Cromwell Waite; had one child.
12987 Eugene Delos Torrey,10 b. in Sylvania, Wis., 12 July, 1859; d. there, 26 July, same year.
12988 Edgar Return Torrey,10 b. in Neenah, Wis., 16 May, 1862; m. in Mil­waukee, 16 Nov., 1879, Anna Foreman; had five children.
12989 Margaret Elmira Torrey,10 b. in Neenah, 2 Jan., 1870; m. in Chicago, 2 Jan., 1889, Charles Alvin Ford; had four children.
12990 Georgia Myra Torrey,10 b. in Oshkosh, Wis., 2 June, 1877; is unm.

6626.   ARTHUR WASHBURN,9 son of Thaddeus Gillette8 (2677), b. in Mount Pleasant, Wis., 26 Mar., 1842; m. in Neenah, Wis., 29 Aug., 1865, Isabelle Montgomery, b. in Madison, O., 23 Aug., 1843, dau. of Benjamin Montgomery, b. 19 Dec., 1812, and Frances Mellissa Torrey, b. 20 Mar., 1817.
He was in the livery business; res. in Neenah; is a Universalist; a Demo­crat; served as a teamster, for the Government, in the civil war.
Children, b. in Neenah.
12991 Hollis Montgomery,10 b. 29 Apr., 1868; m. Elizabeth Augusta Reed.
12992 Ida Belle,10 b. 30 Aug., 1869; res., unm., in Neenah.
12993 Frank Washburn,10 b. 26 Feb., 1871; m. Jane Mabel Young.

6629.   SUSANNAH MORE,9 dau. of Harveys 2678), b. in Smithfield, Pa., 25 June, 1829; m. in Princeton, Wis., 17 Aug., 1852, Rev. Thomas Orbison, b. in County Down, Ireland, 9 Mar., 1813, son of Thomas Orbison.
He d. in Appleton, Wis., 10 Nov., 1872; after his death she res. there.
He was a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church; was a Republican.
12994 Thomas Watson Orbison,10 b. in Plover, Wis., 10 Nov., 1854; m. 24 Dec., 1879, Irene Ballard; res. in Appleton; had three children.
12995 Mary Melissa Orbison,10 b. in Fond du Lac, Wis., 12 Sept., 1857; m. 5 Sept., 1878, Wallis King Cook; res. in Evanston, Ill.; had two children.
12996 Catherine Maria Orbison,10 b. in Footville, Wis, 5 Oct., 1859; m. 2 May, 1877, Michael Kauf Gochnauer; res. in Appleton; had five children.

6630.   JULIUS FIELD,9 son of Harvey8 (2678), b. in Smithfield, Pa., 3 Mar., 1830; m. 22 Sept., 1878, Mary Ann Gardener, b. in Missouri, 24 Dec., 1858, dau. of Hutchens B. Gardener and Rebecca Freeman, b. 10 Sept., 1837.
He was a blacksmith and farmer; res. in Holland, Or.; rem. from Pennsyl­vania, with his parents, to Wisconsin, thence to California, and, in 1856, to Ore­gon; was a Republican; res. in Althouse, Or.

1104    The Kelloggs in the New World.

12997 Harvey Hutchens,10 b. 12 Apr., 1880.
12998 Josephine Mary,10 b. 30 Jan., 1882; m. 5 Aug., 1900, Thomas A. Glynn, of San Francisco; res. in Althouse.
12999 Robert Julius,10 b. 11 Dec., 1886.
13000 James Monroe,10 b. 7 Oct., 1888.

6631.   JOSEPH NEWTON,9 son of Harvey8 (2678), b. ______; m. ______.
He d. in California, where he had gone for his health.
He was a Union soldier; served in the Twenty-first Wisconsin Volunteers; she m. (2) John Clark, of Tacoma, Wash.
13001 Hervey C.,10 b. ______.
13002 Roy J.,10 b. ______.

6635.   SEBA ALMERIN,9 son of Harvey8 (2678), b. in Myersburg, Pa., 25 Oct., 1846; m. in Princeton, Wis., 25 Nov., 1868, Susan Emeline Bush.
He d. 28 Mar., 1870, she d. 24 Nov., 1870.
He was a farmer; res. in Princeton; enlisted in the Forty-sixth Wisconsin Volunteers; was a Methodist and a Republican.
13003 A Son,10 b. 1869; d. same day.
13004 Elbert Seba,10 b. 16 Aug., 1870; m. 24 Dec., 1891, Hattie Viola Nichols, b. in Sheboygan, Wis., 4 Apr., 1871, dau. of James Fair­brother Nichols, b. in Owego, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1816, and Lucy Ann Davis, b. in Utica, N. Y., 2 May, 1837; after the death of his mother he was adopted by his aunt, Mary Brooks (Kellogg) Shum­way (6632), and took the name of Elbert Brooks Shumway; res. in Oshkosh, Wis.

6643.   ELIZABETH WASHBURN,9 dau. of Seth Helmont8 (2680), b. in Goshen, Conn., 20 Apr., 1829; m. 9 Nov., 1847, James Harvey Fancher, b. in Pound Ridge, N. Y., 6 Aug., 1819, son of Seeley Fancher and Mary Beers.
He d. in Racine, Wis., 3 May, 1875; after his death she res. there.
He was a farmer in Racine; "was a merchant in Kenosha, and was engaged in the life insurance business in Milwaukee.
13005 Louis Rodolphus Fancher,10 b. in Racine, 27 Aug., 1849; is a merchant in the firm of Fancher Brothers; res. in Racine.
13006 Emma Louise Fancher,10 b. 5 Jan., 1851.
13007 Frank Leslie Fancher,10 b. 5 Sept., 1852; m. 30 Nov., 1876, Lucy Ab­bot Cutting, b. in Racine, 17 Oct., 1854; is a merchant in the firm of Fancher Brothers; res. in Racine.
13008 James Albert Fancher,10 b. in Kenosha, 11 Dec., 1860; res. in Chicago.
13009 Walter Harvey Fancher,10 b. in Racine, 2 Apr., 1869; is a dentist; res. in Racine.

6644.   EDGAR HOLLIS,9 son of Seth Helmont8 (2680), b. in Goshen, Conn., 11 Apr., 1831; m. in Albion, N. Y., 13 Nov., 1855, Caroline Elizabeth Bailey, b. ______.

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28 Jan., 1830, dau. of Lansing Bailey, of Albion, b. about 1787, and Sylvia Pratt, b. about 1789.
He is General Agent of the Home Life Insurance Company; res. in Chicago.
13010 Clara L.,10 b. 8 Feb., 1858; d. 13 May, 1859.
13011 Edgar Bailey,10 b. 14. Mar., 1860; is unm.
13012 Cora,10 b. 11 Feb., 1865; d. 26 Aug., 1866.
13013 Nellie M.,10 b. 6 Aug., 1866; d. 20 Dec., same year.
13014 Maybell,10 b. 1 May, 1870; is unm.

6646.   EMMA CLIFFORD,9 dau. of Seth Helmont8 (2680), b. in New Hart­ford, Conn., 5 May, 1836; m. in Janesville, Wis., 5 May, 1856, Flavius Luman Wickham, b. in Delanti, N. Y., 6 July, 1830, son of Luman Wickham and Maria Haven.
He rem. from Chautauqua, N. Y., 1839, and has res. since then in Pavilion, Ill., Janesville, Wis., Yorkville, Ill., St. Louis, Mo., Racine, Wis., and Chicago.
13015 Nellie Belle Wickham,10 b. in Janesville, 23 Aug., 1858; m. 8 June, 1882, Samuel Crellespie; res. in Chicago; had five children.
13016 Jennie Evaline Wickham,10 b. in Pavilion, 6 May, 1865; res., unm., in Chicago.
13017 Clara Louisa Wickham,10 b. in Pavilion, 25 Nov., 1866.

6647.   JANE ELIZA,9 dau. of Seth Helmont8 (2680), b. in Kellogg's Corners, Wis., 23 Apr., 1839; m. in New Bloomfield, Mo., 10 Oct., 1862, Isaac Frink Child, b. in Milton, N. Y., 21 June, 1831, son of Dr. Increase W. Child and Desire Frink.
He d. in Dyersburg, Tenn., 9 Mar., 1879; she m. (2) _______.
Children, b. in Dyersburg.
13018 Madge Child,10 b. 3 Oct., 186-4; m. 26 June, 1888, Robert Bacon Hotch­kiss, b. 10 July, 1859, son of John L. Hotchkiss, b. 3 Aug., 1833, and Mary Katherine Robinson, b. Feb., 1830; res. in Chicago; had no children.
13019 Gerald Rush Child,10 b. 18 Aug., 1868; res. in Chicago.
13020 Stamford O. Child,10 b. 5 Oct., 1870; res. in San Bernardino, Cal.
13021 Guy B. Child,10 b. 6 Jan., 1872; res. in Chicago.
13022 May Tenth Child,10 b. 10 May, 1875.
13023 Mac Kellogg Child,10 b. 25 Apr., 1878.

6648.   FRANK EUGENE,9 son of Seth Helmont8 (2680), b. in Kellogg's Cor­ners, Wis., 5 Dec., 1841; m. Kate Hall.
He d. 1901; she res. in New York.
He was well known in insurance circles. Previous to his death he res. in Evanston, Ill., with his nephew, James Albert Fancher (13008).
13024 Ida,10 b. ______.
13025 Belle,10 b. ______.
13026 Wellington,10 b. ______.

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6649.   ISABEL ELECIA,9 dau. of Seth Helmont8 (2680), b. in Wisconsin, 1 June, 1844; m. 8 June, 1867, Thomas Martin Towne, b. in Coleraine, Mass, 30 May, 1835, son of Arad Towne and Triphena McCloud.
She is a writer of Sunday school books, and editress of several Sunday school papers. He was a teacher and composer of music; commenced teaching in the public schools of Detroit, Mich., and for over twenty years taught school in Chi­cago, Milwaukee, Lake Forest Academy, Illinois, and Lawrence University, Ap­pleton, Wis.; conducted numerous musical conventions and Sunday school insti­tutes; composed many songs, and edited music books; was principal musician of the Fortieth Wisconsin Infantry Reg; res. in Chicago, is editor of the Young People's Weekly, published by David C. Cook.
13027 Willis Hiram Towne,10 b. 9 Dec., 1868; m. 6 Sept., 1892, Lillian Eliza­beth Bell, b. 14 Mar., 1872.
13028 Walter Washburne Towne,10 b. 9 Dec., 1868; m. 20 July, 1892, Susan Mabel Manning, b. 14 Oct., 1871; had one child.
13029 Bessie Towne,10 b. 20 Aug., 1871; d. 19 Aug., 1872.

6651.   SYLVESTER CLARK,9 son of Seth Helmont8 (2680), b. 29 Jan., 1849; m. in Chicago, 18 Oct., 1881, Mary Ann Pearson, dau. of John Pearson and Ann Kelly.
They res. in Chicago; he disappeared about 1892, and has not been heard from since.
13030 John Lewis,10 b. in Chicago, 3 Dec., 1887.

6653.   JERUSHA,9 dau. of Abram8 (2688), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 2 Dec., 1800; m. Allen Benham, son of Jehiel Benham, of New Hartford.
He d. 13 Jan., 1864.
He was a blacksmith; res. in New Hartford.
Children, four daus. d. in infancy.
13031 Roswell G. Benham,10 b. 27 July, 1823; m. (1) Mary Jane Northrop; (2) Jane Frances Sage; d. 2 Sept., 1897; res. in New Hartford and Winsted, Conn., was a bookkeeper.

6654.   SARAH,9 dau. of Abram8 (2688), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 6 Dec., 1802; m. Alpheus Bailey.
13032 Sarah Bailey,10 b. ______; d. ______, in Burlington.

6656.   AMANDA,9 dau. of Abram8 (2688), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 29 July; 1807; m. Orson Morse.
13033 Mary Maria Morse,10 b. in Burlington, Conn., 30 May, 1824; m. (1) Mansfield Stacy; (2) Noble Foote; d. in Burlington, 3 Jan., 1893.
13034 Adeline Parnell Morse,10 b. in Burlington, 7 Sept., 1825; d. ______.
13035 Hannah Sally Morse,10 b. in Burlington, 13 Oct., 1827; m. J Carter; d. ______.
13036 Charles Orson Morse,10 b. in Burlington, 12 July, 1831; m. Elizabeth Williams; res. in Forestville, Conn.

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13037 Jerasha Morse,10 b. in Burlington, 7 Sept., 1833; d. ______.
13038 Anne Eliza Morse,10 b. in Burlington, 5 Aug., 1835; m. Edwin Chester; res. in Lowell, Mass.
13039 A Son,10 b. in Burlington, 21 Aug., 1837; d. ______.
13040 Jane Amanda Morse,10 b. 25 Aug., 1838; m. Russell Smith; res; in Newburg, N. Y.
13041 Abram Eugene Morse,10 b. 23 Dec., 1840; res., unm., in Forestville.
13042 Ellen Jerusha Morse,10 b. 16 Feb., 1845; m. Hale Smith; res. in Lake View, Wash.

6669.   JULIA ANN,9 dau. of Deacon Warren8 (2690), b. in New Hartford, Conn, 16 June, 1805; m. in Whitesboro, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1832, Nicholas Moran, of Rome, N. Y., b. in Ireland, 17 Sept., 1804, son of John Moran.
He d. in Rome, 30 Jan., 1879; she d. there, 23 June, 1890.
He was an oculist; a Presbyterian and a Republican.
Children, all except youngest, b. in Westmoreland.
13043 John Moran,10 b. 12 May, 1833; d. there, 25 July, 1836.
13044 Mary Eliza Moran,10 b. 16 Apr., 1835; m. in Rome, 13 Aug., 1855, Daniel O. Parry, b. 27 June, 1854, son of John J. Parry and Jane Jones; he was a railroad man, a Baptist and a Republican; res. in Rome; d. 11 May, 1880; had one child.
13045 John Warren Moran,10 b. 5 June, 1837; m. in Rome, June, 1860, Eliza­beth Eunice Hawley; d. in Poplar Bluff, Mo., 12 Aug., 1877; she m. (2) John Dickey; res. in Council Bluffs, Ia.
13046 Susan Webster Moran,10 b. 1 Sept., 1840; d. 23 Apr., 1842.
13047 Susan Rhoda Moran,10 b. 2 Nov., 1842; m. in Rome, Oct., 1864, Nor­ton La Fayette; res. in Rome.
13048 Harriet Marla Moran,10 b. in Utica, N. Y., 9 Oct., 1845; is unm.

6670.   FRANCES MARIA,9 dau. of Deacon Warren8 (2690), b. in Trenton, N. Y., 24 June, 1809; m. 1 Jan., 1831, Schuyler Wade, of Rome, N. Y., b. in Winchester, Conn, 9 June, 1806, son of Stephen Wade, b. 9 May, 1779, and Lovica Hills, b. 21 Aug., 1785.
She d. in Westmoreland, N. Y., 26 Oct., 1854; he d. 25 Dec., 1878.
He was a merchant in Buffalo, N. Y.
13049 Stephen Warren Wade,10 b. 12 Sept., 1832; d. 24 Aug., 1833.
13050 Helen Maria Wade,10 b. 9 June, 1834; m. 31 Dec., 1857, David George Jackson, son of William Jackson and Sarah; d. 25 Apr., 1890; had seven children.
13051 Franklin Abernathy Wade,10 b. 7 Aug., 1836; m. 29 May, 1861, Frances Adelia Flint, b. 6 May, 1839, dau. of Asher Flint, b. 6 May, 1803, and Sarah Davis; she d. 20 Aug., 1868; had three children; he m. 24 Nov., 1869, Elizabeth Flint, b. 24 Oct., 1849; had four children.
13052 Birdsey Bronson Wade,10 b. 21 May, 1840; d. unm., 17 Aug., 1892.

6672.   FREDERICK WILLIAM,9 son of Deacon Warren8 (2690), b. in New Hartford; N. Y., 5 Mar., 1815; m. in New Hartford, 31 Mar., 1840, Rhoda Ar-

1108    The Kelloggs in the New World.

menia Gates, b. 23 Nov., 1817, in Tolland, Mass, dau. of Warren Gates, b. 8 Oct., 1786, and Rhoda Ferguson, b. 30 Jan., 1785.
She d. in Peabody, Kas., 30 Sept., 1892; he d. there, 16 Apr., 1893.
He rem. from New York to Kansas in 1871; was a Presbyterian and a Pro­hibitionist; a farmer; res. in Peabody.
Children, b. in Westmoreland, N. Y.
13053 Ellen Armenia,10 b. 16 Dec., 1842; d. 27 Aug., 1843.
13054 Ellen Eliza,10 b. 14 May, 1844; m. Ezra S. Smith.
13055 Eugene Warren,10 b. 1 Feb., 1848; m. Eliza Ann Ward.
13056 Kate Rosa,10 b. 24 Apr., 1850; res., unm., in Council Bluffs, Ia.
13057 Minnie Elizabeth,10 b. 24 Sept., 1856; d. 11 Oct., same year.
13058 Annie Louisa,10 b. in Elpis, N. Y., 21 Dec., 1858; m. Isaac Newton Parsons.

6673.   RHODA WEBSTER,9 dau. of Deacon Warren8 (2690), b. in New Hart­ford, N. Y., 13 Nov., 1816; m. in Westmoreland, N. Y., 15 Oct., 1851, as his sec­ond Wife, Ashbel Stanley Merrell, b. in New Hartford, 1 June, 1808, son of Jacob Merrell, b. 24 Sept., 1758, and Anna Stanley, b. 19 Oct., 1763.
He d. 29 Apr., 1890; after his death she res. in The Somerset, Avondale, Cincinnati, O.
He was a druggist, a Congregationalist and a Republican.
Children, b. in Cincinnati.
13059 Warren Kellogg Merrell,10 b. 18 July, 1852; d. 14 Oct., same year.
13060 Anna Stanley Merrell,10 b. 27 Oct., 1853; d. 4 July, 1856.
13061 Alice Rhoda Merrell,10 b. 13 Mar., 1856; is unm.
13062 Frederick Norman Merrell,10 b. 1 Feb., 1860; d. 12 Sept., 1861.

6674.   CHARLES HORACE,9 son of Deacon Warren8 (2690), b. in Westmore­land, N. Y., 15 Apr., 1819; m. in Westmoreland, 10 Mar., 1853, Almira Olney, b. in Westmoreland, 30 Nov., 1823, dau. of James Olney, b. 29 Jan., 1789, and Phoebe Smith, b. 6 Jan., 1792.
He d. in Oriskany Falls, N. Y., 13 Oct., 1893; she d. there, 19 May, 1894.
He was a farmer, a Congregationalist and a Republican.
Children, all except second, b. in Westmoreland.
13063 Charles Warren,10 b. 12 Dec., 1853; m. in Clark Mills, N. Y., 3 Jan., 1883, Emma Rogers, b. in Whitestown, N. Y., 13 Apr., 1859, dau. of Frank Rogers, b. 12 Aug., 1826, and Eliza Niles, b. 8 Jan., 1834; he is a farmer; a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Westmoreland; had no children.
13064 Fannie Maria,10 b. in Clinton, N. Y., 15 Dec., 1855; m. in Westmore­land, as his second Wife, 20 June, 1888, John N. Cole, b. in Floyd, N. Y., 1 Mar., 1851, son of Thomas Cole and Ann Newell, b. in England, 14 Nov., 1823; he is a furniture dealer and an under­taker; a Baptist; res. in Yorkville, N. Y.; had no children.
13065 Harriet E.,10 b. 19 June, 1857; m. Charles Byron Keith.
13066 Caroline S.,10 b. 19 June, 1857; d. in Westmoreland, 9 Dec., 1871.
13067 George Olney,10 b. 18 Feb., 1859; m. (1) Margaret Barnes; (9) Esther Louise Purdy.
13068 Willis James,10 b. 2 Feb., 1861; is unm.

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6676.   HARRIET AURELIA,9 dau. of Deacon Warren8 (2690), b. in West­moreland, N. Y., 31 Jan., 1825; m. 18 Jan., 1849, Jairus Smith Knapp, b. in Westmoreland, 8 May, 1825, son of Ezra Abbot Knapp, b. 6 Apr., 1798, and Sophronia Waters.
He was a farmer, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Denver, Col.
Children, b. in Oneida Co., N. Y.
13069 Warren Ezra Knapp,10 b. 22 Jan., 1850; m. in Ithaca, N. Y., 12 Aug., 1876, Sarah Elizabeth Cochrane; res. in Denver.
13070 Leonard Kellogg Knapp,10 b. 7 Aug., 1851; m. in Little Falls, N. Y., 29 Jan., 1890, Ella Cornelia Green; res. in Denver.
13071 Harriet Antoinette Knapp,10 b. 1 May, 1853; m. in Westmoreland, 6 Oct., 1875, Newell De Roy Lee; res. in Westmoreland.
13072 Edwin Abbot Knapp,10 b. 14 Jan., 1855; res., unm., in Boulder, Col.
13073 Helen Maria Knapp,10 b. 4 Oct., 1857; res., unm., in Denver.
13074 Alice Emeline Knapp,10 b. 20 Dec., 1863; res., unm., in Honolulu, H. I.

6677.   CATHERINE GENETTE,9 dau. of Deacon Warren8 (2690), b. in West­moreland, N. Y., 24 Sept., 1827; m. 20 Sept., 1848, Jacob Spencer Merrell, b. in Westmoreland, 5 Feb., 1827, son of Jacob Manley Merrell, b. 20 Mar., 1789, and Sylvia Spencer, b. 23 Apr., 1800.
He d. in St. Louis, Mo., 10 Sept., 1885; after his death she res. there.
He was a druggist, a Congregationalist and a Republican.
Children, all except the eldest, b. in St. Louis.
13075 Lizzie Walbridge Merrell,10 b. in Cincinnati, O., 22 Aug., 1851; m. in St. Louis, 9 Oct., 1879, Cyrus Packard Walbridge; res. in St. Louis.
13076 Jacob Manley Merrell,10 b. Oct., 1853; d. Aug., 1855.
13077 Henry George Merrell,10 b. Apr., 1856; d. 25 Aug., 1857.
13078 Hubert Spencer Merrell,10 b. 15 Apr., 1858; m. in Madison Co., Ill., 1 Sept., 1881, Georgia Crenshaw; res. in St. Louis.
13079 Warren Kellogg Merrell,10 b. Sept., 1860; d. 4 Jan., 1862.
13080 Ashbel Norman Merrell,10 b. 25 Aug., 1863; m. in Boonville, Mo., Mat­tie Hutchison; res. in St. Louis.
13081 Charles Lincoln Merrell,10 b. July, 1865; d. 24 July, 1866.
13082 Lottie Genette Merrell,10 b. 20 July, 1867; is unm.
13083 George Robert Merrell,10 b. 13 Nov., 1869; m. in St. Louis, 12 Apr., 1893, Alice Atkins; res. in St. Louis.
13084 Kate Spencer Merrell,10 b. Apr., 1872; d. 13 July, 1874.

6678.   MARY ELIZA,9 dau. of Deacon Warren8 (2690), b. in Westmoreland, N. Y., 28 July, 1830; m. in Westmoreland, 25 Mar., 1857, Moses Bicknell Knapp, b. in Westmoreland, 27 June, 1829, son of Thomas Pickett Knapp, b. 8 June, 1801, and Martha Bicknell, b. 9 Sept., 1801.
He was a farmer, a Baptist and a Republican; res. in Westmoreland.
Children, all except the youngest, b. in Westmoreland.
13085 Elizabeth Knapp,10 b. 6 July, 1858; m. in Hartland, N. Y., 28 Dec., 1881, William E. McClellan; res. in Birmingham, Mich.; had two children.
13086 Catherine Kellogg Knapp,10 b. 15 Oct., 1859; m. in Hartland, 25 Mar., 1880, Alva J. Rood; res. in Nashville, Mich.; had four children.

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13087 Martha Bicknell Knapp,10 b. 2 Apr., 1867; m. in Newfane, N. Y., 12 9 Sept., 1888, Lafayette W. Knapp; res. in Earlville, N. Y.; had two children.
13088 Minnie Ethel Knapp,10 b. 20 Nov., 1868; m. in Newfane, 6 Aug., 1890, Elmer E. Knapp; d. 9 May, 1894; res. in Elyria, O.; had no chil­dren.
13089 Thomas Pickett Knapp,10 b. in Hartland, 16 Aug., 1871; d. in New­fane, 4 Jan., 1886.

6679.   FREDERICK HORACE,9 son of Horace8 (2691), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 13 July, 1808; m. (1) 28 Aug., 1833, Eliza Ann Smith, b. 9 June, 1813, dau. of Elisha Smith, of Naugatuck, Conn., and Huldah Williams.
She d. 4 Aug., 1844; he m. (2) 18 June, 1845, Polly Steele, b. 21 Mar., 1813, dau. of William Steele, of New Hartford, Conn., and Mary (Polly) Cone; she d. 7 Sept., 1860; he m. (3) 14 Apr., 1861, Mrs. Elvira (McKee) Goodwin, b. in Bristol, Conn., 7 Sept., 1810, dau. of Samuel McKee and Electa Andrews, and widow of Warren Goodwin, of Terryville, Conn.; she d. 18 Oct., 1870; he m. (4) 27 July, 1871, Mrs. Jerusha (Spencer) Kellogg, dau. of John Spencer, of New Hartford, and Jerusha Hotchkiss, and widow of his brother, Virgil Warren Kel­logg (6682); d. 19 Sept., 1898.
He was a locksmith; res. in Plymouth, Conn.
Children by first wife.
13090 Sarah Augusta,10 b. in Terryville, 19 Sept., 1838; m. Albert Bunnell.
13091 Arthur Goodsell,10 b. 27 July, 1844; d. in the army, 10 Nov., 1862, in the hospital at Alexandria.

6681.   HENRY AUGUSTUS,9 son of Horace8 (2691), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 20 Mar., 1817; m. 29 Sept., 1841, Loraine E. Butler, b. 27 Oct., 1818, dau. of William Butler, of New Hartford, b. 12 May, 1782, and Jemima Pitkin, b. 8 Mar., 1783.
He d. 4 Sept., 1899.
He was a farmer and a commercial agent; res. in New Hartford.
13092 Alfred Augustus,10 b. 3 Aug., 1844; m. 25 Sept., 1867, Harriet Louisa Lane, b. 11 Nov., 1850, dau. of Lyman Jehiel Lane, of Cornwall, Conn., b. 8 Jan., 1827, and Jane Lines, b. 21 Dec., 1827; is a dealer in sportsmen's goods; res. in New Haven, Conn.
13093 Cyrus William,10 b. 24 Mar., 1855; m. Fanny Georgia McLean.

6683.   ORPAH ANN,9 dau. of Horace8 (2691), b. in New Hartford, Conn, 29 Sept., 1830; m. 6 Nov., 1850, Elijah Woodward, b. 9 Aug., 1822, son of Griswold Woodward, of Torrington, Conn., b. 3 Feb., 1791, and Lucia Whiting, of Toning­ton, b. 23 Oct., 1793.
He was a farmer; res. on the Woodward homestead, Torringford.
13094 Virgil Horace Woodward,10 b. 22 Sept., 1851; m. 10 Mar., 1877, Alice Pendleton, of Terryville; is a teamster; res. in Terryville, Conn.
13095 Anna Woodward,10 b. 15 Nov., 1852; d. 30 July, 1853.
13096 Ellen Anna Woodward,10 b. 21 June, 1854; is a school teacher.

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13097 Ernest George Woodwarol,10 b. 18 July, 1856; is a joiner.
13098 Martha Yale Woodward,10 b. 4 Sept., 1858; m. 27 Nov., 1879, Frank N. Hopkins, of Torringford.

6697.   MARY ANN,9 dau. of Solomon8 (2697), b. in Cayuga Co., N. Y., 26 Mar., 1803; m. about 1829, George Parker, b. in Cayuga Co., 10 Sept., 1802, son of George Parker and Phoebe Persall.
He d. in North Fairfield, O., 23 Sept., 1855; she d. in Tontogany, O., 29 Aug., 1876.
He was a farmer; res. in North Fairfield; was a Seventh-Day Adventist and a Whig.
Children, all except first, b. in North Fairfield.
13099 Catherine Louise Parker,10 b. in Cayuga Co., N. Y., 6 June, 1830; m. 21 Mar., 1851, Samuel Bethuel Skinner; d. in Toledo, 28 Feb., 1899.
13100 Aurora Arm Parker,10 b. 4 July, 1833; m. 15 Nov., 1864, Andrew Shives.
13101 Henry Parker,10 b. 14 Dec., 1835; m. (1) July, 1865, Sarah Spangler; (2) Louise Meehle; d. May, 1881.
13102 Warren Parker,10 b. 26 Aug., 1839; is unm.

6700.   ASHER PORTER,9 son of Solomon8 (2697) , b. in North Fairfield, O., 1 Aug., 1809; m. there, 22 Nov., 1834, Polly Maria Snow, b. 19 Apr., 1817, dau. of Asher Snow, b. in Vienna, N. Y., and Mindana E. Matthews.
He d. in Fairfield, 3 Nov., 1869; she d. in North Fairfield, 22 Jan., 1894.
He res. in North Fairfield; was a tool maker and farmer; a Methodist and a Republican.
Children, b. in North Fairfield.
13103 Rebecca Jane,10 b. 28 Dec., 1835; m. Luther Ensign Race.
13104 Eunice Mindana,10 b. 29 Nov., 1837; m. in North Fairfield, 4 July, 1855, Oscar Foote; res. in Austin, Ill.
13105 Freeborn Garrison,10 b. 24 June, 1840; m. Martha Ludensha Hakes.
13106 Rhoda,10 b. 7 Feb., 1844; m. (1) in North Fairfield, 20 July, 1865, Gilbert Race; (2) in Milan, O., Jonathan Campbell; res. in La Grange, Ill.
13107 Lucinda,10 b. 22 Oct., 1848; m. Dr. Carlos James Adams.
13108 Clarinda,10 b. 22 Oct., 1848; m. in North Fairfield, 22 Nov., 1870, Rev. George James Bartlett, b. 3 June, 1842, son of James Bartlett, b. 11 Jan., 1809, and Phoebe Ann Barnes, b. 19 May, 1807; d. 16 May, 1884; after her death he res. in Milan, O.; is a farmer; is a minister of the Gospel of the Friends; had no children.

6701.   DELIA,9 dau. of Solomon8 (2697), b. in Sempronius, N. Y., 4 Dec., 1810; m. in Owasco, N. Y., 5 Nov., 1831, William Concklin, b. in Niles, N. Y., 15 May, 1810, son of John Marcus Concklin, b. 15 Jan., 1772, and Blendena Ostram, b. 11 Feb., 1775.
She d. in Plymouth, O., 15 Oct., 1866; he d. there, 17 Jan., 1870; he was a farmer, a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Owasco and Plymouth.

1112    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, first two b. in Owasco, others in Plymouth.
13109 Mary Ophelia Concklin,10 b. 29 Oct., 1832; m. in Plymouth, 1 Sept., 1859, Ethan Viall, son of Rev. James Viall and Jane _______; he d. in Langdon, Minn., 16 June, 1880; she res. in Berwyn, Ill.
13110 Jane Etta Concklin,10 b. 29 June, 1834; , res., unm., in Chicago.
13111 Warren Kellogg Concklin,10 b. 6 May, 1836; d. in Owasco, 1 Mar., 1837.
13112 John Marcus Concklin,10 b. 27 Mar., 1840; m. in Mansfield, O., 24 Aug., 1865, Eliza Leiter, b. 1841, sister of the wife of his brother, Artemas, and dau. of Abram Leiter and Sophia Hammer; served in the civil war; was Corp. in the Nineteenth Independent Bat­tery, Ohio Light Artillery; enlisted 12 Aug., 1862; was discharged 28 June, 1865; res. in Seattle, Wash.
13113 Hannah Westfall Concklin,10 b. 26 Oct., 1842; m. in Frankfort, Ill., 26 Aug., 1867, Rev. William Henry Harrison Adams, D. D., b. 30 Mar., 1840, son of Christopher Adams; he was president of the Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Ill.; served in the civil war as Capt. in a colored regiment; at the close of the war he was breveted Maj.; d. in Hot Springs, Ark., 12 Mar., 1890; she res. in Bloom­ington.
13114 Artemas Kellogg Concklin,10 b. 10 Aug., 1844; m. in Mansfield, 20 Dec., 1866, Zell Leiter, sister of the Wife of his brother, John Mar­cus; he served in the civil war; she d. in Chicago, 14 May, 1873; he res. in Caledonia, Mich.
13115 Catherine Rebecca Concklin,10 b. 7 Sept., 1847; m. in Bloomington, 24 Apr., 1885, William A. Bereman; he served in the civil war as First Lieut. in an Iowa Reg; res. in Bloomington.
13116 William Concklin,10 b. 20 Nov., 1850; m. in Oshtemo, Mich., 1 Jan., 1888, Lucy Tuttle; res. in Petoskey, Mich.
13117 Delia Alice Concklin,10 b. 13 Sept., 1854; m. in Oshtemo, 1 Sept., 1872, Joseph Nichols Pike; res. in Orangeville, Mich.

6704.   WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON,9 son of Solomon8 (2697), b. in Sem­pronius, N. Y., 25 Dec., 1813; m. in Lexington, Ky., Catherine Graves, b. in Lexington.
He d. in Oregon City, Or., 2 Jan., 1885; she res. in Huntsville, Ala.; he was a blacksmith, a farmer and a Republican.
13118 Armilda,10 b. in Kentucky, ______; m. Ryan G. Stingley.
13119 Rebecca,10 b. in Kentucky, ______; m. in Missouri, _______ Stingley.
13120 Artemas,10 b. in Plymouth, O., ______; m. ______; d. ______, leaving two children; res. not far from Seneca, Mo.
13121 Kate,10 b. in Plymouth, ______; m. in Missouri, ______; d. there.
13122 Edward,10 b. in Plymouth, ______; m. in Oregon City, ______; res. there; had one child.
13123 Harry,10 b. in Plymouth, ______; m. in Oregon City, ______; res. there; had three children.
13124 Solomon,10 b. in Lyons, Ill., ______; m. ______; was in Canby, Or.; had one child.
13125 George,10 b. in Lyons, ______; res., unm., in Idaho.

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13126 Albert (Bert),10 b. ______; m. in Buena Vista, Or., ______; res. for a while in Portland, Or.; she d. in Albany, Or., about 1895; he went to the Philippines in the Engineer Corps.

6705.   GEORGE WILLIAM,9 son of Solomon8 (2697), b. 26 May, 1815; m. (1) in Kankakee, Ill., _______ Tammaclost.
She d. ______; he m. (2) in Illinois, Arabella Bailey, dau. of John R. Bailey and Arabella ______; she d. ______, aged 52 years, 9 months and 2 days; he m. (3) 1876, _______; d. in Seneca, Mo., Jan., 1889; she res. there.
Child by first wife.
13127 A Child,10 b. ______; d. young.
Children by second wife.
13128 Artemas Brewer,10 b. in Chicago, 10 Feb., 1853; m. Sarah Victoria Taylor.
13129 Lewis,10 b. 10 Aug., 1856; m. Mary E. Bennett.
13130 Tammie Isabel,10 b. 19 June, 1859; m. Arthur Welker.
13131 Martha Elizabeth,10 b. ______; d. in childhood.

6706.   ARTEMAS BREWER,9 son of Solomon8 (2697), b. 25 Apr., 1819; m. (1) in Plymouth, O., 23 July, 1851, Mary M. Light, b. in Harrisburg, Pa., 30 Jan., 1824.
She d. 12 Jan., 1865; he m. 1865, Sophronia Almira Crawford, b. in Buffalo, N. Y., 27 July, 1841, dau. of Peter Crawford, b. in England, 1795, and Sophronia Hubbard, b. in Westminster, Vt., 19 Oct., 1807; d. in Chicago, 24 Oct., 1887.
Children by first wife, b. in Chicago.
13132 Charles Harvey,10 b. 10 July, 1853, b. 19 Aug., same year.
13133 Myron Light,10 b. 1 Jan., 1855; m. Mary Seaton.
13134 Eugene Hamlin,10 b. 30 Oct., 1857; d. 29 Mar., 1859.
13135 Mary Ellen,10 b. 19 Feb., 1860; m. Fred Albert Seaton.
Children by second wife, b. in Chicago.
13136 George Crawford,10 b. 18 Dec., 1866; m. Mary Alice McMann.
13137 Artemas Frank,10 b. 6 July, 1868; d. 6 Aug., 1869.
13138 Arthur Peter,10 b. 28 Aug., 1871; d. 11 July, 1872.
13139 John Harrison,10 b. 17 Aug., 1873; res., unm., in Chicago.
13140 Edward Racine,10 b. 15 Nov., 1875; d. 9 Jan., 1876.

6709.   GEORGE WASHINGTON,9 son of Washington8 (2698), b. in New York City, 26 Nov., 1821; m. in Monmouth Co., N. J., 19 Oct., 1842, Elizabeth Ann Hendricks Martin, b. 20 Dec., 1821, dau. of Israel Martin and Ann Eliza­beth McDermott, b. 20 Mar., 1792.
He d. in De Witt, N. Y., 17 Dec., 1878, and is buried in Manlius, N. Y.
He was a farmer; res. in New York City and De Witt.
Children, last eight b. in De Witt.
13141 John Henry,10 b. 9 Jan., 1844; m. (1) 26 Dec., 1870, Frances Mary Ryan; she d. ______; he m. in Monmouth, N. J., 7 June, 1883, Mrs. Violet (Farrow) Clark, b. 22 Apr., 1844, dau. of John Farrow and Caroline Alger; was a railway conductor; res. in

1114    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Oneida, N. Y.; enlisted 10 Sept., 1862, in Co. 1, Third New York Cavalry; was discharged 7 June, 1865; had no children.
13142 Caroline Elizabeth,10 b. in Monmouth, 23 Aug., 1845; m. Francis Eugene Heyer.
13143 Margaret Ann,10 b. 6 Sept., 1847; m. Clarence Malcolm Keen.
13144 Mary Hunting,10 b. 6 Nov., 1849; m. Franklin Pierce Allen.
13145 George Albert,10 b. 11 Sept., 1851; m. Phidora A. Buell.
13146 William Washing,10 N,10 b. 3 Dec., 1853; is a railroad conductor; res., unm., in Elmwood, N. Y.
13147 Martha Matilda,10 b. 26 Oct., 1855; m. David S. Kinne.
13148 Anna Jeanette,10 b. 8 Oct., 1857; d. 22 Apr., 1864.
13149 Bertha Hannah,10 b. 28 Sept., 1861; m. 29 June, 1898, Gustave Richter; res. in Onondaga Valley, N. Y.
13150 Lewis Reed,10 b. 25 Dec., 1863; d. 14 Feb., 1865.
13151 A Daughter,10 b. and d. on same day, in 1866.

6714.   CHARLES GRANDISON,9 son of Green8 (2699), b. in Rodman, N. Y., 28 Jan., 1810; m. 15 July, 1839, Caroline Curtiss, of Fairfield, Conn., b. 2 Dec., 1817, dau. of Josiah Curtiss, b. 19 June, 1789, and Hannah Sherman, b. 2 Sept., 1798.
She d. 11 Jan., 1882; he d. in Wyoming, N. J., 23 Sept., 1895.
In 1831 he rem. to New York City, and was a merchant and city weigher.
From 1850 to 1855 he was a merchant in San Francisco, and then rem. to Brook­lyn, N. Y., and engaged in his former business.
13152 William Curtiss,10 b. in Fairfield, 12 Apr., 1842; m. 27 June, 1876, Josephine E. Buckmaster, of Brooklyn, b. 17 June, 1838, dau. of John Buckmaster, of New York, b. 1787, and Elizabeth M. Harper, b. 24 Sept., 1793; served as private in Co. E, Twenty-third Reg., of Brooklyn; enlisted 18 June, 1863; was discharged 22 July, 1863; was an elder in the Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn and a Repub­lican; is a member of the New York Stock Exchange and a banker in the firm of Adams, Kellogg & Mason; had no children.
13153 Charles Green,10 b. in New York City, 31 July, 1844; m. 4 Oct., 1870, Elizabeth Hayland Walker Otis, of Brooklyn, b. 18 Feb., 1848, dau. of Austin W. Otis, of Brooklyn, b. 31 July, 1805, and Elizabeth Hayland Walker Clarke, b. 15 Feb., 1814; she d. in Brooklyn, 4 Jan., 1872; had no children.
13154 Edward,10 b. in New York City, 15 Aug., 1846; m. Elizabeth Lyle Young.
13155 Mary,10 b. 6 Oct., 1849; d. Sept., 1854.
13156 Sarah Wilcoxson,10 b. in Brooklyn, 13 Oct., 1856; res., unm., in Mill­burn, N. J.
13157 Henry,10 b. 2 June, 1859; d. July, 1860.

6715.   GEORGE WASHINGTON,9 son of Green8 (2699), b. in Rodman, N. Y., 2 Jan., 1812; m. in Rodman, 3 May, 1838, Teressa Tarble, b. in Lorraine, N. Y., 22 Nov., 1817, dau. of Amos Tarble, of Worth, N. Y., b. 15 Aug., 1795, and Roxana Gould, b. 10 Feb., 1800.
She d. 2 July, 1895; he d. in Rodman, 23 Apr., 1900.
After her death he res. in Rodman; was a farmer, a Whig and a Republican.

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13158 Marietta,10 b. in Sacket Harbor, N. Y., 23 May, 1840; m. Francis Calvin Webb.
13159 Marion Aurelia,10 b. in Brownville, N. Y., 22 Apr., 1842; m. George Francis Isham.
13160 Harriet Antoinette,10 b. in Brownville, 21 Dec., 1843; m. (1) John Chapman; (2) Harvey Adelbert Kellogg (+13179).

6716.   GREENE,9 son of Green8 (2699), b. in Rodman, N. Y., 28 Mar., 1816; m. in Sacket Harbor, N. Y., 10 July, 1843, Sabra Root, b. 22 Mar., 1825, dau. of Lorenzo Kingsbury Root, of Adams, N. Y., b. July, 1776, and Sabra Baker, b. 16 July, 1800.
He d. 11 Jan., 1893; after his death she res. in Meadville, Mo.
He was a hotel keeper; left Jefferson Co., N. Y., in 1849, for California; re­turned to Monroe Co., N. Y., in 1852, and in 1864 went to Idaho. In 1869 he returned to Monroe Co. and in 1870 rem. to Meadville, where he d.
13161 Mary Elvina,10 b. in Charlotte, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1853; m. (1) 16 Nov., 1870, Chapman Chester Kirby; he d. 11 Feb., 1874; she m. (2) Downer; res. in Rochester, N. Y.
13162 Lillie Edith,10 b. 17 Mar., 1863; m. W. A. Wood; res. in Meadville.

6718.   ORLANDO,9 son of Harvey8 (2700), b. in Worth, N. Y., 2 Feb., 1807; m. (1) 1828 or '29, Sovilla Bullock.
Shed. 1 Nov., 1839; he m. Susan B. Lamphier, dau. of Isaac Lamphier; she d. ______; he m. (3) in Adams, N. Y., Mrs. Malinda (McKee) Smith, b. near Adams, 21 Apr., 1811, dau. of Chester McKee and Polly Ross; d. in Dyers­ville, Ia., 15 Jan., 1872; after his death she res. in Dyersville; he was a farmer.
Children by first wife.
13163 Hervey,10 b. June, 1835; d. 22 Mar., 1837.
13164 Harriet,10 b. 1838; d. 24 Mar., 1851, aged 12 years and 3 months.
Children by second wife, b. in Lorraine, N. Y.
13165 Ornaldo Isaac,10 b. 18 June, 1846; m. Alice Haggard.
13166 Orlando Harvey,10 b. 18 June, 1846; m. Alice Eliza McKee.
Child by third wife.
13167 Malinda,10 b. in Adams, 2 Oct., 1850; m. Leavitt William Hall.

6719.   MARTHA,9 dau. of Harvey8 (2700), b. in Rodman, N. Y., 9 Aug., 1808; m. 14 Apr., 1826, Leonard Parker, b. in Clarendon, Vt., 29 Feb., 1803, son of Ephraim Parker and Lucy Barrett.
He d. in Fowlerville, Mich., 9 Dec., 1882; she d. there, 22 Feb., 1891.
He was a farmer; res. in Handy, Mich.
13168 Leonard A. Parker,10 b. in Lorraine (now Worth), N. Y., 12 Jan., 1828; m. 2 July, 1848, Lucy Angeline Davidson, b. 19 Feb., 1830; d. 10 May, 1890; had two children.
13169 Henry A. Parker,10 b. 4 July, 1831; m. 13 Nov., 1856, Mary Elizabeth Barney; d. 30 Nov., 1894; had two children.

1116    The Kelloggs in the New World.

13170 Aurilla A. Parker,10 b. in Lorraine, 3 Mar., 1834; m. 3 Mar., 1864, Al­bert Thornhill; res. in Fowlerville; had no children.

6722.   RUTH,9 dau. of Harvey8 (2700), b. in Rodman, N. Y., 19 Aug., 1813; m. there, 12 Dec., 1833, Morgan Lewis Holley, b. in Ellisburg, N. Y., 18 Apr., 1808, son of Nathan Holley, b. 6 Aug., 1758, and Cyntha Tillottson.
She d. in Pierrepont Manor, N. Y., 17 Feb., 1851.
He res. in Pierrepont Manor until 1866, when he rem. to Adams, N. Y., where he was a farmer.
13171 Alzina Ann Holley,10 b. in Pierrepont Manor, 9 Oct., 1834; m. in He­bron, Wis., 25 Apr., 1858, John Burnham; d. in Hebron, 30 Jan., 1864.
13172 Morgan Lewis Holley,10 b. 22 May, 1836; m. in Oakfield, Wis., 31 Dec., 1862, Lucinda L. Wells, b. in Essex Co., N. Y., 15 Feb., 1837; he was a stock dealer in Lake Crystal, Minn.; had three children.
13173 J. D. Holley,10 b. 8 Dec., 1837; m. Nellie Skinner; was a lawyer; in the war for the Union he was First Lieut. in the Ninety-fourth New York Volunteers; d. in Adams, N. Y., Nov., 1868; had no children.
13174 Hervey Holley,10 b. ______; d. in infancy.
13175 Racine Kellogg Holley,10 b. 12 Jan., 1845; res., unm., in Lake Crystal.
13176 Isabel Mary Holley,10 b. 23 Sept., 1847; d. unm., in Adams, 9 Sept., 1869.

6724.   SARAH MARIA,9 dau. of Harvey8 (2700), b. in Rodman, N. Y., 29 Jan., 1818; m. in Hebron, Wis., 25 May, 1847, Samuel Morgan Jones, b. 28 Dec., 1809, son of Samuel Jones, b. 17 Oct., 1771, and Dorothy Morgan, b. 21 Jan., 1777.
She d. in Picton, Canada, 25 Apr., 1897; he d. there, 3 Mar., 1898.
He was a farmer in Picton.
13177 Rufus Herrlek Jones,10 b. in Hebron, 8 Jan., 1850; m. 30 June, 1880, Laura Hall, of Loaini, Ill.; was a farmer; had two children.
13178 Ella Maria Jones,10 b. in Seymour, East Northumberland Co., Ontario, 5 June, 1855; res. in Picton.

6725.   SOLOMON WASHINGTON,9 son of Harvey8 (2700), b. 20 Dec., 1819; m. (1) 21 Jan., 1841, Ruth Louisa Brown, b. 2 Aug., 1818, dau. of Samuel Brown, b. ______, and Ruth Canfield, b. 1797.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 4 July, 1854, Eunice Rebecca Brown, sister of his first wife; d. in Worth, N. Y., 4 Nov., 1891.
They res. in Worth.
13179 Harvey Adelbert,10 b. in Rodman, N. Y., 15 Aug., 1842; m. (1) Mrs. Harriet Antoinette (Kellogg) Chapman (13160); (2) Anna Carroll.
13180 Helen Louise,10 b. 12 Mar., 1845; m. Pitt Ackley.
13181 Samuel Brown,10 b. in Rodman, 7 Apr., 1847; m. Nancy Wilcox.
13182 Ada Ann,10 b. 19 Oct., 1858; m. Edwin Eugene Ellenwood.

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6726.   JAMES GREGG,9 son of Harvey8 (2700), b. in Rodman, N. Y., 26 Dec., 1821; m. 8 Mar., 1846, Sarah Jane Gifford, b. in Ellisburg, N. Y., 29 May, 1824, dau. of James Gifford, b. in Lee, Mass., 10 Mar., 1798, and Katherine Wilds, b. in Salem, Mass., 11 July, 1799.
He d. in Adams, N. Y., 27 Jan., 1893; after his death she res. in Adams.
They res. in Adams, having settled there about 1854. He was an insurance agent.
Childen, b. in Rodman.
13183 Milo Gifford,10 b. 14 Apr., 1849; m. Mary Frances De Wolf.
13184 Anna Maria,10 b. 13 Sept., 1851; m. in Adams, 8 June, 1887, as his second wife, Charles Hopkins Brown, b. in Henderson, N. Y., 24 Aug., 1853, son of Horace Brown, b. 20 Dec., 1813, and Mary Mat­tison Sill, b. 19 July, 1817; they res. in Adams; he is in the in­surance business; is a Methodist and a Republican; had no chil­dren.

6727.   NANCY CLARK,9 dau. of Harvey8 (2700), b. in Rodman, N. Y., 3 Jan., 1824; m. in Ellisburg, N. Y., 29 Aug., 1847, Levi Woolson, b. in Hopkinton, Mass., 13 Sept., 1812, son of Nathan Woolson, b. 14 Oct., 1767, and Mehitabel Clark, b. in Medway, Mass., 21 Aug., 1780.
He learned the trade of tanner and currier. About 1838 he returned to the old homestead in Hopkinton, where he was a successful farmer. They celebrated their golden wedding, 29 Aug., 1897.
Children, b. in Hopkinton.
13185 George Clark Woolson,10 b. 26 July, 1848; m. in Lodi, N. J., 16 Dec., 1875, Sarah Martin Thurber, of Providence, R. I., b. 27 Dec., 1840; was educated at the Massachusetts Agricultural College in Amherst, Mass.; was several years editor of the American Agriculturist, New York City; was later engaged in the plant business in Passaic, N. J.; had two children.
13186 Le Roy Levi Woolson,10 b. 14 Feb., 1852; was educated at Wesleyan Academy in Wilbraham, Mass.; was a commercial traveler; res., unm., in Hopkinton.
13187 Annie Kellogg Woolson,10 b. 24 Jan., 1860; is a deaf mute; was edu­cated at American Asylum for Deaf Mutes, Hartford, Conn; res., unm., in Hopkinton.

6729.   SYLVIA JANE,9 dau. of Harvey8 (2700), b. in Rodman, N. Y., 5 Apr., 1823; m. as his second wife, 14 Apr., 1847, James Canfield Brown, b. in Rodman, 30 Jan., 1817, son of Samuel Brown, b. 7 May, 1791, and Ruth Canfield, b. 5 Nov., 1798.
She d. in Rodman, 4 Aug., 1876.
He was a farmer; res. in Rodman; was a Republican.
13188 Abigail Ann Brown,10 b. 20 Dec., 1848; m. 6 Nov., 1867, James Mon­roe Brown; res. in Rodman.; had three children.

6730.   MARY MARIA,9 dau. of James8 (2701), b. in Lorraine, N. Y., 23 May, 1815; m. 15 Jan., 1840, Jason Reed, b. in Burlington, N. Y., 7 Oct., 1810.

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She d. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 29 Nov., 1876; he d. in Syracuse, N. Y., 14 July, 1883.
He was a grocer; was a Republican.
13189 Mary Alice Reed,10 b. in Skaneateles, 29 Mar., 1847; m. there, 3 Aug., 1870, George Milton Burwell; d. in Syracuse, 27 Jan., 1898; had one dau.

6731.   EMILY MATILDA,9 dau. of James8 (2701), b. in New York, 3 May, 1817; m. 9 June, 1844, William Pebble Slocum, b. 23 May, 1817, son of William Slocum, of Kirkland, and Charlotte Olmstead.
She d. 31 Dec., 1884.
13190 Emma Augusta Slocum,10 b. 27 June, 1845; d. 26 Apr., 1871.
13191 Charles Albert Slocum,10 b. 3 May, 1848; m. Mary Barker; res. in Utica, N. Y.
13192 Ada Frances Slocum,10 b. 10 June, 1850; m. Hiram Spencer Kellogg (+13460).

6735.   ELIZA ANN MELISSA,9 dau. of James8 (2701), b. in Oneida Co., N. Y., 9 Dec., 1830; m. 28 Apr., 1849, Thomas Rix Maxon, b. in Petersburg, N. Y., 4 July, 1826, son of David Greenman Maxon, b. 10 Aug., 1802, and­Hannah Mary Rix, b. 23 Dec., 1801.
He was a farmer; later a grocer; res. in Petersburg, Cherry Valley and Delavan, Ill., Page Co., Ia., Larned and Dighton, Kas.
13193 Phoebe Alice Maxon,10 b. 26 Mar., 1850; d. 18 Mar., 1864.
13194 Flora Adella Maxon,10 b. in New York, 21 Feb., 1852; m. 20 Dec., 1871, Francis Appleton Cheever.
13195 Frank T. Maxon,10 b. in New York, 30 Apr., 1854; m. 30 Nov., 1876, Carrie Aber, b. 27 Apr., 1824, dau. of Stephen Pierson Aber, b. 5 Nov., 1824, and Ollie Briggs, b. 27 July, 1823.
13196 Jennie Isabelle Maxon,10 b. in New York, 4 Apr., 1856; m. 18 Oct., 1877, Joseph P. King, b. 1852.
13197 Emily Gertrude V. Maxon,10 b. in Illinois, 18 Nov., 1865; m. 8 Apr., 1884, Charles James Van Keuren, b. 8 Aug., 1859, son of Jacob James Van Keuren, b. 16 July, 1831, and Lucy E. Cooper, b. 7 May, 1839.

6736.   RUTH HELEN A,9 dau. of Philo8 (2702), b. in Manlius, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1823; m. in Black River, O., Jonathan Patrick Sinnott.
She d. in Lexington, Kas., 29 May, 1897.
Children, b. in Black River.
13198 Millard Fillmore Sinnott,10 b. 3 May, 1849; m. in Galesburg, Ill., 4 July, 1870, Esther May Cook; res. in Liberty Center, Ia.
13199 Nancy Helena Sinnott,10 b. 9 Nov., 1850; m. in Indianola, Ia., 8 Dec., 1874, R. A. McFarland; res. in Lexington.

6738.   WALTER RALEIGH,9 son of Philo8 (2702), b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 14 Aug., 1827; m. in Galesburg, Ill., 20 Feb., 1856, Cecelia Porter Moore, b. in

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Jefferson, N. Y., 22 Jan., 1832, dau. of Dr. Thomas Jefferson Moore, of Elmwood, Ill., b. in Cummington, Mass., 4 May, 1806, and Cynthia Ann Jones, b. in Jeffer­son, 18 Feb., 1814.
He is a farmer; res. in Eden, Ill.
13200 Clarence Walter,10 b. 4 Apr., 1859; d. unm., ______.
13201 Eva Cecelia,10 b. 27 Apr., 1866; m. in Elmwood, 20 Feb., 1900, Adon­iram Judson Harding, b. in Logan Township, Ill., 14 Aug., 1864, son of John James Harding, b. 3 June, 1819, and Jane Greenough, b. 14 July, 1831; he was a farmer, a Baptist and a Republican; had no children.
13202 Lena May,10 b. 26 July, 1869; is unm.

6742.   ROLLA RILEY,9 son of Philo8 (2702), b. in Northfield, O., 9 June, 1836; m. 12 Nov., 1862, Juliett Moore, b. in Elmwood, Ill., 12 Nov., 1839, dau. of Dr. Thomas Jefferson Moore, of Elmwood, b. in Cummington, Mass., 4 May, 1806, and Cynthia Ann Jones, b. in Jefferson, N. Y., 18 Feb., 1814.
He d. in Erie, Kas., 15 Oct., 1879; after his death she res. there.
He rem. in 1869 from Rosefield, Ill., to Eric.
13203 Harold B.,10 b. 12 Jan., 1864; d. 12 Oct., same year.
13204 Ada Moore,10 b. 23 Sept., 1865; d. 3 Nov., 1879.
13205 Emu Eliza,10 b. 14 July, 1867; d. 18 Apr., 1868.
13206 Nellie Cecelia,10 b. 10 Mar., 1869; m. in Milwaukee, Wis., 17 Oct., 1892, her cousin, Francis Harvey Eno (13215); he is a civil engi­neer; was graduated from the State University of Illinois, 1891; is a Congregationalist and a Prohibitionist; res. in Columbus, O.; had no children.
13207 Edwin Frederick,10 b. in Erie, 31 Feb., 1871; m. Olive Livonia Jester.
13208 Eunice Riley,10 b. 23 Nov., 1874; is unm.
13209 Charles Rolla,10 b. 10 Oct., 1877; d. 14 Nov., 1879.

6743.   ELIZA PAMELIA,9 dau. of Philo8 (2702), b. in Strongsville, O., 7 Aug., 1838; m. 3 Oct., 1866, William Henry Willcox, b. in Moriah, N. Y., 9 Jan., son of Henry Willcox, b. Sept., 1797, and Mary Kezia Meacham, b. 25 Aug., 1803.
He served in Co. A, Seventy-seventh Illinois Infantry; enlisted 5 Aug., 1862; served as Sergt., then Orderly Sergt.; from 4 Feb., 1864, as Second Lieut.; was mustered out 10 July, 1865; was captured at Sabine Cross Roads, 8 Apr., 1864, and held a prisoner in Camp Ford, near Tyler, Tex., from 8 Apr., 1864, to 27 May, 1865.
He was a farmer; rem. from Galesburg, Ill., to Wilcox, Kas., 1879; res. in Elmore, Ill.
13210 Elizabeth Willcox,10 b. in Galesburg, 29 June, 1867.
13211 Edward Kellogg Willcox,10 b. 27 May, 1869.
13212 John Henry Willcox,10 b. 24 Feb., 1871.
13213 Caroline Willcox,10 b. 24 Dec., 1872.
13214 Maurice Meacham Willcox,10 b. 25 Oct., 1874.

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6744.   CAROLINE NANCY,9 dau. of Philo8 (2702), b. in Strongsville, O., 15 Apr., 1841; m. 1 Sept., 1864, Harvey Eno, b. in Cayuga Co., N. Y., 19 Aug., 1835, son of Imle Eno, b. in Connecticut, 1797, and Maria Winchel, b. near Whitehall, N. Y., 1799.
In the war for the Union he enlisted 21 June, 1861, as private in Co. G, Eighth Missouri Infantry, and became First Lieut. In 1866 he rem. to Iowa and in 1875 to Pomona, Cal., where he has a fruit farm. He is a Methodist and a Prohibitionist.
13215 Francis Harvey Eno,10 b. in Elmwood, Ill., 27 July, 1865; m. in Mil­waukee, Wis., 17 Oct., 1892, his cousin, Nellie Cecelia Kellogg (13206).
13216 William Bert Eno,10 b. 14 Oct., 1869; res., unm., in Los Angeles, Cal.
13217 Imle L. Eno,10 b. 7 Oct., 1874; m. in Santa Barbara, Cal., 8 July, 1901, Lydia J. Fretwell, b. in Hanford, Cal., 2 Mar., 1881; was a student in Stanford University in 1900, but did not complete the course; took a year's course in the International Correspondence School; is an electrical engineer; res. in Pomona; has a dau.

6745.   LUCILLA,9 dau. of Pearl8 (2703), b. in Fayetteville, N. Y., 26 Oct., 1813; m. in Fayetteville, 11 Dec., 1834, Isaac Gurley Hall, b. 13 Jan., 1811, son of Isaac Hall, b. 10 Oct., 1774.
He d. in Norwalk, O., 20 Sept., 1844; she d. in Garden Grove, Ia., 18 Feb., 1888.
They res. in Garden Grove and Norwalk. He was a cabinet and furniture dealer; was a Presbyterian and a Whig.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
13218 Charles Root Hall,10 b. 6 Oct., 1835; m. (1) 23 Apr., 1863, Rachel Ann Thompson; she d. in Tullahoma, Tenn., 16 June, 1897; had one son; he m. (2) 14 Aug., 1898, Florence Stewart; res. in Tulla­homa; d. there, 2 Jan., 1802; she res. in southern Iowa.
13219 Newton Isaac Hall,10 b. 11 Sept., 1837; m. in St. Louis, 29 Oct., 1864, Isabelle Russell; res. in Fernando, Cal.; later in Long Branch, Cal.; had three daus.
13220 Lucy Ann Hall,10 b. 25 Jan., 1839; m. in Corydon, Ia., 11 Sept., 1861, Martin Van B. Stewart; res. in Tullahoma; had seven children.
13221 William Henry Hall,10 b. 2 Nov., 1840; d. in Norwalk, 16 Aug., 1854.
13222 Pearl Kellogg Hall,10 b. 14 May, 1842; m. ______, in Oxford, O., 7 Oct., 1866; res. in Des Moines, Ia., later in Van Wert, Ia.; had six children.
13223 Dwight Sylvester Hall,10 b. 26 July, 1843; m. in Fillmore, Mo., 1863; Addie Kelso; d. in Bessemer, Wis., 28 Feb., 1891; she d. ______.

6746.   JANE ETTE,9 dau. of Pearl8 (2703), b. in Fayetteville, N. Y., 18 Apr., 1815; m. there, 27 Aug., 1839, Dr. Charles S. Johnson, of Ganibier, O., b. in Waterville, N. Y.
He d. in Waterville, 10 June, 1854; she d. in Des Moines, Ia., 2 Dec., 1893.
He was graduated from Gambier College, O.; practiced medicine and sur­gery in Waterville; was an Episcopalian.

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13224 Charles Pearl Johnson,10 b. in Waterville, 9 Dec., 1841; m. Sarah Manney; enlisted in Leon, Ia., as a private in the civil war in Co. A, Seventeenth Volunteer Reg, Iowa Infantry; was mus­tered out in Keokuk, 21 Mar., 1862, and made First Sergt.; was twice promoted for gallant conduct; was Second Lieut., 4 Sept., 1862; Capt. of Co. A., 3 Jan., 1863. When leading a charge near Jackson, Miss., 14 May, 1863, he was severely wounded in both hips; laid on his side afterward, never stood, although he lived seventeen years thereafter; was imprisoned for more than a year.
By special act of Congress he was made Capt. in the regular army and retired. He d. 12 Apr., 1879; she d. about 1880; both were buried in Garden Grove, Ia.; had no children.

6748.   OZRO NORTHRUP,9 son of Pearl8 (2703), b. in Fayetteville, N. Y., 22 Apr., 1816; m. 12 June, 1837, Harriet Newell Clark, b. in New Portage, O., 10 Mar., 1819, dau. of Dr. Miles Clark, surgeon in the war of 1812, b. in Walling­ford, Vt., 2 Oct., 1780, and Lucy Clark, b. in Rutland, Vt., 4 May, 1782, dau. of Clement Clark, of New Portage, who served in the revolutionary war.
He d. in Cleveland, O., 23 Sept., 1855, and is buried in Norwalk, O.
In 1899 she was making and teaching point and tambour lace; res. with her dau., in Provo, Utah. In 1848 they rem. from Onondaga Co., N. Y., to Garden Grove, Ia. They had also res. in Indiana, Manlius and Fayetteville, N. Y., Strongsville and Nevada, O., and White Pigeon, Mich.
13225 Homer Pearl,10 b. in Strongsville, O., 11 Apr., 1838; m. Mary Ann Culver.
13226 Eugene Ozro,10 b. 18 Sept., 1841; d. 15 Sept., 1854.
13227 Murray Mirabeau,10 b. in Elkhart, Ind., 12 Feb., 1846; m. Mary Elizabeth Briggs.
13228 Josephine,10 b. in Garden Grove, 18 Mar., 1849; she taught in the schools of Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Colorado and Utah for thirty years, besides nearly six years among the colored people in Mississippi; at Tongaloo, under the American Home Missionary Association; served for three years as County Superintendent of Schools in De­catur Co., Ia.; was admitted to the bar of her district, while living in Provo, Utah; is unm.
13229 Florence,10 b. in Garden Grove, 6 Sept., 1852; m. Charles May Rich­ards.

6749.   ANN ELIZA,9 dau. of Pearl8 (2703), b. in Fayetteville, Manlius, N. Y., 13 Dec., 1817; m. 29 Sept., 1840, Benjamin Porter Baker, b. 8 Aug., 1813, son of Sydenham Baker, b. 2 Feb., 1785, and Sarah Hayden, b. 1787 or '88.
He d. in Collamer, N. Y., 23 June, 1882; she d. there, 31 Oct., 1900.
He was a farmer; res. in Collamer; was an elder in the Presbyterian Church and a Republican.
Children, b. in Lafayette, N. Y.
13230 George Dwight Baker,10 b. 1 June, 1842; m. (1) in Collamer, 19 Dec., 1867, Frances Mary Wands; she d. 22 Aug., 1887; he m. (2) 18 Apr., 1889, Elizabeth Weineier; res. in Collamer.

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13231 James Sydenham Baker,10 b. 7 Nov., 1846; m. in Rochester, N. Y., 20 Sept., 1882, Ada Hurd; d. 13 Apr., 1901; she res. in Rochester.
13232 John Quincy Baker,10 b. 1 Apr., 1848; m. (1) _______; she d. 3 Dec., 1882; he m. (2) in Dunkirk, N. Y., 28 Jan., 1891, Nellie C. Van Buren; she d. 14 Feb., 1892; he m. (3) in Dunkirk, 7 Jan., 1896, Sarah W. Wright.

6750.   EDWARD PEARL,9 son of Pearl8 (2703), b. in Fayetteville, N. Y., 16 Apr., 1819; m. in Benton, O., 25 June, 1843, Elizabeth Caldwell Hazelett, b. in Guernsey Co., O., 19 Mar., 1822, dau. of John Hazelett, who d. in Crawford Co., O., 1 Nov., 1841, and Nancy Agnes Ury, who d. 1 Sept., 1841.
She d. ______.
He was a farmer; res. in Nevada, O.; now res. in Lemert, O.
13233 Lucy Elizabeth,10 b. in Tod, O., 1 Mar., 1845; m. Samuel McKinnie.
13234 Pearl Edward,10 b. in Crawford Co., O., 1 Sept., 1846; m. Eliza Jane Outhwaite.
13235 Walter William,10 b. 17 May, 1849; was a miner and a physician; d. unm., in Gold Hill, Nev., 17 Sept., 1879, and is buried in Vir­ginia City; was educated in Tiffin, O.
13236 Ury Marston,10 b. in Groton, O., 22 June, 1851; m. Alice Walton.
13237 John Hazelett,10 b. 28 May, 1854; m. Elizabeth May Reigle.

6752.   CHARLES LEICESTER,9 son of Pearl8 (2703), b. in Fayetteville, N. Y., 18 Oct., 1822; m. 26 Apr., 1853, Susan Lavinia Crippen, b. 26 Dec., 1835, dau. of Charles Crippen and _______ Forsyth.
He d. in Hamilton, Ill., 28 Mar., 1883; she d. there, 13 Apr., 1895.
He was in the real estate and stock business in Southern Iowa; res. in Gar­den Grove, Ia.
Children, all but eldest, b. in Garden Grove.
13238 Frederick Henry,10 b. in Ohio, at the mouth of Black River, 8 Man, 1854; m. Eva R. Slee.
13239 Bird Covington,10 b. 25 July, 1856; m. in Keokuk, Ia., 24 Mar., 1891, Anna Wilhelmina Christina Biddenstadt, b. 16 Oct., 1856, dau. of Julius Biddenstadt, b. 12 May, 1831, and Caroline Harmes, b. 20 May, 1833; he was a stationary engineer; res. in Hamilton; now res. in Keokuk; had no children.
13240 Lucy Lovina,10 b. 23 Oct., 1858; m. Joseph Byron Dickerhoof.
13241 Eugenia Amelia,10 b. 22 Dec., 1860; m. Isaac Baxter.
13242 Susie Bell,10 b. 23 Oct., 1864; m. Hosea Clement Layman.
13243 Grant Pearl,10 b. 1 July, 1868; m. _______; res. in South Omaha, Neb.

6753.   LOUISA HEROINE,9 dau. of Pearl8 (2703), b. near Fayetteville, N. Y.; 28 May, 1824; m. in Fayetteville, 16 June, 1844, Dwight Baker, b. 11 Jan., 1821, son of Sydenham Baker, b. 2 Feb., 1785, and Sarah Hayden, b. 1787 or '88. He was brother of B. Porter Baker, who m. her sister, Ann Eliza.
She d. in Collarner, N. Y., 2 Dec., 1866; he d. there 24 Apr., 1881.
He was a farmer; a Presbyterian and a Republican.

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13244 Wilson Hayden Baker,10 b. in Lafayette, N. Y., 3 Aug., 1845; m. in Canastota, N. Y., 29 Aug., 1868, Mary Jane Hemstreet; res. in Syracuse, N. Y.
13245 Melrine Louise Baker,10 b. in Lafayette, 10 Sept., 1854; res., unm., in Syracuse.
13246 Henry Dwight Baker,10 b. in Collamer, 5 Nov., 1856; m. there, 24 Mar., 1881, Edith Barton; res. in Collamer.

6754.   MAJ. RACINE DANIEL,9 son of Pearl8 (2703), b. in Fayetteville, N. Y., 9 Mar., 1828; m. 2 Nov., 1864, Elizabeth Ann Burns, b. in Melmore, O., 4 Jan., 1844, dau. of John Dana Burns, b. in Guernsey Co., O., 15 Sept., 1812, and Mary Ann Stevens, b. 13 Mar., 1818.
He res. in Lebanon, Mo.; was a real estate dealer in Des Moines, Ia.; rem. to Iowa in 1854, and settled in Garden Grove; represented the county in the State Legislature two regular and two extra sessions, and was elected Speaker in the temporary organization of the House. He was Maj. of the Thirty-fourth Reg., Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and was honorably mentioned in the history of the regiment. He was one of Gov. Kirkwood's suite to visit the battlefield of Fort Donelson. He was appointed Commissioner by President Hayes, upon the recommendation of Gov. Gear, of Iowa, to represent that State at the proposed Columbian Exposition in New York in 1884, and in 1896 to represent Iowa at the Tennessee Centennial Exposition. He has been ruling elder in the Presby­terian Church for many years.
13247 Racine Daniel,10 b. 22 Oct., 1865; d. 7 Mar., 1866.
13248 Mary,10 b. 3 Apr., 1867; d. 18 Oct., 1871.
13249 Alice,10 b. 10 Oct., 1870; m. Rev. William Carter.
13250 Louisa,10 b. 27 May, 1874; d. 21 June, 1875.
13251 Flosse,10 b. 27 Jan., 1877; m. Dr. Lloyd Le Roy Knebs.

6755.   NEWELL ALBERT,9 son of Pearl8 (2703) , b. 14 Apr., 1834; m. 9 Jan., 1853, Catherine Margaret Marsh, b. 15 Feb., 1834, dau. of Nicholas Marsh, b. in Chittenango, N. Y., Feb., 1798, and Catherine Walters, b. in Onondaga Co., N. Y., May, 1800.
He d. 10 June, 1863; after his death she res. in Ames, Ia.
He was a farmer in Fayetteville and Collamer, N. Y.
13252 A Child,10 b. ______; d. in infancy.
13253 Rosalia Cora,10 b. in Fayetteville, 20 Oct., 1858; m. Hector Goble Smith.

6756.   JEFFERSON DANIEL REYNOLDS,9 son of Henry8 (2704), b. in Manlius, N. Y., 19 Dec., 1812; m. 4 Apr., 1831, Maria Hoffman, b. 16 Feb., 1814, dau. of Isaac Hoffman, b. 1782, and Lena, b. 1785.
She d. in Litchfield, Mich., 28 Apr., 1885; he d. there, 3 Mar., 1891.
He was a farmer; res. in Litchfield; was a member of the Methodist Epis­copal Church. They celebrated their golden wedding in Litchfield.

1124    The Kelloggs in the New World.

13254 Orlando Henry,10 b. in Onondaga Co, N. Y., 17 June, 1832; m. Elizabeth Dixon.
13255 Isaac Hoffman,10 b. ______, in Onondaga Co., N. Y.; m. in Reading, Mich., Phebe Herendeen; res. in Reading, Mich.
13256 Luther Hoffman,10 b. in Allen, Mich., 7 Apr., 1838; m. Eliza More­house.
13257 Sylvester H.,10 b. ______.
13258 Nettie Celeste,10 b. in Reading, 6 Apr., 1845; m. Samuel Goldsmith Tyler.
13259 Clara Frances,10 b. in Reading, 27 Jan., 1853; m. John Newton Wat­son.

6757.   ELMIRA,9 dau. of Henry8 (2704), b. 13 Jan., 1816; m. 4 Nov., 1832, George Washington Halstead, of Manlius, N. Y.
He d. in Snelling, Cal., 7 June, 1883; she d. there, 17 Apr., 1892.
He was a boot and shoe manufacturer and a farmer; rem. in 1836 to Hills­dale Co., Mich., and in 1850 to Snelling.
Children, all except eldest, b. in Jonesville, Mich.
13260 Jannette Halstead,10 b. in New York, 8 July, 1834; m. 5 Dec., 1855, Robert R. Ginner; d. in Mariposa Co., Cal., 22 Nov., 1856.
13261 Henry Kellogg Halstead,10 b. 29 Jan., 1838; d. 13 Nov., 1839.
13262 George Washington Halstead,10 b. 27 Nov., 1841; m. Eugenie Latour; res. in Snelling.
13263 Frank Halstead,10 b. 29 Mar., 1847; res. in Coulterville, Cal.
13264 Henry C. Halstead,10 b. 28 July, 1849; d. in Merced Co., Cal., 4 July, 1854.
13265 James Halstead,10 b. 19 Nov., 1851; m. Amanda Schimer; res. in Coul­terville.

6759.   SARAH (SALLY) ANN,9 dau. of Henry8 (2704), b. 20 Mar., 1819; m. 1 Jan., 1837, Alexander Duff, of Syracuse, N. Y.
She d. in Syracuse, 6 Mar., 1848; he m. (2) in 1849, Cynthia Olive Kellogg (6751), b. 15 Dec., 1820.
He was a butcher; rem. in 1868 to Iowa, and settled near Des Moines.
Children by first husband.
13266 Alexander Duff,10 b. ______.
13267 Lockhart Duff,10 b. ______.
13268 Norman Duff,10 b. ______.

6760.   JOHN WASHINGTON,9 son of Henry8 (2704), b. in Clinton, N. Y., 16 Nov., 1821; m. (1) 15 Oct., 1840, Elizabeth Church, of Syracuse, N. Y.
She d. 29 Nov., 1852; he m. (2) 12 July, 1854, Elizabeth Phillips, b. 19 Aug., 1834, dau. of Nelson Phillips, b. 2 Aug., 1815, and Elizabeth Lower, of Syracuse, b. 14 Jan., 1815; d. in Syracuse, 19 July, 1888; after his death she res. there.
He was a manufacturer of salt; was a Methodist.
Child by first wife, b. in Syracuse.
13269 Sarah,10 b. 1841; m. about 1858, George Hammond; about 1863; d. in Syracuse, about 1863.

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Children by second wife.
13270 Nelson Henry,10 b. 29 Aug., 1856; m. in Syracuse, 7 Oct., 1879, Mary Lower.
13271 George Herbert,10 b. 13 Jan., 1862; m. Mrs. Florence Mercy (Smith) Forrest.

6761.   ROMANDUS,9 son of Abram8 (2705), b. in Sempronius, N. Y., 1 Mar., 1821; m. in Oswego, N. Y., 4 Dec., 1847, Mary Jane Essex, b. in Schenectady, N. Y., 16 Aug., 1822, dau. of Henry Hamilton Essex, b. in 1790, and Catherine Wasson, b. Dec., 1800.
He d. in Prairie Farm, Wis., 24 June, 1893.
He was a shipmaster; was a Universalist and a Republican; res; in Oswego; later in Prairie Farm.
13272 George Edward,10 b. 12 Jan., 1849; m. Katy Dunn; res. in Flint, Mich.
13273 Mary Ann,10 b. 8 Oct., 1859.
13274 Margaret May,10 (adopted Dec., 1885), b. Mar., 1881.

6762.   ROMANZON BEAUMONT,9 son of Abram8 (2705), b. in Sempronius, N. Y., 15 Dec., 1822; m. (1) 15 Dec., 1850, Sabrina Fisher, b. in New York, 25 July, 1826, dau. of Willard Fisher, b. in Vermont, 18 Feb., 1801, and Rebecca Willard, b. in Massachusetts, 4 Sept., 1801.
She d. 22 June, 1870; he m. Nancy Jane Hale, b. 21 Feb., 1847; res. in Gladstone, Ala.
He was a soldier in the Seminole and Mexican wars, and in the war for the Union; in the Seminole war served in Co. H, Sixth United States Infantry un­der Capt. Cada; in the Mexican war served in Co. G, First Infantry, also in the Second Division, under Gen. Twigg; in the war for the Union was Orderly Sergt. in Co. K, Second Reg. of Veterans. He was Supervisor and Town Treasurer in Vienna, Wis.; was a farmer in Madison Cross Roads, Ala.
Children, b. in Vienna.
13275 Albert Abram,10 b. 27 Nov., 1851; m. Grace Simmons.
13276 Amarinda Emma,10 b. 16 Dec., 1853; m. George Leslie Jones.
13277 Evaline Rebecca,10 b. 24 Jan., 1856; m. Grade Marlow.
13278 Ella Florence,10 b. 1 July, 1861; m. Francis Simmons.

6765.   ROSEMAN,9 son of Abram8 (2705), b. in Oswego, N. Y., 10 May, 1832; m. Louisa Roemheldt, b. 4 Feb., 1842, dau. of George Roemheldt, b. in Germany, and Joannah Behman, b. in Germany, 14 Sept., 1812.
He d. ______; she res. in West Superior, Wis.
He was educated in McGrawville, N. Y.; commenced business as a grocer's clerk in New York; was second mate on the brig Andes, of which his brother, Romandus, was captain; taught school several terms; in 1866 settled in Prairie Farm, Wis, where he was County Supervisor, Superintendent of Schools, Town Treasurer, etc.
13279 Gloster Frederick,10 b. in New York, 26 Sept., 1859; d. 4 Feb., 1864.
13280 Elmer Ellsworth,10 b. in Pokerville, 2 Nov., 1861, m. Ettie Forward.

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13281 Ulysses Grant,10 b. 17 Nov., 1864; d. 15 Aug., 1873.
13282 Romanzon Abram,10 b. 15 Apr., 1868; res. in West Superior.
13283 Evaline Amarinda,10 b. 19 July, 1873.
13284 Orrilla Margaret Jane,10 b. 2 Apr., 1877.
13285 George Roseman,10 b. 2 Nov., 1879.

6766.   MORANDO,9 son of Abram8 (2705), b. in Oswego, N. Y., 23 Aug., 1838; m. there, 4 June, 1866, Mary A. Kidd, b. in Rochester, N. Y., 29 Nov., 1840, dau. of Peter Kidd and Catherine R. Campbell, b. 2 Feb., 1809.
He res. in Chetek, Wis.; is a farmer; a Republican.
He was Corp. in Co. L, New York Cavalry; enlisted 2 Jan., 1864; was dis­charged 9 Aug., 1865.
13286 Guy,10 b. in Bay City, Mich, 3 Jan., 1869; m. Lillian Brown.
13287 Catherine Eva,10 b. in Bay City, 27 Apr., 1871; m. Frank H. McCor­mack; res. in Merrill, Wis.
13288 Harriet Edith,10 b. in Bay City, 27 Apr., 1871; is unm.
13289 Bertha,10 b. in Dallas, Wis., 1 Sept., 1879; d. there, 13 Mar., 1880.

6767.   CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS,9 son of Aaron8 (2706), b. near Syra­cuse, N. Y., 21 Mar., 1822; m. 8 Jan., 1847, Frances Wright, b. in Edinburgh, Scotland, 28 Feb., 1824, dau. of John Wright, of Edinburgh, b. about Feb., 1784, and Ann McLean, b. 15 Feb., 1785.
He was a miller; res. in Oswego, N. Y.; in a deed, in 1842, he was described as a resident of Marcellus.
13290 A Child,10 b. 27 Oct., 1847.
13291 John Augustus,10 b. 31 Mar., 1849; d. 20 Jan., 1851.
13292 Francis William,10 b. in Oswego, 3 Apr., 1851; m. Mary McClelland.
13293 Margaret Louisa,10 b. in Oswego, 17 Feb., 1854; m. Walter L. Breth­erton.
13294 Charles Christopher,10 b. 21 Mar., 1856; d. 28 Mar., 1874.
13295 Albert Irenaeus,10 b. 18 Feb., 1858; m. Adelia Skinner.
13296 Henry Wright,10 b. 22 Nov., 1861; d. 28 Oct., 1862.

6771.   SARAH ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Aaron8 (2706), b. in Oswego, N. Y.; 26 May, 1838; m. Edward Hookway, b. in England, son of William Hookway.
He d. in Syracuse, N. Y., Feb., 1882; she res. there.
He was a Methodist.
Children, b. in Syracuse.
13297 Willard Edward Hookway,10 b. 31 Dec., 1857; m. in Jersey City, N. Y., 21 Aug., 1889, Anna Marie Long; res. in Syracuse; had three chil­dren.
13298 George B. Hookway,10 b. 24 Dec., 1861; m. there, Jan., 1890, Elizabeth Miller; d. in Syracuse, 19 Mar., 1900; had one child, who d. in infancy.
13299 Hoyt Hookway,10 b. ______; d. aged 6 months.
13300 A Child,10 b. ______; d. same day.

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6774.   ROBERT DWIGHT,9 son of Col. Norman8 (2710), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 24 Feb., 1823; m. in Rochester, N. Y., 6 July, 1845, Sabra Ann Pierpont, b. in New Hartford, 27 June, 1822, dau. of William Pierpont, b. 31 Jan., 1800, and Betsey Terrell, b. 20 Oct., 1803.
He d. in Rochester, 25 Oct., 1898; she res. in Evanston, Ill.
He was an Episcopalian and a Democrat.
Children, b. in Rochester.
13301 Harriet Eliza,10 b. 31 May, 1849; m. William Hart Spencer.
13302 Fannie Pierpont,10 b. 27 Feb., 1854; m. Richard Nickelson Guyer.
13303 Robert Dwight,10 b. 10 July, 1864; m. in Rochester, 27 Nov., 1884, Julia Burrell Farwell; res. in Rochester; had no children.

6775.   NORMAN GILBERT,9 son of Col. Norman8 (2710), b. in New Hart­ford, Conn., 20 Jan., 1825; m. (1) in New York, 21 Jan., 1852, Rebecca Thorpe Hinckley, b. in New York, 23 Jan., 1833, dau. of Charles Albert Hinckley, b. in Hallowell, Me., 18 Jan., 1792, and Rebecca Farnham (widow of Rev. Thomas B. Thorpe), b. in West Springfield, Mass., 7 Nov., 1792. Charles Albert Hinckley was descended from Gov. Thomas Hinckley, Gov. Prince, of Plymouth, Maj. John Freeman and Elder Brewster.
She d. in New York, 26 Mar., 1861; he m. in New York, 3 Oct., 1865, Elizabeth Steele Castle, dau. of Samuel Castle and Mary Ann Steele; she d. in New York, 30 Oct., 1867; he d. there, 13 Nov., 1900.
He was for some years a member of the wholesale dry goods firm of Kniseley, Stout & Kellogg in New York; for many years a member of Dr. Howard Crosby's church, and later of the Church of the Puritan, New York. Some time previous to his death he retired from active business. He was a man of a most cheerful and lovable disposition.
Children by first wife, b. in New York.
13304 Elizabeth Gilder,10 b. 1 Mar., 1855; m. in New York, 8 Oct., 1877, Edward Simeon Hayden, of Waterbury, Conn., b. in Waterbury, 20 Oct., 1851, son of Hiram Washington Hayden, b. 10 Feb., 1820, and Pauline Migeon. For several years he was secretary and as­sistant treasurer of the Holmes, Booth & Hayden Brothers Com­pany, of Waterbury, of which his father was one of the original stockholders; rem. to Bridgeport, Conn., where he invented and perfected his process of separating precious metals from copper; was for some-time a commissary in the National Guard of Con­necticut; was a member of the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht, Racquet and Tennis and Waterbury Clubs, and the Country Club of Farmington; was a member of the Sons of the American Revo­lution and the Connecticut Society of Colonial Wars; d. about 1899.
13305 Rebecca,10 b. ______; d. young.
13306 Emily Jessup,10 b. ______; d. young.

Child by second wife.
13307 Samuel Castle,10 b. 27 Oct., 1867; m. Mary Davenport Easton.

6776.   JAMES HOMER,9 son of Col. Norman8 (2710), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 9 June, 1826; m. in New Hartford, 1 May, 1850, Harriet Merrill, b. in

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New Hartford, 7 Oct., 1826, dau. of James Merrill, b. 20 Dec., 1792, and Julia Holcomb, b. ______; they res. in New Hartford.
He d. in Nepaug, Conn., 13 Apr., 1872; she d. in New Hartford, 3 May, 1888.
He was a farmer, Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Nepaug.
Children, b. in New Hartford.
13308 Julia Eliza,10 b. 27 Sept., 1852; d. 16 June, 1877.
13309 Isidore Fairchild,10 b. 6 Mar., 1855; d. 21 Dec., 1861.
13310 Anna Buell,10 b. 24 Dec., 1857; d. 2 Dec., 1861.
13311 Emily Rebecca,10 b. 26 May, 1861; res., unm., in Nepaug.
13312 George Chapman,10 b. 19 Nov., 1863; m. in New Hartford, 7 Oct., 1885, Sarah Norton Baldwin; res. in Nepaug.
13313 Stephen Lucius,10 b. 25 Oct., 1866; m. Jessie Eliza Merrell.

6778.   HENRY CLAY,9 son of Col. Norman8 (2710), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 20 June, 1831; m. there, 1 May, 1854, Mariette Sprague, b. 14 Oct., 1833, dau. of James Chandler Sprague, b. about 1805, and Mariette Steele, b. 27 Nov., 1808.
He d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 9 June, 1889; she res. with her son in Brooklyn.
He res. in New Haven, Conn., for over thirty-five years; rem. to Brooklyn shortly before his death.
13314 Norman Sprague,10 b. in New Hartford, 19 July, 1855; m. (1) Julia Bruce Lewis; (2) Nellie Jane Lewis, sister of his first wife.

6780.   FANNY ELIZA,9 dau. of Col. Norman8 (2710), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 7 Aug., 1837; m. (1) 1 Sept., 1857, Stephen Alanson Spencer, b. 27 July, 1832, son of Samuel C. Spencer, b. 1 May, 1808, and Wealthy Jane Loomis, b. 28 Aug., 1812.
He was a Democrat and a Congregationalist; was a druggist.
He d. in New Haven, Conn., 2 Dec., 1860; she m. (2) in Guilford, Conn., Abner Hinckley; d. 18 Feb., 1893.
Child by first husband.
13315 Samuel Christopher Spencer,10 b. in New Haven, 26 May, 1858; m. in Guilford, 26 July, 1891, Anna Frances Wimmer; res. in Guilford; has one child.

6781.   ELEANOR,9 dau. of Truman8 (2711), b. in New Hartford, Conn., Aug., 1828; m. 1 Sept., 1849, Orvis Griggs, b. in Plymouth, Conn., 14 Apr., 1821, son of Solomon Griggs and Amanda Plumb.
She d. 7 Jan., 1854; he m. (2) her sister, Candace Kellogg (+6782).
He is a wood turner; res. in Bakersville, Conn.
13316 Arthur Griggs,10 b. 3 Oct., 1851; m. 24 Aug., 1876, Mary Adelaide Caldwell.
13317 Fannie E. Griggs,10 b. 17 Feb., 1853; m. 5 Sept., 1900, George L. Cooke.

6782.   CANDACE,9 dau. of Truman8 (2711) , b. in New Hartford, Conn., 14 Apr., 1833; m. there, 4 June, 1855, as his second wife, Orvis Griggs, who had m. (1) her sister, Eleanor Kellogg (+6781).

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Children, b. in New Hartford.
13318 Ernest J. Griggs,10 b. 26 Man, 1859; m. Estella R. Spencer.
13319 Edith A. Griggs,10 b. 19 July, 1861; m. W. Evie Adt, 10 Oct., 1883.
13320 Harriet C. Griggs,10 b. 25 June, 1863; m. Ellsworth S. Miner, 31 July, 1883; he d. 12 Apr., 1886; she m. (2) 25 June, 1894, George E. Taft.

6783.   URIAL,9 son of Truman8 (2711), b. ______; m. Adeline Wilkinson, of Jackson, Ga.
She d. in Jackson, 1874.
13321 Isaac Toucey,10 b. ______; res. in New York.
13322 Elmo Lucian,10 b. in Jackson, 4 Aug., 1856; m. Mary Ella Burt.
13323 Edwin Marsh,10 b. ______; res. in Savannah, Ga.
13324 Charles Cotton,10 b. ______.

6784.   FRANKLIN,9 son of Truman8 (2711), b. ______; m. Celestia Beany.
They res. in Winchester, Conn.
13325 Wilbur,10 b. ______; m. _______.
13326 Frank,10 b. ______; m. Lillian Merrill.
13327 Edward,10 b. ______.
13328 Howard,10 b. ______.
13329 Joseph,10 b. ______.
13330 Samuel,10 b. ______.

6786.   WILLIAM HILL,9 son of Capt. Charles Dorr8 (2716), b. in New Hart­ford, Conn., 16 July, 1824; m. 1 July, 1843, Jane Ann Hazen, of Carmel, N. Y., b. 5 Oct., 1825.
He d. in Ithaca, N. Y., 31 July, 1859; she m. (2) 2 Oct., 1872, Edward J. Hick; d. 21 Feb., 1885.
13331 William Hazen,10 b. 26 Feb., 1845.
13332 Jane Elizabeth,10 b. 9 Feb., 1846; d. Dec., same year.
13333 Mary Alice,10 b. 3 Mar., 1849.
13334 Jane Elizabeth,10 b. ______.

6787.   ELIZABETH DORR,9 dau. of Capt. Charles Dorr8 (2716), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 12 Aug., 1827; m. (1) in New Hartford, 15 Sept., 1845, George Louis Hurlbut, son of Samuel Hurlbut; they were divorced.
He d. 4 Sept., 1850; she m. (2) in Amenia, N. Y., 4 July, 1848, Thomas Arthur Waite, b. 1 Jan., 1811, son of Thomas Waite and Frances Amelia Bailey; he d. in Andover, Mass, 4 Sept., 1849; she m. (3) in Plymouth Hollow, Conn., 1 Jan., 1853, Frederick Anson Castle, b. in Roxbury, Conn., 25 May, 1824; this marriage was annulled; she m. (4) in Colebrook, Conn., as his third wife, 21 Sept., 1862, Samuel Hawley Benedict, b. 25 Jan., 1814, son of John Benedict, b. 31 Mar., 1798, and Rebecca Hawley; he d. in Colebrook, 4 Jan., 1881; she m. (5) in Plainville, Conn., 17 Nov., 1882, as his third wife, William Thomas Wil­cox, b. 3 Oct., 1823, son of Abraham Wilcox.
She res. in Unionville, Conn.

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Children by second husband.
13335 Mary Alice Waite,10 b. 4 July, 1849; d. 19 Dec., 1869.
13336 Angeline Martha Waite,10 b. 4 July, 1849; d. in Waterbury, Conn., 22 July, 1854.
Child by third husband.
13337 Arthur Titus William Hill Castle,10 b. 1854; d. 24 Nov., 1887.
Child by fourth husband.
13338 A Daughter,10 b. 12 Aug., 1865; d. same day.

6797.   ASAHEL SEWARD,9 son of Leonard8 (2718), b. in Manlius, N. Y., 19 Aug., 1809; m. 14 Sept., 1841, Eunice A. Heald, b. 20 June, 1820, dau. of Daniel Heald, of Frankfort, N. Y., and Persis Howard.
He learned his trade of moulding in an iron foundry in Watertown, N. Y.; has res. since 1838 in Gages Lake, Lake Co., Ill.
13339 Lucy G.,10 b. 9 Sept., 1842; m. 9 Sept., 1867, B. F. Shepard; d. 24 Feb., 1869.
13340 Leonard,10 b. 27 Mar., 1844; d. unm., 6 Apr., 1862; was killed in the battle of Shiloh.
13341 John G.,10 b. 15 Jan., 1846; res. in Nebraska.
13342 Grace,10 b. 24 Feb., 1848; m. 20 Oct., 1869, Nahum Lamb.
13343 Mary M.,10 b. 24 May, 1850; m. 29 Feb., 1872, C. E. Jameson; d. 30 Dec., 1872.
13344 Leonora Hope,10 b. 16 Nov., 1858.

6798.   DR. JOHN LEONARD,9 son of Leonard8 (2718), b. in Manlius, N. Y., 8 Apr., 1811; m. 12 May, 1840, Nancy Smith Starr, b. in Sherburne, N. Y., 28 Nov., 1818, dau. of Nahum Starr and Electa Lathrop.
She d. 12 Mar., 1849; he m. (2) 3 June, 1850, Harriet B. Scott, b. 28 May, 1826, dau. of Amos Scott, of Brookfield, N. Y., and Sarah Stewart.
He was a homeopathic physician in New Hartford and Bridgewater, N. Y., until May, 1857, when he rem. to Chicago.
Child by first wife.
13345 George Combe,10 b. 12 Dec., 1841; d. 29 Apr., 1842.
Children by second wife.
13346 Mary Stewart,10 b. 13 Feb., 1852.
13347 Kate Starr,10 b. 20 Apr., 1854.
13348 Gertrude Elizabeth,10 b. 19 Sept., 1858.
13349 Harriet Sarah,10 b. 6 July, 1860.
13350 Alice De Wolf,10 b. 28 Dec., 1862.
13351 Mabel,10 b. 8 Feb., 1869.

6799.   PORTIA,9 dau. of Leonard8 (2718), b. in Manlius, N. Y., 15 Mar., 1813; m. 4 Oct., 1830, John Gage, b. in Litchfield, N. Y., 12 Aug., 1802, son of James Gage, b. in Amherst, N. H., 5 Aug., 1767, and Polly Drury, b. in Temple; N. H., 21 June, 1776.
He was in the foundry business in Watertown, N. Y.; rem. in 1836 to Chi­cago, and built its first planing mill; to Gages Lake, Ill., in, 1847, and to Vine­land, N. J., in 1864.

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13352 Mary Gage,10 b. 25 July, 1831; d. 15 July, 1832.
13353 Jared Dana Gage,10 b. 2 Jan., 1834; d. unm., in Vineland, 12 Jan., 1868.
13354 Asahel Gage,10 b. 20 Mar., 1836; m. 18 Dec., 1867, Helen Shepard, b. 30 May, 1845, dau. of Joel Richards Shepard and Adeline Capen; res. in Wilmette, Ill., and later in Vineland; had three children.
13355 Maria Gage,10 b. 18 Mar., 1839; d. 27 Dec., (1840.
13356 Willie Gage,10 b. 6 Mar., 1841; d. 20 Mar., same year.
13357 Henry H. Gage,10 b. 2 Mar., 1842; m. 27 June, 1872, Mary E. Ballard; res. in Chicago.
13358 Cornelia Gage,10 b. 10 May, 1845; d. 24 Sept., same year.
13359 John Portius Gage,10 b. 31 July, 1846; m. 19 Mar., 1873, Minnie C. Silkman of Scranton, Pa.
13360 Lyman Gage,10 b. 3 Oct., 1850; d. 22 Apr., 1852.
13361 Augustus Neander Gage,10 b. 1 July, 1852; m. 3 Sept., 1874, Annie Hyder, of Washington, D. C.
13362 Birdie Gage,10 b. 3 Oct., 1856; d. 13 Oct., 1857.

6816.   SHELDON INGALLS,9 son of Charles Fraser8 (2721), b. in Manlius, N. Y., 18 Dec., 1809; m. in Boston, Mass., 13 Oct., 1835, Catherine Rayner Ed­mands, b. in Boston, 13 June, 1814, dau. of Capt. Thomas Edmands, Jr., b. in Charlestown, Mass., 25 Jan., 1780, and Roxa Sprague, his second wife, b. in Leicester, Mass., 8 Feb., 1787, dau. of William and Sarah Sprague. Capt. Thomas Edmands, Jr., was son of Thomas Edmands, b. in Charlestown, 25 Aug., 1751, and Elizabeth Wiley, b. 16 Feb., 1758.
He d. in East Oakland, Cal., 28 June, 1886; she d. there, 1 July, 1892.
From 1818 to '59 he res. in Cincinnati, O., where he was for many years a merchant and a prominent citizen; later res. in Brooklyn, N. Y., and was presi­dent of the Barron Patent Steel Manufacturing Company; was a Swedenborgian.
Children, the eldest b. in Boston, others in Cincinnati.
13363 Catherine Almira,10 b. 17 Aug., 1836; m. (1) Henry Day Geddes; (2) Gen. Joseph Cushing Edmands.
13364 Miner Edmands,10 b. 12 June, 1839; d. in Cincinnati, 5 Dec., 1842; is buried in Charlestown, Mass.
13365 Elizabeth Brown,10 b. 12 Apr., 1841; d. in West Newton, Mass., 1 Mar., 1842.
13366 Virginia,10 b. 31 Jan., 1843; d. 23 July, 1850.
13367 Sheldon Ingalls,10 b. 27 Sept., 1847; m. (1) Abbie Anne Tubbs; (2) Lillian Douglas Reynolds.

6817.   CHARLES HENRY,9 son of Charles Fraser8 (2721), b. in Manlius, N. Y., 28 Aug., 1812; m. (1) 3 Oct., 1844, Mary Elizabeth Rockey, b. 1320, dau. of Henry Rockey, of Cincinnati, O., and Mary Ruffin, dau. of Maj. William Ruffin and Elizabeth Rue.
She d. 25 May, 1846; he m. (2) in Lexington, Ky., 28 Oct., 1847, Margaret Todd (sister of Mary Todd, who m. Abraham Lincoln), b. in Lexington, 14 Dec., 1828, dau. of Robert Smith Todd, b. in Lexington, 25 Feb., 1793, and Elizabeth L. Humphreys, b. in Staunton, Va., Jan., 1800; d. in Tampa, Fla, 22 Mar., 1892.
He lived until 1830 in Cincinnati, O.; was a steamboat clerk and captain

1132    The Kelloggs in the New World.

until 1835; until 1845 a commission merchant in New Orleans; from 1850 to '54 a merchant in Cincinnati; later retired from business, and res. in Coving­ton, Ky.
Child by first wife.
13368 Charles Henry,10 b. in Cincinnati, 7 Aug., 1845; m. Mary Guernsey Clark.
Children by second wife.
13369 Miner,10 b. in Lexington, 1 Dec., 1848; d. in Hamilton Co., O., 21 June, 1851.
13370 Elizabeth Letitia,10 b. in Cincinnati, 17 Nov., 1850; d. 2 July, 1851.
13371 Frank Preston,10 b. 21 Nov., 1853; is unm.
13372 Minnie,10 b. in Cincinnati, 31 Oct., 1855; is unm.
13373 Anita M.,10 b. in Cincinnati, 1 Feb., 1858; m. there, 24 Oct., 1900, Dr. Richard Charles Thompson, b. in Pine Bluff, Ark., 24 Feb., 1861, son of Robert Soule Thompson, b. 24 Nov., 1832, and Ara­bella Prescott Williams, of Prince Edward Co., Va., b. 9 Mar., 1839; he is a physician; was graduated from Bellevue Hospital (New York) Medical College in 1884; is an Episcopalian and a Republican; res. in Pine Bluff; had no children.
13374 Alice O'Brien,10 b. in Covington, 28 Jan., 1874; is unm.

6818.   MINER KILBOURNE,9 son of Charles Eraser8 (2721), b. in Manlius Square, N. Y., 22 Aug., 1814; m. in Paris, France, 17 Feb., 1858, Celia Logan, b. 17 Dec., 1837 (sister of Eliza Logan, the actress, and Olive Logan, the writer), dau. of Cornelius Ambrosius Logan and Eliza Achley.
He d. in Toledo, O., 17 Feb., 1889.
He was an artist in New York City; was a noted painter of portraits; painted the portraits of many prominent people; was a friend of Layard, travel­ing with him in Europe. It was to him that Layard sent his communications from Nineveh for the London papers.
13375 Virginia Somers,10 b. in London, England, 25 Apr., 1860; m. (1) Edmund Locke; (2) Walter H. Snyder.

6819.   ALMIRA SOPHIA,9 dau. of Charles Fraser8 (2721), b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., 19 Jan., 1817; m. in Cincinnati, O., 12 Mar., 1840, Dr. Henry Fox Davis.
He d. in Cincinnati, 31 Mar., 1861; she d. in New York City, 1889.
13376 Charles Henry Davis,10 b. 1841; was drowned in 1852.
13377 Emily Combs Davis,10 b. 1844.
13378 Lizzie Kellogg Davis,10 b. 1847.
13379 William Sheldon Davis,10 b. 1849.
13380 Catherine Davis,10 b. 2 Feb., 1859.

6823.   LOVELL HORACE,9 son of Charles Fraser8 (2721), b. in Cincinnati, O., 30 Nov., 1835; m. in Urbana, O., 21 Oct., 1861, Amanda Jane Talbott, b. 7 July, 1834, dau. of Josiah Grover Talbott, b. 25 Oct., 1805, and Ann Forsythe, b. 16 May, 1810.
She d. in Urbana, 25 Sept., 1885; he d. in Chicago, 28 Sept., 1900.

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He was in the mercantile business; res. in Chicago; was a member of Cas­sius M. Clay Guard, Washington, D. C., in 1861, to protect that city before the arrival of the three months' troops. In 1861, '62 and '63 he was clerk in the United States Treasury Department, Washington; from 1864-65 was a member of the Sanitary Commission from the State of Ohio to assist in caring for sick and wounded soldiers. He was a member of the New Church; was a Republican.
13381 Florence Talbot,10 b. in Washington, 1 Oct., 1864; m. in Urbana, 17 Jan., 1894, Ralph Edward Cruzen, b. 17 Oct., 1863, son of George W. Cruzen, b. 31 Jan., 1831, and Elizabeth Betts; he is en­gaged in mining; is a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Chicago; has no children.
13382 Paul Condit,10 b. in Urbana, 30 Sept., 1875; m. in Chicago, 3 Apr., 1899, Nettie Helen Scott, b. in Cleveland, O., 17 Aug., 1876, dau. of John M. Scott and Jeanette Scott, b. 1 Feb., 1836; res. in Chi­cago; has no children.

6827.   SOPHRONIA LOUISA,9 dau. of Phineas8 (2722), b. in Oneida Co., N. Y., 17 Nov., 1818; m. in Lafayette, Ind., 26 June, 1838, Alfred Moore Mc­Griff, b. in Preble Co., O., 2 Mar., 1817, son of John McGriff, of Vigo Co., Ind., b. in Virginia, and Phebe Rector, b. in Tennessee.
He d. 14 June, 1882; after his death she res. in Evansville, Ind.
They res. in Evansville, Where he was a grocer.
13383 Perry Moore McGriff,10 b. 9 May, 1839; d. unm., in Evansville, 23 Jan., 1867.
13384 Alfred Warren McGriff,10 b. 6 July, 1841; d. unm., in Colusa Co., Cal., 17 Feb., 1861.
13385 John Kellogg McGriff,10 b. in Evansville, 14 Feb., 1846; d. 20 Dec., 1847.
13386 Edwin Alexander McGriff,10 b. in Evansville, 23 Dec., 1848; m. 25 Dec., 1872, Wilhelmina Jane Campbell, b. in Clear Creek, Ky., 5 Feb., 1854, dau. of John B. Campbell; she d. 29 Sept., 1878.

6829.   MARY ANN EMELINE,9 dau. of Phineas8 (2722), b. in Dayton, O., 12 Jan., 1823; m. in Lafayette, Ind., 9 Sept., 1841, William H. Dill, b. in Ross Co., O., 13 Feb., 1815, son of Robert Dill, b. 27 Feb., 1785, and Martha G. Harrison.
He d. 19 June, 1893; she d. in Belvidere, Neb., 20 Feb., 1898.
He was a farmer in Logansport, Ind.
13387 Martha L. Dill,10 b. 30 June, 1842; m. Aug., 1864, Thomas Morphell; res. in Belvidere.
13388 Robert S. Dill,10 b. 2 Oct., 1844; m. 27 Mar., 1872, Margaret J. Vane­man; res. in Cheney, Neb.
13389 John H. Dill,10 b. 8 Mar., 1848; res. in Belvidere.
13390 Phineas K. Dill,10 b. 1 Oct., 1850; m. 20 Feb., 1873, Hannah K. Watts; res. in Belvidere.
13391 Minor O. Dill,10 b. 29 July, 1852; res. in Belvidere.
13392 Horace G. Dill,10 b. 6 Mar., 1855.

1134    The Kelloggs in the New World.

13393 Alfred M. Dill,10 b. 23 Dec., 1857; res. in Logansport.
13394 Cassius M. C. Dill,10 b. 22 Aug., 1860; res., unm., in Denver, Col.
13395 Emma B. Dill,10 b. 25 Sept., 1864; m. _______ Smith; d. ______.

6830.   JULIA ANN,9 dau. of Phineas8 (2722), b. 5 Feb., 1825; m. 7 Sept., 1843, Alexander Hudelson, b. 5 Feb., 1822, son of Alexander Hudelson, b. in Tus­carora Valley, Pa., 21 May, 1774, and Mary Crawford, b. in Lancaster, Pa., 19 Feb., 1777.
He is a farmer and teacher; res. in Princeton, Ind.
13396 William Crawford Hudelson,10 b. 4 Dec., 1844; m. (1) Joanna Tucker; (2) Nancy V. McClure; served in the civil war; is a farmer and teacher in Princeton; has four children.
13397 Louise Belle Hudelson,10 b. 3 May, 1846; d. 10 May, same year.
13398 Alexander Chalmer Hudelson,10 b. 18 Apr., 1847; m. 15 Mar., 1870, Ella Tucker; served in the civil war; is a farmer and teacher in Princeton; has four children.
13399 Mary Ellen Hudelson,10 b. 15 Feb., 1849; res., unm., in Princeton.
13400 Emma Belle Hudelson,10 b. 21 June, 1851; m. 30 Oct., 1883, Thomas Presley Gillespie; res. in David City, Neb.; has five children.
13401 Warren Stewart Hudelson,10 b. 22 Feb., 1854; m. Edna Josephine Long; was a blacksmith; res. in Riverside, Cal.; went to California 1876, where he res. two years, then went to Oregon, but finally returned to California.
13402 James Perry Hudelson,10 b. 23 Mar., 1856; m. 4 Nov., 1885, Isabelle Lawrence; is a farmer; res. on the old homestead in Princeton.
13403 John McDill Hudelson,10 b. 5 July, 1858; m. Adeline Harold; is a preacher in Tunneltori, Ind.; had two children.
13404 Lucius Ralla Hudelson,10 b. 8 Apr., 1861; res. in Richland, Ind.; is a physician.
13405 Samuel Grant Hudelson,10 b. 5 Jan., 1864; m. 2 Oct., 1887, Mary Jane Yenowine; is a telegraph operator; res. in New Albany, Ind.; had two children.

6831.   WARREN STUART,9 son of Phineas8 (2722), b. in Dayton, O., 25 Sept., 1828; m. 1 Oct., 1862, Frances Elizabeth Renfro, b. in Henry Co., Mo., 1 July, 1844. dau. of James Harvey Renfro, b. in Kentucky, 1 Jan., 1812, and Eliza Ann Dickson, b. 1 Sept., 1824.
He d. in Healdsburg, Cal., 19 May, 1873; was a Presbyterian and a Demo­crat; she m. (2) George C. Brown; d. in Santa Rosa, Cal., 22 Oct., 1893, and is buried in Healdsburg.
Res. in Madison, Cal., and Healdsburg.
Children, all except the eldest, b. in Healdsburg.
13406 Ella Frances,10 b. in Madison, 24 July, 1863; m. William Graham.
13407 Nancy Anna,10 b. 7 Mar., 1865; m. Albert Baker.
13408 Clara Pearl,10 b. 24 Aug., 1868; m. Dr. Allen Vernon Morse.
13409 Emma Bird,10 b. 14 Apr., 1871; is unm.

6833.   SUSANNA BROWN,9 dau. of Phineas8 (2722), b. in Dayton, O., 20 Apr., 1832; m. in Terre Haute, Ind., 4 Dec., 1851, James Baldwin Falley, b. in

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Fulton, N. Y., 26 Dec., 1827, son of Louis Falley, b. in Westfield, Mass., Jan. 1800, and Frances Dorr Baldwin, b. in Baldwinsville, N. Y., 1804.
Since 1841 he has lived in Lafayette, Ind., where he is a wholesale dealer in hardware and iron.
13410 James Harding Falley,10 b. in Lafayette, 21 Sept., 1852; was ordained a priest of the Roman Catholic Church, 22 Sept., 1878.
13411 Franklin Brown Falley,10 b. 8 Nov., 1853; d. in Racine College, Wis., 21 Dec., 1863.
13412 Susan Dorr Falley,10 b. 8 Feb., 1859; entered the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Chicago, 4 Oct., 1877; d. there, 1 June, 1888.
13413 Edward Eugene Falley,10 b. 21 Nov., 1865.
13414 Mary Frances Falley,10 b. 30 Apr., 1870; entered the Convent of the Sacred Heart, France, 1890.
13415 Louis Anthony Falley,10 b. 29 Nov., 1872; entered the Society of Jesus, 1892.
13416 Joseph Dorr Falley,10 b. 28 May, 1875.

6834.   GEORGE,9 son of Phineas8 (2722), b. in Indiana, 20 Sept., 1834; m. in Cairo, Ill., 8 Nov., 1856, Alice Ann Gordon, b. in Cairo, 15 Sept., 1837.
He d. 19 Apr., 1882.
13417 Emma Grear,10 b. in Jonesboro, Ill., 22 Dec., 1858; m. 9 June, 1878, Green Morgan.
13418 Flora Temple,10 b. in Jonesboro, 25 Nov., 1861; m. May, 1878, Thomas Lindly.
13419 Grace,10 b. in Memphis, Tenn., 2 Mar., 1868.
13420 Rosa Lee,10 b. in Pine Bluff, Ark., 15 Oct., 1874.

6835.   ELIZA,9 dau. of Phineas8 (2722), b. 5 Oct., 1836; m. 1 July, 1859, Phil­ander Don Viets, b. in Amboy, O., 3 Nov., 1836, son of Rollin Sacket Viets, b. in St. Albans, Vt., May, 1807, and Electa Ambrosia Brown, b. in Green Bay, Wis., 29 Aug., 1804.
He was a printer; was later a dealer in oils in Evansville, Ind., where he has res. since his marriage.
Children, b. in Evansvllle.
13421 Rollin Sacket Viets,10 b. 2 Feb., 1860; m. 13 Oct., 1881, Clara Lucinda Dyson; is a bookkeeper; res. in Evansville.
13422 Orson Collins Viets,10 b. 6 Jan., 1864; d. 4 Oct., same year.
13423 Charles Fellows Viets,10 b. 23 Oct., 1865.
13424 Orlantha Viets,10 b. 8 Dec., 1867.
13425 Laura Viets,10 b. 1 Jan., 1872.
13426 Eliza Viets,10 b. 6 Oct., 1873.

6836.   CHARLES MINER,9 son of Phineas8 (2722), b. in Princeton, Ind., 9 Jan., 1838; m. in Huntington, Or., 26 Jan., 1871, Mary E. Yantis, b. in Trenton, Mo., Dec., 1852, dau. of Robert Yantis, b. 26 May, 1821, and Elizabeth Roches­ter, b. 12 July, 1822.
He has been an express agent for the past twenty years; res. in Baker City, Or., where he has been Mayor since 1894; is a Republican.

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13427 Elizabeth,10 b. in Baker City, 6 Mar., 1872; m. Marshall Ricard Howard.
13428 Clara Louise,10 b. 29 July, 1874; d. 7 Jan., 1876.
13429 Charles Yantis,10 b. 9 Aug., 1876.
13430 Sylvester Lapsley,10 b. 25 May, 1879.
13431 George Minor,10 b. 20 Feb., 1882; d. 24 Jan., 1884.
13432 Eliza Belle,10 b. 27 Dec., 1884.
13433 Robert Noel,10 b. 2 May, 1888.
13434 Howard,10 b. 27 July, 1891.

6837.   ELLEN JANE,9 dau. of Phineas8 (2722), b. 20 Mar., 1840; m. 29 Oct., 1857, Jonathan Alsop, b. 13 July, 1833, son of James C. Alsop and Elizabeth _______.
She d. 2 June, 1889; he d. 17 July, 1890.
They res. in Evansville, Ind.
13435 David D. Alsop,10 b. 17 Mar., 1859; m. 25 Aug., 1881, Augusta Watson.
13436 Clara N. Alsop,10 b. 5 Mar., 1861; m. 7 June, 1892, Frank Nelson.
13437 Frances Alsop,10 b. 5 Feb., 1864; m. 16 Dec., 1880, Charles R. Burns; d. 30 Dec., 1882.
13438 Horace K. Alsop,10 b. 11 Dec., 1867; m. 3 Mar., 1894, Cora Mackie.
13439 Nathan K. Alsop,10 b. 7 Feb., 1870.
13440 Susanna Eliza Alsop,10 b. 25 Aug., 1872; d. 15 Dec., 1885.
13441 Nellie Elizabeth Alsop,10 b. 25 Feb., 1875; m. 16 Jan., 1894, John C. Green.
13442 Charles R. Alsop,10 b. 15 Feb., 1879.

6838.   OLIVE CATHERINE,9 dau. of Phineas8 (2722), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 4 Oct., 1844; m. 28 July, 1863, Newton Weatherford, b. in Franklin Co., Ala., 25 Dec., 1842, son of Stephen Weatherford, b. in Tennessee, and Eliza S. Bent, b. in Alabama.
He was a farmer; in 1869 he rem. to Edgar Springs, Mo., and thence to Prairie Co., and, about 1876, to Princeton, Ind., where both d.
13443 Martha Adeline Weatherford,10 b. 13 June, 1864; m. 27 May, 1880, Robert Patterson, a shoemaker; res. in Princeton.
13444 Etta Leonora Weatherford,10 b. 16 Sept., 1866; m. 16 Mar., 1886, Byron Jerauld; had three daus.

6852.   LAURA,9 dau. of George Washington8 (2727), b. ______; m. Dr. Charles Herter, of Woodville, Miss.
13445 George W. Herter,10 b. ______; rem. to Texas and d. there.

6866.   CHAUNCEY SEYMOUR,9 son of Ralph Phineas8 (2730), b. in Clin­ton, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1832; m. in West Baton Rouge, La., 5 Oct., 1856, Harriet Byron Woods, b. 1836, dau. of James Woods and Evaline Shannon.
He d. in St. Louis, 12 Sept., 1901, where he had stopped on his way home

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from the fiftieth anniversary reunion of his classmates at Hamilton College; his remains were taken to New Orleans for burial.
He was a lawyer; res. in New Orleans, La.; was graduated from Hamilton College, 1851; was Assistant United States District Attorney during the war. In 1867 he was appointed Register in Bankruptcy, holding that office until the law was repealed in 1878.
13446 James Cornsworth,10 b. in Woodville, Miss., 9 Dec., 1860; res. in Hamburg, Germany; is a physician; res., unm., in St. Louis.

6869.   JAMES MADISON,9 son of Horace Dryden8 (2732), b. in West Win­field, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1847; m. in Woodville, Miss., 9 Apr., 1868, Ellen Ardrey, b. in San Augustine, Tex., 4 May, 1849, dau. of James Madison Ardrey, b. 8 Jan., 1815, and Susan Franklin Rushton, b. 13 Oct., 1823.
He d. on his plantation near Woodville, 31 Oct., 1877; after his death she res. with her son, James Horace, in Natchez, Miss.
They res. in Woodville. He was a cotton planter; a Presbyterian and a Democrat.
13447 James Horace,10 b. in Woodville, 30 Apr., 1870; m. Lucy Brown.
13448 William Ardney,10 b. in Arcola, La., 23 July, 1872; was graduated from Jefferson Military College in 1891, and Jefferson Medical Col­lege in 1897; res., unm., in Raccourci, La.; is a Methodist and a Gold Democrat.

6870.   ELLEN MARIE,9 dau. of Horace Dryden8 (2732), b. in West Winfield, N. Y., 7 Oct., 1852; m. in Erie, Pa., as his second wife, 15 Jan., 1872, Dr. George Denison Whedon, of Syracuse, b. in Camillus, N. Y., 11 May, 1832, son of Denison Whedon, b. 6 Sept., 1806, and Sarah Blodgett, b. in Camillus, 26 Sept., 1806.
He is a physician and surgeon; res. in Syracuse, N. Y.; served in the civil war as assistant surgeon in the Tenth New York Cavalry from Nov., 1861, to 30 Nov., 1862; was graduated from the Albany Medical College; is a Presby­terian and a Republican.
Children, b. in Syracuse.
13449 Ethel Mae Whedon,10 b. 19 June, 1877; is unm.
13450 Florence Kellogg Whedon,10 b. 21 Mar., 1881; is unm.

6875.   MARY,9 dau. of Frederick8 (2735), b. 3 Nov., 1806; m. 1828, Ammi Nichols, b. 8 Mar., 1806, son of Laban W. Nichols, b. 29 Mar., 1777, and Bethiah Lee, b. 30 Mar., 1783.
She d. 26 Oct., 1854.
The homestead was located on East Hill, one and one-half miles from Wash­ington Mills, N. Y., and is called the Collister farm.
13451 Cornelia Nichols,10 b. 1829; m. H. Gifford.
13452 William Nichols,10 b. ______; m. Louisa Van Allen.
13453 Urial Nichols,10 b. 9 June, 1831; m. 25 June, 1854, Evaline Lucy Hecox, b. near Washington Mills, 18 Dec., 1838, dau. of Solomon Hecox, b. 7 Apr., 1804, and Cynthia Birdsell, b. in Dover, N. Y., 23 June, 1806; is a farmer and hotel keeper; res. in Goodland, Ind.

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13454 Nancy Nichols,10 b. 1835; m. J. A. Brown.
13455 Kellogg Nichols,10 b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 15 Aug., 1838; m, in Utica, N. Y., 28 Oct., 1857, Ellen Briggs, b. 4 July, 1838, dau. of Edward Briggs, of Cleveland, O., b. 1817, and Margaret Downie, b. 1817; he rem. to Elgin, Ill., 1856; was for a short time a lumber­man in Green Bay, Wis; res. in Elgin from 1879 until his death; was an employee of the United States Express Company for nearly twenty-five years; he was attacked and murdered on a moving train between Joliet and Morris, Ill., 13 Mar., 1886, by Newton Watts and Schwartz, laborers on the Rock Island Railroad, who were convicted of the crime; had no children.
13456 Hester Nichols,10 b. 1840; m. Albert Prescott.
13457 Mary Nichols,10 b. 1842; m. John Donaldson.

6877.   FREDERICK,9 son of Frederick8 (2735), b. 8 July, 1810; m. 20 Sept., 1832, Cynthia Newell, b. ______, dau. of Theron Newell, b. in Farmington, Conn., 28 Aug., 1769, and Abigail Gridley, b. in Berlin, Conn., 19 Mar., 1773.
He d. 24 Aug., 1878.
He was a farmer; res. in New Hartford, N. Y.
13458 George Webster,10 b. 16 July, 1836; m. Elizabeth S. Ellenwood.
13459 Henry,10 b. 23 July, 1838; m. Mary Elizabeth Reed.

6878.   URIEL,9 son of Frederick8 (2735), b. 2 May, 1812; m. 2 Oct., 1839, Mary Nichols, b. 25 July, 1815, dau. of Laban W. Nichols, b. 29 Mar., 1777, and Bethiah Lee, b. 30 Mar., 1783.
He was a farmer in Westmoreland, N. Y.
Children, b. in Westmoreland.
13460 Hiram Spencer,10 b. 22 May, 1843; m. Ada Frances Slocum (13192).
13461 Alice Gertrude,10 b. 6 Dec., 1847; m. Oscar Winchell; had one son.

6885.   ORCHARD GUY,9 son of Dr. Uriel Holines8 (2737), b. in New Hart­ford, N. Y., 15 Apr., 1816; m. (1) 20 Sept., 1840, Fanny Dench Shepard, b. 11 Apr., 1818, dau. of Jesse Shepard, of New Hartford, b. 6 Oct., 1777, and Susan Dench, of New Hartford, b. 23 Sept., 1782.
She d. in Utica, 7 June, 1844; he m. (2) 26 Nov., 1845, Frances Amanda Curtis, b. 15 Sept., 1825, dau. of Hiram Curtis, of Augusta, N. Y., b. 26 July, 1797, and Amanda Barker, b. 25 May, 1798; d. 3 July, 1863. He was an attor­ney-at-law in Utica, N. Y.; was graduated from Hamilton College; res. in Au­gusta. She m. (2) 25 June, 1867, Isaac Jackson Knapp, a retired merchant, of Utica.
Children by first wife, b. in Utica.
13462 James Warren,10 b. 14 July, 1841; d. 16 Sept., 1853.
13463 Fanny Margaret,10 b. 30 Nov., 1843 3 m. Albert Sedgwick Gay.
Children by second wife.
13464 Harriet Amanda,10 b. 14 Oct., 1846; d. 17 Sept., 1849.
13465 Harry Webster,10 b. 16 July, 1848; m. Eva Florence Harwood.
13466 Amelia Curtis,10 b. 30 Nov., 1850; d. unm., 19 Mar., 1891.

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6888.   URIEL HOLMES,9 son of Dr. Uriel Holmes8 (2737), b. in New Hart­ford, N. Y., 23 May, 1823; m. 3 Dec., 1844, Mary Elizabeth McElwaine, b. 27 Mar., 1824, dau. of John McElwaine and Martha Lewis.
She d. 12 Aug., 1862; he m. (2) Sept., 1864, Jennie Judson, of Westmore­land, N. Y.; d. 27 Jan., 1866.
He was a druggist; res. in Chicago, Ill., and Utica, N. Y.
13467 Mary Esther,10 b. 17 Sept., 1845; m. Homer Pease Franklin.
13468 Helen Cornelia,10 b. 22 Oct., 1847; m. George Lincoln Holmes.
13469 Elizabeth Theresa,10 b. 12 Oct., 1851; res., unm., in Utica.
13470 William Leslie,10 b. 25 July, 1854; m. 17 Jan., 1884, Marion Thomson, of Glasgow, Scotland.

6889.   FREDERICK WEBSTER,9 son of Dr. Uriel Holmes8 (2737), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 25 Nov., 1826; m. in Chicago, 29 Sept., 1851, Maria Hannah Chamberlaine, b. 19 Jan., 1825, dau. of Sylvester Chamberlaine, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Hannah Miller.
He d. in Utica, N. Y., 22 June, 1855; was a lumber dealer in Peoria, Ill.; she m. (2) Judge Rucker, of Chicago; res. in Washington, D. C.
13471 Mary Hannah,10 b. in Peoria, 4 Sept., 1852; d. there, 29 Oct., 1853.
13472 Caroline Clarke,10 b. 11 Oct., 1854; d. ______; was a clerk in the Treasury Department in Washington.

6890.   HENRY MOORE,9 son of Dr. Uriel Holines8 (2737), b. in New Hart­ford, N. Y., 25 Mar., 1828; m. 28 June, 1853, Maria Abigail Harter, of Deerfield, N. Y., b. 6 Aug., 1829, dau. of Richard Harter, b. 20 Feb., 1800, and Rachel Lewis, b. 12 Feb., 1807.
He d. in Peoria, Ill., 3 Dec., 1863; after his death she res. in Utica, N. Y.
He was a grain merchant in Peoria, Ill.
13473 William Holmes,10 b. 28 May, 1854; d. 16 Sept., 1891.
13474 Frederick Harter,10 b. 16 Feb., 1856.
13475 Jane Hurlburt,10 b. 16 June, 1858; m. Thomas L. Bogert.
13476 Margaret Rachel,10 b. 21 Sept., 1860; d. 22 Oct., 1881.
13477 Henry Moore,10 b. 16 June, 1863.

6891.   MARY CHARLOTTE,9 dau. of Dr. Uriel Holmes8 (2737), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 18 May, 1830; m. 3 June, 1856, Timothy Parker, b. 8 Mar., 1824, son of Job Parker, b. 22 Sept., 1795, and Maria Mayhew, b. 12 June, 1797.
She d. in Utica, N. Y., 9 Dec., 1876; he d. ______.
He res. in Utica; was a grocer.
13478 James Kellogg Parker,10 b. 31 Aug., 1859.
13479 Marla Mayhew Parker,10 b. 12 Apr., 1862.
13480 Mary Gould Parker,10 b. 13 Apr., 1867; res. in Kansas City, Mo.

6905.   MARY,9 dau. of Forris8 (2753), b. in Washington Mills, N. Y., 30 Nov., 1832; m. there, 12 Apr., 1848, Elias Thorne, b. 15 Feb., 1811.

1140    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She d. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 26 May, 1895; he d. there, 6 July, 1896.
He was a wool dealer; res. in Skaneateles; was a Friend and a Republican.
13481 Georgiana Frances Thorne,10 b. in Skaneateles, 11 July, 1852; m. there, 5 Oct., 1876, John Taylor Mollard; res. in Skaneateles.

6909.   RACHEL CATHERINE,9 dau. of Ferris8 (2753), b. in Washington Mills, N. Y., 21 Oct., 1842; m. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1865, William Penn Willetts, b. in Macedon, N. Y., 6 Aug., 1843, son of John Willetts, of Scipio, N. Y., b. 15 Dec., 1807, and Elizabeth Gray, b. 7 Oct., 1813.
He was a farmer; res. in Macedon; was an Orthodox Friend.
Children, b. in Macedon.
13482 Emma Kellogg Willetts,10 b. 20 Sept., 1869; is unm.
13483 Anna Thorne Willetts,10 b. 28 Nov., 1873; is unm.

6910.   EMMA,9 dau. of Forris8 (2753), b. in Washington Mills, N. Y., 30 Nov., 1844; m. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 22 June, 1865, Robert Barclay Thorne, b. 28 Nov., 1834, son of Obediah Thorne.
He res. in Skaneateles; is in the carriage business; is a Republican and a Prohibitionist; is a Friend.
13484 Catherine E. Thorne,10 b. in Skaneateles, 7 Dec., 1868; d. there, 21 Dec., 1882.

6911.   SARAH MALINDA,9 dau. of Truman8 (2754), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 25 July, 1822; m. there, 3 Oct., 1854, George Thomas, b. in New Hart­ford, 1807, son of Levi Thomas and Margery Welch.
She d. in Utica, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1870; he d. in Saratoga, N. Y., 12 Dec., 1887.
He was a merchant; was an Episcopalian and a Republican.
13485 George Kellogg Thomas,10 b. in Utica, 14 Dec., 1857; m. 1 June, 1881, Irene Wilson; res. in Chicago.

6912.   CORNELIA HANNAH,9 dau. of Truman8 (2754), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 8 June, 1824; m. there, 14 Apr., 1844, Daniel Coman Mason, b. in New Hartford, 12 Jan., 1811, son of Arnold Mason, of Cheshire, Mass., b. 10 Sept., 1777, and Hannah Coman, b. 19 Dec., 1780.
She d. 12 Mar., 1893; he d. in Joliet, Ill., 10 Mar., 1895.
He was a farmer; was also a contractor; was a Presbyterian and a Demo­crat; res. in New Hartford, New York City and Joliet.
13486 Truman Arnold Mason,10 b. 14 Mar., 1846; m. _______, 26 Sept., 1872; res. in Joliet.
13487 Cornelia Mercy Mason,10 b. 10 Dec., 1850; m. 27 Sept., 1871, Stephen Alanson Sherwood, b. in Utica, N. Y., 15 Apr., 1847, son of Stephen Sherwood, b. 25 Sept., 1821, and Lucinda Parmelee, b. 8 July, 1819; he d. 23 Apr., 1876; res. in Joliet; had three children.

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6917.   SOPHIA,9 dau. of Morris8 (2756), b. in Cherry Valley, O., 2 Feb., 1833; m. (1) 2 Nov., 1854, Lucius Whitcomb Houghton.
He d. ______; she m. (2) 11 Feb., 1858, James Bean French; d. in East Williamsfield, O., 21 Jan., 1884.
He was a farmer; res. in Andover and East Williamsfield, O.
Child by first husband.
13488 Lucius Whitcomb Houghton,10 b. Nov., 1855; m. ______; had two chil­dren.
Children by second husband.
13489 Clarence May French,10 b. 18 Oct., 1859.
13490 Florence Lila French,10 b. 24 Apr., 1861.
13491 James Manley French,10 b. 30 Dec., 1865.
13492 Agnes French,10 b. 16 Jan., 1868.
13493 Francis French,10 b. 16 Jan., 1868.
13494 Edith French,10 b. 16 Nov., 1871.

6918.   MORRIS,9 son of Morris8 (2756), b. in Cherry Valley, O., 10 Nov., 1834; m. in Salt Lake City, Utah, 1871, Mrs. Adeline Maria (Handy) George, b. 1834, dau. of Abel Handy, b. 1806, and Lucina Sperry, b. 1810.
They res. in Hailey, Idaho.
13495 Morris Whitmore,10 b. in Eureka, Nev., Apr., 1875; res. in Boise City, Idaho.

6920.   LUCRETIA,9 dau. of Morris8 (2756), b. in Cherry Valley, O., 9 Jan., 1838; m. as his second wife, 30 Nov., 1864, Dr. Elizur Hitchcock, b. 15 Aug., 1832, son of Lucius Warner Hitchcock, b. 10 Oct., 1801, and Eleanor Wolcott, b. 24 Apr., 1804.
He d. 20 May, 1899.
He was graduated from Yale in 1854; later from the Medical Department, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, O., and practiced medicine in Akron, O.
Children, b. in West Williamsfield, O.
13496 Herbert Kellogg Hitchcock,10 b. 15 Oct., 1865; is an electrician, em­ployed by the Fort Wayne Electric Company; res., unm., in Fort Wayne, Ind.
13497 Lucius Wolcott Hitchcock,10 b. 2 Dec., 1868; m. 20 Feb., 1894, Sarah Hyde McNeil; is an artist; res. in Buffalo, N. Y.; was in charge of the Buffalo Art Students' League; is illustrator for Harper Brothers; had no children.

6921.   CAPT. CHARLES WETMORE,9 son of Morris8 (2756), b. in Andover, O., 30 May, 1839; m. in Philadelphia, 11 Jan., 1877, Jane Henderson, b. in Mercer, Pa., 2 Jan., 1850, dau. of Samuel Henderson, b. 3 Oct., 1821, and Emeline Willis Satterfield, of Mercer, b. 19 Sept., 1829.
He is manager of the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company; res. in Boston, Mass.
He enlisted under the first call of President Lincoln for volunteers, in 1861, and re-enlisted on 26 Aug., as a private in Co. C, Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; was promoted to First Sergt. 7 Sept., 1861; his regiment was assigned

1142    The Kelloggs in the New World.

to Gen. Tyler's Brigade, Shields' Division, Department of West Virginia; he was promoted Sergt.-Maj. of the regiment 24 Mar., 1862, Second Lieut., 20 June, First Lieut., 26 June, 1863, Capt. 1 Apr., 1865; served on the staff of the First Brigade, Second Division, Twelfth Corps, until Aug., 1864, when he was trans­ferred to the staff of Gen. Pardee, with whom he served until the close of the War.
The command to which he belonged saw almost constant service, being engaged at Winchester in Mar., 1862; Fort Republic, in June; Cedar Mountain, 9 Aug.
He was in the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Lookout Mountain, Mis­sionary Ridge, Ringgold and through the entire campaign, under Gen. Sherman, from Atlanta to the sea, and the surrender of Gen. Johnston, Apr., 1865; also participated in the subsequent march to Washington, the grand review and dis­bandment of the army, and was finally mustered out of service, 13 July, 1865.
13498 Henderson,10 b. in Philadelphia, 20 Apr., 1878; was engaged in the insurance business in Buffalo, N. Y.; enlisted and was mustered into service for the Spanish war, 10 May, 1898, at Camp Black, Hempstead, N. Y.; remained in camp there for some time, then went to Virginia and was in Camp Alger, Fairfax Co., Va., until 17 Nov., 1898, when his regiment returned to Buffalo and was mus­tered out, he being honorably discharged; was Quartermaster's Ser­geant in the Sixty-fifth New York Volunteers.
13499 Charles Wetmore,10 b. in Philadelphia, 27 Feb., 1880; is a student in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
13500 Edyth E.,10 b. in Hartford, Conn., 27 Nov., 1882.
13501 Alfred Galpin,10 b. in Brookline, Mass, 2 Feb., 1887.
13502 Branton Holstein,10 b. in Brookline, 11 May, 1889.

6925.   WILLIAM B.,9 son of Morris8 (2756), b. in Cherry Valley, O., 3 Oct., 1854; m. in West Andover, O., 22 Nov., 1884, Myra Phelps, b. in Mecca, O., 3 Aug., 1862, dau. of Nathan B. Phelps, b. 6 Oct., 1835, and Olive A. Rice, b. 14 July, 1835.
He is a farmer; res. in Jefferson, O.; is a Congregationalist and a Democrat.
13503 Cora Maria,10 b. in West Andover, 25 Apr., 1889.

6930.   CAROLINE,9 dau. of Elijah8 (2760), b. 6 Feb., 1797; m. 20 Feb., 1817, Augustus Carpenter, b. 1 Dec., 1792, son of William Carpenter, b. 25 July, 1757, and Sarah Sherman, b. in Brimfield, Mass., 28 Mar., 1765.
He d. in Kirkland, N. Y., 21 Nov., 1873; she d. in Oriskany, N. Y., 18 Oct., 1885.
He was a farmer; res. in Clinton, N. Y.
13504 Mary Carpenter,10 b. 22 Dec., 1817; m. (1) 10 Jan., 1838, George Ives; (2) 18 Nov., 1840, Ammi Hale.
13505 William Morris Carpenter,10 b. 17 May, 1826; m. 15 Aug., 1848, Martha Nettleton, of Clinton.
13506 George Sherman Carpenter,10 b. 30 Sept., 1828; m. 20 Mar., 1855, Cherokee M. Lilly, of Hancock Co., Ga.

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13507 Sarah Elizabeth Carpenter,10 b. 17 Oct., 1838; m. 19 Feb., 1862, Ed­ward P. Ellenwood, of Kirkland, N. Y.

6931.   ERASTUS,9 son of Elijah8 (2760), b. 1 Apr., 1800; m. Delight Ludden.
He d. in Ottawa, Ill., Jan., 1873; was a harness maker.
Children, b. in New Yark.
13508 Martha,10 b. ______; m. Howland Meeker.
13509 Caroline,10 b. 29 Oct., 1834; m. Ezekiel Knowlton Fogg.
13510 Henry Albert,10 b. 8 Sept., 1839; m. Eunice Emma Austin.
13511 Mary,10 b. 12 Oct., 1844; m. Caleb Stockley.
13512 Charlotte,10 b. 25 Mar., 1848; res., unm., in Ottawa.

6932.   PHILO,9 son of Elijah8 (2760), b. in Bridgewater, N. Y., 30 Mar., 1804; m. in Whitesboro, N. Y., 18 Jan., 1828, Bathsheba Ludden, b. 18 May, 1799, dau. of Seth Ludden, of Pelham, Mass., and Sally Latham.
He d. ______, in Ottawa, Ill.
He learned the shoemaker's trade in Paris, N. Y.; res. in Jefferson, Her­ki­mer and Otsego Counties, N. Y., and in 1856 rem. to Prairie Center, Ill., where he later res.
13513 Francis Spencer,10 b. 22 Sept., 1829; m. 18 Sept., 1864, Jennie Jones of Connecticut; d. 9 Jan., 1877; served in Co. I, Sixty-fourth Illi­nois Volunteers; she res. in Prairie Center.
13514 George Willson,10 b. in Columbia, N. Y., 11 Sept., 1832; m. Victoria Stockley.
13515 Charles Granville,10 b. 11 Aug., 1833; m. 23 Mar., 1854, Mary Ann Francis, of Springfield, N. Y.; is a carpenter in Prairie Center.
13516 Albert De Forest,10 b. 11 Aug., 1835; d. unm., 7 Jan., 1859.
13517 William Henry Harrison,10 b. 10 July, 1840; d. 23 June, 1849.
13518 Benjamin Franklin,10 b. in Richfield, N. Y., 22 Mar., 1842; m. Sarah Rollins.

6934.   JOHN CLEMENT,9 son of Elijah8 (2760), b. in Bridgewater, N. Y., 4 Nov., 1806; m. 11 Dec., 1828, Charlotte Esther Johnson, b. 15 June, 1811, dau. of Jonah Johnson and Jerusha Towne, of Carthage, N. Y.
She d. 26 Apr., 1861; he m. (2) 25 July, 1863, Mrs. Lydia M. (Wilmot) Hoyt, b. in Groton, Vt., 29 May, 1827, dau. of Osee Wilmot, b. in Peacham, Vt., 3 Aug., 1789, and Lydia Morse, b. in Groton, about 1797. He d. in Carthage, 23 July, 1877; she res. in Carthage.
He learned the shoemaker's trade in Sequoit, N. Y.; rem. to Carthage, where he was engaged in quite an extensive trade in boots, shoes and leather. From 1866 to 1870 he was a farmer in Prairie Center, Ill.
Children by first wife.
13519 Charles Wesley,10 b. 5 Dec., 1829; d. 13 Mar., 1855.
13520 Elizabeth Jane,10 b. 7 Aug., 1831; m. Harrison Shafer.
13521 Jerusha Towne,10 b. in Carthage, 20 Mar., 1834; m. Asher Homer Wilmot.
13523 Julia Josephine,10 b. 4 Nov., 1837; m. Alex Granby, a farmer in North Blenheim, N. Y.

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13524 Esther Charlotte,10 b. 6 July, 1840; m. John Freedom Shafer.
13525 Caroline Cynthia,10 b. in Carthage, 21 Nov., 1844; m. Edwin Wal­lace Smith.
13526 Henry Clay,10 b. 4 Nov., 1846.
13527 John Franklin,10 b. 19 Sept., 1852; m. Harriet Snook.
Child by second wife.
13528 Cora Laviah,10 b. 28 May, 1864; res., unm., in Carthage.

6935.   MILES B.,9 son of Elijah8 (2760), b. in New York, 23 Mar., 1812; m. (1) 3 Oct., 1831, Betsey Buhall, b. 18 Dec., 1811.
She d. in Henry, Ill., 18 Feb., 1855; he m. (2) Mary S. _______; d. in Ida Grove, Ia., 8 Apr., 1885; she res. in Schaller, Ia., with her dau., Mrs. Kate B. French.
Children by first wife.
13529 Mary Melvina,10 b. 18 Nov., 1832; m. George Washington Fuller.
13530 Amelia Marian,10 b. 14 Sept., 1834; m. 12 Aug., 1852, John Henry Battles; res. in Auburn, Neb.; d. 23 Mar., 1895; he res. in Rock Island, Ill.
13531 Dolphus Duane,10 b. 26 June, 1837; res. in Kellogg, Kas.
13532 Cordelia Ann,10 b. in Monticello, N. Y., 14 June, 1839; m. Charles Henry Brainard.
13533 Frank Delvyn,10 b. in Oswego, N. Y., 6 Dec., 1849; m. Mamie K. Osmond.
13534 Morris Dewitt,10 b. 12 June, 1853; d. 13 July, same year.
Children by second wife.
13535 Kate Bronson,10 b. ______; m. _______ French; res. in Schaller.
13536 Martha C.,10 b. ______; in Paw Paw, Ill., aged 3 or 4.

6937.   MILAN,9 son of Elisha8 (2761), b. in Barkhamsted, Conn., 27 Apr., 1795; m. 9 Jan., 1823, Irena Wentworth, b. Nov., 1801, dau. of Benjamin Went­worth and Sally Morgan, b. 5 Aug., 1775.
13537 Giles M.,10 b. 24 Dec., 1825; res. in Limestone.
13538 Nelson S.,10 b. 24 Dec., 1827.
13539 Olivia,10 b. 12 Dec., 1831.

6939.   AARON,9 son of Elisha8 (2761), b. in Madison Co., N. Y., 18 June, 1802; m. Charlotte Webber.
13540 Miranda,10 b. in Limestone, N. Y., 21 July, 1837; m. Charles Chapiff Cleveland.

6952.   HARRIET ESTHER,9 dau. of Giles8 (2765), b. 24 Aug., 1811; m. in Plymouth, O., 1828, John De Lamater Brink, b. in New York, 18 Sept., 1807, son of Jacob De Lamater Brink and Du Bois.
He d. in Colwich, Kas., 1879.
He was a shoemaker; res. in Garden Plain, Kas.; was a minister (local) preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church and a Republican.

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Children, b. in Plymouth.
13541 Almira Brink,10 b. 21 Aug., 1829; m. in Fayette, O., 1848, Jared Par­ker; d. in Michigan, 1889.
13542 Rachel Brink,10 b. 28 Dec., 1830; d. there, 1831.
13543 Hebert Brink,10 b. 20 Mar., 1833; m. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1886, Abby Baker; res. in Grand Rapids.
13544 James Kneeland Brink,10 b. 9 July, 1837; m. in Osseo, Mich., 21 May, 1860, Hattie L. Green; res. in Wichita, Kas.
13545 W. Watson Brink,10 b. 23 June, 1840; d. in Camp Bolivar, Tenn., 1862.
13546 Ensign Freeman Brink,10 b. in Fayette, 11 Feb., 1851; m. in Pioneer, O., 24 Mar., 1876, Lucy J. Fernly; res. in Garden Plain.

6953.   SARAH,9 dau. of Giles8 (2765), b. 12 Sept., 1813; m. Hosea Harndon.
13547 Cordelia Harndon,10 b. ______; m. _______ Ellis; d. 4 Aug., 1900; had two daus.
13548 John C. Harndon,10 b. ______; res. in Standard, Okla.
13549 Daniel King Harndon,10 b. ______; res. in Fayette, O.

6955.   JAMES,9 son of Giles8 (2765), b. 20 Dec., 1818; m. (1) in Plymouth, O., 3 Jan., 1840, Mary Handley, b. in Richland Co., O., 1818, dau. of John Handley.
She d. in Alton, Ill., about 1866; he m. (2) in Elsah, Ill., 1863, Mrs. Eliza­beth Fisher Stone, b. in Lancastershire, England, 15 Aug., 1826; she d. in St. Louis, 12 Sept., 1893; he was a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Terre Haute, Ind.
Children by first wife.
13550 John Handley,10 b. in Clay Co., Ill., Dec., 1840; m. in Carrollton, Ill., 1862; d. in Denver, Col., 1887.
13551 Angeline Augusta,10 b. in Marion Co., Ill., Jan., 1842; m. in Alton, 1860, Theodore Lane; res. in St. Louis.
13552 Lucinda Harriet,10 b. in Marion Co., Ill., Dec., 1844; m. ______, in Patchogue, N. Y.
13553 George Ensign,10 b. in Alton, 1846; m. (1); (2) in Williams­town, Mass., 5 Oct., 1898, as her second husband, Mrs. Susan M. (Richardson) Dow, b. in Moretown, Vt., 1850, dau. of Daniel Dow and Betsey Phelps; was a policeman in Brooklyn, N. Y.; is now retired and res. in Williamstown.
Children by second wife.
13554 Charles Edward,10 b. in Alton, 1 Sept., 1867; was a pressman in Chicago.
13555 Francis Wilbur,10 b. in Brighton, Ill., 6 June, 1869; m. Katherine Booz.

6956.   CATHERINE,9 dau. of Giles8 (2765), b. 19 Feb., 1823; m. in Plymouth, O., 25 Aug., 1844, Jacob McGaw, b. 2 Jan., 1816, son of John McGaw and Delilah Wolff.
He d. in Plymouth, 22 Feb., 1883; she d. there, 26 July, 1891.
He was a Methodist and a Republican.

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13556 Harrieta McGaw,10 b. in Plymouth, 17 Jan., 1846; m. there, 26 Nov., 1868, Isaac Newton Mitchell; he served as First Lieut. in the Sixteenth Ohio Battery; d. 21 May, 1900; she res. in Plymouth.

6959.   ENSIGN KING,9 son of Giles8 (2765), b. in Plymouth, O., 19 June, 1821; m. in Columbia (now Cincinnati), 11 Oct., 1849, Sarah Knicely, b. in Mad­isonville, O., 22 July, 1828, dau. of Samuel Knicely, b. 25 Oct., 1801, and Mary Williams, b. in Maryland, 10 Dec., 1799.
He is a Congregationalist and a Republican; is a coal merchant; res. in Cin­cinnati; they celebrated their golden Wedding at their Cincinnati home, 11 Oct., 1899, in the house where they have lived since their marriage, and in which all of their children were b.
Children, b. in Cincinnati.
13557 Orville Samuel,10 b. 5 May, 1852; m. Kate Piermann.
13558 Mary Celia,10 b. 30 Sept., 1854; m. as his second wife, 9 Apr., 1884, William Feemster, b. in Richmond, Ky., 23 Sept., 1848, son of Ephraim Lorenzo Feemster, b. 1808, and Mary Jane Hall, b. 1823; he was a druggist; was a graduate of the School of Pharmacy; is a Congregationalist and a Republican; she d. in Columbia, 26 Nov., 1886; he res. in Cincinnati; had no children.
13559 Harriet Bell,10 b. 24 Sept., 1856; d. 12 Sept., 1861.
13560 Willard Solomon,10 b. 19 Apr., 1859; res., unm., in Cincinnati; was assistant superintendent of Courthouse; is a Republican and a Con­gregationalist.
13561 Edwin Ensign,10 b. 14 Feb., 1862; was a clerk in the City Engineers Office and is a member of the Board of Legislation; is a Congre­gationalist and a Republican; res., unm., in Cincinnati.
13562 Marshall King,10 b. 29 Dec., 1864; m. in Terre Haute, Ind., 25 June, 1891, Lizzie Ross Hardisty, b. in Versailles, Ind., 25 Feb., 1866, dau. of John Hardisty, b. 21 Mar., 1830, and Mahala Lovina Ross, b. 15 June, 1829; is a machinist; is a Republican and a Congrega­tionalist; res. in Cincinnati; has no children.
13563 George Lewis,10 b. 9 Mar., 1867; is a clerk in a dry goods store; is a Congregationalist; res., unm., in Cincinnati.
13564 Stella Dell,10 b. 3 Sept., 1870; d. July, 1871.

6961.   ALMEDA,9 dau. of Whiting8 (2766), b. 27 Jan., 1806; m. Isaac Finch.
She d. in Ionia, Mich., 1844.
13565 Harriet Finch,10 b. ______.
13566 Riley Finch,10 b. ______.
13567 Louisa Finch,10 b. ______.
13568 Emeline Finch,10 b. ______.
13569 Silas Finch,10 b. ______.
13570 Richard Finch,10 b. ______.

6962.   ELIZA,9 dau. of Whiting8 (2766), b. 30 Apr., 1808; m. (1) 3 June, 1826, Richard White.

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He d. in Monroe City, Mich., July 18, 1842; she m. (2) 2 Mar., 1878, Peter Wealy.
They res. in Portageville, N. Y.
Children by first husband.
13571 George W. White,10 b. in Perry, N. Y., 4 Dec., 1828; m. about 1854, Harriet Brigham; is an engineer in Chicago; had two daus.
13572 Hannah Kearns White,10 b. in Grove, N. Y., 11 Man, 1830; m. about 1850, Edward Gibbs; he d. about 1854; she m. (2) about 1858, William Kearns; res. in Portageville, had three children by her first husband.
13573 Elnora White,10 b. in Portageville, 5 Sept., 1834; m. about 1855, An­drew J. Lewis; res. in Scio, N. Y.; had one dau.

6963.   PHILA,9 dau. of Whiting8 (2766), b. 11 Aug., 1811; m. (1) 1828, Gaines Sawtell, of Perry, N. Y.
He d. in Mt. Clemens, Mich., 1832; she m. (2) 1840, Elias McCall, of Mt. Clemens; d. in Mt. Clemens, 1850.
Children by first husband.
13574 Levi Sawtell,10 b. ______.
13575 Seastus Sawtell,10 b. ______.
13576 Eugene Sawtell,10 b. ______.
13577 Philanda Sawtell,10 b. ______.
Child by second husband.
13578 A Daughter,10 b. in Mt. Clemens.

6964.   MARY (POLLY),9 dau. of Whiting8 (2766), b. in Geneseo, N. Y., 11 Aug., 1815; m. (1) Uriah Chappell.
He d. ______; she m. (2) about 1860, John Moore; d. in Marilla, N. Y., about 1864.
Child by first husband.
13579 Whiting Chappell,10 b. ______.

6965.   JAMES HENRY,9 son of Whiting8 (2766), b. in Geneseo, N. Y., 25 Jan., 1822; m. 14 Oct., 1838, Sarah S. Wilson, b. in Vermont, dau. of Otis Wil­son and Alice Anderson.
He d. in Portageville, N. Y.
Children, b. in Grove, N. Y.
13580 Julietta,10 b. 31 Dec., 1841; m. Dr. Benjamin S. Pickett.
13581 J. Silas,10 b. 8 Dec., 1843; m. (1) Gertrude H. Davis; (2) Thalestris Davis, sister of his first wife.

6982.   REV. HENRY,9 son of Capt. Hiram8 (2772), b. in Sparta, N. Y., 19 Nov., 1815; m. in Mt. Morris or Nunda, N. Y., 24 Jan., 1836, Nancy Loomis Kellogg (6940), dau. of Elisha Kellogg (+2761).
He d. in Cresco, Ia., 6 Jan., 1862; she d. in Lyons, Ia., 18 Nov., 1865.
He learned the carpenter's and cabinet maker's trade. He studied theology in Mt. Morris; N. Y.; was ordained a Universalist clergyman in 1835. His health failed, and he went into the drug business in Morgan, O. As a change of

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climate was ordered, he rem. from Cleveland, O., to Webster City, Ia., which he founded, and to which he gave its name. He also laid out the towns of Cresco and Alma, Ia. He was chaplain of the Senate of Ohio about 1850; twice a mem­ber of the Assembly of Iowa about 1856; Regent of the State Agricultural Col­lege; Swamp Land Commissioner; Justice of the Peace; Postmaster, etc. He was a Master Mason and a member of the Brotherhood of the Union, Sons of Tem­perance and Good Templars. In his later years he secured homes in the West for poor families, in which charitable work he gave more than was just to himself; res. in Cresco, Ia.
13582 Elias Dunham,10 b. in Mt. Morris, 24 May, 1837; in 1861 he enlisted in Co. F, Second Iowa Cavalry, in which he was Corp. later he was Sergt. in the Thirty-first Iowa Infantry; he was one of the party of volunteers who, in 1867, went to the relief of the settlers of Spirit Lake at the time of the massacre by Sioux Indians, and was one of the eleven who returned from that eventful expedition; in 1881 he was living, unm., in Montana Territory; he was a member of the Sawyer expedition that explored the Black Hills and Yellowstone River.
13583 Luraney Matilda,10 b. in Kirtland, O., 2 Oct., 1839; d. 11 Aug., 1840.
13584 Nancy Henrietta,10 b. 21 Dec., 1840; m. William Durfee Eaton.
13585 Charles Frast,10 b. in Kirtland, 20 Jan., 1843; m. (1) Sarah Ann Tennery; (2) Mrs. Nellie E. (Orcutt) McCone; (3) Villa Win­tersteen.

6983.   CHARLES WARREN,9 son of Capt. Hiram8 (2772), b. in Sparta, N. Y., 5 Feb., 1820; m. 15 June, 1843, Zilpha Hopkins, b. in Monroe, O., 18 Dec., 1823, dau. of Gardner Hopkins, of Conneaut, O., b. in Foster, R. I., 24 July, 1796, and Freelove Parker, b. in Scituate, R. I., 12 Aug., 1799.
She d. in Bedford, O., 24 Jan., 1874.
He was a farmer; res. in Bedford; was a member of the Disciple's Church, and a Prohibitionist.
Children, first four b. in Streetsboro, others in Bedford, O.
13586 Leslie Henry,10 b. 29 June, 1844; m. Anna McClellan.
13587 Ida Anna,10 b. 8 Apr., 1846; m. Sebert Morgan.
13588 Alice Cary,10 b. 29 Aug., 1848; res., unm., in Bedford.
13589 Jenny Lind,10 b. 1 Jan., 1850; m. Frank Andrew Wightman.
13590 Louis Kossuth,10 b. 9 Apr., 1852; m. Catherine Cathedora Croft.
13591 Jessie May,10 b. 8 May, 1858; m. Emile John Malle.
13592 Lulu Anelle,10 b. 13 Mar., 1862; is unm.
13593 Ola Estelle,10 b. 6 June, 1863; res., unm., with her sister, Mrs. Mor­gan, in Cleveland, O.
13594 Leon Webb,10 b. 25 Oct., 1867; m. Ella Victoria Lyons.
13595 Charles Hopkins,10 b. 15 May, 1869; is unm.

6994.   LEANDER,9 son of Daniel8 (2776), b. in Paris, N. Y., 4 Feb., 1817; m. (1) July, 1838, his cousin, Malinda Deborah Kellogg (7000), dau. of Horace Kellogg (+2777) and Deborah Dean.
She d. Nov., 1850; he m. (2) Oct., 1855, Melissa Conklin; she d. 25 Jan., 1860; he m. (3) 1 Feb., 1880, Mrs. Lucinda Stiles (Richmond) McClure, dau.

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of David Richmond, of Cedar Springs, Mich., and widow of Robert Newton McClure, of South Carolina.
He res. in York and Mathertown, Mich.; later in Cedar Springs; was a Seventh-Day Adventist.
Children by first wife.
13596 Addison Chandler,10 b. Apr., 1839.
13597 Lucius Avery,10 b. 25 Oct., 1842; m. Adelia E. Wood; was a Seventh­day Adventist preacher.
13598 Alonzo Franklin,10 b. 25 Sept., 1844; m. Jane Ayers; they were artists in Elm Hall, Mich.
Children by second wife.
13599 Charles Francis,10 b. July, 1856; is a farmer in Holly, Mich.
13600 James White,10 b. Jan., 1859.

6995.   CHARLES HENRY,9 son of Daniel8 (2776), b. in Paris, N. Y., 3 Nov., 1818; m. (1) Louisa Lake, of Saline, Mich.
She d. in Detroit, Mich., ______; he m. Emily Caroline Pritchard, dau. of Pritchard and Hannah Guild, of Perry, N. Y.; she d. in Galveston, Tex., 10 Oct., 1852; he m. (3) about 1855, Isabella Jaspersen, b. 18 Sept., 1818, dau. of George Jaspersen, b. in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1795, and Ann Madera, b. in Reading, Pa., 1799; she d. ______; he m. (4) Hattie A. Benedict; d. in Find­lay, O., 13 Mar., 1901; she d. in Buffalo, N. Y., 1902.
He was a civil engineer and inventor; was interested in several bridge com­panies; was a member of the firm of Kellogg, Clark & Reeves, bridge builders, of Phoenixville, Pa.; was president of the Kellogg Bridge Co., of Buffalo, and the Kellogg Weldless Tube Co., of Findlay; was a bridge builder in Detroit.
Children by second wife.
13601 Emily Caroline,10 b. in Perry, 2 Sept., 1844; m. Ezra Stevens Starr.
13602 Alice,10 b. in Detroit, 15 Sept., 1849; d. in Galveston, Oct., 1852.
13603 Charles Henry,10 b. in Detroit, about 1852; m. Clara Louise Shot­well.
13604 Son,10 b. in Detroit, about 1852; d. in Detroit.
Child by third wife.
13605 Isabella,10 b. in Detroit, 9 Feb., 1857; m. Edward Francis Church.

7019.   EDMUND GEORGE,9 son of George8 (2779), b. 17 Nov., 1824; m. 1846, Hannah Matilda Reynolds, b. 1830.
He d. 3 June, 1864.
13606 George D,10 b. ______; enlisted in Hillsdale Co., Mich., in the civil war; was wounded at Petersburg, Va., and d. in the service, 16 Aug., 1864.
13607 Henry,10 b. 1849; was last heard of in Kansas.
13608 Emma,10 b. 1854; m. Andrew Langworthy; last heard of in Reno Co., Kas.
13609 Charles,10 b. 1856; d. in Missouri.
13610 Marvin P.,10 b. 11 Mar., 1859; last heard of in Philadelphia.
13611 Mary B.,10 b. 11 Mar., 1859; m. _______ Welch; res. in Adrian, South Fairfield and Ridgeville, Mich.

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13612 Clarence,10 b. 1864; when last heard from was with a Mr. Seymour, in West Toledo, O.

7021.   JARED AUGUSTUS,9 son of George8 (2779), b. in Paris, N. Y., 2 Jan., 1829; m. in Fulton Co., O., 4 July, 1851, Almira Reynolds, b. 11 Apr., 1833, dau. of Peter Reynolds, of New Jersey, b. 5 May, 1802, and Mary Parker, b. 13 Aug., 1804.
He res. in Lakota, N. D.; was a merchant.
He enlisted as a private in Co. K, One Hundred and Thirtieth Ohio Volunteers; is a Methodist.
Children, b. in Hillsdale Co., Mich.
13613 Mary Ellen,10 b. 4 Nov., 1852; d. 20 Aug., 1855.
13614 Ortensa Melvina,10 b. 22 Jan., 1855; d. 27 Aug., same year.
13615 Anna Annette,10 b. 29 Sept., 1856; d. 26 Mar., 1859.
Children, b. in West Toledo, O.
13616 Peter Augustus,10 b. 24 Sept., 1860; d. 2 Oct., 1861.
13617 Harriet Matilda,10 b. 7 Nov., 1862; m. Simon Krieger.
13618 Lois Letitia,10 b. 18 Sept., 1866; m. Perry J. Chase.
13619 George Albert,10 b. 6 Feb., 1870; m. Minnie May Osborn.

7022.   HORACE C.,9 son of George8 (2779), b. in Brooklyn, Mich., 22 June, 1846; m. 25 Oct., 1869, Hepzibeth Ann Ingle, b. in Manchester, England, 5 Feb., 1849, dau. of Timothy Ingle, b. in Heaton, England, 22 Jan., 1822, and Ellen Hopwood, b. in Salford, England, 6 Apr., 1827.
He is a farmer; res. in Pine Grove, Wis., for more than twenty-four years, Grafton, N. D., sixteen years, and rem. in 1896 to Delsur, Cal. He is an orchardist.
Children, b. in Pine Grove, except the youngest.
13620 Rosabell,10 b. 10 Jan., 1870; d. 10 Jan., 1880.
13621 Helen Vianna,10 b. 17 Sept., 1871; m. as his second wife, 12 June, 1895, Hiram Clay Kellogg (+8493).
13622 Minnie Adell,10 b. 14 Jan., 1876; is unm.
13623 Charles Henry,10 b. 11 June, 1879; is unm.
13624 George Timothy,10 b. in Grafton, 27 Nov., 1888.

7023.   HENRY LEE W.,9 son of George8 (2779), b. in Brooklyn, Mich., 15 Apr., 1849; m. 30 Mar., 1879, Anna S. Schenck, b. 16 July, 1858, dau. of Wil­liam Z. Schenck, b. 16 Nov., 1814, and Emeline Rowley, b. 10 Jan., 1823.
He res. in Oxford; later in Pine Grove and Monocqua, Wis.
13625 Lyle Ray,10 b. 11 May, 1885.
13626 Clarence Clyde,10 b. 2 Dec., 1889.
13627 Ellery DeForrest,10 b. 29 Nov., 1895; d. 11 Aug., 1896.

7030.   MARY ELLEN,9 dau. of Theron8 (2788), b. in Mobile, Alabama, 2 Oct., 1820; m. 12 July, 1840, Henry A. Crocker, of New Haven, Conn., b. 11 Sept., 1811.
He d. in Mobile, 14 Aug., 1853.
13628 Charles Ogden Crocker,10 b. in Mobile, 28 May, 1841; was a soldier in the Confederate army; res. in Mobile.

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7035.   MARY ABIGAIL,9 dau. of Nathaniel8 (2791), b. in Litchfield, N. Y., 28 Apr., 1828; m. in Madison, Wis., 22 Nov., 1855, Abram Hubbs, b. in Charles­ton, N. Y., 2 Nov., 1828, son of Daniel Hubbs, b. in Charleston, 4 Mar., 1800, and Mary Vosseler, b. in Charleston, 18 July, 1802. She d. in Moundville, Mo., 11 July, 1901.
He is a farmer, orchardist and merchant; res. in Moundville; enlisted Mar., 1862; was discharged Nov., 1865; now res. in Sacramento, Cal.
13629 Dewitt Kellogg Hubbs,10 b. in Madison, 1 May, 1857; m. 10 Feb., 1885, Anna Lucinda Donaldson; res. in Sacramento; had one child.
13630 George Du Fay Hubbs,10 b. in Oronoco, Minn., 30 Sept., 1858; m. 29 Oct., 1890, Huldah Beckman; res. in Sedalia, Mo.
13631 Charles Alexander Hubbs,10 b. in Madison, 24 Jan., 1860; d. in Post Oak, Mo., 1 Mar., 1870.
13632 Arthur Monroe Hubbs,10 b. in Post Oak, 14 Apr., 1867; m. 6 June, 1892, Hattie Lodaska Parker; d. in Chicago, 21 Jan., 1897; she res. in Los Angeles, Cal.

7036.   EDWIN MAIN,9 son of Nathaniel8 (2791), b. in Litchfield, N. Y., 2 Feb., 1830, m. in Shoal Creek, Ill., 9 Mar., 1861, Mary Ellen Pickering, b. in Wayne Co., Ill., 29 Mar., 1833, dau. of Henry Ridgway Pickering, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., 24 Feb., 1805, and Shoby Ann Cross, b. Aug., 1811, dau. of Zacharias and Sarah Cross.
She d. in Newcastle, Cal., 16 Aug., 1883.
He was a carpenter and builder; res. in Madison, Wis., Olmsted Co., Minn., from 1854 to '59; from 1859 to '69 in Carlyle, Ill.; from 1869 to '76 in Holden, Mo.; from 1876 to '98 in Alta, Cal., and in 1900 in Newcastle; now res. in Sonoma, Cal.
13633 William Henry Nathaniel,10 b. in Shoal Creek, Ill., 10 Mar., 1864; m. as her second husband, 3 July, 1891, Mrs. Rosabelle (Whiting) Palmer, b. in Evansville, Ind., 9 Aug., 1870, dau. of William Eli Whiting, b. 10 Aug., 1838, and Anna Eliza Leonard, b. 13 Dec., 1841; was a carpenter and a Republican; res. in El Verano, Cal.; her first husband was John Albert Palmer.

7038.   AUGUSTUS HURLBURT,9 son of Nathaniel8 (2791), b. in Litchfield, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1834; m. in Rochester, Minn., 29 Mar., 1866; Mrs. Laura Ma­tilda (Worthing) Baker, b. in Bristol, N. H., 5 Apr., 1839, widow of Grant B. Baker, of Red Wing, Minn., and dau. of Shurburn Sanborn Worthing, b. 20 June, 1807, and Nancy Sleeper, b. in Bristol, 10 May, 1809.
In 1854 he left Madison, Wis., and located a farm in New Haven, Minn.; enlisted 10 Oct., 1861, in Co. D, Fourth Minnesota Volunteers; was wounded in the top of left foot in the battle of Iuka, 19 Sept., 1862. In 1874 he sold his farm and went into trade in Pine Island, Minn., from which place he rem. to Medford, N. D., 1881. He was a member of the Fourth Legislative Assembly; res. in Medford. He reared, from infancy, a stepdau., Annie Laurie Baker, b. in Red Flag, 22 Dec., 1860, who m. 18 Aug., 1882, George W. Millhouse, of Luverne, Minn., and had two children.

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13634 Fred Augustus,10 b. in New Haven, Minn., 12 July, 1867; is unm.
13635 Grace Gertrude,10 b. in Pine Island, 17 Oct., 1871; m. in Medford, 19 Mar., 1895, Edward Adler, b. 27 Sept., 1873, son of Herman Adler, b. 1 Oct., 1830, and Marie Sadler, b. 30 Apr., 1840; he is a farmer; res. in Medford; has no children.
13636 Born Vernon,10 b. in Pine Island, 17 June, 1875; is unm.
13637 Guy Herbert,10 b. 9 May, 1881; is unm.

7039.   LUCY ELVIRA,9 dau. of Nathaniel8 (2791), b. in Cassville, N. Y., 26 June, 1836; m. in Madison, Wis., 28 Oct., 1861, Charles Draper, of Cottage Grove, Wis., b. in Hempton, England, 17 July, 1825, son of William Draper, b. July, 1782, and Anne Ansta, b. 1789.
He rem. in 1864 to Center View, Mo.; is a blacksmith and farmer; res. in Deerfield, Mo.; is a Methodist and a Republican.
Children, first three b. in Cottage Grove, last three in Holden, Mo.
13638 Emma Almira Draper,10 b. 4 Aug., 1862; d. 28 Oct., 1865.
13639 George Henry Draper,10 b. 9 Feb., 1864; m. 24 Dec., 1893, Nellie Bergen Grant.
13640 Florence May Draper,10 b. 23 June, 1867.
13641 Willie Augustine Draper,10 b. 15 June, 1871; d. in Holden, 16 Jan., 1874.
13642 Sarah Lulu Draper,10 b. 18 Oct., 1876.
13643 Eddie Oliver Draper,10 b. 18 June, 1879.

7040.   CHARLES HENRY,9 son of Nathaniel8 ( 2791), b. in Litchfield, N. Y., 1 Aug., 1838; m. in Alta, Cal., 4 Mar., 1875, Millie Eliza Barber, b. in Pittston, Pa., 20 Oct., 1852, dau. of William Barber, b. in Rainbow, Cheshire, England, Jan., 1830, and Drusilla Sherrin, b. in Langport, Somersetshire, England, 4 Nov., 1834.
He res. in Newcastle, Cal.; res. in San Francisco in 1878; is a bookkeeper and also a grower and shipper of small fruits. He enlisted in the civil war, but was rejected on account of physical disability; is a Republican.
13644 Clara Emma,10 b. in San Francisco, 14 Sept., 1876; is unm.

7041.   JENNIE AMELIA,9 dau. of Nathaniel8 (2791), b. in Litchfield, N. Y., 25 Jan., 1841; m. in Madison, Wis., as his second wife, 13 Dec., 1866, Lorenzo Hatch, b. in Smyrna, N. Y., 17 Mar., 1823, son of Wells Hatch, b. 19 July, 1789, and Mary Rexford, b. 20 July, 1794.
She d. in Deansville, Wis., 22 Sept., 1878.
He is a farmer; res. in Medina and later in Deansville, Wis.
Children, b. in Deansville, Medina Township, Wis.
13645 Guy Rearford Hatch,10 b. 25 Dec., 1867; d. there, unm., 17 Dec., 1896.
13646 Edith Adell Hatch,10 b. 29 Nov., 1872; res., unm., in Deansville.
13647 Lorenzo Hatch,10 b. 11 Nov., 1876; is unm.

7042.   GEORGE DOUGLAS,9 son of Nathaniel8 (2791), b. in Litchfield, N. Y.; 23 June, 1843; m. 6 Oct., 1869, Lavinia Hughes Huntington, b. 9 Apr., 1849; dau. of John Huntington, b. in Liverpool, England, 5 Apr., 1808, and Ellenor

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Hughes, b. in Liverpool, 30 June, 1810. He rem. to Wisconsin, 1847; enlisted in Co. A, Twenty-third Wisconsin Reg., 6 Aug., 1862; was discharged 24 July, 1865; was in seventeen battles; was breveted Captain for meritorious conduct in the charge on Vicksburg, 22 May, 1863; is a prominent Methodist and Good Tem­plar; is president and manager of the George D. Kellogg Packing Co., of New­castle, Cal., where he res.
Children, first two b. in Moundville, Mo., last in Alla, Cal.
13648 Herbert Huntington,10 b. 19 Jan., 1872; d. in Alta, 6 Oct., 1875.
13649 Jessie Mae,10 b. 10 May, 1875; m. 29 Oct., 1901, Rev. Channing Alonzo Richardson, b. in Milton, Wis., 20 Oct., 1876, son of Ralph and Melissa J. Richardson; he was graduated from the Northwest­ern University and Garrett Biblical Institute, and is pastor of the Newcastle M. E. Church.
13650 George Huntington,10 b. 4 Mar., 1877; m. 17 Oct., 1902, May M. Howell, of Oakland, Cal., dau. of Albert Howell and Mary Brown; is assistant manager of his father's many interests in Newcastle.

7043.   ELLA ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Nathaniel8 (2791), b. in Litchfield, N. Y., 21 Dec., 1845; m. in Moundville, Mo., 7 June, 1870, Henry Brewerton Jack, b. in Homer, O., 14 Apr., 1834, son of John Jack, of Newton, Ia., b. 19 Nov., 1797, and Delilah Dean, b. 31 Mar., 1787.
He d. 18 July, 1900; she res. in Newell, Ia. He was a farmer, and res. in Colfax, Ia., and later in Newell; was a Methodist and a Republican.
He enlisted in Co. C, Twenty-second Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, 2 Aug., 1862, and served until the close of the war; was in the battles of Port Gibson, 1 May, 1863, Champion Hill, 16 May, 1863, Black River Bridge, 17 May, 1863, assault on Vicksburg, 22 May, 1863, where he was taken prisoner, but in fourteen days was paroled and exchanged, and in Oct., following, returned to service; was also in the battle of Winchester, 19 Sept., 1864; was wounded at Port Gibson and Win­chester.
13651 Willis Jack,10 b. in Colfax, 5 Dec., 1871; d. there, 11 Dec., 1871.
13652 John Nathaniel Jack,10 b. in Colfax, 30 May, 1873; d. 3 Apr., 1878.
13653 Henry Herbert Jack,10 b. in Newton, 26 May, 1875; m. 22 Mar., 1896, Myrtle Maud Lewin, b. 25 Oct., 1876, dau. of Joseph A. Lewin, b. 14 Mar., 1831, and Elizabeth Cook Hodges, b. 10 Jan., 1830; res. in Hartford, and later in Newell, Ia.; had one child.
13654 Sarah Delila Jack,10 b. in Walnut, 24 May, 1877; m. 25 Jan., 1898, William Henry Hess, b. 17 July, 1871, son of Henry Clay Hess, b. 6 Apr., 1832, and Elizabeth Jane Johnston, b. 3 Mar., 1836; res. in Newell.
13655 Lillian Elzora Jack,10 b. in Walnut, 22 Jan., 1879; m. 22 Nov., 1899, Fred Monroe Dodge, b. 18 July, 1875, son of Franklin Monroe Dodge, b. 15 Feb., 1847, and Altie M. Vanhorn, b. 18 Jan., 1850; had one child.
13656 Charles Brewerton Jack,10 b. in Walnut, 17 Sept., 1880.
13657 Viola Edna Jack,10 b. 25 Apr., 1882.

7045.   RUTH EMELINE,9 dau. of Nathaniel8 (2791), b. in Madison, Wis., 30 Dec., 1852, m. 1 July, 1880, Charles Estabrook Cory, b. in Waterloo Co., Canada,

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2 Dec., 1852, son of Nathaniel Vail Cory, b. 26 Sept., 1803, and Eleanor Spring­stead, b. 9 Sept., 1812.
He is a lawyer and a Baptist; res. in Fort Scott, Kas.; was County Attorney of Bourbon Co., Kas., and United States Commissioner for five years; in 1899 he was Referee in Bankruptcy.
13658 Charlie Augustus Cory,10 b. in Monmouth, Kas., 13 June, 1881; d. in Girard, Kas., 14 July, 1882.
13659 Kate Kellogg Cory,10 b. in Moundville, Mo., 19 June, 1883.
13660 Sarah Eleanor Cory,10 b. in Fort Scott, 16 Dec., 1885.
13661 George Edward Cory,10 b. in Fort Scott, 5 Sept., 1887.
13662 Ruth Vail Cory,10 b. in Fort Scott, 20 Oct., 1894.

7073.   JAMES,9 son of Ansel8 (2805), b. in Marcellus, N. Y., 1 Apr., 1819; m. 28 May, 1846, Mary Frost Stoner, b. 31 Jan., 1835, dau. of Henry Stoner and Lovina Vanderhoff.
He d. in San Francisco, 17 Mar., 1883.
He went to California in 1852; was an assayer and refiner; res. in San Francisco.
13663 Tyler Vandenhoff,10 b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 14 Jan., 1848; is a clerk in the Internal Revenue Service; res. in San Francisco.

7079.   JAMES L.,9 son of George8 (2807), b. in Mt. Clemens, Mich., about 1836; m. 9 Dec., 1857, Serena E. McBride, eldest dau. of Hon. James McBride, of Monroe, Mich.
He was in the firm of C. B. James & Co., hardware merchants; res. in De­troit, Mich.
13664 H. Zoe,10 b. 6 Nov., 1860; d. 28 July, 1886.
13665 Palmer McBride,10 b. 6 Oct., 1871.

7082.   JOHN GLOVER,9 son of John Russell8 (2808), b. in Marcellus, N. Y., 3 Dec., 1823; m. 12 June, 1862, Kate Tracy Lyon, b. in Cleveland, O., 4 Sept., 1838, dau. of John Edward Lyon and Catherine Tracy, of Oswego, N. Y.
She d. in Oswego, N. Y., 28 July, 1871; he d. in Sierra Madre Villa, Cal., 13 Apr., 1886.
He rem. to California in 1849; returned East in 1864; returned to Califor­nia in 1876; res. in San Francisco; was employed in the United States Mint.
13666 Edward Russell,10 b. in San Francisco, 22 Apr., 1864; m. Sarah Mor­ris Burtis, b. in Oyster Bay, N. Y., 24 Aug., 1865, dau. of Charles Henry Burtis, b. in Oyster Bay, 1824, and Martha Lakin Davie, b. in Morris, N. Y., 1834; res. in New York City; has no children.
13667 Lansing Otterson,10 b. in Oswego, N. Y., 11 Sept., 1865; res., unm., in San Francisco.
13668 Karl,10 b. in Oswego, 8 Aug., 1867; m. Anita Pardee Lyon.

7092.   JANE CAMP,9 dau. of George8 (2839), b. in Winsted, Conn., 16 Sept., 1851; m. 15 Oct., 1873, George Herbert Alford, of Riverton, Conn., b. 12 Jan.,

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1850, son of Arba Alford, b. 6 Nov., 1807, and Mary Case, b. 2 June, 1815.
He is a hardware and furniture merchant; res. in Winsted; was graduated from Wilbraham, Mass., Academy.
Children, b. in Winsted.
13669 Arba Kellogg Alford,10 b. 5 Sept., 1876; res. in Winsted.
13670 Helena Bassett Alford,10 b. 25 Dec., 1884; res. in Winsted.

7098.   EDWIN ASHBEL,9 son of Ashbel Loomis8 (2853), b. in Brookfield, N. Y., 3 May, 1820; m. (1) in Leon, N. Y., June, 1841, Adeline Amy, b. in Guildhall, Vt., 2 Mar., 1816, dau. of Caleb Amy, b. 9 June, 1774, and Rebecca Cutler.
She d. 15 Aug., 1850; he m. (2) in Leon, 26 Feb., 1852, Edna Thankful Smith, b. in Danby, Vt., 24 Oct., 1822, dau. of Friend Rogers Smith, b. 1 Dec., 1796, and Sylvia Southwick, b. 21 Mar., 1805; d. in Leon, 8 Feb., 1892; she res. in Leon; he was a farmer and a Methodist Episcopalian.
Children by first wife, b. in Leon.
13671 Oscar Finley,10 b. 27 Apr., 1843; is a farmer and a Methodist Epis­copalian; res., unm., in Leon.
13672 Albert Levens,10 b. 1 Oct., 1844; is a farmer and a Methodist Episco­palian; res., unm., in Leon.
Children by second wife.
13673 Smith Edwin,10 b. 18 Jan., 1854; d. in Leon, 1 Oct., same year.
13674 Sylvia Anna,10 b. 4 Mar., 1856; m. Emory Adelbert Taylor.

7101.   EMILY,9 dau. of Ashbel Loomis8 (2853), b. in Brookfield, N. Y., 9 Mar., 1826; m. in Leon, N. Y., 5 Nov., 1848, as his second Wife, Almon Le Roy Day, b. in Ticonderoga, N. Y., 22 July, 1822.
She d. in Leon, 17 May, 1898; he res. in Leon.
Children, all except the youngest, b. in Leon.
13675 Theron Junta Day,10 b. 13 Jan., 1851; res. in Leon.
13676 William Henry Day,10 b. 14 Mar., 1855; m. in Leon, 1 Oct., 1885, Clara Denora Bachelder, b. 28 Nov., 1858, dau. of John Bachelder, b. 12 Sept., 1831, and Mary Mills, b. 17 Jan., 1839; she d. in Leon, 15 Nov., 1895; had one son.
13677 John Charles Day,10 b. 30 Nov., 1859; d. in Leon, 15 Apr., 1861.
13678 Myron Le Roy Day,10 b. in Dayton, N. Y., 16 Sept., 1870; res. in Terry, Mont.

7102.   HENRY,9 son of Ashbel Loomis8 (2853), b. in Leon, N. Y., 18 Apr., 1828; m. 1862, Margaret Allen.
He d. June, 1898.
They res. in South Dayton, N. Y.
13679 A. D.,10 b. ______.
13680 May,10 b. ______.
13681 John,10 b. ______.

7103.   FRANCIS ISAAC GRANGER,9 son of Ashbel Loomis8 (2853)., b. in Leon, N. Y., 27 Aug., 1830; m. in Lexington, N. Y., 24 Sept., 1857, Martha Ann

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Blodgett, b. 22 Mar., 1830, dau. of Xura Blodgett, of Leon Center, N. Y., and Polly Gray.
She d. in Leon, 24 Aug., 1894.
He is a farmer and mechanic; res. in Leon Center.
Children, b. in Leon.
13682 Electa,10 b. 24 Sept., 1858; d. there, 13 Sept., 1862.
13683 Emily Frances,10 b. 25 Jan., 1860; d. there, 20 Sept., 1862.
13684 Winfield Scott,10 b. 24 Sept., 1861; m. Jennie May Rhoades.
13685 Ashbel Loomis,10 b. 8 Apr., 1863; m. Belle Harmon.
13686 Bertha Ida,10 b. 8 Dec., 1866; res., unm., in Jamestown.
13687 Alice May,10 b. 29 Jan., 1871; m. _______ Smith; res. in Jamestown.

7104.   SARAH,9 dau. of Ashbel Loomis8 (2853), b. in Leon, N. Y., 16 Nov., 1833; m. there, Cyrus Barton Dye, b. in Leon, 5 Aug., 1828, son of Elisha Dye and Phila Cooper.
He d. in Leon, 6 June, 1865; was a farmer and a Methodist; she m. in Forestville, N. Y., John True Cram, b. 27 Aug., 1818, son of Levi Cram, b. 13 Apr., 1769, and Betsey True, b. 26 Mar., 1782; he d. 7 Feb., 1895; she res. in Monroe Center, Mich.
Children, b. in Leon.
13688 Emory Cyrus Dye,10 b. 15 Oct., 1855; res. in Denver, Col.
13689 Marcus Earl Dye,10 b. 31 Aug., 1857; res. in Buffalo, N. Y.
13690 George Edmond Dye,10 b. 3 Oct., 1861; res. in Pueblo, Col.
13691 Charles Barton Dye,10 b. 18 Nov., 1863; res. in Monroe Center.
13692 Cora Ella Dye,10 b. 12 Dec., 1865; m. William Perkins; res. in Nor­wood, Mich.

7105.   MARTHA ROSELINE,9 dau. of Ashbel Loomis8 (2853), b. in Leon, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1835; m. in Little Valley, N. Y., 17 June, 1860, Edward W. Clark, b. in Leon, 13 July, 1839, son of Leonard Clark, b. 2 May, 1811, and Hannah Shannon, b. 6 Dec., 1813, of Schenectady, N. Y.
She d. in Leon, 12 June, 1873; he res. in Leon.
He served as musician in Co. K, Sixty-fourth New York Volunteers; en­listed 2 Oct., 1861; was discharged 14 Oct., 1865; is a carpenter and a Repub­lican.
Children, b. in Leon.
13693 Henry Edward Clark,10 b. 14 Jan., 1862; m. in Perrysburg, N. Y., 31 July, 1884, Alice Shannon; res. in Silver Creek, N. Y.
13694 Ray Velle Clark,10 b. 14 Nov., 1868; m. in Angola, N. Y., 17 Feb., 1892, Lillian Egelston; res. in Westfield, N. Y.

7106.   MILO GEORGE,9 son of Ashbel Loomis8 (2853), b. in Leon, N. Y., 8 May, 1837; m. in Sheridan, N. Y., 20 Jan., 1863, Lavilla Cloette Stone, b. in Hanover, N. Y., 26 Apr., 1836, dau. of Honeyman Stone, b. 1816, and Cloette Pattison, b. 1818; they res. in Sheridan, N. Y.
She d. in Villanova, N. Y., 19 Mar., 1899.
He is a farmer; a Methodist; a Prohibitionist; res. in Villenova, later in Hamlet, N. Y.; now in Cherry Creek, N. Y.

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Children, b. in Leon.
13695 Clinton Dervane,10 b. 25 Mar., 1866; m. _______; res. in Hamlet.
13696 Myrtie Elizabeth,10 b. 9 Sept., 1869; m. Elverton Adolphus Waters.

7107.   LUKE LOOMIS,9 son of Ashbel Loomis8 (2853), b. in Leon, N. Y., 21 Sept., 1838; m. in Little Valley, N. Y., 17 June, 1860, Eliza Snyder, b. in Leon, 5 Sept., 1844, dau. of Thomas Snyder, b. 22 Sept., 1816, and Elmira Noice, b. 19 July, 1817.
He is an inventor; is a Democrat; res. in Leon.
Children, b. in Leon.
13697 Myra,10 b. 18 May, 1864; d. there, 10 Aug., same year.
13698 Myra,10 b. 23 Jan., 1866; m. Joseph C. Turner.

7117.   DELIGHT,9 dau. of Gaylord8 (2855), b. in Leon, N. Y., '3 Oct., 1824; m. in Leon, Nathaniel Fry Cooper, b. in Leon, 21 Feb., 1820, son of Nathaniel Cooper and Phebe Barton.
He d. 7 Jan., 1867; she d. in Glencoe, Ill., 14 Jan., 1891.
He was a school teacher and a farmer; res. in Glencoe; served as Lieut. in Co. K, One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Reg., Illinois Volunteers; was a Demo­crat.
Children, b. in Leon.
13699 Christiania Germett Cooper,10 b. 8 Mar., 1844; m. in Gowanda, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1867, William Thompson, b. 10 June, 1838, son of Ezra Thompson, b. 11 Sept., 1808, and Cornelia Baldwin, b. 24 June, 1808; he was a farmer; res. in Leon.
13700 Gaylord Kellogg Cooper,10 b. 9 May, 1846; m. in Leon, 5 Feb., 1868, Emma Ross.
13701 Edgar Adellmer Cooper,10 b. 13 Aug., 1848; m. Josephine Dye; res. in Leon.
13702 Lucy Jane Cooper,10 b. 10 Aug., 1853; d. in Leon, 21 Apr., 1855.
13703 John Fry Cooper,10 b. 10 July, 1856; m. in Youngstown, N. Y., Jemima Smith; res. in South Dayton, N. Y.; d. there, 10 Nov., 1894.
13704 Flora Dell Cooper,10 b. 11 May, 1861; m. 1 June, 1882, Benjamin New­hall, b. 9 Nov., 1857, son of Franklin Newhall and Emma Whiting; res. in Glencoe.

7118.   RICHARD DARLING,9 son of Gaylord8 (2855), b. in Leon, N. Y., 25 Sept., 1825; m. 17 Oct., 1849, Mary Elizabeth Groves, b. 28 Sept., 1829, dau. of David Groves and Dorcas Meacham.
He is a farmer; res. in Leon.
13705 Mary Nina,10 (adopted), b. in Leon, 2 June, 1875.

7119.   RUFUS ASHBEL,9 son of Gaylord8 (2855) , b. in Leon, N. Y., 2 Nov., 1827; m. in Fredonia, N. Y., 11 Oct., 1855, Alzina Eastwood, b. in Pomfret, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., 20 Feb., 1829, dau. of Martin Eastwood, b. 3 Jan., 1803, and Harriet L. Ward, b. 28 Nov., 1805, dau. of Fenner Ward, a brother of Martha Bacon Ward, who m. Ashbel Kellogg (+1011).
He was a farmer in Leon until 1867, when he rem. to Collins, N. Y.; in 1898 to Gowanda, N. Y. He has been Postmaster in Leon, and has held several town

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offices. He was a Democrat until 1856, and since then a Republican; has voted at thirteen Presidential elections; is a Methodist.
Children, b. in Leon.
13706 Martin Parke,10 b. 3 Oct., 1856; m. Edith May Hurd.
13707 Caroline Rosannah,10 b. 9 Apr., 1862; m. in Gowanda, 19 Mar., 1888, Rev. James Calvin Rhodes; res. in Chautauqua, N. Y.

7120.   REV. AUSTIN LUKE,9 son of Gaylord8 (2855), b. in Leon, N. Y., 2 Feb., 1831; m. in Turin, N. Y., 7 Oct., 1856, Lucina Bush Sackett, b. in Turin, 27 Apr., 1835, dau. of Gad Sheldon Sackett, b. in Springfield, Mass., 15 Aug., 1807, and Elmira Miller, b. in West Turin, 1 Feb., 1807.
He was a minister in the Methodist Episcopalian Church, in Wattsburg, Pa., Sinclairville, Busti and East Randolph, N. Y., and Petrolia, Pa. Her health failing, he rem. to Santa Clara, Cal, where they now res., and where he is a gar­dener; is a Republican.
13708 Sheldon Gaylord,10 b. in Leon, 13 Dec., 1857; m. Annie Grant Sheppard.

7121.   LUCY,9 dau. of Gaylord8 (2855), b. in Leon, N. Y., 11 May, 1833; m. 12 Mar., 1856, Charles Henry Evarts, b. in Bath, N. Y., 2 Jan., 1824, son of Renaldo Melville Evarts, b. in Salisbury, Conn., 15 Oct., 1788, and Eliza Morley, b. in Feeding Hills, Mass, 3 Oct., 1797.
He d. _______; they res. in Leon and Irving, N. Y.
13709 Julia Rosanna Evarts,10 b. 26 Feb., 1857; d. 27 Feb., 1859.
13710 Raymond Morley Evarts,10 b. 27 Aug., 1859; m. 6 Feb., 1884, Anna Tully; was a physician in Irving.
13711 George William Evarts,10 b. 2 Jan., 1862.
13712 Estelle Eliza Evarts,10 b. 22 July, 1866; d. 31 Jan., 1867.
13713 Grant Kellogg Evarts,10 b. 16 June; 1868.
13714 Charles Henry Evarts,10 b. 6 Dec., 1872; d. 29 Jan., 1874.

7122.   ELIZABETH (BETSEY),9 dau. of Luke8 (2856), b. in Brookfield, N. Y., 26 Feb., 1825; m. in Adams Center, N. Y., about May, 1842, Albert Gali­ton Pool Heth, b. in Adams Center, 1 July, 1821, son of Timothy Heth, b. 7 Jan., 1781, and Henrietta Bauver, b. 1787, who was called the fat woman of Adams, weighing at the time of her death (11 May, 1856, aged 63), 450 pounds.
He d. in Adams Center, 21 June, 1888; she d. there, 1 July, 1896.
He was a mechanic and Democrat; res. in Adams Center.
Children, all res. in Adams Center.
13715 James Clark Heth,10 b. ______; m. Lencha Green; is a merchant.
13716 Melissa Gennett Heth,10 b. 18 Aug., 1843; m. in Adams, 18 Oct., 1871, Adelbert L. Wiswell, a jeweler.
13717 Rolla Burleigh Heth,10 b. ______; m. in Adams Center, Martha K. Snell; is an undertaker.

7123.   DELIA OLIVIA,9 dau. of Luke8 (2856), b. in Adams Center, N. Y., 27 Mar., 1827; m. (1) in Rodman, N. Y., 31 Oct., 1846, George Davis Wright, b. 20

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Dec., 1824, son of Matthew Wright and Hannah Davis, of Adams Center and Sacket Harbor, N. Y.
He d. in Lamotte, Ia., 16 Dec., 1854; was a farmer and a First-Day Baptist; was a Republican; she m. (2) in Adams Center, 27 Dec., 1858, Thomas Ricks Greene, b. 12 Jan., 1801; d. in Adams Center, 11 Sept., 1895.
He was a farmer of Adams Center; was a Seventh-Day Baptist and a Repub­lican.
Children, b. in Adams.
13718 Emerette Adah Wright,10 b. 22 Jan., 1848; m. 14 Dec., 1870, Nathan Aldro Whitford, b. 19 Sept., 1849; res. in Adams; had two chil­dren.
13719 Ellen Hannah Wright,10 b. 15 Feb., 1851; res., unm., in Adams.

7125.   HENRY JAMES,9 son of Luke8 (2856), b. in Adams, N. Y., 30 July, 1831; m. 27 June, 1860, Angela Streeter Rich, b. 1 Dec., 1839, dau. of Henry Chase Rich, b. in Cornish, N. H., 8 Dec., 1809, and Elvira Gates, b. in Marlboro, N. H., 2 Feb., 1810.
He d. 6 Mar., 1894.
He was a marble dealer; res. in Carthage, N. Y., where she now res.
13720 Frederick Julian,10 b. in Carthage, 13 Mar., 1861; m. Edith Emeline Hunt.

7126.   MARTHA ADA,9 dau. of Luke8 (2856), b. in Adams Center, N. Y., 11 June, 1835; m. 1 Aug., 1857, Graleon Hall, b. in Adams, N. Y., 14 June, 1830, son of Thomas Hall, b. 14 May, 1788, and Bethiah Oatman, b. 15 Nov., 1795.
He was a carpenter and res. in Adams Center, where he d. ______; was a Spiritualist and a Democrat; she res. in Adams Center.
13721 James Wilber Hall,10 b. 12 Dec., 1859; m. 23 July, 1892, Harriet Bone­steel; is a brass worker and toolmaker; res. in Troy, N. Y.
13722 Adah Clarissa Hall,10 b. 23 Oct., 1863; m. 8 Mar., 1882, Henry M. Hose; res. in Watertown, N. Y.; had four children.

7127.   CAPT. JOHN JACKSON,9 son of Luke8 (2856), b. in Adams Center, N. Y., 16 Oct., 1837; m. 10 Nov., 1864, Isabella Kerr McGaughey, of Ottawa, Ill., b. in Adams Co., Pa., 29 Jan., 1838, dau. of Samuel McGaughey, b. 1801, and Lucinda White, of Gettysburg, Pa., b. in Adams Co., 16 Oct., 1814.
In the spring of 1860 he rem. from Adams Center to Ottawa; in 1862 was a Union soldier, Orderly Sergt. in Co. B, One Hundred and Thirteenth Illinois Reg.; was in Vicksburg campaign, Arkansas Post, Chickasaw Bayou, Sturges' Guntown fight; assisted in organizing the Tennessee Militia, and was made Capt.; also Capt. in the Eighty-eighth United States Colored Infantry, and was dis­charged from service at Fort Pickering, Tenn., Jan., 1866. She was with her husband at Fort Pickering and other points the last year of his army service, and served as a teacher in the fort school, and had charge of the nurse department of the fort by regular order. In 1866 he returned to Ottawa and studied law with Judge E. S. Leland; was Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court; Deputy United States Collector, Sixth District, Illinois. In 1875 he rem. to Washington, Ia., where he practiced law.

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13723 Ellet Luke,10 b. 20 Feb., 1867; d. in Charlotte, Ont., 2 Dec., 1886.
13724 Samuel John,10 b. 9 July, 1869; res., unm., in Washington; was Corp. in Co. D, Fiftieth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, in the Spanish-American war; enlisted 26 Apr., 1898; was stationed at Jackson­ville, Fla.; was discharged 30 Nov., 1898.
13725 Lucinda Belle,10 b. 16 June, 1876; m. Raymond B. Alberson, b. in Washington, Ia., 11 Oct., 1875, son of State Senator A. N. Alber­son, of Iowa; is a junior member of the law firm of Bowen, Brocket & Alberson, of Des Moines; is a graduate of the Law Department of the University of Michigan; res. in Des Moines; has no chil­dren.

7129.   CHARLES GILES,9 son of Luke8 (2856), b. in Adams, N. Y., 26 Jan., 1843; m. in Kankakee, Ill., 15 Sept., 1863, Frances Celia Glass, b. in Saline, Mich., 20 Jan., 1842, dau. of James Glass, b. in Tawstock, Devonshire, England, 30 Jan., 1810, and Mary Searle, b. in Avington, Gilford, Devonshire, England, 28 Oct., 1806.
He left home, in New York, in 1861; in 1862 enlisted in Co. C, Twenty­ninth Illinois Volunteers, and served in Co. L, Eleventh Illinois Veteran Volun­teer Cavalry, until the close of the war; res. in Los Angeles, Cal., where he was a farmer and stock raiser; is now Public Administrator and one of the Horti­cultural Commission of Los Angeles; is a Unitarian and a Republican.
Children, b. in Horton, Ill.
13726 Elva Lenore,10 b. 7 Sept., 1864; d. 11 Nov., same year.
13727 Adah Effie,10 b. 7 Sept., 1864; m. John Henry Rice.
13728 Frederick Alpus,10 b. 13 Apr., 1869; m. Sarah Ellen Carr.

7130.   LORENZO MADISON,9 son of Luke8 (2856), b. in Adams Center, N. Y., 25 Apr., 1845; m. 15 Nov., 1866, Elizabeth C. Campbell, b. 19 Jan., 1845, dau. of Mathew F. Campbell, b. 29 Jan., 1816, and Margaret Daniels, b. 4 Jan., 1816.
They res. in Buckingham, Ill.; later in Chicago, Ill.
13729 Harriet Margaret,10 b. 1 Oct., 1867; m. Charles Pavlicek.
13730 Luke Scott,10 b. 17 June, 1869; m. Mary Link.
13731 Stella Belle,10 b. in Buckingham, 1 Sept., 1875; m. Emanuel Ben­jamin Schrader.

7141.   Frank Sheldon,9 son of Oren8 (2860), b. in Adams Center, N. Y., 7 Jan., 1850; m. in Adams Center, 26 Jan., 1876, Ida Elizabeth Green, b. in Henderson, N. Y., 30 Apr., 1854, dau. of Alvah Green, b. May, 1803, and Laura ______, b. 25 Sept., 1809.
He d. ______.
He was a merchant and traveling salesman; served in the State Militia dur­ing the civil war in Co. B, Thirty-fifth Reg., New York Militia; was a Baptist and a Republican.
Children, b. in Adams.
13732 Oren Alvah,10 b. 4 Nov., 1876.

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13733 Bessie Lenora,10 b. 10 Dec., 1877; m. there, Henry O. Glass; res. there.
13734 Ernest Lynn,10 b. 8 May, 1883; d. there, 2 Jan., 1889.
13735 Rose,10 b. 8 Mar., 1888.
13736 Arthur,10 b. 11 May, 1890.
13737 Holley,10 b. 13 June, 1892; d. there, 3 Jan., 1893.

7143.   MARTHA ADELL,9 dau. of Isaac8 (2862), b. in Adams Center, N. Y., 18 May, 1856; m. 18 Sept., 1878, Willis Thomas Colton, b. 1 Jan., 1855, son of Chauncey Colton, b. 7 Sept., 1818, and Angeline Reed, b. 7 Oct., 1818.
He is a farmer; res. in Adams Center.
13738 Clifford Kellogg Colton,10 b. 30 June, 1884.

7169.   PAMELIA CECELIA,9 dau. of Elijah8 (2868), b. in New York, 16 Feb., 1834; m. 18 Dec., 1850, Joseph Clark.
13739 George Clark,10 b. ______.
13740 Zadla Clark,10 b. ______.
13741 Jane Clark,10 b. ______.
13742 Charles Clark,10 b. ______.
13743 Orrin E. Clark,10 b. ______.
13744 Emma Clark,10 b. ______.

7176.   OSCAR DAVIS,9 son of Aranda8 (2880), b. in Pennsylvania, 6 June, 1837; m. in Brookfield, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1871, Theresa A. Williams, b. in Brook­field, 19 June, 1847, dau. of Elias Williams, b. 6 Mar., 1810, and Lydia Keith, b. 10 Apr., 1805.
He d. in Brookfield, 7 Mar., 1883, where his Widow now res.
He was a teacher, architect and builder; served as private in Co. F, Nine­teenth Illinois Volunteers; enlisted 17 June, 1861, and was discharged 9 July, 1864; was a Methodist Episcopalian and a Republican.
Children, b. in Brookfield.
13745 Scott Williams,10 b. 27 June, 1874; m. in Brookfield, 28 July, 1897, Mary Eliza Maine, b. 14 Apr., 1872, dau. of Avery Maine, b. 26 Dec., 1830, and Frances L. Fisk, b. 8 Dec., 1841; is a teacher and Baptist; was educated at Alfred University; res. in Georgetown, N. Y.
13746 Clara Louise,10 b. 13 Aug., 1879; d. in Brookfield, 12 Feb., 1896.
13747 Bessie O.,10 b. 1 Oct., 1883.

7178.   ELLEN IRENE,9 dau. of Aranda8 (2880), b. in Polo, Ill., 6 Sept., 1845; m. in Galena, Ill., 15 Aug., 1865, Joseph Chapman, b. 2 May, 1841, son of Ander­son Chapman, b. 1816.
He is a stone mason and plasterer; res. in Hanover, Ill.; was a Union sol­dier; enlisted as Sergt., 3 Sept., 1861, in Co. D, Fourty-fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; was discharged in Louisville, Ky., 12 July, 1865; is a Republican.

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Children, b. in Hanover.
13748 Cora Lucretia Chapman,10 b. 9 June, 1868; d. in Hanover, 1 Aug., 1887.
13749 Albert Edward Chapman,10 b. 14 Oct., 1870; m. in Chicago, 2 Oct., 1898, Minnie Keenan; res. in Chicago.
13750 Charles William Chapman,10 b. 24 Dec., 1872; m. in Davenport, Ia., 28 Nov., 1894, Laura McGraudy; res. in Hanover.
13751 Mary Ann Chapman,10 b. 14 Mar., 1875; m. in Hanover, 2 July, 1896, John W. Skipton, who d. ______.
13752 Stella Harriet Chapman,10 b. 2 May, 1878 d. in Laurens, Ia., 6 June, 1899.
13753 Arthur Chapman,10 b. 3 May, 1880; d. in Hanover, 3 June, 1887.

7179.   GEORGE WALLACE,9 son of Aranda8 (2880), b. in Polo, Ill., 17 Nov., 1847; m. in Thompson, Ill., 16 Mar., 1870, Jane Alsiria Willey, b. 9 Sept., 1852, dau. of Alonzo Willey and Tryphenia Barber.
He is a farmer; res. in Savanna, Ill.
13754 Clara Mary,10 b. in Pickering, Mo., 3 Apr., 1871; d. 23 Apr., 1871.
13755 Edwin Albert,10 b. in Xenia, Mo., 15 June, 1872.
13756 Cora May,10 b. in Hopkins, Mo., 1 Dec., 1874; d. in Thompson, 21 Apr., 1880.
13757 Minnie Louisa,10 b. in Savanna, 21 Jan., 1877; m. Richard P. Kean.
13758 Ethel Luverne,10 b. in Savanna, 16 Oct., 1879.
13759 Myrtle Irene,10 b. in Savanna, 8 Sept., 1883.
13760 Pearl Ermine,10 b. in Thompson, 17 Mar., 1887.

7182.   FRANK EUGENE,9 son of Aranda8 (2880), b. in Polo, Ill., 16 Oct., 1854; m. 23 Man, 1889, Emily Louisa Pulford, b. in Savanna, Ill., 1 July, 1859, dau. of Jeremiah Pulford, b. 21 Apr., 1829, and Elizabeth Galpin, b. 28 Mar., 1832.
He was a druggist for twenty years; is now following literary pursuits; res. in Savanna.
13761 Bruce Clemens,10 b. 13 May, 1890.
13762 Ruth Lucretia,10 b. 29 July, 1892.
13763 Lois Elizabeth,10 b. 5 Feb., 1894.
13764 Charles Francis,10 b. 3 Feb., 1897.

7190.   DEACON NEWTON SHERMAN,9 son of Sherman Ashbel8 (2883), b. in Claridon, O., 16 June, 1847; m. in Windham, O., 12 Aug., 1880, Emma Eliza­beth Higley, b. in Windham, 25 May, 1849, dau. of John Larkin Higley, b. 17 Jan., 1816, and Elizabeth Kirby Frary, b. 12 Nov., 1820.
He d. in Canton, O., 20 Apr., 1895, where she res.
He was a member and one of the deacons of the First Presbyterian Church.
He was interested in a combination lock and safe company, which failed in the panic, and he afterward engaged with a steel roofing company; was a Republican.
Children, b. in Claridon.
13765 Gertrude Belle,10 b. 7 Feb., 1882.
13766 John Sherman,10 b. 14 Aug., 1883.
13767 Lucy Elizabeth,10 b. 10 Sept., 1887

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7198.   ERWIN JAMES,9 son of James Sidney8 (2887), b. in Claridon, O., 1 Nov., 1844; m. (1) in Burton, O., 14 May, 1866, Annetta Fowler, dau. of Andrew Fowler, of Burton.
She d. ______; he m. (2) in Lancaster, O., 10 July, 1878, Mary De Velling, dau. of Henry W. De Velling, of Lancaster.
They res. in Cleveland, O.
Child by first wife.
13768 Elizabeth Annette,10 b. in Painesville, O., 1 Oct., 1867; m. in Cleve­land, 14 May, 1889, John Townsend Huntington; res. in Elyria, O.
Child by second wife.
13769 Florence Laverne,10 b. in Cleveland, 23 Aug., 1883.

7200.   ELLEN SOPHIA,9 dau. of James Sidney8 (2887), b. in Claridon, O., 6 June, 1853; m. 18 Nov., 1874, Burrett Whately Haskins, b. in Bainbridge, O., 30 July, 1848, son of Hiram Haskins and Minerva _______, of Cleveland, O., b. 1818.
He is a lawyer; was graduated from a law school; a Republican; res. in Cleveland, O.
Children, b. in Cleveland.
13770 Clifford Branson Haskins,10 b. 13 Jan., 1877; res., unm., in Cleveland.
13771 Mabel Katherine Haskins,10 b. 20 May, 1884; res. in Cleveland.

7201.   ELIZA ANNAH,9 dau. of Cyrus Alfred8 (2888), b. in Claridon, O., 30 June, 1845; m. in Cleveland, O., 23 Apr., 1865, George Washington Richardson, b. in Chagrin Falls, O., 18 Sept., 1841, son of Lyman Richardson, b. 28 June, 1813, and Nancy Johnson, b. 1818.
He is a dealer in real estate; res. in Cleveland, O. He served in the civil war as private in the Forty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 26 Aug., 1861, and was discharged 12 June, 1862. He is a Republican and a Congregationalist.
13772 Georgia Eliza Richardson,10 b. 29 Jan., 1866; m. in Cleveland, Fred B. Preston; res. in Niagara Falls, N. Y.
13773 Samuel Henry Richardson,10 b. 3 Feb., 1869; is unm.
13774 George Wilfred Richardson,10 b. 29 July, 1876; m. in Cleveland, Marie Treat; res. in Cleveland.
13775 John Edward Richardson,10 b. 26 Nov., 1877; m. in Ilion, N. Y., Anna Manggang; res. in Ilion.
13776 Robert Kellogg Richardson,10 b. 19 Apr., 1891.

7203.   FRANK ERNEST,9 son of Cyrus Alfred8 (2888), b. in Claridon, O., 20 Apr., 1851; m. 5 Apr., 1877, Della J. Wells, b. in Claridon, 20 Nov., 1855, dau. of Jason C. Wells, b. 24 Jan., 1818, and Caroline Moffett, b. 4 July, 1820.
In the Presbyterian Church; is a Republican.
13777 Della May,10 b. in Rich Hill, Mo., 5 Feb., 1883.

7204.   CHARLES COTTON ,9 son of Cyrus Alfred8 (2888), b. in Claridon, O., Oct., 1853; m. in Claridon, 25 Dec., 1876, Alice Nancy Wilmot, b. in Claridon,

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9 June, 1855, dau. of Lucius Tuttle Wilmot, b. 30 June, 1824, and Nancy Taylor, b. 11 Feb., 1823.
He is a farmer, Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Claridon.
Children, b. in Claridon.
13778 Elsie Alice,10 b. 16 May, 1879; m. Paul Hammond McNish.
13779 Edna Nancy,10 b. 16 Apr., 1887.
13780 Alfred Lucius,10 b. 23 Sept., 1892; d. in Claridon, 10 Dec., same year.
13781 Frank Corron,10 b. 12 Oct., 1894.

7205.   MILICENT ADELL,9 dau. of Cyrus Alfred8 (2888), b. in Claridon, O., 29 Jan., 1865; m. in Claridon, 12 Aug., 1885, Frank Murray Canfield, b. in Claridon, 1863, son of C. L. Canfield, b. 1823, and Mary Ann Kerr, b. 19 Feb., 1826.
He d. in Buffalo, N. Y., 31 Dec., 1895; after his death she res. in Claridon.
He was a jeweler; was a Republican.
13782 Betta Marie Canfield,10 b. in Claridon, 25 Feb., 1886.

7225.   EDMUND RAY,9 son of James8 (2905), b. in Vernon, N. Y., 16 Jan., 1818; m. in Utica, N. Y., 4 Mar., 1857, Mary Elizabeth Blakesley, b. in Utica, 12 Mar., 1834, dau. of Dr. Elvin Blakesley and Louisa Johnson, b. 1 June, 1803.
He d. in Chicago, 1 May, 1875; she d. in Denver, Col., 1 Feb., 1897.
He was a merchant; an Episcopalian.
Children, b. in Chicago.
13783 Bessie,10 b. 28 Nov., 1857; d. in Chicago, 19 Dec., 1859.
13784 Jessie,10 b. 28 Nov., 1857; m. Isaac Fillmore Dickson.
13785 Louise,10 b. 9 Dec., 1861; m. in Chicago, 26 Jan., 1881, George Edgar Burleson; res. in Denver.
13786 Elizabeth,10 b. 19 Feb., 1864; m. in Chicago, 22 Sept., 1886, Harry Merritt Gilbert, b. in Cincinnati, 3 July, 1856, son of Henry O. Gil­bert, b. 17 May, 1820, and Elizabeth T. Tuttle, b. 22 May, 1833; he d. in Chicago, 17 Feb., 1895; res. in Chicago; had no children.
13787 James Blakesley,10 b. 27 May, 1865; res. in Elizabeth, Mont.
13788 Edmund Ray,10 b. 22 Nov., 1867; res. in Denver.

7231.   AMELIA LOUISE,9 dau. of James8 (2905), b. in Vernon, N. Y., 20 Dec., 1834; m. in New York City, 21 June, 1859, Jonas Fay Perry, b. in Can­astota, N. Y., 4 Apr., 1826, son of Henry Perry and Cornelia Fay, b. 1807.
He d. in Pelham, N. Y., 22 Feb., 1895.
She res. in Saybrook, Conn., and Providence, R. I.
He was an importer and jobber of silk goods; was graduated from Canastota Academy, 1841; was an Episcopalian and a Democrat.
13789 Henry Fay Perry,10 b. in New York City, 18 July, 1860.
13790 George Kellogg Perry,10 b. in Orange, N. Y., 11 Mar., 1863; m. in Sa­brook, 22 June, 1891, Susan Lynde Morse; res. in Pelham.
13791 Louise Kellogg Perry,10 b. in New York City, 16 Mar., 1865; m. in Say­brook, 21 Sept., 1892, Emmett Lyman Rogers; d. in New London, Conn., 5 Jan., 1894; he res. in New York City.

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13792 Amelie Fay Perry,10 b. in New York City, 25 Sept., 1868.
13793 Graham Perry,10 b. in Orange, 4 Apr., 1871.
13794 Duncan Perry,10 b. in Orange, 24 Jan., 1873.

7232.   HELEN MAR,9 dau. of James8 (2905), b. in Rome, N. Y., 19 Dec., 1837; m. 24 Feb., 1857, Edward Everett Litchfield, b. in Delphi, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1834, son of Elisha Litchfield and Lucy Savage.
He is a dealer in mining claims; res. in Breckenridge, Col.; later in Po­mona, Cal.
13795 Helen Litchfield,10 b. in Litchfield, Ill., 14 Feb., 1860.

7233.   FRANK,9 son of James8 (2905), b. in Camillus, N. Y., 16 Oct., 1840; m. in New York City, 17 Dec., 1868, Josephine Leonard, b. in New York City, 27 Nov., 1848, dau. of Moses Gage Leonard, of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. 10 July, 1809, and Kathrine Barmore, b. 22 Apr., 1811.
He was graduated from the Oneida Conference Seminary, Cazenovia, N. Y.; is an Episcopalian and a Republican; res. in New York City.
Children, all except second, b. in Brooklyn.
13796 Frank Leonard,10 b. 21 Oct., 1870; is unm.
13797 Marion Jewell,10 b. in New York City, 3 May, 1872; is unm.
13798 Annette Browning,10 b. 11 Apr., 1875; m. in New York City, 9 Nov., 1901, William Edward Colt, Jr., b. in Brooklyn, 14 Dec., 1871, son of William Edward Colt, b. 3 June, 1839, and Laura Van Ingen, of New York City, b. 14 Nov., 1838; he is a banker; an Episcopalian and a Republican.
13799 George Graham,10 b. 1 Mar., 1880; d. in Orange, N. J., 12 June, 1885.

7241.   LYMAN LORENZO ERASTUS,9 son of John Jay8 (2907), b. in Pulaski, N. Y., 24 June, 1829; m. in Wilbur, Or., 10 July, 1864, Mary Harton Pinkston, of Douglas Co., Or., b. in Oregon, Mo., 26 June, 1845, dau. of Harrison Pinkston, b. 13 Mar., 1816, and Martha Frances Venerable, b. 6 Apr., 1820.
She d. in Oakland, Or., 26 Apr., 1878; he d. there 2 June, 1881.
He was a farmer and Republican; res. in Oakland.
Children, all except the last two, b. in Kellogg, Or.
13800 John Jay,10 b. 20 May, 1865; d. unm., in Portland, Or., 1889.
13801 Harrison Pinkston,10 b. 20 Sept., 1866; res., unm., in Oakland; is a farmer and a Democrat.
13802 Jane Maria Frances,10 b. 3 Mar., 1868; m. Harmon Henry Neal.
13803 Kate Minnie,10 b. 29 Oct., 1869; m. in Oakland, 20 Dec., 1893, Wil­liam Richard Neas; res. in Oakland.
13804 Mary Annie,10 b. 23 Aug., 1871; m. in Oakland, 1894, C. A. McNabb; res. in Oakland.
13805 James Richmond,10 b. 3 Nov., 1873; d. in Kellogg, 11 Oct., 1890.
13806 Laura May,10 b. in Oakland, 18 Feb., 1876; res. there, unm.
13807 William Clay,10 b. in Oakland, 23 Mar., 1878; d. there, 15 Nov., 1878.

7249.   REV. ERASTUS LEWIS,9 son of Rev. Erastus8 (2908), b. in Victory, N. Y., 12 Oct., 1833; m. in New Buffalo, Mich., 2 Sept., 1857, Mary Alice.

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Martin, b. 19 Sept., 1832, dau. of Isaac Webb Martin, b. in New Jersey, 15 Jan., 1808, and Candace Lovina Rockwell, b. in Connecticut, 13 May, 1805.
He d. in Traverse City, Mich., 26 June, 1899.
He was a Methodist Episcopal minister; res. in Traverse City.
13808 Lucy Lovina,10 b. 29 July, 1858; m. Rev. John Cornelius Beach.
13809 William Martin,10 b. in Lawrence, Mich., 29 Apr., 1861; m. Augusta Elizabeth Eslow.
13810 Herbert Eugene,10 b. 6 Feb., 1867; d. 2 Mar., 1867.
13811 Arthur Rockwell,10 b. 6 Feb., 1867; is a commercial traveler; res., unm., in Stewart River, Klondike, Alaska.
13812 Grace Alethia,10 b. 13 Oct., 1875; d. 3 Apr., 1878.

7259.   WILLIAM ALLISON,9 son of William8 (2912), b. in Fredericksburg, Va., 29 Aug., 1828; m. 18 Dec., 1860, Mary Louisa Kemper, b. 15 Jan., 1835, dau. of Henry Field Kemper, of Fauquier Co., Va., b. 5 Apr., 1801, and Susan W. Kelly, b. 18 Oct., 1803.
She d. 7 July, 1883; he d. in Fauquier Co., 23 Dec., 1890.
He served as private, under Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, in the Confederate army; was a farmer; res. in Spring Grove, Va.
13813 George Alexander Donathan,10 b. in Fauquier Co., 1 Sept., 1867; m. Bessie Phair Patts.
13814 David Kemper,10 b. in Spring Grove, 28 June, 1869; m. Josephine Mc­Murran.
13815 William Hugh,10 b. in Spring Grove, 3 Feb., 1871; is a clerk, a Pres­byterian and a Democrat; res., unm., in Bluefield, W. Va., later in Newport, Va.
13816 Frank Woods,10 b. in Spring Grove, b. 3 July, 1873; is a hotel clerk in East Northfield, Mass.; is unm.
13817 Mary Stadler,10 b. in Spring Grove, 22 May, 1878; res., unm., in White Plains, N. Y.

7264.   TIMOTHY,9 son of William8 (2912), b. in Fredericksburg, Va., 23 Dec., 1830; m. in Fredericksburg, 10 Aug., 1854, Mary Virginia McDowell, dau. of Edward McDowell, b. 15 Sept., 1799, and Maria Ann Smith, b. 29 Oct., 1811.
He d. in Richmond, Va., 30 Sept., 1872.
He was a merchant; res. in Richmond.
Children, b. in Richmond.
13818 Mary Virginia,10 b. 12 Jan., 1857; res., unm., in Richmond.
13819 Allison Gilmer,10 b. 22 June, 1860; m. Elenore E. Webel.
13820 Edward Perricolas,10 b. 7 July, 1863; m. Harriet Eliza Bostwick.
13821 Lillian Douglas,10 b. 29 Sept., 1867; m. William Bucey Galloway.

7265.   REV. ROBERT RANSOM,9 son of Timothy8 (2913), b. in Hudson, N. Y., 18 May, 1813; m. in New York City, 21 June, 1827, Mary Elizabeth Morse, b. 22 Jan., 1814, dau. of Professor Ezekiel Morse.
He d. in Milford, Pa., 15 Sept., 1866; after his death she res. with her eldest dau.

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He was a Presbyterian minister. His collegiate education was at Princeton, N. J., and at the University of New York, class of 1835, and at the Theological Seminary in Auburn, N. Y. He res. in Romeo and Detroit, Mich., Le Roy and Lima, N. Y., and from 1861 until his death in Milford.
13822 Mary Theodosia,10 b. in New York, 17 Apr., 1838; m. Frederick Augustus Thompson.
13823 Robert Morse,10 b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 17 July, 1840; m. Martha Elizabeth Boyce.
13824 Sarah Josephine,10 b. in Romeo, 2 May, 1846; m. Moses Van In­wegen.

7268.   LOUISA ISABELLA,9 dau. of Timothy8 (2913), b. in Hudson, N. Y., 31 Mar., 1820; m. 20 Sept., 1838, Lyman Washburn Gilbert, of New York, b. in Bristol, Vt., 20 July, 1808.
He d. in New Brighton, S. I., 8 Mar., 1871; she d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1876.
13825 Mary Elizabeth Mills Gilbert,10 b. in New York, 16 Mar., 1842; d. in Brooklyn, 14 Dec., 1853.
13826 Adelaide Sophia Louisa Gilbert,10 b. in New York, 19 Mar., 1845; d. in Brooklyn, 15 July, 1848.
13827 Agnes Josephine Isabella Gilbert,10 b. in Philadelphia, 29 Jan., 1847; d. in Brooklyn, 15 Aug., 1849.
13828 Helen Augusta Leeds Gilbert,10 b. in New York, 14 Aug., 1848; d. in Brooklyn, 15 Aug., 1849.
13829 Louisa Isabella Augusta Gilbert,10 b. in Brooklyn, 22 Oct., 1853; d. 29 May, 1861.
13830 Anna Louisa Meyers Gilbert,10 b. in Brooklyn, 27 Oct., 1861.
13831 Ida Isabella Kendall Gilbert,10 b. in Brooklyn, 25 Dec., 1862.

7269.   SARAH WILLIAMS,9 dau. of Timothy8 (2913), b. in New York City, 1 June, 1822; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 13 Dec., 1852, Charles Frederick Burckett, b. in Baden, Germany, 14 July, 1821.
He d. in New York, 21 Apr., 1895.
13832 Frederick Kellogg Burckett,10 b. in Brooklyn, 25 July, 1854.
13833 Charles Henry Burckett,10 b. in New Orleans, La., 30 Mar., 1856.
13834 Waller Latting Burckett,10 b. in New Orleans, 23 Jan., 1858; m. 21 Apr., 1887, Jessie Bishop Knox; had three children.
13835 William Mellen Burckett,10 b. in Brooklyn, 9 Apr., 1860.
13836 Timothy Kellogg Burckett,10 b. in Brooklyn, 27 Jan., 1862; d. 13 Feb., same year.

7270.   MARY ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Timothy8 (2913), b. in New York City, 28 May, 1824, m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 25 Dec., 1851, Herbert Manuel Harman, of Oswego, N. Y., b. in Pulaski, N. Y., 28 Oct., 1823.
She d. in Oswego, 12 Feb., 1868.
Children, b. in Oswego.
13837 Mary Gertrude Harman,10 b. 17 May, 1856.
13838 Ella Lucretia Harman,10 b. 9 Jan., 1859, d. 10 Jan., 1865.

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13839 Anna Louisa Harman,10 b. 29 Oct., 1860.
13840 Milton Herbert Harman,10 b. 4 Aug., 1863.
13841 Charles Kellogg Harman,10 b. 9 Oct., 1865.
13842 Kate Harman,10 b. 3 Feb., 1868; was adopted by her uncle, Charles Kellogg (7266).

7271.   MARTHA BENJAMIN,9 dau. of Timothy8 (2913), b. in New York City, 24 Sept., 1826; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 28 Dec., 1847, James Rider Van Brunt, of Brooklyn, b. 20 Sept., 1820.
Children, b. in Brooklyn.
13843 James Kellogg Van Brunt,10 b. 25 Dec., 1849; m. Ella Florence Stevens; had no children.
13844 Martha Elizabeth Van Brunt,10 b. 19 Aug., 1851; m. Daniel Futhill Rouk.
13845 Sarah Burckett Van Brunt,10 b. 11 Nov., 1853.
13846 Jane Adriance Van Brunt,10 b. 27 Oct., 1855.
13847 Caroline Henshaw Van Brunt,10 b. 23 Nov., 1857.
13848 Louisa Gilbert Van Brunt,10 b. 13 Aug., 1860.
13849 Albert Cropsey Van Brunt,10 b. 30 Oct., 1862; d. 2 May, 1865.
13850 Mary Garetta Van Brnnt,10 b. 5 Man, 1865; d. 24 Sept., same year.
13851 Mary Garetta Van Brunt,10 b. 9 July, 1867; d. 6 June, 1868.

7272.   WALTER LAWRENCE,9 son of Timothy8 (2913), b. in New York City, 6 Jan., 1829; m. in Lexington, Mich., 30 Dec., 1851, Ruth Francis, b. in Wales, N. Y., 23 Mar., 1831.
13852 Walter Bostwick,10 b. in Lexington, 17 Oct., 1866.

7273.   SOPHIA LUCRETIA,9 dau. of Timothy8 ( 2913), b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 8 Nov., 1831; m. 3 Mar., 1851, Edward Orr, of Detroit, Mich., b. in New Bed­ford, Mass., 26 Feb., 1826.
He d. ______, in Detroit.
Children, b. in Detroit.
13853 Henry Kellogg Orr,10 b. 21 Mar., 1852; d. 25 Apr., 1857.
13854 Elizabeth Kedder Orr,10 b. 28 Mar., 1853; m. James Edward Dickin­son; res. in Detroit.
13855 Edward Trumbull Orr,10 b. 14 May, 1854; d. in Brooklyn, 7 Sept., same year.
13856 Frank Howard Orr,10 b. 14 May, 1855; d. 4 July, same year.
13857 Mary Louisa Orr,10 b. 14 Oct., 1856.
13858 Charles Morris Orr,10 b. 18 Feb., 1858.
13859 Sophia Estelle Orr,10 b. 26 Jan., 1861; d. 26 Nov., 1862.
13860 Virginia Lincoln Orr,10 b. 24 May, 1863.
13861 Charlotte Page Orr,10 b. 14 Feb., 1865.
13862 Grace Lucretia Orr,10 b. 31 May, 1867; d. 6 July, 1868.
13863 Wendell Prime Orr,10 b. 16 June, 1868; d. 11 July, same year.
13864 Edward Kellogg Orr,10 b. 30 Mar., 1870.
13865 Florence Maud Orr,10 b. 17 Oct., 1872.

7274.   JOSEPHINE MARIA,9 dau. of Timothy8 (2913), b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1834; m. in Brooklyn, 24 Jan., 1854, George Wales Harman, of Oswego, N. Y., b. there, 13 Feb., 1833.

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Children, b. in Oswego.
13866 William Wales Harman,10 b. 20 Aug., 1855; m. May Adelaide Whit­man.
13867 Herbert Percy Harman,10 b. 3 Dec., 1857.
13868 Edwin Bronson Harman,10 b. 9 Apr., 1859.
13869 Frances Althea Harman,10 b. 8 Apr., 1862; d. 11 Aug., same year.
13870 Josephine Kellogg Harman,10 b. 22 Dec., 1866.
13871 Albert Mannister Harman,10 b. 11 Nov., 1869.

7276.   ABI ANNA,9 dau. of Truman8 (2916), b. in Pompey, N. Y., 29 Oct., 1822; m. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 16 Apr., 1844, William Bemis, b. in Peru, N. Y., 1 Dec., 1816, son of Telotus Bemis, b. 30 Mar., 1791.
He d. in Grand Rapids, 26 Feb., 1882.
Before 1844 he lived in Rochester, N. Y. He was a grocer and res. in Grand Rapids; was a -Congregationalist and a Republican.
Children, b. in Grand Rapids.
13872 Emily Kellogg Bemis,10 b. 4 Apr., 1846; res., unm., in Grand Rapids.
13873 Henrietta Abi Bemis,10 b. 6 July, 1848; m. 1 Oct., 1873, Jackson Davis Dillenbeck; res. in University Park, Denver, Col.; had two chil­dren.
13874 William Albert Bemis,10 b. 15 June, 1853; is a grocer; res., unm., in Grand Rapids.
13875 George Truman Bemis,10 b. 21 June, 1856; is a grocer; res., unm., in Grand Rapids.

7279.   ORSON CHESTER,9 son of Truman8 (2916), b. in Pompey, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1826; m. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 30 Oct., 1851, Lydia Hannah McKinzie, b. in Ontario Co., N. Y., 4 June, 1831, dau. of Alexander Moore McKinzie, b. in New York City, 19 Apr., 1802, and Miriam Eddy Thorp, b. near Morristown, N. J., 11 Oct., 1800.
He is a farmer; res. in Grand Rapids.
13876 Orson McKinzie,10 b. in Grand Rapids, 2 Sept., 1853; m. Nettie Roselle Gibbs.
13877 Henry Truman,10 b. 9 Jan., 1855; d. 21 July, 1856.
13878 Frank Mars,10 b. 23 Feb., 1860; m. Laura B. Homan.
13879 Anna Miriam,10 b. 4 Sept., 1861; res., unm., in Grand Rapids.

7280.   MYRON HINSDALE,9 son of Truman8 (2916), b. 17 May, 1830; m. Mary Ann McElcheran, b. about 1833, dau. of _______ McElcheran, b. 1796, and Wilmina Dubois, b. 1804.
13880 Myron Benson,10 b. in Chicago, 25 Oct., 1863; m. in New Lenox, Ill., 15 June, 1895, Lillie Elizabeth Fellows, b. in New Lenox, 15 June, 1869, dau. of Warren Russell Fellows, b. in Stillwater, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1830, and Candace Lewis, b. in Worcester, N. Y., 17 Oct., 1840; she d. 7 Oct., 1897, in Chicago; he is a farmer; an Episco­palian; res. in Medford, N. D.; had no children.

1170    The Kelloggs in the New World.

7281.   TRUMAN,9 son of Truman8 (2916)., b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., 17 Oct., 1836; m. 5 Jan., 1881, Ella Louise Hyde, b. in Atlas, N. Y., 18 June, 1858, dau. of Calvin Hyde, of Alba, Mich., b. in Morison, Mass., 29 Apr., 1809, and Clarissa Sargent Gale, b. in Northumberland, N. Y., 1 May, 1815.
She d. 14 Sept., 1892.
He was for thirty years in the mail service, twenty-six years a railway postal service clerk, and four years in the post­office. For eleven years preceding 1898 he was a real estate dealer; res. in Grand Rapids, Mich.
Children, b. in Grand Rapids.
13881 Abi Ella,10 b. 11 Dec., 1881; res., unm, in Grand Rapids.
13882 Louise,10 b. 7 Aug., 1892; d. 10 Jan., 1893.
13883 Truman Hyde,10 b. 7 Aug., 1892; d. 2 Jan., 1893.

7288.   Eliza Jane,9 dau. of Albert8 (2918), b. in Cincinnati, O., 31 Dec., 1833; m. 11 Oct., 1855, Albert Pyncheon Williams, b. in Canaan, Conn., 8 Oct., 1832, son of George Williams, of Great Barrington, Mass, b. ______, and Almira Dunham, b. 21 July, 1799.
He is a dealer in furniture; has res. in Cincinnati, New York City and now in Chicago.
13884 Pluma Almira Williams,10 b. 12 Dec., 1859.
13885 Eleanor Kellogg Williams,10 b. 26 Aug., 1862; m. 25 Nov., 1881, Wil­liam Schakelford Estell, b. 26 Aug., 1850; res. in River Forest, Ill.; had three children.
13886 Cora Eliza Williams,10 b. 2 Nov., 1864.
13887 Clara Louise Williams,10 b. 5 Nov., 1869; m. 11 Nov., 1892, Edward Hobbs, b. 22 Sept., 1867; res. in Rogers Park, Ill.; had two chil­dren.
13888 Bessie Belle Williams,10 b. 6 Nov., 1875.

7292.   ELEANOR ANN,9 dau. of Albert8 (2918), b. in Cincinnati, O., 8 Oct.; 1838; m. in Cincinnati, 2 June, 1863, William M. Boynton, b. in Pittsfield, Mass, 5 Oct., 1839, son of Rev. Charles Boynton.
He d. in Washington, D. C., 5 July, 1879; she d. there, 13 July, 1882.
He was a sutler in the civil war; was a journalist, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Washington.
Children, b. in Maryland.
13889 Maude Thurman Boynton,10 b. 1 Man, 1868; m. Solomon Sims Wither; had seven children.
13890 Edith Kellogg Boynton,10 b. 7 Jan., 1870; m. in Grand Rapids, Mich., Mar., 1897, Dr. Edward Gates; res. in Linwood, O.
13891 Marie Lee Boynton,10 b. 30 Dec., 1873.
13892 Bertha Lynn Boynton,10 b. 3 Apr., 1876; m. in Linwood, 16 Apr., 1898, John Alexander Le Blase; res. in Linwood.

7294.   LUCINDA,9 dau. of Albert8 (2918), b. in Cincinnati. O., 16 June, 1842; m. there, 26 May, 1864, Benjamin Moir Mirrielees, b. in Aberdeen, Scotland, 3 Apr., 1837, son of James M. Mirrielees, b. 1795, and Isabella Mearns, b. 1 Jan., 1800.
He was in the insurance business; was a Presbyterian and a Republican.

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He was a Quartermaster, in the Transportation Department, in the civil war; was Capt. of one of the Cincinnati and Louisiana mail boats; now res. in Linwood, O.
Children, b. in Cincinnati.
13893 Albert Kellogg Mirrielees,10 b. 8 Mar., 1865; d. 17 July, same year.
13894 Mabel Mirrielees,10 b. 6 Feb., 1867; m. in Cincinnati, 2 Dec., 1887, William French Harmon; res. in Linwood.
13895 James Fay Mirrielees,10 b. 19 Dec., 1875.

7325.   NANCY,9 dau. of Sylvester8 (2927), b. in North Bloomfield, N. Y., 30 Jan., 1823; m. 19 Dec., 1848, Moses Comstock Davis, b. 11 Apr., 1823, son of Martin Davis, b. 15 Feb., 1790, and Olive _______, b. 20 Sept., 1788.
She d. in Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 13 Aug., 1878; after her death he res. there; is a farmer.
13896 Clara Elizabeth Davis,10 b. 11 Apr., 1881.
13897 Charles Davis,10 b. ______.

7328.   JOHN FRANKLIN,9 son of Sylvester8 (2927), b. in North Bloomfield, N. Y., 16 Aug., 1833; m. in Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 15 Sept., 1858, Marilla Elmina Burton, b. in Honeoye Falls, 1 Nov., 1835, dau. of Asa Burton, b. in Gorham, N. Y., 8 Dec., 1802, and Elsey Richardson, b. in Livonia, N. Y., 18 Feb., 1810.
He d. in Honeoye Falls, 28 Dec., 1871; was a merchant tailor and produce merchant; res. in Honeoye Falls; was a Methodist and a Democrat; she m. (2) _______ Starr, and res. in Honeoye Falls.
Children, b. in Honeoye Falls.
13898 Edwin Burton,10 b. 2 Dec., 1861; m. Josephine Lotee.
13899 Louise,10 b. 31 May, 1866; m. Dale Mills.
13900 Ella Maud,10 b. 4 Sept., 1867; d. 9 Feb., 1868.

7365.   MARY ALMIRA,9 dau. of Franklin Harrison8 (2936), b. in Penfield, N. Y., 12 May, 1851; m. in Rochester, N. Y., 13 Apr., 1880, Charles William Prong, b. in Brighton, N. Y., 27 Sept., 1858, son of William Prong, b. 21 Nov., 1833, and Dorothy Minnebeck, b. 3 July, 1840.
He is a farmer and gardener; res. in Brighton, N. Y.
Children, b. in Penfield, N. Y.
13901 Emma Blanch Prong,10 b. 30 Nov., 1881; d. 18 Feb., 1882.
13902 Charles Elmer Prong,10 b. 17 July, 1884.
13903 James Harold Prong,10 b. 29 May, 1886.
13904 Maude Elizabeth Prong,10 b. 2 July, 1888.
13905 George Vernen Prong,10 b. 1 Mar., 1892.

7367.   REV. ERASTUS MARTIN,9 son of Alvan Hyde8 (2937), b. in, Rich­mond, N. Y., 30 Oct., 1815; m. 25 Aug., 1841, Hannah Read French, b. in Hollis, N. H., 2 July, 1815, dau. of Silas French, b. in Billerica, Mass., 12 Oct., 1762, and Sarah Read, b. in Hollis, about 1778; he d. in Wolcott, Conn., 1 Mar., 1897, aged 81 years and 4 months; after her death he res. with his son, Rev. Henry Martin, in Wolcott.

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He was graduated from Hamilton College, 1840, and in 1843 received the degree of M. A. He studied theology at Auburn Theological Seminary; was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church in New Haven, N. Y., 27 Oct., 1842; was installed in New Boston, N. H., 1846; Mason Village, N. H., 1852; Derby, Vt., 1855; later in North Mansfield, Mass., Lyme, N. H., and Hammon­ton, N. J.; was seriously injured in a railroad accident in 1857.
13906 Henry Martin,10 b. in New Boston, N. H., 2 Apr., 1851; m. (1) Cora Olympe Alton; (2) Mrs. Stella Georgette (Alton) West.
13907 Hannah Maria,10 b. 4 Sept., 1853; d. 17 Mar., 1854.

7368.   MOSES KING,9 son of Alvan Hyde8 (2937), b. 17 June, 1818; m. Lucinda Forman, of New Haven, N. Y.
He d. 27 Mar., 1852.
He was a farmer; res. in Mexico, N. Y., and Kenosha, Wis.
13908 Esther Philena,10 b. 16 Dec., 1838.
13909 Martin King,10 b. 15 Oct., 1840; d. 4 Mar., 1859.
13910 Saraha Melia,10 b. 10 Oct., 1842.
13911 Henry King,10 b. 11 Nov., 1844.

7369.   ALVAN SHEPARD,9 son of Alvan Hyde8 (2937), b. 21 Jan., 1822; m. (1) Mar., 1849, Charlotte Amanda Wheaton.
She d. ______; he m. (2) ______; d. in California, 14 Dec., 1888.
13912 Martin,10 b. ______; d. young.
13913 Esther,10 b. ______; m. George Philbrick; had seven children; was divorced; took her three living children and went to Grass Valley, Cal., where she was a homeopathic physician; d. ______.
13914 Sarah,10 b. ______; m. Samuel Hubbell; was divorced in Janesville, Wis.; had two children.

7372.   CHARLES PRINDLE,9 son of Martin Deming8 (2938), b. in Union Square, N. Y., 7 July, 1821; m. 16 Nov., 1846, his cousin, Elizabeth (Betsey) Emmeline Hemingway, b. in East Haven, Conn., 7 Feb., 1823, dau. of Col. Willet Hemingway,* b. in East Haven, about 11.30 p. m., 29 Jan., 1791, and Sarah (Sally) Rowe, b. in East Haven, 26 June, 1790.
He d. in Fair Haven, Conn., 30 Aug., 1884; she res. in New Haven, Conn., is paralyzed in lower limbs.
He res. in East Haven; rem. in 1855 to Oswego, N. Y.; was a shipsmith.
13915 Germaine Alvord,10 b. in New Haven, 26 June, 1848; d. in Deer Lodge, Mont., 17 Feb., 1890; was a civil engineer; res. in Helena, Mont.
13916 Caroline Almira,10 b. in New Haven, 18 Aug., 1850; m. Emerson H. Farnham.

*Col. Willet Hemingway was twin brother of Willis Hemingway, whose son, Anson, m. Charlotte Stebbins Kellogg (+7374).

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13917 Emily Josephine,10 b. in New Haven, 29 June, 1855; m. Frederick Collins Crossley.
13918 Charles Dwight,10 b. 20 Sept., 1857; d. in Oswego, 5 Sept., 1858.
13919 Willet Hemingway,10 b. in Oswego, 30 June, 1859; m. Ruby Frances Gay.

7373.   PAULINA,9 dau. of Martin Deming8 (2938), b. in Union Square, N. Y., 20 Jan., 1823; m. 21 Apr., 1845, in Fair Haven (now New Haven), Conn., Enos Edwin Hemingway, b. 28 Dec., 1819 (brother of Anson Hemingway, who m. her sister, Charlotte), son of Willis Hemingway, b. about 12:30 a. m., 30 Jan., 1791, and Mary Brown, b. Dec., 1789.
He d. in Fair Haven, 28 Dec., 1847; she d. 7 Nov., 1899, aged 77 years and 10 months; after his death she res. with her son in Hoboken, N. J.
He was a dealer in oysters; was a Congregationalist and a Republican.
13920 Enos Edwin Hemingway,10 b. in Fair Haven, 3 Apr., 1846; m. Fidelia Gladding; res. in Hoboken.

7374.   Charlotte Stebbins,9 dau. of Martin Deming8 (2938), b. in Union Square, N. Y., 12 Nov., 1824; m. in Fair Haven, Conn., 17 Aug., 1846, Anson Hemingway, b. in East Haven, Conn., 12 Dec., 1813 (brother of Enos Edwin Hemingway, who m. her sister, Pauline), son of Willis Hemingway, b. about 12:30 a. m., 30 Jan., 1791, and Mary Brown, b. Dec., 1789.
He d. 5 Feb., 1900, aged 86 years and 2 months; she res. in Englewood, Ill.
Until 1835 he res. in Fair Haven; in Pike Co., Ill., until 1845; in Fair Haven until 1860; later in Oswego, N. Y.
13921 Herbert Harman Hemingway,10 b. 28 Nov., 1847; m. 12 Sept., 1873, Mary Jane Maxwell, of Oswego; is a machinist; res. in Englewood; has three children.
13922 Frederic Martin Hemingway,10 b. 9 May, 1851; d. 30 Oct., 1852.
13923 Ira Garrison Hemingway,10 b. 14 Apr., 1854; m. Jane McGraw; is a moulder; res. in Chicago, and later in Englewood; has two daus.
13924 Anson Leslie Hemingway,10 b. 16 July, 1856; d. 16 Apr., 1861.
13925 George Edwin Hemingway,10 b. 24 Nov., 1858; m. Ella Haley; res. in Akron, O.
13926 Martin Kellogg Hemingway,10 b. 30 Aug., 1864; m. Frances Niland; res. in Cedar Rapids, Ia.

7375.   EMILY,9 dau. of Martin Deming8 (2938), b. in Mexico, N. Y., 27 Mar., 1828; m. in New Haven, Conn., as his second wife, 23 Dec., 1864, Reuben Moulthrop Storer, of New Haven, b. 14 Feb., 1831, son of William Storer, b. 28 Sept., 1798, and Delia Ann Moulthrop, b. 28 Mar., 1805. He had previously m. her sister, Harriet E.
She d. in New Haven, 8 Oct., 1871; he d. there, 17 Oct., 1895.
He was a machinist, Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in New Haven.

1174    The Kelloggs in the New World.

13927 Harriet Kellogg Storer,10 b. in Bound Brook, N. J., 20 Apr., 1866; is unm.
13928 Augusta Emily Storer,10 b. in Bound Brook, 25 May, 1868; m. in New Haven, 15 Aug., 1894, James Dudley Woodbridge, b. in New Haven, 22 July, 1863, son of James Ely Woodbridge, b. in Collins­ville, Conn., 4 Mar., 1831, and Elizabeth Kenne, b. 5 Apr., 1834; he is a clerk in a lumber yard; is a Congregationalist; res. in New Haven; has two children.

7376.   FRANCIS DWIGHT,9 son of Martin Deming8 (2938), b. in Scriba, N. Y., 26 June, 1830; m. in East Haven, Conn., 2 June, 1858, Louie Augusta Grannis, b. in East Haven, 3 Mar., 1837, dau. of Joseph Granniss, b. in East Haven, 24 July, 1791, and Louie Ludington, b. in East Haven, 22 July, 1794.
He d. in Baltimore, Md., 22 June, 1894.
Until the close of the war he was engaged in shipsmithing.
In 1876 he was with the King Bridge Company, of Cleveland, O. He had always lived in Fair Haven, except three years, 1859-61, in East Haven.
✛13929 Francis Dwight,10 b. in East Haven, 17 Nov., 1859; m. Mary Dear­styne.
13930 Louie Granniss,10 b. in East Haven, 24 Oct., 1861; m. in Baltimore, 13 Dec., 1888, Alton Herbert Vesper, b. in Thomaston, Me., 11 July, 1850, son of Peter Vesper, b. 1807, and Almira Morse, b. 1816; she d. 29 Mar., 1898; he is a sea captain; res. in West Haven, Conn.; had no children.
13931 Harriet Storer,10 b. 19 Nov., 1865; res., unm., in Baltimore.
13932 Mary Louise,10 b. 1 May, 1873; res., unm., in Baltimore.

7377.   HARRIET ELLEN,9 dau. of Martin Deming8 (2938), b. in Oswego, N. Y., 21 June, 1834; m. in New Haven, Conn., 24 Nov., 1853, Reuben Moul­throp Storer, b. in New Haven, 14 Feb., 1831, son of William Storer, b. 28 Sept., 1
1798, and Delia Ann Moulthrop, b. 28 Mar., 1805.
She d. in Bound Brook, N. J., Aug., 1863; he m. (2) her sister, Emily (+7375); d. in New Haven, 17 Oct., 1895.
He was a machinist, Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in New Haven.
13933 William Martin Storer,10 b. in Oswego, N. Y., 20 May, 1857; m. May, 1879, Emelia Bartels, b. in New Haven, 12 Feb., 1860, dau. of Charles Bartels and Augusta _______; she d. 5 Aug., 1898; had three children.
13934 Edwin Williamson Storer,10 b. in Bound Brook, 21 Mar., 1852; m. Minnie Isabel Schlittenhardt; res. in Philadelphia.

7381.   GEORGE BROWN,9 son of Erastus William8 (2939), b. 5 Dec., 1843; m. (1) in Palermo, N. Y., 18 Dec., 1872, Lottie D. Hills, b. 1846, dau. of Myron J. Hills.
She d. in Schroeppel, N. Y., 21 Aug., 1887; he m. (2) in Fulton, N. Y., 3

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1175

July, 1894, Leonora Calkins, b. in Fulton, 3 Jan., 1859, dau. of Dorr B. Calkins, b. 19 May, 1833, and Elizabeth Tilton, b. 11 Oct., 1833.
He is a farmer. He served as private in Co. A, One Hundred and Eighty-fourth New York Infantry; enlisted 3 Sept., 1864; was discharged 15 May, 1865; is a Republican; res. in Fulton.
13935 Ida Lavern,10 b. in Volney, N. Y., 21 June, 1877; m. there, 2 Oct., 1895, James Sears Foster; res. in Fulton.

7383.   Elizabeth Taylor,9 dau. of Erastus William8 (2939), b. 20 June, 1849; m. in Volney, N. Y., 7 Dec., 1869, John Wesley Distin, b. in Fulton, N. Y.
She d. 20 Apr., 1874.
He is a farmer. He served as private in Co. A, One Hundred and Eighty-fourth New York Infantry; enlisted 3 Sept., 1864; was discharged 4 July, 1865; is a Methodist and a Republican.
13936 Rhoda Elizabeth Distin,10 b. in Volney, 4 July, 1873; m. there, 8 Apr., 1896, Charles William Rowler; res. in Fulton.

7395.   JANE CYNTHIA,9 dau. of Truman8 (2943), b. in Harwinton, Conn., 31 Dec., 1816; m. 20 July, 1837, Luther Hoadley, b. in Winsted, Conn., 6 Mar., 1814, son of Luther Hoadley and Sophia Dexter.
She d. in Harwinton; 28 May, 1855; he m. (2) Hannah Wood; (3) Hannah Abby Wood; d. in Brownville, Neb., 6 Oct., 1881.
He was a dry goods merchant in Harwinton; was afterward in the same busi­ness in Mobile, Ala., and Brownville.
13937 Sophia Jane Hoadley,10 b. 22 May, 1855; d. 23 July, same year.

7396.   JOAN R.,9 dau. of Truman8 (2943), b. in Harwinton, Conn., 14 Jan., 1823; m. 12 Sept., 1848, Lewis Catlin, Jr.
13938 Edward K. Catlin,10 b. 16 June, 1849.
13939 June H. Catlin,10 b. 12 Mar., 1851; m. 21 May, 1872, T. S. Crossman.

7399.   COL. HENRY CLAY,9 son of George8 (2949), b. in, Jackson Co., Ga., 20 Dec., 1829; m. 11 Nov., 1849, Ophelia Troup Anglin, b. 22 Apr., 1831.
He d. in Canton, Ga., 16 July, 1889; she d. 6 Dec., 1895.
He res. in Canton. He served in the Confederate army as Col. in the Forty-third Georgia Reg.; was a member of the Georgia House of Representatives, and Postmaster of Canton.
13940 Truman Walter,10 b. in Forsyth Co., Ga., 19 Dec., 1863; m. in McKen­dree Church, Nashville, Tenn., 1 Aug., 1899, Julia C. O'Donnell; was an officer in the Custom House, Atlanta, Ga.

7401.   JANE ROXANNA,9 dau. of George8 (2949), b. in Coal Mountain, Ga., 17 Dec., 1834; m. 9 Nov., 1854, George Kellogg Sanford, son of Raymond San­ford and Jane Braselton.
She d. in Rome, Ga., 31 May, 1860; he d. 7 Oct., 1864.

1176    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He was a farmer; res. in Livingston, Ga. He was a Confederate soldier; served in Co. K, Eighth Georgia Infantry; was killed in battle near Peters­burg, Va.
13941 Flora J. Sanford,10 b. 9 Oct., 1855; d. 3 Dec., 1863.
13942 Henry E. Sanford,10 b. 3 Nov., 1857; m. in Pleasant, Ga., Nov., 1882, Julia Woodleff; res. in Atlanta, Ga.
13943 Truman Amzi Sanford,10 b. Jan., 1860; d. 9 June, same year.

7402.   ADALINE WEBSTER,9 dau. of George8 (2949), b. in Coal Mountain, Ga., 11 Nov., 1837; m. (1) in Coal Mountain, 27 Sept., 1859, Edwin S. Grim­mett.
He d. 28 July, 1862; she no. (2) in Coal Mountain, 8 Oct., 1878, Joseph Waters; d. in Atlanta, Ga., 25 Jan., 1883.
Her first husband was a farmer. He was in the civil war under Gen. Forrest; was a Lieut. in Capt. Haines' Co., Morrison's Reg.; d. in the Confederate army.
Her second husband was a railroad man; res. in Atlanta.
13944 Edwin Kellogg Grimmett,10 b. in Cane Spring, Ga., 15 Nov., 1861.

7406.   CYNTHIA CAROLINE,9 dau. of George8 (2949), b. in Coal Mountain, Ga., 22 May, 1844; m. there, 15 June, 1869, William Edward Boyd, b. in New Bridge, Ga., 7 May, 1840, son of James Boyd, b. 1815, and Martha A. Stocks, b. Sept., 1823.
He is a farmer; res. in Coal Mountain. He was a Confederate soldier; en­listed as Orderly Sergt., 9 Jan., 1861; was discharged 9 Apr., 1865. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South; is a Democrat.
13945 Flora Adeline Boyd,10 b. in Coal Mountain, 27 Feb., 1870; m. 23 Dec., 1890, Henry E. Washburn; res. in Coal Mountain.
13946 Martha Caroline Boyd,10 b. in Atlanta, Ga., 20 June, 1873.
13947 Mary Jim Boyd,10 b. in Coal Mountain, 25 May, 1877.
13948 Ophelia Jane Boyd,10 b. in Coal Mountain, 29 Nov., 1879.
13949 Ann George Boyd,10 b. in Coal Mountain, 20 Nov., 1882.

7408.   GEORGE WALTER,9 son of George8 (2949), b. in Coal Mountain, Ga., 24 Dec., 1849; m. there, 17 Nov., 1870, Amanda Lucetta Douglas, b. in Gordon, Ga., 8 May, 1844, dau. of James T. Douglas, b. 10 Sept., 1813, and Lucetta Puren Smith, b. 5 Apr., 1822.
He is a farmer; res. in Pleasant, Ga.; is a Methodist and a Democrat.
Children, first two b. in Coal Mountain, others in Pleasant.
13950 Caroline Louise,10 b. 15 Dec., 1872.
13951 Walter Truman,10 b. 2 Aug., 1874.
13952 Lillie Adelia,10 b. 3 Apr., 1876.
13953 Abijah Douglas,10 b. 3 Feb., 1878.
13954 Henry Hampton,10 b. 9 Feb., 1880.
13955 George Tilman,10 b. 27 Nov., 1881.
13956 Ada Amanda,10 b. 4 Oct., 1883.
13957 Webster,10 b. 19 Dec., 1886.

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7409.   MARTHA ANN,9 dau. of Alexander8 (2957), b. in Livonia, N. Y., 19 Jan., 1826; m. in Alden, N. Y., 8 July, 1847, Dr. Edward Tiffany, b. near Roch­ester, N. Y., 11 May, 1817, son of Edward Tiffany, b. 7 July, 1775, and Thankful Digratia Simons, b. 29 May, 1789.
He practiced medicine in Meigs Co., O., from 1844 to '79; later in Chicago.
13958 Frances Maria Tiffany,10 b. 1 Apr., 1853; m. 5 Sept., 1875, Warren Alonzo Alden, b. in Washington Co., O., 25 Aug., 1847, son of Gil­bert Barnabus Alden, b. in West Virginia, 17 Apr., 1821, and Eliza­beth Belden True, b. in Washington Co., O. 3 res. in Chicago.

7410.   ELIZABETH CATLIN,9 dau. of Alexander8 (2957), b. in Livonia, N. Y., 6 Aug., 1828; m. 11 July, 1847, Josiah Emery, b. in Aurora, N. Y., 29 Oct., 1819, son of Josiah Emery, b. in Dunbarton, N. H., 1 July, 1783, and Susan­nah Little, b. in Goffstown, N. H., 14 Oct., 1780.
She d. 12 Dec., 1884.
He was a farmer; res. in Aurora, on the farm where he was b.
13959 Ella Frances Emery,10 b. 31 Aug., 1849; d. 15 Oct., 1865.
13960 Edward Kellogg Emery,10 b. 29 July, 1851; is an attorney-at-law in Buffalo, N. Y.
13961 Albert Josiah Emery,10 b. 23 May, 1856; is an attorney-at-law in Buffalo.
13962 Mary Elizabeth Emery,10 b. 30 Sept., 1858; m. 9 Oct., 1878, De Witt Clinton Blakeley; d. 13 June, 1882.
13963 Asher Bates Emery,10 b. 18 Feb., 1867.

7411.   MARY MINDWELL,9 dau. of Alexander8 (2957), b. in Livonia, N. Y., 3 Feb., 1839; m. 21 Nov., 1860, George Sewell Wood, b. in Townshend, Vt., 25 Feb., 1835, son of Sewell Wood, b. in Townshend, 5 May, 1795, and Helen Maria Baylis, b. in Randolph, Vt., 29 May, 1799.
He is a farmer; res. in Alden, N. Y.
13964 Helen Maria Wood,10 b. 8 Dec., 1861.

7420.   GEORGE CHANDLER,9 son of Lewis8 (2966), b. in Adams, N. Y., 27 Dec., 1827; m. 18 Sept., 1851, Cordelia Boynton, b. 11 Nov., 1828, dau. of Joseph Boynton, b. in Vermont, 15 June, 1803, and Elizabeth Hunt, b. in New York, 30 Mar., 1806, both of Pinckney, N. Y.
She d. in Menasha, Wis., 27 Jan., 1892.
He was a tailor; res. in Green Bay, Wis.
13965 Edward Boynton,10 b. in Copenhagen, N. Y., 1 Sept., 1852; m. Emma Ann Higgins.

7421.   JULIUS SPENCER,9 son of Lewis8 (2966), b. in Adams, N. Y., 24 Jan., 1830; m. (1) in Aurelius, Mich., 2 Apr., 1854, Hannah Lamb Freeman, b. in Rome, N. Y., 9 Aug., 1833, dau. of Henry Huntington Freeman, b. 28 Nov., 1801, and Harriet Lane, b. 20 Sept., 1807.

1178    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She d. in Wrightstown, Mich., 30 Sept., 1874; he m. (2) in Oshkosh, Wis., 22 July, 1875, Mary Cornell, b. 10 Oct., 1843, dau. of Abel Cornell, b. 1 Oct., 1815, and Rhoby Potter, b. 11 Aug., 1818.
He is a farmer; res. in Omro, Wis.; is a Republican.
13966 Harriet Julia,10 b. in Oshkosh, 14 Feb., 1861.

7422.   ARTHUR TAPPAN,9 son of Lewis8 (2966), b. in Adams, N. Y., 18 July, 1835; m. (1) in Oshkosh, Wis., 15 Dec., 1857, Juliett Cornell, b. 10 June, 1838, dau. of Abel Cornell, b. 1816, and Rhoby Potter, b. 1818.
She d. in Iola, Wis., Sept., 1896; he m. (2) 8 Dec., 1898, Mrs. Ellen Ford.
He is a carriage builder, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Oshkosh.
13967 Lulu Edith,10 b. in Oshkosh, 19 Dec., 1873; is unm.

7423.   EDWIN BILLINGS,9 son of Jacob8 (2967), b. 19 June, 1827; m. 7 Oct., 1851, Eliff Dopp, dau. of David Dopp, and sister of Dubois Dopp (see +7424).
He d. 9 Mar., 1873.
13968 Jennie,10 b. ______; m. Jonas Bonn; res. in Mosca, Col.
13969 Hattie,10 b. ______; m. Ambrose Parsell; d. ______.
13970 Fanny,10 b. ______; m. Benjamin Gano; d. in Eaton, Col, 26 Oct., 1888.
13971 Edward Lay,10 b. in Oshkosh, 11 Mar., 1860; m. Phoebe Anna Shupe.

7424.   SUSAN ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Jacob8 (2967), b. in Canastota, N. Y., 29 June, 1830; m. in Hebron, Ill., 6 Oct., 1847, Dubois Dopp, b. ______, son if David Dopp, and brother of Eliff Dopp (see +7423).
He d. in Boulder, Col., 29 Aug., 1893; she res. in Boulder.
He was a hotel keeper; res. in Boulder.
13972 Fannie Ellen Dopp,10 b. in Hebron, 20 Oct., 1848; m. in Woodstock, Ill., 1 May, 1871, Mark Hathaway; d. in Boulder, 20 June, 1883; res. in Denver, Col.
13973 Charles Henry Dopp,10 b. in Oshkosh, Wis, 8 Oct., 1855; m. in Denver, 1874, Clara Boot; res. in Jamestown, Col.
13974 Agnes Marlon Dopp,10 b. in Woodstock, 30 June, 1870; m. in Denver, 4 Nov., 1891, James P. Taylor; res. in Boulder.

7425.   LUCY ELLEN,9 dau. of Jacob8 (2967), b. in Canastota, N. Y., 1 Nov., 1834; m. in Oshkosh, Wis., 1 Dec., 1860, Don Carlos Felton, b. in Westford, Vt., 17 Sept., 1836, son of Montgomery Robert Felton, b. July, 1806, and Amy Hull, b. 17 Dec., 1800.
She d. in Boulder, Col., 29 May, 1879.
He is a printer and a Republican; res. in Boulder and Left Hand Canyon, Col.
13975 Ada Maud Felton,10 b. in Oshkosh, 11 Mar., 1863; m. in Boulder, 14 May, 1888, Alva Benton Fowler; res. in Hartville, Wyo.

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13976 Edith Mabel Felton,10 b. in Rushford, Wis., 29 Nov., 1864; d. in Omro, Wis., 20 July, 1866.
13977 George Robert Felton,10 b. in Omro, 9 Aug., 1866; m. in Ward, Col., 9 Mar., 1896, Inez E. Hunter; res. in Hartville.
13978 Marlo Antony Felton,10 b. in Longmont, Col., 22 Apr., 1872; m. in Greeley, Col., 25 Dec., 1899, Maud L. Freeman; res. in Silver Plume, Col.
13979 Edith Josephine Felton,10 b. in Left Hand Canyon, 8 June, 1874; d. in Boulder, 27 July, 1891.

7440.   GEORGE DELEVAN,9 son of George8 (2981), b. in Rodman, N. Y., 26 Sept., 1845; m. in Frankfort, Ill., 8 Apr., 1869, Josephine Maria Cleveland, b. in Frankfort, 12 Oct., 1845, dau. of Orrin Baker Cleveland, b. June, 1816, and Charlotte Aris, b. Aug., 1816.
He is a farmer; res. in Aurora, Ill.; is a Congregationalist.
13980 Lottie Mariva,10 b. in Somonauk, Ill., 16 Apr., 1871; m. in Chicago, 18 Nov., 1891, Earnest Valter Robinson, b. in Mt. Pleasant, Ia., 2 Oct., 1871, son of W. A. Robinson; res. in Chicago; has no children.
13981 Charles Elbert,10 b. in Somonauk, 4 Oct., 1883.
13982 George Frederick,10 b. in Aurora, m. _______, 12 Mar., 1888.

7442.   ALMIRA,9 dau. of George8 (2981), b. in Rodman, N. Y., 15 May, 1851; m. in Somonauk, Ill., 12 Nov., 1872, Rush Haven Cleveland, b. in Frankfort, Ill., 11 Oct., 1848, son of Orrin Baker Cleveland, b. June, 1816, and Charlotte Aris, b. Aug., 1816.
He is a farmer; res. in Eagle Grove, Ia.; is a Republican in politics.
13983 Herbert Ora Cleveland,10 b. in Mitchell, Ia., 5 Aug., 1874.
13984 Charles Delevan Cleveland,10 b. in Frankfort, 21 Jan., 1876.
13985 Jane Calista Cleveland,10 b. in Woodstock, Ia., 14 Nov., 1880.
13986 Henry Cleveland,10 b. in Eagle Grove, 15 Oct., 1883; d. 25 Oct., 1883.
13987 Homer Elbert Cleveland,10 b. in Eagle Grove, 14 Sept., 1888.

7443.   ADELIA,9 dau. of Hiram8 (2982), b. ______; m. John Derick.
She d. ______, in Iowa.
13988 Earnest Derick,10 b. ______.
13989 Dora Derick,10 b. ______.

7461.   GEORGE COLTON,9 son of George Steele8 (2996), b. in Adams, N. Y., 24 Oct., 1819; m. (1) in Mexico, N. Y., Jan., 1842, Harriet A. Aldrich, b. 14 Apr., 1821, dau. of Nathan Aldrich, of Oswego Co., N. Y.
She d. in Boston, O., 13 Mar., 1845; he m. (2) in Boston, 1846, Mary Lucretia Benton, b. 4 Jan., 1826, dau. of Edward Benton and Sarah Hibbard; she d. in Peninsula, O., 20 Sept., 1863; he m. (3) in Cleveland, O., 11 Aug., 1865, as her second husband, Mrs. Helen M. (Tuller) Smith, b. 1842, dau. of Austin Tuller, b. 1805, and Sarah Lamphier, b. 1822; d. in Doniphan, Mo., 1 Feb., 1899, where his widow res.
He was a farmer and boat builder; rem. from New York to Boston. He was

1180    The Kelloggs in the New World.

a private in Co. H, Twenty-ninth Reg., Ohio Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 1862; was discharged 1863, on account of rheumatism; was a Republican, but a Demo­crat at the time of his death.
Children by first wife.
13990 Cyrus Edward,10 b. in Syracuse, N. Y., 10 Nov., 1843; m. Charlotte Lorena Emerson.
13991 Albert Alonzo,10 b. in Watertown, N. Y., 16 Feb., 1845; m. (1) Sadenia Jeanett Morgan; (2) Dora Louisa Giesing.
Children by second wife.
13992 George,10 b. in Boston, 23 Jan., 1849; d. in Peninsula, 24 Sept., 1860.
13993 Charles Carroll,10 b. in Boston, 30 Sept., 1850; m. (1) Ellie Arnold; (2) Eva-Mary Crosby.
13994 Harriet Lucretia,10 b. in Boston, 24 Sept., 1852; m. Jonathan Henry Dustman.
13995 Eva Emeline,10 b. in Boston, 3 Sept., 1854; m. La Grange Dudley Welton.
13996 Reuben Wood,10 b. in Peninsula, 3 Oct., 1856; m. Mary Elizabeth Cleavland.
13997 William Payne,10 b. in Peninsula, 6 Sept., 1858; m. Anna Augusta Klaes.
13998 A Son,10 b. Feb., 1860; d. in infancy.
13999 Ellen,10 b. 1862; d. in Peninsula in infancy.
Children by third wife.
14000 George Washington,10 b. in Northwest, O., 22 Feb., 1866; m. _______.
14001 Lula May,10 b. in Northwest, 14 Dec., 1868; m. Frederick Hawker; res. in Osawatomie, Kas.

