<letter> |
::= |
A | B |... | Z | a |... | z |
<digit> |
::= |
0 | 1 |... | 9 |
<alphanumeric> |
::= |
<letter> | <digit> | ' |
<special symbol> |
::= |
<basic symbol> | <operator> |
<basic symbol> |
::= |
begin | end | endof | ; | : | ( | ) | $ | :: | & | |
if | then | else | fi | case | |
of | esac | fo | with | in | ni | first | suchthat | from | do | od | |
for | exitloop | leave | skip | assert | |
var | const | aux | as specified | = | init | |
final | unk | ? | proc | vproc | func | sel | label | |
note | eton | ! | elif | elof | pform | while | > | < | . | # | |
copy | alias | form | inline | pre | post | rule | |
is | forward | external | specs | impl | shared | |
invariant | initially | axiom | repmap | |
record | enumerated | assumes | value | generator |
<operator> |
::= |
<binary operator> | <unary operator> |
<binary operator> |
::= |
↑ | * | / | div | rem | + | - | < | ≤ | = | <> | ≥ | > | and | or | cand | cor | imp | |
<assign op> |
<unary operator> |
::= |
+ | - | not |
<identifier> |
::= |
<letter> {<alphanumeric>}* |
<special identifier> |
::= |
&start | &finish | &next | &done | &value | &subscript | &<operator> |
<identifier list> |
::= |
<identifier>,+ |
<special literal> |
::= |
<unsigned integer> | <unsigned real> | <string> | <boolean> | <radix> |
<unsigned integer> |
::= |
{<digit>}+ |
<unsigned real> |
::= |
<unsigned rational>{E<scale-factor>}# | <unsigned integer>E<scale-factor> |
<unsigned rational> |
::= |
<unsigned integer>.<unsigned integer> |
<scale-factor> |
::= |
{+|-}#<unsigned integer> |
<string> |
::= |
"<any sequence of characters with all quotes doubled>" |
<boolean> |
::= |
true | false |
<radix> |
::= |
{<alphanumeric>}+#<alphanumeric> |
<compilation unit> |
::= |
begin <block> end | <exec decl list> |
<block> |
::= |
{<exec decl list>;}# {<stmt>};+ {;}# |
<exec decl list> |
::= |
{ <exec decl> };* |
<exec decl> |
::= |
<var decl> | <const decl> | <proc decl> | <form decl> | <label decl> |
<expression> |
::= |
<invocation> | <conditional expression> | <value expression> | |
<with expression> | <first expression> |
<stmt> |
::= |
<expression> | <loop stmt> | <exit stmt> | <null stmt> | |
<inner block> | <labeled stmt> | <assert stmt> |
<labeled stmt> |
::= |
<identifier> : <stmt> |
<invocation> |
::= |
<special literal> | <simple invocation>{<actuals>}# | (<invocation>) |
<actuals> |
::= |
({<actual>},*) |
<actual> |
::= |
<expression> | <type description> |
<simple invocation> |
::= |
{ <identifier>$ }* <identifier> | <special identifier> |
<conditional expression> |
::= |
<if expression> | <case expression> |
<if expression> |
::= |
if <expression> then <block> { elif <expression> then <block> }# { else <block> }# fi |
<case expression> |
::= |
case <expression> of <case> { elof <case> }* { else <block> }# esac |
<case> |
::= |
{ <expression> },+ :: <block> |
<value expression> |
::= |
value <identifier>{:<obj type>}# of <block> fo |
<with expression> |
::= |
with <with list> in <block> ni |
<with list> |
::= |
{ <identifier>:<invocation> },+ |
<first expression> |
::= |
first <template> suchthat <expression> { then <block> }# { else <block> }# fi |
<template> |
::= |
<identifier> from {<identifier>:}#<type description> | <identifier> from <invocation> |
<loop stmt> |
::= |
<simple loop> | <while stmt> | <for stmt> |