7462.   MARSHFIELD STEELE,9 son of George Steele8 (2996), b. in Adams, N. Y., 7 Dec., 1822; m. (1) in Clay, N. Y., 4 July, 1845, Alfreda M. Warner, dau. of Aaron Warner.
She d. Feb., 1862; he m. (2) Celista J. Whaley, dau. of John Whaley.
He was a ship captain; a school teacher and a vocal music teacher; res. in Hope, Kas., where he is a farmer.
Children by first wife.
14002 Calista J.,10 b. 1846; d. aged 16.
14003 Edwin W.,10 b. ______; enlisted in the United States army at the age of 16; at the battle of Chattanooga he was sunstruck and his brain is affected; is now in the State Hospital.
14004 Newton,10 b. ______; d. in Hope, 1893.
14005 Emma,10 b. ______; m. H. Estey; had three sons and a dau.
14006 Martha Ellen,10 b. ______; m. Jonathan Henry Dustman.
14007 Clarrie,10 b. ______; m. Erve Houghton; has two children.
Children by second wife.
14008 Alfreda R.,10 b. ______; m. Harry Ruthruff, a farmer of Hope.
14009 William O.,10 b. _____; m. Bell Thuma; has four children.
14010 J. W.,10 b. _____; was drowned in Lyons Creek, 1890, aged 19.
14011 Orr A.,10 b. _____; m. Josie Debraux; is a farmer; res. in Hope.
14012 Earl I.,10 b. _____; is a blacksmith and a mechanic.

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14013 John M,10 b. ______; is a barber.
14014 Daisy Grace,10 b. about 1885.

7463.   CALISTA JANE,9 dau. of George Steele8 (2996), b. in Adams, N. Y., 3 May, 1827; m. in Syracuse, N. Y., 2 July, 1845, Daniel Odekirk, b. in Hoosick, N. Y., 3 Aug., 1824.
She d. in Boston, O., 18 June, 1866; he d. in Le Roy, Mich., 4 Mar., 1895.
He was a carpenter, a Methodist and a Republican.
Children, b. in Boston.
14015 Adelbert Odekirk,10 b. 18 Dec., 1848; m. in Twinsburg, O., Amandia Herrick; res. in Metropolis City, Ill.
14016 Clarisia Odekirk,10 b. Aug., 1850; m. in Boston, James Schoonover; d. in Cleveland, O., 12 Feb., 1899; he d. ______.
14017 Elvireta Odekirk,10 b. 8 Aug., 1852; m. in Twinsburg, Warren Wells; res. in Sears, Mich.
14018 Elizabeth Odekirk,10 b. 17 May, 1855; m. in Erie, Mich., Erwin S. Davis; res. in Macedonia, O.; has one dau.

7464.   CLARISSA,9 dau. of George Steele8 (2996), b. in Adams, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1829; m. in Akron, O., 19 Jan., 1850, Isaac Baker Maxam, b. in Adams, 20 Nov., 1821, son of William Maxam and Martha Tiffany.
She d. in Twinsburg, O., 19 Sept., 1899; he d. 4 Oct., 1899.
He was a farmer.
Children, b. in Twinsburg.
14019 John Maxam,10 b. 11 Dec., 1854.
14020 Angela Maxam,10 b. 2 Mar., 1859; m. Ernest Thompson; res. in Twins­burg.
14021 Earl Maxam,10 b. ______.
14022 Daisy Maxam,10 b. 30 June, 1872; m. in Twinsburg, 25 Dec., 1890, John McBride; res. in Hudson, O.

7465.   MARIETTA,9 dau. of George Steele8 (2996), b. in Adams, N. Y., 27 Dec., 1831; m. in Northfield, O., 18 Mar., 1860, Alonzo Maxam, b. in Twinsburg, O., 15 Dec., 1834, son of William Maxam, b. 10 Nov., 1811, and Hannah How­land.
He d. in Bryan, O., 30 Aug., 1898, where she now res.
He served in Co. B, Second Ohio Cavalry; enlisted Aug., 1861; was dis­charged Sept., 1865.
Children, b. in Twinsburg.
14023 Estella Maxam,10 b. 1 July, 1861; d. in Bryan, 4 Sept., 1873.
14024 George Maxam,10 b. 11 Dec., 1866; m. in Bryan, 5 Dec., 1889, res. in Bryan.

7466.   JOSIAH ANDRUS,9 son of George Steele8 (2996), b. in Adams, N. Y., 22 Aug., 1834; m. in Angola, Ind., 29 Aug., 1865, Emily Swiger, b. in Scott, Ind., 27 July, 1845, dau. of Christopher Swiger, of Scott, and Mary Greeno.
He is a carpenter; res. in Clear Lake, Ind.; was a private in Battery D, First Reg, Ohio Light Artillery; enlisted 10 Sept., 1861; was discharged 15 July, 1865.

1182    The Kelloggs in the New World.

14025 Marilla Genevra,10 b. in Scott, 7 Sept., 1866; m. Warren Hiram Throop.
14026 Charlotte,10 b. in Boston, O., 25 July, 1868; m. in Clear Lake, 8 Nov., 1885, Simon Brouse; res. in Bay, Ind.
14027 Arthur Milo,10 b. in Scott, 9 Apr., 1870; m. in Byron, O., 12 Mar., 1901, Maud Stall, b. in Camden, Mich., 9 May, 1883, dau. of Leander Stall, b. Nov., 1861, and Eliza Ann Snyder, b. 12 Mar., 1863; is a farmer; a member of the Church of the United Brethren; a Republican; res. in Clear Lake.
14028 Emigene,10 b. in Clear Lake, 30 Aug., 1872; m. in Clear Lake, John Baker; res. in Aurora, Ill.
14029 Fred W.,10 b. in Clear Lake, 8 Feb., 1876.
14030 Belle,10 b. in Clear Lake, 26 June, 1882.

7467.   MARTHA EMELINE,9 dau. of George Steele8 (2996), b. in Adams, N. Y., 1 Mar., 1837; m. 28 Aug., 1857, Adam McLaughlin, b. in Pittsburg, Pa., 15 Dec., 1836, son of Edward McLaughlin and Margaret Deamer.
He d. in Boston, O., 5 Apr., 1884, where his Widow now res.
He was a carpenter.
Children, all except the second, b. in Boston.
14031 Carrie Caroline McLaughlin,10 b. 23 Mar., 1858; m. in Richfield, O., 23 Mar., 1878, John Jackers; res. in Boston.
14032 Ella Emeline McLaughlin,10 b. in Akron, O., 26 Feb., 1862; m. in Bed­ford, O., 17 Nov., 1882, Robert Keating; res. in Macedonia, O.
14033 Chloe May McLaughlin,10 b. 14 May, 1867; m. in Richfield, 19 July, 1893, Edward Reynolds; res. in Boston.
14034 Eugene Kellogg McLaughlin,10 b. 11 May, 1869; m. in Clinton, O., 21 June, 1893, Matilda Newroth; res. in Brevort, Mich.
14035 Edith Bell McLaughlin,10 b. 15 Jan., 1873; m. in Twinsburg, O., 1 Jan., 1890, John Everhart; res. in Traverse City, Mich.

7474.   MARY LORINDA,9 dau. of Capt. Charles8 (3050), b. in Great Barring­ton, Mass., 27 Jan., 1804; m. there, 8 Oct., 1821, Aaron Crippen, of Egremont, Mass., b. 12 Apr., 1769, son of David Crippen and Rhoda Kellogg (1232?).
He d. 10 July, 1859; she d. 23 Feb., 1882, aged 78.
He was a farmer and wagon maker; res. in Great Barrington.
Children, b. in Great Barrington.
14036 Charles Henry Crippen,10 b. 10 Oct., 1822; m. 4 Dec., 1844, Susan I. Race, b. 21 June, 1828; he was a farmer in Great Barrington, where he d. 15 Jan., 1865.
14037 Rocelia Antoinette Crippen,10 b. 6 July, 1832; d. 25 Oct., 1835.

7475.   CHARLES THEODORE,9 son of Capt. Charles8 (3050), b. in Great Barrington, Mass, 7 Dec., 1812; m. 19 Apr., 1838, Louisa Race, b. in Egremont, Mass., 26 Sept., 1816, dau. of Isaac Race, of Egremont, and Tabitha Tuller.
He d. 17 Oct., 1869; she d. 28 Oct., 1881.
He was a woolen manufacturer in Great Barrington; was a Congrega­tionalist and a Republican.

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Children, b. in Great Barrington.
14038 Frances Maria,10 b. 22 Sept., 1839; m. in Great Barrington, 1 July, 1874, Enos Clark Foote, b. in Colchester, Conn., 27 Dec., 1824, son of Enos Foote and Sally _______; he is a farmer; res. in Great Bar­rington; had no children.
14039 George Washington,10 b. 12 June, 1841; m. Arzella Bunt.
14040 Dwight Theodore,10 b. 19 Nov., 1843; m. 18 Nov., 1874, Caroline Hegerling; was in the dry goods business; res. in Cleveland, O.; had no children.
14041 Mary Josephine,10 b. 14 Feb., 1846; m. Phelps Holcomb.
14042 Charles Franklin,10 b. 19 Sept., 1848; m. Grace Eliza Ramsey.

7476.   JOHN,9 son of Philander8 (3051), b. in Alford, Mass., 12 June, 1808; m. 30 Jan., 1832, Louisa Perry, dau. of Noah Perry.
He d. in Dexter, Mich., 24 Oct., 1878; she d. there, Sept., 1887.
He was a farmer.
14043 Cynthia Clarinda,10 b. ______; m. Frederick Rowe.

7477.   ENOCH SPERRY,9 son of Philander8 (3051), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 15 Sept., 1810; m. in Comstock, Mich., 5 Oct., 1837, Clarinda Joy, b. in East Carlton, N. Y., 22 Oct., 1816, dau. of Silas Joy, b. 1779.
He d. in Comstock, 22 June, 1851; was a miller; a Methodist; she m. (2) 1875, Spencer H. Hovey; d. in Eaton Rapids, Mich., 23 Dec., 1885.
Children, b. in Comstock.
14044 Julia,10 b. 9 Jan., 1842; m. William Fram Stirling.
14045 Sarah,10 b. 1 Mar., 1846; res, unm., in Bay City, Mich.
14046 Clarinda Sperry,10 b. 23 Jan., 1852; d. unm., in Eaton Rapids, 24 May, 1879.

7478.   EDWARD PHILANDER,9 son of Philander8 (3051), b. in Alford, Mass., 25 Mar., 1813; m. 21 Jan., 1834, Margaret Burns, b. in Jefferson, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1813, dau. of John Burns and Sarah Cole, of Jefferson.
She d. in Dexter, Mich., 15 May, 1896; he d. there, 24 May, 1896.
He was a blacksmith; res. in Dexter.
14049 Harvey Evander,10 b. 17 Nov., 1835; m. Sophronia Thompson Rhoades.
14050 Amelia,10 b. 3 May, 1843; m. Levi Tibbets, of Plymouth, Mich; has been insane for twenty years; he is a farmer; res. in Plymouth.
14051 Fanny Louisa,10 b. in Plattsville, N. Y., 10 July, 1846; m. in Dexter, as his second wife, 1 Jan., 1885, George Mathew Sly, b. 10 Oct., 1840, son of George Jenkins Sly and Maretta Riggs; he was a farmer; served as a private in Co. B, Twenty-sixth Michigan Vol­unteer Infantry; enlisted 13 Feb., 1864; was discharged 3 June, 1865; he is a Methodist; res. in Dexter; is a Republican; has no children.
14052 A Child,10 b. ______; d. in infancy.

1184    The Kelloggs in the New World.

7479.   MARY ANN,9 dau. of Philander8 (3051), b. in Blenheim, N. Y., 23 June, 1816; m. 11 Apr., 1839, George Taylor, b. in Masonville, N. Y., 15 Apr., 1815.
He d. in Howell, Mich., 26 Mar., 1869; she d. in Ellendale, N. D., 7 Dec., 1883.
He was a Methodist; res. in Howell.
14053 Frances Aurelia Taylor,10 b. in Unadilla, Mich., 30 Nov., 1844; m. in Howell, Walter J. Webb; res. in Merricourt, N. D.
14054 Emily Bethena Taylor,10 b. in Dexter, Mich., 2 July, 1846; m. in Howell, Malcolm Clark; res. in Merricourt, N. D.

7480.   Cynthia Cordelia,9 dau. of Philander8 (3051), b. in Windham, N. Y., 28 June, 1819; m. in Dexter, Mich., 26 Sept., 1844, Henry Phelps, b. in Covington, N. Y., 3 Apr., 1815, son of Isaiah Phelps and Clara Newman.
She d. in Dexter, Mich., 9 June, 1898.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Dexter.
Children, b. in Dexter.
14055 Francese Clarissa Phelps,10 b. 19 Aug., 1845; m. in Dexter, 2 Sept., 1867, James W. Dotly; res. in Iosco, Mich.
14056 Emma Elizabeth Phelps,10 b. 30 Jan., 1848; d. in Dexter, 10 Dec., 1871.
14057 Marian Phelps,10 b. 25 Nov., 1850; res. in Dexter.
14058 Henry Phelps,10 b. 10 June, 1856; d. in Dexter, 8 Feb., 1863.
14059 Clara Phelps,10 b. 10 June, 1856; m. in Dexter, 8 Feb., 1882, William F. Cairns; res. in Williamstown, Mich.

7481.   ELIZABETH (BETSEY) PERMELIA,9 dau. of Philander8 (3051), b. in Windham, N. Y., 28 June, 1819; m. in Dexter, Mich., 17 Dec., 1844, Daniel Hosler, b. in Clarence, N. Y., 4 Mar., 1814, son of John Hosler and Elizabeth Britten.
He d. in Eaton Rapids, Mich., 3 Mar., 1896; she d. there, 9 June, 1900.
He was a carpenter, a Congregationalist and a Republican.
Children, b. in Dexter.
14060 Albert De Witt Hosler,10 b. 19 Dec., 1845; d. in Dexter, 15 Mar., 1896.
14061 Jeanette Hosler,10 b. 11 Oct., 1850; res. in Eaton Rapids.
14062 Ellen Hosler,10 b. 19 Oct., 1852; d. in Eaton Rapids, 25 Oct., 1860.
14063 Mary Hosler,10 b. 10 July, 1855; d. in Dexter, 10 July, same year.

7483.   WILLIAM HAMLIN,9 son of Philander8 (3051), b. in Durham, N. Y., 17 Mar., 1824; m. 25 Sept., 1851, Mary Stafford, b. Nov., 1825, dau. of Joseph Stafford, b. in Guilford, Vt., 30 Oct., 1801, and Sarah Taylor, b. in Masonville, N. Y., 1 Oct., 1803, dau. of Uzziah Taylor and Mary (Molly) Clark, of South Hadley, Mass.
He d. 16 Feb., 1899; he was a carpenter and joiner; res. in Fowlerville, Howell and Fulton, Mich.
14064 Joseph Philander,10 b. 29 Mar., 1854; res. in Pompei, Mich.
14065 Minerva Louisa,10 b. 3 Aug., 1856; m. _______ Dodge; res. in Pompei.
14066 George Andrew,10 b. 15 Dec., 1857; res. in Plymouth; later in North­field, Mich.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1185

7484.   CHARLES,9 son of Philander8 (3051), b. in Windham, N. Y., 1 June, 1829; m. in Elba, N. Y., 14 Oct., 1852, Lydia Ann De Wolf, b. in Stafford, N. Y., 31 Mar., 1832, dau. of Orin Clement De Wolf, of Stafford, b. 6 Apr., 1803, and Zobedia Perkins, b. 11 Sept., 1809.
He d. in Fulton, Mich., 13 Sept., 1884.
He was a blacksmith and farmer; res. in Fulton.
Children, b. in Grattan, Mich.
14067 Rozellah Zobedia,10 b. 29 Sept., 1853; m. Lewis Frederic Price.
14068 Charles Wilbur,10 b. 24 July, 1855; m. Susan Sutton Creaser.

7488.   FREDERICK,9 son of John8 (3052), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 24 Oct., 1822; m. in Great Barrington, 16 Feb., 1857, Irene A. Miller, b. 29 June, 1830, dau. of Anson Miller, of Great Barrington, b. 7 Aug., 1797, and Clarissa Church, b. 13 July, 1799.
She d. 18 Apr., 1893; he d. in Great Barrington, 12 Sept., 1896.
He was a farmer in Great Barrington; lived half a mile south of the old homestead.
Children, b. in Great Barrington.
14069 Ralph R.,10 b. 24 Feb., 1858; m. Margaret Carter.
14070 Frederick,10 b. 23 Mar., 1859; m. Anna L. Barnum.
14071 Clara H.,10 b. 1 June, 1861; m. in Great Barrington, 31 May, 1888, Charles S. Brown, b. in Cheshire, Mass., 1855; he was a stock fit­ter in a shoe factory; res. in Pittsfield, Mass.
14072 Charles,10 b. 1 Aug., 1864.

7493.   MARY ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Norman8 (3053), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 1 Dec., 1810; m. 5 Oct., 1830, Joseph Curtis Hare, b. in Egremont, Mass., 14 Dec., 1808, son of Levi C. Hare and Rhoda Barber.
She d. May, 1856; he m. (2) in Great Barrington, 12 Nov., 1859, Fanny M. Kellogg (7486), cousin of his first Wife.
14073 Lydia A. Hare,10 b. 20 July, 1831; m. 16 Nov., 1853, Abram C. King, of Savannah, Ga.
14074 Joseph C. Hare,10 b. 2 Feb., 1833; m. 16 Dec., 1858, Alice M. Hall, of Norwich, N. Y.
14075 Emily Augusta Hare,10 b. 16 Mar., 1835; d. 26 Oct., 1853.
14076 Mary Elizabeth Hare,10 b. 8 Jan., 1837; d. 14 Jan., 1838.
14077 Rhoda Jane Hare,10 b. 2 Nov., 1838; m. 1 June, 1864, Eugene Robbins; d. 13 Aug., 1866.
14078 Ellen R. Hare,10 b. 26 Dec., 1840; m. 20 Oct., 1864, Luther Nichols, of Lee, Mass.
14079 Norman Kellogg Hare,10 b. 15 Nov., 1842; d. 29 Sept., 1866.
14080 Frank Hare,10 b. 26 July, 1845.
14081 Fanny M. Hare,10 b. 11 June, 1850.

7496.   CYRUS W.,9 son of Home8 (3054), b. in Columbia Co., N. Y., 16 May, 1818; m. 16 Feb., 1842, Leonora Stevens, b. in Madison Co., N. Y., 3 Apr., 1824, dau. of Noah Stevens.
14082 Mary A.,10 b. 8 Dec., 1843; m. 30 Oct., 1861, C. W. Waterman.

1186    The Kelloggs in the New World.

14083 Horace W.,10 b. 14 Sept., 1846; m. _______, 5 Aug., 1866.
14084 Miles R.,10 b. 14 Sept., 1848; m. _______, 3 Apr., 1871.
14085 Charles,10 b. 8 Oct., 1851.
14086 Sarah A.,10 b. 8 Nov., 1854.

7502.   EDMUND,9 son of John B.8 (3056), b. in Ghent, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1818; m. July, 1854, Margaret Powers.
14087 John,10 b. July, 1855.
14088 Mary,10 b. ______.
14089 Sarah Jane,10 b. ______.
14090 Frank,10 b. ______.
14091 Charles,10 b. ______.
14092 Catherine,10 b. ______.
14093 George,10 b. ______.
14094 Albertine,10 b. ______.
14095 A Daughter,10 b. 1 June, 1873.

7504.   RICHARD,9 son of John B.8 (3056), b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., 27 Apr., 1823; m. 27 Mar., 1862, Frances A. Richardson.
14096 Melvin R.,10 b. 17 Oct., 1868.

7505.   MARY ALIDA,9 dau. of John B.8 (3056), b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., 24 July, 1825; m. 15 Mar., 1853, Thomas R. Atwood.
14097 Frank H. Atwood,10 b. 13 Dec., 1854.
14098 Fred Kellogg Atwood,10 b. 16 July, 1856.
14099 George Nye Atwood,10 b. 16 Nov., 1863.

7506.   SARAH M.,9 dau. of John B.8 (3056), b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., 1 Aug., 1827; m. Feb., 1848, George B. Stevens.
She d. 5 Nov., 1857; he m. (2) 25 Aug., 1866, Frances Ellen Kellogg (+7509).
14100 Frank H. Stevens,10 b. 19 Feb., 1849; d. Sept., 1850.
14101 John Vosburg Stevens,10 b. Nov., 1851.
14102 Georgiana Stevens,10 b. Mar., 1857.

7507.   JANE ELIZA,9 dau. of John B.8 (3056), b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1830; m. Oct., 1858, Edgar F. Richardson.
She d. 2 Feb., 1866.
14103 Catherine G. Richardson,10 b. 12 June, 1861.

7508.   CATHERINE GERTRUDE,9 dau. of John B.8 (3056), b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., 16 May, 1835; m. 20 Feb., 1856, Jasper B. Fitch.
She d. in Albion, N. Y., 20 Feb., 1862.

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14104 Gertrude Maria Fitch,10 b. Nov., 1856.
14105 Ray Vaughn Fitch,10 b. 28 Feb., 1858.
14106 Edmund Fitch,10 b. Nov., 1860.

7509.   FRANCES ELLEN,9 dau. of John B.8 (3056), b. in Albion, N. Y., 31 Oct., 1838; m. 25 Aug., 1866, George B. Stevens, who m. (1) her sister, Sarah.
14107 Ray Stevens,10 b. June, 1869.

7513.   ROBERT,9 son of Nathan Benjamin8 (3058), b. 7 Jan., 1819; m. 23 July, 1845, Ann Eliza Hawley, b. 7 Jan., 1827, dau. of Gideon Hawley, of Ver­mont and Tazewell Co., Ill., and Elizabeth Caldwell, of Kentucky.
He d. 15 Apr., 1896; she d. ______.
He was a farmer.
14108 Louisa,10 b. 23 July, 1847; m. John Holt; d. 5 July, 1871; had one child, who d. young.
14109 William Lowry,10 b. 22 Oct., 1850; m. Emma M. Sweet.
14110 Mary Ellen,10 b. 19 Aug., 1852; m. Raymond Patton; d. 14 June, 1872; had one child.
14111 Charles Edwin,10 b. 15 Feb., 1853; m. _______; res. in Delaware, Ill.; d. _______.
14112 Lillias Ann,10 b. 14 May, 1855; d. 2 June, 1857.
14113 Fanny,10 b. 31 Dec., 1857; d. unm., 20 June, 1874.
14114 John,10 b. 7 Nov., 1859; d. 3 Dec., same year.
14115 Laura,10 b. 22 Sept., 1861; res., unm., in Delaware.
14116 George Albert,10 b. in Delavan, Ill., 31 Dec., 1865; m. Emma Geta Rowan.

7514.   MARY MATILDA,9 dau. of Nathan Benjamin8 (3058), b. in Claverack, N. Y., 10 Aug., 1820; m. Eli Lasher.
She d. in Hillsdale, N. Y., May, 1872.
14117 William Lasher,10 b. _______.
14118 Robert Emmet Lasher,10 b. _______.
14119 Augusta Lasher,10 b. _______.
14120 A Child,10 b. _______.

7515.   WILLIAM,9 son of Nathan Benjamin8 (3058), b. in Claverack, N. Y., 25 July, 1822; m. in Chicago, 20 Sept., 1869, Sarah Eliza Bigsby, b. in Claverack, 23 Aug., 1833, dau. of William Bigsby, b. May, 1798, and Christina Esselstyne, b. 1797.
res. in Nevada, Mo.; she res. in Jasper, Minn., with her son.
14121 Charles Hamilton,10 b. in Chicago, 1 Oct., 1870; res., unm., in Jas­per, Minn.

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7516.   CATHERINE ANN,9 dau. of Nathan Benjamin8 (3058), b. in Caze­novia, N. Y., 20 Nov., 1828; m. in Pekin, Ill., Dr. Stinson Lowry Craig, b. in White Co., Ala., 31 Aug., 1820, son of James Craig and Arminta Gowdy.
He d. in Warrensburg, Mo., 5 Nov., 1868; she d. in Nevada, Mo., 24 Feb., 1889.
He was a graduate of Rush Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa.; was a Pres­byterian and a Republican.
Children, b. in Bloomington, Ill.
14122 Ellen Amelia Craig,10 b. 16 May, 1850; m. Charles E. Miller; res. in Gold Hill, Col.
14123 Sanford Lowry Craig,10 b. 7 Dec., 1851.
14124 Mary Alice Craig,10 b. 8 June, 1853; m. in Nevada, 19 Aug., 1877, Withrow Morris; res. in Nevada.
14125 Ida Maria Craig,10 b. 7 Aug., 1855; d. in infancy.
14126 Kate Alzina Craig,10 b. 1 Aug., 1858; m. in Nevada, 6 Oct., 1880, Wil­liam G. Bratton; res. in Nevada.
14127 Frank Everett Craig,10 b. 12 Aug., 1861.
14128 Janet Agnes Craig,10 b. 14 June, 1863; d. in infancy.

7518.   ELLEN REESE,9 dau. of Nathan Benjamin8 (3058), b. in Cincinnati, O., 5 Sept., 1832; m. near Pekin, Ill., 25 Mar., 1851, William Woodrow, b. 1827, son of Samuel Woodrow, b. 7 Jan., 1802, and Catherine Montanye.
She d. in Green Valley, Ill., 25 Apr., 1858; he d. near Pekin, 3 Mar., 1860.
He was a farmer, a Presbyterian and a Republican.
14129 Cornelia Alzena Woodrow,10 b. 23 May, 1853; m. in St. Louis, Mo., 13 Oct., 1868, Joseph W. Martin; d. 8 Mar., 1889; he res. in Normal, Ill.; had three children.
14130 Samuel Myron Woodrow,10 b. 10 Jan., 1855; m. in Grayville, 30 Jan., 1877, Sarah Gravett; res. in Grayville.
14131 Catherine Woodrow,10 b. 14 Feb., 1857; m. in Warrensburg, Mo., 9 Oct., 1873, William C. Auld; res. in Green Valley.

7519.   MARY AMELIA,9 dau. of Nathan Benjamin8 (3058), b. in Sand Prairie, Ill., 11 Nov., 1834; m. 23 Sept., 1855, William Gabby Summers, b. 25 Mar., 1831, son of John Summers and Amelia Witherow.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in White Cloud and later in Mal­vern, Ia.
Children, b. in White Cloud.
14132 Verona Summers,10 b. ______; m. _______ Hixon.
14133 Kate Summers,10 b. ______; m. John S. Lewis; res. in White Cloud.
14134 Alice Summers,10 b. ______; m. Marcus Chantry; res. in Malvern.
14135 Willis Summers,10 b. ______; res. in White Cloud.
14136 Charles Summers,10 b. ______; res. in White Cloud.
14137 Alroy Summers,10 b. ______; res. in White Cloud.
14138 Harrison Summers,10 b. ______; res. in White Cloud.

7520.   JOHN JAY,9 son of Nathan Benjamin8 (3058), b. in Pekin, Ill., 12 May, 1836; m. there, 29 Jan., 1862, Sarah Jane Stewart, b. 17 Nov., 1841, dau. of Joseph Stinger Stewart, b. 1800, and Elizabeth Grady, b. 1801.

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He d. in Montevallo, Mo., 17 Apr., 1891; she d. there, 24 Apr., 1891.
Hew was a farmer; was First Sergt., afterward Second Lieut., Co. B, One Hundred and Eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 8 Aug., 1862; was a Republican.
14139 Harry Hamilton,10 b. in Pekin, 10 Dec., 1862; m. Artie Ellen Hard­man.

7522.   ANN ELIZA,9 dau. of Nathan Benjamin8 (3058), b. in Pekin, Ill., 26 May, 1842; m. (1) in Tremont, Ill., 2 July, 1863, Isaac Chambers, b. in Vir­ginia, son of John Chambers.
He enlisted for a second time in the Union army (having been previously dis­charged because of a wound), and was reported missing in Dec., 1864, and has never been heard from.
Shem. (2) in Pekin, 10 Mar., 1872, William Harrison Doman, b. in Hamp­shire, Va., 20 Apr., 1836, son of Joseph Doman and Nancy Nelson.
He enlisted 16 Aug., 1861, in Co. E, Forty-seventh Illinois Volunteer In­fantry; was discharged 19 Jan., 1866. He is a Republican; res. in Nevada, Mo.
Child by first husband.
14140 Frank Chambers,10 b. in Pekin, 5 May, 1864; d. in Nevada, 9 May, 1879.
Child by second husband.
14141 Walter Doman,10 b. in Pekin, 4 Nov., 1874; m. in Butler, Mo., 18 Sept., 1899, Nannie Simpson; had one child.

7532.   CAROLYN,9 dau. of Jeremiah8 (3061), b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., 21 Dec., 1827; m. in New Woodstock, N. Y., as his second Wife, 1 June, 1854, Sylvester Watson, b. in Attica, N. Y., 23 Feb., 1819, son of Pliny Watson and Rhoda Ben­jamin, b. 1794.
He d. in Upper Sandusky, O., 16 Oct., 1896; she res. in Pittsburg, Pa., and later in Battle Creek, Mich.
They res. in Upper Sandusky, O. He was President and founder of the First National Bank of Upper Sandusky; was an Abolitionist and later a Republican.
14142 William Kellogg Watson,10 b. in Republic, O., 12 Feb., 1856; d. in Glen Cove, N. Y., 16 July, 1865.
14143 Grace Watson,10 b. in Republic, 14 Feb., 1858; m. in Upper Sandusky, 11 Mar., 1877, Samuel Douglas Warmcastle; res. in Pittsburg, Pa.; had one son.
14144 Karl Naylor Watson,10 b. in Upper Sandusky, 5 Sept., 1867; d. in Den­ver, Col., 13 Aug., 1868.
14145 Ward Sylvester Watson,10 b. in Upper Sandusky, 19 Dec., 1870; d. there, 23 Dec., 1872.

7534.   WILLIAM LEONARD,9 son of Jeremiah8 (3061), b. in New Wood­stock, N. Y., 15 Apr., 1832; m. 28 Sept., 1856, Rose Flannigan, b. 14 Feb., 1836, dau. of Timothy Flannigan and Mary Drew, both of Westmeath, Ireland.
The last known of him by members of the family was late in 1869 or Jan., 1870, when he left his aunt's home in Swartwont, Polk Co., Tex., and went to

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Galveston, Tex., from which place he said he was going overland to San Fran­cisco, and he is supposed to have been killed on the journey, as he was not heard from afterward.
He enlisted in Red Bluff, Cal., as farrier, in Co. M, Second California Cav­alry Volunteers; was discharged at Fort Churchill, Nev., 24 July, 1862; she res. in San Francisco.
14146 Henry Marshall,10 b. in Shasta, Cal., 29 Mar., 1858; d. in Rhoner­ville, Cal., 9 Aug., 1872.
14147 Mary,10 b. in Red Bluff, 20 Sept., 1860; m. Thomas Cherry Conmy.

7536.   HENRY MARSHALL,9 son of Jeremiah8 (3061), b. in Williamstown, N. Y., 16 Aug., 1841; m. 12 July, 1866, Elleanor E. Quantock, b. in Savannah, Ga., 23 Mar., 1843, dau. of James Quantock, Jr., of East Sambrook, England, b. 25 Sept., 1819, and Elizabeth Maria Spann, b. in Savannah, 26 Nov., 1820.
He is a hardware merchant in Cortland, N. Y.; has been Railroad Commis­sioner of Cortland since 1878; is secretary of the Erie and Central New York Railway Co., a local line running east from Cortland; is a Methodist and, for twenty-five years, an officer and teacher in the Sunday school. After leaving school, and teaching for a short time, he entered the employ of the Little Miami Railroad and had charge of the train which carried President-elect Lincoln on his way to Washington in 1861. He volunteered eight days after Fort Sumter was fired upon, and was mustered into Co. G, Fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 20 Apr., 1861, and served four months. He was teller and bookkeeper in the Exchange Bank of Sandusky, O., when he re-enlisted in 1862 in Co. G, Fifty-fifth Ohio Vol­unteers, and served until the end of the war. He was in the battles of Fred­ericksburg, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Missionary Ridge and Look­out Mountain and marched to Savannah with Sherman. He is an honorary member of the Seventy-sixth and One Hundred and Fifty-seventh New York Vol­unteer Regs. He has been Commander of his Post of the G. A. R., and served two terms as president of the Cortland Co. Veteran Association.
14148 Florence Dombey,10 b. in McGrawville, N. Y., 4 Feb., 1867; m. Joseph Conrad Puder.
14149 James Henry,10 b. 18 Feb., 1870; d. in Cortland, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1888.
14150 Caroline Rene,10 b. in Cortland, 8 Aug., 1878; m. 12 Sept., 1900, Walter Chandler Pearce; was graduated from the State Normal School in Cortland, 1899; res. in Lansingburg, N. Y.

7540.   WILLIAM STACKPOLE,9 son of Benjamin8 (3064), b. in Pekin, Ill; 24 June, 1842; m. in Rochester, N. Y., 18 Oct., 1866, Sarah Jane Allen, b. in County Cork, Ireland, 21 May, 1846, dau. of Richard Allen, b. 1798, and Frances Evanson Coghlan, b. 28 Feb., 1800.
He was graduated and received the degree of A. B. from the University of Rochester, 1865; was one year at Harvard Law School, 1865. He is an attorney at-law; res. in Pekin; now res. in Peoria, Ill. He served as Capt. in Co. F, Eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 18 Apr., 1861; was discharged Aug., 1861. He was a Republican, is now a Bryan Democrat.
14151 Benjamin,10 b. in Rochester, 1 Oct., 1867; was in the patent rights business; res., unm., in Buffalo, N. Y.

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14152 Richard Allen,10 b. in Rochester, 17 Sept., 1872; is Assistant to the County Treasurer; res., unm., in Peoria.
14153 Francis Elizabeth,10 b. in Pekin, 12 Mar., 1877; is a school teacher; is unm.
14154 William Snow,10 b. in Pekin, 30 Nov., 1878; is unm.
14155 Anne Allen,10 b. in Pekin, 3 Oct., 1880; is a school teacher; is unm.
14156 Susan Allen,10 b. in Peoria, 22 Nov., 1888.

7543.   DR. JOHN COE,9 son of Chester Curtis8 (3067), b. in Starkey, N. Y., 11 Oct., 1820; m. in Litchfield, Mich., 17 Mar., 1847, Caroline Phebe Terry, b. in Syracuse, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1821, dau. of Ralph Terry, b. in Litchfield, Conn., 15 Nov., 1780, and Maria Vrooman, b. in Johnstown, N. Y., 1 Aug., 1790.
She d. in Seattle, Wash., 9 Jan., 1891.
In 1835 he rem. to Berlin, O.; studied medicine in Cleveland, O.; in 1846 assisted in the survey of the coast of Florida; went to Vera Cruz with dispatches on the annexation of Texas; crossed the plains in 1852; in 1853 rem. to Wash­ington Territory; has been a member of the Assembly; res. in Caupeville and Seattle, Wash.
14157 Florence Maria,10 b. in Litchfield, Mich., 11 Mar., 1849; m. in San Francisco, 5 July, 1870, James Thomas, b. in England; d. in San Jose, Cal., 18 Sept., 1870; he m. (2) Belle Paine, of Seattle; d. 4 Jan., 1876; had no children.
14158 Alma,10 b. 1 Jan., 1851; d. 14 Mar., 1857.
14159 Albert Henry,10 b. in Whidby Island, Wash., 31 Mar., 1855; m. (1) Edith Dillon; (2) Lillian Butters.
14160 Alice Martha,10 b. in Port Gamble, Wash., 12 Nov., 1857; m. Rolland Herschel Denny.

7544.   DR. NATHAN ALONZO,9 son of Chester Curtis8 (3067), b. in Starkey, N. Y., 11 Oct., 1826; m. in Casstown, O., 14 July, 1852, Hannah D. Martin, b. in Miami Co., O., 5 Mar., 1832, dau. of Joseph Martin, b. in Pennsylvania, 29 Mar., 1806, and Mary Clyne, b. 20 Oct., 1808.
He d. in Nevada, O., 6 Apr., 1856; after his death she res. in Nevada.
He studied medicine in Birmingham, O.; was graduated with honor from the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, 1851; in 1855 he rem. to Nevada, where he practiced medicine.
14161 William Albert,10 b. 12 July, 1853; d. 26 June, 1855.
14162 Martha Alice,10 b. Oct., 1856; is a teacher in Nevada.

7545.   GEORGE ALBERT,9 son of Chester Curtis8 (3067), b. in Starkey, N. Y., 8 Nov., 1828; m. (1) 11 Jan., 1860, Elizabeth E. Smith, of Lock Haven, Pa.
She d. in Nevada, Ia., 3 Sept., 1862; he m. (2) in Milford, Ia., 1 Oct., 1864, Mary Euphous Diffenbacher, b. 26 June, 1840, dau. of Frederick Diffenbacher, b. 1807, and Eliza McCormick, b. 7 Jan., 1807.
He read law with Hon. C. L. Vallandigham, of Dayton, O.; was graduated from Cincinnati Law School, Mar., 1855; settled in Nevada. In Aug., 1857, he was elected County Judge; rem. to Gunnison City, Col., and later to Seattle,

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Wash., where he now res.; is a Presbyterian and a Republican; was a Delegate to the General Assembly in 1893.
Child, by first wife.
14163 A Child,10 b. 13 Aug., 1862; d. 3 Sept., same year.
Children by second wife.
14164 Maud Eliza,10 b. in Nevada, 14 July, 1864; m. in Fairhaven, Wash., 22 Oct., 1884, William Henry Welbon; res. in Seattle; has no chil­dren.
14165 Hattie Martha,10 b. 31 July, 1867; res., unm., in Nevada.
14166 John Alonzo,10 b. in Whatcom, Wash., 17 Sept., 1871; is unm.

7546.   AMBROSE,9 son of George8 (3068), b. in Little Utica, N. Y., 5 Dec., 1824; m. (1) in Lysander, N. Y., 8 Mar., 1848, Hannah Eliza Slingerland, b. in Albany Co., N. Y., dau. of Isaac Slingerland, b. 3 Dec., 1792, and Hannah Dun­bar, b. 1 Jan., 1796.
She d. ______; he m. (2) in Little Utica, N. Y., 20 Nov., 1877, Mrs. Esther Maria (Bradley) Suttle, b. in Downsville, N. Y., 28 Jan., 1846, dau. of Isaac Bradley.
He is a farmer; a Methodist Episcopalian and a Prohibitionist; res. in Lit­tle Utica.
Children by first wife.
14167 Erwin Eugene,10 b. in Little Utica, 26 Sept., 1855; d. there, 17 Apr., 1857.
14168 Homer,10 b. in Jamesville, N. Y., 31 May, 1859; d. in Syracuse, N. Y., 9 Jan., 1882.
14169 Mary,10 b. in Little Utica, 7 Sept., 1867; d. young.
14170 Floyd,10 b. in Lamson, N. Y., 7 July, 1869; res., unm., in Little Utica.

7548.   CHARLES,9 son of George8 (3068), b. in Little Utica, N. Y., 13 Feb., 1828; m. in Lysander, N. Y., 4 July, 1855, Arminda Forncrook.
He d. ______, in Little Utica, where he res.; was a farmer, a Methodist Epis­copalian and a Prohibitionist.
14171 Charles Rollin,10 b. ______; res. in Baldwinsville, N. Y.
14172 Frank,10 b. ______; res. in Fulton, N. Y.

7550.   HENRIETTA,9 dau. of George8 (3068), b. in Little Utica, N. Y., 18 Aug., 1833; m. in Little Utica, 26 Dec., 1855, Nelson Clark Cooper, b. in De­catur, N. Y., 9 Feb., 1824, son of William Cooper and Electa Abbott, of Fulton, N. Y.
He d. in Fulton, about 1896; she res. there.
He was a merchant; served in the civil war as a private in Co. I, One Hun­dred and Ninety-third New York Reg.; was a Prohibitionist.
Children, b. in Granby, N. Y.
14173 Carrie E. Cooper,10 b. 21 June, 1858; m. in Jacksonville, N. Y., 31 Mar., 1880, Edward Walton Palmer; res. in South Granby.
14174 Florence D. Cooper,10 b. 14 Sept., 1862; m. in Jacksonville, 26 Dec., 1886, Frederick Willis Palmer; he is a dealer in coal and wood; res. in Rochester, N. Y.
14175 Marshall Cooper,10 b. 15 Oct., 1864; is unm.

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7553.   ABMROSE BRYANT,9 son of Ambrose Bryant8 (3069), b. in Granby, N. Y., 29 Apr., 1834; m. in Bowens Corners, N. Y., 16 Mar., 1865, Adelia Electa Wright, b. in Bowens Corners, 24 Apr., 1844, dau. of Abner Wright, b. 13 Jan., 1812, and Electa Cathcart, b. 30 Aug., 1809.
He is a retired farmer; res. in Bowens Corners; served in the army in the civil war as a private in Co. E, TWenty-fourth Reg., New York Volunteers; en­listed 4 May, 1861; was discharged 1862; is a Methodist and a Republican.
Children, all except the first, b. in Granby.
14176 Lillian Rathbun,10 b. in Bowens Corners, 14 Sept., 1866; m. Dr. Elton Baker Crowell.
14177 A. Birney,10 b. 21 Mar., 1868.
14178 Ray W.,10 b. 12 Feb., 1872.

7559.   SAMUEL BLAIR,9 son of Samuel8 (3074), b. in Williamstown, Mass., 13 Feb., 1821; m. in Williamstown, 4 June, 1844, Mary Abby Hosford, b. in Williamstown,8 July, 1826, dau. of Jeremiah Hosford, b. 15 Dec., 1800, and Mary E. Talmage, b. 17 June, 1804.
He d. in Williamstown, 29 Mar., 1895.
He was a hotelkeeper; a member of the Congregational Church.
Children, b. in Williamstown.
14179 Mary Abby,10 b. 26 Apr., 1845; m. in Williamstown, 7 Nov., 1866, Edgar A. Maynard; res. in Brockport, N. Y.
14180 Catherine Day,10 b. 10 Aug., 1847; d. in Williamstown, 6 May, 1853.
14181 Clara Ellis,10 b. 28 July, 1849; m. in Williamstown, Levens E. Smed­ley; res. in Rosemond, Ill.
14182 Lucy Waters,10 b. 11 Nov., 1851; m. in Williamstown, 22 May, 1873, Samuel Wadhams; res. in Garland, N. Y.
14183 Samuel Jeremiah,10 b. 7 Sept., 1858; m. Nettie White.
14184 Anna Martha,10 b. 30 Sept., 1863; m. in Williamstown, 22 Jan., 1884, Harvey J. Perry; res. in Brockport.
14185 Julia Elizabeth,10 b. 20 May, 1867; m. in Williamstown, 11 Aug., 1897, Percy Alexander Chambers, b. in Kinderhook, N. Y., 2 July, 1868, son of Alexander Chambers and Sarah J. Ferguson, of Pitts­field, Mass.; he is a druggist and an optician, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Williamstown.

7582.   JUSTIN,9 son of Giles Bacon8 (3080), b. in Troy, N. Y., 18 Apr., 1844; m. 20 Apr., 1871, Mary Bryan Leake, b. in Troy, 3 Sept., 1848, dau. of Frederick Leake, b. in Albany, N. Y., 28 Nov., 1818, and Caroline Augusta Richards (4949), b. 17 Nov., 1823.
He prepared for college at Troy, N. Y., and Williamstown, Mass.; was graduated from Williams College, 1865, with degree of B. A.; later received the degree of M. A.; was graduated from Albany Law School and admitted to prac­tice, 1866. He is a lawyer; res. in Troy; is Secretary of New York State Bar Association and of Troy Club; is president of the trustees of the First Presby­terian Church, of Troy Academy, of Troy Young Men's Association; is a mem­ber of the Vermont S. A. R.; is trustee of Williams College.
14186 Mary Bryan,10 b. 25 Dec., 1872; m. in Bennington Center, Vt., 8 Sept., 1898, Dr. Joseph Reynolds Tillinghast, Jr., b. in Bennington,

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1 Mar., 1870, son of Joseph Reynolds Tillinghast, b. 19 Sept., 1844, and Katherine Ferris Swift, b. 28 Aug., 1849; he is a physician; res. in New York City; was graduated from Williams College, 1892; was graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1895.
14187 Richards,10 b. 10 June, 1879; is unm.

7584.   GILES,9 son of Giles Bacon8 (3080), b. in Troy, N. Y., 22 Dec., 1854; m. 21 Apr., 1886, Annabella Bush, b. in Albany, N. Y., 2 June, 1856, dau. of Wal­ter R. Bush and Rebecca Cottrell Rice.
He is with the Citrus Fruit Company of San Diego.
14188 Archibald,10 b. 3 Mar., 1887.
14189 Kenneth,10 b. 13 Apr., 1888.
14190 Giles Vernon,10 b. 10 May, 1891.
14191 Adeline,10 b. 12 Aug., 1892.

7585.   VALEDA ISABELLA,9 dau. of Christopher Van Deventer,8 (8083), b. in Stevenson Co., Ill., 20 Oct., 1836; m. in Prairie du Chien, Wis., Dorr D. Hoxsie, son of Joseph C. Hoxsie.
He is a railroad employee; res. in Omaha, Neb.
Children, b. in McGregor, Ia.
14192 Charles Stewart Hoxsie,10 b. ______; m. in Omaha, Irene Freese; res. in Omaha.
14193 Harry Eugene Hoxsie,10 b. ______; d. ______ in Omaha.

7586.   ARIETTA LANSING,9 dau. of Christopher Van Deventer8 (3083), b. 10 Apr., 1838; m. in Chicago, Ill., 21 May, 1857, Robert Simonton Galloway, b. in Northampton Co., Pa., 8 Feb., 1830, son of _______ Galloway and _______ Nel­son, of Uniontown, Pa.
She d. in Chicago, 21 Jan., 1861; he d. in Freeport, Ill., 19 Mar., 1868.
He was a building contractor and a Presbyterian.
14194 May Galloway,10 b. in Chicago, 6 Apr., 1858; m. in Pennsylvania, Wil­liam C. Miles; res. in McCormick, Wash.
14195 Hart L. Galloway,10 b. in Chicago, 16 Aug., 1859; m. in Freeport, 23 Nov., 1882, Winnie Fleming Wolf, who d. 3 Apr., 1900; res. in Grand Island, Neb.; had four children.

7591.   EMILY AURELIA,9 dau. of Christopher Van Deventer8 (3083), b. 5 Aug., 1850; m. in Prairie du Chien, Wis., as his second wife, George Mastermaff, b. 16 Feb., 1839, son of _______ Masterman and Alice Garton, of Constantine, Mich.
He served in the civil war as Corp., in the One Hundred and Eighty-second Ohio Infantry.
He is a machinist; res. in Memphis, Tenn.
14196 John Masterman,10 b. in McGregor, Ia., 7 May, 1869; d. in Memphis, Tenn., 19 Dec., 1890.

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14197 Willie Eugene Masterman,10 b. in Hillsdale, Mich., 17 Apr., 1871; d. in Mishawaka, Ind., 17 May, 1874.
14198 Floyd J. Masterman,10 b. in Mishawaka, Ind., 26 Nov., 1874; d. in Cary, Miss., 26 Sept., 1888.
14199 Fred Masterman,10 b. in Mishawaka, 4 May, 1877; m. in Memphis, 16 Nov., 1898, Carrie Ann Sullivan; res. in Memphis.

7597.   DANIEL WOOD,9 son of John8 (3088), b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 12 June, 1840; m. 31 Jan., 1862, Mary Talcott Shotwell, b. 22 July, 1843, dau. of Walter Fox Shotwell, of Skaneateles and Sarah Elizabeth Talcott.
She d. in Skaneateles, 12 Oct., 1862, aged 19; be m. (2) Lydia Ellen Maulsly, of Indiana, b. 10 July, 1842, dau. of William Maulsly, of Virginia, b. 1806, and Lydia Hall, b. in North Carolina, 11 June, 1811.
He res. in Chicago.
Child by first wife.
14200 Mary Lucy,10 b. in Skaneateles, 11 Oct., 1862; d. 14 Oct., 1885.

7599.   JOHN L.,9 son of John8 (3088), b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 2 Aug., 1853; m. in Oshkosh, Wis., 27 Sept., 1876, Alice Bowen, b. in Appleton, Wis., 21 Dec., 1852, dau. of Abraham Briggs Bowen, b. 20 Sept., 1812, and Mary Ann Camp­bell, b. 23 June, 1811.
He is freight agent of the Lehigh Valley Railroad; res. in Milwaukee, Wis.
Children, three eldest b. in Davenport, Ia., others in Milwaukee.
14201 Pauline Wood,10 b. 24 Oct., 1878; m. Wellington C. Wolfe.
14202 Frederick Wild,10 b. 16 June, 1880.
14203 George Bull,10 b. 15 Aug., 1881.
14204 Dwight John,10 b. 10 Sept., 1883; d. in Milwaukee, 27 Sept., 1883.
14205 John,10 b. 15 Oct., 1886.
14206 William Graves,10 b. 24 Nov., 1888.

7613.   ANDREW HYDE,9 son of Daniel8 (3092), b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 16 Aug., 1855; m. 19 June, 1883, Helen Margaret Albro, b. in New York City, 24 Sept., 1857, dau. of Edmund William Albro, b. 17 July, 1828, and Cornelia Delavan, b. 19 Nov., 1837.
He is a printer and publisher; res. in New York City; is a vestryman in the Protestant Episcopal Church.
14207 Katherine Hyde,10 b. 18 Apr., 1886; d. 16 Feb., 1894.
14208 Helen Margaret,10 b. 25 Mar., 1888.
14209 Daniel Albro,10 b. 4 Apr., 1890; d. 7 Jan., 1893.
14210 Edmund Albro,10 b. 9 July, 1892.

7615.   WALTER HAMILTON,9 son of Daniel8 (3092), b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 28 Apr., 1860; m. there, 21 June, 1892, Jennie Louise Kellogg (7602).
He res. in Skaneateles; is an Episcopalian and Republican; is an importer and exporter of Teazels.
14211 Hamilton Hyde,10 b. in Skaneateles, 6 Sept., 1899.

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7618.   PLINY FISK,9 son of Francis8 (3095), b. in Monroe, O., 30 June, 1834; m. (1) 20 Oct., 1859, Marcie E. Hatch, b. ______, dau. of Rufus Hatch, of Mon­roe, O., and Fanny Hunt.
She d. in Monroe, 25 Apr., 1863; he m. (2) 22 May, 1866, Elizabeth Hatch, dau. of Woodbury Hatch, of Yellow Springs, O., and Priscilla Abbott; she d. 27 Apr., 1876; he m. (3) 16 Jan., 1878, Sarah Comings, dau. of Elam J. Comings and Frances Fletcher; d. in Kingsville, O., 14 Apr., 1895.
He was a farmer; res. in Kingsville; was a Congregationalist and a Repub­lican.
Child by first wife.
14212 Gilbert Mavro,10 b. in Monroe, 18 Aug., 1862; m. Caroline Smith.
Child by third wife.
14213 Francis Comings,10 b. 5 Aug., 1880.

7627.   HARRIET LOUISE,9 dau. of David8 (3098), b. in Starksboro, Vt., 19 Aug., 1839; m. in Caledonia, Minn., 13 Nov., 1866, Lemuel Burns, b. in Bel­mont, O., 25 Apr., 1835, son of George N. Burns, b. 5 Jan., 1803, and Bashba Nicholls.
He is a farmer and Republican; res. in Holly Springs, Ia. He served as Sergt. in Co. H, Sixteenth Iowa Infantry; enlisted 6 Dec., 1861; was discharged 12 July, 1865.
14214 Frank Bentley Burns,10 b. in Hesper, Ia., 7 Oct., 1867; m. 12 Oct., 1898, Elfie Maud Hawkins.
14215 Gussie Eastman Burns,10 b. in Hesper, 20 Aug., 1869; m. in Sioux City, Ia., 4 Sept., 1893, John Frank Yockey; res. in Smithland, Ia.
14216 Ralph Clinton Burns,10 b. in Smithland, 17 Oct., 1871; is unm.
14217 George Fremont Burns,10 b. in Holly Springs, 10 Oct., 1873; is unm.
14218 Don Dewitt Burns,10 b. in Holly Springs, 31 Dec., 1875; is unm.
14219 William Bright Burns,10 b. in Holly Springs, 29 Mar., 1877; is unm.
14220 Paul Ellsworth Burns,10 b. in Holly Springs, 15 Mar., 1879; is unm.
14221 Edith Mae Burns,10 b. in Holly Springs, 21 Nov., 1885.

7628.   AMANDA VARNEY,9 dau. of David8 (3098), b. in Starksboro, Vt., 7 June, 1841; m. in Fairport, Ia., about 1856, Henry Bolivar Hawley, b. about 1833.
He is a farmer, Methodist and a Republican; res. in Sioux City, Ia. He served in Co. A, Eleventh Iowa Infantry; enlisted May, 1861.
14222 Cassius Clay Hawley,10 b. ______, in Fairport.
14223 Harry Hawley,10 b. ______, in Fairport.

7629.   HENRY CLAY,9 son of David8 (3098), b. in Starksboro, Vt., 15 Mar., 1843; m. in Caledonia, Minn., 2 Feb., 1867, Mary Elizabeth Curry, b. in Beam Co, Pa., 3 Nov., 1845, dau. of Michael Curry, b. 18 May, 1812, and Rachel Morrison.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Peiro, Ia. He was a drummer in Co. A, Eleventh Iowa Reg.; enlisted 2 Sept., 1861; was discharged 17 Oct., 1864.

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14224 Nellie Grace,10 b. in Caledonia, 11 Apr., 1869; m. in Peiro, Henry Burn Conners; res. in Morningside, Sioux City, Ia.
14225 Clark David,10 b. in Caledonia, 17 Oct., 1870; res. in Iowa.
14226 Mabel Ruth,10 b. in Peiro, 2 Apr., 1883.

7630.   NELSON,9 son of David8 (3098), b. in Starksboro, Vt., May, 1845; m. _______. He d. in Iowa, Nov., 1877.
14227 Ruth,10 b. ______; m. _______ Chilton; res. in Holly Springs, Ia.

7632.   CLINTON DE WITT,9 son of David8 (3098), b. in Spring Corners, Pa., 21 Feb., 1853; m. in St. Louis, 9 Dec., 1880, Mary Elizabeth Raymond, b. 1856, dau. of Daniel Raymond, b. 1830, and Eliza Ann Hight.
He is a Deputy Internal Revenue Collector; is a member of the Church of the Messiah (Unitarian); is a Republican; res. in St. Louis.
Children, b. in St. Louis.
14228 Raymond Clinton,10 b. 1 Apr., 1883.
14229 Helen Vance,10 b. 30 Apr., 1885.
14230 Harvey Sackett,10 b. 30 June, 1894.

7639.   MARTHA ELLEN,9 dau. of Nelson8 (3100), b. in Bluffton, Ind., 10 Apr., 1841; m. 3 May, 1864, James Baskerville Plessinger, b. near Granville, O., 7 Sept., 1837, son of John Plessinger, b. 12 July, 1812, and Elizabeth Thompson, b. 20 Apr., 1813.
He is an auctioneer. He served in the Union army in the Forty-seventh In­diana Infantry as principal musician; served in the Forty-seventh Indiana Reg., Co. A, Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 19 Sept., 1861; was discharged 10 Mar., 1863. He has been Marshall of Bluffton and Sheriff of the county; res. in Bluff­ton; is a Democrat; was Mayor of Bluffton, 1898-99.
Children, all except the second, b. in Bluffton.
14231 Lawrence Kellogg Plessinger,10 b. 22 Feb., 1865.
14232 Charles Henry Plessinger,10 b. in Vera Cruz, Ind., 3 Feb., 1867; m. 18 Dec., 1895, Lydia Keller.
14233 Frederick Todd Plessinger,10 b. 31 Dec., 1869.
14234 Augustus Nelson Plessinger,10 b. 2 Feb., 1871; m. 25 May, 1898, Jessie Martz.
14235 Elizabeth Louise Plessinger,10 b. 18 Mar., 1873; m. 29 May, 1894, Samuel Franklin Shumaker.
14236 Caroline Plessinger,10 b. 2 Feb., 1877.

7640.   FRANCIS NELSON,9 son of Nelson8 (3100), b. in Bluffton, Ind., 2 Feb., 1843; m. 7 June, 1877, Rosanna Muth, of Wheeling, W. Va., b. 7 Nov., 1849, dau. of John George Muth, b. in Germany, 20 Sept., 1813, and Elizabeth Bayha, b. in Wheeling, 19 Nov., 1823.
He is a printer; res. in Bluffton. He served three years in the Union army, Co. K, Seventy-fifth Indiana Infantry; marched from Louisville, Ky., to Galla­tin, Tenn.; and back through Kentucky, after Morgan, to Cave City, thence

1198    The Kelloggs in the New World.

through Georgia to the sea with Gen. Sherman, to Richmond and Washington and says: “I would not have it obliterated from my history for a farm.”
14237 Frances,10 b. 11 May, 1878.
14238 William Muth,10 b. 3 Nov., 1890.

7641.   RACHEL JANE,9 dau. of Nelson8 (3100), b. in Bluffton, Ind., 10 Mar., 1845; m. (1) 17 Apr., 1866, J. J. Todd.
He d. ______; she m. (2) A. N. Martin.
Child by first husband.
14239 Nelson Kellogg Todd,10 b. ______; res. in Bluffton.

7643.   PHILO EDWARD,9 son of Isaac8 (3119), b. in Canaan, Conn., 16 Feb., 1840; m. 8 May, 1873, May Lydia Nichols.
He is a salesman; res. in Chicago.
14240 Edward,10 b. ______.
14241 A Daughter,10 b. ______; d. young.

7644.   WALTER ISAAC,9 son of Isaac8 (3119), b. in Canaan, Conn., 29 June, 1847; m. (1) 18 Apr., 1877, Cora Estella Wetherell, b. 22 Sept., 1858, dau. of Seymour Bassett Wetherell, b. 2 Apr., 1836, and Charity Sholtis, b. 26 July, 1836.
He m. (2) 18 Apr., 1889, Genevieve Gillett, b. 27 Apr., 1870, dau. of Elisha Burnham Gillett, b. 27 Sept., 1829, and Sarah L. Ables, b. 5 Nov., 1833.
He res. in Canaan; is a carpenter, a Congregationalist and a Republican.
Child by first wife.
14242 Charles,10 b. 20 Mar., 1879 , is unm.
Child by second wife.
14243 Lee,10 b. 18 Jan., 1890.

7646.   JOSEPH GAYLORD,9 son of Harvey8 (3121), b. in Adams, O., 2 May, 1839; m. in Maumee, O., 26 Jan., 1864, Sarah Norton, b. in Depauville, N. Y., 19 Sept., 1840, dau. of Helon Norton, of South Toledo, b. 2 Jan., 1804, and Nancy Richardson, b. Feb., 1814.
He d. in Adams Township, O., 22 July, 1899. She res. in Toledo.
He was a farmer in Adams Township; was a Methodist.
Children, b. in Adams Township.
14244 Clara Evalyn,10 b. 10 Dec., 1864; d. unm., 5 Feb., 1900.
14245 Anna,10 b. 24 Dec., 1867; m. Fred Allen Haughton.
14246 Joseph Gaylord,10 b. 17 May, 1871; d. there, 24 Dec., 1880.

7648.   ISAAC BEEBE,9 son of Harvey8 (3121), b. in Adams Township, O., 26 July, 1846; m. in Adams Township, 28 Feb., 1872, Lucy Adelma Hill, b. in Adams Township, 25 Apr., 1848, dau. of James Willison Hill, b. 14 July, 1823, and Zemira Martha Lewis, b. 9 Apr., 1825.
He is a farmer; a Methodist; an Independent in politics; res. in Riga, Mich.

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Children, all except the first, b. in Riga.
14247 Eugene,10 b. in Adams Township, 20 Apr., 1874; d. there, 6 Sept., same year.
14248 Howard Dorn,10 b. in Riga, 29 Sept., 1876; m. in Riga, 20 Oct., 1901, Ida Elizabeth Stevens, b. in Clinton, O., 8 Sept., 1880, dau. of Everell D. Stevens, of Riga, b. 12 Mar., 1857, and Magdalena Lorentz, b. 1 Feb., 1855; is a stationary engineer; served in the Spanish-American war as a private in Co. H, Sixth Reg., Ohio Vol­unteer Infantry; enlisted 23 June, 1898; was discharged 24 May, 1899; is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; res. in Sugar Ridge, O.
14249 Bessie Naomi,10 b. 23 Apr., 1879; is unm.
14250 Waldo Brown,10 b. 2 Apr., 1881.
14251 Charles,10 b. 1 Aug., 1883; d. in Riga, 6 Sept., 1884.
14252 Hazel Dell,10 b. 24 Apr., 1885.
14253 William Hill,10 b. 19 June, 1888.
14254 Harvey,10 b. 6 Sept., 1890.

7650.   GEORGE WARNER,9 son of Edward8 (3127), b. 19 May, 1828; m. 12
Mar., 1851, Ellen Kent, dau. of Chester Kent, of Manchester, Vt.
He d. 4 Sept., 1857; he was a lawyer and farmer.
14255 Louise W.,10 b. 29 Dec., 1851.

7651.   JOHN STOWER,9 son of Edward8 (3127), b. in West Stockbridge, Mass., 12 June, 1830; m. in West Stockbridge, 11 Dec., 1857, Jane Isabella Os­borne, b. 9 Jan., 1836, dau. of William Osborne, of Waterville, N. Y., b. 9 May, 1809, and Amelia Waldo, b. 20 Mar., 1810.
He is a miller; res. in Atchison, Kas., and Hinton, W. Va.
14256 Frances,10 b. 29 Sept., 1859; d. 20 Dec., same year.
14257 Amelia,10 b. 29 Sept., 1859; d. 24 July, 1860.
14258 Edward Osborne,10 b. 15 July, 1861; d. 20 Feb., 1874.
14259 James Warner,10 b. in St. Joseph, Mo., 4 Apr., 1863; m. in New Bed­ford, Mass., 27 Oct., 1897, Louise Cook Pierce, b. in New Bedford, 2 Apr., 1866, dau. of Andrew Granville Pierce, b. 9 Aug., 1829, and Caroline Lincoln Hillman, b. 16 June, 1832; is an electric engi­neer; graduated from Lehigh University, 1884; res. in Schenec­tady, N. Y.; is an Episcopalian and a Republican.
14260 John Stower,10 b. in St. Joseph, 24 Oct., 1867; m. Claudia Elizabeth Gouse.
14261 Waldo Stewart,10 b. in St. Joseph, 27 Sept., 1870; is an architect; res., unm., in St. Louis, later in New York City; is an Episco­palian; was graduated from Cornell University, 1893, B. S.
14262 Wallace Osborne,10 b. in St. Joseph, 4 Mar., 1874; is an electrician; an Episcopalian and a Republican; res. in Schenectady; was grad­uated from Cornell University, 1896.
14263 Henry Kirk White,10 b. 21 Apr., 1876.

1200    The Kelloggs in the New World.

7652.   MARY ANN,9 dau. of Edward8 (3127), b. 19 Feb., 1832; m. 27 Oct., 1853, Hon. George Grenville Benedict, b. in Burlington, Vt., 10 Dec., 1826, son of George Wyllys Benedict, b. 11 Jan., 1796, and Eliza Dewey, b. 5 Oct., 1793, dau. of Stephen Dewey, of Sheffield, and Elizabeth Owen Almira Pease, dau. of Rev. Calvin Pease and Martha Howes, of Colchester.
He was graduated and received the degree of A. M. from the University of Vermont, 1847. He taught a year in New York City, and then engaged in build­ing the Vermont and Boston telegraph line; in 1853 became part owner and associate editor of the Daily and Weekly Burlington Free Press; 1861-65, Post­master; enlisted Aug., 1862, as private in Co. O, Twelfth Vermont Reg.; was promoted Jan., 1863, to Lieut.; was in the battle of Gettysburg as aide on staff of Gen. Stannard; was the first man of the brigade on the field, having been sent forward to announce to the division commander the approach of the brigade; en­gaged at Cemetery Hill the second day; on the third day was in the thick of the fight; with another officer he caught Gen. Hancock when he fell, severely wounded, from his horse.
14264 Mary Frances Benedict,10 b. in Burlington, 3 June, 1857.

7655.   CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Martin Robbins8 (3132), b. in West Stockbridge, Mass., 9 Dec., 1845; m. in Littleville, N. Y., 14 Oct., 1869, Samuel James Fields, b. in Buffalo, N. Y., 10 Aug., 1844, son of Samuel Hunter Fields, b. 22 May, 1815, and Mary Cunningham, b. in Boston, 3 Aug., 1809.
He is a civil engineer. He was a private in Co. G, Seventy-fourth New York Reg., and Co. I, Ninety-eighth New York Reg.; enlisted 19 June and 3 Aug., 1863; was discharged 6 Sept. and 22 Dec., 1864. He was graduated from Rens­selaer Polytechnic Institute, 1867; is a Democrat; res. in Buffalo.
Children, b. in Buffalo.
14265 Mary Elizabeth Fields,10 b. 28 Feb., 1871; m. in Buffalo, 1 Sept., 1897, Charles Shaw Mott Vancleave; res. in Rochester, N. Y.
14266 Frederick Robbins Fields,10 b. 11 July, 1873.
14267 Percy Hunter Fields,10 b. 12 May, 1876; d. 24 Oct., 1881.
14268 Edith Osburn Fields,10 b. 28 Oct., 1877.
14269 Florence Fields,10 b. 25 May, 1882.
14270 Henry Hunter Fields,10 b. 4 June, 1884; d. 14 Nov., 1887.
14271 Walter Samuel Fields,10 b. 22 July, 1886.
14272 Helen Clara Fields,10 b. 22 July, 1886; d. 4 Dec., 1887.
14273 Julia Fields,10 b. 8 July, 1889.

7662.   CHARLES MARTIN,9 son of Henry Vanderpool8 (3159), b. in Litch­field, O., 12 Aug., 1850; m. 24 Dec., 1874, Sarah Eveline Rising, b. 11 Feb., 1853; dau. of Frederick Augustus Rising, b. 10 Feb., 1825, and Rachel Turner, b. 15
July, 1820.
He is a contractor and builder; res. in Grafton, O.; later in Lorain, O.
Children, first three b. in Litchfield, others in Grafton.
14274 Annie Sophia,10 b. 25 Oct., 1875; d. 15 Aug., 1876.
14275 Clara Louise,10 b. 28 Aug., 1876; m. Frederick Vernon Wilmet.
14276 Frederick Elson,10 b. 14 Oct., 1878.
14277 Nora Rachel,10 b. 17 Feb., 1881; m. Henry Ashbell Canfield.

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14278 Henry Major,10 b. 27 May, 1883.
14279 Esther Sophia,10 b. 28 June, 1885.
14280 Bernice Rising,10 b. 29 May, 1889.
14281 Reba Rising,10 b. 25 Sept., 1891.
14282 Ruth Erma,10 b. 3 Sept., 1893.
14283 James Carroll,10 b. 10 Dec., 1895.

7663.   ELLA AUGUSTA,9 dau. of Henry Vanderpool8 (3159), b. in Litchfield, O., 6 July, 1852; m. in Grafton, O., 4 Sept., 1881, Burton Smith, b. 27 Sept., 1856, son of Carlton Smith.
She d. in Grafton, 15 Aug., 1892; he res. in Penfield, O.
14284 Grace Smith,10 b. 20 Oct., 1882; d. 15 Jan., 1893.
14285 Carl Henry Smith,10 b. 13 Jan., 1885.
14286 Mary Ella Smith,10 b. 27 July, 1892.

7667.   EDWARD CLINTON,9 son of James Clinton8 (3161), b. in Litchfield, O., 29 June, 1866; m. in Weston, Mich., 25 Dec., 1884, Alice Taylor, b. in Lin­colnshire, England, 28 Sept., 1867, dau. of John Taylor and Harriet Foster.
He is a farmer; res. in Seneca, Mich.
Children, all except first, b. in Royalton, O.
14287 Renie Laverne,10 b. in Fairfield, Mich., 25 Nov., 1883.
14288 Mina Myrtle,10 b. 22 June, 1888.
14289 Reba Hazel,10 b. 25 Aug., 1890.
14290 Edith Caroline,10 b. 1 June, 1892.
14291 Nina May,10 b. 23 Mar., 1894.
14292 Blance Grace,10 b. 10 Jan., 1898.

7670.   MARY RUGINE,9 dau. of James Clinton8 (3161), b. in Fairfield, Mich., 30 Aug., 1873; m. in Seneca, Mich., 1 Jan., 1891, William J. Walker, b. in Col­ton, O., 20 Sept., 1861, son of William Walker, b. 24 Nov., 1824, and Katherine Cole, b. 2 Apr., 1833.
She d. in Seneca, 17 July, 1897; he is a farmer and a Democrat.
Children, b. in Seneca.
14293 Harry Earl Walker,10 b. 17 Oct., 1892.
14294 Vera May Walker,10 b. 3 Apr., 1897; d. 9 Sept., same year.

7676.   HANNAH,9 dau. of Richard8 (3176), b. 10 Mar., 1822; m. Lorenzo D. De La Mater, b. in Manlius, N. Y., 2 Aug., 1816, son of Isaac De La Mater and Pamelia Hough.
She d. in Jackson, Mich., Mar., 1848; he d. in Manchester, Mich., 18 Aug., 1852.
He settled in Jackson in 1837.
14295 Merick L. De La Mater,10 b. in Manchester.
14296 Helen E. De La Mater,10 b. ______.

7680.   REBECCA PATIENCE,9 dau. of Oliver8 (3178), b. in Sharon, Conn., 25 May, 1820; m. in Sharon, Mich., 1 Sept., 1836, Hiram High, b. in Seneca Co.,

1202    The Kelloggs in the New World.

N. Y., 22 Oct., 1813, son of James Hubert High, b. 22 Oct., 1773 and Mary Cal­vin, b. 21 May, 1777.
He d. in Matteson, N. D., 28 May, 1886; she d. in Matteson, 28 May, 1897.
He was a farmer, a Presbyterian and a Republican.
Children, all except first, b. in Allen, Mich.
14297 Oliver Kellogg High,10 b. in Kinderhook, Mich., 13 Nov., 1837; d. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 5 Sept., 1861.
14298 Hiram Belden High,10 b. 1 Aug., 1840; m. in Manchester, Mo., 20 Oct., 1863, Adora R. Root; res. in Omaha, Neb.
14299 Charlotte Mary High,10 b. 1 Oct., 1842; m. in Sharon, Mich., 11 Dec., 1860, Byron R. Porter; d. in Fontana, Kas., 28 Feb., 1883; had two children.
14300 James Hamline High,10 b. 16 Apr., 1844; m. (1) in Sharon, Mich., 11 Dec., 1867, Phebe Ann Peck; (2) in Harrisonville, Mo., 18 Apr., 1871, Lizzie Ann Cook; res. in Matteson; had one child.

7683.   CAROLINE,9 dau. of Oliver8 (3178), b. in Connecticut, 6 May, 1825; m. 5 Nov., 1845, Stephen Demming Whitaker, b. 12 Dec., 1820, son of Isaac Whitaker and Cushman.
She d. in Lima, Mich., 5 Oct., 1865; he d. in Chelsea, Mich., 28 Oct., 1883.
He was a farmer, a Congregationalist and a Republican.
Children, b. in Lima.
14301 Addie Matilda Whitaker,10 b. 12 Aug., 1846; m. in Lima, 11 May, 1871, Andrew Stover; d. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 22 Apr., 1900; had three children.
14302 George Byron Whitaker,10 b. 10 Mar., 1854; m. in Unadilla, Mich., 26 Dec., 1883, Mrs. Frank Pierce; res. in White Oak, Mich., has three children.
14303 Sarah Jane Whitaker,10 b. 3 Nov., 1857; d. in Lima, 3 Oct., 1861.
14304 Hetta Amelia Whitaker,10 b. 4 Oct., 1860; m. in Sylvan, Mich., 18 Nov., 1884, George E. Marshall; res. in Unadilla; has five chil­dren.

7685.   ALMACY PERMELIA,9 dau. of Oliver8 (3178), b. in Sharon, Conn., 10 Nov., 1828; m. in Sharon, Mich., 30 Sept., 1846, De Witt Curtis Hurd, b. in Lima, Mich., 10 July, 1822.
She d. in Chelsea, Mich., 27 Feb., 1867; he d. 31 Dec., 1880.
He was a private in Co. K, Twentieth Michigan Volunteers. He was an Episcopalian and a Republican; was a druggist; res. in Faribault, Minn.
14305 Lyman Belden Swift Hurd,10 b. 16 Oct., 1848; d. in Sharon, 17 Aug., 1853.
14306 Wallie Dewitt Hurd,10 b. in Chelsea, 14 July, 1855; d. in Fort Wayne, Ind., 2 Apr., 1872.
14307 Hattie Almacy Hurd,10 b. in Chelsea, 10 Aug., 1858; m. in Waukesha Wis., 19 May, 1886, Stanley Artemas Burt; res. in Detroit, Mich.

7687.   MARY LOUISA,9 dau. of Oliver8 (3178), b. in Sharon, Mich., 11 May, 1836; m. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 14 Nov., 1865, Benjamin Trumbull, b. in Sand-

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1203

stone, Mich., 7 Sept., 1839, son of David Trumbull, b. 29 June, 1811, and Hannah Beckwith, b. 15 Feb., 1811.
He was graduated from Michigan University. He is a Congregationalist, a Republican, a farmer and insurance agent; res. in Sandstone.
Children, b. in Sandstone.
14308 Lyman Benjamin Trumbull,10 b. 19 July, 1869; is a lawyer; res. in Jackson, Mich.
14309 Caroline Jane Trumbull,10 b. 31 Dec., 1871; m. 7 Oct., 1890, Roland Ashland Barnard; res. in Jackson; has one child.

7688.   HARRIET ANN ,9 dau. of Oliver8 (3178), b. in Sharon, Mich., 16 Sept., 1837; m. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 15 Feb., 1871, Hermon Joseph Bradley, b. in Williamson, N. Y., 1 Dec., 1840, son of William Bradley, b. 1809, and Delilah Eddy, b. 1811.
She d. in Williamson, 1 July, 1897.
He was a private in Co. I, Seventeenth New York Infantry, and Co. B, Ninth New York Heavy Artillery; enlisted (1) 12 Sept., 1861; (2) 13 Sept., 1864; was discharged 19 July, 1865; he is a Baptist; a produce dealer; res. in Wil­liamson.
Children, b. in Lowell, Mich.
14310 Hermon Eugene Bradley,10 b. 11 Dec., 1873; m. in Rochester, N. Y., 11 Feb., 1899, Myra B. Tutt; res. in Marion, N. Y.
14311 Hortense Ann Bradley,10 b. ______; d. ______.
14312 Eva Dane Bradley,10 b. 20 Mar., 1876; m. in Williamson, 24 Jan., 1900, Willis Raymond Teats; res. in Williamson.

7689.   GEORGE BENJAMIN,9 son of Oliver8 (3178), b. in Sharon, Mich., 6 June, 1839; m. 5 June, 1870, Frances Evalyn Smith, b. 9 July, 1846, dau. of Hiram Morton Smith, b. 26 June, 1807, and Mary Livonia Hall, b. 12 June, 1812.
She d. 5 Dec., 1889.
He is a hardware merchant; res. in Grass Lake, Mich.; later in Waukesha, Wis.
14313 Marion I.,10 b. 16 May, 1872; d. 25 Aug., 1874.
14314 Claude E.,10 b. 1 June, 1876; d. 17 Sept., same year.
14315 Florence Irene,10 b. in Grass Lake, 13 Oct., 1877; res., unm., in Waukesha.
14316 Frederick E.,10 b. in Grass Lake, 13 Oct., 1877; res., unm., in Butte, Mont.
14317 Clara Louise,10 b. 17 Sept., 1881; d. 5 Dec., same year.
14318 Alice Evelyn,10 b. 16 Nov., 1885; d. 15 Feb., 1900.

7692.   HARRIET,9 dau. of Horace8 (3180), b. in Penfield, N. Y., 12 July, 1808; m. Alpheus Webster Smith, b. in Genoa, N. Y., 1806.
She d. in Palmyra, N. Y., 1 Dec., 1840, aged 33; he m. (2) Julia Ann Kel­logg, a cousin of his first wife; she d. in Horton, Mich.; he d. there, 1882.
14319 Adaline Cordelia Smith,10 b. 18 Oct., 1828; m. in Hanover, Mich., 16 Oct., 1847, Orlando Charles Gale, d. 20 June, 1900; res. in Albion, Mich.; had eight children.

1204    The Kelloggs in the New World.

14320 George Kellogg Smith,10 b. about Feb., 1831.
14321 Mary Adelia Smith,10 b. about 1836.

7693.   LEONARD BRADLEY,9 son of Horace8 (3180), b. in Penfield, N. Y., 1 July, 1810; m. (1) 16 Apr., 1838, Alzora Griswold, dau. of Rial Griswold and Almira Smith.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 5 July, 1847, her sister, Delora Griswold, b. 7 May, 1829; d. in Penfield, 30 Nov., 1861.
Children by first wife, b. in Webster, N. Y.
14322 Orissa,10 b. 6 Sept., 1840; m. David W. Higbie.
14323 Elnora,10 b. 18 May, 1842; m. Thomas Franks.
14324 Ophelia,10 b. 1 Mar., 1844; d. 1 June, same year.
Children by second wife, b. in Penfield.
14325 Delos Bradley,10 b. 8 May, 1848; d. 14 July, same year.
14326 Alzora,10 b. 11 July, 1849; m. William H. Miller.
14327 Salem Bradley,10 b. 25 Apr., 1852; d. 1 Apr., 1853.
14328 Myron Jewett,10 b. 10 Mar., 1854; m. Mary Isadore Hill.
14329 J. D.,10 b. 19 Feb., 1858; m. Emma J. Clark.

7696.   ELIZABETH (BETSEY) ADELIA,9 dau. of Horace8 (3180), b. in Penfield, N. Y., 29 Mar., 1816; m. 27 Feb., 1836, William Riley Woolsey, b. in Dutchess Co., N. Y., 3 Feb., 1814, son of William Woolsey and Mabel Benham.
She d. in Penfield, 16 May, 1859; he d. in Macedon, N. Y., 9 Aug., 1873.
He was a farmer; res. in Penfield.
14330 Jewett David Woolsey,10 b. 26 Feb., 1841; d. 21 Mar., 1844.
14331 Elnora Viletta Woolsey,10 b. 15 July, 1848; m. 31 Dec., 1868, Thomas Chase; res. in Jackson, Mich.
14332 Byron Jewett Woolsey,10 b. 26 Sept., 1852; m. 25 Mar., 1874, Sarah E. Plumb; res. in Fairport, N. Y.

7700.   MABEL AMANDA,9 dau. of Horace8 (3180), b. in Penfield, N. Y., 11 Sept., 1826; m. in Goldwater, Mich., 1843, Ezra Berry, b. 1 Dec., 1820, son of Samuel Haze Berry, b. 29 Sept., 1777, and Elizabeth Rogers, b. 23 Oct., 1776.
He d. in Quincy, Mich., 1886, where she res.
He was a lawyer; res. in Quincy; was a Methodist and a Republican.
14333 Frederick Berry,10 b. in Goldwater, Mich., 8 Feb., 1849; m. 29 Sept., 1877, Emeretta McConnell; res. in Quincy.
14334 Enos Berry,10 b. in Quincy, 3 Jan., 1852; m. three times; res. in Elk­hart, Ind.
14335 Lois Berry,10 b. in Goldwater, 5 Feb., 1854; m. 20 Feb., 1872, Thomas Newton Cowell; d. in Quincy, 25 Sept., 1894.

7701.   HANNAH,9 dau. of Stephen Sedgwick8 (3182), b. in Clermont Co., O., 22 Oct., 1825; m. (1) in Mulberry, O., 18 Dec., 1847, Henry Napoleon Fritts, b. in Huntington, N. Y., son of Frederick Fritts and Elizabeth _______.
He d. 10 Oct., 1882; was a farmer in Greenup, Ill.; was a member of the Christian Church and a Republican; she m. (2) 17 July, 1891, Henry Goodwin, a farmer, from whom she was divorced; res. in Greenup.

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Children, first four b. in Mulberry, next five in Casey, Ill.
14336 William Jefferson Fritts,10 b. 1 Mar., 1850; m. 20 Feb., 1879, Irene Elizabeth Johnson; d. in Robinson, Ill., 17 Jan., 1891.
14337 Morris Finley Fritts,10 b. 16 Oct., 1851; d. in Mulberry, 6 Oct., 1855.
14338 Sarah Catherine Fritts,10 b. 15 Jan., 1853; m. 30 Sept., 1872, Francis Marion Lathrop; res. in Brentwood, Ark.
14339 Frances Ellen Fritts,10 b. 4 Sept., 1854; m. 7 Mar., 1874, Albert Mc­Cosh; d. in Hazel Dell, Ill., 11 Feb., 1875.
14340 Millard Fillmore Fritts,10 b. 22 Mar., 1856; m. 6 Mar., 1881, Salina Risler; res. in Madison, Ill.
14341 Ira Dunham Fritts,10 b. 24 Dec., 1857; m. 15 Feb., 1890, Frances E. Nichols; res. in Greenup.
14342 Charles Lewis Fritts,10 b. 7 Mar., 1860; m. 17 July, 1888, Mary Alice Covill; res. in Greenup.
14343 Joseph Arthur Fritts,10 b. 30 Nov., 1861; m. 31 Dec., 1891, Nora Ella Blaine; res. in Greenup.
14344 Mary Elizabeth Fritts,10 b. 28 May, 1863; d. in Greenup, 16 Oct., 1864.
14345 Cynthia Ann Fritts,10 b. in Greenup, 30 Jan., 1865; m. 25 Dec., 1888, James Huston; res. in Madison.

7703.   CYNTHIA ANN,9 dau. of Stephen Sedgwick8 (3182), b. in Mulberry, O., 28 June, 1830; m. (1) 25 Dec., 1860, Washington Needham, b. 31 Jan., 1833, son of Daniel Needham.
He d. 13 Feb., 1872; was a farmer in Mount Rose, Ill.; was a member of the Christian Church and a Republican; was a private in the Union army; served in Co. N, Thirty-ninth Illinois Infantry, from 31 Mar., 1865, to 9 Dec., same year; she m. (2) in Toledo, Ill., 25 Dec., 1873, James Fell Chapman, b. in Canada, 3 Sept., 1815, son of Amos Chapman, b. 28 June, 1756, and Lovena Avery, b. 30 Oct., 1770; d. in Greenup, Ill., 16 Dec., 1875; he d. in Sigel, Ill., 24 Sept., 1888; he was a merchant, a Republican and a member of the Christian Church.
Children by first husband.
14346 Mary Isabelle Needham,10 b. 4 Nov., 1861; d. 16 Nov., 1865.
14347 Ulysses S. Grant Needham,10 b. 10 May, 1864; d. 16 Nov., 1865.
14348 Benjamin Franklin Needham,10 b. 28 Oct., 1866; d. 10 Apr., 1867.
14349 Hannah Maria Needham,10 b. 18 Sept., 1870; m. 18 Sept., 1887, Wil­liam Lincoln House; res. in Mattoon, Ill.; had four children.
Child by second husband.
14350 Charles Ray Chapman,10 b. 14 Nov., 1874; res., unm., in Sigel; is a shoemaker.

7705.   ELIAS,9 son of Stephen Sedgwick8 (3182), b. in Clermont Co., O., 3 June, 1835; m. in Marshall, Ill., 23 Apr., 1860, Sally Rebecca Delks, b. 20 July, 1838, dau. of Isaac Delks and Hannah Young.
He d. in Nashville, Tenn., 3 June, 1887; she d. in West Nashville, 10 Dec., 1900.
He rem. about 1867 from Cumberland Co. to Jasper Co.; later res. in Robinson, Ill., and Estill Springs, Tenn.; was a farmer.

1206    The Kelloggs in the New World.

14351 Marion Sedgwick,10 b. 21 Mar., 1861; d. unm., in Edinburg, Ind., 24 Sept., 1881.
14352 Joseph Arthur,10 b. in Cumberland Co., Ill., 6 Nov., 1862; m. Bertha Edna Kelley.
14353 Mary Ethaline,10 b. 20 Jan., 1864; d. 24 Feb., 1869.
14354 Henry Washington,10 b. 13 Sept., 1865; m. Lula May Stiles.
14355 James Riley,10 b. 29 Aug., 1867; m. Laura Lee Harding.
14356 Cynthia Belle,10 b. 20 Sept., 1869; m. Edwin Keen.
14357 Hannah Rachel,10 b. 30 Dec., 1871; d. 19 Oct., 1887.
14358 Oscar Ritson,10 b. in Effingham, Ill., 30 Oct., 1873; m. Olive May Hogan.
14359 Zetie Rosa,10 b. 13 June, 1880; res., unm., in Nashville.

7706.   JOSEPH ARTHUR,9 son of Stephen Sedgwick8 (3182), b. in Mulberry, O., 3 Mar., 1839; m. in Nashville, Tenn., 25 Apr., 1865, Mary Tennessee Over­street, b. 6 Aug., 1843, dau. of Frank Ritson Overstreet, b. near Norfolk, Va, 1 Nov., 1819, and Elizabeth Whitson Mitchell, b. 15 Nov., 1818.
He was graduated from Bacon's Commercial College, Cincinnati, O., 1864; rem. to Nashville, 28 Mar., 1864; was proprietor of the Depot Hotel, Nashville, which was burned, 3 Feb., 1882; has been in the Police Department of Nashville and in the United States Mail Service; res. in Nashville.
Children, b. in Nashville.
14360 Ida Bell,10 b. 20 Mar., 1867; m. William Luther McAdams.
14361 Joseph Ritson,10 b. 23 May, 1869; d. 14 Aug., 1875.
14362 Oscar Alonzo,10 b. 30 Jan., 1871; d. 22 Sept., 1872.
14363 Minnie May,10 b. 6 Jan., 1873; m. Albert Lewis Stephens.
14364 Hattie Ann,10 b. 11 July, 1875; d. 2 Aug., 1877.
14365 Mary Elizabeth,10 b. 14 Nov., 1876; d. 3 Jan., 1897.
14366 Elias Archison,10 b. 10 Sept., 1878; was First Lieut. in Co. A, Sec­ond Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, in the Spanish War; res., unm., in Nashville.
14367 Arthur Elmore,10 b. 8 Sept., 1880; res., unm., in Nashville.
14368 Clara Louise,10 b. 6 May, 1883; m. there, 17 June, 1900, William Allen Russell, b. in Johnsonville, Tenn., 17 Sept., 1873, son of John Allen Russell, of Bagotia, Tenn.; is a laundryman; is a Mis­sionary Baptist; res. in Nashville; has no children.

7714.   CHARLES PECKHAM,9 son of Abraham8 (3187), b. in Marion, N. Y., 3 Nov., 1816; m. in Owosso, Mich., 1 Jan., 1840, Hannah Lovel Covert, b. in New Jersey, 16 May, 1816, dau. of Peter Covert and Elizabeth Lovel.
He d. in Waterford, Mich., 23 Dec., 1867; she d. in Pontiac, Mich., 21 Jan., 1897.
He was a farmer; res. in Pontiac; was a Republican.
14369 Julia Ann,10 b. 18 Nov., 1843; m. (1) 3 Feb., 1883, George Kelly; (2) 17 Mar., 1886, George Cole; d. 15 Mar., 1889; had no chil­dren.
14370 Mary Ellen,10 b. 28 Nov., 1845; m. 24 Dec., 1878, John Donovan; was divorced; res. in Ann Arbor, Mich.

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7715.   LAURA WHIPPLE,9 dau. of Abraham8 (3187), b. in Palmyra, N. Y., 30 Nov., 1818; m. 4 Nov., 1840, James Crissy, b. 26 Mar., 1820, son of James Crissy. He d. in Jackson, Mich., 1876; she d. in West Bloomfield, 20 June, 1896.
He was a cabinet maker; res. in Pontiac; served in the civil war as First Lieut. in Co. M, First Iowa Cavalry; was a Congregationalist and a Republican.
Children, all but eldest, b. in Saline, Mich.
14371 Mary Elizabeth Crissy,10 b. in New York State, 22 July, 1841; d. 6 July, 1842.
14372 Charles Whipple Crissy,10 b. 11 Nov., 1842; d. 15 Jan., 1847.
14373 James Maning Crissy,10 b. 13 Dec., 1846; m. 4 Apr., 1880, Dora A. Dimick; res. in Pontiac.
14374 Ella Maria Crissy,10 b. 1 Oct., 1851; m. 25 June, 1892, Laverne Twin­ing; res. in Los Angeles, Cal.
14375 Sidney Root Crissy,10 b. 25 Sept., 1853; m. Jessie Bach; res. in West Bay City, Mich.

7716.   LOVISA A.,9 dau. of Abraham8 (3187), b. 8 Apr., 1821; m. (1) 18 Jan., 1841, Henry Todd. She m. (2) Calvin Hotchkiss, son of Enoch Hotchkiss; d. in Pontiac, Mich., 1 May, 1884.
Child by first husband.
14376 George Washington Todd,10 b. in Pontiac, 8 Aug., 1841; m. 14 Mar., 1867, Lydia Eliza Dimock; res. in Pontiac; had seven children.

7723.   HORACE ABRAHAM,9 son of Abraham8 (3187), b. 15 Oct., 1838; m. _______, in Monmouth, Ill., 23 June, 1877.
He is a farmer; a Republican; res. in Franklin, Mich.
Children, b. in Monmouth.
14377 Daniel Loren,10 b. 30 Sept., 1878.
14378 Horace Eugene,10 b. 9 Jan., 1882.

7736.   AMANDA ANN,9 dau. of Ezekiel8 (3189), b. in Palmyra, N. Y., 5 May, 1824; m. 14 Oct., 1841, Edward William Starr, b. in Westfield, Mass., 27 Feb., 1817, son of Jared Starr and Eunice Burdick.
She d. in St. George, Utah, 2 May, 1872; he d. there, 3 Nov., 1889.
He was brought up in Huron Co., O.; was a farmer; res. after 1861 in St. George, where he was an elder in the Mormon Church, as was his father.
14379 Sarah Jane Starr,10 b. in Quincy, Ill., 8 Jan., 1844; m. 24 Mar., 1861, Benjamin Alleman, b. in Erie, Pa., 27 Aug., 1835, son of John Alleman and Christine Stentz; he is a farmer; res. in Springville, Utah; had six children.
14380 Angeline Starr,10 b. 18 May, 1845; d. in Nauvoo, Ill., 16 Aug., 1845.
14381 Zebina Starr,10 b. 2 May, 1846; m. 19 June, 1871, John Henry Alle­man, brother of Benjamin Alleman; he was a Mormon preacher; res. in Springville.
14382 Orson Edward Starr,10 b. in Iowa, 16 Aug., 1848; m. Evangeline San­ford, b. in Schuyler Co., Ill., 16 Aug., 1854, dau. of Ira Sanford and Susan Lucinda Clark; was a farmer; was an elder in the Mormon Church; d. in Willow Bend, Utah, 16 Dec., 1883; had four children.

1208    The Kelloggs in the New World.

14383 Eunice Ann Starr,10 b. in Ash-hollow, Neb., 18 July, 1850; m. 12 Oct., 1869, Jasper Bird; he was a farmer in St. George; d. in Provo, Utah, 30 Mar., 1901.
14384 Benjamin Franklin Starr,10 b. 18 Jan., 1853; d. 20 May, 1854.
14385 Amanda Elizabeth Starr,10 b. 12 Feb., 1855; m. 27 Feb., 1882, Daniel Joseph Alleman, brother of Benjamin Alleman; he was a stock raiser in Springville; an elder in the Mormon Church; d. in Springville, 13 Oct., 1898.
14386 Lora Ann Amelia Starr,10 b. 5 Jan., 1858; m. in St. George, 25 Mar., 1879, Moses Martin Sanders, a stockman; an elder in the Mormon Church; res. in Diaz, Mexico.
14387 William Albert Starr,10 b. 26 July, 1862; d. 6 Aug., same year.
14388 Charles Willis Starr,10 b. 25 May, 1864; d. 19 Mar., 1865.

7738.   SOPHIA,9 dau. of Ezekiel8 (3189), b. 28 July, 1828; m. (1) in Spring­ville, Utah, 5 Dec., 1850, Spicer Wells Crandall, b. in New York, 31 Dec., 1822.
He d. in Springville, 14 May, 1879; was a farmer; a Latter-Day Saint; she m. (2) Daniel Cook; res. in Provo, Utah.
Children, first two b. in Springvllle.
14388a Irinda Crandall,10 b. 18 Aug., 1851; m. in Provo, 25 Aug., 1867, Joseph W. McEWan; res. in Provo.
14388b Spicer Wells Crandall,10 b. 7 Feb., 1853; d. in Provo, 13 Jan., 1873.
14388c Charles Edward Crandall,10 b. in Provo, 2 Dec., 1859; m. in Provo, 2 May, 1887, Verenia Caroline Carson; res. in Provo.

7752.   LAURA ANN,9 dau. of Rodney8 (3191), b. in Marion, N. Y., 2 Feb., 1839; m. in Marion, 12 May, 1863, John Eddy Kirby, b. in Marion, 6 Apr., 1829, son of Nathan Kirby and Sarah Eddy, b. 9 Sept., 1799. He d. in Fenton, Mich., 6 Mar., 1889; she d. there, 29 Dec., 1897. He was a merchant.
Children, b. in Fenton.
14389 Milo Belee Kirby,10 b. 17 July, 1864; m. in Fenton, 30 Sept., 1871, Alice Gertrude Phillips; res. in Detroit, Mich.; had two children.
14390 Harriet Mae Kirby,10 b. 30 Sept., 1871; res. in Fenton.

7753.   MILO BAILEY,9 son of Rodney8 (3191), b. in Marion, N. Y., 15 Sept., 1843; m. 17 Oct., 1867, Vira Miranda Church, b. 25 Nov., 1845, dau. of Rev. Jesse Emery Church, b. 25 Sept., 1804, and Julia Bailey, b. Aug., 1802.
She d. in Fresno, Cal., 20 May, 1891.
He res. in Fresno. He was a Union soldier; enlisted for three years; 12 Sept., 1861, as private in Co. D, Seventeenth New York Volunteer Infantry; in June, 1863, was transferred to Co. D, One Hundred and Forty-sixth Reg., New York Volunteer Infantry, for balance of time. In Feb., 1864, he re-enlisted as a veteran in same Co. and Reg.; was taken prisoner at the battle of the Wilderness, 5 May, 1864, and held in Lynchburg and Danville, Va., Andersonville, Ga, Flor­ence, S. O., and Goldsborough, N. C. He was paroled in Wilmington, N. C., 26 Feb., 1865; was discharged 25 July, 1865, as Sergt. at expiration of the war.
14391 Marjorie Elva,10 b. 30 Aug., 1879.

7754.   MARY J.,9 dau. of Rodney8 (3191), b. in Marion, N. Y, 11 Feb., 1849; m. 18 Apr., 1810, Mark B. Allen.

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They res. in Newark, N. Y.
14392 Minnie Belle Allen,10 b. 11 Aug., 1872; m. 4 Apr., 1895, Frederick H. Durfee; he was a farmer; res. in Palmyra.
14393 Vira Kellogg Allen,10 b. 17 Nov., 1876; m. 16 Nov., 1896, George Stephen Reeves; res. in Marion.
14394 Elizabeth Amelia Allen,10 b. 18 Sept., 1885.
14395 Byron Bailey Allen,10 b. 18 Sept., 1885.

7755.   NORTON P.,9 son of Rodney8 (3191), b. ______; m. _______.
He res. in Plainwell, Mich.
14396 E. Fay,10 b. _______.

7764.   ADELIA JANE,9 dau. of Hiram Tyre8 (3204), b. ______; m. in New London, O., 7 Apr., 1849, Enos Smith Taylor, b. in Dover, O., 18 July, 1824, son of Jonathan Taylor, b. 17 Apr., 1786, and Dorothy Carr.
He is a farmer, a Great Humanitarian and a Democrat; res. in Algansee, Mich.
Children, two eldest b. in Rochester, O., others in Camden, Mich.
14397 Anna Jane Taylor,10 b. 3 June, 1850; m. in Algansee, 5 Sept., 1872, Horatio N. Burch; d. 23 Sept., 1878, in Algansee; he res. in Tre­mont, Ind.
14398 Dorothy Carr Taylor,10 b. 23 Sept., 1851; m. in Algansee, Nov., 1872, Gilbert Hollister; res. in Hilton, N. Y.
14399 Linus Gibbs Taylor,10 b. 23 July, 1853; m. in Reading, Mich., 8 Sept., 1878, Mary Ella Potter; res. in Algansee.
14400 Hiram Jonathan Taylor,10 b. 14 Feb., 1858; m. in Algansee, 16 May, 1876, Della McMurry; d. 19 Mar., 1890, in Woodbridge, Mich.; she res. in White, Mich.
14401 Albert Cooney Taylor,10 b. 22 Sept., 1862; d. in York, Ind., 5 Apr., 1864.
14402 Nellie May Taylor,10 b. 7 Aug., 1867; m. in Woodbridge, 14 Oct., 1887, Fred Robison; res. in White.

7765.   EDSON,9 son of Hiram Tyre8 (3204), b. in Penn Yan, N. Y., 28 Sept., 1829; m. Susan Marsh, b. 6 Jan., 1830, dau. of Daniel Marsh, b. 1796, and Beth­sheba Burgess, b. 1794.
He d. 28 Oct., 1865.
14403 Daniel Marsh,10 b. in Whitewater, Wis., 8 Nov., 1859; m. Carrie Bagley.

7766.   GEORGE W.,9 son of Hiram Tyre8 (3204), b. ______; m. _______.
14404 Henry,10 b. ______; res. in Wayne, Neb.

7767.   SAMUEL R.,9 son of Hiram Tyre8 (3204), b. in Camden, Mich., ______; m. about 1859, Harriet Webster, b. in New York, about 1834, of Yankee stock.
He was a farmer; has not been heard from since 1 Jan., 1862.

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14405 Norman Oscar,10 b. in Camden, 15 Mar., 1861; m. 16 June, 1896, Frances Wunschow, dau. of Dr. George Wunschow, of Chattanooga, Tenn.

7771.   COL. JAMES ALFRED,9 son of Hiram Tyre8 (3204), b. in New Lon­don, O., 12 Dec., 1849; m. (1) 29 May, 1870, Frances Virginia Ball, b. 1 Jan., 1853, dau. of James Ward Ball, of Oswego, N. Y., b. 11 May, 1811, and Sipha Mattison, of Ottawa, Ill.
She d. 7 Feb., 1877; he m. (2) 3 Dec., 1879, Alice C. Cooper (from whom he was divorced), of Corunna, Mich., dau. of Samuel Willard Cooper; he m. (3) 12 Jan., 1889, Jennie L. Heath, of Plattsburg, N. Y.
He received his education at Hillsdale, Mich., and was admitted to the bar in Berrien Springs, Mich., Sept., 1872; practiced in Niles, Mich., and, since, 1887, in Minneapolis. He enlisted when 14 years, 2 months and 17 days old, as a sol­dier (not a drummer boy), and served from 29 Feb., 1864, until 27 Aug., 1865, in Co. G, Forty-fourth Indiana Veteran Volunteer Infantry. He was Col. and aide-de-camp on the staff of Gov. Alger, of Michigan, which was made up of veterans, each of whom bore scars received in battle. He was a Republican; was appointed Circuit and Court Commissioner of Berrien Co., Mich., 1874; held several judicial offices in Berrien Co., Mich.; is a successful lawyer; is a Presbyterian and a Re­publican; res. in Minneapolis, Minn.
Children by first wife.
14406 Nellie,10 b. in South Ottawa, Ill., 5 July, 1872; d. in Niles, 5 Feb., 1877.
14407 George Ward,10 b. in Niles, 25 Mar., 1874; d. there, 4 Mar., 1877.
14408 Lavinia,10 b. in Niles, 2 Apr., 1876; m. Gustavus Cholwell Knox.
Children by second wife.
14409 Willard Cooper,10 b. in Niles, 23 Oct., 1884; d. in Niles, 3 Mar., 1886.
14410 Alfred Cooper,10 b. in Niles, 25 Oct., 1886.
Children by third wife.
14411 James Alfred,10 b. in Minneapolis, 25 Mar., 1890.
14412 Jennie Louise,10 b. in Minneapolis, 23 Mar., 1893; d. 5 Feb., 1895.
14413 Hiram Heath,10 b. in Minneapolis, 23 July, 1896.
14414 Samuel Robert,10 b. in Minneapolis, 22 Oct., 1901.

7774.   JOEL W.,9 son of Daniel H.8 (3208), b. in Canandaigua, N. Y., 2 Feb., 1841; m. in Ottawa, Mich., 14 Feb., 1864, Mary Jacobus, b. in Elkhart, Ind., 4 July, 1844, dau. of Henry Jacobus and Mary Long, b. 20 Apr., 1812, of Newark, N. J.
He was a cavalryman in Chandler Horse Guards (private Co.); enlisted 17 Aug., 1861; was discharged 22 Nov., same year. He is a bookkeeper and Bap­tist; County Auditor and Poor Commissioner; res. in Elkhart.
14415 Edwin P.,10 b. in Cass Co., Mich., 12 Feb., 1865; m. Mattie E. Shupert.
14416 Arthur,10 b. in Elkhart, 8 Jan., 1869; m. Mollie Herring.
14417 Elton T.,10 b. in Elkhart, 2 Feb., 1873; is a commercial traveler; d., unm., in Elkhart.

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7775.   Eliza A.,9 dau. of Daniel H.8 (3208), b. in Canandaigua, N. Y., 13 Feb., 1842; m. in Ottawa, Mich., Benjamin S. Bement.
Res. in Kilbourn City, Wis.
14418 Sidney Bement,10 b. ______.
14419 Harley Bement,10 b. ______.
14420 Frank Bement,10 b. ______.
14421 Georgia Bement,10 b. ______.

7777.   GURDEN CLARK,9 son of Caleb Stanley8 (3209), b. 7 Oct., 1838; m., 11 Mar., 1868, Maria Fisherel.
He is a farmer; res. in Rush, and later in East Avon, N. Y.
14422 Henry Brooks,10 b. in Caledonia, N. Y., 24 July, 1869.

7796.   AMANDA,9 dau. of Almerin Nona8 (3225), b. in Canisteo, N. Y., 16 Nov., 1843; m. there, 21 Jan., 1868, Edward Russel Gay, b. in Howard, N. Y., 6 Nov., 1841, son of William Gay, b. 30 Mar., 1806, and Nellie Wallas, b. 2 Mar., 1815.
He was a farmer. He served as private in Co. K, One Hundred and Seventh New York Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 11 Aug., 1862; was discharged 5 June, 1865; is a Methodist; a Prohibitionist; res. in Canisteo.
Children, b. in Canisteo.
14423 Rose Dell Gay,10 b. 23 June, 1871; d. 20 Sept., 1872.
14424 Ella Bell Gay,10 b. 25 Sept., 1879, b. in Canisteo, 7 Sept., 1899, Fred­erick Bowles; res. in Canisteo.

7814.   EDWARD LOVELL,9 son of Asaph Melford8 (3240), b. in Litchfield, Mich., 12 July, 1853; m. 7 Feb., 1885, Mrs. Deestie Eleanor (Shapley) Yarger, Widow of Dr. James Howard Yarger and dau. of Albert Harris Shapley, b. 19 Aug., 1826, and Eleanor Mary Peak, b. 7 Jan., 1834.
He res. in Delta, Col.; from 1883 to '87 was County Clerk and Recorder; since then he has been cashier of the Delta County Bank.
14425 Elnora Adeline,10 b. 27 Mar., 1886.
14426 Clara Louise,10 b. 24 June, 1888.
14427 Edward MacLean,10 b. 19 Feb., 1891; d. 6 Aug., same year.
14428 Dessie Ione,10 b. 19 Feb., 1891; d. 6 Aug., same year.

7819.   MINNIE MABEL,9 dau. of Asaph Melford8 (3240), b. in Litchfield, Mich., 2 Mar., 1871; m. there, 25 Mar., 1895, Ray Eben Ayers, b. in Rollin, Mich., 23 July, 1871, son of George Washington Ayers, b. 17 Jan., 1842, and Mary Eliza­beth Clark, b. 7 May, 1841.
He is a salesman; res. in Benton Harbor, Mich.; rem. to Hillsdale, Mich., 1878; to Benton Harbor, 1894.
Children, b. in Benton Harbor.
14429 Ruth Kellogg Ayers,10 b. 3 Sept., 1896.
14430 Karl Ayers,10 b. 19 Sept., 1898.

1212    The Kelloggs in the New World.

7835.   RALPH CHAPMAN,9 son of Erastus8 (3250), b. in Burlington, N. Y., 11 Mar., 1828; m. in Springfield, Pa., 2 Apr., 1855, Rozinda Jane Carter, b. 23 -July, 1835, dau. of Franklin Hubbard Carter, of Conneaut, O., b. 21 Apr., 1791, and Clarissa Putney, b. 8 July, 1801.
He d. in Pentwater, Mich., 26 Apr., 1887.
He was a merchant; res. in Saybrook and Conneaut. She res. in Pentwater; now in Chicago.
14431 Frank Fremont,10 b. in West Springfield, N. Y., 27 Mar., 1856; m. Elvena Clothilda Schwarz.
14432 Ella Tremain,10 b. in Saybrook, O., 1 Sept., 1857; m. George Burell Palmer.
14433 Eugene Erastus,10 b. 14 Nov., 1858; m. Donia Mariah McAllister.
14434 William Ralpil,10 b. in Ashtabula Co., O., 30 Aug., 1860; m. Minnie Sophia Mueller.
14435 Edward Carter,10 b. in Saybrook, 14 May, 1862; m. in Milwaukee, Wis., 10 Sept., 1895, Grace Florence Griswold, b. in Hartford, Conn., 17 Aug., 1874, dau. of Newton Griswold, of Chicago, b. 10 Dec., 1844, and Mary E. Jones, b. 1 Jan., 1853; is a life insurance agent; a Republican and a Congregationalist; res. in Chicago; has no children.
14436 George Vernon,10 b. in Saybrook, 11 May, 1867; is unm.
14437 Jennie May,10 b. in Amboy, O., 31 Jan., 1869; d. 14 Jan., 1870.
14438 Leona May,10 b. in Pentwater, 13 Jan., 1873; m. in Rogers Park, Chicago, 30 Dec., 1900, James Nelson Litsey, b. in Springfield, Ky., 24 Sept., 1870, son of Horace Smith Litsey, of Springfield, b. Nov., 1833, and Lydia Montgomery, b. Feb., 1842; he is a book dealer; res. in Chicago; has no children.
14439 Grace Bell,10 b. in Pentwater, 10 Sept., 1876; m. in Milwaukee, 4 May, 1897, Arthur Andrew Barrett, b. in Palatine, Ill., 25 Dec., 1875, son of John Henry Barrett, b. 4 June, 1845; he is a book­keeper and a cashier; is a member of the Reformed Church and a Republican; res. in Irving Park, Chicago; had no children.

7841.   WILLIAM MOSES,9 son of Erastus8 (3250), b. in West Springfield; Pa., 26 May, 1850; m. in Emporia, Kas., 8 Mar., 1875, Sarah Ann Upton, b. in East Bethlehem, Pa., 26 Feb., 1851, dau. of Thomas Lanum Upton, b. 19 Apr., 1824, and Lavinia Jane Batson, b. 23 June, 1831.
She d. in Cottonwood Falls, Kas., 28 July, 1889.
He is a traveling salesman; res. in Chicago 3 now res. in San Francisco.
Children, b. in Cottonwood Falls.
14440 Hallett W.,10 b. 11 Sept., 1877; res., unm., in New Orleans, La.
14441 Bonnie M.,10 b. 29 Jan., 1881; res., unm., in Cottonwood Falls.
14442 Vinnie,10 b. 10 Jan., 1883; res., unm., in Cottonwood Falls.

7842.   MARVIN ERFORD,9 son of Erastus8 (3250), b. in Springfield, Pa., 16 Dec., 1852; m. in Longmont, Col., 31 Aug., 1875, Agnes Euphemia Greenly, b. in Lockport, Ill., 1 Feb., 1858, dau. of Jesse Hamilton Greenly, b. 13 Oct., 1826, and Melissa Sophia Corwin, b. 22 July, 1883.
She d. in Fruita, Col., 13 Sept., 1893.

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He is a farmer and Congregationalist; res. in Longmont. In politics he was first a Republican, then a Democrat and at present a Populist.
14443 Erford Lloyd,10 b. in Cottonwood Falls, Kas., 26 Jan., 1877.
14444 Edith Melissa,10 b. in Cottonwood Falls, 3 Nov., 1878; d. there, 21 June, 1880.
14445 Carlton Erastus,10 b. in Longmont, 30 Dec., 1880.
14446 Jessie,10 b. in Grand Junction, Col., 15 Jan., 1883; d. there, 22 Jan., same year.
14447 Bessie Merriett,10 b. in Grand Junction, 23 July, 1885.
14448 Rolland Hamilton,10 b. in Grand Junction, 26 June, 1887.
14449 Ralph,10 b. in Grand Junction, 8 Sept., 1889; d. same day.
14450 Agnes Jewell,10 b. in Fruita, 6 Oct., 1891.

7843.   LORINDA ARATHUSA,9 dau. of Erastus8 (3250), b. in West Spring­field, Pa., 26 Nov., 1854; m. in Cottonwood Falls, Kas., 28 Sept., 1876, William Pinckney Martin, b. in Princeton, Ind., 7 June, 1851, son of Leroy Martin and Nancy Eleanor Hargrove.
He is a banker, a stockman and a Democrat; res. in Rialto and Los An­geles, Cal.
Children, b. in Cottonwood Falls.
14451 Frank Bernard Martin,10 b. 5 Aug., 1877; m. in Santa Monica, Cal., 1 Jan., 1900, Grace D. Knapp, b. in Philadelphia, 23 Jan., 1878, dau. of Coleman Knapp, b. 7 Aug., 1822, and Marguerite _______, b. 1 Mar., 1842; is an electrical engineer; a Democrat and a Presby­terian; res. in San Bernardino, Cal.
14452 Nellie Maud Martin,10 b. 17 Mar., 1882; m. in San Bernardino, 30 July, 1901, Leroy Elon Newcomb, b. in Depeyster, N. Y., 26 Jan., 1880, son of William Henry Newcomb, of New York, and Laura Hill; he is the owner of a large wheat ranch one and one-half miles from Brentwood.
14453 William Pinckney Martin,10 b. 1 July, 1890.

7844.   SMITH WALKER,9 son of Erastus8 (3250), b. in Saybrook, O., 7 Sept., 1859; m. in Cottonwood Falls, Kas., 9 June, 1894, A. D. Moffatt, b. in Cotton­Wood Falls, 19 Mar., 1869, dau. of David Molfatt, b. 23 Mar., 1827, and Mary Frazier, b. 21 July, 1831.
He is a farmer, Populist and in religion a Friend; res. in Cottonwood Falls.
14454 Mary Etta,10 b. 23 May, 1896.
14455 George Earl,10 b. 20 June., 1898.

7845.   JESSE LINCOLN,9 son of Erastus8 (3250), b. in Saybrook, O., 15 Jan., 1861; m. 27 Sept., 1892, Merttil Lizzie Hadley, b. 15 Oct., 1876, dau. of William Hadley, b. 8 July, 1825, and Almeda _______, b. 11 June, 1836.
He d. in Cottonwood Falls, Kas., Apr., 1902; was in the livery business; res. in Cottonwood Falls.
14456 Jesse Menton,10 b. 17 Feb., 1896.

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7846.   ABIGAIL ADELAIDE,9 dau. of William8 (3253), b. in Randolph, N. Y., 23 Jan., 1837; m. 1851, Nathan Bowen.
He d. in Bureau Co., Ill., before 1856; she d. 1856.
He was a farmer.
14457 Mary A. Bowen,10 b. 22 Nov., 1852; d. 1869.
14458 Lucina S. Bowen,10 b. 13 Sept., 1854; d. 1862.
14459 Maria C. Bowen,10 b. 2 Oct., 1856.

7854.   MARTHA ELIZA,9 dau. of Daniel Grove8 (3261), b. in Hebron, Conn., 20 Nov., 1838; m. in Vernon, Conn., 24 Nov., 1859, Wilbur Fisk Hill, b. in Ver­non, 23 Oct., 1834, son of Daniel Hill, b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 15 Oct., 1808, and Mary Jane Steele, b. in East Hartford, Conn., 20 Dec., 1810.
He is a machinist; res. in Talcottville, Conn.
14460 Jeanie Eliza Hill,10 b. 10 July, 1868; m. in Manchester, Conn., 21 Oct., 1891, Henry Walter Scott, b. 30 Dec., 1867; res. in Hartford; had one child.

7855.   EMMA LOUISA,9 dau. of Daniel Grove8 (3261), b. in Hebron, Conn., 3 Feb., 1841; m. in Vernon, Conn., 9 Sept., 1868, as his third wife, Newell Samuel Brown, b. in Hebron, 5 Nov., 1825, son of Samuel Brown, of Hebron, b. 6 Aug., 1793, and Olive Marsh, b. 9 Sept., 1793.
He is a Republican; attends the Congregational Church; is a real estate agent, and res. in Ottawa, Kas.
Children, all except two eldest, b. in Ottawa.
14461 Emma May Brown,10 b. in Hebron, 24 Nov., 1872, b. in Ottawa, 20 Oct., 1897, Dr. George Daniel Mitchell; res. in Ottawa.
14462 Maud Kellogg Brown,10 b. in Hebron, 18 Dec., 1875; d. there, 22 Feb., 1876.
14463 Florence Agnes Brown,10 b. 7 Oct., 1879.
14464 Gertrude Eliza Brown,10 b. 18 Apr., 1882.
14465 Lulu Marie Brown,10 b. 30 Oct., 1885.

7867.   ALMIRA,9 dau. of Amasa8 (3273), b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 21 Aug., 1799; m. 4 Apr., 1816, John Heverly, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., 14 Mar., 1788, son of Daniel Heverly and Catherine Ott, b. 1764.
He d. 11 Aug., 1864; she d. 18 May, 1880.
After their marriage they rem. to the wilds of Overton Township, Bradford Co., Pa., and she was the second woman to arrive in the new settlement. Her husband cleared four acres of land and built a log house, which they moved into before it had doors or windows, using sheets to keep out the rain and snow. She bore her part in the hardships of a pioneer life, and was a kind and helpful neigh­bor. She did weaving for herself and others. Early in life she joined the Meth­odist Episcopal Church and was a member until the time of her death.
14466 Amasa Heverly,10 b. 11 Apr., 1817; m. Betsey Ann Thompson; had a large family.

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14467 James Heverly,10 b. 3 Sept., 1819; m. Sarah Rinebolt; d. 19 Oct., 1866; had seven children.
14468 Eunice Heverly,10 b. 6 Feb., 1822; m. George Irvine.
14469 Catherine Heverly,10 b. 26 Nov., 1824; m. Gideon Boyles; d. 20 Oct., 1856.
14470 Anna Maria Heverly,10 b. 12 July, 1827; m. Solomon Wayman.
14471 Orlando Heverly,10 b. 26 Nov., 1829; m. Hannah Warren.
14472 Adeline Heverly,10 b. 21 Feb., 1832; m. Sophronius Paris.
14473 Almiro. Heverly,10 b. 1 May, 1834; m. Orange Chase; d. 7 Mar., 1885.
14474 Oliver Delanson Heverly,10 b. 6 Oct., 1836.
14475 Mary Ann Heverly,10 b. 24 Feb., 1839; m. George Neal; d. 17 Apr., 1878.

7868.   MOSES,9 son of Amasa8 (3273), b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 23 Mar., 1801; m. 22 Jan., 1824, Mehitabel Mason, b. 18 Oct., 1804, dau. of Ebenezer Mason, b. in Ashford, Conn., 2 Oct., 1782, and Martha Harwood, b. in Sutton, Mass., 28 Nov., 1780.
He d. 6 May, 1864; she d. 19 May, 1881.
Before his marriage he taught school in Monroe and Albany, Pa.; settled in Monroeton, Bradford Co., Pa.; was a farmer and a lumberman; was noted for his sterling integrity.
14476 Myron,10 b. 19 Mar., 1825; m. (1) Lydia McMickin; (2) Rebecca Arnout.
14477 Mary Hastings,10 b. 20 Dec., 1826; res., unm., on the homestead.
14478 Marthena Mandeville,10 b. 28 Oct., 1828; m. Joel Rice.
14479 Chester Mason,10 b. 10 Nov., 1830; d. 25 Oct., 1840.
14480 Lewis Gordon,10 b. 14 Oct., 1832; m. Adaline M. Fowler.
14481 William Anderson,10 b. 28 Oct., 1834; is a farmer, a Universalist and a Republican; res. in Monroeton.
14482 Charles Henry,10 b. 26 Dec., 1836; m. Ann H. Chubbuck.
14483 Oliver,10 b. in Monroeton, 20 Sept., 1839; m. Rebecca Rapp.
14484 Delanson,10 b. 26 May, 1842; m. Emma Dunfee.
14485 Clarence Hiram,10 b. in Monroeton, 30 Dec., 1844; m. Cora Achsah Cowell.
14486 Irene Matilda,10 b. 11 Oct., 1847; d. 6 July, 1849.

7871.   EZRA CHADWICK,9 son of Amasa8 (3273), b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1806; m. in Monroe, Pa., 25 Aug., 1832, Lovina Sweet, b. 12 Mar., 1813, dau. of Eleazar Sweet, b. in Cambridge, N. Y., 1782, and Amy Wilson, b. in Rhode Island, 1789.
He d. 12 Mar., 1885; she d. 7 May, 1892.
He was Commissioner, for thirty consecutive years, and Treasurer of Brad­ford Co.; res. in Monroe Township; was a farmer and a lumberman. They lived and d. in the house in which they commenced housekeeping, and in which all of their children were b.
Children, b. in Monroe.
14487 Brunette,10 b. 13 Nov., 1833; m. 18 June, 1851, Daniel Rockwood Blackman, b. 16 June, 1830, son of Judson Blackman, b. 30 Nov., 1798, and Lovica Rockwood, b. 23 Nov., 1801; he d. in Monroe, 2 May, 1895; was a farmer; had no children.

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14488 Ornaldo,10 b. 29 Aug., 1835; m. in Knoxville, Pa., 30 Nov., 1871, Ruth Anna Ingham, b. in Monroeton, 28 Nov., 1839, dau. of Joseph Ing­ham, b. in Huddersfield, England, 20 Feb., 1797, and Johanna _______, b. in Huddersfield, 19 Aug., 1802; was a Universalist and a Republican; res. in Towanda, Pa., where he was a hotel proprietor; d. 20 Feb., 1894, in Towanda, where she now res.
14489 Jemima,10 b. 12 Dec., 1837; m. as his second wife, 4 Sept., 1878, Daniel Warren Brown, b. 14 July, 1815, son of Daniel Warren Brown, b. 7 Sept., 1771, and Mary Wigton, b. 26 Nov., 1774; he was a Pres­byterian and a Republican; d. in Wyalusing, Pa., 11 Jan., 1898; she res. in Dushore, Pa.; had no children.
14490 Morris,10 b. 29 Feb., 1840; m. Minnie Haythorne.
14491 Ellen Elizabeth,10 b. 5 Mar., 1843; m. 10 Nov., 1863, Samuel Irvine, b. 3 Apr., 1840, son of James Reed Irvine, b. 22 Nov., 1805, and Sarah Bull, b. 21 June, 1810; d. 18 Dec., 1863; had no children; he was a farmer; res. in Monroe; m. (2) Ada Elton; d. in Lib­erty Corners, Pa., 25 Sept., 1897.
14492 Bernice,10 b. 27 June, 1845; m. 28 Oct., 1879, John Vicar Rettenbury, b. in Devonshire, England, 30 Nov., 1831, son of Hugh Rettenbury and Judith Vickery; he was a jeweler in Dushore, an Episcopalian and a Republican.
14493 Henry Clay,10 b. 5 Sept., 1847; d. 9 Jan., 1859.
14494 Stella Jayne,10 b. 8 Nov., 1849; d. 2 July, 1869.
14495 Amy Maria,10 b. 7 Sept., 1851; d. 5 Sept., 1879.
14496 Ezra Guy,10 b. 21 Mar., 1854; m. Ella May Walborne.

7872.   OLIVER,9 son of Amasa8 (3273), b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 29 July, 1810; m. in Canada, 26 Nov., 1833, Judith Scratch, b. in Canada, 10 May, 1816, dau. of Peter Scratch, b. in Trenton, Mich., 29 Nov., 1786, and Mary Wigle, b. in Gos­field, Canada, 29 June, 1793.
She d. in Atoka, Indian Territory, 6 Sept., 1883; he d. there, 6 Nov., 1884.
He was a Carder and clothier by trade, and a Democrat. Res. in Sherman, Tex., and later in Atoka.
14497 Lanson,10 b. in Kingsville, Canada, 10 Nov., 1834; m. Minerva Ann Durbin.
14498 Lyman,10 b. 7 July, 1836; m. Josephine Fullmer.
14499 Lovina,10 b. in Maulden, Canada, 14 Feb., 1839; m. Martin Henri Doctor.
14500 Henry,10 b. near Freeport, Ill., 16 July, 1841; d. Feb., 1842.
14501 Mary,10 b. 14 Jan., 1843; d. Apr., 1844.
14502 William Darius,10 b. in Galena, Ill., 21 Mar., 1845; d. Apr., 1845.
14503 Clarinda,10 b. in Galena, 5 Mar., 1846; m. Joseph B. Mayes.
14504 Emmeline,10 b. 21 Jan., 1850; m. Joseph Barass Salmon.
14505 George Doremas,10 b. 6 Aug., 1852; d. 24 Jan., 1853.
14506 Josephine Victoria,10 b. in Cincinnati, O., 24 Mar., 1854; d. 16 June 1858.
14507 Paulina Jane,10 b. in Hunnewell, Mo., 15 Aug., 1857; m. (1) Philip C. Moore; (2) William Henry Price.

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7873.   ANNA MARIA,9 dau. of Amasa8 (3273), b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 28 Aug., 1811; m. 1833, Hiram Baker, b. in Rochester, N. Y., 8 Aug., 1806, son of Josiah Baker and Mary _______.
She d. 6 Aug., 1881.
He was a farmer and mechanic; res. in Columbia, Bradford and Sullivan Counties, Pa. She taught the first school in Overton Township, in the winter of 1826-27 and received fifty cents per week for teaching reading, writing, spelling and “some cyphering.” In 1860 he went to visit her sister, and has not been heard from since.
14508 Lyman Baker,10 b. 4 May, 1834; m. 1 Jan., 1857, Elizabeth Catherine Gravely, b. in Sullivan Co., Pa., 28 Aug., 1834; had eight children.
14509 Elvira. A. Baker,10 b. 14 Apr., 1838; m. 16 Mar., 1859, James Warren; d. 27 Mar., 1862.
14510 Levi Carver Baker,10 b. 16 Feb., 1840; m. 29 Mar., 1866, Eliza Jane Bennett, b. 8 Feb., 1839; she d. in Dushore, Pa., 20 Mar., 1870; he m. (2) in Tyrone, N. Y., 22 Oct., 1873, Huldah Baker, of Schuyler Co., N. Y., b. 9 Jan., 1844; served three years for the Union in Co. F, Fifth Reg., Pennsylvania Reserves.

7874.   DANIEL,9 son of Amasa8 (3273), b. in Hillsdale, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1813; m. 31 Dec., 1840, Eliza McMickin, b. 11 July, 1816, dau. of William McMickin, b. in Scotland, 1776, and Mary Bathwick, b. in Canaan, Conn., 1782, and sister of Lydia McMickin, wife of Myron Kellogg (+14476).
He d. in Albany, Pa., 8 July, 1894.
He was a farmer, a merchant and a hotel keeper; res. in Overton, Monroe, Towanda and in New Albany, Pa.
14511 A Son,10 b. 30 Sept., 1842; d. 13 Oct., 1842.
14512 Ellen,10 b. 11 Sept., 1843; m. 5 Mar., 1872, Fernando Ford, of Leon, Wis.; res. in Terrytown, Pa., 1880.
14513 Florence Angelia,10 b. 2 May, 1846; d. 4 Sept., 1879.
14514 Francis,10 b. 10 July, 1848.
14515 Irene,10 b. 8 Dec., 1850; res. in New Albany, Pa.
14516 Ida Eliza,10 b. 11 Nov., 1854.
14517 Louise,10 b. 16 Mar., 1857.

7875.   DR. MASON COGSWELL,9 son of Jonah8 (3274), b. in Alford, Mass., 29 July, 1798; m. in Erie, Pa., 18 Feb., 1830, Mary Ann Laird, dau. of Thomas Laird, of Erie.
She d. in Girard, Pa., 13 Nov., 1875; he d. in Albion, Pa., 29 Apr., 1885.
He was a physician and surgeon; res. in Erie, Girard and Albion, Pa.
14518 Mary Ann,10 b. 20 Dec., 1830; d. in Grirard, 6 Nov., 1856.
14519 Clarinda,10 b. 7 Sept., 1832; d. in Petersburgh, Col., 28 Sept., 1886.
14521 Jane,10 b. in Girard, 16 Jan., 1837; d. 4 May, 1837.
14522 William Mason,10 b. 2 July, 1841; d. 10 Jan., 1846.
14523 Charles Mason,10 b. 7 Nov., 1847; res. in Denver, Col.; was a mem­ber of the Seventh State Assembly, 1889-90.
14524 George Junius,10 b. 16 Apr., 1851; d. in Lawrence, Kas., Jan., 1895.

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7876.   MIRANDA,9 dau. of Jonah8 (3274), b. in Berkshire Co., Mass., 21 Sept., 1800; m. in Monroe, O., 1818, Dr. Jacob Vosburgh, b. in Fort Ann, N. Y., 1789, son of Vosburgh and Eliza Snyder.
She d. while visiting her dau. in Iowa City, Ia., 11 July, 1856; he d. in Erie, Pa., 1 Dec., 1862.
He was educated in Vermont; practiced in Pierpont and Monroe, O., Pen­dleton, N. Y., and Erie; was for a long time president of the Erie County Med­ical Society.
14525 Clarinda Vosburgh,10 b. 25 Dec., 1823; m. 1851, John F. Hampson; in 1855 they rem. to Iowa City, and later to Arkansas River Land­ing, Ark., where she d. 1868; he d. in De Witt, Ark., about 1878; had one child.
14526 Miranda Vosburgh,10 b. 21 Jan., 1825; m. in Eric, 13 May, 1850, Theophilus Ransom Carter, b. in York Co., Pa., 19 Sept., 1820, son of Samuel Carter, b. in Tuscarora, Pa., 25 Mar., 1777, and Nancy Paxton, b. in Maryland; he did a large business in Erie, having two drug stores, a grocery store, a lumber yard and a planing mill; d. 14 June, 1861; after his death she res. in Erie and later in Mount Vernon, N. Y.
14527 Charles Vosburgh,10 b. July, 1827; was a civil engineer; was well edu­cated, both in law and medicine, and excelled in the natural sciences; was a correspondent of the New Orleans Academy of Sciences; d. unm., in Vicksburg, 1858.
14528 Edward Vosburgh,10 b. in Eric, 13 Aug., 1831; m. 10 Apr., 1861, Eliza Hall, of Warren, Pa., b. 11 May, 1835, dau. of Orris Hall, b. in Ver­mont, 22 Sept., 1804, and Eliza K. Hackney, b. in Mendiville, Pa., 18 Feb., 1809; was a civil engineer; d. 27 June, 1862; was buried in Erie; had one child.
14529 William Mason Vosburgh,10 b. in Eric, 20 Oct., 1835; m. (1) 20 Apr., 1870, Ellen Marshall Smedes, b. in Kentucky, 14 Sept., 1849, dau. of William C. Smedes, b. in New York, about 1819, and Anna M. Marshall, dau. of Thomas A. Marshall, who was Chief Justice of Kentucky; she d. 15 June, 1873; he m. (2) 17 Aug., 1878, Anna Marshall Smedes, sister of his first wife, b. 24 Sept., 1847; he was a civil engineer in Missouri and Kansas, 1855; settled in Vicks­burg, Miss., 1858; was Lieut. of the Vicksburg Volunteers; served four years in the army of Northern Virginia; was wounded several times, but most severely in the battle of the Wilderness, when he lost most of his right hand, which nearly cost him his life; he was secretary and treasurer of the Vicksburg and Meriden Railroad.
14530 Augustus Jacob Vosburgh,10 b. in Eric, 14 Sept., 1838; m. in Winfield; W. Va., 5 Apr., 1874, Rachel Ellen Rowley, b. in Ravenswood, W-Va., dau. of Brazil Osborn Rowley, b. in Gallia Co., O., 14 Feb., 1834, and Mary Elizabeth Shepard, b. in Philadelphia, 30 Dec., 1836; he was educated an engineer; was employed on the Lake Shore Railroad, 1856-57; on the Erie and Pittsburg Railroad; 1858; was in the oil business in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, 1860-61; was assistant engineer on the Peninsula Railroad, 1870; was in Charleston, W. Va., as engineer of public works; was grad­uated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Baltimore, Md., 1881; res. in Charleston.

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7878.   DR. THEODORE JUNIUS,9 son of Jonah8 (3274), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 7 Aug., 1805; m. 20 Nov., 1831, Phoebe Woodruff, b. in Coventry, Conn., 23 Apr., 1806, dau. of Rev. Ephraim Treadwell Woodruff, b. in Farmington, Conn., 17 Oct., 1777, and Sally Alden, b. 1783, dau. of Capt. Jonathan Alden, who was lost at sea.
He d. about 1878; she d. 8 May, 1883, aged 77.
He commenced the practice of medicine in Andover, O., in 1828; rem. in 1840 to Girard, Pa., where both d.
14531 Seth Hayes,10 b. in Hartford, O., 15 Feb., 1833; m. Lezinka Augusta White.
14532 Sally Alden,10 b. in Springfield, Pa., 11 Aug., 1835; m. as his third wife, in De Pere, Wis., 4 Aug., 1891, Samuel Prescot Armstrong, b. in Bathurst, New Brunswick, 14 Feb., 1830; he is a Presbyterian and a Republican; is in the iron and steel business; had no chil­dren.
14533 John Hulbert,10 b. in Erie, Pa., 17 Nov., 1837; d. in Green River, Ill., 22 June, 1838.
14534 Ellen,10 b. in Girard, 25 May, 1840; m. William Henry Cudney.
14535 Theodore Woodruff,10 b. in Girard, 23 Oct., 1842; is a farmer; is unm.
14536 Mason Bartlett,10 b. in Girard, 4 Mar., 1845; is manager of a cotton plantation; res., unm., in Filters Landing, Miss.
14537 Robert Ossian,10 b. in Girard, 11 July, 1847; m. (1) Anna Tracy; (2) _______.

7880.   DR. PHILANDER WILLIAM,9 son of Jonah8 (3274), b. in East Bloom­field, N. Y., 23 May, 1812; m. in Erie, Pa., 1 May, 1845, Jessie Henderson Lid­dell, b. in Dundee, Scotland, 1 May, 1816, dau. of James Liddell, b. near Dal­keith, Scotland, and Isabella Forbes, b. in Dundee, 17 Jan., 1791. Jessie Hen­derson Liddell's grandmother was Margaret Scott, dau. of Walter Scott, Duke of Maccleugh, her father being b. on the Duke's estate near Edinburgh.
He d. 15 Oct., 1856, at the home of his father-in-law, James Liddell, in Sum­mit, Pa.; she d. in Saginaw, Mich., 16 Aug., 1901.
He was a druggist and a physician; res. in Girard, Albion and Erie, Pa.
14538 James Liddell,10 b. in Girard, 20 Dec., 1846; m. (1) Jean Louise Plumstead; (2) Jane Dana Stickney.
14539 Miranda,10 b. in Albion, 14 May, 1850; d. 16 May, 1852.

7899.   CHARLOTTE,9 dau. of Martin8 (3278), b. in Alford, Mass., 20 July, 1804; m. in Kelloggsville, O., Nov., 1825, Dr. Stephen Griggs Holbrook, b. in Tolland, Conn., 21 May, 1798, son of Joseph Holbrook.
She d. in Kelloggsville, 19 Nov., 1840; he d. there, 21 Sept., 1875.
He was a physician; res. in Kelloggsville; was a Republican.
14541 Celestia Ann Holbrook,10 b. 13 Oct., 1826; m. 24 Feb., 1852, John Boughton Beach; res. in Kelloggsville; had six children.

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14542 Laura Emeline Holbrook,10 b. 11 May, 1831.
14543 Martin Kellogg Holbrooh,10 b. 4 July, 1834; m. Emily Ward; she d. June, 1878; had two children.

7900.   ALBERT LESTER,9 son of Martin8 (3278), b. in Alford, Mass., 20 Sept., 1808; m. 1 Jan., 1840, Maria Clarissa Spencer, b. 26 Nov., 1818, dau. of Allen Spencer, of Hartford, O., b. in Burlington, Conn., 30 Sept., 1791, and Maria Smith (2748), b. 9 Oct., 1795, dau. of Gen. Martin Smith and Sarah Kel­logg (+969).
He lived in Kelloggsville, O., until 1856. In the early part of his life he was a leather manufacturer; was later engaged in gardening and raising small fruits.
14544 Charlotte Matilda,10 b. in Kelloggsville, 7 Dec., 1840; m. George Washington Hill.
14545 Edward A.,10 b. 15 Mar., 1842; d. 22 Sept., 1843.
14546 Edward,10 b. 17 June, 1844; d. in the army in Cincinnati, O., 3 June, 1862; he belonged to Co. C, Fifth Reg., Ohio Cavalry.

7901.   HENRY NORMAN,9 son of Martin8 (3278), b. 8 Feb., 1817; m. Mary Brown; d. 1863.
14547 Martin,10 b. ______; d. ______; unm.
14548 William Brown,10 b. ______; d. ______; unm.

7903.   LAURA,9 dau. of Judge Amos8 (3279), b. in Alford, Mass., 4 Aug., 1806; m. in Kelloggsville, O., 28 Feb., 1830, Dr. Greenleaf Fifield, b. in Wheel­ock, Vt., son of Edward Fifield and Sally Bean, b. 22 Aug., 1782.
He d. in Conneaut, O., 27 June, 1851.
He was a physician for many years in Conneaut.
14549 Sarah Fifield,10 b. 15 Apr., 1831; m. 30 Mar., 1854, Gustavus Adol­phus Cozens; he was a farmer for several years in Conneaut; in Nov., 1856; he rem. to Lockport, Ill., and in 1862 to Chicago; d. in Chicago, 1 Mar., 1871.
14550 Amos Kellogg Fifield,10 b. 18 Feb., 1833; m. 30 May, 1860, his cousin, Maria Spencer Kellogg (14560), b. 20 Nov., 1836; was a physician in Conneaut and a surgeon in the Twenty-ninth Reg., Ohio Volun­teers, from Sept., 1861, to Sept., 1864.
14551 Mary Elvira Fifield,10 b. 15 Jan., 1837; m. 5 Sept., 1855, Thomas Bow­man Rice, b. 1825; he rem. from Bath, N. Y., to Conneaut, where he was a merchant; rem. in 1869 to Chicago, where he was a grain and commission merchant.
14552 Catherine Lyon Fifield,10 b. 19 Mar., 1839; m. (1) 10 Apr., 1850, New­ton John Smith, b. 1834; he was a lawyer in Conneaut until Sept., 1861, when he enlisted in the United States army; served as Lieut. in the Second Battery, and afterward as Capt. of the same Com­pany; d. 23 Sept., 1863; she m. 10 Sept., 1866, Russell Melso Keyes, b. 22 Dec., 1838, pastor of the Congregational Church.

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7904.   LOUISA,9 dau. of Judge Amos8 (3279), b. 22 Jan., 1808; m. 23 Nov., 1826, Sidney Brissot McClung, b. 8 Apr., 1799.
He d. 22 May, 1829; was a lawyer in Unionville, O.; she m. (2) 23 June, 1832, her cousin James Marcus Bloss, b. 22 May, 1798, who rem., in early man­hood, from Alford, Mass., to Kelloggsville, O. He was a merchant and yearly sent droves of fat cattle to market over the Alleghany mountains. He was also Sheriff and Judge; d. 29 July, 1845; she d. 21 Oct., 1869.
Child by first husband.
14553 Sidney Volney McClung,10 b. 13 Jan., 1828.
Children by second husband.
14554 Rowena Bloss,10 b. 24 June, 1833; m. 7 Nov., 1867, Hervey West Hickox, b. in Victor, N. Y., 25 Sept., 1822; rem. to Elkhorn, Wis., June, 1842; he volunteered Sept., 1863, in the First Wisconsin Heavy Artillery; was promoted at Lexington, Ky., July, 1864, to Second Lieut., Twelfth Colored Heavy Artillery; was discharged by a special order, 24 Apr., 1866; was later a farmer in Orville, Neb.; had no children.
14555 Paulina Bloss,10 b. 17 Dec., 1835; m. 16 Nov., 1854, Edward Phelps Baker, b. in Lake Co., O., son of Parkman Baker, a tanner in Kel­loggsville, where he owns a steam tannery.
14556 James Grotius Bloss,10 b. 6 Apr., 1838; m. (1) _______, 29 Oct., 1860; (2) _______, 25 Aug., 1864; had four children.
14557 Clarissa Bloss,10 b. 17 May, 1840; d. 11 Mar., 1860.
14558 Hamilton Bloss,10 b. 5 May, 1843; d. 17 July, 1843.
14559 Marcus Greenleaf Bloss,10 b. 4 Dec., 1845; d. 22 Feb., 1865.

7906.   ABNER,9 son of Judge Amos8 (3279), b. 1 Jan., 1812; m. 2 Oct., 1834, Matilda Spencer, b. 4 Oct., 1815, dau. of Allen Spencer, b. in Hartland, Conn., and Maria Smith (2748), b. in Hartland, 9 Oct., 1795, dau. of Gen. Martin Smith and Sarah Kellogg (+969).
He is an attorney-at-law in Jefferson, O.; president of the Second National Bank; was a State Senator.
14560 Maria Spencer,10 b. 20 Nov., 1836; m. 30 May, 1860, her cousin, Amos Kellogg Fifield (14550).
14561 Henrietta Smith,10 b. 1 Oct., 1839.
14562 William Lucius,10 b. 1 Nov., 1841; m. 9 Oct., 1865, Augusta Eugenia Van Mart; he was Capt. of Co. G, Tenth Reg. Infantry, United States Army, and Col. of the Fifth Reg, United States Infantry; was promoted for gallantry at the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg; was wounded at the siege of Yorktown; was engaged in the battles of second Bull Run, Sharpsburg, Antietam and Fred­ericksburg; d. in Atlanta, Ga., 17 Apr., 1898.
14563 Amos Allen,10 b. 29 June, 1846; is unm.
14564 Walter Martin,10 b. 26 Dec., 1848; m. 16 Oct., 1873, Ella Gertrude Watkins; is a hardware merchant; res. in Jefferson.
14565 Matilda Wissie,10 b. 1 Sept., 1851; is unm.

1222    The Kelloggs in the New World.

7907.   HON. WILLIAM,9 son of Judge Amos8 (3279), b. in Ashtabula Co., O., 8 July, 1814; m. in Canton, Ill., 1843, Lucinda Catherine Ross, b. 7 Oct., 1821, dau. of Ossian Major Ross, b. 1790, and Mary Winans, b. 1 Apr., 1793.
He d. in Peoria, Ill., 20 Dec., 1872; she d. in Conneaut, O., in the summer of 1900.
He rem. to Canton, Ill., 1837, and was employed for several years in settling the disputes over the land titles there; was Representative in the Illinois Legisla­ture, 1849-50; Judge of the Circuit Court of Illinois, 1852-55; was a Republican Representative from Illinois in the Thirty-fifth, Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh Congresses, 1857-63; was appointed United States Minister to Guatemala, C. A., by President Lincoln, 1864, which office he declined; was appointed Chief Justice of Nebraska Territory and served 1866-67.
14566 William,10 b. in Canton, 3 Sept., 1844; m. Abbie Van Amrige Cassidey.
14567 John,10 b. 5 Mar., 1848; went West in 1878; was in Tucson, Ariz., when last heard from.
14568 Paulina,10 b. in Canton, 8 July, 1849; m. Lawrence Washington James.
14569 Emily,10 b. in Peoria, Ill., 8 Aug., 1864; m. E. K. Devereaux.
14570 Lulu,10 b. in Peoria, 8 Aug., 1864; res., unm., in Ashtabula, O.

7908.   DR. LUCIUS DEAN,9 son of Judge Amos8 (3279), b. in Monroe, O., 9 June, 1816; m. 16 Dec., 1841, Emily R. Castle, b. 16 Aug., 1823, dau. of Amasa Castle, of Ashtabula, O., b. 5 Apr., 1786, and Rosalinda Watrous, b. 14 Sept., 1796.
He d. in Ashtabula, 8 Jan., 1880.
He was a physician in Ashtabula; was a surgeon in the War for the Union, in the Seventeenth Reg., Illinois Volunteers. In New Orleans he was “General Ap­praiser of Merchandise for the South;” formerly res. in Williamsfield and Con­neaut, O., and Canton, Ill.
14571 Augustus Greenleaf,10 b. in Ashtabula, 4 July, 1843; m. Elizabeth Evans.

7909.   CLARISSA,9 dau. of Judge Amos8 (3279), b. in Monroe, O., 12 Oct., 1819; m. as his second Wife, 16 Jan., 1841, Robert Lyon, b. in Elizabeth, N. J.; 27 Sept., 1796, son of Moses Lyon, b. in New Jersey, 21 Dec., 1763, and Elizabeth Arnett, b. in New Jersey, 24 Sept., 1769.
He was a dry goods merchant in Canandaigua, N. Y., and Conneaut, O.; d. 5 Oct., 1854.
14572 Catherine Lyon,10 b. 26 Nov., 1841; m. 11 Mar., 1869, Eber B. Ward, of Detroit, Mich.; he was largely engaged in the lumber and iron business; their dau. m. Prince Chimay.
14573 Clarissa Lyon,10 b. 26 Oct., 1843; m. 27 Feb., 1866, James F. Wade; he was a Maj. in the United States army; was stationed at Fort Union, N. M., 1877.
14574 Paulina Lyon,10 b. 24 Nov., 1849; m. 4 Mar., 1869, Justus S. Stearns, a lumberman in Ludington, Mich.
14575 Thomas Rice Lyon,10 b. 31 May, 1854; m. in Ludington, 26 Oct., 1875, Hattie W. Rice; was a lumberman in Ludington.

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7912.   PHOEBE AUGUSTA,9 dau. of Ezra8 (3280), b. in Easton, Pa., 4 Aug., 1809; m. 19 Jan., 1843, Elbridge Leonard, b. in Worthington, Mass., 10 Feb., 1803, son of Asa Leonard, b. 22 Apr., 1771, and Esther Brown, b. 1781.
She d. in Willoughby, O., 18 Sept., 1873; he d. there, 18 May, 1883.
Children, b. in Pierpont, O.
14576 Florence Augusta Leonard,10 b. 10 Nov., 1843; m. John Melancthon Page; res. in Willoughby.
14577 William Elbridge Leonard,10 b. 16 July, 1845; d. 25 June, 1866.
14578 Esther Adelaide Leonard,10 b. 16 Feb., 1848.
14579 Phoebe Ann Leonard,10 b. 1 Jan., 1850; d. 25 Mar., 1852.
14580 Clara Evangeline Leonard,10 b. 20 Aug., 1852.

7913.   LUCIEN HEWENS,9 son of Ezra8 (3280), b. 1 June, 1811; m. Amanda Harmon, b. 28 Sept., 1820, dau. of Justin Harmon.
He d. 26 Mar., 1882; she d. 13 Mar., 1887.
Children, b. in Ashtabula, O.
14581 Charles Mason,10 b. 21 May, 1842; m. Mrs. Mary Jane (Boylon) Jewett.
14582 Caroline Roxy,10 b. 25 Apr., 1844; m. Richard Evans.
14583 Alice,10 b. 31 Jan., 1846; m. Cyrenus M. Learned.
14584 Lucien Ezra,10 b. 3 Aug., 1850; m. (1) Lovisa Drew; (2) Harriet C. Fuller.
✛14585 Frank,10 b. 8 Apr., 1853; m. Etta Brown.
14586 William,10 b. 7 Feb., 1856; m. Mabel Devona Sprague.

7916.   SAMUEL EZRA,9 son of Ezra8 (3280), b. in Ashtabula, O., 10 Jan., 1818; m. (1) in Ashtabula, 8 May, 1841, Margaret E. Titus, a cousin of Robert G. Ingersoll.
She d. in Battle Creek, Mich., 10 Feb., 1848; he m. (2) in Battle Creek, 16 June, 1848, Clara Wellington Blake, b. in Union, Me., 21 Oct., 1820, dau. of Wal­ter Blake, of Union, b. in South Wrentham, Mass., 27 May, 1782, and Jane Reed, b. in Edgartown, Mass., 3 July, 1784; d. in Union, 12 Sept., 1862; she d. in Med­ford, Mass, 26 Dec., 1887.
He was a carriage builder; res. in Ashtabula, Battle Creek, Mich., and Union, Me. He was a Presbyterian and a Republican.
14587 Benjamin Franklin,10 b. in Ashtabula, 20 Jan., 1843; was a Union soldier; enlisted in the Third Reg., Infantry, United States army, and was killed in the second battle of Bull Run, 30 Aug., 1862.
14588 Frederic Birney,10 b. in Ashtabula, 20 Jan., 1843; m. Sarah Matilda Wood.
14589 Ezra Ingersoll,10 b. in Battle Creek, 1 Feb., 1848; d. 9 Feb., 1848.
14590 Margaret Augusta,10 b. in Battle Creek, 7 Apr., 1850; res., unm., in Medford, Mass.; is the authoress of “Leo Dayne.”
14591 Walter Blake,10 b. in Union, Me., Jan., 1855; d. there, 8 May, 1860.

7930.   CLARK,9 son of Luther8 (3305), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 7 Dec., 1823; m. in Chatham, N. Y., 5 May, 1846, Caroline Diantha Bliss, b. 12 May, 1827, dau. of Lyman Bliss, of West Stockbridge, Mass., and Maria Lavina Wilbur.

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She d. 15 Apr., 1853; he m. (2) 24 Apr., 1862, Maria Simpson, dau. of Wil­liam Simpson, of England; d. in Troy, N. Y., 23 Dec., 1880; she res. in Lansing­burgh, N. Y.
He was a cabinet maker; res. in Troy; served in the civil war as a private in a New York Regiment.
Children by first wife.
14592 Frances Eugenia,10 b. 31 Dec., 1846; res., unm., in Pittsfield, Mass.
14593 Frederick Eugene,10 b. in West Stockbridge, 29 Apr., 1848; m. Nellie E. Baird.
14594 Louis Rundle,10 b. in West Stockbridge, 15 Apr., 1850; was a brake­man; was killed on the railroad in Greenbush, N. Y.; was unm.
14595 John Morgan,10 b. 15 June, 1852; m. Alice Amelia Shepard.
Children by second wife.
14596 William,10 b. 15 June, 1863.
14597 Mary Elizabeth,10 b. 17 July, 1865.
14598 Jane Ida,10 b. 19 Mar., 1867.
14599 James Robert,10 b. 28 Oct., 1869; d. 27 Apr., 1874.

7931.   MARY MARILLA,9 dau. of Luther8 (3305), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 31 Aug., 1827; m. 23 May, 1846, Rev. Rufus Darius Howes, b. 27 May, 1823, son of Daniel Howes and Sarah Miranda Allis.
He d. 25 June, 1860; she res. in Red Rock, N. Y.
He was a minister of the Christian Church; res. in Canaan, New Lebanon, Galway and Petersburgh, N. Y.
14600 Lucy Miranda Howes,10 b. 9 Mar., 1847; d. 17 Dec., 1857.
14601 Mary Ellen Howes,10 b. in Canaan, 2 Aug., 1849; m. 15 Dec., 1869, Ellis Justin Ford; had two children.
14602 Ashley Blinn Howes,10 b. in Canaan, 12 Oct., 1852; m. 24 Dec., 1874, Helen Matilda Ford; had two children.
14603 Aaron Lewis Howes,10 b. in New Lebanon, N. H., 17 Nov., 1854.
14604 Washington Irving Howes,10 b. in Galway, 30 Sept., 1856; m. 12 Nov., 1879, Martha Helen Barret.
14605 George Marin Howes,10 b. 10 Oct., 1858; d. 21 Mar., 1860.

7932.   WILLIAM MANLEY,9 son of Moses8 (3308), b. in Dorset, Vt., 10 July, 1810; m. 19 Sept., 1832, Dolly Farwell, b. 8 Mar., 1810, dau. of Gurden Farwell, b. 4 Nov., 1772, of Dorset, and Ann Farmsworth, b. 15 Sept., 1784.
He was a farmer; res. half a mile west of Dorset.
14606 George Farwell,10 b. in Dorset, 14 Sept., 1837; m. (1) Lucinda Baf­ton; (2) Eva L. Dodge.

7933.   ROSETTA CARVER,9 dau. of Moses8 (3308), b. in Dorset, Vt., 21 Sept., 1813; m. 24 Mar., 1831, Alanson Gray, b. 12 Oct., 1807, son of John Gray, of Dorset, b. 7 Apr., 1777, and Polly Farmsworth, b. 4 Dec., 1782.
She d. 10 Sept., 1887; he d. 3 Nov., 1897.
He was a farmer in Dorset; later foreman of a marble quarry.

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14607 Augustus Herman Gray,10 b. 31 Jan., 1833; m. 10 Mar., 1857, Mary Hampton, of Salisbury, N. C.; res. in Dorset.
14608 William Harrison Gray,10 b. 11 Feb., 1836; d. 19 May, 1851.
14609 Charles Perkins Gray,10 b. 30 Apr., 1838; m. 4 July, 1865, Fanny Ken­ney; d. 4 July, 1866; she d. 20 Mar., 1867.
14610 Mary Elizabeth Gray,10 b. 5 Jan., 1840; d. 16 Nov., 1859.
14611 Pamelia Farwell Gray,10 b. 11 Jan., 1842; d. 5 Apr., 1866.
14612 Ellen Maria Gray,10 b. 23 Aug., 1843; m. 30 Dec., 1865, Amos Kil­bourn, of Litchfield, Conn., b. 3 Nov., 1835; res. in East Dorset.
14613 Marcia Kellogg Gray,10 b. 21 Dec., 1851; res., unm., in Dorset.

7934.   MOSES,9 son of Moses8 (3308), b. in Dorset, Vt., 9 Nov., 1817; m. (1) in Highgate, Vt., 25 Sept., 1839, Harriet Keith Nichols, b. 21 Nov., 1818.
She d. in Greensboro, N. C., 17 June, 1866; he m. (2) in Greensboro, 20 Feb., 1868, Martha Eliza Hiatt; d. 1876.
He left Dorset after his marriage, and went to North Carolina, and there engaged in the marble business. During the war he aided the Confederates.
Afterward he joined his son, Henry, in Canada, and finally rem. to Albany, N. Y., where he d.
14614 Henry Germain,10 b. in Dorset, 20 Oct., 1840; m. Mary Stoval Staples.

7935.   LIEUT. ALFRED AUGUSTUS,9 son of Moses8 (3308), b. in Dorset, Vt., 8 Nov., 1821; m. in Minden, La., 1842, Marcia Louisa Kellogg (7940).
She d. in Henderson, Tex., 13 Oct., 1864; he m. (2) in Vicksburg, Miss., Mrs. Anne Ackerman; d. in Vicksburg, 3 Jan., 1897.
He was a marble cutter and dealer in monuments; res. in Vicksburg; was a Congregationalist and a Democrat. He was a Confederate soldier; Second Lieut. in the “Warren Dragoons” in Col. Wirt Adams' Reg.; enlisted in the spring of 1861.
Children by first wife.
14615 Mary,10 b. in Dorset, Vt., 18 Mar., 1843; m. in Oberlin, O., 13 Nov., 1865, George Whipple Steele, b. in Oberlin, 17 May, 1838, son of Alexander Steele, b. 25 Oct., 1802, and Maria Wheldon, b. 8 Apr., 1809; he was a musician and a Congregationalist; had no children.
14616 Charles Warren,10 b. in Warren, O., 14 Aug., 1846; d. in Vicksburg, 14 Sept., 1878.
14617 Bertha Estella,10 b. in Yazoo City, Miss., 18 Sept., 1857; d. in Hen­derson, 5 Nov., 1864.

7937.   MARY FLETCHER,9 dau. of Titus8 (3311), b. in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., 22 Nov., 1819; m. 29 Nov., 1841, Rev. James Harris Fairchild, b. 25 Nov., 1817, son of Grandison Fairchild, b. 20 Apr., 1792, and Nancy Harris, b. 30 Oct., 1795, and grandson of Daniel Fairchild and Mary Buttles.
He was president of Oberlin College, Ohio.
14619 Lacy Kellogg Fairchild,10 b. 3 Nov., 1842; m. 6 Mar., 1862, C. A. Ken­aston.

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14620 George Harnell Fairohild,10 b. 9 Aug., 1844; m. 5 Dec., 1866, Helen M. Viets.
14621 Mary Fletcher Fairchild,10 b. 10 Oct., 1846.
14622 Catherine Cooley Fairchild,10 b. 25 July, 1848.
14623 Alice Cowles Fairchild,10 b. 24 Sept., 1851.
14624 Emma Frances Fairchild,10 b. 31 July, 1854; d. 19 Apr., 1859.
14625 Grace Augusta Fairchild,10 b. 22 Jan., 1857.
14626 James Theme Fairchild,10 b. 28 July, 1862; was a college professor in Tabor, Ia.

7941.   DR. GEORGE MARTIN,9 son of Titus8 (3311), b. 20 June, 1827; m. 20 June, 1867, Mrs. Sarah Winter (Brown) Barker, b. 18 Aug., 1840, Widow of Charles Barker, dau. of William Brown and Sarah Taner.
He was a physician; res. in St. Paul, Minn., and later in Keokuk, Ia.; was graduated from Oberlin College, about 1850, and from the Ohio Medical College, of Cincinnati. At the breaking out of the civil war he was appointed surgeon in the army, and served with credit to the end of the war. By her first husband Mrs. Barker had a dau., Mirriam O., who was reared and known as Mirriam C. Kel­logg, and m. John W. Ranking, of Keokuk.
14627 Julia,10 b. 6 Apr., 1868; m. 26 Oct., 1893, Henry Goldwater, b. in San Francisco, Cal., 27 July, 1858, son of Michael Goldwater, b. 1824, and Sarah Nathan Merchant; res. in Prescott, Ariz.; had no chil­dren.
14628 Lucy F.,10 b. 14 Feb., 1876; d. young.

7942.   Lucy Philanda,9 dau. of Titus8 (3311), b. 2 Man, 1832; m. Dec., 1857, Charles P. Birge, b. 8 Jan., 1835, son of Dr. Simeon Birge and Electa Pitkin.
He is a wholesale grocer; is president of the “Kellogg Birge Company;” res. in Keokuk, Ia.
14629 Winnafred Birge,10 b. 20 Oct., 1858; d. ______.
14630 A Son.,10 b. May, 1860; d. young.
14631 Charles P. Birge,10 b. 23 Man, 1861; d. ______.
14632 Frances Birge,10 b. 1 Aug., 1863; m. William E. Praeger; res. in Keokuk; had two children.
14633 Catherine Birge,10 b. 16 Apr., 1869; m. Joshua F. Elder; res. in Keokuk; had three children.

7944.   HENRY ULYSSES,9 son of Hiram8 (3313), b. 20 May, 1828; m. 1855; Eliza Wilson.
He left his wife and child in 1829, and has not been heard from since; she res. in Jamestown, N. Y.
14634 Jane,10 b. ______; is a teacher.

7945.   REV. ALBERT runner,9 son of Hiram8 (3313), b. in Ashville, N. C., 7 June, 1830; m. (1) in, Jamestown, N. Y., 30 May, 1850, Phebe Shaver, b. in Jamestown, N. J., 6 May, 1830, dau. of George Shaver and Julia Freeman.

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She d. in Mishawaka, Ind., 2 Sept., 1869; he m. (2) in Lottsville, Pa., 22 Sept., 1870, Anna Lind, b. in Sweden, 12 July, 1847, dau. of John Lind and Susan Hall.
He is a minister of the Methodist Church; res. in Mishawaka.
Children, all but first two b. in Mishawaka.
14635 Alexander,10 b. in Jamestown, N. Y., 27 Oct., 1851.
14636 Anna,10 b. in Jamestown, 1 Mar., 1853; d. in Mishawaka, 24 Dec., 1863.
14637 Mary,10 b. 9 May, 1857; d. 12 June, 1863.
14638 Frank,10 b. 24 June, 1860.
14639 Frederick,10 b. 4 June, 1864; d. 29 Sept., 1864.
14640 Lilly May,10 b. 2 Aug., 1873; d. 28 Sept., 1874.
14641 Ray,10 b. 13 June, 1878; d. 28 Aug., 1879.
14642 Clyde,10 b. 10 June, 1880; d. 13 July, same year.
14643 Grace Emma,10 b. 9 Nov., 1881, b. in Mishawaka, 2 Sept., 1899, Ed­ward William Nichols, b. in Port Jefferson, N. Y., 24 Oct., 1876, son of Robert E. Nichols; he is a bootmaker in a rubber factory; res. in Mishawaka.

7946.   JULIA FRANCES,9 dau. of Hiram8 (3313), b. 11 July, 1832; m. in Sugar Grove, Pa., 4 Mar., 1849, Edward Avery Morey, b. 11 Mar., 1832, son of Hiram Morey and Olive Morey.
She d. in Watts Flats, N. Y., 27 July, 1877.
Children, b. in Harmony, N. Y.
14644 Annvernetta Morey,10 b. 11 Oct., 1850; d. there, 15 Oct., 1855.
14645 Alice Lorena Morey,10 b. 15 May, 1853; m. in Watts Flats, 29 Oct., 1879, Herman H. Slayton; had seven children.
14646 Olive Lavina Morey,10 b. 17 July, 1863; m. in Watts Flats, Dec., 1882, George Chapman; d. 5 Oct., 1895; he res. in Watts Flats; had five children.

7948.   JOHN TITUS,9 son of Hiram8 (3313), b. 12 Aug., 1836; m. (1) Lucy E. North; (2) Jane M. Lackerby; d. 1893.
14647 William,10 b. ______ in Toledo, O.; m. Dora Mackintosh, of Mishawaka, Ind.; res.

7949.   SUSAN E.,9 dau. of Hiram8 (3313), b. 24 July, 1838; m. 1853, Richard Comstock.
He was killed in a railroad accident, 27 Aug., 1861; she d. 24 Dec., 1863.
14648 Merritt A. Comstock,10 b. ______; res. in Ketcham, Idaho.

7965.   GEORGE WASHINGTON,9 son of Ithamer8 (3318), b. 30 Sept., 1812; m. 30 Nov., 1834, Eva Vernon Kimball, b. 5 Dec., 1813, dau. of Philip Kimball, of Chautauqua Co., N. Y.
He d. 29 Oct., 1865; was a hotel keeper.

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14649 Ella,10 b. ______.
14650 Frank Chester,10 b. in Milwaukee, Wis., 8 July, 1849; m. 9 June, 1876, Flora Agnes Downing, b. 6 Mar., 1854, dau. of Harrison Downing, b. 6 Nov., 1812, and Jane E. Graham, b. 2 Apr., 1817; res. in Chicago; has been entirely blind since 1891; had no chil­dren.

7966.   CHESTER ADAMS,9 son of Ithamer8 (3318), b. in Bristol, Conn, 27 Nov., 1820; m. 29 Nov., 1841, M. Lavina Jackson, granddau. of Hon. Nathaniel Carpenter, of Montpelier, Vt.
Child, b. in Rochester, N. Y.
14651 Walter O.,10 b. 4 July, 1860; m. Lillian I. Voorhees.

7967.   ELECTA REBECCA,9 dau. of Ithamer8 (3318), b. 30 Oct., 1823; m. in Henrietta, near Rochester, N. Y., Oct., 1844, Michael Gurney, b. in Toronto, Canada, 22 Mar., 1818.
She d. in Oswego, N. Y., 26 Feb., 1848; he d. in Middle Island, N. Y., Mar., 1877.
14652 John Gurney,10 b. in Rochester, 9 Sept., 1845; m. (1) in Middle Island, 9 Feb., 1871, Isadore Sophia Corwin; she d. in Middle Island, 8 Mar., 1873; he m. (2) in San Francisco, Cal., 5 Jan., 1884, Mrs. Alice Eloise (Cheeney) Tuttle, dau. of Aaron Cheeney and Sarah Jameson; d. 30 June, 1901; was in the railroad business; res. in San Francisco; had one child, Edna Sarah, who was b. in Roch­ester, Feb., 1872, and d. there, Apr., same year; he was adopted by his uncle, Chester A. Kellogg, and took the name of Kellogg.
14653 Jessie Gurney,10 b. in Oswego, 11 Sept., 1847; d. in Rochester, 1848.

7971.   PARMELIA,9 dau. of Martin Marble8 (3319), b. in Massachusetts, 2 Sept., 1810; m. in Plymouth, O., 3 July, 1831, Peter Miller, b. in Alleghany Co., Md., 9 Mar., 1808, son of John Daniel Miller, b. 4 Feb., 1781, and Catherine Fry.
She d. in Fort Madison, Ia., 16 July, 1848; he m. (2) Isabelle Gillespie; d. in Fort Madison, 20 Sept., 1896.
He was a merchant and a Republican; res. in Fort Madison.
Children, b. in Plymouth, O.
14654 Nancy Miller,10 b. 12 May, 1832; m. in Fort Madison, 3 June, 1861, Andrew Patterson; d. 31 Mar., 1862; had one child.
14655 Napoleon Miller,10 b. 17 July, 1834; m. in Chicago, 8 Feb., 1864, Sybel Catherine Burt; d. 10 Sept., 1897; had two children.
Children, b. in Fort Madison.
14656 Peter Myer Miller,10 b. 20 Aug., 1841; m. 15 Dec., 1867, Anna Maria McPhail; had seven children.
14657 Sarah Ann Miller,10 b. 10 Jan., 1844; d. 4 Apr., 1860.
14658 Robert Addison Miller,10 b. 13 Dec., 1846; d. 28 Apr., 1848.
14659 Martin Albert Miller,10 b. 16 July, 1848; d. unm., in Fort Madison, 19 Mar., 1897.

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7972.   CHARLES NOBLE,9 son of Martin Marble8 (3319), b. 14 Oct., 1817; m. (1) Amanda Streeter; (2) Harriet Smith Poston, b. June, 1827, dau. of Henry Poston and Nancy Johnson; d. in Allentown, Mo., 21 June, 1873; she d. in Clayton, Mo., 23 Feb., 1887.
Child by first wife.
14660 Child,10 b. ______; d. young.
Children by second wife.
14661 Noble,10 b. 1 Oct., 1846; d. 1 Nov., same year.
14662 Martin Burr,10 b. in Spanish Lake, Mo., 8 Jan., 1849; m. Elizabeth Thomas Irwin.
14663 Amanda Elizabeth,10 b. 4 Mar., 1851; m. John Clark Cloak.
14664 Lucetta Jane,10 b. 3 Sept., 1854; d. 17 Sept., 1862.
14665 Charles Napoleon,10 b. 11 Sept., 1857; d. in St. Louis, 9 Aug., 1869.
14666 John Henry,10 b. 19 Dec., 1862; res., unm., in St. Louis.
14667 George Edward,10 b. 20 Feb., 1867; m. Mary Alpha Ritchey.
14668 Hattie Belle,10 b. 29 June, 1869; m. George Bobb.

7974.   BENJAMIN WILLIAMS,9 son of Martin Marble8 (3319), b. in Mans­field, O., 27 Apr., 1822; m. in Crown Point, Ind., Mary McKean Clark, b. 9 Sept., 1826, dau. of William Clark, of Crown Point, and Ann Campbell.
She d. in Phoenix, Ariz., 4 Jan., 1887; he d. there, 25 Feb., 1889.
He was a farmer and stock raiser; res. in Phoenix.
14669 Hester Ann,10 b. in Crown Point, Oct., 1849; d. there, 1851.
14670 Owen,10 b. in Crown Point, 29 Nov., 1852; m. Kate Marlar.
14671 Lillian Bell,10 b. in Crown Point, 18 Sept., 1855; m. William Au­gustus Hancock.
14672 William,10 b. in Shasta, Cal., 4 Sept., 1858; m. in Phoenix, 1 Jan., 1880, Euretta Wills, dau. of Henry Wills, of Kansas City, Mo.; is a merchant; a Democrat; res. in Mammoth Mine, Arizona; had no children.
14673 Ann,10 b. in Shasta, 4 Sept., 1858; m. in Phoenix, 1 Jan., 1880, Newell Herrick, b. in Edgerton, Wis.; he was a blacksmith; d. in Phoenix, 8 July, 1892; had two children.
14674 Mary,10 b. in Matole, Cal., 4 Sept., 1860; m. Eugene Estabrook.
14675 Alexander,10 b. in Valley Ford, Cal., 24 May, 1862; m. in Phoenix, 3 Apr., 1879, Eva Bray, b. in Pinal, Ariz., dau. of Henry Bray, of Santa Monica, Cal.; is a Democrat; res. in Schultz, Ariz.
14676 Albert Benjamin,10 b. in Bloomfield, Cal., 1 Dec., 1865; is a stock raiser and a Republican; res., unm., in Phoenix.
14677 Alice May,10 b. in Salinas, Cal., 28 Aug., 1868; m. William Lindsay George.

7983.   DAVID CHEESEMAN,9 son of James Glover8 (3321), b. in Cayuga Co., N. Y., 23 Feb., 1819; m. _______.
He d. in Brookfield, Mich., 16 Apr., 1899.
14678 Alice,10 b. ______; m. _______ Feastear; res. in Lansing, Mich.
14679 Loraine,10 b. ______; m. _______ Ball; res. in Brookfield.

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14680 Joseph,10 b. ______; res. in Brinton, Isabella Co., Mich.
14681 Ezekiel,10 b. ______; res. in Brookfield.
14682 Robert,10 b. ______; res. in Brookfield.

7984.   JAMES HENRY,9 son of James Glover8 (3321), b. 30 May, 1821; m. in Lowell, Mich., Mary Jane Clark.
He d. in South Boston, Mich., Dec., 1864; she d. in Detroit, Mich., about 1898.
He was a soldier in the civil war; was a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in South Boston.
Children, b. in South Boston.
14683 Nellie,10 b. May, 1858; res. in Lowell.
14684 May,10 b. June, 1860; d. in Lowell, in the fall of 1879.

7985.   NANCY,9 dau. of James Glover8 (3321), b. 24 Sept., 1823; m. (1) in Bedford, O., 23 Jan., 1842, William Harry Pratt, b. in Phelps, N. Y., 27 May, 1821, son of Allen Pratt and Betsey Palmeter, of Phelps.
He was a farmer; served as fifer in the civil war in Co. I, Twenty-sixth Reg.; enlisted Sept., 1862; was discharged Dec., 1863; was a Republican; they were divorced; she m. (2) as his third wife, in Sumner, Mich., 11 Apr., 1889, George S. Bell, b. 31 July, 1812; he is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Elwell, Mich.
Children by first husband.
14685 Mary Frances Pratt,10 b. in Bedford, 25 Dec., 1842; d. in Convis, Mich., 8 July, 1848.
14686 Charlotte Sherman Pratt,10 b. in Bedford, 26 May, 1844; m. in Battle Creek, Mich., 4 July, 1864, Calvin A. Ball; res. in Sumner; d. in Ithaca, Mich., 2 Dec., 1873; had two children.
14687 Benjamin Franklin Pratt,10 b. in Lowell, Mich., 12 Apr., 1847; m. in Sumner, 8 Aug., 1866, Emma Clark, of Sumner; res. in Mescota, Mich.; had four children.
14688 Ellen Adell Pratt,10 b. in Lowell, 16 Nov., 1849; m. in Alma, Mich., Dec., 1866, Cornelius Bexford; d. in Ithaca, 20 May, 1876; had two children.
14689 William Henry Harrison Pratt,10 b. in Lowell, 7 Mar., 1853; m. in Ithaca, 1871, Mary Shaffer; res. in Boulder, Col.; had seven chil­dren.
14690 Charles Carl Pratt,10 b. in Lowell, 9 June, 1855; m. in St. Johns, Mich., Lillian Wilder, of Sumner; res. in Remus, Mich.; had one son.
14691 Fred Eugene Pratt,10 b. in Lowell, 14 May, 1858; m. in Albion, Mich., Mar., 1883, Lizzie Thompson; res. in Elwell.
14692 Eva Luella Pratt,10 b. in Sumner, 28 Aug., 1865; m. in Carson City, Mich., 18 Sept., 1882, Thomas Anness; had three children.

7986.   PHIDELIA ATHALIAH,9 dau. of James Glover8 (3321), b. 18 Mar., 1827; m. in Convis, Mich., 7 Nov., 1849, Norman Metcalf, b. 4 Mar., 1825, of Levi Metcalf and Betsey Whipple, of New Hampshire.
She d. 3 Sept., 1850; he m. (2) in Penfield, Mich., 18 Apr., 1851, her sister, Sybil Helen (+7988); d. in Niles, Mich., 18 Oct., 1858.
He was a farmer, Methodist and Republican; res. in Niles; served in the Mexican war.

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14693 Willis L. Metcalf,10 b. 25 July, 1850; d. 10 Aug., same year.

7987.   SARAH JANE,9 dau. of James Glover8 (3321), b. in Fall Creek, N. Y., 17 Dec., 1828; m. in Convis, Mich., 24 Mar., 1850, William Franklin Nickerson, b. in Oswego Co., N. Y., 6 July, 1828, son of Ebenezer Nickerson and Sally _______.
He is a farmer; a Disciple and a Republican; res. in Elmwood, Ill.
14694 Gustavus Bainbridge Nickerson,10 b. in Convis, 2 July, 1852; d. there, 19 Oct., 1861.
14695 Sarah Adelaide Nickerson,10 b. in Convis, 15 Mar., 1854; m. in New Haven, Mich., 1 Jan., 1877, Lewis H. Smith; res. in Deer Ridge, Mo.
14696 William Adeford Nickerson,10 b. in Walton, Mich., 20 July, 1856; d. in Convis, 16 Jan., 1858.
14697 Franklin Nickerson,10 b. 2 Jan., 1859.
14698 James K. Nickerson,10 b. in Convis, 4 Sept., 1860; m. in Portland, Mich., 10 May, 1883, Mary E. Wiles; res. in Mount Pleasant, Mich.
14699 Wesley Lincoln Nickerson,10 b. in Convis, 28 July, 1865; m. in Albion, Neb., 30 May, 1886, Sarah Messersmith; res. in Elmwood.
14700 Susannah Nellie Nickerson,10 b. in New Haven, 12 Nov., 1867; m. in Albion, 20 June, 1885, William Stephenson; res. in Elmwood.

7988.   SYBIL HELEN,9 dau. of James Glover8 (3321), b. 4 July, 1831; m. (1) in Penfield, Mich., 18 Apr., 1851, Norman Metcalf (who had previously m. her sister, Phidelia), b. 4 Mar., 1825, son of Levi Metcalf and Betsey Whipple, of New Hampshire.
He d. in Niles, Mich., 18 Oct., 1858; was a farmer; served in the Mexican war; a Methodist and a Republican; she m. (2) in Grand Rapids, Mich., 17 Oct., 1862, Barlow Worthing, b. in Waitsfield, Vt., 29 Nov., 1812, son of Abner Worth­ing and Sally Barlow, of Vermont; he d. in Sumner, Mich., 21 Dec., 1895; was a farmer; a Republican; belonged to the Church of the United Brethren; she res. in Elwell, Mich.
Children by first husband, b. in Niles.
14701 Clara B. Metcalf,10 b. 28 Aug., 1852; m. in Sumner, 25 Dec., 1873, Clarence Mecomber; res. in Elm Hill, Mich.
14702 James H. Metcalf,10 b. 4 Dec., 1853; m. in Crystal, Mich., 26 Jan., 1879, Ella J. Pierce; d. in Alma, Mich., 30 Mar., 1889.
14703 Frances Metcalf,10 b. 18 Oct., 1855; m. in Sumner, Aug., 1874, Stephen N. Fletcher; res. in Breckenridge, Mich.
14704 Levi P. Metcalf,10 b. 1 Mar., 1858; m. in Latourell Falls, Or., 29 Feb., 1892, Inez Ball; res. in Winn, Mich.
Children by second husband, b. in Sumner.
14705 S. Lorett Worthing,10 b. 5 Aug., 1863; m. in Elwell, 22 Feb., 1889, Henry M. Miller; res. in Elwell.
14706 Mary L. Worthing,10 b. 29 Dec., 1866; m. in Portland, Or., 17 Mar., 1889, Levi Pritchard; res. in Alma.
14707 Barlow A. Worthing,10 b. 5 Dec., 1869; m. in St. Louis, Mich., 8 Dec., 1895, Melita Medler; res. in Alma.

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7989.   LORENZO DOW,9 son of James Glover8 (3321), b. in Bradford Co., Pa., 25 Jan., 1834; m. in Barry Co., Mich., 24 May, 1857, Catharine Ann Mapes, b. in Washtenaw Co., Mich., 18 June, 1836, dau. of Elisha Mapes and Anna Evans, of Barry Co., Mich.
She d. in Penfield, Mich., 17 Mar., 1899.
He is a farmer; Methodist Episcopalian; Republican; res. in Penfield.
Children, b. in Penfield.
14708 Ella Jane,10 b. 10 Mar., 1858; res., unm., in Penfield.
14709 Annis Isadore,10 b. 26 Nov., 1860; m. in Penfield, 7 Apr., 1897, Charles Milan Cooley; res. in Convis, Mich.; has no children.
14710 Alonzo Walter,10 b. 31 May, 1863; m. Vera Jane Cooley.
14711 Irving Lorenzo,10 b. 9 Mar., 1866; m. in Marion, O., 18 May, 1892, Ollie Foster; d. in Penfield, 8 Aug., 1893; res. in Marion; had one child, b. 12 May, 1893, who d. aged 8 days.

7996.   REUBEN ,9 son of Reuben8 (3328), b. in Greenwich, N. J., 1 Nov., 1809; m. in Greenwich, 31 Mar., 1845, Eliza Ewing Hunt, b. in Greenwich, 14 Feb., 1824, dau. of Reuben Hunt, of Greenwich, b. 9 Feb., 1785, and Phebe Noble, b. 20
Nov., 1788.
He d. in Greenwich, 4 July, 1848; she d. there, 22 Feb., 1898.
He was a bricklayer and a farmer; an Orthodox Friend and a Republican; res. in Greenwich.
14712 Ruth Ella,10 b. in Greenwich, 7 Nov., 1847; m. Charles Emory Wallis.

7998.   EBENEZER HALL,9 son of Reuben8 (3328), b. in Greenwich, N. J., 11 Jan., 1814; m. in St. Louis, Mo., 2 July, 1843, Eliza Street, b. in Harford Co., Md., 8 Sept., 1817, dau. of Thomas Street, of Harford Co., Md., and Sarah Ken­nedy.
He d. in Harford Co., Md., 23 July, 1886; she res. in Maryland.
He was a bricklayer, a Friend and a Republican; res. on a farm near “The Rocks,” in Harford Co.
14713 Sarah Street,10 b. in St. Louis, 23 June, 1844; m. William Randal Wallis.
14714 Zachary Taylor,10 b. in Harford Co., Md., 30 Jan., 1849; m. Aletheia Wilson.
14715 Mary,10 b. about 1855; res., unm., with her mother.

8002.   STEPHEN,9 son of Horace8 (3329), b. in New Hartford, N. Y., 18 June, 1804; m. (1) 9 July, 1842, Prudence Rockwell, b. 10 May, 1805, dau. of Thomas Rockwell.
She d. 11 June, 1845; he m. (2) 1 Oct., 1846, Nancy Dillenbeck, b. 4 June, 1811, dau. of Martinus B. Dillenbeck and Eliza Maxfield; she d. 15 May, 1873; he d. 29 Nov., 1890.
He was a carriage maker, a farmer, a merchant and a Justice of the Peace; res. in Rollman, Watertown, Rutland, Solon, Taylor and Cincinnatus, N. Y.
Children by second wife.
14716 Jasper Le Grande,10 b. 22 July, 1847; m. (1) Anna V. Stipp; (2) Emma J. Blakeslee.

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14717 Orris Ulman,10 b. in Taylor, 19 Sept., 1848; is an attorney-at-law; graduated from the Department of Law, University of Albany, 10 May, 1869; was a member of the Assembly of New York, 1879; is unm.
14718 James Birney,10 b. 12 Dec., 1849; m. 1 Mar., 1870, Rose Gladding; was a farmer in Sumner, Co., Kas.
14719 John Morris,10 b. in Taylor, 28 Aug., 1851; m. Mrs. Henrietta (Mathews) Guest.
14720 Franklin K.,10 b. 3 Aug., 1853; d. 19 May, 1854.
14721 Eugenie Mary,10 b. 20 June, 1856; res., unm., in Cortland, N. Y.

8003.   REUBEN RILEY,9 son of Horace8 (3329), b. in Jefferson Co., N. Y., 9 Feb., 1806; m. 19 Dec., 1827, Clarissa Ann Knowlton, b. in Ernestown, Canada, 3 July, 1805.
She d. in Fowler, N. Y., 13 July, 1839; he d. in Brownsville, Pa., July, 1846.
14722 Minerva Naomi,10 b. in Rutland, N. Y., 17 July, 1830; m. John Wes­ley Williams.
14723 Martin Heath,10 b. in Antwerp, N. Y., 13 Mar., 1833; m. (1) Civilia Gruiwaite; (2) Mary Augusta Root.
14724 Erastus H,10 b. in Fowler, 19 Nov., 1835; m. Emeline Nancy Sturte­vant.
14725 Levi Charles,10 b. in Fowler, 14 July, 1837; m. Eliza Jane Haynes.
14726 Clarissa Ann,10 b. in Fowler, 13 July, 1839; m. Dec., 1868, her cousin, Dr. Hiram D. Kellogg (+14727).

8004.   HIRAM,9 son of Horace8 (3329), b. in Cortland Co., N. Y., 9 Feb., 1808; m. 7 Aug., 1832, Delia Beecher, b. 11 Jan., 1810.
She d. in McHenry, Ill., 18 Dec., 1861; he d. in Pawnee Co., Neb., 17 Oct., 1869.
Shortly after his marriage he rem. to Oberlin, O., where he studied a short time; preached at various places in Lorain Co., O.; studied and practiced den­tistry in McHenry Co.; res. in Rock Island, Ill., St. Louis, Mo., Greenfield, Ill., Licking Co., O., and kept a hotel in Middlebury, O.
14727 Hiram Delancy,10 b. in Sugar Grove, Pa., 4 Aug., 1839; m. (1) his cousin, Clarissa Ann Kellogg (14726); (2) Sarah Elizabeth Hess.
14728 Lyman Beecher,10 b. in Lorain Co., 28 Sept., 1841; m. (1) Abigail G. Homer; (2) Mary Virginia Mitchell.

8006.   HORACE,9 son of Horace8 (3329), b. 15 Mar., 1813; m. 16 Feb., 1841, Huldah Stetson, b. 4 Mar., 1813, dau. of Samuel Stetson, of Lebanon, N. Y., and Huldah Davis.
He d. 22 Nov., 1877; was a merchant in Ogdensburg, N. Y.; after his death she res. in Ogdensburg.
14729 Van Patten,10 b. 30 Dec., 1842.
14730 Horace Duane,10 b. 10 Apr., 1846; m. in Denver, Col., 7 Apr., 1870, Julia A. Green.
14731 Amelia M.,10 b. 12 June, 1847; d. 13 May, 1848.
14732 Eugene,10 b. 12 Mar., 1849, m. ______.

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14733 Frank P.,10 b. 22 Nov., 1852; d. 4 Mar., 1870.
14734 Ella A.,10 b. 16 Aug., 1855.
14735 Frederick,10 b. 16 Oct., 1857.

8007.   NANCY M.,9 dau. of Horace8 (3329), b. 27 Sept., 1815; m. 26 Jan., 1835, Volkert Vedder.
He d. ______; she m. (2) Stephen Pedford; they res. in Deruyter, N. Y.
14736 Charles Boardman Vedder,10 b. ______; res. in Deruyter.
14737 Sherman Vedder,10 b. ______; res. in Lincoln, Neb.
14738 Angie Vedder,10 b. ______; m. _______ Gage; res. in Deruyter.

8008.   ANGELINE,9 dau. of Horace8 (3329), b. 29 Jan., 1818; m. 29 Sept., 1841, John Haven, b. in Guilford, 19 Feb., 1817, son of Asa Haven, one of the first settlers of Guilford, N. Y.
She d. 9 Dec., 1853; he d. in Greenwood, N. Y., 9 Oct., 1855.
He was a cabinet maker and a carpenter; res. in Guilford until of age, and then in Pitcher, N. Y.
14739 George Augustus Haven,10 b. 1 Oct., 1843; m. in Otselic, N. Y., 13 Sept., 1876, Addie Perkins, b. 5 June, 1851, dau. of Tracy K. Per­kins and Elizabeth Healey; is a lawyer in Afton, N. Y.; was in the war for the Union in Co. A, Fifty-second Illinois Infantry.
14740 James Howard Haven,10 b. 15 July, 1845; d. in Greenwood, 8 Feb., 1854.
14741 Sarah Jane Haven,10 b. 10 July, 1851; d. 1 Sept., 1867.

8009.   MARY ANN,9 dau. of Horace8 (3329), b. 29 Feb., 1820; m. in Taylor, N. Y., as his second wife, 20 Sept., 1844, Nicholas Bigarel, b. 12 Dec., 1818, in Nancy, France, son of Lewis Bigarel.
She d. in Fowler, N. Y., 20 Apr., 1885; he d. there, 13 Aug., 1886.
He was a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican.
Children, b. in Fowler.
14742 Stephen Kellogg Bigarel,10 b. 18 Sept., 1846; d. in Fowler, 23 Apr., 1850.
14743 Prudence Bigarel,10 b. 18 Oct., 1847; d. in Fowler, 14 Oct., 1860.
14744 Horace H. Bigarel,10 b. 18 Aug., 1849; d. in Fowler, 30 Sept., 1859.
14745 Nicholas Bigarel,10 b. 29 Mar., 1851; d. in Fowler, 16 Oct., 1864.
14746 Mary Nancy Bigarel,10 b. 3 Feb., 1853; res. in Gouverneur, N. Y.
14747 Angie J. Bigarel,10 b. 10 June, 1855; m. in Fowler, Frank G. Good­nough; res. in Holland, Minn.
14748 J. Kellogg Bigarel,10 b. 11 Feb., 1862; d. in Fowler, 3 Nov., 1885.
14749 Maurice William Bigarel,10 b. 5 Jan., 1864; res. in Gouverneur.

8010.   JOHN G.,9 son of Horace8 (3329), b. 27 Mar., 1822; m. in Smyrna, N. Y., 11 Sept., 1845, Allicia A. Sprague, b. 13 Aug., 1826, dau. of William Calvin Sprague, b. Apr., 1800, and Nancy Stewart, b. 14 May, 1801.
He d. in Ogdensburgh, N. Y., 29 Dec., 1862; she d. in Smyrna, 21 June, 1872.

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14750 Frances Adelaide,10 b. 23 Dec., 1847; d. in Mansfield, O., 25 Mar., 1892.
14751 Frederick,10 b. in Eaton, N. Y., 4 Aug., 1850; d. there, 13 Feb., 1852.
14752 Maurice,10 b. 4 May, 1853; d. in Norwich, N. Y., 4 Apr., 1883.
14753 William Sprague,10 b. 8 Apr., 1856; d. in Norwich, 24 July, 1884.
14754 Florence Edith,10 b. 23 Sept., 1858; d. in Woodstock, 4 Apr., 1860.
14755 Carrie,10 b. in Woodstock, Ill., 23 Jan., 1862; m. Courtney Ellsworth Ferris.

8012.   LAURA,9 dau. of Horace8 (3329), b. 12 May, 1826; m. (1) 20 Feb., 1850, William L. Clark, from whom she obtained a divorce.
She m. (2) 4 Oct., 1857, William B. Stetson, b. 18 June, 1821, who had pre­viously m. her sister, Julia Eliza; d. in Cazenovia, N. Y., 4 Nov., 1874.
He was a farmer; res. in Union Valley, N. Y.
Children by first husband.
14756 Horace Clark,10 b. ______.
14757 Frank Clark,10 b. ______.

8013.   JULIA ELIZA,9 dau. of Horace8 (3329), b. 26 Mar., 1828; m. 4 Jan., 1849, William B. Stetson, b. 18 June, 1821, son of Eli Stetson, b. 28 June, 1767, and Katurah Wilbur, b. 13 Dec., 1776.
She d. 11 July, 1856; he was a farmer; res. in Union Valley, N. Y.
14758 Willis Burdett Stetson,10 b. 4 Dec., 1854; is a musician; m. _______; had one child.

8014.   HANNAH MARILLA,9 dau. of Reuben8 (3331), b. in Whitestown, N. Y., 3 Nov., 1807; m. in Chili, N. Y., 27 Oct., 1830, Franklin Cate, b. in Bar­rington, N. H., 7 Feb., 1807, son of Richard Cate, b. in Barrington, 2 Feb., 1768, and Mary Rand, of Rye, N. Y., b. about 1758.
He d. 22 Nov., 1881; she d. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 14 Dec., 1884.
He was a farmer, rem. with his parents to Chili, 1825; was Supervisor of the township for many years; rem. in 1860 to Michigan, where he d.
Children, b. in North Chili, N. Y.
14759 Rufus Cate,10 b. 11 Sept., 1831; d. unm., in Detroit, Mich., 7 Oct., 1897.
14760 Charles Wingate Cate,10 b. 12 Oct., 1833; d. 23 May, 1835.
14761 Emily Gillette Cate,10 b. 27 Oct., 1835; m. 25 Nov., 1857, Julius Al­merin Wilcox, b. 21 Oct., 1833, son of John Edwin Wilcox, b. 4 Mar., 1812, and Elizabeth Smith, b. 10 July, 1813; she d. in Ban­croft, Mich., 7 June, 1887; he m. (2) her sister, Minerva; res. in Bancroft.
14762 Charles Wingate Cate,10 b. 24 Nov., 1837; m. in Bay City, Mich., 18 May, 1875, Jane Isabel Condon, dau. of John Condon, b. 18 July, 1832, and Catherine Miller, b. 25 Oct., 1834; res. in Duluth, Minn.
14763 Mary L. Cate,10 b. 30 Sept., 1839; m. in Green Oak, Mich., 13 Nov., 1862, Eldad Reynolds Field, b. 12 Nov., 1837, son of Eldad Spencer Field and Betsey _______; res. in Whitmore Lake, Mich.
14764 Lyman Cate,10 b. 24 Dec., 1841; m. in Highland, Mich., 15 Dec., 1868,

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Fanny Watkins, b. in Milford, Mich., 13 Apr., 1843, dau. of James Watkins, b. 4 Aug., 1810, and Catherine Taylor, b. 20 Nov., 1819; res. in Milford.
14765 Minerva Cate,10 b. 22 Sept., 1844; m. in Pontiac, Mich., 1 June, 1888, Julius Almerin Wilcox, who had previously m. her sister, Emily G.; res. in Bancroft; d. 22 Nov., 1890.
14766 Fidelia Cate,10 b. 30 June, 1847; m. in Highland, 2 Dec., 1868, Wil­liam Kilton Childs, b. 12 July, 1844, son of Aaron Childs, b. in Henniker, N. H., 2 Dec., 1800, and Hannah Frost Bemus, b. in Windham, Vt., 9 July, 1808; res. in Ann Arbor.

8016.   MARY GROVES,9 dau. of Reuben8 (3331), b. in Springfield, Pa., 7 Dec., 1822; m. 12 Nov., 1851, Edwin A. Bingham, b. in Rochester, N. Y., 26 Sept., 1825, son of Desedoras Bingham and Matilda Hatch.
He d. in Lincoln, Kas., 5 Nov., 1880.
He was a mechanic and a Republican; they res. in Madison, Wis., where she now res.
14767 Mary Elizabeth Bingham,10 b. in Monroe, N. Y., 25 Oct., 1852; m. 29 Dec., 1872, John Snyder; res. in Fort Atkinson, Wis.
14768 Francis Edwin Bingham,10 b. 5 Aug., 1856; m. Anna Stone; res. in Madison.
14769 Emma Arvilla Bingham,10 b. 5 June, 1859; m. Floyd Hurd; res. in Janesville, Wis.
14770 George Walter Bingham,10 b. 1 Nov., 1861; m. 22 July, 1898, Louise Rowedel; res. in Madison.
14771 William Hatch Bingham,10 b. 26 July, 1864; res., unm., in Klondike, Alaska.

8017.   JOSEPH REUBEN,9 son of Reuben8 (3331), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 23 Sept., 1825; m. in Spring Valley, Minn., 11 Sept., 1860, Eliza Ann Morris, b. 26 Aug., 1836, dau. of Thomas Morris and Mary Benward.
He d. in Spring Valley, 1 Feb., 1882; she res. there.
He was a Congregationalist; res. in Spring Valley.
Children, b. in Spring Valley.
14772 Morris Crawford,10 b. 16 June, 1861; res., unm., in Webster, S. D.
14773 Ella May,10 b. 22 Nov., 1862; m. Thomas Todd.
14774 William Henry,10 b. 14 June, 1866; res., unm., in Spring Valley.
14775 Mary Jane,10 b. 14 Sept., 1869; m. John Bucknell.
14776 Lillie Blanorie,10 b. 17 Dec., 1872; m. Otis Conway.
14777 Georgia Anna,10 b. 17 Nov., 1874; m. Frank Duxbury.
14778 James Reuben,10 b. 19 Feb., 1878; res., unm., in Spring Valley.

8018.   RHODA JANE,9 dau. of Reuben8 (3331), b. 23 Jan., 1828; m. in Bur­lington, Ill., 18 Feb., 1856, Smith Church, b. 22 Sept., 1828, son of William Church, b. 14 Mar., 1803, and Ruth Hedden, b. 31 Jan., 1805.
She d. in Springfield, Pa., 25 Apr., 1874; he was a farmer; res. in Spring­field, later in East Springfield.
14779 Charles Franklin Church,10 b. in Springfield, 11 Jan., 1857; m. in

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Springfield, 18 July, 1878, Ida M. Walbridge, b. 25 Aug., 1859, dau. of John Selah Walbridge, b. 24 Sept., 1815, and Jane Cowen Mallory, b. 15 Aug., 1818; is a manager of a paper mill; res. in Erie.
8019.   OLIVE REBECCA,9 dau. of Reuben8 (3331), b. in New Hartford, Conn, 1 Feb., 1831; m. in Springfield, Pa., 29 Nov., 1853, David Higby, b. in Jamestown, N. Y., 12 Mar., 1831, son of Timothy Higby, b. 26 Mar., 1799, and Ruth Ives, b. 18 July, 1806.
He d. in Spring Valley, 7 Sept., 1897; she d. there, 2 Feb., 1898.
He was a farmer, a member of the Congregational Church, and a Repub­lican; res. in Spring Valley, Minn.
14780 George Orange Higby,10 b. 28 Sept., 1856; d. 13 Sept., 1860.
14781 Henry Higby,10 b. 24 July, 1860; d. 6 Aug., same year.
14782 Nellie Estella Higby,10 b. 13 Mar., 1862; res., unm., in Spring Valley.
14783 Ruth Ann Higby,10 b. 8 July, 1868; m. 28 Apr., 1895, William Rastus Love.

8020.   SAMUEL CRAWFORD,9 son of Reuben8 (3331), b. in New Hartford, Conn., 15 May, 1834; m. in Spring Valley, Minn., 22 Dec., 1858, Amanda Man­tor, b. 22 May, 1837, dau. of James Mantor, b. Feb., 1791, and Lena Courtland, b. 4 Feb., 1796.
He is a farmer, a member of the Congregational Church and a Republican; res. in Spring Valley.
Children, b. in Spring Valley.
14784 Caroline (Carrie),10 b. 9 Jan., 1860; m. Leonard Wilson Kilham.
14785 Kirkland Mantor,10 b. 11 Oct., 1862; m. Henrie Ettie Payne.
14786 Warren Milford,10 b. 18 July, 1863; m. in La Crosse, Wis., 17 June, 1891, Rose Davidson, b. in Fillmore Co., Minn., 14 July, 1867, dau. of William Davidson, b. 13 Apr., 1848, and Mary E. Ansley, b. 26 June, 1850; is a grain buyer; a Republican; res. in La Crosse; has no children.
14787 Rhoda Grace,10 b. 19 Sept., 1867; m. Alfred Enos Parker.
14788 Alvah Crawford,10 b. 31 Oct., 1872; m. 3 Aug., 1898, Lillian E. Barnes, b. 21 Dec., 1873, dau. of H. C. Barnes, b. 4 Dec., 1850, and Catharine M. Walter, b. 28 Mar., 1849.

8021.   WILLIAM LOOMIS,9 son of Reuben8 (3331), b. in Springfield, Pa., 1 May, 1837; m. in Mt. Carroll, Ill., 9 May, 1872, Alzina Cordelia Cummings, b. in Mt. Carroll, 31 July, 1842, dau. of Jonathan Cummings, b. 7 July, 1794, and Clarissa Gould, b. 10 Sept., 1798.
She d. in Spring Valley, Minn., 11 Mar., 1899.
He was in the insurance and real estate business; was Treasurer of the town; is a member of the Congregational Church and a Republican; res. in Spring Valley.
Children, b. in Spring Valley.
14789 Ray Lee,10 b. 21 Feb., 1873; d. 19 Dec., same year.
14790 Milo Loomis,10 b. 15 Apr., 1875; m. in La Crosse, Wis., 6 Sept., 1900, Helma Hammer, b. in La Crosse, 6 Mar., 1877, dau. of Anton Ham-

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mer, b. 22 Mar., 1847, and Gena Sather, b. 13 Oct., 1852; he is a clerk; a Republican; res. in Spring Valley.
14791 Mentan Merrill,10 b. 22 Sept., 1876.
14792 Clara Eleanor,10 b. 6 Nov., 1878.

8031.   LUCIA HARRIET,9 dau. of Calvin8 (3334), b. 13 Dec., 1816; m. 14 Feb., 1837, Enos Potter, b. 13 July, 1815, son of Daniel Potter, b. in Litchfield Co., Conn., 13 Feb., 1779, and Rhoda Markham, b. in Litchfield Co., 13 Man, 1781.
She d. 2 Sept., 1896; he res. with his dau., Mrs. Wicks.
He was a farmer; res. in Paris, N. Y.
14793 David Henry Potter,10 b. 16 June, 1838; is unm.
14794 Susan Elizabeth Potter,10 b. 28 Mar., 1841; m. 1 Feb., 1860, John Bartlett Wicks, b. 9 June, 1836, son of Charles Wicks, b. 1811, and Caroline Munson, b. 1813; he is an Episcopal minister; rector of St. Paul's Church, Paris.
14795 Catherine Amelia Potter,10 b. 13 Mar., 1843; d. 9 Feb., 1845.

8033.   RUTH EDA,9 dau. of Calvin8 (3334), b. in Annsville, N. Y., 4 Sept., 1821; m. in Morrisville, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1839, Clark John Comstock, b. in Chuckery, N. Y., 26 June, 1815, son of Levi Comstock, b. 28 June, 1783, and Lucy Skinner, b. 4 Apr., 1786.
He d. in Gibbon, Neb., 17 July, 1896.
He was a farmer; res. in Oneida Co., N. Y., Lisbon and Gibson, Ill., and Gibbon, Neb. He was a Prohibitionist and later a Republican.
Children, b. in Clinton, N. Y.
14796 Melvina Maria Comstock,10 b. 7 Jan., 1841; m. in Clinton, 1 Sept., 1859, Henry Norman Barber; d. 1 Mar., 1865; he res. in Clinton.
14797 Elmer George Comstock,10 b. 13 Dec., 1843; m. in Mankato, Minn, 23 Jan., 1866, Eveline Eastman; she d. 1889; he res. in Gibbon.
14798 Henry Clark Comstock,10 b. 10 June, 1851; m. in Morris, Ill., 4 July, 1870, Rachel Mary Burgess; is a farmer; res. in Gibson.
14799 Ada Bertha Comstock,10 b. 18 Aug., 1854; m. in Lisbon, 26 Dec., 1877, George Washington Codner; he is a farmer; res. in Gibbon.
14800 Della Emma Cornstock,10 b. 10 July, 1857; m. in Gibson, 17 Mar., 1881, Jasper Darwin Leach; res. in Gibson and later in Gibbon.
14801 Charles Levi Comstock,10 b. 3 Jan., 1864; m. in Gibson, 24 Jan., 1885, Martha Maria Convis; is a farmer; res. in Gibson.

8034.   HENRY,9 son of Calvin8 (3334), b. 11 July, 1823; m. 27 Sept., 1843, 4 Jane Porter Clark, b. in New York Mills, N. Y., 10 May, 1826, dau. of Jeremiah Clark, b. in Adams, Mass., 7 Jan., 1790, and Elizabeth (Betsey) Tower, b. in Rutland, Mass., 20 Jan., 1792.
She d. in Morris, Ill., 20 Sept., 1864; he d. in Paris Hill, N. Y., 24 Mar., 1884.
He was a farmer; res. in Paris Hill.
14802 George Clark,10 b. 30 Aug., 1850; d. 27 June, 1853.
14803 Minnie Amelia,10 b. in Augusta, N. Y., 25 Jan., 1853; m. (1) Henry Karl Blakeslee; (2) James Matthew Boden.

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14804 Jennie,10 b. 20 June, 1855; d. 10 Apr., 1857.
14805 Frank,10 b. 13 Oct., 1859; d. 13 Oct., 1864.
14806 Nellie May,10 b. 1 Apr., 1862; d. 15 Oct., 1870.
14807 Jessie Jane,10 b. 17 May, 1864; was adopted by her uncle, William Clark, and was given his name.

8036.   GEORGE,9 son of Calvin8 (3334), b. 1 June, 1827; m. in Morrisville, N. Y., 8 Sept., 1850, Harriet M. Eastman, b. in Clinton, N. Y., 26 Oct., 1831, dau. of Amasa Eastman, b. in Clinton, 4 Feb., 1789, and Catherine Reagaines, b. in Johnstown, N. Y., 4 Mar., 1795.
He d. in Aurora, Ill., 18 Jan., 1897; she res. in Aurora.
He rem. to Illinois, 11 Jan., 1856; was a farmer and capitalist; res. in Newark, Ill.
14808 Wesley J.,10 b. 6 Sept., 1851; m. 12 Sept., 1874, Ida B. Bushnell, b. in Lisbon, Ill.; is a farmer; res. in Corning, Ia.
14809 A Son,10 b. 22 June, 1856.
14810 Josie A.,10 b. 20 Sept., 1862.
14811 Jennie B.,10 b. 10 Apr., 1865.
14812 Nina B.,10 b. 7 Mar., 1870.
14813 Herbert W.,10 b. 20 Apr., 1873.

8038.   JULIA ANN,9 dau. of Calvin8 (3334), b. 17 July, 1832; m. 2 July, 1852, James Lord.
She d. 3 May, 1857; he d. in Andersonville Prison, Georgia, during the war of the rebellion; was a soldier for the Union; enlisted in Co. M, Third Michigan Cavalry.
14814 Seth James Lord,10 b. 16 July, 1853; m. 8 Sept., 1875, Mary Bell Camp; res. in East Saginaw, Mich., and later in Huntsville, Ala.
14815 Helen Louisa Lord,10 b. Sept., 1854; was adopted by _______ Stebbins; res. in Utica, N. Y.

8039.   LOVINA,9 dau. of Calvin8 (3334), b. in Kirtland, N. Y., 10 Feb., 1836; m. 24 Nov., 1853, John Edward Elliott, b. in Marshall, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1821, son of Edward Elliott, b. in Guilford, Conn., 28 May, 1771, and Elizabeth (Betsey) Falrchild, b. 4 June, 1785.
He d. 6 July, 1880; she res. in Clinton, N. Y.
He was a dealer in iron ore; res. in Clinton.
14816 Frank Augustus Elliott,10 b. 21 Jan., 1855; m. 19 May, 1878, Annie Maria Carpenter, b. 8 Dec., 1861, dau. of Simeon Brown Carpen­ter, b. 14 Oct., 1830, and Helen Henderson, b. 25 Sept., 1829; is a bookkeeper in a bank in Clinton and a dealer in iron ore; res. in Clinton.
14817 George Edward Elliott,10 b. 7 June, 1862; d. 15 Feb., 1863.
14818 Edward Kellogg Elliott,10 b. 18 May, 1864; m. 10 Oct., 1888, Evalyn Armstrong, b. 18 Aug., 1864, dau. of Joseph Stone Armstrong, b. 13 Apr., 1840, and Marietta Singenfeltes, b. 13 Apr., 1845.

1240    The Kelloggs in the New World.

8053.   LOVINA,9 dau. of Henry Alonzo8 (3342), b. in Sauquoit, N. Y., 25 Dec., 1828; m. in Brookfield, N. Y., 17 Sept., 1849, Leonard J. Worden, b. in Clay­ville, N. Y., 28 June, 1826, son of Spencer Worden and Sophronia Dean.
They res. in Leonardsville, N. Y. He is an undertaker; a Baptist and a Prohibitionist.
14819 Clara Amelia Worden,10 b. in Willow Vale, N. Y., 11 May, 1850; m. in Brookfield, Feb., 1869, Sidney Langworthy; res. in Edmeston, N. Y.
14820 Arthur Melville Worden,10 b. in Utica, 20 Jan., 1854, b. in Burling­ton Flats, N. Y., 25 Feb., 1879, Delphine Shaul; res. in Ilion, N. Y.
14821 Edwin Leonard Worden,10 b. in Utica, 27 May, 1859; m. in Unadilla Forks, N. Y., 20 Aug., 1885, Clara B. Armstrong; res. in Leonards­ville.

8056.   WILLIAM HENRY,9 son of Henry Alonzo8 (3342), b. in Attica, N. Y., 4 Feb., 1838; m. in Leonardsville, N. Y., 12 Mar., 1859, Sabrina Coman, b. in Edmeston, N. Y., 11 July, 1841, dau. of Ezra Coman, b. 17 June, 1800, and Lydia Davis.
He was a shoemaker; res. in North Wilbraham, Mass. He was a soldier for the Union; enlisted 23 Sept., 1861, as a private in Co. A, First Reg., New York Light Artillery; was discharged 6 Apr., 1863; re-enlisted Sept., 1864, as Second Lieut. in Co. D, One Hundred and Eighty-ninth Infantry; was mustered out 30 May, 1865.
14822 Effie Arlina,10 b. 28 May, 1860; m. Richard Brown.
14823 Myrtie May,10 b. in Leonardsville, 19 Apr., 1866; m. (1) William Fred Russell; (2) John Henry Colon.
14824 Clara Eloise,10 b. in Leonardsville, 4 Nov., 1873; m. Francis Arthur Terrell.
14825 Arthur Duane,10 b. in Edmeston, N. Y., 29 Sept., 1875; d. in North Wilbraham, 26 Apr., 1898; was found dead between the tracks (opposite his father's house) of the Boston and Albany Railroad in North Wilbraham; it is supposed that he jumped from a moving train, having miscalculated its speed.
14826 Ethel Starr,10 b. in Holyoke, Mass., 14 Apr., 1883; is unm.
14827 Harold,10 b. in Holyoke, 14 Apr., 1883; d. there, 17 July, same year.

8057.   EDITH ANN,9 dau. of Henry Alonzo8 (3342), b. in Brookfield, N. Y., 22 Jan., 1844; m. in Brookfield, as his second Wife, 14 Nov., 1872, Herbert San­burn Dunklee, b. in Townshend, Vt, 10 Nov., 1847, son of Nelson Dunklee, b. 15 Oct., 1812, and Sarah Clarissa Doolittle, b. 26 Apr., 1819.
He is a mechanic; a farmer; a Baptist, and a Republican; res. in South Hadley, Mass.
14828 Leon Herbert Dunklee,10 b. in Holyoke, Mass, 25 July, 1875; is unm.

8059.   JOHN HIRAM,9 son of Hiram8 (3344), b. in Madison Co., N. Y., 19

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Mar., 1831; m. 17 Aug., 1863, Margaret Palmer, b. in Canada, 13 June, 1838, dau. of Benjamin Palmer, b. 1804, and Mary Ann Morgan.
She d. 25 Dec., 1887; he d. in Fort Wayne, Ind., 23 Dec., 1896.
14829 Ida May,10 b. 17 May, 1864; m. Clarence Angier Lloyde.
14830 Frank Seymour,10 b. in Valparaiso, Ind., 5 Oct., 1867; res., unm., in Chicago.

8063.   NANCY MARIA,9 dau. of Sylvanus8 (3348), b. in Rome, O., 12 Oct., 1824; m. near Bristol, Mich., 29 Feb., 1852, George Emerson, b. in Plymouth, O., 9 Feb., 1820, son of Avery Emerson and Sophronia _______.
He d. in Toledo, O., 28 July, 1887.
He was a Congregationalist; a Republican and a wholesale grocer; res. in Toledo.
14831 Alta Josephine Emerson,10 b. in Orland, Ind., 19 Aug., 1853; d. in An­gola, Ind., Oct., same year.
14832 Florence Isabella Emerson,10 b. in Angola, 19 Oct., 1855; m. Lawrence Newman; res. in Toledo.
14833 Isadore Emerson,10 b. in Angola, 16 June, 1861; d. Sept., same year.

8064.   ELIZABETH MINERVA,9 dau. of Sylvanus8 (3348), b. 8 Sept., 1827; m. 13 Nov., 1851, Peter Henwood, b. in Bellevue, O., 18 Oct., 1827.
She d. in Angola, Ind., 2 Nov., 1859; he m. (2) _______.
He is a farmer, a member of the Christian Church and a Republican; res. in Angola.
14834 George Henwood,10 b. 8 Oct., 1853; res. in Palouse, Wash.
14835 Sylvester Henwood,10 b. 8 July, 1855; d. 29 June, 1861.
14836 Isabel Henwood,10 b. 4 Apr., 1856; m. in Angola, Charles Newell Buck­land; res. in Washington, D. C.; had no children.

8065.   JOHN BELDING,9 son of Sylvanus8 (3348), b. in Richland Co., O., 27 Oct., 1829; m. in Elkhart, Ind., 26 Feb., 1852, Jane Davies, b. in Belmont Co., O., 29 Apr., 1830, dau. of James Davies, of Elkhart, b. 8 Jan., 1800, and Mary Ann Richardson, b. 7 Mar., 1810.
He is a hotel keeper; res. in Portland, Or.; is a Congregationalist; a Re­publican.
Children, b. in Washington Co., Or.
14837 Aida Jane,10 b. 23 Feb., 1857; m. 24 Dec., 1875, James Oriel Hawthorn; res. in Astoria, Or.
14838 Ernest Eugene,10 b. 27 Nov., 1860; m. Callie Knox.
14839 Melissa Ann,10 b. 28 May, 1862; m. Hugh Dennis Long.
14840 Franklin Elmer,10 b. 11 Nov., 1863; d. in Portland, 19 June, 1868.
14841 Charles Hubert,10 b. 2 Jan., 1866; d. in Portland, 12 June, 1868.

8068.   MARY JANE,9 dau. of Sylvanus8 (3348), b. in Rome, O., 14 June, 1836; m. in Angola, Ind., 2 Feb., 1858, Frederick Clark Chapin, b. in Wardsboro, Vt., son of Alexander Chapin, b. 30 May, 1805, and Cyrene Clark, b. 16 Feb., 1801.
He d. in Toledo, O., 25 Feb., 1895.

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He was a grain and commission merchant in Toledo; was a Presbyterian and a Republican.
14842 Alida Adell Chapin,10 b. in Angola, 27 Nov., 1858.
14843 James Emerson Chapin,10 b. in Angola, 13 Jan., 1861; d. there, 27 Dec., 1875.
14844 Cyrene Isabella Chapin,10 b. in Toledo, 2 July, 1870.
14845 Frederick Alexander Chapin,10 b. in Toledo, 13 May, 1873.

8076.   WALTER PARMELEE,9 son of Walter Watrous8 (3358), b. in Burdett, N. Y., 11 Mar., 1833; m. 13 Apr., 1858, Isabella Chapin, b. 3 May, 1837, dau. of Theodore Chapin, of Buffalo, N. Y.
She d. 2 Oct., 1873.
He was a hardware merchant; res. in Detroit, Mich.
14846 Isabella,10 b. 26 Dec., 1866.

8080.   ADELINE,9 dau. of Ulysses Dewey8 (3360), b. 23 Aug., 1828; m. 8 Sept., 1846, Daniel Earle, b. 24 Apr., 1823, son of Sylvanus Earle and Eunice Southgate.
She d. 10 Feb., 1863.
He was a lawyer; res. in Trumbull Co., O.
14847 Franklin Earle,10 b. 1 May, 1849; d. 12 Nov., 1856.
14848 Helen Earle,10 b. 12 Sept., 1851; m. Thomas I. Gillmer.
14849 Harry L. Earle,10 b. 5 Nov., 1854; m. Ella Z. Pratt.

8090.   ORLANDO,9 son of Rowland8 (3362), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 18 June, 1809; m. Polly Woodruff, b. 21 July, 1817, dau. of Roger Hooker Wood­ruff, b. 16 Oct., 1773, and Sally Healy Russel, of Lewis, N. Y., b. 18 Jan., 1780.
He d. in Elizabethtown, 24 Aug., 1865; she d. there, 28 Feb., 1884.
He was a lawyer; res. in Elizabethtown; was a member of Congress, 1838-39-40; was a Congregationalist and a Republican.
Children, b. in Elizabethtown.
14850 Cornelia A.,10 b. ______.
14851 Orlando,10 b. 1840; m. Helen Simonds.
14852 Sarah A.,10 b. ______.
14853 Rowland Case,10 b. 31 Dec., 1843; m. ______.
14854 Robert H.,10 b. ______.
14855 William R.,10 b. ______.
14856 Mary B.,10 b. ______.
14857 Rosa,10 b. Mar., 1849; d. in Elizabethtown, Mar., 1864.

8091.   ELIZA,9 dau. of Rowland8 (3362), b. in Panton, Vt., 30 July, 1811; m. Abijah Perry.
14858 Maryette Perry,10 b. ______; res. in Elizabethtown, N. Y.
14859 Milo C. Perry,10 b. ______; is District Attorney of Essex Co.; N. Y.; res. in Elizabethtown.

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8094.   LA FAYETTE,9 son of Rowland8 (3362), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 1 Feb., 1819; m. (1) in Cottage Grove, Wis., 12 Oct., 1843, Rosa Ormsby Catlin, b. in Shoreham, Vt., 11 Dec., 1824, dau. of Horatio Catlin, b. 15 Oct., 1801, and Arvilla Mary Farr, b. 16 Nov., 1803.
She d. in Madison, Wis., 29 Oct., 1863; he m. ( 2) in Vergennes, Vt., 29 May, 1865, Helen Rosamond Adams, b. 31 Aug., 1835, dau. of Henry Adams, b. 6 Dec., 1806, and Julia Ann Newel, b. 21 July, 1814. She was a sister of Julia A. Adams, who m. Clarence O. Kellogg (+14860).
He d. in Madison, 4 June, 1878.
He rem. to Wisconsin and became Deputy Clerk of the Territorial Supreme Court, 18 July, 1839, and Clerk of the Court in 1840. Upon the formation of the State Government in 1848 he was appointed Deputy Clerk; and upon the reorganization of the court, 1 June, 1853, was appointed its Clerk, and held the office until his death, his service extending over thirty-nine years. He was a Re­publican.
Children by first wife, b. in Madison.
14860 Clarence Orlando,10 b. 25 May, 1844; m. Julia Ann Adams.
14861 Daughter,10 b. 24 June, 1846; d. 25 Sept., same year.
14862 Edward Catlin,10 b. 27 Nov., 1848; m. Jane Edna Henry.
14863 Charles Dunn,10 b. 8 Aug., 1851; d. 2 Oct., 1852.
14864 Charles La Fayette,10 b. 14 Feb., 1858; m. in St. Paul, Minn., 19 Oct., 1898, Marion Elma Ellithorp, dau. of Archibald McMartin Ellithorp; res. in St. Paul.
14865 Caroline Rosa,10 b. 14 Feb., 1858; m. Brigham Bliss.
Child by second wife.
14866 Helen Julia,10 b. 22 Nov., 1872; res. in Madison.

8112.   HARRIET,9 dau. of William8 (3366), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 21 Aug., 1815; m. 31 Dec., 1832, Ezekiel Palmer, b. in Chimney Point, Vt., 12 Feb., 1810, son of John Palmer and Ann Harriman.
He d. in Long Lake, N. Y.
He was a farmer, a Baptist, a Whig and later a Republican; res. in Viola Center; Minn, and later in Long Lake, where she later res. with her dau., Eunice.
14867 Ransom James Palmer,10 b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 21 Aug., 1836; m. 6 Nov., 1859, in Long Lake, Mary Jane Shaw; res. in Viola.
14868 Cyrus Hale Palmer,10 b. in Elizabethtown, 30 May, 1845; m. in Long Lake, Emily Robinson; d. in Long Lake, Nov., 1897.
14869 Lurinda Palmer,10 b. in Long Lake, 11 Jan., 1854; m. there, Milton H. Barnes; res. in Veblen, S. D.
14870 Eunice Palmer,10 b. in Long Lake, 18 Oct., 1856; m. there, David Gates Helms; res. in Long Lake.

8113.   CYRUS HALE,9 son of William8 (3366), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 13 Feb., 1819; m. (1) Feb., 1846, Jane Ann Williams.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 16 Mar., 1858, Christina Darnburgh, b. 13 Aug., 1829, dau. of John Darnburgh and Sarah _______; d. 4 Apr., 1879; she res. in Long Lake, N. Y.
He rem. about 1847 to St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., where he was a wheelwright.
In 1855 he rem. to Long Lake, where he kept a boarding house for sportsmen.

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Child by first wife.
14871 Samuel Hale,10 b. ______; d. in Long Lake.
Children by second wife.
14872 William Benedict,10 b. in Long Lake, 19 July, 1861; m. Kate Jordan.
14873 Henry Darnburgh,10 b. in Long Lake, 5 Jan., 1863; m. (1) Kate Callahan; (2) Margaret Gaynor.
14874 Cecil Clay,10 b. 30 Mar., 1864; m. (1) in Long Lake, 29 Mar., 1888, Minta Hall, b. in Long Lake, dau. of Lysander Hall and Harriet Keller, of Long Lake; she d. in-Long Lake, 18 Sept., 1893; he m. (2) in Long Lake, 30 Aug., 1896, Daisy Scott, b. in Moriah, N. Y., 3 Mar., 1877, dau. of Charles Scott and Ellen Wise, of Moriah; is a teamster; res. in Long Lake; has no children.

8114.   PHILANDER,9 son of William,8 (8366), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 8 Sept., 1821; m. (1) Elizabeth (Betsey) Keller.
She d. ______; he m. (2) Sarah Miles; d. 8 Dec., 1855; she rem. to Illinois.
He was a millwright; res. in Long Lake and St. Lawrence Co., N. Y.
14875 Amanda Lee,10 b. 8 June, 1848; m. Henry Stanton.
14876 Everett,10 b. 1851.
14877 Francis,10 b. 1854; d. 1855.

8115.   ASA FARNSWORTH,9 son of William8 (3366), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 4 May, 1823; m. (1) 8 Nov., 1848, Hannah West.
She d. 18 Dec., 1851; he m. (2) 8 Feb., 1854, Abigail Billings, of Crary's Mills, N. Y., b. 17 Sept., 1826, dau. of Chileab Billings, b. 23 Aug., 1796, and Rachel Hawley Cutting, b. 20 Oct., 1801; d. in Ocala, Fla., 24 Dec., 1893.
He was a farmer. In 1839 he rem. from Essex, N. Y., to Indiana, from there in 1845 to Long Lake, N. Y.; thence in Oct., 1865, to Elgin, Minn., and from there to Ocala, Fla.
Child by first wife.
14878 Frederick Asa,10 b. in Minerva, N. Y., 4 Dec., 1851; m. Amy Fanny Bird.
Children by second wife.
14879 Frank Billings,10 b. in Potsdam, N. Y., 22 Dec., 1856; m. in Roch­ester, Minn., 16 June, 1886, Clara May Cook, b. in Rochester, 30 Dec., 1861, dau. of George Clinton Cook, b. in Elmore, Vt., 12 Dec., 1828, and Eliza Burns, b. 13 Jan., 1839; is a lawyer; res. in St. Paul, Minn.; has no children.
14880 Philip,10 b. 17 Sept., 1859, in Long Lake, N. Y., res., unm., in Ocala.
14881 Jean,10 b. in Long Lake, 31 Dec., 1864; m. John Lindsey Austin.

8116.   REV. IRA PHELPS,9 son of William8 (3366), b. in Elizabethtown; N. Y., 23 June, 1824; m. (1) 9 Dec., 1847, Lydia Cordelia West, b. in Miner, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1819, dau. of Lenox Titus West, b. 5 Sept., 1789, and Anna Gales, b. 16 Aug., 1794.
She d. in Monkton, Vt., 20 Jan., 1870; he m. (2) in Hinesburg, Vt., 21 Dec., 1872, Mercy Hannah Bostwick, b. in Hinesburg, 23 Jan., 1840, dau. of Milton

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Gaylord Bostwick, b. in Hinesburg, 3 June, 1807, and Maria Rebecca Green, b. in Waterbury, Vt., 4 Aug., 1815.
He is a Baptist clergyman; res. in West Cornwall, Vt., and later in Monk­ton, Vt.
Children by first wife, b. in Minerva, N. Y.
14882 Ruby Ann,10 b. 12 Mar., 1850; m. Albert Noble Baldwin.
14883 Elizabeth Jane,10 b. 10 Mar., 1852; m. Cassius Clay Sears.
14884 Benoni Francis,10 b. 22 Jan., 1856; m. Elizabeth Emma Manning.
Child by second wife.
14885 Ira Phelps,10 b. 14 Oct., 1882.

8117.   ORSON,9 son of William8 (3366), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 30 Aug., 1827; m. 29 Sept., 1848, Eunice West, b. 17 May, 1830, dau. of Lenox Titus West, b. 5 Sept., 1789, and Anna Gates, b. 16 Aug., 1794.
He is a farmer; res. in Minerva, N. Y.
Children, b. in Minerva.
14886 William Lenox,10 b. 27 Oct., 1850; m. 15 July, 1879, Mrs. Julia (Baker) Rice, b. in Chestertown, N. Y., 23 Nov., 1843, dau. of Thomas Baker, b. 8 July, 1810, and Eunice Clunis, b. 14 July, 1813; was a farmer and a Republican; res. in Minerva; had no children.
14887 Rhoda Elizabeth,10 b. 29 Nov., 1853; m. George Henry Stewart.
14888 Rocena Jane,10 b. 5 July, 1855; m. Leonard Brown.
14889 Emily Frances,10 b. 30 May, 1858; m. Sidney Fuller Rounds.
14890 Walter,10 b. ______; d. 22 Apr., 1860.
14891 Ashley Tupper,10 b. 25 July, 1860; m. Carrie Bissell.
14892 Orson Ellsworth,10 b. 5 Jan., 1864; m. Anna McGinn.
14893 Orin West,10 b. 3 Oct., 1869; res., unm., in Minerva; is a teamster and a Republican.
14894 Lillian Agnes,10 b. 19 June, 1871; m. in Minerva, 17 Aug., 1896, Chester Truman Mitchell, b. 16 Oct., 1868, son of William Mitchell, b. 20 May, 1826, and Katherine Fairfield, b. 25 Aug., 1830; he is a farmer, a Baptist and a Republican; res. in Minerva.

8124.   JANE A.,9 dau. of Valentine8 (3368), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 10 July, 1827; m. 19 July, 1855, William R. Codman, b. 11 Mar., 1816, son of _______ Codman and Sally Green.
He d. _______, in Elgin, Minn.; she d. in St. Charles, Minn., 23 Oct., 1883.
14895 Jennie Codman,10 b. in Schroon, N. Y., 2 Apr., 1856; res. in Winona, Minn.
14896 Dillie Codman,10 b. in Schroon, 17 Jan., 1859.
14897 William Codman,10 b. in St. Charles, 24 May, 1868.

8125.   LEOLINE VALENTINE,9 son of Valentine8 (3368), b. 7 Oct., 1829; m. in Noble Corners, N. Y., 13 Aug., 1853, Mray Riley West, b. in Johnsburg, N. Y., 26 Aug., 1836, dau. of Leander L. West, b. 10 Aug., 1814, and Alta Davis.
He was a private in Co. B, Sixteenth New York Heavy Artillery; enlisted

1246    The Kelloggs in the New World.

16 Dec., 1863; was discharged 18 May, 1865; is a Baptist and a Republican; res. in Wheaton, Ill.
14898 Estella,10 b. in Minerva, N. Y., 2 July, 1855; d. in Winona, Minn., in Sept., 1872.
14899 Idella,10 b. in Minerva, 10 Aug., 1858; m. Fred Mark Towne.
14900 Julia Etta,10 b. in Minerva, 23 July, 1862; m. in Ree Heights, S. D., 23 Dec., 1891, Albert Curtiss Moses; res. in Harvey, Ill.; has no children.
14901 Alta Luena,10 b. in Minerva, 8 Feb., 1866; m. George Moore.
14902 Mary Frances,10 b. in Troy, Minn., 17 Mar., 1870.
14903 William Merton,10 b. in Walnut Grove, Minn., 29 June, 1873.
14904 Mabel Vera,10 b. in Winona, 1 June, 1877.
14905 Frank Lee,10 b. in Walnut Grove, 13 Mar., 1881.

8126.   LUENA REBEKAH,9 dau. of Valentine8 (3368), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 26 Jan., 1833; m. in Minerva, N. Y., 15 Oct., 1853, John Townsend Miller, b. 25 June, 1834, in Minerva, son of Richard Miller, b. 24 Mar., 1780, and Deborah Pierce, b. 23 Dec., 1796.
He d. in Minerva, 6 Mar., 1899; she res. in Elizabethtown.
He was a farmer, a Baptist and a Republican; was a private in Co. C, Ninety-third Reg., New York Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 27 Sept., 1861; was dis­charged June, 1865.
14906 Ella Mary Miller,10 b. in Minerva, 8 Aug., 1856; m. in Elizabethtown, 24 Nov., 1875, Mason Harry Partridge; res. in New York City; had four children.

8127.   ELIZA LEE,9 dau. of Valentine8 (3368), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 27 Dec., 1836; m. in Minerva, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1860, Richard Norman Miller, b. in Minerva, 4 Dec., 1836, son of Richard Miller, b. 24 Mar., 1780, and Deborah Pierce, b. 23 Dec., 1796.
He is a dealer in pianos, organs and sewing machines; res. in St. Charles, Minn.; was a private in the Sixteenth New York Heavy Artillery in the civil war; is a Baptist and a Republican.
14907 Richard Townsend Miller,10 b. in Pottersville, N. Y., 16 May, 1862; m. in Winona, Minn., 6 Jan., 1889, Rose Persons; res. in Waseca, Minn.
14908 Mary Genevra Miller,10 b. in Minerva, 15 Feb., 1864; m. in St. Charles, 7 Nov., 1884, Elmer C. Dow; res. in Northfield, Minn.
14909 Louise Evangeline Miller,10 b. in Minerva, 10 Sept., 1866; m. in St. Charles, 10 Feb., 1887, Leonard H. Keep; res. in St. Charles.
14910 Arthur Charles Miller,10 b. in Utica, Minn., 21 Sept., 1878.
14911 William Eugene Miller,10 b. in St. Charles, 27 Dec., 1880.

8128.   CLARA WALDRON,9 dau. of Valentine8 (3368), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 24 Aug., 1839; m. in Crown Point, N. Y., 28 Mar., 1864, John Ashley Tupper, b. in Glen's Falls, N. Y., 15 July, 1839, son of Horace Tupper and Hannah West.

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He is a farmer, a Baptist and a Republican; res. in West Fort Ann, N. Y.; served in Co. C, Ninety-third New York Volunteers in the civil war; enlisted in Sept., 1861; was discharged 27 June, 1865.
14912 Fred Horace Tupper,10 b. in Minerva, N. Y., 16 July, 1866; m. in Albany, N. Y., 16 Jan., 1889, Margaret Knapp; res. in Crescent, N. Y.
14913 Frank Tupper,10 b. in Minerva, 25 Apr., 1868; d. 16 Oct., same year.
14914 Eva Marie Tupper,10 b. in Minerva, 2 Oct., 1869; m. in Whitehall, N. Y., 26 Mar., 1891, Horace David Tupper; res. in Watervliet, N. Y.
14915 Scott Wesley Tupper,10 b. in Minerva, 10 Feb., 1872; m. in West Fort Ann, 19 Jan., 1898, Ella A. Palmer; res. in Crescent.
14916 Nellie May Tupper,10 b. in St. Charles, Minn., 10 Aug., 1876; m. in West Fort Ann, 5 Oct., 1898, Alvin Le Roy Woodruff; res. in Sandy Hill, N. Y.
14917 Clara Belle Tupper,10 b. in St. Charles, 20 Mar., 1878; d. in Gales, Minn., 15 Mar., 1880.
14918 Archibald Lee Tupper,10 b. in Gales, 4 May, 1881.
14919 Lily Belle Tupper,10 b. in Gales, 18 Nov., 1883.

8130.   EVA,9 dau. of Valentine8 (3368), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1845; m. in Walnut Grove, Minn., 4 Sept., 1879, Samuel A. Longnecker, b. 17 Feb., 1842, son of John Longnecker, b. 1818, and Elizabeth Bowman.
He is an elevator Worker; a Presbyterian and a Republican; served as a private in Co. C, Sixtieth Ohio Reg., in the civil war; enlisted 19 Nov., 1861; was discharged 10 Nov., 1862; res. in Albert Lea, Minn.
14920 Lillian Madge Longnecker,10 b. in Walnut Grove, 10 May, 1881.
14921 Bell Blanche Longnecker,10 b. in Morgan, Minn., 8 Jan., 1884.
14922 Roy Samuel Longnecker,10 b. in Morgan, 22 Aug., 1885; d. there, Nov., same year.
14923 Harry Guy Longnecker,10 b. in Morgan, 14 Oct., 1887.

8137.   SARAH COTTON,9 dau. of Theron,8 (8370), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 29 Nov., 1829; m. in Burton, O., 11 Oct., 1853, Nicholas O. Silvernail, b. in Troy, O., 4 Apr., 1833, son of Henry Silvernail and Susan Hoard.
They res. in Williams, Ia.
14924 Charles Henry Silvernail,10 b. in Troy, 18 July, 1854; m. in Williams, 5 July, 1877, Lena Mann; res. in Rose Grove, Ia.
14925 Emma Jane Silvernail,10 b. in Buckeye, Ia., 14 July, 1860; m. in Wil­liams, 30 Sept., 1884, Charles Jackson; res. in Rush City, Minn.
14926 Cora Janette Silvernail,10 b. in Rose Grove, 11 Nov., 1868; m. in Alden, Ia., 12 Dec., 1895, George Thomas; res. in Alden.

8138.   MARY ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Theron8 (3370), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1831; m. in Buckeye, Ia., as his second wife, Stephen Lewis Love­land, b. in Wolcott, Conn., 2 Apr., 1829, son of Miles Loveland, b. 3 Oct., 1795, and Susan Pierson, b. 1768.

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She d. in Marshalltown, Ia., 8 June, 1864; he m. (3) her sister, Maria Jane Kellogg (8139).
They res. in Cedar Rapids, Ia.
14927 Franklin Kellogg Loveland,10 b. 1 Jan., 1859; m. 1 Jan., 1880, Vic­toria M. Nelson; res. in Dows, Ia.
14928 Harriet Jane Loveland,10 b. in St. Charles, Minn., 16 Dec., 1862; m. 1 Sept., 1880, Frank W. Cornell; res. in Cedar Rapids.

8142.   RYERSON EDGARTON,9 son of Theron8 (3370), b. in Troy, O., 8 June, 1841; m. (1) in Vernon, Ia., 31 Mar., 1869, Mary Amelia Smith, b. in Cape Vincent, N. Y., 31 Mar., 1852, dau. of William Smith, b. 7 Apr., 1820, and Mary Enos Wilson, b. 17 May, 1822.
She d. in Alden, Ia., 3 Nov., 1879; he m. (2) in Rose Grove, Ia., 1 Dec., 1880, Josephine Arrilla Borland, b. in Niagara Co., N. Y., 23 Mar., 1856, dau. of Andrew Davidson Borland, b. 6 Mar., 1827, and Rose Ann Hutchinson, b. 1 Jan., 1830.
He is a farmer and a breeder of live stock; res. in Alden; served as a private in the civil war in Co. A, Twelfth Iowa Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 2 Oct., 1861; was discharged 20 Jan., 1866; was in the battles of Fort Donelson, Shiloh (where he was captured and imprisoned for six months), Jackson, Miss., siege of Vicksburg, siege of Jackson, battle of Nashville and the siege of Spanish Fort, Ala.
Children by first wife, b. in Alden.
14929 Myrtle May,10 b. 4 Mar., 1870; m. George Alexander Barhite.
14930 Ethel Viola,10 b. 4 Sept., 1872; m. Eugene Franklin Walton.
14931 Mabel Lucy,10 b. 23 Jan., 1874; m. Harvey Grant Walton.
Children by second wife, b. in Vernon.
14932 Theron Edgarton,10 b. 30 Aug., 1883.
14933 Ryerson Earl,10 b. 29 July, 1885.
14934 Lurinda Rose,10 b. 10 Mar., 1888.
14935 Arrilla Demris,10 b. 14 May, 1890.
14936 Elta Irene,10 b. 27 Aug., 1894.

8143.   ARZA PHELPS,9 son of Theron8 (3370), b. in Parkman, O., 2 Nov., 1843; m. in Vernon, Ia., 18 Apr., 1870, Harriet Maria Smith, b. in Jefferson Co., N. Y., 11 Jan., 1850, dau. of William Smith, b. 7 Apr., 1820, and Mary Enos Wilson, b. 17 May, 1822.
He is a farmer, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Alden, Ia.
Children, all except second, b. in Buckeye, Ia.
14937 Orson Arza,10 b. 29 Dec., 1870; took a four years' course in medicine; the first three years at Ann Arbor, Mich., and the fourth at Rush Medical College, Chicago, where he graduated 1899; is now prac­ticing medicine in Blairsburg, Ia.
14938 Clara Etta,10 b. in Alden, 22 Sept., 1873; m. Samuel Wilson Ben­shoop.
14939 Marcia Annetta,10 b. 23 Nov., 1875; was graduated from Ellsworth College, Iowa Falls, 1888; taught school in Providence, Ia., for two years; is unm.
14940 Phelps Almond,10 b. 23 Dec., 1877.
14941 Beulah,10 b. 21 Jan., 1884; is attending Ellsworth College.

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8158.   SARAH REBECCA,9 dau. of Lorenzo8 (3392), b. in Champlain, N. Y., 4 Jan., 1825; m. 4 Jan., 1849, William T. Crook, b. 16 June, 1824.
14942 William Crook,10 b. 1 May, 1850.
14943 Caroline Frances Crook,10 b. 26 Sept., 1851.
14944 Ella May Crook,10 b. 18 Feb., 1853.
14945 Thomas Crook,10 b. 25 Apr., 1855.
14946 John Henry Crook,10 b. 6 Aug., 1857.
14947 Charles Crook,10 b. 6 Mar., 1859.
14948 Ralph Crook,10 b. 10 Jan., 1861.
14949 Sarah Crook,10 b. 11 Sept., 1862.
14950 Frank Howard Crook,10 b. 15 Aug., 1864.
14951 Helen Elizabeth Crook,10 b. 1 Nov., 1866.

8159.   OLINDA CLEMENTINE,9 dau. of Lorenzo8 (3392), b. in Champlain, N. Y., 5 Oct., 1827; m. 20 Jan., 1848, Judge George Rice Willett, b. 11 Nov., 1826, son of Mahlon Willett, of Lacodie and Chambly, Canada, b. 1798, and Mar­garet Cooper, b. 1803.
He d. Dec., 1898; she d. in Decorah, Ia., 4 Apr., 1900.
He was a soldier in the civil war; enlisted 1861 in Co. D, Third Iowa Reg.
He was a lawyer; a State Senator; a County Judge; was graduated from the Albany Law School, 1856; was a Congregationalist; res. in Decorah.
14952 Mahlon Willett,10 b. in Chambly, Canada, 14 Feb., 1849; m. in San Jose, Cal., 29 July, 1879, Anna Wood; is pastor of the First Con­gregational Church; res. in Decorah.
14953 Norman Willett,10 b. in Chambly, 15 Aug., 1853; m. in Santa Cruz, Cal., 6 Feb., 1894, Anna L. Wilmke; she d. in Chicago, 25 Jan., 1895; he m. (2) in Huron, S. D., 28 June, 1899, Clara Goddard; res. in Decorah.
14954 George Willett,10 b. in Champlain, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1857; is pastor of the First Methodist Church; res. in Morris, Minn.
14955 William Willett,10 b. in Decorah, 31 May, 1865.
14956 Ernest Willett,10 b. in Decorah, 20 June, 1869; d. in Berlin, Germany, 22 Feb., 1895.

8160.   NORMAN AUGUSTINE MOORE,9 son of Lorenzo8 (3392), b. in Champlain, N Y., 13 Feb., 1829; m. (1) in Rouse's Point, N. Y., 8 Sept., 1857, Octavia Yale, b. 5 Nov., 1835, dau. of Moses Yale, of Rouse's Point, b. 9 Nov., 1785, and Hannah Leonard.
She d. in Paw Paw, Ill., 13 Mar., 1868; he m. (2) in Champlain, 5 May, 1869, Louisa Augusta Dunning, b. in Champlain, 3 Oct., 1839, dau. of John Nichols Dunning, b. 26 Mar., 1810, and Adaline Ransom, b. 29 June, 1812; d. in Fillmore, Cal., 26 July, 1897.
He was a farmer, a Presbyterian and a Republican until 1894, and then was a Populist; res. in Fillmore, Cal.; at the age of 19 he rem. to Shoreham, Vt.; thence to Illinois; thence across the plains to California in 1852, and returned to Illinois; again rem. to California and res. in Fillmore until his death.
Children, b. in Paw Paw.
14957 Inez,10 b. 2 Nov., 1858; m. Thomas Arundell.

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14958 Ida,10 b. 21 Dec., 1860; m. George Richardson.
14959 Mary,10 b. 2 June, 1863; d. in Rouse's Point, N. Y., 23 Oct., same year.
14960 Olinda,10 b. 5 Apr., 1865.
14961 Yale,10 b. 12 Apr., 1867; d. in Paw Paw, 16 Apr., 1890.
14962 John Lorenzo,10 b. 25 Oct., 1871; d. unm., 31 May, 1899; res. in Fillmore.
14963 Octavia Adaline,10 b. 26 July, 1874; m. Glen Calvin Goodenough.

8162.   BRAINARD,9 son of Lorenzo8 (3392), b. in Champlain, N. Y., 15 Aug., 1834; m. in Middlebury, Vt., 19 Aug., 1862, Julia Rogers Cutler, b. in Middle­bury, 2 Dec., 1834, dau. of George W. Cutler and Julia Rogers.
He is a teacher; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y.; was graduated from Middlebury College, Vt., A. B., A. M., LL. D., and is a professor of English literature and language in the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute; is a member of Plymouth Church; is a Republican.
Children, b. in Middlebury.
14964 Frederick Rogers,10 b. 6 May, 1867; was graduated from Brooklyn Polytechnic and Collegiate Institute, 1884; from Columbia Law School, 1888; is a lawyer; is one of the law firm of Kellogg & Beckwith, of New York City; is unm.
14965 Julia Rogers,10 b. 18 Sept., 1871; m. Samuel Vilas Beckwith.

8163.   HON. SYLVESTER ALONZO,9 son of Lorenzo8 (3392), b. in Cham­plain, N. Y., 15 May, 1838; m. in Champlain, 5 Sept., 1866, Susan Elizabeth Averill, b. 27 June, 1847, dau. of James Averill, b. about 1827, and Jeannette Evans, b. about 1827.
He is a lawyer; res. in Plattsburg, N. Y.; went to Nevada (then Utah Ter­ritory), in 1860; res. near Virginia City; was elected, in 1864, to the first Senate of the State. In 1866 he returned to Champlain. In 1876 he was District Attor­ney for Clinton Co., N. Y.; from 1882 to 1891 was County Judge; was elected a Justice of the Supreme Court of New York in 1891; later was appointed on the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, Fourth Department.
14966 Ralph Averill,10 b. 4 Sept., 1867; m. 25 Aug., 1896, Ellen Kemp Chester, dau. of Rev. Albert Tracy Chester and Elizabeth Stanley, Harvard; was graduated from Harvard University, A. B., 1888; A. M., 1891, and from the Harvard Law School, LL.B cum laud; he is a lawyer; res. in Buffalo, N. Y.
14967 Henry Theodore,10 b. 29 Aug., 1869; was graduated from Harvard University, 1889, cum laud; from 1889 to '92 attended Harvard Law School, LL. B.; he is a United States Judge in the Court of Bankruptcy, Plattsburg; is unm.
14968 George Casper,10 b. 21 Sept., 1871; m. Grace Vernon Olyphant.
14969 Augusta,10 b. 18 Feb., 1876; m. 1 July, 1896, William Bowditch Rogers; res. in Boston, Mass.

8164.   THEODORE BURDICK,9 son of Lorenzo8 (3392) , b. in Champlain, N. Y., 12 Dec., 1839; m. in Rochester, Minn., 1873, Mary J. Bradley, b. in Crys­tal Lake, Ill., 28 June, 1850, dau. of James Thornton Bradley, b. 1819; and Lozette Chamberlain Thomas, b. Apr., 1820, of Rochester, Minn.

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He d. in Rochester, 27 Nov., 1882.
He was a Sergt. in Berdan's Co. of Sharpshooters, which was attached to the First Minnesota Volunteers, from 1861, to '64. He was a retail boot and shoe merchant in Rochester; attended the Universalist Church.
14970 Karl Bradley,10 b. in Rochester, 1 Aug., 1879; res. in Minneapolis, Minn.

8165.   CYRUS HENDERSON,9 son of Lorenzo8 (3392), b. in Champlain, N. Y., 11 Mar., 1843; m. in Rochester, Minn., 14 Aug., 1866, Julia Caroline Olds, b. in Carlinville, Ill., 25 Nov., 1846, dau. of Frederick Augustus Olds, b. in Vermont, 1809, and Elizabeth A. Lincoln, b. in New Jersey, 17 July, 1817.
He is a wholesale shoe merchant; res. in St. Paul, Mixing in religion he is a Unitarian. He was a Union soldier; enlisted May 1860, as Sergt., in Co. D, Thirty-fourth Reg., New York Volunteers; was discharged June, 1863.
Children, b. in Rochester, Minn.
14971 Ella May,10 b. 15 May, 1867.
14972 Frederick Lorenzo,10 b. 13 Nov., 1868; m. in St. Paul, 1 June, 1896, Jeanne Lucille Wemott, b. 15 Nov., 1868, dau. of Stephen Smith Wemott, b. 1831, and Abigail Elvira Woodworth, b. 1840; is a wholesale shoe merchant; res. in St. Paul; was graduated from the Law School of Minnesota State University; has no children.
14973 Claran,10 b. 1 Aug., 1870.
14974 Lee Olds,10 b. 7 Mar., 1881.

8180.   DWIGHT,9 son of Alpheus8 (3405), b. in Moravia, N. Y., 25 Mar., 1820; m. in Elba, N. Y., 28 Nov., 1843, Edna Shorey, b. in Dansville, N. Y.
She d. in Herman, Mo., 10 July, 1853.
He is a harness maker; res. in North Fairfield, O. He served in the civil war as Capt. of Co. E, One Hundred and Twenty-third Reg., Ohio Volunteer In­fantry; enlisted 10 June, 1862; was discharged 12 June, 1865.
14975 Emma Edna,10 b. in Clarendon, N. Y., 20 Oct., 1848; m. in Fairfield, O., 20 Apr., 1869, H. C. Burwell; res. in Quincy, Mich.

8182.   DORWIN,9 son of Alpheus8 (3405), b. in Moravia, N. Y., 11 June, 1822; m. (1) 4 July, 1844, Harriet McLean, b. Oct., 1824, dau. of William McLean.
She d. in Clarendon, N. Y., 1 Sept., 1851; he m. (2) 22 Mar., 1854, Eliza Ann Dutcher, b. in Nassau, N. Y., 2 Mar., 1831, dau. of Platt Dutcher, b. in Dover, N. Y., 13 Sept., 1799, and Priscilla Enos, b. in New Lebanon, N. Y., 9 July, 1802.
Children by second wife.
14976 George Antsy Snook Tucker,10 b. in Mt. Clemens, 5 June, 1851; is a carpenter; res. in Mt. Clemens.
14977 Caroline Corrine,10 b. in Clarendon, 27 Oct., 1854; m. _______, in Mt. Clemens, Mich., 15 May, 1873.
14978 Harriet Euza,10 b. in Litchfield, Mich., 15 Aug., 1856; m. in Mt. Clemens, 5 July, 1875, George C. Godfrey, b. 25 Apr., 1851; he is a tinsmith.
14979 Cynthia Anna,10 b. in Jonesville, Mich., 30 May, 1866.

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8195.   ALFRED RILEY,9 son of Calvin8 (3408), b. in Freedom, N. Y., 14 Sept., 1831; m. 1 June, 1851, Mariette Bannister, b. in Caneadea, N. Y., 31 May, 1831, dau. of Pliny Bannister and Abigail Whitcher, of Caneadea.
He d. in Caneadea, 31 Oct., 1889; she d. there, 9 June, 1896.
He was a farmer; res. in Caneadea; enlisted for the civil war, but was dis­charged before going into service; was a Methodist and a Prohibitionist.
Children, b. in Caneadea.
14980 Flora,10 b. 24 July, 1853; m. Arthur Franklin Beach.
14981 Ida Permelia,10 b. 20 Aug., 1855; m. Julius W. Hanenstein.
14982 Mary Belle,10 b. 27 Feb., 1858; m. Norton A. Lane.
14983 Henry Calvin,10 b. 5 Sept., 1861; m. Rose Bell Wier.
14984 Albert Pliny,10 b. 26 Oct., 1863; m. Floy Teen Taylor.
14985 Arthur Tyrell,10 b. 9 Mar., 1869; m. in Rushford, N. Y., 3 Oct., 1893, Grace M. White, b. in Cuba, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1869, dau. of Fernando F. White, b. 1 June, 1832, and Ellen Hurly, b. 10 May, 1839, of Black Creek, N. Y., is a farmer and a Prohibitionist; res. on his father's farm in Caneadea; has one child.
14986 Walter Riley,10 b. 24 Mar., 1871; d. 4 Feb., 1880.
14987 Mary Grace,10 b. 26 Feb., 1873; m. Merritte Parker.
14988 Dwight Sunderland,10 b. 23 June, 1875; d. 17 Feb., 1880.

8196.   CORNELIUS L.,9 son of Calvin8 (3408), b. in Freedom, N. Y., 26 Mar., 1834; m. in Fillmore, N. Y., 3 Oct., 1858, Betsey B. Bacon, b. 4 Oct., 1835, dau. of Jesse Bacon, of Caneadea, N. Y., b. 12 Sept., 1796, and Catherine Harris, b. 25 July, 1803.
He is a head sawyer, a Methodist and a Prohibitionist; res. in Oramel, N. Y.
14989 Augusta Eunice,10 b. in Caneadea, 14 May, 1861; m. in Caneadea, 21 Nov., 1883, Will Harvey Whitcomb, b. in Union, Pa., 19 Dec., 1859, son of John Norton Whitcomb, b. 1826, and Armenia Tidd, b. 8 Sept., 1834, of Wellsville, N. Y., he was a railroad man, a Baptist and a Republican; res. in Oramel; had no children.
14990 Carrie,10 b. in Rushford, N. Y., 6 Apr., 1863; d. in Caneadea, 28 Sept., 1886.
14991 Orlena,10 b. in Caneadea, 14 Oct., 1873 5 d. in Cuba, N. Y., 5 July, 1879.

8197.   HIRAM,9 son of Calvin8 (3408), b. in Sandusky, N. Y., 8 Apr., 1836; m. in Warsaw, N. Y., 1 July, 1865, Sophia Clarissa Chaffee, b. in Attica, N. Y., 29 Mar., 1839, dau. of William Cady Chaffee, b. 2 Sept., 1813, and Caroline Polly Swan, b. 16 Nov., 1816.
He is a farmer and market gardener; res. in Rushford, N. Y.; is a Pro­hibitionist.
14992 Philander Harrison,10 b. in Rushford, 13 June, 1868; is a photo­grapher in Rushford, Cuba and Fillmore, N. Y., res., unm., in Cuba; is a Presbyterian and a Prohibitionist.

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8198.   AARON DEMERY,9 son of Calvin8 (3408), b. in Eden, N. Y., 26 Aug., 1838; m. in Oramel, N. Y., 25 Dec., 1864, Loduyska Dutton, b. in Eagle, N. Y., 26 July, 1848, dau. of Amos E. Dutton, b. 12 Aug., 1799, and Rhodamia. Elliot, b. 16 Feb., 1819.
He is a farmer, a Baptist and a Prohibitionist; res. in Rushford, N. Y.
14993 Dora Parmelia,10 b. in Rushford, 3 Sept., 1865; m. Newell Henry Shoe.
14994 Lillie L.,10 b. 9 Sept., 1869; d. 3 Mar., 1876.
14995 Sarah Rhona,10 b. 31 Dec., 1873; m. Everett O. Baker.
14996 Calvin Amos,10 b. 22 June, 1875; m. in Centerville, N. Y., 26 Nov., 1895, Margaret Owens; is a farmer; res. in Rushford; has no children.

8200.   ORLENA LEOLINE,9 dau. of Calvin8 (3408), b. in Eden, N. Y., 23 Aug., 1843; m. in Rushford, N. Y., 14 July, 1863, Wilber S. Chamberlain, b. 28 Feb., 1844, son of L. S. Chamberlain and Maria Gillett.
He was a minister; is now a farmer; served in the civil war as a private in Co. I, Twenty-seventh New York Volunteers; enlisted May, 1861; is a Meth­odist and a Republican.
14997 Frank Eugene Chamberlain,10 b. in Attica, N. Y., 31 Jan., 1867; is unm.
14998 Fred Calvin Chamberlain,10 b. in Locke, Mich., 31 July, 1872; m. in Rushford, 7 Feb., 1893, Mabelle Hitchins; res. in Rushford; had two children.

8222.   ANN,9 dau. of Aaron8 (3414), b. in Ellery, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1830; m. 4 July, 1854, Luther Fairbank Green, b. 29 Aug., 1838, son of Lemuel Green, b. 1800, and Polly Fairbank.
He is a farmer; res. in Basco, Wis.
Children, first four b. in Montrose, Wis.
14999 Alonzo Wheeler Green,10 b. 19 Dec., 1855; m. Elizabeth Nancy Ralya; res. in Story, Wis.
15000 Charles Henry Green,10 b. 13 Nov., 1857; m. Mary Ralya; res. in Paoli, Wis.
15001 Adeline Permelia Green,10 b. 1 Jan., 1860; m. Edson E. Judd; res. in Verona.
15002 Jessie Benton Green,10 b. 7 Mar., 1862; m. Edgar A. Judd; res. in Verona.
15003 Archie Jay Green,10 b. in Seneca, Wis., 16 Feb., 1866; m. Stella Ken­nedy; res. in Crystal, Kas.
15004 Willis Aaron Green,10 b. in Seneca, 16 Apr., 1868.
15005 Agnes Ann Green,10 b. in Montrose, 6 May, 1871.

8224.   TIMOTHY,9 son of Aaron8 (3414), b. in Ellery Center, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1833; m. in Albany, Wis., 1 Jan., 1856, Lydia Lucina Hulburt, b. in Syracuse,

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N. Y., 22 Aug., 1835, dau. of Erastus Hulburt, b. 18 June, 1803, and Laura Webster.
He is a machinist, a Baptist and a Prohibitionist; res. in Muscatine, Ia., and Seattle, Wash.
15006 Arthur,10 b. in Albany, 14 Oct., 1856; d. 12 June, 1859.
15007 May Lydia,10 b. in Albany, 2 Feb., 1859; m. in Fergus Falls, Minn., 30 Mar., 1886, Rev. Frank Louis Sullivan, b. in Wakefield, Mass., 3 Mar., 1854, son of Manning Winchell Sullivan and Mary Wiley; he is a Baptist minister; was graduated from Brown University, 1877, and from Newton Theological Institute, 1880; res. in Oak­land, Cal.; had no children.
15008 Edward Erasmus,10 b. in McGregor, Ia., 17 Dec., 1866; m. in Fergus Falls, 25 Dec., 1887, Agnes Tirk; res. in Everett, Wash.; later went to the Klondike.

8225.   ALMIRA,9 dau. of Aaron8 ( 3414), b. in Janesville, Wis., 7 Sept., 1837; m. about 1863, her cousin, Charles Edwin Parker (8234), b. in Ellery, N. Y., 16 Sept., 1837, son of Philip Parker, b. 12 Nov., 1795, and Lydia Kellogg (+3415).
He d. in Albany, Wis., 9 Aug., 1869; she d. in Monroe, Wis., 11 June, 1889.
He was a merchant and a Congregationalist.
Children, b. in Albany.
15009 Harriet Parker,10 b. 3 Dec., 1865; res. in Albany.
15010 Amman Edwin Parher,10 b. 11 Aug., 1869; m. in Anthony, Kas., 11 Aug., 1888, Josephine Guinther.

8227.   MARTHA ALVIRA,9 dau. of Aaron8 (3414), b. 21 Jan., 1841; m. in Albany, Wis., 3 Apr., 1871, Corydon M. Perry, b. 21 July, 1830, son of James Perry, b. 20 Apr., 1789, and Elizabeth (Betsey) Cady, b. 10 Jan., 1795.
She d. in Harper, Kas., 22 Oct., 1883.
He was a farmer, a Baptist and a Republican; was a Union soldier in the civil war; enlisted as a private in Co. A, Tenth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry; res. in Harper.
15011 Ella Elizabeth Perry,10 b. 1 Apr., 1873.
15012 Marshall T. Perry,10 b. 3 Oct., 1875; d. 14 Oct., same year.
15013 Elia Anna Perry,10 b. 19 Nov., 1876; m. 16 Aug., 1899, Frank W. Cochran.
15014 Edna May Perry,10 b. 30 May, 1878; m. 25 Oct., 1899, Orrin Smith.
15015 Otis C. Perry,10 b. 25 June, 1883; d. 9 July, same year.

8228.   MARSHALL AARON,9 son of Aaron8 (3414), b. in Albany, Wis., 25 Mar., 1846; m. 7 June, 1868, Ella Janette Hoit, b. 20 Mar., 1849, dau. of Josiah B. Hoit.
She d. in Sioux City, Ia., 8 Aug., 1896; he res. in Sioux City.
15016 Bertha,10 b. in Albany, Wis., 23 July, 1869; res., unm., in St. Paul, Minn.

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15017 William Marshall,10 b. in McGregor, Ia., 17 Nov., 1873; res., unm., in St. Paul, Minn.
15018 Anna Gertrude,10 b. in McGregor, 27 Nov., 1876.

8235.   OSCAR FITZLAND,9 son of Joseph8 (3416), b. in Ithaca, N. Y., 15 Jan., 1834; m. Mar., 1852, Susan Stewart, b. 21 Aug., 1834.
He d. in Ithaca, 28 Nov., 1863; she d. there, 11 May, 1867; he was a dealer in tobacco; res. in Buffalo and Ithaca, N. Y.
15019 Harvey Stewart,10 b. in Ithaca, 17 May, 1853; m. Mary A. McKellog.
15020 Belle,10 b. in Ithaca, 31 Jan., 1855; m. Frank Fayette Williams.
15021 William,10 b. in Buffalo, 1857; d. there, 1860.
15022 Joseph,10 b. in Buffalo, 24 July, 1861; m. L. Waita Searle.

8237.   ARVILLA,9 dau. of Joseph8 (3416), b. in Ithaca, N. Y., 26 Apr., 1843; m. in Ithaca, 8 Mar., 1864, Franklin Augustus Warner, b. in Ithaca, 4 Sept., 1843, son of Seth Warner, b. 27 Apr., 1807, and Amy Seely, b. 21 July, 1817.
He d. in Ithaca, 13 Oct., 1897.
He was in the grocery and dry goods business; was a Baptist and a Demo­crat; res. in Ithaca.
15023 Frank Harrison Warner,10 b. 17 May, 1865.
15024 May Lottie Warner,10 b. 13 May, 1869; m. 14 Oct., 1891, Louis Lorenzo Spafford; res. in Tampa, Fla.; has two children.
15025 Grace Kellogg Warner,10 b. 11 Apr., 1872.
15026 Susan Ann Warner,10 b. 14 Oct., 1874.
15027 Jessie Augusta Warner,10 b. 5 Mar., 1877.
15028 Belle Edith Warner,10 b. 29 Sept., 1878.

8239.   AUGUSTA,9 dau. of Joseph8 (3416), b. in Ithaca, N. Y., 20 Sept., 1848; m. in Ithaca, 27 Nov., 1867, James R. Bowen, b. 1841, son of George Bowen, b. in Tompkins Co., N. Y.
He is a street contractor; a Republican; res. in Joliet, Ill.; was a soldier in the civil war; enlisted 1862 as Second Lieut., in the One Hundred and Ninth Reg., New York Volunteers; was discharged 1865.
15029 Ellsworth George Bowen,10 b. in Enfield, N. Y., 12 Oct., 1868.

8244.   MARY JOSEPHINE,9 dau. of Henry Harrison8 (3419), b. in Water­town, N. Y., 4 Oct., 1856; m. in Watertown, 27 Dec., 1883, Charles Beach Atwell, b. in Theresa, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1855, son of Joseph Atwell, b. 12 Nov., 1822, and Mary Beach, b. 24 Jan., 1830.
He is a professor of botany in the Northwestern University; was graduated from Syracuse University, Ph. D., 1879, and Ph. M., 1882; is a Methodist Epis­copalian and a Republican; res. in Evanston, Ill.
15030 Henry Kellogg Atwell,10 b. in Watertown, 22 Oct., 1884.

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15031 Francis Charles Atwell,10 b. in Evanston, 26 Man, 1887.
15032 Ruth Sarah Atwell,10 b. in Evanston, 24 Jan., 1889.
15033 William Joseph Atwell,10 b. in Evanston, 13 Oct., 1892.

8257.   EMMA JANET,9 dau. of Silas Orville8 (3442), b. in Preston, Ia., 4 Dec., 1851; m. in Preston, Dec., 1869, Willard Van Steenburg, b. in Herkimer Co., N. Y., 11 Feb., 1847, son of Jonas Van Steenburg, b. 2 Mar., 1806, and Laura Lloyd, b. 19 Jan., 1809.
He is an insurance agent; res. in Gilmore City, Ia.; is a Universalist and a Republican.
15034 Mabel Van Steenburg,10 b. 29 Nov., 1870; m. 7 June, 1893, Frank White McManus; d. 17 Mar., 1897.
15035 Laura Belle Van Steenburg,10 b. 17 Aug., 1872.
15036 Lara Van Steenburg,10 b. 14 June, 1879.
15037 Helen Van Steenburg,10 b. 29 July, 1881.
15038 Linus Lloyd Van Steenburg,10 b. 21 June, 1884.

8258.   ARTHUR WILLIAM,9 son of Silas Orville8 (3442), b. in Preston, Ia., 27 Nov., 1853; m. in Miles, Ia., 2 July, 1878, Sarah Belle Viall, b. in Maquoketa, Ia., 21 Oct., 1858, dau. of J. H. Viall, b. 26 Sept., 1826, and Margaret Ritchie, b. 29 Oct., 1826.
He d. in Gilmore City, 30 Apr., 1894.
He res. in Bradgate and Gilmore City, Ia.; was a blacksmith; a wagonmaker; a Republican.
15039 Maude De Ola,10 b. in Preston, 16 May, 1879; m. in Bradgate,11 Sept., 1894, Charles Tilton; res. in Bradgate.
15040 Neva Estella,10 b. in Gilmore City, 5 Dec., 1881.
15041 Mattie May,10 b. in Gilmore City, 24 May, 1884; m. in Bradgate, 21 Dec., 1898, Leon Malcolm; res. in Bradgate.

8259.   ELIZA BETSEY,9 dau. of Silas Orville8 (3442), b. in Preston, Ia., 13 Apr., 1856; m. in Preston, 16 Mar., 1882, Edwin Sherman Weed, b. 20 Sept., 1858, son of Benjamin F. Weed, b. 3 Apr., 1834, and Ellen Brisbane, b. in Hawick, Scotland, 21 June, 1836.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in New Richland, Minn.
Children, b. in Otisco, Minn.
15042 Jennie Laura Weed,10 b. 20 Dec., 1885.
15043 Elva Bell Weed,10 b. 20 Oct., 1887.
15044 Benjamin K. Weed,10 b. 21 Sept., 1889.
15045 Katherine Eugenia Weed,10 b. 3 Oct., 1890.
15046 Persey Edwin Weed,10 b. 1898.

8260.   ELVA CORA,9 dau. of Silas Orville8 (3442), b. in Preston, Ia., 8 Sept., 1858; m. in Preston, 16 Apr., 1879, Justus Orlando Legg, b. in Miles, Ia., 25

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Sept., 1853, son of Orlando Halstead Legg and Lydia Ann Denton, b. 22 Jan., 1827.
He is engaged in the transfer and express business; res. in Des Moines, Ia.; is a member of the Christian Church; a Republican.
Children, b. in Miles, Ia.
15047 Orville Halstead Legg,10 b. 29 Dec., 1882.
15048 Ruth Denton Legg,10 b. 22 May, 1888.

8261.   EDGAR MARQUIS,9 son of Silas Orville8 (3442), b. in Preston, Ia., 24 Aug., 1861; m. in Janesville, Minn., 15 Mar., 1887, Emma Winnegar, b. in New Richland, Minn., 16 Nov., 1866, dau. of William Winnegar, b. in Germany, 18 Apr., 1830, and Hannah Siffing, b. in Germany, Apr., 1831.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Gilmore City, Ia., and San Fran­cisco, Cal.
15049 Harvey William,10 b. 28 Jan., 1888.
15050 Frank Orville,10 b. 3 Aug., 1892.

8262.   OWEN HARVEY,9 son of Silas Orville8 (3442), b. 23 Mar., 1865; m. in Des Moines, Ia., Nov., 1890, Grace Brown.
He is a farmer; res. in Tenhassen, Minn.
Children, all except the youngest, b. in Armstrong, Ia.
15051 Grace Lucille,10 b. 20 July, 1892.
15052 Ray Carlisle,10 b. 16 Oct., 1893.
15053 Blanch Mable,10 b. 6 Feb., 1895; d. 22 Aug., 1895.
15054 Howard Everett,10 b. in Tenhassen, 17 June, 1896.

8292.   MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE,9 son of Wilbur Curtis8 (3453), b. in La Grange, O., 22 Sept., 1850; m. in Smithton, Ark., 30 Sept., 1886, Sarah Eliza­beth Huckelby, b. 1 Apr., 1861, dau. of Allen Huckelby.
He is a Baptist; res. in Burke, Saline Co., Ark.
15055 Wilbur Chatman,10 b. in Devil's Lake, N. D., 17 Aug., 1888.
15056 Irma Fidelia,10 b. in Grand Harbor, N. D., 9 Nov., 1889.
15057 Lester De Lafayette,10 b. in Little Bay, Ark., 4 Nov., 1896.

8293.   MARY OPHELIA,9 dau. of Wilbur Curtis8 (3453), b. in La Grange, O., Nov., 1854; m. in Pleasant Plains, Mich., 13 Feb., 1876, John Francis Reinke, b. 8 Aug., 1857.
He is a blacksmith; res. in Chicago, Ill.
15058 Chester Charles Reinke,10 b. in Sebewa, Mich., 18 Aug., 1877; d. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 25 Mar., 1884.
15059 Frederic Lawrence Reinke,10 b. in Denver, Mich., 2 Sept., 1879.
15060 John Francis Reinke,10 b. in Denver, 30 Sept., 1881.
15061 Minnie Angeline Reinke,10 b. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 27 Feb., 1887.
15062 Irene Reinke,10 b. in Grand Rapids, 21 Oct., 1890; d. there, 2 Feb., 1892.

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8294.   JAMES FRED,9 son of Milo Franklin8 (3455), b. in Pittsfield, O., 6 Jan., 1856; m. in Oregon, Mo., 25 Nov., 1884, Minnie Botz Chadduck, b. 15 Sept., 1862, dau. of. George Botz Chadduck, of Skidmore, Mo., b. 14 Dec., 1826, and Mary Ann Price, b. 13 Mar., 1831.
He is a merchant; res. in Skidmore; was graduated from the Oregon Nor­mal School, 1880; is a Free Will Baptist; a Republican in principle, Independent in practice.
15063 Fred George,10 b. in Oregon, 3 Sept., 1885.

8295.   HATTIE CYNTHIA,9 dau. of Milo Franklin8 (3455), b. in Pittsfield, O., 19 Apr., 1857; m. in Oregon, Mo., 21 Sept., 1880, Levi Karner, b. in Flat Rock, O., 30 Mar., 1851.
He d. in Falls City, Neb., 13 Aug., 1887; she d. there, 26 July, 1890.
He was a merchant and a Republican; res. in Falls City.
15064 Ruby Karner,10 b. 7 Dec., 1881; d. 15 Feb., 1898.

8298.   SOPHIA ELIZA,9 dau. of Francis Nelson8 (3456), b. in Pittsfield, O., 28 July, 1849; m. in Cedar Springs, Mich., 10 Aug., 1871., Marvin O. Prentice, b. in Eaton Co., Mich., son of Isaac Prentice, b. in Canada, 30 Jan., 1803, and Mary Martin.
He d. ______, in Cedar Springs.
Her mother d. when she was 5 years of age, and she and her brother were reared in Adams, N. Y., by her mother's sister; she res. with her aunt until 1868, when she rem. to Cedar Springs.
15065 Elnora Elvira Prentice,10 b. 6 Oct., 1872.
15066 Francis Prentice,10 b. 30 Oct., 1873.
15067 Charles Fay Prentice,10 b. 13 Mar., 1876.

8306.   Boyd Arnold,9 son of Clement Augustus8 (3459), b. in Crawford; O., 25 Oct., 1857; m. in Middletown Township, O., 5 Aug., 1886, Rose Ann Ward, b. 24 Dec., 1859, dau. of Milton Ward, b. 23 Aug., 1823, and Anna Scott, b. 29 June, 1828.
She d. in East Carmel, O., 23 May, 1898.
He is a huckster and a Democrat; res. in East Carmel.
15068 Jessie Myrl,10 b. in East Carmel, 11 May, 1887.
15069 Cora Belle,10 b. in East Carmel, 26 Nov., 1888.
15070 Edwin Clement,10 b. in Elktown, O., 19 Feb., 1890.
15071 Charles Earl,10 b. in Columbiana, O., 16 Nov., 1893.
15072 A Son,10 b. in East Carmel, 22 Apr., 1898; d. 22 May, same year.
15073 A Daughter,10 b. in East Carmel, 22 Apr., 1898; d. 23 June, same year.

8319.   Amy Elizabeth,9 dau. of Albert Benjamin8 (3481), b. in Canaan, Conn., 3 Dec., 1821; m. 12 July, 1842, Wesley Trescott, of Canaan, b. 9 Jan., 1817.
He d. in Canaan, 20 July, 1887; she d. there, 16 Feb., 1890.
He was a farmer; res. in Canaan.

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Children, b. in Canaan.
15074 Jane Maria Trescott,10 b. 10 July, 1843; d. 21 June, 1885.
15075 Martin Wesley Trescott,10 b. 9 July, 1846.
15076 Edward Jonathan Treseott,10 b. 25 June, 1848.
15077 Rhoda Elizabeth Trescott,10 b. 4 Nov., 1850.
15078 Henry Kellogg Trescott,10 b. 19 Mar., 1854.

8320.   ANN,9 dau. of Albert Benjamin8 (3481), b. in Canaan, Conn., 25 July, 1823; m. (1) 26 Nov., 1840, Albert H. Wetherell, of Canaan.
He d. 13 Dec., 1873; was a wagon maker; res. in Hopewell, Ia.; she m. (2) 12 Feb., 1879, Joseph W. Daniel; he d. Nov., 1891; she d. 10 Apr., 1899.
He was a farmer, a Republican and a member of the Christian Church.
Children by first husband.
15079 George Anson Wetherell,10 b. 3 Apr., 1844; d. 24 July, 1845.
15080 Albert Howell Wetherell,10 b. 22 Sept., 1852; d. 1 June, 1878.
15081 Charles Fremont Wetherell,10 b. 21 Apr., 1856; d. 5 Oct., 1857.

8321.   RUTH JANE,9 dau. of Albert Benjamin8 (3481), b. in Canaan, Conn., 5 July, 1826; m. 21 Jan., 1845, George M. Clark, b. 4 Dec., 1819, son of Law­rence Clark, b. in Connecticut, 20 June, 1791, and Lydia Messenger, b. in Con­necticut, 5 Feb., 1799.
She d. 28 July, 1895; he res. in Kasson, Minn.; is a retired farmer.
15082 Charles Albert Clark,10 b. 18 Apr., 1846; d. 12 May, 1848.
15083 Elizabeth Jane Clark,10 b. 1 June, 1848; m. 7 Mar., 1872, Sumner Julius Collins; res. in Milwaukee, Wis.; had two children.
15084 George Wesley Clark,10 b. 27 Sept., 1853; d. 14 Nov., 1855.
15085 Lydia Maria Clark,10 b. 11 Dec., 1861; res., unm., in Kasson.

8322.   ELLEN CATHERINE,9 dau. of Albert Benjamin8 (3481), b. in Canaan, Conn., 30 June, 1830; m. 7 June, 1849, Stephen Bull, b. in Scipio, N. Y., 14 Mar., 1822, son of De Grave Bull, b. 1 Apr., 1795, and Amanda Crosby, b. 9 Jan., 1797.
She d. in Racine, Wis., 27 Mar., 1880.
He is a manufacturer and a banker; is in the firm of J. I. Case; res. in Racine, Wis.; is a Universalist and a Liberal Republican.
15086 Ida Rosetta Bull,10 b. 8 June, 1854; m. H. Conger; res. in Milwaukee; had no children.
15087 Frank Kellogg Bull,10 b. 4 May, 1857; m. Belle Jones; res. in Racine; had two children.
15088 Jeanette Gage Bull,10 b. 20 Sept., 1859; m. Richard T. Robinson; res. in Racine; had two children.
15089 Lillian May Bull,10 b. 5 Feb., 1862; m. Frederick Robinson; res. in Racine; had two children.
15090 Frederick Herbert Bull,10 b. Dec., 1868; d. 10 Jan., 1892.
15091 Elizabeth Margaret Bull,10 b. 3 June, 1873; m. A. Arthur Guilbert; had two children.

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8323.   HOSMER LAWRENCE,9 son of Albert Benjamin8 (3481), b. in Canaan, Conn., 30 Nov., 1833; m. 10 Aug., 1864, Emily Platt, b. in Flowersville, N. Y., 1 Apr., 1838, dau. of Theodorus James Platt, b. 1799, and Melissa Ann Bellinger, b. in Otsego, N. Y., 29 Aug., 1800.
He res. in Kewanee, Ill., where he is cashier of a bank.
15092 James Lawrence,10 b. in Kewanee, 15 Sept., 1866; m. Ida Mae Arch­ambeault.
15093 Albert Theodore,10 b. 20 Man, 1868; res., unm., in Kewanee.
15094 Louise,10 b. 3 Dec., 1872; res., unm., in Kewanee.

8324.   ANSON LAWRENCE,9 son of Albert Benjamin8 (3481), b. in Canaan, Conn., 23 June, 1836; m. 20 Nov., 1866, Amanda Fish, dau. of Ira Fish, b. in Scipio, N. Y., 5 Dec., 1806, and Sally A. Bull, b. in Fishkill, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1816.
He res. in Racine, Wis.
15095 Stephen Bull,10 b. 14 Jan., 1873; res., unm., in Racine.
15096 Frank Anson,10 b. 6 Sept., 1875; res., unm., in Racine.

8325.   REV. HENRY LYMAN,9 son of Albert Benjamin8 (3481), b. in White Pigeon, Mich., 7 Nov., 1845; m. in Wheaton, Ill., 15 Oct., 1873, Nora Emily Blanchard, b. 3 Apr., 1853, dau. of Jonathan Blanchard, b. 19 Jan., 1811, and Mary Avery Bent, b. 7 Jan., 1819.
He d. in Wheaton, Ill., 15 Nov., 1894; she res. in Wheaton.
He was graduated from Wheaton College, 1870; was Treasurer of the Na­tional Christian Association of Chicago from 1870 to '77, and later was Secretary and Director; was assistant editor of the Christian Cynosure, of Chicago.
15097 Mary Elizabeth,10 b. 13 Aug., 1874.
15098 Blanchard,10 b. 6 Nov., 1875; d. 19 Mar., 1885.
15099 Caroline Stetson,10 b. 30 Sept., 1877; d. 2 Mar., 1885.
15100 Ellen Avery,10 b. 5 July, 1879; is a student in Wheaton College.
15101 Henry Louis,10 b. 25 Feb., 1881; is a student in Wheaton College.
15102 Thomas Pomeroy,10 b. 11 June, 1883.
15103 Geraldine Cynthia,10 b. 5 May, 1885.
15104 Albert Blanchard,10 b. 11 Apr., 1887.
15105 Samuel Adams,10 b. 11 Apr., 1889.
15106 Gertrude Elbertine,10 b. in Auburn, Cal., 18 Nov., 1891.
15107 Nora Evelyn,10 b. in Wheaton, 14 Dec., 1893.

8326.   CHARLES ALBERT,9 son of Albert Benjamin8 (3481), b. in White Pigeon, Mich., 14 Apr., 1848; m. 20 Feb., 1868, Catherine Smedes Weeks, b. 24 Sept., 1845, dau. of George Clinton Weeks, b. 6 Apr., 1817, and Sarah Ann Brew­ster, b. 4 Sept., 1816.
He is a farmer; res. in Wethersfield, Ill.; later in Kewanee, Ill.
15108 George Albert,10 b. in Providence, Ill., 8 Dec., 1868; m. Minnie F. Mulholland.

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15109 Frederick Brewster,10 b. in Galva, Ill., 5 July, 1870; is a photog­rapher and a Republican; res. in Senatobia, Miss.
15110 Susan Elizabeth,10 b. in Galva, 11 July, 1872; m. John Gustavus Hoffman.
15111 Edwin Loomis,10 b. in Tiskilwa, Ill., 16 Dec., 1874; is assistant cashier in the Kewanee Bank.
Children, b. in Kewanee; res. there.
15112 Henry Clarence,10 b. 4 Jan., 1877.
15113 Ellen Catherine,10 b. 14 May, 1879.
15114 Charles Francis,10 b. 1 Aug., 1881; is a clerk in a mercantile house.
15115 Clark Curran,10 b. 21 Sept., 1883; is a clerk in a mercantile house.
15116 Matilda Weeks,10 b. 3 Feb., 1885.
15117 Clinton Herbert,10 b. 23 June, 1888.

8327.   GEORGE CLARK,9 son of Albert Benjamin8 (3481), b. in Wethersfield, Ill., 13 Nov., 1850; m. 14 Oct., 1875, Florence Sawyer, b. in Rock Island, Ill., 19 Oct., 1853, dau. of Edward Tucker Sawyer, b. 26 Dec., 1817, and Louisa Stevens, b. 2 Mar., 1821.
He is a druggist; res. in Tiskilwa, Ill.; was graduated from Kewanee Academy, 1866; taught school, 1867; began the study of pharmacy, 1868; went in business for himself, 1872; for nine years he was Town Clerk; five years the Supervisor; is a Congregationalist and a Republican.
15118 Ernest Hosmer,10 b. 3 Jan., 1880; d. 7 June, 1881.
15119 Grace Lillian,10 b. 6 June, 1882.
15120 Howard Campbell,10 b. 12 June, 1885.
15121 George Lawrence,10 b. 23 Oct., 1887.
15122 Albert Edward,10 b. 18 Feb., 1891; d. 29 Apr., 1891.

8328.   CYNTHIA MARIA,9 dau. of Albert Benjamin8 (3481), b. in Wethers­field, Ill., 22 June, 1853; m. 20 Mar., 1878, Edward James Ray, b. in Madrid, N. Y., 27 Aug., 1854, son of Orin L. Ray and Harriet Diana Shaw.
He is a farmer, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Kewanee, Ill.
15123 Henry Kellogg Ray,10 b. 16 Feb., 1879.
15124 Enos Shaw Ray,10 b. 9 Sept., 1882.
15125 William Edward Ray,10 b. 26 Aug., 1886.
15126 Mary Esther Ray,10 b. 10 Dec., 1890.

8330.   SETH RANGER,9 son of Edwin8 (3483), b. in White Pigeon, Mich., 30 Aug., 1845; m. in Toronto, Kas., 5 Sept., 1871, Catherine M. Rowe, b. 14 Sept., 1853, dau. of Elias D. Rowe and Sarah Noble, b. 28 Aug., 1827.
He d. ______; was a merchant and a Republican; a member of the State Legislature, 1876; res. in Toronto.
Children, b. in Toronto.
15127 Catherine M.,10 b. 25 Nov., 1873; d. 20 Sept., 1874.
15128 Lela Estelle,10 b. 23 July, 1875; m. James Thomas Long.
15129 Anna Myrtle,10 b. 6 Aug., 1877; d. in Toronto, 2 Oct., 1878.
15130 Glenn Curtis,10 b. 13 Oct., 1879; is unm.

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15131 Eugene,10 b. 16 Sept., 1881; d. in Toronto, 12 Oct., 1881.
15132 Abbie Ethel,10 b. 25 Nov., 1883; is unm.
15133 Seth Royal,10 b. 31 Oct., 1885.
15134 William Edwin,10 b. 31 Oct., 1887.

8331.   ARABELLA SMITH,9 dau. of Edwin8 (3483), b. in White Pigeon, Mich., 23 May, 1848; m. in Defiance, Kas., 20 Sept., 1875, William Henry Shane, b. 6 Aug., 1852, son of Eli Shane, b. 1829, and Susan Yohe, b. 24 Mar., 1834.
They separated about 1882. She res. in Toronto, Kas. He is a carpenter; res. in Bohemia, Or.
Children, b. in Arlington, Kas.
15135 Eli Ranger Shane,10 b. 12 June, 1876.
15136 Charles Edward Shane,10 b. 24 Oct., 1877.

8332.   ELLEN ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Hosmer8 (3484), b. in White Pigeon, Mich., 25 Dec., 1835; m. 11 May, 1854, Albert Cameron Hunt, b. in White Pigeon.
She d. 8 Aug., 1880; he d. in Washington, D. C., Feb., 1895.
He was United States Marshal and Governor of Colorado; was one of the first directors in the Rio Grande Railroad, and was manager of the Mexican Na­tional Construction Company.
Children, b. in Denver.
15137 Isa Hunt,10 b. 1856; m. (1) in Denver, Oct., 1875, John Stearns; (2) in Denver, about 1890, Jerome Frank; d. in Denver, 25 May, 1895.
15138 Albert Cameron Hunt,10 b. 1858.
15139 Robert Bruce Hunt,10 b. 1860; d. in Durango, Col., Apr., 1881.

8333.   EDWIN HOSMER,9 son of Hosmer8 (3484), b. in White Pigeon, Mich., 7 Sept., 1844; m. 24 Mar., 1869, May Ayres, b. 11 June, 1847, dau. of Daniel Douglas Ayres, of Los Angeles, Cal., b. 19 Aug., 1812, and Clara May, b. Sept., 1828.
He is a civil engineer; was educated in Ann Arbor, Mich.; rem. to Denver, Col., Oct., 1862, where he now res.
15140 Edwin Robert,10 b. 17 June, 1870; is a mining engineer; res., unm., in Denver.
15141 Clara May,10 b. 23 July, 1873; m. 16 June, 1897, Dr. Francis Wil­marth Rumsey, b. in East Orange, N. J., 3 Nov., 1873.
15142 Edith Duke,10 b. 17 Sept., 1875; is unm.
15143 Carl Douglas,10 b. June, 1877; is unm.

8334.   ARTHUR CLARK,9 son of Hosmer8 (3484), b. in White Pigeon, Mich., 3 Nov., 1848; m. 3 Nov., 1859, Elizabeth Edwards, dau. of Oliver Edwards.
He d. in Denver, Col., 29 Apr., 1889. He was a dealer in printing presses.
15144 John,10 b. ______.
15145 Arthur O.,10 b. ______.
15146 Robert,10 b. ______.
15147 Edwin Cameron,10 b. in Chicago, 2 Aug., 1877; he is assistant auditor at the Union Depot, Chicago; unm.

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15148 Eva,10 b. ______.
15149 Nellie,10 b. ______.
15150 Hazel,10 b. ______.

8335.   KATE LOUISA,9 dau. of Hosmer8 (3484), b. in White Pigeon, Mich., 18 Mar., 1852; m., 29 Nov., 1876, Charles Y. McClure, b. 20 July, 1850.
Children, b. in Denver, Col.
15151 Frederick C. McClure,10 b. 26 Sept., 1880.
15152 Helen L. McClure,10 b. 1 Aug., 1885.

8336.   MARY JANE,9 dau. of George8 (3485), b. in White Pigeon, Mich., 4 Nov., 1839; m. 7 July, 1863, Judson Clark Lowell, b. in Romeo, Mich., 7 Aug., 1834, son of Nelson Lowell, b. in Moriah, N. Y., 30 Mar., 1810, and Laura Ewell, b. 12 Sept., 1809.
She d. 11 Sept., 1885; he d. in Chicago, Ill., 12 Sept., 1892.
He was an attorney-at-law; res. in Chicago.
15153 George Clark Lowell,10 b. 6 May, 1868; res. in Chicago.
15154 Erwin Dwight Lowell,10 b. 28 Jan., 1872; res. in Jackson, Mich.

8338.   GEORGE BENJAMIN,9 son of George8 (3485), b. in White Pigeon, Mich., 15 Aug., 1846; m. 8 Oct., 1873, Kizzie B. Rich, b. in Pittsburg, Pa., dau. of Abraham J. Rich, b. 10 Nov., 1815, and Martha K. Peebles, b. 29 Mar., 1822.
He d. in Jackson, Mich., 23 Jan., 1879.
He res. in Jackson; was graduated from Eastman College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; was a member of the Congregational Church.
15155 Katherine,10 b. 16 Aug., 1875; res. in Pittsburg, Pa.
15156 Frances Newbury,10 b. in Jackson, 10 Oct., 1876 5 m. Allan Kirk Gil­lespie.

8339.   FRANCES MARIA,9 dau. of George8 (3485), b. in White Pigeon, Mich., 30 Nov., 1848; m. in San Francisco, Cal., 9 July, 1873, Egbert Starr Newbury, b. 8 Sept., 1843, son of Samuel Newbury, of Allegan, Mich., and Mary Ann Ser­geant.
He d. in Detroit, Mich., 10 Feb., 1880; after his death she res. in Jackson, Mich.
He was a wholesale boot and shoe manufacturer; res. in Chicago, Ill., and Demit, Mich.; served in the civil war as a private in the Forty-fourth Reg., Iowa Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 11 May, 1864; was discharged 23 Sept., 1864; was a member of the Presbyterian Church; was a Republican.
15157 Egbert Starr Newbury,10 b. in Santa Barbara, Cal., 21 May, 1874; res. in Chicago.
15158 George Kellogg Newbury,10 b. in Rancho El Conejo, Ventura Co., Cal., 28 Mar., 1876.
15159 Katherine Frances Newbury,10 b. in Detroit, 13 Mar., 1878.
15160 Samuel Sergeant Newbury,10 b. in Detroit, 28 Oct., 1879; res. in Bel­grade, Mont.

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8341.   CHARLES BURNELL,9 son of Charles8 (3486), b. in White Pigeon, Mich., 6 Feb., 1840; m. 3 Dec., 1868, Anna Dickinson, b. in White Pigeon, 14 Oct., 1840, dau. of George Dickinson, b. in Leeds, England, 28 Oct., 1813, and Sarah Johnson, b. in Liverpool, England, 23 Oct., 1812.
He is a farmer and stock raiser; res. in Florence Township, Mich.; was for­merly a Republican, but was elected to the Michigan State Legislature, 1892-93, by the Populist party.
15161 Charles Marmaduke,10 b. in Florence, 25 Aug., 1871; m. Ethelyn Mar Ketcham.

8344.   MARMADUKE BURNELL,9 son of Charles8 (3486), b. in White Pigeon, Mich., 30 Aug., 1847; m. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 17 Apr., 1879, Mary Louise Adams, b. in Grand Rapids, 22 Sept., 1855, dau. of Elisha Mills Adams, b. 2 June, 1802, and Laura Eliza Knight, b. 11 Mar., 1825.
He is a lawyer; res. in San Francisco, Cal.; was graduated from University of Michigan, 1869, M. A.; is a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church; a Republican.
15162 Louise Marie Burnell,10 b. in San Francisco, 11 Aug., 1890.

8353.   ASHLEY LEWIS,9 son of Edward8 (3498), b. in Claverack, N. Y., 31 July, 1824; m. in Elmwood, Ill., 20 Jan., 1848, Susan Elizabeth Andrews, b. in Wallingford, Conn., 17 Nov., 1830.
He d. in Rockford, Ill., Oct., 1893.
15163 Lyman Lewis,10 b. 12 Nov., 1848; is a bookkeeper; res., unm., in Chicago.
15164 Etta Jane,10 b. 22 Mar., 1850; m. 26 Nov., 1868, Lewis Lysander Booth, Jr.; res. in Brimfield, Ill.
15165 Charles Chester,10 b. 23 Oct., 1854; m. 16 July, 1875, Sarah Cath­erine McMullen; is an engineer; res. in Elmwood.
15166 Euberto Edward,10 b. 13 Sept., 1856; d. 28 Dec., 1857.
15167 David Doniphen,10 b. 9 Nov., 1858; d. 14 Apr., 1859.

8355.   WILLIAM HALL,9 son of Edward8 (3498), b. in Egremont, Mass, 20 July, 1827; m. in Elmwood, Ill., 30 Nov., 1854, Lavinia Thompson Bartholo­mew, b. in Wallingford, Conn., 11 Apr., 1835, dau. of Ambrose Cook Bartholo­mew, b. 10 Feb., 1809, and Aurelia Ives, b. 11 Aug., 1809.
He was a stock and grain dealer in Elmwood; later a member of the Chicago Board of Trade; is a member of the Peoples' Church; res. in Chicago.
Children, b. in Elmwood, except Jennie A.
15168 Ida Aurelia,10 b. 28 Jan., 1856; d. 23 Apr., 1858.
15169 Fanny Louise,10 b. 1 May, 1859; m. John Harriott Naylor.
15170 Belle,10 b. 2 Oct., 1861; m. Charles McGowan.
15171 Jennie Aurelia,10 b. in Memphis, Tenn., 5 Apr., 1867; m. Mam“ Andres.
15172 Ensign Hall,10 b. 4 July, 1869; m. in Heppner, Or., 30 Apr., 1895, Jennie Perry, b. in Pittsburg, Pa., 30 Apr., 1875, dau. of Henry

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Perry, of Lone Rock, Or., b. 25 Jan., 1840, and Sarah Perry, b. 31 Mar., 1856; he is a machinist; res. in Portland, Or.; has no chil­dren.
15173 Osina,10 b. 27 June, 1873; d. 15 Jan., 1875.
15174 Eleanor Marie,10 b. 16 Feb., 1880; m. Charles William Swigart.

8356.   CORNELIA,9 dau. of Edward8 (3498), b. in Egremont, Mass., 26 Apr., 1829; m. 25 Dec., 1848, Noyes Ellsworth Bartholomew, b. in Wallingford, Conn., 17 Jan., 1826, son of Noyes Dana Bartholomew, b. in Wallingford, 2 Apr., 1785, and Elizabeth Hall, of Wallingford, b. 14 Mar., 1790.
He is a farmer in Mound City, Kas.
Children, b. in Elmwood, Ill.
15175 William Edward Bartholomew,10 b. 22 May, 1850.
15176 Frances Luella Bartholomew,10 b. 1854.
15177 Jane Estella Bartholomew,10 b. 3 Apr., 1858.
15178 Flora Augusta Bartholomew,10 b. 12 Apr., 1862.
15179 Florin Augustus Bartholomew,10 b. 12 Apr., 1862.
15180 Noyes Otis Bartholomew,10 b. in Mound City, 11 May, 1871; is study­ing for the ministry; res. in Chicago.

8357.   CORDELIA,9 dau. of Edward8 (3498), b. in Egremont, Mass., 26 Apr., 1829; m. in Elmwood, Ill., 10 May, 1853, Edward Franklin Bartholomew (brother of Noyes E.), b. in Wallingford, Conn., 8 Aug., 1828.
He d. 13 Feb., 1891; was a merchant in Mound City, Kas.; she res. in Pueblo, Col.
Children, b. in Elmwood.
15181 Adelbert Romeo Bartholomew,10 b. 20 Jan., 1854.
15182 Sophia Adelia Bartholomew,10 b. 19 Mar., 1859.
15183 Edward Alvezo Bartholomew,10 b. 9 June, 1862.
15184 Luna Luada Bartholomew,10 b. in Mound City, 23 May, 1868.

8369.   ARTHUR NELSON,9 son of Nelson8 (3500), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 6 July, 1856; m. in Van Buren, Ark., 29 Nov., 1893, Nora M. Lynch, b. 3 Aug., 1871, dau. of William Lynch, b. Mar., 1833, and Louisa R. Lamb, b. 4 Jan., 1847.
He is a railway conductor; res. in Van Buren.
15185 Ruth Hosmer,10 b. 12 July, 1895.

8371.   FRANCES,9 dau. of Nelson8 (3500), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 23 Apr., 1860; m. in Port Jervis, N. Y., 10 Sept., 1885, Charles Crossett Spring, b. in Clermont, N. Y., 8 Dec., 1856, son of Frank Spring, b. 13 May, 1822, and Sarah Crossett, b. 14 Feb., 1829.
He is a musician; res. in Port Jervis; is a member of the Reformed Church and a Republican.
15185 Edgar Keyes Spring,10 b. 21 Jan., 1892.

8379.   MARY JANE,9 dau. of Rev. Ephraim William,8 (8502), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 6 Mar., 1842; m. in Bethany, N. Y., 27 Apr., 1865, as his second wife,

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John Ransom Page, b. in Bethany, 31 Mar., 1828, son of Abel W. Page, b. 1806, and Marianna Ransom, b. 14 Jan., 1804.
He is a merchant; res. in Newman, Ill.; was graduated from the State Nor­mal School, Albany, N. Y.; was a teacher for about twenty years of his early life; is a Presbyterian and a Republican.
15187 Fred Page,10 b. 5 June, 1868; d. 28 Aug., same year.
15188 Frank Kellogg Page,10 b. 4 Dec., 1875; m. in Newman, 2 Sept., 1896, Loie E. Sidenstricker, b. 25 June, 1873, dau. of Tolian M. Siden­stricker, b. in Edgar Co., Ill., 27 Jan., 1841, and Carrie E. John­son; she d. 10 Apr., 1899; had one child; he m. (2) in Arcola, Ill., 14 Nov., 1900, Emma Beatrice Moore, b. in Arcola, 15 Apr., 1881, dau. of Jacob R. Moore, b. in Arcola, 18 Sept., 1836, and Mary Bacon, b. in Arcola, 3 Feb., 1842; is a merchant; a Repub­lican; a member of the Presbyterian Church; res. in Newman.

8381.   EPHRAIM SELDEN,9 son of Rev. Ephraim William8 (3502), b. in Churchville, N. Y., 22 May, 1846; m. in Livonia, N. Y., Elsie Shurtleff, b. 25 Nov., 1847, dau. of Zachary Shurtleff, b. 11 June, 1821, and Anna Kilkins, b. 9 Sept., 1825.
He d. in Detroit, Mich., about 1890; she m. (2) Matt Wall; res. in Batavia, N. Y.
He is a farmer and a Democrat.
Children, b. in Mt. Morris, N. Y.
15189 Fred Page,10 b. 28 Oct., 1874; d. in Mt. Morris, 4 July, 1894.
15190 Charles Selden,10 b. 4 July, 1877; is a butcher; a Presbyterian and a Republican; res., unm., in Groveland, N. Y.
15191 Clara Louise,10 b. 12 Sept., 1880; is unm.

8386.   MAY,9 dau. of Ensign Hosmer8 (3506), b. in Pittsfield, Mass., 20 May, 1848; m. there, 29 May, 1877, William Robinson Plunkett, b. in Chester, Mass., 1831, son of Thomas F. Plunkett and Hannah S. Taylor. He had previously m. her sister, Elizabeth Campbell Kellogg.
She d. 20 Feb., 1881.
He is a lawyer; was graduated from Harvard Law School, 1855; res. in Pittsfield, Mass.; is president of the Berkshire Life Insurance Co.
Children, b. in Pittsfield.
15192 Elizabeth Kellogg Plunkett,10 b. 11 Apr., 1878.
15193 Marion Campbell Plunkett,10 b. 23 Oct., 1879.
15194 Thomas Fitzpatrick Plunkett,10 b. 16 Feb., 1881.

8390.   ALICE JENNETTE,9 dau. of James Elisha8 (3507), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 10 Feb., 1851; m. in Woodhull, Ill., 23 Dec., 1879, Oscar Booth Chamber­lain, of Bridgeport, Conn., b. 11 May, 1844, son of Willis Chamberlain, b. 1811, and Caroline Hall, b. 29 May, 1812.
She d. 31 Dec., 1901; he is a teacher, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Galesburg, Ill.
Children, b. in New Canaan, Conn.
15195 Ralph Kellogg Chamberlain,10 b. 1 June, 1881; d. 18 Dec., same year.

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15196 Alice Carolyn Chamberlain,10 b. 29 Mar., 1883.
15197 Frank Kellogg Chamberlain,10 b. 17 Oct., 1885; d. 13 Jan., 1886.
15198 Warner Kellogg Chamberlain,10 b. 17 Oct., 1885; d. same day.

8394.   CAROLINE,9 dau. of Milton Curtis8 (3518), b. in Cortland, Mich., 9 Dec., 1854; m. in Byron, Mich., 27 Apr., 1826, Charles Wilson, b. in Plainfield, Mich., 14 Sept., 1856, son of Chester Wilson and Electa Wilson.
He was a farmer; she m. (2) in Rockford, Mich., 8 June, 1899, Martin De Glopper, a farmer, b. in Holland, 18 Mar., 1845.
Children by first husband.
15199 Gertrude May Wilson,10 b. in Plainfield, Mich., 18 Dec., 1879; m. in Rockford, 26 June, 1901, Harry Edward Rodgers; res. in Grand Rapids, Mich.
15200 Bessie Lucile Wilson,10 b. 17 Jan., 1885.

8395.   JOHN AUGUSTUS,9 son of Milton Curtis8 (3518), b. in Cortland, Mich., 20 Mar., 1858; m. in Rockford, Mich., 26 Sept., 1882, Mary Bowers, b. 28 Feb., 1865, dau. of Henry Bowers, b. 29 June, 1838, and Lucy Wonders, b. 18 Apr., 1848.
He is a farmer, a Republican and a Methodist; res. in Cortland.
15201 Everetta,10 b. in Cortland, 14 Nov., 1883.
15202 Velma May,10 b. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1 Mar., 1888.

8396.   CATHERINE ELLEN,9 dau. of Milton Curtis8 (3518), b. in Cortland, Mich., 7 Jan., 1859; m. in Rockford, Mich., 24 Feb., 1881, Charles Squires, b. 2 June, 1853, son of Robert Squires, b. June, 1814, and Martha Smith.
He is a farmer; res. in Cortland.
Children, b. in Cortland.
15203 Roy K. Squires,10 b. 14 Aug., 1884; d. 26 Feb., 1885.
15204 Clarence K. Squires,10 b. 11 Jan., 1887.
15205 Sylvia May Squires,10 b. 28 Sept., 1895.

8415.   THERESA MELISSA,9 dau. of Orsamus8 (3530), b. in Berlin, O., 24 July, 1839; m. in Milan, O., 6 Apr., 1858, Everett E. Allen, b. in Oriskany Falls, N. Y., 3 May, 1833, son of Amos Allen, b. 11 Feb., 1805, and Lucinda Howard, b. 4 Dec., 1806.
Children, b. in Oriskany Falls.
15206 Carrie Elmyra Allen,10 b. 23 June, 1861; m. 19 Mar., 1882, Wolcott S. Fairchild; had two children.
15207 Abie Minnie Allen,10 b. 28 July, 1867; m. 24 Apr., 1887, Charles Lind­sey; had two children.
15208 Emma Lucinda Allen,10 b. 26 Aug., 1874.

8429.   ALONZO SMITH,9 son of Dr. Alonzo Smith,8 (8533), b. in New Albany, Ind., 3 Apr., 1832; m. 7 Aug., 1861, Huldah Ann Duncklee, b. in Milford, N. H., 22 Apr., 1840, dau. of Curtis Duncklee, b. 3 June, 1803, and Rebecca Duncklee, b. in Milford, 1807.
He is a farmer and a mason; res. in Shellsburg, Ia.

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Children, b. in Shellsburg.
15209 Orison Alonzo,10 b. 17 Feb., 1863; m. Rosetta Caroline Hollings­worth.
15210 William Ira,10 b. 11 Mar., 1866; m. Chlora Lucy Shaw.
15211 Alice Rebecca,10 b. 29 Jan., 1871; m. Samuel Hunter Blazier.
15212 Charles Jefferson,10 b. 1 Oct., 1876; m. Ida Belle Soden.
15213 Mary Almira,10 b. 1 Oct., 1876; d. 2 Jan., 1877.

8432.   ANNA MARIA,9 dau. of Dr. Alonzo Smith8 (3533), b. in Sellesburg, Ind., 12 Oct., 1842; m. 11 Apr., 1861, Frederick Diveley Snyder, b. near Green­ville, O., 21 Aug., 1838, son of George S. Snyder, b. -4 July, 1804, and Elizabeth Diveley, b. 9 Oct., 1797.
He is a lawyer; rem. in 1860 from Ohio to Marion, Ia.; studied law in the office of John Mitchell; in 1870 he rem. to Maryville, Mo.; from 1871 to '75 was Secretary of the Board of Education; in 1876 was Public Administrator of Noda­way Co., Mo.; res. in New Albany, Ind.
15214 Laura E. Snyder,10 b. 17 Man, 1862.
15215 Harry D. Snyder,10 b. 4 Jan., 1878.

8457.   MARGARET,9 dau. of Seymour8 (3543), b. in St. Louis, Mo., 1847; m. 1867, James Beverly, of Paducah, Ky.
She d. in Clarksville, Tenn., 1873.
15216 James Clarence Beverly,10 b. 1871.

8458.   ADELINE,9 dau. of Seymour8 (3543), b. in Clarksville, Tenn, 1850; m. 1874, D. L. Cook, of Lexington, Ky.
She d. in Winchester, Ky., 1879.
15217 D. Leonard Cook,10 b. 1875.
15218 Alma Cook,10 b. 1879.

8462.   SARAH ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Orville Enos8 (3558), b. ______, in Jo Daviess Co., Ill.; m. 14 Oct., 1846, Asa West.
She d. ______; res. in Prairie du Chien, Wis.
15219 Asa Smith West,10 b. ______.
15220 Melissa Arminda West,10 b. ______.
15221 Susan Jane West,10 b. ______.

8463.   REV. WILLIAM ELISHA,9 son of Orville Enos8 (3558), b. in Jo Daviess Co., Ill., 9 Aug., 1834; m. 12 Oct., 1858, Jane Anderson, b. 8 Nov., 1837, dau. of William Peter Anderson, b. 22 Jan., 1809, and Pamelia Swirk, b. 11 Mar., 1811.
He is a mason, a farmer and a Baptist minister; res. in Mulino, Or., and later in Sidney, Or.

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15222 Iona Permelia,10 b. 3 Apr., 1859; m. (1) Everett Granville Jordan; (2) Theodore Nordberg.
15223 William Glaucus,10 b. 7 Apr., 1861; m. 25 Nov., 1883, Lillian May­hew; res. in New Port, Idaho.
15224 Grant Ulysses,10 b. 30 Aug., 1864; is unm.
15225 Benjamin Franklin,10 b. 16 Jan., 1866; m. Alzina Brayton.
15226 Sherman Mason,10 b. in Monticello, Minn., 29 Apr., 1868; m. Mary Garrison.
15227 Owasco Philander,10 b. in Maple Lake, Minn., 4 July, 1871; m. Frances Cleaver.
15228 Zulima Arminta,10 b. in South Side, Minn., 14 Mar., 1880; m. Ernest Cochran.

8473.   ANGELINE ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Florentine Erwin8 (3560), b. in Jo Daviess Co., Ill., 1 Oct., 1838; m. in St. Helena, Cal., 1 Jan., 1858, George Washington Tucker, b. in Ohio, 15 Dec., 1831, son of Reason Penelope Tucker, b. 1807.
She d. in Calistoga, Cal., 19 Aug., 1881.
He is a farmer; res. in Calistoga; is a Methodist and a Republican.
15229 Delilah Jane Tucker,10 b. 1 Nov., 1858.
15230 Mary Louisa Tucker,10 b. 26 July, 1860.
15231 Jesse Erwin Tucker,10 b. 16 Nov., 1862.
15232 George Henry Tucker,10 b. 24 Apr., 1867.
15233 Martha Angeline Tucker,10 b. 6 Sept., 1870.
15234 John Anderson Tucker,10 b. 26 Nov., 1872.
15235 Charles Leslie Tucker,10 b. 16 Dec., 1874.
15236 Eda Luella Tucker,10 b. 26 Feb., 1876.

8474.   PHILANDER ELISHA,9 son of Florentine Erwin8 (3560), b. in Plum River, Ill., 23 Nov., 1841; m. (1) in Knights Valley, Napa Co., Cal., 19 Sept., 1861, Hester Jane Spires, b. 28 Oct., 1843.
She d. in Napa Valley, 19 Apr., 1866; he m. (2) in Calistoga, 30 Aug., 1868, Sarah Jane Montgomery, b. 10 Oct., 1850, dau. of Robert F. Montgomery, b. 18 Nov., 1826, and Susan A. Thomas, b. 27 Jan., 1827; d. in Goleta, Cal., 28 June, 1884.
He was a farmer; res. in Napa Valley and Goleta; was a member of the Methodist Church and a Republican.
Children by first wife.
15237 Rebecca Jane,10 b. in Calistoga, 3 Jan., 1863; m. David Marshall Cul­ver.
15238 William Clinton,10 b. in Napa Co., Cal., 15 Nov., 1865; m. Avery Viola Shirrell.
Children by second wife.
15239 Frank,10 b. in Calistoga, 17 May, 1869; d. 18 June, same year.
15240 Hester Ellen,10 b. in Calistoga, 1 Nov., 1871; d. 18 Jan., 1875.
15241 Thomas Leslie,10 b. in Calistoga, 24 May, 1873; m. Ada Thomas Baber.

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15242 Lillie Belle,10 b. in Calistoga, 8 July, 1875; m. in Goleta, 18 Jan., 1894, Henry Allen Smith, b. in Iowa, 5 July, 1870, son of Clark T. Smith and Mary Ellen Allen; res. in Goleta; had no children.
15243 Ella May,10 b. in Goleta, 6 Apr., 1877; m. in Goleta, 25 Sept., 1895, Randall Gordon Baber; res. in Dermott, Nev.; had no children.
15244 Frances Louisa,10 b. 25 May, 1879.
15245 A Son,10 b. 2 Dec., 1880; d. same day.
15246 Angeline Josephine,10 b. 10 Jan., 1882.
15247 Edward Erwin,10 b. 18 Oct., 1883; d. 15 Mar., 1884.

8477.   FRANKLIN ERWIN,9 son of Florentine Erwin8 (3560), b. in St. Helena, Cal., 22 Sept., 1851; m. in Jacksonville, Ill., 15 Aug., 1872, Sarah Frances Foster, b. in Greenfield, Ill., 8 Sept., 1850, dau. of Asbury Milton Foster, b. 23 Feb., 1823, and Mary L. Larimore, b. 4 July, 1831.
He is an orchardist and a dairy farmer; res. in Goleta, Cal. In 1868 he went to Illinois and graduated from Illinois College, 1872. He returned to Cali­fornia, 1873, and was a teacher for fourteen years; is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
15248 Elmer Philander,10 b. in Calistoga, 20 Oct., 1873; m. Jessie V. Cat­lett.
15249 Minnie Loretta,10 b. in St. Helena, Cal., 17 Nov., 1874.
15250 Mary Rebecca,10 b. in Covelo, Cal., 11 Aug., 1876.
15251 Clara Louise,10 b. in Goleta, 15 Sept., 1878; d. 4 Sept., 1879.
15252 Erwin Asbury,10 b. in Goleta, 8 Dec., 1880.
15253 Clarence Franklin,10 b. in Goleta, 9 Oct., 1883.
15254 Leonard Florentine,10 b. in Goleta, 5 Aug., 1889.

8493.   HIRAM CLAY,9 son of Benjamin Franklin Ephraim8 (3563), b. in St. Helena, Cal., 9 Sept., 1855; m. (1) 20 May, 1886, Victoria Charlotte Schultz, b. in Iowa, of German parentage.
She d. 31 Jan., 1891; he m. (2) 12 June, 1895, Helen Vianna Kellogg (13621), b. 17 Sept., 1872, dau. of Horace C. Kellogg (+7022) and Hepzibeth Ann Ingle.
He is a civil engineer; has laid out several important irrigation districts in Southern California and Arizona, as well as other engineering work, and, in 1894; was County Surveyor of Orange Co.; res. in Santa Ana, Cal.
Child by first wife.
15255 Victoria Syril,10 b. 25 Jan., 1891.

8494.   MARY ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Benjamin Franklin Ephraim8 (3553), b. in St. Helena, Cal., 6 Apr., 1857; m. in Anaheim, Cal., 12 Feb., 1880, Byron Orlando Clark, b. in Hartwick, Ia., 24 May, 1855, son of John Warren Clark, b. 15 Jan., 1814, and Miriam Dougherty, b. 2 Sept., 1828.
He is a nurseryman and horticulturist; Commissioner and Secretary of Agriculture for Hawaiian Islands; res. in Honolulu. He is a member of the Universalist Church; an Independent Republican.
Children, last three b. in Pasadena, Cal.
15256 Adeline Orilla Clark,10 b. in Anaheim, 31 July, 1881.
15257 Mary Ethel Clark,10 b. 2 Oct., 1882.

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15258 Leslie Cooper Clark,10 b. 20 Dec., 1886.
15259 Miriam Clark,10 b. 3 Oct., 1891.

8497.   LEONARD GRANT,9 son of Benjamin Franklin Ephraim8 (3563), b. in St. Helena, Cal., 1 July, 1862; m. in Los Angeles, Cal., 14 Oct., 1886, Allie Sedalia White, b. in Montgomery Co., Ind., 15 July, 1866, dau. of John Wesley White, b. 18 June, 1837, and Amanda Gray, b. 10 May, 1837.
He is a lawyer; practiced in Los Angeles until 1898; is now in Honolulu, H. I.; is a Republican.
15260 Ruth,10 b. 25 June, 1887; (when she was b. she weighed two and one-half pounds).
15261 A Son,10 b. 12 June, 1889; d. 18 June, same year.

8498.   EDWARD LAWLEY,9 son of Benjamin Franklin Ephraim8 (3563), b. in St. Helena, Cal., 29 Dec., 1864; m. in Anaheim, Cal., 31 Dec., 1895, Gertrude Etna Snyder, b. ______, dau. of George Washington Snyder and Olive Jane Snyder.
He is a farmer; res. in Anaheim.
15262 Mildred Olive,10 b. 24 Nov., 1896.

8499.   LILLIE MAY,9 dau. of Benjamin Franklin Ephraim8 (3563), b. in St. Helena, Napa Co., Cal., 12 Jan., 1867; m. in Anaheim, Cal., 23 Jan., 1893, Wil­liam L. Dunlap.
She d. in Anaheim, 14 Jan., 1894; he res. in Los Angeles.
15263 Lillie May Dunlap,10 b. 12 Jan., 1894.

8503.   IRA DAVIS,9 son of Charles Morgan8 (3574), b. in Ottumwa, Ia., 2 Aug., 1852; m. in Winfield, Kas., 6 June, 1872, Alcinda Ellen Kenworthy, b. in Knightstown, Ind., 15 July, 1852, dau. of Joel H. Kenworthy, of Columbus, Kas., b. 11 Sept., 1824, and Rebecca Spencer, b. 24 Apr., 1825.
He is a plasterer; a member of the Friends' Church; a Prohibitionist; res. in Oskaloosa, Ia.
Children, all except first, ninth and last, b. in Columbus.
15266 Oliver Earl,10 b. 26 Dec., 1877.
15267 Maud Rebecca,10 b. 5 Jan., 1881.
15268 Nida Hackworth,10 b. 10 Aug., 1883.
15269 Leah Spencer,10 b. 17 Feb., 1884.
15270 Smith Thomas,10 b. 13 June, 1885.
15271 Clarissa Hackworth,10 b. 4 Dec., 1886.
15272 Clinton Ira,10 b. in Monett, Mo., 25 Sept., 1888.
15273 Glen Elder,10 b. 20 Oct., 1890.
15274 Homer Murgotten,10 b. 25 Sept., 1892.
15275 Jenny,10 b. in Oskaloosa, 14 June, 1894.

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8506.   DAVID SIMPSON,9 son of Silas8 (3576), b. in Sterling, N. Y., 27 Jan., 1813; m. 1 Mar., 1837, Mary Jane Noble, b. 13 Aug., 1815, dau. of Hon. William Henry Noble, b. 12 Feb., 1785 (a member of Congress, 1836-37), of Rochester, N. Y., and Fanny Stilwell, b. 29 Jan., 1792.
She d. in Cato, N. Y., 8 Feb., 1875; he d. in Ira, N. Y., 2 Mar., 1899.
He was a farmer; res. on the old homestead in Ira.
15276 Fanny Maria,10 b. 7 Feb., 1840; d. 6 July, same year.
15277 Oscar Silas,10 b. in Ira Hill, N. Y., 6 Feb., 1842; m. Mary Jane Shannon.
15278 Charles Hervey,10 b. in Ira, 16 May, 1846; m. Florence Annette Shaw.
15279 Martha Maria,10 b. in Cato, N. Y., 31 Dec., 1848; m. Horace Millard Scofield.
15280 Mary Frances,10 b. in Cato, 31 Dec., 1848; m. Newton Ransom Titus.

8507.   NANCY FOWLER,9 dau. of Silas,8 (8576), b. 7 Jan., 1815; m. 20 Oct., 1833, Amos C. Bartlett, b. in Albany, N. Y., 12 Sept., 1808, son of Michael Bart­lett, b. 28 Dec., 1770, and Ruth Fuller, b. 21 Jan., 1780.
He d. 28 Dec., 1888; she res. in Mohawk, N. Y., with her niece, Martha Maria Scofield.
They res. in Cato, N. Y.
15281 George Washington Bartlett,10 b. 25 Oct., 1834; res. in New York City; has been a merchant; also a general ticket agent in Toledo, O.; was a partner of E. H. Kellogg & Co., in New York City; d. Nov., 1893.
15282 David Wharton Bartlett,10 b. 12 Feb., 1836; m. 7 Apr., 1863, Emily Edsall, of New York, b. 6 Dec., 1839; res. in New York City; was a bookkeeper for E. H. Kellogg; d. 1892.

8508.   DR. ASA DAY,9 son of Silas8 (3576), b. in Ira, N. Y., 5 July, 1818; m. 28 Sept., 1848, Araminta Vilata Curtis, b. in Victory, N. Y., 3 Mar., 1823, dau. of Ebenezer Curtis, b. in Lebanon, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1793, and Ruby Brewster New­comb, b. in Connecticut, 1800.
He d. 26 Feb., 1897; was interred in Cato, N. Y.; she res. in Wolcott, N. Y.
He was a homeopathic physician in Wolcott, to which place he rem. 29 Nov., 1847.
Children, b. in Wolcott.
15283 Alice Merilla,10 b. 19 Oct., 1849; m. Ezekiel Lewis Cooper.
15284 Day Hervey,10 b. 21 Jan., 1852; d. 10 Dec., 1875.
15285 Lida Violett,10 b. 17 Mar., 1854; res., unm., in Wolcott.
15286 Edward Henry,10 b. 22 Dec., 1855; m. Mary Lillian De Witt.

8509.   JAMES HERVEY,9 son of Silas8 (3576), b. in Ira, N. Y., 30 Mar., 1821; m. in Cato, N. Y., 16 Dec., 1847, Susan Gay Allen, b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 8 Mar., 1829, dau. of Rufus Allen, of Cato, and Maria Hubbard.
She d. in Stony Creek, Va., 6 Mar., 1875; he d. 13 June, 1884.
He was a carpenter, a farmer and a manufacturer of agricultural imple­ments; res. in Ira (part of the time on the old homestead), until Nov., 1869, when he rem. to Stony Creek, Va.

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15287 Mary Kathleen,10 b. 18 June, 1849; d. in Meridian, N. Y., 1 Sept., 1865.
15288 George Henry,10 b. 3 Oct., 1859; d. before 1884.

8533.   CELIA,9 dau. of Alvan8 (3579), b. in Sempronius, N. Y., 12 Nov., 1819; m. in Scott, Cortland Co., N. Y., Simon M. Babcock, b. May, 1809, son of Luke Babcock and Elizabeth Main.
He d. in Berlin Heights, O., 22 Feb., 1879; she res. in Franklin, Pa.
He was a merchant, a member of the Methodist Church and a Republican.
15289 Burton M. Babcock,10 b. 27 Oct., 1839; m. 12 Jan., 1867, Helen E. Mor­ris, of Binghamton, N. Y.; d. in Binghamton, 23 Mar., 1899; had four children.
15290 Amelia O. Babcock,10 b. 20 Mar., 1841; m. Charles L. Howard; res. in Friendship, N. Y.; had three children.
15291 Inez M. Babcock,10 b. 4 Aug., 1846; m. 22 Feb., 1869, Lucus Reed, of Wayne Co., Ia.
15292 Charles H. Babcock,10 b. 27 June, 1848; m. June, 1889, Ella Park; res. in La Fayette, Ind.; had three children.
15293 Edmond James Babcock,10 b. _______; d. aged two years.
15294 Metta E. Babcock,10 b. 28 Nov., 1855; m. Mar., 1869, Joseph C. Sib­ley; res. in Franklin, Pa.; had two children.

8534.   CYRUS STOW,9 son of Alvan8 (3579), b. in Niles, N. Y., 7 Sept., 1821; m. (1) 1 Jan., 1843, Emmeline A. Eldridge, b. in Pitcher, N. Y., 17 July, 1821, dau. of Enoch Eldridge, of Chenango Co., N. Y.
She d. in East Scott, N. Y., 24 Nov., 1843; he m. (2) in Scott, 8 Jan., 1846, Amanda Adeline Salisbury, b. 10 Oct., 1819, dau. of Nathan Salisbury, b. 10 Oct., 1793, and Lucretia A. Babcock, b. 30 Sept., 1792; d. in Homer, N. Y., 16 May, 1894; she res. in New York City.
He was a farmer; res. in Scott, where he was Supervisor for several years.
Children by second wife, b. in Scott.
15296 Emmeline Amanda,10 b. 15 Dec., 1852; was graduated from Troy Female Seminary, 1872; is a bookkeeper and a teacher; res., unm., in Homer, N. Y.
15297 Charles Leland,10 b. 2 Nov., 1855; m. 22 Sept., 1886, Alice Aryna Knapp, dau. of Justus Norton Knapp and Polly McKay; was grad­uated from New York College of Pharmacy, 1887; is a druggist; res. in New York City; has no children.

8535.   THERON,9 son of Alvan,8 (8579), b. in Niles, N. Y., 29 Jan., 1824; m. in Scott, N. Y., 5 Mar., 1846, Martha Emily Osborne, b. in Goshen, Conn., 5 June, 1825, dau. of Noah Humphrey Osborne, b. 25 Aug., 1802, and Eliza Azubah Thompson, b. 1806.
She d. in Friendship, N. Y., 9 Nov., 1874; he m. (2) in Lima, Wis., 26 Dec., 1876, Frances Amanda Anthony, b. in Scott, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1836, dau. of Harvey

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Anthony, b. 1801, and Betsey Moon, b. 1802; d. in Friendship, 27 June, 1891; she res. in Homer, N. Y.
He was a farmer and a Republican.
15298 Lucia E.,10 b. 19 Jan., 1848; d. 11 Apr., 1863.
15299 Frank Alvan,10 b. in Cuba, N. Y., 30 Mar., 1866; m. Mary E. Witter.

8536.   CLARINE,9 dau. of Alvan8 (3579), b. in East Scott, N. Y., 30 Oct., 1827; m. 25 Sept., 1845, Benjamin E. Osborne, b. 30 Mar., 1822, adopted son of Judge Noah Osborne, of McGrawville, N. Y.
He d. 30 June, 1865; she res. with her dau., Mrs. Kinney, in Hoboken, N. J.
He was a farmer; res. in Friendship, N. Y.
15300 Metella T. Osborne,10 b. 14 Jan., 1848; d. 25 Sept., 1849.
15301 Celia Adelaide Osborne,10 b. 14 Mar., 1852; m. 17 Dec., 1873, Gilmore Kinney; res. in Hoboken.

8562.   MARY TRYPHENA,9 dau. of Frederick8 (3582), b. in Cato, N. Y., 19 Jan., 1821; m. in Scott, N. Y., 18 Nov., 1838, Lauren Chester Underwood, b. in Connecticut, 17 Apr., 1818, son of Chester Underwood, of Colebrook, Conn., b. 15 Oct., 1774, and Elizabeth Tuttle.
She d. about Aug., 1899; he is a carpenter, a member of the Methodist Church and a Republican; res. in Brighton, Mich.
15302 Charles Harlow Underwood,10 b. in Scott, 2 Oct., 1839; d. 27 Dec., 1839.
15303 Emma Armanda Underwood,10 b. in Scott, 25 Mar., 1844; m. 31 Mar., 1870, Herman Jones; is a dressmaker in Brighton, Mich.; he was a farmer in Brighton, where he d. 26 Dec., 1875; had three chil­dren.
15304 De Witt Clinton Underwood,10 b. in Norwich, N. Y., 9 Sept., 1845; m. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 10 Sept., 1878, Lola Jenks; was a sales­man in Grand Rapids; later res. in Chicago, Ill.
15305 Etta Almira Underwood,10 b. in Scott, 4 Sept., 1854; m. 26 Sept., 1887, Ely P. Hubbell; res. in Geneva, O.
15306 Myrtie Adelaide Underwood,10 b. in Friendship, N. Y., 19 Dec., 1858; m. John A. Nelson, Jr.; res. in Brighton.

8563.   LUCY ANN,9 dau. of Frederick8 (3582), b. in Hannibal, N. Y.; 20 Oct., 1822; m. 4 July, 1843, Calvin Williamson, b. 16 Mar., 1820, son of James Wil­liamson, b. 12 Jan., 1773, and Hannah Conklin, b. 1783.
He is a farmer; res. in Cuba, and later in Niles, N. Y.
15307 Sarah Flavilla Williamson,10 b. in Spafford, N. Y., 7 May, 1844; m. in Friendship, N. Y., 28 Mar., 1864, John Northrop; he was an editor in Parish, N. Y.; had four children.
15308 Albert De Witt Williamson,10 b. 19 Aug., 1845; d. 24 Dec.; 1859.
15309 Marian Lotetia Williamson,10 b. 22 Nov., 1847; m. in Georgetown,

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N. Y., 16 Dec., 1869, Henry Marshall Cotten; he is a farmer; res. in Appleton City, Mo.; had two children.
15310 Alice Eugenia Williamson,10 b. 20 Aug., 1849; m. in Cuba, N. Y., 24 Dec., 1868, Charles E. Utter; d. in Cuba, 21 Sept., 1871; he is a farmer; res. in Friendship, N. Y.; had one child.
15311 Anna Eliza Williamson,10 b. 12 Mar., 1851; was a teacher in Cuba.
15312 Emma Geneva Williamson,10 b. in Scott, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1854.
15313 Hattie Elizabeth Williamson,10 b. in Friendship, 13 Dec., 1857; m. _______, 28 Oct., 1876.

8564.   ALMIRA,9 dau. of Frederick8 (3582), b. in Scott, N. Y., 8 Aug., 1824; m. 2 Mar., 1842, Rev. William Henry Harrison, b. in Winchester, Conn., 12 Feb., 1812, son of James Harrison, b. 26 Feb., 1780, and Dolly Frisby, b. 25 Oct., 1778.
She d. 8 Sept., 1898; he is a Free Will Baptist minister and a Republican; in 1877 he was a clergyman in Great Valley, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y.
15314 Charles Henry Harrison,10 b. in Spafford, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1843; m. (1) 30 Dec., 1868, Mary O. Jones, who d. 4 Sept., 1871; (2) 22 Dec., 1872, Alena V. Chase, who d. 2 Oct., 1887; (3) 28 Aug., 1888, Lottie Hinman; is a farmer in Great Valley; had four children.
15315 Andrew Nelson Harrison,10 b. 23 Dec., 1843; m. 4 July, 1877, Bessie Sammer; she d. 1878; he d. 1 May, 1888; was a farmer; res. in Great Valley.
15316 Emily Tryphena Harrison,10 b. 25 June, 1845; d. in Great Valley, 30 Oct., 1865.
15317 William Kellogg Harrison,10 b. in Great Valley, 23 July, 1863; m. 8 June, 1898, Ida May Saddler; had one child.

8566.   DAN,9 son of Frederick8 (3582), b. in Scott, 4 Sept., 1827; m. in Spaf­ford, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1852, Phebe Ostrander, b. 16 Oct., 1830, dau. of John Os­trander and Susan Lamphere.
He is a blacksmith; has res. in Friendship, N. Y., since 1859; previously, 1843-47, in Wisconsin, 1852-54, in Tully, N. Y., and 1854-59, in Scott, N. Y.
15318 Alice Rosalie,10 b. in Tully, 28 Jan., 1854; d. in Scott, 20 June, 1856.
15319 Warren Wallace,10 b. in Scott, 9 May, 1856; m. Rose Haney.
15320 Charles Frederick,10 b. in Friendship, 23 Dec., 1867; m. in Niles, N. Y., 11 June, 1892, Ellen Newton, b. in Wirt, N. Y., 14 Mar., 1865, dau. of Laurens Newton, b. 23 Oct., 1825, and Irene Scott, b. 3 Aug., 1836; was a maker of inside blinds; res. in Dunkirk, N. Y.; had no children.
15321 Walter Everts,10 b. in Friendship, 14 Jan., 1871; m. in Belmont, N. Y., 28 Jan., 1892, Caroline Sortore; d. 10 Aug., 1895; she res. in Oil City, Pa.

8567.   EMILY,9 dau. of Frederick8 (3582), b. in Scott, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1830; m. in Norwich, N. Y., 23 June, 1853, Alonzo Cahoon, b. 18 Jan., 1829, son of Stephen Cahoon, b. 3 Feb., 1804, and Rhoda Snow, b. 25 May, 1807.
She d. 21 July, 1859; he d. 4 May, 1895.
He was a carpenter; res. in Great Bend, Pa., and Norwich, N. Y.

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15322 Louise Melissa Cahoon,10 b. in Norwich, 12 July, 1854; m. in Norwich, 11 Dec., 1888, Samuel Augustus Tanner, b. 10 Aug., 1846, son of Albert Spencer Tanner, b. 7 Aug., 1807, and Sarah Allen, b. 5 Mar., 1812; res. in Hamilton, N. Y.; has two children.
15323 Geneive Emily Cahoon,10 b. 30 June, 1857; m. 16 May, 1883, Frank Edgar Powers, of Grand Rapids, Mich., b. 28 Apr., 1857, son of J. Edgar Powers and Sarah Standish, a descendant of Capt. Miles Standish, of the Mayflower; res. in Grand Rapids.

8568.   WARREN,9 son of Frederick8 (3582), b. in Scott, N. Y., 6 May, 1832; m. in Norwich, N. Y., 14 Sept., 1858, Lucy Maria Houghton, b. 11 June, 1834, dau. of Rev. Royal Houghton and Maria Morse, b. 18 Sept., 1807.
She d. in Valley Creek, Minn., 26 Feb., 1894.
He is a farmer; res. in Friendship, N. Y., and Valley Creek.
Children, b. in Friendship.
15324 Homer Frederick,10 b. 21 Nov., 1860; m. Wealthy Margaret Breadon.
15325 Addie Belle,10 b. 9 May, 1866; m. Charles Erastus Bolles.

8569.   ALBERT THERON,9 son of Frederick8 (3582), b. in Scott, N. Y., 11 July, 1834; m. in Canada, 8 Sept., 1856, Mary Jane Thompson, b. in Canada, 22 Jan., 1839, dau. of Thomas and Margaret Thompson, both b. in England.
She d. 7 July, 1895; he m. in Kalkaska, Mich., 12 July, 1896, Sarah Melissa Kidder; she d. 31 Oct., 1898; he is a merchant in Kalkaska and a Jus­tice of the Peace.
Children, b. in Friendship, N. Y.
15326 Jennie Almira,10 b. 19 Apr., 1859; m. George Wheeler Wooden.
15327 Nettie May,10 b. 11 Dec., 1861; m. Chauncey C. Jencks.
15328 Emily Tryphena,10 b. 19 Jan., 1865; m. Addis Watson Clark.

8570.   JOHN EVARTS,9 son of Frederick8 (3582), b. in Scott, N. Y., 5 Feb., 1838; m. in Friendship, N. Y., '7 Nov., 1863, Frances Isadore Hickcox, b. 9 Nov., 1844, dau. of John Spafford Hickcox, b. 21 Nov., 1817, and Abigail Scott Leon­ard, b. 3 July, 1823, both of Friendship.
He d. in Bellwood, Neb., 1 Feb., 1898.
He was a merchant; res. in Bellwood; was a farmer in Patron, Neb.; which place he rem. to Bellwood in 1880. He was a Union soldier; enlisted 9 Aug., 1862, in Co. K, One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Reg., New York Volun­teers; was discharged in Fort Columbus, N. Y., 19 May, 1863, by reason of dis­ability.
15329 Frederick Roderick,10 b. in Friendship, 5 Aug., 1864; m. Florence Foster.
15330 Charles Norman,10 b. in Patron, 31 Aug., 1871; res., unm., in Ben­wood.
15331 Roy Burdette,10 b. in Patron, 22 May, 1875; res., unm., in Bellwood.

8571.   WILLIAM SILAS,9 son of Frederick8 (3582), b. in Scott; N. Y., 29 Dec., 1839; m. (1) 10 Nov., 1864, Olive Clarinda Churchill, b. 6 Aug., 1844,

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dau. of Chauncy Churchill, of East Scott, b. 3 Oct., 1809, and Catherine Merry, b. 9 May, 1811.
She d. 13 Sept., 1875; he m. (2) 26 Sept., 1877, Rachael Louise Heberd, dau. of Ulysses Heberd, of Homer, N. Y., b. in Onondaga Hill, N. Y., 9 Oct., 1809, and Louise Platt, b. in Danbury, Conn., Jan., 1842.
He is an express messenger; res. in Homer, N. Y.
Children by first wife.
15332 Olin Clay,10 b. in South Spafford, N. Y., 21 Apr., 1870; m. in New Woodstock, N. Y., 25 July, 1894, Effie Adelia Wheelock, b. 20 Apr., 1872, dau. of Albert Newell Wheelock, b. 2 Mar., 1837, and Susan Healey, b. 23 June, 1848; was graduated from Syracuse Univer­sity, A. B., 1892; A. M., 1893; Ph. D., 1894; is instructor of Eng­lish literature and elocution; a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; res. in Syracuse; has no children.
15333 Alice Lydia,10 b. in Homer, 21 Oct., 1874; res., unm., in Syracuse; is a bookkeeper.

8574.   OZRO,9 son of Asa8 (3583), b. 1 May, 1826; m. 25 Oct., 1854, Sarah Jane Kritzer, b. 19 Nov., 1834, dau. of John David Kritzer, of Germany, b. about 1794, and Christina Newell, b. 1 Oct., 1795.
He is a farmer; res. in Albion, Mich.
Children, b. in Sheridan, Mich.
15334 Charles Asa,10 b. 13 Sept., 1855; m. in Sheridan, 13 Sept., 1875, Har­riet Griffin; was a farmer; res. in Clarence, Mich.; d. in Sheridan, 27 June, 1879; had no children.
15335 John Kritzer,10 b. 14 Mar., 1857; m. Caroline Klein.
15336 Sarah Christina,10 b. 2 May, 1864; d. in Sheridan, 1 May, 1873.
15337 Fay Krista,10 b. 11 May, 1873; was a farmer and a Democrat; d. in Albion, 26 Mar., 1898; res. in Clarence.

8575.   ALLEN,9 son of Asa8 (3583), b. in Cayuga Co., N. Y., 14 Apr., 1828; m. in Olivet, Mich., 5 Mar., 1855, Mary Augusta Oakley, b. in Seneca Co., N. Y., 11 Aug., 1832, dau. of Benjamin Oakley and Phoebe Palmer, b. 20 Nov., 1797, both of Calhoun Co., Mich.
She d. in Gates, Neb., 15 May, 1895.
Hers a farmer; res. in Gates; is a Seventh-Day Adventist; in politics he is a Populist, though he was formerly a Democrat.
15338 Mary Dell,10 b. in Clarence, Mich., 24 July, 1856; m. John Don A. Bailey.
15339 Carrie Bell,10 b. in Sheridan, Mich., 31 Oct., 1858; m. Silas O. Wood­ard.
15340 Benjamin Oakley,10 b. in Sheridan, 26 Feb., 1867; m. Marian Hazen.

8576.   CHARLES WHITE,9 son of Asa,8 (8583), b. in Cayuga Co., N. Y., 9 June, 1830; m. (1) in Clarence, Mich., 11 Oct., 1855, Rachel S. Palmer, b. in Cayuga Co., N. Y., 2 Apr., 1838, dau. of John Russell Palmer and Ann Baker.
She d. ______, in Calhoun Co., Mich.; he m. (2) in Burlington, Ia., 22 Apr., 1871, Ellen Matilda Lampman, b. in Munson, O., 3 July, 1842, dau. of Edwin

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Lampman, b. 10 Mar., 1814, and Matilda St. John, b. 23 Feb., 1813; she d. in Cairo, Neb., 20 Nov., 1900.
He is a farmer; res. in Grand Island, Neb.; is a Seventh-Day Adventist and a Democrat.
Children by first wife.
15341 William Jay,10 b. in Sheridan, Mich., 20 Sept., 1856; m. Amanda Burkholder.
15342 Walter Palmer,10 b. in Clarence, Mich., 9 Oct., 1858; m. Cora Estella Hayward.
15343 Ozro,10 b. in Clarence, 23 Nov., 1860; d. 27 Nov., 1860.
15344 Emma May,10 b. in Clarence, 23 May, 1862; m. Anthony Hildebrandt.
Children by second wife.
15345 Asa Edwin,10 b. in Jackson, Ia., 6 May, 1872; d. in Mayfield, Neb., 19 Mar., 1891.
15346 Allen Orr,10 b. in Jackson, 8 Feb., 1876; d. in Jackson, 17 Mar., 1876.
15347 Saba Elmer,10 b. in Jackson, 29 Oct., 1877.
15348 Ralph Roy,10 b. in Mayfield, 11 Aug., 1880; d. there, 29 Aug., 1880.

8579.   DELL,9 dau. of Asa8 (3583), b. in Painesville, O., 6 Apr., 1836; m. in Albion, Mich., 27 Aug., 1856, Wet William Alburtus Emmons, b. in Rochester, N. Y., 24 Aug., 1883, son of Nelson Stephens Emmons, b. 7 Mar., 1808, and Matilda Lemmon, b. 1813.
He is an editor; res. in Pittsburg, Fla.
Children, b. in Burlington, Ia.
15349 Sarah Matilda Emmons,10 b. 3 Nov., 1868; m. in St. Andrews Bay, Fla., 7 Apr., 1891, Edward J. Lynch; res. in Tampa, Fla; had one child.
15350 Edwin Alburtus Emmons,10 b. 2 June, 1875; is unm.

8585.   FLORA,9 dau. of Israel Phelps8 (3585), b. in Burton, O., 5 Mar., 1840; m. in Wyocena, Wis., 28 Mar., 1858, Junior A. Jennings, b. in Ridgefield, O., 4 June, 1827.
She d. 16 May, 1860; he d. 18 Oct., 1863.
15351 Ida Alice Jennings,10 b. 2 Mar., 1859; m. in Racine, Wis., 21 Feb., 1884, Wilbur Henry Dean; res. in Racine; had three children.
15352 Elna Frances Jennings,10 b. 7 Aug., 1860; m. _______ Watkins; res. in St. Louis, Mo.; had no children.

8586.   OSCAR ALONZO,9 son of Israel Phelps8 (3585), b. in Munson, O., 21 Sept., 1843; m. in Wyocena, Wis., 21 Mar., 1866, Louise De Puy, b. in Manlius, N. Y., 3 Aug., 1845, dau. of William Wilshire De Puy, b. 21 Sept., 1821, and Margaret Ann Delany, b. 5 May, 1826.
He is a farmer, a Baptist and a Republican; was a soldier; enlisted as private in Co. E, First Wisconsin Heavy Artillery, 26 Aug., 1864; was discharged 3 July, 1865.
15353 Ellsworth Lester,10 b. in Wyocena, 20 Mar., 1867; m. Emma Rachel Ryan.

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15354 William Israel,10 b. in Clintonville, Wis., 13 Sept., 1868; m. Anna M. Newton.
15355 Harry Scott,10 b. in Waukau, Wis., 18 Nov., 1881.

8587.   JANE CELESTINE,9 dau. of Israel Phelps8 (3585), b. in Munson, O., 24 Oct., 1844; m. in Dekorra, Columbia Co., Wis., 6 July, 1868, Albert Melanch­thon Cummings, b. in Brooklyn, Ill., 10 Apr., 1846, son of David Herman Cum­mings and Delia Ann Daines, b. 12 Oct., 1817.
She d. in Wyocena, Wis., 28 Mar., 1899.
He is a farmer and a Republican; was a soldier in the civil war; enlisted 22 Feb., 1864; was discharged 22 Feb., 1867; enlisted in Co. I, Third United States Cavalry.
Children, b. in Wyocena.
15356 Charles Leslie Cummings,10 b. 20 Apr., 1869; d. in Unity, Wis., 24 Jan., 1873.
15357 Elna Elizabeth Cummings,10 b. 16 Mar., 1871; m. in Pardeeville, Wis., 10 Dec., 1891, Carl Clarence Scott; res. in Rio, Wis.
15358 Ernest Allen Cummings,10 b. 8 June, 1873; m. in Rio, 7 Apr., 1897, Tonnelly Marion Wagner; res. in Wyocena.

8590.   PETER COMSTOCK,9 son of Charles White8 (3587), b. in Troy, N. Y., 26 Apr., 1841; m. 22 July, 1869, Julia Burwell Snow, b. in Buffalo, N. Y., 22 July, 1842, dau. of Dr. Reuben Griswold Snow, b. 28 Dec., 1805, and Susan Bur­well, b. 24 Oct., 1805.
She d. in Montclair, N. J., 24 Mar., 1892, and was buried in Comstock, N. Y.
He res. in New York City. He commenced business as a merchant in oils in 1865, and continued until 1885. In 1878 he went into the auction business selling fine grades of live stock, and is one of the best known men in his business in the United States.
He is also a contributor to the Agricultural and Sporting press.
15359 Charles Snow,10 b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 11 June, 1870; m. 26 Oct., 1899, in New York City, Ida May Freeman, dau. of Lorain Free­man and Mary E. Farnham; is a lawyer; res. in New York City.
15360 Roy,10 b. in Brooklyn, 16 Feb., 1874; d. 20 Aug., 1875.
15361 Frederick Snow,10 b. in Montclair, N. J., 5 Nov., 1880; was grad­uated from Yale College, 1901.

8593.   MONTGOMERY ALEXANDER,9 son of Ezra Powell8 (3588), b. in Gal­way, N. Y., 21 Feb., 1830; m. (1) 12 June, 1851, Harriet Huyck, b. in Scho­dack Landing, N. Y., 7 Jan., 1833, dau. of Philip Huyck, b. 3 Apr., 1805, and Hannah Crandall, b. 10 June, 1806.
She d. 15 Mar., 1856; he m. (2) 14 Oct., 1858, Susannah Schermerhorn, b. in Fonda, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1833, dau. of Peter V. D. V. Schermerhorn, of Fonda, and Eliza Dockstater; d. 19 Apr., 1898, from overwork, not having had a vaca­tion for over twenty years.
He res. in New York City; was a civil engineer. For the last nineteen years he was employed as engineer in chief of the Department of Public Works, and engineer in chief of the Bureau of Construction of Roads and

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Avenues. He assisted in constructing the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad from New York to Albany, and built the Georgetown Water Works.
15362 Charles Montgomery,10 b. in Cuyahoa Falls, O., 29 Mar., 1852; m, Elizabeth Ostrom.
15363 Peter Schermerhorn,10 b. in New York City, 1 Dec., 1859; m. there, 18 Oct., 1883, Mary Elizabeth Comstock, b. in New York, 4 Dec., 1859, dau. of William King Comstock, b. 29 Aug., 1834, and Mary Bradbury Bryant, b. 25 Nov., 1840; res. in New York; d. 18 June, 1901; was a clerk; had no children.
15364 Henry Powell,10 b. in New York, 3 Sept., 1861.
15365 Abram Wakeman,10 b. in Fonda, 2 Aug., 1863.
15366 Montgomery Alexander,10 b. 16 Apr., 1874; d. 30 Sept., 1874.

8607.   JOHN OLMSTED,9 son of Sylvester Truman8 (3593), b. in Milton, N. Y., ______; m. 29 June, 1864, Elizabeth Jennings Baird, dau. of Lyman Baird and Catherine Frances Jennings.
She d. 28 Jan., 1899; he res. in Peekskill, N. Y.
15367 Sylvester Truman,10 b. in Norwalk, Conn., 11 Jan., 1866; m. Grace Amelia Fuller.
15368 Julia Elizabeth,10 b. ______; m. 24 June, 1896, Edward Frederick Bailey, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; res. in Brooklyn; has no children.

8608.   MARY RENSHAW,9 dau. of Sylvester Truman8 (3593), b. in New York City, ______; m. in Yonkers, N. Y., 7 June, 1859, William Henry King, b. in New York City, 29 July, 1830, son of Rufus Sylvester King, b. 11 Sept., 1795, and Phoebe Odell, b. 27 Feb., 1804.
He d. in Yonkers, 29 Nov., 1885; he was an Episcopalian; she res. in Yonkers.
15369 Mary Louise King,10 b. ______, in Yonkers; res., unm., with her mother.

8609.   CAROLINE AUGUSTA,9 dau. of Sylvester Truman8 (3593), b. in New York City, 10 Jan., 1841; m. in Yonkers, N. Y., 10 Sept., 1862, Thomas Gray, b. in Scotland, 7 Feb., 1838, son of Thomas Gray, of Melrose, Scotland, and Mary Blakeney.
He is a Presbyterian; res. in New York City.
15370 Frank Browning Gray,10 b. 1863; d. in infancy.
15371 Thomas Lombard Gray,10 b. in Stamford, Conn., July, 1866; m. 1896, Ella Boles; res. in Portland, Or.
15372 Mary Blakeney Gray,10 b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 29 Sept., 1869; res., unm., in New York City.

8624.   NEWTON ,9 son of Rev. Martin Powell8 (3601), b. 26 Feb., 1823; m. Jan., 1850, Mary A. Cox.
He d. in Indianapolis, Ind., about 1898; was a manufacturer of edged tools, res. in Indianapolis.

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15373 Rhodolphus,10 b. 2 Jan., 1851; d. 3 June, 1856.
15374 Ada B.,10 b. 25 Dec., 1853.
15375 Annie,10 b. 28 Aug., 1856.

8625.   MIRANDA,9 dau. of Rev. Martin Powell8 (3601), b. in Mexico, N. Y., 12 Aug., 1825; m. in Worthington, O., 8 Aug., 1844, Ralph Granger, b. in Green­ville, O., 10 July, 1823, son of Ralph Granger, of Sandisfield, Mass., and Green­ville, O., and Hannah Spellman.
He is a farmer; res. in Granville, O.
15376 Lewis Gilman Granger,10 b. 29 Oct., 1845; d. 28 July, 1882.
15377 Frank Ralph Granger,10 b. 14 Nov., 1848; m. Martha Parry.
15378 Sarah Lillian Granger,10 b. 27 Mar., 1851; m. Charles Warden.
15379 Mary Melvina Granger,10 b. 1 Jan., 1855; m. Thomas C. Evans.
15380 Henry Newton Granger,10 b. 29 Apr., 1858; d. 8 Apr., 1883.
15381 Catherine Hannah Granger,10 b. 21 Sept., 1864; d. 23 Feb., 1882.

8627.   LEWIS,9 son of Rev. Martin Powell8 (3601), b. in Danville, O., 20 Sept., 1833; m. 8 July, 1860, Mary Jane Hart, b. 16 Aug., 1844, dau. of Ansel Hart and Clementine Russell.
He is a farmer; res. in Ohio until he was of age, and, in 1855, rem. with his father's family to Wayne Co., Ia., and now res. in Corydon, Ia.; has been Auditor of the County for two years.
Children, all except Edward, b. in Cambria, Ia.
15382 Ansel,10 b. 2 May, 1861; d. in Cambria, 22 Mar., 1866.
15383 Lewis Finney,10 b. 29 Nov., 1863; has not been heard from for many years and is believed to be dead; last address, Gunnison, Col.
15384 Ida Miranda,10 b. 17 Mar., 1866; m. William Sherman Hill.
15385 Nettie,10 b. 29 July, 1871; m. Henry Mayo Kirby.
15386 Edward,10 b. in Cedar Rapids, Ia., 1 June; 1875.

8632.   AARON LINDSLEY,9 son of Rev. Lewis8 (3603), b. in Whitehall, N. Y., 22 Dec., 1839; m. (1) 5 Jan., 1871, Catherine Ann Jones, b. 26 Dec., 1851, dau. of Evan D. Jones, b. 29 Jan., 1819, in Bethesda, Carnarvanshire, North Wales, and Ellen Ellis, b. 20 Mar., 1818.
She d. 20 Aug., 1882; he m. (2) 14 July, 1887, Isabel Morgan, b. 25 Oct., 1865, dau. of David Gardner Morgan, b. 25 Dec., 1829, and Saphronia Patterson Sherman, b. 5 Mar., 1831.
He res. in Rocky Ford, Col.; is in the mercantile and manufacturing busi­ness; has held positions of honor and trust. In 1897 he was a member of the State Board of Agriculture, which has control of the State Agricultural College.
Children by first wife.
15387 Lewis Ellis,10 b. in Fair Haven, Vt., 30 July, 1872; d. 10 Oct., 1880.
15388 Grace,10 b. in Castleton, Vt., 29 June, 1874; d. 11 Mar., 1875.
15389 Gertrude Frances,10 b. in Fair Haven, 20 Feb., 1876.
15390 Addison Lindsley,10 b. in Hutchinson, Kas., 20 Dec., 1877.
Child by second wife.
15391 Vida Margaret,10 b. in Rocky Ford, 001., 28 Feb., 1896.

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8633.   MARTIN,9 son of Rev. Lewis8 (3603), b. in Whitehall, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1842; m. in Whitehall, 1 Aug., 1866, Adelia Goodale, b. 11 Dec., 1845, dau. of George Goodale, b. 5 Aug., 1815, and Eliza Jane Wood, b. 6 Dec., 1820.
He was a druggist in Fair Haven, Vt.; later res. in Whitehall. In 1896 he was a bookkeeper and accountant in Albuquerque, N. M., for the New York Life Insurance Company.
Children, b. in Whitehall.
15392 Edith Adelia,10 b. 4 Mar., 1867; d. 1 June, 1875.
15393 Mabel Goodale,10 b. 15 Nov., 1868; m. James Edward Elder.
15394 Georgie May,10 b. 6 Feb., 1877.
15395 Lewis Martin,10 b. 16 Sept., 1879.
15396 Eliza Jane Wood,10 b. 26 May, 1881.

8635.   FRANCES EDDY,9 dau. of Rev. Lewis8 (3603), b. in Whitehall, N. Y., 9 Dec., 1845; m. in Sitka, Alaska, 15 Dec., 1878, Rev. Samuel Hall Young, b. in Butler, Pa., 12 Sept., 1847, son of Rev. Loyal Young, D. D., b. 10 July, 1806, and Margaret Porter Johnston, b. 1807.
He was graduated from the Western Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Pa., 1878. He was a Presbyterian missionary to Alaska, 1878-88. He was appointed Governor of Alaska by President McKinley. During the first six years of his residence in Alaska there was no civic government, and he devoted his time to driving out witchcraft and slavery. He spent much of his time in exploring Southeastern Alaska, and while engaged in this work traveled over 15,000 miles.
He established about all the schools and missions in Alaska; built the first church; set up the first printing press; was Secretary of the first Territorial Convention.
Before his Gubernatorial appointment he was pastor of Westminster Church, of Wooster, O., and professor of Biblical instruction in Wooster University.
Children, b. in Fort Wrangel, Alaska.
15397 Abigail Lindsley Young,10 b. 19 Sept., 1879.
15398 Margaret Alaska Young,10 b. 27 Feb., 1881.
15399 Frances Louise Young,10 b. 9 Mar., 1885; d. in Oakland, Cal., 10 Jan., 1887.

8638.   BURR SMITH,9 son of Day Otis8 (3604), b. in Owasco, N. Y., 8 Aug., 1826; m. in Syracuse, N. Y., 17 Dec., 1849, Kate Curtiss, b. in Hoosick, N. Y., 23 May, 1828, dau. of Ebenezer Miller Curtiss, b. 1801, and Alice Landon, b. 1799.
He d. in San Francisco, Cal., 18 Apr., 1879; after his death she res. in Asbury Park, N. J.
He res. in New York City, where he was an accountant, later, in San Fran­cisco, where he was secretary and treasurer several mining companies.
15400 Ann Eliza,10 b. in Troy, N. Y., 13 Sept., 1851; m. Hugh Jarvis Hunt.
15401 Alice Curtiss,10 b. in Philadelphia, Pa., 10 Apr., 1855; is unm.

8639.   CHARLES DAY,9 son of Day Otis8 (3604), b. in Troy, N. Y., 4 July, 1828; m. in Boston, Mass., 6 Nov., 1850, Mary Elizabeth Cobb, b. in Boston, 28 Apr., 1828, dau. of Henry Cobb, b. in Camden, Me., 1797, and Augusta Adams, b. in Beverly, Mass., about 1799.
She d. 19 Nov., 1895.

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He was a merchant until in 1878. For four years he was general secretary of the Society for Organizing Charity, of Philadelphia; for fourteen years general secretary of the Charity Organization Society of the City of New York and now, 1898, its second vice-president. This society is a clearing-house for all the New York charities, and is probably the foremost in the world in its line of work.
During the civil war he was quartermaster and general storekeeper, in the State of Massachusetts, until the United States undertook the equipment. He is a member of the Reformed Episcopal Church and one of its original founders; in politics a Republican.
15402 Grace Otis,10 b. in Dedham, Mass., 6 Nov., 1851; m. Robert Winthrop Pratt.
15403 Henry Burr,10 b. in Brookline, Mass., 9 Nov., 1853; d. 7 Dec., 1853.
15404 Lucy Candler,10 b. in Boston, 27 Sept., 1855; unm.
15405 Mary Elizabeth,10 b. in Brookline, 15 July, 1857; she is a profes­sional singer; studied in foreign lands; is known professionally as Mlle. Molka-Kellogg.

8640.   COL. GEORGE DIMON,9 son of Day Otis8 (3604), b. in Troy, N. Y., 13 July, 1833; m. in Peru, N. Y., 3 July, 1856, Harriet Amelia Sanborn, b. in Peru, 5 May, 1836, dau. of Isaac Sanborn and Mary Ann Goodrich.
He d. in Peru, June, 1868; she d. there, 17 June, 1873.
He was a lawyer and newspaper correspondent; res. in Peru; was graduated from the Vermont State University, 1853; was an Episcopalian. In the civil war he served as Capt. of Mulligan's Guard, and was afterward on Gen. Halleck's staff, with the rank of Col.
15406 Georgiana Sanborn,10 b. in New York City, 12 Aug., 1851; res., unm., in Waban (Newton), Mass.

8642.   REV. DAY OTIS,9 son of Day Otis8 (3604), b. in Troy, N. Y., 31 Mar., 1837; m. near Alexandria, Va., 10 Apr., 1861, Sarah Cornelia Hall, b. in Newark, N. J., 11 Sept., 1839, dau. of Rev. Charles Hall, D. D., b. 23 June, 1798, and Sarah Webster Lawrence, b. 12 Dec., 1800.
He is an editor; res. in 1870 in Providence, R. I.; 1871-75 in Lawrence, Kas; 1876-81 in Philadelphia, Pa.; later in Vineland, N. J. He is a graduate of Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y.; studied two years in the Alexandria, Va., Theological Seminary; was an Episcopal clergyman, but abandoned the pulpit to take up literary work.
15407 Charles Hall,10 b. in Scranton, Pa., 16 July, 1862; d. in Vineland, N. J., 11 Oct., 1887.
15408 Edith Cornelia,10 b. in Philadelphia, Pa., 15 June, 1864; d. in Law­rence, 29 Oct., 1873.
15409 Lawrence Hall,10 b. in Providence, 20 May, 1870; m. Eva Ella Roberts.
15410 Oliver Dimon,10 b. in Linwood, Pa., 10 July, 1878; in 1898 he was attending Princeton College.
15411 Edward Washburn,10 b. in Vineland, 20 Feb., 1883.

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8643.   CHARLES ANNABLE,9 son of Dwight8 (3605), b. in Sempronius, N. Y., 15 May, 1821; m. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 1 Nov., 1847, Catherine Weed Hickcox, b. in Skaneateles, N. Y., 13 Aug., 1828, dau. of Augustus Hickcox, b. 1 Dec., 1800, and Wealthy Stafford, b. 21 May, 1805.
He d. in San Francisco, Cal., 29 Jan., 1901; she res. there.
He was a miller; later in the employ of the Southern Pacific Company; was a Spiritualist and a Republican.
15412 Katherine Louise,10 b. in Ann Arbor, 14 Aug., 1847; m. (1) Silas E. Stone; (2) Robert C. Ball.
15413 Charles Dwight,10 b. in Ann Arbor, 1849., d. in Surprise Valley, 1868.
15414 Frances Helen,10 b. 11 Apr., 1850; m. 7 Apr., 1880, Charles Edwin Lyman, b. 21 Nov., 1836, son of Henry Dwight Lyman and Ruth Bartlett, of Hinsdale, Mass.; she was adopted by her great uncle, Dor Kellogg; res. in Battle Creek, Mich.; he is in the insurance and real estate business; a Republican.
15415 Frederick,10 b. on Los Pulgos Ranch, 1854; d. in San Francisco, Apr., 1855.
15416 Julia Gertrude,10 b. in San Francisco, 11 Mar., 1865; m. there, Joseph Broad Randall; res. in San Francisco; has no children.

8647.   DAN WHITING,9 son of Dwight8 (3605), b. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 20 Feb., 1835; m. (1) in Buffalo, N. Y., 31 May, 1860, Grace Anna Hope, b. 8 Sept., 1838, dau. of John Hope, of Buffalo, b. 1795, and Christina Shaw, b. 1798.
She d. in Auburn, N. Y., 22 Nov., 1870; he m. (2) in Auburn, 18 Dec., 1872, Elizabeth Rockfeller, b. in Chittenango, N. Y., 26 Feb., 1831, dau. of John Rockfeller, b. 23 Feb., 1799, and Eliza Miller, b. in Boston, England, 6 Feb., 1803.
He is a foreman machinist, a Spiritualist and a Republican; res. in Auburn.
15417 Lillias Christine,10 b. in Buffalo, 14 Dec., 1861; m. Andrew Lee Chapman.
15418 Kate Hope,10 b. in Auburn, 14 Sept., 1868; m. 25 Man, 1891, George Washington Hess; he is a decorator; res. in Binghamton, N. Y.; has no children.

8648.   JULIA FRANCES,9 dau. of Dwight8 (3605), b. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 24 Oct., 1837; m. in Ann Arbor, 2 Jan., 1861, Richard Barnes Merritt, of Battle Creek, Mich., b. in Half Moon, N. Y., 31 Aug., 1822, son of Joseph Merritt, b. about 1793, and Phoebe Hart, b. about 1796.
He d. in Battle Creek, Mich., 20 Sept., 1892; after his death she res. in Den­ver, Col.
He was a lawyer; res. in Battle Creek; was a Quaker; an Assessor for four years.
15419 Dwight Kellogg Merritt,10 b. 8 Nov., 1862; d. 18 Feb., 1863.
15420 George Richard Merritt,10 b. 31 May, 1864.
15421 Fred Kellogg Meritt,10 b. 6 Jan., 1867; d. 20 May, 1888.
15422 Frances Gertrude Merritt,10 b. 11 Nov., 1869.

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8660.   WILLIAM PARMELEE,9 son of Charles Harvey8 (3609), b. in Troy, N. Y., 22 Aug., 1837; m. 7 Nov., 1866, Frances Parmelee, b. 11 Apr., 1841, dau. of Elias R. Parmelee, b. 28 Sept., 1799, and Eleanor Allen, both of Lansingburg, N. Y.
He is a manufacturer of hardware specialties; is a Presbyterian and a Re­publican; res. in Troy.
15423 Lucy Van Buskirk,10 b. 14 June, 1868.
15424 Eleanora Allen,10 b. 7 June, 1870.
15425 Evans Shipman,10 b. 16 Apr., 1876.
15426 Frances Amelia,10 b. 7 Aug., 1878; d. 14 Mar., 1880.
15427 Olive Ripley,10 b. 23 July, 1882.

8662.   WARREN TODD,9 son of Charles Harvey8 (3609), b. in Troy, N. Y., 1 Dec., 1841; m. in Troy, 22 Nov., 1865, Mary Alice Eddy, b. in Troy, 28 Nov., 1841, dau. of Titus Eddy, b. in Weathersfield, Vt., 1 Mar., 1803, and Ann Eliza Euson, b. in New York City, 21 Aug., 1807.
He is a manufacturer; res. in Lansingburg, N. Y.; was graduated as a civil engineer from Rensselaer Institute, Troy, 1861; is a Presbyterian and a Re­publican.
15428 Grace Eddy,10 b. in Lansingburg, 14 Nov., 1866; m. Charles Leroy Pine.
15429 Charles Harvey,10 b. 10 Sept., 1869; d. 4 May, 1871.
15430 Elizabeth Haskell,10 b. 8 June, 1872; d. 12 Dec., 1874.
15431 Titus Eddy,10 b. 8 Jan., 1876; d. 24 Feb., 1889.

8663.   HARRIET ODIN,9 dau. of Charles Harvey8 (3609), b. in Troy, N. Y., 7 Dec., 1843; m. in Lansingburg, N. Y., 24 Apr., 1866, Charles Rowland Walsh, b. ______, in Lansingburg, son of Alexander Walsh and Miriam Braine.
He d. in Lansingburg, 24 May, 1894; after his death she res. in Washington, D. C.
He was a bookkeeper; an Episcopalian; a Democrat.
15432 Fannie Parmelee Walsh,10 b. in Lansingburg, 18 June, 1867; d. in Washington, D. C., 11 Feb., 1878.

8667.   REV. CHARLES DOR,9 son of Dan Warren8 (3611), b. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 3 July, 1842; m. 28 Oct., 1863, Mary Jane Bancus, b. 2 Sept., 1840, dau. of Joseph Bancus, b. 19 Apr., 1810, and Catherine Elizabeth Bryan, b. 24 Mar., 1816.
He is a Presbyterian clergyman, and was ordained 21 Aug., 1863; res. in Wilmington, Del., Bacon Hill and Fort Miller, N. Y., Passaic, N. J., and, later, in Sandy Hill, N. Y.; was graduated from Princeton College, 1861.
15433 Joseph Augustus,10 b. in Wilmington, 13 May, 1865; m. Emma Ada Potter.
15434 Florence Grace,10 b. 14 Mar., 1867; m. 6 Oct., 1887, Preston Paris, b. July, 1862, son of Urias G. Paris, b. 14 Aug., 1819, and Cor­delia Elizabeth Rogers, b. 24 Aug., 1828; he is a banker and a Re­publican; res. in Sandy Hill; had no children.

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15435 Charles Withrow,10 b. 14 Sept., 1869.
15436 Catherine (Kate),10 b. 24 Feb., 1872; m. Joseph Parry Monty.

8668.   EMMA LOUISE,9 dau. of Dan Warren8 (3611), b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1858; m. 26 May, 1880, Leon Henry Ballard, b. in Meadville, Pa., 15 Oct., 1840, son of Orrin Ballard, of Syracuse, Lockport and Batavia, N. Y., b. 6 Jan., 1808, and Louise Chappotin, of Providence, R. I., b. 23 Oct., 1817.
He is an oil producer; res. in Olean, N. Y., is a member of the Episcopal Church; served in the civil war as second Lieut., Co. I, Third Reg., New York Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 2 May, 1861; resigned 25 Sept., 1861.
15437 Elsie Marguerite Ballard,10 b. 18 May, 1881.
15438 Leon Tracy Ballard,10 b. 27 Jan., 1884.
15439 Edward Hollister Ballard,10 b. 26 May, 1886.

8674.   GEORGE ABELL,9 son of John Quincy8 (3614), b. in Troy, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1849; m. 8 June, 1875, Harriet M. Dominy, b. 6 Oct., 1855, dau. of Na­thaniel Dominy, of East Hampton, N. Y., and Sybil Mulford.
He is an advertising agent; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y.
15440 Ernest Dominy,10 b. in East Hampton, 13 Mar., 1876.

8675.   FANNIE LOUISE,9 dau. of John Quincy8 (3614), b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1855; m. 6 Dec., 1877, James Stephens Oakley, b. in Brooklyn, 24 Mar., 1847, son of Robert Strong Oakley, b. 26 Feb., 1812, and Mary Ellen Forest, b. 2 Feb., 1815.
He d. in Montclair, N. J., 22 Mar., 1898.
He was secretary of the Hudson Trust and Savings Institution, Hoboken, N. J.; res. in Montclair; was a Congregationalist and a Republican.
15441 William Forest Oakley,10 b. in Brooklyn, 6 June, 1879; is unm.
15442 John Allyn Oakley,10 b. in Brooklyn, 26 Aug., 1881; is unm.
15443 James Dauchy Oakley,10 b. in Montclair, 23 Mar., 1892.

8676.   CLARA DAUCHY,9 dau. of John Quincy8 (3614), b. in Yonkers, N. Y., 23 Jan., 1857; m. in New York City, 19 May, 1879, Edward Eton Bowns Jr., b. in Milwaukee, Wis., 6 Oct., 1858, son of Edward Eton Bowns, b. 10 Dec., 1833, and Sarah Lucretia Thomas, b. Mar., 1833 or '34.
He is a journalist; a member of the Dutch Reformed Church; a Republican.
15444 Helen Dauchy Bowns,10 b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 10 Nov., 1881.
15445 Ruth Gladys Bowns,10 b. in Dover, N. J., 19 Oct., 1885.
15446 Edwin Eton Bowns,10 b. in Brooklyn, 3 Apr., 1891.

8677.   HENRY NILES,9 son of John Quincy8 (3614), b. in Yonkers, N. Y., 6 Nov., 1859; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 25 Dec., 1879, Florence Adele Bowns, b. in Milwaukee, Wis., 22 Feb., 1861, dau. of Edward Eton Bowns, b. 10 Dec., 1833, and Sarah Lucretia Thomas, b. Mar., 1833 or '34.

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He is the circulation manager of the New York Herald and Evening Tele­gram; is a Congregationalist; res. in Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
15447 James Lester,10 b. in Brooklyn, 20 June, 1881; d. there, 7 May, 1890.
15448 Adele,10 b. in Brooklyn, 11 July, 1883.
15449 Forest Bowns,10 b. in Brooklyn, 24 Nov., 1887.
15450 Winthrop Niles,10 b. in Mt. Vernon, 13 Apr., 1898.

8679.   CAPT. EDWARD HASTINGS,9 son of Warren Stewart8 (3616), b. in New York City, 27 Feb., 1838; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 30 May, 1875, Maria Cur­tin, b. in Ireland, 1 May, 1853, dau. of James Curtin and Anne Macormac.
He d. in New York City, 21 Feb., 1898.
He was graduated from the University of New York in the same class with Joseph Jefferson. He was a soldier for the Union; enlisted as First Lieut., Thirty-eighth Reg., New York Volunteers; was promoted on the field for bravery; was mustered out at the close of the war; was a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in New York City.
15451 Irving,10 b. ______.
15452 Edward,10 b. ______.
15453 Mabel,10 b. ______.
15454 Mary Stewart,10 b. ______.
15455 Isaac,10 b. ______.

8681.   MARGARET ANN ,9 dau. of Warren Stewart8 (3616), b. in New York City, 21 Aug., 1843; m. in New York City, 15 Feb., 1865, Thomas Tilley Hazard, b. in Newport, R. I., 23 Apr., 1839, son of Mumford Hazard, b. Feb., 1802, and Sallie Tilley.
He is a woolen commission merchant in New York; res. in Elizabeth, N. J.
Children, last four b. in Elizabeth.
15456 Leverett Kellogg Hazard,10 b. in New York City, 12 Jan., 1866.
15457 Helen Phelps Hazard,10 b. in Orange, N. J., 8 June, 1868.
15458 Sallie Rawdon Hazard,10 b. 7 Dec., 1870.
15459 Thomas Tilley Hazard,10 b. 5 Aug., 1875.
15460 Margaret Kellogg Hazard,10 b. 31 Mar., 1881.
15461 Abigail Kellogg Hazard,10 b. 31 Mar., 1886.

8684.   ISAAC MERRITT,9 son of Warren Stewart8 (3616), b. in New York City, 23 Sept., 1849; m. in Queens, N. Y., 1877, Emma Wood, dau. of Colonel A. M. Wood, ex Mayor of the city of Brooklyn, and _______ Kelsey.
He is a lawyer of New York City; res. in Hollis, N. Y.; is a Presbyterian and a Republican.
15462 Rawdon Wright,10 b. in Brooklyn, 18 Feb., 1878.
15463 Lucy Wood,10 b. in Queens, 30 Apr., 1879.

8688.   HASTINGS,9 son of Edward,8 (8618), b. in Albany, N. Y., 21 Sept., 1839; m. 26 Dec., 1865, Augusta Victoria Hopkins, b. in New Lebanon, N. Y., 17 Mar., 1842, dau. of Alexander Hopkins, b. 17 July, 1799, and Caroline Barnes, b. 4 Mar., 1806.

1288    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He d. in Brainard Station, N. Y., 25 June, 1886.
He was a merchant; res. in Brainard. He was a soldier for the Union; en­listed as a private in 1861 in Co. G, Forty-fourth New York Volunteers; later became Captain of Co. F, Seventy-second New York State Militia.
15464 Edward,10 b. 30 July, 1868; d. in, San Antonio, Tex.; entered the rail­road way service, Feb., 1885, with the Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railway, in St. Louis, Mo.; from Jan., 1896, was commer­cial agent for the Mexican and International Railway of Mexico, until his death, 7 Jan., 1898; was unm.
15465 Frederick Hastings,10 b. 13 Mar., 1870; d. 4 Aug., same year.
15466 Mabel,10 b. in Brainard, 23 Oct., 1873, where she res., unm.
15467 Ruth Augusta,10 b. 19 Jan., 1880; res., unm., in Brainard Station, N. Y.

8703.   FRANCIS NEWLANDS,9 son of Henry8 (3626), b. in Westminster, Vt., 20 Feb., 1851; m. in Lamar, Col., 8 May, 1888, Lavonia D. Peck, b. in Breck­enridge, Mo., 12 Mar., 1861, dau. of John Q. Peck, b. 6 Mar., 1828, and Rebecca Morrow, b. 7 Mar., 1823.
He is a railroad conductor; res. in Colorado Springs, Col.
15468 Henry,10 b. in Wilde, Col., 13 Oct., 1890.
15469 May M.,10 b. in Colorado Springs, 18 Sept., 1899.

8705.   JOHN MAY,9 son of Henry8 (3626), b. in Waukesha, Wis., 20 Sept., 1859; m. in Las Animas, Col., 24 Dec., 1880, Lucy B. Hickman, b. in Newburg, Mo., 4 Apr., 1864, dau. of Thomas Jefferson Hickman, b. 26 May, 1832, and Mar­garet Allen.
He is a miner; res. in Cripple Creek, Col.; is a Republican.
Children, b. in Las Animas.
15470 Catherine May,10 b. 6 Feb., 1882.
15471 Lucy Hickman,10 b. 4 July, 1883; d. 23 May, 1887.
15472 Frances Belle,10 b. 5 Mar., 1885.
15473 Sarah Cobb,10 b. 10 Sept., 1886; d. in Cripple Creek, 15 May, 1895.
15474 Margaret Allen,10 b. 21 Jan., 1888.
15475 Stan Macy,10 b. 10 May, 1890.

8706.   MAJ. SANFORD COBB,9 son of George William8 (3628), b. in Troy, N. Y., 10 May, 1842; m. in Louisville, Ky., 4 June, 1868, Frances Breckinridge Steele, b. in Cincinnati, O., 4 Jan., 1849, dau. of Thomas Steele, of Louisville, b. in Huntington Co., Pa., 26 Dec., 1807, and Margaret Mathews Andrews, b. in Fleming Co., Ky., 29 Mar., 1813.
He was a Major in the United States army; retired 24 Sept., 1898. He en­listed in the Thirty-seventh New York Volunteers; was Capt. and aide-de-camp to Maj.-Gen. George H. Thomas from 29 May to 2 Sept., 1862; was appointed Capt. in regular army, 11 Mar., 1863; was military attache at United States Em­bassy in Paris for several years; went to Manila in 1898, with his command and retired as Maj. of the Fourth Cavalry; res. in Washington, D. C.; is an Episco­palian.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1289

15476 Thomas Steele,10 b. in Fort McPherson, Neb., 28 Aug., 1871; d. in Washington, D. C., 11 Sept., 1893.
15477 Charlotte Cobb,10 b. in Chicago, 22 Nov., 1872; d. in Fort D. A. Rus­sell, Wyo., 29 Jan., 1880.
15478 Julia Augusta,10 b. in Fort Laramie, Wyo., 25 May, 1881.

8707.   FRANCES SOUTHWICK,9 dau. of George William,8 (8628), b. in Troy, N. Y., 15 Nov., 1846; m. in Chittenango, N. Y., 21 Aug., 1872, Roland Asher Hubbard.
She d. in Lyons, N. Y., 31 Dec., 1887; he res. in Lyons, N. Y.
15479 Rolland Hubbard,10 b. in Syracuse, N. Y., 25 July, 1875.
15480 Frances Southwick Hubbard,10 b. in Syracuse, 23 Feb., 1877.
15481 Charlotte Cobb Hubbard,10 b. in Lyons, 21 Dec., 1878.
15482 George Kellogg Hubbard,10 b. in Lyons, 28 Apr., 1880.

8712.   ELLEN WHEELER,9 dau. of Henry Lyman8 (3630), b. in New York, 11 Oct., 1853; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 23 Apr., 1878, Francis Shippen, b. in Phil­adelphia, Pa., 17 Dec., 1851, son of Richard Shippen, b. 2 Feb., 1795, and Cath­erine Binney.
He d. in Hoboken, N. J., 6 Apr., 1896; she res. in Hoboken.
He was superintendent of the gas works; res. in Hoboken; was a Protestant Episcopalian.
Children, all but one, b. in Hoboken.
15483 Richard Shippen,10 b. 20 Mar., 1879.
15484 Henry Shippen,10 b. in Sag Harbor, N. Y., 6 Oct., 1881.
15485 Ellen Frances Shippen,10 b. 4 Oct., 1886.
15486 Katherine Binney Shippen,10 b. 1 Apr., 1892.
15487 Frances Wilson Shippen,10 b. 25 Sept., 1893.

8726.   THOMAS BROWN,9 son of Alexander8 (3647), b. in Troy, N. Y., 25 Oct., 1860; m. in Lebanon, N. Y., 8 Feb., 1883, Jessie May Hayes, b. in Nassau, N. Y., 15 July, 1868, dau. of Silas Bailey Hayes, b. 28 Sept., 1824, and Olive Tur­ner, b. 30 Mar., 1830.
He was a farmer; is now a trainman on the New York and New Haven Rail­road; res. in Pittsfield, Mass.; later in New Haven, Conn.; now in Springfield, Mass.
15488 William Hayes,10 b. in Lebanon Springs, N. Y., 4 Apr., 1886; d. there, 26 July, same year.
15489 James Raymond,10 b. in Pittsfield, 3 Sept., 1895; d. there, 24 Mar., 1896.
15490 Earl Ray,10 b. in New Haven, Conn., 24 Mar., 1900.

8727.   ANNA MARIE,9 dau. of Cyrus8 (3648), b. in Corning, N. Y., 23 Apr., 1850; m. in Indianapolis, Ind., 24 Jan., 1877, Albert James Halford, b. in Ham­ilton, O., 11 Aug., 1851, son of Elijah Halford and Mary Ann Walker.
He was graduated from Columbian University School of Diplomacy; is a

1290    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Washington, D. O. He learned the printers' trade in early youth; reported proceedings of the Indiana Legislature when 15 years old; reported Indianapolis News when 18; filled various positions in Indianapolis up to managing editor until 1888; located in Washington, in 1881, as managing editor of the Post; has since been connected with the Asso­ciated Press and United Press; now with New York Sun Bureau; is part owner of the Youngstown, O., Telegram.
15491 Dean Halford,10 b. in Milford, Mass., 27 Aug., 1877.
15492 Frank Halford,10 b. in Indianapolis, 27 Oct., 1880; is in United Staltes Marine Corps.
15493 Ruth Halford,10 b. in Indianapolis, 5 Dec., 1883.

8729.   ELLSWORTH DAGGETT MILLS,9 son of Cyrus8 (3648), b. in Troy, N. Y., 10 July, 1870; m. Ella Clark, of West Rutland.
He is a trainman on the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad; res. in New Haven, Conn.
15494 Jesse Mills,10 b. ______.
15495 Royden Ellsworth,10 b. ______.

8730.   SYLVESTER ALEXANDER,9 son of Cyrus8 (3648), b. in Troy, N. Y., 7 Mar., 1876; m. Cora Bristol.
Res. in Lebanon Springs, N. Y.
15496 Ralph,10 b. ______.

8737.   NELLIE ALMIRA,9 dau. of George8 (3659), b. in Sheffield, Mass, 27 Mar., 1853; m. there, 21 Mar., 1877, Levi H. Boardman, b. in Sheffield, 16 Oct., 1852, son of Levi Boardman, b. 13 Apr., 1825, and Louisa F. Eaton, b. 26 Nov., 1827.
She d. in Sheffield, 27 Mar., 1893; he is a farmer; res. in Sheffield.
15497 Harriet Louisa Boardman,10 b. 17 Oct., 1880.
15498 Clara Agnes Boardman,10 b. 12 June, 1884.

8738.   FRANK NORMAN,9 son of George8 (3659), b. in Sheffield, Mass., 28 Oct., 1857; m. (1) 23 Apr., 1879, Lillian A. Dailey, of Sheffield, b. in Sheffield, 1860, dau. of George and Mary Dailey.
He m. (2) 25 June, 1889, Grace Lee, b. in South Egremont, Mass; 1868, dau. of George B. and Jane E. Lee.
He is a farmer; res. on the old homestead in Sheffield.
Child by first wife, b. in Sheffield.
15499 George A.,10 b. 3 Dec., 1879.
Children by second wife, b. in Sheffield.
15500 Daniel Forbes,10 b. 21 Apr., 1890.
15501 Elizabeth Jane,10 b. 31 May, 1891; d. 9 Aug., same year.
15502 Robert Norman,10 b. 19 May, 1893.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1291

15503 Henry Levi,10 b. 25 Nov., 1894; was drowned in the Housatonic River in Sheffield, 21 Apr., 1898.
15504 Anita Lee,10 b. 28 June, 1896.
15505 Lee,10 b. 24 Sept., 1897.
15506 Kenneth Sidell,10 b. 7 Oct., 1899.

8743.   NELLIE ISABELLA,9 dau. of Sidney Merrill8 (3663), b. in Erie, Pa., 29 Sept., 1851; m. 9 Oct., 1872, David P. Jones.
She d. near Erie, 3 June, 1892.
He is a chief engineer in the United States Navy. At the time of his mar­riage he was attached to the steamship Michigan. She expired upon a railroad train within a few hours of her birthplace, to which place she was returning as an invalid.
15507 Anita Jones,10 b. 1873; is unm.

8746.   KATE,9 dau. of George Henry8 (3664), b. in San Francisco, Cal., 16 Apr., 1855; m. in San Francisco, 26 Aug., 1866, Joseph Hutchinson, b. in San Francisco, 7 Jan., 1858, son of James Sloan Hutchinson, b. 18 Feb., 1826, and Coralie D. Pearsall, b. 9 Nov., 1833.
He is an attorney in San Francisco, and a leading citizen in the town of Palo Alto, Cal., of whose Board of Trustees he has been President since its organiza­tion; was graduated from the University of California, 1878; from the Hastings Law School, 1882.
15508 Joseph Kellogg Hutchinson,10 b. 25 Nov., 1888.
15509 Katherine Hutchinson,10 b. 11 Apr., 1892.
15510 James Sloan Hutchinson,10 b. 3 July, 1893.

8747.   GEORGE FLINT,9 son of George Henry8 (3664), b. in San Francisco, Cal., 13 Jan., 1857; m. in Oakland, Cal., 23 Oct., 1879, Henrietta Elizabeth Thompson.
He d. in Glamis, Cal., 16 Oct., 1898; was killed in a collision on the rail­road; was a mail clerk, running between Alviso and Los Angeles.
15511 Walter Thompson,10 b. in Oakland, 28 Dec., 1882; res. in Oakland.

8749.   LAURA,9 dau. of George Henry8 (3664), b. in San Francisco, Cal., 22 July, 1861; m. 30 Mar., 1886, George Edward Wilson, b. in San Francisco, 26 Dec., 1861, son of George Osborne Wilson, b. 16 June, 1828, and Mary Amelia Sanderson, b. 1 May, 1835.
He is a member of the California Door Company; is a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Oakland, Cal.
15512 George Osborne Wilson,10 b. in San Rafael, Cal., 27 May, 1891.

8751.   GERTRUDE,9 dau. of George Henry8 (3664), b. in Redwood City, Cal., 10 Mar., 1867; m. in San Francisco, Cal., 2 Apr., 1894, Ernest Norwood Jones, b. 19 June, 1870.
She is a Congregationalist; res. in Palo Alto, Cal.

1292    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in San Francisco.
15513 Kellogg Jones,10 b. 10 Dec., 1896.
15514 Gertrude Jones,10 b. 14 May, 1898.

8752.   WALTER YALE,9 son of George Henry8 (3664), b. in Redwood City, Cal., 10 May, 1868; m. in San Francisco, 27 July, 1891, Mrs. Malvina Chase (Pelton) Wilson, dau. of John Pelton, b. 1825, and Amanda Chase Ray, b. 1820, and widow of Nathaniel Irving Wilson, of San Francisco.
He res. in Berkeley, Cal.; is in the mercantile business; is a Unitarian and a Republican.
15515 Mildred,10 b. in San Francisco, 29 June, 1892.

8755.   MARY EMMA,9 dau. of Robert Ralph8 (3665), b. in Batesville, Ark., 20 Oct., 1858; m. 15 July, 1875, F. S. Stevens, of Jacksonport, Ark.
Res. in Newport, Ark.
15516 George Kellogg Stevens,10 b. 30 July, 1879.
15517 Ralph Curry Stevens,10 b. 28 July, 1882.
15518 Mary Jane Stevens,10 b. 20 Oct., 1884.
15519 Henry Dowell Stevens,10 b. 5 Sept., 1890.
15520 Lutie Mae Stevens,10 b. 15 Aug., 1892.

8759.   FANNY ROOT,9 dau. of Charles Winslow8 (3670), b. in Oakland, Cal., 17 Nov., 1864; m. in Oakland, 22 Jan., 1890, Cary Howard, b. in Alamo, Cal., 5 May, 1862, son of John Rezon Howard, b. 19 Feb., 1826, and Jane Cary, b. 15 June, 1827.
He is an attorney-at-law; res. in Oakland; was graduated from the Hastings Law School, San Francisco, 1883, and from the Columbia Law School, 1884; is a Congregationalist.
15521 Hilda Kellogg Howard,10 b. 4 Dec., 1890.
15522 John Cary Howard,10 b. 5 June, 1893.
15523 Anita Flint Howard,10 b. 20 June, 1897.

8760.   HERBERT FLINT,9 son of Charles Winslow8 (3670), b. in Oakland; Cal., 19 July, 1870; m. in Chicago, Ill., 22 Sept., 1896, Maria Miller Jackson, b. in Chicago, 11 Apr., 1876, dau. of David Jackson and Jennie Peck, b. 13 Oct., 1839.
He is a corporation secretary, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Oakland.
15524 Doris Jane,10 b. in Oakland, 1 July, 1900.

8771.   JAMES BRADFORD,9 son of Eli Callender8 (3694), b. 9 Sept., 1825; m. in Fort Plain, N. Y., 14 Oct., 1852, Harriet Jane Diefendorf, b. in Fort Plain, 3 Dec., 1830, dau. of Dr. James Diefendorf, b. 25 Jan., 1808, and Nancy Hall, b. 9 Sept., 1812.
She res. in Milwaukee; he m. (2) 18 Mar., 1884, Sarah Annie Duryea, of

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Betheresden, Kent, England, 1859, dau. of William H. Duryea, b. in England, and Rebecca Caroline Chevatt, b. in France.
He is in the marine insurance business in Chicago, Ill.; res. in Chicago.
15525 Jennie Congdon,10 b. in Fort Plain, 17 July, 1853; d. 3 Feb., 1855.
15526 Gertrude,10 b. in Milwaukee, Wis, 18 Feb., 1857; d. 13 Feb., 1865.
15527 Helen,10 b. 23 May, 1862; m. Charles Philip Woodruff.

8772.   HORACE,9 son of Eli Callender8 (3694), b. in Whitestown, N. Y., 7 Jan., 1827; m. in Ripley, O., 24 July, 1849, Amanda Catherine Evans, b. 7 Oct., 1829, dau. of John Daniel Evans, b. 15 Dec., 1796, and Jane Courtney, b. Sept., 1802.
He d. in Wichita, Kas., 24 Mar., 1894; she d. 29 May, 1898.
He was agent for the A. and C. R. R. Co.; also a planter and stock raiser; res. in Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Children, b. in Ripley.
15528 James Bradford,10 b. 29 June, 1850; m. Agnes Jane Mercer.
15529 Lucretia Jane,10 b. 10 May, 1853; d. in Ripley, 14 Sept., 1861.
15530 Anna Evans,10 b. 18 Nov., 1860; m. John David Alexander.

8773.   MARCUS AMASA,9 son of Eli Callender8 (3694), b. 15 Mar., 1828; m. 18 Jan., 1855, Frances E. Sentenn.
He d. ______, in Fall River, Wis.; she m. (2) George Godfrey, of Mil­waukee, Wis.
15531 Hannah,10 b. 1856.
15532 Jane,10 b. 1858; d. 1889.

8774.   HENRY MARTIN,9 son of Eli Callender8 (3694), b. 6 Dec., 1830; m. in Buffalo, N. Y., Elsie Henderson.
He d. in Denver, Col.
15533 Anna,10 b. ______; d. ______.
15534 Jane,10 b. ______.
15535 William,10 b. ______.

8775.   HANNAH MOYSTON,9 dau. of Eli Callender8 (3694), b. 24 Dec., 1831; m. 27 Oct., 1852, John. L. Hathaway.
She d. ______, in Milwaukee, Wis.; he m. (2) _______; d. ______.
He was Governor of the National Soldiers' Home in Milwaukee at the time of his death.
15536 Edgar Eli Hathaway,10 b. 1854; d. young.
15537 Helen Hathaway,10 b. 1856; d. young.

8776.   ELI EDGAR,9 son of Eli Callender8 (3694), b. in Whitestown, N. Y., 17 May, 1834; m. in Ripley, O., 7 Mar., 1856, Margaret Ellen Hopkins, b. in Rip­ley, Aug., 1838, dau. of Thomas Hopkins, b. 1 Aug., 1800, and Sarah Johnston, b. in Brownsville, Pa., 24 May, 1806.

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He served in the civil war in Co. H, Eighth Missouri Infantry, for three years, from 1861 to 1864. In 1878 he was a farmer; lived four miles from Athens, O.; later was a carriage trimmer; res. in Denver, Col.
15538 Edgar Eli,10 b. in Ripley, 7 Mar., 1857; d. in Vevay, Ind., 29 Jan., 1859.
15539 Thomas Hopkins,10 b. in Cincinnati, O., 7 Mar., 1859; m. Almeda Sarah Brown.

8780.   HENRY BARNARD,9 son of Levi Henry8 (3696), b. in Monroe, Mich., 13 May, 1846; m. in Watertown, Wis., 28 Apr., 1847, Eunice Elizabeth Lang­worthy, b. 8 Apr., 1847, dau. of Lee Lord Langworthy, b. in Le Roy, N. Y., Aug., 1815, and Susan Randall, b. 30 June, 1829.
He is a grain and cattle dealer; is connected with the Chicago Board of Trade and the Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce; is a large stock farmer; raises Jersey cattle, etc. He is a member of the H. B. Kellogg & Co., general commis­sion merchants of Milwaukee.
15540 Helen Lilla,10 b. in Milwaukee, 24 Sept., 1869; m. Frank Burdo Huntington.
15541 Marion Susan,10 b. in Milwaukee, 6 Sept., 1872; d. 1878.

8785.   SARAH DAVIS,9 dau. of Ephraim Hart8 (3697), b. in Charleston, N. Y., 8 Mar., 1843; m. in Amsterdam, N. Y., 17 June, 1869, Myron White Reid, b. in Amsterdam, 22 Oct., 1845, son of William Reid and Chloe Smith, b. 1803.
He is a pharmacist, an Episcopalian and a Republican 3 res. in Amsterdam.
15542 William Kellogg Reid,10 b. in Amsterdam, 18 July, 1871; m. in Am­sterdam, 25 Oct., 1893, Mabelle Putnam; res. in Amsterdam.

8789.   WILLIAM HENRY,9 son of William8 (3698), b. 22 Mar., 1834; m. (1) Elizabeth Lanning.
She d. 14 Apr., 1872; he m. (2) 8 May, 1873, Annie Elizabeth Crater; d. in Phillipsburg, N. J., 1888.
In 1876 he was superintendent of the machine works of the Easton and Am­boy Railroad; res. in Easton, Pa.
Children by first wife.
15543 George W.,10 b. in Oxford, N. J., 1 June, 1856; m. in Phillipsburg, 24 Feb., 1886, Mary Ester Durling; res. in Phillipsburg.
15544 Elizabeth M.,10 b. in South Easton, Aug., 1861; m. _______.
15545 Laura,10 b. in Bethlehem, Pa., 17 Mar., 1869.
Child by second wife.
15546 Katie,10 b. in Bethlehem, 3 Jan., 1874.

8790.   CHARLES NELSON,9 son of William8 (3698), b. in Burtonsville, N. Y., 12 July, 1836; m. in Athens, Pa., 12 Sept., 1867, Annie Augusta Pike, b. in Ulster, Pa., 25 June, 1842, dau. of John Montgomery Pike, b. 3 Mar., 1817, and Miami Shepard Russell, b. 29 July, 1813.

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He is an engineer and manufacturer of bridges and other railroad structures; res. in Athens; is president of the Union Bridge Works; was president of the Second National Bank, of Elmira, N. Y.; was a Whig; is now a Republican.
Children, b. in Athens.
15547 Clara Augusta,10 b. 17 Jan., 1869; m. in Athens, 14 June, 1894, John Clark McMynn, a graduate of Cornell University; she d. in Phila­delphia, 1 Mar., 1901; res. in Chicago; had no children.
15548 Charles Frederick,10 b. 27 Sept., 1872; was graduated from Cornell University; res., unm., with his parents in Athens.

8808.   DAVID MOULTON,9 son of Henry Nelson8 (3703), b. in Rome, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1844; m. in New York City, 15 Jan., 1874, Amy H. Freeman, b. in New York City, 14 Jan., 1851, dau. of Lorrain Freeman, of New York, b. in Wood­bridge, N. J., 13 Dec., 1802, and Elizabeth Barron Mundy, of Woodbridge and New York City, b. 14 May, 1808.
He was graduated from Columbia Law School, New York City, 1878; is a lawyer and a Democrat; res. in New York City.
Children, b. in New York City.
15549 David Moulton, Jr.,10 b. 17 Jan., 1877; was a student in Yale Col­lege, 1896; is unm.
15550 Frederick Freeman,10 b. 24 Apr., 1888.

8810.   WARREN CONVERSE,9 son of Henry Nelson8 (3703), b. in Rome, N. Y., 22 July, 1856; m. in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 14 Apr., 1886, Colinetta O. Muir, b. in Toronto, 5 July, 1864, dau. of Alexander Muir (author of Canada's national hymn), b. 5 Apr., 1833, and Agnes Tomson, of Toronto.
He is in the War Department, Washington, D. C.; res. in West Chevy Chase, Somerset Heights, Md.
15551 Harold Converse,10 b. in New York City, 23 Sept., 1888.
15552 Amy Colinetta,10 b. in New York City, 29 Dec., 1889.
15553 Alexander Muir,10 b. in Woodbridge, N. J., 23 Apr., 1897.

8815.   SARAH ELLA,9 dau. of Edwin Callender8 (3705), b. in Westmoreland, N. Y., 9 July, 1850; m. in Rome, N. Y., 18 July, 1870, Philip Fitzsimons, b. in Rome, 28 July, 1846.
He is a merchant; res. in New York City; is a member of the Church of Rome.
15554 Edwin Kellogg Fitzsimons,10 b. in Floyd, N. Y., 1 July, 1872.
15555 Leon James Fitzsimons,10 b. in Rome, 9 Nov., 1882.

8829.   JULIA ELLA,9 dau. of Alfred Sylvester,8 (8723), b. in Great Barring­ton, Mass., 13 Dec., 1851; m. 18 Oct., 1870, Frank Chester Bennett, son of Ches­ter Worthington Bennett.
She d. 30 Jan., 1872; he d. in Lake City, Col., 7 Nov., 1882.
He was a bank teller.
15556 Chester Worthington Bennett,10 b. 17 July, 1871; d. 9 Feb., 1892.

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8833.   ALFRED HOFFMAN,9 son of Robert Ensign8 (3725), b. in Randolph, Wis., 27 Nov., 1847; m. in Milwaukee, Wis., 18 Mar., 1885, Melzina Mihlusier, b. in Fox Lake, Wis., 22 Mar., 1859, dau. of John Mihlusier, b. 11 Feb., 1810, and Louise Schroeder, b. 17 Mar., 1829, both of Lippe Detmold, Germany.
He is a farmer; res. in Randolph, Wis.
15557 Clara Louise,10 b. 20 Mar., 1887.
15558 Ada Emma,10 b. 9 Nov., 1888.
15559 Celia Elizabeth,10 b. 19 Dec., 1890.
15560 Robert Ensign,10 b. 5 Apr., 1893.
15561 Byron Alfred,10 b. 9 Aug., 1898.

8837.   EDWARD LIVINGSTON,9 son of Amos Markham,8 (8734), b. in Owosso, Mich., 17 Aug., 1858; m. in Providence, R. I., 16 Oct., 1883, Lydia Drowne Chace, b. in Dorcester, Mass, 27 Jan., 1858, dau. of Thomas Edward Chace, b. 7 Nov., 1827, and Katherine Howe Seaverns, b. 4 Apr., 1854.
He is an educational publisher in New York City; is a Unitarian; res. in Orange, N. J.
15562 Katherine Livingston,10 b. in Orange, N. J., 29 June, 1885.

8842.   AMY LIVINGSTON,9 dau. of Amos Markham8 (3734), b. in Bergen, N. J., 4 Feb., 1867; m. 7 Apr., 1894, Robert Walker Barrington, b. in New York, 9 Mar., 1866, son of Benjamin Barrington, b. 23 Sept., 1832, and Catherine Walker, b. 3 Sept., 1841.
He res. in New York City and later in New Rochelle.
15563 Dorothy Livingston Barrington,10 b. in New York, 10 Oct., 1895; d. 26 Oct., 1896.
15564 Marjory Barrington,10 b. in New Rochelle, 23 Oct., 1897.
15565 Alice Barrington,10 b. in New Rochelle, 13 Nov., 1898.

8843.   GEORGE SAWYER,9 son of George Willis8 (3735), b. in Jersey City, N. J., 4 Apr., 1866; m. in New York City, 26 Oct., 1899, Susanna Mead Burn­ham.
He is curator of the Educational Museum of Teachers' College, Columbia University; is a lecturer on the history of art; res. in New York City.
15566 Irving Abbott Burnham,10 b. 18 Nov., 1900.

8845.   CHARLES WARREN,9 son of Warren Dodge8 (3744), b. in Fredonia, N. Y., 8 Dec., 1856; m. in Reno, Nev., 30 Aug., 1897, Ida A. Jones, b. in Elk River, Minn., 24 Apr., 1861, dau. of James Thomas Jones and Lydia Fuller, of Ophir, Cal.
He was graduated from the State Normal School, Fredonia; is a miner; a Populist; res. in Ophir.
15567 Warren James,10 b. in Ophir, 12 Mar., 1900.

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8852.   OTHNIEL SAMUEL WILLIAMS,9 son of Aaron Winthrop8 (3750), b. in Elpis, N. Y., 21 Aug., 1863; m. 17 Jan., 1892, Lena Gasser, of Olympia, Washington, b. in Switzerland.
Res. in Fremont, Wash.
15568 May Louise,10 b. 31 Jan., 1897.

8854.   GERTRUDE WINNEFRED,9 dau. of Aaron Winthrop8 (3750), b. in Pontiac, Ill., 24 Jan., 1867; m. Frank Elmer Magill, b. in Kenosha, Wis., 24 Nov., 1864, son of William Magill, b. 27 Sept., 1831, and Jane McReady, b. in Scotland, 2 May, 1840.
He is a machinist; res. in Kenosha, Wis.; is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
15569 Sarah Janet Magill,10 b. in Chicago, 3 Apr., 1897; d. 8 Apr., same year.
15570 Harlow Kellogg Magill,10 b. in Kenosha, Wis., 23 May, 1899.

8856.   WILLIAM SEWARD,9 son of Aaron Winthrop8 (3750), b. in Pontiac, Ill., 10 Oct., 1872; m. 8 June, 1894, Sarah Elizabeth Hartshorn, dau. of Sumner Flint Hartshorn and Elizabeth Hickok.
He res. in Tacoma, Wash.
15571 Sumner Winthrop,10 b. 14 Mar., 1895.

8863.   LOUISE AUGUSTA,9 dau. of Henry Wayne8 (3672), b. in Menlo, Ia., 17 Nov., 1869; m. in Guthrie Center, Ia., 9 June, 1892, Frank Hutt Allan, b. in Whitehaven, England, 15 Nov., 1865, son of Bryan Allan, b. in Higate, Westmore­land Co., England, 29 Apr., 1837, and Sarah Janet Hutt, b. in Hampstead, Lon­don, England, 10 Mar., 1836.
He res. in Chicago; is a shipping clerk.
Children, b. in Chicago.
15572 Henry Wayne Allan,10 b. 29 Dec., 1896.
15573 Bryan Leigh Allan,10 b. 5 Nov., 1898.

8864.   SARAH CHANDLER,9 dau. of Henry Wayne8 (3756), b. in Menlo, Ia., 15 Aug., 1871; m. in Guthrie Center, Ia., 12 June, 1895, Morris Porter, b. in Muscatine Co., Ia., 18 Sept., 1873, son of Samuel Porter, b. 1 Feb., 1850, and Euphemia Lillian Watts, b. 10 May, 1850.
He res. in Guthrie Center; is an abstracter.
15574 Hubert Kellogg Porter,10 b. in Guthrie Center, 17 Oct., 1897.

8869.   FRANK REA,9 son of Samuel Hays,8 (8769), b. in Carrizo Springs, Tex., June, 1878; m. in Carrizo Springs, 3 July, 1898, Florence Fisher.
He res. in Carrizo Springs.
15575 Benjamin Terrell,10 b. in Eagle Pass, Tex., 12 May, 1900.

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8887.   WILLARD MAYO,9 son of Rufus8 (3783), b. in East Amherst, Mass., 29 Dec., 1810; m. 13 May, 1834, Elvira Minerva Marsh, b. in Hadley, 5 Sept., 1813, dau. of Joseph Marsh, of Hadley, b. 16 Feb., 1786, and Roxa Johnson, b. 1795, dau. of Stephen Johnson.
She d. 15 Dec., 1890; he d. in Amherst, Mass., 22 Dec., 1899.
He was b. and d. on the farm that was a part of the land originally alloted to his ancestor, Nathaniel Kellogg, in the division of the Hadley “outer commons” in 1703. He was a farmer; was a selectman in 1840, 1849 and 1859. In 1853 he was appointed Justice of the Peace; was one of the original members of the Hampshire Agricultural Society and a member of its executive committee in 1851; was for many years a prominent member of the East Congregational Church.
Children, b. in Amherst.
15576 Rufus,10 b. 11 Mar., 1835; d. 30 Dec., same year.
15577 Willard,10 b. 18 Feb., 1837; m. in Amherst, 2 Apr., 1867, Mary Eliza­beth Dean, b. in Attleboro, Mass., 1838, dau. of Leprelett Dean, b. 1812, and Harriet Eddy Whittaker, b. 1823; is a farmer, a Congre­gationalist and a Democrat; res. in Amherst.
15578 Rufus,10 b. 28 July, 1839; d. young.
15579 Catherine Coolidge,10 b. 18 Sept., 1841; d. in Amherst, 19 Apr., 18-13.
15580 Charles,10 b. 26 Nov., 1843; m. Clara Augusta Paige.
15581 Mary Harriet,10 b. 28 Mar., 1847; m. in Amherst, 2 June, 1869, Henry Hawley, b. in Amherst, 25 Oct., 1841, son of Harrison Haw­ley, b. 1803, and Lucena Dickinson, b. 1818; he is a farmer, a Con­gregationalist and a Republican; served as private in Co. D, Twenty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry; enlisted 1 Sept., 1861; was discharged 28 Sept., 1864; res. in Amherst; had no children.
15582 Joseph Marsh,10 b. 23 Aug., 1849; res. in Amherst.
15583 Esther Mayo,10 b. 29 Feb., 1852; m. in Amherst, 14 Aug., 1878, Frank Alvan Hosmer, b. in Woburn, Mass., 14 Nov., 1853, son of Alvan Hosmer, b. 1 Mar., 1827, and Octavia Emerson Poole, b. 1 Nov., 1830; he was President of the Oahu College, Honolulu, H. I.; is a Congregationalist; was a member of the Advisory Council under the Provisional Government of the Republic of Hawaii; res. in Honolulu; now res. in Amherst; has no children.

8890.   DANIEL,9 son of Rufus8 (3783), b. in Amherst, Mass., 9 Aug., 1890; m. in Hadley, Mass., 5 July, 1854, Martha Hunt Kellogg, b. 25 Oct., 1823, dau. of Giles Crouch Kellogg, b. 12 Aug., 1781, and Martha Hunt Warner, b. 9 Oct., 1787.
He d. in Hadley, 27 Jan., 1899.
He was a farmer; res. in Hadley.
15584 Henry Martin,10 b. 2 Oct., 1855; is a farmer; res., unm., in Hadley.
15585 Charles Daniel,10 b. 20 May, 1857; d. 15 Jan., 1864.
15586 Edward Hunt,10 b. 29 Mar., 1859; d. 10 Apr., 1874.
15587 Giles Melcher,10 b. 16 Aug., 1863; m. Frances Angeline Crafts.

8892.   MARY DICKERSON,9 dau. of Rufus8 (3783), b. in Amherst, 30 Apr., 1827; m. in Hadley, Mass., 13 Apr., 1858, as his second Wife, George E. Smith,

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of Hadley, b. in Hadley, 11 Jan., 1825, son of Eli Smith, b. 25 Nov., 1769, and Hannah Stockwell, b. 2 Oct., 1781.
She d. 4 Aug., 1862; he d. in Hadley, Sept., 1865.
He was a farmer; a Republican; a Congregationalist; res. in Hadley.
15588 Herman Kellogg Smith,10 b. in Hadley, 23 Mar., 1860.

8897.   COL. GEORGE BRADLEY,9 son of Judge Daniel8 (3784), b. in Rock­ingham, Vt., 6 Nov., 1826; m. in Brattleboro, Vt., 15 Mar., 1847, Mary Lee Sikes, b. 10 Oct., 1826, dau. of Uriel Sikes, b. in Sutfield, Conn., 17 Nov., 1784, and Elizabeth Edwards, b. in Northampton, Mass., 23 Sept., 1787.
He d. in St. Louis, Nov., 1875.
He studied law with Hon. Asa Keyes, of Brattleboro; commenced the prac­tice of his profession in Rockingham in 1846. He rem. to Brattleboro in 1855; was appointed Postmaster of Brattleboro in 1861; State Attorney for Windham Co. from 1854 to '59; Adjutant and Inspector-Gen. of Vermont; represented Brattleboro in the General Assembly; was active in raising the Vermont Cavalry Reg., and was Lieut.-Col. After the war he resumed the practice of law in St. Louis.
Children, b. in Rockingham.
15589 Jane McAffee,10 b. 23 Sept., 1849; m. Victor William Fisher.
15590 Sarah Bradley,10 b. 6 Jan., 1853; d. 17 Aug., same year.

8898.   SARAH BRADLEY,9 dau. of Judge Daniel8 (3784), b. in Rockingham, Vt., 17 Aug., 1831; m. in Westminster, Vt., 6 Nov., 1855, Henry Augustus Wil­lard, of Washington, D. C., b. in Westminster, 14 May, 1822, son of Joseph Wil­lard, b. in Westminster, 1792, and Susan Dorr Clapp, b. in Boston, 28 Jan., 1816.
He res. in Washington, D. C., where he was a member of the Board of Public Works and executive officer; was trustee of the Reform School; President of Co­lumbia Railroad; director of Columbia Hospital; President of National Savings Bank; owner (with his brother) of Willard's Hotel, and for many years its pro­prietor.
15591 Henry Kellogg Willard,10 b. in Washington, 20 Oct., 1856; was grad­uated from Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn., 1875, and from Yale College, 1879.

8900.   DANIEL,9 son of Judge Daniel8 (3784), b. in Bellows Falls, Vt., 9 Apr., 1835; m. in Westminster, Vt., 2 May, 1861, Margaret White May, b. in Westmin­ster, 10 Apr., 1833, dau. of John May, b. in Westminster, 7 Aug., 1804, and Cath­erine Vose, b. in Boston, Mass., 12 June, 1808.
She d. in Westminster, 30 Nov., 1892.
From 1862 to '68 he was Postmaster in Brattleboro, Vt. He has since lived in Rutland, Vt., and New London, Conn., and Shelter Island, N. Y.; now res. in Westminster; is one of the Assistant Judges of the Windham County Court, which office he has held for several years.
Children, b. in Brattleboro.
15592 William May,10 b. 27 July, 1862.
15593 Merab Ann Bradley,10 b. 27 Apr., 1865; m. John Harris Williams.

1300    The Kelloggs in the New World.

15594 Susan White,10 b. 12 June, 1871; is an Episcopalian; res., unm., in Westminster.

8903.   CHARLES FIELD,9 son of Charles8 (3785), b. in Amherst, Mass., 23 June, 1817; m. (1) 7 Dec., 1837, Mary Ann Ingram, b. in Amherst, 9 Aug., 1816, dau. of Peter Ingram, b. 8 Apr., 1792, and Emily Roberts, b. 26 Aug., 1789. Peter Ingram was son of Ebenezer Ingram and Esther Rood (1524).
She d. in Waterbury, Conn., 4 June, 1871; is buried in Amherst; he m. (2) in Amherst, 29 Apr., 1868, Mary E. Park, b. in Nova Scotia, 1843, dau. of Atwood Park and Mary A. Hawley; d. in Hartford, Conn., 10 Oct., 1897.
He was Corp. of Co. H, of the Second Massachusetts Reg.; enlisted for ninety days; re-enlisted 10 Jan., 1864, as Sergt. in Co. C, Fifty-seventh Massachusetts Reg., for three years; was wounded at the battle of the Wilderness and discharged because of wounds, 20 July, 1865; res. in Springfield, Mass; rem. in 1883 to Hartford, where he res. until his death. He was a member of the G. A. R.; was a Democrat.
15595 Mary Eliza,10 b. in Amherst, 14 Aug., 1839; m. (1) Edward Thomas Odekirk; (2) Hamlet Fairchild Roberts.
15595 Charles Peter,10 b. 17 Sept., 1843; enlisted in Co. K, First Wisconsin Infantry, 10 Sept., 1862; was promoted to Corp. for gallant con­duct at the battle of Perryville; d., in Mitchellville, Tenn., 16 Nov., 1862, after an illness of eight days and was buried there.

8904.   ELIZABETH BILLINGS,9 dau. of Charles8 (3785), b. in Amherst, Mass., 28 July, 1819; m. 8 Oct., 1836, Moses W. Campbell, b. in Bloomfield, N. J., 28 Aug., 1814, son of Ezekiel Campbell, b. in Caldwell, N. J., 22 Oct., 1781, and Mary Arnold, b. in Newark, N. J., 5 Dec., 1789.
She d. in Harlem, N. Y., 17 June, 1852; was buried in Amherst; he m. (2) 26 July, 1853, N ancy Susan Jones, of Kinston, N. C.; she d. 16 Mar., 1856; he d. (3) 15 Jan., 1857, Sarah Turnage, dau. of Elias Turnage and Lucy Heath Hooker, of Marlboro, N. C.; d. 25 Mar., 1874.
He res. in Amherst, New Haven, Conn., and Harlem, N. Y. In 1852 he rem. to Kinston. About 1872 he rem. from Kinston to Ellaville, Fla.
15597 Charles Kellogg Campbell,10 b. in Amherst, 9 July, 1837; went to sea and has not been heard from for years.
15598 Frances Jane Campbell,10 b. in New Haven, 11 Dec., 1842; m. 8 Feb., 1866, Amos Turnage, b. in Pitt Co., N. C., 28 Aug., 1833; son of Elias Turnage and Lucy Heath Hooker, of Marlboro; he served all through the civil war in Co. G, Eighth North Carolina Volunteer Infantry; was a farmer; res. in Kinston and Marlboro until 1872, when he rem. to Jasper, Fla., and res. there; had one child.
15599 George Hubbard Campbell,10 b. in Harlem, 16 Oct., 1848; res. in Florida.

8906.   FRANCES LUCRETIA,9 dau. of Charles8 (3785), b. in Amherst, Mass., 4 Oct., 1825; m. in New Haven, Conn., 29 Sept., 1845, George Bullard Felt, b.

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in Rindge, N. H., 3 Nov., 1819, son of John Felt, of Mason Village, b. in Temple, N. H., 20 Apr., 1789, and Sally Bullard, b. in Mason, N. H., 21 Feb., 1793.
She d. in Montrose, Ia., 26 May, 1880.
They res. in Mason Village, Worcester and Townsend, Mass. He was later a lumber dealer in Keokuk, Ia.; has now retired from business and res. in San Diego, Cal.
15600 George Kellogg Felt,10 b. in Keokuk, 19 June, 1856; m. in Keokuk, 26 Oct., 1882, Lillian Ernestine Ehinger, b. in Franklin, Ia., 18 Apr., 1856, dau. of Dr. George E. Ehinger and Caroline Deborah Pal­mer; was a bookkeeper; d. in Keokuk, 2 Man, 1886; had no chil­dren; she res. in Keokuk.
15601 Ivah Elizabeth Felt,10 b. 17 Apr., 1861; m. 25 Jan., 1888, Carroll Berry Graves, b. 9 Nov., 1861; d. 25 July, 1892; he now res. in Ellens­burg, Wash.

8908.   GEORGE HUBBARD,9 son of Charles8 (3785), b. in Amherst, Mass., 27 Dec., 1830; m. in Lowell, Mass., 7 June, 1861, Charlotte Augusta Leighton, b. in Lowell, Mass., 19 Mar., 1836, dau. of Josiah Leighton, b. in Westford, Mass., 1798, and Hannah Reed, b. in Littleton, Mass., 26 June, 1800.
He was a passenger on the steamship City of Columbus, which was lost off Gay Head, Mass., on a voyage from Boston to Savannah, 18 Jan., 1884. His body was recovered and interred in Fitchburg, Mass.; was a printer; res. in Fitchburg.
15602 Eva Minnette,10 b. in Amherst, 24 Dec., 1864; d. unm., in Lowell, 28 Feb., 1888.

8909.   JANE MCAFFEE,9 dau. of Charles8 (3785), b. in Amherst, Mass., 28 Aug., 1832; m. in Townsend, Mass., 21 Jan., 1854, Frederick Augustus Wor­cester, b. in Hollis, N. H., 28 Jan., 1807, son of Jesse Worcester, of Hollis, b. 30 Apr., 1761, and Sarah Parker, b. 24 Apr., 1762.
He d. 3 Mar., 1888; after his death she res. in Townsend, Mass.
He was graduated from Harvard College in 1831; studied law in Hollis, Croton, Mass., and Harvard Law School; was admitted to the bar in 1835; res. in Townsend; after 1869 had an office in Ayer, Mass.; was a member of the Mas­sachusetts House of Representatives in 1856.
15603 Charles Frederick Worcester,10 b. 28 Feb., 1859; is unm.
15604 Frances Jane Worcester,10 b. 8 Apr., 1861; m. in Adams, Mass., 19 Apr., 1900, Ransom Bixby Adams, b. 28 May, 1862.
15605 Mary Elizabeth Worcester,10 b. 25 Mar., 1863; is unm.
15606 Joseph Emerson Worcester,10 b. 19 Aug., 1867; is unm.

8916.   THEODORE PRESTON,9 son of Henry8 (3786), b. in Bennington, Vt., 7 Dec., 1844; m. in Chicago, 26 June, 1867, Sarah Eastman Draper, b. 25 Feb., 1840, dau. of Ichabod Draper, b. 3 Aug., 1807, and Catherine Vose Cooley, b. 16 Oct., 1813.
He res. in Arlington Heights, Ill.; rem. Dec., 1899, to Farmer, N. Y.

1302    The Kelloggs in the New World.

15607 Henry Draper,10 b. in Chicago, 23 Aug., 1868; m. Lillie Nicol.
15608 Timothy Hubbard,10 b. in Arlington Heights, 9 Jan., 1873; m. Alice Maud Chidley.
15609 William Theodore,10 b. in Elk Grove, Ill., 21 June, 1878; res., unm., in Arlington Heights.

8919.   FREDERICK HOFFMAN,9 son of Dr. David8 (3792), b. in Thomas­ton, Me., 20 Aug., 1824; m. 15 Aug., 1850, Catherine Woodcock, of Thomaston, dau. of Nathaniel Woodcock and Margaret Waring.
He d. in Philadelphia, 24 July, 1853; was mate on the barque Mandarin; she m. (2) as his second wife, in Cambridge, Mass., 24 Mar., 1869, John D. Sands, b. in Lyman, Me., 1815.
15610 Eliza Prince,10 b. 20 July, 1850; d. in Cambridge, 12 Mar., 1867.

8920.   SARAH BROWN,9 dau. of Dr. David8 (3792), b. in Thomaston, Me., 18 Jan., 1827; m. 4 Feb., 1849, Elisha Frontis Pierre Ferry, b. in Monroe, Mich., 9 Aug., 1825, son of Peter Pierre Ferry, b. in Marseilles, France, 14 July, 1769.
He d. in Seattle, Wash., 14 Oct., 1895, where she afterward res.
He studied law in Monroe and Fort Wayne, Ind., and was admitted to the bar in 1845; settled in Waukegan, Ill., and became the first Mayor of that city; was Presidential Elector in 1852 and '56, and took a prominent part as delegate in the Illinois Constitutional Convention in 1861, in which year he became Bank Commissioner of Illinois, holding the office for two years, during which time he was appointed a member of Gov. Yates' staff, ranking as Col. In July, 1869, he rem. from Illinois to Washington Territory, and in the same year was appointed Surveyor-General of the Territory; was Governor from 1872 to '80, in which year he became a member of the law firm of McNaught, Ferry & Mitchell, of Seattle. He retired in 1887 and was elected Vice-President of the Puget Sound National Bank. In 1888 he was nominated for Governor of Washington by the Republicans, and was elected by more than 8000 majority.
15611 Edward Prince Ferry,10 b. 8 Jan., 1850; d. 12 Jan., 1854.
15612 Eliza Kellogg Ferry,10 b. 24 July, 1851; m. 21 Apr., 1892, John Leary, of Seattle, b. in St. John, New Brunswick, 1836.
15613 James Cory Ferry,10 b. 24 Apr., 1853; is unm.
15614 Augustus Cotes Ferry,10 b. 24 Apr., 1855; d. 30 Oct., 1856.
15615 Elisha Frontis Pierre Ferry,10 b. 22 July, 1857; d. 4 Apr., 1867.
15616 David Kellogg Ferry,10 b. 12 Mar., 1859; d. 15 Mar., same year.
15617 Abraham Lincoln Ferry,10 b. 3 Apr., 1860; is unm.
15618 Julia Pierre Ferry,10 b. 22 Feb., 1863; d. unm., 27 Jan., 1894.
15619 Pierre Lewis Ferry,10 b. 30 May, 1868; is unm.

8921.   ELIZA POPE,9 dau. of Dr. David8 (3792), b. in Thomaston, Me., 27 Feb., 1829; m. 12 Oct., 1852, James Young Cory, of Canada, b. 12 Oct., 1828, son of Benjamin S. Cory, b. 13 Aug., 1805, and Fanny Young, b. 26 Aug., 1807. For many years he res. in Waukegan and Chicago, and is now a manufacturer of wall paper in New York City; res. in Newark, N. J.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1303

15620 Sarah Kellogg Cory,10 b. 26 June, 1854; d. 6 Oct., same year.
15621 Fanny Young Cory,10 b. 14 Mar., 1857; d. 31 Mar., same year.
15622 James Stewart Cory,10 b. 14 July, 1858; m. in North East, Pa., 6 June, 1888, Anna Belle Scouller, b. 12 Aug., 1865, dau. of Ezra Scouller, of North East, and Joanna Webb.
15623 Kate Thompson Cory,10 b. in New York, 8 Feb., 1861; res., unm., in Newark.
15624 Fred Cleveland Cory,10 b. 12 Mar., 1863; d. 19 Aug., same year.
15625 Eliza Kellogg Cory,10 b. 28 May, 1872; d. 18 Feb., 1875.

8923.   DAVID,9 son of Dr. David8 (3792), b. in Thomaston, Me., 23 Feb., 1834; m. 15 Nov., 1869, Anna Lloyd Tull, of Monroe, Mich., b. 14 Aug., 1844, dau. of John Tull, b. Feb., 1809, and Julia Ann Pierre Ferry, b. 1817.
He res. in Seattle, Wash.; is a real estate agent; also engaged in mining.
Children, b. in Seattle.
15626 David Tull,10 b. 21 Dec., 1873; is a commercial traveler; is a Congre­gationalist and a Republican; res., unm., in Seattle.
15627 Lily,10 b. 10 June, 1876; res., unm., in Seattle.
15628 James Y. C.,10 b. 21 Aug., 1880; is a student; res. in Seattle.

8924.   GEORGE PRINCE,9 son of Dr. David8 (3792), b. in Thomaston, Me., 22 June, 1836; m. 2 Sept., 1863, Phebe Janette Landon (the second white child b. between Chicago and Milwaukee), b. 18 July, 1837, dau. of Nelson Landon, b. in Salisbury, Conn., 26 Jan., 1807, and Phebe Phelps, b. in New Haven, Vt., 16 Sept., 1833.
He was a stock farmer and res. in Winthrop Harbor, Ill.
In a letter he says: “My two oldest boys are giants, weighing 195 pounds each, and are the best jumpers and wrestlers in all this section. Fred was on the football team of Lake Forest Institute. Both Dave and Fred won nearly all the prizes on field day at that school. My youngest son, Rufus Hunt Landon Kel­logg, yet in his teens, weighs 168 pounds; at the recent encampment he has out-lifted the best; his dead weight lift is 1330 pounds. In Springfield, Ill., this fall, at the general encampment, he took nineteen bars of lead, each weighing ninety pounds, raised them with his two hands above his head and delivered them three rods away, making nineteen trips. There was not a man on the ground who could raise one of the bars once, let alone nineteen times. So you see that physical degeneracy has not followed this branch. Two years ago I took the boys to Wash­ington and they have taken 620 acres of timber land in the region south and east of Cape Flattery.”
15629 Nelson Landon,10 b. 3 July, 1864; d. 17 Oct., 1893.
15630 Phebe Phelps,10 b. 22 Aug., 1869; d. 12 Nov., 1876.
15631 Frederick Prince,10 b. 23 Dec., 1870; is a member of the Donahue, Kellogg Mill Company; res. in Ballard, Wash.
15632 David Edward,10 b. 21 Sept., 1873; m. Leila Stout, of British Colum­bia; is a member of the firm of Donahue, Kellogg Mill Company; res. in Ballard.
15633 Josephine Landon,10 b. 5 July, 1875.
15634 Rufus Hunt,10 b. 19 Apr., 1877.

1304    The Kelloggs in the New World.

15635 Janette,10 b. 16 Mar., 1879; m. 16 Dec., 1895, Col. Robert Hunter Aiken, b. in Chicago, 17 Apr., 1869, son of Charles Miltimore Aiken and Harriet Rucker; he rem. to Rock Island, thence to California and was brought up by a Mrs. West, and was long a resident of Berkeley, Cal.; subsequently he went to Mexico and Montana, where he followed silver mining, thence to the Southern States, and then back to Chicago; was on the Board of Trade there, and became identified with the National Guard; was Inspector of Rifle Prac­tice for four years; although a Democrat, he was on the staff of a Republican Governor; had no children.

8925.   GARDNER,9 son of Dr. David8 (3792), b. in Thomaston, Me., 26 Feb., 1839; m. in Seattle, Wash., 4 July, 1865, Sarah Amelia Bonney, of Washington.
He was one of the pioneers of Seattle, starting the first drug store, and has been Chief of the Fire Department, with the exception of two years, up to 1897.
He was a druggist in Centerville; later res. in Seattle.
15636 Edward Cory,10 b. 17 June, 1866.
15637 Charles Wright,10 b. 26 Apr., 1868; m. Lena May Cooper.
15638 Chester Ferry,10 b. 24 May, 1869; d. 3 Nov., 1875.
15639 Mary,10 b. 24 May, 1869; d. 25 May, same year.
15640 Sarah B.,10 b. 9 Mar., 1880.

8926.   EDWARD NEALLEY,9 son of Dr. David8 (3792), b. in Thomaston, Me., 8 Dec., 1841; m. 4 June, 1867, Jane H. Pollock, dau. of Julius Pollock, of Morrisania, N. Y.
He d. of yellow fever, in Pensacola, Fla., 6 Oct., 1874; after his death she res. in Morrisania, and later in New York City.
He was graduated from the Naval Academy in 1861; taught mathematics there four years; became Lieut. in 1864; Lieut.-Commander, 25 July, 1866; served on board the Oneida, in Mobile Bay, 5 Aug., 1864; was commended for skill and courage; with Farragutt in New Orleans, La., and Mobile; was in active service after the war; was chosen to accompany the expedition in search of the Polaris in Arctic waters, but his health would not permit of his going.
15641 Cecilia Louise,10 b. 27 Oct., 1869.
15642 Edward Stanley,10 b. 20 Aug., 1871; is a Lieut. in the United States army.

8927.   ELLEN HOOPER,9 dau. of Dr. David8 (3792), b. in Thomaston, Me., 16 June, 1845; m. 28 Mar., 1872, Capt. George Dana Hill.
She d. 12 Feb., 1887; he was drowned 4 Dec., 1890.
He served through the war on the staff of General Sheridan, losing an arm at Appomatox; res. in Seattle, Wash.
15643 Eliza Maud Hill,10 b. 13 May, 1873; m. Wendall Bowman; res. in Sumas, B. C.; later in Seattle.
15644 George Edward Hill,10 b. 1 Apr., 1877; res. in Seattle.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1305

8931.   DAVID,9 son of George8 (3808), b. in Northampton, Mass., 21 July, 1829; m. in Springfield, Mass., 8 Mar., 1867, Emeline Adams, b. in Chicopee Falls, Mass., 30 May, 1838, dau. of Capt. Milton Adams, b. 6 Aug., 1792, and Lodice Mather, b. 25 Mar., 1794. Capt. Milton Adams was son of Freegrace Adams, Jr., and nephew of Temperance Adams, who m. Jonathan Kellogg 1893.
He d. in Springfield, Mass., 4 Oct., 1898, aged 69.
He res. in Springfield; was a tailor.
15645 Lena O.,10 b. 6 Dec., 1867; d. 9 May, 1871.

8933.   EDWARD GEORGE,9 son of George8 (3808), b. 4 Feb., 1831; m. Fanny Gray.
He d. in Andersonville Prison, 1863.
15646 Franklin,10 b. in Northampton, Mass., 30 Jan., 1858; d. young.

8934.   LEVI RAMSDELL,9 son of George8 (3808), b. in Northampton, Mass, 11 Nov., 1832; m. in Easthampton, Mass., 31 July, 1861, Mary Keough, b. 1839, dau. of John and Mary Keough.
He d. in Colorado Springs, 1896.
He served in the war of the rebellion in the Fifty-second Massachusetts Reg.
Children, b. in Northampton.
15647 Charlotte A,10 b. 29 July, 1862; m. in Northampton, 24 June, 1891, Edward H. Joslyn, b. in Northampton, 1871, son of Homer R. Joslyn and Rose A. Doherty; he is a printer; res. in North­ampton.
15648 Mary E.,10 b. 14 May, 1864; m. in Northampton, 16 Oct., 1884, Harry H. Strong, b. in Northampton, 1865, son of Sidney Strong and Julia Harwood; he is a ranchman; res. in Husted, Col.
15649 Henry C.,10 b. 16 Feb., 1866; d. 21 Sept., 1868.
15650 Sadie A.,10 b. ______; m. in Northampton, 21 June, 1893, William Duff, b. in East Windsor, Conn., 1867, son of James Duff and Mar­garet Powers; he is in the livery business; res. in Northampton.

8952.   JOEL ELIJAH,9 son of Joel8 (3829), b. 19 Nov., 1818; m. 10 Apr., 1844, Fanny Lewis, b. in Williamsville, N. Y., 5 Aug., 1827, dau. of Isaac War­ren Lewis and Elizabeth Gable.
He res. in Attica, Mich.
15651 Joel Elijah,10 b. 10 Mar., 1845; d. 17 Oct., 1848.
15652 Isaac Henry,10 b. 11 Jan., 1847; d. 19 Sept., 1867.
15653 Mary Elizabeth,10 b. 23 Nov., 1849; d. 7 Dec., same year.
15654 Oliver Joseph,10 b. 4 June, 1853; d. 1 Aug., 1858.
15655 Charles Warren Lewis,10 b. 10 Sept., 1856; m. Sarah Holden; res. in Ancaster, Ont.
15656 Harmonous John,10 b. 24 May, 1859; m. 21 Aug., 1880, Lydia Ann Smith; res. in Attica.
15657 Elam Robertson,10 b. 28 Sept., 1861.

1306    The Kelloggs in the New World.

15658 Clarissa Jane,10 b. 18 Oct., 1863.
15659 Abraham Lincoln,10 b. 28 Feb., 1867.
15660 George Washington,10 b. 10 May, 1870.

8953.   SETH WILLIAM,9 son of Joel8 (3829), b. in Cornwall, Canada, 5 Aug., 1822; m. (1) 21 Nov., 1843, Eliza Ellen Warner, b. in Ancaster, Ont.
She d. in Ancaster, 14 Apr., 1872; he m. (2) 20 Jan., 1875, Mrs. Sarah (Slaughter) Kellogg, widow of his brother, Samuel White (+8959), and sister of John Slaughter, husband of Margaret E.; she d. 29 Sept., 1899.
He was a laborer and a Methodist; res. in Ancaster, Renforth and Ham­ilton, Ont.
Children by first wife.
15661 Joel,10 b. 28 Apr., 1845; d. 15 Apr., 1871.
15662 Waverly Barton,10 b. 12 Nov., 1846; m. _______; she d. ______; he d. in Barton, Canada, 3 Apr., 1889.
15663 Mary Charlotte,10 b. in Ancaster, 15 Jan., 1849; m. John Sanders.
15664 Margaret Elizabeth,10 b. 2 Sept., 1850; m. (1) John Slaughter; (2) Solomon Mattice.
15665 Clarissa Lucinda,10 b. 6 Oct., 1852; res. in Vanderbilt, Mich.
15666 William,10 b. 24 Oct., 1854.
15667 Malcolm Frazer,10 b. in Canada, 29 Oct., 1856; m. Ida Jane Gage.
15668 Asa,10 b. 21 Sept., 1858; res. in Vanderbilt.
15669 Eli,10 b. 28 Apr., 1860; is supposed to have been killed by a bear; was never heard from since 1880, when he was in Collingwood, Canada.
15670 Matilda,10 b. 30 Sept., 1861; m. 28 Sept., 1888, Theodore Adolphus Husband; res. in Buffalo.
15671 Edgar,10 b. 21 Feb., 1863; d. in Glanford, Canada, 19 July, 1880.
15672 Dorcas Ann,10 b. 30 May, 1867; m. Arthur Ransom Sauls.
15673 George,10 b. 28 July, 1868.
15674 John Edward,10 b. 9 Mar., 1869; m. Mary Ann Overend.
Children by second wife.
15675 Samuel Seth,10 b. 2 Jan., 1873; d. ______.
15676 Ellen Augusta,10 b. in Ancaster, 29 July, 1875.
15677 Sarah Semantha,10 b. 29 Oct., 1877.
15678 Joseph,10 b. 27 Dec., 1887.

8954.   ANN JERUSHA,9 dau. of Joel8 (3829), b. 23 Aug., 1824; m. 9 Feb., 1846, Samuel Lewis, b. 16 July, 1821, son of Isie Lewis, b. in Maryland; and Betsey, Gable, b. in Pennsylvania.
He d. 6 June, 1899.
He was a farmer; res. in Ancaster and Kelvin, Ontario.
15679 Mary Margaret Lewis,10 b. 1 Mar., 1847; m. in Caledonia, Canada, 10 June, 1865, Solomon Mattice; d. 2 Sept., 1884; he m. (2) her cousin, Margaret Elizabeth Kellogg (+15664).
15680 William Henry Lewis,10 b. 24 Mar., 1849; is unm.
15681 Clarissa Rebecca Lewis,10 b. 19 Nov., 1850; m. 23 Nov., 1873, Jacob Nash.
15682 George Wesley Lewis,10 b. 10 Nov., 1853; d. 17 Sept., 1855.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1307

15683 Sarah Ann Lewis,10 b. 26 Dec., 1854; m. 8 Apr., 1874, William E. Cun­ningham, b. 20 Oct., 1853.
15684 David Hammond Lewis,10 b. 4 Dec., 1858; m. 1 Mar., 1885, Rosa Lunn.
15685 Charles Samuel Lewis,10 b. 11 Aug., 1861; d. unm., 1 Mar., 1888.
15686 James Ezra Lewis,10 b. 4 Mar., 1864; is unm.
15687 Levi Benjamin Lewis,10 b. 26 July, 1866; m. in Waterford, 30 May, 1892, Mary S. Charters, b. 27 Feb., 1863; she d. 7 Dec., 1899.

8955.   CLARISSA ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Joel8 (3829), b. in Perth Co., Stro­mont, Ont., 16 Nov., 1826; m. in Hamilton, Ontario, 30 Nov., 1853, John Arch­ibald Currie, b. in Argyleshire, Scotland, 16 Dec., 1829, son of Duncan Currie and Margaret Stewart, both of Adelaide, Ont.
He was a laborer and a Methodist; res. in Ancaster, Ont.
Children, b. in Ancaster.
15688 Margaret Elizabeth Currie,10 b. 12 July, 1854; is unm.
15689 Sarah Lucinda Currie,10 b. 18 Aug., 1856; m. in Hamilton, 8 June, 1887, William George Guest; res. in Ancaster.
15690 John Wesley Currie,10 b. 22 Jan., 1859; is unm.
15691 William Daniel Currie,10 b. 31 Jan., 1861; d. in Ancaster, 13 July, 1864.
15692 George Frederick Currie,10 b. 14 Sept., 1862; d. unm., in San Antonio, Tex., 24 Oct., 1897.
15693 Clara Ann Currie,10 b. 25 Aug., 1864; m. in Ancaster, 11 Nov., 1891, John Frank Thornton; d. in Canton, Ont., 25 May, 1898.

8956.   LUCINDA RACHEL,9 dau. of Joel8 (3829), b. in Ancaster, Ont., 20 May, 1833; m. 9 Nov., 1852, John Stevens Wilson, b. in Champlain, N. Y., 20 Oct., 1829, son of John Wilson, b. in Coventry, Conn., 17 Apr., 1786, and Lois Stevens, b. in Coventry, 4 July, 1785.
He is a carpenter; res. in Ancaster, Westminster, Dorchester, Ingersoll, Wal­lahide, Ont., and Alpena, Mich.
15694 Frederick Alexander Wilson,10 b. in Westminster, 13 Aug., 1855; m. 30 June, 1877, Edna Eudocia Bryning; res. in Alpena.
15695 Margaret Frazier Wilson,10 b. in Ancaster, 18 Feb., 1858.
15696 Albert Winfield Wilson,10 b. 16 Mar., 1869.
15697 Similda Jane Wilson,10 b. 1 Mar., 1871.

8957.   GEORGE SILAS,9 son of Joel8 (3829), b. 1 Jan., 1835; m. his niece, Anna Isabel Madora Kellogg (15708), b. 1866, dau. of Samuel White Kellogg (+8959).
15698 A Daughter,10 b. ______; m. _______ Chase; res. in Bath, N. Y.
15699 Matilda,10 b. ______; res. in Bath.

8958.   SARAH MARGARET,9 dau. of Joel8 (3829), b. in Ancaster, Ont., 18 June, 1837; m. 16 Dec., 1858, William Oberlin, b. in Germany, 15 Aug., 1834, son of Christopher Oberlin, b. in Germany, and Marie Troy.
He is a farmer, res. in Ancaster; is a Methodist; now res. in Broomhill, Manitoba.

1308    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Ancaster.
15700 Margaret Alice Oberlin,10 b. 27 Feb., 1860; m. 17 Dec., 1879, Alva James Jones, b. in Saltfleet, Ont., 14 June, 1859; d. in Saltfleet, 23 Apr., 1890; he res. in Bartonville, Ont.
15701 Bertha Ann Oberlin,10 b. 4 Jan., 1862; m. in Saltfleet, 27 June, 1889, David Henry Cotterell, b. in Liverpool, England, 30 June, 1860; d. in Cleveland, O., 7 May, 1896, where he res. after her death.
15702 John Kenneth Oberlin,10 b. 13 Dec., 1864; m. in Manitoba, 6 July, 1893, Mary Jeffrey, b. in Berwickshire, Scotland, 23 Mar., 1868; res. in Broomhill.
15703 William Edward Wilson Oberlin,10 b. 26 Dec., 1866; m. in Manitoba, 6 July, 1893, Elizabeth Jeffrey, b. in Berwickshire, 30 Aug., 1866; res. in Broomhill.
15704 Sarah Sophia Rachel Oberlin,10 b. 15 May, 1869; m. in Manitoba, 3 Aug., 1892, Robert Oxley, b. in Yorkshire, England, 30 Aug., 1866; res. in Napinka, Ont.
15705 Clara Anneta Oberlin,10 b. 21 May, 1871; m. in Manitoba, 22 Jan., 1891, James Upton Charters, b. in Belleville, Ont., 15 Feb., 1864; res. in Metila, Manitoba.
15706 Elizabeth Jane Oberlin,10 b. 22 Mar., 1874; d. 12 Apr., same year.
15707 Frederick Benson Elmer Oberlin,10 b. 24 June, 1880; d. in Ancaster, 30 Oct., 1882.

8959.   SAMUEL WHITE,9 son of Joel8 (3829), b. in Cornwall, Canada, 26 Sept., 1839; m. Sarah Slaughter.
He was drowned in Saranac, Mich., 16 July, 1866; she m. (2) his brother, Seth William; d. 29 Sept., 1899.
15708 Anna Isabel Madora,10 b. 1866; m. her uncle, George Silas Kellogg (+8957).

8963.   ANN ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Oliver White8 (3830), b. near Springfield, Ill., 3 Mar., 1827; m. in Buffalo Grove, Ill., 12 Feb., 1845, Eli Bradford Baker, b. in Vermont, 15 Jan., 1819.
He rem. in 1830 to Orwell, O., and, in 1841, to Illinois.
15709 Sarah Elizabeth Baker,10 b. 15 Dec., 1845; m. 4 Sept., 1867; Charles H. March, of Taylor, Ill.; d. 21 May, 1873; had three children.
15710 Eunice Amelia Baker,10 b. 26 Aug., 1847; d. 14 Mar., 1851.
15711 George Walcott Baker,10 b. 3 June, 1852; d. 24 Sept., 1853.
15712 Irene Rosella Baker,10 b. 27 May, 1854; d. 9 May, 1873.
15713 Mary Agnes Baker,10 b. 9 Dec., 1856; d. 25 Dec., 1865.
15714 Eli Douglas Baker,10 b. 2 May, 1860.

8976.   ISAAC,9 son of Elijah Walley8 (3833), b. ______; m. (1) Malinda Fesler.
She d. 1847; he m. (2) Elizabeth Jane Wood, b. 7 July, 1832, dau. of Wil­liam W. Wood and Mary A. Waldrop; d. 1852; he was a grocer; res. in Palestine and Robinson, Ill.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1309

15715 Emma Jane,10 b. ______; d. aged one year.
15716 Elijah Wolsey,10 b. in Robinson, 2 Oct., 1840; m. (1) Minerva Hig­gins; (2) Sarah Markee.
15717 Adeline,10 b. ______.
15718 Isaac Cullon,10 b. ______.
15719 Eliza Jane,10 b. in Palestine, 20 July, 1852; m. Alfred Elijah Slusher.

8977.   OLIVER,9 son of Elijah Walley8 (3833), b. ______; m. ______.
15720 William,10 b. ______.
15721 Sarah,10 b. ______.

8978.   MARY,9 dau. of Elijah Walley8 (3833), b. 29 June, 1822; m. 12 Dec., 1840, Isaac Martin, b. in Ohio, 13 Oct., 1800, son of William Martin and Eliza­beth _______.
He d. in Palestine, Ill., 13 Nov., 1858; she d. there, 6 Mar., 1895.
He was a carpenter and a Whig; res. in Palestine, Ill.
Children, b. in Palestine.
15722 Sarah Jerasha Martin,10 b. 4 Sept., 1842; m. in Palestine, 25 May, 1859, Henry Clark; he was a house and sign painter; res. in Day­ton, O.; d. in Palestine, 24 May, 1860; she d. 29 June, 1865; had one child.
15723 Henry Clay Martin,10 b. 1 Oct., 1844; was in the Federal army in the civil war in the Eleventh Missouri Reg.; d. unm., in Indiana, 3 Feb., 1869.
15724 Finley Paul Martin,10 b. 30 Sept., 1846; m. 21 July, 1885, Dora N. Lanham; served in the Eleventh Missouri Reg. during the civil war; res. in Palestine.
15725 James Ross Martin,10 b. 26 Aug., 1848; m. 24 Nov., 1874, Clara Gat­ten, b. 22 Apr., 1851; res. in Terre Haute, Ind.; had six children.
15726 William Oliver Martin,10 b. 6 Apr., 1852; m. 29 Mar., 1878, Eliza J. Hadden; was a farmer; res. in Palestine.
15727 Edgar Kellogg Martin,10 b. 29 Mar., 1854; res. in Evansville.
15728 Daniel Pembrook Martin,10 b. 20 Aug., 1856; m. Mary Herman; was a painter; res. in Kansas City and St. Louis, Mo.

8979.   RACHEL,9 dau. of Elijah Walley8 (3833), b. 3 Aug., 1824; m. (1) 6 June, 1839, Andrew Jackson Irwin.
He d. 31 Feb., 1841; she m. (2) 22 Aug., 1848, William Markee, b. 8 Aug., 1824; d. 2 Nov., 1878. His half sister m. Elijah Wolsey Kellogg (13421).
He was a farmer; res. in Palestine, Ill.
Children by first husband.
15729 Mary Margaret Irwin,10 b. 28 July, 1840; d. 11 Aug., 1841.
15730 Isaac Newton Irwin,10 b. 11 Jan., 1842; d. in infancy.
15731 Ann Eliza Irwin,10 b. 9 July, 1843; d. 1 Oct., 1866.
Children by second husband.
15733 John Wesley Markee,10 b. 16 Aug., 1849; was an engineer; res. in Pal­estine.

1310    The Kelloggs in the New World.

15733 Emily Jane Markee,10 b. 22 Feb., 1850; m. _______ Ward; res. in St. Louis.
15734 Sarah Frances Markee,10 b. 12 July, 1851; d. 23 Sept., 1852.
15735 Charles C. Markee,10 b. 28 Apr., 1853; d. 29 June, 1854.
15736 James Alfred Markee,10 b. 12 Nov., 1854; was a painter.
15737 Henry Plummer Markee,10 b. 25 Feb., 1863; was employed in a furni­ture factory; res. in Evansville, Ind.

8981.   ANDREW JACKSON,9 son of Samuel8 (3834), b. ______; m. Mary Ann McCord.
He is a miner; res. in Charleston, Ill., later in Michigan Bar, Cal., and For­est Home, and now in Placerville, Cal.
15738 Charles,10 b. in Charleston, 13 Oct., 1861; m. Lucy Elkins; res. in Diamond Springs, Cal.
15739 Jefferson,10 b. ______; res. in Fyffe, Cal.
15740 Mary,10 b. ______; res. in Placerville.
15741 Jack,10 b. ______; res. in Forest Home.
15742 Bell,10 b. ______; m. Thomas Freeland; res. in Chico, Cal.
15743 Ellen,10 b. ______; m. John Williams; res. in Placerville.

8982.   GEORGE WASHINGTON,9 son of Samuel8 (3834), b. in Charleston, Ill., 1837; m. there, 1874, Eliza Ann Fulford, b. in Monroe Co., Ind., 1853, dau. of Absalom Fulford and Margaret Bollar, of Monroe Co., Ind.
Res. in Charleston, Ill., is a contractor and builder; is a Republican.
Children, b. in Charleston.
15744 Ora,10 b. 9 Feb., 1876; m. Jesse H. Vergeason.
15745 Georgia Belle,10 b. 10 Dec., 1877; m. in Charleston, 5 Nov., 1896, Ocia Kemp; res. in Charleston.
15746 Frank,10 b. 8 Oct., 1879.
15747 Mary,10 b. 19 Sept., 1883.
15748 Clarence,10 b. 1 July, 1887.
15749 Ruth,10 b. 26 June, 1893.

8985.   CLARISSA URSULA,9 dau. of Joseph8 (3837), b. in Jefferson Co., N. Y., 15 Aug., 1824; m. in Buffalo Grove, Ill., 31 July, 1842, Isaiah Wilcoxson, b. in Portsmouth, O., 5 Nov., 1818, son of George Dent Hardy Wilcoxson, b. in Broad River, S. C., 8 June, 1788, and Anna Hoskinson, b. in Bull Run, Va., 14 Jan., 1792.
She d. 12 May, 1871, after a surgical operation.
In 1849 he was made Postmaster of Buffalo Grove; later res. in Belle Plaine, Ia.
Children, first two b. in Buffalo Grove.
15750 Sarah Ann Wilcoxson,10 b. 24 Oct., 1843; m. 24 Dec., 1865, Jacob Bru­baker, Jr., b. in Huntington Co., Pa., 28 Mar., 1844; he rem. to Ogle Co., Ill., 1848; was a Union soldier in Co. E, Ninety-second Illinois Infantry, with Gen. Sherman through Georgia and the Car­olinas; rem. to Dixon, Ill., 1867; was later in the firm of Dysart & Brubaker, flour jobbers, of Dixon; had four children.

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15751 George Ingalls Wilcoxson,10 b. 1 Jan., 1846; m. in Buffalo Grove, 4 July, 1869, Sarah Alice Foote, b. in Ogle Co., Ill., 6 Feb., 1850; was a Union soldier; was with Gen. Sherman through Georgia and the Carolinas; was wounded in an engagement seven miles from Raleigh; was in twenty-three engagements and was promoted for bravery and made Second Lieut., 18 July, 1865; res. in Belle Plaine; had four children.
15752 Joseph Kellogg Wilcoxson,10 b. 4 Aug., 1847; d. 23 Mar., 1850.
15753 Emeline Clarissa Wilcoxson,10 b. 7 Mar., 1851; res. with an aunt in Polo, Ill.
15754 Nancy Elizabeth Wilcoxson,10 b. in La Salle, Ill., 13 Feb., 1855; m. 29 Apr., 1875, Samuel Cephas Posthewait; is an editor and publisher; res. in Chicago.

8986.   MARY LUCINDA,9 dau. of Joseph8 (3837), b. in Manchester, Mo., 18 June, 1841; m. (1) in Chicago, 7 Oct., 1862, Albert Macomber, b. in Dartmouth, Mass., 29 Oct., 1841, son of Richard E. Macomber, of New Bedford, Mass., b. 25 May, 1808, and Sarah Wady, b. 22 Mar., 1813.
He d. in San Francisco, 29 Mar., 1870, where he was sojourning for his health; she m. (2) in Chicago, 2 Nov., 1874, Edward Clark Ward, b. in Batta­cotta, District of Jaifua, Ceylon, 1 Apr., 1839, son of Rev. Nathan Ward,* M. D., b. in Plymouth, N. H., 1803, and Hannah Woodward, b. in Peacham, Vt., 3 June, 1804.
Child by first husband.
15755 Gertrude Ella Macomber,10 b. in Chicago, 14 Oct., 1863; m. 8 Dec., 1886, Fenimore I. Cooper, a bookkeeper in the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, of Chicago.
Children by second husband.
15756 Nathan Albert Ward,10 b. in Parsons, Kas., 31 Jan., 1876.
15757 William Henry Ward,10 b. 16 May, 1881.

8989.   JOSEPH HENRY,9 son of Joseph8 (3837), b. in Chicago, 19 Oct., 1853; m. in Polo, Ill., 19 Oct., 1876, Celinda McAtee, b. in Clearspring, Md., 10 Mar., 1852.
Children, b. in Polo.
15758 Sadie Gertrude,10 b. 2 Aug., 1877.
15759 Celinda Harriet,10 b. 10 June, 1880.

8999.   PALMER VOSE,9 son of Spencer8 (3863), b. 12 Dec., 1811; m. (1) in Cooperstown, N. Y., 6 Sept., 1836, Rachel Anne Shankland, of Cooperstown, b. 7 Jan., 1809, dau. of Thomas Shankland.
She d. in New York City, 7 May, 1866, and is buried in Utica; he m. (2) in Danbury, Conn., 17 Dec., 1867, Mrs. Martha Lucretia (Nichols) Smith, b. 17 Sept., 1833, widow of Walter Smith, of Danbury, and dau. of David P. Nichols, of Danbury.
He d. 18 Oct., 1883.
He res. in Utica, N. Y., and Chicago.

* Rev. Nathan Ward was a missionary, physician and surgeon and d. on his return voyage to Ceylon, 24 Dec., 1860, and was buried at sea.

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Children by first wife, b. in Utica.
15760 Charles Palmer,10 b. 31 May, 1837; m. Sarah H. Case.
15761 Theodore Spencer,10 b. 14 Jan., 1839; d. in Utica, 27 Sept., 1842.
15762 Anna Shankland,10 b. 11 Dec., 1841; m. John Boyd Kellogg (+11337).
15763 Mary Warren,10 b. 1 May, 1844; m. Thomas Henderson Doane.
15764 Emma Churchill,10 b. 28 Aug., 1845; res., unm., in Oak Park, Ill.
15765 Spencer,10 b. 20 Oct., 1847; d. 30 Oct., 1854.
15766 William Henry,10 b. 12 Nov., 1852; d. in Chicago, 11 May, 1892.
Child by second wife.
15767 Grace Owen,10 b. 13 Sept., 1868; m. John Rodman Harvey.

9001.   CYNTHIA STEWART,9 dau. of Spencer8 (3863), b. in Plainfield, N. Y., 27 July, 1817; m. in Utica, N. Y., 3 Oct., 1837, James Rockwell, b. in Martinsburg, N. Y., 5 June, 1816, son of Philo Rockwell, b. 15 Jan., 1787, and Abigail Martin, b. 24 June, 1790.
He was a merchant; a Presbyterian; res. in Utica.
Children, all except eldest, b. in Utica.
15768 Frances Abigail Rockwell,10 b. in Cleveland, O., 23 Aug., 1839; m. 16 Oct., 1861, John Adams Goodale; res. in Utica.
15769 Margaret Kellogg Rockwell,10 b. 13 May, 1842; m. 20 Oct., 1869, George Lansing Torbert; res. in Dubuque, Ia.
15770 Mary Hitchcock Rockwell,10 b. 22 Oct., 1844; m. 11 Oct., 1864, Edwin Luther Hall; res. in Philadelphia.
15771 Susanne Freeman Rockwell,10 b. 23 July, 1846; m. 20 Dec., 1871, George Orrin Cowles; res. in Utica.
15772 Janet Rockwell,10 b. 6 Sept., 1848; m. 5 Nov., 1874, Eckley West; he served in the United States army in 1898; res. in Springfield, Mass.
15773 Ella Weatherly Rockwell,10 b. 8 Oct., 1850.
15774 Harriet Wood Rockwell,10 b. 9 Jan., 1853; m. 14 Apr., 1880, Frederick William Wardwell; d. 19 Feb., 1895.

9003.   MARY ARTEMESIA,9 dau. of Spencer8 (3863), b. in Plainfield, N. J., 11 Dec., 1821; m. in Utica, N. Y., 5 Oct., 1841, James Kent Hitchcock, b. in Sandy Hill, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1813, son of Samuel Miller Hitchcock, b. 6 Sept., 1790, and Mary Adams, b. in Lisbon, Conn., 7 Mar., 1794.
He d. in Mount Rose, N. J., 2 Feb., 1895; she d. there, 21 Feb., 1896.
He was a lawyer; res. in Utica, N. Y., Cleveland, O., New York City and South Orange, N. J.; was graduated from Kenyon College, Ohio.
15775 Mary Josephine Hitchcock,10 b. in Cleveland, 25 Nov., 1845; m. in Utica, 14 Nov., 1866, Edward H. Wardwell; d. in New London, 13 Sept., 1878.
15776 Spencer Kellogg Hitchcock,10 b. in Cleveland, 6 Aug., 1847; d. 31 July, 1858.
15777 Margaret Anna Hitchcock,10 b. 17 Sept., 1849; m. Henry Young, of Newark, N. J.
15778 Harriet Almira Hitchcock,10 b. 16 May, 1851; m. 7 Dec., 1830, Edward H. Wardwell.

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15779 Samuel Miller Hitchcock,10 b. in Cambridge, Mass., 5 Aug., 1858; m. 20 Jan., 1887, Caroline W. Hawes.

9004.   GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS,9 son of Spencer8 (3863), b. in Utica, N. Y., 1 Apr., 1824; m. 4 Oct., 1849, Anna Maria Van Eps, b. 14 May, 1831, dau. of Abraham Van Eps,* b. 1764, and Sarah Underhill, b. 1799.
He d. in Utica, 29 Mar., 1851; she m. (2) 25 May, 1854, Charles Cushman Kellogg (+9005); d. in Utica, 6 Sept., 1890.
15780 Sarah Underhill,10 b. in Utica, 26 July, 1850; m. Francis Marion Burdick.

9005.   CHARLES CUSHMAN,9 son of Spencer8 (3863), b. 2 Sept., 1828; m. 25 May, 1854, Mrs. Anna Maria (Van Eps) Kellogg, b. 14 May, 1831, dau. of Abraham Van Eps, of Vernon, N. Y., b. 1764, and Sarah Underhill, b. 1799.
She was the widow of his brother, Gustavus Adolphus.
She d. 6 Sept., 1890.
He was a lumber merchant in Utica, N. Y.
Children, b. in Utica.
15781 Caroline Haviland,10 b. 6 Feb., 1855; d. unm., 23 Feb., 1898.
15782 Margaritte Anna,10 b. 23 Dec., 1856; d. 30 Apr., 1860.
15783 Rachel Anna,10 b. 31 Mar., 1859; m. Henry Livingston Van Winkle.
15784 Flora Jenkins,10 b. 5 Dec., 1861; d. 5 July, 1882.
15785 Mary Hitchcock,10 b. 27 Nov., 1863; is unm.
15786 Frederick Sheffield,10 b. 5 Jan., 1866; m. Elizabeth Walcott.
15787 Spencer,10 b. 28 Mar., 1867; m. Elizabeth Gardner Brownwell.
15788 Charles Stuart,10 b. 22 Apr., 1871; d. 15 May, 1881.

9006.   SARAH SOPHIA,9 dau. of Spencer8 (3863), b. 13 May, 1832; m. in Utica, N. Y., 24 June, 1856, Frederick William Hotchkiss Sheffield, b. in Say­brook, Conn., 8 Apr., 1825, son of Amos Sheffield, b. in Stonington, Conn., 28 July, 1789, and Amelia Hart Hotchkiss, b. 1 Jan., 1793.
He was a dry goods merchant; res. in Dubuque, Ia., later in Utica.
15789 Charles Amos Sheffield,10 b. 25 July, 1857; d. 22 Jan., 1868.
15790 Henry Hart Sheffield,10 b. 16 Sept., 1861; d. in West Point, N. Y., 18 Jan., 1880.
15791 James Rockwell Sheffield,10 b. 13 Aug., 1864; m. 2 Nov., 1898, Edith Tod, b. 15 Aug., 1873, dau. of John Tod, b. 27 Nov., 1834 (son of David Tod, the War Governor of Ohio), and Sarah Keyes Little, b. 24 July, 1839.

9030.   DEACON JOHN WILLIAM,9 son of Gardiner,8 (8873), b. in Gorham, b. 13 May, 1832; m. in Sherman, Me., 21 Feb., 1864, Lucy Maria Caldwell, b.

* Abraham Van Eps res. in Vernon, N. Y., where he had a grant of land one mile square for services rendered the Oneida Indians. He was the son of Capt. Abraham Van Eps, who came from Holland, and settled in Schenectady, N. Y. He was connected in the fur busi­ness with John Jacob Astor. Sarah Underhill was a descendant of Michael Bastienson Van Cartright, b. in Leerdam, Holland, and who came to America in 1663.

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in Lincoln, Me., 18 Mar., 1841, dau. of Wesley Caldwell, b. 9 Feb., 1799, and Mar­garet F. Cushman, b. 26 June, 1804.
He is a farmer; res. in Sherman; deacon in the Congregational Church; a Republican.
15792 Ernest Lee,10 b. in Island Falls, Me., 10 Dec., 1864; d. in Sherman Mills, Me., of diphtheria, 6 May, 1880.
15793 Elizabeth Foster,10 b. 3 Apr., 1866; m. Walter Thomas Doton Spooner.
15794 Benjamin Asbury,10 b. 17 Feb., 1868; d. in Island Falls, 1 July, 1869.
15795 Wesley Caldwell,10 b. 30 Sept., 1869; m. Geneva Augusta Ingalls.
15796 Mary Louisa,10 b. in Sherman Mills, 28 July, 1871; d. of diphtheria, 30 May, 1880.
15797 Margaret Hiller,10 b. 10 Jan., 1873; d. 25 May, 1874.
15798 John William,10 b. 22 Sept., 1874; d. of diphtheria, 30 May, 1880.

9055.   HANNAH,9 dau. of Josiah8 (3884), b. in Hadley, Mass., 10 Jan., 1832; m. in Providence, R. I., 15 Sept., 1857, Moses Towne, of Albany, Me., b. 10 June, 1832, son of Samuel Towne, b. 9 Sept., 1790, and Susanna Crosby, b. 24 May, 1791.
She d. 23 Dec., 1883; he m. (2) her sister, Lucy.
He rem. in 1868 to Nettleton, Mo., and later res. there; is a farmer; a Pres­byterian.
15799 Eugene Josiah Towne,10 b. in Providence, 16 Oct., 1860; d. 24 May, 1863.
15800 Alice Louisa Towne,10 b. 12 Nov., 1862; d. 14 May, 1863.
15801 Ella Maria Towne,10 b. in Chicopee, 19 May, 1864.
15802 Hattie Chapin Towne,10 b. in Chicopee, 7 Jan., 1867; m. 1 Dec., 1898, William Nelson, of Missouri; res. near Hamilton, Mo.
15803 Annie Susan Towne,10 b. in Nettleton, 28 July, 1871; m. 7 Aug., 1896, Daniel Smith Crowningshield (15868).
15804 Samuel Morris Towne,10 b. in Nettleton, 15 Aug., 1875.

9056.   GEORGE,9 son of Josiah8 (3884), b. in Hadley, Mass., 28 Oct., 1833; m. in Wethersfield, Ill., 30 July, 1856, Emaretta Rebecca Chapin, b. 13 July, 1833, dau. of Julius Chapin, of Chicopee, Mass., b. 14 Jan., 1791, and Persis Chapin, b. 9 Jan., 1792.
He res. in Amherst, Mass., and later in Huntington, Mass.; served in the civil war in Co. G, Tenth Reg., Rhode Island Volunteers, second three months call; also in Co. H, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Reg., Illinois Volunteers.
Was called out in an emergency to aid in the campaign of Gen. Sheridan.
15805 Emma Amelia,10 (adopted), b. 17 Mar., 1860; m. Richard Gardner Kellogg (+9103).
15806 Mary Louisa,10 b. in Wethersfield, Ill., 3 Feb., 1864; res., unm., in Huntington.
15807 Edgar Wallace,10 b. in Wethersfield, 10 Sept., 1865; is a farmer; res., unm., in Huntington.

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15808 William Josiah,10 b. in Providence, R. I., 22 Sept., 1867.
15809 Alice May,10 (adopted), b. 19 Sept., 1878.

9060.   DR. MERRITT GARDNER,9 son of John Preston8 (3885), b. in Had­ley, Mass., 28 Mar., 1832; m. as her second husband, in Stockbridge, Mich., 12 Feb., 1854, Mrs. Louisa (Rawson) Whitmore, b. in Sturbridge, Mass., 29 Sept., 1822, dau. of Jonathan Rawson, b. in Oxford, Mass., 24 Sept., 1793, and Anna Wells, b. in Charlestown, Mass., 23 Feb., 1790; she m. (1), 1842, Alvin J. Whit­more, who d. 14 Feb., 1848; she was a descendant of Edward Rawson, Secretary to the first Governor of the Massachusetts colony.
She d. 4 Nov., 1894; he m. (2) 29 July, 1895, Eleanor Kathleen Georgiana Nolan, b. in Rosewater, South Australia, 19 Feb., 1874, dau. of Michael William Nolan, b. in Ballygor, Ireland, 1 Nov., 1846, and Harriet Sybell Parker, b. near Dublin, Ireland.
He res. in Jackson and Battle Creek, Mich.; in 1859 in San Francisco; later in Oakland, Healdsburg and Woodland, Cal.; was a physician and practiced in Mayfield, Cal.; was engaged by the Medical Missionary and Benevolent Associa­tion (of which his half brother, Dr. John Harvey, was president), to travel in the South Sea Islands, Australia and neighboring districts, and expected to locate permanently on some one of the Tonga Islands.
Child by first wife.
15810 Charles Merritt,10 b. in Battle Creek, 22 Aug., 1856; m. Frances Elizabeth Wear.
Child by second wife.
15811 Merritt George Harold,10 b. in Nukualofa, Tonga Islands, 12 July, 1899.

9061.   SMITH MOSES,9 son of John Preston8 (3885), b. in Hadley, Mass., 16 Mar., 1834; m. in Sandstone, Mich., 13 May, 1858, Maria Susan Dickinson, b. in Mt. Clemens, Mich., 14 Apr., 1837, dau. of Preston Dickinson, b. in Amherst, Mass., 12 July, 1807, and Celestia Bell, b. in Portland, Conn., 3 Dec., 1806.
He was a broommaker; res. in Battle Creek, Mich., and later in Omro, Wis., where he dealt in patent medicines; now res. in Paris, Ill.
15812 Arthur Edwin,10 b. in Battle Creek, Mich., 23 May, 1867; m. Clarissa E. Bliss.
15813 Walter Eugene,10 b. in Battle Creek, 13 Mar., 1870; m. Myrtle Ethlyn La Rue.
15814 Charles Preston,10 b. in Union City, Mich., 21 Dec., 1871; m. Rose Errilla Denon.
15815 Lena Celestia,10 b. in Abscota, Mich. 10 June, 1875; m. William Samuel Sadler.
15816 Annabell,10 b. in Waupun, Wis., 3 June, 1877; res. in Paris.

9062.   ALBERT,9 son of John Preston8 (3885), b. in Flint, Mich., 7 Apr., 1836; m. 15 Sept., 1863, Lucinia Ashley, b. in Williamson, N. Y., 24 Apr., 1840, dau. of Joseph Munger Ashley, of Trowbridge, Mich., b. 10 June, 1800, and Mary Ann Allen, b. 15 Apr., 1809.
He is a broommaker; res. in Tyrone, Mich.; later in Battle Creek.

1316    The Kelloggs in the New World.

15817 Lucy Ann,10 b. in Battle Creek, Mich., 3 June, 1864; res., unm., in Kalamazoo; is a bookkeeper.
15818 Mary Nerina,10 b. in Battle Creek, 14 Sept., 1866; m. J. Robert Port­mess.
15819 Effie Lucina,10 b. in Kalamazoo, 25 Feb., 1876; res., unm., in Battle Creek.
15820 Elizabeth Nina,10 b. in Kalamazoo, 10 Nov., 1878, where she res. unm.

9063.   JULIA ELVIRA,9 dau. of John Preston8 (3885), b. in Flint, Mich., 3 Feb., 1838; m. in Battle Creek, Mich., as his second wife, 2 Apr., 1864, Thomas McDowell, of Allegan, Mich., b. near Belfast, Ireland, 10 Apr., 1827, son of Samuel McDowell and Isabella McLimond, both Protestants, of Scotch descent.
He is a shoemaker and farmer; res. in Fox Lake and Green Lake Co., Wis., and later in Pomona, Cal.
15821 Emma Laura McDowell,10 b. 8 Oct., 1865; d. Jan., 1891.
15822 James Preston McDowell,10 b. 11 July, 1868; d. 24 Dec., 1879.
15823 Mary Louisa McDowell,10 b. 2 Mar., 1874; d. 29 Dec., 1879.

9066.   LAURA EVELYN,9 dau. of John Preston8 (3885), b. in Tyrone, Mich., 29 Aug., 1845; m. 19 Dec., 1866, Charles Henry Brackett, b. in Philadelphia, 17 July, 1844, son of Ezra Brackett, b. 18 Oct., 1805, and Mary Davisson, b. 29 May, 1807.
He is a farmer; a Seventh-Day Adventist; res. in Marshall, Mich.
15824 William Emmett Brackett,10 b. 21 July, 1870; m. in Quicksburg, Va., 20 July, 1898, Amy Alice Neff; res. in Battle Creek, Mich.
15825 Vera Mae Brackett,10 b. 7 Dec., 1874; m. in Marshall, 15 June, 1898, Dr. John Fletcher Byington; he was graduated from Michigan University, Ann Arbor, M. D. and A. M.; is an eye, ear, throat and nose specialist; is connected with the Kellogg Sanitarium, Battle Creek; res. there.
15826 Claire Charles Brackett,10 b. 3 Mar., 1879; res., unm., in Marshall.
15827 Clyde Emerson Brackett,10 b. 3 Mar., 1879; d. 21 Mar., same year.

9069.   DR. JOHN HARVEY,9 son of John Preston8 (3885), b. in Tyrone; Mich., 26 Feb., 1852; m. 22 Feb., 1879, Ella Ervilla Eaton, A. M., b. in Alfred, N. Y., 7 Apr., 1853, dau. of Joseph Clark Eaton, b. in Independence, N. Y., 11 July, 1826, and Hannah Sophia Coon, b. in Alfred, 16 Mar., 1829.
He is a physician; res. in Battle Creek, Mich.; is an editor and author of numerous medical works. She became associate superintendent of the Purity Department of the N. W. C. T. U., and in 1892 was elected chairman of the World's Fair Committee on Food Supplies for Michigan.
Children, all adopted.
15828 Agnes Grace,10 b. 6 Dec., 1881.
15829 Elizabeth Ella,10 b. 30 June, 1883.
15830 John William,10 b. 25 Nov., 1883.
15831 Ivaline Mann,10 b. 22 Sept., 1891.

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15832 Paul Alfred,10 b. 6 Apr., 1893.
15833 Robert Moffatt,10 b. 20 May, 1894.
15834 Newell Carey,10 b. 21 Apr., 1895.

9072.   DR. PRESTON STANLEY,9 son of John Preston8 (3885), b. in Battle Creek, Mich., 5 Apr., 1858; m. in Battle Creek, 6 Mar., 1879, Florence Agnes Nye, b. in Memphis, Mich., 10 Aug., 1858, dau. of William A. Nye, of Memphis, b. in Washington, Mich., 1828, and Daraxa Polly Tiffany, b. in Pennsylvania, 1833.
He was educated at the public schools, Battle Creek and at Battle Creek College; was delegate to the State Republican Convention, 1888-90; served as alderman, 1889-90, as supervisor, 1891; was graduated from Detroit College of Medicine, 1895; established the Honolulu Sanitarium, Honolulu, H. I., 1896; served as surgeon in the Utah Volunteer Light Artillery, and in the Philippine in­surrection in the Thirty-seventh and Fortieth Volunteer Infantry in the Spanish-American war, 1898-99; is Acting Assistant Surgeon in the United States army; is a Republican and a Seventh-Day Adventist; res. in Fort Missoula, Mont.
15835 Nellie Mae,10 b. in Battle Creek, 12 Mar., 1880; is unm.

9073.   WILL KEITH,9 son of John Preston8 (3885), b. in Battle Creek, Mich., 7 Apr., 1860; m. 3 Nov., 1880, Ella O. Davis, b. 28 Aug., 1858, dau. of Obadiah Davis, b. 22 June, 1819, and Elmira Lawrence, b. 5 Jan., 1824.
He learned the broommaker's trade. For twenty-one years and a half he was connected with the Battle Creek Sanitarium with his brother, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg; was corresponding secretary; has been vice-president and manager of the Modern Medicine Publishing Company for ten years, and of the Sanitas Nut Food Company for seven years; is a Republican and a Seventh-Day Adventist.
Children, b. in Battle Creek.
15836 Carl Hugh,10 b. 27 Nov., 1881.
15837 John Leonard,10 b. 23 Aug., 1883.
15838 Irvin Hadley,10 b. 15 Oct., 1884; d. 22 Aug., 1885.
15839 William Keith,10 b. 13 May, 1885; d. in Battle Creek, 30 Oct., 1889.
15840 Elizabeth Ann,10 b. 1 Sept., 1888.

9074.   CLARA BELLE,9 dau. of John Preston8 (3885), b. in Battle Creek, Mich., 11 Sept., 1863; m. 3 Feb., 1887, Hiland George Butler, b. in Waukon, Ia., 30 July, 1864, son of George Ide Butler and Lentha Ames Lockwood, b. in Springfield, Vt., 26 Apr., 1826.
They res. in Battle Creek; now res. in Handsworth, Birmingham, England, where he is manager of a health food factory, a branch of the health food factory which originated in Battle Creek in 1872.
15841 William Hiland Butler,10 b. 22 Nov., 1888.
15842 Anna Jeanette Butler,10 b. 22 Jan., 1891; d. 16 Sept., same year.
15843 Mary Adelaide Butler,10 b. 7 June, 1892.
15844 Edith Priscilla Butler,10 b. 24 Jan., 1894.
15845 George Ide Butler,10 b. 22 July, 1898.

1318    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9075.   HESTER ANN,9 dau. of John Preston8 (3885), b. in Battle Creek, Mich., 6 Nov., 1866; m. 26 Sept., 1892, Frank W. Howe.
They res. in Healdsburg, Cal.; now res. in Battle Creek.
15846 Gertrude Florence Howe,10 b. 28 July, 1894.

9098.   NELSON OWEN,9 son of Gardner8 (3890), b. in Hadley, Mass., 10 Dec., 1840; m. in Springfield, Mass., 24 Oct., 1861, Jennie Margaret Vaughn, b. in Broome Center, N. Y., 1843, dau. of Levi Vaughn and Sarah H. Williams.
He d. 17 Aug., 1869; they were divorced; he was a farmer; served in the civil war in Co. I, Twenty-seventh Reg., Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry; en­listed July, 1862; was mustered out July, 1865; she m. (2) in Westfield, Mass., 16 May, 1868, Frank W. Chamberlain.
15847 Albert Nelson,10 b. ______; d. 31 May, 1864, aged 18 months.

9099.   NEWTON ELBRIDGE,9 son of Gardner8 (3890), b. in Flint, Mich., 20 Jan., 1843; m. in South Hadley, 23 June, 1874, Clara Jane Field, of Springfield, Mass., b. in Peterboro, N. H., 27 Aug., 1847, dau. of George Field, b. 12 May, 1827, and Nancy Jane Monroe, b. 4 Dec., 1827.
He is a gunsmith and traveling salesman; res. in Springfield. He entered the army in the civil war, 20 Sept., 1861, in Co. I, Twenty-seventh Reg, Massa­chusetts Volunteers; was Corp., Color Bearer and Sergt.; was mustered out 20 Sept., 1864; was with the Burnside Expedition; was at Roanoke Island, New­bern, Kingston, Whitehall, Goldsboro, Blout's Creek and Little Washington.
15848 Bessie Clara,10 b. in Springfield, 20 Mar., 1875; d. next day.

9101.   ELIZA ANN ,9 dau. of Gardner8 (3890), b. in Genesee, Mich., 18 July, 1848; m. 6 Nov., 1872, Harlem Erastus Nash, b. in Granby, Mass., 1837, son of Erastus Nash, b. 1798, and Abigail Bernice Griggs, b. 1810, dau. of David Heaton Griggs, b. about 1783, and Susannah Jones, both of Chicopee Falls, Mass.
He is a merchant and wholesale dealer in butter, eggs, etc.; is a Congrega­tionalist and a Republican; res. in Holyoke, Mass.
15849 George Harlan Nash,10 b. in South Hadley, Mass., 11 Dec., 1873; is unm.
15850 Harriet May Nash,10 b. in Holyoke, 25 July, 1875; d. there, 16 Nov., 1895.
15851 Mabel Elizabeth Nash,10 b. in Holyoke, 23 Sept., 1886.

9103.   RICHARD GARDNER,9 son of Gardner8 (3890), b. in Stafford, Conn., 25 Sept., 1855; m. in Springfield, Mass., 24 Apr., 1881, Emma Amelia Kellogg (15805), b. in Providence, R. I., 17 Mar., 1860, adopted dau. of his cousin, George Kellogg (+9056).
She d. in Becket, Mass., 31 May, 1900.
He is a mechanic; res. in Becket.

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Children, all except first two, b. in Becket.
15852 Richard Gardner,10 b. in Chicopee Falls, Mass., 6 Jan., 1882.
15853 Dora Louisa,10 b. in Ludlow, Mass., 12 Dec., 1883.
15854 Harry Burton,10 b. 12 Apr., 1885.
15855 Frank Newton,10 b. 27 Oct., 1886.
15856 Leon Homer,10 b. 2 Sept., 1888.
15857 James Guy,10 b. 24 Sept., 1890.
15858 Grace Iva,10 b. 29 Sept., 1892.
15859 Charles Walter,10 b. 24 Sept., 1894.
15860 Alice Rebecca,10 b. 23 Sept., 1896.

9104.   HARRIET MARIE,9 dau. of Gardner8 (3890), b. in Stafford, Conn., 14 Mar., 1858; m. in Holyoke, Mass., 16 Apr., 1884, George Henry Fretts, b. in Sheffield, Mass., 9 May, 1855, son of Charles Fretts, b. in Ancram, N. Y., 10 Nov., 1815, and Phebe Elizabeth Munn, b. in Sheffield, 7 June, 1820.
She was graduated from the State Normal School, Westfield, Mass., 1876; taught in the public schools of Massachusetts and Connecticut until 1884; he is a grain merchant; res. in Springfield, Mass.
15861 Burton Kellogg Fretts,10 b. in Jersey City, N. J., 14 June, 1889.
15862 Charles Newton Fretts,10 b. in Holyoke, Mass., 6 Oct., 1891.
15863 Leon Earle Fretts,10 b. in Holyoke, 17 Sept., 1893.

9105.   ELLEN,9 dau. of Moses Smith8 (3891), b. in Genesee, Mich., 23 Aug., 1844; m. in Chicopee, Mass., 29 Sept., 1861, William Crowningshield, b. in Hins­dale, N. H., 1835, son of Caleb Crowningshield and Sally Thomas.
She d. 29 Apr., 1886; he m. (2) in Springfield, 12 Oct., 1892, Mrs. Hudson; d. 21 Feb., 1895.
15864 Annie Crowningshield,10 b. in Chicopee Falls, Mass., 6 Feb., 1863; d. 21 Apr., 1865.
15865 William Arnold Crowningshield,10 b. in Chicopee Falls, 4 Feb., 1865; m. 8 Sept., 1891, Eva Jane Ingell, b. 21 Mar., 1871; res. in Green­field, Mass.
15866 Lavina Abigail Crowningshield,10 b. in Hinsdale, N. H., 18 Dec., 1867; m. 25 Dec., 1883, Frank Washburn Ball, b. 23 Sept., 1861; res. in Greenfield; had three children.
15867 Charles Henry Crowningshield,10 b. in Marlboro, Vt., 22 Apr., 1870; m. in Springfield, 24 Dec., 1895, Mary Lavin, b. 21 Oct., 1870; res. in Springfield; had two children.
15868 Daniel Smith Crowningshield,10 b. in Marlboro, 12 May, 1872; m. in Greenfield, 7 Aug., 1896, his second cousin, Annie Susan Towne (15803), b. 28 July, 1871; res. in Greenfield; had one child.
15869 Louis Smith Crowningshield,10 b. in Marlboro, 24 July, 1874; res., unm., in Greenfield.
15870 Francis Kellogg Crowningshield,10 b. in Marlboro, 7 May, 1877; res., unm., in Greenfield.
15871 Oscar Crowningshield,10 b. in East Deerfield, Mass., 9 July, 1883; res., unm., in Greenfield.
15872 Clarence Crowningshield,10 b. in Greenfield, 31 Mar., 1886.

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9106.   ELLIS CHAPIN,9 son of Moses Smith8 (3891), b. in Hadley, Mass., 9 Feb., 1846; m. in Chicopee, Mass., 6 Feb., 1870, Sarah Ellen Crowther, b. 26 Jan., 1848, dau. of Benjamin Crowther, b. 17 Aug., 1823, and Mary Hitchings, b. 23 May, 1827.
He d. 11 Feb., 1899.
He res. in Hewitt, Tex.; served in the civil war in Co. I, Twenty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry; enlisted 23 Feb., 1861; was discharged 30 May, 1865; was six months a prisoner in Libby and Andersonville and was one of 10,000 ex­changed.
Children, all unm., accept second.
15873 A Son,10 b. 30 Apr., 1871; d. 8 May, same year.
15874 Eleanor Mary,10 b. in Nettleton, Mo., 28 May, 1872; m. in Texas, 17 Apr., 1894, De Witt Barnes, b. near Ottawa, Ill., 23 May, 1862, son of Aaron Clay Barnes, b. 28 Oct., 1832, and Sarah C. Shotwell, b. 20 Jan., 1836; he was a farmer; d. in Waco, Tex., 11 May, 1898; was killed, while attending a May day carnival, by a bolt thrown from an anvil, which had been loaded with pieces of iron for the purpose of making greater noise; she res. in Hewitt; had no chil­dren.
15875 Benjamin Crowther,10 b. in Nettleton, 6 Sept., 1874; d. 22 Aug., 1892.
15876 Marietta,10 b. in Nettleton, 25 Oct., 1876.
15877 Clara Louisa,10 b. in Nettleton, 27 Sept., 1878.
15878 Eustace Earnest,10 b. in Nettleton, 26 Oct., 1882.
15879 Emily Chapin,10 b. in Goldthwaite, Tex., 30 Aug., 1885.
15880 Eveline,10 b. in Goldthwaite, 25 Dec., 1887.
15881 Otis Harold,10 b. in Hewitt, 18 Sept., 1891.

9107.   JOSIAH HENRY,9 son of Moses Smith8 (3891), b. in Chicopee, Mass., 19 June, 1853; m. in Breckenridge, Mo., 28 Nov., 1877, Katherine May Korn, b. in Canajoharie, N. Y., 19 Sept., 1858, dau. of John Nicholas Korn, b. in Saxe Coburg, Germany, 17 Mar., 1829, and Alida Diamond Van Allen, b. in Little Falls, N. Y., 28 Jan., 1838.
He is a merchant; res. in Providence, R. I., Maysville, Col., now in Sapinero, Col., where he is a manufacturer of lumber.
15882 Cecil Nicholas,10 b. in Spearville, Kas., 7 July, 1879.
15883 Walter Emery,10 b. in Maysville, 24 Dec., 1882.
15884 Olive Bonita,10 b. in Salido, Col., 25 Feb., 1890.

9113.   MARY SOPHIA,9 dau. of Richard8 (3893), b. in Southampton, Mass., 26 Feb., 1843; m. in Feeding Hills, Mass, 4 Mar., 1866, Frank Preston Whipple, b. in Boston, Mass., 28 Aug., 1841, son of Benjamin Whipple, b. in Charlestown, Mass., 24 Jan., 1814, and Rebecca Preston, b. in New Ipswich, N. H., 17 May, 1815.
He d. 15 Jan., 1900; she res. in Chicago; he was a merchant.
Children, b. in Chicago.
15885 Jennie Louise Whipple,10 b. 24 Aug., 1868.
15886 Mary Elizabeth Whipple,10 b. 24 Feb., 1877.

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9115.   EDWARD ALLEN,9 son of Richard8 (3893), b. in Feeding Hills, Mass., 22 Sept., 1851; m. in Southwick, Mass., 29 Oct., 1871, Alice Martha Rising, b. 26 Sept., 1853, dau. of Alvin Rising, b. 29 July, 1809, and Lucinda Emily Sacket, b. 19 Aug., 1817.
He is a farmer and grocer; res. in Feeding Hills; is a member of the Con­gregational Church and a Republican.
Children, b. in Agawam, Mass.
15887 Alvin Richard,10 b. 10 Nov., 1878; m. in Agawam, 9 Nov., 1899, Ocie Augusta Kenyon, b. in Otis, Mass., 1878, dau. of Sprague R. Kenyon and Elizabeth Parsons; he is a farmer.
15888 Frank Whipple,10 b. 8 Jan., 1881.

9125.   HENRY,9 son of Roswell,8 (8901), b. in Hadley, Mass., 19 Sept., 1819; m. 1840-41, Mary Axtell Lewis, of Huntington, Mass., b. Sept., 1820, adopted dau. of Daniel Axtell and Betsey _______.
She d. in Southampton, Mass., 14 Sept., 1864; he m. (2) in Easthampton, Mass., 6 May, 1867, Danis R. Clapp; d. in Chicopee, Mass., 24 Oct., 1892.
He res. in Southampton and Easthampton, Mass., and for a short time in Illinois, but returned to his former home and later Went to Fitzwilliam, N. H.; was a farmer.
15889 Albert Lewis,10 b. 31 Oct., 1843; d. in Southampton, 17 June, 1855.
15890 Francis Henry,10 b. in Hadley, 24 Dec., 1845; m. Theresa Elbertine Thew.
15891 Abba Ellen,10 b. in South Hadley, 9 Aug., 1848; d. there, aged 8 months.
15892 Daughter,10 b. in Southampton, 23 Sept., 1852; d. Feb., 1853.
15893 Son,10 b. in Southampton, 30 Aug., 1862; d. 9 Oct., same year.

9126.   ALONZO,9 son of Roswell8 (3901), b. 20 July, 1821; m. Cassandra _______, b. 21 May, 1820. He d. in Hadley, Mass., 18 Dec., 1844; she d. there, 31 May, 1846.
15894 Francis Henry,10 b. in Hadley, 3 Apr., 1843; d. there, 27 Apr., 1844.

9141.   LYMAN SMITH,9 son of Horace8 (3903), b. in Hadley, Mass., 1 Dec., 1814; m. 9 Oct., 1847, Emeline Leonard, b. in Buckland, Mass., 22 May, 1818, dau. of Seth Leonard, of Buckland and Ashippun, Wis.
She d. in Oconomowoc, Wis., 7 Feb., 1865; he d. there, 17 July, 1890.
He was a merchant; rem. to Ixonia, Wis., and thence in 1854 to Oconomowoc, where he res. until his death.
Children, first three b. in Ixonia, last two in Oconomowoc.
15895 Harriet Maria,10 b. 18 Sept., 1848; m. Horatio Nelson Hunniston.
15896 Sarah Elizabeth,10 b. 14 Feb., 1850; m. Alfred Colwell Streeter.
15897 Charles Lyman,10 b. 1 Feb., 1852; m. Mary B. Rice.
15898 Frank Edward,10 b. 22 June, 1856; is unm.
15899 Emma Davis,10 b. 10 Mar., 1863; d. unm., in Chicago, 23 Feb., 1891.

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9143.   BENJAMIN,9 son of Horace8 (3903), b. in Hadley, Mass., 5 Dec., 1818; m. 1848, Mrs. Margaret (Foley) James, dau. of _______ Foley.
He d. in New York City, 28 Mar., 1867; she d. 20 May, 1869.
He res. in New York City.
15900 Harriet Elizabeth,10 b. 30 Nov., 1849.
15901 Charles Clark,10 b. 22 Apr., 1851.

9148.   HARRIET,9 dau. of Horace8 (3903), b. in Amherst, Mass., 1 June, 1827; m. in Amherst, 4 June, 1851, Rufus Gunn, of Deerfield, Mass., b. in Mon­tague, Mass., 17 Aug., 1817, son of Rufus Gunn, b. in Montague, 20 Mar., 1777, and Zipporah Smith, b. 6 June, 1784.
He was a farmer; res. in Deerfield.
15902 George Lyman Gunn,10 b. 16 Apr., 1852; m. in Minnesota, 12 Mar., 1882, Maria Clapp; res. in Vermont; had no children.
15903 Edward Rufus Gunn,10 b. 2 Oct., 1853; m. in Deerfield, 19 June, 1895, Emma J. Sims, b. in St. Louis; res. in Deerfield; had no children.
15904 Harriet Minerva Gunn,10 b. 14 July, 1860; res. in Deerfield; d. unm., 31 Mar., 1900.

9149.   HORACE,9 son of Horace8 (3903), b. in Amherst, Mass., 3 Apr., 1829; m. 7 Apr., 1859, Lucy Ann Carpenter, b. in Herkimer Co., N. Y., 3 Feb., 1839, dau. of Daniel Carpenter and Lucy Babcock, of Rhode Island.
He d. in Oconomowoc, Wis., 15 June, 1896.
15905 Cora Alma,10 b. in Oconomowoc, 17 Feb., 1860; res. there, unm.
15906 Elizabeth Margaret,10 b. in Oconomowoc, 13 July, 1863; m. George Chester Dailey.
15907 Mary Grant,10 b. in Milwaukee, Wis., 4 Sept., 1865; d. in Oconomo­woc.
15908 Benjamin Emery,10 b. 24 Mar., 1867; m. Susan Homer.
15909 Wallace William,10 b. 8 Nov., 1868; m. Emma Lehman.
15910 Grace Abby,10 b. 28 Sept., 1870; d. 16 Oct., 1880.
15911 Charles Horace,10 b. 20 Mar., 1876; d. 8 May, same year.
15912 Clifford Hopkins,10 b. 15 Sept., 1880; res., unm., in Oconomowoc, 8 Jan., 1867.

9154.   REV. JUSTIN PERKINS,9 son of Horace8 (3903), b. in Amherst, Mass., 8 Oct., 1836; m. in Vevey, Switzerland, 9 Oct., 1885, Mrs. Annie (Brun­ton) Eckley, b. 12 Mar., 1855, widow of David Eckley, Jr., of Boston, Mass., and dau. of George Campbell Brunton of Scotland, and of London, England, b. 10 Nov., 1821, and Arbella Von Peterson.
He was an Episcopal clergyman; was a student in Williston Academy, East­hampton, 1854-56; B. A. Amherst College, 1860; M. A., 1866. He was called to the bar in Northampton in 1862. He graduated B. D. at the Divinity School, Philadelphia, 1867. He was clerk in Holy Orders, Diocese of New York; 1867; later res. in Geneva, Switzerland; was First Lieut., Fifty-second Massachusetts Reg.; served in Louisiana and Virginia; was a curate in Philadelphia; Paris and Geneva; a member of the O. K. E.; Pacific Lodge, F. and A. M., of Amherst;

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companion of the military order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Commandery of the State of Massachusetts; res. in Geneva, Switzerland.
15913 Marguerite Alma,10 b. in Amherst, 7 Sept., 1886.
15914 Horace Brunton,10 b. in Geneva, 21 Aug., 1887.

9156.   BENJAMIN AUSTIN,9 son of Charles Austin8 (3910), b. in Hadley, Mass., 13 Jan., 1832; m. in South Hadley, 11 Jan., 1855, Sarah Emeline Moody, b. in South Hadley, 4 July, 1835, dau. of Alvin Moody, b. 8 Mar., 1800, and Sarah Piper.
He d. in Northampton, Mass., 12 Dec., 1897, where she later res.
He was educated at Hopkins Academy in Hadley, and was for several years a farmer there; rem. from Hadley to Northampton in 1879, where he was a house painter.
15915 Charles Herbert,10 b. in Hadley, 22 Aug., 1858; d. Ada May Day.

9166.   FREDERICK DWIGHT,9 son of Silas Dwight8 (3931), b. in Hadley, Mass., 28 Feb., 1852; m. in Shutesbury, Mass., 1 Mar., 1884, Bertha Rosella Leonard, b. in Shutesbury, 23 Nov., 1865, dau. of Seth Leonard, of Shutesbury, and Sarah C. Upton, b. 1835.
He is a mechanic; res. in Orange, Mass.
15916 Minnie Lelia,10 b. in Shutesbury, 26 Feb., 1885.
15917 Florence May Leonard,10 b. in Orange, 31 Aug., 1887.

9168.   SAMUEL EDWARD,9 son of Silas Dwight8 (3931), b. in Hadley, Mass., 13 Feb., 1866; m. 12 Oct., 1887, Jennie Crosset Hastings, b. 1862, dau. of Wil­liam Hastings and Catherine A. Crosset, of Amherst, Mass.
They res. in Hopedale, Mass.
15918 Irene Hastings,10 b. in Amherst, 31 Jan., 1889.

9177.   MARY ADELINE,9 dau. of Ebenezer Wright8 (3937), b. in Marshfield, Vt., 15 Dec., 1813; m. in Georgia, Vt., 1 Aug., 1848, Dr. Edward Homer Carter, b. in Sheldon, Vt., 3 Nov., 1819, son of Ira Carter, b. in Vergennes, Vt., 6 Dec., 1764, and Katharine Burchard, b. in England, about 1775, and d. in Farnam, Canada East, July, 1867, aged nearly 100, and of the same family as the mother of President Rutherford B. Hays.
He d. 20 Dec., 1881; is buried in Jericho, Vt.; she d. in New York City, 5 May, 1900.
He was a dentist and surgeon; had a taste for all kinds of fine mechanical work. After his marriage he res. in Hinesburg and Jericho until 1859; in Bur­lington until 1866; in Vineland, N. J., and Tremont Station, New York City.
15919 Mary Adeline Elizabeth Carter,10 b. in Hinesburg, 28 June, 1850; was a member of the class of 1876 of the Women's Art School, Cooper Union, New York; res., unm., in New York City.
15920 Charles Edward Carter,10 b. in Hinesburg, 11 May, 1852; d. May, 1853.

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15921 Martha Augusta Carter,10 b. in Jericho, 22 Aug., 1855; m. 13 Oct., 1897, George W. Davis Naugle, b. in York Co., S. C., 5 June, 1845, son of John Setzer Naugle, b. 18 July, 1812, and Jane D. Powell, b. 1808; he served in the Confederate army.
15922 Emma Jane Carter,10 b. 31 Aug., 1857; d. 17 Sept., same year.

9178.   FIDELIA MARIA,9 dau. of Ebenezer Wright8 (3937), b. in Plainfield, Vt., 5 Sept., 1815; m. in New Haven, Vt., 20 Dec., 1835, Edward Martin, b. in Ferrisburg, Vt., 6 Oct., 1806, son of Edward Martin, b. in Ferrisburg, and Eliza­beth Chase, b. 25 Apr., 1776, dau. of Abraham Chase, of Derby, Vt.
He d. in Georgia, Vt., 25 Aug., 1879; she d. in Enosburg, Vt., 3 Dec., 1891.
He was a farmer and dairyman; res. in Georgia.
Children, b. in Georgia.
15923 Edward Augustus Martin,10 b. 16 Mar., 1840; m. 17 Jan., 1866, Maria Ingalls, b. in Stanbridge, Canada, 20 May, 1839, dau. of Almund Ingalls and Betsey Sargent, b. 22 Apr., 1809; was a farmer; res. in Georgia and later in Enosburg, Vt.; had two children.
15924 Charles Allen Martin,10 b. 4 July, 1851; m. 7 Mar., 1877, Elizabeth Ann Shaw; is a farmer; res. in Georgia, later in West Union, Ia.; had three children.
15925 Emma Augusta Martin,10 b. 8 Mar., 1844; d. 20 May, 1851.

9179.   BENJAMIN FRANKLIN,9 son of Ebenezer Wright8 (3937), b. in Montpelier, Vt., 29 May, 1817; m. in Floyd, N. Y., 17 Nov., 1841, Mary Palmer Sherman, b. in Rome, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1822, dau. of James Hard Sherman, b. in Northbury, Conn., 12 Nov., 1783, and Martha (Polly) Palmer, b. in Kent, Conn., 9 May, 1791.
He d. 18 Mar., 1880; she d. in De Kalb, Ill., 11 Oct., 1899.
From 1843 to '50 he was a farmer in Moira, N. Y.; until 1858 a tinner in Hopkinton, N. Y.; until 1869 a tinner and hotel keeper in Nicholville, N. Y.; in 1876 a farmer in Malone, N. Y.
Children, b. in Hopkinton.
15926 Adelbert Reubell,10 b. 19 Aug., 1846; m. Emily Jane Martin.
15927 Mary Finette,10 b. 20 Nov., 1852; m. in De Kalb, 30 Aug., 1832, George Washington Giddings, b. 20 Dec., 1847, son of Moses Gid­dings, b. 19 Nov., 1800, and Sophia Stafford, b. 5 Dec., 1808; he is a farmer; res. in De Kalb; now res. in Cripple Creek, Col.; has no children.

9181.   LAURA ANN,9 dau. of Ebenezer Wright8 (3937), b. in Montpelier, Vt., 8 Feb., 1820; m. in Constable, N. Y., 15 Nov., 1841, Andrew Jackson Allen, b. in Grafton, Ill., 12 Feb., 1815, son of Wilson Allen, b. in Washington Co., N. Y., 14 Jan., 1791, and Elizabeth (Betsey) Mosier, b. in Washington Co., N. Y., 11 Oct., 1794.
She d. in Peru, N. Y., 16 Sept., 1875; he d. 1 June, 1893.
He was a farmer res. in Ausable, N. Y.
15928 Mary Adeline Allen,10 b. in Ausable, 19 Oct., 1844; m. in Peru, 4 July, 1866, Martin Baker, a farmer in Peru, son of Stephen Baker and Lydia Barlow; had six children.

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15929 Isidore Cornelia Allen,10 b. in Ausable, 14 Jan., 1848; d. in Constable, 19 Oct., 1850.
15930 Russell Kellogg Allen,10 b. in Ausable, 7 Jan., 1850; d. 19 Oct., same year.
15931 Lucia Annette Allen,10 b. in Ausable, 18 Dec., 1852; d. 27 Sept., 1853.
15932 Annis Augusta Allen,10 b. and d. in Elgin, Ill., 2 Nov., 1860.
15933 Willard Jackson Allen,10 b. in Grafton, Ill., 27 Mar., 1859; m. _______, in May or June, 1879; d. 1886.

9182.   HARVEY EBENEZER,9 son of Ebenezer Wright8 (3937), b. in Mont­pelier, Vt., 28 Oct., 1821; m. in Moira, N. Y., 28 Aug., 1851, Laura Abiah Aus­tin, b. 28 Aug., 1831, dau. of Wilber Austin, of Moira, b. 18 May, 1802, and Abigail Griffin, b. 9 May, 1803.
She d. in Moira, 19 June, 1873; he d. in Potsdam, N. Y., 28 Jan., 1876.
He was a farmer in Lawrence, Moira and Potsdam, N. Y.
Children, b. in Moira.
15934 Annette Eliza,10 b. 4 Sept., 1852; m. in Potsdam, 25 Dec., 1877, Tiras Adelbert Hall, b. 8 Nov., 1847, son of Tiras Adams Hall, b. 8 Oct., 1809, and Sophia Anne Ferris, b. 8 Apr., 1814; he was a manufacturer; res. in Lockport, N. Y.; had no children.
15935 Florence May,10 b. in Potsdam, 7 Apr., 1855; res., unm., in Lockport.
15936 Nellie Abigail,10 b. 18 Jan., 1858; d. 14 Aug., 1894; res. in Morris, Minn.

9184.   LUCIA CAROLINE,9 dau. of Ebenezer Wright8 (3937), b. in Calais, Vt., 14 Jan., 1825; m. in Georgia, Vt., 2 Feb., 1848, Elvy Ingalls Stickney, b. in Johnson, Vt., 14 June, 1822, son of Abiel Stickney, b. in Tewksbury, Mass., 5 Apr., 1776, and Sally Kittredge, b. in Amherst, N. H., 19 Apr., 1779.
He served three years in Co. F, Eighth Reg., Vermont Infantry; was mus­tered out June, 1864; re-enlisted 18 Aug., 1864, in Co. K, Seventh Vermont Reg.; was mustered out 18 May, 1865. He is a carpenter; res. in Beverly, Vt., Constable and Burke, N. Y., and Groton Junction, Mass.; now res. in Lowell, Mass.
15937 Emma Adelia Stickney,10 b. in Beverly, 11 Dec., 1848; m. in Georgia, 20 Sept., 1871, Sylvester Florendo Roberts, b. in Fairfax, Vt., 2 Feb., 1851, son of Jonathan Martin Roberts and Eliza Weeks Hug­gins; had two children; he is a printer; res. in Lowell.
15938 Ella Maranda Stickney,10 b. in Constable, 10 June, 1850; m. in Lowell, 22 Sept., 1875, William Eaton Sawyer, b. 7 Feb., 1846, son of John Patterson Sawyer and Sarah Jones; he is a mason; res. in Lowell; had three children.
15939 Eva Florence Stickney,10 b. in Burke, 13 Mar., 1852; m. in Nashua, N. H., 9 Nov., 1872, Frank Anderson Hale, b. 27 Mar., 1848; he is a hotel proprietor; res. in Lowell; had no children.
15940 Lillie Love Stickney,10 b. in Burke, 29 June, 1856; d. in Moira, N. Y., 1 Apr., 1860.

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9185.   SAMUEL CLEVELAND,9 son of Ebenezer Wright8 (3937), b. in Calais, Vt., 13 Mar., 1827; m. 15 Jan., 1861, Almira Sophronia Trideau, b. in East Con­stable, N. Y., 10 Dec., 1844, dau. of Charles Trideau.
She d. in Constable, N. Y., 3 Oct., 1881; he d. in Rudeston, N. Y., 10 Nov., 1898.
Children, b. in East Constable.
15941 Emma Fidelia,10 b. 9 June, 1862; m. in Gloversville, N. Y., 4 Nov., 1889, Thomas Rogers; d. 13 Apr., 1883; res. in Rudeston.
15942 Lovel Charles,10 b. 21 Sept., 1863; d. unm., 13 Apr., 1883.
15943 George Wright,10 b. 17 Apr., 1865; is unm.
15944 Mina Almira,10 b. 26 June, 1867; m. John O'Connell.
15945 Cora Bell,10 b. 2 Nov., 1869; res., unm., in Northville, N. Y.
15946 William Wallace,10 b. 11 Sept., 1871; is unm.
15947 Mary Jane,10 b. 3 July, 1873; d. in East Constable, 13 July, 1888.
15948 Orie Agnes,10 b. 24. July, 1876; m. in Utica, N. Y., 25 July, 1896, Joseph King; res. in Morehouseville, N. Y.
15949 Almira Maud,10 b. 16 Sept., 1881; d. 23 Apr., 1882.

9186.   ELIZA JANE,9 dau. of Ebenezer Wright8 (3937), b. in Calais, Vt., 22 May, 1829; m. in Constable, N. Y., 1 Oct., 1860, Fletcher Stewart, b. in Isle La Motte, Vt., 9 May, 1830, son of Rev. Lemuel Stewart, b. in Williamstown, Mass., 26 Mar., 1789, and Sally Elithorp, b. in Pittsfield, Mass., 26 Jan., 1795.
Both are deaf mutes, and were educated at the State Institute, New York City. He is a cooper; res. in Westville, N. Y.
15950 Fidelia Lovejoy Stewart,10 b. in Brandon, N. Y., 19 Oct., 1862; d. 7 Sept., 1872.

9193.   HIRAM,9 son of William Wright8 (3939), b. in Scioto Co., O., 28 July, 1816; m. Dec., 1840, Luna Jones, b. in Greenup Co., Ky., 28 July, 1816, dau. of Andes Jones, b. in Virginia and Lucy Hailey.
Children, b. in French Grant, O.
15951 Harriet,10 b. 27 May, 1844; m. Henry Blair.
15952 Andes Jones,10 b. 21 Nov., 1845; m. Alice Bumgarner.
15953 Lucinda,10 b. 25 Dec., 1847; m. Stephen Chandler Winkler.
15954 Emma,10 b. 12 May, 1853; m. Hezekiah McDougle.

9194.   MARY,9 dau. of William Wright8 (3939), b. in Haverhill, O., 28 Oct., 1818; m. in Haverhill, 1841, Dr. John Loudon Churchill, b. in Middleown, Conn., 15 June, 1815, son of John Churchill and Mary Stocking.
She d. in Park Rapids, Minn., Aug., 1884; he d. there, 4 Mar., 1887.
He was a physician; res. in Illinois until 1881; after that time, and until his death, in Park Rapids.
15955 William Kellogg Churchill,10 b. in Lawrence Furnace, O., 12 Oct., 1844; m. in Hillsboro, Ill., 17 June, 1878, Martha Elizabeth Richardson, of Hillsboro; res. in Park Rapids.
15956 Samuel Stocking Churchill,10 b. in Greasy Ridge, O., 21 Apr., 1845; m. in Stanton, Ill., Dec., 1876, Dollie Linton; res. in Snoqualmie, Wash.

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15957 John Wells Churchill,10 b. in Lawrence, O., 1850; d. in Audubon, Ill., 1859.
15958 Charles Edward Churchill,10 b. in Ironton, O., 20 Apr., 1853; m. in Park Rapids, 10 Nov., 1883, Mabel Webster, dau. of Minor Web­ster; d. 17 Feb., 1899, in Seattle, Wash., where she later res.
15959 Clara Churchill,10 b. in Audubon, 8 Apr., 1855; m. in Helena, Mont., 20 Nov., 1885, Alexander Denning, b. in Canada, 10 Mar., 1849, son of Chamber Denning and Lydia _______, both of Ireland; res. in Park Rapids.
15960 Alfred Kellogg Churchill,10 b. in Audubon, 10 Dec., 1859; m. 10 Feb., 1886, Catherine Stoddard; res. in Seattle.
15961 Nancy Lamb Churchill,10 b. in Audubon, 20 Aug., 1861; d. unm., in Park Rapids, 18 Apr., 1881.

9195.   ALFRED,9 son of William Wright8 (3939), b. in Scioto Co., O., 10 Dec., 1821; m. (1) in Haverhill, O., 25 Dec., 1844, Cynthia L. Hard, b. in Haverhill, 7 Dec., 1826, dau. of Jonathan Hard and Sophronia White.
She d. in Audubon, Ill., 27 July, 1876; he m. (2) 10 Feb., 1882, Loisa Cumbis; d. in Illinois, 23 Mar., 1895.
Children, last ten b. in Audubon.
15962 William Forest,10 b. in Haverhill; d. aged 16 days.
15963 Thomas C.,10 b. in Haverhill, 19 Nov., 1847; m. 28 Sept., 1874, Har­riet Brunt.
15964 Florence Augusta,10 b. in Haverhill, 8 Feb., 1850; d. unm., in Texas, 30 July, 1885.
15965 Lucy Linda,10 b. 16 May, 1852; m. Anthony Callahan.
15966 Frank Oliver,10 b. 16 July, 1854; m. 25 Feb., 1881, Ellie M. Smith; d. 15 Apr., 1882; res. in Audubon; had no children.
15967 Wilbur Fisk,10 b. 9 Jan., 1857.
15968 May Frances,10 b. 11 Dec., 1858; m. 19 Feb., 1882, Thomas Gangham; res. in St. Louis, Mo., where both d.; had two children.
15969 Martha,10 b. 25 Dec., 1860; d. 18 Oct., 1879.
15970 Matilda,10 b. 25 Dec., 1860; d. 24 Sept., 1876.
15971 Fanny Catherine,10 b. 22 July, 1863; d. 14 Oct., 1865.
15972 Laura W.,10 b. 29 Sept., 1865; d. 16 Feb., 1868.
15973 Grant,10 b. 4 Jan., 1868.
15974 Harriet B.,10 b. 23 July, 1870; d. 23 July, 1890.

9196.   CHARITY,9 dau. of William Wright8 (3939), b. in Haverhill, O., 15 Jan., 1826; m. in Haverhill, 18 Oct., 1849, John Sprague Wells, b. in Waynes­burg, Pa., 22 May, 1823, son of Joseph Wells, b. 1800, and Amy Sprague, b. 1800.
He is a retired farmer, a Methodist and a Republican, voting the first time for Horace Greeley; served in the civil war as Lieut. in Co. F, First Reg., Ohio State Militia; res. in Nokomis, Ill.
Children, all except last, b. in Haverhlll.
15975 Albert Wells,10 b. 27 Apr., 1851; m. in Blue Mound, Ill., 30 Mar., 1873, Missouri Belle Klump.
15976 Laura Wells,10 b. 1 July, 1853; m. in Nokomis, 8 Sept., 1880, John H. Crickenberger.

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15977 Wesley Wells,10 b. 19 Jan., 1855; m. in Nokomis, 23 Mar., 1880, Clara Brown.
15978 Alice May Wells,10 b. 9 Aug., 1857; m. in Nokomis, 23 Mar., 1876, Wil­liam Sides.
15979 Charles Wells,10 b. 15 Oct., 1860; m. in Nokomis, 23 Mar., 1887, Eliza­beth Hunmerlick.
15980 John Chase Wells,10 b. in Nokomis, 31 May, 1867; m. in Wenona, Ill., 21 Jan., 1890, Mae Augusta Brown; res. in Nokomis.

9197.   WILLIAM,9 son of William Wright8 (3939), b. in Furnace, O., 17 Jan., 1828; m. 28 Oct., 1852, Thurza Story, b. 5 Jan., 1832, dau. of William Story, b. 17 May, 1793, and Mary Peterson, b. in Manchester, O., 3 Jan., 1792.
He is a farmer; res. all his life in Haverhill, O., and vicinity; now res. in Gervais, O.
Children, b. in Haverhill.
15981 George,10 b. 30 June, 1854; m. Mary Fox.
15982 Leonard Lamb,10 b. 31 Oct., 1856; m. Lizzie Ellen Pritchard.
15983 Emma,10 b. 3 Feb., 1859; is unm.
15984 Scott Ellsworth,10 b. 28 July, 1861; m. Belle Grimes.
15985 William Ralph,10 b. 28 Nov., 1863; m. Belle Staten.
15986 Abraham Lincoln,10 b. 14 Feb., 1866; m. Ella Huston.
15987 Effie,10 b. 4 July, 1868; is unm.
15988 Nellie,10 b. 11 Aug., 1873; is unm.

9198.   WILLARD,9 son of William Wright8 (3939), b. in Portsmouth, O., 28 Oct., 1831; m. 22 Apr., 1860, Abigail Whitmore, b. near London, O., 16 Nov., 1841, dau. of Amos Howard Whitmore, b. 27 Aug., 1786, and Mary Wells, b. 24 Apr., 1809.
He was one of the early settlers in Montgomery Co., Ill.; is a prosperous farmer, having lived on the same farm thirty-three years; res. in Nokomis, Ill.
Children, b. in Nokomis.
15989 Amos William,10 b. 14 Jan., 1861; res., unm., in Nokomis.
15990 John Fletcher,10 b. 10 Nov., 1862; m. Leora Matilda Shoemaker.
15991 Otis,10 b. 19 June, 1864; m. Louise Schwartzley.
15992 Myrta,10 b. 3 June, 1866; m. Edward Pocock.
15993 Anna,10 b. 17 Mar., 1872; is unm.

9199.   REUBEN LAMB,9 son of William Wright8 (3939), b. in Scioto Co., O., 15 Mar., 1835; m. (1) in Nokomis, Ill., 2 July, 1860, Rachel Cottingham, b. in Nokomis, 19 Sept., 1841, dau. of William Dent Cottingham and Rachel Wilson, of Tennessee.
She d. in Nokomis, 17 July, 1878; he m. (2) in Vandalia, Ill., 20 Jan., 1886, Elvira Cunningham, b. in Vandalia, 8 July, 1851, dau. of John Cunningham, b. 9 Sept., 1828, and Nancy Mathis, b. 7 Sept., 1830; d. in Nokomis, 24 June; 18937 Where she res. after his death.
He was a farmer and a Republican; served in the civil war as a private in Co. F, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Illinois Reg.; enlisted 1862.
Children, b. in Nokomis.
15994 Ella,10 b. 10 June, 1861; is unm.
15995 William,10 b. 7 July, 1865; res., unm., in Spivey, Kas.
15996 Frederick,10 b. 20 Mar., 1869; res., unm., in Nokomis.

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9200.   ELIZA,9 dau. of Benjamin8 (3941), b. in Little Rock, Ark., 29 Jan., 1830; m. as his fourth wife, 1 May, 1856, Jesse Witt, b. 8 Jan., 1808, son of Charles Witt and Allie _______.
She d. m. Quitman, Ark., 18 Feb., 1863; he d. there, 28 June, 1881.
He was a farmer and merchant; res. in Quitman.
15997 James Wakefield Witt,10 b. 7 Nov., 1857; d. 18 Sept., 1882.
15998 Mary Ann Witt,10 b. 24 Aug., 1861; d. 18 Feb., 1863.

9202.   MARY,9 dau. of Benjamin8 (3941), b. in Little Rock, Ark., 5 Mar., 1833; m. 17 Nov., 1857, Calvin Howell Overton, b. 5 Feb., 1836.
She d. in Little Rock, 1880.
He was a printer; res. in Little Rock; is now a farmer; res. in Cato.
15999 Calvin Howell Overton,10 b. 31 July, 1858; is unm.
16000 Lovice A. Overton,10 b. 28 Nov., 1860; m. 17 May, 1877, G. W. Jackson.
16001 Mollie C. Overton,10 b. 19 June, 1863; is unm.
16002 Ellen Josie Overton,10 b. 24 Feb., 1865; is unm.
16003 Sarah Sophronia Overton,10 b. 9 Apr., 1868; m. 10 Apr., 1887, James Lindsey.
16004 John Willett Overton,10 b. 28 Apr., 1871; m. 11 Nov., 1894, Nola Fowler.

9205.   JONATHAN,9 son of Benjamin8 (3941), b. in Little Rock, Ark., 9 Sept., 1840; m. (1) 30 Jan., 1870, Sally Williams Sparks, b. 6 Jan., 1852, dau. of Wil­liam Sparks and M. E. Hopkins.
She d. in Little Rock, 20 Mar., 1884; he m. (2) 11 July, 1888, Mrs. Mary (Howe) Sanford, b. in Louisville, Ky., 1850, Widow of Edward Bruce Sanford, of Little Rock, and dau. of John H. Howe, b. in Baltimore, Md., 21 Sept., 1821, and Fannie A. Durham, b. in Richmond, Va., 11 Jan., 1825.
He served four years, as a private in the Confederate army, during the civil war, in Co. A, Sixth Arkansas Reg.; enlisted 3 June, 1861; was paroled at the close of the war in 1865. He is a Unitarian and a Democrat, also an editor and author; res. in Little Rock.
Children, b. in Little Rock.
16005 Carl Benjamin,10 b. 21 Jan., 1871; d. 4 Oct., same year.
16006 William Sparks,10 b. 13 Sept., 1872; is in the employ of the Chesa­peake and Ohio, Railroad, Richmond, Va.
16007 Jonnie,10 b. 25 July, 1879; m. in Conway, Ark., 24 Jan., 1899, Rob­ert Loving Ware, b. 13 Aug., 1876; res. in Little Rock.
16008 Frances Catharine,10 b. 10 July, 1889.

9212.   GRATA AMELIA,9 dau. of Jonathan Nourse8 (3942), b. in Luzerne, N. Y., 24 Apr., 1821; m. in Constable, N. Y., 18 Feb., 1843, James Selleck Cran­nell, b. in Queensbury, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1820, son of Robert Crannell and Polly Selleck, of Queensbury.
She d. in Glens Falls, N. Y., 8 July, 1862; he m. (2) 16 Sept., 1863, Sarah Maria West; d. in East Aurora, N. Y., 15 Apr., 1891; she res. in East Aurora; he was a retired farmer, a Methodist and a Republican.

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Children, b. in Queensbury.
16009 Christopher Crannell,10 b. 27 Apr., 1844; d. 4 Mar., 1845.
16010 Jenson Crannell,10 b. 1 Apr., 1846; d. 20 June, 1846.
16011 Jonas Selleck Crannell,10 b. 23 Dec., 1847; m. in Meadville, Pa., 1872, Ida Harpst, dau. of Philip Harpst, of Meadville; d. 28 Mar., 1885; res. in Meadville; had five children.
16012 Clarence Erwin Crannell,10 b. 16 July, 1849; m. 30 Oct., 1887, Jessie Cameron, dau. of John H. Cameron and Ellen Grace Craft; is a telegraph operator; res. in Stony Creek, N. Y.; had three children.
16013 Elsie Maria Crannell,10 b. 25 June, 1851; m. Isaac Hemstreet; d. in Marilla, N. Y., 19 June, 1872; had one child.
16014 Manfred Edwin Crannell,10 b. 16 Mar., 1853; res., unm., in Wilcox, Neb.
16015 Adelmer James Crannell,10 b. 19 June, 1855; m. in Greenville, Mich., 8 Jan., 1884, Kate Borst, dau. of _______ Borst and _______ Kinney; is a filer; res. in Westons Mills, N. Y.; had one child.
16016 Mary Alice Crannell,10 b. 6 Aug., 1857, b. in Marilla, 3 July, 1879, Alexander William Johnston, b. in Mansfield, N. Y., 7 June, 1853, son of _______ Johnston and Praxannah McKay; he is a black­smith; res. in Jamestown, N. Y.

9213.   ORMAN ALFORD,9 son of Jonathan Nourse8 (3942), b. in Luzerne, N. Y., 29 May, 1823; m. in Hardwick, Vt., 1843, his cousin, Alma Ann Walton (9190b), b. 3 Feb., 1821.
He d. in South Walden, Vt., 25 Aug., 1864; she d. in Glen's Falls, N. Y., 15 Dec., 1894.
He was a shoemaker; a Baptist; res. in Walden.
16017 Irving Fernando,10 b. in Hardwick, 17 Mar., 1846; m. in Montpelier, Vt., 21 Aug., 1871, Mrs. Nancy Ann (Fish) Bruce, b. in North­field, Vt., 4 Oct., 1812, dau. of Levi Fish and Axie Tilden, and widow of Joseph Bruce; is a farmer, a Free Will Baptist and a Democrat; res. in South Cabot, Vt.; had no children.
16018 Orman Alford,10 b. in Hardwick, 20 Feb., 1850; m. (1) Laura Ann Cross; (2) Eleanor Catherine Heath.
16019 Alma Anette,10 b. in Walden, 13 May, 1853; d. in South Walden, 23 June, 1854.
16020 Earl Henry,10 b. in Walden, 18 Oct., 1858; m. Mary Ann Rollins.
16021 Francis Douglas,10 b. in South Walden, 26 Jan., 1860; m. Maud Mary Wilmot.

9218.   EARL DOUGLAS,9 son of Jonathan Nourse8 (3942), b. in Luzerne, N. Y., 22 May, 1833; m. in Fillmore, Minn., 9 Oct., 1859, Elizabeth Crowell, b. in Orwell, O., 1 Sept., 1840, dau. of Emerson Crowell and Margaret Umphrey, of Ohio.
He is a farmer; a Methodist; was a Republican; is now a Populist; res. in Central Prairie, Fillmore Township, Minn.
Children, b. in Fillmore.
16022 Ann Eliza,10 b. 27 Oct., 1860; m. Willard S. Carson.
16023 Judson,10 b. 28 July, 1864; m. Myrtle Rowland.

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16024 Francis A.,10 b. 1 Sept., 1866; m. in Jamestown, N. D., 8 May, 1900, Ethel Stevens, b. in England, dau. of Edward Stevens and Eliza Eastburn, of England; is a grain buyer; res. in Courtney, N. D.; has no children.
16025 Alfred Douglas,10 b. 16 Dec., 1868; is a farmer; res., unm., in Fillmore.
16026 Russell,10 b. 4 Apr., 1871; m. Lynn Luella Smith.
16027 Mary Elizabeth,10 b. 1 Apr., 1874; d. unm., in Fillmore, 16 Jan., 1898.
16028 Harvey,10 b. 15 Feb., 1876; m. Mary Rose.
16029 George Percival,10 b. 20 July, 1880; res., unm., in Fillmore.

9219.   HENRY DIGHTON,9 son of Jonathan Nourse8 (3942), b. in Luzerne, N. Y., 9 Sept., 1834; m. (1) in Luzerne, 8 Apr., 1857, Caroline Murray, b. 21 Nov., 1838, dau. of Jasper D. Murray, b. in Luzerne, 19 May, 1817, and Sarah Brown, b. in Queensbury, N. Y., 25 May, 1819.
She d. in Moreau, N. Y., 13 Nov., 1885; he m. (2) in Northumberland, N. Y., 12 Sept., 1886, Izora D. De Garmo, b. in Moreau, 11 Mar., 1862, dau. of George De Garmo, b. in Lysander, N. Y., 10 Nov., 1834, and Gertrude Baker, b. in Lyons, N. Y., 26 Mar., 1835; res. in South Glen's Falls, N. Y.
16030 Sarah Frances,10 b. in Warren Co., N. Y., 21 Jan., 1858; res., unm., in South Glen's Falls.
16031 Edna May,10 b. 9 May, 1865; d. about 1868.
16032 Frederic Henry,10 b. in Harrisena, N. Y., 29 Apr., 1867; Jane Nesbitt.
16033 Edson Byron,10 b. in Moreau, Glen's Falls; m. Nellie _______, 27 May, 1878; res., unm., in South Glen's Falls.

9221.   NANCY MARIA,9 dau. of Jonathan Nourse8 (3942), b. in Luzerne, N. Y., 28 Mar., 1838; m. in Greenfield, N. Y., 16 Feb., 1861, Charles Henry Rob­mson, b. in Greenfield, 18 Sept., 1841, son of David Austin Robinson, b. 23 Jan., 1807, and Lydia Mason Anthony, of Greenfield.
She d. 21 May, 1901.
He res. in Greenfield; was a Republican and later a Prohibitionist; is a Friend.
16034 Ida Lydia Robinson,10 b. in Moreau, N. Y., 23 May, 1862; res., unm., in South Glen's Falls, N. Y.
16035 Emma Freelove Robinson,10 b. in Greenfield, 20 Feb., 1865; res., unm., in South Glen's Falls.
16036 Mary Anthony Robinson,10 b. in Moreau, 19 Feb., 1867; m. in South Glen's Falls, 9 Feb., 1887, Edwin De Long; res. in Glen's Falls; had four children.

9222. MARY ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Jonathan Nourse8 (3942), b. in Luzerne, N. Y., M Mar., 1840; m. in Ellington, N. Y., 27 Mar., 1862, William Seward Stone, b. in East Jamestown, N. Y., 25 June, 1840, son of Daniel Stone, of Po­land, N. Y., b. 17 Nov., 1801, and Velonia Rolfe, b. 28 Feb., 1806.
He is a teamster; served as a private in Co. 0, Thirteenth Heavy Artillery,

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New York Volunteers; enlisted 23 Aug., 1864; was discharged 21 June, 1865; is a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Jamestown.
16037 John Nelson Stone,10 b. in Randolph, N. Y., 19 Mar., 1863; res. in Jamestown.
16038 William Henry Stone,10 b. in Randolph, 14 July, 1864; m. in James­town, 18 Aug., 1887, Nellie De Snow; res. in Jamestown; had three children.
16039 Fred Clayton Stone,10 b. in Napoli, N. Y., 19 Oct., 1868; m. in James­town, 15 Aug., 1891, Adelaide Miriam Blanchard; res. in James­town; had two children.
16040 Edith Marta Stone,10 b. in French Greek, N. Y., 1 Oct., 1874; m. in Jamestown, 10 Sept., 1896, Burton Melville Gay; res. in James­town; had no children.

9223.   EDWIN FERNANDO,9 son of Jonathan Nourse8 (3942), b. in Luzerne, N. Y., 15 Nov., 1841; m. in East Randolph, N. Y., 27 Feb., 1863, Mary Brower Cornwell, b. in Rochester, N. Y., 12 Oct., 1844, dau. of Jonathan Haden Corn­well, b. 7 Mar., 1821, and Rebecca Brower Angus, b. 29 July, 1823.
He res. in Bermidji, Minn.
16041 Annabell,10 b. in Corry, Pa., 25 Feb., 1865; m. John Parker Pogue.
16042 Jonathan,10 b. in Olean, N. Y., 21 July, 1868; d. in Corry, 16 Apr., 1869.

9224.   WRIGHT DICKINSON ,9 son of Ira8 (3949), b. in South Amherst, Mass., 12 Jan., 1809; m. 1 Dec., 1831, Mrs. Roxanna (Goodell) Dickinson, b. 13 Mar., 1804, widow of Hosmer Dickinson, and dau. of Andrew Goodell, of Am­herst, b. 1765, and Martha Haskell, b. 1767.
He d. in South Amherst, 3 Jan., 1861; she d. in East Chatham, N. Y., Nov., 1889, aged 85.
He was a shoemaker.
16043 Bela Haskell,10 b. in Amherst, 18 Sept., 1832; m. Elizabeth Fitch Walcott.
16044 Marion Bradford,10 b. in South Amherst, 10 Jan., 1835; m. (1) Jacob Loomis Rust; (2) Charles A. Murdock.
16045 Helen Maria,10 b. in South Amherst, 25 Apr., 1837; d. 12 Sept., 1840.
16046 Helen Maria,10 b. 15 Jan., 1842; m. in Worcester, Mass., 29 Nov., 1869, Henry Austin Shaw, b. in Belchertown, Mass., 24 Sept., 1832, son of Samuel Austin Shaw and Mary White; he was a dealer in boots and shoes; was a Congregationalist and a Republican; d. in Springfield, Mass, 15 May, 1887; after his death she res. in Springfield; had no children.
16047 Harriet Martha,10 b. in South Amherst, 15 Jan., 1844; m. in North­ampton, Mass., 30 Sept., 1861, Henry Dwight Ayers, b. in Ertfield, Mass., 1837, son of George and Abigail Ayers; he conducts a livery stable; is a Congregationalist and a Republican; she d. in Spring­field, 14 Mar., 1870; he res. in Monson, Mass.; had no children.

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9225.   BELA,9 son of Ira8 (3949), b. in Amherst, Mass., 1 Aug., 1810; m. in South Hadley, Mass., 19 Aug., 1834, Mary Hosmer, b. 15 Apr., 1815, dau. of Deacon Silas Hosmer, of Montague, Mass., b. 30 Sept., 1770, and Mary Puffer, b. 31 Jan., 1774.
He d. in Greenfield, Mass., 13 Apr., 1878; she d. there, 25 Mar., 1891.
He was a dealer in boots and shoes in Montague; later a dealer in provisions in Greenfield, to which business his two sons succeeded.
16048 Charles Hosmer,10 b. in South Hadley, 10 July, 1836; m. Flora Jane Day.
16049 Mary Sophia,10 b. in South Hadley, 2 Oct., 1838; m. Frank Field.
16050 Dwight Bailey,10 b. 10 June, 1842; was a grocer with his brother, Frederick Elliott; res. in Greenfield; d. unm., 2 Mar., 1901.
16051 George Bela,10 b. in Montague, 23 Aug., 1848; d. 28 Aug., 1852.
16052 Alice Jarvis,10 b. in Montague, 29 Nov., 1851; d. in Greenfield, 18 Aug., 1858.
16053 Frederick Elliott,10 b. in Montague, 6 June, 1853; m. Mary Ella Sansom.

9226.   PORTER,9 son of Ira8 (3949), b. in Montague, Mass., 18 Apr., 1812; m. in South Hadley, Mass., 5 Oct., 1834, Cemantha Pratt, of Marlboro, Vt., b. 27 Apr., 1815, dau. of Artemas Pratt and Hannah Holliday.
He d. in Mount Morris, N. Y., 11 June, 1894; she d. 28 Oct., 1895.
He was a hotel keeper and owner of a flouring mill in Nunda, N. Y.; also res in Mount Morris.
16054 Henry Porter,10 b. in South Hadley, 6 Sept., 1835; m. Louisa Ann Jones.
16055 James Byron,10 b. in Montague, 6 Dec., 1841; m. 1 Oct., 1881, Char­lotte A. Ellis, b. 1849, dau. of Levi Ellis and Mary Ann Hedges, b. 1811; res. in Mount Morris; had no children.
16056 Lyman Haywood,10 b. in Springfield, Mass., 30 June, 1850; d. 26 May, 1857.

9227.   CHARLES CARROLL,9 son of Ira8 (3949), b. in Montague, Mass., 23 Jan., 1814; m. 10 Aug., 1845, Sophia Wealthy Carll, of Waterboro, Me., b. 27 Jan., 1816, dau. of Samuel T. Caroll, of Waterboro, b. 5 Oct., 1782, and Rhoda Huntress, b. 23 Mar., 1791.
He d. in Orange, Mass., 12 Dec., 1859; was a farmer; res. in Orange; she m. (2) in Orange, 7 Apr., 1875, Thomas J. Pierce, of Woburn, Mass., son of Hollis Pierce and Lucinda _______; he was a merchant.
16057 Arria Sophia,10 b. in Montague, 25 Dec., 1846; m. (1) Lucius Eugene Holmes; (2) Dr. Orsamus Monroe Drury.
16058 Charles Ira,10 b. in Orange, 20 Jan., 1849; m. Lucretia Wealthy Orcutt.

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9228.   HORACE HANCOCK,9 son of Ira8 (3949), b. in Montague, Mass., 4 Aug., 1816; m. 14 May, 1840, Jerusha Ashley Leonard, b. 4 Sept., 1815, dau. of Obediah Leonard, of Sunderland, Mass., and Polly Williams, b. about 1788.
He d. in Charleston, S. C., 10 Sept., 1858.
He res. in Sunderland for some years; was a machinist; rem. to the South in 1852.
16059 Lucia J.,10 b. in Sunderland, 14 Apr., 1843; m. Stuart Dodge Clark.
16060 Albert Horace,10 b. in Montague, Mass., 20 Apr., 1845; m. Juliet Clandine Reed.

9229.   MARIA,9 dau. of Ira8 (3949), b. 17 July, 1818; m. in Montague, Mass., 25 Jan., 1838, Timothy Morton Dewey, b. 16 Mar., 1812, son of Abel Dewey, b. 4 Nov., 1773, and Rhoda King, b. 1 May, 1779.
He d. in Springfield, Mass., 13 July, 1888; she d. there, 8 Oct., 1895; he was a lawyer; res. in Orford, N. H.
16061 Sherman Burke Dewey,10 b. in Montague, 4 Sept., 1839; m. 9 Aug., 1868, Adelaide Story, of Durham, N. Y.; d. 8 Sept., 1899.
16062 Edward Stanley Dewey,10 b. in Montague, 15 Oct., 1843; m. 10 June, 1878, Abbie E. Grant, of Boston.
16063 Mary Wilcox Dewey,10 b. in Orford, 27 Nov., 1848; d. 29 Aug., 1850.
16064 George Winthrop Dewey,10 b. in Greenfield, Mass., 21 May, 1851; m. June, 1874, Abbie A. King, of Springfield, b. in North Amherst, Mass., 22 Apr., 1857.
16065 Emerson King Dewey,10 b. 6 July, 1855; m. 15 Apr., 1896, Lillian M. Parsons, of Springfield, b. in Rutland, Vt., 31 Mar., 1862; res. in Springfield.

9232.   SUSAN MALONA,9 dau. of Ira8 (3949), b. 29 May, 1824; m. 8 Nov., 1843, Solomon Wilson Gleason, b. in Heath, Mass., 17 Sept., 1821, son of Solomon Gleason, b. 1789, and Eliza Bixby, b. 1790.
She d. 28 Dec., 1875; he d. in Savannah, Ga., 2 Oct., 1876.
He was an iron founder.
The family now res. in Savannah.
16066 Henry O. Gleason,10 b. 9 July, 1846; d. 5 May, 1848.
16067 Solomon B. Gleason,10 b. 5 July, 1849.
16068 Susan Augusta Gleason,10 b. in Colerain, Mass., 13 Oct., 1853; m. as his second wife, in Savannah, 6 Feb., 1878, Alexis McNulty, b. in Georgetown, S. C., 10 Dec., 1843, son of William McNulty, b. 1809, and Ann Susan Cuttin, b. 1819; he was a clerk; served in the Confederate army as Sergt.-Maj. of the Tenth South Carolina Reg.; enlisted Feb., 1861; was discharged 26 Apr., 1865; is a Presby­terian and a Democrat; had one child.
16069 Maria L. Gleason,10 b. 25 Feb., 1855.

9234.   DWIGHT HOLLAND,9 son of Chester8 (3950), b. in Amherst, Mass., 10 Aug., 1817; m. (1) 12 Sept., 1843, Margaret Lucena Kelton, b. in Athol, Mass., 24 May, 1816, dau. of Calvin Kelton and Hepzibah Woodward.

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She d. in Amherst, 9 Nov., 1870; he m. (2) 3 Apr., 1873, Mrs. Sarah Louisa (Puffer) Bigelow, b. in Leomister, Mass., 4 Apr., 1827, dau. of Jacob Puffer and Dorothy Gibson; d. 12 Feb., 1882.
He was a shoemaker; rem. to Greenfield, Mass., Apr., 1853.
16070 Chester,10 b. in Amherst, 20 Aug., 1844; d. 17 Nov., 1870; was a shoemaker.
16071 A Daughter,10 b. 18 June, 1848; d. same day.