<simple loop> |
::= |
do <block> od |
<while stmt> |
::= |
while <expression> <simple loop> |
<for stmt> |
::= |
for <template> <simple loop> |
<exit stmt> |
::= |
exitloop | leave <identifier> |
<null stmt> |
::= |
skip |
<inner block> |
::= |
begin <block> end | begin <block> endof {<identifier>}# |
<assert stmt> |
::= |
assert <assertion> |
<label decl> |
::= |
label <identifier list> |
<var decl> |
::= |
<aux> var { <obj decl group>{<init fin clause>}# },+ |
<const decl> |
::= |
<aux> const {<obj decl group> {<init fin clause>}# | <const assign>},+ |
<aux> |
::= |
{ aux }# |
<obj decl group> |
::= |
<identifier list> : <obj type> |
<obj type > |
::= |
<type description> | as specified |
<init fin clause> |
::= |
= <expression> | { init <stmt> }# { final <stmt> }# |
<const assign> |
::= |
<identifier list> = <expression> |
<type description> |
::= |
<simple invocation> { ( {<formal qual>},+ ) }# {<update set>}# | |
?<identifier> { <update set> }# |
<formal qual> |
::= |
<expression> | ?<identifier> { <update set> }# | { <identifier>: }# <type description> | |
unk |
<update set> |
::= |
< { <identifier> | <special identifier> },+ > |
<formals> |
::= |
( { <routine formal> | <binding> <obj formal> | <type formal> },+ ) |
<routine formal> |
::= |
<formal id list> proc <parms> | <formal id list> { vproc | func | sel } <v parms> |
<binding> |
::= |
{ copy | { alias }# { const | var } }# |
<formal id list> |
::= |
<identifier list> : |
<obj formal> |
::= |
<formal id list> <type description> |
<type formal> |
::= |
<formal id list> { form | pform } { <update set> }# |
<routine decl> |
::= |
<vproc decl> | <proc decl> | <sel decl> |
<vproc decl> |
::= |
<aux> {inline}# {vproc | func} <routine id> <v parms> <pre post> <assumes> |
{ <routine body> }# |
<proc decl> |
::= |
<aux> {inline}# proc <routine id> <parms> <pre post> <assumes> { <routine body> }# |
<sel decl> |
::= |
<aux> {inline}# sel <routine id> <v parms> <pre post> <assumes> { <routine body> }# |
<routine id> |
::= |
<identifier> | <special identifier> |
<parms> |
::= |
{ <formals> }# |
<v parms> |
::= |
{ <formals> }# : <type description> |
<pre> |
::= |
{ pre <assertion>; }# |
<pre post> |
::= |
<pre> { post <assertion>; }# |
<routine body> |
::= |
is <stmt> | is as specified | is forward | is external (<system specs>) |
<form decl> |
::= |
<aux> form <identifier> { <formals> }# <pre> <assumes> is <form body> |
<form body> |
::= |
{ <specs> }# { <impl> }# end { <identifier> }# | <abbrev body> | forward | external |
( <system specs> ) | as specified |
<specs> |
::= |
specs { <var decl> | <other form decls> };+ |
<impl> |
::= |
impl { <shared> <var decl> | <other form decls> }; |
<other form decls> |
::= |
<routine decl> | <form decl> | <axiom>| <shared> <const decl> |
<shared> |
::= |
shared # |
<axiom> |
::= |
invariant <assertion> | initially <assertion> | axiom <assertion> | repmap |
<assertion> | rule <identifier> <assertion> |
<abbrev body> |
::= |
<record type> | <enumerated type> |
<record type> |
::= |
record ( { <obj decl group> },+ ) |
<enumerated type> |
::= |
enumerated ( <identifier list> ) |
<form decl> |
::= |
<aux> generator <identifier> { <formals> }# : <type description> <pre> <assumes> |
is <form body> |
<assumes> |
::= |
{assumes <form decl>},* |