9235.   HENRY CHESTER,9 son of Chester8 (3950), b. in Amherst, Mass., 29 June, 1819; m. 2 May, 1843, Minerva Park, b. 20 Apr., 1823, dau. of Levi Park, of Bernardston, Mass., and Lucy Hale.
She d. in Cambridge, Mass., 1892; was buried in Amherst; he d. in New Haven, Conn., 8 May, 1896.
He was a shoemaker; res. in Amherst, Lynn and Boston, Mass.
Children, all except youngest, b. in Amherst.
16072 Maria Jane,10 b. 10 Jan., 1845; d. 24 Jan., same year.
16073 William Henry,10 b. 13 Feb., 1847; m. (1) Ellen H. French; m. (2) Hannah M. McKinney.
16074 Charles Park,10 b. 21 May, 1848; m. Lillian M. Newcomb.
16075 Mary Eliza,10 b. 16 Feb., 1852; d. 4 Nov., 1853.
16076 Jennie May,10 b. in Greenfield, 11 Nov., 1862; d. in Lynn, 7 July, 1863.

9236.   ELIZA MARIA,9 dau. of Chester8 (3950), b. in Amherst, Mass, 19 May, 1822; m. 25 Nov., 1851, Hanson Leland Read, b. in Grafton, 10 Aug., 1818, son of Thaddeus Read, of Grafton, Mass., and Martha Leland.
He d. in Amherst, 12 Feb., 1882; she res. in Newtonville, Mass., with her brother, William Wallace.
He was Superintendent of Schools in Amherst.
Children, b. in Amherst.
16077 William Hanson Read,10 b. 21 Sept., 1852; was drowned 26 Dec., 1873.
16078 Samuel Taylor Read,10 b. 16 Mar., 1864; was drowned 26 Dec., 1873.

9237.   WILLIAM WALLACE,9 son of Chester8 (3950), b. in Amherst, Mass., 6 Apr., 1824; m. in Lynn, 16 Dec., 1852, Sarah Basset, b. 13 Apr., 1834, dau. of William Basset,* of Lynn, Mass., b. 4 Mar., 1803, and Mary Boyce, b. 21 Dec., 1805.
He res. in Lynn on the Basset estate owned and lived upon by the Bassets since about the first settlement of Lynn, 1629. He was a printer; commenced in Newburyport (Watchtower office), 9 Feb., 1846; rem. June, 1846, to George­town; rem. 1 Apr., 1851, to Lynn; was in partnership with H. J. Butterfield, and after his death retained the business. In the Massachusetts Legislature he was Representative from Lynn, 1868 and '69, and Senator 1870; rem. to New­tonville, Mass., where he now res.

* William was the son of Isaac Basset, b. 6 Oct., 1779, son of Isaac Basset, b. 19 July, 1741, son of Joseph Basset, b. in 1715, son of William Basset, b. Nov., 1676, son of William Basset, son of William Basset, who was in Lynn as early as 1630, and is supposed to have been one of the original settlers.

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Children, b. in Lynn.
16079 Henry Francis,10 b. 24 July, 1855; m. in Worcester, Mass, 5 June, 1890, Hattie Louise Putney, b. in Winchendon, Mass., 30 Mar., 1861, dau. of Lorin D. Putney, b. 17 May, 1828, and Chloe A. Wil­bur, b. 2 Dec., 1831; is an electrical engineer; res. in Wellesley Hills, Mass.; is a Democrat; is an Agnostic; had no children.
16080 Mary Basset,10 b. 2 Feb., 1859; m. Frederick Hazelton Young.
16081 Edmund Wilbur,10 b. 16 Feb., 1865; m. in Wellesley Hills, 26 Dec., 1888, Mary Eliza Whitney, b. 8 Mar., 1869, dau. of John Whitney, b. 5 Apr., 1824, and Eliza Hutchins Fisher, b. 1 June, 1830; is an electrical engineer; res. in Newtonville.
16082 William Wallace,10 b. 10 Aug., 1871; d. 20 Nov., same year.
16083 George Stuart Woodman,10 b. 23 Dec., 1873; is a bookkeeper; res, unm., in Newtonville.

9238.   MARY COOLEY,9 dau. of David8 (3951), b. in Granby, Mass, 27 June, 1812; m. 4 Sept., 1833, Rufus Church, b. 3 Nov., 1806, son of David Church, of Granby, b. 13 July, 1781, and Lucy Scranton, b. 12 June, 1786.
She d. 9 July, 1834; he m. (2) 13 Aug., 1838, Mary Angeline Pomeroy.
At the time of his marriage he was a paper maker in South Hadley Falls.
From 1837 to '53 he was a hotel keeper in Enfield, Mass., and later went to Aus­tralia and remained until 1862. Later he was a farmer in Granby.
16084 Rufus Church,10 b. 22 June, 1834; Went to California and res. in Marys­ville; d. in Virginia City, Nev., 12 Oct., 1862.

9239.   WALTER BARTON,9 son of David8 (3951), b. in Granby, Mass, 28 Aug., 1814; m. 29 Mar., 1838, Harriet Lorain Morgan, b. 10 Oct., 1820, dau. of Ralph Morgan, of Granby, and Roxanna Preston, b. 12 Mar., 1781.
He d. in Granby, 1 May, 1887; she d. there, 27 Feb., 1892.
He was a cordwainer; res. in Granby.
Children, b. in Granby.
16085 Charles Smith,10 b. 6 Dec., 1840; m. in Rockville, Conn., 3 Nov., 1866, Eliza Ferry Chapin, b. 18 Sept., 1842, dau. of Philo Chapin, of Granby, b. 10 Feb., 1806, and Laura Ferry, b. 25 Feb., 1803; res. in South Hadley, Mass.; had no children.
16086 Helen Lorain,10 b. 6 Oct., 1843; is unm.
16087 Henry Holland,10 b. 26 Feb., 1846; m. in Chicago, 28 Dec., 1870, Minnie Pomeroy French, b. in New York, 7 Mar., 1843; dau. of Jason Clapp French, b. 25 May, 1804, and Polly Pomeroy, b. 3 May, 1806; res. in Chicago; d. in Granby, 23 Oct., 1874; had no children.
16088 Harriet Adelle,10 b. 2 Sept., 1848; m. Lyman Adelbert Chapin.
16089 Alvin Ferry,10 b. 27 Feb., 1851; m. Margaret Mary Burns.
16090 Alice Sophia,10 b. 5 Aug., 1854; m. 25 Dec., 1880, Herbert H Fletcher.

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16091 George Walter,10 b. 29 Apr., 1858; m. in South Hadley, 8 Sept., 1897, Nellie McElwain, b. in South Hadley, 26 Mar., 1866, dau. of An­drew McElwain, b. in Braceton, Ireland, 21 Jan., 1832, and Bridget Fitzgerald, b. in Cringer, Ireland, 15 July, 1837; he was a stage driver; d. in South Hadley, 15 May, 1898; where she res. after his death; had no children.

9241.   ALMIRA MARGARET,9 dau. of David8 (3951), b. in Granby, Mass., 27 June, 1819; m. 16 Jan., 1839, Alvin Ferry, b. in Granby, 9 Apr., 1817, son of Capt. Luther Ferry, of Granby, b. 5 Nov., 1773, and Azubah Dickinson, b. 6 Aug., 1774.
She d. 3 Jan., 1882; he d. in Granby, 20 Aug., 1895.
Children, b. in Granby.
16092 Lyman Mosely Ferry,10 b. 6 Aug., 1847; d. 29 Mar., 1849.
16093 Mary Almira Ferry,10 b. 15 May, 1852; m. 21 Nov., 1877, Francis Alonzo Forward, b. in Belchertown, Mass., 18 Dec., 1853; had two children.
16094 Ida Albina Ferry,10 b. 7 Mar., 1855; m. in Granby, 3 Jan., 1877, Arthur Eugene Hobart, b. in Leverett, Mass., 18 Mar., 1854; had three children.
16095 Julia Louisa Ferry,10 b. 7 Nov., 1859; d. 24 Sept., 1863.

9243.   ELLEN CLARISSA,9 dau. of David8 (3951), b. in Granby, Mass., 7 Feb., 1829; m. in Granby, 15 May, 1851, George Henry Brown, b. in Springfield, Mass., 7 Dec., 1829, son of Anson Brown, of Granby, and Artemesia Allen.
She d. in Granby, 26 Apr., 1897.
He went to the West Indies in Apr., 1858; was a paper maker.
16096 Henry Brown,10 b. 17 Jan., 1856; d. 22 Feb., same year.

9245.   DEACON SIMEON,9 son of David8 (3951), b. in Granby, Mass., 13 Dec., 1832; m. in East Hartford, Conn., 22 Jan., 1868, Harriet Pease, b. 28 Nov., 1834, dau. of Peter Pease, of Granby, b. 30 Sept., 1803, and Sarah Ann Smith, b. 21 July, 1809.
He engaged in the hotel business in New York City about 1843, but returned and took charge of the homestead in Granby in 1863; was later a farmer and res. there.
Children, b. in Granby.
16097 Mary Eliza,10 b. 5 Nov., 1868; is unm.
16098 Cora Harriet,10 b. 1 Oct., 1870; is unm.
16099 Effie Louisa,10 b. 13 Feb., 1873; is unm.
16100 Edith Jennie,10 b. 20 Mar., 1876; is a kindergarten teacher; is unm.

9246.   HENRY,9 son of David8 (3951), b. in Granby, Mass., 22 Nov., 1834; m. 30 May, 1878, Caroline M. Bates, b. in Chicopee, Mass., 7 Aug., 1853, dau. of Adna Bates, b. in Syracuse, N. Y. 8 June, 1817 and Maria P. Smith, b. in Wil­braham, Mass., 1 Aug., 1825.
He d. in Detroit, Mich., 9 Mar., 1898, where she later res.
16101 Henry Bates,10 b. 12 Feb., 1883.

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9250.   JANE MARIA,9 dau. of David8 (3951), b. in Granby, Mass., 17 Aug., 1844; m. in Springfield, Mass., 17 Oct., 1868, Dexter Randall Barnes, b. in Pel­ham, Mass., 8 Oct., 1842, son of Ansel Barnes, b. 8 Oct., 1809, and Deborah Churchill, b. Mar., 1807.
He served in the Union army as a private in Co. G, Fifty-second Massachu­setts Reg. He is a farmer; res. in Granby.
Children, b. in Granby.
16102 Ellen Maria Barnes,10 b. 30 Sept., 1869; d. 2 Mar., 1871.
16103 Agnes Maria Barnes,10 b. 24 Aug., 1872; m. in Granby, 1 July, 1896, George Ladd Murray; res. in Granby.
16104 Henry Dexter Barnes,10 b. 27 Dec., 1873; is unm.
16105 Addie Louise Barnes,10 b. 30 Aug., 1875, b. in Granby, 1 Sept., 1896, Frank Arthur Gleason; res. in Springfield, Mass.
16106 Chester Simeon Barnes,10 b. 20 Apr., 1880; d. 19 Jan., 1892.
16107 Forrest Raymond Barnes,10 b. 24 June, 1882; d. 29 Apr., 1883.

9251.   LOUISA,9 dau. of Benjamin8 (3953), b. in New Salem, Mass., 27 Oct., 1801; m. Andrew Scott, b. 6 May, 1796, the first white child b. in Concord, Vt., son of Andrew Scott, b. in Dumfries, Scotland, about 1756, and Deborah Barron, b. about 1757.
He d. in Clarksville, N. H., 2 May, 1874; she d. there, 18 Apr., 1892, aged 91.
He was a farmer, contractor and builder; a Republican.
Children, b. in Clarksville.
16108 Marion Wallace Scott,10 b. 28 Oct., 1822; d. unm., 14 Oct., 1845.
16109 Ellen P. Scott,10 b. 18 July, 1824; m. Ezra Pearson; d. 11 May, 1890.
16110 Franklin O. Scott,10 b. 12 June, 1826; m. (1) _______ Marshall; (2) Ellen Towne; res. in Webster, N. Y.
16111 Sybil Scott,10 b. 28 Nov., 1828; d. 27 Feb., 1829.
16112 Harriet F. Scott,10 b. 14 Mar., 1830; m. Samuel Pearson; d. 4 Jan., 1877.
16113 William W. Scott,10 b. 28 Nov., 1832; res. in Clarksville.
16114 Murray A. Scott,10 b. 13 Sept., 1835; m. in _______ Oaks; res. in Clarksville.
16115 Charles B. Scott,10 b. 4 Dec., 1838; m. Martha O. Shourds; res. in Philadelphia.
16116 Jane M. Scott,10 b. 18 Oct., 1842; m. Edward Samson; he d. 18 Apr., 1895; res. in Pasadena, Cal.
16117 George H. Scott,10 b. 25 Aug., 1845; d. 23 Mar., 1863.

9252.   MARINA,9 dau. of Benjamin8 (3953), b. in Concord, Vt., 28 Jan., 1803; m. Nathaniel Balch, b. 9 June, 1797, son of _______ Balch and Mary Slyfield.
He d. in Concord, 24 Aug., 1871; she d. there, 28 Oct., 1875; he was a car­penter; served in the war of 1812.
16118 Mary Balch,10 b. 30 Sept., 1822; d. 30 Mar., 1837.

9253.   BENJAMIN POND,9 son of Benjamin8 (3953), b. in Concord, Vt., Jan., 1806; m. Arethusa Priscilla Metcalf, b. in Littleton, N. H., 27 May, 1806, dau. of Jason Metcalf and Mary Slyfield, b. 1779.
He d. in West Concord, Oct., 1881; she d. there, 31 Mar., 1896.

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Children, b. in Concord.
16119 Amos Larnard,10 b. 17 Jan., 1828; is insane; is unm.
16120 Amanda Maria,10 b. 22 Sept., 1829; m. Friend O. Ball.
16121 Erastus William,10 b. 5 June, 1831; m. Lydia Ann Winchester.
16122 Seraphina Hudson,10 b. 28 Mar., 1833; m. Bezelial Brooks Spaulding.
16123 Sybil Larnard,10 b. 28 Apr., 1835; m. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., 31 Dec., 1857, Levi Ball Greenfield, b. in Concord, 18 June, 1830, son of Moses Greenfield, b. in Henniker, N. H., 9 June, 1785, and Betsey Tufts, b. in Lunenburg, Mass., 30 Jan., 1790; he is a machinist, a Universalist and a Republican; res. in Fitchburg, Mass.; had no children.
16124 Samuel Hudson,10 b. 12 Nov., 1837; m. Sarah Louna Hurlbutt.
16125 Mary Balch,10 b. 18 Nov., 1839; m. Horace Hastings.
16126 Elizabeth Cornelia,10 b. 15 Dec., 1841; m. (1) John Watson Spaulding; (2) Henry Hill.
16127 Lovina Adelia,10 b. 16 June, 1843; m. Jacob Richardson.
16128 Caroline Arvilla,10 b. 20 Feb., 1845; m. in West Concord, 6 May, 1865, William Chester Pratt, b. in Concord, 4 Apr., 1842, son of William Bruster Pratt, b. 1 Apr., 1816, and Mary Dodge, b. 25 Sept., 1823; he served as a private in the civil war in Co. K, Fif­teenth Vermont Volunteers; enlisted 12 Aug., 1862; was a Repub­lican and a builder; she d. 2 July, 1895, in West Concord, where he res. after her death.
16129 Marina,10 b. 26 Oct., 1847; d. 5 June, 1848.
16130 George Albert,10 b. 26 Nov., 1851; d. unm., 29 Sept., 1872.

9255.   GEORGE WASHINGTON,9 son of Cotton8 (3958), b. in Richford, Vt., 9 June, 1814; m. 24 Oct., 1839, Abial Caroline Johnson, b. 1823, dau. of Ezra Johnson.
She d. in Richford, 30 Nov., 1853; he m. (2) 14 Feb., 1857, Lydia Ferry, b. 15 Jan., 1830; d. in Jacksonville, Vt., 14 Oct., 1839; she d. in Richford, 15 Jan., 1865.
16131 Henry Webster,10 b. in Sutton, Canada, 26 Sept., 1840; m. Ella An­nette Austin.
16132 Ellen Mary,10 b. in Sutton, 4 Oct., 1842; m. Benjamin D. Cadwell.
16133 Eugene Payson,10 b. in Richford, 8 July, 1844; m. _______; d. 19 June, 1884; had no children.
16134 Julia Zitella,10 b. in Sutton, 5 May, 1846; d. unm., in Riverside, Cal., 6 Oct., 1888.
16135 Alice Ann,10 b. in Bethel, Vt., 2 May, 1848; d. unm., in Berkshire, Vt., 15 Aug., 1876.
16136 Alida Inez Leila,10 b. in Waterbury, Vt., 18 May, 1850; d. unm., in Berkshire, 17 Jan., 1872.
16137 Sarah Elvira,10 b. in Richford, Nov., 1852; d. Apr., 1853.

9257.   JAMES C.,9 son of Cotton8 (3958), b. in Richford, Vt., 20 Apr., 1819; m. 4 June, 1841, Emily Bickford.
He d. in West Auburn, Me. 13 July, 1879; she m. (2) _______; res. in Craftsbury, Vt.

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16138 Charles Payne,10 b. 9 May, 1843; m. Ada Caroline Perry.
16139 Harvey Augustus,10 b. in Richford, 6 Apr., 1846; m. Rose Annett Powell.
16140 Moses Payson,10 b. 2 Aug., 1849; m. _______.
16141 Harley Rollins,10 b. 5 Mar., 1855; m. Emma L. Leach.

9260.   MOSES PAYSON,9 son of Cotton8 (3958), b. in Richford, Vt., 19 May, 1823; m. 4 Aug., 1852, Harriet Baker, b. in Weare, N. H., 14 Aug., 1825, dau. of Dr. John Baker, b. in Salisbury, N. H., 23 May, 1792, and Esther Towne, b. in Hillsboro, N. H., 1791.
He d. in Newnan, Ga, 1 Nov., 1889, where she res. after his death.
He was a teacher in Newnan; was the founder of College Temple for young ladies, in Newnan, in 1852, and was its president for thirty-seven years; taught in Coweta Co., forty-five years.
Children, b. in Newnan.
16142 Marion Scott,10 b. 14 Oct., 1853; d. 4 Oct., 1854.
16143 Milo Payson,10 b. 24 Mar., 1855; m. Dora Strickland.
16144 George Raymond,10 b. 24 Aug., 1857; d. 24 Mar., 1885.
16145 Alice May,10 b. 20 June, 1859; m. Robert Monroe Gann.
16146 Carl,10 b. 16 Nov., 1861; d. 30 Oct., 1876.

9265.   ABBIE EASTMAN,9 dau. of John8 (3963), b. in Concord, Vt., 1 Oct., 1830; m. (1) in Orange, Mass.; 25 Jan., 1849, Adams Everett French, b. 18 Feb., 1828, son of Adams French, b. in Orange, 24 Aug., 1802, and Rhoda Battles Chaney, b. in Orange, 27 Sept., 1806.
He d. in Washington, D. C., 19 June, 1864; was a mechanic and a musician; was Color Sergt. in the civil war in Co. D, Twenty-sixth Reg., Massachusetts Vol­unteers; was mortally wounded in Cold Harbor; was a Republican; a Meth­odist; she no. (2) as his second wife, in Winchendon, Mass.; 28 June, 1866, Adams Emory Stanley, b. in Dublin, N. H., 21 June, 1824, son of William Stuart Stan­ley, b. 4 Sept., 1784, and Polly Yeardley, b. 2 Dec., 1786; he d. in Winchendon, 21 July, 1880; was a Methodist, a Republican and a machinist; she m. (3) in Westminster, Mass., 28 June, 1888, George Edwin Smith, b. in Rindge, N. H., 13 July, 1819, son of Thomas Smith, b. in Leominster, Mass., 10 Jan., 1786, and Hepsibeth Piper, b. in Rindge, 27 Jan., 1787; he d. 21 Nov., 1900; was a mill­wright; res. in West Fitchburg, Mass.; she res. in New York City with her dau., Florence.
Children by first husband.
16147 Elvirus Franklin French,10 b. in Orange, 30 Jan., 1850; m. 30 Jan., 1873, Annie Harriette Judson, of West Newton, Mass., b. 22 Aug., 1847; d. in Nebraska, 21 July, 1877.
16148 Florence Gertrude French,10 b. in Winchendon, 27 Apr., 1862; m. in New York City, 11 June, 1895, Kent Perkins, b. 13 Nov., 1860; res. in New York City.

9269.   LUTHER ALONZO,9 son of John8 (3963), b. in Orange, Mass., 28 Jan., 1846; m. 5 Dec., 1866, Mary Elizabeth Potter, b. 28 May, 1846, dau. of Cor­nelius C. Potter, b. in Schoharie, N. Y., 1802, and Hannah Barbour, b. in Scho­harie, 17 Apr., 1804.
He spent his boyhood in New England, and was educated in the public schools; he rem. in 1860 to Owego, N. Y.; enlisted Aug., 1862, in Co. K, One

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Hundred and Thirty-seventh New York Volunteers; was discharged at the end of the war; was in seventeen battles and escaped unharmed.
He is a printer; res. in Haverhill, Mass.
16149 Minnie Elizabeth,10 b. in Owego, 5 July, 1868; res., unm., in Salem, Mass.
16150 John Luther,10 b. 22 Aug., 1870; d. in Williamsport, Pa., 13 Oct., 1883.
16151 Alice Mary,10 b. in Detroit, Mich., 10 July, 1880; res., unm., in Hav­erhill, Mass.

9272.   Juliett,9 dau. of Rev. Edward8 (3964), b. in Sutton, Canada, 27 July, 1833; m. in Richford, Vt., 9 Apr., 1854, Dennis Allen Goff, b. in Richford, Vt., 22 Nov., 1827, son of William Goff, b. 15 Sept., 1784, and Abigail Blaisdell, b. 15 Mar., 1792.
She d. in Battle Creek, Mich., 19 June, 1881.
He was a miller, a Baptist and a Republican; res. in Richford.
16152 Madeline Adelma Goff,10 b. in Richford, 8 Feb., 1858; m. in Battle Creek, 24 Aug., 1880, Charles Elton Bailey; res. in Beachmont, Revere, Mass.; had two children.
16153 Morris Delevan Goff,10 b. in Richford, 16 Dec., 1860; d. 29 June, 1880.
16154 Jullett Ernestine Goff,10 b. in Richford, 17 Nov., 1862; m. in Battle Creek, 12 Sept., 1894, Oscar Theodore Burleigh; res. in Rochester, N. Y.; had one child.
16155 Carl Dennis Goff,10 b. in Richford, 24 Sept., 1869.
16156 Pearl Carmen Goff,10 b. in Providence, R. I., 18 Apr., 1875.
16157 William Edward Goff,10 b. in Providence, 27 Dec., 1877.

9275.   EDWARD BURGE,9 son of Rev. Edward8 (3964), b. in Stanbridge, Canada, 11 Aug., 1840; m. in Richford, Vt., 15 Mar., 1865, Nancy Jane Chap­pell, b. in Sutton, Canada, 11 Apr., 1846, dau. of Jehiel Chappell, b. 1814, and Catherine Courser, b. 1814.
He was a farmer and a Seventh-Day Adventist; served as private in the Civil war in Co. H, Fifteenth Vermont Volunteers; enlisted 22 Oct., 1862; was discharged 5 Aug., 1863; was in the battle of Gettysburg; res. in Ramona, S. D.
16158 Ernest Clinton,10 b. in Richford, 28 Dec., 1865; m. in Madison, S. D., 6 June, 1887, Mrs. Laura Delphine (Devereaux) Biggs, b. in Jamestown, N. Y., 4 July, 1852, dau. of Alvin Elisha Devereaux, b. 5 Aug., 1818, and Loisa Pierce; he is a teacher in the Adventist School, College View, Neb., where he res.; had no children.
16159 Llewellyn Clayton,10 b. in Richford, 6 Sept., 1875; is unm.; is a teacher in the public schools, S. D.
16160 Harold Edward,10 b. in Ramona, 11 Mar., 1883; is unm.
16161 Adeline Leora,10 b. in Ramona, 6 June, 1884; is unm.

9277.   SUSAN MARY,9 dau. of Rev. Edward8 (3964), b. in Sutton, Canada, 14 June, 1845; m. in Richford, Vt., 19 Dec., 1869, Jared Lemuel Tryon, b. in

1342    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Peoria, N. Y., 19 Apr., 1831, son of Lemuel Tryon, b. ______, and Lydia Forbes, b. about 1802.
He d. in Glenwood, Ia., 24 July, 1891, where she res. after his death; he was a loan broker; a Democrat; served in the civil war as First Lieut. in Co. H, Ninth New York Cavalry; enlisted 24 Oct., 1861; was discharged 28 Apr., 1865.
Children, b. in Glenwood.
16162 Ernest Leslie Tryon,10 b. 24 Jan., 1876; is unm.
16163 Edward Kellogg Tryon,10 b. 18 Aug., 1881; is unm.
16164 Emma Leora Tryon,10 b. 28 Feb., 1883.

9278.   REV. CHARLES LEONIDAS SOBESKI,9 son of Rev. Edward8 (3964), b. in Richford, Vt., 14 June, 1847; m. 16 Mar., 1875, Emma Kellogg (9068), b. in Tyrone, Mich., 7 Feb., 1850, dau. of John Preston Kellogg (+3885), b. 14 Feb., 1807, and Ann Janet Stanley, b. 20 Mar., 1824.
He d. in Lancaster, Mass., 18 May, 1896; after his death she res. in Battle Creek, Mich.
He was a traveling salesman, and later a minister of the Seventh-Day Ad­ventists; res. in Battle Creek; was a soldier in the civil war; served one year in the First Reg., Vermont Volunteer Heavy Artillery; was honorably discharged at the end of the war; served at Cedar Creek and Appomattox, being an eyewit­ness of Sheridan's ride from Winchester to Cedar Creek.
16165 Wilfred Custer,10 b. 3 Oct., 1876; res., unm., in Battle Creek.
16166 Claude Eastman,10 b. 2 May, 1878; res., unm., in Battle Creek.
16167 Claire Lewis,10 b. 7 Sept., 1882; d. 21 Sept., 1883.
16168 Sumner Laverne,10 b. in Lancaster, Mass., 16 Jan., 1892.
16169 Ray Stanley,10 b. in Lancaster, 6 June, 1894.

9279.   REV. MOSES EASTMAN,9 son of Rev. Edward8 (3964), b. in East Richford, Vt., 25 Mar., 1850; m. in Berkshire, Vt., 24 Feb., 1874, Orabel Regina Austin, b. in Berkshire, 14 July, 1847, dau. of Horatio Nelson Austin, b. 5 Nov., 1818, and Caroline Regina Comings, b. 12 Jan., 1821.
He is author of the book entitled “The Supremacy of Peter.” He was con­nected for six years, from 1891 to '97, with the publishing work of the Seventh-Day Adventists as editor and editorial writer. He is a minister and a Seventh-Day Adventist; res. in Battle Creek, Mich.
Children, b. in Richford.
16170 Nelson Austin,10 b. 30 Jan., 1881; served in the Spanish-American war; enlisted 11 May, 1898; was discharged 3 Nov., 1898; served in Co. D, Thirty-second Michigan Volunteers, and was the young­est member of the company; is attending the University of Mich­igan.
16171 Joseph Ezra,10 b. 10 Jan., 1884.

9293.   CAPT. JAMES HOLMES,9 son of Dr. Alexander Hamilton8 (3975), b. in Cuyahoga Co., O., 18 Aug., 1840; m. in Jacksonville, Ill., 8 Jan., 1874, Laura A. Smith, b. in Jacksonville, 6 Mar., 1846, dau. of David Allen Smith, b. 18 June, 1804, and Eliza Eleanor Allan, b. 7 Dec., 1812.
He d. in Jacksonville, 29 Apr., 1891.
He was a lawyer; res. in Jacksonville; was graduated from the University

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of Michigan, 1868; was a Presbyterian and a Republican; was a Union soldier; enlisted 1 Oct., 1862, as Capt. of Co. H, Sixth Michigan Cavalry; was discharged 24 Nov., 1865; was captured, and confined in Libby Prison twenty-two months.
16172 Alexander Hamilton,10 b. 5 Nov., 1874; d. 3 Sept., 1875.
16173 Eliza Eleanor,10 b. 5 Nov., 1874; d. 2 Aug., 1875.

9295.   MARY EMMA,9 dau. of Dr. Alexander Hamilton8 (3976), b. in Tarlton, O., 30 Sept., 1845; m. in Princeton, Ill., 16 June, 1869, Seymour Bennett Stil­son, b. in Edinburg, O., 27 Jan., 1848, son of George Bennett Stilson, b. 26 Mar., 1820, and Charlotte Peck, b. 17 Nov., 1823, in Canfield, O.
He is a druggist; res. in Gibsonburg, O.
16174 Clarence Kellogg Stilson,10 b. in Oberlin, O., 29 Oct., 1872; d. 17 July, 1878.
16175 Helen Charlotte Stilson,10 b. in Gibsonburg, 11 Jan., 1877; m. in De­troit, Mich., 1 June, 1897, Benton Middlekauff; res. in Cincinnati, O.; had one child.

9303.   JULIA FLORENCE,9 dau. of John Sidney8 (3979), b. in Bloomfield, O., 18 Mar., 1848; m. in Oberlin, O., 18 Sept., 1872, Henry Biermann Read, b. in Hollenbeck, Prussia, 27 Sept., 1847, son of William Biermann and Elizabeth Griese. His parents dying soon after their arrival in America, he was brought up by Mr. Read and changed his name.
He is a hardware merchant; res. in Oswego, Ill.; is an Episcopalian and a Republican.
16176 Charles Francis Edward Read,10 b. in Nevada, Ia., 27 June, 1876.
16177 Frederick Van War Read,10 b. 14 Jan., 1879; d. in Aurora, Ill., 8 Aug., 1879.
16178 Arthur Benedict Read,10 b. 14 Oct., 1881; d. in Oswego, 16 Oct., 1883.

9306.   EDWARD WARD,9 son of Col. Charles Carroll8 (3980), b. in Brecke­ville, O., 29 Sept., 1850; m. 25 Dec., 1871, Julia S. Coit, b. 18 June, 1851, dau. of Charles Coit, b. Feb., 1823, and Ernmeline Hubbard Root, b. Aug., 1823.
He d. in Humboldt, Kas., 11 Aug., 1874; she m. (2) _______ Bacon.
16179 Charles Francis,10 b. in Humboldt, 9 Oct., 1873; was graduated from the Law School of the University of Iowa, 1898; res. in Burt, Ia., is a Presbyterian.

9311.   HERBERT DOUGLASS,9 son of George Ward8 (3981), b. in Kelloggs­ville, Mich.,10 June, 1858; m. in Laurel, Md., 8 Apr., 1880, Annie Milstead, b. in Brookville, Md., 7 Sept., 1860, dau. of William Milstead and Mary McCarthy, b. 1854.
She d. in Laurel, 10 July, 1888.
He is a law reporter, a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Camden, N. J.
16180 Mary Elizabeth,10 b. in Jacksonville, Ill., 6 Apr., 1881; m. in Wash-

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ington, D. C., 26 Apr., 1899, Allan Davis Grady; res. in Wash­ington.
16181 George William,10 b. in Laurel, 11 May, 1885.
16182 Herbert Douglas,10 b. in Laurel, 7 Oct., 1887.

9313.   THOMAS MOORE,9 son of George Ward8 (3981), b. in Washington, D. C., 24 June, 1862; m. in New Oxford, Pa., 23 Nov., 1885, Antoinette Reed Gardner, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., dau. of Albert Clinton Gardner and Margaret Watson Harper, of Philadelphia.
He is an architect, a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Ridley Park, Pa.
16183 Sara Lawrence,10 b. in New Oxford, 1 Sept., 1886.
16184 Margaret Harper,10 b. in Boston, Mass, 16 May, 1889.
16185 Arthur Cottrell,10 b. in Bronxville, N. Y., 16 Dec., 1891; d. in Rid­ley Park, 22 June, 1896.
16186 Eleanor May,10 b. in Ridley Park, 28 Aug., 1895.

9319.   POLLY MARIA,9 dau. of William Snow8 (3984), b. in Ashford, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1827; m. (1) 7 Sept., 1846, Samuel Holman, b. in Springville, N. Y., 4 May, 1826, son of Abel Holman and Nancy Beebe, b. about 1802.
He d. in Springville, 10 June, 1848; was a farmer and a Republican; she m. (2) 18 Nov., 1849, Colonel Fuller, b. in Springville, 28 Apr., 1828, son of Henry Fuller, b. in Vermont, 1800, and Hannah Hewett; he served in Co. F, Fifth Reg., New York Volunteer Cavalry; enlisted 3 Sept., 1861; was discharged 13 July, 1865; is a farmer; res. in Springville.
Child by first husband.
16187 Ellen Rebecca Holman,10 b. in Concord, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1847; m. 25 Dec., 1864, Franklin Shultes, b. in Concord, 8 Jan., 1845; res. in Springville; had two children.
Child by second husband.
16188 Hamzah Belinda Fuller,10 b. in Concord, 19 Feb., 1854; m. 30 July, 1871, Charles Ethan Smith, b. in Concord, 4 Feb., 1852; res. in Ashford; had one child.

9320.   HARRIET BELINDA,9 dau. of William Snow8 (3984), b. in Ashford, N. Y., 30 Apr., 1832; m. 6 Feb., 1848, Jeremiah Wilcox, b. in Ashford, 11 May, 1825, son of John Wilcox, b. 11 Mar., 1785, and Belinda Palmer, b. in Canada, Dec., 1800.
He d. 22 Sept., 1892.
He was a farmer; after his death she res. in Walton, Kas., and later in New­ton, Kas.
16189 Samuel Demetrius Wilcox,10 b. in Sardinia, N. Y., 19 Nov., 1850; m. 15 Feb., 1871, Cynthia Snyder, b. 7 Oct., 1848.
16190 Deltie Arnett Wilcox,10 b. in Belvidere, m. 10 Mar., 1860; m. 16 Dec., 1885, Carlton Radabaugh, b. 22 Sept., 1862.

9323.   WILLIAM BARTON,9 son of John8 (3985), b. 3 Apr., 1831; m. in Butler, N. Y., 30 June, 1853, Louisa Britaina Tyler, b. in Lowell, N. Y., 18 Dec.,

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1831, dau. of Chester Tyler, b. in Connecticut, 16 Nov., 1801, and Harriet Strong, b. 10 Dec., 1807.
He is a farmer; res. on his father's homestead; later rem. to Rose, N. Y., and res. there; is a Baptist and a Democrat.
Children, b. in Butler.
16191 Harriet Almira,10 b. 18 June, 1856; d. in Butler, 26 Nov., 1863.
16192 John Tyler,10 b. 27 June, 1859; m. Anna Viola Valentine.

9324.   STEPHEN BENJAMIN,9 son of John8 (3985), b. in Butler, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1833; m. 8 Nov., 1853, Harriet Levina Collins, b. 27 Nov., 1836, dau. of Thaddeus Collins, of Rose, N. Y., b. 1 Jan., 1792, and Harriet Shepard, b. 3 Jan., 1800.
Children, b. in Rose.
16193 Willard Emerson,10 b. 28 May, 1859; m. 24 Sept., 1891, Cora E. _______; res. in Monango, N. D.
16194 Elmer Lavern,10 b. 29 Oct., 1860; d. 26 July, 1887.
16195 Francis Josephus,10 b. 31 May, 1863; m. in Rose, 26 July, 1887, Rose Agnes Covell, b. in Rose, 2 Apr., 1867, dau. of Charles Henry Covell, b. 29 Mar., 1840, and Jane Roxville Haviland, b. 5 July, 1841; res. in Rose.

9326.   PAMELIA,9 dau. of John8 (3985), b. in Butler, N. Y., 18 Dec., 1836; m. (1) in Butler, 20 Nov., 1853, Ethan Willard Sherman, b. in Rose, N. Y., 23 May, 1833, son of Charles P. Sherman, b. 21 Dec., 1812, and Lucina Allen.
He d. 23 Feb., 1889; she m. (2) Alexander Graham.
Her first husband was a merchant in Clyde, N. Y.; her second was a dealer in live stock.
16196 Ada Paulina Sherman,10 b. 18 Aug., 1856; m. 14 June, 1877, Lewis F. Lux.

9327.   ALICE ANN,9 dau. of John8 (3985), b. in Butler, N. Y., 22 Feb., 1849; m. in Butler, 26 Dec., 1877, Duane La Due, b. in Van Buren, N. Y., 12 Feb., 1845, son of Brinkerhoff La Due, of Onondaga Co., N. Y., b. 15 July, 1808, and Susan Sumerson, b. 18 Dec., 1814.
Children, b. in Warner, N. Y.
16197 Flora La Due,10 b. 9 Jan., 1879; m. 22 June, 1898, Winefred Lawton, b. 27 Mar., 1871; res. in Warner.
16198 Harriet La Due,10 b. 19 June, 1883.

9343.   REBECCA,9 dau. of Ethan Billings8 (3988), b. in Butler, N. Y., 14 Sept., 1833; m. 6 Nov., 1855, Henry Orlando Ketchum, b. in Galen, N. Y., 12 Jan., 1830, son of Alva Ketchum and Loantha Preston.
He is a farmer and foreman; is a Republican; res. in Clyde, N. Y.
Children, b. in Clyde.
16199 Ethan Thomas Ketchum,10 b. 11 Oct., 1864; is unm.
16200 Anna Virginia Ketchum,10 b. 21 Oct., 1867; m. 1 Jan., 1889, William John Leigh; res. in Fredonia, N. Y.
16201 Sara Matilda Ketchum,10 b. 6 Aug., 1877; is unm.

1346    The Kelloggs in the New World.

9346.   MARIA,9 dau. of Ethan Billings8 (3988), b. in Butler, N. Y., 1 Dec., 1842; m. in Clyde, N. Y., 14 Mar., 1861, William Harrison Peckham, b. in Bald­winsville, N. Y., 28 June, 1840, son of Jesse W. Peckham, b. 10 Apr., 1812, and Julia Ann Bussey, b. 6 Mar., 1810.
He d. in Denver, Col., 21 Dec., 1886.
He was a farmer; res. in Clyde; was a Republican.
16202 Jesse Wilcox Peckham,10 b. 5 Aug., 1862; m. 16 Jan., 1894, Elizabeth Edith McMullen; res. in Weedsport, N. Y.
16203 Sarah Matilda Peckham,10 b. 1 Jan., 1865 3 d. 4 Dec., same year.

9347.   HENRY,9 son of Ethan Billings8 (3988), b. in Clyde, N. Y., 20 July, 1847; m. in South Butler, N. Y., 15 Oct., 1879, Jennie M. Pomeroy, b. in Otisco, N. Y., 19 May, 1853, dau. of Flavius Burt Pomeroy, of South Butler, b. Jan., 1813, and Sophronia Clark, b. 22 Feb., 1812.
He is a farmer, a Presbyterian and a Democrat; res. in Clyde.
16204 Lewis Pomeroy,10 b. in Clyde, 16 Dec., 1882.

9349.   ETHAN BENJAMIN,9 son of Charles Barnabas8 (3989), b. in Butler, N. Y., 16 Oct., 1843; m. in Wolcott, N. Y., 16 Jan., 1869, Harriet Josephine Rice, b. in Butler, 7 Mar., 1845, dau. of Jonathan Rice, b. 26 May, 1813, and Lavina Hutchinson Doolittle, b. 11 Sept., 1814.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; served as private in Co. H, Ninth Reg., New York Heavy Artillery; enlisted 22 Aug., 1862 , was discharged 4 Mar., 1864; res. in Wolcott.
Children, b. in Wolcott.
16205 Charles Jared,10 b. Dec. 25, 1874, m. Adah C. Lockwood.
16206 Vinnie Mae,10 b. Oct. 17, 1876, res., unm., in Huron, N. Y.

9350.   JOHN CARMIE,9 son of Charles Barnabas8 (3989), b. 13 May, 1848; m. 24 Dec., 1867, Mary Jane Fisher.
He m. (2) Effie Terbush; res. in Rose Valley, N. Y.
16207 Guion F.,10 b. in Wolcott, 27 Mar., 1871; res. in Westbury, N. Y.

9351.   LUCY ANN,9 dau. of Charles Barnabas8 (3989), b. in Butler, N. Y., 22 Aug., 1851; m. (1) in Wolcott, N. Y., 22 Dec., 1869, John G. Reynolds, b. 10 Feb., 1848, in Butler, son of James Reynolds, b. 10 Apr., 1820, and Sarah E. Greene, b. 20 July, 1829, of Butler.
He d. in Butler, 27 Mar., 1883; was a farmer, a Methodist and a Democrat; she m. (2) as his second wife, J. Byron Smith, b. in Adams, N. Y., 17 Feb., 1848, son of Jeremiah Smith, b. 18 Feb., 1825, and Maranda Rising, b. 5 Sept., 1819.
He is a farmer and a lumberman; attends the Methodist Church; is a Re­publican; res. in Wolcott.
Child by second husband.
16208 Florence Charmian Smith,10 b. in Wolcott, 21 Aug., 1893.

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9361.   WILLIAM,9 son of James8 (3992), b. in East Amherst, Mass., 28 May, 1820; m. 22 Oct., 1873, Harriet Strickland Fitch, b. 4 Nov., 1843, dau. of Francis William Fitch, of New London, b. in Chesterfield, Conn., 14 Oct., 1811, son of William Fitch and Elizabeth Tinker Cook, b. 24 Feb., 1819.
He d. 17 Mar., 1897; after his death she res. in Amherst.
He was a merchant and manufacturer; res. in Amherst; succeeded his father in the business of making carpenter's and moulder's planes; in 1886 the business was discontinued. Kellogg's block on Phoenix Row, Amherst, was built by him in 1860.
16209 James William,10 b. 6 Sept., 1878; res., unm., in Amherst.
16210 Francis Whittlesey,10 b. 1 May, 1881; is unm.
16211 Edward Latimer,10 b. 27 June, 1882; is unm.

9364.   EMELINE,9 dau. of James8 (3992), b. 6 Dec., 1827; m. in Amherst, Mass., 9 Oct., 1855, Henry Clark Nash, b. 21 July, 1829, son of Rev. John Adams Nash, b. 8 Sept., 1798, and Mary Moody Clark, b. Sept., 1805.
She d. 15 Dec., 1900; he d. soon after; both were buried the same day.
He was graduated from Amherst College, 1851; was principal of the Mt. Pleasant School for boys, for twenty-six years, in which he succeeded his father, Rev. John Adams Nash. For twelve years he was manager of the Boston office of D. Appleton & Co.; previous to his death retired and res. in Amherst.
Children, b. in Amherst.
16212 Sarah Kellogg Nash,10 b. 10 Jan., 1857; d. 30 Jan., 1857.
16213 James Kellogg Nash,10 b. 6 Jan., 1858; d. 10 Nov., 1860.
16214 Henry Clark Nash,10 b. 1 Oct., 1860; m. 1 Oct., 1887, Grace Lillian Owen, dau. of Willard C. Owen and Lucretia Roberts; was grad­uated from Amherst College, 1883; is a lawyer; res. in Amherst; had four children.
16215 William Kellogg Nash,10 b. 4 Apr., 1862; m. 4 Apr., 1899, Grace M. Lindsley, dau. of John Lindsley and Emma Stebbins; res. in Am­herst.
16216 John Adams Nash,10 b. 16 May, 1866; m. (1) 9 Oct., 1888, Marion A. Hawkins, b. Jan., 1867; she d. 24 Oct., 1891; had one child; he m. (2) 15 Aug., 1895, Mattie Webster, b. 9 Mar., 1877, dau. of Franklin A. Webster and Mary Abbott; he was graduated from Amherst College, 1883, A. M.; was principal of Mount Pleasant School for boys, which his grandfather owned.
16217 Deane Howard Nash,10 b. 13 Feb., 1870; is unm.

9368.   SOPHIA EASTMAN DICKINSON WATSON,9 dau. of Samuel8 (3995), b. in Amherst, Mass., 21 Dec., 1821; m. (1) 17 Jan., 1844, Varian Tompkins, b. in Scarsdale, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1810, son of Judge Caleb Tompkins, of Westchester Co., N. Y., and Deborah Varian, and nephew of Daniel D. Tomp­kins, Governor of New York and Vice-President of the United States, 1817-25.
He d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 18 Dec., 1847; was proprietor of a house furnish­ing store in New York City; she m. (2) 15 Mar., 1859, Joseph Seymour Stebbins, b. in Westfield, Mass., 8 Apr., 1797; he d. in New York, 22 Apr., 1887; she d. 8 Aug., 1901; he was a merchant; res. in New York.

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16218 Edward Varian Tompkins,10 b. 25 Feb., 1845; d. in New York, Aug., 1893.
16219 Mary Sophia Tompkins,10 b. 23 Feb., 1846; m. 5 Oct., 1879, Timothy Chamberlain Kimball, b. 26 Apr., 1829; he was a large dealer in fruits and was at one time called the “Apple King of the World;” was the first President of Gansevoort Bank, New York, 1889; d. 3 Sept., 1893; she res. in New York City; had one child.

9371.   MARY FELTON,9 dau. of Samuel8 (3995), b. in Amherst, Mass., 21 Nov., 1827; m. in Jan., 1848, Joseph Day Andrews, of Wallingford, Conn., b. 9 Mar., 1825, son of Col. Ira Andrews, b. 30 Aug., 1781, and Julia Hull, b. 5 Mar., 1788.
He res. in Brooklyn, N. Y.; later in San Francisco; was a wholesale mer­chant in New York City, but for the last forty years a mine owner on the Pacific Coast.
16220 Lucy Emma Andrews,10 b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 3 Jan., 1849; is unm.
16221 Joseph Watson Andrews,10 b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 9 Mar., 1853; d. 23 Jan., 1856.
16222 Franklin Kellogg Andrews,10 b. in Camptonville, Cal., 7 Oct., 1859; m. Jessie S. Parsons; had two children.

9406.   HENRIETTA,9 dau. of Henry Partridge8 (4000), b. ______; m. Rev. William S. Coffey.
She d. 3 Jan., 1893; he is an Episcopal clergyman; was for many years rec­tor of St. Paul's Church, Eastchester, N. Y.
16223 Mortimer Coffey,10 b. 1878.
16224 William Coffey,10 b. 1882.

9421.   FREDERICK D.,9 son of Frederick8 (4004), b. in New Salem, Mass., 29 Nov., 1840; m. 14 June, 1862, Cynthia R. Bragg, b. in Royalston, Mass., 1 Feb., 1840, dau. of Benjamin Bragg, of Royalston, b. 26 Sept., 1785, and Mary Snow, b. 17 Aug., 1807.
He was associate manager of the New Home Sewing Machine Compay's foundry; a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Orange, Mass.
16225 Frederick Leroy,10 b. in New Salem, 26 May, 1867; m. (1) Grace Warren; (2) Della Hortense Walker.
16226 Edwin Dwight,10 b. in Orange, 29 June, 1882.

9422.   EDWIN NATHANIEL,9 son of Frederick8 (4004), b. in New Salem, Mass., 18 May, 1843; m. there, 9 May, 1868, Eliza Abba Moore, b. in New Salem, Sept., 1850, dau. of Lyman Eustace Moore, of New Salem, b. 15 Apr., 1824, and Elizabeth Thompson, b. 12 Dec., 1830.
He d. in Orange, Mass., 5 Nov., 1885; she d. 24 Nov., 1895; both are buried in New Salem; he was a merchant, a farmer and a Republican.

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16227 Agnes Edith,10 b. in New Salem, 3 Sept., 1869; d. in Orange, 8 Sept., 1885.
16228 Nathaniel Putnam,10 b. in New Salem, 12 June, 1871; m. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 27 Mar., 1894, Annie Frances Durheim, b. 2 Aug., 1867, dau. of Frederick Bernhardt Durheim, b. 18 Apr., 1814, and Caroline Von Braun, b. 16 June, 1833; res. in Orange; had no children.
16229 Grace Elizabeth,10 b. in Orange, 19 Feb., 1873; is unm.
16230 Charles Lyman,10 b. in Orange, 18 Jan., 1876; was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, 1901; is unm.

9423.   SUSAN E.,9 dau. of Frederick8 (4004), b. in New Salem, Mass., 16 Jan., 1846; m. in New Salem, 1 Feb., 1865, William A. Orcutt, b. in Wendell, Mass., 18 July, 1838, son of Erastus S. Orcutt, b. 13 Aug., 1807, and Susannah Leach, b. 24 Sept., 1803.
He is a farmer; res. in New Salem.
Children, b. in New Salem.
16231 Frank Arthur Orcutt,10 b. 13 Dec., 1866.
16232 George Merritt Orcutt,10 b. 24 June, 1873; d. 7 Sept., 1875.
16233 Mary Elizabeth Orcutt,10 b. 22 Dec., 1876; m. in New Salem, 15 Dec., 1896, Edward Dwight Abbott; res. in Somerville, Mass.

9434.   EBENEZER ALBERT,9 son of Ebenezer8 (4039), b. in San Augustine, Tex., 8 Aug., 1840; m. 18 Oct., 1866, Rose C. Payne, b. 18 Mar., 1843, dau. of Judge C. Payne and Elizabeth McDaniel.
He is a merchant; res. in San Augustine until 1870; since then in Sulphur Springs, Tex.; was a Confederate soldier; served from 1 Sept., 1862, to the close of the war, in Co. E, Whitsford Legion, Ross' Brigade.
16234 Mable C.,10 b. 1 June, 1868; res., unm., in Sulphur Springs.
16235 Eugene H.,10 b. 24 Mar., 1870; m. 17 Mar., 1892, Ella McGlamery; res. in Ranger, Tex.; had one child, who d. young.
16236 Theodosia,10 b. 30 Mar., 1872; m. J. W. Morgan.
16237 Albert S.,10 b. 1 July, 1874; is unm.
16238 Ebby Lee,10 b. 29 Jan., 1877.
16239 Kirk Ralph,10 b. 4 July, 1880.
16240 Neta Rose,10 b. 6 Jan., 1883.

9439.   DANIEL FISK,9 son of Charles8 (4048), b. in Chittenango, N. Y., 19 Mar., 1865; m. in Canastota, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1891, Maude Isabelle Forbes, b. in Clocksville, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1864, dau. of Justice Gerrit Angelo Forbes, of the Superior Court of the State of New York, b. 30 May, 1836, and Ella Brooks, b. 9 June, 1844.
He is a journalist; res. in New York City; was graduated from Amherst Col­lege, 1886, where he was class orator, and won the Hyde prize oration; is a mem­ber of the Union League Club of New York; Sons of the Revolution; is city editor of the New York Sun.
16241 Daniel Fisk, Jr.,10 b. in Canastota, N. Y., 23 Oct., 1892.

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9441.   CHARLES SYLVESTER,9 son of Sylvester8 (4083), b. in Tylerville, N. Y., 19 Mar., 1841; m. Nov., 1868, Addie Hecox, b. in Rutland, N. Y., Feb., 1840, dau. of Homer Hecox, b. about 1803, and Lucy Ann Teudes, b. about 1805.
He is Assistant Dairy Commissioner of the State of New York; is a Demo­crat; res. in Watertown, N. Y.; enlisted in the civil war, but was discharged on account of physical defect, Apr., 1861.
16242 Guy Sylvester,10 b. in Chicago, 17 Mar., 1869; m. in Watertown, Apr., 1897, Ida Elizabeth Roblin, b. in Watertown, 13 Dec., 1874, dau. of Alonzo Walter Roblin, b. 19 May, 1843, and Charlotte Hopper, b. 16 Feb., 1850; is a merchant; res. in Norwich, Conn.; had no children.

9442.   GEORGE BYRON ,9 son of Sylvester8 (4083), b. in Tylerville, N. Y., 7 Dec., 1843; m. in Jackson, Mich., 16 Dec., 1875, Ella Frances Woodsum, b. in Unity, Me., 19 Apr., 1854, dau. of William N. Woodsum, b. 10 July, 1827, and Mary Louise Billings, b. 6 June, 1829.
He is a clothing merchant, a Presbyterian and a Democrat; res. in Jackson, Mich.
16243 William Norman,10 b. in Adams, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1877.
16244 Elizabeth Irene,10 b. in Adams, 7 Feb., 1880.
16245 Georgia Leilla,10 b. in Allegan, Mich., 14 May, 1883; d. 22 Nov., 1883.

9443.   ILONA ANNETTE,9 dau. of Sylvester8 (4083), b. in Tylerville, N. Y., 6 Nov., 1847; m. in South Rutland, N. Y., 24 Oct., 1872, Alfred Hubbard Bris­tol, b. 24 Oct., 1845, son of John Bristol, b. 4 Dec., 1810, and Philena Ford, b. 14 Sept., 1815, both of Pinckney, N. Y.
He is a farmer; res. in Tylerville, N. Y.; is a Republican.
16246 Kate Irene Bristol,10 b. in Pinckney.

9444.   ELI,9 son of Sylvester8 (4083), b. in Tylerville, N. Y., 3 May, 1850; m. 17 Mar., 1886, Mary Utter, b. 4 Mar., 1853, dau. of John Utter, of Adams Center, b. 20 Sept., 1807, and Ann C. Bloodgood, b. 31 July, 1814.
He is a fire insurance agent; a Republican; res. in Adams Center, N. Y.
16247 Anna Margueritte,10 b. 18 Aug., 1893; d. 3 Sept., 1893.

9445.   KATE IRENE,9 dau. of Sylvester8 (4083), b. in Rutland, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1853; m. in Rutland, 9 July, 1879, Charles Henry Visscher, b. in Lowville; N. Y., 21 Jan., 1855, son of Jonathan Beekman Visscher, b. 2 July, 1826, and Lydia Rowley, b. Aug., 1832.
He is a commercial traveler; res. in Adams Center, N. Y.; is an Episco­palian.
16248 Angie Irene Visscher,10 b. in Rutland, N. Y., 28 July, 1886.

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9448.   JOHN ALONZO CLARK,9 son of Alonzo8 (4087), b. in South Rutland, N. Y., 18 Feb., 1843; m. 17 Oct., 1865, Julia Elizabeth Wardwell, b. in Adams, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1845, dau. of Newton Mann Wardwell, b. 25 Feb., 1818, and Elizabeth Rose Jones, b. 26 Aug., 1822.
He is in the water works construction business; res. in Fort Smith, Ark.; was in the Quartermaster's Department in the civil war; is a Democrat.
16249 Frederick Wardwell,10 b. in Adams, 11 July, 1867; is a clerk, a Pres­byterian and a Republican; res., unm., in Syracuse, N. Y.

9456.   MARY,9 dau. of Alva8 (4098), b. in Towanda, Pa., 22 Dec., 1829; m. (1) Arad Wilson.
He d. ______; she m. (2) Eli Parsons Rockwell, b. in Canton, Pa., 7 Feb., 1830, son of Samuel Rockwell and Betsey Grantier; res. in Canton, 1876.
16250 Elizabeth Belle Rockwell,10 b. in Canton, 25 Oct., 1856; d. in Emporia, Kas., 1 Nov., 1873.
16251 Mary Sophia Rockwell,10 b. in Alba, Pa., 24 Jan., 1867.
16252 Catherine Rockwell,10 b. in Emporia, 30 Mar., 1874.

9487.   LEICESTER HOWARD,9 son of General John Azor8 (4102), b. in Ben­son, Vt., 23 July, 1833; m. 19 Nov., 1857, Ellen Rebecca Cowee, b. 8 Aug., 1834, dau. of William Cowee, of Benson, b. 14 Feb., 1805, and Lydia Relief Barber, b. 22 May, 1807.
He d. 19 June, 1884; she res. in Benson, Vt.
He was Town Clerk of Benson from 1856 until his death; Representative from Benson, 1866-67; Senator from Rutland Co., 1872-74; was a farmer.
16253 John,10 b. in Benson, 9 Sept., 1858; d. unm., in Benson, 5 Oct., 1884; was a teacher, a Methodist and a Republican.
16255 Jessie Joanna,10 b. in Benson, 14 May, 1867; res., unm., in New York City.
16256 Julia Relief,10 b. in Benson, 14 Apr., 1870; res., unm., in Benson.
16257 Frank Warren,10 b. 10 June, 1874; is a farmer; res., unm., in Ben­son; is a Methodist and a Republican.

9490.   WILBUR FISK,9 son of Gen. John Azor8 (4102), b. in Benson, Vt., 20 June, 1841; m. 23 June, 1865, Mary Adelaide Dickinson, b. 22 Feb., 1843, dau. of John Dickinson, of Benson, b. 9 Oct., 1814, and Orpha Angeline Benson, b. 20 June, 1816.
He res. in Washington, D. C.; is a Government clerk.
16258 Arthur De Wayne,10 b. 5 Aug., 1867; is unm.
16259 Clarence Howard,10 b. b. in Aug., 1868; res., unm., in Washington.
16260 Anna Dickinson,10 b. in Hubbardton, Vt., 31 Jan., 1870; m. John Darling Hunt.
16261 Loyal Case,10 b. Sept., 1871; is unm.

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9510.   JULIA ANN,9 dau. of Eleazer8 (4109), b. in Amherst, Mass., 9 June, 1828; m. in Amherst, 18 June, 1856, as his second wife, Albert Wellington Ball, b. in Leverett, Mass., 17 Aug., 1820, son of Abraham Ball, b. 14 Sept., 1783, and Martha Field, b. 6 Oct., 1785.
He d. 4 May, 1895. After his death she res. in Springfield, Mass.
16262 Julia Elizabeth Ball,10 b. in Leverett, 21 Nov., 1867; is unm.

9515.   CHARLES HENRY,9 son of Eleazer8 (4109), b. in Amherst, Mass., 7 May, 1842; m. in Hadley, Mass., 23 Dec., 1868, Mary Wheeler Adams, b. in Had­ley, 7 Dec., 1845, dau. of Deacon Levi Adams, of North Hadley, b. in Shutesbury, Mass., 6 Nov., 1820, and Mary Wheeler, b. in Hardwick, Mass., 25 Sept., 1819.
She d. 16 Oct., 1889; he m. (2) in Amherst, 20 Dec., 1899, Ellen S. Rich­ards, b. in Cornwall, Vt., 1865, dau. of Asabel Richards and Ellen Woods.
He is a farmer; res. in Amherst.
16263 William Adams,10 b. in Amherst, 22 Nov., 1869.

9518.   RAYMOND MATTOON,9 son of Stillman8 (4110), b. in Benson, Vt., 15 July, 1825; m. in Grinnell, la, 5 Apr., 1859, Maria Phebe Parks, b. in Victor, N. Y., 5 Apr., 1838, dau. of Philo Parks, b. in Scipio, N. Y., 25 July, 1812, and Phebe Farnam, b. 5 May, 1814.
He d. in Galvin, Ia., 30 July, 1900.
He was an architect; a member of the Town Council; was School Director for twenty-three years; director of the First National Bank; rem. to Grinnell, 1855.
16264 Harriette Susan,10 b. 23 Aug., 1860; was graduated from Iowa Col­lege, 1880; took degree of A. M., 1883; is a teacher in Glencoe, Minn.
16265 Mary Caroline,10 b. 2 Dec., 1861; d. 19 Oct., 1862.
16266 Raymond Henry,10 b. in Grinnell, 25 Mar., 1863; is a farmer, Congre­gationalist and a Republican; res., unm., in Grinnell.
16267 May Helen,10 b. 21 Feb., 1866; m. William Ringland Moninger.

9519.   ITHAMAR CONKEY,9 son of Stillman8 (4110), b. in Benson, Vt., 22 July, 1827; m. in Hadley, 14 Apr., 1852, Martha Ann Stockwell, b. 18 July, 1838, dau. of Daniel Stockwell, of Leverett and Hadley, Mass.
He is a farmer; res. in Hadley.
16268 Harriet Foster,10 b. in Hadley, 22 Nov., 1853; d. 27 Sept., 1854.
16269 Mary Walker,10 b. in Hadley, 15 July, 1855; d. 10 Sept., same year.
16270 William Austin,10 b. in Grinnell, Ia., 25 Mar., 1858; m. in Newark, N. J., 14 June, 1892, Mary A. Gunn, b. in Amherst, Mass; 15 Jan., 1857, dau. of William Gunn, b. in Northfield, Mass., and Almira Green, b. in Colerain; she d. in Hadley, 24 July, 1895; he is a bookbinder; had no children.
16271 Henry Elmer,10 b. in Grinnell, 25 Mar., 1858; is a printer; a Repub­lican; res., unm., in Hadley.

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9521.   HARRIET STILLMAN,9 dau. of Stillman8 (4110), b. in Rutland, Vt., 29 Dec., 1831; m. (1) in Castleton, Vt., 17 Aug., 1853, George Glynn Foster, b. in Brad­ford, Mass., 26 Apr., 1829, son of David Poor Foster, of Lawrence, Mass.
He was a United States mail agent; res. in Lawrence; d. in Chester, S. C., 24 Jan., 1854; she m. (2) in Newnan, Ga., 3 May, 1858, Stephen Decatur Smith, b. 18 Apr., 1819, son of Nathaniel H. Smith, of Ogelthorpe, Ga., b. 1790, and Frances Lamar.
He d. in Newnan, 7 Jan., 1887.
He was a railroad contractor in Atlanta, Ga.; later a planter near Newnan.
16272 Raymond Lamar Smith,10 b. in Castleton, 30 May, 1859; m. in Wichita Falls, Tex., Minnie Cunningham; had three children.
16273 Ernest Caldwell Smith,10 b. in Newnan, 25 Mar., 1865; m. in Fort Meade, Fla., 8 Aug., 1890, Beulah Blanche Wilson; d. 13 Dec., 1895, at the homestead in Florida; had two children.

9525.   MARY SUSAN,9 dau. of Smith8 (4122), b. 30 May, 1839; m. 19 Dec., 1860, John B. Candy.
She d. 28 Sept., 1867.
16274 Charles Smith Candy,10 b. 29 Dec., 1861.
16275 John D. Candy,10 b. 16 Mar., 1865.

9526.   RICHARD MANWARING,9 son of Smith8 (4122), b. 28 Dec., 1842; m. 20 Feb., 1868, Frances Alice Parks.
16276 Charles Franklin,10 b. 8 May, 1869.
16277 Walter Parks,10 b. 3 July, 1871.
16278 Mary Susan,10 b. 31 Dec., 1872.

9527.   ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Milo8 (4123), b. 18 Oct., 1824; m. in Ogden Cen­ter, N. Y., 25 Nov., 1846, Eli Webster, b. in Monroe Co., N. Y., 22 July, 1822, son of William Webster, b. 2 Feb., 1790, and Sarah Snow, b. 3 May, 1794.
She d. in Niagara Co., N. Y., 20 May, 1852; he d. in Hindsburg, N. Y., 7 June, 1894.
He was a farmer and a Republican.
16279 William Marvin Webster,10 b. in Hartland, N. Y., 2 Nov., 1848; m. in Hindsburg, 8 Jan., 1873, Allie Harriet Williams; res. in Delphos, Kas.

9530.   LAURA S.,9 dau. of Milo8 (4123), b. 6 Oct., 1841; m. 1 Jan., 1867, Ira Day Harroun, b. in Spencerport, N. Y., 22 Oct., 1840, son of Oliver Harroun, b. 16 Apr., 1805, and Jane Cooper Day, b. 22 June, 1816.
He was a farmer; a Presbyterian; served in Co. B, One Hundred and Eighth New York Volunteers, as a private; enlisted 23 July, 1862; was dis­charged 13 Mar., 1865; res. in Spencerport.
Children, b. in Ogden, N. Y.
16280 Etta Mary Harroun,10 b. 27 Oct., 1867; is unm.
16281 Frank Marble Harroun,10 b. 11 June, 1873; res., unm., in Spencerport.

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9531.   SILAS FARNSWORTH,9 son of Horace8 (4125), b. ______; m. 11 Jan., 1847, India Maria Marsh, b. 25 Nov., 1826, dau. of Elijah Marsh and Rachel _______.
Child, b. in Owosso, Mich.
16282 Jennie Lee,10 b. 26 Sept., 1854.

9536.   MOSES EMERY,9 son of Freeman Tracy8 (4130), b. in Canandaigua, N. Y., 8 July, 1836; m. (1) July, 1859, Elizabeth Frances Dillon, b. 13 Dec., 1836.
She d. in St. Catharines, Canada, 3 May, 1880; he m. (2) in St. Catharines, Anna F. Kottmeier, b. in Hamburg, Germany, dau. of William Kottmeier, b. Apr., 1801.
For more than twenty-five years he was express agent in St. Catharines, to which place he had rem. from Rochester, N. Y., in May, 1861.
Children, last four b. in St. Catharines.
16283 John Freeman,10 b. in Rochester, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1861; m. Sarah Eliza­beth Scott.
16284 Lillian Bronson,10 b. 1 Feb., 1864; m. in St. Catharines, 3 Oct., 1894, W. R. Perkins.
16285 Julia Frank,10 b. 20 Nov., 1866; m. Joseph Henry Howell.
16286 Harriet McCauley,10 b. 14 Aug., 1869; m. Apr. or May, 1898, Henry Hall; res. in Warsaw, Wis.
16287 Maude Elizabeth,10 b. 18 Mar., 1874; res. unm., in St. Catharines.

9541.   HESTER ANN ROGERS,9 dau. of Freeman Tracy8 (4130), b. in Buf­falo, N. Y., 12 Sept., 1854; m. as his second wife, in Buffalo, 14 Feb., 1884, Wil­liam Daniels, b. in Niagara Falls, N. Y., 15 Aug., 1853, son of James Daniels and Ann Grant.
He was with the Union steamboat line; res. in Buffalo; is a Presbyterian.
16288 Vincent Sidney Daniels,10 b. 25 Dec., 1884.

9543.   JULIA FRANCES,9 dau. of Rev. Israel Herrick8 (4132), b. in Perry; N. Y., 3 July, 1845; m. in Macedon Center, N. Y., as his second wife, 12 June; 1873, John Henry Mandeville, b. in Saugerties, N. Y., 4 Feb., 1836, son of Ed­ward R. Mandeville, b. Jan., 1815, and Helen Bronk, b. 19 June, 1818.
He d. in Chicago, 28 Dec., 1879; after his death she res. in Macedon Center.
He was a baker and confectioner; res. in Chicago; was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; a Republican.
Children, b. in Chicago.
16289 Mary Ella Mandeville,10 b. 25 Dec., 1874.
16290 Harriet Rand Mandeville,10 b. 22 Oct., 1876.

9545.   JULIUS FRANKLIN,9 son of Julius C.8 (4134), b. in Buffalo, N. Y., 1 July, 1850; m. in Elba, N. Y., 3 July, 1873, Libbie King, b. in Le Roy, N. Y., 9 July, 1853, dau. of Merrett King, b. in Bennington, Vt., 1796, and Maria _______, b. in Onondaga, N. Y.
She d. in West Branch, Ia., 27 Aug., 1881; he d. in Kenton, Tenn., 18 May, 1890.
He was a painter; later a dentist.

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Children, first three b. in Le Roy.
16291 Ruth Hannah,10 b. 31 Aug., 1874; m. in Chicago, 1900, George Dan­forth; res. in Chicago; has no children.
16292 Benjamin W.,10 b. 28 July, 1876; res., unm., in Chicago.
16293 Lillian Pearl,10 b. 13 Dec., 1878; m. in Rochester, N. Y., 6 Oct., 1894, William Nelson Cassada, b. in Troy, Canada, 18 Oct., 1868, son of Isaac Cassada and Mary Ann Hull; res. in Pavilion, N. Y.; had no children, but an adopted dau., Lillian Gladys, b. 27 Nov., 1901.
16294 Arthur Franklin,10 b. in West Branch, Ia., 15 July, 1880; res. in Le Roy; d. unm., in Denver, Col., 17 Nov., 1897.

9566.   MARY ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Dexter8 (4144), b. in Montague, Mass, 14 Man, 1844; m. in Leverett, Mass, 11 Apr., 1863, Dwight Graves, b. in Otselic, N. Y., 7 Jan., 1839, son of Fortin Graves, b. 1802, and Louisa Russell, of Hims­dale, Mass., b. 1805.
He d. in Amherst, Mass., 9 Apr., 1897, as the result of an accident, 3 Apr.
He was a manufacturer of doors, sash and blinds; a Congregationalist and a Republican; she res. in Amherst.
Child, b. and d. in Amherst.
16295 Mattie Elizabeth Graves,10 b. 8 May, 1868; d. 5 Sept., 1868.

9587.   GEORGE EDWIN,9 son of Edwin Colwell8 (4150), b. in Shutesbury, Mass., 6 Mar., 1850; m. 13 Jan., 1876, Louisa Babbatz, of Oshkosh, Wis., b. in Oshkosh, 22 Sept., 1852.
Children, b. in Oshkosh.
16296 Edwin Colwell,10 b. 3 Mar., 1877.
16297 Emily Adelinda,10 b. 9 July, 1880.
16298 Olive Agnes,10 b. 25 Apr., 1884; d. 27 Dec., 1884.

9589.   OLIVE COLWELL,9 dau. of Edwin Colwell8 (4150), b. in Shutesbury, Mass., 23 Jan., 1855; m. in Oshkosh, Wis, 11 Feb., 1880, Arthur Wellington Hudson, of Silverton, Col., b. 10 Mar., 1850, son of John Hudson, b. 21 Dec., 1809, and Lydia Elvira Jones, b. 12 Aug., 1824.
He is a lawyer; res. in Kansas City, Mo.; later in Emma, Tex.
16299 Charles Kellogg Hudson,10 b. in Kansas City, Mo., 4 Dec., 1892.

9590.   NANNIE MARIA,9 dau. of Edwin Colwell8 (4150), b. in Oshkosh, Wis., 5 Dec., 1866; m. 17 Oct., 1894, Arthur Hugh Richards, b. 23 July, 1863.
She d. 19 Jan., 1896; after her death he res. in El Paso, Tex.
16300 Arthur Hugh Richards,10 b. in El Paso, 6 Sept., 1895.

9605.   LORENZO MARTIN,9 son of Lorenzo8 (4164), b. in Hadley, Mass., 17 Feb., 1830; m. 7 Jan., 1857, Mary McKivegan, b. 23 Aug., 1835.
She d. 14 May, 1868; he m. (2) in Rock Prairie, Wis., 24 Aug., 1870, Joanna Airis, b. in Scotland, 20 July, 1834, dau. of George Airis, of Scotland and Wis-

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consin, b. 1807, and Mary Ann Smith, b. 1810. He is a retired merchant and banker; res. in Los Angeles, Cal.
Child by first wife.
16301 Fannie,10 b. in Stoughton, Wis., 10 Nov., 1865; m. Clement Henry Deur.
Child by second wife.
16302 George A.,10 b. in Missouri Valley, Ia., 19 May, 1872; m. 10 Apr., 1901, Ruth E. Noyes; res. in Missouri Valley; had no children.

9608.   SARAH JANE,9 dau. of Stillman8 (4165), b. in Hadley, Mass., 3 Feb., 1842; m. in Faribault, Minn., 4 Oct., 1866, Clover George Irvine, b. in Franklin Co., Pa., 14 July, 1843, son of George Irvine, b. 10 Apr., 1815, and Malissa Lower, b. 21 June, 1819.
He is general agent of the American Express Company in St. Paul, Minn; served in the civil war as drummer in Co. H, Tenth Minnesota Volunteers, July, 1862, to July, 1865; is a Congregationalist and a Republican.
16303 Henry Kellogg Irwine,10 b. in Hadley, 24 Sept., 1867; m. Maggie Ger­strung; res. in St. Paul; she d. ______.
16304 Clover George Irvine, Jr.,10 b. in St. Paul, 14 June, 1879; is unm.

9610.   EDWARD PAYSON,9 son of Stillman8 (4165), b. in Hadley, Mass., 29 Jan., 1848; m. in North Hadley, 29 Oct., 1879, Mary Louisa Fales, b. 9 Aug., 1861, dau. of Henry Fales, b. 7 Aug., 1833, and Sarah Spear, b. 29 Dec., 1832.
He d. in Amherst, Mass., 27 Nov., 1895; after his death she res. in Amherst.
He was a farmer; res. in Amherst.
16305 Walter Edward,10 b. in Hadley, 11 Aug., 1880.
16306 Henry Clifton,10 b. in Amherst, 8 June, 1884.
16307 Dwight Winfred,10 b. in Amherst, 10 May, 1887.

9613.   FREDERICK DWIGHT,9 son of Stillman8 (4165), b. in Hadley, Mass., 20 July, 1855; m. in Amherst, Mass., 14 Sept., 1880, Harriet Whipple Phillips, b. in Buckland, Mass, 4 Apr., 1859, dau. of Augustine Washington Phillips and Maria Nutting.
He is a farmer; res. in Amherst; B. A., Amherst College, 1879.
16308 Philip Frederick,10 b. in Hadley, 20 Nov., 1882; d. 16 Apr., 1900.
16309 Neil Hastings,10 b. in Hadley, 25 Feb., 1885.
16310 Ruth Sybil,10 b. in Amherst, 24 Aug., 1890.
16311 Ralph Stillman,10 b. in Amherst, 24 Aug., 1890; d. 27 Sept., 1890.

9623.   JANE MARILLA,9 dau. of Martin Alexis8 (4172), b. 28 Apr., 1830; m. (1) in Philadelphia, Pa., 26 June, 1851, Alexander Osbourn, b. in London, England.
He d. 15 Apr., 1859; was a merchant in Philadelphia; she m. (2) as his second wife, 27 Feb., 1861, Matthew Wilson, b. in England, 17 July, 1814, son of

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Abraham Wilson and Susan Kemp; he d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 23 Feb., 1892; was an artist, a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Brooklyn.
Child by first husband.
16312 Norman Alexander Osbourn,10 b. in Philadelphia, 3 May, 1852; d. 3 May, 1856; was buried in Laurel Hill Cemetery.
Child by second husband.
16313 Francis Alexis Wilson,10 b. 24 Oct., 1865; m. in Brooklyn, Apr., 1894, Emma Ketcham; res. in Brooklyn.

9624.   LAVINIA MARGARET,9 dau. of Martin Alexis8 (4172), b. 24 June, 1833; m. (1) in Philadelphia, 6 Dec., 1854, Norman Lee Hart, b. 2 Feb., 1826, son of Deacon Norman Hart, of New Britain, Conn., b. 5 Aug., 1794, and Min­erva Lee, b. 22 Apr., 1798.
He d. in Philadelphia, 6 Jan., 1876; was engaged in the mercantile business in Philadelphia; was a benevolent man; contributed $10,000 to build the Central Plymouth Church of that city, besides the aid he gave to the First Church of his native town; was a Congregationalist and a Republican; she m. (2) in Philadel­phia, 9 May, 1878, Samuel Winchester, b. 1828; d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 7 May, 1887; he d. 13 Nov., 1893, aged 65.
Children, b. in Philadelphia.
16314 Marilla Mellen Hart,10 b. 31 Jan., 1858; m. Frederick McDowell; res. in Newark, N. J.; had two children.
16315 Norman Elwood Hart,10 b. 21 Jan., 1861; res., unm., in Brooklyn.

9627.   CHRISTINE LOUISE,9 dau. of Martin Alexis8 (4172), b. in Hartford, Conn., 4 Dec., 1842; m. (1) in Brooklyn, N. Y., 18 June, 1864, Joseph Gibbs Jones, of Philadelphia, Pa., b. in Hanover, N. J., 29 June, 1834, son of Richard Jones, b. 22 Feb., 1812, and Susan Ellis Gibbs, b. 9 May, 1814.
He d. ______; she m. (2) in Newton, Mass., Henry Lewis Gregg, b. in An­dover, Me., 3 Jan., 1838, son of Silas Dinsmore Gregg, b. 1806 (son of Rev. Wil­liam Gregg, of Cape Elizabeth, Me.), and Eliza Jane Miltimore, dau. of Rev. Wil­liam Miltimore, b. in Falmouth, Me., 1810; he is a member of the Society of Friends; a Republican; is a mining engineer and an iron furnace manager; res. in Philadelphia, New York, Brooklyn and Hudson; she d. in Hudson, 12 Aug., 1889; is buried in Lake George, N. Y.
16316 Walter Jones,10 b. 24 Apr., 1866; d. 28 Oct., same year.

9628.   DR EDWARD WILBERFORCE,9 son of Bela Crocker8 (4173), b. in Avon, Conn., 29 Nov., 1840; m. 7 Mar., 1867, Hilah Ann Dart, b. 22 Jan., 1845, dau. of Giles Dart, b. 5 Nov., 1800, and Matilda Belden, b. 2 Sept., 1808, both of New London, Conn.
He is a homeopathic physician; res. in Hartford, Conn.; served three years and took the medical degree in 1867; practiced in Southington, Conn., until 1871, and since that time in Hartford.
16317 Edward Russell,10 b. in Southington, 8 July, 1869; m. Esther Allyn.

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16318 Arthur Bartlett,10 b. in Hartford, 13 Feb., 1872; m. 12 Oct., 1898, Corrie Belle Venable, b. in Atlanta, Ga., 29 Oct., 1877, dau. of former Lieut.-Gov. William Hoyt Venable, b. 23 Apr., 1853, and Sarah Annie Miller, b. in La Grange, Ga., 11 Jan., 1857.
16319 Robert Belden,10 b. in Hartford, 13 May, 1884.

9630.   CHARLES ALEXIS,9 son of Bela Crocker8 (417 3), b. in Avon, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1844; m. in Warsaw, N. Y., 4 May, 1870, Minerva Humphrey, dau. of Lester Hayden Humphrey and Hannah Blakely.
He res. in Warsaw, N. Y., and in 1899 in Carthage, Mo.; served in Col, Joseph R. Hawley's Reg., Seventh Connecticut Volunteers; enlisted in Co. A, 20 Aug., 1861; was discharged for disability, 11 Jan., 1862.
16320 Carl,10 b. in Mitchellville, Ia., 7 Mar., 1871; d. in Warsaw, 29 May, 1873.
16321 Herbert Humphrey,10 b. in Warsaw, 14 Sept., 1872.
16322 Charles Alexis,10 b. in Warsaw, 5 Sept., 1878.
16323 Mary Bartlett,10 b. in Warsaw, 26 Sept., 1879.

9633.   MARY LOUISE,9 dau. of Bela Crocker8 (4173), b. in Avon, Conn., 26 July, 1851; m. in Avon, 24 Feb., 1875, Yung Wing, b. in China, 17 Nov., 1828.
She d. in Hartford, Conn., 29 May, 1886.
He was graduated from Yale College in the class of 1854, and was the orig­inator of the great scheme by which one hundred and twenty Chinese youths have been sent to this country for a period of fifteen years to be thoroughly educated in our colleges and scientific schools. He was, in 1875 “Chinese Educational Com­missioner to America.” In 1876 Minister Plenipotentiary from China to the United States, Spain and Peru; is a Congregationalist and Republican.
16324 Morrison Brown Yung,10 b. in Avon, 10 June, 1876.
16325 Bartlett Golden Yung,10 b. in Washington, D. C., 23 Jan., 1879.

9634.   WILLIAM HENRY,9 son of Bela Crocker8 (4173), b. in Avon, Conn. 28 July, 1853; m. in Hartford, Conn., Apr., 1877, Isabel Chapman, b. 20 June, 1854.
He is an insurance clerk, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Hart­ford.
Children, b. in Hartford.
16326 Evelyn Frances,10 b. 14 Nov., 1882.
16327 Richard Bela,10 b. 30 July, 1885.

9635.   DR. FRANCIS BARTLETT,9 son of Bela Crocker8 (4173), b. in Avon, Conn., 20 Sept., 1855; m. 28 Aug., 1889, Elizabeth Brockett, b. in New Haven, Conn., 20 Jan., 1864, dau. of John Brockett, of New Haven, b. Jan., 1829, Mary Tuttle, b. 9 Dec., 1828.
He is an oculist and aurist; res. in Tacoma, Wash., and later in Los An­geles, Cal.; was graduated from Yale College, 1883, Medical Department, 1886.
16328 Sanford Brockett,10 b. 21 Mar., 1896.

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9646.   ELLEN ELIZA,9 dau. of Lyman8 (4196), b. in North Amherst, Mass., 25 Sept., 1833; m. in Amherst, as his second Wife, 7 Sept., 1859, Rev. George Elisha Fisher, b. 22 Jan., 1823, son of Rev. George Fisher, of Harvard, Mass., b. 7 Nov., 1796, and Mary Hall Fiske, b. 9 Nov., 1801.
He was graduated from Amherst College; began preaching in May, 1849; has had charge of the following Congregational churches: Rutland, Mass., three years; North Amherst, Mass., six years; Mason Village, N. H., three years; Ash­burnham, Mass., six years; South Hadley Falls, twelve years; East Amherst, Mass., six years, and Leverett, Mass., eleven years; res. in North Amherst, re­tired from active service in the ministry.
16329 Harriet Holt Fisher,10 b. 22 May, 1861; d. 27 July, 1861.
16330 Alice Belle Fisher,10 b. 25 Feb., 1864; d. 14 Sept., 1865.
16331 George Lyman Fisher,10 b. 18 June, 1869; d. 27 July, 1870.
16332 Nellie Kellogg Fisher,10 b. 14 Jan., 1874; d. 25 Dec., 1886.

9653.   MARY JANETTE,9 dau. of Sanford Wells8 (4202), b. in Amherst, Mass., 23 Oct., 1851; m. in Waukegan, Ill., 22 Jan., 1874, Thomas Henry Lind­say, b. in Dublin, Ireland, 22 Mar., 1846, son of Charles Lindsay, b. 13 June, 1819, and Sarah Morgan, b. June, 1815.
He is a merchant tailor, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Waukegan.
Children, b. in Waukegan.
16333 Sanford William Lindsay,10 b. 25 Oct., 1874; is unm.
16334 Charles Kellogg Lindsay,10 b. 31 Dec., 1878; is unm.
16335 Thomas Henry Lindsay,10 b. 31 Dec., 1878; d. 14 Jan., 1879.
16336 Raymond James Lindsay,10 b. 2 Dec., 1881; is unm.
16337 Thomas Harold Lindsay,10 b. 30 May, 1891.

9654.   WILLIAM EDWARD,9 son of Sanford Wells8 (4202), b. in Amherst, Mass., 1 June, 1855; m. 9 June, 1882, Gertrude May Hutchinson, b. in Wauke­gan, Ill., 22 Feb., 1857, dau. of Henry Clinton Hutchinson, b. 5 Apr., 1825, and Julia Eleanor Sherman, b. 25 Oct., 1829.
He res. in De Pere, Wis.
16338 Rufus Henry,10 b. 13 Dec., 1889.
16339 Anna,10 b. 22 Jan., 1893.

9671.   ADA FRANCES,9 dau. of Amos Ransom8 (4234), b. in Arlington, Mich., 25 Sept., 1847; m. 25 Aug., 1881, Dr. Flavius Josephus Groner, b. in Richmond, Pa., 8 Aug., 1849, son of Jacob Groner, b. 1818, and Sophia Mack, b. 1825.
She d. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 7 Mar., 1901.
He is a physician and surgeon; res. in Grand Rapids; was graduated from Michigan Agricultural College, 1874, and from the Medical Department of Mich­igan University; is a Republican.
16340 Florence Kellogg Groner,10 b. in Big Rapids, Mich., 15 Dec., 1883.
16341 Lewis Kellogg Groner,10 b. 11 Aug., 1887.

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9673.   AMOS RANSOM,9 son of Amos Ransom8 (4234), b. in Park, Mich., 22 Mar., 1863; m. in Park, 5 Jan., 1893, Isadore Inez Deats, b. in Park, 8 July, 1871, dau. of Grantham Deats, b. 10 Sept., 1820, and Thurza Mack, b. 11 Apr., 1830.
He d. in Park, 22 Sept., 1895; she res. in Mint, Mich.
He was a farmer and a Republican; res. in Park.
16342 Amos Ransom,10 b. in Park, 22 Feb., 1894; d. 12 Apr., same year.

9674.   ORSON HOPPIN,9 son of Amos Ransom8 (4234), b. in Parkville, Mich., 18 Mar., 1867; m. in Mendon, Mich., 8 Oct., 1896, Verna Embley, b. in Mendon, 31 May, 1874, dau. of David William Embley, b. in New Windsor, N. Y., 25 May, 1839, and Sarah Eliza Barnabee, b. in Ionia, Mich., 5 July, 1844.
He is a farmer; res. in Parkville; is a Republican.
16343 Frances Embley,10 b. in Park, 4 Aug., 1897.
16344 David Embley,10 b. in Mendon, 14 July, 1899.

9692.   ELIZA,9 dau. of Hiram8 (4239), b. in York, Mich., 24 Apr., 1845; m. in Saline, Mich., 6 Apr., 1864, Maj. Seymour Howell, b. in England, 12 Aug., 1841, son of James Howell and Amelia Franklin.
He is a paymaster in the United States Army; served in the civil war as Second Lieut., First Lieut., Capt. and Maj. of the Sixth Michigan Heavy Artil­lery; res. in Adrian, Mich., later in Chicago.
16345 Maude Amelia Howell,10 b. in Sharon, Mich., 2 Sept., 1866; m. in Adrian, 23 May, 1886, Howard Thorne Taylor; res. in Adrian; had two children.

9693.   ERMINA,9 dau. of Hiram8 (4239), b. in Saline, Mich., 29 July, 1845; m. in Genoa, Mich., 12 Nov., 1867, Dr. Giles B. Allen, son of John Allen, of Lodi, Mich.
He is a physician and a Republican; res. in Charlotte, Mich.; is a graduate of the Ann Arbor University; served in the civil war as a private in the Sixth Michigan Infantry; was transferred to First Heavy Artillery.
Children, last three b. in Charlotte.
16346 Jessie Mae Allen,10 b. in Norwell, Mich., 26 July, 1868; m. in Char­lotte, 23 Sept., 1891, Samuel J. North.
16347 Winifred B. Allen,10 b. 24 Apr., 1871; m. Claude Delamater.
16348 John Max Allen,10 b. 1 Dec., 1883.
16349 Lola Marie Allen,10 b. 24 July, 1885.

9695.   WILLARD SHAW,9 son of Hiram8 (4239), b. in Genoa, Mich., 19 July, 1856; m. in Oceola, Mich., 18 Apr., 1878, Flora Maria Legg, b. in East Douglas, Mass., 1 May, 1856, dau. of Nathan Francis Legg, b. 22 Feb., 1837; and Anna Ballason Snell, b. 20 Aug., 1830.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Howell, Mich.
Children, b. in Genoa.
16350 Willard Keith,10 b. 20 Mar., 1879; d. in Genoa, 21 Dec., 1880.

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16351 Frances Marie,10 b. 15 Feb., 1880.
16352 Seymour Shaw,10 b. 29 Oct., 1882.
16353 Anna Belle,10 b. 17 Feb., 1887.
16354 Claude Hiram,10 b. 16 Apr., 1889; d. 2 Nov., 1891.
16355 Emily Martha,10 b. 16 Apr., 1889.
16356 Wealtha Eliza,10 b. 28 Nov., 1891.
16357 Minnie Elizabeth,10 b. 29 Aug., 1894.

9696.   MARY ELIZA,9 dau. of David8 (4240), b. in Oceola, Mich., 26 Nov., 1844; m. in Brighton, Mich., 19 Dec., 1865, William Bradley Whitehead, b. in Hartland, Mich., 12 Jan., 1846, son of George Whitehead, b. 22 June, 1819, and Martha Bradley, of New York, b. 3 Feb., 1828.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Brighton.
Children, all except second b. in Genoa.
16358 Evelyn Whitehead,10 b. 15 Oct., 1866; m. in Genoa, 23 Oct., 1890, God­frey W. Kurkowsky; res. in Howell, Mich.; had one son.
16359 Hattie Eliza Whitehead,10 b. in Oceola, 2 Dec., 1868; m. in Genoa, 9 Jan., 1895, George Steinecker; res. in Genoa; had two children.
16360 Alden David Whitehead,10 b. 31 July, 1872.
16361 Edith May Whitehead,10 b. 5 Sept., 1877.

9697.   HARRIET,9 dau. of David8 (4240), b. in Genoa, Mich., 9 Mar., 1847; m. in Howell, Mich., 1 Feb., 1867, Gilbert Bradley, b. in Hartland, Mich., 29 Sept., 1846, son of Orlando Bradley, b. 2 Feb., 1810, and Prudence Hathaway, b. 22 June, 1809, of Hartland.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Brighton, Mich.
16362 Egbert Kellogg Bradley,10 b. in Hartland, 14 Apr., 1870; d. in Genoa, 24 Nov., 1871.
16363 Nina Mabel Bradley,10 b. 6 June, 1873; m. in Brighton, 30 Oct., 1895, William John Wilson; res. in Hartland.
16364 Lillian Grace Bradley,10 b. 11 Feb., 1878; m. in Brighton, 18 May, 1898, Ross Hicks; res. in Brighton.

9699.   MARTHA,9 dau. of David8 (4240), b. in Genoa, Mich., 14 Mar., 1856; m. in Genoa, 15 Dec., 1887, Eugene B. Furman, b. in Novi, Mich., 5 Apr., 1856, son of Mark Furman, by 2 Feb., 1821, and Electa J. Oyshterbanks, b. in Rock­land Co., N. Y., 1 June, 1829.
He is a farmer, a Baptist and a Republican; res. in Wixom, Mich.
Children, b. in Novi.
16365 Hazel Kellogg Furman,10 b. 17 Nov., 1888.
16366 Hilda Marie Furman,10 b. 30 Mar., 1891.

9700.   GEORGE AMONS,9 son of David8 (4240), b. in Genoa, Mich., 7 June, 1858, in Oceola, Mich.; m. 29 Nov., 1888, Emma Brainerd, b. in Millington, Mich., 16 July, 1858, dau. of Edwin Brainerd and Martha Haines, of Hartland, Mich.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Howell, Mich.

1362    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Genoa.
16367 Harry David,10 b. 26 Nov., 1889.
16368 Russell Edwin,10 b. 27 Mar., 1892.
16369 Arthur Erastus,10 b. 23 Feb., 1897.

9701.   EMMA,9 dau. of David8 (4240), b. in Genoa, Mich., 14 Feb., 1862; m. in Genoa, 22 Feb., 1881, Charles H. Newman, b. in Plymouth, Mich., 1 Nov., 1857, son of Hiram Newman and Rachel Bogert.
He is a meat cutter; res. in Brighton, Mich.
Children, b. in Brighton.
16370 Ethel Belle Newman,10 b. 14 Sept., 1885.
16371 Melvin Eugene Newman,10 b. 21 Oct., 1895; d. 30 Nov., same year.

9706.   WEALTHY ALIDA,9 dau. of Ebenezer8 (4242), b. in Oceola, Mich., 23 Oct., 1849; m. in Howell, Mich., 22 Feb., 1870, John Amos Browning, b. in Oceola, 20 Sept., 1848, son of Edward Browning, b. 6 Aug., 1821, and Helen Beebe, b. 18 Feb., 1826.
He is a farmer; res. in Howell.
Children, b. in Oceola.
16372 Ellietta Browning,10 b. 5 May, 1873.
16373 Fred Edward Browning,10 b. 17 May, 1875; m. in Howell, 19 Aug., 1899, Georgea Burton; res. in Howell.

9710.   CHARLES EDWARD,9 son of Ebenezer8 (4242), b. in Oceola, Mich., 4 Sept., 1858; m. in Howell, Mich., 11 Nov., 1880, Julia Adelle Beebe, b. in Oceola, 25 July, 1859, dau. of Daniel Beebe and Julia E. Kirk, of Hartland, Mich., b. 10 Feb., 1839.
He is a farmer; res. in Jack Pine, Mich.
16374 Harry J.,10 b. in South Branch, Mich., 10 Sept., 1892.

9720.   ADA LOUISE,9 dau. of Elijah Ellis8 (4245), b. in Ypsilanti, Mich., 31 May, 1860; m. in Ann Arbor, Mich., James Clyde Critchett, b. in Ann Arbor, 25 Oct., 1862, son of Judge Otis Adams Critchett, b. 30 Nov., 1838, and Anna Giuletta Warner, b. in Monroe, Mich., 20 Oct., 1836.
He is a customs inspector; res. in Clint, Tex.; was a student in the Uni­versity of Michigan, Lit., three years, but did not graduate; student in a law school one year.
16375 Ruth Anna Critchett,10 b. in Juarez, Mex., 25 Dec., 1891.
Children, b. in Clint.
16376 Helen Louise Critchett,10 b. 4 Feb., 1895 5 d. in Clint, 18 Dec., 1898.
16377 Ethel May Critchett,10 b. 27 Nov., 1896.
16378 Marion Critchett,10 b. 10 June, 1899; d. in El Paso, Tex.; 14 Sept., 1899.

9722.   JESSIE,9 dau. of Elijah Ellis8 (4245), b. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 1872; m. in Clint, Tex, 14 July, 1890, William H. Kinnon, b. in Winona, Minn., 2

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Nov., 1865, son of William Mathew Kinnon, b. in France, 1836, and Margaret Anna Wohlwend, b. in Switzerland, 1843.
He is a mining engineer and a metallurgist; res. in Pictou, Nova Scotia.
16379 Margaret Anna Kirmon,10 b. in Laredo, Tex., 8 June, 1892.

9745.   IDA BELLE,9 dau. of Francis8 (4270), b. in South Avon, N. Y., 18 Feb., 1855; m. (1) in South Avon, 10 Nov., 1875, Walter Thomas Howard, b. in Geneseo, N. Y., 7 May, 1852, son of Henry Walter Howard, b. 8 Feb., 1825, and Martha Coverdale, b. 3 July, 1827.
He d. in Geneseo, 21 June, 1885; was a lawyer; res. in Geneseo; a Meth­odist; she m. (2) 12 Feb., 1890, Hiram Wilfred Pardee, of Rochester, N. Y.; res. in Charlotte. N. Y.
16380 Jessie Belle Howard,10 b. in Geneseo, 10 Apr., 1877; m. in Charlotte, 4 Dec., 1900, Carl Nelson Steitz, of Rochester, where they res.

9746.   EDNA VIOLA,9 dau. of Francis8 (4270), b. in South Avon, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1860; m. in South Avon, 12 June, 1878, Charles Marvin Church, b. in New York City, 23 Oct., 1852, son of Charles Marvin Church, b. 26 Feb., 1813, and Susannah Skillman, of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. 25 Dec., 1814.
He is a clothing merchant, an Episcopalian and a Republican; res. in Plain­field, N. J.
16381 Francis Kellogg Church,10 b. in Brooklyn, 21 Apr., 1881; d. there, 4 Feb., 1899.
16382 Charles Marvin Church,10 b. in South Avon, 20 June, 1883.
16383 Leonard Skillman Church,10 b. in Brooklyn, 15 June, 1895.

9747.   MINNIE EMOGENE,9 dau. of Francis8 (4270), b. in South Avon, N. Y., 13 Dec., 1862 , m. in Avon, 14 Oct., 1885, Frederick Harvey Rose, b. in Geneseo, N. Y., 29 Dec., 1862, son of Harvey Rose, b. 17 May, 1835, and Clarissa Griswold, b. 19 Mar., 1835.
He is an electrician, a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Avon.
16384 Frederick Francis Harvey Rose,10 b. in Avon, 22 July, 1892.

9748.   JOHN FRANCIS,9 son of Francis8 (4270), b. in South Avon, N. Y., 4 Sept., 1871; m. in Avon, 15 June, 1898, Katherine Benjamin Washburn, b. in South Livermore, Me., 8 Nov., 1876, dau. of Samuel Benjamin Washburn, b. 1 Jan., 1824, and Adelia Brown Reade, of Lewiston, Me., b. 21 Sept., 1846.
He was educated in the Genesee State Normal School and in the Roger's Business University of Rochester, N. Y.; is a banker, a Presbyterian and a Re­publican; res. in Avon.
16385 John Francis,10 b. in Avon, 28 Oct., 1900.

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9750.   MARY,9 dau. of Charles8 (4273), b. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 4 Oct., 1858, m. 15 Sept., 1887, William Henry Andrews, b. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 5 Aug., 1860, son of Joseph Andrews and Mary Ann Pealt.
He is a traveling salesman; res. in Grand Rapids.
16386 Francis Harold Andrews,10 b. 15 Dec., 1890.
16387 Inez Mary Andrews,10 b. 15 June, 1892.
16388 Charles Hurde Andrews,10 b. 10 Nov., 1893.

9752.   JOHN,9 son of Stephen Titus8 (4275), b. in Vergennes, Mich., 24 Sept., 1860; m. in Vergennes, 12 Feb., 1890, Mrs. Della Sayles.
He is in the fruit raising business; res. in Lowell, Mich.
16389 Paul,10 b. in Lowell, 24 Sept., 1897.

9765.   EMILY,9 dau. of William8 (4313), b. in Auburn, Pa., 25 Sept., 1817; m. in Elk Lake, Pa., 18 Aug., 1842, Orrin Frink Fargo, b. in Elk Lake, 13 Apr., 1820, son of Elisha Fargo and Alice Lathrop, of Elk Lake.
He d. in Binghamton, N. Y., 26 July, 1893.
He was a painter, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Elk Lake and Bing­hamton.
16390 Lucetta Medora Fargo,10 b. in Elk Lake, 7 Mar., 1849; m. in Bing­hamton, 27 July, 1876, Amos Gates; res. in Binghamton.

9766.   JONATHAN,9 son of William8 (4313), b. in Russell Hill, Pa., 1 Jan., 1820; m. in Elk Lake, Pa., Lorinda Lathrop, b. 9 May, 1827, dau. of Walter Lathrop and Polly Heart.
He d. in Elk Lake, 8 Jan., 1898.
He was a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Elk Lake.
Children, b. in Elk Lake.
16391 Charles,10 b. 15 Sept., 1852; d. 23 Aug., 1863.
16392 Mary Eliza,10 b. 29 July, 1854; m. William James Broadhead.

9767.   ZIBA SMITH,9 son of William8 (4313), b. 27 Apr., 1823; m. in Tunk­hannock, Pa., 16 July, 1848, Rosanna Lott, b. 4 Nov., 1820, dau. of Stephen Lott, b. 20 Aug., 1783, and Betsey Ellis, b. 19 Feb., 1787.
He d. in Chicago, Ill., 12 Mar., 1890; she d. there, 28 Mar., 1897.
They res. in Hutchinson, Kas.
16393 Mary Elizabeth,10 b. in Bethany, Pa., 19 May, 1849; m. Benjamin Franklin Bender.
16394 James Willis,10 b. in Albany, Ill., 31 Mar., 1860; m. Mary Nevin Reigart.
16395 Frank Gibson,10 b. in Carroll Co., m., 14 Jan., 1863; m. Dora Zink.

9768.   WILLIAM ALDEN,9 son of William8 (4313), b. in Auburn; Pa., 23 Aug., 1827; m. in Dimock, Pa., 11 Feb., 1852, Sarah Jane Wells, b. in Bridge-

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water, Pa., 15 July, 1833, dau. of William Sterling Wells, b. 20 Oct., 1808, and Sophia Bard, b. 12 Sept., 1811.
He d. in Scranton, Pa., 15 Aug., 1899.
He was a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Scranton, where he was a contractor.
Children, b. in Dimock.
16396 Charlie Wells,10 b. 12 Feb., 1854; d. in Dimock, 6 Jan., 1859.
16397 Frederick Scott,10 b. 23 July, 1856; m. Eva Albina Cora Evangeline Warner.

9769.   FRANK JAMES,9 son of William8 (4313), b. in Luzerne Co., Pa., 18 Sept., 1830; m. in Pittsburg, Pa., 19 Nov., 1864, Catherine Mather, b. in Alli­ance, O., 11 Jan., 1842, dau. of Daniel Mather and Rebecca Barber, of Alliance.
She d. in Topeka, Kas., 17 June, 1894; he is a real estate dealer, a Sweden­borgian and a Prohibitionist; res. in Topeka.
Children, b. in Alliance.
16398 Daniel Preston,10 b. 17 Apr., 1867; m. Emma Luella Smith.
16399 William Lester,10 b. 3 Feb., 1869; res. in Sioux City.

9771.   THOMAS FLOYD,9 son of Tredway8 (4314), b. in Washington, Pa., 2 Sept., 1822; m. (1) 1845, Rhoene Bushnell, b. in Bridgewater, Pa., 1822, dau. of David Bushnell and Tirzah _______.
She d. in Auburn, Pa., 1846; he m. (2) in Auburn, 16 Sept., 1847, Alma Loomis, b. in Essex, Mass., 4 July, 1824, dau. of Jasper Loomis and Sally Choate, of Auburn, b. 1798; d. in Meshoppen, Pa., 28 Dec., 1893; she res. in Spring­ville, Pa.
He was a farmer, a Methodist Episcopalian and a Republican.
Child by first wife.
16400 Armelia Marion,10 b. in Auburn, 12 Apr., 1846; d. 20 Sept., 1869, unm.
Children by second wife, all except last three b. in Meshoppen.
16401 Lucy,10 b. 20 Sept., 1848; m. Albert Alger, b. 18 Nov., 1850; m. Frances Woodbridge.
16402 Tredway,10 b. 18 Nov., 1850; m. Frances Woodbridge.
16403 Lizzie Dodge,10 b. 30 July, 1853; d. unm., in Auburn, 19 Apr., 1885.
16404 Walter,10 b. Apr., 1855; d. 1856.
16405 Rhoene Bushnell,10 b. in Auburn, 17 May, 1860; m. Lyman Bert Luce.
16406 Samantha Safford,10 b. in Auburn, 27 June, 1862; m. in Meshoppen, 1891, Thomas H. Hawke, b. in England, son of Henry F. Hawke, of Tunkhannock, Pa.; he was a stone cutter; a Republican; she d. in Springville, Apr., 1900; he d. in Tunkhannock, 4 Oct., 1901; had no children.
16407 Theodore Sterling,10 b. in Auburn, 10 Mar., 1865; m. Grace Hun­gerford.

9773.   HARRY N.,9 son of Tredway8 (4314), b. in Washington, Pa., 14 Jan., 1825, m. in Meshoppen, Pa., 30 Oct., 1852, Rebekah Gregory, b. in Meshoppen, 25 Dec., 1832, dau. of John Gregory and Sally Sterling.
He is a farmer; res. in Meshoppen; served in the civil war as private in Co. H, One Hundred and Forty-first Reg., Pennsylvania Volunteers; enlisted 18 Jan., 1864; was discharged 3 June, 1865; is a Republican.

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16408 Alma Enarenya,10 b. in Meshoppen, 17 July, 1854; m. in Wyalusing, Pa., 16 Sept., 1885, Thomas M. Davidson; res. in Meshoppen.
16409 Arletta,10 b. in‘Meshoppen, 6 Feb., 1856; m. in Meshoppen, 10 Feb., 1897, W. J. Young; res. in Elk Lake, Pa.
16410 Leslie H.,10 b. ______, in Auburn, Pa.; m. in Meshoppen, 9 Jan., 1891, Eva Corlain; res. in Lake Winola, Pa.
16411 Levi F.,10 b. in Auburn, 28 Mar., 1861; m. in Auburn, 12 Apr., 1898, Katie Daugherty; res. in Auburn.
16412 George A.,10 b. in Auburn, 25 June, 1866; is unm.

9775.   CASANDANA,9 dau. of Tredway8 (4314), b. in Washington, Pa., 7 May, 1832; m. in Auburn, Pa., 4 May, 1856, Norman Passmore Loomis, b. in Spring­ville, Pa., 1830, son of Charles Fox Loomis and Miranda Taylor, of Lynn, Pa.
He d. in Lynn, 28 Sept., 1894.
Children, b. in Lynn.
16413 Charles Fox Loomis,10 b. 7 Feb., 1857; d. in Lynn, 1864.
16414 Arthur Kellogg Loomis,10 b. 7 Sept., 1858; m. in Tunkhannock, Pa., 12 Mar., 1895, Myrtia Evelyn Smith; res. in Lynn.
16415 Hortense Antoinette Loomis,10 b. 6 Apr., 1860; m. in Lynn, 5 Apr., 1877, Fletcher Webster Sheldon; res. in Lynn.

9779.   REV. CHARLES H.,9 son of Martin Voorhies8 (4342), b. 26 June, 1835; m. 3 Oct., 1861, Elizabeth S. Bailey, b. 26 Nov., 1839.
He was rector of St. Paul's Church, Columbus, O. “In 1873 Rev. C. H. Kel­logg became rector and continued until Aug., 1874.”
16416 Charles,10 b. 8 Sept., 1862; d. 22 Dec., same year.
16417 John,10 b. 14 Nov., 1866.
16418 Rolla R.,10 b. 30 Aug., 1868.
16419 Henry,10 b. 20 Sept., 1870.
16420 Charles H.,10 b. 19 July, 1872.

9784.   EDWIN S.,9 son of Silas Cook8 (4343), b. 16 Apr., 1844; m. 19 June, 1865, Kate L. Taylor, of Philadelphia, Pa., dau. of Benjamin Taylor.
He served in the civil war in the Twenty-ninth Reg., New York Volunteers.
16421 Edwin Swift,10 b. 4 Apr., 1866; m. Elsie Vannok.
16422 Arthur M.,10 b. 15 Sept., 1869; d. 22 Feb., 1870.
16423 Walter Eugene,10 b. in Philadelphia, 17 Nov., 1871; res., unm., in Camden, N. J.; is employed in the Richardson & De Long Hook and Eye Factory.

9811.   ADELBERT EVERTON,9 son of Elijah Northam8 (4355), b. in West Halifax, Vt., 15 July, 1848; m. (1) in San Francisco, Cal., 10 June, 1875; Mary A. Haskins, b. in Mt. Gilead, O., dau. of Erastus Haskins and _______ Andrews, of Mt. Gilead.
She d. in San Rafael, Cal., 23 Feb., 1884; he m. (2) in San Rafael; 2 Dec.,

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1885, Amelia Rose Vorrath, b. in New York City, 8 June, 1857, dau. of Andrew Vorrath and Fredericka Rose, b. 24 Man, 1823, of Oakland, Cal.
He was graduated from Tabor, Ia., 1873; is a teacher; a Congregationalist; was Superintendent of Schools in Marin Co., Cal., 1883-87; res. in San Francisco.
Child by first wife.
16424 Maybelle J.,10 b. in Petaluma, Cal., 10 May, 1877.
Children by second wife, b. in San Francisco.
16425 Harold A.,10 b. 22 Sept., 1887.
16426 Ruth N.,10 b. 29 Dec., 1889.
16427 Elfreda E.,10 b. 8 Jan., 1897.
16428 Adelbert E.,10 b. 10 Dec., 1898.

9812.   IDA NAOMI,9 dau. of Elijah Northam8 (4355), b. in Oberlin, O., 6 June, 1858; m. in Santa Rosa, Cal., 15 June, 1878, Charles Edward Simonton, b. in Portland, Me., 17 May, 1842, son of William Henry Simonton and Lydia Ann Randle, of Portland.
He is a wood merchant; served in the civil war; is a Republican; she res. in Oakland, Cal.
16429 Cora May Simonton,10 b. in Guerneville, Cal., 22 Sept., 1879; m. in Santa Rosa, George Melvin Batten; res. in Pine City, Wash.; now res. in California; had one son.
16430 Clarence Preston Simonton,10 b. in Guerneville, 17 June, 1882.
16431 Helen Adell Simonton,10 b. in Santa Rosa, 23 Mar., 1889.

9820.   CHARLES MEDAD,9 son of Charles8 (4360), b. in Granby, Mass., 1 May, 1855; m. in Holyoke, Mass., 23 May, 1882, Anna Jane Bartlett, b. in South Hadley, 7 May, 1857, dau. of Lyman Bartlett, of Granby and South Hadley Falls, b. 30 Mar., 1829, and Jane A. Clark, b. 27 Aug., 1832.
He res. in South Hadley and Holyoke.
16432 Edith Bartlett,10 b. 16 Mar., 1888.

9839.   ELLEN LUCINDA,9 dau. of William Smith8 (4367), b. 2 Oct., 1839; m. 21 Apr., 1858, Samuel Smith, of West Springfield, Mass.
16433 Emily Jerusha Smith,10 b. 28 Oct., 1859.
16434 Jermie Margaret Smith,10 b. 28 Aug., 1861.
16435 George Kellogg Smith,10 b. 18 Feb., 1864.

9840.   JANE ELIZA,9 dau. of William Smith8 (4367), b. 27 Mar., 1843; m. 1 Oct., 1858, William A. Howe.
Child, b. in Greenwich, Conn.
16436 Robert Kellogg Howe,10 b. 19 June, 1871.

9841.   WILLIAM ELDAD,9 son of William Smith8 (4367), b. in South Wind­sor, Conn., 17 Sept., 1845; m. 28 May, 1868, Josephine Electa Strong, b. 30 May, 1842, dau. of Ebenezer Elton Strong, of Bolton, Conn., and Lucy Foster.
He is a farmer; res. in East Windsor; later in West Saticoy, Cal.

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16437 Edith May,10 b. in Greenwich, 1 Mar., 1870; m. J. M. Whitworth; res. in Berkeley, Cal.
16438 Edward Strong,10 b. 5 May, 1872.
16439 Robert Barber,10 b. June, 1874.
16440 Willis L.,10 b. 1876; d. 15 Aug., 1873.
16441 Gertrude E.,10 b. 19 June, 1880.

9844.   MARION ELIZABETH,9 dau. of George Washington8 (4370), b. in Belchertown, Mass., 22 Jan., 1847; m. 21 Dec., 1872, Lyman Payne, b. 31 Oct., 1842, son of Franklin Payne, b. in Portland, Conn., 22 June, 1816, and Almira A. Pelton, b. 30 June, 1818.
She d. in Portland, 16 Nov., 1877; he m. (2) 20 Dec., 1880, Sarah Penfield Clark, b. in Portland, 11 Nov., 1854; he is a dealer in musical instruments; res. in Middletown, Conn.
Children, b. in Portland.
16442 George Kellogg Payne,10 b. 5 Oct., 1873.
16443 Gertrude Augusta Payne,10 b. 25 Aug., 1875.

9846.   GERTRUDE ELIZA,9 dau. of Amos Sterling8 (4375), b. in Philadel­phia, Pa., 4 Feb., 1864; m. 31 Oct., 1888, Hans Krog Juel Beck, b. in Kiel, Den­mark, 23 Dec., 1855.
They res. in Holmesburg, Philadelphia, Pa.
16444 Charles Juel Beck,10 b. 4 Oct., 1891.

9856.   EDWIN DELOS,9 son of Giles Pease8 (4385), b. in Petaluma, Cal, 20 Apr., 1860; m. in San Luis Obispo, Cal., 20 Oct., 1890, Mae Elizabeth Laird, b. in Petaluma, 1 Feb., 1869, dau. of Herbert Spencer Laird, b. 22 Sept., 1836, and Harriet Logan, b. 19 Mar., 1848.
He is a customs inspector; res. in San Francisco, Cal.; is a Republican.
16445 Laird,10 b. in San Francisco, 10 Aug., 1893.

9859.   FRANK FRISBIE,9 son of Giles Pease8 (4385), b. in Petaluma, Cal., 31 Aug., 1866; m. 1 June, 1893, Hannah Catherine Anderson, b. in San Leandro, Cal., 10 Feb., 1874, dau. of Andrew Anderson, b. in Sonderburg, Schleswig, Ger­many, 2 Apr., 1834, and Hannah Marie Iverson, b. in Apenrade, Schleswig, Ger­many, 29 May, 1841.
He res. in Chualar, Cal.
16446 Mildred Dorothy,10 b. 16 Aug., 1894.
16447 Helen Katherine,10 b. 13 Apr., 1897.
16448 Frank Leslie,10 b. 21 Feb., 1900.

9860.   CAROLINE JERUSHA,9 dau. of Giles Pease8 (4385), b. in Vernon, N. Y., 28 Nov., 1868; m. 30 Dec., 1890, Frank M. Dunshee, son of John Dun­shee and Rosina _______.
He d. 26 May, 1897; she res. in Santa Barbara, Cal.

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16449 Bertram Kellogg Dunshee,10 b. 19 Nov., 1891.
16450 Carroll Frances Dunshee,10 b. 15 June, 1895.

9861.   GEORGE EDWIN,9 son of Theodore Pitkin8 (4386), b. in Willoughby, O., 4 Sept., 1854; m. in Sioux City, Ia., 1 Jan., 1889, Lena Marqueson, b. in Copenhagen, Denmark, 20 Apr., 1869.
He is in the insurance business; res. in Des Moines, Ia.
16451 Hazel,10 b. in Sioux City, 13 Nov., 1890.

9863.   WALTER ERWIN,9 son of Theodore Pitkin8 (4386), b. in Dunlap, Ia., 23 Apr., 1861; m. in Logan, Ia., 3 Man, 1886, Lillie May Musgrove, b. 11 July, 1865, dau. of Franklin Newton Musgrove and Hester Ann Phillips.
He is a farmer; res. in Woodbine, Ia.; is a Presbyterian and a Republican.
16452 Karl Musgrove,10 b. in Dunlap, 24 Jan., 1887.
16453 Blanche Grace,10 b. in Dunlap, 23 Feb., 1889.
16454 Harold Erwin,10 b. in Dunlap, 12 Aug., 1890.
16455 Inez May,10 b. in Woodbine, 12 Nov., 1892.
16456 Bertha Altha,10 b. in Woodbine, 4 Oct., 1895.

9864.   CLARENCE WILLIAM,9 son of Theodore Pitkin8 (4386), b. in Dun­lap, Ia., 22 Nov., 1862; m. in Missouri Valley, Ia., 3 June, 1896, Harriet Belle Christman, b. in Hamburg, Ia., 23 July, 1872, dau. of George Frederick Christ­man and Elizabeth Rossiter.
He is a lawyer; res. in Missouri Valley; was graduated from the Iowa State University, 1894; served as County Attorney of Harrison Co., Ia., from Jan., 1895, to Jan., 1897; is a Presbyterian and a Republican.
16457 Park Christman,10 b. in Missouri Valley, 14 Jan., 1899.

9865.   GRACE UNA,9 dau. of Theodore Pitkin8 (4386), b. in Dunlap, Ia., 12 Mar., 1869; m. in Dunlap, 22 June, 1892, Arthur Egbert De Cou, b. in Wood­bine, Ia., 31 Oct., 1870, son of Isaac Austin De Cou, b. 16 Mar., 1841, and Anna Therese White, b. 28 Feb., 1850.
He is a farmer and stock dealer; res. in Dunlap, Ia.
16458 Richard Cary De Cou,10 b. in Woodbine, 7 Apr., 1893.

9866.   HELEN ELIZA,9 dau. of Lorenzo8 (4387), b. in Rockville, Conn., 15 Oct., 1855; m. 24 Oct., 1876, Benjamin Junkin Moore, b. in New Washington, Pa., 16 Mar., 1853.
He is a farmer and stock dealer; res. in Dunlap, Ia.
16459 Clara Lucia Moore,10 b. 21 Sept., 1877; d. 21 Oct., 1878.
16460 Lorenzo Kellogg Moore,10 b. ______.
16461 Alexander Patterson Moore,10 b. 10 July, 1881.

1370    The Kelloggs in the New World.

16462 Anna Helen Moore,10 b. 1 Dec., 1884; d. 22 Dec., same year.
16463 David V. Moore,10 b. 10 Dec., 1886.
16464 Marguerite Webb Moore,10 b. ______.

9867.   CLARA WEBB,9 dau. of Lorenzo8 (4387), b. in Harrison, Ia., 19 June, 1859; m. in Dunlap, Ia., 18 Feb., 1880, Oscar W. Taylor, b. in Fremont, O., 7 Sept., 1849, son of Austin Birchard Taylor, b. 1814, and Delia Anna Pettibone, b. 22 Jan., 1819.
He d. in Dunlap, 17 Aug., 1891.
He was a graduate of Oberlin College; was a hardware merchant; res. in Dunlap.
16465 Mattie Kellogg Taylor,10 b. 19 Feb., 1881; d. 24 July, same year.
16466 Mary Delia Taylor,10 b. 15 May, 1882.
16467 Clara Kellogg Taylor,10 b. 3 June, 1885.
16468 Helen Eliza Taylor,10 b. 15 June, 1887.

9874.   HARRY GILES,9 son of Julius Augustus8 (4389), b. in Hartford, Conn., 31 Aug., 1868; m. 31 Aug., 1892, Georgia Ethelyn Brown, b. in Brew­ster, N. Y., 18 Apr., 1873.
They res. in Boston, where he is connected with the Pennsylvania Coal Com­pany.
Children, all except last b. in Hartford.
16469 Richard Helme,10 b. 10 Aug., 1893; d. 17 Dec., 1894.
16470 Ethelyn Hortense,10 b. 7 Oct., 1894.
16471 Mildred Edythe,10 b. 30 Mar., 1898.
16472 Wilbur Helme,10 b. in Dorchester, Mass., 4 Mar., 1901.

9877.   ELEANOR NASH,9 dau. of Charles Otis8 (4393), b. in Kenwood, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1871; m. in Kenwood, 20 Aug., 1896, Paul Bernard Herrick, b. in Ken­wood, 20 Apr., 1874, son of James Burton Herrick, b. 3 Nov., 1837, and Tirzah Crawford Miller, b. 13 Sept., 1843.
He is in the silk manufacturing business; res. in Kenwood.
16473 Haydn Kellogg Herrick,10 b. 4 Sept., 1897.

9882.   GEORGE LUTHER,9 son of Luther L.8 (4396), b. in Canajoharie, N. Y., 4 Dec., 1839; m. in Williamsburg, Mass., 12 Jan., 1860, Isabelle Celestia Damon, b. in Goshen, Mass., 4 May, 1841, dau. of Mahlon French Damon; of Goshen, b. in North Adams, Mass., 16 Mar., 1816, and Adaline Campbell, b. in Northampton, Mass., 21 Sept., 1816.
He is a farmer; res. in Northampton and later in Goshen; now res. in Strat­ford, Conn.
Children, all except the last, b. in Goshen.
16474 Walter Luther,10 b. 1 Jan., 1863; m. in Bridgeport, Conn., 28 Mar., 1891, Margaret Robinson, b. in New Milford, Conn, 9 Oct., 1866, dau. of John Rutledge Robinson, b. 10 July, 1841, and Margaret Donnelly, of New Milford, b. 23 Dec., 1843; he is a real es­tate broker of Brooklyn, N. Y.; res. in Stratford; has no children.
16475 Harry Mahlon,10 b. 1 Feb., 1871; m. in Springfield, Mass., 19 Sept., 1894, Emma Lucy Boecklin, b. in Springfield, 7 June, 1875, dau. of Edward Boecklin, b. 17 Mar., 1847, and Elizabeth Kramer, b. 3 Aug., 1849; is a commercial traveler; res. in Springfield; has no children.
16476 Grace E.,10 (adopted), b. in Chicopee, 1876; m. in Springfield, 8 Sept., 1897, Herbert A. Lard, b. in Springfield, 1870, son of Homer Lard and Flavia Coomes; he is a clerk; res. in Springfield.

9884.   MARIA FRANCES,9 dau. of Austin Wells8 (4397), b. in Lee, Mass., 4 Sept., 1839; m. Feb., 1858, Robert E. Willard, b. in Greenfield, Mass., son of David Willard, of Greenfield.
She d. in Pittsfield, Mass., 7 June, 1872; he d. there, 30 Dec., 1899.
He was a druggist; res. in Pittsfield.
Children, b. in Pittsfield.
16477 Sarah D. Willard,10 b. 15 Sept., 1868.
16478 Robert Wells Willard,10 b. 20 Jan., 1870, m. in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept., 1893, Nellie Adriance; res. in Pittsfield.

9888.   CHARLES LUTHER,9 son of Ralsaman Bassett8 (4398), b. in Cum­mington, Mass., 15 Feb., 1848; m. 2 Nov., 1871, Sarah Elva Holden.
He rem. from Windsor to Red Wing, Minn., 1 Aug., 1869, where he was an abstract clerk.
Children, b. in Red Wing.
16479 Edward Holden,10 b. 9 Aug., 1873.
16480 Mary Helen,10 b. 9 July, 1875.

9893.   MINNIE ANN ELIZA,9 dau. of William Hervey8 (4426), b. in French Creek, N. Y., 10 Nov., 1865; m. in Clarksville, Ia., Mar., 1884, Sumner Stewart Renfrew, b. in Plainfield, Ia., 3 Dec., 1861, son of John Renfrew, b. 26 Feb., 1826, and Sarah C. Pratt, of Park Rapids, Minn.
He is a farmer, a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Harvey, N. D.
Children, b. in Clarksville.
16481 Flossie Minnie Mae Renfrew,10 b. 11 Aug., 1885.
16482 True William Renfrew,10 b. 15 Jan., 1888.

9900.   FRANK GENOE,9 son of Warren De Los8 (4428), b. in Clinton Junc­tion, Wis., 18 Sept., 1856; m., 3 July, 1885, Josephine C. Guyon.
He res. in Tacoma, Wash.
16483 Claude Charles,10 b. ______; d. aged 3.
16484 Leon,10 b. in Seattle, Wash., 15 July, 1895.

9901.   ELLA LOIS,9 dau. of Warren De Los8 (4428), b. near Rockford, Ill., 1 Oct., 1859; m. in Waverly, Ia., 17 Sept., 1879, William T. McMeekin, b. in Del­aware Co., Ia., 28 Dec., 1855, son of Thomas McMeekin, b. 7 Feb., 1828, and Rhoda Towle, of Sumner, Ia., b. 15 June, 1837.
He is a blacksmith and a machinist, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Sumner.

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Children, b. in Sumner.
16485 Irma Eugenia McMeekin,10 b. 11 Sept., 1882.
16486 Norma Lois McMeekin,10 b. 7 Aug., 1884.

9903.   ANNA MARGUERITE,9 dau. of Warren De Los8 (4428), b. near Man­chester, Ia., 18 Jan., 1867; m. in Independence, Ia., 8 Mar., 1894, Charles Levi Knapp, b. near Elk Point, S. D., 21 May, 1867, son of Cyrus Knapp, b. 14 May, 1834, and Harriet Palmer, of Jefferson, S. D.
He is a farmer; res. in Millnerville, Ia.
Children, b. in Millnerville.
16487 Fay Warren Knapp,10 b. 5 Dec., 1894.
16488 Gladys Knapp,10 b. 20 Feb., 1896.
16489 Lyle Flobert Knapp,10 b. 20 July, 1898.
16490 Keith Kellogg Knapp,10 b. 28 Nov., 1900.

9909.   EBERT HENRY,9 son of Charles Ozro8 (4430), b. in Ridott, Ill, 4 Dec., 1857; m. in Plainfield, Ia., 14 Apr., 1881, Ida May Prince, b. in Cold Spring, N. Y., 21 June, 1861, dau. of Jacob Prince, b. 20 Apr., 1834, and Hannah Board­man, of Charles City, Ia., b. 8 Apr., 1837.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Bassett, Ia.
16491 Ross Dewight,10 b. in Gordon, S. D., 17 July, 1886.
16492 Lu Vern Erie,10 b. in Plainfield, 12 Nov., 1893.
16493 Ralph Morris,10 b. in Plainfield, 24 Sept., 1896.
16494 Zella Marie,10 b. in Nashua, Ia., 25 Feb., 1899.

9911.   GEORGE HARDEN,9 son of Charles Ozro8 (4430), b. in Rockford, Ill., 29 Dec., 1862; m. in Clarksville, Ia., 15 Nov., 1883, Elva E. Crippen, b. in Syca­more, Ill., 3 Aug., 1863, dau. of Alonzo Brainard Crippen, b. 1817, and Clara Patterson, of Canada, b. 1837.
He is a contractor and builder; res. in Clarksville; is a member of the Chris­tian Church; a Republican.
Children, b. in Clarksville.
16495 Lottie Edith,10 b. 9 Sept., 1884.
16496 Clara Hazel,10 b. 22 Nov., 1886.
16497 Georgia Mable,10 b. 9 Feb., 1889.
16498 Rueul Elirie,10 b. 7 Jan., 1891.
16499 John Glenn,10 b. 22 Apr., 1894.
16500 George Morrison,10 b. 17 Oct., 1895.
16501 Mark Crippen,10 b. 6 Apr., 1901.

9916.   CYRUS,9 son of Orrin8 (4441), b. in New Albion, N. Y., 25 Oct., 1840; m. in Cattaraugus, N. Y., 26 Nov., 1863, Mary Jane Smith, b. in Carlton, N. Y., 5 May, 1844, dau. of Gideon Ruger Smith, b. 27 Oct., 1800, and Esther Leonard, b. 9 Aug., 1819.
He is a farmer; res. in Derrick City, Pa.
16502 Byron Smith,10 b. in New Albion, 28 Feb., 1865; d. 21 Mar., 1865.
16503 Myron Cyrus,10 b. in New Albion, 28 Feb., 1865; d. 22 Mar., 1865.

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16504 Frank Warren,10 b. in Leon, N. Y., 17 July, 1867; m. Ida May Creese.
16505 Caroline Estella,10 b. in Randolph, N. Y., 30 June, 1869; d. 26 Feb., 1877.
16506 Robert Orrin,10 b. in Ellington, N. Y., 27 Jan., 1872; d. same day.

9919.   LURINDA RUTH,9 dau. of Orrin8 (4441), b. in Dayton, N. Y., 1 Feb., 1850; m. in Fredonia, N. Y., 22 Feb., 1872, William Irvin Phillips, b. in Cherry Creek, N. Y., 29 Aug., 1845, son of Adams Phillips, b. 23 Mar., 1810, and Sarah Hinds, b. 20 May, 1807.
He is a farmer and a lumberman; res. in Thornton, N. Y.
Children, b. in Cherry Creek.
16507 Adams Phillips,10 b. 17 Mar., 1875.
16508 Burdette Phillips,10 b. 24 Aug., 1876.
16509 Clayton Phillips,10 b. 24 Oct., 1878.
16510 De Gourney Phillips,10 b. 16 July, 1881.
16511 Anna Phillips,10 b. 15 July, 1883.

9920.   AMOS HENRY,9 son of Chester8 (4443), b. in Gowanda, N. Y., 14 Nov., 1839; m. (1) in Des Moines, Ia., 23 Mar., 1861, Martha Fox, dau. of James W. Fox.
She d. Aug., 1866; he m. (2) in Mound City, Ill., Elizabeth Taylor, b. 15 Aug., 1839, dau. of Henderson Taylor; d. in Montour, Ia., Feb., 1883.
He was a farmer; res. in Red Lodge, Mont.; was a Union soldier; enlisted 31 July, 1861, as a private in Co. C, Tenth Iowa Infantry; was discharged Nov., 1864; was a Democrat.
16512 Luella Mary,10 b. in Montour, 10 Feb., 1862; m. in Kansas City, Mo., James R. Hayes.
16513 William Amos,10 b. in Montour, 9 Nov., 1866; m. Mary Karn.
16514 Edwin Byron,10 b. in Waterloo, Ia., 30 Apr., 1869; m. Anna A. Gardner.

9922.   IDELIA,9 dau. of Chester8 (4443), b. in Dayton, N. Y., 8 Sept., 1841; m. in Tama Co., Ia., 18 Nov., 1858, Franklin Hubbart, b. in Sanford, N. Y., 17 Oct., 1832, son of Henry L. Hubbart.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Hiawatha, Kas.; he served as a private in the civil war in Co. F, Twenty-eighth Iowa Volunteers , en­listed 15 Aug., 1862; was discharged 23 Jan., 1863.
16515 Ellen Hubbart,10 b. in Tama Co., Ia., 4 July, 1859; m. in Waterloo, Ia., 30 Aug., 1877, Oren C. Evarts.
16516 Idelia P. Hubbart,10 b. 11 Oct., 1862; d. in Montour, Ia., 12 Apr., 1863.
16517 Allen Hubbart,10 b. in Waterloo, 7 Feb., 1863; m. in Shelby, Ia., 9 May, 1888, Nellie Kays; res. in Cedar Rapids, Neb.
16518 Frederick Hubbart,10 b. in Waterloo, 15 Apr., 1865; m. in Goff, Kas., Feb., 1892, Lillie Johnson; res. in Kansas City, Mo.
16519 Nettie Hubbart,10 b. in Waterloo, 8 Mar., 1868; m. in Shelby, 4 Oct., 1883, Robert H. Story; res. in Hiawatha.

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16520 Harry Hubbart,10 b. in Waterloo, 3 Dec., 1871; m. in Tekamah, Neb., 18 Aug., 1897, May Taylor; res. in Kansas City, Mo.

9923.   SARAH SOPHIA,9 dau. of Chester8 (4443), b. in Carroll Co., Ill., 18 Feb., 1846; m. (1) in Montour, Ia., as his second wife, 11 Apr., 1866, David Childs, b. in Otsego, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1828, son of Benjamin Childs and Christina Beedle, of Bradford Co., Pa.
He d. in Sheshequin, Pa., 23 Sept., 1896; was a carpenter; served in the civil war in Co. I, Ninety-second Reg., Illinois Volunteers; enlisted 1862; was discharged 1865; she m. (2) in Montour, as his third wife, 5 Aug., 1899, John Beale, b. in Somerset Co., Pa., 23 Sept., 1818, son of John Beale; he is a car­penter and a Methodist; res. in Montour.
Children by first husband.
16521 Harvey Elmer Childs,10 b. in Montour, 24 Apr., 1867; d. in Waterloo, Ia., 18 Mar., 1869.
16522 Alta Armena Childs,10 b. in Waterloo, 16 Jan., 1869; d. in Waterloo, 14 Mar., same year.
16523 Anna Arvilla Childs,10 b. in Storm Lake, Ia., 11 Aug., 1870; m. in Stuart, Neb., 11 Aug., 1887, Otto M. Walker; res. in Athens, Pa.; had three children.
16524 Ida Mae Childs,10 b. in Waterloo, 30 Sept., 1876; d. in Waterloo, 7 June, 1877.

9926.   HARMON HORATIO,9 son of Chester8 (4443), b. in Dayton, N. Y., 28 Oct., 1852; m. in Marshalltown, Ia., 10 July, 1875, Susan Albertha Kite, dau. of Joseph Kite, b. in South Carolina, 19 June, 1819, and Rosetta Sophia Booth, b. in Pennsylvania, 12 June, 1801.
He is a farmer; res. in Portsmouth, Ia.
16525 Benjamin Wilber,10 b. 5 May, 1876.
16526 Mable Lillian,10 b. 23 Jan., 1879.
16527 Ross Edgar,10 b. 13 Feb., 1883.

9928.   EMMA JANE,9 dau. of Chester8 (4443), b. in Montour, Ia., 19 Oct., 1858; m. in Montour, 2 Jan., 1875, John Akins Harvey, b. in York, Pa., 5 Apr., 1854, son of William Harvey, b. Sept., 1823, and Susan Akins, b. in 1823.
He is a lawyer; res. in Montour; has been Township Clerk for fourteen years; is a Republican.
Children, b. in Montour.
16528 Arthur Allen Harvey,10 b. 11 June, 1876.
16529 Nettie Mae Harvey,10 b. 12 May, 1878.
16530 Henry De Witt Harvey,10 b. 25 Aug., 1880.
16531 Edna Maude Harvey,10 b. 22 Jan., 1883.
16532 Wilber Harvey,10 b. 19 Oct., 1885.
16533 John Lyle Harvey,10 b. 30 Mar., 1890.

9929.   SINA LUCINDA,9 dau. of Chester8 (4443), b. in Montour, Ia., 15 June, 1864; m. 31 Jan., 1884, Elmer Ellsworth Lowell, b. in Marshall, Mich; 29 May, 1861, son of John Jarvis Lowell, b. 21 July, 1817, and Elizabeth Beardsley, b. 28 July, 1824.
He is a harness maker, a Republican and a Methodist; res. in Albion, Ia.

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16534 Charles Chester Lowell,10 b. in Panama, Ia., 19 Nov., 1884; d. there, 27 May, 1887.
16535 Jesse Byron Lowell,10 b. in Tondo, Ia., 19 Feb., 1886.
16536 Claude Elmer Lowell,10 b. in Omaha, Neb., 26 May, 1890.
16537 John Russell Lowell,10 b. in Montour, 9 Jan., 1892; d. in Omaha, 13 Oct., same year.
16538 Loraine Clair Lowell,10 b. in Montour, 15 Dec., 1893.

9931.   CLARINDA AUGUSTA,9 dau. of Calvin C.8 (4444), b. in Dayton, N. Y., 2 Mar., 1849; m. in Marshalltown, Ia., 10 Sept., 1872, Thomas Patterson Craig, b. in West Virginia, 10 Jan., 1846, son of William Craig, b. 29 Jan., 1816, and Rachel Patterson, b. 10 Oct., 1814.
He is a carpenter and a Congregationalist; was a Republican, but is now a Prohibitionist; res. in Crete, Neb.
Children, first three b. in Le Grand, Ia.
16539 Francis Elmer Craig,10 b. 7 Jan., 1876.
16540 Clarence Ray Craig,10 b. 4 Feb., 1879.
16541 Alta Mag Craig,10 b. 6 May, 1882.
16542 Willard Kellogg Craig,10 b. in Bird City, Kas., 10 Sept., 1887.

9932.   CHAUNCEY WALKER,9 son of Calvin C.8 (4444), b. in Westfield, Ind., 11 May, 1858; m. 2 Sept., 1885, Etta Caroline Inman, b. 28 Nov., 1866, dau. of Samuel Inman, b. 31 Aug., 1841, and Samantha Darner, b. 9 Apr., 1844.
He is a farmer; res. on the homestead in Montour, Ia.
Children, b. in Montour.
16543 Sherman C.,10 b. 18 May, 1887.
16544 Wilbur Aaron,10 b. 18 Nov., 1889.
16545 Lillie Marie,10 b. 11 Sept., 1893.
16546 Hazel Gladys,10 b. 6 May, 1897.

9938.   DELTA B.,9 dau. of Rev. William Hoag8 (4457), b. in Porter, N. Y., 15 June, 1857; m. in Lodi, Wis., 11 Aug., 1875, Henry Webster Follett, b. 3 Feb., 1847, son of Harrison Gray Otis Follett and Catherine Richards Herrick, b. 9 May, 1815.
He res. in Libertyville, Ill.; was formerly a teacher; is now a farmer.
16547 Otis William Follett,10 b. in Avon, Wis., 3 June, 1876; is unm.
16548 Harold Weston Follett,10 b. in Juda, Wis., 12 Jan., 1878; is unm.
16549 Fred Kellogg Follett,10 b. in Juda, 9 Nov., 1879.
16550 Charles Ralph Follett,10 b. in Juda, 10 Sept., 1881.
16551 George Berry Follett,10 b. in Juda, 16 Apr., 1883.
16552 Mary Elizabeth Follett,10 b. in Libertyville, 5 July, 1888; d. there, 23 Feb., 1892.
16553 Justin Percival Follett,10 b. in Libertyville, 15 Feb., 1895.

9949.   MARY SOPHIA,9 dau. of George Washington8 (4460), b. in Nord, Cal., 4 Dec., 1860; m. in Yuba City, Cal., 28 May, 1883, Joseph Servine Osborn, b. in

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Little Rock, Ark., 8 Mar., 1858, son of Solomon Osborn and Susan Martha Whaley, of Frederickstown, Mo.
He is a laborer and a Republican; res. in Pennington, Cal., and later in Chico, Cal.
16554 Ora Estella Osborn,10 b. in Pennington, 12 Mar., 1884.
16555 Bertha Leila Osborn,10 b. in Pennington, 11 Nov., 1885.
16556 Lottie Ivorene Osborn,10 b. in Chico, 25 Aug., 1889.

9950.   LUCINDA FRANCES,9 dau. of George Washington8 (4460), b. in Nord, Cal., 4 Nov., 1862; m. (1) in West Butte, Cal, 31 Dec., 1882, Hugh Bre­vord Stevenson, b. in West Butte, 12 Oct., 1855, son of Robert Kelley Stevenson and Nancy Hicks.
He d. in West Butte, 15 June, 1884; was a farmer; she m. (2) in Chico, Cal., 9 Sept., 1888, Nicholas Hawker Wilson, b. 28 Dec., 1854, son of Isaac Wil­son, b. 15 Feb., 1819, and Mahala Hawker, b. 1 Jan., 1824; he is a laborer; res. in Chico.
Child by first husband.
16557 Georgia Verona Stevenson,10 b. in West Butte, 15 Oct., 1883; d. 8 Mar., 1884.
Children by second husband.
16558 Alice Bernice Wilson,10 b. 5 June, 1889.
16559 Minnie Gladys Wilson,10 b. in Sprague, Wash., 27 June, 1893.
16560 Mattie Benicia Wilson,10 b. in Butte, 7 Apr., 1896.
16561 Luella Mae Wilson,10 b. in Butte, 2 May, 1898.

9955.   ELIZABETH (BESSIE),9 dau. of Charles Francis Asbury8 (4461), b. in Woodville, Miss., 24 June, 1878; m. in Natchez, Miss., 2 Apr., 1895, Joseph Stratton Burns, b. in Natchez, 1 May, 1871, son of Samuel J. Burns and Laura Louisa Popkins, b. 13 Dec., 1850.
He is a carpenter; a Presbyterian; res. in Natchez.
16562 Lillian May Burns,10 b. 10 May, 1896.
16563 Amelia Maria Burns,10 b. 12 Dec., 1897; d. 18 Dec., same year.
16564 Charles Joseph Burns,10 b. 15 Nov., 1898.

9961.   HULDAH ALMEDA,9 dau. of Justus Olmstead8 (4472), b. in Carroll Co., Ill., 6 Nov., 1857; m. in Hudson, Minn., 25 Dec., 1876, Frederick Henry Prodger, b. in Watertown, Wis., 24 May, 1852, son of Frederick Prodger and Mary Ann Strong, both of England.
He is a grain inspector; a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; a Populist; res. in Alexandria, Minn.
Children, first two b. in Hudson, last two in Pomme De Terre, Minn.
16565 Lutie Grace Prodger,10 b. 29 Nov., 1878; m. in Pomme De Terre, 30 Jan., 1898, Hugh Heron Coleman; res. in Elbow Lake, Minn.
16566 Ethel Prodger,10 b. 23 Aug., 1885.
16567 Raymond Norton Prodger,10 b. 15 July, 1894.
16568 Harold Frederick Prodger,10 b. 7 July, 1896; d. 9 Apr., 1898.

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9964.   CLARENCE MELVILLE,9 son of Joseph8 (4473), b. in Mt. Carroll, Ill., 25 Mar., 1859; m. in Galesville, Wis., 27 Dec., 1883, Florence May Clark, b. in Kingfield, Me., 1 Sept., 1858, dau. of Isaac Clark, b. in Salem, Me., 1 Jan., 1826, and Emily French, b. in Kingfield, 16 Apr., 1826.
He res. in Denver, Col.; is a lawyer; was principal of the graded schools of Galesville, Wis., and Mayor of the same city; is a Trustee of the Methodist Epis­copal Church; is prominent in the Order of Good Templars.
16569 Claude Rupert,10 b. 6 Apr., 1886.
16570 Hugh Bernard,10 b. 25 July, 1887.
16571 Ralph Goodban,10 b. 13 Nov., 1893.
16572 Florence Margaret,10 b. 23 Apr., 1895.

9966.   MARY MATILDA,9 dau. of Leander8 (4474), b. in Hudson, Minn., 23 Oct., 1870; m. in Hudson, 1 Mar., 1890, Charles R. Klatt, b. in Olmstead Co., Minn., 12 Feb., 1863, son of Gustave Klatt, b. in Germany, 1830, and Minnie Baker, b. in Germany, 1836.
He res. in Sioux City, Ia.; is a wheat buyer; a Methodist.
Children, first two b. in Alexandria, Minn.
16573 Charles William Klatt,10 b. 19 Mar., 1892; d. there, 3 Aug., 1894.
16574 Grace Wilhelmena Klatt,10 b. 5 May, 1896.
16575 Merle Leander Klatt,10 b. in Osakis, Minn., 21 May, 1898.
16576 _______ Klatt,10 b. in Sioux City, 3 Aug., 1901.

9967.   ALICE MAY,9 dau. of Leander8 (4474), b. in Hudson, Minn., 3 May, 1873; m. as his second wife, in Farmington, Minn., 5 Apr., 1895, Henry Albert LeRoy, b. in Mauston, Wis., 8 Nov., 1862, son of James S. Le Roy, b. 4 July, 1822, and Adelia Diana Phillips, b. 17 Nov., 1840.
He is a hardware merchant and a Methodist; res. in Alexandria, Minn.
Children, b. in Alexandria.
16577 Esther Adelia Le Roy,10 b. 13 May, 1896.
16578 James Kellogg Le Roy,10 b. 4 Mar., 1898.
16579 Henry Day Le Roy,10 b. 7 Mar., 1900.

9983.   DAVID WAKEMAN,9 son of David8 (4477), b. in Haldimand, Ontario, 9 Nov., 1854; m. in Corry, Pa., 21 Feb., 1881, Emily Adelaide, Sawyer, b. in Brooklyn, Canada, 19 Oct., 1860, dau. of Martin Sawyer, b. 5 July, 1834, and Louisa Kellogg, b. 13 Apr., 1840.
He was graduated from the Ontario Commercial College, 1876; res. in Jamestown, N. Y.
Children, first two b. in Knowlesville, N. Y.
16580 Ray Edwin,10 b. 6 Mar., 1884.
16581 Melbourne Clyde,10 b. 10 Feb., 1887; d. in Jamestown, 30 Nov., 1900.
16582 Mary Florena,10 b. in Jamestown, 27 Aug., 1891.

9984.   JOHN MILTON,9 son of David8 (4477), b. in Vernonville, Canada, 24 Sept., 1857; m. in Gasport, N. Y., 15 Sept., 1879, Lydia Ann Sawyer, b. in Brooklyn, Ontario, 6 Nov., 1857, dau. of Martin Sawyer, b. 2 July, 1836, and Louisa Kellogg, of Brooklyn, b. 13 Apr., 1840.

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He is an engineer and machinist; in religion a Christian; res. in Vernon­ville.
16583 Bessie Norene,10 b. in Gasport, 14 Sept., 1880; d. in Knowlesville, N. Y., 20 Oct., 1884.

9987.   HULDAH FLORENA,9 dau. of David8 (4477), b. in Vernonville, On­tario, Canada, 14 May, 1869; m. 28 Nov., 1894, in Colborne, Canada, John Kellie, b. in Vernonville, 7 Mar., 1858, son of James Kellie and Margaret Thompson, both of Glasgow, Scotland.
He is a farmer and a Presbyterian; res. in Vernonville.
Child, b. in Vernonville.
16584 Ernest James Ewert Kellie,10 b. 1 June, 1898; d. ______.

10002.   ARTHUR EVERETT,9 son of John8 (4481), b. in Vernonville, Can­ada, 15 Sept., 1863; m. in Cresco, Ia., 20 Dec., 1894, Effie Magnolia Tinker, b. in Cresco, 18 Jan., 1872, dau. of Marvin H. Tinker, b. 16 Dec., 1844, and Viola C. Kendall, 26 Aug., 1853.
He is a dentist; res. in Cresco; was graduated from the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 1888; is a Baptist and a Republican.
16585 Hazel Theresa,10 b. 9 Dec., 1895.
16586 Hazlett Marvin,10 b. 30 May, 1897.

10003.   JAMES PLATT,9 son of John8 (4481), b. 16 Feb., 1866; m. in Haldi­mand, Canada, 7 May, 1890, Ida Clarinda McColl, b. in Haldimand, 25 Sept., 1869, dau. of John J. McColl and Lucinda Huff.
He is a farmer; res. in Haldimand; is a Christian; in politics a Reformer.
16587 James Everett,10 b. in Vernonville, 12 May, 1891.
16588 Gordon Leroy,10 b. in Wicklow, Canada, 12 June, 1894.

10034.   ELVIRA,9 dau. of Isaac8 (4539), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 20 Sept., 1808; m. in Rochester, N. Y., as his second wife, 17 May, 1848, Alvin Wilkinson.
She d. in Rochester, N. Y., about 1856.
16589 Alice Elvira Wilkinson,10 b. ______; m. Augustus Ashton; res. in Rochester.

10035.   GEORGE,9 son of Isaac8 (4539), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 23 July, 1810; m. 27 Jan., 1830, Leah Newkirk Frear, b. in Rochester, N. Y., 8 Sept., 1813, dau. of Simeon Frear and Catherine Maria De Witt, of Warren Co., Pa.
He d. in Vineland, N. J., 30 May, 1869; was a manufacturer of stoneware.
16590 Catherine,10 b. in Troy, N. Y., 30 Sept., 1830; d. in Lawrence Co., O., 25 Aug., 1836.
16591 Isaac,10 b. in South West, Warren Co., Pa., 12 Oct., 1832; m. Eudora Adelaide Smith.

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16592 Elijah Bevier,10 b. in Warren Co., Pa., 3 Feb., 1834; d. 10 Sept., 1835, in Lawrence Co., O.
16593 Simeon E.,10 b. 23 Feb., 1836; d. in South West, 3 Mar., 1855.
16594 Eunice Miriam,10 b. in Pleasantville, Pa., 19 June, 1838; m. Alpheus Hazelton Peck.
16595 George Erie,10 b. 14 June, 1840; m. Clara Melvina Dillin.
16596 Maria Delilah,10 b. in Warren Co., Pa., 24 Jan., 1842; m. Col. Ed­ward Ashton Young.
16597 Elvira,10 b. in Warren Co., Pa., 23 Feb., 1844; m. Nelson Leaman Smith.
16598 Charles Baker,10 b. in Warren Co., 3 Aug., 1855; m. Elizabeth Cook.
16599 John,10 b. in South West, 7 Jan., 1858; d. 10 Jan., same year.

10041.   LORENZO DOW,9 son of Isaac8 (4539), b. in Troy, N. Y., 28 Sept., 4 1823; m. (1) in Neilsburg, Pa., 21 Feb., 1859, Mary Cowles Wakelee, of Alle­gheny, Pa., b. in Delhi, N. Y., 29 Jan., 1838, dau. of James Wakelee, b. 7 Jan., 1808, and Mary Ann Warner, b. 21 July, 1818.
She d. in Oil City, Pa., 15 May, 1877; he m. (2) in Spencerport, N. Y., 3 Dec., 1879, Antoinette Wakelee (sister of his first Wife), b. 20 Dec., 1841; d. in Titusville, Pa., 31 Jan., 1900; she d. 15 Mar., 1901.
He was a dealer in wall paper; res. in Oil City; was a Methodist and a Pro­hibitionist.
Children by first wife.
16600 Isaac James,10 b. in Neilsburg, 17 July, 1860; m. Mary Maple.
16601 William Wakelee,10 b. in Oil City, 16 Apr., 1864; m. Laura Janet Rote.
Children by second wife.
16602 Clara Louise,10 b. in on City, 20 Feb., 1882; res. in Baltimore, Md.
16603 Octavia Annette,10 b. in Oil City, 16 Oct., 1883; res. in Oil City.

10069.   NELSON HARMON,9 son of Lewis8 (4542), b. 18 Oct., 1826; m. 24 Mar., 1861, Mary E. Roe, b. in Bloomville, N. Y., 17 June, 1843, dau. of Ezra Roe, b. 1798, and Mary Sullivan, b. 1799.
They res. in Davenport, N. Y.
16604 Ida M.,10 b. 14 Jan., 1862; d. in Davenport, 12 Feb., 1864.
16605 Ettie D.,10 b. in Davenport, 10 Apr., 1865; m. Peter W. Vanwie; res. in Sehenevus, N. Y.
16606 Orpha A.,10 b. in Maryland, N. Y., 11 Sept., 1867; m. Samuel Rey­nolds; res. in Davenport.
16607 William H.,10 b. in Maryland, 22 Oct., 1871; m. 24 Apr., 1900, Jennie Whitney; res. in Davenport.
16608 Hattie May,10 b. 16 Nov., 1877; m. Charles Riflenburgh.
16609 Emma,10 b. ______.

10070.   AMY ANN,9 dau. of Lewis8 (4542), b. 12 Dec., 1828; m. as his second wife, 7 Aug., 1850, Jeremiah Evans, b. 2 Apr., 1824, son of Ransom Evans, b. 8 May, 1797, and Patience Roe, b. 2 Aug., 1795.
He d. in Beaver Crossing, Neb., 20 Aug., 1890; she d. in Maryland, N. Y., 28 Aug., 1900.
He was a shoemaker, a Baptist and a Republican.

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Children, three eldest b. in Davenport, N. Y., others in Maryland.
16610 Orlando Evans,10 b. 28 July, 1851; d. in Davenport, 21 Mar., 1853.
16611 Orenzo Evans,10 b. 9 Nov., 1853; d. in Davenport, 5 May, 1875.
16612 Elmer Evans,10 b. 17 Aug., 1855; d. in Davenport, 25 Dec., 1856.
16613 Emory Wileman Evans,10 b. 16 Sept., 1857; d. in Maryland, 27 Oct., 1862.
16614 Ransom Lewis Evans,10 b. 27 Oct., 1861; d. in Maryland, June, 1865.
16615 Emory W. Evans,10 b. 8 June, 1864.
16616 Bedell Evans,10 b. 8 Nov., 1869; m. _______; res. in Oneonta, N. Y.

10075.   DR. CLARK SHERWOOD,9 son of Nathan8 (4543), b. in Plymouth, O., 5 May, 1817; m. 1 Jan., 1857, Hannah Bertha Knott, b. in Norwalk, O., 22 Nov., 1833, dau. of John Knott, b. 7 June, 1802, and Anna Bell, b. 28 Apr., 1807.
He d. in Salem, Ill., 17 Jan., 1869; she res. in Michigan.
He was a physician, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Salem.
16617 Mae,10 b. 14 Dec., 1859; m. 1 June, 1887, Clayton Bennett Radford; res. in Owosso, Mich.; has no children.
16618 Belle,10 b. 17 Aug., 1861; m. 10 Feb., 1885, John Leslie Ash; res. in Owosso; has no children.
16619 Robert Barkdull,10 b. 17 Aug., 1861; m. Rose Bush.
16620 C Solon,10 b. in Salem, 16 May, 1864; m. Sara Osburn.

10077.   HARRIET,9 dau. of Nathan8 (4543), b. 6 Mar., 1821; m. Allen Kim­ball, of New York.
She d. about 1838; he d. 21 Dec., 1856.
16621 Ada Kimball,10 b. ______.
16622 Ella Sophia Kimball,10 b. ______.
16623 Percy Bysshe Shelley Kimball,10 b. ______.

10078.   HIRAM,9 son of Nathan8 (4543), b. 25 May, 1823; m. 2 Apr., 1848, Caroline Whittlesey, b. 21 July, 1827, dau. of Austin Whittlesey.
She d. in Floyd, Ia., 29 Dec., 1880.
He is a blacksmith; res. in Harvey, N. D.
16624 Frank,10 b. 20 Apr., 1849; m. Ellen A. Collins.
16625 Albert,10 b. in Niles, Mich., 14 Oct., 1851; m. Jane Snyder.
16626 George W.,10 b. in Galena, Ill., 9 July, 1853; m. Malissa Brooks Car­penter.
16627 Austin,10 b. 5 Mar., 1855; m. Katherine McKinnon.
16628 Harriet,10 b. 18 Apr., 1858; d. 3 May, 1858.

10079.   DARWIN,9 son of Nathan8 (4543), b. in Cayuga Co., N. Y., 14 May, 1825; m. (1) in Adrian, Mich., Mary Eliza Abrams, b. 14 Jan., 1829, dau. of Henry Abrams and Eliza Manley.
She d. in Swanton, O., 2 Oct., 1885; he m. (2) Abbie Teachworth, b. in Fin­ton Co., O., 29 Sept., 1835, dau. of John Teachworth, b. 18 Feb., 1802, and Naomi _______, b. 17 Sept., 1792.
He is a miller; res. in Swanton, O., and later in Morenci, Mich.

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16629 Frank Darwin,10 b. in Swanton, 30 Sept., 1857; m. Cora Margaret Gibbs.
16630 Eugene Porter,10 b. in Swanton, 11 Aug., 1864; d. 1870.

10080.   NATHAN SHERWOOD,9 son of Nathan8 (4543), b. in New York, 20 Aug., 1827; m. in Republic, O., 18 July, 1852, Elizabeth Olcott, of Seneca Co., O., b. in Tiffin, O., 11 Sept., 1832, dau. of Benjamin Olcott and Elizabeth Scott, of Ohio.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Hampton, Ia.
16631 Clark Eber,10 b. in Plymouth, O., 7 June, 1853; m. Isabelle Anway.
16632 Lucy Elizabeth,10 b. in Republic, 18 Aug., 1858; m. _______ Tool; res. in Dougherty, Ia.
16633 Ballon Sherwood,10 b. in Odessa, Mich., 29 Aug., 1861; d. in Nobles Co., Minn., 14 June, 1891.
16634 Minnie Sophia,10 b. in Odessa, 24 June, 1869; m. Frank Francis Jungkunz.

10082.   NATHAN,9 son of Joel8 (4544), b. in Grilbertsville, N. Y., 10 May, 1825; m. there, 21 Aug., 1850, Sarah Ann Bishop, b. in London, England, 16 July, 1833, dau. of Daniel Bishop and Esther Elizabeth Williams, of New York City, b. 1801.
He is a machinist; res. in Gilbertsville.
16635 Clarence Edson,10 b. in Butternuts, N. Y., 28 July, 1851; m. Isa­bella Cowan.
16636 Marion Bishop,10 b. 30 July, 1853; m. Joseph D. Murray.
16637 Harriet Lucretia,10 b. in Gilbertsville, 19 July, 1855; m. George Washington Pardoe.
16638 Frances Deremus,10 b. 5 Aug., 1860; res., unm., in Oneonta, N. Y.
16639 John Daniel,10 b. in Gilbertsville, 13 Dec., 1864; m. Ellen Maria Bedient.
16640 Sarah Elizabeth,10 b. 9 July, 1866; d. unm., in Gilbertsville, 20 Apr., 1887.
16641 Helen Lathrop,10 b. 10 Feb., 1869; m. Ezra Belden Hurlbutt, b. in Gilbertsville, 3 Aug., 1847, son of John Hurlbutt and Caroline Rockwell, of Gilbertsville; he is an agriculturist; res. in Gilberts­ville.
16642 Frederick Nathan,10 b. 8 Sept., 1875; res. in Gilbertsville.

10085.   JOHN SYKES,9 son of Joel8 (4544), b. in Gilbertsville, N. Y., 28 May, 1831; m. in Jeffersonville, N. Y., 15 Dec., 1870, Augusta Theresa Baumgardt, b. in Olteslaven, Saxe Weimar, Germany, 5 Mar., 1838, dau. of Christopher Baum­gardt and Amelia Rheihart.
He d. in Gilbertsville, 23 Oct., 1897; she res. in Gilbertsville.
He was a painter and a decorator; a Presbyterian and a Republican; served in the civil war as a first-class musician, Band Fifty-first Reg., New York Volun­teer Infantry; was overseer of the poor, Butternuts, N. Y.; at the time of his death was Justice of the Peace; in 1881 he manufactured flour in Butternuts.

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Children, b. in Butternuts.
16643 George Donald,10 b. 6 Dec., 1871; d. in Butternuts, 26 Jan., 1875.
16644 Dwight,10 b. 11 Feb., 1873; d. in Butternuts, 30 Dec., 1874.
16645 Louis Joel,10 b. 6 Oct., 1875; is a printer; was Justice of the Peace from 1891 to '95; res., unm., in Gilbertsville.
16646 Franz Baumgardt,10 b. 12 July, 1879; was graduated from Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1900; is an electrician; is employed by the Edison Illuminating Co., New York; res. in Brooklyn.

10094.   NANCY,9 dau. of Jacob8 (4546), b. in Milton, N. Y., 16 Sept., 1807; m. in Castile, N. Y., 29 June, 1837, Ezra Brewster Smith, b. 23 Mar., 1797, son of Chester Smith, b. 29 June, 1764, and Sally Brewster, b. 10 Nov., 1768.
She d. in Castile, 6 June, 1856; he d. there, 29 Mar., 1875.
He was a farmer; a deacon in the Presbyterian Church and a Republican.
16647 Jacob Kellogg Smith,10 b. 25 May, 1838; m. in Warsaw, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1868, Henrietta Miller; d. 10 Apr., 1879.

10095.   WILLIAM,9 son of Jacob8 (4546), b. in Milton, N. Y., 31 Jan., 1810; m. (1) Sept., 1837, Elizabeth Wood, b. in Gainesville, Wyoming Co., N. Y., 20 Oct., 1816, dau. of Asahel Wood (4995), b. in Greenfield, N. Y., 3 May, 1792, and Olivia Hall, b. in Vermont, 24 Sept., 1794.
She d. in Castile, 23 Apr., 1846; he m. (2) 25 Dec., 1846, Olive Rebecca Smith, b. in Whitingham, Vt., 7 Apr., 1818, dau. of Elijah Smith (who was son of Asa Smith, b. in Belchertown, Mass., 7 May, 1752, and Submit Severance, b. 30 Oct., 1758, dau. of Martin Severance (287), b. 10 Sept., 1718), b. in Shel­burne, Mass., 1 Mar., 1783, and Rebecca Brooks, b. in Halifax, Vt., 27 Dec., 1788; he d. about 1893; in the autumn of 1817 rem. with his father from Milton to Castile, N. Y.; in 1846 to Grove, N. Y., and in the spring of 1852 to Genesee Falls, N. Y.; was a farmer.
Children by first wife.
16648 Edward Dwight,10 b. in Castile, 24 Oct., 1838; was a teacher; served in the civil war; enlisted 22 Aug., 1862, in Co. D, One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Reg., New York Volunteers, which was engaged in the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Raccoon Ridge, Look­out Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Ringold; d. in the hospital at Lookout Mountain, 10 Apr., 1864; was buried in the United States Cemetery, Chattanooga, Tenn.
16649 Catherine Priscilla,10 b. in Castile, 27 Jan., 1843; m. David Rees Phillips.
Children by second wife.
16650 Samuel Wood,10 b. in Grove, 27 Dec., 1849; m. Lucinda Maria Wright.
16651 Elizabeth Rebecca,10 b. in Genesee Falls, 12 Jan., 1860; m. William Albert Parks, b. Oct. 20, 1857, son of Robert R. and Julia Morse Parks.

10096.   Asahel,9 son of Jacob8 (4546), b. in Greenfield, N. Y., 5 Sept., 1813; m. 25 May, 1845, Susan Smith, b. in North Stonington, Conn., 10 Oct.; 1823, dau. of Capt. Ezra Brewster Smith, of Castile, N. Y., b. 23 Mar., 1794, and Harriet Maria Rogers, b. 30 July, 1796.

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She d. in Castile, 23 June, 1899; he d. there, 10 Feb., 1900.
He rem. to Castile when 5 years of age, and afterward res. there; was a milk dealer.
16652 Harriet Maria,10 b. 28 Mar., 1852; res., unm., in Castile.
16653 Nancy Emma,10 b. 30 Mar., 1857; d. unm., in Castile, 7 Mar., 1900.
16654 Jacob Chester,10 b. in Castile, 30 Oct., 1863; m. in Hamden, O., 11 May, 1889, Jennie Augusta Phinney, b. 14 Apr., 1865, dau. of Tru­man Phinney and Jane Rose; is a merchant, a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Castile; had no children.
16655 Harlan Wood,10 b. 24 Oct., 1865; m. in Castile, 27 Sept., 1897, Ruth Lida Van Arsdale, b. 21 Apr., 1876, dau. of James H. Van Arsdale, b. 2 Aug., 1844, and Clara Davis, b. 2 Nov., 1848; res. in Castile.

10098.   ELIZA EMMELINE,9 dau. of Jacob8 (4546), b. in Castile, N. Y., 7 May, 1817; m. in Castile, 4 June, 1846, Thomas Henry b. in Richfield, N. Y., 3 Apr., 1809, son of Gordon Henry, b. 12 Oct., 1777.
She d. in Lafayette, Or., ______; he d. in Salem, Or., ______.
He is a farmer; rem. to Oregon; res. in Lafayette; was a Republican.
16656 Gordon Henry,10 b. ______; d. unm., in Lafayette.

10099.   ELIZABETH BRIGGS,9 dau. of Jacob8 (4546), b. in Castile, N. Y., 27 May, 1819; m. in Castile, 13 Apr., 1843, Henry Hyatt Buckhout, b. in Pompey, N. Y., 8 Jan., 1814, son of John Buckhout, b. in Westchester Co., N. Y., 12 May, 1779, and Esther Hyatt, b. in Westchester Co., 17 Oct., 1785.
He d. 10 Sept., 1856; she d. in Kalamazoo, Mich., 9 June, 1890.
In June, 1843, he rem. from Castile and bought a farm in Oshtemo, Mich., where he res. until his death.
16657 Romine Hyatt Buckhout,10 b. in Oshtemo, 12 May, 1844; m. 20 Sept., 1874, Emma Longbottom, b. in Kalamazoo, 11 Mar., 1851, dau. of George Jackson Longbottom, b. in Detford, England, 7 Mar., 1817, and Isabel Gregson, b. in Sunderland, England, 28 Nov., 1816; is a merchant; res. in Kalamazoo; had one child.
16658 Oscar Kellogg Buckhout,10 b. in Oshtemo, 25 July, 1846; m. 26 Feb., 1886, Mary G. Allison; was educated at Eastman's Commercial College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; is a merchant; res. in Kalamazoo; had no children.
16659 Susan Elizabeth Buckhout,10 b. in Oshtemo, 9 May, 1848; m. _______ Doughty; had no children.

10100.   SARAH JONES,9 dau. of Jacob8 (4546), b. in Castile, N. Y., 29 Aug., 1821; m. in Oshtemo, Mich., 25 July, 1848, Alonzo Overacker, b. in Canandaigua, N. Y., 20 Sept., 1819, son of John Overacker.
He d. in Oshtemo, 3 Mar., 1897; she d. there, 9 Mar., 1899.
He was a farmer, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Oshtemo.
Children, b. in Oshtemo.
16660 Lizzie Cornelia Overacker,10 b. 20 Mar., 1852; m. in Oshtemo, 20 Aug., 1873, John Hunt; res. in Mattawan, Mich. ­

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16661 Amasa Kellogg Overacker,10 b. 16 Dec., 1856; d. in Oshtemo, 4 June, 1883.
16662 Charles Augustus Overacker,10 b. 30 Mar., 1863; m. in Oshtemo, 7 Feb., 1897, Lizzie Booth; res. in Oshtemo.

10101.   URIAH,9 son of Jacob8 (4546), b. 8 June, 1824; m. Mary Pennock, b. 8 Jan., 1832, dau. of John Pennock, b. 9 Mar., 1794, and Ruth Howard, b. 4 Feb., 1806.
He d. in Castile, N. Y., 30 Sept., 1895.
Children, b. in Castlle.
16663 Louise,10 b. 13 May, 1857; m. Albert James Pierce.
16664 Leonard Clayton,10 b. 12 Sept., 1858; m. Almira Doane.
16665 Ruth Susan,10 b. 23 Mar., 1864; m. in Castile, 11 Jan., 1897, Earl V. Kingsley, son of Amos Kingsley and Permelia Bigelow; he is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Castile; has no children.
16666 Uriah Seward,10 b. 2 June, 1868; m. Irma. Doane.
16667 Howard Wadsworth,10 b. 4 Nov., 1872; is a farmer; a member of the Christian Church; a Democrat; res., unm., in Castile.
16668 Lou,10 b. ______; m. _______.

10103.   HIRAM,9 son of Jonathan8 (4547), b. in Saratoga Co., N. Y., 13 Feb., 1805; m. Fanny Morton, of Westfield, O.
He d. 1 Dec., 1856; was a farmer.
16669 John,10 b. ______.
16670 Pascal,10 b. ______.
16671 Erwin,10 b. ______.

10105.   AARON CLARK,9 son of Jonathan8 (4547), b. in Milton, Saratoga Co., N. Y., 30 Apr., 1811; m. 3 Feb., 1841, Aurilla Sophronia Nash, b. in Milton, 24 Sept., 1813, dau. of John Nash, b. 1 Sept., 1781, and Sarah Clark, b. 19 Feb., 1783.
He is a farmer; res. in Eagle and Lyndon, N. Y., Marshall Co., Mich., and in Clear Lake (Black Brook), Wis.
16672 Mary Adeline,10 b. 30 Jan., 1842; m. 18 Sept., 1858, Alexander Lyon; a farmer of Black Brook, Wis.
16673 Edwin Augustus,10 b. 13 Jan., 1844; d. 23 Nov., 1847.
16674 Perthena Bulah,10 b. 28 Jan., 1846; m. 15 Sept., 1862, Peter Gash of Plymouth, Ind.; res. in Plymouth.
16675 Henry Clark,10 b. 25 Dec., 1848; d. 11 July, 1857.
16676 Ezra William,10 b. 24 May, 1851; d. 27 Sept., 1864.
16677 Therissa Angeline,10 b. 5 July, 1855; d. 18 Jan., 1859.

10106.   JOHN WARREN,9 son of Jonathan8 (4547), b. in Pulteney, N. Y., 7 Dec., 1812; m. 1 Feb., 1839, Sarah Lucretia Nash, b. in Milton, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1811, dau. of John Nash, b. 1 Sept., 1781, and Sarah Clark, of Eagle, N. Y., b. 1 Feb., 1783.

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She d. 18 July, 1887; he d. 13 Sept., 1893.
He was a farmer; res. in Lyndon, N. Y.
16678 Hiram Clark,10 b. 15 Nov., 1839; is a farmer and a speculator; res. in Franklinville, N. Y.; is unm.
16679 Elmon Lafayette,10 b. 25 Aug., 1841; m. Eunice Loretta Pierce.
16680 Aseneth Louisa,10 b. in Eagle, N. Y., 19 Mar., 1843; m. Thomas Buck Nelson.
16681 John Clark,10 b. in Eagle, 7 Dec., 1846; m. Mary H. Letson.
16682 Sarah Eliza,10 b. in Eagle, 21 Dec., 1848; m. William Hogg.
16683 Grace Ellen,10 b. in Lyndon, 17 Apr., 1853; m. in Lyndon, 25 July, 1889, Nathan Ford, b. in Franklinville, N. Y., 17 Jan., 1825, son of Jacob Ford and Abigail Waters; he is a farmer; a Baptist; res. in Franklinville.
16684 George Ervin,10 b. in Lyndon, 17 Apr., 1853; m. Alice Anna McGuire.

10107.   WILLIAM ALBERT,9 son of Jonathan8 (4547), b. in Benton, N. Y., 21 June, 1818; m. (1) 22 Mar., 1844, Abi Emeline Whipple, b. 5 Sept., 1827, dau. of Elisha Whipple, b. in Norwich, Conn., 28 Feb., 1797, and Amanda Willey, b. 14 Nov., 1801.
She d. in Lyndon, N. Y., 11 June, 1867; he m. (2) 17 Dec., 1867, Mrs. Maria (Bradley) Chase, of Rochester, N. Y., b. 30 Oct., 1840, dau. of Charles Bradley and Mary Elliott; d. in Ischua, N. Y., 21 Mar., 1893.
He was a farmer; res. in Eagle and later in Ischua.
Children by first wife.
16685 Edward William,10 b. in Eagle, 29 Aug., 1848; m. Ada Clarissa Jones.
16686 Elisha Whipple,10 b. in Eagle, 3 Aug., 1851; m. (1) Mary Elizabeth Nix; (2) Elizabeth Cobb.
16687 Amanda Caroline,10 b. in Lyndon, 16 May, 1856; m. (1) Dr. William G. Burlingame; (2) George Elmer Bryant.
Child by second wife.
16688 William Albert,10 b. 12 Mar., 1871; m. _______; res. in Amsterdam, N. Y.

10108.   ROXANNA,9 dau. of Jonathan8 (4547), b. in Pulteney, N. Y., 4 Aug., 1826; m. in Eagle, N. Y., 24 Nov., 1846, Oliver Sever Drake, b. in Vermont, 14 Apr., 1825, son of Sever Drake.
He d. in Jacksonville, Mich., 9 Feb., 1882; she d. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 8 Aug., 1895.
16689 Esther Elizabeth Drake,10 b. in Eagle, 6 Sept., 1850; m. in Grandville, Mich., 19 Feb., 1871, William Henry Newhall; res. in Grand Rapids.
16690 Jerome Bonaparte Drake,10 b. in Ischia, N. Y., 30 Oct., 1853; d. there, 14. Aug., 1869.

10117.   SILAS,9 son of Walter8 (4550), b. 11 Nov., 1817; m. _______.
He res. in Batavia, N. Y.

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16691 Arminda Mary,10 b. 4 Nov., 1852.
16692 Charles,10 b. 14 Oct., 1855.
16693 Caroline Calista,10 b. 18 Sept., 1856.
16694 Calista,10 b. ______.
16695 George Almeron,10 b. 11 Feb., 1863.
16696 Smith Augusta,10 b. 8 Aug., 1865.

10118.   CAROLINE AMELIA,9 dau. of Walter8 (4550), b. 17 Aug., 1820; m. 1844, Benjamin Rosencrans.
She d. 24 July, 1864.
He was a farmer; res. in Michigan.
16697 Ellen Rosencrans,10 b. ______.

10120.   GEORGE MARCH,9 son of Walter8 (4550), b. in Elba, N. Y., 18 Mar., 1828; m. 11 Oct., 1851, Eliza Josephine Knickerbocker, dau. of Cornelius Knick­erbocker and Betsey Stickles.
He is a farmer; res. in Batavia, N. Y., rem. to Michigan in 1853; returned to Elba in 1860 and in 1875 rem. to Batavia.
16698 Evalyn Alice,10 b. 31 May, 1853.
16699 Elizabeth Cora,10 b. 29 Aug., 1855.
16700 Lillian Frances,10 b. 14 Dec., 1856; m. 15 Sept., 1880, Egbert Alan­son Bigelow, b. in Batavia, 31 Mar., 1855, son of William Reed Bigelow, b. 22 Jan., 1826, and Almira Dibble, b. 3 May, 1836; res. in Batavia.
16701 Adella Eliza,10 b. 13 July, 1858; m. Fred Kelsey; res. in Batavia.
16702 Elmer Ellsworth,10 b. 10 Mar., 1860.
16703 Burtus George,10 b. 12 May, 1864.
16704 Herbert James,10 b. 14. July, 1867.
16705 Nellie Adelia,10 b. 6 June, 1870.
16706 Grace Mabelle,10 b. 21 Jan., 1872.

10125.   LYDIA WOOD,9 dau. of Louden8 (4552), b. 18 Sept., 1819; m. (1) in Castile, N. Y., Rufus G. Bowman.
He d. ______; she m. (2) Arthur B. Blackburn; res. in Omro, Wis.
16707 Louden Kellogg Bowman,10 b. 14 Mar., 1840; m. (1) Feb., 1863; Mary Doolittle; she d. in Castile, 17 June, 1867; he m. (2) Emma Brown, of Rockford, Ill.; is a farmer and a merchant; res. in Lemars, Ia.

10126.   ADALINE,9 dau. of Louden8 (4552), b. in Castile, N. Y., 23 May, 1821; m. 13 Jan., 1842, Horace Scofield, b. in Westerloo, N. Y., 20 June, 1817, son of Daniel Scofield, b. in Westerloo, 14 Mar., 1789, and Almira Cook, b. 27 May, 1796.
He was a farmer; in 1850 rem. from Castile to Omro, Wis.
16708 David Wellington Scofield,10 b. 3 Dec., 1847.

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10127.   RUFUS,9 son of Elijah8 b. in Milton, N. Y., 25 Feb., 1821; m. (1) in Baldwinsville, N. Y., 20 Sept., 1847, Jane Tryphena Smedley, b. in Hastings, N. Y., 22 Sept., 1828, dau. of Dr. Chester Smedley, M. D., b. 17 Feb., 1783, and Clarissa Landon, b. 3 June, 1790, of Hastings.
She d. 13 July, 1867; he m. (2) in Syracuse, N. Y., 24 Mar., 1869, Mrs. Eliza Ann (Jackson) Smith (widow of Don Carlos Smith, of Syracuse), b. in Pamela, N. Y., 21 Nov., 1824, dau. of Willard Jackson, b. 31 Dec., 1795, and Elizabeth Caswell, b. 7 June, 1801.
He is a farmer; res. in Brewerton, N. Y.; is a member of the Disciples' Church and a Republican.
16709 Clarence Vernon,10 b. in Cicero, N. Y., 19 Jan., 1860; m. in Syra­cuse, 23 July, 1883, Emmerett Newcomb, dau. of John L. New­comb and Elvira Vroman, b. 1823; is a Republican; res. in Chi­cago, Ill.
16710 Fred Eugene,10 b. in Cicero, 20 Dec., 1862; m. Alice Electa Slawson.
16711 Don Alphonso,10 b. in Cicero, 17 Sept., 1865; m. in Syracuse, 8 Nov., 1887, Katherine Everson, b. 6 Dec., 1858, dau. of Francis Everson, b. 11 Mar., 1835, and Calista A. Anguish, b. 25 Apr., 1836; res. in Norwalk and later in Placerville, Cal.; had no children.

10128.   WILLIAM RILEY,9 son of Elijah8 (4554), b. in Milton, N. Y., 1 June, 1824; m. (1) in Antwerp, N. Y., Nov., 1847, Nancy Carpenter, b. 14 Mar., 1828, dau. of William Carpenter, b. in Antwerp, 21 Apr., 1792, and Margaret Sumner, b. 5 Sept., 1794.
She d. 24 June, 1873; he m. (2) in Philadelphia, Pa., Mrs. Mary (Dem­arest) Smith, b. 6 June, 1830, widow of Marcus Smith, and dau. of David Dem­arest, b. 3 Nov., 1780, and Mary Van Vrauken, b. 17 Sept., 1788; is a farmer; res. in Antwerp.
Children, b. in Antwerp.
16712 Mary Jane,10 b. 9 Oct., 1848; m. 4 July, 1867, Henry L. Ford, b. in Antwerp, 4 Aug., 1845, son of Silas Ford, b. 4 Oct., 1815, and Achsah Rozelia Brown, b. 7 Sept., 1820; he is a miller and a Dem­ocrat; res. in Philadelphia; had no children.
16713 John Thomas,10 b. 24 July, 1850; m. Jennie Gates.
16714 Theresa,10 b. 29 Apr., 1852; d. 29 Jan., 1855.
16715 Emogene,10 b. 22 Sept., 1855; m. in Antwerp, 3 June, 1892, Daniel James Westwood, b. 10 Feb., 1850, son of Edward Westwood, b. in Bristol, England, 3 May, 1810, and Ann Johnson, b. in the North of Ireland, 1819; he is a farmer; had no children.
16716 Nellie,10 b. 28 Oct., 1859; d. 28 Sept., 1862.
16717 Arthur Eugene,10 b. 22 Mar., 1865; d. same year.
16718 Cora Adell,10 b. 17 Nov., 1867; m. James Cornwell.

10132.   ANGELINE,9 dau. of Elijah8 (4554), b. in Antwerp, N. Y., 10 Apr., 1840; m. in Antwerp, 13 May, 1860, George P. Coolidge, b. in Antwerp, 10 Nov., 1840, son of Charles Coolidge and Abi Kirkbride, of Philadelphia, N. Y.
He d. in Antwerp, 21 Nov., 1897.
He was a graduate of the Genesee Seminary; was a Republican. At the time of his death he had about four hundred acres of land; had a nice track on one of his farms and was an enthusiastic horseman.

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Children, b. in Antwerp.
16719 Brayton James Coolidge,10 b. 14 May, 1861; m. in Antwerp, 9 Sept., 1880, Helen Rider; d. in Antwerp, 29 Feb., 1896, where she now res.
16720 Lizzie Marie Coolidge,10 b. 22 Sept., 1862; m. in Antwerp, 3 Dec., 1885, David J. Taylor; d. 29 Nov., 1894; res. in Antwerp.
16721 Elizabeth A. Coolidge,10 b. 6 Dec., 1863; m. in Antwerp, 28 Mar., 1888, William Cook Morris; res. in Antwerp.
16722 Jay Herbert Coolidge,10 b. 11 Oct., 1865; m. in Antwerp, 14 Dec., 1887, Carrie Robinson.
16723 Jerome Pearson Coolidge,10 b. 21 Dec., 1873; m. in Antwerp, 10 Feb., 1897, Mae Taylor; res. in Antwerp.

10137.   SUSAN MARIA,9 dau. of Ebenezer8 (4556), b. in Milton, N. Y., 20 July, 1828; m. (1) in Mexico, N. Y., 19 Apr., 1847, Warner Webster Wood, b. in Richland, N. Y., 16 Sept., 1823, son of Jabez Wood.
He d. near Sacramento, Cal., 10 Dec., 1855; was a Methodist and a Repub­lican; she m. (2) in Dover, Ill., 15 Nov., 1857, Samuel Dexter Hinsdale, of Princeton, Ill., b. in Greenfield, Mass., 3 June, 1816, son of Samuel Hinsdale, b. 25 Jan., 1784, and Sarah Clark; he d. 21 Dec., 1875; was a gunsmith, a Congre­gationalist and a Republican; she m. (3) 3 May, 1881, George Newton, b. 16 July, 1817; he d. 2 Sept., 1898; she res. in Sandwich, Ill.
Child by first husband.
16724 Le Roy Eddy Wood,10 b. in Richland, N. Y., 6 May, 1849; m. 5 Sept., 1871, Eliza Helen Lathrop, dau. of Josiah Owen Lathrop, b. 21 June, 1825, and Ann Preston, b. 20 Sept., 1828; is a station agent in Wyoming, Ill.
Children by second husband, b. in Princeton.
16725 Lyman Kellogg Hinsdale,10 b. 23 Jan., 1859; m. 22 Dec., 1885, Minnie Lytton, b. 23 Aug., 1865, dau. of Thomas B. Lytton, b. 9 Apr., 1840, and Elizabeth _______, b. 4 Feb., 1840; she d. 16 Sept., 1887.
16726 George Nathan Hinsdale,10 b. 3 May, 1865; res., unm., in Sandwich.

10138.   SARAH ANN,9 dau. of Ebenezer8 (4556), b. 12 Sept., 1831; m. Apr., 1862, William James Davis, b. 27 Mar., 1835, son of Richard C. Davis and Susan E. Pawling.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Lockwood, Mo.
16727 Susan Davis,10 b. 13 Jan., 1863; m. Charles Palston.
16728 Minnie Bell Davis,10 b. 5 Apr., 1868; m. Samuel Hunt.
16729 William Hunt Davis,10 b. 5 June, 1873.

10140.   LUCIA ABIGAIL,9 dau. of Ebenezer8 (4556), b. in Bath, N. Y., 9 Apr., 1836; m. (1) in Dover, Ill., 21 July, 1858, Rasselas Alva David, b. in Luzerne Co., Pa., 17 Oct., 1830, son of Daniel David, b. 10 Dec., 1866, and Magdaline Krouse.
He d. in Lisbon, Ill., 9 Dec., 1865; was a teacher, a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; she m. (2) in Castile, N. Y., as his second wife, 9 Apr., 18 Wil­liam Luther Raymond, b. in Norwich, Mass., 6 Mar., 1827, son of Lemuel Ray-

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mond, of Colchester, Conn., b. 1794, and Ann Doud, b. 1804; he is a Congrega­tionalist and a Republican; res. in Westchester, Conn.
Children by first husband.
16730 Weldon Eddy David,10 b. in Lisbon, Ill., 12 Aug., 1860; m. in Morris, Ill., 20 Nov., 1889, Susan Woodbury, b. 3 Oct., 1866, dau. of Aaron Grunn Woodbury, b. 8 Nov., 1842, and Merinda Mecham, b. 6 Sept., 1843; res. in Citronelle, Ala., and later in Lisbon, Ill.
16731 Sarah Adella David,10 b. 28 Jan., 1864; d. in Lisbon, 31 Mar., 1865.
16732 Mabel Edith David,10 b. 20 Feb., 1866; m. in Westchester, 10 Sept., 1891, Arthur Edward Hall; res. in Berlin, Conn.; had one child.
16733 William Kellogg David,10 b. in Westchester, 20 Apr., 1878; is unm.

10141.   MELISSA,9 dau. of Daniel8 (4576), b. 9 Aug., 1825; m. 26 Dec., 1847, m. Edward H. Ballard.
She d. Nov., 1868; he d. about four years later.
16734 Mary Frances Ballard,10 b. ______; res. in Richburg, N. Y.
16735 Fred Ballard,10 b. ______; d. in Richburg.
16736 A Son,10 b. ______; d. young.

10142.   THERESA MALVINA,9 dau. of Daniel8 (4570), b. in West, N. Y., 19 July, 1827; m. in West, 27 Dec., 1846, Ephraim Sherwood, b. 4 Mar., 1822, son of David Sherwood and Lucy Whitney.
She d. in Bolivar, N. Y., ______, where he res.; he served in infantry in the civil war.
16737 Malvina Sherwood,10 b. 28 Nov., 1847; m. 6 Oct., 1877, Chauncey Fer­rand.
16738 Daniel Sherwood,10 b. 4 Sept., 1849; d. ______.
16739 Roswell Sherwood,10 b. 15 Oct., 1851.
16740 Sidney Sherwood,10 b. 19 Sept., 1853; res. in Bolivar.
16741 Charles Sherwood,10 b. 19 Feb., 1857.
16742 Emory Sherwood,10 b. 3 Man, 1859.

10143.   CALISTA,9 dau. of Daniel8 (4576), b. 14. Aug., 1829; m. 7 Mar., 1852, Abel Skinner.
16743 Minnie; Skinner,10 b. ______; res. in Whitesville, N. Y.

10156.   LUCY JANE,9 dau. of Edwin8, b. in Bolivar, N. Y., 7 Nov., 1838; m. in Nile, N. Y., 20 Nov., 1855, Charles Smith, b. in Auburn, N. Y., 5 Jan., 1831.
He is a farmer, a blacksmith and a Democrat; res. in Nile; was a Union soldier; enlisted 6 Aug., 1862, in Co. B, One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Reg., New York Volunteers; was discharged at Germantown, Va., on account of illness, 9 Dec., 1862.
16744 William Edwin Smith,10 b. 25 Sept., 1857; m. 19 Oct., 1877, Gertrude Blanche Lord; res. in Friendship, N. Y.
16745 Fanny Alzina Smith,10 b. 16 Feb., 1870; m. 10 Apr., 1890, Rev. John Frederick Derr; res. in Nile; had five children.

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10160.   FRANCIS ALBERTUS,9 son of Loring Grant8 (4575), b. in Bolivar, N. Y., 19 Apr., 1841; m. in Wirt, N. Y., 16 Feb., 1862, Abigail Paulina Peterson, b. in Wirt, 30 Aug., 1840, dau. of John Peterson, b. 22 Mar., 1802, and Julia Ann Scott, b. 17 Mar., 1810.
He is a farmer; res. in Shinglehouse, Pa.
16746 Sarah Ann,10 b. in Scio, N. Y., 16 Feb., 1863; m. John Henry Mc­Intyre.
16747 John Erwin,10 b. in Friendship, N. Y., 24 Apr., 1864; m. Helen Es­telle Reynolds.
16748 Julia Ann,10 b. in Cuba, N. Y., 25 July, 1867; d. there, 25 Jan., 1870.
16749 Loring Jesse,10 b. in Cuba, 27 July, 1869; d. there, 18 Feb., 1870.
16750 Willis Burr,10 b. in Wirt, 24 Mar., 1872; m. Mattie Kunselman.
16751 Marshall Loring,10 b. in Shinglehouse, 25 June, 1874; d. in Ceases, Pa., 21 May, 1898.
16752 Loyal Leon,10 b. in Sharon, Pa., 13 June, 1878; res., unm., in Shin­glehouse.
16753 Bertha Dilla,10 b. in Wirt, 11 Aug., 1880; m. Ervin Eugene Beebe.

10163.   REV. ROYAL JASPER,9 son of Loring Grant8 (4575), b. in Bolivar, N. Y., 15 Oct., 1846; m. in New Milford, Pa., 20 Apr., 1870, Lucy Ellen Beards­ley, b. in New Milford, 9 Mar., 1841, dau. of Jared Beardsley and Mary E. Peck.
He was a minister twenty-eight years in the Methodist Episcopal Church, but later in the Congregational Church. In 1879 he was principal of Monrovia Seminary, and two and one-half years superintendent of missions on the west coast of Africa, returning to America in 1880, with health impaired. He has res. in various places, living in 1899 in Alto Pass, Ill. In 1897, while pastor of the church at Denverside, East St. Louis, the church needed a parsonage, but being too poor to build it, Mr. Kellogg, with the aid of the congregation and others, un­dertook to build it himself. The Carpenters' Union of that place objected to this procedure, and tried to force men of their union on to the work. To this Mr. Kel­logg replied: “I have no objection to employing union men, but I will not dis­charge my neighbors to make places for others.” He was assaulted by seven men and driven off the work, but he returned with a double-barreled shotgun, and permit to use it, and the building was finished without further molestation; he res. in East St. Louis, Ill.
16754 Loren Royal,10 b. in Waymart, Pa., 3 Apr., 1874; enlisted for the Spanish war, 24 June, 1898, as a private in Troop D, Seventh Reg. Cavalry, U. S. A.; was discharged in Havana, Cuba, as trumpeter, 10 Mar., 1899.
16755 Grace Mabel,10 b. in Damascus, Pa., 6 Apr., 1876; d. in Manchester, Conn., 14 Oct., 1886.
16756 Mary Ellen,10 b. in New Milford, 24 Mar., 1878; d. in Manchester, 19 Oct., 1886.
16757 Myrtle Louise,10 b. in Troopsburg, N. Y.; res., unm., in New Wind­sor, Ill.

10167.   MARTHA,9 dau. of Elisha Bibbins8 b. in Gilbertsville, N. Y., 9 Feb., 1846; m. 26 Feb., 1868, William Henry Beardsley, b. in Butternuts, N. Y., 1 Apr., 1843, son of Erastus Beardsley, b. Mar., 1817, and Phoebe Wood.

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He is a farmer and a Methodist; res. in Binghamton, N. Y.; was a soldier in the civil war, serving in Co. G, One Hundred and Fifty-second Reg., New York Volunteers, from 1862 to '65; res. in Port Dickinson, N. Y.
Children, b. in Butternuts.
16758 Marie Ann Beardsley,10 b. 2 May, 1869; m. in Oneonta, N. Y., 19 Mar., 1893, Lewis Morris Machado; res. in Port Dickinson.
16759 Caroline Martha Beardsley,10 b. 16 Nov., 1873; m. in Binghamton, 26 Nov., 1898, Charles Adelbert Ellis; res. in New Berlin, N. Y.

10173.   CHARLES TODD,9 son of Norman8 (4580), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 27 Apr., 1835; m. 25 Mar., 1857, Harriet Amelia Lounsbury, b. 21 Sept., 1834, dau. of George Lounsbury, b. 10 June, 1804, and Louisa Scofield, b. 20 Sept., 1806.
He d. 3 Feb., 1863; she d. 19 Mar., 1871.
He was a clothing merchant; was engaged in the railroad business; at the time of his death he was a baggage master on the N. Y., N. H. and H. R. R.; was killed in an accident in New Haven, Conn.; had res. in Ridgefield and Long Ridge, Conn., and Cedar Rapids, Ia.
16760 Louisa Lounsbury,10 b. in Cedar Rapids, 23 Nov., 1858; m. 28 Feb., 1878, William Louis Sailor, of Bridgeport, Conn., had no children.

10174.   LAURA ESTHER,9 dau. of Norman8 (4580), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 28 Mar., 1837; m. 27 Dec., 1860, Charles Gregory Short, b. in Danbury, Conn., 14 Aug., 1838, son of David Hawkins Short, b. in Derby, Conn., 11 Mar., 1806, and Mary Emeline Gregory, b. in Danbury, 20 Oct., 1816.
He is a commercial traveler; res. in Milwaukee, Wis.
16761 Minnie Short,10 b. in Ridgefield, 23 Dec., 1861, b. in Janesville, Wis., 9 Apr., 1885, Thomas Mahon; res. in Chicago, Ill.
16762 Robert Louis Short,10 b. in Ridgefield, 16 Sept., 1863; m. in Menom­onee, Wis., 10 Aug., 1892, Lottie Estelle Fox; res. in Cleve­land, O.
16763 Bertha Louise Short,10 b. in Bridgeport, Conn., 29 Aug., 1865; res. in Milwaukee.
16764 Cora May Short (Daisy ),10 b. in Danbury, 18 Mar., 1868; res. in Mil­Waukee.
16765 Grace Lyle Short,10 b. in Danbury, 14 Dec., 1871; res. in Milwaukee.
16766 Frederick William Short,10 b. in Danbury, 7 July, 1874; m. in Lake Mills, Wis., 25 June, 1894, Adelaide Francis Bleuel; res. in Mil­waukee.

10175.   NORMAN ST. JOHN,9 son of Norman8 (4580), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 13 Apr., 1839; m. 7 Sept., 1865, Elizabeth Foote Bull, b. 14 Nov., 1842, dau. of Ezra Dibble Bull, b. 11 Sept., 1808, and Sarah Maria White, b. 2 Sept., 1813.
He is a heating and ventilating engineer; res. in Waverly, Mass; served in the Seventeenth Reg., Connecticut Volunteers; later res. in Newark, N. J.

1392    The Kelloggs in the New World.

16767 Alfred St. Claire,10 b. in Danbury, 2 Oct., 1866; is a mechanical engi­neer; res., unm., in New York City.

10181.   HIRAM JAY,9 son of Hiram8 (4585), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 14 June, 1850; m. in Ridgefield, 27 Nov., 1879, Lura Mead, b. 4 Jan., 1863, dau. of John Mead, b. 25 Dec., 1841, and Mary Ann Olmstead, b. 14 Apr., 1847.
He is a mason and a farmer; res. in Ridgefield; was a member of the Gen­eral Assembly of Connecticut, from 1897 to '99; is an Episcopalian.
16768 Frederick Jay,10 b. 17 Oct., 1880.
16769 Robert Fay,10 b. 6 Jan., 1882.
16770 Clara Louise,10 b. 10 Oct., 1885.
16771 John Arthur,10 b. 11 Aug., 1888.
16772 Oscaleta,10 b. 12 Sept., 1891; d. 12 Aug., 1892.

10198.   SARAH MEAD,9 dau. of Charles8 (4591), b. in Norwalk, Conn, 11 June, 1836; m. as his second Wife, 10 Apr., 1866, Julian Rivers, b. in San Val­entine, Canada, 17 Apr., 1814.
She d. 20 Sept., 1875; he m. (3) Mrs. James Duke; d. in Ripon, Wis., 3 Oct., 1892; she res. in Ripon.
He went to Wisconsin when 17 years of age; acquired a farm of three hun­dred acres five miles southeast of Ripon; rem. to Ripon about 1864; was a re­tired farmer; an active Republican and a Congregationalist.
16773 Fannie Mead Rivers,10 b. in Ripon, 13 Jan., 1867; m. about 1899, Gilbie B. Kellogg; res. in Weston, Conn., and later in Westport, Conn.
16774 Arthur Owen Rivers,10 b. 15 Sept., 1869; res. in Everett, Wash., later in California; d. unm., in the navy in China.
16775 Frank Rivers,10 b. in Ripon, 15 Sept., 1871; d. unm., in Seattle, Wash., 26 June, 1897.
16776 Charles Albert Rivers,10 b. 9 July, 1873; d. in Ripon, 29 Nov., 1882.

10199.   THEODOSIA,9 dau. of Charles8 (4591), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 3 Aug., 1838; m. 31 Mar., 1863, Somers Sherwood, b. 1 Jan., 1825, son of Daniel Sher­wood and Diantha Dyer.
He d. in Ripon, Wis., 29 Jan., 1895.
He was a farmer and a dairyman; res. in Ripon; was a member of the First Congregational Church; was a Republican.
16777 Ellen Sherwood,10 b. 30 Dec., 1863; m. 30 Dec., 1889, Ernest Albert Trevor; res. in Phoenix, Ariz.
16778 Ralph Mead Sherwood,10 b. 16 Jan., 1866; res. in Ripon.

10205.   RALPH MEAD,9 son of Charles8 (4591), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 10 Oct., 1855; m. 18 June, 1885, Fannie Simpson.
Child, b. in Norwalk.
16779 Mabel M.,10 b. 5 July, 1891.

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10207.   SARAH JANE,9 dau. of Martin8 (4593), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 25 Feb., 1830; m. in Stamford, Conn., 4 Oct., 1852, George Talbot Holly, b. in Stamford, 6 Mar., 1822, son of Isaac Holly, b. in Stamford, 26 May, 1786, and Elena Bishop, b. in Stamford, 2 Jan., 1787.
He d. in Stamford, 4 May, 1897; she res. in Stamford.
He was a manufacturer of harness; res. in Stamford; rem. in 1854 to Sa­vannah, Mo., where he engaged in the lumber business; served in the War; was appointed Capt. and Quartermaster of Forty-first Reg. of the Enrolled Militia of Andrew Co., from 20 Sept., 1862, to 1 Nov., 1863; after the war, was one of the registering officers in the reconstruction; returned to Stamford in 1871, and was engaged in the hardware business.
16780 Charles Frederick Holly,10 b. 19 Aug., 1853; res., unm., in Colorado.
16781 George Talbot Holly,10 b. 20 Nov., 1856; res., unm., in New Mexico.
16782 William Henry Holly,10 b. 3 Mar., 1859; res., unm., in Stamford.
16783 Isaac Kellogg Holly,10 b. 26 May, 1872; d. 30 July, same year.

10208.   JARVIS,9 son of Martin8 (4593), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 18 Oct., 1835; m. in Norwalk, 11 Sept., 1866, Minnie Stuart Bunting, b. 5 Sept., 1839, dau. of Samuel Rogers Bunting, b. 2 Jan., 1812, and Margaret Bogart Murray, b. 21 Mar., 1817, of New York City and Norwalk, Conn.
He is a boot and shoe dealer; res. in Norwalk; served in the war; enlisted in the Seventeenth Reg., Connecticut Volunteer Infantry; served three years.
16784 Maud Louisa,10 b. in Norwalk, 6 May, 1869; m. George Allen Bell.
16785 Clara Jarvis,10 b. in Norwalk, 18 Oct., 1879; m. in Norwalk, 27 Dec., 1899, Schuyler Holly Waterbury, b. in Norwalk, 4 Jan., 1876, son of Cyrus Waterbury, b. 19 Dec., 1834, and Hannah Maria Holly, b. 27 Feb., 1846; he was graduated from the Commercial Department, Stamford, Conn., 1894; is a bookkeeper; an Episcopalian; res. in Norwalk; has no children.
16786 Grace Bunting,10 b. 21 May, 1872; d. 18 Dec., 1875.

10209.   MARY SELLECK,9 dau. of Martin8 b. in Norwalk, Conn., 22 Oct., 1839; m. 23 Oct., 1861, Samuel Frodshem, of Savannah, Mo., b. in St. Hellens, Lancashire, England, 12 Mar., 1836, son of William Frodshem, b. in Bolton, Eng­land, 30 May, 1816, and Elizabeth Brickhill, b. in Cheshire, England, 1 May, 1817.
She d. in Savannah, 17 Jan., 1897.
He served as Postmaster in Savannah eleven years; City Marshall one term; Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Circuit Clerk, Deputy County Treasurer, Deputy Col­lector; and, in 1897, was Deputy County Assessor, all of Andrew Co., Mo.; served as Sergt.-Maj, Hospital Steward and Lieut.; res. on the old homestead.
16787 Mary Etta Frodshem,10 b. in Nodaway Co., Mo., 19 May, 1864; m. (1) in Rochester, Mo., William Franklin Hindman; had one child; she was divorced; m. (2) 11 May, 1890, John Ellawith Solomon; had one child.

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16788 William Edward Frodshem,10 b. in Savannah, 6 May, 1867; m. in An­drew Co., Mo., 2 Dec., 1891, Winnora Miner; d. 12 Feb., 1892; was a contractor and a plasterer; had no children.
16789 Alonzo Horatio Frodshem,10 b. in Savannah, 26 Dec., 1872; is a con­tractor and a plasterer; is unm.

10211.   MARTIN,9 son of Martin8 (4593), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 19 Oct., 1846; m. in New Canaan, Conn., 27 June, 1867, Jennie Pooley, b. in Huntington, N. Y., 17 Aug., 1852, dau. of James Pooley and Maria Jane, b. 1815.
He was Street Commissioner in Norwalk, where he res.
Children, all except youngest, b. in New Canaan.
16790 Addie Bell,10 b. 15 May, 1868; m. Charles Lincoln Warren.
16791 Francis,10 b. 24 Sept., 1870; d. in New Canaan, 10 Feb., 1873.
16792 Nellie May,10 b. 24 Apr., 1873; m. in Norwalk, 8 Apr., 1891, Edward James Thomas; res. in Norwalk; had no children.
16793 Charles Elmer,10 b. in Norwalk, 5 Apr., 1884.

10212.   WILLIAM SELLECK,9 son of Martin8 (4593), b. in Bedford, N. Y., 10 Jan., 1848; m. 28 Mar., 1879, Martha D. Powell, b. in Charlotte, Vt., 23 May, 1856, dau. of Edgar Squire Powell, b. 2 Aug., 1825, and Caroline Clark, b. 27 Oct., 1831.
He is a farmer; res. in East Charlotte.
16794 Lunia Caroline,10 b. 12 Jan., 1880.
16795 Ethel May,10 b. in Townsend, Mass., 1 Apr., 1881; d. 2 Sept., 1881.
16796 Louis Niles,10 b. in Worcester, Mass., 4 Feb., 1883.
16797 William Jarvis,10 b. 26 Mar., 1888.

10213.   FREDERICK LOCKWOOD,9 son of Martin8 (4593), b. in New Canaan Conn., 4 Oct., 1850; m. (1) 6 May, 1873, Lizzie Oakey, dau. of Rev. John V. Oakey, a Methodist minister of Brooklyn, and Martha Gillespie.
She d. 18 June, 1885; he m. (2) 6 Oct., 1891, Addie Louise Hyer, dau. of John Hyer and Julia Frances.
Children by first wife.
16798 Frederick Gillespie,10 b. 21 May, 1875.
16799 John Oakey,10 b. 19 Aug., 1877.
16800 Florence Lockwood,10 b. 22 Feb., 1880.
16801 Joseph Scribner,10 b. 6 May, 1883.
Child by second wife.
16802 Julia Frances,10 b. 4 Dec., 1894.

10215.   ANGELINA,9 dau. of Martin8 (4593), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 12 Aug., 1856; m. in New York, 17 July, 1877, George W. Tuttle, b. in Newtown, Conn., 25 July, 1856, son of Henry Tuttle and Esther _______, of Amenia, N. Y.
He is a foreman in a piano factory; is a Republican; res. in Derby, Conn.
16803 Mabel Tuttle,10 b. in Derby, 16 Sept., 1883.

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10218.   FANNY BATES,9 dau. of Martin8 (4593), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 9 Nov., 1863; m. Dr. Karl Keppeler.
He d. in New York City; she m. (2) _______ Bowns; res. in New York City.
16804 Carl Keppeler,10 b. ______.

10223.   EBENEZER NOBLE,9 son of George8 (4602), b. in Vernon, Conn., 2 Nov., 1817; m. in Troy, N. Y., 17 Aug., 1843, Lydia Maria Billings, b. in Sara­toga, N. Y., 12 June, 1817, dau. of Elisha Billings, a revolutionary soldier, b. 15 Dec., 1763, and Lydia Wright, of Colchester, b. 15 Aug., 1774.
She d. 3 July, 1898, aged 81.
He is a wool dealer; res. in Hartford, Conn.
16805 George Billings,10 b. in Hartford, 15 May, 1844; m. Julia Maria Sage.
16806 Franklin Sanford,10 b. 28 May, 1847; m. 13 Oct., 1870, Georgianna Bigelow, b. 5 Oct., 1850, dau. of William Bigelow, Jr., b. 23 Dec., 1823, and Lucy Ann Waterman, b. 6 May, 1826; was formerly an Alderman of Hartford, and is now a Charity Commissioner; res. in Hartford.
16807 Robert Winthrop,10 b. 13 Sept., 1849; is a Republican and a deputy jailer; res. in Hartford.
16808 Ebenezer Noble,10 b. 17 Man, 1852; d. 2 Apr., 1853.
16809 Nathaniel Olmsted,10 b. in Hartford, 17 Apr., 1854; is a dealer in wool; a Republican and a Congregationalist; res., unm., in Hart­ford.
16810 Lydia Grace,10 b. 31 Oct., 1856; res., unm., in Hartford.
16811 Harriet Emma,10 b. in Hartford, 12 Dec., 1858; res., unm., in Hart­ford.

10225.   HARRIET,9 dau. of George8 (4602), b. in Rockville, Conn., 2 May, 1824; m. 3 Nov., 1846, George Maxwell, b. 30 July, 1817, son of Sylvester Max­well, b. in Heath, Mass., 16 Apr., 1775, and Tirzah Taylor, b. in Buckland, Mass., 4 Apr., 1784.
He d. 2 Apr., 1891; after his death she res. in Rockville.
16812 Arthur Maxwell,10 b. 2 Aug., 1847; d. 3 Nov., 1847.
16813 Eliza Kellogg Maxwell,10 b. 23 May, 1849.
16814 George Hugh Maxwell,10 b. 6 Apr., 1853; d. 21 Feb., 1857.
16815 Harriet Augusta Maxwell,10 b. 15 Apr., 1855; d. 21 Feb., 1857.
16816 Julia Alice Maxwell,10 b. 5 Jan., 1857.
16817 Edwin Noble Maxwell,10 b. 16 Apr., 1859; d. 15 Dec., 1877.
16818 Francis Taylor Maxwell,10 b. 4 Jan., 1861; m. 17 Nov., 1896, Florence Russell Parsons, of Providence, R. I.; res. in Rockville; had one child.
16819 William Maxwell,10 b. 7 Dec., 1862.
16820 Robert Maxwell,10 b. 20 Sept., 1864.

10227.   EDWARD,9 son of George8 (4602), b. 15 Sept., 1838; m. 26 Oct., 1859, Emily Kingsbury, of Hartford, Conn., b. in Stafford Springs, Conn., 24 June,

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1837, dau. of Nelson Kingsbury, b. in Coventry, Conn., 3 Apr., 1808, and Nancy Thrall, b. in Vernon, Conn., 11 Oct., 1810.
He d. in New York City, 11 July, 1898; was a dealer in grain; later an in­surance agent; res. in Philadelphia, Pa.
16821 Nellie Kingsbury,10 b. in Hartford, 6 Dec., 1866; res. in Philadel­phia most of her life; d. unm., in Hartford, 12 Dec., 1890.

10228.   REV. ALLYN STANLEY,9 son of Deacon Allyn8 (4603), b. in Ver­non, Conn., 15 Oct., 1824; m. 12 May, 1864, Maria Lauriana Avery, b. in Smyrna, N. Y., 10 July, 1828, dau. of Rev. Charles Eldridge. Avery, b. 16 Mar., 1794, and Aseneth Chedell, b. 9 Nov., 1794.
She d. ______, in Hartford, Conn.; he d. in Newtonville, Mass., 3 Apr., 1893.
He was graduated from Williams' College, 1846; Yale Theological Sem­inary, 1850, and preached under a licensure of limited date, for a few years in Hagamans Mills, N. Y., and in Chandlerville, Ill., being compelled by ill health to relinquish further labor in each case. He was a member of the Connecticut Society, Sons of the American Revolution.
16822 Charles Allyn,10 b. in Vernon, 8 Mar., 1865; m. Nina Fales Pearce.
16823 Marion Chedell,10 b. in Hartford, 4 Sept., 1875; d. in Hartford, 2 July, 1876.

10229.   REV. MARTIN,9 son of Deacon Allyn8 (4603), b. in Vernon, Conn., 15 Mar., 1828; m. 3 Sept., 1863, Louisa Wells Brockway, b. in Ellington, Conn., 29 Apr., 1833, dau. of Hon. John Hail Brockway, of Ellington, b. Jan., 1801, and Flavia F. Colton.
He prepared for college at Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass.; was graduated from Yale A. B., 1850, as the Valedictorian of his class; received the honorary degree of A. M. from Yale, 1853; was graduated from Union Theolog­ical Seminary, New York, 1854; rem. to California, 1855, and was installed pas­tor over a church in Grass Valley; was professor of Latin and mathematics in the College of California, 1860-69; when the college was merged into the University, was appointed professor of Latin and Greek and served, 1869-76; was professor of Latin language and literature, 1876-94; was made chairman of the academic council of the University, 1888; was acting president of the University, 1890-93; when he was formally inducted into the office of president and served 1893-99 he resigned the presidency of the University of California and started on a tour around the world, Sept., 1899; res. in Berkeley, Cal.
Children, b. in Oakland, Cal.
16824 Grace Hall,10 b. 26 Aug., 1865; d. 7 Oct., same year.
16825 Norman Brockway,10 b. 29 Aug., 1867; d. 25 Nov., same year.

10241.   CHARLES EDMUND,9 son of Edmund Burke8 (4620), b. in Colches­ter, Conn., 5 Dec., 1839; m. 20 Oct., 1869, Alice Albania Park, dau. of Jesse Kennedy Park, b. 23 Sept., 1817, and Hannah Merritt, b. 3 Sept., 1816.
He is a lithographer; res. in Hartford, Conn., until 1873, since then in West Stafford, Conn.

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Children, b. in Elmwood, Conn.
16826 Edmund Park,10 b. 22 June, 1871; is a mechanic; is unm.
16827 Chester Burton,10 b. 30 Jan., 1874; is a graduate of a commercial college; is unm.
16828 Franklin Minor,10 b. 23 June, 1875; is a graduate of the Massachu­setts Institute of Technology.

10242.   ANGELINA,9 dau. of Edmund Burke8 (4620), b. in Hartford, Conn., 17 Aug., 1844; m. in Hartford, 7 Dec., 1870, Chester George Munyon, b. in Dud­ley, Mass, 10 Mar., 1831, son of George Munyon, b. 25 Mar., 1803, and Sarah Wheat, b. 3 May, 1801, both of Thompson, Conn.
He is manager of the loan department of the Travelers Insurance Company; res. in Hartford.
Children b. in Hartford.
16829 Walter Kellogg Munyon,10 b. 24 June, 1879; d. 4 Apr., 1888.
16830 Agnes Munyon,10 b. 27 Jan., 1887; d. 11 July, 1888.

10247.   AGNES FARWELL,9 dau. of Elijah Chapman8 (4621), b. 18 Jan., 1847; m. in Hartford, Conn., 16 Sept., 1880, John Hall Sage, of Portland, Conn., son of Charles Henry Sage, b. 5 May, 1816, and Eliza Hall, b. 27 June, 1823.
He is cashier of the First National Bank of Portland.
16831 Harriet Eliza Sage,10 b. 26 Aug., 1884.

10248.   JULIA WRIGHT,9 dau. of Aaron8 (4632), b. in Vernon, 25 Jan., 1832; m. 23 Apr., 1854, Oliver Porter Edgerton, b. in Coventry, Conn., 25 June, 1830, son of Guerdon Edgerton and Cynthia Porter.
He d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 10 Nov., 1899; she res. in Brooklyn.
He was a broker; res. in Brooklyn; was a Lieut. in the Fifty-second Reg., Massachusetts Volunteers, in the civil war; was a Congregationalist; an Inde­pendent Republican.
16832 Charles Kellogg Edgerton,10 b. in Vernon, 16 Nov., 1855.
16833 Henry Guerdon Edgerton,10 b. in Rockville, 25 Feb., 1858; d. 2 Aug., 1858.
16834 Julia Cynthia Edgerton,10 b. in Rockville, 23 Feb., 1859; is unm.
16835 Frank Oliver Edgerton,10 b. in Conway, Mass., 31 July, 1862; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 19 Nov., 1895, Etta Maud Andrews, b. 19 Nov., 1869; res. in Brooklyn.

10249.   FRANCES MARY,9 dau. of Aaron8 (4632), b. in Vernon, Conn., 19 Sept., 1833; m. there 15 Sept., 1858, Charles Washburn Lee, b. in Sag Harbor, N. Y., 20 Apr., 1828.
He d. in Norwalk, O., 9 June, 1878; she res. there.
16836 Ida Frances Lee,10 b. in Vernon, 28 Sept., 1859; d. 8 Feb., 1861.
16837 Charles Edward Lee,10 b. in Vernon, 23 Aug., 1863; d. there 9 Dec., 1865.
16838 Gracie Eliza Lee,10 b. in Cleveland, O., 14 Mar., 1867; d. in Norwalk, 4 Sept., 1883.

1398    The Kelloggs in the New World.

10254.   THOMAS CORNELIUS,9 son of Henry8 (4633), b. in Vernon, Conn., 23 Oct., 1828; m. (1) 11 Oct., 1854, Jane Singletary, b. 26 Feb., 1837, dau. of Anson Singletary, b. 21 June, 1801, and Sophia Blackman, of Streetsboro, O., b. 2 Apr., 1805.
She d. ______; he m. (2) in Akron, O., 1 May, 1862, Maria Sackett, b. in Warren, Conn., 11 Jan., 1832, dau. of Aaron Sackett, b. in Warren, 1791, and Huldah Camilla Tanner, b. 10 Aug., 1793; d. in Freedom, O., 24 Mar., 1881.
He was a music teacher, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Free­dom; she res. in Mantua Station, O.
Children, b. in Streetsboro.
16839 Lillie Victoria,10 b. 3 Nov., 1855; m. Henry Wells Gillett.
16840 Stella May,10 b. 14 July, 1858; d. there 28 May, 1863.

10256.   MARY HUBBARD,9 dau. of Hudson8 (4635), b. in St. Johns, Canada, 7 Apr., 1830; m. 1 Mar., 1853, Cornelius Alfred Roberts, of Dunville, Canada.
16841 Alfred (Allie) Roberts,10 b. ______.

10265.   AARON HUBBARD,9 son of Hudson8 (4635), b. in Vernon, Conn., 1 Sept., 1844; m. in Sheboygan, Wis., 24 Dec., 1873, Mary Frances Stanford.
16842 Harry Arthur,10 b. in Appleton, Wis., 17 June, 1875.
16843 Mary,10 b. in Appleton, 19 Jan., 1877; d. there 21 Jan., same year.
16844 Forest Edwin,10 b. 7 May, 1880.

10270.   MARIA,9 dau. of Ezra8 (4646), b. 7 Aug., 1822; m. (1) 12 Jan., 1839, John Wesley Corbett, b. in Vermont, 21 Mar., 1818, son of Ethan Allen Corbett and Sarah Vine.
She m. (2) 24 Feb., 1866, Chauncey Edwin Ingraham, b. in Connecticut, 13 Apr., 1821, son of Abel Ingraham; he d. 24 Jan., 1881; she res. in Glen­ville, O.
He was a farmer in Twinsburg, O.
16845 Henry Charles Corbett,10 b. in East Cleveland, O., 11 Oct., 1840; m. 24 Dec., 1862, Susan Rosetta Hodges, dau. of Thomas Hodges, b. in England; is a gardener; res. in East Cleveland.
16846 Sarah Elizabeth Corbett,10 b. 7 May, 1843; m. 30 Apr., 1862, Albert La Montague; he was a gardener; she m. (2) 13 Apr., 1874; Daniel Lunn, b. in England, 11 Jan., 1845, son of John Lunn and Eliza Brown; he is a gardener; res. in Glenville.
16847 Caroline Corbett,10 b. 28 Nov., 1846; m. in Huron, O., 12 July, 1880, George Andrew Mattox, b. in East Cleveland, O., 22 July, 1849, son of John Mattox and Sarah Smith; he is a carpenter; d. in Glenville.
16848 Edwin Corbett,10 b. 31 Aug., 1841; m. 20 Nov., 1873, Catherine Moony; is a gardener; res. in East Cleveland.
16849 Julia Anna Maria Corbett,10 b. 6 Jan., 1855; m. 17 Dec., 1872; Jabez R. Elton, b. in England, 28 Oct., 1851, son of John Elton and Caro­line Young; he is a farmer; res. in Swanton, O.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1399

10271.   JOHN,9 son of Ezra8 (4646), b. in Farmersville, N. Y., 28 Sept., 1824; m. in East Cleveland, O., 16 Jan., 1848, Matilda Hooper, b. in Newstead, Erie Co., N. Y., 6 July, 1828.
He d. in Courtland, Mich., 10 May, 1857; she m. (2) Matthew S. Cottrell; d. in Euclid, O., 2 Feb., 1871.
16850 Sylva Henriette,10 b. in Brownhelm, O., 26 Nov., 1849; d. 19 Mar., 1851.
16851 Julia M.,10 b. in Camden, Mich., 29 Jan., 1853; m. in Fremont, Neb., 3 Apr., 1876, Thomas J. Hasberger; had no children.
16852 Ira,10 b. in Courtland, 9 Sept., 1854; d. 13 Dec., 1855.
16853 John,10 b. 16 Oct., 1856; d. 31 Dec., 1856.

10272.   RACHEL LORD,9 dau. of Ezra8 (4646), b. in New York, 13 Oct., 1827; m. 10 Nov., 1847, Samuel Shintly Holmes, b. in England, 16 Mar., 1821, son of Andrew and Sarah Holmes.
They res. in East Cleveland, O.
16854 Henry Edgar Holmes,10 b. in Painesville, O., 16 May, 1848; d. unm., 19 May, 1879.
16855 Charles Holmes,10 b. in Painesville, 22 Oct., 1849; m. 1 Jan., 1880, Mary Lewis, dau. of William and Martha Lewis, of Cleveland; is a gardener; res. in East Cleveland.
16856 Francis Holmes,10 b. in East Cleveland, 29 Nov., 1851; is a gardener; res. in East Cleveland.
16857 Huldah Jane Holmes,10 b. 13 Apr., 1855; m. 2 Mar., 1880, John Smith, son of John and Eva Smith; he is a carpenter.
16858 Ellen Rachel Holmes,10 b. 4 Feb., 1862.

10274.   EZRA,9 son of Ezra8 (4646), b. in Cleveland, O., 1 Nov., 1833; m. in Hortonville, Wis., 9 Dec., 1860, Esther Waite, b. in Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., 16 Sept., 1843, dau. of Martin B. Waite, b. 18 July, 1809, and Lavina Adams, of Cattaraugus Co.
He is a farmer and a Methodist; res. in Hortonville; served in the civil war as a private in Co. D, Twenty-second Wisconsin; enlisted 1 Oct., 1864; was discharged 17 May, 1865.
Children, b. in Hortonia, Wis.
16859 William,10 b. 22 Sept., 1861; d. 9 June, 1863.
16860 Bertha,10 b. 18 May, 1863; d. 24 May, 1878.
16861 Angelia,10 b. 24 Sept., 1865; d. 4 June, 1878.
16862 Charles Everet,10 b. 7 Mar., 1868; d. 9 June, 1878.
16863 Frank Loyd,10 b. 30 Dec., 1877.

10299.   LIDA ANN,9 dau. of Philip8 (4657), b. in Niles, N. Y., 4 Aug., 1849; m. in Berkshire, N. Y., 10 Nov., 1867, Abbot Nicholson Olney, b. 18 Jan., 1843, son of Asa Olney, of Richford, N. Y., and Alzina M. Purdy.
They res. in Burr Oak, Kas.
16864 Ivy Jule Olney,10 b. in Richford, 5 Mar., 1869; d. in Burr Oak, 3 Mar., 1887.

1400    The Kelloggs in the New World.

16865 Emma Alzina Olney,10 b. in Dryden, N. Y., 11 Oct., 1870.
16866 Edna Lind Olney,10 b. in Dryden, 21 Nov., 1872.
16867 Ada Lodusky Olney,10 b. in Limestone, Kas., 10 Oct., 1874; d. 2 Feb., 1878.
16868 Abbott Leland Olney,10 b. in Limestone, 15 Sept., 1877; d. there 16 Nov., 1877.
16869 Frank Llewellyn Olney,10 b. in Limestone, 30 Nov., 1878.
16870 Ethel Bernice Olney,10 b. in Burr Oak, 21 Nov., 1881.
16871 Fannie Rebecca Olney,10 b. in Burr Oak, 6 Jan., 1884.
16872 Eva Eunice Olney,10 b. in Burr Oak, 22 Jan., 1886; d. in Smith Cen­ter, N. Y., 19 Apr., 1890.
16873 Harry Kellogg Olney,10 b. in Burr Oak, 16 June, 1888; d. in Smith Center, 20 Apr., 1890.

10301.   FRANK PHILIP,9 son of Philip8 (4657), b. in Dryden, N. Y., 30 Sept., 1857; m. in Mankato, Kas., 1 May, 1878, Henrietta Bowles, b. 12 July, 1863, dau. of William A. Bowles, b. 1828, and Lucinda Sanford Clark, b. 1830.
He is assistant Secretary of The Select Life Insurance Co.; res. in Denver, Col.
16874 Nellie Sanford,10 b. in Roscoe, Kas., 29 Mar., 1881.
16875 Frank Walter,10 b. in Jamestown, Kas., 29 Dec., 1882.
16876 Margaret Rebecca,10 b. in Jamestown, 25 Dec., 1884.
16877 Edward Earle,10 b. 6 Mar., 1886; d. 2 June, 1891.
16878 Cuthbert Lawrence,10 b. in Jamestown, 13 Dec., 1889.
16879 Juniata Eunice,10 b. in Jamestown, 20 Apr., 1893.
16880 Lenore Lorraine,10 b. in Denver, 17 June, 1897.

10303.   DANIEL,9 son of Ziba8 (4658), b. in Hope, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1828; m. in Wells, N. Y., 22 Mar., 1854, Anna Mariva Crawford, b. in Schroon, N. Y., 1 Apr., 1836, dau. of Isaac Linsy Crawford and Phebe Herrick.
She d. in Wells, 5 June, 1889.
He is a farmer; res. in Wells.
16881 Phebe Elnora,10 b. in Wells, 5 Dec., 1857; m. in Fish House, N. Y., 2 July, 1875, Anson Melville Olmstead, b. 11 Oct., 1852, son of Edward Olmstead, b. 11 Feb., 1829, and Mariah Mandible, b. 13 Oct., 1830, of Northampton; he is a farmer, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

10304.   LUTHER,9 son of Ziba8 (4658), b. in Hope, N. Y., ______; m. in Wells, N. Y., Mrs. Eliza (Weaver) Fisher, dau. of Fred Weaver, of Wells, and Almira Horning.
He was a farmer; res. in Iowa.
16882 Jennie,10 b. ______.

10305.   ELIAS,9 son of Ziba8 (4658), b. in Hope, N. Y., ______; m. in Wells, N. Y., Julia Ann Weaver, b. in Wells, dau. of Peter Weaver.
She d. in Wells, 23 Feb., 1879; he d. there 3 July, 1888.
He was a farmer; res. in Wells.

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Children, b. and d. in Wells.
16883 Oliva,10 b. ______; d. 21 Mar., 1890.
16884 Susannah,10 b. ______; d. 24 July, 1877.
16885 Mary Jane,10 b. ______; d. 1882.
16886 George A.,10 b. ______; d. 16 Mar., 1886.

10308.   MINERVA,9 dau. of Cyrus8 (4659), b. in Tully, N. Y., 22 Aug., 1835; m. in Preble, N. Y., 22 Mar., 1853, Robert Mooney, b. 1830, son of Sylvester and Nancy Mooney.
He d. in Kalamazoo, Mich., 27 June, 1865.
He was a blacksmith in Vesper, N. Y., where his widow res.; served in the civil war as first lieut., Co. F, Twenty-first Reg., Michigan Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 30 July, 1862; was discharged on account of disability, four months later; was a Democrat.
16887 Clara Nancy Mooney,10 b. in Greenville, Mich., 20 Nov., 1860; m. 20 Nov., 1878, Wayland L. Morse; res. in Vesper.

10320.   ANN ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Henry8 (4671), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 9 Feb., 1832; m. in Norwalk, 28 Jan., 1849, Jasper Pryer, b. in New York City, 23 Mar., 1826, son of Merselus Pryer, b. 21 Jan., 1779, and Mary Ingles, b. 18 Feb., 1786.
He is a merchant tailor; a Methodist; a Republican; res. in Norwalk.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
16888 Henry Merselus Pryer,10 b. 19 Mar., 1850; d. in Norwalk, 19 July, 1855.
16889 William Augustus Pryer,10 b. 9 Mar., 1852; m. in Norwalk, 26 June, 1879, Mabel La Due.
16890 Emma Josephine Pryer,10 b. 17 Mar., 1854; m. in Norwalk, 28 June, 1877, Frank Sutherland Fancher.
16891 Jessie Amelia Pryer,10 b. 15 Jan., 1858; m. in Norwalk, 10 July, 1877, Franklin Abraham Camp.
16892 Hattie Byington Pryer,10 b. 30 Aug., 1864; m. in Norwalk, 27 Nov., 1883, Edgar Fremont Fancher.

10321.   MARY JOSEPHINE,9 dau. of Henry8 (4671), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 15 Mar., 1834; m. in Norwalk, Seth Newman Finch, b. in Middletown, N. Y., son of Lewis Finch and Sarah Randall, of Middletown.
She d. in Ansonia, Conn., June, 1863; he d. there 17 Aug., 1892.
He was a grocer, an Episcopalian and a Republican.
Children, b. in Ansonia.
16893 Mary Anna Finch,10 b. 25 Aug., 1857; m. in Ansonia, 8 Dec., 1883, Frederick Kirby Cook, son of John Herbert Cook, b. in Berlin, Conn., 24 Sept., 1822, and Meribah Earle Wyatt, b. in Somerset, Mass., 22 Feb., 1823; had one child.
16894 Katie Isabel Finch,10 b. 10 Mar., 1861.
16895 Fannie Kellogg Finch,10 b. 6 May, 1863.

1402    The Kelloggs in the New World.

10322.   WILLIAM AUGUSTUS,9 son of Henry8 (4671), b. 11 Oct., 1836; m. in Norwalk, Conn., Mary Ann Scott, b. in Watertown, Conn., 16 Jan., 1843, dau. of John Manville Scott, b. in Watertown, 1795, and Mary Ann Andrew, b. in Watertown, 1804.
She d. in Norwalk, 22 Aug., 1885.
He is a farmer, a joiner and a Republican; is a member of St. Paul's Protest­ant Episcopal Church; served in the civil war as second Lieut., Co. F, Seventeenth Reg., Connecticut Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 9 Aug., 1862; was discharged 28 Nov., 1862, on account of disability.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
16896 Wilhelamina Addie,10 b. 18 Oct., 1864; m. Walter Whitney Miner.
16897 Clara Louise,10 b. 6 June, 1866; m. Frederick Mortimer Wheeler.
16898 William Henry,10 b. 9 Feb., 1870; m. Cora I. Romer.
16899 Elsie May,10 b. 8 May, 1885.

10325.   CATHERINE EMILY,9 dau. of John8 (4676), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 24 Jan., 1825; m. in Norwalk, 14 Feb., 1848, William Augustus Lockwood, b. in New Canaan, Conn., 7 Sept., 1826, son of Shadrach Lockwood, b. in New Canaan, and Betsey Tuttle, b. in Newtown, Conn., 31 Oct., 1795.
He d. in Stamford, Conn., ______.
He was a blacksmith; res. in Stamford.
16900 William Henry Lockwood,10 b. 1 Dec., 1848; m. Amea Sanders.
16901 Mary Elizabeth Lockwood,10 b. 12 Mar., 1850; d. ______.
16902 Anna Eliza Lockwood,10 b. 18 Dec., 1852; m. Richard W. Tipper.
16903 Edgar Francis Lockwood,10 b. 31 July, 1854; d. 16 Sept., 1855.
16904 Emma Jane Lockwood,10 b. 11 Mar., 1859.
16905 George Washington Lockwood,10 b. 28 June, 1861; d. Sept., 1863.
16906 Frederick Walter Lockwood,10 b. 23 Jan., 1863.
16907 Oliver Sammis Lockwood,10 b. 14 Oct., 1866.
16908 Lillian Lockwood,10 b. 29 Dec., 1868.

10326.   ELIZA ANN,9 dau. of John8 (4676), b. 17 Mar., 1827; m. in Pound Ridge, N. Y., 2 Aug., 1863, as his second wife, John Nelson Selleck, b. 21 Aug., 1812, son of Thomas Selleck, b. 2 May, 1778, and Lydia Slawson, b. 19 Dec., 1777.
He d. in Pound Ridge, Feb., 1897; after his death she res. in Pound Ridge.
He was a basket maker.
Child, b. in Pound Ridge.
16909 George Nelson Selleck,10 b. 4 June, 1864; is a basket maker; res., unm., in Pound Ridge.

10327.   HARRIET FRANCES,9 dau. of John8 (4676), b. in Norwalk Co., 27 Apr., 1830; m. Isaac Quackenbush, b. in New York City.
He d. ______, in New York City; she res. in Norwalk.
16910 Harriet Quackenbush,10 b. ______; d. ______.
16911 Nellie Quackenbush,10 b. ______; d. ______.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1403

10328.   WILLIAM JACKSON,9 son of John 8 (4676), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 17 Oct., 1832; m. (1) in New York City, Nov., 1873, Harriet Rebecca Fitch, b. in Norwalk, 19 June, 1843, dau. of William Smith Fitch, of Norwalk, b. 9 Mar., 1816, and Harriet Raymond, b. 7 Mar., 1821.
She d. in Norwalk, 5 Oct., 1874; he m. (2) Fanny Capstick, dau. of Miles Capstick, b. 1807, and Fanny Saunders, b. 1803.
He is an oysterman; res. in East Norwalk.
16912 Child,10 b. in Norwalk, 29 Nov., 1874; d. same day.

10330.   EDGAR AUGUSTUS,9 son of John8 (4676), b. in Caledonia, O., 12 July, 1838; m. in Pound Ridge, N. Y., 1 Oct., 1864, Jane Eliza Lockwood, b. 14 Feb., 1844, dau. of George Washington Lockwood and Betsey Jane Saunders.
He is a blacksmith; res. in South Norwalk.
16913 Fred Wallace,10 b. in South Norwalk, 16 Mar., 1866; m. Mrs. Lulena May (Bassett) Peck.
16914 Bertha Isabell,10 b. in South Norwalk, Apr., 1868; d. there Aug., same year.
16915 Florence,10 b. in East Norwalk, 23 Nov., 1870, b. in Port Chester, N. Y., 21 Nov., 1894, George Washington Shriver; res. in South Norwalk.
16916 Estelle Burritt,10 b. in East Norwalk, 16 July, 1874; m. in South Norwalk, 24 Dec., 1889, Isaac Lee Gorham; res. in South Norwalk.
16917 Lillian May,10 b. in Norwalk, 12 July, 1880; m. Joseph Hartwick.

10331.   GEORGE RUSSSELL,9 son of John8 (4676), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 3 Mar., 1840; m. (1) Maria Morgan; she d. ______, in New York; he m. (2) in New Canaan, Conn., 18 Apr., 1877, Ellen Baxter, b. 23 June, 1853, dau. of Samuel Baxter and Louisa Guernsey.
He d. 29 Jan., 1899; after his death she res. in Norwalk.
He was an oysterman; served in the civil war as a private in Co. G, Twenty-eighth Reg., Connecticut Volunteers; enlisted 9 Sept., 1862.
16918 Lewis Russell,10 b. in New Canaan, Conn., 9 Mar., 1878.
16919 William Ernest,10 b. 4 Aug., 1879.
16920 Nellie May,10 b. 8 Feb., 1881.
16921 Edward Lewis,10 b. 30 June, 1885.
16922 Ada Louise,10 b. 28 Jan., 1887.
16923 Frederick Lester,10 b. 20 Feb., 1891; d. in Norwalk, 18 Apr., 1892.

10335.   GEORGE,9 son of Charles8 (4678), b. in Conn., 21 June, 1831; m. in Climax, O., 14 Oct., 1857, _______ Patton, b. 22 July, 1835, dau. of Patrick Pat­ton and Rebecca Morgan, b. 2 May, 1799.
He is a farmer; a Democrat; res. in Caledonia, O.
Children, b. in Caledonia.
16924 John Elton,10 b. 14 Dec., 1859; m. Emma Alberta Ewing.
16925 Samuel Ira,10 b. 20 Dec., 1861; m. 8 Sept., 1887, Eva Jane Irelan.

1404    The Kelloggs in the New World.

10336.   CHARLES BURR,9 son of Charles8 (4678), b. in Richfield, O., 4 Oct., 1835; m. in Caledonia, O., 13 Dec., 1868, Matilda Elizabeth Place, b. in Cale­donia, 22 Aug., 1846, dau. of Sullivan Smith Place, b. 11 July, 1803, and Harriet Patee, b. 4 Oct., 1810.
He is a farmer; a Democrat; res. in Caledonia.
Children, b. in Caledonia.
16926 Willard Leroy,10 b. 4 Oct., 1869; is unm.
16927 Hiram Elmore,10 b. 23 Apr., 1874; is unm.

10342.   JAMES DANIEL,9 son of Russell8 (4681), b. in Boston, O., 22 Aug., 1841; m. in Ray, Mich., 14 Oct., 1866, Margaret Tewksbury, b. in Boston, 26 Oct., 1844, dau. of Simon Tewksbury, b. 26 Oct., 1819, and Polly Porters, b. 1820.
He is a manufacturer of Proprietary medicine; served in the civil war as private, sergeant and orderly sergeant, in Co. A, Ninth Michigan Infantry; en­listed 13 Aug., 1861; was discharged 15 Sept., 1865; is a Republican and a Meth­odist; res. in Battle Creek, Mich.
16928 Myra Lotta,10 b. in Bay, 27 Oct., 1867; m. in Battle Creek, 8 Dec., 1885, Samuel J. Clock.

10343.   RUSSELL MARION,9 son of Russell8 (4681), b. in Boston, O., 19 May, 1843; m. 24 Dec., 1869, Orilla C. Richards, b. 6 Mar., 1844.
He is a nurseryman; res. in Ionia, Mich., and later in Three Rivers, Mich.; is a well known horticulturist and is President of the Michigan Horticultural Society.
16929 Stanley,10 b. 8 Mar., 1873; d. 15 Dec., 1876.

10345.   HENRIETTA SOPHIA,9 dau. of Russell8 (4681), b. in Montpelier, Ind., 8 July, 1847; m. 24 Mar., 1872, Ira Reid, b. 29 July, 1838, son of Hulbert Reid, b. 11 Nov., 1807, and Lydia Wheaton.
He served in the civil war; enlisted 6 Sept., 1864; was discharged, after serving 300 days, 21 June, 1865; is a farmer; res. in Arbela, Mich.
16930 Ella Reid,10 b. 20 June, 1878; d. 21 June, 1879.
16931 Homer Reid,10 b. 4 Feb., 1881.
16932 Lydia Sophia Reid,10 b. 26 Sept., 1882.
16933 Grace Reid,10 b. 24 Feb., 1893.

10348.   WILLIAM HENRY,9 son of Oliver Hazard Perry8 (4683), b. in Cale­donia, O., 2 Mar., 1846; m. in Ashland, Co., O., 30 May, 1872, Emma Earl Humphrey, b. 17 June, 1855, dau. of John Humphrey, b. 1831, and Rebecca Yawney, b. 1838.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Caledonia.
Children, b. in Caledonia.
16934 Henry Perry,10 b. 28 Feb., 1873; m. Rose Elfie Monnett.
16935 Ralph Humphrey,10 b. 4 Aug., 1876; d. in Caledonia, 22 Mar., 1881
16936 Harriet Rebecca,10 b. 16 Sept., 1878.
16937 Mary Blanche,10 b. 20 Oct., 1882.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1405

10350.   WARREN B.,9 son of Oliver Hazard Perry8 (4683), b. in Caledonia, O., 18 July, 1864; m. 8 Jan., 1889, Cora Lazella Rice, b. 27 Nov., 1870, dau. of Paul Kester Rice, b. 29 June, 1842, and Nancy Agnes Christy.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Caledonia.
16938 Helen Lazella,10 b. 11 May, 1894.

10355.   CHARLOTTE,9 dau. of Jonathan Munger8 (4706), b. in Lafayette, Ind., 27 Jan., 1845; m. in Wilton, Ia., 22 Dec., 1870, Juniper Slater, b. in Linn Co., Ia., 2 Apr., 1848.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Buck Grove, Ia.
16939 Oscar Slater,10 b. 29 Feb., 1872; d. in Buck Grove, 26 Oct., 1892.
16940 Francis Arthur Slater,10 b. 27 June, 1873.
16941 Cora Alice Slater,10 b. 7 Nov., 1876; d. in Buck Grove, 20 Nov., 1892.
16942 Le Roy Earl Slater,10 b. in Audubon, Ia., 7 May, 1884.

10358.   MARY ELLEN,9 dau. of Jonathan Munger8 (4706), b. in Lafayette, Ind., 9 Feb., 1851; m. in Monon, Ind., 4 Nov., 1869, James Thomas Newton, b. in Hamilton, O., 25 Apr., 1848, son of James Hood Newton, b. 26 Dec., 1812, and Harriet Clark, b. 19 May, 1818.
He d. in Lafayette, 27 Dec., 1900.
He was a mechanic, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Lafayette; she res. in West Lafayette, Ind.
Children, b. in Lafayette.
16943 Jennie Elizabeth Newton,10 b. 5 Sept., 1868; m. in Lafayette, 2 Apr., 1893, John W. Gibney, b. in Ireland; d. in Wabash, Ind., 2 Dec., 1896; res. there; had one child.
16944 Charles Edgar Newton,10 b. 21 Dec., 1875; m. in Lafayette, 15 Feb., 1899, Atta Haley; res. in Lafayette; had one child.
16945 James Brock Newton,10 b. 22 Jan., 1879; is in Co. B, Forty-fifth United States Volunteer Infantry; is unm.
16946 Earl Kellogg Newton,10 b. 1 Mar., 1884.
16947 Percis Mary Newton,10 b. 22 Aug., 1887.

10359.   JOSEPH PRICE,9 son of Jonathan Munger8 (4706), b. in Lafayette, Ind., 27 Nov., 1852; m. in Monon, Ind., 8 June, 1879, Ida Amelia Helfrich, b. in Kutztown, Pa., 4 Aug., 1856, dau. of William Helfrich, b. 20 Oct., 1832, and Mary Kutz, b. 13 Nov., 1832.
Children, all except first two, b. in Manon.
16948 Jonathan Munger,10 b. in Lafayette, 20 Feb., 1880.
16949 William Henry,10 b. in Ash Grove, Ind., 7 June, 1881.
16950 Cornelius Mountford,10 b. 28 Apr., 1883.
16951 Claude Shelby,10 b. 11 Apr., 1885.
16952 Joseph Price,10 b. 13 Nov., 1886.
16953 Goldie Amelia,10 b. 18 Sept., 1888.
16954 Harry Ethel,10 b. 7 Nov., 1889.
16955 Myrtie Elizabeth,10 b. 3 May, 1891.

1406    The Kelloggs in the New World.

10362.   MARY JANE,9 dau. of Seth Judd8 (4707), b. in Tippecanoe Co., Ind., 17 Feb., 1837; m. in Tippecanoe Co., 1 Sept., 1853, Joseph William Henderson, b. in Montgomery Co., Kas., 1 Sept., 1824, son of Jones Henderson and Margaret Smith, of Tippecanoe Co., b. 1800.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Lafayette.
Children, all except the first, b. in White Co., Ind.
16956 Flora Demaris Henderson,10 b. in Tippecanoe Co., 23 Aug., 1855; m. in White Co., 28 Dec., 1873, Albert Peter Gosma; res. in Brookston, Ind.
16957 Orphia Idora Henderson,10 b. 20 June, 1858; m. in White Co., 9 Feb., 1879, Rufus Allen Mansfield; res. in Brookston.
16958 Cary Hamilton Henderson,10 b. 1 June, 1860; m. in White Co., 26 Feb., 1888, Ella Digman; res. in Brookston.
16959 William Cassius Henderson,10 b. 18 Jan., 1862; m. in White Co., 6 Mar., 1887, Alice Jackson.
16960 Alta Isette Henderson,10 b. 27 Feb., 1864; m. in White Co., 16 Oct., 1894, Sylvester O. Taylor; res. in Octagon, Ind.
16961 Lewis Milton Henderson,10 b. 27 Nov., 1865; m. in Lafayette, 10 Apr., 1888, Lucy L. Hill; res. in Shadeland, Ind.
16962 Charlotte Matilda Henderson,10 b. 6 Oct., 1867; m. in Lafayette, 2 Feb., 1886, Charles J. Mansfield; res. in Brookston.
16963 Rebecca Ann Henderson,10 b. 12 Apr., 1869; d. in White Co., 18 Sept., 1871.
16964 Joseph Wesley Wiley Henderson,10 b. 21 Apr., 1872; m. in Tippecanoe Co., 9 Oct., 1895, Hattie M. Jackson, res. in Lafayette.
16965 Albert Asa Henderson,10 b. 31 July, 1874; d. in White Co., 4 Aug., 1875.
16966 Beatrice Maybelle Henderson,10 b. 27 May, 1879; m. in Chicago, Ill., 14 Apr., 1897, Harry J. Helfrich; res. in Clark's Hill, Ind.

10365.   EMMA CHARLOTTE,9 dau. of Seth Judd8 (4707), b. in Tippecanoe Co., Ind., 23 July, 1842; m. in White Co., Ind., 3 Feb., 1859, George Washington May, b. in Washington Co., Ind., 10 June, 1853, son of Benjamin May and Eliza­beth Barnett.
He d. 27 Apr., 1865; was a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; served as a private in One Hundred and Fiftieth Indiana Reg.; was discharged 9 Mar., 1865; she m. (2) in Lafayette, Ind., 23 Nov., 1871, William Hayes, b. in Ross Co., O., 27 June, 1821, son of Samuel Hayes and Elizabeth Meeks; he d. in Perry Co., Ind., 14 Mar., 1901; was a farmer, a cooper, a Reformed Methodist and a Republican.
Children by first husband.
16967 Rosalph Theadora May,10 b. in White Co., Ind., 25 May, 1860; m. in Spencer Co., Ind., 30 Sept., 1879, Andrew Jackson Arnold, b. in Evansville, Ind., Mar., 1884.
16968 Charles Alben May,10 b. in White Co., Ind., 4 May, 1863; m. in Bad­ford, Va., 13 Nov., 1892, Mary Magdaline Drischel; res. in Taylor­ville, Ill.
Children by second husband.
16969 Seth Kellogg Hayes,10 b. in Buck Creek, Ind., 13 Mar., 1874; d. in Col­fax, Ind., 16 Feb., 1878.

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16970 Robert Allen Hayes,10 b. in Colfax, 9 Jan., 1876; d. there 13 Nov., 1876.
16971 Charlotte Susan Hayes,10 b. in Coon Island, Ind., 10 Aug., 1878; m. in Lafayette, 31 Jan., 1900, Thomas Allen Hall; res. in Cerro Gordo, Ill.
16972 Emma May Hayes,10 b. in Bristol, Ind., 19 Apr., 1883.

10367.   ANTHA MATILDA,9 dau. of Seth Judd8 (4707), b. in Tippecanoe Co., Ind., 27 Oct., 1846; m. in Lafayette, Ind., 9 May, 1867, Asa Templin Ridgely, b. in Middletown, Md., 5 Dec., 1838, son of Joshua Ridgely and Mar­garet Holter, of Middletown.
He is a Silver Democrat; res. in Lafayette.
Children, b. in Lafayette.
16973 Bertha Ellen Ridgely,10 b. 28 Sept., 1874.
16974 Hiram Clifford Ridgely,10 b. 22 Apr., 1877; m. in Lafayette, 18 Oct., 1899, Nellie Jane Wellington; res. in Springfield, O.
16975 Holland Perringer Ridgely,10 b. 13 June, 1879.
16976 Margaret Beckwith Ridgely,10 b. 22 Feb., 1882.
16977 Bessie Ridgely,10 b. 28 Apr., 1888.

10387.   MARY ELIZABETH,9 dau. of William Frederick8 (4710), b. in Tip­pecanoe Co., Ind., 7 Aug., 1842; m. in Tippecanoe Co., 21 Apr., 1868, Edward Payne, b. in Tippecanoe Co., 19 May, 1841, son of Philip Payne and Hester Wil­kins, of Tippecanoe Co.
She d. in Tippecanoe Co., 30 July, 1896.
He is a Republican and a farmer.
16978 Ella V. Payne,10 b. in Tippecanoe Co., 24 Aug., 1869; res., unm., in La­fayette.

10388.   PERRY ETHEL,9 son of William Frederick8 (4710), b. in Tippe­canoe Co., Ind., 26 Jan., 1846; m. in Lafayette, Ind., 2 Oct., 1872, Virginia Payne, b. in Tippecanoe Co., 4 July, 1854, dau. of Philip Payne, b. 1804, and Mary Browsher, b. 1810, of Dayton, Ind.
He served in the civil war as a private in Co. E, One Hundred Thirty-fifth Indiana Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 13 Apr., 1864; was discharged 19 Dec., 1864; he is a clerk; a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Lafayette.
Children, b. in Tippecanoe Co.
16980 William Frederic,10 b. 26 Jan., 1876; is unm.

10409.   IRA LONGWELL,9 son of Daniel8 (4719), b. in Bentonville, Ind., 3 Oct., 1843; m. in Connersville, Ind., 22 Aug., 1865, Myra E. Harlan, b. in Con­nersville, 13 Oct., 1846, dau. of Samuel Harlan, b. 15 Sept., 1815, and Jemima Meranda Harlan, b. 25 Feb., 1821.
He is a farmer, a Baptist and a Republican; res. in Fowler, Ind.
16981 Antha B.,10 b. 5 July, 1866; d. unm., in Bentonville, 22 Apr., 1867.
16982 Altha Estella,10 b. 12 Mar., 1868; res, unm., in Fowler.
16983 Clarence Howe,10 b. 31 July, 1873; is a teacher; is unm.
16984 Ruth,10 b. 13 Aug., 1888.

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10411.   MARILDA CARVER,9 dau. of Daniel8 (4719), b. in Bentonville, Ind., 29 Oct., 1859; m. in Bentonville, 6 Jan., 1881, Roscoe Brant Curtis, son of Wes­ley Miller Curtis.
He d. in Bentonville, 7 Sept., 1883.
He was a farmer and a Democrat.
Children, b. in Bentonville.
16985 Emery Curtis,10 b. 2 Oct., 1881.
16986 Harry Curtis,10 b. 17 Jan., 1883.

10412.   REV. JOHN ELIHU,9 son of Amos8 (4720), b. in Fayette Co., Ind., 8 Mar., 1845; m. 3 Oct., 1867, Nancy C. Delinger.
He is a Baptist minister; res. in Madison Co., Neb.
16987 Lilly Irene,10 b. 2 Mar., 1870; d. 26 Jan., 1873.
16988 Bertha,10 b. 21 Nov., 1873.
16989 Alta Dell,10 b. 2 July, 1876.

10413.   EMELINE,9 dau. of Amos8 (4720), b. 18 May, 1847; m. in Washington Co., Neb., 17 July, 1870, Marshall Carson.
16990 Eva Carson,10 b. 6 June, 1871.
16991 Anna Melisssa Carson,10 b. 7 May, 1873.
16992 Christopher Carson,10 b. 7 Feb., 1875.
16993 Phebe Kellogg Carson,10 b. 13 May, 1877.

10414.   ALICE,9 dau. of Amos8 (4720), b. 6 Sept., 1852; m. in Madison Co., Neb., 28 Nov., 1872, Constantine Hughes.
16994 Emery B. Hughes,10 b. 3 Aug., 1873.
16995 Delbert Hughes,10 b. 16 Mar., 1876.
16996 Alta May Hughes,10 b. 2 Aug., 1877.

10434.   RHODA ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Ezra Blackford8 (4727), b. in Rosen­dale, Mo., 8 July, 1859; m. in Bolckow, Mo., 1 July, 1877, Thomas Harding, b. in Devonshire, England, 2 Apr., 1855, son of Thomas Harding and Susan Tucker, of Devonshire.
He is a farmer; a member of the Christian Church; a Republican; res. in Savannah, Mo.
16997 Leon Harding,10 b. in Bolckow, 2 June, 1878; m. in Rosendale, 22 Nov., 1899, Edna Wilkinson; res. in Cashion, Oklahoma.
16998 Laura Gertrude Harding,10 b. in Bolckow, 15 Jan., 1893.
16999 L. Edith Harding,10 b. in Rosendale, 26 Apr., 1895.
17000 Jessie May Harding,10 b. in Rosendale, 19 Dec., 1897.

10438.   MARY ELLEN,9 dau. of Harrison Madison8 (4728), b. in Savannah, Mo., 25 Dec., 1847; m. in Andrew Co., Mo., 10 Feb., 1867, John Bunyan Lamas­ter, b. in Morgan Co., Ky., 1 Nov., 1841, son of Benjamin Lamaster, b. 2 June, 1819, and Elizabeth Wireman, b. 10 Dec., 1821.

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He is a farmer; a merchant; a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Cline, Okla.
Children, first four b. in Andrew Co.
17001 Charles Cyrus Lamaster,10 b. 12 Nov., 1867; is unm.
17002 Martin Elijah Lamaster,10 b. 5 May, 1872; is unm.
17003 Emery John Lamaster,10 b. 4 Nov., 1874; is unm.
17004 Luther Bunyan Lamaster,10 b. 25 May, 1877; is unm.
17005 Nellie Jane Lamaster,10 b. in Osborne Co., Kas., 23 Mar., 1885; is unm.

10442.   JOHN HARRISON,9 son of Harrison Madison,8 (4728), b. in Savannah, Mo., 11 Dec., 1857; m. in Savannah, 17 Oct., 1879, Emma Adkins, b. in Savan­nah, 8 Oct., 1859, dau. of William Adkins, b. 19 Apr., 1830, and Lina McElroy, b. 13 Nov., 1826.
He is a farmer; a member of the Christian Church and a Republican; res. in Savannah.
17006 Gurney Overton,10 b. 25 Oct., 1880.
17007 Ethel Maud,10 b. 30 Jan., 1883.
17008 Ruth Ellen,10 b. 16 Nov., 1887.
17009 Josephine Huber,10 b. 18 Sept., 1890.
17010 Jessie May,10 b. 18 Sept., 1890.
17011 Flora Mabel,10 b. 17 Sept., 1898.

10443.   LYDIA MARGARET,9 dau. of Harrison Madison8 (4728), b. in Sa­vannah, Mo., 11 Feb., 1860; m. in Rosendale, Mo., 7 Sept., 1880, Joseph William Muir, b. 16 Oct., 1849, son of R. Muir and Agnes Gilmour.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Savannah.
Children, b. in Savannah.
17012 Cyrus Blaine Muir,10 b. 16 June, 1881.
17013 Arthur Earl Muir,10 b. 22 Jan., 1887.

10444.   ANDERSON,9 son of Deacon Nathaniel8 (4730), b. 9 May, 1842; m. 1 July, 1862, Dolly McBrien.
He d. ______, in the Soldiers' Home, Leavenworth, Kas.; she d. ______, in Logan, Kas.
He was a farmer; res. in Rosendale, Mo.
17014 James Printis,10 b. ______.
17015 Jackson,10 b. b. ______.
17016 Rebecca Ann,10 b. ______; m. _______ Lawson.
17017 Nancy Margaret,10 b. ______; m. _______ Cooper.
17018 Eliza Olive,10 b. ______.
17019 Homer,10 b. ______.
17020 Daniel,10 b. ______; m. _______ Loney.
17021 Florence Olive,10 b. ______.
17022 Etta,10 b. ______.
17023 Morgan,10 b. ______.

10445.   SETH JUDD,9 son of Deacon Nathaniel8 (4730), b. in Rosendale, Mo., 14 Aug., 1844; m. (1) 8 Dec., 1867, Mary Ellen Bales.

1410    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She d. 24 Aug., 1872; he m. (2) 17 Oct., 1875, Rebecca Stoner; d. in Seapo, Kas., 27 Apr., 1884.
He was a farmer; res. in Rosendale; served in the civil war in Co. B, Forty-third Infantry, enlisting 13 Aug., 1864; was discharged 30 June, 1865; was a member of the Christian Church.
Children by first wife, b. in Barnard, Mo.
17024 George Luther,10 b. 18 Oct., 1869; m. Josephine Watson.
17025 Aaron Odie,10 b. 18 Dec., 1870; m. Bessie Mae Adkins.
17026 Edgar Judd,10 b. ______; d. ______, in Rosendale.
Children by second wife, b. in Seapo.
17027 Josie Inez,10 b. ______; m. in Savannah, Mo., Mar., 1897, _______ Cobb; res. in Rosendale.
17028 Lillie P.,10 b. ______; m. _______ Lovelace.
17029 Lottie,10 b. ______; m. in Savannah, Elmer Pettijohn; res. in Rosen­dale.
17030 John Rhoy,10 b. ______.

10446.   GEORGE MILTON,9 son of Deacon Nathaniel8 (47 30), b. in Clark Co., Ind., 24 Mar., 1847; m. 3 Jan., 1875, Mary Bell Doolittle, b. in Washington, Ind., 15 Oct., 1855, dau. of Clinton Doolittle and Elizabeth Robbins, of New Wash­ington, Ind.
He is a farmer and a stockraiser; res. in Wayne, Kas.
17031 Daisy,10 b. in Wayne, 12 May, 1878; m. in Wayne, 28 Nov., 1897, John Luther Ryman, b. in Agenda, Kas., 11 Feb., 1877, son of Thomas Ryman, b. 29 Jan., 1845, and Mandy Jones, of Agenda, b. 15 Mar., 1840.
17032 Ruby,10 b. in Wayne, 1 Apr., 1884.
17033 Elizabeth Ruth,10 b. in Wayne, 28 Oct., 1892.

10447.   NANCY JANE,9 dau. of Deacon Nathaniel8 (4730), b. 17 Dec., 1849; m. 23 Feb., 1869, Ephraim Rhodes.
Children, b. in Barnard, Mo.
17034 William Rhodes,10 b. ______; res. in Barnard.
17035 Leaon Rhodes,10 b. ______; res. in Barnard.
17036 Edgar Judd Rhodes,10 b. ______; res. in Barnard.

10448.   THOMAS RILEY,9 son of Deacon Nathaniel8 (4730), b. in Rosendale, Mo., 5 Apr., 1852; m. in Rosendale, 17 June, 1874, Martha Adkins, b. in Rosen­dale, 13 Nov., 1855, dau. of William Adkins, b. 18 Apr., 1830, and Lina McElroy.
He is a farmer; res. in Slate, Kas.
17037 Alice,10 b. in Rosendale, 13 July, 1875; m. Albert Emery Miller.
17038 Onia,10 b. in Wayne, Kas., 23 Aug., 1877; m. in Slate, 20 Sept., 1893, Frank Edgar Curtis; res. in Slate.
17039 Linney,10 b. in Wayne, 28 Oct., 1880.
17040 Byron,10 b. in Wayne, 8 Nov., 1883.
17041 Roy Thomas,10 b. in Slate, 26 July, 1890.
17042 Blanche,10 b. in Slate, 10 Sept., 1892.
17043 Alva Lester,10 b. in Slate, 22 Mar., 1898.

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10449.   ELIHU,9 son of Deacon Nathaniel8 (4730), b. in Rosendale, Mo., 8 Feb., 1855; m. in Wayne, Kas., 25 Dec., 1878, Samantha Williamson, b. in Lam­bertsville, N. J., 23 Apr., 1856, dau. of C. B. Williamson, b. 4 Jan., 1829, and Phoebe Atchley, b. 6 Aug., 1829.
He is a farmer; res. in Wayne.
Children, b. in Wayne.
17044 Charles,10 b. 21 Apr., 1880.
17045 Bertha Samantha,10 b. 10 Dec., 1881.
17046 Birtie,10 b. 15 Mar., 1886.
17047 Mamie,10 b. 21 May, 1888; d. 18 Feb., 1889.
17048 Ollie May,10 b. 7 Dec., 1889.
17049 George,10 b. 7 May, 1892.

10451.   MILLY ANN,9 dau. of Deacon Nathaniel8 (4730), b. in Andrew Co., Mo., 6 Nov., 1860; m. in Rosendale, Mo., 27 Apr., 1881, Howard S. Heaverlo, b. in Delaware Co., O., 31 July, 1861, son of Jacob Heaverlo, and Elizabeth Eckel­berry.
He is in the railroad business; is a Republican; res. in Rosendale.
17050 Clarence Heaverlo,10 b. in Rosendale, 15 Feb., 1884.

10453.   MARY ADELINE,9 dau. of Deacon Nathaniel8 (4730), b. in Rosen­dale, Mo., 15 May, 1868; m. in Rosendale, 2 July, 1885, Henry Halleck Adkins, b. 1 Jan., 1864, son of William Adkins, b. 18 Apr., 1830, and Lina McElroy.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Rosendale.
17051 Orpha Adkins,10 b. in Rosendale, 3 Jan., 1886.

10455.   CHARLES WESLEY,9 son of John8 (4731), b. in Rosendale, Mo., 16 Jan., 1848; m. in Smith Center, Kas., 1 Jan., 1881, Laura Isabel Edds, b. in Lincoln, Ill., 17 June, 1858, dau. of John Parkison Edds, b. Apr., 1839, and Caro­line Shutt, b. 14 Dec., 1841.
He is a farmer; a member of the Christian Church; res. in Lebanon, Kas.
Children, b. in Cawker City, Kas.
17052 Charles Wilbert,10 b. 19 Feb., 1882.
17053 John Leroy,10 b. 12 Aug., 1883.
17054 Rachel Caroline,10 b. 8 Oct., 1885.
Children, B. in Lebanon, Kas.
17055 Floyd Marsellas,10 b. 1 Mar., 1888.
17056 Mary Edith Fern,10 b. 12 Mar., 1892.

10456.   Rhoda Mary,9 dau. of John,8 (4731), b. 14 Dec., 1850; m. 12 Oct., 1857, Henry Dorst.
She d. 16 July, 1877.
17057 Sarah Ellen Dorst,10 b. 24 July, 1868.
17058 Melissa Ann Dorst,10 b. 17 May, 1870.
17059 Adeline Lisa Dorst,10 b. 16 Feb., 1873.
17060 John Henry Dorst,10 b. 23 Mar., 1875.

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10458.   MALISSA ANN,9 dau. of John8 (4731), b. 21 Nov., 1852; m. (1) in Rosendale, Mo., 20 Nov., 1871, George Washington Durrett, b. 26 Feb., 1849, son of Benjamin Durrett and Mary Landers.
He d. near Savannah, Mo., 14 Dec., 1879; was a carpenter, a farmer, a Bap­tist and a Democrat; she m. (2) in Ionia, Kas., 1 June, 1881, John Delaney Riley Brown, b. 30 June, 1856, son of Ulysses Brown, of Jewell Co., Kas.; he was a farmer and a Democrat; she m. (3) as his fourth Wife, in Rosendale, 13 Jan., 1838, Joseph Washington Vaughn, b. 12 Oct., 1838, son of Nathan Vaughn, of Savannah; he is a stationary engineer; a Republican; served in the civil war.
Children by first husband.
17061 Joseph Henry Durrett,10 b. near Savannah, 6 Dec., 1872; m. Loretta Jane Hunt, b. 19 Apr., 1876; had one child.
17062 Mary Alice Durrett,10 b. near Cawker City, Kas., 22 Dec., 1877.
Children by second husband.
17063 Nora Ethel Brown,10 b. near Cawker City, 19 Jan., 1882; m. near Ro­sendale, 21 Dec., 1898, John Albert Housman; res. near Bolckow, Mo.; both are members of the Christian Church.
17064 Banner Franklin Brown,10 b. near Cawker City, 17 Oct., 1886.

10459.   HANNAH ELIZA,9 dau. of John 8 (4731), b. in Rosendale, Mo., 10 Jan., 1855; m. in Rosendale, 1881, James Buchanan Wiggs, b. in Marion, Ill.
They res. in Ionia, later in Lebanon, Kas.
17065 Amy Ophal Wiggs,10 b. 19 Mar., 1882; d. 8 Dec., 1886.
17066 Alma Myrtle Wiggs,10 b. 4 May, 1883.
17067 Anna Gertrude Wiggs,10 b. 6 Jan., 1885.
17068 Elizabeth May Wiggs,10 b. 19 Oct., 1888.
17069 John William Hamilton Wiggs,10 b. 4 Dec., 1891.
17070 James Edwin Wiggs,10 b. 15 May, 1893.
17071 Eliza Vera Wiggs,10 b. 25 Feb., 1895.

10460.   JOHN RILEY,9 son of John8 (4731), b. 19 Mar., 1857; m. 2 Dec., 1881, Eliza Gore.
He is a farmer; res. in Rosendale, Mo.
17072 Daisy,10 b. ______.
17073 Frederick,10 b. ______.
17074 Elizabeth,10 b. ______.
17075 Maud,10 b. ______.
17076 Clyde,10 b. ______.
17077 Sybil,10 b. ______.
17078 Glenn,10 b. ______.
17079 Russell,10 b. ______.

10461.   JAMES FRANKLIN,9 son of John,8 (4731), b. 9 Aug., 1859; m. Rilly Fritzman.
He is a farmer and a mechanic; res in Rosendale, Mo.

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17080 Andra,10 b. ______.
17081 Horn,10 b. ______.

10462.   ANDREW JACKSON,9 son of John8 (4731), b. in Andrew Co., Mo., 8 Nov., 1861; m. Minnie Colburn, b. in Rosendale, Mo., 23 Mar., 1870, dau. of Thomas Colburn, b. 23 June, 1841, and _______ Smith, b. 18 Nov., 1843.
He is a farmer; res. in Rosendale.
Children, all except Moinie O., b. in Rosendale.
17082 Vernon Earl,10 b. 30 May, 1886.
17083 Everett Lyle,10 b. 12 May, 1888.
17084 Alvin Ray,10 b. 14 Dec., 1891.
17085 Moinie Orville,10 b. in Vanzant, Mo., 6 July, 1894.
17086 Kenneth Lloyd,10 b. 12 Jan., 1900.

10466.   MARY JANE,9 dau. of Miles8 (4732), b. in Oskaloosa, Ia., 16 Aug., 1849; m. in Winterset, Ia., 30 Sept., 1865, Jonathan Allen Gordon, b. in Ripley Co., Ind., 14 June, 1845, son of Irvin Walton Gordon, b. in Pennsylvania, 7 Mar., 1799, and Sarah Gordon, b. in Pennsylvania, 23 Oct., 1804.
He is a farmer; a member of the First Christian Church; a Democrat; was graduated from the Winterset High School, 1865; served in the civil war as a musician in Co. F, Thirty-ninth Reg, Iowa Volunteers; enlisted 1 Nov., 1862; was discharged 17 Aug., 1863; res. in Winterset.
Children, b. in Winterset.
17087 Emmet H. M. Gordon,10 b. 10 June, 1866; d. 2 Oct., 1867.
17088 Elmer I. Gordon,10 b. 23 Jan., 1868; m. in Winterset, 19 Nov., 1893, Mariette R. Martin; res. in Madison Co., Ia.
17089 Elleanora M. J. Gordon,10 b. 17 Apr., 1870; d. 18 Apr., same year.
17090 Ednie L. Gordon,10 b. 23 Apr., 1871; m. in Winterset, 24 Dec., 1896.
17091 Elbe E. Gordon,10 b. 30 Aug., 1875; m. in Winterset, 9 Oct., 1901, Rosa M. Holloway; res. in Madison Co., Ia.
17092 Essie L. Gordon,10 b. 3 Apr., 1889; d. 7 Mar., 1892.

10467.   JAMES MADISON,9 son of Miles8 (4732), b. in Oskaloosa, Ia., 24 Jan., 1852; m. in Winterset, Ia., 12 Apr., 1876, Ellen James, b. in Winterset, 31 Mar., 1860, dau. of John James, b. 20 Sept., 1836, and Permelia Smith, of Win­terset, b. 27 Apr., 1837.
He is a farmer; a United Brethren in religion; a Republican; res. in Win­erset.
Children, b. in Winterset.
17093 Sylvester Franklin,10 b. 19 Feb., 1877.
17094 Charles Aubrey,10 b. 13 Apr., 1883.

10480.   MARY ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Asa Fox8 (4747), b. 21 Mar., 1829; m. 8 Feb., 1855, Foster Henry Curtis, b. 28 Mar., 1827, son of Gideon Curtis, b. 14 July, 1794, and Lydia Bates, b. 1795.
She d. 12 Jan., 1856; he m. (2) 5 Oct., 1859, Olive Permelia Kellogg, sister of his first wife; she d. 4 July, 1860; he m. (3) 11 June, 1862, Mary Mariah Quicka, b. 28 July, 1840; res. in Saratoga Springs, N. Y.

1414    The Kelloggs in the New World.

17095 Milford Byron Curtis,10 b. in Oramel, N. Y., 5 Dec., 1855; is unm.

10483.   EMILY C. M.,9 dau. of Asa Fox8 (4747), b. 8 Dec., 1840; m. 11 Sept., 1858, William H. Ostrander.
17096 Elizabeth Ostrander,10 b. ______.

10495.   AMELIA STRYKER,9 dau. of Martin8 (4757), b. in Bethany, Pa., 22 Aug., 1825; m. 4 Sept., 1849, Dwight May, b. in Sandisfield, Mass., 8 Sept., 1822, son of Rockwell May, b. 20 June, 1799, and Celestia Underwood.
He d. 28 Jan., 1880.
He was graduated from the Michigan University in 1849; was a lawyer; served in the civil war; enlisted as a private, Apr., 1861, and became Brigadier­General. He was Attorney General and Lieutenant Governor of Michigan; res. in Kalamazoo, Mich., where he was prominent in his profession.
17097 Nettie Elizabeth May,10 b. 29 Oct., 1851; d. 8 Feb., 1861.
17098 Ada Kellogg May,10 b. 23 July, 1853; d. 5 Feb., 1861.
17099 Minnie Kellogg May,10 b. 16 Mar., 1856; m. 26 July, 1878, William N. Brown; he is a lawyer; res. in Mt. Pleasant, Mich.

10504.   LOUISA MARIA,9 dau. of Azor8 (4761), b. 22 Jan., 1821; m. 4 May, 1843, Daniel Sprague White, b. 18 Nov., 1817, son of Freeborn White, b. in Goshen, Mass., 31 Oct., 1789, and Betsey _______, b. in Westhampton, Mass., 14 Apr., 1792.
She d. 18 Apr., 1868; he d. in Valparaiso, Ind., 7 Sept., 1884.
He was a millwright and a manufacturer of sash, doors, etc.; rem. from Mt. Pleasant, Pa., 1850; she joined the Presbyterian Church in Valparaiso, 1851.
17100 Martha J. White,10 b. in Mt. Pleasant, 17 Dec., 1846; m. James McFet­rich; d. about 1890; res. in Valparaiso.
17101 Edwin Freeborn White,10 b. in Valparaiso, 26 Sept., 1851; m. Emma Dunham; res. in Junction City, Kas.

10505.   ALFRED WASHINGTON,9 son of Azor,8 (4761), b. in Mt. Pleas­ant, Pa., 30 Jan., 1823; m. (1) in Mt. Pleasant, 3 Sept., 1845, Martha Wright Norton, b. 13 Nov., 1824, dau. of Elijah Amander Norton, b. 13 Dec., 1793, and Sally White, of Battle Creek, Mich., b. 25 Nov., 1798.
She d. in Mt. Pleasant, 10 Dec., 1845; he m. (2) in Honesdale, Pa., 4 May, 1848, Isadore Brown Chase, b. in North Adams, Mass., 12 Oct., 1824; dau. of Cyrus Prince Chase, b. 11 Jan., 1802, and Sophronia Van Suydam, b. 5 Mar., 1803; d. in Valparaiso, Ind., 4 Feb., 1886.
He was a machinist, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Mt. Pleasant; rem. to Valparaiso, June, 1851.
Children by second wife.
17102 Isadore Maria,10 b. in Mt. Pleasant, 10 Oct., 1849; d. same day.
17103 Sarah Plumb,10 b. in Valparaiso, 13, Nov., 1851; d. there 9 Sept., 1855.

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✛17104 Frank Chase,10 b. in Valparaiso, 18 Aug., 1856; d. there 29 Sept., 1866.
17105 Alfred Elsworth,10 b. in Valparaiso, 5 Oct., 1862; d. there 24 Feb., 1863.
17106 Sarah Martha,10 b. in Valparaiso, 10 Aug., 1866; is unm.

10506.   JOHN WOODARD,9 son of Azor8 (4761), b. in Mt. Pleasant, Pa., 13 Apr., 1825; m. 1 Jan., 1849, Abigail Jane Hull, b. 28 July, 1824, dau. of Wil­liam Hull, b. 12 Oct., 1796, and Elizabeth Spangenburg, b. 16 Feb., 1800.
He is a machinist; res. in Valparaiso, Ind.
Children, b. in Valparaiso.
17107 Silas Woodard,10 b. 28 Apr., 1852.
17108 Fortunatus Galbreath,10 b. 14 Sept., 1853; m. (1) Agnes Babcock; she d. ______; he m. (2) Mrs. Emma Mitten Van Devander.
17109 Helen Annette,10 b. 15 June, 1856; d. unm., 3 Mar., 1889.
17110 Nancy Elizabeth,10 b. 13 Sept., 1860; m. James Riley Wilson.
17111 Abbie Bell,10 b. 3 Feb., 1867; m. William Snyder.

10507.   DENNIS AZOR,9 son of Azor8 (4761), b. in Mt. Pleasant, Pa., 20 May, 1830; m. in Batavia, N. Y., 14 July, 1852, Lucelia Norton, b. in Mt. Pleasant, 12 June, 1831, dau. of Elijah Amander Norton, of Battle Creek, Mich., b. 13 Dec., 1798, and Sally White, b. 25 Nov., 1798.
He d. in Valparaiso, Ind., 25 Nov., 1882.
He was a machinist; a Republican; res. in Mt. Pleasant, Ringwood, Ill., and Valparaiso.
Children, b. in Valparaiso.
17112 Adelbert Leroy,10 b. 31 Mar., 1856; m. in Valparaiso, 17 Oct., 1878, Anna Skinner; res. in Valparaiso.
17113 Mark Levant,10 b. 17 July, 1861; d. in Valparaiso, 27 Apr., 1869.

10512.   MARY ELIZA ANN,9 dau. of Jirah Mumford8 (4767), b. in Preston, Pa., 25 Nov., 1838; m. as his second Wife, 6 Jan., 1875, Abner Palmer, of Preston, b. in South East, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1836, son of Comfort Palmer, b. 18 Sept., 1806, and Jane Palmer, b. 19 Feb., 1814.
He d. 4 Feb., 1885, and was buried in Little York, Pa.; she res. in Win­wood, Pa.
He was a farmer and a Republican; enlisted for three years, at the begin­ning of the rebellion, as a private in Co. A, Fifth Reg., Pennsylvania Volun­teers; re-enlisted and served throughout the War.
Children, b. in Preston.
17114 Jane Eliza Palmer,10 b. 8 Dec., 1875.
17115 Addie May Palmer,10 b. 15 May, 1880.
17116 Jirah Azor Palmer,10 b. 27 June, 1882.

10513.   WARREN JIRAH,9 son of Jirah Mumford8 (4767), b. in Preston, Pa., 2 Mar., 1840; m. in Deposit, N. Y., 15 Nov., 1873, Susan Kellam, b. in Han­cock, N. Y., 16 Oct., 1848, dau. of John Kellam, b. 1 Dec., 1815, and Jane Wain­wright, b. 4 Sept., 1816.
He is a farmer and a stockdealer; a Methodist and a Democrat; res. in Kirks­ville, Mo.

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17117 Raymond Warren,10 b. in Preston, 15 Sept., 1874.
17118 James Azor,10 b. in Starrucca, Pa., 13 Apr., 1876.
17119 Charles William,10 b. in Starrucca, 19 July, 1877.
17120 George Harold,10 b. in Starrucca, 18 July, 1878.
17121 Frederick Oakley,10 b. in Kirksville, 13 Feb., 1880.
17122 Emma Leam,10 b. in Kirksville, 19 Aug., 1881.
17123 Ross Edward,10 b. in Kirksville, 1 July, 1886; d. there 19 Aug., 1887.

10515.   ADALINE MATILDA,9 dau. of Jirah Mumford8 (4767), b. in Pres­ton, Pa., 8 Dec., 1842; m. 3 Feb., 1875, Isaac Davisson Pearce, b. in Dayton, O., 12 Feb., 1838, son of Jacob Pearce, b. in Ohio, 9 Feb., 1815, and Nancy Davisson, b. 17 Apr., 1818.
He is a dentist; res. in Kirksville, Mo., in Iowa City, Ia., and, later in Los Angeles, Cal.
17124 Jirah Jacob Pearce,10 b. 23 Nov., 1875; a student of Osteopathy, in Los Angeles, 1897.

10516.   JONATHAN MOORE,9 son of Jirah Mumford8 (4767), b. in Pres­ton, Pa., 25 May, 1845; m. in Preston, 23 Dec., 1870, Jane Elizabeth Chamber­lain, b. 28 Aug., 1853, dau. of Colby Chamberlain, b. 28 Nov., 1814, and Ardelia Seay, b. 19 Sept., 1819.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Bullion, Mo., to which place he rem. from Preston, Mar., 1883.
Children, b. in Preston.
17125 Jirah Hollis,10 b. 15 Feb., 1872; m. Laura Pansy Bailey.
17126 Willis Edward,10 b. 29 May, 1874.
17127 Seay Moore,10 b. 4 Nov., 1876.
17128 Ardelia,10 b. 23 Dec., 1881.
Children, b. in Bullion.
17129 Harriet Josephine,10 b. 4 Sept., 1887.
17130 Azor Edgar,10 b. 18 Sept., 1894.

10523.   HARRIET EVA,9 dau. of Jirah Mumford8 (4767), b. in Preston, Pa., 13 Apr., 1861; m. 23 Sept., 1886, Daniel Labarr, b. in Waymart, Pa., 12 Dec., 1860, son of John D. Labarr, b. 27 Mar., 1816, and Jane Lord, b. 25 Jan., 1823.
He is in the farming and lumbering business; res. in Winwood, Pa., near the old homestead; is a Republican.
17131 Warren Woodward Labarr,10 b. 25 Dec., 1887.
17132 Jane Lord Labarr,10 b. 25 Dec., 1887.
17133 Blanche Ethel Labarr,10 b. 1 Mar., 1891.
17134 Mary Esther Labarr,10 b. 12 Oct., 1894.
17135 Karl Kellogg Labarr,10 b. 26 Oct., 1897.

10530.   GEORGE WASHINGTON,9 son of Otis8 (4773), b. in Oberlin, O., 6 June, 1836; m. 6 June, 1860, Sarah E. McMillin.
He res. in Sioux City, Ia., where he is a noted criminal lawyer.

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✛17135a George Martin,10 b. in Dubuque, Ia., 28 Jan., 1861; m. Mary E. Jackson.

10537.   ABEL GIBSON,9 son of Daniel,8 (4775), b. in Brownhelm, O., 15 May, 1837; m. in Oxford, N. Y., 8 Sept., 1863, Almira Sidney Gibson, b. in New Ber­lin, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1840, dau. of Joseph Gibson, b. 12 Feb., 1813, and Hannah Moulton, of Oxford, b. 9 Sept., 1813.
He is a farmer; a Democrat; res. in Oberlin, O.
Children, b. in Henrietta, O.
17136 Horatio Seymour,10 b. 19 Nov., 1868; d. unm., 30 Dec., 1888.
17137 Rosabell,10 b. 3 Feb., 1875; m. in Elyria, O., 3 Feb., 1893, William Austin; res. in Henrietta.

10539.   EDWIN MARTIN,9 son of Ira8 (4781), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., 4 July, 1813; m. Lucella Brown, b. 15 Dec., 1816, dau. of Solomon Brown and Ermida Waller.
She d. 21 Nov., 1868; he d. 20 Dec., 1889.
He was prominent in politics; was a farmer; res. in Waterbury and New Haven, Conn., and Brooklyn, N. Y.; was twice elected to the General Assembly.
17138 George Martin,10 b. in Warren, Conn., 21 Apr., 1838; m. Lydia Eliza Benedict.
17139 Augustus William,10 b. in Warren, 28 Aug., 1840; m. Clarissa Lydia Clark.
17140 Emma Jane,10 b. 15 Feb., 1847; m. May, 1888, Dr. Joseph Potts Thomas, of Hop­kins­ville, Ky., b. 9 Sept., 1830; he d. 25 June, 1894; she is an artist in ink, oil and water colors; had no children.

10540.   MEDAD ROGERS,9 son of Ira8 (4781), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., 15 Mar., 1815; m. 7 Nov., 1836, Amarylis Evaline Peck, b. in Brookfield, Conn., 21 Oct., 1815, dau. of John Ama Peck, b. 9 Dec., 1785, and Huldah Keeler, b. 30 Jan., 1789.
He d. in New Fairfield, 13 Oct., 1873; she d. in Bridgeport, Conn., 8 Aug., 1887.
He was a farmer; a Republican; res. in New Fairfield.
17141 Lucy Ann,10 b. in New Fairfield, 23 Apr., 1840; m. William Hull Dibble.
17142 Flora Jane,10 b. 25 Feb., 1842; m. 6 Nov., 1867, Alfred Baker, b. in Paterson, N. J., 25 Apr., 1832, son of Morris Baker, b. 4 June, 1804, and Alatia Gay, b. 28 Oct., 1807; he was a farmer; d. 29 Feb., 1892; had no children.
17143 Mary Elizabeth,10 b. in New Fairfield, 6 Aug., 1847; m. William John Woodruff.
17144 Emily Peck,10 b. 27 Mar., 1849; is unm.

10542.   SEELYE BARNUM,9 son of Ira8 (4781), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., Aug., 1832; m. in Sherman, Conn., 2 Sept., 1855, Elizabeth Hathaway, b. in

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New York City, 11 Dec., 1831, dau. of Benoni Hathaway, b. 12 Dec., 1807, and Phebe Field Haviland, b. 25 Sept., 1807.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in New Fairfield on his grandfather's homestead.
Children, b. in New Fairfield.
17145 Benjamin Hathaway,10 b. 18 Oct., 1857; m. Harriet Sample.
17146 Ira Martin,10 b. 30 Apr., 1860; m. (1) Jane Leighton; (2) Olive Belle Mathews.
17147 Edwin Herbert,10 b. 10 Sept., 1862; d. 12 Mar., 1882.
17148 Frederick Benoni,10 b. 3 Aug., 1864; m. in Lanesville, Conn., 15 Dec., 1887, Caroline Virginia Marsh; res. in Lanesville; had no children.
17149 Phebe Jane,10 b. 6 Aug., 1867; res, unm., in New Fairfield.
17150 Charles Abraham,10 b. 23 Mar., 1869; m. Alice Josephine Hamlin.
17151 Franklin Seelye,10 b. 25 Sept., 1871; res. in Brookfield.

10543.   SOPHIA ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Hanford Martin8 (4782), b. 2 Mar., 1817; m. 16 Nov., 1836, Peter Booth Jackson, b. 2 Oct., 1812, son of John J. Jackson, b. 25 May, 1783, and Sophia Lake, b. 5 Feb., 1790.
He d. 25 June, 1876; she d. 21 Jan., 1897.
He was a farmer; res. in Brookfield, Conn.
17152 Barzillai Thompson Jackson,10 b. 19 May, 1840; m. 15 Oct., 1862, Frances J. A. Shelton; res. in Brookfield; had one child.
17153 Sarah Maria Jackson,10 b. 6 Feb., 1844; m. 11 Nov., 1863, Charles Stuart; res. in Brookfield; had one child.

10544.   BARZILLAI BULKLEY,9 son of Hanford Martin8 (4782), b. 25 Dec., 1818; m. 8 Sept., 1845, Emeline Johnson, b. 19 July, 1821, dau. of Daniel Johnson, of Brookfield, Conn., b. 20 Mar., 1788, and Lamira Wheeler, b. 24 Dec., 1795.
She d. 29 Apr., 1880; he d. 18 July, 1882.
He was a farmer; res. in Brookfield and New Fairfield.
Children, b. in New Fairfield.
17154 Angeline Lamira,10 b. 7 Oct., 1846; m. Benjamin Griffen.
17155 William Johnson,10 b. 20 July, 1848; m. Sophia Esther Beers.
17156 Florence Ann,10 b. 23 Mar., 1850; m. Charles Seymour Hawes.
17157 Charles Daniel Hanford,10 b. 25 Nov., 1856; m. Annie Sophia Terrill.
17158 Emeline,10 b. 3 Mar., 1858; is unm.
17159 Sarah,10 b. 23 July, 1861; res., unm., with her sister, Emeline, on the old homestead built by their father.
17160 Elizabeth Washburne,10 b. 23 July, 1865; res. unm., on the old homestead with her sisters, Emeline and Sarah; d. 21 May; 1893.

10545.   SARAH ANN,9 dau. of Hanford Martin8 (4782), b. 14 Aug., 1825; m. 4 Sept., 1844, Willis Haviland Wanzer, b. 20 Aug., 1818, son of John Wanzer, b. 13 July, 1766, and Grace Swords, b. 11 Sept., 1774.
He d. 20 July, 1891; she d. 13 Jan., 1896; he was a farmer.

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17161 Henry Jay Wanzer,10 b. 29 Dec., 1845; d. 6 June, 1853.
17162 Hanford Kellogg Wanzer,10 b. 12 Jan., 1848; m. 13 Sept., 1871, Mary F. Rushmore; res. in Hartsville, N. Y.
17163 Homer Leach Wanzer,10 b. 3 Mar., 1850; m. 8 Oct., 1878, Mary Alice Giddings, b. 15 Feb., 1859, dau. of James Andrus Giddings, Jr., and Emily Elizabeth Buel, b. 19 Nov., 1838; she d. 25 Feb., 1887; he res. in Lanesville, Conn.; had one child.
17165 Lydia Ann Wanzer,10 b. 15 Oct., 1857; m. 5 Jan., 1876, Simon Boliver Knowles, b. 16 Oct., 1850, son of John Knowles, b. 24 Mar., 1803, and Drucilla Joyce, b. 11 Aug., 1813.
17166 Rachel Sophia Wanzer,10 b. 30 Aug., 1859; d. 5 Sept., 1862.

10546.   RACHEL MARIA,9 dau. of Hanford Martin8 (4782), b. in New Fair­field, Conn., 24 July, 1827; m. 3 Sept., 1850, Horace G. Betts, b. 31 Aug., 1826, son of James Betts, b. 4 July, 1781, and Esther Benedict, b. 15 Feb., 1790.
She d. 1 Apr., 1857; he m. (2) _______; he is a lumberman.
17167 Edwin Gregory Betts,10 b. 11 Apr., 1852; m. 6 Oct., 1875, Lottie Bar­num; d. June, 1895; was a farmer; res. in Brewsters, N. Y.; had three children.

10572.   ELVIRA MATILDA,9 dau. of Joseph Lockwood8 (4792), b. in Rich­mond, O., 17 Aug., 1837; m. in New York city, 7 May, 1861, Samuel Stuart Ferris, b. in Mianus, Conn., 27 July, 1837, son of Samuel Ferris and Isabella Whiting, of Mianus.
He d. in Brooklyn, 17 Sept., 1900; she res. in Brooklyn.
He was a merchant; a member of the Plymouth Church (Congregational); a Republican; res. in Brooklyn.
17168 Willard Stuart Ferris,10 b. in Brooklyn, 31 Aug., 1862; m. in North Adams, Mass., 17 June, 1890, Beulah Lillian Briggs, b. 21 July, 1867; is a capitalist, and is in the insurance business; res in New York city, San Francisco, Cal., and later in Salt Lake, Utah; had two children.
17169 Ella Amelia Ferris,10 b. ______, in Brooklyn.
17170 Fannie Ferris,10 b. ______, in Staten Island, N. Y.
17171 Arthur Ferris,10 b. in Brooklyn, 7 Jan., 1869; d. 26 Dec., same year.
17172 Grace Whittier Ferris,10 b. ______, in Brooklyn.
17173 Howard Winthrop Ferris,10 b. in Mianus, 25 Aug., 1872; m. in Brook­lyn, 9 Nov., 1899, Anna Barnes; res. in Brooklyn.
17174 Everett Browning Ferris,10 b. in Riverside, Conn., 26 June, 1874.
17175 Ernest Bartlett Ferris,10 b. in Riverside, 24 July, 1875; d. in Brook­lyn, 19 Apr., 1876.

10573.   FRANCES CAROLINE,9 dau. of Joseph Lockwood8 (4792), b. in Elizabeth, N. J., 4 Mar., 1840; m. in San Francisco, 25 Mar., 1865, Charles Frederick Lipman, b. in Philadelphia, 29 July, 1827, son of Lewis Lipman, of Philadelphia, b. 22 Feb., 1780, and Phoebe Magnus, b. 20 Dec., 1792.

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He d. in San Francisco, 8 Jan., 1873; she d. in Berkeley, Cal., 30 Nov., 1894.
He was a merchant; a capitalist; was graduated from High School, Phila­delphia; was a member of Trinity Church, San Francisco.
Children, b. in San Francisco.
17176 Frederick Lockwood Lipman,10 b. 21 Feb., 1866; m. in Virginia City, Nev., 25 July, 1891, Edith Law, b. in Chicago, 15 Dec., 1868, dau. of Crossly Law, b. 24 May, 1837, and Rebecca Brown, b. 20 Oct., 1837, of Chicago; he is a banker with Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Bank, San Francisco; is a member of the First Unitarian Church of Berkeley, where he res.; has three children.
17177 Charles Kellogg Lipman,10 b. 2 Dec., 1867; m. in Sacramento, Cal, 18 July, 1893, Florence Mae Taylor, b. in Sacramento, 11 May, 1871, dau. of Leroy Swarmstead Taylor, b. 5 July, 1829, and Lucy Eliza­beth Dixon, b. 16 Sept., 1838; res. in Sacramento; has no children.
17178 Louise Amelia Lipman,10 b. 22 June, 1869; m. in Berkeley, 24 Feb., 1894, Dr. George Frederick Whitworth, b. in Olympia, Wash., 14 July, 1857, son of Rev. George Frederick Whitworth, D. D., of Seattle, Wash., b. 15 Mar., 1816, and Mary Eliza Thomson, b. 24 May, 1818; res. in Berkeley; has two children.
17179 Harrison Randolph Lipman,10 b. 12 Dec., 1870; m. in Alameda, Cal., 17 May, 1893, Lucy B. Knowland, b. in San Francisco, 10 Aug., 1871, dau. of Joseph Knowland, of Alameda, b. 8 Oct., 1833, and Hannah B. Russell, b. 23 Aug., 1833; res. in Alameda; had one child.
17180 Alexander Thompson Lipman,10 b. 3 July, 1872; m. in San Francisco, 12 Jan., 1898, Ellen Caroline Meigs, b. in Kapunda, Australia, 10 Nov., 1872, dau. of Jaspar Bingham Meigs and Katharine Maher, of Australia; res. in San Francisco; has one child.

10575.   CHARLES WESLEY WALLACE,9 son of Joseph Lockwood8 (4792), b. in New York city, 29 Jan., 1846; m. 26 Sept., 1876, Caroline L. Searing, b. in Hempstead, N. Y., 17 Aug., 1844, dau. of Coe Seaman Searing, b. 22 Oct., 1810, and Catherine Elma Valentine, b. 17 Dec., 1808.
He d. in Hempstead, 2 Oct., 1901, in his 56th year; she res. there.
He had been connected with the Bradstreet Co., of New York city, since 1878; res. in Hempstead.
17181 Katharine Morton,10 b. 25 Feb., 1885.

10577.   REV. SAMUEL HENRY,9 son of Rev. Samuel8 (4795), b. in Quogue, N. Y., 6 Sept., 1839; m. (1) in Montrose, Pa., 3 May, 1864, Antoinette Whiting Hartwell, b. 12 June, 1838, dau. of Philander Rathban Hartwell, of Greenville, N. Y., b. 13 Oct., 1801, and Louisa Slawson, b. in Minisink, N. Y., 16 Dec., 1807.
She d. 4 Mar., 1876; he m. (2) 20 May, 1879, Sara Constance Macrum, of Allegheny, Pa., b. 28 June, 1852, dau. of James Macrum and Hephzibah Wallis, was killed in Landour, India, 3 May, 1899, by falling from a precipice while cycling in the Himalaya Mountains.
He entered Williams College in 1856, but was obliged to leave on account of ill health. Two years later he entered Princeton College and graduated in 1861.
He entered the Theological Seminary, and for two years was a mathematical tutor

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in the college. Soon after his marriage, he, with his wife, took passage on a mer­chant vessel from Boston to Ceylon, expecting to reach that land in about 100 days. Soon after leaving Boston, the captain was washed overboard in a storm. The mate, proving ignorant and incompetent, turned the sailing of the ship over to Dr. Kellogg, who acted as navigator until they reached Ceylon, after a trip of 148 days. He was given charge of the Barhpur Mission in India. About 1870 he began the work of preparing a Hindoo Grammar. The reputation gained in this work gave him a place in the Congress of Orientalists held in Stockholm in 1889. The grammar was also prescribed by Her Majesty's Civil Service Commissioners for India as an authority to be studied by all candidates for the Indian Civil Ser­vice. Soon after the death of his wife, he returned to the United States, and during his stay was called to the pastorate of the Third Presbyterian Church of Pitts­burgh, and later to the chair of Systematic Theology in Allegheny Seminary. In 1886 he accepted a call from St. James' Square Presbyterian Church, Toronto, where he labored for six years with eminent success. While in this country he paid much attention to the training of men for foreign missionary service. He had been honored by the degrees of Doctor of Divinity, conferred by Princeton Col­lege, and Doctor of Laws, by Wooster University. He was the author of many articles for various magazines, and published several volumes.
Children by first wife.
17182 Louise Hartwell,10 b. in Fatehgarh, India, 1 July, 1865; m. George Inglis.
17183 Alfred Hartwell,10 b. in Fatehgarh, 26 Apr., 1868; was graduated from Wooster University in 1887; d. in Sewickley, Pa., 1 Feb., 1890; was a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Pittsburgh and Sewickley, Pa.
17184 Emma,10 b. 26 July, 1869 , d. 7 Aug., 1872.
17185 Frederick Sherlock,10 b. in Fatehgarh, 19 Jan., 1871; was graduated from Princeton University in 1893, and from the Medical Depart­ment of the University of Pennsylvania; is a Presbyterian; res., unm., in Pittsburgh.
17186 Anna Gertrude,10 b. in Allahabad, India, 25 Sept., 1873; m. in Mid­dletown, N. Y., as his second wife, 24 Oct., 1895, Olin Stephen Fellows, b. in Mt. Vernon, Ia., 28 Jan., 1859, son of Stephen Nor­ris Fellows, b. 30 May, 1830, and Sarah Leffingwell Matson, b. 1835; he is a manufacturer of condensed milk; was graduated from the University of Iowa, 1880; is a Presbyterian and a Repub­lican; res. in Middletown.
17187 Mary Caroline,10 b. 27 May, 1875; d. 28 May, same year.
Children by second wife.
17188 Edwin Henry,10 b. 9 May, 1880. He was attending Princeton University in 1899. He was awarded the Steinnecke prize, which is $500 yearly for three successive years. It is the largest prize offered in the university and is considered one of the greatest academic honors which an undergraduate can obtain at Princeton.
17189 Edith Macrum,10 b. in Allegheny, Pa., 13 Nov., 1881; res. unm., in India with her mother.
17190 Robert Wallis,10 b. in Allegheny, 29 Sept., 1885; is a Presbyterian; res. in India with his mother.
17191 Amy Constance,10 b. in Toronto, Canada, 12 Feb., 1888; res. in India.

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10580.   EDWARD PAYSON,9 son of Rev. Samuel8 (4795), b. in Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1846; m. (1) 15 Apr., 1865, Margaret Deane Gordon, b. 13 Jan., 1844, dau. of David J. Gordon, b. 20 Dec., 1800, and Sarah Shepard, b. 20 Sept., 1816.
She d. 13 Aug., 1881; he m. (2) 14 Oct., 1896, Henrietta Stryker, of Mill­stone, N. J., b. 5 July, 1867, dau. of Henry Van Derveer Stryker, b. 26 Nov., 1824, and Henrietta _______, b. 5 Aug., 1828.
He is a farmer and owns a truck farm and dairy and a coal yard; res. in Plainfield, N. J.
Children, by first wife.
17192 Clarence Edward,10 b. in Plainfield, 5 Feb., 1866; m. Katherine Jane Williams.
17193 Mary Pearce,10 b. in Plainfield, 25 June, 1867; she is a teacher; is unm.
17194 Nettie Shepard,10 b. in Plainfield, 24 June, 1869; res. unm., in Wor­cester, Mass.; is stenographer in People's Savings Bank; was the first woman to be employed in a bank in that city.
17195 Agnes Aline,10 b. 13 Sept., 1871; is unm.; is a dressmaker.
17196 Percy Gordon,10 b. July, 1873; d. Dec., same year.
17197 Caroline Marguerette,10 b. 15 May, 1875; is a teacher; is unm.
17198 Frank Rutherford,10 b. 2 Sept., 1876; assists his father in the coal business; is unm.
17199 Gertrude Raymond,10 b. in Plainfield, 4 Oct., 1878; is unm.

10581.   CAROLINE MATILDA,9 dau. of Rev. Samuel8 (4795), b. in Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., 23 Mar., 1849; m. in Netherwood, N. J., 7 June, 1876 Henry Lemuel Coolidge, b. in West Medway, Mass., 2 Feb., 1850, son of Caleb L. Coolidge, b. 13 May, 1820, and Lucinda Allen, b. 22 Oct., 1821.
He is a shipper at Knowles Loom Works, in Worcester, Mass.; res. in Wor­cester.
Children, all b. in Worcester.
17200 Harry Lincoln Coolidge,10 b. 29 Sept., 1877; d. in Worcester, 22 Mar., 1879.
17201 Edward Leslie Coolidge,10 b. 25 Jan., 1879.
17202 Evelyn Lincoln Coolidge,10 b. 12 June, 1880.
17203 Ella Lucinda Coolidge,10 b. 20 June, 1889.

10584.   AMANDA JANE,9 dau. of Ephraim Torrey8 (4821), b. in Sauk, Wis., 28 Aug., 1847; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 24 Dec., 1867, Dr. Thomas Cummings Baird (brother of her stepmother), b. in Seelins Grove, Pa., 2 Oct., 1841, son of Robert Baird, of Shirleysburg, Pa., b. 1798, and Sabra Bower, b. about 1808.
He is a physician and surgeon; res. in Kansas City, Mo.; served in the civil war as Surgeon in the One Hundred and Fourteenth Reg., Ohio Volunteer In­fantry and the Forty-eighth Ohio Veteran Volunteers; enlisted in 1863; was dis­charged in 1866; was graduated from the Ohio Medical College, Cincinnati, O., 1863; is a Christian Scientist and a Republican.
She is a prominent Christian Science healer and teacher; studied in Boston under the Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, at the Metaphysical College; has taken three courses, Primary, Normal and Obstetric. She has been in the work for four­teen years and organized the Second Church of Christ, Scientist, of Kansas City.

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17204 Gertrude Hetty Baird,10 b. in Brooklyn, 11 Dec., 1868; m. in Kansas City, 20 July, 1887, Edward H. Kienzle; res. in Kansas City.
17205 Jennie Belle Baird,10 b. in Oshkosh, Wis., 21 Jan., 1870; m. in Kansas City, 15 July, 1896, Arthur Schooley; res. in Kansas City.
17206 Evaline Amanda Baird,10 b. in Oshkosh, 1 June, 1874; m. in Kansas City, 10 June, 1896, John N. Ashley; res. in Manhattan, Kas.
17207 Edward Kellogg Baird,10 b. in Davenport, Ia., 13 July, 1876; res., unm., in New York.

10585.   LYDIA ANN,9 dau. of Ephraim Torrey8 (4821), b. near Madison, Wis., 13 June, 1849; m. in Oshkosh, Wis., 1 Jan., 1874, Dr. Thomas Albert Smith, b. in Byron, Ill., 31 Dec., 1846, son of John Smith, of Illinois.
He res. in Kansas City, Mo.; is a physician; served in the civil war as pri­vate in the Thirty-second Illinois; was graduated from Fulton College, Ill., and from Rush Medical College; is a Republican.
Children, b. in Shannon, Ill.
17208 Zell Smith,10 b. 24 June, 1877.
17209 Kellogg Smith,10 b. 26 Nov., 1878.

10586.   ROSALINDA,9 dau. of Ephraim Torrey8 (4821), b. near Madison, Wis., Aug., 1851; m. in Kansas City, Mo., Oct., 1878, Maj. Henry Falls, b. in Ohio, son of Henry Falls.
She d. in Kansas City, Aug., 1895; he d. there in the fall of 1898.
He was a stockman; served in the civil war as Maj.; was a Democrat; res. in Kansas City.
Children, b. in Kansas City.
17210 Harry Kellogg Falls,10 b. 27 July, 1879.
17211 Fred Falls,10 b. 30 Aug., 1882.
17212 Clarence Falls,10 b. 10 Nov., 1892.

10587.   SARAH EMMA,9 dau. of Ephraim Torrey8 (4821), b. near Madison, Wis., 16 Mar., 1854; m. in Kansas City, Mo., 6 Oct., 1874, Goyne Gordon Moore, b. in South Carolina, 23 Nov., 1846.
He res. in Kansas City; is a machinist; a Methodist and a Democrat.
Children, b. in Kansas City.
17213 Lottie Duke Moore,10 b. 18 Oct., 1876; m. in Kansas City, July, 1896, Coffie Rice Ragan; res. in Kansas City.
17214 Arthur Kellogg Moore,10 b. 3 Aug., 1880.
17215 Stella Emma Moore,10 b. 28 Sept., 1882.
17216 Goyne Gordon Moore,10 b. 29 July, 1886.
17217 Milton Wadsworth Moore,10 b. 15 Feb., 1892.

10589.   JESSIE BAIRD,9 dau. of Ephraim Torrey8 (4821), b. in Madison, Wis., 15 Aug., 1864; m. in Kansas City, Mo., 1882, William Alfred Rugg, b. in Pecatonica, Ill., 18 Apr., 1854, son of David Rugg and Hettie Vance, of Mason City, Ia.
He is an editor and publisher; a Protestant and Republican; res. in Mar­tinez, Cal.

1424    The Kelloggs in the New World.

17218 Hattie Ethel Rugg,10 b. in Mason City, 9 June, 1884.
17219 Freddie Alfred Rugg,10 b. in Chicago, Ill., 10 May, 1887; d. in San Diego, Cal., 28 Nov., 1890.

10591.   NELLIE MAY,9 dau. of Ephraim Torrey8 (4821), b. in Oshkosh, Wis., 1 May, 1872; m. in San Diego, Cal., 6 Mar., 1894, John Harry Cushing, b. in Canada, son of John P. Cushing, of Montreal, Canada.
He res. in Los Angeles, Cal.; is a Protestant.
17220 John Kellogg Cushing,10 b. in San Diego, 19 Dec., 1894.

10594.   IDA DELE,9 dau. of Gen. John Azor8 (4824), b. in Prarie du Sac, Wis., 11 Apr., 1854; m. in La Crosse, Wis, 21 Mar., 1888, Edward Luman Frink, b. in Lancaster, Wis., 17 Jan., 1854, son of Frederick W. Frink, b. 17 June, 1828, and Julia Beach, b. 22 Nov., 1831.
He is a hardware merchant; res. in Faribault, Minn.
17221 Adelaide Frink,10 b. in Faribault, 10 Oct., 1889.

10595.   ELSIE WORTHINGTON,9 dau. of Gen. John Azor8 (4824), b. in Prairie du Sac, Wis, 28 July, 1856; m. in Wausau, Wis, 1879, Frederick Augus­tus Sheldon, b. in Troy, N. Y., 2 Aug., 1853, son of Frederick Augustus Sheldon, b. 29 May, 1822, and Anna Kellogg Smith, of Troy, b. 22 Dec., 1827.
He d. 15 Oct., 1886; she d. in Troy, 21 July, 1890.
He was an Episcopalian; res. in Prairie du Sac.
17222 Anna Kellogg Sheldon,10 b. Oct., 1879; res., unm., in Troy.

10596.   STELLA LOUISE,9 dau. of Gen. John Azor8 (4824), b. in Mauston, Wis., 9 Dec., 1859; m. in Mauston, Mar., 1883, Allan Haines.
He is a lawyer; res. in St. Louis.
17223 Elsie Margaret Haines,10 b. in Fargo, N. D., 23 Feb., 1884; d. in Min­neapolis, Minn., 1 May, 1888.
17224 Allan Kellogg Haines,10 b. in Minneapolis, 24 Feb., 1890.

10598.   SARAH JANE,9 dau. of Ozias8 (4826), b. in Malta, N. Y., 7 Aug., 1827; m. in Chatham Center, O., 10 Nov., 1845, James Monroe Armstrong, b. in Malta, 13 May, 1818, son of Stephen Armstrong, of Malta, b. 18 Oct., 1777.
He d. in Trowbridge, Mich., 13 Aug., 1891; she d. 23 Nov., 1897.
He was a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Allegan, Mich.
17225 Cornelia Ann Armstrong,10 b. in Chatham, 10 Oct., 1846, b. in Otsego, Mich., 5 July, 1866, Charles Thomas Smith.
17226 Stephen Ozias Armstrong,10 b. in Malta, 26 May, 1848; d. unm., in Trowbridge, Mich., 28 May, 1882.

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10599.   AMELIA,9 dau. of Ozias8 (4826), b. in Malta, N. Y., 15 May , 1829; m. in Spencer, O., 14 Jan., 1854, James Harvey Guthrie, b. in Augusta, N. Y., Apr., 1827, son of Myron Guthrie and Olive _______.
He d. in Wauseon, O., 23 Oct., 1856; was a carpenter; res. in Harriman, Tenn.
17227 Flora Amelia Guthrie,10 b. 2 Dec., 1854; m. George N. Duthee; res. in Harriman.

10601.   ALEXIS,9 son of Ozias8 (4826), b. in Malta, N. Y., 5 Feb., 1833; m. 30 Oct., 1855, Mary Augusta Buchanan, b. 6 Apr., 1839, dau. of Harvey Bu­chanan, of Norwalk, O., and Philanda Chamberlain, b. 25 July, 1819.
She d. in Evart, Mich., 20 Sept., 1875.
He was one year in Oberlin College; was a carpenter; was superintendent of schools, in Evart; is a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Bremerton and Charleston, Wash.
17228 Charles Sumner,10 b. in Grinnell, Ia., 14 Aug., 1856; m. Lucy Davis.
17229 Arthur,10 b. in Liberty, O., 30 Aug., 1858; m. (1) Eva Newell; (2) Frona Vosburg.
17230 Allison,10 b. in Ridgeville, O., 29 Dec., 1859; m. Jane Rivers.
17231 Fanny,10 b. in Ridgeville, 28 Apr., 1861; d. in Kendall, Mich., 25 Oct., 1870.
17232 Winthrop,10 b. in South Bend, Ind., 16 Aug., 1863; res., unm., in Lake Bennett, North West Canada.
17233 Mary,10 b. in Kendall, 17 Nov., 1870; res., unm., in Duwamish, Wash.
17234 Dora,10 b. 29 Apr., 1874; res., unm., in Duwarnish; is a kindergarten teacher.

10603.   BENJAMIN,9 son of Ozias8 (4826), b. in Malta, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1836; m. 22 Sept., 1859, Caroline Larina Andrews, b. in Wayne Co., O., 10 July, 1844, dau. of James Andrews, of West Barre, O., b. in Massilon, O., 17 Mar., 1817, and Ann Eliza King, b. in New Jersey, 27 Mar., 1822.
He rem. to Medina Co., O., when 8 years old; to Van Buren Co., Mich., in 1865; in 1869 to Trowbridge, Mich., where he was a farmer; in 1879 to Grand Rapids, Mich., where he now res.; was a soldier in the civil war; enlisted in Co. H, One Hundredth Ohio Reg., in Aug., 1862, and served 14 months.
17235 Ida May,10 b. in Fulton Co., O., 8 July, 1864; m. William Henry Mis­ner.
17236 Luella,10 b. in Van Buren Co., Mich., 3 Sept., 1867; d. 2 Sept., 1868.
17237 James Howard,10 b. in Van Buren Co., 10 May, 1869; m. Mary Beam.
17238 Stephen Minner,10 b. in Trowbridge, 17 Sept., 1871; m. Daisy Parker.
17239 Anna Bell,10 b. in Trowbridge, 15 July, 1873; m. Philip Davis Leav­enworth.
17240 William Benjamin,10 b. in Trowbridge, 14 June, 1877; m. in Grand Rapids, 28 Dec., 1898, Julia Brown, b. in Plainfield, Mich., 31 July, 1878, dau. of William Brown, b. 21 Jan., 1829, and Mary J. Davenport, of Plainfield, b. 11 Nov., 1840; is a mechanic; a Re­publican; res. in Grand Rapids; has no children.

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10604.   WALTER HUBBELL,9 son of Ozias8 (4826), b. in Malta, N. Y., 3 Nov., 1838; m. (1) 4 July, 1863, Lucinda Boley, b. 20 Jan., 1847, dau. of Horace Boley, b. 11 Nov., 1820, and Alvira Holmes, b. 22 July, 1825.
She d. 21 July, 1869; he ID. (2) 25 Dec., 1870, Mrs. Susan (Frost) Knapp, widow of Jackson Knapp, b. 2 Jan., 1837, and dau. of Emerson Frost, b. 17 July, 1815, and Jane Boley, b. 16 Nov., 1819; d. 2 Apr., 1896; she res. in Harrison, Mich.
He was a cooper and a farmer; res. in Pittsford, Harrison and Midland, Mich.; served in the civil war in Co. I, Third Iowa Cavalry.
Children by first wife.
17241 Fred,10 b. 12 July, 1864; d. 23 Sept., 1868.
17242 Frank Morton,10 b. near Addison, Mich., 6 Mar., 1867; m. Ida Kess­ler Berry.
Children by second wife.
17243 Katie Susan,10 b. in Pittsford, Mich., 23 Jan., 1872; m. Elmer Na­thaniel Durfee.
17244 Harry Clinton,10 b. 23 Aug., 1874; d. 17 Oct., 1883.

10607.   GIDEON,9 son of Ozias8 (4826), b. in Chatham, O., 19 Apr., 1847; m. (1) 27 Sept., 1868, Emily Euphemia Donaldson, b. 9 Feb., 1851, dau. of Thomas Donaldson, b. 1 Jan., 1820, and Lucinda Jackson, b. 13 Apr., 1824.
She d. 26 Oct., 1891; he m. (2) 4 Sept., 1894, Mary Elizabeth Hankins, b. in London, Canada, 15 May, 1862, dau. of Thomas Hankins and Mary Shannon.
He is a wheelwright; res. in Wauseon, O., Evanston, Ill., and New Orleans, La.; served in the civil war; enlisted in 1863, in the Twenty-fifth Reg., Ohio Volunteer Infantry, served until the close of the war, and then went to Michigan.
Children by first wife.
17246 Bertha Fern,10 b. 25 Oct., 1872; m. Bert Albert Tylor.
17247 Fern G.,10 b. 25 Nov., 1875; d. 6 Dec., same year.
17248 Ruth Helen,10 b. 18 Apr., 1887.
Child by second wife.
17249 Gideon Paul,10 b. 20 Jan., 1896.

10610.   MILDRED CLEETON,9 dau. of Minot Crofoot8 (4483), b. in Green­wich, Conn., 6 Sept., 1871; m. 24 Oct., 1893, Samuel Wilbur Bertine, b. 7 Aug., 1870, son of Samuel Edgar Bertine, b. 1824, and Mary Ann Burtis, b. 8 Sept., 1828. He res. in Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; is a clerk in a bank.
17250 Edwin Wilbur Bertine,10 b. in Mt. Vernon, 1 Aug., 1897.

10618.   MARIE ANTOINETTE,9 dau. of Frederick8 (4861), b. in New Ro­chelle, N. Y., 19 Feb., 1854; m. in Reading, Pa., 3 Mar., 1875, Richard Melburn Oglesby, b. in Brownsboro, Ky., 24 Dec., 1850, son of Willis Oglesby and Zerelda Glove, b. 29 Dec., 1833.
He d. in Marysville, Mo., 16 Oct., 1889; she d. in Grossdale, Ill., 8 Dec., 1897.

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He was a drummer boy in an Illinois regiment; enlisted in 1863; was dis­charged eighteen months later.
17251 Lucie Oglesby,10 b. in Mason City, Ia., 2 Jan., 1876; d. in St. Charles, Minn.
17252 Edith Blarich Oglesby,10 b. in Decatur, m., 5 Jan., 1878.

10619.   CHARLES ELLET,9 son of Frederick8 (4861), b. in New Rochelle, N. Y., 12 Dec., 1855; m. (1) in Wheaton, Ill., 1 Oct., 1878, Charlotte Lake, b. ______.
He m. (2) in Honolulu, H. I., 15 Apr., 1886, Mrs. Mary (Griswold) Albert, b. in Honolulu, 19 Mar., 1854, widow of Lewis Albert, and dau. of James Augus­tus Griswold, of Honolulu, b. 20 Sept., 1826, and Mary _______.
He is a carriage painter; res. in Oakland, Cal.; was formerly in San Fran­cisco, Cal.
Children, by first wife, b. in Lewiston, Idaho.
17253 Nettie Anell,10 b. 20 Feb., 1880; m. Charles Robert Stahlman.
17254 Marcia Lake,10 b. 1 Apr., 1882; m. in Newman, Cal., 5 Dec., 1900, Frank Clement.

10621.   MILTON,9 son of Frederick8 (4861), b. in Chicago, Ill., 19 Sept., 1860; m. in Chicago, 19 Feb., 1885, Alice Erby, b. in Glen Ellyn, Ill., 12 Mar., 1867, dau. of Conrad W. Erby, b. 19 Feb., 1847, and Martha Schatz, b. 24 Jan., 1848.
He is a merchant and an Episcopalian; res. in Chicago.
17255 Ethel,10 b. in Wheaton, Ill., 6 May, 1887.
17256 Muriel,10 b. in Wheaton, 24 May, 1888.
17257 Elizabeth,10 b. in Philadelphia, 20 June, 1890.
17258 Milton,10 b. in Philadelphia, 30 Aug., 1891.
17259 Margaret,10 b. in Chicago, 8 Sept., 1893; d. there 14 Nov., 1893.
17260 Edna,10 b. in Chicago, 22 Oct., 1895.

10622.   EDITH AGNES,9 dau. of Frederick8 (4861), b. in Chicago, Ill., 9 July, 1863; m. in Hammond, Ind., 3 Jan., 1888, Frank Eugene Bartlett, b. in Manchester, Me., 10 Oct., 1859, son of Joel Bartlett and Abigail Sherburn.
He is an engineer; res. in Grossdale, Ill.
Children, b. in Chicago.
17261 King Sherburn Bartlett,10 b. 14 June, 1889.
17262 Anna Mabel Bartlett,10 b. 20 July, 1891.

10623.   KING GOSHEN,9 son of Frederick8 (4861), b. in Chicago, Ill., 30 Dec., 1865; m. (1) in Chicago, 17 Nov., 1891, Emma M. Roser, b. in Peru, Ind., June, 1866, dau. of Ferdinand Roser and Gertrude _______.
She d. in Chicago, 6 Oct., 1895; he m. (2) in Argos, Ind., 25 Dec., 1895, Louise M. Roser, b. in Peru, 5 Apr., 1870, sister of his first wife.
He was graduated from the Chicago College of Pharmacy, 1886; is a drug­gist; res. in Chicago.
17263 Emma Lenore,10 b. in Chicago, 21 Oct., 1896.

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10671.   SAMUEL PUTNAM,9 son of Edward Root8 (4902), b. in Trumans­burg, N. Y., 28 Mar., 1856; m. 13 July, 1880, Almira Fellows Knowles.
He d. in New York city, 13 Feb., 1900, aged 44 years.
Children, b. in Elizabeth, N. J.
17264 Anita Jenette,10 b. 11 Mar., 1883.
17265 Edward Knowles,10 b. 24 Nov., 1886.
17266 Lawrence Putnam,10 b. 5 May, 1890.

10691.   ARTHUR ALBERT,9 son of Albert Frederick8 (4907), b. in Baraboo, Wis., 27 Mar., 1858; m. 25 Dec., 1884, Mary Ellen Wilson, of Lodi, Wis., b. in Dekorra, Wis., 1 Dec., 1864, dau. of Robert Wilson, b. in Scotland, 10 Jan., 1823, and Elizabeth Catherine Laughlin, b. 12 Feb., 1827.
He is a liveryman; res. in Baraboo.
Children, b. in Bamboo.
17267 Maude Alice,10 b. 9 Oct., 1886.
17268 Beatrice Wilson,10 b. 27 Oct., 1895.
17269 Charles Frederick,10 b. 16 Aug., 1897.

10722.   JULIA CLARK,9 dau. of Albert Sergeant8 (4924), b. in Oshtemo, Mich., 5 Apr., 1871; m. 12 Nov., 1894, William Michael Fergus, b. in Port Huron, Mich., 7 May, 1864, son of James Fergus and Anne Connley.
He is a merchant; res. at various times in Jamestown, N. D., Butte and Whitehall, Mont.
17270 Marion Genevieve Fergus,10 b. 22 Oct., 1895.
17271 Francis Fergus,10 b. 30 June, 1897.

10741.   WILLIAM MOREY,8 son of Josiah8 (4940), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 23 Apr., 1858; m. 28 Jan., 1888, Cathleen Bradley, b. in Westport, Conn, 27 Nov., 1859, dau. of Henry Bradley, b. in Westport, 17 Mar., 1828, and Rebecca Lyon, b. in Redding, Conn., 27 July, 1832.
He is in the employ of the Rossmore Co., stove manufacturers, of New York City; res. in Brooklyn.
Child, b. in Norwalk.
17272 William Bradley,10 b. 5 Dec., 1891, in the house in which his father and grandfather were b.

10744.   LUTHER LAFLIN,9 son of Nathan8 (4950), b. in Malden, N. Y., 1 July, 1849; m. in New Brunswick, N. J., 10 June, 1874, Eliza Stout McIn­tosh, b. in Buffalo, N. Y., 12 July, 1851, dau. of Gen. John B. McIntosh, b. 6 June, 1829, and Amelia Stout, b. 19 Aug., 1828.
He was graduated from Rutgers College in 1870; is a lawyer and a Demo­crat; is vestryman in All Saints Episcopal Church; is President of the Colonial Club, of New York; res. in New York.
Children, b. in New Brunswick.
17273 McIntosh,10 b. 21 May, 1875.
17274 Helen Laflin,10 b. 4 Jan., 1877; d. in New York, 8 Jan., 1834.
17275 Luther Laflin,10 b. 6 Oct., 1878.
17276 Lee Stout,10 b. 19 July, 1881.

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Children, b. in New York City.

17277 Eliza McIntosh,10 b. 13 May, 1883.
17278 Laura Runyon,10 b. 9 Feb., 1886; d. in New York city, 22 July, 1886.

10747.   SUSAN EMELINE,9 dau. of Nathan8 (4950), b. in Malden, N. Y., 23 Jan., 1861; m. in New York city, 2 June, 1886, Maj. Solomon William Roessler, b. in Shelbyville, Ill., 27 Dec., 1854, son of Edward Roessler, b. 21 Jan., 1825, and Anna Stumpf, b. 14 Feb., 1830.
He was graduated from United States Military Academy, West Point, 1877; is a Presbyterian; is Major, Corps of Engineers, United States Army; res. in Portland, Me.
17279 Nathan Kellogg Roessler,10 b. in Willet's Point, N. Y., 27 Aug., 1888.
17280 Jennie Kellogg Roessler,10 b. in Memphis, Tenn., 23 July, 1892.

10769.   LYDIA ESTHER,9 dau. of David8 (4957), b. in Stonington, Conn., 16 Nov., 1826; m. in Stonington, 25 Feb., 1849, Francis Moore, b. in Chesterfield, Conn., 14
Dec., 1821, son of Edward Moore and Mary Gee.
He d. in New London, Conn., 12 May, 1897.
He was a carpenter, a Baptist and a Democrat; res. in New London.
Child, b. in New London.
17281 William Henry Moore,10 b. 29 Nov., 1849; d. 3 Aug., 1853.

10770.   WILLIAM WILLIAMS,9 son of David8 (4957), b. in Mystic Bridge, Conn., 8 Mar., 1829; m. in Stonington, Conn., 20 Nov., 1856, Lucy Ann Stanton, b. in Stonington, 11 Nov., 1830, dau. of Jonathan Gray Stanton, b. 1790, and Lucy Ann Stanton, b. 31 July, 1804.
He is a pattern maker; res. in Mystic Bridge; is a member of the Connecti­cut Society, Sons of the American Revolution; an Episcopalian; a Republican.
Children, first two b. in Stonington, last two in Mystic Bridge.
17282 William,10 b. 8 June, 1858; m. (1) Sarah Frances Hall; (2) Mrs. Louise Viola (Ralston) Sammis.
17283 Lucy Bell,10 b. 9 Jan., 1860; is a member of D. A. R.
17284 Henry Austin,10 b. 20 June, 1862; m. Annie Prentice.
17285 Mary Stanton,10 b. 13 Dec., 1865.

10774.   CYRUS,9 son of David8 (4957), b. in Stonington, Conn., 1 Feb., 1846; m. in Mystic (town of Stonington), 16 Mar., 1873, Abby Ella Dewey, b. in Old Mystic, Conn., 7 May, 1852, dau. of Israel Robinson Dewey, b. 16 Jan., 1823, and Abby Eldredge, b. 13 Sept., 1831.
He is a grocer; res. in New London, Conn.; is a member of the First Baptist Church; a staunch Prohibitionist.
Children, all except youngest b. in New London.
17286 Ethel Ella,10 b. 16 July, 1876; is a teacher.
17287 Albert Cyrus,10 b. 22 Oct., 1879; is a carpenter.
17288 Daughter,10 b. 23 Sept., 1881; d. 6 Nov., same year.
17289 David Raymond,10 b. in Old Mystic, 15 Feb., 1884.

1430    The Kelloggs in the New World.

10780.   EDMUND,9 son of Austin8 (4961), b. in Lamson, N. Y., 28 July, 1837; m. 12 Mar., 1857, Mary Ann Riley, b. 6 Mar., 1839, dau. of Charles Riley and Catherine _______.
Children, b. in Lamson.
17290 Oscar L.,10 b. 16 Jan., 1858; m. Mary Williams.
17291 Cora,10 b. 2 May, 1860; m. Enos Gary.
17292 Caroline,10 b. 4 May, 1864; m. John Kinnie.
✛17293 Charles A.,10 b. 17 May, 1867; res. unm., in Lamson.
✛17294 Clifford H.,10 b. 20 July, 1870; m. 7 Oct., 1909, Etta (Eno) Bettinger.
17295 Grace,10 b. 26 May, 1872; d. 8 May, 1876.
✛17296 Mary S.,10 b. 18 Mar., 1877; m. 15 Aug., 1900, William Gallagher; res. in Hannibal, N. Y.
17297 Frank E.,10 b. 28 Jan., 1880; res. in Lamson.

10781.   HELEN AUGUSTA,9 dau. of Austin8 (4961), b. in Lamson, N. Y., 1839; m. 1857, William H. Reed, b. 1833, son of Gardner Reed, of Lysander, N. Y., and Jane _______.
Children, b. in Lysander.
17298 Lewis E. Reed,10 b. 30 Sept., 1859.
17299 Nellie F. Reed,10 b. 13 Nov., 1863; m. 1891, _______ Fowler; d. 28 Jan., 1897.
17300 Nettie E. Reed,10 b. 14 July, 1865; m. 1893, William Bins; res. in Baldwinsville, N. Y.
17301 Austin W. Reed,10 b. 25 Oct., 1870; m. Ella Van Hoesen; res. in Mart­Ville, N. Y.
17302 Anna Reed,10 b. 6 Jan., 1878; res. unm., in Baldwinsville.
17303 Helen Reed,10 b. 28 May, 1882.

10793.   BENJAMIN FRANKLIN,9 son of Bejamin8 (4972), b. in Camden N. J., 4 Jan., 1857; m. in Philadelphia, Pa., 25 Apr., 1886, as her second hus­band, Mrs. Katherine (O'Neill) Bradley, b. in Philadelphia, 10 June, 1864, dau. of Thomas O'Neill, b. Aug., 1827, and Johanna Hayes, b. Aug., 1829. She had m. (1) Joseph Bradley, of Philadelphia.
He is a merchant and a Republican; is a Roman Catholic; res. in Phila­delphia.
17304 Robert Linden,10 b. in Philadelphia, 24 Oct., 1887.

10794.   EMMA LEWIS,9 dau. of Cyrus8 (4973), b. in Pound Ridge, N. Y., 26 Mar., 1849; m. in Camden, N. J., 22 Nov., 1870, Lewis Hanford Benedict, b. in South Salem, N. Y., 26 Nov., 1849, son of Lewis Benedict and Mary Esther Avery, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
He is in the grain business; is a Presbyterian; res. in Minneapolis, Minn.
Children, b. in Brooklyn.
17305 Clarence Kellogg Benedict,10 b. 30 Aug., 1872; d. in Brooklyn; 1 Dec., 1877.
17306 Edith May Benedict,10 b. 2 Apr., 1874; d. in Bloomfield, N. J.; 31 Mar., 1882.
17307 Walter Lewis Benedict,10 b. 30 July, 1878.

EDMUND KELLOGG, son of Austin and Frances M. (Moore) Kellogg,
born at Lamson, New York, July 28, 1837, died October 15, 1903; married
March 12, 1857, MARY ANN RILEY, daughter of Charles and Catherine
(Quinn) Riley, born March 6, 1839, died March 4, 1903.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1431

Children, b. in Bloomfield, N. J.
17308 Robert Kellogg Benedict,10 b. 7 Aug., 1882; d. 25 Dec., same year.
17309 May Emma Benedict,10 b. 5 Nov., 1888.

10800.   HENRY WARD,9 son of Jason Gardiner8 (4976), b. in South Salem, N. Y., 27 Feb., 1858; m. in Katonah, N. Y., 11 Oct., 1881, Cordelia Ann Elliott, b. in Katonah, 30 Dec., 1858, dau. of William Asbury Elliott, b. 7 Apr., 1825, and Sarah Maria Ward, b. 21 Feb., 1830.
He is a hardware merchant; is a member of the Methodist Church and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees; is a Republican; res. in Katonah, where he is Postmaster.
Children, b. in Katonah.
17310 Laura Brooks,10 b. 6 June, 1883.
17311 Asbury Elliott,10 b. 25 Aug., 1886.
17312 William Raymond,10 b. 16 Oct., 1888.

10801.   SOPHIA,9 dau. of Jason Gardiner8 (4976), b. in South Salem, N. Y., 14 May, 1862; m. 9 Jan., 1884, Silas Dean Gregory, b. 1 Oct., 1859, son of Isaac Dean Gregory, b. 8 Oct., 1832, and Elizabeth Whitney, b. 12 Jan., 1838.
He is a farmer and a Presbyterian; res. in Golden Bridge, N. Y.
Children, b. in Lewisboro, N. Y.
17313 Julia Kellogg Gregory,10 b. 16 Nov., 1884.
17314 Elizabeth Whitney Gregory,10 b. 28 Jan., 1886.
17315 George Raymond Gregory,10 b. 10 Sept., 1888.
17316 Ophelia Beatrice Gregory,10 b. 5 Sept., 1893.
17317 Grace Gregory,10 b. 16 Oct., 1895; d. 22 July, 1896.
17318 Ruth Gregory,10 b. 16 Oct., 1895; d. 13 Sept., 1896.

10802.   EDWARD CLINTON,9 son of Jason Gardiner8 (4976), b. in South Salem, N. Y., 2 Feb., 1864; m. in New York, 30 Oct., 1890, Alice Irene Gaynan, b. in New York, 1 Mar., 1864, dau. of John Gaynan, b. 29 May, 1818, and Bridget Keily, b. 20 June, 1822.
He is a salesman; res. in New York.
Children, b. in New York.
17319 Edward Gaynan,10 b. 14 May, 1891.
17320 Charles Raymond,10 b. 8 Sept., 1892; d. in New York City, 18 Aug., 1893.
17321 Percy Jerome,10 b. 21 Nov., 1895.
17322 Florence Frances,10 b. 3 Aug., 1899; d. in New York City, 8 June, 1900.

10820.   John Calvin,9 son of Sandusky Miller8 (5003), b. in Marcellus, N. Y., 11 Sept., 1815; m. in Greenfield, N. Y., 2 May, 1835, Hannah Sweet, b. in Stafford, N. Y., 27 June, 1818, dau. of Samuel Sweet, b. in Connecticut, and Mary Braymen.
He res. in New Lothrop, and later in York, Mich.
17323 Amanda Malvina,10 b. in Greenfield, Rowley Foster, 9 Sept., 1836; m. William Rowley Foster.

1432    The Kelloggs in the New World.

17324 Mary Jane,10 b. 27 Oct., 1839; m. Ralph Savage.
17325 Sandusky Miller,10 b. in Novi, Mich., 3 Apr., 1846; m. in Leroy, Mich., 21 Dec., 1873, Miranda Marvin Warren; in 1861 he en­listed in the Tenth Michigan Volunteer Infantry, but was soon discharged on account of sickness; is a farmer; res. near Lothrop, Mich.
17326 Almedia Amelia,10 b. 20 Feb., 1848; m. in Flushing, Mich., Jan., 1869, William Bates Gillette; he served two years in the Tenth Michigan Volunteer Infantry; settled in Hazelton, Mich., 1874; rem. to Corwith, Otsego Co., Mich., where he is a farmer.
17327 William Henry,10 b. 27 Nov., 1852; m. in New Lothrop, Mich., 31 Dec., 1880, Georgianna Perry, of Tompkins Co., N. Y.

10821.   OSBORN HARRIS,9 son of Sandusky Miller8 (5003), b. in Marcellus, N. Y., 12 June, 1818; m. 27 Sept., 1846, Emeline Trumble, b. 15 Mar., 1820, adopted dau. of Eleazer B. Wagoner, of Lebanon, N. Y.
He res. 30 years in Northville, Mich.; 8 years in Tecumseh, Mich.; was dea­con in the Baptist Church, and was a boot and shoe merchant for 17 years, in Otsego Lake, Mich.
17328 Sarah Matilda,10 b. 24 June, 1847; d. 1 Nov., 1848.
17329 Delos Sandusky,10 b. 15 Feb., 1850; is a shoemaker.
17330 Sarah Matilda,10 b. 28 Sept., 1852; d. 8 Nov., 1861.
17331 Frank Trumble,10 b. 1 July, 1855; m. 14 Apr., 1879, Julia Slinch­come; is a shoemaker.
17332 Harriet Elizabeth,10 b. 8 Sept., 1861; m. 27 June, 1879, Frank Wilder Buell.
17333 Juliet,10 b. 18 Nov., 1863; d. 3 Oct., 1865.

10823.   SANDUSKY,9 son of Jonathan8 (5004), b. in Marcellus, N. Y., 28 Dec., 1825; m. (1) Sarah Tousey, of Plymouth, Mich.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 4 Oct., 1865, Harriet E. Skinner, b. in Beverly, Canada, 23 July, 1834, dau. of Jeptha Skinner, of Novi, Mich., b. 30 June, 1802, and Deborah Cummins, b. 5 Sept., 1809; d. 16 Nov., 1899; she res. in Northville, Mich.
He was a farmer and a Baptist; res. in Northville.
Children by first wife.
17334 Nancy Eudora,10 b. in Plymouth, Mich., 8 June, 1858; d. 15 Jan., 1872.
17335 Lydia Elnora,10 b. 8 June, 1858; m. in Plymouth, 22 Mar., 1876, Joseph Smith; res. in South Lyon, Mich.
Children by second wife.
17336 Nellie Lenore,10 b. 31 Mar., 1867; m. Arthur Fletcher Wilkinson.
17337 Ernest Jonathan,10 b. 4 Oct., 1870; m. Alice Reece.
17338 Hattie May,10 b. 18 Mar., 1874; d. in Plymouth, 22 Dec., 1878.

10826.   GORHAM FLINT,9 son of Enoch8 (5007), b. in New York City, 20 Mar., 1834; m. 4 Apr., 1869, Hannah Kennedy, b. 1 Aug., 1847, dau. of John Kennedy, b. in Limerick, Ireland, 1816, and Ellen _______, b. in Limerick, 1829.

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He d. in Butte, Mont., 1 Oct., 1899.
He was a civil engineer and a mining superintendent; res. in Butte.
17339 Enoch Gorham,10 b. 17 Feb., 1870; d. 2 Apr., 1888.
17340 John Percival,10 b. 27 Apr., 1872; d. 13 Dec., 1884.
17341 Mae Vivian,10 b. 3 June, 1874; res. in Butte; is a stenographer.
17342 William,10 b. 31 May, 1876; d. Jan., 1877.
17343 Joseph,10 b. 1 May, 1878; d. 31 May, 1884.
17344 Olive Pratt,10 b. 9 Sept., 1885.
17345 Levi,10 b. 22 May, 1888.
17346 Zeliah Rilla,10 b. 1 Apr., 1893.

10828.   ESTHER JANE,9 dau. of Hiram8 (5008), b. in Somerset, N. Y., 28 May, 1823; m. in Macon, Mich., 8 June, 1842, Martin Gray, b. in Danbury, Conn., 25 Mar., 1825, son of Jesse Gray and Sarah Higgins, of New Haven, Conn.
He d. in Douglas, Mich., 30 Sept., 1889; she d. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 17 Jan., 1899.
He was a Republican; was Postmaster of Douglas, where he res.
17347 Sarah M. Gray,10 b. in Saline, Mich., 9 May, 1846; m. in Ypsilanti, Mich., 1 Nov., 1872, La Monte H. Dewey; res. in Grand Rapids; has three children.

10829.   JULIA ANN,9 dau. of Hiram8 (5008), b. in Somerset, N. Y., 4 Sept., 1826; m. (1) in Macon, Mich., 30 Mar., 1843, David Brown, b. in Fisherfield, N. H, 12 Oct., 1808, son of Odell Brown.
He d. in Sioux Falls, S. D., 3 July, 1883; was a stock dealer and a farmer; a Methodist and a Democrat; she m. (2) in Sioux Falls, as his third wife, 15 May, 1889, Joseph E. Boyce, b. in Blundeston, England, 2 June, 1815; he d. in Fay­ette, Ia., 14 Apr., 1898; was a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Fayette, where she now res.
Children by first husband.
17348 David Austin Brown,10 b. in Saline, Mich., 30 Nov., 1844; m. in Shako­pee, Minn., 4 July, 1872, Mary Jane Allen; d. in Sioux Falls, 9 Mar., 1885; she m. (2) _______; res. in Kentucky.
17349 Sevilla Brown,10 b. in Saline, 10 Mar., 1846; d. there, Oct., same year.
17350 Emmet Judson Brown,10 b. in Saline, 25 July, 1848; m. in Shakopee, Anne Frances Horner; res. in Sioux Falls.
17351 Melissa Orcelia Brown,10 b. in Saline, 10 Oct., 1850; m. in Shakopee, 10 Oct., 1868, Alpheus Barrett.
17352 Antoinette Ione Brown,10 b. 22 Sept., 1862; m. in Sioux Falls, 1 Jan., 1881, Leonard Cushman; res. in Sioux Falls.
17353 Winnie Brown,10 b. 3 Oct., 1864; d. in Shakopee, 16 May, 1865.

10830.   JOHN CALVIN,9 son of Hiram8 (5008), b. in Somerset, N. Y., 2 Dec., 1828; m. 21 Jan., 1858, Minerva C. Davis, b. in Mt. Pleasant, Canada, 6 May, 1843, dau. of David Davis, b. in New York, 25 May, 1809, and Amanda M. Graves, in Madison Co., N. Y., 19 Sept., 1817.
He is a farmer; rem. in 1875 from Milan, Mich., to Macon, Mich., and after­wards to York, Mich.

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17354 Emma Jane,10 b. in Saline, Mich., 2 Jan., 1860; m. Floyd W. Conde.
17355 Sarah M.,10 b. 22 June, 1867; d. 19 Nov., 1868.
17356 Edwin Francis,10 b. in Milan, 29 Apr., 1870; m. in Jackson, Mich., 7 Mar., 1900, Anna Myria Wright, b. in Sandstone, Mich., 8 Dec., 1881, dau. of Roman Wright, of Tompkins, Mich., and Isadore Morse, b. 1 Nov., 1864; is a farmer; res. in Rives Junction, Mich.; had no children.

10831.   LEWIS CALEB,9 son of Hiram8 (5008), b. in Somerset, N. Y., 7 Mar., 1830; m. in Saline, Mich., 23 Apr., 1863, Martha Ann Fuller, b. in New York, 8 Jan., 1828.
He d. near the Lake Dora Saw Mill, Lake Dora, Fla., 24 June, 1882; she d. in Lake Eustis, Fla., 5 July, 1882.
He worked in a saw mill; res. in Lake Ridge, Mich., until 1882, when he rem. to Lake Eustis; was a Free Methodist and a Republican.
17357 Esther Jane,10 b. in Milan, Mich., 29 Oct., 1866; m. John Solomon Jones.

10832.   ELSIE MELVINA,9 dau. of Hiram8 (5008), b. in Somerset, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1833; m. in Saline, Mich., Laban Sargent, son of Alex Sargent and Sarah Spencer, dau. of Simeon Spencer and Sarah Harrington, of Ireland.
His whereabouts are unknown, he having left home, on business, 35 years ago; she is still living.
17358 Evangeline Savilla Sargent,10 b. in Clinton, Mich., 28 Sept., 1861; m. in Ypsilanti, Mich., 4 Sept., 1882, William Horton Garlock; res. in Winona, Minn.

10834.   EDWIN,9 son of Hiram8 (5008), b. in Milan, Mich., 19 Feb., 1841; m. in Marshall, Mich., Caroline Duncan, b. 27 May, 1846, dau. of Nelson Duncan, of Fitchville, Ia., and Ann Sophia Ervin, b. 15 Sept., 1827.
He was a brakeman; was killed in Dexter, Mich., 27 May, 1870, by a col­lision on the Michigan Central Railroad; she res. in Alpena, Mich.
17359 Marion Ora,10 b. in Macon, Mich., 7 Oct., 1866; m. William Dudley Wade.
17360 Charlie Payson,10 b. in Calhoun Co., Mich., 10 May, 1869; m. Laura Treena Pearce.

10837.   LOUISE,9 dau. of Hiram8 (5008), b. in Macon, Mich., 25 Feb.; 1847; m. in Saline, Mich., 25 Dec., 1865, James Chambers, b. in Alabama, N. Y., 22 June, 1843, son of James B. Chambers, of Washington Co., N. Y., b. 7 June, 1804, and Elizabeth Culver.
She d. in Lowell, Mich., 10 Oct., 1890.
He is a farmer, a member of the Congregational Church and a Democrat; res. in Lowell; served in the civil war, in Co. D, Thirtieth Michigan Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 14 Nov., 1864; was discharged 30 June, 1865.

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Children, all except the oldest b. in Macon.
17361 Culver Chambers,10 b. in Tuscola, Mich., 4 Oct., 1866; d. in Macon, 16 Oct., 1870.
17362 Rosebelle Chambers,10 b. 12 Dec., 1870.
17363 Sadie Gray Chambers,10 b. 12 Nov., 1873; m. in Lowell, R. D. Bancroft; d. in Lowell, 11 Feb., 1899; res. in Muir, Mich.
17364 Addie Burdetta Chambers,10 b. 10 June, 1877.

10839.   GILBERT,9 son of Hiram8 (5008), b. in Milan, Mich., 15 Mar., 1856; m. in Milan, 21 Mar., 1889, Cora May Hanson, b. in Milan, 25 July, 1865, dau. of Joshua Hanson, b. 23 Feb., 1834, and Mary Jane Wilcox, b. 26 Dec., 1837.
He is a carpenter and joiner; a Republican; res. in Ann Arbor, Mich.
Children, b. in Milan.
17365 Allene,10 b. 3 Jan., 1890.
17366 De Forest,10 b. 20 June, 1891.

10862.   JOHN SAMUEL,9 son of Samuel8 (5022), b. in Colchester, Conn., 19 Sept., 1846; m. in Providence, R. I., 22 Nov., 1871, Emma Cornelia Capwell, b. 18 Aug., 1847, dau. of Clark Wheaton Capwell, b. 10 Jan., 1819, and Nancy Newell Angell, b. 31 Mar., 1819.
He was appointed Clerk to the Committee of Accounts of the Fifty-first Congress; Chief of the Rhode Island Census of 1885; Special Agent United States Census of 1890; was Grand Secretary of the Grand Council of the Royal Arcanum of Rhode Island; is an Insurance Agent; res. in Providence.
17367 Ann Eliza,10 b. 28 Feb., 1873; d. in Providence, 25 Dec., 1875.
17368 John Clark,10 b. 13 May, 1876; is an electrician; res. in Providence.
17369 Henry Francis,10 b. 7 Nov., 1878; was graduated from Brown Uni­versity in 1901; is a mechanical engineer.

10865.   SAMUEL HERBERT,9 son of Daniel8 (5024), b. in Colchester, Conn., 30 Apr., 1861; m. (1) 29 Nov., 1888, Alice Standish Kelsey, b. 2 Apr., 1862, dau. of Henry P. Kelsey, of Hartford, Conn., and Sarah Standish, of Colchester.
She d. 16 Sept., 1896; he m. (2) Helen Elizabeth Williams; res. in Colorado.
17370 Harold Kelsey,10 b. 26 Feb., 1895; d. 6 July, 1896.

10887.   DENNIS,9 son of Elisha8 (5030), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 26 Feb., 1810; m. in Austerlitz, 30 Oct., 1836, Emmeline Son, b. 18 Dec., 1814, dau. of Moses T. Son, of Chatham, N. Y., b. 10 Oct., 1793, and Hannah Steves, b. 20 May, 1796.
She d. in Oneida, Ill., 9 July, 1884; he d. in New Boston, Ill., 27 Nov., 1891.
He was a carpenter and a joiner, in Austerlitz, until May, 1855, when he rem. to Oneida, Ill.
Children, b. in Austerlitz.
17371 Charles Elisha,10 b. 17 Feb., 1842; served in the civil war; enlisted 13 May, 1861, in Co. D, Seventeenth Illinois Regz; fought gal­lantly in the battle of Fort Donelson; was accidentally shot by a comrade, in Savannah, Tenn., 18 Mar., 1862.
17372 Marian Melissa,10 b. 18 Apr., 1844; m. John Wesley Gladman.
17373 William Marvin,10 b. 19 Mar., 1851; m. Mary Alma Collins.

1436    The Kelloggs in the New World.

10888.   JAMES DOUGLAS,9 son of Elisha8 (5030), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 28 Nov., 1812; m. 1 Nov., 1835, Mercy Underwood, b. 22 Dec., 1810, dau. of Archibald Underwood, of New Marlborough, Mass, b. 29 Nov., 1774, and Rhoda Chapin, of Tyringham, Mass, b. 29 Nov., 1774.
She d. near Memphis, Mo., 11 Mar., 1887; he d. there, 14 Apr., 1895.
He was a farmer and a cooper in Richmond, Mass, in 1836-7; of Bainbridge N. Y., 1837-45; Austerlitz, N. Y., 1845-56; Croton, Ia.; rem. to Memphis, Mo., in 1871.
17374 Newton Douglas,10 b. in Richmond, Mass., 13 Sept., 1836; m. Sarah Caroline Bishop.
17375 Camille Ann,10 b. in Bainbridge, 11 Jan., 1843; m. William Wilson Caldwell.
17376 Elisha Bradley,10 b. in Austerlitz, 4 May, 1845; m. Martha Ellen Waln.

10889.   OLIVE MALLORY,9 dau. of Elisha8 (5030), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 24 Jan., 1814; m. 15 Nov., 1835, Alanson Osborn, b. 11 Apr., 1813, son of Syl­vanus Osborn, of Long Island, N. Y., and Hannah King, of Cairo, N. Y.
He d. 22 Jan., 1892; she d. in Austerlitz, 14 May, 1900.
He was a farmer and a carpenter; res. in Austerlitz.
17377 Mary Sophia Osborn,10 b. 30 Sept., 1836; m. 24 Dec., 1861, E. M. Eas­land; had four children.
17378 Edward Payson Osborn,10 b. 3 Dec., 1838; m. 23 Dec., 1869, Emily Blunt; had two children.

10890.   BENJAMIN,9 son of Elisha8 (5030), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 27 Jan., 1816; m. in Spencertown, N. Y., 8 Oct., 1844, Caroline Harvey, b. 13 July, 1839, dau. of Consider King Harvey, of Austerlitz, b. 8 Aug., 1807, and Clarissa Olds, of Alford, Mass., b. 23 June, 1813.
He d. 26 July, 1867; she d. in Monmouth, Ill., 27 Sept., 1900.
He was a farmer in Austerlitz until Apr., 1865, when he rem. to Oneida, Ill., where he was a baggage master, for several years, on the Chicago, Burling­ton and Quincy Railroad; was fatally injured while coupling cars; res. in Mon­mouth, Ill.
17379 Olive Clarissa,10 b. in Austerlitz, b. 16 July, 1847; m. William Pierce.
17380 Jane Elizabeth,10 b. in Austerlitz, b. 9 July, 1851; m. William Wallace Brooks.
17381 Lillie Augusta,10 b. in Austerlitz, b. 28 Oct., 1854; m. Robert Law Russell.
17382 Charles Elisha,10 b. in Oneida, 6 Aug., 1862; m. (1) Lottie A. John­son; (2) Alice Brown.
17383 Helen Eliza,10 b. in Oneida, 8 Jan., 1865; m. in Monmouth, Ill., 11 Sept., 1889, George Morehead Russell, b. 10 Aug., 1854; had no children; he d. 25 Oct., 1897; she m. (2) in Cleveland, 12 Nov., 1900, Francis John McConchie, of Chicago, b. in Kewanee, Ill., 21 Feb., 1863.

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10891.   ELISHA BRADLEY,9 son of Elisha8 (5030), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 24 May, 1818; m. 21 Jan., 1851, Bernice Camilla Underwood, b. 1 Feb., 1821, dau. of Archibald Underwood, of New Marlborough, Mass., b. 27 Nov., 1774, and Rhoda Chapin, of Tyringham, Mass., b. 17 Nov., 1783.
He was a farmer in Austerlitz until 1858, when he rem. to Croton, Ia., where he now res.
17384 Bernice Estelle,10 b. in Austerlitz, 25 Nov., 1855; m. Henry Miller Richey.
17385 Mary Adelaide,10 b. 16 Feb., 1859; d. 31 Man, 1862.
17386 Charles Bradley Mallory,10 b. 22 June, 1861; d. 5 Jan., 1864.

10893.   ELIAKIM MALLORY,9 son of Elisha8 (5030), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 15 Feb., 1822; m. in Croton, N. Y., 22 Sept., 1852, Lucy Ann Gay, b. 5 Jan., 1831, dau. of William Gay, of Franklin, N. Y., b. in Sharon Conn., 7 May, 1798, and Almira Benton, b. in Salisbury, Conn., 21 Mar., 1795.
He was a farmer, a mechanic and an apiarist, first in Franklin, and then in Croton, Ia., where he now res.
17387 William Gay,10 b. in Franklin, 2 July, 1853; m. (1) Nettie E. Smith; (2) Addie Clark.
17388 Henry Wilson,10 b. in Franklin, 8 Nov., 1855; m. Matilda Schmidt.
17389 Almira Olive,10 b. 8 Aug., 1858; m. Clarence Van Buskirk.
17390 Charles,10 b. 10 July, 1867; d. in Croton, N. Y., 6 May, 1870.

10896.   JANE ANN,9 dau. of Samuel8 (5031), b. in Franklin, N. Y., 16 Oct., 1809; m. (1) 1828, Oliver Mann, b. 20 Aug., 1807.
He d. 6 June, 1859; she m. (2) Feb., 1877, Chauncey Smith; he d. Aug., 1886; she d. in Oneonta, N. Y., 24 Nov., 1893.
Children by first husband.
17391 Elizabeth J. Mann,10 b. 18 Apr., 1829.
17392 Wallace P. Mann,10 b. 22 Aug., 1830.
17393 Victoria W. Mann,10 b. 5 Jan., 1832.
17394 Mornington O. Mann,10 b. 12 May, 1834.
17395 Abijah N. Mann,10 b. 13 Sept., 1835; d. 27 Sept., 1854.
17396 Aristarchus Mann,10 b. 6 Dec., 1836.
17397 Martha O. Mann,10 b. 24 Aug., 1838.
17398 Emeline S. Mann,10 b. 6 Mar., 1840; d. 11 May, 1893.
17399 Nancy A. Mann,10 b. 28 Dec., 1842; d. 6 Dec., 1843.
17400 Nancy J. Mann,10 b. 1 June, 1844.
17401 Carrie A. Mann,10 b. 5 Sept., 1846.
17402 Francis O. Mann,10 b. 28 Dec., 1848; d. 13 Aug., 1893.
17403 Henry F. Mann,10 b. 30 Apr., 1852.

10897.   ULYSSES PARSONS,9 son of Samuel8 (5031), b. in Franklin, N. Y., 6 Aug., 1811; m. 29 July, 1832, Emeline Stilson, b. in West Meredith, N. Y., 27 Sept., 1813, dau. of William Stilson, a farmer, of West Meredith, b. 23 Sept., 1783, and Affa Ward, b. 27 May, 1783.
He d. 12 Oct., 1895.
He was a builder; res. in Owego, N. Y.

1438    The Kelloggs in the New World.

17404 Linus Porter,10 b. in West Meredith, 1 Sept., 1833; m. 1860, Bessie Trip, of Iosco, Minn. After he became of age, he rem. from his home to Iosco; went into the army; sickened, returned home and died 2 May, 1864; had no children. (Iosco ceased to exist shortly after it was founded).
17405 Morton Lyman,10 b. 7 Jan., 1837; m. 12 Nov., 1873, Mary Best Steph­ens, b. in Tonawanda, N. Y., dau. of William F. Best, of Tona­wanda, and Jane Albro; he is a printer and publisher; an inspector in the Custom House in New York city; had no children.
17406 Elon Galusha,10 b. 17 Oct., 1840; d. 27 Nov., 1846.
17407 Theodore Ulysses,10 b. 19 Oct., 1844; d. 5 Dec., 1846.
17408 Charles Theodore,10 b. in Meredith, 21 Mar., 1848; m. Helen Au­gusta Pultz.

10898.   SAMUEL,9 son of Samuel8 (5031), b. in Franklin, N. Y., 19 Aug., 1813; m. (1) Julia Seeley, of Franklin.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 25 Feb., 1838, Susan Azubah Lewis, b. in Cairo, N. Y., 22 Mar., 1816, dau. of Truman Lewis and Polly Olmstead; d. in Sidney, N. Y., 14 Oct., 1867; after his death she res. in Sidney.
He learned the trade of wagon making in Franklin; rem. to Sidney.
17409 William Henry,10 b. 7 Sept., 1839; d. 8 Nov., same year.
17410 Julia Maria,10 b. 20 Sept., 1841; m. Charles Henry Ives.
17411 Henrietta Calphurna,10 b. 28 Apr., 1843; m. 11 Jan., 1871, Milton Burrows, b. 21 Dec., 1834, son of Amasa Burrows and Phiana Nowlen, of Guilford, N. Y.; he is a carpenter and a builder; res. in Sidney; had no children.
17412 Theron Leander,10 b. 4 July, 1845; d. 16 Oct., 1848.
17413 Albert Morton,10 b. 25 Feb., 1847; d. 23 Oct., 1848.
17414 Alfred Merton,10 b. 25 Feb., 1847; m. (1) Hattie Tremaine; (2) Louise Great.
17415 Orville Morell,10 b. 5 Feb., 1850; d. unm., 13 Sept., 1874.
17416 Leonard Wilson,10 b. 17 May, 1852; m. Ella Gertrude Harper.

10899.   CHARLES BENJAMIN,10 son of Samuel8 (5031), b. in Franklin; N. Y., 7 July, 1815; m. (1) 20 Sept., 1839, Rebecca Foote, b. 12 May, 1813, dau. of Jared Foote, of Otsego Co., N. Y., and Sally _______.
She d. 25 Feb., 1843; he m. (2) 12 Oct., 1843, Mehitable Maples, b. 24 Feb., 1809; she d. 27 Nov., 1875; he m. (3) Julia T. Ferren, b. 11 May, 1839; d. 27 Jan., 1887; he d. in Owego, N. Y., 4 Feb., 1888.
He was a carpenter and builder; res. in Owego.
Children, by first wife, b. in Owego.
17417 Edna Jane,10 b. 12 Feb., 1842; m. Henry Hall Ingersoll.
17418 Emma Jane,10 b. 12 Feb., 1842; m. James H. Ingersoll.
Child, by second wife.
17419 Alfred Charles,10 b. 15 Aug., 1852; d. 15 Nov., same year.

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10900.   MARVIN SANFORD,9 son of Samuel8 (5031), b. in Franklin, N. Y., 12 Jan., 1818; m. (1) 1 Jan., 1840, Nancy Foote, b. 23 Apr., 1817.
She d. 15 Jan., 1872; he m. (2) Mrs. Josephine E. (Merrill) Prime, b. 29 Sept., 1839, widow of A. H. Prime, of Croton, N. Y., and dau. of Ransom Merrill, of Oxford, N. Y., and Almira _______.
He is a farmer; res. in Croton.
Children by first wife.
17420 A Son,10 b. ______; d. 25 Feb., 1841.
17421 Mary Janett,10 b. 14 Mar., 1844; m. 28 Aug., 1866, Merritt P. McKoon; had no children.
17422 George Foote,10 b. in Croton, 4 Apr., 1847; m. Ann Eliza Foote.
17423 Clarissa,10 b. 7 Jan., 1850; d. 21 Nov., 1852.
Child by second wife.
17424 Susie Myra,10 b. 11 May, 1874.

10901.   AUSTIN JABEZ,9 son of Samuel8 (5031), b. in Franklin, N. Y., 16 May, 1821; m. (1) 16 Jan., 1843, Nancy Cronkhite, b. in Richfield, N. Y., 30 Dec., 1825, dau. of Jeremiah Cronkhite, of Richfield, and Ereline Jones.
She d. 23 Mar., 1863; he m. (2) 1 Aug., 1864, Marilla C. Barnett, of Fari­bault, Minn.; she d. 14 Apr., 1879; he m. (3) 11 Dec., 1880, Mrs. Hester Ann (Hart) Main, b. 20 June, 1839, Widow of Samuel Main, and dau. of John Hart, b. 11 May, 1797, and Sarah Merriam, b. 12 Aug., 1796, of Faribault.
He is a carriage maker; rem. to Wisconsin in 1848, then to Faribault, where he res.
Children by first wife.
17425 Edward Stanley,10 b. 16 Aug., 1844; was a Union soldier; enlisted in Co. B, Eighth Minnesota Reg.; d. 8 Apr., 1863.
17426 George Bostwick,10 b. 12 May, 1848; d. 22 Oct., same year.
17427 Marion Elnora,10 b. in Waupun, Wis., 31 Oct., 1850; m. Daniel E. Newton.
17428 Emily Angie,10 b. 22 Aug., 1855; m. James Gray.
17429 Arthur Leon,10 b. 16 Aug., 1857; d. 24 Jan., 1880.
Children by second wife.
17430 Cora Barnard,10 b. 16 July, 1865.
17431 Elliott Lincoln,10 b. 16 Feb., 1870; is a machinist; res. in Faribault.
17432 Orville Austin,10 b. 19 Dec., 1875; is a farmer; res. in Faribault.
Child by third wife.
17433 Carrie Jane,10 b. in Faribault, 30 Oct., 1881; m. Herbert Elijah Sperry.

10902.   MARTHA,9 dau. of Samuel8 (5031), b. in Franklin, N. Y., 8 Jan., 1825; m. 25 July, 1844, Isaac Leggett, b. in Laurens, N. Y., 9 June, 1812, son of Befillamin Leggett, b. in Stillwater, N. Y., 26 Feb., 1786, and Rebecca Keene, b. in New Bedford, Mass., 28 Apr., 1793.
He is a farmer; res. in Morris, N. Y.
17434 Rebecca Leggett,10 b. 24 June, 1845; d. 29 June, same year.
17435 Mary Rosaltha Leggett,10 b. 9 Apr., 1846; d. unm., 11 Feb., 1868.
17436 Benjamin Leggett,10 b. 17 Apr., 1850; d. 28 July, 1852.

1440    The Kelloggs in the New World.

17437 Rebecca Keene Leggett,10 b. 26 May, 1853; m. 12 Mar., 1879, Andrew R. Southerland, b. 30 May, 1843; he was a farmer, and later a school teacher, of Morris, N. Y.
17438 Rosanna Leggett,10 b. 29 Oct., 1855; m. 10 Jan., 1879, Curtis S. Draper, b. 20 Dec., 1853; he is a farmer; res. in Morris.
17439 Benjamin Starbuck Leggett,10 b. 17 Aug., 1857; is a farmer; res. in Morris.
17440 William Henry Leggett,10 b. 30 July, 1866.

10904.   PHEBE ANN,9 dau. of Benjamin8 (5032), b. in North Franklin, N. Y., 18 Dec., 1809; m. 18 Sept., 1831, Williams Kneeland, b. 1 Apr., 1808, son of Daniel Kneeland, b. in Hebron, Conn., 2 Mar., 1781, and Grace Williams, b. in Marlboro, Conn., 8 Oct., 1781, dau. of Lieut. Thomas Williams, who fought in the battles of Lexington, Bunker Hill and throughout the entire Revolution.
He d. 3 Dec., 1860; she m. (2) 15 May, 1872, Sluman Follett, of Waverly, N. Y., b. 16 June, 1796; he d. 3 May, 1886; after his death she res. in Waverly.
Children by first husband, b. in Franklin.
17441 Emily Jane Kneeland,10 b. 13 July, 1835; m. 16 Nov., 1853, Demetrius Pease; he d. 3 Nov., 1863; had four children.
17442 Joseph Hart Kneeland,10 b. 3 Apr., 1838; m. 10 Feb., 1864, Josephine M. Shaw; res. in Waverly; had four children.
17443 Charles Lyman Kneeland,10 b. 5 June, 1841; m. 30 Sept., 1865, Sarah H. L. Hollister, b. in Perrysburg, Pa., 29 July, 1848; res. in Lan­sing, Mich.; had eight children.
17444 Ellen Sophia Kneeland,10 b. 23 Jan., 1843; d. 13 Nov., 1864.
17445 Julia Josephine Kneeland,10 b. 22 Feb., 1845; d. 14 Aug., 1848.
17446 Romolas Aristarchas Kneeland,10 b. 11 Aug., 1848; m. 24 Aug., 1870, Mary A. Randall; had three children.
17447 Remus Aristibolas Kneeland,10 b. 11 Aug., 1848; m. 17 Sept., 1875, Nancy H. Van Deusen; res. in Benton Harbor, Mich.; had no children.

10905.   CYNTHIA,9 dau. of Benjamin8 (5032), b. in North Franklin, N. Y; 4 July, 1813; m. 15 Oct., 1835, Albert Stilson, of Meredith, N. Y., b. 16 Jan., 1810, son of William Stilson, b. 23 Sept., 1783, and Affa Ward, b. 27 May, 1783.
She d. 29 Aug., 1841; he m. (2) 1844, Mrs. Mary Ette Walling, Widow of Rev. George Walling, of Paterson, N. J.; d. 30 Sept., 1895.
17448 Mary Ellen Stilson,10 b. 22 June, 1837; m. 17 Nov., 1857, Miles Hine, Jr., of Meredith, b. 13 Apr., 1836; res. in Croton, N. Y.; he d. 25 Aug., 1899; after his death she res. in Treadwell, N. Y.
17449 Lyman Stilson,10 b. 9 Dec., 1838; m. 1 June, 1869, Jennie May Gard­ner, b. 20 Mar., 1849; was a dentist; res. in Elmira, N. Y.; d. 5 Sept., 1871; had one child.
17450 Cynthia Helen Stilson,10 b. 2 Oct., 1840; d. 22 Feb., 1862; was a teacher in Elmira Female Academy.

10906.   EMELINE,9 dau. of Benjamin8 (5032), b. in North Franklin, N. Y., 9 Feb., 1816; m. 1836, Milton Metcalf Taft, b. in Deerfield, Mass., 23 Apr., 1810, son of Eli Taft and _______ Adams.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1441

She d. in Franklin, N. Y., 1 Sept., 1863; he d. in Afton, N. Y., 18 Feb., 1890.
He was a farmer; res. in Afton.
17451 Allis Hartson Taft,10 b. in Sidney, N. Y., 18 Mar., 1837; m. 9 Feb., 1863, Mary Alice Blowers; d. in Afton, 10 May, 1900.
17452 Valson Taft,10 b. 15 May, 1841; d. when six months old.
17453 Watson Taft,10 b. 14 Sept., 1845; d. 12 Aug., 1846.
17454 Emily Jane Taft,10 b. 17 Mar., 1849; m. 1 Oct., 1867, William Delos Widgar.

10908.   MARVIN DOUGLAS,9 son of Benjamin8 (5032), b. in North Franklin, N. Y., 18 Sept., 1823; m. 10 Dec., 1845, Hannah Schermerhorn, b. in Kinder­hook, N. Y., 22 July, 1824, dau. of John G. Schermerhorn and Catherine Pad­dock, of Croton, N. Y.
She d. 16 June, 1896; he d. 11 Jan., 1901.
He was a farmer; res. in Croton.
17455 Willard Benjamin,10 b. 13 Sept., 1846; d. 2 Feb., 1853.
17456 Frances Ann,10 b. 27 May, 1849; d. 12 Feb., 1853.
17457 Albert Francis,10 b. 27 May, 1849; m. Mary Anderson.
17458 Lillian May,10 b. in Croton, 5 Nov., 1855; m. John H. Thompson.
17459 Abraham Lincoln,10 b. in Croton, 1 May, 1860; m. May Blakeslee Lewis.

10911.   MARTIN NEWTON,9 son of Joseph8 (5033), b. in Franklin, N. Y., 29 June, 1822; m. in Winona, Minn., 29 Oct., 1855, Frances Isabella Esson, b. in Fort Garry, now Winnipeg, Canada, 15 Dec., 1835, dau. of Capt. David Geddes Esson, b. in Lewes, Sussex, England, and Lady Lillian Cambell, of the House of Argyle, b. in Edinburgh, Scotland.
He d. in St. Paul, Minn., 20 Feb., 1896; she res. in St. Paul.
He was a private in the band of the Sixth United States Infantry, 1845-50, Capt; Cody, Col. Loomis, and went through all of Gen. Scott's campaign in Mexico, distinguishing himself by being the first to plant the flag on the walls of Chapultepec. After his return from the Mexican war he was stationed at Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, and at Fort Snelling, Minn. (seven miles from St. Paul), where he remained. In 1849, his mother, sister and three brothers fol­lowed him there, and all settled there. He was a merchant for many years in St. Louis, establishing the first drug store in the territory of Minnesota, and after­wards acquired a competence in the toy business. He was stricken with blind­ness in 1878, but in spite of this affliction, with the aid of his family, continued the study of astronomy and meteorology, in which he was interested from his birth. It is said that his weather forecasts and predictions were good.
Children, all except the youngest b. in St. Paul.
17460 Rodney Parker,10 b. 18 June, 1857; m. (1) Frances Margaret Cotten; (2) Mary Maria McAllister.
17461 Mary Beatrice,10 b. 21 Dec., 1862; m. (1) Daniel Tennyson Colling­wood; (2) James McIlrath.

1442    The Kelloggs in the New World.

17462 Lenora Janette Hale,10 b. 6 Feb., 1872; m. 10 July, 1894, John Lincoln Watson, b. 5 May, 1870, son of John Cleaverspike Watson and Julia Lincoln, both of England; he is a clerk in a railroad office; had no children.
17463 Cecelia Rodenita Adelaide Newton,10 b. in Montgomery, Ala., 1 Apr., 1877; is a concert pianist; res. in Vienna, Austria.

10913.   LUKE SMITH,9 son of Joseph8 (5033), b. in Franklin, N. Y., 7 May, 1825; m. (1) 18 June, 1853, Elizabeth McNelly, b. in Whitesboro, N. Y., 18 Aug., 1834.
She d. in Bell Plaine, Minn., 5 May, 1862; he m. (2) 17 Mar., 1865, Mrs. Mary Jane (Dunlavey) Johnson, b. in New York city, 12 Nov., 1828, widow of James Catlin Johnson, of Oakman, Minn., d. 12 Feb., 1883.
He was a merchant; res. in Janesville, Minn.
17464 Alice,10 b. ______; d. aged four years.
17465 Harriet Elizabeth,10 b. 18 Aug., 1856; m. Augustus Franklin Priest.
17466 Frederick Henderson,10 b. 25 Nov., 1857; d. unm., 24 May, 1883; was a harness maker.

10914.   IRA SMITH,9 son of Joseph8 (5033), b. in Franklin, N. Y., 23 Oct., 1830; m. 7 Aug., 1871, Florence Chandler, b. 23 Sept., 1850, dau. of Martin Spencer Chandler, b. in Jamestown, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1825, and Frances F. Cald­well, b. in Cameron, N. Y., 12 Oct., 1830.
She d. in Red Wing, Minn., 4 Aug., 1888. After her death he res. in St. Paul, Minn.
He rem. to Red Wing in 1852, where he was a druggist for many years; was sheriff of Goodhue Co., Minn.
17467 Fanny Carlyn,10 b. in Red Wing, 4 Oct., 1872; d. 26 Apr., 1892.

10915.   HARRIET ANN ,9 dau. of Joseph8 (5033), b. in Franklin, N. Y., 30 Apr., 1832; m. 13 May, 1862, Jesse Monroe Hodgman, of Red Wing, Minn., b. in Hartland, Vt., 17 Feb., 1818.
He d. in Red Wing, 11 Apr., 1887. After his death she res. in Red Wing.
He was a banker in Red Wing.
17468 Leonard Wilson Hodgman,10 b. 13 July, 1863.

10916.   CAPT. DAVID,9 son of Joseph8 (5037), b. in Poultney, Vt., 1 Oct., 1799; m. (1) 1 Oct., 1822, Sarah Ann Colgrove, b. in Newfield, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1801, dau. of William Colgrove, of Newfield.
She d. in Newfield, 15 Apr., 1835; he m. (2) 24 May, 1836, Polly Ann Pew, b. in Ithaca, N. Y., 20 June, 1808, dau. of Joseph Pew, of Ithaca; d. in Newfield, 23 Oct., 1863.
In the spring of 1813 he rem. to Newfield with his father and grandfather.
He was offered a Colonel's commission in the State Militia but declined.
Children, b. in Newfield, by first wife.
17469 Joseph,10 b. 18 Nov., 1825; m. Samantha Ham.
17470 William,10 b. 11 Sept., 1827; m. Mary Jane Curtis (17519).

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17471 Sarah Ann,10 b. 8 Nov., 1830; m. in Newfield, Ephraim M. Kies; d. in Horse Heads, N. Y., 5 July, 1876; he d. in Horse Heads, 15 Aug., 1881; was a farmer; had no children.
17472 David,10 b. 12 Apr., 1835; m. Sarah Sabrina Dassance.
Children by second wife.
17473 Charles Francis,10 b. 10 Dec., 1840; m. (1) Hattie A. Fausett; m. (2) Mary E. Fausett.
17474 Harriet Amelia,10 b. 17 Nov., 1843, b. in Newfield, Henry Kirk Todd (17530); d. in Newfield, 24 Dec., 1866; had no children.

10918.   JERUSHA,9 dau. of Joseph8 (5037), b. 1 Apr., 1803; m. 1 Oct., 1821, Daniel Landon.
✛17475 James Landon,10 b. ______; m. ______; d. ______.

10919.   JOSEPH,9 son of Joseph8 (5037), b. 9 Dec., 1805; m. (1) 9 Dec., 1826, Annie Ennis.
He m. (2) Catherine McEWen; d. 7 Mar., 1878.
Children by second wife.
17476 Alvah,10 b. ______; d. in his teens.
17477 Nelson,10 b. ______; res. in Buffalo, N. Y.
17478 Eliza,10 b. ______; m. _______ Smith; res. in Elmira, N. Y.

10920.   BETSEY,9 dau. of Joseph8 (5037), b. 6 Jan., 1808; m. 27 Oct., 1825, Anthony Waldroff.
She d. 14 Feb., 1842.
17479 Elizabeth Waldroff,10 b. ______; m. William Plummer; res in Ithaca, N. Y.
17480 Susan Waldroff,10 b. ______; m. Edwin Deremer; both d. ______.
17481 Ann Eliza Waldroff,10 b. ______; m. Oliver Millage, res. in Spencer, N. Y.
17482 Melissa Waldroff,10 b. ______; d. young.

10922.   BENJAMIN JASPER,9 son of Joseph8 (5037), b. in Pawlet, Vt., 2 Oct., 1811; m. 8 Feb., 1838, Sarah Sophrona Jennings, of Ithaca, N. Y.
She d. ______; he d. in Stockbridge, Mich., 12 June, 1877.
He rem. with his parents to Newfield, N. Y.; rem. after his marriage to Wheatfield, Mich.; about 1847 or '48 rem. to Stockbridge.
17483 Selecta Elizabeth,10 b. in Tompkins Co., N. Y., 8 May, 1840; m. George Wesley Swiggett.
17484 Frances Amelia,10 b. ______; m. Ebenezer M. Fletcher.
17485 Benjamin Jasper,10 b. in Ingham Township, Ingham Co., Mich.; d. there 27 Mar., 1864.
17486 Sarah Sephrona,10 b. 22 Feb., 1847; m. Eli Dewitt.

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17490 Lafayette,10 b. ______; d. aged five years.
17491 Lenora Augusta,10 b. 15 Apr., 1857; m. Melvin B. Ives.
17492 David,10 b. 16 May, 1859; res. unm., in Jackson, Mich.

10923.   DEACON MELZAR,9 son of Joseph8 (5037), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 14 Nov., 1813; m. 6 Nov., 1838, Mary Cowell, b. 8 Sept., 1818, dau. of Truman Cowell, of North Spencer, N. Y.
She d. 16 Nov., 1875; he d. 26 Aug., 1893.
He was a merchant and a farmer; res. in Newfield, Van Etten and Erin, N. Y.; was a deacon in the Baptist Church in Erin.
17493 Melzar Nathaniel,10 b. in Newfield, N. Y., 19 Oct., 1839; m. Jane Thompkins.
17494 Mahlon Alonzo,10 b. in Spencer, N. Y., 19 Sept., 1843; m. Carrie Vorhis.
17495 Harriette Isabel,10 b. 3 Apr., 1850; d. in Van Etten, 17 Mar., 1864.
17496 Mary Ladorna,10 b. in Van Etten, 14 June, 1852; m. Johnson Hum­mer.
17497 Ida May,10 b. in Van Etten, 29 Sept., 1854; m. Benjamin Hummer; d. in Erin, 17 May, 1881; he res. in Three Bridges, N. Y.; had no children.
17498 Elvira M.,10 b. in Van Etten, 28 Sept., 1856; m. Calvin Henry Blauvelt.
17499 Judson C.,10 b. in Van Etten, 14 Aug., 1859; d. there, 27 Sept., 1862.
17500 William T.,10 b. in Van Etten, 27 Nov., 1862; m. Alice Ackles.

10926.   DR. MOSES CURTIS,9 son of Solomon8 (5038), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 14 Nov., 1801; m. 11 Sept., 1824, Elizabeth Swartwout, b. in Coxsackie, N. Y., 9 Sept., 1808, dau. of Judge Robert Swartwout, b. in Wapping's Creek, N. Y., 16 Jan., 1779, and Sarah Richards, b. in Hertford, N. C., 13 Mar., 1780.
He was killed by a bull, near Beloit, Wis., 10 Oct., 1871; she d. in Toledo, O., 23 Jan., 1884.
He was a physician; a surgeon in the army in the civil war.
17501 Oscar Eugene,10 b. 27 Aug., 1825; m. Mary Elizabeth Williams.
17502 Lyman Mack,10 b. 12 Sept., 1826; m. Caroline E. Sturges.
17503 Martha Anelia,10 b. 26 Nov., 1827; m. Clark Chapin Sexton.
17504 Nancy Cornelia,10 b. 4 Oct., 1829; m. 4 Oct., 1894, Maj. Elijah B. Hall, b. 1820, son of Samuel Hall and Martha Stone, of Charlton, Mass.; he was Maj. of the One Hundred and Thirtieth Ohio Vol­unteer Infantry; entered the service 2 May, 1864; was mustered out 22 Sept., 1864; res. in Toledo.
17505 Mary Floyd,10 b. 10 Apr., 1831; m. (1) Ebenezer Price; (2) William S. Collins.
17506 Theron Hotchkiss,10 b. 9 Nov., 1832; m. Frances Ann Esther Pen­field.
17507 Frederick Henry,10 b. in Newfield, 2 Dec., 1834; d. 2 Oct., 1836.
17508 Charles Hamilton,10 b. in Newfield, 2 Dec., 1836; d. in North Fair­field, O., 15 Feb., 1854.
17509 Frederick Henry,10 b. in Newfield, 18 June, 1840; m. Jane Hudson.

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17510 Edgar Romeyn,10 b. in Newfield, 25 Mar., 1842; m. Mary Elizabeth Wickham.
17511 William Francis,10 b. in Fairfield, O., 10 Mar., 1845; m. Mary Bixler.

10928.   MARY,9 dau. of Solomon8 (5038), b. 20 Mar., 1806; m. John Gillett, b. in Newfield, N. Y., 16 Aug., 1806, son of Charles Gillett and Dimma Ann Smith.
She d. 19 Dec., 1869; he d. 9 Mar., 1878.
He was a farmer; res. in Tompkins Co., N. Y., until 1877, when he rem. to Michigan.
17512 Nathaniel M. Gillett,10 b. 30 Oct., 1827.
17513 Daniel Todd Gillett,10 b. 16 Apr., 1829; was drowned 31 Mar., 1836.
17514 Mary Elizabeth Gillett,10 b. 3 Jan., 1832.
17515 John Nelson Gillett,10 b. Dec., 1833.

10929.   ARMENA,9 dau. of Solomon8 (5038), b. in Lansing, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1808; m. in Newfield, N. Y., Charles Todd, son of Charles Todd.
He d. ______; she d. 1888.
He was a farmer and a Presbyterian; res. in Newfield.
Children, b. in Newfield.
17516 Luther Bunnel Todd,10 b. 1836; m. in Horse Heads, N. Y., Feb., 1859, Hannah McKean; d. in Poney Hollow, N. Y., 1884 or 1885.
17517 Charles James Todd,10 b. 1840; m. in Newfield, 16 Mar., 1892, Amelia McDaniels; res. in Newfield.
17518 Elizabeth Ann Todd,10 b. 1843.

10930.   JANE ELIZA,9 dau. of Solomon8 (5038), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 8 May, 1810; m. in Newfield, 19 Feb., 1829, Edwin Curtis, b. in Orange Co, N. Y., 30 July, 1804, son of Amasa Curtis and Katherine Weldon, of Newfield.
He d. in Newfield, 29 Sept., 1873; she d. there, 17 Mar., 1885.
He was a farmer; a Presbyterian; a Whig and, later, a Republican.
Children, b. in Newfield.
17519 Mary Jane Curtis,10 b. 30 Oct., 1829; m. in Newfield, 17 Mar., 1855, William Kellogg (+17470).
17520 Erastus Amasa Curtis,10 b. 30 Oct., 1831; m. in Newfield, 12 Sept., 1860, Susan Ford; res. in Newfield.
17521 Catherine Elvira Curtis,10 b. 19 June, 1833; m. in Ithaca, N. Y., 25 Jan., 1854, William Stark; res. in Chicago, Ill.
17522 Martha Armenia Curtis,10 b. 20 Jan., 1838; m. in Newfield, 2 Nov., 1859, Joel M. Corwin; res. in Five Corners, N. Y.
17523 Frances Amelia Curtis,10 b. 27 Jan., 1846; m. in Newfield, 13 Sept., 1871, Simeon Dewitt Farrington; res. in Chicago.

10932.   SAMUEL ALLEN,9 son of Solomon8 (5038), b. 19 July, 1814; m. in Newfield, N. Y., 22 Nov., 1837, Demma Ann Todd, b. in Newfield, 14 July, 1814, dau. of James Todd, b. 25 Sept., 1782, and Elizabeth Anderson, b. 29 May, 1786.
She d. in Newfield, 1 May, 1864; he d. there, 1 Dec., same year.
He was a Presbyterian; res. in Newfield.

1446    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Newfield.
17524 Daniel Mack,10 b. 10 Mar., 1839; m. Mary Augusta Fleming.
17525 Jay Todd,10 b. 15 Nov., 1842.
17526 Nancy Elvira,10 b. 15 Nov., 1844; d. in Newfield, 20 June, 1862.
17527 Mary Eliza,10 b. 25 Oct., 1851; m. as his second Wife, in West Danby, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1883, Thomas Done Welch, b. in Randolph, Vt., 10 May, 1840, son of Thomas Welch and Bridget Malloy, of Ire­land; he had m. (1) Elvira Todd (17532); is a locomotive engi­neer; an Episcopalian; a Republican; res. in Hornellsville, N. Y.; had no children.

10933.   NATHANIEL HOLMES,9 son of Solomon8 (5038), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 29 May, 1816; m. in Newfield, 1841, Hannah Jane Murray, b. 1822, dau. of Daniel Chester Murray and Jane Rolfe, of Brimfield, Ill.
She d. in Newfield, 1846; he d. near Chetopa, Kas., 1869.
He served in the civil war as a private in a Kansas Reg.
Children, b. in Newfield.
17528 Solomon Albert,10 b. 26 Dec., 1842; m. Helen Mae Pinch.
17529 Martha Jane,10 b. 4 Jan., 1844; m. Minor McDaniels.

10934.   LYDIA ANN,9 dau. of Solomon8 (5038), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 11 May, 1818; m. in Newfield, as his second wife, James Kirk Todd, son of Charles Todd.
He had m. (1) her sister, Hannah Alvia Kellogg; d. in Horse Heads, N. Y.; she d. in Ovid, N. Y., 25 Apr., 1898.
He was a farmer and a Presbyterian.
Children, b. in Newfield.
17530 Henry Kirk Todd,10 b. June, 1842; m. (1) in Newfield, 1865, Harriet Amelia Kellogg (17474); she d. in Newfield, 24 Dec., 1866; had no children; he m. (2) Matilda Knowles; d. in Horse Heads.
17531 Charles Hamilton Todd,10 b. ______.
17532 Elvira Todd,10 b. ______; m. in Horse Heads, Thomas Done Welch; d. in Corning, N. Y.; he m. (2) Mary Eliza Kellogg (17527); res. in Hornellsville.

10935.   HANNAH ALVIA,9 dau. of Solomon8 (5038), b. 23 Feb., 1820; m. James Kirk Todd, son of Charles Todd.
She d. 1840; he m. (2) her sister, Lydia Ann Kellogg.
He was a farmer and a Presbyterian.
17533 Alonzo Todd,10 b. ______; d. in Newfield, N. Y., aged one year.

10936.   SOLOMON NILES,9 son of Solomon8 (5038), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 16 Dec., 1824; m. in Chemung, N. Y., Sarah Starr.
He d. in Newfield, 1 Jan., 1899.
He was a Presbyterian.
17534 John,10 b. ______; d. in Chemung, aged six years.

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10939.   MARY,9 dau. of Sylvanus8 (5042), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 16 July, 1828; m. in Ithaca, N. Y., Theodore Hilderbrant, b. in Ithaca, 19 Nov., 1820, son of John Hilderbrant and Elizabeth _______, b. 22 Aug., 1790.
He d. in Ithaca, 25 Apr., 1895; she d. there, 6 Dec., 1896.
He was a farmer; res. in Ithaca.
17535 Theodore H. Hilderbrant,10 b. in Ithaca, 1 Sept., 1851; m. in Dryden, N. Y., 8 Mar., 1876, Hannah S. Middaugh; res. in Ithaca.

10953.   VICTORIA CLARISSA,9 dau. of Joshua8 (5052), b. in Hadley, Mass., 3 Sept., 1809; m. 16 Sept., 1830, Aaron Lyon Conant, b. in Warren N. Y., 18 July, 1802, son of Timothy Conant, b. Apr., 1771, and Rhoda Lyon, b. 18 June, 1769.
He d. in Hinckley, O., 18 Mar., 1886; she d. in Elsie, Mich., 31 Mar., 1893.
He was a farmer; settled in Hinckley in 1834.
17536 Hiram Conant,10 b. in Hinckley, 21 Aug., 1831; m. 7 Feb., 1855, Mrs. Esther (Bedell) Laughlin, of Cleveland; was a farmer and stock­raiser; enlisted in Co. E, Second Ohio Volunteer Cavalry; was taken sick in Harper's Ferry, W. Va.; d. 17 June, 1865; had two children.
17537 Mortimer Conant,10 b. 24 Mar., 1833; d. 30 July, 1834.
17538 Emeline Conant,10 b. 4 July, 1835; m. 6 July, 1853, Melville Wallace Dunham, of Hinckley; he is a farmer; res. in Elsie; had four children.
17539 Daniel Marshall Conant,10 b. 17 Feb., 1840; d. 16 Aug., 1854.
17540 Velma Elmira Conant,10 b. 20 Mar., 1842; m. 10 Sept., 1863, Orrin O. Perrin; res. in Elsie.
17541 Ethan Conant,10 b. 29 Apr., 1849; m. 11 Feb., 1870, Lucy Louise West, b. in Hinckley, 27 Nov., 1848; enlisted, Feb., 1864, in Co. F, Sec­ond Ohio Volunteer Cavalry; is a farmer; res. in Hinckley; had no children.

10954.   TIMOTHY,9 son of Joshua8 (5052), b. in Northampton, Mass., 19 June, 1811; m. 3 Nov., 1836, Anna Eliza Searles, b. 24 Oct., 1818, dau. of Jona­than Searles, b. 4 Jan., 1784, and Elizabeth Mace, b. 14 Nov., 1786.
He d. in Hinckley, O., 2 Jan., 1879; she d. there, 13 Sept., 1888.
Children, b. in Hinckley.
17542 Orlo,10 b. 18 Jan., 1839; d. 19 Aug., same year.
17543 Adeline Eliza,10 b. 13 June, 1841; d. 15 Nov., 1858.
17544 Timothy,10 b. 28 May, 1846; d. 30 Nov., 1860.
17545 Hartman,10 b. 1 Nov., 1850; m. Emma B. Lindley.

10955.   JOHN,9 son of Joshua,8 (5052), b. in Northampton, Mass., 6 June, 1813; m. 24 Aug., 1837, Caroline Pierce, b. 8 Aug., 1820, dau. of Morris Pierce, b. 15 Dec., 1798, and Perly Richard, b. 12 Sept., 1797.
He d. in Hinckley, O., 20 Feb., 1878; she d. there, 20 July, 1897.

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Children, b. in Hinckley.
17546 John Mortimer,10 b. 14 Apr., 1843; m. (1) in Medina, O., 1 July, 1869, Ella Mather, b. in Northampton, 6 June, 1850, dau. of Allen C. Mather, b. 21 July, 1815, and Caroline Stevens, b. 1812; she d. in Hinckley, 22 June, 1878; he m. (2) in Jackson, Mich., 19 June, 1885, Elizabeth Stevens, b. in Canada, 4 July, 1844, dau of Adam Stevens, b. 1 Sept., 1811, and Mary Delmarter; he is a me­chanic, a Methodist and a Democrat; res. in Hinckley; she d. 21 Jan., 1894; had no children.
17547 Edwin Pierce,10 b. 27 Jan., 1844; res. unm., in Hinckley.
17548 Evaline Amelia,10 b. 23 Dec., 1845; m. Harvey Shipman Bundy.
17549 Le Roy Barber,10 b. 30 Nov., 1851; m. Isabella Damon.
17550 Clara Victoria,10 b. 9 Aug., 1854; d. 29 May, 1855.

10956.   VELINA,9 dau. of Joshua8 (5052), b. 24 Feb., 1815; m. 17 Oct., 1833, Huron Searles, b. 1809.
He d. 17 Jan., 1850; she res. in Cleveland, O.
17551 Frank Searles,10 b. ______; m. _______; d. ______; was a minister; had two children.
17552 Pierce A. Searles,10 b. ______; m. _______; in 1899 he was Lieut. of Police in Cleveland; had one child.
17553 Laurette Searles,10 b. ______; m. _______ Fowler; res. in Cleveland.

10958.   WILLIAM,9 son of Joshua,8 (5052), b. in Northampton, Mass., 17 Apr., 1821; m. 24 Aug., 1843, Rachel Mary Keeley, b. 2 Dec., 1823, dau. of James Keeley, of Bedford Co., Pa., b. 1 Jan., 1793, and Elizabeth Kay, b. 14 Jan., 1793.
She d. 5 Nov., 1887; he d. 19 Mar., 1889.
He was a farmer; rem. to Hinckley, O., where he died.
Children, b. in Hinckley.
17554 Cassius Alvord,10 b. 21 Nov., 1845; m. Emma Dill Shaw.
17555 Hanson William,10 b. 30 Nov., 1848; d. 6 Jan., 1897; was a farmer; res. in Hinckley; d. there, unm., 5 Jan., 1897.
17556 Merritt Isaac,10 b. 22 Oct., 1855; m. in Cleveland, O., 10 Oct., 1895; Catherine Geissler, b. in Cleveland 11 Dec., 1860, dau. of George Geissler, b. in Germany, 1830, and Christianna Freyburger, b. in Germany, 1830; he is a farmer and a Republican; res. on the old homestead; has no children.

10975.   DANIEL,9 son of David8 (5055), b. in Hadley, Mass., 11 Nov., 1814; m. 11 Jan., 1860, Caroline Eaton, b. in Franklin Co., Vt., 13 Jan., 1825; dau. of James Eaton, b. 20 Jan., 1793, and Elizabeth Roberts, b. 27 Mar., 1798.
He is a farmer; rem. from Hadley to Blanchard, O., with his father, 22 May, 1835; he first settled in Pleasant Township, and after seventeen years set­tled in Jackson, and later in Patterson, O.
17557 Hubina,10 b. 13 Mar., 1865.

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10977.   RACHEL,9 dau. of David8 (5055), b. in Hadley, Mass., 15 Nov., 1818; m. 1 Jan., 1857, as his second wife, James Madison Eaton, b. in Columbiana, O., 29 Mar., 1817, son of James Eaton, b. in Ireland, 20 Nov., 1787, and Mary Miller, b. in Pennsylvania, 25 Dec., 1787.
He d. 2 Dec., 1889; she res. in Kenton, O.
He was a farmer; res. in Kenton.
17558 David Sumner Eaton,10 b. ______; m. 4 Jan., 1882, Flora A. Brown; res. in Kenton; had five children.

10980.   LUTHER,9 son of David8 (5055), b. in Hadley, Mass., 25 Feb., 1825; m. 3 Oct., 1854, Deborah Shearer, of Westmoreland Co., Pa., b. 22 Jan., 1836, dau. of Joseph Shearer, b. 4 July, 1814, and Mary Adams Milligan, b. 4 Dec., 1814.
He is a carpenter and a prosperous farmer; res. in Elvira, Ia., and later in Tarkio, Mo.
17559 Joseph Irwin,10 b. in Elvira, 2 June, 1856; m. Fanny Delphina Whit­taker.
17560 Mary Abigail,10 b. in Elvira, 10 Apr., 1858; m. Henry Clay Swear­ingen.
17561 John Edwin,10 b. in Elvira, 13 Feb., 1861; m. Alma Jane East.
17562 Charles Elmer,10 b. 7 Oct., 1863; is a physician; res. unm., in North­boro, Ia.
17563 Rosalind Winnifred,10 b. 28 Feb., 1866; res. unm., in Fall Brook, Cal.
17564 Albert Ross,10 b. 21 Sept., 1868; d. 16 Nov., same year.
17565 Nellie Jane,10 b. 12 Mar., 1870; d. 21 Jan., 1872.
17566 Chester Winnifield,10 b. 26 Dec., 1876; is a minister in Greens­boro, Vt.

10986.   AMANDA MALVINA,9 dau. of Charles8 (5074), b. in Hartland, Conn., 23 Apr., 1826; m. 23 Dec., 1858, as his second wife, Josiah Soule, b. in Warren, O., 29 May, 1819, son of Josiah Soule, b. in Plympton, Mass., 13 Jan., 1791, and who rem. to Warren, 1817, and Sarah Young, b. in Wareham, Mass., in 1799.
She d. in Warren, 4 June, 1871; he d. there, 8 May, 1883.
He was a carpenter; res. in Warren. She was descended from Capt. Miles Standish and George Soule, of the Mayflower.
17567 Henry Bishop Soule,10 b. 23 Sept., 1865; was a gunner in the United States Navy in 1896; is unm.

10989.   ANNA,9 dau. of Charles,8 (5074), b. in Hartland, Conn., 1 July, 1831; m. 12 May, 1858, John Gilbert Decker, b. in Newburg, O., 20 Jan., 1838, son of Bartholomew Sears Decker, b. 15 Aug., 1814, and Sarah Harlow, b. 25 Aug., 1812.
He is a farmer; res. in Youngstown, O.

1450    The Kelloggs in the New World.

17568 Frank Le Roy Decker,10 b. 3 Apr., 1859.
17569 Porter Decker,10 b. 22 Sept., 1860.
17570 Martin Henry Decker,10 b. 13 Oct., 1862.

10990.   HENRY NEWTON,9 son of Charles8 (5074), b. in Hartland, Conn., 5 July, 1835; m. 30 Dec., 1868, Lorena. Morey, b. 22 Jan., 1838, dau. of Alfred Morey, of Gustavus, O., b. 1 Jan., 1812, and Elizabeth Celestia Gilder.
He is a carpenter; res. in Warren, O.; enlisted 28 Oct., 1861, in Co. I, Sixth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and served in the Army of the Potomac until his dis­charge, 3 Nov., 1864; was on detached duty at Provost Marshal's Office in Wash­ington, D. C., 1863-64.
17571 Clara Louise,10 b. in Warren, 15 Aug., 1870; res. in Cleveland, O.
17572 Frank Leroy,10 b. in Canfield, O., 2 Aug., 1872.
17573 Jane Helen,10 b. in Warren, 6 July, 1875.

10992.   CAROLINE,9 dau. of Charles8 (5074), b. in Gustavus, O., 14 Oct., 1839; m. George Humphrey, of Ashtabula, O.
He d. ______; she d. in Kalamazoo, Mich., 2 Sept., 1896.
He was a “navigator” of the Great Lakes.
17574 Nina May Humphrey,10 b. 9 Oct., 1859; m. Henry Hobbs; res. in Kala­mazoo.
17575 Minnie Humphrey,10 b. 25 Aug., 1867; m. Arthur Metcalf.

11018.   ELLA,9 dau. of Harvey Daniel8 (5081), b. in Sheakleyville, Pa., 16 Apr., 1836; m. in Pepin, Wis., 16 Oct., 1860, Hon. Henry Danforth Barron, in Wilton, N. Y., 10 Apr., 1832, son of Moses Barron, of Vermont, and Diademia Herrington, of Rhode Island.
He d. 1881; she d. 8 May, 1889.
He rem. in 1850 from Wilton, N. Y., to Waukesha, Wis., and in 1857 to Pepin, Wis., and in 1861 to St. Croix Falls. He studied law in Ballston Spa Law School. At Waukesha he was the editor and proprietor of the “Chronotype,” and was appointed Postmaster by President Pierce. Governor Bartlett appointed him Judge of the Eighth Judicial Circuit. He went to St. Croix Falls to take charge of the large interests of Hon. Caleb Cushing. He was a member of the Wisconsin Legislature, 1862, '63, '65, '66, '67, '68, '71, '72, and was Speaker of the Assembly in 1866 and 1873. In 1873 and 1875 he was elected to the Wis­consin Senate. From 1869-72 he was the fifth Auditor of the Treasury in Wash­ington; was Presidential Elector at large and President of the Electoral College 1868 and 1872. He was Regent of the State University.
In 1869 he was nomi­nated Chief Justice of Dakota Territory, which nomination was declined; res. in St. Croix Falls.
Child, b. in Pepin.
17576 Edward Kellogg Barron,10 b. 30 July, 1861; d. 27 Oct., 1862.

11019.   MARIA,9 dau. of Harvey Daniel8 (5081), b. in Georgetown, Pa., 15 July, 1840; m. in Lake City, Minn., 7 June, 1866, Capt. George Atkinson, b. 26 Sept., 1836, son of Samuel Atkinson, b. 1794, and Clara _______, b. 1796, both of Maine.

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He res. in Los Angeles, Cal., and is engaged in mining; rem. from St. Paul, Minn., to California in 1874; enlisted in the First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, 23 Apr., 1861; was mustered out, for promotion, at Hanson's Landing, Va., in 1862, and was commissioned Capt. of Co. G, Eighth Minnesota Volunteer In­fantry, 23 Aug., 1862; was mustered out in St. Paul, 25 Aug., 1865.
17577 Frank Atkinson,10 b. 27 Mar., 1867; m. June, 1897, Margaret Todd.
17578 Susan Atkinson,10 b. 30 July, 1868; m. 1886, Dr. R. R. Blair.
17579 Blanche Atkinson,10 b. 30 Sept., 1870; m. 1896, Edward Rainer.
17580 Nellie Atkinson,10 b. 21 May, 1873; m. 1894, Dr. T. S. Collins.
17581 Hardenberg Atkinson,10 b. 22 Aug., 1875; d. 3 Feb., 1895.

11020.   FRANK HARVEY,9 son of Harvey Daniel8 (5081), b. in Cincinnati, O., 14 Apr., 1844; m. 23 June, 1869, Julia Frances Crane, of Lake City, Minn., b. 7 Aug., 1845.
He is a drayman in San Francisco; a Republican; res. in Alameda, Cal.
17582 Maud Ruth,10 b. in Lake City, 17 Jan., 1871; m. 6 Sept., 1893, W. M. Kapus; res. in Portland, Ore.; has no children.
17583 Paul Frank,10 b. 29 Dec., 1872; is in business with his father; is a Republican; is unm.
17584 Frank Harvey, Jr.,10 b. 28 May, 1880; m. in Alameda, 23 Mar., 1902, Annie Fitzgerald; is in business with his father; is a Republican; res. in Alameda.

11023.   CHESTER HOSFORD,9 son of Henry Newton8 (5082), in Ottawa, Ill., 18 Dec., 1840; m. in Iowa City, Ia., 29 Oct., 1859, Alice Witham.
He is a deaf mute.
17585 Newton Eldridge,10 b. 3 Sept., 1861.
17586 Florence May,10 b. 7 Jan., 1863.

11031.   PHEBE BUTTS,9 dau. of Warner8 (5086), b. in Stowe, Vt., 10 Aug., 10 Aug., 1815; m. in Stowe, 9 Sept., 1844, Myron Giles Kelsey Smith, b. in Milford, O., 10 Apr., 1817, son of Sylvanus Smith, b. Oct., 1788, and Thankful Kelsey, b. June, 1792.
He d. in Blue Springs, Neb., 20 Nov., 1890; she res. there.
He was a blacksmith in Woodstock, O., until 1853, when he rem. to Meta­mora, Ill., where he was a farmer; later rem. to Neb.
17587 Alphonso Kellogg Smith,10 b. in Woodstock, O., 4 Mar., 1846; m. 11 Sept., 1870, Kate Maria Newton, b. 1 Aug., 1852; is a farmer in Metamora.
17588 Burton Lorenzo Smith,10 b. in Stowe, 29 Dec., 1852; m. 28 Feb., 1877, Effie May Marsh, b. 19 May, 1858; is a farmer in Metamora.

11032.   JOHN,9 son of Warner8 (5086), b. in Stowe, Vt., 20 Nov., 1816; m. (1) in Woodstock, O., 29 Nov., 1837, Laura Melissa Darling, b. in Woodstock, 10 May, 1814, dau. of Joseph Darling and Eleanor Sanderson.

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She d. 3 Feb., 1843; he m. (2) in Stowe, 2 June, 1847, Dorothy Warren Boynton, b. in Stowe, 16 June, 1822, dau. of David Boynton, b. in Westmoreland, Vt., 16 Aug., 1783, and Martha (Patty) Warren, b. in Jaffrey, N. H., 1789.
He is a farmer; res. in Cazenovia, Ill.
Child by first wife, b. in Woodstock.
17589 Joseph Warner,10 b. 9 Dec., 1839; m. Martha Melissa Spengler.
Children by second wife, b. in Stowe.
17590 Martha Jane,10 b. 18 Apr., 1848; res. unm., in Cazenovia.
17591 Phebe Boynton,10 b. 5 July, 1849; m. Peter Murphy.
17592 Lorenzo Dow,10 b. 24 Nov., 1851; d. in Metamora, Ill., 7 Apr., 1866.

11038.   SARAH ANN,9 dau. of Warner8 (5086), b. in Stowe, Vt., 30 July, 1828; m. in Stowe, 2 June, 1847, Horace Hazen.
She d. in Mahomet, Ill., 15 Jan., 1897.
He is a farmer; res. in Mahomet.
17593 Dan Hazen,10 b. 23 Nov., 1861; m. Jessie Reeder; res. in Fisher, Ill.; had one child.

11040.   VERONA,9 dau. of Warner8 (5086), b. in Stowe, Vt., 25 Nov., 1834, m. in Woodstock, O., 12 June, 1853, John Chapman, b. in Hartford, Vt, 3 Oct., 1825, son of Simon Chapman and Mary Smith, b. 21 Sept., 1797.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Blue Springs, Neb.
Children, b. in Metamora, Ill.
17594 Ellen Marie Chapman,10 b. 12 Sept., 1854; m. in Metamora, 3 Oct., 1876, James Crook Read; res. in Portland, Ore.
17595 Louis Lee Chapman,10 b. 30 Mar., 1858; m. in Champaign, Ill., 26 Sept., 1883, Fanny Van Meter; res. in Beatrice, Neb.
17596 Jesse Kellogg Chapman,10 b. 16 Sept., 1860; m. in Saybrook, Ill., 22 Feb., 1884, Mary Holt; res. in Saybrook.
17597 Simon Smith Chapman,10 b. 20 Apr., 1862.
17598 Mary Jennette Chapman,10 b. 26 Dec., 1864; d. 18 Feb., 1865.
17599 Verna Estelle Chapman,10 b. 12 June, 1868, b. in Blue Springs, 28 Jan., 1890, Curtis Burr Bell; res. in Beatrice.
17600 Percy John Chapman,10 b. 31 July, 1871; m. in Blue Springs, 16 Oct., 1895, Millie Swett; res. in Blue Springs.
17601 Grace Chapman,10 b. 20 July, 1874; m. in Blue Springs, 26 June, 1892, Jesse Rackley; res. in Beatrice.

11049.   HELEN EMELINE,9 dau. of William8 (5088), b. in Lysander, N. Y., 11 July, 1821; m. (1) in Nankin, Mich., 5 July, 1847, Abraham Speer, b. in Newark, N. J., 10 Oct., 1820, son of Elias Speer and Sarah Ricar.
He was a joiner; farmer; a Methodist and a Republican; d. in Nankin, 23 June, 1865; she m. (2) in Nankin, 1866, Richard Meggeson, b. in Eng­land; he was a farmer; res. in Wayne, Mich.
Children by first husband, b. in Nankin.
17602 Carrie Betsey Speer,10 b. 22 Oct., 1849; m. in Nankin, 21 Feb., 1885.

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17603 Ellie Jessie Speer,10 b. 22 Feb., 1859; d. in Holly, Mich., 20 Aug., 1879.
17604 Rolla Speer,10 b. 14 Feb., 1863.

11050.   HARRIET EMILY,9 dau. of William8 (5088), b. in Gaines, N. Y., 26 Sept., 1823; m. 8 Apr., 1841, Isaac Dudley Thompson, b. in Onshur, N. Y., 20 Jan., 1816, son of Dudley Thompson, of Burns, N. Y., and Sally Lewis.
He is a farmer in Wayne, Mich.; served in the civil war; enlisted in the First Reg., United States Sharpshooters, Col. Berdan; was discharged for disability after the “Seven Days Retreat”; in 1864 re-enlisted in Co. M, First Michigan Light Artillery.
17605 Albert Washington Thompson,10 b. 19 Feb., 1843; enlisted in 1863 in Co. M, First Michigan Light Artillery, Capt. Emery; in 1881 he was in the Life Saving Service on Lake Huron.
17606 Dwight William Thompson,10 b. 21 Jan., 1845; m. 1869, Mary Stead­mar, of Van Buren Co., Mich.; in 1862 enlisted in Col. Berdan's First United States Reg. of Sharpshooters; was discharged for dis­ability after the battle of Bull Run; in 1864 he enlisted in Co. M, First Michigan Light Artillery; he is a Methodist preacher.
17607 Ada Thompson,10 b. 16 Nov., 1850; m. John Bradley; he is a farmer; res. in Tuscola, Mich.
17608 Flora Thompson,10 b. 11 June, 1854; m. Cornelius Donavan; he is a blacksmith; was a soldier in the civil war; enlisted in the Four­teenth Ohio Reg.; was wounded, captured, and escaped into Mexico.
17609 George Thompson,10 b. 27 Apr., 1857; was a farmer in Wayne.
17610 John Thompson,10 b. 27 May, 1860.

11051.   HENRIETTA,9 dau. of William8 (5088), b. in Gaines, N. Y., 8 May, 1826; m. 2 Nov., 1842, Ransom Wilkinson, b. 14 Mar., 1816.
She d. in Eaton Co., Mich., 18 July, 1852; he m. (2) _______; d. 1888.
He was a carpenter; res. in Perrinsville, Mich.
17611 Albert Sylvester Wilkinson,10 b. in Toledo, O., 11 Oct., 1843; served in the civil war in Co. A, Fourteenth Ohio Reg.; d. in Chattanooga, Tenn., 5 Jan., 1864.
17612 Edwin Ruthven Wilkinson,10 b. in Nankin, Mich., 23 Oct., 1845; m. ______; served in the civil war in Co. A, Fourteenth Ohio Reg., until the end of the War; in 1881 was a merchant in Mayville, Mich.
17613 Oscar Ellis Wilkinson,10 b. in Eaton Rapids, Mich., 11 Mar., 1852; is a farmer.

11052.   ELIZABETH (BETSEY) ANN,9 dau. of William8 (5088), b. in Gaines, N. Y., 27 Dec., 1829; m. in Nankin, Mich., 30 May, 1860, John Lee, b. in Wythe Co., Va., 3 May, 1826, son of Martin Lee, who was a brother of Gen. Robert E. Lee, of Confederate fame, and Martha Kelly.
He d. in Stacy, Minn., 1886; she res. in Wayne, Mich.
He was a blacksmith and a mechanic; rem. to Goodland, Mo., where he was at the breaking out of the civil war. He was a Union man; enlisted for six months, and then in the Third Missouri Cavalry for three years, being discharged at Little Rock, Ark. They res. for two years in Hunnewell, Mo., thence rem. to

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Novelty, Mo., and in 1874 rem. to Linwood, Minn., where they took a soldier's homestead of 160 acres; thence they rem. to Stacy.
17614 Jessie A. Lee,10 b. in Michigan, 2 Dec., 1861; , d. in Macon City, Mo., 29 July, 1863.
17615 Ida E. Lee,10 b. in Macon City, 19 Oct., 1863; d. 3 July, 1864.
17616 Minnie E. Lee,10 b. 2 May, 1865; d. in Novelty, 5 Nov., 1868.
17617 Lilly May Lee,10 b. 19 Nov., 1868.
17618 Lulie Ella Lee,10 b. 27 Sept., 1870; m. 27 Sept., 1893, William Whitney.

11053.   JESSE,9 son of William8 (5088), b. 27 June, 1831; m. in Novelty, Mo., 7 Feb., 1869, Sarah Ruth Elliott, b. 20 Sept., 1846, dau. of Samuel Elliott, b. 15 Feb., 1816, and Nancy Wells, b. 23 Mar., 1822.
She d. in Gibbs, Mo., 4 Feb., 1896.
He is a blacksmith, a Methodist and a Republican; served in the civil war, in the First Colorado Home Guard; enlisted 11 Oct., 1861; was discharged 1 Apr., 1862.
Children, b. in Sue City, Mo.
17619 Annie Catherine,10 b. 18 Dec., 1870; m. Oliver Floid Johnson.
17620 Mary Ellen,10 b. 31 Mar., 1873; m. Chase Elmore.
17621 Minnie Maud,10 b. 20 Oct., 1875; m. Edward Thomas Elmore.
17622 Fannie May,10 b. 5 July, 1880.

11061.   ALLEN STEVENS,9 son of John Hicks8 (5090), b. in Stowe, Vt., 2 May, 1833; m. in Waterbury, Vt., 8 June, 1872, Malysa Buzzell, b. in Waterbury, dau. of George Buzzell and Auretta Faunce.
She d. in Stowe, 5 Nov., 1879.
He is a farmer; Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Stowe.
Child, b. in Stowe.
17623 Jesse Allen,10 b. 8 July, 1875; m. Elizabeth Alice Atkins.

11063.   MELISSA JANE,9 dau. of John Hicks8 (5090), b. in Stowe, Vt., 16 Oct., 1836; m. in Stowe, 5 Jan., 1864, Levi Hodge, b. in Lewis, N. Y., son of Russell Cora Hodge, of Stowe, b. 10 Jan., 1817, and Jane Ann Perkins, b. 22 Mar., 1816.
They res. in Unique, Ia.
Children, b. in Stowe.
17624 John Hiram Hodge,10 b. 28 Oct., 1868; is unm.
17625 Elmer Howard Hodge,10 b. 9 Feb., 1877; is unm.

11064.   ALVARO VICTOR,9 son of Hiram8 (5091), b. in Stowe, Vt., 28 Mar., 1829; m. (1) in Stowe, 1850, Flavilla Almira Moody, b. in Stowe, 29 Aug., 1831, dau. of John Moody and _______ Cady.
She d. in Stowe, 29 May, 1851; he m. (2) in Montpelier, Vt., 14 Feb., 1854, Fanny Jane Marsh, b. in Calais, Vt., 10 Oct., 1831, dau. of Perry Marsh, of Northfield, Vt., b. 7 Aug., 1796, and Fanny Wheelock, of Calais, Montpelier and Northfield, b. 8 Mar., 1800; d. in Jackson Township, Ia., 5 Sept., 1869 (now Harvard), where he res. previous to his death.

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He was a farmer; rem. from Stowe in March, 1857, and arrived in Meta­mora, Ill., 31 Mar., 1857; rem. to Wayne Co., Ia., in Sept., 1865. In Vermont, he was Capt. of Militia, and in Iowa he was Supervisor, Town Clerk and Collector.
Child by first wife.
17626 Howard Merton,10 b. in Stowe, 17 May, 1851, m. Emma Maud Coy­kendall.
Children by second wife.
17627 Caroline May,10 b. in Stowe, 7 May, 1856; m. Francis Rheinhart Fry.
17628 Flavilla Ann,10 b. near Metamora, Ill., 13 Aug., 1858; m. Edward Payson Churchill.

11065.   EMILY JANE,9 dau. of Jesse Churchill8 (5093), b. in Sycamore, Ill., 28 Jan., 1837; m. Charles T. Pierce.
She d. in Erie, Ill., where he now res.
17629 Mamie Pierce,10 b. ______; m. A. A. Matthews; res. in Erie.
17630 Katie Pierce,10 b. ______.
17631 Susie Pierce,10 b. ______.

11067.   Henry Warner,9 son of Jesse Churchill8 (5093), b. in Sycamore, Ill., 14 Jan., 1840; m. (1) in Sycamore, 2 Aug., 1865, Margaret E. Countryman, b. 31 July, 1840, dau. of David Countryman, of Herkimer Co., N. Y., b. 4 Oct., 1803, and Maria Ostrander, b. 27 Mar., 1808.
She d. in Sycamore, 29 Jan., 1873; he m. (2) in Georgia, Vt., 14 Dec., 1875, Samantha Salome Kingsley, b. in Fletcher, Vt., 14 Sept., 1844, dau. of Chellis Montague Kingsley, b. 19 July, 1809, and Almira Hibbard, b. 31 Jan., 1816, both of Georgia, Vt.
He is in the harness and saddlery business; res. in Jefferson, Ia; enlisted in the War of the Rebellion, 9 Aug., 1862, in Co. A, One Hundred and Fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, of which he was first corporal and afterwards Quar­termaster Sergeant; was discharged 14 June, 1865. He first went to Jefferson in 1869; went back to Illinois in 1872, but returned again in 1876. He was 12 years on the farm, four years as County Auditor, and has been in his present business since 1891. He was a member of the Congregational Church, but is now a Presbyterian; is a Free Mason.
Children by first wife.
17632 Jessie Florence,10 b. in Sycamore, 29 July, 1866; m. William Ben­jamin Thomas.
17633 Hiram,10 b. in Jefferson, 19 Jan., 1871; m. in Glidden, Ia., 23 Oct., 1901, Jeanette Myrtle Hood, dau. of John A. Hood, b. in North Carolina, 22 June, 1842, and Amanda M. Sears, of Rush Co., Ind.; he is in the harness and saddlery business; is an elder in the Pres­byterian Church; a member of the City Council and a Republican; res. in Glidden.
Children by second wife.
17634 Henry Kingsley,10 b. in Jefferson, 14 Jan., 1880; is unm.
17635 Bertha Irene,10 b. in Jefferson, 26 June, 1884; d. 23 Sept., 1884.

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11068.   HEMAN ALLEN ,9 son of Jesse Churchill8 (5093), b. in Sycamore, Ill., 19 Jan., 1841; m. 23 Dec., 1868, Margaret Moore, of Olathe, Kas., b. in Chemung, Ill., 7 May, 1847, dau. of William Moore and Mary Jane Taylor, both b. in Ire­land.
He is a farmer and a stockraiser; res. in Northcott, Kas.; was reared and educated in Sycamore; served in the civil war; enlisted 5 Aug., 1862, in Co. A, of the One Hundred and Fifth Reg., Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in which he served until the close of the War, being mustered out in June, 1865. In 1866 he went to Kansas; was married and rem. to Illinois a short time after; returned to Kansas in 1871, locating in Johnson Co., from whence he rem. in 1881 to Colony, Anderson Co., Kas.
17636 Phebe Jane,10 b. in De Kalb, Ill., 23 Apr., 1870; is a school teacher; is unm.
17637 Hiram Jesse,10 b. near Olathe, 24 June, 1878; is a farmer; is unm.

11072.   ELI DAVENPORT,9 son of Joseph W.8 (5094), b. in Hoosick, N. Y., 26 Sept., 1826; m. in Belvidere, Ill., 25 Dec., 1848, Margaret Jane Passage, b. in Genesee Co., N. Y., 28 Nov., 1831, dau. of John Passage, b. 1797, and Delaney Corell, b. 9 Apr., 1800.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Reardan, Wash.; crossed the plains in 1860; served one term in the California Legislature.
17638 Jay Alverdo,10 b. in Belvidere, 21 Feb., 1851; m. (1) Sina May Cole­son; (2) Cora B. Lake.
17639 George Adelbert,10 b. in Bonus Prairie, Ill., 24 Mar., 1853; m. De Ette Felt.
17640 Edward Lincoln,10 b. in Trinity Co., Cal., 12 Aug., 1865; m. Maud Carroll Hall.
17641 Olive May,10 b. in Trinity Co., 31 May, 1869.

11088.   ELIZA MARIA,9 dau. of Elijah8 (5109), b. in Marlboro, Conn., 7 July, 1837; m. in Meriden, Conn., 27 Nov., 1861, George Boardman Holmes, of Me­riden, b. 15 Aug., 1832, son of Mason Holmes, b. 23 Jan., 1800, and Hannah Boardman, b. 2 Apr., 1807, both of Chester, Conn.
He d. in Meriden, 2 Feb., 1890; she res. in Meriden.
He was an iron moulder; res. in Chester, and later in Meriden.
17642 Ellen Buell Holmes,10 b. in Chester, 4 Feb., 1863; m. 1 Jan., 1885, William John Humphreys.

11094.   KATHERINE MINERVA,9 dau. of Oliver8 (5114), b. in Lenox, Mass., 11 Nov., 1836; m. in Adams, Mass., 21 May, 1858, Lucius Francis Hurd, b. 30 Nov., 1835, son of Francis Jordan Hurd, of Clarksburg, Mass., b. 1 Apr., 1802, and Zilpha Potter, b. 21 Mar., 1802.
He is a jeweler and an artist; res. in Greenwich, N. Y., and later in Lee, Mass.
Children, b. in Adams, Mass.
17643 George Lucius Hurd,10 b. 28 Dec., 1860.
17644 Hattie Estella Hurd,10 b. 27 Mar., 1865.

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17645 Rena Minerva Hurd,10 b. 1 Oct., 1867.
17646 Mary Emily Hurd,10 b. 9 Mar., 1871.

11095.   MARY E.,9 dau. of Oliver8 (5114), b. in Stockbridge, Mass., 15 June, 1837; m. in Adams, Mass., 6 Oct., 1863, Charles Ashabel Childs, b. in Lee, Mass., 12 Dec., 1839, son of Ashabel Childs and Matilda _______.
He was the superintendent in the paper mill in Lee; res. in Lee.
17647 Edward Lincoln Childs,10 b. 5 Mar., 1866; was graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Boston, as a mechanical engineer; d. unm., 3 Mar., 1894.

11097.   LUCY ELDORA,9 dau. of Oliver8 (5114), b. in Lee, Mass., 21 July, 1845; m. in Northampton, Mass., 28 Nov., 1867, Henry Rufus Rowley, b. in Southampton, 30 Apr., 1842, son of Rufus Clapp Rowley, b. in Southampton, 14 Sept., 1811, and Clarissa Streeter, b. 24 Aug., 1811.
He is a carpenter; res. in Springfield, Mass.
Children, b. in Northampton.
17648 Arthur Henry Rowley,10 b. 8 Sept., 1868.
17649 Robert Harding Rowley,10 b. 27 Dec., 1873.
17650 Harriet Minerva Rowley,10 b. 27 June, 1879.

11099.   ALBERT OLIVER,9 son of Oliver8 (5114), b. in Lee, Mass., 1 Nov., 1850; m. (1) Feb., 1871, Adell Olney.
He m. (2) 5 Sept., 1888, Florence Short.
He is a tinner; res. in Providence, R. I.
Children by first wife.
17651 Albert L.,10 b. 24 Jan., 1874; d. 5 Aug., 1893.
17652 Frederick O.,10 b. 22 July, 1875; d. 15 Oct., 1883.
Children by second wife.
17653 Leroy,10 b. Aug., 1890.
17654 Rena,10 b. Nov., 1894.

11100.   EDWARD PAYSON,9 son of Harvey8 (5113), b. in Concord, O., 19 Dec., 1837; m. (1) 12 Apr., 1876, Caroline Carroll, b. in Concord, 30 June, 1839, dau. of Stephen Carroll, b. 8 July, 1805, and Nancy Burchard, b. 17 May, 1814.
She d. 29 June, 1881; he m. (2) 30 Oct., 1882, Mrs. Lucenia (Fletcher) Gillettey, b. 4 Aug., 1849, dau. of Eber Fletcher, b. 25 Nov., 1800, and Deborah Holcomb, b. 13 May, 1816.
He res. in Concord Township, O., later in Painesville, O.
Child by first wife.
17655 Maynard Carroll,10 b. 6 Apr., 1877.

11107.   Mary Ann,9 dau. of Wilson8 (5121), b. in Windsor, Conn., 12 Mar., 1840; m. in Northampton, Mass., 9 Feb., 1870, Jonah Stiles, b. in Southwick, Mass., 17 Mar., 1835, son of Gideon Stiles and Martha Bush.
He d. in Southwick, 18 Mar., 1894.
He was the superintendent of the steam plant in the laundry of the State 719 Asylum, Middletown, Conn.

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Children, b. in Springfield, Mass.
17656 Mary Elizabeth Kellogg Stiles,10 b. 10 Nov., 1871; d. 25 Aug., 1872.
17657 Mary Elizabeth Kellogg Stiles,10 b. 12 Apr., 1873; d. 6 Jan., 1875.
17658 A Child,10 b. and d. 25 June, 1875.

11108.   HENRY NELSON,9 son of Wilson8 (5121), b. in Granby, Conn.,10 Mar., 1842; m. 31 Dec., 1864, Clarissa Maria White, b. 22 May, 1846, dau. of Timothy Holton White, b. 1815, and Delia Ann Haven, b. in Maryland, 1825.
He is a farmer; res. in Springfield, Mass.
Children, b. in West Springfield.
17659 Emily Bell,10 b. 25 Nov., 1865; m. (1) _______ Waters; (2) in West­field, 1889, Preston A. Aldrich; res. in Westfield; had four child­ren.
17660 Harriet Delia,10 b. 21 Nov., 1872; d. 18 Apr., 1873.
17661 Frederick Henry,10 b. 17 Sept., 1874.
17662 Nellie Louisa,10 b. 6 Mar., 1878; m. Reuben Patterson Blakesley.
17663 Lillia May,10 b. 12 Feb., 1884.
17664 Henry Nelson,10 b. 24 Apr., 1888.

11110.   EMILY ELIZABETH,9 dau. of Wilson8 (5121), b. in West Suffield, Conn., 28 Mar., 1847; m. in Pike, N. Y., 20 Aug., 1865, Albert Moses Marshall, b. 28 Dec., 1840, son of Moses Marshall and Mary Andrews.
He is a farmer; res. in Hopewell, N. Y.; served in the civil war; enlisted as a private in Co. B, Thirteenth Heavy Artillery, Sept., 1864; was discharged June, 1865; he is a member of the Methodist Church.
17665 Albert Lewis Marshall,10 b. in Pike, 23 June, 1866; m. Sept., 1895, Caroline Bell Smith; res. in Westfield, Mass.
17666 Mary Elizabeth Marshall,10 b. in Richmond, N. Y., 19 May, 1870; m. 10 Oct., 1895, Alvin U. Turner; res. in Middletown, Conn.
Children, b. in Bristol, N. Y.
17667 William Wilson Marshall,10 b. 11 Oct., 1875.
17668 Caroline Jane Marshall,10 b. 24 Apr., 1878.
17669 Jane A. Marshall,10 b. 31 Oct., 1881.
17670 Lyman Kellogg Marshall,10 b. 23 Dec., 1886.
17671 Eleanor Marshall,10 b. 7 Dec., 1889.

11123.   OLIVER WOLCOTT,9 son of Dr. Oliver Wolcott8 (5127), b. in Suf­field, Conn., 8 Apr., 1855; m. in Suifield, 1 Jan., 1879, Libbie Chapel, b. in Washington, Mass., 2 July, 1856, dau. of Amos Chapel, b. 19 June, 1825; and Maria Gay Bottum, b. 12 Feb., 1834.
He res. in Suffield.
17672 Lawrence Chapel,10 b. in Suffield, 2 Aug., 1886.

11125.   JOHN,9 son of Samuel8 (5128), b. in East Hartford, Conn., 24 Mar., 1817; m. in New York, 29 Sept., 1848, his cousin, Maria Louise Wadsworth, b. in East Hartford, 28 Nov., 1820, dau. of Hezekiah Wadsworth, of East Hart­ford, and Maria Jones, b. 16 Apr., 1797.

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He d. 23 Oct., 1872, while acting as master of the vessel “Thomas Free­born”; she res. in Plainfield, N. J.
He volunteered 3 Oct., 1861; after the war was over he became a fire insur­ance agent in the interest of the Phoenix Insurance Co., of Hartford.
17673 Samuel,10 b. in Plainfield, 11 Feb., 1857; d. 11 Oct., 1858.
17674 Sam,10 b. in East Hartford, 24 Dec., 1859; m. in Plainfield, 16 Oct., 1881, Ida May Ketcham.

11127.   HENRY,9 son of Samuel8 (5128), b. in East Hartford, Conn., 9 Sept., 1820; m. 19 Feb., 1845, Caroline Frisbie, of Guilford, Conn., b. 8 Aug., 1822, dau. of William Stuart Frisbie and Amanda Scranton.
He d. in Hartford, 21 Jan., 1891; she d. there, 9 Feb., 1900, in her seventy-eighth year.
He was President of the Phoenix Insurance Co., of Hartford.
Children, b. in Hartford.
17675 Sarah Gilbert,10 b. 9 July, 1846; m. John Milton Goetchins.
17676 Mary Louise,10 b. 16 May, 1848; m. Edward Jewell.
17677 Caroline Bertha,10 b. 20 Sept., 1849; m. Frederick William Gwinn.
17678 Anna Welles,10 b. 1 Feb., 1856; m. Theodore Milton Ives.

11131.   MARIA ANTOINETTE,9 dau. of Samuel8 (5128), b. in East Hart­ford, Conn., 4 Nov., 1828; m. Capt. Henry Wolsey Johnson, b. in Oswego, N. Y., 9 Aug., 1821.
She d. 5 Dec., 1859; he m. (2) Nov., 1861, Henrietta Wood, b. 11 Jan., 1842, dau. of Matthew F. Wood, of Cambridge, Mass.; had ten children by his second wife; d. in England, 21 July, 1885, becoming a paralytic before his death.
He was a sea captain; in 1859 was in command of a steamer running on the Yangtse Kiang river, China. His wife being in feeble health, he started for home, with two young children and a nurse, on the ship “Norway,” bound from Macoa, China, for Havana and Philadelphia.
She died when five days from Macoa and was buried at sea. Her infant died five days afterwards and was also buried at sea.
17679 Georgie Griswold Johnson,10 b. in East Hartford, 30 May, 1851; d. 14 Mar., 1853.
17680 Georgie Griswold Huntington Johnson,10 b. in Hartford, 30 June, 1853; m. in New York, 10 Dec., 1873, Kenneth Frederic Cameron; res. in Ottawa, Canada.
17681 Jennie Johnson,10 b. in New Cross, London, England, 2 Apr., 1857; res. in Hartford; is an invalid, and is unm.
17682 Daughter,10 b. ______; d. 10 Dec., 1859; buried at sea.

11136.   CORNELIUS VANDERBILT,9 son of Samuel8 (5128), b. in East Hartford Meadow, Conn., 14 Dec., 1840; m. 6 June, 1869, Alice Mariah Vorrey, b. in Hartford, Conn., 17 June, 1842, dau. of Samuel Rust Vorrey and Sophia Cadwell, b. 1 Aug., 1798.
He d. in Sacramento, Cal., 15 Nov., 1899; she res. there.
He was a hardware merchant in Sacramento, and a respected and influential member of the community. He served in the civil war; enlisted 26 Aug., 1861,

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at the Presidio, San Francisco, in Co. E, First Infantry Volunteer Reg.; was discharged at Los Pinos, N. M., 30 Aug., 1864; was in several engagements and was promoted to First Sergt. Upon his return to New Hartford after the war, he was such a representative soldier in his appearance, that he was requested by Mr. Conrad, the sculptor, to pose as a model for a statue of a Union soldier to be erected in Lexington, Mass., as a companion statue to one of a “Minute Man.”
Children, b. in Sacramento.
17683 William Vorrey,10 b. 28 July, 1870; is a clerk; has been a member of the National Guard of California; was First Sergt. in Co. G, Sec­ond Reg., and Third Brig.; res. unm., in Sacramento.
17684 Edwin Forrest,10 b. 10 Mar., 1872; m. Margaret Jane Atkins.
17685 Alice Elenor,10 b. 13 Sept., 1877; m. in Sacramento, 14 Nov., 1897, Joseph De Costa, b. in Sacramento, 19 Aug., 1870, son of Frank Cardozo De Costa, b. 12 Aug., 1841, and Mary Romana De Costa, b. in Fayal, Portugal, 9 Aug., 1853; he is a clerk; a Catholic; res. in Sacramento; has no children.

11138.   SARAH ANN,9 dau. of William8 (5131), b. in East Hartford, Conn., 20 May, 1823; m. 1 Aug., 1842, Nathan Emmet Lyman, of East Hartford, b. 14 July, 1819, son of Martin Lyman, of Coventry, Conn., and Polly Devenport, of Coventry.
She d. 2 May, 1845; he m. (2) 1849, Margaret Peck, of Brooklyn, N. Y., where he res. and had several children.
He was a farmer; res. in Stanton Co., Va.
17686 William Emmet Lyman,10 b. 11 Man, 1845; m. (1) Jane Doner; (2) Mary Charlton; res. in Wethersfield, Conn.; had two children.

11141.   SIDNEY,9 son of William8 (5131), b. in East Hartford, Conn., 17 July, 1830; m. 9 Nov., 1851, Martha Jane Camp, of Winsted, Conn., b. 4 June; 1833.
She d. in Bridgeport, Conn., 5 Nov., 1863; he d. there, 12 Sept., 1864.
He was an expert machinist and engineer; res. in Bridgeport.
17687 Emma,10 b. 14 Mar., 1854; d. 17 Apr., same year.
17688 Harriet,10 b. 30 Aug., 1858; d. 10 Oct., same year.

11142.   EMMA EUDORA,9 dau. of William8 (5131), b. in East Hartford, Conn., 31 Mar., 1832; m. 25 July, 1858, Nathaniel Saxton Morgan, b. 15 Feb., 1833, son of Nathaniel H. Morgan, b. in Hartford, Conn., 8 June, 1805, and Harriet Emeline Saxton, b. 19 Nov., 1807.
He d. 4 Apr., 1893; she res. in Hartford with her son, Nathaniel K. Saxton Morgan.
He became a sailor at the age of sixteen, and was in the United States Navy during the civil war. He was Executive Officer and afterwards Commander of the United States ship “Relief”; was Executive Officer of the Steamship “Tacoby”; was at the bombardment and recapture of Plymouth, N. C.; 31 Oct., 1864; also at the bombardment and capture of Fort Fisher; was afterwards Com­mander of the United States Steamship “Ascutney.”

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17689 William Harris Morgan,10 b. 1 May, 1859; d. 23 July, 1879.
17690 Nathaniel Kellogg Sawton Morgan,10 b. 1 Feb., 1861; is a druggist; res. in Hartford.
17691 Chauncey Howard Morgan,10 b. 5 June, 1862; d. 2 Mar., 1864.

11144.   RODNEY,9 son of William8 (5131), b. in East Hartford, Conn., 26 Nov., 1835; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 12 Nov., 1860, Mary Elizabeth Hawks, of Brooklyn, b. in Rochester, N. Y., 11 July, 1833, dau. of John Hawks, M. D., and Laura Louise Hawks, of Brooklyn, formerly of Rochester.
He res. in Hartford; was a merchant, but since 1879 has been in the life insurance business; is Manager of the Washington Life Insurance Co. for Central and Western Massachusetts and Connecticut.
17692 Mary Hawks,10 b. 8 June, 1863; d. in Hartford, Conn., 19 Feb., 1865.
17693 Jorm Hawks,10 b. 27 Nov., 1866; d. same day.
17694 Henry Hawks,10 b. 13 Oct., 1868; is in the fire insurance business; res. in Hartford.
17695 William Lothrop,10 b. 19 Aug., 1870; was a student; d. in Hartford, 16 Dec., 1893.
17696 Kenneth Everughim,10 b. 1 Apr., 1874; m. in Keokuk, Ia., 23 Oct., 1901, Nellie Neota Daniel, b. in Keokuk, 24 Aug., 1875, dau. of William B. Daniel, b. 29 Dec., 1851, and Mary Ellen Meek, b. 31 Jan., 1854. After graduating from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, N. Y., he became House Surgeon of St. Francis' Hospital, N. Y. At the same time he was Medical Examiner for the New York Dept. of Health. A short time after that he was surgeon to Holland-American S. S. Line at Amster­dam. Since then he has practiced medicine and surgery in New Britain, Conn., where he is Consulting Surgeon to the New Britain General Hospital; Medical Examiner for Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York; Surgeon (Examining) for Travelers Ins. Co., of Hart­ford; is a member of the Connecticut, Hartford Co., Hartford City and New Britain Medical Societies; was State Delegate to the American Medical Association; res. in New Britain.

11146.   ALICE GRAY,9 dau. of William8 (5131), b. in East Hartford, Conn., 24 Sept., 1839; m. 16 Oct., 1862, Stephen Goodrich, b. 13 Apr., 1836, son of Nathan Goodrich, of Simsbury, Conn., and Sevilla Bristol.
He d. 3 Apr., 1893; she res. in Hartford.
He res. in Hartford, where he was a well known druggist; at one time was Bank Examiner of the State of Connecticut.
17697 Grace Goodrich,10 b. 9 May, 1866; m. in Hartford, Conn., William B. Dwight, of Hartford, b. in Hartford, 24; Sept., 1866, son of Henry C. Dwight, who was Mayor of Hartford, and Annie Wright.

11154.   ALFRED,9 son of Martin8 (5135), b. in Cleveland, O., 13 Nov., 1820; m. 22 Mar., 1843, Louisa E. Ackley, dau. of Asa Ackley, of Haddam Neck, Conn.
She d. 1885; he res. in Cleveland.

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17698 Horace Sanford,10 b. in Brooklyn, O., 21 Apr. 1849; m. Louvisa Bishop.
17699 Frank Ackley,10 b. in Cleveland, 30 Nov., 1854; m. Lillie Cora Har­rington.
17700 Edward,10 b. ______.

11158.   JANE JERUSHA,9 dau. of Alfred8 (5137), b. in Chatham, Conn., 4 Mar., 1831; m. in Marlboro, Conn., 4 Mar., 1850, Asa Calvin Shaylor, of Col­chester, Conn., b. 27 Nov., 1817, son of Abner Shaylor, b. 1787, and Lois Mitchell, b. 22 Aug., 1793.
She d. in Moodus, Conn., 11 Aug., 1877; he res. there.
Children, b. in Colchester.
17701 Elva Viroqua Shaylor,10 b. 14 Jan., 1855; m. 1873, Francis E. Brown; res. in North Moodus; had two children.
17702 Alena Martena Shaylor,10 b. 10 Nov., 1862; m. Sept., 1884, Leander Ephraim Cook; he is a farmer; res. in Moodus; had four children.

11160.   MARTIN DAVID,9 son of Alfred8 (5137), b. in Chatham, Conn., 17 Feb., 1834; m. 4 May, 1859, Anna Melissa Fowler, of East Haddam, Conn.
She d. 26 Jan., 1887; he no. (2) 1 Jan., 1889, Florence Lovell Dunk, b. 22 Oct., 1860, dau. of Robert Dunk, b. 13 July, 1819, and Louisa Ann Gurnett, b. 12 Mar., 1819, both of England, where they lived and died.
He is a farmer; res. in Sterling, Mich.; followed farming on the Kellogg homestead at Chatham for a few years, then sold the place and rem. to Deep River, Conn., where he kept a hotel; rem. to Sterling, where he built a hotel, and after a few years exchanged it for a farm.
Child by first wife.
17703 A Son,10 b. 16 Jan., 1880; d. young.
Children by second wife.
17704 Louise Mary Augusta,10 b. 26 Apr., 1890.
17705 Ruby Ethel,10 b. 17 Mar., 1893.

11161.   LUCRETIA AMELIA,9 dau. of Alfred8 (5137), b. in Chatham, Conn., 28 Dec., 1839; m. 14 July, 1858, John Sweet, of Rhode Island, b. 12 June, 1826; son of Daniel Sweet, b. in Exeter, R. I., 1800, and Hannah Himes, b. in Exeter, 29 Apr., 1804.
He d. in Orange, Mass., 10 Apr., 1893; she res. in Athol, Mass., with her daughter.
He was an overseer of weaving in a cotton mill in Marlboro, Conn., where he res. until 1862. The war affecting the cotton industry, he became a machinist, and was an industrious and ingenious mechanic; rem. in 1878 to Orange, where he res. until his death.
17706 Cora Lucretia Sweet,10 b. 22 Aug., 1859; m. 17 Mar., 1878, Gorge Frederick Armitage; he d. 29 Nov., 1883; she res. in Athol; had three children.

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11162.   ALFRED IRENUS,9 son of Alfred8 (5137), b. in Chatham, Conn., 27 Jan., 1847; m. 10 Nov., 1869, Gertrude Abigail Smith, b. 9 June, 1849, dau. of Henry Strong Smith, b. 12 Dec., 1825, and Helen Mar Niles, b. 22 Oct., 1828, both of Chatham.
He is a clerk; res. in Chippewa Falls, Wis. For twenty-seven years he has been in the employ of railroad and lumber companies, for the last twelve years with the Chippewa Lumber & Boom Co.
17707 Alfred Henry,10 b. in Chippewa Falls, 29 Jan., 1871; m. in Chicago, Ill., 16 July, 1898, Margaret M. Fisk, b. in Seneca, Mich., 16 Oct., 1872, dau. of Andrew Fisk and Julia Franklin, of Athens, Pa.; res. in Chicago; is a salesman in a wholesale fruit commission house.
17708 Herbert Homer,10 b. 20 Aug., 1874; d. 19 Nov., 1880.

11169.   HELEN WELLES,9 dau. of Gustavus8 (5140), b. in Glastonbury, Conn., 2 Mar., 1859; m. 7 May, 1885, Rev. John Richards Lambert.
He is a clergyman; res. in Red Hook, N. Y.
17709 Helen Margaret Lambert,10 b. 13 Oct., 1887.
17710 Ruth Elizabeth Lambert,10 b. 3 June, 1889.
17711 Emily Welles Lambert,10 b. 26 Aug., 1891.
17712 Alida Chandler Lambert,10 b. 22 Oct., 1892.
17713 May Adelaide Lambert,10 b. 24 Aug., 1894.
17714 John Richards Lambert,10 b. 12 Dec., 1895.
17715 Helen Kellogg Lambert,10 b. 12 Dec., 1895.

11197.   EDWIN WESSON,9 son of Col. Elisha Strong8 (5145), b. in Winsted, Conn,9 Nov., 1856; m. 29 Mar., 1881, Jane Edwina Pinney, b. 28 Feb., 1861, dau. of Samuel Belcher Pinney, of Bloomfield, Conn., b. 5 Oct., 1820, and Nancy Payne Allen, b. 27 Mar., 1819.
He is a tobacco grower; res. in Windsor, Conn.
17716 Hattie Allen,10 b. 27 July, 1884.
17717 Elisha Samuel,10 b. 12 July, 1890.
17718 Edwin Stevens,10 b. 7 June, 1893; d. 9 Jan., 1894.

11207.   LUCIUS,9 son of Ichabod8 (5148), b. in West Springfield, Mass., 19 July, 1823; m. in Killingworth, Conn., 11 May, 1845, Betsey Sophia Parmelee, b. in Killingworth, 14 Nov., 1822, dau. of Ashabel Parmelee, b. Feb., 1800, and Pony Griswold, b. 5 July, 1795.
She d. in Deep River Conn., 10 Nov., 1894.
He is a mechanic; res. in Deep River.
17719 Sylvina Snow,10 b. in Deep River, 15 Oct., 1848; is unm.

11208.   ANN,9 dau. of Ichabod,8 (5148), b. in Lyme, Conn., 23 Apr., 1825; m. in Chester, Conn., 30 Jan., 1848, John Pratt Rowland, b. in Lyme, 8 Dec., 1823,

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son of Lemuel Rowland, b. in Lyme, 1791 (d. aged 91), and Hannah Smith, b. in Lyme, 1802.
He d. in Lyme, 3 June, 1893; she res. in Lyme.
He was a shoemaker, and afterwards a stone mason; res. in Lyme.
17720 Charles Augustus Rowland,10 b. in Ellisville, Ill., 9 July, 1858; d. there 1 Sept., same year.
17721 A Daughter,10 b. and d. in Lyme, 1 May, 1860.

11210.   THEODORE WAITE,9 son of Ichabod8 (5148), b. in Lyme, Conn., 8 July, 1829; m. 14 Feb., 1860, Helen Maria McGenness, b. in Greenbush, N. Y., 25 Dec., 1839.
He is a farmer; res. in Ellisville, Ill., and later in Albany, N. Y. For many years he was a sailor; assisted in getting the first boat up the San Juan river to Lake Nicaragua; was also a railroad engineer.
17722 Helen Malantha,10 b. 20 Dec., 1860.
17723 Theodore William,10 b. 6 Man, 1863; m. Ella Knott, of Ellisville; is a railroad employee in Mexico; has one child.
17724 Charles Ely,10 b. 28 Dec., 1867; d. Aug., 1885.
17725 James Edwin,10 b. 8 July, 1871; m. 5 Feb., 1896, Ada L. Thompson; res. in Two Harbors, Minn.
17726 Fanny A.,10 b. 15 Nov., 1873; m. in Albany, 30 Aug., 1899, Myron J. Higgins; res. in North Albany.
17727 Alta Shope,10 b. 8 Dec., 1878.

11213.   MARY ELIZA,9 dau. of Ichabod8 (5148), b. in Lyme, Conn., 27 Sept., 1841; m. in Ellisville, Ill., 26 Sept., 1866, Reuben Edmonson, b. in Ellisville, 26 Sept., 1834, son of John Simpson Edmonson, b. 1 Nov., 1800, and Phoebe Lackey, b. 8 Feb., 1806, both of North Carolina.
He d. 15 Dec., 1895.
He was a carpenter; res. in Chariton, Ia.
Children, b. in Chariton.
17728 Child,10 b. 4 Feb., 1875; d. 12 Feb., same year.
17729 Ely Justin Edmonson,10 b. 1 July, 1876.
17730 Abbie Louise Edmonson,10 b. 5 Feb., 1878; d. 9 Aug., 1879.
17731 Clement Kellogg Edmonson,10 b. 15 Dec., 1881.
17732 Stella Sylvena Edmonson,10 b. 7 Aug., 1884; d. 14 Dec., same year.

11221.   THEODORE,9 son of Theodore8 (5150), b. in Boston, Mass., 16 Jan., 1835; m. in Bath, Me., 7 July, 1880, Josephine Russell, b. in Bath, 30 Dec., 1845, dau. of Charles Russell, b. 22 May, 1805, and Eliza Russell Dunham, b. 21 Apr., 1806.
He was in the furniture business in Springfield, Mass. After being burned out, he was for many years a popular and successful commercial traveler for New York dealers in fine furniture.
He is now in the upholstery business in Providence, R. I., where he res.
17733 Charles Russell,10 b. in Bath, 22 May, 1882.
17734 Albert Clement,10 b. in Providence, 9 Sept., 1886.

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11222.   HARRIET ADELINE,9 dau. of Theodore8 (5150), b. in Boston, Mass., 22 Sept., 1837; m. in Cleveland, O., 6 July, 1870, Norman B. Pratt, of New Philadelphia, O.
She d. ______.
17735 Fred Kellogg Pratt,10 b. in New Philadelphia, 17 May, 1875.

11229.   JEMIMA EMILY,9 dau. of Asa,8 (5155), b. in Sandisfield, Mass., 10 Nov., 1816; m. John Peck.
17736 Charles Peck,10 b. ______; res. in Hartford, Conn.
17737 George Peck,10 b. ______; res. in Hartford.
17738 Lafayette Peck,10 b. ______; res. in Hartford.
17739 John C. Peck,10 b. ______; res. in West Simsbury, Conn.
17740 Aaron Peck,10 b. ______; res. in Waterbury, Conn.
17741 Henry Peck,10 b. ______; res. in Millerton, N. Y.
17742 Mary Peck,10 b. ______.
17743 Martha Peck,10 b. ______.

11232.   RUTH ANNA,9 dau. of Asa8 (5155), b. in South Sandisfield, Mass., 26 Mar., 1823; m. 14 Sept., 1845, George Morse Seward, b. 18 Oct., 1819, son of Martin Seward, of Guilford, Conn., b. 15 Sept., 1788, and Le Fanny Hill, b. 15 Jan., 1792.
She d. 3 Sept., 1898; he d. 26 Sept., same year.
He was a carpenter and joiner; a Republican; an Abolitionist; a member of the Congregational Church.
17744 Harriet Estella Seward,10 b. 31 Oct., 1846; res. unm., in Guilford; is a teacher.
17745 De Witt Kellogg Seward,10 b. 1 Sept., 1849; m. 1 Jan., 1872, Jane Olive Palmer; res. in Hartford, Conn.
17746 Alice Eveline Seward,10 b. 31 Aug., 1852; res. unm., in Guilford.
17747 George Washington Seward,10 b. 4 Sept., 1855; m. 15 May, 1877, Ida Emeretta Benton; she d. in Guilford, 29 May, 1895; had two child­ren; he m. (2) in Jamaica, N. Y., 4 Jan., 1899; is a builder and contractor; a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Guilford; has a son by second wife.
17748 Fanny Lee Seward,10 b. 10 Feb., 1858; took a teacher's course in Wel­lesley College, Mass., 1888; teaches in Vernonville, Conn.
17749 Mary Ann Seward,10 b. 21 May, 1860; attended Cooper Institute five years; entered and graduated from Seney Hospital in Brooklyn, May, 1892; during the Spanish-American war was a nurse in Cuba; is a trained nurse in Brooklyn, N. Y.
17750 Cora Jane Seward,10 b. 25 Oct., 1863; took a teacher's course in Wel­lesley College, 1889; taught for some time; entered the third year at Oberlin College; graduated June, 1897; teaches in Savan­nah, Ga.
17751 Nelson Webster Seward,10 b. 29 Apr., 1867; d. 5 Mar., 1869.

11235.   DAVID,9 son of Asa8 (5155), b. in Sandisfield, Mass., 4. Feb., 1830; m. (1) 19 Sept., 1861, Susan Nodine.

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He m. (2) 29 Apr., 1868, Elizabeth Morey, b. 14 May, 1830, dau. of Stephen Morey, b. 4 May, 1800, and Susan Whellar, b. 14 Aug., 1807; d. 28 Oct., 1901.
He was a farmer; res. in Lithgow, N. Y.
Children, b. in Amenia, N. Y.
17752 Ella,10 b. 3 Feb., 1869; m. 6 May, 1886, Ervin Studley.
17753 Susan Mary,10 b. 10 Feb., 1873; m. 8 Nov., 1898, Simon Schriver.

11240.   ELIZABETH MINER,9 dau. of Dr. Charles8 (5161), b. in Marcellus, N. Y., 30 Apr., 1817; m. in Covington, Ga., 14 Oct., 1841, Judge Posey Maddox, b. in Abbeville District, South Carolina, 12 Mar., 1805, son of Benjamin Mad­dox, b. in Maryland, 8 May, 1774, and Elizabeth Donaldson, b. in North Carolina.
He d. in Atlanta, 17 May, 1880; she d. there, 22 May, 1883.
They res. in Canton, Marietta, Atlanta, Stone Mountain, Fort Valley and Dalton, Ga. For years he was Clerk of Court of Cherokee Co., Ga., and then was Judge of the Inferior Court in 1874; was a Baptist clergyman and a Democrat.
17754 Charles Kellogg Maddox,10 b. in Canton, 15 Sept., 1842; m. 16 Aug., 1866, Kitty Fort Whitlock; is an attorney-at-law; was Capt. of Co. K, Seventh Georgia Infantry, C. S. A.; res. in Atlanta; had two children.
17755 Iverson Graves Maddox,10 b. in Canton, 16 Mar., 1844; d. 26 Mar., same year.
17756 Jane Elizabeth Maddox,10 b. in Marietta, 9 Feb., 1850; m. in Fort Val­ley, 11 Jan., 1866, Thomas Oscar Skellie; d. 1 Jan., 1882; had five children.
17757 Willie Posey Maddox,10 b. 11 July, 1852; d. 11 Sept., same year.
17758 Elizabeth Miner Maddox,10 b. in Marietta, 18 Apr., 1854; res. mm, in Atlanta.
17759 A Son,10 b. and d. 24 Jan., 1857.

11292.   CHARLES HARVEY,9 son of Henry Simonds8 (5170), b. in Cincin­nati, O., 25 June, 1835; m. 15 May, 1862, Susan Hicks Oakley, b. in Paris, Tenn., 26 June, 1839, dau. of James Oakley, b. in Maysville, Ky., 17 Dec., 1799, and Eliza Jane Beasley, b. in Merry Co., Tenn., 2 Jan., 1807.
He is a prosperous wholesale hardware merchant; res. in Cincinnati, Indian­apolis, Ind., and, since 1858, in Evansville, Ind.
17760 Oakley Hugh,10 b. in Evansville, 28 Apr., 1863; is unm.

11293.   MARGARET ADELINE,9 dau. of Henry Simonds8 (5170), b. in Cin­cinnati, O., 12 Aug., 1837; m. 17 May, 1866, Alonzo Henry Webb, b. 30 May, 1833, son of Elijah Webb, b. 6 Oct., 1804, and Nancy Olonza Gatewood, b. 9 Nov., 1812.
He d. in Bowling Green, Ky., 23 Jan., 1871.
He was a dry goods merchant; res. in Bowling Green; she res. With her daughter in Pyeng Yang, Korea; now res. in Indianoplis, Ind.

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17761 Blanche Webb,10 b. 28 Dec., 1867; m. 10 Jan., 1894, Rev. Graham Lee, a Presbyterian missionary; res. in Pyeng Yang; had four children (one of whom is dead), b. in Korea. In 1901, she and her hus­band returned to the United States and were in Minneapolis; her mother returned with them.

11296.   ROBERT HUGH,9 son of Henry Simonds8 (5170), b. in Cambridge City, Ind., 23 Sept., 1846; m. 13 Nov., 1877, Mary Frances Knight, b. 1 June, 1857, dau. of Stephen Simmons Knight, b. in Wabash Co., Ill., 27 Apr., 1808, and Harriet Asenath Blood, b. in Norwich, Vt., 28 Feb., 1810.
He is a hardware merchant; res. in Bowling Green, Ky.; formerly res. in Cambridge City, Indianapolis and Evansville, Ind.
Children, b. in Evansville.
17762 Hugh Knight,10 b. 22 Aug., 1878; is practicing dentistry in Bowling Green; is unm.
17763 Henry Simonds,10 b. 11 June, 1881; is an electrical engineer.
17764 Robert Marion,10 b. 6 July, 1885; m. Oct., 1901, Nell Willis, b. 1885, dau. of George and Sarah Willis, of Bowling Green; res. in Gal­latin Tex.
17765 Thomas Justin,10 b. 2 Oct., 1889; d. 11 Oct., same year.
17766 Harriet Alice,10 b. 29 Jan., 1893.

11298.   HARRIET NEWELL,9 dau. of Henry Simonds8 (5170), b. in Indian­apolis, Ind., 15 Sept., 1851; m. in Evansville, Ind., 20 May, 1869, William Car­vosso Lynn, b. in Brookville, Ind., 26 Nov., 1840, son of Jackson Lynn, b. near Wheeling, W. Va., 19 May, 1815, and Susan Miller, b. near Frederick, Md., 16 July, 1819.
He d. in Brookville, 13 Mar., 1865; she res. in Indianapolis.
He was a railroad freight agent connected with fast freight lines in Indian­apolis; served in the civil war in the Fifth Ohio Infantry, 1862-63.
Children, b. in Indianapolis.
17767 Charles Jackson Lynn,10 b. 17 Jan., 1874.
17768 Justin Raymond Lynn,10 b. 11 May, 1877.

11299.   AMANDA MELVINA,9 dau. of Hiram8 (5171), b. in Granville, N. Y., 1 Apr., 1830; m. 9 Mar., 1853, Harrison Updegraff, of Sacramento, Cal.
She d. in California, 11 Oct., 1877.
17769 Adelia Updegraff,10 b. 12 Sept., 1854; d. 16 Oct., same year.
17770 Katie Updegraff,10 b. 5 Mar., 1856; m. 25 Mar., 1874, James M. Adams.
17771 William Updegraff,10 b. 12 Sept., 1859; d. 3 Apr., 1880.

11300.   FRANCES CAROLINE,9 dau. of Hiram8 (5171), b. in Washington Co., N. Y., 25 Aug., 1832; m. in Whitefield Township, Ill., 2 Feb., 1848, Jere­miah O. Green, b. in Ontario Co., N. Y., 23 Feb., 1817.
She d. in Sacramento, Cal., 24 Oct., 1850.

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17772 Martha Green,10 b. in Ottawa, Mich., 3 Oct., 1848; d. there, 22 Nov., same year.

11301.   WILLIAM BENJAMIN,9 son of Hiram8 (5171), b. in Bethany, N. Y, 1 Sept., 1834; m. in Lacon, Ill., 13 Dec., 1880, Mary Coburn Heylman, b. in Peoria, Ill., 14 Apr., 1854, dau. of William Heylman and Sophia Chapman, of Canton, Ill.
She d. in Janesville, Kas., 1 Sept., 1884.
He is a farmer and a Seventh Day Adventist; res. in Joplin, Mo.
17773 Orra,10 b. 26 June, 1883; d. in Janesville, 10 May, 1884.

11302.   ELLEN MEHITABLE,9 dau. of Hiram8 (5171), b. in Whitefield, Ill., 10 Nov., 1840; m. in Whitefield, 2 Oct., 1865, Isaac Walter Camery.
He is a farmer; res. in Henry, Ill.
17774 Justin Benjamin Camery,10 b. 9 June, 1866; d. 9 Dec., 1872.
17775 Katie Alanson Camery,10 b. 3 Dec., 1867; d. unm.
17776 Harrison Walter Camery,10 b. 27 July, 1870.
17777 Ellen M. Camery,10 b. 24 Apr., 1872; d. 24 Aug., same year.
17778 Ida N. Camery,10 b. 20 Mar., 1876.
17779 Nellie Paris Camery,10 b. 13 June, 1878.
17780 Cora Kellogg Camery,10 b. ______.
17781 Vera Camery,10 b. ______.

11304.   CHARLES HENRY,9 son of Hiram8 (5171), b. in Whitefield, Ill., 19 May, 1844; m. in Eureka, Kas., 7 Aug., 1870, Sarah Whitwell, b. in Ten­nessee, 17 Jan., 1854.
He res. in Hamilton, Kas.
17782 Aberdeen T.,10 b. 24 May, 1870; d. 14 June, 1871.
17783 Ellen E.,10 b. 16 July, 1874.
17784 Mary Alanson,10 b. 12 May, 1876.
17785 Olive,10 b. 21 Aug., 1878.

11307.   HARRISON UPDEGRAFF,9 son of Hiram8 (5171), b. in Whitefield; Ill., 1 June, 1855; m. Lucinda May Cotes, b. in Iowa, 10 Aug., 1866.
He res. in Joplin, Mo.
17786 Irena Bell,10 b. 2 Dec., 1883; d. 29 May, 1898.
17787 Ralph Harrison,10 b. 11 Mar., 1885.
17788 Effie May,10 b. 28 Dec., 1886.
17789 Mary Alpha,10 b. 30 Aug., 1889.
17790 Nora Olive,10 b. 2 Dec., 1890; d. 21 Mar., 1891.
17791 Austin Justin,10 b. 31 Mar., 1892.
17792 Elizabeth Alberton,10 b. 8 Dec., 1894.
17793 Jessie Vera,10 b. 5 Sept., 1896.
17794 Bonnie Ellen,10 b. 12 Dec., 1898; d. 23 Jan., 1899.
17795 Goldie Myrtle,10 b. 29 July, 1900.

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11308.   LUCINA,9 dau. of Russell8 (5173) , b. 1814; m. 5 June, 1839, William Alexander Foskett, b. in New Marlborough, Mass., 27 Nov., 1817, son of Anson Foskett and Carlind Alexander, of Winsted, Conn.
She d. in Meriden, Conn., 7 Sept., 1854; he m. (2) Oct., 1856, Jane Eliza­beth Hall, b. in New Marlborough, 1832, dau. of Edward O. Hall, b. 22 Feb., 1805, and Clarissa Burnham, b. 9 Apr., 1808; d. in New Haven, Conn., 28 Nov., 1901; she d. 15 Dec., 1901.
He was a machinist; res. in Winsted, New Hartford, Meriden and New Haven, Conn.; was President of the Foskett & Bishop Co., New Haven; was a Methodist and a Democrat.
17796 Charles Carroll Foskett,10 b. in New Hartford, 7 Sept., 1841; m. in Meriden, 11 Nov., 1862, Mary Elizabeth Phelps; res. in Meriden; d. there, 4 Oct., 1876; had three children.

11309.   LUCRETIA,9 dau. of Russell8 (5173), b. 29 June, 1816; m. Jan., 1841, Daniel T. Foote, b. 27 Feb., 1808, son of Joseph Foote and Clarissa Taylor.
He was a farmer; res. in Colchester, Conn.
17797 Susan Foote,10 b. 23 Apr., 1840.
17798 Charles Foote,10 b. 17 Feb., 1843; res. in Colchester.
17799 Harriet Foote,10 b. 17 Feb., 1847.
17800 Kate Foote,10 b. 27 Apr., 1850.

11310.   HENRY,9 son of Russell8 (5173), b. ______; m.______.
He d. aged 27 years.
17801 Henry,10 b. ______; went to war; not heard from since.

11312.   PHILO PRATT,9 son of Russell8 (5173), b. in Hebron Conn., 22 May, 1828; m. in Pepperell, Mass., 28 June, 1858, Seraph Caroline Henshaw, b. in Brookfield, Mass., 1833, dau. of Leonard Henshaw.
He d. in Springfield, Mass., 13 Dec., 1892, aged 64 yrs., 6 mos. 21 d.
After leaving school, he entered a dry goods store in Hartford, Conn., re­maining there until he was 21, when he became a member of the firm. In 1856 he opened a dry goods store in Palmer. He was the first President of the Palmer Library Association, organized in 1867. In 1868 he bought out the old Spring­field Envelope Company, and two years later became a resident of that city. He retired from business at the end of five years. He was one of the directors of the Second National Bank; was also director of the Co-operative Bank; treasurer of the Hampden Mutual Fire Insurance Company; was one of the vice-presidents of the Business Men's Association.
Children, b. in Palmer, Mass.
17802 Frederick T.,10 b. 7 May, 1859.
17803 Marian,10 b. 6 Jan., 1865; m. in Springfield, 19 June, 1895, George Dwight Pratt, b. in Springfield, 1865, son of George W. Pratt and Lucinda H. Orne; res. in Springfield; he is in the life insurance business.

11312a.   CHARLES WORTHINGTON,9 son of Charles Worthington8 (5174), b. in East Montpelier, Vt., 7 Mar., 1819; m. in Moretown, Vt., 11 Jan., 1844,

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Mary Wheeler, b. in South Fayston, Vt., 11 Jan., 1823, dau. of William Wheeler, b. 17 Sept., 1791, and Sophia Smith, b. 16 Sept., 1801, of Fayston.
She d. in Waitsfield, Vt., 2 Dec., 1898; he res. in Waitsfield.
Children, b. in Ducebury, Vt.
17804 Mary Lucina,10 b. 18 Dec., 1845; m. George Weymouth Folsom.
17805 William Levi,10 b. 16 Sept., 1851; d. unm., in McNeil, Ark., 26 Jan., 1885.
17806 Charles Melvin,10 b. 13 Aug., 1854; m. Laura Corey Nelson.
17807 Samuel Chester,10 b. 4 Jan., 1862; m. Lillian May Holt.

11312b.   MARY JANE,9 dau. of Charles Worthington8 (5174), b. about 1821; m. 22 June, 1843, Alhanan Andrews, b. in Moretown, Vt., 23 Apr., 1820, son of Ira Andrews and Abigail Black.
He was a farmer; res. in Duxbury.
17808 Julia A. Andrews,10 b. 24 Jan., 1847; d. 10 Feb., same year.
17809 Charles L. Andrews,10 b. 10 Feb., 1848.
17810 Carlos O. Andrews,10 b. 13 Oct., 1850.
17811 Melvine E. Andrews,10 b. 13 Aug., 1852; d. Sept., same year.
17812 Laura A. Andrews,10 b. 24 Oct., 1854.
17813 Franklin E. Andrews,10 b. 23 Feb., 1856.
17814 Betsey Andrews,10 b. 20 Dec., 1859; d. 18 Aug., 1861.
17815 George M. Andrews,10 b. 20 June, 1863.

11312c.   SARAH FOOTE,9 dau. of Charles Worthington8 (5174), b. in Berlin, Vt., 4 June, 1827; m. (1) in Moretown, Vt., as his second wife, Artemas Head­ley, b. 1800, son of Hoadley and Smith, of Moretown.
He d. in South Duxbury, Vt., 1869; was a farmer; res. in Waterbury, Vt.; she m. (2) in Moretown, as his second wife, David Griffith, b. 1804; he d. in Waterbury, 1891; was a stone mason; she d. in Waterbury, 10 May, 1899.
Children by first husband, b. in South Duxbury.
17816 Stephen Hoadley,10 b. 3 d. young.
17817 Sarah Belle Hoadley,10 b. 22 Sept., 1853; m. in South Duxbury, 21 May, 1874, John Chandler Griggs; res. in Barre, Vt.
17818 Melvin Artemas Hoadley,10 b. 23 June, 1857; m. in Boston, Mass., 16 Mar., 1882, Nellie Elizabeth Glover; res. in Waterbury.
17819 Truman Hoadley,10 b. 18 Apr., 1861; m. in Boston, Emma Tyler; res. in Roxbury, Mass.

11319.   HENRY CLAY,9 son of Hosea8 (5176), b. in Philadelphia, Pa., 29 May, 1824; m. 27 Sept., 1849, Amanda Elizabeth Knipe, of Philadelphia, b. 9 Jan., 1827, dau. of Conrad Knipe, b. 18 Oct., 1796, and Elizabeth Summers, b. 12 Sept., 1801.
She d. in Philadelphia, 28 Aug., 1878.
He is a wholesale grocer and commission merchant in Philadelphia. He was first associated with his father, Hosea Kellogg, and two brothers in the firm of H. Kellogg & Sons. Afterwards he joined a firm of his own, in the same line, under the name of Henry C. Kellogg & Co., from which he has retired and now res. in Philadelphia.

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Children, b. in Philadelphia.
17820 Ella Elizabeth,10 b. 4 Nov., 1850; d. 30 Mar., 1857.
17821 Emma Amanda,10 b. 23 July, 1852; d. 30 July, 1853.
17822 Emily Louisa,10 b. 26 May, 1855; m. Alfred Fitler Moore.
17823 Anna Mary,10 b. 15 Feb., 1861; d. 14 Jan., 1862.
17824 Frances Alberta,10 b. 28 Oct., 1862; res. unm., in Philadelphia.
17825 Henry Clay, Jr.,10 b. 26 Jan., 1865; m. 20 Feb., 1890, Laura Rea Baum, b. 30 Oct., 1867; d. 11 Dec., 1896; had no children.
17826 Helen Augusta,10 b. 10 June, 1867; res. unm., in Philadelphia.

11320.   EDWARD,9 son of Hosea8 (5176), b. in Philadelphia, Pa., 22 Aug., 1827; m. 28 Sept., 1858, Elizabeth Rebecca Earley, b. in Philadelphia, 17 Nov., 1835, dau. of William Earley, b. 14 June, 1806, and Mary A. L. Hancock, b. 18 Apr., 1807.
She d. in Atlantic City, N. J., 12 July, 1901.
He is a wholesale grocer and commission merchant in Philadelphia; a mem­ber of the firm of H. Kellogg & Sons.
17827 Mary Elizabeth,10 b. in Philadelphia, 25 Jan., 1860; m. Harry Bertram Hamell.

11335.   LOUISE BACON,9 dau. of Oren8 (5179), b. 7 Oct., 1812; m. 16 May, 1836, Hon. Martin Ingham Townsend, b. in Hancock, Mass., 6 Feb., 1810, son of Nathaniel Townsend, b. in Hancock, 4 Nov., 1781, and Cynthia Marsh, b. in Middlefield, Mass., 5 Mar., 1783.
She d. in Troy, N. Y., 19 Nov., 1890.
He is living in Troy “in good health and fairly active.”
He was graduated from Williams College, 1833, and has practiced the pro­fession of law in Troy, since 1836, and he is in full practice; is Regent of the University of the State of New York; was elected to Congress in 1874.
17828 Frances Kellogg Townsend,10 b. 10 Jan., 1841; m. 7 Sept., 1864, Pro­fessor Henry B. Nason, of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, of Troy; he was Professor of Chemistry in Troy for 36 years; d. 18 Jan., 1895; she res. in Troy.

11337.   JOHN BOYD,9 son of Oren8 (5179), b. 16 June, 1825; m. 3 Sept., 1861, Anna Shankland Kellogg (15762), b. 11 Dec., 1840, dau. of Palmer Vose, b. 12 Dec., 1811.
He d. in Troy, N. Y., 15 June, 1871; she res. in Williamstown, Mass.
He was graduated from Williams College in 1847; studied law in Troy, and practiced that profession until 1857, when he was elected Cashier of the Central National Bank, of Troy.
17829 Palmer Vose,10 b. 3 June, 1862; d. in Oak Park, Ill., 22 Sept., 1874.
17830 Rachel Shankland,10 b. 15 Apr., 1868; d. Aug., same year.
17831 Louise Electa,10 b. 16 Sept., 1869; res. unm., with her mother, in Williamstown.

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11343.   DR. GEORGE,9 son of Dr. Nathaniel8 (5180), b. in Sodus, N. Y, 28 Jan., 1828; m. 30 Sept., 1860, Elizabeth D. Vanduser, of Sodus, b. 27 Sept., 1840, dau. of John Vanduser.
He d. in Chicago, ______.
He was a physician; res. in Chicago.
17832 Helen,10 b. 1 May, 1866.
17833 Burwell,10 b. 9 Aug., 1876.

11344.   SAMUEL SMITH,9 son of Dr. Nathaniel8 (5180), b. in Sodus, N. Y., 25 Feb., 1830; m. Sept., 1853, Sarah E. Spooner, of Aurora, N. Y.
He was killed in battle, 30 May, 1862; she d. ______.
He was a lawyer; res. in Buffalo, N. Y.; served in the civil war; enlisted in and was First Lieut. of Co. G, One Hundredth New York Volunteers; com­manded that company in the battle of Fair Oaks, and was killed while leading a charge. His remains were buried on the battlefield and were not recovered.
17834 Stanton S.,10 b. ______.

11348.   JAMES SIMONS,9 son of Charles8 (5181), b. in Tyre, N. Y., 27 Aug., 1825; m. 18 Oct., 1858, Mary Ann Martin, b. 8 Nov., 1833, dau. of William Mar­tin, b. in Walpole, N. Y., 14 June, 1802, and Sarah Arms, b. in Walpole, 8 Aug., 1807.
He has been temporarily insane, and in 1878 was in the hospital in Elgin, Ill.
His insanity was of a religious character. His family res. in Lockport, Ill.
17835 Francis Marion,10 b. 23 Apr., 1860; d. 31 Mar., 1896.
17836 James Edwin,10 b. in Homer, Ill., 2 Mar., 1862; m. Mary Caroline Risher.
17837 Joseph Preston,10 b. in Homer, 13 Apr., 1864; m. Sarah Henson.
17838 Charles Albert,10 b. in Orland, Ill., 4 May, 1866; m. Mary R. Henze.
17839 Sarah Jane,10 b. 8 Jan., 1868; is unm.
17840 Matilda Maud,10 b. 5 Nov., 1870; is unm.

11349.   CALISTA JANE,9 dau. of Charles8 (5181), b. in Sodus, N. Y., 8 Nov., 1827; m. in Tyre, N. Y., 23 Jan., 1846, John Forbes, b. 22 May, 1826, son of Charles Forbes and Elizabeth Worden, both of Galen, N. Y.
He is a farmer; res. in Mallard, Tenn., formerly in Hadley and Lockport, Ill.; in politics he was a Whig, then a Republican and is now a Populist.
17841 Christania Louisa Forbes,10 b. in Galen, 3 Feb., 1851; d. in Hadley, 22 Mar., 1857.
17842 George Eugene Forbes,10 b. in Hadley, 8 Oct., 1858; m. 25 Mar., 1885, Rachel Elizabeth Johnson; res. in Mallard; had two children.
17843 Charles Byron Forbes,10 b. in Hadley, 28 Jan., 1860; res. in Lasca, Tenn.
17844 Jacob Willis Forbes,10 b. in Lockport, Ill., 25 May, 1863; d. there, 25 Feb., 1876.

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11350.   ELIZABETH MEHITABEL,9 dau. of Charles8 (5181), b. in Galen, N., Y., 20 July, 1830; m. in Palmyra, N. Y., 28 Dec., 1848, Hezekiah Wills, b. in England, 25 Oct., 1825, son of Hezekiah Wills, and Jane Oliver, b. in England, 1780.
He is a farmer; res. in Lockport, Ill., and later in Athol, Kas.
17845 Mary Calista Wills,10 b. in Hopewell, N. Y., 29 July, 1851; m. 6 June, 1894, James Crowell Boggs; he is a merchant; res. in Athol; had no children.
17846 Charles Henry Wills,10 b. 17 Mar., 1858; d. in Lockport, 26 July, 1858.
17847 George Walter Wills,10 b. 13 Mar., 1862; d. in Crystal Plains, Kas., 4 Feb., 1887.
17848 John William Wills,10 b. 1 May, 1864; d. 24 June, same year.
17849 Cora Belle Wills,10 b. 16 May, 1866; d. 26 Sept., same year.

11368.   JOHN TAYLOR,9 son of James Henry8 (5185), b. in Clyde, N. Y., 15 June, 1831; m. 4 Sept., 1858, Almira Farmin, b. in Beaver Dam, Wis., 9 Aug., 1842, dau. of Morris Farmin, of Houston, Minn., b. 20 Feb., 1809, and Lucinda Manville Rose, b. 28 Dec., 1808, both b. in Oneida Co., N. Y.
They res. in Houston and later in Hokah, Minn.; rem. in 1878 to Sumner, Wis., where they res. in 1881. He served in the civil war as private in Co. H, Ninth Illinois Cavalry; enlisted 20 Mar., 1865; is a carpet Weaver and carpenter; res. in Houston.
17850 Alvin Henry,10 b. in Houston, 5 Apr., 1859; d. in Sumner, Wis., 22 Sept., 1880.
17851 Eugene A.,10 b. in Houston, 2 Jan., 1861; res., unm., in Spokane, Wash.
17852 Sarah Ann,10 b. in Houston, 25 Dec., 1862; m. John Henry Cilley.
17853 Mahlon James,10 b. in Hokah, 25 May, 1868; m. Emma E. Mellberg.
17854 Nora Ethel,10 b. in Sioska, Wis., 6 Jan., 1879; m. Arthur Perry Root.
17855 Morris Farmin,10 b. in Sioska, 7 June, 1881; res. unm., in Houston.

11372.   WILLIAM CHARLES,9 son of James Henry8 (5185), b. in Lodi, N. Y., 2 Dec., 1837; m. 27 Dec., 1868, Mary Ann Williams, b. 11 Aug., 1849, dau. of Jonas Williams and Margaret Ann Snyder.
He is a farmer; res. in Hokah, Minn.; served in the civil war; enlisted in First Wisconsin Light Artillery, 6 Sept., 1861; was discharged 13 Oct., 1864; reenlisted 20 Mar., 1865, in Co. E, Fourth Reg., U. S. V. V.; was discharged 19 Mar., 1866.
17856 Ferdinand,10 b. 12 Oct., 1870; d. 18 Aug., 1871.
17857 Harvey Jay,10 b. 29 Jan., 1871.
17858 Austin Wycoff,10 b. 10 Aug., 1872; d. 19 Nov., 1873.
17859 Phoebe Ann,10 b. 8 June, 1875; d. 7 May, 1876.
17860 James Harman,10 b. 23 Man, 1876; m. _______.
17861 Wayne Charles,10 b. 29 Jan., 1878; d. 18 Oct., 1880.
17862 Mertha,10 b. 2 Oct., 1879.
17863 Elizabeth,10 b. 23 Aug., 1881; d. 17 Sept., same year.
17864 Osman,10 b. 1 Jan., 1884; d. 20 Apr., 1896.

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17865 Barrotai Lazee,10 b. 12 Nov., 1885.
17866 Orren Burt,10 b. 16 Jan., 1888.
17867 Alga Zore,10 b. 11 Sept., 1891.

11376.   MARY ADELIA HONORA,9 dau. of James Henry8 (5185), b. in Wainflat, Canada West, 2 Mar., 1853; m. in Union, Minn., 11 Apr., 1871, Hosea Allen Wightman, b. in Collins, N. Y., 16 Mar., 1841, son of Nathan Wightman, b. 9 Feb., 1810, and Ann Charlotte Jennings, b. 14 Aug., 1803.
He is a farmer; res. in Hokah, Minn.; served in the Second Reg., Minnesota Cavalry, during the Rebellion.
17868 Sarah Ann Wightman,10 b. 17 Mar., 1872; res. unm., in Hokah.
17869 Nettie Wightman,10 b. 23 July, 1874; d. 7 Aug., 1876.
17870 Wilfred Nathan Wightman,10 b. 25 Feb., 1878; res. unm., in Hokah.
17871 Lucy Jennings Wightman,10 b. 21 Jan., 1880; m. _______ Edwards; res. in Clayton, Wash.

11379.   REV. CHARLES THOMPSON,9 son of Rev. Nathaniel8 (5188), b. in Haddam, Conn., 20 Nov., 1832; m. 14 Jan., 1857, Margaret Stewart Kennedy, b. 15 Oct., 1831, dau. of Robert Stewart Kennedy, b. 10 Oct., 1802, and Catherine Sharand Stradey, b. 22 Aug., 1807.
He is a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church; res. in St. Louis, Mo.
17872 Louisa Wainwright,10 b. in New Haven, Conn., 19 Nov., 1858; m. Dr. Samuel Alexander McCosh.

11383.   NATHANIEL SELLECK,9 son of John8 (5189), b. in Dalton, Mass., 17 July, 1829; m. in Becket, Mass., 7 Nov., 1853, Alma Lucinda Baird, b. in Becket, 21 Apr., 1834, dau. of Kendall Baird and Lucinda Chaffee, of Becket.
He is a farmer; res. in Rockford, Ill.; was graduated from Lenox Academy in 1848.
17873 Kate Honorah,10 b. in Delavan, Ill., 29 Nov., 1854; m. Edwin Benton Childs.
17874 John Kendall,10 b. in McLean, Ill., 30 May, 1857; m. in La Crosse, Wis., Elizabeth H. Callahan, b. in La Crosse, 1861, dau. of of Callahan and Hastings; he is a traveling salesman; res. in Fairdale, Ill.; she m. (2) as his second Wife, in Brookline, Mass., 8 June, 1901, Joseph D. Fisher, b. in Bangor, Me., 1863; is a son of Joseph Fisher and Hannah Bickley, of England; he is a miner; res. in Bangor.
17875 Frederick Prentiss,10 b. in Rockford, 12 May, 1867.

11399.   CHARLES WEBSTER,9 son of Charles8 (5216), b. in Pittsfield; Mass., 8 Oct., 1847; m. in Pittsfield, 1 May, 1872, Martha Anna Noble, b. 27 Oct., 1851, dau. of Flavian N. Noble, b. 1813, and Lucy Foote (a niece of Martha Foote, who m. Charles Kellogg (+2062), b. 1814.
For 25 years he was a manufacturer in Pittsfield, of the firm of Robbins & Kellogg; is now a banker in that city.

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Children, b. in Pittsfield.
17876 Eva May,10 b. 2 June, 1873.
17877 Florence,10 b. 17 June, 1875.
17878 Walter Charles,10 b. 16 Oct., 1877.
17879 Ruth,10 b. 24 May, 1883.

11400.   GROVE POMEROY MAY,9 son of Charles8 (5216), b. in Pittsfield, Mass., 20 Aug., 1849; m. 12 Apr., 1877, Alice Helena Crane, b. in Cheshire, Mass., 4 May, 1857, dau. of Augustus Crane, b. in Windsor, Mass., Aug., 1820, and Mary Jane Stetson, b. in Colerain, Mass., 11 Oct., 1821.
He is superintendent of a shoe factory; res. in Ayer Junction, Mass.
Children, all except first, b. in Pittsfield.
17880 Harry M.,10 b. in Adams, 19 Aug., 1877; d. in Pittsfield, 21 July, 1878.
17881 Ralph Pomeroy,10 b. 15 July, 1879.
17882 Elizabeth (Bessie) Helena,10 b. 30 Nov., 1880.

11401.   FRANK HERBERT,9 son of Charles8 (5216), b. in Pittsfield, Mass., 9 Aug., 1852; m. in Pittsfield, 25 Dec., 1872, Sarah E. Hand, b. in Williamstown, Mass., 1850, dau. of Augustin Hand and Emeline Eldridge, of Williamstown and Pittsfield.
She d. in Hartford, Conn., 5 Apr., 1892.
He is superintendent of a shoe factory; res. in Baltimore, Md.; is a Repub­lican.
17883 Graham,10 b. in Pittsfield, 21 Nov., 1875; is unm.

11417.   ALVAH TYLER,9 son of David,8 (5221), b. in Essex, Vt., 4 June, 1842; m. Julia Ann Beecher, b. in Rush Center, N. Y., 9 Aug., 1842.
He d. in Oberlin, O., 3 Feb., 1873; she m. (2) _______; rem. to Illinois or Indiana.
✛17883a Charles Alvah,10 b. in Cleveland, O., 5 Nov., 1870; m. Adelaide Hines Whipple.

11425.   FANNY CORNELIA,9 dau. of Nelson8 (5226), b. in Essex, Vt., 4 Feb., 1839; m. 20 Nov., 1863, Osceola Hardy Kyle, of Lewis, N. Y., b. 10 Jan., 1839, dau. of Ephraim Kyle, b. 5 Mar., 1809, and Caroline Phoebe Holcombe, b. 6 Mar., 1815.
He d. in Westerly, R. I., 16 Jan., 1873; she d. in Essex, 15 May, 1881.
University of Vermont, 1863; A. M., 1866; LL. B., Columbia College, 1865.
The citizens of Westerly placed a monument on his grave, and otherwise honored his memory.
17884 Helen Sherwood Kyle,10 b. in Essex, 20 Oct., 1865; m. 27 Aug., 1895, Henry Russell Platt, A. B., Smith College, Northampton, Mass., 1886; A. B., Williams College, 1887; he is a lawyer; res. in Chi­cago; has one child.

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17885 Theodora Kyle,10 b. in Vergennes, Vt., 29 Nov., 1869; A. B., Wellesley College, 1891; was Professor of History and English Literature in the Plattsburg (N. Y.) State Normal School, 1897.
17886 Francis Kellogg Kyle,10 b. in Westerly, 29 July, 1871; A. B., Univer­sity of Vermont, 1892; was a reporter for the Troy “Times,” Troy, N. Y., 1897.

11428.   DR. DAVID SHERWOOD,9 son of Nelson8 (5226), b. in Essex, Vt., 21 Oct., 1847; m. in Burlington, Vt., 22 Sept., 1875, Elizabeth Stafford Smith, b. in Mobile, Ala., 18 Dec., 1850, dau. of Douglas Smith and Rebekah Wheeler Francis.
He is a physician; res. in Plattsburg, N. Y.; A. B., University of Vermont, 1870; A. M., 1884.
Children, b. in Plattsburg.
17887 Robert Douglas,10 b. 21 Jan., 1879; member of the class of 1900, University of Vermont.
17888 Nelson,10 b. 6 Mar., 1881.
17889 Elizabeth,10 b. 26 Oct., 1883.
17890 David Sherwood,10 b. 1 Sept., 1888.
17891 Francis Fellows,10 b. 6 Sept., 1894.

11442.   NANCY MARIA,9 dau. of Albert8 (5238), b. in Massena, N. Y., 14 Apr., 1837; m. 26 Dec., 1860, Cyrus B. Judd.
They res. in Pecatonica, Ill.; he is a farmer.
17892 Laura Belle Judd,10 b. 14 Aug., 1872; is a teacher.
17893 Lucius John Judd,10 b. 17 June, 1879; is a farmer.

11448.   ELVIRA LUCRETIA,9 dau. of Chester8 (5239), b. in Massena, N. Y., 29 May, 1846; m. 30 Jan., 1877, Oren Stone, of Cass Co., Ia.
They res. in Massena, Ia.
17894 Ada Belle Stone,10 b. 15 Apr., 1879.
17895 Earl Luman Stone,10 b. 7 Nov., 1880.
17896 Charles Arthur Stone,10 b. 22 Mar., 1882.
17897 Daniel Tracy Stone,10 b. 11 July, 1886; d. 19 Mar., 1888.

11449.   MARY HENRIETTA,9 dau. of Chester8 (5239), b. in Massena, N. Y., 2 Jan., 1848; m. 4 Nov., 1868, Martin Smith, b. in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., 29 Oct., 1835, son of Adolphus Smith, b. 1801, and Nancy Dodge, b. 20 Mar., 1804.
He is a farmer; was reared on a farm in New York; in 1857 visited Califor­nia and the Pacific Slope, remaining about ten years, when he returned and mar­ried; in 1871 he rem. to Massena, Ia., where he now res.
Children, all except oldest, b. in Massena, Ia.
17898 Jessie Laura Smith,10 b. in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y.; 1 Aug., 1870.
17899 Chester Adolphus Smith,10 b. 6 June, 1872.
17900 Wallace Arthur; Smith,10 b. 1 Apr., 1877.
17901 Richard Alfred Smith,10 b. 27 Oct., 1880.

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17902 Ethel Alice Smith,10 b. 22 Jan., 1882.
17903 Flora Belle Smith,10 b. 5 Sept., 1884.
17904 Viola Susan Smith,10 b. 28 July, 1889.

11450.   ALICE LAURETTA,9 dau. of Chester8 (5239), b. in Massena, N. Y., 26 Oct., 1849; m. 16 Mar., 1875, Adolphus McGraw, b. 5 Nov., 1842, son of Wil­liam McGraw, b. 28 Jan., 1796, and Sarah Barnum, b. 3 Dec., 1796.
She d. 27 Aug., 1884; he d. in Independence, Ia., Oct., 1896.
He was a farmer; res. in the states of New York, Wisconsin and Iowa.
17905 Charles Hubert McGraw,10 b. in Massena, Ia., 16 Jan., 1878; is a farmer; res. in Corwith, Ia.
17906 Anna Mary McGraw,10 b. in Atlantic, Ia., 27 Aug., 1882; res. in Mc­Grawville, N. Y.

11451.   CHARLES ALONZO,9 son of Chester8 (5239), b. in Massena, N. Y., 30 Nov., 1850; m. 9 June, 1881, Florilla Barnes.
She d. 20 June, 1896.
He res. in Massena, N. Y.; is now a prominent lawyer in Ogdensburg, N. Y.
17907 Charles Searon,10 b. 2 Sept., 1884.
17908 Agnes Gertrude,10 b. 6 June, 1888.
17909 Franklin Chester,10 b. 18 June, 1896.
17910 Flora Barnes,10 b. 18 June, 1896.

11453.   LEANDER POST,9 son of Orlando8 (5253), b. in Essex, Vt., 4 Aug., 1826; m. in Sycamore, Ill., 20 Jan., 1847, Harriet Melissa Hutchinson, half sister of Mrs. Lucius Kellogg (+11455), b. 21 Sept., 1827, dau. of Clark Hutchinson, b. 31 Oct., 1797, and Elizabeth Bradley, b. 30 Dec., 1806.
He has lived on the same farm for fifty years; was appointed Postmaster of Ney, Ill., in 1852, and served nearly fifty years in that office; res. in Genoa, Ill.
On the 20 Jan., 1897, they celebrated their “Golden Wedding.”
17911 Clark Otis,10 b. in Genoa, 15 Apr., 1848; d. there, 28 Apr., 1848.
17912 Harriet Janette,10 b. in Genoa, 19 Apr., 1849; m. there, 26 May, 1880, Hubbard J. Wilcox; he is a farmer; res. in Coral, Ill.; had no children.
17913 Leslie Wellington,10 b. 7 Apr., 1851; res. unm., in Ney.
17914 Hutchinson Ambrose,10 b. in Ney, 10 July, 1853; m. Ida May Wager.
17915 Harlow Leander,10 b. in Genoa, 3 Sept., 1855; d. there, 3 May, 1874.
17916 Edward Eugene,10 b. in Genoa, 19 May, 1858; m. there, 22 Jan., 1879, Mary E. Brokaw, b. in South Riley, Ill., dau. of John Brokaw; is a liveryman; res. in Cedar Falls, Ia.; had no children.
17917 L D,10 b. in Genoa, 1 Feb., 1867; m. Charlotte Matilda Valder.

11454.   JERUSHA,9 dau. of Orlando,8 (5253), b. in Essex, Vt., 1 Feb., 1828; m. (1) 9 July, 1846, Asa Stevens, of Geneva, Ill.

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He d. 1848; she m. (2) William J. McInroy, of Sycamore, Ill., from whom she was divorced in 1854; she m. (3) 4 July, 1858, Swain Monson; d. in Shell Rock, Ia., 21 Aug., 1867.
Child by first husband.
17918 Anna Stevens,10 b. 5 Apr., 1848; m. 1870, William Strong, of Sycamore.
Children by second husband.
17919 Otis Orlando McInroy,10 b. in Sycamore, 7 Mar., 1850; m. _______, 4 July, 1872; res. in Caney, Kas.; had five children.
17920 Alexander McInroy,10 b. ______; d. in infancy.
17921 Frank McInroy,10 b. ______; d. in infancy.

11455.   LUCIUS,9 son of Orlando8 (5253), b. in Essex, Vt., 26 Dec., 1829; m. in Beloit, Wis., 3 July, 1853, Emily Marie Manning, half sister of Mrs. Leander Post Kellogg (+11453), b. in Niagara Co., N. Y., 23 Oct., 1836, dau. of Ira Manning, b. 4 Mar., 1804, and Elizabeth Bradley, b. 30 Dec., 1806.
She d. 2 Oct., 1900.
He is a farmer and a miner; rem. from Essex, in 1844, with his parents, to Geneva, Ill., in 1859 rem. to Ray Co., Mo.; in 1860 to Atchison, Kas., and from there, overland, by ox teams, to Virginia City, Mont., arriving 23 Aug., 1864.
17922 Clark Wesley,10 b. in Geneva, Ill., 15 May, 1854.
17923 Ida Elizabeth,10 b. in Geneva, 9 Aug., 1858; m. (1) Joseph Steward Champion; (2) James Bennett Snapp; (3) Adelbert Diah Adams.
17924 Arthur,10 b. in Atchison, Kas., 9 June, 1862; d. 30 Apr., 1864.
Children, b. in Virginia City.
17925 Virginia Bell,10 b. 25 Jan., 1865; m. Fritz Frederick Kohls.
17926 Almer X.,10 b. 26 Oct., 1867; is now in the Philippines.
17927 Pluma Edith,10 b. 22 Apr., 1871; d. 1 Sept., 1872.
17928 Inez,10 b. 1 Sept., 1873; d. 8 Sept., 1873.
17929 Lucius Gorden,10 b. 7 Nov., 1875.

11457.   MABEL MARIA,9 dau. of Orlando8 (5253), b. in Essex, Vt., 17 Feb., 1834; m. 9 Sept., 1848, Benjamin Nichols.
She d. in Sycamore, Ill., 21 Jan., 1857.
17930 Celia Nichols,10 b. ______.
17931 William Nichols,10 b. ______.

11458.   NANCY ELECTA,9 dau. of Orlando8 (5253), b. in Essex, Vt, 15 May, 1836; m. 22 Feb., 1853, William Waite.
She d. in Herbert, Ill., 8 Mar., 1891; he d. there, 23 Sept., 1893.
He was a well to do farmer.
17932 George Waite,10 b. ______; res. in Genoa, Ill.
17933 Frederick Waite,10 b. ______; res. in Genoa.
17934 Judd Waite,10 b. ______; res. in Shell Rock, Ia.

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17935 Scott Waite,10 b. ______; res. in Pingree Grove, Ill.
17936 William Waite,10 b. ______; res. in Genoa.
17937 Grace Waite,10 b. ______; res. in Bedford, Ia.

11459.   JOHN WESLEY,9 son of Orlando8 (5253), b. in Essex, Vt., 7 Sept., 1838; m. 22 Mar., 1862, Caroline E. Taylor.
He is a farmer; res. in Shell Rock, Ia.
17938 Frank R.,10 b. 15 Apr., 1864.

11462.   RICHARD HENRY,9 son of Shubael Otis8 (5269), b. in New York City, 29 Oct., 1829; m. 30 Sept., 1852, Adeline Josephine Coon, b. 25 Dec., 1830, dau. of John Viall Coon, b. 1792, and Mary Hager, b. 1798.
He d. in Brooklyn, 17 May, 1901.
He was a clerk in New York City; res. in Brooklyn.
Children, b. in New York City.
17939 Emily Victoria,10 b. 31 July, 1855; d. 26 Mar., 1861.
17940 Adelaide Augusta,10 b. 17 Jan., 1857; d. 19 Mar., 1877.
17941 Olivia,10 b. 22 Dec., 1865; d. Dec., same year.
17942 Anna Harris,10 b. 10 May, 1868; is unm.
17943 Frederick Watkins,10 b. 18 Feb., 1873; res. unm., in Brooklyn.

11463.   FRANCES VICTORIA,9 dau. of Shubael Otis8 (5269), b. in Orange, N. J., 4 May, 1831; m. 3 May, 1855, Charles Johannes Walker, b. 23 Aug., 1826, son of Charles E. Walker, of New Orleans, La., and _______ Peterson, of South Carolina.
He d. 10 Oct., 1865.
He was a merchant in New Orleans, Philadelphia and New York.
17944 Harry Kellogg Walker,10 b. 4 Feb., 1856; m. 25 Nov., 1884, Clementine Wolcott Brown, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; is a manufacturer of chemi­cals; res. in Brooklyn, and later in Montclair, N. J.; had three children.
17945 Edward Percy Walker,10 b. 7 Mar., 1858; is a cotton dealer; res. unm., in Brooklyn.

11464.   EUSEBIUS ALLAN,9 son of Shubael Otis8 (5269), b. 2 Feb., 1833; m. 13 Oct., 1858, Ophelia Lockwood, b. 5 May, 1834, dau. of Samuel Lockwood, b. 1797; and Maria Ackerman, b. 1801.
He is an adjuster of averages; res. in Boston, Mass.
17946 Cora M.,10 b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 4 Mar., 1860; m. Edward Sherman Strong.

11486.   MARY ANGELINE,9 dau. of Samuel8 (5277), b. in Fayetteville, N. Y., 31 Jan., 1850; m. 21 May, 1874, Eben Lee Applegate, b. in England, 7 May,

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1844, son of Stephen Applegate, b. 2 Sept., 1803, and his cousin, Eliza Apple­gate.
They res. in Truxton, N. Y.; he is the superintendent of a furniture factory.
17947 Gertrude Blanche Applegate,10 b. 8 Apr., 1876; m. 25 Feb., 1897, Charles R. Meldrin.
17948 Nelly Mitchell Applegate,10 b. 8 June, 1879.
17949 Frederick Charles Henry Applegate,10 b. 31 Mar., 1883; is a salesman in Truxton.

11487.   CHARLES HENRY,9 son of Samuel8 (5277 ), b. in Fayetteville, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1851; m. 10 Mar., 1892, Domitilo Santoyo, b. 20 Feb., 1855, dau. of Eus­tacio Santoyo and Susan Lopez, both of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
He d. in San Francisco, Cal., 9 Oct., 1898; was a farmer; res. in Azusa, Cal.; she m. (2) _______ Cohn; res. in Azusa.
Children, by adoption.
17950 Charles,10 b. 17 May, 1885.
17951 Ida,10 b. 27 Apr., 1887.
17952 Thomas,10 b. 2 Mar., 1890.

11491.   JOHN WATROUS,9 son of Henry Watrous8 (5281), b. in Spanish Ranch, Plumas Co., Cal., 3 May, 1866; m. 17 Apr., 1888, Julia Belle Chaliee, b. in Grass Lake, Mich., 29 Oct., 1868, dau. of Philo B. Chaffee, b. 3 May, 1839, and Marie M. Couse, b. 10 Feb., 1840.
He is a commercial traveler.
17953 Pearl Genevieve,10 b. in Canandaigua, N. Y., 15 Mar., 1895.

11501.   BOLIVAR WELLS,9 son of Sage8 (5287), b. in Ashland, O., 23 May; 1825; m. 9 Nov., 1847, Caroline C. Jackson, b. in Belleville, O., 29 Oct., 1827, dau. of Benjamin Jackson, Jr., b. in Rockaway, N. J., 8 Nov., 1792, and Nancy H. Robinson, b. in Fishkill, N. Y., 3 Feb., 1799.
He d. 2 June, 1856; she d. 14 Dec., 1898.
He was a lawyer; res. in Ashland.
17954 Henrietta Minnie,10 b. in Ashland 4 Jan., 1849; m. (1) William L. Holt; (2) James Monroe Harr.
17955 Mary Nancy,10 b. 26 Sept., 1854; m. 17 May, 1876, Dr. John Peake Sobey, b. in Doublebois, Cornwall, England, 26 Oct., 1850; son of Joseph Sobey, b. in Treburgay Farm, St. Clair Parish, Cornwall, England, 12 Mar., 1807, and Elizabeth Ann Peake, b. in Leikeard, Cornwall, England, 26 Oct., 1810; he is a physician; was one of the firm of “The Parsons Company,” physicians' supplies; Cleve­land; she d. 26 Nov., 1900.

11502. FLORA WHITNEY,9 dau. of sage8 (5287), b. in Ashland, O., 15 Apr., 1827; m. 5 May, 1847, Gen. Orlow Smith, b. near Rochester, N. Y., 16 May, 1823, son of Samuel Smith, b. 1800, and Amarillus Peet, b. 1800.

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He d. in Genesee, Ill., 20 Mar., 1868; she d. 11 Nov., 1888.
He was a farmer; res. near Ashland; served in the civil war; enlisted and served nearly five years in the Sixty-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry Reg., and when mustered out was Col. and Brevet Brig. Gen., on recommendation of Gen. Garfield.
17956 Phinity Amarillus Smith,10 b. ______; m. (1) George Miller; res. in Genesee; (2) Andrew Robertson; res. in Chicago, Ill.
17957 Leman Kellogg Smith,10 b. 18 May, 1851.
17958 Flora Belle Smith,10 b. 4 Jan., 1857; d. 4 Sept., 1862.
17959 Leona Juliet Smith,10 b. 1 July, 1861; m. in Oberlin, O., 1 July, 1879, Alfred G. Brown; she d. in Wall Creek, S. D., 15 Oct., 1883; had one child.

11506.   GEORGE ALVARO,9 son of Sage8 (5287), b. in Ashland, O., 15 Oct., 1836; m. 3 Aug., 1864, Maria Rebecca Goss, of Genesee, Ill., b. in Boston, Mass., 19 Apr., 1838, dau. of John Goss, b. in Lancaster, Mass., 26 May, 1810, and Ger­aldine Pool, b. in Charlestown, Mass., 1811.
She d. in Salida, Col., 28 Aug., 1897; he d. there, 5 Oct., 1900.
He was a druggist twenty years in Ohio, Illinois and Colorado. In 1886 he established a book and stationery business in Salida, in which he continued until his death. He was County Treasurer of Hinsdale Co., Col., at Lake City, for four years; enlisted at the breaking out of the civil war, on the first call for three year troops, in the Twenty-third Ohio Volunteers, of which President Hayes, Chief Justice Stanley Matthews and President McKinley were members, and served most of the time in the Quartermaster's Department, Nashville, Tenn.
17960 Walter Bigelow,10 b. in Kewanee, Ill., 11 Sept., 1869; m. Alice Jay.
17961 Roy Pitkin,10 b. in Lake City, 20 Dec., 1877.

11507.   MYRA,9 dau. of Sage8 (5287), b. in Ashland, O., 11 June, 1839; m. there, 26 Mar., 1867, Henry Abiel Canfield, b. in Colebrook, O., 8 Sept., 1839, son of Ashael Canfield, of North Bloomfield, O., and Cleora Merril Phillips, b. 1800.
He d. in Warren, O., 6 Mar., 1893.
He was a member of the Disciple's Church and a Republican; served in the civil war as Sergeant, Co. A Sixth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry; enlisted 5 Oct., 1861; was discharged 19 Jan., 1865.
17962 Charles Pasil Canfield,10 b. in Ligonier, Ind, 2 Oct., 1869; d. in North Bloomfield, O., 16 May, 1874.
17963 George Kellogg Canfield,10 b. in North Bloomfield, 15 Oct., 1876.

11508.   CHARLES BURR,9 son of Sage8 (5287), b. in Ashland, O., 7 Dec., 1841; m. 1 Jan., 1862, Mary Sophia Hill, b. in Carlisle, O., 4 Dec., 1838, dau. of Uriel Sylvanus Hill, of Oberlin, O., b. 14 Oct., 1812, and Sarah Ann Mills, b. 14 Oct., 1817.
He d. 31 July, 1863, of quick consumption, caused by exposure during the war; was a farmer and blacksmith in Ashland; she m. (2) 6 Jan., 1866, Allison H. Babcock; he is a merchant in Lorain, O.

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17964 Carlie Burr,10 b. in Carlisle, 22 Aug., 1863; m. 29 Sept., 1887, Cassi­mer Delmore Bennett, b. 2 Nov., 1852, son of David Bennett, b. 26 May, 1788, and Jane Gralpin Bennett, b. 11 Aug., 1810; res. in Car­lisle; had no children.

11510.   WILLIS SAGE,9 son of Sage8 (5287), b. in Ashland, O., 24 Mar., 1857; m. 30 May, 1877, Elizabeth Lillian McMonigal, b. in Wooster, O., 16 Feb., 1858, dau. of Andrew McMonigal, b. 20 June, 1833, and Mary Jane Haas, b. 4 Aug., 1827.
He is a salesman; res. in Cleveland, O.
17965 Edna Louise,10 b. 13 Dec., 1878.
17966 Roy Bergett,10 b. 30 May, 1882.
17967 Charles Willis,10 b. 13 Dec., 1883.
17968 Eugene Patterson,10 b. 1 Aug., 1886.

11511.   WELLS,9 son of Dr. Burr8 (5290), b. 11 Aug., 1835; m. 31 Dec., 1858, Matilda Ann Sutton, of Greenwich, O., b. 9 May, 1839.
She d. 14 Oct., 1861; he disappeared for twenty-three years, during which time he m. twice; d. in Buffalo, N. Y., 17 May, 1896.
Children, b. in Ashland.
17969 Louie Andrews,10 b. 17 Sept., 1858; d. 9 Nov., 1858.
17970 Louie Mae,10 b. 24 Feb., 1860; d. 28 Dec., 1873.
17971 Matilda Ann,10 b. 1 Oct., 1861; m. Ross Hanlan Cowan.

11515.   HIRAM ANDREWS,9 son of Dr. Burr8 (5290), b. in Ashland, O., 11 Feb., 1844; m. 16 Oct., 1872, Elsie Cevilla Willard, b. 26 Mar., 1849, dau. of Luman Willard, b. in New York, 3 Aug., 1811, and Emily Bacon, b. in New York, 7 Oct., 1815.
He is a dealer in agricultural implements; res. in Kirksville, Mo.; served in the civil war in Co. B, One Hundred and Second Ohio Volunteer Infantry; was mustered out in Nashville, Tenn., 13 June, 1865.
17972 Leono,10 b. 25 Mar., 1874.
17973 Howard Griswold,10 b. 31 Dec., 1875.
17974 Florence (Flossie),10 b. 27 Nov., 1882.
17975 Martha,10 b. 25 Feb., 1886.

11516.   AUGUSTUS BURR,9 son of Dr. Burr8 (5290), b. in Ashland, O., 9 Feb., 1846; m. (1) 9 Nov., 1869, Jennie Martha Hershey, b. 23 Nov., 1844, dau. of Benjamin Hershey, b. 27 July, 1808, and Esther Weaver, b. 7 May, 1802, both b. in Lancaster Co., Pa.
She d. 15 June, 1885; he m. (2) 21 Sept., 1886, Anna Carpenter Grove (a niece of his first wife), b. 14 Feb., 1857, dau. of John H. Grove, b. 13 June, 1819, and Maria D. Hershey, b. 1 Sept., 1834.
He is a journalist and an expert accountant; is the editor of “American In­vestments,” Buffalo, N. Y. He left Ashland in 1863, and rem. to Louisville, Ky.,

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and from there to New Orleans, La. In both places he was in the clothing busi­ness. During 1864 he was in the United States Quartermaster's Department in 9 various places. In 1865 he was a bookkeeper and journalist; 1867-78 he was with the Singer Sewing Machine Company, first in Buffalo, and afterward in Cleve­land, O. In 1878 he returned to Buffalo as chief accountant for the John T. Noye Manufacturing Company, and in 1888 was engaged in managing estates.
Child by second wife.
17976 Paul,10 b. 10 Oct., 1889.

11518.   MARY SOPHIA,9 dau. of Dr. Burr8 (5290), b. in Ashland, O., 15 May, 1854; m. in Topeka, Kas., 24 Oct., 1878, Dr. George Henry Picard, b. in Berea, O., 3 Aug., 1850, son of Jonathan Picard and Mary Louise Fairchild.
At the time of his marriage Dr. Picard was a practicing physician in To­peka; he was graduated from Baldwin University and Oberlin College; rem. to New York City after marriage; wrote several novels, and finally gave up medicine for journalism. Since 1890 he has res. in Nyack-on-the-Hudson.
17977 Maurice Picard,10 b. 18 July, 1890; at the age of five years was a choir boy in Grace Church, Nyack, and sang the soprano solos.

11534.   HENRY,9 son of Henry8 (5295), b. in Roxbury, Mass., 22 May, 1843; m. in Brookline, Mass., 10 Jan., 1872, Lottie Margaret Pratt, b. 28 Oct., 1848, dau. of Samuel Freeman Pratt, of Boston, b. in Cohasset, Mass., 22 Oct., 1825, and Louisa Maria Fort, b. in New York city, 12 May; 1827.
He is a note broker in Boston; served in the civil war; enlisted in Co. A, Thirteenth Massachusetts Reg., 16 July, 1861; was honorably discharged on ac­count of sickness, 22 Apr., 1863; in the Provost Marshal General's office, Wash­ington, D. C., during 1863-64; was later a clerk in the mustering office in Wheel­ing, W. Va.; in 1866 he returned to Boston and has since been in business there.
17978 Grace Elva,10 b. 12 Mar., 1881.

11536.   CHARLES FIELD,9 son of Henry8 (5295), b. in Roxbury, Mass., 27 Sept., 1847; m. 12 Apr., 1883, Carrie Isabelle Masury, b. in Boston, Mass., 21 Oct., 1857, dau. of Addison Coggswell Masury, b. in Essex, Mass., 11 Apr., 1827, and Julia Anna Williams Putnam, b. in Salem, Mass., 6 Nov., 1835.
He is an expert accountant; res. in Boston.
17979 Harold Field,10 b. 26 Jan., 1884.

11538.   GEORGE GILBERT,9 son of Henry8 (5295), b. in Roxbury, Mass., 4 Sept., 1853; m. 22 Oct., 1879, Nellie Mary Johonnott, b. 20 Oct., 1855, dau. of Albert Johonnott, b. in Barre, Vt., 15 Jan., 1825, and Mary Parker, b. in Plain­field, N. H., 29 Aug., 1827.
He is a banker; res. in Boston; res. in Roxbury from 1853 to 1871; from Aug., 1871, to Feb., 1881, was teller in the Montpelier (Vt.) National Bank; rem. to

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Boston in 1881, and was with the American Loan and Trust Co. for two years, and since that time has been in business for himself; res. in Winchester, Mass., where he was one of the Board of Assessors, 1891-96.
17980 Mary Goddard,10 b. in Montpelier, 11 Mar., 1881.
17981 Henry Johonnott,10 b. 15 July, 1882.

11539.   ANNAH REED,9 dau. of Henry8 (5295), b. in Roxbury, Mass., 7 Jan., 1858; m. in Brattleboro, Vt., 18 Sept., 1884, Dr. Charles Wayland Drew, b. in Burlington, Vt., 18 Jan., 1858, son of Homer Cassius Drew, b. in Dorset, Vt., 25 Mar., 1819, and Lorinda Roby, b. in Washington, Vt., 18 Apr., 1819.
He is a physician and analytical chemist; was graduated from the Univer­sity of Vermont, P. H. B., 1877; M. D., 1880; rem. to Minneapolis, Minn., in 1881, where he has since res. From 1881 to 1888 he was Professor of Chemistry in the Minnesota Hospital College; 1884-88, was City Physician of Minneapolis; 1886-93, State Chemist of Minnesota; was Director of the Minnesota Institute of Pharmacy, 1886-97.
Children, b. in Minneapolis.
17982 Julia Kellogg Drew,10 b. 30 Aug., 1890.
17983 Charles Wayland Drew, Jr.,10 b. 22 June, 1896.

11546.   MARY LOUISA,9 dau. of Charles Wells8 (5298), b. in Wilmington, Vt., 4 Mar., 1844; m. in Tomah, Wis., 7 Jan., 1864, William Hubert Wright, b. in Worcester, Mass., 19 July, 1843, son of Stedman Wright, b. in Hubbardston, Mass., 8 Aug., 1818, and Tabitha Brook, b. in Princeton, Mass., 5 Apr., 1813.
He is a jeweler; res. in Tomah.
Children, b. in Tomah.
17984 Ella Mary Wright,10 b. 5 Oct., 1846; res. in Tomah.
17985 Fred Arthur Wright,10 b. 22 Nov., 1866; res. in Babcock, Wis.
17986 William Stedman Wright,10 b. 18 July, 1871; res. in Merrill, Wis.
17987 Charles Kellogg Wright,10 b. 13 Apr., 1874; res. in Tomah.

11547.   CHARLES HENRY,9 son of Charles Wells8 (5298), b. in North Wardsboro, Vt., 19 May, 1847; m. 5 July, 1868, Kate Reikie, b. in Fifeshire, Scotland, 4 Apr., 1846, dau. of John Reikie, a sailor, b. in Fifeshire, Scotland, 25 Sept., 1796, and Margaret Ness, b. in Fifeshire, 6 Dec., 1804.
Children, b. in Tomah, Wis.
17988 Fred Burton,10 b. 23 Dec., 1869; m. Gertrude Mae Sheldon.
17989 Nellie Louise,10 b. 2 Jan., 1876; m. Charles Henry Tourville._
17990 Charles William,10 b. 25 July, 1878; is an entry clerk; a Republican; res. unm., in Minneapolis, Minn.

11551.   REV. GEORGE NEWELL,9 son of Rev. Silas George8 (5299), b. in Wardsboro, Vt., 2 July, 1848; m. in Darlington, Wis., 2 Feb., 1873, Alice An­thony, b. in Rockford, Ill., 13 Aug., 1850, dau. of A. Anthony and Elvira Doty, of Darlington.
He is a Congregational minister and a Republican; has been pastor of

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churches in Norwich and Jewett City, Conn., Santa Fe, New Mexico, and now res. in Morrisville, Vt.
17991 Maud Muller,10 b. in Maxomanie, Wis., 16 Aug., 1874; m. in Morris­ville, 14 Feb., 1899, Albert Hiram Slayton, b. in Morrisville, 28 Sept., 1874, son of Henry A. Slayton, b. 23 July, 1851; he is man­ager and bookkeeper in a flour store; is a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Morrisville; has no children.
17992 Charles Walter,10 b. in Norwich, 5 June, 1876.
17993 Mellie Anthony,10 b. in Jewett City, 22 Apr., 1879.

11552.   HON. WILLIAM CHANNING,9 son of Rev. Silas George8 (5299), b. in Norwich, Vt., 11 July, 1850; m. 3 Oct., 1877, Emma Jane Lewis, b. in Nor­wich, Conn., 29 Mar., 1850, dau. of Maxon P. Lewis, b. in Norwich, 27 Mar., 1822, and Cornelia Dow, b. in Manchester, Conn., 12 June, 1825.
He is a lawyer; is Judge of the City Court of Yonkers, N. Y.
17994 Ruth Emma,10 b. in Norwich, 30 June, 1878.
17995 Lewis Channing,10 b. in Yonkers, 15 Nov., 1886.

11553.   CHARLES PRESCOTT FORBUSH,9 son of Rev. Silas George8 (5299), b. in New Ipswich, N. H., 24 Oct., 1856; m. in Boston, Mass., 8 July, 1886, Nellie Frances Burnham, b. in Boston, 31 Mar., 1863, dau. of Walter Scott Burnham, b. in Hopkinton, N. H., 16 Oct., 1833, and Ellen Cornelia Hall, b. in New Bedford, Mass., 28 Jan., 1830.
He is a commission merchant in Boston; has res. in Dorchester, Mass., Clare­mont, Newport, Tilton, Portsmouth and Rochester, N. H., but for the past 21 years has res. in Boston.
Children, b. in Boston.
17996 Grace Frances,10 b. 26 July, 1888.
17997 Priscilla,10 b. 7 July, 1894.

11554.   REV. FREDERICK BRIGHAM,9 son of Rev. Silas George8 (5299), b. in Claremont, N. H., 9 July, 1866; m. 16 Jan., 1896, Mary Kyle, b. 21 Feb., 1868, dau. of Joseph Kyle and Eliza Douglas, both of Scotch parentage, b. in Armaugh, Ireland.
He is a Congregational clergyman; was graduated from the Vermont Meth­odist Seminary, Montpelier, Vt., in 1888; from the Boston University, Boston, Mass., 1893; Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1895; was ordained to the Congregational ministry, 15 Jan., 1896; was pastor of the Congregational Church, Mt. Vernon Heights, N. Y., and is now pastor of the Congregational Church, Waterbury, Vt.
17998 Howard Douglas,10 b. in Mt. Vernon, 8 Nov., 1896.
17999 Dorothy Earl,10 b. 19 Mar., 1899.

11558.   FRANK PALMER,9 son of Alonzo,8 (5321), b. in Westford, N. Y., Nov., 1852; m. (1) in Blandinsville, Ill., 24 Apr., 1880, Margaret Emma

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Keithley, b. 21 Nov., 1858, dau. of Wilfred Keithley, b. in Georgetown, Ind., 4 Feb., 1830, and Matilda Emery, b. in Greenville, Ind., 12 Mar., 1830.
She d. in Blandinsville, 21 June, 1882; he m. (2) in Sciota, Ill., 6 Oct., 1887, Ruby Ann Hickman, b. 14 Sept., 1866, dau. of Eliphalet Hickman, b. near New Albany, Ind., 13 Mar., 1831, and Tacy Jane Wilkinson, b. 19 Feb., 1844.
He was engaged in the livery business in Blandinsville for a number of years; rem. in Jan., 1893, to La Harpe, Ill., where he now res. and is a hardware mer­chant.
Children by first wife.
18000 Clara Louise,10 b. 12 Apr., 1880.
18001 Alonzo,10 b. 15 June, 1881; d. in infancy.
Children by second wife.
18002 George Hickman,10 b. in Blandinsville, 2 Aug., 1888.
18003 Mae Palmer,10 b. in Blandinsville, 27 Aug., 1890.
18004 Rosoon Eliphalet,10 b. in La Harpe, 25 Sept., 1895.

11559.   FRANCES ANGELICA,9 dau. of Alonzo8 (5321), b. in Westford, N. Y., 6 May, 1858; m. in Blandinsville, Ill., 29 May, 1884, Reuben Earle Spangler, b. 15 Oct., 1857, son of Jacob J. Spangler, b. 7 Mar., 1836, and Rachel Ann Mc­Donough, b. 21 Jan., 1838.
Before her marriage she was Postmistress in Blandinsville, having been ap­pointed in 1881. Her husband was a Postoffice Inspector; a principal in the public schools in Blandinsville and Macomb, Ill., and later in Chicago.
18005 Vera Spangler,10 b. in Blandinsville, 9 Feb., 1885.
18006 Earle Spangler,10 b. in Chicago, 18 Aug., 1890.

11565.   MARTHA ADELINE,9 dau. of Philo8 (5340), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 15 July, 1820; m. 2 July, 1848, Ezekiel Hayes, b. in New Haven, Conn., 25 Mar., 1811, son of John Hayes, of New Haven.
He d. in New Haven, 12 May, 1867; she d. there, 1 Jan., 1881.
He was printer to Yale College; res. in New Haven.
18008 Ezekiel Frederick Hayes,10 b. 30 Mar., 1851; res. unm., in New Haven.
18009 Anne Elizabeth Hayes,10 b. 9 Nov., 1855; m. Rev. E. L. Pangburn, of New Haven.

11567.   JAMES EDWARD,9 son of Philo8 (5340), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 31 May, 1882; m. (1) in New York city, 18 Sept., 1850, Julia Dean Butler, b. in Cornwall, 29 July, 1830, dau. of Calvin Butler, b. 30 Sept., 1779, and Lucretia Wickwire, b. 4 June, 1789.
She d. in Cornwall, 26 Aug., 1859; he m. (2) in Bradford, Pa., 10 Apr., 1878, Lillian Adell Swift, b. in Corydon, Pa., 19 Sept., 1858, dau. of Dewitt Swift, b. 12 May, 1830, and Emeline Mayclease, b. 6 June, 1829, of Jamestown, N. Y.; d. in Bradford, 5 Jan., 1901; she res. there.
He was a merchant; a Congregationalist and a Democrat.

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✛18010 Julia Virginia,10 b. in Cornwall, 20 Sept., 1853; m. Elias Buell Heady.
18011 James Butler,10 b. 1 July, 1859; m. in New York city, 8 June, 1898, Anne Wier Greenwood, b. in New York city, 6 Apr., 1878, dau. of Samuel Greenwood and Margaret Brewster, b. 1840; is a broker; res. in New York; has no children.

11568.   THEODORE,9 son of Philo8 (5340), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 5 Sept., 1824; m. in Sharon, Conn., 30 May, 1849, Maria C. Sturges, b. in Sharon, 6 Mar., 1831, dau. of Lewis Burr Sturges and Charlotte Hunt, of Ohio.
He is a lawyer; res. in Cornwall.
18012 Philo M.,10 b. in Kent, Conn., 10 Apr., 1851; m. in Cornwall, 12 Jan., 1897, Mary E. Chipman, b. in Cornwall, 21 Jan., 1856, dau. of John Chipman, b. 3 Jan., 1830, and Betsey Mallory, b. 4 July, 1840; is a farmer; has represented his town in the General As­sembly, and has been Clerk and Acting School Visitor for fifteen years; res. in Cornwall.
18013 Belle C.,10 b. in Westport, Conn., 20 Apr., 1853; m. Oscar P. Bunnell.
18014 Bessie M.,10 b. in Cornwall, 6 July, 1871; res. unm., in Cornwall.

11574.   GEORGE HOLABIRD,9 son of Gerrett8 (5341), b. in Huntsville, Conn., 19 Sept., 1835; m. in Grinnell, Ia., 26 Feb., 1877, Della Anetta Gillette, b. in Antwerp, N. Y., 28 Dec., 1851, dau. of Norris Gillette and Martha Howke.
He is a farmer; a Congregationalist; a Democrat; res. in South Canaan, Conn.
Children, b. in Lynnville, Ia.
18015 William Gerrett,10 b. 26 Nov., 1877; d. in South Canaan, 25 Dec., 1893.
18016 Harriet Edna,10 b. 1 Feb., 1882.
18017 Neta Sophia,10 b. 23 Nov., 1890.

11576.   WILLIAM FREDERICK,9 son of Frederick8 (5343), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 17 Nov., 1830; m. (1) 12 June, 1855, Mary Ann Jackson, b. in Newtown, Conn., 20 Aug., 1837, dau. of Moses Jackson and Eliza Judson.
She d. in Bridgeport, Conn., 30 Dec., 1858; he m. (2) 18 June, 1861, Mrs. Charlotte Hurlbut (Stone) Phelps, b. in Vergennes, Vt., 4 Apr., 1833. She was the widow of Samuel S. Phelps, Jr., of Middlebury Vt., and dau. of Dr. Daniel Carter Stone and Charlotte Hurlbut, and a granddaughter of Gov. Chit­tenden, of Vermont, and sister of Charles Calhoun Kellogg's (+11577) second wife.
He was a merchant in Bridgeport from 1853 to 1862, when he rem. to Chi­cago; was a wholesale grocer from 1862 to 1882, when he entered the real estate and investment business, in which he is now engaged.
Children by first wife, b. in Bridgeport.
18018 Margaret Fay,10 b. 17 Sept., "1856; res. unm., in Evanston, Ill.

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Children by second wife.
18020 Mary Ruth,10 b. in Bridgeport, 17 Mar., 1862; res. unm., in Chicago.
18021 Helen Simone,10 b. in Chicago, 10 Feb., 1870; res. unm., in Chicago.

11577.   CHARLES CALHOUN,9 son of Frederick8 (5343), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 27 Jan., 1833; m. (1) 10 Feb., 1858, Mary Elizabeth Stone (whose sis­ter married Frederick Kellogg (+11576), b. 1837, dau. of Dr. Daniel Carter Stone and Charlotte Hurlbut.
She d. in Chicago, 15 Sept., 1861; he m. (2) in Richmond, Ind., 12 Nov., 1863, Eliza Ann (“Lida”) Ives, b. in Akron, O., 12 Nov., 1841, dau. of Leverett Joseph Ives, b. in West Springfield, Mass., 18 Sept., 1806, and Fidelia Elvira Field, of Northfield, Mass., b. 31 Mar., 1805; she d. in Chicago, 10 Oct., 1870; he d. there, 10 Jan., 1872.
He was Secretary and Treasurer of the Barnum and Richardson Car Wheel Manufacturing Co., of Chicago.
Children, b. in Chicago.
18022 Anna Ruth,10 b. 6 Feb., 1865; m. (1) William Edward Mathews; (2) Walter Edwin Hodgman.
18023 Helen,10 b. 9 Jan., 1867; res. unm., in Plainfield, N. J., and later in New York city.

11582.   EDGAR SACKETT,9 son of Miles Lewis8 (5348), b. in Steuben Co., N. Y., 16 Sept., 1831; m. in Aztalan, Wis., 6 Feb., 1854, Helen Risden, b. in Pawlet, Vt., 2 Sept., 1833, dau. of Isaac Risden and Priscilla Baldwin, of Pawlet.
He is an artist; a member of the Methodist Church; a Republican and later a Prohibitionist; res. in Hazel, S. D.
18024 H. I.,10 b. ______; res. in Fort Atkinson, Wis.
18025 Frank Sackett,10 b. ______; res. in Knoxville, Tenn.
18026 Charles Wade,10 b. ______; res. in Hazel.
18027 Arthur Baldwin,10 b. ______; m. Iva Hortense Kellogg (18076).
18028 Helen B.,10 b. ______; res. in Hazel.

11584.   WILBUR FISKE,9 son of Miles Lewis8 (5348), b. in Danby, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1835; m. 22 Nov., 1855, Mary Ann Wright, b. 26 Apr., 1836, dau. of Larnard Wright, b. in Deerfield, Mass., 1802, and Hannah Maria Van Brunt, b. in Cherry Valley, N. Y., 1814, and at present res. in Chatfield, Minn.
His occupation was farming until he was forty-one years of age; since that time a photographer; he lived in Danby until 1846 and went West to Wisconsin; rem. to Minnesota in 1859, and remained there on a farm until Jan., 1877; then moved to River Falls, Wis., where he has since res.
Children, first two b. in Jackson Co., Wis., others in Goodhue Co., Minn.
18029 Harriet Maria,10 b. 5 Sept., 1856; m. 25 Nov., 1897, Cyrus Stephen Jenkins, b. in Elkhorn Grove, Ill., 29 Dec., 1852, son of William Sanford Jenkins and Eunice Amanda Stewart, of Pomona, Kas.; he is manager of the Northern Railway News Co., Tacoma, Wash.
18030 Theodore Washburn,10 b. 20 June, 1858; d. Sept., 1859.
18031 Alice Amelia,10 b. 2 June, 1860; m. Devillo Leander Folsom.
18032 Edith May,10 b. 18 Jan., 1862; d. 28 Feb., 1866.

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11588.   DOUGLAS WRIGHT,9 son of Miles Lewis8 (5348), b. 5 Dec., 1840; m. in Reedsburg, Wis., 1860, Lucy Kellogg (11616), b. in Catlin, N. Y., 28 Mar., 1839, dau. of George Kellogg (+5352), b. 9 July, 1809, and Hannah Skellen­ger, b. in Genoa, N. Y., 8 June, 1812.
She d. in Reedsburg, 3 June, 1874.
He is a photographer; a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Reedsburg.
18033 Hattie Clark,10 b. ______; m. in Mauston, Wis., Osmond Baker Swetland; res. in Reedsburg.
18034 Nellie Eugenia,10 b. ______; d. ______.
18035 Berton Finney,10 b. ______; d. ______.
18036 Herbert Hamilton,10 b. ______; m. in Reedsburg, Maud Honan.
18037 Archie Lee,10 b. ______.
18038 A Son,10 b. ______; d. aged three weeks.

11591.   AVA ESTHER,9 dau. of Miles Lewis8 (5348), b. in Whitewater, Wis., 31 Jan., 1847; m. (1) in Stewartsville, Mo., 27 Apr., 1871, Jerome Page, b. in Cincinnati, O.
She m. (2) in Burlington, Kas., 13 Aug., 1879, Henry Francis Hoyle, b. in 1810, and Grace Boardley.
He is a tinsmith; res. in Fredonia, Kas.
Children by second husband.
18039 Grace Esther Hoyle,10 b. in Yale Center, Kas., 13 Aug., 1880.
18040 Frank Kellogg Hoyle,10 b. in Fredonia, 18 June, 1888.

11596.   MARCIA,9 dau. of Hezekiah Clark8 (5350), b. 28 Apr., 1834; m. 11 Feb., 1857, Dr. David West Carley, b. in Westford, N. Y., 30 Apr., 1823, son of Brookins Carley and Rachel Bennett.
She d. 30 Sept., 1871; he m. (2) 10 Apr., 1872, Mrs. Elizabeth Partridge, a lady of Spanish descent, b. in Cuba.
He was graduated from Rush Medical College, and was a physician in Bos­Cobel, Wis.
Children, res. in Boscobel.
18041 Fred Pitt Carley,10 b. 7 Sept., 1858.
18042 Edward Payson Carley,10 b. 18 Apr., 1862.
18043 Mertie D. Carley,10 b. 7 Apr., 1865.

11598.   NANCY MARY,9 dau. of Dr. James Hovey8 (5351), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 13 Mar., 1831; m. in Monterey, N. Y., 16 June, 1849, Dr. Andrew Jack­son Patchen, b. 24 Dec., 1830, son of George Patchen, b. 19 Dec., 1793, and Phoebe Rockwell, b. 27 Mar., 1795.
He d. in Manitowoc, Wis., 12 Nov., 1897; she d. there, 15 July, 1899.
He was a dentist; res. in Plymouth, Fond du Lac, Calumet and Manitowoc, Wis. He was a soldier for the Union; served as Sergt., Fifth Wisconsin Volun­teers, and Capt. in the Thirty-ninth Wisconsin Volunteers.

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18044 Libbie Patchen,10 b. in Sheboygan Falls, Wis., 20 Dec., 1850; m. 23 Oct., 1874, Dr. Richard Kendall Paine, b. in Orange, Vt, 5 Oct., 1841, son of William Barker Paine, b. in Orange, 15 Mar., 1815, and Lavina Averill, b. in Barre, Vt., 15 June, 1815. She was named by her parents Nancy Elizabeth; later she became a church member and was bap. “Libbie”; has two children.
18045 George Elbert Patchen,10 b. in Brothertown, Wis., 12 Jan., 1854; d. 1 Mar., 1854.
18046 Ida Estelle Patchen,10 b. in Fond du Lac, 1 July, 1855; res. in Mani­towoc.
18047 Terah Patchen,10 b. in Manitowoc, 18 Dec., 1863; d. 5 Feb., 1864.
18048 Josephine Patchen,10 b. in Manitowoc, 2 Jan., 1866; m. 25 Aug., 1885, Daniel John Mahoney, b. in Manitowoc, 21 Nov., 1857, son of Michael Mahoney, b. in Brandon, County Cork, Ireland, and Mary Thornton, b. in Canada; res. in Oshkosh, Wis.; has five children.
18049 George Willis Patchen,10 b. in Manitowoc, 7 June, 1871; m. 4 Jan., 1892, Grace Ione Barnes, b. Sept., 1876, dau. of John W. Barnes and Josephine Norris; has one child.
18050 Ralph Willis Patchen,10 b. in Manitowoc, 7 Jan., 1876; d. 3 Aug., 1884.

11599.   JAMES WATSON,9 son of Dr. James Hovey8 (5351), b. near Beaver Dam, N. Y., 9 Jan., 1833; m. in Calumet, Wis., 16 Mar., 1856, Ahnina Lora Ferguson, b. 23 Dec., 1836, dau. of Silas Ferguson, of Coldwater, Mich., b. 20 Feb., 1811, and Marina Gager, b. 23 Jan., 1808.
He was a teacher for nineteen terms in the public schools of Fond du Lac, Wis., and Harrison Co., Mo. At present he is a farmer; res. in Lyndon, Kas.; served in the civil war as a private in Co. C, Second Wisconsin Cavalry; enlisted 3 Sept., 1864; was discharged 14 June, 1865.
18051 Minnie Emmeline,10 b. in Osceola, Wis., 1 Jan., 1868; m. in Idana, Kas., 1 Jan., 1894, Don Carlos Clark, b. in Bloomfield, Ia., 25 Sept., 1867, son of Miles Clark, b. 11 Aug., 1828, and Jane Richardson, b. 5 Nov., 1840; he was graduated from the Lawrence (Kas.) Business College; is a farmer; res. in Lyndon; had no children.

11602.   HARRIET MATILDA,9 dau. of Dr. James Hovey8 (5351), b. in Beaver Dam, N. Y., 22 May, 1838; m. in Fond du Lac, Wis., 23 May, 1856; Franklin George Kingsley, b. in Bangor, N. Y., 24 May, 1835, son of Apollos Kingsley, b. 1815, and Mary Jane Conger, b. 1817.
She d. near Bangor, 20 Apr., 1890.
He is a carpenter and marble dealer; is a Republican; res. in Cornwall, On­tario, Canada; now res. in Norwood, N. Y.
18052 Ida Florence Olive Kingsley,10 b. in Brothertown, Wis., 18 Aug., 1858; d. unm., 1 May, 1888, near Bangor.

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18053 Edmond Eugene Kingsley,10 b. in Moira, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1860; m. in Cornwall, Ont., 25 Dec., 1884, Margaret Adelaide Rose; res. in Al­bany, Ore.
18054 Ada Elmina Kingsley,10 b. in North Lawrence, N. Y., 23 Apr., 1863; m. in Lancaster, Ont., 23 Apr., 1884, Gilbert Crosbie; res. in Corn­wall.
18055 Mary Elizabeth Kingsley,10 b. in North Lawrence, 3 June, 1864; m. William Orr; he is a plumber and gas fitter; res. in Cornwall; has three children.
Conger; res.
18056 Clara Kingsley,10 b. in Bangor, 8 June, 1867; m. _______ Conger; res. in Westville, N. Y.
18057 Frances Gertrude Kingsley,10 b. in North Lawrence, 1 May, 1870; d. there, 20 May, 1872.

11603.   ELIZABETH LUCELIA,9 dau. of Dr. James Hovey8 (5351), b. in Steuben Co., N. Y., 6 Oct., 1844; m. in Iron Ridge, Wis, 6 Oct., 1864, Henry Sitts, b. in Jefferson Co., N. Y., 22 Dec., 1830, son of George Sitts and Betsey Munk, of Canada.
He is a farmer and Republican; res. in Loyal, Wis.
Children, b. in Loyal.
18058 Clara Sills,10 b. 18 Oct., 1866; m. in Loyal, 26 Dec., 1885, Charles Arndt; res. in Loyal.
18059 Ellen Sitts,10 b. 21 June, 1868; m. in Loyal, 21 Mar., 1893, Edgar Eu­gene Coon; res. in Loyal.
18060 Charley Sitts,10 b. 27 June, 1869; is unm.
18061 Flora Sitts,10 b. 26 Nov., 1873; m. in Loyal, 30 Mar., 1898, Johnnie Vogel; res. in Loyal.
18062 Anna Sitts,10 b. 12 July, 1879; is unm.
18063 Edward Henry Sitts,10 b. 31 Mar., 1882; d. in Loyal, 1 Mar., 1883.
18064 Edna Alfretta Sitts,10 b. 24 June, 1884.

11607.   ELBERT DAYTON,9 son of Dr. James Hovey8 (5351), b. in Brother­town, Wis., 27 Sept., 1854; m. _______.
He d. in a hospital in Las Vegas, N. M., July, 1887.
He was a train dispatcher for the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad at San Marcial, N. M.; she m. (2) a wealthy rancher and went to Mexico.
18065 Verne,10 b. in San Marcial, an., 1887.

11609.   ALICE JANE,9 dau. of Dr. James Hovey8 (5351), b. in Iron Ridge, Wis., 23 Dec., 1864; m. in Appleton, Wis., 21 July, 1886, Dr. James Francis Doyle, b. in Chilton, Wis., 27 Aug., 1858, son of Peter Doyle, b. 1822, and Ann Turner, b. 1832.
He is a physician; was graduated from the College of Physicians and Sur­geons, Chicago, 1886; is a Catholic; a Democrat; was twice Mayor of Antigo, Wis., where he res.
Children, all except Dorothy Alice b. in Antigo.
18066 Alan Cecil Doyle,10 b. 5 May, 1887; d. 21 Sept., 1899.

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18067 Gladys Elizabeth Doyle,10 b. 28 Oct., 1888; d. 3 Nov., same year.
18068 Francis Irving Doyle,10 b. 4 June, 1890.
18069 Dorothy Alice Doyle,10 b. in Green Bay Wis., 16 Aug., 1897; d. in Green Bay, 20 Sept., 1898.
18070 Marian Kellogg Doyle,10 b. 24 Oct., 1900.

11610.   ISCAH BELLE,9 dau. of Dr. James Hovey8 (5351), b. in Sauk Co., Wis., 14 Feb., 1868; m. in Brothertown, Wis., 8 May, 1889, Dr. Fenton Exeria Judson, b. in Canada, 7 May, 1861, son of David Judson and Adeline Bottsford of Point Edwards, Ontario, Canada.
He is a dentist and a Republican; res. in Antigo, Wis.
Children, b. in Antigo.
18071 Beth Pearl Judson,10 b. 17 Aug., 1890.
18072 Esther Lenore Judson,10 b. 30 Nov., 1892.

11611.   ANELLIE LEONORA,9 dau. of Dr. James Hovey8 (5351), b. in Iron Ridge, Wis., 20 Jan., 1871; m. in Milwaukee, Wis., 14 Oct., 1893, Hiram Fred­erick Morson, b. in Canada, 26 Oct., 1866, son of Edward Morson and Emily Thompson, b. 1842, of Waushara, Wis.
He is a lawyer; was graduated from Ripon College; was twice elected Super­intendent of Schools, on the Republican ticket, and is now District Attorney of Langlade Co., Wis.; res. in Antigo.
Children, b. in Antigo.
18073 Theron Douglas Morson,10 b. 24 Feb., 1895.
18074 Terrill Hiram Morson,10 b. 7 Mar., 1897.

11613.   JOHN,9 son of George8 (5352), b. in Dix, N. Y., 11 Dec., 1833; m. in Oak Grove, Wis., 1 Jan., 1856, Sarah Jane Chandler, b. in Eagle Harbor, N. Y., 19 Apr., 1834, dau. of Alonzo Chandler and Joanna _______.
He is a merchant; res. in Reedsburg, Wis.
Children, b. in Reedsburg.
18075 Hettie May,10 b. 29 Sept., 1862; m. Bertine Pew.
18076 Iva Hortense,10 b. 15 Apr., 1868; m. Arthur Baldwin Kellogg (+18027).

11614.   LAVINA MARIA,9 dau. of George8 (5352), b. in Dix, N. Y., 30 Mar., 1835; m. 7 Mar., 1854, William Henry Marcher, b. in Camden, S. C., 4 Apr., 1826, son of Rev. George H. Marcher, b. in London, England, 1784, and Elza­beth Delia Wilson, of Reedsburg, Wis., b. in Baltimore, Md., 1798.
She d. in Tomah, Wis., 20 Nov., 1897; he was killed in Los Angeles, Cal., 21 Nov., 1901.
He rem. to Wisconsin, 1852; res. in Tomah.
18077 Hermon Henry Marcher,10 b. 6 Mar., 1856; d. 23 Dec., 1876.
18078 Luella Georgina Marcher,10 b. 12 Aug., 1858; m. 15 Jan., 1876; J. P. Foss; res. in Wausau, Wis.
18079 Albert Lucius Marcher,10 b. 15 Aug., 1860; m. 2 June, 1885, Adeline Johnson.

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18080 Frank Albion Marcher,10 b. 18 Sept., 1862; m. 3 Apr., 1886, Clara Richardson.
18081 Frederick Eugene Mareher,10 b. 1 July, 1864; res. unm., in Los Angeles.
18082 Adeline May Marcher,10 b. 29 June, 1866; d. 19 Aug., 1874.
18083 George Henry Marcher,10 b. 15 Oct., 1877; res. unm., in Los Angeles.

11617.   IMLA,9 son of George8 (5352), b. in Orange, N. Y., 22 Jan., 1841; m. (1) 27 Nov., 1862, Elizabeth (“Betsey”) Angelina Stone, b. in Sweden, Me., 21 8 Apr., 1845, dau. of Thomas Stone and Sarah Pearly Tredwell.
She d. 8 Apr., 1891; he m. (2) 30 Apr., 1895, Mary Celeste Premo, of Mer­rimac, Wis., b. in Homer, N. Y., 9 Oct., 1859.
He is a farmer; a Republican; a member of the Methodist Church; res. in Kings Corner and Prairie du Sac, Wis.
Children by first wife.
18084 Minnie Grace,10 b. in Reedsburg, Wis., 5 Nov., 1863; m. Stephen Premo.
18085 Frank Elwood,10 b. in Sumpter, Wis., 3 Feb., 1869; d. 24 Feb., 1871.
18086 Carrie Edna,10 b. in Honey Creek, Wis., 23 Mar., 1872; m. Frank Wes­ley Bass.
18087 Alice Myrtle,10 b. in Honey Creek, 25 Oct., 1876; m. Royden John Hoover.
18088 Aura Leverne,10 b. in Sumpter, 3 Nov., 1882.
Child by second wife.
18089 Fern Celeste,10 b. in Sumpter, 30 Sept., 1896.

11618.   OLIVE,9 dau. of George8 (5352), b. in Orange, N. Y., 5 May, 1843; m. 15 Oct., 1868, John Edgar Pelton, b. in Athens, N. Y., 15 Dec., 1842, son of John Pelton and Sarah R. Hinckley.
He is a Republican; res. in Reedsburg, Wis.
18090 Bertha Elmina Pelton,10 b. 16 Apr., 1871; perished in a hotel fire, in Minnesota, 5 June, 1901.
18091 Maude Genevieve Pelton,10 b. 29 Nov., 1873; res. unm., in Reedsburg.

11620.   HANNAH EMMA,9 dau. of George8 (5352), b. in Orange, N. Y., 23 Mar., 1849; m. (1) in Lincoln, Wis., 17 Mar., 1867, Amasa Louner, b. in Nova Scotia, 12 Feb., 1857, son of David Louner.
He d. in Reedsburg, Wis., 29 Sept., 1881; was a private in Co. K, Forty-third Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 2 Sept., 1864; was discharged 24 June; 1865; was a Baptist and a Republican; she m. (2) in Reedsburg, 21 Jan., 1887, Gilbert Baxter, b. in Granville, Pa., 5 Jan., 1839, son of Ezra Baxter and Charity Ann Vroman; he was a saddler in Co. C, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry; enlisted 1 Nov., 1861; was discharged 21 June, 1865; is a farmer and a Repub­lican; res. in Hazel, S. D.
Children by first husband.
18092 Alice May Louner,10 b. in Lincoln, 11 Apr., 1870; d. in Sumpter, Wis., 17 Nov., 1870.

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18093 Addie Louisa Louner,10 b. in Honey Creek, Wis., 16 Apr., 1872; m. in Brantford Township, Hamlin Co., S. D., 17 Nov., 1900, Hollie Weston Baxter; he is a farmer; res. in Grover, S. D.
18094 George Arthur Louner,10 b. in Honey Creek, 24 Apr., 1874; d. in Reeds­burg, 31 Jan., 1879.

11623.   ELIZABETH,9 dau. of George8 (5352), b. in Reedsburg, Wis., 18 June, 1856; m. in Howard, S. D., 16 Oct., 1890, as his second wife, Marshall Hotchkiss, b. in Orange, N. Y., 15 Oct., 1842, son of Demas Hotchkiss, b. 25 Apr., 1789, and Orpha _______, b. 9 Dec., 1805.
He served in the army and navy in the civil war; enlisted in Co. D, Nine­teenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 25 Apr., 1861; was discharged 30 Aug., 1861; was a seaman in the navy; enlisted 19 Aug., 1864; was discharged 1865; is a carpenter; a Catholic; a Republican; res. in Zion, Ill.
Children, b. in Howard.
18095 Clyde Milton Hotchkiss,10 b. 16 June, 1891.
18096 Elmer Leland Hotchkiss,10 b. 1 Oct., 1892.
18097 John Paul Hotchkiss,10 b. 2 Mar., 1900.

11642.   EDWARD,9 son of John8 (5370), b. 25 Nov., 1824; m. 29 Aug., 1848, Elizabeth Skinner, b. 24 Mar., 1826, dau. of Ralph Skinner, of Canajoharie, N. Y., and Clarissa Stark.
18098 Frances E.,10 b. 19 Aug., 1852; m. 19 Dec., 1871, Thomas W. Burn­ham, of East Hartford, Conn.
18099 Sarah Amelia,10 b. 19 Mar., 1856; m. 4 June, 1883, Frank B. Smith, b. 26 May, 1862, son of Jared W. Smith and Sarah P. White; res. in Hartford.

11646.   JANE ESSELSTYN,9 dau. of Dickinson Burt8 (5392), b. in Chau­mont, N. Y., 15 Aug., 1842; m. in Holly, N. Y., 22 Dec., 1863, George Wil­loughby Greene, b. in Leon, N. Y., 22 Jan., 1833, son of Amasa Greene, b. 5 Aug., 1802, and Sarah Greeley, b. 12 May, 1818.
He d. in English Lake, Ind., 31 Nov., 1898.
In early youth he was an actor; later a railroad agent; was a Unitarian and a Republican.
18100 Nellie Esselstyn Greene,10 b. 18 June, 1866.
18101 Lillian Cornelia Greene,10 b. 10 Feb., 1870; m. 10 Dec., 1897, Guy Mil­ton Chapman; res. in Chicago.
18102 Harriet Kellogg Greene,10 b. 3 Feb., 1876.

11648.   MARIE ANTOINETTE,9 dau. of Alfred Hubbard8 (5393), b. in Copenhagen, N. Y., 11 Jan., 1847; m. in Denmark, N. Y., 17 May, 1866; Henry Patrick Burns, b. in Harrisburg, N. Y., 12 Jan., 1843, son of James Burns and Ellen Blue.
He is a carpenter; served as Corp., in Co. M, Fifth New York Heavy Artil­lery; enlisted 7 Aug., 1862; was discharged 26 June, 1865; res. in Copenhagen.

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Children, b. in Copenhagen.
18103 Maude Z. Burns,10 b. 27 Aug., 1867; m. in Copenhagen, 2 Sept., 1897, Clair Wilburn Austin (adopted son of Alva Austin), b. in Den­mark, 2 July, 1869, son of Henry Martin, b. in Denmark, 29 Aug., 1838, and Melissa Owens; res. in Copenhagen.
18104 Alfred James Burns,10 b. 4 Oct., 1871; m. in Watertown, N. Y., 7 Mar., 1894, Evelyn Jeanne Bigham, b. 7 Oct., 1871, dau. of Hugh Big­ham, b. in Harrisburg, 4 Apr., 1847, and Mary Burns, b. in Canada, 6 Feb., 1848; res. in Copenhagen; had one child.
18105 Clair Bartlett Burns,10 b. 27 Dec., 1881.
18106 Mary Ellen Burns,10 b. 10 Apr., 1885; d. in Copenhagen, 9 Jan., 1886.

11649.   MARY ELIZA,9 dau. of Alfred Hubbard8 (5393), b. in Copenhagen, N. Y., 26 Sept., 1849; m. in Copenhagen, May, 1867, Eugene McConnell Wood, b. in McConnellsville, N. Y., Oct., 1844.
He d. in Bergen, N. Y., 13 Oct., 1872; was a merchant; res. in Watertown, N. Y.; she m. (2) in Watertown, Feb., 1879, William Lockwood Boshart, a mer­chant, b. in Lowville, N. Y., son of Nicholas Boshart and _______ Wood.
Child by first husband.
18107 Mary Eugenie Wood,10 b. in Bergen or McConnellsville, 27 Apr., 1868; d. in Watertown, 26 Oct., 1873.

11650.   ISRAEL ALFRED,9 son of Alfred Hubbard8 (5393), b. in Copen­hagen, N. Y., 11 Dec., 1852; m. 18 Oct., 1876, Mabel Amelia Overton, b. in Adams, N. Y., dau. of Henry Franklyn Overton, b. 27 Sept., 1823, and Jane Anna Mills, b. 25 Dec., 1830.
He is a bookkeeper; res. in Watertown, N. Y.
18108 Mabel Eliza,10 b. 21 July, 1877; d. 9 May, 1895.
18109 Lillian Angie,10 b. 22 Dec., 1879.
18110 Charles Alfred,10 b. 18 June, 1883.
18111 Caroline Phoebe,10 b. 11 Aug., 1886; d. 4 July, 1895.
18112 Alfred Hubbard,10 b. 18 Jan., 1893.

11656.   HENRY MURISON,9 son of William Jirah8 (5412), b. in Lake Grove, N. Y., 7 Oct., 1875; m. in Lake Grove, 23 Aug., 1895, _______ Emery, b. in East­port, Me., 9 June, 1875, dau. of Frederick Augustus Emery, b. 4 July, 1840, and _______ MacDonald, b. 28 Mar., 1842, of Lake Grove.
He is a farmer, a Protestant and a Democrat; res. in Lake Grove.
18113 Henry Morgan,10 b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 17 Apr., 1896.
18114 Doris,10 b. in Brook Haven, N. Y., 13 Nov., 1897.
18115 Emery Murison,10 b. in Brook Haven, 20 Jan., 1900.

11679.   JUSTIN ANSEL,9 son of Brainard Day8 (5416), b. in Hebron, Conn., 15 July, 1850; m. 27 Nov., 1878, Jane Emily Standish, b. 8 Dec., 1855, dau. of James Leonard Standish (a descendant of Miles Standish), b. in Lebanon, Conn., 29 Oct., 1817, and Eunice Randall Denison, b. in Noank, Conn., 30 Oct., 1822.

1496    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He is a farmer; res. in North Westchester, Conn., on his father's old home­stead.
18116 Maude Day,10 b. 21 June, 1880.
18117 Laura Matilda,10 b. 12 Nov., 1882.
18118 Robert Harley,10 b. 29 Sept., 1885.
18119 Alfred James,10 b. 10 June, 1889.
18120 Eugene,10 b. 26 Feb., 1895; d. 28 Apr., same year.

11680.   EMMA JANE,9 dau. of Brainard Day8 (5416), b. in Hebron, Conn., 12 Dec., 1852; m. 7 Feb., 1877, Charles Andrew Clark, b. 28 Jan., 1847.
He is a farmer; res. in Marlboro, Conn.
18121 Albert Elijah Clark,10 b. 4 Sept., 1885.

11682.   HELEN MARIA,9 dau. of Jared Comstock8 (5417), b. in Hebron, Conn., 8 Sept., 1843; m. in East Hampton, Conn., 15 Jan., 1863, Elijah Clark Barton, b. 25 Oct., 1836, son of Hubbard Barton, of Chatham, Conn., b. 1779, and Deborah Griffith Clark, b. 1803.
He d. 29 Mar., 1901.
He was a manufacturer of bells; res. in North Hampton and East Hampton.
Children, b. in East Hampton.
18122 Lucien Albert Barton,10 b. 24 May, 1865; m. 17 Nov., 1892, Harriet Liscomb Lamson; is a pharmacist; res. in East Hampton.
18123 Franklin Howard Barton,10 b. 13 July, 1871.
18124 Chauncey Clark Barton,10 b. 27 June, 1878.

11683.   LAURA LOUISA,9 dau. of Jared Comstock8 (5417), b. in Hebron, Conn., 26 July, 1851; m. in East Hampton, Conn., 18 Aug., 1870, Frederick Abbe Lillie, b. in Coventry, Conn., 15 July, 1847, son of Marcus Lillie, b. 2 Mar., 1814, and Eunice Porter, b. 31 Mar., 1811, both of Coventry.
He is a teacher; has res. and taught in East Hampton, Rockville, Portland, East Hartford and Manchester, Conn.
Children, b. in East Hampton.
18125 May Eunice Lillie,10 b. 20 May, 1871.
18126 George Henry Lillie,10 b. 30 Apr., 1875; d. in Portland, 31 May, 1885.
18127 Charles Albert Lillie,10 b. 10 Apr., 1880.

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11704.   JOHN EDWIN SMITH,10 son of John Edwin9 (5447), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 8 Sept., 1863; m. in Holyoke, Mass., 14 Sept., 1887, Mabelle Evelyn Southworth Bottomly, b. 4 Sept., 1866, dau. of Bramley Bottomly and Isabelle Adeline Southworth, b. 1846.
He is a furniture dealer; res. in Holyoke, and later in New Bedford, Mass.
Children, b. in Holyoke.
18128 John Stewart,11 b. 18 Aug., 1888.
18129 Dorothy,11 b. 30 May, 1893.
18130 Edwin Raymond,11 b. 23 Sept., 1896.
18131 Doris,11 b. 12 July, 1899.

11705.   CLARA LUELLA,10 dau. of John Edwin9 (5447), b. in Palmer, Mass., 16 Sept., 1870; m. in Holyoke, Mass., 18 Dec., 1895, Garry Whitney Munson, of Chicago, b. 31 Aug., 1870, son of Horace Willard Munson, b. 24 Dec., 1840, and Nancy Elmina Avery, b. 15 Oct., 1842, both of Huntington, Mass.
She d. in Hinsdale, Ill., 23 Dec., 1897, aged 26.
He is a manufacturer's agent; res. in Hinsdale.
18132 Katherine Munson,11 b. 9 Oct., 1896.
18133 Whitney Kellogg Munson,11 b. Dec., 1897.

11706.   RAYMOND NELSON,10 son of John Edwin9 (5447), b. in Holyoke, Mass., 4 Aug., 1875; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 26 Dec., 1900, Evelyn Haigh, of Brooklyn, b. in Brooklyn, 28 June, 1875, dau. of William Flintoff Haigh, b. 17 July, 1840, and Louie Alexina Van Brunt, b. 16 July, 1856.
He was graduated from Amherst College in 1897; is a lawyer; res. in Port Deposit, Md., and now in Brooklyn.
18134 Raymond Nelson,11 b. in Brooklyn, 15 Nov., 1901.

11718.   DR. EDWARD BRINLEY,10 son of Elliot Eaton9 (5452), b. in She­boygan, Wis., 21 Aug., 1850; m. in Gardiner, Me., 17 Jan., 1879, Clymenia Wadleigh Bradbury, b. in Old Town, Me., 15 July, 1853, dau. of Isaac Woodman Bradbury, of Hollis, Me., b. 18 Sept., 1821, and Harriet Newell Gray, b. 30 Sept., 1830.
He is a physician; res. in Jacksonville, Fla.; was later a publisher in Bos­ton, Mass. He was graduated from Bowdoin College Medical School, 1882; is a Unitarian and a Republican; was one of the founders of the first daily paper (Republican) ever published in Florida; is now in the practice of his profession in Boston.

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18135 George Foster,11 b. in Hollis, 30 Apr., 1880; d. 31 July, 1880.
18136 Foster Standish,11 b. in Boston, 16 Nov., 1883; is a descendant in the ninth generation of Capt. Miles Standish, of the Mayflower.

11733.   CHARLES DIX,10 son of George9 (5458), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 27 July, 1866; m. 21 Nov., 1892, Mollie Wolfendale, of Allegheny City, Pa.
18137 Ruth Elizabeth,11 b. 9 Jan., 1894; d. 2 Apr., 1895.

11738.   THEODORE BOUTZ,10 son of John Mason9 (5463), b. in Baltimore, Md., 24 Oct., 1859; m. in Baltimore, 10 Oct., 1889, Laura Virginia Neal, b. in Baltimore, 3 Dec., 1864, dau. of Henry Neal and Mary Bald.
He is an insurance agent in Baltimore; is a Methodist.
18138 John Mason,11 b. 6 Nov., 1890.
Children, b. in Baltimore.
18139 Charles Edward,11 b. 24 Mar., 1892.
18140 Roland,11 b. 29 May, 1894.
18141 Howard,11 b. 22 Nov., 1895.
18142 Goldie,11 b. 3 Sept., 1897.
18143 Pearl,11 b. 29 May, 1899.
18144 William,11 b. 22 Jan., 1901.

11745.   MARY EMMA,10 dau. of Edward Payson9 (5467), b. in Newport, O., 30 Mar., 1858; m. in West Milton, O., 14 Sept., 1876, Samuel Coate Jones.
She d. in Columbus, O., 1 May, 1898.
Children, first two b. in West Milton, last two in Columbus.
18145 Victor Wait Jones,11 b. 7 Aug., 1879.
18146 Blaine Kellogg Jones,11 b. 5 May, 1882.
18147 Fern Demple Jones,11 b. 6 Dec., 1884.
18148 Hubbett Bell Jones,11 b. 12 June, 1888.

11746.   FRANCES HENRIETTA,10 dau. of Edward Payson9 (5467), b. in West Milton, O., 20 May, 1860; m. in Troy, O., 16 June, 1886, Rollin Lewis Whitson, b. in Jonesboro, Ind., 7 May, 1860, son of David M. V. Whitson, b. 3 Nov., 1832, and Verlinda Jay, b. 26 Jan., 1832.
He is a teacher; res. in Columbus, O.; is a member of the Christian Church and a Republican.
18149 Anna Whitson,11 b. in Marion, Ind., 6 Aug., 1889.

11747.   CLARA ELVENA,10 dau. of Edward Payson9 (5467), b. in West Mil­ton, O., 6 Nov., 1862; m. in Troy, O., 8 Sept., 1892, Rolla Yelbert Sharp, b. 12 Apr., 1862, dau. of Richard Yelbert Sharp, b. 1 Apr., 1821, and Emily Fullis, b. 15 Jan., 1820.
He is a painter; res. in Troy; is a member of the Methodist Church and a Republican.

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18150 Ada Russell Sharp,11 b. 5 Feb., 1894.
18151 Robert Kellogg Sharp,11 b. 17 Apr., 1899.

11749.   CHARLES WHITE,10 son of Edward Payson9 (5467), b. in West Mil­ton, O., 23 Sept., 1867; m. 27 Dec., 1894, Margaret Almira Twitchell, b. in Mex­ico, N. Y., 15 Jan., 1873, dau. of Horace Twitchell, of Manitowoc, Wis., b. about 1820, and Nellie Emery, b. 10 Sept., 1850.
He d. 11 Nov., 1901; she res. in Milwaukee, Wis.
He was a Republican; res. in Columbus, O.
Children, b. in London, Ky.
18152 Lottie Marvell,11 b. 30 Sept., 1895.
18153 Horace Edward,11 b. 28 Dec., 1897.

11750.   WILLIS ARTHUR,10 son of Edward Payson9 (5467), b. in West Mil­ton, O., 3 Nov., 1869; m. in Columbus, O., 18 Mar., 1899, Malinda Alice Warner, b. in Indiana, 31 Oct., 1871, dau. of John L. Warner and Mary V. Alberson, of Bluffton, Ind.
He is a Republican; a Congregationalist; res. in Columbus.
18154 Dewey Leroy,11 b. in Columbus, 1899.

11752.   MYRTIE ABBY,10 dau. of Philetus9 (5468), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 12 Nov., 1865; m. in Charlestown, N. H., 10 Sept., 1886, Wales Hiland Sanders, b. in Jamaica, 23 July, 1854, son of William Sanders and Unity Johnson, b. 18 June, 1818.
He is a carpenter; res. in Westfield, Mass.; is a Congregationalist and a Re­publican.
18155 Myrtle Adele Sanders,11 b. in Jamaica, 29 Sept., 1887.

11753.   JOHN WILLARD,10 son of Philetus9 (5468), b. in Jamaica, Vt., 7 May, 1867; m. in Hazardville, Conn., 29 Sept., 1887, Annie L. Hawthorne, b. in Hazardville, 8 June, 1867.
He is a clerk in a clothing store; res. in Springfield, Mass.
18156 Helen Adele,11 b. in Springfield, 30 May, 1890.
18157 Madeline,11 b. in Amherst, 2 May, 1894.

11756.   SAMANTHA,10 dau. of John Adams9 (5476), b. in Clarington, Pa., 29 Apr., 1854; m. in Barnett, Pa., Martin Brant, b. in Glade Run, Pa., 6 July, 1844, son of Martin Brant and Mary Dietch.
He is a laborer, a Methodist and a Republican; served in the civil war as teamster in Co. D, One Hundred and Tenth Pennsylvania Reg.; enlisted 29 Sept., 1862; was discharged 31 May, 1865; res. in Marienville, Pa.
18158 Ida Blanch Brant,11 b. in Clarington, Pa., 1872; d. in Clarington, 6 Dec., 1875.

1500    The Kelloggs in the New World.

18159 Wade Franklin Brant,11 b. in Clarington, 1875; is unm.
18160 Walter Martin Brant,11 b. in Haskill's, Pa., 1876; d. in Coleman, Pa., 6 Mar., 1885.
18161 John Fillmore Brant,11 b. in Cooksburg, Pa., 7 Aug., 1881.
18162 Toney Howard Brant,11 b. in Coleman, 5 Aug., 1885.

11757.   CLAREENE,10 dau. of John Adams9 (5476), b. in Clarington, Pa., 9 May, 1856; m. in Helen Furnace, Pa., 1 May, 1873, James Louis Maze, b. in Clarington, 6 July, 1854, son of William Maze and Sophia Heron, of Cooks­burg, Pa.
He is a Republican; res. in Marienville, Pa.
Children, first two b. in Cooksburg, youngest in Ridgway, Pa.
18163 Albert Franklin Maze,11 b. 20 Feb., 1872.
18164 Sarah Salome Maze,11 b. 22 Feb., 1874; m. in Kane, Pa., 22 Oct., 1901, Walter Neely; res. in Kane.
18165 Bertin Clair Maze,11 b. 5 Nov., 1884.

11758.   FILLMORE,10 son of John Adams9 (5476), b. in Clarington, Pa., 19 Feb., 1858; m. Anna L. Mercilott, b. in Marienville, Pa., 7 Mar., 1864, dau. of Peter V. Mercilott and Barbarie Anderson.
He is a Republican; res. in Marienville.
Children, b. in Marienville.
18166 Forest County,11 b. 21 Mar., 1884.
18167 Le Roy Erie,11 b. 3 Sept., 1887.
18168 Elsie Irene,11 b. 26 June, 1889.
18169 Dora Thorn,11 b. 7 June, 1893.
18170 Grace Darling,11 b. 22 Mar., 1894.
18171 True Lemont,11 b. 12 Jan., 1898.
18172 Goldie,11 b. 27 Mar., 1901; d. in Marienville, 4 Oct., same year.

11759.   JOANNA LUCRETIA,10 dau. of John Adams9 (5476), b. in Claring­ton, Pa., 19 July, 1860; m. in Jamestown, N. Y., 18 Jan., 1890, James Ard Frampton, of Corsica, Pa., b. in Clarion Co., Pa., 9 Oct., 1863, son of Samuel Ard Frampton, b. 6 Apr., 1835, and Nancy Anne Keever, b. 1 Aug., 1835.
He was graduated from Corsica Academy, 1883; is a carpenter and mill­wright; a Baptist and a Democrat; res. in East Pittsburg, Pa.
18173 Henry Scott Frampton,11 b. in Marienville, Pa., 25 Nov., 1890.
18174 Harvey Ellsworth Frampton,11 b. in Barnett Township, Forest Co., Pa., 29 Mar., 1894; d. in Glen Hazel, Pa., 20 Jan., 1896.
18175 John Samuel Frampton,11 b. in Marienville, 19 Sept., 1895.
18176 Reynolds Keener Frampton,11 b. in Glen Hazel, 19 Sept., 1897.

11760.   DESDEMONIA,10 dau. of John Adams9 (5476), b. in Clarington, Pa., 4 Dec., 1862; m. in Shippensville, Pa., 3 Oct., 1882, James Buchanan Kifer, b. in Clarion, Pa., 4 May, 1858, son of Henry Kifer, b. 2 May, 1829, and Caroline Westner.
He is an engineer; a Democrat; res. in Marienville, Pa.

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Children, all except the youngest, b. in Gilfoyle, Pa.
18177 Franklin Harold Kifer,11 b. 10 July, 1883.
18178 Charles Wilbert Kifer,11 b. 11 Nov., 1884.
18179 Fillmore Wilmer Kifer,11 b. 19 Aug., 1888.
18180 Bessie Mariah Kifer,11 b. in Marienville, 5 Jan., 1893.

11762.   JOHN ADAMS,10 son of John Adams9 (5476), b. in Clarington, Pa., 13 June, 1867; m. in Clarington, 22 May, 1897, Elizabeth Moore, b. in Claring­ton, 26 Sept., 1877, dau. of John Douglas Moore and Agness Johnson.
He is a lumberman and boat builder; a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Clarington.
Children, b. in Clarington.
18181 John,11 b. 11 Apr., 1897.
18182 Bessie Beatrice,11 b. 12 May, 1899.
18183 William Wessley,11 b. 1 Dec., 1901.

11780.   LEONA,10 dau. of Hollis9 (5482), b. in Tryonville, Pa., 6 Mar., 1872; m. in Chicago, Ill., 1 July, 1893, James Robert Thompson, b. in Meadville, Pa., 8 Dec., 1866, son of James More Thompson, b. 10 Nov., 1840, and Maria Jane More, of Turnersville, Pa.
He is a carpenter and joiner; a Republican; res. in Titusville, Pa.
Child, b. in Tryonville.
18184 Arlene Eulalia Thompson,11 b. 4 Mar., 1894.

11788.   GALUSHA GROW,10 son of George Washington9 (5484), b. in West Greene, Pa., 1 June, 1867; m. in Union City, Pa., 14 Oct., 1896, Adda Kamerer, b. in Union City, 2 June, 1870, dau. of Fred Kamerer, b. 4 Apr., 1839, and Eliza Johnson, b. 1848.
He is a chairmaker and a Republican; res. in Union City.
Child, b. in Union City.
18185 Geneva,11 b. 5 Sept., 1897.

11790.   EDITH PERMELIA,10 dau. of George Washington9 (5484), b. in Tryonville, Pa., 21 July, 1874; m. in Jamestown, N. Y., 5 July, 1890, Aruna Sheperd Mattison, b. in Waterford, Pa., 16 Sept., 1862, son of William Mattison and Elizabeth Doe, of Lowville, Pa.
He is a contractor and builder; a Republican; res. in Corry, Pa.
Children, b. in Union City, Pa.
18186 Glennie John Mattison,11 b. 26 June, 1891.
18187 Ramah Marguerite Mattison,11 b. 14 Jan., 1893.

11791.   WILLIAM HOLLIS,10 son of George Washington9 (5484), b. in Cen­terville, Pa., 21 Apr., 1874; m. in Pleasantville, Pa., 5 May, 1900, Ethel Carrie Lamphier, b. in Union City, Pa., 21 Aug., 1880, dau. of Edgar B. Lamphier, b. 3 Sept., 1846, and Phebe M. Gillett, b. 17 Jan., 1855.
He is a turner; res. in Union City.
18188 John Chester,11 b. in Union City, 6 June, 1901.

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11794.   EMMA EUSEBIA,10 dau. of Hymeneus Chandler9 (5488), b. 31 Mar., 1848; m. 31 Mar., 1866, Hon. Charles Henry Lewis, b. 17 Oct., 1839, son of Oren Lewis, b. 11 May, 1803, and Elizabeth Hubbell, b. 25 Apr., 1803.
He is Judge of the Fourth Judicial District Court of Iowa; res. in Sioux City, Ia.
18189 Florence Gertrude Lewis,11 b. 8 Mar., 1867.
18190 Edward Orin Lewis,11 b. 12 Feb., 1872.
18191 Burton Kellogg Lewis,11 b. 30 July, 1875.
18192 Ida Eusebia Lewis,11 b. 3 June, 1882.

11795.   LAWSON WILSON,10 son of Hymeneus Chandler9 (5488), b. 1 Feb., 1850; m. 9 Aug., 1873, Frances Eugenia Weller.
He d. 30 Apr., 1882.
He was a farmer; res. in Cherokee, Ia.
18193 Mabel Verona,11 b. 16 Nov., 1874.

11796.   IDA SOPHIA,10 dau. of Hymeneus Chandler9 (5488), b. 29 Aug., 1856; m. 29 Aug., 1874, John Opdale.
She d. 6 Dec., 1881.
He is a stock dealer.
Children, b. in Cherokee, Ia.
18194 Hymeneus Henry Opdale,11 b. 23 Mar., 1877.
18195 John Opdale,11 b. 29 Nov., 1881.

11797.   MARY ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Hymeneus Chandler9 (5488), b. 8 Aug., 1860; m. 4 May, 1880, Henry Achenbach, b. 23 Mar., 1852.
He is a dealer in live stock and carries on a large business; res. in Chero­kee, Ia.
18196 Mable Louise Achenbach,11 b. 28 Nov., 1882.
18197 Emma Leona Achenbach,11 b. 22 Nov., 1885.
18198 Elsie Eusebia Achenbach,11 b. 1 Sept., 1888.

11799.   FREDERICK RANNEY,10 son of Hymeneus Chandler9 (5488), b. in Quasqueton, Ia., 22 Feb., 1865; m. 1 Jan., 1895, Leota Smith, b. 15 Apr., 1871, dau. of Robert Marion Smith, b. 1838, and Margaret Stevens, both of Chero­kee, Ia.
He is a farmer, a member of the Congregational Church and a Republican; res. in Cherokee.
18199 Margaret Elizabeth,11 b. 13 Jan., 1896.
18200 Hymeneus Chandler,11 b. 24 Aug., 1897.

11801.   FRANK LEROY,10 son of Lawson Frederick9 (5489), b. in West Farn­ham, Canada, 17 May, 1863; m. in Cherokee, Ia., 7 Mar., 1884, Emma Jane Rus-

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1503

sell, b. in Williamsville, Ill., 9 Jan., 1869, dau. of Alexander Russell, of James­town, N. D., b. 31 Oct., 1832, and Martha Center, b. 16 Mar., 1841.
He is a farmer; res. in Windsor, N. D.; is a Baptist and a Republican.
18201 Eugene Leroy,11 b. in Meriden, Ia., 15 June, 1885.
18202 Ida Louise,11 b. in Steele, N. D., July, 1888.
18203 Gertrude M.,11 b. in Armour, S. D., 11 Sept., 1890.
18204 Frederick Russell,11 b. in Windsor, 31 Aug., 1892.
18205 A Child,11 b. in Jamestown, 22 Feb., 1895; d. 4 Mar., 1895.
18206 Florence Mae,11 b. in Jamestown, 16 Dec., 1896.

11802.   WILLIAM HENRY,10 son of Lawson Frederick9 (5489), b. in East Poultney, Vt., 5 Aug., 1867; m. in Armour, S. D., 23 Nov., 1898, Margaret S. Breen, b. in Menlo, Ia., 3 July, 1875, dau. of Patrick Breen and Fannie E. Grow, b. 24 Apr., 1856, of Armour.
He is in the draying business; a Baptist; res. in Armour.
Children, b. in Armour.
18207 Floyd Harry,11 b. 15 Sept., 1899.
18208 Vera,11 b. 18 Dec., 1900.

11803.   FREDERICK LAWSON,10 son of Lawson Frederick9 (5489), b. in East Poultney, Vt., 4 Oct., 1870; m. in Armour, S. D., 1 Jan., 1895, Cora Adell Robinson, b. in Sherman, Mich., 4 Feb., 1874, dau. of Howard P. Robinson, b. 15 Apr., 1845, and Mary H. Van Vleck, b. 1846.
He is a drayman; a Congregationalist; res. in Armour.
18209 Earl,11 b. 21 Jan., 1898; d. 8 Feb., 1898.
18210 Lloyd Harold,11 b. 4 July, 1899; d. 8 Sept., 1899.

11823.   MARION,10 dau. of Lauren9 (5503), b. in West Galway, N. Y., 24 July, 1849; m. 13 Oct., 1869, Middleton Warwick, b. 15 Oct., 1845, son of George Warwick, b. in Charlestown, N. Y., 1802, and Eliza Catherine Keyes, b. in Sharon, N. Y., 22 Feb., 1810.
He is a manufacturer of knit goods; res. in Amsterdam, N. Y.
Children, b. in Amsterdam.
18211 Lauren Kellogg Warwick,11 b. 15 Sept., 1870.
18212 George M. Warwick,11 b. 16 Mar., 1873; d. Aug., 1873.
18213 Spencer Kellogg Warwick,11 b. 14 Sept., 1874.
18214 Catherine Warwick,11 b. 23 Sept., 1876.
18215 Elizabeth Anne Warwick,11 b. 4 Feb., 1881.

11824.   SPENCER,10 son of Lauren9 (5503), b. in West Galway, N. Y., 16 June, 1851; m. 10 Apr., 1875, Jane Morris, b. 14 Aug., 1853, dau. of Abraham Vrooman Morris, of Amsterdam, N. Y., b. 4 Apr., 1825, and Rebecca Vedder, b. 14 Oct., 1828.
He is a manufacturer of linseed oil; res. in Buffalo, N. Y.
Children, all except the first two, b. in Buffalo.

1504    The Kelloggs in the New World.

18217 Elizabeth Miller,11 b. in Des Moines, Ia., 15 Feb., 1879; m, Stuart Riddell Mann.
18218 Howard,11 b. 26 Mar., 1881.
18219 Gertrude Montgomery,11 b. 12 Feb., 1883.
18220 Morris,11 b. 27 Dec., 1884; d. 15 Jan., 1885.
18221 Ruth,11 b. 21 Apr., 1890.
18222 Doris,11 b. 8 Feb., 1892.
18223 Donald,11 b. 27 Jan., 1894.

11825.   GEORGE,10 son of John9 (5504), b. in Amsterdam, N. Y., 6 Aug., 1851; m. 30 Apr., 1874, Susan Cora Chase, b. in Amsterdam, 5 Nov., 1852, dau. of Cyrus Burden Chase, b. in Amsterdam, 8 Apr., 1817, and Emily Elizabeth Davis, b. in Galway, 22 Feb., 1823.
He res. in Amsterdam; is a manufacturer of linseed oil.
Children, b. in Amsterdam.
18224 John, Jr.,11 b. 1 Sept., 1876.
18225 Elizabeth Anna,11 b. 20 Aug., 1878.

11826.   JANE (JENNIE),10 dau. of John9 (5504), b. in Amsterdam, N. Y., 10 July, 1854; m. 3 Oct., 1877, Howland Fish, of Sharon, Wis., b. in Fultonville, N. Y., 9 Sept., 1848, son of Judge Frothingham Fish, b. 27 Aug., 1820, and Susan Bronk, b. 29 Apr., 1825.
She d. in Johnstown, N. Y., 3 Nov., 1887; he d. there, 20 Nov., 1888.
18226 Olive Kellogg Fish,11 b. in Sharon, Wis., 12 Aug., 1878.
18227 Susan Elizabeth Fish,11 b. in Johnstown, 29 Nov., 1879.

11827.   LAUREN,10 son of John9 (5504), b. in Amsterdam, N. Y., 4 Aug., 1858; m. 17 Nov., 1880, Elizabeth Fish, b. in New York City, 27 Jan., 1858, dau. of Edward Fish, b. in Johnstown, N. Y., 9 Nov., 1817, and Elizabeth Fer­guson, b. in Goshen, N. Y., 28 Feb., 1827.
He res. in Amsterdam; is a manufacturer of linseed oil.
Children, b. in Amsterdam.
18228 Edward Lauren,11 b. 7 Jan., 1885; d. 20 Apr., 1885.
18229 John Davis,11 b. 12 Apr., 1886.
18230 Lauren, Jr.,11 b. 11 Nov., 1890.

11842.   MARIANNE GERTRUDE,10 dau. of Robert Slade9 (5511), b. 28 Feb., 1867; m. 15 June, 1886, Benjamin Franklin Jones, b. 30 July, 1867, son of Wil­liam Henry Jones, b. 11 Sept., 1838, and Elizabeth Rockwell, b. Apr., 1843.
She d. 14 May, 1897.
He is a bank clerk in Philadelphia, Pa.
18231 Ada Byron Jones,11 b. 29 Feb., 1888.

11853.   HENDRICK MURRAY,10 son of John Murray9 (5531), b. in How­ard, N. Y., 6 July, 1865; m. in Neil's Creek, N. Y., 30 Sept., 1896, Pearl Doud, b.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1505

in Wheeler, N. Y., 1 Oct., 1874, dau. of Seth Levi Doud, b. 7 Nov., 1841, and Jennett Milliman, b. 14 May, 1848.
He is a farmer; a Wesleyan Methodist; res. in Neil's Creek.
18232 Earl Hendrick,11 b. in Avoca, N. Y., 12 May, 1897.

11869.   CARVASSO HUGHES,10 son of Hiram9 (5533), b. in Berlin, O., 19 Apr., 1850; m. 28 June, 1872, Alice Caroline Crafts, b. in Auburn, O., 12 Dec., 1849, dau. of Benjamin Crafts and Elsey H. Whitcomb.
He is a farmer in Spencer, Ia.
18233 Sterne Crafts,11 b. in Troy, O., 13 Apr., 1880.
18234 Elsey Jane,11 b. in Austin, Ill., 10 Nov., 1882.
18235 Myles Lina,11 b. in Spencer, 8 July, 1889.

11870.   STEARNS WESLEY,10 son of Hiram9 (5533), b. in Rootstown, O., 20 Feb., 1852; m. 2 Nov., 1874, Josephine Lucinda Whitney, b. 28 Mar., 1850, dau. of Seth Whitney, of Montville, O., b. 19 July, 1813, and Lucinda Tucker, b. 25 May, 1819.
He is a merchant; res. in Austin, Ill.
18236 Carr Alberto,11 b. 10 Mar., 1876; d. 4 Sept., 1898.
18237 Glen Hiram,11 b. in Troy, O., 24 Jan., 1878; m. Mildred Herman Schalke.
18238 Son,11 b. 25 Dec., 1881; d. 23 Jan., 1883.
18239 Lee Henry,11 b. 17 Jan., 1883.
18240 Clyde Whitney,11 b. 9 Sept., 1886.
18241 Don Maynard,11 b. 27 Jan., 1896.

11872.   REV. HIRAM WATSON,10 son of Hiram9 (5533), b. in Thompson, O., 27 Apr., 1857; m. in Cleveland, O., 16 Sept., 1887, Cora May Brown, b. in Hudson, O., 4 Aug., 1851, dau. of James Brown (a nephew of “Old John Brown”) and Eliza Henry.
She d. 20 Mar., 1898.
He is a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church; res. (1898) in Port­land, Ore., whither he rem. from Ohio in Dec., 1897; was graduated from Bald­win Wallace University and Alleghany College.
18242 Ruth Marion,11 b. in Lisbon, O., 6 Oct., 1888.
18243 Paul Vincent,11 b. in Youngstown, O., 4 July, 1892.
18244 Florence Brown,11 b. in Portland, Ore., 6 May, 1899.

11879.   FREDERICK BLACKMAN,10 son of William9 (5551), b. 29 Dec., 1853; m. in Ashland, O., 12 June, 1888, Dora May Zimmerman, b. 6 May, 1872, of Jacob L. Zimmerman, b. 8 Mar., 1848, and Mary J. Cormoney, b. 8 Sept., 1850.
He is an accountant; a Methodist and a Democrat; res. in Ashland, O.

1506    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Ashland.
18245 Anna Marie,11 b. 25 July, 1889.
18246 Florence Ruth,11 b. 30 Nov., 1891.
18247 William Blackman,11 b. 2 Apr., 1894.

11886.   CHARLES STOUGHTON,10 son of Otis9 (5552), b. in Springfield, Mass., 24 Feb., 1860; m. (1) in Holyoke, Mass., 31 May, 1883, Mary Tucker Aldrich, b. in Belchertown, Mass., 31 Jan., 1864, dau. of William M. Aldrich, b. in Belchertown, 14 May, 1833, and Alfrida Blodgett, b. in Petersham, Mass., 3 May, 1834.
She d. in Boston, Mass., 2 Dec., 1899; he m. (2) in Providence, R. I., Mat­tie Basford Larock, b. in St. Albans, Vt., dau. of Joseph Larock, b. 13 Nov., 1833, and Frances Seymore, b. 13 Jan., 1836.
He is a carpenter; res. in South Hadley, Mass.
Children, b. in South Hadley.
18248 Charles Leslie,11 b. 16 Dec., 1884.
18249 William Otis,11 b. 30 July, 1887.

11887.   GEORGE OTIS,10 son of Otis9 (5552), b. in Springfield, Mass., 18 Sept., 1863; m. in Springfield, 22 Jan., 1885, Lulu Ardelle Calkins, b. in Mon­son, Mass., 26 Mar., 1864, dau. of William Pember Calkins, b. 23 Feb., 1838, and Jerusha Maria Billings, b. 17 Jan., 1845.
He is a motorman on a street railroad; res. in South Hadley Falls, Mass.
Children, b. in South Hadley.
18250 Olive Arnelle,11 b. 26 Apr., 1887.
18251 Ruth Anna,11 b. 3 Mar., 1889.
18252 Daphne Eudelle,11 b. 11 Aug., 1891.
18253 Florence Marion,11 b. 17 June, 1893; d, 12 Sept., 1893.

11900.   WILLIAM DALE,10 son of Nathan Putnam9 (5576), b. in Bangor, Me., 8 Sept., 1874; m. in Bangor, 3 Nov., 1897, Florence Lowe, b. in North Mil­ford, Me., 29 Dec., 1874, dau. of Samuel Lowe, of Bangor, b. 8 May, 1831, and Hannah B. Bussell, b. 13 Apr., 1838.
He is a stock broker and a member of the Unitarian Church; res. in Arling­ton, Mass.
18254 Lucretia,11 b. 26 June, 1898.
18255 Stanley Nathan,11 b. 14 Nov., 1899.

11911.   LAURA JANE,10 dau. of Cornelius9 (5584), b. in Randolph, Vt., 22 May, 1857; m. in Randolph, 24 Dec., 1885, Waldo E. Butterfield.
She d. 17 Feb., 1892.
He is a farmer; res. in Braintree, Vt.
Child, b. in Braintree.
18256 Lucius Cornelius Butterfield,11 b. 25 Nov., 1886.

11917.   CLARENCE GRISWOLD,10 son of Dr. Phineas9 (5588), b. in Plain­field, Vt., Sept., 1854; m. in Boston, Mass., 25 Nov., 1884, Annie F. Keith, b. in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1863, dau. of Daniel and Ellen Keith.

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He is in the clothing business in Boston; res. in Boston; is a constable; is secretary of Shawmut Lodge, No. 37, I. O. O. F.
Children, b. in Boston.
18257 Lillie May,11 b. 18 Jan., 1886; d. 2 May, 1892.
18258 Marion Marie,11 b. 28 Jan., 1894.
18259 Clarence Phineas,11 b. 15 Sept., 1895.

11918.   CLEMENT PHINEAS,10 son of Phineas9 (5588), b. in Plainfield, Vt., 12 May, 1859; m. 7 Oct., 1885, Augusta L. Bartlett, b. in Plainfield, 3 Jan., 1862, dau. of Joseph Bartlett, b. 2 July, 1841, and Clara A. Hutchinson, b. 12 Mar., 1843.
He is a farmer in Plainfield; a Methodist and a Republican.
18260 Beatrice Bartlett,11 b. 7 Apr., 1894.

11928.   OLIVIA ALMIRA,10 dau. of Truman Perrin9 (5617), b. in North­field, Vt., 27 Nov., 1844; m. (1) in Austin, Minn., 4 Jan., 1872, Albert Murdock Taylor, b. 1838, son of Thomas B. Taylor and Parnell Murdock.
He d. in Winona, Minn., 30 May, 1873; was a farmer, Congregationalist and a Republican; she m. (2) in St. Charles, Minn., 21 Nov., 1876, Deacon Caleb Curtis Bachelder, b. 14 July, 1845, son of Charles Greenleaf Bachelder, b. 25 Apr., 1810, and Susan W. Curtis, b. Jan., 1818; he is agent of the C. & N. W. R. R. Co.; a deacon in the Congregational Church; res. in St. Charles.
Child by first husband.
18261 Eva Alberta Taylor,11 b. 28 Feb., 1873; was graduated from the Uni­versity of Michigan, College of Pharmacy; is unm.
Children by second husband.
18262 Frank Staples Bachelder,11 b. 27 Jan., 1878; was graduated from the University of Michigan, B. S. 1900; is unm.
18263 Herman Curtis Bachelder,11 b. 10 Dec., 1879; is unm.
18264 Cale Harold Bachelder,11 b. 5 Apr., 1883; is unm.

11929.   JULIUS,10 son of Truman Perrin9 (5617), b. in Northfield, Vt., 18
Oct., 1846; m. May, 1874, Harriet Champine.
He went into the army with his father when a lad of not quite 15. After his father's death he enlisted and was wounded in the battle of Cedar Creek; res. in Detroit, Mich.
18265 Ora Clara Belle,11 b. 15 Feb., 1875.
18266 Lewis N.,11 b. Nov., 1876.
18267 Alice Olivia,11 b. 1878.
18268 Clara,11 b. 1880 or 1881.
18269 Ella,11 b. 1883.
18270 Archibald,11 b. 1889.
18271 Harriet,11 b. 1893.

11930.   CHARLES CLARENCE,10 son of Truman Perrin9 (5617), b. in Northfield, Vt., 29 Sept., 1849; m. in Watertown, S. D., 9 Nov., 1879, Mary

1508    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Elizabeth McElhany, b. 7 Dec., 1859, dau. of Robert McElhany and Sarah Jane Percival.
He is a farmer in Watertown; a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church and a Prohibitionist.
18272 Alice May,11 b. 25 Aug., 1880.
18273 Daisy,11 b. 25 Apr., 1883; d. 26 Apr., 1883.
18274 Clarence Curtis,11 b. 21 Feb., 1886.

11937.   HORATIO TEMPLETON,10 son of William Henry9 (5619), b. in Worcester, Vt., 27 June, 1858; m. in Morrisonyille, Vt., 28 Nov., 1883, Hannah Edna Safford, b. in Wolcott, Vt., 17 June, 1864, dau. of Norman Safford and Elizabeth Tucker, b. 29 May, 1825.
He is a farmer in Johnson, Vt., is a Methodist.
Children, b. in Worcester.
18275 Elizabeth Belle,11 b. 19 Mar., 1884.
18276 Bernice Edna,11 b. 17 Feb., 1891.
18277 Horatio Mark,11 b. 14 Nov., 1896.
18278 Perrin Newton,11 b. 4 July, 1900.

11943.   IDA JANE,10 dau. of Ebenezer Reed9 (5621), b. in Worcester, Vt., 23 Nov., 1855; m. in Worcester, 11 July, 1875, Alvin Livingston Frost.
She d. in Worcester, 9 June, 1884.
Children, b. in Worcester.
18279 Fannie Ida Frost,11 b. 12 Jan., 1877; m. in Hanover, N. H., 15 Aug., 1899, Bert Sargent Brown, brother of Harry Ashbel Brown, who m. Charlotte Melissa Kellogg (+11946).
18280 Carrie Annett Frost,11 b. 9 Nov., 1882.

11946.   CHARLOTTE MELISSA,10 dau. of Ebenezer Reed9 (5621), b. in Worcester, Vt., 12 Apr., 1874; m. in Hanover, N. H., 24 Nov., 1892, Harry Ash­bel Brown (whose brother m. Fannie Ida Frost 18279), son of Horace Carlton Brown, b. 20 Mar., 1840, and Susanna Sargent Chandler, b. 22 July, 1841.
He is a teamster and liveryman; res. in Hanover.
Children, b. in Hanover.
18281 Harold Kellogg Brown,11 b. 26 Dec., 1893.
18282 Edith May Brown,11 b. 6 Dec., 1895.
18283 Charlotte Melissa Brown,11 b. 1 Apr., 1900.

11956.   EMMA PERSIS,10 dau. of John Newton9 (5638), b. in Clarks, Neb., 3 Jan., 1882; m. in Clarks, 31 Aug., 1899, Oscar Lavern Bergen.
Child, b. in Clarks.
18284 Viola Marion Bergen,11 b. 3 Apr., 1900.

11961.   HENRY MILROY,10 son of Sheridan Romain9 (5642), b. in Dover, Ill., 19 Dec., 1870; m. in Clarks, Neb., 23 Feb., 1892, Mary R. Mason, b. in Omaha, Neb., 27 May, 1871, dau. of Otis E. Mason, b. 12 Aug., 1834, and Jennie _______, b. 29 Feb., 1844.

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He is a dealer in real estate, an abstracter and stenographer; is a Congrega­tionalist; res. in Fullerton, Neb.
18285 Ruth Mildred,11 b. in Clarks, 3 Dec., 1892.
18286 Nina Reed,11 b. in Genoa, Neb., 13 Mar., 1895.
18287 Dorothy May,11 b. in Fullerton, 8 Feb., 1897.
18288 Ralph Harvey,11 b. in Fullerton, 28 Nov., 1899.

11994.   JULIETTE ESTELLE,10 dau. of Stephen Bartlett9 (5658), b. in Mil­waukee, Wis., 27 Aug., 1847 5 m. in Lake City, Col., 19 June, 1877, Phillip S. Moliett.
He d. in Telleride, Col., 12 Sept., 1884; she d. 11 Nov., 1886.
18289 Mabel Abbie Carbonale Moffett,11 b. in Leadville, Col., 28 June, 1879; res. in Denver, Col.

11997.   GEORGE WELLS,10 son of Enos Wells9 (5668), b. in Wisconsin, 10 Apr., 1853; m. 15 Apr., 1874, Mary Grigsby, b. in Sonoma Co., Cal., dau. of An­drew Young Grigsby, b. in Missouri, and Mary Ann Elizabeth Derrick, b. in Ten­nessee.
He is a blacksmith and a machinist; res. in Harvard, Ill., until 11 years of age and then rem. “overland” to California with his father, arriving in 1864; res. in Santa Rita, Cal.
18290 Myrttie Belle,11 b. in Lodi, Cal., 15 Mar., 1875; m. Luke Wilber Foster.
18291 Joseph,11 b. in Lockford, Cal., 28 Jan., 1877.
18292 Charles William,11 b. in Visalia, Cal., 10 June, 1879.
18293 Edward Franklin,11 b. in Letcher, Cal., 2 Oct., 1881.
18294 Nellie Muriel,11 b. near Cortland, Yolo Co., Cal., 16 Nov., 1885.
18295 Esta Lena,11 b. in Jolon, Cal., 2 Oct., 1887.
18296 Addie Adelia,11 b. in Jolon, 10 Mar., 1890.
18297 Jesse Andrew,11 b. in Natividad, Cal., 27 Mar., 1894.
18298 Bertie Delmaur,11 b. in Santa Rita, 13 July, 1896.
18299 George Dewey,11 b. in Santa Rita, 24 Dec., 1898.

11998.   SARAH CAROLINE,10 dau. of Enos Wells9 (5668), b. in Harvard, Ill., 7 Jan., 1859; m. (1) in Folsom, Cal., Oct., 1877, Joseph Jasper Grissom, b. 21 Sept., 1854.
He d. in Stockton, Cal., Nov., 1880; was a farmer; she m. (2) 4 Sept., 1835, Jesse Alexander Grigsby, b. in Napa Co., Cal., 28 Dec., 1857, son of Andrew Young Grigsby, b. in Missouri, and Mary Ann Elizabeth Derrick, b. in Tennes­see; he is a laborer; res. in Watsonville, Cal.
Children by first husband, b. in Watsonville.
18300 Dora Lena Grissom,11 b. 21 Feb.; 1879.
18301 Elizabeth Grissom,11 b. 20 Jan., 1882.

1510    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children by second husband.
18302 Frank Grigsby,11 b. in Watsonville, 22 Feb., 1886.
18303 Birdie Grigsby,11 b. in Monterey, Cal., 11 May, 1891.

12010.   MARY ALZA,10 dau. of Rev. Sylvanus Holbrook9 (5677), b. in Grand Detour, Ill., 5 May, 1858; m. in Preston Lake, Minn., 10 Nov., 1881, Lewis Elwin Porter.
He is an engineer; res. in Spokane, Wash.
18304 Crystal Porter,11 b. in Montevideo, Minn., 14 Oct., 1882; res. in Spokane.
18305 Charlotte May Porter,11 b. in St. Thomas, N. D., 2 Apr., 1884; res. in Los Angeles, Cal.

12011.   DR. ELIAS WELLS,10 son of Rev. Sylvanus Holbrook9 (5677), b. in Roscoe, Ill., 9 Oct., 1859; m. 14 Feb., 1888, Mary Estelle Westcott, b. 8 Mar., 1865, dau. of Hon. Erastus Wirt Westcott, b. 14 Feb., 1838, and Helen Augusta Garver, b. 16 July, 1839.
He is a physician; was graduated from Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., 1885, and Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1889; res. in Milwaukee, Wis.
18306 Cornelius Wells,11 b. 17 Nov., 1888.
18307 Helen Sarah,11 b. 6 Nov., 1892.
18308 Esther Rosalia,11 b. 31 Aug., 1894.

12013.   CHARLOTTE CATHERINE,10 dau. of Rev. Sylvanus Holbrook9 (5677), b. in Buda, Ill., 29 Sept., 1863; m. in Los Angeles, Cal., 30 Apr., 1898, as his second wife, Norbett J. Depew.
She d. in Santa Monica, Cal., Sept., 1900.
He is a blacksmith.
18309 Vernon Norbett Depew,11 b. in Los Angeles, 17 Mar., 1899.

12016.   SARAH LOUISE,10 dau. of Rev. Sylvanus Holbrook9 (5677), b. in Wayne, Ill., 2 Dec., 1867; m. as his second wife, in Topolobampo, Mex.; 18 Feb., 1892, Dr. Edward Lycan, b. in Paris, Ill., 25 Aug., 1847, son of Edward Lycan, b. in Indiana, 1818, and Nancie Johnsen, b. in North Carolina, 1824.
He was graduated from the University of Michigan; is a physician; a hotel keeper; a Congregationalist and a Populist; res. in Hoquiam, Wash.
18310 George Sylvanus Lycan,11 b. in Vineland, Cal., 27 Dec., 1896.
18311 Abbie Louisa Lycan,11 b. 31 July, 1900.

12029.   MATTIE GRACE,10 dau. of Marcus Henry9 (5687), b. in La Crosse, Wis., 20 Aug., 1863; m. in Bridgeport, Conn., 21 Dec., 1892, Dr. Franklin Stuart Temple, b. in Albany, N. Y., 13 July, 1864, son of Lyman Wesley Temple and Katherine Augusta Taylor.

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He is a physician, a graduate of Albany Medical College, 1892; is an Epis­copalian; res. in Los Angeles, Cal., later in Syracuse, N. Y.
18312 Franklin Lyman Temple,11 b. in Boston, Mass., 12 Sept., 1893.

12043.   MARY LOUISE,10 dau. of George Parker9 (5717), b. in Springville, N. Y., 22 Sept., 1863; m. in Springville, 31 Dec., 1884, Frank Horace Roberts, b. in Utica, N. Y., 16 Sept., 1857, son of Robert Humphrey Roberts, b. 22 Apr., 1812, and Malvina Amanda Baker, b. 13 May, 1822.
He is a merchant miller; res. in Warsaw, N. Y.
Children, b. in Lamont, N. Y.
18313 Howard Franklin Roberts,11 b. 31 Jan., 1886.
18314 David Kellogg Roberts,11 b. 28 Oct., 1887.
18315 Helen Malvina Roberts,11 b. 23 Oct., 1889.
18316 John Jay Roberts,11 b. 16 Dec., 1891.

12044.   ROY PIERCE,10 son of George Parker9 (5717), b. in Springville, N. Y., 26 Dec., 1872; m. in Castile, N. Y., 14 May, 1896, Lillian Adelle Curtis, b. in Gainesville, N. Y., 1 July, 1874, dau. of Anson Delias Curtis, b. 21 Apr., 1849, and Harriet Elizabeth Capin, b. 13 Aug., 1850.
He is a merchant and miller; res. in Lamont, N. Y.
18317 Donald Curtis,11 b. 18 July, 1897; d. 16 Jan., 1898.

12045.   SARAH ANDREWS,10 dau. of Gen. Stephen Wright9 (5730), b. in Waterbury, Conn., 11 Sept., 1852; m. 7 July, 1880, Frank Cameron Plume, of Waterbury, b. 7 Aug., 1856, son of David S. Plume, b. 2 Aug., 1829, and Abby O. Richardson, b. 19 Dec., 1833.
He is a manufacturer; res. in Waterbury.
18318 Stephen Kellogg Plume,11 b. in Waterbury, Conn., 16 May, 1881.
18319 Angus Cameron Plume,11 b. in Thomaston, Conn., 13 July, 1884.

12046.   LUCY WRIGHT,10 dau. of Gen. Stephen Wright9 (5730), b. in Water­bury, Conn., 14 Jan., 1855; m. 5 Oct., 1882, Edwin Holt English, of New Haven, Conn., b. 28 Sept., 1854, son of Charles Leverett English, b. 5 Aug., 1814, and Harriet Holt, b. 16 Aug., 1817.
He is in the wholesale lumber business; res. in New Haven, Conn.; she was graduated from Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, 1875.
18320 Lucia Hosmer English,11 b. 16 Apr., 1884; d. 22 May, 1892.
18321 Marguerite Griswold English,11 b. 11 Feb., 1886.
18322 Stephanie Kellogg English,11 b. 27 Aug., 1887.
18323 Charles Leverett English,11 b. 20 Oct., 1888.
18324 Harriet Holt English,11 b. 21 Oct., 1890.
18325 Edwin Holt English, Jr.,11 b. 16 Jan., 1893.
18326 Katherine Prescott English,11 b. 27 Dec., 1894.

1512    The Kelloggs in the New World.

12048.   JOHN PRESCOTT,10 son of Gen. Stephen Wright9 (5730), b. in Waterbury, Conn., 31 Mar., 1860; m. 1 June, 1892, Clara Mason, of Bridgeport, Conn., b. 28 Sept., 1867, dau. of Frederick A. Mason, b. 28 Mar., 1842, and Clara Davol Saunders, a descendant of Richard Warren, who came over in the May.
flower, and of Roger Williams, of Rhode Island.
He was graduated from Yale College, 1882, Yale Law School, 1884; is a lawyer; res. in Waterbury.
18327 Fredricka Mason,11 b. 23 Jan., 1894.

12049.   ELIZABETH HOSMER,10 dau. of Gen. Stephen Wright9 (5730), b. in Waterbury, Conn., 14 Mar., 1864; m. 28 Feb., 1889, Irving Hall Chase, of Waterbury, b. 13 May, 1858, son of Augustus Sabin Chase, b. 15 Aug., 1828, and Martha Starkweather, b. 8 Apr., 1830.
He is secretary of the Waterbury Clock Company; res. in Waterbury.
18328 Margorie Starkweather Chase,11 b. 9 Oct., 1891.
18329 Eleanor Kellogg Chase,11 b. 30 Jan., 1894.
18330 Lucia Hosmer Chase,11 b. 24 Mar., 1897.

12059.   MAHALA HOSMER,10 dau. of Elam Josiah Dole9 (5735), b. in Shel­burne, Mass., 13 Sept., 1855; m. as his second wife, in Shelburne, 22 Jan., 1884, Maxwell Sheldon, b. in Sharpsburg, Ill., 17 Feb., 1847, son of Salmon Bigelow Sheldon, b. 15 Mar., 1811, and Evaline Maxwell, b. 12 Apr., 1813.
He is a farmer; res. in Sharpsburg; is a Methodist.
18331 Warren Maxwell Sheldon,11 b. 5 Oct., 1888.
18332 Henry Kellogg Sheldon,11 b. 13 Apr., 1892.

12077.   HARRY WHITING,10 son of Capt. Henry Martin9 (5741), b. in Bloomington, Ill., 25 Jan., 1861; m. 24 Nov., 1885, Lucy Jane Sawin Cutler, b. in Springfield, Mass., 3 Oct., 1866, dau. of Nahum Sawin Cutler, b. 7 Apr., 1837, and Harriet Isabelle Hoyt, b. 31 May, 1846.
He res. in Greenfield, Mass.; was educated in the common schools, Power's Institute, Bernardston, Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Cornell University.
In his third year at the latter place he was obliged to relinquish further study on account of his eyes. He engaged in photography in Fall River, Mass. After three years he returned to Greenfield, where he is a member of the firm of Cut­ler, Lyons & Field, shoe manufacturers.
She is prominent in educational circles, and in Apr., 1898, was elected a member of the School Board of Greenfield for three years; is the author of the History of Bernardston.
Children, b. in Greenfield.
18333 Henry Cutler,11 b. 4 Oct., 1886.
18334 Earl Nahum Whiting,11 b. 21 Oct., 1888.
18335 Evelyn,11 b. 10 June, 1893.

12089.   JOHN ROSWELL,10 son of Henry Elam9 (5750), b. in Madison, O., 1 July, 1865; m. 13 June, 1888, Charlotte Ann Hall, b. in Madison, 24 Mar., 1864,

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dau. of Anson Hall, b. 26 Apr., 1834, and Amanda Patchen, b. in Madison, 14 Oct., 1838.
He is a graduate of Madison High School; is a Republican; res. in Madison.
Children, b. in Topeka, K as.
18336 John Anson Hall,11 b. 6 Jan., 1891.
18337 Katherine,11 b. 30 Mar., 1895.

12102.   RUTH JANETTE,10 dau. of David Oliver9 (5809), b. 18 July, 1845; m. Jan., 1861, Albert McClintock, of Frederick, O.
18338 Adelbert Grant McClintock,11 b. 27 Nov., 1864.
18339 Clarence David McClintock,11 b. 22 Oct., 1868.

12103.   ELIZA PAMELIA,10 dau. of Seth9 (5815), b. in Southwick, Mass., 26 May, 1841; m. in Westfield, Mass., 14 Feb., 1861, Rodney Curtis Cowles, b. 14 Nov., 1836, son of Seth Cowles, b. in Southington, Conn., 26 Feb., 1803, and Har­riet Mehitable Loomis, b. in Southwick, 21 Dec., 1805.
She d. in Westfield, 27 Jan., 1879.
He is a farmer; res. in Westfield; served in the civil war in Co. C, Forty-sixth Massachusetts Volunteers.
Children, b. in Westfield.
18340 Adelaide Louise Cowles,11 b. 4 May, 1862; m. in Westfield, 11 May, 1887, Albert Elias Denslow, b. 26 Apr., 1863; res. in Westfield, had three children.
18341 Dennison Cowles,11 b. 27 Aug., 1864; m. (1) in Westfield, 11 Apr., 1889, Maud Maria Hastings; she d. 19 Oct., 1895; had one child; he m. (2) in Brattleboro, Vt., 19 Apr., 1897, Lucie Brackett; had one child.
18342 Raymond Seth Cowles,11 b. 18 Apr., 1872; d. there, 5 June, 1876.

12107.   WILLIS SMITH,10 son of Seth9 (5815), b. in Westfield, Mass., 21 Dec., 1856; m. in Holyoke, Mass., 10 May, 1883, Clara Louise Hayes, b. 24 May, 1861, dau. of Admiral Nelson Hayes, b. 6 Mar., 1833, and Jane Smith Lyman, b. 1 Oct., 1839.
He is a lawyer and Judge of the District Court; res. in Westfield.
She is one of the foremost embroiderers in the United States. Rev. B. E. Howard states that in 1898 she made about $25,000 in work of this kind, and employed two hundred girls. She is a member of the International Association of London, Paris and New York for woman's fine work.
Child, b. in Westfield.
18343 Natalie Rosamond,11 b. 28 Nov., 1890.

12114.   EMMA CORA,10 dau. of Frederick Cornelius9 (5820), b. in Southwick, Mass., 14 Jan., 1860; m. in Southwick, 2 Jan., 1884, Edward H. Smith, b. in Northampton, Mass., 2 Feb., 1857, son of Harry C. Smith, b. Nov., 1830, and Delia Watkins, b. Nov., 1831.
He is a machinist; res. in Springfield, Mass.

1514    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Child, b. in Easthampton, Mass.
18344 Nellie Kellogg Smith,11 b. 1 Apr., 1893.

12115.   CLIFFORD ELLIOT,10 son of Frederick Cornelius9 (5820), b. in Southwick, Mass., 7 Dec., 1861; m. in Westfield, 23 Feb., 1888, Elizabeth Jane Montgomery, b. 19 Apr., 1864, dau. of Leonard Montgomery, b. in Stillwater, N. Y., 15 May, 1838, and Jane Whitehill, b. in Scotland, 11 Dec., 1839.
He is a farmer and a carpenter; res. in Westfield and Southwick, Mass.
Children, all but the first b. in Westfield.
18345 Ransford Waldo,11 b. in Southwick, 28 June, 1888; d. 25 Nov., 1888.
18346 Rachel Montgomery,11 b. 31 Aug., 1891.
18347 Frederick Elliot,11 b. 9 Oct., 1893.
18348 Grace,11 b. 22 Mar., 1895.
18349 Leonard Crosby,11 b. 6 Nov., 1896.

12116.   CLARA ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Deacon George Morton9 (5821), b. in Hiawatha, Kas., 14 Aug., 1860; m. 31 July, 1883, Frank Abraham Beeler, b. 5 Mar., 1856, son of Abraham Beeler, of Maryland, b. 2 July, 1821, and Sophia Christian, b. in Virginia, 23 Jan., 1823.
He is a jeweler, a Catholic and a Republican; res. in Pleasant Hill, Mo.
18350 Alma Beeler,11 b. 18 Oct., 1884.
18351 Frank Beeler,11 b. 23 Oct., 1886.
18352 Mary Kellogg Beeler,11 b. 3 May, 1893.

12117.   ZAIDEE KATHERINE,10 dau. of Deacon George Morton9 (5821), b. in Hiawatha, Kas., 26 Oct., 1861; m. 24 Oct., 1882, Millard Fillmore Parker, b. 27 Sept., 1857, son of William Henry Parker, b. 6 Jan., 1827, and Belle Payne, b. 30 Apr., 1830.
He is a gardener, a Campbellite and a Democrat; res. in Warrensburg, Mo.
18353 Ethel Parker,11 b. 26 Oct., 1883.
18354 Glenn Kellogg Parker,11 b. 13 Jan., 1885.
18355 Elizabeth Grace Parker,11 b. 14 Dec., 1887.

12118.   GEORGIA AMORETT,10 dau. of Deacon George Morton9 (5821), b. in Hiawatha, Kas., 3 May, 1863; m. in Pleasant Hill, Mo., 20 Dec., 1882, George Augustus Cook, b. 5 Jan., 1859, son of Milton Cook, b. 17 Mar., 1812, and Vir­ginia Seth, b. 6 Apr., 1822.
He is a brickmason; res. in Pleasant Hill; is a member of the Methodist Church; a Republican.
18356 Gertrude Anna Cook,11 b. 31 Mar., 1884.

12119.   GRACE WINNIFRED,10 dau. of Deacon George Morton9 (5821), b. in Hiawatha, Kas., 14 Nov., 1864; m. in Pleasant Hill, Mo., 24 Dec., 1887, Dr.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1515

George T. Rowe, b. 19 June, 1852, son of Henry Rowe, b. 16 Aug., 1820, and Susan Jacobs, b. 30 Sept., 1826.
He is a druggist and physician; res. in Pleasant Hill; is a Republican.
18357 Mabel Rowe,11 b. 26 Feb., 1889; d. 3 Mar., 1889.
18358 Frederick Kellogg Rowe,11 b. 12 Feb., 1890.
18359 Marie Swineheart Rowe,11 b. 3 Feb., 1892.

12120.   RALPH MORTON,10 son of Deacon George Morton9 (5821), b. in In­dependence, Mo., 30 June, 1866; m. in Pleasant Hill, Mo., 11 Nov., 1891, Flor­ence James, b. 13 Sept., 1871, dau. of Urial James, b. 20 Feb., 1831, and Eliza Sloan, b. 7 Feb., 1836.
He is a market gardener; res. in Pleasant Hill; is a Republican.
18360 Morton,11 b. 3 Sept., 1892.

12129.   ELLA LOUISA,10 dau. of Samuel Boies9 (5824), b. in Clyman, Wis., 12 Apr., 1846; m. in Horicon, Wis., 23 May, 1867, James Judson Hall, b. in Oconomowoc, Wis., 18 Aug., 1844, son of Abner B. Hall, b. 12 Mar., 1810, and Emily Rounds, b. 30 June, 1809.
He is a grocer; was a Union soldier, served three years as private in Co. C, Twenty-eighth Wisconsin Reg. He is a Baptist and a Republican; res. in Horicon.
18361 Lillian Maud Hall,11 b. in Oconomowoc, 3 Mar., 1868; m. in Horicon, 24 June, 1891, Frank Eggleston Marsh, b. in Horicon, 31 Jan., 1859, son of Harry Butler Marsh, b. 21 Apr., 1822, and Emily Frances Eggleston, b. 17 Nov., 1837; she d. in Colorado Springs, Col., 5 Feb., 1897; had two children.

12130.   LANGDON DE WITT,10 son of Eli De Witt9 (5825), b. in Rich Bar, Cal., 24 Mar., 1853; m. in San Francisco, 28 Aug., 1881, Eleanor Wood, b. in Pontiac, Ill., 20 Mar., 1861, dau. of Edward Wood, who served in the civil war, and Hannah Satterlee, of Illinois.
He d. in Oakland, Cal., 6 June, 1902.
He was b. on the east branch of the north fork of Feather River, being the first white child b. in that part of the county; was a shoe salesman; a Congrega­tionalist and a Republican; res. in Oakland.
18362 Mary Louise,11 b. in Sacramento, Cal., 4 Aug., 1882; was graduated from the Lincoln School, Oakland, 1897; Central School, 1898; Oakland Shorthand Institute, 1901; res. in Oakland.
18363 Ida Isabelle,11 b. in Oakland, 8 Dec., 1883; was graduated from the Lincoln School, 1897; Commercial Department, Central School, 1900; Oakland Shorthand Institute, 1901; res. in Oakland.

12131.   ALICE SABRINA,10 dau. of Langdon Jackson9 (5827), b. in Hayfork, Cal., 3 Sept., 1867; m. in Hayfork, 16 Nov., 1886, Adrian Judson Van Matre,

1516    The Kelloggs in the New World.

b. in Minersville, Cal., 10 Nov., 1856, son of Peter Van Matre, of Wisconsin, b. 1826, and Almira Heath, b. 1831.
He is a farmer and a Republican; is an extensive dealer in cattle, owning large cattle ranges; res. in Knob, Cal., where he was Postmaster and which posi­tion he has lately resigned; now res. in Hayfork.
Children, b. in Hayfork.
18364 Warren Judson Van Matre,11 b. 2 Oct., 1887.
18365 Vernon Vestal Van Matre,11 b. 20 July, 1890.
18366 Vivien Helene Van Matre,11 b. 1 Feb., 1895.
18367 Wilda Kellogg Van Matre,11 b. 6 Mar., 1897.

12134.   MAUDE MAY,10 dau. of Langdon Jackson9 (5827), b. in Hayfork, Cal., 13 May, 1878; m. in Hayfork, 5 Oct., 1898, John Preston Dobbyn, b. in Rohnerville, Cal., 12 Sept., 1876, son of William Butler Dobbyn, b. 25 Apr., 1832, and Sarah Ellen Wright, b. 10 Sept., 1852.
He was a photographer; now a merchant; res. in Hayfork.
Children, b. in Hayfork.
18368 Irma Violet Dobbyn,11 b. 24 Nov., 1899.
18369 Lloyd Preston Dobbyn,11 b. 30 Jan., 1902.

12140.   DR. CLARENCE WILLIAM,10 son of William Winnie9 (5829), b. in Quincy, Cal., 25 Oct., 1866; m. in Germany, 2 Sept., 1890, Minna Rudolph, b. in Dresden, Saxony, 24 Aug., 1868, dau. of Heinrich Rudolph, b. 10 Mar., 1844, and Alvina Stuetzer, b. 1 May, 1847.
He is a physician; was graduated from Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital College, 1889; Cooper Medical College, 1891; was County Physician of Lake Co., 1894-97; is an Episcopalian; res. in Bakersfield, Cal., where he is now prac­ticing; is Deputy County Health Officer of Kern Co., and District Surgeon for the Southern Pacific Railroad.
18370 Kate Craig,11 b. in Lakeport, Cal., 27 June, 1898.

12141.   LOTTIE DEE,10 dau. of William Winnie9 (5829), b. in Quincy, Cal., 1 Sept., 1869; m. 8 Sept., 1890, Benjamin Risdon Martin, b. in Watsonville, Cal., 13 June, 1865, son of Edward Martin, b. 2 Nov., 1832, and Emeline Risdon, b. 15 July, 1835.
She d. in Oakland, Cal., 27 Feb., 1902.
He is a stenographer in San Francisco; res. in Santa Cruz, Cal.
Children, b. in Santa Cruz.
18371 De Loss Kellogg Martin,11 b. 27 Jan., 1892.
18372 Clarence Winnie Martin,11 b. 25 May, 1893.

12155.   ADELLA,10 dau. of Samuel9 (5854), b. in Fowler, O., 13 Dec., 1861; m. in Vienna, O., 3 Oct., 1881, Carl C. Ingman.
They res. in Cortland, O.
18373 Paul Ingman,11 b. in Mecca, O., 21 July, 1889.
18374 Leah Trix Ingman,11 b. in Fowler, 3 May, 1894.

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12157.   RODNEY,10 son of Samuel9 (5854), b. in Fowler, O., 7 Feb., 1865; m. in Fowler, 3 June, 1885, Clara Morrison.
He res. in Cortland, O.
Children, b. in Fowler.
18375 Caroline,11 b. 28 Feb., 1887; d. 3 Apr., 1887.
18376 Darsic,11 b. 7 Feb., 1888.
18377 Orpha,11 b. 20 Aug., 1890.
18378 Maude,11 b. 19 Jan., 1892.

12158.   NELLIE,10 dau. of Samuel9 (5854), b. in Fowler, O., 12 Sept., 1867; m. in Girard, O., 1 Jan., 1896, Henry J. Alderman.
They res. in Youngstown, O.
18379 Lewis Alderman,11 b. in Warren, O., 18 Sept., 1897.

12172.   COLLINS DAY,10 son of Randall Faurote9 (5873), b. in Kalamazoo, Mich., 21 Jan., 1859; m. in South Haven, Mich., 20 Oct., 1886, Louise Avery, b. in Aurora, Ill., 8 Aug., 1864, dau. of Henry Morton Avery, b. in Onondaga Co., N. Y., 18 Jan., 1835, and Ellen Rosoltha Conger, b. in Phoenix, N. Y., 3 June, 1844.
He is a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Kansas City, Mo.
Child, b. in Kansas City.
18380 Ellen,11 b. 30 Oct., 1893.

12173.   ADA,10 dau. of Randall Faurote9 (5873), b. in Kalamazoo, Mich., 19 May, 1862; m. 6 Jan., 1885, James Francis Snow, b. in Dundas, Ont., 21 Jan., 1854, son of James Snow and _______ McGuire.
She d. in Kansas City, Mo., 20 Nov., 1896.
He is a merchant tailor, a Catholic and a Democrat; res. in Kansas City.
Children, b. in Kansas City.
18381 James Randall Snow,11 b. 19 Sept., 1886; d. 19 Nov., 1887.
18382 Kellogg Atkinson Snow,11 b. 30 Oct., 1888.
18383 Mildred Snow,11 b. 30 Apr., 1895; d. 30 Mar., 1896.

12182.   MARY FRANCELIA,10 dau. of Joel Ransom9 (5876), b. in Plymouth, Mich., 28 Aug., 1846; m. in Plymouth, 11 Oct., 1871, Col. Charles Augustus Zol­linger, b. in Germany, 9 Dec., 1836, son of Charles Zollinger.
He d. in Fort Wayne, Ind., 27 Dec., 1893.
He was Mayor of Fort Wayne; a Colonel in the civil war; was a member of the English Lutheran Church and a Democrat.
Children, b. in Fort Wayne.
18384 Mary Zollinger,11 b. 28 June, 1875.
18385 Alice Kellogg Zollinger,11 b. 11 Mar., 1879; m. in Indianapolis, Ind., 12 Nov., 1892, Will Smith Turner; res. in Indianapolis.

12135.   LUCIUS J.,10 son of Joel Ransom9 (5876), b. in Plymouth, Mich., 5 Jan., 1851; m. in Plymouth, 21 Dec., 1876, Marion Dobbins, b. in Buffalo, N. Y.,

1518    The Kelloggs in the New World.

22 Oct., 1854, dau. of Charles M. Dobbins, b. 18 Apr., 1813, and Lucy A. Smith, b. 16 Aug., 1816.
He is a traveling salesman; a Presbyterian and a Democrat; res. in Jackson, Mich.
Children, b. in Plymouth.
18386 Douglass Charles,11 b. 27 June, 1879.
18387 Harry Dobbins,11 b. 31 Dec., 1880.

12188.   DELLA AGNES,10 dau. of Joel Ransom9 (5876), b. in Plymouth, Mich., 28 Feb., 1861; m. in Plymouth, 15 Aug., 1885, John Bennett Sumner, b. in Jackson, Mich., 27 Mar., 1853, son of John Sumner, b. 17 Mar., 1812, and Julia Wood Bennett.
They res. in Detroit, Mich.
18388 Walter Kellogg Sumner,11 b. in Rome, N. Y., 1 Sept., 1886.
18389 Allan Bennett Sumner,11 b. in Detroit, 12 Man, 1894.

12199.   JOHN BENEDICT,10 son of Silas Franklin9 (5895), b. in Turin, N. Y., 28 June, 1846; m. in Watertown, N. Y., 5 Nov., 1872, Delia Doner, b. 22 Jan., 1853, dau. of Peter Doner, b. 29 Sept., 1823, and Mary Wilferd, b. 8 Apr., 1824.
They res. in West Martinsburg, N. Y.
18390 Silas Franklin,11 b. in Rutland, N. Y., 26 Oct., 1873.
18391 Eugene Doner,11 b. in Le Roy, N. Y., 13 June, 1877.
18392 Arthur Benedict,11 b. in Lowville, N. Y., 23 Dec., 1878.
18393 Sherman Benjamin,11 b. in Turin, N. Y., 31 Jan., 1886.
18394 Lula Belle,11 b. in Turin, 31 July, 1888.
18395 Lillie May,11 b. in Turin, 19 Nov., 1892.

12201.   IDA JANE,10 dau. of Silas Franklin9 (5895), b. in Turin, N. Y., 18 Jan., 1855; m. in Adams, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1878, Jeremiah W. Crandall, b. 29 July, 1845, son of Jeremiah Crandall, b. 9 Jan., 1815, and Malvina Babcock.
He is a farmer; res. in Adams, N. Y.
18396 Ross Kellogg Crandall,11 b. 26 Mar., 1889.

12206.   ASTELLA AMELIA,10 dau. of Silas Franklin9 (5895), b. in Rutland, N. Y., 14 Jan., 1868 , m. in Adams, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1888, Carl Hardy Frink, b. 30 July, 1853, son of Samuel Frink, b. 12 Nov., 1819, and Lucy Ann Hardy, b. 19 Nov., 1825.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; was Town Clerk in Rutland four years; Supervisor two terms.
Children, b. in Rutland.
18397 Margorie Helen Frink,11 b. 24 July, 1892.
18398 Samuel Kellogg Frink,11 b. 20 May, 1900.

12209.   FREDERICK EMORY,10 son of Rev. Enos Emery9 (5901), b. in Gou­verneur, N. Y., 29 Oct., 1859; m. in Minneapolis, Minn., 17 June, 1889, Harriet

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McElhinney, b. in Brockville, Ont., 5 Apr., 1853, dau. of John McElhinney, b. 8 Jan., 1818, and Harriet Marie Van Buren, b. 2 Apr., 1823.
He is a railroad agent; res. in Gladstone, Mich.
18399 BRADLEY WILLIAM,11 b. in St. Louis, Mo., 2 Sept., 1891.

12215.   HARRIET AMELIA,10 dau. of Hial Handy9 (5902), b. in Port Ley­den, N. Y., 20 Aug., 1851; m. there, 1 Mar., 1869, Orry Husted Holdridge, b. in Chatham, N. Y., 20 Oct., 1849, son of Perry Holdridge.
She is a Methodist.
18400 Franklin Loren Holdridge,11 b. in Port Leyden, 19 Nov., 1870; m. in Jamestown, N. Y., 30 Sept., 1896, Viola Muckle.
18401 Mary Emma Holdridge,11 b. in Port Leyden, 8 May, 1871.
18402 Bessie Esther Holdridge,11 b. in Port Leyden, 4 Sept., 1878; m. in Jamestown, 28 Dec., 1897, Frank L. Downing.
18403 Ruey Kellogg Holdridge,11 b. in Port Leyden, 16 Jan., 1885.
18404 Edgar Le Roy Holdridge,11 b. in Kinzua, Pa., 28 Oct., 1890.

12217.   ELMER ERWIN,10 son of Hial Handy9 (5902), b. in Port Leyden, N. Y., 31 Oct., 1862; m. in Port Leyden, 26 May, 1886, Elizabeth (Libbie) Jor­dan, b. in Albany, N. Y., 17 Sept., 1860, dau. of James Jordan, b. 17 June, 1831, and Mary Ann Thompson, b. 6 Mar., 1841.
He res. in Ilion, N. Y.
18405 ERMA,11 b. 7 June, 1897.

12220.   HELEN MARR,10 dau. of Edward Parker9 (5905), b. in Manchester, N. Y., 6 May, 1843; m. in Ypsilanti, Mich., 6 Jan., 1861, Capt. Redmond N. Smith, of Ypsilanti.
He d. ______; she d. in Mukwonago, Wis., 20 Mar., 1900.
He was a merchant; served in the civil war as Capt.; was an Episcopalian; res. in Northville, Mich.
18406 Vena May Pearce Smith,11 b. in Ypsilanti, 16 Nov., 1861; m. (1) in Northville, 18 Nov., 1880, Walter Showerman; he d. in Chicago, ______; she m. (2) in Omaha, Neb., 2 Apr., 1888, H. Peaver; res. in Omaha.
18407 Edward Kellogg Nash Smith,11 b. in St. Johns, Mich., 31 July, 1865; res. in Salt Lake City, Utah.

12226.   AUGUSTA PRISCILLA,10 dau. of Erastus Handy9 (5906), b. in Ver­non, Wis., 29 Sept., 1848; m. in Milwaukee, Wis., 17 Dec., 1868, Rufus George Barber, b. in Vermont, 1842, son of George Barber, of Burlington, Vt.
He d. in Minnesota, 1891; she res. in Plymouth, Mich.
He was a commercial traveler; served in the civil war, first as private and later as Lieut.; served for one year and three months; was a Baptist and a Re­publican.

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Children, b. in Mukwonago, Wis.
18408 Anna Dean Barber,11 b. 6 Jan., 1870; m. in Detroit, Mich., 28 Nov., 1887, Harry Nickleson Robinson; res. in Detroit; had one child.
18409 Earl Handy Barber,11 b. 3 Apr., 1874; m. in Mukwonago, 12 June, 1898, Lou Hunter; res. in Mukwonago; had one child.

12227.   FRANCES GEORGIANA,10 dau. of Erastus Handy9 (5906), b. in Vernon, Wis., 6 Sept., 1850; m. in Mukwonago, Wis., 16 Sept., 1870, Henry Mott Youmans, b. in Mukwonago, 1851, son of Dr. H. Mott Youmans and Lucy An­drews.
She d. in Mukwonago, 14 Dec., 1876; he m. (2) _______.
He was a journalist; res. in Waukesha, Wis.
Children, b. in Mulewonago.
18410 Augustus Handy Youmans,11 b. 30 Sept., 1871; is unm.
18411 Solomon Kellogg Youmans,11 b. 4 Feb., 1872; m. in Eagle, Wis., 1896, Carrie Waltermire; res. in Milwaukee, Wis.

12228.   HULDAH,10 dau. of James Huling9 (5907 ), b. in Utica, N. Y., 7 Dec., 1850; m. John Wagoner, of Utica.
She d. in Utica, 1 Nov., 1878.
They res. in Higginsville, N. Y.
18412 Walter Wagoner,11 b. ______.
18413 David Wagoner,11 b. ______.

12234.   FREDERICK,10 son of James Huling9 (5907), b. in Utica, N. Y., 2 Feb., 1863; m. (1) in Boonville, N. Y., 25 Dec., 1888, Estella May Andrews, b. 29 Feb., 1870, dau. of Henry Andrews and Mary Chase.
She d. 7 Apr., 1894; he m. (2) in Remsen, N. Y., Effie May Guino, b. 22 Apr., 1877, dau. of William Guino and Malissa Page.
He is a lumberman; res. in Otter Lake, N. Y.
Children, first two b. in Wilmurt, N. Y.
18414 Harold Vernon,11 b. 9 Dec., 1889.
18415 Merton,11 b. 19 June, 1891; d. 4 Oct., same year.
18416 Hazel Anita,11 b. in Boonville, 10 May, 1898.

12235.   AUGUSTA MAY,10 dau. of James Huling9 (5907), b. in Utica, N. Y., 11 Mar., 1867; m. in Oriskany, N. Y., 19 Sept., 1886, George Talmadge Judd, b. in Plymouth, Conn., 23 Nov., 1863, son of Chester B. Judd, b. 18 July, 1822, and Martha O. Granniss, b. 19 Oct., 1833.
He is a farmer in Wolcott, Conn.
18417 Chester Kellogg Judd,11 b. 6 Feb., 1894.

12236.   WILLIAM MARTIN,10 son of James Huling9 (5907), b. in Oriskany, N. Y., 5 Apr., 1870; m. Anna Nutt, b. in Utica, N. Y.
He res. in Oriskany, N. Y.

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18418 Willis,11 b. ______.
18419 Mary,11 b. ______.
18420 Caroline,11 b. ______.

12241.   CLARA LUCILIA,10 dau. of Henry9 (5908), b. in Manchester, N. Y., 23 Oct., 1868; m. in Chicago, 5 Sept., 1893, Rev. Frank Marshall La Bar, b. in Delavan, Wis., 19 July, 1869, son of S. Rees La Bar, b. 17 Jan., 1820, and Harriet N. Topping, b. 9 May, 1834.
He is a clergyman; is pastor of the Baptist Church in Minerva, N. Y., where they res.
18421 Henry Rees La Bar,11 b. in Clifton Springs, N. Y., 23 July, 1895.
18422 Gilbert Gordon La Bar,11 b. in Fleming, N. Y., 20 Jan., 1900.

12250.   KINSLEY COLLINS,10 son of Halsey Ensign9 (5922), b. in Lowville, N. Y., 20 Oct., 1851; m. 18 Sept., 1883, Susan Morse, b. in Lowville, 29 Aug., 1857, dau. of Frank B. Morse, b. 24 Apr., 1814, and Jane M. Leonard, b. 20 June, 1816.
He res. in Utica, N. Y., and later in Lowville [where he d. 1908].
18423 Kinsley Collins,11 b. 1 Jan., 1885; d. in Lowville, N. Y., 28 Sept., 1893.

12252.   JESSE JAMES,10 son of Halsey Ensign9 (5922), b. in Lowville, N. Y., 9 Apr., 1856; m. 23 Oct., 1889, Minnie Pfister, b. 1 Aug., 1862.
He res. in Lowville.
18424 Vera,11 b. 18 Jan., 1891.
18425 Mary Emily,11 b. 1 Mar., 1897.

12253.   HETTIE MAY,10 dau. of Halsey Ensign9 (5922), b. in Lowville, N. Y., 9 Nov., 1868; m. 15 June, 1892, Fay E. Snyder, b. 18 Jan., 1867.
They res. in Lowville.
18426 Dorothy Snyder,11 b. 17 Feb., 1894.

12261.   WALTER NEWTON ,10 son of Newton Perry9 (5928), b. in Forest, Wis., 6 Nov., 1854; m. in Sharon, Wis, 30 Oct., 1883, Charlotte Doolittle, b. in Janesville, Wis., 14 May, 1866, dau. of Albert Doolittle, b. 1 July, 1838, and Mary Elizabeth Best, b. about 1843.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Eden, Wis.
18427 Isla Mildred,11 b. in Richland, S. D., 11 July, 1886.
18428 Allan John,11 b. in Richland, 21 Dec., 1888.
18429 Irving Bell,11 b. in Richland, 27 July, 1890.
18430 Harley Walter,11 b. in Eden, Wis., 10 Jan., 1893.
18431 Lois Mae,11 b. in Eden, 27 Oct., 1895.

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12262.   CHARLES HENRY,10 son of Newton Perry9 (5928), b. in Forest, Wis., 29 Mar., 1857; m. in Eden, Wis., 27 June, 1883, Clara Bayer, b. 31 Aug., 1865, dau. of Martin Bayer, b. in Canada, 1815, and Mary Kroll, b. in New York, 1827.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Eden.
18432 Pearl Eugene,11 b. 7 Apr. 1884.
18433 Newton Perry,11 b. 11 Sept., 1887.

12263.   JOHN FRANK,10 son of Newton Perry9 (5928), b. in Forest, Wis., 17 Nov., 1859; m. in Eden, Wis., 8 Feb., 1892, Grace Smith, b. in Lamartine, Wis., 16 Sept., 1868, dau. of Andrew Smith, b. 8 Mar., 1812, and Sevina Hodgdon, b. 25 Dec., 1829.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Eden.
18434 Ruth Anna,11 b. 28 Dec., 1892.
18435 John Harold,11 b. 27 Mar., 1894.
18436 Arthur Wellington,11 b. 21 May, 1895.
18437 Perry Newton,11 b. 28 June, 1896; d. 13 Oct., 1896.
18438 Helen,11 b. 28 Aug., 1897.

12265.   EDWIN MANVILLE,10 son of Orson Walter9 (5929), b. in Ripon, Wis., 26 Jan., 1853; m. in Oakfield, Wis., 12 Nov., 1875, Emma J. Chesebro, b. in Cooperstown, N. Y., 30 Sept., 1851, dau. of William Chesebro and May Chase.
He is a manufacturer; res. in St. Paul, Minn.; is a Congregationalist.
18439 Frederick Waite,11 b. in Waterloo, Ia., 21 Sept., 1876.
18440 Carlton Clyde,11 b. in Waupun, Wis., 22 Apr., 1881.
18441 Maud Marion,11 b. in Waupun, 22 Oct., 1883.
18442 Edwin Max,11 b. in Delavan, Wis., 7 Oct., 1889.

12266.   IDA CORNELIA,10 dau. of Orson Walter9 (5929), b. in Ripon, Wis., 22 Nov., 1854; m. in Fond du Lac, Wis., 18 Sept., 1873, Frank Eugene Smith, b. in New Haven, Vt., 25 May, 1852, son of Daniel Wilson Smith, b. 13 Dec., 1817, and Hariett Branch, b. 1819.
He was graduated from Appleton, Wis., in 1871; is in the mill furnishing business; is a Republican; res. in Evanston, Ill.
18443 Mildred Florence Smith,11 b. in La Motte, Ia., 13 Dec., 1879; m. in Evanston, 5 Aug., 1901, Howard Everett Allen.
18444 Lulu Manville Myrtle Smith,11 b. in Chicago, 16 Mar., 1888.

12267.   GEORGE WALTER,10 son of Orson Walter9 (5929), b. in Ripon, Wis., 4 Aug., 1857; m. in Rochester, N. Y., 12 Aug., 1885, Belle Schuyler, b. in Hen­rietta, N. Y., 14 May, 1858, dau. of Benjamin David Schuyler, b. 1807, and Anna Sternberg, b. 1811.
He is a manufacturer of hospital furniture; res. in Philadelphia and later in Hartford, Conn.

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18445 Howard Schuyler,11 b. in Henrietta, 14 June, 1892.

12268.   CARRIE DELILAH,10 dau. of Orson Walter9 (5929), b. in Ripon, Wis., 19 Aug., 1861; m. in Chicago, 11 July, 1883, John S. Dewar, b. in Canada, 29 Mar., 1858, son of Archibald Dewar and Ellen Stewart.
He d. in Denver, Col., 5 Nov., 1892.
He was a lawyer; was graduated from Hamilton College, Canada, 1880; was a Baptist and a Republican; she res. in Chicago, Ill.
18446 Leon Lawrence Dewar,11 b. in Chicago, 11 May, 1885.
18447 Robert Murray Dewar,11 b. in Canon City, Col., 2 Jan., 1889.
18448 John Stewart Dewar,11 b. in Carlton Place, Canada, 21 Nov., 1891.

12270.   WALTER ORSON,10 son of Orson Walter9 (5929), b. in Fond du Lac, Wis., 13 Apr., 1874; m. in Chicago, 15 June, 1899, Jeannette G. Pilgrim, b. 28 Jan., 1875, dau. of Henry Pilgrim, b. 25 Dec., 1829, and Josephine Pedercite, b. in Holland, 7 Feb., 1834.
He res. in Chicago; is in the silverware business; is a Baptist and a Re­publican.
18449 Elaine Josephine,11 b. 27 May, 1900.

12277.   BEATRICE,10 dau. of John9 (5933), b. in Ripon, Wis., 15 June, 1870; m. in Ripon, 12 May, 1897, Roy Lewis Morse, b. 8 Mar., 1870, son of James Bir­ney Morse, b. Aug., 1840, and Jennie Harriet Smith, b. Oct., 1843.
He is a lawyer; was graduated from Ripon College, 1894; is a Republican; was City Attorney of Ripon, 1899; is a Congregationalist; res. in Ripon.
18450 Birney Kellogg Morse,11 b. in Ripon, 2 Aug., 1899.

12282.   MARY SUSAN,10 dau. of Martin9 (5948), b. in Newington, Conn., 8 May, 1849; m. William Beaman, of Sunbury, N. C.
They res. in Atlantic City, Va.
18451 William Beaman,11 b. ______.

12284.   MARTIN,10 son of Martin9 (5948), b. in Sunbury, N. C., 23 Sept., 1853; m. in Sunbury, 26 Dec., 1877, Elizabeth (Bessie) Wootten Lassiter, b. in Sunbury, 4 Dec., 1853, dau. of Timothy Henry Lassiter, b. 19 July, 1820, and Bethsheba Augusta Gordon, b. 22 July, 1819.
He d. in Sunbury, 19 Feb., 1892.
He was a farmer; an Episcopalian; res. in Sunbury; was a member of the House of Representatives of North Carolina, 1888-89.
18452 Anna Gordon,11 b. 15 Oct., 1879.
18543 Martin,11 b. 29 Dec., 1881.
18454 Ida Lassiter,11 b. 19 Feb., 1884.

1524    The Kelloggs in the New World.

18455 Timothy Henry,11 b. 27 Feb., 1887.
18456 John Gordon,11 b. 22 Mar., 1890.

12285.   JULIA,10 dau. of Martin9 (5948), b. in Sunbury, N. C., 4 July, 1856; m. 23 Feb., 1887, Claude Costen, of Sunbury, b. 5 Apr., 1865, son of George J. Costen, b. 1840, and Annie Smith, b. 1841.
He is in the turpentine business; is a Methodist and a Populist.
Children, six in all, five d. in infancy.
18457 Julia Costen,11 b. in Sunbury, 20 Nov., 1891.

12287.   HENRY LAURENS,10 son of Henry Laurens9 (5950), b. in Newing­ton, Conn., 14 Jan., 1859; m. in Newington, 31 May, 1893, his second cousin, Frances Harriet Kirkham, b. in Newington, 17 Sept., 1860, dau. of John S. Kirk­ham, b. 6 Apr., 1826, and Harriet Prudence Atwood (5964), b. 17 May, 1827.
He is a farmer and a Congregationalist; res. in Newington Junction.
Children, b. in Newington.
18458 Harriet Atwood,11 b. 17 Apr., 1894.
18459 Julia Gardiner,11 b. 14 Dec., 1895.
18460 Frances Kirkham,11 b. 13 Aug., 1897.

12290.   SAMUEL GARDINER,10 son of Samuel John Mills9 (5952), b. in Nebraska City, Neb., 5 Oct., 1862; m. there, 21 Feb., 1883, Ella Louise Larsh, b. in Nebraska City, 21 Oct., 1862, dau. of Napoleon Bonaparte Larsh and Ella L. Armstrong.
He is a farmer and a grain dealer; res. in Percival, Ia.; is a Congrega­tionalist.
Children, b. in Percival.
18461 Gertrude Latimore,11 b. 1 Oct., 1883; d. 15 Aug., 1884.
18462 Gladys Larsh,11 b. 1 Oct., 1883; d. 17 Aug., 1884.
18463 Paul Larsh,11 b. 12 Nov., 1885.
18464 Harriet Rogers,11 b. 21 Dec., 1887.
18465 Rachel Louisa,11 b. 11 July, 1891.
18466 Samuel Latimore,11 b. 8 Aug., 1896.

12302.   ALMEDA,10 dau. of Stephen Chester9 (5978), b. in Hermon, N. Y., 27 Apr., 1861; m. in Canton, N. Y., 8 Aug., 1877, Jerome Bonaparte Gates, b. in Antwerp, N. Y., 27 Aug., 1845, son of Asia Gates, b. 1803, and Dolly Kingsbury, b. 1800.
He is a tinsmith; res. in Hermon. He was a Union soldier; enlisted 25 Feb., 1864, as a private in Co. F, Seventh Reg., Connecticut Volunteers; was dis­charged 8 Aug., 1865; is a Republican.
18467 Vena Mary Gates,11 b. in Hermon, 9 June, 1879; d. 24 Sept., 1897.
18468 Eva Dolly Gates,11 b. in De Kalb Junction, N. Y., 1 Feb., 1830.

12303.   HORCENIA ADA,10 dau. of Stephen Chester9 (5978), b. in Hermon, N. Y., 8 Apr., 1864; m. in Brockville, Canada, 11 Sept., 1883, Aldis Orin Mor-

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1525

gan, b. in Hermon, 25 Oct., 1857, son of Elihu Dempster Morgan, b. 15 July, 1817, and Irene Spencer, b. 20 Apr., 1833.
He is a painter and paper hanger; res. in Hermon; is a Republican.
18469 Blanche Atta Morgan,11 b. 2 May, 1885; d. 31 Dec., same year.
18470 Blanche Atta Morgan,11 b. 29 Nov., 1886.
18471 Nell Everett Morgan,11 b. 21 Mar., 1891.
18472 Herschel K. Morgan,11 b. 12 Sept., 1892; d. 13 Oct., 1893.
18473 Lucretia E. Morgan,11 b. 7 Dec., 1894.

12305.   WILLIAM CLARENCE,10 son of Chauncey William9 (5979), b. in Northfield, Mass., 8 Apr., 1858; m. in Eureka Springs, Ark., 8 Jan., 1890, May Owens, b. 24 Sept., 1868, dau. of Richard Owens, b. 23 Dec., 1845, and Jane Rob­erts, b. 12 Aug., 1838.
He is an architect and builder; res. in Flushing, N. Y.
18474 Earle Richard,11 b. in Joplin, Mo., 8 Jan., 1893.

12306.   ELLA FRANCES,10 dau. of Chauncey William9 (5979), b. in Keene, N. H., 6 Aug., 1862; m. in Wichita, Kas., 10 May, 1887, Isaac Newton Stage, b. in East Pembroke, N. Y., 2 Aug., 1859, son of Albert Peck Stage and Myrtle Peck, of Stafford, N. Y.
He is a master mechanic; res. in Wichita.
18475 Myrtle Stage,11 b. 29 July, 1888; d. 31 July, same year.

12335.   JAMES T.,10 son of James Davis9 (6000), b. in Greenwich, Mass., 27 July, 1853; m. in Hardwick, Mass., 25 Nov., 1880, Jennie M. Thayer, b. 1862, dau. of Elmer M. and Ellen M. Thayer.
She m. (2) in Dana, Mass., 27 Dec., 1897, Dominick Dumas; res. in North Dana, Mass.
18476 Mary,11 b. in Hardwick, 24 June, 1882.

12340.   ARTHUR THOMAS,10 son of Thomas9 (6001), b. in Taunton, Mass., 29 June, 1855; m. in Stoughton, Mass., 17 Jan., 1894, Clara Mae Moore, b. in Bear River, Nova Scotia, 15 Aug., 1867, dau. of Rev. James Albert Moore and Josephine Jane Elliott.
He is a shoemaker and stock cutter; a Republican; res. in Stoughton.
Children, b. in Stoughton.
18477 Amy Ethel,11 b. 19 Apr., 1896.
18478 Arthur,11 b. 19 Aug., 1897; d. same day.
18479 Pauline,11 b. 17 June, 1899.
18480 Kenneth,11 b. 24 Oct., 1900; , d. 9 Sept., 1901.

12341.   MARY ELIZA,10 dau. of Thomas9 (6001), b. in Taunton, Mass., 12 June, 1857; m. in Stoughton, Mass., 1 May, 1881, George Albert Wales, b. in

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Stoughton, 26 Mar., 1858, son of George Wales, of Stoughton, and Emily Frances Richards, of South Weymouth, Mass.
He is a boot and shoe manufacturer and is in the provision business; is a prominent Republican, a Universalist, an Odd Fellow and a Free Mason; is a member of the Old Stoughton Musical Society, the oldest in the United States, and of other local organizations; she is a D. A. R.; res. in Stoughton.
Children, b. in Stoughton.
18481 Helen Louise Wales,11 b. 13 Apr., 1883; was graduated from the Stoughton High School; is a student in Wellesley College.
18482 Ethel Frances Wales,11 b. 1 Dec., 1887.

12358.   MARY ELIZA,10 dau. of Joseph Warner9 (6035), b. 12 Dec., 1831; m. in New York City, 9 May, 1854, Josiah Seymour Ferris, b. in Peekskill, N. Y., 15 Nov., 1829, son of Josiah Seymour Ferris, b. 19 Apr., 1788.
She d. in New York, 1870; he d. in Albion, Mich., 21 Oct., 1871.
He was in the men's furnishing business in Brooklyn, N. Y.; was a Meth­odist and a Republican.
Children, b. in New York.
18483 Joseph Seymour Ferris,11 b. 22 Feb., 1855; m. in Brooklyn, 11 Dec., 1879, Mary Hester Hanford; res. in New York.
18484 Emma Ferris,11 b. 28 Aug., 1859., d. 3 Nov., 1860.
18485 Harry Ferris,11 b. 16 Jan., 1861.
18486 Milton Ferris,11 b. 11 Jan., 1869; d. 14 May, 1870.

12359.   EMMA JANE,10 dau. of Joseph Warner9 (6035), b. 25 June, 1834; m. Ira Perego.
She d. ______; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y.
18487 Ella Perego,11 b. ______; m. William Blackham; res. in Brooklyn.

12364.   SARAH LANKFORD,10 dau. of Joseph Warner9 (6035), b. in New York City, 6 Aug., 1844; m. (1) 1 June, 1864, Charles Clayton Bourne, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 17 Mar., 1842, son of William O. E. Bourne, b. 28 June, 1813, and Mary Ann Whitlock, b. 29 Nov., 1819.
He d. 10 May, 1870; res. in Brooklyn; served in the civil war as Sergt, in the Thirteenth Reg., Co. K, of Brooklyn, for three months near the close of the war; was a Methodist and a Republican; she m. (2) as his second wife, in New York, 23 Oct., 1893, William James Kirkpatrick, b. in Ireland, 27 Feb., 1833; son of Thompson Kirkpatrick, b. 16 Apr., 1794, and Elizabeth Storey, b. 1804; he was fife major in the Ninety-first Reg. staff; served from 4 Dec., 1861, to 9 Oct., 1863; is a music author; res. in Philadelphia.
Children by first husband, b. in Brooklyn.
18488 Charles Clayton Bourne,11 b. 24 Oct., 1865; m. in Newburgh, N. Y., 8 Jan., 1890, Anna Fullogar; had one child.
18489 Herbert Kellogg Bourne,11 b. 11 July, 1870.

12366.   WALTER PALMER,10 son of Joseph Warner9 (6035), b. in New York City, 18 Sept., 1848; m. 1 June, 1876, Helen Elizabeth Grow, of Greenwood, Pa.,

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b. in Brooklyn, Conn., 25 Aug., 1848, dau. of Frederick Plummer Grow, b. 3 May, 1817, and Helen Amelia Fuller, b. 15 Nov., 1821. She is a niece of Hon. Galusha A. Grow, who was a member of Congress from Pennsylvania for over fifty years.
He is a commercial traveler and the inventor of an automatic clock; res. in New York City; now in Syracuse, N. Y.
Children, b. in Syracuse.
18490 Ethel,11 b. 10 June, 1880; res., unm., in Syracuse; was graduated from Syracuse University, June, 1902.
18491 Frederick Grow,11 b. 29 Mar., 1883.
18492 Joseph Walter,11 b. 20 Apr., 1886.

12367.   EDMUND JANES,10 son of Joseph Warner9 (6035), b. 21 July, 1849; m. in Palisades, N. Y., 22 Sept., 1878, Sophia Whipfall, b. in Orangeville, N. Y., 15 Nov., 1858, dau. of Blossy Whipfall, b. 1820, and Margaret Welch, b. 14 Nov., 1835.
He d. in New York City, 26 Mar., 1888; after his death she res. in Nyack, N. Y.
He was a bookkeeper; a Methodist and a Republican; res. in New York City.
18493 Nellie Grow,11 b. in Tenafly, N. J., 25 June, 1879.

12368.   CHARLOTTE STOCKING,10 dau. of Joseph Warner9 (6035), b. in New York City, 24 Feb., 1852; m. in New York, 10 Oct., 1872, Foster Keeping, of New York, b. in Ryde, Isle of Wight, England, 8 Nov., 1846, son of Richard Keeping, b. 3 Apr., 1814, and Elisa Sait, b. 24 Mar., 1810.
He is a jeweler, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in New York.
Children, b. in New York.
18494 Archer Keeping,11 b. 14 July, 1873; d. same day.
18495 Irving Foster Keeping,11 b. 27 Sept., 1874; m. in Denver, Col., 22 Sept., 1897, Gertrude Lillian Ireland; res. in Denver.
18496 Harold Newton Keeping,11 b. 27 Nov., 1875; d. in Denver, 13 May, 1893.
18497 Clinton Sait Keeping,11 b. 3 Nov., 1877; d. in New York, Aug., 1878.
18498 Grace Keeping,11 b. 14 Apr., 1879; d. Aug., same year.
18499 Beatrix Keeping,11 b. 14 Dec., 1881.

12377.   ELIZABETH HOLBROOK,10 dau. of Joseph Martin9 (6038), b. in Northampton, Mass., 29 Sept., 1868; m. in Northampton, 23 July, 1896, Charles Burton Howe, b. in Clarence, N. Y., 6 Oct., 1870, son of Darius Burton Howe, b. 19 Nov., 1832, and Mary Ann Livermore, b. 20 July, 1831.
He was graduated from Cornell University, 1893; is a teacher of manual mining; is a Baptist; res. in Hartford, Conn.
18500 Raymond Kellogg Howe,11 b. in Northampton, 6 June, 1897.

12390.   CAPT. ORRIN,10 son of Capt. Joseph9 (6048), b. in Wood Co., O., 16 Oct., 1845; m. in Hillsboro, Or., 5 June, 1870, Margaret Ellen Westfall, b. in

1528    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Des Moines Co., Ia., 30 May, 1850, dau. of Nathan Westfall, b. in Dayton, O., 12 Jan., 1816, and Catherine McKee, b. in St. Louis, Mo., 16 Oct., 1820.
He rem. with his parents, in 1848, to Oregon. From his early youth he was engaged in developing river transportation in the Pacific Northwest, particularly on the Willamette, Columbia and Cowlitz rivers. He was Vice-President of the Joseph Kellogg Transportation Company, and a captain in its service.
18501 Stella May,11 b. 11 May, 1871; res., unm., in Portland, Or.
18502 Ruby Ethel,11 b. 29 July, 1881; is unm.
18503 Chester Orrin,11 b. 29 Aug., 1885.

12391.   CAPT. CHARLES HENRY,10 son of Capt. Joseph9 (6048), b. in Wood Co., O., 1 Oct., 1846; m. (1) 2 Feb., 1870, Emma Eliza Goode, of Oregon City, dau. of D. S. Goode.
He m. (2) Jan., 1882, Mary Ellen Copreland, of Scappoose, Or., d. in Port­land, Or., 7 Aug., 1889.
He rem. to Oregon with his parents in 1848, and was reared on his father's farm. He was a well-known and skillful pilot and captain on the Willamette and Columbia rivers; piloted the first steamer through the looks at Oregon City; was interested, and Vice-President at the time of his death, in the Joseph Kellogg Transportation Company.
Children by second wife.
18504 Pearl,11 b. 12 Aug. 1883; d. 15 Nov., same year.
18505 Earl Joseph,11 b. 23 Dec., 1884; d. 4 Sept., 1890.

12403.   CLARENCE D.,10 son of Jason9 (6056), b. in Portland, Or., 16 Aug., 1870; m. in Grant's Pass, Or., 13 Aug., 1893, Emma C. Cooper.
18506 Ralph Lester,11 b. 23 Sept., 1897.

12404.   ALVAH ELMER,10 son of Edward9 (6057), b. in Hillsboro, Or., 5 June, 1868; m. (1) in Portland, Or., 14 Oct, 1890, Anna May Green, b. in Dal­las, Or., 20 July, 1872, dau. of Thomas Green and Margaret Bohannon, of Inde­pendence, Or.
She d. in Gold Hill, Or., 26 Nov., 1898; he m. (2) in Medford, Or., 24 Jan., 1900, Kathren Josephine Parker, b. in Brownsboro, Or., 13 Feb., 1877, dau. of Curtis P. Parker, b. 16 Feb., 1851, and Matilda Almira Cary, b. 21 Oct., 1855, of Lexington, Or.; is a liveryman; was formerly a steamboat purser; was graduated from Portland Business College, 1886, res. in Gold Hill.
18507 Merle Bohannon,11 b. in Medford, 6 Oct., 1891.

12405.   NELLIE ALICE,10 dau. of Edward9 (6057), b. in Hillsboro, Or., 28 Nov., 1870; m. in Medford, Or., 9 Dec., 1896, Charles Dean Stacey, b. in Forest Grove, Or., 12 June, 1874, son of Isaac Stacey, of Sams Valley, Or., b. 28 Mar., 1844, and Lucinda Smith, b. 17 Feb., 1842.
He is a farmer; a Baptist; res. in Medford.

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18508 Dean Kellogg Stacey,11 b. in Sams Valley, 20 May, 1898.
18509 Opal Mae Stacey,11 b. in Medford, 18 June, 1901.

12412.   ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Joseph9 (6058), b. in L'Original, Canada, 23 Mar., 1833; m. in Byron, Ill., 10 Dec., 1856, Ira Bixby, b. in Royalton, N. Y., 13 Aug., 1830, son of Levi Bixby, b. 18 Aug., 1790, and Lucinda Burch, b. 15 Nov., 1793.
He is a carpenter and builder; res. in Cushing, Ia.; is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a Republican.
18510 Ella Isabella Bixby,11 b. in Byron, 26 Nov., 1857; m. 28 July, 1876, Horace G. Walker; res. in Manchester, Ia.
18511 Laura Eliza Bixby,11 b. in Grand Lodge, Mich., 29 June, 1861; m. 2 Mar., 1881, Langford L. Hatch; res. in Le Mars, Ia.
18512 Adeline Lorania Bixby,11 b. in Ames, Ia., 1 Nov., 1866; m. 8 Nov., 1887, E. E. Jacobs; res. in Washta, Ia.
18513 William Henry Bixby,11 b. 8 Dec., 1868; d. 20 Dec., 1869.
18514 Birdie Bixby,11 b. 13 Feb., 1873; d. 13 Nov., same year.
18515 Everett Ira Bixby,11 b. in Independence, Ia., 21 May, 1877; res. in Cushing.

12413.   MOSES ELIJAH,10 son of Joseph9 (6058), b. in St. Andrews, Canada, 28 Aug., 1836; m. in Byron, Ill., 2 Dec., 1856, Olive Melissa Bixby, b. in Royal­ton, N. Y., 30 Mar., 1837, dau. of Armon Bixby, b. in Lachute, Canada, 15 Sept., 1812, and Sarah Wheeler, b. in Vermont, 16 July, 1813.
She d. in Anoka, Minn., 14 Apr., 1883.
He is a baker, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Minneapolis, Minn.
Children, second and third b. in Winnebago, last three in Anoka.
18516 Joseph Armon,11 b. in Byron, 21 Feb., 1860; d. in Winnebago, Ill., 19 Sept., 1861.
18517 Sarah Ida,11 b. 30 Nov., 1861; d. in Anoka, 7 Dec., 1874.
18518 Cora Ellen,11 b. 13 Jan., 1863; d. 26 Jan., 1863.
18519 Walter Seymour,11 b. 20 Sept., 1866; is unm.
18520 Lewis Edson,11 b. 22 Feb., 1874; d. 19 Feb., 1880.
18521 Lester Clark,11 b. 12 July, 1878; is unm.

12417.   JOSEPH,10 son of Joseph9 (6058), b. in St. Andrews, Canada, 29 Nov., 1847; m. in Ames, Ia., 17 June, 1865, Jennie Eliza Waterman, b. in Potsdam, N. Y., 21 Jan., 1847, dau. of Charles Waterman, b. 12 May, 1811, and Clarissa Hand.
He is a builder; res. in University, Cal.; rem. from Canada, with his parents, to Ogle Co., Ill., in Nov., 1855; has res. in Winnebago Co., Ill., Storey Co., Ia., and Northville, S. D.
18522 Vena Maria,11 b. 26 Mar., 1871; m. 9 Oct., 1890, Herman Henry Hol­land, b. in Brandon, N. Y., 19 June, 1867, son of David J. Hol­land, b. 14 Aug., 1841, and Abbie S. Prentice, b. 20 Sept., 1849; he is a farmer; res. in Northville; has no children.

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18523 Roy Charles,11 b. 7 Aug., 1877; res. with his father in University.

12419.   MARIA LORANIA LOUISA,10 dau. of Joseph9 (6058), b. in St. An­drews, Canada, 4 Sept., 1853; m. in Doud, Ia., 19 Sept., 1875, Lewis Cass Elerick, b. 6 Sept., 1848, son of George W. Elerick, b. 20 Oct., 1825, and _______ McKeen, b. 27 Apr., 1829.
He is a lead and zinc miner; res. in Oscaloosa, Ia.
18524 George Washington Elerick,11 b. 11 Sept., 1876.
18525 Cass Kellogg Elerick,11 b. 1 Nov., 1878.
18526 Frank William Elerick,11 b. 26 Apr., 1881.
18527 Florence Elerick,11 b. 9 June, 1886.
18528 Marie Helen Elerick,11 b. 13 July, 1896.

12420.   JULIA ELLEN,10 dau. of Joseph9 (6058), b. in Byron, Ill., 4 Oct., 1856; m. in Manchester, Ia., 28 July, 1874, Burt Horace Lyman, b. in Warsaw, N. Y., 16 Dec., 1851, son of Horace Ephraim Lyman and Phebe Lawrence.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Cushing, Ia.
Children, all except youngest, b. in Ashton, Ia.
18529 Claude Fay Lyman,11 b. 27 Apr., 1875; d. 24 June, 1882.
18530 Georgia Maud Lyman,11 b. 21 July, 1877.
18531 Carl Claude Lyman,11 b. 3 Jan., 1882.
18532 Frances Edith Lyman,11 b. 11 Nov., 1883 5 d. in Lamar, Mo., 18 Nov., 1895.
18533 Guy Ward Lyman,11 b. 6 Aug., 1887.
18534 Catherine Maria Lyman,11 b. 7 July, 1889.
18535 Cass Amerman Lyman,11 b. in Lamar, 6 Jan., 1896.

12421.   LYDIA ANN,10 dau. of Volney9 (6059), b. in L'Original, Canada, 12 Aug., 1834; m. in Winnebago, Ill., 31 Mar., 1857, Rev. Leonard Holt, b. in Buf­falo, N. Y., 13 Sept., 1834, son of William Holt and Louisa Vibbard.
He d. in New Milford, Ill., 15 Jan., 1870; after his death she res. in Chicago, Ill., with her son, Harlow V. Holt.
He was a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church.
18536 Myra Elizabeth Holt,11 b. 2 Apr., 1858.
18537 Alfred Eugene Holt,11 b. 13 May, 1859.
18538 Ada Catherine Holt,11 b. 21 Sept., 1860.
18539 Ellen Louisa Holt,11 b. 18 Mar., 1862.
18540 Harlow Vincent Holt,11 b. 13 May, 1864.
18541 Nellie Jerusha Holt,11 b. 14 Aug., 1866.
18542 Robert Newton Holt,11 b. 4 Nov., 1868.

12422.   LOVINA MARIA,10 dau. of Volney9 (6059), b. in L'Original, Canada,

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11 Jan., 1836; m. 18 June, 1861, Theophilus Hudson, b. 24 Apr., 1827, son of Benoni Hudson, b. 22 Apr., 1798, and Lucy Stevens, b. 30 Oct., 1800.
She d. in Eldora, Ia., 22 July, 1883.
He is a farmer and a Methodist; res. in Eldora.
Children, first two b. in Winnebago Co., Ill., last three in Hardin Co., Ia.
18543 Benoni F. Hudson,11 b. 13 July, 1862.
18544 Florence Elizabeth Hudson,11 b. 4 Jan., 1864.
18545 Lydia Ann Hudson,11 b. 10 Apr., 1865; d. 4 June, 1866.
18546 Nellie Frances Hudson,11 b. 3 Mar., 1868.
18547 Welber Hudson,11 b. 11 Nov., 1871.

12424.   MARY HENRIETTA,10 dau. of Volney9 (6059), b. in L'Original, Canada, 1 July, 1839; m. in Winnebago, Ill., 28 Oct., 1858, Thomas Perley Tread­well, b. in Oxford Co., Me., 7 Aug., 1836, son of Thomas Treadwell, b. Oct., 1802, and Sarah Whitcomb, b. 13 Aug., 1808.
He is a dairyman, a Christian Scientist and a Republican; res. in Sioux City, Ia.; served in the civil war as Corp. in Co. C, Seventy-fourth Illinois Infantry; enlisted July, 1862; was discharged June, 1863.
18548 Flora Adella Treadwell,11 b. 7 Nov., 1859.
18549 Jane May Treadwell,11 b. 1 Apr., 1861.
18550 Sarah Elizabeth Treadwell,11 b. 22 Feb., 1868.
18551 Mary Luella Treadwell,11 b. 21 Dec., 1871.
18552 Ella Myra Treadwell,11 b. 14 Feb., 1873.
18553 George William Treadwell,11 b. 9 Feb., 1874.
18554 Lydia Clare Treadwell,11 b. 9 Jan., 1878.
18555 Grace Treadwell,11 b. 12 Oct., 1879.

12425.   ABIGAIL,10 dau. of Volney9 (6059), b. in L'Original, Canada, 28 Oct., 1841; m. in West Fork, Ia., 1 Jan., 1868, Thomas E. B. Hudson, b. in Winne­bago, Ill., 19 Sept., 1842, son of Richmond L. Hudson, b. 9 Sept., 1809, and Mary Ann Ferris, b. 5 Apr., 1812.
He is a banker, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Hampton, Ia.; served in the civil war as a private in Co. C, Seventy-fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 28 July, 1862; was discharged 28 June, 1865.
Children, b. in West Fork.
18556 Edwin P. Hudson,11 b. 3 Nov., 1868; m. 5 Sept., 1893, Augusta Mally; res. in Britt, Ia.
18557 Jessie B. S. Hudson,11 b. 4 Mar., 1870.
18558 Carl K. Hudson,11 b. 2 Feb., 1872; m. 1 Sept., 1897, Gennetta Kemp­thorne; res. in Stanwood, Ia.
18559 Ruth M. Hudson,11 b. 13 May, 1881.

12427.   CLARISSA JANE,10 dau. of Volney9 (6059), b. in Winnebago, Ill., 19 Apr., 1846; m. in West Fork, Ia., 27 Nov., 1867, Charles Austin, b. in Cleveland, O., 27 Nov., 1845, son of Peter Austin and Elizabeth Tree.
He is a gardener; res. in South Sioux City, Neb.

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Children, all except eldest and youngest, b. in Bristow, Ia.
18560 Caroline Belle Austin,11 b. in Goldwater, Ia., 20 Dec., 1868.
18561 Wilbur Austin,11 b. 10 Apr., 1870.
18562 Albert Austin,11 b. 7 Dec., 1871.
18563 Charles Austin,11 b. 23 Nov., 1874.
18564 Ward Austin,11 b. 10 Feb., 1877.
18565 Leigh Austin,11 b. 2 Feb., 1879.
18566 Albert Elijah Austin,11 b. 20 Aug., 1881.
18567 Marshall Blaine Austin,11 b. 20 Apr., 1884.
18568 Henry Adelbert Austin,11 b. in Ackley, Ia., 27 Mar., 1887.

12428.   LOUISA ORYTHA,10 dau. of Volney9 (6059), b. in Winnebago, Ill., 2 July, 1848; m. in West Fork, Ia., 30 Oct., 1869, Harvey James Lockwood, b. in Washington Co., N. Y., 31 Oct., 1845, son of John Harvey Lockwood, b. 24 Nov., 1817, and Mary Maria Fox, b. 9 Apr., 1824.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican , res. in Coldwater, Ia.
Children, b. in Coldwater.
18569 Walter Herbert Lockwood,11 b. 29 Sept., 1870.
18570 Minnie Claire Lockwood,11 b. 16 Oct., 1872.
18571 Henry Lee Lockwood,11 b. 4 Nov., 1874.
18572 Casper Clyde Lockwood,11 b. 24 Aug., 1876.
18573 Cora Elena Lockwood,11 b. 11 June, 1878.
18574 Harlie Kellogg Lockwood,11 b. 25 Dec., 1882.
18575 Eva Myrtle Lockwood,11 b. 2 Oct., 1885.
18576 Edna May Lockwood,11 b. 29 Oct., 1889.

12434.   FLORA LORANIA,10 dau. of Elijah9 (6063), b. in Woodville, O., 16 Feb., 1850; m. in Hampton, Ia., 21 June, 1882, Harrison Erwin Hudson, b. in Winnebago Co., Ill., 20 Jan., 1843, son of Horace Hudson, b. 10 June, 1819, and Paulina Briggs, b. 3 Sept., 1820.
He was a farmer; res. in Goldwater, Ia.; was a soldier for the Union; served one year in the One Hundred and Forty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; after being mustered out res. in Chicago until 1878, and then rem. to Floyd Co., Ia., where he is a farmer.
18577 Birney Vane Hudson,11 b. 8 May, 1883.
18578 Oscar Junius Hudson,11 b. 5 Dec., 1884.
18579 Terence Elijah Hudson,11 b. 26 Dec., 1886; d. 27 July, 1887.
18580 Lepha Hazel Hudson,11 b. 18 Nov., 1888.

12436.   DR. CHARLES SUMNER,10 son of Elijah9 (6063), b. in Woodville, O., 23 Sept., 1858; m. 20 Dec., 1884, Alice Pauline Riley, b. 24. Oct., 1859, dau.­ of Nelson Riley, b. 1818, and Hannah Wing, b. 1830.
He is a physician; res. in Chicago.
18581 Marie Lucille,11 b. 1 Jan., 1886.
18582 Emma Marguerite,11 b. 6 June, 1890.
18583 Chester,11 b. 21 Sept., 1892.
18584 Simon,11 b. 13 June, 1896.
18585 Ethyl Pauline,11 b. 14 Dec., 1898.
18586 Evalyne Beatrix,11 b. 14 Dec., 1898.

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12446.   MELISSA EMERETTE,10 dau. of Otis Dewey9 (6089), b. 21 Sept., 1841; m. in West Windsor, Mich., 1 Jan., 1861, Gordon Treat, whose brother, David, m. her sister, Mary Asenath.
He was a Union soldier; enlisted 28 Feb., 1864, as Corp. in Co. K, Seventh Michigan Volunteer Cavalry; was taken prisoner at Front Royal, 16 Aug., 1864, and is supposed to have d. in captivity.
18587 Emma E. Treat,11 b. 10 Sept., 1861.
18588 Caroline G. Treat,11 b. 16 Sept., 1864.

12447.   MARY ASENATH,10 dau. of Otis Dewey9 (6089), b. 20 Dec., 1843; m. David Treat, whose brother, Gordon, m. her sister, Melissa Emerette.
He was a farmer; res. in West Windsor, Mich.
18589 Francis E. Treat,11 b. 8 Aug., 1863.
18590 Maria L. Treat,11 b. 24 Mar., 1865.
18591 Alice Ermina Treat,11 b. 23 Feb., 1871.

12450.   FRANCIS ELI DEWEY,10 son of Jason Warren9 (6093), b. 18 Feb., 1844; m. 18 Feb., 1865, Lucinda Melissa Morris, b. 29 Feb., 1844, dau. of Peter Kane Morris and Catherine M. Port, of Detroit, Mich.
He was a lawyer in Detroit; later res. in Dearborn, near Detroit; was at one time in the wholesale liquor trade in the firm of Morris & Kellogg, Detroit.
18592 Carrie Belle,11 b. 13 Dec., 1866.
18593 Jason Morris,11 b. 9 Sept., 1867; d. 12 Nov., same year.
18594 Katie C.,11 b. 23 Oct., 1868.
18595 Francis Eli Dewey,11 b. 24 July, 1871; m. in Dearborn, 6 Apr., 1892, Caroline H. Purdy, b. 8 Oct., 1871, dau. of Charles H. Purdy, b. 8 Oct., 1849, and Susan L. Ford, b. 27 Aug., 1849; res. in Green­field, Mich.; had no children.

12456.   WILLIAM EZRA,10 son of John Nixon Warren9 (6104), b. in Middle­town, N. Y., 14 Dec., 1865; m. there, 28 Oct., 1891, Emma Irene Thayer, b. 27 Nov., 1867, dau. of Charles J. Thayer, b. 22 Mar., 1840, and Sarah Margaret Price, b. 1 June, 1843.
He is a clerk; res. in Middletown; is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a Republican.
18596 Walter Douglas,11 b. 16 Apr., 1894.

12477.   SUSAN WESTON,10 dau. of Edmund Brush9 (6115), b. in Monmouth, Ill., 11 July, 1852; m. in (Norwich, Vt., 14 Jan., 1885, Dr. William Thayer Smith, b. in New York City, 30 Mar., 1839, son of Asa Dodge Smith, b. 21 Sept., 1804, and Sarah Ann Adams, of Hanover, N. H., b. 2 Feb., 1806.
She d. in Hanover, 27 Mar., 1902.
He is a physician, a professor in Dartmouth College; was graduated from

1534    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Yale College, 1860; Dartmouth Medical School, 1878; University of New York Medical School, 1879; is a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Hanover.
Children, b. in Hanover.
18597 Morris Kellogg Smith,11 b. 18 Mar., 1886.
18598 Thayer Adams Smith,11 b. 14 Nov., 1889.

12524.   JASON ROZELL,10 son of Alonzo Perry9 (6151), b. in New York, 20 Apr., 1831; m. (1) in Greig, N. Y., 31 July, 1851, Adelia French, dau. of _______ French and Eliza Segar.
She d. in Constantia, N. Y., 7 Aug., 1852; he m. (2) in Constantia, 2 Jan., 1853, Sarah Smith, b. in Clay, N. Y., 14 May, 1836, dau. of Wilbur Smith, b. 28 Apr., 1787, and Abigail Phillips, b. 13 Apr., 1790.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Sparta, Mich.
Child by first wife.
18599 Almira Eliza,11 b. in Constantia, 14 June, 1852; d. 8 Sept., 1853.
Children by second wife.
18600 Mary Diantha,11 b. in West Monroe, N. Y., 7 Dec., 1853; m. Elmer Chambers.
18601 Charles Alonzo,11 b. in West Monroe, 8 Feb., 1856; m. Mary Eliza­beth Palmer.
18602 Emma,11 b. in Alpine, Mich., 12 Nov., 1858; m. Frederick Martin Ruthardt.
18603 Frederick Wilbur,11 b. in Mill Creek, Mich., 4 Aug., 1861; m. (1) Arvilla Misner; (2) Clara A. Jacklin.
18604 William Edward,11 b. in Mill Creek, 29 Mar., 1864; m. (1) Mary Hemenger; (2) Eva Wolcott.
18605 Francis Daniel,11 b. in Mill Creek, 12 Aug., 1866; m. Caroline Aro­smith.
18606 Loren Eugene,11 b. in Mill Creek, 20 Apr., 1869; m. (1) Lulu Worth; (2) Jennie Binehover.
18607 Acton J.,11 b. 9 Nov., 1872; d. in Plainfield, Mich., 10 Nov., 1874.
18608 James Albert,11 b. 25 Feb., 1877; res., unm., in Sparta.
18609 Elizabeth Sarah,11 b. in Plainfield, 15 Jan., 1880; m. Frank Benja­min Whitney.

12536.   ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Dr. Charles Higgins Babbet9 (6153), b. in Woodstock, Canada, 1840; m. in Woodstock, Rodman McNames, b. in Beech­ville, Ont., 12 Mar., 1833, son of Nathaniel McNames, of Marshall, Mich., b. 12 Nov., 1805, and Elizabeth Welsh, b. 1 Aug., 1815.
She d. ______; he m. (2) _______; d. 14 June, 1898.
He was a shoemaker, a Baptist and a Republican; res. in Marshall.
18610 Solomon McNames,11 b. in Beechville, 15 July, 1857.

12537.   DEBORAH,10 dau. of Dr. Charles Higgins Babbet9 (6153), b. in Woodstock, Canada, 13 Jan., 1842; m. in Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1855; Angus

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Sutherland McLeod, b. in Embro, Canada, son of Donald McLeod, b. 1 Mar., 1802, and Christina Sutherland, b. 1808.
He was a bookkeeper and a member of the Baptist Church.
Children, b. in Hamilton, Ont.
18611 James Alexander McLeod,11 b. 6 Feb., 1866; d. there, June, 1878.
18612 John William McLeod,11 b. 6 Nov., 1868; d. there, June, 1878.
18613 Angus Charles McLeod,11 b. 29 July, 1872; d. there, July, 1890.
18614 Lulu McLeod,11 b. 6 Oct., 1873; d. in Detroit, Mich., 7 Nov., 1891.
18615 Norman McLeod,11 b. 1 Aug., 1877; d. in Grand Rapids, Mich., Mar., 1893.

12538.   MATILDA BEATRICE,10 dau. of Dr. Charles Higgins Babbet9 (6153), b. in Woodstock, Canada, 22 July, 1844; m. 6 Sept., 1867, Galvin Barry, b. in County Clare, Ireland, 1840, only son of Sir Dennis Barry, a graduate of Oxford and an Ensign in the British army, and Margaret Newton.
He d. in Montreal, Canada, 1879; she m. (2) in Hamilton, Canada, Charles Smith Benson, b. in Victor, N. Y., 6 Apr., 1839, son of George S. Benson and Naomi Broadwell; he res. in Trail, B. C., and later in Northport, Wash., where he was engaged in mining.
Children by first husband.
18616 Ethelbert Barrry,11 b. ______.
18617 Vernon Barry,11 b. ______.
18618 Ernest Barry,11 b. ______.

12539.   GEORGE W.,10 son of Dr. Charles Higgins Babbet9 (6153), b. in Lowville, N. Y., 1845; m. 1871, Mary Sawyer, b. in Vermont.
He was a lumberman in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin; res. in Boze­man, Mont., where he has a sawmill and is a stock raiser.
18619 George E.,11 b. 10 Sept., 1874.
18620 Eustis T.,11 b. 3 July, 1876.
18621 James G.,11 b. 8 Mar., 1880.
18622 Abbot,11 b. 22 July, 1883.
18623 Clara Louisa,11 b. 29 Dec., 1885.
18624 Charles,11 b. 22 Dec., 1888.
18625 Permelia Estela,11 b. 8 Feb., 1893.
18626 Mary,11 b. 6 Apr., 1896.

12541.   WILLIAM ALEXANDER,10 son of Dr. Charles Higgins Babbet9 (6153), b. in Woodstock, Canada, 22 July, 1850; m. in Dickerville, Mich., 17 May, 1873, Mary Falconer, b. in Maryborough, Ont., 26 Oct., 1858, dau. of John Falconer, b. 25 Mar., 1824, and Nancy Ann Nichol, b. 25 Dec., 1832.
He is a farmer, a Free Thinker and a Republican; res. in Eatonville, Wash.
18627 Charles Higgins Babbet,11 b. in Downington, Mich., 15 May, 1874; m. in Rathdrum, Idaho, 26 Dec., 1898, Mary O'Donnell; res. in Rathdrum; had no children.

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✛18628 Emma Bell,11 b. in Mancelona, Mich., 28 Feb., 1876; m. George Woodley Scurlock.
18629 William Falconer,11 b. in Mancelona, 16 June, 1878.
18630 Virginia May,11 b. in Downington, 17 June, 1880; m. in Ellensburg, Wash., Hiram Steward; res. in Eatonville, Wash.
18631 Lillie Anna,11 b. in Tappan, N. D., 27 Jan., 1882.
18632 Louise Permelia,11 b. in Warm Springs, Mont., 1 Jan., 1889; d. 27 Jan., 1889.
18633 Dora,11 b. in Warm Springs, 16 June, 1891.
18634 George Harrison,11 b. in Silver Bow, Mont., 13 Dec., 1893.
18635 Mary Adelaide,11 b. in Bozeman, Mont., 5 June, 1896.
18636 Grace Helen,11 b. in Eatonville, 2 Nov., 1898; d. 27 Nov., 1898.

12542.   DR. STEPHEN R. L.,10 son of Dr. Charles Higgins Babbet9 (6153), b. in Woodstock, Canada, 25 Mar., 1852; m. Lucy Moyer.
He d. in Illinois, May, 1885; she m. (2) _______; res. in Three Rivers, Mich.; d. Nov., 1886, and is buried in Constantine, Mich.
18637 Frances,11 b. Dec., 1881; was adopted by Mrs. O. P. Slate, of Three Rivers.

12567.   SAMUEL HICKOK,10 son of Newton9 (6252), b. in Rutland, Vt., 4 Aug., 1856; m. in North Brookfield, Mass., 25 Dec., 1879, Mary Frances Kellogg (12578), b. 27 Mar.,10 dau. of Patrick Henry Kellogg (+6256), b. 25 Oct., 1828, and Elizabeth Sophia Prentiss, b. 4 Mar., 1833.
He d. in Rutland, Vt., 18 Oct, 1894; she res. there.
He was a sealer of scales.
18638 Ralph Prentiss,11 b. 1 Sept., 1882; d. same day.
18639 Theodora,11 b. 18 Feb., 1887.

12568.   JOHN NEWTON,10 son of Newton9 (6252), b. in Rutland, Vt., 27 July, 1860; m. in Burlington, Vt., 30 May, 1882, Harriet Perry Foy, b. in Bur­lington, 29 Apr., 1866, dau. of Abial Foy, b. May, 1839, and Sarah Jane Hath­away, b. 1 May, 1840.
She d. in Rutland, 22 Jan., 1896.
He is a bookkeeper, an insurance agent, a Congregationalist and a Repub­lican; res. in Burlington.
18640 Elizabeth Sarah,11 b. in Burlington, 5 Aug., 1885.
18641 Newton,11 b. in Rutland, 30 May, 1890.
18642 John Maurice,11 b. in Rutland, 8 Aug., 1892; d. there, 17 Aug., 1893.

12570.   JOSEPH TOTTINGHAM,10 son of James9 (6254), b. in Pittsford, Vt., 3 Feb., 1848; m. there, 5 June, 1867, Robie Malissa Nichols, b. in Stock­holm, N. Y., 18 Aug., 1849, dau. of Elnathan W. Nichols, of Crown Point, N. Y., and Hannah _______.
He is a farmer, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Rutland, Vt.

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Children, b. in Rutland.
✛18643 James Tottingham,11 b. 18 Aug., 1871; m. Carrie Bell Davis.
18644 Mary Gertrude,11 b. 11 Aug., 1875; m. Loring Ripley Pinney.

12567.   GEORGE FRANKLIN,11 son of Patrick Henry9 (6256), b. in North Brookfield, Mass., 24 Dec., 1853; m. in Boston, Mass., 10 May, 1877, Jessie Eliza­beth Tiffany, of Burlington, Vt., b. in Keene, N. H., 1852, dau. of William F. Tiffany, of Burlington.
She d. in Avon Park, Fla., 20 Oct., 1897, where he now res.
18645 Ethel Gertrude,11 b. in North Brookfield, 13 Mar., 1878.
18646 Elizabeth Isabel,11 b. in Newtonville, Mass., 12 Man, 1880.
18647 Harold Prentiss,11 b. in Sterling, Kas., 24 Jan., 1884; d. in Sterling, 28 Apr., 1887.

12590.   MARY SOPHIA,10 dau. of Amos Virgil9 (6262), b. in Richmond, Ind., 5 Feb., 1866; m. in Pueblo, Col., 5 Mar., 1887, David Shaw, b. in Maryland, 5 June, 1852.
He d. in Beaver Creek, Col., 2 Sept., 1887.
He was a locomotive engineer; res. in Pueblo.
18648 Helen Davie Shaw,11 b. 23 Nov., 1887.

12601.   SELINA PRISCILLA,10 dau. of Orson9 (6276), b. in Columbus, O., 4 Mar., 1848; m. in Cairo, Ill., 28 Sept., 1865, John Click Acree, b. in Virginia, 28 Sept., 1835, son of Lewis Acree and Mary Click.
He is a blacksmith and a Democrat; res. in Hernando, Miss.
Children, b. in Hernando.
18649 Mary Jane Acree,11 b. 7 Mar., 1867; m. 31 Dec., 1892, Dr. John Mason Phillips; res. in Lula, Miss.; had two children.
18650 Emma Belle Acree,11 b. 18 Jan., 1869; d. 9 Aug., 1871.
18651 Sarah Elizabeth Acree,11 b. 31 Jan., 1871.
18652 Lona Frank Acree,11 b. 28 Oct., 1872; m. 20 Dec., 1895, Robert Julian Lauderdale; res. in Senatobia, Miss.; had one child.
18653 Orson Lewis Acree,11 b. 5 Aug., 1875.
18654 Emma Belle Acree,11 b. 6 June, 1877.
18655 Charles William Acree,11 b. 20 Dec., 1879; d. 3 Dec., 1881.
18656 John O. Acree,11 b. 3 June, 1882.
18657 Edwin Kellogg Acree,11 b. 11 July, 1884.
18658 Margaret Rhodes Acree,11 b. 15 July, 1887; d. 17 July, 1887.

12602.   ORSON MILO,10 son of Orson9 (6276), b. in Fairview, Ill., 13 Apr., 1849; m. in Hernando, Miss., 9 Jan., 1870, Margaret Jane Lutz, b. in Memphis, Tenn., 27 Mar., 1848, dau. of George Roland Lutz, b. 12 Oct., 1821, and Mary Ann Pifer, b. 7 Mar., 1825.
He d. in Hernando, 15 Oct., 1878; was a planter, a Methodist and a Demo­crat; she m. (2) Theodore Rhodes; res. in Evansville, Miss.

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Children, b. in Hernando.
18659 Orson William,11 b. 24 Oct., 1870.
18660 Frank Roland,11 b. 4 Jan., 1872; d. 15 Aug., 1878.
18661 Georgia Belle,11 b. 24 Jan., 1875.
18662 Myra Belle,11 b. 5 Aug., 1877; m. in Evansville, 11 Nov., 1898, Wil­liam Amos Osbourne, b. 3 Sept., 1873, son of William Jackson Os­bourne, b. 16 June, 1853, and Rosa Ann Strong, b. 12 Apr., 1859; he is a bookkeeper; res. in Evansville; has no children.
18663 Ruth May,11 b. 10 June, 1879; m. in Memphis, 28 May, 1898, Lee Mosby; res. in Evansville.

12603.   SARAH ABIGAIL,10 dau. of Orson9 ( 6276), b. in Olney, Ill., 22 Nov., 1850; m. in Hernando, Miss., 4 Sept., 1870, Nehemiah John Harness, b. in Lin­colnshire, England, 26 Apr., 1842, son of Richard Harness and _______ Colbert.
He d. in Hernando, 19 Apr., 1898; she res. there.
He was a merchant, a Methodist and a Democrat; served as a private in the civil war in the Confederate army, from 1861 until the close of the war.
Children, b. and d. in Hernando.
18664 Frances Kendall Harness,11 b. 9 Sept., 1872; d. 3 Apr., 1875.
18665 William Orson Harness,11 b. 23 Jan., 1879; d. 10 June, 1880.
18666 Charles Bell Harness,11 b. 11 Dec., 1881; d. 18 Jan., 1885.
18667 John Richard Harness,11 b. 13 June, 1885; d. 25 Nov., 1896.

12606.   LEON ORA TALBOT,10 dau. of Orson9 (6276), b. in Marion, Ill., 10 Jan., 1856; m. in Hernando, Miss., 30 Dec., 1875, William Malcolm Earp, b. in Anderson District, S. C., 7 Feb., 1845, son of David Dunlap Earp, b. Nov., 1800, and Margaret Phillips, b. Sept., 1800.
He is a machinist, a Methodist and a Democrat; was a private in the civil war in Co. A, Third Battalion, Mississippi Volunteers; enlisted 1861; was paroled May, 1865; res. in Memphis, Tenn.
Children, first six b. in Hernando.
18668 Lucien Eugene Earp,11 b. 31 Jan., 1877; m. in Memphis, 28 June, 1897, Mary Agnes Wall; res. in Memphis.
18669 Edgar Lloyd Earp,11 b. 27 June, 1882; d. 31 July, 1885.
18670 William Bell Earp,11 b. 3 Oct., 1884.
18671 Sara Edna Earp,11 b. 10 Sept., 1887.
18672 Margaret May Earp,11 b. 2 June, 1889.
18673 Mary Catherine Earp,11 b. 2 June, 1889.
18674 Orson Kellogg Earp,11 b. in Memphis, 8 Jan., 1899.

12608.   MARIA MAY,10 dau. of Orson9 (6276), b. in Ashley, Ill., 23 Aug., 1859; m. in Hernando, Miss., 6 Nov., 1879, Charles Tait Wilson, b. in Senatobia, Miss., 6 Nov., 1857, son of James Minor Wilson and Martha Mitchell.
She d. in Memphis, Tenn, 20 Nov., 1889; he d. in New Orleans, La., 1 Oct., 1894.
He was a farmer, a Methodist and a Democrat; res. in Senatobia.

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Children, b. in Senatobia.
18675 Minor Kellogg Wilson,11 b. 29 June, 1880; d. in Hernando, 8 July, 1881.
18676 Louise Belle Wilson,11 b. 8 Oct., 1882; d. 9 Aug., 1885.
18677 Helen Effie Wilson,11 b. 18 May, 1884.
18678 George Curry Wilson,11 b. 30 Oct., 1886.

12610.   HARDING,10 son of Shiverick9 (6277), b. in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., 17 May, 1846; m. in Lansing, Mich., 21 June, 1867, Eliza Conner, b. in Canada, 13 Mar., 1846, dau. of Thomas Conner, b. 8 Feb., 1821, and Ellen Horsburg, b. 24 Apr., 1827.
He is a farmer; a Republican; res. in Strickland, Mich.
Children, b. in Easton, Mich.

18679 Chester A.,11 b. 26 Nov., 1871; m. 30 June, 1898, Anna Pickard, b. in Saginaw, Mich., 25 Aug., 1873, dau. of William Pickard, b. 14 Nov., 1843, and Celestia Walker, b. 14 Sept., 1849; is a banker; was graduated from the Commercial Department, Alma College, Mich., 19 June, 1889; res. in Mount Pleasant, Mich.; had no chil­dren.
18680 Leah,11 b. 1 June, 1874.
18681 Neil,11 b. 21 May, 1876.

12611.   OLIVE LOUISA,10 dau. of Shiverick9 (6277), b. in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., 15 Dec., 1847; m. in Easton, Mich., 18 Oct., 1866, Burdette E. Goodwin, b. in Monroe Co., N. Y., 3 Dec., 1843, son of Levi C. Goodwin, b. 18 Mar., 1814, and Ann Barlow, b. 11 Dec., 1819.
He is a farmer; res. in Ionia, Mich.
Children, b. in Easton, Mich.
18682 Albert Claire Goodwin,11 b. 24 Oct., 1877.
18683 Elton Roy Goodwin,11 b. 6 May, 1882.

12614.   SHIVERICK,10 son of Shiverick9 (6277), b. in Ionia Co., Mich., 5 Jan., 1857; m. in St. Louis, Mich., 25 Dec., 1880, Nettie Scott, b. in Detroit, Mich., 14 July, 1863, dau. of Sylvester Scott, b. 17 Oct., 1823, and Christina _______.
He is a mail carrier; res. in Traverse City, Mich.
Children, b. in Strickland, Mich.
18684 Edna Olive,11 b. 16 July, 1882.
18685 Iva Bell,11 b. 8 Feb., 1883.
18686 Lena,11 b. 14 Dec., 1884; d. Dec., 1885.
18687 Laurie,11 b. 14 Dec., 1884; d. 6 Dec., 1885.
18688 Beulah May,11 b. 11 Feb., 1890.
18689 Clark Sylvester,11 b. 5 Oct., 1892.

12630.   FLEDA LOUISE,10 dau. of Edward W9 (6302), b. in St. Albans Bay, Vt., 8 May, 1857; m. in Syracuse, N. Y., 2 Feb., 1880, William White Loomis, b.

1540    The Kelloggs in the New World.

in Watertown, N. Y., 4 Sept., 1856, son of William Andrew Loomis and Mary E. White.
He is a merchant; res. in Troy, N. Y.
18690 May Louisa Loomis,11 b. 30 Aug., 1880.
18691 William Kellogg Loomis,11 b. 19 June, 1882.
18692 Donald Gordon Loomis,11 b. ______

12631.   EDWARD AUGUSTUS,10 son of Edward W9 (6302), b. in St. Albans, Vt., 21 July, 1861; m. 1 Dec., 1884, Bessie Lyster Austin, dau. of Samuel Lud­low Austin and Jeanne Pierce.
He was a railroad accountant for fifteen years; a publisher two years and, in 1896, a traveling salesman.
Children, b. in St. Albans.
18693 Edward Ludlow,11 b. 2 June, 1886.
18694 Sherlock Austin,11 b. 5 Aug., 1891.
18695 Frances Louisa,11 b. 23 Aug., 1895.

12634.   HUBERT ORANGE,10 son of Amherst Thayer9 (6303), b. in St. Albans, Vt., 8 Jan., 1858; m. in Big Timber, Mont., 17 Aug., 1885, Laura Cel­lers, b. in Indiana, 28 Feb., 1866, dau. of Samuel Cellers and Martha Cowan.
He is a Congregationalist and a retail merchant; res. in Big Timber.
18696 Dorman,11 b. in Melville, Mont., 1 Jan., 1887.
18697 Hubert Orange,11 b. in Big Timber, 22 Jan., 1892.

12639.   SIMON JOHN,10 son of Edward John9 (6320), b. in Tyrone, Mich., 22 Aug., 1855; m. 25 Dec., 1879, Lethie Hannah Harkness, b. in Sycamore, Ill., 23 Aug., 1859.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Jamestown, Mich.
18698 Henry J.,11 b. 5 Jan., 1880.
18699 Orrin Earl,11 b. 28 July, 1882.
18700 Hazel Cora,11 b. 4 July, 1884.
18701 John Leslie,11 b. 6 Nov., 1888.
18702 May Gwendola,11 b. 26 Dec., 1891.
18703 Genevieve Zertha,11 b. 27 Feb., 1893.

12641.   EDWARD JOSIAH,10 son of Edward John9 (6320), b. in Tyrone, Mich., 10 Aug., 1860; m. (1) 3 June, 1885, Anna B. Kline, of Milford, Ind., b.­ in Syracuse, Ind., 9 Mar., 1860, dau. of John Kline and Elizabeth Hoover.
She d. in Fitzgerald, Ga., 3 June, 1897; he m. (2) as her second husband, in Grand Rapids, Mich., 23 Feb., 1898, Mrs. Lucia Jane (Brainard) Tombs, b. in Prairieville, Mich., 19 Nov., 1867, dau. of George Brainard, b. 4 Jan., 1823; and Helen Mary Williams, b. 4 June, 1832, and Widow of Edward Eldridge Tombs.
He is a mason, a mechanic, a Republican and a member of the Church of Christ; res. in Milford.

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Children by first wife.
18704 Victor,11 b. in Jamestown, Mich., 27 May, 1886; d. in Jamestown, 24 Aug., 1886.
18705 Glenford Earl,11 b. in Jamestown, 31 Oct., 1888.
18706 Harold Mere,11 b. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 21 Oct., 1890.
18707 Carl Henry,11 b. in Grand Rapids, 24 Feb., 1892; d. there, 4 Apr., 1892.
Children by second wife.
18708 Edward Whitman,11 b. in Milford, Ind., 8 Dec., 1898.
18709 A Daughter,11 b. in Milford, 19 Feb., 1900.

12642.   AMELIA ARIMATHEA,10 dau. of Edward John9 (6320), b. in Hart­land, Mich., 12 June, 1862; m. 4 July, 1879, William Louis Spitzer, son of John Spitzer, b. 21 Jan., 1822, and Louise _______, b. 23 Apr., 1837.
He is a farmer and carpenter; res. in Holland, Mich.
18710 Arimathea May Spitzer,11 b. 1 May, 1881.
18711 Edward Louis Spitzer,11 b. 26 Apr., 1883.
18712 William Lovant Spitzer,11 b. 8 Feb., 1885.
18713 Pearley Louisa Spitzer,11 b. 13 Oct., 1887.
18714 John Birton Spitzer,11 b. 9 Feb., 1891.
18715 Minnie Myrea Spitzer,11 b. 27 Jan., 1894.
18716 Georgia Irene Spitzer,11 b. 22 Feb., 1897.

12643.   AUGUSTA SHANNON,10 dau. of Edward John9 (6320), b. in Tall­mage, Mich., 3 Sept., 1865; m. 21 Sept., 1888, John Ralzsy Brainard, b. in Prairieville, Mich., 30 Oct., 1864, son of George Brainard, b. 5 Jan., 1828, and Helen Mary Williams, b. 4 June, 1832.
He is a farmer; an advocate of free silver; res. in Brouard, Mich.
18717 Mary Ethel Belle Brainard,11 b. in Jamestown, Mich., 7 Feb., 1890.
18718 Vera Helen Brainard,11 b. in Jamestown, 26 Oct., 1891.
18719 Gennie John Brainard,11 b. in Prairieville, Mich., 28 Apr., 1896.
18720 Russell Kellogg Brainard,11 b. in Prairieville, 22 Jan., 1898.

12644.   EMMA LEAH,10 dau. of Edward John9 (6320), b. in Jamestown, Mich., 10 July, 1868; m. in Wyoming, Mich., 24 Dec., 1889, Della Van Cook, b. in Alamo, Mich., 6 May, 1868, son of Darius Solomon Cook, b. 16 Nov., 1844, and Anna Francis Barton, b. in Allegan, Mich., 10 Sept., 1844.
He is a barber and a Republican; res. in Allegan.
18721 Leo Delavan Cook,11 b. in Plainwell, Mich., 15 Apr., 1891.
18722 Nellie Irene Cook,11 b. in White Cloud, Mich., 7 Nov., 1894.

12646.   CHARLES HIRAM,10 son of Edward John9 (6320), b. in Jamestown, Mich., 5 Mar., 1874; m. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 10 Sept., 1896, Minnie Adella Morse, b. in Caledonia, Mich., 1 Jan., 1879, dau. of Edward Morse, b. 31 June, 1853, and Alice Amelia Kilmer, b. in Caledonia, 22 July, 1854.

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18723 William Alden,11 b. in Jamestown, 27 Oct., 1898.

12668.   MINNIE ELLEN ,10 dau. of Rev. Joseph Frederick9 (6354), b. in Otis­ville, Mich., 20 Oct., 1861; m. (1) in Adrian, Mich., 6 Nov., 1882, Frank Ger­man Seger, b. in Rome, Mich., 9 Jan., 1861, son of Alexander W. Seger and Olive Eggleston.
He d. in Georgetown, Col., 29 Aug., 1885; she m. (2) in Muskegon, Mich., 29 June, 1892, Abner Elisha Larned, b. in Fenton, Mich., 31 Jan., 1871, son of Horace Jesse Larned and Flora Roberts; he is a manufacturer in the firm of Larned, Carter & Co.; res. in Detroit, Mich.
Children by second husband, b. in Detroit.
18724 Bradford York Larned,11 b. 6 Oct., 1898.
18725 Cortland Kellogg Larned,11 b. 28 Nov., 1900.

12669.   MARY ALICE,10 dau. of Rev. Joseph Frederick9 (6354), b. in Fre­mont, Mich., 17 Aug., 1863; m. in Tyrone, Mich., 5 Apr., 1886, Gustavus Adol­phus King, b. in Paisley, Canada, 12 Feb., 1865, son of Joshua Edward King, b. 26 Aug., 1832, and Louise Percilla, b. 7 Apr., 1837.
He d. in Detroit, Mich., 13 May, 1898.
He was an engineer, a Congregationalist and a Prohibitionist; res. in De­troit, Mich.
Children by second husband, b. in Detroit.
18726 Frank Seger King,11 b. in East Saginaw, Mich., 26 July, 1888.
18727 Ruth Kellogg King,11 b. in East Saginaw, 11 Jan., 1891.
18728 Esther Chipman King,11 b. in Muskegon, Mich., 2 July, 1894.
18729 Ellen Louise King,11 b. in Detroit, 19 Sept., 1897.

12687.   CHARLOTTE VIOLA,10 dau. of Dr. Frank9 (6357), b. in Utica, Mich., 10 Aug., 1872; m. in Atwood, Kas., 4 July, 1890, Chelson Ackley Gibson, and Amanda Hendon Bishop, b. in Uncompahgre, Col., 23 May, 1843.
He is a farmer; res. in Uncompahgre.
18730 Ouray Kellogg Gibson,11 b. in Ridgway, Col., 5 June, 1891.
18731 Mamie Edna Gibson,11 b. in McDonald, Kas., 12 Aug., 1893.
18732 Era Gertrude Gibson,11 b. in Uncompahgre, 21 July, 1897.

12697.   GRANT EUGENE,10 son of Alfred Josiah9 (6359), b. in Otisville, Mich., 12 Oct., 1871; m. in Portland, Or., 17 May, 1896, Amy Irene Howes, b. in Viola, Ill., 17 May, 1875, dau. of Earl Eugene Howes and Fidelia Melugin, b. 1852.
He rem. with his parents to Clay Center, Kas., 1886; rem. to Portland, 1895; to Moro, 1897, where he was editor and publisher of the People's Republic until 1899, when he rem. to Wasco, Or.; rem. in 1900 to Monkland, Or., where he now res.; is proprietor of the Sherman County News, of Wasco; is a student of sug­gestive therapeutics and osteopathy; is a Socialist.

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18733 Alfred Eugene,11 b. in Oregon City, 21 Mar., 1897.
18734 Margery Viola,11 b. in Moro, 16 Feb., 1899.

12698.   MAHALA VIOLA,10 dau. of Alfred Josiah9 (6359), b. in Otisville, Mich., 9 Nov., 1873; m. in Clay Center, Kas., 14 Aug., 1892, Cary Edwin Tate, b. in Newark, O., 4 Nov., 1874, son of Flavius Josephus Tate, b. 10 Dec., 1840, and Susan Jane Coffman, b. 6 Sept., 1842.
He is a laborer and a Congregationalist; res. in Oregon City, Or.
Children, first three b. in Clay Center.
18735 Clara Pearl Tate,11 b. 18 Nov., 1893.
18736 Alfred Josephus Tate,11 b. 28 Apr., 1896.
18737 Amy Jame Tate,11 b. 13 Sept., 1898.
18738 Lucy Tate,11 b. in Oregon City, July, 1901.

12700.   NELLIE PEARL,10 dau. of Alfred Josiah9 (6359), b. in Otisville, Mich., 19 June, 1878; m. in Oregon City, Or., 14 Jan., 1900, Ross Exzefor Spen­cer, b. in Oregon City, 19 Apr., 1874, son of Ross L. Spencer, b. 1834, and Belle P. Pullem.
He is a boom collector and a Democrat; res. in Oregon City.
18739 Ross Kellogg Spencer,11 b. 23 Nov., 1900.

12735.   HORACE MORELL,10 son of Sherman9 (6376), b. in Prairie City, Ia., 31 July, 1860; m. in Morse, Kas., 5 Jan., 1887, Dora Bell Brackenredge, b. in Franklin, Ind., 9 Aug., 1865.
Children, b. in Morse.
18740 Blanche Malinda,11 b. 25 Apr., 1888.
18741 Percy Lisle,11 b. 12 Apr., 1890.
18742 Margaret Gladys,11 b. 21 July, 1892; d. there, 27 July, 1897.
18743 Lodema Rachel,11 b. 5 July, 1894.

12737.   EARNEST ATHERTON,10 son of Sherman9 (637 6), b. in Prairie City, Ia., 10 Mar., 1863; m. in Olathe, Kas., 8 Nov., 1885, Ella M. Porter, b. in Waldron, Mo., 18 Aug., 1867, dau. of Thomas Hammond Porter, b. 9 Jan., 1827, and Margaret Anne Broomfield, b. 19 Dec., 1833.
He is a clerk in a wholesale hardware store; res. in Kansas City, Mo.
18744 Grace Marie,11 b. in Stanley, Kas., 3 Sept., 1886.
18745 Leo Roger,11 b. in Kansas City, 27 June, 1890.

12770.   ADA ELLEN,10 dau. of Sidney Bosworth9 (6382), b. in La Prairie Center, Ill., 4 Feb., 1862; m. in Wyoming, Ill., 20 Apr., 1887, Frederick Howard Hunt, b. in Iowa Co., 26 Mar., 1863, son of Henry Lang Hunt, b. 12 Jan., 1830, and Caroline Paulina Johnson, b. 9 Dec., 1832.
He is a fruit gardener and apiarist; a Republican; res. in Edgewater, Col.

1544    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, first three b. in Cedar Rapids, Ia.
18746 Harold Clifford Hunt,11 b. 25 Mar., 1888.
18747 Grace Ethel Hunt,11 b. 15 Jan., 1890.
18748 Ralph Merton Hunt,11 b. 23 Apr., 1892.
18749 Helen Alice Hunt,11 b. in Denver, Col., 31 Mar., 1895; d. there, 25 Dec., 1895.

12772.   LUCY BETSEY,10 dau. of Saxton Truman9 (6384), b. 28 Nov., 1868; m. in Lawn Ridge, Ill., 10 Oct., 1888, Alexander Russell, b. in La Prairie, Ill., 30 July, 1866, son of John Russell, b. 5 Aug., 1831, and Sarah Horn, b. 30 Aug., 1845.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Lawn Ridge.
Children, b. in Lawn Ridge.
18750 Harley Saxton Russell,11 b. 8 July, 1890.
18751 Elmer Alexander Russell,11 b. 30 Aug., 1892.
18752 Sarah Ann Russell,11 b. 26 May, 1895.

12773.   SHIRLEY DAVID,10 son of Saxton Truman9 (6384), b. in Lawn Ridge, Ill., 10 July, 1870; m. in La Prairie, Ill., 14 Dec., 1897, Hattie Eliza Wilson, b. in Chillicothe, Ill., 21 Aug., 1869, dau. of Loren J. Wilson, b. 2 Dec., 1837, and Lovina Root, b. 5 Oct., 1845.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Lawn Ridge.
18753 Truman Earl,11 b. in Lawn Ridge, 19 Sept., 1898.

12777.   HENRIETTA BLANCH,10 dau. of Don Carlos9 (6388), b. in Trivoli, Ill., 11 Feb., 1853; m. in Prairie City, Ia., 13 Mar., 1872, William James Romick, b. in Melroy, Pa., 16 Sept., 1845, son of Charles Romick, b. 5 Oct., 1809, and Mary C. Hoofnogle, b. in Snyder Co., Pa., 16 Jan., 1812.
He d. in Anita, Ia., 14 July, 1885; she res. in Indianola, Ia.
He was a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican.
18754 William Oran Romick,11 b. in Prairie City, Ia., 5 June, 1874.
18755 Charles Landis Romick,11 b. in Anita, 6 Jan., 1876; res., unm., in Niles, O.
18756 Don Clyde Romick,11 b. in Manson, Ia., 14 Dec., 1877; d. there, 9 Aug: 1880.
18757 Mary Luella Romick,11 b. in Manson, 27 Nov., 1879.
18758 Henry Ralston Romick,11 b. in Anita, 3 Oct., 1881.
18759 Claude Melvin Romick,11 b. in Anita, 30 Jan., 1885.

12778.   MARY ISABELL,10 dau. of Don Carlos9 (6388), b. in Prairie City, Ia., 20 Jan., 1855; m. in Prairie City, 25 Feb., 1875, as his second wife; Levi Young, b. in Clearfield Co., Pa., 16 Apr., 1848, son of Jacob Young, b. 27 Jan., 1805, and Lidy Crist, b. 18 Nov., 1808.
He is a miller, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Peru, Wis.

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18760 Bertha Young,11 b. in Blair, Neb., 15 Feb., 1884; d. in Pender, Neb., 28 Mar., 1887.
18761 Don Jacob Young,11 b. in Pender, 14 Dec., 1886.

12783.   HENRY RALPH,10 son of Don Carlos9 (6388), b. in Prairie City, Ia., 16 Oct, 1865; m. in Anita, Ia., 8 Dec., 1889, Laura A. Grant, b. ______, in Anita, dau. of Jacob Grant and Eunice Carley, of Michigan.
He is a drayman and a Republican; res. in Anita.
18762 Stella S.,11 b. Oct., 1888.
18763 Roy,11 b. Aug., 1892.

12788.   RENA VIOLA,10 dau. of Frederick Newton9 (6391), b. in Prairie City, Ia.,8 Aug., 1866; m. in Newton, Ia., 7 Mar., 1892, Josiah Frank Lemon, b. in Newmarket, O., 14 Aug., 1857, son of William Alexander Lemon, b. 17 Apr., 1824, and Mary Ann Gans, b. May, 1824.
He is a carpenter and a Republican; res. in Comstock, Neb.
18764 Pearl Lemon,11 b. in Prairie City, 31 Dec., 1892; d. in Lake City, Ia., 1 May, 1893.
18765 William Newton Lemon,11 b. in Lake City, 9 Feb., 1895.
18766 Charles Lemon,11 b. in Comstock, 11 Feb., 1900.

12790.   ABIGAIL JOAN,10 dau. of Frederick Newton9 (6391), b. in Prairie City, Ia., 5 Sept., 1869; m. 7 Nov., 1886, Oran Grant Dawson, b. in Teroqua, Ia., 24 Dec., 1858, son of Nelson Reed Dawson and Elizabeth Widner.
He is a tinner; res. in Prairie City.
Children, b. in Prairie City.
18767 Elsie Mabel Dawson,11 b. 17 June, 1887.
18768 Effie Winifred Dawson,11 b. 1 July, 1889.

12791.   ROSA BERENICE,10 dau. of Frederick Newton9 (6391), b. in Prairie City, Ia., 29 Oct., 1871; m. in Prairie City, 27 Oct., 1892, Edgar Davis, b. in Berwick, Ill., 30 Mar., 1867, son of Henry Davis and Rebecca Jane Wood.
He is a farmer and a Methodist; res. in Prairie City.
Children, last four b. in Prairie City.
18769 Frederick Edgar Davis,11 b. in Lake City, Ia., 22 July, 1893.
18770 Jennie Marie Davis,11 b. 4 Feb., 1895.
18771 Meta Caldona Davis,11 b. 13 Dec., 1896.
18772 Benjamin Arthur Davis,11 b. 16 Dec., 1898.
18773 Frank Raymond Davis,11 b. 12 Oct., 1900.

12803.   ALVIN EUGENE,10 son of Franklin Pierce9 (6415), b. in Naperville, Ill., 28 Oct., 1877; m. in Fort Dodge, Ia., 23 Nov., 1897, Dora Etta Adamson, b. 3 May, 1879, dau. of Benjamin Adamson, b. 21 May, 1856, and Lusana Com­mack, b. 8 Nov., 1857.
He is an engineer; res. in Fort Dodge.

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18774 Marion Lee,11 b. in Judd, Ia., 7 Oct., 1898.
18775 Grace Ethel,11 b. in Fort Dodge, 12 Jan., 1901.

12804.   GEORGE HAROLD,10 son of Franklin Pieree9 (6415), b. in Aurora, Ill., 13 Jan., 1880; m. in Sioux City, Ia., 15 Sept., 1899, Mabel Alberta Hill, b. in Judd, Ia., 17 Sept., 1883, dau. of William Hill, b. 1837, and Carrie Voltmer, b. 1857.
He is a switchman; res. in Fort Dodge.
18776 Earl Kenneth,11 b. in Fort Dodge, 23 Nov., 1900.

12806.   HATTIE MARIE,10 dau. of Franklin Pierce9 (6415), b. in Aurora, Ill., 29 Oct., 1882; m. in Fort Dodge, Ia., 25 June, 1900, Harry Joseph Lay­bourn, b. in Jasper Co., Ia., 6 Aug., 1869, son of David Laybourn, b. 9 Feb., 1841, and Nancy Jane Snodgrass, b. 1 Jan., 1843.
They res. in Fort Dodge.
18777 Harvey Hale Laybourn,11 b. 22 Feb., 1901.

12817.   MARGARET ANN,10 dau. of David Henry9 (6425), b. in Indian­apolis, Ind., 13 Apr., 1876; m. in St. Louis, Mo., 10 Nov., 1897, Edward William Schleuter, b. in St. Louis, 5 June, 1873, son of Gerhards Schleuter and Elizabeth Dicterly.
He is a printer; a Lutheran and a Republican; enlisted as a private in the Spanish war, 25 June, 1898, in Co. I, First Missouri Volunteers; was discharged Oct., 1898; res in St. Louis.
18778 Nellie Viola Schleuter,11 b. 7 Sept., 1898.

12833.   IVAN ULYSSES,10 son of Lyman S.9 (6445), b. in Rutland, Vt., 27 Jan., 1865; m. in Florence, Vt., 3 Feb., 1898, Nora Lapoint, b. in Castleton, Vt., 4 Jan., 1872, dau. of William Lapoint, b. 11 Oct., 1843, and Margaret Tucker, b. 11 Mar., 1846.
He is an engineer; a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Florence.
Children, b. in Florence.
18779 Lyman Seldon,11 b. 5 Nov., 1898.
18780 Elmer Allen,11 b. 30 Apr., 1901.

12852.   CHARLES,10 son of Harrison Franklin9 (6456), b. in Hopkinton, N. Y., 24 Apr., 1859; m. in Fort Jackson, N. Y., 30 Nov., 1882, Jane Allis Lang.
He is a hotel manager; res. in Fort Jackson.
18781 King Harrison,11, b. 22 Aug., 1884.
18782 Millard Bert,11 b. 20 June, 1886.
18783 Minerva Bell,11 b. 4 Mar., 1889.

12853.   ADELINE,10 dau. of Harrison Franklin9 (6456), b. in Fort Jackson,

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N. Y., 11 Sept., 1864; m. in DeKalb, N. Y., 31 Oct., 1882, Merton Wesley Day, b. in Nicholville, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1859, son of Russell Day, b. 8 Dec., 1816, and Julia Sweet, b. 19 Aug., 1826.
He is a farmer; a Universalist and a Democrat; res. in Nicholville.
18784 Howard Wesley Day,11 b. 8 June, 1884.

12872.   HARRIET ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Henry9 (6484), b. 3 Sept., 1849; m. 14 Dec., 1869, Charles Munson, b. in Litchfield, Conn., 14 Feb., 1834, son of William Munson and Polly Benton.
She d. in Milford, Conn., 14 May, 1873.
18785 Harriet Elizabeth Munson,11 b. in Milford, 13 May, 1873; m. 12 Jan., 1898, Henry Martin Justi, of Philadelphia, Pa.

12873.   HENRY JARVIS,10 son of Henry9 (6484), b. in Hartford, Conn., 25 June, 1853; m. in Bridgeport, Conn, 17 May, 1883, Sarah Hughes Rowe, b. in New Haven, Conn., 20 May, 1863, dau. of Robert Rowe, b. in England, and Abbie Story.
He is a civil engineer; was graduated from Yale University and Sheffield Scientific School, 1874; is an Episcopalian and a Republican; res. in New Haven.
18786 Hal Rowe,11 b. in Waterbury, Conn., 7 Jan., 1885.

12879.   MARY LOUISE,10 dau. of Edward9 (6486), b. in Hartford, Conn., 27 Mar., 1855; m. 22 Nov., 1881, William Hezekiah Spencer, b. in Suiffeld, Conn., 22 Nov., 1852, son of Thaddeus Hezekiah Spencer, b. in Suffield, 18 July, 1824, and Lucy Elizabeth Wells, b. in Westerly, R. I., 24 May, 1826.
He d. in Montclair, N. J., 18 Dec., 1896.
He was a dealer in stoves and furnaces in New York City.
18787 Lucie Day Spencer,11 b. in Suffield, 21 Jan., 1883.
18788 Bertha Louise Spencer,11 b. in New Hartford, Conn., 25 May, 1887.
18789 Burt Kellogg Spencer,11 b. 22 July, 1890.

12881.   FANNY BROWN,10 dau. of Edward9 (6486), b. in Hartford, Conn., 15 July, 1861; m. 8 Oct., 1885, Thaddeus Henry Spencer, b. in Suffield, Conn., 7 Nov., 1857, son of Thaddeus Hezekiah Spencer, b. 18 July, 1824, and Lucy Elizabeth Wells, b. 24 May, 1826.
He is a paper manufacturer; was graduated from Yale, 1879; a member of the Second Baptist Church; a Republican; res. in Holyoke, Mass.
18790 Thaddeus Harold Spencer,11 b. in Russell, Mass., 3 June, 1889.
18791 Miriam Isabel Spencer,11 b. in Holyoke, 1896.

12885.   EMILY LOUISE,10 dau. of Sanford Brown9 (6488), b. in Oakham, Mass., 22 June, 1856; m. in Osaka, Japan, 29 Sept., 1882, Rev. Marcus Lorenzo

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Taft, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 2 Aug., 1850, son of James Horton Taft, b. in Brook­lyn, 23 Aug., 1822, and Frances Alden Seney, b. 3 Feb., 1820.
He is a missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church in China; was gradu­ated 1873, from Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., and Drew Theological Seminary; res. in Tien-Tsin, China.
18792 Frances Louise Taft,11 b. in Pekin, China, 2 Apr., 1887.
18793 Marcus Lorenzo Taft,11 b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 26 May, 1889 , d. 30 May, 1889.
18794 Dwight Sanford Taft,11 b. in Pekin, 21 Jan., 1891.

12893.   LIZZIE CHILD,10 dau. of Orville Bassett9 (6525), b. in East Smith­field, Pa., 26 June, 1868; m. there, 8 Sept., 1886, Howard Bertram Harris, b. 26 Feb., 1859, son of Amariah Newton Harris, b. 9 July, 1822, and Mary Allen, b. 31 Mar., 1823.
He is a farmer and mechanic; res. in East Smithfield.
18795 Elizabeth Frances Harris,11 b. 12 June, 1887.
18796 Robert Kellogg Harris,11 b. 28 Mar., 1889.
18797 Martha Ellen Harris,11 b. 19 Aug., 1890.
18798 Frances Helen Harris,11 b. 2 Apr., 1892.
18799 Jane Lucy Harris,11 b. 5 May, 1894.
18800 Louise Gertrude Harris,11 b. 17 May, 1897.

12908.   WILLIAM ALFRED,10 son of George Washington9 (6563), b. in Ra­venna, O., 29 May, 1863; m. in Ottawa, Kas., 20 Sept., 1885, Georgiana Burton, b. in Missouri, 18 June, 1862, dau. of Daniel D. Burton and _______ Pennington.
He is a contractor and a member of the Christian Church; res. in Ottawa.
Children, b. in Ottawa.
18801 Floyd Ameritta,11 b. 19 June, 1886; d. there, 11 July, 1889.
18802 Floy Winifred,11 b. 13 July, 1889.
18803 Franc Mildred,11 b. 4 Feb., 1892.

12911.   AURILLA LUCINDA,10 dau. of George Washington9 (6563), b. in Glen Arbor, Mich., 29 Jan., 1869; m. in Kansas City, Kas., 21 Jan., 1896, Charles Edward Sutherland, b. in Coles Co., Ill., 6 Oct., 1868, son of William Broad Sutherland, b. 1837, and Susan Broad, b. 1817.
He is a compositor; res. in Topeka, Kas.
18804 Kenneth Lee Sutherland,11 b. in Topeka, 28 Oct., 1898.

12915.   AGNES JANE,10 dau. of Seth Ransom9 (6593), b. in Southport, Wis., 1 Mar., 1843; m. in Clayton, Wis., 14 July, 1866, Jacob Gore, b. in Hanover, O., 22 Jan., 1840, son of Thomas Gore, b. 28 Dec., 1805, and Achsah Whitacre, b. 17 Mar., 1811.
He is a farmer; a Methodist; was a Democrat until 1884, since then a Re­publican; served in the civil war in Co. I, Thirty-second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 15 Jan., 1862; was discharged 12 June, 1865; res. in Clayton.

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Children, last six b. in Rock Elm, Wis.
18805 Lucy Achsah Gore,11 b. in Winneconne, Wis., 28 Apr., 1867; d. in Rock Elm, 27 Feb., 1880.
18806 Thomas Ransom Gore,11 b. in Winchester, Wis., 14 Feb., 1869; m. in Spring Valley, Wis., 15 Sept., 1890, Lydia L. White, dau. of David L. White and Mary Wilson; had three children.
18807 Marcus Jonah Gore,11 b. 20 Nov., 1871; m. 22 Feb., 1899, Florence Eva Stevens, b. in Featherstone, Ill., 12 Jan., 1868.
18808 William Jacob Gore,11 b. 2 Sept., 1874; m. 3 Feb., 1899, Minnie Ku­bitz, b. in Germany, 15 Oct., 1875.
18809 Francis Orviel Gore,11 b. 12 Apr., 1876; m. 28 Sept., 1898, Martha Podzilni, b. in Germany, 15 Dec., 1876.
18810 George Henry Gore,11 b. 26 Aug., 1879; d. 23 Feb., 1880.
18811 Mary Agnes Gore,11 b. 26 Dec., 1882.
18812 Nellie Elizabeth Gore,11 b. 19 May, 1886.

12917.   MARY THERESA,10 dau. of Seth Ransom9 (6593), b. in Neenah, Wis., 10 Sept., 1848; m. in Bucla, Ill., 24 Dec., 1873, William Brace Munson, b. in Luzerne Co., Pa., 28 Apr., 1841, son of Walter Munson, b. 5 May, 1811, and Susan Bodle, b. 8 Aug., 1809.
He is a farmer; res. in Creston, Ia.
18813 Walter Bodle Manson,11 b. in Macon, Ill., 15 Oct., 1874; m. 17 Aug., 1898, Sultana Husted; res. in Pocahontas, Ia.
18814 Nellie Manson,11 b. in Macon, 21 Feb., 1878.

12934.   AMY CORNELIA,10 dau. of Leverette Steele9 (6598), b. in Lake Mills, Wis., 18 Mar., 1853; m. 21 Nov., 1887, Rev. Edgar Leander Morse, of Tomah, Wis., b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., 6 May, 1850, son of Amos C. Morse, of Danville, Vt., b. 16 July, 1821, and Susan Clarke Ide, b. 19 Oct., 1819.
He is a Congregational minister; a graduate of Dartmouth College, 1874; of Andover Seminary, 1879; a Prohibitionist.
18815 Leverett Morse,11 b. in Durand, Wis., 16 Jan., 1889; d. 1 Mar., 1889.
18816 Miriam Morse,11 b. in Durand, 16 Apr., 1891.
18817 Helen Ide Morse,11 b. in Fort Atkinson, Wis., 10 Apr., 1892.

18935.   WILLIAM WORTHY,10 son of Prof. Julius Field9 (6601), b. in Ster­ling, N. Y., 24 Jan., 1857; m. in De Witt, Ia., 5 Dec., 1883, Alta Emily Mc­Garvey, b. in De Witt, 1 Oct., 1864, dau. of Arthur John McGarvey, b. 25 Dec., 1827, and Emily Melinda Buttrick, b. 19 Sept., 1840.
He is a civil engineer; res. in Evanston, Ill.
18818 D. Whitney,11 b. in Chicago, Ill., 1 Oct., 1893.

12958.   ORO GEORGE,10 son of George Josiah9 (6608), b. in Janesville, Wis., 6 Aug., 1855; m. 5 Sept., 1883, Anna Dobson, b. in Moy, Ireland, 18 Apr., 1862,

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dau. of Henry William Dobson, b. 29 Dec., 1819, and Emily Simpson, b. 30 Nov, 1831.
He res. in Ravinia, Ill.; has been a member of the Chicago Board of Trade for more than twenty years; is a Methodist and a Republican.
Children, b. in Oak Park, Ill.
18819 Marian Ruth,11 b. 23 Aug., 1884.
18820 Walter Simpson,11 b. 27 Feb., 1888.
18821 Eloise,11 b. 7 Jan., 1890.

12979.   WALTER BERTRAND,10 son of Rev. Romulus Oscar9 (6615), b. in Milwaukee, Wis., 16 May, 1859; m. 30 Apr., 1888, Venetta White, b. 21 Apr., 1863, dau. of Delos Madison White, b. 12 Aug., 1831, and Ann Delusia Hitch­cock, b. 25 Dec., 1832.
He is a lawyer; was graduated from Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis., 1880; was admitted to the bar in Minneapolis, Minn., 1885, where he practiced three years; rem. to Superior, Wis., in 1888, where he now res.
18822 Laura White,11 b. 4 Apr., 1891.
18823 Delos Howard,11 b. 9 Apr., 1893.

12984.   KATE ADELAIDE,10 dau. of Frederick Ferdinand9 (6622), b. in Fall River, Wis., 19 Jan., 1852; m. in Neenah, Wis., 7 Oct., 1871, Joseph Henry Price, b. in Watertown, Wis., 30 July, 1848, son of Thomas Price, b. May, 1817, and Elizabeth Humphrey, b. 7 June, 1827.
He d. in Neenah, 27 May, 1895; she res. there.
He was a skilled mechanic; during the last twelve years of his life, was a retail merchant; a Methodist; a Republican until 1884, afterwards a Prohi­bitionist.
18824 Josephine Price,11 b. 17 Nov., 1872; d. 14 Apr., 1882.
18825 Gertrude Elizabeth Price,11 b. 14 Dec., 1874.
18826 Frederick Thomas Price,11 b. 10 May, 1879.
18827 Elizabeth Helen Price,11 b. 13 Feb., 1881.
18828 Earle Kellogg Price,11 b. 27 Aug., 1889.

12985.   CHARLES FREDERICK,10 son of Frederick Ferdinand9 (6622), b. in Kellogg's Corner, near Racine, Wis., 18 Apr., 1855; m. 24 Sept., 1879, Jane Elizabeth Cutting, b. 1 Jan., 1857, dau. of Shepard Daggett Cutting, b. 18 June, 1820, and Mary Pullman, b. 26 Feb., 1819.
He is a wholesale and retail dealer in lumber; is a Democrat; res. in Cen­tralia, Wis.
18829 Elbert Cutting,11 b. 12 Aug., 1880.
18830 Edgar Frederick,11 b. 10 Mar., 1882.
18831 Georgia,11 b. 26 June, 1884.
18832 Kate,11 b. 18 May, 1886.

12991.   HOLLIS MONTGOMERY,10 son of Arthur Washburn9 (6520), b. in Neenah, Wis., 29 Apr., 1868; m. in Marinette, Wis., 18 Aug., 1892; Elizabeth

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Augusta Reed, b. in Oswego, N. Y., 4 Feb., 1872, dau. of Daniel De Witt Reed and Harriet Amy West, b. 19 Jan., 1852.
He is an electrical engineer; a Democrat; res. in Adrian, Minn.
18833 Harriet Louise,11 b. in Adrian, 5 May, 1896.

12993.   FRANK WASHBURN,10 son of Arthur Washburn9 (6626), b. in Neenah, Wis., 26 Feb., 1871; m. in Neenah, 29 May, 1894, Jane Mabel Young.
18834 Kathryn Bill,11 b. in Neenah, 26 Feb., 1898.

13054.   ELLEN ELIZA,10 dau. of Frederick William9 (6672), b. in Westmore­land, N. Y., 14 May, 1844; m. in Newton, Kas., 21 Oct., 1875, Ezra S. Smith, b. in Taylorville, Pa., 8 Oct., 1836, son of Ross Smith and Mary Betts Lownes.
He d. 27 Dec., 1890; she res. in Council Bluffs, Ia.
He was a real estate agent, a Presbyterian and a Prohibitionist.
18835 Arthur William Smith,11 b. in Newton, Kas., 30 Dec., 1880; d. there, 6 Aug., 1881.

13055.   EUGENE WARREN,10 son of Frederick William9 (6672), b. in West­moreland, N. Y., 1 Feb., 1848; m. in Deansville, N. Y., 5 Dec., 1867, Eliza Ann Ward, b. in Waterville, N. Y., 12 July, 1850, dau. of Darius Ward, b. 1822, and Lurana Adams, b. 1820.
He is a farmer; res. in Tomahawk, Wis.
18836 Fred Warren,11 b. in Richmond, Kas., 19 Mar., 1876.
18837 Rubie Kate,11 b. in Richmond, 26 Mar., 1883.
18838 Annie Armenia,11 b. in Glendale, S. D., 14 Apr., 1890.

13058.   ANNIE LOUISA,10 dau. of Frederick William9 (6672), b. in Elpis, N. Y., 21 Dec., 1858; m. in Newton, Kas., 18 Apr., 1880, Isaac Newton Parsons, b. in Lincoln, Me., 19 Apr., 1852, son of Jacob Parsons, b. 22 Feb., 1797, and Abigail Bailey, b. 10 Dec., 1822.
He is a railroad agent; a Republican; res. in Council Bluffs, Ia.
Children, b. in Council Bluffs.
18839 Inez Edna Parsons,11 b. 22 Sept., 1884.
18840 Nora Mabel Parsons,11 b. 24 Apr., 1886.
18841 Edith Rena Parsons,11 b. 19 Nov., 1887.
18342 Effie May Parsons,11 b. 7 May, 1890; d. there, 15 May, 1890.

13065.   HARRIET E.,10 dau. of Charles Horace9 (6674), b. in Westmoreland, N. Y., 19 June, 1857; in; m. Westmoreland, 24 Dec., 1879, Charles Byron Keith, b. in North Brookfield, N. Y., 5 Feb., 1858, son of Henry P. Keith, b. 12 July, 1829, and Mandana C. Peck, b. 3 May, 1833.
He is a railroad station agent; a Methodist and a Democrat; res. in Oriskany, N. Y.

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Children, b. in Oriskany Falls, N. Y.
18843 Harry Charles Keith,11 b. 20 June, 1882.
18844 Royal Byron Keith,11 b. 19 Apr., 1885.

13067.   GEORGE OLNEY,10 son of Charles Horace9 (6674), b. in Westmore­land, N. Y., 18 Feb., 1859; m. in Whitewater, Wis., 5 May, 1889, Margaret Barnes, b. in Whitewater, 29 Sept., 1863, dau. of Sylvester Barnes, b. 22 Feb., 1823, and Cornelia Celestia Parker, b. 30 Jan., 1830.
She d. in Whitewater, 13 Mar., 1894; he m. (2) in Elkhorn, Wis., 15 Nov., 1900, Esther Louise Purdy, b. 29 Mar., 1869, dau. of Perry Lewis Purdy, b. 19 July, 1819, and Esther Ann Wilcox, b. 14 Oct., 1837.
He is a deputy sheriff; a Universalist.
18845 Amos Barnes,11 b. in Whitewater, 15 Nov., 1889.

13090.   SARAH AUGUSTA,10 dau. of Frederick Horace9 (6679), b. in Terry­ville, Conn., 19 Sept., 1838; m. in Terryville, 9 Nov., 1869, Albert Bunnell, b. 21 Jan., 1842, son of Thomas Bunnell, b. 9 Nov., 1806, and Permelia Bunnell, b. 28 Aug., 1804.
She d. 21 Sept., 1876.
He is a truckman, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Terryville.
18846 Frederick Arthur Bunnell,11 b. 9 Aug., 1870.
18847 Albert Thomas Bunnell,11 b. 9 Mar., 1872.
18848 Lewis Olivar Bunnell,11 b. 7 Sept., 1874.
18849 Augustus Kellogg Bunnell,11 b. 3 May, 1876; m. 21 Mar., 1900, Caro­lina Louise Bates; res. in Terryville.

13093.   CYRUS WILLIAM,10 son of Henry Augustus9 (6681), b. in New Hart­ford, Conn., 24 Mar., 1855; m. 19 Jan., 1878, Fanny Georgia McLean, b. 6 Jan., 1858, dau. of George Bronson McLean, of Danbury, Conn., b. 19 Dec., 1831, and Anna Elizabeth Bunnell, b. 4 Jan., 1835.
He is a dealer in sportsmen's goods; is a Congregationalist and a Republi­can; res. in New Haven, Conn.
18850 Raymond Merseroe,11 b. 2 Feb., 1881.
18851 Harrison Butler,11 b. 26 Aug., 1882.

13103.   REBECCA JANE,10 dau. of Asher Porter9 (6700), b. in North Fair­field, O., 28 Dec., 1835; m. there, 11 Oct., 1855, Luther Ensign Race, b. in Mount Washington, Mass., 24 Sept., 1830, son of Gilbert Race and Huldah Campbell.
He d. in Austin, Ill., 18 Mar., 1899.
He was in the real estate and insurance business; res. in Austin.
18852 Marion Jessie Race,11 b. in Canaan, Conn., 12 July, 1856; d. in Cicero, Ill., 27 Oct., 1864.
18853 Clarence Gilbert Race,11 b. in Cicero, 9 Jan., 1860; m. (1) in Chicago, Lena Christian; (2) Nannie Crowley; res. in Austin.

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18854 Frank Luther Race,11 b. in Cicero, 23 Aug., 1863; m. in Austin, Isabel Blackman; res. in Austin.
18855 Harry Ensign Race,11 b. 16 Feb., 1867; d. young.
18856 Carrie Jane Race,11 b. 16 Feb., 1867; d. 10 Apr., 1868.
18857 Lulu Winnie Race,11 b. 30 Nov., 1869; m. in Austin, Edward Grant Snodgrass; res. in Keokuk, Ia.

13105.   FREEBORN GARRISON,10 son of Asher Porter9 (6700), b. in North Fairfield, O., 24 June, 1840; m. in North Fairfield, 10 Nov., 1869, Martha Lu­denska Hakes, b. in Bronson, O., 13 Oct., 1847, dau. of Norman Southard Hakes, b. 5 July, 1818, and Adelia Marie Fox, b. 1823.
He is a butcher; a Methodist; res. in Austin, Ill.
Children, last four b. in Austin.
18858 Norman Porter,11 b. in Bronson, 30 Sept., 1870; m. Murge De Gignac.
18859 Irving Howard,11 b. 19 Jan., 1871; served in the Spanish-American War in Co. E, Twenty-second Infantry, United States Army, in the Philippines.
18860 Harry Hugh,11 b. 5 June, 1876; served in Co. D, First Infantry, Illinois Volunteers, with the Fifth Army Corps, during the inva­sion of Cuba, under Gen. Shafter.
18861 Artemas Brewer,11 b. 21 Oct., 1878; d. there, 13 Mar., 1886.
18862 Ethel Viola,11 b. 30 Oct., 1880.

13107.   LUCINDA,10 dau. of Asher Porter9 (6700), b. in North Fairfield, O., 22 Oct., 1848; m. in North Fairfield, 26 Oct., 1870, Dr. Carlos James Adams, b. in Croydon, N. H., 17 Sept., 1837, son of Jarvis Adams, b. in Croydon, 9 Aug., 1808, and Eunice Mitchell Adams.
He was graduated from the University of Michigan, Medical Dept., 1868; served in the civil war as Surgeon of the Thirteenth United States regulars; en­listed 14 Feb., 1862; was discharged 25 Dec., 1865; is a physician; was a Con­gregationalist; later a Methodist; is a Republican; res. in Chicago.
18863 Elmer Kellogg Adams,11 b. in Chicago, 21 Sept., 1874.

13118.   ARMILDA,10 dau. of William Henry Harrison9 (6704), b. in Ken­tucky; m. in Missouri, Ryan G. Stingley.
She d. in Lane Co., Ore., about 1897.
18864 Belle Stingley,11 b. ______; m. John Shaw; res. near Dallas, Ore.
18865 Jay G. Stingley,11 b. ______.
18866 Artie Stingley,11 b. ______.
18867 Elvee Stingley,11 b. ______.
18868 “Toot” Stingley,11 b. ______.

13128.   ARTEMAS BREWER,10 son of George William9 (6705), b. in Chicago, Ill., 10 Feb., 1853; m. in McDonald Co., Mo., 24 Oct., 1878, Sarah Victoria Tay­lor, b. in Anderson Co., Tenn., 24 Oct., 1857, dau. of William Taylor and Mary Frances Lee.

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He is a rancher; res. in Mead, Wash.; is a Quaker; has been a Democrat until recently.
Children, first three b. in Seneca, Mo.
18869 Harry Lee,11 b. 9 Oct., 1879.
18870 Minnie Bell,11 b. 16 Mar., 1882.
18871 Fannie Myrtle,11 b. 12 Feb., 1885; d. in Ottawa, Indian Territory, 4 Nov., 1897.
18872 Lily Evelyn,11 b. in Ottawa, 18 Mar., 1888.

13129.   LEWIS,10 son of George William9 (6705), b. in Fayette Co., Ia., 10 Aug., 1856; m. in Neosho, Mo., 15 Apr., 1885, Mary E. Bennett, b. in Hamilton Co., Ill., 8 Aug., 1866, dau. of C. M. Bennett and M. O. Denny.
He is a farmer; a Free Will Baptist and a Republican; res. in Seneca, Mo.
Children, b. in Seneca.
18873 William Thomas,11 b. 26 Apr., 1886.
18874 Charles Elmer,11 b. 24 Apr., 1888.
18875 Ara Bell,11 b. 10 May, 1890.
18876 Etta Ethel,11 b. 17 June, 1893.
18877 Lawrence Orville,11 b. 23 July, 1895.
18878 Blanche Carlie,11 b. 18 Dec., 1897.
18879 Oma Elva,11 b. 27 Feb., 1900.

13130.   TAMMIE ISABEL,10 dau. of George William9 (6705), b. in West Union, Ia., 19 June, 1859; m. in Seneca, Mo., 27 Nov., 1878, Arthur Welker, b. in Larwill, Ind., 1 Aug., 1867, son of Jeremiah Welker.
Children, b. in Seneca.
18880 Leon Presley Welker,11 b. 30 May, 1880.
18881 Grace Elsie Welker,11 b. 13 Aug., 1883; m. in Neosho, Mo., 15 Oct, 1900, William Richard Welch.
18882 George Arthur Welker,11 b. 23 Feb., 1886.
18883 Alvin Leslie Welker,11 b. 30 Nov., 1888.
18884 Julia Isabel Welker,11 b. 3 July, 1891.
18885 Jerry Welker,11 b. 27 Sept., 1893.
18886 John Lewis Welker,11 b. 6 Aug., 1896.

13133.   MYRON LIGHT,10 son of Artemas Brewer9 (6706), b. in Chicago, Ill., 1 Jan., 1855; m. in Des Moines, Ia., 20 May, 1884, Mary Seaton, b. in Milwaukee; Wis., 11 Dec., 1863, dau. of Samuel Greenleaf Seaton, b. 2 July, 1834, and Ellen Graham, b. 27 Oct., 1834.
He is a clerk and a Republican; res. in La. Grange, Ill.
18887 Leonard Seaton,11 b. 4 May, 1885.
18888 Florence,11 b. 23 Feb., 1891.

13135.   MARY ELLEN,10 dau. of Artenias Brewer9 (6706), b. in Chicago, Ill., 19 Feb., 1860; m. in Chicago, 5 Sept., 1877, Fred Albert Seaton, b. in Kensing­ton, Wis., 22 Nov., 1857, brother of Mary Seaton, Wife of Myron Light Kellogg (+13133).

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Children, b. in Chicago.
18889 Florence Seaton,11 b. 16 Apr., 1878.
18890 Blanche Kellogg Seaton,11 b. 30 Aug., 1881.
18891 Hazel Seaton,11 b. 25 Oct., 1884.

13136.   GEORGE CRAWFORD,10 son of Artemas Brewer9 (6706), b. in Chi­cago, Ill., 18 Dec., 1866; m. 22 Oct., 1891, Mary Alice McMann, b. in Mansfield, O., 26 Apr., 1870, dau. of Robert Henderson McMann, b. 22 Oct., 1847, and Mary Alice Hickox, b. 22 Oct., 1849.
He is an insurance agent; res. in Denver, Col.
18892 Crawford McMann,11 b. in Denver, 2 Nov., 1892.

13142.   CAROLINE ELIZABETH,10 dau. of George Washington9 (6709), b. in Monmouth, N. J., 23 Aug., 1845; m. 25 Sept., 1871, Francis Eugene Heyer, b. in Holmdel, N. J., 9 Sept., 1843, son of John Henry Heyer, b. 25 Apr., 1802, and Amanda Smith, b. 3 June, 1814.
He owns a sawmill in Colt's Neck, N. J., where he res.; is an attendant of the Dutch Reformed Church; is a Democrat.
18893 Carrie Etta Heyer,11 b. 29 June, 1874; m. 14 Feb., 1894, R. S. Willet.
18894 Martha Jeannette Heyer,11 b. 17 Apr., 1877.
18895 George Kellogg Heyer,11 b. 26 Sept., 1880.

13143.   MARGARET ANN,10 dau. of George Washington9 (6709), b. in De Witt, N. Y., 6 Sept., 1847; m. 17 Dec., 1875, Clarence Malcolm Keen, b. in Lafayette, N. Y., 21 Aug., 1852, son of John Keen, b. 22 Dec., 1822, and Eliza­beth Craddock, b. 17 Dec., 1827.
He was a school teacher for fifteen years; is now a farmer and dairyman; is a trustee of the Presbyterian Church and a Republican; res. in Elmwood, N. Y.
18896 Louis Clarence Keen,11 b. in Elmwood, 22 May, 1887.

13144.   MARY HUNTINGTON,10 dau. of George Washington9 (6709), b. in De Witt, N. Y., 6 Nov., 1849; m. 25 Sept., 1872, Franklin Pierce Allen.
He is a teacher; res. in Syracuse, N. Y.
18897 Caroline May Allen,11 b. 27 July, 1873; was graduated from Syracuse University.

13145.   GEORGE ALBERT,10 son of George Washington9 (6709), b. in De Witt, N. Y., 11 Sept., 1851; m. 11 May, 1872, Phidora A. Buell, dau. of Dr. George J. Buell and Ruth A. Whitney.
He was a railroad conductor; res. in Syracuse, N. Y.

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18898 George Washington,11 b. 21 Jan., 1875; d. 1882.
18899 Charlotte,11 b. 20 May, 1877; d. 15 Sept., 1882.
18900 Minnie Louise,11 b. 4 Dec., 1878; d. 1882.
18901 Elizabeth,11 b. 21 Jan., 1883.
18902 Ella Jeanette,11 b. 31 Jan., 1884.
18903 Clara,11 b. 13 May, 1885.
18904 William Washington,11 b. 19 Nov., 1887.

13147.   MARTHA MATILDA,10 dau. of George Washington9 (6709), b. in De Witt, N. Y., 26 Oct., 1855; m. 27 July, 1885, David S. Kinne.
They res. in Syracuse, N. Y.
18905 Bertha Kinne,11 b. ______; d. aged eight months.
18906 Hazel May Kinne,11 b. in Elmwood, N. Y., 6 July, 1891.

13154.   EDWARD,10 son of Charles Grandison9 (6714), b. in New York City, 15 Aug., 1846; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1877, Elizabeth Lyle Young, of Brooklyn, b. 6 Jan., 1850, dau. of John Young, of Brooklyn, b. 22 Aug., 1809, and Susan Tucker, b. 16 Oct., 1812.
He is a leather merchant in New York; is a Presbyterian and Republican; res. in Wyoming, N. J.
Children, first three b. in Brooklyn.
18907 Florence Sherman,11 b. 28 Man, 1879; d. in Wyoming, 28 Oct., 1894.
18908 John Young,11 b. 19 Aug., 1885.
18909 Edward Curtiss,11 b. 8 June, 1890.
18910 Charles Bryce,11 b. in Wyoming, 23 Dec., 1891.

13158.   MARIETTA,10 dau. of George Washington9 (6715), b. in Sacket Har­bor, N. Y., 23 May, 1840; m. 30 Dec., 1867, Francis Calvin Webb.
She d. in Watertown, N. Y., 23 Aug., 1872.
He served as a private in the civil war; is a Democrat; res. in Niles, Mich.
18911 Cora Webb,11 b. in Watertown, 18 Oct., 1869; m. 10 May, 1887; Albert Jay Allen, son of Willard Ives Allen, b. 11 July, 1836, and Alza Minerva _______, b. 11 Apr., 1844; res. in Brownville, N. Y.

13159.   MARION AURELIA,10 dau. of George Washington9 (6715), b. in Brownville, N. Y., 22 Apr., 1842; m. in Rodman, N. Y., 30 Dec., 1857, George Francis Isham, b. in Wilbraham, Mass., 15 Aug., 1841, son of William Youngs Isham, b. 2 Aug., 1806, and Martha Thyars Loomis, b. 9 Mar., 1806.
He d. 22 Apr., 1899; she res. in Rodman.
He was a farmer; enlisted in the War of the rebellion, in the Tenth New York Heavy Artillery, Co. B, 11 Sept., 1862; was discharged 23 June, 1865; was a Republican. He committed suicide, while insane, during an attack of se­vere illness. He was a man greatly beloved and respected.

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18912 Fred Eldon Isham,11 b. in Rodman, 18 Dec., 1872; m. in Lorraine, N. Y., 14 Sept., 1898, Hattie Mary Grimshaw, b. 19 Oct., 1877, dau. of Charles Delos Grimshaw, b. 8 Apr., 1850, and Frances Oatman, b. 30 May, 1855; res. in Lorraine.

13165.   ORNALDO ISAAC,10 son of Orlando9 (6718), b. in Lorraine, N. Y., 18 June, 1846; m. in Farley, Ia., Alice Haggard, b. in Farley, 26 July, 1852, dau. of Harvey Haggard, b. 13 Jan., 1821, and Alice Warmouth, b. 13 Feb., 1833.
He d. in Hopkinton, Ia., Aug., 1878; was a painter and grainer; res. in Hopkinton; she m. (2) Henry Clark; res. in San Diego, Cal.
Child, b. in Farley.
18913 James Grant,11 b. 29 July, 1872; d. in Salida, Col., 24 May, 1887.

13166.   ORLANDO HARVEY,10 son of Orlando9 (6718), b. in Lorraine, N. Y., 18 June, 1846; m. in Manchester, Ia., 13 Jan., 1875, Alice Eliza McKee, b. in Jackson Co., Ia., 18 May, 1856, dau. of Alexander D. McKee, b. 11 May, 1825, and Eliza Ann Wright, b. 18 July, 1831.
He was a surveyor; is now employed in the postal service; is a Republican; res. in Galva, Ia.
Children, b. in Ida Co., Ia.
18914 Fred Herbert,11 b. 18 Nov., 1880.
18915 Harvey Oliver,11 b. 24 Oct., 1882.
18916 Ethel May,11 b. 7 July, 1890.
18917 Lloydi Leslie,11 b. 28 Jan., 1895.

13167.   MALINDA,10 dau. of Orlando9 (6718), b. in Adams, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1850; m. in Dyersville, Ia., 15 June, 1870, Leavitt William Hall, b. in Colesburg, Ia., 1 Oct, 1845, son of Thomas Dodge Hall, b. 27 June, 1819, and Experience Fuller Warren, b. 31 Jan., 1826.
She d. in Jamestown, N. D., 20 Oct., 1892; he res. in Jamestown.
18918 Edwin Watson Hall,11 b. in Union City, Ia., 4 Apr., 1871; m. 23 May, 1894, Effie May Wescom; res. in Edmunds, N. D.
18919 Leavitt Orlando Hall,11 b. in Bedford, Ia., 9 Apr., 1873; d. 2 Aug., 1873.
18920 Thomas Warren Hall,11 b. in Bedford, 25 July, 1874.
18921 Miriam Experience Hall,11 b. in Bedford, 7 Jan., 1877; m. 31 Oct., 1894, Willis Clifford Wescom; res. in Edmunds.
18922 Roy Leavitt Hall,11 b. in Jamestown, 17 Sept., 1883.
18923 Ethel Harriet Hall,11 b. in Jamestown, 23 July, 1885.

13179.   HARVEY ADELBERT,10 son of Solomon Washington9 (6725) , b. in Rodman, N. Y., 15 Aug., 1842; m. (1) in Rodman, 15 Mar., 1866, as her second husband, Mrs. Harriet Antoinette (Kellogg) Chapman (13160), b. 21 Dec.,10 dau. of George Washington Kellogg (+6715).
She d. in Rodman, 6 Dec., 1895; he m. Anna Carroll, b. 24 July, 1858, dau. of Matthew Carroll, b. 15 Jan., 1819, and Anna Smith, b. 15 Nov., 1818.

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He is a farmer; res. in Klondike, N. Y.; is a Republican; enlisted in Co. G, Thirty-fifth New York Volunteers, 20 Apr., 1861; was discharged 11 June, 1863.
Child by first wife.
18924 Henry Arthur,11 b. in Rodman, 19 Feb., 1870; m. Emma Jane Davis.

13180.   HELEN LOUISE,10 dau. of Solomon Washington9 (6725), b. 12 Mar., 1845; m. Pitt Ackley.
She d. 1 May, 1870.
18925 Charles Ackley,11 b. ______; m. _______ Brown; had two children.

13181.   SAMUEL BROWN,10 son of Solomon Washington9 (6725), b. in Rod­man, N. Y., 7 Apr., 1847; m. Nancy Wilcox, b. 12 Nov., 1850, dau. of Charles Wilcox, of Worth, N. Y., b. 25 Oct., 1829, and Betsey Anne Fox, b. 12 June, 1828.
She d. in Watertown, N. Y., 7 July, 1899; he res. in Klondike, N. Y.
18926 Helen Louisa,11 b. in Worthville, N. Y., 4 Sept., 1869; m. Luman L. Jones.

13182.   ADA ANN,10 dau. of Solomon Washington9 (6725), b. 19 Oct., 1858; m. 11 Mar., 1879, Edwin Eugene Ellenwood.
18927 Ola Ellenwood,11 b. 17 Aug., 1880.
18928 Eunice Ethel Ellenwood,11 b. 11 Oct., 1884.
18929 Mabel Martha Ellenwood,11 b. 28 Mar., 1890.

13183.   MILO GIFFORD,10 son of James Gregg9 (6726), b. in Rodman, N. Y., 14 Apr., 1849; m. in Chicago, 11 Mar., 1873, Mary Frances De Wolf, b. in Chicago, 24 Aug., 1848, dau. of Calvin De Wolf, b. 18 Feb., 1815, and Frances Kimball, b. 27 June, 1819.
He is Superintendent of the Western Electric Company; res. in Chicago; is President of the Kellogg Switchboard Board and Supply Company; was grad­uated from the University of Rochester, New York, 1870.
Children, b. in Chicago.
18930 Anna Pearl,11 b. 5 Aug., 1874; is unm.
18931 Leroy De Wolp,11 b. 30 Jan., 1877; m. in Chicago, 23 July, 1901, Ellen Neel, b. in Helena, Mont., 1 May, 1881; was graduated from Yale College, 1898; res. in Chicago.
18932 James Gifford,11 b. 31 May, 1881.

13207.   EDWIN FREDERICK,10 son of Rollo Riley9 (6742), b. in Erie, Kas., 21 Feb., 1871; m. in Champaign, Ill., 24 June, 1896, Olive Livonia Jester, b. 22 Feb., 1875, dau. of Levi Jester, b. 1834, and Margaret Vesta Everett, b. 1855.
He is a mechanical engineer; is a Methodist; res. in Peoria, Ill.
18933 Paul Leslie,11 b. in Champaign, Ill., 27 Dec., 1897.

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13225.   HOMER PEARL,10 son of Ozro Northrup9 (6748), b. in Strongsville, O., 11 Apr., 1838; m. in Garden Grove, Ia., 17 Oct., 1867, Mary Ann Culver,* b. in Van Wert Co., O., 15 Oct., 1842, dau. of Asabel Culver, b. 19 June, 1816, and Amy Emeline Chapman, b. 22 Apr., 1819.
He is a farmer and teacher; was a Postmaster four years; served as a pri­vate in Co. F, First Nebraska Reg., Volunteer Infantry, from the first call to the fall of 1863; he carries an ounce bullet in his body received in an engagement in Arkansas on 20 Apr., 1864; enlisted 14 June, 1861; was mustered out 1 July, 1866; is a Universalist; res. in Denver, Col., Quincy, Kas., and Boulder, Col.
18934 Harriet Emeline,11 b. in Garden Grove, 17 Dec., 1868; m. Dr. Walter Wilson Reed.
18935 Mattie Maria,11 b. in Quincy, Kas., 22 Oct., 1870; d. in Garden Grove, 11 Oct., 1871.
18936 Earnest Pearl,11 b. in Quincy, 31 Dec., 1872; is unm.
18937 Erwin Culven,11 b. in Quincy, 31 Dec., 1872; is unm.
18938 Alice May,11 b. in Quincy, 21 May, 1877; d. there, 21 July, 1877.
18939 George Ozro Asahel,11 b. in Quincy, 29 Mar., 1879; is unm.
18940 Ira Newell,11 b. in Quincy, 1 Nov., 1881; is unm.
18941 Jennie Josephine,11 b. in Quincy, 11 Feb., 1884; d. there, 22 Feb., 1884.
18942 Josephine Murray,11 b. in Quincy, 2 Apr., 1885.

13227.   MURRAY MIRABEAU,10 son of Ozro Northrup9 (6748), b. in Elk­hart, Ind., 12 Feb., 1846; m. in Schonberg, Ia., 2 May, 1871, Mary Elizabeth Briggs, b. in Chesterfield, O., 20 Feb., 1847, dau. of John Shreve Briggs, b. 18 Dec., 1818, and Rachel Patterson, b. 25 Aug., 1816.
He is an attorney-at-law; res. in Provo, Utah; served in the army as a “hundred days' man” in Co. G, One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Illinois In­fantry, May to Sept., 1864; re-enlisted, 3 Jan., 1865, in Co. F, First Reg., Ne­braska Veteran Volunteer Cavalry; was discharged, 14 Feb., 1866; he is a Meth­odist; is not bound to any existing political party, although Democratic in prin­ciple.
18943 Josephine Elvira,11 b. in Garden Grove, Ia., 27 June, 1872; m. in Provo, 27 June, 1900, Richard Henry Beesley, of Provo; res. there; was graduated from Proctor Academy; was a teacher.
18944 Alice Elizabeth,11 b. in Schonberg, Ia., 9 Jan., 1874; m. Rev. Emmett Gorham Hunt.
18945 Ralph Murray,11 b. in Leon, Ia., 18 June, 1877; is an assayer; res., unm., in Eureka, Utah, later in Provo.
18946 John Briggs,11 b. in Leon, 28 July, 1879; was engaged in mining; res. in Eureka; d. in Provo, 17 June, 1901.

* The paternal grandmother of Mary Ann Culver, who was not far from 90 years of age at her death, witnessed the procession of eight generations. She had seen her great grandfather, grandfather and father and her own brothers and sisters, making four genera­tions. She lived to see her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and just before returning to Ohio, from her last visit to Iowa; she was taken to see an infant great great grandchild.

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13229.   FLORENCE,10 dau. of Ozro Northrup9 (6748), b. in Garden Grove Ia., 6 Sept., 1852; m. in Garden Grove, 20 Oct., 1874, as his second wife, Charles May Richards, b. in Townsend, O., 28 Feb., 1844, son of Franklin Richards, b. in New London, Conn., 24 Feb., 1809, and Diantha Day, b. in Youngstown, N. Y., 10 Oct, 1819.
He is a farmer near Clyde, O.; is a Methodist and a Republican; served in Co. I, One Hundred and Sixty-ninth Reg, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 12 May, 1864; was discharged 4 Sept., 1864.
Children, b. near Clyde.
18947 Florence Eugenia Richards,11 b. 9 Sept., 1875; m. in Pocatello, Idaho, 20 Mar., 1894, Roy Snow McAlister, b. in Logan, Utah, 5 Sept., 1876, son of John Archibald McAlister (a monogamous Mormon), b. in New Castle, Scotland, 22 Aug., 1851, and Clarissa Caroline Snow, b. in Salt Lake City, Utah, 19 July, 1854, dau. of Lorenzo Snow, the head of the Mormon Church; he is a pharmacist; a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; res. in Logan; had three children.
18948 Josephine Richards,11 b. 30 Sept., 1878; m. in Lakeside, O., 25 July, 1900, Lewis Bush, b. in Mineral Point, Wis., 28 July, 1872; he is an electrician, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Clyde.
18949 Frances May Richards,11 b. 25 June, 1885.
18950 Russel Clark Richards,11 b. 26 Dec., 1887.
18951 Marguerite Marion Richards,11 b. 17 June, 1895.

13233.   LUCY ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Edward Pearl9 (6750), b. in Tod, O., 1 Mar., 1845; m. 18 Nov., 1863, Samuel McKinnie, b. in Antrim, O., 3 Apr, 1835, son of Samuel McKinnie and Nancy _______.
He d. in Red Cloud, Neb., 27 Feb., 1884; she d. in Tod, 8 Dec., 1888.
He was a farmer, a Presbyterian and a Democrat; res. in Antrim; was a private in Co. H and Second Lieut. and Maj. of the Sixty-fifth Ohio Volunteers; enlisted as a private in Co. H, 18 Oct., 1861; resigned 3 June, 1862.
18952 Maud Christy McKinnie,11 b. in Crawford, O., 8 Oct., 1864.
18953 Mary Elizabeth McKinnie,11 b. in Guernsey Co., O., 18 Dec., 1866; m. 18 Dec., 1889, John Petrie; res. in Grand Island, Neb.
18954 Samuel Edward McKinnie,11 b. 12 Feb., 1868; d. in Red Cloud, 11 Apr., 1876.
18955 Daisy Vohn McKinnie,11 b. in Antrim, 5 Jan., 1878; d. in Red Cloud; 30 Nov., 1885.

13234.   PEARL EDWARD,10 son of Edward Pearl9 (6750), b. in Crawford Co., O., 1 Sept., 1846; m. in Tod, O., 16 Sept., 1874, Eliza Jane Outhwaite, b. in Seneca, O., 29 Aug., 1848, dau. of William Outhwaite and Phoebe Jones.
He is a farmer and a stock dealer; res. in Lemert, O., and Red Cloud; Neb.; was graduated from Heidelberg College (Tiffin, O.), 1869.
Children, b. in Red Cloud.
18956 William Walter,11 b. 12 Mar., 1876.
18957 Jessie May,11 b. 4 June, 1878.

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13236.   URY MARSTON,10 son of Edward Pearl9 (6750), b. in Groton, O., 22 June, 1851; m. in Melmore, O., 24 Feb., 1872, Alice Walton, b. in Poplar, O., 30
Jan., 1854, dau. of Jerry Walton, b. 15 Jan., 1822, and Jane Barrack, b. 14 Dec., 1824.
He is a farmer and a Populist; res. in Plankton, O.
Children, b. in Lemert.
18958 Harriet Wilberta,11 b. 9 Sept., 1872; m. 17 Jan., 1894, Emanuel Edward Heinlen; res. in Brokensword, O.
18959 Judd Walter,11 b. 16 Apr., 1876.
18960 Lallah Rook,11 b. 6 Dec., 1889.

13237.   JOHN HAZELETT,10 son of Edward Pearl9 (6750), b. 28 May, 1854; m. in Red Cloud, Neb., 20 Oct., 1887, Elizabeth May Reigle, b. in Mifflin Co., Pa., 25 Dec., 1865, dau. of John Reigle, b. 25 Jan., 1815, and Susanna M. Keller, b. 14 Dec., 1829.
He is a carpenter and a Democrat; res. in Red Cloud.
Children, b. in Red Cloud.
18961 John Hazelett,11 b. 7 Apr., 1889.
18962 Charles Edward,11 b. 10 Oct., 1890.
18963 Florence May,11 b. 20 Oct., 1892.

13238.   FREDERICK HENRY,10 son of Charles Leicester9 (6752), b. in Ohio, at the mouth of Black River, near Lake Erie, 8 Mar., 1854; m. 16 Nov., 1876, Eva R. Slee, b. in Princeton, Ia., 5 July, 1859, dau. of Frank Addison Slee and Martha Dean.
He is an electrician; res. in Quincy, Ill.; is a Republican.
18964 Bryant Bird,11 b. 2 Sept., 1879.
18965 Charles Leroy,11 b. 2 Feb., 1881.
18966 Frederick,11 b. 7 Aug., 1885.

13240.   LUCY LOVINA,10 dau. of Charles Leicester9 (6752), b. in Garden Grove, Ia., 23 Oct., 1858; m. in Hamilton, Ill., 23 Mar., 1881, Joseph Byron Dickerhoof, b. in Big Spring, Md., 30 Jan., 1858, son of George Dickerhoof and Mary Ann Brewer, of Hamilton.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Tullahoma, Tenn.
Children, three b. in Hamilton.
18967 Albert Joseph Dickerhoof,11 b. 11 Mar., 1882.
18968 Georgie Artemas Dickerhoof,11 b. 2 Sept., 1884; d. in Keokuk, Ia., 7 Dec., 1890.
18969 Franklin Bird Dickerhoof,11 b. in Norway, Ill., 6 Mar., 1885; d. in Hamilton, 31 Mar., 1887.
18970 Elsie Bell Dickerhoof,11 b. 8 Jan., 1893.

13241.   EUGENIA AMELIA,10 dau. of Charles Leicester9 (6752), b. in Gar­den Grove, Ia., 22 Dec., 1860; m. in Hamilton, Ill., 31 Dec., 1879, Isaac Baxter, b. in Hamilton, 13 Jan., 1855, son of David Baxter, b. 27 Mar., 1818, and Cath­erine Cobberly, b. 8 Sept., 1818.

1562    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He is a farmer, a member of the Christian Church and a Democrat; res. in Hamilton.
18971 David Kellogg Baxter,11 b. 8 Dec., 1881.
18972 Frederick George Baxter,11 b. 28 Oct., 1883.

13242.   SUSIE BELL,10 dau. of Charles Leicester9 (6752), b. in Garden Grove, Ia., 23 Oct., 1864; m. in Hamilton, Ill., 10 Feb., 1887, Hosea Clement Layman, b. in Delaware, O., 12 Dec., 1843, son of Elias Layman, of Hamilton, b. 25 May, 1813, and Eve Wolferd, b. 10 Sept., 1821.
He is a farmer, a member of the Christian Church and a Republican; res. in Hamilton.
18973 Son,11 b. 4 Oct., 1888; d. same day.
18974 Claudia Cecil Layman,11 b. 19 Sept., 1889.

13249.   ALICE,10 dau. of Maj. Racine Daniel9 (6754), b. 10 Oct., 1870; m. 17 May, 1893, Rev. William Carter, P. H. D., b. in Pettington, England, 22 May, 1868, son of Joseph Carter, b. in Devonshire, England, 1824, and Thomasina Whitford, b. in Devonshire, 1828.
He is pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, Mo.; rem. to the United States with his parents in 1883; was graduated from Parsons College, Fairfield, Ia., 1891, and from McCormack Theological Seminary, 1894; was or­dained 1893.
18975 Florence Elizabeth Carter,11 b. 2 July, 1896.
18976 Tamzen Marie Carter,11 b. 11 Mar., 1898.

13251.   FLOSSE,10 dau. of Maj. Racine Daniel9 (6754), b. 27 Jan., 1877; m. in Des Moines, Ia., 17 Aug., 1898, Dr. Lloyd Le Roy Knebs, b. in Cedar Rapids, Ia., 31 Mar., 1874, son of William Knebs and Sarah Alice Simpson.
He was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, 1899; is a physi­cian; First Lieut. and Assistant Surgeon, United States Army.
18977 Alice Elizabeth Knebs,11 b. in Springfield, Mo., 17 Dec., 1899.
18978 Racine Kellogg Knebs,11 b. 19 May, 1901.

13253.   ROSALIA CORA,10 dau. of Newell Albert9 (6755), b. in Fayetteville, N. Y., 20 Oct., 1858; m. in Ames, Ia., 28 Mar., 1877, Hector Smith Goble, b. in Rockville, Ind., 2 Sept., 1847, son of Jonathan Goble, b. 1798, and Mary Judd, b. 1817.
He is a harness dealer and a Republican; res. in Ames.
Children, b. in Ames.
18979 Racine Dee Gable,11 b. 9 Jan., 1878.
18980 Katherine May Gable,11 b. 14 Nov., 1880.
18981 Rose Gable,11 b. 22 Apr., 1885.

13254.   ORLANDO HENRY,10 son of Jefferson Daniel Reynolds9 (6756), b. in Onondaga Co., N. Y., 17 June, 1832; m. in Hillsdale, Mich., 14 Dec., 1857,

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1563

Elizabeth Dixon, b. in Mount Morris, N. Y., 27 July, 1835, dau. of John Dixon and Rosanna Johnson.
He d. in Reading, Mich., 28 June, 1864; she m. (2) M. R. Fitzsimmons, a dry goods merchant of Reading.
18982 Brace Shuttuck,11 b. in Tecumseh, Mich., 3 Nov., 1859; m. (1) Elva Dresser; (2) Gertrude Ragan.

13256.   LUTHER HOFFMAN,11 son of Jefferson Daniel Reynolds9 (6756), b. in Allen, Mich., 7 Apr., 1838; m. in Allen, 21 Sept., 1857, Eliza Morehouse, b. in Hanover, Mich., 3 July, 1838, dau. of Ezra Morehouse, b. 26 Oct., 1811, and Charlotte Swarthout, b. 2 July, 1814.
He d. in Quincy, Mich., 3 Mar., 1892.
He was a farmer; a soldier in the civil war; served in the heavy artillery; res. in Quincy.
18983 Orlando Gilbert,11 b. in Coldwater, Mich., 7 Sept., 1859; m. Florence Etoile Perry.
18984 Charlotte Maria,11 b. in Reading, Mich., 26 Oct., 1863; m. Frank Marrian Perry.
18985 Cora Netta,11 b. in Veva, Mich., 25 Dec., 1866; m. William Baily.

13258.   NETTIE CELESTE,10 dau. of Jefferson Daniel Reynolds9 (6756), b. in Reading, Mich., 6 Apr., 1845; m. in Reading, 27 Oct., 1863, Samuel Gold­smith Tyler, b. in Chicago, Ill., 17 Apr., 1842, son of Elmer Tyler, b. 10 July, 1813, and Sarah M. Stoughten, b. 26 Apr., 1813.
They res. in Los Angeles, Cal.; he is a Republican.
18986 June Marla Tyler,11 b. in Reading, 18 Jan., 1866; m. 23 June, 1886, Edward J. Kirkham; res. in Los Angeles.
18987 Orson Kellogg Tyler,11 b. in Chicago, 31 May, 1869; m. 13 Jan., 1897, Caroline Macallister; res. in Chicago.

13259.   CLARA FRANCES,10 dau. of Jefferson Daniel Reynolds9 (6756), b. in Reading, Mich., 27 Jan., 1853; m. in Litchfield, Mich., 28 Feb., 1872, John Newton Watson, b. in Litchfield, 12 Mar., 1848, son of Whitney Watson, b. 29 Mar., 1811, and Margaret Ann Rice, b. 11 June, 1827.
He is a farmer; res. in Charleston, W. Va.
18988 Roy J. Watson,11 b. in Litchfield, 27 Aug., 1874; m. 4 Apr., 1899, Char­lotte Sheriff; res. in Litchfield.

13271.   GEORGE HERBERT,10 son of John Washington9 (6760), b. in Syra­cuse, N. Y., 13 Jan., 1862; m. in Baldwinsville, N. Y., 3 Oct., 1884, Mrs. Flor­ence Mercy (Smith) Forrest, b. 24 June, 1862, dau. of Norman Smith and Mercy Simms, of Denver, Col., and widow of Charles Forrest, of Greeley, Col.
He is an engineer; res. in Rome, N. Y.

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18989 Flossie Isabell,11 b. in Syracuse, 16 Feb., 1886.

13275.   ALBERT ABRAM,10 son of Romanzon Beaumont9 (6762), b. in Vienna, Wis., 27 Nov., 1851; m. 30 Oct., 1878, Grace Simmons, b. in Springfield, Wis., 9 Feb., 1855, son of Jeremiah Simmons, of Verdon, S. D., b. 10 Apr., 1824, and Almira Bullock, b. 2 Sept., 1828.
He is a farmer; a missionary Baptist; was first a Republican, then a Popu­list and is now a Democrat; res. in Waunakee, Wis.; now res. in Gladstone, Ala.
Children, first four b. in La Prairie, S. D., last in Gladstone.
18990 Jeremiah Beaumont,11 b. 26 June, 1884.
18991 Almira Grace,11 b. 24 Mar., 1887.
18992 Elmer Edgar,11 b. 20 July, 1888.
18993 Earle Harold,11 b. 18 Sept., 1890.
18994 Albert Leslie,11 b. 17 Sept., 1893; d. in Gladstone, 19 Nov., 1894.

13276.   AMARINDA EMMA,10 dau. of Romanzon Beaumont9 (6762), b. in Vienna, Wis., 16 Dec., 1853; m. in Vienna, 21 June, 1874, George Leslie Jones, b. in Packwaukee, Wis., 25 Oct., 1851, son of James Layton Jones, b. 2 June, 1821, and Elizabeth Davis, b. 30 Dec., 1823.
He is a traveling agent for farming implements; is a Methodist and a Dem­ocrat; res. in Portage, Wis.
18995 Lula Maude Jones,11 b. in Fort Winnebago, Wis., 24 Jan., 1876; is unm.
18996 Lena May Jones,11 b. in Vienna, 3 May, 1878.
18997 Myrtle Luella Jones,11 b. in Fort Winnebago, 5 Dec., 1881; d. in Port­age City, Sept., 1886.
18998 Mildred Lorena Jones,11 b. in Fort Winnebago, 3 Dec., 1883; is unm.
18999 James Romanzon Jones,11 b. in Portage City, 27 July, 1886.

13277.   EVALINE REBECCA,10 dau. of Romanzon Beaumont9 (6762), b. in Vienna, Wis., 24 Jan., 1856; m. in Madison Co., Ala., 8 Oct., 1879, Grade Mar­low, b. in Van Buren Co., Tenn., 22 Feb., 1862, son of Asa Marion Marlow, b. in White Co., Tenn., and Mary Qualls, b. 1842, of Madison Co.
He is a farmer; res. in Madison Cross Roads, Ala.; now res. in Glad­stone, Ala.
Children, b. in Madison Co.
19000 Gracie Marlow,11 b. 20 Aug., 1880.
19001 Albert Romanzon Marlow,11 b. 28 Dec., 1881; d. in Madison Co., 10 Aug., 1885.
19002 Emma Amarinda Marlow,11 b. 3 Jan., 1884.
19003 Charlie Thomas Marlow,11 b. 29 Sept., 1885.
19004 Polly Sabrina Marlow,11 b. 3 July, 1887.
19005 Rosina Mabel Marlow,11 b. 17 Mar., 1889.
19006 Josaphine Mary Marlow,11 b. 3 Apr., 1891.
19007 Eliza Henryetta Marlow,11 b. 21 Nov., 1893; d. in Madison Co., 26 Feb., 1896.
19008 Jacob Marlow,11 b. 21 Nov., 1893; d. in Madison Co., 24 Dec., 1896

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13278.   ELLA FLORENCE,10 dau. of Romanzon Beaumont9 (6762), b. in Vienna, Wis., 1 July, 1861; m. in Madison Co., Ala., 4 Mar., 1880, Francis Sim­mons, of Portage, Wis., b. in Van Buren Co., Tenn., 1861, son of Joseph Simmons and Matilda Johnson, of Madison Co.
She d. in Ridley, Tenn., 16 Feb., 1901.
He res. in Alabamar and Ridley; is a farmer and a Democrat.
19009 Arthur Francis Simmons,11 b. in Vienna, 10 Feb., 1881; d. in Ten­nessee, 1899.
19010 Romanzon Simmons,11 b. ______.
19011 Dora Cleveland Simmons,11 b. ______.
19012 Lulu Simmons,11 b. ______.
19013 Holland Simmons,11 b. ______; d. aged 6 months.
19014 Francis Simmons,11 b. ______.
19015 Joe Simmons,11 b. ______.
19016 Otis Simmons,11 b. ______.
19017 Eveline Simmons,11 b. ______.

13280.   ELMER ELLSWORTH,10 son of Roseman9 (6765), b. in Pokerville, Wis.,2 Nov., 1861; m. in Prairie Farm, Wis., 4 July, 1880, Ettie Forward, b. 5 Sept., 1864, dau. of Alonzo Forward, b. 10 Dec., 1820, and Emily Ayer, b. 7 June, 1846.
He is a farmer; res. in Tiffany, Wis.
19018 Sidney Alonzo,11 b. in Prairie Farm, 20 Mar., 1881.
19019 Lionel Homer,11 b. in Prairie Farm, 2 Jan., 1884.
19020 Josephine Mabel,11 b. in Prairie Farm, 4 Dec., 1886.
19021 Herbert Clinton,11 b. in Prairie Farm, 17 Sept., 1889.
19022 Rue May,11 b. in Prairie Farm, 9 June, 1891.
19023 Roland Ray,11 b. in Tiffany, Wis., 1 Oct., 1893.
19024 Tay Maria,11 b. 22 Apr., 1895.
19025 Child,11 b. in Prairie Farm, 23 Feb., 1898; d. 26 Feb., 1898.
19026 Lotta Bell,11 b. in Tilfany, Wis, 10 Apr., 1900.

13286.   GUY,10 son of Morando9 (6766), b. in Bay City, Mich., 3 Jan., 1869; m. in Dallas, Wis., 4 Mar., 1894, Lillian Brown.
He is a lumberman an a Republican; res. in Mason, Wis, later in Minne­apolis, Minn.
19027 John Henry,11 b. in Dallas, 8 Feb., 1895.

13292.   FRANCIS WILLIAM,10 son of Christopher Columbus9 (6767), b. in Oswego, N. Y., 3 Apr., 1851; m. in Fulton, N. Y., 16 Oct., 1871, Mary McClel­land, b. 29 Feb., 1848, dau. of William F. McClelland, b. Apr., 1816, and Rose E. Ranous, b. 8 Nov., 1818.
He is an accountant, a Presbyterian and a Republican and now inclined toward Socialism; res. in Watertown, N. Y.

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Children, b. in Oswego.
19028 Cora Belle,11 b. 25 Jan., 1873; m. Wallace S. Quencer.
19029 Charles Francis,11 b. 25 Oct., 1874.
19030 Arthur Jay,11 b. 20 Feb., 1877.
19031 Mabel Louisa,11 b. 23 Nov., 1879.
19032 May,11 b. 11 Nov., 1882.
19033 Francis William,11 b. 6 Feb., 1886.

13293.   MARGARET LOUISA,10 dau. of Christopher Columbus9 (6767), b. in Oswego, N. Y., 17 Feb., 1854; m. in Oswego, 23 Apr., 1873, Walter L. Brether­ton, b. in Gloucester, England, 23 Dec., 1845, son of George Bretherton, b. 8 Aug., 1820, and Elvira Legge, b. 23 Oct., 1821, of Gloucester.
He is a mine manager and a Methodist; res. in Clarksville, N. M.
Children, first three b. in Salt Lake City, Utah.
19034 George Kellogg Bretherton,11 b. 21 Apr., 1874.
19035 William Milton Bretherton,11 b. 23 Nov., 1876.
19036 May Frances Bretherton,11 b. 9 Dec., 1879.
19037 Howard Prescott Bretherton,11 b. in Tacoma, Wash., 13 Feb., 1889.

13295.   ALBERT IRENAEUS,10 son of Christopher Columbus9 (6767), b. in Oswego, N. Y., 18 Feb., 1858; m. in Oswego, 19 Aug., 1885, Adelia Skinner, b. in Camden, N. Y., dau. of John Skinner, b. 1832, and Mary Elizabeth Satchell, b. 1837.
He res. in Beardstown, N. Y.; is a lumber salesman and a Methodist; in politics is an Independent.
Children, b. in Oswego.
19038 Walter Gregory,11 b. 6 Mar., 1886.
19039 Frances May,11 b. 8 Mar., 1887.

13301.   HARRIET ELIZA,10 dau. of Robert Dwight9 (6774), b. in Rochester, N. Y., 31 May, 1849; m. in Rochester, 3 May, 1871, William Hart Spencer, b. 15 Feb., 1850, son of Daniel Spencer, b. 12 Mar., 1816, and Louise Mary _______, b. 29 Nov., 1819.
He is a bookkeeper; res. in Evanston, Ill.
Children, b. in Rochester.
19040 Bennett William Spencer,11 b. 5 Feb., 1872; is unm.
19041 Frances Louise Spencer,11 b. 10 May, 1873 3 d. 6 Aug., same year.
19042 Bessie Pierpont Spencer,11 b. 17 Dec., 1875; m. in Evanston, 20 June, 1895, Mark William Shaw; res. in Chicago; has one child.

13302.   FANNIE PIERPONT,10 dau. of Robert Dwight9 (6774), b. in Roch­ester, N. Y., 27 Feb., 1854; m. in Rochester, 16 Feb., 1876, Richard Nickelson Guyer, b. 20 Oct., 1842, son of Richard Nickelson Guyer, b. 9 Jan., 1803; and Helen Amanda _______, b. 3 Jan., 1810.
He d. in Evanston, Ill., 22 Nov., 1897; she res. in Rochester.
He was in the life insurance business.

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Children, first three b. in Rochester.
19043 Fanny Pierpont Guyer,11 b. 16 July, 1877; d. 31 Aug., 1877.
19044 Richard Nickelson Guyer,11 b. 22 Jan., 1879.
19045 Lucius Kellogg Guyer,11 b. 6 June, 1880; d. 10 May, 1881.
19046 Helen Florence Guyer,11 b. in Mt. Pleasant, Ia., 17 Jan., 1882; d. 5 Aug., 1893.
19047 Robert Dwight Guyer,11 b. in Mt. Pleasant, 24 Oct., 1883 3 d. 15 Aug., 1884.
19048 Pierpont Guyer,11 b. in Fond du Lac, Wis., 30 Mar., 1889; d. 12 Aug., 1889.

13307.   SAMUEL CASTLE,10 son of Norman Gilbert9 (6775), b. in New York, 27 Oct., 1867; m. there, 8 Oct., 1891, Mary Davenport Easton, b. in Wil­ton, Conn.,24 June, 1870, dau. of Robert Thomas Brown Easton, b. in New York City,19 Feb., 1844, and Laura Josephine Jaynes, b. in Wilton, 7 Sept., 1846.
He is a manufacturer of novelties; a Congregationalist; res. in Glen Ridge, N. J.
Children, first two b. in New York, last in Roseville, N. J.
19049 Ruth Elizabeth,11 b. 20 July, 1892.
19050 Mildred Josephine,11 b. 17 Aug., 1893.
19051 Martha,11 b. 22 Feb., 1896.

13313.   STEPHEN LUCIUS,10 son of James Homer9 (6776), b. in New Hart­ford, Conn., 25 Oct., 1866; m. in New Hartford, 28 Dec., 1892, Jessie Eliza Mer­rell, b. in New Hartford, 26 July, 1866, dau. of Alfred Elijah Merrell, b. 20 Feb., 1830, and Eliza Phoebe Barnes, b. 4 July, 1832.
He is a school teacher; was graduated from Westfield, Mass., Normal School, 1889; res. in Winsted, Conn.
19052 Paul Merrell,11 b. in Columbus, O., 8 Dec., 1899.

13314.   NORMAN SPRAGUE,10 son of Henry Clay9 (6778), b. in New Hart­ford, Conn., 19 July, 1855; m. (1) in Brooklyn, N. Y., 10 May, 1876, Julia Bruce Lewis, b; in Whitneyville, Conn., 23 Feb., 1856, dau. of Silas Charles Lewis, b. 1 Dec., 1827, and Jane Ruth Hart, b. 3 Nov., 1821.
She d. 21 Nov., 1882; . he m. (2) in Brooklyn, 6 May, 1884, Nellie Jane Lewis, b. in Whitneyville, 19 May, 1859, sister of first wife.
He is in the office of the Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Company, New York City; res. in Brooklyn.
Children by first wife, all except first two b. in Brooklyn.
19053 Edward Norman,11 b. in New Haven, Conn., 10 June, 1877; d. 22 Jan., 1898.
19054 Harold Lewis,11 b. in New Haven, 2 Feb., 1879; d. 3 Jan., 1895.
19055 Ruth May,11 b. 19 Nov., 1880.
19056 Frederick Bruce,11 b. 14 Oct., 1882; d. 8 July, 1883.

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Children by second wife, b. in Brooklyn.
19057 Norman Bruce,11 b. 18 Aug., 1885.
19058 Albertson Fowler,11 b. 26 Feb., 1888.
19059 Melvin Steele,11 b. 21 Apr., 1891.
19060 Donald Lewis,11 b. 21 Nov., 1894.
19061 Arthur Lewis,11 b. 26 July, 1899; d. 28 July, 1899.

13322.   ELMO LUCIAN,10 son of Urial9 (6783), b. in Jackson, Ga., 4 Aug., 1856; m. in Detroit, Mich., 10 Apr., 1878, Mary Ella Burt, b. 8 Mar., 1858, dau. of Hiram Burt, b. 10 July, 1829, and Minnie Kinney, b. 20 Feb., 1834.
He is a printer and a Baptist; Independent in politics; res. in Rochester, N. Y.; she and the children res. in Clear Lake, Ia.
19062 Elmo Lucian,11 b. in Detroit, Mich., 10 Sept., 1880; m. in Clear Lake, 7 June, 1900, Gertrude Ida Kafer; res. in Clear Lake.
19063 Edwin Marshall,11 b. in Buffalo, N. Y., 19 Aug., 1881.
19064 Eula Henrietta,11 b. in New York, 29 Aug., 1885.

13363.   CATHERINE ALMIRA,10 dau. of Sheldon Ingalls9 (6816), b. in Bos­ton, Mass., 17 Aug., 1836; m. (1) in Newton, Mass., 29 July, 1858, Henry Day Geddes, of Cincinnati, O.
He d. in New York City, 1865.
She m. (2) in Newton, 13 Oct., 1869, Gen. Joseph Cushing Edmands, of Newton, son of Hon. John Wiley Edmands.
Children* by first husband.
19065 Virginia Vanderbilt Geddes,11 b. in Clifton, O., 3 May, 1859; m. 14 June, 1883, Albert Adams Pennoyer; he is a dry goods merchant in Oakland, Cal.; res. in Berkeley, Cal.; had three children.
19066 Mary Ella Geddes,11 b. in Cincinnati, 4 Feb., 1861; m. 4 Feb., 1885, William Hoff Cook, of San Francisco; he is an attorney and res. in San Francisco; had two children.

13367.   SHELDON INGALLS,10 son of Sheldon Ingalls9 (6816), b. in Cin­cinnati, O., 27 Sept., 1847; m. (1) 27 Sept., 1876, Abbie Anne Tubbs, b. in San Francisco, 9 Jan., 1854, dau. of Hiram Tubbs, of East Oakland, Cal., b. in Deer­ing, N. H., 14 Oct., 1824, and Susan Ann Staniels, b. in Chelsea, Mass., 23 Oct., 1831.
She d. in East Oakland, 25 Dec., 1881; he m. (2) in Oakland, 21 Sept., 1897, Lillian Douglas Reynolds, b. in San Francisco, 21 Mar., 1865, dau. of Henry De Forest Reynolds, b. in Cambridge, Vt., June, 1829, and Eliza Douglas Atwill, b. in New York City, 17 Aug., 1837.
He is engaged with Shreve & Co., jewelers, San Francisco; res. in London, England, and Vevey, Switzerland, 1860-65; rem. to Oakland, 1874, where he has since res.; is a Swedenborgian; a Democrat; has seen thirty years' service in the National Guard of New York and California from private to Col. and Inspector General of Rifle Practice; is a member of the California Society Sons of the American Revolution.

* Both took the name of Edmands after their mother's second marriage.

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Child by first wife.
19067 Ethel Lois,11 b. in East Oakland, 3 July, 1877; m. Henry Drew Nichols.
Child by second wife.
19068 Sheldon Reynolds,11 b. in Oakland, 9 June, 1901.

13368.   CHARLES HENRY,10 son of Charles Henry9 (6817), b. in Cincinnati, O., 7 Aug., 1845; m. 15 June, 1869, Mary Guernsey Clark, b. 29 Nov., 1847, dau. of Marsh Clark, b. in Newark, N. J., 1820, and Elizabeth Spiers Millard, b. in Ballston Springs, N. Y., 1828.
He is Vice-President of the Third National Bank of Cincinnati.
19069 Elizabeth Rockey,11 b. in Cincinnati, 10 Apr., 1870.
19070 Marsh Clark,11 b. in New York City, 14 Jan., 1873; m. in Lexington, Ky., 24 Feb., 1897, Marie Louise Bright, b. in Lexington, 23 Nov., 1874, dau. of William Bright, b. 2 Jan., 1844, and Alice Mavon, b. 1 Aug., 1853; is a commercial traveler with Proctor & Gamble, of Cincinnati.
19071 Ralph Todd,11 b. in Avondale, now Cincinnati, 18 May, 1876; is a clerk with James Walsh & Co., distillers; res. in Cincinnati.
19072 Mary Rochester,11 b. in Cincinnati, 21 Apr., 1880.
19073 Phyllis B.,11 b. 21 Nov., 1882; d. 16 May, 1889.
19074 Dorothy Dickens,11 b. 15 June, 1888.

13375.   VIRGINIA SOMERS,10 dau. of Miner Kilbourne9 (6818), b. in Lon­don, England, 25 Apr., 1860; m. 18 June, 1884, Edmund Locke, b. 8 Feb., 1860, son of David Ross Locke (Petroleum V. Nasby), b, 17 Sept., 1833, and Martha Bodine, b. 14 Aug., 1833.
He is a journalist; is vice-president of the Toledo Blade Company; they are divorced; she m. (2) Walter H. Snyder; res. in Toledo.
Child by first husband.
19075 Son,11 b. 25 Mar., 1885; d. same day.

13406.   ELLA FRANCES,10 dau. of Warren Stuart9 (6831), b. in Madison, Cal., 24 July, 1863; m. in Santa Rosa, Cal., 24 Nov., 1892, William Graham, b. 3 Feb., 1862, son of Simon Graham, b. 1 Dec., 1835, and Elsie Ortman Miller, b. 2 Oct., 1839.
He is a rancher and a Republican; res. in Cloverdale, Cal.
19076 Malcolm Kellogg Graham,11 b. in Sebastopol, Cal., 1 July, 1895.

13407.   NANCY ANN,10 dau. of Warren Stuart9 (6831), b. in Healdsburg, Cal., 7 Mar., 1865; m. in Stony Point, Cal., 28 Apr., 1886, Albert Baker, b. in Marion, Ill., 29 May, 1856, son of James Clark Baker, b. 23 May, 1819, and Jane Hendrickson, b. 17 Sept., 1817.
He is a farmer, a Republican and a Methodist; res. in Duncan's Mills, Cal.

1570    The Kelloggs in the New World.

19077 Albert Stuart Baker,11 b. in Stony Point, 8 Feb., 1887.

13408.   CLARA PEARL,10 dau. of Warren Stuart9 (6831), b. in Healdsburg, Cal., 24 Aug., 1868; m. in San Francisco, Cal., 24 Dec., 1896, Dr. Allen Vernon Morse, b. in Honolulu, H. I., 29 May, 1865, son of Milton H. Morse, b. 1844, and Florence M. Barber, b. 1848.
He is an osteopathic physician; was graduated from the National College of Osteopathy, 1891, and a business college in San Francisco; res. in South Bend, Ind., Chicago, Ill., and later in Pasadena, Cal.
19078 Vernon Jay Morse,11 b. in Benton Harbor, Mich., 9 Sept., 1898.

13427.   ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Charles Miner9 (6836), b. in Baker City, Or., 6 Mar., 1872; m. 31 Dec., 1890, Marshall Ricard Howard.
He res. in Baker City.
19079 Charles Marshall Howard,11 b. 3 June, 1892.
19080 Aubrey Eugene Howard,11 b. 22 June, 1894.
19081 Hazel Howard,11 b. 13 Mar., 1897.

13447.   JAMES HORACE,10 son of James Madison9 (6869), b. in Woodville, Miss., 30 Apr., 1870; m. in Ocean Springs, Miss., 9 Apr., 1896, Lucy Brown, b. in Pleasant Grove, Miss., 29 Dec., 1863, dau. of Thomas W. Brown, b. 8 July, 1829, and Mary Parmelia Smith, of Cazenovia, N. Y., and Ocean Springs, b. 23 July, 1832.
He is a bookkeeper and a clerk on a steamboat line; is a Methodist and a Gold Democrat; was graduated from Jefferson Military College of Mississippi; res. in Natchez, Miss.
19082 Ruth Audrey,11 b. in Natchez, 27 Feb., 1897.

13458.   GEORGE WEBSTER,10 son of Frederick9 (6877), b. 16 July, 1836; m. Nov., 1863, Elizabeth S. Ellenwood, b. 29 Nov., 1836, dau. of Reuben Ellen Wood, of Kirkland, N. Y., b. 17 May, 1779, and Ruby Ann _______, b. 26 July, 1791.
He res. in Young America, Ill., is a railroad agent.
19083 Frederick Johnson,11 b. in Kirkwood, Ill., 27 Nov., 1872; m. Lucinda Myrtle Filler.

13459.   HENRY,10 son of Frederick9 (6877), b. 23 July, 1838; m. 14 Aug., 1862, Mary Elizabeth Reed, b. 5 Sept., 1841, dau. of John Reed, of Lowville, N. Y., b. 12 Mar., 1814, and Ann Graham, b. 23 Aug., 1818.
He is a farmer; res. in New Hartford, N. Y.
19084 Annie Elizabeth,11 b. 17 Sept., 1866; m. Samuel Goodman; res. in Irvington on Hudson, N. Y.

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13460.   HIRAM SPENCER,10 son of Uriel9 (6878), b. in Westmoreland, N. Y., 22 May, 1843; m. in Clinton, N. Y., 6 Mar., 1872, Ada Frances Slocum (13192), b. 10 June, 1850, dau. of William Pebble Slocum, b. 23 May, 1817, and Emily Matilda Kellogg (+6731), b. 3 May, 1817.
He was a Supervisor in Westmoreland; res. in Westmoreland and later in Whitesboro, N. Y.
Children, b. in Westmoreland.
19085 Clara Louise,11 b. 26 June, 1873; m. Dr. Samuel Lee Gifford.
19086 Charles Slocum,11 b. 14 May, 1875.
19087 Lenore Marie,11 b. 9 Aug., 1877.

13463.   FANNY MARGARET,10 dau. of Orchard Guy9 (6885), b. in Utica, N. Y., 30 Nov., 1843; m. 4 Sept., 1872, Albert Sedgwick Gay, b. 8 Nov., 1839, son of John Sedgwick Gay, b. in Seneca Falls, N. Y., 1805, and Laura Hoskins, b. 1816.
He is a manufacturer and merchant; res. in Seneca Falls, N. Y.
Children, b. in Seneca Falls.
19088 Laura Shepard Gay,11 b. 1 June, 1873.
19089 Amelia Kellogg Gay,11 b. 19 Feb., 1875; d. 22 Feb., 1876.
19090 Fanny Margaret Gay,11 b. 15 Apr., 1877; d. 21 Feb., 1878.
19091 John Sedgwick Gay,11 b. 16 Nov., 1878.

13465.   HARRY WEBSTER,10 son of Orchard Guy9 (6885), b. in Utica, N. Y., 16 July, 1848; m. in Utica, 25 Nov., 1873, Eva Florence Harwood, b. in Jordan, N. Y.,17 Aug., 1855, dau. of Leander Harwood and Abigail Roff.
He is a historical Writer upon the civil and Spanish wars; a Methodist; res. in Washington, D. C.
19092 Frank Lee,11 b. in Utica, 18 Sept., 1875.
19093 Orchard Guy,11 b. in Utica, 16 July, 1877.
19094 Florence Ada,11 b. in Chicago, Ill., 17 Aug., 1881.

13467.   MARY ESTHER,10 dau. of Uriel Holmes9 (6888), b. 17 Sept., 1845; m. 16 July, 1865, Homer Pease Franklin, of Chicago, b. 25 Sept., 1840, son of Homer Franklin, of New York (formerly of Canaan, Conn.), and Mary M. Pease, of Middletown, Conn.
19095 Eugene John Franklin,11 b. 8 Sept., 1867.

13468.   HELEN CORNELIA,10 dau. of Uriel Holmes9 (6888), b. 22 Oct, 1347; m. 23 May, 1867, George Lincoln Holmes, of Chicago, b. 30 Nov., 1841, son of Henry Harrison Holmes, of Ogdensburg, N. Y., and Sophia Hoard.
19096 Henry Leslie Holmes,11 b. 20 Feb., 1868.
19097 George Lewis Holmes,11 b. 15 Mar., 1870; d. 13 Aug., 1886.
19098 Leslie Kellogg Holmes,11 b. 31 Dec., 1877; d. 9 Mar., 1883.

13475.   JANE HURLBURT,10 dau. of Henry Moore9 (6890), b. 16 June,

1572    The Kelloggs in the New World.

1858; m. Thomas L. Bogert, of Utica, N. Y., son of Peter Bogert, of Deerfield, N. Y.
She d. 17 Oct., 1881.
19099 William Bogart,11 b. ______.

13508.   MARTHA,10 dau. of Erastus9 (6931), b. ______, in Herkimer Co., N. Y.; m. in Taberg, N. Y., Howland Meeker.
He d. ______; she res. in Goodland, Ind.
19100 Edward Meeker,11 b. ______.
19101 Delos Meeker,11 b. ______.
19102 Jennie Meeker,11 b. ______.
19103 George Meeker,11 b. ______.
19104 Watson Meeker,11 b. ______.

13509.   CAROLINE,10 dau. of Erastus9 (6931), b. in Herkimer Co., N. Y., 29 Oct., 1834; m. in Freedom, Ill., 27 Jan., 1862, Ezekiel Knowlton Fogg, b. in Bux­ton, Me., 11 Apr., 1825, son of Asa Fogg and Mary Knowlton.
They res. in Ottawa, Ill.
19105 Anna Fogg,11 b. 30 June, 1864; res., unm., in Ottawa.
19106 Frances Esther Fogg,11 b. 1871; d. Mar., 1875.

13510.   HENRY ALBERT,10 son of Erastus9 (6931), b. in Herkimer Co., N. Y., 8 Sept., 1839; m. in Freedom, Ill., 7 Feb., 1861 Eunice Emma Austin, b. in Pulaski, N. Y., 1 May, 1844, dau. of Barius Austin and Sarah Ann Hinman, b. 23 Mar., 1808.
He served as Corp. in the Sixty-fourth Illinois Volunteers; enlisted 25 Sept., 1861; was discharged 17 Sept., 1862; res. in Odell, Ill.
Children, all b. in Odell.
19107 Cora Mabel,11 b. 22 Aug., 1867; m. 3 Jan., 1888, James Abram Sharp, b. 22 June, 1865, son of Benjamin V. Sharp, b. Sept., 1849, and Elizabeth Ann Heazel, b. Apr., 1854; he is in the real estate busi­ness; res. in Chicago; has no children.
19108 Albert Earnest,11 b. 7 Nov., 1869; d. 15 Jan., 1890.
19109 Lewis Hinman,11 b. 5 Sept., 1871; m. Rebecca McKay.
19110 Mattie Grace,11 b. 22 Nov., 1875; is unm.

13511.   MARY,10 dau. of Erastus9 (6931), b. in Litchfield, N. Y., 12 Oct., 1844; m. in Wallace, Ill., 25 Sept., 1863, Caleb Stockley, b. in Albany; N. Y., 9 Nov., 1842, son of Gustus Stockley, of Bamburg, England.
He is a carriage maker; res. in Minneapolis, Minn.
Children, b. in Minneapolis.
19111 Fred Augustus Stockley,11 b. 29 June, 1866; m. in Minneapolis; 23 Feb., 1892, Sadie De Lambert; res. in Minneapolis.
19112 Chauncy Hobart Stockley,11 b. 28 July, 1868; m. 25 Sept., 1900, Daisy Phillips; res. in St. Anthony Park, St. Paul, Minn.

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13514.   GEORGE WILLSON,10 son of Philo9 (6932), b. in Columbia, N. Y., 11 Sept., 1832; m. 29 Aug., 1853, Victoria Stockley, b. 22 Feb., 1841, dau. of Caleb Stockley.
He is a carpenter; res. in Minneapolis; has been a farmer in Springfield, N. Y., and Ottawa, Ill.; served in the Sixty-fourth Illinois Infantry and the First Alabama.
19113 Cornelia Isabel,11 b. 25 Feb., 1859; d. 30 May, 1865.
19114 Caroline Irene,11 b. 10 Dec., 1860; m. 23 June, 1880, John F. Travis; res. in Minneapolis.
19115 Minnie Florence,11 b. 23 Oct., 1866; is unm.
19116 Alta Victoria,11 b. 29 Aug., 1869; is unm.
19117 Charles Albert,11 b. 15 July, 1875; is unm.

13518.   BENJAMIN FRANKLIN,10 son of Philo9 (6932), b. in Richfield, N. Y., 22 Mar., 1842; m. in Princeton, Ill., 30 Oct., 1871, Sarah Rollins, b. Feb., 1848, dau. of Ivory Rollins, b. 18 Mar., 1808, and Sarah M. _______, b. 17 Aug., 1810.
He was a private in Co. A, Yates' Sharpshooters and Commissary Sergt. of the First Alabama Cavalry; enlisted 1 Nov., 1861; was discharged Apr., 1865.
He is a Republican and a machinist; res. in Sandwich, Ill.
19118 Clara L.,11 b. in Princeton, 30 Oct., 1872; m. in Sandwich, William Henry Ramsell; res. in Ottumwa, Ia.
19119 Bessie A.,11 b. in Sandwich, 23 Dec., 1881.
19120 Jessie M.,11 b. in Sandwich, 23 Dec., 1881.

13520.   ELIZABETH JANE,10 dau. of John Clement9 (6934), b. 7 Aug., 1831; m. 13 Feb., 1856, Harrison Shafer, b. in Blenheim, N. Y., 24 Nov., 1824.
She d. in Jefferson, N. Y., 2 June, 1881.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in North Blenheim.
Children, b. in North Blenheim.
19121 Charles Burdette Shafer,11 b. 14 Jan., 1858; m. in Fulton, N. Y., 10 Feb., 1883, Jennie Teh; res. in Oneonta, N. Y.
19122 Lottie Nancy Shafer,11 b. 14 Jan., 1858; m. in Fulton, N. Y., 4 Feb., 1879, John Gray; d. in Summit, N. Y., 5 Nov., 1899; res. in Char­lotteville, N. Y.
19123 Florence Nightingale Shafer,11 b. 14 Oct., 1861; m. in Fulton, 1886, Seth Spickerman; res. in Oneonta.
19124 George W. Shafer,11 b. 7 Jan., 1863; d. in Blenheim, 14 Mar., 1871.
19125 Quincy Adams Shafer,11 b. 7 Apr., 1866; m. in Summit, 18 Oct., 1893, Carrie O. Ploss.
19126 Jennie May Shafer,11 b. 17 Apr., 1869; m. in Jefferson, Sept., 1887, Almond David Palmer; res. in Summit.
19137 Julia Etta Shafer,11 b. 25 Dec., 1871; m. in Summit, 20 Feb., 1888, Jewett S. Palmer; res. in Summit.
19128 Glen Forrest Shafer,11 b. 5 Apr., 1874; d. 25 Mar., 1878.

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19129 Cora Ellen Shafer,11 b. 14 Jan., 1876; m. in Oneonta, 14 Jan., 1901, Nelson A. Dashnow; res. in Richmondville, N. Y.

13521.   JERUSHA TOWNE,10 dau. of John Clement9 (6934), b. in Carthage, N. Y., 20 Mar., 1834; m. in Carthage, 8 Oct., 1856, Asher Homer Wilmot (brother of her stepmother), b. in Champion, N. Y., 14 July, 1828, son of Osee Wilmot, b. in Peacham, 3 Aug., 1789, and Lydia Morse, b. in Groton, Vt., 29 May, 1777, of Champion.
He d. in Champion, 3 Apr., 1871.
He was a painter, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Champion, later in Watertown, N. Y.
19130 Jennie Lind Wilmot,11 b. in Carthage, 15 Apr., 1859; m. in Carth­age, 5 Oct., 1881, Sylvanus Barker; res. in Watertown; has two children.
19131 Kate M. Wilmot,11 b. in Champion, 6 May, 1866; is unm.

13522.   QUINCY ADAMS,10 son of John Clement9 (6934), b. in Carthage, N. Y., 14 Jan., 1836; m. in Prairie Center, Ill., 17 Apr., 1873, Mary Eliza Smith, b. in Aurora, Ind., 30 Oct., 1848, dau. of Joseph Smith, of Prairie Cen­ter, b. 1805, and Elizabeth Gould, b. 1806.
He is a dry goods merchant and a Democrat; res. in Carthage, Mo.; served in the Confederate army as private in Co. B, Third Alabama Infantry; enlisted Apr., 1861; served until the surrender of Gen. Lee.
Children, first three b. in Prairie Center, others in Thayer, Kas.
19132 Elizabeth Gould,11 b. 11 Nov., 1876; is unm.
19133 Lee Everett,11 b. 23 Mar., 1878; is unm.
19134 Lena Mable,11 b. 23 Mar., 1878; is unm.
19135 Mary Eliza,11 b. 22 Sept., 1884.
19136 Quincy Adams,11 b. 3 May, 1887.

13524.   ESTHER CHARLOTTE,10 dau. of John Clement9 (6934), b. in North Wilna, N. Y., 6 July, 1840; m. in Schoharie, N. Y., 27 Apr., 1863, John Free­dom Shafer, b. in Blenheim, N. Y., 18 June, 1817, son of Frederick Shafer, b. 13 Mar., 1786, and Catherine Snyder, b. 10 Apr., 1792.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Democrat; res. in North Blenheim, N. Y.
Children, b. in Blenheim.
19137 Ellen Granby Shafer,11 b. 31 Jan., 1864; m. in Blenheim, 6 Dec., 1886, Emery Everet Pierce, b. in Blenheim, 29 Sept., 1862; he was a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Cobleskill, N. Y.; had five children.
19138 Elfie Caroline Shafer,11 b. 12 Sept., 1865; m. in Blenheim, 31 Dec., 1896, Seneca Wolford, b. in Berne, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1865; he is a school teacher, having graduated from Starkey Seminary, Starkey N. Y., and from Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt.; is a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Blenheim; has one child.

13525.   CAROLINE CYNTHIA,10 dau. of John Clement9 (6934), b. in Carth­age, N. Y., 21 Nov., 1844; m. in Prairie Center, Ill., 5 Jan., 1863; Edwin Wal-

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lace Smith, b. in Anson, Me., 10 May, 1839, son of Joseph Smith, b. 1805, and Elizabeth Gould, of Prairie Center.
He is a merchant; res. in Thayer, Kas.; served in the civil war as Second Lieut. in Co. C, Sixty-fourth Illinois Reg.; enlisted 3 Feb., 1864; was discharged 3 July, 1865.
Children, b. in Prairie Center.
19139 Charles Wesley Smith,11 b. 17 June, 1870; m. in Kansas City, Mo., 30 Jan., 1895, Sarah Newell Sims; res. in Thayer.
19140 Edna Elizabeth Smith,11 b. 27 July, 1878; m. in Thayer, 22 Sept., 1898, William David Wilcox; res. in Lowman, W. Va.
19141 Edwin Wallace Smith,11 b. 19 Mar., 1883.

13527.   REV. JOHN FRANKLIN,10 son of John Clement9 (6934), b. 19 Sept., 1852; m. in Michigan, 24 Nov., 1880, Harriet Snook, b. in New York, 14 Aug., 1858, dau. of William Snook and Emily Smalling, of De Kalb, Ill.
He was graduated from Garrett Biblical College, Evanston, Ill., in 1884; is a Methodist minister and a Prohibitionist; res. in El Paso, Tex.
19142 John Franklin,11 b. in Elwood, Ill., 15 June, 1887.
19143 William Smalling,11 b. in Fort Scott, Kas., 12 Apr., 1891.
19144 Ruth Garnett,11 b. in Grarnett, Kas., 15 Apr., 1893.

13529.   MARY MELVINA,10 dau. of Miles B.9 (6935), b. 18 Nov., 1832; m. George Washington Fuller.
They res. in Chicago.
19145 W. A. Fuller,11 b. ______; res. in Chicago.

13532.   CORDELIA ANN,10 dau. of Miles B.9 (6935), b. in Monticello, N. Y., 14 June, 1839; m. in Henry, Ill., 23 Oct., 1856, Charles Henry Brainard, b. in Canaan, N. Y., 16 Sept., 1831, son of Chauncey Brainard, b. 8 Apr., 1795, and Elizabeth Barrett, b. 12 Nov., 1797.
She d. in Canaan, 21 Apr., 1861.
He is a mason; res. in Canaan, later in Elbert, Col.
19146 Albert Wilbur Brainard,11 b. in Lacon, Ill., 16 Aug., 1857; d. in Ca­naan, 5 July, 1861.
19147 Ida Elizabeth Brainard,11 b. in Canaan, 30 May, 1860; m. there, 21 Oct., 1891, William Henry Palmer; res. in Canaan Four Corners, N. Y.; has one child.

13533.   FRANK DELVYN,10 son of Miles B.9 (3935), b. in Oswego, N. Y., 6 Dec., 1849; m. in Zanesville, O., 7 Aug., 1888, Mamie K. Osmond, b. in Zanes­ville, o., 28 Apr., 1861, dau. of Richard Bruden Osmond, b. about 1817, and Lu­cinda Selsam, b. 12 Apr., 1830.
He res. in Aurora, Ill.

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19148 Todd Osmond,11 b. in Chicago, 21 July, 1889.
19149 Amelia Lucinda,11 b. in Aurora, 4 Jan., 1893.
19150 Julia Maine,11 b. in Lincoln, Neb., 28 July, 1899; d. in Aurora, 22 July, 1900.

13540.   MIRANDA,10 dau. of Aaron9 (6939), b. in Limestone, N. Y., 21 July, 1837; m. in Painesville, O., as his third wife, 1 Jan., 1858, Charles Chapin Cleve­land, b. in Hopewell, N. Y., 11 July, 1825, son of William Cleveland and Martha Laycom.
She d. in Hillsdale, Mich., 9 Dec., 1878; he in (4) in Hillsdale, 10 Dec., 1879, Mrs. Samantha Reynolds.
He was a carriage maker; res. in Hillsdale.
19151 George Webber Cleveland,11 b. 27 Nov., 1858; m. in Chillicothe, Mo., 22 July, 1880, Lizzie C. Rhea, b. in Clay Co., Mo., 5 Sept., 1859, dau. of William E. Rhea and Elizabeth Ann Smythe; res. in Car­thage, Mo.; is in the firm of Cleveland & McLure, carriage manu­facturers.
19152 Mary Patience Cleveland,11 b. 28 Jan., 1860; m. in Hillsdale, 24 Oct, 1877, James Henry Sampson, b. in Hillsdale, 8 Feb., 1855, son of James B. Sampson and Betsey Coon; res. in Jackson; had three children.
19153 Emma Laura Cleveland,11 b. 28 Jan., 1862; m. in Hillsdale, 19 Aug., 1879, Joseph Garnett, b. in Seneca Co., N. Y., 18 Apr., 1846; res. in Roodhouse, Ill.
19154 Charles William Cleveland,11 b. 7 Aug., 1864; res. in St. Louis, Mo.
19155 Nellie May Cleveland,11 b. 15 Apr., 1868; res. in St. Louis.
19156 Alice Estelle Cleveland,11 b. 11 May, 1873; res. in Carthage.
19157 Blanche Cleveland,11 b. 21 May, 1878.

13555.   FRANCIS WILBUR,10 son of James9 (6955), b. in Brighton, Ill., 6 June, 1869; m. in Indianapolis, Ind., 26 Dec., 1894, Katherine Booz, dau. of Edward G. Booz.
He is a telegraph operator; is manager of the telegraph office at the Union station, Terre Haute, Ind.
19158 Wilbur Fisher,11 b. 12 Apr., 1896.
19159 Edward Griffen,11 b. 21 July, 1897.
19160 John,11 b. 26 Apr., 1899.

13557.   ORVILLE SAMUEL,10 son of Ensign King9 (6959), b. in Columbia, Cincinnati, O., 5 May, 1852; m. in Columbia, 20 July, 1885, Katherine Pier­mann, b. in Cincinnati, 6 Jan., 1856, dau. of George W. Piermann and Susan Weaver.
He is a river foreman; res. in Cincinnati; is a Republican.
19161 Mary Edwina,11 b. 8 May, 1891.

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13580.   JULIETTA,10 dau. of James Henry9 (6965), b. in Grove, N. Y., 31 Dec., 1841; m. in Greenwood, N. Y., about 1859, Dr. Benjamin S. Pickett.
She d. in Greenwood, 25 Mar., 1866.
19162 George H. Pickett,11 b. in Jasper, N. Y., 2 Apr., 1860.
19163 Cora Pickett,11 b. in Greenwood, 1864.

13581.   J. SILAS,10 son of James Henry9 (6965), b. in Grove, N. Y., 8 Dec., 1843; m. (1) 16 Mar., 1864, Gertrude H. Davis, b. in Greenwood, N. Y., 22 July, 1844, dau. of Redman S. Davis, b. 1 Sept., 1806, and Jane A. Porter, b. 17 June, 1808.
She d. 25 Aug., 1865; he m. (2) 2 Feb., 1868, Thalestris Davis, sister of his first wife, b. 6 Oct., 1846.
He is an attorney-at-law; res. in Greenwood.
Children by first wife.
19164 Gertrude,11 b. in Greenwood, 8 Aug., 1865; d. 25 Aug., same year.
Children by second wife.
19165 William Greenwood,11 b. 4 Feb., 1870.
19166 Sarah Wilson,11 b. 7 May, 1872.
19167 Grace Davis,11 b. 7 Mar., 1874.
19168 James H.,11 b. 8 Aug., 1876.
19169 Bertha J.,11 b. 27 May, 1878.
19170 George D.,11 b. 23 Sept., 1880.
19171 Clara Louisa,11 b. 23 Dec., 1882.
19172 Gertrude,11 b. ______.
19173 Mabel,11 b. ______.

13584.   NANCY HENRIETTA,10 dau. of Rev. Henry9 (6982), b. in Kirtland, O., 12 Dec., 1840; m. in Cresco, Ia., 21 Dec., 1857, William Durfee Eaton, b. in Greenfield, Pa., 1 Mar., 1834, son of Ebenezer Eaton, b. 22 Mar., 1800, and Eunice Shattuck, b. 21 May, 1807, of Erie Co., Pa.
She d. in Lyons, Ia., 20 Mar., 1869.
He is a printer and publisher; is a Republican.
19174 Errell Kellogg Eaton,11 b. in Cresco, 14 Sept., 1858; d. in Lyons, 29 Mar., 1861.
19175 May Eaton,11 b. in Lyons, 28 Nov., 1860.
19176 William Loomis Eaton,11 b. in Lyons, 30 Sept., 1866; d. there, 14 Sept., 1880.

13585.   DR. CHARLES FRAST,10 son of Rev. Henry9 (6982), b. in Kirtland, O., 20 Jan., 1843; m. (1) in Chicago, 17 Feb., 1869, Sarah Ann Tennery (from whom he was divorced), b. in Bowmanville, Ont., 26 Feb., 1842, dau. of John Eleazer Tennery and Lucina Mallory.
She d. in Charlotte, Ia., 30 Dec., 1885; he m. (2) in Erie, Ill., 14 May, 1885, Mrs. Nellie E. (Orcutt) McCone, dau. of Samuel Orcutt, b. in Centerville, N. Y., 9 Apr, 1848, and Martha Thompson, b. in Cattaraugus Co., N. Y.; she d. in Clinton, Ia., 3 Apr., 1900; he m. (3) in Rock Island, Ill., 10 Oct., 1901, Villa

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Wintersteen, b. in Jackson Co., Ia., 19 Sept., 1861, dau. of Phillip Wintersteen, b. in New Jersey, Jan., 1822, and Mary Campbelle, b. in Pennsylvania, Dec., 1822.
He was graduated from medical college in St. Louis, 1866; was appointed United States Surgeon at the post of Du Bugu, 1869; enlisted in Co. F, Second Iowa Cavalry; was Sixth-Corp. in the Twenty-first Iowa, and was promoted to color bearer; was captured in Hartsville, Mo., 13 Jan., 1863, and again 22 Feb., 1864, in Indianola, Tex.; was detailed on the medical staff much of the time; had res. in Charland, O., Webster City, Ia., Cresco, Ia., Chicago, Lyons and Al­gona, Ia.; was a physician in Charlotte, 1881; is secretary of the Board of School Directors; res. in Clinton; served four years on the Examining Board for United States pensions in Clinton, also two terms as Coroner of Clinton Co., is now serving his sixth consecutive term as Health Officer in Clinton and his fourteenth term as County Physician.
Children by first wife.
19177 Carrie Louise,11 b. in Algona, 21 Apr., 1873; d. in Lyons, 28 Aug., 1874.
19178 Henrietta Julia,11 b. in Charlotte, 6 June, 1875; d. there, 11 June, 1875.
19179 Maud Irene,11 b. in Charlotte, 20 Apr., 1878; m. William Sullivan.

13586.   LESLIE HENRY,10 son of Charles Warren9 (6983), b. in Streetsboro, O., 29 June, 1844; m. in Bryan, O., 17 Mar., 1881, Anna McClellan, b. in Rich­land Co., O., 4 Sept., 1857, dau. of Richard H. McClellan, b. 21 Oct., 1825, and Margaret Yates, b. in Chambersburg, Pa., 23 Sept., 1827, of Bryan.
He is a cheese maker; served in the civil war in Co. A, One Hundred and Seventy Seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 6 Sept., 1864; was dis­charged 2 Jan., 1865; is a Republican; res. in Angola, Ind.
Children, b. in Farmer, O.
19180 Eugene Newman,11 b. 14 July, 1882.
19181 Cynthia Ann,11 b. 22 May, 1884.

13587.   IDA ANNA,10 dau. of Charles Warren9 (6983), b. in Streetsboro, O., 8 Apr., 1846; m. in Bedford, O., 2 Oct., 1872, Sebert Morgan, b. 21 Jan., 1844, son of Isham A. Morgan, b. 23 Mar., 1809, and Juliette Meech, b. 23 Feb., 1815.
He d. 10 Jan., 1899.
He was a locomotive engineer; res. in Cleveland, O.
Children, b. in Cleveland.
19182 Daniel P. Morgan,11 b. 25 Dec., 1876; m. 15 July, 1896, Ona Reese.
19183 Perry L. Morgan,11 b. 8 May, 1878.
19184 Nellie J. Morgan,11 b. 14 Sept., 1882.

13589.   JENNY LIND,10 dau. of Charles Wallace9 (6983), b. in Streetsboro, O., 1 Jan., 1850; m. in Cleveland, O., 15 July, 1871, Frank Andrew Wightmall, b. 5 Sept., 1850, son of Horace Fayette Wightman, b. in Newburg, O., 12 Apr., 1820, and Mary Permelia Burges, b. in Stamford, Conn., 12 Oct., 1819.
He is a dealer in oysters; res. in Newburg.

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Children, b. in Newburg.
19185 Alma Wightman,11 b. 16 June, 1873; d. 20 Aug., 1889.
19186 Bertine Wightman,11 b. 12 Dec., 1875.
19187 Lynn Wightman,11 b. 17 Jan., 1878.

13590.   LOUIS KOSSUTH,10 son of Charles Warren9 (6983), b. in Bedford, O., 9 Apr., 1852; m. in Cleveland, O., 10 Mar., 1874, Catherine Cathedora Croft, b. in County Cork, Ireland, 22 Jan., 1852, dau. of John Croft, b. in County Cork, Ireland, 16 June, 1827, and Catherine Lynch, b. in County of Waterford, Ire­land, in 1807.
He is an engineer; res. in Newburg, O.
Children, b. in Newburg.
19188 Catherine Zylpha,11 b. 18 Sept., 1875.
19189 Alice Josephine,11 b. 18 July, 1877.
19190 Margaret Mary,11 b. 22 May, 1879.
19191 William Joseph,11 b. 18 June, 1881.
19192 Clara Louise,11 b. 1 Jan., 1883.
19193 Frederick Charles,11 b. 10 Nov., 1885.
19194 Marcella Ann,11 b. 19 Aug., 1893; d. 16 May, 1894.
19195 Helen Colleta,11 b. 19 Oct., 1895.

13591.   JESSIE MAY,10 dau. of Charles Warren9 (6983), b. in Bedford, O., 8 May, 1858; m. in Cleveland, O., 17 July, 1875, Emile John Malle, b. in Cleve­land,31 Aug., 1855, son of Peter Joseph Malle, b. 25 Aug., 1829, and Mary Ade­laide La Calle, b. 24 Dec., 1823.
He is a butcher and farmer; res. in Cleveland, later in Bedford; is a Protest­ant and a Republican.
19196 Edward Eugene Malle,11 b. in Cleveland, 7 July, 1876; d. 23 Mar., 1879.
19197 Nettie May Malle,11 b. in Cleveland, 6 Aug., 1878.
19198 Clarence Alfred Malle,11 b. 3 Sept., 1883.
19199 Howard Elmer Malle,11 b. in Bedford, 16 Aug., 1893.
19200 Percy Allen Malle,11 b. in Bedford, 28 Mar., 1895.

13594.   LEON WEBB,10 son of Charles Warren9 (6983), b. in Bedford, O., 25 Oct., 1867; m. in Bedford, 10 Sept., 1890, Ella Victoria Lyons, b. in Northfield, O., 9 Mar., 1867, dau. of James Lyons, b. in Scotland, 17 Sept., 1835, and Martha Truman, b. in Ohio, 10 June, 1840.
He res. in Cleveland; is an electrician; a member of the Disciples' Church; a Prohibitionist.
Children, b. in Cleveland.
19201 Zilpha May,11 b. 29 July, 1891.
19202 Raymond Truman,11 b. 22 Oct., 1892.
19203 Hazel Victoria,11 b. 1 Aug., 1894.
19204 Helena Miller,11 b. 4 Oct., 1895.

13601.   EMILY CAROLINE,10 dau. of Charles Henry9 (6995), b. in Perry, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1844; m. in Detroit, Mich., 4 Mar., 1864, Ezra Stevens Starr,

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b. in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., son of Elmon G. Starr and Ann Waring, of Sara­toga, N. Y., and Lakeville, Cal.
He d. in Buffalo, N. Y., 15 June, 1875; she res. in Philadelphia; is on the editorial staff of The Public Ledger.
He was a farmer; a Baptist and a Republican.
19205 Charles Kellogg Starr,11 b. in Petaluma, Cal., 19 June, 1865; res., unm., in New York City.
19206 Frank Elmon Starr,11 b. in Oakland, Cal., 15 Mar., 1867; m. in Gravesend, N. Y., 28 Aug., 1889, Grace Van Duyne Brown; res. in New York City.
19207 John King Starr,11 b. in Oakland, 17 May, 1869; m. in Philadelphia, 12 June, 1901, Isabella Marguerite Hickey; res. in Philadelphia.
19208 Fred Daniels Starr,11 b. in Buffalo, 20 June, 1871; res., unm., in Phila­delphia.
19209 Elsie Louise Starr,11 b. in Buffalo, 4 Aug., 1873; m. in Philadelphia, Theodore B. Irwin, res. in Lindenwold, N. J.

13603.   CHARLES HENRY,10 son of Charles Henry9 (6995), b. in Detroit, Mich., about 1852; m. 1872, Clara Louise Shotwell, b. 1856, dau. of Isaac Shot­well, Jr., b. 1819, and Delia Mattice, b. 1825, of Elba, N. Y.
He is President of the Kellogg Iron Works; res. in Buffalo, N. Y.
✛19209a Charles Arthur,11 b. in Buffalo, 10 July, 1873; m. Lillian Hauer.
19209b Kittie Clara,11 b. 16 Feb., 1876.
19209c George Shotwell,11 b. in Buffalo, 8 Dec., 1878; res. unm., in Buf­falo; is Treasurer of the Kellogg Iron Works; is a Presbyterian.

13605.   ISABELLA,10 dau. of Charles Henry9 (6995), b. in Detroit, Mich., 9 Feb., 1857; m. as his second wife, in Phoenixville, Pa., 18 Dec., 1879, Edward Francis Church, b. in Coventry, N. Y., 13 Nov., 1844, son of William Church and Elizabeth Houston, of Chenango, Co., N. Y.
He is a graduate of Leister Military Academy and Business College; is a banker and financier; res. in South Orange, N. J.
Children, b. in South Orange.
19210 Adolph Bonzano Church,11 b. 4 Oct., 1880; d. in South Orange, 19 June, 1899.
19211 Douglas Jasperson Church,11 b. 13 Nov., 1885.
19212 Isabella Jasperson Church,11 b. 19 May, 1888; d. 18 Jan., 1890.
19213 Lucille Isabella Church,11 b. 3 Jan., 1891.

13617.   HARRIET MATILDA,10 dau. of Jared Augustus9 (7021), b. in West Toledo, O., 7 Nov., 1862; m. in Delta, O., 22 Feb., 1880, Simon Krieger, b. in Ai, O., 16 Feb., 1855, son of Michael Krieger, b. in Millersburg, O., 28 Mar., 1830, and Magdalena Deety, b. in Millersburg, 11 Feb., 1833.
He is a carpenter; a Baptist and a Democrat; res. in Lytton, O.

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Children, b. in Ai.
19214 Emery J. Krieger,11 b. 24 Oct., 1881.
19215 George O. Krieger,11 b. 3 Feb., 1885.
19216 Almira Rita Krieger,11 b. 8 Oct., 1891.

13618.   LOIS LETITIA,10 dau. of Jared Augustus9 (7021), b. in West Toledo, O., 18 Sept., 1866; m. in Fairfield, Mich., 16 Mar., 1884, Perry J. Chase, b. in Sullivan, O., 24 Apr., 1857, son of Jonathan Chase, b. Feb., 1802, and Lydia Humphrey, b. June, 1820.
He is a lawyer; res. in Perrysburg, O.
19217 Pierre Kellogg Chase,11 b. in Delta, O., 26 Aug., 1887.
19218 Erskine Harold Chase,11 b. in Delta, 4 Oct., 1889.
19219 Evan Marshall Chase,11 b. in Wauseon, O., 13 Aug., 1891.
19220 Tom Earle Chase,11 b. in Bowling Green, O., 14 Nov., 1892.

13619.   GEORGE ALBERT,10 son of Jared Augustus9 (7021), b. in West To­ledo, O., 6 Feb., 1870; m. 27 Nov., 1890, Minnie May Osborn, b. 6 Mar., 1865, dau. of Uzel Osborn, b. 2 June, 1825, and Mary Leonard Dempster, of Herkimer, N. Y., b. 28 Jan., 1831.
He is a merchant; res. in Lakota, N. D.; is a Methodist with leaning toward Christian Science; in politics is independent.
Children, b. in Lakota.
19221 Evalyn Lois,11 b. 15 May, 1893.
19222 Florence Almira,11 b. 30 Apr., 1898.

13668.   KARL,10 son of John Glover9 (7082), b. in Oswego, N. Y., 8 Aug., 1867; m. 10 June, 1896, Anita Pardee Lyon, b. in Oswego, 19 July, 1872, dau. of James Lyon, b. in Cleveland, O., 2 Aug., 1841, and Annie Rodman Pardee, of Oswego, b. 28 June, 1840.
He is a manufacturer of heat regulators; res. in Oswego.
19223 Karl,11 b. in Oswego, 19 Nov., 1897.

13674.   SYLVIA ANNA,10 dau. of Edwin Ashbel9 (7098), b. in Leon, N. Y., 4 Mar., 1856; m. there, 18 Feb., 1877, Emory Adelbert Taylor, b. in Perrysburg, N. Y., 15 Feb., 1854, son of John Taylor and Jane Waters.
He is a Free Methodist minister; res. in Rochester, N. Y., she res. in Leon.
Children, b. in Leon.
19224 Edwin Levens Taylor,11 b. 6 Apr., 1879; res. in Leon.
19225 Arthur Ashbel Taylor,11 b. 7 June, 1880; d. in Leon, 20 Mar., 1881.

13684.   WINFIELD SCOTT,10 son of Francis Isaac Granger9 (7103), b. in Leon Center, N. Y., 24 Sept., 1861; m. in Conewango, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1885, Jennie May Rhoades, b. 18 Sept., 1862, dau. of Deloss Rhoades, b. 13 Mar., 1834, and Adelia Bowen, b. 6 May, 1839.
He is a lumber inspector; res. in Buffalo, N. Y.

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19226 LYNN,11 b. in Conewango, 28 Sept., 1885.

13685.   ASHBEL LOOMIS,10 son of Francis Isaac Granger9 (7103), b. in Leon, N. Y., 8 Apr., 1863; m. in Hamlet, N. Y., 19 May, 1889, Belle Harmon, b. in Leon, 27 Feb., 1871, dau. of George M. Harmon, b. 10 Jan., 1837, and Lu­celia Bennit, b. 6 Apr., 1839.
He is a farmer; res. in Leon and South Dayton, N. Y.
Children, b. in Leon.
19227 Florence Eva,11 b. 30 Dec., 1889.
19228 Lois May,11 b. 3 July, 1895.

13696.   MYRTIE ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Milo George9 (7106), b. in Leon, N. Y., 9 Sept., 1869; m. in Forestville, N. Y., 2 May, 1894, Elverton Adolphus Waters, b. in Hamlet, N. Y., 16 July, 1871, son of Harvey Waters, b. 9 Mar., 1846, and Martha Mathewson, b. 18 Sept., 1847.
He is a mechanic; a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Hamlet.
19229 Zeryl Gilson Waters,11 b. in Villanova, N. Y., 13 Jan., 1895.
19230 Renah Fern Waters,11 b. in Hamlet, 19 July, 1896.
19231 Ermine Bee Waters,11 b. in Hamlet, 21 May, 1898.

13698.   MYRA,10 dau. of Luke Loomis9 (7107), b. in Leon, N. Y., 23 Jan., 1866; m. in Randolph, N. Y., 20 Jan., 1892, Joseph C. Turner, b. in Randolph, 11 May, 1860, son of Thomas Turner, b. 25 June, 1829, and Anna Seale, b. 6 July, 1834.
He is in the mercantile business; is a Methodist and Democrat; res. in Randolph.
Children, b. in Leon.
19232 Jerman Mott Turner,11 b. 6 Nov., 1892.
19233 Thomas Kenneith Turner,11 b. 30 Sept., 1898.

13706.   MARTIN PARKE,10 son of Rufus Ashbel9 (7119), b. in Leon, N. Y., 3 Oct., 1856; m. in Gowanda, N. Y., 17 Jan., 1883, Edith May Hurd.
He is a hardware merchant; res. in Collins, N. Y.
19234 Helen Marguerite,11 b. 16 Apr., 1885.
19235 Harmon Ashbel,11 b. 13 Aug., 1887.

13708.   SHELDON GAYLORD,10 son of Rev. Austin Luke9 (7120), b. in Leon, N. Y., 13 Dec., 1857; m. in San Francisco, 21 Nov., 1900, Annie Grant Sheppard, b. in Cadiz, O., 15 Sept., 1868, dau. of Eli Taylor Sheppard, b. 26 Sept., 1842, and Eliza Lewton, b. 7 Apr., 1844.
He was graduated from Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., 1878; studied two years in Leipzig, Germany; was admitted to the bar in Detroit, Mich., 9 Feb., 1881; rem. in 1883 to San Francisco, where he is an attorney-at-law; is a Unitarian and a Republican; is a member of the Board of Election Commis­sioners, San Francisco, 1900-2, and an I. O. O. F.

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19236 Louise,11 b. in San Francisco, 12 Nov., 1901.

13720.   FREDERIC JULIEN,10 son of Henry James9 (7125), b. in Carthage, N. Y., 13 Mar., 1861; m. there, 22 Feb., 1888, Edith Emeline Hunt, b. in Adams Center, N. Y., 13 June, 1864, dau. of Sanford Dexter Hunt, b. 4 May, 1833, and Mary Elizabeth Safford, b. 23 Oct., 1838.
He is a jeweler; an Episcopalian and a Republican; res. in Carthage.
19237 Freda Louise,11 b. in Carthage, 23 May, 1892.

13727.   ADAH EFFIE,10 dau. of Charles Giles9 (7129), b. in Horton, Ill., 7 Sept., 1864; m. in Downey, Cal., 23 Aug., 1887, John Henry Rice, b. in Robert­son Co., Tex., 9 Oct., 1857, son of William S. Rice, b. Aug., 1812, and Millie McCuistian, b. 22 June, 1817.
He is a liveryman; res. in Oxnard, Cal.
19238 Elva Leonore Rice,11 b. in Pomona, Cal., 9 June, 1888.
19239 Maud Agnes Rice,11 b. in Chino, Cal., 28 Jan., 1890.

13728.   DR. FREDERICK ALPUS,10 son of Charles Giles9 (7129), b. in Hor­ton, Ill., 13 Apr., 1869; m. in Los Angeles, Cal., 8 June, 1889, Sarah Ellen Carr, b. in Olean, N. Y., 21 June, 1870, dau. of Martin Carr, b. 25 Oct., 1833, and Anna McNulty, of County West Meath, Ireland, b. 2 Sept., 1842.
He was graduated from Los Angeles Medical College in 1889; is a miner; a Republican; res. in Los Angeles.
19240 Helen Louise,11 b. in Pomona, Cal., 13 Apr., 1890.

13729.   HARRIET MARGARET,10 dau. of Lorenzo Madison9 (7130), b. 1 Oct, 1867; m. in Buckingham, Ill., 29 Jan., 1892, Charles Pavlicek, b. in Bo­hemia.
He was graduated from Northwestern Normal School; Law Department of the University of Michigan, 1891; is a lawyer; res. in Chicago, Ill.
19241 Charles Pavlicek,11 b. in Chicago, 27 Jan., 1895.

13730.   LUKE SCOTT,10 son of Lorenzo Madison9 (7130), b. 17 June, 1869; m. 1 Apr., 1892, Mary Link, of Kankakee, Ill., b. in Germany.
He is a fireman on the Kankakee railroad; a Republican; res. in Kankakee.
Children, b. in Kankakee.
19242 Venrey Claude,11 b. 7 Nov., 1892.
19243 Stella Belle,11 b. 15 Apr., 1898.

13731.   STELLA BELLE,10 dau. of Lorenzo Madison9 (7130), b. in Buck­ingham, Ill., 1 Sept., 1875; m. in Buckingham, 17 Oct., 1893, Emanuel Benja­min Schrader, of Barnes, Ill.

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19244 Hattie Mildred Schrader,11 b. in Cullom, Ill., 28 Sept., 1894.

13757.   MINNIE LOUISA,10 dau. of George Wallace9 (7179), b. in Savanna, Ill., 21 Jan., 1877; m. in Savanna, 28 Nov., 1895, Richard P. Kean, b. in Syra­cuse, N. Y., 15 Aug., 1862, son of John A. Kean and Julia Ryan, of Syracuse.
He is an electrician; a Catholic and a Democrat.
Children, b. in Chicago.
19245 James Richard Kean,11 b. 20 Dec., 1896; d. 28 Feb., 1897.
19246 George Edwin Kean,11 b. 6 July, 1898.

13778.   ELSIE ALICE,10 dau. of Charles Cotton9 (7204), b. in Claridon, O., 16 May, 1879; m. in Claridon, 8 Nov., 1899, Paul Hammond McNish, b. in Newbury, O., 19 Jan., 1879, son of A. A. McNish, b. 12 July, 1846, and Ellen Black, b. 3 Feb., 1847.
He is a farmer; res. in Claridon.
Child, b. in Claridon.
19247 Howard Kellogg McNish,11 b. 22 May, 1900.

13784.   JESSIE,10 dau. of Edmund Ray9 (7225), b. in Chicago, Ill., 28 Nov., 1857; m. 12 Feb., 1875, Isaac Fillmore Dickson, b. in Williamsport, Ind., 5 June, 1850, son of John Wesley Dickson, b. 10 June, 1815.
He is a manufacturing confectioner; an Episcopalian; res. in Chicago; served in the civil war; enlisted 2 Apr., 1864, in Co. K, One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Indiana Volunteer Infantry; was discharged 2 Oct., 1865.
Children, all except Marjorie, b. in Chicago.
19248 Sophie Warfield Dickson,11 b. 29 Nov., 1876; d. 9 Aug., 1877.
19249 Josephine Dickson,11 b. 2 June, 1878.
19250 Beda Jewell Dickson,11 b. 10 Jan., 1882.
19251 Marjorie Dickson,11 b. in Oconomowoc, Wis., 1 July, 1888.
19252 Elizabeth Ray Dickson,11 b. 21 Dec., 1890.
19253 Kellogg Dickson,11 b. 28 Dec., 1897.

13802.   JANE MARIE FRANCES,10 dau. of Lyman Lorenzo Erastus9 (7241), b. in Kellogg, Or., 3 Mar., 1868; m. in Arlington, Or., 24 Oct., 1865, Harmon Henry Neal, b. in Salem, Or., 6 Dec., 1862, son of William Neal and Enley Jane Sneed, b. 16 Dec., 1823.
He is a laborer; res. in Condon, Or.
19254 Mary Sirtildie Neal,11 b. in Oakland, Or., 23 Aug., 1887.
19255 William Harden Neal,11 b. in Weston, Or., 21 May, 1890.

13808.   LUCY LOVINA,10 dau. of Rev. Erastus Le Wis9 (7249), b. 29 July, 1858; m. in Homer, Mich., 31 Aug., 1881, Rev. John Cornelius Beach, b. in Lake City, Mich., 6 Apr., 1854, son of Joseph Beach, of Berrien, b. in Goshen, Conn., 8 Apr., 1826, and Eliza Ann Tabor, b. in Ellisburg, N. Y., 9 May 1826.
She d. in Luther, Mich., 1 Oct., 1887.
He is a minister of the M. E. Church; res. in Lake City.

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19256 John Beach,11 b. 19 Sept., 1883; d. same day.
19257 Floyd Kellogg Beach,11 b. in Hesperia, Mich., 30 Dec., 1884.
19258 Lewis Arthur Beach,11 b. 1 Oct., 1887; d. same day.

13809.   WILLIAM MARTIN,10 son of Rev. Erastus Le Wis9 (7249), b. in Lawrence, Mich., 29 Apr., 1861; m. 4 May, 1882, Augusta Elizabeth Eslow, b. in Homer, Mich., 18 Apr., 1859, dau. of Zachariah Paddock Eslow, b. 14 Apr., 1826, and Permelia Benham, b. 11 May, 1834.
He is cashier of the Homer Banking Co.; a Methodist; res. in Homer.
Children, b. in Homer.
19259 Arthur Eslow,11 b. 26 Dec., 1885.
19260 Mary Louise,11 b. 11 Dec., 1891.

13813.   GEORGE ALEXANDER DONATHAN,10 son of William Allison9 (7259), b. in Fauquier Co., Va., 1 Sept., 1867; m. in Richmond, Va., 16 Dec., 1891, Bessie Phair Patts, b. in Petersburg, Va., 25 Nov., 1866, dau. of Capt. Frank Patts, of Richmond, and Virginia Ruth Finley.
He is engaged in the insurance business in Virginia and West Virginia; is a Presbyterian and a Democrat; res. in Bluefield, W. Va.; was graduated from the University of Virginia, 1889; taught school in Richmond, 1889-90; res. in New York City.
19261 Marion Lea,11 b. in Richmond, 17 Feb., 1893.

13814.   DAVID KEMPER,10 son of William Allison9 (7259), b. in Spring Grove, Va., 28 June, 1869; m. in Hillsville, Va., 29 Aug., 1894, Josephine Mc­Murran, b. in Hillsville, 14 Dec., 1872, dau. of James McMurran, b. 28 May, 1841, and Sarah Elizabeth Early, b. 13 Aug., 1844.
He is a bookkeeper; a Presbyterian and a Democrat; res. in Richmond.
19262 Esther Louise,11 b. in Hillsville, 1 Aug., 1895.
19263 Kemper Verdier,11 b. in Newport News, Va., 22 Dec., 1898.

13819.   ALLISON GILMER,10 son of Timothy9 (7261), b. in Richmond, Va., 22 June, 1860; m. in Jacksonville, Fla., 16 Mar., 1892, Elenore E. Webel, b. in Chicago, Ill., 6 Sept., 1860, dau. of Carl Phillip Webel, b. Oct., 1804, and Kath­erine Bierbaur, b. May, 1826.
He is a bookkeeper and a Democrat; res. in Omaha, Neb.; later in Chicago.
19264 Elenore Virginia,11 b. 1 Nov., 1893.

13820.   EDWARD PETICOLAS,10 son of Timothy9 (7261), b. in Richmond, Va., 7 July, 1863; m. in Colorado Springs, Col., 18 May, 1892, Harriet Eliza Bostwick, b. in Walton, N. Y., 8 May, 1863, dau. of Jabez Bostwick and Jane Chace.
He is a clerk; a Democrat and a Presbyterian; res. in Los Angeles, Cal.

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19265 Percy Bostwick,11 b. 27 May, 1893.

13821.   LILLIAN DOUGLAS,10 dau. of Timothy9 (7261), b. in Richmond, Va., 29 Sept., 1867; m. in Pueblo, Col., 9 Apr., 1888, William Bucey Galloway, son of Dr. John Galloway, b. 1821, and Margaret Buoey, b. 1831.
She d. in Richmond, 19 Nov., 1900.
He is a railroad dispatcher; a Democrat; res. in Richmond.
19266 Douglas Trevilian Galloway,11 b. in Richmond, 16 Jan., 1889.

13822.   MARY THEODOSIA,10 dau. of Rev. Robert Ransom9 (7265), b. in New York City, 17 Apr., 1838; m. in Le Roy, N. Y., 28 Apr., 1857, Frederick Augustus Thompson, b. in Stamford, N. Y., 1 Oct., 1830.
She d. 16 Oct., 1896.
Children, first three b. in Le Roy, last four in Brooklyn, N. Y.
19267 Mary Theodosia Thompson,11 b. 11 Dec., 1857; d. 11 Jan., 1858.
19268 Lillian Augusta Thompson,11 b. 29 Dec., 1858.
19269 Leonard Kellogg Thompson,11 b. 10 Jan., 1861; no. Eva Hester Geraghty.
19270 Mary Morse Thompson,11 b. in Milford, Pa., 10 Apr., 1863.
19271 Grace Theodosia Thompson,11 b. 15 Oct., 1867; is unm.
19272 Josephine Kellogg Thompson,11 b. 1 Mar., 1870.
19273 Frederick Robert Kellogg Thompson,11 lo. 28 July, 1871; d. 12 Nov., 1875.
19274 Burton Duryea Thompson,11 b. 26 June, 1879; is unm.

13823.   ROBERT MORSE,10 son of Rev. Robert Ransom9 (7265), b. in Brook­lyn, N. Y., 17 July, 1840; m. in Milford, Pa., 5 Aug., 1863, Martha Elizabeth Royce, b. in Milford, 12 Oct., 1841, dau. of Hon. Harvey Royce, b. in Milford, 14 Apr., 1801, and Lucy Seamon, b. 9 Dec., 1805.
He was killed on the railroad in Jersey City, 16 Aug., 1870; she d. 1 Aug., 1896.
Children, b. in Port Jerois, N. Y.
19275 Lucy Morse,11 b. 12 July, 1864.
19276 Mary Josephine,11 b. 20 Aug., 1866.
19277 Martha Robertine,11 b. 10 June, 1869.

13824.   SARAH JOSEPHINE,10 dau. of Rev. Robert Ransom9 (7265), b. in Romeo, Mich., 2 May, 1846; m. in Port Jervis, N. Y., 7 Oct., 1874, Moses Van Inwegen, b. in Cuddlebackville, N. Y., 29 July, 1851.
He d. in New York City, 21 Oct., 1889.
After his death she res. in Binghamton, N. Y.
Children, b. in Port Jerois.
19278 Clara Josephine Van Inwegen,11 b. 22 June, 1875; d. 12 July, same year.
19279 Robert Kellogg Van Inwegen,11 b. 14 July, 1876.
19280 Clarence Wellington Van Inwegen,11 b. 7 May, 1878.
19281 Alberta Van Inwegen,11 b. 2 Nov., 1880.

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19282 Lillie J. Van Inwegen,11 b. in Kingston, N. Y., 13 Apr., 1889. Soon after her father died she was adopted by her cousin, Leonard Kel­logg Thompson (19269), and her name was changed to Dorothy Thompson.

13876.   ORSON MCKINZIE,10 son of Orson Chester9 (7279), b. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 2 Sept., 1853; m. in Greenville, Mich., 19 Sept., 1877, Nettie Roselle Gibbs, b. in Eureka, Mich., 6 Apr., 1855, dau. of George Bradford Gibbs, b. 31 Oct., 1830, and Mary Lucina Waite, b. 9 June, 1834.
He is manager of E. K. Wood Lumber Co. and is bookkeeper and sealer of lumber; is a Republican; res. in Hoquiam, Wash.
19283 George Gibbs,11 b. in Greenville, 6 June, 1878.
19284 Orson Chester,11 b. in Hoquiam, 18 Sept., 1896.

13878.   FRANK MARS,10 son of Orson Chester9 (7279), b. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 23 Feb., 1860; m. in Duluth, Minn., 25 June, 1882, Laura B. Homan, b. 13 Oct., 1861, dau. of Levi Homan and Mary Reynard.
He is a lumber inspector; res. in Hoquiam, Wash.
19285 Lydia Marian,11 b. in Grand Rapids, 27 June, 1883.
19286 Josephine Ethelyn,11 b. in Coal Harbor, N. D., 24 Sept., 1884.
19287 Anna Mabel,11 b. in Coal Harbor, 23 July, 1886.
19288 Truman Orson,11 b. in Coal Harbor, 14 Sept., 1888.
19289 Donald Gilbert,11 b. in Aberdeen, Wash., 2 Dec., 1890.
19290 Mariette Lillian,11 b. in Hoquiam, 27 Jan., 1896.
19291 Laura Frances,11 b. in Hoquiam, 18 Feb., 1898.

13898.   EDWIN BURTON,10 son of John Franklin9 (7328), b. in Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 2 Dec., 1861; m. in North Bloomfield, N. Y., 11 June, 1884, Jose­phine Lotee, b. 9 Feb., 1863, dau. of Amos Lotee, of North Bloomfield, b. in Lima, N. Y., 3 Feb., 1835, and Ann Eliza Booth, b. in Flint, Mich., 14 Feb., 1843.
He is manager of the natural gas plant in Honeoye Falls; a Methodist and a Prohibitionist; res. in Honeoye Falls.
19292 Franklin Loree,11 b. 3 Mar., 1887.
19293 Dale Walter,11 b. 21 Apr., 1891.

13899.   LOUISE,10 dau. of John Franklin9 (7328), b. in Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 31 May, 1866; m. in Honeoye Falls, 29 Aug., 1889, Dale Mills, b. in Canisteo, N. Y., 22 July, 1859, son of Alfred Mills, b. 11 Nov., 1825, and Anna Moore, b. 9 Aug., 1830, of Canisteo Falls.
He d. in Canisteo, 1 Oct., 1891; after his death she res. in Canisteo Falls.
He was a clothier; a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Canisteo.
19294 Pauline Dale Mills,11 b. in Canisteo, 18 Nov., 1891.

13906.   REV. HENRY MARTIN,10 son of Rev. Erastus Martin9 (7367), b. in

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New Boston, N. H., 2 Apr., 1851; m. (1) in Worcester, Mass., 16 Oct., 1879, Cora Olympe Alton, b. in Worcester, 5 Mar., 1860, dau. of Alphonso Alcander Alton, b. 18 Dec., 1827, and Martha Ballard George, b. 14 Apr., 1833.
She d. in Francestown, N. H., 4 Mar., 1882; he m. (2) in Somerville, Mass., 5 May, 1885, Mrs. Stella Georgette (Alton) West, sister of his first wife and widow of William S. West.
He is a minister of the Congregational Church; A. B. Dartmouth College, 1876; B. D. Union Theological Seminary, 1876; res. in Manchester, N. H., 1876; Hadley, Mass., 1877; Atlantic City, N. J., 1877-80; Greenwich, Conn., 1882; Lebanon, Conn., 1892; Wolcott, Conn., 1897; Wilder, Vt., from May, 1897, to Feb., 1900, since then in McIndoes Falls, Vt.; is the author of two works, “The Genealogy of the Billerica French Family” and “Twelve Hours With Young People,” is a constant contributor to the press.
Child by first wife.
19295 Martin Alton,11 b. 14 Aug., 1880; d. 21 Nov., same year.
Children by second wife.
19296 Cora Esther,11 b. 13 Sept., 1886.
19297 Hannah Ruth,11 b. 8 Nov., 1888.
19298 Ruby Stella,11 b. 10 Dec., 1890.
19299 Ralph Martin,11 b. 13 Dec., 1895.

13916.   CAROLINE ALMIRA,10 dau. of Charles Prindle9 (7372), b. in New Haven, Conn., 18 Aug., 1850; m. in Oswego, N. Y., 1 Mar., 1878, Emerson H. Farnham, of Oswego, b. 4 Aug., 1848.
They res. in Syracuse, N. Y.
Children, b. in Syracuse.
19300 Anna Caroline Farnham,11 b. 5 July, 1878.
19301 Elizabeth Kellogg Farnham,11 b. 31 Oct., 1884; d. same day.
19302 Roy Emerson Farnham,11 b. 16 Dec., 1888.

13917.   EMILY JOSEPHIN E,10 dau. of Charles Prindle9 (7372), b. in New Haven, Conn., 29 June, 1855; m. 18 Sept., 1879, Frederick Collins Crossley, b. in Cromwell, Conn., 1850.
They res. in New Haven.
19303 Frederick Germaine Crossley,11 b. 29 June, 1880.
19304 Ruby Jessamine Crossley,11 b. 25 Nov., 1882.
19305 Pearl Adelaide Crossley,11 b. 25 Nov., 1882.
19306 Gladys Eugenia Crossley,11 b. 13 Oct., 1887.

13919.   WILLET HEMINGWAY,10 son of Charles Prindle9 (7372), b. in Os­wego, N. Y., 30 June, 1859; m. in Burning Springs, W. Va., 12 Sept., 1882, Ruby Frances Gay, b. in Madison, Mo., 4 Aug., 1861, dau. of Almond T. Gay, of Parkersburg, W. Va., b. 22 July, 1834, and Eliza Jane Hosman, b. 4 Nov., 1843.
He is a manufacturer of plaster and a Congregationalist; res. in New Haven.
Children, b. in New Haven.
19307 Germaine Almond,11 b. 14 July, 1884.
19308 Willet Harold,11 b. 17 Jan., 1886.

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13926.   FRANCIS DWIGHT,10 son of Francis Dwight9 (7376), b. in East Haven, Conn., 17 Nov., 1859; m. in Bath-on-Hudson, N. Y., 15 May, 1883, Mary Dearstyne, b. in Bath, 15 July, 1860, dau. of Edward Willard Dearstyne, b. Oct., 1829, and Mary Streeter, b. Oct., 1832.
He is secretary of the Oyster and Fruit Packing Company; res. in Balti­more, Md.
Children, all except first two, b. in Baltimore.
19309 William Dearstyne,11 b. in Bath, 25 May, 1884.
19310 Louie Granniss,11 b. in West Troy, N. Y., 2 Sept., 1885.
19311 Dwight Edward,11 b. 7 Nov., 1886.
19312 Nellie Morse,11 b. 12 Nov., 1888.
19313 Hattie Vesper,11 b. 24 Oct., 1890.

13965.   EDWARD BOYNTON,10 son of George Chandler9 (7420), b. in Copen­hagen, N. Y., 1 Sept., 1852; m. in Wrightstown, Wis, 8 Feb., 1874, Emma Ann Higgins, b. in Heuvelton, N. Y., 8 Feb., 1857, dau. of Charles Jonathan Higgins, b. 8 Nov., 1823, and Louisa Diana Sairs, b. 27 July, 1833.
He was a marine engineer and later a salesman for the Standard Oil Com­pany; is a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Green Bay, Wis.
19314 Elizabeth Ella,11 b. in Wrightstown, 8 Nov., 1876.
19315 Ruby Helene,11 b. in Eseanaba, Wis., 6 June, 1884.

13971.   EDWARD LAY,10 son of Edwin Billings9 (7423), b. in Oshkosh, Wis., 11 Mar., 1860; m. in Boulder, Col., 23 May, 1883, Phoebe Anna Shupe, b. in Chatham, Canada, 22 Feb., 1859, dau. of Simeon Shupe, b. 22 Feb., 1835, and Matilda Emery, b. 18 July, 1834.
He is a farmer and a Congregationalist; res. in Severance, Col.
Children, b. in Eaton, Col.
19316 Edward Jonas,11 b. 21 Mar., 1884.
19317 Ada Pearl,11 b. 16 Dec., 1886.
19318 Mina May,11 b. 23 Oct., 1888.
19319 Albert Simeon,11 b. 8 Sept., 1891.
19320 Olive Edna Estelle,11 b. in Severance, 28 Jan., 1900.

13990.   CYRUS EDWARD,10 son of George Colton9 (7461), b. in Syracuse, N. Y., 10 Nov., 1843; m. in Peninsula, O., 25 Dec., 1866, Charlotte Lorena Emer­son, b. in Flat Rock, Mich., 14 July 1846, dau. of Rev. Daniel Emerson, b. 20 Aug., 1818, and Harriet Newell Wilcox, b. 8 May, 1818.
He served in the civil war; enlisted Aug., 1861, in the Second Reg., Ohio Volunteer Cavalry; in Sept., 1864, he was appointed aid on the staff of Gen. George A. Custer, and saw service in the Shenandoah Valley. In this position he continued until the close of the war. He participated in ninety-seven actions, and was present at the grand review in Washington, D. C., 23-24 May, 1865.
After the war he settled in business in Peninsula; 1890 rem. to Canton, and later to Zanesville, O., where he now res.; is an electrician.
Children, b. in Peninsula.
19321 Myrtie Bell,11 b. 17 Jan., 1872; d. in Peninsula, 23 Mar., 1873.

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19322 Frank Bouton,11 b. 1 Nov., 1873; is a locomotive engineer on the Ohio and Little Kanawha Railroad; is unm.

13991.   ALBERT ALONZO,10 son of George Colton9 (7461), b. in Watertown, N. Y., 16 Feb., 1845; m. (1) in Northwest, O., 14 Feb., 1870, Sadenia Jeanett Morgan, dau. of John Morgan.
They were divorced; he m. (2) in Jefferson City, Mo., 13 Nov., 1882, Dora Louisa Giesing, b. 11 Dec., 1857, dau. of John Giesing, and Elizabeth Krews.
He is an architect and builder; res. in Clinton, Mo.; was a private and a musician in Co. H, Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 2 Oct., 1861; was discharged 13 July, 1865.
Children, except youngest, b. in Northwest.
19323 Ormel Ashley,11 b. 16 Aug., 1871; is unm.
19324 Edith Madge,11 b. 12 Jan., 1873; is unm.
19325 Elizabeth May,11 b. in Chamois, Mo., 20 June, 1884; is unm.

13993.   REV. CHARLES CARROLL,10 son of George Colton9 (7461), b. in Boston, O., 30 Sept., 1850; m. (1) in Hebron, Neb., 24 Dec., 1871, Ellie Arnold, b. in Athens Co., O., 1852, dau. of Hiram E. Arnold and Elmina E. Potter.
She d. in Juniata, Neb., 3 July, 1881; he m. (2) in Blue Hill, Neb., 20 Mar., 1883, Eva Mary Crosby, b. in Neponset, Ill., 20 Mar., 1862, dau. of Thomas Crosby, b. in England, 10 Aug., 1832, and Eliza Parker, b. in England, 5 May, 1836.
He is a real estate dealer, a Congregationalist and a Silver Republican; res. in Dorchester, Mass.; was graduated from Andover Seminary, 1887; followed teaching and the ministry for twenty-one years; was a missionary in Nebraska and Kansas twelve years and in Dorchester five years.
She was graduated from Westfield, Ill., College, B. S. 1887; taught school, 1875-77; was the author of “Australia and the Islands of the Sea,” “Grandma's Darlings” and contributed short stories to the magazines.
Children by first wife.
19326 George Albertus,11 b. in Hebron, 29 Mar., 1873; was in the army in the Philippines; is now in the Soldiers' Home, Lisbon, N. D.
19327 Thaddeus Lincoln,11 b. in Hebron, 25 Dec., 1875; is assistant post­master and clerk in general store; a member of the Methodist Epis­copal Church since Feb., 1897; res. unm., in Leesburg, Ind.
19328 Charles William,11 b. in Hebron, 20 June, 1878.
19329 Irna T.,11 b. Apr., 1881; d. in Juniata, 7 Aug., same year.
Children by second wife.
19330 Grace,11 b. in Bangor, Me., 11 Dec., 1886.
19331 Eva,11 b. in Boston, Mass., 7 Mar., 1891.
19332 Esther,11 b. in Boston, 20 Apr., 1894.

13994.   HARRIET LUCRETIA,10 dau. of George Colton9 (7461), b. in Bos­ton, O., 24 Sept., 1852; m. in Williams Co., Mich., 3 July, 1875, Jonathan Henry Dustman, b. in Huntington Co., Ind., 7 Oct., 1855, son of Jonathan Dustman, b. 7 July, 1811, and Agnes Myers, b. 11 Apr., 1822.

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She d. in Clarks, Neb., 17 Sept., 1882; he m. (2) her cousin, Martha Ellen Kellogg (+14006).
19333 Annie Eva Dustman,11 b. in Steuben Co., Ind., 4 May, 1876; m. Louis C. Ogden; res. in Denver, Col.; had three children.
19334 Dora Ella Dustman,11 b. in Whitley Co., Ind., 29 Aug., 1877.
19335 Hermon Kellogg Dustman,11 b. in Huntington Co., Ind., 19 June, 1879.

13995.   EVA EMELINE,10 dau. of George Colton9 (7461), b. in Boston, O., 3 Sept., 1854; m. in Camden, Mich., 20 May, 1871, La Grange Dudley Welton, b. in Northwest, O., 18 Oct., 1851, son of Jason Welton and Fanny Hulburt.
He d. in Clinton, Mo., 16 Jan., 1899; after his death she res. in Joplin, Mo.
He was a farmer, a Missionary Baptist and a Republican.
19336 Arthur Eber Welton,11 b. in Northwest, 16 Aug., 1872; m. in Clinton, 6 Apr., 1892, Vashti Meranda; res. in Joplin.
19337 Theodore James Welton,11 b. in Michigan, 29 Sept., 1875; m. in Ne­vada, Mo., 25 Nov., 1897, Veva Mobly; res. in Joplin.
19338 Charles Ray Walton,11 b. 20 Mar., 1884.

13996.   REUBEN WOOD,10 son of George Colton9 (7461), b. in Peninsula, O., 3 Oct., 1856; m. in Clarks, Neb., 23 June, 1882, Mary Elizabeth Cleavland, b. 6 Mar., 1863, dau. of Burdette Newell Cleavland, of Clarks, b. 12 June, 1838, and Elizabeth Waltz, b. 30 Oct., 1840.
He d. in Manhattan, Kas., 29 June, 1892; she m. (2) 26 Apr., 1893, Wil­liam W. Winters; res. in Clarks.
Children, b. in Clarks.
19339 Agnes Ruth,11 b. 17 Mar., 1884.
19340 Sophronie Edith,11 b. 10 Dec., 1885.

13997.   WILLIAM PAYNE,10 son of George Colton9 (7461), b. in Peninsula, O., 6 Sept., 1858; m. in Hebron, Neb., 16 July, 1882, Anna Augusta Klaes, b. in Honey Creek, Wis., 28 May, 1858, dau. of William Klaes, b. 2 Apr., 1827, and Grace Frances Bichel, b. 9, Mar., 1831.
He is a farmer; res. in Guthrie, Okla.; has held various county and town­ship offices for the last fourteen years.
Children, first three b. in Hebron, others b. in Guthrie.
19341 Theresa Matilda,11 b. 17 Nov., 1883.
19342 William George,11 b. 16 Nov., 1886.
19343 Anna Sophrona,11 b. 2 Jan., 1889.
19344 Wynona Edith,11 b. 17 Feb., 1891.
19345 Elmer Lee,11 b. 27 Feb., 1894.
19346 Leon Clayton,11 b. 5 Sept., 1896.

1592    The Kelloggs in the New World.

14000.   GEORGE WASHINGTON,10 son of George Colton9 (7461), b. in Northwest, O., 22 Feb., 1866; m. _______.
They res. in Doniphan, Mo.
19347 Colis Helen,11 b. ______.
19348 Mabel Marie,11 b. ______.

14006.   MARTHA ELLEN,10 dau. of Marshfield Steele9 (7462), b. ______; m. Jonathan Henry Dustman, who m. (1) her cousin, Harriet Lucretia Kellogg (+13994).
He is an architect and builder; res. in Clarks, Neb.; is a Republican.
19349 Harriet Alfreda Dustman,11 b. in Clarks, 30 Dec., 1888.

14025.   MARILLA GEN EVRA,10 dau. of Josiah Andrus9 (7466), b. in Scott, Ind., 7 Sept., 1866; m. in Camden, Mich., 19 Apr., 1885, Warren Hiram Throop, b. in Clear Lake, Ind., 4 Sept., 1864, son of Allen Farr Throop, of New York, b. 14 June, 1832, and Chloe Dickinson, b. 3 Aug., 1833.
He is a farmer, a member of the Church of the United Brethren; res. in Clear Lake.
Children, all except youngest, b. in Scott.
19350 Walter William Throop,11 b. 3 Feb., 1886; d. ______, in Clear Lake.
19351 Ray Throop,11 b. 31 Mar., 1887.
19352 Harry Throop,11 b. 2 Feb., 1889.
19353 Gay Throop,11 b. 15 July, 1894.
19354 Carl Throop,11 b. in Clear Lake, 27 Jan., 1900.

14039.   GEORGE WASHINGTON,10 son of Charles Theodore9 (7475), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 12 June, 1841; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 30 June, 1861, Arzella Bunt.
He d. in Hoboken, N. J., 11 Mar., 1888.
Children, b. in Brooklyn.
19355 Georgianna Louisa,11 b.; d. aged 3 years.
19356 Charles Frederick,11 b. ______.
19357 Alice Ederet,11 b. ______.
19358 George Francis,11 b. ______.

14041.   MARY JOSEPHINE,10 dau. of Charles Theodore9 (7475), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 14 Feb., 1846; m. there, 9 Jan., 1866, Phelps Holcomb, b. in Canaan, Conn., 26 Nov., 1844, son of Amasa Holcomb and Luna Goddard.
He is a market gardener; res. in South Meriden, Conn.
19359 Dwight Henry Holcomb,11 b. in Great Barrington, 9 May, 1867; m. 24 May, 1899, Alice Beebe Camp; res. in Holyoke, Mass.
19360 Minnie Frances Holcomb,11 b. in Great Barrington, 12 May, 1859; m. 18 Oct., 1893, Lester Lewis Johnson 5 res. in South Meriden.
19361 Caroline Louise Kellogg Holcomb,11 b. in Meriden, 6 Aug., 1876.
19362 Benton Goddard Holcomb,11 b. in South Meriden, 9 Oct., 1880; d. 4 Mar., 1881.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1593

14042.   CHARLES FRANKLIN,10 son of Charles Theodore9 (7475), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 19 Sept., 1848; m. in Great Barrington, 30 July, 1873, Grace Eliza Ramsey, b. in Great Barrington, dau. of Lewis G. Ramsey and Lucy _______.
He is a miller; res. in Great Barrington.
19363 Charles Theodore,11 b. in Great Barrington, 6 Nov., 1877.

14043.   CYNTHIA CLARINDA,10 dau. of John9 (7476), b. ______; m. in Dexter, Mich., Frederick Rowe.
She d. in Dexter, 31 Dec., 1859.
He is a teacher.
19364 Alice Rowe,11 b. and d. in Dexter, Dec., 1859.

14044.   JULIA,10 dau. of Enoch Sperry9 (7477), b. in Comstock, Mich., 9 Jan., 1842; m. in Olivet, Mich., 1 June, 1864, William Fram Stirling, b. in New York Mills, N. Y., 3 Mar., 1842, son of David Stirling, b. 26 May, 1818, and Mary Mar­garet Harvey, of Eaton Rapids, Mich.
He is in the insurance business; is a Methodist and a Democrat; res. in Charlotte, Mich.
Children, b. in Eaton Rapids.
19365 Fred David; Stirling,11 b. 22 Apr., 1865; d. in Eaton Rapids, 22 Sept., 1881.
19366 Lena Agnes Stirling,11 b. 20 Apr., 1872; d. there, 24 June, 1873.
19367 Guy Enoch Stirling,11 b. 5 May, 1874; m. there, 9 Aug., 1899, Mary Olena Derby; res. in Kalamazoo, Mich.

14047.   HARVEY EVANDER,10 son of Edward Philander9 (7478), b. in New, Lisbon, N. Y., 17 Nov., 1835; m. in Ionia, Mich., 22 Oct., 1870, Sophronia Thompson, b. in Kirkland, O., 28 Dec., 1844, dau. of Henry Green Thompson, b. 1807, and Sarah Mariah Woodruff, b. 19 Aug., 1812, of St. Johns, Mich.
He is a jeweler; was Commissary Sergt. in the Twenty-sixth Michigan Vol­unteer Infantry; enlisted Oct., 1862; was discharged 2 Oct., 1863, for infirmity; a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1860; res. in Center­ville.

Children, b. in Centervllle.
19368 Inez Ione,11 b. 17 Aug., 1872.
19369 Sarah Frances,11 b. 28 Dec., 1874; m. in Centerville, 10 Jan., 1900, John Ward, b. in Effingham, Ill., 5 Mar., 1870, son of Tennessee Greer Ward and Tanna Cogal Blundall, of Chillicothe, Mo.; served as a private in Co. E, Fiftieth Iowa Reg., in Spanish-American war; enlisted Apr., 1898; was discharged Oct., 1898; is a Pres­byterian; has a dau., Dorothy Ward,12 b. in Centerville,4 Oct.,1901.

14043. ALVA SPERRY,10 son of. Edward Philander9 (7478), b. in Cobleskill, N. Y., 29 July, 1837; m. in Cleveland, O., 19 May, 1869, Cynthia Ann Rhoades, b. in Ottawa Lake, Mich., 6 Feb., 1844, dau. of George Washington Rhoades, b. 1801, and Rebecca Houck, b. 1804.

1594    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He is a tinner; was a private in Co. G, Tenth Massachusetts Volunteer In­fantry; enlisted 21 June, 1861; is a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Free­port, Ill.
19370 May Belle,11 b. in Dubuque, Ia., 1 Apr., 1870.
19371 Edward Philo,11 b. in Detroit, Mich., 18 Mar., 1873; m. Ida Belle White.
19372 Nina Orra,11 b. in Detroit, 10 July, 1877.

14049.   ENOCH LYMAN,10 son of Edward Philander9 (7478), b. in New Lis­bon, N. Y., 9 Jan., 1841; m. 16 Aug., 1873, Eleanor Margaret Belle Marshall.
He is a hardware merchant; res. in Denver, Col., Butte, Mont., Chicago and Harvey, Ill., Silver Bow, Mont., and Milwaukee, Wis.; was a private in Co. K, Fourth Michigan Volunteer Infantry; was taken prisoner at Gettysburg and was in Libby Prison ten months; res. in Harvey.
Children, b. in Denver.
19373 Alice,11 b. ______.
19374 Fanny,11 b. ______.

14067.   ROZELLAH ZOBEDIAH,10 dau. of Charles9 (7484), b. in Grattan, Mich., 29 Sept., 1853; m. in Ithaca, Mich., 27 Nov., 1872, Lewis Frederic Price, b. in Winooski Falls, Vt., 27 Nov., 1851, son of Henry Price, b. 12 Feb., 1815, and Melissa Jerusha Mills, b. 26 Aug., 1820, of Fulton, Mich.
They res. in Perrinton, Mich.
19375 Lena May Price,11 b. in Fulton, 14 June, 1873; m. in Fulton, 3 Nov., 1895, Howard Frederick Wood; res. in Middleton, Mich.; had one child.
19376 Lydia Melissa Price,11 b. in Newark, Mich., 13 Sept., 1875; m. in Ful­ton, 19 Nov., 1896, Zatto Parry Wood; res. in Alma, Mich; had two children.
19377 Charles Kellogg Price,11 b. in Hudson, Mich., 22 Oct., 1879; m. in Essex, Mich., 1 May, 1898, Bernice Ellen Steward; res. in St. Johns, Mich.; had one child.
19378 Clara Minerva Price,11 b. in Fulton, 1 Dec., 1888.
19379 Wilbur Franklin Price,11 b. in Fulton, 23 July, 1890.
19380 Edna Laura Price,11 b. in Fulton, 16 Aug., 1893.

14068.   CHARLES WILBUR,10 son of Gharles9 (7484), b. in Grattan, Mich., 24 July, 1855; m. in Fulton, Mich., 4 July, 1877, Susan Sutton Creaser, b. in Canada, 4 Nov., 1859, dau. of William Creaser and Elizabeth McCoombs, of Fulton.
He d. in Fulton, 21 Dec., 1884.
He was a carriage maker; a Methodist.
Children, b. in Fulton.
19381 Clinton Emery,11 b. 19 Apr., 1878; m. in Newark, Mich., 28 June, 1899, Myrtle Dingham; res. in Ypsilanti, Mich.
19382 Clara Elizabeth,11 b. 31 Oct., 1884.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1595

14069.   RALPH R.,10 son of Frederick9 (7488), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 24 Feb., 1858; m. there, 28 Apr., 1886, Margaret Carter, b. in Ireland, 1865, dau. of John and Mirah Carter.
He is a farmer; res. in Great Barrington.
19383 Clara R.,11 b. in Stockbridge, Mass., 16 July, 1887.
19384 Mary,11 b. in Stockbridge, 20 Mar., 1891.
19385 Irene,11 b. in Great Barrington, 31 Aug., 1897.

14070.   FREDERICK,10 son of Frederick9 (7488), b. in Great Barrington, Mass., 23 Mar., 1859; m. in Great Barrington, 16 Nov., 1881, Anna L. Barnum, b. in Hudson, N. Y., 1861.
He is a farmer; res. in Great Barrington.
19386 Frank,11 b. in Great Barrington, 26 Jan., 1889.

14109.   WILLIAM LOWRY,10 son of Robert9 (7513), b. in Tazewell, Ill., 22 Oct., 1850; m. 3 Mar., 1875, Emma M. Sweet, b. in Fairport, Ia., 1 Mar., 1856, dau. of Alfred S. Sweet, b. 27 Aug., 1825.
Children, b. in Muscatine, Ia.
19387 Grace May,11 b. 6 July, 1876.
19388 Eddie,11 b. 2 Oct., 1878; d. 5 Jan., 1879.
19389 Alla Laura,11 b. 7 Apr., 1880.
19390 Norman William,11 b. 26 Dec., 1882.
19391 Raymond Spencer,11 b. 5 Sept., 1887.
19392 Anna Mildred Irving,11 b. 14 June, 1893; d. 21 Feb., 1894.

14116.   GEORGE ALBERT,10 son of Robert9 (7513), b. in Delavan, Ill., 31 Dec., 1865; m. in Delavan, 9 Feb., 1887, Emma Geta Rowan, b. in Dillen, Ill., 28 Apr., 1871, dau. of Joseph Rowan, b. 1827.
He is a Republican; res. in White Cloud, Ia.; is in the railroad business.
19393 Clara Louisa,11 b. in Delavan, 27 Nov., 1887.
19394 Bertha Bell,11 b. in Randolph, Ia., 30 Aug., 1889.
19395 Jay Clark,11 b. in Randolph, 20 Jan., 1893.
19396 Clarence Elmer,11 b. in Randolph, 4 July, 1895.
19397 Ruby Ethel,11 b. in White Cloud, 15 Sept., 1897.

14139.   HARRY HAMILTON,10 son of John Jay9 (7520), b. in Pekin, Ill., 10 Dec., 1862; m. in Malvern, Ia., 18 Feb., 1889, Artie Ellen Hardman, b. 10 Feb., 1867, dau. of George Hardman, b. 31 Aug., 1818, and Susannah Boor, b. 11 Mar., 1825.
He was graduated from the Western Normal College, Shenandoah, Ia., 1885; Anoka, Minn., Business College, 1887; is a Methodist; was twice elected County Superintendent of Schools, Canadian Co., Okla.; res. in El Reno, Okla.
19393 Mabel M.,11 b. in Chattanooga, Tenn., 20 Dec., 1889; d. in Afton, Ia., 9 Sept., 1892.

1596    The Kelloggs in the New World.

19399 Myron M.,11 b. in El Reno, 1 Feb., 1896.
19400 Anita Pearl,11 b. in El Reno, 10 Dec., 1898.

14147.   MARY,10 dau. of William Leonard9 (7534), b. in Red Bluff, Cal., 20 Sept., 1860; m. in San Francisco, Cal., 1 Feb., 1880, Thomas Cherry Conmy, b. in Weaverville, Cal., 14 Jan., 1855, son of John Joseph Conmy, b. 20 Oct., 1825, and Maria Cherry, b. 1832.
She d. in San Francisco, 9 Mar., 1890.
He is a printer; a Republican; res. in San Francisco.
Children, b. in San Francisco.
19401 Caroline Lorena Conmy,11 b. 28 Mar., 1882.
19402 John Cherry Conmy,11 b. 4 Dec., 1884.

14148.   FLORENCE DOMBEY,10 dau. of Henry Marshall9 (7536), b. in Mc­Grawville, N. Y., 4 Feb., 1867; m. in Cortland, N. Y., 10 Oct, 1888, Joseph Conrad Puder, b. in Savannah, Ga., 23 July, 1858, son of George Conrad Puder, b. in Baden-Baden, Germany, 1817, and Mary Amanda Bexley, b. in Savannah, 1821.
He is a coal and Wood dealer; res. in Savannah; is an Episcopalian and a Democrat.
Children, b. in Savannah.
19403 Eleanor Vivian Puder,11 b. 4 Feb., 1890.
19404 Joseph Wilton Kellogg Puder,11 b. 8 June, 1898.

14159.   ALBERT HENRY,10 son of Dr. John Coe9 (7543), b. on Whidby Island, Wash., 31 Mar., 1855; m. (1) 22 Feb., 1881, Edith Dillon, b. in Salem, Or., 29 Nov., 1857, dau. of Isaac Dillon, b. 1823, and Marie Plomendon.
She d. Coupeville, Wash., 9 May, 1890; he m. (2) 22 Feb., 1893, Lillian Butters, of Hartford, Conn., b. 16 Feb., 1864, dau. of James M. Butters, b. 14 May, 1834, and Annie Nash, b. 12 July, 1836.
He is a farmer, an orchardist and stock raiser; res. in Coupevilleg is a Methodist; a Republican with Prohibition tendencies.
Children, first two b. in Seattle, Wash., others in Coupeville (by first wife).
19405 Alice Stella,11 b. 22 Sept., 1882.
19406 John Dillon,11 b. 16 Feb., 1884.
19407 Marie Clarissa,11 b. 29 Nov., 1886.
19408 Anna Bancroft,11 b. 22 June, 1887.
19409 Chester Ralph,11 b. 9 Aug., 1888.
Children by second wife.
19410 George Albert,11 b. 27 Apr., 1894.
19411 Lillian Geneora,11 b. 10 Feb., 1896.
19412 Avis Marguerite,11 b. 19 Oct., 1897.

14160.   ALICE MARTHA,10 dau. of Dr. John Coe9 (7543), b. in Port Gamble, Wash., 12 Nov., 1857; m. 15 Nov., 1877, Rolland Herschel Denny, of Seattle, Wash., b. in Portland, Or., 2 Sept., 1851, son of Arthur A. Denny, b. 22 June, 1822, and Mary Ann Boven, b. 22 Nov., 1822, of Illinois.

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He is employed in the bank of Dexter Horton & Co. (of which his father is half owner), in Seattle; is a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Seattle.
Children, b. in Seattle.
19413 Florence Denny,11 b. 12 Sept., 1878.
19414 Caroline Denny,11 b. 23 Feb., 1881.
19415 Edith Dillon Denny,11 b. 8 Nov., 1884.

14176.   LILLIAN RATHBUN,10 dau. of Ambrose Bryant9 (7553), b. in Bow­ens Corners, N. Y., 14 Sept., 1866; m. in Cincinnati, O., 30 Nov., 1894, Dr. Elton Baker Crowell, b. in Cicero, N. Y., 9 Oct., 1868, son of Horace Crowell and Samantha Ann Abbey, of Cicero.
He is a physician; was graduated from the Eclectic Medical Institute, Cin­cinnati is a Pres­byterian and a Re­publican; res. in Greensburg, Ind.
Children, b. in Greensburg.
19416 Elton Kellogg Crowell,11 b. 8 Aug., 1896.
19417 Thomas Rolla Crowell,11 b. 16 July, 1900.

[ 14177. A. BIRNEY,10 son of Ambrose Bryant (7553), b. ______.
Children: A. Birney, Pauline, Farron Clark, a dau. that died

14183.   SAMUEL JEREMIAH,10 son of Samuel Blair9 (7559), b. in Wil­liamstown, Mass., 7 Sept., 1858; m. in Williamstown, 7 Nov., 1883, Nettie White, b. in Hancock, Mass., dau. of Daniel White and Susan Brockway.
He is a coal merchant; a member of the Congregational Church; res. in Williamstown.
19418 Maud Brockway,11 b. in Williamstown, 3 July, 1887.

14201.   PAULINE WOOD,10 dau. of John L.9 (7599), b. in Davenport, Ia., 24 Oct., 1878; m. in Milwaukee, Wis., 26 Oct., 1898, Wellington C. Wolfe, b. in Des Moines, Ia., 25 Apr., 1870.
He is a publisher; res. in San Francisco.
19419 John Kellogg Wolfe,11 b. in Los Angeles, Cal., 25 Dec., 1900.

14212.   GILBERT MAVRO,10 son of Pliny Fisk9 (7618), b. in Monroe, O., 18 Aug., 1862; m. in Meade, Kas., 18 Apr., 1893, Caroline Smith, b. 23 Apr., 1873, dau. of Charles Smith, of Somerset, Ky., and Jane Curtis.
He is a farmer; res. in Bushnell, O.; is a Republican.
19420 Marcia Jane,11 b. 20 July, 1896; d. in Monroe, 14 Nov., same year.

14245.   ANNA,10 dau. of Joseph Gaylord9 (7646), b. in Adams, O., 24 Dec., 1867; m. in Adams, 1 Aug., 1894, Fred Allen Haughton, b. in Adams, 9 May, 1870, son of Ferdinand Haughton and Alice Glann.
He is a farmer; res. in Washington, O.
19421 A Daughter,11 b. in Washington, 17 Feb., 1899; d. 24 Feb., same year.

1598    The Kelloggs in the New World.

14260.   JOHN STOWER,10 son of John Stower9 (7651), b. in St. Joseph, Mo., 24 Oct., 1867; m. in Chicago, 28 Apr., 1897, Claudia Elizabeth Gouse, b, in Philadelphia, 31 Dec., 1875, dau. of Owen Beverley Gouse, b. 22 June, 1827, and Sarah Amelia Miller, b. 5 Feb., 1841.
He is a metallurgical engineer; was graduated from Lehigh University, 1889; is an Episcopalian and a Republican; res. in Oak Park, Ill.
19423 Claudia Elizabeth,11 b. in Chicago, 7 Nov., 1899.

14275.   CLARA LOUISE,10 dau. of Charles Martin9 (7662), b. in Litchfield, O., 28 Aug., 1876; m. in Grafton, O., 3 July, 1894, Frederick Vernon Wilmot, b. in Grafton, 25 Dec., 1869.
They res. in Grafton.
19424 Charles Norris Wilmot,11 b. 8 May, 1895.
19425 Altha Lorris Wilmot,11 b. 10 Apr., 1899.

14277.   NORA RACHEL,10 dau. of Charles Martin9 (7662), b. in Grafton, O., 17 Feb., 1881; m. in Grafton, 30 Mar., 1899, Harry Ashbell Canfield, b. in Litchfield, O., 3 Aug., 1864, son of John Jay Canfield, b. 20 Sept., 1831, and Emily Beckwith, b. 4 Aug., 1840.
He is a farmer; res. in Litchfield.
19426 Mabel Elizie Canfield,11 b. in Litchfield, 27 Jan., 1900.

14322.   ORISSA,10 dau. of Leonard Bradley9 (7693), b. in Webster, N. Y., 6 Sept., 1840; m. in Penfield, N. Y., David W. Higbie.
They res. in Chicago.
19427 Nathan Bradley Higbie,11 b. ______.
19428 Frederick Kellogg Higbie,11 b. ______.
19429 Milo Higbie,11 b. ______.
19430 Lucia Alma Higbie,11 b. ______.

14323.   ELNORA,10 dau. of Leonard Bradley9 (7693), b. in Webster, N. Y., 18 May, 1842; m. Thomas Franks.
She d. in Walworth, N. Y., 30 June, 1870.
19431 Leonard Franks,11 b. ______.
19432 Wallace Franks,11 b. ______.

14326.   ALZORA,10 dau. of Leonard Bradley9 (7693), b. in Penfield, N. Y., 11 July, 1849; m. in West Walworth, N. Y., 1867, William H. Miller, son of Harvey Miller and Sarah Bancroft.
He d. in Rochester, N. Y., 23 Sept., 1899.
He was an engineer; res. in Rochester; was a Union soldier; served in Co. B, Ninth New York Artillery; was discharged 18 Jan., 1865; was a Republican.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1599

19433 Ida May Miller,11 b. in West Walworth, 28 Jan., 1870; m. William Slater Craft; res. in Rochester.
19434 Charles Harvey Miller,11 b. in Rochester, 28 Dec., 1871; m. Agnes Shaffer; res. in Fairport.
19435 C. Kellogg Miller,11 b. in Walworth, 29 Mar., 1875.
19436 Pearl Halstead Miller,11 b. in Walworth, 28 July, 1877.
19437 Daisy Delora Miller,11 b. in Walworth, 7 July, 1879.
19438 Myron Clarence Miller,11 b. in Walworth, 22 Mar., 1881.
19439 Henry E. Miller,11 b. in Rochester, 17 Sept., 1888.

14328.   MYRON JEWETT,10 son of Leonard Bradley9 (7693), b. in Penfield, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1854; m. in Fairport, N. Y., 5 Oct., 1881, Mary Isidore Hill, b. in Fairport, 3 Apr., 1863, dau. of Eugene Hill and Emma Benedict, b. 5 Mar., 1843.
He is a merchant; res. in Fairport.

19440 Gordon Hill,11 b. 26 Dec., 1884.

14329.   J. D.,10 son of Leonard Bradley9 (7693), b. in Penfield, N. Y., 19 Feb., 1858; m. 5 Mar., 1882, Emma J. Clark, dau. of William A. Clark, of Walworth, N. Y., b. 25 Dec., 1829.
He res. in Fairport, N. Y.
19441 Hazel Maud,11 b. 8 June, 1885.
19442 Claude,11 b. 8 June, 1885 , d. 17 Mar., 1889.

14352.   JOSEPH ARTHUR,10 son of Elias9 (7705), b. in Cumberland Co., Ill., 6 Nov., 1862; m. in Hazel Dell, Ill., 9 Mar., 1890, Bertha Edna Kelley, b. in Hazel Dell, 27 Oct., 1865, dau. of John Barret Kelley, b. 1819, and Hannah Games, b. 1 Sept., 1832.
He is a farmer; a member of the Church of United Brethren; a Republi­can; res. in Point Pleasant, Ill.
Children, b. in Hazel Dell.
19443 Berenice Clare,11 b. 18 Dec., 1890; d. 15 Jan., 1892.
19444 Chal Kelley,11 b. 14 Nov., 1892.
19445 Kathleen Grace,11 b. 12 Apr., 1896.
19446 Edna Ruth,11 b. 2 Aug., 1899.

14354.   HENRY WASHINGTON,10 son of Elias9 (7705), b. 13 Sept., 1865, m. in Springfield, Mo., 3 Dec., 1891, Lula May Stiles, b. 1875, dau. of John Stiles and Wilkinson.
He d. in Memphis, Tenn., 3 Dec., 1901; she res. in Springfield.
He was a Christian; a Democrat; an undertaker and embalmer; res. in Memphis.
19447 Child,11 b. ______; d. in Springfield, aged eleven months.
19448 John Earl,11 b. 17 Jan., 1894.
19449 Jesse Hubert,11 b. 26 Dec., 1895.

1600    The Kelloggs in the New World.

14355.   JAMES RILEY,10 son of Elias9 (7705), b. in Cumberland Co., Ill., 29 Aug., 1867; m. in Nashville, Tenn., 21 Dec., 1887, Laura Lee Harding, b. in Nashville, 10 Sept., 1869, dau. of William Alexander Harding, b. 31 Jan., 1835, and Naomi Elizabeth Crook, b. 9 Feb., 1840.
They res. in South Pittsburg, Tenn.
Children, all except the youngest, b. in Nashville.
19450 Asa Elmore,11 b. 15 Mar., 1889.
19451 Bessie Ella,11 b. 17 June, 1891; d. in Marrow Bone, Tenn., 29 Mar., 1895.
19452 Minnie Bell,11 b. 23 Aug., 1894.
19453 Lula Estella,11 b. 13 June, 1897.
19454 Mattie Lee Augusta,11 b. in South Pittsburg, 9 Aug., 1900.

14356.   CYNTHIA BELLE,10 dau. of Elias9 (7705), b. in Jasper Co., Ill., 20 Sept., 1869; m. in Nashville, Tenn., 15 May, 1892, Edwin Keen, b. in Nashville, 3 Aug., 1864, son of Walter Keen and Jane Crue.
He is a boiler maker; res. in West Nashville.
Children, b. in Nashville.
19455 Walter Oscar Keen,11 b. 6 Mar., 1893.
19456 Nooia Jane Keen,11 b. 15 Nov., 1896.
19457 Sarah Eddie Keen,11 b. 31 Mar., 1899.
19458 Viola Belle Keen,11 b. 17 Nov., 1900.

14358.   OSCAR RITSON,10 son of Elias9 (7705), b. in Effingham, Ill., 30 Oct., 1873; m. in Springfield, Mo., 16 Aug., 1896, Olive May Hogan, b. in Doyles­town, O., 28 June, 1877, dau. of John William Hogan and Anna M. Irwin.
He is a Christian; a Democrat; a printer; res. in Woodward, Okla., where he is editor and proprietor of the Woodward Dispatch.
Children, b. in Paola, Kas.
19459 Marie Gladys,11 b. 13 Oct., 1897.
19460 Cecil,11 b. 15 Aug., 1899; d. in Pearl, Okla., 12 Oct., same year.
19461 John William,11 b. in Woodward, 7 Oct., 1901.

14360.   IDA BELL,10 dau. of Joseph Arthur9 (7706), b. in Nashville, Tenn., 20 Mar., 1867; m. 23 Dec., 1886, William Luther McAdams, b. 30 Aug., 1853; son of Erwin Moore McAdams, b. Mar., 1834, and Sophronia Elizabeth Sanders, b. Feb, 1833.
He is a dealer in live stock; res. in Nashville; is a Baptist and a Democrat.
19462 Maud Louise McAdams,11 b. 22 Nov., 1887; d. 29 Nov., same year.
19463 Lewis McAdams,11 b. 19 Jan., 1892.
19464 Lucille McAdams,11 b. 19 Jan., 1892.
19465 Paul McAdams,11 b. 17 Feb., 1894.
19466 Mary Alice McAdams,11 b. 10 Feb., 1900.

14363.   MINNIE MAY,10 dau. of Joseph Arthur9 (7706), b. in Nashville, Tenn., 6 Jan., 1873; m. 21 May, 1891, Albert Lewis Stephens, b. 25 Mar., 1870,

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1601

son of Newton Cannon Stephens, b. 1828, and Jemima Beech, b. 1828, both b. in Tenn.
He d. in Nashville, 5 July, 1900.
He was a druggist; a Baptist and a Democrat; res. in Nashville.
19467 Mary Belle Stephens,11 b. 6 May, 1892.
19468 Allie Louise Stephens,11 b. 30 Jan., 1897.
19469 Lady Bunyan Stephens,11 b. 3 June, 1900.

14403.   DANIEL MARSH,10 son of Edson9 (7765), b. in Whitewater, Wis., 8 Nov., 1859; m. in Whitewater, 5 Aug., 1889, Carrie Bagley, b. in Springfield, Vt., 17 Sept., 1856, dau. of George Bagley, b. 2 June, 1830, and Mary R. Perkins, b. 1832.
He is a clerk in the pension office, Washington, D. C., was graduated from Beloit, Wis., College, 1884; Georgetown Law School, 1894; a Silver Republican; res. in Washington.
19470 Ethel,11 b. in Washington, D. O., 17 Jan., 1892.

14408.   LAVINIA,10 dau. of Col. James Alfred9 (7771), b. in Niles, Mich., 2 Apr., 1876; m. in Minneapolis, Minn., 6 Oct., 1896, Gustavus Cholwell Knox, b. in Niles, 1 Mar., 1874, son of Cholwell Knox and Carrie Rowlatt, of St. Paul, Minn.
He is a member of the Plymouth Congregational Church; res. in St. Paul.
Children, b. in St. Paul.
19471 Claire Catherine Knox,11 b. 25 Oct., 1897.
19472 Philip Messinger Knox,11 b. 24 Apr., 1899.

14415.   EDWIN P.,10 son of Joel W.9 (7774), b. in Cass Co., Mich., 12 Feb., 1865; m. in Niles, Mich., 8 June, 1887, Mattie E. Shupert, b. in Elkhart Co., Ind., 8 June, 1873, dau. of William Shupert, b. in Montgomery Co., O., 2 July, 1822, and Ellen Troxel, b. in Elkhart Co., June, 1839.
He was graduated from the Commercial school in Hillsdale, Mich., 1886; is a bookkeeper; a Methodist; a Republican; res. in Elkhart.
Children, b. in Elkhart.
19473 Goldie,11 b. 9 Nov., 1888.
19474 Shirley,11 b. 19 May, 1893.

14416.   ARTHUR,10 son of Joel W.9 (7774), b. in Elkhart, Ind., 8 Jan., 1869; m. in Elkhart, 16 Nov., 1893, Mollie Herring, b. near Newark, N. J., 14 Jan., 1876, dau. of James Herring, of Elkhart, b. 20 Dec., 1824, and Mattie Doremus, b. 1837.
He is a bookkeeper; a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Elkhart.
Children, b. in Elkhart.
19475 Grace L.,11 b. 18 Mar., 1895.
19476 Arthur J.,11 b. 14 Sept., 1901.

1602    The Kelloggs in the New World.

14431.   FRANK FREMONT,10 son of Ralph Chapman9 (7835), b. in West Springfield, N. Y., 27 Mar., 1856; m. in Chicago, Ill., 12 July, 1881, Elvena Clothilda Schwarz, b. in Chicago, 9 Feb., 1860, dau. of Jules Vincent Schwarz, b. 18 Aug., 1834, and Philomene Moffitt, b. 16 Jan., 1837.
He is a real estate dealer; a Protestant; an Independent in politics; res. in Rogers Park, Chicago.
19477 May Elizabeth,11 b. 2 May, 1882; d. 24 Dec., 1883.
19478 Frank Chapman,11 b. 10 Dec., 1883.
19479 Webster Fillmore,11 b. 30 Nov., 1886.
19480 Marjorie Elvena,11 b. 30 Aug., 1891.
19481 Lauracorrinne,11 b. 22 Mar., 1894.
19482 Phyllis May,11 b. 7 Apr., 1899.

14432.   ELLA TREMAIN,10 dau. of Ralph Chapman9 (7835), b. in Saybrook, O., 1 Sept., 1857; m. 26 (Sept., 1880, George Burell Palmer, of Malone, N. Y., b. 23 Aug., 1856, son of Charles Henry Palmer, b. 29 Dec., 1822 and Janette Moody, b. 5 Nov., 1822.
He is a manufacturer; a Republican; res; in Pentwater, Mich.
Children, b. in Pentwater.
19483 Willow Tremain Palmer,11 b. 184 Mar., 1883.
19484 Lucile Palmer,11 b. 10 May, 1890.
19485 George Oscar Palmer,11 b. 14 Apr., 1892.

14433.   EUGENE ERASTUS,10 son of Ralph Chapman9 (7835), b. in Geneva, O., 14 Nov., 1858; m. in Pentwater, Mich., 25 Dec., 1883, Donia Mariah McAl­lister, b. in Hart, Mich., 24 Aug., 1858, dau. of Robert Me Allister, b. 21 Feb., 1816, and Henrietta Rosebrugh, b. 8 Sept., 1824.
He is a salesman; a Protestant; res. in Chicago.
19486 Jennie May,11 b. in Hart, 2 Apr., 1885.
19487 Jessie Elvena,11 b. in Pentwater, 4 Sept., 1887.
19488 Mabel Eugenia,11 b. in Chicago, 27 Nov., 1892.

14434.   WILLIAM RALPH,10 son of Ralph Chapman9 (7835), b. in Saybrook, O., 30 Aug., 1860; m. in Chicago, Ill., 21 Apr., 1886, Minnie Sophia Mueller, b. in Schaumberg, Ill.,4 Jan., 1865, dau. of Jacob Mueller, b. 22 Sept., 1832, and Magaretha Mantz, b. 2 Jan., 1831.
He is an art dealer; a Protestant; a Republican; res. in Irving Park, Chicago.
Children, b. in Chicago.
19489 Della Grace,11 b. 17 Feb., 1887.
19490 Giles William,11 b. 5 Nov., 1889; d. in Chicago, 31 Mar., 1890.

14476.   MYRON,10 son of Moses9 (7868), b. 19 Mar., 1825; m. (1) 31 Oct., 1850, Lydia McMickin, b. 21 Jan., 1824, dau. of William McMickin, b. 1776, and Mary Bathwick, b. 1782, and sister of Eliza McMickin, Wife of Daniel Kel­logg (+7874).

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1603

She d. 13 June, 1863; he m. (2) 28 Feb., 1864, Rebecca Arnout.
He is a farmer; res. in Liberty Corners, Pa.
19491 Amanda Emma,11 b. in Monroeton, Pa., 10 Nov., 1852; m. Edward Lloyd Shepard.
19492 Guy Albert,11 b. 2 Jan., 1855; d. 5 Apr., same year.
19493 Bertha Maria,11 b. 19 Jan., 1857; d. 7 Feb., same year.
19494 John Myron,11 b. in Monroeton, 21 Oct., 1860; m. Missouri Freely.
19495 Henry,11 b. 8 June, 1863; d. young.

14478.   MARTHENA MANDEVILLE,10 dau. of Moses9 (7868), b. in Mon­roeton, Pa., 28 Oct., 1828; m. in Smithfield, Pa., 24 Feb., 1856, Joel Rice, b. in Otisco, N. Y., 21 Aug., 1826, son of William Rice, b. 7 June, 1791, and Con­tent Palmer, b. 8 Nov., 1794.
He d. in Towanda, Pa., 26 Nov., 1874.
He was a carpenter; res. in Monroeton, was a Union soldier; enlisted as a private in Co. C, One Hundred and Forty-first Reg., Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 7 Aug., 1862.
19496 William Rice,11 b. 4 May, 1860; d. 7 May, same year.
19497 Mary Irene Rice,11 b. 4 Apr., 1863.
19498 Frank Gordon Rice,11 b. 27 June, 1865; m. 6 Jan., 1892, Adelaide Sat­terlee Kinney; res. in Lopez, Pa.; had three children.
19499 Willard Edmund Rice,11 b. 18 Oct., 1871.

14480.   LEWIS GORDON,10 son of Moses9 (7868), b. in Monroeton, Pa., 14 Oct., 1832; m. 31 Dec., 1856 Adaline M. Fowler, b. 9 July, 1831, dau. of Rus­sell Fowler, b. 15 Sept., 1782, and Sophia Lawrence, b. 21 Jan., 1790.
He is a machinist and a salesman; res. in Chicago; is a Republican.
19500 Edmund Fowler,11 b. 24 Apr., 1859; d. 6 Dec., 1883.
19501 Elmer Lewis,11 b. in Monroeton, Pa., 15 Oct., 1861; m. Harriet Belle Harlow.

14482.   CHARLES HENRY,10 son of Moses9 (7868), b. 26 Dec., 1836; m. 31 Dec., 1858, Ann H. Chubbuck.
He d. 1 Sept., 1862.
He served in the civil war; enlisted 10 Aug., 1861, as First Lieut., Co. K, Fiftieth Pennsylvania; was wounded in the second battle of Bull Run, and died from the effects of the wound.
19502 Ruth Laura,11 b. ______; m. Alfred Goddard; res. in Beloit, Wis.; had three children.

14483.   OLIVER,10 son of Moses9 (7868), b. in Monroeton, Pa., 20 Sept., 1839; m. 14 July, 1862, Rebecca Rapp, b. in Liberty Corners, Pa., 17 Sept., 1843, dau. of James Rapp.

1604    The Kelloggs in the New World.

She d. in Liberty Corners, 7 Sept., 1894.
He is a farmer; a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Monroeton.
19503 Charles,11 b. June, 1863; d. Aug., 1864.
19504 Emma Mabell,11 b. in New Albany, Pa., 7 Apr., 1865; m. Lewis William Obourn.
19505 Rufus James,11 b. in Monroeton, 25 Jan., 1868; m. Eva Clara Kotz.
19506 Jane May,11 b. 17 Sept., 1871; m. Charles Fowler; res. in Monroeton.
19507 Louise Maud,11 b. 20 Mar., 1876.

14484.   DELANSON,10 son of Moses9 (7868) b. in Monroeton, Pa., 26 May, 1842; m. in Monroeton, 15 Nov., 1865, Emma Dunfee, b. 18 Oct., 1846, dau. of Patrick Dunfee, b. 15 Nov., 1815, and Happy Delong, b. 19 Sept., 1819.
He is a machinist and a Republican; res. in Monroeton; served in the civil war as Corp., in Co. K, Fiftieth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry; enlisted Sept., 1861; was discharged Dec., 1862.
19508 Patrick Henry,11 b. in Monroeton, 28 Feb., 1868; d. unm., in Lopez, Pa., 19 Jan., 1890.
19509 Frederick Delanson,11 b. 1 Jan., 1871; is unm.
19510 Happy Irene,11 b. 10 Nov., 1876.
19511 James Edmund,11 b. 15 July, 1881; is unm.

14485.   CLARENCE HIRAM,10 son of Moses9 (7868), b. in Monroeton, Pa., 30 Dec., 1844; m. in Towanda, Pa., 22 Nov., 1871, Cora Achsah Cowell, b. ______, dau. of Jesse Robinson Cowell, b. 18 Dec., 1821, and Alice Malicia Ridg­way, b. 11 Mar., 1835.
They were divorced.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Monroeton.
19512 Hettie Irene,11 b. in Monroeton, 20 July, 1872; m. George Dempson Brenchley.
19513 Alice Malvina,11 b. 25 Sept., 1873; m. 14 Feb., 1898, John Fred­erick Coolbaugh; res. in Towanda, Pa.
19514 Charles Keith,11 b. 24 Oct., 1878.

14490.   MORRIS,10 son of Ezra Chadwick9 (7871), b. in Monroe, Pa., 29 Feb., 1840; m. in Monroe, 20 Jan., 1867, Minnie Haythorne, b. in Franklin, Pa., 23 Dec., 1845, dau. of Benjamin Haythorne and Frances Knickerbocker.
She d. in New Albany, Pa., 19 Dec., 1884; he d. there, 26 Apr., 1886.
He was an inn keeper and a Republican; res. in New Albany.
19515 Elizabeth May,11 b. in New Albany, 18 Aug., 1867; m. Asa Douglas McHenry.
19516 Herbert Morris,11 b. in New Albany, 7 June, 1869; m. Florence Scureman.
19517 Mertie La Desha,11 b. 19 Oct., 1871; m. in Waverly, N. Y., 2 Nov., 1891, Burr J. Ely; res. in Lopez, Pa.; had no children.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1605

19518 Blanche Evaline,11 b. 1 July, 1876; res. unm., in Dushore, Pa.
19519 Vina Brunette,11 b. 30 Sept., 1878; res. unm., in Williamsport, Pa.

14496.   EZRA GUY,10 son of Ezra Chadwick9 (7871), b. in Monroeton, Pa., 21 Mar., 1854; m. in Monroeton, 25 May, 1881, Ella May Walborne, b. in Mon­roeton, 3 Apr., 1859, dau. of Henry Walborne, b. 12 Dec., 1823, and Bridget Hearn, b. 12 Dec., 1829.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in the old Kellogg homestead in Mon­roeton.
19520 Reta May,11 b. 4 May, 1883.

14497.   LANSON,10 son of Oliver9 (7872), b. in Kingsville, Canada, 10 Nov., 1834; m. in Hunnewell, Mo., 2 May, 1860, Minerva Ann Durbin, b. in Palmyra, Mo., 14 Oct., 1855, dau. of Richard Durbin, b. 26 Sept., 1811, and Lucy Lagsdon, b. 3 Mar., 1817.
He d. in Moberly Mo., 3 Nov., 1894; she d. there, 9 Feb., 1899.
He was a hotel proprietor; a Roman Catholic; a Democrat; res. in Moberly.
19521 Richard Oliver,11 b. in Hunnewell, 27 Mar., 1861; d. unm., in Atoka, Indian Terr., 24 July, 1883.
19522 Mary Magdalene,11 b. in Shelby Co., Mo., 25 Jan., 1863; res. unm., in Moberly.
19523 Cyrenius William,11 b. in Shelby Co., 9 Sept., 1864; m. (1) Bada Elsea; (2) Mrs. Sophia (Madden) Rhineheardt.
19524 Minnie Gertrude,11 b. in Shelby Co., 12 Sept., 1866; is unm.
19525 Elizabeth Ellen,11 b. in Shelby Co., 9 Nov., 1868; d. in Hunnewell, 4 Oct., 1870.
19526 James Lanson,11 b. in Shelby Co., 26 June, 1871; m. Minnie Ann Galbreath.
19527 Benedict Durbin,11 b. in Shelby Co., 12 Mar., 1874; m. in Hunts­ville, Mo., 1 Oct., 1899, Martha Moberly, of Moberly, res. in Ar­genta, Ark.
19528 Lyman Alonzo,11 b. in Shelby Co., 24 Dec., 1877; is unm.
19529 Henry Dyremeus,11 b. in Moberly, 21 Nov., 1882; is unm.

14498.   LYMAN,10 son of Oliver9 (7872), b. in Kingsville, Canada, 7 July, 1836; m. in Hunnewell, Mo., 19 Jan., 1864, Josephine Fullmer, b. in Ruthven, Stewart, b. 4 Nov., 1813.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Lakenan, Mo.
Children, b. in Hunnewell.
19530 Joseph Lanson,11 b. 20 Nov., 1864; m. Olive Bourn.
19531 Charles Oliver,11 b. 24 Mar., 1866; m. 24 May, 1893, Emma Clein­zard; res. in Washington, Mo.
19532 Cordella Jane,11 b. 22 Feb., 1868; m. Herbert Sherry.
19533 Estella Barbara,11 b. 24 Mar., 1870; m. in Ruthven, Ontario, 22 Mar., 1899, Ernest Noble; res. in Ruthven.

1606    The Kelloggs in the New World.

19534 Laura Josephine,11 b. 3 Oct., 1871; m. Samuel B. Coleman.
19535 Cora Emmeline,11 b. 25 July, 1874; m. Oliver Snider.
19536 Mary Ellen,11 b. 14 Mar., 1876.
19537 Maude Irene,11 b. 13 Feb., 1878.
19538 Cyreneus William,11 b. 2 Nov., 1880.
Children, b. in Lakenan.
19539 Bertha Winnefred,11 b. 24 Sept., 1882.
19540 Blanche Elizabeth,11 b. 29 Feb., 1884.
19541 Georgia Pearl,11 b. 15 Dec., 1886; d. 9 Jan., 1887.
19542 Leo Howard,11 b. 27 Aug., 1887; d. 8 Oct., same year.
19543 Lyman Ernest,11 b. 17 Sept., 1888; d. 9 Oct., same year.
19544 Samuel Gerard,11 b. 19 Nov., 1890.
19545 James Gentry,11 b. 19 Nov., 1890.
19546 Everett Stanley,11 b. 15 July, 1893.

14499.   LOVINA,10 dau. of Oliver9 (7872), b. in Maulden, Canada, 14 Feb., 1839; m. in Hunnewell, Mo., 4 Feb., 1858, Martin Henry Doctor, b. in Virginia, 23 Feb., 1833, son of John Doctor and Mahala Leary.
He is a blacksmith; a Baptist and a Democrat; res. in Atoka, Indian Ter.
Children, b. in Hannewell, Mo.
19547 Leander Henry Doctor,11 b. 26 Aug., 1859; m. 21 Apr., 1889, Mary Emma Link; res. in Lehigh, I. T.
19548 Clarinda Frances Doctor,11 b. 16 Aug., 1861; m. (1) William Fields; (2) Nicolas Snyders; res. in Pryor Creek, I. T.
19549 Minerva Emmeline Doctor,11 b. 4 Oct., 1863; m. 28 Dec., 1880, John Mahaker; res. in Atoka.
19550 William Oliver Doctor,11 b. 31 Mar., 1866; d. 20 Feb., 1870.
19551 Mahala Myrtle Doctor,11 b. 28 Nov., 1869; m. 11 Oct., 1885, James Downing; res. in Atoka.
19552 Harriet Ellen Doctor,11 b. 15 Aug., 1873.
19553 Mary Elizabeth Doctor,11 b. 26 Nov., 1875.

14503.   CLARINDA,10 dau. of Oliver9 (7872), b. in Galena, Ill., 5 Mar., 1845; m. in Hunnewell, Mo., 3 Oct., 1865, Joseph B. Mayes, b. in Hunnewell, 2 Mar., 1840, son of Robert K. Mayes, b. 5 July, 1800, and Drusilla Davis, b. 1799.
He is a retired farmer; res. in Monroe City, Mo.; is a member of the Chris­tian Church; was a Whig, now a Republican; was a Union soldier, serving as First Sergt. in Co. G, Eleventh Missouri Cavalry, from 1 Oct., 1862, to 27 July, 1865.
Children, b. in Hunnewell.
19554 Mareena Bernice Mayes,11 b. 7 Jan., 1868; d. 20 Mar., 1869.
19555 Charles O. Mayes,11 b. 20 Mar., 1870; m. 22 Jan., 1895, Lucy Eliza­beth Hickman; res. in Monroe City.
19556 Mary Elizabeth Mayes,11 b. 26 Dec., 1873; m. 26 Dec., 1890; William Tecumseh Sherry; res. in Kansas City, Mo.
19557 Daniel Ernest Mayes,11 b. in Sherman, Tex., 30 Jan., 1876.
19558 James Oliver Mayes,11 b. 16 Sept., 1879.
19559 Robert Lanson Mayes,11 b. 27 July, 1882.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1607

14504.   EMMELINE,10 dau. of Oliver9 (7872), b. 21 Jan., 1850; m. in Hun­newell, Mo., 27 Oct., 1870, Joseph Barass Salmon, b. in Warren Co., Pa., 24 Oct., 1840, son of John Salmon, b. 1787, and Sarah Goodwin, b. 1812.
He is a dealer in general merchandise; res. in Atoka, I. T.; is a Methodist and a Republican; was a Union soldier; enlisted June, 1862, in First Wisconsin Volunteer Cavalry; was discharged May, 1865.
19560 Minnie Clarissa Salmon,11 b. 1 Aug., 1871; d. Mar., 1878.
19561 Bertha Maud Salmon,11 b. 12 Oct., 1873; m. 5 Oct., 1895, James Stir­man Stanley; had one child.
19562 Olive Minerva Salmon,11 b. 2 June, 1876.
19563 Susan Evaline Salmon,11 b. 13 July, 1880.
19564 Jacob Andrew Salmon,11 b. 9 July, 1883.
19565 Child,11 b. 9 July, 1883; d. same day.

14507.   PAULINA JANE,10 dau. of Oliver9 (7872), b. in Hunnewell, Mo., 15 Aug., 1857; m. (1) in Sherman, Tex., 27 Jan., 1876, Philip C. Moore, b. 10 May, 1848.
He d. in Sherman, 21 Sept., 1878; she m. (2) in Atoka, I. T., 31 May, 1885, William Henry Price, b. in White Co., Ark., 30 Sept., 1851, son of William Price, b. 16 Jan., 1827, and Sarah Green, b. 17 July, 1827; he is a marble cutter; res. in Gowan, Choctaw Nation, I. T., and later in Kiowa.
Children by first husband.
19566 Ardle James Moore,11 b. 19 July, 1877.
19567 Aurora Belle Moore,11 b. 12 Nov., 1878; d. in Atoka, 18 Nov., 1885.
Children by second husband.
19568 Dessie Vera Price,11 b. in Atoka, 27 Jan., 1886.
19569 Ruby May Price,11 b. in South Canadine, I. T., 20 Dec., 1891.

14520.   HULBERT LAIRD,10 son of Dr. Mason Cogs Well9 (7875), b. in Girard, Pa., 7 Sept., 1834; m. in Sidney, Ia., Feb., 1870, Mary Rachel Laird, b. 28 Jan., 1843, dau. of Johnston Laird, b. 8 Feb., 1807, and Mary Isabel Russell, b. 1814.
She d. near Plattsmouth, Neb., 15 Feb., 1874; he d. in Greeley, Col., 24 May, 1895.
He was a farmer; a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Plattsmouth; later in Greeley.
19570 Francis Laird,11 b. 27 Dec., 1870; res. in Erie, Col.
19571 Anna Jane,11 b. in Nebraska, near Council Bluffs, Ia., 4 May, 1872; res. in Alcott, Col.
19572 Son,11 b. Feb., 1874; d. same month.

14531.   SETH HAYES,10 son of Dr. Theodore Junius9 (7878), b. in Hartford, O., 15 Feb., 1833; m. in Yazoo City, Miss., 11 June, 1868, Lezinka Augusta White, b. in Yazoo City, 1845, dau. of James J. B. White, b. 1795, and Rebecca Williams.
She d. on Excelsior Plantation, Yazoo river, 10 Sept., 1881.
He is an inventor; a Presbyterian and a Democrat; res. in Baltimore, Md.

1608    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Yazoo City.
19573 Joseph Mason White,11 b. 19 Apr., 1869; was ordained in Baltimore, a Catholic priest, 17 June, 1897.
19574 Mary White,11 b. 3 June, 1871; d. 14 Oct., same year.
19575 John Blake,11 b. 16 Dec., 1873; res. unm., in Washington, D. C.
19576 Charlotte Fortescue,11 b. 7 May, 1874; res. in Johnstown, N. Y.
19577 William Raphael Miles,11 b. 26 Dec., 1875; m. Lucy Preston Kel­logg (20762); was graduated from Adelbert College, Cleveland, O., 1897; is a medical student in the Johns Hopkins University, Balti­more; served in the Spanish-American War; is a Presbyterian.
19578 Lezinka White,11 b. 20 Sept., 1879; d. in Oberlin, O., 14 Oct, 1893.

14534.   ELLEN,10 dau. of Dr. Theodore Junius9 (7878), b. in Girard, Pa., 25 May, 1840; m. 16 June, 1868, William Henry Cudney.
She d. in Girard, 24 Apr., 1870.
19579 Theodore Samuel Cudney,11 b. in Girard, 18 Apr., 1870; was adopted by his grandfather, Theodore Junius Kellogg; m. 19 June, 1894, Helen McLeod; had one dau., Sarah Fern, b. 28 Sept., 1895.

14537.   DR. ROBERT OSSIAN,10 son of Dr. Theodore Junius9 (7878), b. in Girard, Pa., 11 July, 1847; m. (1) in St. Mary's, Canada, 6 Aug., 1883, Anna Tracy.
She d. in Riverside, Cal., 26 Mar., 1886; he m. (2) _______.
He was graduated from Cornell University, 1871; was a physician and later city missionary in St. Louis and New York City; is a Presbyterian.
Child by first wife.
19580 Phoebe Alden,11 b. 26 May, 1884; d. in De Pere, Wis., 11 Mar., 1885.

14538.   JAMES LIDDELL,10 son of Dr. Philander William9 (7880), b. in Girard, Pa., 20 Dec., 1846; m. (1) in St. Johns, Mich., 11 Oct., 1871, Jeane Louise Plumstead, b. in Northville, Mich., 11 Oct., 1850, dau. of Alonzo Plum­stead, b. in Dutchess Co., N. Y., 4 July, 1808, and Lucyette Meyers, b. in Oswego Co., N. Y., 27 Oct., 1819.
The union was dissolved by decree of court in 1884; he m. (2) in Lud­ington, Mich., 18 Apr., 1891, Jane Dana Stickney, b. in Groveland, Mass., 13 June, 1864, dau. of Charles Stickney, of Groveland, b. 11 Mar., 1829, and Julia Noyes, b. in West Newbury, Mass., 5 July, 1830.
He is in the leather business; res. in St. Johns, and later in Chicago, Ill.
Children by first wife, b. in St. Johns.
19581 Harry Reid,11 b. 18 Apr., 1873; m. in Mt. Clemens, Mich., 30 Oct., 1901, Margaret Edna Olde, b. in Mt. Clemens, 31 Aug., 1832; dam of Adolph John Olde, b. in Holstein, Germany, 14 Apr., 1844; and Henrietta Ehlers, b. in Mecklenburg, Germany, 26 Aug., 1851; is an Osteopathic physician; is a member of the Congregational Church of Alpena, Mich.; was Assistant Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., 1892-94; was operator and ticket agent of Grand Trunk Rail-

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1609

way at Mt. Clemens, 1894-98; in the Postoffice Department until 1901; was graduated from Philadelphia College of Osteopathy, 1902; res. in Philadelphia.
19582 Ralph Plumstead,11 b. 9 Apr., 1875; m. Sarah Johnston Baker.
19583 Mary,11 b. 9 Nov., 1878; d. in St. Johns, 2 Mar., 1885.
Child by second wife.
19584 Kathryn Joy,11 b. in Chicago, 2 Dec., 1892.

14540.   JOHN HULBERT,10 son of Dr. Philander William9 (7880), b. in Albion, Pa., 25 Sept., 1852; m. in Saginaw, Mich., 16 May, 1891, Eva Curtis, b. in Flint, Mich., 8 Mar., 1855, dau. of Charles G. Curtis, b. 26 Apr., 1817, and Sarah L. Judson, b. 29 Apr., 1838.
He is a druggist; res. in Columbiaville, Saginaw and Bay City, Mich.
19585 Dean Curtis,11 b. in Saginaw, 19 Mar., 1892.

14544.   CHARLOTTE MATILDA,10 dau. of Albert Lester9 (7900), b. in Kelloggsville, O., 7 Dec., 1840; m. in Yellow Springs, O., 24 Apr., 1862, George Washington Hill, b. 3 Dec., 1841, son of Aaron W. Hill, b. 1798.
He is a miner; res. in Denver, Col.; was formerly a Republican, but in 1899, a Bryan Democrat; was graduated from Antioch College, Ohio, 1860; also from Harvard University and the Cleveland Law School.
Children, b. in Chicago.
19586 Clara Maria Hill,11 b. 18 June, 1863; m. 15 Feb., 1885, William Henry Ritter; res. in St. Louis, Mo.; had no children.
19587 Albert Kellogg Hill,11 b. 22 June, 1868; d. in Central City, Col., 20 Feb., 1896.

14566.   WILLIAM,10 son of Hon. William9 (7907), b. in Canton, Ill., 3 Sept., 1844; m. in Palatka, Fla., 16 Mar., 1871, Abbie Van Amrige Cassidey, b. 8 Oct., 1853, dau. of Jesse Jenpett Cassidey, b. 8 Oct., 1832, and Tillie Van Amrige.
She d. in Leadville, Col., 8 Oct., 1886.
He is a lawyer; res. in Leadville, where, in 1888, he was Judge of the Criminal Court.
Children, b. in Peoria, Ill.
19588 Pauline,11 b. 13 Jan., 1872; res. in Peoria.
19591 Leonard,11 b. in Leadville, 4 Oct., 1886; d. in Leadville, 5 Aug., 1887.

14568.   PAULINA,10 dau. of Hon. William9 (7907 ), b. in Canton, Ill., 8 July, 1849; m. in Peoria, Ill., 11 Jan., 1872, Lawrence Washington James, b. in Washington, D. C., 27 Aug., 1840, son of William James, b. July, 1800, and Mary West Washington, b. 1 June, 1802.
He is a lawyer; res. in Lewiston, Ill.; has occupied positions of dignity and importance, among them Circuit Judge, County Judge, State Attorney, Member of Legislature of Illinois, Delegate to National Convention and Presidential Elector; is an Episcopalian and a Democrat.

1610    The Kelloggs in the New World.

19592 William Kellogg James,11 b. 17 Apr., 1873.
19593 Laura Boyd James,11 b. 3 Dec., 1875.

14569.   EMILY,10 dau. of Hon. William9 (7907), b. in Peoria, Ill., 8 Aug., 1864; m. E. K. Devereaux.
19594 Emily Kellogg Devereaux,11 b. ______.

14571.   AUGUSTUS GREENLEAF,10 son of Dr. Lucius Dean9 (7908), b. in Ashtabula, O., 4 July, 1843; m. 8 Feb., 1870, Elizabeth Evans, b. 1 June, 1852, dau. of Alexander Hamilton Evans, b. 24 July, 1819, and Maria Matilda Coxe, b. 16 Oct., 1820, of Washington, D. C.
He was appointed acting Midshipman, 21 Sept., 1860, and was graduated from the Naval Academy, 28 May, 1863, finishing the four years' course in less than three years, and went at once into active service. His naval history is of the best, never in trouble, always active, alert and efficient. In June, 1889, he was in command of the U. S. S. Ossipee, at Port au Prince, and an emergency arising requiring prompt and fearless action, he showed his valor, patriotism and good judgment in a way that called forth a vote of thanks from the Legislature of his native state. His last duty was as an equipment officer at League Island Navy Yard, Philadelphia. There he performed his duties, in the language of his com­manding officer, Capt. A. W. Kirkland, United States Navy, “intelligently, ener­getically, and to my entire satisfaction.”
19595 Edith Stanley,11 b. in Washington, D. C., 14 June, 1871; m. Alex­ander Fullerton Prescott.
19596 Augustus Greenleaf,11 b. 7 Oct., 1882. In 1896 he was preparing for the Naval Academy.

14581.   CHARLES MASON,10 son of Lucien Hewens9 (7913), b. in Ashtabula, O., 21 May, 1842; m. in Clay Center, Kas., as her second husband, Mrs. Mary Jane (Boylon) Jewett, widow of Asberry Jewett, of Joliet, Ill., b. 10 Aug., 1837, and dau. of Robert John Boylon and Angeline Brown.
He d. in Whatcom, Wash., 11 Sept., 1895.
He served in the civil war as a private in Co. M, Second Ohio Artillery; en­listed 5 Aug., 1863; was discharged Sept., 1865. After the war he studied law with Abner Kellogg (+7906), of Jefferson, O. Just before his death he was nominated Superior Judge.
Children, b. in Clay Center.
19597 Alice Vera,11 b. 2 Nov., 1874; m. William Lycurgus Selby.
19598 Mary Gem,11 b. 28 Jan., 1876; m. in Whatcom, as his second wife; 23 June, 1900, Francis Percival O'Brien, b. 27 Mar., 1873, son of Francis Edwin O'Brien and Florence Elizabeth Montague; he was a bookkeeper and a Catholic; res. in Port Townsend, Wash.; had no children.
19599 Walter Mason,11 b. 27 Mar., 1880; is unm.

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14582.   CAROLINE ROXY,10 dau. of Lucien Hewens9 (7913), b. in Ashtabula, O., 25 Apr., 1844; m. in Kelloggsville, O., 29 Sept., 1870, Richard Evans, b. in Wales, 9 Sept., 1835, son of Christian Evans and Ellen Jones.
He is a farmer; a Republican; res in Hornby, Pa.
Children, b. in Erie Co., Pa.
19600 Anna Leone Evans,11 b. 28 Jan., 1871; is unm.
19601 Grace Mary Evans,11 b. 6 Mar., 1876; is unm.
19602 Lucien Kellogg Evans,11 b. 28 Sept., 1883; is unm.

14583.   ALICE,10 dau. of Lucien Hewens9 (7913), b. in Ashtabula, O., 31 Jan., 1846; m. in Monroe, O., Cyreneus M. Learned, son of Sylvanus Learned and Lois Blood.
He is a farmer, a Republican and a member of the Christian Church; res. in Paradise Prairie, Wash.
19603 Frank Learned,11 b. 11 Nov., 1870; m. Louisa A. Drazoo; res. in Para­dise Prairie.

14584.   LUCIEN EZRA,10 son of Lucien Hewens9 (7913), b. in Ashtabula, O., 3 Aug., 1850; m. (1) in Spokane, Wash., 10 Jan., 1882, Lovisa M. Drew, b. 1840, dau. of Thaddeus Drew.
They were divorced; she res. in Spokane, Wash.; he m. (2) in Waterville, Wash., 6 Jan., 1889, Harriet C. Fuller, b. in Ashtabula, 23 Feb., 1866, dau. of Byron Clark Fuller, b. 1 Aug., 1839, and Rachel Gary, b. 1 Jan., 1846.
He is a journalist; res. in Chelan Falls, Wash.; is a Baptist and a Repub­lican; is in the United States Land Office in Waterville, Wash.
Child by first wife.
19604 Lucien T.,11 b. in Spokane, 9 Feb., 1885.
Children, b. by second wife.
19605 Charles Marion,11 b. in Waterville, 26 June, 1890.
19606 Ruth,11 b. in Waterville, 23 Mar., 1892.
19607 Carlisle,11 b. in Chelan Falls, Wash., 26 June, 1895.
19608 Marrian Willard,11 b. in Waterville, 30 July, 1898.

14535.   FRANK,10 son of Lucien Hewens9 (7913), b. in Ashtabula, O., 3 Apr., 1853; m. in Pierpont, O., Dec., 1886, Etta Brown, b. 17 Jan., 1869, dau. of Alex­ander Brown.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Monroe, O.
19609 Irma Irene,11 b. 29 Dec., 1887.
19610 Alice Lena,11 b. 26 Man, 1890.
19511 Albert Hardy,11 b. 11 Nov., 1891.
19612 George Mark,11 b. 4 Sept., 1893.
19613 Walter,11 b. 11 July, 1896.

14586.   WILLIAM,10 son of Lucien Hewens9 (7913), b. in Ashtabula, O., 7 Feb., 1856, m. in Beaver, Pa., 1 Dec., 1887, Mabel Devona Sprague, b. in Ash-

1612    The Kelloggs in the New World.

tabula, 27 July, 1873, dau. of George Washington Sprague, b. 29 Mar., 1841, and Pruella M. Archer, b. 1 Sept., 1832.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Monroe, O.
Children, b. in Monroe.
19614 Jennie Amanda,11 b. 22 Dec., 1888.
19615 Annie May,11 b. 20 Apr., 1890.
19616 Clinton Lucien,11 b. 4 June, 1892.
19617 Hazel Ella,11 b. 7 July, 1894.

14588.   FREDERICK BIRNEY,10 son of Samuel Ezra9 (7916), b. in Ashta­bula, O., 20 Jan., 1843; m. in Lawrence, Mass., 24 June, 1869, Sarah Matilda Wood, b. in Camden, Me., 7 Sept., 1847, dau. of Christopher Gore Wood, b. Feb., 1808, and Frances Briggs Joyce, b. 11 Mar., 1823.
He d. in Newburyport, Mass., 17 Feb., 1889.
He was a painter; was a soldier for the Union; res. in Newburyport.
19618 Frederick Edson,11 b. in Amesbury, Mass., 20 Feb., 1874 , d. in New­buryport, 14 Oct., 1883.
19619 Ruby,11 b. 3 Nov., 1876.
19620 Susan,11 b. 26 Nov., 1878.

14593.   FREDERICK EUGENE,10 son of Clark9 (7930), b. in West Stock­bridge, Mass., 29 Apr., 1848; m. in Sandisfield, Mass., 23 Sept., 1878, Nellie E. Baird, b. in New Boston, Mass., 1 May, 1855, dau. of Alvirus Baird, of Otis, Mass., b. 14 Feb., 1829, and Clarissa Clark, b. 27 Nov., 1832.
He was a turner; afterwards a farmer; res. in Barkhamsted, Conn.
19621 Clarence William,11 b. in Tolland, Mass., 17 July, 1879; is a sales­man; res. in Tolland.

14595.   JOHN MORGAN,10 son of Clark9 (7930), b. in Troy, N. Y., 15 June, 1852; m. in Sandisfield, Mass., 24 Nov., 1874, Alice Amelia Shepard, b. in San­disfield, 13 May, 1852, dau. of George A. Shepard, b. 15 Dec., 1821, and Emily Smith, b. 16 July, 1828.
He d. in Westfield, Mass., 1 Nov., 1887; she res. in West Otis.
He was a painter; res. in West Stockbridge, and later in Sandisfield.
Children, b. in Sandisfield.
19622 Lewis Frederick,11 b. 16 Aug., 1875; res. in Montville, Mass; New Canaan, Conn., Boston, Mass., and Winsted, Conn.
19623 Frances Emily,11 b. 15 Jan., 1877; m. John Wesley Marcy Ward.
19624 George Lyman,11 b. 25 Aug., 1878; res. in Winsted.

14606.   GEORGE FARWELL,10 son of William Manley9 (7932), b. in Dorset, Vt., 14 Sept., 1837; m. (1) 4 Dec., 1860, Lucinda Barton, b. in South Dorset, 21 Apr., 1839, dau. of Dewey Barton, b. 17 Dec., 1797, and Loraine Shattlick, b. 30 Sept., 1802.

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She d. in Dorset, 15 Oct., 1889; he m. (2) in Castleton, N. Y., 2 Dec., 1890, Eva L. Dodge, b. in Troy, N. Y., 4 Apr., 1851, dau. of William J. Dodge, b. 12 Aug., 1819, and Harriet Weaver, b. 16 July, 1817.
He is a farmer; a Republican and a member of the Congregational Church; res. in Dorset.
Children, b. in Dorset.
19625 Henry Myron,11 b. 30 Sept., 1862; res. unm., in Omaha; is a conduc­tor on a dining car; is a Congregationalist and a Republican.
19626 Arthur Barton,11 b. 10 Sept., 1864; m. in Hartford, Conn., 11 Feb., 1890, Anna King; is a wheelwright; res. in Albany, N. Y.; has no children.

14614.   HENRY GERMAIN,10 son of Moses9 (7934), b. in Dorset, Vt., 20 Oct., 1840; m. 24 Apr., 1865, Mary Stoval Staples, b. 23 Sept., 1844, dau. of Abram and Mary Staples, of Patrick Court House (now Stuart), Va.
He d. in Albany, N. Y., 19 Sept., 1873; she d. Nov. 1878.
He served in the Confederate army; after the War he Went to Canada, and from there to Albany; after his death his Widow returned to the South.
19627 Katherine Keith,11 b. 8 Aug., 1870.
19628 Mary Staples,11 b. in New York City, 5 Sept., 1872; m. Alexander Bruce Hunt.

14618.   WILLIAM MANLEY,10 son of Lieut. Alfred Augustus9 (7935), b. in Yazoo City, Miss., 26 Sept., 1859; m. in Hartford, Conn., 26 June, 1889, Cora Stowe Beach, b. in Milford, Conn., 21 Apr., 1869, dau. of Samuel Stowe Beach, b. 14 Apr., 1820, and Ellen Jane Miner, b. 2 Aug., 1840.
He is a photographer, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Hart­ford.
19629 Louise Beach,11 b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., 10 Aug., 1890.

14651.   WALTER C.,10 son of Chester Adams9 (7966), b. in Rochester, N. Y., 4 July, 1860; m. 3 July, 1884, Lillian I. Voorhees, dau. of James Voorhees, of Michigan.
19630 Chester James,11 b. 12 Apr., 1885.
19631 Willis Linthicum,11 b. 16 Oct., 1887.
19632 Walter Myron,11 b. 27 Jan., 1888.
19633 Lester Grant,11 b. 30 Jan., 1894.

14662.   MARTIN BURR,10 son of Charles Noble9 (7972), b. in Spanish Lake, Mo., 8 Jan., 1849; m. in Allentown, Mo., 21 Oct., 1874, Elizabeth Thomas Ir­win, b. 8 Jan., 1853, dau. of James Wetherspoon Irwin, b. ______, and Elizabeth Amanda Hunter, b. 18 May, 1825.
He is a farmer; a Protestant and a Democrat; res. in Ranger, Mo.

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Children, b. in Allentown, Mo.
19634 Roy Mandeville,11 b. 7 Aug., 1875.
19635 Mabel Angelica,11 b. 11 Oct., 1877.
19636 Bertha Clara,11 b. 28 Mar., 1880.
Children, b. in Eureka, Mo.
19637 Archibald Norman,11 b. 17 Aug., 1883; d. in St. Louis, Mo., 26 July, 1884.
19638 Ira Noble,11 b. 16 Jan., 1886.
19639 Stella Vivian,11 b. 18 July, 1888.
19640 Palmer Byrns,11 b. 22 Nov., 1890.
19641 Agnes,11 b. 1 Aug., 1893; d. there 4 Sept., same year.

14663.   AMANDA ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Charles Noble9 (7972), b. in St. Louis, Mo., 4 Mar., 1851; m. in Allentown, Mo., 13 Mar., 1870, John Clark Cloak, b. 13 Mar., 1840, son of John C. Cloak and Mary Obrine.
He d. in Allentown, 8 Man, 1889; after his death she res. in St. Louis.
He served in the civil war as First Sergt. in Co. K, Fortieth Reg., Missouri; enlisted 2 Sept., 1864; was discharged 7 Aug., 1865; was a stone mason; a Re­publican.
Children, all except youngest b. in Allentown.
19642 John Clark Cloak,11 b. 28 Jan., 1872.
19643 Gay St. Elmo Cloak,11 b. 23 Dec., 1874; d. 20 Mar., 1876.
19644 True Willard Cloak,11 b. 7 Feb., 1877; d. 17 Aug., 1877.
19645 Laura Agnes Cloak,11 b. 12 Nov., 1880; d. 17 Nov., 1880.
19646 Gladys Onida Cloak,11 b. 13 Nov., 1883.
19647 Alice Beatrice Cloak,11 b. in Clayton, Mo., 6 Feb., 1886.

14667.   GEORGE EDWARD,10 son of Charles Noble9 (7972), b. in St. Louis, Mo., 20 Feb., 1867; m. in St. Louis, 25 Nov., 1897, Mary Alpha Ritchey, b. in Eureka, Mo., 4 June, 1870, dau. of William Jarrett Ritchey and Pauline Alpha Whittsett.
He is a switchman; res. in St. Louis.
Children, b. in St. Louis.
19648 Alpha Mae,11 b. 3 Dec., 1898.
19649 Hazel Esther,11 b. 15 Feb., 1900.

14668.   HATTIE BELLE,10 dau. of Charles Noble9 (7972), b. in St. Louis, Mo., 29 June, 1869; m. George Bobb.
She d. in Labaddie, Mo., 19 Sept., 1887; he d. in St. Louis, 13 July, 1890.
19650 Alma Jessie Bobb,11 b. in St. Louis, 19 Oct., 1885.

14670.   OWEN,10 son of Benjamin Williams9 (7974), b. in Crown Point, Ind., 29 Nov., 1852; m. in Squaw Valley, Cal, 2 Dec., 1883, Kate Marlar, b. 8 Aug., 1861, dau. of William Edward Marlar, b. 9 Dec., 1833, and Cynthia Jane Hinds, b. 1838-39.
He is a farmer; res. in Sanger, and later in Parlier, Cal.

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19651 Bertha,11 b. in Phoenix, Ariz., 9 Apr., 1885.
19652 Edward Clark,11 b. in Phoenix, 28 Feb., 1887.
19653 Ralph Owen,11 b. in Parlier, 4 Jan., 1890.
19654 Cynthia,11 b. in Parlier, 22 Sept., 1892.
19655 Mark,11 b. in Parlier, 9 Mar., 1896.

14671.   LILLIAN BELL,10 dau. of Benjamin Williams9 (7974), b. in Crown Point, Ind., 18 Sept., 1855; m. in Phoenix, Ariz., 5 Jan., 1873, William Augustus Hancock, b. in Barre, Mass., 17 May, 1831, son of Nathan Hancock and Catherine Williams Lee.
He is an attorney-at-law; res. in Phoenix; enlisted in Co. K, Seventh Reg., California Volunteer Infantry, 4 Nov., 1864; was discharged, by reason of pro­motion, per special order number 58, headquarters Dept. of Cal., 5 Oct., 1865; was enrolled as Second Lieut., Capt. Walker's Co. C, First Reg., Arizona In­fantry, 1 Sept., 1865; was discharged 20 Sept., 1866, by reason of expiration of term of service. During his service in the First Arizona Reg., he had a company of Pima and Marieopa Indians to fight the Apaches, the former tribes being always friendly to the whites; he is a Unitarian and a Republican.
Children, b. in Phoenix.
19656 Henry Lee Hancock,11 b. 5 Jan., 1874.
19657 Mabel Lee Hancock,11 b. 1 Dec., 1875.

14674.   MARY,10 dau. of Benjamin Williams9 (7974), b. in Matole, Cal., 4 Sept., 1860; m. in Phoenix, Ariz., 3 Apr., 1879, Eugene Estabrook, b. in Barre, Mass.
He d. in Petermaritzberg, South Africa.
He was a mining expert; was a Republican; res. in Phoenix.
19658 Charley Estabrook,11 b. in Phoenix, 5 Jan., 1880; d. there, 20 Dec., 1886.
19659 Ralph Estabrook,11 b. in Florence, Ariz., 2 July, 1883.
19660 Florence Estabrook,11 b. in Florence, 4 May, 1885; d. in Phoenix, 10 May, 1886.

14677.   ALICE MAY,10 dau. of Benjamin Williams9 (7974), b. in Salinas, Cal., 28 Aug., 1868, m. in Phoenix, Ariz., 17 Sept., 1890, William Lindsay George, son of William Lindsay George and Eliza Leggett, of Phoenix.
He is a college graduate, a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Phoenix.
19661 Margaret Dixie George,11 b. on Kellogg's Ranch, Phoenix, 25 Dec., 1893.

14710.   ALONZO WALTER,10 son of Lorenzo Dow9 (7989), b. in Penfield, Mich., 31 May, 1863; m. in Convis, Mich., 12 June, 1889, Vera Jane Cooley, b. in Convis, 19 Nov., 1869, dau. of Levi Cooley, b. 9 July, 1826, and Jane E. Van Ocker, b. 19 Sept., 1837.
He is a farmer; a Republican until 1895, since then a Silver Democrat; has been a member of the M. E. Church twenty years; res. in Penfield.

1616    The Kelloggs in the New World.

19662 James Howard,11 b. 22 Mar., 1890.
19663 Marion Catharine,11 b. 7 Apr., 1896.

14712.   RUTH ELLA,10 dau. of Reuben9 (7996), b. in Greenwich, N. J., 7 Nov., 1847; m. in Greenwich, 4 Nov., 1868, Charles Emory Wallis, b. in Darling­ton, Md., 18 July, 1841, son of Samuel Reason Wallis, b. 16 Man, 1811, and Mar­garet Dallam, b. 13 July, 1807, of Forest Hill, Md.
He is a farmer; a Presbyterian and a Republican; settled in Greenwich; now res. in Othello, N. J.
Children, b. in Greenwich.
19664 Margaret Dallam Wallis,11 b. 26 Dec., 1870; m. in Greenwich, 3 Nov., 1897, Walter Morris Goodwin; res. in Greenwich; has no children.
19665 Reuben Hunt Kellogg Wallis,11 b. 21 Nov., 1873; m. in Greenwich, 6 Mar., 1895, Elma Barclay Young; res. in Bryn Mawr, Pa.; d. in Seeley, N. J., 30 June, 1897; had one child.

14713.   SARAH STREET,10 dau. of Ebenezer Hall9 (7998), b. in St. Louis, Mo., 23 June, 1844; m. in Harford Co., Md., 7 Feb., 1867, William Randal Wallis, b. in Ohio, 3 Feb., 1839, son of Samuel Reason Wallis, b. 16 Mar., 1811, and Margaret Dallam, b. 13 July, 1807, of Forest Hill, Md.
He was a private in the civil war in Co. D, Tenth Maryland Reg.; enlisted 18 June, 1863; was discharged 29 Jan., 1864; is a farmer and a dairyman; a Methodist Episcopalian and a Republican; res. in Forest Hill.
Children, all except the first two b. in Forest Hill.
19666 Samuel Reason Wallis,11 b. in Maryland, 6 Nov., 1867; m. in Jarretts­ville, Md., 23 July, 1901, Ella May Stritehoff; res. in Miller, S. D.
19667 Hall Kellogg Wallis,11 b. in Maryland, 13 Mar., 1870.
19668 Charles Albert Wallis,11 b. 20 June, 1872; d. there, 10 Oct., 1873.
19669 Annie Eliza Wallis,11 b. 4 Sept., 1874; m. in Baltimore, Md., 12 Dec., 1900, Nelson A. Scarborough; res. in Baltimore.
19670 Harry Randal Wallis,11 b. 23 Mar., 1877.
19671 Howard Elmer Wallis,11 b. 29 Dec., 1879; d. there, 8 Jan., 1901; was unm.
19672 Grace Wallis,11 b. 29 Apr., 1883.
19673 Wilson Dallam Wallis,11 b. 7 Mar., 1886.
19674 Mary West Wallis,11 b. 28 Sept., 1888.

14714.   ZACHARY TAYLOR,10 son of Ebenezer Hall9 (7998), b. in Harford Co., Md., 30 Jan., 1849; m. 12 Sept., 1877, Aletheia Wilson, b. in Harford Co., 14 Sept., 1846, dau. of Rev. William Wilson, b. 2 Feb., 1787, and Margaret Amos, b. 26 Dec., 1812, of Harford Co.
He is a dealer in groceries and provisions; res. in York, Pa.; is a Presby­terian and a Republican.
19675 Maud,11 b. in Forest Hill, Md., 11 Aug., 1878.
19676 Mabel,11 b. in Forest Hill, 18 Nov., 1879.
19677 Marian,11 b. in Chrome Hill, Md., 26 Apr., 1882.
19678 Walter Wilson,11 b. in Chrome Hill, 11 May, 1884.

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14716.   JASPER LE GRANDE,10 son of Stephen9 (8002), b. 22 July, 1847; m. (1) in Canton, Ill., Anna V. Stipp, b. in Canton, 1856, dau. of James V. Stipp and Maria Bass.
She d. in Denver, Col., 9 Sept., 1879; he m. (2) in Cortland, N. Y., 25 Mar., 1884, Emma J. Blakeslee, b. 11 Feb., 1858, dau. of Rev. George H. Blakes­lee and Hester A. Cargill.
He is engaged in the real estate and loaning business; is a Republican; res. in Lincoln, Neb.; was County Treasurer of Sumner Co., Kas., for two terms.
19679 Cora Agnes,11 b. in Canton, 25 May, 1879; d. Oct., same year.

14719.   JOHN MORRIS,10 son of Stephen9 (8002), b. in Taylor, N. Y., 28 Aug., 1851; m. in Ogdensburg, N. Y., 18 Aug., 1875, Mrs. Henrietta (Mathews) Guest, widow of George Mathews, of Akron, O., and dau. of George Guest and Elizabeth Vosburg, of Ogdensburg.
He is a lawyer and a Republican; res. in Ogdensburg; was graduated from Union University; Albany Law School, 1873; was County Judge of St. Law­rence Co., N. Y., 13 years, and in 1900 was Judge of the State Court of Claims.
19680 Walter Guest,11 b. 23 Apr., 1877; res. unm., in Ogdensburg.

14722.   MINERVA NAOMI,10 dau. of Reuben Riley9 (8003), b. in Rutland, N. Y., 17 July, 1830; m. 19 Mar., 1857, John Wesley Williams, b. in Paines­ville, O., 11 Sept., 1830, son of John Dudley Williams, b. in Steuben Co., N. Y., 19 Sept., 1797, and Jane Colton, b. 31 Aug., 1802.
She d. in Oberlin, O., 11 July, 1898.
He is a farmer; res. in Kipton and Oberlin.
19681 Luetta Elsie Williams,11 b. in Camden, O., Dec., 1857; d. in Pawnee, Neb., 25 Dec., 1870.
19682 Lyman Beecher Williams,11 b. 11 Sept., 1859; m. ( 1) 1883, Minnie B. Edwards, b. 1862; she d. 1886; had one child; he m. (2) 1893, Henrietta Wilhelmina Rick, b. 1868; had one child.
19683 Little Anna Williams,11 b. in McHenry, Ill., 22 Aug., 1861; m. 9 Mar., 1881, William Ephraim Hewitt; res. in Kipton; had one child.
19684 Loie Olive Williams,11 b. in Marshall Co., Ia., 7 Sept., 1867; m. 25 Dec., 1895, Orla Peper Badger, b. 1 Aug., 1869; res. in Oberlin; had one child.
19685 Harriet May Williams,11 b. in Pawnee, 4 Sept., 1870; m. 6 Mar., 1889, Ed Beam, b. 1866; had four children.
19686 John Dayton Williams,11 b. in Bolton, Kas., 22 Mar., 1874; m. 4 Sept., 1895, Edna May Andrews, b. 10 July, 1877.

14723.   MARTIN HEATH,10 son of Reuben Riley9 (8003), b. in Antwerp, N. Y., 13 Mar., 1833; m. (1) in Akron, O., 23 July, 1854, Civilia Gruiwaite, b. 22 June, 1832.
She d. in Akron, 4 Sept., 1854; he m. (2) in Norwalk, O., 20 May, 1868,

1618    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Mary Augusta Root, b. 28 Dec., 1849, dau. of Lemuel Root, b. 16 Feb., 1821, and Augusta Mary King, b. 17 Nov., 1829.
He is a farmer; a Methodist and a Republican; served in the civil war as a private in Co. H, Forty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 16 Sept., 1861; was discharged 29 Oct., 1864; res. in Deerfield, Mich.
Children, all except first b. in Ogden, Mich.
19687 Ralph Martin,11 b. in Wakeman, O., 19 Mar., 1869.
19688 Clara May,11 b. 25 Aug., 1876; m. Barry Douglas Wood.
19689 Charles Destine,11 b. 6 May, 1878.
19690 Park Jerome,11 b. 17 July, 1880.
19691 Blanch Sarah,11 b. 21 June, 1883.
19692 Dwight Leander,11 b. 21 June, 1883; d. in Ogden, 27 Aug., 1883.
19693 Lena Zoe,11 b. 2 June, 1885; d. 22 Sept., same year.
19694 Elsie Vandalia,11 b. 24 July, 1887.

14724.   ERASTUS H,10 son of Reuben Riley9 (8003) , b. in Fowler, N. Y., 19 Nov., 1835; m. in Rossie, N. Y., 7 Oct., 1855, Emeline Nancy Sturtevant, b. in Savoy, Mass., 8 Jan., 1838, dau. of James Sturtevant, b. 23 Apr., 1781, and Nancy Wheeler, b. 24 Aug., 1801.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Fowler; served in the civil war as a private in Battery D, First New York; enlisted 8 Sept., 1862; was dis­charged 22 Feb., 1863.
Children, all except the third and fourth, b. in Fowler.
19695 Leroy Ward,11 b. 9 Sept., 1856; d. in Fowler, 10 Apr., 1869.
19696 Eunice Eutillie,11 b. 10 Oct., 1859; m. Albert Adelbert Newton.
19697 Hattie Lurenia,11 b. in Antwerp, N. Y., 19 May, 1865; m. in Fowler, 9 Nov., 1887, Albert Adelbert Newton, b. 12 Sept., 1858, who had previously married her sister, Eunice Eutillie; he is a carpenter, a farmer and a Republican; res. in Fowler; had no children.
19698 Ward Bradford,11 b. in Antwerp, 12 July, 1868; d. in Fowler, 9 Jan., 1869.
19699 Charles Leslie,11 b. 17 Sept., 1870; m. in Antwerp, 26 Sept., 1900, Maud Adell Pierce, b. in Pittsfield, Mass., 2 May, 1874, dau. of Rush Alanson Pierce, b. 13 Jan., 1828, and Sarah Priscilla Sturte­vant, b. 28 Dec., 1833; is a grocer and a Republican; . res. in Fow­ler; had no children.

14725.   LEVI CHARLES,10 son of Reuben Riley9 (8003), b. in Fowler, N. Y.; 14 July, 1837; m. in Wakeman, O., 6 Nov., 1861, Eliza Jane Haynes, b. 10 Sept., 1840, dau. of John Haynes, b. 3 Aug., 1809, and Mary Ann Koykendall, b. 25 Oct., 1809.
He is a carpenter and a builder. For two terms he was Village Clerk and two terms member of Council; res. in St. Johns, Mich.
19700 A Daughter,11 b. 14. Nov., 1865; d. 16 Nov., same year.

14727.   DR. HIRAM DELANCY,10 son of Hiram9 (8004), b. in Sugar Grove, Pa., 4 Aug., 1839; m. (1) Dec., 1868, his cousin, Clarissa Ann Kellogg (14726).

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1619

She d. 20 May, 1869; he m. (2) in Osceola, Ia., 4 Oct., 1870, Sarah Eliza­beth Hess, b. in Crawfordsville, Ind., 19 Mar., 1844, dau. of Henry Harrison Hess, b. 1 Apr., 1812, and Lucinda Newton White, b. in Osceola, 5 Mar., 1817.
He d. 3 Nov., 1899.
He was a druggist; was graduated from Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1867; res. in Arkansas City, Kas.; Oakland and Palo Alto, Cal., where he died; served in the civil war; enlisted, 1861, in Co. C, Nineteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; was discharged 1864; was wounded in the battle of Chickamauga.
19701 Wilfred Harvey,11 b. in Arkansas City, 3 Sept., 1871; m. Mabel Stewart Rielay.
19702 Estelle,11 b. 16 Mar., 1874; is unm.
19703 Harry Delancy,11 b. 5 Mar., 1881; is unm.

14728.   LYMAN BEECHER,10 son of Hiram9 (8004), b. in Lorain Co., O., 28 Sept., 1841; m. (1), Jan., 1867, Abigail G. Homer, b. 1 May, 1843, dau. of Solomon Homer, of Brimfield, Mass.
She d. in Golden City, Col., May, 1873; he m. (2) in Emporia, Kas., 11 June, 1878, Mary Virginia Mitchell, b. 4 Mar., 1850, dau. of Daniel P. Mitchell, b. 6 Feb., 1821, and Anna Eliza Baker, b. 24 Sept., 1824.
He is a lawyer; res. in Emporia; was graduated from the State Normal University of Illinois; is a Congregationalist and a Republican.
19704 Vernon Lyman,11 b. 1 Dec., 1867; B. S., University of Kansas, 1889; M. S., 1892; a student at Cornell, 1891; University of Leipsic, 1893; Professor of Entomology, University of Kansas, 1890-93; Associate Professor of Entomology, 1893-94; Professor of Ento­mology at Stanford University, 1894 to present time; is unm.
19705 Frederick Homer,11 b. in Emporia, 1 Nov., 1869; m. Harriet Anne McCague.
19706 Charles Mitchell,11 b. 8 Nov., 1879; is a student in Stanford Uni­versity.
19707 Mary Virginia,11 b. 4 June, 1882.
19708 Joseph Edward,11 b. 26 Sept., 1885.

14732.   EUGENE,10 son of Horace9 (8006), b. 12 Mar., 1849; m. ______.
19709 Horace Eugene,11 b. in Ogdensburg, N. Y., 30 Mar., 1876; m. Mabel Iva Town.

14755.   CARRIE,10 dau. of John G.9 (8010), b. in Woodstock, Ill., 23 Jan., 1862; m. in Smyrna, N. Y., 12 Sept., 1883, Courtney Ellsworth Ferris, b. in De Ruyter, N. Y., 28 June, 1862, son of George Washington Ferris, b. 3 Sept., 1827, and Lepha Ann Tuthill, b. 28 July, 1830.
He is a merchant and a Congregationalist; was Mayor of Smyrna, N. Y., 1900-01; was graduated from the Utica Business College, 1881; res. in Smyrna.

1620    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Smyrna.
19710 Edith Alicia Ferris,11 b. 18 June, 1884.
19711 Adelaide Lepha Ferris,11 b. 27 May, 1886.
19712 Harriette Arabell Ferris,11 b. 18 Aug., 1888.
19713 Helen Theresa Ferris,11 b. 6 June, 1893.

14773.   ELLA MAY,10 dau. of Joseph Reuben9 (8017), b. in Spring Valley, Minn., 22 Nov., 1862; m. in Spring Valley, 3 July, 1882, Thomas Todd, b. in Orangeville, Canada, 28 Dec., 1858, son of Isaac Todd, b. in Canada, 24 Apr., 1827, and Martha Hueston, b. in Canada, 17 Aug., 1833.
He is a stone mason; a member of the People's Church; res. in Spring Valley.
19714 Maysel Ella Todd,11 b. in Webster, S. D., 3 July, 1886.
19715 Thomas Lea Todd,11 b. in Spring Valley, 28 Apr., 1896.

14775.   MARY JANE,10 dau. of Joseph Reuben9 (8017), b. in Spring Valley, Minn., 14 Sept., 1869; m. in Spring Valley, 8 Dec., 1886, John Bucknell, b. 4 Jan., 1864, son of Elias Bucknell, b. 12 June, 1835, and Jane Stokes, b. 4 Apr., 1842.
He is a barber; a Republican; res. in Hamline, Minn.
19716 William Ray Bucknell,11 b. in Spring Valley, 26 Aug., 1887.
19717 John Roy Bucknell,11 b. in St. Paul, Minn., 16 June, 1890.
19718 Glen Alven Bucknell,11 b. in St. Paul, 12 Mar., 1898.

14776.   LILLIE BLANCHE,10 dau. of Joseph Reuben9 (8017), b. in Spring Valley, Minn., 17 Dec., 1872; m. in Spring Valley, 23 Sept., 1891, Otis Conway, b. 10 Sept., 1871, son of Squire Otis Conway, b. 14 Oct., 1842, and Mary Duboise, b. 8 Mar., 1853.
He is a grocer, a Republican; res. in Hamline, Minn.
Children, b. in Hamline.
19719 Otis Reuben Conway,11 b. 31 May, 1892.
19720 Sadie Marie Conway,11 b. 26 Sept., 1895.
19721 Walter Henry Conway,11 b. 12 Nov., 1897.

14777.   GEORGIA ANNA,10 dau. of Joseph Reuben9 (8017), b. in Spring Val­ley, Minn., 17 Nov., 1874; m. in South Dakota, 5 May, 1897, Frank Duxbury.
They res. in Spencer, Neb.
19722 Richard Le Roy Duxbury,11 b. 17 May, 1901.

14784.   CAROLINE (CARRIE),10 dau. of Samuel Crawford9 (8020): b. in Spring Valley, Minn., 9 Jan., 1860; m. in Spring Valley, 1 June, 1879, Leon­ard Wilson Kilham, b. in Rome, N. Y., 16 Mar., 1853, son of Solomon Kilham and Sarah Jane Kinne.
He is a tinner; res. in Little Falls, Minn.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1621

19723 Grace Amanda Kilham,11 b. 12 May, 1882.
19724 Adeline Fern Kilham,11 b. 16 Mar., 1899.

14785.   KIRTLAND MANTOR,10 son of Samuel Crawford9 (8020), b. in Spring Valley, Minn., 11 Oct., 1862; m. in Marble Rock, Ia., 14 Dec., 1882, Henrie Ettie Payne, b. in Decorah, Ia., 14 May, 1863, dau. of Austin E. Payne, b. 12 Nov., 1820, and Emeline R. Merrian, b. 23 June, 1833.
He is a salesman; a Republican; res. in Sisseton, S. D.
Children, b. in Webster, S. D.
19725 Maud Emeline,11 b. 25 July, 1886.
19726 Alvah Walter,11 b. 5 Sept., 1889.

14787.   RHODA GRACE,10 dau. of Samuel Crawford9 (8020), b. in Spring Valley, Minn., 19 Sept., 1867; m. in Spring Valley, 1 July, 1885, Alfred Enos Parker, b. in Spring Valley, 1864, son of Carlisle Parker, b. 1836, and Adeline Buck, b. 1836.
He is a railroad switchman; res. in Minneapolis, Minn.
Children, b. in La Crosse, Wis.
19727 Alfred Herbert Parker,11 b. 19 Apr., 1886.
19728 Marion Mollie Parker,11 b. 31 Dec., 1889.

14803.   MINNIE AMELIA,10 dau. of Henry9 (8034), b. in Augusta, N. Y., 25 Jan., 1853; m. (1) in Paris, N. Y., 2 June, 1874, Henry Karl Blakeslee, b. in Greigsville, N. Y., 4 Nov., 1849, son of Senator Blakeslee, b. in Wallingford, Conn., 25 Mar., 1799, and Lucy Hull, b. 11 Apr., 1805.
He d. in Greigsville, 31 Oct., 1883; she m. (2) in Clinton, N. Y., 29 Sept., 1885, James Matthew Boden, b. in Sauquoit, N. Y., 21 Mar., 1850.
He is a Wagon maker; res. in Paris.
Children by first husband, b. in Greigsville.
19729 Howard Clark Blakeslee,11 b. 24 Sept., 1877.
19730 Walter Kellogg Blakeslee,11 b. 9 Jan., 1879.
Child by second husband.
19731 Mildred Agnes Boden,11 b. 5 Dec., 1890.

14822.   EFFIE ARLINA,10 dau. of William Henry9 (8056), b. 28 May, 1860; m. in Springfield, Mass., 13 Man, 1883, Richard Brown, b. in England.
He res. in Palmer, Mass; is a fireman.
19732 Ella Pearl Brown,11 b. in Holyoke, Mass., 13 Oct., 1886.
19733 Eva Jemima Brown,11 b. in Holyoke, 13 Oct., 1886.
19734 Richard White Brown,11 b. in Palmer, 28 Sept., 1888.
19735 Nellie Sabrina Brown,11 b. in Palmer, 3 Oct., 1890.

1622    The Kelloggs in the New World.

14823.   MYRTIE MAY,10 dau. of William Henry9 (8056), b. in Leonardsville, N. Y., 19 Apr., 1866; m. (1) as his second Wife, in Athol, Mass., 7 Feb., 1889, William Fred Russell, b. in New Salem, Mass., 1849, son of Asahel Russell and Chloe Vaughn.
He was a shoemaker; she m. (2) in Springfield, Mass., 29 Dec., 1898, John Henry Colon, b. in Phillipston, Mass., 11 Dec., 1864, son of Madison Colon and Margaret Willis.
He is a mill operative; res. in North Dana; now res. in Hardwick, Mass.
19736 John Duane Colon,11 b. in Orange, Mass., 9 Dec., 1899.

14824.   CLARA ELOISE,10 dau. of William Henry9 (8056), b. in Leonards­ville, N. Y., 4 Nov., 1873; m. in Springfield, Mass., 21 Oct., 1891, Francis Ar­thur Terrell, b. in Holyoke, Mass., 14 July, 1867, son of John Terrell, b. 13 Mar., 1844, and Matilda Ashley, b. 13 Mar., 1844.
He is a railroad brakeman; res. in Springfield.
19737 Arthur Percy Terrell,11 b. in Merrick, Mass., 5 Sept., 1892.

14829.   IDA MAY,10 dau. of John Hiran9 (8059), b. 17 May, 1864; m. 15 Apr., 1890, Clarence Angier Lloyde, b. in Bureau Co., Ill., 2 Aug., 1866, son of David Hayden Lloyde, b. in Springfield, Mass., 11 June, 1835, and Ellen Percis Angier.
They res. in Champaign, Ill.
19738 Robert Kellogg Lloyde,11 b. in Oak Park, Ill., 23 Feb., 1891.

14838.   ERNEST EUGENE,10 son of John Belding9 (8065), b. in Washington Co., Or., 27 Nov., 1860; m. in Vancouver, Wash, Callie Knox, b. in Portland, Or., 6 Feb., 1867, dau. of Jeremiah Knox, b. 5 Jan., 1836, and Hester Dilla, b. 15 Jan., 1838.
He res. in Portland.
Children, b. in Portland.
19739 Child,11 b. 29 Nov., 1889; d. same day.
19740 Arthur Ray,11 b. 29 Mar., 1891.
19741 Corrinne,11 b. 21 Nov., 1897.

14839.   MELISSA ANN,10 dau. of John Belding9 (8065), b. in Washington Co., Or., 28 May, 1862; m. in Portland, Or., 15 Dec., 1887, Hugh Dennis Long, b. in Steuben Co., Ind., 8 Oct., 1851, son of James Long, b. 17 Feb., 1800; and Sarah Reynolds, b. 10 Oct., 1816.
He is a miner; res. in Portland, and later in Gold, Cal.; is a Republican.
Children, b. in Fresno, Cal.
19742 Ruthoriel Long,11 b. 13 Feb., 1889.
19743 John Balding Long,11 b. 12 Dec., 1892.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1623

14851.   ORLANDO,10 son of Orlando9 (8090), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 1840; m. in Elizabethtown, Helen Simonds, b. in Elizabethtown, 1840, dau. of William Simonds, b. 10 Sept., 1808, and Lydia Minerva Hanchett, b. 26 July, 1811.
He is a hotel proprietor; a Republican; res. in Elizabethtown.
Children, b. in Elizabethtown.
19744 Helen Anne,11 b. 5 Oct., 1868; m. there, 15 Oct, 1892, Charles Ar­nold Ferris; res. in Elizabethtown; has no children.
19745 Frances,11 b. 28 Nov., 1870; is unm.
19746 William Simonds,11 b. 3 Oct., 1873; is unm.

14853.   ROWLAND CASE,10 son of Orlando9 (8090), b. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 31 Dec., 1843; m. _______.
He is a lawyer; served in the army during the civil war, as private, Lieut., Capt and brevet Maj., in the One Hundred and Eighteenth New York Volun­teers; was graduated from Albany Law School; is an Episcopalian and a Re­publican; res. in Elizabethtown; is County Judge of Essex Co., N. Y.
19747 James Case,11 b. in Elizabethtown, 3 Sept., 1876.

14860.   CLARENCE ORLANDO,10 son of La Fayette9 (8094), b. in Madison, Wis., 25 May, 1844; m. 28 Oct., 1868, Julia Ann Adams, sister of his father's second wife, b. in Vergennes, Vt., 25 May, 1848, dau. of Henry Adams, b. 6 Dec., 1806, and Julia Newel, b. 21 July, 1814.
He is Clerk of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, having been appointed in 1878, succeeding his father; has since continuously held the position; res. in Madison, Wis.
19748 Henry Lafayette,11 b. in Madison, 24 June, 1872; m. Grace Louise Hopkins.

14862.   EDWARD CATLIN,10 son of La Fayette9 (8094), b. in Madison, Wis., 27 Nov., 1848; m. in Wilber, Neb., 23 Nov., 1879, Jane Edna Henry, b. in Princeton, Ill., 7 Apr., 1862, dau. of William C. Henry and Clara M. Cartwright, both of Lincoln, Neb.
He is a bookkeeper; res. in Seattle, Wash.
Children, b. in Wilber.
19749 La Fayette,11 b. 10 Sept., 1881.
19750 Albert Henry,11 b. 3 Mar., 1883.
19751 Lillian Edna,11 b. 14 Oct., 1884.

14865.   CAROLINE ROSA,10 dau. of La Fayette9 (8094) , b. in Madison, Wis., 14 Feb., 1858; m. in Madison, 14 Jan., 1886, Brigham Bliss, b. in Jackson, Mich., 28 Mar., 1854, son of Horace Griswold Bliss, b. 1 Jan., 1824, and Marianne Brig­ham, b. July, 1828.
He is a bank teller; a Republican; res. in St. Paul, Minn.; was graduated in Wisconsin University, 1877.

1624    The Kelloggs in the New World.

19752 Helen Lillian Bliss,11 b. 2 Nov., 1886.
19753 Julian Brigham Bliss,11 b. 24 Oct., 1889.

14872.   WILLIAM BENEDICT,10 son of Cyrus Hale9 (8113), b. in Long Lake, N. Y., 19 July, 1861; m. in Chestertown, N. Y., Kate Jordan, b. in Moriah, N. Y., dau. of Bony Jordan, of Moriah.
He d. in Long Lake, 10 June, 1889; she d. there, 13 Aug., same year.
He was a Republican.
19754 Byron Cyrus,11 b. ______; d. in Long Lake.
19755 Pearl,11 b. in Long Lake, 25 Mar., 1888.

14873.   HENRY DARNBURGH,10 son of Cyrus Hale9 (8113), b. in Long Lake, N. Y., 5 Jan., 1863; m. in Long Lake, 24 Feb., 1883, Kate Callahan, b. in Minerva, N. Y.
She d. in Long Lake, 24 Oct, 1883; be m. (2) in Long Lake, 15 July, 1888, Margaret Gaynor, b. in Ireland, 11 June, 1863, dau. of John Gaynor and Ann Flannagan.
He is a surveyor and a Republican; res. in Long Lake; is a real estate agent; Justice of the Peace and Notary Public.
Children by second husband, b. in Long Lake.
19756 Beatrice Kate,11 b. 14 Apr., 1889.
19757 Kathleen,11 b. 16 Apr., 1891.
19758 Oliver Cyrus,11 b. 8 Aug., 1893.
19759 John James,11 b. 11 Feb., 1896.

14875.   AMANDA LEE,10 dau. of Philander9 (8114), b. 8 June, 1848; m. Henry Stanton, of Long Lake, N. Y.
She d. 5 Jan., 1873.
19760 Everett Stanton,11 b. ______; was adopted by Orrello E. Boyden.
19761 Emlon Stanton,11 b. ______; m. _______; res. in Vermont; had no children.

14878.   FREDERICK ASA,10 son of Asa Farnsworth9 (8115), b. in Minerva, N. Y., 4 Dec., 1851; m. in Saratoga, Minn., 3 Jan., 1875, Amy Fanny Bird, b. 30 July, 1855, dau. of Almond Bird, b. 9 Mar., 1818, and Julia Bassett Ambler, b. 27 Mar., 1825.
He res. in Marshall, Minn.
19762 Julia Hannah,11 b. 1877.
19763 Claude Erasmus,11 b. 1879.
19764 Clifford Frank,11 b. 1881.
19765 Maud Grace,11 b. 1883.
19766 Hazel Louisa,11 b. 1889.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1625

14881.   JEAN,10 dau. of Asa Farnsworth9 (8115), b. in Long Lake, N. Y., 31 Dec., 1864; m. in Oeala, Fla., 31 Dec., 1890, John Lindsey Austin, b. in Shelby Co., Ky., 24 Mar., 1863, son of John Lindsey Austin, b. 13 May, 1825, and Frances Gillam Maddox, b. 13 Feb., 1829.
He d. in Ocala, 2 Jan., 1894; she res. in Ocala; is a member of the Chris­tian Church.
19767 Jean Kellogg Austin,11 b. 8 June, 1892.

14882.   RUBY ANN,10 dau. of Rev. Ira Phelps9 (8116), b. in Minerva, N. Y., 12 Mar., 1850; m. 29 Feb., 1872, Albert Noble Baldwin, b. in Monkton, Vt., 10 June, 1847, son of Roderick Baldwin, b. 6 May, 1801, and Lydia Lawrence, of Monkton.
She d. in Derby, Vt., 30 Nov., 1874.
He res. in Derby, and later in Monkton; is a farmer; a Baptist and a Re­publican.
19768 Ruby Kellogg Baldwin,11 b. in Derby, 22 Nov., 1874; m. in Monkton, 23 May, 1894, George Miles Hazard; res. in East Charlotte, Vt.

14883.   ELIZABETH JANE,10 dau. of Rev. Ira Phelps9 (8116), b. in Minerva, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1852; m. in Monkton, Vt., 3 Sept., 1877, Cassius Clay Sears, b. in Monkton, 8 Sept., 1844, son of Henry Sears, b. 29 Mar., 1828, and Julia Fidelia Wheaton, b. 20 Mar., 1829.
He is a carpenter; a Baptist; res. in Monkton; served in the civil war in the Ninth Reg., Vermont Volunteers; enlisted in Co. C, 12 June, 1862; was dis­charged 13 June, 1865.
19769 Casper Henry Sears,11 b. 20 Mar., 1879.

14884.   REV. BENONI FRANCIS,10 son of Rev. Ira Phelps9 (8116), b. in Minerva, N. Y., 22 Jan., 1856; m. in West Townsend, Mass., 2 June, 1885, Eliza­beth Emma Manning, b. in Townsend, 26 July, 1859, dau. of Charles Gilchrist Manning, b. 7 Aug., 1826, and Lucy Clark.
He is a Baptist minister; res. in Pownal, Vt.; was graduated from the New­ton Theological Institute.
19770 Marion Rubie,11 b. in Townsend, 9 May, 1886.

14887.   RHODA ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Orson9 (8117), b. in Minerva, N. Y., 29 Nov., 1853; m. in North River, N. Y., 24 Feb., 1873, George Henry Stewart, b. in Fort Edward, N. Y., 12 May, 1848, son of James Stewart, b. 5 June, 1836, and Mariah Gardner, b. 2 Sept., 1839.
She d. in Minerva, 3 Jan., 1891.
He is a farmer; res. in Minerva.
Children, first two b. in Luzerne, N. Y., last two in Minerva.
19771 Lena Maria Stewart,11 b. 6 Nov., 1874.
19772 Eunice Elizabeth Stewart,11 b. 23 Jan., 1877; m. in Minerva, 15 Dec., 1896, Edson Thomas Richardson; res. in Schroon Lake, N. Y.

1626    The Kelloggs in the New World.

19773 Julia Emily Stewart,11 b. 7 Jan., 1881.
19774 Mary Stewart,11 b. 11 Mar., 1884.

14888.   ROCENA JANE,10 dau. of Orson9 (8117), b. in Minerva, N. Y., 5 July, 1855; m. as his second wife, in Minerva, 5 Nov., 1877, Leonard Brown, b. in Minerva, 25 Sept., 1851, son of Josiah P. Brown, b. 4 Mar., 1827, and Sarah Louisa Bennett, b. 27 Nov., 1828.
He is a mechanic; a Republican and a Baptist; res. in Minerva.
Children, b. in Minerva.
19775 Helen Gertrude Brown,11 b. 8 May, 1878; d. 25 Jan., 1888.
19776 Orson Brown,11 b. 28 Aug., 1879.

14889.   EMILY FRANCES,10 dau. of Orson9 (8117), b. in Minerva, N. Y., 30 May, 1858; m. in Minerva, 8 Oct., 1890, Sidney Fuller Rounds, b. in Cald­well, N. Y., 23 Dec., 1864, son of Jariah Road Rounds, b. 31 July, 1819, and Mary Putney, b. 27 Mar., 1825.
He is a mechanic; a Republican; res. in Minerva.
Children, b. in Minerva.
19777 Edith Lillian Rounds,11 b. 27 Nov., 1892.
19778 Daisy Rounds,11 b. 26 July, 1894; d. 25 Aug., 1894.
19779 Grace Rounds,11 b. 26 July, 1894.

14891.   ASHLEY TUPPER,10 son of Orson9 (8117), b. in Minerva, N. Y., 25 July, 1860; m. in Port Henry, N. Y., 1 Sept., 1883, Carrie Bissell, dau. of George Bissell and Cynthia Williams.
He is a hotel keeper; a Republican; res. in Warrensburg, N. Y.
19780 Daisy,11 b. in Newcomb, N. Y., 29 June, 1887.
19781 Harry,11 b. in Minerva, 25 Aug., 1891.

14892.   ORSON ELLSWORTH,10 son of Orson9 (8117), b. in Minerva, N. Y., 5 Jan., 1864; m. in Olmsteadville, N. Y., 2 Jan., 1894, Anna McGrinn, b. in Olmsteadville, 7 June, 1870, dau. of Patrick Me Ginn, b. 17 Mar., 1843, and Esther Larose, b. 10 Jan., 1848.
He is a farmer; a Republican; res. in Minerva.
Children, b. in Minerva.
19782 Walter,11 b. 18 Sept., 1896.
19783 Clarence,11 b. 5 June, 1898.

14899.   IDELLA,10 dau. of Leoline Valentine9 (8125), b. in Minerva, N. Y., 10 Aug., 1858; m. in Walnut Grove, Minn., 8 Jan., 1880, Fred Mark Towne.
They res. in Yakima, Wash.
19784 Lloyd Mark Towne,11 b. in Walnut Grove, 29 Nov., 1881.
19785 Arthur Lee Towne,11 b. in Ree Heights, S. D., 10 Aug., 1884.
19786 Ida Fern Towne,11 b. in Ree Heights, 16 Nov., 1886.
19787 Ethel Towne,11 b. in Tacoma, Wash., 8 Dec., 1890.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1627

14901.   ALTA LUENA,10 dau. of Leoline Valentine9 (8125), b. in Minerva, N. Y., 8 Feb., 1866; m. in Ree Heights, S. D., 10 Nov., 1887, George Moore, b. in County Antrim, Ireland, 16 Mar., 1858, son of James Moore, b. 28 Feb., 1827, and Nancy McLellan, b. 15 Apr., 1835.
He is a salesman; a Congregationalist; res. in Belt, Mont.; “a dyed in the wool Republican.”
Children, first three b. in Ree Heights.
19788 Gertrude Moore,11 b. 8 Oct., 1888.
19789 Ralph Mahlon Moore,11 b. 24 Jan., 1890; d. there, 12 Oct., 1891.
19790 Madge Moore,11 b. 8 Mar., 1892.
19791 Mildred Moore,11 b. in Miller, S. D., 29 Apr., 1897.

14929.   MYRTLE MAY,10 dau. of Ryerson Edgarton9 (8142), b. in Alden, Ia., 4 Mar., 1870; m. in Alden, 3 May, 1887, George Alexander Barhite, b. in Hardin Co., Ia., 23 May, 1864, son of Alexander Barhite, b. 31 Jan., 1827, and Nancy Morriel, b. 15 May, 1831.
He is a farmer and a stock raiser; res. in Alden.
Children, b. in Alden.
19792 Buel Butler Barhite,11 b. 29 Oct., 1888.
19793 Nancy Mary Barhite,11 b. 8 Jan., 1898.
19794 John Alexander Barhite,11 b. 31 July, 1899.

14930.   ETHEL VIOLA,10 dau. of Ryerson Edgarton9 (8142), b. in Alden, Ia., 4 Sept., 1872; m. in Alden, 7 Dec., 1893, Eugene Franklin Walton, b. in Iowa Falls,27 Apr., 1873, son of William Henry Walton, b. in Steuben Co., N. Y., 1847, and Lucinda Copper, b. 1851.
He is in the nursery and fruit growing business; res. in Iowa Falls, Ia., and later in Garo, Col.
19795 Olive Bessie Walton,11 b. in Iowa Falls, 12 Jan., 1896.

14931.   MABEL LUCY,10 dau. of Ryerson Edgarton9 (8142), b. 23 Jan., 1874; m. in Alden, Ia., 5 Dec., 1893, Harvey Grant Walton, b. in Iowa Falls, 4 Aug., 1874, son of William Henry Walton, b. in Steuben Co., N. Y., 1847, and Lucinda Copper, b. 1851.
He d. 20 Feb., 1899; she res. in Iowa Falls; he was a market gardener.
19796 Lillian May Walton,11 b. 3 Dec., 1894.
19797 Iva Bell Walton,11 b. 12 July, 1896.
19798 Harvey Marie Walton,11 b. 11 June, 1899.

14938.   CLARA ETTA,10 dau. of Arza Phelps9 (8143), b. in Alden, Ia., 22 Sept., 1873, b. in Alden, 4 Sept., 1892, Samuel Wilson Benshoop, b. 21 Mar., 1864, son of Samuel Benshoop and Nancy Jane Steele.
He is a farmer; res. in Alden.
Children, b. in Alden.
19799 Elba Wilson Benshoop,11 b. 21 Sept., 1893; d. 10 Jan., 1894.
19300 Elvin Leroy Benshoop,11 b. 29 Sept., 1895.

1628    The Kelloggs in the New World.

19801 Experience Ella Benshoop,11 b. 24 Sept., 1897; d. 25 Dec., 1898.
19802 Gladys Benshoop,11 b. 5 Mar., 1900.

14957.   INEZ,10 dau. of Norman Augustine Moore9 (8160), b. in Paw Paw., Ill.,2 Nov., 1858; m. in Santa Paula, Cal., 27 Apr., 1881, Thomas Arundell, b. in Cascade, Ia., 22 Man, 1855, son of William H. Arundell, b. 1822, and Eliza­beth Ann Wheeler, b. 1833.
He is a farmer, a bookkeeper and a Republican; res. in Fillmore, Cal.
Children, b. in Fillmore.
19803 Norman William Arundell,11 b. 11 May, 1882.
19804 Franklin T Arundell,11 b. in Santa Paula, 14 Oct, 1883.
19805 Elizabeth Arundell,11 b. 24 Dec., 1885.
19806 Louise Inez Arnndell,11 b. 14 Dec., 1887.
19807 Arthur Dean Arundell,11 b. 9 Feb., 1891.
19808 Allan Augustine Arundell,11 b. 16 Aug., 1892.
19809 Ernest Arundell,11 b. 10 Dec., 1894.

14958.   IDA,10 dau. of Norman Augustine Moore9 (8160), b. 21 Dec., 1860; m. 28 Dec., 1881, George Richardson, b. in Solano Co., Cal., 21 Sept., 1860, son of George Morton Richardson, b. in Maine, 31 Dec., 1821, and Janette Sims, b. in Indiana, 11 Feb., 1841.
He is a farmer; res. in Santa Paula, Cal.
19810 George Lawrence Richardson,11 b. 16 Dec., 1882.
19811 Olinda Richardson,11 b. 7 June, 1884.
19812 Charles Kellogg Richardson,11 b. 27 July, 1885.
19813 Yale Richardson,11 b. 6 Mar., 1887.
19814 Marla Richardson,11 b. 24 Jan., 1889.
19815 Emma Richardson,11 b. 28 Jan., 1893.
19816 Elsie Richardson,11 b. 28 Jan., 1893; d. 30 Jan., 1893.

14963.   OCTAVIA ADELINE,10 dau. of Norman Augustine Moore9 (8160), b. in Paw Paw, Ill., 26 July, 1874; m. in Fillmore, Cal., 27 Jan., 1897, Glen Cal­vin Goodenough, b. in Logan, Ia., 14 Dec., 1874, son of Orson Goodenough, b. 9 Feb., 1836, and Zedora H. Teitsort, b. 18 May, 1848.
He is a farmer, a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Fillmore.
19817 Hazel Augusta Goodenough,11 b. 18 Nov., 1899.

14965.   JULIA ROGERS,10 dau. of Brainard9 (8162), b. in Middlebury, Vt., 18 Sept., 1871; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 25 Oct., 1893, Samuel Vilas Beckwith, b. in Plattsburgh, N. Y., 3 Oct, 1869, son of George Henry Beckwith and Emery Elizabeth Vilas.
He is a lawyer; res. in New York City; was graduated from Williams Col­lege, 1890; from New York Law School, 1892; is of the firm of Kellogg & Beck­with.
19818 Samuel Vilas Beckwith,11 b. in Plattsburgh, 5 Aug., 1899.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1629

14968.   GEORGE CASPER,10 son of Hon. Sylvester Alonzo9 (8163), b. 21 Sept., 1871; m. in New York City, 10 Nov., 1898, Grace Vernon Olyphant, b. in New York City, 25 Oct., 1871, dau. of Robert Morrison Olyphant, b. 9 Sept., 1825, and Anna Olyphant Vernon, of New York City, b. Apr., 1833.
He was graduated from Phillips Exeter (N. H.) Academy, and in 1894 from Harvard; is an Episcopalian; partner in the Dock and Coal Company of Platts­burgh, N. Y., res. in Plattsburgh.
19819 Robert Olyphant,11 b. in Plattsburgh, 7 Oct., 1900.

14980.   FLORA,10 dau. of Alfred Riley9 (8195), b. in Caneadea, N. Y., 24 July, 1853; m. there, 18 May, 1879, Arthur Franklin Beach, b. in Nunda, N. Y., 30
Sept., 1850, son of John Beach, b. 22 Feb., 1803, and Cornelia Van Sehaick, b. 23
Nov., 1806, of Birdsall, N. Y.
He is a machinist and a Methodist; res. in Point Mills, Mich.
Children, b. in Birdsall.
19820 Elna Beach,11 b. 22 July, 1881; m. in Munising, Mich., 12 Apr., 1898, George Elwood Holt, b. in Strange, Ont., 23 June, 1868, son of Thomas Parkinson Holt, b. 16 Aug., 1827, and Rebecca Jane Cut­ting, b. 13 May, 1830; he is a machinist; res. in Point Mills; has one child.
19821 Harold Beach,11 b. 29 Oct., 1882.

14981.   IDA PERMELIA,10 dau. of Alfred Riley9 (8195), b. in Caneadea, N. Y., 20 Aug., 1855; m. there, 10 Nov., 1881, Julius W. Hanenstein, b. in Roch­ester, N. Y., 24 Jan., 1858, son of Andrew Hanenstein, b. 26 Feb., 1821, and Matilda Schaef, b. 12 Feb., 1826, of Caneadea.
She d. in Caneadea, 14 June, 1887.
He is a barber and a Presbyterian; res. in Olean, N. Y.
19822 Loan Hanenstein,11 b. in Palestine, Te X., 18 Mar., 1883.
19823 Oliver Hanenstein,11 b. in Olean, 13 Dec., 1884.
19824 Ernest Hanenstein,11 b. in Caneadea, 29 Man, 1887.

14982.   MAYBELLE,10 dau. of Alfred Riley9 (8195), b. in Caneadea, N. Y., 27 Feb., 1858; m. in Caneadea, 1 Jan., 1880, Norton A. Lane, b. in Sandusky, N. Y., 19 Jan., 1857, son of James H. Lane, b. 5 July, 1831, and Martha M. Case, b. 1830, of Farmersville, N. Y.
He is a farmer and a Methodist; res. in Rushford, N. Y.
Children, b. in Farmersville.
19825 James Alfred Lane,11 b. 16 Apr., 1881.
19826 Louie Lee Lane,11 b. 20 Feb., 1883.
19827 Lloyd Calvin Lane,11 4 Jan., 1884.
19828 Norton Erwin Lane,11 b. 8 Nov., 1892; d. in Farmersville, 30 Jan., 1893.
19829 Imogene Lane,11 b. in Rushford, 8 Sept., 1894.

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14983.   HENRY CALVIN,10 son of Alfred Riley9 (8195), b. in Caneadea, N. Y., 5 Sept., 1861; m. in Rushford, N. Y., 17 Sept., 1891, Rose Bell Wier, b. in Rushford, 15 Aug., 1865, dau. of Alfred C. Wier, b. 18 May, 1819, and Juliette Gary, b. 27 Oct., 1823.
He d. in Rushford, 21 Dec., 1899.
He res. in Rushford, Where he was a farmer, a Methodist and a Prohibi­tionist; now res. in Caneadea.
Children, b. in Rushford.
19830 Cecil Marie,11 b. 7 Aug., 1892.
19831 Wier Alfred,11 b. 10 July, 1894.
19832 Mabel Juliette,11 b. 5 July, 1896.
19833 Florence,11 b. 3 June, 1898.

14984.   ALBERT PLINY,10 son of Alfred Riley9 (8195), b. in Caneadea, N. Y., 26 Oct, 1863, b. in Olean, N. Y., 12 July, 1891, Floy Teen Taylor, b. in New Hudson, N. Y., 10 Jan., 1872, dau. of Philo B. Taylor, b. 30 Mar., 1819, and Mary J. Vaughan, b. 30 Aug., 1827, of Rushford, N. Y.
He d. in Rushford, 10 Nov., 1897.
Children, first b. in Caneadea, others in Franklinmille, N. Y.
19834 Hazel Geraldine,11 b. 14 Feb., 1892.
19835 Statia Marie,11 b. 23 Aug., 1893.
19836 Victor Taylor,11 b. 31 Mar., 1895.
19837 Barton Albert,11 b. 25 Mar., 1897.

14987.   MARY GRACE,10 dau. of Alfred Riley9 (8195), b. in Caneadea, N. Y., 26 Feb., 1873, m. in Caneadea, 3 Aug., 1892, Merritte Parker, b. in Hume, N. Y., 26 Jan., 1870, son of John Benjamin Parker and Elmira Osmun.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res, in Houghton, N. Y.
19838 Alfred John Parker,11 b. 7 July, 1897.
19839 Veva Parker,11 b. 28 Apr., 1899.

14993.   DORA PARMELIA,10 dau. of Aaron Demery9 (8198), b. in Rushford, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1865; m. in Olean, N. Y., 30 Jan., 1892, Newell Henry Shoff, b. in Alma, N. Y., son of Henry Shoff and Malvina Dutton.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Perry, N. Y.
Children, b. in Rushford.
19840 Edgar Demery Shoff,11 b. 19 Nov., 1894.
19841 Dwight Amos Shoff,11 b. 1 Mar., 1896.

14995.   SARAH RHODA,10 dau. of Aaron Demery9 (9199), b. 31 Dec., 1873; m. in Rushford, N. Y., 4 Oct, 1893, Everett C. Baker.
Child, b. in Rushford.
19842 Pearl Lettie Baker,11 b. 9 Nov., 1901.

15019.   HARVEY STEWART,10 son of Oscar Fitzland9 (9235), b. in Ithaca, N. Y., 17 May, 1853; m. in Union Springs, N. Y., 9 Sept., 1880, Mary A. Mc­Kellop, of Ledyard, N. Y.

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She d. in Union Springs, 22 Aug., 1888; he m. (2) in Ithaca, 24 June, 1890, Sarah J. Parr, b. in Ithaca, 19 Mar., 1860, dau. of Thomas B. Parr and Lydia Williams, b. 2 Feb., 1820, of England.
He was a dealer in groceries and cigars, later a clerk; res. in Union Springs, later in Ithaca; is a Methodist and a Republican.
Child by first wife.
19843 Mary Louise,11 b. in Union Springs, 30 Aug., 1881; m. in Ithaca, 2 July, 1901, Harry Eugene Hepworth; res. in Ithaca.
Children by second wife, b. in Ithaca.
19844 Lydia Williams Parr,11 b. 22 Feb., 1892.
19845 Wallace Irving,11 b. 14 Feb., 1895.

15020.   BELLE,10 dau. of Oscar Fitzland9 (8235), b. in Ithaca, N. Y., 21 Jan., 1855; m. 1 Dec., 1881, Frank Fayette Williams, b. in Trumansburg, N. Y., 1854, son of Fayette Williams, b. 1817, and Elmira Allen, b. 1812.
He is a traveling salesman, a member of the Methodist Church and a Repub­lican; res. in Ithaca.
Children, b. in Ithaca.
19846 Ina Norton Williams,11 b. 16 Sept., 1882.
19847 Grace Frances Williams,11 b. 14 Dec., 1885.
19848 Claude Freeland Williams,11 b. 18 Nov., 1890.

15022.   JOSEPH,10 son of Oscar Fitzland9 (8235), b. in Buffalo, N. Y., 24 July, 1861; m. in Ithaca, N. Y., 26 Jan., 1887, L. Waita Searle, b. in Tioga Co., N. Y., dau. of C. N. Searle and Elizabeth Doane.
He is a farmer, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; res. in Owego, N. Y.
Children, last three b. in Owego.
19849 Irma Brockett,11 b. in Danby, N. Y., 16 June, 1888.
19850 Ernest Erlin,11 b. 19 Sept., 1892.
19851 Doane Searle,11 b. 29 Jan., 1895.
19852 Shelia E.,11 b. 9 Jan., 1900; d. same day.

15092.   JAMES LAWRENCE,10 son of Hosmer Lawrence9 (8323), b. in Ke­wanee, Ill., 15 Sept., 1866; m. in Kalamazoo, Mich., 16 June, 1892, Ida Mae Archambeault, b. in South Bend, Ind., 16 Mar., 1868, dau. of Daniel Archam­beault and Marie La Cross.
He is Professor of Biology in Olivet College, Olivet, Mich.; was graduated from Olivet College, B. S., 1888; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins University, 1892; is a Congregationalist.
19853 Emilie,11 b. 28 June, 1893.
19854 Louise,11 b. 21 Sept., 1897.

15108.   GEORGE ALBERT,10 son of Charles Albert9 (8326), b. in Providence, Ill., 8 Dec., 1868; m. in Kewanee, Ill., 14 June, 1892, Minnie F. Mulholland, b. 23 Mar., 1869, dau. of Fred A. Mulholland, b. 4 Apr., 1830, and Ann Johnston, b. 26 Nov., 1835.

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He is superintendent of a clothing factory; a Congregationalist and a Repub­lican; res. in Atlanta, Ga.; was graduated from Phillips Designing School, Chi­cago, 1894.
19855 Albert Frederick,11 b. in Kewanee, 18 Jan., 1894.
19856 Florence Katherine,11 b. in Kewanee, 4 June, 1895.
19857 George Albert, Jr.,11 b. in Atlanta, 4 Feb., 1900.

15110.   SUSAN ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Charles Albert9 (8326), b. in Galva, Ill., 11 July, 1872; m. in Kewanee, Ill., 26 June, 1896, John Gustavus Hoffman, b. 7 Aug., 1870, son of John Reese Hoffman, b. 25 July, 1840, and Laura Cecilia Gwinn, b. 25 May, 1848.
He is a merchant, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Kewanee.
19858 John Brewster Hoffman,11 b. in Kewanee, 19 May, 1897.

15128.   LELA ESTELLE,10 dau. of Seth Ranger9 (8330), b. in Toronto, Kas., 23 July, 1875, b. in Toronto, 18 Aug., 1897, James Thomas Long, b. in Lacygne, Kas., 30 June, 1867, son of Benjamin Long and Ruth Machin, b. 26 June, 1822.
He is a teacher; res. in Toronto.
19859 Seth Benjamin Long,11 b. in Toronto, 25 June, 1898; d. 30 Mar., 1900.

15156.   FRANCES NEWBURY,10 dau. of George Benjamin9 (8338), b. in Jackson, Mich., 10 Oct., 1876; m. in Pittsburg, Pa., 19 June, 1895, Allan Kirk Gillespie, b. 27 Aug., 1873, son of William K. Gillespie, b. 10 Oct., 1846, and Ada V. Robinson.
He is a member of the Methodist Church; res. in Allegheny, Pa.
19860 Katherine Kellogg Gillespie,11 b. 29 Apr., 1896.

15161.   CHARLES MARMADUKE,10 son of Charles Burnell9 (8341), b. in Florence, Mich., 25 Aug., 1871, b. in Marcellus, Mich., 11 Jan., 1899, Ethelyn Mar Ketchani, b. in Florence, 5 Feb., 1875, dau. of Edward Morgan Ketcham, b. 7 Mar., 1844, and Tollis Antoinette Carroll, b. 25 Oct., 1847.
He is a farmer; res. in Constantine, Mich.
19861 Gladis Jane Burnell,11 b. in Constantine, 28 May, 1900.

15169.   FANNY LOUISE,10 dau. of William Hall9 (8355), b. in Elmwood, Ill., 1 May, 1859; m. in Elmwood, 1 Oct., 1879, John Harriett Naylor, b. 25 Feb., 1854.
Children, b. in Canton, Ill.
19862 Bertha May Naylor,11 b. 23 Oct., 1880.
19863 Charles Schenck Naylor,11 b. 29 June, 1885; d. 11 Feb., 1886.
19864 Bessie Lenore Naylor,11 b. 13 Dec., 1886.
19865 Essie Louise Naylor,11 b. 13 Dec., 1886.

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15170.   BELLE,10 dau. of William Hall9 (8355), b. in Elmwood, Ill., 2 Oct., 1861; m. in Elmwood, 7 June, 1882, Charles McGowan, b. 26 Jan., 1860, son of William McGowan, b. 12 Oct., 1812, and Margery McPerrin, b. 4 Mar., 1819.
He is a telegraph operator, a bookkeeper, a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Chicago.
19866 Verna Lucile McGowan,11 b. in Elmwood, 30 Aug., 1885.
19867 Eila Louise McGowan,11 b. in Maquon, Ill., 10 Apr., 1888.

15171.   JENNIE AURELIA,10 dau. of William Hall9 (8355), b. in Memphis, Tenn., 5 Apr., 1867; m. in Chicago, Ill., 10 July, 1889, Martin Andres, b. in Cochecton, N. Y., 12 Jan., 1865, son of Martin Andres and Jeanette Rosworm, b. 8 Oct., 1846.
He is a grocer; in politics, a “16 to 1.”
Children, b. in Chicago, Ill.
19868 Ruth Lenell Andres,11 b. 11 Sept., 1892.
19869 June Naomi Andres,11 b. 1 June, 1894.

15174.   ELEANOR MARIE,10 dau. of William Hall9 (8355), b. in Elmwood, Ill., 16 Feb., 1880; m. in Chicago, Ill., 6 Dec., 1899, Charles William Swigart, b. in Maquon, Ill., 6 Dec., 1874, son of Daniel Swigart, b. 4 May, 1853, and Jennie Violet Stringham, b. 4 Jan., 1855.
He is a grocery clerk and a Republican; res. in Chicago.
19870 Harry Frank Swigart,11 b. in Chicago, 17 Feb., 1901.

15209.   ORISON ALONZO,10 son of Alonzo Smith9 (8429), b. 17 Feb., 1863; m. in Stratton, Neb., 9 Feb., 1889, Rosetta Caroline Hollingsworth, b. in Bruce­ville, Ind., 21 Nov., 1870, dau. of J. P. Hollingsworth, b. 13 May, 1849, and Mary Jane Flock.
He is a farmer and a member of the Christian Church; res. in Shellsburg, Ia.
19871 Ethel,11 b. in Wallace, Neb., 21 Aug., 1890.
19872 Alonzo John,11 b. in Wallace, 31 Jan., 1893.
19873 Marie Louise,11 b. in Shellsburg, 19 Dec., 1896.

15210.   WILLIAM IRA,10 son of Alonzo Smith9 (8429), b. in Shellsburg, Ia., 11 Mar., 1866; m. in Oberlin, Kas., 22 Mar., 1894, Chlora Lucy Shaw, b. in Gar­rison, Ia., 15 Oct., 1870, dau. of George Earl Shaw, b. 22 Apr., 1840, and Mira Kimball, b. 2 Jan., 1842.
He is a farmer and a member of the Christian Church; res. in La Porte City, Ia.
19874 Mira Huldah,11 b. in Garrison, 29 June, 1898.

15211.   ALICE REBECCA,10 dau. of Alonzo Smith9 (8429), b. in Shellsburg, Ia., 29 Jan., 1871; m. in Elsie, Neb., 19 Feb., 1891, Samuel Hunter Blazier, b. in

1634    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Cumberland, O., 7 June, 1863, son of David Rouse Blazier, b. 28 May, 1840, and Elizabeth Stiles, b. 6 Dec., 1833.
He is a farmer and a member of the Christian Church; res. in Olds, Ia.
19875 Vernon Kellogg Blazier,11 b. in Shellsburg, Ia., 31 May, 1894.

15212.   CHARLES JEFFERSON,10 son of Alonzo Smith9 (8429), b. in Shells­burg, Ia., 1 Oct., 1876; m. in Shellsburg, 7 Sept., 1897, Ida Belle Soden, dau. of Charles Edward Soden, b. in New York, and Mary Ann King.
19876 Annetta Belle,11 b. 21 June, 1898.

15222.   IONA PERMELIA,10 dau. of Rev. William Elisha9 (8463), b. in Mt. Carroll, Ill., 3 Apr., 1859; m. (1) in Southside, Minn., 28 Sept., 1879, Everett Granville Jordan, b. in Cherryfield, Me., 11 Mar., 1856, son of James Monroe Jordan, b. 5 Jan., 1821, and Margaret Rollins, b. 31 May, 1827.
He d. in Southside, 9 Mar., 1890; was a farmer, a Methodist and a Repub­lican; she m. (2) in Buffalo, Minn., 2 Sept., 1890, Theodore Nordberg, b. in Eastbrook, Sweden, 4 Apr., 1862, son of Carl Eric Nordberg, b. 31 May, 1824, and Calistia Halstenson.
He is a farmer, a Lutheran and a Republican; res. in South Haven, Minn.
Children by first husband, b. in Southside.
19877 Erwin Edson Jordan,11 b. 11 July, 1880.
19878 Everett Alonzo Jordan,11 b. 27 Mar., 1885.
Children by second husband.
19879 Orois Theodore Nordberg,11 b. 31 Dec., 1891.
19880 Clifford Erie Nordberg,11 b. 10 Apr., 1893.

15225.   BENJAMIN FRANKLIN,10 son of Rev. William Elisha9 (8463), b. 16 Jan., 1866; m. in Oregon City, Or., 18 Aug., 1890, Alzina Brayton, b. in Port­land, Or., 15 Apr., 1874, dau. of William Brayton.
He res. in Sidney, Or.
Children, b. in Oregon City.
19881 Stella Fay,11 b. 19 Mar., 1892.
19882 Erwin Lyle,11 b. 3 Mar., 1894.
19883 Franklin Leslie,11 b. 30 Jan., 1896.
19884 Dorothy Belle,11 b. 10 Dec., 1898.

15226.   SHERMAN MASON,10 son of Rev. William Elisha9 (8463), b. in Monticello, Minn., 29 Apr., 1868; m. in Buffalo, Minn., 4 July, 1895, Mary Gar­rison, b. 15 Apr., 1878, dau. of James Garrison.
He res. in Sidney, Or.
19885 Myrtle Ione,11 b. 4 Apr., 1898.

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15227.   OWASCO PHILANDER,10 son of Rev. William Elisha9 (8463), b. in Maple Lake, Minn., 4 July, 1871; m. in Oregon City, Or., 17 June, 1893, Frances Cleaver, b. 3 Apr., 1872.
He is a farmer; res. in Sidney, Or.
19886 William Hugh,11 b. in Mulino, Or., 2 May, 1894.
19887 Paul Bryan,11 b. in Oregon City, 19 Aug., 1896.

15228.   ZULIMA ARMINTA,10 dau. of Rev. William Elisha9 (8463), b. in Southside, Minn., 14 Mar., 1880; m. in Salem, Or., 28 May, 1899, Ernest Coch­ran, b. in Wisconsin, son of _______ Cochran and Lucretia Brown.
He is a farmer, res. in Sidney, Or.
19888 Thyra Cochran,11 b. in Sidney, 13 Mar., 1900.

15237.   REBECCA JANE,10 dau. of Philander Elisha9 (8474), b. in Calistoga, Cal., 3 Jan., 1863; m. in Goleta, Cal., 6 Apr., 1884, David Marshall Culver, b. in Norfolk Co., Canada, 10 Apr., 1852, son of Gabriel Culver and Martha Jane Cul­ver.
She d. in Goleta, 4 July, 1889; after her death he res. in Goleta.
19889 Edgar David Culver,11 b. in Goleta, 23 Oct., 1885.

15238.   WILLIAM CLINTON,10 son of Philander Elisha9 (8474), b. in Napa Co., Cal., 15 Nov., 1865; m. 7 Sept., 1892, Avery Viola Shirrell, b. in Texas, 26 Jan., 1875, dau. of T. A. Shirrell, b. in Bowling Green, Ky., 1 Dec, 1845, and Emily Moss, b. in Texas, 8 July, 1855.
He d. in Goleta, Cal., 18 Oct., 1898; after his death she res. in Santa Inez, Cal.
19890 Eugene Sherrill,11 b. 25 Mar-., 1893.
19891 Erma Hester,11 b. 18 Sept., 1894.
19892 Mary Angeline,11 b. 1 Sept., 1896.
19893 Franklin Leslie,11 b. 11 Apr., 1898.

15241.   THOMAS LESLIE,10 son of Philander Elisha9 (8474), b. in Calistoga, Cal., 24 May, 1873; m. in Goleta, Cal., 18 Mar., 1897, Ada Thomas Baber, b. in Watsonville, Cal., 19 Nov., 1875, dau. of Thomas Isham Baber, b. in Missouri, 9 May, 1842, and Elizabeth Jane McGuire, b. in Iowa, 15 June, 1845.
19894 Louise Catherine,11 b. 10 Oct., 1898.

15248.   ELMER PHILANDER,10 son of Franklin Erwin9 (8477), b. in Calis­toga, Cal., 20 Oct., 1873; m. in Santa Barbara, Cal., 19 May, 1895, Jessie V. Cat-

1636    The Kelloggs in the New World.

lett, b. 29 Aug., 1872, dau. of Ezra Catlett, b. 1 Jan., 1843, and Antoinette Smith, b. 1 Jan., 1843.
He res. in Goleta, Cal.
19895 Thelma Antoinette,11 b. 17 Feb., 1896.

15264.   CHARLES JOEL,10 son of Ira Davis9 (8503), b. in Winfield, Kas., 7 Aug., 1873; m. in Columbus, Kas., 20 May, 1893, Amanda Adams.
He res. in Oskaloosa, Ia.
19896 Ira,11 b. 1895.
19897 Hazel,11 b. 1898.

15265.   LILLIAN JULIA,10 dau. of Ira Davis9 (8503), b. in Columbus, Kas., 21 Nov., 1874; m. in Columbus, 15 Aug., 1893, Louis B. Pierson.
They res. in Oskaloosa, Ia.
19898 Clifford Pierson,11 b. 1898.

15277.   OSCAR SILAS,10 son of David Simpson9 (8506), b. in Ira Hill, N. Y., 6 Feb., 1842; m. in Red Creek, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1878, Mary Jane Shannon, b. in Ira Hill, 13 Sept., 1857, dau. of William Shannon, of Ireland.
He is a farmer and a Spiritualist; in politics an Independent; res. in Man­hattan, Kas.
Children, first two b. in Cato, N. Y., last two in Fay, Kas.
19899 David Simpson,11 b. 29 Mar., 1879.
19900 George Henry,11 b. 28 Apr., 1881.
19901 Howard John,11 b. 7 June, 1887; d. 27 Dec., 1887.
19902 Clarence Edward,11 b. 7 Dec., 1890.

15278.   CHARLES HERVEY,10 son of David Simpson9 (8506), b. in Ira, N. Y., 16 May, 1846; m. 16 Oct., 1873, Florence Annette Shaw, b. 18 Feb., 1851, dau. of Joseph Carter Shaw, b. 27 Apr., 1814, and Julietta Howe, b. 23 Oct., 1818.
They res. in Fay, Kas.
19903 Royal Shaw,11 b. in Ira, 19 Oct., 1874; res., unm., in Fay.
19904 Frank Noble,11 b. 22 Jan., 1887.
19905 Ruth Mary,11 b. 20 Nov., 1889.
19906 Edward Henry,11 b. 29 Jan., 1892.

15279.   MARTHA MARIA,10 dau. of David Simpson9 (8506), b. in Cato, N. Y., 31 Dec., 1848; m. in Ira, N. Y., 16 Oct., 1877, Horace Millard Scofield, b. in Granby, N. Y., 29 May, 1851, son of William Scofield, b. Oct., 1826, and Juliette Douglas, b. Apr., 1826.
He is a wholesale and retail confectioner and a Republican; res. in Mohawk, N. Y.
19907 Fay Noble Scofield,11 b. in Ira, 11 Apr., 1879; d. in Sterling, N. Y., 23 Aug., 1879.

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19908 Hervey Noble Scofield,11 b. in Wolcott, N. Y., 24 Sept., 1885.
19909 Day Edward Scofield,11 b. in Wolcott, 5 June, 1888; d. 7 Sept., 1888.

15280.   MARY FRANCES,10 dau. of David Simpson9 (8506), b. in Cato, N. Y., 31 Dec., 1848; m. in Ira, N. Y., 26 Aug., 1869, Newton Ransom Titus, b. in Ira, 29 Apr., 1841, son of John Elliot Titus, b. 12 July, 1818, and Adaline _______, b. 15 Dec., 1821.
He is a farmer and a machinist; is a Spiritualist; res. in Cato.
Children, b. in Ira.
19910 Fanny Cecelia Titus,11 b. 27 Jan., 1871; m. in Jordan, N. Y., 6 Nov., 1889, William Joseph Purdy; res. in Cato; had two children.
19911 Herbert Newton Titus,11 b. 24 July, 1873; m. in Mohawk, N. Y., 26 Jan., 1898, Cora Marion Clapsaddle; res. in Cato; had one child.
19912 Millard Ransom Titus,11 b. 25 Aug., 1875, b. in Cato, 12 Jan., 1898, Jennie Coppernoll; res. in Cato; had one child.
19913 Charlotte Kellogg Titus,11 b. 30 Aug., 1895.

15283.   ALICE MERILLA,10 dau. of Dr. Asa Day9 (8508), b. in Wolcott, N. Y., 19 Oct., 1849; m. in Wolcott, 8 Mar., 1882, Ezekiel Lewis Cooper, b. 25 Nov., 1837, son of John Cooper, b. in Williamson, N. Y., 24 Oct., 1809, and Lydia Cottrell, b. in Freehold, N. Y., 15 Aug., 1815.
He is a photographer; res. in Saugerties, N. Y.
19914 Lewis Kellogg Cooper,11 b. 3 Mar., 1890.

15286.   EDWARD HENRY,10 son of Dr. Asa Day9 (8508), b. in Wolcott, N. Y., 22 Dec., 1855, b. in Rochester, N. Y., 18 Jan., 1888, Mary Lillian De Witt, b. in Wolcott, 30 May, 1867, dau. of Daniel Wilson De Witt, b. 17 Aug., 1821, and Orpha Chamberlain, b. 28 Aug., 1826.
He was Justice of the Peace in Wolcott for eight years, from 1 Jan., 1882; Police Judge of the village of Wolcott; was elected in 1889 Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for four years; in 1894 was elected District Attorney of Wayne Co., N. Y., and was re-elected in 1897. He is a lawyer; was admitted to the bar 17 June, 1881; is a Republican; res. in Wolcott.
Children, b. in Wolcott.
19915 Ralph De Witt,11 b. 29 Mar., 1889.
19916 Edward Newcomb,11 b. 20 Aug., 1891.
19917 Margaret Louise,11 b. 21 Oct., 1893.
19918 Lillian Doers,11 b. 16 Aug., 1898.

15295.   WILLIAM ALVAN,10 son of Cyrus Stow9 (8534), b. in East Scott, N. Y., 14 Oct., 1846; m. 18 Nov., 1869, Chloe Irene Churchill, b. 7 Oct., 1847, dau. of Chauncey Churchill and Catherine Merry.
He is a druggist; res. in New York City.
19919 Gertrude Amanda,11 b. 13 Sept., 1870; m. 16 June, 1900, Orrie Pratt Cummings.

1638    The Kelloggs in the New World.

19920 Edward Leland,11 b. in Homer, N. Y., 1 Aug., 1872; is a physician; res. in New York City; was graduated from the College of Physi­cians and Surgeons, New York City.
19921 Olive Catherine,11 b. 20 Jan., 1877.
19922 William Alvan,11 b. 17 Apr., 1885.

15299.   FRANK ALVAN,10 son of Theron9 (8535), b. in Cuba, N. Y., 30 Mar., 1866; m. 12 May, 1891, Mary E. Witter, b. in Friendship, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1866, dau. of Joshua B. Witter, b. 1831, and Maria Sortore, b. 1836.
He is a farmer; res. in Friendship.
19923 Ada Emily,11 b. in Friendship, 20 July, 1893.

15319.   WARREN WALLACE,10 son of Dan9 (8566), b. in Scott, N. Y., 9 May, 1856; m. in Columbus, Neb., 21 Jan., 1882, Rose Haney, b. in Schoenwald, Austria, 30 Aug., 1862, dau. of Frank Haney, b. 14 Aug., 1837, and Marianna Gabriel, b. 24 Apr., 1840.
He d. in Friendship, N. Y., 20 Nov., 1886, having res. most of his life in Co­lumbus; she m. (2) 12 Apr., 1890, Frederick Seigenthaler; he is a railroad em­ployee; res. in Butte, Mont.
19924 Frank Wallace,11 b. in Columbus, 2 Jan., 1883.

15324.   HOMER FREDERICK,10 son of Warren9 (8568), b. in Friendship, N. Y., 21 Nov., 1860; m. in Friendship, 15 June, 1881, Wealthy Margaret Breadon, b. 5 May, 1862, dau. of Christopher Breadon, b. 17 Jan., 1828, and Frances Brown, b. 15 Feb., 1829.
He is a fireman and a Methodist; res. in Cadillac, Mich.
19925 Breadon Warren,11 b. in Friendship, 1 July, 1883.
19926 Ernest Lynwood,11 b. in Sargent, N. D., 16 Sept., 1885.

15325.   ADDIE BELLE,10 dau. of Warren9 (8568), b. in Friendship, N. Y., 9 May, 1866, b. in Sargent, N. D., 15 Oct., 1890, Charles Erastus Bolles, b. in Oxford, Mass., 19 Oct., 1853, son of Erastus Bolles, b. 9 Mar., 1821, and Sophronia L. Haywood, b. 6 Sept., 1823.
He is a miller and a Democrat; res. in Valley Creek, Minn., where he is Town Clerk.
19927 Roy Kellogg Bolles,11 b. 12 Mar., 1892.
19928 Herbert Warren Bolles,11 b. 12 Jan., 1895.
19929 Mildred Bolles,11 b. 20 Apr., 1897.

15326.   JENNIE ALMIRA,10 dau. of Albert Theron9 (8569), b. in Friendship, N. Y., 19 Apr., 1859; m. in Kalkaska, Mich., 2 Mar., 1880, as his second wife, George Wheeler Wooden, b. 20 Aug., 1845, son of Benjamin Wooden, b. 29 May, 1815, and Rebecca N. Wheeler, b. 27 Dec., 1819.
He is a grocer; res. in Kalkaska.

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19930 Lela Floy Wooden,11 b. in Kalkaska, 7 Mar., 1888; d. there, 12 Sept., 1888.

15327.   NETTIE MAY,10 dau. of Albert Theron9 (8569), b. in Friendship, N. Y., 11 Dec., 1861; m. in Kalkaska, 18 Oct., 1882, Chauncey C. Jencks.
They res. in Kalkaska.
19931 Leoneinie Jencks,11 b. 11 July, 1888.
19932 Margaret Mae Jencks,11 b. 10 Mar., 1894.
19933 Romana Marie Jencks,11 b. 2 Apr., 1896.
19934 Frances Louise Jencks,11 b. 16 June, 1898.

15328.   EMILY TRYPHENA,10 dau. of Albert Theron9 (8569), b. in Friend­ship, N. Y., 19 Jan., 1865; m. in Kalkaska, Mich., 23 Dec., 1881, Aldis Watson Clark.
They res. in Kalkaska.
19935 Albert William Clark,11 b. 24 Feb., 1883.
19936 Willard Bela Clark,11 b. 7 Aug., 1887.
19937 Merlin J. Clark,11 b. 16 Apr., 1896.

15329.   FREDERICK RODERICK,10 son of John Evarts9 (8570), b. in Friendship, N. Y., 5 Aug., 1864; m. in National City, Cal., 11 Sept., 1895, Flor­ence Foster, b. in Monroe, Wis., 9 Oct., 1868, dau. of John Henry Foster, b. 5 June, 1831, and Helen E. Scovil, b. 16 Dec., 1844, both of National City.
He is a locomotive engineer; res. in San Diego, Cal.
19938 Foster Frederick,11 b. 16 Mar., 1897.

15335.   JOHN KRITZER,10 son of Orzo9 (8574), b. in Sheridan, Mich., 14 Mar., 1857; m. 27 Aug., 1876, Caroline Klein, b. 9 Mar., 1858, dau. of John Klein, of Sheridan Township, Mich., b. 12 Aug., 1812, and Jacobina Youngs, b. 14 July, 1832.
He d. in Clarence, Mich., 12 Feb., 1886.
He was a farmer; res. near Albion, Mich.
19940 Oreda May,11 b. 12 Mar., 1879.
19941 Jana Irene,11 b. 4 May, 1880; is a waitress; res., unm., in Jackson, Mich.
19942 Klein,11 b. 22 Sept., 1882.

15338.   MARY DELL,10 dau. of Allen9 (8575), b. in Clarence, Mich., 24 July, 1856; m. in Jackson, Ia., 6 Apr., 1876, John Don A. Bailey, b. in Burlington, Ia., 27 Nov., 1852, son of Francis Marion Bailey, b. 30 Aug., 1825, and Eliza Jane Brown, b. 24 May, 1822.
He is a railroad employee and a Democrat; res. in Grand Island, Neb.

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19943 Bernice Maud Bailey,11 b. in Jackson, 1 Man, 1877.
19944 Willis Elmer Bailey,11 b. in Jackson, 17 Nov., 1878.
19945 Francis Allen Bailey,11 b. in Mayfield, Neb., 18 Mar., 1886.

15339.   CARRIE BELL,10 dau. of Allen9 (8575), b. in Sheridan, Mich., 31 Oct., 1858 , m. in Jackson, Ia., 18 Mar., 1877, Silas O. Woodard, b. 17 June, 1848, son of Wilson Woodard, b. 10 Mar., 1821, and Sila Trumaine, b. 18 June, 1819.
She d. in Jackson, 18 Jan., 1879.
19946 Carrie Phoebe Woodard,11 b. 20 Sept., 1878; res., unm., in Gates, Neb.

15340.   BENJAMIN OAKLEY,10 son of Allen9 (8575), b. in Sheridan, Mich., 26 Feb., 1867; m. in Lillian, Neb., 20 Dec., 1891, Marian Hazen, b. in Munson, O., 2 July, 1873, dau. of George W. Hazen, b. 4 Aug., 1844, and Alice Woodard, b. 16 Nov., 1850.
He is a farmer; res. in Lillian.
Children, b. in Lillian.
19947 Benjamin Oakley,11 b. 15 Oct., 1892.
19948 George Allen,11 b. 25- Oct., 1896.
19949 Claud Avillo,11 b. 25 Mar., 1899.

15341.   WILLIAM JAY,10 son of Charles White9 (8576), b. in Sheridan, Mich., 20 Sept., 1856; m. in Kingston, Ia., 24 Dec., 1878, Amanda Burkholder, b. in Burlington, Ia., 2 Oct., 1854, dau. of John Burkholder, b. 18 Feb., 1813, and Catherine Ingram, b. 5 Feb., 1826.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Kingston.
Children, all except Leslie J., b. in Cairo, Neb.
19950 Katie May,11 b. 30 Sept., 1879; m. in Burlington, 16 Feb., 1898, John Worth; res. in Burlington.
19951 John Charles,11 b. 25 Aug., 1881.
19952 Lida Workman,11 b. 7 Nov., 1883.
19953 Mattie Mabel,11 b. 9 May, 1886.
19954 Leslie Jay,11 b. in Wood River, Neb., 7 Sept., 1890 3 d. in Enid, Okla., 26 Aug., 1895.
19955 Earl Harby,11 b. 31 Jan., 1892.

15342.   WALTER PALMER,10 son of Charles White9 8576), b. in Clarence, Mich., 9 Oct., 1858; m. in Grand Island, Neb., 3 Jan., 1882, Cora Estella Hay­ward, b. in Blissfield, Mich., 25 Mar., 1863, dau. of Horace Hamilton Hayward and Ellen Drew.
He is a farmer and stock raiser; res. in Cairo, Neb.
19956 Nitah May,11 b. in Grand Island, 2 May, 1885.

15344.   EMMA MAY,10 dau. of Charles White9 (8576), b. in Clarence, Mich., 23 May, 1862 3 m. in St. Paul, Neb., 19 June, 1884, Anthony Hildebrandt, b. in

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1641

Baltimore, Md., 12 Mar., 1856, son of John Hildebrandt, b. 3 Sept., 1830, and Mary Caroline Dunchen, b. 9 Mar., 1820.
He is a hotel keeper, a Catholic and a Republican; res. in Arcadia, Neb.
19957 Gladys Hildebrandt,11 b. in Grand Island, Neb., 31 Jan., 1887.

15353.   ELLSWORTH LESTER,10 son of Oscar Alonzo9 (8586), b. in Wyo­cena, Wis., 20 Mar., 1867; m. in Portage, Wis, 12 Nov., 1894, Emma Rachel Ryan, b. in Wyocena, 4 Sept., 1866, dau. of John Ryan and Jane Fogue.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Wyocena.
19958 Pearl Elizabeth,11 b. in Fort Winnebago, Wis., 9 May, 1898.

15354.   WILLIAM ISRAEL,10 son of Oscar Alonzo9 (8586), b. in Clintonville, Wis., 13 Sept., 1868, b. in Wyocena, Wis., 22 Nov., 1893, Anna M. Newton, b. in Rock Island, Ill., 8 July, 1868, dau. of Thomas Newton, b. 5 July, 1833, and Mary May Mehan, b. 1 May, 1851.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Pardeeville, Wis.
Children, first two b. in Wyocana, last two in Pardeeville.
19959 Lilah Fern,11 b. 21 Oct., 1893.
19960 Charles Newton,11 b. 4 Mar., 1895.
19961 Basil De Puy,11 b. 24 July, 1897.
19962 Oscar Alonzo,11 b. 7 June, 1899.

15362.   DR. CHARLES MONTGOMERY,10 son of Montgomery Alexander9 (8593), b. in Cuyahoga Falls, O., 29 Mar., 1852; m. in Stockport, N. Y., 10 Dec., 1875, Elizabeth Ostrom, b. in Stockport, 14 May, 1853, dau. of Alfred Ostrom, b. Sept., 1817, and Elizabeth Van Hagen, b. 7 Aug., 1818, of Stockport.
He was a physician from 1873 to 1881, and later a manufacturer of narrow fabrics; is a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Dobb's Ferry, N. Y.; was graduated from the Medical Department, Columbia College, 1873, and from the College of Physicians and Surgeons.
19963 Harriet Huyck,11 b. in Fordham, N. Y., 25 Dec., 1875.
19964 Alfred Ostrom,11 b. in Peekskill, N. Y., 25 Dec., 1877.
19965 Frances Meikleham,11 b. in Peekskill, 16 Jan., 1880.

15367.   SYLVESTER TRUMAN,10 son of John Olmsted9 (8607), b. in Nor­walk, Conn., 11 Jan., 1866; m. 16 May, 1889, Grace Amelia Fuller, b. in Silver Creek, N. Y., 8 Apr., 1868, dau. of Frederick De Forrest Fuller, b. 29 Aug., 1837, and Lucy Mary Clothier, b. 27 Mar., 1838.
He is a bank clerk; res. in Yonkers, N. Y.
19966 Marguerite Renshaw,11 b. 17 Feb., 1890.
19967 Charles Linnsley,11 b. 7 Feb., 1892.
19968 Ruth Baird,11 b. 16 Nov., 1895.
19970 Sylvester Truman,11 b. 20 Sept., 1899.
19971 William King,11 b. 22 June, 1901.

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15384.   IDA MIRANDA,10 dau. of Lewis9 (8627), b. in Cambria, Ia., 17 Mar., 1866; m. in Cambria, 3 Sept., 1890, William Sherman Hill, b. in Grand View, Ill., 3 June, 1863, son of Joseph Hill, b. 18 Aug., 1837, and Rebecca Braden, b. 14 Nov., 1836.
He is a dealer in agricultural implements; a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Alexandria, S. D.
19972 Joseph Lewis Hill,11 b. in Alexandria, 11 Sept., 1893.
19973 William Braden Hill,11 b. in Beaumont, Tex., 9 May, 1895.
19974 Emory Kellogg Hill,11 b. in Alexandria, 6 Jan., 1898.

15385.   NETTIE,10 dau. of Lewis9 (8627), b. in Cambria, Ia., 29 July, 1871; m. in Clio, Ia., 1 Oct., 1893, Henry Mayo Kirby, b. in Cambria, 30 Apr., 1871, son of Henry B. Kirby and Judith Mayo.
He is a real estate agent; res. in Keokuk, Ia.
19975 Adrian McKinley Kirby,11 b. in Lucas, Ia., 3 Jan., 1894.
19976 Arthur Kellogg Kirby,11 b. in Corydon, Ia., 9 July, 1896.

15393.   MABEL GOODALE,10 dau. of Martin9 (8633), b. in Whitehall, N. Y., 15 Nov., 1868 5 m. in Albuquerque, N. M., 29 Nov., 1892, James Edward Elder, b. in Harrisburg, Pa., 30 Aug., 1865, son of James Elder, b. 18 Aug., 1826, and Rebecca Orth Whitehill, b. 14 Aug., 1828.
He is a telephone superintendent; a Presbyterian; res. in Albuquerque.
Children, b. in Albuquerque.
19977 Edward Elder,11 b. 11 May, 1895; d. 12 May, same year.
19978 James Kellogg Elder,11 b. 15 Apr., 1896.

15400.   ANN ELIZA,10 dau. of Burr Smith9 (8638), b. in Troy, N. Y., 13 Sept., 1851; m. as his second Wife, in Ocean Grove, N. J., 17 Oct., 1881, Hugh Jarvis Hunt, b. in Pontiac, Mich., 19 Sept., 1838, son of Thomas J. Hunt, b. 30 Dec., 1795, and Mary McFadden, b. in N. Y., 1795.
He is a lumberman; an Episcopalian and a Democrat; res. in New York City, and later in Asbury Park, N. J.
19979 Arthur Kellogg Hunt,11 b. in Alpena, Mich., 13 Sept., 1887.

15402.   GRACE OTIS,10 dau. of Charles Day9 (8639), b. in Dedham, Mass., 6 Nov., 1851; m. in Englewood, N. J., 1 Oct., 1874, Robert Winthrop Pratt, b. in Jamaica Plain, Mass., 27 Sept., 1851, son of John Curtis Pratt, b. 1818; and Maria Russell.
She d. in Boston, Mass., 21 Nov., 1886.
He was a merchant; is in the United States Sub-Treasury; is a member of the Episcopal Church, and is a Republican; res. in Jamaica Plain.
19980 Robert Winthrop Pratt,11 b. in Brookline, Mass., 21 Dec., 1875.

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19981 Russell Kellogg Pratt,11 b. in Pittsburg, Pa., 27 June, 1880.
19982 Mary Elizabeth Cobb Pratt,11 b. in Brookline, 4 Sept., 1883.

15409.   LAWRENCE HALL,10 son of Day Otis9 (8642), b. in Providence, R. I., 20 May, 1870; m. in Ogontz, Pa., Mar., 1891, Eva Ella Roberts, b. 19 July, 1870, dau. of Charles Roberts, of Ogontz, and Hannah Chandler.
He is a civil engineer; a Protestant Episcopalian and a Republican with Prohibition tendencies; res. in Philadelphia, Pa.; was graduated from the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, 1890.
Children, b. in Philadelphia.
19983 Edith Virginia,11 b. 19 July, 1892; d. 22 Oct., 1893.
19984 Eva Roberts,11 b. 2 Apr., 1894.

15412.   KATHERINE LOUISE,10 dau. of Charles Annable9 (8643), b. in Ann Arbor, Mich., 14 Aug., 1847; m. (1) Silas E. Stone.
She m. (2) in San Francisco, Cal., 1876, Robert C. Ball; he d. about 1899; was an architect; res. in Oakland; she d. in San Francisco, 30 July, 1902.
19985 Charles E. Stone,11 b. 1870; res. in San Francisco.

15417.   LILLIAS CHRISTINE,10 dau. of Dan Whiting9 (8647), b. in Buffalo, N. Y., 14 Dec., 1861; m. in Auburn, N. Y., 19 Oct., 1887, Andrew Lee Chapman, b. in Scipio, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1860, son of Andrew Jackson Chapman, b. 18 Jan., 1829, and Eliza Ann Brown.
He is a contractor and builder; a Republican; res. in Auburn.
19986 Leslie Kellogg Chapman,11 b. in Groton, N. Y., 31 Dec., 1888.
19987 Grace Elizabeth Chapman,11 b. in Groton, 24 Dec., 1890.
19988 Paul Andrew Chapman,11 b. in Auburn, 10 Sept., 1898.

15428.   GRACE EDDY,10 dau. of Warren Todd9 (8662), b. in Lansingburg, N. Y., 14 Nov., 1866; m. 22 Nov., 1890, Charles Leroy Pine, b. 18 July, 1866, son of James Knox Polk Pine, b. 22 Nov., 1843, and Clara Marie Adams, b. 18 Mar., 1846, of Lansingburg.
He is a manufacturer of shirts, collars and cuffs; is a Presbyterian; res. in Lansingburg.
Children, b. in Lansingburg.
19989 Ruth Kellogg Pine,11 b. 2 Mar., 1893.
19990 Warren Knox Pine,11 b. 19 Mar., 1896; d. 29 Dec., 1896.

15433.   JOSEPH AUGUSTUS,10 son of Rev. Charles Dor9 (8667), b. in Wil­mington, Del., 13 May, 1865; m. 29 Nov., 1893, Emma Ada Potter, b. in Brook­lyn, N. Y., 18 May, 1870, dau. of William Albert Potter, b. 13 Sept., 1837, and Emma Bailey, b. 15 Mar., 1848.
He is a lawyer; a Presbyterian; res. in Glen's Falls, N. Y.; was graduated from Columbia College Law School, 1885, and was Assistant Attorney General of the State of New York, 1892 and 1893.

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19991 Emma Ada,11 b. 2 Nov., 1894.

15436.   CATHERINE (KATE),10 dau. of Rev. Charles Dor9 (8667), b. 24 Feb., 1872; m. Joseph Parry Monty, b. 19 Nov., 1866, son of Daniel M. Monty, and Louise Parry, both of Sandy Hill, N. Y.
He is a contractor; a Republican; res. in Sandy Hill.
19992 Daniel M. Monty,11 b. 23 Apr., 1897.
19993 Mary Kellogg Monty,11 b. 28 Apr., 1898.
19994 Louise Parry Monty,11 b. 28 Apr., 1898.

15527.   HELEN,10 dau. of James Bradford9 (8771), b. 23 May, 1862; m. in Milwaukee, Wis., 24 Mar., 1880, Charles Philip Woodruff, b. in Conesus, N. Y., 17 May, 1855, son of Wayne J. Woodruff and Calista A. Chapin.
He is a newspaper writer; a member of the Baptist Church; was graduated from Cornell University, 1876; res. in Rochester, N. Y.
Children, b. in Rochester.
19995 Robert Wayne Woodruff,11 b. 26 June, 1881.
19996 Alice Amelia Woodruff,11 b. 11 Apr., 1891.
19997 James Kellogg Woodruff,11 b. 23 Nov., 1897.
19998 Harold Philip Woodruff,11 b. 26 Mar., 1901.

15528.   JAMES BRADFORD,10 son of Horace9 (8772), b. in Ripley, O., 29 June, 1850; m. in Pittsburg, Pa., 8 Jan., 1873, Agnes Jane Mercer, b. in Pitts­burg, 21 Sept., 1850, dau. of James Mercer, b. in Pittsburg, Oct., 1825, and Margaret Scott Mercer, b. in Pittsburg, 12 May, 1825.
He d. in Clinton, Pa., 29 Jan., 1884; she res. in Pittsburg.
He was graduated from Neuwied-on-Rhine, Germany; is a Presbyterian and a Republican.
19999 Horace Bradford,11 b. in Tuscaloosa, Ala., 18 Sept., 1873.
20000 Eliza Boden,11 b. in Tuscaloosa, 18 Sept., 1873.
20001 Catherine Louise,11 b. Rising Farm, Ga, 4 Jan., 1875; d. in Wilkins­burg, Pa., 15 Oct., 1892.

15530.   ANNA EVANS,10 dau. of Horace9 (8772), b. in Ripley, O., 18 Nov., 1860; m. in Wichita, Kas., 23 Mar., 1882, John David Alexander, b. in Lebanon, Ill., 10 Mar., 1859, son of Daniel Payton Alexander, b. 3 June, 1833, and Sarah M. Stiles, b. 21 Jan., 1834.
He is a railway contractor; a Republican; res. in Wichita.
20002 Horace John Alexander,11 b. 18 Nov., 1885.

15539.   THOMAS HOPKINS,10 son of Eli Edgar9 (8776), b. in Cincinnati, O., 7 Mar., 1859; m. in Denver, Col., 23 Mar., 1883, Almeda Sarah Brown, b. in Vinton Co., O., 30 Apr., 1867, dau. of Joshua Brown.
She d. in Denver, 12 Aug., 1895.
He is a merchant; res. in Denver.

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Children, b. in Denver.
20003 Thula Bell,11 b. 23 Mar., 1884.
20004 Bessie May,11 b. 1 May, 1885.

15540.   HELEN LILLA,10 dau. of Henry Barnard9 (8780), b. in Milwaukee, Wis., 24 Sept., 1869; m. in Milwaukee, 25 Nov., 1890, Frank Burdo Hunting­ton, b. in Milwaukee, Nov., 1867, son of Charles Palmer Huntington, b. in Wil­limantic, Conn., 18 Dec., 1833, and Frances Maria Davis, b. 1 Jan., 1847.
She d. 29 July, 1897.
He is traveling auditor for the Wisconsin Central Railway; res. in Mil­waukee.
20005 Kellogg Huntington,11 b. 1 Oct., 1891.
20006 Charles Palmer Huntington,11 b. 27 Nov., 1894.

15580.   CHARLES,10 son of Willard Mayo9 (8887), b. in Amherst, Mass., 26 Nov., 1843; m. in Prescott, Mass., 30 Nov., 1876, Clara Augusta Paige, b. in Prescott, 1849, dau. of Francis Paige, b. 1817, and Elzadie Haskins, b. 1820.
She d. in Amherst, 1 Oct., 1894.
He is a farmer, a Congregationalist and a Democrat; res. in Amherst.
Children, b. in Amherst.
20007 Francis Willard,11 b. 29 Jan., 1878.
20008 Leon Mayo,11 b. 25 Sept., 1879; d. 11 Mar., 1883.
20009 Edward Arthur,11 b. 6 June, 1881.
20010 Elzadie Haskins,11 b. 21 Jan., 1883; d. 28 Nov., same year.

15587.   GILES MELCHER,10 son of Daniel9 (8890), b. in Hadley, Mass., 16 Aug., 1863; m. in Whately, Mass., 11 Nov., 1891, Frances Angeline Crafts, b. 24 Mar., 1867, dau. of Bela Kellogg Crafts, b. 19 Oct., 1841, and Juliette Mon­tague Cook (9163), b. 15 Oct., 1847. Bela Kellogg Crafts was grandson of Lucy (Kellogg) Crafts (+1535).
He is a farmer; res. in Hadley; is a member of the Congregational Church and a Republican.
20011 Howard Fletcher,11 b. in Hadley, 9, Oct., 1895.

15589.   JANE McAFEE,10 dau. of George Bradley9 (8897), b. in Rockingham, Vt., 23 Sept., 1849; m. in St. Louis, Mo., 17 Jan., 1872, Victor William Fisher, b. in Prague, Germany, 30 Sept., 1844, son of Dr. Gustavus Fisher, b. in Prague, 10 Mar., 1812, and Rosa Taussig, b. in Prague, 28 Sept., 1821.
He is clerk in a banking house in St. Louis; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y., and later in St. Louis.
Children, all except youngest b. in Brooklyn.
20012 Mary Lee Fisher,11 b. 22 Oct., 1872; m. in St. Louis, 29 May, 1896, Alfred Leonard Fassett, b. 30 Aug., 1873, son of Alfred Keith

1646    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Fassett, b. 31 Dec., 1821, and Margaret F. Watson, b. 22 Feb., 1842; he is a dealer in diamonds.
20013 James Edward Fisher,11 b. 22 Oct., 1872.
20014 Guy Kellogg Fisher,11 b. 29 Jan., 1875.
20015 Rosa McAfee Fisher,11 b. in St. Louis, 19 Nov., 1878.

15593.   MERAB ANN BRADLEY,10 dau. of Daniel9 (8900), b. in Brattleboro, Vt., 27 Apr., 1865, m. in Westminster, Vt., 17 Oct., 1883, John Harris Williams, b. in Bellows Falls, Vt., 18 Nov., 1849, son of James Henry Williams, b. 14 Jan., 1812, and Frances Mary Hapgood, b. 31 July, 1811.
He is treasurer of the Bellows Falls Savings Institution; is an Episcopalian; res. in Bellows Falls.
Children, b. in Bellows Falls.
20016 Mary Kellogg Williams,11 b. 27 May, 1885.
20017 Alice Brooks Williams,11 b. 23 Sept., 1887.
20018 Merab Bradley Williams,11 b. 28 June, 1895.
20019 John Harris Williams,11 b. 8 June, 1897.

15595.   MARY ELIZA,10 dau. of Charles Field9 (8903), b. in Amherst, Mass., 14 Aug., 1839; m. (1) in Fond du Lac, Wis., 15 Nov., 1861, Edward Thomas Odekirk, b. in Rensselaer, N. Y., Apr., 1835.
He d. in Camp Randall, Madison, Wis., 22 Apr., 1864; enlisted 31 Mar., 1864, in the Thirty-eighth Wisconsin Infantry, Co. A , was Quartermasters Ser­geant; she m. (2) in Hartford, Conn., 19 June, 1867, Hamlet Fairchild Roberts, b. in East Hartford, Conn., 9 July, 1829, son of Joseph Roberts, b. 25 Dec., 1789, and Harriet Smith, b. 26 July, 1794; he served as Lieut. in Co. A, Twenty-first Reg., Connecticut Infantry, from 11 Aug., 1862, to 13 Apr., 1864; was United States Mail Route Agent between Waterbury, Conn., and Boston, Mass.; is a Con­gregationalist and a Republican.
Child by first husband.
20020 Carrie Marsh Odekirk,11 b. in Fond du Lac, 28 Feb., 1863; is unm.
Children by second husband.
20021 Charles Waldo Roberts,11 b. in Waterbury, 10 Aug., 1870; is unm.
20022 Nina Lawrence Roberts,11 b. in Waterbury, 4 June, 1873; m. 6 Sept., 1898, Rev. Vernon Henry Deming; had one child.

15607.   HENRY DRAPER,10 son of Theodore Preston9 (8916), b. in Chicago, Ill., 23 Aug., 1868; m. 23 Oct., 1892, Lillie Nicol, b. in Gartly, Scotland, 19 July, 1874, dau. of George Nicol, b. 1 Oct., 1854, and Ellen Simpson, b. 30 Mar., 1858.
He is a police officer; res. in Chicago.
Children, b. in Chicago.
20021 Catherine,11 b. 15 May, 1894.
20024 A Child,11 b. 25 July, 1897; d. 14 Aug., same year.
20025 Theodore Preston,11 b. 18 July, 1898.

15608.   TIMOTHY HUBBARD,10 son of Theodore Preston9 (8916), b. in Ar­lington Heights, Ill., 9 Jan., 1873 3 m. 8 July, 1899, Alice Maud Chidley: b. in

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1647

Hamilton, Ont., 28 Jan., 1874, dau. of Alfred Chidley, b. 8 Nov., 1848, and Mary McCue.
He is a farmer; res. in Arlington Heights.
20026 George Edwin,11 b. in Arlington Heights, 24 Apr., 1900.

15637.   CHARLES WRIGHT,10 son of Gardner9 (8925), b. 26 Apr., 1868; m. 18 Nov., 1890, Lena May Cooper, b. in Switzerland, 7 Apr., 1871, dau. of _______ Cooper, b. in Switzerland, 4 June, 1830, and Mary Henzi, b. 1 May, 1831, who came to America in 1874, and settled in Marshalltown, Ia.
He res. in Seattle, Wash.
20027 Gladys Merriam,11 b. 14 June, 1891.
20028 Ruth,11 b. 12 Feb., 1895.
20029 A Child,11 b. in Olympia, Wash., 31 Jan., 1896.

15663.   MARY CHARLOTTE,10 dau. of Seth William9 (8953), b. in Ancaster, Ont, 15 Jan., 1849; m. in Haldimand, Ont., 3 Dec., 1866, John Sanders, b. in Salt Fleet, Canada, 14 Apr., 1844, son of Jonathan Sanders, of England.
He is a Methodist; a laborer; res. in Barton, Ont.
Children, b. in Ancaster.
20030 Rosella Maria Sanders,11 b. 28 Sept., 1867; m. in Barton, 28 Sept., 1886, Thomas Barriaze; res. in Clear Lake, Ont.
20031 John William Sanders,11 b. 20 Jan., 1869; d. in Barton, 1 Oct., 1888.
20032 Margaret Jane Sanders,11 b. 20 Apr., 1870; m. in Hamilton, 1 Oct., 1891, William Hobbsess; res. in Hamilton.
20033 James Henry Sanders,11 b. 5 Oct., 1872; m. in Hamilton, 7 Mar., 1900, Maggie Hartley; res. in Hamilton.
Children, all except last three, b. in Glanford, Canada.
20034 Charles Edward Sanders,11 b. 5 June, 1874; m. in Hamilton, 19 Sept., 1895, Agnes Smith; res. in Hamilton.
20035 Ellen Eliza Sanders,11 b. 20 Jan., 1875; d. in Haldimand, 28 Aug., 1875.
20036 Elsie May Sanders,11 b. 28 May, 1876; m. in Hamilton, 19 Aug., 1896, Charles Wright; res. in Hamilton.
20037 Ida Maud Sanders,11 b. 28 May, 1876; m. in Hamilton, 30 Aug., 1899, Ernest David Brown; res. in Chedoke, Canada.
20038 Frederick Sanders,11 b. 4 Mar., 1878; is unm.
20039 Bessie Mone Sanders,11 b. 5 Oct., 1879; is unm.
20040 Arthur Eli Sanders,11 b. in Ancaster, 7 June, 1881; d. in Barton, 5 May, 1882.
20041 Amelia Elita Sanders,11 b. in Barton, 17 Feb., 1884.
20042 John Walter Sanders,11 b. in Barton, 1 Dec., 1890.

15664.   MARGARET ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Seth William9 (8953), b. 2 Sept., 1850; m. (1) in Ancaster, Canada, 7 Mar., 1872, John Slaughter, b. on the Atlantic Ocean, 19 June, 1837, son of James Slaughter and Susan _______.
He d. in Seaforth, Canada, Mar., 1888; was a farmer and a Methodist; res.

1648    The Kelloggs in the New World.

in Ancaster; she m. (2) as his second Wife, in Jackson, Mich., 25 Apr., 1884, Solomon Mattice, who m. (1) her cousin, Mary Margaret Lewis (15679), b. in Toboco, Canada, 10 June, 1842, son of Solomon Mattice and _______ Houdan; he is a laborer; a Methodist; res. in Concord, Mich.
Children, first two b. in Glanford, others in Seaforth, Canada.
20043 John Wesley Slaughter,11 b. 22 Mar., 1873; res. unm., in Concord.
20044 Vesta Mahillie Slaughter,11 b. 24 Oct., 1875; m. in Spring Arbor, Mich., 3 May, 1897, James Allen; res. in Johnson, Mich.
20045 Janette Elizabeth Slaughter,11 b. 27 Mar., 1877; m. in Concord, 28 Feb., 1898, Frank Delos Jones, b. 18 Mar., 1863; res. in Parma, Mich.
20046 Clara Annie Slaughter,11 b. 24 Aug., 1878; m. in Spring Arbor, Mich., 24 Dec., 1896, Charles H. Brodock, b. about 1869; res. in Concord.
20047 Sarah Ellabelle Slaughter,11 b. 5 June, 1882; is unm.
20048 William James Slaughter,11 b. 22 Aug., 1885; is unm.

15667.   MALCOLM FRAZER,10 son of Seth William9 (8953), b. in Canada, 29 Oct., 1856; m. 22 Nov., 1880, Ida Jane Gage, b. in Hunters Creek, Mich., 24 Apr., 1860, dau. of Joel Enos Gage, b. 31 Dec., 1809, and Susan Perry, b. 10 July, 1819.
He is a farmer; a Baptist and a Democrat; res. in Hunters Creek.
Children, b. in Hunters Creek.
20049 Loren Frazer,11 b. 31 Jan., 1882.
20050 Ward Lewis,11 b. 4 Apr., 1884.
20051 George Seth,11 b. 7 Jan., 1886.
20052 Mabel Jane,11 b. 1 Aug., 1891.
20053 Leo Roy,11 b. 21 Jan., 1894.
20054 Clayton Allen,11 b. 15 July, 1896.
20055 Alger Enos,11 b. 21 Aug., 1898.

15672.   DORCAS ANN,10 dau. of Seth William9 (8953), b. in Ancaster, Ont., 30 May, 1867; m. in Barton, Ont., as his second wife, 1 Jan., 1889, Arthur Ran­som Sauls, b. 14 Aug., 1863, son of Ransom Sauls and Margaret Webster.
They res. in North Hamilton, Ont.; he is a member of the English Church; a Reformer in politics.
Children, b. in Glanford, Canada.
20056 Lily May Sauls,11 b. 11 Mar., 1890.
20057 Violet Matilda Sauls,11 b. 10 Mar., 1891.
20058 Rhoda Belle Sauls,11 b. 28 Sept., 1892.
20059 Ella Pearl Sauls,11 b. in Hamilton, 11 Mar., 1899.

15674.   JOHN EDWARD,10 son of Seth William9 (8953), b. in Ancaster, Ont; 9 Mar., 1869; m. 31 Jan., 1893, Mary Ann Overend, b. in Toronto, Canada; 22 Dec., 1873, dau. of George Overend, b. 9 Feb., 1834, and Margaret Young, b. 1 Apr., 1847.
He is a laborer; a Methodist; res. in Buffalo, N. Y.
Children, b. in Hamilton, Canada.
20060 Florence May,11 b. 29 June, 1894.
20061 John William,11 b. 23 May, 1896.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1649

15716.   ELIJAH WOLSEY,10 son of Isaac9 (8976), b. in Robinson, Ill., 2 Oct., 1840; m. (1) in Marshall, Ill., Minerva Higgins; (2) in Robinson, 6 Jan., 1866, Sarah Markee, b. 28 Dee, 1840, dau. of James Markee and Rhoda Johnson. She is a half sister of William Markee, who m. Rachel Kellogg (+8979).
He d. in Glasco, Kas., 25 July, 1897, where she res. after his death.
He res. in Marshall and Robinson; served as private in Co. H, Eleventh Missouri; enlisted in 1861 and was discharged in 1866; was a farmer and a Re­publican.
20062 John Piley,11 b. in Robinson, 13 Sept., 1867; m. in Robinson, Lenora Agnes Otey; res. in Glasco.
20063 Laura Malinda,11 b. in Lawrenceville, Ill., 10 June, 1875; m. John William Coles.

15719.   ELIZA JANE,10 dau. of Isaac9 (8976), b. in Palestine, Ill., 20 July, 1852; m. in Robinson, Ill., 25 Aug., 1867, Alfred Elijah Slusher, b. in Moorefield, W. Va., 18 Aug., 1842, son of Alfred Slusher and Nancy Skidmore.
He d. in Kingfisher, Okla., 10 Mar., 1894.
He was a carpenter; served in the civil war as a private in Co. E, Fifty-first Illinois Reg.; was a member of the Christian Union and a Republican; res. in Waukomis, Okla.
20064 Laura Amelia Slusher,11 b. in Blanchester, O., 9 July, 1868; m. in Greensburg, Kas., 13 Mar., 1888, William Vogt; res. in Kingfisher.
20065 Frederick Elton Slusher,11 b. in Level Station, O., 8 Nov., 1871; m. in Cleo, Okla., 16 Jan., 1901, Nettie Steele.; res. in Galena, Okla.
20066 Ida May Slusher,11 b. in Blanchester, 17 Aug.,41874; m. in Enid, Okla., 18 Apr., 1897, Frederick Haunstein; res. in Waukomis, Okla.
20067 Howard Clissold Slusher,11 b. in Blanchester, 21 May, 1877.
20068 Minnie Abi Slusher,11 b. in Blanchester, 21 Oct., 1879.
20069 William Arthur Slusher,11 b. in Blanchester, 7 Mar., 1882.
20070 Worllie Allen Slusher,11 b. in Glasco, Kas., 4 Aug., 1884; d. in Glasco, 25 Dec., 1885.
20071 Harvey Harold Slusher,11 b. in Mullinville, Kas., 2 June, 1887.

15744.   ORA,10 dau. of George Washington9 (8982), b. in Charleston, Ill., 9 Feb., 1876; m. in Charleston, 2 Nov., 1896, Jesse H. Vergeason.
They res. in Denver, Col.
Child, b. in Charleston.
20072 Ruth Vergeason,11 b. 10 Sept., 1897.

15760.   CHARLES PALMER,10 son of Palmer Vose9 (8999), b. in Utica, N. Y.,31 May, 1837; m. in Fulton, N. Y., 20 Feb., 1861, Sarah H. Case.
He d. 20 Apr., 1883.
He was a director in the Merchants Savings Loan & Trust Co., of Chicago; was a wholesale clothing merchant in Chicago.
20073 A Son,11 b. and d. 1863.
20074 Palmer Vose,11 b. 27 Oct., 1864; d. unm., 30 Apr., 1887.
20075 Emma Lois,11 b. 8 Dec., 1867; m. Pierpont Isham.

1650    The Kelloggs in the New World.

15763.   MARY WARREN,10 dau. of Palmer Vose9 (8999), b. in Utica, N. Y., 1 May, 1844; m. in Utica, 4 Sept., 1866, Thomas Henderson Doane, b. in Cats­kill, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1841, son of John Doane, b. 1 May, 1813, and Maria Schuy­ler, b. 17 Apr., 1814.
He is a commission merchant in Chicago; res. in Oak Park, Ill.; is a mem­ber of the Presbyterian Church.
20076 Kellogg Schuyler Doane,11 b. in Chicago, 15 Feb., 1868.
20077 Charles Palmer Doane,11 b. in Utica, 17 May, 1870.
20078 Philip Pieterson Schuyler Doane,11 b. in Oak Park, 16 Aug., 1872; is a physician; res. in Chicago.
20079 Rachel Anne Doane,11 b. in Oak Park, 19 June, 1874.
20080 Edith Shankland Doane,11 b. in Oak Park, 22 Apr., 1877.
20081 John Doane,11 b. 19 May, 1879; d. in Oak Park, 5 Oct., 1891.

15767.   GRACE OWEN,10 dau. of Palmer Vose9 (8999), b. 13 Sept., 1868; m. John Rodney Harvey.
They res. in Grants Pass, Or.
20082 Gysbert Van Steemoyk Harvey,11 b. 27 Sept., 1891.
20083 Maria Louise Harvey,11 b. 7 Sept., 1893.
20084 John Stewart Harvey,11 b. Apr., 1895.

15780.   SARAH UNDERHILL,10 dau. of Gustavus Adolphus9 (9004), b. in Utcea, N. Y., 26 July, 1850; m. 8 June, 1875, Francis Marion Burdick, b. in De Ruyter, N. Y., 1 Aug., 1845, son of Albert G. Burdick, b. in De Ruyter, 22 Mar., 1807, and Eunetia Yale Wheeler, b. in Nelson, N. Y., 31 May, 1817.
He is a lawyer; is a professor in the Columbia Law School, New York City.
He d. July 1920 at De Ruyter, N. Y.
20085 Anna Van Eps Burdick,11 b. 24 Feb., 1877.
20086 Katherine Pearly Burdick,11 b. 9 Dec., 1880.
20087 Charles Kellogg Burdick,11 b. 7 Feb., 1883.
20088 Flora Margaret Burdick,11 b. 14 June, 1884.

15783.   RACHEL ANNA,10 dau. of Charles Cushman9 (9005), b. in Utica, N. Y., 31 Mar., 1859; m. 13 June, 1888, Henry Livingston Van Winkle, b. in Belleville, N. J., 12 June, 1860, son of Isaac Schoonmaker Van Winkle, b. in Geneva, N. Y., 8 Aug., 1824, and Isabella Duncan, b. in Manchester, England, 17 Dec., 1833.
He is an iron and steel merchant; res. in San Francisco.
20089 Kellogg Van Winkle,11 b. 4 Apr., 1889.
20090 Isabella Anna Van Winkle,11 b. 23 Mar., 1892.
20091 Evelyn Rachel Van Winkle,11 b. 17 May, 1893.

15786.   COL. FREDERICK SHEFFIELD,10 son of Charles Cushman9 (9005), b. in Utica, N. Y., 5 Jan., 1866; m. 7 Oct., 1896, Elizabeth Walcott, b. 27 Jan.,

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1651

1875, dau. of William Stuart Walcott, of New York Mills, N. Y., b. 11 Feb., 1843, and Emma A. Welch, b. 13 May, 1847.
He is a wholesale plumber; res. in Utica; was graduated from Yale College (Sheffield Scientific), 1887; is a member of the First Presbyterian Church; was appointed by Gov. Morton, Assistant Quartermaster General.
20092 Stuart Walcott,11 b. 16 Aug., 1897.

15787.   SPENCER,10 son of Charles Cushman9 (9005), b. in Utica, N. Y., 28 Mar., 1867; m. 8 Oct., 1890, Elizabeth Gardner Brownell, b. 3 Feb., 1869, dau. of Charles George Brownell, b. 8 Apr., 1838, and Martha Jean Grant, b. 4 Mar., 1842.
He res. in Utica.
20093 Margarette Stuart,11 b. 27 July, 1893.

15793.   ELIZABETH FOSTER,10 dau. of John William9 (9030), b. 3 Apr., 1866; m. in Sherman Mills, Me., 7 Dec., 1889, Walter Thomas Doton Spooner, b. 7 Dec., 1859, son of Henry Clay Spooner, b. 15 Sept., 1829, and Mary Ann Beath, b. 13 Jan., 1830.
He is a cooper; a Republican; res. in Sherman Mills.
20094 Wallace Kellogg Spooner,11 b. 28 Feb., 1894.
20095 John Spooner,11 b. 16 May, 1895.

15795.   WESLEY CALDWELL,10 son of Deacon John William9 (9030), b. 30 Sept., 1869; m. in Sherman Mills, Me., 24 Nov., 1897, Geneva Augusta In­galls, b. 10 Aug., 1871, dau. of James Porter Ingalls, b. 11 Feb., 1841, and Ruth Cynthia Emery, b. 19 May, 1849.
He is a merchant; a Republican; res. in Braggville, Me.
20096 Frederick Ernest,11 b. 20 June, 1899.

15810.   CHARLES MERRITT,10 son of Dr. Merritt Gardner9 (9060), b. in Battle Creek, Mich., 22 Aug., 1856; m. 18 June, 1882, Frances Elizabeth Wear, b. in Mountain View, Cal., 17 Mar., 1860, dau. of Joseph Addison Wear, b. 15 Nov., 1827, and Missouri Ann Lewis, b. 7 May, 1832.
He d. 20 Sept., 1889.
He was graduated from the California State Normal School, 1877; later taught school in Mayfield, Cal.
20097 Leslie Eleanor,11 b. 23 Jan., 1884; res., unm., in Arroyo Grande, Cal.

15812.   ARTHUR EDWIN,10 son of Smith Moses9 (9061), b. in Battle Creek, Mich., 23 May, 1867; m. in Charlotte, Mich., 3 Nov., 1886, Clarissa E. Bliss, b. in Princeville, Ill., 14 Nov., 1864, dau. of Abner Bliss, b. 23 May, 1828, and Lydia M. Miller, b. 3 Oct., 1828.

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20098 Harry Edwin,11 b. in Mount Pleasant, Ia., 25 June, 1888.
20099 Lena Grace,11 b. in Marshalltown, Ia., 7 Nov., 1890.
20100 Anna Maurine,11 b. in Princeville, 16 Dec., 1895.

15813.   WALTER EUGENE,10 son of Smith Moses9 (9061), b. in Battle Creek, Mich., 13 Mar., 1870; m. in Tuscola, Ill., 9 Dec., 1894, Myrtle Ethlyn La Rue, b. in Nevins, Ill., 11 Mar., 1873, dau. of Smith La Rue, b. 10 Mar., 1840, and Antoinette Clark, b. 2 June, 1849, of Casey, Ill.
He is a broom and brush maker; res. in Paris, Ill.; is a Methodist and a Re­publican.
20101 Gladys Irene,11 b. in Tuscola, 28 Sept., 1895.
20102 Paul Murton,11 b. in Paris, 4 Dec., 1896; d. there 8 Aug., 1897.
20103 Willie Eugene,11 b. in Paris, 10 July, 1900; d. there 1 Oct., same year.

15814.   CHARLES PRESTON,10 son of Smith Moses9 (9061), b. in Union City, Mich., 21 Dec., 1871; m. in Redmon, Ill., 1 Apr., 1896, Rose Errilla Den­non, b. in Casey, Ill., 20 Sept., 1874, dau. of William V. Dennon, b. in London­derry, O., 1 May, 1840, and Casaline La. Rue, b. near Zanesville, O., 14 Nov., 1844, of Casey.
He is a traveling salesman for the Merkle Wiley Broom Co., of Paris, Ill., where he res.; is a Seventh-Day Adventist and a Republican.
20104 Claud Preston,11 b. in Mattoon, Ill., 21 Feb., 1898.
20105 Lucile Celestia,11 b. in Paris, 1 June, 1900.

15815.   LENA CELESTIA,10 dau. of Smith Moses9 (9061), b. in Abscota, Mich., 10 June, 1875; m. in Paris, Ill., 3 Dec., 1897, Rev. William Samuel Sadler, b. in Spencer, Ind., 24 June, 1875, son of Samuel Cavins Sadler, b. Oct., 1854, and Sarah I. Wilson, of Seattle, Wash.
He is a minister of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church; res. in San Fran­cisco, Cal.
Child, b. in Chicago.
20106 William Kellogg Sadler,11 b. 5 July, 1899; d. there, 26 Apr., 1900.

15818.   MARY NERINA,10 dau. of Albert9 (9062), b. in Battle Creek, Mich., 14 Sept., 1866; m. in Kalamazoo, Mich., 3 June, 1883, J. Robert Portmess, of Okonoko, W. Va.
She d. in Parkersburg, W. Va., 8 Dec., 1893.
20107 Robert Chester Portmess,11 b. 16 Jan., 1892.

15890.   FRANCIS HENRY,10 son of Henry9 (9125), b. in Hadley, Mass., 24 Dec., 1845; m. in Keeseville, N. Y., 14 Nov., 1872, Theresa Elbertine Thew, b. in Peru, N. Y., 29 Oct., 1850, dau. of Benjamin Thew, b. 10 Nov., 1824, and Annette Tripp, b. 2 Nov., 1830.

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He served as private in the civil war, Co. K, Thirty-seventh Reg., Massachu­setts Volunteers; Thirteenth Reg., V. R. C.; enlisted 15 Aug., 1862, and was discharged 25 May, 1863; re-enlisted 1864; was discharged 13 Nov., 1865; res. in Windsor, Vt.; is a painter and paper hanger, a Methodist and a Republican.
20108 Harry Leslie,11 b. 22 Jan., 1876.
20109 Frank Howard,11 b. 18 Sept., 1877.
20110 Arthur William,11 b. 24 Oct., 1878.
20111 Mary Elizabeth,11 b. in Easthampton, Mass., 17 Nov., 1880; d. in West Springfield, Mass., 5 Dec., 1882.
20112 Ralph B.,11 b. in West Springfield, 9 June, 1883; d. there, 23 July, same year.
20113 Ray Lewis,11 b. 10 Sept., 1885.
20114 Esther Lucy,11 b. 6 Oct., 1887.

15895.   HARRIET MARIA,10 dau. of Lyman Smith9 (9141), b. in Ixonia, Wis., 18 Sept., 1848; m. 4 Mar., 1866, Horatio Nelson Hunniston, b. in Cleve­land, O., 9 Oct., 1842.
He d. ______; she d. in Oconomowoc, Wis., 23 Oct., 1890.
They res. in Lebanon, Wis.
20115 Lyman Horatio Hunniston,11 b. 1867; d. 8 Dec., 1890.
20116 Emeline Hunniston,11 b. 22 Nov., 1869.
20117 Mary Electa Hunniston,11 b. 27 Mar., 1871.
20118 Edgar Miles Hunniston,11 b. 16 Dec., 1872.
20119 Florence Elizabeth Hunniston,11 b. 22 Sept., 1874.
20120 Harriet Labelle Hunniston,11 b. 10 July, 1879.

15896.   SARAH ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Lyman Smith9 (9140), b. in Ixonia, Wis., 14 Feb., 1850; m. in Oconomowoc, Wis., 2 Nov., 1885, Alfred Colwell Streeter, b. in Gasport, N. Y., 9 Aug., 1848.
20121 Chester Josiah Streeter,11 b. 4 Feb., 1888; d. 11 May, 1896.
20122 Byron Kellogg Streeter,11 b. 18 Dec., 1889.
20123 Walter Streeter,11 b. 26 Feb., 1892.
20124 Elias Chester Streeter,11 b. 31 Dec., 1895.

15897.   CHARLES LYMAN,10 son of Lyman Smith9 (9141), b. in Ixonia, Wis., 1 Feb., 1852; m. 13 Dec., 1877, Mary B. Rice, dau. of Robert B. Rice, of Boscobel, Wis.
They res. in Oconomowoc, Wis.
Children, b. in Oconomowoc.
20125 Henry Lyman,11 b. 12 Nov., 1878.
20126 Jessie M.,11 b. 30 Sept., 1880.
20127 Charles Robert,11 b. 25 Jan., 1887.

1654    The Kelloggs in the New World.

15906.   ELIZABETH MARGARET,10 dau. of Horace9 (9149), b. in Oconomo­woc, Wis., 13 July, 1863; m. 1 Nov., 1883, George Chester Dailey, son of Ethan Warren Dailey, of Oconomowoc.
Children, b. in Oconomowoc.
20128 Albert Kellogg Dailey,11 b. 27 May, 1884.
20129 Margaret Elizabeth Dailey,11 b. 6 Mar., 1886.
20130 Lucy Lolsa, Dailey,11 b. 2 Apr., 1888.
20131 Elizabeth Dailey,11 b. 9 Dec., 1890.

15908.   BENJAMIN EMERY,10 son of Horace9 (9149), b. in Oconomowoc, Wis., 24 Mar., 1867; m. 31 Oct., 1894, Susan Horner, dau. of Robert Horner.
Children, b. in Oconomowoc.
20132 Margaret,11 b. 16 Aug., 1895; d. young.
20133 Horace Justin,11 b. 25 Dec., 1897.

15909.   WALLACE WILLIAM,10 son of Horace9 (9149), b. in Oconomowoc, Wis., 8 Nov., 1868; m. 3 Nov., 1892, Emma Lehman, dau. of Charles Lehman.
Children, b. in Oconomowoc.
20134 Ralph Horace,11 b. 11 July, 1894.
20135 Elmer Carl,11 b. 6 Feb., 1896; d. 12 Dec., 1897.

15915.   CHARLES HERBERT,10 son of Benjamin Austin9 (9156), b. in Hadley, Mass., 22 Aug., 1858; m. in Northampton, Mass., 9 Nov., 1881, Ada May Day, b. in Northampton, 17 Jan., 1861, dau. of Luke Day, b. 22 Mar., 1839, and Ellen Ridden, b. 2 July, 1840.
He is a hotel proprietor; res. in Northampton.
20136 Mabel Emma,11 b. in Northampton, 4 Nov., 1882; d. 5 July, 1885.

15926.   ADELBERT REUBELL,10 son of Benjamin Franklin9 (9179), b. in Hopkinton, N. Y., 19 Aug., 1846; m. in Sycamore, Ill., 16 Nov., 1875, Emily Jane Martin, b. in Georgia, Vt., 10 May, 1845, dau. of Allen H. Martin, b. 8 Oct., 1808, and Priscilla E. Clark, b. 14 Apr., 1814.
He d. in De Kalb, Ill., 22 Jan., 1896.
He was manager of the Superior Barbed Wire Company; res. in De Kalb.
20137 Bertha Estella,11 b. in Malone, N. Y., 7 Nov., 1876; m. Herbert Les­lie Cary.
20138 Clara Louise,11 b. in De Kalb, 22 Sept., 1878; is unm.
20139 Mary Priscilla,11 b. in De Kalb, 15 Nov., 1880; is unm.
20140 Agnes Annette,11 b. in De Kalb, 30 Apr., 1884; d. in De Kalb; 13 Oct., 1896.

15944.   MINA ELMIRA,10 dau. of Samuel Cleveland9 (9185), b. in Constable, N. Y., 26 June, 1867; m. in East Constable, 26 May, 1888, John O'Connell.
They res. in Lake Pleasant, N. Y.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1655

20141 Adelbert John O'Connell,11 b. 7 Apr., 1890.
20142 Cora Agnes O'Connell,11 b. 28 Apr., 1892.
20143 Hubert James O'Connell,11 b. 9 Feb., 1899.

15951.   HARRIET,10 dau. of Hiram9 (9193), b. in French Grant, O., 27 May, 1844; m. Dec., 1879, Henry Blair, b. 8 Dec., 1860.
He is a farmer; res. in Gervais, O.
Children, b. in French Grant.
20144 Walter Blair,11 b. 19 May, 1882.
20145 May Blair,11 b. 3 Jan., 1884.

15952.   ANDES JONES,10 son of Hiram9 (9193), b. in French Grant, O., 21 Nov., 1845; m. 7 June, 1876, Alice Bumgarner, b. in Lawrence Co., O., 28 Nov., 1855, dau. of James Bumgarner, b. in Lawrence Co., O., 14 Dec., 1827, and Lizzie Davisson, b. in Lawrence Co., O., 24 June, 1835.
He is a farmer; res. in Gervais, O.
Children, b. in French Grant.
20146 Roy,11 b. 10 July, 1877.
20147 Laura,11 b. 6 Jan., 1879.
20148 Amy,11 b. 25 May, 1881.
20149 Hubert,11 b. 8 Dec., 1882.
20150 Grace,11 b. 25 Sept., 1885.
20151 Claire,11 b. 16 Mar., 1887.

15953.   LUCINDA,10 dau. of Hiram9 (9193), b. in French Grant, O., 25 Dec., 1847; m. 13 Mar., 1872, Stephen Chandler Winkler, b. in French Grant, 3 Sept., 1847, son of John Asher Winkler, b. in Gephart Station, O., 5 Nov., 1820, and Cynthia Day, b. in Franklin, O., 8 Nov., 1822.
He is a farmer and a market gardner; res. in Lawrence Co., O.
20152 Herbert Winkler,11 b. _28 July, 1873.
20153 Harriet Winkler,11 b. 23 Jan., 1876.

15954.   EMMA,10 dau. of Hiram9 (9193), b. in French Grant, O., 12 May, 1853; m. 23 Jan., 1878, Hezekiah McDougle, b. in Parkersburg, W. Va., 25 Nov., 1852, son of William McDougle and Arie _______.
He is a farmer; has res. in Virginia and Ohio.
20154 Harriet McDougle,11 b. in Haverhill, O., 17 Feb., 1880.
20155 Charles McDougle,11 b. in Haverhill, 30 Jan., 1882.
20156 Scott McDougle,11 b. in Ironton, O., 11 Jan., 1884.
20157 Mary McDougle,11 b. in Ironton, 10 Feb., 1887.

15965.   LUCY LINDA,10 dau. of Alfred9 (9195), b. in Audubon, Ill., 16 May, 1852; m. in Audubon, 2 Mar., 1868, Anthony Callahan, b. in New York City, 17 Mar., 1841.

1656    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Nokomis, Ill.; served in the civil war as a private in Co. B, Thirty-fifth Reg., Illinois Volunteers; en­listed 3 July, 1861; was discharged 22 Apr., 1865.
Children, b. in Audubon.
20158 Laura Kate Callahan,11 b. 7 June, 1869, b. in Audubon, 8 Apr., 1890, Charles B. Newlin.
20159 Mary Linda Callahan,11 b. 26 Sept., 1873; is unm.
20160 Charles Callahan,11 b. 3 Sept., 1875; d. 7 Sept., 1876.
20161 Anna W. Callahan,11 b. 18 Jan., 1883, d. 4 Dec., 1887.
20162 Leroy Callahan,11 b. 20 Oct., 1884.

15981.   GEORGE,10 son of William9 (9197), b. in Haverhill, O., 30 June, 1854; d. 18 Sept., 1878, Mary Fox, b. in Hanging Rock, O., 5 Mar., 1857, dau. of George Fox, b. in Wicklow, Ireland, 10 Oct., 1822, and Mary Lewis, b. in Wicklow, 18 Sept., 1833.
They res. in Hanging Rock.
Children, b. in Hanging Rock.
20163 Arthur,11 b. 12 Feb., 1880.
20164 Raymond,11 b. 25 Nov., 1887.

15982.   LEONARD LAMB,10 son of William9 (9197), b. in Haverhill, O., 31 Oct., 1856 , m. 19 Sept., 1883, Lizzie Ellen Pritchard, of Ironton, O., b. in Zanes­ville, O., 13 Oct., 1858, dau. of John Pritchard, b. in Wales, 12 Mar., 1816, and Alice Rayston, b. in Wales, 16 Aug., 1835.
He is manager of the Sioux City Electric Light Company; is one of the board of directors of the American Surety Company of New York, for Sioux City, Ia., and superintendent of the Sioux City Gas Light Company; organized, and is secretary of the Sioux City Starch Company; was appointed in 1897 commis­sioner for the erection of the State Hospital for the Insane in Cherokee; res. in Sioux City.
20165 Alice Marie,11 b. in Nebraska City, Neb., 25 Nov., 1884.
20166 Louise,11 b. in Sioux City, 11 Mar., 1888; d. there, 15 Sept., 1888.

15984.   SCOTT ELLSWORTH,10 son of William9 (9197), b. in Haverhill, O., 28 July, 1861; m. 18 Apr., 1889, Belle Grimes, of Fairfield, Ia., b. 13 Oct., 1870, dau. of John Alfred Grimes, b. in Jefferson Co., Ia., 1840, and Sarah Elizabeth _______, b. in Huntingdon Co., Pa., 18 Apr., 1843.
He is a meter inspector for the Sioux City Gas Light Company 3 res. in Sioux City, Ia.
20167 John Ellsworth,11 b. in Fairfield, 1 Oct., 1894.

15985.   WILLIAM RALPH,10 son of William9 (9197), b. in Haverhill; O., 28 Nov., 1863; m. 22 Feb., 1891, Belle Staten, of Haverhill, b. 7 Mar., 1863, dau. of William Harvey Staten, b. 11 Mar., 1819, and Mary _______, b. 14 Apr., 1824.
He is a farmer; res. in Scotiaville, O.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1657

Children, b. in Gervais, O.
20168 Howard,11 b. 15 Feb., 1892.
20169 Thurza,11 b. 24 Dec., 1894.
20170 Hazel,11 b. 1 Oct, 1896.

15986.   ABRAHAM LINCOLN,10 son of William9 (9197), b. in Haverhill, O., 14 Feb., 1866; m. 28 Aug., 1888, Ella Huston, of Franklin, O.
They res. in Towanda, Ill.
20171 Harry,11 b. 28 May, 1889.
20172 George W.,11 b. 15 July, 1891.

15990.   JOHN FLETCHER,10 son of Willard9 (9198), b. in Nokomis, Ill., 10 Nov., 1862; m. 10 Oct., 1894, Leora Matilda Shoemaker, b. 4 Nov., 1868, dau. of William Shoemaker, b. 20 Mar., 1838, and Margaret Graden, b. 16 Sept., 1840.
He res. in Jacksonville, Ill. He and his brother, Amos W., are proprietors of the Jacksonville Machine and Boiler Shops.
20173 Flossie,11 b. in Jacksonville, 14 July, 1896.

15991.   OTIS,10 son of Willarcl9 (9198), b. in Nokomis, Ill., 19 June, 1864; m. in Nokomis, 16 Mar., 1898, Louise Schwartzley, b. 19 June, 1865, dau. of John Schwartzley, b. 22 Sept., 1830, and Bertha Chausse, b. 2 May, 1841.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Nokomis.
20174 Gordon,11 b. in Nokomis, 21 Jan., 1899.

15992.   MYRTA,10 dau. of Willard9 (9198), b. in Nokomis, Ill., 3 June, 1866; m. 3 Dec, 1890, Edward Pocock, b. in Nokomis, 19 Apr., 1864, son of Jabez Pocock, b. 27 July, 1826, and Hester Dull, b. 12 July, 1828.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Nokomis.
20175 Chester Jabez Pocock,11 b. in Nokomis, 14 Sept., 1895.

16018.   ORMAN ALFORD,10 son of Orman Alford9 (9213), b. in Hardwick, Vt., 20 Feb., 1850; m. (1) in Plairifield, Vt., 30 July, 1872, Laura Ann Cross, b. 15 June, 1854, dau. of Ebenezer K. Cross (9175), b. 9 Mar., 1806, and Mary G. Dow, b. 19 Sept., 1808.
She d. in Danville, Vt., 23 Apr., 1884; he m. (2) in Corinth, N. Y., 11 Apr., 1336, Eleanor Catherine Heath, b. in Corinth, 4 Nov., 1859, adopted dau. of Richard Henry Heath and Freelove Adeline Kellogg (9214).
He is a farmer and a Prohibitionist; res. in Corinth.
Child by first wife.
20176 William,11 b. in Danville, 1 Aug., 1877; m. Lena May Fuller.
Child by second wife.
20177 Elsie Ella,11 b. in Corinth, 16 Dec., 1888.

1658    The Kelloggs in the New World.

16020.   EARL HENRY,10 son of Orman Alford9 (9213), b. in Walden, Vt., 18 Oct., 1858, b. in Marshfield, Vt., 15 Oct., 1878, Mary Ann Rollins, dau. of Asa Rollins, Jr., and Maria Charlotte Robinson, of Hatley, Canada.
Children, b. in Marshfield.
20178 Earl Henry,11 b. 29 Dec., 1882.
20179 Ethel May,11 b. 29 Jan., 1886.

16021.   FRANCIS DOUGLAS,10 son of Orman Alford9 (9213), b. in South Walden, Vt., 26 Jan., 1860; m. in Glen's Falls, N. Y., 15 Oct., 1890, Maud Mary Wilmot, b. in Lower Coverdale, Canada, 15 Dec., 1866, dau. of William Hazen Wilmot and Elizabeth Ann Steeves, of Lower Coverdale.
He is a shop carpenter; a member of the Volunteers of America; res. in Glen's Falls.
Children, b. in Glen's Falls.
20180 Edna Pearl,11 b. 8 Jan., 1894.
20181 Myrtle Anna,11 b. 17 Sept., 1898.

16022.   ANN ELIZA,10 dau. of Earl Douglas9 (9218), b. in Fillmore, Minn., 27 Oct., 1860; m. in Fillmore, 16 June, 1898, Willard S. Carson, b. in Jordan, N. Y., 20. Jan., 1858, son of Nathan A. Carson, b. 9 Jan., 1828, and Mary Ann Pratt, b. 12 Nov., 1834.
He is a ranchman, a Methodist; res. in Courtney, N. D., later in Jordan, Minn.
Children, b. in Jordan.
20182 Francis Willard Carson,11 b. 3 May, 1899.
20183 Ruth Elizabeth Carson,11 b. 15 Feb., 1901.

16023.   JUDSON,10 son of Earl Douglas9 (9218), b. in Fillmore, Minn., 28 July, 1864; m. in Miller, S. D., 25 Sept., 1892, Myrtle Rowland, b. in Kellogg, Ia., 18 Dec., 1866, dau. of William Rowland, b. in Ohio, and Naomi Heath, b. in Ohio.
He is superintendent of the warehouses in Central Prairie, Minn.; res. in Courtney, N. D.
Children, b. in Northville, S. D.
20184 George Rowland,11 b. 22 Aug., 1893.
20185 Anna Maud,11 D. 21 Sept., 1894.

16026.   RUSSELL,10 son of Earl Douglas9 (9218), b. in Fillmore, Minn., 4 Apr., 1871; m. in Preston, Minn., 18 Jan., 1898, Lynn Luella Smith, b. in Fill­more, 30 Mar., 1878, dau. of William Henry Smith, b. 9 May, 1823, and Mary Janette Manly, b. 12 May, 1840, of Chatfield, Minn.
He is a hardware merchant and tinner; res. in Goodhue, Minn.
20186 Florence,11 b. 1900.

16028.   HARVEY,10 son of Earl Douglas9 (9218), b. in Fillmore, Minn., 15 Feb., 1876; m. in Preston, Minn., 30 Jan., 1896, Mary Rose, b. in Preston, 20 Oct., 1871, dau. of Amos Rose, b. 11 Sept., 1831, and Rachel Amelia Kyli, b. 29 Mar., 1852.

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He is a farmer, a Fusion Populist and a Methodist; res. in Preston and later in Hutton, Minn.
Children, b. in Fillmore.
20187 Fern,11 b. 7 Dec., 1896.
20188 Grandon Harvey,11 b. 17 Nov., 1897.
20189 Earl Jay,11 b. 4 Jan., 1900.

16032.   FREDERIC HENRY,10 son of Henry Dighton9 (9219), b. in Har­risena, N. Y., 29 Apr., 1867; m. in Fortsville, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1891, Nellie Jane Nesbitt, b. in Glen's Falls, N. Y., 3 Feb., 1868, dau. of Henry Nesbitt, b. in Attica, N. Y., 16 Dec., 1835, and Susan Amelia Taylor, b. in Fort Edward, N. Y., 21 Sept., 1835.
He is a bookkeeper; res. in East Orange, N. J.
20190 Frederic Henry,11 b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 22 July, 1895.
20191 George Everett,11 b. in Gansevoort, N. Y., 13 Sept., 1897.

16041.   ANNA BELL,10 dau. of Edwin Fernando9 (9223), b. in Corry, Pa., 25 Feb., 1865; m. in Fargo, N. D., 25 Nov., 1886, John Parker Pogue, b. in Ver­milion Co., Ill., 19 Feb., 1863, son of James Pogue and Elizabeth Lafferty.
They res. in Bermidji, Minn.
20192 Edwin James Pogue,11 b. ______.
20193 Frank Jay Pogue,11 b. ______.
20194 Joseph William Pogue,11 b. ______.
20195 James Lewis Pogue,11 b. ______.
20196 John Pogue,11 b. ______.

16043.   BELA HASKELL,10 son of Wright Dickinson9 (9224), b. in Amherst, Mass., 18 Sept., 1832; m. in Springfield, Mass., 18 Sept., 1858, Elizabeth Fitch Walcott, b. 18 Feb., 1834, dau. of Dr. George W. Walcott and Mary Fitch Kinne.
She d. in New Haven, Conn., 30 June, 1895; was buried in Northampton.
He is a mechanic; rem. to Hartford, Conn., in 1853, and in Nov., 1884, to New Haven; later to Northampton, Mass.
Children, b. in Hartford.
20197 Clifford Walcott,11 b. 27 July, 1859; m. Edith Raymond.
20198 Minnie Florence,11 b. 26 Feb., 1861; m. 26 May, 1894, Frank E. Santy.
20199 Clara Louise,11 b. 15 Aug., 1865; m. Dr. George Dickinson Thayer.
20200 Sophia Hosmer,11 b. 7 Dec., 1874; res., unm., in Northampton.

16044.   MARION BRADFORD,10 dau. of Wright Dickinson9 (9224), b. in South Amherst, Mass., 10 Jan., 1835; m. (1) in Amherst, 1 Sept., 1852, Jacob Loomis Rust, b. in Amherst.
He d. 1876; she m. (2) 17 Jan., 1878, Charles A. Murdock, of Greenfield, Mass.; he d. 14 July, 1894; after his death she res. in Springfield, Mass.

1660    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Child by first husband.
20201 George Benoni Rust,11 b. in Amherst, 27 Jan., 1857; m. 1 Sept., 1880, Etta E. Tucker, of Springfield; she d. 22 Sept., 1883; he m. (2) 6 July, 1891, May M. Hosford.

16048.   CHARLES HOSMER,10 son of Bela9 (9225), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 10 July, 1836; m. 2 Sept., 1868, Flora Jane Day, b. in Brattleboro, Vt., 27 Aug., 1846, dau. of Charles Baker Day, b. 9 Nov., 1821, and Mary Frances Wiley, b. 12 Mar., 1822.
He d. in Peoria, Ill., 16 Aug., 1891.
He was in the wholesale cracker and confectionery business; rem. from Greenfield, Mass., to Peoria about 1864, where he res. until his death.
Children, b. in Peoria.
20202 Mary Alice,11 b. 1 Jan., 1872.
20203 Howard Day,11 b. 6 Sept., 1882.
20204 Grace Hosmer,11 b. 30 Aug., 1884.

16049.   MARY SOPHIA,10 dau. of Bela9 (9225), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 2 Oct, 1838; m. in Greenfield, Mass., 7 May, 1861, Frank Field, b. 20 Oct, 1836, son of Abel and Martha Field.
She d. 7 Aug., 1895; he d. in Ravenswood, a suburb of Chicago, 7 Jan., 1900.
At the time of his marriage he res. in Peoria, Ill., where he was a wholesale baker; rem. to Chicago, where he was engaged in the same business.
Children, b. in Peoria.
20205 Frank Kellogg Field,11 b. 26 Sept., 1863; d. 19 Sept., 1864.
20206 Harry Bela Field,11 b. 30 Mar., 1867; m. in Ravenswood, 15 Oct, 1895, Hattie Spangenberg, b. 6 Jan., 1872; res. in Chicago.
20207 Charles Kellogg Field,11 b. 26 Jan., 1870; m. 2 Mar., 1896, Elizabeth Cornwell, b1 17 July, 1871; res. in Chicago.

16053.   FREDERICK ELLIOTT,10 son of Bela9 (9225), b. in Montague, Mass., 6 June, 1853; m. in Burlington, Ia., 25 Dec., 1882, Mary Ella Sansom, b. in Elizabethtown, Pa., 12 Mar., 1854, dau. of John G. Sansom, of Moline, Ill., b. 8 June, 1825, and Lucinda Porter Van Hook, b. 26 Aug., 1828.
He is a grocer, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Greenfield, Mass.
Children, b. in Peoria, Ill.
20208 Arria Ruth,11 b. 20 May, 1887; d. 27 May, same year.
20209 Lois Sansom,11 b. 2 July, 1888.

16054.   HENRY PORTER,10 son of Porter9 (9226), b. in South Hadley, Mass., 6 Sept., 1835; m. in Nunda, N. Y., 10 Nov., 1859, Louisa Ann Jones, b. in Granger, N. Y., 14 May, 1839, dau. of Samuel Cole Jones, b. 13 Jan., 1802; and Lorette Woodworth, b. 1 Feb., 1808.
He is a farmer; res. in Mt. Morris, N. Y.
Children, first two b. in South Amherst, Mass., others in Mt. Morris.
20210 Arthur Jones,11 b. 24 Aug., 1860; m. in Mt. Morris, 11 Feb., 1835, Alma Newville, b. in Allen, N. Y., 2 Feb., 1858, dau. of Abram

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1661

Newville, b. 21 Oct., 1821, and Electa Gifford, b. 23 Feb., 1823; res. in Mt. Morris; had a dau., Florence Lorette,12 b. 18 Aug., 1889.
20212 Carrie Louise,11 b. 6 June, 1864; m. in Mt. Morris, 14 Nov., 1888, John Albert Rowe; res. in Mt. Morris.
20213 Laura Cemantha,11 b. 30 Mar., 1866; m. Norman Willey.
20214 Myrtie May,11 b. 21 Dec., 1868; m. 30 Apr., 1889, Bert Robert Mann; res. in Mt. Morris.
20215 Grace Edith,11 b. 8 Jan., 1873; is unm.
20216 Harry Porter,11 b. 15 Mar., 1875; m. Flora Belle Holmes.
20217 Ernest Hammond,11 b. 3 Apr., 1877; m. 22 Dec., 1897, Lora Emma Bower; res. in Mt. Morris.
20218 Ethel Daisy,11 b. 31 Aug., 1879; d. in Mt. Morris, 2 Feb., 1893.

16057.   ARRIA SOPHIA,10 dau. of Charles Carroll9 (9227 ), b. in Montague, Mass., 25 Dec., 1846; m. (1) in Orange, Mass., 13 May, 1869, Lucius Eugene Holmes, b. in Putnam, Conn., 14 Oct., 1847, son of Rev. Lucius Holmes and Sophia Bates.
He d. in Little Falls, N. Y., 7 Oct., 1869; was a furniture manufacturer, a Universalist and a Republican; she m. (2) in Savannah, Ga, 16 May, 1875, Dr. Orsamus Monroe Drury, b. in Shutesbury, Mass., 28 Oct., 1840, son of Luke Drury and Minerva _______; he d. in Orange, 28 June, 1881; was a graduate of Harvard Medical College; a Baptist and a Republican; after his death she res. with her dau., Mrs. Harris, in Flushing, N. Y.
Child by second husband, b. in Orange.
20219 Eugenie Arria Holmes,11 b. 15 Apr., 1870; m. 20 Jan., 1893, N. Caleb Harris.
Children by second husband.
20220 Rena Margie Drury,11 b. 19 July, 1877; d. 28 Nov., 1891.
20221 Grais Minerva Drury,11 b. 1 Nov., 1878.
20222 Charles Kellogg Drury,11 b. 3 June, 1880.

16058.   CHARLES IRA,10 son of Charles Carroll9 (9227), b. in Orange, Mass., 20 Jan., 1849; m. in Hardwick, Mass., 20 Jan., 1874, Lucretia Wealthy Orcutt, b. in Hardwick, 31 Dec., 1851, dau. of Dr. Almon Mitchell Orcutt, b. 18 Oct., 1824; and Mary Ann Knight, b. 10 Nov., 1829.
He is a grocer, a Unitarian and a Republican; res. in Washington, D. C.
20223 Almon Charles,11 b. in Orange, 26 Dec., 1874; is a clerk; res., unm., in Washington.
20224 Sophia Arra,11 b. 23 Jan., 1879.
20225 Robert Orcutt,11 b. 18 Nov., 1881.
20226 Florence May,11 b. 2 Nov., 1884; d. 22 Oct., 1885.
20227 Carl Irving,11 b. 19 July, 1887.

16059.   LUCIA J.,10 dau. of Horace Hancock9 (9228), b. in Sunderland, Mass., 14 Apr., 1843; m. in Flint, Mich., 16 June, 1837; Stuart Dodge Clark, b. in Jackson, Mich., 12 Oct., 1838, son of Elisha Clark.
He d. in Washington, D. C., 30 May, 1873.

1662    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He was a teacher and a publisher of engravings , was afterward under the United States Government , res. in Washington; was a Congregationalist; she is with the Board of Education in Washington.
20228 Albert Stuart Clark,11 b. in Minneapolis, Minn., 18 Oct., 1868; d. in Minneapolis, 17 June, 1870.

16060.   ALBERT HORACE,10 son of Horace Hancock9 (9228), b. in Mon­tague, Mass., 20 Apr., 1845 3 m. 12 Jan., 1869, Juliet Clandine Reed, b. 2 Aug., 1846, dau. of John Blair Reed, b. 1822, and Sarah Jane Hoff, b. 1823.
He is manager of a machinery company; res. in Brooklyn, N. Y.; was a Union soldier; enlisted in Co. F, Thirty-seventh Massachusetts Volunteer In­fantry, Aug., 1862; was discharged July, 1865; served as musician and adju­tant's clerk.
Children, all except youngest, b. in Milton, Pa.
20229 Lucia Jeanette,11 b. 11 Oct., 1869; m. 21 Sept., 1895, Charles Swain; had no children.
20230 Ethel Fay,11 b. 13 May, 1871.
20231 Albert Carleton,11 b. 8 Mar., 1873; d. in the United States Hospital, Philadelphia, 16 Sept., 1898; was Sergt. in Battery O, Seventh United States Artillery.
20232 Cora Blanche,11 b. 7 Feb., 1878.
20233 Dwight Hamilton,11 b. in Brooklyn, 26 Oct., 1881.

16073.   WILLIAM HENRY,10 son of Henry Chester9 (9235), b. in Amherst, Mass., 13 Feb., 1847; m. (1) 4 June, 1868, Ellen H. French, b. 4 June, 1851, from whom he was divorced.
He m. (2) 25 Dec., 1880, Hannah M. McKinney, b. 23 Jan., 1860.
He res. in Tyrone, Pa.
Children by first wife.
20234 Nellie M.,11 b. 19 July, 1869.
20235 William O.,11 b. 29 July, 1872.

16074.   CHARLES PARK,10 son of Henry Chester9 (9235), b. in Amherst, Mass., 21 May, 1848; m. in Lynn, Mass., 6 Oct., 1878, Lillian M. Newcomb, b. 25 Mar., 1861.
He d. in Boston, Mass., 31 May, 1888; she m. (2) in Saugus, Mass., George H. Stewart, son of George C. and Adeline A. Stewart, of Lynn.
20236 Edith May,11 b. in Lynn, 21 Mar., 1881; d. 16 July, same year.

16080.   MARY BASSET,10 dau. of William Wallace9 (9237), b. in Lynn, Mass., 2 Feb., 1859; m. in Lynn, 22 Dec., 1881, Frederick Hazelton Young, b. in Water­ford, Me., 4 Nov., 1846, son of Daniel Merrill Young, b. 1811, and Abigail Brooks Jewell, b. 1816.
He is a musician; res. in Wellesley Hills, Mass.
20237 Miriam Young,11 b. in Lynn, 15 Nov., 1885.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1663

16088.   HARRIET ADELLE,10 dau. of Walter Barton9 (9239), b. in Granby, Mass., 2 Sept., 1848; m. there, 10 Nov., 1875, Lyman Adelbert Chapin, b. in Granby, 4 Nov., 1839, son of Philo Chapin, b. 10 Feb., 1806, and Laura Ferry, b. 27 Feb., 1807.
He is a wholesale newsdealer; res. in Hartford, Conn.
20238 Alice Adelle Chopin,11 b. 7 Dec., 1877; d. 30 July, 1885.

16089.   ALVIN FERRY,10 son of Walter Barton9 (9239), b. in Granby, Mass., 27 Feb., 1851; m. in Springfield, Mass., 19 Aug., 1878, Margaret Mary Burns, b. in London, England, 24 June, 1855, dau. of John Burns and Margaret O'Connor.
He res. in Greenfield, Mass.
Children, b. in Greenfield.
20239 Harry Holland,11 b. 6 May, 1880.
20240 Walter David,11 b. 4 Aug., 1882; d. in Greenfield, 2 Dec., 1884.

16121.   ERASTUS WILLIAM,10 son of Benjamin Pond9 (9253), b. in Con­cord, Vt., 5 June, 1831; m. 13 Feb., 1855, Lydia Ann Winchester, b. in Dunham, Quebec, Canada, 16 June, 1830, dau. of Royal Winchester, b. 27 Jan., 1792, and Elizabeth Church, b. 16 Feb., 1791.
He d. in Morrisburg, Canada, 2 Oct., 1874; she m. (2) 2 Dec., 1891, George Lannon, b. in Ireland, 3 Mar., 1826.
He was a contractor and builder; res. in Morrisburg; accidentally fell from a building he was erecting and was killed; was a member of the Methodist Epis­copal Church and a Republican.
Children, all except the eldest, b. in Morrisburg.
20241 Ida Percilla,11 b. in Hull, Quebec, 14 Jan., 1856; m. (1) W. E. Thompson; (2) W. J. Casselman.
20242 Emma Jane,11 b. 21 June, 1858; m. William Edward Dickson.
20243 Minnie Elizabeth,11 b. 7 Nov., 1860; is unm.
20244 Walter Erastus,11 b. 3 Mar., 1864; m. Nellie Elvira Quimby.
20245 William Metcalfe,11 b. 20 July, 1866; served as Sergt. in the Prince of Wales Rifles during the Indian Rebellion in Canada; is pro­prietor of a candy factory; res., unm., in Butte, Mont.
20246 Franklin Royal,11 b. 2 Oct., 1869; m. Ethel Lena Crain.
20247 Lillian Seraphine,11 b. 24 Sept., 1871; res., unm., in Montreal, Canada.

16122.   SERAPHINA HUDSON,10 dau. of Benjamin Pond9 (9253), b. in Con­cord, Vt., 28 Mar., 1833; m. 20 Mar., 1852, Bezelial Brooks Spaulding, b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., 31 Oct., 1827, son of John Spaulding, b. 2 Oct., 1787, and Cath­erine Rice, b. 29 June, 1798.
They res. in St. Johnsbury.
20248 Edward Moses Spaulding,11 b. in Concord, 10 Feb., 1855; m. 2 Oct., 1878, Ellen J. Morris, who d. 2 Dec., 1895; res. in St. Johnsbury; had no children.
20249 Milton Ira Spaulding,11 b. in Concord, 28 Feb., 1856; m. Sarah Adair; res. in McAdam Junction, New Brunswick; had no children.

1664    The Kelloggs in the New World.

20250 George Clinton Spaulding,11 b. 25 Feb., 1858; d. in Concord, 5 Apr., 1859.
20251 Jennie Amanda Spaulding,11 b. 18 Mar., 1862.
20252 Cora Estella Spaulding,11 b. 2 Jan., 1865; m. Charles B. Bradshaw; res. in Lyndon, Vt.
20253 Sarah H. Spaulding,11 b. ______; m. 17 Dec., 1890, John Montgomery; res. in St. Johnsbury.
20254 Lyle B. Spaulding,11 b. 1 Apr., 1872; res. in St. Johnsbury.

16124.   SAMUEL HUDSON,10 son of Benjamin Pond9 (9253), b. in Concord, Vt., 12 Nov., 1837; m. in West Concord, Vt., 25 Dec., 1871, Sarah Louna Hurl­butt, b. in Dalton, N. H., 25 May, 1850, dau. of Samuel Hurlbutt, b. 24 Apr., 1798, and Sally Hubbard, b. 25 May, 1811.
He is a lumber manufacturer; res. in East Concord; served in the civil war in Co. K, Fifteenth Vermont; enlisted 28 Aug., 1862, and was discharged 15 Aug., 1863.
Children, b. in East Concord.
20255 Mary Lillian,11 b. 19 Nov., 1873; m. in West Concord, 8 July, 1899, Frederick Rogers, b. in Meredith, N. H., 7 June, 1872, son of Rich­ard Rogers, b. in Laconia, N. H., and Katherine Fisher, b. in Con­cord; he is an engineer; res. in East Concord.
20256 Luna Philena,11 b. 7 Dec., 1875; is unm.
20257 Katherine Maud,11 b. 6 June, 1882.
20258 Myrtle Lavina,11 b. 29 Oct., 1889.

16125.   MARY BALCH,10 dau. of Benjamin Pond9 (9253), b. in Concord, Vt., 18 Nov., 1839; m. in West Concord, 18 Nov., 1858, Horace Hastings, b. in Water­ford, Vt., 13 June, 1837, son of Moses Hastings, b. 11 June, 1805, and Harriet White, b. 1 June, 1811.
He is a farmer, a Universalist and a Republican; res. in Concord.
Children, b. in Concord.
20259 Lillia Nora Hastings,11 b. 10 Aug., 1861; d. 19 Dec., 1861.
20260 Ralph Benjamin Hastings,11 b. 9 Dec., 1865; d. 30 Dec., 1865.
20261 Loren Valentine Hastings,11 b. 10 Sept., 1872; m. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., 17 Aug., 1898, Flora Cobleigh; res. in West Concord.

16126.   ELIZABETH CORNELIA,10 dau. of Benjamin Pond9 (9253), b. in Concord, Vt., 15 Dec., 1841; m. (1) in Concord, 19 Feb., 1861, John Watson Spaulding, b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., 7 May, 1836, son of John Spaulding; b. 2 Oct., 1796, and Catherine Rice, b. 29 June, 1798.
He d. 26 June, 1864; was a farmer; res. in St. Johnsbury; she m. (2) as his second wife, in St. Johnsbury, 9 Apr, 1867, Henry Hill, b. in St. Johnsbury, 17 June, 1821, son of Thomas Hill and Fanny Eldridge; d. in St. Johnsbury, 4 June, 1879.
Child by first husband, b. in St. Johnsbury.
20262 Mark John Spaulding,11 b. 12 June, 1864; m. in St. Johnsbury, 31 Dec., 1884, Frances Joslin, b. in Concord, 20 Aug., 1863; res. In Con­cord; had two children.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1665

Children by second husband.
20263 Lulu M. Hill,11 b. 12 Apr., 1868, b. in West Concord, 13 Jan., 1885, George Roscoe Emery; res. in East Concord.
20264 Della A. Hill,11 b. 2 Mar., 1876; m. in Boston, Mass., Aug., 1897, Stewart McTaggart; res. in Malden, Mass.
20265 Clinton Hill,11 b. 19 May, 1879; is unm.

16127.   LOVINA ADELIA,10 dau. of Benjamin Pond9 (9253), b. in Concord, Vt., 16 June, 1843; m. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., 2 Dec., 1862, Jacob Richardson, b. in Concord,7 Nov., 1840, son of Jacob Richardson, of Waterford, Vt., b. 21 Oct., 1796, and Irene Hovey, b. 21 June, 1802.
He is a farmer; res. in Concord and Waterford; is a Universalist and a Democrat.
20266 Frederick Ellsworth Richardson,11 b. 8 Nov., 1863; m. 27 Oct., 1891, Lefie M. Lewis; res. in Littleton, N. H.
20267 Frank Miles Richardson,11 b. 7 Aug., 1865; m. 18 Dec., 1888, Theda L. Lewis; res. in Littleton.
20268 Ida May Richardson,11 b. 11 Feb., 1869; m. 18 Dec., 1888, Charles A. Caswell; res. in Waterford.
20269 Jacob Richardson,11 b. 24 Nov., 1872; m. 18 Dec., 1894, Ina Hill; res. in Concord.

16131.   HENRY WEBSTER,10 son of George Washington9 (9255), b. in Sut­ton, Quebec, 27 Sept., 1840; m. 15 Dec., 1864, Ella Annette Austin (sister of Orabel Regina Austin, wife of Rev. Moses Eastman Kellogg +9279), b. 5 Oct., 1841, dau. of Horatio Nelson Austin, b. 5 Nov., 1818, and Caroline Regina Com­ings, b. 12 Jan., 1821.
He res. in Berkshire, Vt., and later in Battle Creek, Mich.
Children, b. in Berkshire.
20270 Herbert Perry,11 b. 30 Mar., 1866; m. Phebe Malvina Russell.
20271 Frank Burton,11 b. 26 Nov., 1867; m. Dora Fige.
20272 Henry Ertgen,11 b. 29 Sept., 1870; m. Hannah Alma Fraser.
20273 Abbie Caroline,11 b. 20 Apr., 1872; m. David Ashley Norton.
20274 Carl Austin,11 b. 7 Nov., 1875; m. in Davenport, Ia., 12 June, 1900, Anna Fraser Mackay.

16132.   ELLEN MARY,10 dau. of George Washington9 (9255), b. in Sutton, Quebec, 4 Oct., 1842; m. in Hastings, Minn., 1 Jan., 1873, Benjamin D. Cad­well.
She d. in Hastings, 2 Nov., 1879.
He is a miller and machinist; res. in Hastings.
Children, b. in Hastings.
20275 Lucy Cadwell,11 b. 2 Oct., 1873.
20276 May Cadwell,11 b. 1 May, 1875.
20277 Benjamin Payson Cadwell,11 b. 15 June, 1877; m. Daisy _______; res. in Harvey, Ill.; had two children.
20278 Harvey Tyndall Cadwell,11 b. 17 Oct., 1878.

1666    The Kelloggs in the New World.

16138.   CHARLES PAYNE,10 son of James O.9 (9257), b. 9 May, 1843; m. July, 1864, Ada Caroline Perry, b. 21 Oct., 1844, dau. of Lebbeus Perry, b, 22 Aug., 1818, and Lydia Davis, b. 17 Mar., 1816, of Minot, Me.
He res. in West Auburn, Me., and later in Everett, Mass.
Children, b. in Minot.
20279 Fred Newton,11 b. 1867; m. in Pownal, Me., Lizzie Hortense Porter, dau. of Benjamin Porter and Angie D. Knight; is a shoemaker; res. in Salem, Mass.
20280 Mary Emily,11 b. 17 May, 1868; m. George Lester Gerrish.
20280a Georgia Hannah,11 b. 1872; m. in Beverly, Mass., 25 May, 1891, Willard Henry Cummings, b. in Albany, Me., 1866, son of Daniel F. Cummings and Margaret A. Upton.

16139.   HARVEY AUGUSTUS,10 son of James O.9 (9257), b. in Richford, Vt., 6 Apr., 1846; m. Rose Annett Powell, b. 31 Oct., 1848, dau. of George Nel­son Powell, b. 24 Apr., 1823, and Mary Barrows, b. 1827, of Richford.
He res. in Everett, Mass.
20281 James Nelson,11 b. in Enosburg Falls, Vt., 18 June, 1868; m. Au­gusta Ames Watts.
20282 Frank Merton,11 b. in Berkshire, Vt., 2 Oct., 1870; res. in Everett.
20283 Aden Deforest,11 b. in St. Albans, Vt., 31 Oct., 1873; m. Jennie Ser­rell Boulter.
20284 Bertram Eugene,11 b. in Boston, Mass., 20 Apr., 1880; is a Meth­odist; a dry goods clerk; res. in Everett.

16141.   HARLEY ROLLINS,10 son of James O.9 (9257), b. in Richford, Vt., 5 Mar., 1855; m. Emma L. Leach.
They res. in Somerville, Mass.
20285 Winnefred E.,11 b. in Rutland, Vt., 17 May, 1878.

16143.   MILO PAYSON,10 son of Moses Payson9 (9260), b. in Newnan, Ga., 24 Mar., 1855; m. 24 Oct., 1878, Dora Strickland, dau. of James H. Strickland and Laanva Bohannon.
He is a railroad man; res. in Savannah, Ga.
20286 George Raymond,11 b. 24 Mar., 1885; d. 13 Sept., same year.
20287 William Dunlap,11 b. in Atlanta, Ga, 8 June, 1890.

16145.   ALICE MAY,10 dau. of Moses Payson9 (9260), b. in Newnan, Ga., 20 June, 1859; m. 19 Dec., 1882, Robert Monroe Gann, of Atlanta, Ga., b. 23 Sept., 1854, son of Archibald Gann, b. 1817, and Mary Ann Duncan, b. 1818.
He is a broker; res. in Atlanta.
Children, all except youngest b. in Newnan.
20288 George Kellogg Gann,11 b. 29 Dec., 1884.
20289 Robert Monroe Gann,11 b. 5 June, 1886.
20290 Harriet Mozelle Gann,11 b. 23 June, 1888.
20291 Archibald Gann,11 b. in Atlanta, 23 Apr., 1896.

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16192.   JOHN TYLER,10 son of William Barton9 (9323), b. in Butler, N. Y., 27 June, 1859; m. 16 Nov., 1881, Anna Viola Valentine, b. 31 Dec., 1867, dau. of William Henry Harrison Valentine, b. 3 Dec., 1840, and Mary Louise Oaks, b. 18 Apr., 1842.
He res. in Clyde, N. Y.
20292 Harriet Viola,11 b. in Rose, N. Y., 20 June, 1883.
20293 Clara Louise,11 b. in Clyde, 16 Dec., 1888.

16205.   CHARLES JARED,10 son of Ethan Benjamin9 (9349), b. in Wolcott, N. Y., ______; m. in Huron, N. Y., Adah C. Lockwood.
They res. in Huron.
20294 Mildred G.,11 b. 22 June, 1897.

16225.   DR. FREDERICK LEROY,10 son of Frederick D.9 (9421), b. in New Salem, Mass., 26 May, 1867; m. (1) in Fryeburg, Me., 27 Nov., 1891, Grace Warren, b. in Fryeburg, Aug., 1863, dau. of Otis Warren and _______ Towle.
She d. in Somerville, Mass., 30 July, 1897; he m. (2) in Boston, Mass., 7 June, 1899, Mrs. Della Hortense (Graves) Walker, b. in Boston, 1 Oct., 1864, dau. of Frederick Dean Graves, b. 31 Mar., 1836, and Florence Roxanna Ward, b. 9 Aug., 1842.
He is a physician; was graduated from Bellevue Hospital Medical School, New York City, 1889; attends the Episcopal Church; is a Republican; res. in Wollaston, Mass.
20295 Grace Warren,11 b. in Somerville, 28 July, 1897; d. there, 11 Aug., 1897.

16236.   THEODOSIA,10 dau. of Ebenezer Albert9 (9434), b. 30 Mar., 1872; m. 23 Dec., 1890, J. W. Morgan.
They res. in Dyke, Tex.
20296 Iona Morgan,11 b. ______.
20297 Earl Morgan,11 b. ______.
20298 Kelly Morgan,11 b. ______.
20299 Willie Lee Morgan,11 b. ______.

16254.   WILLIAM HOWARD,10 son of Leicester Howard9 (9487), b. in Ben­son, Vt., 1 Aug., 1862; m. in Benson, 20 Mar., 1889, Lucy Jane Carter, b. in Benson, 27 July, 1859, dau. of Perry Carter, b. 1 Sept., 1825, and Ann Elizabeth Meacham, b. 8 June, 1830.
He d. in Santa Fe, N. M., 28 May, 1892; after his death she res. in Benson.
He was a farmer; a Methodist and a Republican.
20300 Leicester Howard,11 b. in Benson, 21 Jan., 1891.

16260.   Anna Dickinson,11 dau. of Wilbur Fisk9 (9490), b. in Hubbard­ton, Vt., 31 Jan. 1870; m. in Washington, D. C., 6 Nov., 1890, John Darling

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Hunt, b. in Lovettsville, Va., 16 Oct., 1861, son of Joel Hunt, b. 8 July, 1819, and Elizabeth Wire, b. 5 Sept., 1825.
He is a stenographer and typewriter; res. in Washington.
Children, b. in Washington.
20301 Sibyl Kellogg Hunt,11 b. 26 Aug., 1891.
20302 Faith Darling Hunt,11 b. 26 Nov., 1893.

16267.   MAY HELEN,10 dau. of Raymond Mattoon9 (9518), b. in Grinnell, Ia., 21 Feb., 1866; m. in Grinnell, 27 Dec., 1887, William Ringland Moninger, b. in Hazel Green, Ia., 18 Apr., 1862, son of Demas McFarland Moninger, b. 11 Mar., 1833, and Mary V. Ringland, b. 14 June, 1839.
He is a farmer and a stock raiser; res. in Galvin, Ia.; was graduated from the Iowa College, 1886; A. M. 1889; is deacon and Sunday school superintendent of the Congregational Church; was a Republican Township Trustee in 1891; Regent State University of Iowa from 1892 to 1898; she was graduated from Iowa College, 1886.
Children, b. in Galvin.
20303 Mary Margaret Moninger,11 b. 23 Sept., 1891.
20304 Dorothy Kellogg Moninger,11 b. 14 Aug., 1896.
20305 Helen Ringland Moninger,11 b. 4 July, 1898.

16283.   JOHN FREEMAN,10 son of Moses Emery9 9536), b. in Rochester, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1861; m. 12 Nov., 1890, Sarah Elizabeth Scott, b. 7 Aug., 1865, dau. of Dr. William Scott, of Woodstock, Ont., b. in Yorkshire, England, 27 Nov., 1821, and Elizabeth Martin, b. 26 Feb., 1842.
He is a manufacturers' agent; res. in Detroit, Mich.
20306 William Scott,11 b. 6 Jan., 1892; d. 27 July, same year.
20307 Beulah Maud,11 b. 27 July, 1895.
20308 Frank Tiffin,11 b. 14 June, 1897.

16285.   JULIA FRANK,10 dau. of Moses Emery9 (9536), b. in St. Catharines, Ont., 20 Nov., 1866; m. in St. Catharines, 21 July, 1886, Joseph Henry Howell; b. 28 Sept., 1859, son of William Howell, b. 28 Feb., 1821, and Jane Ellen King, b. 22 Feb., 1824.
He is an electrician, a Republican and a Methodist; res. in Detroit, Mich.
20309 Vera May Howell,11 b. in St. Catharines, 31 May, 1887.
20310 Frank Emory Howell,11 b. in Woodstock, Canada, 27 Mar., 1889.
20311 Roy Stanley Howell,11 b. in Detroit, 5 Apr., 1892.
20312 Jessie Sutherland Howell,11 b. in Detroit, 24 Aug., 1894.
20313 Harold Kellogg Howell,11 b. in Detroit, 6 July, 1899.

16301.   FANNIE,10 dau. of Lorenzo Martin9 (9605), b. in Stoughton, Wis., 10 Nov., 1865; m. in Missouri Valley, Ia., 21 Jan., 1885, Clement Henry Deur, b. in Oswego Co., N. Y., 18 Oct., 1856, son of Joseph Deur, b. 6 Feb., 1831; and Janette Mohatt, b. 24 July, 1839.
He is a lumber merchant; was a Democrat; is now a Republican; a Cath­olic; res. in Missouri Valley.

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20314 Lorenzo Joseph Deur,11 b. 22 Dec., 1886.
20315 Joanna Janette Deur,11 b. 13 Apr., 1891; d. 17 Aug., 1893.
20316 Mary Josephine Deur,11 b. 6 Dec., 1893.
20317 Clementine Deur,11 b. 10 Mar., 1896.
20318 Catherine Elizabeth Deur,11 b. 13 Sept., 1899.

16317.   EDWARD RUSSELL,10 son of Dr. Edward Wilberforce9 (9628), b. in Southington, Conn., 8 July, 1869; m. in Delavan, Wis., 21 June, 1893, Esther Allyn, b. in Delavan, 27 Dec., 1869, dau. of Alexander H. Allyn, b. in Hartford, Conn., 1 Sept., 1835, and Elizabeth Humphrey Martin, b. 22 Nov., 1835.
He is a physician and surgeon; was graduated from New York Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, 1881; is a member of the Congregational Church and a Republican; res. in Chicago.
20319 Ruth Hilah,11 b. in Chicago, 22 Feb., 1895.

16392.   MARY ELIZA,10 dau. of Jonathan9 (9766), b. in Elk Lake, Pa., 29 July, 1854; m. in Elk Lake, 28 Dec., 1887, William James Broadhead, b. in Stoddartsville, Pa., 23 Nov., 1859, son of Samuel Broadhead and Margaret Tidd, of Old Forge, Pa.
He is a blacksmith; a Republican; res. in Elk Lake.
Children, b. in Elk Lake.
20320 Roy Lyman Broadhead,11 b. 21 Nov., 1888.
20321 Charles Harry Broadhead,11 b. 31 July, 1891.

16393.   MARY ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Ziba Smith9 (9767), b. in Bethany, Pa., 19 May, 1849; m. in Council Hill, Ill., 3 June, 1875, Benjamin Franklin Bender, b. in Chester Co., Pa., 9 Sept., 1830.
He d. in Chicago, 7 Jan., 1898; she res. there.
He was a stock dealer; Was Sergt. in Capt. Durell's Battery D, Pennsylvania; enlisted 24 Sept., 1861; was discharged 23 Sept., 1864; was a Methodist and a Democrat.
Children, all except Ruth D. b. in Chicago.
20322 Nellie Blanche Bender,11 b. 5 Feb., 1877.
20323 Ethel Mae Bender,11 b. 16 Jan., 1879.
20324 Lottie Bender,11 b. 16 Feb., 1881; d. 22 May, 1883.
20325 Ruth D. Bender,11 b. in Holden, Mo., 11 July, 1887; d. in Holden, 11 Sept., 1887.
20326 Frank Cleveland Bender,11 b. 13 Feb., 1890.
20327 Edward Lott Bender,11 b. 2 May, 1892.

16394.   JAMES WILLIS,10 son of Ziba Smith9 (9767), b. in Albany, Ill., 31 Mar., 1860; m. in Wadesburg, Mo., 31 Dec., 1882, Mary Nevin Reigart, b. in Pa., 10 Feb., 1860, dau. of Adam Reigart and Mary Bender, b. 4 Jan., 1838.
He is a cattle broker; a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Chicago.

1670    The Kelloggs in the New World.

20328 Freddie Lott,11 b. in Wadesburg, 4 Nov., 1883.
20329 William Lord,11 b. in Wadesburg, 9 Aug., 1885.
20330 Philip Reigart,11 b. in Hutchinson, Kas., 23 Aug., 1887.
20331 Ralph Ziba,11 b. in Chicago, 23 Sept., 1889.
20332 Mary Reigart,11 b. in Chicago, 2 Dec., 1894.

16395.   FRANK GIBSON,10 son of Ziba Smith9 (9767), b. in Carroll Co., Ill., 14 Jan., 1863; m. in St. Joseph, Mo., 22 Nov., 1886, Dora Zink, b. in Worth Co., Mo., 27 Mar., 1865, dau. of Aaron Zink, b. 26 Nov., 1837, and Matilda Davidson, b. 9 Mar., 1845.
He is a dealer in live stock; is a Republican; res. in Chicago.
20333 Lila Grace,11 b. in St. Joseph, 4 Aug., 1888.

16397.   FREDERICK SCOTT,10 son of William Alden9 (9768), b. in Dimock, Pa., 23 July, 1856; m. in Susquehanna, Pa., 1 Mar., 1884, Eva Albina Cora Evangeline Warner, b. in Fairdale, Pa., 29 Nov., 1862, dau. of Julius Warner and Mary Louisa Washburn, b. 9 Nov., 1835.
He is a painter; a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Scranton, Pa.
20334 Willdred Alden,11 b. 9 July, 1901.

16398.   DANIEL PRESTON,10 son of Frank James9 (9769), b. in Alliance, O., 17 Apr., 1867; m. in Provo City, Utah, 7 Aug., 1890, Emma Luella Smith, b. in Provo City, 2 Apr., 1869, dau. of Halma Smith, b. 31 Mar., 1831, and Anna Bolton, b. 14 Aug., 1840, both of Provo City.
He was graduated from the High School of El Dorado, Kas., June, 1885; is general foreman of the Southern Pacific Railroad shops in Oakland, Cal., where he res.
20335 Roe Harold,11 b. in Provo, 23 Apr., 1892; d. in Altoona, Wis., 4 Aug., 1894.
20336 Ira Frank,11 b. in Altoona, 5 June, 1893.
20337 Vernon Lester,11 b. in Provo, 23 June, 1895.
20338 Ralph Budd,11 b. in Two Harbors, Minn., 12 Aug., 1897.

16401.   LUCY,10 dau. of Thomas Floyd9 (9771), b. in Meshoppen, Pa., 20 Sept., 1848; m. in Auburn, Pa., Oct., 1872, Albert Alger, b. in Auburn, 1845, son of Ezra Alger and Mable Meacham.
He d. in Lynn, Pa., 1874; she d. in Meshoppen, Mar., 1888.
He was a merchant; res. in Meshoppen, was private in the civil war; was a Methodist and a Republican.
20339 Albert Alger,11 b. in Lynn, 1873.

16402.   TREDWAY,10 son of Thomas Floyd9 (9771), b. in Meshoppen, Pa., 18 Nov., 1850; m. in Dalton, Pa., 6 Feb., 1876, Frances Woodbridge, b. in Dal-

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1671

ton, 19 Apr., 1845, dau. of Thomas Woodbridge, b. 1817, and Jemima Dershimer, b. 1819.
He is a merchant; a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Springville, Pa.
Children, b. in Wilkes Barre, Pa.
20340 Lucy Imogene,11 b. 3 May, 1879; d. there, 10 Oct., 1885.
20341 Floyd Woodbridge,11 b. 2 Nov., 1880; is unm.

16405.   RHOENE BUSHNELL,10 dau. of Thomas Floyd9 (9771), b. in Au­burn, Pa., 17 May, 1860; m. in Auburn, 6 Feb., 1883, Lyman Bert Luce, b. in Pittston, Pa., 19 Jan., 1863, son of Abram Luce, b. 15 Sept., 1818, and Lucinda Blakslee, of Lynn, Pa.
He is a carpenter; a Methodist and a Prohibitionist; res. in Pasadena, Cal.
Children, b. in Auburn.
20342 Alma Luce,11 b. 28 Dec., 1883.
20343 Stanley Abram Luce,11 b. 22 Jan., 1885.

16407.   THEODORE STERLING,10 son of Thomas Floyd9 (9771), b. in Au­burn, Pa., 10 Mar., 1865; m. in Springville, Pa., Sept., 1891, Grace Hungerford, b. in Springville, 1870, dau. of C. A. Hungerford, b. in Springville, 1842, and Alida Messerole, b. in New York City, 1844.
He res. in Springville; is a merchant; a Republican and a Methodist.
Children, all except eldest b. in Springville.
20344 Charles Floyd,11 b. in Davenport, Wash., 28 June, 1892.
20345 Ralph Emerson,11 b. 1 June, 1896.
20346 Ruth,11 b. 3 Mar., 1898.
20347 Walter Hungerford,11 b. 7 Aug., 1899.

16421.   EDWIN SWIFT,10 son of Edwin S.9 (9784), b. 4 Apr., 1866; m. Elsie Vannok, dau. of David E. Vannok, b. 14 Feb., 1846, and Mary Jane _______, b. 10 Sept., 1846.
He res. in Camden, N. J.
20348 Benjamin Taylor,11 b. 14 Aug., 1893.

16504.   FRANK WARREN,10 son of Cyrus9 (9916), b. in Leon, N. Y., 17 July, 1867; m. in Red Rock, Pa., 25 Sept., 1888, Ida May Creese, b. 12 Feb., 1870, dau. of Samuel J. Creese, b. in Beaver, Pa., 29 Dec., 1842, and Mary Maria Dempsey, b. in Dempseytown, Pa., 15 May, 1847.
He is a worker in oil wells; is a Republican; res. in Sisterville, W. Va.
20349 Charles Samuel,11 b. in Simpson, Pa., 1 Sept., 1891.
20350 Edith May,11 b. in Sisterville, 22 Nov., 1894.
20351 Myra Grace,11 b. in Sisterville, 6 Nov., 1896.

16513.   WILLIAM AMOS,10 son of Amos Henry9 (9920), b. in Montour, Ia., 9 Nov., 1866; m. in Parsons, Kas., 22 Apr., 1888, Mary Karn, b. 27 Jan., 1870.
He is a teamster; res. in Parsons.

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20352 Edna May,11 b. in Oswego, Kas., 22 June, 1889.
20353 Benjamin Clarence,11 b. in Altamont, Kas., 4 Aug., 1892.
20354 Walter Leroy,11 b. in Altamont, 16 Apr., 1896.

16514.   EDWIN BYRON,10 son of Amos Henry9 (9920), b. in Waterloo, Ia., 30 Apr., 1869; m. in Oswego, Kas., 27 Sept., 1889, Anna A. Gardner, b. in Cin­cinnati, O., 14 July, 1868, dau. of C. D. Gardner, b. 11 Sept., 1833, and Belle Stathem.
He is a farmer; res. in Parsons, Kas.
20355 Edith Isabelle,11 b. 18 Aug., 1891.
20356 Amos Carlisle,11 b. 31 Oct., 1893; d. 20 June, 1895.
20357 Inez Elizabeth,11 b. 21 July, 189 .
20358 William Edwin,11 b. 20 Oct., 1896.

16591.   ISAAC,10 son of George9 (10035), b. in South West Township, Pa., 12 Oct., 1832; m. in Berlinville, O., 29 Dec., 1867, Eudora Adelaide Smith, b. in Allegany Co., N. Y., 23 Aug., 1846, dau. of John Chester Smith and So­phronia Capen.
He d. in Chicago, Ill., 15 Mar., 1896.
He was a potter; a Swedenborgian and a Democrat.
Child, b. in Vineland, N. J.
20359 Alice,11 b. June, 1875; d. Aug., 1875.

16594.   EUNICE MIRIAM,10 dau. of George9 (10035), b. in Pleasantville, Pa., 19 June, 1838; m. in Vineland, N. J., 15 Nov., 1873, Alpheus Hazleton Peek, b. in Machias, N. Y., 21 Nov., 1831, son of Howard Peek, b. 1800, and Jane Hazleton, b. 30 Sept., 1806.
He is interested in the oil business; also in farming in the West; is a Uni­versalist; res. in Caledonia, N. Y.
20360 Roy Azel Peck,11 b. in Titusville, Pa., 25 Sept., 1875.

16595.   GEORGE ERIE,10 son of George9 (10035), b. in Warren, Pa., 14 June, 1840; m. in Charlotte, Mich., 15 Nov., 1880, Clara Melvina Dillin, b. in Rich­land Co., O., 11 Sept., 1858, dau. of Thomas Dillin.
She d. in Hazleton, Kas., 22 Sept., 1893.
He was a private in Co. K, Fifty-seventh P. V. V.; enlisted 1 Sept., 1861; was discharged 6 July, 1865; was wounded, 5 May, 1864, in the battle of the Wilderness; was a potter previous to the War of the Rebellion, since then an en­gineer; res. in Charlotte.
20361 Vera Leah,11 b. in Charlotte, 20 July, 1882.
20362 Nelson Edward,11 b. in Hazleton, 10 June, 1888.

16596.   MARIA DELILAH,10 dau. of George9 (10035), b. in Warren Co., Pa., 24 Jan., 1842; m. in Berlinville, O., 24 Jan., 1866, Col. Edward Ashton Young,

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1673

b. in Warren Co., 3 Oct., 1841, son of George Washington Young and Eunice Caswell, of Pennsylvania and Missouri.
He is a hardware merchant; was corporal in Co. B, One Hundred and Elev­enth Pennsylvania Volunteers; enlisted 1861; was discharged 1865; was ap­pointed Aide-de-Camp, with rank of Colonel, by Gov. Arthur C. Malett, of South Dakota, 6 Mar., 1889; is a Universalist and a Republican; res. in Chicago.
Child, by adoption.
20363 Allie Young,11 b. in Chenoa, Ill., 21 June, 1874; adopted 1 Oct., 1875; m. in Chicago, 21 Feb., 1900, Roy Sleeth Bates; res. in Chicago.

16597.   ELVIRA,10 dau. of George9 (10035), b. in Warren, Co., Pa., 23 Feb., 1844; m. in Charlotte, Mich., 1 Dec., 1874, Nelson Leaman Smith, b. in Lester, N. Y., 6 Aug., 1848, son of John Callis Smith, b. 12 Nov., 1821, and Sophronia Louisetta Capen, b. in New York, 14 Nov., 1824.
He is a merchant and manufacturer; res. in Charlotte.
20364 Dora Louise Smith,11 b. in Charlotte, 22 Sept., 1875.

16598.   CHARLES BAKER,10 son of George9 (10035) , b. in Warren Co., Pa., 3 Aug., 1855; m. 3 Aug., 1876, Elizabeth Cook, b. in Paynes Point, Ill., 26 Aug., 1857, dau. of Benjamin Franklin Cook, b. 23 May, 1830, and Lydia Ann Dayton, b. 9 May, 1832, of Vineland, N. J.
He is a lumberman; was graduated from the Bryant-Stratton Business Col­lege, 1872; res. in Puyallup, Wash.; later in Tacoma, Wash.
20365 Charles Hugh,11 b. in Neenah, Wis., 24 Dec., 1877; res. unm., in Tacoma.
20366 George Franklin,11 b. in Neenah, 6 Sept., 1879; res. unm., in Ta­coma.
20367 Albert Roy,11 b. in Neenah, 12 Nov., 1881.
20368 Leah Estelle,11 b. in Charlotte, Mich., 4 Jan., 1886.
20369 Bessie Ruth,11 b. in Cloquet, Minn., 3 July, 1888; d. there, 22 Aug., 1889.
20370 Edward Tracy,11 b. in Cloquet, 15 Feb., 1895.
20371 Jessie Isaac,11 b. in Cloquet, 16 Dec., 1896.

16600.   ISAAC JAMES,10 son of Lorenzo Dow9 (10041), b. in Neilsburg, Pa., 17 July, 1860; m. 14 Oct., 1878, Mary Maple, b. in Allegheny, Pa., 16 Sept., 1860, dau. of Albert G. Maple, b. in Jefferson Co., O., 8 Apr., 1836, and Susanna Stevenson, b. in Wellsville, O., 7 May, 1841.
He is a paint and wall paper merchant; res. in Oil City, Pa.; is a United Presbyterian.
Children, b. in Oil City.
20372 Harry Lorenzo,11 b. 20 Aug., 1880.
20373 Grace Alberta,11 b. 25 July, 1887.

16601.   WILLIAM WAKELEE,10 son of Lorenzo Dow9 (10041), b. in Oil City, Pa., 16 Apr., 1864; m. in Oil City, 21 Nov., 1887, Laura Janet Rote, b. in Maple

1674    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Shade, Venango Co., Pa., 12 July, 1863, dau. of Solomon Rote, b. 9 June, 1832, and Lydia Margaret Thompson, b. 10 May, 1837.
He is a Mergenthaler linotype operator; is foreman of the Titusville Herald; served ten years in the National Guard of Pennsylvania, in Co. D, Sixteenth Reg.; was private, corporal, sergeant and second and first lieutenant; was for years a member of Grace M. E. Church, of Oil City; is a Prohibitionist; res. in Titusville, Pa.
Children, b. in Titusville.
20374 William Lorenzo Rote,11 b. 19 May, 1889.
20375 Harold Sinclair,11 b. 13 Sept., 1890.
20376 Walter Ellsworth,11 b. 21 Nov., 1893.
20377 Chester Ethelbert,11 b. 8 Oct., 1896.

16619.   ROBERT BARKDULL,10 son of Dr. Clark Sherwood9 (10075), b. in Salem, Ill., 17 Aug., 1861; m. in Ashland, Va., Rose Bush, b. in Syracuse, N. Y., 1 May, 1864, dau. of William Henry Bush, b. 18 Aug., 1839, and Sarah Hiscock, b. 5 Aug., 1839.
He is a commercial traveler; res. in Lansing, Mich.; is a Christian Scientist and a Republican; was formerly a Prohibitionist.
20378 Hazel Jeanette,11 b. 12 June, 1888.
20379 Leland Bart,11 b. 12 Nov., 1891.
20380 Marjorie Louise,11 b. 8 Apr., 1898.

16620.   C SOLON,10 son of Clark Sherwood9 (10075), b. in Salem, Ill., 16 May, 1864; m. in Port Byron, N. Y., 30 June, 1887, Sara Osburn, b. in Port By­ron, 28 June, 1864, dau. of William David Osburn, b. 5 May, 1826, and Mary Ann Austin, b. Sept., 1834.
He is manager of a wholesale coal sales agency for the cities of Rochester, Syracuse and Utica; a Presbyterian; in politics an Independent; res. in Roches­ter, N. Y.
20381 Ruth Lucille,11 b. in Utica, 21 Oct., 1888.
20382 Charlotte Osburn,11 b. in Syracuse, 24 Jan., 1891.
20383 Mary Elizabeth,11 b. in Syracuse, 22 Apr., 1894.
20384 Josephine,11 b. in Rochester, 31 May, 1901.

16624.   FRANK,10 son of Hiram9 (10078), b. 20 Apr., 1849; m. 22 Oct., 1871, Ellen A. Collins, b. in Polton, Canada, 15 Oct., 1855, dau. of Charles C. Collins, b. 18 Feb., 1828, and Elizabeth F. Osgood, b. 4 May, 1833.
He is an engineer and an electrician; res. in Spencer, Ia.
20385 Hiram Frank,11 b. in Osage, Ia., 25 Aug., 1874; m. Anna Emma Bluhm.
20386 Ellen Frank,11 b. 10 May, 1877; is unm.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1675

16625.   ALBERT,10 son of Hiram9 (10078), b. in Niles, Mich., 14 Oct., 1851; m. in Charles City, Ia., 16 Dec., 1875, Jane Snyder, b. in Floyd, Ia., 7 June, 1861, dau. of Israel Snyder and Virginia Carsner.
He is a farmer; a Republican; res. in Harvey, N. D.
20387 Albert,11 b. in Floyd, 7 Dec., 1876; d. in Charles City, 27 Oct., 1879.
20388 Etta May,11 b. in Floyd, 1 May, 1882.
20389 Mabel Stella,11 b. in Inkster, N. D., 2 Jan., 1886.
20390 Gladys Verna,11 b. in Harvey, 14 July, 1894.

16626.   GEORGE W.,10 son of Hiram9 (10078), b. in Galena, Ill., 9 July, 1853; m. in Union Grove, Minn., 25 May, 1882, Malissa Brooks Carpenter, b. 13 Feb., 1863, dau. of Edward Elie Carpenter, b. 9 Jan., 1826, and Mary Seals, b. 14 Oct., 1833.
He is a collector; res. in Grand Forks, N. D.
20391 Ira Lionel,11 b. 2 Apr., 1883.

16627.   AUSTIN,10 son of Hiram9 (10078), b. 5 Mar., 1855; m. in Devil's Lake, N. D., 11 Dec., 1887, Katherine McKinnon, b. in Nova Scotia, 15 June, 1861, dau. of R. McKinnon and Jessie McDonlon.
He is an engineer and a Republican; res. in Tacoma, Wash.
Children, b. in Devil's Lake.
20392 Francis,11 b. 1 Jan., 1889.
20393 Winson,11 b. 14 Dec., 1891.
20394 Caroline,11 b. 11 Mar., 1893.

16629.   FRANK DARWIN,10 son of Darwin9 (10079), b. in Swanton, O., 30 Sept., 1857; m. in Swanton, 20 Apr., 1882, Cora Margaret Gibbs, b. in Swanton, 1 Oct., 1864, dau. of Edmond Frank Gibbs and Lucretia P. Munger, b. 7 Apr., 1825.
He is a miller; res. in Morenci, Mich.
20395 Charles Ray,11 b. 29 Dec., 1884.
20396 Glade,11 b. 22 July, 1887.

16631.   CLARK EBER,10 son of Nathan Sher Wood9 (10080), b. in Plymouth, O., 7 June, 1853; m. in Hansell, Ia., 3 July, 1889, Isabelle Anway, b. in Hansell, 3 Apr., 1865, dau. of James Anway and Caroline Odell.
He is a farmer; a Democrat; res. in Hampton, Ia.
Children, b. in Hampton.
20397 Clyde Sherwood,11 b. 28 Apr., 1890.
20398 Frankie Tillman,11 b. 14 Mar., 1896.
20399 Lucy Lorena,11 b. 18 July, 1898.

16634.   MINNIE SOPHIA,10 dau. of Nathan Sherwood9 (10080), b. in Odessa, Mich., 24 June, 1869; m. in Dumont, Ia., 29 Nov., 1887, Frank Francis Jung-

1676    The Kelloggs in the New World.

kunz, b. in Freeport, Ill., 22 Jan., 1863, son of Joseph Jungkunz and Barbara Stable, of Allison, Ia.
He is a contractor and builder; res. in Allison.
20400 Glada Blanche Jungkunz,11 b. in Marshalltown, Ia., 27 Aug., 1888.

16635.   CLARENCE EDSON,10 son of Nathan9 (10082), b. in Butternuts, N. Y., 28 July, 1851; m. in Norwich, N. Y., 3 Nov., 1874, Isabella Cowan, b. in Butternuts, 9 June, 1856, dau. of John Cowan and Isabella Jimeson, of Glas­gow, Scotland, and Butternuts.
He is a mason; res in Fernhill, Wash.
Children, b. in Norwich.
20401 Arthur,11 b. 7 Sept., 1877; m. in Tacoma, Wash., 18 Dec., 1900, Irena Myrtle Berry; res. in Tacoma.
20402 Mabel Leonora,11 b. 27 July, 1881.

16636.   MARION BISHOP,10 dau. of Nathan9 (10082) , b. in Gilbertsville, N. Y., 30 July, 1853; m. 19 Oct., 1879, Joseph D. Murray.
She d. in Wattsburg, Pa., 30 Dec., 1882.
He res. in Wattsburg.
Children, b. in Wattsburg.
20403 Marion Josephine Murray,11 b. 3 Sept., 1880; res. in Waterford, Pa.
20404 Sarah Frances Murray,11 b. Feb., 1881; res. in North East, Pa.

16637.   HARRIET LUCRETIA,10 dau. of Nathan9 (10082), b. in Gilberts­ville, N. Y., 19 July, 1855; m. in Gilbertsville, 10 Jan., 1878, George Washing­ton Pardoe, b. in New York City, 10 June, 1853, son of John Pardoe, b. 5 Dec., 1814, and Ann Barnard, b. July, 1815, of Oneonta, N. Y.
He is a painter; a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Oneonta.
Children, b. in Oneonta.
20405 John Wesley Pardoe,11 b. 31 Jan., 1878.
20406 George Louis Pardoe,11 b. 2 Aug., 1881.
20407 Clarence Walter Pardoe,11 b. 31 Oct., 1883; d. 10 Feb., 1885.
20408 Ethelynd Ann Pardoe,11 b. 11 Aug., 1886; d. 9 July, 1887.
20409 Earl Bishop Pardoe,11 b. 17 Dec., 1888.
20410 Leonora Marion Pardoe,11 b. 2 Mar., 1891.
20411 Helen Elizabeth Pardoe,11 b. 15 Dec., 1894.

16639.   JOHN DANIEL,10 son of Nathan9 (10082), b. in Gilbertsville, N. Y., 13 Dec., 1864; m. in Gilbertsville, 15 June, 1886, Ellen Maria Bedient, b. in Gilbertsville, 22 Apr., 1867, dau. of John Alexander Bedient, b. 11 Nov., 1832, and Catherine Amanda Edwards, b. 30 July, 1837.
He is a printer; a member of the Methodist Church; res. in Deposit, N. Y.; has been Town Clerk three terms, and Secretary of the Republican Town Com­mittee; res. in Gilbertsville.
20412 Arthur Bedient,11 b. in Gilbertsville, 20 June, 1887.

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16649.   CATHERINE PRISCILLA,10 dau. of William9 (10095), b. in Oastile, N. Y., 27 Jan., 1843; m. 31 Dec., 1864, David Rees Phillips, b. in Wales, 22 Apr., 1842, son of Jonathan Mathias Phillips, b. 18 July, 1816, and Anna Rees, b. 14 Jan., 1812.
She d. in Freedom, N. Y., 1 Apr., 1870.
He is a farmer; a Baptist and a Republican; res. in Freedom.
20413 Edward Dwight Phillips,11 b. in Farmersville, N. Y., 17 Jan., 1868; res. unm., in Arcade, N. Y.

16650.   SAMUEL WOOD,10 son of William9 (10095), b. in Grove, N. Y., 27 Dec., 1849; m. in Oastile, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1872, Lucinda Maria Wright, b. 7 Oct., 1845, dau. of John Wright, b. in Kent, N. Y., 10 Dec., 1801, and Lovisa Wixson, b. in Kent, 2 Jan., 1809.
He is a farmer; a Baptist; res. in Castile.
Children, b. in Genesee Falls, N. Y.
20414 Ethel Eva,11 b. 20 May, 1877; d. in Oastile, 23 June, 1899.
20415 Nina Lovisa,11 b. 3 Sept., 1886.

16651.   ELIZABETH REBECCA,10 dau. of William9 (10095), b. in Genesee Falls, N. Y., 12 Jan., 1860; m. Jan., 1883, William Albert Parks, b. in Portage, N. Y., son of Robert Parks, b. in “No. 1,” Upper Canada, 30 Apr., 1829, and Julia Morse, b. in Schaghticoke, N. Y., 22 Apr., 1834.
He is a laborer; a Presbyterian; res. in Oastile, N. Y.
Children, b. in Genesee Falls.
20416 Merton Kellogg Parks,11 b. 13 Dec., 1883. [ His dau. is Mrs. Sterling Buckwood Sherburne, N. Y. ]
20417 Olive Leah Parks,11 b. 20 Oct., 1885.

16663.   LOUISE,10 dau. of Uriah9 (10101), b. in Oastile, N. Y., 13 May, 1857; m. in Gainesville, N. Y., 11 Oct., 1880, Albert James Pierce, b. 1 June, 1856.
He is a farmer; res. in Swain, N. Y.
20418 Howard Wilfred Pierce,11 b. in Oastile, 19 Dec., 1882.
20419 Bertha May Pierce,11 b. in Swain, 18 Feb., 1883.
20420 Eugene Kellogg Pierce,11 b. in Swain, 15 Feb., 1884.
20421 Louise E. M. Pierce,11 b. in Swain, 4 May, 1889; d. 4 Sept., 1889.

16664.   LEONARD CLAYTON,10 son of Uriah9 (10101), b. in Castile, N. Y., 12 Sept., 1858; m. in Oastile, 4 June, 1880, Almira Doane, b. in Gainesville, N. Y., Dec., 1866, dau. of Deloss Doane and Almira Parish.
He is a farmer; res. in Oastile.
20422 Inez Louise,11 b. in Oastile, 15 June, 1892.

16666.   URIAH SEWARD,10 son of Uriah9 (10101), b. in Oastile, N. Y., 2 June, 1868; m. in Oastile, 2 Mar., 1892, Irma Doane, b. in Gainesville, N. Y., 7 Oct., 1867, dau. of Deloss Doane and Almira Parish.
He is a cartman; a Democrat; res. in Castile.

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20423 Irma Leone,11 b. in Castile, 29 Jan., 1894.

16679.   ELMON LAFAYETTE,10 son of John Warren9 (10106), b. 25 Aug., 1841; m. in Ellicottville, N. Y., 5 Mar., 1867, Eunice Loretta Pierce, b. in Ischua, N. Y., 16 Oct., 1848, dau. of John Pierce and Mary Sill, b. 15 June, 1819.
He is a Woodworker, farmer and blacksmith in Lyndon and Black Creek, N. Y.
20424 Margaret L.,11 b. 7 Dec., 1867; m. Albert Shepard.
20425 Martha,11 b. in Washington, Pa., 25 Aug., 1869; m. Almond Richard Sybrant.
20426 Jessie Agnes,11 b. 16 July, 1872; was adopted by _______ Blackman; res. unm., in Painesville, O.
20427 Pierce Alexander,11 b. 17 July, 1876; d. ______.

16680.   ASENETH LOUISA,10 dau. of John Warren9 (10106), b. in Eagle, N. Y., 19 Mar., 1843; m. in Ellicottville, N. Y., 8 Sept., 1871, Thomas Buck Nelson, b. in Malta, N. Y., 11 June, 1840, son of Martin Nelson, b. 11 Nov., 1811, and Amanda Caroline Buck, b. 13 Jan., 1815.
He is a farmer in Eagle.
Children, b. in Eagle.
20428 John Farel Nelson,11 b. 21 Aug., 1872.
20429 Grace Ellen Nelson,11 b. 16 Dec., 1875; m. in Bliss, N. Y., 8 Dec., 1897, Fred Walker; res. in Highlands, N. Y.
20430 Rose Ellen Nelson,11 b. 29 Sept., 1877; m. in Bliss, 12 Feb., 1896, Worthy Davis, b. 14 Apr., 1865, son of Milton Davis, b. 19 July, 1830, and Betsey Almina Geer, b. 4 Apr., 1830; res. in Bliss; had one child.
20431 Martin Warren Nelson,11 b. 11 July, 1879.

16681.   JOHN CLARK,10 son of John Warren9 (10106), b. in Eagle, N. Y., 7 Dec., 1846; m. in Hermitage, N. Y., 5 Aug., 1877, Mary H. Letson, b. 28 Dec., 1858, dau. of James Letson, b. 20 Nov., 1835, and Esther Luse, b. 2 Feb., 1838.
He is a farmer; res. in Black Creek, N. Y.; is a Prohibitionist.
20432 Cora Estella,11 b. in Granger, N. Y., 25 Apr., 1879.
20433 Sadie Eliza,11 b. in Granger, 24 Feb., 1881.
20434 Warren James,11 b. in Pike, N. Y., 26 Oct., 1884.

16682.   SARAH ELIZA,10 dau. of John Warren9 (10106), b. in Eagle, N. Y., 21 Dec., 1848; m. in Hume, N. Y., 19 June, 1868, William Hogg, b. 15 Nov., 1845, son of Wilson Hogg, b. in Scotland, 22 Feb., 1816, and Agnes Reid, b. 2 June, 1822.
He is a hotel keeper; served in the navy during the civil war; is a petroleum oil contractor in Verona, Pa.; res. in Gettysburg, Kas.; is a Democrat.

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20435 Sarah Agnes Hogg,11 b. in Lyndon, N. Y., 5 Mar., 1870; d. in Lyons, N. Y., 9 June, 1895.

16684.   GEORGE ERVIN,10 son of John Warren9 (10106), b. in Lyndon, N. Y., 17 Apr., 1853; m. in Franklinville, N. Y., 19 Dec., 1889, Alice Anna Mc­Guire, b. in Salamanca, N. Y., 22 Oct., 1866, dau. of John McGuire and Sophia Dornan, b. 25 Dec., 1846.
He is a farmer; res. in Lyndon.
Children, b. in Lyndon.
20436 Louva Maud,11 b. 16 Jan., 1892.
20437 Louis Ervin,11 b. 9 Dec., 1893.

16685.   EDWARD WILLIAM,10 son of William Albert9 (10107), b. in Eagle, N. Y., 29 Aug., 1848; m. in Franklinville, N. Y., 1876, Ada Clarissa Jones, b. in Ovid Creek, Pa., 1854, dau. of Stephen Jones, b. 1823, and Harriet Church, b. in Eagle, N. Y., 1827.
He is a carriage maker; res. in Franklinville.
20438 Dorsey William,11 b. in Eagle, 24 Aug., 1881.

16686.   ELISHA WHIPPLE,10 son of William Albert9 (10107), b. in Eagle, N. Y., 3 Aug., 1851; m. (1) in Lyndon, N. Y., 15 Oct., 1879, Mary Elizabeth Nix, b. in West Webster, N. Y., 26 Jan., 1859, dau. of Joseph Nix, b. 12 July, 1829, and Elizabeth Smart.
She d. in Lyndon, 16 Mar., 1884; he m. (2) in Olean, N. Y., 8 Jan., 1885, Elizabeth Cobb, b. in Scotland, 15 Dec., 1860, dau. of John Cobb, b. 5 Mar., 1822, and Elizabeth Duncan, b. 2 Jan., 1826.
He is a farmer; res. in Ischua, N. Y.
Children, b. in Lyndon.
20439 Frank Alexander,11 b. 26 May, 1887.
20440 Dora Mae,11 b. 12 Jan., 1889.
20441 Raymond Elisha,11 b. 11 June, 1890.
20442 William Albert,11 b. 1 Aug., 1892; d. 12 Aug., 1894.
20443 Lee Sooy,11 b. 21 Apr., 1894.

16687.   AMANDA CAROLINE,10 dau. of William Albert9 (10107), b. in Lyn­don, N. Y., 16 May, 1856; m. (1) in Lyndon, 27 Oct., 1875, Dr. William G. Bur­lingame, b. in Belfast, N. Y., son of Silas Burlingame and Helen Van Schaik.
He d. in Gloversville, N. Y., 24 Mar., 1891; was a dentist and a Democrat; she m. (2) in Portageville, N. Y., 4 Sept., 1898, George Elmer Bryant, b. 12 Aug., 1872; he is a barber and a Republican; res. in Rochester, N. Y.
Child by first husband.
20444 Roy William Burlingame,11 b. in Belfast, 10 June, 1881.

16710.   FRED EUGENE,10 son of Rufus9 (10127), b. in Cicero, N. Y., 20 Dec., 1862; m. in Parish, N. Y., 25 Dec., 1884, Alice Electa Slawson, b. in Parish, 28

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Feb., 1860, dau. of Reuben Lorenzo Slawson, b. 9 Sept., 1836, and Lucinda Jane Fox, b. 3 Nov., 1842.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Brewerton, N. Y.
Children, b. in Cicero.
20445 Winifred Belle,11 b. 23 Aug., 1887.
20446 Lillian Emmerett,11 b. 8 Nov., 1889.
20447 Alice Lucinda,11 b. 16 July, 1895.

16713.   JOHN THOMAS,10 son of William Riley9 (10128), b. in Antwerp, N. Y., 24 July, 1850; m. 12 Dec., 1877, Jennie Gates, b. in Antwerp, 20 Apr., 1854, dau. of William Robert Gates, b. 25 Dec., 1801, and Eunice Faucette Lynde, b. 25 Sept., 1810.
He is a farmer, a Congregationalist and a Democrat; res. in Antwerp.
Children, b. in Antwerp.
20448 Lilla Mary,11 b. 29 Mar., 1883.
20449 Theresa Maud,11 b. 12 July, 1890.

16718.   CORA ADELL,10 dau. of William Riley9 (10128), b. in Antwerp, N. Y., 17 Nov., 1867; m. in Antwerp, 24 Sept., 1890, James Cornwell, b. in Theresa, N. Y., 26 July, 1869, son of Oscar Cornwell, b. 21 May, 1828, and Elizabeth Orvine, b. 4 Apr., 1826.
He is a farmer; res. in Oxbow, N. Y.
20450 Henry Vernon Cornwell,11 b. in Felt's Mills, N. Y., 3 May, 1892.
20451 Willen Kellogg Cornwell,11 b. in Antwerp, 2 Sept., 1895.

16746.   SARAH ANN,10 dau. of Francis Albertus9 (10160), b. in Scio, N. Y., 16 Feb., 1863; m. 4 Sept., 1886, John Henry McIntyre, b. in Honesdale, Pa., 19 Nov., 1857, son of Michael McIntyre and Ann Carr.
He is a railroad station agent, a Catholic and a Democrat; res. in Falls Creek, Pa.
20452 James Irving McIntyre,11 b. in Carman, Pa., 25 Nov., 1888.
20453 John Edwin McIntyre,11 b. in Falls Creek, 25 Mar., 1892.

16747.   JOHN ERVIN,10 son of Francis Albertus9 (10160), b. in Friendship, N. Y., 24 Apr., 1864; m. in Belfast, N. Y., 26 Sept., 1888, Helen Estelle Rey­nolds, b. in Coudersport, Pa., 1876, dau. of Alonzo Manley Reynolds, b. in Bel­fast, and Jennie Willis.
He res. in Shinglehouse, Pa.
20454 Lilly Lenora,11 b. 8 Mar., 1891.
20455 Pearl Ellis,11 b. 12 Sept., 1892.
20456 Alonzo Albertus,11 b. 26 Sept., 1893.
20457 Cecil David,11 b. 25 Oct., 1896.
20458 Kenneth Ervin,11 b. 20 Dec., 1899.

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16750.   WILLIS BURR,10 son of Francis Albertus9 (10160), b. in Wirt, N. Y., 24 Mar., 1872; m. in Olean, N. Y., 20 Apr., 1892, Mattie Kunselman, b. in Sum­merville, Pa., 14 Nov., 1873, dau. of David Frank Kunselman and Sarah Drayer.
He is a laborer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Alma, N. Y.
Children, b. in Falls Creek, Pa.
20459 Sarah Mabel,11 b. 8 Mai-., 1893.
20460 Frank Albertus,11 b. 18 June, 1894.
20461 Loring Grant,11 b. 4 June, 1900.

16753.   BERTHA DILLA,10 dau. of Francis Albertus9 (10160), b. in Wirt, N. Y., 11 Aug., 1880; m. in Shinglehouse, Pa., 14 Aug., 1899, Ervin Eugene Beebe, b. in Cuba, N. Y., son of Ervin and Phidelia Beebe.
They res. in Shinglehouse, Pa., and later in Alma, N. Y.
20462 Marshall Worth Beebe,11 b. 16 June, 1901.

16784.   MAUD LOUISA,10 dau. of Jarvis9 (10208), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 6 May, 1869; m. there, 30 June, 1897, George Allen Bell, b. in Orono, Me., 28 Feb., 1867, son of Joseph Bell, b. 13 Jan., 1819, and Adelaide Currier, b. 1 Jan., 1833, of Oldtown, Me.
He is a shoe dealer, an Episcopalian and a Republican; res. in New York.
20463 Vera Ardele Kellogg Bell,11 b. in Norwalk, 5 Oct., 1898.
20464 Howard Kellogg Bell,11 b. in Hartford, Conn., 27 Oct., 1900; d. in New York City, 21 Sept., 1901.

16790.   ADDIE BELL,10 dau. of Martin9 (10211), b. in New Canaan, Conn., 15 May, 1868; m. in Norwalk, Conn., 3 Nov., 1880, Charles Lincoln Warren, b. in Norwalk, 17 Feb., 1864, son of William B. Warren, b. 3 Mar., 1829, and Sarah Northrop.
He d. in Norwalk, 24 Nov., 1891.
He was a bookkeeper, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Norwalk.
Child, b. in Norwalk.
20465 Lester Kellogg Warren,11 b. 21 May, 1888.

16805.   GEORGE BILLINGS,10 son of Ebenezer Noble9 (10223), b. 15 May, 1344; m. in Hartford, Conn., Julia Maria Sage, b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 31 Aug., 1845, dau. of Henry Sage, b. 1821, and Rebecca Rose Robbins, b. Jan., 1821.
He is in the wool business, is a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Wethersfield.
Children, b. in Wethersfield.
20467 Rosa Billings,11 b. 27 Apr., 1875; m. 30 Apr., 1898, Richard Woolsey De Lamater, b. 5 July, 1872, son of Richard Storm De Lamater, b. 23 Oct., 1833, and Sarah Jane Woolsey, b. 14 Sept., 1831; he is a

1682    The Kelloggs in the New World.

clerk; was Sergt. in Co. K, First Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, 4 May to 31 Oct., 1898, in the Spanish-American war; res. in Wethersfield; has no children.
16822.   CHARLES ALLYN,10 son of Rev. Allyn Stanley9 (10228), b. in Ver­non, Conn., 8 Mar., 1865; m. 12 Oct., 1887, Nina Fales Pearce, b. in Bristol, R. I., 19 May, 1865, dau. of Ensign Walter Pearce, late of United States steam­ship Wyoming, b. in Bristol, 29 Dec., 1839, and Rosina Frances Bennett, b. in Bristol, 10 May, 1842.
He is an electrician; res. in Newtonville, Mass.
Children, b. in Newtorwille.
20468 Marguerite,11 b. 23 Oct., 1889.
20469 Allyn Walter,11 b. 20 Sept., 1896.

16839.   LILLIE VICTORIA,10 dau. of Thomas Cornelius9 (10254), b. in Streetsboro, O., 3 Nov., 1855; m. in Freedom, O., 7 Sept., 1874, Henry Wells Gillett, b. in Randolph, O., 18 Sept., 1845, son of Henry Gillett, b. 26 May, 1830, and Martha Shepard, b. 23 July, 1831, of Appleton, Wis.
He is a farmer, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Freedom.
20470 Clarence Arthur Gillett,11 b. in Appleton, 24 Dec., 1875; m. in South Omaha, Neb., 22 July, 1900, Odessa Brancher; res. in South Omaha.
20471 Charles Homer Gillett,11 b. in Rockford, Ill., 4 Aug., 1877.
20472 Bert Kellogg Gillett,11 b. in Freedom, 5 Apr., 1879.
20473 Henry James Gillett,11 b. in Freedom, 19 Nov., 1892.
20474 Emma Elethea Gillett,11 b. in Freedom, 4 Oct., 1899 , d. same day.

16896.   WILHELAMINA ADDIE,10 dau. of William Augustus9 (10322), b. in Norwalk, Conn., 18 Oct., 1864; m. in Norwalk, 18 Oct., 1888, Walter Whitney Miner, son of John Orlando Miner, b. in Lyme, Conn., 12 Oct., 1831, and Julia Ann Whitney, b. in Darien, Conn., 9 Mar., 1835.
20475 Julia Mildred Miner,11 b. in Bridgeport, 20 Nov., 1890.
20476 Hazel Caroline Miner,11 b. in Norwalk, 15 Nov., 1892.

16897.   CLARA LOUISE,10 dau. of William Augustus9 (10322), b. in Nor­walk, Conn., 6 June, 1866; m. in Norwalk, 27 May, 1886, Frederick Mortimer Wheeler, b. in Norwalk, son of Edward Mortimer Wheeler and Mary Martha Whitney.
20477 Mary Natalie Wheeler,11 b. in East Norwalk, 16 Dec., 1893.

16898.   WILLIAM HENRY,10 son of William Augustus9 (10322), b. 9 Feb., 1870; m. 4 July, 1888, Cora I. Romer, of Mountain Dale, N. Y.
20478 Leonard Adrian,11 b. 5 Apr., 1889.
20479 Theodore,11 b. 28 May, 1892.

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16913.   FRED WALLACE,10 son of Edgar Augustus9 (10330), b. in South Norwalk, Conn., 16 Mar., 1866; m. in Port Chester, N. Y., 25 Oct., 1896, as her second husband, Mrs. Lulena May (Bassett) Peek, b. in Birmingham, Conn., 15 Dec., 1871, dau. of Frederick Eugene Bassett, b. 26 Aug., 1846, and Lillian Eliza­beth Daniels, b. 16 Apr., 1853.
Shem. (1) Chester Albert Peck, from whom she was divorced.
He is a lampman on the N. Y., N. H. and H. R. R.; a Methodist; res. in Saugatuck, Conn.
Child, by adoption.
20480 Gertrude May,11 b. in Wilton, Conn., 13 Dec., 1893; was adopted 20 June, 1898.

16917.   LILLIAN MAY,10 dau. of Edgar Augustus9 (10330), b. in Norwalk, Conn, 12 July, 1880; m. in South Norwalk, 1898, Joseph Hartwick.
He is an upholsterer; res. in South Norwalk, Conn.
20481 Ethel May Hartwick,11 b. in Bridgeport, Conn., Dec., 1898; d. Jan., 1899.
20482 Fred Levem Hartwick,11 b. in South Norwalk, 27 Dec., 1899.

16924.   JOHN ELTON,10 son of George9 (10335), b. in Caledonia, O., 14 Dec., 1859; m. 12 Aug., 1886, Emma Alberta Ewing, b. 7 Aug., 1867, dau. of Thomas Howard Ewing, b. 4 Sept., 1842, and Sarah Elizabeth Collum, b. 19 Dec., 1842.
He res. in Climax, O.
20483 Jessie Florence,11 b. 2 Dec., 1886.
20484 Josephine Bell,11 b. 14 May, 1891; d. 22 Sept., 1891.
20485 Lawrence Glenn,11 b. 15 Mar., 1894.
20486 Clara Alice,11 b. 29 May, 1900.

16934.   HENRY PERRY,10 son of William Henry9 (10348), b. in Caledonia, O., 28 Feb., 1873; m. 3 Oct., 1894, Rose Elfie Monnett, b. 5 Sept., 1872, dau. of Thomas Washington Monnett, b. 26 Apr., 1844, and Anna Mason, b. 6 Apr., 1840.
He res. in Caledonia.
20487 Thomas Monnett,11 b. 14 Mar., 1896.
20488 Clive William,11 b. 20 Sept., 1899.

16979.   ADA MARIA,10 dau. of Perry Ethel9 (10388), b. in La Fayette, Ind., 15 June, 1874; m. in La Fayette, 30 May, 1894, David H. Bellinger, b. in Clin­ton, N. Y., 16 Aug., 1873, son of James C. Bellinger, b. 1837, and Arminda Paige, b. 1838, of La Fayette.
He is a carriage and buggy salesman, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in La Fayette.
Children, b. in La Fayette.
20489 Milton E. Bellinger,11 b. 31 Dec., 1895; d. in Boswell, Ind., 24 Apr., 1899.
20490 Delmar R. Bellinger,11 b. 5 Nov., 1898.

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17024.   GEORGE LUTHER,10 son of Seth Judd9 (10445), b. in Barnard, Mo., 18 Oct., 1869; m. in Rosendale, Mo., Mar., 1894, Josephine Watson, b. in Rosen­dale, dau. of Hezekiah Judge Watson and Emiline Agee, of Rosendale.
He res. in St. Joseph, Mo.; is a Christian and a Republican.
20491 Anna J.,11 b. ______.

17025.   AARON ODIE,10 son of Seth Judd9 (10445), b. in Barnard, Mo., 18 Dec., 1870; m. in Savannah, Mo., 3 Dec., 1896, Bessie Mae Adkins, b. in Sa­vannah, 9 Oct., 1879, dau. of John S. Adkins, b. 27 Jan., 1845, and Lovedy Jane Stark, b. 19 Dec., 1855.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Savannah.
20492 Anna Josephine,11 b. in Rosendale, Mo., 4 Sept., 1898.
20493 Carl,11 b. in Savannah, 22 Feb., 1901.

17037.   ALICE,10 dau. of Thomas Riley9 (10448), b. in Rosendale, Mo., 13 July, 1875; m. in Slate, Kas., 28 Mar., 1895, Albert Emery Miller.
They res. in Perry, Kas.
20494 Louise Aletha Miller,11 b. 7 Feb., 1896.
20495 Alepha Miller,11 b. 10 Apr., 1897.
20496 Myrtle Viola Miller,11 b. 6 Oct, 1898.

17110.   NANCY ELIZABETH,10 dau. of John Woodard9 (10506), b. in Val­paraiso, Ind., 13 Sept., 1860; m. 23 Dec., 1886, James Riley Wilson, of Boone­ville, Ind.
She d. 19 Aug., 1891.
20497 James Kellogg Wilson,11 b. 5 Dec., 1887.
20498 Abbiebel Wilson,11 b. 10 Dec., 1889.
20499 Charlotte Wilson,11 b. 10 Dec., 1889; d. June, 1890.

17111.   ABBIE BELL,10 dau. of John Woodard9 (10506), b. in Valparaiso, Ind., 3 Feb., 1867; m. 27 Oct., 1892, William Snyder, of Valparaiso, b. 2 Oct., 1867, son of John K. Snyder, b. 31 Mar., 1832, and Agatha _______, b. 11 Jan., 1829.
He is a painter; res. in Valparaiso.
20500 Annette Snyder,11 b. 14 June, 1894.

17125.   JIRAH HOLLIS,10 son of Jonathan Moore9 (10516), b. in Preston, Pa., 15 Feb., 1872; m. in Brashear, Mo., 8 June, 1897, Laura Pansy Bailey.
20501 Genevieve Murrey,11 b. 25 Mar., 1898.

17135a.   GEORGE MARTIN,10 son of George Washington9 (10530), b. in Du­buque, Ia., 28 Jan., 1861; m. 28 Jan., 1884, Mary E. Jackson.
He res. in Sioux City, Ia.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1685

20502 GEORGE MARTIN, JR.,11 b. 20 July, 1886.

17138.   GEORGE MARTIN,10 son of Edwin Martin9 (10539), b. in Warren, Conn., 21 Apr., 1838; m. 13 Apr., 1869, Lydia Eliza Benedict, b. in Bethel, Conn., 4 Mar., 1845, dau. of Edwin Benedict, b. 7 Feb., 1803, and Polly Swift Carter, b. 10 May, 1810.
He d. 12 Feb., 1899.
He was a school teacher, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Waverly, Ill.
Children, b. in Waverly.
20503 Ernest Benedict,11 b. 29 Dec., 1870; d. 15 July, 1871.
20504 Emma Louise,11 b. 24 Mar., 1872.
20505 Ernest Martin,11 b. 26 Jan., 1874.
20506 Ralph Curtis,11 b. 25 Oct., 1875.
20507 Edwin Augustus,11 b. 20 May, 1878.
20508 Albert Carter,11 b. 8 June, 1880. [ d. 20 Sept, 1957 ]

17139.   AUGUSTUS WILLIAM,10 son of Edwin Martin9 (10539), b. in War­ren, Conn., 28 Aug., 1840; m. 6 May, 1867, Clarissa Lydia Clark, b. 8 Nov., 1846, dau. of William Levitt Clark, b. in Cornwall, Conn., 4 Feb., 1811, and Harriet Jane Calhoun, b. 4 Dec., 1815.
He is a traveling salesman; res. in Warren, Cornwall, Waterbury and Bridge­port, Conn.; was appointed postmaster in Cornwall in 1865.
20509 Harriet Lucella,11 b. 25 Dec., 1872.

17141.   LUCY ANN,10 dau. of Medad Rogers9 (10540), b. in New Fairfield, Conn.,23 Apr., 1840; m. in New Fairfield, 1 Nov., 1866, William Hull Dibble, b. in Danbury, Conn., 2 June, 1845, son of Nathan Benedict Dibble, b. 14 June, 1803, and Hannah Wood, b. 31 May, 1809.
He is a farmer; served two terms in Connecticut Legislature and held vari­ous town offices; is a member of the Second Congregational Church in Waterbury, Conn.; res. in Middlebury, Conn.
20510 Anna Belle Dibble,11 b. 13 July, 1880.

17143.   MARY ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Medad Rogers9 (10540), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., 6 Aug., 1847; m. there, 19 Sept., 1878, William John Wood­ruff, b. in Sharon, Conn., 29 May, 1845, son of John Woodruff, b. 1 Dec., 1800, and Caroline Keeler, b. 10 Nov., 1810.
He d. 1 Apr., 1883.
He was in the shoe business; an Episcopalian and a Democrat; res. in Bridgeport, Conn.
20511 John Kellogg Woodruff,11 b. 6 Sept., 1879.
20512 Mabel Emily Woodruff,11 b. 1 Nov., 1880.

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17145.   BENJAMIN HATHAWAY,10 son of Seelye Barnum9 (10542), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., 18 Oct., 1857 3 m. in Waverly, Ill., 29 Oct., 1885, Harriet Sample, b. in Waverly, 6 Oct., 1863, dau. of James Sample, b. 7 Apr., 1815, and Ellen Turney, b. 11 Sept., 1817.
He is a butter and cheese maker and a Republican; res. in Arkansas City, Kas.
20513 Jane Opal,11 b. in Waverly, 21 Sept., 1886.
20514 Edwin Herbert,11 b. in Jacksonville, Ill., 28 Apr., 1888.
20515 Flora Hathaway,11 b. in Augusta, Kas., 20 Aug., 1890.
20516 Agnes Elizabeth,11 b. 14 June, 1893.

17146.   IRA MARTIN,10 son of Seelye Barnum9 (10542), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., 30 Apr., 1860; m. ( 1) in Oneida, Ill., Jan., 1884, Jane Leighton, b. 1861, dau. of Leighton and Mary Woods.
She d. in Oneida, 20 Mar., 1886; he m. (2) in Berrien Springs, Mich., 21 Jan., 1888, Alice Belle Mathews, b. in Pipestone, Mich., 6 Aug., 1869, dau. of J.
He is a dealer in lumber; res. in South Bend, Ind.
20517 Clark Hathaway,11 b. in Fayette, Mo., 13 Oct., 1885.
20518 Leo Mathews,11 b. in Manitowoc, Wis., 1891.
20519 Leda Louisa,11 b. 26 Aug., 1893.

17150.   CHARLES ABRAHAM,10 son of Seeyle Barnum9 (10542), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., 23 Mar., 1869; m. in New Milford, Conn., 26 Apr., 1894, Alice Josephine Hamlin, b. in New Milford, 31 Aug., 1870, dau. of George Lewis Ham­lin, b. in Bridgewater, Conn., 21 Oct., 1832 (son of Elisha Hamlin, a Revolu­tionary soldier, who d. 1851, aged 97), and Martha J. Erwin, b. in New Milford, 1 Aug., 1832.
He is a farmer, a Republican and a Congregationalist; res. in New Milford.
20520 Florence Hamlin,11 b. in New Milford, 14 July, 1897.

17154.   ANGELINE LAMIRA,10 dau. of Barzillai Bulkley9 (10544), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., 7 Oct., 1846; m. 24 Apr., 1867, Benjamin Griffen, of New Fair­field, son of Joseph Griffen, b. 1812, and Elizabeth Wanzer, b. 14 July, 1813.
He is a merchant; res. in Brookfield, Conn.
20521 Edward Griffen,11 b. 9 Dec., 1868; res. in Danbury, Conn.
20522 Ernest Griffen,11 b. 26 Apr., 1873.
20523 Edith Griffen,11 b. Apr., 1873.
20524 Martha Griffen,11 b. 25 Jan., 1875.
20525 Henry Washburn Griffen,11 b. 2 June, 1878.
20526 Florle Sophia Griffen,11 b. 19 June, 1881.

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17155.   WILLIAM JOHNSON,10 son of Barzillai Bulkley9 (10544), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., 20 July, 1848; m. 4 Oct., 1872, Sophia Esther Beers, b. 2 Feb., 1847, dau. of Horace Beers, b. 4 May, 1821, and Emily Terrill, b. 21 June, 1824, both of Newtown, Conn.
He is a farmer; occupies the old homestead of his grandfather, Hanford Martin Kellogg. He joined the United States Navy in 1882 and was in Boston, Mass., and Brooklyn, N. Y., for ten years.
20527 Florence Emily,11 b. in New Fairfield, 13 June, 1875; m. Arthur Sherman Mansfield.
20528 Herbert Beers,11 b. in Brookfield, Conn., 25 Oct., 1882; res., unm., in Brookfield.

17156.   FLORENCE ANN,10 dau. of Barzillai Bulkley9 (10544), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., 23 Mar., 1850; m. 8 June, 1870, Charles Seymour Hawes, b. in Sherman, Conn., 13 June, 1847, son of Edmund Vincent Hawes, b. 20 Aug., 1823, and Mary Eliza Green, b. 5 Feb., 1824.
She d. in Bridgeport, Conn., 14 Mar., 1876; he m. (2) _______.
He was a grocer and wholesale tobacco dealer in Bridgeport; res. in Brook­lyn, N. Y., where he is in the livery business.
20529 Grace Florence Hawes,11 b. 31 May, 1873; is unm.

17157.   CHARLES DANIEL HANFORD,10 son of Barzillai Bulkley9 (10544), b. in New Fairfield, 25 Nov., 1856; m. 15 Sept., 1881, Annie Sophia Terrill, b. in Newtown, Conn., 15 June, 1859, dau. of Edwin Glover Terrill, b. 4 Dec., 1820, and Anna Emeline Fairchild, b. 2 Apr., 1826.
He is a farmer; res. on the old homestead of his grandfather, Hanford Mar­tin Kellogg; was in the Pahquiogue Bank in Danbury five years; res. in New Fairfield, Conn.
20530 Hanford Barzillai,11 b. 11 Nov., 1883.
20531 Stanley Terrill,11 b. 30 Dec., 1884.
20532 Louise Fairchild,11 b. 14 Mar., 1886.
20533 Charles Daniel Hanford,11 b. 22 Nov., 1887.
20534 Mary Skidmore,11 b. 8 Oct., 1889.

17182.   LOUISE HARTWELL,10 dau. of Rev. Samuel Henry9 (10577), b. in Fatehgarh, India, 1 July, 1865; m. in Toronto, Canada, 7 Oct., 1890, George Inglis, b. in Banff, Scotland, 5 Nov., 1854, son of William Inglis, b. 7 July, 1820, and Christina Shoolbred, b. 6 Sept., 1827.
He is a druggist; a graduate of Toronto University; a Presbyterian; res. in Germantown, Pa.
20535 Alfred Hartwell Inglis,11 b. in Toronto, 31 Dec., 1891.
20536 William Kenneth Inglis,11 b. in Philadelphia, Pa., 24 Aug., 1898.

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17192.   CLARENCE EDWARD,10 son of Edward Payson9 (10580), b. in Plainfield, N. J., 5 Feb., 1866; m. 1 Oct., 1891, Katherine Jane Williams, b. in Dover, N. J., 4 Dec., 1870, dau. of James Williams, b. in Cornwall, England, 11 Mar., 1847, and Elizabeth Crane, b. in Dover, Dec., 1849.
He is employed in the electric plant of the Morris Plains Insane Asylum; res. in Plainfield, Unionville, N. Y., and Madison, N. J.
20537 Raymond Ruthford,11 b. in Unionville, 16 Dec., 1892.
20538 Clifford Deane,11 b. Nov., 1898.

17228.   CHARLES SUMNER,10 son of Alexis9 (10601), b. in Grinnell, Ia., 14 Aug., 1856; m. 4 Nov., 1892, Lucy Davis, b. in Stewart Co., Ga., 26 May, 1859, dau. of Elisha Davis, of Cuthbert, Ia., and Letitia McLeod.
He is a carpenter; res. in Ballard, Wash.; now res. in Chautauqua, Wash.
20539 William Herbert,11 b. in Ballard, 5 Nov., 1894.

17229.   ARTHUR,10 son of Alexis9 (10601), b. in Liberty, O., 30 Aug., 1858; m. (1) in Evart, Mich., Eva Newell, dau. of William Newell.
She d. ______; he m. (2) in Grand Rapids, Mich., 31 Mar., 1889, Frona Vosburg, b. in Galesburg, Mich., 25 July, 1871, dau. of John Vosburg, b. 22 Aug., 1837, and Maria Campbell.
He d. in Warrington, Fla., 18 Mar., 1895; was a carpenter and engineer; a Republican; rem. to Warrington, Fla., Nov., 1894; she res. there.
Children by second wife.
20540 Allison Winthrop,11 b. in Grand Rapids, 10 June, 1891.
20541 Robert Williamson,11 b. in Traverse City, Mich., 20 Oct., 1892; d. there, 25 Jan., 1893.
20542 Arthur Alexis,11 b. in Traverse City, 19 Apr., 1894; d. there, 28 Sept., 1894.
20543 Dora Belle,11 b. in Warrington, 4 June, 1895; d. in Pensacola, Fla., 11 Oct, 1895.

17230.   ALLISON,10 son of Alexis9 (10601), b. in Ridgeville, O., 29 Dec., 1859; m. in Milton, Fla., 5 June, 1887, Jane Rivers, b. 16 Jan., 1871, dau. of Charles Rivers and Martha Johnson.
He is a carpenter; res. in Olive, Fla.
20544 Nellie Rivers,11 b. in Olive, 23 Apr., 1897.

17235.   IDA MAY,10 dau. of Benjamin9 (10603), b. in Fulton Co., O., 8 July, 1864; m. 13 May, 1885, William Henry Misner, b. in Big Rapids, Mich., 29 Sept., 1857, son of John Misner, b. in Branford, Canada, Sept., 1830; and Jane Madden, b. in Lands End, England, 1838.
He is connected with the G. R. and I. R. R. Co.; res. in Big Rapids, Can­nonsburg, Kendall and now in Grand Rapids, Mich.

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Children, all except the second, b. in Grand Rapids.
20545 Edna May Misner,11 b. 22 Nov., 1885.
✛20546 Lottie Belle Misner,11 b. in Kendall, 16 Aug., 1887.
20547 Floyd Gideon Misner,11 b. 19 Sept., 1889.
20548 Grace Emily Misner,11 b. 14 Oct., 1891.
20549 Laura Helen Misner,11 b. 22 Nov., 1893.
20550 Hugh Clemens Misner,11 b. 23 Dec., 1895.
20551 Clifford Madden Misner,11 b. 23 Feb., 1898.
20552 Ralph Andruz Misner,11 b. 11 July, 1900.

17237.   JAMES HOWARD,10 son of Benjamin9 (10603), b. in Van Buren Co., Mich., 10 May, 1869; m. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 21 Mar., 1896, Mary Beam, b. in Grand Rapids, 26 July, 1876, dau. of Frederick Beam, b. in Germany, 1840, and Mary Waltern, b. in Germany, 6 May, 1851.
He res. in Grand Rapids; is a Republican and a Methodist.
Children, b. in Grand Rapids.
20553 William Hobart,11 b. 27 Dec., 1896.
20554 Lena May,11 b. 1 Mar., 1898.

17238.   STEPHEN MINNER,10 son of Benjamin9 (10603), b. in Trowbridge, Mich., 17 Sept., 1871; m. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 30 June, 1897, Daisy Parker, b. in Joyfield, Mich., 12 July, 1871, dau. of Albert Norton Parker, b. in Hamburg, N. Y., 14 Sept., 1836, and Susan Hathaway, b. in Almira, N. Y., 6 June, 1847.
He is a carpenter; a Baptist; res. in Cleveland, O.
20555 Ruth Irene,11 b. in Cleveland, 13 Apr., 1898.
20556 Vera,11 b. 23 Dec., 1899.

17239.   ANNA BELL,10 dau. of Benjamin9 (10603), b. in Trowbridge, Mich., 15 July, 1873; m. 18 Dec., 1895, Philip Davis Leavenworth, b. in Ann Arbor, Mich.,12 Aug., 1871, son of Edmund Leavenworth, b. in Prattsburg, N. Y., 5 Nov., 1820, and Harriet W. Coming, b. 10 Oct., 1834.
Since 1881 he has res. in Grand Rapids, Mich., where he was employed by the G. R. and I. R. R. Co., and is now with the Olney & Judsen Grocery Co.
Children, b. in Grand Rapids.
20557 Philip Davis Leavenworth,11 b. 25 July, 1897.
20558 Alice Bernice Leavenworth,11 b. 10 Feb., 1899.
20559 Benjamin Kellogg Leavenworth,11 b. 8 Mar., 1901.

17242.   FRANK MORTON,10 son of Walter Hubbell9 (10604), b. in Addison, Mich., 6 Mar., 1867; m. 13 June, 1893, Ida Kessler Berry, b. 22 Oct., 1871, dau. of Benjamin Franklin Berry, b. 259 Aug., 1839, and Sarah Isabelle Miller, b. 16 Aug., 1849.
He is an accountant; was graduated from the Michigan State Agricultural College. His mother died a few years after his birth, and he was reared by his

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aunt, Mrs. Amelia Guthrie, who res. in Mattawan and Kalamazoo, Mich. In 1899 he rem. to Evanston, Ill., and later to Battle Creek, Mich.
20560 Roger Berry,11 b. 26 Sept., 1896.
20561 Margaret Belle,11 b. in Evanston, 9 Mar., 1898.

17243.   KATIE SUSAN,10 dau. of Walter Hubbell9 (10604), b. in Pittsford, Mich., 23 Jan., 1872; m. 30 June, 1891, Elmer Nathaniel Durfee, b. 12 May, 1866, son of Edgar Durfee, b. 23 Apr., 1843, and Elizabeth Bennett, b. 14 Jan., 1845.
He is a school teacher; res. in Harrison, Mich.
20562 Jane Ruth Durfee,11 b. 14 May, 1896.
20563 Walter Edgar Durfee,11 b. in Harrison, 23 Dec., 1900.

17246.   BERTHA FERN,10 dau. of Gideon9 (10607), b. 25 Oct., 1872; m. 31 Oct., 1895, Bert Albert Tyler, b. near Monroe Center, Ill., 12 Feb., 1868, son of Horace Chamberlain Tyler and Abigail Matilda Piper.
He is a druggist; res. in Davenport, Ia., Denver, Col., Canyon City, Conn., Evanston, Ill., and New Orleans, La.
20564 Betty Abigail Tyler,11 b. 18 Jan., 1896.

17253.   NETTIE ADELL,10 dau. of Charles Ellet9 (10619), b. in Lewiston, Idaho, 20 Feb., 1880; m. in Newman, Cal., 27 Dec., 1898, Charles Robert Stahl­man, b. in Germany, 19 June, 1863, son of Fred Ernest Stahlman, b. 19 Feb., 1827, and Henrietta Hirsch, of Brookston, Ind.
He is a dairyman; res. in Newman.
20565 Herman Lake Stahlman,11 b. in Newman, 28 Apr., 1900.

17282.   WILLIAM,10 son of William9 (10770), b. in Stoughton, Conn, 8 June, 1858; m. in Hopkinton, R. I., 31 Jan., 1888, Sarah Frances Hall, b. in Exeter, R. I., 19 Nov., 1863, dau. of Thomas Albro Hall, b. 31 Jan., 1828, and Mary Frances Gardner, b. 19 July, 1835, of Rockville, R. I.
She d. in Hopeworth Sanitarium, Bristol, R. I., 19 July, 1897; he m. (2) in Mystic, Conn., 26 July, 1899, Mrs. Louise Viola (Ralston) Sammis, b. near Parkersburg, W. Va., 22 Sept., 1859, dau. of David Compton Ralston and Eliza Elvira Ingraham, of Parkersburg, and widow of Charles Sammis, of Jacksonville, Fla.
He is a machinist; an Episcopalian; res. in New London, Conn.
Children by first wife, b. in New London.
20566 Clara Frances,11 b. 4 June, 1889.
20567 Alice Marie,11 b. 18 Oct., 1892.
20568 Joseph,11 b. 20 Aug., 1895.

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17284.   HENRY AUSTIN,10 son of William Williams9 (10770), b. in Mystic, Conn., 20 June, 1862; m. in Mystic, 22 June, 1892, Annie Prentice, b. in Mystic, 6 Feb., 1868, dau. of John Prentice, b. 16 Jan., 1823, and Lucy Fitch, b. 9 Feb., 1834.
He is a machinist; an Episcopalian and a Democrat; res. in Mystic.
20569 William Elwin,11 b. in Mystic (Groton), 25 Feb., 1894; d. there, 20 July, 1894.

17290.   OSCAR L.,10 son of Edmund9 (10780), b. in Lamson, N. Y., 16 Jan., 1858; m. 1881, Mary Williams, b. in Phoenix, N. Y., dau. of Charles Williams.
He res. in Scroeppel, N. Y.
20570 Charles,11 b. 1873; d. 1874.

17291.   CORA,10 dau. of Edmund9 (10780), b. in Lamson, N. Y., 2 May, 1860; m. 1881, Enos Gary, b. ______, son of Joel Gary.
She d. 2 May, 1900.
20571 Pearl Gary,11 b. ______.
20572 Mabel Glen Gary,11 b. ______.
20573 Elizabeth Eva Gary,11 b. ______.
20574 Letha Ruth Gary,11 b. ______.
20575 Carl Gary,11 b. ______.

17292.   CAROLINE,10 dau. of Edmund9 (10780), b. in Lamson, N. Y., 4 May, 1864; m. 1881, John Kinnie, b. ______, son of Frank Kinnie, of Phoenix, N. Y., and Charlotte _______.
20576 Earl Kinnie,11 b. 15 July, 1883.
✛20577 Frank Kinnie,11 b. 15 Feb., 1885.
✛20578 Freda Kinnie,11 b. 17 Oct., 1887.
20579 Charlotte Kinnie,11 b. 13 Aug., 1892.
[ 20579a Alice Kinnie, b. ______. ]

[ 17294. Clifford, son of Edmund (10780), m. Etta Eno Bettinger.
Children, b. in Lamson:
Laura Etta, b. July 4, 1911.
Carl Austin, b. June 25, 1913.
Lila Louisa, b. Mar. 29, 1915.

17323.   AMANDA MALVINA,10 dau. of John Calvin9 (10820), b. in Green­field, 9 Sept., 1836; m. in Novi, Mich., Aug., 1853, William Rowley Foster, b. in Murray, N. Y., 4 June, 1825, son of Marcus Foster, b. in Greenfield, 4 Dec., 1798, and Eliza Sleeper, of Murray.
She d. in Springfield, Mich., May, 1855; he m. (2) 30 Sept., 1856, Clarissa M. Welfare.
He is a carpenter and joiner; res. in Corruna, Mich.
20580 Amelia Foster,11 b. 13 Oct., 1854; m. 2 July, 1876, Abel G. Smith.

17324.   MARY JANE,10 dau. of John Calvin9 (10820), b. 27 Oct., 1839; m. in Corruna, Mich., 11 Sept., 1866, Ralph Savage, b. in Shefford, Canada, 12 Sept., 1831, son of John Savage, b. 3 Sept., 1804, and Brintha Hoskins.
He is a farmer; is a member of the Methodist Church and is a Republican; enlisted

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26 Aug., 1864, as a private in Co. H, First Missouri Engineers; was discharged 14 Sept., 1864.
20581 Walter Leon Savage,11 b. 19 Dec., 1867.
20582 Amantha Elva Savage,11 b. 22 Aug., 1869.
20583 John Ernest Savage,11 b. 2 Aug., 1874.
20584 Arthur B. Savage,11 b. 18 June, 1881.

17336.   NELLIE LENORE,10 dau. of Sandusky9 (10823), b. 31 Man, 1867; m. in Plymouth, Mich., 17 Aug., 1887, Arthur Fletcher Wilkinson.
They res. in Northville, Mich.
20585 Hattie May Wilkinson,11 b. 12 July, 1888.
20586 James Kellogg Wilkinson,11 b. 19 Mar., 1892.
20587 Marjorie Joyce Wilkinson,11 b. 16 Apr., 1894.
20588 Charles Arthur Wilkinson,11 b. 17 Feb., 1898.

17337.   ERNEST JONATHAN,10 son of Sandusky9 (10823), b. 4 Oct., 1870; m. in Plymouth, Mich., 14 Mar., 1894, Alice Reece.
They res. in Northville, Mich.
20589 Harold Reece,11 b. 10 Sept., 1895.
20590 Alice Marie,11 b. 7 May, 1898.

17354.   EMMA JANE,10 dau. of John Calvin9 (10830), b. in Saline, Mich., 2 Jan., 1860; m. 10 Nov., 1878, Floyd W. Conde, b. in York, Mich., 14 Jan., 1855, son of Jesse Conde, b. 21 July, 1812, and Rachel Griffen, b. 11 Sept., 1828.
He is a farmer; res. in York.
Children, b. in York.
20591 George Wesley Conde,11 b. 24 Sept., 1879.
20592 Mary Jane Conde,11 b. 12 Apr., 1881.
20593 Frank Arza Conde,11 b. 31 May, 1883.
20594 Estella Blanche Conde,11 b. 23 Oct., 1885.
20595 Daisy Mildred Conde,11 b. 7 Sept., 1889.
20596 Ida Mae Conde,11 b. 20 Dec., 1894.

17357.   ESTHER JANE,10 dau. of Lewis Caleb9 (10831), b. in Milan, Mich., 29 Oct., 1866; m. in Macon, Mich., 10 Feb., 1884, John Solomon Jones, b. in Onondaga, Mich., 23 Dec., 1856, son of William Jones, b. 19 Aug., 1811; and Loretta Howe, b. 13 Oct., 1815, of Batavia, N. Y.
He is a farmer; a Republican; res. in Stanwood, Mich.
Children, b. in Onondaga.
20597 Frank Lewis Jones,11 b. 17 Nov., 1884.
20598 Martha Loretta Jones,11 b. 6 Jan., 1887.
20599 Charles William Jones,11 b. 24 June, 1901.

17359.   MARION ORA,10 dau. of Edwin9 (10834), b. in Macon, Mich., 7 Oct., 1866; m. in Richmond, Mich., 17 June, 1884, William Dudley Wade, b. in Doug­las, Mich., 22 Feb., 1858, son of Jonathan Wade, b. in Canada, and Frances Gil­man, of Douglas.
He is superintendent of veneer works; res. in Alpena, Mich.

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20600 Edwin B. Wade,11 b. in Saugatuck, Mich., 12 Dec., 1887.
20601 Frances Wade,11 b. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 24 June, 1891.

17360.   CHARLIE PAYSON,10 son of Edwin9 (10834), b. in Calhoun Co., Mich., 10 May, 1869; m. in Greenwich, O., 20 Apr., 1893, Laura Treena Pearce, b. in Alliance, O., 23 Dec., 1873, dau. of Frankland John Pearce and Martha Shoemaker.
He is an edged tool grinder; is a Methodist; res. in Clyde, O.
20602 Marion Cordella,11 b. in New London, O., 6 Mar., 1894.
20603 Irving Russell,11 b. in Fitchville, O., 15 June, 1896.
20604 Charles Donald,11 b. in Austin, Mich., 26 Sept., 1897.
20605 Laura Helen,11 b. in Austin, 9 Mar., 1899.
20606 Leonel Neil,11 b. in Norwalk, O., 31 May, 1900.

17372.   MARIAN MELISSA,10 dau. of Dennis9 (10887), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 18 Apr., 1844; m. in Knoxville, Ill., 17 Oct., 1867, John Wesley Gladman, b. 12 Oct., 1840, son of Washington Byron Gladman, of Maryland, b. 16 Feb., 1816, and Catherine Ann Drumm, of Culpeper Court House, Va., b. 23 Sept., 1814.
He is a carriage maker; res. in Oneida and Hopkins, Mo., Topeka and Rich­land, Kas.
20607 Emma Gertrude Gladman,11 b. in Oneida, 9 Aug., 1868.
20608 William Gladman,11 b. in Oneida, 16 Apr., 1876; d. in Hopkins, 22 Apr., 1877.
20609 Helen Mary Gladman,11 b. in Pottersburgh, Kas., 4 Feb., 1883; d. there, 16 Sept., same year.

17373.   WILLIAM MARVIN,10 son of Dennis9 (10887), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 19 Mar., 1851; m. in New Boston, Ill., 15 May, 1884, Mary Alma Collins, b. 3 Apr., 1859, dau. of William J. Collins, b. in Cambridson, England, 11 Feb., 1837, and Susanna Turner, b. in Cambridson, 6 May, 1837.
He is an apiarist and a farmer; a Republican and a Spiritualist; res. in New Boston.
Children, b. in Oneida, Ill.
20610 Leota Mary,11 b. 17 Apr., 1886.
20611 Helen Loraine,11 b. 15 Aug., 1890.

17374.   NEWTON DOUGLAS,10 son of James Douglas9 (10888), b. in Rich­mond, Mass., 13 Sept., 1836; m. in Croton, Ia., 16 Feb., 1860, Sarah Caroline Bishop, b. 16 Feb., 1843, dau. of Rev. Mordecai Bishop, b. 21 June, 1801, and Sarah Detrow, b. 8 Dec., 1805.
He is a farmer; res. in Athens, Mo.
20612 Frances Augusta,11 b. in Croton, 3 May, 1861; m. William Boyd Harper.
20613 Mary Camilla,11 b. 12 July, 1867; m. John Sample Lowry.

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17375.   CAMILLA ANN,10 dau. of James Douglas9 (10888), b. in Bainbridge, N. Y., 11 Jan., 1843; m. in Croton, Ia., 1 Feb., 1869, William Wilson Caldwell, b. in Fairfield, Ia., 2 Nov., 1839, son of James Caldwell, of Primrose, Ia., b. in Ross Co., O., 20 Oct., 1812, and Elizabeth Shepard, b. in Meigs Co., O., 21 Oct., 1813, of Highland Co., O.
He served in the civil war in Co. E, Twenty-fourth Missouri Volunteers, as private and corporal.
He is an attorney at law; res. in Savannah, Mo., and later in Concordia, Kas.; was a delegate to the Republican National Convention, 1900.
Children, b. in Savannah.
20614 Eugene Wilson Caldwell,11 b. 3 Dec., 1869.
20615 Edna May Caldwell,11 b. 6 Oct., 1871.
20616 James Frederic Caldwell,11 b. 10 Aug., 1874.
20617 Edith Caldwell,11 b. 19 Dec., 1881.

17376.   ELISHA BRADLEY,10 son of James Douglas9 (10888), b. in Auster­litz, N. Y., 4 May, 1845; m. 2 Nov., 1872, Martha Ellen Waln, b. 6 May, 1848.
He is a farmer; res. in Memphis, Mo.
20618 William Albert,11 b. Jan., 1874.
20619 Camilla Ann,11 b. 23 May, 1876; m. ______.

17379.   OLIVE CLARISSA,10 dau. of Benjamin9 (10890), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 16 July, 1847; m. 13 Dec., 1864, William Pierce, b. in Watertown, N. Y., 12 June, 1837, son of Robert Pierce, of Copenhagen, N. Y., and Mary Crosby, both b. in Ireland.
She d. in Oneida, Ill., 8 Apr., 1867; he d. there, 21 Feb., 1881.
He was a farmer; res. in Oneida, and later in Bedford, Ia.
20620 Frank Duane Pierce,11 b. 14 Dec., 1865; d. in Bedford, 11 Nov., 1885.

17380.   JANE ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Benjamin9 (10890), b. in Austerlitz, N. Y., 9 July, 1851; m. in Oneida, Ill., 30 June, 1869, William Wallace Brooks, b. in Peoria Co., Ill., 25 Apr., 1848, son of Joseph Orr Brooks, of Appleton City, Mo., b. in Highland Co., O., 27 Oct., 1823, and Mary Ann Gibson, b. in York Co., Pa., 3 Mar., 1825.
He is a grocer; res. in Monmouth, Ill.
20621 Percy Oliver Brooks,11 b. in Appleton City, 17 Man, 1872.
20622 Carrie May Brooks,11 b. in Monmouth, 23 Apr., 1876; m. in Mon­mouth, 20 Sept., 1893, Arthur Clarence McIntosh, of Monmouth, b. in Gales­burg, Ill., 18 Oct., 1871; she d. in Monmouth, 10 Nov., 1895; he went to the Philippine Islands as Lieut. and returned as Capt.

17381.   LILLIE AUGUSTA,10 dau. of Benjamin9 (10890), b. in Austerlitz; N. Y., 28 Oct., 1854; m. in Oneida, Ill., 3 July, 1872, Robert Law Russell, b.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1695

near Glasgow, Scotland, 10 Jan., 1847, son of Thomas Russell, of Lanarkshire, Scotland, b. 7 May, 1822, and Jemima Collins, of Scotland, b. 11 Dec., 1823.
She d. in Monmouth, Ill., 9 Oct., 1886.
He is foreman in the pottery works in Monmouth.
20623 Leonard Phelps Russell,11 b. in Monmouth, 24 Sept., 1875.

17382.   CHARLES ELISHA,10 son of Benjamin9 (10890), b. in Oneida, Ill., 6 Aug., 1862; m. (1) in Galesburg, Ill., 11 Nov., 1886, Lottie A. Johnson, b. in Sweden, 23 Jan., 1866, dau. of Peter Johnson and Anna Beatrice Anderson, who were b. in Menulby, Sweden.
She d. 28 May, 1892; he m. (2) in Monmouth, Ill., 12 June, 1895, Alice Brown, b. in Monmouth, 1866, dau. of Oliver P. Brown, b. in Ohio, 1819.
He is a marketman and a butcher; res. in Monmouth.
Children by first wife, b. in Monmouth.
20624 William Brooks,11 b. 8 Jan., 1888.
20625 Harry Arthur,11 b. 16 Oct., 1889.
Children by second wife.
20626 Helen May,11 b. 16 Sept., 1897.
20627 Charles O.,11 b. 30 Nov., 1899.

17384.   BERNICE ESTELLE,10 dau. of Elisha Bradley9 (10891), b. in Aus­terlitz, N. Y., 25 Nov., 1855; m. 5 Nov., 1877, Henry Miller Richey, b. 25 May, 1853, son of James Richey, of New York City, b. 24 Sept., 1811, and Rebecca South, b. in Northern Pennsylvania, 28 Dec., 1812.
He d. in Lee Co., Ia., 9 Sept., 1892; after his death she res. in Croton, Ia.
He was a farmer and school teacher; res. in Lee Co.
20628 James Bradley Richey,11 b. 27 Aug., 1879.
20629 Florence Maud Richey,11 b. 24 June, 1881; d. 12 Mar., 1901.
20630 Henry Elisha Richey,11 b. 7 Oct., 1883.
20631 Susie Estelle Richey,11 b. 23 Feb., 1886.
20632 Rosa May Richey,11 b. 20 Mar., 1889.
20633 Roy Edward Richey,11 b. 22 Nov., 1891; d. 10 Apr., 1892.

17387.   WILLIAM GAY,10 son of Eliakim Mallory9 (10893), b. in Franklin, N. Y., 2 July, 1853; m. (1) 12 Oct., 1873, Nettie E. Smith, b. 11 July, 1852, dau. of Cyprian Smith, of Franklin, and Anis Howland.
She d. 7 May, 1891; he m. (2) 5 July, 1893, Addie Clark, b. 24 Nov., 1868, dau. of Simon N. Clark and Ella Benedict, of Franklin.
He is a farmer; res. in North Walton, N. Y.
Children by first wife.
20634 Archie Smith,11 b. 6 Oct., 1874.
20635 Charles Butler,11 b. 20 Man, 1880.
Children by second wife.
20636 Laura Jenett,11 b. 19 July, 1894; d. 24 Mar., 1895.
20637 Clark Mallory,11 b. 10 May, 1896.

1696    The Kelloggs in the New World.

17388.   HENRY WILSON,10 son of Eliakim Mallory9 (10893), b. in Frank­lin, N. Y., 8 Nov., 1855; m. in Douglas, Wyo., 3 May, 1893, Matilda Schmidt, b. in Battle Creek, Neb., 5 Aug., 1873, dau. of William Schmidt, b. 18 May, 1844, and Matilda Frederick, b. 25 July, 1842, both of Germany.
He is a farmer; res. in Douglas, Wyo.
Children, b. in Douglas.
20638 Lucy Irene,11 b. 23 June, 1894.
20639 Stella Caroline,11 b. 17 May, 1896.
20640 John Henry,11 b. 15 Mar., 1898.
20641 William Mallory,11 b. 14 Apr., 1900.

17389.   ALMIRA OLIVE,10 dau. of Eliakim Mallory9 (10893), b. in Franklin, N. Y., 8 Aug., 1858; m. in Croton, N. Y., 21 Dec., 1880, Clarence Van Buskirk, b. in Cooperstown, N. Y., 22 Nov., 1858, son of Lewis Van Buskirk, b. 1809, and Amy L. Bates, b. in Dutchess Co., N. Y., 21 Feb., 1821.
He is a farmer; res. in Croton (now Treadwell).
Child, b. in Croton.
20642 Louis M. Van Buskirk,11 b. 1 May, 1887.

17408.   CHARLES THEODORE,10 son of Ulysses Parsons9 (10897), b. in Meredith, N. Y., 21 Mar., 1848, m. 3 Sept., 1871, Helen Augusta Pultz, b. 3 July, 1848, dau. of Frederick Nelson Pultz, b. in Rhinebeck, N. Y., 30 June, 1826, and Caroline Pritchard, b. in Owego, N. Y., 28 Mar., 1829.
He is a carpenter and builder; res. in Owego.
20643 Bessie Marion,11 b. 12 July, 1883.
20644 Leon Morton,11 b. 13 Dec., 1884.
20645 Fred,11 b. 24 Sept., 1887.
20646 Paul A.,11 b. 1 June, 1892; d. 11 Sept., 1893.

17410.   JULIA MARIA,10 dau. of Samuel9 (10898), b. 20 Sept., 1841; m. 1 Sept., 1869, Charles Henry Ives, b. 29 Nov., 1834, son of Edwin Ives, of Guil­ford, N. Y., b. 1 Nov., 1808, and Polly Greene, b. 24 Aug., 1810.
He d. 2 Feb., 1892; after his death she res. in Sidney, N. Y.
He was a farmer.
20647 Alfred Samuel Ives,11 b. 22 July, 1870.
20648 George Webster Ives,11 b. 17 Feb., 1872.
20649 Charles Kellogg Ives,11 b. 29 Nov., 1875.
20650 Howard Marvin Ives,11 b. 12 Mar., 1881.

17414.   ALFRED MERTON,10 son of Samuel9 (10898), b. 25 Feb., 1847; m. (1) 10 Jan., 1871, Hattie Tremaine, of Bloomingburg, N. Y.
She d. 1 June, 1874; he m. (2) 12 May, 1878, Louise Groat.
He is an employee of the Delaware & Hudson Canal Co., at Green Island, N. Y.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1697

Child by first wife.
20651 Tremaine,11 b. 5 Nov., 1871; is a United States Railway Postal Clerk; res. in Lincoln, Neb.
Children by second wife.
20652 Alfred Andrew,11 b. 13 June, 1879.
20653 Edna Louise,11 b. 2 Apr., 1881; d. 13 May, 1884.
20654 Merritt Gifford,11 b. 19 Mar., 1884.
20655 William Henry,11 b. 1 July, 1886.
20656 Harold,11 b. 16 May, 1889.

17416.   LEONARD WILSON,10 son of Samuel9 (10898), b. in Sidney, N. Y., 17 May, 1852; m. 5 Nov., 1873, Ella Gertrude Harper, b. in Beltsville, Md., dau. of Oscar Fitzalen Harper, b. 14 May, 1818, and Lydia Hotchkiss, b. 9 Aug., 1816.
He has been employed by the railroad company at Sidney, and is now a clerk for the Nebraska Planing Mill Co., in Lincoln, Neb.
20657 Orville Harper,11 b. 12 July, 1876.
20658 Frank Leonard,11 b. 25 Feb., 1878; d. 19 Dec., 1891.

17417.   EDNA JANE,10 dau. of Charles Benjamin9 (10899), b. in Owego, N. Y., 12 Feb., 1842; m. 12 Oct., 1864, Henry Hall Ingersoll, b. 12 Oct., 1840, son of Stephen Hall Ingersoll and Olive Curtis, of Owego.
He is a farmer; res. in Delta, Col.
20659 Olive Ingersoll,11 b. 26 June, 1865.
20660 Ruth Ingersoll,11 b. 29 Nov., 1866; m. 24 Oct., 1887, Bert L. Kipp; res. in Ellensburg, Wash.; had two children.
20661 Emma Ingersoll,11 b. 17 June, 1869; m. 25 Nov., 1888, George H. Bige­low; she d. 27 Oct., 1892; had no children.
20662 Stephen Hall Ingersoll,11 b. 17 Mar., 1871.
20663 Elizabeth Ingersoll,11 b. 24 Jan., 1873; d. 10 May, same year.
20664 Mary Godiva Inigersoll,11 b. 8 Mar., 1875.
20665 Benjamin Kellogg Ingersoll,11 b. 12 Mar., 1877.
20666 Antoinette Rebecca Ingersoll,11 b. 8 Feb., 1881.
20667 Edna Ingersoll,11 b. 28 Sept., 1884.

17418.   EMMA JANE,10 dau. of Charles Benjamin9 ( 10899), b. in Owego, N. Y., 12 Feb., 1842; m. 25 Dec., 1861, James H. Ingersoll, b. 9 Jan., 1842, son of James Ingersoll and Lucinda Ballow, of Owego.
He is a farmer; res. in Owego.
20668 Charles Erain Ingersoll,11 b. 10 Feb., 1862.
20669 Jesse Foote Ingersoll,11 b. 20 Dec., 1864; was drowned 10 June, 1885, while in the employ of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Co., at Rourdraux Bridge, Col.
20670 Arthur G. Ingersoll,11 b. 29 Nov., 1868.
20671 Frederick James Ingersoll,11 b. 20 Nov., 1874.

1698    The Kelloggs in the New World.

17422.   GEORGE FOOTE,10 son of Marvin Sanford9 (10900), b. in Croton, N. Y., 4 Apr., 1847; m. 12 Jan., 1870, Ann Eliza Foote, b. 22 Sept., 1849, dau. of Ezekiel Tracey Foote, of North Franklin, N. Y., b. in Otsego, N. Y., 26 May, 1818, and Elizabeth Parish, b. in Oneonta, N. Y., 3 Apr., 1822.
He is a farmer; res. in Croton, and later in Treadwell, N. Y.
20672 Mary Nellie,11 b. 5 June, 1873.
20673 Elizabeth Nancy,11 b. 28 Mar., 1875.
20674 Clara Ida,11 b. 9 Sept., 1876.
20675 Orville Samuel,11 b. 30 Sept., 1879.
20676 Josephine May,11 b. 8 May, 1882.
20677 Charles Foote,11 b. 4 Aug., 1885.

17427.   MARION ELNORA,10 dau. of Austin Jabez9 (10901), b. in Waupun, Wis., 31 Oct., 1850; m. 24 Sept., 1870, Daniel E. Newton, b. in Springville, N. Y., 23 Mar., 1836, son of Otis Newton, b. in East Hamburg, N. Y., and Adelaide Greene.
He is a farmer; res. in Hewitt, Minn.
Child, by adoption.
20678 Frank L. Newton,11 b. 27 Jan., 1877.

17428.   EMILY ANGIE,10 dau. of Austin Jabez9 (10901), b. 22 Aug., 1855, m. James Gray, b. 8 May, 1850, son of Walter Gray and Amelia Madison.
They res. in Dundas, Minn.
20679 Nellie B. Gray,11 b. 22 Apr., 1877.
20680 Edna Gray,11 b. 2 May, 1879.
20681 Mabel Gray,11 b. 7 Jan., 1881.
20682 Wesley Gray,11 b. 1 Oct., 1883.

17433.   CARRIE JANE,10 dau. of Austin Jabez9 (10901), b. in Faribault, Minn., 30 Oct., 1881; m. in Faribault, 6 Nov., 1899, Herbert Elijah Sperry, b. in Dundas, Minn., 10 Oct, 1875, son of Elijah Sperry and Melissa Green.
He is a farmer; res. in Faribault.
20683 Florence Mildred Sperry,11 b. 13 Aug., 1900.

17457.   ALBERT FRANCIS,10 son of Marvin Douglas9 (10908), b. 27 Mar., 1849; m. 14 Jan., 1880, Mary Anderson, b. 1 Oct., 1856, dau. of Thomas Ander­son, of Hamden, N. Y., b. in Sterlingshire, Scotland, 2 Nov., 1822, and Chris­tiana Houd, b. in Roxburghshire, Scotland, 14 Jan., 1835.
He d. 20 Mar., 1882; was a farmer; res. in Croton, N. Y., she m. (2) Wilson Russell, of Walton, N. Y.
20684 Albert,11 b. 12 Mar., 1882.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1699

17458.   LILLIAN MAY,10 dau. of Marvin Douglas9 (10908), b. in Croton, N. Y., 5 Nov., 1855; m. 22 Oct., 1879, John H. Thompson, b. 11 July, 1846, son of John Douglas Thompson, b. in Galashields, Scotland, and Eleanor Miller Ormiston, b. in Philadelphia, Pa.
He d. 28 June, 1897.
He was a merchant; res. in East Meredith, N. Y.
20685 Alfred Thompson,11 b. 4 Aug., 1880.

17459.   ABRAHAM LINCOLN,10 son of Marvin Douglas9 (10908), b. in Cro­ton, N. Y., 1 May, 1860; m. 21 June, 1893, Mary Blakeslee Lewis, b. 16 Jan., 1865, dau. of Samuel Lewis, of Otego, N. Y., b. in Unadilla, N. Y., 1803, and Mary Amelia Cunningham, b. in Unadilla, 27 Mar., 1833.
He is a lawyer; res. in Oneonta, N. Y. He compiled and published a gene­alogy of the branch of the family descended from Benjamin Kellogg, of Auster­litz, N. Y., from which material for this work has been drawn.
20686 Lincoln Lewis,11 b. 23 Sept., 1894.

17460.   RODNEY PARKER,10 son of Martin Newton9 (10911), b. in St. Paul, Minn., 18 June, 1857; m. (1) Frances Margaret Gotten.
She d. ______; he m. (2) 15 Oct., 1884, Mary Maria McAllister, b. in Sus­sex, N. B., 9 Feb., 1858, dau. of Joseph McAllister and Ann Wortman, of Scot­land.
He is a clerk; was with his father for many years in St. Paul, where he now res.
Children by second wife, b. in St. Paul.
20687 Minerva Bethune,11 b. 26 Sept., 1885.
20688 Ada Isabella,11 b. 9 Oct., 1887.
20689 Bernice Aurora,11 b. in West Superior, Wis., 20 July, 1889.
20690 Joseph McAllister,11 b. 4 Nov., 1891.
20691 Viola Brigetta,11 b. 26 Dec., 1893.

17461.   MARY BEATRICE,10 dau. of Martin Newton9 (10911), b. in St. Paul, Minn., 21 Dec., 1862; m. (1) 21 Jan., 1882, Daniel Tennyson Collingwood, b. in Canada, 25 Sept., 1856; (2) in St. Paul, 23 Dec., 1886, James McIlrath, b. in New York City, 6 Jan., 1861, son of James McIlrath and Harriet Styles.
He is a clerk in a wholesale house; res. in Philadelphia.
Child by first husband.
20692 Cuthbert Collingwood,11 b. in St. Paul, 20 June, 1883.
Child by second husband.
20693 James Martin McIlrath,11 b. 14 Feb., 1888.

17465.   HARRIET ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Luke Smith9 (10913), b. in Utica, N. Y., 18 Aug., 1856; m. in Wells, Minn., 14 Feb., 1874, Augustus Franklin Priest, b. in Allegany Co., N. Y., 26 Feb., 1861.
He is a machinist; res. in Shakopee, Minn., and later in Duluth, Minn., where he is master mechanic of the Duluth, Missoula and Northern Railroad.

1700    The Kelloggs in the New World.

20694 Percy Priest,11 b. 13 June, 1878.
20695 Jessie Louise Priest,11 b. 28 Feb., 1880.

17469.   JOSEPH,10 son of Capt. David9 (10916), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 18 Nov., 1825; m. in Newfield, 9 Jan., 1855, Samantha Ham, b. in Newfield, 19 Mar., 1834, dau. of Samuel Ham, b. 1796, and Harriet Blanchard, b. 13 Oct, 1804.
He d. in Newfield, 1 Feb., 1899; she res. in Newfieldg he was a farmer; a Democrat.
Children, b. in Newfield.
20696 Ada Belle,11 b. 16 Aug., 1858; m. Myron N. Tompkins.
20697 La Monte Ellsworth,11 b. 2 Sept., 1865; m. in Odessa, N. Y., 22 Feb., 1888, Gertrude De Witt, b. in Odessa, 10 Sept., 1864, dau. of Abel Shute De Witt and Catherine Brown; he is a traveling sales­man; res. in Portland, Or.; has no children.

17470.   WILLIAM,10 son of Capt. David9 (10916), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 11 Sept., 1827; m. in Newfield, 14 Mar., 1854, Mary Jane Curtis (17519), b. in Newfield, 31 Oct., 1829, dau. of Edwin Curtis, b. 20 June, 1804, and Jane Eliza Kellogg (+10930), b. in Newfield, 8 May, 1810.
He d. in Newfield, 1 Feb., 1889.
He was a farmer; a Presbyterian and a Democrat; res. in Newfield.
Children, b. in Newfield.
20698 Adell Viretta,11 b. 21 Apr., 1857; m. William Henry Payne.
20699 Fred William,11 b. 29 Mar., 1862; m. in Newfield, 22 Jan., 1885, Angie Marie Holman, b. in Newfield, 22 Aug., 1864, dau. of John W. Holman and Laura A. Forsyth, of Newfield; he d. in Newfield, 30 Aug., 1887; was a Presbyterian; a Democrat; she res. in Ithaca.

17472.   DAVID,10 son of Capt. David9 (10916), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 12 Apr., 1835; m. in Newfield, 14 May, 1863, Sarah Sabrina Dassance, b. in Newfield, 27 Sept., 1836, dau. of Hosea Dassance, b. in Vermont, 21 Feb., 1808, and Elizabeth Tense, b. 6 Mar., 1812.
He d. in Newfield, 22 Feb., 1866.
20700 Ena,11 b. in Newfield, 22 Sept., 1866; m. George Homer Ellison.

17473.   CHARLES FRANCIS,10 son of Capt. David9 (10916), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 10 Dec., 1840; m. (1) in Schuyler Co., N. Y., 1 Nov., 1865, Hattie A. Fausett, b. in Madison Co., N. Y., 5 Aug., 1838, dau. of Hiram Fausett, b. 6 Oct., 1813, and Elizabeth Finn, b. 9 Jan., 1817.
She d. in Palo, Mich., 6 Mar., 1873; he m. (2) in Schuyler Co., 31 Mar., 1874, Mary E. Fausett, b. in Madison Co., 16 July, 1846, sister of his first wife.
He is a farmer; has been a member of the Methodist Church since he was seventeen years of age; is a Republican; res. in Palo; was clerk of Palo for six years, also supervisor for six years until his health failed.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1701

Child by second wife.
20701 Herbert Francis,11 b. in Palo, 2 Oct., 1879; m. in Galesburg, Mich., 14 Aug., 1901, Eunice I. Stocken; res. in Palo; was educated at the High School in Ionia, Mich.; took a course in electrical engineer­ing and spent two years in Lansing, Mich., having charge of a large plant.

17483.   SELECTA ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Benjamin Jasper9 (10922), b. in Tompkins Co., N. Y., 8 May, 1840; m. near Dansville, Mich., 16 Aug., 1856, George Wesley Swiggett, b. in Dover, Del., 30 May, 1836.
He is a stone mason; res. in St. Louis, Mich.; served in the civil war as a pri­vate in Co. F, Seventy-third Michigan Infantry, enlisting in the spring of 1865.
20702 Elnore Miranda Swiggett,11 b. in Mason, Mich., 9 June, 1859; m. there, 22 Dec., 1879, L. P. Mitchell; res. in Wheeler, Mich.
20703 Ella Sophronia Swiggett,11 b. in Dansville, 17 July, 1862; m. there, 5 Mar., 1881, Adelbert Abbott; res. in Dansville.

17484.   FRANCES AMELIA,10 dau. of Benjamin Jasper9 (10922), b. ______; m. in Lansing, Mich., Ebenezer M. Fletcher, of Ingham Co., Mich.
20704 Martha Jane Fletcher,11 b. in Dansville, Mich., 13 Jan., 1862; m. in Onondaga, Mich., 4 Mar., 1888, George Albert Smith; res. in Wheeler, Mich.
20705 Ada Mae Fletcher,11 b. in Chesaning, Mich., 23 Feb., 1870; m. in Sag­inaw, Mich., 6 Nov., 1897, William P. Curtis; res. in Dansville.

17486.   SARAH SEPHRONA,10 dau. of Benjamin Jasper9 (10922), b. 22 Feb., 1847; m. 1 June, 1868, Eli Dewitt, of Williamston, Mich., b. 27 Nov., 1832.
He is a farmer; res. in Leroy and later in Williamston, Mich.
Children, b. in Leroy.
20706 Cora Edith Dewitt,11 b. 9 Apr., 1869; d. 18 Dec., 1870.
20707 Elmer Otis Dewitt,11 b. 3 Oct., 1871; d. 8 May, 1872.
20708 Inez Sephrona Dewitt,11 b. 12 Aug., 1875.
20709 Alma Jane Dewitt,11 b. 11 Apr., 1878.
20710 George Willis Dewitt,11 b. 22 Sept., 1880.
20711 Martin Dewitt,11 b. 21 June, 1885.
20712 Milford Dewitt,11 b. 21 June, 1885.

17487.   IRA JENNINGS,10 son of Benjamin Jasper9 (10922), b. in Ingham, Mich., 25 Dec., 1848; m. 1 Jan., 1873, Maria A. Whitney, b. in Stockbridge, Mich., 21 Aug., 1848, dau. of _______ Whitney, b. 25 Dec., 1813.
He was a merchant in Owosso, Mich., 1874-76; Durand, Mich., 1876-83, and in Stockbridge, 1893-97, and later res. in Mason, Mich., where he is Register of Deeds.
20713 Anna Lora,11 b. in Owosso, 19 Feb., 1875.
20714 Mabel Whitney,11 b. in Durand, 27 Man, 1878.

1702    The Kelloggs in the New World.

17488.   HELEN,10 dau. of Benjamin Jasper9 (10922), b. in Wheatfield, Mich., 16 Aug., 1851, b. in Stockbridge, Mich., 2 Oct., 1877, Benjamin Graham, b. in Orange Co., N. Y.
They res. in Merri Court, N. D.
Children, b. in Stockbridge.
20715 Frederick Graham,11 b. 30 Mar., 1881.
20716 Ethel Graham,11 b. 16 Apr., 1883.

17489.   MARY AMANDA,10 dau. of Benjamin Jasper9 (10922), b. in Wheat­field, Mich., 13 Feb., 1853; m. 20 Dec., 1880, Amaca Christian, of Chesaning, Mich.
They res. in Chesaning.
20717 Nora Edith Christian,11 b. 25 June, 1882.
20718 Lella Blanche Christian,11 b. 24 Oct., 1883.

17491.   LEN ORA AUGUSTA,10 dau. of Benjamin Jasper9 (10922), b. in Stockbridge, Mich., 15 Apr., 1857; m. in Stockbridge, 21 Dec., 1881, Melvin B. Ives, b. 21 Dec., 1860.
They res. in Dansville, Mich.
Children, b. in Stockbridge.
20719 Bernice L. Ives,11 b. 4 Nov., 1885; d. 1 Feb., 1886.
20720 Herman S. Ives,11 b. 12 July, 1887.
20721 Grace Louise Ives,11 b. in Wheatfield, Mich., 24 July, 1893.

17493.   MELZAR NATHANIEL,10 son of Deacon Melzar9 (10923), b. in New­field, N. Y., 19 Oct, 1839; m. in Halsey Valley, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1862, Jane Thompkins, b. 21 Feb., 1840, dau. of Richard Thompkins and Margaretta _______.
He d. in Rochester, N. Y., 28 Apr., 1895.
He res. in Erin, N. Y.
20722 Ada Bell,11 b. ______; m. _______ Fuller.
20723 Fred L.,11 b. in Spencer, N. Y., 6 Apr., 1868; m. Rose A. Warner.
20724 Clare Noe,11 b. ______.

17494.   MAHLON ALONZO,10 son of Deacon Melzar9 (10923), b. in Spencer, N. Y., 19 Sept., 1843; m. Carrie [ Vorhis ].
He d. in North Spencer, N. Y., 23 June, 1893; she m. (2) E. J. Curtis; res. in Ithaca, N. Y.
20725 Claud,11 b. ______.
20726 Ida May,11 b. ______.

17496.   MARY LADORNA,10 dau. of Deacon Melzar9 (10923), b. in Van Etten, N. Y., 14 June, 1852; m. in Horse Heads, N. Y., 15 Dec., 1874, Johnson Hummer, b. in Erin, N. Y., 4 Oct., 1849, son of Joseph Hummer, b. 24 Oct., 1829, and Catherine McDole, b. 1826.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Prohibitionist; res. in Erin, N. Y.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1703

Children, b. in Erin.
20727 Bertha Mae Hummer,11 b. 21 Jan., 1879.
20728 Bernice L. Hummer,11 b. 8 May, 1881.

17498.   ELVIRA M,10 dau. of Deacon Melzar9 (10923), b. in Van Etten, N. Y., 28 Sept., 1856; m. in Erin, N. Y., 12 Dec., 1876, Calvin Henry Blauvelt, b. in Erin, 16 Dec., 1855, son of William H. Blauvelt, b. 2 Feb., 1835, and Julia C. Genung, b. 3 Jan., 1836.
He is a merchant, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Hicks, N. Y.
20729 Wella Ernest Blauvelt,11 b. in Newfield, N. Y., 16 Nov., 1878.
20730 Elva Blauvelt,11 b. in Hicks, 2 Apr., 1883.

17500.   WILLIAM T,10 son of Deacon Melzar9 (10923), b. in North Van Etten, N. Y., 27 Nov., 1862; m. in North Spencer, N. Y., 10 Aug., 1884, Alice Ackles, b. in North Spencer, 30 May, 1862, dau. of David Ackles, b. 7 Nov., 1816, and Esther Ann Hugg, b. 28 May, 1823.
He is a watchmaker and jeweler; is a Baptist and a Republican; res. in Ithaca, N. Y.
20731 Irvin D.,11 b. in Danby, N. Y., 23 Apr., 1886.
20732 Harold,11 b. and d. in Ithaca, 25 Sept., 1895.

17501.   OSCAR EUGENE,10 son of Dr. Moses Curtis9 (10926), b. in Perry City, N. Y., 27 Aug., 1825; m. in Syracuse, N. Y., 27 Apr., 1847, Mary Eliza­beth Williams, b. 27 June, 1830, dau. of Mather Williams, b. 20 Dec., 1797, and Caroline Foreman, b. 18 Sept., 1802.
He is a lawyer; res. in Norwalk, O.; is an Episcopalian; was a Whig, then a Republican and now a Democrat; was graduated from Hamilton College, N. Y., 1843.
Children, b. in Norwalk.
20733 Margaret,11 b. 18 Apr., 1849; d. in Norwalk, 9 Aug., 1851.
20734 A Daughter,11 b. 3 Nov., 1855; lived but a few days.
20735 Mary Elizabeth,11 b. 19 Nov., 1858; m. in Norwalk, 9 Feb., 1888, Dr. Fred Delamater Martin, b. in Townsend, O., 16 Dec., 1856, son of Edgar Martin, b. 1827, and Mary Chapman, b. 1833; he was graduated from the Cleveland Medical College (New York), 1878; post-graduate, London (England) Ophthalmic Hospital; was a physician in Norwalk, where he d. 6 July, 1893; she res. in Nor­walk; had no children.

17502.   GEN. LYMAN MACK,10 son of Dr. Moses Curtis9 (10926), b. in Perry City, N. Y., 12 Sept., 1826; m. 31 Oct., 1854, Caroline E. Sturges, b. in New York, 1835, dau. of Harry A. C. Sturges, b. in Augusta, Ga., 7 Jan., 1804, and Jane M. Cargill, b. in New York City, 11 May, 1804.
He d. in Norwalk, O., 30 Jan., 1877; was graduated from West Point Mili­tary Academy, 1852; was an officer in the Eighteenth Reg., Regular Infantry; commanded the regular brigade at the battle of Jonesboro, where he was badly

1704    The Kelloggs in the New World.

wounded; resigned after the close of the rebellion; she m. (2) Nathan Worlay Manning, b. in Ohio, 4 Aug., 1832; res. in Alameda, Cal.
20736 Harry Sturgess,11 b. 4 Sept., 1855; m. (1) Fannie A. Smith; (2) Helen H. Townsend.
20737 Edward Cargill,11 b. ______.
20738 Robert Swartwout,11 b. ______; d. aged 5 or 6.
20739 Roberta,11 b. ______; d. aged 3.

17503.   MARTHA ADELIA,10 dau. of Dr. Moses Curtis9 (10926), b. in Perry City, N. Y., 26 Nov., 1827; m. 14 Sept., 1846, Clark Chapin Sexton, b. in Fair­field, N. Y., 1819.
He d. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 29 May, 1886; she d. in South Broadwood, Mich., 17 Sept., 1900.
20740 Inez Anezetta Sexton,11 b. 26 Oct., 1851; m. 10 Aug., 1889, Henry Wil­liam Hutton; he is a lawyer; res. in San Francisco, Cal.
20741 Clark Lattimer Sexton,11 b. 13 Aug., 1854; d. 13 Sept., same year.
20742 Jay Clark Sexton,11 b. 9 Nov., 1855; m. _______; res. in Phoenix, Ariz.; had two children.
20743 Oscar Lyman Sexton,11 b. 8 May, 1859; Went to Colorado in 1880, and has not been heard from since.
20744 Bennett Romeyn Sexton,11 b. 16 Jan., 1865; m. 2 July, 1890, Effie Dell Myers; is a farmer; res. in South Boardman, Mich.; had three children.
20745 Edith May Sexton,11 b. 6 May, 1867; m. 19 May, 1887, Henry Lee Raine; res. in San Francisco and later in San Jose; had three children.

17505.   MARY FLOYD,10 dau. of Dr. Moses Curtis9 (10926), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 10 Apr., 1831; m. (1) in Fairfield, O., 24 Aug., 1848, Ebenezer Price, b. in Owasco, N. Y., 3 Oct., 1827, son of Elijah Price, b. 2 Aug., 1805, and Abigail Foote, b. 29 Dec., 1806.
She m. (2) William S. Collins; d. ______, in Loyalton, Cal.
Children by first husband.
20746 Alice Price,11 b. ______; d. young.
20747 Nellie Price,11 b. ______; d. young.
20748 Lyman Price,11 b. ______; m. _______
20749 Bessie Price,11 b. ______; d. ______.

17506.   THERON HOTCHKISS,10 son of Dr. Moses Curtis9 (10926), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 9 Nov., 1832; m. 13 Jan., 1862, Frances Ann Esther Penfield, b. 21 Feb., 1834, dau. of Samuel Penfield, of New Haven, Conn, and Fairfield, O., and Clara Treadwell.
He is a lawyer; res. in Norwalk, O.
20750 Charles Romeyn,11 b. in North Fairfield, 2 Apr., 1863; m. Edith May Elliott.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1705

20751 Clara Elizabeth,11 b. in Fairfield, O., 23 Feb., 1865; res., unm., in Cleveland, O.
20752 Frederick William,11 b. in Norwalk, 7 Dec., 1866; m. Florence May Scripps.
20753 Robert James,11 b. in Fairfield, 7 July, 1869; m. 27 June, 1895, Geor­giana Belle Houghton, b. 22 Jan., 1869, dau. of George Houghton, b. 30 Dec., 1826, and Caroline Maria Eggleston, b. 2 Jan., 1839; A. B., Cornell, 1891; Ph. D., Cornell, 1896; is a tutor in French and German; res. in Ithaca, N. Y.; has a dau., CARRIE FRANCES,12 b. 11 Mar., 1902.
20754 Mary Frances,11 b. in Norwalk, 16 Apr., 1872; is unm.
20755 Theron Penfield,11 b. in Norwalk, 2 Oct., 1874; m. Carlossie Mabel Pond.
20756 Edward Samuel,11 b. in Norwalk, 25 Sept., 1878; m. in Kansas City, Mo., 24 Oct., 1900, Daisy Bowdon Evans, b. in Kansas City, 13 July, 1879, dau. of Benjamin Franklin Evans, b. 11 Feb., 1847, and Mary Zulene Bowdon, b. 14 June, 1855; is on the staff of the Kansas City World; is a Methodist and a Republican; has no children.

17509.   FREDERICK HENRY,10 son of Dr. Moses Curtis9 (10926), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 18 June, 1840; m. 16 Jan., 1868, Jane Hudson, b. in Bristol Co., Canada, 12 Mar., 1847, dau. of John Hudson, b. 6 Oct., 1823, and Mary _______, b. 15 Feb., 1823.
He res. in Sedgwick, Kas.; served in the civil war in the Fifteenth Illinois Infantry from 21 May to 18 Oct., 1862; enlisted in Co. B, Third Ohio Cavalry; was mustered out, 5 Aug., 1865.
20757 Frederick Hudson,11 b. 16 June, 1869.
20758 Charles,11 b. 26 Sept., 1872; d. 22 Aug., 1875.
20759 Jesse,11 b. 11 Aug., 1875.
20760 Catherine,11 b. 24 Apr., 1878.

17510.   BRIGADIER-GENERAL EDGAR ROMEYN,10 son of Dr. Moses Curtis9 (10926), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 25 Mar., 1842; m. 13 Feb., 1866, Mary Eliza­beth Wickham, b. in Norwalk, O., 23 Jan., 1845, dau. of Frederick Wickham, b. in York City, 11 Mar., 1812, and Lucy Bancroft Preston, b. in Nashua, N. H., 1814.
He began the study of law in 1861. The war breaking out, he enlisted 15 Apr., 1861, in Co. A, Twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; Sergt-Maj. in June, Second Lieut., July; served in West Virginia from July to October; re­signed 28 Oct., 1861; re-enlisted 29 Nov., 1861, in Co. B, First Battalion, Six­teenth United States Infant-ry; joined the Ohio army in Kentucky; was in the battle of Shiloh and immediately afterward was commissioned Second Lieut., Sixteenth United States Infantry, 7 Apr., 1862; promoted First Lieut., 3 May, 1862, and Capt., 16 Feb., 1865. He was continuously in the field, and was in the last battle of the Atlanta campaign at Jonesboro, and was dangerously wounded by a musketball through his right hip. In the charge at Jonesboro his regiment was checked by the enemy's fire, but Lieut. Kellogg took two companies forward,

1706    The Kelloggs in the New World.

drove the enemy from the intrenchments and held the position until the rest of his regiment joined him. He was promoted to Maj. of the Eighth United States Infantry, 26 Dec., 1888; Lieut. Col. of the Tenth Infantry, 16 Dec., 1892. He was brevetted Capt. for his gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Mur­freesboro, Tenn.; and Maj. for gallant and meritorious services in the Atlanta campaign, and in the battle of Jonesboro, Ga.
He served through the campaign of 1898, in Cuba, and commanded the Tenth United States Infantry in the battle of San Juan Hill (or Santiago de Cuba), and in the subsequent siege, including the surrender of the Spanish forces. He was appointed Brig.-Gen. of Volunteers, 1 Oct., 1898; was honor­ably discharged 24 Feb., 1899. He was appointed a Brig.-Gen., United States Army, 5 Dec., 1899. Having lost his health in Cuba, he was placed on the retired list at his request, 16 Dec., 1899.
He res. in Fort Logan, Col.
20761 Donald Wickham,11 b. in Norwalk, O., 2, Dec., 1866; m. Lillian Fore­man.
20762 Lucy Preston,11 b. in McPherson Barracks, Atlanta, Ga., 6 Jan., 1875; m. in Golden, Col., 29 Aug., 1900, William Raphael Miles Kellogg (19577).
20763 Elizabeth Swartwout,11 b. in Atlanta, 31 Mar., 1876; m. (1) Lieut. William Turner Schenck; (2) William Andrew Shearer Wither.
20764 Frederick Romeyn,11 b. at the United States Army Post, Chattanooga, Tenn., 17 May, 1878; d. there, 14 July, same year.
20765 Kate Christian,11 b. in Fort Assinniboine, Mont., 20 July, 1880; m. in Denver, Col., 19 June, 1901, Lieut. James Alfred Moss, b. in Oskaloosa, Kas., 21 Sept., 1877, son of Joseph B. Moss, b. 17 Aug., 1841, and Arzela Stanley. He is a Lieut. in the Twenty-third Reg., United States Army, and is stationed at Fort Logan, Col. He served in the Spanish war in the Fifty-second Reg., Iowa Volun­teers, and in the Seventh Reg., United States Infantry.

17511.   WILLIAM FRANCIS,10 son of Dr. Moses Curtis9 (10926), b. in Fair­field, O., 10 Mar., 1845; m. 30 Mar., 1875, Mary Bixler, b. 10 Feb., 1856.
They res. in Ruby, Ark.
20766 Emma E.,11 b. 31 Mar., 1876; m. William West.
20767 Carl,11 b. 1 Nov., 1878.
20768 Zelma,11 b. 26 Mar., 1881; d. 7 Sept., 1895.

17524.   DANIEL MACK,10 son of Samuel Allen9 (10932), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 10 Mar., 1839; m. in Newfield, 21 Feb., 1866, Mary Augusta Fleming, b. in Newfield, 27 Feb., 1844, dau. of Leonard Newton Fleming, b. 14 Mar., 1820, and Celecta Fidelia Barnes, b. 1 Dec., 1819, of West Danby, N. Y.
He is a farmer; a Presbyterian and a Democrat; res. in West Danby.
20769 Jay Fleming,11 b. 11 Dec., 1867; d. in Newfield, 23 Aug., 1869.
20770 Florence C. Electa,11 b. 6 Nov., 1875.
20771 Harry Welch,11 b. 2 July, 1877.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1707

17528.   SOLOMON ALBERT,10 son of Nathaniel Holmes9 (10933), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 26 Dec., 1842; m. in Geneva, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1873, Helen Mae Pinch, b. in Canandaigua, N. Y., 9 June, 1843, dau. of John Pinch, b. in 1798, and Jane A. Saxton, b. 20 Mar., 1816.
He is an inspector of public works in Rochester, N. Y.; was a private in Co. A, Seventeenth Illinois Volunteers; enlisted May, 1861; was discharged on ac­count of wounds, June, 1862; is a Republican.
20772 Leah Alberta,11 b. in Geneva, 5 May, 1875; res. unm., in Rochester.

17529.   MARTHA JANE,10 dau. of Nathaniel Holmes9 (10933), b. in New­field, N. Y., 4 Jan., 1844; m. in Ulysses, N. Y., 12 Feb., 1863, Minor McDaniels, b. in Newfield, 17 Oct., 1836, son of John McDaniels, b. 16 Mar., 1807, and Clar­issa Arvilla Chaffee, b. 19 Mar., 1809.
He is a farmer; res. in Ithaca, N. Y.
Children, all except the eldest b. in Newfield.
20773 William Nathaniel McDaniels,11 b. in Danby, N. Y., 28 May, 1864; m. in Wallsville, Pa., 25 Jan., 1899, Kate Ann Cavanaugh; res. in Newfield.
20774 Leroy Kellogg McDaniels,11 b. 27 July, 1866.
20775 Luella A. McDaniels,11 b. 23 Jan., 1869.
20776 John Gillett McDaniels,11 b. 4 Jan., 1873; m. in Brookton, N. Y., 17 Oct., 1900, Donna Ethelyn Lull.
20777 Mary Elizabeth McDaniels,11 b. 24 Oct., 1873.
20778 Albert Murray McDaniels,11 b. 11 Aug., 1878.
20779 Edna Belle McDaniels,11 b. 3 Sept., 1882.
20780 Jessie Rae McDaniels,11 b. 19 Mar., 1885.

17545.   HARTMAN,10 son of Timothy9 (10954), b. in Hinckley, O., 1 Nov., 1850; m. in Hinckley, 1 Dec., 1875, Emma B. Lindley, b. in Tiffin, O., 4 Dec., 1858, dau. of Luther Lindley and Achsah Hadlock.
He is a farmer; a member of the Maccabees and a Republican; res. in Hinckley.
20781 Earl Timothy,11 b. 21 June, 1882.

17548.   EVALINE AMELIA,10 dau. of John9 (10955), b. in Hinckley, O., 23 Dec., 1845; m. in Gibson, Ill., 18 Jan., 1874, Harvey Shipman Bundy, b. 23 Aug., 1846, son of Ira Allen Bundy, b. 1 May, 1806, and Violet Berham, b. 27 Nov., 1807.
She d. in Brooklyn, O., 26 Feb., 1893.
He is a farmer; a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in West Richfield, O.
20782 Ray M. Bundy,11 b. in Gibson, 22 Dec., 1874; res. unm., in Cleve­land, O.

1708    The Kelloggs in the New World.

17549.   LE ROY BARBER,10 son of John9 (10955), b. in Hinckley, O., 30 Nov., 1851; m. 24 June, 1879, Isabella Damon, b. 18 Jan., 1859, dau. of Harri­son Damon, b. 14 Sept., 1819, and Emma C. Harris, b. 19 Oct., 1822.
He is a butcher; a Republican; res. in Hinckley, and later in West Rich­field, O.
Children, b. in Hinckley.
20783 Clara Louise,11 b. 13 Sept., 1880.
20784 Genevieve May,11 b. 11 May, 1885.

17554.   CASSIUS ALVORD,10 son of William9 (10958), b. in Hinckley, O., 21 Nov., 1845; m. 24 Dec., 1871, Emma Dill Shaw, b. in North Hudson, N. Y., 6 Dec., 1851, dau. of Samuel Shaw, b. 30 Dec., 1812, and Sophronia E. Fish, b. 3 Dec., 1812, both of West Randolph, Vt.
He is a farmer; res. in Remson Corners (Hinckley), O.; served in the civil war; enlisted 3 Oct., 1864, in the Sixth United States Cavalry, Co. M; served three years.
20785 Leon William,11 b. in Hinckley, 5 Sept., 1873; m. Jessie Minnie Alber.
20786 Neal Shaw,11 b. 16 Aug., 1875; res. unm., in Medina, O.; is a book­keeper and a Democrat.
20787 Perry Cassius,11 b. 5 Man, 1879; m. Alice Leona Andrew.
20788 Gail Hanson,11 b. 27 Oct., 1881.

17559.   JOSEPH IRWIN,10 son of Luther9 (10980), b. in Elvira, Ia., 2 June, 1856; m. 22 Oct., 1878, Fanny Delphine Whittaker, b. 13 Dec., 1859, dau. of Amos Whittaker, b. 1834, and Mary Ann Devinay, b. 1830.
He rem. from Elvira to De Witt, Ia., and thence to Fall Brook, Cal., 1 Jan., 1893, where he still res.
20798 Edna Lillian,11 b. 19 Oct., 1879.
20790 Rollo Morton,11 b. 26 June, 1888.

17560.   MARY ABIGAIL,10 dau. of Luther9 (10980), b. in Elvira, Ia., 10 Apr., 1858; m. 6 Mar., 1879, Henry Clay Swearingen, of Clinton Co., Ia., b. 7 Mar., 1857, son of Elemelec Swearingen, b. in Virginia, 22 Aug., 1814, and Maria Hurford, b. in Stark Co., O., 14 Feb., 1816.
She d. 12 July, 1881; he m. _______.
He is a farmer; res. in De Witt, Ia.
20791 Nellie Florence Swearingen,11 b. 2 Jan., 1880.

17561.   JOHN EDWIN,10 son of Luther9 (10980), b. in Elvira, Ia., 13 Feb., 1861; m. 3 Oct., 1883, Alma Jane East, b. in Elvira, 16 Dec., 1861, dau. of Thomas East, b. 21 Dec., 1812, and Anne Kiln, b. 12 Nov., 1826, both of Eng­land.
He is in the lumber and building business; res. in Tarkio, Mo.
20792 Ernest Luther,11 b. 1 Aug., 1884.
20793 George Edwin,11 b. 2 Apr., 1889.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1709

17589.   JOSEPH WARNER,10 son of John9 (11032), b. in Woodstock, O., 9 Dec., 1839; m. in Roanoke, Ill., 24 Dec., 1865, Martha Melissa Spangler, b. 23 Nov., 1842, dau. of Henry Spangler, b. in Wayne Co., O., 1818, and Rosella Bar­ney, b. in Boston, Mass.
He is a farmer; res. in Cazenovia, Ill.; served in the Eighth Illinois In­fantry, in the civil war.
20794 Minnie Melissa,11 b. in Metamora, Ill., 4 Sept., 1866; m. William Erastus Hall.
20795 John Henry,11 b. in Metmora, 8 Feb., 1868; d. in Cazenovia, 1 June, 1891.
20796 Oliver Zech,11 b. in Metamora, 24 Oct., 1869; res. in Blencoe, Ia.
20797 Laura Esther,11 b. in Phillips Co., Kas., 17 July, 1873; m. Lee Newton.
20798 Jesse Warner,11 b. in Phillips Co., 12 Mar., 1875; m. Marie Bland Berry.
20799 Charles Lewis,11 b. in Phillips Co., 19 Dec., 1876; res. in Roanoke, Ill.
20800 Jennie Rosella,11 b. in Cazenovia, 5 Dec., 1880.
20801 George Wallace,11 b. in Cazenovia, 20 Oct., 1882.

17591.   PHEBE BOYNTON,10 dau. of John9 (11032), b. in Stowe, Vt., 5 July, 1849; m. in Metamora, Ill., 23 Oct., 1878, Peter Murphy, b. in Canada, 1841.
He served in the civil war, as a private in the Twenty-seventh Reg., Illinois; res. in Metamora.
20802 Alvin Dow Murphy,11 b. in Metamora, 20 Aug., 1879.

17619.   ANNIE CATHERINE,10 dau. of Jesse9 (11053), b. in Sue City, Mo., 18 Dec., 1870; m. in Gibbs, Mo., 6 Nov., 1887, Oliver Floid Johnson, b. in Lee Co., Va., 9 July, 1858, son of John Johnson and Susan _______.
He is a carpenter and builder; a Baptist and a Democrat; res. in Gibbs.
Children, b. in Gibbs.
20803 Ettie Lee Johnson,11 b. 17 Dec., 1890.
20804 Josephine Johnson,11 b. 20 Nov., 1892.
20805 Myrtle Marie Johnson,11 b. 19 Jan., 1894.
20806 Jesse Paul Johnson,11 b. 5 July, 1897.

17620.   MARY ELLEN,10 dau. of Jesse9 (11053), b. in Sue City, Mo., 31 Mar., 1873, b. in La Platte, Mo., 18 Aug., 1892, Chase Elmore, son of William El­more.
He is a hardware dealer; a Republican; res. in McCracken, Kas.
Children, b. in Claflin, Kas.
20807 Jesse Onas Elmore,11 b. 6 Aug., 1893.
20808 Ruth Elmore,11 b. 20 Mar., 1895.

17621.   MINNIE MAUD,10 dau. of Jesse9 (11053), b. in Sue City, Mo., 20 Oct., 1875; m. in Brashear, Mo., 31 July, 1892, Edward Thomas Elmore, b. in Gibbs, Mo., 5 Oct., 1872, son of Andrew Elmore and Emma Stanford.

1710    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He is a railroad employee; a Democrat and a member of the Methodist Church South; res. in Gibbs.
Children, b. in Gibbs.
20809 Lena Elmore,11 b. 23 June, 1893.
20810 Clifford Elmore,11 b. 18 June, 1896.

17623.   JESSE ALLEN,10 son of Allen Stevens9 (11061), b. in Stowe, Vt., 8 July, 1875; m. in Burlington, Vt., 22 Sept., 1896, Elizabeth Alice Atkins.
Children, b. in Stowe.
20811 Claire James Allen,11 b. 1898.
20812 Marguerite Atkins,11 b. 1900.

17626.   HOWARD MERTON,10 son of Alvaro Victor9 (11064), b. in Stowe, Vt., 17 May, 1851; m. in Des Moines, Ia., 20 Jan., 1876, Emma Maud Coyken­dall, b. in Berlin Heights, O., 7 Feb., 1853, dau. of Joshua Coykendall and Anne Lewis, of Devil's Lake, N. D.
He was educated at the Iowa Agricultural College at Ames; was graduated from Iowa College of Law, Des Moines, 1876; is a lawyer; a Republican; res. in St. Paul, Minn.
Children, all except the youngest b. in Des Moines.
20813 Jean,11 b. 18 Mar., 1877 , d. 3 May, 1882.
20814 Ruth,11 b. 25 Apr., 1879; d. 12 Mar., 1882.
20815 Myra,11 b. 19 May, 1881; d. 18 July, 1882.
20816 Leigh,11 b. 23 Apr., 1883.
20817 Helen,11 b. in Aurora, Neb., 27 Oct., 1888.

17627.   CAROLINE MAY,10 dau. of Alvaro Victor9 (11064), b. in Stowe, Vt., 7 May, 1856; m. in Jackson, Ia., 8 Mar., 1874, Francis Rheinhart Fry, b. in Mason Co., W. Va., 28 Dec., 1852, son of Samuel Fry, b. 9 Feb., 1824, and Mary Circle.
She d. in Corydon, Ia., 22 Dec., 1891.
He is a farmer; was graduated from the Western College, Toledo, Ia., 1872; is a member of the United Brethren Church; res. in Corydon.
Children, b. in Corydon.
20818 Frantz Bird Fry,11 b. 2 Mar., 1875; m. in Corydon, 28 June, 1899, Emma Christina Stromster; res. in Corydon, has no children.
20819 Jeva Maud Fry,11 b. 23 Feb., 1878; res. unm., in Asheville, N. C.
20820 Arba May Fry,11 b. 17 July, 1880, b. in Corydon, 28 Feb., 1900, Jesse Thomas White; res. in Corydon, has no children.
20821 Elo Fry,11 b. 23 June, 1882; res. in Corydon.
20822 Samuel Alvaro Fry,11 b. 5 May, 1884.
20823 Eupha Priscilla Fry,11 b. 2 May, 1887.
20824 Alba Quercus Fry,11 b. 11 Dec., 1891.

17628.   FLAVILLA ANN,10 dau. of Alvaro Victor9 (11064), b. near Meta­mora, Ill., 13 Aug., 1858; m. in Wayne Co., Ia., 9 Oct., 1881, Edward Payson Churchill, b. in Montpelier, Vt., 21 Nov., 1857, son of Stillman Churchill, b. 13 Sept., 1812, and Roxey Ann Marsh, b. 29 Nov., 1818.
He is a farmer; res. in Harvard, Ia.

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Children, b. near Harvard.
20825 Edward Perry Churchill,11 b. 19 July, 1882.
20826 Francis Gerald Churchill,11 b. 1 Oct., 1884.
20827 Howard Kellogg Churchill,11 b. 15 Jan., 1887; d. 31 Aug., 1888.
20828 Garth Churchill,11 b. 12 June, 1895.

17632.   JESSIE FLORENCE,10 dau. of Henry Warner9 (11067), b. in Syca­more, Ill., 29 July, 1866; m. in Jefferson, Ia., 1894, William Benjamin Thomas, b. in Radnor, O., May, 1858, son of Richard Thomas, b. 16 Aug., 1816, and Mary Griffith, b. May, 1820.
They res. in Jefferson; he is a farmer; a Presbyterian.
Children, b. in Jefferson.
20829 A Son,11 b. 10 Dec., 1899; d. same day.
20830 Florence Thomas,11 b. 21 July, 1901.

17638.   JAY ALVERDO,10 son of Eli Davenport9 (11072), b. in Belvidere, Ill., 21 Feb., 1851; m. (1) in Dayton, Wash., 3 May, 1881, Sina May Coleson, dau. of Deacon Allen Delos Coleson, b. 19 Nov., 1819, and Barbara Ann May, b. 12 Aug., 1826.
She d. in Dayton, 1 Jan., 1894; he m. (2) 17 July, 1896, Cora B. Lake, b. in Toronto, Canada, 16 Jan., 1875, dau. of Cyrus Lake and Hester A. Bell.
He is a lawyer; a Congregationalist and a Republican. When he was eight years old, the family crossed the plains to California and settled in Weaverville. There he received the rudiments of his education at the public school, and con­tinued his studies at St. Joseph College in Humboldt Co. After a ten years residence in Weaverville, he engaged in the lumber business in Humboldt Co. In 1879 he disposed of his interest, and in March of that year moved to Dayton. There he was engaged in mercantile business for two years, and, in Nov., 1884, was elected auditor of Columbia Co., and was re-elected in 1886. He has also been a member of the common council. He was for three years Mayor of Dayton; res. in Dayton, and later in Seattle, Wash.
Children by first wife, b. in Dayton.
20831 Jay Carlton,11 b. 14 Oct., 1885.
20832 June,11 b. 11 June, 1888.
20833 May,11 b. 12 Jan., 1892; d. 20 June, 1893.

17639.   GEORGE ADELBERT,10 son of Eli Davenport9 (11072), b. in Bonus Prairie, Ill., 24 Mar., 1853; m. 31 Dec., 1877, De Ette Felt, b. in Hydesville, Cal, 4 Aug., 1856, dau. of Dr. Theodore Dwight Felt, of Massachusetts, b. 22 Mar., 1817, and Kate Miller, of Philadelphia, Pa., b. 9 Aug., 1829.
He went to California in 1860, with his father, and lived in Trinity Co. until 1870, then rem. to Humboldt Co.; taught school for eight and a half years; was elected auditor and recorder in 1882, and served as such until 6 Feb., 1891.
In 1896 he was secretary of the Humboldt Chamber of Commerce. He is an ac­countant by profession; res. in Eureka, Cal.
20834 Georgia De Ette,11 b. in Rohnerville, Cal., 4 Apr., 1879.
20835 Adelbert Delos,11 b. in Rohnerville, 28 Sept., 1880.
20836 Pearl,11 b. in Eureka, 24 Sept., 1888.

1712    The Kelloggs in the New World.

17640.   EDWARD LINCOLN,10 son of Eli Davenport9 (11072), b. in Trin­ity Co., Cal., 12 Aug., 1865; m. 4 June, 1889, Maude Carroll Hall, a descendant on her father's side, of Lyman Hall, one of the signers of the Declaration of In­dependence, and on her mother's from the Canadian branch of the Carrolls of Baltimore.
He res. in Seattle, Wash.
20837 George Edward,11 b. 20 Apr., 1890.
20838 Olive Edwyna,11 b. 16 June, 1894.

17662.   NELLIE LOUISA,10 dau. of Henry Nelson9 (11108), b. in West Springfield, Mass., 6 Mar., 1878; m. in West Springfield, 25 Sept., 1895, Reuben Patterson Blakesley, b. 24 May, 1869, son of James Blakesley, b. 1837, and Bethia F. Noble, b. May, 1831.
He is a farmer; res. in West Springfield.
20839 Leon Wright Blakesley,11 b. 4 Dec., 1897.

17675.   SARAH GILBERT,10 dau. of Henry9 (11127) , b. in Hartford, Conn., 9 July, 1846; m. 25 Oct., 1865, John Milton Goetchins, b. in Montgomery, N. Y., 1 Mar., 1834, son of John Embler Goetchins, b. 1 July, 1800, and Julia Strong, b. 9 Oct., 1807.
He is a partner in the firm of James L. Morgan & Co., importers and deal­ers in chemicals; res. in New York.
20840 Henry Kellogg Goetchins,11 b. 13 Dec., 1866.
20841 Julia Goetchins,11 b. 8 Jan., 1868.
20842 John Milton Goetchins, Jr.,11 b. 19 May, 1873.
20843 Morgan Goetchins,11 b. 21 May, 1881.

17676.   MARY LOUISE,10 dau. of Henry9 (11127), b. in Hartford, Conn., 16 May, 1848; m. 3 Apr., 1871, Edward Jewell, b. in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 26 Jan., 1847, son of Pliny Jewell, of Hartford, b. in Winchester, N. H., 1 Sept., 1823, and Caroline Amelia Bradbury, b. in England, 6 Sept., 1823.
He is a dealer in hides and leather; res. in Boston, Mass.
20844 Helen Lyman Jewell,11 b. in Boston, 19 Dec., 1871.
20845 Grace Caroline Jewell,11 b. in Boston, 22 Feb., 1873.
20846 Edith Jewell,11 b. in Swampscott, Mass., 9 July, 1874.
20847 Pliny Jewell,11 b. in Hartford, 14 July, 1877.

17677.   CAROLINE BERTHA,10 dau. of Henry9 (11127), b. in Hartford, Conn., 20 Sept., 1849; m. 20 Sept., 1870, Frederick William Gwinn, b. in Me­dina, N. Y., 20 June, 1849, son of William Rae Gwinn and Emily Augusta Wells, b. in Batavia, N. Y., 17 Apr., 1825.
They res. in Montclair, N. J.; he is a member of the firm of Swaiford Bros. Dry Goods Co., Kansas City, Mo.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1713

20848 Frederick William Gwinn,11 b. in New York City, 3 Apr., 1872.
20849 Elizabeth Gwinn,11 b. in New York City, 31 Aug., 1873; d. 15 June, 1876.
20850 Marjorie Gwinn,11 b. in Montclair, 11 Feb., 1882.

17678.   ANNA WELLS,10 dau. of Henry9 (11127), b in Hartford, Conn., 1 Feb., 1856; m. 10 May, 1877, Theodore Milton Ives, b. 18 Nov., 1844, son of Theodore Ives, b. 13 Feb., 1807, and Martha Ann Boardman, b. 16 June, 1816, both of Bristol, Conn.
He is a commission merchant; res. in New York City.
20851 Pauline Ives,11 b. in Hartford, 3 June, 1878.
20852 Harold Ives,11 b. in Greenwich, Conn., 20 July, 1879; d. 27 Aug., 1879.
20853 Winifred Ives,11 b. in New York, 23 Mar., 1882.
20854 Raymond Ives,11 b. in New York, 21 Dec., 1885.

17684.   EDWIN FOREST,10 son of Cornelius Vanderbilt9 (11136), b in Sac­ramento, Cal., 10 Mar., 1872; m. in Elk Grove, Cal., 18 Oct., 1899, Margaret Jane Atkins, b. in Elk Grove, 11 July, 1870, dau. of John Henry Atkins, b. 21 Apr., 1836, and Winifred Ford, of Illinois, b. 4 Aug., 1838.
He is an iron worker; has been for nine years a member of the National Guard of California; was corporal of Co. G, Second Infantry, Third Brigade, N. G. C.; served in the Spanish-American War as corporal in Co. F, Sixth Reg., United States Volunteers; res. in Sacramento.
20855 Alice Winifred,11 b. in Sacramento, 17 Sept., 1900.

17698.   HORACE SANFORD,10 son of Alfred9 (11154), b. in Brooklyn, O., 21 Apr., 1849; m. in Nov., 1869, Louvisa Bishop, dau. of Elijah Bishop and Olevia A. Webster.
He served in the Union Army three months during the civil war, as a pri­vate at Johnson's Isle; res. in Ravenna, O.
20856 Burt,11 b. in Cleveland, O., 4 Dec., 1874; res. unm., in Cleveland.

17699.   FRANK ACKLEY,10 son of Alfred9 (11154), b. in Cleveland, O., 30 Nov., 1854; m. 7 June, 1876, Lillie Cora Harrington, b. 9 Apr., 1856, dau. of Russell Harrington, b. 1827, and Henrietta Maria Brainard, b. 7 Feb., 1833.
She d. 27 July, 1881.
Children, b. in Cleveland.
20857 Alfred Noah,11 b. 3 May, 1877.
20858 William Jenkins,11 b. 24. Sept., 1880; d. 2 Aug., 1881.

17804.   MARY LUCINA,10 dau. of Charles Worthington9 (11312a), b. in Duxbury, Vt., 18 Dec., 1845; m. in Waterbury, Vt., 24 Oct., 1866, George Wey­mouth Folsom, b. in Middlesex, Vt., 1 Oct., 1842, son of John Folsom, b. 13 July, 1804, and Clarissa Peck, b. 5 Oct., 1805, of Fayston, Vt.
He is a farmer; a Republican; res. in Waitsfield, Vt.

1714    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, first four b. in Fayston, others in Waitsfield.
20859 Ellen Lucina Folsom,11 b. 26 Sept., 1867; m. in Waupaca, Wis., 19 June, 1896, Edward E. Place; res. in Joplin, Mo.
20860 Edna Adelia Folsom,11 b. 21 June, 1869; m. in Waitsfield, 15 Feb., 1896, Clarence W. Strong; res. in Moretown, Vt.
20861 Clara Maria Folsom,11 b. 4 Mar., 1871; m. in Waitsfield, 29 Nov., 1895, Romeo Wesley McAllister; res. in Amenia, N. Y.
20862 Mary Folsom,11 b. 11 Jan., 1873; d. in Waitsfield, 24 Oct., 1874.
20863 John Folsom,11 b. 26 Aug., 1874; m. in Middlesex, 24 Dec., 1900, Rosa Smith; res. in Waitsfield.
20864 Charles Kellogg Folsom,11 b. 4 Sept., 1876.
20865 Daniel Folsom,11 b. 9 Aug., 1878.
20866 Julia Adams Folsom,11 b. 7 Sept., 1880.
20867 Alice Estella Folsom,11 b. 15 Apr., 1882.
20868 Mabel Gertrude Folsom,11 b. 24 June, 1883.
20869 Louise May Folsom,11 b. 14 Oct., 1885.
20870 Georgia Anna Folsom,11 b. 3 Sept., 1888.

17806.   CHARLES MELVIN,10 son of Charles Worthington9 (11312a), b. in Duxbury, Vt., 13 Aug., 1854; m. in Duxbury, 22 Feb., 1877, Laura Corey Nel­son, b. in Duxbury, 23 Aug., 1858, dau. of Stephen Nelson, b. 25 Oct., 1828, and Susan Minerva Corey, b. 30 Sept., 1834.
He d. in Duxbury, 14 Apr., 1898; was a farmer; a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Duxbury; she res. in Waterbury, Vt.
20871 Leroy William,11 b. in Duxbury, 2 Dec., 1877; m. in Waterbury, 8 Oct., 1901, Glencora Clara Freeman; res. in Randolph, Vt.
20872 Charles Wendell,11 b. in Moretown, Vt., 12 Mar., 1883.
20873 Clayton Aubrey,11 b. in Worcester, Vt., 7 Feb., 1887.
20874 Frank Levi,11 b. in Bolton, Vt., 6 Sept., 1890; d. there, 7 Sept., 1891.
20875 Pearl Laura,11 b. in Bolton, 25 Dec., 1891.

17807.   SAMUEL CHESTER,10 son of Charles Worthington9 (11312a), b. in Duxbury, Vt., 4 Jan., 1862; m. in Marshfield, Vt, 18 June, 1881, Lillian May Holt, b. in Marshfield, 5 July, 1863, dau. of Charles Wallen Holt, b. 30 July, 1834, and Kate Florinda Dwinell, b. 1 Apr., 1835, of Marshfield.
He res. in Middlesex, Vt.
Children, b. in Duxbury.
20876 Clarence Herbert,11 b. 13 Feb., 1883.
20877 Clement Curtis,11 b. 17 Dec., 1887.
20878 Louis Ray,11 b. 20 Nov., 1889.

17822.   EMILY LOUISA,10 dau. of Henry Clay9 (11319), b. in Philadelphia, Pa., 26 May, 1855; m. 23 Nov., 1882, Alfred Fitler Moore, b. 23 Jan., 1854, son of Joseph Moore, b. 20 Feb., 1816, and Celia Fitler, b. 1 Feb., 1820.
He is a manufacturer of insulated electric Wire; res. in Philadelphia.
Child, b. in Philadelphia.
20879 Alfred Filler Moore, Jr.,11 b. 9 Mar., 1884; d. 4 Apr., same year.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1715

17827.   MARY ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Edward9 (11320), b. in Philadelphia, Pa., 25 Jan., 1860; m. 27 Nov., 1888, Harry Bertram Hamell, b. 22 Jan., 1854, son of Alexander Hamilton Hamell, b. 2 Mar., 1832, and Susanna _______.
20880 Dorothy Elizabeth Hamell,11 b. 1 Feb., 1890.

17836.   JAMES EDWIN,10 son of James Simons9 (11348), b. in Homer, Ill., 2 Mar., 1862; m. in Lewis, Kas., 17 May, 1886, Mary Caroline Risher, b. in Clarksville, Pa., 17 Jan., 1865, dau. of Israel Dallas Risher, b. 26 Feb., 1839, and Amanda Melissa Cron, b. 27 Dec., 1843.
He is a farmer; a Republican; res. in Byron, Okla.
20881 Nora Edna,11 b. in Lewis, 18 Feb., 1887.
20882 Alta Lois,11 b. in Lockport, Ill., 8 Jan., 1889.
20883 Jane May,11 b. in Sharon, Mo., 29 Nov., 1890.

17837.   JOSEPH PRESTON,10 son of James Simons9 (11348), b. in Homer, Ill., 13 Apr., 1864; m. in Lockport, Ill., 11 Dec., 1890, Sarah Henson, b. in Nie­wolde, Holland, 9 Oct., 1866, dau. of George Henson and Margaret Klap.
He is a farmer; a Republican; res. in Lockport.
20884 John Preston,11 b. 6 Oct., 1891; d. 28 Oct., 1895.
20885 Charles Nathaniel,11 b. 25 Nov., 1892.
20886 James Benjamin,11 b. 6 Nov., 1894.
20887 Anna Marguerite,11 b. 26 Apr., 1897.

17838.   CHARLES ALBERT,10 son of James Simons9 (11348), b. in Orland, Ill., 4 May, 1866; m. in Lockport, Ill., 3 Apr., 1889, Mary R. Henze, b. in South Prussia, 16 Sept., 1869, dau. of William Frederick Henze, of Bloomington, Ill., b. in Germany, 24 Apr., 1838, and Barbara Reiman, b. 20 Nov., 1840.
He is a farmer; a Republican and an Episcopalian; res. in Lockport; is a member of the Board of Highway Commissioners of Lockport; was Supervisor two years.
20888 Florence Mabel,11 b. 30 Jan., 1890.
20889 Cora Louise,11 b. 3 Sept., 1891.
20890 Mary Calista,11 b. 14 June, 1893; d. 15 Aug., same year.
20891 Lewis Warben,11 b. 23 Dec., 1894.
20892 George Martin,11 b. 12 Feb., 1898.
20893 Charles Albert,11 b. 23 Aug., 1900.

17852.   SARAH ANN,10 dau. of John Taylor9 (11368), b. in Houston, Minn., 25 Dec., 1862; m. in Sumner, Wis, 2 Sept., 1884, John Henry Cilley, b. in Hous­ton, 31 Dec., 1858, son of David Cilley, b. May, 1832, and Anna Wright, b. 28 Dec., 1832, of Independence, Wis. He is an engineer; res. in Chicago, Ill.
20894 Dan Reuben Cilley,11 b. in Hale, Wis., 20 Sept., 1885.
20895 Isaac Darwin Cilley,11 b. in Hale, 28 Aug., 1887.

1716    The Kelloggs in the New World.

20896 James Henry Cilley,11 b. in Wheat Field, N. D., 26 Sept., 1889.
20897 Mary Florence Cilley,11 b. in Grand Forks, N. D., 19 Nov., 1891.

17853.   MAHLON JAMES,10 son of John Taylor9 (11368), b. in Hokah, Minn., 25 May, 1868; m. in Cando, N. D., 27 May, 1894, Emma E. Mellberg, b. in East Union, Minn., 6 Mar., 1870, dau. of John Mellberg, b. 11 July, 1823, and Carrie Rondahl, b. 2 Mar., 1827.
He is a carpenter; res. in Chicago; is a member of the Catholic Church.
Children, b. in Cando.
20898 Mable Theodora,11 b. 2 Feb., 1895.
20899 Elvin Violet,11 b. 5 Dec., 1900.

17854.   NORA ETHEL,10 dau. of John Taylor9 (11368), b. in Sioska, Wis., 6 Jan., 1879; m. in Chicago, Ill., 27 Oct., 1900, Arthur Perry Root, b. in St. Joseph, Mo., 6 May, 1879, son of William Lucius Root, b. 4 July, 1840, and Al­mira Silverthorn, b. 23 Apr., 1843.
He is a paper box cutter; a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Chicago.
20900 Cora Pearl Root,11 b. in Chicago, 7 Dec., 1901.

17872.   LOUISA WAINWRIGHT,10 dau. of Rev. Charles Thompson9 (11379), b. in New Haven, Conn., 19 Nov., 1858; m. 22 Apr., 1879, Dr. Samuel Alexander McCosh, b. 22 June, 1848, son of Samuel McCosh, b. 1827, and Catherine Eich­elberger, b. 1829.
He d. 4 May, 1890; after his death she res. in Easton, Pa.
He was a physician in Atlanta, Ga.
20901 James Nathaniel McCosh,11 b. 6 Apr., 1881.
20902 Rufus Eichelberger McCosh,11 b. 7 Aug., 1883.
20903 Marshall Kellogg McCosh,11 b. 3 Dec., 1885.
20904 Louise Alice McCosh,11 b. 31 Oct., 1888.

17873.   KATE HONORAH,10 dau. of Nathaniel Selleck9 (11383), b. in Dela­van, Ill., 29 Nov., 1854; m. in Rockford, Ill., 24 Dec., 1873, Edwin Benton Childs, b. 20 June, 1849.
Children, b. in Rockford.
20905 Daisy Katie Childs,11 b. 10 Feb., 1875; m. in Rockford, 26 Sept.,1900, Bennet P. Stewart; res. in Rockford.
20906 Lillie Belle Childs,11 b. 29 Jan., 1877.

17883a.   CHARLES ALVAH,10 son of Alvah Tyler9 (11417), b. in Cleve­land, O., 5 Nov., 1870; m. in Medina, O., 26 Apr., 1899, Adelaide Hines Whipple, of Medina. He res. in Eldon, Mo.
20907 Windsor Edwin Scofield,11 b. in Medina, 28 Apr., 1900.

17914.   HUTCHINSON AMBROSE,10 son of Leander Post9 (11453), b. in Ney, Ill., 10 July, 1853; m. in Geneva, Ill., 11 Oct., 1876, Ida May Wager, b. 13 Aug., 1858, dau. of Henry Wager, b. 19 Apr., 1819, and Deborah Wager.
He is a farmer; res. in Geneva.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1717

Children, b. in Genoa, Ill.
20908 Flossie Pearl,11 b. 10 Feb., 1884.
20909 Vay Hutchinson,11 b. 25 Dec., 1888.

17917.   L D,10 son of Leander Post9 (11453), b. in Genoa, Ill.,1 Feb., 1867; m. in Genoa, 9 Nov., 1887, Charlotte Matilda Valder, b. in Newburg, Minn., 20 Feb., 1866, dau. of Hans Valder, b. 18 Oct., 1813, and Ellen Ake, b. 14 Mar., 1831, of Newburg.
He is a farmer; a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Genoa.
Children, b. in Genoa.
20910 Gladys Dorothy,11 b. 14 July, 1898.
20911 Vira Mae,11 b. 27 Feb., 1900.

17923.   IDA ELIZABETH,10 dau. of Lucius9 (11455), b. in Geneva, Ill., 9 Aug., 1858; m. (1) in Virginia City, Mont., 10 Aug., 1878, Joseph Steward Champion, b. in New York, 1844.
He d. in Butte, Mont., 30 Aug., 1881; was a machinist; a Democrat; served as Corp. in the civil war; she m. (2) 7 May, 1884, James Bennett Snapp, b. in Virginia; he d. 28 Feb., 1892, she m. (3) Adelbert Diah Adams, b. in Wellsville, N. Y., 1848, son of Nodiah Adams, b. 1828, and Eunice Lydia Adams, b. 1827, of Wellsville.
He is a liveryman; a Universalist and a Democrat; res. in Decatur, Mich.; is a graduate of Friendship Academy.
Children by first husband, b. in Virginia City.
20912 Morrell X. Champion,11 b. 10 Sept., 1879; m. in Twin Bridges, Mont., 7 Aug., 1900, Ella Farlin; res. in Rochester, Mont.
20913 Steward Ray Champion,11 b. 17 July, 1881.
Children by second husband.
20914 Frank Bennett Snapp,11 b. 5 May, 1885.
20915 Ida Meria Snapp,11 b. 6 Nov., 1886; d. in Virginia City, 2 Apr., 1893.

17925.   VIRGINIA BELL,10 dau. of Lucius9 (11455), b. in Virginia City, Mont., 25 Jan., 1865; m. in Virginia City, 4 Sept., 1879, Fritz Frederick Kohls, b. in Wisconsin, 25 Dec., 1855.
Children, b. in Virginia City.
20916 Lucius Fay Kohls,11 b. 27 July, 1881; d. in Butte, 26 Oct., 1899.
20917 Florence May Kohls,11 b. 30 Dec., 1882.
20918 William Ray Kohls,11 b. 1 June, 1888.
20919 Lila Joy Kohls,11 b. 12 Apr., 1891.
20920 Ruby Ida Kohls,11 b. 15 Feb., 1897.

17946.   CORA M.,10 dau. of Eusebius Allan9 (11464), b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 4 Mar., 1860; m. 26 Jan., 1886, Edward Sherman Strong, 5 Oct., 1851, son of Rev. Edward Strong, b. 1811, and Margaret Sherman, b. 1826.
20921 Allan Kellogg Strong,11 b. 6 Jan., 1889.

1718    The Kelloggs in the New World.

17954.   HENRIETTA MINNIE,10 dau. of Bolivar Wells9 (11501), b. in Ash­land, O., 4 Jan., 1849; m. (1) 17 May, 1866, William L. Holt, of Belleville, O.
They were divorced; she m. (2) 15 May, 1880, James Monroe Harr, b. in Doylestown, Pa., 25 Oct., 1852, son of David Harr, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., 20 Sept., 1821, and Susan Frantz, b. in Guilford, Pa., 28 May, 1831; d. 13 Sept., 1893.
He is a tobacconist; res. in Norwalk, O.
Child by first husband.
20922 Caroline Kellogg Holt,11 b. 7 May, 1867; m. 4 May, 1883, Joseph B. Stewart; had three children.

17960.   WALTER BIGELOW,10 son of George Alvaro9 (11506), b. in Kewanee, Ill., 11 Sept., 1869; m. in Raton, N. M., 25 Feb., 1892, Alice Jay, b. 10 Jan., 1873, dau. of Layton Jay, of Deming, Ind., b. 13 Aug., 1832, and Angelina Pickett, b. in Indiana, 18 Aug., 1843.
Children, b. in Salida, Col.
20923 George Jay,11 b. 3 Feb., 1893.
20924 Philip Malcolm,11 b. 20 Sept., 1895.

17971.   MATILDA ANN,10 dau. of Wells9 (11511), b. in Ashland, O., 1 Oct., 1861; m. 21 Sept., 1880, Ross Hanlon Cowan, b. 21 Sept., 1860, son of Robert Watson Cowan, b. 26 Mar., 1832, and Mary Euphemia Stanett, b. 3 Aug., 1837.
She d. 20 July, 1890; he m. (2) _______; is a printer; res. in Ashland and Muncie, Ind.
20925 Onida May Cowan,11 b. 19 Apr., 1882; d. 18 Feb., 1885.
20926 Florence Kate Cowan,11 b. 17 Apr., 1886.
20927 Don Kellogg Cowan,11 b. 20 Nov., 1887.

17988.   FRED BURTON,10 son of Charles Henry9 (11547), b. in Tomah, Wis., 23 Dec., 1869; m. in Minneapolis, Minn., 15 May, 1894, Gertrude Mae Sheldon, b. in Scranton, Ia., 22 Nov., 1870, dau. of Dwight J. Sheldon, b. 17 Nov., 1840, and Charlotte Allen, b. 5 July, 1849.
He is a bookkeeper; a Republican; res. in Minneapolis.
Children (adopted), b. in Minneapolis.
20928 Mae Louise,11 b. 8 Feb., 1896.
20929 Douglas Sheldon,11 b. 3 May, 1899.

17989.   NELLIE LOUISE,10 dau. of Charles Henry9 (11547), b. in Tomah, Wis., 2 Jan., 1876; m. in Tomah, 22 Oct., 1896, Charles Henry Tourville, b. in Sparta, Wis., 22 Oct., 1872, son of Henry Harrison Tourville, b. 17 Mar., 1848, and Marie Louisa King, b. 10 Mar., 1852.
She d. in Tomah, 21 Nov., 1897.
He is a jeweler; a Republican.
20930 Katherine Marie Tourville,11 b. in Tomah, 21 Nov., 1897.

18011.   JULIA VIRGINIA,10 dau. of James Edward9 (11567), b. in Cornwall, Conn., 20 Sept., 1853; m. in Cornwall, 10 Feb., 1874, Elias Buell Heady, b. in Norfolk, Conn., 28 July, 1846, son of Clark Lamphere Heady, b. 9 May, 1820; and Eliza Rachel Andrews, b. in Norfolk, 25 Sept., 1819.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1719

He is a physician, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Milford, Conn.; was graduated from Yale Medical College, 1872.
20931 Clarence Kellogg Heady,11 b. in Cornwall, 23 Nov., 1879; d. 11 Nov., 1886.
20932 Louis Edward Heady,11 b. 19 Mar., 1883.
20933 Carlton Kellogg Heady,11 b. 24 May, 1889.
20934 William Henry Heady,11 b. 2 Apr., 1896; d. 20 July, same year.

18013.   BELLE C.,10 dau. of Theodore9 (11568), b. in Westport, Conn., 20 Apr., 1853; m. in Cornwall, Conn., 12 Jan., 1897, Oscar P. Bunnell.
Children, b. in Cornwall.
20935 Bertha M. Bunnell,11 b. 25 Dec., 1874.
20936 Mary H. Bunnell,11 b. 3 June, 1878.
20937 Martha Bunnell,11 b. 30 Sept., 1880; m. 9 Sept., 1898, Frank Waldron; has two children.
20938 Alice Bunnell,11 b. 31 July, 1884.

18019.   WILLIAM FREDERICK,10 son of William Frederick9 (11576), b. in Bridgeport, Conn., 1 Dec., 1858; m. in Omaha, Neb., 23 May, 1888, Mary L. Ostrom, b. in Omaha, 13 Feb., 1868, dau. of Henry L. Ostrom, b. 1 Jan., 1831, and Alice _______, b. 14 Mar., 1850.
He is a merchant, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Omaha.
20939 Ruth Calhoun,11 b. 6 Jan., 1889.
20940 Margaret Alice,11 b. 16 Sept., 1890.
20941 Frederick William,11 b. 2 Dec., 1892.
20942 Mary Helen,11 b. 14 Aug., 1900.
20943 Sarah,11 b. 14 Aug., 1900.

18022.   ANNA RUTH,10 dau. of Charles Calhoun9 (11577), b. in Chicago, Ill., 6 Feb., 1865; m. (1) 7 June, 1888, William Edward Mathews, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 10 Sept., 1862, son of Edward Loree Mathews, b. 5 July, 1809, and Re­becca Haliday, b. in Glasgow, Scotland, 1 Jan., 1834.
He d. 15 Mar., 1891; was vice-president of the Crescent Light Watch Case Company, of Newark, N. J.; she m. (2) 24 June, 1897, Walter Edwin Hodgman, b. in Bath, N. Y., 21 May, 1858, son of Lansing Derrick Hodgman, b. in Still­water, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1815, and Abby Clarissa Cook, b. in Bath, 4 Feb., 1824; res. in Yonkers, N. Y.
Child by first husband.
20944 Loree Schuyler Mathews,11 b. 10 Jan., 1890; d. 23 Apr., 1893.
Child by second husband.
20945 Whitney Calhoun Hodgman,11 b. 23 Mar., 1901.

18027.   ARTHUR BALDWIN,10 son of Edgar Sackett9 (11582), b. ______; m. 1 Sept., 1886, Iva Hortense Kellogg (18076), b. in Reedsburg, Wis., 15 Apr., 1868, dau. of John Kellogg (+11613), b. 11 Dec., 1833, and Sarah Jane Chand­ler, b. 19 Apr., 1834.
He res. in Agnew, Mich.

1720    The Kelloggs in the New World.

20946 Jenette Mae,11 b. 8 June, 1889.
20947 Kieth,11 b. 21 Nov., 1898.

18031.   ALICE AMELIA,10 dau. of Wilbur Fiske9 (11584), b. in Goodhue Co., Minn., 2 June, 1860 5 m. in River Falls, Wis., 1 June, 1881, Devillo Leander Fol­som, b. in Zumbrota, Minn., 5 Feb., 1860, son of A. B. Folsom, b. 7 Dec., 1833, and Augusta S. Bowley, b. 2 Dec., 1833.
He is a farmer; res. in Appleton, Minn.
Children, b. in Appleton.
20948 Glen Watson Folsom,11 b. 17 Feb., 1882.
20949 Edith May Folsom,11 b. 25 July, 1886.
20950 Florence Kellogg Folsom,11 b. 11 May, 1893.

18075.   HETTIE MAY,10 dau. of John9 (11613), b. in Reedsburg, Wis., 29 Sept., 1862; m. in Reedsburg, 5 May, 1883, Bertine Pew, of Benton Harbor, Mich., son of Franklin Pew, b. 11 May, 1827, and Sarah E. Way, b. 1 Nov., 1837.
He d. in Reedsburg, 10 Aug., 1895.
He was a bookkeeper; res. in Reedsburg.
20951 Wesley Bertine Pew,11 b. in Reedsburg, 7 Feb., 1894.

18084.   MINNIE GRACE,10 dau. of Imla9 (11617), b. in Reedsburg, Wis, 5 Nov., 1863; m. in Sumpter, Wis., 14 Oct, 1885, Stephen Premo, b. in Merrimack, Wis., 20 Apr., 1858, son of Charles Premo and Eliza Astle, of Prairie du Sac, Wis.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Prohibitionist; res. in Prairie du Sac.
Children, b. in Prairie dn Sac.
20952 Kenneth Lyle Premo,11 b. 9 Aug., 1886.
20953 Garth Roscoe Premo,11 b. 7 Oct., 1888.
20954 Irma Vivian Premo,11 b. 6 May, 1900.

18086.   CARRIE EDNA,10 dau. of Imla9 (11617), b. in Honey Creek, Wis.,23 Mar., 1872; m. Frank Wesley Bass, b. in Vermont, 17 Jan., 1868, son of I. W. Bass and Lorenda Hill, of Sumpter.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Prohibitionist; res. in Prairie du Sac, Wis.
20955 Floyd Kellogg Bass,11 b. 15 Mar., 1899.

18087.   ALICE MYRTLE,10 dau. of Imla9 (11617), b. in Honey Creek, Wis., 25 Oct., 1876; m. in Sumpter, Wis., 13 Jan., 1899, Royden John Hoover, b. in King's Corner, Wis., 13 Oct., 1876, son of Mortimer Hoover and Jemima Francis, of King's Corner.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Prairie du Sac, Wis.
20956 Lucile Ione Hoover,11 b. 21 June, 1900.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1721


18216.   SPENCER,11 son of Spencer10 (11824), b. in Amsterdam, N. Y., 10 Apr., 1876; b. in Leavenworth, Kas., 31 May, 1898, Lida Deshler Willson, b. in Leavenworth, 26 Nov., 1877, dau. of Edward Payson Willson, b. 26 Dec., 1832, and Olive Sinks, b. 11 Apr., 1841.
He is a manufacturer and a Presbyterian; res. in Buffalo, N. Y.
20957 Lois Dorothy,12 b. in Buffalo, 20 June, 1899.

18217.   ELIZABETH MILLER,11 dau. of Spencer10 (11824), b. in Des Moines, Ia., 15 Feb., 1879; m. in Buffalo, N. Y., 3 Jan., 1899, Stuart Riddell Mann, b. in Buffalo, 17 Jan., 1877, son of George Edward Mann, b. 3 Dec., 1845, and Carrie Stuart Riddell, b. 22 Mar., 1856.
He is a manufacturer; res. in Buffalo.
20958 Katherine Stuart Mann,12 b. in Buffalo, 20 Man, 1900.
20959 Gertrude Kellogg Mann,12 b. ______.

18237.   GLEN HIRAM,11 son of Stearns Wesley10 (11870), b. in Troy, O., 24 Jan., 1878; m. in Wheaton, Ill., 11 Dec., 1898, Mildred Herman Schalke, b. on steamship Herman, on the Atlantic Ocean, 25 Apr., 1880.
He is a carpenter; res. in Maywood, Ill.
20960 Hazel Ruth,12 b. in Maywood, 25 Sept., 1900.

18290.   MYRTTIE BELLE,11 dau. of George Wells10 (11997), b. in Lodi, Cal., 15 Mar., 1875; m. in Santa Rita, Cal., 18 June, 1898, Luke Wilber Foster, b. in Coffey Co., Kas., 27 Nov., 1873, son of Merritt Clark Foster, b. 26 Jan., 1832, and Patience Sherman, of Maine.
He is a stage driver; res. in Freshwater, Cal.
20961 Mamie Foster,12 b. in King City, Cal., 11 Nov., 1892.
20962 Ida Foster,12 b. in Santa Rita, 21 Man, 1897.
20963 Wilber Luke Faster,12 b. in Santa Cruz, Cal., 7 Feb., 1899.
20964 Belle Myrttie Foster,12 b. in Dehaven, Cal., 25 Feb., 1901.

18600.   MARY DIANTHA,11 dau. of Jason Rozell10 (12524), b. in West Mon­roe, N. Y., 7 Dec., 1853; m. in Plainfield, Mich., 25 Dec., 1875, Elmer Chambers, b. in Hartland, Mich., 19 May, 1850, son of Elihu Chambers, b. Nov., 1810, and Lydia Chase, b. 24 Oct., 1818.
She d. in Plainfield, 9 Apr., 1880.
He is a farmer; res. in Ula, Mich.

1722    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Plainfield.
20965 Claude Llewellyn Chambers,12 b. 8 Sept., 1876; m. 16 Apr., 1899, Blanche Effie Letts; res. in Grand Rapids, Mich.
20966 Ethel Mae Chambers,12 b. 19 July, 1879.

18601.   CHARLES ALONZO,11 son of Jason Rozell10 (12524), b. in West Monroe, N. Y., 8 Feb., 1856; m. in Fremont, Mich., 22 Feb., 1880, Mary Eliza­beth Palmer, b. in Decatur, Ia., 4 Dec., 1855, dau. of Edward Palmer, b. 1809, and Lucy Luckey, b. 11 Sept., 1812.
He is a barber; res. in Hoquiam, Wash.
20967 Allen Rozell,12 b. in Fremont, 2 May, 1881.
20968 Laura May,12 b. in Ashland, Wis., 21 July, 1883; d. in Hoquiam, 15 Nov., 1890.

18602.   EMMA,11 dau. of Jason Rozell10 (12524), b. in Alpine, Mich., 12 Nov., 1858; m. in Grand Rapids, Mich., 29 Nov., 1877, Frederick Martin Ruthardt, b. in Alpine, 11 Nov., 1855, son of George Michael Ruthardt, b. 18 Dec., 1807, and Eva Christina Nagle, b. 22 Dec., 1817.
He is a farmer, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Alpine.
Children, b. in Alpine.
20969 Unnamed Child,12 b. and d. 8 Apr., 1881.
20970 Sarah Christina Ruthardt,12 b. in Alpine, 23 July, 1895; d. there, 28 July, 1895.

18603.   FREDERICK WILBUR,11 son of Jason Rozell10 (12524), b. in Mill Creek, Mich., 4 Aug., 1861; m. (1) in Fremont, Mich., Sept., 1882, Arvilla Mis­ner.
They were divorced; he m. (2) Clara A. Jacklin, b. in Fremont, 5 June, 1867, dau. of Robert Jacklin, b. 25 Dec., 1830, and Roseami Healy, b. 17 June, 1844.
He is a barber; res. in Fremont.
Child by first wife.
20971 Nela Arvilla,12 b. in Fremont, 12 Sept., 1884; d. there, Sept., 1890.

18604.   WILLIAM EDWARD,11 son of Jason Rozell10 (12524), b. in Mill Creek, Mich., 29 Mar., 1864; m. (1) in Grand Rapids, Mich., Mary Hemenger, dau. of George Hemenger, of Dutton, Mich.
They were divorced; he in (2) in Grand Rapids, 10 Jan., 1891, Eva Wol­cott, dau. of Asa Wolcott, of Sparta, Mich.
He is a manufacturers' agent and a Republican; res. in Sparta.
Children by first wife.
20972 Arthur H.,12 b. in Dutton, Mich., 9 May, 1887.
20973 Loren Eugene,12 b. in Sparta, Mich., 4 Dec., 1888.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1723

18605.   FRANCIS DANIEL,11 son of Jason Rozell10 (12524), b. in Mill Creek, Mich.,12 Aug., 1866; m. in Sparta, Mich., Caroline Arosmith, b. in Niagara, N. Y., dau. of Volney Arosmith and Amy Cushman Hoag.
He is a barber and a Republican; res. in Sparta.
Children, b. in Sparta.
20974 Beatrice,12 b. 22 Sept., 1894.
20975 Frances May,12 b. 21 Apr., 1897.
20975a Thelma,12 b. 1 Nov., 1901.

18606.   LOREN EUGENE,11 son of Jason Rozell10 (12524), b. in Mill Creek, Mich., 20 Apr., 1869; m. (1) in Grand Rapids, Mich., Lulu Worth, dau. of Cyrus Worth.
She d. in Sparta, Mich., 4 Apr., 1895; he m. (2) in Grand Rapids, 1 Feb., 1900, Jennie Binehover, b. 24 May, 1875, dau. of John H. Binehover, b. 9 Apr., 1844, and Keziah E. Hershirer, b. 28 Apr., 1851; she d. in Sparta, Mich., 28 Apr., 1901.
He is a cabinet maker; was graduated from a business college in Grand Rapids; is a Republican; res. in Sparta.
Child by first wife, b. in Sparta.
20976 Clifford Llewllyn,12 b. 4 Apr., 1895.
Child by second wife.
20977 Maynard,12 b. 1 Apr., 1901.

18609.   ELIZABETH SARAH,11 dau. of Jason Rozell10 (12524), b. in Plain­field, Mich., 15 Jan., 1880; m. in Sparta, Mich., 25 Jan., 1899, Frank Benjamin Whitney, b. 24 Jan., 1877, son of Benjamin Henderson Whitney and _______ Clark.
She d. in Bellaire, Mich., 24 July, 1900.
He is a cigar manufacturer; res. in Bellaire.
20978 Rozell Charles Whitney,12 b. 27 May, 1900.

13628.   EMMA BELL,11 dau. of William Alexander10 (12541), b. in Mance­lona, Mich., 28 Feb., 1876; m. in Silver Bow, Mont, 12 May, 1896, George Wood­ley Scurlock, b. in Jackson Co., O., 4 Feb., 1864, son of Thomas Scurlock, b. in North Carolina, 23 Dec., 1816, and Julia Perkins, b. 12 Jan., 1823.
He has res. in Rapid City, N. D., Silver Bow and Bozeman, Mont., Eaton­ville, Wash.; now res. in Elbe, Wash.; is a trapper, hunter and miner.
20979 Francis Hope Scurlock,12 b. in Easton, Wash., 3 May, 1898.

13643.   JAMES TOTTINGHAM,11 son of Joseph Tottingham10 (12570), b. in Rutland, Vt., 18 Aug., 1871; m. in Rutland, 8 Nov., 1893, Carrie Bell Davis, b 11 Mar., 1874, dau. of Eugene Andrew Davis, b. 6 Sept., 1847, and Ellen Adelina Tenney, b. 1 Aug., 1849.
He is a farmer and a Congregationalist; res. in Rutland.

1724    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Rutland.
20980 Esther Avis,12 b. 24 July, 1896.
20981 Kenneth Tottingham,12 b. 11 Jan., 1898.
20982 Ellen Barber,12 b. 9 May, 1900.

18644.   MARY GERTRUDE,11 dau. of Joseph Tottingham10 (12570), b. in Rutland, Vt., 11 Aug., 1875; m. in Rutland, 2 Oct., 1895, Loren Ripley Pinney.
They res. in Rutland, Vt.
20983 Earl Kellogg Pinney,12 b. 4 July, 1896.

18858.   NORMAN PORTER,11 son of Freeborn Garrison10 (13105), b. in Bronson, O., 30 Sept., 1870; m. in Chicago, Murge De Gignac.
They res. in Austin, Ill.
20984 Freeborn Anthony,12 b. in Austin, 25 Sept., 1894.
20985 Paul Englebert,12 b. in Norwalk, O., 15 Nov., 1897.

18924.   HENRY ARTHUR,11 son of Harvey Adelbert10 (13179), b. in Rod­man, N. Y., 19 Feb., 1870; m. in Barnes Corners, N. Y., 8 May, 1887, Emma Jane Davis, b. in Natural Bridge, N. Y., 5 Mar., 1867, dau. of Josiah Davis, b. 15 Aug., 1842, and Malvina Hall, b. 1843.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Rodman.
20986 Hervey Josiah,12 b. in Pinckney, N. Y., 20 May, 1889.
20987 Edith Harriet,12 b. in Rodman, 2 Jan., 1893.

18926.   HELEN LOUISA,11 dau. of Samuel Brown10 (13181), b. in Worth­ville, N. Y., 4 Sept., 1869; m. in Lorraine, N. Y., 25 May, 1889, Luman. L. Jones.
They res. in Worthville, N. Y.
Children, b. in Worthville.
20988 Beulah Kellogg Jones,12 b. 2 May, 1890.
20989 Hazel Elizabeth Jones,12 b. 17 June, 1891.

18934.   HARRIET EMMELINE,11 dau. of Homer Pearl10 (13225), b. in Gar­den Grove, Ia., 17 Dec., 1868; m. in Toronto, Kas., 25 Feb., 1891, Dr. Walter Wilson Reed, b. in Spring Garden, Ill., 18 July, 1866, son of Henry James Reed, b. 4 July, 1833, and Mary Louise Bernard, b. 26 Sept., 1834.
He is a physician; res. in Fowler, Col.; was graduated from the University of Colorado, Medical Department, class of 1893.
20990 L. Walter Kellogg Reed,12 b. in Boulder, Col., 4 Dec., 1891.
20991 Mary Louise Reed,12 b. in Fowler, 9 Apr., 1894.
20992 Homer James Reed,12 b. in Fowler, 28 July, 1896.
20993 Charles Emmett Reed,12 b. in Fowler, 26 June, 1898.

18944.   ALICE ELIZABETH,11 dau. of Murray Mirabeau10 (13227); b. in Schonberg, Ia., 9 Jan., 1874; m. in Provo, Utah, 30 June, 1896, Rev. Emmett Gorham Hunt, b. near New Haven, Ia., 29 Sept., 1859.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1725

He is a Methodist minister; res. in Salt Lake City, Utah.
20994 Josephine Hunt,12 b. in Park City, Utah, 25 Apr., 1897.

18982.   BRACE SHATTUCK,11 son of Orlando Henry10 (13254), b. in Te­cumseh, Mich., 3 Nov., 1859; m. ( 1) in Reading, Mich., 1 Jan., 1884, Elva Dres­ser, b. in Columbia, Mich., 6 Aug., 1862, dau. of Moses Dresser and Alvina Rounds.
She d. in Reading, 7 Jan., 1898; he m. (2) in Reading, 1 Nov., 1899, Ger­trude Ragan, b. in Reading, 18 Oct., 1874, dau. of Henry Ragan, b. 20 Mar., 1848, and Jane Campbell, b. 27 Mar., 1852.
He is a tinner and a Democrat; res. in Reading.
20995 Hazel,12 b. Mar., 1885; d. 5 Dec., 1886.
20996 Mary,12 b. 31 Oct., 1887; d. 30 Apr., 1894.
20997 Orlando,12 b. Dec., 1889; d. Feb., 1890.
20998 Dixon,12 b. 4: Dec., 1891.

18983.   ORLANDO GILBERT,11 son of Luther Hoffman10 (13256), b. in Coldwater, Mich., 7 Sept., 1859; m. in Butler, Mich., 27 Sept., 1882, Florence Etoile Perry, b. in Butler, Mich., 25 Apr., 1858, dau. of Legard Perry and Eliza N. Clay.
He is in the dairy business; res. in Coldwater; is a Latter-Day Saint and a Republican.
Children, b. in Butler.
20999 Lida Eliza,12 b. 8 Apr., 1886.
21000 Clara Louise,12 b. 28 Apr., 1891.

18984.   CHARLOTTE MARIA,11 dau. of Luther Hoffman10 (13256), b. in Reading, Mich., 26 Oct., m. in Litchfield, Mich., Sept., 1887, Frank Mar­rian Perry, b. in Butler, 5 Mar., 1860, son of Legard Perry and Eliza N. Clay, of Butler.
She d. in Butler, 4 July, 1899.
He is a farmer, a Latter-Day Saint and a Republican; res. in Butler.
Children, b. in Butler.
21001 Ray Luther Perry,12 b. 6 June, 1889.
21002 Blanche K. Perry,12 b. 23 Feb., 1893.
21003 Myrtle K. Perry,12 b. 29 Jan., 1895.
21004 Latta Mae Perry,12 b. 4 July, 1899.

18985.   CORA NETTA,11 dau. of Luther Hoffman11 (13256), b. in Veva, Mich., 25 Dec., 1866; b. in Litchfield, Mich., 30 Nov., 1887, William Baily, b. in Jonesville, Mich., 20 July, 1865, son of Charles Baily and Dette Oneal, of Jack­son, Mich.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Litchfield.
21005 Marrian Baily,12 b. in Litchfield, 13 July, 1892.

1726    The Kelloggs in the New World.

19028.   CORA BELLE,11 dau. of Francis William10 (13292), b. in Oswego, N. Y., 25 Jan., 1873; m. in Watertown, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1893, Wallace Sebastian Quencer, b. in Watertown, 27 Feb., 1870, son of Sebastian Quencer, b. Mar., 1842, and Elizabeth Benore, b. May, 1842.
He is a jeweler and watchmaker; res. in Watertown; was graduated from Parsons' Horological School, 1890; is a Presbyterian and a Democrat.
Children, b. in Watertown.
21006 Ruth Kellogg Quencer,12 b. 15 Mar., 1894.
21007 Rhea Grace Quencer,12 b. 31 Dec., 1896.
21008 Harold Wallace Quencer,12 b. 16 Apr., 1900.

19067.   ETHEL LOIS,11 dau. of Sheldon Ingalls10 (13367), b. in East Oak­land, Cal., 3 July, 1877; m. in East Oakland, 6 June, 1900, Henry Drew Nichols, b. in Fruitvale, Cal., 27 Nov., 1873, son of Charles Merritt Nichols, b. 2 Nov., 1831, and Lizzie Janvein Brown, b. 5 Apr., 1843, of San Francisco, Cal.
He is an insurance broker in San Francisco, a Republican and an Episco­palian; res. in East Oakland.
21009 Herman Drew Nichols,12 b. in East Oakland, 8 June, 1901.

19083.   FREDERICK JOHNSON,11 son of George Webster10 (13458), b. in Kirkwood, Ill., 27 Nov., 1872; m. in Monmouth, Ill., 27 Sept., 1893, Lucinda Myrtle Filler, b. in Little York, Ill., 26 Apr., 1873, dau. of William Filler, b. 7 Nov., 1836, and Sarah Ellen Parker, b. 24 Apr., 1841.
He is a Presbyterian, a Republican and a clerk; res. in Woodhull, Ill.
21010 Frances Lucille,12 b. in Monmouth, 6 Mar., 1895.

19085.   CLARA LOUISE,11 dau. of Hiram Spencer10 (13460), b. in Westmore­land, N. Y., 26 June, 1873; m. in Westmoreland, 30 Apr., 1895, Dr. Samuel Lee Gifford.
He is a physician; res. in Whitesboro, N. Y.
21011 Leonard Kellogg Gifford,12 b. 12 Sept., 1896.
21012 Dorothy Frances Gifford,12 b. 29 Sept., 1898; d. 30 May, 1899.
21013 Hubert Lee Gifford,12 b. 13 Mar., 1900.

19109.   LEWIS HINMAN,11 son of Henry Albert10 (13510), b. in Odell, Ill., 5 Sept., 1871; m. 23 Oct., 1893, Rebecca McKay, b. 16 Dec., 1872, dau. of Robert McKay, b. 17 July, 1831, and Lillian Linn, b. 2 May, 1840.
He is chief weighmaster for the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Com­pany; res. in Chicago.
21014 Robert Henry,12 b. 11 Dec., 1894; d. 31 Dec., same year.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1727

19179.   MAUD IRENE,11 dau. of Dr. Charles Frast10 (13585), b. in Charlotte, Ia., 20 Apr., 1878; m. in Clinton, Ia., 23 Dec., 1896, William Sullivan, b. in Mor­rison, Ill., 18 Aug., 1875, son of Daniel Sullivan, b. 1825, and Elizabeth Miller, b. 4 Sept., 1833, of Clinton.
He is foreman in a sash, door and blind factory in Clinton; is a Methodist Episcopalian and a Republican; res. in Clinton.
21015 Charles Ralph Sullivan,12 b. in Clinton, 23 Sept., 1898.

19209a.   CHARLES ARTHUR,11 son of Charles Henry10 (13603), b. in Buf­falo, N. Y., 10 July, 1873; m. in Buffalo, 21 Aug., 1894, Lillian Hauer, b. in Dayton, O., 18 July, 1874, dau. of Felix Hauer, b. 12 Apr., 1846, and Mary Den­nert, b. 15 June, 1852, of Buffalo.
He was graduated from Cayuga Lake Military Academy, Aurora, N. Y., 1889, is a mechanical engineer and a Presbyterian; res. in Buffalo.
21016 Charles Arthur,12 b. in Buffalo, 11 Feb., 1898.

19371.   EDWARD PHILO,11 son of Alva Sperry10 (14048), b. in Detroit, Mich., 18 Mar., 1873; m. in Hudson, Wis., 30 Nov., 1893, Ida Belle White, b. 16 Nov., 1875, dau. of Edward Fletcher White, b. 17 Feb., 1833, and Lydia C. Tay­lor, b. 8 Jan., 1841.
He is a Methodist, a Republican and a tinsmith; res. in River Falls, Wis.
Children, b. in River Falls.
21017 Ernest Philo,12 b. 8 Jan., 1895.
21018 Edward Roy,12 b. 26 July, 1896.
21019 Donald Kenneth,12 b. 7 May, 1898; d. 29 Nov., same year.

19491.   AMANDA EMMA,11 dau. of Myron10 (14476), b. in Monroeton, Pa., 10 Nov., 1852; m. in Towanda, Pa., 19 Apr., 1877, Edward Lloyd Shepard, b. in Rienzi, Pa., 13 Nov., 1853, son of Edward Ira Shepard, b. 1823, and Perlina Jack­son, b. 28 Mar., 1830.
He is a farmer and a dealer in hay, grain and wood; is a trustee and steward in the Methodist Episcopal Church; res. in New Era, Pa.
Children, b. in New Era.
21020 David Craft Shepard,12 b. 22 May, 1879; d. 18 Nov., 1881.
21021 Percy Wayne Shepard,12 b. 1 Sept., 1881.
21022 Paulina Shepard,12 b. 6 Sept., 1884.

19494.   JOHN MYRON,11 son of Myron10 (14476), b. in Monroeton, Pa., 21 Oct, 1860; m. in South Bethlehem, Pa., 10 Sept., 1883, Missouri Freely.
She d. in Bethlehem, Nov., 1886.
He is a civil engineer and a Democrat; res. in Baltimore, Md.; was graduated from Lehigh University, Pa.
Children, b. in South Bethlehem.
21023 Edith Minerva,12 b. 31 Jan., 1884.
21024 Herbert Spencer,12 b. 18 May, 1886.

1728    The Kelloggs in the New World.

19501.   ELMER LEWIS,11 son of Lewis Gordon10 (14480), b. in Monroeton, Pa., 15 Oct., 1861; m. 21 May, 1891, Harriet Belle Harlow, b. in Landgrove, Vt., 15 May, 1870, dau. of Horace Henry Harlow, of Landgrove, b. 27 Oct., 1834, and Susan Amelia Davis, b. 15 Oct., 1837.
He is a letter carrier and a Congregationalist; in politics, an Independent; res. in Chicago, Ill.
21025 Harry Edmund,12 b. 5 Apr., 1892.
21026 Lewis Harlow,12 b. 11 Dec., 1893.

19504.   EMMA BELL,11 dau. of Oliver10 (14483), b. in New Albany, Pa., 7 Apr., 1865; b. in Canton, Pa., 1882, Lewis William Obourn, b. in Sullivan Co., Pa., 20 Jan., 1863, son of John S. Obourn and Eliza Wanck.
He is superintendent of the Mansfield Novelty Co.; is a Republican; res. in Mansfield, Pa.
Children, b. in Monroeton, Pa.
21027 Lee Kellogg Obourn,12 b. 23 June, 1883.
21028 John Oliver Obourn,12 b. 24 Aug., 1887.
Children, b. in Mansfield.
21029 Nicholas Palmer Obourn,12 b. 1 Feb., 1896.
21030 Mary Mehitable Obourn,12 b. 25 Feb., 1899.

19505.   RUFUS JAMES,11 son of Oliver10 (14483), b. in Monroeton, Pa., 25 Jan., 1868; m. in Tamaqua, Pa., 28 June, 1888, Eva Clara Kotz, b. in Tamaqua, 1 July, 1863, dau. of J. A. Kotz, b. 9 July, 1827, and Anna C. Savenig, b. 13 Aug., 1831.
He is a foreman in a machine shop; a member of Christ Reformed Church and a Republican; res. in Bethlehem, Pa.
21031 Netta Lovella,12 b. 20 Feb., 1890.
21032 S. Rowena,12 b. 3 Aug., 1891.
21033 Marion Kotz,12 b. 9 Jan., 1895.
21034 James Clyde,12 b. 11 Apr., 1896; d. 7 May, same year.
21035 Amy,12 b. 11 Oct., 1898.

19512.   HETTIE IRENE,11 dau. of Clarence Hiram10 (14485), b. in Monroe­ton, Pa., 20 July, 1872; m. in Greenwood, Pa., 26 July, 1890, George Dempson Brenchley, b. in Granville, Pa., 10 May, 1866, son of John Brenchley, b. 19 Oct., 1838, and Eliza Adell Tice, b. 16 Dec., 1843.
He is a farmer and a Republican; res. in Monroeton.
21036 Edna Kellogg Brenchley,12 b. in Monroeton, 5 Oct., 1891.
21037 Cora Achsah Brenchley,12 b. in Springfield, Pa., 11 Aug., 1893.
21038 Lorena Ann Brenchley,12 b. in Springfield, 4 Apr., 1896.

19515.   ELIZABETH MAY,11 dau. of Morris10 (14490), b. in New Albany, Pa., 18 Aug., 1867; m. in New Albany, 10 June, 1885, Asa Douglas McHenry.
They res. in Dushore, Pa.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1729

21039 Winnie Zell McHenry,12 b. in New Albany, 22 May, 1886.

19516.   HERBERT MORRIS,11 son of Morris10 (14490), b. in New Albany, Pa., 7 June, 1869; m. in Dushore, Pa., 14 July, 1891, Florence Scureman, b. 3 July, 1869, dau. of Appolos E. Scureman, b. in New Jersey, 21 Feb., 1835, and Lydia Wilt, b. in Allentown, Pa., 5 Nov., 1836.
They res. in Lopez, Pa. He is a prominent business man; owns and con­ducts a jewelry store and drug store under the firm names of H. M. Kellogg, jeweler, and the Lopez Drug Company; is a Republican; has held several town­ship offices, two consecutive terms as Treasurer, and last June completed a term as President of the School Board; attends the Methodist Church.
21040 Herbert Monius,12 b. in Dushore, 2 May, 1892.

19523.   CYRENIUS WILLIAM,11 son of Lanson10 (14497), b. in Shelby Co., Mo., 9 Sept., 1864; m. (1) in Moberly, Mo., 19 Apr., 1888, Bada Elsea.
She d. 14 Aug., 1896; he m. (2) in St. Louis, Mo., 22 May, 1899, Mrs. Sophia (Madden) Rhineheardt, widow of Edward Rhineheardt.
He res. in Atchison, Kas.
Children by first wife.
21041 Mary Lee,12 b. 8 Jan., 1888.
21042 Annie Ethel,12 b. 7 Dec., 1889.
21043 Willetta Catherine,12 b. 10 Feb., 1894.

19526.   JAMES LANSON,11 son of Lanson10 (14497), b. in Shelby Co., Mo., 26 June, 1871; m. in Moberly, Mo., 17 Oct., 1893, Minnie Ann Galbreath.
He res. in La Junta, Col.
21044 James Lanson,12 b. 11 Dec., 1894.
21045 Minnie Edith,12 b. 25 Nov., 1897.

19530.   JOSEPH LANSON,11 son of Lyman10 (14498), b. in Hunnewell, Mo., 20 Nov., 1864; m. in Lakenan, Mo., 27 Sept., 1896, Olive Bourn, b. in Hunne­well, 16 Mar., 1879, dau. of Andrew Bourn, b. Dec., 1847, and Sarah _______, b. 21 Mar., 1849.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Democrat; res. in Lakenan.
21046 Leonard Jackson,12 b. 5 Apr., 1898.

19532.   CORDELLA JANE,11 dau. of Lyman10 (14498), b. in Hunnewell, Mo., 22 Feb., 1868; b. in Lakenan, Mo., 15 Dec., 1889, Herbert Sherry, b. near Hun­newell, 2 May, 1866, son of Greenberry Sherry, b. 27 Feb., 1842, and Elizabeth Ann Hickman, b. 15 May, 1844.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Hunnewell.

1730    The Kelloggs in the New World.

Children, b. in Hunnewell.
21047 Arthur Ewin Sherry,12 b. 27 June, 1891.
21048 Ethel Martina Sherry,12 b. 9 July, 1892.
21049 Lee Howard Sherry,12 b. 19 Mar., 1894.
21050 Hattie Irene Sherry,12 b. 12 Oct., 1897.

19534.   LAURA JOSEPHINE,11 dau. of Lyman10 (14498), b. 3 Oct., 1871; m. in Lakenan, Mo., 13 Mar., 1890, Samuel B. Coleman, b. 10 Oct., 1859, son of Robert N. Coleman and Ann Viz, b. 14 Feb., 1821.
He is a farmer, a Methodist and a Democrat; res. in Kendall, Mo.
Children, all except youngest, b. in Lahenan, Mo.
21051 Otis Furner Coleman,12 b. 23 May, 1891.
21052 Rosa Jewel Coleman,12 b. 23 July, 1893; d. 4 Mar., 1894.
21053 Frankie Oreta Coleman,12 b. 13 July, 1895.
21054 Bessie May Coleman,12 b. in Shelbina, Mo., 2 Feb., 1897.

19535.   CORA EMMELINE,11 dau. of Lyman10 (14498), b. in Hunnewell, Mo., 25 July, 1874; m. in Kendall, Mo., 6 Oct., 1891, Oliver Snider, b. in Ken­dall, 1 May, 1868, son of Peter Snider and Martha Utz.
He is a farmer and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South; res. in Kendall.
21055 Emmett Wilford Snider,12 b. in Hunnewell, 6 Aug., 1895.

19582.   RALPH PLUMSTEAD,11 son of James Liddell10 (14538), b. in St. Johns, Mich., 9 Apr., 1875; m. in Oakland, Cal., 4 Jan., 1899, Sarah Johnston Baker, b. in San Francisco, 27 Dec., 1879, dau. of Arthur Stewart Baker, of San Francisco, and Susan Edgerton Foster.
He is assistant storekeeper of the California Northwestern Railway; res. in Tiburon, Cal.
21056 Arthur Eugene,12 b. in San Francisco, Cal., 21 May, 1900.
21057 Ralph Plumstead, Jr.,12 b. in Belvidere, Cal., 30 Nov., 1901.

19589.   ABBIE CASSIDEY,11 dau. of William10 (14566), b. in Peoria, Ill., 1 Nov., 1875; m. in Toronto, Canada, 27 Nov., 1890, William Ellsworth Davis, of Fall River, Mass.
She d. in Toronto, 21 May, 1892; he m. (2) _______.
They res. in Toronto.
21058 Leonard Ellsworth Davis,12 b. in Toronto, 21 May, 1892.

19590.   WILLIAM,11 son of William10 (14566), b. in Peoria, Ill., 6 Mar., 1876; m. in Toronto, Canada, 14 Nov., 1894, Elizabeth Violia Nickolson, b. in Toronto.
He is superintendent of the Tennison Construction Company; res. in Lake­land, Ky.
21059 William Frank,12 b. in Detroit, Mich., 20 Nov., 1895.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1731

19595.   EDITH STANLEY,11 dau. of Augustus Greenleaf10 (14571), b. in Washington, D. C., 14 June, 1871; m. in Rockville, Md., 19 Sept., 1889, Alex­ander Fullerton Prescott, b. in Rye Beach, N. H., 7 July, 1867, son of Edward Bowen Prescott and Mary Richardson Hill.
He is a stock farmer; res. in Norbeck, Md.; she was graduated from Bel­lerive, Vevey, Switzerland, 1886.
21060 Edith Kellogg Prescott,12 b. in Rockville, 20 Sept., 1890.
21061 Alexander Fullerton Abbe Prescott,12 b. in Norbeck, 27 June, 1892.
21062 Bettina Molyneana Prescott,12 b. 30 Mar., 1894.
21063 Edward Steadman Prescott,12 b. in Norbeck, 29 Aug., 1896.

19597.   ALICE VERA,11 dau. of Charles Mason10 (14581), b. in Clay Center, Kas., 2 Nov., 1874; m. in New Whateom, Wash., 2 Sept., 1894, William Lycurgus Selby, b. in Tunnel Town, Ind., 11 Jan., 1861, son of George Washington Selby and Virginia Fry.
He is a school teacher, a Methodist and a Republican; res. in Port Town­send, Wash.; is a graduate of the Kansas Normal College.
21064 Harold Kellogg Selby,12 b. in Port Angeles, Wash., 5 July, 1899.

19623.   FRANCES EMILY,11 dau. of John Morgan10 (14595), b. in Sandis­field, Mass., 15 Jan., 1877; m. in Sandisfield, 3 June, 1897, John Wesley Marcy Ward, b. in Otis, Mass., 3 June, 1877, son of Jabez Calvin Ward, b. 3 Apr., 1836, and Elizabeth Ann Marcy, b. 30 Mar., 1838.
He is a farmer and a Baptist; res. in West Otis, Mass.
21065 Marion A. Ward,12 b. 8 Aug., 1898.

19628.   MARY STAPLES,11 dau. of Henry Germain10 (14614), b. in New York City, 5 Sept., 1872; m. in Roanoke, Va., 1 Nov., 1899, Alexander Bruce Hunt, b. in Chalklevel, Va., 2 July, 1867, son of Daniel Robert Hunt, b. 7 June, 1829, and Emma Pleasants Mebane, b. 6 Nov., 1840, of Chatham, Va.
He is a lawyer; res. in Sistersville, W. Va.; was graduated from the Wash­ington and Lee University, Virginia, 1896.
21066 Mary Bruce Hunt,12 b. in Roanoke, 29 Sept., 1900.

19688.   CLARA MAY,11 dau. of Martin Heath10 (14723), b. in Ogden, Mich., 25 Aug., 1876; m. in Deerfield, Mich., 22 Mar., 1896, Barry Douglass Wood, b. in Summerfield, Mich., 9 May, 1874, son of William Calkins Wood, b. 3 July, 1840, and Lucy Lorain Douglass, b. 29 Oct., 1840.
He is a laborer and a Republican; res. in Palmyra, Mich.
21067 Douglass Martin Wood,12 b. in Lenawee Junction, Mich., 2 Jan., 1897.
21068 Orson Charles Wood,12 b. in Palmyra, 1 Mar., 1900.

1732    The Kelloggs in the New World.

19696.   EUNICE EUTILLIE,11 dau. of Erastus H.10 (14724), b. in Fowler, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1859; m. in Fowler, 4 Nov., 1880, Albert Adelbert Newton, b. in Fowler, 12 Sept., 1858, son of Lorenzo Chauncey Newton, b. 10 May, 1824, and Julia Almira Davis, b. 5 May, 1832.
She d. in Fowler, 27 Dec., 1885; he m. (2) her sister, Hattie Lurenia Kel­logg.
He is a carpenter, a farmer and a Republican; res. in Fowler.
21069 Mabel Pearl Newton,12 b. in Fowler, 7 Mar., 1882.

19701.   DR. WILFRED HARVEY,11 son of Dr. Hiram Delancy10 (14727), b. in Arkansas City, Kas., 3 Sept., 1871; m. in Oakland, Cal., 12 Dec., 1894, Mabel Stewart Rielay, b. in Oakland, 17 Aug., 1875, dau. of John Perkins Rielay, b. 10 Jan., 1825, and Elizabeth Stewart, b. 8 Feb., 1840.
He is a physician and druggist; res. in Palo Alto, Cal. In 1892 he was graduated from the California College of Pharmacy, and in 1896 from the Med­ical Department of the University of California; was Bacteriologist of the Board of Health, San Francisco, Cal., which office he resigned 31 Aug., 1902, intending to travel and study in Europe.
21070 Dorothy,12 b. in Palo Alto, 1 May, 1897.

19705.   FREDERICK HOMER,11 son of Lyman Beecher10 (14728), b. in Em­poria, Kas., 1 Nov., 1869; m. in Lawrence, Kas., 21 Oct., 1891, Harriet Anne McCague, b. 23 Aug., 1870, dau. of Professor John McCague, of Miami Co., O., b. 19 Oct., 1816, and Eliza Mary Florer, b. 8 Feb., 1839.
He is a lawyer; res. in Perry, Okla., and later in South McAlester, I. T.
21071 Harold Beecher,12 b. in Emporia, 26 Nov., 1892.
21072 Frederick Vernon,12 b. in South McAlester, 8 Oct., 1897.
21073 Dorothy Whittemore,12 b. in South McAlester, 3 Apr., 1900.

19709.   HORACE EUGENE,11 son of Eugene10 (14732), b. in Ogdensburg, N. Y., 30 Mar., 1876; m. in Fine, N. Y., 6 July, 1897, Mabel Iva Town, b. in Russell, N. Y., 3 Apr., 1879, dau. of Benjamin Town, b. 28 Mar., 1849, and Bridget Leary, b. 20 Apr., 1852.
He is a farmer; res. in Russell.
21074 Orris Eugene B.,12 b. in Russell, 24 July, 1898.

19748.   HENRY LAFAYETTE,11 son of Clarence Orlando10 (14860), b. in Madison, Wis., 24 June, 1872; m. 4 Sept., 1895, Grace Louise Hopkins, dau. of United States District Judge James Campbell Hopkins and Cornelia Bradley.
He is an attorney; res. in Milwaukee, Wis.; was graduated from the Wis­consin State University.
21075 Cornelia Hopkins,12 b. 4 Sept., 1896.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1733

19939.   WILLIAM,11 son of John Kritzer10 (15335), b. in Sheridan, Mich., 20 Apr., 1877; m. in Jackson, Mich., 26 June, 1897, Iva Nolan, b. 6 Aug., 1880, dau. of Michael Nolan, b. 24 July, 1857, and Almira Lamont, b. 29 Nov., 1861.
He is a farmer; res. in Albion, Mich.
21076 James Ozro,12 b. 27 May, 1899.

20063.   LAURA MALINDA,11 dau. of Elijah Wolsey10 (15716), b. in Law­renceville, Ill., 10 June, 1875; m. in Minneapolis, Kas., 27 Oct., 1891, John Wil­liam Coles.
They res. in Beement, Okla.
Children, all except eldest, b. in Beement.
21077 Effie Mag Coles,12 b. in Glasco, Kas., 2 Aug., 1893.
21078 Ralphord Lee Coles,12 b. 1 Dec., 1897.
21079 Frederick Burr Coles,12 b. 6 Sept., 1899.
21080 Ira Dee Coles,12 b. 15 Jan., 1901.

20075.   EMMA LOIS,11 dau. of Charles Palmer10 (15760), b. 8 Dec., 1867; m. Sept., 1893, Pierpont Isham.
21081 Lois Kellogg Isham,12 b. Sept., 1894.

20137.   BERTHA ESTELLA,11 dau. of Adelbert Reubell10 (15926), b. in Malone, N. Y., 7 Nov., 1876; m. in De Kalb, Ill., 8 June, 1899, Herbert Leslie Cary, b. 18 June, 1876, son of Herbert Oren Cary, b. 6 Mar., 1850, and Anna Knight, b. 18 May, 1852.
He has res. in De Kalb, Ill., and Worcester, Mass., where he was a clerk in the employment of the American Steel and Wire Company.
21082 Agnes Cary,12 b. in Worcester, 24 Apr., 1900.

20176.   WILLIAM ORMAN,11 son of Orman Alford10 (16018), b. in Danville, Vt., 1 Aug., 1877; m. in Corinth, N. Y., 9 Oct., 1897, Lena May Fuller.
21083 Evral William,12 b. in Corinth, 8 Apr., 1898.

20197.   DR. CLIFFORD WALCOTT,11 son of Bela Haskell10 (16043), b. in Hartford, Conn., 27 July, 1859; m. in South Norwalk, Conn., 30 Oct., 1895, Edith Raymond, b. in New Canaan, Conn., 11 July, 1862, dau. of Samuel H. Raymond, b. 6 May, 1842, and Mary E. Doty, b. 14 May, 1843.
He is a physician; res. in New Haven, Conn.; was graduated from Yale College, 1896; is a member of the Dwight Place Congregational Church; is an Instructor in histology and gynecology in Yale University.
21084 Elizabeth Walcott,12 b. 1 Aug., 1896.
21085 Ruth Raymond,12 b. 5 Feb., 1898.

1734    The Kelloggs in the New World.

20199.   CLARA LOUISE,11 dau. of Bela. Haskell10 (16043), b. in Hartford, Conn., 15 Aug., 1865; m. in Northampton, Mass., 16 Dec., 1885, Dr. George Dickinson Thayer, b. in Williamsburg, Mass., 14 June, 1857, son of William Ezra Thayer, b. 1816, and Maria Dickinson, b. 1814.
He is a physician and a surgeon; res. in Northampton; was graduated from the University of the City of New York, 1881.
21086 Howell Kellogg Dickinson Thayer,12 b. in Northampton, 10 Sept., 1891.

20211.   IDA LORETTE,11 dau. of Henry Porter10 (16054), b. in South Am­herst, Mass., 24 Oct., 1861; m. in Warsaw, N. Y., 31 Jan., 1882, Wilber Maurice Cook, b. in Orangeville, N. Y., 18 July, 1858, son of Alvin Cook, b. 29 Oct., 1827, and Amanda Shipman, b. 4 Nov., 1827.
He is a farmer; res. in Warsaw.
21087 Edna Mabel Cook,12 b. in Mt. Morris, N. Y., 19 Dec., 1882.
21088 Alma Maude Cook,12 b. in Nunda, N. Y., 15 Nov., 1884.
21089 Clifford Maurice Cook,12 b. in Warsaw, 5 Nov., 1886.
21090 Bessie Louise Cook,12 b. in Mt. Morris, 4 Aug., 1888.
21091 Harold William Cook,12 b. in Mt. Morris, 22 Nov., 1890.
21092 Vernon Wilber Cook,12 b. in Warsaw, 24 June, 1896.

20213.   LAURA CEMANTHA,11 dau. of Henry Porter10 (16054), b. in Mt. Morris, N. Y., 30 Mar., 1866§ m. in Mt. Morris, 19 Nov., 1884, Norman Willey, b. 7 Mar., 1862, son of Ambrose Barnard Willey, b. 1 Apr., 1836, and Catherine Diffenbacher, b. 6 Apr., 1840.
He is the Town Clerk of Willey; was a Democrat until 1890, later an Inde­pendent; res. in Willey, N. D.
Children, b. in Mt. Morris.
21093 Cecil Raymond Willey,12 b. 10 Aug., 1885.
21094 Tracy Norman Willey,12 b. 4 Dec., 1887.
21095 Leslie Ambrose Willey,12 b. 29 Nov., 1889.
21096 Grace Ethel Willey,12 b. 25 Nov., 1891.
Children, b. in Willey.
21097 Laura Louise Willey,12 b. 7 Nov., 1893.
21098 Earl Lawrence Willey,12 b. 19 Mar., 1896.
21099 Arthur Newton Willey,12 b. 14 Feb., 1898.
21100 Henry Barnard Willey,12 b. 27 July, 1900.

20216.   HARRY PORTER,11 son of Henry Porter10 (16054), b. in Mt. Morris, N. Y., 15 Mar., 1875; m. 8 Aug., 1897, Flora Belle Holmes, b. in Coopersville, N. Y., 1 Mar., 1872, dau. of Robert Holmes, b. 16 Jan., 1852, and Della King, b. 21 Oct., 1851.
He is a lumberman; res. in Nunda, N. Y.
Children, b. in Nunda.
21101 Robert Holmes,12 b. 19 Aug., 1898.
21102 Edwin King,12 b. 27 Sept., 1900.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1735

20241.   IDA PERCILLA,11 dau. of Erastus William10 (16121), b. in Hull, Canada, 14 Jan., 1856; m. (1) in Morrisburg, Canada, 23 Mar., 1876, W. E. Thompson, b. in Waddington, N. Y., 20 Feb., 1854, son of Edward Thompson and Ann Carr.
He d. in Morrisburg, 13 July, 1892; was a starchmaker; a member of the Church of England; she m. (2) in Morrisburg, 11 Oct., 1895, W. J. Casselman; res. in Morrisburg.
Children, first two in Waddington, last two in Cardinal, Canada.
21103 Erastus Edward Thompson,12 b. 31 Dec., 1877; d. there, 11 Sept., 1878.
21104 William Edward Thompson,12 b. 1 Sept., 1879.
21105 Charles Frederic Thompson,12 b. 20 Nov., 1881; d. 29 Nov., 1881.
21106 Walter George Thompson,12 b. 29 Aug., 1883.

20242.   EMMA JANE,11 dau. of Erastus William10 (16121), b. in Morrisburg, Canada, 21 June, 1859; m. in Conway, N. H., 4 July, 1882, William Edward Dickson, b. in Richmond, Canada, 19 Apr., 1854, son of James Dickson, b. 12 Jan., 1830, and Charlotte Trenhohne, b. 1834.
He is a lawyer; a manufacturer of paints; a bachelor of civil law, McGill University, Montreal, 1883; a Presbyterian and a Free-Trade Liberal in politics; res. in Montreal.
21107 Christina Barrie Dickson,12 b. 18 Feb., . 1884.
21108 Charlotte Lydia Dickson,12 b. 20 Jan., 1886.
21109 Jessie Olivia Dickson,12 b. 26 Nov., 1888.
21110 William James Dickson,12 b. 21 July, 1893.
21111 Walter Sidney Dickson,12 b. 4 Jan., 1896.
21112 Jane Dickson,12 b. 24 Dec., 1898.

20244.   WALTER ERASTUS,11 son of Erastus William10 (16121), b. in Mor­risburg, Canada, 3 Mar., 1864; m. in Concord, Vt., 17 Dec., 1885, Nellie Elvira Quimby, b. in West Concord, 5 Feb., 1864, dau. of Alonzo Knights Quimby, of St. Johnsbury, Vt., b. 19 Feb., 1827, and Nellie Ann Cheney, b. 18 Jan., 1828.
He is a sealer of scales in the Fairbank Scale Factory; is a letter carrier; res. in St. Johnsbury; a Universalist and a Republican.
21113 George Walter,12 b. 18 Jan., 1886.
21114 Anna Madge,12 b. 17 Dec., 1890.
21115 Guy Truman,12 b. in St. Johnsbury, 1 Jan., 1900.

20246.   FRANKLIN ROYAL,11 son of Erastus William10 (16121), b. in Mor­risburg, Canada, 2 Oct., 1869; m. in Winchester, Canada, 27 Feb., 1894, Ethel Lena Crain, b. in Ottawa, Canada, 19 July, 1876, dau. of Levi Crain, b. 1833, and Henrietta Maria Dake, b. 1845.
He is a baker and confectioner; res. in Picton, Canada.
21116 Earnest Franklin,12 b. in Pembroke, Ontario, 11 Dec., 1894.
21117 Lillie Ann,12 b. in South Mountain, Ontario, 15 July, 1896; d. in Crysler, Ontario, 19 Aug., 1896.
21118 Mary Ethel,12 b. 25 Jan., 1899.

1736    The Kelloggs in the New World.

20270.   DR. HERBERT PERRY,11 son of Henry Webster10 (16131), b. in Berkshire, Vt., 30 Mar., 1866; m. 1 Sept., 1892, Phebe Malvina Russell, b. in Bainbridge, O., 24 Feb., 1869.
He is a physician.
21119 Myrtle Galena,12 b. in Battle Creek, Mich., 10 Aug., 1896.

20271.   FRANK BURTON,11 son of Henry Webster10 (16131), b. in Berkshire, Vt., 26 Nov., 1867; m. in Chicago, 1886, Dora Fige, b. 24 Jan., 1866.
He res. in New York City.
Children, b. in Chicago.
21120 Florence Annette,12 b. 19 Feb., 1887.
21121 Harry Burton,12 b. 6 Apr., 1890.

20272.   HENRY ERTGEN,11 son of Henry Webster10 (16131), b. in Berkshire, Vt., 29 Sept., 1870; m. 26 May, 1892, Hannah Alma Fraser, b. 19 July, 1868.
He res. in Battle Creek, Mich.
Child, b. in Battle Creek.
21122 Catherine Annette,12 b. 27 June, 1898.

20273.   ABBIE CAROLINE,11 dau. of Henry Webster10 (16131), b. in Berk­shire, Vt., 20 Apr., 1872; m. David Ashley Norton, b. in San Jose, Cal., 27 Aug., 1863, son of Norton and Mary Downs, b. 4 Oct., 1841.
He res. in Battle Creek, Mich.
Children, Battle Creek.
21123 Alice Mary Norton,12 b. 22 Aug., 1887.
21124 Chester Ashley Norton,12 b. 12 Nov., 1889.
21125 Flora Annette Norton,12 b. 2 Oct., 1893.

20280.   MARY EMILY,11 dau. of Charles Payne10 (16138), b. in Minot, Me., 17 May, 1868; m. in Freeport, Me., 17 May, 1888, George Lester Gerrish, b. in Portland, Me., 9 Aug., 1860, son of John Jordan Gerrish, b. 21 Dec., 1821, and Susan Rich Small, b. 1 May, 1822, of Portland.
He is a coal merchant, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Port­land.
Children, b. in Portland.
21126 Gertrude Kellogg Gerrish,12 b. 2 Nov., 1890.
21127 Stanley Small Gerrish,12 b. 2 June, 1896.
21128 Lester Newton Gerrish,12 b. 1 Dec., 1901.

20281.   JAMES NELSON,11 son of Harvey Augustus10 (16139), b. in Enos­burg Falls, Vt., 18 June, 1868; m. in Somerville, Mass., 18 Oct., 1899, Augusta Ames Watts, b. in Thomaston, Me., 26 Oct., 1873, dau. of Fred V. Watts and Sarah E. Hart.
He res. in Somerville; is a salesman.
21129 Clifton Watts,12 b. in Somerville, 7 Mar., 1901.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1737

20283.   ADEN DEFOREST,11 son of Harvey Augustus10 (16139), b. in St. Albans, Vt., 31 Oct., 1873; m. Jennie Serrell Boulter, b. in Boston, Mass.
He is a merchant; res. in Everett, Mass.
21130 Waldo Deforest,12 b. in Everett, 3 Oct., 1897.

20385.   HIRAM FRANK,11 son of Frank10 (16624), b. in Osage, Ia., 25 Aug., 1874; m. in Charles City, Ia., 22 June, 1898, Anna Emma Bluhm, b. in Charles City, 28 Jan., 1875, dau. of Theodore John Bluhm, b. 14 Aug., 1846, and Marie Annie Dorothy Rockzein, b. 28 Feb., 1847.
He is an electrician; res. in Spencer, Ia.
21131 Lowell Vernon,12 b. in Spencer, 23 June, 1899.

20424.   MARGARET L,11 dau. of Elmon Lafayette10 (16679), b. 7 Dec., 1867; m. in Olean, N. Y., Albert Shepard. Smithport, Pa.
21132 Edith Shepard,12 b. Feb. or Mar., 1889.

20425.   MARTHA,11 dau. of Elmon Lafayette10 (16679), b. in Washington, Pa., 25 Aug., 1869; m. in Washington, 12 July, 1890, Almond Richard Sybrant, b. 15 June, 1855, son of George Sybrant and Elizabeth Lyon.
Res. in Washington.
21133 Elizabeth Kellogg Sybrant,12 b. 13 Apr., 1891.
21134 Patience Susan Sybrant,12 b. 14 Nov., 1892.

20466.   LOTTIE MAY,11 dau. of George Billings10 (16805), b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 22 Feb., 1871; m. in Hartford, Conn., 9 Mar., 1894, Howard Porter Bourn, b. 21 May, 1867, son of Benjamin Alger Bourn, b. 1823, and Mary _______, b. 1827.
He is a farmer, a Congregationalist and a Republican; res. in Wethersfield.
21135 Russell Kellogg Bourn,11 b. in West Hartford, 27 May, 1894.

20527.   FLORENCE EMILY,11 dau. of William Johnson10 (17155), b. in New Fairfield, Conn., 13 June, 1875; m. in Brookfield Center, Conn., 2 Sept., 1896, Arthur Sherman Mansfield, b. in Brookfield Center, 28 May, 1861, son of Tim­othy Mansfield, b. 24 Apr., 1806, and Julia Maria Sherman, b. 9 Jan., 1831.
He is a farmer and an Episcopalian; res. in Brookfield.
21136 Lina Beers Mansfield,12 b. 15 Aug., 1897.

20612.   FRANCES AUGUSTA,11 dau. of Newton Douglas10 (17374), b. in Croton, Ia., 3 May, 1861; m. in Concordia, Kas., 16 Jan., 1889, William Boyd Harper, b. in Kortright, N. Y., 9 July, 1862, son of William H. Harper, b. 28 Aug., 1828, and Sarah McEckron, b. 26 Aug., 1827, of Delhi, N. Y.

1738    The Kelloggs in the New World.

He is a merchant, a Presbyterian and a Republican; res. in Ottawa, Kas.
21137 Edna Fern Harper,12 b. in Clyde, Kas., 20 Dec., 1892.

20613.   MARY CAMILLA,11 dau. of Newton Douglas10 (17374), b. 12 July, 1867; m. in Athens, Mo., 19 Oct., 1888, John Sample Lowry, b. 1862, son of Robert Lowry, b. 1835, and Margaret Sample, b. 1837, of Belfast, Ireland.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Argyle, Ia.
Children, b. in Argyle, I a.
21138 Robert Newton Lowry,12 b. 15 Sept., 1889; d. 19 Jan., 1892.
21139 Charles Marcus Lowry,12 b. 24 Mar., 1892.
21140 Ethel May Lowry,12 b. 2 Mar., 1895.

20696.   ADA BELLE,11 dau. of Joseph10 (17469), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 16 Aug., 1858; m. in Newfield, 15 Feb., 1883, Myron N. Tompkins, b. in Newfield, 3 Oct., 1859, son of Bradford R. Tompkins and Rachel Bloom.
He attended Cornell University, 1876-80; was graduated from Albany Law School, 1880; admitted to the bar, 1880; Justice of the Peace; Recorder of the City of Ithaca, N. Y., 1887-90; City Attorney, 1891-93; Chairman of Repub­lican County Committee for one year; Attorney of Paving Commission for sev­eral years; res. in Ithaca.
Children, b. in Ithaca.
21141 Katie May Tompkins,12 b. 14 May, 1884.
21142 Ward Kellogg Tompkins,12 b. 22 Sept., 1887.

20698.   ADELL VIRETTA,11 dau. of William10 (17470), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 21 Apr., 1857; m. in Newfield, 21 Dec., 1876, William Henry Payne.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Newfield.
Children, b. in Newfield.
21143 Fred William Payne,12 b. 3 Apr., 1878; m. 8 Mar., 1899, Harriet Eliza­beth Smith, b. in Newfield, 2 Aug., 1877.
21144 Jessie Winona Payne,12 b. 15 May, 1883.
21145 Fanny Adell Payne,12 b. 12 Oct., 1885.

20700.   ENA,11 dau. of David10 (17472), b. in Newfield, N. Y., 22 Sept., 1855; m. in Danby Village, N. Y., 14 Nov., 1895, George Homer Ellison, b. in Auburn; N. Y., 27 Aug., 1863.
21146 William Kellogg Ellison,12 b. 26 Aug., 1896.

20722.   ADA BELL,11 dau. of Melzar Nathaniel10 (17493), b. ______; m. _______ Fuller.
21147 Cecil Fuller,12 b. ______.
21148 Mazie Fuller,12 b. ______.
21149 Harry Fuller,12 b. ______.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1739

20723.   FRED L.,11 son of Melzar Nathaniel10 (17493), b. in Spencer, N. Y., 6 Apr, 1868; m. in Van Etten, N. Y., 19 Mar., 1893, Rose A. Warner, b. in Che­mung, N. Y., 29 Nov., 1873, dau. of Ebenezer Warner, b. 29 June, 1840, and Lucena Hill, b. 1 Nov., 1842, of Van Etten.
Children, b. in Erin.
21150 Susie,12 b. 16 Sept., 1896.
21151 Harold Jay,12 b. 17 Aug., 1898.

20736.   HARRY STURGES,11 son of Lyman Mack10 (17502), b. 4 Sept., 1855; m. (1) in Sandusky, O., 28 Dec., 1882, Fannie A. Smith, b. in Sandusky, dau. of Jacob Smith.
She d. in Sandusky, 15 Apr., 1884; he m. (2) in Isle St. George, O., 28 Apr., 1885, Helena H. Townsend, b. in Lorain Co., O., 6 June, 1855, dau. of Charles D. K. Townsend and Mary Sherman, of Isle St. George.
He is a lawyer; res. in Sandusky.
Children by second wife.
21152 Mary Caroline,12 b. in Sandusky, 13 July, 1887; d. same day.
21153 Rose Irene,12 b. in Isle St. George, 22 Apr., 1890.

20750.   CHARLES ROMEYN,11 son of Theron Hotchkiss10 (17506), b. in North Fairfield, O., 2 Apr., 1863; m. in Norwalk, O., 13 Aug., 1886, Edith May Elliott, b. in Norwalk, 17 July, 1863, dau. of Richard Elliott, b. 1829, and Amy Baillie, b. 1842.
He is advertisement solicitor and writer for the Detroit Evening News; is a Baptist; res. in Detroit.
21154 Amy Hazel,12 b. in Detroit, 24 Dec., 1891.

20752.   FREDERICK WILLIAM,11 son of Theron Hotchkiss10 (17506), b. in Norwalk, O., 7 Dec., 1866; m. 8 May, 1890, Florence May Scripps, b. ______, dau. of William Armiger Scripps, of Detroit, Mich., and Miramar, Cal., and Am­brosia C. Antisdel, of Detroit.
He is a journalist; president of the Kansas City World; res. in Kansas City, Mo.
21155 Florence Ellen Scripps,12 b. 7 Nov., 1891.
21156 Dorothy Winifred Scripps,12 b. 14 Sept., 1893.
21157 William Scripps,12 b. 29 Jan., 1897.

20755.   THERON PENFIELD,11 son of Theron Hotchkiss10 (17506), b. in Norwalk, O., 2 Oct., 1874; m. in Rochester, O., 21 Nov., 1895, Carlossie Mabel Pond, b. 8 June, 1867, dau. of Asahel Ashley Pond, b. 28 May, 1829, and Mary Martha Crandall, b. 18 May, 1832, of Rochester.
He was formerly in the book and newspaper business in St. Louis, Mo., and is now City Clerk in Norwalk, O., in which office he is serving his second term.
He has recently been admitted to the bar; is a Republican; res. in Norwalk.

1740    The Kelloggs in the New World.

21158 Marjorie Florence,12 b. in Rochester, O., 1 Aug., 1897.
21159 Ramonde Pond,12 b. in Norwalk, O., 17 Jan., 1901.

20761.   DONALD WICKHAM,11 son of Gen. Edgar Romeyn10 (17510), b. in Norwalk, O., 2 Dec., 1866; m. in Norwalk, 18 Oct., 1889, Lillian Foreman, b. 24 Sept., 1865, dau. of Alfred W. Foreman, b. 7 July, 1843, and Mercy A. Whit­marsh, b. 25 Sept., 1841.
He res. in Toledo, O.
Children, b. in Chicago, Ill.
21160 Clayton Romeyn,12 b. 3 July, 1890; d. in Chicago, 20 Feb., 1893.
21161 Marie Winthrop,12 b. 3 Feb., 1892.
21162 Curtis Romeyn,12 b. 18 Oct., 1894.

20763.   ELIZABETH SWARTWOUT,11 dau. of Gen. Edgar Romeyn10 (17510), b. in Atlanta, Ga, 31 Mar., 1876; m. (1) in Fort Sill, Okla., 20 Jan., 1897, Lieut. William Turner Schenck, b. in Baltimore, Md., 21 Dec., 1872, son of Alexander Du Bois Schenck, b. 27 Oct., 1843, and Margaret Brown Turner, b. 30 July, 1847, of Franklin, O., and Baltimore.
He d. in Subig, Luzon, Philippine Islands, 29 Jan., 1900; was a Lieut. in the United States Army; served in the Spanish-American war at Santiago, Cuba, and Luzon, Philippines; was an Episcopalian; she m. (2) in Fort Logan, Col., 8 June, 1901, William Andrew Shearer Wither, b. in Port Patrick, Scotland, 1 July, 1872, son of James Wither and Margaret Shearer, of Port Patrick; he is engaged in commercial pursuits; a Presbyterian; res. in Los Angeles, Cal.
Child by first husband.
21163 Elizabeth Kellogg Schenck,12 b. in Fort Logan, 9 Aug., 1899.

20766.   EMMA E.,11 dau. of William Francis10 (17511), b. 31 Mar., 1876; m. 26 July, 1896, William West. They res. in Crawford, Ark.
21164 William Floyd West,12 b. 12 Sept., 1897.
21165 Harry West,12 b. 17 Mar., 1899.

20785.   LEON WILLIAM,11 son of Cassius Alvord10 (17554), b. in Hinckley, O., 5 Sept., 1873; m. in Royalton, O., 10 Jan., 1899, Jessie Minnie Alber, b. 22 Aug., 1879, dau. of William Alber, b. 3 Oct., 1852, and Anna Hemingway, b. 10 May, 1851. He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Hinckley.
21166 Howard William,12 b. in Hinckley, 11 Nov., 1900.

20787.   PERRY CASSIUS,11 son of Cassius Alvord10 (17554), b. 5 Mar., 1879; m. in Brunswick, O., 2 July, 1900, Alice Leona Andrew, b. in Hinckley, O., 15 May, 1880, dau. of John F. Andrew, b. in Sharon, O., 4 May, 1845, and Mary A. Clement, b. in Strongsville, O., 5 Mar., 1850.
He is a farmer and a Democrat; res. in Hinckley.
21167 Esther Marion,12 b. 5 Feb., 1902; d. 4 Apr., same year.

The Kelloggs in the New World.    1741

20794.   MINNIE MELISSA,11 dau. of Joseph Warner10 (17589), b. in Meta­mora, Ill., 4 Sept., 1866; m. in Cazenovia, Ill., 25 Dec., 1883, William Erastus Hall, b. in Cazenovia, 7 June, 1860, son of Erastus Hall, b. 29 Mar., 1815, and Edna Salina Fuller, b. 17 Apr., 1825.
He is a laborer; res. in Hastings, Neb.
21168 William Benoni Hall,12 b. in Cazenovia, 26 Apr., 1885.
21169 Esther Pearl Hall,12 b. in Wilcox, Neb., 27 June, 1889.
21170 John Percy Hall,12 b. in Wilcox, 20 Dec., 1893.

20797.   LAURA ESTHER,11 dau. of Joseph Warner10 (17589), b. in Phillips Co., Kas., 17 July, 1873; m. in Hastings, Neb., 5 Apr., 1894, Lee Newton, b. in Gilman, Ill., 24 June, 1867, son of George Andrew Newton, b. 2 May, 1837, and Alzina Renetta Hall, b. 13 July, 1843, of Washburn, Ill.
He is a farmer; res. in Wilcox, Neb.
21171 Elva Renetta Newton,12 b. in Wilcox, 10 July, 1900.

20798.   JESSE WARNER,11 son of Joseph Warner10 (17589), b. in Phillips Co., Kas., 12 Mar., 1875; m. in Utica, Ky., 15 Mar., 1899, Marie Bland Berry, b. in Utica, 27 Dec., 1879, dau. of Vardamon Bland Berry, b. 26 Jan., 1853, and Dora Lightfoot, b. 17 Dec., 1851.
He is a farmer, a Baptist and a Republican; res. in Cazenovia, Ill.
21172 Dora Adel,12 b. in Cazenovia, 26 Mar., 1900.

The remainder of the Volume II is current work in progress for removal of typos.